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<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Tucker : Katherine .
Kay : Tucker .
Tucker : So are you here for lunch ?
Kay : Uh , well , I preordered a chocolate cheesecake for this evening .
Tucker : Well , so you must be having people over , huh ?
Kay : No , just a quiet New Year s Eve dinner for , um , Murphy and Esther and-- and Harmony . Uh , if I m lucky , I ll be asleep before the big ball falls . ( Chuckles )
Tucker : Yeah , I probably will be , too .
Kay : Are nt you and Ashley going out ?
Tucker : Well , Ashley s in L.A. with her daughter .
Kay : Well , since you re alone , I mean , maybe--
Tucker : No , I ll be fine , staying home alone . In fact , I m looking forward to it .
Harmony : Thank you .
Neil : Harmony . Hey .
Harmony : We got ta stop meeting like this . ( Chuckles )
Neil : Right , right . Yeah , about , uh , about the other day-- thank you . Thank you for that pep talk .
Harmony : No need . You were always going to do the right thing .
Neil : To be honest with you , um , Sofia was nt too happy that I took off after that wedding . But , you know , we worked things out , so ...
Harmony : Good .
Neil : Uh , in case you re curious , Devon is working today , and then he and Roxy are going out .
Harmony : Yeah , I have nt heard anything from him since we ran into each other over Christmas .
Neil : You re wise not to push .
Harmony : He do nt owe me nothin .
Neil : Can I tell you something ? I got ta give you a lot of credit , you know ? Getting your life together , staying clean .
Harmony : ( Inhales deeply ) Listen , I m not ... ( Chuckles ) Gon na lie to you , Neil , it ai nt easy , but I want to be the mother that Devon can be proud of .
Neil : Okay , so my advice to you is keep doing exactly what you are doing .
Roxanne : Angelina s song is getting a lot of hits on Viewclick .
Lily : Nice .
Devon : Yeah , and that s just vocals and a simple track . I need a more polished version for an official release . I m gon na work on that today .
Roxanne : But tonight , Devon is taking me clubbing .
Devon : Mm - hmm .
Lily : Clubbing , whoo ! ( Laughs )
Devon : You want to come ?
Lily : Uh , I ca nt . I have plans .
Roxanne : With Cane ?
Lily : No , uh , my dad invited me and the twins over , and Cane did nt hint that he wanted to join us , so no .
Devon : So the biggest party night of the year , and you re gon na spend it with some old folks ?
Lily : Excuse me , those Old folks are going out , so I volunteered to babysit . ( Chuckles )
Cane : It s nice of you to invite me to brunch .
Genevieve : Well , I was just so touched when you brought Lily and the twins by the other day . I - I wanted to repay you .
Cane : Yeah , we had a great time looking at the old pictures .
Genevieve : Mm - hmm . So what do you and Lily have planned for this evening ?
Cane : Um , we do nt really have-- not really anything planned at the moment , so ...
Genevieve : Well , I would invite you to ring in the new year with me , except that , um , I m gon na be with Jack .
Cane : Okay . Um , you re spending an awful lot of time with him .
Genevieve : Ethan ... ( Chuckles ) Jack and I are getting married .
Cane : ( Sighs )
Victoria : ( Groaning )
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : Hi . ( Clears throat )
Victoria : Hi . What s wrong ?
Billy : Mm , nothing . Just a nightmare . I was back in Myanmar . ( Chuckles )
Victoria : Ooh . Well , the good news is , is that you could nt possibly be further away from prison than you are right now .
Billy : ( Laughs )
Victoria : Gosh , it s been a horrible year , huh ? I m glad it s almost over .
Billy : Mm . Yeah , a good portion of it has definitely been difficult , to say the least , but I would do it all over again just to end up here with you .
Nick : Where would we be without coffee ?
Jack : Empires would crumble . Want to sit ?
Nick : Sure . ( Sighs )
Jack : So we re in - laws again .
Nick : Yeah , Billy and Vick getting married again-- it s awesome . At least somebody in my family is happy again .
Jack : Sorry to hear about the old man .
Nick : Really , Jack ?
Jack : Well , I m sorry to hear that it s falling on you , given that your mother is now ...
Nick : Yeah , she fell off the wagon . You can say it .
Jack : And to add insult to injury , your slimy brother gets elected C.E.O. of Newman .
Nick : Speaking of Adam , we just finished another chapter in the continuing saga of Sharon and Prince Charming . At least , I hope it s finished .
Adam : ( Sighs contentedly ) I never dreamed I would be in your bed with you , in your arms again .
Sharon : It was a magical night , but it s over .
Lily : ( Sighs ) All right .
Roxanne : It s funny how Devon suddenly had to go to work when the laundry came out .
Lily : Oh , I know , trust me . But I appreciate your help , so thank you .
Roxanne : I do nt know how you get anything done with two little kids underfoot .
Lily : Well , I have my family s help , you know , and Cane s actually been stepping up a lot lately , so ...
Roxanne : I m glad to see that you two are , like , getting your groove back .
Lily : And same to you and Devon .
Roxanne : ( Laughs )
Lily : He s been so much happier since you came home .
Roxanne : Devon s not as chill as he lets on . He s got a lot of mixed emotions about his mom being back .
Lily : I m sure . You know , when you throw Katherine and Tucker into the mix ...
Roxanne : I know he wants a relationship with all of them , but they ve all hurt him so many different ways , it s hard for him to let them in .
Lily : I know . I can relate . You know , it s hard to let yourself be vulnerable ... ( Sighs ) But I m learning to open up again , and hopefully Devon can , too .
Devon : Hey . Sorry .
Harmony : If you re busy , I can leave .
Devon : Uh , no , no , it s fine . You re here already . What s going on ?
Harmony : I heard your song on the web .
Devon : Yeah .
Harmony : I really think it s gon na take off .
Devon : Well , thank you .
Harmony : So how did your visit go with Ana on Christmas Eve ?
Devon : It was too short , you know , but she did say that she was glad to see you .
Harmony : Yeah , it meant a lot , seeing my baby girl after all this time .
Devon : I bet . It was a shock , huh ?
Harmony : We owe Katherine . Putting together a surprise like that ...
Devon : ( Clears throat )
Kay : It s Katherine . I m calling , uh , just to , uh , uh , to wish you a happy new year . So , um , anyway , um , good - bye .
Harmony : That was Katherine . I ca nt believe you did nt pick up .
Genevieve : I thought that you liked Jack .
Cane : All right , what s the rush ? Why are you guys doing this so quickly ?
Genevieve : It came as a total surprise to me . I - I could nt even believe that I said yes .
Cane : I ca nt believe you re saying yes , either . I mean , you do nt even know this guy . Why are you doing this ?
Genevieve : I know that he loves me .
Cane : ( Sighs )
Genevieve : And he also treats me like an equal , which is something your father could never wrap his head around . After the hell that I went through with Colin , I think I deserve a normal marriage .
Cane : Well , I doubt you re gon na get that , given your back-- your background .
Genevieve : We come from the same dysfunctional family , dear heart , and you and Lily seem to be getting it right , finally . Is it so hard to fathom that that could actually happen for me ?
Cane : I m just being protective , that s all .
Genevieve : Do I have your blessing ?
Cane : Of course you have my blessing . I hope you have a-- I pray you have a happy , trauma - free marriage .
Nick : Yeah , Adam keeps sniffing around Sharon , even after all the crap he s pulled .
Jack : ( Sighs ) I wish she d tell him to go straight to hell .
Nick : Well , I gave her an ultimatum-- no more contact with Adam , or she loses Faith .
Jack : Wow . How d she handle that ?
Nick : Accused me of not trusting her and using our daughter to control her .
Jack : You did what you had to do , Nick .
Nick : Well , she agreed to my terms , but she s still really pissed off at me .
Jack : You think it ll work ? Do you think it ll keep her away from junior ?
Nick : For now , maybe , but I do nt know how long it s gon na last .
Jack : A little piece of advice-- I know she has burned you in the past , but you just said yourself she s pretty angry . If she sees you expecting her to screw it up again , it s only gon na make things worse .
Nick : I hope Sharon can stay strong .
Adam : Remember when it was you and me against the world ?
Sharon : Yeah . So much has happened since then .
Adam : I ve made some horrible mistakes .
Sharon : We both did .
Adam : They were nt all our fault . Some things , we did nt have control over . I just wish ...
Sharon : ( Sighs ) ( Voice breaks ) So do I.
Adam : ( Sighs ) I mean , the chances of us finding each other again--
Sharon : It does nt really matter . We ca nt be together .
Adam : ( Pops lips ) I will always regret punishing you when I found out you were living in New Mexico with ...
Sharon : I ... ( Sighs ) It should have never even come to that . I ... ( Sighs ) I should nt have let you think I died in that car crash .
Adam : Just say you have no regrets about last night .
Sharon : I do nt .
Adam : Sharon , I m not ready . I m not ready to say good - bye .
Sharon : ( Sniffles ) ( Sniffles )
Neil : So , Sofia ...
Sofia : Mm - hmm .
Neil : About tonight , what do you say we go and celebrate in style at the Colonnade Room ?
Sofia : ( Gasps ) Wow , that s pretty fancy .
Neil : ( Clicks tongue ) And wait until you see the menu . Oh , and there s a live band .
Sofia : Okay .
Neil : Should be a great party .
Sofia : Oh , my gosh , Neil . Last night , when you asked me out , I was--
Neil : You were nt expecting it .
Sofia : No .
Neil : We re married . We ve never even been on a formal date .
Sofia : ( Laughs ) Well , it s kind of fitting that we re doing it when a new year s about to start .
Cane : ( Shivers ) Hey .
Neil : Hey , Cane .
Cane : Oh , hey , I m glad I found you guys . Um , I wanted to , uh , ask you a favor , if I could , about tonight .
Harmony : I know you have issues with Katherine , but she did a real nice thing , and you need to thank her .
Devon : ( Sighs ) She manipulated me .
Harmony : Look , you keep running on with that , but I live with the woman , Devon . She honestly wants a relationship with you , and her bringing Ana here was for your sister and me , too . Now look , she made some bad calls . Who has nt ? But she s trying . Come on , Devon , the lady s over 80 years old . How long you gon na make her wait before you give her a--
Devon : ( Sighs )
Harmony : A chance ?
Devon : Look at this . Are you guys here to gang up on me ?
Tucker : No , no , man . Look , it s just coincidence . I just came by to say , uh , good job on your single .
Devon : Oh . All right , well , thank you very much . I appreciate that . Uh , if you two do nt mind , though , I need to take off . Excuse me .
Harmony : Dev--
Devon : ( Clears throat )
Tucker : ( Exhales slowly ) ( Sighs ) That was the world s fastest exit .
Harmony : ( Sighs )
Billy : Oh , my Lord , the guilt-- basking in the Jamaican sun while our friends freeze their rears off ...
Victoria : I know , I know .
Billy : In Genoa City . Ohh .
Victoria : It s just so awful .
Billy : Hey . How are you , Sebastian ?
Victoria : Oh .
Sebastian : Billy ! Oh !
Billy : Good to see you .
Sebastian : How are you , man ?
Victoria : Hi !
Billy : You remember Victoria , right ?
Sebastian : Hey . Sure .
Victoria : Yeah ! Ohh .
Sebastian : Hey , pretty lady .
Victoria : Oh , hey , yourself . Hello .
Sebastian : Hey , how are-- you re on vacation , man ?
Billy : Well , no , honeymoon . We just got married .
Victoria : Yeah .
Sebastian : You got married last year , same time as us .
Victoria : Uh , yeah , it didnt -- it did nt really stick .
Billy : So we got rehitched , uh , back home .
Victoria : And then we got unhitched , and then hitched again . It s a really long story .
Billy : Long story .
Sebastian : I ll bet . I ll bet .
Billy : How s the missus doing ?
Sebastian : Oh , she s go-- oh , come and see . Come , come .
Victoria : Oh , yeah , okay .
Sebastian : Renee , look who s here .
Victoria : ( Gasps )
Renee : ( Gasps ) Oh , hi !
Victoria : Wow .
Renee : How are you ? ( Laughs )
Victoria : You had a baby .
Renee : Yes . ( Laughs )
Victoria : How wonderful .
Billy : ( Chuckles )
Renee : Thank you , thank you . Mm . Say Hi .
Nick : Amy . Hey , it s me . Um , listen , I m not gon na go into the office right now . I told Sharon she could have Faith this morning , and I know she s a little anxious about that , so if you could get my little angel dressed , I ll come over and take her over to Sharon s . Okay , thanks .
Sharon : ( Sighs ) This has to be good - bye . Please tell me that you understand .
Adam : ( Pops lips ) You do nt have to worry . I know your daughter comes first . I wo nt cause any trouble . You re free .
Sharon : ( Sobs ) I do nt feel free .
Adam : I will ... always ... love you .
Sharon : ( Sniffles ) ( Sobs ) ( Sniffles ) Adam , I--
Adam : Shh . ( Whispering ) It s okay . I know . I know .
Cane : Yeah , cause , uh , Lily mentioned , you know , that , um , she and the babies would be hanging at your place , so I was thinking ...
Neil : You know , um , we made that plan a couple of days ago .
Cane : Look , I know it s last - minute . I do , um , but , you know , I was thinking , you know , if you could maybe take Matty and Charlie , then I could take Lily out and surprise her for New Year s Eve , and it would just be great .
Sofia : Aw .
Neil : Uh , any other time , Cane , I d love to , but tonight , I - I ca nt .
Sofia : Look , you know what ? We ll do it .
Neil : We will ? You -- are you sure ?
Sofia : Positive . Look , I want this for Lily ... uh , for both of you .
Cane : Thank you . Thank you , Sofia . I appreciate it . Thank you . All right , cool . Thanks , guys .
Jack : So how did Cane react when you told him we re engaged ?
Genevieve : Hmm . He thought that we were moving too fast , but he wished us well .
Jack : Then why do nt you look happier ?
Genevieve : Ethan and I have come a long way , but , um , there s just still this sort of a-- a distance between us . I guess it s -- its kind of stupid of me to think that I could just wipe away years of history in a few short months . ( Chuckles )
Jack : Hey , just keep putting yourself out there . Give it time . He will come around , and when he does , it ll be a whole new beginning for you and your son .
Genevieve : I am so looking forward to a new beginning with you .
Tucker : I really thought I was making some progress with Devon recently .
Harmony : Listen , I think it was just all a bit much for him .
Tucker : You know , I realize , uh , I have nt been very welcoming to you since you came back to town .
Harmony : ( Laughs ) Well , I would find that a bit of a -- what s the word ? An understatement .
Tucker : Well , I d like to put that behind us , so , uh , we can be in a room with our son without having him want to bolt .
Harmony : Why do nt you stop frontin and admit the real reason why you all of a sudden want to make nice ? Because you see Devon warming up to me while he still ai nt feelin you .
Tucker : You re not gon na hold a grudge against me for that , are you ?
Harmony : Nah . No , I forgive you . I really do want to see the three of us getting along just as much as you do .
Kay : Oh , Devon .
Devon : Katherine .
Kay : Obviously , you-- you received my message .
Devon : Yes , I did .
Kay : Well , come in .
Devon : Thank you .
Victoria : Oh , Kayla is such a beautiful name .
Renee : ( Laughs ) Thank you . When are you guys going to start making babies ?
Billy : Uh , well , I m fortunate enough to already have a daughter and Victoria has a son , so as for more , we will see .
Victoria : Yeah .
Kayla : ( Fusses )
Renee : Oh , somebody needs a nap .
Sebastian : Yeah .
Renee : Good luck with marriage number three .
Victoria : Thank you .
Sebastian : And next time you come , bring the kids .
Billy : Yes .
Victoria : We would love nothing more , believe me .
Billy : Uh , good to see you .
Sebastian : Good to see you .
Victoria : Bye - bye .
Renee : Okay , good to see you .
Victoria : So good to see you . Bye , take care . Mwah !
Sebastian : You , too . Have the jerk shrimp .
Billy : ( Laughs )
Renee : Or the coconut shrimp .
Billy : Coconut shrimp .
Sharon : Nick .
Faith : Mommy . Hi , Mommy .
Nick : We wanted to surprise you , did nt we ?
Faith : Yeah .
Nick : Yeah ?
Sharon : ( Chuckles )
Nick : Look at the tree . So cool . All right . Why do nt you go give Mommy a big hug ?
Sharon : Oh ! ( Laughs ) Mommy missed you , Baby , missed you so much .
Neil : That was a pretty amazing thing that you just did .
Sofia : ( Sighs ) It was no big deal .
Neil : No , it really was . I mean , you know and I know that you were looking forward to a night on the town .
Sofia : You and I know where we stand . Cane and Lily -- they re still trying to figure it out .
Neil : Rain check ?
Sofia : Sure . Now come on , let s get home ...
Neil : All right . ( Clears throat )
Sofia : And tell our little man that he is gon na be hosting his very first New Year s Eve bash .
Neil : ( Exhales slowly ) Come here .
Neil : Happy New Year .
Sofia : ( Giggles )
Neil : Come on .
Tucker : Oh , yeah . Back in the day , it was considered really lame to stay home on New Year s Eve , was nt it ? ( Sighs )
Harmony : You remember that , uh , one New Year s Eve-- this was before I got pregnant with Devon . I think it was 1987 . We were at the Roxy on Sunset .
Tucker : 87 . Wow , you got a good memory .
Harmony : Yeah , we were hangin out -- me , you , band , groupies . I remember this one girl , she got stupid drunk , took off all her clothes , and you covered her with your jacket . Mick to the rescue .
Tucker : ( Laughs ) Yeah , yeah . That was an insane night . I do nt remember you being there , though .
Harmony : Oh , no doubt . Had the women hangin all over you .
Tucker : Oh , yeah , I was a bit of a player back then .
Harmony : Crazy times .
Tucker : Yeah .
Harmony : Never had a clue we d end up sharing a kid .
Tucker : ( Clicks lips ) Well , I could say it again-- If I d only known-- but I wo nt .
Harmony : Well , thank you for holding back .
Tucker : I think Katherine s lucky to have you looking out for her .
Harmony : Somebody has to .
Tucker : What s that mean ?
Harmony : I find you to be a bit of a hypocrite . I mean , you reaching out to your son , and then when your moms reaches out to you , you shut her down . How is Devon supposed to learn how to let go of all of that pent - up anger , when you refuse to let go of yours ?
Devon : It was a real treat to , uh , get to spend time with Ana , and I just wanted to ... thank you for making that happen .
Kay : My pleasure .
Devon : I saw my mother earlier , and she thinks I m terrible for not thanking you sooner .
Kay : Obviously , we have a long way to go if you had to be convinced to thank me , uh , for a goodwill gesture on Christmas . It s ...
Devon : Well ... yeah . I have somewhere to be ... ( Claps hands lightly ) Um , tonight . I want you to have a good night .
Kay : Oh , yes , yes . You , too .
Devon : Thanks .
Jack : Thank you . So why did you ask me to meet you here ?
Genevieve : Would you prefer a back alley ?
Jack : No , I - I just mean we re coming here later tonight .
Genevieve : I know . I wanted to reserve our favorite table , and I wanted to get you a very special dessert . Ooh , I sound like a control freak .
Jack : Oh , no , no , no , no . A woman who takes charge is very sexy .
Genevieve : I think you re marrying the right woman .
Jack : I never had a doubt in my mind . I m sorry I missed seeing Cane here . I did run into Nick , though .
Genevieve : Hmm . How is Nick ?
Jack : Well , aside from Victoria , his entire family is a mess , and now with the Newman board electing for Adam to run the company instead of Nick-- that s got to gall him .
Genevieve : Nick would not sell you Beauty of Nature . Adam might .
Jack : Yeah , dealing with junior is probably the better approach , if I have any hope of getting what I want .
Genevieve : May 2012 be the year that we both get everything we want . ( Cups clink )
Adam : ( Exhales slowly )
Adam : ( Sighs )
Sharon : Are nt you leaving ?
Nick : I beg your pardon ?
Sharon : The restraining order against Adam that you forced me to get is now in effect , and I thought that meant that I get alone time with Faith . Or are you changing the rules again , Nick ?
Nick : I ll go . Look , I know you resent me for being a hard - ass about Adam , but you getting the order so quickly proves to me that you re taking the situation very seriously .
Sharon : I told you , nothing is more important to me than my children .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Victoria : ( Exhales quickly )
Billy : I know seeing Sebastian and Renee and their kid-- that was tough for you .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) I m not gon na lie to you . It kind of threw me for a loop , you know ? I -- it just-- I know I ca nt freak out every time I see a couple with a baby , but ... this makes me kind of crazy . ( Sighs )
Billy : We lost so much because of what I ...
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : It s my fault .
Victoria : No , listen , I , um ... I do nt want to dwell on that , all right ? I m just happy that you re my husband .
Victoria : It s my phone .
Billy : Mm , mnh - mnh--
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : ( Laughs )
Victoria : Hello . What ? ( Gasps ) Are you kidding me ? Really ?
Jack : Thought I might find you here .
Adam : What do you want , Jack ?
Jack : To congratulate you being voted new C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises .
Adam : Did nt think I could pull it off , did you ?
Jack : I admire a man who fights for what he wants . Reminds me a bit of me .
Adam : Laying it on a bit thick , are nt we ?
Jack : I may not like you personally , Adam , but you re a bright guy . You may actually do some good for Newman .
Adam : For example , sell Beauty of Nature to , uh , oh , I do nt know , you ?
Jack : If you insist .
Adam : Why would I sway the board to do you a favor , Jack ?
Jack : Because it s also good for Newman , but you already knew that . Well , I better be going . I have a big night on the town with my fiancée .
Adam : You re getting married ?
Jack : Enjoy the champagne . Shame you ll be drinking it all alone , especially on New Year s Eve .
Nick : ( Quietly ) Okay , it d be best for the kids if we can be friends .
Sharon : ( Quietly ) I agree .
Nick : Tomorrow s a new year . Let s try and start with a fresh slate .
Sharon : I d like that .
Nick : Okay . ( Normal voice ) Come here , Sweetie . Give Daddy a hug good - bye . Oh , I love you . Be a good girl for Mommy , okay ?
Faith : Okay .
Nick : Up top . Give me five .
Faith : Mm !
Sharon : I love you , baby girl . I d do anything for you . That s Mommy s girl . ( Sighs )
Devon : So when I left you , it was -- it was my mom , Tucker , Katherine , just ...
Roxanne : Well , I m glad you talked to your mom , but look , you ca nt beat yourself up over Tucker and your grandmother . You feel what you feel .
Devon : I know . It s just awkward .
Roxanne : A couple of months ago , all three of those conversations would have turned into fights .
Devon : You re right . It s progress .
Roxanne : Mm - hmm .
Devon : It is . It s painfully slow progress , though . It s completely wiped me out .
Roxanne : Well , you better get your second wind , cause we re going out tonight .
Devon : Ohh . Funny , just thinking about spending New Year s Eve with you makes my heart race .
Roxanne : You are so full of it .
Devon : ( Laughs ) I m not . Seriously ... you re the most amazing woman that I ve ever known . It blows my mind how perfect we are together .
Roxanne : Aw .
Devon : I know it s not New Year s yet , but , uh ...
Harmony : Katherine , you home ?
Kay : In here .
Kay : What are you doing here ?
Harmony : I ran into him at Devon s studio . It s obvious he followed me home .
Tucker : ( Chuckles ) Listen , um ... I just wanted to wish you a happy , healthy new year .
Kay : Really ?
Tucker : You know , what you said before-- it was nt true . I do want next year to be better than this one was .
Kay : ( Laughs ) Well , could nt be much worse .
Tucker : True . Well , I - I got ta get going .
Kay : Tucker . Happy New Year to you , too .
Tucker : Okay .
Kay : Well , young lady , that was certainly unexpected .
Harmony : In a good way , right ?
Kay : Well , uh , actually , I ve had two unexpected visitors today . You ve , uh , you ve been a very busy lady .
Harmony : Devon came to see you ?
Kay : Well , and it did nt , uh , go as well as either of us had hoped it would , but still ... Harmony . ( Laughs ) ( Whispering ) I am so grateful to you .
Lily : Hey ! What are you guys doing here ?
Sofia : Treats !
Lily : Oh , look , you even brought me goodies .
Neil : Oh , no , no , no , no ! Those are nt for you . Yeah .
Lily : Hi , Baby ! Oh , thanks , you bring the kids stuff and not the babysitter . That s not nice , huh , Baby ?
Neil : ( Laughing ) Right .
Lily : Hi , Honey , how are you ?
Neil : Hey , new plan , Kiddo .
Lily : ( Chuckles ) What ? Cane .
Cane : So , uh , your dad and Sofia offered to watch the little roos if , uh , you will go out with me tonight .
Lily : But you guys were--
Sofia : No Buts .
Neil : We insist .
Lily : Well , I would love to .
Victoria : Yes , thank you , thank you so much . Wow .
Billy : What was that ?
Victoria : ( Exhales ) You know that-- that profile that we created with the adoption agency ?
Billy : Yeah .
Victoria : Well , we finally got a hit .
Billy : We put that up over a year ago .
Victoria : I know , I know . ( Laughs ) But , uh , the birth mother is interested in us . Is nt that the best news you ve ever heard ?
Billy : Wow , that s incredible . Timing is--
Victoria : I know ! We have to pack . ( Laughs )
Billy : Okay , let s -- all right .
Victoria : No , I just-- I want to get back to Genoa City as soon as possible .
Billy : I understand . I ll book a flight as soon as we can , the first one out . Yes .
Victoria : Oh , my God . Billy , a baby . I mean , I - I know that it s not a done deal , but we could have a baby .
Billy : Okay . ( Laughs )
Victoria : ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) ( Chuckles )
Billy : Come here .
Victoria : ( Chuckles )
Billy : Mm .
### Summary:
| Neil is touched when Sofia gives up plans for their first date at the Colane room so that Cane and Lily can spend New Year s Eve together . Harmony persuades Devon to thank Katherine for bringing Ana home for a Christmas visit . Harmony also persuades Tucker to go with her to wish Katherine a Happy New Year . The two surprise visits by Tucker and Devon make Katherine very grateful to Harmony . Adam and Sharon say a heartfelt good - bye to each other just before Nick brings Faith over to Sharon s house . Cane thinks that Genevieve is rushing into marriage with Jack , but he still wishes her a happy and drama - free marriage . Jack asks Adam to consider selling him Beauty of Nature . Victoria and Billy run into some friends they met when they went on their first honeymoon . Victoria has a hard time where their friends ask them when they are going to have children . Victoria is surprised and happy when she gets a call from an adoption agency where she and Billy created a profile over a year ago , and she is told that a birth mother wants to meet with them . Victoria is excited and hopes that this is finally her chance to be a mother . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Samantha : You re running Eric s company .
Brooke : He s the creative side , I handle the business .
Samantha : Well , I can see why Stephanie might have a problem with that , but I still do nt see what it has to do with me .
Brooke : She s using you to get back at me . That is why she brought you here .
Samantha : I m here on business . I m an interior decorator .
Brooke : Oh , let me guess . Stephanie hired you to redo Ridge s house .
Samantha : No . This is supposed to be a secret . I am here renovating a house for Mr. Marone and his fiancée .
Brooke : Massimo ? He s in on this , too ? Well , of course . They could nt beat me separately . They thought they d have better luck doing it together .
Samantha : I m sorry . Either I missed something , or you re the most paranoid person I ve ever met .
Ridge : Logan . Hey . I m glad you re here . I see you ve met Samantha .
Eric : Too expensive . It wo nt generate profits .
Thorne : Dad ?
Eric : If she sent you down here to calm me down , you just forget about it .
Thorne : Who ?
Eric : Brooke .
Thorne : What s going on ?
Eric : Oh , she vetoed the collection .
Thorne : What ?
Eric : Thorne , I worked -- I worked months on creating the most innovative designs that I ve ever produced in my whole career , and they re not even gon na see it to the pattern room because I m just another employee around here .
Thorne : Dad , you founded this company . It s your name on the door .
Eric : Yeah , yeah , it is , is nt it ? Well , there s the irony . Your mother and I created this -- this business so that we would nt have to take orders from anybody , so that we could control the product , from the drawing board to the -- to the runway .
Thorne : Does she know about this ?
Eric : What , you mother ? Yeah , yeah , I told her .
Thorne : What did she say ?
Eric : She says just to forget about it . It ll be all -- it ll be over soon .
Thorne : What does she mean ?
Eric : I suppose she means to finish the collection and move on to the next thing .
Thorne : That sounds like good advice .
Eric : Pretty good advice . It s about all I can do . Brooke controls this company , and even your mother knows there s nothing to be done about that .
Macy : Why do nt you come in ?
Deacon : Oh , come on , for god s sake , we re gon na have to listen to this crap ? ! Come on , Macy , she s playing us !
Stephanie : No I m not .
Deacon : You re gon na tell me that you came all the way down here to talk about Brooke ? ! That s bs . You want to talk about little D.
Stephanie : Yes , it does involve him .
Deacon : See ?
Macy : Wait , wait , wait -- what about Brooke ?
Stephanie : It involves the boy , both of you , and Brooke .
Deacon : No , no , you mean getting even with Brooke , do nt you ? No , thanks .
Stephanie : Macy , will you at least listen to me ?
Deacon : No , no , we re not gon na listen . Look , I understand that you re angry , but I am little d -- Eric s guardian , and there s nothing you or anyone else can do about it .
Stephanie : That s correct , but you could do something for me .
Macy : If this is about contesting Deacon s guardianship , you really should contact our attorney .
Stephanie : I m not going to do that . I do nt want to do that .
Deacon : Well , now , why exactly is that ? I mean , a couple days ago , you were dead - set against it .
Stephanie : Well , the situation s changed .
Deacon : Oh , what , Amber and little Ricky do something to get on your bad side ?
Stephanie : No . Brooke stole the company , and you have the ability to help me get it back .
Deacon : Me ?
Stephanie : You re the boy s legal guardian . You vote his shares in Forrester Creations .
Deacon : Are you actually telling me that I have Forrester stock ?
Stephanie : No . It s the boy s stock . But you re his guardian . And until he s 21 , the guardian votes the stock .
Deacon : And you want me to vote to throw Brooke out of office ?
Stephanie : I m hoping , Deacon , that you will help me return the ownership of this company to the rightful owner .
Deacon : You are absolutely -- I do nt even know where to start . You come down and bust up my honeymoon for a business deal ?
Stephanie : Well , yes , I did . Macy , I do nt have a lot of time . We ve got to do this before Brooke becomes aware that anything s going on .
Deacon : No , forget it . You ve never given a damn about me . I ll be damned if I m gon na do anything to help you .
Brooke : Your friend thinks I m paranoid .
Ridge : Well , I guess I should ask what you were talking about then .
Samantha : Oh , apparently , your mother and your biological father are out to get her .
Ridge : Actually , they are .
Brooke : They are trying to set you two up .
Ridge : What ? Me and Sam ?
Brooke : Yes .
Nick : No . No , that was me , actually .
Brooke : You ?
Samantha : Now the gang is all here .
Brooke : You two know each other ?
Nick : Yeah , we met .
Samantha : Nick asked me to escort Ridge to Massimo s wedding .
Brooke : You re going to take her to the wedding ?
Samantha : Oh , no , I turned him down . I outgrew those kind of games in high school .
Brooke : Stephanie s the one playing games here , not me . So why do nt you go back to New York or London or wherever it is that you came from ?
Samantha : And leave you to take care of the Marone brothers ?
Brooke : My personal life is none of your business .
Samantha : That s true . That s true . But I am curious about one thing . There s a wedding coming up . And which of Massimo s sons will you be going with ?
Ridge : I m kind of curious about that myself .
Deacon : Okay , well , you know what ? Hey , thanks for stopping by , Stephanie . Great seeing you .
Stephanie : Deacon , Deacon , please think this through .
Deacon : You and your entire family labor under the assumption that we want to get even with Brooke the same as you do . We do nt . No . We got married because we love each other , and we love little d. And I m not about to use that little boy to screw Brooke over , and I m sure as hell not gon na let you do it !
Macy : Look , Deacon , I do nt think that s what Stephanie s suggesting .
Stephanie : Your wife is right . This is about my husband .
Deacon : Oh . Oh , wait a second . Now it s about her husband . Every time she opens her mouth , it s something different , Macy .
Stephanie : Listen to me -- you re the boy s guardian , and you control his voting shares .
Deacon : Well , how the hell is it gon na look if I use that power to -- to stick it to Brooke ? Or more importantly , how is it gon na look to Rick and amber if they choose to sue me , all right ? ! I m gon na come off looking like some greedy , selfish bastard , which is probably exactly what you want , because then that way , what , you get the company back , and they get the kid . How stupid do you think I am ? !
Stephanie : I give you my word of honor , this is not a ploy .
Deacon : Oh , oh , wait , now we ve got her word of honor . Kind of like the way Thorne gave Macy his word of honor or the way that Rick and amber told me that I d have a chance with my kid . You know , if I had a dollar for every time you Forresters have broken your promise to me , we would have flown down here in our own damn jet !
Stephanie : You have no reason to trust me , I understand that .
Deacon : That s the first smart thing you ve said !
Stephanie : But I have no reason to trust you , do I , Deacon ? ! And that s what my lawyer said !
Deacon : You know , maybe you should have listened to him . Would have saved you a flight down here .
Stephanie : You do nt get it . I did nt have to bring this to your attention . I did nt have to give you this information , but here I am .
Macy : Deacon , Stephanie is taking a big risk coming down here .
Stephanie : Do nt you understand ? I have given you the power to make significant changes in Forrester creations .
Deacon : All you want is some little puppet that s gon na vote like you want him to .
Stephanie : You do nt get this . This is an enormous risk that I ve taken . I would take any risk , though , if i could do this for my husband . You have absolutely no idea how much this would mean to him . This is what this is about . It s about my husband ! You have no idea the humiliation and the frustration that that man has suffered all of these years . Just today , she rejected his collection !
Macy : The whole collection ?
Stephanie : Yes .
Macy : And did she give him a reason ?
Stephanie : She does nt have to give him a reason . Brooke controls 49 % of the voting stock . My family controls 49 % of the voting stock .
Macy : And deacon controls the other 2 % ?
Stephanie : And if he will vote in my favor --
Deacon : Which I already told you ai nt gon na happen .
Stephanie : If you will vote in my favor , name your price .
Deacon : I do nt want anything ! Do nt you get it ? ! For once in my life , I have everything I want !
Macy : Yes , Deacon , you do . And so do I. Honey -- we are so lucky . Do nt you think we can afford to be a little generous ?
Thorne : Did you and mother discuss anything else ?
Eric : No , Thorne . I was nt in the mood .
Thorne : Dad , I hope you did nt take this out on her .
Eric : No , I did nt . I know exactly where to direct these feelings . I just -- do nt think it would do any good .
Thorne : Look , you let me talk to Brooke , and you give mother a call , okay ?
Eric : No , no , I do nt want to call your mother about this . Stop pushing this , all right ? She and I have nothing left to say to one another .
Thorne : Dad , mother knows that you re upset , okay ? And she s worried about you .
Eric : No , Thorne , no , I m not gon na call her , and I do nt want you to call her either , all right ? You know how she feels about Brooke . Let s not throw any more fuel on that fire .
Thorne : You know what ? Brooke is a big girl . She can take care of herself .
Nick : Well , you heard the man s question . Let s have it . Door number one or two ?
Samantha : You re just gon na let her take her pick ?
Nick : The biggest problem is gon na be sneaking you into the wedding .
Brooke : Sneaking me in ?
Nick : Massimo had you banned .
Brooke : What did I tell you ?
Nick : Oh , do nt worry . My mother will have something to say about that .
Ridge : So will I.
Samantha : Thank you . You know , I think you guys just solved a big problem for me . I was trying to figure out how to configure the guest bedrooms upstairs , and I think I got it . This onell be Ridge s , this one s for Nick , and the one in between with the connecting doors and the fire escape , it s all yours .
Deacon : Macy , please tell me that you re not actually buying this .
Macy : Deacon , you ve been trying to prove to everybody how much you ve changed , right ? You re not selfish , you re not greedy . You re just a good man who s tried to overcome a lot of tough breaks . Well , Eric Forrester has had a lot of tough breaks , too . No , you were nt around , but I remember what it did to Eric when Brooke took over his company .
Deacon : You know , Stephanie practically begged you not to marry me .
Macy : Because she loves me , and she was trying to protect me .
Stephanie : I do love her , Deacon .
Deacon : And you despise me .
Stephanie : I despise what you did to Bridget . I m not happy about this custody thing with Rick and Amber . But you ve got a chance here to show your wife you are the man she thinks you are . You ve got an opportunity to just put this all aside and maybe for the first time in your life do something because it s the right thing to do .
Macy : Deacon , Eric was just like you -- a man trying to build his own business . Now , how would you feel if somebody came in and tried to tell you how to run a business that you built with your own sweat and blood ?
Deacon : How would I feel ? I know exactly how it feels , and excuse me , but you ve got a little selective amnesia going on . Are we not talking about the same guy that took a car and tried -- no , not tried -- ran me over ? !
Stephanie : All right , Deacon . I have no argument for that . I -- Deacon , if you do this , I ll be forever grateful . I do nt know what else to say .
Deacon : Brooke would be furious , not to mention Rick and Amber .
Macy : I thought we were through letting Brooke push us around .
Deacon : You actually want me to do this ?
Macy : Yes .
Deacon : Why ?
Macy : Well , if my mother were in this situation , I would hope somebody would come along and do the same thing to help her .
Deacon : It s not the same . Marone owns Spectra .
Macy : No , but he s not telling her what to do . She is still in charge . And I think that Eric should be , too . We ll do it , Stephanie . Just -- just tell us what papers we need to sign .
Stephanie : Well , I do nt have any papers . What I have to do is call a board meeting tomorrow in Los Angeles . I was hoping the three of you would come back with me .
Macy : We ll be there .
Deacon : Stephanie , I need to speak to my wife alone .
Stephanie : Of course you do , Deacon . I have the corporate jet . I ll be at the airport . We ll wait for you .
Deacon : Yeah , well , I would nt fire up the engines just yet .
Deacon : Macy , what are you doing ? You want me to vote against Brooke ?
Macy : I want you to vote for Eric . What s wrong with that ?
Deacon : This marriage is supposed to be a new start for both of us , right ? A new family , new priorities .
Macy : Is nt doing the right thing a priority ?
Deacon : I do nt know how to get this through to you -- I want as little to do with the Forresters as possible , and so should you .
Macy : Yes , but you have to vote , Deacon , one way or the other , and the fact is , Brooke stole their company .
Deacon : The fact is also that she took your husband .
Macy : This does not have anything to do with Thorne and me .
Deacon : Come on , are you gon na tell me that this has nothing to do with revenge ? You would nt have even let Stephanie in this room if she was nt offering you Brooke s head in a platter .
Macy : No , no , this is not about revenge , Deacon .
Deacon : No , no , I know , I know , this is about justice .
Macy : And not just for me .
Deacon : It s about thanking the Forresters for all the nice things that they ve ever done for you , right ? What they ve done to me , your mother , how they ve kept us down -- we do nt owe these people anything .
Macy : So now you want to make them suffer ?
Deacon : No .
Macy : Well , that s what they re doing , deacon , every day , every day that they have to walk into that office and take orders from Brooke .
Deacon : Listen , I worked there , okay ? I know how tense it is .
Macy : Right . It s a family business , Deacon . And Stephanie and Eric deserve to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment , just like you do about your business , just like I do about my music . But they ca nt .
Deacon : Maybe it s time they leave and find a new business .
Macy : Oh , come on , it s their name on the door .
Deacon : Macy , why do you care so much about this ? Please , do not let Stephanie put you in the middle of this .
Macy : Deacon , it s one vote . And then Eric gets back his company and we can move on with our lives .
Deacon : Any way you slice it , it s gon na look like we re trying to settle old scores . I do nt want to do that .
Macy : I do nt either .
Deacon : Okay , then why are we talking about this ? Please , I m begging you . Let s just stay out of this .
Eric : She s wrong , Thorne . She s wrong about everything . These designs are good .
Thorne : Brooke actually said those designs were no good ?
Eric : No , no , she said they were too expensive to produce and that they would nt sell in this economy . What she does nt know is that it s not always about money . It s about enhancing our reputation .
Thorne : You know what , dad ? Let s produce them anyway , prove Brooke wrong . And then maybe next time , she ll listen to you .
Eric : Yeah . Bottom line is , it s her call .
Thorne : But you know it s a mistake .
Eric : We ll divide the company . We ca nt do that again . It already happened once with Ridge . I m not gon na do that to the employees .
Thorne : Dad , this is not about the employees . This is about you --
Eric : I had a vision for this company ! I knew exactly where we were going and exactly how we were gon na get there , and now I can -- all I can do is make suggestions . It s just -- this is killing me .
Stephanie : Hello ?
Brooke : I know what you re doing , Stephanie .
Stephanie : Brooke ?
Brooke : Did you hear me ? I m on to you .
Stephanie : Well , I -- I do nt know what you re talking about , Brooke .
Brooke : Your latest attempt at matchmaking . It was nt enough to strand Nick and me on an island , you had to ship somebody in for Ridge .
Stephanie : What ?
Brooke : You know what I m talking about . Do nt play innocent with me . Your dear little family friend .
Stephanie : Oh , Samantha .
Brooke : Your plan s not going to work . It s going to fail as miserably as all of the others . Face it , Stephanie , you ca nt touch me .
Jonathan : You re back .
Stephanie : Yes .
Jonathan : Deacon s not with you ?
Stephanie : No .
Jonathan : You could nt get through to him ?
Stephanie : Well , I do nt know . I mean , Macy understood . She got it right away . But he s suspicious .
Jonathan : Can you blame him ?
Stephanie : No , not really . You were right . There was a great deal of animosity . It s just -- if we could just get past that .
Jonathan : You had to give it a try .
Stephanie : Well , I did . I really did , because -- this is what Eric wants . He wants to be back in charge at Forrester .
Jonathan : Stephanie --
Stephanie : I know , I know you told me not to give up .
Jonathan : Stephanie --
little Eric : Stephanie !
Stephanie : You came .
Macy : We decided to cut our honeymoon short . We re going to attend your board meeting , Stephanie . It s time Brooke Logan finally got what s coming to her .
### Summary:
| Brooke tells Samantha Stephanie is using her . Samantha explains she is in town renovating Massimo & Jackie s house and that Brooke is the most paranoid person she ever met . Ridge walks in . Thorne walks in while Eric is changing his designs , Eric vents to him about Brooke . Thorne wants Eric to talk to Stephanie . Eric tells Thorne they have nothing left to say . Deacon tells Macy that Stephanie is working them . He s not interested in getting even with Brooke . Stephanie explains why she s there , the shares . Deacon is upset with Stephanie for busting in on their honeymoon . Macy wants Deacon to listen to Stephanie . He is afraid this will affect his custody proceedings . Stephanie tells him she knows he has no reason to trust her but she is taking a big risk just being there . She is doing this for her husband . If he votes in her favor she ll give him whatever he wants . Deacon believes Macy wants revenge , she tells him it s not about revenge . Eric should have his company back . Macy finally convinces Deacon to return to L.A. and attend the board meeting . Brooke tells Ridge Massimo & Stephanie are trying to bust them up . Samantha asks Brooke which brother she is going to the wedding with . Brooke calls Stephanie and tells her she s on to her . She knows about her plan with Samantha . She tells Stephanie , you ca nt touch me ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lulu : I was kind of surprised that you did nt go to France with Mom .
Luke : Really ?
Lulu : It s not a judgment . I realize that you have a real commitment to Tracy . I just kind of thought then it would be different .
Luke : So you thought that I would leave my wife and run off with your mother ? I can see where you would think that . But , no -- no , Laura and I had our life together , sweetheart , and it was wonderful . It gave me you , your brother , and enough memories to last a lifetime . But , you know , life changes . People change . I ve changed . I ve moved on . And now that your mother is awake , hopefully this time for good , I hope that she moves on and finds a wonderful new life for herself .
Lulu : Are nt you even tempted to go with her ?
Epiphany : Is there something I can do for you , Ms. Falconeri ?
Olivia : Yeah , you can get out of my way . I got to get somewhere before all hell breaks loose .
Sonny : I need to know the truth ? About which son ?
Kate : The one who got cheated out of knowing his father . The one who got left behind . Now I have to accept responsibility--
Sonny : Okay , we already sorted it out . Who s to blame , who s not to blame for what happened to Michael when he got shot . I mean , it s very simple . I m to blame . You were great during that time . You helped me out a lot , and --
Kate : No , Sonny , no . Sonny , I do nt think you understand .
Spinelli : You attacked Maximista with intent to kill . Now the intent is mine . Your evil reign is over .
Yuri : You are a mouse , not a man . Now you ve backed yourself into a trap .
Jason : What are you doing here ?
Spinelli : Make no mistake . The Jackal will not hesitate to exact revenge for his fair - haired beauty .
Yuri : You squeak a lot for such a little mouse . Let s exterminate .
Spinelli : No , no , I mean it . Stand back or I ll shoot .
Yuri : You just spoke your last .
Spinelli : No , I have to avenge the fair Maximista .
Yuri : Come out , come out . I know you re there .
Johnny : Now that we ve evened out this playing field --
Lulu : Should you really be doing that ?
Luke : Yep , I really should .
Lulu : Well , it was worth a try . You never answered my question . Were you tempted to go with Mom ?
Luke : If she had asked me to go with her , I would have gone .
Lulu : Because you love her ?
Luke : I will always love your mother .
Kate : I know how much you love being a father , and I know how it kills you to keep them out of your life . And I hate the part that I played in making that a reality .
Sonny : There s a lot of things that either of us would have wanted to change that night that Michael got shot . And I can go a lot further . I mean , you know , it s like -- if you think about the way Carly and I raised Michael , we did nt do a lot of things that we should ve done . But we had -- we had good intentions . But you know what ? There are -- you know -- I said to myself that I would do anything so my kids would stay out of danger . I tried . It did nt work . I did everything I could . And I ll tell you , right now -- I would do anything to see my children right now . But I have to accept now that they just might be better off without me .
Kate : No , Sonny , no .
Sonny : No ? What do you mean , no ?
Kate : No . That is noble of you . But look , I m looking in your eyes right now , and I see that pain . And that pain is caused because you do nt have contact with your children .
Sonny : Right .
Kate : That s not fair . You deserve to know all of your children . And they deserve to know you .
Sonny : Well , you know what ? They do , as much as their mothers allow .
Kate : That s where the problem is .
Sonny : Okay , I m -- you re confusing me right now , Kate . What are we talking about ? Carly or Alexis ? I do nt know what you re --
Kate : I m not talking about either of them .
Olivia : I knew I d find you here .
Milo : Sorry , boss , she would nt take no for an answer .
Sonny : Why are you out of the hospital ?
Olivia : I need to talk to my cousin .
Sonny : I -- are you serious ?
Olivia : Do I look serious ?
Sonny : It s that important that you get yourself out of the hospital bed to track Kate down ?
Lulu : Maybe Mom is scared right now , you know ? Like trust issues -- not to point any fingers or anything , because we re all guilty of keeping things from her . But you did lie to her about being married to Tracy . And you led her through the whole bogus ceremony of your wedding . It s not surprising that she s a little leery .
Luke : Yeah . Well , the situation between your mother and I is what it is . We both made mistakes that we have to live with .
Lulu : I guess I m just like a little kid who does nt -- wishes that her parents could be together .
Luke : It s not going to happen , baby . You have your own life to lead , and after everything you ve been through , I would think that you would realize that and prioritize it .
Lulu : I love him , you know .
Luke : Yeah , I can see that .
Lulu : I m sorry that I came in and I jumped down your throat . I just -- when I saw you and Johnny with your heads together , I assumed , like everyone else , you were telling him to stay away .
Luke : No , baby . John is my partner in this floating crapshoot . Whatever else he does is -- well , it s none of my business , unless , of course , he hurts you . And then he dies a slow painful death .
Lulu : [ Laughs ] Oh , you say that like you re kidding , yet I know you re telling the truth . I love you .
Luke : Well , then everything is okay .
Lulu : I m going to go . Try not to drink yourself stupid .
Luke : I m afraid that s too late .
Lulu : Oh , great .
Tracy : Well , I thought I d find you here .
Luke : Greetings , wife .
Tracy : So , you re getting ready to reopen the Haunted Star ? Is it safe to assume that we will be heading back to our version of normal ?
Kate : I do nt have a problem with Sonny hearing whatever you have to say , but if you do , I have to wonder why .
Olivia : Because Sonny does nt have divine right to be privy to my personal information .
Kate : Yeah , the whole right thing , divine or otherwise , is debatable .
Sonny : Hi , I m right here . What the hell is going on with you two ?
Olivia : What s going on here is that Connie s trying to have it all ways as usual . You re all over the place . There s no wonder Sonny s totally confused . You tell him you do nt want him in your life anymore , but you ca nt quite keep away , so you just keep showing up , having jealous hissy fits all over me all the time . Why do nt you make a choice and stick to it ? But why do nt you know one thing -- there is nothing that you can say or do that s going to create some miraculous overnight transformation in him . He will still be dangerous . He will still be the gangster .
Kate : I do nt know if you re right or not . I m going to think about it .
Olivia : I d appreciate that .
Kate : I guess that s my cue to leave . Are you coming ?
Olivia : Sonny and I need to get a few things straight .
Kate : Right . Oh , right , of course you two do . All right , if you have anything else to say to me , I ll be at the house .
Sonny : Should I have a clue what that was about ?
Olivia : That was exactly what it looked like . It was Connie making a fool of herself over you .
Maxie : Psst .
Lulu : Maxie , what are you doing ?
Maxie : Shh ! Act normal .
Maxie : Is she gone ?
Lulu : Yeah .
Maxie : Honestly , Lulu , after everything I ve done for you , the least you could do is move your butt when I leave you a message stressing the word emergency .
Lulu : I m sorry , I was with my dad . I checked my phone . What s going on ?
Maxie : I need a ride .
Lulu : To Shadybrook ?
Maxie : Stop it . I m going to check myself out on another floor so Epiphany does nt see me and call Mac , who would probably be really happy if they kept me prisoner in a hospital bed until I was like 35 .
Lulu : He is worried about you .
Maxie : What else is new ? Can we get out of here ?
Lulu : What is the rush ?
Maxie : I m really worried about Spinelli . He s upset that I got jumped , and he was saying all these dire things .
Lulu : Like what ?
Maxie : Like , the Jackal will do what is necessary . I must protect the fair Maximista . I m just afraid he s going to do something really life- threatening .
Johnny : Whatever you re carrying , drop it .
Johnny : Now back away .
Johnny : The next time the bullet goes in your face . Drop the gun and disappear .
Yuri : The mouse got lucky . But who knows if it ll hold .
Johnny : Put those in the car .
Spinelli : That was a most impressive display . And your timing is a thing of wonder .
Johnny : We need to get out of here . Those guys will be back with friends . Clean that off . Take it back to wherever you got it from .
Spinelli : That would be Mr. Sir s secret bar compartment .
Johnny : You stole Sonny s gun ?
Spinelli : I had no other choice . Stone Cold caught me with his firearm . I had no other choice . Mr. Sir s was the only recourse .
Johnny : What are you doing running around lifting people s guns ?
Spinelli : I wanted to avenge the assault on fair Maximista . But alas , when faced with the moment of truth , the Jackal could not react like a man .
Johnny : You could nt fire ? You know how you reacted ? Like a human being who s never been responsible for the death of another . That s nothing to be ashamed of , Spinelli . Be glad you re not a killer . It puts you on a very lonely path .
Alfred : The timing of your legal trouble with Mr. Jacks is unfortunate , considering your looming deportation problem .
Nikolas : Yeah , yeah . Well , the attorneys are looking for loopholes right now . As for Jax , I knew he was angry at me for buying into the Metro Court , but I did nt see this coming . I mean , he s literally buying the ground out from underneath me .
Nadine : Hi , I m really sorry to just barge in on you like this . I hate it when people do that to me , just come in unannounced , and I would nt do it unless it was really important . I know how much you re counting on this marriage to fix your citizenship status . It s just -- I want to help you , and I will , just as soon as I get back .
Nikolas : Where are you going ?
Luke : You know , I m thinking we should give the citizenry of Port Charles a really splashy opening here . Something that keeps the high rollers coming back night after night .
Tracy : Oh , sounds fascinating .
Luke : Yeah , I m thinking maybe I m going to move all the gaming tables into the back room , open a restaurant , fine dining cuisine . You know , a good wine list , live music , maybe even a cigar lounge ? Something that keeps those high rollers wanting to stay here all night long .
Tracy : A full renovation .
Luke : Right .
Tracy : Are you prepared to put in the time ?
Luke : If that s your subtle way of asking if I m going to be sticking around , the answer is a definite , qualified yes .
Tracy : Qualified ?
Luke : Well , you know , I could get run out of town on a rail .
Tracy : You could .
Luke : Look , Tracy , I know this thing with Laura has been tough on you . And , uh , I appreciate it , because most women would nt have stuck it out .
Tracy : Well , I decided to , um , trust your feelings for me . All those things you said about loving me and being happy and our life together .
Luke : Good . Because now she s in France , and I m just very happy to pick up where we left off and reopen this merry mayhem we call matrimony .
Tracy : [ Laughs ] Like nothing happened .
Luke : Yeah , well , you know , in point of fact , nothing really did .
Tracy : Is that true ?
Luke : Well , I hope you re here to deliver the money John promised .
Ric : I m not really sure you re going to be getting that .
Luke : Why not ?
Ric : Well , while John Zacchara might be a fan of Luke Spencer for obvious reasons -- Anthony Zacchara , maybe not so much . Do nt take offense . It s just your history of money laundering has Mr. Zacchara having serious reservations about allowing you to reopen .
Luke : Really ? You go back and tell that boss of yours that he has no vote in whether I reopen or not . The Haunted Star will reopen , or I ll blast it to hell . And either way , the Zaccharas have no say in it .
Maxie : Please tell me you found Spinelli passed out under the kitchen island .
Lulu : No sign of him .
Maxie : Oh , he s not upstairs either . This is all my fault .
Lulu : You really think he s out chasing bad guys ?
Maxie : I know he is . And they re probably doing something really horrible to him right now .
Lulu : Okay , you know , maybe you should be staying away from him .
Maxie : What does that mean ?
Lulu : Well , you distract him . You make him think he s got all this dumb macho stuff to prove .
Maxie : Gee , Lulu , thanks for the support .
Lulu : I m just saying , Spinelli would do anything for you .
Maxie : Oh , my God , thank God that you re okay . Where have you been ? I could kill you myself .
Spinelli : Why is nt Maximista in her hospital bed ?
Maxie : Like I was going to stay in the hospital posted up while you were out slaying Russian dragons in my name . I mean , that s what you were doing , right ? You went after the guys who attacked me ?
Spinelli : The Jackal attempted and ultimately failed to seek justice upon the evildoers who brought you harm . Had it not been for the chance intervention of the coldly experienced mob prince , I would undoubtedly be in the morgue being fitted for a toe tag right now .
Maxie : You saved Spinelli s life ?
Johnny : I had good timing .
Maxie : How am I ever going to thank you ?
Lucky : Is she here yet ? Sam ?
Elizabeth : Why would she be here ?
Lucky : Sam , she called me . She told me to meet her here . And I thought I heard gunfire in the background .
Elizabeth : So she s coming to my house with the kids upstairs ?
Lucky : Whoa , okay , maybe it was something else .
Elizabeth : Well , I certainly hope so .
Lucky : What s going on ?
Sam : Hey .
Lucky : And why are you involved ?
Sam : I ll tell you .
Jason : The arsons at Kelly s and the coffee house were the opening shots in a very bad situation . Elizabeth and the boys and Sam -- you re going to be safer out of town .
Elizabeth : Are you saying this is a mob war ?
Lucky : It s the station . Excuse me .
Jason : Hey , hey , I m sorry to approach you like this . You know , you mean everything to me . I just want to keep you safe .
Elizabeth : Okay , but what are you going to do ?
Lucky : Exactly what do you know about a warehouse and dead Russians inside getting all blown to hell ?
Yuri : I ve got the target in sight right now .
Epiphany : Okay , thank you , Doctor . If you re here about your cousin , Ms. Falconeri already checked herself out . Against medical advice .
Kate : Yes , I know . I m actually just here to refill a prescription . After everything I ve been through , I would hate to die of pneumonia or something .
Olivia : I just want you to be honest with yourself , Sonny . And me -- Connie -- but mostly with yourself . Claim who you are . Own it . Stop trying to pretend you can change , because that just draws the people that you love in and makes them an easy target as soon as the mob comes up to bite you on the ass . You know , back in the day , in the old neighborhood , you started running with Joe Scully , all those kids . That was -- that was just an excuse for them to bang heads . You know , old school gang mentality . Bros before hos , my street s better than your street . You know ? For those kids , Scully was like -- was like college . It was like four years they did nt have to be responsible . But for you , it was different . You know it . The mob was not some stop on the road for you . That was the road . You were addicted to power then . You re addicted to power now . So why do nt you just own it , Sonny ?
Sonny : It s amazing how much you think you know me .
Olivia : I know you a hell of a lot better than Connie .
Sonny : Yeah .
Olivia : See , she s still holding on to some kind of hope that you re going to change . She ca nt let go . So you need to be a man . You need to be the standup guy that I know you are . You need to let go for her .
Ric : Hey .
Tracy : Why are you still here ?
Ric : Oh , I m just giving Luke the opportunity to rethink his message . Mr. Zacchara s not a man who likes hearing the word no .
Luke : Is that supposed to be a threat ?
Ric : Just giving you a little insider information .
Tracy : Okay . So pass this information along . Any threats on Luke s life will be met with a lawsuit . We ll have the I.R.S. crawling all over the Zaccharas like lice .
Luke : My wife makes a good case for leaving this agreement as it is . Besides , your boss has got a lot more important things to deal with right now than this old tub .
Ric : The Russians are coming .
Tracy : The Russians are coming ?
Ric : Mm - hmm .
Luke : The Russians are here . They roasted my family diner like a marshmallow and did the same to Corinthos coffee house . This is an all - out power grab . The Zaccharas are going to figure into it eventually .
Ric : I ll pass along the information .
Luke : Well . It s good to know that we are still a formidable team .
Tracy : Especially since I m all you have left , now that Laura has rejected you .
Johnny : Hey , when you return that gun , make sure it s clean and the clip is reloaded , but do not reload it yourself .
Maxie : No , you should not even be handling a gun .
Spinelli : Look , I was just trying to --
Maxie : Thank God Johnny showed up to help you when he did .
Johnny : I do nt like unfair fights .
Maxie : Yeah , well , this is me being grateful . Because if anything had happened to Spinelli -- I do nt even want to think about it . Have you completely lost your mind ? Where did you even get a gun , Spinelli ? What -- what , do you think you would actually pull the trigger ?
Spinelli : It s unanimous . We all concur . The Jackal is a hopeless wimp .
Lulu : No , you are the only one that thinks that , because you have this skewed idea of what courage is based on what you ve learned from Jason . But let s face it , we care about Jason despite what he does , not because of it . So you could nt pull the trigger and blow off somebody s head ? That is a good thing .
Maxie : I agree .
Spinelli : But those men brutally attacked fair Maximista . What would --
Lulu : They are not men , Spinelli . They are animals . They are soulless bastards who get a sick thrill from terrorizing people . Is that what you really want to be ?
Epiphany : I just found out that your assistant Maxie Jones checked herself out of the hospital , too . Are all the women around you just fools asking for trouble ?
Anthony : We have to stop meeting like this . I m fine from here . The lady will help me down to the lobby .
Kate : The lady will see you in hell .
Anthony : Oh , touchy . You re very touchy . Could it be that Sonny is seriously entertaining the offer of my daughter s hand in marriage ?
Kate : Not really my business .
Anthony : It hurts to be left out , does nt it ? If I can offer any comfort --
Kate : You re a pig . I d rather die .
Anthony : Be careful what you wish for .
Sonny : Hey , when you re right , you re right . It s true . I was ambitious , and I was hungry for power .
Olivia : Well , it makes a lot of sense . For a long time , you really had none , so ...
Sonny : Yeah . And when I got it , I vowed never to lose it , right ? It was a mistake to get out . But you know what ? I had two good reasons . One , I fell in love with your cousin . And two , my son was shot into a coma . And that pain -- I would hope you would never have to experience anything even close . To know that something you did ruined your child s life .
Olivia : It was the right impulse to get out .
Sonny : Yeah .
Olivia : Sonny , I did nt mean to imply otherwise .
Sonny : Well , you know what ? The choice was made years ago , so , uh , you know , there s no taking it back at this point , so you -- you were right about that .
Olivia : You re making me nervous . You said I m right three times in the past five minutes . I think that s some kind of record or something .
Sonny : Well , better enjoy it while it lasts . You said back then that if I took the position with Joe Scully , I would be a gangster my whole life , and you would be out because you did nt want to be a mob widow . I did not take you seriously , because I felt like , you know what , you usually gave me what I wanted , so --
Olivia : A girl s got to grow up sometime , Sonny .
Sonny : Yeah .
Olivia : You were that bridge for me , I guess .
Sonny : Yeah , you dumped me right there -- right there -- right there in front of , uh --
Olivia : The pizzeria .
Sonny : Yeah , Louie s pizza . And you know -- hey , you know what ? It hurt me . And the thing is , I could never smell pizza the same after that , to be honest with you .
Olivia : Can I ask you a question ? Now that it s too late to matter ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Olivia : Did you immediately go after my cousin just to get back at me ?
Olivia : It would be just like you . I dumped you , you go after my cousin . You know , she s not really your type , but she s available . And an added bonus , we re real close . Perfect way to wipe my face in it .
Sonny : Well , you know , yeah , I guess you can say I went after Connie to get to you .
Olivia : I knew it .
Sonny : Well , sticking it to you was fin . But you know what I did nt expect ? So was Connie . Because you know what ? She was like -- ah , someone that , like , I d never seen at that point . You know , I mean , she had that young girl thing and big ideas , fancy goals . Hey , we got to be honest with each other . She was the only one determined enough to get out of that neighborhood .
Olivia : But so were you . You had the same ideas . You had the same big dreams . You know , you guys were a perfect match until Connie asked you for the same thing I was asking you for . To get out of the mob . You think you could have done it for her ?
Sonny : I might have tried . You know , I mean , look -- we had dreams , we had plans . We had -- we were going to , you know , run away and -- you know the rest .
Olivia : Yeah . You shut down emotionally , went full - tilt into the mob , and now they own what s left of your soul . Sorry , that sounded a little judgmental . I did nt mean it that way . Actually , your choices were working out pretty good for you until Connie wandered back into your life . You started getting nostalgic for a time and a place that -- that you re just never going to recapture . Times are different times . Different , higher stakes . You got to get out of fantasy land . You got to step out into the life that you chose . The world that you inhabit inside , where it matters . Doing anything else , it s just -- it s just disaster . For Connie , for anyone else that you care about .
Lucky : The fire in the warehouse was no accident . Charges were set . So let me guess -- I m supposed to believe the two of you just happened to run into each other in the yard and had the same idea to get Elizabeth and the boys somewhere else .
Jason : Okay , they re trying to kill anyone who s associated with me and Sonny . Let s just make that clear right now , okay ? So the best thing for everybody is to have Elizabeth and the kids and Sam stay off the radar completely .
Lucky : Then Elizabeth is right . We re going to have a mob war on our hands . They should nt be at some safe house where it can be traced back to you or Sonny . Just please do nt argue with me .
Jason : All right , then where ?
Lucky : I know a cabin . I know a cabin in the woods where no one will find you .
Jason : You okay with that ?
Elizabeth : I guess I have to be .
Sam : It really is for the best .
Lucky : I ll get them there safely . You just -- you do what you have to do .
Elizabeth : And be careful . I m going to go get the boys .
Sam : Just be fast , please . Pack light .
Elizabeth : Okay .
Lucky : Do nt tell me you re going to pretend to be all right with this then just head off on your own again .
Sam : No . I -- I m -- I get it . I m -- I m in . I m down for the plan .
Lucky : Is there anything else you want to tell me ?
Sam : Come on , Lucky . You already know what happened . So my plan to get evidence against Karpov s associates backfired . What ? You re mad at me all over again ?
Nikolas : Hey , whatever you re upset about , I m sure it ll be fine .
Nadine : Oh , I m sorry ; I did nt mean to get all girly on you .
Nikolas : No , no , it s fine . I mean , I do nt understand what you re upset about , but it s fine .
Nadine : [ Groans ]
Alfred : Perhaps a cup of tea is in order --
Nadine : [ Sobbing ]
Alfred : And a box of tissues .
Nadine : Oh , sorry , should I not have done that ?
Nikolas : No , it s fine , it s fine , really . Just tell me why you re upset .
Nadine : Um , I got a call from the Carson Corners horse parade committee .
Nikolas : Okay ?
Nadine : Carson Corners , where I m from ? We have , like , the biggest horse festival in all the Midwest .
Nikolas : Right . Does Aunt Rayleen fit into this picture somehow ?
Nadine : Oh , you know me so well . Aunt Rayleen loved studs . Horse studs . And the last colt that she brought into the world before she could nt manage the farm anymore -- she s been having some heart problems -- um , that horse got chosen to lead the opening night parade , and so , the committee has asked me to ride him . I could nt very well tell them no , could I ?
Nikolas : No -- no , I -- I guess not .
Nadine : His name is Ray s Pride . Ray , get it ?
Nikolas : Rayleen , yeah .
Nadine : Oh , she d be so thrilled .
Nikolas : You should probably go , then .
Nadine : Oh , I -- I -- I just did nt want you to think that I thought some silly little parade was more important than you getting deported , and I -- I did nt want to bail on you , but , you know , as soon as I am out of that saddle , I will be on the first flight back here , and we will be getting married , and you will become a citizen of the good old U.S. of A. You do nt think I m being selfish , do you ?
Nikolas : No , no , not in the -- not in the least . In fact -- in fact , I insist that you go . Everything is under control with the I.N.S. for the moment . Just go make Aunt Rayleen proud .
Nadine : Are you sure ?
Nikolas : I ll miss you , though .
Nadine : You re just saying that so I do nt ruin another napkin .
Nikolas : No , I m saying it because it s true .
Tracy : You chose Laura over me .
Luke : That is not what happened .
Tracy : I heard what you said to Lulu .
Luke : Well , I m sorry that you felt the need to listen in on a private conversation . But I m not lying to you . My feelings for you are real .
Tracy : Okay . So , if Laura had asked you to go to France with her , would you have gone ?
Luke : Yes . But my time with her is over . I m here with you because this is where I want to be . I hope she finds all the happiness she deserves , but it s not going to be with me .
Tracy : How come I m not flattered that you re settling for me ? I will not accept second best . I m done . This marriage is over .
Luke : We can work this out .
Tracy : No , not this time . If you had broken my heart , it could have healed . But you stomped on my pride without a second thought . I will never give you an opportunity to do that again .
Luke : Come on , Tracy . I love you .
Tracy : Sure you do . Until Laura blows back into town . I will not be sacrificed on the altar of Laura Spencer . You want to be with her ? Go be with her .
Luke : No , I do nt buy this . You do nt want to lose us any more than I do . I am the best time you ever had .
Tracy : I know . That s what makes this so damn sad .
Luke : I wo nt give up on you , wife .
Tracy : Will you do me a favor ? Do nt ever call me that again .
Jason : Okay .
Spinelli : Stone Cold , I can not tell a lie --
Jason : I need a list of possible locations you made for the Russian syndicate . Where is it ?
Spinelli : Oh -- um --
Jason : Where is it ?
Spinelli : You seem most intense , Stone Cold .
Jason : We hit the Russians warehouse .
Spinelli : There ll be swift retaliation .
Jason : Right . Elizabeth and the boys are out of town . There is nothing to stop me from running these guys into the ground .
Sam : Can I give you a piece of unasked - for advice , please ?
Elizabeth : Why not ?
Sam : Okay . Do nt , um , blame Jason for taking off like this .
Elizabeth : I do nt .
Sam : Good .
Lucky : Okay , we ve got it . All right . We have a lead on the Russians . Mac wants me to head up a team .
Elizabeth : Okay , well , go . We have directions to the cabin . We ll be fine , right ?
Sam : Right , yeah .
Lucky : You sure ?
Sam : Absolutely .
Lucky : All right . I m on my way . Okay . So I do nt have to tell you two to be careful , right ? All right ? There s no getting antsy and leaving the cabin . You have to stay put .
Sam : If this is intended for me , do nt worry about it . I m not going anywhere .
Lucky : Okay . Thanks for agreeing to this .
Elizabeth : It s the only choice .
Sam : All right . Let s hit the road .
Elizabeth : All right .
Elizabeth : Hey , boys . You ready to go ?
Anthony : Richie , the cards are laying out in our favor . The Russians are tearing up this town . Sonny s guilt , his sense of honor , and his temper will bring him to the only place he can effectively strike back .
Ric : Yeah , well , I do nt think Sonny s going to take the deal .
Anthony : Watch and learn , my apprentice . You watch and you learn .
Thug : Sonny Corinthos .
Anthony : [ Laughs ] By all means , ask Mr. Corinthos to join us . Your ears must be burning . Ric and I were just talking about you .
Sonny : Cut the small talk . I m here for a reason .
Anthony : You re accepting my deal ?
Sonny : Yeah . It s in our best interest , at least for now .
Anthony : That disclaimer is precisely the reason I ll need to see that show of good faith we discussed . It s not negotiable .
Sonny : I understand .
Anthony : I m going to have to insist you say the words .
Sonny : I ll marry Claudia .
### Summary:
| Johnny saves Spinelli from the Russians . Spinelli is disappointed that he was too afraid to fire his gun . Maxie leaves the hospital to find Spinelli . Luke tells Lulu his life with Laura is over . Tracy says her marriage to Luke is over . Nadine tells Nikolas their marriage must be put on hold temporarily because she must leave town to help her aunt . Jason and Lucky convince Liz to hide out with Sam and the kids . Sam and Liz head to a cabin in the woods , unaware they re being watched . Kate tries to tell Sonny about Dante but Olivia interrupts . Olivia tells Sonny he should stop pretending and just be the mobster that he is . Sonny takes Anthony up on his offer . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brady : No , Fred , listen , I dont -- I do nt care about you getting the well , absolutely . Seeing justice for the person who attacked me is gon na feel good . But seeing justice for Ari s gon na be even better . Well , then you practice your poker face , Fred . Hope you win .
Nicole : [ Clears throat ]
Brady : Nicole , how you doing ?
Nicole : Hey . Um , I - I hate to ask for payback on a favor .
Brady : Ah -- ah -- what -- what you did for me was much more than a favor , okay ? You scraped me off the pier .
Nicole : No , Brady , I owe you and then some . But I - I would nt be here if I was nt totally desperate .
Brady : Why are you desperate ?
Nicole : Pretty much everything I have left that matters is you , my freedom , and my health . And I promised myself that that would be enough . But there s this -- there s this thing that feels more important with each passing day . And you re the only person who can keep me from losing it .
Arianna : EJ , thank God .
EJ : How are you ?
Arianna : I m a wreck .
EJ : You re worried about Brady ?
Arianna : I am . And the guards -- they re not letting me make a phone call and--
EJ : Okay , okay , okay . Just leave it with me . I ll see what I can do , all right ?
Arianna : Thank you . Always thank you . I m just so grateful to you . Thank you . I mean , they ca nt keep me in here forever , right ? Not without charging me . I mean , tell -- tell me what time my arraignment is . I need to get out of here .
Will : I ll get it , Harold . [ Humming ] One second . Aunt Carrie .
Carrie : Will .
Will : Hi .
Carrie : Oh , my goodness . I know it has nt been that long , but wow .
Will : I - I did nt know you were coming .
Carrie : Well , I wanted to surprise you .
Sami : Carrie .
Carrie : Sami .
Daniel : Carly , this is nt the time .
Carly : No , I understand there s a wedding in progress . Again .
Philip : This is like déja vu all over again .
Carly : Except this time , I m actually gon na say what I came to say .
Chloe : No . Please do nt .
Carrie : This must be Sydney . You re so beautiful .
Sami : What are you doing here ?
Carrie : I heard Mrs. Horton is nt doing well . Austin wanted to come , but he could nt make it .
Sami : No , I mean , what are you doing here ?
Carrie : Will , would you give me a minute with your mom ?
Will : Send up a signal if I need to call 911 .
Carrie : We ll behave .
Will : I know you will .
Carrie : I can not believe my little sister has four kids .
Sami : Yeah . Sometimes I do nt believe it either .
Carrie : So , uh , Will likes living here ?
Sami : I do nt know . You d have to ask him . He only talks to me every third Wednesday . If you re here to lecture me about my horrible parenting choices or how appalled you are that I m living here , Carrie , I ve heard it , okay ? From everybody .
Carrie : Actually , Sami , all I have to say is ... I m sorry .
Daniel : Chloe , there is no reason to be upset .
Chloe : Carly , please do nt do this . Daniel loves me and I love him more than you can imagine .
Melanie : What the hell is going on ?
Philip : I wish I knew .
Daniel : Okay , Carly , this is nt the time .
Carly : I have to say this now and you re gon na want to hear it , Daniel .
Chloe : The justice of the peace is going to be back any minute . Please do nt ruin our wedding .
Daniel : I m sure that s not what she s doing .
Chloe : Stop defending her ! You have no idea .
Daniel : No ? No idea about what ?
EJ : The arraignment has been rescheduled for tomorrow .
Arianna : Oh . Oh , thank God . You do nt think that s terrific news , do you ? You do nt think the judge is going to grant me bail .
EJ : Well , uh , you know , remember what I said earlier , I mean , I m optimistic . But we have to consider that you do have some prior convictions .
Arianna : I know . But -- but when I was guilty , I admitted it . So do nt you think the judge is going to see that ? That this time I did nt because I am innocent ?
EJ : I m not the person that you have to prove you re innocent to .
Arianna : I know . I was set up . We -- we both know that Nicole is behind this . Yes .
EJ : Absolutely . Nicole is behind this and I m definitely gon na prove it .
Arianna : Okay .
Brady : What s going on ?
Nicole : My job , Brady . It -- it -- it s my life . And I think I m gon na lose it .
Brady : You re not gon na lose your job . Your ratings are up . Everything s going fine .
Nicole : No , no , no . My -- my producer is angry with me . When I was in the hospital with you , I missed a broadcast . And -- and , look , I know you have a lot more to worry about , but please , maybe just a puff piece on Titan . Or you could just throw a bone my way .
Brady : What about -- what about the piece that you were doing on the muggings ? Come on , we both know that Ari is innocent . You could -- you could find out who set her up . And your ratings would go up and I would be very indebted to you .
Jennifer : Straight to voicemail .
Maggie : Well , he might still be on the plane , no ?
Jennifer : No , no . I checked on his flight . It landed 20 minutes ago . It is not like Mike not to answer his phone .
Maggie : Well , maybe he had trouble getting a rental car .
Jennifer : Yeah . Yeah , I hope that s all it is .
Sami : You re sorry for what ?
Carrie : For what ? My mother kidnapped your daughter . If -- if I had any clue , I would ve called Dad . I would ve called you , Sami . Can you forgive me ?
Sami : No .
Carrie : Okay . I - I understand .
Sami : No , I ca nt forgive you because there s nothing to forgive . Carrie , it s not your fault . If anyone is responsible for what happened to Sydney besides Anna , it s me .
Chloe : You know what I m talking about . Carly never wanted us to get married .
Daniel : No . No , that s not true .
Chloe : It is true !
Daniel : What makes you think that ?
Chloe : Carly does nt think I m good enough for you .
Daniel : Okay , that s ridiculous . Carly , you did nt say something that insane , did you ?
Lexie : Mike .
Mike : Hey , Lex . What am I doing here ?
Nicole : I ve been digging and digging , Brady . But , unfortunately , I have nt been any more successful than the police in coming up with a suspect besides Ari .
Brady : Nicole , she s innocent .
Nicole : And , look , I m only one person , okay ? And without my wonderful assistant , I might add , my producer wo nt delegate any more resources because--
Brady : Because he thinks she s guilty too . Right .
Nicole : Out of respect to the family . He put a moratorium on covering the story .
Brady : [ Scoffs ] Well , that s wrong , is nt it ? And here s what s going to happen . I m gon na talk to Philip . Not only will I protect your job , but I ll make sure you get all the manpower you need to exonerate Ari . Now I want you to tell you me what else I can do to help .
Mia : So you ve seen my pictures of Grace , you ve grilled me about my senior year plans .
Madeline : Not grilled you . I - I was merely--
Mia : Okay , look , I know you want to talk about Chad . So let s not waste any more of your precious time , okay ? You re angry he s staying in Salem and going to the U next year . And you think I can , what , talk him out of it ?
Madeline : I think you ve mischaracterized my feelings . The word I would use is disappointed . He can do much better .
Mia : Do you want your son to be happy ?
Madeline : It s all I want , Mia .
Mia : Then I do nt know what you re so worried about .
Madeline : I m worried about you , Mia . You ve almost ruined his life once . I d prefer not to give you another chance .
Sami : I m the queen of bad choices . And I had sex with EJ . And I got pregnant with his child . And then I lied about it , which obviously is nt a surprise to you . And that was why Nicole was able to take my child . And -- and so was Anna . And I think that your mom saw it as some sort of karmic payback to Stefano , and EJ , and me . Three birds , one stone . Hell , maybe she s right .
Carrie : No way . Sydney is -- is the sweetest , most angelic thing . You re my only sister , Sami . And as horrible as things have been for us for so many years ... I think about Mrs. Horton and I know that family is what it s all about .
Sami : Well , I appreciate you coming here to try to mend fences . But , I mean , come on , we ca nt kid ourselves . Too much has happened between us . You re never gon na be able to forgive me and -- and I do nt blame you .
Daniel : Carly , answer me .
Carly : I need to speak with you and Chloe , Daniel , in private .
Daniel : It ll have to wait until after the wedding .
Carly : It ca nt wait .
Philip : Carly , is nt ruining one marriage enough for you ?
Daniel : No , no , she s not ruining anything .
Melanie : Dad , do you want us to go ?
Daniel : Please .
Chloe : Daniel .
Daniel : No . But not too far . Because as soon as Carly s done saying what she s supposed to say , we re having a wedding .
Lexie : You were in an accident , Mike . We ve run some tests and we re waiting for the results .
Mike : No . No . I m -- I m -- I m sorry , Lex . I m sorry , but I ca nt wait . I ve got to go see my grandma and my family . I should ve been there by now .
Lexie : Yeah , I understand that , but--
Mike : No , you do nt understand . I do nt have time to wait for anything . Get me out of here , Lex . Now .
EJ : I need more time . You know , actually , maybe one day would work .
Arianna : For what ?
EJ : See , the pressure is on Nicole . I planted that seed . So now she s really feeling the pressure . She ll make a mistake .
Arianna : How do you know this for sure ?
EJ : Because I know Nicole . I was married to her . I know her better than anybody . I know this will work .
Nicole : You want me to perform a miracle , Brady . I do nt think manpower s gon na do it .
Brady : Will you just admit it ? You have no interest in proving Ari s innocence , do you ?
Nicole : Honestly , I dont-- I do nt know what to believe . I mean , I tried and tried to come up with other reasonable explanations , but I have nt . Have you ?
Brady : No . But I m not giving up .
Nicole : Why ? Even if she did nt hit you over the head , she does nt believe in you , Brady . I mean , how could she not know that -- that you re the most wonderful , most loyal person and that she s lucky to-- how could she hurt you this way ?
Brady : You might as well know .
Nicole : Know what ?
Brady : Ari and I are through .
Mia : Chad and I had a baby together . A beautiful baby . And she passed . And he s going to college and he s going to be just fine . So do nt you threaten me .
Madeline : I m sorry , did you think I was threatening you ? No , no , no . You mis --you misunderstood me . Here .
Mia : What s this ?
Madeline : Read it . You can do that , ca nt you ?
Mia : The High School of the Performing Arts in New York . As in Fame ?
Madeline : More or less .
Mia : Wait , but how did I get accepted if I did nt apply ?
Madeline : I m very good friends with one of the women on the board . I told her about your talent for dance , your amazing motivation , your willingness to fly off to Japan just two weeks postpartum for the sake of your craft . Now that s dedication . As you can see , classes begin in July . Your housing has been arranged as well as a very generous living allowance . And since there s really nothing keeping you here in Salem , at the risk of sounding trite , Mia , this is truly a chance of a lifetime .
Mia : Yeah . I m -- I m sure it is . But , uh , I ca nt take it .
Carrie : I ve done some pretty horrible things myself . To Austin . To Mike . To Lucas . And yes , to you .
Sami : Yeah , but I deserved it .
Carrie : Well , I - I just-- I remember when we used to go next door to the Hortons for Christmas . And all I ever wanted was my name on one of those Horton ornaments . And I finally got one . So did you .
Sami : They re not there now .
Carrie : Well , you do nt just fall off the tree , Sami . Mrs. Horton was always the first one to speak up when she saw something wrong . But if she corrected us-- if -- if she had anything bad to say , it was because she loved us . I told Dr. Phillips no . No surgery .
Alice : Oh , sweetheart .
Carrie : Well , I thought that he could help me . But he ca nt do anything for the scar on my face without scarring my body so ...
Alice : You mean the skin grafts .
Carrie : Yeah .
Alice : Well , sometimes medicine and surgery ca nt do everything for us . It takes a good , strong will and the courage to dream of all the things we wanted .
Carrie : Sami , I m sorry for everything that has gone wrong between us .
Sami : I m sorry , too .
Carrie : Can we make a fresh start in Mrs. Horton s honor ? In Sydney s honor ?
Sami : I hope so cause I would like nothing better .
Daniel : Carly , what the hell is this about ? Spit it out .
Carly : I just got the results of the full panel of labs we ran before Chloe s surgery .
Chloe : Oh , my God . Is the leukemia back ?
Carly : No . No . Chloe , you re pregnant .
Chloe : No . I ca nt be pregnant . I ca nt get pregnant .
Carly : The test results do nt lie .
Chloe : They did before .
Daniel : No . Yeah , but the likelihood ... oh , my God , Chloe , you were in an accident . You almost died . And if you are carrying our baby ... this is truly ... baby ... together ... our baby .
Nicole : I should go .
Brady : Oh , wait , wait . Before you go , listen , um , I have an idea .
Nicole : You do ?
Brady : I do . For your news feature , maybe you could do a tribute to Alice Horton . You know , talk about the family and the charity work they do .
Nicole : Ah , yes , the wonderful Hortons . The dream life you and I never had .
Brady : Some day .
Nicole : Yeah . Some day . For both of us . Well , uh , take care of yourself , Brady . I , uh , I ll see you soon . And thank you .
Brady : Welcome .
Mia : Wow , you even got me a plane ticket -- for tonight . Ha . That s how much you ca nt wait to get rid of me .
Madeline : Well , the program s already started . You ll need time to get acclimated .
Mia : I have a home here .
Madeline : You and how many other wayward souls ?
Mia : I promised Maggie I would stay at least until I graduate .
Madeline : Are those yours ?
Mia : Yeah . Maggie s daughter gave them to me .
Madeline : Do nt you think that Grace would want you to be happy ? This is your chance , Mia . Follow your dreams . For your daughter s sake . For Chad s sake . And most of all , for yours .
Jennifer : All right , now I m officially worried . Mike already picked up his rental car . What do we do ?
Maggie : Oh , I do nt know . Everyone is already so upset about Alice . Oh , God .
Maggie : If something has happened to Mike ...
Jennifer : Hello . Lexie , what is it ?
Daniel : I will -- I will call Dr. White and , um , have her do a sonogram to figure out exactly what s going on . Oh , my God . And I m sorry . I did nt mean to jump down your throat like that . I just did nt understand why you came in here and interrupted the most important moment of our life . But now , uh , boy , I sure do now .
Carly : Do you , uh , you want me to go ?
Daniel : Um , no , actually . I should probably track down the justice of the peace . You know , let him know what s going on . But Ill -- Ill be back , okay ? Look , look , I know you do nt want to get your hopes up . But to have a hysterical pregnancy -- I mean , twice , that s pretty unheard of . And what a wedding gift this is , huh ? My God , I love you so much .
Chloe : I love you too .
Daniel : Come here .
Carly : I m sorry about the timing of all this .
Chloe : No , you re not . You know damn well that I m not pregnant . What , did you lie about those test results just to delay this wedding some more ?
Carly : If I wanted to delay the wedding , I would tell Daniel the truth .
Chloe : Which you ca nt wait to do , can you ? You know , just when I thought I could nt hate you more , you are pure evil . If I have another hysterical pregnancy , it s because you ve driven me into a state of hysteria !
Carly : Come on , getting this upset is nt good for you .
Chloe : Oh , like you care ! Tell Daniel the truth . Tell Daniel the truth . Like you could nt wait until we said I do before you burst in here with your news . Now you ve gotten his hopes up . And then he s gon na crash . And what , you re gon na be there to comfort him ?
Carly : No .
Chloe : You will do anything to wreck our happiness , wo nt you ?
Madeline : This is nt forever . You do nt like it , you ll come back .
Mia : Well , but you do nt want me back .
Madeline : And since when has what someone else wanted ever stopped you ?
Mia : Well , what am I supposed to tell Maggie ? I have to leave , like , now .
Madeline : Tell her you went to go live your dream . How can she stand in the way of that ?
Mia : Okay . Okay . I ll go .
Madeline : You wo nt regret it . That s a promise .
Carrie : Mike .
Mike : Carrie . Did you just see my grandma ? Is -- is something wrong ? Is that why you re here ?
Carrie : No . I - I have nt seen her yet . My God , what happened to you ?
Mike : I m not even sure .
Carrie : Are you okay ?
Mike : Yeah . Never better . I was -- I was on my way from the airport to Grandma s house and this jerk slammed into me and totaled the rental car and ...
Carrie : Mike , I m so sorry . But at least you were nt hurt . I -- not badly , right ?
Mike : No , I m fine . I am fine . I m just waiting for Lexie to get back here and tell me I can leave .
Carrie : Right . So you can be with your family .
Mike : Yeah . It s kind of ironic , huh ? I mean , I m trying to get to my grandma a----and -- and I wind up here in a hospital bed talking to you .
Carrie : Yeah , it s ironic . Awkward too .
Mike : I m sorry . No . I m -- no . I mean , when I said that -- about ... try again . It s nice to see you , Carrie . It s really nice .
Philip : So what do you think your mom s up to anyway ?
Melanie : Um , I do nt think she s really up to anything . I just think she s worried like we all are about Chloe . Something weird is going on with her .
Philip : Why is it that every time Chloe is pursuing happiness , my mom , your mom , or someone else is trying to ruin that happiness ?
Melanie : Are you blaming my mom right now ?
Philip : No , no , no . I m just saying that it s really none of our business . Let s just leave it alone .
Hank : 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ...
Nicole : The citizens of Salem are celebrating the life of one of their most beloved residents today as Hortons gather from around the world to be with their matriarch , a pillar of this community , a wonderful woman , and my dear friend , Alice Horton .
EJ : Even Alice Horton did nt love you .
Nicole : Cut . Cut . [ Exhales ]
Chloe : This is humiliating , Daniel . I mean , what s the point ? I know I m not pregnant .
Daniel : Hey , I know how hard this is . But it s gon na be okay . We will find out for sure .
Chloe : Going through it once was awful enough . I ca nt live through this again .
Daniel : Hey , hey , if we do , we -- honey -- we will do it together . Okay ? Just think , if this is true , if our baby is growing inside of you , it would be the most amazing thing ever .
Brady : Hi .
Arianna : Hi . It s really good to see you . How are you ?
Brady : I m fine .
Arianna : Yeah ? How are you feeling ?
Brady : Feeling fine .
Arianna : I should ve believed you , Brady , when you told me that you were nt using .
Brady : What changed your mind ?
Arianna : Oh , I ve been thinking a lot . I think being in here is kind of making me a little crazy . Not a lot of things make sense . But the one thing that I know for sure is that you are a man of your word . And I m sorry . And I will never doubt you again .
Will : Mia . Are you moving in here too ? It s a big house , but it s not that big .
Mia : Uh , I m moving ... to New York . I got accepted to the High School of the Performing Arts .
Will : Oh , that s great . Um , wow . Congratulations . I - I did nt even know you applied .
Mia : Well--
Sami : Hi .
Mia : Hi . I - I promised Maggie I would stay until I finished high school . It was really hard to say good - bye . I know it wo nt be as hard telling you cause you ll be happy to see me go . But first I had to say thank you . To the both of you .
Mike : So you and Austin are good ?
Carrie : Yeah . We re doing great . Thanks .
Jennifer : Mike ? Oh , Carrie , I m sorry . What in the world ? Oh , my goodness .
Carrie : I know you two need to talk .
Jennifer : Yes , thank you .
Carrie : Uh , good to see you , Mike .
Mike : Uh , you too . Good to see you too .
Jennifer : I m sorry . Oh , my goodness . Are -- are you okay ? Can I -- can I hug you ? Is something broken ?
Mike : No , no , I m -- I m fine . I m just waiting for Lexie to come back here and let me out .
Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . I have missed you . I have missed you so much . Look at you . And if this family is not going through enough already , you have to get yourself banged up like this .
Mike : I m sorry . I mean , I was just trying to , you know , get from the airport to Grandma s . And -- and -- and some guy changed lanes without signaling . And I do nt really know what happened after that .
Jennifer : No . I know . I know . It s my fault . I mean , I was telling you to hurry and get here . That Grandma needed to see you . I m so sorry .
Mike : Damn it , you re right , it kind of is your fault and -- and maybe you can make it up to me . Can you get me out of here ?
Jennifer : What ? Mike , I will try to get you out of here . But right now I got to find Mom and Dad and tell them what s going on . They re going crazy . I ll be right back .
Nicole : Hank , take a five .
EJ : Hank , do nt come back .
Nicole : Oh , stop .
EJ : What do you think you re doing , hmm ? The woman s not even dead yet , Nicole .
Nicole : I m celebrating her life while she s still around to appreciate it .
EJ : Celebrating .
Nicole : And who made you the decency police , huh ? O -- o -- or what ? Hmm ? You re -- you re upset that you re not in the spotlight , being the lead story every night thanks to Sydney ?
EJ : I thank God every night that my daughter is safe . No thanks to you .
Nicole : What s the matter , huh ? You bored ? You lonely ? Things with Sami not working out for you ? I do nt know . I ca nt imagine .
EJ : My life is wonderful .
Nicole : Oh . Oh , so that platonic living situation with a woman that you hate , huh , well , that sounds like paradise .
EJ : [ Chuckles ] Well , I m sure it is compared to your life .
Nicole : You know , I can always tell when you re not getting any ... oh , let s just call it satisfaction . Hmm ? You know ? Remember all those months I was pregnant ?
EJ : Pretending to be pregnant .
Nicole : Well ...
EJ : Right ?
Nicole : At least I know how long it s been .
EJ : Well , I m quite sure I have nt had as many lovers as you .
Nicole : You were nt my lover , EJ , you were my husband .
EJ : A burden , thankfully , that I no longer have to bear . Especially now you ve turned your beady little eyes onto Brady Black . You re not gon na have him . You do know that , right ? Word to the wise , Nicole , emasculating the man that you say you love is not the quickest way to his heart .
Nicole : I did nt attack Brady .
EJ : Mm . And when you tried to eliminate the competition , using some kind of pathetic setup ... well , it s pathetic .
Nicole : Innocent until proven guilty .
EJ : Oh , absolutely . No , I completely agree with you . Arianna is innocent and I m gon na prove it .
Nicole : Okay , good luck with that .
EJ : And I m gon na do so by sending you down for that .
Nicole : You know , you keep saying that . So why do nt you put up or shut up , EJ .
EJ : Oh , I will .
Daniel : Thank you so much for doing this , Carly .
Carly : It s the least I can do . Are we ready ?
Chloe : [ Exhales ] Just get it over with .
Mia : I will never forget the night that you found me on the pier . I thought giving up my baby was the hardest thing I d ever have to go through . But , ooh , I was wrong . But I could nt have gotten through any of it without you .
Will : Sure , you could ve .
Mia : Whatever people say about you , you were always incredibly good to me . And I m so happy you and that beautiful little girl found each other . I ll miss you , Sydney . I ll miss you all . Even if you wo nt miss me .
Sami : Um , when I was a kid , I , uh , I had a kid . I dropped out of school . I , um , I did things I wo nt even tell you about . Will is the only thing I did right . And , um , you re doing what you need to do to get your life back on track , Mia . Good for you .
Will : Yeah . Good luck .
Mia : Thanks . I m gon na need it . All right . Bye .
Will : Yeah . Bye .
Sami : You , um ... you gon na miss her ?
Will : Yeah . Yeah , I will .
Brady : I m glad you finally decided to believe in me .
Arianna : I do . You do nt seem convinced .
Brady : I believe in your innocence , Ari . And I m not counting on EJ on getting you out of here . And I m gon na find out who is fully responsible . And when I find out who framed you , they re going down .
EJ : Oh , you know me , Nikki . Just biding my time until my revelation has maximum impact . That s when I ll make it .
Nicole : Ooh , I m shaking .
EJ : Mm . You are covering Arianna s arraignment tomorrow , are nt you ? Why do I get the feeling that the person who s in the news is not going to be her ?
Philip : Here you are .
Melanie : Thank you . You know , my dad has nt called yet . Kind of hope nothing s wrong .
Philip : Yeah , I m sure everything s okay .
Melanie : Chloe seemed pretty freaked out about whatever my mom was about to say . You did nt really look too happy either .
Philip : I ... yeah , I was just hoping that the wedding happened like they said it would , you know ? With -- uh , without any problems . And , look , I m sorry , I did nt mean to diss your mom . I just -- I just want everyone to be happy .
Melanie : Me too .
Philip : Uh , you know what , I forgot to ask Pete to put that dressing on the side . Ill -- Ill be right back , okay ?
Mike : Lex , did you get the test results ? Can I leave ?
Lexie : Not yet .
Mike : What -- no . Lexie , I m fine . There may be a little whiplash . Certainly nothing serious .
Lexie : Mike , we wo nt know that until we get the test results .
Mike : Lexie , I m a doctor , remember ? I know I m fine . There s no broken bones , no bleeding , no headache , no pain of any kind . I did nt rush all the way to Salem to get stuck in a hospital bed .
Lexie : Okay , Mike , I - I know you did nt , but , uh--
Mike : No . No . No . No . My grandma does nt have much time . If I do nt see her soon , it may be too late . Get me out of here , Lex .
Jennifer : Mom , Dad , something happened . I need to go . Mom , Dad ! Hey , Maggie , where is everyone ?
Maggie : I do nt know .
Jennifer : Listen , something s happened . I really need to go .
Maggie : Yes . Something has .
Jennifer : What ?
Maggie : Alice just died .
Jennifer : Oh .
Maggie : [ Cries ]
Jennifer : Maggie .
Carly : Well , I know I m a little rusty , but I think we have our answer , yes ?
Daniel : Yes . We do . Chloe , honey , look at me .
Chloe : I ca nt .
Daniel : You re gon na want to see this . I know it s not much right now , but in a few months ... we re gon na have a baby .
Sami : When I find her , I m gon na make sure she pays for what she did .
Shane : Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated .
Kimberly : He dropped off the face of the earth .
### Summary:
| Carrie showed up at the DiMera mansion and saw Will and Sami . Carly was about to drop a bomb on Daniel . Carrie wanted to apologize to Sami for Anna kidnapping Sydney . Sami did nt blame Carrie for what happened . Chloe and Philip wanted to stop Carly from telling her news . Lexie got a blast from the past at the hospital . Mike was admitted into the hospital because he was in an accident . Brady continued to defend Arianna to Nicole . Nicole was trying to convince Brady that Arianna should nt hurt him this way . Madeline tried to get Mia to leave Salem . Madeline made sure that Mia was accepted into the school of performing arts . Carrie and Sami apologized to each other for everything that they ve done to each other . Carly finally let the cat out of the bag . She told Chloe that she s pregnant . Brady told Nicole that he and Arianna are finished . Brady told Nicole that she should do a tribute to Alice Horton . Chloe was nt convinced that she was pregnant . Chloe thought that Carly made up the fact that she was pregnant just to stop the wedding . Carly denied that and said she would have told Daniel the truth if she wanted to stop the wedding . Carrie saw Mike at the hospital and they talked . Brady visited Arianna at the station . Arianna apologized for not believing him . Mia wanted to say goodbye to Will and Sami . She also wanted to thank them . Jennifer went to the hospital to see Mike . EJ and Nicole argued once again . Mike demanded that he leave the hospital to see Alice before it was too late . Unfortunately , he was too late . Maggie told Jennifer that Alice died . Carly did an ultrasound on Chloe and confirmed what she said . Chloe is pregnant . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : Something unexpected s happened .
Brooke : Nick , what is it ?
Bridget : Mom , the -- the baby needs a bone marrow transplant , and nick s been ruled out . So w - we have to use the biological mother-- the same donor that we used in in vitro .
Brooke : Well , let s find her .
Nick : We have .
Brooke : That s wonderful . ( Scoffs ) I - I still do nt understand . What does this have to do with me ?
Man : ( Speaking French )
Ashley : Trs bien , merci .
Man : Mademoiselle veut dormir ?
Ashley : Uh , no , merci . Jai bien dormi dans lavion .
Man : Trés bien .
Ashley : Voil .
Man : Merci .
Ashley : Merci .
Ashley : Aah !
Rick : Hey . Hey , look , as long as you re standing there , do you want to wash my back ?
Ashley : What are you doing in my s - suite ?
Rick : You mean Forrester International s suite ?
Ashley : Yes . And they re expecting me .
Rick : Really ? Nobody told me that .
Ashley : ( Sighs ) you think I m gon na believe that ?
Rick : Well , actually , the truth is nobody was expecting moi . But that s the point . I wanted to show up here unannounced , now that we have Forrester International back , and see how bad the damage is . What are you doing here ?
Ashley : ( Scoffs ) we do nt have to pay a tariff if we produce the Felicia fragrance here , so I m here to interview chemists , French chemists .
Rick : That s right . I remember you mentioning something about that .
Ashley : And I ca nt do it if you re in my bathtub , cause I d like to -- Id-- come on , I want to take a bath .
Rick : Listen , listen . What am I supposed to do ? I do nt have my apartment here anymore .
Ashley : Uh , you got a credit card ?
Rick : Touché . Well , look , um , now that you re here , let s do the proactive thing and , uh , not argue . Room service is coming . So would you like to join me ? For breakfast ?
Ashley : ( Whispers ) right .
Ridge : Hi .
Katie : Hi .
Ridge : Your sister and I had a photo shoot .
Katie : Oh . Why ?
Ridge : Magazines like us .
Katie : Mm . So is she upstairs ?
Ridge : No , she had to go out .
Katie : And you re still here because ...
Ridge : To help take care of the kids .
Katie : Huh .
Ridge : Does that meet with your approval ?
Katie : So is that lipstick on your collar ?
Bridget : Do you remember , um-- do you remember coming in for your fertility testing ?
Brooke : Of course I do , honey , but why in the world are we even talking about this ?
Bridget : Just bear with me , Mom , please . Please , let me explain .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) explain what ?
Bridget : ( Sighs ) the day you came in to have your eggs-- your eggs tested , wh --when you realized that you were nt going to be using your eggs , do you remember the little speech that I - I gave you that day , the one that I said I give all my-- my clinic patients ?
Brooke : About ?
Bridget : The one about designating the eggs that were harvested to research .
Brooke : Yes . You said a lot of the women in your class-- the resident women-- were doing the same thing . But I - I - I still do nt understand why we re talking about this right now .
Bridget : ( Sighs ) okay , Mom , your-- your name was in the computer as Brooke Marone .
Brooke : No , I - I told them to change that .
Bridget : The -- the donor that Nick and Taylor chose-- her eggs were also labeled Marone . Dr. Caron was nt in the day of the fertilization . I was . And so was the tech that was there the day that I was doing testing on you . And when I asked them to bring me the donation labeled Marone , I - I guess the-- the-- I guess the tech thought that I ...
Brooke : I was the donor ?
Bridget : No one ever intended this , Mom .
Brooke : Taylor s baby is mine ? ( Exhales deeply )
Katie : So what really happened ? Where is Brooke ?
Ridge : Do nt give me that look . Bridget called and , uh , needed her for something .
Katie : Well , you do nt have to stay . I m home now . You do nt have to babysit .
Ridge : Actually , your sister wanted me to stay .
Katie : Yeah , I m sure she did .
Ridge : Is nt it past your bedtime ?
Katie : You re funny . You know , we have to be careful with her . She s been through a lot , and I admit that you have been great , but I think she s starting to take all this attention the wrong way .
Ridge : And how would you know that ?
Katie : You re not available-- not the way she wants you to be .
Ridge : Katie , I could be a lot of different places right now , but I m here .
Brooke : The baby-- I m the biological mother ?
Nick : Yes .
Brooke : The child that Taylor has been carrying all this time and the child that I - I so desperately wanted to give you-- and -- and I did ?
Bridget : Wait a second . Why did nt I think of this before ? Oh -- oh my God . What --what about my bone marrow ? Who s closer to Mom genetically than me ? I m sure I have the same recessive SCIDs gene that -- that -- that you do , Mom . And I m younger , so I d recover faster . I can do this .
Nick : The mother s the closest match , Bridget . I do nt want to waste any time with this . We got ta test her as soon as possible . Will you do this , please ?
Brooke : Oh , yes , of course . You do nt even have to ask .
Nick : ( Whispers ) thank you .
Nick : You know , Ive -- Ive tried to wake her .
Nurse : Dr. Caron prescribed a sedative . She got a little agitated after you left .
Nick : Well , how long do you think she ll be out ? I need to talk with her .
Nurse : Depends on how much she needs the rest .
Nick : Well , if she wakes up while I m gone , would you-- would you tell her everything s okay ?
Nurse : Mm - hmm .
Nick : Our son s gon na have what he needs . ( Whispers ) thanks .
Nurse : ( Whispers ) okay .
Brooke : Is what you re doing safe for the baby ?
Dr. Caron : Well , we ll have to treat the marrow first .
Bridget : Mom , it s -- it s , um , an infusion , not an actual surgery .
Dr. Caron : Correct . It s like a blood transfusion . It s very low - risk .
Brooke : Oh .
Nick : Everything okay ?
Brooke : Uh , yeah , everything s fine . I was just gon na ask Dr. Caron if--
Dr. Caron : Excuse me , uh , Mr. Marone , you ca nt be in here .
Nick : Doctor , I ll set up housekeeping in the hallway if I so choose , because my lawyers could have me owning this place by the end of next week , along with your little red Mercedes . Now you ask your question , Brooke .
Brooke : Uh , okay . I was just wondering if I could be there when the baby was given my bone marrow .
Dr. Caron : No , I m sorry . That s not possible . It s -- it just is nt done .
Nick : Well , it ll be done tonight .
Katie : ( Clears throat )
Ridge : I thought you went to bed .
Katie : Is Brooke still not home ?
Ridge : Maybe I should call her . ( Grunts )
Katie : You know what , Ridge ? Do nt listen to me . I m serious . I do nt know what I m talking about . Brooke loves you . She s crazy about you . I m sure you know that . And I m sure it hurt you when she went back to Nick , but that is so over . She is so clear about what she wants . And if there s even a chance that the two of you could get back together , no one would be happier than I would . I just do nt want her to get hurt again . So you have to decide , okay ?
Ridge : What if I told you I already have ?
Katie : Come on . What ?
Ridge : Now why would you be the first one to know ?
Katie : Because I m here !
Ridge : ( Sighs ) Good night , Katie .
Katie : Good night , Ridge .
Rick : You ready to go ?
Ashley : You and I and a couple of suitcases walking into the international offices ? I do nt think so .
Rick : What s the matter ? You do nt want to start any rumors , any gossip ? You do nt want to make your fiancé jealous ?
Ashley : Rick , come on . This is nt a game to me .
Rick : I know it s not a game to you . I just hope it s not a game to him .
Nick : Hey , pal .
Nick : God , you re so beautiful . ( Sobs ) ( sobbing ) oh , take me . God , take everything I have . Just ... just do nt take him . Do nt take him .
Nick : Do nt take him . ( Sobs )
Nick : How long is she gon na be out ? It s been a couple of hours .
Dr. Caron : That s completely normal .
Nick : You said that it went well , right ?
Dr. Caron : Very . In fact , I think this is what we ve been waiting for . Okay . All right , let s start the infusion .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Bridget : Hey .
Taylor : Mm . Where is Nick ?
Bridget : I m , uh-- I m sure he ll be right back .
Taylor : How did the surgery go ?
Bridget : That could not have gone better . The baby s probably getting the infusion right now .
Taylor : And the donor was a pretty close to perfect match ?
Bridget : Um , yeah .
Taylor : How is she doing ?
Bridget : Oh , uh , she s fine . She s in recovery .
Taylor : I just wish I could talk to her and thank her , because ... ( Sniffles ) she s just done so much for us , and I - I know there s the confidentiality clause , but-
Bridget : Right , yeah .
Taylor : I mean , does that mean I ll really never get to meet her and thank her ?
Bridget : Taylor ... ( Sighs ) Nick s gon na be back in just a minute , okay ?
Taylor : Bridget ?
Brooke : ( Weakly ) hi .
Nick : Hi . You re awake .
Brooke : Yeah , uh , I thought that was ringing in my ears .
Nick : ( Laughs )
Brooke : How d I do ?
Nick : Perfect . You did perfect .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) yeah ?
Nick : Oh .
Brooke : Oh , here , I - I can take that .
Nick : You re sure ?
Brooke : Yeah .
Nick : There you go .
Brooke : Hello ?
Ridge : What s going on ? Are you all right ?
Brooke : Ridge , um , yeah , I m fine .
Ridge : You sound tired .
Brooke : I am ... ( Sighs ) a little . I m sure you re tired , too . Did Katie get home yet ?
Ridge : Uh , hours ago .
Brooke : Oh , um , okay . Y - you do nt need to stay .
Ridge : You do nt sound right here . Do you want me to come down there ?
Brooke : Uh , no . No , I m -- I m fine . Uh , look , I - Ill tell you all about it tomorrow , okay ?
Ridge : Logan ...
Brooke : Yeah ?
Ridge : I love you .
Brooke : I love you , too .
Brooke : Is that ...
Nick : Yeah .
Brooke : Oh , Nick .
Nick : Hey . Hey . Hey . You shouldnt-- you should nt get up . It s too soon yet .
Brooke : Well , ca nt I see him ?
Nick : Are you sure you want to ?
Brooke : Yeah , I m sure .
Nick : There he is .
Brooke : Oh .
Brooke : He s so tiny .
Nick : Yeah , is nt he ?
Brooke : ( Gasps ) he s beautiful .
Nick : I know . You see this ? This is life flowing into him , life that you ve given to him again .
Brooke : It s our baby . It s amazing .
Nick : Brooke , this whole -- just--
Brooke : Nick , I am really happy that I could do this for you . But Taylor carried him , and you re his father . And you re gon na have a wonderful life together , just like Ridge and me . But for a few minutes , it does nt hurt to be proud parents , right ? I mean , what s the harm in that ?
Nick : No harm at all .
Baby : ( Cries )
Nick : You ve blessed my life in so many ways .
Baby : ( Crying )
Nick : Thank you for our son .
Taylor : Nick ?
Brooke : ( Gasps )
Taylor : Nick ? Nick .
Nick : Hey .
Taylor : Hi .
Nick : What are you doing out of bed ?
Taylor : Oh , there she is . That s the donor ? You wanted to me her , too , did nt you ? I - I just want to go thank her .
Nick : Are you sure ?
Taylor : Well , that s -- that s our angel of mercy . I mean , I - I just-- I want to thank her . I mean , she just did something so selfless . I - I want to-- I want to tell her that that means a lot to me , and I - I want to tell her how much it ll mean to me to-- to be able to raise this baby .
### Summary:
| Nick and Bridget explain to Brooke that Taylor s baby needs a bone marrow transplant . She still does nt understand until they draw her a picture - Taylor s baby is her biological child . Nick asks and Brooke agrees to be tested for a match . Taylor has been given a sedative so Nick leaves her to sleep . He insists on supervising the testing . Katie finds Ridge at Brooke s and champions the idea of him getting back with Brooke . Ashley checks into her Paris hotel , and is surprised by finding Rick in her bathtub . She declines when he invites her to join him . He will have to stay elsewhere , not in the corporate suite which she had already booked . The procedure goes well . Taylor awakes and wants to thank the donor mother . She spots a wheelchair by her bed . Ridge calls Brooke and she takes the call while horizontal . She urges him to go on home and she will explain tomorrow . She spots the baby and asks Nick to let her see him . She s happy she can do this for him and Taylor . They will be happy and a family .just like her and Ridge . He holds her hand and thanks her for his son . Suddenly Taylor wheels herself in and calls his name . The curtain divider prevents her from seeing the face of Brooke ; she just knows it s the donor mother and she wants very much to meet her and thank her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Daisy : Oh , come on , Phyllis , you know it s true . You ran down Paul and that Little Bug , Cricket . Here s the proof . You just love to judge me , tell me I m a horrible person . You tried to kill Lauren and Jana and Daniel . Look in the mirror , Phyllis . You are no better than I am . You re way worse . You never had to pay for what you did .
Daniel : You kept it secret for all of these years , and now Daisy -- Daisy ! Daisy , of all people , is the one who figures it out . We had that security footage that we could have used against her at the next custody hearing to get Lucy away from her , to get me out of that insane marriage . Now this . I - I - I do nt know . I mean , you know , if we do nt come up with some kind of way to get rid of Daisy , she is never gon na be out of our lives .
Phyllis : Hey , hey . Going to your meeting ?
Nick : Yep . Look at you , using a duster .
Phyllis : ( Laughs )
Nick : Now that we re married , you re , uh , Martha Stewart ?
Phyllis : Yep , yep . Things , you know . I m just trying to keep my mind off of things .
Nick : How s that working out ?
Phyllis : Distraction . Hey .
Avery : Hi . Oh , you re both here . Good .
Phyllis : You re gon na have to just deal with me , cause he s going to a meeting .
Avery : Okay , then I ll give you the short version . I think I found a way to get rid of Daisy .
Daisy : This machine hates me . You might as well fire me now .
Kevin : ( Clears throat ) The machine hates everybody .
Daisy : ( Sighs )
Kevin : Should have gotten rid of it years ago , but I am still determined to master it someday .
Eden : What ? What is she doing here ?
Kevin : She s working .
Eden : But she doesnt--
Kevin : Look , I m giving her a chance , the same way Michael gave me a chance and the same way he was there for you when you needed him . Come on , Daisy , I ll show you where we keep the extra supplies .
Daniel : I see you ve met the newest barista .
Eden : Yeah , what the hell ?
Daniel : Ohh , hell is a vacay compared to this .
Lauren : Kirk . Hi .
Kirk : If it is nt my latest customer .
Lauren : Uh , yeah . Um , about that . I want to tell you how much I appreciate your discretion .
Kirk : Glad to have your business . I hope you re keeping your newest purchase somewhere safe .
Lauren : Yes . I definitely have it covered . Hi , hi . ( Laughs )
Paul : Hi . How s it going ?
Lauren : Yeah , um , good .
Paul : Great .
Lauren : Good , good , good .
Kirk : Nice seeing you .
Paul : Everything okay ?
Lauren : It will be . So has something new happened with Ricky ?
Paul : Uh , I aw him ... and basically demanded that , uh , he stay away from Heather .
Ricky : Hmm .
Ricky : ( Sighs )
Paul : Ricky , um ... said some things .
Lauren : You mean , after you told him to stay away from his sister ?
Paul : He said that , uh ... he always wanted to be like me , an investigator that , uh , brought down the bad guys , and for some reason , I just see him as , um ... one of the bad guys , and he does nt understand why .
Lauren : Ohh . ( Sighs ) Ouch , huh ?
Paul : He also , um , accused me of loving Heather more than him .
Lauren : Hmm . He used the guilt card .
Paul : He meant what he said .
Lauren : Yeah , but it does nt make it any less manipulative .
Paul : No , I know . The same thought crossed my mind , which is why I did nt back down with Heather . But I m gon na feel like a royal jerk if he , uh , turns out to be sincere .
Lauren : Remember what I said about trusting your gut ? ( Laughs ) I mean , Lord knows it s saved me many times .
Paul : Thanks for reminding me I m not always wrong . ( Chuckles )
Lauren : ( Laughs ) Right . Yeah . You know , sometimes , I just get a feeling .
Paul : Like the one you have with Daisy ?
Lauren : I ran into her yesterday talking to Fen .
Paul : What did you do ?
Lauren : I lost it .
Paul : ( Chuckles )
Lauren : She s acting like she was nt doing anything wrong .
Paul : What , she just happened to be , uh , chatting with your son ?
Lauren : Right . But I have the feeling that I need to do whatever it takes to defend my family .
Paul : Defend your family ? How , exactly ?
Kevin : Can you check on supplies on the patio ?
Eden : I m sorry that I was so harsh before .
Kevin : I m not the one who can use an apology .
Eden : I mean , you are Daisy s brother , and , you know , if you want her back , then I m not about to judge you , after everything you ve been through .
Kevin : She s been through a lot , too , Eden
Eden : I m just trying to protect you and everyone else .
Kevin : From what ? It s not like she s gon na poison the coffee .
Eden : Are you sure about that ? The things that she s done to you and Daniel and Lauren--
Kevin : Do you think I have forgotten about any of that ? Look , just because I m giving her a chance to clean up her act does nt mean I m not keeping a watchful eye on her .
Eden : Okay .
Eden : Hey .
Daniel : Hey . That about Daisy ?
Eden : Yeah , he says he s trying to help her .
Daniel : ( Chuckles ) Help her today . Yesterday he was all telling me that he was on my side in this whole mess , and how he was gon na keep her away from everyone , make her stop bothering everyone .
Eden : Uh , well , what stopped him ?
Daniel : Me , I guess . I - I do nt know . I did nt want to put him in the middle of it , you know , but now he goes and he gives her a job . It s unbelievable
Eden : Well , I m sure you and Kevin will patch things up eventually .
Daniel : Maybe , but there s just a little more to it than that , you know ?
Eden : Like what ?
Daniel : Like when I married Daisy , the only thing that put my mind at ease was knowing that I could choose to stay or go .
Eden : And now you ca nt ?
Daniel : Nope . I m trapped , and there s no way out .
Avery : Okay , here . Read and rejoice
Phyllis : Duty to rescue . What -- what is that ?
Avery : Mm - hmm . It s a Wisconsin law that states if you are present when a person s life is at risk , you must contact authorities .
Nick : Or if do nt you get what a slap on the wrist ?
Avery : Okay , well , there s some wiggle room , unless you are the person responsible for putting the victim in peril . Now if that s the case and you do nt contact authorities , there are stiff penalties . We already know that Daisy created the situation that -- that caused danger to you and your baby .
Phyllis : Right , right , by arguing with me .
Avery : Yes , and we know from the security tapes and the acoustical situation outside that she must have heard your -- your crying , and she did nt do anything .
Nick : So Daisy could go to jail for causing the miscarriage .
Avery : A crime compounded by not calling for help .
Phyllis : So ... so wait a second . What -- what is this , a misdemeanor , or ...
Avery : Okay , I - I think we can bring her up on manslaughter charges or criminal negligence for -- for failing to help you .
Phyllis : So she ll go to jail .
Avery : Yeah .
Phyllis : And she ll lose Lucy , and Daniel will divorce her . Oh , my ... oh , my God , she ll finally be out of our lives forever . I took the dare ... will you ?
Nick : Avery , do you think this can work ?
Avery : I do , and since it s my fault that Daisy got out of jail in the first place--
Phyllis : Oh , no , dont-- dont -- please do nt even-- do nt even go there . I mean , all of this , what you ve done , it s -- you do nt even know .
Nick : I think Avery understands .
Phyllis : You saved my life . You saved Daniel s life , Lucy s life , with this . You know that .
Nick : If you can pull this off and make Daisy pay for what she s done ...
Phyllis : I just-- you ve given me a ray of hope . I just -- I m -- I-- thank you . I ve just ...
Avery : You re welcome .
Phyllis : Completely given up . Completely .
Nick : Look , I really got ta go , uh , to my meeting .
Avery : Uh , I ll walk out with you . I want to get things moving .
Phyllis : Oh , please , God , make this work . Please , God .
Lauren : I do nt have a plan where Daisy is concerned .
Paul : I do nt want you putting yourself in jeopardy .
Lauren : You know what ? Even talking about her is making me feel weird . I m gon na call Fen and just check in , okay ?
Paul : I ll be right here . It s all right .
Ricky : Ooh , s - sorry , I m --
Lauren : No harm done . I m fine .
Ricky : Dad .
Paul : Hey , Ricky . How are you doing ?
Ricky : I m fine , but ... I guess I should watch where I m going . See you .
Paul : Hey . Where you headed ?
Ricky : Really , Dad ?
Daniel : ( Chuckles )
Daisy : Hello , Husband .
Daniel : What do you want ?
Daisy : I just wanted to be close to you .
Eden : Oh , chill , okay ? We were just talking .
Daniel : Eden , its fine . I got it .
Eden : I have work to do anyway .
Daisy : What are you doing , hanging out with her I do nt want Eden or anybody to think that we re not happily married .
Daniel : Well , then maybe you should nt jump all over me when I m hanging out with a friend .
Daisy : You know , I really do nt want to expose your mother s dirty little secret , but I will .
Daniel : Okay , okay . I sent her away , did nt I ?
Daisy : Yeah , you did . That was sweet , and my shift s ending soon . Would you like to come with me to pick up Lucy from the nanny ?
Daniel : Nope . I got stuff to do . See you back at the house .
Daisy : ( Sighs )
Phyllis : Hope you had fun while it lasted . Your days are numbered .
Lauren : Hi .
Paul : Oh , there you are . I almost came looking for you . You seemed so upset when you left .
Lauren : Well , you know , thinking about Daisy always gets to me , and then the shock of running into Ricky . Did he say anything about me ?
Paul : No , why would he ?
Lauren : No reason . Ohh , I think I have to switch to decaf . My -- my nerves are shot .
Paul : Maybe you ought to tell me why that is .
Lauren : I already told you , it s nothing .
Paul : Nothing . Like the nothing plan that you do nt have , or the nothing that has got you so jittery , you re clinging on to that purse like a lifeline ? Come on , Lauren . Something s going on .
Lauren : Look , I thought maybe Ricky ... this is just between the two of us , right ?
Paul : Of course . It s me . You can always trust me .
Lauren : I thought maybe Ricky saw ... this .
Paul : Are you crazy ?
Lauren : Not as crazy as the person I m trying to protect my family from .
Heather : Yeah ? Hi .
Avery : Hi .
Heather : Come in .
Avery : I - I - I hope its okay , my dropping in like this .
Heather : No , it s fine . From the way you were knocking , it must be important .
Avery : Well , it s about Daisy s role in Phyllis miscarriage .
Heather : Did you find some way to hold her accountable ?
Avery : I might have .
Heather : Show me .
Avery : Take a look .
Heather : Oh . Oh , my God .
Avery : What do you think ?
Heather : Just a sec , just a sec .
Heather : ( Chuckles ) Oh , this is good .
Phyllis : You re going to jail .
Daisy : What are you accusing me of this time ?
Phyllis : You made me lose my baby . It turns out , that s a crime .
Daisy : I did nt do anything .
Phyllis : Exactly . You did nt do anything . You just stood there while I was screaming for help .
Daisy : Phyllis , why are you even in my face ? Are you forgetting what I know about you ?
Phyllis : You re going to jail , Daisy . You re going to jail . Do you understand that ?
Daisy : Yeah .
Phyllis : You ll lose Daniel , and you ll lose Lucy .
Daisy : Okay , and what if people find out that you tried to kill Paul and Christine ? What ll you lose ? Who s gon na get locked up then , huh ?
Phyllis : There s only one way I m not gon na press charges on you .
Daisy : Like I m scared of you .
Phyllis : You swear to me that you re not gon na tell anyone about the accident .
Daisy : You ve lost your mind .
Phyllis : Swear to me that you wo nt do that , and let go of your idea of a happy marriage . Let go of Daniel and share custody of Lucy civilly .
Daisy : No , you re not the one that gets to tell me what to do . I m the one keeping your secret .
Phyllis : You know , I - I m taking a risk by doing this . There is a chance you ll blab to everyone regardless .
Daisy : You think ?
Phyllis : Do the right thing , Daisy . You could turn this around .
Daisy : Bite me .
Paul : You can not have a gun in your possession . You are still on probation from the last time you got caught waving a weapon around in Daisy s face .
Lauren : Look , I am not waving a gun in anybody s face . It has nt come out of my purse .
Paul : Then why carry it around ?
Lauren : For insurance . That s all .
Paul : So when you do catch Daisy talking to your son or walking into your store , you can do something ?
Lauren : Look , without some sort of means of defense , if I see Daisy , I m gon na feel vulnerable , and I may even snap . But now I know that she ca nt hurt me .
Paul : Right , because you re gon na hurt her first .
Lauren : Only if necessary .
Paul : Ah . You know , I ca nt believe Michael is okay with this .
Lauren : He does nt know .
Paul : Because you know how wrong it is .
Lauren : I really appreciate your concern , but with all due respect , you did not live through what I lived through with that girl . ( Voice cracks ) Everything that she did to me is as vivid as if it had happened yesterday . She looks innocent , but she is as deadly as ever . Now I am begging you , please , please keep this between the two of us .
Paul : ( Exhales slowly )
Nick : Hey , Guys .
Paul : Nick , how s it going ?
Nick : It s going well . I ve got a little business meeting here , but , Lauren , I have some good news for you .
Lauren : Really ? What is it ?
Nick : Avery may have found a way to put Daisy back behind bars .
Paul : How is that possible ?
Nick : It s some long , complicated legal thing , but the good news is , Daisy could be out of our lives soon , and maybe this time , for good .
Lauren : ( Sighs )
Daisy : You re bluffing .
Phyllis : Oh , I think the judge is signing your arrest warrant right now .
Daisy : No , there s no way you would risk letting your secret out , getting yourself thrown in jail .
Phyllis : I would nt mind being there if I knew you were there .
Daisy : How would you feel if Lucy knew she was related to an attempted murderer ?
Phyllis : You re talking about yourself , right ?
Daisy : You , Paul , and Christine are all friends now ? They re gon na hate you if they find out you tried to kill them . Forget your marriage--
Phyllis : Do you know-- do you know how stupid you are ? You are a stupid , pathetic little girl . You think destroying me is gon na get you what you want ? Is that what you think ?
Daisy : It will if you get what you deserve !
Kevin : Stop it , stop it ! Stop it . All right , look , it is no news flash that you two are fighting , but it is not happening here .
Daisy : I m sorry , Kevin .
Kevin : I do nt care . I do nt care . I do nt care who started it .
Phyllis : This is insane .
Kevin : I do nt want any of this happening here . This is my place of business . Take it somewhere else .
Phyllis : Okay , I understand . I was leaving .
Daisy : I try to be nice to her . I do nt know why Daniel and Phyllis are so vicious .
Kevin : Look , Daisy , from what I just heard , you gave as good as you got , all right ?
Daisy : No , I was just defending myself . You do nt know how far she goes to make me look bad .
Ricky : Can I get a coffee ?
Eden : To go ?
Ricky : For here . Why do nt you bring it over when it s ready ?
Kevin : What , was he giving you a hard time ?
Eden : No , but he still creeps me out .
Avery : I was hoping you could help me put together a strategy ...
Heather : Mm - hmm .
Avery : How to best pursue these charges against Daisy .
Heather : What do you-- what do you need ? Precedents ?
Avery : Yes , as many as we can find to get the judge to take this seriously .
Heather : Have you talked to Michael ?
Avery : Uh , no , not yet . Michael has a contentious history with Daisy .
Heather : Oh .
Avery : And I do nt want conflict of interest to come back to bite us .
Heather : No , you re right . If I were defending Daisy against Michael ... ( Laughs ) The first thing I d do is cry prejudice . Yeah .
Avery : Yeah , exactly , so I need to be very careful about public perception . I cant -- I - it ca nt look like Michael took office and then--
Heather : What , promptly pursued a personal vendetta ?
Avery : Yeah .
Heather : No , it s -- its good you came to me .
Avery : So you ll help me ?
Heather : I d be happy to .
Daisy : Phyllis is coming at me still . You would nt believe it .
Daisy : Is that my old apartment ? Did you put a bug in there ?
Ricky : Shut your mouth , and forget you ever saw that .
Daisy : I ll forget if you do something for me .
Ricky : Well , what do you want ?
Daisy : I may have to take Lucy and get out of Genoa City fast .
Ricky : Why ?
Daisy : If it comes down to that , I need you to get me out of town .
Nick : Avery has some more research to do before we can file the case .
Lauren : ( Sighs ) That s very encouraging . It d be amazing to have Daisy back in jail .
Paul : It certainly puts things back in perspective , does nt it ?
Nick : Yeah . I thought you d like to hear that . I got ta go . The guy I m meeting with for lunch is here .
Lauren : All right , thanks so much for letting us know .
Nick : Sure .
Lauren : Okay .
Paul : Okay . So now that there s a very good possibility that Daisy will be out of your life again , you do nt need to risk your freedom by carrying around an illegal weapon .
Lauren : Nothing has changed yet .
Paul : Lauren , I know you think you need that gun , but listen to me . It s only gon na bring trouble . It s not gon na make anything better .
Lauren : And I mean , what do you want me to do ?
Paul : I want you to give it to me .
Kevin : You can go home now , Eden .
Eden : Why are you still mad at me ?
Kevin : I m not mad . I was never mad . It s just that it s slow and it s beautiful outside . Go , enjoy the day .
Eden : Wow , thanks . And , um , I m sorry again about coming down on you before .
Kevin : You were being protective of Daniel . I get that .
Eden : And you .
Kevin : ( Chuckles ) Look , I know that Daisy is nt innocent , but she s trying to make up for the things that she s done .
Eden : And you believe her ?
Kevin : I think she deserves a chance to get me to believe her .
Eden : Well , when I see how miserable Daniel is , and then think about how Daisy maneuvered him into marrying her , I--
Kevin : Hold on , hold on , hold on . Are you two still seeing each other ? Is that why you re so invested in all this ?
Eden : Daniel and me as a couple-- oh , no , that s over . But I do worry about him .
Daniel : ( Sighs ) Amber .
Daisy : Yeah , Baby , it s me .
Daniel : Guess it s true . You re back , huh ?
Abby : And you re ...
Daisy : Pregnant . That s why we re here . Hi , daddy .
Daniel : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , I can see it ! I can see her head ! She s coming , she s coming ! You want to hold her ?
Daniel : Come here . I thought we had a little deal , huh ? I let you go in Canada , and you never show your face around Genoa City again . What happened ?
Daisy : When I saw that photo of Lucy , I realized there was something missing-- me . Now I knew that it would involve getting in lots of trouble , but I had to come back and watch our daughter grow up .
Judge brown : The court finds that Daisy Carter will retain full physical custody of the child .
Daisy : Thank you .
Clarice : By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin , I now pronounce you husband and wife .
Daisy : You hated Cricket . I mean , you know that , right ? She hated her so much , she even rented a car to try and kill her . Now all families have secrets . As long as I m a part of this family , you do nt have to worry about this one getting out .
Ricky : Why the sudden decision to bail ?
Daisy : I do nt want to be separated from Lucy ever again .
Ricky : Well , you must have done something pretty awful if you re afraid you re gon na lose your own daughter .
Daisy : No . Just people are always making stuff up and accusing me .
Ricky : Like Phyllis pressing charges against you for causing her miscarriage , and then you doing nothing to help ?
Daisy : How did you-- you find that out from spying on your sister ?
Ricky : Well , if my sister s involved , you can bet your butt s going back to court , maybe even jail .
Daisy : But that s not gon na happen , cause you re gonna-- you re gon na help me get out of town , right ?
Ricky : What about Daniel ?
Daisy : I ca nt think about Daniel right now .
Ricky : He is your husband .
Daisy : I need to be free of all of this .
Ricky : Okay , okay , okay . I ll help you .
Daisy : ( Sighs )
Phyllis : Oh , hey , hi .
Avery : Hi .
Phyllis : Uh , so what d you find out ?
Avery : Well , I ran the duty to rescue statute past Heather .
Phyllis : Oh , wow , you -- you already went to the D.A. s office with it .
Avery : Unofficially , I did , and Heather agrees . We should be able to move forward with this case against Daisy .
Phyllis : Wow . Um , you know what ? I m -- I m not sure that should be the plan anymore .
Lauren : So are you planning on going to that arts gala tomorrow night ?
Paul : Um , I had nt really thought about it .
Lauren : Well , you know , my sister - in - law is one of the organizers . It s gon na be good . You know , food , entertainment .
Paul : Well , I d love to do something besides , um , worry about my kids for a change-- worry about my kids and you , I guess .
Lauren : Yeah , really . Well , then come .
Paul : I ll tell you what , I will consider it ... ( Whispering ) If you give me the gun .
Lauren : I m gon na hang on to this until we find out about the charges , okay ?
Paul : ( Normal voice ) What if Daisy does something to spook you in the meantime ?
Lauren : You know , I really used to go through life with such power .
Paul : You still do .
Lauren : I had confidence . I had my son s love , and Michael s , and-- and that s what got me through , and Daisy made me powerless .
Paul : You re home ... and you re safe . That s over .
Lauren : ( Sighs ) I m keeping the gun .
Kevin : It ll be okay , I pro-- ( Shudders ) Good - b -- oh . Okay , good - bye . Ay .
Heather : That had to be some depressing phone call .
Kevin : Chloe is having all of these last - minute freak - outs about the gala tomorrow night .
Heather : Oh , it ll be beautiful . I m sorry I ca nt make it .
Kevin : Oh , why not ?
Heather : Um , work .
Kevin : That reminds me , I have to see if Daisy will cover this shift tomorrow night .
Heather : So Daisy s an employee now .
Kevin : Daisy s an employee now .
Heather : Hmm .
Kevin : And I am taking a lot of crap from a lot of people about it . But you would hire Ricky , right , if he needed a job ?
Heather : Oh , uh ... ( Chuckles ) Uh , no . No .
Kevin : Why ? Taking your dad s warning seriously now ?
Heather : No , I m not aware of anything Ricky s done lately that s really that bad .
Kevin : So then , why would nt you hire him ?
Heather : I do nt like him much .
Kevin : ( Chuckles ) Okay .
Ricky : What are you doing ?
Eden : Well , I was on my way home , and I saw you go inside , and since you do nt live here anymore , I just-- I thought it was strange .
Ricky : I left something behind .
Eden : Oh , what would that be ?
Ricky : ( Sighs )
Eden : You know what , Ricky ? I - I really am sorry . I - I should nt have judged you , and you know what ? This constant tension between us-- I mean , are nt you over it ?
Ricky : Yeah , pretty much .
Eden : Me , too . We should start fresh , maybe even hang sometime . What do you say ?
Ricky : Sure . I d be down with that .
Daniel : What s going on ?
Phyllis : Um , yeah , I m -- I m -- ( Sighs ) Avery , I m suddenly remembering the details of the argument with Daisy .
Avery : What details ?
Phyllis : Well ... ( Sighs ) Honestly , um ... I thought I cried out , and I - I was so upset . Now that my head has cleared , I - I did nt . I did nt cry out .
Avery : You re sure ?
Phyllis : Yeah , yeah , I - I m sure , I m sure , and -- and so I think that we just have-- you know , we ca nt pursue this case against Daisy .
Avery : Okay , you know what ? No , of course we can , of course we can you did nt scream , but she-- you were crying , right ?
Phyllis : Y - yeah , but -- but--
Avery : You were in pain . She had to hear that .
Phyllis : Well , no , you re assuming that . You re assuming that , see ? And -- and we ca nt lie . ( Laughs ) We ca nt , so -I think we have to just drop the whole thing .
Avery : ( Scoffs ) Phyllis .
Phyllis : Yeah , y - yeah .
Avery : Okay , you know what ?
Phyllis : ( Clears throat )
Avery : I will be in touch .
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Nick : Hey .
Phyllis : Hey , that was fast .
Nick : Yeah , I just sat down at my meeting , and the guy had to take off because of a family emergency .
Phyllis : Did you see Avery in the hall ?
Nick : No .
Phyllis : You know what ? Um ... I just want you to know , I m feeling better about things than I have in a long time .
Nick : What s wrong ? You okay ?
Phyllis : Yeah . I - I want this to be over .
Victor : You will regret having given all your money to that loser .
Ricky : Rachel , look up . Smile for the camera .
Lauren : Who were you talking to ?
Michael : Daisy . She insists that she has to meet with me .
### Summary:
| Lauren tells Paul about the gun she bought , because she is worried that Ricky mentioned the gun to Paul when he bumped into her . Paul tries to persuade Lauren to give him the gun , but she insists she must keep it to protect her family . Avery tells Phyllis she found an old Wisconsin law called the duty to rescue law , which says if you put a person in danger , and refuse to help them , you could go to jail . In Daisy s case , she could face manslaughter charges for causing Phyllis to miscarry . Phyllis gets excited and tells Daisy that she will press charges against her unless she divorces Daniel and agrees to share custody of Lucy . Daisy thinks Phyllis would never risk her revealing her secret , but Phyllis says she would gladly go to jail as long as Daisy was in jail with her . Daisy asks Ricky to help her come up with a plan in case she has to leave town in a hurry with Lucy . Ricky does nt understand why Daisy wants to leave town , but he agrees to help her . Eden overhears the conversation and later follows Ricky who just happens to be using his old key to get into Heather s apartment . He tells Eden he forgot something and was just picking it up . Eden wants to call a truce with Ricky and asks him if he wants to hang out with her some time . Ricky is surprised but thinks hanging out with Eden would be fun . Phyllis tells Avery that she does nt want to press charges against Daisy , because it would nt be a good idea . Avery is stunned and tells Phyllis she will be in touch with her later . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Zach : Hi .
Kendall : If we go , if we turn out the lights and leave , then it all really happened . Simone and Erin are gone forever . I know , I know . It does nt make any sense , it s silly , but it s almost Christmas , and they re not here . Just stay a little longer ?
Zach : As long as you need , honey .
Jack : What are you doing ? Bianca , you do nt have to do that .
Bianca : Yeah -- no , I do , I want to . Jeez , who else is going to do it ? Did you see Ryan s face at the reception ? And Kendall s and -- and Dani s and --
Jack : Yeah , I saw your face , too . I just want you to know I m here for you . I m here for you no matter what .
Bianca : No matter what happens between you and Mom .
Jeff : Oh , there you are . I wanted to check on you after the funeral .
Erica : Well , thank you . And thank you for something else , as well ?
Jeff : Well , it s -- uh -- tempting to take credit , whether I deserve it or not .
Erica : A gift ?
Jeff : Looks like someone got a jump on Christmas .
Colby : Ok , I bet you I d get your aunt home by Christmas . This is where you help me .
Sean : What , help you win , me lose ? Makes a lot of sense .
Colby : If you want a kitschy family Christmas --
Krystal : Just drop the Humbug and grab some Ho - ho - ho .
Adam : I gave you truckers , and this is what I get in return .
Krystal : Oh , please . I thought you would be thrilled , honey . This is right up your alley .
Adam : You ve got me confused with Stuart .
Krystal : Well , if you ca nt feel it , could you at least fake it ? Otherwise , you can expect my gift for you to stay wrapped up till after New Year s .
Adam : Uh - huh . Oh , no .
Dixie : Krystal must be pretty strong to keep this secret she s carrying of Tad s baby and not crack under the weight .
Babe : Huh . Would you please stop saying that ? The baby is Adam s , and he and Mama are over the moon .
Dixie : It s ok , you do nt have to cover for her , really . I ve talked to Krystal . Tad s baby is on the way .
Girl s voice : Daddy ? Daddy ?
Dixie s voice : Where is he ? Go on , Kate , go find Daddy .
Tad : Hmm . No , just -- ahem -- get it together . Stay together . Whew . Zach . Slater . Cambias , Jr. New Mexico . Las Vegas .
Dixie s voice : Kate , you picked such pretty ornaments .
Kate s voice : I want to show them to Daddy .
Disguised voice : You re wasting time , Doctor . Notice anything different ? I ve just cut off your air supply . If you have any last words , now would be a good time to say them .
Dixie s voice : Sweetness , can you help me find the one for J.R. ?
Kate s voice : Red for J.R. , silver for Jamie .
Dixie s voice : Oh , look , you found them . Good job .
Kate s voice : Gold for Daddy .
Dixie s voice : Nice . What about kisses for Daddy ?
Kate s voice : Gold kisses for Daddy .
Dixie s voice : Oh , you funny girl .
Disguised voice : That s entirely up to you , Dr. Madden . I m either the angel who gives you a second chance at life , or I m the devil , here to carry out your execution .
Livia : I figured it out .
Dixie : You do nt have to protect your mother , not from me .
Babe : Huh . Do you have any idea how long it s taken Mama to find someone that she can love for the rest of her life ? A person that loves her back ? And now they re having a baby , a little girl , and they re naming her Charlotte .
Dixie : That s Adam s sister s name . But we all know the baby will be Tad s .
Babe : With everything that is going on between J.R. and me , Mama and Adam could ve easily taken sides . They could ve made it the Careys against the Chandlers , but they did nt , because they love each other . Do nt take it away over some horrible lie .
Krystal : Ok , who do we want ?
All : Santa !
Krystal : Santa , baby , come on out !
Adam : Mrs. C , would you kindly get your Christmas buns out here ?
Krystal : One night of the year he s the big cheese , and he thinks he can boss me around . Come on , now . Do nt be shy . You are Santa . You are the big man .
Adam : Apparently not .
Krystal : You want to rethink that ? Huh ? There s nothing sadder than an unwrapped present -- sad and lonely . Oh , holy night .
Sean : That s the plan ? Are you delusional ?
Colby : Do you notice anything special about me ? I m a girl . I understand romance and magic .
Sean : Ok , God , there s disaster written all over this .
Colby : Cue the concerned nephew . Go !
Erica : Sean . Well , that was quite an entrance .
Sean : Doc Martin -- huh . What s on the menu this time ?
Jeff : Well , it s -- it s good to see you again , Sean .
Sean : Yeah , is nt it ? Yeah -- but enough about me . Now , let s -- let s -- let s talk about you .
Erica : Can I do something for you , Sean ?
Sean : Look -- the bird flew home . Nice perch .
Erica : You ve seen that before ?
Sean : Trick question ?
Erica : Did Jack send that to me ?
Sean : Are there any other true loves you can think of ?
Jack : Bianca , your mother and I are with you for all of this -- you know we are -- and that beautiful daughter of yours . So do nt worry about Erica and me , ok ? You worry about one thing , and that s giving Miranda the best Christmas ever . Ok ? Because she deserves it , and so do you . You deserve the world .
Bianca : You ll make me cry again .
Jack : Oh , well , do nt do that .
Bianca : Oh .
Jack : Hey , you . If you need anything -- and I mean anything at all -- you let me know , will you ?
Kendall : Yeah . Thank you .
Jack : Ok .
Zach : Ahem .
Bianca : I know your secret .
Zach : Tell me .
Bianca : Your mind works a million miles a minute . But your face --
Zach : I do nt have two thoughts to rub together .
Bianca : Two young women were murdered , and that is unbearable for all of us . But for you -- the guy who tries to protect us , who wants to always keep us safe --
Zach : Do you think you can convince Kendall to move all this stuff into the casino ?
Bianca : Sure . And then I ll yank the moon down from the sky as an encore . Look , the -- the person who did this --
Zach : Could do it again .
Bianca : It s not Zarf . I -- I know that he s on your list .
Zach : Not at the top . It s a long list .
Bianca : Well , good . Because I ve spent a lot of time with him , and I know that he seems bizarre a little bit , but I think that he s just a little lost . Maybe more than a little lost , but not -- not violent .
Zach : We do nt have to do this now , you know .
Bianca : There are still some decent people in the world .
Zach : I m sure there are .
Kendall : Ahem . I m ready to go now .
Zach : Ok , let s go .
Kendall : Ok . Uh -- you -- you need to come , too . You -- you ca nt stay here .
Bianca : Kendall , I m -- I m going to be fine . I -- I have a cell phone . I -- I have a bodyguard . Nothing bad is going to happen .
Kendall : Ever . Please , just tell me that nothing bad will ever happen again .
Bianca : Oh . I love you .
Kendall : Thank you for -- for bringing Christmas here -- for trying , anyway . What if it does nt really come ? What if Christmas does nt come ?
Zach : It ll be here before you know .
Kendall : Yeah ?
Zach : Yeah . Happy thoughts only . Come on , let s go . See you .
Kendall : Ok .
Krystal : Well , are nt you the cutest thing .
Adam : Yeah . I ll see you at home .
Krystal : No , no , no , no . No guts , no glory , sugarplum . Come on .
Adam : No .
Krystal : Come on .
Krystal : Hey ! Look who I found in the hallway !
All : That s not Santa .
Adam : This is --
Krystal : No -- no , this -- this is Scrooge --
Adam : Huh .
Krystal : The Christmas grump .
Adam : This is ridiculous .
Krystal : No . Did you hear what Scrooge says ? He said , Christmas is ridiculous . Now , is he right , or is he wrong ?
All : Wrong !
Krystal : Wrong .
Adam : Oh , that Santa Claus and his eight silly , prancing rhinos .
Krystal : Oh , come on . Now , Santa does nt have rhinos .
Winifred : What does Santa have ?
Krystal : What ? He has what ?
Winifred : He has reindeer .
All : Reindeer !
Krystal : Reindeer .
Adam : Well -- well , that s the very same Santa Claus that puts a star on top of his cactus .
Woman : Not on the --
All : On the tree !
Adam : Yeah , I bet you all made him liver and onions for Santa -- and his -- his rhinoceroses .
Winifred : What do you want .
All : Milk and cookies !
Emma : Milk and cookies .
Dixie : Krystal -- comforted Tad on what was probably the worst night of his life .
Babe : Oh -- it never happened .
Dixie : But it did . I was there , I saw it , and Krystal and Tad have admitted it . And it s ok , it s all right . I know it happened out of affection . I -- I do , and I -- I -- Tad probably needed that more than any of us could possibly know .
Babe : Dixie , I really hate everything that you ve been through , and I know that when my dad told you that Emma was Kate , that you did nt expect on spending Christmas without your daughter , but you really need to stop saying this .
Dixie : Your dad was going to tell everybody about Tad s other child at Thanksgiving , on that DVD , right ? I mean , that s why you smashed the TV and broke the DVD , right ?
Babe : You do realize if Adam heard you say this -- even though it s not true -- he would leave Mama and break her heart , all because you got some crazy idea in your head , and you wo nt let it go .
Dixie : Well , look , you know , I broke Tad s heart when I told him about my affair with David . And then I lied to him about Kate . I mean , it s -- it s so hard to know whether to tell or stay quiet about certain things . God , what Krystal must be going through . Watching Adam glow over this baby and Tad mourn the child he lost -- it must be awful for her .
Babe : It s more than awful . The lies . It s -- it s more than awful to hear the lies . And if you told this to Mama -- look , Dixie , it s almost Christmas , and you know what it s like at the mansion . It is -- it s tense and it s -- it s weird -- except for when there s this little boy running around , or when we re focused on the little girl that s not even here yet . So you calling one of them a trick or a lie , that -- that s awful . That -- that s what s awful .
Dixie : David swore that the baby was Tad s .
Babe : And David also swore that Emma was Kate . People suffer , David smiles -- that s just how it is .
Dixie : Krystal and Tad and that night --
Babe : Look , I -- Dixie , I just -- I do nt -- I do nt want to know . I really do nt . When I look at Mama and Adam , I just -- I see how much they love each other , and how they support each other . So , what -- so what are you going to do , take away my mother s child and give it to Tad ? That s going to make everything better ? You think he s just going to forget about Kate ?
Dixie : He s never going to forget about Kate . Neither of us will .
Babe : For a few horrible months , I thought that I had lost my son forever . So I do kind of have an idea how you re feeling right now . But this is between you and Tad , so , please , Dixie , I need you to leave Mama and Adam s baby out of this .
Tad : I m sorry , counselor , but unless you figured out who killed Simone and Erin , I m -- you re going to have to forgive me .
Livia : You wo nt face me now , huh ? But on the witness stand -- wow . What a performance you put on about Dixie and Zach .
Tad : Well , so , what , you -- you here because you want an apology ? Ok . I m sorry .
Livia : I know who killed Greg Madden . I wo nt say it out loud , but we both know the answer .
Tad : Livia , nobody ever gave a damn about Greg Madden . Nobody . But a woman I cared very much about is gone , murdered , as well as another woman I ll never even get the chance to know . So do nt look now , but the whole Greg Madden thing is over . It s done .
Livia : Well , I m not here in my official capacity as an officer of the court . I m here because I used to call you friend . What do I call you now ?
Tad : I m sure you could think of a couple of things .
Livia : What the hell happened to you ?
Tad : What has nt happened to me ? What do you want ? Why are you here ? You know the truth ? Ok , fine . If you go out there , do whatever you have to do .
Livia : On the stand , you played the part so perfectly . But your eyes -- cold , empty . That was nt an act , was it ? It s gone .
Tad : What s gone ?
Livia : Your soul . Is there any remnant of my friend still there ? Is there any part of Thaddeus James Martin still in there , alive ?
Tad : Madden s gone . Kate s gone . I guess whoever the hell I used to be is gone , too .
Bianca : Hey .
Dixie : Hi .
Bianca : Oh -- oh , it s ok . Thank you .
Dixie : Hi , Bianca .
Bianca : Hi .
Bianca : Boy , it s good to see you .
Dixie : Thank you . I m so sorry for your loss .
Bianca : Thank you . I -- I just ca nt believe that somebody could do something so evil and terrible .
Dixie : It must make you just want to run home and hug your little girl .
Bianca : Mm - hmm . And hold her and never let her go .
Dixie : Especially when you know what it s like not to be able to hold her .
Bianca : Yeah . True .
Dixie : Because of what Babe did . I mean , I heard . But I could nt help but notice -- today you let her hug your daughter .
Bianca : It was a -- a difficult day for all of us .
Dixie : How did you forgive someone who kept your child from you ?
Krystal : You see , Scrooge ? Every kid loves Christmas .
Adam : Oh ! Christmas is the -- the boringest , stinkiest --
Winifred : Oh !
Adam : Bah - humbuggiest time of the year .
Winifred : No , it is -- no .
All : No .
Adam : It is , too . Is , too .
Krystal : Now , how are we going to unscroogify this silly goose , huh ?
Adam : Huh .
Krystal : Are we going to have to tickle him ?
Adam : Oh , no .
Krystal : We re going have to tickle him !
Winifred : Oh , no !
Krystal : Whoo ! We re going to have to tickle him !
Adam : I ca nt laugh --
Krystal : Oh , oh , oh , oh ! Wait , I -- I think I have a telegram from the North Pole , so you just keep on tickling him .
Adam : Oh , no , you re leaving me with the tickle monsters .
Winifred : Tickle , tickle , tickle .
Krystal : Honey , come on in there . Little Adam is -- you should see the smile on his face .
Babe : No , no , no , no -- Mama . Dixie is about to blow the tinsel right off your tree .
Erica : She s a two - segment guest at least . So , bump the demo , and take a minute from the audience Q & A , and tag that onto the close .
Man : You got it .
Erica : Ok . Sorry about that . Sean , you were just about to tell me if Jack sent me that gift .
Sean : Oh , I -- uh -- I just came by to see if we should save a spot for you by the tree . You know , because if you re not going to come home , then I ll just forget about that pendant box . And maybe you could forget about that pendant box . You know , Uncle Jack s a champ , you know , a lion . But even a lion s got pride , right ?
Erica : Is he even making sense ?
Jeff : Um -- actually , yes .
Sean : Look , all I m saying is , you know , if you do nt come home , the presents never happened .
Erica : Presents , plural ?
Sean : Yeah . So , what s your plan ?
Erica : I ll get back to you .
Sean : Denied . Ok , I can deal . Erica . Doc Martin .
Jeff : Sean .
Colby : You were awesome !
Sean : I was lame ! One good head - butt and this would all be over .
Colby : Oh -- go ! Go , go , go ! Go , go , go !
Sean : What s that ?
Colby : Two turtledoves !
Kendall : You -- what did you do ?
Zach : You know what ? I know who did this .
Kendall : You did this .
Zach : Those little -- crazy little , sick --
Kendall : A crazy elf ?
Zach : Little bastard elves --
Kendall : No , you re -- that would be you .
Kendall : You , my friend , are amazing . You re brilliant !
Zach : Thank you .
Kendall : Yes . You re a train - a - holic , is what you are .
Zach : Nope , this train has nothing to do with me -- I could take it or leave it -- but Spike would blow a gasket if we did nt have it .
Kendall : Oh , yeah ?
Zach : So --
Kendall : Well , he -- he thinks wooden spoons are a party , ok ?
Zach : Little boys like trains . Maybe we should see if it works . You ready ?
Kendall : Ok , I m --
Zach : You got a ticket ?
Kendall : I have no ticket .
Zach : Ok .
Kendall : Do nt -- do nt put yourself out .
Zach : Here we go .
Kendall : Wait -- whoa . What is this ?
Zach : Nice .
Kendall : That s --
Zach : That s for Spike .
Kendall : This ca nt be for Spike . This is huge . His head will -- it ll swallow his whole head .
Zach : Little elves -- man , they do nt know anything . Here , this -- this is for Spike .
Kendall : Look at that .
Zach : This is for me .
Kendall : Wow . That --
Zach : Huh ?
Kendall : You re -- seriously , you re really hot right now .
Zach : Thank you . It can go -- it s fast , too .
Kendall : No , I mean , actually , you are --
Zach : Yeah ?
Kendall : Yeah .
Zach : You like that hat ?
Kendall : I like that hat .
Zach : You do , huh ?
Kendall : Mm - hmm . I think it s hot .
Zach : Uh - huh ?
Kendall : Mm - hmm .
Zach : You want to go on a train ride with me ?
Kendall : Uh - huh !
Sean : I admit it -- you had it under control back at the enemy offices . My eyes have been opened .
Colby : Erica will be home by Christmas . I m serious . And she has tons of more gifts coming -- some fancy , some expensive , some homemade . I am covering all the romantic angles .
Sean : And if Erica calls Jack -- Yo , what up ? How much did that diamond chicken on a stick set you back ?
Colby : Yeah , that is so Erica Kane . No . First , she ll play it cool -- at least , until the five golden rings -- and then she will run into your uncle s arms . After , he ll romance her so hard , she forgets her own name -- never mind the brooch and the orchids .
Sean : Done deal ?
Colby : Xmas bliss .
Jack : So , what are you two up to ? You planning something that I will soon regret ?
Sean : Plan - free here .
Colby : We re open to suggestions .
Erica : Well , we re having a hard time getting any privacy , are nt we ?
Jeff : Well , you , me , two turtle doves , and partridge , and so forth .
Erica : Well , they are lovely and and surprising .
Jeff : Jack would be an idiot not to want you back . I mean , he he may be a lot of things but he s --
Erica : Well , but we ve already talked about divorce -- and lawyers .
Jeff : Was he at the funeral ?
Erica : He was pleasant , he was polite -- and then this was here waiting for me .
Jeff : Well , you want me to explain a man s mind when he was in love ?
Erica : Would you ?
Jeff : Well -- no . No , I do nt think so . I mean , frankly , I do nt care what Jack thinks or how he feels . I m not going to cheer for Jack when I m busy rooting for you and me .
Erica : Hmm .
Dixie : I hope I m not prying .
Bianca : Oh , God , no . You -- you want an answer about forgiveness , but I m not sure that I m the one to give it to you . I mean , I wish -- I wish that I could say the perfect thing , something that could give you some kind of peace and comfort , but I ca nt .
Dixie : Oh , no , it s ok . I mean , my guilt is now a part of me . And how I feel about Greg Madden -- I mean , I m not asking you to -- to change any of that . I -- I just -- I m just asking for you . How did you forgive the person who kept your child from you ?
Bianca : I did nt forgive her .
Babe : So Dixie -- she started talking about keeping the truth about Kate from Tad and said how hard the lie must be for you , and I slipped and I said , It was awful .
Krystal : No -- it -- it is awful , but I ca nt exactly ask for any pity .
Babe : I covered , but -- and I just said it was a lie , but I do nt -- I do nt know if she bought it . What if it s too late ?
Krystal : This is not on you , Babe , and I m not going to have you thinking that it is , all right ? She has been putting it all together ever since she heard about my happy news .
Babe : This entire time ?
Krystal : Yeah . Huh . And you were nt exactly on Easy Street , so , you know , I just decided that this was my problem .
Babe : No . As long as I m breathing , there is nothing that you have to handle on your own .
Krystal : I appreciate that , honey . But I have just accepted the fact that I m going to have to live with this decision that I made for the rest of my life -- unless Dixie makes a decision on her own .
Babe : So what exactly is she thinking ? She can just point at your belly , and Tad s going to forget that Kate ever existed ?
Krystal : She loves him , Babe . Dixie loves Tad , no matter what either one of them says , and it s the kind of till the end of time love , you know ? She wants to give him a baby to love .
Babe : And what about what you want ?
Krystal : I want to give the man that I love a baby . Come on . Come on .
Adam : Ebenezer Scrooge ca nt smile .
Winifred : Oh , come on !
Adam : This -- this is nuts .
Winifred : Show him how to do it . Show him . Oh .
Adam : No .
Tad : I m alone , my family is in shreds , and I m never going to even know what my little girl looks like . And if there s a reason for any of it , it s me -- what I ve done , who I am . To tell you the truth , a shovel , a hole in the ground , and a wooden box are about all that s left , all wrapped up in nice , yellow , crime - scene tape . There s no me left in here -- at least , not the man you used to know , anyway . Maybe you should just accept it and move on .
Livia : I wo nt do that . Tad Martin is a good and decent man .
Tad : Maybe once . But Tad Martin is dead . Let him rest in peace .
Livia : He s not dead .
Tad : Yes , he is .
Livia : He s not .
Tad : He was buried with Greg Madden .
Livia : Let me help you .
Tad : How ? You think you can help me , save me ? Can you cleanse a tainted soul ? I m in hell , Livia . I m right where I should be . Every minute of every day , I m in hell , where somebody like me belongs . I know because the voices in my head tell me all about it . Everything I was , everything I ever had , who I ever will have is dead and gone because I buried it . I made a choice , I took a chance , and I traded away my soul . That s who I am .
Tad : Stop , ok ? Just -- give us both a break . Just leave me alone , ok ? I do nt want you to fix me , I do nt want you to try and comfort me , and you sure as hell ca nt forgive me .
Livia : I m not the one whose forgiveness you need .
Tad : Are we going to stand around and talk about God now ?
Livia : Well , God knows what you re going through . God s the only one that can judge and forgive .
Tad : What do you want me to do ? You want me to fall on my knees , start praying , weeping , confessing my sins ? Why should I ? God knows all about it , he was there . He was there when I turned my back on him , so he s turned his back on me . It s over . I m done .
Livia : It s not over . You fall down , you get up , you fight , you try , you ask for help , and it comes .
Tad : Livia , I stuck a man in the ground . And then I dug him up , and I put him back there all over again . Why would God care about a man like me ? Why should he ?
Livia : I know God cares for you . And I know that as long as you re alive , you can pray , and as long as you can pray , there is hope . Christ died so that we are all forgiven , we are all saved . Now , you simply have to accept and receive that .
Tad : Look at me . Look in my eyes . You were right the first time . There s nothing left . That s all there is to it .
Dixie : But you stood by Babe at the gravesite .
Bianca : Well , you know , that was -- saying good - bye to Simone and Erin was nt about me and Babe . It was about Simone and Erin .
Dixie : Well , you -- you do nt seem really angry .
Bianca : I m sorry . This is , uh , not your fault -- um -- and I know that you are going through your own hell , but I am really tired of everybody being so sure about how I should react to Babe -- my sister , my mother , people on the street who read about it in a tabloid . It was my baby that Babe kept from me , and it was me that she lied to . And how I react to her , how I feel about her --
Dixie : So you do nt forgive her ?
Bianca : On any given day , I resent her . I hate her . I pity her . I worry for her . I -- I miss our friendship . But do I forgive her ? Nobody has a right to keep a parent from her child . There is no excuse for that . There is no rationalization . It s unthinkable and unforgivable .
Kendall : You know , I was clueless .
Zach : Sadly .
Kendall : Yeah . Just unenlightened .
Zach : Mm - hmm , but willing to learn .
Kendall : Mm - hmm . And now I see what all the fuss is about .
Zach : See you guys later .
Kendall : Ooh , chugga - chugga - choo - choo .
Zach : Chugga - chugga- choo - choo ?
Kendall : Yeah , you like that ?
Zach : Yeah .
Kendall : Give me some of that .
Zach : I ll take it this time .
Kendall : Give me some of that .
Sean : You know magic and romance . You can whip up this crazy , elaborate plan to bend misguided adults any way you like . Yet you seriously suck at school .
Colby : I m a creative spirit .
Sean : No , you re a slacker .
Colby : I just need the perfect means of expression .
Sean : Yeah , who shoveled that load ?
Colby : Hmm , guidance counselor -- three days before I ran away from my mom and stole the cars .
Erica : I m done talking about Jack and me .
Jeff : Good . Let s talk about Christmas . The Philharmonic is playing Handel s Messiah . Would you like to join me ?
Erica : Oh -- I m just not sure what I have to be --
Jeff : I know . I ll get back to you . This -- this noncommittal you is -- it s very different .
Erica : Oh . Do you mind ?
Jeff : It s all about what you want .
Krystal : How about another story , handsome ?
Adam : Oh , yeah . Yeah , I have one . It s a -- it s a story about a miraculous baby who brought great joy .
Woman : How d you do that ?
Adam : The most wondrous baby ever born .
Woman : Yay !
Dixie : Unforgivable ?
Bianca : For me . The -- I mean , this is all for me . This is my unique experience , and what you re going through , what you re feeling , and the decisions that you ll make , I do nt want to complicate any of that .
Dixie : That s ok , you did nt . It s all right . Thanks for being honest .
Dixie s voice : Did you swipe that gingerbread , Kate ?
Kate s voice : Maybe .
Dixie s voice : And maybe the powdered sugar is all over your face . Come here , let me wipe it off .
Dixie s voice : Tad , would you -- would you get your daughter to stop wiggling ?
Tad s disguised voice : I m going to give you some alone time to think about what it s like to look death dead in the eye .
Krystal ( to Babe ) : I might as well just put on my flame - retardant Santa suit because my life is getting really burned to the ground .
Julia ( to Tad ) : Have you made a wish on a Christmas star yet this year ? I heard that when you wish on it , it can bring miracles .
Father Clarence : I came to see you , Dixie .
### Summary:
| Kendall lingers at Fusion , not ready to leave behind the memories of Simone and Erin . Bianca and Jack share a moment and declare that they are still going to be there for each other , no matter what happens with Erica . Later , Bianca also shares a close moment with Zach . She can tell something is bothering him , but as usual , he keeps his secrets to himself . Later , Zach surprises Kendall with Christmas decorations at their place , including a railroad set up for Spike . They start kissing . Jeff denies to Erica that he got her the gift she found . Spurred on by Colby , Sean confirms to Erica that Jack sent it to her . Colby keeps plotting , but Sean does nt think her plan to get Erica home for Christmas will work . Jack wonders what they are up to . Sean realizes that Colby is actually very smart - she just does nt apply herself in school . Jeff invites Erica to go see the Christmas oratorio The Messiah with him . Krystal entertains the sick children at the hospital . She is dressed up as Mrs. Claus . Adam helps her reluctantly , dressed as Scrooge instead of Santa . They put on a good show for the kids . Babe begs Dixie not to threaten Adam and Krystal s marriage over a lie . Dixie keeps on her case until Babe sort of lets slip that it s awful living with the lies . Later , seeking different answers , Dixie asks Bianca how she was able to forgive Babe for kidnapping Miranda . Bianca tells her that she did nt forgive her . Meanwhile , Babe warns Krystal about Dixie . Tad tries to work in his office , but he s haunted by memories of his lost daughter and of burying Greg . Livia drops by and tells him that she knows he killed Greg . They have a chat about his soul being gone , and about religion and faith . Tad concludes that he is lost and goes back to having his haunted memories . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jack : Yeah , hold on a second . Imani , it s for you .
Imani : Hello ? Grandmother , what s wrong ? Are you sick ? Madea , you re not supposed to call here unless it s an emergency . Who s asking questions about me ? Ok , grandmother , listen to me . Do not talk to anyone . And do nt call here again . I know , I love you , too . Soon . Soon .
Rafe : Come on ! Show your face ! Come on , what are you afraid of ? So , you know Alison tried to -- she tried to get down here to be with me . But she could nt . For some reason , she could nt . So guess what -- you lose !
Voice : Think again , slayer . She may be safe for the moment , but you re stuck here . So who s the loser ?
Livvie s voice : Just let me take care of you . Just relax . Lose yourself in my touch . I want to be the only one to ever touch you like this .
Caleb : I just need d to be patient .
Alison : You know , the only thing that I can think of is that that is nt your real ring .
Alison : Caleb , answer me . I was touching your ring when I made the wish for Rafe to come home , but it did nt work .
Caleb : It s something you never should have done , Alison .
Alison : Look that ring is supposed to grant every single wish , no matter who s touching it . But it did nt work because that is not your real ring , is it ? My god , that s a phony . That means that Rafe is nt coming back . So where is it ? Caleb , where is your real ring ?
Livvie : Once I get everything set up for tonight , it ll be perfect . Then I can finally make my wish .
Imani : Can I get you something ?
Livvie : Yeah , I d like something to go , something special --
Imani : It s you . Would you mind taking her order ?
Jack : I got it . So , I see you make friends wherever you go .
Livvie : Yeah , you should be glad I m giving you my business . I would like two large lobster tails and some Caesar salads and some rice and veggies on the side , please , to go -- now .
Jack : Big occasion ?
Livvie : Yeah , you have no idea .
Jack : So , who s the victim ?
Livvie : Oh , god . You do nt know me anymore , do you ?
Jack : I know you well enough to know you re up to something tonight . It s written all over your face , Livvie .
Livvie : What am I up to ? If you must know , Caleb and I are in for a very romantic evening tonight . And I think you should be kissing my feet for bringing you my business because , you know , I m a really good customer . I could be going somewhere else . But not you . You like to , you know , attack your best customers .
Jack : Whoa , I m not attacking you , I m just calling it like I see it .
Livvie : Oh , right , Jack the truth teller .
Jack : Yeah , truth teller . Would you like some dessert for your lovely evening ? Maybe we can get some cheesecake . Maybe you can rub it all over yourself and have Caleb lick it off -- after your intellectual conversation .
Livvie : You re still trying to convince yourself you do nt have a thing for me , huh ?
Jack : How come it is every time I bust your chops , you accuse me of having a thing for you ?
Livvie : It s so exhausting hating you .
Jack : Every guy needs a reason to get up in the morning . Hating you happens to be mine . I ll be back .
Livvie : Well , maybe it does nt have to be that way .
Alison : Where is your real ring , Caleb ? Look , you have to get it !
Caleb : Ordering me to do something will get you nowhere .
Alison : Ok . You re right . I m sorry . Wait , I m sorry . I m sorry . I did nt mean it to sound that way . I really did nt . But if I let you leave , then Rafe -- he might not ever be able to come back .
Caleb : Then again , you ca nt keep me here , either .
Alison : Ok . All I m asking is that you just do not disappear . Ok , please , look at me . I do nt have anything else to say to you . I ca nt make any more promises to you . All that I am left with is my love for Rafe , and I have to hope that s going to be enough .
Caleb : You know , I might actually be enjoying this if it was nt such a bittersweet pill to swallow . I have been betrayed by the woman I love and the woman who swore to me she was my friend .
Alison : I promise -- I promise , I wo nt do it again . I promise you , I will keep that promise . Wait , did you just say the woman that you love betrayed you ? Oh , my god . Livvie has your real ring .
Rafe : Ok . Why do nt you show me your face ? They said it would be a fair fight .
Voice : There s no fight here . I win , you lose . That s the price you pay for your arrogance .
Rafe : What ? Arrogance ? I did nt choose to be a slayer ! This was my destiny ! The only thing I want is to end the curse of this ring !
Voice : It s only those who never should have wished on the ring who are cursed and those , like you , who have come seeking it . In the hands of its rightful owner , the ring is a dutiful servant .
Rafe : You are unbelievable ! You re talking about this thing like it s almost human , like it has a will of its own !
Voice : Do you really think humans have wills of their own ?
Rafe : Yes . Yes , we do ! That is how we have survived so long . Because we have the will to choose good over evil !
Voice : Not always . Just look at your world and all the wishes your friends have made .
Rafe : Ok . Well , you know what ? Maybe you re right . Maybe I ca nt change the past , but I can change the future !
Voice : You already have .
Rafe : What ? What do you mean ?
Voice : You violated a sacred code . Making the choice to come here was the defining moment of your life . Your fate is sealed . And even if you could get the ring back now , it wo nt matter .
Rafe : No . No . That s what you want us to believe ! You make us do that , you make us doubt ourselves ! You make us doubt each other ! But I m here to tell you that nothing is ever sealed !
Voice : You let yourself believe that .
Rafe : Yeah . Yeah , you know how I know that ? Because I have seen it over and over again ! Humankind has risen above the greatest tragedies !
Voice : Let s see how well you do with this one , since you re now responsible for what s going to happen . You set the wheels of fate in motion , and you , Rafe Kovich , will have to live with the consequences for all eternity .
Rafe : Ha ! I fought your consequences . I ll do it again .
Voice : What about Alison ?
Rafe : What about her , huh ? Is that it ? Is that the last card ? Is that the only card that you and Caleb can ever play ? Well , go ahead ! Go right ahead ! She is smart , she is strong , and she loves me . And together , we will survive .
Voice : No , you will live to regret this journey . And it s just begun .
Jamal : I know this looks kind of bad , Imani .
Imani : You took this from my stuff .
Jamal : No , I did nt take it from your stuff . I would nt do that .
Imani : So rather than ask me about it , you tried to investigate me yourself ?
Jamal : Well , I just do nt feel like I deserve to be lied to .
Imani : What lies ?
Jamal : Like you trying to convince me that your grandmother s not alive . You not telling me where you re from , where you grew up , or anything like that .
Imani : Well , did it ever occur to you that I might have a good reason for not spilling my guts ?
Jamal : Sure , yeah , and I tried to respect your privacy --
Imani : No , no , you have nt . You have tried every way that you can to find out about me , things I do nt want to share .
Jamal : Imani , it s not just things . I m talking about murder here . And it s freaking me out . Just try to understand , ok ? I m on your side . I just need some answers .
Jack : Bon appetite . Try not to choke on it .
Livvie : Jack , it does nt have to be like this , ok ? We were polite to each other once . I think we can manage .
Jack : Yeah , but it never lasts , does it ?
Livvie : That s because we always bring up the past , stupid stuff .
Jack : Yeah , the stupid stuff you did to me over and over again . Bye .
Livvie : Ok , so I ve made a few mistakes . It does nt mean Jack has to hate me . I wish that Jack did nt hate me anymore .
Alison : Caleb , ca nt you just get the ring back and help me get Rafe ? Look , this war between the two of you -- it s killing everything that is good and that s real .
Caleb : And still , she battles on .
Alison : Because I have to . Otherwise , there s no point to any of this at all . I will continue to fight for Rafe , just like you will continue to fight for Livvie , no matter how much pain we re in .
Caleb : You do nt know anything about my pain .
Alison : Yes , I do . Look at -- listen to me , just for a second . When you talked about the two women that you trusted betrayed you , Livvie and me , I saw something in you that touched me , and I think that you liked that .
Caleb : This is all pointless now , all right ?
Alison : No , it s not . No , it s not pointless . I know you have other powers . You know things . You know dark secrets . And I know you can get to the place where Rafe is and you can free him from the curse . I know you can .
Caleb : I m sorry , Alison . It s out of my hands . Rafe s on his own .
Rafe : Alison ! I want to talk to you just about anything . Listen to me -- oh ! I might never be able to talk to you again . Is -- is that it ? Is that my fate ? That I -- I ll just be away from her forever ? Is that the best you can do ? Well , you got nothing ! Ok ? You got nothing ! You ve got -- Alison -- oh , god , I m sorry . I should nt have done this . I was wrong ! I was wrong ! I was sent back to earth to be with you , not to fight vampires , not to find a way to beat Caleb ! To be with you . That s what they said -- you re sent back to be with her . And Caleb was just a distraction . He was just a test , and if I get a chance , if I get another chance , I swear -- I swear I will live my life as it was intended to be lived . I promise you -- I promise you that I will -- I will be with you , just you and only you . If I just get another chance , if it s not too late . If it s not too late .
Voice : You live in a world filled with empty promises , slayer . All good intentions in that world wo nt change your fate . You ve picked your path . Now it s time to see where it takes you .
Rafe : Well , what do you mean ?
Voice : For reasons that will soon become clear , I ve decided to set you free . It s time to meet your future .
Jack : Give me one red one .
Woman : Ok .
Jack : Please .
Woman : Here you go .
Jack : Thank you very much .
Woman : Good luck .
Jack : Thank you . Hey , Jeff , lock up , man .
Jeff : Right , jack .
Jack : I m taking the night off .
Imani : Yes , I knew the man in this article . The man who was murdered . He was my professor . English composition . He told me I had talent . I was flattered . At was the last thing that resembled anything normal in my life .
Jamal : Were you in love with him ?
Imani : He was just a friend , just a really nice man . That s all .
Jamal : Did you kill him ?
Imani : No . I did nt kill him . But you might have just killed me .
Rafe : Alison ? Alison ! I m here ! It s over ! She s not here , that s ok . I ll just -- I ll just wait for her , right here . Yes . I ca nt believe it . It s over . It s finally over . That s right . No more Caleb . No more fighting that battle . From now on , it s just you and me . That s right . And we are going to have everything we ever dreamed of .
Alison : Caleb , what am I supposed to do ? How am I supposed to live like this ?
Caleb : You ll figure out a way . You re a smart girl . We all figure out a way eventually .
Alison : What ? What is it ?
Caleb : I felt a shift . Rafe s back .
Alison : Oh , my god . Thank you . Thank you . I knew you would do it . I knew you would do it . I knew you had the power .
Livvie : This is going to be so amazing .
Caleb : It was nt me , Alison .
Alison : No , I do nt believe you . I think you must have known . But it does nt matter now . All that matters is that Rafe is back , and this time -- I swear we re going to do it right this time . Thank you .
Livvie : I wish for this to be the most romantic evening Caleb has ever known . I wish for Caleb to feel the kind of passion he s only dreamed of .
Alison : Caleb --
Livvie : I want this to be a night of intense love that Caleb will never forget . And I want him to always know that I am the one who made it happen .
Caleb : Do nt worry . I know .
Livvie : And out of this intense passion , I will get my greatest wish of all . The end of the night , I wish that --
Singer : I have blessed you I have cursed you I have done my best to hurt you love has no name I have faltered I have fallen the road to you is such a long one love has no name love has no shame oh , forgot the cookies .
### Summary:
| At Elixir , Jamal overhears Imani speaking on the phone to her grandmother , who is very much alive . Imani is alarmed by the news that someone has been asking questions about her . When Jamal accidentally drops the newspaper clipping that he took from Imani s things , his angry roommate picks it up . She reluctantly tells him a little about her past . The murdered man was her professor , who was a very nice man . She did nt kill him , but Jamal s actions may end up getting her killed . Now knowing exactly what she wants from the ring , Olivia orders a lobster dinner as part of the romantic evening she s planning . After an argument with Jack prompts Olivia to wish that he did nt hate her anymore , Jack watches her through the window , buys a single red rose from a flower vendor , and takes off early . A man with a gun looks through a folder about Imani . Rafe is informed that being stuck in hell is the price he must pay for his arrogance . The slayer learns that he has changed the future by violating a sacred code . Choosing to go to hell was the defining moment of his life . He is responsible for what happens now , and he will have to live with the consequences for all eternity . Filled with remorse , Rafe finally admits that he was wrong to put his desire to fight vampire before Alison . He was sent back to earth specifically to be with her , and that s exactly what he will do if he gets another chance . Amused by the imminent consequences of Rafe s actions , the speaker sends him back home . Overjoyed to be home at last , Rafe waits for Alison and vows not to fight Caleb anymore . Alison tries desperately to persuade Caleb to help her , but he refuses . Alison is touched by his admission that both she and Olivia have betrayed him . After feeling a shift in the balance of good and evil , Caleb tells Alison that Rafe is back . Alison throws her arms around Caleb , fully believing that he did this for her . As Olivia waits for Caleb to come home , she makes her big wish on his ring . She wishes for this to be the most romantic evening that Caleb has ever known . She wishes for him to feel the kind of passion he s only dreamed of . She wants this to be a night of intense love that Caleb will never forget , and she wants him to always know that she is the one who made it happen . As Olivia makes her wish , Caleb s night of intense passion begins -- with Alison . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : So how s your Italian these days ?
Liam : What ?
Hope : We ll be leaving for Italy very soon .
Liam : Oh .
Hope : It would be nice if you knew a few words .
Liam : Yeah . ( Sighs )
Hope : You re still thinking about her , are nt you ?
Stephanie : Now do nt you give up . It s not over . I know he loves you . ( Sighs ) Come here .
Steffy : Oh , Grandma .
Bill : This is Bill Spencer . Call me . We re moving forward with this Deacon Sharpe situation . No excuses , Warden . You know what s at stake .
Brooke : Mm .
Ridge : How are the wedding plans coming along ?
Brooke : They re coming along . ( Sighs )
Ridge : Hope must be very relieved that a lot of this drama has come to an end .
Brooke : She does feel for Steffy .
Ridge : Steffy s gon na be fine . She does nt need to worry about that .
Brooke : Hmm . Well , there is another issue . ( Sighs )
Ridge : What s that ?
Brooke : There s a void in her life where her father is concerned .
Ridge : Logan .
Brooke : I know . No , I m not trying to make you feel guilty . And Hope understands why you ca nt design her wedding gown
Ridge : I ll be at the wedding . She ll have my complete support .
Brooke : I now . It s just ...
Ridge : What ?
Brooke : I just wish she did nt talk to her therapist about Deacon . Stacy does nt realize how dangerous he is and neither does Hope . I mean , could you imagine if ... ( Sighs ) No , I - I m not-- I m not gon na even go there . Deacon is out of her life , and I do nt want him near Hope ever again .
Katie : So who was that on the phone ?
Bill : Business . ( Sighs )
Katie : Well , you do nt look very happy , so it must not be going very well .
Bill : Some days are tougher than others . ( Sighs )
Katie : Even for the toughest guy in the world ?
Bill : Yeah , even for him . How are you feeling ?
Katie : Great . How about yourself ?
Bill : I m not the one who s pregnant .
Katie : Well , that s too bad for you , because it does wonders for your attitude .
Bill : No pain no symptoms of any kind ?
Katie : Healthy , healthy , healthy . Ask my doctor .
Bill : Katie ...
Katie : Yes ?
Bill : Do nt try to pretend like this is a normal pregnancy . It is nt . And I m worried about you , and I will be until you deliver this baby .
Katie : That s an awful lot of worrying .
Bill : Well , I love you an awful lot , so you better keep me in the loop about everything .
Katie : Okay . Well , um , see , I had oatmeal for breakfast . And then I went shopping . Now I m at the office .
Bill : All right , save the comedy routine .
Katie : ( Giggles ) Could this , uh , attitude have anything to do with the decision your son made ?
Bill : My son did nt make a decision . Steffy did .
Katie : That s because she knows how much Liam wants to marry Hope . And the wedding is going to be beautiful . They are getting married , and there is nothing more you can do about it .
Bill : ( Inhales sharply ) ( Sighs )
Hope : I m sorry . I can only imagine how hard last night must have been .
Liam : It was harder than I thought but ...
Hope : ( Groans ) I wish you could have been spared that-- both of you .
Liam : No . No . Uh , look , it was hard on all of us .
Hope : Well , at least it s over for you -- for you and Steffy . ( Sighs )
Liam : You re still upset about Ridge , are nt you ?
Hope : ( Sighs ) I just want our wedding to be perfect , and it will be , except for one thing . He could nt design my gown , which I - I understand .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Hope : I do . But if that s how he feels , is he even going to be able to walk me down the aisle ? ( Groans ) You know what ? After everything we have been through , all that matters is you and me . For so long , it felt like this moment was nt ever going ...
Liam : ( Laughs )
Hope : To -- to come . It was nt gon na happen . But it s -- it s here . We re getting married . Husband and wife .
Steffy : The look in Liam s eyes when Hope was modeling her wedding dress on the phone-- he could nt disappoint her . He has to marry her . I know that .
Stephanie : So you just gave him the divorce ?
Steffy : The marriage was over . I could nt put him through any more drama . ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Sweetheart , that s what I call the definition of real love-- to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else s . You know , the funny thing about love-- you close your eyes , you pretend it s not there , but it never really goes away . It is nt gon na go away for him .
Steffy : Well , he s going to marry her , anyway . Hope s counting on it , and he wo nt let her down . That s the kind of man he is . That s why I love him so much .
Hope : Uh , come in . Hi , Mom .
Brooke : Hey . You look busy .
Hope : Oh , I m just , you know , going over things before we take off for the wedding . ( Sighs )
Brooke : I just want you to know I am so proud of the young woman that you ve become .
Hope : Well , I have you to thank for that . ( Giggles )
Brooke : ( Giggles ) Well , yeah , I did a pretty good job .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : But I could nt have done it without Ridge . Oh ... ( Sighs ) I m sorry , Honey . I know that s still a touchy subject .
Hope : It s okay . I - I just wish that everyone could be as happy for me as you are ... ( Sighs ) Ridge included ...
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Hope : And , of course , Bill Spencer . Hmm .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Hey , Dad , you got a minute ? Hi , Katie .
Katie : Oh , hey . We were just talking about you .
Liam : Oh , yeah ? Everybody s new favorite topic , huh ?
Katie : ( Gasps ) Are you excited ? We certainly are .
Liam : Yeah . Wait , We ?
Katie : Oh , yeah , he s gon na come around . As soon as we get to Italy , everything will be fine .
Bill : Uh , hang-- hang on a second . Liam , there is something Katie and I need to tell you . She s pregnant .
Katie : ( Giggles )
Liam : W - w - wow .
Katie : Yeah , wow . Is nt it wonderful ?
Liam : Yeah . Yes . No , it s great . It s -- it s so great .
Bill : Well , I do nt know if it s great , but , uh , it is what it is .
Liam : Uh ...
Katie : He s worried about my health .
Liam : Oh , yeah . You had a heart transplant . Is this -- is this cool ?
Katie : I am in the hands of excellent health professionals and a very annoying , overprotective husband , so what more could I ask for ?
Bill : Listen , there is no way around it -- this pregnancy is risky , which is why you will not be going to Italy .
Katie : ( Gasps ) Oh , come on .
Bill : No , no . There s no -- no -- no Come on . Listen , traveling even in the most luxurious circumstances is taxing , so this is not a negotiation . I m not going to play games with your life , Katie , period .
Katie : Okay . All right . I wo nt go . I do nt want to do anything that s gon na harm my baby . But you are gon na go , and you re gon na have a good time . You re gon na accept this marriage .
Bill : I will be there . Count on it .
Katie : Good . ( Giggles )
Liam : The way you say that , I - I think I detect a change in your attitude .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : I will go to Italy for your wedding , Son . Of course , I still have to wonder if you should be going .
Liam : Oh , no change there .
Katie : ( Sighs ) We are both so happy for you and Hope . I mean , you must be so anxious to get on the plane ...
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Katie : And leave this all behind . In a few days , you will be in Puglia having the wedding that no one will ever forget . ( Sighs ) Oh , the countdown is on . I am so thrilled .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Thank you .
Katie : ( Chuckles )
Liam : Act -- actually , Dad , the reason I came-- um , I want to ask you , will you stand up for me ?
Bill : I will always stand up for you , Liam . You know that .
Liam : N - no . I mean , as my best man at my wedding .
Katie : Oh , of course he will .
Liam : Uh , well , thank you , Katie , but I would like to hear it from him .
Bill : Liam , the day you get married , I will be at your side . I would be honored to be your best man .
Liam : ( Sighs ) Thank you . Thank you . That means a lot to me .
Bill : Well , fathers have a responsibility to their children , do nt they ?
Liam : Did nt always feel that way , did you ? Did he ?
Katie : ( Chuckles )
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Bill : No . No , I did nt . And that was wrong of me . Katie helped me see that .
Katie : As did Hope .
Bill : As did Hope . Yeah , well , I suppose that s because she was abandoned by her father . Changes a person .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : Liam , I ll always be there for you . You ll never able to say that your dad did nt do everything he could to ensure your happiness .
Katie : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Honey , do nt think for a moment that Ridge does nt want the very best for you .
Hope : But Liam is what s best for me , and I just do nt see how -- how Ridge could want that . And that s what makes this so hard , because for the first time since I can remember , he s not able to support me 100 % , because he is nt my father , not the way he s Steffy s father .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Hope : And my real dad , you know , I have no idea where he is , but he s certainly not here . And I m -- I m just ... I m kind of feeling alone . ( Sighs ) And it s not that I m ungrateful . I love Ridge . I do . But I - I ca nt expect him to choose me over Steffy . He ca nt design my gown , so how should I expect him to even come to the wedding ? I really do nt want Ridge to feel obligated to be there . I think that that would be terrible for him .
Ridge : I want to be at your wedding , Hope . What Steffy is going through is unfortunate , and I feel horrible for her . But in no way do I fault you for that .
Hope : I know , but that s not really the point . She s your little girl . She always has been . And I know that it would hurt me unbearably if you were in Italy supporting a marriage to the man that I was still in love with .
Ridge : Yes , she was my little girl , as you were at one time . But you re not little girls anymore . So why do nt we do what adults do ? Let s be a family , okay ? I want to be there , Sweetheart . I want to be there to share in your joy .
Hope : You ca nt share in the joy of wedding that brings Steffy so much pain . Do nt do that to her . Do nt do it to yourself . I was abandoned by my dad . Do nt do the same thing to Steffy .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Liam : So you re really okay with the best man thing , really ?
Bill : I would have been shocked and disappointed if you had asked someone else .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) What -- what , like , Ridge ?
Bill : I assume Ridge will be there for Hope , right ?
Liam : Yeah , maybe . I do nt know . It s still gon na be pretty hard on her .
Bill : Dads are important to their girls , especially on their wedding day .
Liam : Yeah , no kidding . I ca nt imagine what it must be like for her . Actually , yeah , I can . It s like it was for me before I found you .
Bill : So you realize how significant this is ?
Liam : Yeah . So , uh , the Forresters are gon na fly us all to Italy on their jet .
Bill : I have some business to take care of . I m gon na fly out solo .
Liam : What ? Dad , come on it s my wedding . We -- we should all go together , do a little bonding .
Bill : Bonding with the Forresters , huh ?
Liam : Yeah .
Bill : I m gon na let you handle it .
Liam : What -- seriously ? What is this business you need to take care of ? Can -- it ca nt wait ?
Bill : It s a huge investment opportunity .
Liam : In what ?
Bill : The future , Liam .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : Look , I will get to Italy on time , okay ? I promise .
Liam : Yeah .
Bill : You do nt have to worry .
Liam : All right . On time to make a little appearance , and then get right back on the plane again .
Bill : Ah , the way you say that , it sounds like you think I m taking this lightly .
Liam : No , I--
Bill : Believe me ...
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : I am not . There s nothing more important to me than your future . Money , business-- meaningless , next to you I was nt here for you when you were a kid , Liam , but I am now . I have to say this . Hope let you down more than once ...
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : And you re not married to her yet .
Liam : She s not gon na let me down again . I mean , the pills , everything that we ve been through , she s past that . That s over now . I mean , no more mistakes . No more secrets . ( Knocks on table ) We re getting married . We re getting married .
Bill : We ll see about that .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) ( Sniffles )
Stephanie : Hey . Your secretary was nt here , so I let myself in .
Liam : ( Sighs ) Huh . What s up , Stephanie ?
Stephanie : Good question . What s up with you ?
Liam : Oh , you know ... ( Sighs ) Got a lot of work to do before I get on that plane .
Stephanie : I know . I did nt come here to badger you , honestly . So I guess , um ... seeing Hope in the wedding dress made you decide that you-- you had to marry her . You know , marriage is supposed to be a commitment for a lifetime with someone that you want to be with forever . And if you re having second doubts , and something just tells me that you are having second doubts , it s okay to walk away . People do it all the time . It s the smart thing to do , especially if you love someone else , and you love Steffy . Liam , you do not have to marry Hope .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Ridge : I actually feel her pain . She wants her father .
Brooke : She has a father .
Ridge : No . She has me . Deacon Sharpe is her father .
Hope : Dad .
### Summary:
| Stephanie gives Steffy a big hug and tells her not to give up . She knows Liam still loves her . Steffy reminds her that he loves Hope and he is not going to disappoint her so there was no reason to put him through more drama . She accepted the divorce . Rather disgusted , Bill calls the Warden and tells him they are moving forward with this Deacon Sharpe situation .. no excuses .. he knows what is at stake . Katie walks in and immediately can tell that whatever the phone call was about , Bill does not seem happy . Hope teases Liam if he is practicing his Italian . They will be leaving in a few days and it would be nice if he knew a few words . He s preoccupied and she knows he is still thinking about Steffy . He admits it was harder than he thought . Hope wants to have a perfect wedding , but if Ridge could nt design her dress then she is not sure he can walk her down the aisle either . Brooke tells Hope that she is so proud of the young woman she has become . Hope just wishes that everyone , including Ridge , could be as happy as she is . It has to be hard for him pretending to be supportive when attending the wedding could break Steffy s heart . Ridge walks in and explains that Steffy and Hope are not his little girls anymore , but they can all act like adults in this situation and he wants to be in Italy to share her joy . Hope still thinks that he should nt . Hope says she was abandoned by her own dad and he should not do that to Steffy . Liam drops in on his Dad as Bill and Katie are smooching . Bill announces to Liam that Katie is pregnant and will not be coming to the wedding . He will not take that risk with her pregnancy . Reluctantly she gives in . Bill is honored when Liam asks him to stand up for him and be his best man . But instead of flying with the rest of them on the Forrester jet , he has some business to attend to and will fly solo . Liam accepts that and says Hope is not going to let him down again . The pills are in the past .no more secrets or mistakes they are now getting married . Under his breath as Liam leaves , Bill says they will see about that ! Back in his office , Liam finds Stephanie waiting . She assures him that she is not there to badger him . She guesses seeing Hope in her wedding dress made him decide that he had to marry her . She points out that marriage should be a commitment with someone you want to spend your lifetime with . But if he is having second doubts and she thinks he is , then it would not be wrong to walk away . People do it all the time ; it s the smart thing to do . He is still in love with Steffy , so he does not have to marry Hope . Hope opens the door to Bill s office as he is looking at Deacon Sharpe on the laptop . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Michael : So you re offering me a job if I have the guts to take it . That certainly sounds like a challenge .
Victor : I see you as a man who likes a challenge .
Michael : You flatter me .
Victor : I have no intention of doing that .
Michael : Let s cut to the chase , Victor . You do nt like me . Over the years , you ve used a lot of vocabulary to describe how little you do think of me . Everybody knows that Victor Newman thinks Michael Baldwin is a low - down , dirty snake . So really , what am I doing here ?
Dru : Now -- oh , honey , I am all for setting a wedding date , but , whoa , four weeks ? That s going to come up so soon .
Neil : Hey , but , baby , that s the whole point , you see ? The sooner we tie the knot , the less time Lily will have to stress over it .
Dru : And you are so sure she s going to accept that , huh ?
Neil : One thing I am sure of is that our daughter loves us .
Dru : Mm - hmm , and hates the idea of us getting married .
Neil : Well , that s because she s afraid it ll turn out badly , and that we ll repeat all our old mistakes .
Dru : I just recently realized how much our divorce scarred our baby .
Neil : Okay , then , so it s our chance to make it up to her . I mean , you ve got to know what she wants . She wants two parents , together , who love one another . It s what any kid wants .
Dru : If you heard her talking earlier , you would know it s the last thing she wants .
Neil : Well , that s because she s so scared of the thought of us trying and failing again . It scares the hell out of her .
Dru : And you re saying that if she did nt care , it would nt make any difference to her , is that it ?
Neil : Exactly . We ll be giving our daughter what I believe she longs for more than anything in the world , and that s a loving , happy family , Dru .
Colleen : Well ?
Lily : Come on . Turn around so we can see your face .
Sierra : Well , he has got a nice butt . Uh , back .
Colleen : Well , do nt just sit there . Go talk to him .
Lily : What , right now ?
Colleen : That is kind of the point .
Lily : I have to see his face first , you guys .
Colleen : Look , I m sure he s cool .
Lily : What if that s not him ?
Sierra : He s wearing a Hawaiian shirt , just like you told him to .
Lily : True .
Colleen : Mm - hmm .
Sierra : So what s wrong ?
Lily : I do nt know . This still feels so weird , you know ? I mean its one thing to talk online , but face - to - face ? Maybe this was nt a good idea , you guys .
Colleen : You can not back out now .
Sierra : I ll go talk to him .
Lily : No , no , no , sit down . Stop . Stay . You guys , what if he s a freak ?
Colleen : Well , you re not going to know unless you go over there , now will you ?
Sierra : Yea heart was breaking .
Nick : Well , that s too bad cause she brought that all on herself .
Nikki : ( Groans )
Jack : Should I take cover under my desk ?
Nikki : Why , because you think I might start throwing things ? Yes , it s a good idea .
Jack : Slow down . What s wrong ?
Nikki : You do nt become a parent because you expect gratitude at the end of the day , right ?
Jack : It would be nice , but you probably should nt expect it .
Nikki : Just tell me it s normal , that I should nt feel betrayed and kicked aside .
Jack : You probably should feel betrayed and kicked aside , and , yes , it s normal . Who are we talking about ? Nicholas ?
Nikki : I just ca nt believe what has happened . That woman has treated our family abominably over and over again . She has turned our lives upside down , and I have been there for him . I have helped him with his suffering children . He has admitted to me that he would be better off without her in his life , that she is an unreliable , thoughtless , selfish , cheating , lying little tramp--
Jack : Let me guess . She came back , she waved her groceries in front of Nicholas , and suddenly it s like they re on their honeymoon again .
Nikki : You got it . Can you believe that ?
Jack : To tell you the truth , yes , I can .
Dru : Obviously , you ve given this quite a bit of thought .
Neil : Hard not to , with Lily giving us this much attitude .
Dru : What if we get married and she still gives us attitude , Neil ?
Neil : Mnh - mnh . That ai nt going to happen .
Dru : How can you be so sure ?
Neil : Because I know that the one thing that Lily needs in her life right now is stability , and that s what our marriage is going to give her .
Dru : She s still going to fight us on it
Neil : Mm , maybe at first , but once it sinks in that it s not going to be like last time , that we re committed to making it work come hell or high water , she ll let down her guard , and she ll start to feel safe .
Dru : And we re going to live happily ever after like the Cosby s , right ?
Neil : Yeah , that s the general plan .
Dru : For a guy , you know-- you know , you re making a lot of sense .
Neil : Oh , well , thank you very much . The point is , you know , Lily s protesting , it s all about just-- it s protecting herself . Do you understand that ? She s afraid that she ll be hurt again .
Dru : And you really think that s where she s coming from ?
Neil : Yeah , baby , I do . So what do you say , four weeks from now , from today ?
Dru : Like I said before , four weeks gives me hardly any time , especially when we re working this hard .
Neil : Oh , come on , the hell with work and all that kind of stuff . This is about you and me , all right ? Joining our lives together again .
Dru : I ca nt when you talk like that .
Neil : Yeah ? So you with me on this one , huh ? I mean , you do agree that the best thing for our daughter is to get remarried ?
Dru : You know what ? Sometimes , you re too smart for your britches .
Neil : I m going to take that as a yes .
Dru : ( Laughs )
Neil : Good , then it is settled . Four weeks from today . Whoo !
Dru : We have so much to do , honey . I have to get a dress , I ve got to figure out where to do the ceremony , who do I-- I want a wedding planner . I want 3 carats . Oh , man , I ve got so much to do .
Neil : All right , all right , Dru , Dru ...
Dru : What ?
Neil : Just calm down , boo .
Dru : That s easy for you to say . All you have to do is hop into a tux and say I do . I got to get a wedding dress--
Neil : No way ! Are you kidding me ? This is my wedding , too . I want to be just as involved in the details as you are .
Dru : See , now I knew there was a reason why I loved you .
Neil : Hey .
Dru : Hmm ?
Neil : You know what I m really looking forward to ?
Dru : What ?
Neil : Being able to introduce you all over again as Mrs. Neil Winters .
Dru : Yeah , that always did have a nice ring to it , did nt it ?
Neil : Mm - hmm . Yeah , baby . We are so lucky , you and I.
Dru : We re getting a second chance , honey .
Neil : And I promise you one thing .
Dru : What ?
Neil : We re going to make the most of it , or die trying .
Dru : You say the most romantic things .
Colleen : Am I drooling ?
Sierra : Wow . He s ... he s ...
Lily : Beautiful . So beautiful .
Colleen : Yeah , he s cute .
Sierra : You hit a home run , girl . Now go touch all the bases .
Colleen : You guys , he s looking this way .
Cody : Hey , man , how s it going ?
Boy : Uh , hey .
Cody : Can I get you something ?
Boy : Uh , yeah , I guess . Uh , what s good ?
Cody : What s good ? Everything , but I did just make some iced tea .
Boy : Sounds great .
Cody : All right , you want that for here or do you want that to go ?
Boy : For here . I m meeting somebody .
Cody : All right .
Colleen : So , Lily , say something .
Lily : I ca nt believe that s really him .
Sierra : A complete and total hottie ?
Lily : He is cute .
Colleen : But ?
Lily : But does nt he seem a little ... old ?
Colleen : How old do you think he is ?
Lily : Well , older than us , that s for sure .
Sierra : He s got to be 20 . Probably in college .
Lily : Wow , older than J.T.
Colleen : Wow .
Lily : You guys , how do I look ?
Colleen : You look great .
Lily : Great like a 15-year - old ?
Sierra : No , great like an experienced woman . Now go for it . Come on
Lily : Wait , you guys , even if we do hit it off , there is no way my parents would let me go out with him .
Colleen : Okay , now you re just making excuses .
Lily : No , I m not .
Colleen : Yes , you are .
Sierra : Look , I know . Why do nt we all go over and say hi ?
Colleen : Yeah , that way you wo nt be in the hot seat .
Sierra : Yeah .
Lily : No , I have to do this on my own .
Colleen : Okay .
Brad : They ve finally driven you to drink , huh ?
Victoria : Almost . No vodka ... yet .
Brad : I guess we ve both had one of those mornings .
Victoria : Oh , you too ? Poor baby .
Brad : Screwdriver , please . No vodka .
Bartender : One O.J. Coming up .
Brad : Thank you .
Victoria : Wow , a Virgin Mary and Orange Juice . God , we are boring .
Brad : I m counting on the sugar rush myself .
Victoria : Hey , if things do nt start looking up , I m going to have to resort to chocolate .
Brad : Mm . Dark or milk ?
Victoria : Hard stuff , definitely .
Brad : Oh , no . I thought I had problems .
Victoria : Well , at least we can joke about it .
Brad : It being ... ?
Victoria : Oh , you know the end of my career .
Victor : Snakes have their place in the world , Mr. Baldwin .
Michael : ( Chuckles ) phrasemaker .
Victor : I can respect you without liking you . That ll have to do for now .
Michael : Fair enough . A business relationship does nt have to be based on mutual affection , but there will , however , have to be a modicum of politeness where I m concerned .
Victor : All right , agreed .
Michael : Not only from you , but from your family , the employees . There s no reason for us to initiate a relationship if I m going to walk out that door any day , week or month because my value to you is compromised by constant abuse .
Victor : There ll be no abuse , I assure you .
Michael : I m going to hold you to that .
Victor : You can do that .
Michael : So what do I give you ?
Victor : Loyalty and hard work and commitment .
Michael : I give that to all my clients .
Victor : All right , then do we have a deal ?
Michael : I need to know what that deal consists of .
Victor : It will consist of doubling your hourly rate .
Michael : ( Chuckles )
Dru : Out on the patio , a little privacy .
Dru : Come on , honey .
Neil : Where are you ? There we are .
Lily : You guys , what is going on ?
Neil : Hey , relax , Lily . Here you go .
Dru : Sweetie , you look nervous . Is something wrong ? Thank you , honey .
Lily : No , no , I m just , uh-- I m just surprised to see you guys , that s all .
Neil : Like I said , we wo nt stay long .
Dru : No .
Lily : Jeez , mom , you tell me to get out and be with my friends , and then you show up here like this ?
Dru : Well , honey , are we embarrassing you ?
Lily : Well , I d hate for Colleen and Sierra to think that you re checking up on me .
Dru : Oh .
Neil : I m sure they ll understand once you tell them we came by .
Lily : Why did you ?
Dru : Well , sweetheart , your father and I have some very exciting news to share with you .
Neil : Your mom and I have set our wedding date . We re getting married in four weeks .
Nikki : You know what , Jack ? You are no help at all .
Jack : Nik , wait , wait . I understand your being frustrated . Try to remember , though , one of the reasons Nicholas married Sharon is , among other things , she floats his boat . There is serious sexual chemistry there .
Nikki : Yeah , among other things . Those other things are very important .
Jack : I m just saying that chemistry is very strong stuff . Look , when Sharon was away , Nicholas was hurting . He needed support , he needed his mother , and you were there for him . You helped him through a very difficult time . She s his wife .
Nikki : He wanted to divorce her .
Jack : Extra strong chemistry .
Nikki : You know , when she first came back , she really did nt know where she stood . She was very careful because she knew she had blown it with everybody , including her children . She really watched her manners with me , particularly in front of Nicholas , but damn it , after she got him back under the sheets , boy , did those claws come out .
Jack : And now you just want to remind him he was ready to walk away from that marriage .
Nikki : Yeah .
Jack : Only now , he does nt want to hear that . He wants you to stay away and mind your own business .
Nik : Right .
Jack : Babe , you have no choice .
Nikki : Do nt you think I know that ? The thing is , I would be willing to let that go . I can be philosophical about this . The thing is , I am starting to wonder if she s willing to stop at just getting Nicholas back .
Jack : Oh , come-- you do nt mean Victor ?
Nikki : I do nt know . I do nt know what s going on in her brain .
Jack : Nik ...
Nikki : I do nt know how far she s willing to go , but I do know she has this very weird attitude with me , like she s saying , there s not enough room in this family for both of us . I really think she wants me out .
Jack : She can want whatever the hell she pleases . Getting it just is nt in the cards .
Nikki : You just said yourself , chemistry is strong stuff .
Jack : She goes near Victor-- anywhere near Victor-- she is history , no matter how besotted Nicholas is .
Nikki : Did you notice that I left out the word stupid when I was going over Sharon s shortcomings ?
Jack : Jeez , you really think ?
Nikki : Look , since the first day she showed up on Nicholas arm , I knew she was a shrewd little gold digger , but I let it go . I was lulled by Nicholas love for her , by their beautiful children , and I was determined to be the best , most supportive mother - in - law that girl could have . Boy , I should have trusted my first instincts because they were right . Look at all the damage that has been done , look at all the hurt , and there s more to come , Jack , plenty of it .
Jack : God , it is hard to believe that things have deteriorated that much .
Nikki : Well , they have , and I m going to start sleeping with one eye open because that girl is dangerous . She is poison .
Sharon : So you do nt think that I was out of line ?
Nick : Mom had to be put in her place . It was nt pretty , and I did nt enjoy it , but it had to be done .
Sharon : I just wish that she could change her attitude . I mean , I ca nt stand the thought of us two fighting forever .
Nick : Well , my dad had to learn the hard way , too . They both have to realize that they ca nt run my life anymore .
Sharon : You ve been through so much , Nick . Maybe now they ll lay off .
Nick : Yeah , maybe .
Sharon : I just wish that you could come home and relax and have some peace for a change . Enjoy spending time with the ones you love .
Nick : Sounds like a dream if you ask me .
Sharon : Does nt mean you do nt deserve it .
Nick : Does nt mean it ll happen .
Sharon : Well , we can make it happen , Nick . I mean , why not ? It s our lives , right ? We call the shots . Is nt that what you just got through saying to your mom ?
Randy : Who there s not -- a lot of strangers there . Sucker got duped again into
Shannon : Never mind the cameras in the fuller relationship if you re able to include me .
Dana : Okay , bye .
Randy : Our anniversary .
Johnny : Brenda , it s natural . I do nt want to think I m coming on to you or anything , but you must get hit do ? They can do be dead in a year .
Lily : Please , tell me that you re not serious .
Neil : Honey , yes , we re very serious .
Colleen : Shoot , he s looking at his watch .
Sierra : He s going to split .
Colleen : Why did Lily s parents have to show up now ?
Lily : Did nt you hear a word I said to you this morning , mother ?
Dru : Honey , of course I did , but please try to understand--
Lily : No . I ca nt believe this . It s like my worst nightmare .
Colleen : You know , maybe I should go over there and tell him to stay .
Sierra : Lily would kill us
Brad : End of your career ? Thank you .
Victoria : Oh , do nt mind me . I m just being melodramatic .
Brad : Listen , I heard about your father s offer to mentor your brother ... and my first thought was what about Vicki ?
Victoria : Yeah , you know , what about Vicki ? She s just this airhead who has nt really proven herself in business . You know , she kind of got left in the dust even though her last name is Newman , too .
Brad : You are a division president , officer of the company .
Victoria : Yeah , that ll keep me warm at night . Can we just talk about something else ?
Brad : Sure .
Victoria : I mean , I do nt want to be a drag .
Brad : Tell you what , how about we take turns ?
Victoria : Why is it that every time we get together , one of us is bitching about something ? I mean , ca nt we just , you know ...
Brad : Enjoy each other ?
Victoria : Why , Mr. Carlton , what would your wife say ? Or is it while the cats away , the mouse will play ?
Brad : Glad to see you have nt lost your sense of humor .
Victoria : Well , you either laugh or scream . You must feel the same way . I mean , with Ashley gone , no one to tell your troubles to .
Brad : You re hardly no one .
Victoria : Well , I guess I ll take that as a compliment .
Brad : I would .
Michael : No , no , let s not end the discussion .
Michael : I am prepared to take you on as a client . I m prepared to deal with your issues , sight unseen .
Victor : And I wo nt have to listen to any speeches about legal ethics or bogus morality ?
Michael : Morality is bogus ?
Victor : Morality is bogus when it s an excuse for inactivity .
Michael : Good . I m on board with that , but I m of no use to you , myself or anyone else , Victor , if I do nt have a license to practice law . You must understand , I will protect that asset at all costs .
Victor : You will only be in danger of losing that license if you re either stupid or careless .
Michael : Good . We have a deal . So what is this all about ?
Victor : I m engaged in a battle , a battle I intend to win . Quite frankly speaking , if I lost , it would nt mean the end of the world . I would still be powerful and wealthy . But I m going to win this battle because it s something I want .
Michael : And you re used to getting what you want .
Victor : Let me tell you something about that . People like me get what they want ... because they fight for it , and they work hard for it . You got that ?
Michael : Fine . No free lunches . I m with you all the way .
Victor : Good .
Lily : You guys , where is he ? Where d he go ?
Colleen : He left .
Lily : What ?
Sierra : I guess he got tired of waiting .
Lily : Well , why did nt you guys stop him ?
Colleen : We did nt know if you wanted us to .
Lily : I was just about to talk to him .
Colleen : I know , but your parents showed up .
Sierra : Yeah , we had no idea how long you d be .
Lily : You know , this-- this is just great .
Colleen : I m really sorry , but we did nt know if you wanted us to .
Lily : No , do nt be sorry . It s not your fault . My mom and dad-- leave it to them to screw things up for me yet again .
Colleen : You know , I m sure if you just tell him , he ll understand .
Sierra : Yeah , if he s cool , he ll be fine with it .
Lily : Yeah . Yeah , right . I doubt it . I m sure he thinks I stood him up . You know what ? Whatever . It s probably for the best . Never would have worked out anyway .
Colleen : So what , that s it ? You re just going to forget about this guy ?
Lily : Well , what else should I do ?
Colleen : Well , I think you at least owe him an apology .
Sierra : Yeah . Blame it on your parents .
Colleen : Yeah .
Sierra : That always works for me when I m late for school and stuff .
Lily : Yeah . You know what ? Maybe he s online .
Colleen : Why do nt you go see ?
Jack : Okay , so Sharon wants to be queen bee of the Newman hive . So let her . Maybe she ll get some respect for what it takes to run an estate , to keep things running smoothly , wrangling all the employees , refereeing all the family squabbles . Nik , if this is what this woman wants , you re going to be in for the fight of your life trying to stop her , and I do nt think you can do that and carry your weight here at Jabot at the same time . Give her rope . Maybe she ll hang herself with it . Or maybe-- maybe she ll take over a job that you ve been doing thanklessly for years .
Nikki : Well , Victor has already--
Jack : Do nt fight this , Nik . Do nt . You re not going to lose Victor over this . God , if you do good riddance . Look , I m - I m sorry . I m sorry . Come here . Come here .
Jack : Just take a page from the black knight s book , huh ? Bury yourself in your work .
Sharon : I ca nt believe how far we ve come in such a short time .
Nick : You ca nt , huh ?
Sharon : Well , if you had asked me just a few days ago if I thought that last night was possible ... I probably would have said I doubt it .
Nick : Its tough being in the house with you and not ... feeling certain things
Sharon : It s the first time it s been about you and me and not just the kids .
Nick : Sharon , they re still my focus .
Sharon : I know . You do nt have to explain .
Nick : I just do nt want you getting the wrong idea .
Sharon : Meaning the jury is still out about me .
Nick : I mean , if that hurts you , I--
Sharon : Well , yeah ... of course it hurts me , Nick . I mean , it s no surprise . It s what you ve been saying all along .
Nick : Look , I ve said this before , and I ll say it again . I think you re doing an amazing job with the kids .
Sharon : Well , I feel pretty good about Noah , but Cassie s another story .
Nick : It s going to take a lot of time and effort to make things right with her .
Sharon : I feel like the more that I reach out to her , the more I feel her pushing me away . I do nt know if I m ever going to be able to be what she needs and wants . I mean , I m not superwoman .
Nick : Well , Noah thinks you are .
Sharon : Still , that does nt change how Cassie feels . I m still that woman from her nightmares that abandons her over and over .
Nick : That s never going to happen again .
Sharon : You do believe that ?
Nick : You would nt be here if I did nt .
Sharon : I just wish that Cassie were nt so angry . I wish that she could see how much I love her .
Nick : Look , I know that you have been trying to deal with all this stuff on your own , but ...
Sharon : But you think I could use a little help ?
Nick : Do nt be afraid to ask . That s all I m saying .
Sharon : So what , are you offering to talk to Cassie ?
Nick : We could talk to her together . You know , present a united front . Maybe that would change some things .
Sharon : The only thing is , I think that Cassie needs you as a sounding board .
Nick : Well , do nt rule it out . You know , if things get too tough ...
Sharon : Okay . Hey ... thanks for answering my distress call .
Nick : No problem . Well , I got to get back to the office .
Sharon : You know what ? I think I ll fix something really special for dinner .
Nick : Well , I ll be here .
Victoria : All right , your turn , Bradley . Tell me where it hurts .
Brad : Well , like you said , batching it involuntarily .
Victoria : Have you talked to Ashley ? How s she doing ?
Brad : You know what ? Being away s really been good for her .
Victoria : But you miss her ?
Brad : Yeah , I do .
Victoria : Thank you for not blaming me .
Brad : What do you mean ?
Victoria : Well , for creating the tension that forced her away .
Brad : She ll be home soon enough .
Victoria : Yeah , and then you ll have a new little son or daughter .
Brad : Yeah , yeah , I will . Kind of hard to complain , is nt it ?
Victoria : Mm - hmm . Yes , it is .
Brad : So back to your situation .
Victoria : Oh , please , let s not .
Brad : Really does have you bummed , does nt it ?
Victoria : Sometimes I just want to take my father and just shake him .
Brad : Because of the way he s been treating you .
Victoria : Partly .
Brad : What else ?
Victoria : You would nt believe it if I told you . He s actually considering ...
Brad : What ?
Victoria : You know , it would serve him right if I just blurted it out .
Brad : Do nt stop on my account .
Victoria : You are very dangerous , you know that ?
Brad : I take it you feel your father is on the verge of making a serious mistake .
Victoria : No comment . Let s just call it monumentally bad judgment ... and you did nt hear it from me .
Brad : Deal .
Michael : There . I am now yours to do with as you please within reason and as long as you and yours handle me with a reasonable respect .
Victor : Agreed .
Michael : So this battle-- shall I assume that the enemy is Jabot Cosmetics ?
Victor : I will fill you in as the need arises , all right ?
Michael : May I at least have some context ?
Victor : Shelf space .
Michael : Excuse me ?
Victor : You can make the best product at the lowest price , package it very attractively , but what use is that if , when the customers go shopping , they ca nt see your product on the shelves ?
Michael : Well , if that happens , you re doomed .
Victor : That s right . That is the battlefield we are on , Mr. Baldwin . Jabot Cosmetics has a long - standing relationship with the major cosmetics retailers in this country . It s a relationship that they ve cultivated very carefully .
Michael : And you d like to rip them out like so many daisies from a flower bed ?
Victor : I will do that .
Michael : To do that quickly , you re going to have to apply some high - pressure tactics .
Victor : We , Mr. Baldwin . We will do that . You go back to your law practice . When I call , you drop everything , and give me your full commitment .
Michael : Why do I have the feeling I ve signed a pact with the devil ?
Victor : You have a nice day .
Colleen : Any luck ?
Lily : No . He is nt logged on .
Sierra : He s probably not home yet .
Colleen : Yeah .
Lily : Well , either that , or he s avoiding me .
Colleen : Look , I m sure if you just e - mail him--
Lily : Wait , there he is . Hey , fisherman , are you there ?
Lily : I m sorry about this afternoon .
Colleen : Why is nt he responding ?
Lily : I do nt know . He s still logged on . Fish , you still there ?
Colleen : Wait , there s more .
Lily : You say you re sorry . I know you re not really . But you will be .
Billy : When I think about how things went wrong , there you are , right in the middle of it .
Bobby : Let me get something straight with you , kid . I do nt give my customers what they want , they go somewhere else .
### Summary:
| At Crimson light , Lily is about to meet her online guy - friend , Fisherman , when Neil and Dru break the news to Lily that they plan to get married in four weeks . Fisherman is not happy about the interrupts leaves and instant messages Lily that she will be sorry . Nick tells Sharon that he is not sure were they stand as a couple ; Sharon is hurt . Nikki vents to jack about Sharon ; he suggest that Nikki bury herself in her work . Michael signs a contract with Victor but still has little details as to why he is being hired except that if he is careful he will not lose his license to practice law . Vicki and Brad share drinks where Vikki admits that her father is on the verge of making a big mistake . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kayla : Mom .
Caroline : Kayla , I came here to be alone .
Kayla : I hate to see you like this .
Caroline : Well , then go back to Africa and forget what you know .
Kayla : No , I can not forget what I know . You have got to tell everybody that Daniel is not the father of Chloe s baby !
Caroline : Oh , my God .
Vivian : Oh ! If EJ or Stefano ever invite me for a meeting in that room , I m bringing my own bottle of disinfectant .
Gus : Rather foolish of Brady and Nicole , having rumpy - pumpy without closing the curtains .
Vivian : Rumpy - pumpy ? Well , especially since they re trying to prove to the world that they ve broken up . [ Laughs ] It s going to be acutely painful for Nicole when EJ tells her that she ca nt see her little Sydney anymore . And since Nicole was the first person to find out that Brady did what he did to me , and she s the first person to agree to keep me in the coffin , I think she should be the first person to experience my revenge .
Gus : One down , four to go .
Brady : I would nt be so sure of that .
Nicole : You want me to marry you ?
EJ : That s what I said . You seem a little taken aback .
Nicole : Yeah . Yeah , I m a little taken aback . There s that little thing , you know , when you sent me to prison , and you kind of hate my guts .
EJ : Well , that was a ... a very long time ago .
Nicole : What is that thing my mom used to tell me all the time ? Fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice , shame on me . No , thanks .
EJ : Okay , Nicole . I m not making a fool of you . I m on the level . Marry me .
Chloe : Mrs. Brady , Kayla , what are you doing ?
Kayla : I m sorry . We had no idea--
Daniel : Kayla ? Did you just say what I thought you said ?
Caroline : We did nt know you were here .
Chloe : You do nt know what you re talking about .
Daniel : Kayla ? Why did you say I m not Parker s father ? Answer me . Maggie ? Would you be good enough to take my car and the baby to the apartment ?
Maggie : It s okay .
Philip : Daniel , this is crazy . Let s just -- let s go home . Come on .
Daniel : I m waiting .
Chloe : Daniel , I do nt know what s going on .
Daniel : Chloe , be-- just be quiet .
Caroline : Ca nt we talk about this someplace else more private ?
Daniel : No . You are going to explain , and you re going to explain right here , right now .
Philip : Daniel , she has no idea what she s talking about . She s flippin out . Look , I ll get this . Mrs. Brady , let s get you home .
Caroline : No , you take-- take your hands off me ! The reason that Kayla said you re not the baby s father is because ... it s the truth .
Chloe : What ? No !
Carly : No , you re wrong .
Chloe : Mrs. Brady , you do nt know what you re saying , or maybe you re confused .
Daniel : If I am not Parker s father , then who is ?
Kayla : I think -- I think we should -- we should go to a different room .
Daniel : I swear if you do not answer that question ...
Caroline : Philip is .
Vivian : Gus , I d like a word with Brady alone .
Gus : Of course , Madame .
Vivian : Trying to be the good old Brady ?
Brady : I do nt know what you re talking about .
Vivian : Clean and sober good Samaritan . Don Quixote trying to save his Dulcinea . Well , you see , you ca nt do that , because you re still a vodka- soaked loser . And Nicole is just a common tramp , so she s hardly worth the effort . And so , you see , there is no point . There s nothing you can do , because she is going to go up in flames .
Brady : Open this envelope , and then tell me if you still think there s nothing I can do .
Nicole : I ll say one thing for sure , Elvis . It is never dull when you re around .
EJ : Okay , let me be clear . I m not proposing a conventional marriage .
Nicole : I did nt think you were .
EJ : Think of this more as an arrangement that would serve both of our purposes beautifully .
Nicole : Yeah ? And how s that ?
EJ : You will achieve the thing that you say you want most in this world-- to be Sydney s mother .
Nicole : Sydney s mother ?
EJ : Ahem . That is what you want , is nt it ?
Nicole : You know it is . But marry you ? Knowing the way you feel about me ? That s like asking me to throw my life away .
EJ : Well , it s a marriage for a child . That s not throwing a life away . In fact , it s actually a marriage for two children , because I would like you to raise Johnny as well .
Nicole : I love Johnny .
EJ : He adores you . I can see the difference you ve made in Sydney .
Nicole : Really ? I thought I was the only one who noticed it .
EJ : No . I d like you to make the same difference to Johnny . You can be more of a mother than Samantha ever could be . You re focused just on the children .
Nicole : Okay , uh , what s in it for you ?
EJ : For me ?
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
EJ : Symmetry .
Nicole : What ?
EJ : Well , I , uh ... a family . A mother , a father , two children .
Nicole : So in other words , I complete you .
EJ : I suppose in a way you do .
Nicole : You know what , EJ ? If you want the picture - perfect family , I suggest you take an ad out on Craigslist , and I m sure you will have women lined up . The question is , why me ? What are you up to ?
Philip : What are you doing here , Mrs. Brady ? Are you trying to settle some old score with my father ?
Victor : Caroline , is that what this is ?
Philip : Well , it has to be , because what she s saying is just crazy . It s crazy .
Caroline : You Kiriakis men ! You go through life doing whatever you feel like doing ! And you re just so damn sure of yourselves , huh ? Well , I m not crazy . And you ca nt change the facts .
Daniel : What are the facts , and how do you know them ?
Caroline : I know because I went on the computer , and I changed the paternity test results .
Chloe : No ! That s not true !
Daniel : Paternity test ?
Chloe : No , I had a routine amnio , that s all .
Caroline : She s lying , Daniel . I m sorry . She had the test because she was unfaithful to you with her old boyfriend , your daughter s husband .
Philip : She s -- she s --
Daniel : No , she s right ... is nt she ? [ Shouts ] Is nt she ?
Melanie : Oh , my God .
Daniel : Son of a bitch .
Kayla : Daniel !
Daniel : [ Grunting ] I told you I d kill you !
Vivian : [ Sighs ] Oh , more photos . How clever . What are these supposed to prove ?
Brady : Keep looking .
Vivian : Well , you made copies of the photos , just photo shopped . And here s one with Victor , instead of you . Freud will have something to say about that . And then there s Daniel and-- whoo ! Philip ? And Father Matt ? I need that one for my wallet .
Brady : Right .
Vivian : Really , what is it you re trying to prove , that your beloved is more of a whore than she really is , or is it that you just have too much time on your hands ?
Brady : Vivian , you crack me up . You know , the problem with you doing what you do is the fact that you do it , okay ? I know you went trotting off to EJ and showed him the picture . Nicole and I are gon na go to him and show him these , and we will claim that you phonied up that picture of us , because you re out to get us . Now , with your track record , really , really ... who do you think he s gon na believe ? I -- I love that face . That s the face of someone who s been beaten at their own game .
EJ : So , what do you say ?
Nicole : I say that you have made me the happiest woman in the world , EJ . Mr. DiMera , you have swept me off my feet .
EJ : Nicole , I really do nt think this is anything to joke about .
Nicole : Believe me , EJ , I do nt think it s funny .
EJ : I do not wish the mother of my children drinking during the day . Or at night for that matter .
Nicole : Right . Here comes the prenup .
EJ : There are terms , of course . They re pretty straightforward . You get to be Sydney s mother , something you have demonstrated is very important to you . And in return , all I ask is that you are an exemplary mother . An exemplary mother means you have to stop your drinking and the screwing around .
Nicole : Wow . This is so romantic . So hard for me to resist you when you talk so sweet .
EJ : Actually , it s , uh , sweetly . You use the adverbial form to modify the verb to talk . Small thing .
Nicole : Well , my grammar might be a little dicey , but I m pretty good at deductions . Okay , let s go over Nicole s day today , shall we ? So Sami attacks me in the hospital with Christmas decorations and medical supplies , and I tell Elvis DiMera about it , and he says to go press charges , and when I do , I come back home , and he s on one knee , and he proposes . I m pretty sure it s not my good looks that swept you off your feet , and I am certain this is not about me spending time with Johnny and Sydney , because I already am . This is about you driving Sami crazy .
Daniel : [ Screams ]
Melanie : No ! Stop it ! Please , Dad , stop . Do nt do anything stupid that s gon na get you in trouble . Do not make me go through this alone . Stop it ! Please , give-- give me that . Do nt make me go through this alone . Please , do nt .
Philip : Melanie . Melanie .
Carly : Hey , Caroline , I ll get you home .
Daniel : Oh , hell , no . No , no , we re not gon na stop now . We ca nt just ignore this now , can we ? After all the talks we had about having an honest and open relationship ?
Philip : Daniel ! Let Chloe go home . Let s take this outside .
Daniel : How was it , Philip ? How was it , huh ? How can you do that ? How do you hold your son , pretending it s mine ? And then you renounce Satan , and you promise to lead him-- you , lead him to righteousness ? You ?
Philip : I do nt think it s true . It s not true !
Daniel : No , maybe you did nt want it to be true , huh ? After that little slip- up . That little meaningless one - night stand that you felt so , so bad about .
Melanie : What ?
Daniel : Cause it was nt your little office assistant , was it ? Was it ?
Victor : Daniel !
Daniel : No , no , no , we re in the house of God right now ! Right ? We should be bleeding with the truth .
Melanie : You knew that he--
Daniel : Oh , yeah , I knew it was someone . I just did nt know it was my wife .
Melanie : [ Crying ]
Daniel : But you know what ? Oh , hell , boys will be boys , wo nt they ? But that little fling , that did nt come without consequences , now , did it ? So how did that feel ? Huh ? How did it feel when you heard you were gon na be a father ?
Philip : I do nt think it s true , Daniel . Come on !
Daniel : When you get someone pregnant , you step up like a man ! You do nt pawn your little bastard off on somebody else !
Chloe : Daniel , no .
Daniel : Certainly not me ! Cause these children , they are not exchangeable toys ! They re not !
Carly : Stop it .
Daniel : She was left in an orphanage ! She was left with a pimp ! They re children !
Carly : This is not the time or place !
Melanie : You knew this whole time , did nt you ? You knew everything this whole time .
Daniel : You knew ? Y - y - you knew , too ?
Melanie : I m gon na be sick .
Carly : Listen to me , honey . Listen .
Melanie : Do nt touch me . Do nt anybody touch me .
Philip : Mel , I do nt know why she s doing this .
Victor : Because she s lost her mind .
Kayla : Do nt you dare talk to my mother that way .
Carly : Listen to me . I thought everything was gon na be okay .
Melanie : You thought it was okay that my husband slept with my father s wife ?
Carly : I did nt know who it was , I swear !
Melanie : Of course not , because you did nt check to see who the father might be before you did the test . Or was the list too long , Chloe ?
Daniel : You knew about the paternity test ? You went behind my back , and you gave her a paternity test .
Carly : To protect you , to prove that it was your child . Chloe loves you so much that she was beside herself .
Daniel : So you decide , and I do nt get to know about Melanie , and then you decide , and I get to raise another man s son ?
Carly : The test proved-- no , it said that you were the father , Daniel .
Philip : He is the father !
Carly : Look , I swear , we thought there was a happy ending . Why ?
Caroline : I told you why ! Because no baby should have him as a father !
Carly : No , not that why . Why did you have to do this today of all days ?
Caroline : Ooh !
Kayla : Mom . Mom , are you all right ? Are you okay ? Take it easy .
Caroline : [ Groans ]
Brady : Think about it , Viv . What do you think EJ s reaction is gon na be when he finds out a homicidal psychopath has been trespassing on his property while his baby girl is asleep upstairs ? You think he s gon na appreciate the fact that you ve been elbowing your way into his personal private life ?
Vivian : Oh , please .
Brady : Do nt worry about it . He s probably not gon na put you in a coffin and walk away like I did . But he might put you in a coffin . You just wo nt be alive when he does it . You screwed up . Now you get to deal with the DiMera family .
Vivian : What a lot of bravado . I can handle EJ DiMera , I think .
EJ : What ? What ? Oh , so I m using you to get back at Samantha . Who cares ? You get what you want . I get what I want . What s wrong with that ?
Nicole : Nothing . So what about the money ?
EJ : [ Laughing ] You know , there s something so wonderfully refreshing about the fact that you just never change .
Nicole : I do nt care what you think . What about the money ?
EJ : You ll be looked after very nicely .
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
EJ : Okay ? But just so you know , if I die , you do nt get anything .
Nicole : Do you think the temptation would be too much for me if I was in the will ?
EJ : Being shot in the head rather changed the way I think about these kind of things . So ... I think we covered the basics , do nt you ? You have a decision to make , Nicole .
Caroline : I feel dizzy . Ooh , my head hurts .
Kayla : Please , this has been very hard on her .
Philip : Melanie , I have no idea why she is doing this . Like I said , I think she s trying to get back at my father .
Caroline : No ! No , I changed the paternity test to protect the baby . I did nt ever think anyone would ever know the truth . I ... I did nt think anyone would ever know the truth . And you tried to hustle me out of here just like your father ! You bully people to get away with what you do , and you stand in God s house and stood up as that baby s Godfather ! But , Kayla ... God help me , Kayla , I was wrong ! I was wrong ! You were right ! Oh , God help me , I was ... I was ... I was ... [ Moans ]
Kayla : Mom .
Caroline : [ Moaning ]
Nicole : You know , EJ , I just have to be honest here . I just really do nt see us as soul mates .
EJ : Yes or no , Nicole ?
Nicole : All right . I know what you re trying to do here . You know , you re trying to back me in a corner , so that I have no choice in the matter . But think about this . Think about Sydney and Johnny . Do you really want them to see me seething with resentment because their father bullied me into something that he wanted ?
EJ : You have until the end of the day to make up your mind .
Nicole : Oh , my God . What s Brady gon na say ?
Gus : And where are you going ?
Vivian : I m off to Chez DiMera . I was gon na let it stew , but I will not be cowed by the Brady Bunch .
Daniel : Okay , somebody get my bag . Call 9 - 1 - 1 .
Victor : Done .
Carly : Is there anything I can do ?
Kayla : Yeah , you can get the hell away from her . Will you talk to me , Mom ?
Caroline : [ Muttering ]
Kayla : It s okay . It s all right . We re right here with you . Everything s gon na be okay . Everything s gon na be okay . It s okay .
Victor : You better hope nothing happens to that woman .
Philip : You think this was my fault ?
Victor : I think everything is your fault . Chloe ? For God s sake , Philip . I thought you d grown up . I thought you started using your brain instead of your--
Philip : Hey ! You know what I love in all this ? My world just blew up . Did you see my wife s face ? And my father is all over me . Not what happened or why , but everything is your fault . You do nt know the circumstances .
Victor : I see , so you had a good reason for knocking up your father - in - law s wife . Chloe has ruined your life , Philip . And Brady s and now Daniel s . And , yes , Melanie . I did see her face , you damn fool .
Philip : Melanie ? I ... is she all right ?
Melanie : Philip , how about you go somewhere ? How about you go to hell ?
Carly : No , no . Leave her alone . Back off .
Carly : I swear I did nt know it was Philip .
Melanie : And you never lie , do you ?
Nicole : Hey , what s up ?
Brady : I m at the pier . Can you get down here ? I have some news .
Nicole : You know what ? Uh , you re not the only one .
Kayla : Uh , she s hypertensive , and she s already on a statin .
Ben : Blood thinner ?
Kayla : No . Uh , no .
Ben : Okay , well , it s good you got your mother here so quickly . I ve already ordered an MRI and a cat scan .
Kayla : Great . Um , I think it would be wise to start her on a TPA as soon as possible .
Ben : So does your mother have any history of TIAs or ... ?
Kayla : No , I mean ... not that I know of . I mean , for all I know , maybe , and she d just keep on working .
Ben : Know it well . Well , your mother is gon na get the best of care , okay ? I m gon na go examine her right now .
Kayla : Uh , Doctor , uh ... one more thing , um ...
Ben : Yeah .
Kayla : Dr. Jonas was there when this happened , and he s great , but ...
Ben : But ?
Kayla : But my mother was in the middle of a very emotional argument , and he was part of it , and I just think maybe it would be better if he was taken off the case .
Ben : Well , then let me say this again . You have my personal word that your mother will get the best care that this hospital can offer , okay ?
Kayla : Thank you .
Ben : How s she doing ?
Daniel : Weakness on the right side of her face , numbness on the right side of her body , speech is slurred .
Ben : Right . Listen , Daniel , I was just talking--
Daniel : You know what ? For personal reasons , I can not be involved in this case .
Ben : Really ?
Daniel : I wrote an order for TPA , but I really-- I ve got to go .
Ben : That was easy .
Daniel : Dr. Walters is with your mother now .
Kayla : Good , yeah . I talked to him .
Daniel : Yeah , well , he s highly competent , so youll-- yeah .
Kayla : Daniel . I am so sorry .
Daniel : Yeah , everybody is , are nt they ?
Kayla : Oh , Mom . God , I m so sorry .
Carly : Do you want me to take you home ?
Melanie : That s an awkward question . I guess I should go home . Although I m not really sure where that is . I could go back to Victor s . There s a champagne buffet there , or ... I could go to Chloe and Daniel s apartment , watch them opening up christening gifts .
Carly : Oh , honey .
Melanie : Or did you mean for me to come back to you ? To your house ? I m sure there s an awful lot we have to catch up on , all the things you ve been lying to me about .
Carly : I m telling you , I did nt know .
Melanie : Mmm . You know , in the last 30 minutes , I ve lost my husband , I ve lost my brother , Caroline Brady might die , and my dad ... well , who knows what the hell s gon na happen to him ? You re not really my top priority right now .
Chloe : I ll be home in a few minutes .
Maggie : Are you sure you re all right to drive ? I have to be honest with you , Chloe , you do nt sound too good .
Chloe : I m not , but I ll be right there .
Philip : Chloe .
Victor : She s the mother of my son . Do nt give me any of this family only crap . What if Bo hears about this ? What if he decides to go visit her ? You know what an idiot he is , like all the men in this family .
Philip : Father , I am so sorry .
Victor : Well , enough hand - wringing . We have to decide what we re gon na do next .
Philip : I hope you have some ideas , cause I do nt have a clue .
Victor : Tell me one thing . Why Chloe ?
Philip : I saw Melanie with Nathan . She was in his arms . She was kissing him . I thought I was losing her .
Victor : So instead of hiring a private detective to follow Melanie , you decide to sleep with her father s wife .
Philip : I ran into Chloe , and she told me that she thought Carly was having an affair with Daniel .
Victor : Ah . Well , that explains everything . Fear and distrust -- what an aphrodisiac .
Philip : I do nt need you to tell me how stupid we were .
Victor : You were beyond stupid . Chloe was stupid . You were moronic . You were an imbecile .
Philip : This is nt helping . This is nt helping .
Victor : Now you re tied to that slut forever . Have you never heard of a condom ? God , what a disaster .
Philip : That baby is my son .
Victor : You deal with that kid any way you want . Just make sure that Chloe s not part of the package . From now on , your main priority s got ta be Melanie . That s a woman you can count on in the trenches . She s the best thing that ever happened to you , Philip , and do nt you ever forget it .
Kayla : How is she ?
Ben : She s stable now . I m gon na go take a look at her MRI and her scan , and then I ll fill you in on everything we re doing , okay ?
Kayla : Thank you .
Ben : Okay .
Kayla : Oh , Mom . Why ?
Carly : Melanie , I swear I never thought it was Philip . Never . Because if I had--
Melanie : What ? I would have found out this happy information much sooner ?
Carly : You never would have found out this way .
Melanie : You know what I thought ? I thought that having a husband who loved me , a family-- like a real family that I loved-- I thought it would make all my problems go away . But really , all I ve done is just give a whole bunch of people a way to hurt me more than I have ever been hurt in my entire life .
Carly : I love you so much that I ll do whatever you want me to , whatever you need . You just say it .
Melanie : I d like you to leave me alone .
Carly : Okay .
Nicole : Hi .
Brady : Hey .
Nicole : What s goin on ?
Brady : Uh ... Vivian . She s planning to take those pictures of us to EJ .
Nicole : Surprise , surprise .
Brady : Yeah . I tried to bluff her out of it . I told her that he would probably want to kill the messenger .
Nicole : Let me guess . It did nt make a difference .
Brady : She s not gon na shove that picture in EJ s face , especially with what s going on with Johnny . It ll probably buy you some more time .
Nicole : Yeah .
Brady : Hey , are you , uh ... are you hearing any of this ?
Nicole : I hear , I guess .
Brady : Hello ? You re very distracted . What s going on ?
Nicole : Remember I said I had news ?
Brady : Yeah .
Nicole : Guess what ? I m getting married .
Vivian : Hello .
EJ : Yes ?
Vivian : Uh , uh ... you know , I felt so bad about that bombardment the other day that I brought you a little peace offering , uh , for your son .
EJ : Is there anything else ?
Vivian : Uh , actually , yes , there is . Mm - hmm . Ahem . See , I am so fond of your father that I felt a responsibility to tell you that , uh , you ve been had .
EJ : Really ? I would nt know anything about that .
Vivian : Well , you will . You see , Nicole lied to you . Not only are she and Brady still together , but they ve made quite the fool of you .
Maggie : Victor .
Victor : Hello , Maggie .
Maggie : Um , did Caroline ... did she have a stroke ?
Victor : Apparently . They re just waiting for a bunch of tests to come back .
Maggie : What she said at the church , I mean , is it true ?
Victor : Yes , I m afraid so .
Maggie : So Daniel s not the baby s father .
Victor : No . Philip is .
Maggie : Philip ? Oh . Oh , my goodness . Why -- why would Caroline get in the middle of this ?
Victor : I have no idea where she got her information , but she took it upon herself to change the test results .
Maggie : Caroline would do something like that ?
Victor : And then waited until the christening to let everyone else know the truth .
Maggie : I just-- I do nt understand . I mean , why would Caroline do that ? Changing paternity test results .
Victor : She said that it was so that another Kiriakis would nt get to ruin another baby boy s life . You know , I ve loved that woman as long as I can remember . She does this out of hatred for me . I really do nt know if I want her to survive this .
Carly : Hey , hey . I know that Caroline Brady was admitted . How is she ?
Nurse : Well , uh , the doctors are looking at her tests now , then they ll make a decision about surgery .
Carly : It was nt an intracranial hemorrhage , was it ?
Nurse : No . It was a good kind of stroke .
Carly : [ Exhales ] Hi . I was just asking about your mom .
Kayla : You happy now ?
Carly : How could you say something like that ?
Kayla : You have a lot of nerve showing your face here , since this is all your fault .
Melanie : You re still here . I thought you d be at Chloe s cooing over your new baby .
Philip : Melanie , I--
Melanie : You son of a bitch . How could you do this ?
Brady : You re marrying the most hateful bastard on the face of the planet .
Daniel : For once , tell me the truth .
Melanie : Just shut up and leave me alone !
### Summary:
| Kayla accidentally announced that Daniel is nt the father of Chloe s baby . Everyone at the church heard her . Brady walked in on Gus and Vivian while they were talking about Nicole . Nicole did nt understand why EJ wanted to marry her . Daniel wanted Kayla to tell him why she said that he was nt the father of Chloe s baby . Philip wanted to get Caroline out of the church , but she would nt leave . Caroline told everyone that Philip is Parker s father . EJ did nt want a conventional marriage . He wanted an arrangement . He used Sydney and Johnny to convince her to marry him . Nicole did nt understand why he wanted to marry him . Caroline started yelling about how the Kiriakis men are . She also admitted that she switched the paternity test results . Chloe tried to deny it , but Caroline said it was true and that Philip is the father . Daniel hit Philip and threatened to kill him . Brady showed Vivian Photoshopped pictures of Nicole with different men . He will go to EJ with the different pictures and say that Vivian did that to get back at them . EJ wanted Nicole to be a good influence on his children . He did nt want her drinking or sleeping with men . Nicole was convinced he wanted to get back at Sami . Melanie stopped Daniel from killing Philip . Philip was convinced that Parker was nt his baby . Melanie accused Carly of knowing about Chloe having Philip s baby . Daniel found out that Carly was the one who gave Chloe the paternity test . Carly wanted to know why Caroline would do something like that . Caroline did nt think that Philip should raise a baby . Caroline suddenly had a pain in her head . She also became dizzy . Caroline said she switched the results to protect Parker . Caroline finally admitted that Kayla was right and that she should have told the truth . Caroline passed out while she was talking to everyone . EJ wanted to know Nicole s answer to his proposal . She had until the end of the day to decide if she will marry him . Victor yelled at Philip for being with Chloe . Melanie saw Philip and told him to go to H*ll . Carly told Philip to get away from Melanie . Carly tried to reassure Melanie that she did nt know Philip was the one with Chloe . Melanie did nt believe her . Kayla got Caroline to the hospital on time . Kayla did nt want Daniel to work on Caroline s case . Daniel also did nt want to work on Caroline s case . Melanie rejected Carly when she tried to comfort her . Nicole wanted to meet Brady at the pier . He told her that he tried to keep Vivian from going to EJ with the proof that they were still together . Nicole told Brady that she s getting married . Vivian showed up at the DiMera mansion to see EJ . She told him that Nicole is still with Brady . She also gave him the pictures of them together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ryan : Hey .
Kendall : Hey .
Ryan : Sleeping in today , huh ?
Kendall : It s not that late .
Ryan : Oh . Well , I m sorry I woke you .
Kendall : You did nt . Actually , I was nt sleeping .
Ryan : Really ? Ok . Well , you can enjoy your day in bed or whatever . I just want to let you know that I m going to be running around looking for Annie today , and I do nt know how long it s going to take , so if you need me , just call me on my cell , ok ?
Kendall : Ok .
Ryan : Ok .
Kendall : I will .
Ryan : All right . I want to say good morning to Spike .
Kendall : No , no , I do nt think that s a good idea , Ryan .
Ryan : Oh . Well , we can have a cup of coffee if it ll help , talk about it ?
Zach : I do nt think Kendall needs your help , but you re welcome to a cup of coffee .
Erica : You were right , Jeff . Thank you for last night . It was just what I needed .
Bianca : Mother !
David : Comfy ?
Josh : Go away .
David : No , I do nt think so . I ve been looking all over for you . You slept here ? You all right ?
Josh : You know , what kind of a soul - free moron lets his daughter marry J.R. Chandler ?
J.R. : Whoa ! You demolished it !
J.R. : Yeah , ha , ha . Let s build them again , so we can do it some more .
Babe : Ooh , I am living with Barbarians !
J.R. : Oh , do nt go to work ! I wo nt go , either . Stay and tame us .
Babe : Oh . I would love to except your little demolition here is just so peaceful to get work done .
J.R. : Colby s at school .
Babe : Yeah ? Have you checked the tunnels ?
J.R. : Well , I do nt care . She left the house . I mean , she could be at school or Timbuktu . You know what we could do ?
Babe : Hmm ?
J.R. : We could go back to France .
Babe : You know I d love to , but this time --
J.R. : And we could take Little Adam --
Babe : Yes !
J.R. : And stay as long as we like .
Adam : Oh , oh , well , yes . That s it , that s it . Get busy . Little Adam needs a sibling .
Adam : And we could always use another grandchild .
J.R. : Oh !
Adam : Whoo !
J.R. : We re going to have another baby when Babe says so .
Adam : Yeah , well , say so . He could grow up with his aunt .
Krystal : Or uncle .
Krystal : I ll tell you , you Chandler men are such studs , but do nt think we re going to keep you happy by continuing to have babies , babies .
Adam : Oh ! Buddy ! Buddy ! Come on !
J.R. : Hey , you know what ? Lucretia made some French toast !
Adam : Whoa . Let s go , let s go .
J.R. : Yeah .
Adam : Yeah , we Chandler men have to keep up our strength .
Krystal : Yeah , keep up your strength , Grandpa .
Little Adam : Put me down !
J.R. : Whoo !
Babe : Whoo !
Krystal : Now that we re alone , you and J.R. seem happy . You going to stay that way ?
Babe : I told Josh that it s over , and I want my marriage with J.R. to work and this is where I want to be -- with my family .
Krystal : I think you made the right choice , and I know it was nt easy .
Babe : I hurt Josh and myself , but I know that this is the right choice for me . Last night I was -- I was so afraid that J.R. would -- would rip apart Josh , but instead of just get him off the hook with Colby , J.R. saved him .
Krystal : I think you re a good influence on him .
Babe : Hmm , well , he is a good man , and I know that he can be even better . I love him so much , Mama . Thank God , he does nt ever have to know about Josh and me .
Josh : What , no answer ? Let me guess -- you danced like a fool at their wedding ?
David : Is that any way to talk to Babe s father ? I mean , soul - free moron ?
Josh : Is that how it works for you ? Is fatherhood a big joke and J.R. and Babe s marriage the punch line ?
David : Not even close .
Josh : Then what is wrong with you ? Ok , the first time they hooked up , you were nt in the picture , but now he tried to kill her ! He wants her dead -- does nt that matter ?
David : Yes , it matters very much .
Josh : You know what ? Even -- even the -- all the terrible things Greg Madden did , even he would ve stepped in to stop me from marrying my wannabe murderer .
David : Oh , yeah , Greg was a peach .
Josh : He was a better father than you could ever dream of being .
David : You think I want Babe tied to that arrogant , egotistical Chandler ?
Josh : I do nt think you care .
David : Adam Chandler , Jr. ? Just saying it is an obscenity . Kid would ve been a hell of a lot better off if Dixie would ve kept hold of him , or maybe not . I tell you right now , it s kind of hard to know who s more hypocritical or soul - free these days -- the Chandlers or the Martins . I ve despised most of them over the years .
Josh : Yeah , well , I m not up for a history lesson right now .
David : Let me tell you something -- however much you think you hate J.R. , it does nt come close to what I feel about him .
Josh : Then why did nt you try to stop Babe ?
David : I tried . She does nt listen to me . The absent , unaware father suddenly back in her life ? I even went to Krystal -- she would nt help , so that s why I m here . Why not you ?
Josh : Me ?
David : Yeah .
Josh : You want me to help you ?
David : Yes .
Josh : I ll help you over the side of this roof .
David : Others have tried and failed . You re Babe s champion , Josh . You actually have a chance with her . Oh , I see . I get it . It s easier , is nt it ? To sit around here wallowing in self - pity rather than going after Babe , doing whatever it takes to get her ?
Julia : Oh . Thanks .
Jamie : Why ca nt you ever remember to bring a towel ?
Julia : Well , it was just kind of a spontaneous thing . You ?
Jamie : More planned .
Julia : Oh . Great minds . What ?
Jamie : This is where it all started .
Erica : Bianca , how could you think that I , that -- that Jeff and I --
Bianca : All smiles . Relaxed and glowing . You were cooing good - bye to him before breakfast .
Erica : Oh , my goodness . Well , anyone would think that you had caught us in the act .
Bianca : Oh , please , please . I do nt want to picture my mother with a man who is not her husband .
Erica : But who was at one time .
Bianca : Yeah , Uncle Jack told me that you moved out , but he did nt tell me why . I guess he was trying to protect me .
Erica : Well , you need protection from your own overactive imagination , and so do I.
Bianca : Oh , yeah ? So you have an explanation for this , for leaving Jeff Martin s room at the crack of dawn after doing God knows what with him ? Fine . You know what ? Bring it on . I m listening , Mother . Tell me . Tell me why you would risk your marriage , your reputation -- go on . Defend yourself !
Erica : Well , how can I when you wo nt let me get a word in edgewise ?
Bianca : Well , whose daughter am I ? Where do you think I got it from ?
Kendall : Ryan ?
Ryan : Kendall , come on . You do nt owe me an explanation , ok ?
Kendall : No , no , I feel like I do . I feel like I do . You have been so wonderful . You ve been -- you ve been helpful , you ve been so good to me .
Ryan : No , you know , you do nt need to do this . You do nt need to explain .
Kendall : No , Ryan , you deserve to know .
Ryan : Look , all I want to know is that you re sure , Kendall -- that s it . That this is what you want .
Kendall : I m sure . It is .
Ryan : Well , then this is the way it should be .
Kendall : Yeah , I think so . It -- it feels right . I just have to listen to my heart and to my feelings , and I know that I am not ready to say good - bye to Zach .
Ryan : It s ok . No arguments , no discussions , nothing . I mean , you and I will always have our bond , we always will . We ll always be Spike s parents , right ?
Kendall : Yeah .
Ryan : I got to go , but as far as you and Zach are concerned , I want you to know that I wish you the best .
Kendall : Thank you . You are the best . You really are .
Zach : Hey , Ryan ? We re not finished .
Ryan : We re not finished ? Really , because I kind of thought we were . I mean , you faked your affair with Dixie , I faked it with Kendall in order for you to beat the murder rap , right ? You beat it . Now everything s back to normal . Kendall s got you right where she wants you and -- yeah . We re finished . See you around .
Zach : You will , a lot . You ok with that ?
Ryan : Ahem . Dixie has completely and totally fallen for you . Are you ok with that ?
Zach : No , I m not .
Ryan : And you used Kendall , you pretty much forced us to play along -- you ok with that ? I mean , you think that was easy ?
Zach : Come on , man . You did nt enjoy it ?
Ryan : I never took advantage of the situation , Zach .
Zach : After the blackout , you tried to turn Kendall against me .
Ryan : Who had to try ?
Zach : And history has a way of repeating itself .
Ryan : See , but let me just get this straight for a second here . Never mind that I worked with Kendall to help you get to walk , but before the trial , you blasted me . You accused me of doing everything that I could to mess you up , and now you want to tell me to stay away from Kendall ? Well , you go to hell .
Zach : What I m trying to do , Ryan , is apologize .
Erica : I m sorry you re upset , I really am , but you have wasted a lot of energy on absolutely nothing because Jack and I are fine .
Bianca : Does he know that you re living across the hall from Jeff Martin ?
Erica : Well , living -- I m not living . I m staying here temporarily , and it s all business .
Bianca : Jeff Martin . Does Uncle Jack know ?
Erica : Well , I may have neglected to mention it to him .
Bianca : Of course , you did .
Erica : Do nt use that tone with me . This -- this proximity between Jeff and me , this certainly was nt planned , not by me anyway . I mean , maybe the desk clerk thought it would be amusing .
Bianca : So , Jeff was nt living here before you moved in ?
Erica : No , Josh was staying here , so Jeff decided to move in , so he can get closer to Josh .
Bianca : I see . So -- so Josh was with you last night in Jeff s room , for your cozy little overnight talk ?
Erica : We were not with Josh last night , because Jeff actually talked me out of trying to interfere in Josh s life .
Bianca : All night ? Took him all night ?
Erica : I did not spend the night with Jeff !
Bianca : Mother , you re blushing !
Erica : I am not !
Bianca : Yes , you are !
Erica : Oh .
Bianca : Is -- it embarrassment or -- or --
Erica : Will you stop . Oh . It s warm in here , do nt you think ?
Bianca : No , I do nt think . You must be thinking about last night -- maybe not something that you did , but something that you wanted to do .
David : The man I observed at the hospital would nt roll over for J.R.
Josh : Babe s made her choice .
David : So that s it ? Never mind we both know what s best for Babe , and it sure as hell ai nt J.R. ?
Josh : They have a kid .
David : All the more reason for you to rescue the woman . Look , Babe has made her share of mistakes over the years , so now she s trying to play by the rules , play nice with hubby and make up for the past . Never mind he tried to squash her like a bug , wound up taking out Kendall instead .
Josh : I told Babe that I --
David : What ? What ? What , that you would be there for her ? That you would nt interfere with her marriage ? If you do nt do it , damn it , who the hell will ? Look , Josh , I ve observed you . I ve seen you in action . You re bright , you re talented , you re even driven . You want to succeed on your own terms . You ve mastered career after career . I mean , look at J.R. Look at the kind of guy he is -- everything he has has been handed to him . And no matter how many times he screws up , there s always somebody there to pick up the pieces and hand it right back to him . As a father , you think I want my daughter with a man like that ? Please , Josh , I m begging you -- go after her . Make Babe change her mind .
Josh : No one can make Babe do anything she does nt want to do . I -- I have to accept the decision she made .
David : Why are you pretending to be the kind of man that throws in the towel with a whimper while J.R. makes off with Babe ? Let me tell you something -- if I loved a woman as much as you clearly love Babe , and I had a chance to blow that marriage to kingdom come , I would light that fuse like that .
Zach : We both love her .
Ryan : Yeah , she s the mother of my son , mm - hmm .
Zach : I know . And there were times during all this when I thought I d lost her . And during the trial , it did nt even matter to me if I was going to win , lose , go to prison . If Kendall was gone , then -- but who could blame her , right ?
Ryan : Nobody .
Zach : Nobody , including me . But I had to blame somebody -- I m a blamer . So I blamed you . I figured you could nt just sit there . You had to go and rescue her , and you had to be the hero . But you did nt . Kept your word , you did nt interfere in my marriage .
Ryan : So , you re sorry that you misjudged me ? Ok .
Zach : Ok . You re the good guy . That is something , alas , that I will never be . But I m going to try and be a good stepdad to your son .
Ryan : Hmm .
Zach : Dixie thinks her daughter is here in Pine Valley .
Ryan : Yeah . Yeah , that s exactly what she thinks .
Zach : Probably just Hayward , huh ? Smoke and mirrors . What do you think ?
Ryan : I think that you should forget about Dixie , and you should concentrate on your wife .
Erica : Look , this is not only insulting , it s ludicrous . I mean , do you really think that I would cheat on Jack ?
Bianca : It s not your first marriage .
Erica : Exactly . And I have learned from my mistakes . Oh , why are you doing this to me ?
Bianca : Because Uncle Jack is my uncle and my stepfather , and I love him .
Erica : And so do I.
Bianca : You loved Jeff Martin once , too . And -- and no matter when that was , living right across the hall from him might not be the best idea .
Erica : Look , the only reason I moved in here was , so I could get some peace and quiet . I mean , Sean has turned our home into just this bedlam . I ca nt even hear myself think .
Bianca : Mom , stop it , please . Enough . I mean it . I know you too well . I ve seen you juggle labor unions and PR meetings and dinner parties for 100 people , none of whom speak the same language . And when anybody else s head would be exploding , you do nt even have to stop and reapply your lipstick . So , you may have convinced yourself and Uncle Jack that you moved in here to focus on New Beginnings and -- and your launch party , but you ll never convince me .
Julia : Oh , you were awesome in court . It must ve really ripped you up having to tell the world that your dad was lying .
Jamie : Well , it was complicated . Was nt easy .
Julia : Yeah . Well , I hope that Dixie and Zach appreciate what you did for them .
Jamie : It s only what I had to do .
Julia : Tad must still be hurting .
Jamie : He ll get over it . We both will .
Julia and Jamie : So --
Julia : Oh .
Jamie : How s the hospital ?
Julia : Um -- not the same without you .
Jamie : Guess you figured out I did nt go back to med school .
Julia : Yeah . So do you miss us ? Um -- the hospital ?
Jamie : Yeah . But I m keeping busy . I bought a new car .
Julia : Oh . Wow . Um -- what kind ?
Jamie : Fast .
Julia : Oh . You know , Jamie , when -- when we talked , and I said that I thought that we should end it --
Jamie : Yeah , we really do nt have to go into that again .
Julia : No , I thought -- well , I think that -- that maybe I was nt very clear .
Josh : Why do you think I might be able to blow up Babe s marriage ?
David : Speculation .
Josh : You have nt been talking to anyone about us , have you ?
David : Who would I talk to ?
Josh : Spit out what you know .
David : Look , son . When you really , truly love a woman , maybe even worship her , of course , you want her to choose you , all fair and up - and - up . Believe me , I ve been down that road several times , even had my share of noble impulses to stand by while she walks off with another man . But when that man is as dangerous as J.R. , you ca nt afford to stand by and let Babe make that kind of lethal mistake . You need to do whatever it takes . You have to give her a little push to choose the right man -- you .
Josh : By push you mean -
David : As hard as it takes . You do have some ammunition you could use , do nt you ?
Josh : She would never forgive me .
David : For saving her life ?
Josh : She s made up her mind . She thinks it s the right thing to do .
David : Come on . That s a load of garbage .
Josh : I ca nt pressure her into changing her mind . I m not going to do that , so just leave me alone , all right ?
Adam : I still think you should ve torn Josh Madden apart .
J.R. : It was nt necessary .
Adam : It would be an effective warning .
J.R. : Oh , what -- Stay away from all Chandler women ?
Adam : Yeah -- damn right . You and Babe are happy now , right ?
J.R. : We are .
Adam : Good . Lock it in . Get her pregnant .
J.R. : Are you crazy ?
Adam : No ! You d be sharing a miracle . Between you and Little Adam and the baby on the way -- no . She d never give Josh Madden another thought .
Simone : Oh ! Well , you re here so early . I m impressed . And you know what they say -- when the boss is impressed --
Josh : I ve changed my mind .
Simone : About ?
Josh : I appreciate the offer , but I ca nt take the job .
Simone : Oh , of course , you can . It s a done deal . I need you to convince this Susie Baker to sell Fusion Cosmetics exclusively . Her store has moved millions of units . Whoo .
Josh : It wo nt work .
Simone : Yes , it will . I ve already told her all about you .
Josh : I ve made my decision . You will have to find someone else .
Simone : Oh , Josh , come on , at least try .
Josh : Listen , you ca nt change my mind . Thanks , but no , thanks .
Simone : Oh , no , no , I can . You have no idea how many minds I ve changed .
Simone : Josh , come on ? Nice work , Babe . You want to tell me what you did to him ?
David : Josh looked as if he had been dumped from a moving car and dragged a few hundred miles by Babe .
Krystal : How is this any of your business ?
David : She is my daughter . And I do have something to say about her having an affair .
Krystal : Would you shut up ?
David : So it s true ?
Krystal : Did Josh say it was true ?
David : He did nt have to say anything . The way he looked and sounded every time he talked about Babe -- that kid s got it bad . So what s Babe going to do ?
Krystal : She s going to go on with her life as Mrs. J.R. Chandler . Loving her husband , raising their child . She is determined to be happy . She does nt need us stirring up trouble .
David : No , you got that right . Not with Colby on the job , she does nt .
Krystal : Excuse me ?
David : She broadcast the affair last night to me at BJ s . And that girl could be heard all the way in Llanview .
Krystal : Well , Colby is jealous . She does nt think that Babe deserves to be a Chandler .
David : Hmm .
Krystal : And she s trying to get herself off the hot seat , you know ? She s no angel .
David : I still have nt heard it .
Krystal : What ?
David : The short and sweet denial . Babe is not having a fling with Josh . Want to try to sell it ?
Julia : If I came off too harsh -- I like you , Jamie . And I -- I did nt want to -- it was nt easy to --
Jamie : Why would you put yourself through this ? I got it . You were clear . I m cool with it .
Julia : I was confused . I did nt really unders --
Woman : Jamie ! Am I late ?
Erica : So this is what sophisticated Paris has done to you ? You see affairs everywhere you look ?
Bianca : Oh , come on . That s ridiculous .
Erica : Well , why did you just pick up and run to this side of the pond ?
Bianca : Because I wanted to get to know Josh .
Erica : Really ? That s all ?
Bianca : And I missed my sister and you .
Erica : So you dropped everything , jumped on the Cambias private jet , and here you are ? For how long ?
Bianca : It s kind of open - ended .
Erica : Well , how does Maggie feel about that ? Or does she know ?
Bianca : Yes , of course , she knows .
Erica : But leaving her behind ?
Bianca : Maggie is -- busy , and I can do my work anywhere .
Erica : Oh , so like me , you needed a break from home ?
Bianca : I needed to visit my family .
Erica : And I could nt be more thrilled . I really am . But then visit . Do nt try to stir up trouble where it does nt exist .
Bianca : Well , if you do nt want us here , then maybe Miranda and I will just go home .
Erica : Oh , of course , I do nt want you to go home . Come on . And besides , you ca nt just desert your sister . Kendall needs you .
Ryan : She s desperate , Zach . Obviously . Otherwise , Dixie would never think that Emma was hers . Why else would she --
Zach : She said that Greg Madden had something to do with that . I do nt know -- it s according to Dixie . I do nt know .
Ryan : If there s any truth in that , then I m sure Dixie will let Tad take care of it . I mean , Kate is his child , too . Tad will handle it .
Zach : Tad will handle it ? You re just going to leave that up to Tad ?
Ryan : I ll tell you what . I will look out for Annie s interests , and you -- you just take care of her . Kendall , Zach , Kendall . Do nt you think that you and Dixie did enough damage to your marriage already ? I mean , what do you want to do here ? What , do you want to end it , for good ?
Zach : You and Tad will do whatever you can for Dixie . I do think she deserves another shot with her daughter . Do nt you ? And for the record -- Dixie was never a threat to Kendall .
Ryan : Whatever Kendall thinks is a threat to her is a threat to her , and Kendall thought that Dixie was a threat .
Zach : Kendall was wrong .
Ryan : Look , I know you met Dixie in a cemetery , and I know that your life was really messed up then . I know you were both mourning the lost -- lost children . But now you have Kendall . And now she s got -- I mean , she honestly has plenty of people to help her find Kate . Just -- just move on .
Zach : Did you get all that , Kendall ?
Kendall : I did nt hear you say that you would stay out of Dixie s life for good . Will you ?
Jamie : Linda , this is Julia . She s a nurse at the hospital .
Linda : God , I so admire people who can do all that gross stuff . I m so glad Jamie s not around all those germs and the blood and the guts .
Jamie : This is Linda .
Julia : Nice to meet you .
Jamie : So , are you ready for a swim ?
Linda : In a heated pool , maybe . You invited me here to -- you want to see hypothermia up close ? No , thanks . If you want to play polar bear , I ll stick here . Julia , you want to stick around in case he needs CPR or something ?
Jamie : That s ok . We can go somewhere else .
Linda : Thank God .
Jamie : Yeah .
Linda : My place ? Start a nice big fire ?
Jamie : Sounds good .
Linda : See you , Julia . And keep up the good work .
Julia : Ok .
Jamie : Yeah , I ll see you around .
Julia : Have fun .
Erica : Bianca -- honey , I m really sorry we got off on the wrong foot this morning . And I am so thrilled that you and Miranda are here visiting . I really am . And hopefully , Maggie can join us later . Josh -- what is it ?
Josh : Oh , everything s fine .
Erica : Well , did you go to see J.R. ? Are you hurt ? Is he ?
Josh : No , I m -- I m fine .
Erica : Well , I ve -- I ve just been so worried .
Josh : No , that s ok . Do nt .
Erica : Well , why do nt you have Jeff have a look at you ?
Josh : What are you even doing here ? Are you stalking me now ? First Daddy Jeff moves in , now Mommy Erica ? You know , whatever happened between me , J.R. , and Babe , it s none of your business . You got that ? You have no rights to me or my life .
Erica : I was only just asking how you are .
Josh : I do nt have enough to do ? Now I got to find a new place to live . Thank you .
Bianca : Well , I guess he wo nt be coming to the party .
Babe : You want Josh to keep working here ? How about you go after him yourself ? I m not stopping you .
Simone : You fixed it so that would nt do any good , did nt you ?
Babe : I did nt fix anything . Why do nt you go give him a raise or something ?
Simone : I was depending on Josh . He was onboard . But he has the hots for you , and suddenly , he s gone . Coincidence ? I do nt think so . So why do nt you tell me what was going on in here before I walked in ?
Babe : Nothing .
Simone : Not good enough .
Babe : He did nt even hint to me that he was quitting . I m sorry that I ca nt help you with it , but I ca nt read Josh s mind .
Simone : Oh -- is that the one part of him that s off - limits to you ?
Babe : Do nt you have work to do ?
Simone : Everyone sees it , Babe . The two of you in a room together , raising each other s body temperatures 10 degrees .
Babe : How about you get your own life and stay off of mine ?
Simone : Everybody knows you could ask anything from that man , and he would do it .
Babe : Then how about you tell everyone to keep their crazy ideas and their gossip and their thermometers to themselves ? Because Josh and I are not a couple . We never were a couple , and we ll never be a couple . I m very happy with my husband , J.R. You remember him ?
Simone : Who could forget ? My problem , still , is how to lure Josh back . Hmm . Well , maybe one of us should take him to bed for the good of the company .
Babe : You re a partner , and it s your idea . Go for it .
Krystal : Babe did not sleep with Josh . It was a spiteful lie from an unhappy girl .
David : Colby might be unhappy , and she might be spiteful , but this is no lie . You re too worked up over this .
Krystal : I think you d better leave .
David : Not until I see Babe . Tell her I m here .
Krystal : I ca nt . She s not here . And I would nt call her if she was here . I do nt want you upsetting her . Babe is happy with J.R.
David : Happy women do nt cheat .
Krystal : Huh . You re a menace . And I do nt care what you think , because this family is finally happy again , so just butt out .
David : Is nt this amazing ? I do nt check in on Babe , and I m a bad father . I do , and I m a menace .
Krystal : That s right , that s right . You ca nt win , so good - bye .
David : All right . Tell Babe if she needs me --
Krystal : She wo nt .
David : To help her hide from J.R. once she finds out --
Adam : What the hell are you doing ? Get out . I wo nt have you upsetting Krystal . Not in her condition .
David : Her condition ? No . You re not .
Adam : Oh , yes , Krystal s pregnant .
David : Congratulations . So who s the lucky father ?
Ryan s voice : Knee deep in parenthood -- this is exactly where I need to be .
Ryan : Yeah , this is Ryan . And you re certain ? You re absolutely certain that it was Annie McDermott ?
Zach : Hang on a sec . Waiting for the trial and during the trial , I -- I was afraid . Not of going to prison . I was afraid of losing you . I had nightmares about it .
Kendall : That we d never be like this again ? Me , too .
Zach : Yeah ? From now on , it s only you . Ok ? Always only you .
Julia : I imagined you . I made you come back --
Adam : I am the lucky father , Hayward , and proud of it . Oh , you would nt understand .
David : Oh . Oh , I m sorry . You never know these days . Hey , everybody makes mistakes , right ?
Krystal : This baby was not an accident .
David : You mean , you two were trying ?
Adam : Oh , yes , yes . On quite a regular basis .
David : Great , great . Look , why do nt you two lovebirds go upstairs , and I ll just stick around and wait for Babe ?
Adam : No , she s unavailable . And Krystal has an appointment with Dr. Lee --
David : Oh .
Adam : So if you ll excuse us --
David : Oh , you want to make sure the bun does nt have horns and a forked tail ?
J.R. : Get out , now . Babe s at Fusion .
David : Is that what she told you ? You think that s safe ? Maybe I should check on her , huh ?
Babe : Bianca , hey -- how s everything ?
Bianca : Um -- that depends . You look upset .
Babe : No , it s -- irritated . It s just work . It s nothing I ca nt handle . Kendall is nt here .
Bianca : I came to see you to talk about what s going on between you and my brother .
David : I almost forgot -- there s one more thing .
Julia ( to Josh ) : I m going to take love lessons from you ?
Bianca ( to Babe ) : So , who are you screwing over -- your husband , my brother , or both ?
J.R. ( to David ) : Babe s never been happier .
David : You mean when she s with you or when she s with Josh Madden ?
### Summary:
| Josh is distraught after Babe has told him it s over between them . He tells Simone that he can not accept her job offer because it s too painful to be in the same office as Babe . He wo nt speak to Erica or Jeff and tells them he must move out of the hotel where they are nearby . Bianca is shocked to notice her mother getting so close to Jeff . Erica tells her daughter that she only loves Jack and only has business with Jeff and good excuses to move out of Jack s house . But Bianca seems to know better than that . David goes and find Josh and tells him he wo nt let him give up on Babe . It sounds like David has a trick up his sleeve in order to help Josh win his daughter over . Althought Josh does not listen to David , David knows all the secrets after Colby has told him what she overheard when she was hiding , in regard to Babe sleeping with Josh and that Krystal could be pregnant by Tad instead of Adam . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : So , flo s father is ... is my uncle storm ?
Wyatt : Yes . Your uncle . Can you believe it ?
Hope : So that s why I feel so connected .
Flo : We re related .
Wyatt : Hope is your cousin .
Donna : Once again , I am so sorry about your blouse .
Katie : Oh , no , it s fine . It s fine . It s -- it s basically dry .
Donna : God , I ca nt believe how clumsy I am sometimes . I just --
Katie : [ Laughs ]
Brooke : I think maybe you were given a little push .
Katie : Oh , you think our brother is playing tricks on us ?
Brooke : Well , he did get us talking about him , right ?
Katie : It s true . Yeah , I think about storm every day . I guess we have nt talked about him in a while , and that s a shame . We need to make sure that our brother s memory never dies .
Justin : So these acquisitions are actually ready to go . You give me the okay , and ... I ll pull the trigger .
Bill : What are you talking about ? We nixed these deals weeks ago .
Justin : Yeah , when I thought we were going into the fashion business . Now we can reallocate those funds into ventures that will actually make us money . I m talking about a lot of money . I have a prospectus for each of those deals . If you look at the numbers -- you re not listening . I said a lot of money .
Bill : Yeah . Of course . I m all about it .
Justin : Yeah , but you re not here , you re not focusing . Your mind is elsewhere . Is it your family , your kids ? Ah , I see that little smile . Let me guess , is it katie ?
Bill : I am , uh , thinking about a logan , but it definitely is nt katie .
Brooke : Storm took such good care of us . We need to make sure that we take care of his memory .
Katie : We ca nt let anyone forget how important he was to our family .
Donna : You and will remind us of that every day .
Katie : Well , no one is closer to storm than I am , but ... he s really a part of all of us . Our history , our values ... he gave me his heart , but what he really wanted was to know that we were gon na be there for each other . We have to make sure that hope and the next generation of logans carries on the legacy that storm left us .
Hope : So storm , my uncle is ... is your father , so ... flo , that means we re -- we re ...
Flo : We re cousins . I know . That s absolutely crazy .
Wyatt : Wait , you knew ? Of course you knew . You got the e - mail , too . You saw the results . I mean , you guys must be in shock here . You re family !
Flo : I just , um ... I -- I did nt know that the dna test was gon na give me back a name . You know , you -- you said that that probably was nt gon na happen .
Wyatt : Yeah , I -- yeah , it did .
Quinn : Yeah , and your mom confirmed it . Hi , I m shauna . I know this is a crazy way to meet somebody . Your aunt , I guess .
Hope : Hi , I m hope . I m -- I m sorry , I just -- I do nt really know what to say .
Quinn : I think we re all feeling really off - balance .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Quinn : There was a little confusion earlier , but then the results came in , and ...
Hope : Oh , can I see ?
Wyatt : Yeah . Yeah . Yeah , yeah , yeah . Um ...
Hope : Okay .
Flo : Stephen storm logan jr .
Hope : You know what this means ? You re a logan ! Copd makes it hard to breathe .
Bill : Boy , you definitely could use a drink , ca nt you ?
Justin : Tell me that they re wrong , man . That you re not this girl s father .
Bill : [ Sighs ] You better start drawing up another new will .
Justin : Seriously , dollar bill ?
Bill : [ Laughs ] Oh , I got my boy hook , line , and sinker there , did nt I ? No ! I m not the dad .
Justin : Do nt laugh .
Bill : Why ca nt I laugh ? I thought you liked worrying about me .
Justin : I was more worried about wyatt . My god , if you were his girlfriend s father ...
Bill : Ooh , his high school girlfriend . [ Shudders ] Imagine sitting in on those therapy sessions ... not to mention the bill .
Justin : Yeah , you can joke now .
Bill : Mm - hmm , yeah , because we dodged a bullet today .
Justin : Are you sure ?
Bill : Yeah , I m sure . I m not the dad .
Justin : But shauna thought you were .
Bill : Well , I was definitely on the list , and , believe me , she wanted me at the top of it .
Justin : So you re over there playing it cool , but it definitely had you shook .
Bill : Eh , yeah , well , maybe a little bit .
Justin : Huh .
Bill : But now , I m just a bystander . And let me tell you something . It s gon na be a hell of a show .
Justin : Yeah ? What do you mean ?
Bill : Well , remember earlier , you asked me if I had something on my mind ?
Justin : Yeah , you were talking about the logan sisters . They do nt have anything to do with this .
Bill : Really ? Well , wait till you find out who this girl s dad really is .
Brooke : Storm . He ll always be a part of our lives . In our memories and in the stories that we tell our children .
Katie : Well , some of those stories might have to wait until will is a little bit older .
Donna : Well , you could tell him the fun ones , like when we were kids . Remember , the -- the fake spider that stormy used to scare us with ?
Brooke : [ Gasps ] Yes !
Donna : Or that time that he saved all of his lawn - mowing money to buy me that party dress .
Brooke : Aww . How about the times that he held us together as a family ? He was really there for us . Those are the stories that i tell my children . How generous he was , and how compassionate ...
Katie : That s what I tell will , too . I want him to know how much his uncle loved us and wanted to protect us . But storm was nt a saint . He was complicated . People praised his sense of justice , and that s what made him a good lawyer , but it -- it weighed on him .
Brooke : Well , towards the end , yes , he definitely had some -- some hard times .
Donna : But he never stopped loving his family . He cared about us so much . More than himself .
Katie : I would never have wanted him to do what he did . I would never have allowed him to do what he did if I had known ... but I would nt be here if it were nt for him . And I would nt have my son . So I have a responsibility to storm . I have a responsibility to live my best life . Because he gave up his life for me . And I have to experience all of the happiness and joy that he gave up . I just -- I ca nt help but wonder what his life would have been . What kind of future he would have had .
Flo : I have so many questions . I m sorry I did nt give you answers , baby .
Flo : Did you know about this ? Did you know this the whole time ? You could have told me that stephen logan was my father ? No . I didnT. Please understand , at the time in my life , you know , I was out on my own , meeting people and having a good time , and ... there were a few men in my life , and none of them were serious , and when I found out I was pregnant , I did nt know which one . But I knew I wanted to be your mom , and that we d have each other , and that s all that mattered . So when you would ask me about your father , I honestly did nt know who your father was until you got the dna results .
Flo : [ Sighs ]
Wyatt : And , look , I know we should have waited until you were with us , but -- but your mom wanted to see the results , and ...
Quinn : And we were all together when wyatt got the e - mail . I do nt blame you for doing the test . Your father has been such a mystery , and now it s been solved .
Wyatt : The logans are good people , flo .
Flo : I know they are . I know .
Hope : You re one of us ! [ Giggles ] The chill of peppermint .
Bill : Well , you re a harvard man . So come on , genius . Put it together . Figure it out .
Justin : Come on , spencerini . Save the freakin magic tricks and guessing games for will , okay ?
Bill : Will you humor me ?
Justin : Look , I do nt care who the girl s father is , as long as it s not you .
Bill : I want you to play with me , okay ? We re gon na have a little fun . I m gon na give you a hint .
Justin : Okay .
Bill : This does nt happen much in L.A. , But when the weather man is predicting lightning and thunder , it is A ...
Justin : Typhoon .
Bill : No , we do nt have typhoons here ! What s wrong with you ?
Justin : Okay , what , a tempest , a squall , a monsoon ? I do nt know !
Bill : A storm .
Justin : Okay , so ?
Bill : I m not flo s daddy . It s storm . Storm logan !
Brooke : Storm could have done anything with his life .
Donna : Become a judge , gotten married , had kids ...
Katie : He always talked about having a family . How he would do things differently . What kind of father he would be .
Donna : Well , he did a pretty good job raising all of us .
Katie : Still , it s not the same as having his own children .
Brooke : He was just filling in , making up for what we lost . When dad left us .
Donna : Dad regrets that . Just talking about this reminds me of , you know , when I was with dad in dallas a few years ago . We were doing this family tree , you know , this dna test ...
Brooke : Mm - hmm .
Donna : The one that you map out your family history , and ... well , the results came back , and -- surprise ! -- We re european . [ Laughter ] But we were , um , doing the family tree portion , and ... uploading photos ... and I turned to dad , and he -- [ Sighs ] He just started breaking down . He was ... he felt so guilty , you know , leaving us . What it did to storm , especially . It was so hard to see him like that .
Katie : Storm was devoted to us . And he would have been devoted to his own family , as well . I mean , he had a reputation for being fierce , but we saw his compassion , his tenderness .
Donna : He would made such a good father . Such a -- such a good husband .
Brooke : And he really did want that .
Katie : Which is why remembering him and talking about him -- as much as I miss him , it ... it s hard , it makes me sad . He gave up his future for me . In a terrible moment ... he gave up ever having a family or a child of his own .
Flo : I do nt know what I m supposed to say right now . I m so sorry , baby .
Flo : You do nt have anything to be sorry about , mom . I should have been honest with you . I did nt know how to explain it . I mean , how do you tell your little girl that you do nt know who her daddy was ? And there were nt too many great guys in my past . I never wanted to talk about it . But storm ... oh , he was such a good , kind - hearted man , and I have to believe if he knew about you ... he would have been a devoted , loving father .
Hope : It s true . My mother and her sisters tell such wonderful stories about him . Uncle storm was an incredible man .
Flo : Was ?
Wyatt : [ Clears throat ]
Hope : I m so sorry , flo , but he -- he passed away .
Flo : What ? My -- my father s dead ?
Quinn : He is .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Hope : Um , uncle storm died years ago .
Flo : He s -- he s gone ? I , um ... I guess I realized that always could have been a possibility . I just hoped that if I ever did find my dad , then , um .. I d be able to meet him , you know ? Spend some time with him , you know , just see if I could see myself in him . Not just how we look , but ... you know , hear his voice , see him smile and laugh . I thought I d be able to get to know him a little bit .
Hope : Well , you know , his sisters , our aunts , they adored him . And they still do . And they make sure that his memory lives on through their children . You know , they never let them forget just what an amazing man he was . He had such an impact on our family , and I know -- I mean , if -- if beth were still with me , I d tell her all about him . Look , I m still trying to wrap my head around all this . I -- I can only imagine what you re feeling right now , to have this bombshell dropped on you , to finally figure out who your father is only to learn that he died , but ... flo ... his family is here , you know , the people who knew him and who cared about him the most . We re your family now . I mean , I just figured out that I -- I have another cousin ! Here I was thinking we were just gon na be friends , but ... you know , we re such much more than that . We re gon na be a part of each other s lives forever .
Justin : Storm logan .
Bill : What are the chances ?
Justin : I do nt know , I do nt believe it .
Bill : Well , I m sure his sisters are gon na say the same thing .
Justin : He was their hero .
Bill : Look , uh , yeah , I do nt know what storm was like , you know , back when he was with shauna , but the guy I know about was pretty messed up .
Justin : Yeah , I heard he had issues , but he lived for his sisters . I mean , he died to keep katie alive .
Bill : Yeah , he did . Giving katie his heart changed so many lives . I mean , what an incredibly selfless act . I have will because of storm . He s the reason that katie and i have a child . And now shauna fulton can say the same thing .
Donna : Stormy would nt want us to be sad talking about him like this .
Brooke : That s true . He would want us to brag about him . [ Laughter ] Let s be honest . He enjoyed our adoration .
Donna : Yeah , and he certainly did get a lot of that from us .
Brooke : Yeah .
Katie : Well , he would have gotten a lot more from his wife and his kids . And he would have been totally devoted to them . They would have brought out the best in him . It s just such a shame that he did nt have a family . Because any son or daughter of storm s would have been one lucky kid .
Flo : You are too kind to just accept me like that .
Hope : Well , you ve been just as kind to me . You know , when I think about the concern that you ve shown towards me and my loss -- I mean , your compassion has meant so much to me .
Flo : It s -- it s more than that , I , uh ...
Hope : No , you re right . And I felt that the moment that we met , and I did nt understand it at the time because we were completely strangers , but ...
Flo : We werenT.
Hope : Yeah .
Flo : I was -- I was trying to tell you that were nt --
Hope : And I see now , and i understand what you were trying to say , and you even said , once you told me the truth , that i would look at you in a completely different way , and you were even worried that i might get angry at you , but , flo ... how could I ? This is amazing ! You were just trying to tell me the truth .
Flo : I was . I was . I was trying to tell you the truth , and ...
Hope : And I get it . You know , there s nothing to be afraid of . This bond that we felt , how we ve been able to be so open with each other -- I mean , you were right . We shared this connection all along . You know , we were never really strangers . You re a logan , flo . It s incredible . I mean , it s such a surprise . Out of all the people , you re my cousin . You were trying to tell me , and it was something important , something that you needed to say , and I understand now . We re family . So -- so this is your big secret .
### Summary:
| Flo is dumbfounded while all else stand around sharing the good news that Flo is Hope s cousin . Justin tries to talk business with Bill since they are no longer going into the fashion business but Bill s mind is elsewhere . He says he is thinking about a Logan but it definitely is not Katie . Serious as he can be he ends up pulling Justin s leg by saying he needs him now to draw up a new will . Then he lowers the boom that no he is not the father but it is going to be a hell of a show . He knows Justin will not believe who the real father is . Katie tells Brooke and Donna that no one is closer to Stormie than she is since he gave her his heart so all of this is a big shock . Speaking of shock , so is Flo s reply as she was not even sure they would hear from the DNA base . They show her a picture of Storm ; Hope is delighted that Flo is a Logan . Katie says Stormie was not a saint , he was complicated but she and Will would not be here if not for him . Shauna tries to explain to Flo that she was young , dated several men , none seriously , and then found herself pregnant and did not know which one was the father . She did not pursue it and thought both she and Flo could make it on their own so she never told her . She asks Flo not to blame Wyatt for blurting it out without her being around . Shauna wanted to know and they came right away to tell Flo if she had not gotten it yet in her e - mail . Hope is still smiling and tells Flo now she is one of them . Flo says she is not sure what she is supposed to say now . Shauna apologizes and says there is no way to tell a little girl she does not know who her father was . Then they have to tell her and she is shocked that her father is dead . She always thought she would find him someday and meet him . She d hear his voice , hear him laugh and know he was a good man . Hope says she is trying to process all of this too and can only imagine what a bombshell has just been dropped on Flo . Hope says she was only hoping they could be friends but this is better . Now they will be connected with each other the rest of their lives . Justin tells Bill that Storm was kind of messed up but he was a good guy that only lived for his sisters . The sisters agree that it is not fair that he gave up his life , never married or had children of his own but he would have been a great dad . Hope goes on to Flo that she felt some sort of connection the moment she met and she could not understand it . Now she knows Flo was only trying to tell her the truth . They were never strangers . Flo was trying to tell her something very important and now she knows . This is Flo s big secret . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kelly : Oh , God . I m pregnant with Duke s baby .
Kevin : Look , I m not bothering anyone . Just leave me alone , all right ? I just want to be here tonight with my son .
Viki : Well , that s just fine . So I guess I ll be here tonight with mine .
Woman : Good evening . Bayberry Inn . This is Barbara . How may I help you ?
Rex : All right , we are almost there . A few more steps . I m opening a door . You re walking in the door . Stop right there .
Adriana : I wonder if this is why we never made love , because you re actually very kinky and you ve been saving this information till now .
Rex : Damn it , you spoiled my surprise .
Adriana : Rex , what s going on ?
Rex : Uh -- nothing . I m just going to take your blindfold off .
Adriana : Good .
Rex : But keep your eyes closed and no talking .
Adriana : Can I open my eyes now ?
Rex : Not just yet .
Todd : You know , I never thought I d dance again , or do anything , for that matter .
Evangeline : Todd , what s going on ?
Todd : We re dancing in the dark , what else ?
Cristian : I think I m entitled to a dance , do nt you think ?
Todd : Absolutely .
John : Go ahead . You got something to say , you can say it in front of her .
Blair : Can we go home now ?
Todd : Hey , Blair , we have nt had our last dance yet . Come on .
Cristian : Look , I --
Evangeline : I need to apol -- ok , who should apologize first ?
Cristian : Me . Listen , I think I left the painter back at the apartment and , well , the boxer got a little ticked off that you were dancing with another guy .
Evangeline : No , no , no , that s me . Once again , I -- I dropped everything for Todd and you re pissed .
Cristian : Something like that .
Cristian : I better come clean here .
Evangeline : Ok
Cristian : Well , I said the jealous part of me was the boxer side of me , but actually , the painter was nt too happy , either .
Spencer : Have nt you embarrassed yourself enough , Todd , in front of your own daughter ?
Todd : Let s dance .
Spencer : Hey , manning , just walk away .
Todd : Sure .
Blair : I ll dance .
David : I do nt think this is a good idea .
John : Hey , I did nt start this . You came to me .
Natalie : What s going on ?
John : Go ahead .
David : I was following up on your recommendation . I told John that I killed his father .
Blair : Here we are , dancing .
Todd : All right .
Blair : Right ? Well , is there a point to all of this , Todd ? Is there something you want to say to me ?
Todd : Yeah . How could you ? How could you do this to us ?
Adriana : Are you going to turn the lights on ?
Rex : I m thinking maybe not .
Adriana : Why , are you worried ?
Rex : No , not tonight .
Adriana : You could be in so much danger , Rex . The stalker put a knife through your picture .
Rex : So what ? I have other things on my mind .
Barbara : Do nt worry , Mr. Balsom . Everything s prepared for your stay here . Room 16 is among our finest accommodation . We look forward to seeing you and your guest .
Ricky : You have nt said anything tonight . I mean , you re mad at me , right ?
Starr : What ? Why would I be mad at you ?
Ricky : Well , because I told you what Cristian said -- that no one trusts your old man .
Starr : Are you kidding me ? I m glad that you told me that .
Ricky : You do nt look glad . You look upset .
Starr : I m upset because everybody still looks at my dad as a bad person even though I know they do .
Ricky : They look good together .
Starr : Yeah , they do . They re soul mates . But I know who should nt be trusted . It s the one who s trying to break them up .
Blair : I want you to listen to me , please .
Todd : Ok .
Blair : I wish that you knew how much that I could go back and change the things that I ve done .
Todd : Yeah ?
Blair : Yes . And I want you to know that I m doing everything I can to make things right .
Todd : Yeah ? How do you mean ?
Blair : Well , I mean that I know that I ve made mistakes . And I also know that I want to do everything I can to -- what ?
Todd : Well , that s interesting . You just looked at Spencer .
Blair : What ?
Todd : You got to make sure he clears everything you say ? I do nt remember you doing that with me .
Blair : I was nt doing that , Todd .
Todd : You know , you might as well stop trying to kiss up to me . Because it s never going to happen . I m never going to forgive you . Have nt I made that clear ?
Blair : Yeah , I know that , Todd , and I also know that no one holds a grudge like you do . I know that from experience .
Todd : Yeah , well , that s right . I think that I m entitled to this one . I died , if you recall .
Blair : Why did you ask me to dance ?
Todd : I do nt know , maybe I m a masochist .
Blair : No , you know what I think it is ? See , I do nt think you re over me yet . Yeah . And I do nt care how many little tacky parties you want to throw here at the country club to prove to yourself otherwise , but you re not .
Todd : I really just wanted to get you alone so I could talk to you without your puppet master --
Blair : I m no one s puppet , Todd no ones .
Todd : I just want you to know that I m going to find a way to hurt you as bad as you hurt me .
Blair : Do nt you know you already have ?
Spencer : Hello , Starr . Something I can do for you ?
Starr : Mm - hmm . I want to talk to you .
Natalie : So does this mean you re going to change your plea to guilty ?
David : Can we just dispense with the legalities for a minute ? John , I stood in front of your father with a gun in my hand . I was sweating , I was scared , and I remember the look on his face . Because it s the same look that I see on your face , knowing that I m the guy that you ve wanted to kill for 25 years .
John : So you re the guy , you should have no problem telling me every detail about the night my father was killed .
Kelly : Oh , God . Oh , God . Not like this . Please , not like this . Oh , God , not like this .
Kevin : You keep saying you want to have a child with me ? Well , maybe fate has done me a favor , huh ? Maybe you can find someone else to experiment with , huh ? Maybe someone else is willing to roll the dice with an innocent life , but not me . Better yet , why do nt you run out and find Duke . What the hell , he s only my son . I m sure he would love to give you what you want .
Hugh : Kelly ? Kelly ? Are you ok ? Did you hurt yourself running ? Why are you sitting alone on a park bench this late at night ?
Kelly : I m pregnant .
Viki : Liquor s not really going to solve this problem . It just postpones the pain .
Kevin : Oh , believe me , I am feeling no pain .
Viki : I so do nt believe you .
Kevin : You re right . You re right . I came here tonight because -- because I m so mad . I m just -- I m just as mad as hell at my dead son , and I do nt know what to do about that .
Rex : I would do anything to make you feel safe again , anything .
Adriana : I feel safe right now , as safe as I ever have .
Rex : I m going to make sure you always feel like that .
Kevin : What kind of a man is angry at his dead son ?
Viki : Kevin , of course you re angry . Sweetheart , you were betrayed on just about every level I can think of . And then you were forced to make a horrible , untenable decision , and then you were left pretty much alone .
Kevin : Yeah , but he s my son .
Viki : He screwed up , honey , big - time . And you never had the chance to get back what you had .
Kevin : I just ca nt stop thinking about them together . It just --
Viki : I know . And I can understand you wanting to forget , block it out . But that -- that does nt work .
Kevin : He said he was sorry , before -- before he died . All I can feel is anger .
Viki : Well , lots of people are angry at death .
Kevin : It s just ironic , is nt it ? I mean , I had to choose Duke or Kelly , and I lost them both . I mean , it s like Duke -- it s like everything that mattered died with him . And I m never going to have anything like that again .
Kelly : I m sorry . I do nt -- I do nt know why I said that or why I told you that .
Hugh : Maybe because you had to tell somebody .
Kelly : We barely know each other .
Hugh : How long have you known ?
Kelly : About a half an hour .
Hugh : No wonder why you re still reeling . Have you seen a doctor ?
Kelly : No .
Hugh : I m sorry . I m sorry . Uh -- attorneys ask a lot of questions .
Kelly : I -- I have nt seen a doctor . I took a home pregnancy test .
Hugh : Well , I -- if you want me to go , I can go . I wo nt tell anybody .
Kelly : Thanks .
Hugh : But I could stay .
Kelly : Please , just -- please stay for just a little while , just a little while , please .
Spencer : Hey , what d you want to talk about ?
Starr : How do you feel about my mom and dad being together ?
Spencer : Oh , well , I m not so sure that they are together , Starr .
Starr : It s just a matter of time .
Spencer : Think what you want . But did you hear what your father said to your mother ? I m sure that must be very painful for you , huh ?
Starr : He s mad at her for now . So am I. We get mad a lot , but then we get over it -- always .
Spencer : Might be different this time .
Starr : I doubt it , so I think that you should start to change your plans . You know , maybe find other kids to fake parent ?
Spencer : You know , it s really not helpful for a teenage girl to harbor all that resentment . It just is nt . I understand that this is a very difficult time for you , and --
Starr : What was difficult for me was thinking that you could ve pulled off getting my father executed for a murder that he did nt do . But this ? No , it s not too difficult , because unlike you , I m going to get exactly what I want .
Spencer : Well , do nt be too disappointed if it does nt work out for you .
Blair : I understand your wanting to tell me off in public , Todd .
Todd : That s so big of you .
Blair : Oh , thank you . But I thought that you would be big enough to see through all of this and see that I am doing everything I can to make things right for all of us .
Todd : Does that include Spencer ? You like making things right for him ?
Blair : Why do nt you think , Todd , just think .
Todd : I think that there s no way to fix this . I think we should just let go .
Blair : Really ? Then why are you still standing here ?
Cristian : There s a glass of champagne that s sitting right in front of you , about one or two hands length .
Evangeline : Thank you . Thank you for not handing it to me .
Cristian : You re a very independent woman . Anyone can see that .
Evangeline : Yeah , anyone except me . And that s a joke . You can laugh .
Cristian : Not to me . You know , I m dead serious about finding out everything I can about getting your sight back .
Evangeline : I know .
Cristian : And until then , making sure your life changes as little as possible .
Evangeline : Well , you ve already changed my life , a lot .
Cristian : I meant your job , your independence -- stuff like that . You ll live your life exactly like you did before . Well , except for the fact that you re like , you know , crazy , head over heels for me .
Evangeline : Yeah . I do nt know about that , now that I m dealing with both a jealous boxer and a jealous painter .
Cristian : No , no , no , Manning . I mean , I know he did nt kill that woman , but -- I do nt know , I just do nt like him .
Evangeline : Cristian ? Give me your hand . Give it to me . We were getting so close tonight , you know , before Todd paged me . This is nt how this evening was meant to end .
Cristian : Who says this is the end of the evening ?
John : Start talking .
David : Not here .
John : You re playing games again ?
David : I m not playing a game , John . You want to hear about your father s death , God knows I owe you that much , but I m not going to tell the story in a room full of people who know both of us .
John : Ok . My room , angel square hotel , one hour .
David : Fine .
Spencer : Where do you think you re going ?
David : Nowhere . I m going home .
Spencer : If you go anywhere with those people , you re a dead man . You hear me ?
Rex : You know what I want ?
Adriana : I think I know .
Rex : To be the guy that makes you happy , makes you feel safe .
Adriana : You are . Make love to me .
Rex : What ?
Adriana : Someone s in here . No , Rex , do nt !
Cristian : Yeah . It was fun . You know , Todd could have a new career as a party planner .
Evangeline : Yeah , I had a good time , too .
Cristian : Of course you did . First , Todd praises you to the sky , and then he throws himself on you --
Evangeline : With you .
Cristian : He keeps you all night , too .
Evangeline : Cristian , I had a good time with you .
Cristian : I just wanted to hear you say that . Come on , let s get out of here .
Rex : You know , I thought I was kind of clear when I hired you . I wanted this guy caught .
Guard : He head - butted me before I knew what was going on .
Rex : Oh , but if that was too much for you , it would ve been nice to find out who the hell he was .
Guard : Sir , I did the best that I could .
Rex : Yeah . You did a heck of a job . Adriana ? Adriana ? Adriana !
Hugh : You just found this out . Maybe if you go home and get a good night s sleep , you ll be able to think more clearly .
Kelly : Yeah , right . Thanks for listening and for not judging me .
Hugh : I try not to judge people that I consider to be my friends .
Kelly : I could really use a friend right now . And you seem to be the only one I know that does nt have some sort of feelings about this situation . Oh , God , when my Aunt Dorian finds out --
Hugh : Give me your cell phone .
Kelly : What ?
Hugh : Your phone , give me it . All right . I m in your memory now . All you have to do is push a button , anytime , day or night .
Kevin : Why ? Why ?
David : Look , Spencer , we re both tired , and I ve got to get some sleep before I meet with my lawyer in the morning .
Spencer : All right , look , just promise me you wo nt say anything stupid . And promise me you wo nt have any more conversations with Michael and/or John McBain . Promise .
David : Scout s honor .
Spencer : All right .
Blair : Hello , David .
Spencer : Hey .
Blair : Can we go , please ?
Spencer : Yeah , what about Starr ?
Blair : She s spending the night with her daddy .
Spencer : Oh , good . After tonight , I could use a little time alone .
Blair : Ok . See you .
David : Goodbye .
Ricky : Mr. Manning , I just want to say thank you for inviting me to --
Todd : To my party ?
Ricky : Yeah .
Todd : Well , my pleasure , Rick . My pleasure .
Ricky : Thanks a lot .
Todd : Glad you could make it .
Ricky : I ll see you around . Soon , I hope .
Starr : Yeah , soon . Bye .
Ricky : Bye .
Todd : Look at that . He likes you .
Starr : Dad , no --
Todd : He does . He s got good taste .
Rex : Adriana !
Adriana : Rex ?
Rex : Oh . I thought -- I thought --
Adriana : How about this time you put the deadbolt on ?
Rex : Right . You know , after all that , I figured you d want to go home .
Adriana : I do nt want to go anywhere .
Kevin : I will have no grandchildren to bounce on my knee . Just like me , there will be no one to carry on for him .
Kelly : Kevin , there s something I should tell you .
John : I want to hear about my dad s last day on this earth from the man who took it from him .
Adriana : I ca nt wait any longer , Rex . Make love to me .
### Summary:
| Adriana and Rex head to the inn . He has her blindfolded and he turns off the lights before allowing her to see the room . She is glad to be there and they start kissing . The stalker is at a phone booth calling the inn . He pretends to be Rex and gets information on their booking at the inn . When he has all that he needs , he drops the phone and runs off . Spencer and Blair are at a table in the Country Club . Todd appears asking Blair to dance . She does and can see that he is still smitten with her . He says that he is over her an only wants to make her hurt as badly as she hurt him . She peers at Spencer from time to time and Todd takes that to be Blair still trying to please the man , even while she is in his arms , saying that she is sorry for all she has done . Kelly freaks out . The test is positive . She is pregnant with Duke s son . She goes running in the night and ends up in the park . Hugh appears and she tells him her situation . He sympathizes . She now has to worry about Dorian finding out and how she is going to have to deal with that . Hugh takes her cellphone and saves his number in there . She can now call him anytime she wants . Day or night ! The stalker arrives at the inn . He goes to a door and gets his tool out to break in . Rex and Adriana are about to make love . Adriana thinks that she hears something . Rex jumps out of bed and goes running to the door . Four kids have entered the room in the dark . Rex grabs his gun and aims . The lights go on and it appears that the kids have come to the wrong room . The stalker gets the door open . He enters , but sees quickly that there has been some mistake . There is a man in there , and when he sees the room has been broken into , he gets up and gives chase . The stalker runs out . He makes his way back to the phone booth where he got his info for the butterfly couple and the takes out his anger on it , kicking it and punching it , then he just leaves . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fancy : I ll bet you re quite the lady s man .
Edmund : All thanks to Noah . You know , he sat me down one day --
Fancy : God ! Why do nt you two get a room ?
Edmund : What ?
Fancy : Never mind . I ll be back in a moment . Make sure the table s ready by the time I get back so we can eat -- alone . Ugh ! That Noah Bennett is so infuriating . And why do I let him get to me like this ?
Alistair : Ah , Fancy . I thought I saw you coming in here .
Fancy : Grandfather , hi .
Alistair : Hi . What are you doing home so early , and where s Edmund ?
Fancy : I do nt know . Probably went home . We were nt have a very good time .
Alistair : Why not ?
Fancy : Frankly , Edmund s a big bore .
Alistair : Oh , why would you say that ?
Fancy : Well , he ran into an old friend of his and he was more interested in catching up with him than talking to me .
Alistair : That surprises me . I always thought that Edmund was a rather well- bred young man .
Fancy : It was nt entirely his fault . It was as if his old friend was trying to sabotage our date .
Alistair : Why would he do something like that ? Who is this old friend of Edmund s , anyway ?
Woman : Thank you .
Noah : There you go .
Liz : Well , Rebecca , I think a celebration is in order . Do nt you ?
Rebecca : Oh , I most certainly do . Thanks to our testimonies , your dear sister , Eve , is going to be modeling her lovely prison jump suit before we know it .
Liz : And no one deserves it more .
Rebecca s voice : She tried to steal the wrong woman s husband when she messed with mine .
Liz : You re hiding something , are nt you ?
Rebecca : You know , Liz , I d be willing to bet you re hiding something , too . So what do you say we do nt share , hmm ? The most important thing is that we put Eve away for good and that we never speak about this again . Deal ?
Liz : Deal .
Rebecca : Oh , my . Who s that ?
Liz : Who ?
Rebecca : That tasty little hunk behind the bar .
Liz : Now , I am surprised you do nt know him already . That s Noah , Sam Bennett s son .
Rebecca : Really ? Oh . I do hope our former chief of police held on to his handcuffs , because his son can arrest me for disorderly conduct any old time .
Julian : Do nt you love Harmony this time of year ?
Eve : Actually , I love Harmony in every season . It s just -- it s home .
Julian : I know . It s my home , too . I love it . But I do nt think we can stay . I m afraid if we do , you re going to end up in prison .
Eve : We just ca nt run away . I mean , we just ca nt leave Harmony forever .
Julian : I do nt think we have a choice . Between Liz and Rebecca s testimonies , I think the jury has made up its mind that you re guilty .
Eve : Ah , but it has nt heard Ethan s presentation of my defense .
Julian : Ethan does nt think that he has enough to convince the jury of your innocence . I mean , you were in the church basement alone with Liz when she drank the poisoned punch . Rebecca said she was only there long enough to hear you and Liz argue , then she saw Liz collapse .
Eve : You think Rebecca s telling the truth ?
Julian : No , of course not , I think she s lying , but we ca nt prove it . I ca nt take the chance of losing you . Let me take you away . We can be on a private jet and out of the country tomorrow .
Eve : Julian , you d be giving up your life . You d never be able to divorce Rebecca . You d be giving up everything .
Julian : None of that matters . The only thing that matters is you . Let me take you away . We can be together . We can be happy . You just say the word and I ll make it happen .
Ethan : Good night , my beautiful girl .
Gwen : Ok , Edie , we ll be up in just a little while to check on her .
Edie : Very good , Mrs. Winthrop .
Gwen : Bye , girl .
Theresa : I just want to give my daughter a kiss good night .
Gwen : No , I do nt think so . Edie , please bring her to the nursery now .
Edie : Yes , of course .
Theresa : How dare you keep me from kissing my own child good night .
Gwen : How dare you even try after what you pulled tonight .
Ethan : What did Theresa do ?
Gwen : Hmm .
Ethan : What happened to your arm ?
Gwen : Let s just go back in the living room .
Ethan : No , Theresa --
Theresa : I was trying to save the computer disks , Ethan , that Gwen threw into the incinerator , the disks that proved that she and her mother sent the information to the tabloid that proved that you were really Sam Bennett s son .
Ethan : Disks ? What disks ?
Gwen : She s delusional .
Theresa : The proof , Ethan --
Gwen : Do nt even listen to her .
Theresa : The proof was on the disks .
Ethan : What are you talking about ?
Theresa : Gwen admitted everything . She admitted that she and her mother sent the information to the tabloid . She s the one that tore your life apart , Ethan , not me .
Mother Superior : Whitney . You ve been so quiet since you came back from your mother s trial . Did nt things go well for her ?
Whitney : No , Mother Superior , things went very badly . I m afraid I ve ruined everything for my mother .
Mother Superior : What do you mean , my child ?
Whitney : Well , they made me testify and everything came out -- the fact that my mother had a son and did nt tell me , the fact that I fell in love with Chad , not knowing that he was my brother , and the fact that we had a child together . I mean , if the whole world did nt know before , they certainly know now .
Mother Superior : Oh , my dear . I am so sorry .
Whitney : You see , everything I ve done , every single thing was to protect my son . I wanted to protect him from the label of being born out of incest . But now -- now it s all out . Everybody knows , every single bit of it .
Mother Superior : The world might judge your child , even if it s wrong to do so , but there s nothing you can do about that .
Whitney : No . No , there is nt . I m doing the only thing I can do to protect Miles and Chad from being hurt any more than they already have . I m going to live here and devote my life to God forever .
Julian : I can save you from going to prison for a crime you did nt commit .
Eve : It s so unreal , is nt it ? It s so unfair that I could go to prison and I did nt even do anything .
Julian : Darling , listen to me , you could try to appeal this for the next two years , but what if it did nt work ? I mean , the sad truth is without a witness , the circumstantial evidence points to your guilt .
Eve : I know .
Julian : All right . Then let me take you away from this nightmare . Let me -- let me help you .
Gwen : Well , I am not going to stand here and listen to these idiotic accusations .
Theresa : Ethan , it s the truth . I found the computer disks in Rebecca s room . Gwen saw that I had them . She grabbed them from me , she ran down to the basement , she lit the incinerator , and she burned them . She s the one who ruined your life .
Gwen : Theresa , everyone knows that the information the tabloids used to expose Ethan s paternity came from your computer and your secret file on Ethan .
Ethan : Ahem . What possible reason would Gwen have to tell the world that I was nt a Crane , that I was Sam Bennett s son ?
Gwen : None . And if I had known , I would ve died trying to protect you . What on earth would my mother and I have to gain by you being disinherited ?
Ethan : As far as I can see , nothing .
Theresa : Ethan , they stopped us from getting married , remember ? See , they knew if they sent the information to the tabloid from my computer , you would blame me , and that s what happened . But tonight Gwen admitted everything to me . She admitted what she and her mother did and then she burned the evidence in the incinerator .
Ethan : Gwen , is this true ?
Gwen : Yes , it is true .
Noah : What ll it be , miss ?
Rebecca : Oh , well , whatever you do best .
Noah : All my drinks are perfect . Name your poison .
Rebecca : Hmm . Let me see . How about sex on the beach ? I bet you re very good at that .
Noah : Like I said , all my drinks are good .
Rebecca : I was nt talking about the drink .
Noah : I did nt think you were .
Noah : Here you go .
Rebecca : Oh . And what s this ?
Noah : It s called a hurricane . Think it s the perfect drink for you .
Rebecca : Hmm .
Liz : Noah , I have nt done this much bar business since I opened . You are obviously a big hit with the ladies .
Noah : Oh , I m just doing my job .
Liz : And it could be a permanent one . You re hired .
Noah : Thanks . You know , I m trying to help out at home and , you know , I could really use the job .
Liz : Well , good . One question -- do you have a girlfriend ?
Noah : Do I have a girlfriend ? I m sorry , why do you ask ?
Liz : Well , if the ladies think they have a chance with you , they ll keep coming back .
Noah : That s very flattering , and , no , I do nt have a girlfriend right now . There s no one in my life . No one at all .
Alistair : Who was this old friend of Edmund s that spoiled your evening ?
Fancy : No one important . But I do nt think I want to see Edmund again anytime soon .
Alistair : I m afraid you re going to have to . I told you before I m trying to make a merger with his family s company .
Fancy : Come on , Grampy , you do nt need to do your merger , do you ?
Alistair : Why do you think I wanted you to cozy up to young Sinclair ? I want him to convince his family that I m very interested in a merger .
Fancy : So you can then pull a takeover , right ?
Alistair : Exactly .
Fancy : But Edmund is so boring .
Alistair : Oh , come on , Fancy , you re a Crane . We have to put up with a lot of boring people for the good of the company . And relationships like that -- well , they could end up being very good marriages .
Fancy : Marriage ? Whoa , you did nt say I had to marry anyone .
Alistair : And I did nt say you had to mean it , either . You can become Mrs. Edmund Sinclair and take as many lovers as you want .
Fancy : I ca nt do that .
Alistair : Fancy , this is business . It s not personal . Make sure of the difference . Good .
Fancy : He ca nt be serious . He really expects me to marry someone just to help him with a merger ?
Ivy : Yes , he does .
Fancy : Mother ? You heard ?
Ivy : Well , I really could nt help but overhear . And it sounded all too familiar .
Fancy : What do you mean ?
Ivy : Fancy , your grandfather and my father arranged my marriage with your father , and that was for a merger , too , although I did nt know it until it was too late .
Fancy : Is that why you never cared much for us children , because you did nt love our father ?
Ivy : I tried to love him . And I do love you . I do nt want you to make the same mistakes I did .
Fancy : Which mistakes , Mummy ? Oh , you mean leaving us to be raised by nannies ? Throwing us into boarding schools and then never even coming to watch us graduate ?
Ivy : Fancy , I was wrong , I know . I was nt there for you then . But you have to hear me now . Do nt make the mistake I made . Do nt marry a man you do nt love just to help Alistair with some business transaction . Believe me , you will regret it for the rest of your life .
Fancy : And since when do you give a damn about my life ?
Theresa : You just heard her . She admitted it . She admitted that she burned the computer disks .
Ethan : Is this true ?
Gwen : Yeah , it is . I found Theresa snooping around my mother s bedroom and she was looking at disks on the computer , so I ran in , I grabbed the disks , and I threw them in the incinerator .
Ethan : Wait , wait , why -- why would nt you want Theresa to see what was on those disks ?
Theresa : Ethan , I told you she was protecting herself .
Gwen : Yeah , you re right , I was . I did nt want Theresa to see what was on those disks because I knew if she did , she would use it to try and destroy me and my mother and I had to stop her .
Ivy : Fancy , do nt be cruel .
Fancy : I m not being cruel , Mother . I m just curious -- when exactly did you start to care about me ?
Ivy : I ve always cared about you .
Fancy : Could ve fooled me .
Ivy : Look , Fancy , I know I have nt been the best mother , you know , the mother who s there with milk and cookies , but I m trying to be here for you now . I want you to be happy .
Fancy : Do you ?
Ivy : Yes , I do . And I know you wo nt be happy with Edmund Sinclair , so do nt let Alistair force you into a relationship with him . You need to be with someone you want to be with . You need to be with someone you love . So obviously there s someone you care about . Who is he ?
Fancy : Sorry , Mother , but you re wrong . There s no one .
Ivy : Well , you re lying . So who are you trying to protect ? Oh . Dear lord , it s Noah , is nt it ?
Fancy : Noah ? Of course not .
Ivy : Oh , Fancy , why Noah ? Could nt you have fallen for someone else ? Why did you have to fall for him ?
Fancy : I m not saying he s the one , but what difference would it make if he were ?
Ivy : Because , Fancy , you re just -- you re not right for him .
Fancy : Oh , here we go again . You mean I m not good enough for him , is that it ?
Ivy : That s not what I said . I said you re not right for him . Fancy , you have a lot of money , and someday you re going to have even more money . Noah , like his father , likes to make his own way in the world .
Fancy : Well , what s wrong with that ?
Ivy : Nothing . I just do nt think he would be very happy living in your world . I do nt think he would be happy being Mr. Fancy Crane .
Fancy : That s just silly .
Ivy : It s not silly . It s serious . Look , I saw Ethan destroy his life when he fell in love with Theresa . I do nt want to see you make the same mistake . Noah , he -- he s a fine young man , but I know he is not going to leave his world to come and live in yours . And I do nt think you would be very happy to give up your privileged life to go to live in his .
Noah : Would you like another drink , maam ?
Rebecca : Oh ! Oh , now , do nt call me maam . I am far too young to be a maam .
Noah : I am sorry , miss . Would you care for another hurricane ?
Rebecca : Hmm , no . But you know what , I ll buy you one . Oh , now , what would be the perfect one ? Um -- um -- um -- um . Oh . A lava flow would be perfect for a young man like you who seems like he s just going to erupt at any moment .
Noah : I m sorry , but I ca nt drink on duty .
Rebecca : Oh . Well , then why do nt we go somewhere else , somewhere more private ?
Noah : You know , that s very , very tempting , but I think you re a little dangerous for me . You impress me as a woman of great passion and fire .
Rebecca : You do nt know the half of it .
Noah : Well , I m sure I do nt . But , you know , Harmony s just had a major earthquake and a tsunami . Do you really think we need to cause another calamity ?
Rebecca : Wait a minute .
Rebecca : Oh . Did he reject me ?
Liz : Becky , it is time to celebrate . To our victory over Eve . May my sister rot in prison for the rest of her days .
Rebecca : Amen , sister .
Eve : It s just unbelievable how much my own sister could hate me .
Julian : She is a very sick person . She has let anger poison her soul . Do nt let her win by going to prison . Come away with me .
Eve : It sounds so perfect . Freedom is so precious .
Julian : Then say yes , just say yes .
Eve : Yes .
Julian : Yes ?
Eve : Yes . Yes , Julian , I want to go . I want to go away with you .
Julian : You will never regret this . You ve made the right choice . You ve made the only choice .
Ethan : You destroyed the disks so Theresa could nt see what was on them ?
Theresa : That s exactly what happened , Ethan , and I tried to save them . I tried to grab the disks from the fire because I knew the proof that I needed to show you what Gwen and Rebecca did was going up in smoke .
Ethan : Gwen , was the proof that she s talking about on those disks ?
Gwen : What was on those disks was something that needed to be destroyed .
Theresa : Ethan , I told you I was --
Gwen : Theresa was hoping to ruin my mother s reputation . I was only trying to protect her privacy .
Theresa : Her privacy ?
Ethan : What are you talking about ?
Gwen : Look , we all know that my mother has a bizarre way of expressing herself in her personal life , ok , and for whatever reason , she likes to keep a record of her escapades .
Ethan : Ugh .
Gwen : Those disks were souvenirs .
Theresa : What are you talking about ?
Gwen : Souvenirs of her more interesting-- uh-- friendships .
Ethan : So there was no proof on those disks about you and Rebecca sending information to the tabloids ?
Gwen : Honey , of course not because it did nt happen .
Theresa : Oh , she is lying , Ethan ! She told me to my face exactly what happened -- that she and her mother sent the information from my computer , Ethan . They framed me because you were in love with me .
Gwen : No . I was afraid that Theresa was going to use the information on the disks to humiliate my mother in the tabloids . She s done it before . She did it to you .
Theresa : That is not true .
Ethan : Gwen , Gwen , Theresa must have believed that those disks had proof about you and Rebecca sending that information to throw her arms into an incinerator .
Gwen : Well , you know what ? She tried to throw me into the incinerator as well , ok ? We all know how unbalanced she is . Why do nt you ask Pilar , because she was there , too , trying to stop this maniac !
Ethan : Oh , my -- is this true , Theresa ?
Theresa : Ethan , I completely lost it ! Yeah , it is true that she told me exactly what happened , that she had the evidence and then she burned the proof , Ethan ! She burned the proof , so , yeah , I lost it because she told me she sent the information to the tabloid !
Gwen : No , what I said was I did nt want you to send anything to the tabloids again .
Theresa : You are lying , Gwen !
Gwen : I think Ethan knows who s lying and who s telling the truth .
Theresa : Ethan , you have got to believe me . Listen to me , please , I am telling you the truth . Ok , Gwen confessed everything to me . She told me that she and her mother sent the information to the tabloid from my computer . They framed me , Ethan .
Gwen : Honey , the only thing I am guilty of is trying to protect my mother s reputation .
Theresa : Gwen , look at me . You know you admitted the truth to me .
Gwen : Theresa , this is your word against mine . Who do you think Ethan is going to believe , his wife or you , the girl who has lied to him over and over and over and over again ?
Mother Superior : Whitney , there s someone here to see you .
Whitney : But I thought I was nt going to have to see anyone when I came here .
Mother Superior : I told you when you take your final vows , you commit to a life of sequestered service and reflection . But until then , you are free to come and go and to have visitors .
Whitney : Well , that s ok . I really do nt want to see anyone .
Mother Superior : I m sorry , but she s here .
Whitney : Mom ?
Whitney : Mom , what are you doing here ?
Eve : I just came to say goodbye .
Whitney : Goodbye ? Well , the trial ca nt be over just yet , can it ?
Eve : No . No , it is nt . I ve just decided not to stick around for the verdict .
Whitney : I do nt understand .
Eve : Well , Liz s testimony was so damaging to me that Ethan thinks that the jury s already prejudiced against me .
Whitney : So Ethan thinks you could lose ? Even if you re innocent ?
Eve : Yeah . Yeah , so I m going to go away with Julian . Otherwise , I could be in prison for a long , long time .
Whitney : Oh , my God . God , Mom , I m so sorry . Oh , God , I ca nt believe this is happening . But you know what ? Sometimes running away is your only choice . I mean , now you understand why I came here .
Eve : I do , baby . I see that . I see it now .
Gwen : Honey , you know better than anyone who uses lies whenever it suits her to get what she wants .
Theresa : Ethan , I have never lied to you about this .
Ethan : All right , Gwen , it s a little hard to believe that Theresa would throw her arms into the fire and allow herself to get burned if all that was on those disks were a bunch of your mom s escapades .
Theresa : That s exactly right , Ethan , I would nt .
Gwen : Honey , she is crazy , obviously , and she s getting crazier every day . She wanted to believe there was something on those disks that could save her , so she convinced herself that I confessed that there was .
Theresa : That s not what happened .
Ethan : What about Pilar ? Did Pilar hear Gwen admit anything ?
Theresa : No .
Gwen : No , Pilar did nt get there until Theresa was already attacking me and trying to throw me in the incinerator -- and Pilar almost fell in herself trying to stop her daughter !
Theresa : She did nt fall in , ok ? She did nt .
Ethan : Theresa , I know your temper . I know you ve attacked her before . Now tell me , do you deny trying to push her into the incinerator ?
Theresa : No , I do nt deny it , Ethan . I told you I was angry .
Gwen : Yeah , and as usual she let her anger get the best of her , she lost control , and -- hello ? -- This is far from the first time she s done something crazy to us . Honey , she went as far as drugging our surrogate and stealing our embryos .
Theresa : Look , I know I ve done some really crazy things in the past , but I am not lying to you about this , Ethan . I m telling you the truth . She confessed everything to me . She confessed that she and her mother set me up . They framed me , Ethan . And then she burned the evidence in the fire . You have got to believe me . I m telling you the truth . Please believe me .
Ivy : Do nt believe a word she says , Ethan . Gwen is telling the truth . I was there .
Theresa : You were nt there , Ivy .
Ivy : I was there , Theresa . You just could nt see me . But I overheard everything , and Gwen never admitted anything . But Theresa , of course , could nt hear that because she was having one of her temper tantrums , as usual , and was completely out of control .
Theresa : That is not true !
Ivy : I could nt believe it when she stuck her hand into the fire despite everything that Gwen did to try to stop her .
Gwen : Honey , I told you she s lying through her teeth .
Theresa : No , Ethan . Look at me , please . They -- they are lying to you , ok ? I m telling you the truth ! Ivy was nt even there ! Gwen confessed everything to me , Ethan . I m telling you the truth . You ve got to believe me .
Rebecca : Uh -- cutie ? Here . This is my private line . In case you change your mind .
Noah : I ll keep it in mind . Thank you .
Liz : Well , hello again . Can I show you to a table ?
Fancy : No , thanks . I think I left my wrap here earlier .
Liz : Oh . Well , then maybe it s in the lost - and - found . I ll check it for you .
Fancy : Yes , thank you .
Liz : Mm - hmm .
Rebecca : Fancy . What a surprise .
Fancy : Oh , it s you , my loving stepmother .
Rebecca : Oh , yes . Oh , honey , I assume you re here to see the new bartender .
Fancy : Who ?
Rebecca : That handsome hunk right over there . Oh , watch out , though , he s an animal .
Fancy : Really ?
Rebecca : Oh , my , yes . He tried to talk me into coming home with him , but of course , oh , uh - uh , I said no . But he is quite the lady s man , so watch out . You know the type .
Fancy : Oh , yeah . I know the type exactly .
Eve : Anyway , I wanted to see you because I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for everything that I ve put you through , baby . I so wanted to be a great mother , and I just failed you so miserably .
Whitney : No . No , no , Mom , you did nt . Look , I know -- I know that I blamed you out of anger for not telling me that you had a son . I mean , I kept thinking if I had known he existed , I might not have fallen in love with him .
Eve : Oh , baby , you had every right to be angry . And if I had nt thought that he was dead all those years , I would ve told you and your sister .
Whitney : I know , I know , but you did nt know that he was alive . But , Mom , I do nt blame you , ok ? I am not angry anymore . Who knows , you know , maybe this is what our lives were destined to be .
Eve : Yeah , maybe . So , I mean , we can keep in touch . You know , we can write -- we can write to each other . No . I guess we ca nt do that . The police would be watching you .
Whitney : And I could nt write letters anyway once I take my final vows .
Eve : So I -- I guess this is just like the last time that we ll be together . Oh , baby . I love you so much .
Whitney : Mom , I love you , too .
Mother Superior : Dr. Russell ? Mr. Crane is waiting outside .
Eve : Thank you . So , I guess I d better go . Whitney , could you do something for me ? Would you keep an eye out for Simone for me ? I m -- I m worried about her .
Whitney : Ok . I ll do what I can . Of course I will .
Eve : Ok . God , I love you .
Whitney : I love you , too , Mom .
Theresa : You ve got to believe me , Ethan . I m telling you the truth . Gwen and Rebecca , they set me up . They sent the information to the tabloid from my computer . I had the evidence . Gwen saw that , she grabbed the disks from me , and then she burned them in the incinerator .
Ivy : This is ridiculous .
Theresa : Shut up , Ivy , ok ? You were nt even there ! Ethan , I am telling you the truth .
Ethan : You need to calm down , all right ?
Theresa : I do nt want to calm down , ok ? This is really important !
Ethan : Theresa , my wife and my mother are telling me the exact same thing here .
Theresa : But I m the woman that you love . Please believe me , Ethan . You need to listen to me .
Gwen : Oh , for heaven s sake .
Ivy : Do nt you get tired of singing the same old song ? Because I m sure Ethan is tired of hearing it .
Theresa : Tell them that you love me .
Ethan : Theresa , I ve told you over and over and over again I love my wife .
Theresa : Not the way you love me .
Ivy : Excuse me , but are you -- are you deaf or are you just stupid , Theresa ? Ethan loves Gwen . He is not going to leave her for you .
Theresa : No ?
Ethan : Listen , I know how upset you get when you hear something you do nt want to hear , and I think that s what happened , Theresa , when you thought you heard Gwen confess .
Theresa : So you re going to believe Gwen and Ivy over me ?
Ethan : Theresa , it s my mother and my wife . They would nt lie to me .
Theresa : Well , they re lying to your face right now . So , someday you re going to know the truth . I m going to make sure you know what they ve done .
Liz : Noah . Noah . I hate to take you away from your admiring public , but one of the customers said she saw a rat .
Noah : Oh , that ca nt be good for business . Which way did he go ?
Liz : She said she thinks she saw it head towards the storeroom . Would you mind terribly taking a look for me ?
Noah : No , I ll check it out right now . I ll be back , ladies .
Women : Aw , no .
Woman : Come on . Where you going ?
Liz : Oh , you are definitely going to be good for this place .
Noah : Fancy ?
Fancy : Noah ?
Noah and Fancy : What are you doing here ?
Eve : It was so hard to say goodbye to her . Julian , I ca nt stand the thought of never seeing my daughter again .
Julian : I know how painful this is , but we really have no choice .
Eve : I know . But it s almost unbearable , to think that I m just leaving everything -- my home , my family , my friends , my entire life !
Julian : We ll build a new life together . I ll make you happy , I promise .
Eve : I know . I know you will . I just -- I have to adjust to the idea of leaving .
Julian : We really do nt have the time .
Eve : What ?
Julian : The plane is waiting .
Eve : No , but -- no , I have nt said goodbye to Chad or Simone .
Julian : We really ca nt wait . It s just too risky . Come with me .
Gwen : Thank you for covering for me , Ivy . I know you were nt there .
Ivy : Well , I could nt stand listening to any more of her lies . It s bad enough she destroyed Ethan s life and mine . I was nt about to stand there while she tried to bring you down , too . Imagine , the idea of you sending that information to the tabloids . It s ridiculous .
Gwen : Yeah , it s completely absurd .
Ethan : I checked on Jane . She s sound asleep .
Gwen : She s just -- she s the most precious baby . Honey , we have to do something about Theresa . She is really crazy .
Ivy : I agree . Imagine putting her hand in the fire just to try to prove her idiotic point .
Gwen : I mean , she s totally lost her mind . Who knows what she ll do next .
Ivy : She certainly should nt be responsible for a child . I think you should be concerned about Jane s safety .
Ethan : Theresa would never hurt the baby .
Ivy : How do you know , Ethan ?
Gwen : Theresa is dangerous when she s out of her mind , and honestly I do nt think she should ever have custody of Jane ever again .
Ivy : Neither do I. I think she should lose all of her custody rights .
Ethan : Mother , I ca nt do that .
Gwen : Ca nt do what ?
Ethan : Theresa is Jane s mother . I ca nt take Jane away from her mother .
Alistair : Come in , Theresa . I ve been expecting you .
Theresa : I m sure you were . Thank you . So , I m here , and I am all yours .
Alistair : What does that mean , exactly ?
Theresa : It means I m coming over to your side , Alistair , completely .
Alistair : Completely ? Are you sure about it this time ?
Theresa : I m sure . I need you to help me get Jane and Ethan back . And in return , I will do anything that you want .
Alistair : Anything ?
Theresa : Anything .
Valerie : I m here for you , Chad , whenever you re ready to start living again .
Fancy : I m just not that into you . Oh ! My god !
Theresa : No , Gwen , you will never keep me from my baby , ever .
Julian : It s the police ! Get this plane off the ground now , Captain !
### Summary:
| Theresa tried to convince Ethan of Gwen s deceitfulness , but he still ca nt seem to put 2 and 2 together . Besides , Ivy steps up and swears she was there and Gwen is telling the truth , and of course he has to believe Mommy Dearest . I wonder what she ll say when she learns Gwen and Rebecca really are the ones who sent her private information to the tabloid ? Meanwhile , Theresa decides she s wasted enough time trying to show Ethan the truth and it s time to turn to the dark side . She tells Alistair she is all his from here on out if he will get Jane and Ethan back for her . This could be interesting . Eve and Julian discuss the repercussions of leaving before her trial is over , but in the end realize she needs to go with him . She visits Whitney to tell her good - bye , then they hurry off to the waiting Crane jet to begin their new life somewhere else . Noah is bringing lots of single women into the Blue Note , which thrills Liz , and once Rebecca gets a look at him , she s thrilled , too . She makes no bones about wanting to get together with him , which he finds amusing . In the end , while searching for a rat in the store room , he ends up staring face to face at Fancy . She is upset that Alistair is trying to push her to marry Edmund Sinclair so the two companies can merge . Fancy does nt believe he s serious until Ivy let s her know that s how her marriage to Julian happened , and that she does nt want Fancy to end up the same way . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Dorian : No . You ca nt do that . That wreckage is so unstable .
Viki : I m going to be very careful , all right ? I promise . Now , look , you stay here , and let me take the flashlight . Keep trying your phone , all right ? Just keep trying it .
Dorian : Oh --
Viki : I ll be back .
Dorian : Well , be careful .
Viki : I will .
Dorian : And do nt think for a moment of not coming back for me , all right ?
Viki : For heaven s sakes , Dorian . I said I d be back .
Dorian : Yeah , well , I do nt intend to die here all alone .
Roxy : Ok , here s the deal . Viki s going to be ok because she s a bigwig and the governor s got the hots for her , and he s probably out there searching for her himself .
Natalie : Yeah , well , one thing s for sure -- I am not holding Cristian s memorial service , not till Mom gets back .
Carlotta : You re postponing Cristian s memorial ?
Paul : No , no , no . It s fine for you to call me on the job , Aunt Betsy . It s ok , but -- all right . Pine Valley is nt that far away from Llanview , so I ll be home tonight and I ll take care of whatever you need , ok ? No , I m not doing this just because of your $ 30 million . All right ? I ll see you soon .
Babe : Paul ?
Paul : What the hell are you doing here ?
Babe : Is that any way to talk to the girl you married ?
Nora : Hey . I just heard about Viki . Have they heard anything new ? Have they found her ?
Bo : No , they have nt heard anything .
Nora : Oh , God , Bo .
Antonio : Hey , Marce .
Marcie : Hi .
Antonio : You think you could do me a favor and run a check for me ?
Marcie : Yeah , sure . Is it about the music box killer ? I hope you guys find out who it is soon because it s got everybody just terrified .
John : Marcie , what we need is we need a list . We need a list of all the dance studios and any institution that teaches dance here in Llanview .
Marcie : Yeah , sure , I can do that . You know , my brother actually teaches dance at the community center . I ll put that one on the list first .
John : Your brother teaches dance ?
Marcie : Yeah , Ron . He just moved here from Ridgeview .
John : Ridgeview , New Jersey ?
Marcie : Yeah , that s where my family s from .
Antonio : Is nt Ridgeview where --
john : Susan Gelman , the first victim , is from .
Antonio : Right . And Matthew found the music box near the community center .
John : Yeah , you know , I think it would be a good idea to have a little talk with Marcie s brother Ron .
Antonio : Yeah .
John : Let s go see Bo .
Ron : Could I get a beer over here , please ?
Roxy : Hey . Were you in a dogfight , or you just doing the wild thing ?
Ron : Just doing what had to be done .
Rex : Jen ?
Rex : Jen ?
Jen : Rex --
Rex : Hey , hey .
Jen : Oh , thank God you re here !
Rex : What s going on ?
Rex : It s the music box killer .
Al : Hey .
Riley : Hey . What s up ?
Al : I just want to say that I really , really love your new song , you know ? It really spoke to me about how hard it is to get off the junk . You know , I think it s really brave of you to come out on such a personal level .
Riley : Thank you , but how do you know that about me ?
Al : Uh -- I do nt know . I must have -- I must have heard it around .
Flash : Yeah ? Well , from who ?
Al : You -- I do nt know . You know , kids , they -- they talk . This thing , over here , this Search and Destroy thing -- this is tonight , right ? And Marcie , she s -- she s a judge , right ? Is she here yet ?
Flash : She will be soon . Why ? Does she know you ?
Joey : Hey , Marce .
Marcie : Joe . Hey , Joe , listen , I m sorry . I heard about your mom .
Joey : Yeah . I was hoping Bo had some news .
Marcie : No , I just asked . There s no news yet . You know , why do nt you go home ? Listen , go home , wait there . I ll call you the minute I hear anything . You should be with Jen .
Joey : She s not there .
Marcie : Well , where is she ?
Joey : I do nt know . I was hoping maybe you could tell me .
Marcie : No . I I do nt know , I m sorry .
Joey : Are you sure you do nt have any idea ?
Marcie : No . Sorry .
Jen : Karen and I went to Atlantic City . We came back here to party , and I guess I just -- I passed out in the bathroom . And then all I know is I come out here and she s lying on the floor .
Rex : Ok . Come here .
Jen : Oh , my God , what if I had nt passed out ? It -- it could have been me .
Rex : Look , do nt even think about that , ok ? He did nt get you . You re all right .
Jen : I ca nt believe the killer was right here .
Rex : Did you call anybody ?
Jen : I called Joe , but I hung up . He could nt know I was hanging out with a call girl all night .
Rex : What about 911 ?
Jen : No ! They re going to tell him . Things are bad enough already between me and Joe .
Rex : Well , they re about to get worse .
Jen : I called you because I thought you d help me .
Rex : I am -- by putting your marriage out of its misery .
Jen : What are you doing ?
Rex : I m not doing anything . You re calling the cops , ok ? There s a killer out there , Jen . You got to do something .
Roxy : That must have been some hellcat to give you a doozie of a lacteration like that --
Ron : I told you , I was working on my car , Roxy . Come on .
Roxy : What did your car do , wrestle you to the ground ?
Ron : Yeah . Yeah , something like that .
Natalie : Carlotta , I m really sorry , but I just -- I ca nt hold Cristian s memorial service , not till Mom gets back and she s safe .
Carlotta : Yeah , I heard about Viki . That s why I came over here .
Natalie : I really hope you understand .
Carlotta : No , come on , honey , I was going to suggest the same thing . We ll hold off and pray that Viki gets back soon .
Viki : Oh , thank God -- it works . Ok . I have to get out of here again . Oh , my God .
Babe : All right , so I m your ex - wife , but I m still the only woman you ve ever married , right ?
Paul : If you want to call one drunken night a marriage .
Babe : But what a night .
Paul : It was nt like we were even in love or anything . I mean , I did nt even think it was legal .
Babe : But it was .
Paul : And now it is nt . You got it , Babe ? That s why we filed those annulment papers , ok ? So technically , we were never really even married .
Babe : What difference does it make if we were technically married or not ?
Paul : It makes all the difference .
Jen : I ca nt call the police , and neither can you .
Rex : Jen , Karen s out there dead .
Jen : Do nt remind me .
Rex : The police need to know .
Jen : He s going to know that I was with her .
Rex : Look , why do nt you just face it -- your marriage is toast .
Jen : Ok , I messed up , but that does nt mean that my marriage is over . Please . Please , please just help me . Joe wo nt ever forgive me , and I ca nt handle that . Please . Please , just do nt call the police , please . Please ?
Rex : All right , all right , all right , all right , all right . I ll take care of it .
Marcie : You know what ? I would go and help you look for Jen myself , but , well , I kind of got stuck judging the Search and Destroy contest , you know , because I won the first one .
Joey : You were pretty awesome .
Marcie : Al was awesome . You know , the way he ran the whole thing . He was just incredible , was nt he ?
Joey : Yeah . I just ca nt believe he s really gone .
Marcie : Yeah . I ca nt , either .
Al s voice : I m not gone , I m right here . Maybe it does nt look like me , but it s me . I m the one you should be hugging .
Bo : What makes you think that Marcie s brother could be the killer ?
John : He s from the same town as the first victim , Susan Gelman .
Antonio : They went to high school together , graduated the same year .
Nora : Yeah , but this -- I mean , he s an incredibly nice guy .
Bo : Yeah , some of the most vicious killers are nice guys . Look at Ted Bundy .
John : Look , no one s accusing anyone of anything , but I think we should have a talk with him . So you can either do it informally or you can do it F.B.I. style . It s your choice .
Bo : Well , I ve got his cell phone number . It s a contact , an emergency contact number for Marcie .
Nora : That s the last thing Marcie needs right now .
Bo : Well , I ll try to break it to her in a real nice way -- if that s possible .
Nora : Hey , Antonio ? Has Jessica said anything new about her mother , any updates ?
Antonio : No , no . She s -- she s back at Llanfair , hoping , praying , but nothing as of yet .
Dorian : Do nt move . You may have hurt your back .
Viki : Oh , my God .
Dorian : Just see if you can shift your weight slightly . Take it slow .
Viki : Dorian , it s my arm ! Ow !
Dorian : Let me -- come on . Let me just --
Viki : No , do nt touch that arm .
Dorian : Ok , ok .
Viki : Ow !
Dorian : Take it --
Viki : Ow .
Dorian : Take the weight off your arm . Good , good .
Viki : Oh , my God , my arm .
Dorian : All right . I think we better just get you to a hospital as soon as possible .
Viki : Oh , my God . Dorian , you are so funny , are nt you ?
Dorian : Funny ?
Viki : Our lady of the mountain is around the corner ?
Bo : Marcie , I wanted you to know that your brother s going to be coming in later on because we think that he might be able to help us with this music box killer case .
Marcie : Wait a minute -- you do nt think that he has something to do with this .
Bo : No , I m sure it s nothing .
Marcie : Yeah , but you re bringing him in here . You must think it s something .
Nora : Well , we think that he can help us fill in some pieces of the puzzle .
Marcie : Yeah , but why Ron ? I know that he volunteers at the dance -- you know , to teach dance at the community center , but --
Bo : No , see , see -- look , Susan Gelman , who was the first victim -- she went to Ridgeview High School with Ron .
Marcie : So you think Ron knows her ?
Nora : Or maybe he knows people who do .
Bo : Yeah . Hey , look , I just did nt want you to be surprised when you saw him walk in , that s all .
Marcie : Ok .
Bo : Hey , Joey , could I talk to you about Viki ?
Joey : Yeah .
Al : You ok ?
Marcie : What are you doing here ?
Al : I came to see my brother , John .
Marcie : He s over there .
Al : Are you sure you re ok ?
Marcie : Yeah . I m sure , except for the fact that your brother s going after mine .
Al : Well , what did your brother do ?
Marcie : Nothing . Now go away .
Al : Ok .
John : Hey , thanks for coming over . What do you got for me ?
Al : Got for you ?
John : Michael , those medical reports .
Al : Oh , yeah . No problem . No problem .
Joey : Hey .
Marcie : Hey .
Joey : Are you going to be ok ?
Marcie : Yeah , I think I d be a lot better if Michael McBain would just leave me alone . I mean , ever since I saved his life , I ca nt get rid of him . He shows up everywhere I go . I do nt know whether to just be angry about it or scared .
Joey : He s not so bad .
Marcie : Joey . Ron ? Ron , hey .
Ron : Hey .
Marcie : Hey , what happened to you ?
Ron : Hey , it s just a little hassle with the car . Let me just find out what this is about , ok ?
Marcie : All right .
John : Hey , Michael , excuse me , all right ? Thanks for the help .
Al : Yeah .
Luna : Hey . Did nt she have a crush on Joey Buchanan ?
Al : Yeah , but that was before she met me .
Luna : How many times am I going to have to tell you -- you are not same me anymore . Look , this is who everybody else sees but me . Right now , Marcie thinks she ca nt -- she ca nt be with Al , so you re going to have to work a whole lot harder to get her to fall for this guy by Valentine s Day because if she falls for somebody else , you re sunk faster than a one - egg pudding .
Rex : Wiped down the bathroom . We just clear all traces of you here , we re gone .
Jen : You re pretty good at this .
Rex : Well , I ve watched a lot of crime TV . All right , now , this is how you found her ? You did nt move her , touch her ?
Jen : No .
Rex : I really liked Karen .
Jen : Yeah , me , too .
Rex : This is not good .
Jen : Look , we got to get out of here before somebody comes .
Rex : I would love to see the creep who did this get his , but we just did him a big favor .
Jen : You did me a huge favor . I will never forget this .
Rex : While you go home to your husband .
Jen : I ve got to make things right .
Rex : Sure . Do that . He needs you tonight .
Jen : Why ? What happened ?
Rex : Well , while you were out running around with Karen , he got bad news about his mom .
Dorian : Ok , Viki , come on .
Viki : God , it hurts .
Dorian : Let me take a closer look at that arm of yours . Come on .
Viki : Oh , my God . Did I break it , Dorian ? Is it broken ?
Dorian : Shh . Just a minute , now . Ok . Let me take a pulse .
Viki : Ah .
Dorian : Sorry . Good , got a pulse . All right . Try to wiggle your fingers .
Viki : Uh --
Dorian : Good news . Numbness , tingling ?
Viki : No .
Dorian : All right . I m just going to have to reach here and just --
Viki : Ow !
Dorian : Yeah , yep . You broke the arm .
Viki : Oh , God !
Dorian : All right . Now , I want you to lie down . Come on .
Viki : Why ?
Dorian : Lie down .
Viki : Why ?
Dorian : Because I am going to set that arm for you .
Viki : Oh , my God . No !
Dorian : Yes .
Viki : No .
Dorian : Viki , come on . Once a doctor , always a doctor . I did nt spend all those years in medical school to forget how to set an arm , ok ? Now , drink up . Come on .
Viki : I do nt want that .
Dorian : Slug it down .
Viki : Why ?
Dorian : I m going to hurt you . I m going to hurt you bad . This will help .
Viki : I do nt even like scotch .
Dorian : Oh ! Drink , drink , drink . Good , more . More .
Viki : Ew .
Dorian : All right . Now , lay back . Come on , Viki . Drink some more , one more time . Good , long gulps . Atta girl . Now , lie back . Viki ? Good . Lie back . Come on . There you go . Careful , careful , careful . Good , good , good . All right . Ok . Like I said , I m going to have to hurt you .
Viki : Oh .
Dorian : All right . Good . First extend the arm --
Viki : Oh ! Ow ! Dorian !
Dorian : Shh . And now , one , two --
Babe : This is a cell phone . Do nt you have a home phone ?
Paul : I m staying at my aunt s . And I do nt want you using that number unless it s an absolute emergency , got it ?
Babe : Yeah , yeah , yeah . So let me get this straight . This chick that you re hooked up with , she wo nt understand if you ve ever been married before .
Paul : Something like that . You did file those annulment papers I signed , right ?
Babe : Did nt you get your copies ?
Paul : No . But I guess I was jumping around a bit in the Gulf , and they never really caught up with me .
Babe : Well , you told me to take care of it , and I did . You got your annulment . Now , let s go get a bottle of champagne and toast our marriage that now never happened .
Paul : I m not really drinking much these days -- because of you and that night . So how about we just stay here and toast to the future ?
Babe : To health , to wealth --
Paul : And to family .
Babe : I did nt know you had one .
Paul : Well , I just found them , and I m finding out how rewarding a family can be .
Nora : It s almost over .
Marcie : How s Ron doing ?
Nora : He s fine , ok ? He s fine . He s being a big help .
Marcie : Ok . Thanks .
John : How well did you know Susan Gelman in high school ?
Ron : Well , we had a few classes together , I think , but it s not like we hung out or anything .
John : Where were you on election night ?
Ron : Home .
John : Alone ?
Ron : Yeah .
John : What about these other dates ?
Ron : Uh -- well , I m really not sure . It s too far back , but , you know , either I was working , I was hanging out with Marcie . And if I was nt , I was home watching TV or listening to music .
John : Alone ? You said that , yeah .
Ron : Yeah .
John : You re home alone a lot .
Ron : Yes , yes . I m a single guy . I m new in town . Why would nt I be ?
Bo : What kind of music do you like to listen to ?
Ron : All kinds .
Bo : Even classical ?
Ron : You probably do nt think I m the classical type , but , yes , I like that , too .
Rex : If you need something stronger , say so .
Jen : I m not going to start boozing it up . That s how I got into this trouble .
Rex : Relax .
Jen : Relax ? How am I supposed to relax ? I do nt think I ll ever be able to relax again . Every time that I close my eyes , I just think about Karen .
Dorian : Doctor , Girl Scout , whatever . Is there nothing I ca nt do ? Drink up . Numb is good .
Viki : Thank you .
Dorian : Two thank - yous in one night . Oh , my goodness . I must be doing something right . Drink up , my dear . You know , I think when I go back to civilization -- if we go back to civilization -- I will renew my medical license . Yeah , be a doctor again .
Viki : That would be very good because -- because it would give you something to do .
Dorian : And what do you mean by that ?
Viki : Nothing . I mean you d have something to do , you know , something good .
Dorian : As opposed to something bad ?
Viki : I did nt say that .
Dorian : Oh , please , Viki , I know how you think . Oh , yes , the high and mighty Saint Viki , president of Llanview University . Whereas , I am nothing but a troublesome , meddlesome witch .
Viki : You said it , not me . You know what ? If you had nt been meddling in Blair and Walker s marriage or wedding or whatever it was , you would nt even be here .
Dorian : I had no choice but to meddle because if I do nt tell Blair that Walker really is Todd , she -- what , she d spend the whole rest of her live living a sham ? Because we both know damn well that he is not Walker Laurence but he is Todd -- Todd Manning .
Viki : Dorian --
Dorian : Right ?
Viki : Dorian , just -- look , just leave it alone .
Dorian : And you knew . You knew all along , did nt you , Viki , that Walker is really Todd ?
Marcie : Flash ? Flash , how late am I ?
Flash : Hey , do nt worry , babe . They re running behind . Search and Destroy has nt even started yet .
Marcie : Good . Something came up at the police station , and I could nt leave .
Flash : I wanted to tell you that the new CD that Midnight Logic is cutting -- we re dedicating it to Al .
Marcie : Really ? Oh , Flash , that s so nice . It would have meant so much to Al .
Flash : Hey , you know , he gave us our jump - start . I mean , I still remember him hanging out at the garage before we even got any gigs .
Marcie : Yeah , taping you guys for his show .
Flash : Yeah , you know , it s like he was this phantom DJ , you know , Al Holden by day and Voice of the Night by night . It s really just not the same without him , you know ?
Marcie : Somehow the world seemed like it was a better place with him in it .
Flash : Creep alert .
Marcie : Him again ?
Flash : What is up with that guy ? Does he have a thing for you or something ?
Marcie : I do nt know . Ever since I saved his life , he thinks he owes me something .
Flash : Hmm .
Marcie : Listen , I ll catch up with you later . I got to go talk to somebody , ok ? Bye .
Riley : So , how is Barnes journalism class ? I need one more writing course for next quarter .
Natalie : I m actually not really sure . Journalism s more Jessica s thing .
Flash : Hey , Nat , have you heard anything else on Aunt Viki ?
Natalie : Nothing . In fact , I would nt even be here if Rex had nt guilt - tripped me into coming . I m going to call Jessica . I ve got to see if something s going on , ok ? Excuse me .
Flash : So you re really going to do it , huh ? You re really going to go back to school ?
Riley : Yeah , I need to .
Flash : What about the tour ? You know , we re working so hard , and we re almost there .
Riley : You guys go ahead . And I m sure you could find someone to replace me .
Flash : I do nt think anybody could ever do that .
Riley : I was thinking , why do nt you enroll at L.U. with me ?
Marcie : Jen , I m so glad I found you . Joe has been looking all over for you .
Jen : I m going to go home in a few minutes .
Marcie : I think you should go now because something has happened to his mom .
Jen : I know , I know . The plane went down .
Marcie : Well , then what are you doing here ?
Jen : I need to get myself together first , ok ? I just --
Marcie : Listen , I know you guys have been going through a lot , but I would nt worry about that , Jen .
Rex : We re going to start Search and Destroy . We need you up onstage , Marcie .
Marcie : We ll talk later , ok ? Rex .
Rex : Marcie .
Jen : Thank you for bailing me out again .
Rex : What s one more secret to keep from your husband ?
Jen : Are you going to hold this over my head ?
Rex : What do you think ?
Jen : I do nt know what I think anymore , ok ? I ca nt even stop shaking .
Rex : Relax , huh ?
Jen : I should nt even be here right now .
Rex : Do you really think you re ready to go home ? I do nt .
Jen : But I have to tell him where I was tonight . I m going to have to lie to him . What if I ca nt do that ?
Rex : Well , then he understands what happens and it helps you -- or not . Jen , if he loved you enough , he s the one you would have called tonight . He would have been the one cleaning up that room , covering for you , no questions asked . But , it was nt him , was it ?
Jen : I never would have been in this mess if it were nt for you because I met Karen through you , so you re --
Rex : Ok , why are you making this so hard , huh ? We have a connection here . More than you ll ever have with Joe . We both come from crazy moms , we re a little crazy ourselves . Admit it -- we re a pair .
Jen : I belong with Joe . If I could just stop shaking .
Singer : The nightlife baby always where you belong
River : Roxy . Thank God I found you . I m so glad .
Roxy : That s what most people say .
River : Yeah .
Roxy : Going someplace ?
River : Yeah , I just found out that Adriana really is in Puerto Rico . My grandma s been lying to me , and I m sick of it , so I m going . Look , if Dorian says anything , she can go to hell , ok ?
Viki : Are you ok ?
Dorian : Yeah , I m just fine , fine . How about you ? How s the pain ?
Viki : It s not good .
Dorian : Oh , dear . Hey , easy solution -- drink up . Come on .
Viki : I do nt want any more .
Dorian : Drink , drink more . You need it . Good . It ll help the pain . And if you get smashed enough , maybe you will tell me the truth about how long you ve known that Walker is Todd .
Viki : I never said I did know .
Dorian : You never said you did nt . Come on , Viki ! I want the truth now .
Viki : Will you just calm down ?
Dorian : I do nt want to calm down , ok ? I m losing patience ! I want you to tell me the truth .
Viki : Ok , listen . Even if -- what s his name ? -- Walker is Todd , he has to tell people , ok ?
Dorian : He has --
Viki : Yes .
Dorian : He s never going to tell people he s not Walker , he s Todd , because once he tells Blair , she s going to lock him out of her life forever . But no , no , no , no . You -- you -- you re Saint Viki , his sister protector . Yes , you ve always done that --
Viki : Dorian --
Dorian : For that disgusting piece of slime --
Viki : Dorian --
Dorian : You call a brother ! You have always protected him , and you always will !
Viki : You got to take deep breaths and calm down .
Dorian : I do nt want to calm down , ok ? Because I have just remembered why I was so desperate to get on that airplane , why I tried so hard to get here that I stowed away !
Viki : What are you doing ?
Dorian : I m going to find Blair .
Viki : What ?
Dorian : Yes , and I am going to tell her about Todd .
Viki : You ca nt go out there , Dorian . You ca nt .
Dorian : Oh , yes I can .
Viki : No , that s crazy .
Dorian : We ca nt be that far from Saranac .
Viki : You do nt know where the hell we are . You do nt even know what direction to go in .
Dorian : Do nt worry . I ll send help .
Viki : Dorian , do nt go . Come on , Dorian . Dorian , do nt go ! Please ! Dorian !
River : And I got Adriana s number from a phone bill my grandma had , and I already told her I m coming , so --
Roxy : Well , what are you flying on , the wings of love ?
River : See , that s the thing . I was hoping that that money that you lent me the other time would --
Roxy : Do nt even ask . I m just a sucker for schmutz . Is this going to cover it ?
River : Look , Roxy , I m going to make this up to you , ok ? I promise you . I promise you .
Roxy : Just kiss that pretty girl for me . Look , you know , we ll have a party at your grandma s when they find her .
River : What ? Did she go somewhere ?
Roxy : You did nt hear ? She did a crash and burn with Viki Davidson in a plane .
River : What ?
Dorian : It s a car . I wonder if there s anybody in there .
Dorian : Hey ! Hello ! Yoo - hoo , yoo - hoo ! Hello ! Whoo ! We re here ! Look at us ! Hello !
Viki : Hello ? Hello ?
Viki : Hello ? Ah . Ah .
Viki : Oh , my God . It s a helicopter ! Do nt go away ! I m coming ! I m going to get the flashlight ! I m coming ! Oh , God , please let them find us !
Paul : I better go .
Babe : What , you got to get back to your old lady ?
Paul : Yeah . It was good to see you , Babe . You re looking really hot these days . I m sure you ll find somebody else , somebody that will make you really happy .
Babe : I m working on it .
Paul : Good .
Babe : Listen , you might get a call from this guy , Adam Chandler , asking about me .
Paul : Yeah ?
Babe : Well , if you do , just tell him you never heard of me .
Paul : Ok . Why ?
Babe : I got to go .
Rex : That was the Groovy Sisters , grooving to their 1960s remix . What do you say ? Thumbs up , down ?
Al : I say they suck .
Flash : I did nt ask .
Al : I mean , like , they suck in a good way , like , man , they suck !
Flash : Are nt you here to see Marcie ?
Al : Yeah . Yeah , I m here to see Marcie , but she s busy . So you re her friend . I thought I d hang out with you .
Flash : I do nt think so .
Luna : Any more bright ideas ?
Al : You could help me out anytime here , Luna .
Rex : Ok , so we ll give the Groovy Sisters a -- but do nt go anywhere because for our next act , we ve got Billy Poindexter doing his impersonation of Lance Bass singing Fly Me to the Moon .
Flash : That guy Michael s a stage - four freak .
Marcie : No kidding . Although sometimes -- I do nt know -- actually , he s sort of lovable .
Flash : Are you kidding ?
Marcie : No . I m still shaken from when my brother was questioned by the police . Maybe I m just not thinking straight .
John : What do you think about Ron Walsh ? Looked like he was in a scuffle .
Bo : We ll check under her fingernails for skin samples .
Antonio : Well , does nt look like we re going to find much here . This place has been wiped clean .
Nora : There was a bottle of Effervescence perfume in there , but I m smelling another perfume . It s called Chianna . So unless our murderer was wearing perfume , I think someone else has been here .
Viki : Hello ! I m here ! Hello ! Can you see me ? Hello ! I m down here ! Do nt go away ! No ! Hello ! Come back !
Dorian : Goodbye , Todd .
Joey : I ve been looking all over for you . What are you doing here ?
Marcie : Please , you have to find another suspect .
Antonio : What happened with Adriana -- does it have something to do with Dorian Lord ?
Kevin : Call Todd and let him know that you re ok .
Blair : Todd ?
### Summary:
| Todd survives crashing his car with just a gash in his head . Paul s ex - wife shows up & swears she filed the annullment papers , but he claims he never got them . Vicki slips leaving the plane & breaks her arm . Dorian sets it for her . Ron shows up at the bar with bruises on his face . He s questioned as a suspect in the murders & is found to have no alibi . Jenn calls Rex for help with her situation & he cleans up the room for her , leaving no trace of Jenn having been there . The hotel maid later finds Karen s body & calls the police . Dorian & Vicki get drunk to forget their troubles . A helicopter flies overhead looking for the wreckage , but does nt see them . After an argument with Vicki , Dorian stomps off to find Blair . On the way , she finds Todd laying unconscious in the snow . She leaves him there . It s Search & Destroy night at Ultra Violet & Marcie s one of the judges . Al continues to follow Marcie & she starts to find him attractive . Natalie decides to postpone Cristian s memorial until they find her mom . Nora recognizes the fragrance of somebody else s perfume at the crime scene . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : This is not how it s supposed to be , father against son .
Liam : Well , I think I deserve some credit for keeping you out of prison .
Bill : By threatening to put me in it ? Now , if you were to erase that recording , we could have a meaningful conversation .
Liam : Ah , but we would nt because then your motivation would be gone .
Bill : That s not true . We make a good team , liam .
Liam : You did nt think that before .
Steffy : Is that fair ? He made you president of spencer publications .
Wyatt : Yeah , before you went and made yourself C.E.O. ! How big of a crowd you got there , dad ?
Bill : It s just your brother . We re family , so I filled him in on everything .
Liam : Mm - hmm . And what ? Wyatt decided arson was good business ?
Wyatt : No ! But I do agree that you re not making it any better with blackmail ! Just -- why do nt you delete the recording and start over , huh ? Stop acting like people that are supposed to outsmart each other and start acting like people that are connected ! Like a family .
Brooke : What are you crazy people doing ? I thought you all went to work this morning ! I get to forrester , and pam is half - convinced that we re all in some horrible accident !
R.J. : Well , we wanted it to be a surprise , but dad thought it d be cool if we picked up your stuff and got it squared away .
Rick : And we ve already got you partially unpacked .
Maya : Yes , we just hope that we re putting everything in the right places .
Rick : Yeah , well , it s just our way of saying ...
Brooke : [ Gasps ]
Maya : Wow .
R.J. : I told you she could fix flowers .
Coco : These are for you .
Ridge : They re from us . They re from me .
R.J. : Our way of saying ... welcome home , mom .
Brooke : This is really sweet of all of you . A week ago , I never expected ...
R.J. : Mom ...
Ridge : Hey , your mom is just happy to be home , are nt you ?
Brooke : [ Clears throat ]
Brooke : Yes . Yes . That s right . Mm - hmm . Thank you all so much .
Wyatt : Dad knows he messed up . I mean , have nt you ever made a mistake , liam ?
Liam : It was nt a mistake . It was a calculated attempt to destroy a family business in order to pick up a property he wanted for a fire sale price .
Bill : That spectra building was never worth the $ 50 million you paid for it .
Liam : Oh , really ? Cause the purchase offer was written a few months ago by you .
Bill : Enough , liam ! Will you erase that damn recording so we can start putting this family back together ?
Liam : I ca nt do that .
Bill : Why not ?
Liam : Because you ve broken too many promises , told too many lies , and what you re asking for gives you license to keep doing it .
Wyatt : Look , I ll talk to him .
Bill : We have his answer ! And maybe I could make peace with it , if brooke was here .
Steffy : Maybe he was disconnected .
Liam : [ Scoffs ] No . He was angry .
Steffy : Do I have to remind you ? I know you remember . When we turned our backs on my grandfather and the wedding , that was almost the end of the forresters .
Liam : But it was nt because your family has a benevolent patriarch . Mine s run by a criminal egomaniac .
Steffy : [ Sighs ]
Liam : Listen , I got a lot of stuff to do .
Steffy : Okay .
Liam : Steffy , wait . I have an obligation to you and our future children to insulate us from whatever damage that man can do . I take that seriously .
Coco : It s really sweet what you re all doing for your mom .
R.J. : Yeah , well , you know , that s what forresters do -- they take care of each other .
Coco : So , now that she s no longer with bill , do you think your folks will ...
R.J. : We ll see . We ll see . I -- they could be getting back together , or I can just be imagining things .
Coco : So much breaking up and making up , it would wear me out .
R.J. : Yeah . Yeah . Me , too . Why do nt we just never break up , okay ?
Coco : Okay .
R.J. : Okay , cool .
Coco : Okay .
Rick : Hey , how d it go up there ?
Maya : Oh ! I think she approves .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] You did nt really have to go to all that trouble .
Ridge : Uh , that either means she s very grateful , or she s gon na reorganize everything after you leave .
Rick : I think you re right about that second one .
R.J. : Whoa ! You okay , rick ? You just agreed with my dad .
Rick : All right , all right . Chill , little brother . I m taking a day off from fighting with ridge , on account of how he orchestrated getting mom resettled back home .
Ridge : Yeah , and the other good news is -- I do nt have to finish that tunnel I was digging to break you out of spencer s house .
R.J. : Mom , look , I know this ca nt be easy , but we re all glad you re home . It was nt the same without you .
Bill : They ca nt trace that fire back to me anyway . And I only told you cause you needed to hear it . I told you because you re my son and I love you and i trusted you . Was that a mistake ?
Liam : [ Clears throat ]
Wyatt : Alison said you were expecting me .
Liam : Yes , and here you are .
Wyatt : Was it a mistake ? Dad trusting you , loving you , giving you everything ?
Liam : You know shaming me is not gon na work , right ? Dad already tried that , and he s a lot better at it than you .
Wyatt : Right . It s not gon na work because you re just so morally superior to everyone , or just ...
Liam : You guys , you just love harping on that , do nt you ? Liam the cat - rescue lover , liam the tofu boy , liam the tree - hugging planet saver . Well , let me ask you something . If you do nt adhere to some set of values , what drives you ? Greed ? Vanity ? A drive to win at all costs ? What ?
Wyatt : You sure that s not what s driving you right now ?
Liam : Wyatt , somebody couldthat n registering for you ?
Wyatt : No , it -- it registers for me . It does . Ethically , legally , I agree with you , you re right . It s reprehensible , and dad agrees with you , too , but ... life is not a game show where if you re right , you get all the prizes . Have you forgotten who you are , where you came from ?
Liam : No . That s gon na take a little bit longer .
Steffy : Uh , your housekeeper just asked if my father sent me .
Bill : That s because he was here today picking up brooke s things .
Steffy : [ Sighs ]
Bill : I told fiona to tell him that I was gone . I made a point to stay upstairs , hold my temper in check .
Steffy : I m sorry , bill .
Bill : Listen , if brooke wants her things as she s working through this , who am I to hold them hostage ? You know , I m not a squatter , like your husband . I m not a thief ...
Steffy : Look , I tried . I really did .
Bill : I know you did . And I appreciate it . And if you ca nt get through to liam , no one can .
Steffy : If he s stubborn , he comes by it honestly .
Bill : Right . Anyway , thank you for being on my side .
Steffy : I m on the side of perspective , the side of doing the right thing and putting this behind us .
Bill : You know when you re a kid and you do certain things and people tell you it could stunt your growth ?
Steffy : Okay .
Bill : I think maybe I did that to myself . I never fully grew up . I never felt I had to listen to anybody . Nobody had a right to know anything I did nt want to tell them . And definitely nobody could lay a claim on me . Nobody could say you owe me . Well , a father ca nt live that way . A husband ca nt live that way . Real life means owing somebody something . Like the way I owe you for not turning your back on me .
Maya : This lunch is fabulous .
Coco : Oh , yay ! I m glad . Yeah , my grandmother owned a bakery , so I knew how to make quiche before I could spell it .
Maya : Aww .
Brooke : Oh !
R.J. : Hey , should nt some of us get back to work ?
Ridge : Oh !
R.J. : I mean , like mom said , it s probably a ghost town over there , so ...
Rick : Yeah .
Maya : What do you think , huh ?
Rick : Well , I guess we all should nt skip out at once .
Maya : Yeah . It wo nt take me a minute to clean everything up .
R.J. : No , no , it s okay . Coco and I have this , all right ? We ll be right behind you .
Maya : Thank you .
Brooke : And wait ! I just want to say I love you all very much .
Maya : Aww . We love you , too , brooke .
Rick : We need you . We know you did nt desert us when you became a spencer , but this family , this forrester family , is broken without you at the center of it .
Maya : It s true .
Ridge : It is true .
Bill : So , tell me something honestly . You think that brooke is gon na go back to your father ?
Steffy : I wish I could answer that , bill .
Bill : You should go .
Steffy : No , I do nt want to leave .
Bill : No , really , I mean , i can not stand myself this way .
Steffy : Bill , it s okay to feel hurt , it s okay to be sad .
Bill : Not in front of somebody ! I ca nt live this way .
Steffy : Okay , so then we ll try something different .
Bill : What does that mean ?
Steffy : I think we need a change of scenery . I ll tell you what works for me . When s the last time you took your hog out of the garage ?
Wyatt : Do you -- do you not want to be my brother anymore ? Is that it ?
Liam : How can you even think that ?
Wyatt : Cause you forget who you are , where you came from , like you want our father out of your life ! Is that what you want ? You leave me out of your plans . You shut me out of your thinking .
Liam : Yes , wyatt , because i knew you would side with him .
Wyatt : I do nt ! I do nt , though ! That s the point ! But whether they fall down or they burn down , buildings are at least disposable , liam . People arenT.
Liam : I have never thought of you as disposable .
Wyatt : You think I m talking about me ? No ! Dad . If you take dad out of the equation , what connects us ?
Liam : Affection ! Respect !
Wyatt : Oh , my god , we are brothers . We re not a bowling team . Blood runs through our veins , liam , and you know whose .
Liam : Yeah , and where the hell has he been our entire lives ?
Wyatt : Are you kidding me right now ? Like you ca nt see that he is trying to make up for that in the only way he knows how ? You -- you have your own high- rise office that has a view halfway to japan . You live in a malibu beach house with the woman of your dreams , not to mention a car -- an electric car -- that s just really , really expensive , but so good for the environment . Where did you think that came from ? And you tell me you feel deprived .
Liam : Deprived ? I -- well , we sure got money . We got plenty of that , do nt we ? But where did it come from ? Peddling scandal sheets full of lies , putting smaller newspapers out of business , rolling back employee benefits , and hiring lowlifes to start accidental fires . Look , it s all blood money , wyatt . It s all blood money .
Wyatt : I do nt see you writing a check out of your bank account to cover it .
Liam : That s right , because I m gon na do one better . I m gon na take his dirty damn money , and I m gon na do some good with it .
Wyatt : By the way of blackmail . You -- you and this endless quest for purity here , liam . It does nt exist ! You think everything in this world is rotten and that you re not , but guess what ? You stink just as much as the rest of us .
Brooke : Ridge , you do nt have to stay .
Ridge : I do nt have to leave , either .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] You know what , it was so wonderful what you all did for me .
Ridge : Can I ask you something ? Can I have the boxes ? I could use them .
Brooke : [ Laughs ] Are you moving again ?
Ridge : Well ... there s a couple of bad things about living in a hotel . Number one is , it s a hotel .
Brooke : Wow . You really bounce around a lot . From a hotel to a short - term rental ... it s almost like you have no roots or you re running away from something .
Ridge : No , I m -- I m not running away from anything . I m back in my loft now that thomas is in new york . It just doesnT ... it does nt feel like home , you know ? There s only two places that ever did that for me , and one is my dad s house , and the other place is here .
Brooke : Oh .
Ridge : I m not -- I donT ... I m not trying to do anything . I just -- I just want you to be happy . What can I do to help ?
Brooke : You re already doing it .
Liam : Wyatt , I like your loyalty . I always have . In fact , the only person you ve ever turned against is me .
Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Okay , fine . I will admit to that . For a long time , I -- I felt like we would never see eye to eye because for everything good you got , I never did .
Liam : Well , is that what s happening here ? Are you telling me that if you were sitting in this chair , you d be all hot for dad to come back ?
Wyatt : You know the only reason why you can oust him right now is because he gave you the training and the means to .
Liam : And the motivation . Let s not forget the motivation . I could nt stand by and watch dad repeatedly victimize somebody who did nt know what she was up against and who could nt fight back .
Wyatt : Okay , so in this story that you re telling everyone -- and yourself -- sally spectra is the soul of innocence here ?
Liam : Let me ask you something . Let me ask you something . What happened to her design partner , hmm ? Cause whatever dad is filling your ear with , I guarantee you that s not the full story .
Wyatt : Thomas went back to caroline because she s the mother of his child ! How is that dad s fault ?
Liam : Oh , I do nt know , because dad told thomas caroline had a fatal disease .
Wyatt : What ?
Liam : A lie , obviously .
Wyatt : What are you even talking about ?
Liam : But thomas bought it because caroline was willing to play along . For one because , you know , dad can be very persuasive , and two , caroline loves thomas . She wanted her family back .
Wyatt : Oh , my ... this is -- this is crazy .
Liam : Yes ! Yes , wyatt ! Exactly ! It s crazy ! And the second it looked like sally was going to succeed anyway , that s when dad had the building torched , just for the sake of his stupid skyscraper .
Wyatt : Okay , what he did was wrong , that s fine , but you on the other hand are wrong , as well , to commit blackmail . Steffy and I see that , okay ? It s wrong . Why ca nt you see that ?
Liam : Yes . Steffy disagrees with me , but she s going to stand by me . And you would , too , if you were nt so occupied trying to be dad s mini - me because let s just say it , wyatt . You re scared of him ! I m doing good thing here ! Good things are happening . It is a new day at spencer publications . Do nt you want to be a part of that ?
Steffy : You re not bad on two wheels .
Bill : Oh , you mean , for a guy who has nt been on a bike in over a year ?
Steffy : Eh , for a man .
Bill : [ Chuckles ]
Steffy : So , how s the patient ?
Bill : Okay .
Steffy : What , do I need to do a pulse check , or something ?
Bill : I m better . That was fun .
Steffy : Just like I said it would be .
Bill : Just like you said it would be . But it did nt solve anything .
Steffy : No . But it pushes away the bad stuff for a while .
Bill : All right , listen , if , uh , the words clouds , silver lining are coming out of your mouth next , please , stop . You know , I keep asking myself , you have lost your company , you have lost your wife . What s left ?
Steffy : Your sons .
Bill : Not all of them .
Steffy : Your friends .
Bill : Yeah , you know , uh , i have never been real big on trust , so I m not really well - stocked that department .
Steffy : Well , then , today is your lucky day , because as long as I m around , you ve got yourself a friend .
### Summary:
| Bill tells Liam over the phone it is not supposed to be father against son . Liam says and a son should not have to keep his dad out of prison . Bill says Wyatt is the only one with him and he has filled him in on all the details . Wyatt tells Liam that his dad was wrong but surely Liam has made a mistake . Liam says this was not a mistake . It was a continuation of lies and he will not keep going along with that . Liam tells Steffy that she can not understand this as her family is headed by a true patriarch but his by a egomaniac . RJ , Coco , Maya , Rick and Ridge gather with flowers and welcome Brooke home . She is touched and thanks them all . RJ says it simply was nt the same without her . They eat lunch and Rick tells her that he knows she did not abandon them when she became a Spencer but the Forrester side of her is needed right here . Wyatt shows up at Liam s and says Alison says he was expected . Liam says shaming him will not work as Bill already tried that . Liam says they can call him the cat rescuer and do - gooder but he wonders what drives Wyatt unless it is just greed . Wyatt says this is no game show and has Liam forgot just where he came from . Maybe he does not want Wyatt for his brother anymore since he shuts him out of his plans . If Liam takes his dad out of the equation then nothing will connect them then . Wyatt tells him that Liam thinks everything in this world is rotten only he is not . Steffy tells Bill that she really tried to talk to Liam but she got nowhere . Steffy says he is stubborn and he came by it honestly . Bill says he grew up where you did not owe anyone anything . You did not have to answer to anyone , but he realizes now you do owe people and he is thankful for Steffy for being on his side and he owes her . She grabs her helmet and challenges him to a ride on the Harley . Brooke tells Ridge that he did nt have to stay and help her unpack . She bounces back pretty good from hotel to hotel and from house to house . And he is helping by stepping in now . Wyatt tells Liam for a long time he was resentful of Liam because he got things from Bill and he did nt . Liam accuses Wyatt of being Bill s mini - me . Liam says whatever Bill is filling his ear with he can guarantee him that is not the full story . Liam goes back and mentions Thomas ; he was the one who gave Sally a second chance and the minute it looked like she was gon na succeed then Bill torched her place . Bill thanks Steffy for this chance to be himself again . She smiles and says he better get used to it as long as she is around he has a friend . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
River : Oh .
Eden : Uh , you wo nt believe all the rules they ve got around here .
River : Well , it could nt be worse than jail . Although , there s one thing I ve wanted to do since the day they locked me up .
Michael : What s that ?
River : Ah ! Now that s freedom . Where s my grandson ?
Lauren : He s with the sitter . He ll be home soon .
Eden : What happens next ? Will the judge drop the case ?
Michael : Uh , no . Most likely Lowell will get a jury trial .
River : Ah . I keep the faith , huh ? I got a primo lawyer . You mind if I take a shower ?
Michael : Um , make yourself at home . It s back there .
River : Thanks . Where ?
Eden : I ll show you .
River : Thanks .
Lauren : I m just so proud of you . Oh , my God , you were so incredible today . You were .
Michael : I never thought I d say this , but I ... owe it all to Gloria . I mean , she sold the judge .
Lauren : It s true .
Michael : If we go to trial , I ll need her .
Gloria : I ca nt believe it . I just keep getting his voice mail .
Lauren : Oh , I would nt worry .
Gloria : Yeah . Well , you did nt see how mad he was at the courthouse .
Michael : Well , give it a moment . He ll move onto something else . You two have an empire to run .
Gloria : Mm . I hope so .
Lauren : Alright , I ll go make some snacks .
Michael : Oh , no , no , no . No , Mrs. Baldwin , no you do nt . It is your anniversary . I will do it . Yes !
Lauren : Very nice .
Gloria : And I ll help .
Lauren : Oh .
Michael : Okay , digits ahead of time .
Lauren : ( Laughs )
Eden : I gave Dad my room . I ll just take the couch or something .
Lauren : Oh , you ve got mail .
Eden : Oh . Cool .
Lauren : Is it anything interesting ?
Eden : It s just junk .
Michael : Ow !
Gloria : Sorry ! Sorry ! I m sorry , Michael .
Lauren : We better go in the kitchen and make sure they do nt burn it down .
Eden : Oh , my God ! Are you guys okay ?
Lauren : What happened ?
Jana : I wish you could ve heard your mum talking about River today at the courtroom . He is such a good and moral man .
Kevin : Oh , well , that explains why he took off and left Mom and Michael with nothing .
Jana : The police framed him .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) I m sorry . It s been-- it s been a crummy day .
Jana : What , the plumber gave you an estimate , then did he ?
Kevin : Mm - hmm . Another 2 grand to fix everything . And to top it off , Amber pretty much accused me of killing Mrs. Chancellor .
Jana : Oh , she did nt mean that .
Kev : Uh , yeah , she did .
Jana : You know what ? I think you re stressing out because you feel really guilty about this money .
Kevin : Mm . No . No guilt .
Jana : Deep down inside , you know it s wrong to spend-- to spend stolen money , even if it is on plumbing , and it s eating away at you .
Kevin : No , it is . And for the millionth time , it s not stolen . I found it . Mrs. Chancellor is gone and nobody is missing it .
Jana : We could use that for a greater good . There are people who could benefit from that money .
Kevin : You re absolutely right . Like us . Now let s go . We re gon na be late . I m gon na pull the car around .
Adam : Ugh .
Phyllis : It s you . You re still in town ? Must be difficult living in a place where no one likes you .
Adam : The price I have to pay for telling the truth .
Phyllis : You know , I used to think you were nt a total jerk . It s interesting to know that I can be wrong sometimes .
Adam : Have fun spending Christmas day in that prison mess hall with Victor .
Phyllis : You know , that attitude of yours-- it s gon na catch up with you . You re gon na wish you did things differently .
Billy : For real , am I the father ?
Chloe : You re hardly daddy material .
Billy : That is nt an answer .
Chloe : You want me to write it a t - shirt ? I answered that question when I married my little girl s daddy .
Cane : Do you ... do you want another pillow ?
Chloe : Hmm ?
Cane : Are you in pain ?
Chloe : Oh . The meds are finally helping . Hee hee hee .
Cane : All right . Now ... you listen to Daddy , little one , you do Mommy a big favor and you nix those somersaults until her fractured pelvis heals , do you hear me ?
Chloe : Mm . Oh . I think that was her first no .
Jack : So I m thinking we should bump up the Ashley line . You know , with all this belt - tightening going on , it might be the perfect time to offer a wider selection of value - priced items . Billy ?
Billy : Um ... say that again ? Um , I m sorry .
Jack : Hey , where were you ?
Billy : I ve got a lot of crazy stuff going on right now .
Jack : Women troubles ?
Billy : Yeah , that s half of it . Actually , Jack , I need someone I can trust to talk to about this . Can , uh , you swear this ... goes no further ?
Jack : You have my word .
Billy : Chloe Mitchell-- well , we kind of ... dated .
Jack : Wait , Chloe , Cane s wife ?
Billy : Yeah . We met in New York .
Jack : Does Cane know this ?
Billy : No . No , Cane does not know this .
Jack : O - okay , so you knew her before he married her . I mean , stranger things have happened .
Billy : You know that baby she s carrying ?
Kevin : Where is everyone ?
Gloria : Everybody is in the kitchen except for Lowell . He s in the shower .
Jana : Oh , I was just telling Kevin how wonderful you were up there on the witness stand today .
Gloria : Thank you , Jana .
Michael : No need to make crudités with a minimum loss of blood .
Gloria : Here they are .
Michael : Hey !
Jana : Happy anniversary , you two ! This is from Kevin and me .
Lauren : You remembered . That s so sweet .
Michael : Thank you . Thank you .
Gloria : Jeffrey was at the courthouse . If looks could kill , I d be in a body bag .
Kevin : Let me guess , he did nt want you testifying for the competition ?
Gloria : Lowell is not the competition . Jeffrey wo nt believe it . He said if I even went to the courthouse , he was giving the face cream to the authorities .
Kevin : How long has he been holding that over your head ? He s bluffing . He s bluffing . He -- he -- he wants you freaked out , so he ll have you under his thumb again .
Gloria : I hope you re right , Kevin .
Kevin : Yeah . Look , if he wanted you arrested , Mom , he d have done it by now . So ... where s the mad bomber ?
River : Hey ! Good to see you again , Kevin . Hey , Buddy !
Kevin : Whoa . Okay .
River : Oh , party !
Michael : There you go , guys .
Eden : You look like my dad again .
River : You know , I feel like him , too .
Michael : Here , Mumsie .
River : Hey , look , I d like to make a toast .
Michael : There you go .
River : I d like to make a toast to ... my son and lawyer , Michael , who s gon na help me beat this rap .
Michael : We still have a ways to go .
River : Keep the faith .
Lauren : That s right . I ll drink to that .
River : And to Gloria , who did the righteous thing like I knew you would . You could nt help yourself , Glo - worm . That s who you are . And , uh , Kevin and Jana , for changing the universe when you ... melded yourself together at the ashram . There are no accidents , right ? And , Eden ... my biggest supporter and light of my life . A short while ago , we were virtual strangers , but now I think of all of you as family . Cheers .
Michael : Cheers .
Lauren : I ll drink to that .
River : Hey , Buddy .
Michael : Oh .
Jack : Have you talked to Chloe about this ?
Billy : Yeah , I talked to her , and she -- she flat out said that it was impossible . There s no way it could happen .
Jack : So what makes you think it s still yours ?
Billy : The due date . She did lie . I talked to the nurse and she said that Chloe is further along than she s saying she is .
Jack : So what are you gon na do ?
Billy : I know one thing I m damn sure not gon na do-- I m not gon na ever marry that girl . There s no way in hell that I would marry that girl .
Jack : Marriage is nt necessary these days .
Billy : Yeah , we , Cane did it . He stepped up . When she convinced him that he was the father , yeah , he stepped up . Because he s so upright and noble . He married her just for the sake of that kid . And now , what does he get for his efforts ? He s stuck in a loveless , sexless marriage . I would rather kill myself than get on that donkey .
Jack : All right , let s slow down . Slow down . You re bouncing off the walls here . My first piece of advice is think long and hard about this . The last thing you wanna do is make a snap judgment here . That child deserves more than bonding with Cane and having you change your mind down the road . Look , trust me , as someone who knows , it is hard to live with a secret this big .
Billy : Yeah , but sometimes you have to , right ?
Jack : Yeah , sometimes you do .
Adam : I am so sick of being judged by you and your sanctimonious family . Yes , I did it . I found the diary . I handed it over to Sophisticate magazine . I d do it again . I do nt care if it takes my whole life , Phyllis . Victor s never gon na forget how he treated me .
Phyllis : Hey , listen , it s a waste of time , trying to punish your father for-- for not treating you well .
Adam : He killed a man . He deserves what he gets .
Phyllis : Yeah , but see , the thing about Victor Newman-- I ve known him a long time and he always gets the last word .
Adam : Hello ?
Frank : It s Frank Ellis .
Adam : What are you , deranged ? Why are you calling me ?
Frank : I need to see you right away .
Adam : Why would I do that ?
Frank : Because if you do nt get down o this jail A.S.A.P. , I m going to spill everything I know about Newman s diary to the D.A.
Lily : Hello ? Are you ignoring me ?
Billy : Oh , I m sorry . Hi , excuse me . What -- what are you doing , studying ?
Lily : Uh , yeah , and I need a break .
Billy : Well , I would like to ask you something .
Lily : Okay , sure .
Billy : It s personal .
Lily : ( Laughs ) Okay .
Billy : At the hospital , I saw the way you were looking at Cane and Chloe . It s obvious that you re still in love with him . Why d you break up ?
Lily : Well , I - I told you .
Billy : Oh , come on . He could support that child and not marry her .
Lily : No , he could nt have . And he should nt .
Jana : I was gobsmacked when I walked in and saw Gloria up on that stand . Your testimony was so moving .
River : Hey ... can I hold the little guy ?
Michael : You wanna go ?
Lauren : Yeah . Wanna give this to Grandpa ?
Michael : Who wants to play with you ?
Lauren : Go give Grandpa--
Michael : Who was to play with you ?
River : Puzzles .
Michael : Hopefully , it ll be the start of many more visits .
Eden : We could get an apartment in Genoa City !
River : What about the ashram ?
Eden : We could visit in the summer , you know , when school s out .
Michael : Uh , we have one more reason to celebrate . Come here . Three years ago , the most beautiful woman in the world ... had a ... temporary lapse in good judgment and agreed to be my wife .
Lauren : Oh , Sweetie . I have something for you .
Michael : No . Wait . No . Look , we--
Lauren : Yeah .
Michael : We agreed no presents .
Lauren : I ll be right back .
Adam : Jack ! Perfect timing . We need to talk .
Jack : Not here , Adam . We should nt be seen together .
Adam : I just got a call from our little buddy , the forger .
Jack : He s out of jail ?
Adam : No . No . He wants me to come and see him .
Jack : Do nt get involved .
Adam : He s threatened to sing if I do nt come .
Jack : Ca nt help you , Buddy . Not interested .
Adam : You better get interested , Jack , fast . Ellis threatened to tell the D.A. everything about the diary , including your role in creating it .
Lily : So ... when Cane and I were together , I got pregnant . And you ca nt even imagine how excited Cane was . He could nt wait to be a dad .
Billy : What happened ?
Lily : Well , according to the doctors , the embryo was nt viable , and so ... it was reabsorbed into my body .
Billy : Wow , uh , I m sorry .
Lily : So when Chloe got pregnant , I knew what it meant to Cane . And , of course , I knew what it meant to Chloe , too .
Billy : Well , you said that she was chasing him from the beginning .
Lily : Yeah , cause he was a Chancellor .
Billy : So it was about the money ?
Lily : Yeah , of course . It was about money and prestige and security .
Billy : Well , you know , I guess growing up the maid daughter does nt really instill a lot of confidence in the future .
Lily : Right . So Chloe saw Cane as perfect husband material .
Billy : Then as perfect father material ?
Lily : And when the D.N.A. results said that Cane could nt be excluded as the father , he stepped up . And I knew that he would do it before he did . Ugh , God , I hated Chloe .
Billy : With good reason , yeah .
Lily : Yeah , and then , so one day we were basically attacking her and she just ... broke down crying . And I think it was in that moment was when I realized that ... she really does love the baby , and that she wants what s best for her child .
Billy : So the fashionista really does have a heart , huh ?
Lily : Yeah . And you know , two parents are better than one . Cane will make an incredible father .
Billy : Yes , he will .
Lily : And you know , even for all their differences , neither of them grew up with their parents . So they do nt want their daughter to grow up that way .
Billy : Yeah , I was shipped off to boarding school at one point , too , so I can see where they re coming from .
Lily : You know , it s -- it s funny , cause in a weird way , I actually admire that they re so committed to staying together for the sake of their child . I mean , is nt that how it should be ?
Cane : I did nt know you liked to knit .
Chloe : Oh , yeah . I took up knitting , um , I do nt know , about a few years ago . Very trendy in Manhattan . But I m not very good . But I thought , uh , Christmas ornaments . I could make Matilda her first Christmas ornament .
Cane : Matilda ? All right , look , I really appreciate the Australian reference , okay ? But--
Chloe : Oh , I m sorry . Would you like something , uh , a little boring , like , yeah ... ? Elisabeth or Diana ?
Cane : You really think I m that stodgy ?
Chloe : Well , if the boot fits , Ashby .
Cane : See , I m thinking , uh , Bertha . Bertha Kay .
Chloe : Bertha Kay ?
Cane : Bertha Kay .
Chloe : Please tell me that you re joking . I promise you , that we will never , ever , ever name you Bertha Kay . I promise .
Cane : Hm . Gotcha !
Eden : Fen s out like a light .
Michael : Ah .
Lauren : Hi .
Michael : Hi . What ?
Lauren : So three years ago , when we got married , Michael wrote me the most amazing letter ever . I ve read it to many times , I know it by heart . Now ... this does nt begin to express how I feel , but it s a start .
Gloria : Oh , read it to us , Michael .
Michael : All right . Ahem . My dearest Michael , after three years of marriage , I expected we would settle down . Our relationship would be solid , but not nearly as exciting as when we first married . I was wrong . Every morning I wake up and see you lying next to me , my heart skips a beat . My favorite time is when you walk in the door at the end of the day . ( Sniffs ) I love the way your tie is always a little crooked . The way you take off your glasses to make a point and the way you and-- you and Fen laugh together in the bathtub . ( Laughs ) I could nt feel more loved and cherished . What you wrote to me the day we married is even more true today . What we have will only grow stronger with time .
Lauren : I love you today , tomorrow . And I ll love you forever and a day . This is the happiest day of my life . I love you .
Michael : All right ! Oh .
Jack : Adam , you re getting all worked up over nothing . You lose your cool , you make mistakes .
Adam : Ahem . You know , Jack , I m well past the time for taking your advice . If I go down , you go down .
Jack : Frank Ellis is a three - time loser . He has a lot more at stake than we do .
Adam : What if he cuts a deal with the D.A. ?
Jack : It ai nt gon na happen . Ignore him . And do nt ever speak to me in public again .
Phyllis : You and Adam were having an intense conversation .
Jack : What do you want , Phyllis ?
Phyllis : I forgot my gym bag . So what were you arguing about ?
Jack : The kid gets on my nerves .
Phyllis : Was it about that forged diary ?
Jack : Forged ? Oh , is that what Victor s claiming ?
Phyllis : Were you arguing about the movie rights ? Because you could write a screenplay with all the spare time you have . No job . No wife . Girls !
Billy : Say it all disappeared tomorrow , would you forgive Cane for cheating on you ? Would you take him back ?
Lily : In a heartbeat .
Billy : Wow . I - I do nt know if could be that forgiving .
Lily : Well , it was a one - time thing a drunken mistake . I mean , Cane and Chloe are only in this for the baby . They have separate rooms . Their marriage is completely platonic .
Billy : Well , are you sure that s still the case ?
Lily : Yeah , absolutely . Are you kidding me ? Cane would never go there again .
Billy : Well , say they stayed married forever , or at least until the kid s , what , 18 ? I mean , I m just saying , if I were Cane , I d go there again , you know ?
Cane : Hey , have you seen the uh , shelf brackets anywhere ?
Chloe : Um , yeah , I think they re in -- in that thing . Whatever that is .
Cane : How s the knitting going ?
Chloe : Please , remind me never , ever to do this ever again .
Esther : Why did nt you call me from the hospital ?
Cane : Come in , Esther .
Esther : Oh , Katie ! How you doing , Honey ? How s the baby ?
Chloe : Uh , we re -- we re fine . Fine .
Cane : Uh , she has to stay off her feet .
Chloe : Uh , Mother , what s with the suitcase ?
Esther : You re five months pregnant and you re bedridden . You need me . I m moving in .
River : Hello , Jana .
Jana : Hi . Um ... may I ask you a question ?
River : Ask away . I ll answer if I can .
Jana : If someone is , um , dishonest , if they take something that does nt belong to them , for example-- what do you think happens to their soul ?
River : Have you ever looked up dishonesty in the dictionary ?
Jana : No .
River : It means lack of integrity . A lack , an emptiness , which can only be filled by--
Jana : Integrity .
River : Exactly .
Gloria : I just do nt understand why he wo nt answer . He s probably on his way here with the police right now .
Michael : Jeffrey does nt have anything on you anymore .
Kevin : Except the tainted face cream .
Michael : What ?
Lauren : What ? I thought the face cream was gone , that it was in Korea .
Kevin : Sorry .
Gloria : Jeffrey lied .
Michael : Big surprise .
Gloria : And he s threatening to turn me in because of River .
Michael : Jeffrey loves to torture you . How many times has he threatened you with that face cream ? Hundreds ?
Kevin : Thousands .
Michael : Well , he can huff and puff , he s never gon na blow your house down .
Gloria : He did nt have a problem turning your father into the feds .
Lauren : I do nt think he s gon na do it to you . He loves you .
Michael : In his own perverted way .
Lauren : Well , then you know what ? I m proud of you . Jeffrey threatened you , and you called his bluff and you won .
Gloria : I did , did nt I ?
Adam : Uh , I m here to see Frank Ellis .
Victor : There was a change of plans . Sit down , Son . I knew you would nt come if I invited you . So I enlisted the help of my new friend Frank Ellis . He told me everything ... about you and Jack Abbott forging that diary .
Adam : Well , I m sure I would say anything , too , if I thought I could buy my freedom .
Victor : Listen carefully , I want to go after Jack Abbott . You ll help me do it . In return , I ll offer you a compromise .
Jack : Well , you re batting 0 for 2 , Sweetheart . Sharon and I are working things out . We ve agreed to be open and honest with each other .
Phyllis : Really ?
Jack : I am not giving up on my marriage , Phyllis .
Phyllis : I do nt believe you . In fact , anything that comes out of your mouth now has zero credibility . I told you to get your life together . I told you that , Jack .
Jack : You also told me that Sharon would run to Nick s arms and that has nt happened .
Phyllis : Not for lack of trying .
Jack : Sharon is not interested in your husband .
Phyllis : Then why did I see them kissing on a bridge in Paris ?
Victor : You and Jack Abbott found my notebook in Mexico . You hired Frank Ellis to forge a diary . Jack Abbott dictated every word . I have all of that in writing . Frank Ellis wrote it and signed it .
Adam : The great Victor Newman-- you re sitting in jail , you re gon na get taken by this cheap con ?
Victor : Spare me . And listen carefully . All I want from you is to confess and corroborate what Frank Ellis has said about Jack Abbott s participation in forging this diary .
Adam : All right , where does this ... compromise come in ?
Victor : In return , I ll make sure the D.A. s office is lenient with you . I ll use my power and influence to make sure that you get as light a sentence as possible .
Adam : Why would you do that for me ?
Victor : I m giving you opportunity to make things right by your mother .
Jana : Holding onto that money is haunting you , and you need to cleanse your spirit .
Kevin : My spirit is spotless .
Jana : You need to give that money away to someone who needs it , Kevin .
Kevin : Yeah , and charity begins at home , Jana .
Jana : Think of all the lost souls that River could help at the ashram .
Kevin : Look , if I were gon na give that money away , which I m not , River is the last person that I would give it to .
Jana : Why ? He s a brilliant spiritual guru .
Kevin : No , Jana . Drop it .
Michael : All right , all right , listen , everybody , listen up , I would like to make an announcement . I ...
Lauren : Whoa .
Michael : Would like to give my beautiful wife her anniversary gift .
Lauren : Aw .
Michael : It s not as beautiful as the letter she wrote me , but it is from the heart .
Gloria : And what is it , Michael ?
Lauren : Thank you . Hold on . Hold on . ( Gasps ) It s a trip to Monte Carlo !
Michael : Yes ! Where we will gamble and we will take tango lessons from a top instructor .
Lauren : Oh , Honey . Michael had a casino at the Colonnade room the night he proposed . You are the most thoughtful , sweet man .
Michael : Yes , I am . To me .
Lauren : To you .
Eden : I just checked on Fen . He s fine . He s got his arm around Mr. Bunny and he s making a really cute face .
Gloria : Oh ! Lauren , can we see ?
Lauren : Yeah , okay , but just quick .
Michael : Oh , yeah . Oh , you re gon na love this .
Jana : River ?
River : Hmm ?
Jana : You know ... I do nt think that it s a coincidence that you were the one that married Kevin and me .
River : Ah , like the Mandela wheel , it s the circle of life .
Jana : I have such respect for you . All that you ve done for the people at the ashram .
Jana : That s why I want to give you this .
River : What ... I - I cant -- cant -- accept this . There must be more than $ 50,000 in here .
Jana : Shh . Shah . No , you must take it . You deserve it . And the ashram deserves it much more than Kevin and I do . All that I ask , is that you keep this between until I ve told Kevin , okay ?
River : Thank you . May the universe reward your incredible selflessness .
Jana : I hope that the universe will reward Kevin .
Esther : Why do nt you want me to move in ? I love doing for others , especially my pregnant daughter .
Chloe : Oh , Mom . It s not that we do nt ... you know , appreciate the offer , it s just that this is nt the mansion , you know ?
Esther : Oh , I - I do nt mind . I can sleep on a blow - up mattress in the nursery .
Cane : Esther , I really appreciate you wanting to help , but , um ... I m , um , Chloe s husband , and I should be the one that looks after her .
Esther : ( Sighs ) Well , since -- since I m here , at least let me cook dinner .
Chloe : You know what ? We re actually all out of tofu .
Cane : Uh - huh .
Esther : Oh , no worries . I brought my own .
Chloe : Ah . There s no stopping her , is there ?
Cane : I ll get Chinese after she s gone .
Chloe : Okay .
Lily : Well , I should head home . I have an early class tomorrow .
Billy : Okay . Thanks for keeping me company . I feel a lot better .
Lily : Sure . Even though we talked almost the whole time about me .
Billy : I - I apologize for prying .
Lily : No , it s fine . You re really easy to talk to .
Billy : So are you .
Lily : Um , by the way , I just wanted to apologize for going off on you the other day about the whole Jabot takeover thing . I - I get why you did it .
Billy : Thank you . I hope that we can be friends .
Lily : Yeah . I do , too . All right , I m gon na go now .
Billy : Okay . Well , um , I ll see you .
Lily : Bye .
Billy : Hey , uh , Jack ? Um ... I ve decided , uh , not to say anything about being the baby s father . I - I m nobody s father . This is -- this is really better for the kid , you know ? And she really has a shot with a dad like Cane , instead of two supremely screwed up people like Chloe and , well , myself . And , um ... I ve thought a lot about what you said-- regretting it later . Well , uh ... that being so , I - I - I m not gon na change my mind . I ll take this secret to my grave .
Jack : What were you doing in Paris ?
Phyllis : I was doing the cover shoot for Restless Style . I went there to surprise my husband . He did nt know I was coming . Big surprise .
Jack : Did they see you ?
Phyllis : They did nt . I already told Nick about it . But I figure since you re being so open and honest with your wife , you already knew . Although , compared to your -- your sex addiction to hookers , I guess this is nt the crime of the century , is it ?
Jack : Was it just a kiss ? Or was there more ?
Phyllis : Talk to your wife about it .
John : In a bind , huh , Jackie ?
Jack : Hey , Dad .
John : Seems like you got yourself in quite a pickle , have nt you ?
Jack : It s not without irony , is it ? I ca nt exactly go after Sharon about a kiss when I just confessed to sleeping with hookers .
John : And that you have a sexual addiction , which you do nt . Oh , Jack , really ? ( Sighs ) So what are you going to do ?
Jack : I do nt know . This whole Sharon and Nick thing is eating away at me . You got any suggestions ?
John : You could start by telling Sharon the truth .
Adam : You got a lot of nerve bringing my mother s name into this .
Victor : I m trying to help you .
Adam : You re trying to help me ? Really ? Because you actually care about my best interests ? Come on , when I came to Genoa City , you threw me into a shark tank , and then judged me harshly because of the way I handled it . Any of your other kids you would ve forgiven .
Victor : I thought you went to Harvard . You seem to have a very bad memory . When I brought you to Genoa City , I gave you every opportunity in the world , at the expense of my other two children .
Adam : You helped me fail . That s all you did . You made me the family pariah . Yeah , I went to Harvard . Yeah , I graduated second in my class , and now I ca nt get a job anywhere because you put out the word . And now you tell me you re gon na help me because of my mother s memory ? Come on .
Victor : You walk out of here , I will take you down , along with Jack Abbott .
Michael : It took a lot of courage to do what you did today . Without you , Lowell would not be out on bail .
Gloria : I did nt do it for your father . I did it for you , Michael .
Michael : Thank you .
Kevin : Here , Mom , here s your purse and scarf .
Gloria : Thank you , Honey .
Michael : Lowell ? I m sorry . I had you written off as some horrible coward . But you ve proven to me that you re someone to be proud of .
River : Thanks , Mike .
Kevin : All right , fine . We give the guy a thousand dollars for the ashram . For Michael .
Lauren : Wait ! Okay , everyone ? Let s take a picture !
Michael : Yes !
Lauren : Kevin , Jana ?
Michael : Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
River : Why not ?
Gloria : All right .
Michael : Come here , Gloria .
Lauren : Okay . Wait , come on , Jana .
Michael : Come on .
Lauren : All right , everybody say ...
River and Eden : Puff the magic dragon .
Michael : What ? Oh !
Lauren : That s great ! Could this be any more perfect ?
Michael : It s too perfect . You re making me nervous now .
Gloria : Oh , Mikey !
Michael : We retake that . I was making a goofy face .
Lauren : All right , let s do one more . Come on . One , two ... three . No more puff .
Man : The nurse says you used your wife s face cream and you burned your face ? Is that what happened ?
Jeff : Yeah , yeah . Oh , man . Why me ?
Victor : Your brother fronted the money for the scheme .
Ashley : He sat there and he lied to me again .
Jeff : I did use some of my wife s moisturizer . I think that was it .
Lauren : How is it possible that River had enough money to buy such a big piece of property in Malibu ?
### Summary:
| Billy confesses to Jack about being Chloe s baby s father and after his conversation with Lily leaves Jack a message stating he wo nt ever tell the truth . At the Ashby s , Cane plays nice with Chloe as they pretend to be a happy family for the welfare of the baby . Lauren and Michael celebrate their anniversary and River being out on bail thanks to Glo . Jana takes the money and gives it to River . Phyllis tells Jack about Nick and Sharon s passionate kiss on the bridge in Paris . Adam confronts Jack and tells him the jig is up then sees Victor and refuses to give in to him , paying the consequence of Victor s wrath . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Paige : Who is it ?
David : It s your favorite ex - brother - in - law .
Paige : David , what do you want ?
David : Open the door . I want to keep you in the loop . Have you seen your ex lately ?
Paige : Not in the last day or so , thank God .
David : I know that we discussed that I would nt say anything , but the way things worked out --
Paige : David , what have you done ?
David : I mentioned to Spencer that we talked -- about him and something about his connection to Margaret Cochran s murder .
Todd s voice : I m not going to hurt you . I need your help , please . I ve got nowhere else to go .
Bo : Evangeline ?
Jack : Mommy .
Blair : Hey , handsome !
Starr : Hi , mom .
Blair : Hi . I was getting worried about you guys .
Starr : Oh , sorry . We got caught up in a game . We must ve lost track of time .
Blair : Lost track of time ? That sounds like you had a good time , huh ?
Jack : Mary s daddy is nice . He said he d be my daddy next week .
Blair : You talking about the father / son banquet ?
Jack : But I said no .
Blair : So you do nt want him to take you ?
Jack : I do nt know him that much , so I asked somebody else instead .
Blair : Really ? Who ?
Jack : Dr. Spencer .
Spencer : Hey , big boy . How you doing ?
Kelly : I was kind of hoping
Kelly : Well , it was a little bit more than that .
Duke : Oh , God . Kelly , please tell me I did not come on to you . Please .
Kelly : Well --
Paige : Have you lost your mind ? He s turned you against me , has nt he ? That s it . That has finally happened -- he finally got to you .
David : Paige , just relax .
Paige : Oh , relax ? Relax ? How can I possibly relax when you re -- you re telling Spencer things that could make everything worse for everybody ?
David : Well , it could actually make things better .
Paige : How ?
David : Well , if you d stop melting down and listen for a second , I d tell you . I mentioned that I thought he was involved somehow in Margaret s death .
Paige : Oh , that s all ? That s -- that s great .
David : I did nt tell him that you told me he killed her . In fact , I made a point of saying that you told me he did nt kill her .
Paige : Why were you even discussing this ?
David : To watch him squirm . It was kind of fun , watching him get raked over for a change ?
Paige : There is nothing that s fun about this .
David : Nah , come on . It s a little fun .
Paige : Look , I -- I ca nt take much more of this . I m not kidding .
David : But , you see , here s the thing . Spencer does nt know how much I know , but he s really rattled like a nun caught skimming from the offering . I like it , I ve never seen him like this .
Paige : Do you have any idea how dangerous this is ? You re playing some kind of -- some kind of sibling rivalry game with your brother . It s crazy !
David : That s not what this is , Paige . I want us to have something over him . We ca nt just keep taking it .
Paige : I thought I was free of Spencer , that I could finally have a life , be happy with the greatest guy I ve ever known .
David : Paige , I m not really available . But Bo seems to have something to do with Spencer s problem .
Paige : Spencer -- he does nt want me back , and why does he need to ruin everything ?
David : He likes to watch people in misery . Dorian and I had a good thing going all the way up to the altar . I had to leave her just to save her .
Paige : That s exactly what he wants me to do with Bo .
David : Do nt you see the opportunity we have here ? We ve got him because I know the one connection between Spencer and Margaret s murder .
Paige : He told you ?
David : Told me what ?
Evangeline : Bo , how are you ?
Bo : I m fine . You ?
Evangeline : I m all right . How s your father ? Is he doing any better ?
Bo : He s doing better , but they re -- they re keeping him in the hospital , though .
Evangeline : I hope he gets out soon .
Bo : Do nt we all . Did you lose something ?
Evangeline : What ?
Bo : In the trash . I -- you re the last person I ever thought I d see going through the garbage .
Evangeline : Yeah , well , I was just leaving this here actually .
Bo : Oh , why did nt you just toss it at your place ?
Evangeline : Because , well , it s going to sound strange . I was going through my closets and I found this old Jacket and some pants and when I went to the shelter to drop it off , it was full , so --
Bo : So you thought you d leave it here ?
Evangeline : Yeah .
Bo : Uh - huh .
Evangeline : You know , in case some homeless people around here wanted something from the trash . You know , it s cold . It s been cold outside .
Bo : What if -- what if the sanitation department picked it up first , though ?
Evangeline : You re right . I did nt think of that .
Bo : Evangeline , I m sorry , but that is the lamest story I ve ever heard .
Evangeline : What , you do nt believe me ?
Bo : I think you re too honest to be a good liar . What s going on ?
Evangeline : Ok , Bo . You busted me .
Spencer : So how you doing , big boy ? Oh .
Jack : Good .
Spencer : Good ? Yeah ? I got your message .
Jack : Can you take me to a father / son banquet ?
Spencer : Well , you know , I would really like that , upon your mother s approval , of course .
Jack : It s ok , is nt it , Mom ?
Blair : Um -- Starr , would you mind taking Jack over to the swings and hanging out for a minute ?
Starr : That was really subtle , Mom ?
Blair : Just come on , please . Do it for me . Thanks .
Spencer : See you , Jack .
Starr : Come on , Jack .
Spencer : I did nt mean to put you on the spot . I m sorry .
Blair : Well , it s -- how did he get your number ?
Spencer : Well , I gave it to him last week at the penthouse , you know . I gave him my cell phone number . I told him to call me if he ever needed anything .
Blair : Well , why would you do that ?
Spencer : Well , that was before --
Blair : I know -- we decided that it would be best if we did nt continue to see ea other .
Spencer : Look , I m sorry , Blair . I was nt thinking , I guess . I just gave it to him .
Blair : Well , you know what , Spencer ? When it comes to my kids , it all has to go through me , ok ?
Spencer : I understand . That s why I did nt give him an answer right away . You know , he just -- he just wants somebody to go with him so badly . He wants me to do it , and if Todd ca nt be there for him , somebody has to , right ?
Duke : Kelly , I do nt know what to say .
Kelly : There s nothing to say . I -- I m the only one who knows about this .
Duke : I owe you a huge apology , ok ? I -- I do nt know what happened to me , ok ? I -- I do not get sloppy drunk like that .
Kelly : It was because of Adriana .
Duke : Yeah , maybe .
Kelly : You re still hurting because of her .
Duke : You ve been a big help with that -- I mean , as a friend .
Kelly : Yeah , of course .
Duke : Yeah .
Kelly : Even if -- um --
Duke : Even if what ?
Kelly : Well , you said last night that maybe the reason why you and Adriana did nt work out was because of me .
Duke : Kelly , you and -- you and dad were married .
Kelly : I know .
Duke : And you re getting married again .
Kelly : I know !
Duke : I mean , I m -- I m not competing with him in some kind of weird guy thing .
Kelly : I -- good . I hope not .
Duke : Yeah . I mean , we re friends , ok , like we have always been .
Kelly : Sometimes I think you re my best friend , especially now with everything that s going on with Kevin .
Duke : You ve been on my mind a lot lately , too -- not because -- no , because I just -- I feel bad because I know , I know how much you ve wanted a child and now that you can finally have one and my dad ca nt give you what you need -- ok . Well , that -- that came out completely wrong .
Kelly : We should probably stop talking --
Duke : Yeah .
Kelly : Because we re both just saying the wrong things right now .
Duke : Ok , look , you got to know that whatever I saw to you , it -- whether I m drunk or sober , it s because I trust you , ok ? I mean , we re friends . We re good friends , but that s it . End of story .
Evangeline : I should nt have lied to you , Bo .
Bo : What s the big deal about what s in the bag ?
Evangeline : The big deal is that these clothes -- they re not mine . They re John s .
Bo : You re throwing away John s clothes ?
Evangeline : Yeah . He left them at my house a long time ago back when we were still dating and I found them , and it upset me , and so I wanted to just get rid of them .
Bo : Ok . You do nt have to explain .
Evangeline : No , I -- I wish I could ve told you the truth from the start .
Bo : Well , it s not always easy , you know , especially for somebody that s as hard on themselves as you are .
Evangeline : Sometimes things happen and they take control of you and you do things you never thought you d do .
Bo : Are you ok ?
Evangeline : I ll be all right . I just -- I have to take care of some things .
Bo : Are you sure ? You re really upset about this .
Evangeline : Yeah . I think -- I think I just better go , Bo .
Bo : Do nt let me stop you . You do what you got to do if it ll help .
Evangeline : It s going to take a lot more than tossing some old clothes in the trash to do that .
Bo : All right , you give yourself a break , all right ? It s just a bag of old clothes .
Evangeline : Great , Todd . Now you got me lying to the Police Commissioner for you .
Paige : You -- you ve got me all confused now .
David : You re confused ? What do you think Spencer told me ?
Paige : Well , it -- I do nt know . It s just the way that you were talking , it sounded like -- like Spencer said something to you and -- and what was it ?
David : Nothing specific , but I do know this -- Spencer wanted Todd out of the way and now Todd is out of the way via a double murder conviction / lethal injection , and then you had something you needed to tell Todd that only you know . You re engaged to the police commissioner , who happens to be a Buchanan , and Spencer hates all things Buchanan . It s a six - degree sort of thing , or seven or however many it took me to make the connection .
Paige : Well , it sounds a little far - fetched , even for you .
David : There s a common thread -- all roads lead to Bo .
Paige : But why ? What does Spencer have against Bo ?
Paige : Hello ?
Bo : Paige , it s me .
Paige : Hi .
Bo : Hi . We need to talk . I have to be in my office for a meeting in about an hour . Can you meet me there before ?
Paige : Sure . I ll be right there .
Bo : Ok . I ll see you there , then .
Paige : Bo wants me to -- to meet him at the police station .
David : Is that unusual ?
Paige : No . No , why ?
David : Because you re white as a sheet .
Paige : Oh . I just -- I do nt know . I m just -- I ve got a lot going on . Everything , I ve to juggle everything and I ve got -- got Spencer breathing down my neck . I have to go . I m sorry .
David : Wow . She s a worse liar than Adriana .
Spencer : Hello ?
Blair : Do you see anything ?
Spencer : No . The wind or something , I guess . I do nt know . Listen , I m sorry about Jack . I -- I should ve let you know as soon as he called me and asked me about it . You know , he just seemed so sad and , I mean , the kid needs a father figure like nobody s business .
Blair : Well , he has one -- Todd .
Spencer : Yeah , I know . Listen , I know that Jack and Starr are not the only ones having a hard time with this and I know that it s hard for you and very hard if not harder than anyone . You have to be strong for everybody , even when you do nt feel like being strong and , well , that s why I decided to back off . Ok ? I mean , I just do nt want you to be under any more pressure than you already are . So I wo nt take Jack to the banquet and I accept that and I respect that . And I ll even take the fall . I ll be the bad guy in all this .
Blair : No , you re not -- you re not the bad guy , Spencer , you know . Jack obviously wants you to take him or he would nt have called . I just do nt want to keep disappointing my kids , you know ?
Starr : Mom ? Jack wants some hot chocolate .
Blair : Oh . Sure , babe .
Spencer : I ll get it .
Blair : Sure , sure , sure .
Spencer : Here . Get some for all of us , why do nt you ? I ll take one .
Starr : I do nt want any .
Blair : Look , I m sorry . She is so rude .
Spencer : It s all right , it s all right , no --
Blair : No , I ve got to work on that rudeness thing .
Spencer : Typical teenage stuff , ok ?
Blair : Well , it s no excuse .
Spencer : I just think Todd has all of you very stressed out right now .
Blair : Thank you .
Spencer : It s just hot chocolate , Blair .
Blair : No , it s more than that and you know it .
Blair : Evangeline .
Evangeline : Hi , Blair . Dr. Truman .
Spencer : Hey .
Blair : Any word on Todd ?
Duke : Kelly ? Hey , come on . I mean , you -- you know how loaded I was last night , ok ? I was saying things that i completely did not mean . I mean , not that I do nt think you re not incredibly hot because --
Kelly : Ok , why do nt we just skip the double and triple and quadruple negatives and accept the fact that you were really drunk and said some things you should nt have ?
Duke : I just -- I do nt want things to be weird between us -- I mean , not now and not -- especially not when you and dad get married . Think that s possible after last night ?
Kevin : Why do I always feel like I m walking in on something with you two ?
Paige : Knock , knock .
Bo : Ahem . Hey . Thanks for coming over so fast .
Paige : Did nt want to hold up your meeting .
Bo : Here , let me take this . Have a seat .
Paige : I feel like I m being called into the principal s office .
Bo : I ll get right to the point . Todd Manning was at our place , Paige .
Paige : How do you know that ?
Bo : Because I found a little piece of the -- the marshal s uniform that Manning stole . It was hanging on a nail , so -- why did nt you tell me he was there ? Why d you lie to me ?
Evangeline : Hear from Todd ? Why would you ask me that ?
Blair : Well , he s on the run , you re his attorney . You re about the only person who still believes in him .
Evangeline : So does Starr . And you have nt seen any sign of him , have you ?
Blair : No . I do nt think Todd would be stupid enough to try to contact me , Evangeline .
Evangeline : Let s hope not .
Starr : Here are the hot chocolates .
Blair : I did nt think you wanted one .
Starr : Well , it s kind of cold out .
Blair : Ok , well --
Spencer : Thank you .
Blair : I guess it s time to go .
Jack : Thanks for the cocoa , Dr. Spencer .
Spencer : You re welcome . You re very welcome .
Starr : Yeah , thanks .
Spencer : I ll walk you guys to the car , ok ?
Starr : Ok .
Spencer : This way .
Blair : Look , I hope everything turns out the way it s supposed to , Evangeline .
Evangeline : Me , too .
Evangeline : Todd , what are you doing ?
Todd : Getting my family back .
Evangeline : You go after them , you re on your own .
Kelly : Um -- you re not interrupting anything . I just -- I m surprised to see you , happily surprised .
Duke : Uh -- Layla , are those the quarterlies for me to look at ?
Layla : Yeah , actually , so if you want to go and --
Duke : Yeah . Let s go .
Kevin : Something going on between you and Duke ?
Kelly : Huh . No . Why would you think that ?
Kevin : Well , you see , I do nt want to , I really do nt , but , you know , I ve been getting this vibe lately . Every time I walk in , there s something going on and , you know , if Duke s too scared to tell me , then you need to be the grownup here .
Duke : Good job , Layla . Thanks for going the extra mile . Looks like it s all here . Uh -- ok , what was that for ?
Layla : I did nt just come here to show you some files .
Duke : But you said --
Layla : I wanted to see how you were doing after last night . You have hangover written all over you , but what s going on with you and Kelly ?
Duke : Oh , what makes you think anything is ?
Layla : Hmm , the deer - in - the - headlights look when your dad and I walked in on you two ?
Duke : You did nt walk in on anything , ok ?
Layla : Oh , no ?
Duke : No .
Layla : Then why are you tripping ?
Duke : Look , I do nt want to talk about it .
Layla : Oh , my God . You and Kelly .
Duke : No -- no . No , ok ? I just -- I said something that I ca nt take back .
Paige : How do you know that the piece of cloth was Todd s ?
Bo : I had forensics analyze it . You re not going to say anything ?
Paige : What do you want me to say ?
Bo : Honey , what am I supposed to think ? Here I find this little piece of material from the marshal s uniform that Manning stole and it s hanging on a nail right on our terrace .
Paige : On our terrace ?
Bo : Yeah , that s where I found it .
Paige : Well , why do you think that I know anything about that ?
Bo : Well , you have nt said that you do nt .
Paige : I do nt . I can honestly tell you that I do nt know what was going on with Todd Manning on our terrace .
Bo : But this would nt be the first time that you kept a secret from me about Manning .
Paige : I -- I do nt know what to say .
Bo : Just tell me the truth . How did you get mixed up in a case with someone that you barely even know and now you re all over it ?
Paige : Well , I told you it was just a feeling that I had , and why are you making more of this than it is ?
Bo : Because I think this is more . There s something that you re not telling me . And why would you put , like , Todd Manning of all people ahead of our relationship ?
Paige : Is that what you think I m doing ?
Bo : Yeah , that s -- I think that s what you are doing . It seems like you care more about him than you do us .
Paige : How can you even say that ? Everything I m doing is for you .
Evangeline : Are you insane ?
Todd : I have to see my family .
Evangeline : Let them go .
Todd : What d you say ? Evangeline let them go .
Todd : Let them go ? I wo nt let them go . I ca nt let them go .
Evangeline : Do you want to go back on death row ?
Todd : What , do you think they re going to turn me in ?
Evangeline : What about Spencer ? He ll do everything in his power to hold you until the police come .
Todd : No , I d kill him first .
Evangeline : Yeah , and then you really will be guilty of murder . Will you pull it together , Todd , before you destroy us both ? If you go after them , you can get yourself a court - appointed attorney because I will be finished . And you can kiss any chance of clearing your name and getting your family back goodbye .
Kelly : Are you telling me to grow up ?
Kevin : You know what I mean .
Kelly : No . No , I do nt . You re making it sound like I m acting like a child .
Kevin : That s because every time I walk into a room with you and my son , you re --
Kelly : What , what , what ? You think that something s going on between me and Duke ? I mean , come on , Kevin . What kind of woman do you think I am ? Look , Duke and I are friends , ok ? If he s having a problem with a girl , with Adriana , whom he still happens to be crazy about , he should be able to come to me with that .
Kevin : If he s having a problem with someone , he should come to me . I m his father .
Kelly : You know , if we ca nt agree on your grown son , then how the hell are we ever going to raise a child of our own ?
Layla : What ca nt you take back ?
Duke : Nothing , ok ? And this is not a part of your job description , so forget it .
Layla : Did -- did you hit on Kelly last night ? To think I sent her over to sober you up .
Duke : No , no , ok ? I did not hit on Kelly .
Layla : But you wanted to .
Duke : Like you said , I had a little too much to drink .
Layla : So it was just the Booze talking ?
Duke : That s what I told Kelly .
Layla : But it was nt ?
Duke : No .
Waiter : Excuse me , but do you have a reservation ?
David : Of course I do . What s your name ? Do nt tell me -- I do nt have time to report you to Renee . Just bring me a bottle of your finest champagne , on the house , try to forget this ever happened .
Waiter : Yes , sir .
David : Stop talking , bring the booze .
Spencer : Must be a new waiter . He obviously did nt recognize you from your likeness on the wanted poster in Renee s office .
David : Spencer . Fancy meeting you here .
Spencer : No , nothing fancy about it . I do live here , take most of my meals here , so it only stands to reason that you would find me here .
David : An excellent point . I m about to receive a complimentary bottle of champagne . Why do nt you join me ?
Spencer : Oh , merry -- I m sure I ll be paying for it , right ? What are you celebrating ?
David : Oh , I m celebrating a lot .
Spencer : Well , pray tell , David . What exactly is the good news ?
David : Why do nt you have lunch with me ? Maybe I ll share .
Todd : You have no idea what it s like to see Spencer Truman play father to my children !
Evangeline : It had to be torture to see that . But I should nt have to remind you that you re a fugitive . There s a price on your head and it keeps going up with every law you break .
Todd : I did nt blow my cover . Evangeline because I stopped you .
Todd : It s just that I saw him walking away with my children . God , I ca nt stand that . I want so much to know that they know I m ok and that you re going to get me out of this .
Evangeline : And did you think through your great reveal to the next step ? I mean , even if Blair were to keep your secret , Todd , you really want to lay this on your kids ? You know what Spencer would do . You really want your kids to see you hauled off again in handcuffs , or worse ?
Todd : You re right . No , I did nt think that far ahead . All I could think about was my family falling apart right in front of me .
Evangeline : I understand . That s why I m laying myself out here on the line for you , Todd . Look at me . Look at what I m doing here . I m like -- I m doing things I never would have ever imagined I would do .
Todd : I m sorry I put you on the spot like this .
Evangeline : You did nt make me do this . But I did nt sign on to play bodyguard , and that s what I m stuck with here . Even if I did almost blow it earlier .
Todd : What happened ?
Evangeline : When I was dumping that Marshal s uniform , Bo came up behind me .
Todd : He did nt see it ?
Evangeline : No . But it was close .
Todd : Do you think he suspects something ?
Evangeline : Let s hope not .
Bo : Are you saying that this is all my fault ?
Paige : No . No , I just -- look , I -- I do nt control Todd Manning , Bo , where he goes or who he sees in Llanview and it -- if he was on our terrace , I did nt put him there .
Bo : No , but you did do something . You just said that you did it for me .
Paige : Because you were accusing me of lying .
Bo : Keeping secrets .
Paige : Is nt that the same thing ?
Bo : It -- ah , come on . What s going on with us ? I mean , how did we get here ? What s happening to us , Paige ?
Paige : I wish I d never gone to see Todd .
Bo : No , but you did . And then you did nt tell me and now you wo nt tell me why .
Paige : It was a mistake .
Bo : Yeah , but what about everything else ? The other secrets -- those are mistakes , too ?
Paige : Why ca nt you just trust me on faith and just know that I would never do anything to hurt you ?
Bo : Yeah , but why ca nt you trust me ? See , you know that whatever it is that s going on with you I m going to understand . You know , but the mistakes , these -- they re killing us , honey .
Paige : Everything I have done , everything I do is for you . That s all I can say . If it s not enough , I m sorry .
Bo : Me , too . Because I m not sure that we can go on like this .
Kevin : Considering the fact that I ca nt give you a child , whether or not we d be good at raising one -- kind of a moot point . Do nt you think ?
Kelly : I m really sorry I said that . You know I did nt mean it , do nt you ?
Kevin : Yeah , I know .
Kelly : Look , I know this upsets you and no one understands that better than me , but we ca nt let things change between us .
Kevin : I really do nt want it to .
Kelly : We ca nt let it .
Kelly : Look , no matter what has happened , I love you and I always will . That s not going to change for me . Kevin , we really should talk about this .
Kevin : We did .
Kelly : Ok . I guess I ll see you later , then .
Kelly : Do nt let me interrupt your meeting .
Layla : I do nt know you all that well but I do know that look . You got it bad for your dad s girl . So what are you going to do about it ?
Duke : I do nt know .
Kevin : Yeah , Dr. Truman , this is Kevin Buchanan . Give me a call when you get this , will you ? I need to talk to you about -- about me .
Spencer : This change in your disposition , David -- it s really becoming quite annoying .
David : Oh , I can imagine . I know how you hate not knowing damn near everything about damn near everything .
Spencer : I know this -- I know you re trying to con your big brother . You got nothing , David .
David : You got nothing , either , Spencer , especially Blair . A hitch in your best - laid plans ?
Spencer : She s having a rough time adjusting to losing Todd , that s all .
David : What if she does nt make the adjustment ?
Spencer : Have you seen Todd ?
David : No , I m not exactly the first person he d look up after he escapes from a fiery airplane .
Spencer : Neither is Blair . I just left her and she has not heard from him .
David : Actually , I came prepared to speak about something more interesting than your love life with Blair .
Spencer : What could be more interesting ? However , David , I think I ll let the pot get just a little bit bigger before I go into discussing details about my love life with you .
David : Ok . But if you do nt play , you do nt win . So think on this -- everybody has allies , even Todd , and would nt you like to find out who they are ?
Spencer : You better not be bluffing , David , because if you go all in with me , you better have a card up your sleeve or you will lose everything .
David : Maybe I wo nt have to go all in . You re not breathing -- I can sense it . No threats from Spencer this time . Maybe the great one is slipping .
Paige : Are you breaking up with me ?
Bo : No , I do nt want to . You know , I think of Matthew and what this would do to him after everything he s been through .
Paige : I know . Poor , poor little guy . But is Matthew the only reason ?
Bo : No . No . Paige , you know that I love you .
Paige : I love you , too . And I -- I know we can get through this . I -- I really believe it .
Bo : I mean , how if you wo nt talk to me ? Hmm ?
Paige : I -- I can tell you this . I just -- I hope one day that you will understand that everything that I m doing is because I love you so much .
Todd : Do you want out ?
Evangeline : I m in to this up to my neck .
Todd : You do nt feel like I m forcing you , right ? You said that .
Evangeline : No , I do nt think you re forcing me , and I m going to do what I promised . I m going to get you to a safe place where you can hide out until we can prove you re innocent . But you have to play by my rules . Are we clear on that ?
Bo : Who would Manning turn to ?
Todd : I did nt plan on seeing my family .
Evangeline : I did nt plan on any of this . You came close to blowing your cover today , Todd , too close . We have to work together if we re going to prove you re being set up .
Todd : I ca nt do anything with anybody if I m hiding .
Evangeline : You ca nt do anything on the outside .
Todd : I got to make sure Spencer Truman stays away from my family .
Evangeline : I want to help you , Todd , but I m not an idiot . And I m not going to do anything unless I have your word that you re not going to pull anything . And you know what ? You ca nt forget that your word means something to me . Even if it does nt mean anything to anyone else in this town , it means something to me , so promise me that you will stay put and let me gather the evidence we need . Are you with me ?
Todd : My life is in your hands once again .
Evangeline : I m going to do everything I can not to let you down this time .
Bo : Would Evangeline --
Todd : Thank you .
Evangeline : Do nt thank me yet . This is far from over .
Viki : Nash left this with Clint .
Nash : I will find a way for us to be together .
Rex : We have nt gone so far that we ca nt take a step back .
Adriana : Is that what you want ?
Evangeline : I wanted to know if there was anything new on the search for Todd .
John : Well , why would you ask ? You already know where he is .
### Summary:
| David visits Paige , and informs her about his conversation with Spencer about Margaret . Vangie arrives at the park to throw away Todd s clothes that he had stolen from a federal marshall . Kelly comes to visit Duke , and finds him reading the note that she had left him . They discuss how ashamed that he is of the things that he had said to her , and the fact that he had made a pass at his father s fiancee . Paige and David argue over the fact that David had talked to Spence about Margaret . Paige gets a call from Bo to meet him in his office . Bo confronts Vangie about what she is throwing away . Vangie lies to him , and tells him that they are John s clothes . Todd continues to watch Blair with Spencer and his children . He makes a noise which gets Blair s and Spencer s attention . Spencer investigates . Bo fills Paige in that Todd had been on the patio outside their apartment . He confronts her as to why she had nt told him about it . Paige once again denies knowing anything . Bo informs her that they ca nt go like this with her not telling him anything . Paige wants to know if he is breaking up with her . He informs her , no . They confess their love for each other . Paige kises him , and leaves . Bo makes a list of who could be Todd s allies . Vangie helps Todd to get to a safe haven until they can prove his innocence . Duke realizes that he has it bad for his father s fiancee . Kevin makes an appointment with Dr. Truman about himself . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST : -- @JAKETAPPER, you can tweet the show @THELEADCNN. We actually read them. Our coverage on CNN continues right now. I will see you Sunday morning. Have a great weekend.
WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST : Happening now, breaking news. Seeking more documents. House Democrats are drafting subpoenas compelling the White House to turn over the documents they've demanded as part of the impeachment inquiry and now they're also seeking documents from Vice President Pence as their investigation widens. Build that stonewall. President Trump threatens not to comply with Democrats' demands for documents saying the full House needs to vote on the impeachment inquiry first, a dare contained a new Republican National Committee talking points obtained by CNN. Smoking text. House Democrats release damning text messages between Trump representatives showing efforts to get Ukraine to give the President the Biden investigation he wanted. Tonight, details on the opening statement of the closed door congressional testimony by the former U.S. Special Envoy for Ukraine. And ticking time bomb. North Korea engages in tough talk and diplomacy touting its newest weapon, a submarine-based missile calling it, and I'm quoting now, fearful dagger even as denuclearization talks with the U.S. resume. I'm Wolf Blitzer and you're in "The Situation Room." The breaking news this hour, House Democrats are now drafting subpoenas for White House documents as part of their impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Those could come at any time. They're also now separately demanding documents from Vice President Pence as the investigation into the Ukraine scandal deepens. We'll talk about the breaking news much more with Congressman Eric Swalwell of the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. And our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. First, let's go straight to Capitol Hill. Our Congressional Reporter Lauren Fox is on the scene for us. Lauren, the panels investigating the President set. Today is the deadline for getting these documents but it appears the White House is not going to comply.
LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER : Well that's right, Wolf. The House Foreign Relationships Committee, Intelligence Committee and Oversight Committee, they wanted documents from the White House today that would help them with their inquiry into the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Now, Wolf, what is so key about these documents is that the White House doesn't seem to be complying so they have threatened that they will move forward with the subpoena. It's late in the day so that could be coming any time. Also today, the same three committees asked for documents from the Vice President Mike Pence and in a letter today the chairman wrote, "Recently, public reports have raised questions about any role you may have played in conveying or reinforcing the President's stark message to the Ukrainian President". That's what the chairman wrote and they went on to say, "The reports include specific references to a member of your staff who may have participated directly in the July 25th call. Documents you may have obtained or reviewed including the records of the call and your September 1st meeting with the Ukrainian President in Warsaw during which you reportedly discussed the administration's hold on U.S. security assistance to Ukraine". So, a lot of document requests coming from Capitol Hill as they seek to move rapidly in their impeachment inquiry, Wolf.
BLITZER : We'll see what happens. The clock is clearly ticking. Right now, Lauren Fox, thank you. Let's go to the White House right now. Our Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta is there. Jim, what's the reaction there to this world wind developments.
JIM ACOSTA, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT : It seems, Wolf, the stonewalling continues. President Trump threatened to fire off a letter today from the White House saying that White House lawyers will not cooperate until House Democrats hold a vote on their impeachment inquiry. We are just finding out now that letter may not be coming from the White House until Monday at the earliest. And that there is a bit of an internal debate going on inside the President's impeachment team as to whether or not to fire off that letter. Now, as for this request for information from Vice President Mike Pence, his office has just responded with a statement saying that this request for documents and other information, quote, does not appear to be a serious request and so the Vice President's office is now knocking that down. There is a quote there from Katie Waldman, the Vice President's Press Secretary but President Trump, he was in full damage control mode today, Wolf, cleaning up his plea for China and Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. His performance today here at the White House seemed aimed at fending off these charges that he's seeking the assistance of foreign countries to help him in his re- election bid in 2020. The President -- the problem though for him is that he's already made this plea in front of the cameras.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : With mounting evidence he solicited foreign interference in the 2020 election, President Trump is changing his story. Insisting he's now more interested in rooting out corruption than investigating former Vice President Joe Biden.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES : I don't care about Biden's campaign. What I do care about corruption. His campaign, that's up to him. Politics, that's up to them. I don't care about politics. So we are looking at corruption. We're not looking at politics. We're looking at corruption.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : But that is not how the President laid it out the day before when he directly called on Ukraine and China to dig up some Biden family dirt.
TRUMP : It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens. By the way, likewise China should start an investigation into the Bidens. Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : Now the President is claiming he never thought Biden would win the Democratic nomination.
TRUMP : I think he would be an easy opponent. But I never thought Biden was going to win. I don't care about politics. But I do care about corruption.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : And Mr. Trump could not answer whether he was seeking corruption probes in foreign countries that don't include Democratic candidates.
EAMON JAVERS, WASHINGTON REPORTER, CNBC : Have you asked foreign leaders for any corruption investigation that don't involve your political opponents? And are there other cases --
TRUMP : You know, we would have to look --
ACOSTA (voice-over) : So far at least one Republican is not buying it. As Utah Senator Mitt Romney tweeted, "By all appearances, the President's brazen and unprecedented appeal to China and to Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is wrong and appalling". But Romney is mostly alone in the GOP. Florida Senator Marco Rubio tells CNN affiliate WFOR, Mr. Trump is just trolling the media.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLORIDA : I don't know if that's a real request or him just needling the press knowing that you guys we're going to get outraged by it. He's gotten -- he's pretty good at getting everybody fired up and he's been doing that for a while and the media responded right on task.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : That may explain why the President is confident the Republican controlled Senate will hold its ground and keep Mr. Trump in office if House Democrats vote to impeach.
TRUMP : They have no choice. They have to follow the leadership and then we'll get it to the Senate and we'll going to win. The Republicans have been very unified.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : But the impeachment inquiry has found its way to Congressional town halls. Iowa's Joni Ernst got an earful at one in her state.
AMY HASKINS, IOWA VOTER AT ERNST TOWN HALL : Where is the line? When are you guys going to say enough?
SEN. JONI ERNST (R), IOWA : Yes. Good question. So --
ACOSTA (voice-over) : Aren't you breaking the law asking for foreign help? The President is also not answering whether he had violated the law. The Chair of the Federal Election Commission says the law is clear. "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with the U.S. election." Mr. Trump appears to be relishing his latest fire storm claiming his battles with the media have invigorated the Christian faith.
TRUMP : I got a call the other night from pastors, the biggest pastors. Evangelical Christians. They said we have never seen our religion or any religion so electrified.
ACOSTA (voice-over) : The President is describing the latest job numbers in almost biblical terms.
TRUMP : Asia is doing poorly to put it mildly. And we continue to do very well with a miracle.
ACOSTA : And the President says none of this has to do with politics but it's worth noting he is now fundraising off of the Bidens for days as well as this impeachment probe. And Mr. Trump has been telling his allies, he doesn't believe he's done anything wrong in seeking foreign help for his reelection next year. A source close the White House who had spoken with the President in recent days says the President is, quote, going for broke. Wolf?
BLITZER : All right, Jim, thank you. Jim Acosta at the White House. We're also learning new details behind the scenes efforts by President Trump representatives to give Ukraine -- to get Ukraine to give the President the investigation of the Bidens he wanted. Our Political Correspondent Sara Murray is joining us. Sara, there are some potentially key evidence in these text messages that House Democrats have now released.
SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT : That's right, Wolf. I mean, between the text messages and what we know about this testimony, you can really see how the relationship between the U.S. and Ukraine began to hinge on whether Ukraine is willing to play ball in the President's investigations. And behind the scenes, diplomats were scrambling to try to smooth over this relationship.
MURRAY (voice-over) : Tonight, CNN has obtained former U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker's opening statement to the House Intelligence Committee. Revealing how Rudy Giuliani tainted President Trump's thinking on Ukraine. Volker claims Giuliani peddled dubious information as President Trump remained convinced Ukraine was full of terrible people who tried to take me down. A reference to the unproven allegations that Ukraine was involved in the 2016 election meddling. Volker described diplomats struggling to manage the fallout and convinced Trump that the new Ukrainian leadership could be trusted.
MURRAY (voice-over) : Hours before Trump spoke with Ukrainian President Zelensky by phone on July 25th, Volker was working behind the scenes to try to ensure a smooth conversation between the two world leaders. "Heard from White House House, assuming President Z convinces Trump he will investigate, get to the bottom of what happened in 2016, we will nail down date for visit to Washington." Volker said via text to an adviser to the Ukrainian President, Andrey Yermak. On the call, Trump pressed Zelensky to investigate the Biden family and Trump's unfounded belief that it was the Ukrainians not the Russians who meddled in the 2016 election.
REP. MIKE QUIGLEY (D), INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE : When you read these texts, is it basically substantiate every aspect of the whistleblower's complaint that the President of the United States coerced (ph) a foreign power to help himself politically.
MURRAY (voice-over) : Days earlier, Giuliani had breakfast with Volker. Volker testified that he told Giuliani, "It is not credible to me that former Vice President Biden would have been influenced in any way by financial or personal motives in carrying out his duties as Vice President". In the weeks after Trump's call with Zelensky, Ukraine was still trying to get a face-to-face meeting with Trump. Gordon Sondland, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union texted Volker to say, "I think potus really wants the deliverable". They set out to get a statement from Ukraine that might sue (ph) Trump's demands. That statement was never issued. Volker testified that he wasn't aware of efforts to push Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden. And he differentiated investigations into Biden with a probe into Burisma, the Ukrainian company Biden's son served on the board of. He said that as unfounded accusations against the Bidens came out publicly, he urged Ukrainians not to interfere in U.S. politics. Volker also testified he didn't see a link between the push to investigate 2016 and the freeze in military aid to Ukraine. But other diplomats were suspicious. Bill Taylor, a senior U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, repeatedly raised concerns about with holding aid. "As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign." He told Sondland in September. "Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The President has been crystal clear, no quid pro quos of any kind," Sondland replied. Still the revelations unsettled lawmakers including at least one member of the
GOP. REP. WILL HURD (R), INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE : I think some of these things are indeed damning. It's a confirmation of some of the veracity of the whistleblower's report.
MURRAY : Now in September, Sondland was the one who is saying that there was no quid pro quo, Wolf. But apparently, his tone changed in the course of less than two weeks. Previously, he had a conversation with Republican Senator Ron Johnson, this is according to the Wall Street Journal where he told the Senator that this aid to Ukraine was, in fact, tied to President Trump wanting Ukraine to pursue these investigations. The President apparently told Ron Johnson that that was not what was going on and all of a sudden in these text messages, the diplomat's tone changed.
BLITZER : All right, Sara, thanks very much. A lot going on. Sara Murray with us here in "The Situation Room." Let's bring in Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell of California. He's a member of both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us.
REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA), INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE : Of course, good evening, Wolf.
BLITZER : I may have to interrupt you. Chairman of the Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff may be emerging from this long meeting that you guys have had today with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Michael Atkinson. I want to hear what he has to say. You'll stand by. We'll discuss that as well. But let's get to some of the key issues unfolding right now. First of all, tell us more about the documents your committee is now seeking from the Vice President Mike Pence.
SWALWELL : Well the question, Wolf, here is, was the Vice President a part of this presidential extortion of Ukraine? We know the President was tieing a meeting to the White -- a meeting at the White House and it looks like security assistance to Ukraine in exchange for the Ukrainians investigating the Bidens and exonerating the Russians. The Vice President had a meeting with the Ukrainian President on August 30 in Warsaw standing in for the President. The security assistance at that point had not been given to Ukrainians. So was he a part of this scheme that the whistleblower described and the President has confessed to.
BLITZER : You're also preparing subpoenas for the White House. The President as you know is threatening not to comply unless the full House of Representatives formally votes to open an impeachment inquiry. Should the House hold that vote?
SWALWELL : Wolf, you know, we're going to do this on our timetable. Not the accused's timetable. And, you know, the President, you know, has a legal obligation to comply. We're going to seek their compliance. But we have a confession from the President. We have cooperating witnesses, we have text messages that were turned over yesterday from a former U.S. Ambassador. We're going to give this President a fair process but it's also going to be a swift process and we're not going to let him continue to obstruct us and prevent us from getting to the bottom of this.
BLITZER : But don't you think that holding a formal vote and getting the 218 vote majority would bolster your legal authority to get the documents, the witnesses you're seeking.
SWALWELL : Well, Wolf, you know, we have an investigation that was voted on in the House Judiciary Committee. We have the speaker saying we have a formal impeachment inquiry. We're doing the work of bringing witnesses in and there may be a vote on impeachment. But, again, when you have a confession from the suspect, you don't really need to interview a thousand witnesses and go through millions of documents. We're going to have a fair process but he's made a lot of the work easy for us.
BLITZER : Let's talk about the new details we're learning from information turned over by the former Special Envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker. You're in the room for Kurt Volker's deposition, and it went on for some nine hours yesterday. What's the most significant new piece of information he shared?
SWALWELL : That there were others in the State Department concerned that the President was extorting the Ukrainians asking them to investigate the 2016 election and also investigate his upcoming opponent. One phrase from one individual Bill Taylor was it would be crazy to withhold security assistance in exchange for help on the President's political campaign. Wolf, so many of us throughout this administration have seen followers and minions and sycophants and we've been wondering if there is a proof of honor, people inside of the administration who are doing the right thing. We saw that proof of honor through Bill Taylor. We now hope that others will come forward just like this whistleblower through the proper channels, do the right thing. Only the republic is counting on that.
BLITZER : Bill Taylor, a career diplomat, a charge d'affaires in Kyiv in Ukraine. The acting ambassador after the other ambassador was brought back to Washington. Do you think there is an explicit quid pro quo, Congressman, in the text messages that Volker shared?
SWALWELL : Well, Bill Taylor expressed concern that there was a quid pro quo. The President said I have a favor to ask though. You know, I would call that a quid pro, though.
BLITZER : That was in the phone conversation --
SWALWELL : That's right.
BLITZER : -- with President Zelensky.
SWALWELL : So in the history of quid pro quos, though, Wolf, no one has ever said, hey, I have a quid pro quo for you. I think the President came pretty close. That's not even the standard though. I think you see in that presidential confession that he was leveraging U.S. help for Ukrainians in exchange for them helping him in his election.
BLITZER : What are you hearing privately from Republicans who have seen the same evidence you have?
SWALWELL : Yes. I talked to one Republican today who did express concern, just wanted to make sure that the President got a fair process. And I understand that sentiment. We don't want, you know, to have mob justice or a rush, you know, to an outcome here and we want to give him a fair process but that also means that the President when we ask for documents has to turn them over. And if he is not willing to do that, then we should consider putting his refusal to do that in the bucket of obstruction of Congress and categorize that as a consciousness of guilt.
BLITZER : Have you scheduled depositions with the current U.S. Ambassador, the European Union Gordon Sondland who's also involved in all of these discussions.
SWALWELL : He's on our witness list and I'm going to let Chairman Schiff, you know, announce the upcoming timetable.
BLITZER : We're expecting Chairman Schiff to walk out of the meeting. As you know, he's been hearing -- all of you guys today have been briefed by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, about his efforts to corroborate the whistleblower complaint. First of all, what could you tell us about what you learned today?
SWALWELL : Well, we heard a couple of weeks ago from the Inspector General that he made a conclusion that the whistleblower's complaint regarding the presidential phone call was urgent and credible. Today, we learned the process that went into making that conclusion. We learned about the investigation he conducted and we have only reinforced our belief that it was a proper conclusion and that the arrows continue to point in only one direction which was that our President was leveraging your taxpayer dollars to get help in a presidential election that would only benefit himself and no other American.
BLITZER : Congressman Eric Swalwell, thanks so much for joining us.
SWALWELL : My pleasure. Thanks, Wolf.
BLITZER : And to our viewers, stay with us. There's a lot more we have on the breaking news. House Democrats keep up the pressure in the Trump impeachment investigation by requesting documents from the Vice President Mike Pence. Also breaking, a very angry Joe Biden just fired back at President Trump. You're going to hear what he just said.
### Summary:
| House Dems Drafting Subpoenas For White House Documents And Demanding Documents From Pence In Impeachment Inquiry; Ex Diplomat: Trump Said Ukraine "Tried To Take Me Down" And Was Influenced By Negative Information From Giuliani; Rep. Eric Swalwell (D), California Is Interviewed About The Impeachment Inquiry; Texts Show Efforts By Trump Envoys To Get Ukraine To Probe Bidens Amid Concern About Quid Pro Quo; Angry Biden Declares Trump "Has Indicted Himself"; Texts Show Efforts by Trump Envoy to Get Ukraine to Probe Bidens Amid Concern About Quid Pro Quo |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : But now, the climate change summit we've all been hearing about kicks off on Monday in Copenhagen, which gives you just a few days to read up on the science, policy and practical effect of climate change.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Fortunately, NPR science correspondent Richard Harris has put together a reading list on climate change. And we also want to hear from you. What have you read that's helped you understand the issue? Our number is 800-989-8255. Our email address is [email protected]. You can also head to our Web site, where you can find Richard Harris' list, along with book suggestions and links to his stories - npr.org and click on TALK OF THE NATION.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Richard Harris is here with us in Studio 3A. Thank you so much for coming in.
RICHARD HARRIS : My pleasure to be here.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : So, let's start with some basic reading. For understanding the science, there's a brand new book - I'm not even sure it's out yet -called "Storms of My Grandchildren." Why that one?
RICHARD HARRIS : Why that one? That's written by James Hansen, who is one of the most famous climate scientists. The science of the book is a little tough sledding, but he actually is sort of helpful in the book. He actually says, I know this is going to be a little complicated. If you want, you can skip on to page 51 and I'll pick up (unintelligible)�
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Oh, really? That's handy.
RICHARD HARRIS : So he sort of acknowledges that even, you know, that not everyone's going to be able to get through the book, but - in terms of the science. But it is a - it's a very scary view of climate change. He is one of the scientists who most is - who's most concerned about climate change and actually thinks that the status quo, that the scientific consensus isn't scary enough. His book raises the possibility that Earth could turn into Venus, essentially, which is so hot that the oceans boiled away on Venus.
RICHARD HARRIS : And he says if we don't - if we're not careful, that could happen on Earth. And he's got some fairly radical ideas about what to do about it, a lot of things critical about how we're acting now. And he also says, really, the solution is to start building massively and rapidly a whole bunch of nuclear reactors as fast as we possibly can to get rid of the coal-fired power plants that are now contributing so much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
RICHARD HARRIS : So it's not a middle-of-the-road kind of book, but it's a book that sort of lays things out in the view of a person who's been thinking about this for a long time, and who is most scared than your average scientist.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Well, also, in his rhetoric - at least in speeches he's given -he's incredibly critical of government response to climate change, to the point of suggesting people be put in jail.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Does it veer into polemics as well?
RICHARD HARRIS : I thought - well, he, actually, has been arrested a couple of times himself. So he's a - but it is a - he is very critical of the way we're doing things. He actually think that the Kyoto Protocol, that whole approach to pledging climate is really not effective, he says that Kyoto was a failure, and he actually hopes that the Copenhagen talks will fail because he thinks they're just completely headed in the wrong direction.
RICHARD HARRIS : He was very critical of President Bush. He supported Mr. Obama in his presidency, but he's now sort of disillusioned with the Obama administration, as well. And it's sort of - I mean, in some ways what this book underlies is there are - things are happening in two different paces on the planet. One thing is the climate is heating up fairly rapidly as carbon dioxide is building up.
RICHARD HARRIS : It takes a long time to change the energy systems around our planet. And he says we just don't have the time. And so he is just from saying, we have to act faster than basically the political process will work. So it is - it - a fundamental conundrum of climate change that, basically, politics moves at one speed, and the climate's moving at another, unfortunately.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : So for a look at sort of within a more conventional political, practical, policy atmosphere, you recommend a book called "Breakthrough" by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger.
RICHARD HARRIS : Well, this is also a little controversial book, too. It's a -the subhead of this - I've actually brought these books in. I have - just have a stack of them that�
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Yes, you've got quite a stack here.
RICHARD HARRIS : �at my desk. They just - they come in by the truckload. And I must say that I have not read all of them, by any means�
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Has anyone suggested that perhaps not printing all these books might help global warming?
RICHARD HARRIS : Well, yeah. But this is actually another book that looks at things very differently. And you can see the subhead on the book, as is it's called "Breakthrough," and the subhead is "Why We Can't Leave Saving the Planet to Environmentalists." And these guys basically argued - this is a couple of years old, but I think the argument still stands very well.
RICHARD HARRIS : They argue that, basically, global warming is not an environmental issue. We shouldn't think of it that way. It's a - it is an issue. It is - we basically need to transform the technology in the world. And ultimately, what we need to do is figure out how to make clean energy cheaper than dirty energy. And the conventional wisdom is just make dirty energy more and more expensive, which they say that - you'll never get everyone buying into doing that.
RICHARD HARRIS : So they're - they basically say we need a crash program. We need the government to be pouring tens of billions of dollars into energy research, and let's see if we can't come up with something that would actually displace coal. If you can invent something that's cheaper than coal, then people will adopt it. And that's their - it's a long shot, but they say everything's a long shot.
RICHARD HARRIS : So it's a little controversial over (unintelligible) because, you know, they are - they started out as environmentalists, and they still consider themselves environmentalists, but, in fact, they are - they're taking some potshots at the people in the world of environmentalism along the way.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : We are hearing from NPR science correspondent Richard Harris about his reading list for understanding climate change. You can join us with your suggestions, if there are books you've read that have really crystallized the whole issue for you, 800-989-8255. Or send us email: [email protected].
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : You also include - and I'm delighted that you included this - the �Consumer Guide to Home Energy Saving.�
RICHARD HARRIS : Yes. This is a how-to-book, and basically - it doesn't really deal that much with global warming. But one of the real issues about global warming is that as people learn more and more about it, I think there's often a sense of hopelessness that comes in with this.
RICHARD HARRIS : I've been talking to some psychologists about this. And basically, once people say, okay, it's too big a problem, I can't do think anything, they turn away from it and they stop thinking about it. And so the psychologists say what we really need to do is give people a sense that there actually are things they can do. You're not going to solve the problem by making changes around your house, but you'll feel better about it - about your own lifestyle. And you'll be more aware of where you fit into the overall picture.
RICHARD HARRIS : And this little book is put out by one of the organizations that looks -about energy efficiency. And they basically go through your house in a very simple way and talk about how your, you know, your cooling systems, your water heater, dishwasher, your refrigerator, to help us to sort out where energy is used and more importantly where it's wasted, because it's - we waste an enormous amount of energy in this country. And you can save money if you, in many cases, if you insulate your homes and do some very basic things.
RICHARD HARRIS : And so this is a - this is just sort of, you know, I picked this up, I read through it, and I used some of the tips in my own house. And, you know, I ended up feeling better. My energy bills went down. And it's just, you know, it's, you know, how-to for the tinkering sort, like me.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : And sort of a stop beyond just change your light bulbs.
RICHARD HARRIS : Oh, yeah. Well beyond that, because, you know, light bulbs are a very, very small fraction of energy use.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Let's take a call. This is Ryan in Las Vegas. Ryan, welcome to TALK OF THE NATION.
RYAN (Caller) : How do you do?
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Good. How are you?
RYAN (Caller) : Good. Thank you.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : What's your reading list suggestion?
RYAN (Caller) : Well, mine is a book by Nigel Lawson called �A Cool Look at Global Warming.� And I hadn't really paid much attention to the global warming issue until a lot of the news came out about the Climactic Research Unit in the East Anglia University. And with all the controversy over the emails that have been released, I wanted to find out more for myself. So I went down to my local library, and I checked out three books, two for, one against, you know, the, I guess, the typical view of global warming. And I think Nigel Lawson's was just the most cogent and clear of them in talking about how - there are still some doubts on the science or, perhaps not, if not on the science, but the policy approaches and how we react to them.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Ryan, thanks for your call.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Richard, give us a sort of quick and dirty about he's referring to at the East Anglia University.
RICHARD HARRIS : With the emails, yeah. There were some emails among climate researchers that were stolen from this research lab at the University of East Anglia. And people - some skeptics of global warming are presumably - or the suspicion is that they release them to stir up a fuss right before Copenhagen on climate science. And they were trying to argue that the emails are - you know, undercut the scientific consensus on climate change. It does - there are some behaviors that are disturbing and are being investigated right now that are revealed in these emails. But a lot of people - including the president's science advisor yesterday -make the argument that even if the worst of the allegations are true, this, you know, this casts a little bit of the data into question, but it does not - certainly does not undercut the whole underpinnings of climate change.
RICHARD HARRIS : But the reality is climate change is a complicated issue, as all of these books help us understand a little bit better. And it's easy to misdirect people and to get - and to - there are whole books out there that purport to be big scientific arguments about why climate change is all wrong. And, you know, if you really understand the science, you kind of the understand why the books are wrong, but you also, if you look at the books on the surface, you say, well, God, this guy's got a good points. So�
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Well, which also brings up the book �What's the Worst That Can Happen?� by Greg Craven, which is on your list, which is sort of a let's stop fighting about who's right or wrong and just figure out how to understand the argument itself.
RICHARD HARRIS : Yeah. Now, I actually have - I've just thumbed through this. I understand you have read it. I have not actually read it. But it seemed like a wonderful concept, which was - it's a high school science teacher who just basically said, you know, laid out how to think about an issue. And he spends a lot time just going through how to sort of sort things out, how to weigh plusses and minuses, how to figure out who - you know, how to weigh one expert's view versus another, and so on. And I think it's a really clever idea.
RICHARD HARRIS : It got endorsed by a lot of high-powered people who seem to really like it, and - I don't know what your experience was with it, but I thought what a nice concept not to - I mean, obviously in the end, he says climate change is serious. We need to do something about it. But he doesn't, you know, but he doesn't to pretend to be a scientific expert. He just sort of says here's how, you know, your typical science teacher - not an expert in this field, just sort of thinks through these things. And I thought that was a really cool concept for a book.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Yeah. You know, he had a video that was - it's been viewed by, like, seven million people that was very common-sensical. And I think it just struck a cord with a lot of people who saw it that there's so much rhetoric, some of it very hard to understand in this debate, and here's a guy who just seems to make some sense. And that's the tone he takes in the book, too. I'm a fan of that one.
We have an email from David, who says : The best read that I've come across regarding climate change is - that's - is easy for lay people, non-scientists, to grasp is �Field Notes From A Catastrophe� by New York Times reporter Elizabeth Kolbert. I think she's actually a New Yorker reporter.
We have an email from David, who says : Another interesting book that I've read is �Climate Change Begins at Home,� and the U.S. Climate Change Research Program offers many of its publications for free at its online site.
RICHARD HARRIS : Yeah, there's a lot of information online. And I agree, Elizabeth Kolbert's book was - which came out several years ago, was, I think, even before Al Gore's movie, but essentially contemporaneously, was a - I think got a lot of attention, particularly as it first appeared in The New Yorker, the various segments of this. I think it made people really sit up and take notice. And I think that it's a - it certainly belongs on a bookshelf of people who are trying to collect, you know, sort of the historical important books about climate change.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Let's hear from Bill(ph) in Wayland, Massachusetts. Bill, welcome to TALK OF THE NATION.
BILL (Caller) : Hi, thank you very much. Nice talking to you. Say, the book that I wanted to reference was the latest issue of National Geographic, December 2009.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : The one with the search for other life on other planets on the cover?
BILL (Caller) : Yes, it is. Yes, exactly. Yes, it says, are we alone? And the article was on pages 26 to 29, and the title of it is �The Carbon Bathtub.� But what's impressive about the article, I think, is it has a pictorial diagram along with texts. And the pictorial diagram describes exactly what the impact of all this carbon is on the earth. I think it's an excellent article.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Thanks for your suggestion, Bill. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. Let's hear from Leah(ph) in Tallahassee, Florida. Leah, welcome to TALK OF THE NATION.
LEAH (Caller) : Hi. Actually, it's really weird because what changed - well, what really made me open my eyes was a PBS �Frontline� piece called The Persuaders, which was actually not about climate change, it was about advertising. But one of the things that it pointed out was that the phrase climate change, that even journalists were using global warming and politicians were using global warming until Frank Wonts(ph), who was an adviser to the Republican Party, suggested that they switch to climate change. And that the change to climate change as a phrase, which became so popular, actually created some of the momentum for the argument against it.
LEAH (Caller) : And to me, that made me have to go look and look through a lot of the stories behind the global warming phenomenon. And actually, that's when I started reading the Al Gore book and some of the other books that have been mentioned today. But it was really finding about advertising that changed everything for me.
RICHARD HARRIS : Huh, that's interesting. I used both terms interchangeably and many, many scientists use both terms interchangeably. And I think the reason we do is that not all of the effects certainly are global warming. The reality is there could be very severe droughts in some parts of the planet. There actually can be places of cooling as well as warming.
RICHARD HARRIS : And you also get, you know, sea level rise and so on. So I think scientists, and journalists sort of follow what scientists do on this, I think by and large thought, okay, we should use the more - the broader more inclusive phrase. But it's interesting the power of words if that also has had an effect on making people less concerned about it, that's�
LEAH (Caller) : Yeah. And it's a documentary I make my students watch every semester, even though it's now five years old, so�
RICHARD HARRIS : Mm, that's interesting.
FEMALE : Leah, thanks for your call. Let's hear from Rick(ph) in LaHue(ph), Hawaii. Rick, welcome to TALK OF THE NATION.
RICK : Hi, thanks a lot. I like a lot of the points that you're making about how you can do a lot at home and that we all need to be more energy conscious at home. The stuff that I read that has most - really woke me up to what's going on is to read about what John Christie(ph) from the University of Alabama says about the original UNITCC. He was the head author of the original UNITCC. And he essentially says that it's been hijacked by people with an agenda and that it's been exaggerated and that there is no scientific consensus and that the whole idea that there's a scientific consensus is propaganda in order to get a certain set of policies to occur.
RICK : And I think that this - to minimize what happened at the CRU, and this is honestly the biggest - this is the biggest scientific scandal since (unintelligible) man and the mainstream media is continuing to ignore it. But these guys use phrases like (unintelligible) decline. It's a - we cannot account for the cooling right now and it's a travesty that we can't. I mean, there is no scientific consensus, and I think it's morally bankrupt to suggest that there is.
RICHARD HARRIS : Well, I actually talked to John Christie last week. He was one of the many lead authors in one - in some of the earlier IPCC reports. And even Dr. Christie acknowledges that climate change is real and that humans are contributing to it. And I think that - I mean, there is less consensus about what pace it will happen and questions like that.
RICK : Exactly.
RICHARD HARRIS : But there's no�
RICK : But everybody seems to be running at the most catastrophic thing that they can - I mean, and we just had here - I live on the island of Kaui. And we just had some scientists come here and say, Oh, your children won't have beaches because the sea levels are going to rise. There's no consensus on that.
RICK : It's just a scare tactics to get - I agree with you 100%, we need more renewable energy. It's nowhere more apparent that the island I live on where we get our electricity from (unintelligible) generation. It's horrible. We definitely - we got wind and solar on this island. We definitely should be using it. But I feel like - that there's - that the attempt to get a certain policy in order is being hijacked with an exaggeration, and it makes people who are truly scientific-minded and truth-minded�
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Hey, hey, Rick, we're actually starting to lose the quality of your line, so I'm going to let you go. But thank you for joining us. We did have a caller mention Al Gore's book, �An Inconvenient Truth,� which is also sitting in your stack. Quickly, would you recommend it?
RICHARD HARRIS : Well, he's got a new one out, which I have not yet seen. So I think maybe there - he may have fresher things to say than this one.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : Richard Harris joined us here in Studio 3A. You can see his reading list on our Web site. Thank you so much for joining us.
RICK : My pleasure.
REBECCA ROBERTS, host : I'm Rebecca Roberts. This is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.
### Summary:
| The Copenhagen conference on climate change is set to begin Monday, December 7. Both the policy and science aspects of the issue can be overwhelming. NPR science correspondent Richard Harris offers a suggested reading list to help shed some light on the climate change debate. Break Through by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger
Earth: The Sequel by Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn
Storms Of My Grandchildren by James Hansen
The Great Warming by Brian Fagan
What's The Worst That Could Happen? by Greg Craven
Global Warming, Looking Beyond Kyoto edited by Ernesto Zedillo
Consumer Guide To Home Energy Savings by Jennifer Thorne Amann, Alex Wilson and Katie Ackerly |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ivy : Good morning .
Quinn : I thought you d be at the office by now .
Ivy : Oh , yeah , I bet you did . I m just waiting for uncle Eric .
Quinn : Well , he s upstairs . He said that there were some calls he still has to make .
Ivy : Okay . I ll go and knock on his door , then .
Quinn : There s no reason to hurt him just because you want to hurt me .
Ivy : Betrayal is what hurts him the most , Quinn . And I m not guilty of that .
Quinn : Look , I know what you think you saw ...
Ivy : [ Scoff ] What I think I saw ? I saw you with Ridge . You were nt just talking . You were nt just talking at all .
Ridge : Hey . I m glad you re feeling better .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] Yes . Thanks to you . You took very good care of me .
Ridge : That s what a fiancé does .
Brooke : Mm . Well , it looks like there s more work to be done here .
Ridge : It s a process , but I promise you will have a wedding gown .
Brooke : I never doubted it .
Ridge : May I ask you something ? Did you walk through the building like this ?
Brooke : Yeah . The models do it all the time . Besides , I want to show you something .
Ridge : Really ? What do you want to show me ?
Brooke : That I m doing my part . You re doing such a good job of dressing us for the wedding , so I thought I would do something for the honeymoon .
Ridge : [ Laughs ] Hey . Wow , that s -- yeah , that ll -- that s good . That s nice .
Brooke : Hmm , maybe I should have packed it and surprised you with it .
Ridge : Mnh - mnh . No . Everything you do surprises me .
Brooke : You sure about that ?
Ridge : No . No , I m not . Surprised is not the right word . I am excited .
Brooke : I love it when you get excited .
Ridge : Do you ?
Brooke : Yeah .
Ridge : Do you ?
Brooke : [ Giggles ]
Bill : I set up a meeting for you with Karim .
Wyatt : Who ?
Liam : Our social media guy .
Bill : Genius , and you know I do nt throw that around .
Wyatt : What does he want with me ?
Bill : You want to work with me here , all right ?
Wyatt : What ?
Bill : I m trying to find a niche for you , now that you have graced me with your return .
Wyatt : Okay , being point man for social media over at Forrester was just -- it s just -- I did that there . That s it .
Bill : And you were awesome at it .
Liam : I think he means he did that for Steffy .
Bill : I know what he means .
Wyatt : It s just not my life s passion , okay ? Nicole s doing a great job and she s gon na take it all over when she gets back from her honeymoon .
Bill : Anything to report from the wedding ?
Liam : Actually , it was the first Forrester wedding I ve heard of that did nt go off the rails or threaten to .
Wyatt : He s asking if there was any drama .
Bill : Why do you both keep interpreting what I m saying to each other ? I m almost positive I m speaking English . Ridge . Dirt . Did he run off with a caterer ?
Liam : Nothing to report .
Bill : Well , that was yesterday .
Liam : I was nt really paying attention to Ridge . Not that I was ignoring him . I just --
Wyatt : Because being at a wedding puts you in the let s get married mood , right , bro ? I know it does me .
Bill : So who caught the bouquet ?
Wyatt : Really , dad ?
Bill : What ? I happen to like that part of weddings .
Liam : Pam , and she went after it like a linebacker .
Bill : Mm . Yeah , of course she did . Forrester weddings -- I m sure people think Brooke and the dressmaker will be next to get married . I do nt happen to be one of those people .
Brooke : [ Giggles ] What do you think about Australia ?
Ridge : I do nt know . It s big . People are friendly . What do you mean ?
Brooke : As a place to get married . Ivy brought it up to Steffy and Liam , and ... well , you know , they re thinking about it , and if the whole family s gon na be there anyway , I just thought maybe ...
Ridge : You sure you want to marry me ?
Brooke : That s a very odd question .
Ridge : It s a good one . You should think about it .
Ivy : Well , I suppose you re going to tell me some innocent explanation about what I ve seen and heard between you and your step - son .
Quinn : I m not gon na tell you that at all .
Ivy : Well , I do nt want to see any crocodile tears , either , Quinn .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Yes , you saw what you saw . And you heard what you heard . [ Sighs ] You re just drawing the wrong conclusion from it .
Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Okay , well , then , what would be the right conclusion ? You and Ridge having a quiet little affair ?
Quinn : No ! [ Sighs ] Have you -- have you ever slept with somebody that you hated ?
Ivy : No !
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Well , maybe you will someday . But I have , and it s not an experience that I want to revisit .
Ivy : Well , you know what , I have nt kissed someone I hate , either .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] If you promise to hear me out , I ll tell you exactly what there is between me and Ridge .
Wyatt : Is there an actual point to this meeting ?
Liam : Yeah , cause it sounds like you just wanted to hear about the wedding .
Bill : No , uh , to tell you the truth , I really do nt care since Brooke wound up sick and not going .
Liam : Ah .
Bill : But I ca nt help wondering , you know ? Forrester weddings , there s always some kind of drama . Somebody had to make a scene .
Liam : I do nt know what to tell you . They re getting along better .
Bill : What about Ridge and Quinn ? They must have had some choice words for each other , no ?
Liam : I mean , yeah , that s where I assumed the fireworks would come from , but ... no . I mean , at one point , I think I even saw Ridge , like , not scowl at her .
Brooke : Are you thinking about Quinn again ? Did she say something to you at the wedding ? I thought you said she was relatively on good behavior .
Ridge : Mm , no . I did nt say that . She was nt . And maybe I was nt , either .
Brooke : I thought I recognized that look .
Ridge : What look is that ?
Brooke : Remember when you said you did nt want to get married until Quinn was out of our lives ?
Ridge : Yeah , that may not be a fulfillable promise anymore .
Brooke : I do nt think so . Eric is more and more smitten with her every day . But I have to wonder why you re so unsure about us .
Ridge : I m -- I m not unsure about you . Look , Bill is an idiot .
Brooke : Bill and I are done .
Ridge : But what if he s right about one thing ? Have I ever done right by you ?
Brooke : Oh , Ridge , where is all of this coming from ? Yes . Yes , I believe that you tried to do right by me and everybody else , but your rightness is nt what I fell in love with . Is there something you want to tell me ?
Ivy : Thank you .
Quinn : Your hands are shaking .
Ivy : This is nt easy for me , Quinn . I ve admired you as an artist , I ve respect you as a friend ... you were practically one of the only people who were actually happy to see me when I came back from Sydney . You and Eric . I ca nt watch you hurt him .
Quinn : And I never will .
Ivy : Okay , then why are you doing this ?
Quinn : Why Ridge ? [ Sighs ] I do nt know , it s -- when I -- when I fell in love with Eric , something -- something inside of me started to change that I am still struggling with . Look , I -- I ve never had an adolescence . And I -- I ve never had any discipline . The only thing I had to guide me in my own life are my own impulses . There are people in this world who are so afraid of punishment they wo nt steal a piece of bread if they are starving to death . But not me . I know -- I know that punishment can almost always be avoided if you are smart enough . I know that sounds bad , but up until Eric ... I realized that doing everything I want every single minute of the day can actually stop me from having what I want most of all .
Ivy : Well , I guess that s true .
Quinn : I do nt know what is inside ridge s head . I really do nt . He s engaged . Is this a cat - and - mouse game ? Maybe it s a game of chicken to him -- whoever turns away first is gon na lose . I do nt know , but last night , I know ... I know I did nt turn away . And it could cost me everything if you threaten to go to Eric .
Bill : I still do nt get it .
Wyatt : What ?
Bill : The lord of the tape measure .
Liam : Ridge ? What about him ?
Wyatt : Do nt look at me . He used to be my father - in - law , but I fell out of favor .
Bill : Because of your mother .
Wyatt : That s a common occurrence , apparently .
Bill : Yeah , interesting , do nt you think ? I mean , uh , suddenly Ridge is friendly with Quinn ?
Liam : I did not say friendly , but , yeah , it was a little weird .
Wyatt : What does he have to hate my mother about anyway ? I mean , she s -- she even , like , backed him to be co - C.E.O. Over there .
Bill : See what I mean about Forrester ? Whichever way the wind blows .
Ridge : I stayed behind at dad s last night because I wanted to make sure that the caterers got paid and that everything was cleaned up . I wanted to make it quick . I wanted to get back to you cause I knew you were nt feeling well . And I went to the front door and I ran into Quinn . And that s what took so long .
Brooke : I do nt expect you to account for every minute . And whatever else Quinn is , she seems to make your father happy . So maybe we should just leave it at that .
Ridge : I do nt always see the good in people . But I always recognize the bad . Maybe it s because I know what it looks like . I think you can learn to be good . But the idea of just losing the bad in you just cause you want ... I think that s silly . Badness is part of your DNA , and the only way to get rid of it is to tear it all down and start over . Because , otherwise , it s just gon na sit there . Wait for an opportunity to jump out ... ... and betray and destroy .
Brooke : And you think that s what she ll do .
Ridge : I do nt know . I think there are people in this world that look at happiness and just want to tear it to the ground . Quinn is one of those people . And so am I.
Ivy : I m not trying to hurt you , Quinn , but I do know you like a challenge . So if that s how you re seeing Ridge , then you need to --
Quinn : No , I did . I did . Ridge was the leader of the opposition against me . Do you know what it s like when your feelings for someone are changing ?
Ivy : I do nt know what you mean .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Eric is so much older than me . Ridge is ... he s my age . You know ? He s an artist . He s raised children . He s a peer . He reminds me of men that I knew from my past who -- who I could have been better to . And maybe I gave Ridge last night what I could have given them . [ Sighs ] Look , I -- I know there are no do - overs in life , but ... have you ever found yourself in a place where maybe you could redeem yourself from a time that you felt ashamed of ? I mean , maybe that s what you re experiencing right now , you know ? Calling me out for what looks like disloyal behavior ... you know , what looked like the way you treated my son .
Ivy : [ Scoffs ]
Quinn : Look , I just -- Ivy , honestly , I am just so worried about Eric s health right now .
Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Quinn ! I m not out to ruin anyone s life . Certainly not my uncle s . But I am not gon na stand around and watch you do it , either .
Bill : Well , this has been a very productive meeting . Now beat it .
Liam : It s over ?
Wyatt : Are you kidding ? We accomplished nothing !
Bill : We had a meeting of the minds .
Wyatt : When ?
Liam : How ?
Bill : Boys . Business is not just about business . It s about strengthening family , moving us into the future .
Liam : I have no notes on that .
Wyatt : Yeah , how s yakking about Brooke strengthen us ?
Bill : It puts me in touch with the reality that she is going to be part of our family , and , therefore , part of our future . Not that I need either of you goofs to fill me in on much of anything ... ... since I saw her last night .
Liam : Wait . How is that -- how is that possible ?
Bill : Have you not figured out yet that anything is possible when it comes to your father ?
Wyatt : What , you climbed a ladder to a second - story window ?
Bill : Yeah , you re wasting my time , so get out .
Liam : We re wasting his time .
Wyatt : His time .
Liam : Well , that s only fair .
Bill : Now !
Liam : I have six new gray hairs . I could have gone to medical school .
Wyatt : See my chin ?
Liam : I could be a doctor .
Wyatt : I could have been --
Bill : There is no way that I made either one of you .
Ridge : Anyway , some things happened at the house that just showed off Quinn s craziness . Maybe mine , too .
Brooke : Ridge . You re embarrassing me . Do you really think I do nt trust you ? That you have to report everything to me when I m not around ? Being almost married does nt mean we wo nt have private conversations with other people . So what ? You said some things to Quinn that I might not approve of . You did nt break any promises . So life goes on .
Ridge : True enough .
Brooke : Besides , I think we need to change our opinion of her . Eric married Quinn . That s a choice we ca nt un - make . She s not trying to be the enemy anymore . She helped you get the co - C.E.O. position . We need a moratorium on the subject of her .
Ridge : You re right . Nothing has really changed .
Brooke : No . And we have a wedding to plan , so I m gon na let you get back to work . Mm .
Ridge : Hey , Logan . I love you .
Brooke : I ca nt wait to be your wife . Again . [ Chuckles ] Ivy , do you have a minute ? A client inquired about a bracelet that s been discontinued . I did nt know what to tell her .
Ivy : For you , Brooke , of course I have a minute .
Ridge : Hey , Quinn .
Quinn : Ivy saw us last night .
Ridge : Saw what ?
Quinn : Yes . That . She wanted to tell Eric .
Ridge : God , no .
Quinn : I told her it was nothing , and she has nt yet .
Ridge : Good .
Quinn : But I m not sure she believes me . Are you at the office ?
Ridge : Yeah .
Quinn : She may be on her way there right now .
Quinn : I got to go .
Ridge : Oh , boy .
Brooke : I wanted to talk to you about the orders because everything looks so good . The silver and the gold ? But what about the rose gold ? I thought we were gon na do more of the rose gold . That s what they said . Is that something ... so she s willing to pay if we can put it together for her .
Ridge : Hey , Ivy . Sorry . Could I see you in the office for a moment ?
Brooke : I do nt need an answer right now .
Ivy : Uh , I m just discussing something with Brooke . Can it wait ?
Ridge : No , it ca nt .
Ivy : Well , it is a jewelry emergency or some kind of other emergency ?
Brooke : Is everything okay ?
Ridge : Yes , of course , it is .
Ivy : You sure about that ? Because I have some information for Brooke that you might want to hear , as well . Although you might actually know what it s about before I even say a word .
### Summary:
| Quinn comes downstairs and finds Ivy waiting . She thought she would be gone to the office by now . Ivy says she is waiting for Uncle Eric . Quinn tells her she really does nt have to hurt Eric by hurting Quinn as well for something she thought she saw . Ivy laughs , she saw what she saw . It was more than just her and Ridge talking . Quinn sets her down and says if she promises to hear her out she will tell her exactly what is going on . Uncomfortably she tells Ivy that she never had an adolescence and until Eric she never stopped having these other thoughts . Maybe it is a chicken game as to who will turn away first . All she knows is Ridge threatened to go to Eric . Brooke is feeling some better and pops into Ridge s office , even peeling off a robe and showing sexy lingerie underneath . She mentions Australia and he asks if she is sure she still wants to marry him . Brooke wonders why Ridge has any doubts about them . They said they would marry when he got Quinn out of their lives but that is not going to happen now , so is there something else . Bill is with both his sons at SP and asks how the wedding was and if Quinn or Ridge made a scene . It s strange that the Lord of the Tape Measure suddenly is friends with his arch enemy . Brooke tells Ridge that she does not expect him to account for his every moment , and with Quinn even , so maybe they should just accept this and let it go . He says there are some people in this life what want to tear happiness down and Quinn is one of them . So is he . Quinn explains more that Eric is older ; Ridge is more her age , like men she has known in her past . She knows there are no do over s in life but maybe that is what she is experiencing right now . And she is worried about Eric s health . Ivy jumps up and says she is not going to sit around listening to any more of this . Bill tells his boys that business is not always about business . It is about family and their future , so this meeting is over although they think they accomplished nothing . Brooke tells Ridge that Eric married Quinn and they can not change that so they have a wedding to arrange and she can not wait . As she leaves she runs into Ivy . Quinn quickly calls Ridge and says Ivy is on her way and she is ready to tell Eric . He spies Brooke and Ivy in the hallway and wants to speak with Brooke to get her away from Ivy . Ivy says she has something important to talk about and maybe he d like to hear it too .or maybe he already knows what it is about . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jonathan : Well , looks like your mother does nt really love you . Here . Consider this your last meal .
Lizzie : Honey , your father is never going to take you away from me ever again . I know you love him , okay ? I know you do . Some day you ll understand , sweetie . Granddad , is it over yet ?
Alan : No , not yet .
Lizzie : What do you mean not yet ? You promised .
Alan : Listen , Elizabeth , I will take care of Jonathan , but the plans have changed .
Lizzie : Why ? He s waiting in the churchyard right now . If he suspects anything ...
Alan : Would you please calm down ? What I want you to do is call Jonathan and tell him to meet you on the Old Mill Road .
Lizzie : Are you kidding me ? That s where Tammy ...
Alan : Do you want me to help you ?
Lizzie : Yes .
Alan : Then you re going to have to trust me .
Alan : Do you have the package ?
Man : What do we do with it ?
Alan : Just store it somewhere , and I ll pick it up when I m ready .
Jonathan : All right , come on .
Jonathan : Where the hell are you ?
Lizzie : Hey , we ca nt do the church .
Jonathan : Why not ?
Lizzie : My granddad , he s got someone following me . It s going to need to be like somewhere away from town , somewhere I could lose them .
Jonathan : Like ?
Lizzie : Like Old Mill Road . I m really sorry . I just ca nt think of anywhere else .
Jonathan : Half an hour .
Lizzie : Okay , good .
Jonathan : Lizzie , I m trusting you .
Alan : Never mind who I am . A murder was committed . A sheriff was murdered in Tourmaline , California . All you have to do is call out there and verify this information . But if you want to know where the murderer is , you will have one of your cars sent to the Old Mill Road in a half hour .
Maid : Mr. Spaulding , I heard there was an accident . Oh , my , it looks like someone deliberately smashed ...
Alan : Just clean it up . It s been a very stressful day , but things are on the upswing . What do you think ?
Maid : Oh , that s beautiful .
Alan : Well , nothing is too good for my Beth .
Maid : Mrs. Bauer ?
Alan : Beth Raines , the former and future Mrs. Alan Spaulding . Now , I want you to order another one of these horses for me .
Maid : Yes , sir .
Josh : Oh , I just blew your battle star out of the sky , my friend .
R.J. : Too bad that was my drone . Fooled you .
Josh : Your son just vaporized me .
R.J. : Mom , it s your turn . How about I go get some more popcorn ?
Josh : This game ... this game is great .
Cassie : Of course it s great . Everything is great because Will is nt here .
Jonathan : Hey .
Reva : What are you doing with Lizzie s dog ?
Jonathan : I kidnapped her .
Reva : Sometimes Jonathan likes to tell stories . You re serious ?
Jonathan : Lizzie took Sarah . I think Alan put her up to it .
Reva : Of course she did .
Jonathan : Now she wants to trade prisoners .
Reva : Your daughter for her dog .
Lizzie : Call it off , I ca nt do it . What s that ?
Alan : You see , Sarah , there is nothing that your granddad ca nt fix .
Lizzie : He means buy .
Alan : Fix , buy , sell , as long as I take care of Jonathan .
Lizzie : What does that mean ?
Alan : Prison . Three meals a day . He ll be able to learn a new trade , and in 25 years , when he comes out , he ll be a better man .
Lizzie : I need to talk to Bill .
Alan : If Bill cared anything about you , he would be here now .
Man : Go ahead , scream your head off . Bet that will hurt . What s he going to do to us ?
Bill : What , me ? I can make you boys very rich .
Alan : What do you think , Sarah ...
Lizzie : Maybe I should just leave her here so she can stay and play .
Alan : No , no , no . Jonathan must see her with you . We do nt want to tip him off in any way . Now , Sarah , you re going to take a little ride with your mommy , and when you come back , you can ride Victory all you want . Okay ?
Lizzie : Okay , sweetie .
Alan : You re going to go with mommy .
Lizzie : Granddad ...
Alan : Be strong , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : Mom .
Beth : Girls , do nt rush off . I ve got news .
Alan : Well , you finally came to your senses . Now my life can be complete .
Rick : Almost , almost . Say good - bye to your grandfather , Lizzie . He s going to jail .
Alan : Elizabeth , go and call the police and tell them that an escaped prisoner is in my home .
Rick : That s right , Alan . I actually found a judge that was nt on your payroll . So , here I am , free as a bird . What are you gon na do about it , big guy ?
Alan : You re a sad commentary to our legal system .
Rick : Read the charges ... bribary , conspiracy , giving false testimony . You re the one going to jail now .
Beth : You ll never change .
Alan : Beth , are you forgetting what he did to us ? Peyton was our daughter , and he kept that from us .
Beth : You played me while Rick was in jail . You were the new and improved Alan Spaulding-- patient , understanding , the perfect father .
Alan : And I will be the perfect father to Peyton because I love her . And I love you , Beth .
Beth : Do nt say it .
Alan : Even if it s true ?
Rick : Come on sweetheart , let s just get Peyton s things and get the hell out of here .
Alan : You touch one of her things and I ll make sure that you go back to jail .
Beth : Enough with the threats .
Rick : Not this time , Alan . You stay away from my family . You got that ?
Lizzie : I ca nt let this happen to you .
Bill : That s just a taste . Of course , you re going to need my bank card to get the rest . You re going to need my password , too .
Man : Give it .
Bill : I ll give it to you .
Bill : Whoo - hoo !
Reva : Let me go with you .
Jonathan : No .
Reva : Come on , you said it was a trap . You re going to need someone .
Jonathan : No . Reva , I ran away the last time . All it did was delay the inevitable . Today I m going to finish it .
Reva : I hate it when you go all cowboy .
Jonathan : Yeah , right . Hey , do nt let her tame you , kid .
Will : I just want to be like you .
Jonathan : Smart .
Reva : No , no , no . Sometimes even cowboys need to be careful .
Jonathan : All that matters is getting Sarah back .
Reva : Well , you know Alan . He s not going to rest until he ...
Jonathan : Alan has his own kid now .
Reva : That does nt matter because the more he gets , the more he wants .
Jonathan : I got it covered .
Reva : Well , honey , I think Roxie has to go outside to go pee - pee . Why do nt you take her out ?
Will : This is more fun .
Jonathan : She likes to play fetch with sticks . Doncha !
Will : Five bucks . Come on , Roxie
Jonathan : Go . Go get him !
Will : Come on , Roxie . Roxie ! Roxie !
Jonathan : He reminds me of me .
Reva : You do nt know the half of it .
Jonathan : What ? Oh ! Wow !
Reva : He s a very angry kid .
Jonathan : You think ?
Reva : Sometimes I wonder if you were just like him when you were his age .
Jonathan : I was cuter .
Reva : And just as dangerous , I ll bet .
Jonathan : He needs a dad .
Reva : You needed a mama .
Jonathan : Oh , stop .
Reva : I know I ca nt get back those years . I ca nt make up for the time I was nt there in your life , but I can help Will .
Jonathan : Well , good . You know I need to go get Sarah .
Reva : Just be careful , please . I ca nt lose you again .
Jonathan : You wo nt . You know , all of those years I was growing up and thinking about you ...
Reva : You never grew up . ( Laughter )
Jonathan : Okay . Well , then all of those years I was raising hell and acting like a juvenile ... ( laughter ) ... I , you know , I wanted to come back .
Reva : And make me pay ?
Jonathan : You take care of Will and make sure he comes back -- turns out better than me , okay ?
Reva : Just stay . Stay . He needs you . You can help him .
Jonathan : I ca nt . Can you go ask Will to bring Roxie in ?
Reva : Do nt leave .
Jonathan : I ve got to go .
Josh : Cassie , we re a family-- you and me and R.J. and Will .
Cassie : And Reva ?
Josh : Yes , and Reva . She s your sister . She s trying to help . We re all just trying to help .
Cassie : Well , it does nt feel like that . Sometimes I just feel all alone .
Josh : You re not . You re not .
Cassie : I just wish it was us together , you and me and R.J. and Will , and nobody else .
R.J. : Hey , guys , popcorn is ready . Mom , you okay ?
Cassie : Yeah , of course , sweetie . You guys go in and continue destroying battle stars .
Josh : Where are you going ?
Cassie : Have you been to the grocery store today ?
Josh : No .
Cassie : I did nt think so . Have fun .
R.J. : It s Will again , is nt it ?
Will : Your turn .
Reva : What ?
Will : You were thinking about Jonathan .
Reva : Oh , yeah , I guess maybe I was . You are very smart . And I was worried , but that s what mothers do . We worry .
Will : Why ?
Reva : Well , you know , Jonathan is ... he s trying very hard to be a good father , trying hard to be a good man .
Will : But people wo nt let him ?
Reva : That s right . And that s why I worry about him . And about you .
Will : Poison , P - O - I - S - O - N.
Reva : Very good . But it s a good thing you did nt taste it .
Will : Like this ?
Reva : Do nt do that . Will ... Will ? Come on .
Cassie : What are you doing with him ? Get your hands off of him .
Reva : Let me do this . Come here , sweetie . Come here .
Cassie : Is it out ?
Will : I was just playing .
Reva : He could have hurt himself , and he knew it .
Cassie : And you know what s best for everyone .
Reva : That s not what I said . We were having a nice game .
Cassie : Oh , until I showed up ?
Reva : Why are you doing this ? Cassie , why are you doing this ?
Cassie : You are the one who s hurting him . He was nt playing by your rules ... ? Why do nt you call Josh ?
Reva : Maybe I will . We are sisters , but you re making it very difficult for us to take care of this family .
Cassie : This family ? My family . This is my family . Will and Josh are mine .
Reva : We are from the same family . You insist on making this me versus you .
Cassie : You want everything I have . Not just your precious Joshua , now you want my children , too .
Reva : No , no . You re wrong .
Cassie : You know what is wrong , thinking you could help me with my son . I m taking him out for a little bit before he is choked by all of this love .
Alan : You picked the wrong time to get on my bad side .
Bill : Sorry , Alan .
Alan : What was that ?
Bill : These guys were under the impression to keep me on ice while you worked on Lizzie . Now you would nt do that , now would you Alan ?
Alan : I was merely trying to keep you out of harm s way just in case Jonathan became violent .
Bill : So you were trying to protect me ? That s very kind of you .
Alan : Elizabeth is very fond of you .
Bill : You sent your message , and now I m going to send mine . When it comes to Lizzie , it s hands off , Granddad . She s mine . I ve got the key .
Lizzie : Mommy will be right back , okay ?
Jonathan : Where s Sarah ?
Lizzie : She s in the car . Where s Roxie ?
Jonathan : Come here .
Lizzie : Come here .
Jonathan : We bonded .
Lizzie : Roxy , what are you doing ? Come to me .
Jonathan : What are you doing ? Why are you stalling ? So a sniper can take me out ? Maybe a truck will run me down .
Lizzie : If you thought your life was in danger , why in the world would you come out here ?
Jonathan : To get my daughter . Here , take your beast .
Jonathan : Hey ... hey , hey , what the hell ?
Lizzie : I m sorry .
Jonathan : Give me Sarah !
Lizzie : This is for you , okay ?
Jonathan : Come on , Lizzie , do it , do it ! Hit the gas , run me over ! Do it !
Lizzie : Jonathan , please , please . I do nt want to hurt you .
Jonathan : So you let the cops do it for you ? You set me up , did nt you ? ! Did nt you ? !
Lizzie : Sarah , please stop crying . Please stop crying . It was my granddad . He said you could be arrested for the murder of that sheriff .
Jonathan : Alan s idea , but you go along with it . Just like old times . Same road , same deal !
Lizzie : It s different now .
Jonathan : No , no . You re the same as Alan , but you are worse because you let him control you .
Lizzie : No , no , nobody controls me ! Not you , not my granddad and not Bill ...
Jonathan : He owns you and Sarah , and he will hold it over you for the rest of your life . What are you going to do , Lizzie , huh , when she grows up ? How are you going to tell her to stand up for herself , stand up to people like Alan , people who try to own her ? ( Baby crying ) What are you going to do ? Open the car !
Lizzie : Quick before I change my mind .
Jonathan : Hey , come here , kiddo .
Lizzie : Take her , hurry .
Jonathan : Just like old times .
Lizzie : Meet me in the churchyard .
Jonathan : What about the police , Lizzie ?
Lizzie : Go , go ! Now !
Josh : Reva ? Where s Will ?
Reva : Um , Will is with Cassie .
Josh : Wait a minute , wait a minute . What happened ? Did he throw one of his temper tantrums ?
Reva : No , no , that would be me right after Cassie accused me of choking her son .
Josh : She ...
Reva : Heimlich maneuver . Will swallowed a piece of the game and then she took him .
Josh : She took him ?
Reva : Yeah , she took him . She is his mother .
Josh : This is from Jonathan .
Reva : I have to find him .
Lizzie : Thank God you guys are here . He has my baby .
Officer : Jonathan Randall ? What kind of car was he driving ?
Lizzie : It happened so fast . He has her . He just kept saying that I was never going to see her again and that Canada was not that far away .
Officer : The road north is just a few miles .
Lizzie : Go . Go find her ! ( Crying )
Josh : Dear Reva : I still ca nt get used to saying Dear Mom . We said too many good - byes , so I ll keep this one short and sweet .
Jonathan : Coming home with Sarah was a calculated risk . I lost . This time I m going far away . Do nt try to find us . I thought we could live together , Lizzie , Sarah and me . But I was fooling myself . Lizzie s heart is in the right place , but there s always Alan . And he ll never stop until he has his own sick version of his family . I m not much , but I m Sarah s father and your son . You taught me to put my kid first , and that s what I m going to do . She will always love you , Mom , and so will I.
Lizzie : Jonathan ? Jonathan ?
Jonathan : If this a trick ...
Lizzie : No . Can I hold her ? Hi . Tell me something , what something so perfect , did to deserve us ?
Jonathan : Well , we did nt do that bad . Look how she turned out .
Lizzie : Did you know that your daddy was willing to risk everything for you ? Yeah . And so I think now it s my turn . I have to risk never seeing you again .
Jonathan : Um ...
Lizzie : Wherever you go and whatever you do , I want you to know that I love you . You protect her or I will hunt you down and kill you .
Jonathan : I believe you . Bye .
Lizzie : Bye .
Jonathan : Be good , all right ? ( Sarah crying )
Rick : Hey , what are you doing ?
Beth : Honey , are you sure we should have her out ?
Rick : Who is the doctor here in the family ? She already looks better since she left Alan s house .
Beth : Well , he s her father . There s nothing we can do about that .
Rick : Well , I m in the process of filing papers to be her legal guardian . He may have DNA on his side , but he forfeited that a while ago , starting with Phillip . Wait a minute , sweetheart . Tell me it s not just me . You do nt want him anywhere near our little girl ?
Beth : I just want what s best for our daughter .
Rick : Well , you ve already done that by leaving Alan and posting my bail .
Beth : Wait a minute . I did nt post your bail .
Rick : What do you mean ? Of course you did .
Beth : I thought ...
Rick : Well , then who did ?
Bill : Hey , where is he ?
Reva : Where is who ?
Bill : Jonathan . I know he thinks he s meeting Lizzie and taking off with Sarah .
Josh : Bill , who told you that ?
Bill : Alan . I do nt want Lizzie caught up in the middle of this .
Reva : What did Alan tell you ?
Bill : That he s setting Jonathan up for something that happened in California .
Josh : In California ?
Bill : You know what I m talking about , Reva ?
Reva : Yeah , I have a pretty good idea .
Josh : Maybe Lizzie doubled back to her house .
Bill : I can check , and then I can meet you , but where ?
Reva : Where it all began and ended .
Jonathan : There s no room for me and Sarah here . I tried . I got ta go . You know , she ll always have your pictures , and I will tell her how brave you were and how beautiful . And she will know how much I loved you , how much I still love you .
Alan : What happened , Elizabeth ? I had this all planned . What happened ?
Lizzie : I did the right thing .
Alan : Then where s your daughter ?
Lizzie : She s with her father .
Alan : Are you out of your mind ? ! You let Jonathan take her back again ? !
Lizzie : Sarah is my daughter , and it killed me to let him take her , but it was the only way that I could know for sure that she would nt grow up under this roof , being chained to you for the rest of her life .
Alan : You and your mother ! All I ever wanted was to have you and your children under the same roof .
Lizzie : Like little sheep .
Alan : I m not going to give up on Beth and Peyton , and I will find Jonathan and bring Sarah back .
Lizzie : No , you wo nt !
Alan : What s going to stop me ?
Lizzie : I know what you want more than anything . You want us living in this house with you ; you want us standing by your side so you can teach us to be better Spaulding s . I know that s what you want .
Alan : Yes , it is . But I ca nt have that now that Sarah is gone , Beth , Peyton ...
Lizzie : You can have it .
Alan : How ?
Lizzie : You and I just have to make a little deal . And here s the deal : Jonathan and Sarah get their freedom , and you get me .
Bill : Lizzie , what are you doing ?
Lizzie : Do nt try to stop me .
Bill : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Do you think I m really going to let you take off with Jonathan ?
Lizzie : Do nt do this now . They re gone , okay ? I let them go .
Bill : You what ?
Lizzie : Do nt ask me why , okay ? Just do nt say anything . Just hold me . ( Sobbing )
Bill : It s all right . It s all right .
Man : Are you Reva ?
Cassie : No , I m not Reva . I m her sister . Can I help you ?
Man : Sorry , I let myself in . I m here about the leak .
Cassie : There s a gas leak ? I m not leaving my son in this house .
Man : Relax , maam . It s the line outside . Tell your sister I m on it .
Will : Why did nt you want me in the house ?
Cassie : Well , because gas can be explosive , honey .
Will : Like people ?
Cassie : Yeah . It s okay to get angry . It s not okay to stay angry . Your Aunt Reva is my sister , and we argue . And Josh is my husband , and married people argue , too . But it does nt mean we do nt love each other . And when the argument is over , we re still family . I m going to go make us some tea for us and for Aunt Reva when she comes back . Lots of honey for you , right ?
Will : Lots .
Cassie : Uh - huh .
Rick : Are nt you required to give me a name ?
Officer : Just take your wife and kid and go home .
Beth : Rick , he s right . What does it matter ?
Rick : It matters to me because Alan is the only person who knows I was in here because he put me in there .
Beth : And what about Doris Wolfe ?
Rick : And neither one of those ingrates would have posted bail for me , would they ? Okay , you want the name ?
Rick : Yes , I would .
Officer : Here s the signature .
Beth : Rick ?
Rick : Oh , my God .
Beth : Who is it ?
Jonathan : Well , here s the deal : You look after home and ... I m going to hit the road . I ll look after Sarah , and she ll look after me . And ... I think we re going to be okay . I love you . This cut was anything but clean there s not a price too high no amount of words not said if someone could only take me far away from the ache that voids my soul ...
Reva : I know he was here . He had to have been here .
Josh : Reva . Far from here ...
Reva : Why could nt I just see him one last time ? Jonathan ! There s no way this fate could be part of a greater plan there s no God that would allow me to be hurting like I am ...
Jonathan : Bye , Mom ! What s my soul to do when there s no more of you ? It s been a sea of my regret and forget ...
Bill : Where are you right now ?
Lizzie : I m here .
Bill : Well , part of you . Why did nt you tell me ?
Lizzie : Because you would have tried to stop me .
Bill : You got that right .
Lizzie : And it would have been wrong for Sarah . And if I m being real honest , for me , too .
Bill : So Jonathan wins , huh ?
Lizzie : Nobody wins but Sarah . And that s all that matters .
Bill : I am taking you out tonight , okay ?
Lizzie : That sounds like just what I need .
Bill : Yeah . Go shower , okay ?
Lizzie : I forgot to tell you . There s a little catch . Sarah gets her freedom , but somebody has to pay the price . --To take her place . I know exactly how you feel , Rox .
Alan : Well , I ve been waiting for you .
Lizzie : I had to pack .
Alan : Good . Did you throw away the things you wo nt be needing anymore ?
Lizzie : Yes , Granddad .
Alan : Excellent . We can make a fresh start , Elizabeth , just you and me . Like old times , huh ?
### Summary:
| Alan is barking orders . Jonathan has to decide what to do about Sarah . Reva gets angry at Cassie again . Jonathan and Lizzie are out side , Lizzie in the car with Sarah , Jonathan out on the car hood arguing about Sarah . Reva goes to Josh to tell him of the latest thing Cassie has done . Cops come to the rescue of Lizzie . While Lizzie cries beside her car . Lizzie and Jonathan meet at the cemetery with little Sarah in tow . Jonathan goes to Tammy s grave . Lizzie goes home to tell her grandfather off . Alan says he ll find Jonathan and get Sarah . Lizzie says no . Lizzie put a deal out . Jonathan and Sarah have their freedom and she comes home . Rick and Beth try to find out who put Rick in Jail . Rick finds a signed document with Alan s signature . Jonathan tells Tammy he thinks they will be ok . He goes back to his car and drives off . Reva and Josh are walking and Josh spots the doll on the side of the rode . Reva starts to cry . Then they see Jonathan s car driving off . on the other side of the woods . Jonathan sees them and waves goodbye . Bill comforts Lizzie . Josh comforts Reva . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Billy : You are not that girl anymore , Reva . You re not .
Reva : So what ? I have to stay here . I have to stay here and take care of you . Besides , they probably found somebody to fill in for me anyway .
Billy : Oh , come on , Reva , you--
Reva : No . No , Billy . Do nt say another word . My mind is made up .
Jonathan : What you got there ?
Reva : You would nt believe me if I told you .
Jonathan : Try me .
Reva : Okay . It s a letter from my old high school inviting me to come back and speak to a group of girls about how to become the next Reva Shayne .
Jonathan : Is that supposed to be a good thing ?
Reva : Hey !
Jonathan : It takes one to know one . So , what are you going to say to them ?
Reva : Nothing , because I m not going .
Jonathan : Why not ? You have much wisdom to impart . You could give them a step by step on how to marry your way through an entire family . ( Laughing ) Oh , wow . You can just , you know , show them how to raise some hell , which you do best .
Reva : You re a big help .
Jonathan : Well , you know , just ... you re a mover and a shaker , you know .
Reva : Yeah , yeah , yeah .
Jonathan : That s a positive thing .
Reva : Uh - huh . You know what ? You can get back to work now .
Jonathan : Reva .
Reva : I m serious , because I happen to be perfectly capable of beating myself up , thank you very much . Now , go .
Billy : Ready ?
Reva : Uh - huh , thanks . You want to go to the movies ?
Billy : Sure , I ll check the times .
Reva : Hi , girls . My name is Reva Shayne Lewis , better known as the slut of Springfield , and before that I was known as the queen of the back seat right here in Tulsa . Please . ( Knock on the door ) Come on in ! Hey .
Josh : Hi . Did you get my message ?
Reva : Uh , no .
Josh : Oh , okay , I wanted to get my ski s out of the garage .
Reva : You re going skiing ?
Josh : Yeah . Yeah , I m just trying to mix it up a little bit . I m sorry if I m intruding .
Reva : Why would you be intruding in your own home ?
Josh : Well , actually this is nt my own home anymore .
Reva : That s right , it s not . I guess . Your ski s are ... they re in the rafters right where you left them .
Josh : Are you okay ? You just seem a little weird .
Reva : Why would you say that ? You re just noticing that ?
Josh : See ya .
Reva : Wait , wait . Our life together , our choices , our mistakes , they were nt all bad , were they ?
Josh : No , of course not .
Reva : I m just wondering if I learned anything from it , you know . I mean , am I still the same woman I was when ...
Josh : What s going on with you ?
Reva : I do nt know , I do nt know , I do nt know . I m just ... I do nt know , I ve been thinking about the past and the future . Have fun skiing .
Josh : Thank you .
Reva : What are you doing ?
Billy : We are going to Tulsa .
Reva : Oh , no , no , no . No we re not .
Billy : If you called them right now could you get back on the evening--
Reva : I guess so , Billy .
Billy : Well , hey , I need to spend the next three days with somebody and you ve got somewhere to go .
Reva : Billy ...
Billy : No , get the lead out , girl . Come on . You just got time .
Reva : Ow . I do nt know what you think you re going to accomplish with this little trick of yours .
Billy : Where s your sense of adventure ? Come on .
Reva : Adventures are supposed to be the fun , Billy .
Billy : You re really freaked out about this whole thing .
Reva : Yes . I m the one that has to dig deep , you know and do a little soul searching .
Billy : Now , just a second . I do this everyday at AA , so I ll help you out . And we ll have a little trip to the past , okay ?
Reva : But if we re going to do it , we re going to do it right .
Billy : I ll take care of this .
Reva : No , no , no . You re the only other person she hates more than me . You park it . Hi , Olivia . Wanda told me you were here .
Olivia : Oh , that Wanda , she s such a gem .
Reva : Yeah , well , I ll make it short . I want Cross Creek for the weekend .
Olivia : No .
Reva : Well , let me put it to you this way : The chances of you seeing me for the next few days are zero . You wo nt see me anywhere near Josh s office or near his room .
Olivia : Well now when you put it that way ...
Reva : Did you see how fast she reached into her purse ? ( Laughs )
Billy : See ? I m almost fell off of my stool .
Reva : Well , like I said , you just have to know how to push Olivia s buttons .
Billy : Well why do nt you see if you can push her buttons into signing the deed to Cross Creek over to us . ( Laughter ) ( music playing )
Reva : Oh , I ca nt ...
Billy : Believe it .
Reva : I ca nt believe it ! I love this song . How long has it been ?
Billy : Long time . Casey Jones was my man now he s buried in the promise land the only kind of music he could understand was the eight wheel ... ( laughter ) ... all the time made the freight train boogie as he went down the line . ( Laughter )
Reva : We re so bad ! You know , the last time Josh and I did this , we actually turned off 44 and I think that s up there just a little bit . There was the rattiest old barn . We stopped the farm and we got out and we went in-- well , anyway , it s happens to be a really good short - cut .
Billy : That s when Melinda Sue went tearing after him . Boy did nt stand a chance . I ll tell you . I think she took after you that way .
Reva : Wait a minute , Billy . Every trick I ever pulled , I learned from you .
Billy : Oh , now , I hate to burst your bubble , darling , but I can not hold a candle to the master and that is a fact .
Reva : Master , yeah . Nothing sounds right . Turn the car around . I want to go back .
Billy : Yeah , well , I want a double scotch . Just ca nt always have what we want , Reva .
Billy : Hey uh ... How would you like to make a little money , I ll give you $ 100 for the rest of that six - pack .
Kyle : $ 100 ?
Billy : Yep , Ben Franklin do nt lie .
Reva : And ... not so fast . I will raise you a General Grant if you take that beer and get the hell out of here .
Kyle : Nice doing business with you .
Reva : Take care .
Billy : If I could change myself , I would . For you , I would .
Reva : Listen to this . The choices you make today will affect the rest of your life . Oh , blah .
Billy : No , it s true .
Reva : Oh , no , it s terrible .
Billy : It is . ( Laughter )
Reva : I do nt know why I m preparing this way . I m not going to say any of this stupid stuff .
Billy : What are you going to do , just wing it ?
Reva : I just might .
Billy : Oh , Reva ... whoa , no , no . Oh , no , Reva .
Reva : What ? I m going to prepare the only way I know how ... whoa ! Yeah , go faster , Billy !
Billy : I m going as fast as I can .
Reva : Whoa ! Look out , Tulsa ! Whoa ! Reva Shayne s coming home ! Whoa ! ( Laughing )
Billy : I ll say look out .
Reva : Oh , I need that .
Billy : You finally over your case of nerves ?
Reva : What nerves ?
Billy : That s my Reva . Yeah .
Reva : What ? What , Billy ?
Billy : Oh , what the hell . There s something I ve been meaning to tell you , Reva . Reva , you know , we ve been spending a lot of time together lately and ... hey , without you , I would probably be laying in a gutter somewhere with a two- week bender .
Reva : Maybe .
Billy : Well , the damndest thing is ... I ve been starting to ... oh , oh . Wow , that s a flat tire . I hope the spare s aired up . Yeah ?
Reva : Oh , yeah . It s aired up . It s just not in the car .
Billy : What ?
Reva : It s not in the car .
Billy : Oh .
Reva : I went Christmas shopping and I took it out and I forgot to put it back in .
Billy : You forgot to put it back in ?
Reva : Yeah . It s okay , though . I m a member of the auto club . ( Laughs ) I ve got the card right here . Morning ? No , no , no , that s going to be way too late . You know what ? This reminds me of that time we drove your old t - bird to Kansas City .
Billy : Oh , yeah , the barbecue . I do nt remember why we had to go to Kansas City ...
Reva : Because you and Harlan s plane got grounded .
Billy : Oh , right , it would nt take off in that hail storm .
Reva : Yeah , and the two of you stumbled into the road house downtown .
Billy : Yeah .
Reva : What was it , A.J. s or B.J.s ?
Billy : No , J.R. s .
Reva : J.R. s . I new there was a J in it . Anyway , you said it was the best barbecue you d ever tasted and it was damn tasty-- even though it took us a heck of a time to get there . Tires , a leaky radiator and there was something else , too , I forget .
Reva : The brakes went out ! ( Laughter ) What should ve taken us a day , took us three .
Billy : Well , we got there , did nt we ?
Reva : Yeah , thanks to me .
Billy : Yeah . Reva Shayne , she knows how to make it happen .
Reva : Do nt I know it ? I ve always known how to make it happen .
Billy : Yeah , well , I wish you could make it happen right now .
Reva : I know , is nt that the truth ? One trucker , is that too much to ask for ? Whoa .
Billy : Ooh , let me warm you up , girl .
Reva : Thanks , but you know what ? We should just get back into the car and crank up the heat . What do you think ? Whoa . You know what ? I m going to call again .
Billy : I think it s going to be too late . We re never going to get there in time .
Reva : You know , maybe I m not supposed to go . Maybe this is a sign .
Billy : Maybe not . Look .
Reva : It s a car ! Wait !
Billy : It s a truck !
Reva : Successful , ha ! The only reason I have the job I have now is because I want to keep Olivia away from Joshua . And the job I got before that , it was a fluke , because I was a gabber . It s a good trait to have when you re a talk show host . What was my job before that ? Oh , God . Princess .
Billy : Did you say something ?
Reva : Oh , I forget . Billy , what have I accomplished in my life ?
Billy : You accomplished lots of things .
Reva : Yeah , like what ?
Billy : You raised a couple of good kids .
Reva : Josh raised the good kids .
Billy : You had a hand it .
Reva : I was busy screwing up my marriage . I married the same guy three times and never got it right .
Billy : Those things happened for a reason . Nobody s perfect .
Reva : Well I m not even close . And why have nt you said I told you so yet .
Billy : Why would I say that ?
Reva : Because you warned me , Billy . You told me if I kept acting the way I was acting , I would lose Joshua . And I did , you know . I mean , I lost him again .
Billy : Like I said , things happen for a reason .
Reva : Ca nt help but play the what ifs , you know ?
Billy : Oh , boy , do I ever .
Reva : When I think of all of the times I messed up with him . I spent two- thirds of my life loving him , hurting him and losing him . I ca nt help but wonder what would it be if ...
Billy : Would it be if what ?
Reva : I do nt know . None of it ever happened .
Billy : You mean like if you stayed married to me ?
Reva : Oh , that was some bash . Whoa !
Billy : You sure know how to have a good time .
Reva : Those people know how to party . I ca nt wait to get to Los Angeles . Now they really know how to party , Billy . I m going to be merciless when it comes to those old boys at the poker table .
Billy : Now , darling , do nt count your winnings to quick , because the L.A. trip is something I have to do by myself ?
Reva : Why ?
Billy : It s business . I do nt want you staying in the hotel . You re going to be better off staying here .
Reva : You ve been leaving me an awful lot , Billy . What am I supposed to do for fun ?
Billy : I do nt know , but when you figure it out , maybe you ll want to be wearing this .
Reva : Ooh , thank you .
Billy : ( Laughing )
Reva : It is beautiful .
Billy : Yeah , just a little something to keep you company while I m gone .
Reva : ( Laughing )
Billy : Where did you go just now ?
Reva : Nowhere .
Billy : I forgot to tell you , little brother called ?
Reva : Joshua ?
Billy : Yeah . He s going to be passing through on his way to California .
Reva : California ?
Billy : Yeah , he sold his house . Too many memories of Sonny .
Reva : I feel bad for him .
Billy : Yeah , she was the love of his life . You do nt mind , sweetheart ?
Reva : Mind , why would I mind ?
Billy : You think I do nt remember it was you and Josh , I think it was puppy love , but that is half the reason Daddy sent him off to college .
Reva : I do nt know about that .
Billy : Well , it was a good thing or I would nt have had you all to my piggy self .
Reva : For pity sake , hold your horses . What ...
Josh : Hello , Reva .
Reva : Hello , Bud .
Reva : Do you mind ?
Billy : No , go ahead , it is all yours .
Announcer : Joe s beer , it s what you re craving .
Billy : Oh , great . Thanks for reminding me .
Announcer : ( With Carribean accent ) Dip into a cool refreshing rum from the islands . It s sure to make you happy , man , Billy Lewis .
Billy : You awake ? Hmm . Well , you know , the truth is , Reva , I really do nt want a drink . I mean , yeah , sure , a good - old beer right now would just about kill me , but I do nt want a drink . I mean , not nearly as much as ... I do nt know how to say it . When I m by myself I m weak , but when I m with you I feel strong . Damn it , Reva , you got back in my head again , I ca nt get you out , and I m not sure I want to . Maybe Josh does nt know what he s missing , but I sure do .
Reva : You re early .
Josh : I m sorry . I tried to call , but ...
Reva : Oh , I know . I heard the phone , but I was in the shower .
Josh : Sorry about that .
Reva : It s okay . Oh , come here . ( Laughter ) How was your flight ?
Josh : Oh , wow ! ( Laughs ) Um , fine . Thank you for asking . It was fine .
Reva : I m sorry to hear about your wife . I wanted to come to the funeral , but I was in Hawaii , and Billy said ...
Josh : Do nt worry about it , Reva . Been a long time .
Reva : It s been a long time . ( Chuckles ) I ca nt believe you never made it out here .
Josh : Yeah , I know . I guess ...
Reva : What ?
Josh : I just know that , you know , you ve been married to Billy all these years , and my life was ...
Reva : Good ?
Josh : Yes , good . But I m here now .
Reva : You look ...
Josh : So do you .
Reva : I should probably get dressed . ( Laughter ) Excuse me .
Josh : Sure .
Reva : Make yourself at home !
Josh : Thank you . ( Laughs ) Oh , my ! You still have this book ?
Reva : Um , no .
Josh : Oh , my .
Reva : I mean , yes .
Josh : Look at this . Reva and Josh ...
Reva : ... Always .
Billy : Hey , little brother .
Josh : Hey ! Oh , my !
Billy : Hey , what do you think of our little gal here ? She s still ... she s still Reva . Still Reva . ( Laughter ) Still Reva . Hey , why do nt you put some clothes on ? Come on out here . I want to show you my project outside .
Josh : Sure . ( Laughter )
Billy : Hey !
Reva : You boys hungry ?
Billy : I could eat a horse .
Josh : Yes , I am hungry . Yes , thank you .
Reva : Well , then , sit down . It s all ready .
Josh : Wow ! Did you do this yourself ?
Reva : Oh , good God , no . ( Laughs ) Shut up , Billy .
Billy : Okay ! ( Laughs )
Reva : That is one thing I did not pick up from Momma .
Billy : You can say that again . Well , hey , here s to you , little brother .
Josh : Thank you . ( Laughter ) Cheers . ( Laughter )
Reva : It s been too long .
Josh : This ... this really looks great . Thank you .
Reva : I ll tell Mary - Pat you said so . ( Laughs )
Billy : Hey , little brother , did I tell you we took a trip to Egypt , and the pyramids are still there ? ( Laughter )
Josh : Uh , business trip that you were on ? Or , uh ...
Billy : Well ... no . Dylan runs the whole she - bang now . I just stop in every once in a while .
Reva : Yeah , every day or whatever comes first .
Billy : Yeah . ( Cell phone ringing )
Reva : Oh !
Billy : Oh , yes . Hey , excuse me one second . ( Laughter ) Hello . Hi . Well , where are you ? You re where ? Hold on . I m going to take this outside .
Vanessa : Well , hello , Billy .
Billy : You re supposed to be in Chicago .
Vanessa : ( Laughs ) I was in Chicago , got tired of waiting for you .
Billy : Yeah . Well , my little brother s here .
Vanessa : Josh ?
Billy : Yeah .
Vanessa : ( Gasps )
Billy : Whoa , whoa , whoa !
Vanessa : What ?
Billy : You ca nt go in there .
Vanessa : Why not ?
Billy : Well , darling , you know why not . ( Laughs )
Josh : Do you remember this song ?
Reva : Of course I do . It was playing that first time you took me to the country club . What I was wearing was nt appropriate , and I was so frustrated , but you made it all okay . We danced outside .
Josh : under the stars . I remember .
Reva : I m glad , because sometimes I feel ...
Josh : I also remember what happened when we stopped dancing .
Vanessa : Billy Lewis , I am very tired of being the other woman .
Billy : Oh , darling , you re not the other woman . You are the only woman , and I m going to prove it to you .
Vanessa : How ?
Billy : Well , now , you remember that new barn I was telling you about ?
Vanessa : Uh - huh .
Billy : Well , come on .
Vanessa : ( Laughs )
Reva : I have to ask you a question , and it ca nt wait another 25 years . Do you believe in destiny , Bud ? Do you believe that after all these years ... are we there yet ?
Billy : Look out the window .
Reva : Oh , finally . Ooh , I did nt think we were going to make it there for a minute .
Billy : Yeah , I know what you mean , but it really was nt too bad , was it ?
Reva : No , no , it was nt . Even considering the little purchase you tried to make from the fella at the rest area .
Billy : I was nt going to drink that .
Reva : Oh , no , of course not . Oh , God , it s good to be here . You know , Billy , I m proud of you . You may not feel it right now , but what you re doing is really something . You re the one that should be giving the speech .
Billy : Oh , hey , you know what it s like to want something so bad and you ca nt have it ?
Reva : Who are you talking to ? What are we doing here ? I mean , for as long as I can remember , I ve always wanted something that was just out of my reach . I wanted your life when I was a kid . I did . I wanted that big house up on the hill . I got it , I lost it . And then I wanted Josh . Got him , lost him ... more times than I even care to count . Do you believe in destiny , Billy ? I mean , do you believe that no matter how hard you fight it , there are just some things and some people that are meant to be ? ( Door closes ) You re not leaving ?
Josh : It s for the best , Reva . You know that .
Reva : So what are you going to do , just walk out and never look back ?
Josh : Reva , I do nt have a choice . You re my brother s wife .
Reva : In name only , not ...
Josh : You must have something , Reva , otherwise you would nt be together all these years . I m not going to get in the middle of that .
Reva : You already are . You always have been , Bud , always .
Josh : Reva , I just have to go , okay ?
Reva : No . No . I asked you a question , and I need an answer . Tell me you have nt thought about me all these years . Tell me you have nt thought about what it would have been like if we had still been a couple . Tell me you never thought about us having kids together and having a house with a big yard . Tell me you did nt think about me once , Bud , tell me .
Josh : I ca nt , Reva . I ca nt , all right ? Just being here now and hearing your voice , seeing your face , I see that face all the time . Women that I think are you in a crowd , and then I ...
Reva : I know . The same thing for me , too . I mean , I was furious at you , furious , when you went away to school . And I was so angry and I got back at you the only way I knew how , the perfect way . But I did nt know it was going to end up like this , that I d never see you again . I tried to make it work with Billy , I really did . I tried so damn hard to get you out of my soul , but it just did nt work . We re like two halves of a whole .
Josh : Okay . So here we are , Reva .
Reva : ( Whispering ) Yeah , here we are .
Billy : Reva ? Reva , you there ?
Reva : I will be . ( Laughter ) As soon as this is all over .
Principal Long : Reva Shayne , are nt you a sight for those tired eyes !
Reva : Principal Long , I ca nt believe you re still here !
Principal Long : My last year , and then I m off to Santa Barbara .
Reva : Oh , you must be looking forward to warm weather year round .
Principal Long : That and a man , because I m single again . ( Laughter )
Reva : Well , you have fun .
Principal Long : You better believe it ! ( Laughter ) The girls wil be here soon .
Reva : Okay , thank you . She s so different than I remember her .
Billy : Look , I ll be right back .
Reva : Wait , Billy , I just want to run something by you . Oh . ( Blows cherry )
Josh : I hope I m not too late .
Reva : How did you know ?
Josh : Your son told me about it . He thought it was pretty funny that anyone would ask you to give advice on living life .
Reva : And what do you think ?
Josh : Well , I figured that if you re going to tell your life story here , I might get a mention or two , and I would nt want to miss that .
Reva : Well , you may be in there somewhere .
Billy : Hey , what are you doing here ?
Josh : I just ... I just felt it would be nice if I were a part of this , that s all . I came here to support Reva .
Billy : She s nervous enough without you coming down here and messing everything up .
Josh : What would I mess up , Billy ?
Reva : Women , young ladies , leaders ...
Josh : ( Whispering ) Good - bye , Reva .
Reva : No , no ! ( Sobbing ) Oh , no , oh , no , no . ( Sobbing ) No .
Josh : ( Whispering ) it will always be us , Reva . It will always be us .
Reva : Always , Bud .
Josh : ( Whispering ) I could never leave you again .
Reva : I was a big dreamer when I was a kid . I guess maybe I still am . But sometimes dreamers have a hard time finding their way , and they make a whole lot of mistakes . But I ll tell you something , I would nt trade one of those mistakes even if I could because I did one thing right in all these years : I followed my heart . Even though that was a tricky thing sometimes , especially when it was telling me to do the exact opposite than what my head was telling me to do . But , you know , if you just stick with the logic in life , you have the chance of missing out on so many wonderful gifts that this world has to offer you . Gifts that are your destiny . I ... I had sort of a journey myself getting here this afternoon . ( Laughs ) This was the last thing I wanted to do , believe me . I did not want to be here . But I had a wise old friend who twisted my arm and practically had to drag me here because he knew that this is where I needed to be . And that is the funny thing about life , is that if you re really lucky , you ll always get where you need to be . And I wish that for each and every one of you . But I m not saying it is going to be easy . ( Laughs ) Oh , no . In fact , it s going to be damn hard . And I m sorry , Principal Long , but you happen to know that that s the truth . Anyway , I m sure you wo nt all screw up the way I did , either . I m sure you wo nt dance on every tabletop you see and you wo nt drive yourself off the end of a bridge . You wo nt marry the same man three times . But you certainly will have your adventures and your challenges . But no matter what , it ll be one heck of a journey full of twists and turns and rocky cliffs and a whole lot of pain . But whatever you do , do nt run away from it . Because , as crazy as it sounds , there is a reason for the madness . It shapes you . It makes you who you are . And that s what s important . Because when you look back at it all , hopefully you ll see that it was your destiny . ( Applause )
Billy : You nailed it !
Reva : Oh , Billy , thanks to you . ( Laughing )
Josh : You did great .
Reva : Thanks .
Josh : You going to Cross Creek ?
Reva : Yeah , yeah . We ll meet you back there .
Josh : Okay . All right .
Reva : Shall we ?
Billy : Yes .
Reva : ( Laughs ) Who knew ! I actually pulled it off .
Billy : I told you you could . I had faith .
Reva : Yeah , well , you were nt the one under the spotlight .
Billy : I felt like I was . ( Chuckles )
Reva : Oh , God , Billy . You know what ? I ve been lost for so long , but getting up there and talking about destiny , I just realized that I believed in it all along , thanks to you . You showed me the way , and now I know that I am destined to be with Joshua . I love him , Billy , I do . And I am going to get him back .
Billy : Well , Reva , as long as we re being honest here , there s something I ve got to tell you . I ... the other day , the kiss , it meant a little more to me than I said . Matter of fact , all of this has meant more than to me than I said . You want to talk about destiny , I think you should look at what s right in front of you , right in front of us .
Reva : Oh , my God , Billy . Are you drinking again ? ( Tires screech ) ( crash )
Harley was adamant about cutting fat , not muscle . Remind me , are testicles muscles ? You do nt think I m doing this because I want you ? Just do what you need to do . Okay . Gus is not recovering as quickly as I would like . Alone at last . Is nt it romantic ?
### Summary:
| Reva is asked to talk to the girls at her old high school in Tulsa . She tells Billy that she has turned them down . She tells Jonathan about it and he wonders why anyone would want to hear her tell about how to live life but tells her that she should go . Billy convinces her to go , and tells her that he is going with her . She asks Olivia to the keys to Cross Creek and after turning her down at first , Olivia quickly hands over the keys when Reva says it means she wo nt be around Josh for the whole weekend . On the way up , Billy and Reva get a flat tire and while waiting for the Auto club to show up start to reminisce . Once back on the road , Reva dreams on what it would be if she and Billy had stayed married all of these years . She dreams of a wealthy life , but one where she and Josh have had basically no contact and Billy sneaks off to meet Vanessa , the other woman . She also dreams that when Josh came to visit , all of the old feelings resurfaced and they realized that they never were truly parted in their hearts . Reaching the school for her speech , Josh shows up having been told by Jonathan where she was . Bringing Reva flowers and finding Josh there , he tells him that he is going to ruin everything . Giving her speech , Reva tells the girls that although she has had a bumpy life she never regretted following her heart . Billy and Josh are both moved by her speech . On the way home , Reva tells Billy that the experience taught her that she is going to do anything to get Josh back . Billy tells her that their kiss and all the time they have been spending together means more to him that he has let on . Reva starts to digest this as she finds a half - empty bottle of alcohol . She asks Billy if he has been drinking as lights come towards them and Billy hits the brakes . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Of course , it was nt .
Ridge : Ashley s a wonderful woman .
Brooke : She loves you .
Ridge : She thought I loved her .
Brooke : Well , it could nt have been a total shock . I mean , she did give you an ultimatum . She must have realized what was happening between us .
Ridge : Oh , she suspected .
Brooke : Well , then is nt it better that she knows , instead of wondering all the time and worrying ? I know how awful that could be .
Ridge : She deserved more than my honesty . She took a chance on me and got hurt .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) You re just feeling guilty right now . That s normal .
Ridge : I made a lot of promises to her , her and Abby .
Brooke : Well , if they had been meant to be , you would have kept them .
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Do you regret your decision ?
Ridge : No .
Brooke : Then you made the right choice .
Ridge : Yeah ... for me .
Brooke : No , for everybody . Ridge , I know it s difficult to end a relationship . You have all these questions , and you wonder if you could have done things differently . And usually , you ca nt correct your mistakes , but we have that chance . And as sorry as I feel for Ashley , I am just really happy for us . Are nt you ?
Ridge : Yeah , I am happy , very happy .
Brooke : It s taken a long time , but it s finally happening for us .
Bridget : You re awake . Um , I have your discharge papers for you .
Taylor : Thank you . ( Sniffles )
Bridget : How are you doing ?
Taylor : I ll be better when I get out of here .
Bridget : Have you spoken to the doctors today ?
Taylor : His condition s the same .
Bridget : Right , but that s actually very good news . He s hanging in there . He s a very strong , little boy .
Taylor : He gets that from his father .
Taylor : Do you know why I chose this hospital , Bridget ? ( Sniffles ) because I felt really comfortable here because you made me feel comfortable . You consoled me when I found out I could nt have any children , and you encouraged me to look at these other options .
Bridget : That s because I knew how much you and Nick wanted to have a child together .
Taylor : That s what I thought , too , but now I have to wonder .
Bridget : Wonder what ?
Taylor : You know , you ve been involved in my treatment from the very beginning . You know , way , way back when we first found out that my eggs were nt viable , you said there was a mistake with my test .
Bridget : Right , that was when I was on my OB rotation .
Taylor : Right , and you were really concerned because there was a mistake with my test .
Bridget : Taylor , this last mistake was an accident .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Bridget : I have been worried about this for months , in a total panic , but everyone told me that there was no possibility that this could have actually happened and I was worrying about nothing . But if there was even a chance that you could be pregnant with my mother s child ... your child . It s your child , Taylor . It was just my mother s egg .
Taylor : The egg you put in me .
Bridget : You blame me .
Taylor : Oh , come on , Bridget , stop with the big concerned act . I want to know how this happened to me !
Brooke : ( Gasps )
Nick : Hi .
Brooke : Hi .
Nick : I thought maybe we d have a talk .
Brooke : I think you re right . Come in .
Nick : Guess I ll go first .
Brooke : Nick , Ridge and I are back together . He s upstairs with our son . This is what I want . We re going to be a family again , for good this time .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Nick : That s your choice ? After everything that s happened , this is it ?
Brooke : ( Whispering ) Ridge understands . The lab made a mistake .
Nick : Well , if he understands ... ( whispers ) then why are we whispering ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) ( normal voice ) This has been kind of a difficult situation for all of us .
Nick : Right . Good . Let s keep it about my son , shall we ?
Brooke : How is he ?
Nick : He is still in isolation , and we wo nt know for a while if the transfusion s actually taken , but he has developed his own immune system .
Brooke : So things look pretty good so far , right ?
Nick : Yeah . Yeah . Yeah , and I ca nt thank you enough for what you ve done , but , um , you know , there is something else .
Brooke : What ?
Nick : Well , when he was born , Taylor and I wanted to bank some of his cord blood , but given that he got this illness and how you ve helped , if there is a problem , the last thing we really want to do is come to you in the future for anything , so ...
Brooke : You want me to give some of my blood ?
Nick : Well , you ve done the profiling already , so it s ...
Brooke : Okay , yeah . No , that s fine . I ll set something up with Bridget .
Nick : Oh . Well , thanks . And , um , Jack thanks you .
Brooke : Jack ?
Nick : Jack Hamilton Marone .
Brooke : Ahh , after Taylor s father .
Nick : Right , exactly .
Brooke : That must have been your idea .
Nick : Yes , actually , it was .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) is she still having a hard time with all of this ?
Nick : She has a lot of questions .
Brooke : What can I do to help ?
Bridget : I ll answer whatever you want to know , whatever I can .
Taylor : I want to know why , Bridget .
Bridget : If you re accusing me , honey , it s --
Taylor : I m not accusing you . I m asking you , why ?
Bridget : Taylor , I ca nt answer that . You know that .
Taylor : You suspected something was wrong , though , right ?
Bridget : I did , but not until it was too late . A tech came to me and told me that my mother s eggs were delivered to the fertility clinic the same night that I implanted you . I did everything that I could to try to figure out which egg was used , but I simply could nt .
Taylor : You never said anything to me .
Bridget : Dr. Caron did nt th - think I needed to worry you .
Taylor : Dr. Caron was not my doctor . You were my friend . You were my confidante . I asked you to be the Godmother to my baby .
Bridget : I was nt sure , Taylor . I was nt sure . Your pregnancy was going very , very well , and you and Nick were happy .
Taylor : Would I have ever even been told anything if the baby had nt been born sick ?
Bridget : I was definitely gon na run some tests on Jack , and I would never , ever kept the truth from you . So now I m wondering if it would have been easier on you just not knowing .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) ( laughs dryly )
Bridget : I m so sorry , Taylor .
Taylor : Do nt be sorry if you re not responsible . ( Sniffles )
Bridget : It was nt my mistake . I - I did my job . My mistake was convincing my mother to donate her eggs to medical research . The rest was j-- it was a clerical error .
Taylor : I do nt want to hear that !
Bridget : ( Whispers ) I do nt know what else to say . I m so sorry .
Taylor : I do nt want to hear that , either-- not from you , not from Brooke , not from this damn hospital ! That s all anybody around here can say-- is , Oh , we re sorry . We re sorry . It was a mistake . It was an accident . There s no one to blame . Although I find it really strange that somehow , the person who handled my whole in vitro just happens to be the daughter of Brooke Logan , and this person also has a history with Nick .
Bridget : Okay , Taylor , do nt go there . You do not want to go there with this .
Taylor : No , did nt you give up your marriage to Nick so your mother could be with him ?
Bridget : You re stressed . There s a lot going on . You re very exhausted .
Taylor : Oh , really ? Is that a fact ? And then you want me to stand here and believe this whole damn thing is a coincidence ? Wrong !
Bridget : It was nt intentional , Taylor . I would never do that to you .
Taylor : ( Scoffs )
Bridget : Do you think I wanted this to happen to you ?
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : I never wanted this to happen to you , not to you and not to my mother .
Bridget : If you need to hold me accountable , you can ask for an inquiry and file a lawsuit .
Taylor : You want to give up your career ?
Bridget : A doctor who s lost her confidence should not be practicing .
Taylor : Oh , so you just want to walk away from medicine ?
Bridget : ( Sighs ) I became a doctor because of you , Taylor . I admired you and wanted to be like you . You helped people . I took an oath to help people , not harm them , and this is harming you . And if it keeps you from bonding with your son , it will harm him , too .
Taylor : ( Voice cracking ) I am trying .
Bridget : I know . I m sure you do nt want to hear this , but I - I do understand what you re going through . I ve been there . When I was pregnant with Nicole , I - I spent hours wondering , you know , what she would look like , what her laugh would sound like and what kind of woman she would grow up to be .
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : I could nt wait to meet her . I had it all mapped out in my head , you know ?
Taylor : ( Sniffles )
Bridget : My little girl , our daughter , my family ...
Taylor : ( Sobbing )
Bridget : The three of us starting our adventure together through life .
Bridget : And then she died . She died , Taylor .
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : I know what it s like to have your idea of a perfect family evaporate before your very eyes .
Taylor : ( Sobbing )
Bridget : Honey , I know that it was a shock to find out that--
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : That you were pregnant with Brooke s egg , but your family has nt disappeared .
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : ( Sobbing ) your son is here .
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : He s not out of the woods yet , but he is hanging on , and he needs you , Taylor . He needs you so much . He needs you to love him . I ll never forgive myself if this keeps you from bonding with him .
Taylor : I want -- I want to . I just ... ( sobs )
Bridget : Then do nt hold back , please .
Taylor : ( Sobs )
Bridget : My mother has no claim on that little boy .
Taylor : No , there s a connection . There is nt any anonymity . ( Sobbing )
Bridget : She s gon na sign those papers , though . She ll sign away her legal right .
Taylor : Those papers do nt dissolve biology . The baby is a part of Brooke . He s gon na grow up , and he s going to get to know her , and he s gon na feel that . He wo nt know why , but he ll know that there s some kind of connection . And Nick -- hell feel it .
Bridget : But -- but Nick wanted to have a child with you , only you . You and Nick are Jack s parents . Honey , you re just really confused right now , and you do nt know how to do this . That s completely understandable . But I know you . I know your strength , and I know that you can do this and you will . Once you ve bonded with that little boy , no one will ever question who his mother is .
Brooke : I want to help you and Taylor and the baby any way that I can .
Nick : Well , you had said that you d sign the agreement , the same agreement that the donor signed .
Brooke : Giving up my parental rights .
Nick : Well , it would make everything legal , if you re okay with it ?
Brooke : Yeah , he s your son . He will always be very special to me , but he belongs with you and Taylor .
Nick : Yeah , she s just having a little trouble adjusting . She ll be okay .
Brooke : It s me , my history with you . She ca nt get past it .
Nick : She will .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Nick , I m so sorry .
Nick : Brooke , do nt be sorry , okay ? There s nothing for you to be sorry about . It was a mistake .
Brooke : Is that how Taylor feels about it ? About your son ?
Nick : Well , I think she feels this marriage would have been different . She just did nt think that you would be an issue .
Brooke : I wo nt be .
Nick : Brooke , you re the biological mother of my child .
Brooke : That connects me to him , not to you .
Nick : Is that what you told Forrester ?
Brooke : It s the truth .
Nick : Well , as much as we d like it to be , the truth is you and I created a child together . The truth is he s a part of both of us .
Ridge : What s he doing here ?
Brooke : It s about the baby .
Nick : A few things to iron out .
Ridge : Then you can call . You do nt need to come over here .
Nick : Is this your house ?
Ridge : Brooke and I are back together , Nick . We re picking up where we left off , and we re moving on with our lives . Do everyone a favor and get on with yours , and stay away from Brooke .
Brooke : You re not being very sympathetic .
Ridge : Is that what he needed , a little sympathy ?
Brooke : Nick is worried about his son . It had nothing to do with us .
Ridge : If he s so worried about his son , he should be at the hospital .
Brooke : Ridge , he did nt come here to upset you .
Ridge : Did you tell him I was here ?
Brooke : Yes .
Ridge : Did you ask him to leave ?
Brooke : He just wanted to ask a question .
Ridge : It was something he could nt ask you on the phone ? He had to come here in person ?
Brooke : He wanted to see if I would bank some blood for Jack .
Ridge : Jack ?
Brooke : Yeah , that s the baby s name .
Ridge : The doctor should be handling all of this . If the boy needs blood , then the hospital should be the one calling you . Nick a Taylor should just stay the hell out of it .
Brooke : It seems like Taylor s having a problem with it , too .
Ridge : Yeah . Well , can you blame her ?
Brooke : Hmm . You re having trouble with it , also , but I do nt blame you , because it s complicated . But it really does nt need to complicate our relationship . Ridge , this is our first night together . I love you . This is nt going to be a problem for us . I promise you . The only ties that I have are to you and to our family .
Taylor : Brooke will be tied to him forever . It does nt matter if she waives her parental rights . He has her DNA .
Nick : Honey , our names are on the birth certificate . We named him after our parents . ( Sighs ) l - listen , this child is going to come home with all his tragedies to us . He is gon na grow up in our house .
Taylor : When ?
Nick : Well , it s gon na be someday soon .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) I just-- I do nt like leaving him here alone .
Nick : He has around - the - clock care .
Taylor : I know , but it is nt the same .
Nick : We will see him every day . We can come by in the evening and sing him a good - night lullaby .
Taylor : I know , but to just get in the car and go home without him , it s like I did nt even have a baby .
Nick : Honey , you had a baby . Every time you hold that boy , he feels your heartbeat and he hears your voice , and when he looks up to you , he sees his mommy .
Taylor : What about when you look at him ? When you look in his eyes , do you see Brooke ?
Nick : No . See , when I look in that boy s eyes , I see the same thing I see when I look into your eyes . I see my future and my family . That boy there is ours . Jack Hamilton Marone is our little boy .
Taylor : Our baby . He s our baby .
### Summary:
| Ridge explains to Brooke that it was nt easy telling Ashley . Brooke knows Ashley is a good woman , but she did give him an ultimatum so she must have suspected something and it s better that she knows now . She s very sorry for Ashley , but so happy for them . Bridget brings in the discharge papers for a very sad Taylor as she is packing to go home . She lashes out at Bridget and partly blames her for the hospital s mistake . She gets upset and does nt want to hear any explanation from Bridget . just too many coincidences with Brooke as Bridget s mother and then Nick as an ex - husband with whom she lost a baby . Bridget cries that her mother will sign away those papers as being the biological mother ; Taylor has nothing to worry about although it is perfectly understandable . Nick drops by Brooke s and thinks they need to talk . She tells him that she and Ridge are back together , for good this time . This is what she wants . He does nt agree , but wants to keep this about his son . He wishes her to donate some of her blood for any future use that Jack might need . Brooke is agreeable , and even assures him she will make no claims on Jack ever it wo nt bind her to Nick . Ridge joins them and is polite but less than friendly when he wonders why Nick is there ? Since he is back with Brooke , do everyone a favor and leave her alone . Call next time . Taylor tells Nick that she has a problem leaving Jack at the hospital alone .. it s like she is going home without ever having a baby . He points out that boy there is theirs , and he sees his future , his family in his eyes . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Todd : What you just said there .
Blair : What about it ?
Todd : I think you meant loved -- with a d at the end .
Blair : I know exactly what I meant . You know , Todd , when we got married this last time , it may have been for other reasons . But when I took those vows that day , I meant it , it was real . I love you . I always have and I always will . In all these years , you did nt know that ? Well , now you do . And you know what ? If the fact that my love for you and those two beautiful children in there love you is nt enough reason for you to stick around , then you know what ? Maybe you should go .
Dorian : There is only one David Vickers .
David : Actually , there are six David Vickers in the United States , and four across the pond with bank accounts exceeding $ 3 million -- not that I would ever take advantage of a mistaken identity .
Dorian : You see ? Your style , your wit -- those are two things a Buchanan man would nt know if it was branded on his butt . Know how to appreciate the best things in life . But I did . I still do .
Starr : Come in .
Langston : Hey .
Starr : Hey . Did Markko find Cole ?
Langston : No . I have nt heard from him , I ve been unpacking .
Starr : You like your room okay ?
Langston : Yeah , it s great .
Starr : Good .
Langston : Are you worried about Cole being out there all by himself ?
Starr : Yeah . I just -- I want to send him a text , but I just do nt want to send him , you know , the wrong message .
Langston : The wrong message ?
Starr : Well , with everything that s going on right now , I -- the whole situation -- he lost both of his parents -- what -- I m sorry , I really do nt know what I m doing right now .
Langston : No -- you were just thinking about Cole and what he s going through . You love him , you should be thinking about him .
Starr : But the thing is , is that I usually always talk things over with you , Langston . But right now in this situation , I do nt want to say anything that might remind you of -- no , I m really sorry . I just -- I just do nt know what to say right now .
Langston : It s okay . I mean , just -- Cole s out there walking by himself because he ca nt do what I did . He ca nt just pretend that his mom did nt die . Everyone he sees , everyone he talks to knows that he s all alone right now .
Starr : How am I supposed to help him ?
Langston : You re asking the wrong person . I did nt know how to deal with it when my parents died . Cole probably does nt , either .
Cole : Get out of my way , John ; I do nt want to hurt you .
John : Then do nt .
Cole : I have to do this !
John : Then you ll have to shoot me first , Cole .
Cole : John , please , get out of my way ! Please !
Miles : Cole , what are you doing ?
Marcie : Gigi , I m scared .
Gigi : It s , uh -- it s probably just Noelle . I told her that you re starting tomorrow and she s dying to meet you .
Marcie : Yeah , but she would just show up like this ?
Michael : Hello ?
Marcie : Oh , my God .
Gigi : Yeah , that definitely is nt Noelle .
Marcie : No , it s my husband !
Roxy : So , Angela , the only reason that my friend did what he did is because that psycho , Spencer Truman , was blackmailing him .
Rex : Hey , Rox , almost done ?
Roxy : Yeah , this is my last appointment . Oh , Rex , this is Angela . Angela , this is my son , Rex .
Rex : Pleasure s all mine . Look , I want you to help me figure out what to get Adriana for Christmas .
Roxy : Well , money s not bad .
Rex : And personal , too .
Roxy : You know , I m rather surprised you re even here asking me that .
Rex : It beats sitting home all day worrying about where Michael is .
Roxy : Hey , stop laying it on Miles . Miles is the guy that I m talking about ; trust me , honey ; he s a really nice guy .
Rex : So -- whoa ! I did nt know hair came in that many colors .
Roxy : Uh -- yeah . Angela : What have you done to my hair ?
Roxy : Uh -- well , huh , nothing that ca nt be fixed .
Cole : John , I did nt mean to .
Ramsey : He did nt mean to .
John : Hey -- hey , listen , take it easy . Listen , you got to help me get Laurence .
Ramsey : Laurence is dead in the water . He did it , he s running away . You are on your own .
John : Hey -- hey , Ramsey ! Laurence , let me tell you something -- when I get in there , you better be alive when I get there .
Michael : Hello ?
Marcie : What am I going to do ? What am I going to do ?
Gigi : You re not going to panic . Are you sure the man at the door is your husband ?
Michael : Is anybody there ?
Marcie : Yes , that s definitely him ! Look , what if he s not alone , okay ? What if Todd s with him ? What if the police are with him ?
Gigi : They would ve already busted down the door . Here , take Tommy into the bathroom . I ll figure something out .
Marcie : No , no , I got to get out of here !
Gigi : Where are you going to go , Marcie ? We got to think . Okay , he did nt say your name or Tommy s , right ?
Marcie : Right .
Gigi : Okay . What would Michael do if he knew for sure the two of you were in here ?
Marcie : If he knew for sure ?
Gigi : Yeah .
Marcie : He d break down that door .
Gigi : Okay , then we re just going to keep our mouths shut and wait till he gives up and walks way , just like Todd Manning did .
Marcie : Okay .
Michael : Hello , is anybody there ?
Tommy : Dada .
Michael : Tommy ? Marcie , I heard that .
Dorian : I was a fool to ever let you go .
David : You re not going to get all sentimental on me , are you ?
Dorian : It s just when you hear about the passing of somebody as young as Marty was , you ca nt help but examine your own life .
David : I guess .
Dorian : And then you walked in . And I could nt help thinking about all the good times we had together , and we did have some good times , did nt we ?
David : Let s see -- the kitchen counter comes to mind .
Dorian : David -- I was just so hurt and angry when I let you go .
David : Did you receive an extra - large bump on your head when you were mowed over by that car at rancho Buchanan ?
Dorian : No , just a little old average bump .
David : Well , I thought maybe you re acting a little loony , and that s why you re being so nice to me .
Dorian : I m always nice to you . I have never been more myself than I am at this moment .
David : Good for you . Why ?
Dorian : Well , is nt that obvious ? You re here .
Blair : Your turn to talk .
Todd : I do nt know what to say .
Blair : Oh , it s pretty simple , Todd -- you either tell me whether you re staying or you re going .
Todd : It s really not that simple , Blair . You make it sound like it is , but it is nt .
Blair : Well , I ll make it simpler for you -- I ll go back inside . Either you show up or you do nt .
Todd : Hey , wait , wait , wait . The thing is --
Blair : What ?
Todd : The thing is -- the hell with it .
Todd : Blair --
Blair : I do nt feel like talking .
Todd : So we re just going to stand here like this ?
Blair : You hate it ?
Todd : I just do nt understand .
Blair : Todd , what we do -- we mess up things when we start talking . You know , everything s all great and good , and then one of us opens our big mouths and hurts somebody . They get mad , and then -- you know , it gets all messed up and we never can get back to where it was .
Todd : This is nice , not talking like this .
Blair : Okay , you know what ? Let s not talk for one whole minute and just hold each other . Okay ?
Todd : Okay .
Blair : Todd ?
Todd : I thought you said a minute .
David : Hmm . Well , that certainly was --
Dorian : Yes , it certainly was .
Dorian : We should have a party .
David : Just the two of us ?
Dorian : No , a big party . We should throw a big party .
David : What s the occasion ? Is it my birthday ? No . Let s say it s my birthday .
Dorian : We ll wait a suitable amount of time , but this town has had enough tragedy , and the truth is we will be celebrating you and me .
David : We will be ?
Dorian : Yes -- we both managed to rid ourselves of boring , stifling relationships that were dragging us down .
David : I will drink to that .
Dorian : Yes , yes . Everyone will find out that Dorian and David are back .
Dorian : And even our detractors will find out they can not keep us down .
David : Sort of an up yours party , right ?
Dorian : Crude , but that s exactly what I had in mind .
David : Yeah , there s a few people I d like to invite to that kind of party .
Dorian : Hmm -- if only Viki were nt out of town .
David : She could serve the chicken - fried steak .
Dorian : What ?
David : Never mind . There s sort of an overall problem with the concept of this party .
Dorian : What s that ?
David : Well , people might get the wrong idea .
Dorian : Oh , please ! I do nt intend to be subtle .
David : Nevertheless , people are nt going to think that Dorian and David are just back in business . If you and I throw a party together , they re going to think that we re actually back together .
Starr : I really do think that I should call him . I should see if he s okay .
Langston : No , Starr . He said he wanted some time alone .
Starr : Well , I ve said a lot of things in the past and I mean the exact opposite .
Langston : Where s he even going to go ?
Starr : I do nt know , he could be anywhere right now , Langston . That s why --
Langston : No , no . I mean , where s he going to live , now that his mom --
Starr : Oh , my gosh , I did nt even think about that ! I m such an idiot !
Langston : No , you re not --
Starr : No , I am an idiot .
Langston : You re not an idiot , okay ? It s really hard to wrap your head around what Cole s going through right now .
Starr : But those are the questions that I should be thinking about . I should be thinking about where is he going to live ? He does nt have any relatives , so who is he going to stay with ? Who s going to pay for him ?
Langston : Stop . I hate to admit it , but he needs an adult . He needs your Aunt Dorian .
Starr : No , he needs his mom , Langston . He does , and now she s gone .
Langston : Starr , listen to me . You and Cole and Markko and your Aunt Dorian -- you re what made the difference for me , and that s what s going to make the difference for Cole . He knows he has good friends and a lot of people who care about him . And you -- he has you . And when he s ready , Cole will come back .
John : Laurence !
John : Damn , Laurence , you ca nt be dead . I m not going to let you die .
Michael : I know you re in there , Marcie .
Gigi : Guess we got to go to Plan B.
Marcie : Which is ?
Michael : Marcie , please , I love you . Just open the door and we can figure all this out , okay ? Marcie , I m alone . No one knows I m here . We do nt have to involve anybody else , okay , just the three of us . I m not moving , Marcie . I m not going anywhere until you open this door and let me see you and Tommy .
Gigi : What s all the commotion out here ?
Michael : I m looking for Gigi s friend .
Gigi : [ Texas accent ] Then you d be done looking .
Michael : You know Gigi ?
Gigi : Would nt be her friend if I did nt , would I ? Whom I looking at ?
Michael : My name s Michael McBain . Moe and Noelle from the cafe across the street -- they sent me over here .
Gigi : Why would they do that ?
Michael : Look , I m sorry to bother you . I really thought you were somebody else .
Gigi : Honey , sometimes I wish I was .
Michael : I did nt catch your name .
Gigi : Did nt throw it .
Michael : I am looking for my wife and son . I have got to find them , and I really thought for a minute --
Gigi : Name s Sally Ann , mister , and you know what ? I m the only one that s here .
Michael : I heard a child s voice say Daddy .
Gigi : That was me sang dagnabit , because I was trying to get some sleep , then someone started banging on my door and would nt stop .
Michael : I was so sure .
Gigi : Yeah , well , folks hear what they want to hear .
Michael : Moe and Noelle said you have a son ?
Gigi : Did they give you my shoe size and social security number , too ?
Michael : Is he here ?
Gigi : No , he s -- uh -- over at Gigi s . And I feel for you , Mister , but I m hard - pressed to understand why my business is any of yours .
Michael : Well , can you at least tell me if you have seen my wife and son ? You re lying to me . They were here .
Dorian : And what would be so bad about people thinking we re back together ?
David : People , or one person in particular ?
Dorian : I do nt care what that two - timing cowboy thinks .
David : Obviously not . But he just might get the absolute wrong impression .
Dorian : Which would be ?
David : That you and I were back together simply because you were trying to prove to him that you were over him , when , in fact , you re not .
Dorian : But that s preposterous . Oh , I -- I am so over that double - dealing Don Juan .
David : Then why did you kiss me ? You do nt really want me .
Dorian : Oh . Now you re going to tell me what I want and do nt want ?
David : Dorian , I m the guy that you slept with in Texas to get even with Clint . I m the same guy that you kissed because Nora rubbed your nose in the fact that you re not going to get him back . Clint may have broken your heart , but that does nt mean that I m going to let you settle for me .
Blair : You can relax now .
Todd : Was that a minute ?
Blair : Longest minute in your life .
Todd : Have I done something wrong ?
Blair : No , Todd , it was perfect . You want to go back inside ?
Todd : No -- Dorian s in there .
Blair : It s her house .
Todd : So she keeps reminding me . You know what I wish ?
Blair : What ?
Todd : Well , I wish a lot of things , but right now I wish that you and I and Starr and Jack were back living in the penthouse where we belong .
Blair : You just ca nt handle Dorian .
Todd : I can handle Dorian . I ca nt stand Dorian .
Blair : Why do you let her under your skin ?
Todd : Oh , yeah , like you do nt ?
Blair : I do nt .
Todd : Yeah . The minute we walk back in there , you re going to act all guilty the minute she sees us .
Blair : We re two consenting adults .
Todd : Does nt make any difference . She s going to see us and know something happened between us and she s going to start in on us .
Blair : Ignore her .
Todd : Yeah , like she could be ignored .
Blair : Well , what do you want to do ? Want to go back in or --
Todd : No , no , no , let s -- let s stay out . Let s finish this .
Blair : Finish ?
Todd : Yeah , you told me how you felt , and you asked me how I felt .
Blair : Yeah ?
Todd : I think you deserve an answer .
Langston : Coles strong . He ll be okay . You know , why do nt we just wait up until he calls ?
Starr : You would nt mind ?
Langston : No , of course not . I m going to go say good night to your Aunt Dorian , okay ? Starr ? It s going to be okay .
Starr : Oh , let s see .
Starr : Cole ? Oh , my God ! Cole , what are you doing ? Here , I ll help you . Cole , are you okay ? Come here ! Oh , my gosh , I was so worried about you ! Where have you been ? Why did you have to sneak in ?
Cole : I did nt want anyone to see me , all right ? I m in big trouble , Starr .
Roxy : At least let me wash this mask off , okay ? And , you know , maybe I should do color on the other side over here . You know , those colors -- they are really in style this season , and , you know , you ll get a lot of attention ! The way a bad nose job gets .
Rex : I should ve kept my mouth shut
Roxy : And I should ve put a sock in it . I was so distracted , I put those hideous colors in there . Oh , man . Oh , I was talking too much about Miles .
Rex : I noticed .
Roxy : You know , I m just worried about what s going to happen to the poor guy . I mean , he s finally getting his act together , and then his ex - wife has to get whacked in Iran ?
Rex : Ireland .
Roxy : Did nt I say that ? What s going to happen to the poor guy ?
Rex : Marty s kid is the one that you should be worried about . Miles is a big boy , he ll be okay .
Roxy : Look , you do nt know him like I do . He is sentimentally and sensitively challenged .
Rex : You ve known the guy for about 2 1/2 minutes .
Roxy : Yeah , but we had a lot of quality time doing that community service crap , and , you know , we worked very hard on having a -- a meaningful relationship as acquaintances .
Rex : If you say so .
Roxy : Now , listen , I know that he truly loved his ex - wife , and the fact that she got burned and blown up -- he s going to need to talk to somebody about his feelings .
Rex : And you think you should be the one to help him ?
Roxy : Yeah , well , you know , all my customers say that talking to me is as good as talking to a shrink . In fact , more than one of them has said that I am totally certifiable .
Rex : Hmm . And while you re helping Miles with his feelings , what about yours ?
Roxy : My what ?
Rex : Your feelings for him . Mom , you re crazy about the guy .
Michael : I ve had enough of this crap .
Gigi : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Michael : This is my son s shirt . Where is he ?
Gigi : That is my son s shirt . And if you do nt want me to call the police right now --
Michael : You see this stain ? You see this stain ? This is marinara sauce . He got it all over him one night at dinner , and I never heard the end of it . Marcie tried to get the stain out , but no amount of washing would work .
Gigi : Look , I m real sorry for your loss -- Michael , was it ? But you re barking up the wrong tree here . Um -- if you would look at the tag , I highly doubt they only shipped one of these over from china .
Michael : But the stain --
Gigi : Yeah , well , you d think my boy is half Italian by the way he loves that stuff . He just has nt exactly figured out how to push those noodles
Michael : I m sorry , I know this sounds crazy .
Gigi : Well , what you sound like is a man who misses his wife and kid so much , he sees them every which way he turns .
Michael : I was so sure .
Gigi : Um -- ahem -- if you do nt mind saying , what made all this happen ?
Michael : I did what I swore I d never do and I lied to my wife . I made her think that she could nt trust me , so she ran away and she took our son .
Gigi : I m sorry .
Michael : I m sorry , too . Because of me , Marcie s in trouble . She and Tommy are out there all alone . And I do nt know if I ll ever see them again .
Blair : You know , you were totally blindsided when you found out about Marty s death . And , you know , you do nt have to talk about anything until you re ready to deal with it .
Todd : No , I owe you an answer .
Blair : No , you do nt . I was freaking out because you said you were going to walk away from us , and I said a lot of things I probably should nt have .
Todd : Well , that s okay .
Blair : It s not okay . When I heard about Marty , I looked up and I saw Cole s face , knowing that he would -- he would never see his mother again . And then I thought of you and I thought , well -- I wanted to tell you how I felt , because I -- I -- I do nt know what s going to happen .
Todd : Okay . I know .
Blair : I ca nt even pretend to know what -- what you must feel about this situation with Marty , and I do nt want you to just say things to me because I feel like I ve twisted your arm into saying it , okay ?
Todd : You d -- you d like to hear it in the -- the cold , hard light of day ?
Blair : I want to hear it when all of this is behind us . You know where you can find me .
Todd : Oh , yes .
Todd : I m not going to lose track of you . Can we go in ? I m starting to freeze my ass off now .
Blair : You bet .
Dorian : Settle for you ? Oh , my dear , darling David , what has happened to your self - esteem ?
David : I do nt have a problem with my self - esteem . If I were a woman , I d be on the prowl for me .
Dorian : Oh , so this is nt a self - esteem problem ?
David : Dorian , we have been forced together , thrown together , and even chosen to be together , but the final result -- it s always the same .
Dorian : But this is different .
David : Because we d be getting together for revenge ?
Dorian : You make it sound as if we re nothing to each other .
David : No , we both know that s not true , but maybe we re better off as friends .
Dorian : With benefits ?
David : The benefits are the best part .
Blair : Oh , oh , oh , oh , oh , oh -- what is going on ?
David : That s another reason this would never work out . A little too crowded for naked tai chi .
Cole : It was nt my fault , all right ?
Starr : Well , what did you do ? Did -- did you do something ? I -- I want to help you .
Cole : You ca nt help me ! No one can !
Starr : But I love you , Cole ! Just please tell me where you went tonight .
Cole : I -- I had to get out of there . I could nt stand the way everybody was looking at me , feeling sorry for me , so I walked -- I do nt even know where I was walking to . I just -- just walked . I was -- ended up down by the river , down by the docks , and -- and that s when I heard them .
Starr : You heard who ?
Cole : I do nt know -- I could nt tell at first because they -- it was so far away , but -- but then I got closer and I could hear it was John s voice .
Starr : John McBain ?
Cole : Yeah , he was -- he was fighting with another guy .
Starr : Who , who ?
Cole : I do nt know -- it was the guy that -- it was the F.B.I. agent that went with him to Ireland .
Starr : What were they -- okay , what -- what were they fighting about ?
Cole : I do nt know -- I -- I could nt tell at first . I was -- the one guy had his gun out , and then -- and then they were screaming at each other , and then -- and then -- and then I -- the closer I got , I could understand what they were saying , and John said it . He -- he --
Starr : What did he say ? Cole , what did he say ?
Cole : He said he killed her . He said -- he said the other guy killed my mom .
Starr : The F.B.I. agent ? But -- but , Cole , you said that that was an accident .
Cole : Yeah , he s the one that caused the accident ! He shot the tires out on the van ! That s how he killed my mom !
John : Laurence ! Laurence !
Roxy : And contrary to what you think , I do nt have a thing for Miles Laurence , and even if I did , nothing s going to happen between the two of us .
Rex : Why not ?
Roxy : Because he s Mitch Laurence s brother , that s why not !
Rex : Mitch is dead .
Roxy : Not in here , he s not . He s still a psycho in my nightmares .
Rex : Okay , so he has an evil brother . What else is wrong with him ?
Roxy : I never said anything was wrong with him .
Rex : Something s keeping you apart .
Roxy : You . You re what s keeping us apart . You keep on putting him down !
Rex : Forget about me . What do you think about him ?
Roxy : Well , I think he s sweet . And I think he s kind . I think he s really good - looking . And he s loyal . He does nt even know that he is . And , you know , when I walk into the room , he does nt roll his eyes and sigh and turn his head like other people in this town do .
Rex : Anything else ?
Roxy : Yeah . He likes to talk to me . And it makes me feel as if he really wants to know about me , like he cares about me . And that smile of his -- you know , I can go that whole day just on that smile all alone . Oh , my God . You re right . I m crazy about the guy .
John : This is John McBain . I m at Pier 27 off of Front Street . I just pulled a G.S.W. out of the river . No . No , I ca nt find a pulse . Send a bus right away . I m beginning CPR .
Dorian : David , this is Langston .
David : She was raving about you all the way to Texas .
Blair : Yes , she s part of our family now . Are Starr and Cole upstairs ?
Langston : Well , Starr s upstairs . Cole s taking a walk .
Blair : Okay . Thanks . You two are awfully cozy for a married man .
Dorian : He s separated .
Blair : I thought you just got married .
David : Well , Blair , you of all people should know how fickle the heart is .
Dorian : Tell you what . Langston , why do nt we go into the kitchen -- Blair , you , too -- and we ll make some cocoa for everybody . David , you will be here when I get back ?
David : Have I ever walked out without saying goodbye ?
Dorian : Marshmallow ?
David : What ?
Dorian : In your cocoa ?
David : Three , please .
Dorian : All right . Um --
Blair : So , you know , he s separated two minutes and you re already in a lip lock ?
Langston : You know , this is the second time I ve walked in on you kissing a guy .
Blair : Oh , welcome to the family .
Todd : Alex Olanov ?
David : 51 hours of wedded bliss .
Todd : Huh . How much did you walk away with ?
David : You think I married her for her money ?
Todd : Oh , you did nt get a dime , did you ?
David : I have options , Todd .
Todd : Oh , yeah . Renee is on the market now , is nt she , now that Asa s kicked it ?
David : Huh .
Todd : Oh , yeah , she s right in your wheelhouse . Better hurry along , though , because she might be shopping for a younger model . You re getting a little long in the tooth .
David : I m a little surprised to find you here .
Todd : Why is that ?
David : Well , I saw on the news that you were on an all - out search for little Tommy McBain . Are you already tired of looking for your own son ?
Michael : I m sorry I woke you up and made such a big deal out of a shirt . You must think I m nut
Gigi : No . A man does crazy things when he s hurting . You going to be all right ?
Michael : No .
Gigi : Looks like you were a real nice family .
Michael : We were the best .
Gigi : It does nt mean you should give up hope .
Michael : Are you a single mom ?
Gigi : Yep .
Michael : Do you ever think about trying to get back together with your baby s father ?
Gigi : Huh . I think about it .
Michael : Yeah ?
Gigi : When my son has the flu and I ca nt stay home myself and take care of him , and when he asks about his daddy .
Michael : That s what drives me nuts when I think about Marcie and Tommy -- the idea that they re out there all alone . And the most important thing to me is that they are safe . Even if I knew that I would never see them again , as much as that would kill me , if I knew they were safe , I could live with it . It would nt be much of a life , but , I mean , at least I d know .
Gigi : If your wife were here right now , what would you say to her ?
David : Who would have thought that plucky , perky little Marcie McBain could elude the police , the F.B.I. , and all the manpower you could buy ? Because certainly , at some point , someone must have seen her . But if they did , and then they met you , they probably figured the little kid was better off with Marcie .
Todd : Yeah -- by the way , as long as you re in town , stay away from me . And if you try to hit Viki up for money , I ll put you back in a Moroccan prison before you can spend it .
Todd : I ll get the door .
David : Hmm . I think I hit a nerve .
David : Good thing he does nt know about my good - luck charm from Viki . Odds of winning -- 8,776,922 to one . I ve faced worse .
Todd : Hey , Ramsey . Did you find my kid ?
Ramsey : I m here for Cole Thornhart . Where is he ?
Starr : Why would the F.B.I. agent kill your mom ?
Cole : He wanted to get to the guy that was in the van . He did nt give a damn about me or my mom . I heard that , and then the gun -- it was -- it was right there .
Starr : Right where ?
Cole : Right in front of me , so I picked it up .
John : Come on , man .
Cole : All I could think about was my mom . I could see her . I could see her smile , and the guy that killed her was right there and I had the gun , and I had to make things right .
Starr : Cole , no . No , you did nt .
Cole : I had to .
John : You caused enough trouble . You re not going to ruin that kid s life .
Cole : It was so fast . I heard something , and then there he was .
Starr : Who ?
Cole : Miles .
Starr : Miles ? What was he doing there ?
Cole : I do nt know ! Just came out in the middle of nowhere .
John : Come on , man , breathe ! Breathe !
Cole : It kind of seemed -- it seemed like forever .
Starr : Oh .
Cole : It happened so quick . And then it was -- it was quiet . It was -- it was so quiet , I could hear the water . I shot Miles . I killed him .
John : Do nt die , Laurence . Breathe !
John : Do nt die , Laurence . Breathe . Breathe !
Michael : All I ever do is think about what I ll say to Marcie when I find her -- if I find her .
Gigi : Where would you start ?
Michael : I d tell her how much she changed me . And -- I do nt know how she does it , but somehow , the moments when we are together are so much better than the moments when we re not . And then Tommy came along , and he was like what we d been waiting for .
Marcie : Hey .
Gigi : I know what you mean .
Michael : I screwed things up because I could nt stand the idea of him being taken away from us , and now , I ve lost them both . My life is -- it s nothing without them . I -- I -- I just want her to know how much I love her .
Michael : Are nt you going to get that ?
Gigi : Who is it ?
Officer : It s the police .
Officer : Michael McBain , we got a warrant for your arrest .
Dorian : Cole shot someone ?
Todd : I always liked that kid .
Langston : The guy downstairs -- he wants to search the house !
John : How is he , Doc ? Is Laurence going to make it ?
### Summary:
| Michael knocks on Marcie s door , but she and Gigi refuse to answer the door . Michael is insistent on getting in , and he yells for Marcie to open the door . Marcie quickly hides before Gigi lets Michael in . Cole holds a gun on both John and Ramsay . Miles walks up and Cole accidentally shoots him causing him to fall into the river . Langston visits Starr in her room . Starr lets Langston know that she had nt heard a word from Cole . Langston relates to Starr how she felt when she found out that her parents were dead . Blair lets Todd know that she still loves him and always will . Todd kisses Blair . Dorian lets David know that he is the only man for her . Michael tells Gigi how very much he loves Marcie and their son . Just about the time that Marcie is about to reveal herself to Michael , the police arrive . John manages to get Miles out of the river , but Miles has no pulse . Rex comes to visit Roxy . Cole runs off after shooting Miles . Cole runs straight to Starr to tell her that he shot Miles . Angela panics when she sees the hairstyle that Roxy gave her . John urges Miles to breathe as he gives Miles CPR . Dorian tells David that she was a fool ever to let him go . Todd and Blair kiss . Dorian and David kiss . David asks Todd if he gave up the search for his son . The helicopter arrives to airlift Miles to the hospital . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ronan : Hey .
Chloe : Hey . I was nt expecting to see you today .
Ronan : Well , I m ... wait a minute . Chloe Mitchell ? Yeah ?
Chloe : Yeah .
Ronan : Yeah ? Are you sure ?
Chloe : Yeah . ( Chuckles )
Ronan : Okay , Cause something seems different . That s , uh , that , and , uh , is it Delia ?
Chloe : We found a bone marrow match .
Ronan : That s won-- that s incredible .
Chloe : ( Laughs )
Ronan : That s wonderful .
Chloe : Yeah .
Ronan : ( Laughs ) All right . ( Claps hands ) Who is it ?
Chloe : It s Kevin .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) What s up ?
Michael : Oh , hey . I was hoping you d be here .
Kevin : Yeah , I had to take care of some payroll and some other stuff , not that I can focus on anything .
Michael : I know . Keeping this secret is difficult for me . It must be agony for you .
Kevin : You have no idea , Mike . I m in hell , and I ve been put there by Victor Newman .
Michael : Shh . Listen to me . A child s health is at stake . You have to suck it up .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) It just feels wrong pretending that Billy is still missing , acting like I m the donor . And Chloe ... Chloe is all over me like a puppy dog , trying to jump on me and lick my face . ( Sighs )
Michael : Well , how does Gloria feel knowing that her youngest is now Genoa City s newest hero ?
Kevin : I do nt know . She still wo nt return my calls .
Michael : Well , that s probably because her feelings are hurt because neither of us noticed that she was missing when she got locked in that wine cellar .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Michael : ( Laughs )
Kevin : I ve been a little preoccupied .
Michael : All right , prepare yourself , because when she finds out you were a perfect match , she s gon na take it as a sign .
Kevin : A sign of what ?
Michael : Oh , that you and Chloe are meant to be together .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Jack : No , I want a straight answer . What are you doing here ?
Victor : I think that would be obvious , Jack .
Jack : When I accused you of setting me up with that bogus lead in Hong Kong , you made it very clear you did nt want Billy found .
Victor : So what ?
Jack : So admit it . You re here to destroy any clues to tell us where he is .
Victor : I m here to help you , you fool .
Jack : I d be a fool to believe you .
Victor : I do nt give a damn what you believe . None of your business anyway , all right ?
Sharon : Forgot my book . How s your eye ?
Daisy : I wo nt be winning any beauty contests for a while .
Sharon : Hey , thanks for ... intervening with Jade .
Daisy : Oh , I should be thanking you .
Sharon : Why ?
Daisy : One good deed , and my whole life has changed .
Sharon : What do you mean ?
Avery : I made the arrangements . It s all taken care of .
Daisy : ( Sighs )
Nick : What happened to you ?
Victoria : What do you mean ? Well , it s just-- it s a little accident . It could have happened to anybody . I m fine .
Nick : You want something to sit down on ?
Victoria : No , I m fine .
Nick : All right , well , do nt be ashamed . You re a klutz . It s cool .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) How are the kids ?
Nick : Uh , Faith s her usual sweet self . I think Noah s a little worried about Sharon s trial .
Victoria : Okay , so things at Restless Style are okay ?
Nick : They re crazy . Honestly , there s not enough hours in the day . ( Sighs )
Victoria : Is that why you look so stressed out ?
Nick : Nothing about me is stressed , okay ? Now my editor in chief ? She s stressed .
Victoria : Hmm . Phyllis ?
Nick : Yeah , between the magazine and some family stuff , she s like a ticking time bomb .
Victoria : Well , that s interesting , cause normally , she s just so incredibly mellow and laid - back .
Nick : Right ? Yeah . Well , she just dropped off Lucy at the nanny s so I picked up ... that .
Victoria : Oh , nice . A little distraction . That s good , cause when Phyllis is wound up , we pretty much all have to duck and cover .
Nick : Yeah .
Phyllis : Yeah , well , you can send that to me . I m -- I m not really sure , but okay . All right , thanks .
Man : Phyllis Newman ?
Phyllis : Yes .
Man : ( Sighs ) Man , you walk fast .
Phyllis : Is this from the printer ? You re kidding me .
Jack : So suddenly , you want Billy to come home .
Victor : You know , it s not what I want . It is what his daughter needs .
Jack : Because you re just a selfless guy , is that it ?
Victor : I m not the monster you make me out to be , Jack .
Jack : Gee , I d love to debate that with you sometime , but right now , I have somewhere I have to be .
Victor : So what s stopping you ?
Jack : What , you think I m gon na leave you here ? Not a chance .
Victor : Now do nt you think that if there were something to be found around here , someone would have done that by now ?
Billy : ( Sighs ) Oh , Man , Lurch , really , I mean , do nt you have some sort of dusting to do around the ranch or something ?
Victor : What the hell are you doing ?
Billy : What the hell am I doing ? I do nt know . I m -- I m celebrating . It seems everybody s doing really good around here without me . You want some ?
Victor : That s your answer to everything , is nt it ?
Chloe : When I heard the news about Kevin and that his bone marrow was gon na save Dee s life , everything just became really clear to me .
Ronan : That s great . It is . I should go .
Chloe : You just got here .
Ronan : Yeah , I know , but it s , uh ... it s getting harder and harder to squeeze in a few spare minutes these days .
Chloe : Okay . Oh , you know what ? If you re really that busy , you really do nt need to bother coming by .
Ronan : Yeah . Yeah . Okay . I see . Trying to find Diane s killer is a full - time job anyway , right ?
Chloe : You never even explained why you came back into town .
Ronan : The murder investigation -- I told you that .
Chloe : No , I m talking about the super - duper secret F.B.I. stuff that I way trying to dig out of you .
Ronan : I m just , uh ... not very good at explaining myself .
Chloe : Well , I hope you find the bad guys ... and whatever else you re looking for .
Ronan : Yeah , that s the plan .
Chloe : ( Sighs )
Sharon : Avery is your lawyer ?
Daisy : Yeah . Somehow she heard about the charges against me , and I told her that Phyllis fired my attorney and wo nt bring Lucy to visit , so she just offered to represent me .
Sharon : Hmm . Strange that she would offer so quickly .
Daisy : Why is it strange ?
Sharon : Well , it s just she made a point of telling me that she was giving all of her other cases to her colleagues so that she could focus solely on mine .
Daisy : You re not mad , are you ?
Sharon : ( Sighs ) I know what it s like to miss your baby and to have everyone think that you left her on purpose .
Daisy : It s horrible . But at least I have hope now . Avery s the best , right ?
Sharon : If anyone can handle Phyllis , she can .
Nick : Phyllis .
Phyllis : Oh , hey . You know what ? There s a glitch at the magazine , and -- and I have to meet Michael . Do you mind taking care of it ? It -- is that ...
Nick : Y - yeah .
Michael : Thank you . Uh , thank you for checking . Thank -- bye .
Phyllis : Do you believe that ? Can you believe that ? Demanding to see Lucy-- demanding that I bring Lucy to-- I m not bringing Lucy to a prison . I m not doing it .
Michael : Okay .
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Michael : All right . Okay , this says that Daisy has petitioned the court to remove Lucy from your guardianship ...
Phyllis : Yeah .
Michael : If you do nt comply within the designated time .
Phyllis : She does nt even want Lucy . She does nt even care about Lucy . Michael , she s just mad at me because I got rid of Leslie Michaelson . Listen , how can she do that ? She does nt even have representation .
Michael : ( Sighs ) Uh , well , I just , um ... ( Clears throat ) Found out that she has secured new representation .
Phyllis : Great . Is it someone you know ?
Michael : Oh , it s someone we both know . It s , uh , your sister .
Phyllis : Avery is Daisy s attorney ? ( Scoffs ) Who does that ? Who sides with a nut job so they can rip a baby out of their sister s arms ?
Avery : You have a sister ? What a shocker .
Michael : ( Sighs )
Phyllis : Michael , can you excuse us ? I want to talk to her alone .
Michael : Sure . You re making a mistake . Daisy Carter s not Sharon . She s not innocent .
Avery : ( Sighs ) When are you taking Lucy to see her mother ?
Phyllis : Never .
Avery : That s not an option .
Phyllis : Not gon na do it . Not gon na do it . And you know what ? You should talk to Michael and discuss what his wife went through ...
Avery : Michael is understandably biased .
Phyllis : Because of Daisy Carter .
Avery : In my opinion ...
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Avery : Daisy is as much a victim of Sarah Smythe as Lauren Baldwin .
Phyllis : Oh , please . Give me a break .
Avery : And to make things worse , when all this insanity went down , Daisy was a young , impressionable child . Is it any wonder that she s so desperate to connect with her only blood relative she thinks she can still have a relationship with ?
Phyllis : Oh , my God . Let me tell you something , shielding a baby from their biological family is sometimes the best thing to do .
Avery : No , I think that s the best thing for you .
Phyllis : No , it s the best thing for everyone , and it s the best thing for this child ! You re doing this because you re mad at me . Own up to that ! But right now , you are screwing with my family . You just picked the wrong battle , Sweetie .
Billy : Oh , does anybody ever knock ? Oh , it s you .
Kevin : I ca nt take this anymore .
Billy : What ca nt you take , Buddy ?
Kevin : What ? Chloe , that s what . She s looking at me like I m some kind of God , and we both know that look is for you .
Billy : Could you possibly go whine anywhere else , please ?
Kevin : This is your fault . It s your fault . If you were nt such a screw - up , I would nt have to be your-- your bone marrow front man .
Billy : Do you feel better right now ? Do you feel better ?
Kevin : Listen , Willy , unfortunately , I have nobody else that I can vent to .
Billy : Well , Kevy , your brother knows all about it . You can go talk to him . Actually , you know where he lives . Why do nt you just go there ? Leave me alone .
Kevin : Because I ca nt talk to him about this , all right ? He does nt know about this .
Billy : About This ? What about -- ohh , Kevin . I get it now . You re still hooked on Chloe , right ?
Kevin : ( Scoffs ) No . Maybe just -- maybe a little bit .
Billy : Hey , look , Man , if my bone marrow gets you some gratitude sex , then , hey , Brother , go for it .
Kevin : You re a son of a bitch . You think I would take advantage of Chloe when she s this vulnerable ?
Billy : You re right . Um ... watching the woman you love move on with somebody else ... ( Sighs ) Really hurts . So if this is your big opportunity to win her back , then you are absolutely stupid not to take it .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Victoria : Hey .
Chloe : Hey .
Victoria : What s our little patient up to ?
Chloe : Oh , she-- she s snoozing . She s exhausted . She s been writing cards for Kevin all day .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) Speaking of Kevin , did you notice how uncomfortable he seemed yesterday with all the attention ?
Chloe : Yeah . Maybe that s why he bolted so fast , because I was just overbearing with expressing my thanks to him . ( Sighs )
Victoria : Well , at least he did nt take off to another continent .
Chloe : What s -- what s up with the limp ?
Victoria : The limp ? Oh . Oh , uh , the limp-- I - I guess I twisted my ankle . Uh ... ( Sighs ) I kind of made a fool out of myself in front of Sam . He even had to carry me upstairs so I could change my clothes . ( Laughs )
Chloe : ( Laughs ) Change clothes or take off your clothes ?
Victoria : Wh-- listen , hold on . There s nothing romantic between Sam and me at all .
Chloe : Well , maybe there should be . I mean , he s pretty hot . And it s better hooking up with the good guys than the bad guys . I mean , I know that they re exciting and all , but they never stick around .
Avery : Sharon , wake up .
Sharon : What is it ?
Avery : The jury came back . They found you not guilty . You can go home .
Sharon : I do nt understand .
Avery : It was Victor s testimony . It changed everything .
Victor : Now you re free .
Phyllis : You like living dangerously ? Is that it ?
Avery : Are you threatening me ?
Phyllis : You take that anyway you d like .
Avery : This is nt personal , Phyllis .
Phyllis : It s completely personal -- completely . I know exactly what you re doing . You re trying to get my attention . You got it . You re trying to rip my family apart , and I m not taking it .
Nick : Yeah , Artie , I ll , uh , I ll let Phyllis know that the problem s solved . Thanks .
Avery : I used to be your family , too . And I thought you would remember that when I got to town .
Phyllis : What do you want from me ?
Avery : Nothing you are able or willing to give .
Phyllis : That s certainly the case .
Avery : I just wish I knew what I did as a kid that made you see me as the enemy .
Woman : Newman , you have a visitor .
Victor : Thank you . Hi . I understand you were in ... some kind of altercation . Are you all right ?
Sharon : Victor , you know , I appreciate your concern , but you do nt have to run out here for every little thing .
Victor : Have I done something to offend you ?
Sharon : ( Sighs ) No , of course not .
Victor : I do nt quite understand . Why do I get the feeling that ... you do nt want me to be here ? You re pushing me away .
Sharon : You hired Avery . You ve given me your support . Now you re gon na testify at my trial ?
Victor : Are you afraid I m gon na ... back out ? I wo nt .
Sharon : I m ... afraid of what this testimony s gon na cost you .
Victor : Sharon , I know what I m doing and why , okay ?
Jack : I did nt find anything helpful at the trailer . I m sorry . I know Delia really wants to see her father .
Chloe : Well , it s a good thing that Kevin s been really stepping up to the plate . Are nt many man like him around . I m gon na go check on Dee .
Jack : So tell me , honestly , how are you doing ?
Victoria : Uh , well , not bad , aside from a bum ankle .
Jack : It had to be kind of disappointing , this latest lead on Billy not panning out .
Victoria : No . No , it s okay . I mean , I hardly even think about him these days .
Jack : Wow . Who would have guessed my brother s absence would have caused you and Chloe to become friends ?
Victoria : Because of his daughter , we re always gon na be connected , and I guess it helps that we ve been able to make peace with the past .
Jack : Yeah , I ll bet it does .
Victoria : Jack ...
Jack : What is it ? What s going on ?
Victoria : Do you think that Billy being gone is my fault ?
Jack : No . No , he -- he cut off all contact with everybody in Genoa City .
Victoria : Yeah . Right . I - I know . It s just that before he left , things were pretty ugly between us , and I just ... I mean , maybe that s why he does nt know that Delia s sick .
Jack : I have said this all along . I will say it again . I believe Billy would be here if he could . If not , then he s become somebody we do nt even know .
Kevin : You know why I broke up with Chloe ?
Billy : No .
Kevin : Because she s only attracted to jerks like you . Only now that she thinks I m her daughter s salvation , she s all over me .
Billy : ( Laughs ) Man , sorry . It s -- it s better you than me , Pal . ( Laughs ) ( Snorts )
Kevin : Well , what does that mean ?
Billy : ( Sighs ) Well ... ( Sighs ) What does that mean ? I - I guess I should tell you that I ve already experienced the stalker side of Chloe . It s a little intense , and she does nt take no for an answer , but you might like that .
Kevin : Wow , you re -- you re talking about a woman who has nt left her kid s side since she found out Delia had leukemia .
Billy : I did nt say she was nt a good mother . She s a good mother . ( Clears throat ) But that s not the topic , Man . The topic is , do you want to get back into those little pants again ? ( Chuckles )
Kevin : Wow . Nice , Billy .
Billy : Why do nt you beat it , Buddy ? Fisher , I am not your priest , and you certainly do nt want me to be your conscience .
Kevin : You re too selfish to be my conscience .
Billy : Absolutely . So ... why do nt you leave ? At least I own it .
Kevin : Hmm . I ll say . You come all this way , and now you re planning on leaving town without ever even seeing your wife . Dude .
Phyllis : Arrest me .
Ronan : Arrest you ?
Phyllis : Yeah , arrest me .
Ronan : Whoa , what -- excuse me ? What did you-- ?
Phyllis : Yeah , no , because I - I need -- I need you to do this . Put me on house arrest with a guard at my door and an ankle bracelet .
Ronan : Well , as much as I would love to oblige you , the law says that you have to do something illegal . What are you up to ?
Phyllis : You remember Daisy Carter , right ?
Ronan : Yes . I remember Daisy Carter . I arrested her .
Phyllis : Yeah , you arrested her . Well , she wants a visit with the child that she abandoned that I am now caring for .
Ronan : Okay . And ... what exactly does that have to do with you wanting your ankles in bracelets ?
Phyllis : I thought if I was on house arrest , Lucy would be safe .
Ronan : Hmm . Wow . That s nice . And you get points for creativity , absolutely , but you do realize that they ll just send a social worker to your house , and they ll take the baby on a visit anyway .
Phyllis : Lovely . Okay .
Ronan : Are you ... are you doing this for Lucy ? Or are you doing this to keep her away from Daisy ?
Phyllis : I ca nt imagine my life without Lucy in it . And I ca nt believe that this freak with not one maternal bone in her body wants to come between the two of us .
Ronan : Why is Daisy doing this now ?
Phyllis : Because she has a hotshot attorney . You know Sharon s attorney ?
Ronan : I do . So your sister s behind this then ?
Avery : ( Sighs ) Nick , I m off the clock right now .
Nick : This is not about Sharon s case . ( Sighs ) I , uh ... I caught the tail end of your conversation with Phyllis .
Avery : ( Sighs ) What kind of person behaves that way ?
Nick : Someone who probably feels like she s cornered . But I m not defending her behavior .
Avery : No , maybe I pushed her buttons .
Nick : I m not even gon na ask what those buttons are , because , frankly , that s between the two of you . But when Phyllis gets this fired up , it s usually because she s fighting to protect something she loves .
Avery : Well , where that s concerned , my sister has nt changed ... except I used to think that I was one of the things she d fight to protect .
Sharon : Hey .
Jack : Hey .
Sharon : ( Laughs )
Jack : Anything new ?
Sharon : No , not much . You ?
Jack : Uh , still no word from my brother , but they have found a bone marrow match for Delia .
Sharon : ( Gasps ) Thank God .
Jack : Yeah . So I heard about your new lawyer . She s got quite a reputation .
Sharon : Yeah . Um , Victor is the one who actually convinced her to take my case .
Jack : The same Victor who sent Skye to Hawaii , who saw her fall that night , the same Victor ... who could have saved you in your last trial with everything that he knew , but chose instead to save himself-- that Victor ?
Sharon : What s your point ?
Jack : He s the reason you re in this mess .
Sharon : I know what he s done . I also know what he s willing to do . He s an incredible man .
Billy : ( Clears throat )
Billy : Man , ca nt I get some peace and quiet , please ? What do you want ?
Victor : I brought you something . That way , you do nt have to sneak around and risk being seen .
Billy : Well , are nt you all heart ?
Victor : Now you do nt have to give your bone marrow for a while , so you may as well get drunk to your heart s content .
Billy : You d love it if I drank myself into a coma , would nt you ?
Victor : I would nt mind at all . You re gon na do that anyway .
Billy : I got ta hand it to you , you do buy the good stuff .
Victor : You bet .
Billy : And I have to admit that I did have a bit of a setback today . And it s taken just about everything I have not to reach out , grab my favorite painkiller , and just take it down , but , Sir , I have a daughter . You know anything about that ?
Billy : Huh ?
Victor : Are you trying to impress me , or what ?
Billy : No .
Victor : Having a daughter never stopped you before .
Billy : She might not need my bone marrow today , probably not next week ... but when my daughter needs me , I do want there to be the best of me to give to her , okay ?
Chloe : Hey .
Kevin : Hey .
Chloe : Seriously ? Are you avoiding me because I kissed you ?
Kevin : No , no , no . My busboy called in sick , so--
Chloe : Okay , dont-- do nt do that .
Kevin : Do nt do what ?
Chloe : Lie and protect my feelings .
Kevin : I m not . My busboy called in sick . I m just--
Chloe : Okay . We re not together anymore , and we were doing great as just friends , and I m sorry if I overstepped because of your magic marrow , but can we please just forget it ? Let s just forget it .
Phyllis : How do you know about Avery ?
Ronan : It s my job to know things .
Phyllis : Lovely .
Ronan : Phyllis ...
Ronan : I ... completely understand what s it s like to have to deal with a sibling that you never expected to have to deal with ... especially when they ... are the noble one .
Phyllis : Are you just trying to get my guard down so you can pin Diane s murder on me ?
Ronan : No . No . I m really not . What Daisy did to her victims was nt right .
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Ronan : And abandoning her infant-- it s despicable .
Phyllis : I agree . But if you wo nt put me under house arrest , I have to bring Lucy to that prison .
Ronan : Oh . Oh , come on , Phyllis . You are ... conniving , commanding , deceptive , and you are a damn good liar . All of these are talents that you re gon na use to keep Lucy away from Daisy , regardless of any legal games that your sister s going to try to play .
Phyllis : Thank you . ( Sighs )
Ronan : Chicken pox is going around right now . A doctor s note could buy you an extra week .
Phyllis : I did nt know that . Thanks , Detective . And , uh , by the way , I do nt appreciate you looking at my legs .
Nick : Thank you . So what was it like growing up with Phyllis ?
Avery : Um ... there was a lot of drama in our house . And ... we tuned it out . We tuned it out by playing games .
Nick : Games like , uh , checkers or hide - and - seek ?
Avery : No , like video games .
Nick : ( Chuckles )
Avery : Yeah , Phyllis would give me pointers , and then she would always beat me .
Nick : Must have been annoying .
Avery : Actually , it was the most fun we ever had together , even though she loved to gloat .
Nick : ( Sighs ) Yeah .
Avery : Even then , we were opponents , only in a good way , you know , not like it is now .
Nick : Yeah , Phyllis and I play a lot of video games , so I get it . ( Sighs ) It s kind of like , uh , our thing .
Avery : And she never mentioned me ?
Kevin : Look , I get it . You were relieved because of Delia , and you overreacted . As far as I m concerned , the kiss never happened .
Chloe : So we re still buds ?
Kevin : Yeah , of course we re still buds .
Chloe : Okay , good . You ve just been so amazing through the entire thing . ( Sighs ) I - I feel like such an idiot that I had actually hoped for more . Um , it ll never happen again .
Kevin : Come here .
Victoria : ( Thinking ) It s probably pointless to write again . Either you did nt get my first e - mail , or you do nt want to talk to me . But there are things I have to say . If you re not coming home because of me , I understand . But you do nt need to worry . We d never even have to cross paths . I really do wish you well , Billy . And I m moving on just fine .
Billy : ( Sighs ) I ll be damned if I give him the satisfaction . How do you like that , Victor ? How do you like that ?
Billy : ( Sighs ) I m moving on just fine . ( Scoffs )
Jack : Scotch , neat . I just came from seeing Sharon . She shared with me all you re doing for her . And since I know you do nt do anything out of the goodness of your heart , I ca nt help wondering what you re up to .
Victor : ( Sighs ) Meaning what ?
Jack : I do nt know . You tell me .
Victor : I wo nt tell you a damn thing , Jack .
Jack : Just know I ll be watching you . It would nt be the first time Sharon trusted the wrong person .
Victor : I do nt give a damn what you re gon na do . Have a nice day .
Daisy : Oh , I ca nt believe how awesome Avery is .
Sharon : Yeah . Having someone who understands you and who believes in your innocence makes all the difference .
Daisy : Especially when you re up against the devil herself .
Phyllis : Oh .
Michael : Thank you .
Phyllis : Hey .
Michael : Oh , hey . You want one ?
Phyllis : Hi . Um , oh , I m a little hyper already . I do nt need one .
Michael : So how did that go with Avery ?
Phyllis : Uh , that-- that was fine . But you know what ? I have a short - term solution to this visitation situation , but I need your help with the long - term solution .
Michael : Sure . Gladly . Daisy s the last person that should be around children .
Phyllis : This is true . Watch . Hello . Um , uh , this is Phyllis Newman . I was told to bring my dau-- my granddaughter , uh , in to , um , visit , uh , one of your inmates Daisy Carter . She s not gon na be able to . She -- she has the chicken pox . Yeah , I know . I know . So , um , well , I really appreciate it . Thank you . And , um , well -- well set something up in the future .
Michael : If Lucy had chicken pox , you would not be here .
Phyllis : I know .
Michael : Okay , what s up ? What are you doing ? What ?
Phyllis : I m calling Nick .
Phyllis : He s not answering .
Nick : So what were you saying ?
Avery : Oh , nothing . I do nt know why I m going on and on about Phyllis and Avery s excellent adventures . ( Laughs )
Nick : Oh , it s been fun . I wish I could stay longer , but there s something I got to do .
Avery : Well , it was nice talking about the good parts of my past . I sometimes forget that there were any .
Nick : I got to see a glimpse of your softer side .
Avery : ( Laughs ) Yeah . Now you know . Avery Bailey Clark , champion of the underdog , was once a gawky kid who thought her sister hung the moon .
Nick : You know what ? I think you should have that .
Avery : ( Scoffs ) What s this ? ( Laughs )
Nick : Try it out . It s guaranteed to give you less stress .
Avery : What ? Stress ? The woman with nerves of steel ?
Nick : Even women with nerves of steel could use a break sometimes .
Avery : A video game . Cool . Thanks .
Nick : Not a problem . Have a good time .
Sharon : Do you think that it was a mistake to turn down that deal ?
Colin : What a nice surprise .
Charlie : ( Babbles )
Victoria : Hello ? Is somebody here ?
### Summary:
| Kevin continues to have trouble with Chloe s gratitude and admits to Billy that he is still love with Chloe , but they broke up because she is only attracted to jerks . Billy advises Kevin that if his posing as Delia s bone marrow donor gets Chloe to come back to him , then he should enjoy it , because it hurts not being with the person you love . Ronan visits Chloe at the hospital where she tells him that Kevin is Delia s bone marrow donor and that he should nt go out of his way to visit her at the hospital if he is busy with work . Chloe goes by the coffee house to tell Kevin he should nt feel awkward about the kiss . She knows they are just friends even though she hoped that they could be something more . Kevin gives Chloe a passionate kiss as Ronan walks in and sees them . He walks by to get his coffee with a hurt look on his face . Phyllis is surprised that Ronan knows Avery is her sister . She tells him that she has to keep Daisy away from Lucy , so he suggests that she call and tell the prison that Lucy ca nt visit Daisy because she has chicken pox , and Phyllis takes his advice . Avery and Phyllis argue about her being Daisy s lawyer . Phyllis tells Avery she picked the wrong battle . Michael also tells Avery that she made a mistake representing Daisy , because she is nt Sharon and she is nt innocent . Jack just misses seeing Billy . Billy overhears Victor and Jack s conversation and hides until they leave . After Billy goes in the trailer , Victor arrives and sees him with a bottle of booze . Billy tells him he is just celebrating because everyone is just fine without him . Victor tells Billy he can drink if he wants because Delia does nt need his bone marrow for a few weeks . Victor even goes to get Billy an expensive bottle of booze , but Billy pours out both bottles because he wants to give Delia the best of himself . Chloe advises Victoria to start a relationship with Sam , because the bad boys are fun , but they never stick around like the good guys . Victoria asks Jack if Billy left because of her . Jack says no and is confident his brother would be here for Delia if he could . Victoria writes an e - mail to Billy to tell him that if he is staying away from home because of her , she understands , but it is okay to come home because they do nt even have to cross paths with each other . Victoria tells Billy she is moving on just fine . Billy is hurt as he reads the last line about Victoria moving on and cries a little . Nick tells Avery that Phyllis gets wound up when she fights for something she loves . Avery tells Nick that she once thought Phyllis loved her . Avery tells Nick she and Phyllis used to play video games when they were younger to forget about their problems and those were some of their happiest times together . Nick tells Avery he and Phyllis play video games together too . Avery is hurt that Phyllis never mentioned her to him . Nick gives Avery one of his video games and tells her it s a good way to relieve stress . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Reva : Hey , you .
Jonathan : Yeah , well , t - shirts and jeans was nt going to cut it , so ...
Reva : ( Laughs ) you look great . So , how do you like the job so far ?
Jonathan : ( Sighs ) it is what it is .
Reva : Well , it s work , right ?
Jonathan : Yeah . New concept for me .
Reva : Is that one of josh s ?
Jonathan : Yep .
Reva : ( Laughs )
Jonathan : ( Laughs ) I borrowed it .
Reva : Does he know ?
Jonathan : No . ( Laughs ) no . Do nt tell him .
Reva : ( Laughs ) your secret is safe with me . So , where is he anyway ?
Jonathan : He went out to run an errand . Is everything okay ?
Reva : Yeah , yeah , everything s fine . It s great . Just ...
Jonathan : Hey , what s wrong ? You guys having trouble in the sack ?
Reva : What is it with you ? ( Sighs ) no . Everything is fine . It s just we had a little disagreement , that s all .
Jonathan : About me ?
Reva : No . It s big deal . Hey , you .
Josh : Reva ?
Reva : Hi .
Josh : Hi . Is that my suit ?
Reva : ( Laughs )
Jonathan : Looks good on me , does nt it ? ( Reva and jonathan laugh )
Reva : You know , and since he swiped your suit , how about i swipe you for the rest of the day ?
Tammy : Guess who ?
Sandy : Wait , do nt tell me . Heather ?
Tammy : No .
Sandy : Lauren ?
Tammy : Wrong again .
Sandy : Mrs. Berlestein ?
Tammy : Mrs. Who ?
Sandy : Mrs. Berlestein . She works in accounting at lewis .
Tammy : Oh , I see . Does she have a thing for you ?
Sandy : Oh , she loves me . She brings me chocolate chip cookies almost every week .
Tammy : I did nt realize I had such stiff competition .
Sandy : She s looking good for her age . You know , she makes a mean cookie . She does nt even use chocolate chips . She breaks bars ...
Tammy : I ve been wanting to do that all day .
Dinah : Oh , man . Okay , I need a shower .
Jeffrey : All right , I m going to call the state department and see if my friends found out about alonzo .
Dinah : Okay . Can you help me with my bag , please ?
Edmund : Right .
Dinah : What s going on with the game plan ?
Edmund : Everything s going to be fine .
Dinah : Well , I certainly hope so . Because if alonzo finds out that you ve been playing both sides , your toast , you know that ?
Edmund : Thank you for reminding me , dinah .
Dinah : So , is everything all right ?
Edmund : Fine . Well , no luck . I ll try again later . All right , in the meantime i think all of us need to get some rest . So here are your keys .
Dinah : Oh , wait a minute . Are jeff .. we re staying the same room ?
Edmund : Well , we only have two rooms , and cassie and I are staying in this one .
Dinah : Well , okay . Okay . We have had some pretty interesting times in the hotel rooms in our past . Good news is you ca nt knock me up .
Jeffrey : That s funny .
Dinah : I thought so .
Jeffrey : If you need anything .
Cassie : Thanks .
Edmund : Yes , thank you , mr . Oneill . And I ll do my very best to take care of my wife . Thank you so much . And good - bye . Dinah , your bag . Come on . I m really serious , I think you need to get some rest .
Cassie : I m okay , edmund . I m okay .
Dinah : Well , I guess we re stuck with each other .
Jeffrey : Yeah , lucky me .
Cassie : I ca nt rest , edmund . I ca nt rest at all .
Edmund : That s all right , cassie . There s nothing to do until alonzo gets here .
Cassie : There s got to be something . There s got to be someone you could call .
Edmund : I put in calls , cassie . I should hear back shortly .
Cassie : He s just trying to avoid us . Why is alonzo doing this ? Why does nt he trust me anymore ?
Edmund : Alonzo s under a lot of pressure . Cassie , you know that as well as I do .
Cassie : I do nt care . You know , I do nt care . I know that will loves alonzo , and I know he loves going to san cristobel , but I m the only mother he s ever known , edmund .
Edmund : I know .
Cassie : I mean , damn him ! Damn him for not talking to me ...
Edmund : Cassie ...
Cassie : ... Making me chase him like this .
Edmund : Cassie , please . Alonzo s going to come around . He s a reasonable man . It s going to be okay .
Edmund : Where are you going ? ( Knock at the door )
Cassie : Hi . Come here . I m changing room assignments . Go . Go . Go . Go . So you guys can stay in here and you can discuss will and alonzo . All right . Oh , and if you guys try and kill each other , we re right across the hall . I ll hear it .
Dinah : Well , just you and me , huh ? Roomies for the road trip . Must feel awful nice to know those two gentlemen are next door with each other willing to do anything for you .
Cassie : I need a shower .
Tammy : Are you sure you have to go back to work ?
Sandy : Yeah , I ve got a couple hours more , at least .
Cassie : Josh is lucky to have you .
Sandy : Someone s got to pay the bills .
Tammy : I guess . I was kind of hoping that we could hang out , though . . > Sandy : See you ... you re not playing fair . I was trying to back off , let you do your own thing . You know , today I could actually even focus and concentrate and do some work .
Tammy : So you did nt think about me all day ?
Sandy : I thought about you all day . But I did nt think that I would be seeing you later .
Tammy : Oh , and here I went and messed it all up .
Sandy : In a big way .
Tammy : Sorry . I m kind of surprised you even want to see me after I left you last night .
Sandy : Last night does nt change how I feel about you . Was I a little disappointed ? Yeah . But nothing s different .
Tammy : You do nt think I m a tease ?
Sandy : No . You may be killing me , but you re not a tease .
Tammy : I m killing you ?
Sandy : No , you re not killing me , either . And when it s right , we ll both know it .
Tammy : We will . Are you sure you do nt want to play hooky ?
Sandy : No . But I canT.
Tammy : Almost forgot . I got a summer job .
Sandy : Yeah ? Where ?
Tammy : In an office .
Sandy : Well , all right . You could take me out to towers to celebrate .
Tammy : Oh , I m making company money , not towers .
Sandy : Oh , towers . I m suppose to meet billy with some papers . I got to go .
Tammy : Okay . Go .
Sandy : But I will see you later .
Tammy : Yeah .
Sandy : Bye .
Jonathan : Well , you kids talk , and I m going to go make copies of my butt an the copy machine .
Josh : Spare us , please .
Reva : ( Laughs )
Jonathan : You do nt want me to leave ?
Reva : There s no reason to .
Josh : You sure you want to fight in front of the kid ?
Reva : Well , I did nt come here to fight . Just the opposite .
Josh : That s good . Because actually I was nt 100 % sure what we ve been fighting about anyway .
Reva : Well , that would be my fault .
Josh : No , I m not pointing any fingers or anything . I m just saying that for me it s better when we fight if we do ... do it about something more specific .
Jonathan : Like me ?
Josh : Yes , exactly . So what have we been fighting about ?
Reva : I do nt know .
Josh : That s not really encouraging , reva .
Reva : I m just going through something , you know . And it has nothing to do with you .
Josh : If something affects you , it affects me .
Reva : Not always . I mean , there are some things that I have to work out on my own .
Jonathan : She s an independent woman , joshua .
Josh : I know ! Okay ? Sorry .
Reva : I m sorry if I ve been making your life miserable lately .
Josh : No , really I can handle it . I mean , I knew I was signing on for a roller coaster when I said I do three times .
Jonathan : You must be kind of woozy by now .
Reva : You know what ? Somebody s going to be feeling woozy .
Jonathan : ( Laughs ) you said I could stay .
Reva : There was a reason for that , and the reason is I m going to really steal the boss away . So what do you say ? Come with me .
Josh : I canT. I have a business meeting .
Reva : Oh . Oh , all right .
Josh : Another time ?
Reva : Sure .
Josh : Jonathan , I need you to hold down the fort while I m away at this business meeting . Take messages . Do nt touch anything .
Jonathan : Aye - aye , captain .
Josh : All right . I ll see you later , okay ?
Reva : Okay .
Josh : Wait up for me .
Jonathan : So , that went well .
Reva : ( Laughs )
Jonathan : ( Moans and laughs )
Reva : Why do nt you come with me ?
Jonathan : Oh , you re a bad ... you re a bad influence on me . You just heard him say I have to stay here and hold the fort down .
Reva : So what are you doing ? Going for employee of the month or something ? I m not going to rat you out . Come on .
Jonathan : No , I did nt take this job to mess it up . Hey , what s wrong with you ?
Reva : Nothing . Nothing . Nothing .
Jonathan : Hey , come on . Stay here . We can collate !
Reva : No .
Jeffrey : No , no , no . I got it . Just let me know if you hear anything else . Okay , thanks .
Edmund : Still nothing ?
Jeffrey : All we know is that alonzo s flight was delayed because of the storm .
Edmund : Oh . Well done .
Jeffrey : How about you , mr . Ambassador ? How are your connections working out ?
Edmund : Excellent .
Jeffrey : Yeah . Well , why do nt we just try to get some shuteye , okay .
Edmund : Fine by me .
Jeffrey : You take the bed , I ll sleep in the chair .
Edmund : Oh , no , you re not going to blame your stiff neck in the morning on me . You take the bed . I ll take the chair .
Jeffrey : You just love playing the martyr , do nt you ?
Edmund : Is nt that what you re doing ?
Jeffrey : You know what ? It s a big bed . We ll share .
Edmund : You have got to be joking .
Jeffrey : What side do you want ?
Edmund : I do nt care .
Jeffrey : Okay , fine . I ll take the left .
Edmund : That s my side .
Jeffrey : I thought you said you did nt care .
Edmund : I donT. Take whatever side you want , mr . Oneill .
Jeffrey : Okay . I m going to take the left .
Dinah : Do you know what s going on out there , little one ? Why do things get so messy with adults ? Look , I know it seems lonely even with all these people around us , but it s not going to be that way forever . Things are going to work out for us . I know they are .
Tammy : Hey .
Jonathan : Do nt say it .
Tammy : What , that you clean- up good ? I wonT.
Jonathan : I thought you were going to take a cheap shot at the suit .
Tammy : No . It actually makes you look like you belong .
Jonathan : Well , looks can be deceiving . And it s actually one of joshuaS.
Tammy : You borrowed a suit from josh , mr . Trust fund baby ?
Jonathan : Yeah , well , what s the point of spending good money on new clothes if I do nt know if this gig will last ?
Tammy : Well , you have nt been fired yet . You must be doing okay .
Jonathan : Whatever .
Tammy : Admit it . You re having fun and you re doing a good job . It s cool .
Sandy : Tammy ?
Tammy : Surprise . Remember that summer job I told you about ? It s here , at lewis .
Jonathan : Hey , we can all do lunch .
Tammy : Is nt it great ?
Sandy : Hold on . Yello ?
Josh : Sandy , it s josh . Are you back at the office ?
Sandy : Yeah , I just got here .
Josh : That documentation i asked you to put together for me . I left it there . Could you bring it to me here at company ?
Jonathan : Want to help me collate ?
Tammy : Sure .
Josh : Sandy , are you still there .
Sandy : Yeah , I ll be right down .
Jonathan : Duty calls ?
Sandy : Yeah , josh needs something I ve been working on . You staying ?
Tammy : I thought I would . I want to organize my new desk .
Jonathan : Do nt worry , sandy , I wo nt work her too hard .
Sandy : I wo nt be long .
Jonathan : So little tammy got a job in the big city ? Wow . Why did nt you say anything about it last night ?
Tammy : I do nt know . I guess I did nt think it mattered .
Jonathan : How do you think old sandy feels about you and i working so closely together ?
Tammy : Sandy s not threatened by me helping you , jonathan .
Jonathan : He s not ?
Tammy : No . Sandy s the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it .
Jonathan : Me ?
Tammy : Although on second thought I guess you already would have borrowed it .
Jonathan : ( Laughs sarchastically ) we re not the same size .
Tammy : Oh , the manager at the clayton arms was looking for you earlier . Something about your bill .
Jonathan : Yeah ?
Tammy : What s going on ? You re not paying up at the hotel ?
Jonathan : No , I m just a little behind or something . It s no big deal .
Tammy : Is there a problem ? I mean , you have all that money in trust fund , right ?
Jonathan : Wrong . It s gone .
Josh : Sorry to keep you waiting .
Sebastian : Josh , some things are worth the wait , like seeing spaulding brought to his knees .
Blake : So , josh , are you on board 100 % ?
Josh : Yes , absolutely .
Blake : Because usually you re a little cautious ; you look before you leap .
Josh : I looked .
Sebastian : It s not that i do nt trust you , joshua , buy my sister and I , we know why we re onboard .
Blake : It s our legacy .
Sebastian : Yeah , our father s unfinished business .
Josh : But what am I doing here ?
Sebastian : And please do nt tell me that it s just good business .
Josh : Oh , it s not . It s personal .
Reva : Hey , nate , what s a girl got to do to get a green apple martini ? Oh . You re not nate .
Bartender : I m bob . I just started today .
Reva : Oh . Hi , bob . I m reva .
Bartender : Green apple martini ?
Reva : Please .
Nate : Miss me ?
Reva : I just needed a place to kick back .
Nate : No place like that in your own neighborhood ?
Reva : Yes , there is .
Bartender : Green apple martini just the way nate makes them .
Reva : Thank you .
Nate : Just the way nate makes them . Now you re just making me blush .
Reva : ( Laughs ) do nt flatter yourself .
Nate : I m not . It s just some people do nt appreciate my signature drink . I guess it s an acquired taste .
Reva : So am I.
Nate : ( Laughs )
Jeffrey : I ca nt handle this . Where are you going ?
Dinah : Prenatal vitamins . I forgot them in the bag . What about you ?
Jeffrey : Coffee .
Dinah : You know cassie has some questions .
Jeffrey : Really ?
Dinah : You should go in .
Jeffrey : Cassie ? Cassie ? Hey .
Cassie : Oh . Coming up on guilding light ... Cassi all right , get up and ...
Jeffrey : Then ?
Cassie : You re loving this , are nt you ? I m not getting up .
Jeffrey : Okay , then we ll just stay like this all night .
Nate : I need somebody special .
Reva : Me ?
Nate : Oh , yeah . You . Join me .
Tammy : Your trust fund s gone ?
Jonathan : Yep .
Tammy : All of it ? How ?
Jonathan : Well , there was the new suv . I bought reva a convertible . I got a computer , I got a kayak , I got a mountain bike , I got a new sound system . I got a lot of really good drugs .
Tammy : What ?
Jonathan : Kidding .
Tammy : I guess you really need this job . I ca nt believe you went through all that money already .
Jonathan : Yeah . It was a lot of fun spending it but it sucks to be broke .
Tammy : Tell me about it .
Jonathan : Oh , come on . Your mom s got money .
Tammy : So does yours . But you know , this is your chance to prove yourself .
Jonathan : I do nt need to prove myself .
Tammy : Then what was last night ? Your homework ? Trying to learn the business ?
Jonathan : Well , I did nt want to come in here today and look like a complete idiot .
Tammy : That s it ?
Jonathan : That s it . I do nt care about this stupid company . I do nt care about anyone or anything else , and that includes you .
Tammy : I do nt believe you .
Josh : Thank you . In fact , sit down . Stick around . You know this stuff better than I do . There you go .
Sebastian : So , I do nt understand . Our plan is to take down spaulding .
Josh : Yeah . The way I figure it is this : You ve got to do it brick by brick , right ? This is the brick I m interested in .
Blake : Wspr ?
Josh : Yeah . Alan fired reva . I want him to pay .
Nate : This one s on the house . As a matter of fact , angel , so was the first one you had .
Reva : Well , n what would the boss say about that ?
Nate : I am the boss .
Reva : Oh , that s right . I forgot . ( Laughs ) you own this joint . Mm . Better than bobS.
Nate : I did nt teach bob the secret . It s all in the hips .
Reva : I guess I m special , then . Maybe I should make my own the next time .
Nate : You were a natural behind the bar .
Reva : Well , that s because I ve spent so much time in front of it . Or on top of it .
Nate : No .
Reva : You doubt me ?
Nate : No , um , it s not that . I just had a crazy idea , that s all .
Reva : Oh . Well , let s hear it .
Nate : Come work for me .
Reva : ( Laughs ) as what ?
Nate : As a bartender .
Reva : ( Laughs )
Nate : I need somebody special .
Reva : Me .
Nate : Oh , yeah . You . Join me .
Blake : This is personal .
Josh : Yes , it is .
Sandy : Reva was great at her job . I should know , I worked with her .
Blake : I know she was .
Josh : The point is , alan had no reason whatsoever to fire her .
Sebastian : Do nt be naive , josh . Alan had a reason .
Josh : Yeah , because reva supported harley during her trial .
Sebastian : I also heard through the grapevine that she took on phillip , head to head .
Josh : Yes , she did that . It s her job . She s a journalist , she s not a puppet , and nobody knows that better than alan spaulding .
Blake : Which is why alan fired her .
Josh : Yeah . Yeah . He just threw her away like some old shoe .
Sebastian : An expensive old shoe . I saw her contract .
Sandy : She was worth it . She made a lot of money for that station .
Sebastian : Hm . Yeah . You re right . Well , is this all you want ?
Josh : Oh , no , actually I want to kick alan where it hurts . Wspr , that s just a little appetizer .
Reva : You do know how to make a girl feel special .
Nate : Does that mean that answer s yes ?
Reva : I do nt know . I do nt have any experience . I mean , do nt you have to take a class or at least an exam ?
Nate : Which you passed the other day , with flying colors . Anything you do nt know now , I ll teach you later .
Reva : Me ? A bartender ?
Nate : What ? You too good for it ?
Reva : You do nt know me very well , do you ?
Nate : Then what s the hold- up , love ? The way I see it , you need a challenge .
Reva : The way you see it , huh ?
Nate : So what do you say , then , reva ? Do I have a new bartender ?
Cassie : I ca nt reach my towel .
Jeffrey : It s right there .
Cassie : I know that , but if i get up , then ...
$ Jeffrey : Then ?
Cassie : You re loving this , are nt you ?
Jeffrey : Well , I could think of some worse places that i could be . I just came from one .
Cassie : I m not getting up .
Jeffrey : Okay , then we ll just stay like this all night .
Cassie : Jeffrey .
Jeffrey : Okay , what if I tell you that I ll close my eyes ?
Cassie : Will you close your eyes ?
Jeffrey : Yes , of course i will . I m a gentleman .
Cassie : Minus the gentle part . Will you close your eyes ?
Jeffrey : Yes , I will close my eyes , mrs . Winslow . Okay ? There . They re closed . Okay ? Can I ...
Cassie : Got it .
Jeffrey : Oh , to have transparent eyelids .
Cassie : Perv .
Jeffrey : Perv ? I was a gentleman . You know , they say that there s no such thing as an accident . Would you agree ?
Cassie : I need to get dressed . Uh ...
Edmund : Yes . Trust me , alonzo . She s going to come around . Cassie will come around . She s going to understand will s destiny . Yes . I ll speak to you soon . Bye .
Dinah : Well , you re playing a dangerous game . You really want to be cassie s hero , do nt you ? Look , you just have to make sure that you do not push alonzo so far that cassie actually really loses her son
Edmund : I wonT.
Dinah : Is he in the hotel ?
Edmund : Yes , but nobody knows that yet .
Dinah : Well , you know it s just a matter of time .
Edmund : Not if I can help it . Where s oneill ?
Dinah : Well , the good news is that he is not downstairs trying to be cassie s hero . But unfortunately , that means ...
Edmund : He s next door .
Dinah : Yes , I am afraid so .
Tammy : Why do you make everything so ugly ? Why ca nt you ever just let it be nice or normal or good ?
Jonathan : There is no nice or normal or good .
Tammy : Maybe not for you .
Jonathan : Period . Hey . That goes over here .
Tammy : You re wrong . About normal . But I guess that s why you like making everybody miserable , is nt it ?
Jonathan : Oh , let me guess . You re taking a psych class .
Tammy : I helped you last night .
Jonathan : You want a medal or something ?
Tammy : After what you did to me , I think I deserve one .
Jonathan : Your point is ?
Tammy : I m trying to get past it .
Jonathan : Move on with your life ?
Tammy : Yes . But in order to do that , we have to turn this sorry twisted relationship of ours into something positive .
Jonathan : Tammy , we do nt have a relationship .
Tammy : You try to push me away but you always pull me back in .
Jonathan : Are you sure it is nt the other way around ?
Tammy : I m sure .
Jonathan : Do nt try and understand me , tammy .
Tammy : I see it now .
Jonathan : See what ?
Tammy : You tried to breake , but you re broken , too .
Jonathan : Amazing deduction . Give the girl her kewpie doll .
Tammy : But not all of you .
Jonathan : Here we go .
Tammy : Part of you wants nice and normal and good . You ve tasted it .
Jonathan : You are full of crap .
Tammy : I do nt think so . And that s why you put everything down , like last night .
Jonathan : God , tammy . You keep talking about last night like it was the second coming .
Tammy : It s just a good example .
Jonathan : Of what ?
Tammy : Of how hard it is for you to be the big tough guy , and it s killing you .
Jonathan : You want to make a bet ?
Sebastian : Did you compile this yourself , kid ?
Sandy : Yeah . Was nt difficult . Like I said , I used to work there .
Sebastian : Yeah , well , the numbers are dead - on . It s impressive .
Blake : You think alan will sell ?
Sebastian : Well , as long as he does nt realize that lewis is buying .
Josh : Well , I certainly had no intention of telling him .
Sebastian : Neither do I.
Sandy : Remind me to never get on your bad side .
Sebastian : ( Laughs )
Sandy : That goes for you , too .
Blake : Yeah , well , alan has years of bad deeds under his belt .
Josh : That s putting it mildly .
Sebastian : Yeah , well , it ll be good for him to be knocked down a few pegs .
Blake : You think ?
Sebastian : Mm - hmm .
Blake : Well , I m glad you re on board with josh . I have to say , though , I am a little surprised .
Josh : I would shake hands with the devil if it made reva happy .
Sebastian : Some people might say you re doing exactly that , joshua .
Josh : Let s go . We ll see you .
Sebastian : See you later . See you , kid .
Blake : Bye .
Sandy : So , you headed home ?
Josh : Yeah , reva said she might wait up for me . Maybe I ll take her out dancing or something .
Sandy : You going to tell her about the station ?
Josh : No , no . Not until I have the keys to the front door in my hands .
Sandy : That ll be a nice surprise .
Josh : That s what I m hoping . Reva needs a little something to lift her spirits these days . Running hot running cold I was running into overload it was extreme somehow the wires uncrossed the tables were turned never knew I had such a lesson to learn I m feeling good from my head to my shoes know where I m going and I know what to do I tidied up my point of view I got a new attitude I m in control , my worries are few cause I ve got love like i never knew ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I got a new attitude ...
Reva : Hey , you re back . What can I get you ?
Cassie : Edmund ?
Edmund : Sorry , I should have knocked .
Dinah : Excuse me . Are you with prince alonzo s contingent ? I have something to tell you about , to warn you about alonzo s brother , edmund winslow .
Edmund : Was oneill here ?
Cassie : Yes . He went downstairs to see if he could get any information on alonzo .
Edmund : Alonzo s in the hotel . I just spoke with him .
Cassie : What ? What did he say ?
Edmund : He said he wants to meet with me .
Cassie : What about me ?
Edmund : No . Not so much .
Dinah : Edmund claims that he s convincing his wife cassie to hand over her son to alonzo , but it is nt true .
Aide : I m sorry , who are you ?
Dinah : Let s just say I am a concerned citizen . Edmund and cassie are here , in the hotel . Th plan to pressure the us government into helping them against alonzo .
Aide : Miss , everyone knows that edmund winslow is loyal to his brother .
Dinah : No , no , no , no , no , no . He is nt loyal to his brother and I know better . But you do nt have to believe me . I m sure the prince will thank you when he loses his only heir to the throne .
Aide : Give me one reason why I should trust you .
Dinah : That would be number one . That is the prince richard look- alike . He s a former federal agent . He is working with cassie and edmund and he plans to embarrass the prince , to shame him into giving over his son . You could check it out yourself , it s up to you . His name is jeffrey oneill . Two lS.
Jeffrey : Who was that ?
Dinah : I was just asking for some extra towels , actually .
Edmund : Cassie , alonzo wants to keep emotion out of it right now .
Cassie : That s impossible . We re talking about a child , edmund . We re talking about my son .
Edmund : I know , I know . But he s also alonzo s son . ( Telephone ringing )
Cassie : Hello ? Yeah , this is cassie . That s wonderful . Yes , I ll be waiting . Thank you . Bye . Alonzo wants to speak to me .
Jeffrey : Who was that , really ?
Dinah : ( Sighs ) do nt act so suspicious . It wrinkles up your face . ( Knocking on door )
Cassie : Alonzo called and he wants to see me .
Jeffrey : You spoke with him ?
Cassie : Well , no . I spoke to one of his aides , but everything is going to be fine . I know everything is going to work out .
Jeffrey : It s a cinch . You guys are friends , so ...
Cassie : I mean , he s a good guy and I knew that he would come around . ( Knocking at door ) okay . All right . Okay .
Aide : Mrs. Winslow ? My name is devon burns , aide to prince alonzo .
Cassie : Yes . Is alonzo here ? Is he coming ?
Aide : No .
Cassie : But you said on the phone that ...
Aide : I said nothing of the sort . You obviously misunderstood me .
Cassie : But I need to speak to alonzo . We need to discuss some things .
Aide : The prince is aware of your real purpose for visiting washington .
Cassie : What do you mean , my real purpose ?
Aide : To keep him away from his son .
Cassie : That s not true .
Aide : There ll be no further discussion . William is to be brought to san cristobel by the end of next week .
Jonathan : You sure you still want to work here this summer ?
Tammy : I m not scared of you anymore .
Jonathan : Be careful , tammy . You re playing with fire . Hope you do nt get burned . Whoa ! What was that for ?
Tammy : That s how you put out a fire .
Sandy : Everything okay here ?
Tammy : Jonathan s all wet , but what else is new ?
Jonathan : ( Laughs ) well , sandy , I guess I really bring out the beast in your woman .
Sandy : What did he do to you ?
Tammy : Opened his mouth .
Sandy : Maybe you should rethink the job .
Tammy : Not on your life . I ca nt think of any place I d rather be .
Reva : Oops . Oh .
Nate : I ll get you a new one .
Reva : Thank you . ( Laughs ) ( sighs ) joshua ! What s a nice guy like you doing in a place like this ?
Josh : Funny , I was going to ask you pretty much the same question . Getting close to you is a fantasy pretty lady come and dance with me . Next , on guiding light .
Nate : What s this ?
Reva : Cold , hard cash . I m buying a round of drinks .
Nate : Reva , my angel , your money s no good here . Or have nt you heard of the employee discount ?
Harley : You wrote me letters , lots of letters , asking for a chance to fix our marriage . I have to believe you meant that . That changes everything .
### Summary:
| Dinah , Jeffrey , Edmund , and Cassie make it to the hotel in D.C. Cassie does nt want to share a room with Edmund so she decides to bunk with Dinah . Dinah sends Jeffrey in to see Cassie , but he encounters her just getting out of the shower . Edmund continues playing both sides of the Alonzo situation . Dinah decides to put her own spin on things and tells one of Alonzo s guards that Cassie and Edmund are here to keep their son from Alonzo . The guard arrives to see Cassie and demands that Will be in San Cristobel next week . Jonathan receives a threatening message at Lewis . Josh has a meeting with Blake and Sebastian about bringing down Alan . Josh wants to buy the station from him . Reva arrives at Nate s bar and orders a drink . To her surprise , Nate walks out and offers her a job as a bartender . She accepts and has the time of her life working . Tammy tells Jonathan that they need to fix their relationship . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : I ca nt believe you re giving up . That s not the Steffy I know .
Steffy : Bill , I have to be a little self - protective here .
Bill : Self - protective ? What happened to the tough , tenacious , never - say - die fighter ?
Steffy : Everything s changed , all right ? Hope and Liam are living together .
Bill : Are nt you the one who said he just needs a little time to get her out of his system ? Li -- Liam was here in this office this morning . Did he walk out on you the first morning after ?
Steffy : No .
Bill : Oh , hell no . He would nt let you out of his sight . So do nt you dare cave now .
Liam : Flowers .
Hope : I ca nt believe this . Antianxiety pills ?
Brooke : Honey , it s just going to help you get over this little hurdle .
Hope : I should nt need pills . I mean , I have everything that I ve ever wished for .
Brooke : You do . It s just a big transition .
Hope : I love Liam . I ju -- I - I just want to be able to make him happy .
Brooke : And you do . He adores you .
Hope : I know .
Brooke : Everything is gon na be just fine .
Hope : God , it s so easy for you .
Brooke : Maybe too easy . That s why it s so difficult for you .
Hope : Oh , no , Mom , I did nt mean--
Brooke : Honey , I admit it . I have made mistakes , and I know it s affected you .
Hope : I m not blaming you . Now Steffy , on the other hand ...
Brooke : Liam chose you , not Steffy . You re the one he wants , okay ?
Hope : Yeah .
Brooke : So just ... relax .
Hope : Right . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Hmm ?
Hope : Just relax .
Brooke : Yes . And if you feel a little panicky , just take one of those pills . Like the doctor said , that s what they re there for . I do nt want you to worry about Steffy . Do nt let her get into your head .
Steffy : What are you doing ?
Bill : Keeping you from making the biggest mistake of your life . You are not signing off on this annulment paper . I wo nt have it .
Steffy : Bill , this is not up to you , all right ? Do nt you get it ? Everything s changed . Hope and Liam are together .
Bill : So what ? She s just playing grownup . You re Liam s wife .
Steffy : Liam is sleeping with another woman , Bill .
Bill : Liam is sleeping with an inexperienced little girl . You just have to be patient . Be smart . Wait it out . Liam will come back to you . And next time , he will never even think about leaving you again .
Justin : Hey , uh , you got a minute to over a few things ?
Bill : Well , make it quick . I m in the middle of something with my daughter - in- law .
Justin : Holding up okay ?
Steffy : You know me . Do nt let em get you down .
Bill : Steffy has this absurd idea that she should bow out gracefully .
Justin : But you re not gon na let that happen , now are you ?
Bill : No , I m not . Steffy is the right woman for my son . He just needs a little time to figure that out .
Alison : Well , if anyone can bring him back to his senses ... I know how much you loved him .
Steffy : Still do . And always will .
Hope : I ll keep the pills with me , but I m -- I - I m not gon na take any unless I absolutely have to .
Brooke : Fair enough .
Hope : Okay .
Brooke : So you ready to get out of here ?
Hope : Yes .
Brooke : ( Chuckles )
Hope : But one thing .
Brooke : What ?
Hope : I owe you an apology .
Brooke : For what ?
Hope : I did nt mean to hurt you . I mean , all the things that I said in front of Dr. Barton-- I m sorry .
Brooke : Honey , you did nt .
Hope : How could I not have ?
Brooke : Did you tell the truth ?
Hope : Yeah , I did . I did . But ...
Brooke : Okay , well , then there s nothing to feel bad about . I was that person that you were describing . But there s nothing that I can do about it . I ca nt go back and change it . All I can do is own it , especially when it s affecting my daughter . ( Sighs )
Hope : ( Sighs ) Um , I would really rather not tell Liam about all this , you know , the therapist and the pills .
Brooke : You do nt think Liam could help ?
Hope : I just -- I ju-- I just have to take care of my issues on my own .
Brooke : Okay . Yeah . Ill -- itll be our secret .
Hope : And , um , I d really appreciate it if you did nt tell Ridge either . I know that s a lot to ask , but , you know , I just ...
Brooke : ( Sighs ) I promise .
Hope : Thank you . ( Sighs )
Brooke : I just want to let you know how proud I am that you re taking your life back .
Hope : ( Scoffs ) ( Sighs )
Brooke : And you need to know that you are in charge of your life , not Steffy .
Hope : Yeah .
Brooke : Just remember that .
Hope : I wo nt forget it . I m never going to let anyone or anything come between Liam and me again .
Brooke : Okay .
Hope : Okay .
Brooke : ( Giggles ) Come on , let s go .
Hope : All right . Yeah , let s go .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Hey . ( Sighs ) Hi . I did nt hear you come in .
Ridge : Yeah , you were , uh , somewhere very far away .
Brooke : Not anymore .
Ridge : So what s on your mind ? Or should I guess ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Hope .
Ridge : Right . Her first night living with Liam . Is , uh , everything okay ? Did everything go as she expected ?
Brooke : Mm ...
Ridge : Ohh . I m sorry .
Brooke : No , I - I just wanted her to have her first night with Liam to be so special .
Ridge : Unfortunately , everybody ca nt be as lucky as we are .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) That s true . But the world would be a better place if they could be .
Ridge : Yeah .
Brooke : So ...
Ridge : Mm - hmm ?
Brooke : Let s say that you are the president of France and I am the prime minister of Australia .
Ridge : Okay . Are there costumes involved ?
Brooke : Our countries are at war .
Ridge : Ca nt have that .
Brooke : We re not gon na call the war council . We re gon na just find a level surface to resolve our differences , one - on - one .
Ridge : Sounds good . I m guessing it would probably go a little something like this .
Steffy : I take it Justin and Alison do nt know about Hope and Liam last night .
Bill : I did nt see any reason to mention it .
Steffy : It does nt really matter . I m sure everyone will find out soon enough that Hope moved in with Liam . ( Tablet alerts ) Oh , is my-- can you grab it ? Thank you . Thank you very much . Ramona ! Wow , what a surprise .
Ramona : Hey , Steffy . You ve been on my mind .
Steffy : That s sweet . I guess you heard .
Ramona : I m sorry .
Steffy : It s your fault . You know that .
Ramona : Mine ?
Steffy : Well , I could nt have pulled off this wedding without you . No wedding , no divorce . I m teasing . I m teasing . ( Chuckles )
Ramona : ( Laughs ) Well , I guess you re putting on a good face ?
Steffy : How am I doing ?
Ramona : Fine . Only I know your heart s broken .
Steffy : Yeah . In about a million pieces . But , um , I ll survive . I always do .
Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Chuckles ) Hey .
Liam : Hi .
Hope : You ve been busy .
Liam : Yeah . Well , you better be hungry . I , uh , went a little overboard here . ( Chuckles )
Hope : ( Laughs ) It looks -- it s lovely .
Liam : And how was your day ?
Hope : Uh , it-- it was all right . Yours ?
Liam : Well , it got better when you walked through the door .
Hope : ( Chuckles ) You know , I was driving home , I instinctively started to go to my mom s house ... ( Chuckles )
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Oh .
Hope : And then I realized I do nt live there . ( Chuckles )
Liam : Right .
Hope : I live with you now . It s gon na be really nice getting used to that .
Liam : No regrets ?
Hope : Do you think I d have any ?
Liam : Um , well , I - I would hope not , but you know , after last night ...
Hope : Well , hey , look ... ( Sighs ) last night was beautiful . I loved being held in your arms and watching you while you slept . ( Laughs )
Liam : And you did nt .
Hope : Well ... ( Chuckles )
Liam : And I think I know why .
Hope : Hey , we re here now together , in love . That s what matters .
Ridge : Oh , you re right . The last thing I want to do is go to war with you right now .
Brooke : Yes ! ( Laughs ) I should rule the universe .
Ridge : And you do , as long as you keep rocking mine .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Ridge : I take it you saw Hope .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Yeah .
Ridge : Is she , uh-- is she blaming herself ? Is she feeling like she did something wrong ?
Brooke : No . I think I did something wrong .
Ridge : What are you talking about ?
Brooke : Well ... ( Sighs ) the way that I raised her , she heard and saw a lot , and , I mean , let s face it ... ( Sighs ) my hormones got the best of me more times than I care to admit . ( Laughs )
Ridge : Oh , Logan . I m not complaining .
Brooke : I know . But she is a little girl . And it did affect her . And I have to acknowledge that .
Ridge : Is she blaming you ?
Brooke : No . I just wish I did things differently . I should have been more aware and ... ( Sighs ) made choices for my children , not for myself . My kids are so exceptional . They really deserve to have a better mom .
Ridge : They are exceptional , and you are the common denominator .
Brooke : How do you always know how to say just the right thing ?
Ridge : Oh , practice .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Ridge : Practice .
Brooke : Oh .
Ridge : And more practice .
Brooke : Oh .
Brooke : And practice ?
Ridge : And more practice .
Brooke : More practice .
Steffy : Bill , are you seriously planning on holding these annulment papers hostage ?
Bill : Oh , that would be silly , would nt it ?
Steffy : Bill ! What are--
Bill : I do nt want to hear you speak of this annulment again . And I do nt want the defeatist attitude . I hate that .
Steffy : If they re living together , Bill , then--
Bill : How long do you think he s gon na be happy hand - holding this woman ? He s gon na want what he had , the woman who thrilled him . All you have to do is wait it out .
Steffy : I want to believe that .
Bill : Then do . Liam s had this -- this fantasy about Hope . In his head , she s perfect . But now she s in his bed , and reality does nt match up . So all you need to do is hang in there . He ll come back to you .
Liam : Well , this is nice , being home with you , the fireplace going .
Hope : Mm . That s what you are to me , Liam . My home . Hmm .
Liam : Okay , um ... about last night ...
Hope : Yeah .
Liam : I know that a lot of stuff is -- is going on , you know , all the divorce drama with Steffy and you moving in and making love for the first time--
Hope : Yeah , okay , what-- what s -- what are you saying ?
Liam : I m saying that things take time , and I want you to know that I have all the time in the world for you .
Steffy : I get that you think I m indestructible , but I m not . It kills me to know that my husband is living with another woman . It s not like I can ignore it . Hope and Liam , they re gon na be in my face . I mean , I work with Hope .
Bill : How do you like this for an idea ? Why do nt you go back to Aspen , spend some time at the Spencer retreat , hang out with Ramona . You guys have a nice rapport . You can do girl time .
Steffy : Aspen ? ( Sighs ) I do nt know .
Bill : It ll be good for ya . Fresh air , mountains , good memories .
Steffy : Hmm . Happiest day of my life .
Bill : It was a happy day for Liam , too . And before too long , he s gon na remember that . Who knows ? You two might end up on that mountaintop , renewing your wedding vows .
Steffy : ( voice ) It s adultery , Hope . You re committing adultery .
Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Clears throat ) ( Sighs )
Liam : You okay ?
Hope : Yeah . Yeah .
Liam : You re sure ?
Hope : Mm - hmm . Yeah .
Liam : Okay .
Hope : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Steffy : ( voice ) You re stealing my husband , Hope . There is nothing beautiful or pure about it . It s tawdry . It s immoral . It s adultery ... it s adultery ... it s adultery .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Liam : All right , okay , what happened ? What s -- what s happening ?
Hope : ( Sighs ) It s the same thing . It s the same thing . It s the flashes . It s ... ( Groans ) I m hearing Steffy . I m hearing her in my head . I m hearing her tell me that it s ... ( Sighs ) that -- that -- that we re committing adultery .
Liam : Hope ...
Hope : Mm - hmm ?
Liam : We re getting a divorce .
Hope : I know . I know . I know you are . I know .
Liam : I ca nt do anything about the waiting period , and I ca nt make time move faster .
Hope : I know . And I m sorry . I m sorry . The last thing I want to do is disappoint you .
Liam : No , hey , listen , that s not gon na happen . Trust me . That s not gon na happen . But we re just gon na figure it out as we go , okay ?
Hope : Mm - hmm . Yeah .
Liam : That s what we re gon na do .
Hope : No , I know . And I do nt want Steffy to come between us . I do nt want her to stop us .
Liam : Hope , it s you and me . That s it . You and me .
Hope : Yeah . Okay .
Liam : Okay .
Hope : Okay .
Liam : Okay .
Hope : I ll be right back .
Liam : Okay .
Hope : Yeah , I ll be-- I ll be right back .
Hope : I will not let you control me , Steffy . Never again .
### Summary:
| Bill tells Steffy that she ca nt cave now . Hope ca nt believe the doctor gave her pills . She does nt think that is going to solve anything . Hope apologizes to Brooke for saying some things in front of Dr. Barton . Brooke advises her not to think about Steffy and just keep the pills and use them when she absolutely has to . Ridge finds Brooke with her mind wandering very far away . He asks about Hope ; if her first night with Liam went as she expected . She steers his attention to him being the President of France and her the Prime Minister of Australia and they need to settle their differences in some mutual way . Ridge knows just how to do that . Afterwards he says the very last thing he wants to do now is go to war . Brooke admits that Hope saw a lot when she was being raised and she needs to acknowledge that . Her choices affected her children and she should have realized that . Hope returns home to find Liam making the place all romantic again complete with candlelight dinner . She wants to forget last night and just enjoy being together . She says she loved last night , just laying there watching him sleep . He replies that he knows a lot is going on with the divorce on her mind , and he realizes things take time and he wants her to know that he has all the time in the world until she is okay with all of this . Bill shreds the annulment papers and tells Steffy he will not dare let her do anything more . Just hang in there and Liam will come back to her . She says she knows he thinks she is indestructible but she s not . It is killing her to know that her husband is living with another woman . He advises her to put it behind her for now .perhaps go back to Aspen where it all started and maybe they will end up on that mountaintop again . Liam starts kissing Hope passionately again but Steffy s words keep reverberating in her head adultery , adultery , adultery . Hope pulls away and says she does not want Steffy to be between them , but there she is . She excuses herself and goes into the bedroom , takes a pill and tells herself that she will not let Steffy control her life ever again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Courtney : I need some time alone .
Carly : How s Michael doing ? Is he any better ? Did you tell him I love him ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Faith : I am the best thing that s ever happened to you .
Emily : I ca nt tell you what you want to hear .
Nikolas : Then there s no reason for you to stay . She just left .
Zander : Why are you telling me this ?
Nikolas : She s upset . She needs you .
Judge : Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife ?
Judge : Nikolas , we ca nt complete the ceremony till you take your vows .
Lucky : Looks like there s no ceremony , so how about some cake ?
Lydia : You ca nt do this . You agreed .
Nikolas : This is really the wedding you want ? What you dreamed about as a little girl ? We re conducting a business transaction . You re trading in a chance to choose a life of your own for a secure financial future and a lifetime with a man who does nt love you .
Stefan : Nikolas , stop it . This is completely unacceptable .
Nikolas : No , I m not going to lie to my bride on her wedding day and make promises I ca nt keep . She needs to be clear on what s happening here .
Lydia : I m clear .
Nikolas : And that s fine with you ?
Lydia : Obviously .
Nikolas : Then I take you to be my wife from this day forward . I will respect you and provide you with every material comfort . I will fulfill my duties and obligations expected of me as your husband , so -- so help me , God .
Zander : Gia , I really wish you would nt go .
Gia : There s no way that I m going to spend the night with you , Zander , knowing that every minute you re fighting some raging battle with yourself not to go after Emily .
Zander : No , Gia , look , I m with you because I want to be with you , ok ? Emily and I are over .
Gia : No , Zander , we re over . We never should ve even started . The truth ca nt be rationalized away , Zander . There s no place in your heart for me . It belongs to Emily . It always will .
Faith : Why are we fighting when it feels so good to be close to you ? God , it s a lot better than death . Did I tell you that I was willing to die for you ? Yeah , I was . I pulled a gun on sonny . I ambushed him outside of Kelly s as he was taking a little stroll with the kid . I was going to avenge your death . I was going to make your greatest wish come true . I was going to make him pay with his life .
Ric : Why ? Why -- why d you put yourself at risk like that ? You thought I was dead .
Faith : Why do nt you get it ? Why ? Because I care about you . And you could care about me , too , if you just let yourself go there . Just stop shutting me out . Just grab this chance with me , ok ? If we play our cards right , we might actually live to have a future together .
Jason : Surprised you how ? Is everything ok ?
Courtney : It s fine . I -- I did nt mean to make it sound --
Michael : Daddy ?
Jason : Hey , buddy . Your dad s out on business . He ll be back soon . What s wrong ?
Michael : I had a bad dream .
Jason : You want me to go back upstairs with you till you fall asleep ?
Michael : Uh - uh . I m afraid .
Jason : All right . Sit down there for a second , all right ? You re afraid , or you do nt want to miss anything ? Yeah , see , you were like that when you were a baby , too . You hated to go to sleep . You would fight until your eyes could nt stay open anymore . You know what I d do after that ?
Michael : What ?
Jason : I d take you like this ; I d pick you up in the air . I d bring you out here , and I d talk to you .
Michael : About what ?
Jason : Well , you know anything that came to mind . Cool stuff like pyramids and ancient runes , Seven Wonders of the World , oceans , all the countries I wanted to visit someday .
Michael : Where were my Mommy and Daddy ?
Jason : Um -- your mom was -- she was out of town , and your daddy was on the island . For a while , I took care of you all by myself . And I promised you when you were too young to remember that I d always be someone you can depend on .
Michael : Almost like a father .
Jason : Yeah , almost like a father .
Sonny : The baby going to be all right ?
Carly : The baby s fine .
Sonny : Are you sure ? Yeah ?
Carly : I love you , Sonny . I need you .
Sonny : Yeah ?
Lorenzo : Time s up , Sonny . You have to leave now .
Sonny : What is --
Carly : What ? What ? You ve got to be kidding me , right ? I mean , sonny just got here . We have nt seen each other in months . Just give us a break , ok ?
Sonny : Do nt ask for any favors because we do nt want to be indebted to the man . The man says it s over , it s over .
Carly : Fine . Um --
Sonny : What ?
Carly : Here .
Sonny : What is that ?
Carly : I wrote this . It s for Michael .
Sonny : A letter ? That s sweet . He ll love that .
Carly : Tell him that I miss him --
Sonny : Yeah ?
Carly : And that I m thinking about him all the time .
Sonny : It s going to be fine , ok ? All you got to do is take care of yourself , all right ? Take care of our baby , all right ? Ok ?
Carly : I ll be thinking of you and Michael all the time .
Sonny : We ll be together soon , ok ? All right . Ok , bye .
Carly : Do nt worry . Daddy s going to come back soon , just like he said , and he s going to take us home .
Courtney : Hey .
Jason : Hey . I think he s down for the night .
Courtney : Yeah , you knew exactly how to calm him down .
Jason : It s easy . The first year of his life , I either talked or I read him to sleep every night .
Courtney : Michael probably associates your voice with feeling loved and safe .
Jason : You know Michael is the first baby I ever held ? He was so tiny . When he was born , I could almost fit him in one hand . But he was strong , a fighter like Carly . Even though the doctors thought he might die , Michael was so determined to live .
Courtney : I ca nt even imagine Carly leaving a newborn .
Jason : Yeah , it was a bad -- it was a bad time .
Courtney : Postpartum depression .
Jason : Carly could nt even hold Michael . So she decided that she would do more harm than good if she stuck around .
Courtney : That must ve been so mind - blowing for you , suddenly being responsible for a baby all by yourself .
Jason : It was great . I love Michael . I could watch that kid for hours . Even then , he was so smart . He was always looking around , checking things out . You know , he would get this surprised expression on his face whenever anything new happened . Like -- I remember the first time that he tasted bananas or the first time that he rolled over and the day that he took his first step . That was a fun day .
Courtney : So , what was his first word ?
Jason : It was daddy .
Courtney : So , do you ever miss those days ?
Jason : You know , Michael was -- was kind of on loan to me , and that helped us out a lot . Both of us kind of needed each other . But he was never really mine . He was meant to be with Carly and sonny . And with everything that s happened since Carly was taken , you know , I realize that I do nt even have a right to be a father .
Ric : No . Tell me what I missed here . When did you conceive this grand passion for me ? Really , faith , I just do nt understand because the way I remember it , our relationship was that we were reluctant allies against sonny . I never liked you . No offense , but I never pretended to . And as a matter of fact , I think I shot you a couple of times . Now , how does this make me irresistible ?
Faith : You really want to know ?
Ric : I got to confess to a morbid curiosity .
Faith : Well , sometimes that s enough . I like all the things about you that you are afraid to like in yourself -- the dark , dangerous , twisted parts . I like that I ca nt play you the way I ve always been able to play men . You do nt let me get away with anything . But most of all , I like that you are just like me -- the perennial outsider , damaged and envious . I like everything except the ever so fascinating ways that we are different .
Ric : So what you re saying is that we deserve each other , huh ? Well , on that , I have to agree .
Zander : Gia -- look , I swear to you , I was nt trying to use you .
Gia : I m back at you . That s why I m facing reality . I saw your face when he called and said that Emily might need you . You wanted to go out right then and there and find her . You still do , and you should .
Zander : No , Gia , there s no point , ok ? Emily has made herself clear -- so clear that even I could get it . She loves Nikolas .
Gia : No , she loves the both of you . And you decide what you re going to do about it . Are you going to fight for Emily ? Or maybe your pride s been hurt once too often , you want to leave her to Nikolas . Either way , it s up to you . As for me , I m officially resigning as the rebound girl .
Zander : Gia , please -- I m sorry .
Gia : You want to make it up to me ? Figure out what you really want and commit to it .
Judge : By the power vested in me by the state of New York , I now pronounce you husband and wife . Nikolas , you may kiss your bride .
Nikolas : Now that that s done , we have some documents to sign . Your grandfather s will -- last page , I believe . Your signature .
Nikolas : Judge , if you d make it official , please .
Nikolas : Thank you . I want you to take this . Consider it my wedding gift to you . After Lydia and I have a child , the financial future of the Cassadines will be assured .
Lucky : And all it cost was my brother s soul .
Stefan : Thank you , Nikolas . And now that business is concluded , we can move on to celebrating this joyous occasion . Champagne . Thank you . A little help would be appreciated , Alexis .
Alexis : You want me to make a toast ? A toast . Sometimes good things can happen when you least expect them . Out of a difficult situation can come something else . To Nikolas , Lydia , the endless possibilities .
Stefan : To Nikolas , the future of this family . I ve never been more proud of you than I am at this moment . And to Lydia , your lovely bride , the newest Cassadine .
Nikolas : As today s groom , I would like to acknowledge each of you . Judge Markham , thank you for your patience during what must have been one of the more bizarre ceremonies you ve ever officiated . Lucky , my brother , thank you for having the class to attend an important event in my life even though you do nt approve and for your support , both past and ongoing . Alexis . Alexis , thank you . Thank you for being such an oasis of sanity in my life -- although I m not sure what that says about either one of us .
Nikolas : Oh -- Lydia , thank you for epitomizing grace under pressure . And good breeding will tell , and I m sure I ll find a cause to appreciate it . Uncle , thank you for raising me , for loving me in your own way --
Stefan : It was my pleasure .
Nikolas : Please do nt interrupt me on my big day . What I really want to thank you for are your good intentions , but I realize that they do nt exist . I m just an instrument for your own ambitions , a pawn for you to pressure and manipulate in the furtherance of your own ends . So thank you , thank you for showing me your true face and proving to me that I owe you nothing .
Cameron : Hi .
Zander : Hi . I got your message about Alexis , and I m sorry I have nt been able to call you back .
Cameron : I realize you ve been busy . The whole situation s kind of ludicrous , anyway .
Zander : Well , I m glad for you . I mean , obviously you care about Alexis .
Cameron : I turned a blind eye while she ran around in drag and let you think I was gay to cover for her . That s not a healthy relationship , Zander . It s a complete and utter break with reality .
Zander : So you re mad at her ?
Cameron : It s not worth discussing . Besides , you called me . You need something ?
Zander : Well , I m just -- I m heading out of town , and I just wanted to say goodbye .
Cameron : Well , how long are you going to be gone ?
Zander : Forever sounds good .
Ric : You scare me , Faith , you know , not because you re so lethal but because you are right . I am just like you . When I look at you , I realize all the things that people see when they look at me , and it just turns my blood cold .
Faith : That s not the effect I was going for .
Ric : Well , you ll do whatever it takes , right , Faith ? Look , I m not trying to judge you . I am in no position to do that . I have made some horrible mistakes on my own , I know . I mean , I just -- I got caught in this vicious cycle . One crime led to another , and then another crime on top of that to make up for the one before . The crimes just kept escalating , Fith , and the justifications became more and more convoluted until , finally , I find myself one night standing over Elizabeth with a pillow in my hand ready to smother her to death . This is my wife , faith . My wife . I m trying to explain to her and to myself that I do nt have a choice .
Faith : Maybe you did nt .
Ric : The hell I do nt ! I did have a choice ! But I finally saw it . I could try to make amends .
Faith : God , you are kidding yourself again . Sonny and Carly will never accept amends for what you put them through .
Ric : Well , maybe not , but I can try . I am not going to die knowing that I could ve made a choice and I did nt take that opportunity .
Faith : Why are you so sure you are going to die ? \
Lorenzo : You need exercise ; you re welcome to walk the deck .
Carly : Oh , really ?
Lorenzo : Of course . I ve told you the boat is at your disposal .
Carly : Yeah , well , I might take you up on that because I am feeling a little restless at the moment .
Lorenzo : Well , I m sorry you found Sonny s visit so upsetting .
Carly : What I found upsetting was how quickly that it ended .
Lorenzo : And here I thought I was being the accommodating host .
Carly : Look , as far as captors go , you are a definite improvement over that psycho Ric . And I know that sonny had to make some horrible concession , and I am grateful for the visit . But what I just do nt understand is , after all the trouble and after all the risk , why you could nt let me have one hour alone with my husband ?
Courtney : Why would you say that you have no right to be a father when you ve already been such a wonderful one ?
Jason : Is Carly still out there ? Then I m going to do whatever it takes to bring her home . And that means things can go wrong . Right now , I m free to take that risk . I would nt be if I had a child . What I mean -- what I learned from Michael is that kids -- kids are wide open . They do nt have defenses . You re their whole world . They love you unconditionally . They depend on you . And when a parent goes away and does nt come back for whatever reason , something that started out pure gets wrecked . I mean , it happened to sonny . It happened to you . I wo nt do that to my kid . I wo nt stay here . I could nt knowingly risk my life .
Courtney : So are you saying that you would stop working if we had a baby ?
Jason : I m just -- I m just saying that we ca nt have one right now , at least not for a while . My job is to put myself on the line every day --
Jason : So Michael s father does nt have to .
Sonny : Jase -- I put a tracking device on Alcazar s yacht . We have his location . It s time to bring Carly home .
Lorenzo : How did you and Sonny meet ?
Carly : Through a mutual friend . Why ?
Lorenzo : You ve asked me a lot of questions about my past , and I ve answered them . Does nt that entitle me to know a little bit about yours ?
Carly : All right , I ll give you the abridged version . I grew up in a rented dump in Florida . I was furious with my adopted mother , and I was jealous of my rich best friend . Once I found out who my biological mother was , I was hell- bent on ruining her life . That s why I went to Port Charles . I did nt want to make the world a better place . I just wanted to find a rich and powerful man and take him for all he was worth . No noble intentions , no goodness of heart or spirit . I was the complete polar opposite of your lost Sophie in every single respect .
Lorenzo : Are you saying you re using Sonny ?
Carly : Are you insane ? No one uses my husband . And those who try , they get chewed up and they get spit out and then they mysteriously disappear .
Lorenzo : So you love him ?
Carly : He s everything to me .
Lorenzo : And the fact that he just happens to be rich and powerful is , what , an amazing coincidence ?
Carly : It s a collateral benefit . Sonny and I were nt supposed to happen . He could nt stand me , and the feeling was mutual .
Lorenzo : How do you cross that bridge ?
Carly : Carefully . Painfully . See , Sonny and I -- we slept together for all the wrong reasons , and I wound up pregnant . And then it was a pretty specific hell for a while until something happened . And then we sort of just learned to love each other .
Lorenzo : Are you sure about that ? Or are you and Sonny just making the best of a bad situation ?
Courtney : Michael still asleep ?
Sonny : Why ? Is there a problem ?
Courtney : No , he just -- he had a nightmare , but Jason calmed him down .
Sonny : Jason s great with Michael .
Courtney : Do you ever feel like you took something from Jason since he was Michael s father first ?
Sonny : Where s this coming from ?
Courtney : I do nt know . It s just sometimes it s like Jason thinks that his life is less valuable than yours . And , Sonny , I mean , it would never even occur to him not to put it on the line for you or Carly .
Sonny : Ok , if you re asking me to leave him behind , I ca nt do that . I ve got to get Carly away from Alcazar , and I need Jason s help to do that .
Courtney : No -- I know , I know . I m not trying to interfere . Look , I guess I m just asking for you to please just show some caution for Jason s sake since he wo nt do it for himself .
Sonny : I know this is hard for you to understand , but the reason Jason s valuable to me is because he is nt cautious . He does nt second - guess , you know ? His work comes naturally to him , and he s not going to leave that behind . I m telling you this because I know . The best thing for you to do is let him go tonight , have a smile on your face , so that way he does nt have to worry about you , ok ?
Jason : Everything s ready .
Sonny : All right . All right .
Jason : I just -- I just realized that you did nt tell me about the surprise .
Courtney : It -- no , it can wait .
Jason : Ok . I m going to bring Carly home .
Courtney : Ok . I love you .
Zander : Port Charles is where I met Emily . You know , it s where I found love , and my life changed here , you know ? And I wanted -- I wanted to keep hanging on to that , and I just -- you know , you can only beat your head against a wall so many times before you get chronic migraines , so I m done . I m done . I m leaving . And I just wanted to come and wish you well .
Cameron : Well , I know I long ago forfeit any right I had as a father to tell you what to do , but I d like to make a professional observation if I could .
Zander : Yeah , sure .
Cameron : The biggest difference I see in the boy I knew in Florida and the man you ve become is that you now have a sense of your own worth , and I m betting that s because Emily loved you . She believed in you when no one else would , including your own father . She overlooked your failings and your flaws and honored what was good about you . Forgave your mistakes , took you back . Now I think it s your turn . You can either take a chance on being hurt and show Emily the kind of love she s shown you , or you can throw up your hands and walk away .
Zander : Where do you get off lecturing me ? I mean , if this was your choice , you d turn around and walk out in a heartbeat , and we both know that .
Cameron : No , I wo nt argue with that . But you re a better man than I am .
Nikolas : Emily , I m serious . If you do nt call me back , I m going to come look for you .
Lydia : I thought you d be in bed , but I m thinking those ca nt be your pajamas .
Nikolas : I m going out .
Lydia : No , Nikolas . Not on our wedding night . We do nt get the full inheritance until we produce an heir . Make love to me .
Nikolas : Put your robe on , Lydia .
Lydia : Do nt get all noble on me . Not tonight . You may not love me , but I know you re attracted to me , and I can work with that .
Nikolas : The night we slept together , I used you , ok ? It was unfair to both of us , and I m sorry that it happened .
Lydia : I m not . We were good together , and sex is a necessary part in producing a child .
Nikolas : Look , I said my vows and I signed the will . That s about all the duty I can handle for one day .
Lydia : I m your wife , Nikolas . I m not going to sleep alone every night so you can stay faithful to your lost love , Emily .
Nikolas : I took pains to make myself clear when we made our vows . I do nt love you . I wo nt pretend to . And at the moment , I have no intention of sleeping with you . If in the future that changes , you will be the first to know .
Lydia : Then how in the hell are we supposed to conceive a child ?
Nikolas : We have five years before that particular deadline , and I mean to make the most of that reprieve . Now if you ll --
Lydia : You selfish pig .
Nikolas : You just remember that this selfish pig is now your husband because you wanted it that way .
Alexis : Hi . Can you please page dr . Lewis for me , please ?
Cameron : That wo nt be necessary . What can I do for you , Alexis ?
Alexis : I want you to help me .
Cameron : This is where I came in .
Alexis : It s not what you think .
Cameron : Forget it , Alexis . No more perjury . No more falsified psychiatric reports . No more covering for you while you run around in drag or whatever plot you ve cooked up to subvert the legal system .
Alexis : It s nothing like that , believe me .
Cameron : It s always like that , Alexis . You and the entire Cassadine clan feel like you can manipulate whomever you please as long as it gets you what you want .
Alexis : Which is exactly why I m here . I do nt want to do to my daughter what Stefan is doing to Nikolas .
Cameron : What are you getting at ?
Alexis : I want -- I want you to treat me . Literally , I want you to treat me . I want you to help me make sense of the chaos in my head so that I can be a good mother to Kristina instead of another screwed - up Cassadine .
Faith : Do you have a death wish , huh ? You hope to look up from hell and rejoice if Elizabeth deigns to shed a tear for you ? Or would you feel so much better if Sonny , standing over your cold , lifeless body , says , oh , he found redemption in the end ?
Ric : Yeah , as a matter of fact , I just might .
Faith : No , you wo nt . You will be a corpse . You will feel nothing . I have seen enough death to know that . I am trying to fix this , ok ? I am posing as a buyer for Alcazar s drugs . You want to know why ? Because when the job is done , Sonny will owe me . You know what I m going to demand as payment ? Your freedom so we can leave . We can go . We can start a life . We ll go to Miami .
Ric : Give it up . I m not going to Miami . I m staying right here until my brother gets here , and then I m going to go with him to Alcazar s compound and I am going to do whatever it takes to bring Carly home .
Lorenzo : I would nt do that . You need to work on your poker face . You tend to bite your lip when you re about to make a risky move . Better show a little caution , or I m going to win .
Carly : I do nt do caution . You re the one who wanted to play this game , anyway . I m just being an obliging captive .
Lorenzo : Oh . Is that how you think of yourself ? For a second there , I thought you were actually enjoying yourself .
Carly : I do nt think you are sick and evil like Ric , but I do realize that you are conducting a business negotiation and , as much as I hate it , I m the bargaining chip . And in some crazy way , it s civil . But my only focus is going home and being with my family . And when that day comes , believe me , I wo nt miss you or your boat one bit .
Lorenzo : How about if I take you for a walk on the deck . Outside is a little closer to freedom than the inside of this cabin .
Sonny : Whoa -
Lydia : You changed your mind ?
Lucky : How did I know I d find you alone on your wedding night ?
Zander : Going somewhere ?
Nikolas : Yeah , to look for Emily .
Zander : No , you re not . I m going to look for Emily . Me , not you .
Courtney : Hey , kiddo , I thought you d gone to sleep .
Michael : I did , but then I thought I heard Daddy , so I came down to check .
Courtney : Yeah , Sonny was here , but he had to leave again with Jason .
Michael : Can I sit with you ?
Courtney : Yeah , you sure can . Come here . So , you want me to read to you ? Jason said that used to help you sleep when you were little .
Michael : You think the new baby will like getting read to ?
Courtney : I imagine so . I think everybody does .
Michael : Do you think he ll be lonely ?
Courtney : No , never . Come on . Not with all of us here .
Michael : He might need a friend .
Courtney : What kind of friend ?
Michael : Another baby .
Courtney : Well , one at a time , sweetie . I think you re going to have to wait for a second brother or sister .
Michael : Hey , you and Jason could have a baby . Mommy wants you to .
Courtney : And what about you ?
Michael : Yep .
Courtney : If Jason and I had a baby , it would be your cousin . Would you like that ?
Michael : It d be great . So how soon can you have it ?
Courtney : Um -- well , sometimes babies come as a surprise . One could be here sooner than you think .
Jason : The crewmen were right . They told the truth . They re gone .
Sonny : Damn . Search the place . See if Carly left some kind of clue . I ll tell you what -- we just got to hope that Alcazar believes that Ric s dead and they re headed to that compound .
Jason : Sonny --
Carly : Of all the rotten tricks . You invite me for a stroll on the deck so you can shove me on a helicopter without so much as a fuss .
Lorenzo : It worked .
Carly : Was there a problem with the yacht ? What was it , huh ?
Lorenzo : Well , for one thing , your husband planted a tracking device on it . Do nt worry , you did nt give anything away . I anticipated sonny would try to track the yacht . That s what I would have done myself . Besides , I always planned on moving you after the second visit . Everything s going according to schedule , Carly .
Lorenzo : I ll say it again -- you re a very resourceful woman . But false labor pains are nt going to fly , Carly , if you pardon the pun .
Carly : I m not faking anything . Something s wrong .
Stefan : Get away from her .
Ric : I know what I want , and I know how to get it .
Carly : My baby can not be born right now . It s too soon . It will not survive .
### Summary:
| Nikolas and Lydia finished their wedding ceremony . They signed the inheritance papers . Nikolas told Stefan that he was finished with him , and all his plans . Lydia asked Nik if they could go to bed , and he told her that he had no intentions of sleeping with her . She cried in bed , and Lucky walked in and made a comment about knowing she d be alone . Zander talked to Cameron , and told him that he was leaving town . Cameron told him that he thought Zander should stay because Emily and he loved each other . Later , Zander went to Wyndemere , and told Nikolas to stay away from Emily . Alexis went to GH to see Cameron . She asked him to help her become a good mother to Kristina by being her therapist for real this time . Courtney got ready to tell Jason that they were having a baby . Michael came down to talk to them , and she never told him . Jason got into talking about how he was glad that he did nt have kids of his own . Sonny came home , and told Jason that it was time for them to save Carly from Lorenzo . They got to the yacht , and found that Lorenzo had already moved Carly . Jason and Sonny found a bomb while looking for clues from Carly about where they mav have moved to . On the plane with Lorenzo , Carly started having labor pains . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Please , Storm , tell me the truth . I need to know . Did you frame Dad for Stephanie s shooting ?
Felicia : I hope it s not a bad time .
Stephanie : Oh , it s been like grand central station tonight .
Felicia : Well , I want to put Dominick s presents under your tree because-- where is your tree ?
Stephanie : Oh , I gave it to the homeless shelter . The boys came and picked it up ear--
Felicia : What ? You gave away the Christmas tree ?
Stephanie : Yes , I did . I - I just -- I just ca nt do it .
Felicia : Mother , I ll help you .
Stephanie : No . Thank you , but no thank you .
Felicia : That s it . I m calling your doctor . Clearly , you re having some weird side effect from the pain medication you re on .
Stephanie : No , it has nothing to do with my pain med--
Felicia : Well , you re not acting like yourself .
Stephanie : Yes , I am , and I m fine .
Felicia : I beg to differ .
Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Sit . I m sorry I upset you . Your father was upset , too . Honey , look , here s the problem . It s just so much pressure to be cheerful . I mean , Christmas turns out to be absolutely exhausting .
Felicia : It s never been too much for you before .
Stephanie : I just do nt have it in me to do it this year . Can we leave it at that ?
Felicia : No , Mother , we ca nt . What is going on ?
Stephanie : Honey , look , this is what happens when someone shoots you and tries to kill you and your husband walks out . It does nt bring about a lot of warm , fuzzy feelings , all right ?
Storm : I am not the reason why Dad is in jail .
Brooke : You said you were .
Storm : Okay , I was frustrated that I could nt get him out of jail , but--
Brooke : But did you really try ? Really ?
Katie : Brooke , come on ! How can you ask him these questions ?
Brooke : They need to be asked , Katie .
Storm : You doubt me after everything I ve done for our family ?
Brooke : I m afraid for you , Storm . Do you really hate Dad that much to frame him for attempted murder ?
Storm : What , you-- you do nt think I have reason to hate him ? I mean , we all have reasons , Brooke , thousands of reasons , one for every day he was gone and since he s been back . And do you know that when he got back here , after he found out what happened to you , he blamed me . ( Voice cracking ) he -- he asked me how come I did nt protect you ? ( Normal voice ) I mean , the man who abandoned us-- how dare he ask me that ?
Katie : He had no right .
Storm : The -- the arrogant , self - center , son of a-- he thinks he can just come back here , and what , save the day ?
Katie : He does nt know . He does nt understand what we ve been through because of him .
Storm : He does nt want to understand . He ca nt .
Katie : But we do . Storm , we understand . We know how hard you work . We know how much you care about us .
Storm : I do care , and it kills me that you did nt come to me and tell me about that right away . That I had to be blamed ... by him ? ! I mean , you can only imagine what I wanted to do to him , but I did nt . I did nt because I knew it would upset you , girls . But I knew-- I knew what he was up to . He was trying to work his way back in like he was the protector of you guys , and the crazy thing is you were starting to fall for it . I mean , his big hero act-- you were starting to trust him again . He was taking you away from me , and I could nt let that happen . I was not gon na let him hurt again , and that s why I did it !
Storm : I did it .
Felicia : Dad will be here .
Stephanie : No , he wo nt .
Felicia : He will if I tell him what it means to you .
Stephanie : Do nt you do that . I do nt want anyone coming to this house out of a sense of obligation . I am not somebody s Christmas charity .
Felicia : Now you sound like Sally .
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) Sally wo nt be here , either . She s got the right idea . She s in Saint - Tropez with all the beach boys .
Felicia : Well , you know what ? I m here . So if it s just you , me and Dominick , that s fine .
Stephanie : No . Honey , why do nt you go to your brother s house ? Dominick will have kids to play with . It ll be lovely .
Felicia : Spend Christmas with Brooke and her sisters ? No , thank you .
Stephanie : All right , I tell you what . We ll have the company plane fly you down to Florida . Go and -- and spend the day with Kristen . She d love it .
Felicia : Nice . Nice . You want me to fly over the holidays ? I d rather kiss Donna under the mistletoe .
Stephanie : I do nt mean to be unkind , but I do nt care what you do .
Felicia : Baloney ! You do care . It s tradition , Mother , a family tradition . The Forrester Christmas-- dad s terrible eggnog , you bitchin and moanin up until the minute we sing Christmas carols .
Stephanie : No . No , I m done . I am not doing Christmas . I want to be alone .
Storm : ( Sobbing ) I did it . God , I did it .
Brooke : It s good you told us .
Storm : ( Sniffles ) ( sobs ) you re not angry with me ?
Brooke : You were in pain . You were nt thinking clearly .
Storm : ( Sobs ) I did nt plan on doing it .
Katie : Of course not .
Storm : Oh , I was just ... ( sniffles ) I was just so furious with Stephanie for what she did to you ... ( sniffles ) and to Donna , for locking her in the steam room . ( Sighs ) it was such a stupid little stunt , but the disrespect ... and she was nt gon na pay for any of it , and she knew it . And there s no accountability , just like Dad .
Katie : Dad was angry at Stephanie , too .
Storm : ( Laughs ) Yeah . I mean , he -- he goes charging into that hotel room , making threats to Stephanie and throwing dead birds around . That s what the bellman told the police . I mean , and -- a we know it was nt the first time that he made threats against -- against Stephanie . What about that time in -- in your office , when he was holding that gun ?
Brooke : So is that how you got the gun ? You got it from my desk during the showing ?
Storm : I mean , it was so easy . I hear Eric tell Stephanie to wait in the showroom , and everything I need is right there-- the gun , the camera . Dad has a ring . I have a ring . I mean , all I d need to do is put the ring on , and everybody s gon na assume that Dad did it . So I set the camera up , and I waited behind the curtain . But then , um , you came in , and you had it out with Stephanie , and then Donna . And then finally , I saw my chance . So I put the ring on . I pointed the gun , and I fired .
Katie : ( Sobbing )
Storm : I didnt-- I did nt mean to kill her . That wasnt-- that was nt my intention . Stephanie went down , and Dad was arrested .
Katie : But you-- you -- you could nt have been sure that Jake was gon na show me that footage .
Storm : ( Sniffles ) Well , yeah ... ( laughs ) he would have seen it eventually . And when he realized what he had , he d go to the police . It was the perfect crime , but it was nt , because now you know .
Stephen : It s after visiting hours , so who s supposed to--
Man : No physical contact with the prisoner . Do not attempt to pass anything to the prisoner . Sit down .
Man : 15 minutes .
Stephen : What do you want ?
Stephanie : I m in need of cheering up , and you might be the only person that can do that .
Stephen : You re out of luck .
Stephanie : Not really . Just seeing you , and I feel better already .
Stephen : It makes you feel good seeing me locked up ?
Stephanie : Knowing that the man that tried to kill me is worse off than I am has lightened my mood considerably .
Stephen : Guard , I want to go back to my cell .
Stephanie : Without hearing my offer ?
Stephen : You have nothing I want .
Stephanie : Mm ... it s Christmas . You might want to see your grandchildren before they re too old to remember ever seeing grandpa at Christmas .
Stephanie : This is the season of giving , is nt it ? I m sure you have a wish list . I have one . It s a very short list . I only want one thing for Christmas , and that s your confession .
Stephen : You re crazy .
Stephanie : You really do nt want to go to trial .
Stephen : Well , obviously , you do nt either , or you would nt be here . Are you worried that what you did to Brooke is gon na come out ?
Stephanie : I just think that things that are private should remain private . I do nt think we should go public .
Stephen : Always protecting your precious reputation .
Stephanie : I m trying to give you the opportunity to protect your children from scandal . I should have remembered , naturally , you would be focused on your own hide .
Stephen : I m focused on my defense .
Stephanie : Look , if you will confess , I will do everything I can to get the district attorney to make a plea - bargain .
Stephen : I wo nt confess to a crime I did nt commit .
Stephanie : The evidence points directly to you .
Stephen : My children know it s not true . They re out there to find the person who really did it .
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) what do you have-- a little junior detective agency working for you ?
Stephen : Are -- are you jealous , Stephanie , that my children rallied around me ?
Stephanie : Just hard to understand , given your history with them .
Stephen : You re right . I do nt deserve it . I ve been a terrible father . And if they left me to rot here , I d understand , but they re not . So you go ahead , Stephanie . You amuse yourself at my expense . You take every shot at me you want , because my children love me , and they know I m innocent . And my son is gon na get me out of here . And I could nt ask for a better man to defend me .
Katie : Storm , please , please tell me you re making this up .
Storm : Why would I ?
Katie : To c -- to protect Dad , to create reasonable doubt .
Storm : I shot Stephanie .
Katie : You have an alibi . You were on the phone with Charlie Baker when it happened .
Storm : I was just trying to make sure that I did nt look like a suspect . And that s when it came to me-- why not let the police give me an alibi ?
Brooke : What ?
Storm : I had to be careful that I did nt look suspicious . Once I got Charlie Baker on the phone , it was all set . All I had to do was keep him on the line , make sure I was talking when it happened .
Brooke : How did you do that ?
Storm : It s pretty clever , right ?
Charlie : Sorry for the interruption . This is about a complaint , right ?
Storm : ( Sighs ) What was your name again ? Baker ?
Charlie : Charlie-- Charlie Baker .
Storm : Well , how much longer is this gon na take , officer ?
Charlie : Just bear with me for a second . You -- you re making a complaint against Stephanie Forrester , is that right ?
Storm : Yes , and I d like to file a restraining order . So can you send someone ?
Charlie : Uh , it d be a lot easier if you d come down to the station .
Storm : Hmm , yeah , well , I m sorry , I cant-- ca nt really do that right now .
Charlie : All right . Uh , give me the information , and I ll make the report .
Storm : Yeah , can you , uh , hold on just one second , officer ?
Storm : Sorry . I had to get rid of something .
Brooke : You just walked away and left Stephanie in the showroom ?
Storm : ( Sighs ) There were people backstage . They would have heard the shot . I had to get out of there , Brooke .
Brooke : Storm , the police questioned all of us . Any one of us could have been taken to jail .
Storm : Ah , yes , but I made sure the evidence pointed towards Dad .
Katie : Oh , my God .
Brooke : How can you be sure ? You re a defense attorney . You know how these things go .
Storm : Well , I know how Dad gets when he gets stressed out . You know , he -- he pretends like he s the victim . He played right into their hands-- berating the police , refusing to cooperate . Look , uh , okay , I know I should nt have done it . It was wrong . I mean , I would nt do it again . But what can I do ? It s done .
Brooke : Are you suggesting that we just let Dad be prosecuted for a crime he did nt commit ?
Storm : He s got a good lawyer . He could get off .
Katie : Storm , he s innocent .
Storm : Oh , no , no , no , no . Dad may not have shot Stephanie , but he s not innocent .
Stephanie : Stephen , it s an open - and - shut case .
Stephen : Storm does nt think so .
Stephanie : Did the police find the gun in your hotel room ?
Stephen : Did you see me shoot you ? Did you see my face ? Do you have a witness that puts me in the showroom when you were--
Stephanie : Is that what his defense is-- no one saw your face ?
Stephen : All he needs is reasonable doubt .
Stephanie : Do you really want to put this much trust in a young man who grew up literally hating you ?
Stephen : I trust him a hell of a lot more than I trust you . Did you really think I was gon na confess because you ask ?
Stephanie : Listen to me . The rape , your daughter s relationship with my husband , your wife s relationship with my husband , your lack of a relationship with your children-- all of that s going to come out in a trial .
Stephen : You do nt scare me , Stephanie . And you ca nt intimidate me . Even sitting here in jail , I would rather be me than you . At least I have children who are willing to fight for me . Will your children fight for you when they find out what you ve done to Brooke ?
Stephanie : ( Sighs ) I came here to give you a chance . I have .
Stephen : ( Scoffs )
Stephanie : I m never going to make this offer to you again . I know what you did . The police know what you did . And when the jury figures it out , they re going to convict you , and when they do that , I m going to use every ounce of influence that I have to get you put in the worst penitentiary in this state . I feel better already . Thank you . And Merry Christmas .
Katie : We ca nt just leave Dad in jail .
Storm : Why not ? He left us .
Katie : He did nt shoot Stephanie .
Storm : He was looking for acceptance . He thought he could just come back here and put on a big show and yell about how-- how the Logans were treated all these years . Well , let me tell you something . He has no idea how we were treated . He has no idea what we had to go through for all those years , because he was nt here . And he did nt have the guts to stick around and face his problems . Well , guess what ? Now he has to face his problems . He is sitting in that cell as we speak , and he s looking at those four walls , and he is wondering to himself how I got here . He s wondering what did I do to deserve this ?
Brooke : But he does nt deserve it . And neither do you . I can see what this is doing to you-- your feelings of hatred , your desire for revenge . Stormy , it s a sickness .
Storm : This is nt revenge .
Brooke : You love the law . You would nt do anything to abuse it .
Storm : Brooke , this is justice .
Brooke : No . No , it s not . I mean , you do nt even know what you re saying . You re too angry . You re too upset . Look , we -- we re gon na figure this out , okay ?
Storm : ( Sighs )
Brooke : We re gon na decide what to do next .
Storm : We do nt do anything next .
Brooke : We have to get Dad out of jail .
Storm : Oh , no . No , no , no , no , no . The cops have passed this case on to the D.A. they have their man and the evidence to prove it .
Katie : Evidence you planted .
Storm : Well ... ( scoffs ) so what ? It s all circumstantial . He could be acquitted .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Brooke : With you as his lawyer ?
Storm : Hey , hey , I have done everything by the book . I have done everything that needs to be done .
Brooke : Except confess .
Storm : Ohh ! What do you -- what do you-- what do you want me to do ? You want me to go to jail ? Is that what you want ?
Katie : No !
Storm : I mean , do you want me to be punished for protecting this family ? Because that s why I did it . I mean , Dad and Stephanie-- they have hurt everybody I love in my life over and over again . Well , I m sorry . It -- it had to stop . They needed to know that there are consequences . If you cause somebody pain , it will come back to you .
Brooke : Oh , my God . Are you listening to yourself ? You do nt think this will come back to you ?
Storm : ( Scoffs ) Well , not if you love me as much as I think you do .
Katie : Storm , please , please do nt make choose .
Storm : Ohh . You do nt have to choose . You just need to be quiet .
Brooke : You do nt even know what you re saying .
Storm : Well , Stephanie s okay . There was no permanent damage . I mean , I just scared her .
Brooke : You shot her ! You shot a person , and then you let Dad go to jail for it !
Storm : I did it for you , for our family . Dad never did anything for you . He never protected us . All those years , it was me who protected you-- me . He never was there for you . I was . I earned your loyalty , Brooke . Well , now it s time for you to return the favor . It s time for you to step up to the plate and protect me . Look ... ( sighs ) I m gon na do my best to protect Dad . But please ... do nt send me to jail .
### Summary:
| Brooke begs Storm to tell her the truth did he shoot Stephanie ? He s appalled and defends himself . How dare his father come back and blame him for what happened to Brooke . Storm says he cares , but he was nt going to let them be suckered in again , so that s why he did it . He confesses ; he s in pain and he breaks but he explains how and why he did it . He did nt mean to kill Stephanie . He thought it was the perfect crime , but it was nt . Felicia is shocked that her mother gave away the Christmas tree and wants to call the doctor ; her meds must be affecting her . Stephanie explains that Christmas is too exhausting to be cheerful . They argue , but Stephanie maintains she is not doing Christmas , she wants to be alone . Stephen is brought to the visiting room , shocked to find Stephanie there . She has a short Christmas wish list , just one thing his confession . She s trying to get him to protect his children by preventing a scandal ; keep it out of the public eye . He calls her crazy and only trying to protect her own self so things wo nt come out what she did to Brooke . He wo nt confess to something he did nt do . Katie is sick , she cries and begs Storm to tell her this is not true . Storm claims his dad may not have shot Stephanie , but he s certainly not innocent . Stephanie explains to Stephen this is an open and shut case , but he disagrees since no one saw his face or placed him with the gun at the scene of the crime , only circumstantial evidence . She vows she will see that he is put away in the best penitentiary in the state ; have a Merry Christmas . Storm claims it is justice , not revenge . He wo nt even consider letting his dad out of jail or what they will do next . His dad can be acquitted . Brooke wants him to confess and Katie begs him not to make them choose between him and their dad . He thinks he earned their loyalty and now it s their turn to protect him . He asks them not to send him to jail . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lynne Neagle AM : Okay. We've got some questions now on how universities view it. Hefin David.
Hefin David AM : We've had an online survey response, which was quite a stark comment, not from the vice-chancellor's office, but from a member of staff within Cardiff University. And it said: 'The Welsh Bacc is not a fair substitute for a full A-level, and should not be regarded as such. I consider it to be a disadvantage for Welsh students, compared with their English counterparts.' Can you reflect on that?
Kirsty Williams AM : I don't agree.
Hefin David AM : Do you think that that's a view that's held within universities, and are you concerned about that? Because it is a view that's obviously held within Cardiff University.
Kirsty Williams AM : No; I would say that that is a view held by an individual in Cardiff University—
Hefin David AM : Who has influence over students.
Kirsty Williams AM : Well, that is a view held by an individual in Cardiff University. And, actually, Cardiff University—indeed, all Welsh universities—accept the Welsh baccalaureate as an A-level equivalent. I think it is really important to reflect on the wide range of opportunities at higher education that the Welsh bac affords individuals. That means that it is deemed as an equivalent to A-level for the vast majority of universities, to get in to some of the most competitive courses, such as dentistry, medicine, veterinary science. So, those courses where we know there's a high demand and high competition for places, there are institutions that are using that, including Cardiff to get into their medical degree.
Hefin David AM : Nick Brazil, the deputy principal of Gower College, said about 50 per cent of the Russell Group don't value the Welsh bac.
Kirsty Williams AM : Well, I don't know where he's getting that from. I have made it a personal commitment to establish this with universities. I have visited both Cambridge and Oxford. I spoke again to Cambridge, Oxford, Bath, Southampton, St Andrews, only last week, who were exhibiting at the Seren conference. I specifically took the opportunity to meet with those universities and to talk to them about how they feel about the Welsh bac. They have a high regard for the Welsh baccalaureate in a variety of ways. First of all, for many of those universities, for many of their courses, they use the Welsh bac as an equivalent to an A-level. If they don't, there are some courses, for instance, where they will lower their offer to gain a place at that university if the Welsh bac is passed at a certain level. So, for instance, rather than maybe offering a Welsh student A, A, B, they would offer a Welsh student A, B, B, plus a Welsh bac, thus giving students two opportunities to gain a place at that university, either with or without their Welsh bac qualification. Even for those universities that don't use the Welsh baccalaureate as a formal part of their offer—and this is the conversation I had again last week with Oxford and Cambridge—they value it as part of a student's personal statement; they value it as part of the interview process in which a student may or may not then be offered a place at that university; and they also recognise that the skills learnt by students whilst undertaking the Welsh baccalaureate are exactly the skills that those students need to make a successful transition from A-level work to university-type work, which, if you can imagine, is very much based on individual research and being able to guide your own learning. So, I just don't recognise that in some way Welsh students are being disadvantaged. The message I get consistently from universities is that there are significant advantages to Welsh learners taking this qualification.
Hefin David AM : Okay. You can not recognise it, but that is contrary to the evidence that we've received. I'm not saying that the evidence is conclusive, but it actually demonstrates inconsistency. So, would you go so far as to accept instead then that there is an inconsistency in the way that universities use the Welsh bac as a tool for application?
Kirsty Williams AM : You would know better than anybody, Hefin, that universities are autonomous institutions and they set their own methods of entry into those institutions. What I'm telling you is that the evidence that I have received from universities is that, whilst there is a variety of approaches to how they regard the qualification in terms of offers, consistently, absolutely across the board, all universities tell me that the Welsh baccalaureate is a valuable qualification and does not disadvantage Welsh students.
Hefin David AM : If the committee were to produce a report based on the evidence we've received, that would be contrary to what you've just said. So, I think we'd end up in a debate in which we are setting out different points of view. So, would you therefore commit to exploring that perspective?
Kirsty Williams AM : Hefin, I would argue that I have indeed explored that perspective because I have taken the trouble to find out first-hand—not via my officials, but first-hand—from those institutions, their views. So, this is not something that is hearsay; I have undertaken to ascertain the views of those universities. We have written to all vice-chancellors—last year—with regard to the Welsh baccalaureate qualification. Qualifications Wales has an individual whose specific job it is to ensure that universities across the United Kingdom understand the value of Welsh qualifications. That will become increasingly important as we see a divergence between English and Welsh qualifications. But I have to say that the evidence that I have from universities is that the Welsh baccalaureate, whilst it may be used in different ways in terms of an offer, the consistency from all universities is that it is a valuable qualification. If you've heard differently from admissions tutors and from the universities officially, rather than from somebody who has e-mailed in, then I would be pleased to look at that evidence, because it would be in stark contrast to what I am being told by universities.
Lynne Neagle AM : Hefin is not referring to an e-mail—
Hefin David AM : No, I've said that.
Lynne Neagle AM : —we did do a survey and we've also taken oral evidence.
Hefin David AM : Yes, and it's representing the evidence that we received.
Kirsty Williams AM : And I'm presenting you with the evidence that I've received.
Hefin David AM : But it will be presented to you as a submission from this committee, no doubt. Let's look at some admissions offers instead then. You do concede that there is inconsistency with how admissions offers are made with regard to the skills challenge certificate. How would you suggest that that is addressed?
Kirsty Williams AM : Hefin, each individual institution and university the length and breadth of the UK have different ways in which they make offers to individuals. What is absolutely clear to me, and if the concern is around the type of institution—. So, for instance, it is accepted as a third-grade offer in Bristol, Edinburgh, Exeter, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, the London School of Economics—some of the highest performing universities and Russell Group universities. It is accepted as a fourth qualification or amends the offer in places like Bath University, and it is accepted in tariff-point offers in places like Hull and the University of the West of England. So there is a variety of ways in which universities use the qualification, and that is their prerogative—that's their prerogative as institutions. They will have different ways in which they recruit and how they offer places, just like different universities will have different views on unconditional offers. You know, there's a difference in universities there, isn't there? Some universities don't have unconditional offers at all; other universities—
Hefin David AM : So, what you're saying is that the problem isn't connected to the Welsh bac, it's connected with just the way that universities make offers, and the Welsh bac has got nothing to do with it.
Kirsty Williams AM : I’m saying there is a variety. Just like any other qualification, there is a variety in how universities use qualifications for offers. What I’m saying to you is that, in the conversations that I have had with Russell Group universities, what they say is that there is certainly no detriment to any Welsh student undertaking this qualification. They value the qualification. They think it is useful. It develops a set of skills that help students to make that transition into higher education. And therefore, I think it is a myth—I would go as far as to say that it’s a myth—that Welsh students are disadvantaged in any way by taking this qualification. Sorry, Andrew.
Hefin David AM : Okay.
Andrew Clark : Could I just add to that response? There are, obviously, differences in the way that universities treat the skills challenge certificate and the Welsh baccalaureate, which is the prime focus of this. The attitude of the universities has changed significantly since that was a graded qualification.
Kirsty Williams AM : Yes, that has made a difference.
Andrew Clark : And even those who do not make it part of their offer consider it exceedingly valuable in the way that young people are prepared to go to university and, therefore, as part of their personal statement, as part of their interview, the activity that the young person has taken by means of the skills challenge certificate is definitely recognised, even by those who don’t actually make it part of their offer. So, we’re still on a journey—that graded qualification has only been taught for a couple of years, but the journey is taking us to the right place, towards the right destination.
Hefin David AM : Okay. So, it isn’t just about variable admissions practices across universities; it is to deal with the skills challenge certificate as well, which needed changing in order to improve that.
Andrew Clark : But that was changed in September 2015. When it was a 'yes'/'no' qualification, I think they held it in less regard than they do now that it is a graded qualification.
Kirsty Williams AM : And that’s the conversation we had with some of our Russell Group universities.
Andrew Clark : And that was an important shift three years ago.
Hefin David AM : Okay. So, last question, then: are you absolutely confident that any concerns we are offering are nothing really to worry about?
Kirsty Williams AM : We will need to continue to communicate to all audiences the importance of this and the value of this qualification. But I am confident that the university sector, in its wide variety of forms, regards the Welsh baccalaureate qualification as a valuable endeavour for Welsh students to undertake, and they certainly don’t regard it as a detriment to students.
Lynne Neagle AM : Okay. Siân wants to come in on this, and then I've got a question from Suzy on Seren.
Sian Gwenllian AM : Yes, just that the committee, of course, has been trying to gain evidence on this sector from the universities themselves, but Universities Wales, which represents the interests of universities in Wales, has rejected the committee's invitation to submit any oral or written evidence. So, can you see the dilemma we're in? We are hearing a few things coming from some universities, we hear what you're saying, but we can't get to the root of the matter because the universities themselves aren't willing to come to speak to us. Are you also disappointed that they have rejected our invitation to come and speak to us?
Hefin David AM : Where's the enthusiasm, Chair? Where's the enthusiasm?
Sian Gwenllian AM : And perhaps that's a sign that they don't want to be drawn into this argument between the Government and us as a committee.
Kirsty Williams AM : Well, it’s a matter for individual universities to decide whether they want to participate in the work of this committee. I would urge them to do so. All Welsh universities regard the Welsh baccalaureate as an equivalent to A-level, and all universities use it as part of their offer—Welsh universities.
Sian Gwenllian AM : Yes, but you see what our dilemma is, though, because if we can’t actually ask them directly, it's a bit difficult for us to actually probe this and to help move things on? Anyway, I'll leave it at that. Thank you.
Kirsty Williams AM : Well, it's a matter for them, and maybe the Chair would like to take that up with Universities Wales.
Lynne Neagle AM : We have had quite an extensive dialogue with them about it. Suzy on Seren.
Suzy Davies AM : So, just briefly, you’ve said several times that having a Welsh bac qualification is an advantage and certainly no detriment, and that it’s valued by universities. But advantage isn't the same as equivalence, and we have had evidence from—I think it was Cardiff University, again, where they had students with two A-levels and a bac who were actually performing as weaker students. So, even though on the face of it you've got three A-levels, those particular students aren't matching up to the expectations of a student with three A-levels. I do want to challenge what you said about the students who are involved in the Seren network about the baccalaureate being accepted for things like veterinary medicine and medicine itself. We've had evidence from FE colleges, which are now significant players in producing our Seren-style students, if you like, that they are exempting their students from doing the bac because it's a distraction, effectively. What's your comment on that? Because if this is a question of communication, which I suspect you're about to tell me, one of the axioms of good communication is you can have the best marketing in the world, but if the product you're selling isn't highly valued then you're actually just doubling the problem. So, can you explain to me why FE is exempting their highest flyers from doing the bac?
Kirsty Williams AM : I think sometimes colleges make the decision that four or five A-levels is of an advantage, and therefore, if you're asking students to carry that workload, which is a considerable workload, that's the preferred route for more able and talented students. Again, what is quite clear in all the conversations that I have had with Russell Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, is that this is a myth. What universities tell me they want is not necessarily students with four or five A-levels; they want students with three really exceptional grades at A-level and a Welsh baccalaureate. I think that's really, really an important message to get across—that it is not necessary to do four or five A-levels if you aspire to go to these Russell Group universities, or if you decide you want to apply to Oxford and Cambridge. As I said, in the conversations that we have had—and there is actually some research, and I will let the committee have links to the research. There is some research to suggest that those students who have been involved in project-based work—and, of course, that's not just the Welsh baccalaureate, that would be the EPQ, which is a qualification that is rapidly gaining traction in England. That is an extended project—research based—qualification, very similar to the individual project element of the Welsh baccalaureate. The EPQ in England is seen as a qualification taken by more able and talented students, and what we see in some of the research that is coming forward is that those students who have engaged in that type of work, project-based work, individual-led, research-based work—those skills are the skills that are really attuned to the nature of university-type work. Therefore, that is valued by universities and there is some indication to say that there is a correlation between the students who have undertaken that work and their potential success at undergraduate level. They also tell me that there is a link between, for instance, being able then to use those skills to gain work experience, placements and internships in the private sector and in the world of work, because, as I said, those types of skills are really, really valuable and therefore that's why they value the qualification.
Suzy Davies AM : Can I just add—? It's great that they're telling you, why aren't they telling FE?
Kirsty Williams AM : Well, as I said, I think it's really important that FE colleges understand that there is a myth around the fact that these universities are looking for four or five A-levels, and if that's the reason why then colleges are not allowing students or dissuading students from taking the Welsh bac, I think we need to reflect on what's important to those universities—which is the right A-levels. I think it's really, really important that students are given the best advice about the A-levels they need to take, facilitating subjects to get into a university, and the value of the skills and knowledge they will acquire through the Welsh bac as an assistance to them going forward.
### Summary:
| The committee members disagreed on the universities' attitudes. Hefin David pointed out that according to the response of an online survey, universities such as Cardiff University refused to consider the baccalaureate as a fair substitute for a full A-Level. However, Kirsty Williams claimed that he had a personal commitment to establishing the recognition of the baccalaureate with the universities and almost all Welsh universities recognized the baccalaureate as a qualification. In the end, despite the ambivalent attitudes of universities, the committee had to admit that the admissions practice was decided by universities and the baccalaureate qualification still required refinement. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Gabi : Stop it ! [ Panting ]
Nick : [ Grunts ]
Gabi : Help ! Help me !
Nick : Gabi , no ! No ! Help , help !
Kate : Oh , my God .
Gabi : At least I got through the night without dreaming about that ... about him . Dear God , please let Kate and Sami help me get through this . [ Sighs ]
Kate : [ Sighs ] I m not someone you wanna cross . You should just ask around . Because I do nt bluff , Jordan-- or whoever the hell you really are . Lucky for you , I have bigger fish to fry .
Will : You re sure that mom and grandma Kate are coming over ?
Sonny : Yes , that s what I heard Gabi say on the phone last night . She said that we were nt gon na be home , and it d be the perfect time to talk about it .
Will : Talk about my surprise birthday party . Great .
Sonny : Will you stop being a grouch about it ?
Will : Can you just find out what they re planning ?
Sonny : Do nt worry . I will get to the bottom of their dirty little secret .
Will : Okay .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
EJ : I am not living like this anymore !
Sami : You do nt have a choice , EJ . We re living like this because you did nt tell me what was going on with Kristen and Eric .
Adrienne : Sami ... hi .
Sami : Oh . Adrienne .
Adrienne : Do you have a minute ? I have something I wanna say to you .
Theresa : Morning , sunshine . What s shaking ?
JJ : Just trying to enjoy my day off from school .
Theresa : Are you playing hooky again ?
JJ : It s exam week .
Theresa : Oh , perfect ! Then you ll have oodles of time to run an errand for me . My place in ten . Do nt be late .
JJ : Bitch .
Abigail : Whoa , who are you talking to ?
Daniel : Ah , sorry about that . I just wanted to give parker a long goodbye .
Eric : I know it must be hard to send him off for the holidays .
Daniel : Chloe and I , we worked out a schedule . I had him for thanksgiving . Next year , we ll reverse it . And yeah . I m sure I m gon na be pretty tied up , trying to prove that Kristen drugged you .
Eric : You really think that new test you mentioned is gon na work ?
Daniel : Ca nt guarantee anything , but if I m right and I can prove it , we can clear your name and get you reinstated in the church . That s for sure . And I m gon na start today .
Brady : Nicole !
Nicole : Hi !
Brady : Wha -- hi ! Wha -- what s up ?
Nicole : You forgot , did nt u ?
Brady : Forgot ... what ?
Nicole : Well , I m gon na do the pre - interview , before we go on camera . My piece on Eric ?
Brady : [ Groans ]
Nicole : Unless of course you do nt feel up to talking about Kristen today .
Brady : No , no , we can do it . We can do it , absolutely . Absolutely . Here , go inside . Go inside . I ll be right with you , okay ?
Nicole : Sure . All right .
Brady : I just have one little thing to do .
Nicole : Okay .
Brady : All right .
Adrienne : Thanks for not running away .
Sami : Well , let s hear what you say , and then we ll re - evaluate .
Adrienne : I believe in admitting when you re wrong .
Sami : When I m wrong ?
Adrienne : When one -- one is wrong . I m -- the one , in this case , being me . I was wrong about will . Sonny s never been happier ... and I m pretty sure he makes will happy too , so .
Sami : Well , I can agree with all of that .
Adrienne : Good . I also hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for saying that I did nt want Sonny with will , and his ... crazy family .
Sami : It s fine .
Sami : Water under the bridge . Oh ! Hi ... Kate .
Kate : Hey ! Uh , you know I hate to interrupt , but , uh , if we do nt get going we re gon na be late for that visit with Arianna .
Adrienne : Wait , oh-- you re going to see the baby ? I would really love to tag along if that would be okay .
Sami : [ Laughs ]
Eric : I m ready to find out . I need to know what happened and why .
Daniel : And you deserve to be cleared .
Eric : But I need to talk to you about something else first : My cousin .
Daniel : I know you think I m helping you to get rid of my guilt about her ...
Eric : It s not a concern .
Daniel : Eric , I swear to you .
Eric : Daniel , it s not even a concern . I spoke to Nicole .
Daniel : Yeah , what did she say ?
Eric : She did nt betray any of your confidences , I can assure you that . Nor will I. But I will say she was pretty passionate in your defense . When my cousin O.D.D , she said that you were there and you helped her . You do nt have any reason to feel any guilt . I believe Nicole . I believe you . I trust you 100 % , and I know you can help me prove Kristen set me up .
Daniel : Yeah . I can and I will , that s great . I can do this for you . But this first step , it is not gon na be easy .
Brady : [ Sighs ] [ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] Okay , okay . [ Sighs ] Hey !
Nicole : Hey , there you are .
Brady : Yeah , sorry about that . I got a text from my dad .
Nicole : Oh , yeah ?
Brady : Yep . He s in Europe . He s doing some family research or something . He wanted to know how I was doing , I told him I was fine . But sorry to keep you waiting . I am here now . Let s do this thing .
Nicole : Okay . Uh , well , first , I just wanna start by saying , um , I am going to make sure I handle Eric and Kristen s story fairly , judiciously . I am not gon na do a hatchet job .
Brady : I m not worried about it . Because if you do nt like the story , I own titan TV , I can have it killed , and I can have your ass fired . [ Laughing ] I m kidding . Come on , Nicole . Where s your sense of humor ? Come on , you re not a rookie . This is what you re good at . You ve always been good at this . You know , it s , uh -- it s your wheelhouse , is what it is .
Nicole : My what ?
Brady : Your wheelhouse . It s a baseball term . It s where your comfort zone is . It s what you re good , you know ? It s got ta be better than that stuffy rectory , right , with my equally stuffy priest brother . Well , soon - to - be ex- priest , right ?
Nicole : Wow , you re really ... open with your opinions today .
Brady : I m open . Nice dress , by the way .
Nicole : Oh . Thanks . Uh , well , that does nt bother me at all , because the more direct you are , the better stuff we ll get for our eventual on - air interview . So are you ready to begin ? I mean , let s do this !
Brady : Am I ready ?
Nicole : Yeah !
Brady : Nicole ... [ Sighs ] Fire away , baby .
Nicole : [ Laughs ]
Sami : I do nt know if the kids are really ready for us to arrive , you know , mass invasion style , right ?
Kate : That apartment s kinda like a closet actually .
Sami : Well , it s not a closet , Kate , it s just that it s -- it s claustrophobic . I mean , that s for sure .
Adrienne : No . Look , guys . I get it , I get it . I should nt have tried to butt in on your time with Arianna . It s okay .
Sami : No , no , it s not that . I mean , I just--
Kate : I do nt know , maybe another -- another time .
Adrienne : Yeah . Oh , yeah . Definitely . That d be great . Thank you for hearing me out .
Sami : And thank you for what you said .
Adrienne : Well , enjoy your time with the baby . Okay .
Kate : What the hell was that about ?
Sami : I do nt know . I mean , seriously , she was just apologizing for , like , the millionth time she s told Sonny that he should nt get involved with will and his crazy family . [ Scoffs ]
Kate : Judgmental shrew . Well , never mind that . Come on , we have to get Gabi and make sure she keeps her mouth shut .
Will : You know , my mom has always wanted to throw me a surprise party ever since I was a little kid .
Sonny : Well , wait , if you know that , then how would it be a surprise ?
Will : That s a good question . Um , I guess she would just , you know , hint at it . Like , hey , will ... how would you react if a couple thousand of your closest friends and relatives showed up for a party that happened to be on the date of your birth ?
Sonny : I can just hear Sami saying that .
Will : Then I would say , please , God . Please , God , do nt do it . And then she d say , well , I ll have to do it on the sly then .
Sonny : Even if you told her you d hate it ?
Will : Well , you know my mom . I mean , once she gets something in her head .
Sonny : [ Laughing ]
Will : So what I need you to do , my love , is find out exactly what s going on . Warn me about the level of humiliation I can expect . Then I will be able to get a strategy going .
Sonny : You really need to stop worrying about this .
Will : Well , that s easy for you to say . You re gon na be one of the drunk partygoers laughing at my expense . You know , if you really love me ...
Sonny : Mm - hmm .
Will : You would find a way to talk her out of it completely .
Sonny : Actually ... I have a plan .
Will : Okay , I like it . What is it ?
Gabi : Oh , hi ! I did nt think you guys would still be home .
Will : I m actually on my way out . So ... I will ... see you later . Gab do nt you have to go to work ?
Sonny : Yeah , I ll be leaving ... soon . And you ll have the whole place to yourself .
JJ : I was just talking to someone from school .
Abigail : Hmm . A bitch ?
JJ : I lost my temper .
Abigail : Was it that girl Bev ? That one who s always drooling all over you ? Is she still harassing you for not hanging out with her and Rory any more ?
JJ : You know , I ve got ta get going .
Abigail : Okay , well , do nt be home too late , because mom and I are gon na finish up all the Christmas decorations , and we will need your help .
JJ : Okay , yeah . I do nt wanna miss that . You know how much I like to cheese up the house for the holidays .
Abigail : Uh , JJ .
JJ : Yeah ?
Abigail : I was talking to mom last night . Uh ...
JJ : Okay .
Abigail : I know I ve said this to you before , but I do nt know if you really get how happy she is to have you home , and that things are going so well for you . She s really , really proud of you . And so am I.
Nicole : So this is nt the first time you walked away from a marriage with Kristen DiMera .
Brady : No .
Nicole : Okay , uh , the first time you walked away was back in may ?
Brady : May. Yeah , may . Right . I ve always had lousy judgment with women . Present company excluded , of course .
Nicole : [ Laughs ] [ Sighs ] Okay , um , let s talk a little bit about the pre - cana sessions you had before the wedding .
Brady : Pre - cana , yeah . Shoot . What ?
Nicole : Well , I mean , did father Eric seem uncomfortable with Kristen ? Anything to suggest that maybe something had happened between them ?
Brady : No . Never . Never .
Nicole : So you believe Eric when he says he was drugged , and that the sex with Kristen was non - consensual ?
Brady : I do . I d like to believe ... without reservation ... about what he s saying . But , you know , he admits that he has no recollection of what happened that night . He forgot about the whole thing , and he ca nt prove anything about what he s talking about . So I guess the only person that really knows what went on in that room is the bitch ... Kristen .
Daniel : Now back when you were sick , after your time at the capital , I found some irregularities in your blood levels .
Eric : I remember .
Daniel : The toxicologist studied the screen for days , could never pinpoint a cause . But now that we know you were drugged -- and like I told you before , she must ve used a masking agent . There is a new test . We can do a procedure that deteriorates the masking agent and reveals the original poison in your bloodstream .
Eric : Wait , you think it s still in my bloodstream ?
Daniel : I do nt know , there could be trace amounts . But if I can cut through that masking agent , we can I.D. Them .
Eric : We can do that today ?
Daniel : Oh , yeah . I m all set up . But got ta tell you ... you are gon na be hooked up to an iv for hours , lying in a bed . Now it s not dangerous , but because of the temperature differences between your body and the drug , I got ta warn you ... there will be pain . And it could be acute pain .
Eric : Yeah , well , I m fine with that . No physical pain can match the emotional hell I m going through . Whoa ! Sweet mother of softness . Maggie , this must be so hard for you . Have you spoken to Victor at all ?
Maggie : Oh , ha , only when it s absolutely necessary .
Abigail : Right .
Maggie : It s just so ... sad to me , and so hurtful to know that he s reverted back to the man that he was .
Abigail : God , I ca nt even imagine how heartbreaking this must be for you .
Maggie : I m gon na be all right . I have lots to be thankful for .
Abigail : Yeah .
Maggie : And most of all , my family .
Abigail : [ Laughs ] Kind of a bummer . You know , you , mom , and I are all gon na be flying solo for the holidays this year . And then there s new year s .
Maggie : Oh , well . We ll be together , right ?
Abigail : Yeah .
Maggie : JJ s back home , that s a relief and a blessing .
Abigail : Yeah .
Maggie : And he s gon na have three dates for new year s .
Abigail : [ Laughs ]
Maggie : [ Laughs ]
Abigail : I do nt know , I just ... hope that it s all as good as it seems to be ... with JJ . You know , I mean , um ... I just never want it to go back to the way that it was .
Maggie : So are you afraid that it might ?
Abigail : I was nt . I was actually feeling really optimistic , but ... [ Sighs ] Aunt Maggie , I walked in on something that really has me worried .
JJ : Can you just tell me what you want so we can get this over with ?
Theresa : You know what I want . I told you . A little something to help me relax .
JJ : You have a lot more connections than I ever did . Ca nt you just do it yourself ?
Theresa : Are nt you a little young for memory loss ? Why would I go out in the cold and dark and deal with dirtbag losers when I have you ? And remember , you re paying .
JJ : But I do nt have anymore money . I do nt have enough .
Theresa : Seriously ?
JJ : I do nt .
Theresa : Fine . I ll spot you this one time , but you need to figure it out . [ Sighs ] What the hell are you doing ?
JJ : Oh , I m deleting the video , so now you do nt have anything on me . Ah ... it s over .
Nicole : Here s the thing , though , Brady . Did nt Eric seem totally surprised when the sex tape aired at the wedding ?
Brady : Yeah , yeah . Kristen was . I mean , everybody was . The whole damn church was .
Nicole : What happened after it played ?
Brady : Pandemonium , craziness . Everyone freaking out , everybody accusing each other of this and that .
Nicole : You must ve been devastated .
Brady : Sure . I mean , it s not every day you get to punch your brother priest in the face for sleeping with your fiancée . It sounds funny when I say it . What are you doing , are we done ?
Nicole : No . No , we re not done , Brady . What is going on with you ? Why are you acting this way ?
Tad : Have you seen Gabi this morning ?
Will : Mm ... yeah , for a minute , why ?
Tad : Uh , I do nt know . I saw her last night , she seemed kind of upset , so .
Will : Really ?
Tad : Yeah .
Will : Not to me . Did she say what it was about ?
Tad : No , she did nt wanna get into it .
Will : It s probably about Nick .
Tad : Man , I hope not . That guy was a creep . He did nt deserve her . What ?
Will : Do you have a crush on Gabi ?
Gabi : [ Sighs ]
Gabi : Uh , I ll get it , Sonny .
Sami : Is Sonny here ?
Kate : And will ?
Gabi : Yes . No .
Sonny : Hey !
Sami : [ Laughing ] Hello !
Gabi : They came to see the baby , so ...
Sonny : Well , you should run in there right now . She s about to fall asleep . She is making the cutest sounds . She s trying so hard to talk .
Sami : It all happens so quickly .
Sonny : Mm - hmm . And I m expecting to discuss international politics with her any day now .
Sami : [ Laughing ]
Gabi : Okay , so I ll just-- I ll go take em in since you re heading out , right ?
Sami : Okay .
Sonny : Yeah , yeah , yeah .
Gabi : Okay .
Sami : All right , bye !
Sonny : It was great to see you , ladies .
Gabi : Bye , Sonny .
Sonny : See ya !
Gabi : He s gone .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Kate : Okay . Now ... we can all talk privately .
Abigail : I walked in on JJ and he was hanging up the phone with someone . He seemed like he was really angry at her .
Maggie : Her ?
Abigail : Yeah , yeah , it had to have been a her because of what he called her . He called her a bi -- not a very nice word is what he called her .
Maggie : Right .
Abigail : Ugh , I just-- I wonder if maybe it s one of his not - so - nice friends maybe giving him a hard time for not hanging out with them any more .
Maggie : Well , he s just gon na have to find some other better friends .
Abigail : And I do nt mean to be complaining about having him here , it s been so great . It s just that he s here a lot . You know ? And ... I do nt know , aunt Maggie . I just worry that maybe he s not being very social at school .
Maggie : Well , this is his first year at Salem high after boarding school . Now that ca nt be easy .
Abigail : No , I know .
Maggie : And ... you had trouble - making friends when you first got back too , as I recall .
Abigail : Huh .
Maggie : Uh - huh . And it took time . Time .
Abigail : Hmm . It did , it took time . And I had great gram giving me advice .
Maggie : Yeah . She was an expert at that . She always knew exactly what to say to cheer someone up and to give them hope . It s hard . It s hard not to have them here . But she and great grandpa tom are still looking out for us . Ca nt you feel them in this room ?
Abigail : [ Sighs ]
Maggie : And do nt you ever forget that .
Theresa : Oh , my God . How could I have been so stupid ?
JJ : That s a good question .
Theresa : The thing is I m not , you are . Do you seriously think that was the only copy of that video I had ?
JJ : You have copies ?
Theresa : My friend jade in L.A. Has it in her cloud ... forever [ Laughing ] I sent it over coffee . See attachment ? So do nt get cute again , or next time I ll tell jade to shoot that thing right over to the judge . Got it ? Call me when you get my drugs . And do nt take your time .
Daniel : While the drug is being administered , you ll probably experience some delirium , kinda like a high fever . But do nt worry about it . Once you come out of it , you ll be fine . There s no after - effects .
Eric : Let s just get this over with .
Brady : What do you mean ?
Nicole : You re going through a rough time . To end all rough times . Wha-- what s with the flip attitude ? You think you re fooling anyone ?
Brady : [ Sighs ]
Nicole : So ?
Brady : All right . You caught me , Nic , okay ? I ca nt pretend that Kristen s lies have nt hurt me , because they have . My life s a wreck . I m a wreck . But I m determined not to wallow in self - pity . You know , I do nt wanna look behind me , I wanna move forward . And sometimes that means you have to force yourself not to feel things that you should nt . In the program , we call that , uh ... acting as if . It gets you from one crisis moment to hopefully the next not so much of a crisis moment , okay ? It s just what-- it s just what happens . But I-- if I m acting a little too cheerful , or my disposition is a little too flip for you , well , I m sorry . That s -- that s the reason . I m just trying to do this in a healthy way . You think this is healthy , do nt you ?
Nicole : I do . I m really proud of you , Brady . Kristen does not have control over you anymore , and I m really relieved how you re handling this .
Brady : Good . That s what I wanted to hear . Any more questions ? Are we done ?
Nicole : No , I think I ve got everything I need for now . And I will let you know when we schedule your on - camera interview , okay ?
Brady : Great . Great . Thank you .
Nicole : You re welcome . Thank you .
Brady : All right , see you later .
Nicole : Okay , bye . [ Laughs ]
Brady : See you later . [ Inhales ] [ Exhales ] [ Groans ] God . [ Sniffles ] I m good . I m good .
Tad : Will , man , Gabi is my friend and I want her to be okay . That s it .
Will : Okay . I mean , obviously that s it for me too , but ... now that-- you know , now that Nick s out of the picture for good , I think maybe Gabi has some time and some space to meet , you know , a guy , like a new guy . You know , a funny guy . You know , kinda like you .
Tad : Would you stop trying to hook me up with her ? Gabi is my friend , that s it .
Will : All right . Let s see . So what s happening , Sonny ? Are you telling me you re hiding in the closet ? I seriously love you .
Sami : Kate is , uh , putting Arianna to bed .
Gabi : Well , at least one of us is nt having trouble sleeping .
Sami : Look . Hey , listen , you ca nt obsess over this , okay ? You have to stop .
Gabi : [ Scoffs ] You and Kate keep telling me not to obsess . How can I not obsess ? I mean , this is really bad .
Sami : I know , okay ? Believe me , I know that it is bad . And it s rough right now , but it is gon na get better with some time , some distance . It will be better .
Gabi : I m not so sure .
Sami : You just need to move forward , Gabi , and focus on happier things , right ?
Gabi : [ Sighs ] I know , I just have try to , you know , keep this secret , and it s really hard to do that with will and Sonny here all the time .
JJ : Hey , guys , thank you for meeting me .
Rory : Yeah , well , it s kind of weird that you asked . I mean , why would you wanna hang with a couple of losers like us ?
JJ : All right , look , man , I ve just been really stressed , that s all . I m dealing with quite a bit right now . I m sorry that I called you guys losers . I m sorry .
Bev : It s okay . I mean , we all say stupid stuff we do nt mean .
Rory : Well , did you call us to get high ?
JJ : I ca nt right now . But I was actually wondering if you could hook me up . It s not for me , it s for someone else .
Rory : Are you kidding ?
JJ : No , I mean it . It s not for me .
Rory : No , I m saying , are you serious that you called us up and acted all nice and everything just to buy some of our stash ?
Nicole : [ Gasps ] Hey ! How d it go with Eric ? Did he agree to do that test ?
Daniel : Well , he s already in there .
Nicole : Seriously ?
Daniel : Well , once he decided , there s no reason to wait .
Nicole : Well , is he okay ? Because I know you said that test could be kinda painful .
Daniel : Well , it s more than kinda painful . But he s determined , he wants to prove he s innocent for ... a lot of reasons . Um , listen . I , uh-- I owe you a thank you .
Nicole : For ?
Daniel : I know you talked to him about Theresa and me .
Nicole : I did nt ...
Daniel : No , I know .
Nicole : Tell him the truth . I didnt--
Daniel : But whatever you said in my defense convinced him enough to go through this with me .
Nicole : Wow .
Daniel : What ?
Nicole : He really did listen to me . But you dont -- you do nt owe me a thank you . I just did the obvious , which was tell him he was an idiot for not trusting you . And he s a real mess right now , and he s lucky to have someone as smart as you as his doctor looking after him .
Daniel : [ Laughs ] Well , he s also lucky to have such a devoted , compassionate friend like you . All right , I ll see you later .
Nicole : Okay .
Brady : What the hell ? Oh ! Dammit ! No , no , no . No !
Adrienne : Oh , I just saw your mom and Kate .
Will : Oh , you did ?
Adrienne : They were going to see your daughter . And I wanted to tag along , but I could tell they wanted their own time , so .
Will : Okay , well , you can see Ari whenever you want .
Adrienne : Thank you . I think I cleared the air a little with your mom .
Will : Oh , about Sonny and me ?
Adrienne : Yes . I was so very worried about you two . You guys are so happy together . And if Sonny s happy , I m happy .
Will : Thank you . I appreciate that .
Will : Sorry . [ Clears throat ]
Adrienne : [ Laughs ] You sure are popular .
Will : No , it s just Sonny . We re just playing a little ... trick on my mother .
Adrienne : What kind of trick ?
Will : Nothing . Totally harmless .
Gabi : You just both do nt understand how difficult it is to just be here all the time . It s the three of us and the baby . And I have a feeling that they know , that they know something and it s making it really hard . I mean , will s an innocent . But Sonny -- he s freakishly intuitive about stuff .
Kate : Okay , so what you have to do is make this your job , just like taking care of the baby . It s the same thing . Make it your job to try harder to keep the secret . Because if will and Sonny find out , it s going to ruin everything .
Gabi : But you dont--
Kate : Okay . I m really afraid that girl is going to crack .
Theresa : Not one message . You better come through , JJ , or there will be hell to pay .
JJ : I meant what I said . I feel just bad about ditching you guys . I still ca nt hang out with you as much , but you are still my friends .
Rory : Okay . Well , uh , we do nt have enough to sell to you right now regardless , but I know a guy and he has good stuff . And he has other stuff too , not just pot .
JJ : Where can I find him ?
Rory : South side of the park . By that bench . I think I took you there once .
JJ : Yeah , I remember . All right . Thank you for the tip , man . Really . Thank you , guys .
Rory : I m glad we re friends again , dude .
Nicole : [ Knocks on door ] Hi . I m Nicole , Eric s friend . Oh , my God , he looks so uncomfortable . He s in a lot of pain , but vitals are good . You re welcome to stay , but he s in a fever delirium .
Nicole : Well , maybe I should nt . Yeah . It may help him , subconsciously , to know a friend s here .
Nicole : Okay . Hey . Everything s gon na be all right , Eric . Just ...
Eric : [ Groans ]
Nicole : Hang in there .
Brady : Yeah , yeah , I realize you just hooked me up today , but I m gon na need some more right now . Like yesterday , all right ? Right away . [ Sighs ] God , I ca nt believe this . Broken glass and coke do not mix .
Kate : Oh , my God . I think this is homemade . Try one .
Sami : Are you serious ?
Kate : Oh , my God .
Sami : Ha ! [ Laughs ]
Kate : So bad .
Sami : Oh , my God , that s so good . It must be Sonny . Cause , I mean , Gabi makes a mean tamale , but I do nt know that she bakes . And certainly , will got his expertise the kitchen from me . So that means they re non - existent .
Kate : You know ? I have to say that I think that will is lucky , I do . I mean , not -- only because obviously he s never gon na starve to death .
Sami : [ Laughing ]
Kate : But ... I think Sonny is just -- he s just a sweet person . He s a sweet and loving person .
Sami : No , I totally agree . I was really worried about will when he first came out , you know ? And I got worried that he would just not find someone , not find happiness . And it s amazing . This thing with Sonny , it s really special .
Kate : It s called love , Sami .
Sami : It s true love . And I m so grateful . Sonny really is the best thing that ever happened to will .
Adrienne : So ... Sonny is actually in the closet .
Will : Yes . I know , the irony , right ?
Will : Oh , wait . Oh , he says your mom and grandma Kate are seriously incredible women . I ll say , you re just figuring that out ? Tell me something I do nt know .
Nicole : You know , this reminds me of the night I found you in the hotel . If I only had known what Kristen had done to you , I could ve protected you from her . Eric , I know we ve struggled . And I am so sorry you have to go through this .
Daniel : Whatever stuff Kristen used to inject Eric with is not some kinda street drug . It s too complex . She had to have someone in her back pocket with a wide range of knowledge ... of medicine and toxicology to create this . If we could find this person , we could prove Eric s innocent once and for all .
Dr. Chyka : Do nt worry , ms . DiMera . I m safely ensconced thousands of miles away from Salem , where no one will ever find me .
JJ : [ Sighs ] Well , I know this is the right bench . Where is the damn dealer ?
Kate : Gabi , sit . Sami and I have been discussing it , and we both realize that you need support . So if you need to , call us anytime , day or night .
Will : I think they re about to spill the beans about your surprise party .
Adrienne : Ooh . I ca nt wait !
Gabi : This is all just so crazy , okay ?
Sami : Yes , I understand how you feel . But it is just important that you keep it together . Gabi , we are counting on you .
Gabi : I know . And both of you have been very supportive and everything . But I m just -- I m scared to death that someone is gon na figure out what the three of us did , okay , that we murdered Nick .
### Summary:
| Theresa wanted JJ to be at her place so she could give him another errand . Adrienne apologized to Sami for the way she treated Will . Kate showed up and mentioned visiting Arianna so they could get away from Adrienne , but she wanted to go too . Nicole went to the Kiriakis mansion to see Brady so they could work on Eric and Kristen s story . Brady got high first . Nicole did nt seem to notice that Brady was high . Sami and Kate were able to get out of Adrienne coming with them to see Arianna . Kate wanted to find Gabi to make sure she did nt say anything about Nick . Nicole interviewed Brady about his relationship with Kristen as well as whether he believed that Kristen raped Eric . Brady was being flippant with his answers so Nicole wanted to know what was wrong with him . Daniel and Eric talked about the procedure Daniel could do to check for drugs in Eric s blood stream . JJ went to Theresa s place to find out what she wanted him to do . While her back was turned , JJ deleted the video that Theresa had of him on her phone . Nicole noticed Brady acting strange and wanted to know what was going on with him . Sami and Kate showed up at the apartment to see Gabi , but Sonny was still there . Sonny pretended to leave and hid in the closet . Theresa let JJ know that her friend ( Jade ) had another copy of the video and that she could send it to the judge if he did nt do what she wanted . Theresa ordered JJ to get her drugs . Nicole asked Brady again to tell her what s wrong with him . Brady told Nicole that Kristen hurt him and he s trying to deal with it . Nicole seemed okay with his answer and left the mansion . Sonny heard Gabi say it was hard to keep the secret with Sonny and Will at the apartment all the time . Sonny assumed she was talking about the party . Brady was about to take more drugs and dropped the vile . He wanted to get more drugs . JJ met with Rory and Bev to find out about a dealer he could see . Rory was upset because he thought JJ was using them so he ended up apologizing for the way he treated them . Rory did nt have enough drugs on him and gave JJ a name of a dealer who had pot as well as other drugs . Sonny continued to listen to Sami , Kate , and Gabi talking . Daniel was determine dot find out how Kristen got the drugs she used on Eric . Dr. Chyka talked to Kristen and let her know that he was thousands of miles away from Salem . JJ waited for the dealer Rory told him about and ended up seeing Brady . Sonny overheard Gabi say that she , Sami , and Kate murdered Nick . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fynn : He s dying to go home . Says he feels great .
Kayla : Well , who would nt feel great on that much painkiller ?
Fynn : Well , let s cut it back a bit and see if he changes his mind .
Kayla : It s your call .
Fynn : Okay .
Steve : Okay , Kayla , this has gone too far .
Kayla : What are you talking about ?
Steve : You do nt know what I m talking about ? You could nt bother to tell me that our son was arrested ?
Jade : So we have food for the next couple days , every dime in both of our savings accounts . So we re good to go , right ?
Joey : Guess so .
Jade : Can you believe it ? By this time next week we re gon na be in la .
Joey : We hope .
Jade : [ Chuckles ] Come on , Joey . It s gon na be great .
Rafe : Hey . Want to grab lunch at the square ?
Hope : Um , yeah , actually , I think that might be pretty great right now .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : Let me just call Ciara first though , okay ?
Rafe : Yeah . How is she ?
Hope : What , you mean after spending prom night in jail for vandalizing a judge s car ?
Rafe : Yeah , that .
Hope : I feel like she s careening from one mess to another .
Ciara : Where s the baby ?
Ciara : There he is ! There he is !
Ciara : I know you miss your mommy . I bet it s killing her that she s not here with you right now . But when you re my age , moms can get really annoying . I know the hospital s gon na make your mom better , and she ll be back soon . At least I hope so .
Chad : Hi , this is Chad DiMera . I m calling to see how my wife is doing this morning . Abigail DiMera . We re in the process of evaluating her right now .
Chad : And how long will that take ? Mr. DiMera , your wife was severely traumatized and she s dealing with a number of issues . Dr. Robinson and I both told you this was going to take time .
Chad : Okay , well , what are we -- what are we talking about ? Like , months or a year ? I ca nt put a time frame on it yet . We ll do everything we can for Abigail , but ultimately it s up to her .
Robinson : I d like to talk to you about when you first met Ben . Your feelings about him in the beginning .
Abigail : I do nt remember . Is that door locked ?
Robinson : No .
Abigail : I d like you to lock it , please . I want that door locked .
Robinson : We have security .
Abigail : Well , he can get past security .
Robinson : I was talking to you about how you felt when you met Ben , but is that too hard to talk about ?
Abigail : No , it is nt too hard for me to talk about . I just do nt want to talk about it because I do nt remember because every time I think about it , I just have a black space , okay ?
Robinson : So you do nt remember anything about the--
Abigail : I told you . I do nt remember .
Robinson : You re gon na have to make an effort , Abigail . It s very important for your recovery to try .
Rafe : Reminds me of something my mom said to me . See , when I was about eight years old , I had this larcenous period . Kept stealing candy bars from Mr. Falco s store .
Hope : Why , detective Hernandez , I have to say I am very shocked .
Rafe : Yeah , well , it took him a long time to catch me , but he finally did . You know what he did ? Called my mom .
Hope : What did she do ?
Rafe : Nothing . She decided the best form of punishment would be to let Mr. Falco decide the punishment . So for six months , I worked in the storeroom every Saturday . There was no hockey and no baseball . All I did was carry these heavy boxes up from the basement . So when I saw my mom I said , mom , why did nt you have my back ? And she said , well , you know , if you re old enough to get yourself into that situation , then you are old enough to get yourself out . And if that s the kind of life that you want to lead , so be it . Maybe it s time that you did that with Ciara .
Ciara : I is for ice , where white bears are caught . J is for jackal , which the zoo just bought . K is for kangaroo , just hopping around . And l stands for lion , loud , roaring and strong . Yeah , rawr !
Chad : You re good with him .
Ciara : Oh , hey . Yeah , I love hanging out with this kid .
Chad : Hey . I m , uh -- I m glad he has you .
Ciara : Yeah . Abigail s gon na get through this , and the three of you will be together .
Chad : I hope so . By the way , I was nt kidding around . I m not gon na keep you around here if you do nt finish school . I do nt care how good you are with Thomas .
Ciara : Okay .
Chad : Okay , what ? Okay , I ll stay in school .
Chad : That a girl .
Fynn : I think you need to dial it down , man .
Steve : Do nt you have patients to tend to ?
Fynn : I was just in the middle of doing that with Dr. Brady when you came storming in . So why do nt you chill out and back the hell off ?
Kayla : Um , Fynn , why do nt you give Steve and me a moment ? I m fine , I promise .
Steve : I think you need to keep a shorter leash on the dingo .
Kayla : Steve .
Steve : What s his deal anyway ?
Kayla : He s gone . Why do nt you and I go try to work it out ? Come on .
Hope : Yeah , I got you . Your mom let you deal-- thank you -- with the consequences on your own with Mr. Falco . And that probably taught you more than any lecture she could have given you .
Rafe : That s right .
Hope : But you know what ? I m just -- I m not sure that s the kind of tough love Ciara needs right now .
Rafe : Or maybe it is . To me , it s giving Ciara room to find her own way .
Hope : Hey , we better order .
Doug : It s an ancient form of percussive dance .
Julie : How can you call it dance when you re not allowed to move your arms ?
Doug : Hey , sweetheart .
Hope : Oh . Oh , daddy , Julie , hi . Nice surprise .
Doug : Yeah . Good to see you , Rafe .
Rafe : It s great to see you too .
Hope : Hey , I heard you had a full house at the b & B.
Julie : Oh , we do . Somebody rented the entire place to a troupe of Irish step dancers .
Doug : They re here for a tournament .
Julie : And they ve taken over the breakfast room to rehearse . Da - da - da - da - da- da - da - da - da - da . Over and over and over and over and over and over .
Rafe : Lucky you .
Julie : Yeah .
Rafe : Here , why do nt you join us ?
Julie : Oh , thank you .
Doug : Good . Great .
Rafe : Excuse me .
Julie : Thanks , sweetheart .
Rafe : Hernandez .
Julie : Oh .
Rafe : Okay , on my way . Well , good news . They caught the carjacker . I ll take care of it . Enjoy your lunch .
Hope : I ll bring you a sandwich back , okay ?
Rafe : Great .
Hope : Bye .
Julie : So how are things going with Ciara ?
Hope : I wish I could say better .
Doug : But it s not ?
Hope : I feel like I keep failing her , daddy . And I just feel sick inside , and I have no idea what to do differently .
Ciara : Yeah , dropping out of school is like--
Chad : Shooting yourself in the foot .
Ciara : Yeah . But something has to change . I m not the same girl anymore , and aside from what happened , my dad s dead . I ca nt be the Ciara that everyone knew me as . It s just not gon na happen .
Chad : What are you talking-- you re doing things differently . You went out and you got yourself a job , taking care of Thomas . That s a lot of responsibility , and you re good at it .
Ciara : Thanks .
Chad : Listen , you ll figure things out , all right ? It might take some time , but I got confidence in you .
Ciara : At least someone does . So , uh , I m gon na take Thomas out , probably to the square or something ? Wanna come ?
Chad : I , uh -- I wish I could . I got ta do some work . Now that you re covering for Thomas , I might -- I might go visit Abby for a bit , so ...
Ciara : Say , bye , daddy .
Chad : Bye , sweetie . Do nt forget the sunblock .
Ciara : Yes , it s there .
Robinson : How did it feel when you realized you were in the house alone with Ben ?
Abigail : [ Sighs ] It felt the same . Felt like it always does . Nobody heard me . Nobody heard me and nobody saw me . Except for Thomas . Thomas saw me when I saw him . He saw that Ben was there . Thomas knew . You see , I tricked him . I tricked Ben . I was smarter than him that time . I made him think that I wanted him . That s how I got him up to the bedroom . And once he was in the bedroom , I put him on the bed , and then I tied him to the bed , and I poured kerosene all over him . And then I lit him on fire , and I did exactly what he did to Chad and me .
Robinson : Had you been fantasizing about doing something like that to him ? How did it make you feel when you actually--
Abigail : Then the police came and they took Ben , and they said that he was gone and that he was away , but I know that he s not . That s not true . I know that he s out there , and he s waiting for me . I know he s waiting for me . He s just waiting .
Robinson : Abigail , you were terrorized , and it went on for a long time , but Ben is in prison , and he ca nt come after you .
Abigail : Ugh ! That is exactly what they said before . See , that s what they said before .
Robinson : Abigail , we re gon na help you learn how to deal with your memories of what Ben Weston did to you . To help you stop feeling threatened and move on .
Abigail : Move on to what ?
Hope : There were absolutely other ways of dealing with this situation with mark McNair . I mean , why did Ciara have to be so destructive ? Why do that ?
Doug : Because she s a teenager , sweetheart . Just like you were .
Hope : I have a new respect for you . You too .
Julie : Oh , thanks .
Doug : Well , I do nt think I handled your adolescent rebellion so brilliantly , especially where it came to Bo . I was always too -- eh , eh . What do they call it today ?
Julie : Oh , today ? Today they call it helicopter parenting .
Hope : Oh , I remember .
Doug : Yeah , that . But you turned out okay . Hmm ? I mean , kids these days , with the internet and Facebook and twitter , they re just exposed to so much -- so much more than you ever were . Why ... I m glad I m not raising a daughter with this around .
Hope : You know , Rafe thinks that I should back off . Let Ciara learn from her own mistakes .
Doug : Uh , I think it s good to set limits to behavior . I mean , they have to learn somewhere , otherwise they end up like the McNair kid .
Hope : Ciara and I had an awful argument about it .
Doug : Yeah , so you ll be unpopular with her for a while , but she ll come to say thank you one day .
Julie : I was the Ciara of my generation . Grandpa Horton came down on me like a ton of bricks , and for all my sass and for all my sulking , I knew he was doing it because he loved me . And he turned my life around . And I ll always be grateful .
Ciara : Hey . I was about to text you .
Claire : Hi . Oh , he s so cute . What s going on ?
Ciara : I had what I think is an awesome idea .
Claire : Great . What is it ?
Ciara : What if you and I got our own place ?
Claire : [ Chuckles ] I mean , that s a really awesome idea . Um , I just do nt know if the parents will see it the same way .
Ciara : Yeah , but we re 18 . We can do what we want .
Claire : How would we pay for this place ?
Ciara : Well , you re getting a lot of views on YouTube , right ? You re gon na get a recording contract .
Claire : Yeah , I hope .
Ciara : And as soon as school s out , I m gon na work for Chad full - time if I can .
Claire : So you think we can pay for an apartment with YouTube hits and babysitting money ?
Ciara : Come on . I mean , I just -- I need to get away from my mom , all right ? She is literally driving me insane .
Claire : Yeah , I know . Mine too , especially after last night .
Ciara : Yeah , well , I hope someone will rent to us . We do nt know what the judge is gon na say .
Claire : You know , we ll just tell him that we re sorry and we made a stupid mistake .
Joey : Except we re not sorry , and we knew exactly what we were doing .
Jade : After what that mark McNair did to you and Theo , I m glad we did it .
Ciara : Thanks .
Jade : Oh , who s the kid ?
Ciara : Oh , that s Thomas . I babysit him . So I heard your parents bailed you out . Are they , like , totally pissed ?
Jade : Yeah , they pretty much hate me now . The feeling is mutual .
Claire : How d your mom and dad take it ?
Joey : My mom s freaking out of course , but as far as I know she did nt tell my dad about it .
Steve : So Joe spent a night in jail for spray - painting some guy s car ?
Kayla : A judge s car !
Steve : You said the judge s kid went after Joe s friends .
Kayla : Defacing other people s property is against the law , Steve .
Steve : Yeah , well , you should have told me about this . I had a right to know .
Kayla : Where are you going ?
Steve : I m gon na have a talk with this judge about teaching his punk kid some manners .
Kayla : And you wonder why I do nt tell you these things .
Steve : So I ca nt look out for my own kid now ?
Kayla : This is nt looking out for him .
Steve : All right . If you want to turn your back on me , if you do nt love me anymore , okay , fine . But do nt you accuse me of not loving my son or not trying to be a good father .
Kayla : I know you love him , but loving him and doing what s right for him are two different things .
Steve : And what s right is for me to stay away ? I ca nt believe it s come to this .
Ciara : You really think that your mom would nt tell your dad that we were all in jail ?
Joey : I mean , if she did , he has nt bothered to talk to me about it .
Claire : Separated parents are the worst .
Joey : Hey , mine can do whatever they want . Jade and I are taking off .
Ciara : You re really gon na go through with that ?
Joey : What s keeping me here ?
Jade : Especially now that that whole Ava thing is history .
Ciara : What do you mean , the Ava thing ?
Jade : Well , you know how-- how she died .
Ciara : Yeah , I know that uncle Steve was accused of killing her , but he got off .
Joey : Yeah , that s right . And what jade meant was--
Ciara : Did you have something to do with her dying ? Is that why you re leaving ?
Joey : No ! Okay , Ava just -- she made our lives hell for a while . And my parents are splitting up . I just -- I just , I ca nt take it here anymore .
Ciara : It s okay .
Claire : Come on . You guys keep in touch , okay ? Good luck .
Jade : See ya .
Claire : Wow , he s really going .
Ciara : Yeah . He looked kinda scared . But at least he has the guts to take off .
Hope : Chad ?
Chad : Yeah .
Hope : Hi , I m so sorry to bother you . I was looking for Ciara , but Harold told me she took the baby to the park .
Chad : Right , yeah . Wait , wait , is everything okay ?
Hope : Yeah , I just -- um-- how s Abigail doing ?
Chad : Um ... they re evaluating her , but she s getting the help she needs .
Hope : My God , this never should have happened to her . She s such a special girl .
Chad : Thank you . Yeah , she is , and so is Ciara .
Hope : Thank you . She loves taking care of Thomas . To be honest , I was afraid she was gon na lose her job .
Chad : Why ?
Hope : Did you hear what happened last night ?
Chad : Yeah , a lot of kids get in trouble in school . I did .
Hope : She confided in you ?
Chad : Yeah .
Hope : Wow , I , um-- I did nt know that . We have nt exactly been seeing eye - to- eye .
Chad : I m sorry .
Hope : Chad , I have to ask . Has she confided in you about anything else ?
Joey : Hey . I ca nt believe you shot off your mouth like that .
Jade : I assumed they knew .
Joey : About me killing Ava . Are you kidding me ?
Jade : I m sorry , but it-- it s not like they can prove anything .
Joey : That s not the point . When I told you that , I said it was supposed to stay between you and me .
Jade : I wo nt do it again .
Joey : Yeah , you better not .
Jade : I said I wo nt . Besides , it s not like anyone in la really cares about what happens in this town . So when do we leave ?
Joey : Soon . After I take care of a few things .
Jade : What things ?
Joey : Her for one .
Jade : I did nt know she was here .
Joey : She did nt see us or she d be all over us .
Jade : Text me when you re ready to hit the road .
Joey : Okay .
Joey : Mom .
Kayla : Joey . Glad to see you . You look upset . Is everything okay ?
Houston : Mission allergy escape .
Kayla : Um , I just finished a tough case at the hospital , and I was taking a break . What s up ?
Joey : I -- I just figured you were thinking about last night . I m really sorry I put you through that .
Kayla : You ca nt deface people s property , Joey . We ll get through it . Not the end of the world .
Joey : You ve always been so good to me . You re always there . I ll never forget that . I love you , mom .
Kayla : I love you . I love you , baby .
Joey : Um , I m gon na head home .
Kayla : Okay . See you later then .
Joey : See you .
Robinson : I understand why you may still feel threatened . He escaped once . But , Abigail , prison is different than a mental hospital .
Abigail : Not to him . I still see him .
Robinson : When ?
Abigail : You know , people say that he s in prison and that he s locked up and he ca nt get out , but they re wrong . I know . I know they re wrong . Sometimes I see him . Like I look through a window and I see him right there , standing there and staring right at me . Do you have a lot of windows here ?
Robinson : Abigail , he s not there . He s in your mind .
Abigail : No , he s not . He s not in my mind . I used to think that too , but then he was in my house , and I -- I did what I always do . I closed my eyes , and he was gone for a minute . And then I opened them , and he was there . He was right there and he was real . I know he was real .
Robinson : You re safe now .
Abigail : [ Chuckles ] He can still get in here . He already did .
Robinson : When ?
Abigail : Last night . He was here last night . They gave me a pill to help me fall asleep , and I woke up and Ben was right there beside my bed , and he was staring at me . Right there . He said this used to be his hospital .
Robinson : No , that s not true .
Abigail : He was in the uniform that they wear here , and I screamed and I screamed . I kept screaming , and nobody heard me . Nobody ever hears me .
Robinson : I hear you , Abigail .
Ben : And now ... I know you do nt love me back .
Abigail : He took the necktie out of his pocket . And I could nt breathe . He was --and he had the-- and I could nt breathe because he was-- he had it on me and he was-- he was trying to kill me . He did , he had it on my neck . He was trying to kill me .
Robinson : Abigail .
Abigail : He said I was his last victim , and he had it on my neck , and he was trying to kill me -- he was .
Robinson : Abigail .
Abigail : He was -- he was trying to kill me .
Robinson : Abigail , no , he ca nt kill you .
Abigail : He was trying--
Robinson : I d like to start Abigail on perphenazine . Four milligrams , three times a day . I ll get it right away .
Robinson : Abigail .
Abigail : [ Sobbing ]
Robinson : Abigail , I want to help you . Together we can work through this . Abigail .
Chad : No , Ciara does nt tell me anything about her personal life . And even if she did , I do nt think I could betray her confidence . Not even to you , detective .
Hope : Fair enough . I understand . I m just at my wit s end right now .
Chad : Get--
Hope : Hi , honey .
Ciara : Hey , mom . What are you doing here ?
Chad : How s Thomas ?
Ciara : I just put him down for his nap . Did you call her ?
Chad : No . Why would I do that ?
Hope : Honey , I came-- excuse me , Chad .
Chad : Oh , you got it .
Hope : I came here on my own . I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about our argument . I thought maybe we could talk .
Ciara : Mom , I m sick of talking . I just -- I need my space .
Hope : What does that mean ?
Ciara : It means that I m either getting my own place or with Claire because I ca nt live with you anymore .
Hope : I do nt think this is the best time for you to be on your own , Ciara .
Ciara : Well , I do , and I m 18 , so you ca nt stop me .
Chad : Can I -- sorry . Can I just interfere for one second ? I , uh -- I have an idea . Look , she wants to move out and find a place of her own , and I could really use some full - time help , especially over the summer with everything going on with Abby . Now , we have a guest house on the property . It s safe , and I would be happy to let Ciara live there rent - free .
Ciara : Are you kidding me ?
Hope : Ciara , I do nt think-- but if Ciara wants to try , I suppose I could try to be okay with it .
Ciara : Really ?
Hope : Yeah .
Ciara : Can Claire share with me ?
Chad : Sure .
Hope : That s up to Shawn and belle .
Chad : Exactly .
Ciara : Right . Well , I ll go call her . Thank you so much .
Chad : Mm - hmm . You do nt like that idea ?
Hope : No , I m -- I m not thrilled . I do nt want Ciara moving out . But at least I know she ll be safe here .
Chad : Yes , on DiMera property .
Hope : You re not your father , Chad . By any means . Otherwise a girl like Abigail never would have fallen in love with you .
Fynn : Hey . How d it go with your ex - husband ?
Kayla : About as bad as it possibly could .
Steve : Joe .
Joey : Hey .
Steve : It s good to see you .
Joey : All I seem to be doing is screwing up these days . You must be getting sick of me .
Steve : Never in a million years . I know what a lousy thing you re dealing with right now .
Joey : You mean killing Ava ? You ca nt even say it . And I ca nt stop seeing it in my head . Some guy who-- who is me and is nt me ... he s pushing down the pillow . And Ava s fighting back . And then she just stops .
Steve : You ve got to let me help you carry this burden .
Joey : Why ? You did nt do it .
Steve : It s because of me that she was here . Joe , listen to me . You got ta get some help .
Joey : Help . Like a therapist ?
Steve : Yes . Why not ?
Joey : What I should have done is tell the truth . Even if they sent me to prison , it would have been better than the way I am now .
Steve : No , it would nt . No .
Joey : At least I would have been taking my punishment like a man .
Steve : But you re not a man yet .
Steve : You re still a kid . So the people who love you huddled around you , and that was the right thing to do .
Joey : The only thing I know to do is keep moving . That s the only way I can think of to stay sane .
Steve : Keep moving ? What does that mean ? What is it you re not telling me ? Max and I just discovered
Kayla : Well , I really think this has been one of my worst days ever . I , um-- well , you heard Steve . Our son was arrested last night . And then Steve and I got in a big fight over the fact that I did nt call and tell him .
Fynn : Well , you can tell me about it over dinner .
Kayla : Uh , could we do dinner a different night ? I do nt think I d be very good company .
Fynn : Yeah , I understand . But still , I would nt mind having a go at cheering you up .
Kayla : Some other night , okay ?
Fynn : Of course . [ Sighs ]
Joey : I do nt even know what I meant by that .
Steve : You sure ?
Joey : I just came to tell you I m sorry .
Steve : Well , it really seems like there s something else on your mind .
Joey : No , I just have a headache . Do you have any aspirin ?
Steve : Yeah .
Joey : Thanks .
Steve : You know , I talked to your mom . She s a little worried about you and jade .
Joey : Yeah , I m starting to think that s not going anywhere .
Steve : Really ? Well , just be careful , okay ?
Joey : I will . Hey , uh ... what I said before , it does nt mean I do nt know what you did for me .
Steve : I d do it again in a heartbeat .
Joey : I love you , dad .
Steve : I love you too , son .
Hope : Hey .
Rafe : Hey .
Hope : Sorry it took me so long . Thanks for covering for me .
Rafe : No problem . Did you see Ciara ?
Hope : Yeah , yeah , I did .
Rafe : Well , how d it go ?
Hope : Well , you know , I head you loud and clear earlier and what you said , and I -- I think that you re right . The best way not to lose Ciara is to take a step back . So that s what I m gon na try to do .
Ciara : Theo !
Theo : Hey .
Ciara : What are you doing here ? Your dad s gon na kill you .
Theo : No , no , he s just gon na be mad . But , I mean , I do nt care . He ca nt stop me from wanting to be with you . Ciara , you -- you just-- you mean too much to me .
Ciara : Oh , Theo .
Theo : I love you . I do . I think I always have .
Jade : You did it . You got the bike .
Joey : You ready to hit the road ?
Jade : La , here we come .
Robinson : If Abigail seems a little vague to you , I decided to put her on an anti - psychotic medication .
Chad : Anti - psychotic , what--
Robinson : Well , she was seeing Ben , and he s not there . I m hoping that this medication will stop that from happening . Look who s here , Abigail .
Chad : Hi . Hey , honey .
Abigail : Hi .
Chad : Hi .
Abigail : Hi . Oh , God , do nt look at me like this . I look awful .
Chad : Are you kidding me ? Look at you . You look beautiful . I love you .
Abigail : I love you too .
Chad : Come here . So the , um ... the doctor said that they put you on some medication that s gon na make you feel better . Hopefully you ll be able to come home soon .
Abigail : What if he does nt let me come home ?
Chad : Who ? Who s not gon na let you come home ?
Abigail : Ben . What if Ben does nt let me come home ?
### Summary:
| Steve wanted to know why Kayla did nt tell him about Joey being arrested . Rafe gave Hope advice on how to deal with Ciara . Abby gave the psychiatrist a hard time when she questioned her about Ben . Hope talked to Doug and Julie about Ciara . Ciara agreed to stay in school . Chad gave Ciara a pep talk about her life . Dr. Robinson continued to question Abby about Ben . Abby did nt believe that they would help her . Ciara met Claire and asked if she wanted to move in together . Joey and Jade met Ciara and Claire and talked about what they did to the judge s car . Steve and Kayla argued over Joey . Jade almost let it slip that Joey killed Ava . Joey and Jade walked away . Hope went to see Chad to look for Ciara . Hope questioned Chad about Ciara confiding in him . Dr. Robinson continued to question Abby . Abby told her how she sees Ben . Abby told her that Ben was in her room . Dr. Robinson had to calm Abby down . Chad did nt tell Hope what Ciara confided in him . Ciara saw Hope at the DiMera mansion . Ciara told hope that she could nt live with her anymore . Chad suggested that Ciara stay with him . Ciara wanted Claire to move in too . Hope agreed to let her stay in the mansion . Joey went to see Steve . They talked about Joey killing Ava . They also talked about Jade . Chad went to see Abby . Abby ended up seeing Ben again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lydia : If you re here to put pressure on that poor , dying girl --
Lucky : She s not dying . She s not poor . So you can save your sympathy act for somebody who does nt know you like I do .
Lydia : If you find me so despicable , so completely unattractive , why do you keep following me ?
Lucky : You know what ? Do nt flatter yourself . I came here to visit my friend .
Lydia : And put pressure on her again about Summer .
Lucky : I came to encourage Emily to fight for her life . If I ca nt convince her , I sure bet your husband will .
Zander : So , the Prince can get plastered but not the peasants ? Is that it ?
Nikolas : Get me another one . I just want to make sure we re on an equal footing here , Zander .
Zander : I ll show you equal footing .
Nikolas : Oh --
Zander : And that is all I have to say about you and Emily .
Nikolas : Oh , yeah . Oh , you ve -- you ve made your position perfectly clear to me . But I do feel that there s a need at this time to just to add a little -- hurts , does nt it ?
Zander : You sure you want to do this ?
Nikolas : What is it you say in this country -- bring it on ?
Elizabeth : I just wanted to come by and say hi . I m not going to stay long , but I wanted to see if there s anything you need .
Emily : Yeah , absolutely . I need to -- I need to think about someone besides myself . And you re the perfect candidate . Has anything new happened with Ric ?
Elizabeth : Oh , you know , not really , other than the fact that Ric s still a liar and I m still an idiot .
Emily : Hmm .
Elizabeth : And if Mac Scorpio has his way , then my divorce will go through right about the time Ric goes to prison for the rest of his life .
Emily : Are you ok with that ?
Elizabeth : No , but I ll learn to be . I have to keep telling myself , the Ric I married was just a figment of my imagination .
Emily : Hmm . He was a lie Ric told you . There s a difference .
Elizabeth : Yeah , but a lie I wanted to believe .
Emily : Hey -- stop beating up on my best friend . You did nt do anything I have nt done .
Elizabeth : What , marry a psychopath ?
Emily : Do nt delude yourself . Who was I kidding , thinking I could fake a romance with Nikolas ? I m gone for him , Elizabeth . I have been since I was 13 . And even though I -- I love Zander with all of my heart , I ca nt get Nikolas out of my head .
Elizabeth : Well , because he s honorable and loyal , all - around wonderful , and obviously very in love with you .
Emily : Hmm . I keep wondering how much of it is about the cancer , you know ? Is this just a sympathy attraction for Nikolas ?
Elizabeth : Uh - uh . Not even close . Do you remember how you used to make me listen to you rhapsodize about Nikolas and you d go on and on about wanting him to look at you like you were special , like you were the only girl that mattered ? Well , that s how he looks at you now .
Dara : Hi , Emily . I m sorry to interrupt , but I need a moment with Elizabeth .
Elizabeth : I ll come back tomorrow .
Emily : Ok .
Dara : Your husband has asked me to be his defense counsel .
Elizabeth : Oh . Well , he s going to need a good lawyer . He s hurt a lot of people .
Dara : Well , technically , he has nt been charged yet , but when he is , you may be the only person that can save Ric s life .
Ric : When my wife found out what I had done , I realized that I needed psychiatric help , that my choices , however horrific they were , were the result of emotional damage .
Cameron : So you re claiming you were nuts when you kidnapped Carly Corinthos . And given her husband s reputation , I might be inclined to agree .
Ric : Look , I ve hated my brother for most of my adult life . He was presented to me as the cause of my father s unhappiness , the reason that I grew up with a stepmother who could nt stand me . Everything that I learned about him did nt change my impression . Ok , when I first met him , he was a -- he was a thug . He was an arrogant , driven , selfish man . I felt that I needed to punish him --
Cameron : You mean , compete with him , do nt you ? Try to prove you were the better man ?
Ric : Maybe , but the point is that the hate bordered obsession , and when my wife fell down the Rice Plaza stairs after her argument with Sonny and miscarried our child , the obsession took over . I was nt thinking rationally .
Cameron : Well , you seem to be on the mend .
Ric : Well , I m trying to get rid of this emotional baggage , Doctor , so that I can get on with my life and make it better .
Cameron : And along the way , construct a defense that ll keep you out of prison for kidnapping , conspiracy , and god knows what else .
Ric : I am pleading temporary insanity because it s the truth .
Carly : Ric said he was going to keep me until I gave birth to my baby , and then he was going to take it away .
Mac : Did he say why ?
Carly : He blamed sonny for Elizabeth losing their child . Sonny had nothing to do with it , but it did nt matter to Ric .
Mac : Did Ric mention his plan for you after you gave birth ?
Carly : I told him that I would not let him take my child , that he would have to kill me first . And he just looked at me . It was obvious that s what his plan was .
Mac : Did Ric ever state an intention to kill you ?
Carly : Did he say the words ? No . You know what , Mac ? I m really -- I m tired right now , and I just -- I think I d rather finish in the morning because I m sure that I ll just remember everything better then .
Mac : Carly , you remember every detail . You have to live with these memories . We ca nt take them away . All we can do is make sure Ric pays .
Carly : Not tonight .
Sonny : Carly ? Mac needs to hear what that bastard did to you . So do I.
Courtney : No , you re wrong . You re wrong . My baby s fine .
Doctor : I am sorry .
Courtney : No , you re lying .
Doctor : You were hypothermic .
Courtney : No , my baby is fine !
Doctor : You barely survived yourself . We had to do the D & C to save your own life .
Courtney : You re working for Alcazar , I know it . I know you just want me to think that my baby s dead .
Doctor : No . Un miligramo de lorazepam . Listen , I do nt know anyone named Alcazar . I do nt even know your name .
Courtney : No , you re lying . I do nt believe you .
Doctor : The crew of a fishing boat found you in the ocean . They brought you here .
Courtney : No ! Get your hands off me !
Doctor : It s only a sedative , you need it .
Courtney : No , I ca nt have that !
Doctor : Yes --
Courtney : I -- it ll hurt my baby . No way I can lose my baby . My baby s still inside me ! No .
Lorenzo : Are you telling me you let the girl drown ? How far was the shoreline ? A mile at night in freezing water ? All right . Keep up the search along the shoreline . Check every clinic , every hospital , anywhere Courtney would have gone or been taken to if she d been rescued . I have another call . Yes . Are you sure it s Courtney ? What kind of shape is she in ? Give me the name of the clinic . San Paulo ? Be right there . Sweep the plane . Corinthos may have planted another tracking device .
Lucky : How are you feeling ?
Emily : Not too bad . Although , I d rather be out on a lake in a speedboat with you going way too fast .
Lucky : Well , as soon as you get out of here , it s a date .
Emily : Ok .
Lydia : Hello , Emily .
Lucky : Emily can only have one visitor at a time . Besides , we re in the middle of a private conversation here .
Lydia : That could affect my life directly . As long as Lucky is giving you his true - love - must - win - out speech , I at least deserve a chance to present my side .
Lucky : Excuse me , there s a door right behind you . Why do nt you use it before you make a bigger fool of yourself .
Lydia : I am genuinely sorry that you have cancer and that things are not going well . But I am begging you , please , give my marriage a chance .
Lucky : Why should Emily abandon Nikolas ? How is it fair to condemn him to a life sentence with you ?
Lydia : Nikolas chose to be with me . Our marriage would be working if you were nt barging in every five minutes .
Emily : Ok , here s the plan . Why do nt both of you admit this has nothing to do with Nikolas or me , it s about the two of you .
Nikolas : Oh .
Zander : Oh . Ow . That black eye is for every page in the longest book in the world that you had to read Emily . It s to the noble , self - sacrificing you .
Nikolas : That bloody nose is for every time Emily had to explain to me that she loved you too much to make you go through cancer with her .
Zander : Oh , yeah ? That gash on your face , your pretty - boy little face --
Zander : Is for keeping up the lie .
Nikolas : If the situation were reversed , Zander , you d have done the same damn thing .
Zander : Yeah , you re probably right . Right down to falling in love with her , which is exactly what you did , you Son of a B.
Nikolas : Hey , Coleman ? Give us another round , please ?
Coleman : Yeah , right . Trying to decide whether to call the cops or sue both you cats .
Zander : Well , he s rich , I d sue him . That s just my advice , not that you asked .
Nikolas : Run a tab .
Zander : Oops .
Nikolas : We are nt not finished yet .
Elizabeth : I agree that Ric needs psychiatric help , but that does nt excuse what he did , all the damage he s caused . If you put me in front of a jury , I will have to tell the truth , and you really do nt want me to relive my marriage on a witness stand .
Dara : Ric believes somewhere deep down , you still love him .
Elizabeth : Oh . Really ? Oh , well -- I do nt know . I -- I do nt know . Maybe I do , but -- but I do nt love him enough to lie for him . Ok , Ric knew what he was doing was wrong no matter the reason or justification . He knew what he was doing was against the law . I would make a really bad witness for you .
Dara : Well , it s likely you ll be subpoenaed by the prosecution . Now , you can refuse to testify -- a wife can not be compelled to testify against her husband -- but Scott Baldwin will use your refusal against Ric . It will make him look worse .
Elizabeth : I do nt see how I can defend him .
Dara : What s at issue here is Ric s state of mind . Like it or not , you re his wife . You were living with him when he was holding Carly . You are the expert . Now , you could either save Ric or you can help put him away .
Ric : When Elizabeth agreed to marry me , it was the first time in my life that I ever felt real happiness . We said our vows and we were looking forward to our child being born . And I really believed that I had let go of my hatred for my brother . I mean , I saw how irrational it was . But then history just seemed to repeat itself . I remember being in this hospital and getting the news about the miscarriage , looking over and seeing sonny and Carly , and I -- I just snapped . It seemed beyond unfair . It seemed like an abomination , that the man who took -- who was responsible for taking my child was going to be expecting one of his own .
Carly : Ric thought out everything carefully . He was completely convinced that he had a right to our child . His plan was to hold me hostage and force me to give birth in that cell , then he was going to take my child from my arms and give it to his wife . Well , the only way he would have succeeded was to kill me .
Ric : Of course not . I was nt going to kill Carly . The thought never crossed my mind .
Cameron : How did you think you would get away with stealing her baby ?
Ric : I was going to manipulate her into silence .
Carly : Ric had it all worked out down to the smallest detail -- maternity clothes in bigger and bigger sizes , prenatal vitamins . I knew that if I did nt escape , I was never going to leave that room alive . And so I fought him . I bit him , I kicked him , I screamed . But I was worried for my baby , and Ric knew it and he used it against me . I realized right away that when Ric opened the door , if I was ready , that I could get out and I did . But he caught me . And from then on , he chained me to the wall .
Ric : I treated Carly well . I kept her well nourished , I even provided medical care .
Carly : I tried to resist Ric with a hunger strike , and he threatened to strap me down and force - feed me . And then one night , I saw Jason searching for me on the monitor , and in a desperate attempt , I picked up a tray and I swung it into the monitor , hoping to blow a circuit . I knocked myself unconscious and I woke up in a clinic somewhere .
Ric : I was going to let Carly go . It was the only way that I knew that I could save my relationship with Elizabeth . By then , I could see that .
Carly : Ric swore that if I let the doctor take care of me that he would leave town , he would disappear , and he would never bother me and Sonny again . And then the doctor sedated me . And when I woke up , I was back in the panic room . I was chained to the wall , and everything was exactly the same , except now this time the man standing over me was Lorenzo Alcazar .
Courtney : Is the baby s really gone ?
Doctor : There s no question . We had to perform a D & C.
Courtney : Was nt there anything that you could do ?
Doctor : No . I m sorry .
Courtney : I have to -- I have to get to a phone . I have to call my family .
Doctor : Well , your fiance called and said he s on his way .
Courtney : Jason called ? How -- how did he know I was here ?
Doctor : All I know is a man called , said he was your fiance , and to tell you he s on his way .
Courtney : He did nt even know I was pregnant . How am I going to tell him that I lost our child ?
Zander : Whoa -- there we go .
Nikolas : She walks in beauty , like a night of cloudless climes and starry skies .
Zander : Yeah ?
Nikolas : And all -- that is -- all the best in dark and bright is in her aspect and in her eyes .
Zander : Do you want another fat lip ?
Nikolas : Hmm .
Zander : Let it go .
Nikolas : What ? I mean , I ca nt imagine Emily wanting to be with a man who s not imaginative enough to drink to her eyes , her amazing eyes .
Zander : Why did nt you just say her eyes , Emily s eyes ?
Nikolas : When ?
Zander : When -- did -- Emily s eyes . Give me another drink .
Nikolas : Oh , ok , ok .
Zander : Jeez . Whoa -- so soft and beautiful brown eyes .
Nikolas : Mm - hmm .
Zander : Uh - huh .
Nikolas : With a rich , warm glow .
Zander : Yes .
Nikolas : Deep burnished amber .
Zander : Yep . To -- to Emily s glow .
Nikolas : Glow ?
Zander : Glow .
Nikolas : To Emily s glow .
Zander : Cheers .
Nikolas : Oh --
Zander : What ?
Nikolas : Emily s smile .
Zander : Smile . Smile .
Nikolas : Cheers .
Zander : Cheers . But I --
Lydia : What ? No toast to your wife ?
Nikolas : To Lydia .
Zander : To Lydia .
Sonny : Probably exhausted after all that . You should probably get to sleep .
Carly : I am not going to bed until you do .
Sonny : Yeah , but I m not pregnant .
Carly : No . Can I -- can I borrow this -- this right here ?
Sonny : Yeah . For as long as you need .
Carly : You know what ?
Sonny : Hmm ?
Carly : Mac was wrong about what he said . I do nt have to live with the memory of what Ric did to me . I m home now . I m with you . Our baby s healthy . There s no room in my head or my heart for Ric , and as soon as Jason and Courtney come back , the whole thing just needs to fade away .
Sonny : Not for me .
Carly : It can .
Sonny : Uh - uh .
Carly : Yes , if you let it . You need to think about our baby . You need to think about bringing him home , his first Christmas with us -- you , me , and Michael . Nothing can touch that . Nothing can spoil it . Ric tried to take it all away . He could nt . He tried and he failed .
Carly : I love you .
Ric : Carly would have been home weeks ago if Alcazar had nt taken her .
Cameron : I see your point .
Ric : He took advantage of my terrible mental distress , and I was desperate and I was nt thinking clearly .
Cameron : Completely understandable .
Ric : So would you be willing to be called as an expert witness ?
Cameron : I have no problem telling the world that you re sick , Ric , as sick as sick can be . But temporarily insane ? No . Hating your brother does nt make you non compos mentis . It simply makes you a dangerous man . No , correction -- a dangerous criminal , from whom an innocent world needs protection . But feel free to subpoena me .
Elizabeth : Oh , excuse me .
Cameron : I realize that I m not your doctor , Elizabeth , but be careful .
Elizabeth : Thank you .
Ric : It s good to see you .
Elizabeth : Dara s just informed me that I m your only hope of being acquitted . Is that true ?
Ric : Yeah . My future s in your hands .
Courtney : Please , God , bless our child . Let her feel how much we wanted her .
Doctor : Your fiance s here to take you home .
Lorenzo : Hello , Sweetheart .
Nikolas : What brings you to Jake s this evening ?
Zander : Yes , hello , Lydia . We are bonding .
Nikolas : Yes , and drinking . Would you care to join us ?
Lucky : You know what , Nikolas ? I do nt think I ve ever seen you so drunk .
Zander : You know , this boy can put away some alcohol . He drinks vodka like there s no tomorrow .
Nikolas : Barkeep ? Barkeep !
Zander : Aha ! Yell like that again and I will -- I ll hit you the second I find the energy .
Nikolas : Two more glasses .
Lucky : No , thank you .
Nikolas : Wait a minute .
Zander : What ?
Nikolas : How did they know we were here ?
Coleman : I called them . You can probably afford the little tab you re running up , but there s no way in hell you boys can drive home .
Nikolas : Why , thank you , Coleman . Please add a nice gratuity to the tab for yourself . Why are we here ?
Zander : Fighting --
Nikolas : Fighting .
Zander : About Emily .
Nikolas : Oh , yes , we were fighting about Emily .
Zander : I got to get out of here .
Nikolas : What ?
Zander : I have someplace I got to be .
Nikolas : Wait a minute . If you re going to go see Emily , then I m going to go with you .
Lydia : No , I do nt think either one of you should go see Emily tonight .
Lucky : Yeah , Lydia s right . And you ll never hear me say that again .
Zander : But --
Sonny : I swear to you my brother s never going to hurt you again .
Ric : Well , you were right . I needed professional help . Elizabeth , I m not asking you to lie to the jury . All I m asking is for you to say everything that you said to me in the safe house -- how happy we were when we got married , how excited we were about the birth of our child . I mean , all that s true . Everything was just fine until you fell down the stairs and you lost -- lost the baby . I mean , I even started to let go of my hatred for Sonny . You know I had . I m just -- I m -- please , I need -- Elizabeth , I m asking you to just tell the jury how much I was looking forward to the birth of that child and when I found out that you miscarried that I could not let go of the grief , that it triggered an irrational drive for revenge . I mean , can you -- will you tell them that for me , please ?
Elizabeth : I can tell the court that I was happy and that I loved my husband very much . And that I believed everything you told me , most of which was a lie .
Ric : No , I loved you . That was not a lie .
Elizabeth : Ah .
Ric : No , I was looking forward to the birth of this child . That -- that was not a lie . My heart broke into a million pieces when I found out that you miscarried . That is not a lie . My agony was as real as yours .
Elizabeth : Was it ?
Ric : You know it was .
Elizabeth : I could nt place my hand on a bible and swear to a single true thing about you , except for maybe your height and your weight and the color of your eyes .
Ric : You know me better than anybody ever has .
Elizabeth : No , I do nt think anyone knows you , Ric . You made sure of that . And right now I would nt swear that you re an attorney , that you went to Harvard , that your father has a house on Martha s Vineyard . The only thing I am so sure of is that you re a great liar . You can convince almost anyone of anything . But not me . Not anymore .
Courtney : No , you ca nt leave me alone with this man .
Lorenzo : Courtney , it s all right , you re safe .
Courtney : No , he s not my fiancé . This is Lorenzo Alcazar . He kidnapped me . He kidnapped me . He s -- he is why I jumped in the water . I had to jump --
Lorenzo : She s bi - polar .
Courtney : No , he s lying .
Lorenzo : It s all right when she s on her medication , but she stopped taking it , obviously .
Courtney : Oh , he s lying . He was holding me hostage .
Lorenzo : It s true she jumped off the yacht , but thinking she s a hostage is part of her delusions . Courtney , you have nt been taking your medication , have you ?
Courtney : No , he s lying . He was holding me hostage .
Lorenzo : Why did you stop taking it ?
Doctor : I know why you went off the medication .
Lorenzo : Why ?
Doctor : Your fiancee was pregnant . She lost the baby .
Lorenzo : I had no idea . Will she be all right ?
Courtney : He s not my baby s father . You need to get him away from me . Get him away from me ! Everything he says is a lie !
Lorenzo : Doctor , please --
Courtney : Get away from me ! Do nt touch me !
Lorenzo : Please help .
Courtney : No ! Get away from me !
Lorenzo : Can you give her something to calm her down ?
Doctor : Hold her down .
Courtney : Get away from me !
Lorenzo : I got her , I got her .
Courtney : No ! No !
Doctor : Just a second .
Doctor : She ll be asleep in a moment .
Lorenzo : Gracias . You were foolish to believe you could make that swim and not endanger your child . How could you know ? Courtney , all you had to do was stay put and let me trade you for Carly and that child would still be alive . This miscarriage was a senseless tragedy of your own making , not mine .
Nurse : Esta prohibido entrar aqui .
Lorenzo : Put the gun down .
Jason : All I want is Courtney .
Lorenzo : Put the gun down !
Jason : Back away !
Lorenzo : Sal de aqui !
Doctor : Oiga , quien es usted .
Jason : What d you give her ?
Doctor : Lorazepam .
Jason : Can she be moved ?
Doctor : Yes . You re her fiance ?
Jason : That s right .
Doctor : She lost it .
Jason : She what ?
Doctor : She s lucky to be alive .
Carly : Hey . You need to settle down . Sonny , your little one s practicing karate .
Sonny : Hey , hey , hey .
Ric : What s going on ?
Sonny : I got another man in the stairwell waiting to take you out of the hospital and make you disappear .
Ric : What , now ?
Sonny : Now .
Ric : I m surprised that you would give a damn , but since Alcazar could walk in at any minute , I wo nt look a gift horse in the mouth . Why do nt you just give me a minute , I ll get some clothes on .
Sonny : No , I do nt see the point .
Ric : Well , I -- I ca nt walk out of here in a hospital gown .
Sonny : Well , you re not going to walk out of here . You re going out in a body bag .
Lucky : Guys , really , I do nt think this is a very good idea .
Zander : Oh , hey , it ll be fine , we ll cover . She ll never know what happened .
Lydia : Nikolas --
Lydia : Do nt .
Zander : Hey , Em , how you --
Nikolas : Shh .
Zander : Doing ?
Emily : What happened ?
Zander : Well , nothing . Nikolas tripped .
Nikolas : No , I did nt . You punched me in the --
Zander : Shh .
Nikolas : Oh . Sorry . Um -- I fell -- I fell into a door . Yeah . Can you -- can you believe that ? Just -- boom .
Emily : Oh , my God . You re -- you re drunk ! Nikolas , you re -- you re never drunk .
Nikolas : No , no , Em , it s bad manners to be in-- in--
Lydia : Inebriated .
Nikolas : Inebriated , thank you .
Zander : Yes , he -- boom .
Nikolas : It s bad manners to be inebriated in public .
Emily : Ok , you guys got drunk and you had a fight .
Zander : No .
Nikolas : Uh - uh .
Zander : No . We -- we tripped and fell , and -- um -- he fell into a door and I fell into -- into a pool cue .
Emily : Ok , Nikolas hit you with a pool cue ?
Nikolas : No -- no , never .
Zander : Has anyone ever told you you suck at cover stories ? I told you you should nt have come .
Nikolas : I -- you re the one talking about doors and pool cues .
Zander : You re going to upset Emily !
Lucky : No , she will be if you do nt give her some rest .
Lydia : Which means you two need to go home .
Zander : I just want to tell you I d do anything for you , anything at all .
Emily : I know , I know --
Zander : Em , I promise .
Emily : That makes me very lucky .
Lucky : Out , guys .
Zander : What ?
Lucky : Come on .
Nikolas : We re going to go .
Lucky : Visiting hours are over .
Emily : Good night , Nikolas . Good night , Zander . Thank you for the visit .
Lucky : Good night , guys .
Emily : Oh , my God . You should have taken a video . Look , I know it s not funny , but were they cute , or what ?
Lucky : It s typical Nikolas -- he just seems to get more polite even when he s drunk .
Emily : What about Zander -- walking into a pool cue ? Where did you find them ?
Lucky : Jake s .
Emily : Wait -- Zander and Nikolas went drinking at jake s ?
Lucky : Em , they were fighting over you . I think it s about time you tell them both the truth .
Emily : What do you mean ?
Lucky : You could see it in your eyes , Em , when they were both in the room . You re in love with Nikolas . You care about Zander , but it s Nikolas who you want to spend the rest of your life with .
Ric : No , Sonny , no , wait -- wait , wait , wait ! I saved your life in Colombia ! You ca nt do this .
Sonny : Yeah ? You think I owe you ? Huh ? Actually , I do . I heard the statement Carly gave to Mac Scorpio . The ugly details of how you tortured her .
Ric : Sonny , I did nt torture her .
Sonny : No ?
Ric : You ca nt -- ow ! Sonny , no -- ow !
Sonny : This has gone on way too long . You re going to pay for what you did to Carly .
Ric : No --
Carly : Sonny , no ! Sonny , let him go . Let him go !
Sonny : No !
Carly : Sonny --
sonny : You need to leave !
Carly : I will not let you kill Ric ! Not because I want him to live but because I want you to live , Sonny ! I want you to be happy . I want you to be a father to our children and I do nt want the police hunting you down and hounding you .
Sonny : Do nt you want him dead ? Do nt you want him dead ?
Carly : Yes .
Sonny : Do you want him dead ?
Carly : I want him -- then do it ! Do it ! Do it right now ! Do it ! Do it !
Sonny : Hey , I will .
Carly : Do it in front of me . You ca nt , can you ? You ca nt because you ca nt have me be a witness . You need to protect me , sonny . I need to protect you , too . I am begging you , let this piece of filth go ! It s not because I would nt want to watch you end his miserable life , Sonny . I love you too much to lose you !
Sonny : Do nt look at me !
Carly : Come on . Come on , sonny . Sonny , let him go . I need you to be a father to our children . I need you to be my husband . I am begging you , just let it go for now .
Sonny : Let s go , Max . It s all right .
Courtney : Are you ever going to stop holding her ?
Jason : She s gone . You killed our baby . It s ok , it s all right . It s ok , just take it easy .
Courtney : Jason .
Jason : You re safe . It s all right . I found you -- I found you in the clinic . We re on Sonny s plane right now . We re going back to port charles .
Courtney : Oh , how did -- how did you find me ?
Jason : It does nt matter . It does nt matter . You re safe . And we re on our way home . That s all I care about .
Courtney : I should have waited . I should nt have ever taken that chance .
Jason : Come on . It s ok . It s all right . Everything s going to be fine . We re together . Nothing s going to keep us apart .
Dillon : I have a fine idea .
Georgie : What kind of idea ?
Faith : What s going on ?
Mac : You tell me . Where is Ric Lansing ?
Ric : Please , Elizabeth , I need you .
Sonny : Can you forget what Ric did to you ?
Man : Why go back to Port Charles at all ?
Lorenzo : There s something else there that I want .
Courtney : I have waited so long so I could tell you .
Jason : Tell me what ?
### Summary:
| A very drunk Nikolas and Zander sat at Jake s , toasting to Emily . Lydia and Lucky showed up to bring them home , but they insisted on stopping at GH to see Emily . Zander and Nik stumbled into her room while she laughed at them . Later Lucky told her that they were fighting over her , and she needed to admit that she was in love with Nikolas . Lorenzo walked into the clinic where Courtney was , and said he was taking her home . She tried to convince the nurse that he had kidnapped her , but Lorenzo said she was bipolar . Jason showed up and him and Lorenzo had a stand off with their guns , and Jason rescued Courtney . Carly woke up to find Sonny gone . She went to GH where she found him strangling Ric with a cord . She begged him to stop because she did nt want to lose him , he let Ric go , and left with Carly . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Pam : Admit it , you missed me . That s why you re back in the old office .
Stephanie : Oh , I thought I was cause Tom asked you to come in and help out .
Pam : Well , whatever the reason , I m really glad you re here .
Donna : We re happy to have you back .
Eric : Thank you , Ladies .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles )
Donna : So , uh , okay , we ll let you get back to work .
Eric : All right .
Pam : ( Sighs )
Donna : Pammy ...
Pam : Hmm ?
Donna : Do nt linger . It s weird .
Pam : Well , okay . But remember my old extension ? 3 - 3 . It s also my favorite number . ( Chuckles )
Donna : Or is it the year you were born ? ( Chuckles )
Pam : Ha ha .
Donna : Game on .
Pam : Donna , I can walk by myself .
Donna : Okay , just -- I know .
Pam : It s so rude to do in front of the boss .
Donna : You re the one who s inappropriate .
Eric : You got ta love these two .
Stephanie : ( Coughs , chuckles ) Yes . ( Coughs )
Eric : You all right ?
Stephanie : I m fine . ( Sighs ) Oh , my God . They ll bet a-- a great distraction for you when you come back full - time .
Eric : I do nt want a distraction . I just want to spend every-- every waking moment with you .
Stephanie : Well , we have time .
Eric : Not enough .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Bill : Thanks for coming , Taylor .
Taylor : Uh , well , I - I wanted to come by and , uh , check on how you guys were settling in anyway , so -- I wish it was under better circumstance . How is she doing ?
Bill : She is having a very difficult time bonding with the baby . I do nt know what to do .
Brooke : We thought it would be a good idea to give you a call .
Taylor : I m glad you did .
Katie : Hey , Taylor .
Taylor : Hi . It s good to see you , Katie . How are you doing ?
Katie : I have been better . ( Sighs )
Taylor : Yeah , it s a lot of adjustments , a lot of changes-- new house , new baby .
Bill : Moving so soon probably was nt the best idea .
Katie : It s not the house , Bill . It s me .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : Katie had a very difficult labor and delivery .
Katie : My heart stopped . I flatlined .
Taylor : That had to be very scary .
Bill : It was . I thought we lost her . But Katie fought her way back . And our son Will , he s a strong , healthy baby .
Brooke : Our little miracle .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) That is a very traumatic ordeal to go through , and it s gon na take some time for you to recover physically and emotionally .
Brooke : Talk to her , Honey . She will help you . I love you .
Katie : I love you , too .
Brooke : Just call me if you need anything , all right ? And I ll be here .
Katie : Thanks .
Brooke : Okay , thank you , Taylor , for being willing to help my sister .
Taylor : It s no problem .
Katie : Listen , thank you for coming , but , um , I can save us all a lot of time and trouble . I just-- I do nt think I m cut out for this . I m just -- I m not a good mother .
Bill : Katie , come on . That s not true .
Katie : No , it -- it is . I - I love our son , but I cant -- I-- I just do nt know why it s so hard for me to-- for me to relate to him . ( Sniffles ) ( Sniffles ) We saw last night this commercial with the parents and the cute little baby triplets ...
Taylor : Katie , what you re feeling , a - a lot of new mothers go through .
Katie : Everyone keeps saying that , but -- but something is wrong . I ca nt bond with my child .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Bill : Dr. Caspary said that Katie and Will are doing just fine physically ...
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : But that Katie might be suffering from postpartum depression .
Taylor : That s possible .
Katie : I just feel worthless . I - I still ca nt breast - feed . I ca nt nourish my child . That s -- that s the most natural thing that a m -- a mother can do , and I ca nt do it . I can barely even hold him because I think of all these scenarios that could go wrong , and play them over and over again in my head like a crazy person . It -- I feel like I m losing my mind . ( Sniffles )
Taylor : Well , for some women , I -- you know , being a new mother is -- is a huge adjustment .
Katie : ( Sniffles ) I hate feeling like this . I - I love my son . I love our family . And I do nt know why this is happening . I do nt understand what kind of mother ca nt bond with her own child .
Bill : Katie , Will knows how much you love him . I know how much you love him . You re just going through a hard time right now . But we re going to get through it as a family .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : I ll leave you two alone .
Katie : Will you check on the baby ?
Bill : Of course I will . Katie , look at me . I love you ... always .
Katie : I ll get through this .
Bill : Damn right you ll get through it .
Katie : ( Sniffles )
Rick : That s gorgeous .
Woman : Caroline Spencer s designs ?
Rick : Yes , Ann , does she have incredible taste and style .
Woman : Heard you two are dating .
Rick : Like I said , great taste . ( Chuckles )
Woman : No arguments there .
Rick : Now , you re gon na get me in trouble . Do me a favor . Have alterations pull those shoulders out a 1/2 an inch , all right , and I m gon na talk to Caroline about finding this fabric in more colors .
Brooke : Hi , Honey .
Rick : Oh , hey , Mom . Thank you , Ladies . That s all for now . Did you hear Dad s here ? Yeah , Thomas called him in for backup .
Brooke : Yeah , yeah . I m glad he could step in and help .
Rick : Me , too . Nobody knows this company like Dad . But what an amateur move for Thomas . It just goes to show you how totally unprepared he is to run this company .
Eric : I think we should tell the family that the cancer s back and it s inoperable . The children would want to know .
Stephanie : Honey , weve-- we ve already agreed we ll tell everyone . I just do nt want to do it right away . I want to do it in my own way .
Eric : Fair enough , but there s something that I want to do , too .
Stephanie : What ?
Eric : I ve been thinking about this . It would mean a lot to me and to everyone who loves you . It would get everybody together and celebrate your life ... while you re still here .
Stephanie : You want to give me a going - away party ?
Eric : A celebration of you , everything you ve accomplished in your life .
Stephanie : Oh , no . No . No , no , no , no . Look . You know what ? It ll just get too sad and melancholy ... ( Coughs ) And Broo -- Brookell be , you know , crying all the time .
Eric : No , no , I m not gon na let that happen . It s just not gon na happen . Look , it s gon na be all your favorite people . You re gon na love it .
Stephanie : I could invite anybody I wanted ?
Eric : Absolutely .
Stephanie : Well , it s certainly an original way of doing it . ( Chuckles )
Eric : So are you in ?
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Sure . What the hell ? Why not ?
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Great . Here . We need to get started .
Stephanie : ( Coughs )
Eric : Get started on the guest list right away .
Stephanie : ( Clears throat ) Do you--
Eric : This is nt gon na be tough for you , is it ?
Stephanie : No . I m fine , Honey .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) All right . Come on .
Stephanie : Uh , let s see . Uh , well , the usual suspects .
Eric : Mm - hmm . Sure . ( Chuckles ) What , you re inviting them ?
Stephanie : Why not ? I ll never see em again ( Chuckles ) .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Rick : I should have been made interim C.E.O. , not Thomas .
Brooke : I agree . So does your father .
Rick : But Thomas must know it , too . He s in way over his head .
Brooke : I think I m partly to blame .
Rick : Why would you say that ?
Brooke : Because Ridge is upset with me . And you re paying the price .
Rick : No , no , no . Mom , do nt . Do nt go there . It s no secret that Ridge has never been a big fan of mine . That s why he did nt choose me . How are you holding up ?
Brooke : Oh , you know ... ( Sighs ) Just trying to stay busy , get through the day .
Rick : Ridge loves you . He s not gon na want to spend the rest of his life without you .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) We ve been through so many obstacles . I m just not going to believe this is the end .
Rick : Hey . I love you so much , Mom .
Brooke : I love you , too . Thank you .
Taylor : Bill , uh , he seems supportive .
Katie : Yeah , he , um , he s in a much better place than when he saw you last . After I got home from the hospital , I was angry with him for some of the things that he had done , but it -- none of that really matters anymore , because I just want to focus on my child . I - I want to be the mother that he deserves . I just -- have to change this ... because I am -- I am so ashamed of myself . I mean , it should be simple , right ? I -- connecting with your child , I - I - I -- being loving toward your own child , it should be easy . I should just be able to reach out and -- and hold him , but It s not that simple . I - I - I barely want to touch him .
Taylor : You know , if this is postpartum depression , it s an illness . It is nt a choice you re making . Okay ? Your body s going through a lot of adjustments right now . You -- you just had a baby . Your hormones , they -- they leveled off . They dropped . And -- and then your blood pressure changed . And -- and you ve got this huge responsibility of this new baby looking at you , and you re probably not getting enough sleep .
Katie : I just feel like there s more to it than that .
Taylor : I think you re right , Katie . There s a lot more going on than you realize .
Katie : I just do nt know what is wrong with me . Why ca nt I be a good mother ?
Taylor : You re not doing anything wrong .
Katie : I m doing everything wrong .
Taylor : No , you re protecting your son .
Katie : From what ?
Taylor : From yourself .
Katie : What do you mean ?
Taylor : You re afraid that you re going to abandon him . You re afraid that you re going to die . So you re not allowing him to get attached to you .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Taylor : You ve been through ... ( Sighs ) Probably the most two intense emotions that you can go through in life , in one day . You know , you -- you had a heart attack at a time that was already stressful . You -- you were facing the fear of possibly dying when your baby was being born . So maybe you re thinking that , you know , if I failed my baby once , I might do that again .
Katie : Maybe .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) It s like survival mode . It s subconscious . You re not trying to deliberately push your baby away .
Katie : I m scared I wo nt be around .
Taylor : Well , how could you not feel like you do nt trust yourself ? Your body let you down before at a time when your baby needed you most . But you know what ? You pulled through it . And you virtually willed yourself to survive so that he could be born . This is the love of a mother . Okay ? You need to be proud of yourself .
Katie : Do you think so ?
Taylor : You fought to live so your baby could be born . You need to give yourself a little more credit .
Katie : I am scared . I do nt want Will to grow up without me . But I do nt want to be afraid . I ... I want to be a good mother to him . I want to be able to love him and nurture him . I want it to be the way I thought it would be .
Eric : All right . Here you go .
Stephanie : Oh , my God , it is nt even 12 : 00 .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) You asked for it . ( Clears throat )
Stephanie : Oh , yeah , I did , did nt I ?
Eric : Yeah .
Stephanie : What the hell ? ( Chuckles )
Eric : ( Sighs ) Here we are .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Oh , I see you ve , uh , you ve invited my ex - wives .
Stephanie : Well , I had to include Brooke , and ... it would be rude not to include Donna , so ...
Eric : Yes , it would . It would . Well , that s gon na be a very interesting gathering .
Stephanie : Yeah . I think I m getting to like the idea of this party more and more .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) What is this ? Is this a trip down memory lane for you ?
Stephanie : Well , I thought I d better , before my brain congeals and I ca nt remember anything .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Mmm .
Stephanie : You know , it s , uh , It s kind of an odd thing .
Eric : What ?
Stephanie : Well , when you know you re going to die , and -- and I know , we all think-- we all know we re gon na die someday , but when you re facing it with such certainty , it s -- a kind of strange thing happens .
Eric : Like what ?
Stephanie : Well , I think the world starts to look a little different somehow . And I m not sure exactly what it is . I - I think-- I think you start to sort of become ... in tune with , you know , your surroundings , with the world , the beauty around it , all of that sort of stuff and ... I woke up this morning , and I was laying there , and ... and all of a sudden , I had these sort of snapshots in my mind , pictures of our whole life , pictures of when we would take the kids camping-- you know , Yosemite .
Eric : Yeah .
Stephanie : And then I started thinking about the girls , and I remembered brushing their hair every night , 100 strokes each , and listening to those sweet little stories that they would -- silly stories that they always tell me . And then just , you know , having a martini with you . How many thousands of times have we gone through that ritual ? And you would nt think that it would be different in any way , but ... somehow this-- this particular martini is exquisitely delicious because there s a certain ... certainty attached to it . It may be one of the last martinis that you ever make for me .
Eric : No , no , no . Do nt say that .
Stephanie : I m sorry if I ve ever taken you for grantee .
Eric : I ve had you by my side all these years . Not a damn thing I d change . Nothing . Except I would like to have a little more time . That s what I want . More time with you .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Eric : What the hell am I gon na do ?
Stephanie : You ll be okay .
Eric : You re my best friend . You ve been right beside me through the whole journey . You ve been a witness to everything I ve done in my life . And I ve been witness to everything you ve done in your life , and do nt you forget it . I do nt want it to be over .
Stephanie : I know . I know .
### Summary:
| With Donna looking on , Pam practically falls all over herself when welcoming Eric back to the office . Donna pulls Pam back to her desk and teases her about the year she was born . Eric tells Stephanie that he does nt need them as a distraction . He only wants to focus on Stephanie . They have time , but not enough . Bill thanks Taylor for stopping by . Katie is having problems bonding with the baby and he and Brooke do nt know what else to do . Brooke thanks Taylor for being willing to help her sister . Katie tells Taylor that it s not moving into a hew house , not even Bill , it is just her . Taylor explains that being a new mother is a huge adjustment for some women . Katie says she hates feeling like this . She loves her family , she loves her son but she does nt understand why a mother can not bond with her son . She tells Taylor that Bill has been very supportive . When she came home from the hospital she was very mad at him for some things he had done , but all of that is not important now . Yet she is barely able to touch her son . Taylor points out that postpartum depression , if this is what it is , is an illness , not a choice . And Katie is not doing anything wrong . It s lack of sleep and hormones changing . She s afraid she is going to die and abandon her son so she does nt want him to get too attached to her . Taylor reminds Katie that she fought hard to live , even willed herself back to give birth . That is the love of a real mother . Katie admits that she does nt want to be afraid . She wants to be a good mother , to love and nurture . She wants things to be like she thought they would . Brooke stops in on Rick at work . He tells her that his dad is back at work today .. all because of some amateur moves by Thomas . He is in way over his head . Rick surmises that he should have been named CEO but he knows how Ridge feels about him so that was nt likely . Brooke feels it is partly her fault . Ridge is upset with her and now Rick is paying the price . She and Ridge have been through so many obstacles that she wo nt believe this is the end . Eric broaches the subject of what he d like to have a celebration of Stephanie s life while he is still here . She can invite anybody she wants ; all her favorite people . She quips it will be her going - away party and it will be all the usual suspects invited . He gives her a pen and paper and tells her to get started on the guest list . He s astonished later to find she has included his ex - wives meaning Donna . Stephanie likes the idea of this party more and more . She wants this trip down memory lane before her brain congeals and she ca nt remember anything . Somehow she is starting to look at things a little differently . You become more attuned to things around you , small snapshots in her mind of when the girls were young and she brushed their hair a hundred strokes each night and all the camping trips with the entire family . And all the martinis Eric made and never knowing which one would be the last . He asks her to never say that . She apologizes if she ever took him for granted . He says he has had her by his side all these years and he would nt change a thing . And he does nt want it to be over . They share a sweet kiss . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Mallet : Whoo . Oh , man . Um ... I did nt ... I did nt see that coming .
Marina : I m sorry , what ?
Mallet : I just did nt see that coming .
Marina : I did nt start ... you started that .
Mallet : What are you talking about ? You kissed me . You just kissed me .
Marina : Well , yeah , I mean ... I started the kiss , but only after you gave me the look .
Mallet : I gave you the look ? What are you talking about , the look ?
Marina : Yeah , the look that a guy gives a girl when he wants her to kiss him .
Mallet : What ? What are you talking about ? We were standing here , you were upset about breaking up with Cyrus , and I was comforting you . Comforting you .
Marina : And then you gave me the look .
Mallet : Trust me , I ve been training a long time not to give you that look .
Marina : What is that supposed to mean ?
Mallet : You re my partner . You know , you re the Chief s daughter as well . You know , the Chief who s my best friend , so you re my best friend s daughter ? Could be very bad , bad if I gave you the look .
Marina : But you wanted to give me the look ?
Mallet : Well , duh . I m a man and you re ... a smoking hot babe .
Marina : ( Laughs ) You are unbelievable .
Mallet : What ?
Marina : See , you re doing it ! You re giving me look .
Mallet : No , there s no look . No , I m not . I ca nt , I m not giving you the look . There is no look .
Marina : Why not ? Was nt the kiss good .
Mallet : It was ... it was ... yeah . It was ... it was nt half bad .
Marina : Half bad ? Half bad ? I m sorry , I think you might need to check again .
Mallet : No , no , stop . No , this is ... is this about Cyrus ?
Marina : Well , yeah , duh . But not entirely .
Cyrus : What in the world are we doing ?
Harley : We re kissing .
Cyrus : I know that , but why ?
Harley : Because you told me you broke up with Marina , and you were leaving town and you ... you have to stay .
Cyrus : What for , Marina ?
Harley : Yes .
Cyrus : Do you want me to stay ?
Harley : I want you to stay .
Ava : Come on , Bill , pick up .
Bill : You reached Bill Lewis . Leave your name and measurements and I ll call you right back .
Ava : ( Laughs ) What are your business clients going to think when they hear that message ? : It s Ava , I m sure you know my measurements . I have nt seen you since you got your eyesight back . And trust me , you ll be happy you did when you see what I m wearing under this coat . Call me .
Lizzie : You make it look so easy . She cried for hours with me .
Jonathan : That s because she likes having me around .
Lizzie : Do you think if I do what you do to get her to sleep , she ll start to figure out who I am ?
Jonathan : It s worth a shot .
Lizzie : Look at us ! We look so normal . Like a regular family .
Jonathan : Us , normal ? What ?
Lizzie : Nothing .
Jonathan : Oh , yeah , right . I know that look . Spit it out .
Lizzie : I was just wondering if maybe you thought we could be a family . For real .
Jonathan : You hear that ?
Lizzie : No .
Jonathan : That noise outside .
Lizzie : You think it s my grandfather ?
Jonathan : I would nt put anything past him . No one . I was wrong . We re alone .
Lizzie : See , that s my point . We re not alone . Maybe we do nt have to be .
Jonathan : What do you think , Sarah ? You think Mommy and Daddy can make a go of it ? You see that ? She s intelligent . She knows that we would kill each other , and I d win .
Lizzie : Oh , intelligent . That s a quality she definitely got from me . I m going to go wash the bottles . Okay , so I just remembered that ... are you seriously trying to take her again ?
Bill : Ha ha ! You were nt kidding about that dress .
Ava : You like it ?
Bill : Do I like it ? Well , why do nt you take it off , I ll see what it looks like ...
Ava : Uh - uh . Not until I make sure Lizzie s not hiding somewhere in here .
Bill : ( Laughs ) Lizzie is not hiding anywhere in here . And she s definitely not in the closet . Come on , now .
Ava : You say that like it s not possible , but I ve taken her on before . Anything is possible .
Bill : Okay , you do nt have to tell me about Lizzie , okay ? I know all about her . She s high maintenance , a lot of baggage .
Ava : Lots of drama .
Bill : A lot of drama , mama . And I ai nt got time for that . You know what I ve got time for ?
Ava : What ?
Bill : You . ( Laughter )
Mallet : Okay . Come on , Marina .
Marina : Come on what ? I m busy .
Mallet : You are ignoring me .
Marina : We kiss and now you want to talk ? What kind of guy wants to talk ?
Mallet : Trust me , I m a guy . I d rather be ... not talking .
Marina : Yeah , I m sure . Whatever .
Mallet : Look , you just broke up with Cyrus . Maybe you re just trying to forget him .
Marina : If that kiss made you think of Cyrus , you are the one with the problem .
Mallet : I just do nt want this to get out of hand .
Marina : Meaning ?
Mallet : Meaning that , you know , we do a little kissing , then we do a lot of kissing , and then with go somewhere and we sleep together .
Marina : Oh ! Whoa there , cowboy . Getting a little ahead of yourself , are nt you ?
Mallet : No . What I mean is I know a vulnerable woman when I see one .
Marina : Oh , and you are just too noble to take advantage .
Mallet : Well , I never said that .
Marina : I might be vulnerable but I knew what I was doing .
Mallet : Of course . Because you chose me ?
Marina : Right . I chose you . Not some random guy out on the street somewhere . Sure , there was a little bit about Cyrus , but it was about kissing you , too .
Mallet : Really ? What ... what percentage was about kissing me ?
Marina : I d say over 50 .
Mallet : Over 50 ? Uh - huh .
Marina : And we are ... we re good friends .
Mallet : Yeah . We re great partners .
Marina : And we have fun together .
Mallet : We do . We have a lot of fun together . There s not many girls I can watch baseball with .
Marina : And we make each other laugh .
Mallet : Yeah , I like to laugh . We laugh .
Marina : We do .
Mallet : Sometimes we laugh .
Marina : And we ve both been burned in relationships like nine billion times .
Mallet : Yeah , thanks for the reminder .
Marina : So why not us ?
Mallet : I do nt know . Why not us ?
Marina : Seriously ?
Mallet : Yeah , seriously . Everything you just said is true .
Marina : Okay . So what do we do now ?
Mallet : Well , the whole kissing thing leading to the whole sex thing is very tempting . Do you want to go see a movie ?
Marina : Okay .
Mallet : That d be great . Let s go see a movie .
Harley : ( Laughs ) Knots .
Cyrus : Yeah , how many stages do we get ?
Harley : Whoops ! ( Knock on door ) I think I heard something .
Cyrus : I did nt hear anything .
Harley : I think somebody s at the door . ( Knock on door ) Oh , that s Marina .
Cyrus : No , Marina has a key , it s not her .
Dinah : Hello ? The door was unlocked . Do I have the right room ? Well , I was looking for Marina , but ... this is still her room , is nt it ?
Cyrus : Yes .
Dinah : Okay . Well , I m sorry to have interrupted you guys , but she ... I m assuming she s not here ?
Harley : No .
Dinah : Okay . Well , that s all right . I will call her a little bit later , and leave the two of you alone .
Harley : No , that s okay . I was about to leave anyway .
Dinah : Okay , look , seriously , I am not going to say a word about this . I have the whole brain thing and I m not even sure what I see anymore . Okay ?
Cyrus : Harley , wait .
Dinah : Let me . Let me . You re working out . You look good .
Marina : It s been a long time since I ve seen a movie .
Mallet : Uh - huh . Yeah , it s been a long time since I ve been on a ... date .
Marina : Ooh , so does that mean you re paying ?
Mallet : Of course , I m paying . It s the first date and I m a guy . I think I should pay first . Of course , Dinah on the other hand ... well , never mind .
Marina : You know what ? I ll make you a deal . You pay for the tickets , I ll pay for the popcorn and the candy .
Mallet : Oh , you re on , that s a deal . Sucker s deal . Do you have any idea how much popcorn and candy I eat in a movie ?
Marina : ( Laughs )
Mallet : What ?
Marina : I do nt think I can see this movie .
Mallet : Really . It s good . I hear it s good . Oh , yeah , it s about a bank robber .
Marina : I m sure it s really good , but ...
Mallet : No , that s okay . It s going to get easier , you know .
Marina : So are you saying that after a while you do nt think of Dinah all the time and everything reminds you of her ?
Mallet : I did nt say that . I think it just gets easier to live with . Anyway , you know what ? Let s go to the other theater . I think there s a Will Farrell movie there .
Marina : Will Farrell ?
Mallet : Yeah , Will Farrell . Are you kidding me ? He s funny . He s very funny . Will Farrell . What ? Do you want to go see a chick flick ? Something with puppies ?
Marina : I m not saying it has to be a chick flick . I m just saying it has to be something with brains , and just not a lot of fart jokes .
Mallet : I like ... I like ... I like fart jokes .
Marina : On a first date ?
Mallet : Okay , do you want first date Mallet or do you want real Mallet ?
Marina : I never met first date Mallet .
Mallet : First date Mallet , he keeps his elbows off the table , he orders the perfect red wine and he would never , ever laugh at anything to do with flatulence .
Marina : Oh , really ? He sounds like a real tool to me .
Mallet : He s a charming tool . And he ... he likes to hold hands .
Marina : Oh , really ?
Mallet : Yes .
Marina : That s kind of nice .
Mallet : That s not so strange , is it ?
Frank : Hey , guys .
Marina : Dad .
Mallet : Hey , Frank .
Frank : Well if it is nt two of my hardest - working detectives .
Bill : ( Laughs ) See , now this is nice .
Ava : Liar . That blew nice away .
Bill : Well , yeah , that did , of course . I m just talking about laying here in the quiet . No talk about love and future , babies .
Ava : Babies ? Lizzie already talked to you about babies ?
Bill : ( Laughs ) I guess you did nt know we had a pregnancy scare .
Ava : With you ?
Bill : Well , yes , with me . But she was the one who thought she was pregnant , of course .
Ava : But she s not .
Bill : No , she s not . It was a scare .
Ava : Oh .
Bill : Oh , God . could you imagine me being trapped with Lizzie Spaulding and some mini - Lizzie crying brat ?
Ava : But I thought you liked kids . You re always so good with Emma .
Bill : Yeah . Yeah , no , I do . I like them , just not now , you know ? Too much going on .
Ava : Mm - hmm .
Bill : Too many plans .
Ava : Plans . But you re over Lizzie ?
Bill : What ? First of all , never into Lizzie , okay ? Get that straight . Besides , there s some ex in her life anyway .
Ava : An ex ?
Bill : Yup .
Ava : Well , I know you re not talking about Coop .
Bill : Nope , it s ... just some jerk from her past . It does nt really matter . I do nt really care anyway . I mean , why would I care , you know ? I mean , I do a little bit but , you know , like as a friend just looking out .
Ava : Well , as long as you re not bothered by it it s fine with me . ( Laughs )
Bill : I am not bothered by it .
Ava : Yeah ?
Bill : And I will show you how little I am bothered by that .
Ava : Oh , yeah ? Ooh .
Lizzie : You want to run away , Jonathan ? Is that what you want to do ? You can do it ! You know what ? I ll buy you a ticket out of town , but you are not laying one finger on my daughter .
Jonathan : Lizzie , I am not running away .
Lizzie : I m not listening . Save it ! Save it because I m not listening to your lies .
Jonathan : Lizzie , chill out . Whoa ! I was packing a bag , but it was nt just for me . It was for all of us . All three of us .
Lizzie : You want me to go on the road with you ?
Jonathan : Cuckoo . We ca nt stay here forever . It s not safe . Alan s going to find out . Look , I know I said that being on the road is bad , but it s not all bad . You get to meet new people and see new places and nobody knows who you are or what you ve done and you re kind of a stranger , you know ? Unlike here in Springfield where before you even say hello everybody knows that I m the loser that burns things down and you re the ...
Lizzie : Spoiled trust fund ...
Jonathan : Bitch , exactly . So you go to a new place and you can be anyone you want to be .
Lizzie : I think I ll be smart .
Jonathan : Is that what you want people to think about you ?
Lizzie : Yes , yes , I do . Because I am .
Jonathan : All right . Well , maybe if you stay indoors and do nt talk , we can tell people that you got a degree from Harvard .
Lizzie : Ooh , I like that . I like that . Okay , okay . So I m not going to be able to see my family anymore .
Jonathan : Who you gon na miss , Alan ? Alex ?
Lizzie : My mom . My nana . Billy .
Jonathan : Lizzie , I know it s not going to be easy , but me and Sarah , we ll be all the family you need .
Lizzie : What about money ? How are we going to survive ?
Jonathan : Well , I was always able to get a job here and there , and it will be easier this time because I wo nt have to pay for a nanny . You can just watch Sarah .
Lizzie : I have a better idea . How about we just go down to the bank , make a nice large withdrawal-- in cash-- from my trust fund and we give Sarah a nice life .
Jonathan : You mean it ? Really ? You ... oh , boy . You really have to think about this , because once you do it , you ca nt ... you ca nt take it back . You ca nt go back and forth . Somebody could have called Alan already , and I know Jeffrey s trying to stall him but that s not going to last forever . He could be on his way here right now . So do nt do it for me . If you re going to do it , do it for her .
Lizzie : If we are going to be on the road , we re going to need a better car . Okay , I have so much to do . I need to go to the bank , I need to say all my good - byes .
Jonathan : No , no good - byes . Lizzie , no good - byes . The less people know , the less they can spill .
Lizzie : Okay . I ... I have to see my mom one last time .
Jonathan : All right . I want to see Reva , too . But you can not tell anyone where we re going . Do nt even hint that we re leaving .
Lizzie : Okay . Okay . This is nt , like , some trick , right , to get me out of the house and you re going to take Sarah again ?
Jonathan : No , it s not a trick .
Lizzie : Then let me take her with me .
Jonathan : Well , how do I know you re not going to run right to your family with her ?
Lizzie : If this is going to work , we re going to have to trust each other .
Jonathan : Fine . Fine . This shows you how much I want you come with me .
Lizzie : Thank you . You re not going to be sorry , I promise . Hi , baby .
Jonathan : I need my coat . Lizzie , no good - byes , I mean it . I mean it .
Ava : ( laughs ) Well , if that did nt make you forget Lizzie , ooh , I do nt know what will . Oh , man .
Bill : Lizzie who ?
Ava : Good answer . Good answer . I m just going to go jump in the shower , okay ?
Bill : I ll be in in a minute .
Ava : Okay .
Bill : No messages . That s good . Good , I do nt need ... do nt need anybody to call me . ( Knock on door )
Lizzie : Hey .
Bill : What are you doing here ?
Lizzie : I ... I just wanted to say that I m really sorry about our fight . You ve been a huge help with Jonathan and I really appreciate it .
Bill : But you re not mad at him even though he s the one who pretended that your baby was dead for a year ?
Lizzie : That s my granddad s fault , not Jonathan s .
Bill : ( Laughs ) I just ... I do nt get it . I just do nt get it , Lizzie . What ... what do you see in this guy ? I mean , he s a train wreck .
Lizzie : Who is nt ?
Marina : Okay . I do nt want my dad to know that we are on a date , okay ?
Mallet : Yeah , okay .
Marina : So what are we going to do ?
Mallet : I ll think of something .
Marina : Okay .
Frank : All right , just do me a favor . Call me if there s any changes . Thanks .
Mallet : Hi , Frank , how s it going ?
Frank : Good .
Mallet : You re probably wondering why we were going to see a movie in the middle of the day .
Marina : Yeah , it probably looks like we re on a date or something , which we are not .
Mallet : On a date .
Frank : You guys are working on a case ?
Mallet : Yeah , a case . A stakeout , actually . We heard the suspect might show up here actually today , and we thought it would be good if we were on the inside .
Marina : Right , and we figured we would fit in more with everyone else if we looked like we were a couple .
Mallet : We re not a couple .
Marina : No definitely not .
Mallet : No , not on a date , no sirree .
Frank : All right . Well , good luck with your bust , and I ll see you at the station .
Marina : Okay . Love you , Dad .
Frank : Yeah .
Mallet : Do you think he bought that ?
Marina : Would you ?
Mallet : No , that was awful .
Marina : ( Laughs ) Okay , I m thinking that maybe this whole date thing was nt meant to happen yet .
Mallet : Yeah , I think maybe you re right .
Marina : Yeah .
Mallet : Yeah .
Marina : So ...
Mallet : Hmm . So ...
Marina : I will see you at the station tomorrow .
Mallet : Okay ? Bright and early .
Marina : Early . You bring the coffee .
Mallet : Okay . I ll see you tomorrow .
Marina : See you tomorrow .
Harley : Are you following me ?
Dinah : Who s following you ? I m hungry . This still is a restaurant , right ?
Harley : Yes , it is . I m sorry . Obviously I m not thinking clearly these days .
Dinah : Okay , so maybe I am following you .
Harley : Dinah , I do nt want to talk about me and Cyrus . Please .
Dinah : Okay . That is fine . I d like to talk about Marina and Cyrus , okay ? What is their story ?
Harley : They ...
Dinah : Are they over ? Are they over ? When I walked in on the two of you , they certainly looked over .
Harley : I thought your memory was all screwy ?
Dinah : I will forget , I promise . Come on , now seriously , are Marina and Cyrus over ?
Harley : Why do you care ? And why you going to her place ? You re not even friends with her .
Dinah : This is true . I have not always been fond of Marina . I ve always felt that she and Mallet are a little too chummy .
Harley : You wanted to find out if there was something going on between Marina and Mallet ?
Dinah : So you think it s a possibility , too ? Mm - hmm .
Harley : No . I wish it were .
Dinah : Excuse me ?
Harley : I wish it were because it would make my life so much easier if Marina was just not in love with Cyrus .
Jonathan : Hey , Reva , it s me . Call me back when you get this . I need to see you as soon as possible .
Billy : Hey , pretty boy .
Jonathan : Billy . Man , how you been ? Crazy , right ?
Billy : I think you re a cat and you got nine lives .
Jonathan : Well ... hey , I ve been meaning to talk to you . I mean , Reva says everything s going fine with the cancer , but I know she would say that even if were nt true . Is it true ? Is she doing okay ?
Billy : I thought you were going to stay . This sounds to me like you re thinking about leaving again .
Jonathan : ( Sighs )
Buzz : Well , this is not a good sign .
Cyrus : Marina s not here .
Buzz : Does she know you re leaving ?
Cyrus : Look , I know you know about everything with Harley and Marina .
Buzz : You did nt answer my question .
Cyrus : Yes , she knows I m going-- alone . So now you and Frank can plan the celebration .
Buzz : Celebration . ( Laughs ) What are we going to celebrate ? Either my daughter or my granddaughter gets hurt . There s not much choice there , is there ?
Cyrus : Well , that s why I m going .
Buzz : Great . Well , then , you know , they both get hurt . Call me crazy , but I d like to at least see one of my girls happy .
Billy : So , Jon , have you kept up on any of this while you were away .
Jonathan : You mean about Alan ?
Billy : No , I mean , like , other people . Like me .
Jonathan : ( Laughs ) Yeah . Well , I heard that Lizzie s working for you , she says she likes it .
Billy : And I like her , too . And I just got out of rehab .
Jonathan : Wow . That must have been tough .
Billy : It was actually pretty good . And it taught me that no matter how far you run , your troubles always find you .
Jonathan : We ca nt stay . It s not safe .
Billy : We re your family . Do nt you miss your family ?
Jonathan : Of course I do . I miss you guys . I miss this place . But , I mean mostly here for me is just where Tammy died .
Billy : That s not going to happen again . Everyone s wise to Alan now , even Lizzie . You stay here , we ll fight that bastard , we ll beat them all together .
Bill : You re good with her .
Lizzie : Thank you . See , why ca nt you be like that all ...
Bill : Be like what ?
Lizzie : Nothing . It s not important . Um ... I want you know that I really do wish the best for you .
Bill : ( Laughs ) Are you giving me a good - bye speech ? Are you telling me that you re going to run off with Jonathan and play house .
Lizzie : Sarah s my daughter . She s my first priority .
Bill : What does that have to do with Jonathan , Lizzie ?
Lizzie : Bill , Bill ...
Bill : What ?
Lizzie : There s a really good guy in there , okay ? And I know that . You just have to let him out sometime .
Bill : If I asked you to give Jonathan up , would you ...
Ava : Oh , I did nt know we had company .
Lizzie : I should go .
Ava : Cute kid . Whose is it ?
Lizzie : Mine .
Ava : Yours ?
Lizzie : This is Sarah . She s alive and so is Jonathan .
Ava : Oh , my God .
Lizzie : Jonathan staged their deaths to protect Sarah my from my granddad .
Ava : Does Alan know about this .
Bill : No , and he ca nt .
Ava : I could lose my job over this .
Lizzie : You re not going to need a job if you tell him .
Bill : Wait a minute , princess .
Lizzie : Fine , fine , fine . You pretend like you never saw us okay . Was nt Jonathan nice to you when you came town .
Ava : Does that mean you and Jonathan are ...
Lizzie : Raising Sarah together . Yes .
Ava : That s good enough for me . Excuse me .
Lizzie : You ask me to leave Jonathan and you have Ava stashed in the bathroom . Do you enjoy hurting me ? Do you ?
Bill : No . I do nt .
Lizzie : Then what is it about her ? Because I really do nt get it .
Bill : She s not you , Lizzie .
Dinah : Hey .
Mallet : Hey .
Dinah : Fancy meeting you here .
Mallet : Yeah . Yeah . This is my floor , this is nt your floor .
Dinah : Yes , you are right about that . So , um , I will see you later .
Mallet : Hey ...
Dinah : Yeah ?
Mallet : Were you waiting to see me ?
Dinah : Yeah , I was . I had some good news from my doctor and I was anxious to share it with you . Even though I know that s not really right to do anymore .
Mallet : No , I think that s okay . I mean , whatever your good news is , I m happy for you .
Frank : What s going on here ?
Harley : What ? I m cleaning . Would you look at the gum under this chair !
Frank : Yes , I get that you re cleaning . We all know that you clean when you re upset .
Harley : At least I m productive .
Frank : So what s this about ? Is this about Marina and Cyrus ? Or should I say you and Cyrus ?
Harley : I liked it better when people were nt in my business , you know ? It was better for everyone when I was suffering alone .
Frank : No , it was nt .
Harley : Do you hate me ?
Frank : I do not hate you . I hate Cyrus , actually . But you know what ? Who knows . You may have done Marina a favor .
Harley : Really ? Is that how you felt when daddy got together with Olivia ?
Frank : Not at the time , but maybe now .
Harley : I have no idea how I m going to face her , Frank .
Frank : Well , you know what ? She s going to be okay . But I would definitely give her a few days .
Harley : Really ? Why ? Did he say something to you ? What is wrong with you ?
Frank : Just ... I ran into Mallet and Marina at a stakeout and they were acting very strange .
Harley : Well , what do you mean ?
Frank : Well , they were pretending to be a couple in order to catch a perp , but I think that they thought that I thought that they were on a date and I ... which I did nt . But after they spent about five minutes trying to convince me that they were nt , I do nt know .
Harley : You think that they were on a date ?
Frank : God , I hope not . I hope not . Oh , I hope not . I mean , Mallet would never do that to me .
Harley : But if this were ...
Frank : You know what , sis ? Mentally right now I ca nt even go there .
Buzz : You stopped packing .
Cyrus : Your family s nuts , you know that ?
Buzz : I guess we are . Sort of in a good way .
Cyrus : I m serious , Buzz , I m ripping your family apart and you re telling me I should stay ?
Buzz : It s a mess , I grant you that . I do nt have any answers . Should you be with Marina ? Should you be with Harley ? I do nt know . But running away is nt the answer . Are you for real ? Because if you re for real and you re a man , you made the mess , you stick around and clean it up .
Marina : Grandpa ?
Buzz : Hi . Um , well , I ll get out of the way . If you need someone to hold the dust pan , you let me know .
Marina : Are you moving out or leaving the country ?
Cyrus : Maybe both .
Marina : You changed your mind ?
Cyrus : Buzz thinks I should stay , believe it or not .
Marina : Good . Because I do nt want you to go , either .
Jonathan : Take care of Reva for me .
Billy : No , you stay here and help take care of her , okay ?
Jonathan : She s fine without me . She survived the last year ...
Billy : She missed you . She wants to see her grandbaby . Give her a break .
Jonathan : I wish I could . I ve got to go .
Billy : Are you running away from Alan or are you running away from Tammy ? Until you put that ghost to rest , it s going to always be there . What about your little girl ? How could she be happy when her daddy is nt ?
Bill : Lizzie ... Lizzie , I do nt think you and me ... we could nt get it right . I think with Ava when she s around for a few minutes I do nt have to think about you .
Lizzie : I get it . I do . You re right . We could never get it right . Bye .
Dinah : Give me another one .
Mallet : Okay . Another one . Let s see . Idaho .
Dinah : Boise .
Mallet : I do nt know . I mean , I do nt know for sure so I ca nt confirm or deny . It could be Portland . Beaverton .
Dinah : I just told you !
Mallet : Boise sounds good . Well , that s ... I m proud of you . So the doctor said you re heading back to normal .
Dinah : Yeah . Whatever normal is for me .
Mallet : True . Good point .
Dinah : Yeah , so the doctor just said that ... something about my time in rehab , that something worked . You know , it was good and my cognitive test scores are stellar .
Mallet : That s great . That s really ... really great .
Dinah : Okay . Come on . Let me show off .
Mallet : Okay . You ready ? Best that I could do was to give myself to you but you made me take it back but you never came because you want to run it out , you want to push it down , when the runners can see oh , baby , let it go , oh , let it overflow when you re listening , there is no braver thing it s not easier the way things were you ca nt ignore that sound of your heart breaking yes , it s breaking because you want to run me out you want to push you down and the runners can see oh , baby , let it go , oh , let it overflow , cause when you re listening , there s no braver thing , braver thing , braver thing .
Reva : Jeffrey and I can keep you both safe .
Jeffrey : You want know prosecute Jonathan Randall ?
Doris : Problem ?
Lizzie : I m not sending you to prison , Reva , but you are not off the hook .
Josh : Did someone make you go out on the track ?
R.J. : Like who ?
Josh : Like your brother .
### Summary:
| Mallet and Marina talk about their feelings toward one another . They agree it is just friends . Cyrus and Harley go at it hot and heavy . Ava calls Bill , she wants to see him . Jonathan and Lizzie have a good talk until Jonathan says he heard something , and goes and checks it out . Ava arrives at Bill s and he is impressed . She thinks Lizzie is hiding there . Bill assures her Lizzie is nt there . Cyrus and Harley s sexy moment is interrupted with a knock on the door . It is Dinah looking for Marina . Dinah promises she wo nt say a thing . Mallet admits he s a little rusty on the dating thing . Bill and Ava have a sexy time and talk . Lizzie sees Jonathan packing a bag and gets upset . Jonathan assures her that the bag is for all 3 of them . He sees the moment Alan gets back it wo nt be safe for either of them . Jonathan asks who Lizzie is going to miss . Lizzie says her mom , and gram , Lillian . Jonathan tells her if they do this . They ca nt go back . From the look on her face she s in all the way . Jonathan goes off and tells Lizzie that she can not say goodbye to anyone . And he means it . Ava leaves Bill to go into another room and Bill checks his phone messages when there is a knock at the door . It is Lizzie and Sarah . Lizzie says she is not mad at Bill anymore that this is all her granddad s fault . Mallet and Marina run into Frank , who thinks they are playing hooky . They tell him they are on a case . Then they go there own ways , but not before making a date for tomorrow . Harley and Dinah run into each other and discuss what Dinah saw earlier . Dinah says she will not say anything , she promises . Jonathan meets up with Billy . Jonathan questions him about Reva and her cancer . He asks Billy if it is really gone . Billy says yes . Buzz talks to Cyrus . He tells Cyrus he wants to see at least one of his girls happy . Frank goes to see Harley and sees she is not happy . He knows this because she is doing some unneeded cleaning . Frank tells her about Mallet and Marina and what he just saw . Harley asks him if he thinks they were on a date . Franks tells Harley he does nt want to go there . Marina comes home to see Buzz talking to Cyrus . Buzz leaves and Cyrus and Marina have words . Billy says Reva missed them while Jonathan and Sarah were away . Bill kisses Lizzie before she leaves him . Mallet and Dinah play the State Capitols Game while talking ( music plays ) . Music play while showing everyone involved with the show doing something . Lizzie and Sarah are outside while Jonathan packs . She comes home and they continue to pack together ........... |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : ( Blows horn )
Katie : ( Gasps )
Bridget : Oh , my-- do nt scare the heart patient !
Nick : ( Laughs ) Happy birthday !
Katie : If you want me to have another one , you better not do that again .
Nick : You just made it through another year . I think that s worth celebrating . Do nt you agree ?
Katie : Mmm .
Bridget : Would you like me to throw him in the dumpster on my way upstairs ?
Nick : ( Blows horn )
Katie : No , that s okay . But I want to be clear-- no celebrating .
Bridget : ( Clears throat )
Katie : I do nt even want to see a cupcake in this house , okay ?
Bridget : Mm - hmm . Right . Well , I made no promises . Happy birthday , sweetheart .
Katie : Thanks , Bridget . ( Sighs )
Nick : She s got something planned . You know that .
Katie : I know . And you have to talk her out of it .
Nick : I have no chance of talking her out of it . You know that .
Katie : She s too good for you .
Nick : Well , yeah , true .
Katie : Do nt you forget it .
Nick : I wo--
Katie : ( Laughs ) Ow .
Nick : I wo nt . ( Blowing horn )
Thorne : I think this will end badly .
Felicia : It s only a matter of time before Donna lands our family back in the tabloids .
Ridge : Amazingly , Dad does nt think that s gon na happen .
Felicia : But that s just it . He s not thinking . He s skipping around in happy honeymoon land .
Thorne : Well , I think Dad knows what the stakes are .
Ridge : Well , if Donna does cause a scandal , Dad s out of the company .
Felicia : ( Laughs ) We might as well start packing up his office now .
Thorne : Well , Donna s no dummy . She s going to be on her best behavior . I can guarantee that .
Felicia : Okay , but sooner or later , she s gon na mess up , and I , for one , vote for sooner . Losing his place in this company will force him to come to his senses .
Eric : Is that right ? Rule number one-- when planning a mutiny , close the door . Rule number two-- know your enemy . And from what I ve heard , you do nt know my wife at all .
Felicia : Maybe you do nt know her as well as you think you do .
Donna : I need to hire a private investigator to help find my son . No , I - I have nt filed a missing persons report . He -- he s not missing . No , I - I just-- I do nt know how to locate him .
Donna : I m -- I m sorry . Um , one second , please .
Donna : Thank you . Uh , he-- he just came back . Marcus , you re back . Come in . Please . I m so happy to-- to see you .
Marcus : Yeah , I thought you should know that , um , some receptionist from your husband s company tracked me down . It seemed like she wanted to make trouble for you .
Donna : She was the blond ?
Marcus : Yeah .
Donna : Thank you , and thank you for-- for coming back .
Marcus : Well , I just wanted to come by and tell you that , that she contacted me . So I better get going .
Donna : No , please . Please , just tell me where you re going . Tell me how to get ahold of you .
Marcus : Why ?
Donna : You re my son , Marcus .
Marcus : Look , I have a life in Texas , okay ? Job , friends ...
Donna : Please , do nt . Do nt pull away from me . I know I hurt you , and I m sorry . I m sorry . I - I have nt handled any of this well , but -- but I do want you to be part of my life . I want to be part of yours .
Nick : You say you do nt want to celebrate your birthday . I mean , people are gon na take your word for that . Careful .
Katie : I wish they would .
Nick : No presents ? No party ? No birthday stuff ?
Katie : I - Ill tell you what . If you want to celebrate , you take Bridget out someplace nice , just the two of you .
Nick : No chance , and we re not going anywhere without you . If you do nt come with us , we do nt go . That s just the way it is .
Katie : Do nt you think that s a little bit strange ?
Nick : Does that feel strange to you ?
Katie : I got to be honest . I do nt know how much longer I m going to be able to stay here .
Katie : ( Sighs ) Look , Nick , you and Bridget have ... ( groans ) been so nice letting me stay here , but I am in the way . I - I am not taking care of Jack . I - I ca nt even make my own bed .
Nick : Not to mention you re costing me a ton in groceries .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : You re not going anyplace . You re staying here . Besides , Bridget would be devastated if you left , and I ca nt be responsible for that .
Katie : The longer I stay , the harder it is for everyone .
Nick : What s going on ? What s the matter with you ?
Katie : Nothing . I just -- I - I love Bridget , and I - I do nt want to interfere in her happiness .
Nick : Having you here makes her happy .
Katie : For now . But that might change , and -- and I do nt want that to happen .
Nick : Well , I m sorry , you ca nt go anywhere , so you re stuck with us .
Bridget : Nick , are you-- oh , hey . Honey , I just need you to help me upstairs for a second .
Nick : A man s work s never done .
Bridget : Well , I ... ( whispering ) would like you to wrap some presents .
Nick : Shh , shh , shh , shh .
Bridget : ( Scoffs ) ( normal voice ) Katie , are you okay ? You - you re really looking flush .
Katie : No , I m good . I - I m fine .
Bridget : You met with Dr. Patrick today , right ? He did some tests . What did he say ?
Katie : Nothing . I just -- I m -- I m tired . I m gon na go lay down outside for a little bit .
Bridget : Okay . Well , call me if you need anything . Do you hear me ?
Katie : Yeah .
Bridget : ( Whispering ) How does she seem to you ?
Nick : You know , it s your nature to worry .
Bridget : ( Laughs )
Nick : So maybe we oughta just leave well enough alone , okay , Doc ?
Thorne : This is not a mutiny , Dad .
Felicia : ( Sighs ) We do nt want you to leave the company .
Ridge : But if you insist on backing Donna , you re not leaving us much choice .
Eric : Ridge , you re the one who insisted that Donna and I be a - a package deal .
Felicia : Uh , no , Dad . Actually , that was you . You re the one who s hell - bent on Donna having a prominent position in the company .
Thorne : Because she s your wife , not because of experience or expertise , which she has none of . And that worries the hell out of us , Dad .
Ridge : Listen , Dad , we all feel like Donna s got a lot of ... baggage that could be very detrimental to the company and our family .
Eric : You know , I m getting just a little sick of all this talk about scandal . Donna s not gon na bring shame down on our family or this company .
Felicia : But if she does and you step down like you promised , you know , you could always come back .
Eric : Oh , once I realize that she is , uh , the albatross around my neck ?
Ridge : Look , everybody in this room has brought their share of bad press to the company . We re not saying we re better than Donna . We just have a bigger stake in the company , Dad . This is our legacy . We re just trying to protect it .
Eric : So you admit that you re holding my wife to a higher standard than you hold yourselves ? My God . Could any of you withstand that kind of pressure , that kind of scrutiny ? I mean , would you be able to stand being watched 24 hours a day ?
Ridge : Look , as long as Donna does nt have any skeletons in the closet , she s got nothing to worry about .
Donna : I want you to meet my whole family .
Marcus : I met them at your brother s funeral .
Donna : No , but th - they did nt know who you were .
Marcus : That s because you did nt tell em you had a kid .
Donna : I know . I should ve .
Marcus : Look , you dont-- you do nt have to say anything . I m not gon na go to the tabloids or anything . I m pretty sure you do nt want it to get out .
Donna : Marcus , I - I m not ashamed of you . That s not why I gave you up for adoption . I was young . I was scared . I was terrified of -- of raising a child alone .
Marcus : You did nt think your family would help ? You did nt think they would accept me .
Donna : No , they would ve , just as my husband will now .
Marcus : You ve told him ?
Donna : No . But I will . I will today .
Marcus : Well , if you really thought he ll be cool with it , you would have told him already .
Donna : No , no , it -- it s not him , Marcus . It s -- it s his family . It s his kids . They hate me , Marcus . It s complicated .
Marcus : No , look , you do nt have to explain . I get it .
Donna : No , no , you do nt , you do nt . It s not what you think .
Marcus : I m out of here .
Donna : No , no , please , Marcus , please , just hear me out . Eric s kids-- they want me out of his life . They think I m a liability . They will take away his company if I cause any kind of a scandal .
Marcus : ( Chuckles ) You mean , um , a scandal like me ?
Katie : ( Exhales deeply )
Nick : Well , yeah , of course . I want you around as much as you want to be around .
Katie : ( Laughs ) You may regret those words .
Nick : I doubt it .
Katie : You just want me around cause I laugh at your bad jokes .
Nick : Well , you have nt been laughing much lately .
Katie : It hurts to laugh .
Nick : So you do all your laughing on the inside then .
Katie : I have a lot going on on the inside . Most of it does nt make me feel like laughing .
Nick : I m aware of that .
Katie : There is one bright spot , though . It gives me hope , makes me feel like I have a life that s worth living .
Katie : Oh , hi .
Stephanie : Happy birthday .
Katie : Oh , thank you . Um , you -- you should nt have .
Stephanie : Well , you re welcome anyway . I think I saw Nick s car out there .
Katie : Oh , yeah , you do nt have to worry . The , uh , coast is clear .
Stephanie : He s not here ?
Katie : No , no , he s here . He s up with Bridget .
Katie : So let me guess . You re lonely out there at the beach , and you ve come to lure me to Malibu ?
Stephanie : Oh , are you hoping to be lured to Malibu ?
Katie : I m just wondering why you re here . And do nt tell me it s because of my birthday .
Stephanie : You went to your brother s funeral .
Katie : I did .
Stephanie : I was surprised .
Katie : You were nt the only one .
Stephanie : Well , the last time I saw you and we spoke , you were having such a difficult time adjusting to his death . And , uh-- but obviously you ve gotten on with your life .
Katie : Yeah , it seems that way .
Stephanie : I have to admit to being curious about something . Um , why did you decide to move in here with Nick and Bridget ?
Katie : They insisted .
Stephanie : Really ? That makes me all the more curious .
Katie : Well , it was Bridget s idea .
Stephanie : Of course .
Katie : Right . You know , stray puppies and sick relatives-- she could nt resist .
Stephanie : How is she ?
Katie : So it s not just me you re curious about .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Well , the last time that she was involved in a relationship with Nick , it ended up disastrously . And I m -- I m a little concerned that she may not have made the best decision for herself .
Nick : Take this off .
Bridget : I do ?
Nick : Take it off .
Bridget : No , I-- we have to get ready ...
Katie : Yeah , I do nt think you need to be concerned about that .
Eric : You say you do nt want me to leave the company , but you re all standing around just waiting for Donna to make some kind of a mistake .
Felicia : If that s what it takes to make you see reason .
Eric : ( Sighs heavily ) Your mother would be so proud .
Thorne : Mother was nt always wrong , Dad , okay ? Yes , she sometimes goes too far , but she has a very good sense of people .
Eric : Well , clearly , you all share your mother s sense about Donna . Well , that s too bad . The Donna I know is a warm wonderful person . The Donna I know would show more compassion to a stranger on the street than any one of you has shown to her .
Donna : Please try to understand my position . I m newly married to a very famous man .
Marcus : No , I know . And you do nt want to freak out his family .
Donna : No , no , but they really-- they really , really hate me . And his -- his ex- wife will use anything to discredit me and -- and worm her way back into his life . An - and there s the press , Marcus . The -- the press-- the way they -- they twist things and -- and sensationalize things .
Marcus : Look , I - I told you I wo nt sell you out .
Donna : But I know people who will , people who would love to see my face on -- on the cover of every gossip magazine in the supermarket .
Marcus : You mean that nosy receptionist ?
Donna : Yes , and her -- and her evil crazy sister .
Marcus : You know what ? Look ... ( chuckles ) let s just drop it , okay , forget that I was ever here , all right , because I do nt want my business for the whole world to know either .
Donna : But that s -- that s why we have to be honest with Eric . He ll know how to handle this .
Marcus : Yeah , but what if he ca nt ?
Donna : He will . He s a good man , Marcus . He loves me .
Marcus : Enough to give up his company ? I mean , is nt that what you said would happen ? Listen , I - I really appreciate that you re trying to make me feel like I matter to you , but this whole family sounds very messed up to me .
Donna : Look , I will tell him the truth , Marcus . I m gon na tell my husband the truth whether you leave L.A. Or not .
Marcus : You do nt have to say anything if I just go .
Donna : No , just-- please , just do nt . Do nt go , not until w-- we at least get a chance to know one another . Is that too much to ask ?
Felicia : Do you know how much this hurts me , Daddy ?
Eric : ( Sighs heavily ) Then stop it .
Felicia : When Donna lets you down , your family s still gon na be here for you because we love you , and we will always love you . And believe it or not , that includes Mother . Come here . ( Sniffles )
Eric : Oh , honey .
Felicia : ( Sniffles )
Katie : Uh , you do nt mind if I turn on some music , do you ?
Stephanie : Not at all .
Katie : Great .
Katie : So , uh , where were we ?
Stephanie : You were just telling me not to worry about Bridget .
Katie : Oh , yeah . Um , she and Nick are very happy together .
Stephanie : Well , you d know , would nt you ?
Katie : I m very supportive of that relationship . I encouraged it .
Stephanie : Who did you encourage-- Nick or Bridget ?
Katie : Both . Both of them .
Stephanie : I did nt know you were such a matchmaker .
Katie : I think Nick is the right man for Bridget .
Stephanie : And is she the right woman for him ?
Katie : Of course . She s the right woman for anyone . She s amazing .
Stephanie : Obviously , he shares your opinion of her .
Katie : Absolutely .
Stephanie : Would you rather be the woman up there instead of Bridget ?
Katie : ( Laughs ) I - I do nt quite know where-- where this is coming from , but , um , would I rather be , uh , running around and -- and having fun ? Sure , I would love to be healthy enough for that .
Stephanie : You know what it did to her when he slept with her Mother ?
Katie : Yes , I do , and nothing like that is ever going to happen again .
Stephanie : Because you re not like her mother ?
Katie : Because this does nt have anything to do with me .
Stephanie : But you re living here with them in this house .
Katie : I was invited . They are concerned about me . I do nt now why you re trying to turn this into something ugly . It is nt . Bridget helped save my life . I would never do anything that would cause her any pain .
Donna : Do nt you understand ? I just -- I just wanted a chance to get to know my child .
Marcus : At the risk of losing your marriage ?
Donna : Eric wo nt walk away from me , and he wo nt allow anyone to disrespect my son .
Marcus : Even his kids ?
Donna : Look , I know this sounds really complicated , and it might be . It might be for a while , but I know it s gon na be worth it . St give me a chance to get everything out into the open-- you and me , the adoption . I know I can make this right .
Marcus : That s why I came here to meet you , have some time together . That s all I wanted .
Donna : I want more than that . If I m coming on too strong , I -- I m sorry .
Marcus : Look , I just came to warn you about that nosy blond lady . That s all .
Donna : Marcus , wait , wait . You re scared . I am , too . It s confusing . But d - dont leave . Do nt go .
Eric : Donna ? What s going on here ?
### Summary:
| Katie makes it clear to Nick that she wants no celebrating for her birthday , not even one cupcake . Bridget thinks Katie looks flushed and worries about her health . Stephanie drops by with a birthday present although she probably is really more concerned about Katie and Bridget living with Nick than she wants to admit . Thorne tells Felicia and Ridge that Donna will be on her best behavior , but they expect the real Donna will surface soon , back in the tabloids . Eric admonishes them they are treating Donna like an albatross around his neck . Donna is not going to bring scandal down on them . Marcus drops by to see Donna just as she is about to hire a P.I. to locate him . He informs her that the Forrester receptionist set out to find him also and seems mighty interested in his relationship with Donna . She is not ashamed of him and insists that she wants him to meet her entire family . He ca nt help but wonder why she has not told Eric by now . He thinks the whole family sounds messed up , he just wants to leave town . Donna begs him not to until she gets a chance to know him better . Felicia tells her dad that she will always love him , so does her mother and the rest of the family , but they fear Donna will let him down . Katie tells Stephanie that she encouraged the relationship and living arrangements between Nick and Bridget . She does nt know why Stephanie is trying to turn it into something ugly . Donna tells Marcus she knows all of this sounds complicated , but give her a chance to get everything out in the open and make it right . As she is begging him one more time not to go , Eric walks in and asks what is going on ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bridget : Nick ? Aggie ? Is there something going on here ? Oh , my God . There is .
Owen : Oh , I can not wait to see the look on Bridget s face .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) Me neither . She is going to be so surprised .
Owen : What , is she on her way home right now ?
Jackie : Yes ...
Owen : Okay .
Jackie : Except she stopped by to talk to Nick first .
Owen : Oh . Poor guy .
Jackie : He ca nt seem to accept our little arrangement , can he ?
Owen : Well , our little arrangement is nt exactly by the book .
Jackie : ( Chuckles ) No , well , I ve never lived by the book .
Owen : Ooh , and lucky me . Lucky , lucky .
Jackie : ( Gasps ) Yes . Oh , great . No , I m buzzing you in now . Thank you .
Owen : That s him ?
Jackie : The delivery man s here , yes .
Owen : Nice . Sweet .
Taylor : Well , that s everything . That s everything you need to prove that you legally now control my share of the 25 % of Forrester Creations .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) Mom , what you did ... transferring your shares to me ? I mean . That means so much , really .
Taylor : You re the one who arranged for me to own it , and so now I m just giving it to you to control . I m hoping that somehow it ... it will heal some of the wounds .
Steffy : Yeah . I just ... I ca nt get it out of my mind ... the look on dad s face when he fired me . It s just ... he thinks I m a liar . I have to prove to him that I m not . I have to make him believe in me again .
Taylor : You will . You will .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Steffy : But , Mom , it does nt end there . Dad wants me to change my attitude about Brooke . To me , she s always gon na be the woman who destroyed our family . Plus , she s a walking scandal , and dad just forgives and forgives and forgives .
Taylor : I know . I know . I ve lived with it my whole life . Your father has this blind spot when it comes to Brooke . I ve just had to learn to accept it .
Steffy : Hmm . Accept Brooke , prove to him that I had nothing to do with what happened at the press conference ... yeah , tall order .
Taylor : Maybe this investigation you started will help .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) I just got ta regain my father s trust . That s the only thing that matters to me now .
Jackie : Oh , my word . It is so tiny . I d forgotten how small babies are .
Owen : ( Chuckles )
Man : I ll take the wrapping with me .
Owen : Yeah , here . Oh , here . Before you go ...
Man : Oh , appreciate it .
Owen : Cool , man , thanks .
Man : Ah .
Jackie : Darling , she s going to love it .
Owen : Well , I wonder what s taking her so long .
Jackie : Well , she and Nick have a lot to talk about .
Owen : You think they re gon na be able to get through this ?
Jackie : I think that Bridget had to give it one last shot she loves him desperately .
Owen : Yeah , well , he s sad , and he s disillusioned , but I m pretty sure he feels the same way about her .
Jackie : Yeah . Although sometimes I fear that love is nt always enough .
Owen : You do nt think they re gon na be able to get beyond this .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) Raising another man s child , my husband s child ? No , Owen . I do nt think my son will accept it now or ever .
Bridget : So you two are becoming emotionally involved ?
Aggie : I needed someone , Bridget , and Nick was there for me .
Bridget : And you needed someone , too . Have you two been sleeping together-- you know what ? Never mind . I do nt even want to hear you say it .
Aggie : It -- it was a lot like what happened between you and Owen-- two people coming together , comforting each other .
Bridget : That was one moment of weakness one night . And then we put it behind us and wanted to move on with our lives . Is that what you two are going to do ?
Bridget : To think I came here for a reconciliation .
Nick : We re all in our own pain .
Bridget : Well , you ve done something to ease yours , have nt you ?
Nick : Well , I m trying to do something about it . I m sure you are , too .
Bridget : I m having a baby , and that s what matters to me right now .
Nick : Owen s baby .
Bridget : Yeah . Owen s baby . That was the deal breaker , right ? I m so sorry I interrupted you .
Taylor : Your father still love you . That has nt changed .
Steffy : He just does nt trust me .
Taylor : He is caught in the middle .
Steffy : ( Scoffs ) Between his wife and his daughter . And as usual , Brooke is winning that battle .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) What Brooke did is completely irresponsible , and she actually deserved to be exposed .
Steffy : And the person who had the motive , the means and the opportunity was me .
Taylor : I know that s why your dad does nt believe you .
Steffy : I just hope Liam and the investigator will get down to the bottom of this . You know , my life wo nt be the same until this is cleared up with my dad .
Aggie : I m so sorry .
Nick : Me , too .
Aggie : Bridget s lost a really good man .
Nick : Well , she made her bed .
Aggie : Is there anything I can do for you ?
Nick : You have already done plenty .
Jackie : Hi .
Bridget : ( Gasps ) Hi .
Jackie : How did your talk with Nick go ?
Bridget : I do nt really want to talk about it .
On : Well , we ve , uh , got a surprise for you . ( Imitates fanfare )
Bridget : Oh .
Owen : ( Chuckles )
Bridget : Wow .
Owen : Yeah ? I mean , we kind of figured that the baby needed somewhere to sleep , right ?
Bridget : Oh , it is so beautiful and sweet .
Owen : And soft .
Jackie : ( Laughs ) It -- it just , I mean , literally rived a few minutes ago .
Bridget : Oh , you two have no idea how much I needed something like this today .
Jackie : You and Nick argued ?
Bridget : Worse . He s moved on with someone else .
Jackie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Mom , this is Ed , the I.T. investigator .
Ed : How are you ?
Taylor : Hi .
Ed : Nice to meet you .
Steffy : And this is my friend Liam .
Taylor : Yes , I remember . We met .
Steffy : Okay , so what did you guys find out ?
Ed : Well , I went through all of your notes , and as you know , there are a number of people who could have done this . But the timing of when you were working on the document , this tribute , pretty much clears everyone .
Steffy : Okay , someone must have sneaked into the office when I was out .
Ed : Well , I considered that . No one entered the office when you were nt in there . But there is another problem . You see , it would have taken extremely sophisticated voice recognition and replication programs to copy your voice so perfectly . I ran the voice from the tribute through the best recognition program available , and , uh , it definitely was not replicated .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Taylor : Well , what is your conclusion ?
Steffy : Yeah .
Ed : Somehow your daughter s voice in that tribute was altered . As for who or how , we just do nt know . It was a very sophisticated job . They left no footprints that we could trace , and there was no evidence of anybody hacking in . It appears it all came from your own computer .
Steffy : ( Stammers )
Ed : So if you have any more information for me , or if you have anything that you left out , please feel free to call me .
Taylor : All right , um , I ll show you gentlemen out .
Ed : Thank you .
Taylor : Thank you .
Liam : Hey , Id -- Id , um , I d like to talk to you for a minute .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) Nicky s seeing someone else ? Who ?
Bridget : Aggie .
Jackie : Oh , my God , Bridget .
Bridget : Well , it makes sense if you think about it . She gave him the one thing that I couldnt- honesty and truth . Now all I have is my baby .
Owen : And you have us .
Aggie : Are you gon na be okay ?
Nick : Well , it s hard to be , knowing what Bridget s going through .
Aggie : You did nt create this mess , Nick .
Nick : Mess . It s a perfect word , because that s exactly what this is -- a mess .
Aggie : Well , at least Bridget has a lot of support .
Nick : Oh , she has support . She has support from my mother and the father of her child who s married to my mother . It s crazy ! And they think they re gon na raise this child together , the three of them , happily ever after ? Good luck at answering questions when this kid gets old enough to ask them .
Aggie : I m sure that he ll be loved .
Nick : Oh , he ll be loved . He ll be loved by mom number one and mom number two . It s ... ( Sighs ) Okay , look I m sorry . I do nt mean to get you involved with this . I m really probably not the most stable guy to be hanging out with right now .
Aggie : I was nt exactly the poster child for stability before I met you .
Nick : ( Laughs ) Match made in heaven .
Aggie : Or the lunatic asylum .
Nick : ( Chuckles )
Aggie : Look , you have a lot of things going on right now . I - I do nt want to be another headache .
Nick : Aggie ?
Aggie : What ?
Nick : You re off the hook , okay ?
Aggie : What do you mean I m off the hook ?
Nick : Oh , you re off the hook . You do nt have to- I - I do nt want to bring you into this drama and get you involved in all of this , so no .
Aggie : That s not what I was talking about at all .
Nick : W - well , then what are you getting at with this ?
Aggie : I m just-- okay , this relationship-- friendship between us ...
Nick : Mm - hmm .
Aggie : You know what it means to me , a woman who has nt been touched in five years , you know , letting somebody into her life , into her heart . I imagine that that could seem a little bit daunting for you . I mean , it would be for me .
Nick : Never occurred to me .
Aggie : ( Chuckles ) You re a good man , Nick . You ve had a lot of disappointment recently , a lot more than you deserve . I do nt ... I do nt want to be another one of your mistakes .
Nick : Well , I have made a lot of mistakes ... but you re not one of them .
Steffy : Well , that s all I know . I thought you and Ed would have come up with some answers . I did nt do anything with that tribute . It was nt me .
Liam : I know it was nt .
Steffy : You say that with so much certainty .
Liam : That s because I am certain .
Steffy : H - how do you kn-- you -- you do nt know me . You do nt know if I m lying .
Liam : Steffy , can you get past this ?
Steffy : ( Sighs ) Yeah , I d like to . I would love to put this behind me . ( Chuckles )
Liam : But you ca nt .
Steffy : No , not until my father finally trusts me . Liam , I - I have to get my father back . Ju -- just please ... just tell me that you ll help me .
Liam : I will help you in any way that I can .
Nick : Maybe you re the one who should be cautious .
Aggie : I have been cautious for quite some time , Nick-- cautious , careful , miserable .
Nick : But safe .
Aggie : Oh safe , yes . Safe from life , which is kind of the definition of being dead . You do nt have to worry about me , okay ? That s all I - I want you to know . I do nt have any exceptions . Whatever happens or does nt happen between the two of us ... I ve crossed the Rubicon with you , sailor .
Nick : ( Chuckles )
Aggie : And I m never going back to being that scared , vulnerable , lonely woman living alone in a trailer park . Hey . I owe you for that .
Nick : You do nt owe me anything . True , you were lost for a little while , and maybe I m a little lost myself right now , so I know the feeling .
Aggie : So maybe I can help you bounce back like you did for me .
Nick : You already have .
Bridget : You two are exceptional .
Jackie : ( Chuckles ) And you , my darling girl , are a Godsend .
Bridget : Oh , I find that hard to believe .
Jackie : As unlikely as it seems , what I have with my husband is very close to a perfect marriage except for one thing . He always wanted a child , the one thing that I could nt give him . And you are .
Bridget : And this works for you ?
Jackie : I ve got everything now-- the man I love whose dream has come true and a beautiful daughter - in - law .
Bridget : ( Laughs ) I love you , Jackie , but I m not your daughter - in - law anymore . It breaks my heart , because Nick was excited about this baby . I m just so sorry that I hurt him .
Jackie : I had hoped that he could accept this child , that he could be a father . And I hate it , too , that he is hurting , but we ca nt change the situation , and we ca nt change how Nick feels .
Bridget : ( Sighs )
Jackie : So raising this child , Bridget , it s up to the three of us now .
Bridget : And you re okay with this ?
Owen : Look , you re breaking the rules , and I am okay with it . Look , I got a fantastic wife . My -- my baby s got a beautiful mother . I m a lucky guy , very lucky .
Jackie : How about you ? Does it work for you ?
Bridget : ( Chuckles ) I m the one that s alone and pregnant here , but I feel like I m surrounded by so much love , concern . Not just for me , but for my baby . Yes , my husband is gone . It breaks my heart . But it should be so much worse . Jackie , after what I ve done to you ... I -- but really , listen to me . You have accepted me as -- as a daughter . And you ve let my child and me be a part of your family , and I ca nt ... I ca nt thank you enough .
Jackie : Oh . ( Laughs ) God , to be so blessed . I mean , to have two young ...
Owen : ( Laughs )
Jackie : Just beautiful - inside - and - out people in my life . I mean , you just don know what you ve brought to my world . You just do nt know , and you probably never will .
Jackie : The cougar has a kitten .
Owen : Mm .
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Owen : ( Laughs )
Jackie : And we re expecting a litter ...
Bridget : ( Laughs ) Yes , we are .
Jackie : Of exactly one .
Bridget : ( Sighs )
Jackie : Oh , I would say that this family-- and we are a family-- our lives in this den is absolutely purr - fect . ( Laughs )
Owen : Perfect .
Jackie : And so we re going to live , family of three , soon to be four ...
Owen : ( Chuckles )
Jackie : Happily ever ... after .
### Summary:
| From the look on their faces , Bridget realizes there is something going on between Aggie and Nick . Aggie finally explains by trying to justify they both needed someone to comfort them so it was sort of like when Bridget turned to Owen . Nick says they are all in their own pain . Bridget says so much for her coming here for a reconciliation . She wo nt bother him again . Aggie tells Nick that she is sorry , and asks if there is anything she can do for him . Owen and Jackie show a dejected Bridget the new baby bed that just arrived . She tells them her bad mood is from the fact that Nick has moved on with his life with someone new . Steffy holds papers and Taylor explains that now she has everything to show that she has control of the 25 % of Forrester stocks . Steffy still can not get over the fact that Ridge thinks she is a liar , and she wants to prove she is not . But he also wants her to change his attitude toward Brooke and she ca nt accept Brooke like that . She wants to regain her father s trust . It is the only thing that means anything to her . Steffy introduces her mother to Ed and Liam . Ed explains that he went through the files and no one else was admitted to her office . It would have taken some sophisticated equipment to do this , but her daughter s voice was altered . It came from her own computer . When Ed leaves , Liam wants to talk to Steffy alone . He struggles with his consciousness but tells Steffy that he will help her in any way he can . Jackie is shocked to hear about Aggie and Nick . Bridget says she is all alone now ; just her and her baby . Owen hugs her and reminds her that she has him and Jackie . Aggie tells Nick that he has a lot going on right now and she does nt want to be another headache . She does nt want to be another one of his mistakes . He replies that he has made a lot of mistakes in his life , but she is not one of them . She is helping him right now . They kiss . Jackie tells Bridget that she has everything she wants .a husband she adores and a beautiful daughter - in - law expecting a baby . So raising this child is up to the three of them now . Owen says he is very lucky . Bridget feels she is the lucky one as she is surrounded by so much love and concern . She ca nt thank Jackie enough for accepting all of this . Jackie puts their three hands together intertwined and says happily ever after . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Thorne : Hey , Dad .
Eric : Thorne . Good . Hi .
Thorne : How s this ?
Eric : Oh , wonderful . Good .
Thorne : 20 of them , right ? And you want me to ship them to your room in New York City ?
Eric : Uh , Marcus is taking care of that . No prob -- well , here he is now . Marcus , these are the packages that we re gon na get down to shipping .
Marcus : All right .
Thorne : I ll handle it .
Marcus : Well , I - I already have a number two padded and foamed , sir . Air freight will be here in an hour .
Eric : Insurance ?
Marcus : Taken care of .
Eric : Good . I do nt want anything to happen to these , all right ? I m giving one to every one of our distributors there at the fund - raiser .
Marcus : I arranged it with V.I.P. Services .
Eric : Well , good . It s -- we re very impressed with this young man , are we not ?
Thorne : Hmm . Working your way up the corporate ladder , hey , Marcus ?
Eric : You keep doing the job you re doing , and that could easily happen , my boy .
Thorne : If his mom has anything to say about it , it will . Anyway , why are you giving 20 of these away ?
Eric : A little P.R. never hurt , you know ?
Thorne : A little P.R. ?
Eric : Yeah .
Thorne : You go to this event every year . You ve never even given one gown away .
Eric : Yeah , well this year s a little bit different-- the economy , you know ?
Thorne : The economy ?
Eric : Look , we ve taken a big hit this year . Every fashion house has .
Thorne : We ve taken a bigger hit than most .
Eric : And your point ? Hello , darling .
Donna : Hello .
Thorne : Come on , Marcus . Maybe you can show me where shipping is .
Donna : Oh , bye , Marcus .
Eric : How s my girl ? How you doing ?
Donna : Mmm .
Eric : Mmm .
Donna : Okay .
Eric : Yeah ?
Donna : But , um , why-- why did nt you tell me you were going to New York without me ?
Eric : Oh , I m sorry , honey . Look , I m gon na be so busy . I ll make it up to you when I get back . I promise .
Donna : Well , why do nt you make it up to me tonight before you leave ? Give you something to think about on the plane .
Eric : On the plane ? I m thinking about it now .
Donna : ( Giggles )
Eric : ( Laughs ) No , I ca nt . I ca nt . I m leaving from here . The -- the car s down in the parking lot right now .
Donna : We re not even gon na have any alone time before you leave ?
Felicia : Aah . Piece of work , is nt she ?
Owen : Hello , Felicia .
Felicia : So you re here studying your prey , I see .
Owen : I wish you would nt talk about her like that .
Felicia : ( Sighs ) What the hell is wrong with you ? You know what I want .
Owen : Yeah , I know what you want . You want incriminating photos .
Felicia : Of you and the bimbo .
Owen : She s your father s wife .
Felicia : She is my father s worst mistake , Owen .
Owen : Well , he loves her .
Felicia : Yeah , well , you know what ? He loved my mother . They had a wonderful family together .
Owen : Well , so you really think that if we split them up that your parents will get back together ?
Felicia : That s why it s worth $ 200,000 to me to get her out of his life , because I know that if they re split up , my father will go back to my mother because he still loves her . I know it .
Owen : Well , he married Donna .
Felicia : Yeah , I know . You know , Owen , I do nt know what kind of family you grew up in , so maybe it seems really ... ( laughs ) strange and foolish to you that a grown woman is so committed to getting her parents back together , but there is something just so wrong about my dad s relationship with Donna . No good can come from it , okay ? I feel it from the bottom of my soul so I want him out of it as soon as possible before anybody else gets hurt . Do nt go soft on me now . Donna does nt come out empty - handed , okay ? I mean , she comes out with a big fat divorce settlement , and you come out with a big fat check . So it s a win - win situation for everybody . We had a deal . Please tell me you re still with me . ( Whispers ) Please .
Owen : You know what ? A woman like her ... she does nt belong with that old guy anyway . I m with ya .
Felicia : Yeah ?
Owen : You re gon na get what you want .
Felicia : Yeah . Thank you . Thank you .
Marcus : See , I was ... Owen ? What are you still doing here , man ?
Owen : Oh , hey , you do nt know ? I work here now .
Steffy : Since when ?
Owen : Well , since Donna hired me to on to be her new assistant .
Brooke : So then we head east on the 10 and north on the 14 . Then we turn left and head out to the desert .
Ridge : Where we , um ...
Brooke : Where we stop for the night and camp out under the stars , and we make love every time we see a comet .
Ridge : Ooh , I heard there s a meteor shower happening .
Brooke : Mmm . You think you can handle it ? Ridge : With you ? Hmm ...
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Ridge : You let those shooting stars fall wherever they want to .
Brooke : Mmm . Mm .
Ridge : But not tonight . Dad s gon na be leaving on a trip .
Brooke : So ?
Ridge : I guess somebody s got to hold down the fort , as bad as business has been . But when he gets back ...
Brooke : The meteor shower will still be happening .
Ridge : Trust me . You ll still see a lot of shooting stars .
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Owen : I m sorry . We have nt officially met . I m Owen Knight .
Steffy : Steffy Forrester .
Marcus : So let me get this straight . You came here to collect the money I owe you , and now you re working for my mother ?
Owen : Just at the right place at the right time , my man . Your mom got tired of that Pam always sticking it to her . I come here to collect my fee , and next thing you know , I got a job .
Marcus : Well , what about the job in San Diego ?
Owen : Yeah , well , L.I. work s been pretty slow lately .
Steffy : L.I. ?
Marcus : Yeah , he s a legal investigator . He s the one that helped me find my mother .
Steffy : Oh .
Owen : I m also a paralegal .
Steffy : A man with many talents .
Marcus : Yes , obviously . Now he s a personal assistant .
Steffy : Hmm . ( Pager beeps )
Marcus : Oh , the air freight company s here . I got to go deliver this package for Mr. Forrester . I m gon na talk to you later , all right ?
Steffy : Yeah . So , Owen , you seem like a pretty confident guy .
Owen : To be read-- full of myself ?
Steffy : Well , I would nt put it that way , but it does seem interesting .
Owen : Oh , yeah ? What s that ?
Steffy : Well , you do appear to have hitched your wagon to Marcus , have nt you ?
Ridge : Oh , Logan , it s times like this that makes me want to get up and just conquer the world ...
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Ridge : My world , a world of Forrester Creations .
Brooke : You ve been there , done that .
Ridge : Not really . Logan , I want to run this company . Nothing against Dad . He s probably taught me just about everything I know about the business . And I feel very blessed to have worked side by side with my father .
Brooke : But ?
Ridge : But I really feel like he d be a lot happier if he just concentrated on designing instead of running the company .
Brooke : Well , it is kind of stressful for a man his age .
Ridge : Please , do nt say that to his face .
Brooke : Although , now that he has a hot young wife , maybe it ll give him an extra 20 years .
Ridge : Logan , the company s not gon na be around in 20 years because of his hot young wife .
Brooke : Wait a minute . Eric got the company back because of Donna . She s the one who orchestrated the buy back from Nick .
Ridge : Okay , I ll give her that , but she should have stopped there . ( Sighs ) Logan , you got ta think of this as strictly business . Donna is not an asset to the company . That s just a fact . It has nothing to do with anybody s personal feelings about her .
Brooke : You know , if I did nt love you so much , I would accuse you of being a little disingenuous right now .
Ridge : What ? !
Brooke : Yes . Because I happen to believe that this is all about personal feelings about Donna-- yours and your family s . ( Sighs heavily ) Oh , god . ( Sighs )
Ridge : Is this the part where we re gon na get really angry at each other in about a minute ?
Brooke : It s not my fault . I did nt bring up Donna s name . You did .
Ridge : ( Groans ) Wait a minute . Wait a minute . Yes , you did . All the stuff about Dad all of a sudden having a bunch of energy because of his hot young wife .
Brooke : ( Scoffs )
Ridge : Hmm ? Hmm ?
Brooke : God , do you always have to win ? ( Scoffs )
Ridge : When you re the prize , you re damn right I do .
Brooke : Mmm . You monster . Make love to me . ( Exhales )
Eric : There is nothing I would like more than to have some alone time with you right now before I go , but I ca nt . I have to go .
Donna : Well , then take me to New York .
Eric : Donna .
Donna : Look , I - I do nt care if you re busy . I ll go to the meetings with you . We ve always made a good team .
Eric : We re a wonderful team . We really are . But I ca nt take you , not this time . ( Phone rings )
Eric : Yes ? Stephanie , Hi . I m glad you called me back . Look , I just wanted to let you know I m gon na be gone tonight , probably the next night , as well . I just wanted to see how you re doing . Yeah , of course I m concerned about you . All right , fine . Yes . All right , I ll call you when I get back . Bye . ( Sighs )
Donna : You re -- you re gone for a night , and you -- you call your ex - wife ?
Eric : Yeah . She s having a hard time . She needs our help .
Donna : No , Eric , your help , not mine . Why -- why do nt you just send Pam over there to take care of her beloved sister ?
Eric : Pam is needed at the office .
Donna : Not by me . I , um , I have my own assistant now .
Eric : Oh , you hired somebody ?
Donna : Yeah . Yeah . You know the , um , guy who tracked me down for Marcus ?
Eric : Mm - hmm .
Donna : Well , he was a legal investigator , and when he heard about the job opening , he was interested and sincere .
Eric : Good . Then he can take care of all your needs .
Donna : No , Eric , what I need right now is my husband .
Owen : Hitched my wagon to Marcus ? Yeah , I guess somebody could see it that way .
Steffy : But you do nt ?
Owen : No , it s not my style .
Steffy : What is your style ?
Owen : Life is a gift to be enjoyed , and I m just honoring the great giver by enjoying it .
Steffy : And you can enjoy that better in L.A. than San Diego ?
Owen : I was looking to make a change in my life , and this works .
Steffy : Being Donna s assistant ? I wonder if the great giver would approve of that .
Owen : ( Laughs ) Yeah , you re definitely a Forrester .
Steffy : Meaning ?
Owen : It seems to me that Donna had a lot to lose by inviting her son into her life . And not only did she invite him , she embraced him . She gave him a job , brought him into the family . Well , at least she tried to anyways . I d say that would make her a pretty amazing person .
Steffy : You know , you re one of the few that would say that .
Owen : Yeah . Well , maybe it s a good thing that she has an assistant like me , who has nt already passed judgment .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Eric : You have to understand . I have to focus on the company , all right ? I need to get people out there to understand that -- that marrying you has nt changed anything . Just because I he a beautiful new bride , it does nt mean I ve lost interest in Forrester Creations .
Donna : But why would they think that ?
Eric : Well , they wo nt if you re not with me .
Donna : Oh , th -- they re saying I - I m a distraction ?
Eric : I think you know how this industry is , how everybody talks , you know ?
Donna : No , no , no , I do nt . Wh -- what are they saying ?
Eric : It does nt matter . It does nt matter what they re saying .
Donna : No , obviously it -- it does matter , otherwise you d be taking me with you .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Donna : Eric , please be honest with me . If we do nt have that , we have nothing .
Eric : You re right . You re absolutely right . Look , there s a concern out there in the industry about our decline in sales .
Donna : What about them ?
Eric : There s a feeling that our company has been hurt when I divorced Stephanie and when I married a younger woman . Now Donna , I know that s not true , but--
Donna : Th -- th -- they re saying it s -- it s my fault ? They re saying it s my fault ? I - I was your -- your inspiration . And now I m -- I m a liability . I want you to read chapters five through ten tonight .
Brooke : What a perfect night .
Ridge : ( Exhales )
Brooke : This is just what I needed .
Ridge : I ll tell you what I need .
Brooke : Hmm ?
Ridge : I need -- we need ...
Brooke : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : To stop talking about getting married and just do it .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) You mean it ?
Ridge : Yeah . And I ll tell ya the perfect place to do it . Forrester Creations in the main showroom .
Brooke : Oh , my god , Ridge . When ?
Ridge : Uh , as soon as Dad gets back from New York .
Brooke : O - okay . Why the showroom , not that I m complaining ?
Ridge : Because it s the perfect place to sort of tell the world about our commitment to each other and to the company that you and I are gon na run .
Brooke : And what about your father ?
Ridge : Dad s always got a place at Forrester . You and I just need to step up now .
Brooke : You think he ll go along with it ?
Ridge : This time , yes , I do .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Brooke : Mmm .
Donna : So that s why you did nt tell me about this trip . You were protecting my feelings ? ( Scoffs ) where is all this coming from , Eric , all this talk about me hurting the company ?
Eric : Look , that s just the point . I - I do nt believe it s true .
Donna : So who s saying it , besides Ridge and -- and -- and Thorne and the rest of your children ?
Eric : That s why I m going . I m gon na talk to everybody I can there-- other designers and distributors . I ll find out .
Donna : My poor honey bear . You re getting all this flack from your own family . God , I feel so horrible . I m -- I m causing you all this hassle .
Eric : No , Donna , you re not causing me anything .
Donna : Yes . Yes , I am . I wanna blame Ridge , I do , but it s not true . He s just protecting his family legacy , just like you are . I mean , what -- what if it s true ? What if -- what if I m the reason sales are down ?
Eric : Well , if it is , and I do nt believe it is , we ll deal with it , you and me , together . But let s not get ahead of ourselves , all right ? I m gon na go take this trip , and then I ll come home to the woman I love .
Donna : I m gon na miss you every single second . I know how much you love this company .
Eric : I love you more . Okay , now just do nt worry . This is nothing . It s just a-- it s just a little speed bump , okay ?
Donna : Okay . ( Door opens )
Thorne : Dad , we got ta go .
Eric : Yeah , okay . I ll be back soon , okay ?
Donna : Okay . ( Laughs )
Eric : You hang in there .
Donna : Okay .
Eric : Okay . I ll call you when I get there .
Donna : Okay .
Donna : ( Crying )
Owen : I thought you were gon na go home and be with your husband before he went on his trip .
Donna : Oh , um , yeah , he , um , you know , did nt have time . He had to catch the flight .
Owen : Hey , come on , what s going on ?
Donna : ( Crying ) Well , um , the reason that my husband s not taking me to New York is because he has to do ... damage control . Apparently , I do nt fit the image of Forrester .
Owen : You mean , Eric told you that ?
Donna : No , no , but Ridge has been telling him that , and the reason that sales are down are -- is because he married somebody like me .
Owen : Somebody sweet ?
Donna : ( Laughs ) Look , I - I love my husband . I - I dont -- I do nt want to cause him any problems .
Owen : Look , your husband s gon na go on his trip . He s gon na do what he needs to do , and you re gon na be fine .
Donna : You promise ?
Owen : I ll make sure of it .
Donna : Kay . Thanks . ( Laughs ) thanks . ( Sighs ) oh , and if , uh , you do nt mind , I just--
Owen : No , it--
Donna : You know ?
Owen : Sure .
Donna : Okay .
Felicia : Hey , come here . I ve been looking for you . My dad is going out of town .
Owen : Yeah , I know .
Felicia : This is it . This is the time to strike . Donna is gon na be alone and vulnerable . Listen , buddy , you accepted my offer , so make it happen . Hear me , Owen . My mother is struggling , okay ? I need this . I need it . I need it for her . I need it for our family .
Owen : Look -- all right . Tonight ... you ll have what you need . Donna s marriage to your father s about to explode .
Owen : Hey . You okay ?
Donna : ( Sobbing ) I just want to go home .
Owen : I ll take you .
Donna : Okay . ( Sobbing )
### Summary:
| Thorne is ticked that Eric bypassed him and wants Marcus to handle shipping of twenty very important packages accompanying him to New York for distributors . He s confronted by Donna who is disappointed they wo nt have any alone time before his car whisks him away to the airport . She s not terribly pleased when Stephanie calls and it s obvious that Eric is going to be out of town for one night and yet has to call and check up on ex - wife . He is pleased that Donna has hired an assistant and thinks Owen will be able to take care of all her needs . Meanwhile he has to focus on the company to thwart what the industry is saying about him and his new young wife . She realizes she is a liability . Owen studies a press release sheet of Donna , and Felicia tells him to study it well , the bimbo bitch , her father s worst mistake . Owen concurs that Donna does nt belong with an old man like that , so he s still on course for Felicia s plan to happen . Both Steffy and Marcus are disturbed that Owen has hitched his wagon to Marcus and has wormed his way into getting a job with Forrester . Ridge and Brooke snuggle and she lays out plans for them to go on a trip and camp out under the stars and make love every time they see a comet . He brags there will be a lot of meteor sites and he thinks he can be up for all the shooting stars . He feels like it is times like this that he just wants to get up and conquer the world his world at Forrester Creations . He is blessed to have worked side by side with his dad , but he now wants to run the company himself . He thinks his dad would be happier just designing . Owen catches Donna crying and digs it out of her that Eric left for New York to do some damage control . Felicia sees Owen coming out of the office and pulls him aside . She informs him that her father is going out of town , her mother is in a bad way , she needs this to happen tonight . He tells her consider it done . Owen offers and Donna accepts his invitation to take her home . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Donna : I do nt want to divorce Eric . Now you know the truth . Nobody was supposed to know . Tell nobody . That s what Pam said .
Stephanie : So she s actually blackmailing you ?
Donna : I never said anything .
Stephanie : Well , that s what Owen just said , so what--
Donna : That was a mistake . Now just go .
Stephanie : What are you afraid of ?
Donna : She will go after Eric again , okay ? She s somewhere nearby . She s -- she s watching . No just go , okay ? Look , she put Eric into a coma . She confessed to everything . And she will do it again if-- if I do nt let you have him , okay ? So just go . There s nothing you can do about this .
Stephanie : Well , I may be the only person that can do something .
Donna : No .
Stephanie : She s my sister .
Donna : Look , you-- you do nt know what she s capable of , the -- the people she could hurt .
Stephanie : Who has she threatened ?
Owen : Anyone that Donna cares about . Listen to me . Stephanie can reason with Pam .
Donna : No ! No , shell -- shell set her off . Just go . Go . There s -- you ca nt be involved .
Stephanie : But I am involved because she s my sister and be-- look , she s ill , all right ? Maybe she ... ( sighs ) maybe you need my help as much as she does .
Donna : No . Just take Eric , okay ? Just take him and forget that we had this conversation , because someone will be killed . Now just go . Go .
Rick : Taylor , I brought home some samples of wedding cake for you to try . Hope you re hungry . Taylor ?
Ridge : What are you doing , doc ?
Taylor : Something I have wanted to do for a very long time , but I did nt realize it until just now , right this moment . And I m also looking at you , and I m thinking , what happened to us ?
Ridge : Taylor .
Taylor : No , it s just a question . I m just wondering . What happened to our life ? What happened to our dreams and our plans ?
Ridge : Things change . Lives change . We re marrying different people .
Taylor : ( Clears throat )
Ridge : Doc ...
Taylor : No , it s okay . I m sorry . Forget I said that . Forget I was here . And definitely forget that kiss .
Ridge : What if I ca nt ?
Taylor : I knew it . I knew you felt that , too .
Taylor : They re still there , all those feelings-- they re still there .
Stephanie : Hi . Bad timing ?
Eric : I m expecting Donna .
Stephanie : Oh .
Eric : Divorce papers . I m ending my marriage today .
Donna : You had no right to tell Stephanie . Pam is dangerous . We should have just stuck with the plan . ( Cell phone rings )
Donna : Hello ?
Pam : What are you up to , hot tamale ?
Donna : Nothing . I got rid of Stephanie . I - Ive done everything you ve asked .
Pam : What did she want ? Why did she come back ?
Donna : Look , she just-- she wanted to -- to pressure me , okay ? To sign the divorce papers , which I should be doing right now , okay ? Eric-- ( sighs ) he s expecting me .
Pam : I told you to stay away from him !
Donna : Look , Pam , he-- he wants me to sign the papers at the office .
Pam : No . No .
Donna : Do you want me to end this marriage , or not ? Pam ?
Pam : Okay . Okay , fine . Fine . But this is the last time that you are ever gon na see him again . Do you get me ? And do nt do any funny business , tootsie , or else .
Donna : I know .
Pam : ( Sighs )
Owen : You gon na do it ?
Donna : ( Sighs )
Owen : You gon na sign the papers ? End your marriage ?
Donna : What choice do I have ?
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Ridge : You are the mother of my children , Taylor . I ve never denied our connection , what we had .
Taylor : I feel like I just woke up . It s you . It s always been you . I - I just realized you have been the standard of measure of everything in my life that makes me happy . I - I did nt even realize I was doing it . I wa -- I was just maybe doing it subconsciously . I would ask myself , is this going to make me as happy as it did when I was with Ridge ? And I - I know that after we were apart , that it just did nt feel the same . And that kiss -- that just-- it s like it brought it all back , the passion and the love and the -- the history that we shared . I miss our family . I miss our life together .
Ridge : I miss our family , too . You , me and the kids . ( Sighs )
Taylor : I just -- I can not believe all this emotion and -- and these feelings that-- that I ve been repressing . It s a little overwhelming . I m -- I know why I had to do it . Because it was so painful that I would nt have been able to survive emotionally , and I was so aware of what I had lost and all the time I d been away . And then when I came back , it seemed like everything had changed . But right now , right in this moment , just looking at you , touching you , it s like nothing changed at all .
Eric : All right , fine . Thanks for letting me know . And tell Gloria that she can come in . I m ready for her now . All right . Thank you . Donna s on her way up . This is your chance to escape now , if you want to .
Stephanie : I ll stay , if you d like .
Gloria : Oh , Stephanie . Hello .
Stephanie : Oh , Gloria . It s nice to see you .
Gloria : Good to see you , too . Uh , your assistant said Donna s here ?
Eric : Yeah . She is .
Eric : You brought him ? You bring your lover to your divorce proceedings ?
Owen : Donna does nt have a lawyer . I m a paralegal .
Eric : ( Scoffs )
Donna : I do nt need a lawyer . I know you ll be fair .
Owen : Still , I should take some time to look over the papers .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Donna : Just hurry , okay ? I just want to do this and get out of here . Here , just give it to me .
Donna : Petition for dissolution of marriage .
Owen : Not yet . This one is a settlement . You ve just got to sign right there .
Eric : I m keeping the house .
Eric : That s it ? We re ending our marriage , and you have nothing to say to me ?
Ridge : Taylor . Brooke and I are planning our wedding .
Taylor : I have nt seen her doing that .
Ridge : We accepted Jack into our family . You knew that .
Taylor : Yes , but , uh , remember the party ? That s just the beginning . You saw how Nick and Brooke-- they gravitated right towards each other .
Ridge : They re Jack s parents .
Taylor : What you need to do is think about how it made you feel . Because that s Christmas . That s thanksgiving . That s every single birthday party that Jack will have for the rest of his life . That s exactly how you ll feel . That s it . That s how it ll be . And I know you , Ridge . I know how much you love holidays , and you love special times together . I know that you dont-- you do nt want the drama . You just want to be home in a calm environment with the people you love the most . And the reason I know that is because that means a lot to me , too . Do you remember all the times when there d be all this chaos going on and we would just grab the bags and the kids and we d just take off and we d just go away and have fun ? Just go to big bear or go to the beach or go away for however long , just disappear . And every single time we came back , you d say , this is how I wish it could always be .
Taylor : You know you ca nt have that with Brooke . You know that you ca nt . Not with Nick . I mean , you re going to always be dealing with Nick .
Ridge : Taylor , whatever is going on here , it s not about Nick .
Taylor : I love you . And I m not apologizing for that . I m not fighting myself anymore . I m not going to deny what is true . It s reality . That s the way it is . Maybe Brooke is right . Maybe , um , in a perfect world , I would rather be with you .
Ridge : It s not that simple . It s not that simple .
Taylor : I know . I know Brooke has a tremendous hold on you .
Ridge : What about Rick . ? You re engaged to Rick .
Taylor : I ca nt marry Rick . I ca nt . Not -- not if I m having these feelings . Not if I m hoping that maybe there s a chance with you .
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Taylor : Look at all the times we ve been separated , and then we find our way back to each other . It could happen again . All you have to do is-- is want it as much as I do .
Ridge : Doc , you re right . What we shared together was-- there s no comparison at all . And I remember all those times , all those beautiful memories . And , yes , what you re feeling , I m feeling it , too . But my future is with Brooke .
Ridge : And I know you think we re headed for difficult times and I m just gon na be disappointed again , but it s not gon na happen that way , because I m not gon na let it .
Taylor : She s still got you snowed .
Ridge : Taylor , I made a promise , not just to Brooke , but to myself , to Jack , to -- to do better , to , uh , act differently , not fly off the handle . No more ultimatums .
Taylor : So then nothing I said--
Ridge : Taylor , I do love you , and I always will .
Taylor : Then there is a chance for us . I wish you would just stop being afraid . You know , eventually , you re going to realize that a relationship with Brooke is just a fantasy . And I m going to tell Rick tonight , because I m not living my life in a fantasy . And when it all falls apart with Brooke , you know where I ll be . I ll be here waiting for you .
Donna : I have nt said anything because there s nothing I can say .
Eric : You re so certain about this whole thing . Just sign the damn paper . Come on .
Eric : Fine .
Owen : That s the receipt of petition .
Eric : All right . Oh , for god s sake , here . Give me this . You just sign it like this . All right ? Sign it , Donna .
Gloria : I ll get these filed today .
Donna : Are you enjoying this ?
Stephanie : No .
Donna : Does this make you happy ?
Stephanie : No .
Donna : Then why the hell are you here ?
Stephanie : I do nt want Eric this way . What my sister s done is wrong . She s ill . She s mentally ill , and she needs help . Donna , I m trying to find her , to help her and protect her .
Donna : Protect her ?
Stephanie : Yes , and protect you , too . Look , I have an idea . ( Sighs ) I m gon na need your cooperation .
Donna : Why the hell should I trust you , Stephanie ?
Stephanie : Because there is nt anybody else for you to trust . And I m probably going to give you what-- what it is that you want most in this wor -- Eric . So I suggest you help me .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Rick : ( Groans ) Shoot ! I was gon na surprise you with samples of our wedding cake . Hope you re hungry . I brought all your favorites . You re not hungry . Oh , because you had too much cake at Jack s party , right ?
Taylor : That is nt it . Look at this . This is so sweet of you . You always do such wonderful things for me . You know , you re my hero . You re ... always coming to my rescue , and I - I know you treat me like gold . But--
Rick : Wait . Wait . What s -- what s going on here ? Taylor , talk to me . What s wrong ?
Taylor : I m so sorry , Rick . I--
Taylor : I ca nt go through with the wedding . I m so sorry . I ca nt marry you . I ca nt . I ca nt marry you .
### Summary:
| In front of Owen , Donna tells Stephanie that sister Pam is blackmailing Donna . No one was supposed to know . She s afraid that Pam is watching right now and she will do it all again if they do nt comply . When Pam calls , Donna tells her that she is going to sign the divorce papers and Stephanie returned to speak to her about that . Pam insists this is the last time she will see Eric , no funny business . Ridge allows Taylor to kiss him after she implies that Brooke should raise baby Jack with Nick and Ridge be with Taylor . When he questions this , she tells him she knows all those feelings are still there . She loves him and she is not going to defend that or apologize for how she feels . It s not that simple for him . He s feeling those same old feelings too and he does love Taylor , but his future is with Brooke . Taylor says she is telling Rick tonight because she does not intend to live in that fantasy world . When Ridge s world falls apart with Brooke , he knows where he can find Taylor waiting . At the office Eric shows Stephanie the divorce papers and says that he is expecting Donna , he is ending his marriage today . Donna shows up with Owen which Eric finds ironic that she would bring her lover . She has no attorney so he s going to look over the papers as a paralegal . She knows Eric will be fair so she signs . Stephanie needs Donna s help to find Pam in exchange for what Donna wants Eric . Rick comes home with samples of wedding cake , only to be disappointed and finds no Taylor in sight . When she arrives , he is stunned when she says she is sorry , but she ca nt marry him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sam : There s no way that I m pregnant .
Jason : Well , you probably want to wait until after you take the test to say that .
Sam : Yeah . It s just that when I got up and I had that dizzy spell , Maxie and Lulu were all over me . And Jason , I had to shut them up , of course , so I went out and I bought this . But there is absolutely no way that I am pregnant .
Patrick : Thanks for coming .
Johnny : No problem .
Patrick : Listen , Johnny , I like you . I think you re a decent guy . You re a little off - center but you re not evil .
Johnny : That s gratifying .
Patrick : Lisa Niles , on the other hand , is evil . And she s crazy .
Johnny : Your point ?
Patrick : I want to know how long you plan on trying to protect her .
Sonny : Why the hell am I getting your voicemail , Max ? I do nt pay you not to answer my calls . Okay , I need a list of anybody who had access to Jason s apartment , and I need you to explain to me how you could allow anybody to get close enough to destroy Brenda s wedding dress . I have it in my hands right here , ripped up .
Brenda : Honey , listen to me , now that I think about it , it is not Max s fault that Carly is allowed to just walk in and out of the place that I live whenever she wants .
Carly : I have a confession to make .
Michael : How worried should I be ?
Carly : You re not going to like it , but you can handle it .
Michael : Okay .
Carly : I made an appointment for you tonight with a therapist .
Michael : Yeah , you re right , Mom , I do nt like it .
Carly : His name is Dr. Bailey . He has great references and he works--
Michael : Wait , so you just called him up and told him your son got raped ? [ Sighs ] Look , Mom , I m sorry , all right ? I ... I m not angry . Yeah , I am angry , but I handled it wrong . Which is why I need to see a therapist .
Carly : I promise you , I am not trying to run your life . You said that you would go to therapy . I was just trying to make it easier for you .
Michael : Yeah , I can find my own therapist . I can make my own appointments .
Carly : Okay , fine . All right . But just go talk to Dr. Bailey and just see if he works for you .
Michael : I need to do things for myself , Mom .
Carly : Michael , you re 19 , you re not 40 , okay ? I m your mom . And you ve been suffering for months and I should have noticed and I did nt . I should have known something had happened and I should have forced you to talk to me about it , okay ?
Michael : Okay , Mom , I ll go . I ll work with Dr. Bailey , but you got ta promise me something .
Carly : What ?
Michael : You have to stop blaming yourself for what happened . It s not your fault .
Carly : I should have done better for you , Michael .
Michael : I do nt want you to feel guilty . It s -- you re a great mom . Even when you re driving me crazy .
Carly : [ Chuckles ] I seem to do that to everyone I love . Oh , Michael . Michael . All right , let s get out of here . You re going to be late . Come on .
Michael : Are you going to walk me to the office like I m six ?
Carly : Oh , yeah .
Dante : Ah . Did nt realize you guys were here .
Carly : Yeah , we re on our way out . Michael has an appointment .
Dante : Everything okay ?
Michael : Yeah , yeah , me and Dad had a good talk . Look , I m sorry for throwing anger like I did before . I should have got my facts straight .
Dante : You do nt owe me an apology for anything . Ever . For the rest of the time .
Carly : We need to get going , Michael .
Lulu : Can you guys -- I m sorry , can you wait a second ? I do nt know what -- I do nt know what s going on , I do nt know what you guys are talking about , but Dante s seriously considering resigning from the police force . I m assuming it has to do with this .
Michael : Why would you do that ?
Dante : Cause I failed , Michael . I did nt protect the innocent .
Johnny : Seems like we ve had this conversation before . You accused me of hiding a needle for Lisa . I do nt know anything more this time than the last time we spoke .
Patrick : Okay , well , let me help jog your memory . While my wife is lying helpless in a hospital bed barely surviving a house fire , Lisa comes in and tries to drug her . Robin catches her , she runs out , bumps into you , asks you for help .
Johnny : Refresh my memory again as to what my motive might be ; why I would want to help Lisa ?
Patrick : You scratch her back , she scratches yours . It s that simple .
Johnny : That s quite an assumption .
Patrick : Well , it s no assumption what you do for a living , Johnny . And somewhere along the line , you had an accident and needed medical expertise . You did nt want to garner the extra attention by going to the emergency room , so you asked Lisa for help .
Johnny : Mmm . Right , it s all coming back to me now . Lisa is this psychotic stalker , but you did nt realize that until after you slept with her , of course .
Patrick : Lisa is crazy . Not only is she trying to ruin Robin s reputation and career , she s come dangerously close to killing her and my daughter .
Johnny : I do nt suppose you have anything resembling proof ?
Patrick : Johnny , you have the proof . All I want is Lisa to stop terrorizing my family .
Johnny : Wow , that s all very traumatic . Kind of makes me a bastard for not offering to help out . Except I really do nt see much terror going on . All I see is you trying to pin everything on Lisa .
Patrick : I do nt understand how you do nt get this . You are the key to my family s safety . I need you to help me .
Sam : I just thought that I could never carry a baby to term . I could nt even consider it . So when Dr. Lee told me otherwise , Jason , I had to give it a second thought . And then I thought about where I am right now , and I thought about our life together . And I ve realized that having a baby is not something I want to pursue . I mean , really .
Jason : Is it because of me ?
Sam : No . Jason , no , it s because of me . I mean , the reality is , my life is not set up to have a child . And I am okay with that . I love my life . I love our life . And I do nt have to justify Maxie s wild imagination by peeing on a stick .
Jason : Are you sure ?
Sam : Yes , I m sure . And you know what , Jason , I would know if I was pregnant . And I m not . I m not . So let s talk about something that actually exists .
Jason : Okay . I need your help .
Brenda : You just need to give me a second , you know , to comprehend , to just accept the fact that this is the mother of your children . And that she can be this spiteful . I mean , I do nt even know why this girl does nt like me .
Sonny : It s not personal . She hates every woman that I m interested in .
Brenda : Are you delusional ? What do you mean , it s not personal ? Of course it s personal . This girl would love to think that you and her are the greatest love of all time . And the truth is , I m your first love and that kills her . And I will be your last love , and I am stepmother to all of your children . All of your children , that includes her two boys .
Sonny : Mm - hmm .
Brenda : And you know what really amazes me ? That everyone just walks around here and lets that girl throw tantrums whenever she feels like it .
Sonny : Okay , I--
Brenda : Including you .
Sonny : No , not -- okay , that s Jason s job . Now listen . I know that Carly , she s not the most generous when it comes to certain aspects of her life .
Brenda : Oh , you think ? Wow . I mean , I would love to be this girl . You know , I just want you to please know this . This , right here , this is step one . This is the first thing she s going to pull . Of many things .
Sonny : I know Carly can be mean . And she s already made it clear she opposes our marriage . But this could be about something else , like the Balkan trying to make a move .
Brenda : Why would someone that powerful do something this silly ?
Sonny : To get to you . First , the bride s gown , then the bride .
Michael : But if you re resigning because of a conflict of interest cause you do nt want to go after our dad , that makes sense . But you re not a bad cop . I ve never seen you fail in your duty to anyone .
Dante : I appreciate you saying that , Michael , but you re wrong .
Michael : I ca nt tell you what to do , but I d be sorry if you just quit .
Carly : Okay , what Michael is nt saying is your grand gesture could hurt him .
Dante : It wo nt .
Carly : Really ? Because I was under the impression a big reason why Judge Carroll released Michael was because you were an upstanding officer of the law .
Dante : Michael s met all the conditions of his release . He s on track to finish his parole and go free . There s nothing I can do or not do that s going to change that .
Carly : You sound sure about that . You were also sure that Michael was never going to see the inside of a prison cell .
Michael : Mom ...
Carly : I m just simply pointing out that if Dante wants to resign , that s fine , but maybe you should wait until Michael s safe . Then do whatever you like .
Dante : Point taken .
Michael : Okay , Mom , let s go . You do nt want to be late , do you ?
Carly : No .
Lulu : Ugh . Are you mad at me for meddling ?
Dante : No , I do nt want to dump anything else on Michael .
Lulu : Michael seems fine . He seems a lot better than you and Carly . I have nt seen Carly like that since Michael was sentenced to prison . And this whole resigning thing is like a delayed response . Michael s been out of prison for months . And you just said that his parole is almost done . So why are you working so hard to trash yourself after the fact ?
Dante : Just because Michael dealt with something terrible with a lot of courage does nt give me a free pass .
Lulu : This would really help if I knew what you were talking about .
Dante : I know , and I m sorry .
Lulu : So you re ... so you re admitting that you re keeping something from me , but you swore to me that you would nt do that .
Dante : This has nothing to do with us--
Lulu : So it obviously has to do with Michael and you re slitting your wrists over it and Carly is taking him to mystery appointments , which does nt make any sense be ... Michael was raped in prison ?
Dante : After all this time , he never said a word . But it confirmed what I always knew .
Patrick : Let me ask you something . Do you think I invented this long list of crimes that Lisa committed against my wife ?
Johnny : I think there s a long list of incidents that are open for interpretation .
Patrick : You have the one piece of evidence that exists , Johnny . You give me the syringe and I ll make it worth your while .
Johnny : You do realize I have all the money I could want ?
Patrick : Well , I m a better doctor than Lisa . Whatever medical services she s providing , I ll improve on them . No questions asked . You can tell yourself that you did the right thing .
Johnny : Why is supporting you automatically the right thing ? And why is liking Lisa automatically wrong ? Seems like it s all based on perspective , right ? Turns out , mine s just different than yours .
Lisa : Excuse me , Doctor , a moment of your time ?
Lisa : Okay , sign out and go straight to your hotel room .
Terrell : Now why would I go all the way to the Metro Court when I have a perfectly good on call room right here ?
Lisa : Okay , just go there . Do nt run any errands . Do nt get any food in the restaurant . And just wait in your room . You wo nt be sorry .
Epiphany : Finished already ?
Elizabeth : Oh , please , my third double shift this week . I am going home to crash .
Steve : Come on , you can do better than that . I have plans for us .
Elizabeth : I ca nt . I have to go pick up the boys .
Steve : I spoke to Gram , she s letting them spend the night . You and I are headed to Jake s for a couple of drinks for a couple of hours to kick back and relax .
Elizabeth : Oh , this is nice , having my big brother take care of me . A pitcher of margaritas , an order of fries . I think I ll chill right out .
Steve : Yeah . Come on .
Dante : It was the first thing any of us thought when Michael got a prison sentence . 18 years old and in jail with the worst people .
Lulu : I thought Sonny s name would protect him . Jason was in there with him .
Dante : Well , Jason got there too late . Remember Franco s big art exhibit in L.A. ?
Lulu : Yeah , there was a picture of Michael and another inmate .
Dante : Carter . He did it .
Lulu : Oh , my God .
Dante : Under Franco s orders . Franco recorded his meeting with Carter at the Pentonville visiting room . Told that freak to go after Michael . Jason went insane , he ripped up the room . I thought he probably would have killed me for seeing the video if he thought he could get away with it .
Lulu : This is horrible .
Dante : It was nt said in so many words , but I knew at that moment that Michael had been raped . I tried to talk to him about it . He was doing pretty good . He was being pretty brave and strong . He was putting his life back together . It was much easier to convince myself that I was wrong .
Lulu : Yeah , but if Michael does nt want to talk , you ca nt force him to talk .
Dante : Well , there was one moment , about a week ago , I came in here and he was beating the crap out of the heavy bag . And he turned on me like he would kill whoever came up on him . I told him that I d talk to him about whatever he wanted to talk about . I tried to talk to him a bunch of times .
Lulu : But he did nt want to .
Dante : I got ta say there was a small part of me that was pretty relieved not having to hear those words and not having to face the truth . That my brother was raped because of me .
Carly : I ve been through a lot of therapy . It s really hard , but it helps .
Michael : [ Sighs ] Okay , thanks , Mom . I got it from here .
Carly : I m proud of you . Really proud of you .
Michael : Thanks , Mom .
Carly : Okay , go . Go .
Michael : Yeah . Excuse me . Can you tell me where Dr. Bailey s office is ?
Nurse : It s the second floor , room 237 .
Michael : Okay , thank you .
Nurse : Mm - hmm .
Lisa : Hi . What room is Terrell Jackson in ?
Desk clerk : You can use the house phone to call Dr. Jackson . I m not allowed to give out that information .
Lisa : I m Dr. Niles . It s an emergency . Ahem . Maybe you can make an exception ?
Desk clerk : If you were to guess room 581 , that would be a good guess .
Lisa : Thank you . You re such a doll . Ahem . When Robin Scorpio Drake comes to see her husband , tell her that he s been moved to room 581 .
Olivia : Well .
Lisa : Oh .
Olivia : Dr. Niles , here for another stay here at Metro Court ?
Lisa : Yeah , I was thinking about treating myself to some spa treatments , room service . The Metro Court has a lot to offer . But you know that .
Robin : Okay , I have done all my rounds , put my patients to bed . I m out of here .
Epiphany : Ooh , not so fast , Doctor . Drake Jr. left a case for you to take a look at .
Robin : [ Sighs ] Well , a little notice would have been nice . The patient s having surgery at 7 : 00 in the morning tomorrow .
Epiphany : Well , Drake Jr. already left .
Robin : Of course . He expects me to drop everything and show up at his hotel room .
Epiphany : Ah , do nt look at me . It is not my job . I just pass along the information .
Robin : Oh , oh , oh .
Sonny : Carly s so damn impulsive . You do nt know what she s going to do from one second to the next . And it can end up destructive .
Brenda : You know what , I actually do nt want to hear any more about Carly . Okay ? Because the problem with this woman is that she thinks she has the right to run your life .
Sonny : Mm - hmm .
Brenda : And she does nt . She s so stupid that she thinks if she , you know , puts a stop to our wedding , that it s going to somehow put a stop to our marriage .
Sonny : That s not going to happen .
Brenda : She wants you back .
Sonny : She does not . If she is , I m not interested .
Brenda : Yes , she does . Yes , she does . And it s your job to get her to back off .
Sonny : She s not wired that way . For whatever reason , she thinks that she s , you know , helping me in some way .
Brenda : Okay , well , she s not helping you . And you need to let her know , also , when you have your little talk with her , that it s my job to help you now . I m going to be your wife . She needs to go pay attention to the train wreck that s her own life .
Sonny : Carly s not the problem . Like I said before--
Brenda : What--
Sonny : Listen to me . I m concerned about the wedding . The Balkan could make a move . And ... you know .
Brenda : Sonny . Look at me . Do you want to cancel ?
Sonny : No . I was just going to ask you if you wanted to elope with me .
Sam : Okay , so the security measures are all functioning fine . The guards are all at their posts . Balkan nowhere in sight . Brenda s dress was delivered in absolute perfect condition . Carly shows up , does nt stay very long . You re not here . Brenda s dress gets scissors or a knife or something to it . I think Carly may have done it .
Jason : I do nt know . I do nt know . I guess I would have to ask Carly .
Sam : Do you think she s going to tell you the truth ?
Jason : She usually does .
Sam : Really ? Carly hates the idea of Brenda and Sonny getting married . I know cutting a dress seems petty and vindictive , but I m sorry , ahem , Carly s both .
Jason : Yeah , I know she can be both . But she s focused on Michael right now . She does nt really have time to be running around cutting up somebody s dress . I get it . The evidence points to Carly . I just do nt buy it .
Sonny : It s not the wedding that counts . It s the marriage . And we can do it wherever you want . We can go to Atlantic City , Mexico . Hell , I mean , we can even do it in Vegas . Well , maybe not Vegas .
Brenda : Yeah .
Sonny : But we can find a justice of the peace , right ? We can fly to Rio . Can you imagine ? We re at the beach at sunset , we can say our vows . What do you think ? No ?
Brenda : Yes .
Sonny : Yes ?
Brenda : I mean , is that what you want ?
Sonny : No . What I want is I want to start my life with you . And I do want you to be safe . But where and how , it does nt really matter to me .
Brenda : Okay . I think you re right . It s the marriage , right ? It s not about the wedding day .
Sonny : Yeah .
Brenda : Oh , babe ? What about the kids ? What about the little girls , honey ? I mean , what about your -- they re all excited about the wedding . I picked out those little dresses for them .
Sonny : Yeah . Yeah , I know .
Brenda : We do nt want to suddenly exclude them from the whole thing , right ?
Sonny : Mm - mm . Well , we can have a big party when we get back .
Brenda : No , you know what , no , no . I do nt like this . I do nt want to disappoint them . Let s just have -- I mean , we can do that , too , but let s have our wedding day at the Archer Pavilion . You can get every single guard in the country to come , right ? And we ll be safe and we ll just be able to have our ceremony in front of our families and our friends .
Sonny : Is that what you want ? Then that s what you ll get .
Brenda : Really ? I love you . I m going to love being married to you .
Steve : Well , look who s here .
Elizabeth : Oh , this could be dangerous . After a 14-hour day and a couple drinks in me , you never know how inappropriate I might get .
Steve : I do nt think Nikolas will complain .
Elizabeth : Hey .
Nikolas : Hi .
Elizabeth : You look lonely .
Nikolas : Look who it is .
Steve : I insisted Elizabeth come with me . She s been working way too hard .
Brook Lynn : Yeah . I mean , I ca nt imagine working and being a single parent . It must be a lot of work .
Elizabeth : Yeah , well , I do just fine . Let s get a drink .
Nikolas : Sorry . I did nt know that she would be here tonight .
Brook Lynn : No , it s okay . I mean , I hope that you do nt regret coming here .
Elizabeth : It would be sad if it were nt so infuriating , watching Nikolas waste himself on her .
Steve : They seem to have an arrangement that works for the both of them .
Elizabeth : Yeah , but I m the one who pushed him into the arms of that gold digger .
Steve : Everybody needs somebody .
Elizabeth : Oh , gee , now you tell me . What about you , hot shot ? Who do you need ?
Lulu : So what happened to Abby helped Michael admit the truth ?
Dante : He was with Abby when I took her statement . She started talking about the attack and he bolted .
Lulu : Hmm . It must have been too much for him .
Dante : Yeah , I went back the next day to keep him posted on the case . And he was there again and we started talking about his statement . And he told me . After all this time , he just said ... I was raped in Pentonville .
Lulu : I m sorry .
Dante : Do nt be . Not for me , anyway .
Lulu : He s your brother , you love him . Finding something like this out is ...
Dante : I did nt . I did nt , though . I did nt find it out . I knew deep down . I just ... it was easier to convince myself that I was wrong .
Lulu : I wish we could go back and do everything differently .
Dante : Well , do nt you take this on . You were just believing in me . I m the one who knew the risks . I let my arrogance make me think that it could nt go down any other way than I expected it to .
Lulu : Then , you know what , then you ve got ta make amends . You got ta make amends . And make amends by being the best cop you can be . Or you can just throw away everything that you are . I know we re broken up , I do nt get a say , but I know the man that I fell in love with . And I know what he would choose .
Dante : Thank you . Lulu ... I really do love you .
Lulu : Then you know how to prove it .
Michael : If you do nt say it , the word , you think you can convince yourself that it never happened .
Jason : You need to believe me now that it was nt your fault .
Michael : I know that .
Jason : It was nt your fault , Michael !
Michael : I should have stopped him !
Jason : Carter was an animal . And he s dead , rotting in the ground , and you re free to live your life . Franco sent Carter after you to get to me .
Michael : I tried and I tried to stop him . But he kept hitting me , and hitting me until I could nt fight back anymore . Son of a bitch ! Son of a bitch ! [ Grunting ]
Steve : I ll be right back . I ll get us another round . Ahem . I do nt remember prescribing a night out at Jake s to help your recovery . But I m glad you re here .
Olivia : I swear , this is my first night out since the accident , I swear .
Steve : Well , then I better stick around just in case you need medical assistance .
Olivia : Okay .
Elizabeth : Hey .
Brook Lynn : Oh , hey , you re back .
Elizabeth : Well , I wanted to give my brother a little time to hang out with Olivia . You do nt mind , do you ?
Nikolas : What ? No , no , not at all .
Terrell : I did nt stop to eat , just like you said . I came straight to room 581 . Ordered a nice bottle of red that will keep you all kinds of warm inside . And porterhouse steaks , medium rare . The only thing missing from this room is you . So do nt keep me waiting . Steak could get cold .
Robin : Excuse me . Could you please call my husband s room , Dr. Patrick Drake , and let him know that I m here ?
Desk clerk : You re Dr. Scorpio Drake , right ? Dr. Drake has been moved to room 581 . He s expecting you .
Robin : Oh . Okay , thank you .
Lisa : Oh , thank you so much . I really appreciate that . One more thing ? Call this number and tell Patrick Drake that his wife needs him to go to room 581 right away .
Desk clerk : I think I ve seen this movie before .
Carly : Michael s at his first therapy session .
Jason : That s good . I m proud of both of you . I know this whole thing s been a nightmare . Can you just promise me that you re going to stay focused on Michael ?
Carly : Of course I will . Why would you even ask me that ?
Jason : There s been a problem with Brenda s wedding dress .
Carly : [ Laughs ] I ca nt believe that you would think that I would take time away from Michael after what he s been through to mess with her wedding dress . I mean , Jax already accused me , but it s coming from you , too ?
Jason : I get that , but that s really not an answer . Did you do something to Brenda s wedding dress ?
Carly : Would I ? Yes . Did I ? No .
Michael : Hey .
Dante : Hey .
Michael : Where s Lulu ?
Dante : Ah , she had some place to be .
Michael : All right . Well , you re not mad because she told me you wanted to leave the force , are you ? I d hate for you guys to fight about it .
Dante : No , no , no . I m not mad . [ Michael sighs ]
Dante : Uh , look , Michael , Lulu found out what happened to you . We were talking about the attack on Abby and I mentioned how upset you got , and she put it together .
Michael : All right . You know , uh , ahh . Yeah , Lulu was my first friend when I woke up from the coma . She talked to me like a real person . She brought me real food and good music .
Dante : I promise you , she wo nt tell a soul .
Michael : I know . I trust her . And besides , my therapist tonight told me when I stop keeping it a secret and I open up about what happened , it ll help me move on .
Dante : That s all I want for you , Michael , more than anything .
Olivia : Steve , can I talk to you as a friend instead of a professional ?
Steve : I would love that .
Olivia : I am really pissed off at my doctor right now .
Steve : Hmm . What did that idiot do now ?
Olivia : He told me that I could nt lift anything up that was heavy . Now have you ever been in actual physical proximity to an authentic Italian pasta pot ?
Steve : I m guessing it s heavy .
Olivia : It s like a freakin anvil . Now the problem is , I ve been running my mouth all week about all the fancy cooking I m going to do for this certain man .
Steve : Well , do you think it would help if I offered to come over and do all the heavy lifting for you ? And then you can invite this certain man over .
Olivia : I think I just did .
Steve : Let s go talk about it .
Olivia : All right .
Elizabeth : So Aidan has the sweetest nature .
Brook Lynn : Um , excuse me .
Elizabeth : You know that toy pony that you got him ? Well , it happens to be Jake s favorite toy . He carries it around with him everywhere . Aidan does nt even care .
Nikolas : Well , I think he gets his generosity from you .
Elizabeth : I want to take the boys some place special for Valentine s Day . I was hoping you could come with us .
Brook Lynn : Mm - hmm - hmm you give me fever , fever all through the night , I never knew how much I love you , never knew how much I cared , but when you put your arms around me , I get a fever that s so hard to bare , you give me fever , when you kiss me , a fever when you hold me tight , fever , in the morning and fever all through the night , sun lights up the day time and the moon lights up the night , I light up when you call my name , you know I m going to treat you right , you give me fever , yeah , when you kiss me , fever when you hold me tight , fever , in the morning and fever all through the night , you give me fever , yeah , when you kiss me , fever when you hold me tight , fever , fever , fever all through the night , you give me fever , do nt you know , you give me , do nt you know , you give me , fever , fever , in the morning and fever all through the night
Terrell : Perfect timing .
Terrell : Perfect timing . The wine is breathing-- [ Chuckles ] Um .
Brenda : Babe , you think it s possible that that day , that first day when we met on the docks and you annoyed me so much--
Sonny : I did nt annoy you--
Brenda : Okay , babe , do nt interrupt me . That we were meant to meet on that exact day , and that no matter what happened we were going to end up together against all odds ?
Sonny : That s because you make me believe in fate .
Brenda : I ca nt believe I finally get to marry you .
Sonny : Ahh .
Brenda : Here in Port Charles where I never thought I would come back again . Mmm .
Sonny : You know what ?
Brenda : Hmm ?
Sonny : You re not going to regret it because I am going to do everything in my power to make you happy .
Sonny : And I m going to love you until the day--
Carol : This is a catastrophe of epic proportions !
Brenda : No , no , no , everything s fine . We re just going to get a new dress .
Carol : No , you wo nt need a dress . You ll need scuba gear . The Archer Pavilion is underwater .
Carly : I m telling you , I did nt cut up Brenda s wedding dress . All my energy is going to Michael . I do nt care what Brenda wears when she marries Sonny .
Jason : Okay . Any idea who might have done the damage ? You know , it s got ta be someone the guards know , so .
Carly : That should nt be too hard to narrow it down , but it was nt me . Okay , what trumped up charges do you have against Jason now ?
Ronnie : I m actually here to question you , Mrs. Jacks . About a charge of malicious mischief .
Carly : Oh , my God . I m going to say this and I m going to say this once -- I did not destroy Brenda s wedding dress .
Ronnie : I m not sure what that s all about . I m here because I wanted to ask you what you know about the fire sprinklers going off at the Archer Pavilion .
Dante : I remember when I had to talk to a shrink .
Michael : You saw a therapist ?
Dante : Yeah , I shot and killed someone on the job . And they make you do a psych evaluation .
Michael : Did it do any good ?
Dante : Yeah . I was surprised how much it helped . I really did nt think I had a lot of issues with what happened , but it turns out I had some stuff to work through .
Michael : Yeah , my therapist seems okay . He does nt push . It s easy to confide in somebody who is nt invested in me or what happened to me . You know , the people that love me seem to just jump in and , no offense , but blame themselves . When obviously it was nt their fault . Franco s the reason that I got raped .
Dante : Franco sent Carter after you to get to Jason .
Michael : Where is Franco now ? Is there any leads on him ?
Dante : Oh , Michael , do nt even think about it . Franco is--
Michael : No , Franco is the reason that I got raped . I need to make him pay .
### Summary:
| Sam is convinced that she is nt pregnant . Johnny refuses to help Patrick with the Lisa situation . Brenda badmouths Carly to Sonny s face . Sonny wonders if the Balkan had something to do with Brenda s wedding dress . Michael is mad that Carly set up a therapy appointment for him . However , Michael agrees to see Dr. Bailey . Dante tells Michael that he might resign from the police force . Dante confirms to Lulu that Michael was raped in Pentonville . Elizabeth and Steven run into Brook Lynn and Nikolas at Jake s . Carly brings Michael to the hospital for his therapy session . Lisa bribes a hotel employee so Robin and Terrell can have some alone time together . Jason and Sam wonder who ruined Brenda s dress . Someone sets off the smoke alarms at Archer Pavilion . Sonny suggests that he and Brenda elope but Brenda does nt like the idea . Michael becomes enraged after his therapy appointment ; he throws some crates around in an alley . Olivia and Steven flirt with each other . Robin , thinking that she s meeting Patrick , is surprised to find Terrell in room 581 . Michael and Dante talk about going to therapy . Brook Lynn sings a song to Nikolas ; Elizabeth is jealous . The wedding planner interrupts Sonny and Brenda s evening . Ronnie asks Carly about what happened at Archer Pavilion . Michael blames Franco for the rape . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
John : Hey .
Marlena : Hey .
John : Well , how was the nap ? Did it help ?
Marlena : Yeah . A little .
John : Come on . Talk to me . Tell me what s really bothering you .
Marlena : I just ca nt stop thinking about it .
John : You re talking about the miscarriage , right ?
Marlena : Yeah . I think it s my fault that I lost the baby .
Austin : Hold on . I m on the phone .
Sami : You have to get off . I have a great idea . I know how we can get Shawn and Max s account away from Lucas .
Kate : I do nt know what s wrong with it . It just died on me . I did not run out of gas , thank you . Look , how long is it gon na take to get a tow truck here ? 45 minutes ? That s the fastest you can do it ? Okay . Whatever . Look , I m not gon na stay here . I ll lock the car . I ll leave the keys on the left front tire . Yes . Okay . You have my cellphone . Then call me . Call me when you know what the problem is . [ Vehicle approaches ] [ Engine shuts off ]
E.J. : Excuse me . Do you need a hand ? Do you need two hands ?
Kate : Well , thank you very much , but I just called a tow service .
E.J. : She wo nt start ?
Kate : Died on me .
E.J. : Maybe I could take a look .
Kate : Are you a mechanic ?
E.J. : Not exactly .
Kate : Ah . Then what makes you think you can fix it ?
E.J. : I m pretty good with cars . And , anyway , what kind of gentleman would I be if I did nt at least try to help a beautiful lady in distress ?
Bo : I m not giving up . Whatever s happened or will happen , I will never let you go .
Hope : You have to .
Bo : No .
Hope : Bo , please leave . Please . [ Sniffling ] [ Gasps ]
Zack : Help me ! Help me , mommy !
Hope : Zack . Zack !
Bo : Hope , what -- what s going on ?
Hope : I saw him . It was Zack . He was right there . He was right there , Bo .. [ Crying ]
Bo : Hey , hey , it s all right . It s okay . It s gon na be okay . Shh .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Bo : Hey , hey . It s okay . It s all right .
Hope : He was standing right there -- right there , Bo . He was in his pajamas . They were torn . He looked so frightened .
Bo : Hey , hey . Whatever you saw was nt real .
Hope : I m not crazy . I know -- I know my little boy is nt alive . But I saw him so clearly . It was like he was trying to tell me something .
Bo : Did he say anything ?
Hope : Help me , mommy . Bo , help him what ? Help him what ?
Bo : I do nt know . Let s sit down , okay ? I m not surprised this happened . You ve been under a lot of stress since he died .
Hope : This is nt the first time .
Bo : You ve seen him before ?
Hope : Not exactly like this , but ... on the island there was a little boy , and he was in trouble , and , for a moment ... I thought it was Zack . I dream about him all the time .
Bo : I know . So do I.
Hope : I just miss him so much . I ll never stop missing him . I ll never miss him any less . I think , um , maybe after Chelsea s trial ... when justice has been served ... maybe then Zack will be able to rest in peace ... and I ll finally be able to start rebuilding my life , maybe .
Bo : Hey ... I m sure you will . I m sure of it .
E.J. : I reckon I could have got it fixed if I d had the right tools . Sorry .
Kate : Thank you . Thank you so much for helping . At least I had a chance to look under the hood .
E.J. : And what are you going to do now ? Are you just going to wait ? Well , of course , you re gon na have to let me wait with you . I m E.J. Wells .
Kate : Kate Roberts .
E.J. : A pleasure to meet you .
Kate : So , tell me , Mr. Wells , are you hitting on me ?
E.J. : Well , that rather depends , Miss Roberts .
Kate : On what ?
E.J. : Do you want me to ?
John : You ca nt keep blaming yourself . I feel responsible , too .
Marlena : Oh , no , no . I know that it was an accident . I know that . I just keep thinking about all -- all the months -- the months that were lost , months that I could have been dealing with it -- and that just makes me angry . I know that the miscarriage was what caused the amnesia ... and then everything just stopped -- everything . And now I have my memory back , and it s unbearably painful . It feels like everything just sort of happened this morning .
John : I wish there were something I could to do to help you .
Marlena : I know you do . I m a psychiatrist ... and my behavior the last months makes me think that I m a little bit insane .
John : Come on . What North did to you is not your fault . He was drugging you .
Marlena : He did nt cause the amnesia , though . He did nt do that . And I think amnesia is a pretty severe way to deal with things , do nt you , hmm ? And then I found out that I had been a battered wife .
John : It s nothing to be ashamed about .
Marlena : You know , John , I m beginning to realize that I m not who I thought I was . And I m not even sure how my -- my patients can trust me .
John : You re a human being , and I think that for you to get through something like this just gives you new insight , new ways to help them , hmm ?
Marlena : [ Exhales sharply ] I m not even sure I know how to help myself .. I know that it s healthy to grieve a loss . I just do nt know why I chose to forget everything . I do remember that I was -- I was so afraid of what might happen to our marriage . I do nt know . Maybe I just did nt want the baby enough .
John : You know that s not true .
Marlena : I do nt know it s not true . I feel so guilty . Maybe I just wanted to pretend that the baby never even existed .
John : Of course not . Look , I m not even gon na try to pretend that I can understand what it feels like to -- to lose a child .
Marlena : Well ... it feels a little bit like losing D.J. all over again . I just feel ... shattered and empty .
John : You re not alone . You got to know by now that I m here for you ... and I ll do whatever I can -- whatever it takes .
Marlena : I do know that .
John : Okay ?
Marlena : I - I do nt -- I do nt know how you could forgive me when I ca nt even seem to forgive myself .
John : There s nothing to forgive .
Marlena : Are you serious ? Do you believe that ? I was unfaithful to you . I broke our marriage vows . I became pregnant by Roman . Are you thinking that is nothing ?
Austin : Nicole , let me call you back . Yes . Yes . Yes , I will . Okay . Bye . All right . What s going on ?
Sami : First of all , I feel terrible that you lost the account with Shawn because of me .
Austin : Will you listen to me ? If Shawn does nt like the fact that you re working for me , that s just too damn bad .
Sami : I m glad you feel that way , but come on , Austin . I think I have an idea of a way we can get the account back . You know how Shawn wants to work with Max because getting Max s endorsement means he ll be able to sell more of his product ?
Austin : Yeah . Max s name is really big in the racing world .
Sami : Right . What if we get someone even bigger than Max -- someone who is not just known in America , but on the European - racing circuit ?
Austin : Okay . How are we gon na do that ?
Sami : Come with me . Okay . E.J. ! Perfect timing . You are just the person I was looking for .
E.J. : Uh , what can I do for you ?
Sami : The better question is , what can we do for you ? Remember you told me that you moved to the States to start your business , you wanted a piece of the American dream ? Well , I have found it for you .
John : You are gon na stop torturing yourself , because what happened between you and Roman happened because Tony was holding you hostage . Kate and I turned to each other , too . In fact , when you came home , we were engaged .
Marlena : I know . You thought we were dead . We knew that you were alive , thanks to Tony s constant reminders .
John : And I m sure that had to be hard to watch , hmm ?
Marlena : Yeah , it was . But that s what people do . When they lose a spouse , they move on .
John : Yes , and you never thought you were gon na see me again , so you were just moving on .
Marlena : How can you be so forgiving ?
John : Because I love you .
Marlena : Maybe I just need some more time to process all this , huh ?
John : Okay . [ Cellphone rings ] John Black . Yeah . She s right here , Bo .
Marlena : Bo ? Yes . I ll be right there . Sorry . Thank you .
John : What s up ?
Marlena : Hope needs me .
John : All right . I ll drive you .
Marlena : No . You know what ? I ve spent so much time relying on people . I d like to do this myself . But thanks for understanding .
John : Oh . Give her my love .
Marlena : Sure . Yeah .
John : Marlena ...
Marlena : Hmm ?
John : What we were talking about -- you and Roman -- I m okay with it , really . I just want you to be okay with it , also .
Marlena : [ Exhales deeply ] Wow .
Bo : Careful . It s hot .
Hope : Thank you .
Bo : I called Marlena . She s on her way over .
Hope : Bo , you did nt need to do that . I m fine , really .
Bo : Yeah , well , it ll make me feel better , okay ? You know , you can talk to her about all this stuff . Maybe she can give you some kind of insight or something .
Hope : Thank you .
Bo : I never answered your question at the restaurant about whose side I m gon na be on for the trial .
Hope : We do nt need to get into this now .
Bo : You deserve an answer .
Hope : Bo , I already know the answer -- at least I think I do . You re supporting your daughter . Look , I m too tired to fight about this .
Bo : I do nt want to fight , either , and you re wrong . I m gon na be supporting you .
Austin : Oh , wow . E.J. , I had no idea you were such a hotshot race car driver . I m very impressed .
E.J. : Well , I had no idea I had such clever neighbors .
Sami : Well , I certainly did nt know anything about racing .
E.J. : Well , you certainly seem to know a lot about marketing .
Sami : Oh , so you like the proposal ? You think it s a good idea ?
E.J. : I think you guys have found a way to tap into one hell of a bonanza . Shawn s invention , I think , promises to take motor sport to a whole new level .
Sami : That s awesome . And you are gon na be the face of the campaign . You are gon na be rich and famous and --
E.J. : I m gon na have to stop you right there . I think what you mean is I would .
Austin : What are you saying ?
E.J. : What I m saying is , uh , no . Sorry . I mean , it s a hell of an offer and I m absolutely flattered , but I m afraid I ca nt accept it .
Sami : But you just said that you liked the idea .
E.J. : I said that I think Shawn s invention is gon na take motor racing to a whole new level . I think it s a major , major breakthrough .
Sami : Do nt you want to be a part of that ? Do nt you want to be a part of that kind of --
E.J. : It s just not a part of my plans . I m sorry .
Sami : Plans ? What plans ?
Austin : Sami , he gave us his answer . We just have to accept it .
Sami : No , we do nt .
Austin : Yes , we do .
E.J. : Okay , where are my manners ? Can I get you something to drink ?
Austin : No , thank you . [ Cellphone ringing ]
Sami : I would like a soda .
Austin : Excuse me . I have to take this .
E.J. : No problem . Actually , um , Samantha , if you ve calmed down , I was meaning to ask you something .
Sami : Yes , I am , of course , 100 % calm . Ask away .
E.J. : Do you ever use the roof - deck upstairs ?
Sami : Yeah , all the time .
E.J. : I was wondering if I could go up there and exercise . I did nt know if it would be a problem with the landlord , if I was going to be breaking any rules .
Sami : No . No . There s no rules . Go ahead . Austin does it all the time .
E.J. : Great . [ Clears throat ]
Sami : Thanks .
E.J. : You re welcome . You will have to excuse the mess . I think it s gon na take me a month to get these boxes cleared up .
Sami : Well , um , if you ever need any help , give me a call .
E.J. : I certainly will .
Austin : Okay . Sami , I have to head back to the apartment and make some phone calls . That was Mike Dunn , and I promised to get him information by tonight . E.J. , thanks for listening to us . No worries . No worries .
E.J. : You re welcome . It s certainly a shame you ca nt stay longer .
Sami : Yeah , I feel the same way . I think we have lots to talk about .
Austin : Sami ... you coming ?
Sami : Of course . Um , thanks for the soda , though .
E.J. : You re welcome .
Bo : Did you hear what I said ?
Hope : I do nt know what to say .
Bo : Well , I mean it , Hope . I m gon na support you in court . You know how much Zack meant to me . And his death -- I ve always wanted justice for our little boy .
Hope : Then why ?
Bo : Well , I m Chelsea s parent , too , and I know firsthand what prison can do to a person , and I was just hoping to spare her that .
Hope : And now ? What ? You re okay with her going to prison ?
Bo : No , not at all . It ll kill me to see her behind bars for one day . But I know the best thing for my daughter is to teach her that ... there are consequences for her actions . She s not above the law . If she makes a mistake , she has to pay for it , just like everybody else . This tough - love thing can be as difficult on a parent as a kid .
Hope : [ Scoffs ] Yeah , right .
Bo : I wish I could have been a better father to all my kids . I mean , I ve screwed up with Shawn . And poor little Zack . I -- [ Exhales deeply ] And Chelsea . I -- you know , she was driving that car , but I gave her permission , so I m as responsible for what happened to our little boy as she is . But I wo nt let you or Zack down . Hope , I - I just need you . You do nt know how much I ve missed you . I mean , how difficult it is to get up in the morning to go to work . I ve just kind of been going through the motions . I -- without you , I do nt -- [ Inhales , exhales deeply ] I do nt really know who I am . [ Doorbell rings ] [ Sniffles ] It s probably Marlena . [ Door opens ] Hey . Hi .
Marlena : Hi , Bo .
Bo : Thanks for coming by .
Marlena : How s she doing ?
Hope : I m not sure myself . [ Sighs ]
Bo : Um ... I guess I ll just , uh , let you guys have some privacy ... I mean , unless you want me to stay .
Hope : Uh , no . No . I ll -- I ll be fine .
Bo : Okay . Uh , if you change your mind , just give me a call . I ll be on the boat .
Hope : Thank you .
Bo : Yeah . Thanks . I ll see ya .
Marlena : Mm - hmm .
Hope : [ Sniffles ]
Marlena : What was that about ?
Hope : What ?
Marlena : You sent Bo away , and you obviously wanted him to stay .
Hope : Why did nt I ask Bo to stay ? I do nt know . Maybe I m so used to pushing him away , it s become a habit .
Marlena : That does nt sound like you .
Hope : I do nt what s me anymore . I have nt been the same since Zack died .... and I m not sure I ever will be again .
Marlena : Losing a child -- it s the most awful , awful pain there is .
Hope : I m sure Bo told you on the phone I thought I saw Zack tonight .
Marlena : Tell me about that .
Hope : When I walked through the door , he was standing right there ... calling out to me . The vision was so clear . Marlena , he looked so frightened . I m such a failure . I failed to protect my son ... and I lost him . And on top of that , I allowed it to destroy my marriage .
Marlena : In the first place , you did not fail to protect your son . You could nt have changed what happened . And secondly , you and Bo love each other . You will find your way back together .
Hope : I wish I could believe that .
Marlena : Just give it time .
Hope : I did . That s why I went away .
Marlena : Maybe you need more time . People have different ways of healing .. Some wounds are harder than others to fix .
Hope : The one thing I m looking forward to is seeing Zack s killer brought to justice . And the fact that it s Bo s daughter makes things much more complicated .
Marlena : Tell me something . Do you want to save your marriage , or do you want to see Chelsea punished ?
Hope : I do nt know . But what I do know is that I owe this to Zack . And I owe this to every other mother whose child she might hurt if she goes free and does nt learn her lesson . Zack would want me to do everything to fight for my marriage . And I owe it to Bo and Shawn . At least Bo and I are on the same page about the trial .
Marlena : Are you sure about that ?
Hope : Why do you say that ? Do nt you believe it ?
Marlena : I know you want Chelsea punished . I understand that , believe me .. But I think Bo wants to see her grow up ... take responsibility for what happened , and learn from this tragedy . There s a very , very subtle but important difference .
Hope : Even so ...
Marlena : If you and Bo are on the same page , why is nt he here ? Why did you send him away ?
Hope : Because -- I do nt know .
Marlena : I think you re angry at him . I think you re finding it very hard to forgive him .
Hope : Of course I m angry at him . He lied to me about Chelsea . He slept with Billie . He betrayed me .
Marlena : [ Thinking ] I did the same thing to John by being with Roman .
Hope : I still love him . I do . But I do nt know if I could ever let him back in my life again .
Bo : Hey , man .
John : Hey , Bo . Marlena still over at your place ?
Bo : She was when I left .
John : We make quite a pair , do nt we , out here wandering around at night when we should be home with our wives ?
Bo : Yeah . Chelsea s trial is tomorrow .
John : Yeah , I heard . I would nt want to be in your shoes -- having to choose between keeping your daughter out of prison or saving your marriage .
Bo : I do nt want to be in my shoes .
John : About the marriage , you said you re working on it , though , right ?
Bo : Yeah , yeah . I told Hope that I - I ca nt protect Chelsea anymore . I mean , she s 18 . She dug herself a hole when she hit Zack , and she s gon na have to figure a way to climb out of it .
John : Yeah .
Bo : Let s hope it s not too late .
John : For Chelsea or for you and Hope ?
Bo : Well , for all of us . I mean , I hope Chelsea s strong enough for whatever the -- whatever the judge decides . And there s no guarantee that Hope is gon na forgive me .
Sami : Oh , God , I m so bummed .
Austin : Do nt be . Listen to me . That was a great idea -- trying to recruit E.J. to win over Shawn . It was great . It just did nt work out , Sami .
Sami : What do you think about him ?
Austin : E.J. ?
Sami : Well , yeah , you know , as a person .
Austin : I do nt know . He seems like a smart , friendly guy . Is something about him bothering you ?
Sami : I just get the feeling that he s hiding something .
Austin : Uh - oh . When Sami gets a feeling , I start getting scared .
Sami : Shut up . I m not in the mood for your jokes .
Austin : Who says I m joking ? [ Doorbell rings ]
Sami : Oh . You get it .
Austin : All right . [ Door opens ] Mama .
Kate : Hey .
Austin : What are you doing here ?
Kate : My car broke down on University Parkway , and I did nt feel like waiting around , so I decided to come over here , visit Lucas and Carrie . I thought I d stop by and see how you re doing . Since Sami s here , you re probably not doing very well , are you ?
Sami : Okay , well , I guess I ll just wait in my room until she leaves .
Austin : Do you have to be so rude to her ?
Kate : When are you going to understand that , that woman is a chemical spill poisoning everyone around her ?
John : Bo , I ve known you and Hope a long time . I know that your love is strong enough to get you through anything .
Bo : Yeah . People keep telling me that .
John : Cause it s true .
Bo : I used to think that , you know ? Our love could just make it through anything . Nothing could come between us . But ... Zack s death -- that s --
John : I m sorry , man . I ca nt even imagine that kind of pain .
Bo : I , um , thought we d have each other to get through this , you know ? If we were there loving each other , supporting each other , we might have a chance of making it through this nightmare . But ... if she ca nt forgive me , you know , that s not gon na happen .
Hope : Marlena , when Bo should have been home grieving for our son , he was coddling and covering up for Chelsea -- the very person who killed Zack .
Marlena : She s his child , too . Can you see how he s pulled in two directions ?
Hope : It does nt change anything . Too much water under the bridge .
Marlena : What did Bo say about it ?
Hope : That we should fight to save our marriage . I m not sure I have anything left to fight with .
Kate : Stop looking at me like that . Why did you propose to her -- really , really ? Just answer that simple question .
Austin : I love her .
Kate : [ Exhales sharply ] No , you do nt love her . You pity her . You love Carrie , and that is never going to change .
Austin : Carrie is marrying my brother . She s pregnant with his baby .
Kate : Austin , that does nt mean that you have to marry Sami . I mean , I just do nt understand this . I do nt understand why you re doing this . Are you doing this to spite me or to spite Lucas ? I think there s some really strange pathology going on here that you need to examine . [ Sighs ] I do nt know . Maybe -- I know I did nt give you the best example of marriage . I married a man who beat me , but at least I did nt marry him twice .
Austin : Whoa . Wait a second . Are you comparing Sami to my father ? Are you crazy ?
Kate : Well , she hurts people . She hurts people willfully . She ruins lives . I do nt see much of a difference there .
Austin : Hold on a second . If we ca nt talk about this rationally , I am gon na ask you to leave .
Kate : Rationally ? My son who has temporarily lost his mind wants to talk about things rationally ? Oh , my God . I do nt understand this . I do nt understand this . It s as if to stop Sami from destroying every relationship in your life , you have decided to give her exactly what she wants , and that s you . So you re actually marrying her to defuse her .
Austin : No . Look , you can say whatever you want about me , but if you re gon na continue to bad - mouth Sami , I do nt want you here .
Kate : Okay . Fine . Fine . I will table the subject ...
Austin : Good .
Kate : ... For today .
Austin : [ Chuckles ] Uhh ! So , what happened with your car ?
Kate : I do nt know . The whole thing died . The engine stopped . It died . Actually , something nice came out of it . I met this young man who was really quite lovely -- quite lovely . He s from out of the area .
Sami : [ Sighs ] There s got to be a way to convince E.J. to sign with us .. I ll just have to come up with an offer he ca nt refuse .
Kate : I wonder what he does for a living . I should have asked him . He was very interesting -- very interesting .
Austin : Who are you talking about ?
Kate : The young man I met today . Have you not heard one word I ve said ?
Austin : I m sorry , Mom . My mind is on business , among many other things . I just remembered -- I have to make this very important phone call . I ll just be a few minutes . Can you excuse me , please ?
Kate : Please . Go ahead .
Austin : All right . Thank you .
Kate : Austin ! I need to leave for a minute . I forgot . There s something I need to do .
Sami : E.J. Hi .
E.J. : Now , you would nt happen to be following me , would you ?
Sami : No . No , of course -- oh , well , yeah , sort of . Um , I just wanted to talk to you about business .
E.J. : Uh - huh . You do nt like to take no for an answer , do you ?
Sami : No , not usually . You ll learn that about me as you get to know me better .
E.J. : I see . You think you can make me change my mind ? I m warning you , I can be pretty stubborn .
Sami : Right . This is a bad time . Maybe we could talk about this later . You could go back to your ... grunting .
E.J. : Wait , Samantha . Do nt go . I m glad you came .
Kate : He is a hottie , is nt he , Sami ? And you just ca nt help yourself . Well , something tells me you re going to self - destruct again ... with a little help from your pal Kate .
John : I knew you were back .
Marlena : Oh . Oh , hi .
John : How s Hope ?
Marlena : I think she ll be fine . Chelsea s trial is tomorrow , and I think she ll be better off once that s behind her .
John : Yeah , I think it ll be a relief for everybody . So , it sounds as though you helped her .
Marlena : I think she helped me more than I helped her , actually .
John : She helped you ? How ?
Marlena : Well , I realized that Hope and I are in a similar situation . Do nt get me wrong . I do nt mean to compare my miscarriage to , you know , Hope losing Zack , but ... it s the same kind of feeling we re both having .
John : Of course it is .
Marlena : We both took a blow to the heart -- a blow from which neither of us might completely recover . But Hope has decided she s going to try to move on after tomorrow , and I think I should , too .
John : Good choice . I m here to help you any way I can .
Marlena : Oh , my goodness . That means more than words can say to me ... which is what brings me to ... what I need to tell you . It s very sad to lose a child ... but I would never want to risk losing you ... and I want you to know that I m not going to . You just mean so -- so much to me .
John : Oh , Doc .
Marlena : I - I love you . I love you . I love you . I want to thank you for remembering that when I could nt remember it . And I want to thank you for never , ever giving up on me .
John : Oh , Doc .
Bo : I miss you , Fancy Face . I need to feel you close to me again . I need to feel your heart beating next to mine . I want my partner back . Please , just -- just come back to me . Give me another chance .
Chelsea : [ Thinking ] Well , tomorrow it ll all be over . I might as well make the most of my last few hours of freedom .
Hope : I m not crazy . I know my little boy is nt alive . But I saw him so clearly . It was like he was trying to tell me something .
Zack : Mommy , where s daddy ?
Hope : He s on his way home , honey . He ll be here any second ... and then we can all be together again .
Zack : All right !
Hope : I have to tell Bo that I need to fight for my marriage .
Mimi : I used to wish I was Belle .
Shawn D. : You re kidding .
E.J. : You re really desperate to get involved with me , are nt you ? Professionally , I mean .
Bo : I ve found a way to forgive her , and I hope you can do the same .
Chelsea : There s no way I could let Hope read this the way it was .
Hope : This is the last time . I have made my decision forever .
Chelsea : So long , Hope .
### Summary:
| Marlena blames herself for the miscarriage , as she is grieving like it happened just that morning . John shocks Marlena when he dismisses her affair like there s nothing to forgive . Chelsea eavesdrops outside Bo s open window . Bo rushes in to comfort Hope when he hears her cry out to Zack . Bo pledges his support to Hope for the trial and calls Marlena over to talk to Hope . Marlena calls Hope on how Hope sent Bo away upon her arrival when it was obvious she wanted Bo to stay . Marlena begins to recognize the similarities in Hope s situation with her own affair and sees it as a reason to appreciate John more . Bo runs into John at the docks and they talk over the trial and Bo s marriage . After Marlena leaves , Hope sees Zack again and Zack convinces her that she should be with Bo . Sami comes up with the idea of using E.J. as the spokesperson for Shawn s new engine in order to entice Shawn to work with Austin s company but E.J. turns them down . E.J. catches Sami sneaking a peek through his files . Kate s car dies and E.J. stops to try and help but is unsuccessful . Kate stops by Austin s apartment to visit while she waits for a tow truck and ends up arguing with Austin about Sami . Kate spots Sami climbing up to the roof and spies on her as she flirts with E.J. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Neil : I wonder what she s doing here .
Devon : Well , now everyone can see that she looks exactly like Carmen .
Dru : Of course , I was upset . Anyone would be upset if their son was accused of murder .
Michael : There were other events in your life causing you stress also , correct ?
Dru : Many .
Michael : Can you describe some of them ?
Dru : Well , my ... my clothes were shredded and -- and my tires were slashed and there were multiple prank calls-- a whole long list of things .
Michael : Did this upset you ?
Dru : Indeed it did . I believed I was being stalked .
Michael : Your honor ?
Judge : Counselor ?
Michael : I can save the court a great deal of time . May I approach ? The ADA and I stipulate that this is a valid portrait of Carmen Mesta .
Judge : Counsel ?
Ms. Sinclair : Counsel s statement is correct .
Michael : Drucilla , who did you think was stalking you ?
Dru : Carmen Mesta .
Michael : Then you knew she had been murdered ?
Dru : Well , I d seen someone who looked like her so many times . I did nt believe that she was dead , and that s why Dr. Lynch thought that I was delusional .
Michael : Drucilla , take a good look at this photograph . This is Carmen Mesta . Now ... is there anyone in this courtroom who you could ve mistaken for her ?
Dru : That woman , right there . Anyone with half a brain could see-- well , anyone could clearly see that she could be mistaken for Carmen Mesta . I m not crazy .
Phyllis : Here we go ! It s cold out there . Oh , great ! You know , I hate those bridesmaid dresses that look like its Scarlett OHara with her drapes on . And you know that-- that the bride is just doing that so she looks good and they look bad .
Nikki : Not like you d do anything like that , right ?
Phyllis : What ? Is that a dig about work ? Do you think I m trying to make you look bad ?
Nikki : Oh , me ? The partner that you think is holding back expansion ?
Victoria : You know , I m all for expansion , but you do nt level historic buildings to put up a resort .
Nikki : Boy , I really wish I had the manipulation power of your ex - husband .
Phyllis : Oh , wait , wait , wait . You think I m being manipulated by-- can we not do this right now ?
Victoria : Fine .
Nikki : Fine .
Phyllis : Fine . Yeah . We re here for my wedding . Here for my wedding . Just happy faces ! What are you doing here ?
Lauren : What are you doing here ?
Phyllis : I came to look at the dress order that I placed a while back . Lily said you would nt be here .
Lauren : Oh , well , I m sorry to disappoint you .
Phyllis : Yeah , no problem . There should be a couple dresses , uh , set aside for Nikki and Victoria . You see , Nikki is my matron of honor and Victoria is my bridesmaid .
Lauren : That s nice-- a family affair .
Nikki : Yeah , yeah , one big happy family .
Phyllis : Family s very important to me-- very , very important to me-- all my loved ones gathered around , sharing in my happiness . I ca nt wait .
Lauren : All right , I m just gon na go in the back and look for those dresses .
Phyllis : Great ! Thank you very much .
Colleen : Unless somebody took pictures , the dean does nt have any proof .
Korbel : We ca nt know that . And GCU has a zero tolerance policy .
Colleen : So what happens to you ?
Korbel : A docent position at a small art museum ... in Outer Mongolia , but--
Colleen : No , please do nt joke .
Korbel : I m not joking , Colleen . This -- this could be the end of my teaching career .
Colleen : This is so unfair .
Korbel : Look ... I made a choice .
Colleen : No , we made a choice . And you should nt have to pay for it . They ca nt just push you out of teaching . We have to find out who told the dean .
Korbel : It wo nt make a difference .
Colleen : Well , it might . I mean , we can convince the person that they made a mistake , and they can go to the dean and tell em that they just misinterpreted our relationship and I m only a research assistant .
Korbel : Yeah , who spends a lot of time with me , but ...
Colleen : Oh , you know what ? It s worth a try .
Korbel : Look , whoever told the dean obviously wanted her to know . They re not about to embarrass themselves by recanting .
Colleen : Maybe they will if I ask them to .
Korbel : Why , Colleen , why ?
Colleen : Because I have the feeling that whoever told is somebody that really loves me .
Brad : I was about to call you .
JT : Hey . How s Colleen ?
Brad : Well , if the return of her stubborn streak is any indication of health , she s ready to run a marathon .
JT : Let me guess , Korbel ?
Brad : And she s moved in with Jack .
JT : Wow . Well , there s a paragon of virtue . You got ta put a stop to that .
Brad : She s an adult , JT I ca nt exactly ground her .
JT : So we just sit back and watch ?
Brad : You know , a parent s job is nt to make his kid happy . It s to do the right thing . There may be other ways to make Colleen see what a huge mistake she s making .
JT : That s funny .
Brad : What ?
JT : I do nt think I ve ever agreed with you more in my life .
Dr. Lynch : When I signed the order , yes , I did believe Mrs. Winters was a danger to herself and others .
Ms. Sinclair : And during the course of her evaluation , did she require any special attention ?
Dr. Lynch : She did . She was placed in a straight jacket . But at the time that--
Ms. Sinclair : No further questions .
Michael : Dr. Lynch , you ve been seeing Drucilla Winters for some time , is that correct ?
Dr. Lynch : Yes .
Michael : And you had become increasingly concerned that she was having psychotic delusions ?
Dr. Lynch : Yes .
Michael : Your honor , could you ask the woman sitting at the far end of the first pew in the gallery to rise ?
Judge : Please stand .
Michael : Doctor , in your expert opinion , was Drucilla Winters justified in mistaking this woman for Carmen Mesta ?
Dr. Lynch : Now that I see her , absolutely .
Judge : Be seated .
Michael : Are you prepared , Doctor , to recommend her immediate release from hospitalization ?
Dr. Lynch : I believe Mrs. Winters could benefit from continued therapy , but she definitely does not require ongoing hospitalization .
Michael : Nothing further , your honor .
Judge : We ll take a brief recess before any redirect .
Neil : Hey ! Hey , Buddy ! You were great !
Lily : Yes , you were .
Devon : There s no stopping you now , Mom .
Michael : It s not over yet .
Ines : Excuse me ? I m Ines Vargas , Carmen Mesta s cousin .
Ms. Sinclair : Can I ask you something ? Why are you here ?
Ines : I was gon na help Mrs. Winters , but then everything changed .
Michael : All right , Houston , we have a problem .
Dru : She better not think she s gon na get away with anything .
Michael : Quiet . Quiet .
Dru : I m serious .
Ms. Sinclair : Mr. Baldwin .
Michael : Yes , Counselor .
Ms. Sinclair : I d like to call one more witness . I trust they ll be no objection ?
Michael : Oh , think again . You re gon na have a very big objection .
Phyllis : All right , Girls , which ones made you feel drop dead gorgeous ?
Nikki : Well , I liked the Vera Wang .
Phyllis : Oh , great . I liked the vintage . It was very classic .
Victoria : I was under the impression that you did nt care about anything classic .
Nikki : Yeah , out with the old , in with the new , damn the consequences !
Phyllis : Are we still talking about dresses here ?
Lauren : You know , I thought the seed pearl amazing .
Phyllis : Thanks , Lauren , but we re not gon na go with that one . Thanks anyway . I say we go with the vintage . What do you think ?
Victoria : Oh , do you care about our opinion ?
Nikki : Wow , why start now ?
Phyllis : Vintage , it is .
JT : Thanks .
Korbel : En garde ?
JT : Excuse me ?
Korbel : Or do you prefer pistols ?
JT : What the hell are you talking about ?
Korbel : Under the dueling code of 1777 , any offense given to a lady under a gentlemen s care is to be considered a greater offense than if given to the gentlemen himself .
JT : Get out of my face .
Korbel : You know what ?
JT : What ?
Korbel : You asked me to end it with Colleen , allegedly out of concern for her . Then you go and report her to the dean , showing no real concern for her at all .
JT : Someone turned you in ?
Korbel : You , for example .
JT : You self - righteous son of a bitch .
Korbel : If you think that it s just a schoolgirl crush , and that s why Colleen and I are involved ... well , you do nt know her at all .
JT : I ll tell you what I do know . There is a God , cause right now you re getting exactly what you deserve .
Brad : Yeah ?
Colleen : Dad , hi .
Brad : Hey , Sweetheart .
Colleen : Do you have a free minute ?
Brad : For you , of course I do . Do you want some coffee or something ?
Colleen : No , thank you , I m fine .
Brad : Have a seat .
Colleen : All right .
Brad : What s going on ?
Colleen : Well , the dean called and he would like to meet with me . I was wondering if you knew why .
Brad : Oh , uh , maybe you got the art fellowship in Italy and he wants to tell you in person . I would certainly miss you , but I hope you take it .
Colleen : Because Adrian would be here and I would be there ?
Brad : Exactly .
Colleen : Mm - hmm . No , it s not about the fellowship . Somebody told him about Adrian and me .
Brad : And I told you again and again to end it with him . Now look at the mess you re in .
Colleen : Was it you or was it Mom ? She was really upset .
Brad : Sweetheart , one day Adrian Korbel is going to be a name that you barely remember . I would nt risk your future for him .
Colleen : You would nt ? So are you telling me that you made a deal to protect me ? Is that what you did ?
Brad : Colleen , I know you think you wanna be with this man and I do nt think Korbel s a bad guy , all right ? But he s not right for you .
Colleen : Dad ... when I was in the hospital-- after the fire-- you talked to me all the time , did nt you ?
Brad : You heard me ?
Colleen : You told me that you were worrying about all the wrong things . Dad , you still are .
Brad : Do you love this man , Colleen ? Do you really love him ?
Colleen : I have nt really had the time or the freedom to figure that out . But I really do wanna be with him .
Brad : I ll go see the dean with you . You should nt have to do this alone .
Colleen : No . No , it s , you know ... Dad , I know how much you love me , but ... you just ca nt make this better for me , okay ?
Michael : Your honor , this witness gives new meaning to the term irrelevant .
Judge : Counselor ?
Ms. Sinclair : This witness has recent contact with the respondent that could shed light on her current state of mind .
Michael : Your honor , is this witness a health care professional ? Does she know the respondent personally ? All this witness is is a woman-- and my heart goes out to her-- a woman who bears an amazing resemblance to her deceased cousin , which makes her incredibly prejudicial and of no probative value whatsoever .
Ms. Sinclair : Let the judge decide that .
Judge : Both of you , approach the bench .
Neil : It was my brilliant idea , bringing Ines to the hospital .
Lily : Dad , you were just trying to help .
Michael : Your honor , there are at least a thousand people in Genoa City who know the respondent better than this witness .
Ms. Sinclair : Ms. Vargas testimony could save someone s life-- maybe even the respondent s .
Judge : I ve heard enough . In front of a jury , I d say no . But here , I ll allow it .
Dru : Is this bad ?
Amber : There s a reason the rules rhymes with the fools . I m an idiot .
Daniel : Because ?
Amber : Because there is a catch , okay ? What if you actually fall for the guy , hmm ?
Daniel : Okay , we re still talking about Cane here , right ?
Amber : No , we re talking about Borat . Yeah , we are talking about Cane . He s so sweet and so nice and so sexy and hot and if he walked in here right now , nine out of ten girls would say exactly the same thing , except for the tenth girl , because she d be sitting with her boyfriend .
Daniel : So what ?
Amber : So ... Cane wants all ten of them . And he wants an annulment from me . That sound you hear ... is the sound of my heart breaking .
Daniel : Wait a minute . You did nt say that to him ?
Amber : I told him that he d never have to be alone because he always had me .
Daniel : Very touching , but definitely the wrong move .
Amber : Do nt you check your messages ? I called you ! I left you , like , a billion messages . I said , stop me before I do something I regret ! And did you ? No ! No , you did not ! Mnh - mnh .
Daniel : I m stopping you now . Go home .
Amber : Back to his place ? And -- and say what ?
Daniel : No , go home - home . Go back to LA .
Amber : You want me just to give up ? You want me to leave ?
Daniel : It s the only choice .
JT : So I used to be a student over at GCU and I know this great little bar . Maybe , uh , we could go there ?
Colleen : Can I talk to you for a minute ?
JT : I m kinda busy right now .
Colleen : I promise it wo nt take long .
JT : What ?
Colleen : Well , someone told the dean about Adrian and me .
JT : Why are ex s always the prime suspect on these things ?
Colleen : JT , Adrian could lose his job . I could get kicked out of school . Do you really hate me that much ?
JT : Oh , face it , Colleen , you broke the rules . And now you wanna go and blame whoever turned you in ?
Colleen : No , I do nt wanna fight with you . It s just , I do nt think that my personal business is anybody else s , okay ? You used to feel the same way .
JT : Tell it to the dean .
Cane : Are nt you the meadowlark ?
Amber : Sugar rush . Oh ... testing for poison .
Amber s voice : Target in firing range .
Amber : Hey , you want some milk with that ?
Cane : Oh , we re out of milk . Tea s good .
Amber : Okay .
Amber : Oh , um , will you get that for me ? I got ta run to the loo .
Cane : Amber s phone .
Daniel : Amber , Doll , what did you do , have a sex change ?
Cane : No , Mate , this a friend .
Daniel : Oh , well , good for you . You know what ? You do me a favor . You write this down . You tell her that Dino from the Diamond Club on the Strip called .
Cane : Like Los Angeles ?
Daniel : No , I mean , the , uh , strip mall in Fresno . Yeah , the Sunset Strip in LA
Cane : Listen , Mate , from one heavily accented guy to another , you do nt really sound like you re from LA .
Daniel : Yeah , well , you do me a favor and make sure she gets the message . And tell her I booked her starting yesterday .
Ines : I went to the hospital to tell Drucilla I d help her .
Ms. Sinclair : And what happened while you were there ?
Ines : Out of nowhere , she started accusing me of things .
Ms. Sinclair : What things ?
Ines : I do nt know . Her husband shut her up and then he left and -- and she came after me again .
Ms. Sinclair : What do you mean by Came after ?
Ines : She accused me of cutting up her clothes and slashing her tires and who knows what else . Classic paranoid behavior .
Michael : Oh , objection , your honor !
Judge : Overruled .
Ms. Sinclair : I m almost done . Ines , while this was going on in the psyche ward , how did the defendant make you feel ?
Ines : Scared . When I left , I was glad that she could nt leave , too .
Ms. Sinclair : Your witness .
Michael : You and Carmen Mesta were cousins , correct ?
Ines : Yes .
Michael : The resemblance is remarkable . Surely the two of you were mistake for one another from time to time ?
Ines : Yes .
Michael : You ve been in Genoa City for some time . Weeks ?
Ines : A few .
Michael : So anyone who saw someone who looked like Carmen Mesta during that time , that could ve been you , right ?
Ines : That s true .
Michael : And is nt it also true that you deliberately found reasons to be both at the Winters apartment building and at their place of work ?
Ines : Yes , but--
Michael : And yet , you never introduced yourself to them ?
Ines : No .
Michael : Nor to me , their attorney .
Ines : Why would I ?
Michael : Let s talk about why you would nt . You came to town with an agenda . You were furious over your cousin s death , and you were gon na do something about it . Is nt that right ?
Ms. Sinclair : Objection ! He s badgering her !
Judge : Overruled .
Michael : You decided-- wrongly-- that Drucilla Winters was the killer . And you decided that you would exact justice by having a perfectly sane woman locked up for being delusional .
Ms. Sinclair : Objection !
Judge : Sustained . If you ve got witnesses to support that theory , call them . Anything further ?
Michael : No , your honor .
Judge : Any redirect ? You may step down .
Amber : Who called ?
Cane : Some bloke out of The Dopranos . Yo , this is Dino from the Fiamond Club in LA
Amber : He s a sweetheart . So what s up ?
Cane : He wants to book you , starting immediately .
Amber : Fantastic ! I m gon na have to call him right away !
Cane : Are you sure this wanker s legit ?
Amber : Totally .
Daniel : Did it work ?
Amber : Dino , its Amber !
Daniel : Listen , I do nt know , I might ve laid the accent on a little bit thick . What do you think ?
Amber : I would love to sing in your club , when do you want me ?
Daniel : if this works , you owe me big - time . I m gon na start charging you .
Amber : Every Thursday ? Okay , I ll try to catch the red - eye . Thank you so much for thinking of me !
Cane : Well ?
Amber : Where s my purse ? I need my credit card .
Cane : So you re leaving , just like that ?
Amber : Well , our marriage is getting annulled . You do nt expect me to chuck my career for a soon - to - be - ex husband .
Cane : What happened to , you know , the part-- you , me and the loneliness ?
Amber : I meant every word .
Cane : Then why go ?
Amber : Simple . Dino just made a commitment . You wo nt .
Lauren : I think those earrings that you ordered for Victoria and Nikki are back here .
Phyllis : You know what ? On second thought , why buy the knockoffs when they have the real thing ?
Lauren : Are we really gon na continue to do all this ?
Phyllis : Oh , I m sorry . Do you call hiding Sheila All this ?
Lauren : Do you know how terrible that was for me ? How terrible it was--
Phyllis : No , no , no , no . You knew that Sheila was in town . You knew what she could ve done to me and my daughter . And you did nt even tell me .
Lauren : I had barely just found out !
Phyllis : What s Michael s excuse ?
Lauren : He was out of his mind with worry !
Phyllis : For his family ! Not for my family !
Lauren : I ve apologized to you ... in every way I know how . I could nt feel more horrible .
Phyllis : Well , after what you and Michael did to me , why do nt you try ?
Nikki : Hey , what are you guys doing ? Fighting over wedding colors ?
Phyllis : No , just baby raising stuff .
Victoria : Oh , uh , well , if you two need some time , we can meet you back at the office .
Lauren : You know , that s really not necessary . I ll call you when the alterations are done . Phyllis was just leaving .
Brad : Who got Colleen in trouble ?
JT : That would be Korbel .
Brad : Did you call the dean ?
JT : Did you ?
Brad : No . Your turn .
JT : I care about Colleen . I always will . Now why would I do something like that when I know it s gon na wreck her future at GCU ?
Brad : I want you to find out who it was .
JT : Oh , I ca nt do that . It s not my business anymore .
Brad : JT , whoever did this will answer to me .
Colleen : So the dean called again on my way over here . I m in her office tomorrow morning .
Korbel : Yeah . And I m in the afternoon . It s no surprise you re first .
Colleen : Why is that ?
Korbel : She ll ask if you wanna file sexual harassment charges .
Colleen : Sexual-- no , you did nt do anything .
Korbel : It s standard operating procedure , Colleen-- to give you an out .
Colleen : I do nt want an out . I saw my father . He swears he did nt do it . And I went to go try and talk to JT--
Korbel : And he was , uh , enjoying our dilemma too much to be pinned down , I know .
Colleen : Before my mom left this morning , we talked .
Korbel : You think ...
Colleen : It could be . When she was in college , she had an affair with her professor , too .
Korbel : Well , I d like to think it was more than genetics .
Colleen : Remember the student from your old college ?
Korbel : Uh - huh .
Colleen : My mom tried to do that , too .
Korbel : Tried to kill herself ?
Colleen : Because of what happened with her professor .
Korbel : Well , I can understand why she d wanna contact the dean .
Colleen : Maybe I can talk to her or ...
Korbel : Qui plus sait , plus se tait .
Colleen : Excuse me ?
Korbel : It s French proverb . He who knows most , says least . Now whoever-- whoever contacted the dean-- JT , your mom , your dad , someone else entirely-- they re gon na keep quiet . We re never gon na know .
Amber : This gig was meant to be ! I got the last seat on the red - eye !
Cane : Yeah , maybe .
Amber : Oh , my God ! I have so much to do before I leave ! So many people to say good - bye to !
Cane : Like me ?
Amber : It s been a blast . Thank you so much for everything .
Cane : I have never met anyone like you before .
Amber : That s sweet . Hey , have you seen my mp3 player ?
Cane : Amber , wait . You know how they say ... that you can never really miss something you ve never really had ?
Amber : Tell that to a kid who s never had a ps3 .
Cane : Yeah , well , any kid who has that on the top of his wish list has a family and ... the only thing that I ve ever wanted in my life is a family I m , um , I m shattering my image here , I know this , but I have to say this to you , all right ?
Amber : Do nt worry . I wo nt tell anyone what a softy you are .
Cane : Thanks . Um , okay , I ve ... I ve found my mum and my grandmum . One s a loony tune and the other , uh , thinks I m a gold digger .
Amber : Do nt worry . They re really amazing people . You know , you just need time to get to know each other .
Cane : Once you told me you loved me .
Amber : Yeah , I mean that , like , you know how you say , Oh , I love ice cream .
Cane : Amber , I m -- I m ... I ve been an idiot . I truly have been an idiot .
Amber : I would nt go that far .
Cane : You know , um ... most of my life ... I ve been -- I cant-- I find it really difficult to connect and I do nt know why . It s just who I am , but ... I m really trying . Um ... I ca nt stand ... look , what I m trying to say to you is ... I think I ve fallen in love with my wife and I do nt wanna see her go .
Amber : Are you sure ?
Cane : I m positive . Come here .
Judge : In a competency hearing , the burden is on the state to prove that the respondent is a danger to herself or to others . In this case , while the respondent must continue her court - ordered psychotherapy , the state has not sustained its burden . We re adjourned .
Dru : Thank you , Michael .
Michael : Congratulations .
Dru : Thank you so much .
Michael : Come here .
Dru : Thank you !
Neil : We got Mom back . We got her back . I love you .
Lily : Mom !
Neil : Hey , good job . Really solid job .
Colleen : That the dean will know the truth ... as if we tell her .
Korbel : No , you ca nt lie , Colleen .
Colleen : Okay , fine . I wo nt lie . I will just transfer to a different school .
Korbel : That s not gon na solve anything-- not for you or me . Look , what will people say ? Who proposed you for the Italian fellowship ? Who submitted your paper for publishing ? Your disgraced former professor . Look , your brilliant career will be over before it even begins .
Colleen : So , what-- we just give up ?
Korbel : Well , I like to think of it as , uh ... strategic withdrawal . You ca nt tell me this surprises you .
Colleen : Well , you know what ? It does . There has to be something that we can do .
Korbel : There is nt . I took a big risk , Colleen , and to complain about it now would .... it would be disingenuous .
Colleen : So is that all that I was ? A risk ?
Korbel : Of course not ! You know how much you mean to me , which is exactly why I have to do everything I can to protect you from the worst of the fallout .
Colleen : What s that ?
Korbel : My resignation letter to the university . Effective immediately .
Ines : That was a bust .
David : Does nt matter . The job s done .
Ines : How do I know this is nt gon na come back and bite me later ?
David : I promise you , there is no evidence linking us to Dru .
Ines : And if there is ?
David : There Is nt . So relax . I can handle her .
Ines : I m gon na play it safe . Leave town .
David : I think that s a great idea . And you should leave now before someone catches us .
Lily : I am telling you , Daniel , Michael was amazing . Yeah , Mom s coming home . And she wants to eat the cake I made , so come over for dinner , okay ? Bye .
David : Dru ... I did nt know about Carmen s cousin . And now that I ve seen her , you re absolutely right . They could nt be more alike .
Dru : Now you believe me .
Devon : Please tell me that that woman is leaving town .
David : That s what she just told me in the hallway , yes .
Devon : Okay .
Neil : That s the best news I ve heard all day .
Dru : David ? Um ... I m -- I m so sorry . I blamed you for weeks for harassing me . And my son and I know what it s like to be wrongly accused . I was completely out of line . I hope you ll accept my apology .
David : Thank you , Dru . You do nt know how much that means to me .
Lauren : You scared me !
Michael : Sorry , sorry . What s wrong ?
Lauren : Phyllis was just here with Victoria and Nikki , picking out their matron of honor and bridesmaid dresses .
Michael : Ouch .
Lauren : Yeah .
Michael : Did she say a lot of--
Lauren : Hey , you know , let s not talk about it . It ll just upset me all over again . What happened with Dru ?
Michael : She s on her way home as we speak .
Lauren : You re brilliant .
Michael : Hmm . It helped that Carmen s cousin was in the hearing room for everyone to see the resemblance .
Lauren : So let s celebrate . You know , we can get Gloria to watch Fen .
Michael : That s not your Celebrate face .
Lauren : I know . I m sorry .
Michael : It s okay to be upset .
Lauren : Yeah . Yeah , I know . But I do nt know what is worse . Um ... Phyllis going out of her way to hurt me or me just standing there and taking it .
Michael : I wish I knew what to say to make it all better .
Lauren : You ve tried . You ve tried really hard . Michael , deep down-- I do nt blame her .
Michael : Come here .
Phyllis : You like your dress for the wedding ?
Nikki : Yeah , I like the dress . I m not crazy about the bride .
Phyllis : Yeah , I could , um , tell by the way my water froze the minute you walked into the room .
Nikki : You must have the whole town mad at you .
Phyllis : What s that supposed to mean ?
Nikki : I did nt appreciate being part of that little tiff that you were having with Lauren .
Phyllis : It was nt a little tiff .
Nikki : Well , you were fighting about something . And you did nt have the decency to take it behind closed doors .
Phyllis : Wow , are nt you being a little hypocritical ?
Nikki : And I do nt appreciate having my partner oppose me in a corporate matter . Where is your loyalty ?
Phyllis : Wait a second , if you re talking about loyalty , you should talk to your husband and your son .
Nikki : Oh , no , no , my family is forever . I ca nt necessarily say the same thing for business partners .
Cane : I have no idea why married sex gets such a bad rap .
Amber : Me , either . And it was nt even with someone else s husband .
Cane : Wanna join me in the shower , Love ?
Amber : In a sec . Um , I got ta call D-- uh , Dino and tell him he needs to book another singer .
Daniel : Hello .
Amber : It worked ! We are staying married ! You are such a genius !
Daniel : Uh , I m a genius ? Why do nt you tell that to my Econ professor . I really need to pass this test .
Amber : Seriously , Daniel , I owe you big - time . But since I m not exactly in the chip--
Daniel : Yet !
Amber : Yet . Um , here , let me give you a freebie . Uh , go onto this web site . It s www.strangersbynight.com . You know , it s where people go to meet each other .
Daniel : Is this one of those sites where , like , you set up a profile and then you add friends ?
Amber : Yeah , pretty much . Uh , some are inhibited , some are nt .
Daniel : Okay , well , do you want me to check out your profile ?
Amber : Mm - hmm , yeah . Use my log - in . It s Sweet Ambrosia . My password is Amberwantsmoore . Um , so you wo nt have to sign up .
Daniel : Oh , well , thanks for the offer , but I--
Amber : Oh , come on ! I m married now , too . Trust me . It is harmless .
Cane : Amber !
Amber : Got ta run . Um , a wife s duty is never done ! Bye !
Jack : Well , since Noah has other dinner plans , maybe you and I could--
Sharon : I would love to .
Victoria : I m not the only one that thinks you and Nick are soulless .
Phyllis : Oh , that s right . We re horrible people .
Colleen : If we both deny that anything ever happened--
Korbel : I m not gon na lie .
### Summary:
| Dru keeps herself composed as she heads to the witness stand . She sees that Ines is there , but it does nt bother her like it usually would . Neil and Devon are glad that Ines showed up as now the room will clearly see that Ines looks exactly like Carmen and that had to have added to her confusion about seeing Ines from time to time . Dru gets off track for a minute , almost getting angry when she talks about her clothes getting cut up and getting stalked but she holds it all together . Nikki , Victoria and Phyllis are at the boutique to look about getting Phyllis the perfect wedding dress . Victoria and Nikki are not happy with the new in - law - to - be since she has changed teams by going along with Victor and Jack regarding the Clear Springs land deal . Phyllis is nt happy to see Lauren there and tells that Lily said that she would nt be there at that time . Lauren is sorry to disappoint her and goes in the back room so that Phyllis can have her visit to the store in private . The court understands and finds that Dru is nt a danger to anyone . Carmen goes to talk to the prosecutor and says that she had a recent visit with Dru and things did nt go so well . The prosecutor goes to the judge and asks that another witness be put on the stand . Michael tries to fight it but the judge allows it . Amber is all upset . Her marriage is about to be over . Daniel tells her that the only thing that she can do right now is go home back to LA . They play another trick on Cane and Daniel calls pretending to be from LA with a gig for Amber . She will have to come to LA right away . Daniel gives Amber the message and ca nt believe that she is ready to dump him and go away . She tells him that she ca nt give up her singing career for a soon - to - be - ex - husband . Cane caves and tells her that he wants her to stay with him . They hug and make up in bed . They will be staying married and will continue to live as husband and wife . Someone has called the Dean and everyone denies having done it . Adrian and Colleen have to go and see the Dean the next day . Brad is angry and asks JT to find out who did this . He does nt want to get involved anymore , but finally gives in and will do the investigation . Ines tries her best to get Dru recommitted , but it does nt work . They judge lets Dru go and she is free to go home to her family . David and Ines talk outside the courtroom . They did what they set out to do , and so it is decided that she should leave town right away . Dru tells David that she overreacted and that she was wrong to fly off the handle as far as he was concerned . He accepts her apology . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lily : Hi . What are you doing here ?
Cane : Uh , actually came to see your father .
Lily : Oh .
Cane : He has to read this for the meeting .
Lily : Oh , well , you know , you could ve just faxed em .
Cane : Why did nt I think of that ?
Brad : You forgot some important materials for the presentation tomorrow . I knew you d realize that tonight , but of course , by then it would be too late .
Sharon : Really ?
Brad : Yeah , I also , have the new line s consumer test results . I thought you d like to take a look at those .
Sharon : I read those client comments .
Brad : Well , then , uh , I guess it was a wasted trip .
Sharon : We ve been all through this . Did you really think that following me here was gon na change anything ?
Brad : I was nt sure .
John : Calling Sharon ?
Jack : Yeah .
John : Hmm . Why is that ?
Jack : To say good night .
John : You do nt trust her ?
Jack : It s Brad I do nt trust .
John : Sharon s struggling . She s trying to do the right thing staying with you . And Brad , my boy , is gon na work that doubt for all it s worth .
Jack : Whose side are you on , anyway ?
John : Yours , Jackie , always . Even when I say things to you that you do nt wanna hear .
Jack : No , I m not gon na start doubting her now .
David : You wanna marry me ?
Nikki : Well , I could nt stop thinking about your proposal , and yes was the on the only answer I could come up with . Mr. Chow . . . Nikki Chow ? Nikki Chow ? We ll have to talk about that last name .
David : I know . We ll work on it .
Nikki : I have been thinking about your proposal of marriage .
David : That is what I was hoping for . We are gon na be a team , Nikki , in every sense of the word . You make me very happy .
Nikki : Mmm . If we could just get Victor out of my life , everything would be perfect .
David : Yeah . About that . . . listen , um . . . I have an idea .
Nikki : Okay .
David : All right , now just hear me out . I think you should go to Victor and offer to sell ownership in NVP back to him .
Nikki : What ?
David : Drop the lawsuit . It s a smart business move , Nikki . And I think he ll go for it .
Victor : What are you still doing here ?
Neil : I m as obsessed as you are . Here you go .
Victor : What s this ?
Neil : Bullet points I wrote up for your counter suit against Nikki . Victor , I think I understand and know full well what you re up against .
Victor : When she went to slap a lawsuit on me , I told her that she would be in the battle of her life . And I do not make idle threats .
Neil : Yeah , obviously .
Victor : Well , I ve got ta tell you , for someone who disagrees with me , and I know you do , you nailed this . This is all very pertinent stuff .
Neil : So does that mean you approve ?
Victor : Have the lawyers draw up a formal demand tonight .
Neil : Tonight ?
Victor : I want my wife to be served first thing in the morning .
Neil : What s the hurry ?
Victor : I want her to start her day off right .
Brad : I came because I know that we belong together .
Sharon : Brad , I. . . I do nt wanna hurt you .
Brad : I love you , Sharon . And you know how much and how deeply that goes .
Sharon : You know , our choices that we make-- there are other considerations and circumstances and it s just . . . it s never just about love .
Brad : I ll never hurt you . I ll never lie to you . Jack has done that to you , over and over again .
Sharon : This is nt about Jack-- what he has or has nt done . Let s just leave him out of this for a minute , okay ? This is about you and me . You want me to tell you that I love you and that you re right and that I should be with you , but . . . I ca nt .
Brad : Then I ll , uh . . . I ll get up and walk out that door . But first , you have to look me in the eye and tell me that you do nt love me . If you do that , I ll leave , Sharon . Tell me you do nt .
John : Drinking to your success ?
Jack : Of which I say there are many .
John : Even though Sharon is out right now with another man ?
John : Even with Bradley ? Jackie , she s always had feelings for him .
John : Son , they ve slept together .
Jack : Before we were married . I trust her .
John : A knock on the door , a bottle of wine , breakfast in bed for two in the morning .
Jack : That s not gon na happen .
John : But it has happened .
Jack : What is it with you ? You re my father !
John : I am simply voicing your own fears .
John : Where you going ?
Jack : I m going for a drive .
John : Well , Chicago s due south .
Nikki : I ve been backed into a corner .
David : I know that s how you feel , Nikki , and this would give you a way out . Look , selling NVP would cut the last remaining material tie that you have to Victor .
Nikki : Well , that idea alone makes it sound very attractive . I just wish that it--
David : What ?
Nikki : It s just gon na be so hard to give up NVP under any circumstances .
David : Look , I know the company means a lot to you .
Nikki : It means everything to me .
David : Yeah , but I also know you are going to bring in your heart and soul into this .
Nikki : I will .
David : But this proposal might show Victor that you re willing to negotiate out of a very difficult situation .
Nikki : It does nt have to be a war . You know , I - I will sleep on it .
David : All right , good .
Nikki : Thank you .
David : Thank you for making me so happy and for wanting to be my wife .
Nikki : I do .
Neil : I d like to go over this one more time before I wake up the attorneys to put it into the formal suit .
Victor : You think I m gon na soften or what ?
Neil : No , I do not . Here are the main points . Nikki is to turn over full management of NVP .
Victor : With no financial compensation .
Neil : And you are to be reimbursed the entire salary that was paid to David Chow since Nikki hired him . You know , I m a little skeptical on this one .
Victor : And why is that ?
Victor : We would not be in this situation if my wife had not become entangled with David Chow .
Victor : You re gon na leave your wife with absolutely nothing .
Victor : That is my intention .
Neil : You know , Victor , if I may say so , I m on your side . And I think you know that . But I wo nt be a yes man . I ll tell you exactly what I think . And you will take what you want from me anyway . But you see , Victor , my concern is that this battle between you and Nikki-- it s getting uglier and uglier . Do nt you see that you-- you might destroy her ?
Victor : I do nt give a damn what happens to her . Let Davie care of her from now on . End of discussion .
Neil : I see that it is .
Victor : Get this to the lawyers tonight . I want her to be served with papers first thing in the morning .
Cane : So you re studying American history , huh ?
Lily : Yeah , I have a big test coming up .
Cane : Really ?
Lily : Mm - hmm .
Cane : I m an expert when it comes to the American Civil War . Maybe I can help you study .
Lily : An Australian expert on the American civil war ?
Cane : Uh - huh . I m just passionate about it .
Cane : Really .
Lily : Okay , well , let s see who knows more . I ll quiz you .
Lily : Okay . Okay . . . what incident has generally been blamed for starting the civil war ?
Cane : The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand .
Lily : What ?
Cane : You see , that was a trick question .
Lily : That happened in Europe , did nt it ?
Cane : Uh - huh . No , no , it actually happened here . Uh , a rich northerner went down to Dixie and he was shot when he bought some cotton farms . Did nt know that ?
Cane : Uh - huh . You do nt think Americans have titles ?
Lily : No .
Cane : You do nt believe me ? You do nt think that Washington and , uh , his wife Martha were nt Lord George and Martha ?
Lily : No way .
Cane : No way .
Lily : Oh , my gosh !
Cane : Come here .
Karen : Oh , hey .
Neil : Mmm . Hey .
Karen : What are you still doing here ?
Neil : Yeah , what am I doing here ? What do you think I m doing here ? I ve been with Victor .
Karen : He s still here , too
Neil : Mmm . This takes the cake . Victor is going after Nikki .
Karen : And you re getting caught in the crossfire , right ?
Neil : My flak jacket is so full of holes I think the next bullet I ll be dead .
Karen : You know maybe you re just a little too involved .
Neil : How can I not be ?
Karen : I know , I know .
Neil : I try to be loyal , I try to help him out , but you know .
Karen : Hey , look , you know what ? Maybe there s only so much you can do .
Nick : Did I leave you in here ? Where are you ?
Victor : What are you doing here ?
Victor : Who gave you the right to look at this ?
Jack : Thanks .
Sharon s voice : Hi , this is Sharon . Leave a message after the tone and I ll call you back .
Sharon : Brad , I ca nt love you the way you want me to .
Brad : You just wo nt let yourself , Sharon .
Sharon : No , I ca nt . Too much has happened since New York , and we ve both been through so many emotional changes .
Brad : I know we have .
Sharon : Look , this is gon na hurt you to hear me say this , but I do nt think that I ever really loved you .
Brad : You do nt mean that .
Sharon : Not in the same way that you say you love me .
Brad : You re just too afraid to let yourself go .
Sharon : No , this is -- this is about me finding out who I really am and what I really want . And yes , my -- my feelings for you are deep and they re lasting . I trust you more than I trust anyone , but . . . the desire and the sex-- I just think that that all came from the wrong place .
Brad : What do you mean ?
Sharon : I think that . . . I needed you more than I loved you .
Brad : Are you saying you feel that way about Jack ?
Sharon : Jack is the man that I ve chosen to be with .
Brad : You re avoiding .
Sharon : No , I m answering your question . You just do nt wanna hear it .
Brad : You love Jack .
Sharon : With all my heart .
Brad : I do nt believe that .
Sharon : Stop it . You have to believe it .
Brad : You re not answering my question .
Sharon : You know what ? I do nt think that you have the right to ask . This is nt about Jack .
Brad : I have the right to know what you truly feel about him .
Sharon : You know , there s only one ending to this . And I hate this , but I feel like you re leaving me no other choice .
Brad : What do you mean ?
Sharon : I just think that we need to make a clean break . We need -- we need to stop seeing each other .
Sharon : Yeah . I m gon na really miss your friendship . It really meant a lot to me . I just think that friendship would never be enough for you .
Brad : I ve tried .
Sharon : I know . I know , but it s too much pressure for you , for me .
Brad : I thought my love for you was . . . something that warms you . Something that you counted on .
Sharon : It did . Your friendship was . It was . I m sorry .
Brad : So it s , um . . . it s good - bye ?
Sharon : Yeah . It s good - bye .
Victor : Do nt you ever look at my private stuff without permission .
Nick : I just came in looking for something I left behind and I saw that lawsuit against Mom . Is nt it enough that you re ruining her life ?
Victor : End of discussion . Son , get out .
David : I hope you like this non - alcoholic wine . How are you doing ? You seem miles away .
Nikki : I m sorry . I - I am so distracted . Do I sell the company ? Do I not sell the company ? Sell it ? Not sell it ? I do nt know . No matter what I do , Jack and Katherine wo nt be happy .
David : All right , wait-- wait a minute . You re the one fighting . I m sure they ll understand .
Nikki : Katherine will understand . Jack wo nt .
David : All right , well , then let him launch his own suit . I m not just talking about our marriage . I m talking about our business life too .
Nikki : I was wondering how the family would respond to that .
Nikki : Nicholas is so upset .
David : I know , I know . I mean , it s -- it s affecting everyone .
Nikki : And you know , I wonder if even Victoria can tell that there s something wrong . I d like to give this a try .
Nikki : Let s do it .
David : Excellent . That is worth celebrating .
Jack : Hello ?
Sharon : Hi , it s me .
Jack : Hey . I was hoping you d give me a call when you had--
Sharon : I wanted to I just wanted to say good night .
Jack : Oh . Everything okay ?
Sharon : Yeah .
Jack : You sound a little shaky .
Sharon : No , I m just tired .
Jack : How d your flight go ?
Sharon : It was fine .
Jack : And the hotel ?
Sharon : Good .
Jack : Well , you should . . . get some rest , I guess .
Sharon : Yeah . I - I will .
Jack : Well , then , Sweetheart , sweet dreams .
Sharon : You , too .
Jack : Bye .
Sharon : Wa -- wait , Jack ?
Jack : What ? What is it ?
Sharon : Brad was here . He followed me to Chicago .
Jack : And ?
Sharon : And . . . nothing . Everything is all right . Um , I think that he was actually embarrassed that he did it .
Jack : Hard to imagine Brad embarrassed about much of anything .
Sharon : He just , um , he just wanted something that I ca nt give him anymore . Sorry he put you through that .
Sharon : Jack , I really think he heard me this time .
Jack : Are you okay ?
Sharon : Yeah , I m fine . I - I really am .
Jack : Good . I love you .
Sharon : I love you .
Karen : Oh , hi , Guys .
Lily : Karen . Dad . Hi .
Cane : Hello .
Karen : Hey .
Lily : Cane was helping me study .
Lily : American history .
Neil : You came here to help Lily study for her test ?
Cane : Uh , actually , I came here to , uh , give you those files over there .
Lily : Yeah , it s , uh , it s amazing all the historical facts that Cane knows and little bits of trivia you never heard of .
Neil : So these are the papers for tomorrow s meeting , huh ?
Cane : Yes , Sir . Well , I m gon na be on my way now .
Lily : No . Um , you know , you dont-- you do nt have to go just cause my dad came home .
Cane : No , it s -- it s okay . Uh , we have a lot of work for tomorrow .
Lily : I ll walk you to the elevator .
Neil : No , it s okay . I ll walk Cane to the elevator .
Lily : Bye .
Cane : See ya . Bye , Karen .
Karen : Bye .
Neil : I got ta be honest with you . Finding you in there made me a little less than comfortable . See , it s one thing that . . . you two are seeing each other . There s nothing much I can do about that , is there ? But I m gon na tell you right now , you better not bring your physical relationship into my home .
Lily : Oh , I will bet you 50 bucks Dad is giving Cane a lecture right now .
Karen : I think that he was maybe just a little surprised to find him here .
Lily : But so what ? I can date whoever I want .
Karen : No , I know .
Karen : But dads are gon na have trouble with you dating until you are 30 .
Lily : I know . I know he s just being protective , but honestly , he is just getting on my nerves . And I m sick of it .
Karen : Look , Lily , you know what ? If it s any comfort I ll bet that it s just as hard on him as it is on you .
Victor : You re still here .
Nick : You know , Dad , I tried appealing to you as your son , as someone who cares about you , who cares about Mom and this family , and I am asking you please stop .
Victor : Interesting , Son , how you do nt blame your mother for any of this .
Nick : Okay , then I am asking you . . . to be the bigger person . For one minute , I want you to think about how she feels . It s not just that Victoria had her accident , but you opposed her decision about the baby , and she is clinging to David because you pushed her there .
Victor : You hold me to blame for your mother s relationship with David Chow , is that it ?
Nick : I d probably run to somebody else s arms , too , if you were as relentless with me .
Victor : In regard to her running for senate , I advised her against it . I advised her against Clear Springs . Why did she do all of that ? She was advised about David who is after her money .
Nick : What money ? You have bankrupted her .
Victor : You stay out of this . You got that ? You betrayed me son . You have opposed me . And I ll never forget that !
Nick : I feel sorry for you .
Victor : Do nt feel sorry for me !
Nick : You ve angry , bitter man .
Victor : You bet !
Nick : I do nt want to be anything like you .
Victor : You re fired .
Victor : If you ca nt support me , and be loyal to me , and be the son that I want you to be , then you have no place in this company .
Nick : I do nt have the strength to fight you anymore .
Nick : You know what Dad ? I m done . For good . I m walking out of this office and you re gon na be alone . There s no one left for you . You re alone .
Victor : Son ? Do nt you threaten me with being alone . I grew up in an orphanage . I grew up alone , so get out ! I do nt need any of you !
Victor : You do nt think I know how to be alone ?
Cane : I hope your dad did nt come down too hard on you . And , uh , despite all that , I m still happy I brought those papers over . Um . . . sleep well . See you tomorrow .
Neil : Hey , Karen .
Karen : Oh , wow .
Neil : Hungry ?
Lily : No , I m okay .
Neil : Sure .
Lily : I m studying the carpetbaggers and the underground railway .
Neil : The end result ? The slaves won their freedom .
Lily : Speaking of freedom , we should talk about mine .
Neil : What are you saying ?
Lily : I m saying that I ve made a decision .
Neil : And that is ?
Lily : Well , I know I moved back home after my divorce , and it felt good .
Neil : Is that so ?
Lily : Yeah . That s so . And that way , I can have anybody over that I want and not feel guilty about it .
Neil : Yeah , hold-- on a second , Lily .
Lily : No , Dad --
Lily : It s time I grew up on my own . And that is not gon na happen here .
Nikki : Who is it ?
Nick : Mom , it s me , Nick .
Nikki : ( Sighs ) what is he doing here ? What s the matter ?
Nick : Hey . Sorry , I know it s late .
Nikki : Well . . . what s happened ? Oh , my God . Is something wrong with your sister ?
Nick : No . No . I tried to call you on your cell but you did nt answer . Oh , yeah . Well , I just left Dad s office .
Nikki : Oh , Honey . How bad ?
Nick : Real bad , Mom . I m -- I m done with him . We re finished .
Nikki : What were you fighting about ?
Nick : You .
Nikki : Nothing new there .
Nick : I - I just-- I begged him to stop trying to destroy you .
Nick : Well , I just . . . wanna prepare you for tomorrow .
Nikki : What do you mean ? What s happening tomorrow ?
Nick : Dad s gon na hit you with a major lawsuit .
Nikki : What ? What do you mean ?
Nick : It s gon na strip you of everything .
Crowd : Surprise !
Victor : I want you exactly where I found you .
Nikki : How can you be so vicious ?
### Summary:
| Victor s madness is spiraling out of control ; he s on the brink of a breakdown that s worthy of Britney Spears . In this madness he vows to strip Nikki of everything as he prepares to serve her with a countersuit . He also fires Nick ; Nick exhausted from the fighting says good riddance and lets Nikki know that Victor is nt through with her . Jack becomes jealous and questionable of Sharon s devotion as he becomes aware that Brad has followed Sharon to Chicago . Sharon tells Brad that their friendship is over and calls Jack to also inform him of this . Nikki and David plan their future deciding that selling NVP back to Victor would be a good way to start over . Neil is spent after a long day of dealing with Victor s anger and madness ; he and Karen arrive at the apartment only to find that they have interrupted Cane and Lily from studying . Neil takes this opportunity to let Cane know that their physical relationship will not be tolerated in his home . Lily realizes and relays this to Neil , that her transformation into womanhood means she needs to move out and get a place of her own ; so she can study with whomever she wants . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Donna : Please do nt do this . Eric , I love you .
Eric : My God . You must think love is blind . You must think love is blind and deaf and dumb . I am not stupid , Donna !
Donna : Look , I can see that you re angry . You re upset . Just tell me why . Tell me why .
Eric : I have to do this , Donna . I have to go on with my life without you .
Stephanie : Hello ?
Thorne : Mom , you need to come to the office right away . Dad s about to make his decision .
Stephanie : Sweetheart , you know , if your father were to decide what I d like him to decide , then he ll come home to me .
Thorne : No , Mother . You need to come here .
Stephanie : You know what , honey ? I do nt think so . I think the best thing is for me to finish packing .
Thorne : No , Mother , it s not . Now listen to what I m telling you . Get down to Forrester Creations as soon as you can . ( Telephone disconnects )
Katie : So the wedding s on ?
Brooke : I hope you re -- you re not doing anything the day after tomorrow .
Katie : Really ? Wow .
Brooke : It s at the beach . Point Dume , the first place where we got married . I ve been on the phone all morning trying to make arrangements .
Katie : Well , Ill-- I ll help if you want me to . I mean -- unless you do nt want me to .
Brooke : No , yeah . Sure . That d be great . I could use your help . Thanks .
Katie : Oh , congratulations .
Brooke : Thank you .
Ridge : Mother ?
Felicia : She s not here . Her car s gone .
Ridge : Well , at least she has nt moved out .
Felicia : Yeah , not yet . You need to talk to Dad .
Ridge : I ve tried .
Felicia : About this . Leave the business out of it . Rick , your ego , all that other garbage . Just talk to him . One tormented Forrester husband to one tormented Forrester husband . No , I m serious . Ridge , somebody has to get through to him . If we do nt , it does nt look good for Mom .
Donna : I do nt understand . This morning everything was fine .
Eric : Yeah , I thought so . I thought so , too .
Donna : Look , I m trying-- I m trying to understand .
Eric : I ca nt overlook-- I ca nt overlook what s right in front of my face . I did nt want to face the truth . I wanted to convince myself that everything was gon na be all right .
Donna : It will . It will .
Eric : No , no . It s not about overcoming what s difficult here . It s about what I can tolerate and what I ca nt . Donna , I can not give you what you want .
Donna : But I need you . I need you . I want you .
Eric : I m going back to Stephanie .
Donna : What ? What ? Why ? My God , you -- you-- you were gonna-- you were gon na choose me last night . Eric -- Eric , our kiss . Our kiss . Please .
Eric : Do nt . Do nt , donna . Do nt . Do nt make this harder than it is . Go .
Donna : ( Breathing heavily )
Donna : ( Moans )
Thorne : Ridge , something big s going on at the office . Find Felicia and get down here .
Ridge : She s with me . We re at the house .
Thorne : Is Mom there ? Bring her , too .
Ridge : She s not here .
Thorne : Oh , good . Then she s probably on her way . Ridge , this is big . I m gon na promise you , man , you re not gon na want to miss this . ( Cell phone disconnects )
Brooke : ( Laughs ) all the Logan girls have something to be happy about today .
Katie : If Eric and donna are getting back together , then we can all be at the wedding . I mean unless that s too awkward .
Brooke : Ridge and I are starting over . So I think our wedding would be the perfect occasion for you and Bridget to do the same .
Katie : Yeah . I do nt want to be a distraction .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Oh , honey . My son and my fiancé are nt getting along . There s tension between my daughter and my sister . And Ridge is gon na want Stephanie at the wedding , and if Donna and Eric come there together , there s definitely gon na be some friction . But you know what ? When I m standing up there at that altar , all I m going to be feeling is joy .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Thorne : I need-- Donna ? What s going on ?
Donna : ( Laughs ) As if you ca nt guess .
Thorne : Dad made his decision .
Donna : You know , why do nt you call your mother and tell her the good news ?
Thorne : Donna , you knew that one of you was going to get hurt . Look , you re still young . You ll find someone else .
Donna : I do nt want anyone else . I want Eric . And he wants me , too . God !
Thorne : Did he say that ?
Donna : No , no . I guess he s just worried about Owen . He -- he -- but he wasnt-- he was nt worried this morning . You know , why-- why would he hire him ? Why ? Why ? It just does nt make sense .
Thorne : Maybe it was a test .
Donna : Nothing happened .
Thorne : Maybe he was testing himself . Maybe he thought that he could get over it , and he realized that he could nt . He s not .
Donna : What ? No . No , there is something else going on . I can feel it . And I m not giving up on Eric until I know what it is .
Stephanie : I , um , I just thought I d , uh , you -- come down and , you know , just see you for a moment . ( Sighs ) tell you I love you and-- and look , I m not being facetious . But I - I just , uh , well , we ve been through these so many times . Before I just , uh-- I do nt want to belabor the point , all right ? I - I just wanted to take a moment and say it is what it is , and I wish you the best of luck .
Eric : You re not gon na ask me to -- to reconsider ?
Stephanie : Would nt change anything , would it ? You know I love you . But I - I guess I could tell you one thing . When I almost lost you , I realized how precious your life is to me , whether we re together or not .
Eric : You re incredible .
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) Thank you , but that s not necessary .
Eric : Yes , it is .
Stephanie : No .
Eric : That s why it s necessary . I ve let you down so many times .
Stephanie : Well , honey , weve -- weve come through for each other so many times . Look , Eric , we did the best we could for ourselves and for our family .
Eric : We can do better . I can do better . It s not over for us , Stephanie . We have the rest of our lives to get this right , if you ll take me back .
Stephanie : Well , I - I thought you chose Donna , and I just , I mean-- you just let me rattle on and on . That was nt very nice .
Eric : Well , it was Stephanie Forrester , gracious in defeat . I was speechless .
Stephanie : Oh , you re full of bologna . Well , I will say one thing . When I sat by that bed of yours in the hospital , I - I thought about a lot of things , and the good stuff , the bad stuff , and of course , I always say that to you . How did I ever agree to share that house with you and Donna ? I ll never know .
Eric : I do nt know . I did nt quite believe it when you did agree .
Stephanie : You know , I think I like you better when you re in the coma .
Eric : Yeah . Well , you did nt lose me .
Stephanie : I thought I had . That s what hurt . What really hurt is I thought , you know , you d kind of , um , moved on to be with somebody who could make you happier than I could ever make you .
Eric : Well , she would nt have . You were right . You were right about her and about me . You were right about everything .
Stephanie : I m always right .
Eric : No .
Stephanie : ( Laughs )
Eric : No .
Eric : I was the selfish one , okay ? I was the selfish one . I thought I was right , and I was nt . I thought I knew everything , but I did nt , and now I do .
Stephanie : Maybe .
Eric : No , now I do .
Brooke : You ll be able to do that ? Call the florist and--
Katie : Yeah , consider it done .
Brooke : Okay , great . So--
Katie : No problem . Hi . Donna ?
Brooke : Donna , what s wrong ?
Donna : Eric ended our marriage . He s going back to Stephanie .
Brooke : Oh , honey , I m so sorry .
Donna : I do nt get it . I do nt get it . The last few days we hung out , I knew that he wanted me . He wanted our marriage . I do nt know what happened . I do nt understand .
Ridge : Where s Dad ?
Thorne : He s in his office with Mom .
Felicia : You know , I did nt come all the way down here just to pace out in the hallway . I m goin in . Mom ?
Stephanie : Hi .
Ridge : Everything all right ?
Eric : Sure . We re fine .
Stephanie : Yeah .
Thorne : So it s true . You made the right decision . You chose Mom .
Felicia : Oh , thank God . ( Laughs ) oh , Daddy , I knew you would nt let her down .
Stephanie : Oh , sweetie .
Felicia : Mwah .
Ridge : This is great news .
Eric : Look , my , uh , my personal life kind of became a distraction there for a while . And I lost focus for a time , and I - I m just lucky that I did nt lose a lot more .
Thorne : Well , we were nt going to let that happen .
Felicia : No way . You re too important to us . We will always keep our eye out for you , you lucky , lucky man .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Yeah , I m a lucky , lucky guy .
Felicia : ( Laughs )
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) I ll second that .
Eric : Yeah , yeah . Look , I m not going to forget for the rest of my life what it was like to open my eyes and see you all there . Thank you . I almost forgot what was most important , and your commitment to me , your faithfulness , is the most important thing in my life . Thank you .
Stephanie : You re welcome .
Ridge : It s wonderful to see you two so happy again .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) thanks .
Felicia : ( Sighs ) how about I take you back to the house and we unpack your bags ?
Ridge : Why do nt you just leave the bags packed , and maybe you and Dad can think about taking a trip ?
Stephanie : Oh .
Thorne : Hey , Dad ? The truth here . You really feel good about this ?
Eric : I m okay with it .
Thorne : Okay , cause I mean the , uh , you know , the way that it happened--
Eric : Look , Donna betrayed me , okay ? I saw it with my own eyes . I know the truth .
Thorne : Yeah .
Eric : Now I do nt want to think about it , and I do nt want to talk about it ever again .
Katie : Did he give you any kind of explanation ?
Brooke : What did he say ?
Donna : He just said that it s over , and he -- he s going back to Stephanie .
Katie : Is this because of you and Owen ?
Donna : There is no me and Owen .
Brooke : But Eric thinks there is ?
Donna : He did nt last night . He did nt this morning . I mean , this came out of nowhere .
Brooke : He gave you no indication that he was going to choose Stephanie ?
Donna : No . No , Brooke . No . I was positive he was gon na choose me .
Brooke : Was he emotional ?
Donna : Yes . Yes , he was furious . He was furious , and I do nt understand why . Thorne said maybe-- maybe he just realized that he could nt handle that-- that --seeing Owen and me . But Eric wanted to hire him . I did nt want it . I did nt want it . My God , the way-- the way he looked at me . His eyes -- his eyes-- everything changed . Everything changed . But why ? Why ? I dont--
Katie : Sweetie .
Donna : ( Sobs )
Thorne : Donna has nt left the building .
Stephanie : Oh , well , I bet you she s with Owen . That s where she usually turns when she needs comfort , is nt it ?
Thorne : Look , Donna s out of the picture now , okay ? The main thing is that you and Dad need t on getting Ridge back into this com it s time to make things right here .
Stephanie : Is that how you got him ? Is that how you reached him ? I know you had something to do with this .
Thorne : I know that Dad loves you , and I know that he loves his family , and this is where he belongs .
Eric : Wha -- what are you two whispering about down here ?
Stephanie : What s it to ya ?
Felicia : ( Laughs )
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) I was just , um , being , you know , silly . Telling Thorne I was happy and that I might go up to the rooftop and start shouting .
Felicia : Or maybe you should tape - record it . Then Dad can replay it when you remember how much you hate his eggnog and singing .
Stephanie : Oh , I dont--
Thorne : Ouch .
Eric : That s not nice .
Stephanie : It s the eggnog that I hate . Sorry , sweetheart . I love your singing . Is nt that nice ?
Eric : All right . I feel better about that .
Stephanie : And here we are talking about the holidays . I ca nt believe it . A few weeks ago , who would ever have thought it was possible ? Although , you did take your time . I m not complaining . Honestly , I m not . ( Laughs ) I m not complaining .
Eric : Good . You ll have plenty to complain about , believe me .
Stephanie : Mm .
Donna : I was so sure that he wanted me , he wanted our marriage . How could I have been so wrong ?
Katie : Honey , I m so sorry .
Donna : After everything we ve been through . A panic attack ? No , I dont -- I do nt think so . Eric -- he loved me . He made me feel important and loved and desirable .
Donna : I mean , after everything that we ve been through . Everything that we ve been through . And we made it through it all . It just-- it does nt make sense . ( Sighs ) no , there has to be a reason . There has to be some answer . Something else is going on . Something else is going on .
Brooke : But what , Donna ? What could it be ?
Donna : I do nt know . I do nt know . But I am going to find out , because there s something else going on . I mean , I love him . He loves me . It just -- it does nt make sense . It does nt make any sense .
Eric : ( Thinking ) I believed in you . You lied to me . In the blink of an eye , another man was all over you . How could you do that ?
Donna : How could he doubt me ? How could he question my love ? I do nt understand .
Eric : ( Thinking ) How could you betray me , donna ? Did you ever love me at all ?
Donna : This ca nt be the end . This ca nt be the end . I love him . I love Eric so much . This ca nt be the end . Eric , I love you . I love you .
### Summary:
| Eric is furious and he tells Donna that he will have to go on with his life without her . All she wants is to know why . He says it is as plain as the nose on his face and offers no more explanation . Last night was last night , today he has changed his mind . Thorne overhears and calls Stephanie and tells her to get to the office as soon as she can . Eric is ready to make his decision and he thinks it will be in her favor . He calls Ridge and Felicia and promises them that they will not want to miss this . Donna tells Thorne she is not going to give up on Eric . Something else is going on to make Eric change his mind . Stephanie arrives and Eric humbly tells her they have the rest of their lives to get this right if she will take him back . She gives him a big kiss . He says he was the selfish one , he thought he was right , but she was right all along . Brooke and Katie are planning Brooke s wedding , and they are stunned when Donna tells them Eric ended their marriage . She cries that nothing makes sense and there has to be some answer . Something else is going on , and she is going to find out . Ridge , Thorne and Felicia are ecstatic when they see their mother s happy face and hear the great news . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lulu : You do nt think I should have an abortion ?
Carly : I m saying I would nt . But I m not you , Lulu .
Lulu : And that s supposed to , what , make me feel better ?
Carly : Wait , this is your decision . It s not mine .
Lulu : I thought you would be the one person who would understand how totally surreal this is . I am in no way ready to be a mom !
Alexis : I know it s not fair to ask you to give up Jason . I need the peace of mind before I go in there . I need to know that my children are protected .
Sam : I ca nt promise that I m going to stop loving Jason .
Alexis : I do nt expect you to . Just promise me that you ll stay away .
Jason : Elizabeth ?
Elizabeth : I am so sorry . I did nt know you d be here .
Lucky : It used to be I could nt imagine life without Elizabeth . Things change ; people change .
Maxie : You guys have drifted apart .
Lucky : We ve been further apart than we ever have . I just -- I could nt face it .
Maxie : She does nt understand you , Lucky . She does nt see the kind of pain that you re in . She s made up in her mind that you re some kind of addict and that s it .
Lucky : You know what ? I just hate taking the pills because of the pain that -- that I m in . But I have a family that I have to support , and the pills , they just -- they help my back so I can get back to work .
Maxie : She should be proud of you and grateful and not running you down all the time .
Lucky : Elizabeth just does nt understand , you know ? It s like I feel I m the one that has to live with the fact that my partner was shot and killed right in front of me .
Maxie : What happened to Jesse was not your fault .
Lucky : So I should just let it go ?
Maxie : No , of course not .
Lucky : Well , so many other people seem to think so .
Maxie : Well , they have said the same thing to me .
Lucky : I ca nt even talk with Elizabeth about it . I just feel like I owe her an apology .
Maxie : For what ? Being a human ? Suffering the loss of your partner and a friend ?
Lucky : You get it . You made it so easy not to be afraid to be with you . Because I m not the kind of guy that would cheat on his wife . You know , before you , I ve been totally faithful to Elizabeth .
Maxie : Then why did you push me away ? Why did you tell me you were going to fight to save your marriage ?
Lucky : Because I made a commitment and I wanted to honor it .
Maxie : Well , you tried that , and things have only gotten worse .
Lucky : You know , Elizabeth and I , we ve gotten further apart than we ve ever been . She s ready to let go .
Maxie : So when are you going to talk to her about this ?
Lucky : The time is not right . Lulu s in a really bad place .
Maxie : No , you re right . I understand . You re trying to be a good brother . I m sorry if it seemed like I was pushing you .
Lucky : Yeah , just as long as you know that I was nt using you .
Maxie : You need the pills to keep going . Do nt worry , I ll get you more . I ca nt wait until we can start our lives together .
Lulu : Hello ?
Lulu : What ? I -- I ca nt --
Carly : Is that Dillon ?
Lulu : No . It s some weird area code that I do nt recognize , and the line went out . I do nt --
Carly : Hey , listen to me .
Carly : I want you to calm down for a minute . I know you re scared . I ve been there . When I got pregnant , I freaked out because I did nt want to have a baby . I went to an abortion clinic .
Lulu : But you could nt go through with it .
Carly : No , I could nt .
Lulu : Because you re like everybody else !
Carly : I am not . You came to me because you knew that I would nt judge you or push some agenda on you .
Lulu : You are pushing me to have this baby . Ugh .
Carly : I m not pushing you to have this baby . I am telling you that s what I chose to do and I did nt let myself get bullied by a bunch of hypocrites , and neither should you . This is about you making your own decision .
Elizabeth : Uh -- I think I left my necklace here the night of the blackout .
Jason : Were you even wearing a necklace ?
Elizabeth : I do nt remember , but I ca nt seem to find it anywhere , so I thought it might be here . I should ve called .
Jason : No , it s -- it s fine . You can stop by anytime you --
Elizabeth : Bernie let me in .
Jason : Bernie let you in ?
Elizabeth : Yeah -- yeah , I thought he was going to call you . He was less than thrilled --
Jason : Elizabeth , it s okay .
Elizabeth : Okay . All right , well , I -- I ca nt find it , so if you happen to see it , it s -- it s a little gold necklace with aquamarine thingies .
Jason : Okay . Yeah , I ll look for it .
Elizabeth : It s not that big of a deal . If you do nt find it , do nt worry about it . Again , I m really sorry .
Jason : There s nothing to be sorry for .
Elizabeth : Okay . All right , thanks . I got to get back to work .
Jason : Okay .
Sam : I m not even sure if Jason and I have a future together , so you could be worrying about absolutely nothing .
Alexis : Despite his rejection at my interference , you ve been fighting for him for -- for months and you ve refused to give up , and you know what ? I admire your tenacity . I do . I just hate the goal .
Sam : Could you just please try to understand how good Jason was for me , how -- how good he was to me ? Just please . I spent pretty much my entire life alone . I mean , I was -- I was a con . I -- I was a con . I did not trust anyone , least of all the men that I was involved with , because I knew that they would just use me and leave me . I did nt like it , but I was prepared and I was always right -- until I met Jason . I was pregnant with somebody else s kid . I was dishonest . I mean , I -- I lied so much . I did nt tell him about my brother , I did nt tell him about an ex - boyfriend that was after me , and Jason did nt even get mad . I mean , I completely took over his life , and he never once complained . He always treated me with respect . He paid attention to me , he was nice to me , and he never -- he never once made me feel like I was nt good enough .
Alexis : The way that I make you feel ?
Sam : I know that you would never have picked me to be your daughter . And okay , I -- I probably would nt have picked you to be my mother , but you are the mother I have . And I want you to live . I just -- I just -- I do nt know why I would have to give up on the one person that means everything to me .
Alexis : I know how much it means to you . I understand that . I just want your sisters to mean something to you , too .
Sam : My sisters means everything to me , too . I love Molly and Kristina .
Alexis : Then think about what they need . Think about your own life , about growing up without a mother . I m sorry I let that happen to you .
Sam : No -- hey , hey , it s not your fault , okay ?
Alexis : It does nt matter whose fault it is anymore . Because if they end up growing up without a mother , they re going to look to you . They re going to count on you , Sam , to be there for them , so I need to count on you , too .
Alexis : I need you to teach Kristina how to swim , and Molly , too , because they need to learn how to keep their head above water . You and I never had anyone to teach us how to do that .
Sam : No .
Alexis : I know what I m asking of you and I know what a huge sacrifice it is for you and I know it s not fair , and I hope you ll forgive me , but I do nt know what else to do .
Sam : Okay . Okay , okay , Kristina -- Kristina and Molly will not be alone . I will not -- oh -- I will not go back to Jason , I promise .
Alexis : Thank you .
Sonny : Sorry to interrupt .
Alexis : I m glad you re here . Uh -- Sam and I were just talking about Kristina and Molly and what would happen to them in the event that I died .
Alexis : Sam has agreed to take care of Kristina and Molly . So what that would mean is that the -- the girls would not be uprooted . They d be able to stay in the -- in the house together , and that Ric and Sam would be the guardians and you could see them , of course , whenever you want .
Sonny : No . I m not really comfortable with that , Alexis .
Alexis : Well , I m not really comfortable with any of this . I mean , I -- I do nt want to have cancer . I do nt want to go out there and have my lung removed . I really , really do nt want to think about my children growing up without their mother . But there is a real possibility that I could die in there , and before I do , I want to know that my children are not going to be uprooted from their home and they re not going to be separated , that they could stay together as sisters . And the only way to make that happen is for you to -- to make a reasonable compromise and let -- let the girls stay where they are and let Kristina live where she s living .
Sonny : I ll agree on -- on one condition .
Alexis : You re going to bargain with me now , 10 minutes before I have to go in for major surgery ?
Sonny : No , no , I m going to give you what you want as long as you keep on fighting . Peace of mind is one thing , but giving up is another .
Alexis : I have no intention of giving up .
Sonny : Then you ll -- I ll give you what you want .
Alexis : Thank you .
Sonny : You know what ? You re going to have to meet us halfway and you re going to have to get through this .
Sam : Yeah . You listening to that , Mom ?
Alexis : Thank you , both of you . I ll see you both when I wake up .
Epiphany : Time to prep you for surgery .
Alexis : Okay .
Epiphany : Okay .
Alexis : If Ric comes by , will you tell him that I m okay ?
Sam : Yeah . Of course .
Lulu : I really hoped that you would tell me that it would be okay to end this pregnancy .
Carly : It is absolutely okay .
Lulu : But you would nt do it .
Carly : I m not you .
Lulu : I am 18 . The thought of having someone totally dependent on me makes me want to scream and run for the hills .
Carly : No one s ready to have a baby , Lulu .
Lulu : But some people should nt . I mean , look at the news , read the paper . There are mothers out there who abandon their children , who abuse them , who bring them into this world already addicted to crack .
Carly : You are not those women .
Lulu : Carly , I am irresponsible . I am not an adult . I m not even close to being one . And if I bring this baby into this world , I will mess it up , or I ll just bail on it .
Carly : Sounds like you already know what you want .
Lulu : But what if I regret it ? Please , ca nt you just tell me what I should do ?
Carly : I ca nt do that . I ca nt . The only thing I can do is share with you my own experiences . And I can tell you no matter how much of a mess my life was , I never regretted having my babies .
Lulu : Well , that s the difference , then . You did nt regret it , and Bobbie did nt regret having you . But my dad regrets having me , and I do nt want to make the same mistake .
Lucky : Hey .
Elizabeth : Hey .
Lucky : I m on my way to an N.A. meeting . I just thought I d let you know .
Elizabeth : How are you feeling ?
Lucky : Not so good . I just keep thinking about how much I hurt you . And Maxie -- she was just vulnerable and I was the one who took advantage of her , all because I could nt face how I was trashing things with you .
Elizabeth : Well , it s a good thing you re finally getting help .
Lucky : I just did nt want to disappoint you .
Lucky : I know I did , which made me think , you know , what did I -- why dig my way out of something I already screwed up so badly ?
Elizabeth : I guess that s what these N.A. meetings are for .
Lucky : I was wrong . I lied and I accused you of things that I know you did nt do . I still and I always will love you .
Elizabeth : And you know I love you .
Singer : Wake up
Lucky : You know what ? The meeting s about to start , so I -- I ll see you later .
Elizabeth : Okay .
Singer : And I still believe in what we had
Jason : Hi .
Elizabeth : Hi .
Jason : Do you know if Sam is in with Alexis ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , I think she is .
Singer : Shining perfectly
Jason : I m just going to wait over here .
Singer : But my heart is crumbling , can I hold on tight to the memory of you and I ?
Patrick : Try not to worry , Alexis . It s a relatively simple surgery .
Alexis : Simple surgery -- is nt that an oxymoron ?
Patrick : That s why I said relatively . Stop over thinking .
Alexis : It s one of my most impressive attributes .
Patrick : Hmm . Okay , we re ready to put you under now .
Alexis : Uh -- minimize the scar because I m actually quite vain .
Robin : Huh . Do nt worry . Dr. Drake is , as well . He takes great pride in his sutures .
Patrick : I ll try to work my magic on you .
Alexis : I know this is not what the surgeon wants to hear before he digs in , but in -- in case anything goes wrong , will you tell my daughters that I love them ?
Patrick : Nothing will go wrong .
Alexis : Just humor me .
Robin : We promise to tell your daughters you love them . But do nt worry . We re going to get you through this .
Doctor : Just count back from 100 for me .
Singer : Can I hold on to you tonight
Alexis : 100 , 99 --
Singer : And say goodbye ?
Dillon : Oh , Lulu , those have caffeine in them . I m pretty sure that s not good for the baby .
Lulu : Oh , will you stop nagging me about the baby ?
Dillon : Oh , I do nt know , depends . Will you stop biting my head off for nagging you ? I know this is hard for you , okay ? It s hard for me , too .
Lulu : You re not the one who s pregnant !
Dillon : Lulu -- Lulu , I understand this is a bigger deal for you than it is for me . I get that . But is nt the whole reason you want an abortion , because you do nt want to have a --
Lulu : Oh , my -- okay , look , can we just -- just drop the subject for , like , maybe two hours , please ?
Dillon : Yeah , you know what ? I wish -- I wish I -- I could just , you know , wash my hands clean and say , Ah , it s Lulu s decision .
Lulu : Because it is .
Dillon : Okay -- um -- I m trying to do the right thing here . It does nt matter that -- that we re not ready to be parents . We are . We are parents . I mean , I take comfort in the fact that I m not in this alone . I mean , I have you , and you have me , and if you could just trust me a little , we could do this together .
Sonny : You re late . They just took Alexis to surgery .
Ric : How is she ?
Sonny : Calm and in control .
Ric : Which means she s terrified .
Sonny : Can you blame her ?
Ric : I wanted to be here .
Sonny : Why were nt you , Ric ?
Jason : Sonny said you were -- you were here . Do you want -- you want me to wait with you ?
Sam : You know , when I was a kid I -- I used to go into card shops all the time at the mall . And I would always see picture frames . I d actually go and just stare at them and -- those frames , they would always have pictures of families in them , and I would make up stories , you know , like where they lived , what kind of jobs they have . Moms , they -- they always looked happy , like they really loved their kids , and now I m -- I m in one of those photos . And I have a mom and sisters that love me . Which is why no matter how much I want you to , no , I -- I ca nt let you wait with me .
Lulu : We keep coming back to this . You keep pushing this happily - ever - after when you do nt believe in it any more than I do . We ca nt raise a baby . Dillon , you do nt love me , you love Georgie .
Dillon : The -- so what ? I can love Georgie and be a father . You can -- you can be a mother and still have a life . Families come in all shapes and sizes . We re not the damn Brady Bunch . Do you even want to be ? I mean , we define how we want family to be .
Lulu : Oh . Have you cleared that plan with the rest of the Quartermaines ?
Dillon : The -- they just want the baby born . Beyond that , they re flexible .
Lulu : Right , flexible -- that s definitely the word that comes to mind when I think of your family .
Dillon : Look , I -- I know that they re a pain , okay , but on -- on the upshot , I mean , money s not an issue , they ll support us , they ll pay for anything the child --
Dillon : Do nt answer that . Lulu , do nt answer that .
Lulu : Hello ? Hello ?
Dillon : Oh .
Lulu : Hello ? God , another one of those calls from that weird area code .
Dillon : Lu --
Lulu : This person has been trying to reach me all day .
Dillon : Lulu ? I know you do nt want to talk about this , but you -- you ca nt keep running away from it . I mean , this is a huge issue and it s intimidating just to think about , but I really want this baby . And I know we ll make a thousand mistakes along the way , but we re good people , okay , and we ll do the best we can , and that s a -- that s a better head start than most people have . So if you could just trust me --
Lulu : Fine !
Dillon : Fine like -- fine like you ll -- you ll have the baby ? Really ?
Lulu : Why not ?
Dillon : Oh , God , thank you so much . Thank you . Oh .
Ric : Alexis asked me to go to work . And every time that I called here to check on her , she said that she would prefer if I stayed at the office because she was tired of putting up a brave front , and she knew that if I came here , that she would probably start crying .
Sonny : You could nt sit in the lounge , let her know you were close ?
Ric : You know what ? I m not going to stand here and justify myself to you just because you think I do nt care about my wife .
Sonny : I did nt say it , you did .
Ric : Alexis needs me , Sonny , and you know as well as I do that she s just not going to admit that . She s done it her whole life . And when she finally did admit to me and confide in me that she had lung cancer -- two weeks after she was diagnosed -- I thought that maybe she would lean on me . But that did nt happen , just the opposite did . She pulled away further and she expressed that that s the way she wants it .
Sonny : What she thinks is one thing , what she feels is another .
Ric : Yeah , maybe . Now , for me to go against her wishes and show up here anyway would only cause friction . That s the last thing that Alexis needs right now . She s got other people here , Sonny , all right ? She s got her daughters , she s got family , she s got Nikolas , she s got Jax . Alexis gets to manage her illness . She gets to decide . I stayed away because that s what she wanted , instead of what I wanted , and that was to be here .
Sonny : Alexis asked me to let you raise Kristina if she dies .
Ric : You know I ll be a good father to her .
Sonny : Prove it . Be a good husband first .
Sam : I just promised Alexis that I would nt go back to you . She s been thinking about me , my sisters , and she s been -- worried . I mean , if anything happen-- she just really wants to know that we re all safe .
Jason : I understand why Alexis asked and I understand why you promised .
Sam : I m sorry .
Jason : It s okay .
Jason : I just want you to know that I was -- I was wrong . I was so worried about putting you in danger that I just took away your right to even choose , and it s not up to me to tell you how you should live your life . I m sorry .
Jason : You okay ?
Elizabeth : Yeah . No , I do nt feel well all of a sudden . I was going to grab a bite to eat on the way back from your place , but I was running late . I m okay . It s passing .
Jason : Are you sure ?
Elizabeth : Yeah .
Jason : You do nt look so good . Can I get you --
Elizabeth : No , I m okay . I m okay . Jason , about barging into your apartment --
Jason : Okay , do nt -- do nt apologize , okay ?
Elizabeth : But I know it was a violation of your privacy , and most people would be pretty upset .
Jason : There s nothing in there you ca nt -- you know , it s just a place I sleep .
Elizabeth : Instead of a home . I m starting to feel that way about my place . We just live there and we deal with Lucky s withdrawal . Maybe Nikolas is right . Maybe I should just force him to go into rehab . What do you think ?
Jason : Uh -- you know , I would -- I would do anything to help you , but I ca nt make decisions for you or for anyone .
Elizabeth : But if you love someone and you see that they re making a mistake --
Jason : I mean , if they do nt listen , I tell them I love them and let them make it .
Elizabeth : That s painful .
Jason : Losing someone because you tried to play God is a -- is a lot worse .
Sam : The surgery should be over soon .
Ric : Yeah , I m sorry I was nt here to see Alexis before she went in .
Sam : She wanted me to tell you that she was fine and not to worry .
Ric : Huh . Classic Alexis .
Sam : Yeah .
Ric : I m glad that you were here for her , at least .
Sam : How d it go ?
Patrick : Exactly as planned ; no complications . The oncologist will check the results of the biopsy and let Alexis know her prognosis .
Sam : Okay . Could you tell anything from what you saw ? Was it bad or better than expected or --
Patrick : There s really no point in speculating , Sam . We ll just have to wait for the results .
Sam : Okay .
Ric : Thank you , doctor .
Sam : Yeah , thank you .
Alexis : Ric ?
Ric : I m right here . How you feeling ?
Alexis : You re here .
Ric : Yeah , I would nt be anywhere else . You re going to beat this , Alexis . You re going to be well again .
Sonny : Alexis is in surgery .
Carly : Oh . I know how worried you are about her . First step towards beating cancer .
Sonny : Dr. Drake says she -- he thinks she s going to pull through , and then after that she ll start chemotherapy .
Carly : You let me know if there s anything I can do to help with Kristina , okay ?
Sonny : I -- I told Alexis that I d let Ric raise Kristina if she died .
Carly : You lied .
Sonny : I had to . Alexis needed peace of mind and , you know , I gave it to her . Oh . I keep telling myself that she s going to live , but I -- I saw the -- the medical records . Not good .
Carly : Oh . I m sorry . I m so sorry . I know that Alexis and I have had our differences , but she is the mother of your daughter . I just hope for everyone s sake she pulls through . I really do .
Sonny : Yeah , it s got me thinking a little bit , you know , like if it -- I do nt -- if it was you , you know , how tough would it be for me and the kids .
Carly : It d be a lot quieter .
Sonny : Yeah , too quiet . No , it -- it would be difficult , you know , to raise the kids without you . I just wanted you to know that .
Patrick : I thought I might find you here . The surgery was clean . Why d you take off so soon ?
Robin : It was something Alexis said before she went under , when she asked us to tell her children that she loved them . She has a life - threatening disease , and her children are the first and last thing on her mind .
Patrick : I would imagine that s how parents think .
Robin : Right . A mother s love is limitless and unconditional . When I witness something like that , my biological clock starts ticking very loudly .
Patrick : You have lots of time .
Robin : I have obvious risk factors .
Patrick : Well , yeah , but there s a lot of women with HIV , even AIDS , that choose to become parents .
Robin : I m just not sure if I m one of them . But then I think about my relationship with my mother and how messy and complicated and how wonderful it is . The truth is I would love to be a mother .
Patrick : So do it .
Patrick : Now , I m going to admit that I was wrong -- and this does nt happen very often -- so listen .
Robin : Okay .
Patrick : I have -- I ve called you a coward , and I ve said that you hide from your life , and I was wrong . The possibility of me living with HIV , I -- I ve seen how you deal with -- with your life , and it s -- how you face everything is amazing .
Robin : Half the time I m terrified .
Patrick : Well , yeah , but everybody s terrified . Some people just hide it better than others , but --
Robin : You do nt give in to fear .
Patrick : Are you kidding ? I have been running my entire life --
Robin : Huh .
Patrick : Or at least since my mother s died .
Robin : From what exactly ?
Patrick : I have a fear of crashing and burning like my father .
Robin : Hmm .
Patrick : Or caring about someone too much and then I lose them , and then I m back to where I was when I lost my mother , and I just -- the risk is -- I just ca nt go there .
Robin : I understand .
Patrick : I m sure you do , and that s just it . You do nt -- you do nt hide . You are what doctors are supposed to be .
Robin : Stop .
Patrick : No , I mean it . You face every single challenge . You reached down to me when you knew I was a shallow jerk . Hey -- I think you would be a great mother . But you re right . There are risks . That s true for everyone . Nobody is completely safe . Look at Alexis -- she has cancer , the last thing in the world she would ve ever expected . She does nt even smoke . But that s what life does -- it throws us curveballs . We just got to try and do the best we can .
Robin : You re starting to sound like me a little bit .
Patrick : It s kind of scary , is nt it ?
Patrick : I know you . If you want to be a mother , you will .
Robin : I hope you re right . But I do have to disagree with you about one thing . It turns out you were never a shallow jerk .
Patrick : Really ?
Robin : Really . Maybe you were just a little bit .
Alexis : Right before they put me under , I did nt think I was going to wake up . I know everyone thinks that I have everything under control , but I m really just a big coward .
Ric : Strongest person I know .
Alexis : Tell me what you really think .
Ric : I know I failed you , Alexis . I know I m not perfect , but I m here and I m staying .
Alexis : Okay .
Ric : And I honestly believe that you are going to make it .
Alexis : I honestly believe that , too .
Singer : Do I need to be invisible to just survive ? Or am I foolishly wasting my time ? I try so hard to quiet my
Singer : Expensive dreams before they take me out and leave me wondering
Sam : Jason , you were right . No one can tell another person how to live or who to love . Everyone should choose for themselves . Is that why you wanted to wait with me ?
Singer : Maybe it s a little hard sometimes to take .
Doctor : I have the results of your wife s biopsy .
Jason : You promised Alexis you d stay away from me .
Sam : I m breaking in . I want us to try it again .
Luke : I hope this is good .
Sonny : Your daughter s pregnant .
Edward : Now all we have to do is formalize the agreement .
Carly : Have you seen Lulu ?
Luke : Not yet .
Carly : She needs her father .
### Summary:
| Before being taken into surgery , Alexis pleads with Sam to cut Jason out of her life and an emotional Sam agrees to do so . Sam tries to distance herself from Jason but later arrives on his doorstep . Sonny tells Alexis what she wants to hear . Sonny asks Carly to help him raise Kristina if Alexis does nt survive . Alexis and Ric are reunited after her surgery . Lulu feels pressured by Dillon . A guilt - ridden Lucky manipulates Maxie to get what he wants . Patrick and Robin continue to grow closer . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Billie : Look . It s Georgia s room . She could be in there .
Bo : Take it easy . It might be a trap .
Billie : I do nt care . I lost 15 years with my daughter . The DiMeras stole her from me , and I m taking her back . I m not gon na wait one more minute .
Bo : All right , take it slow .
Billie : Georgia ?
Girl s voice : Mama ?
Marguerite : Basic Black . Oh , mama , my boobs could use a boost . But I ca nt even afford one of your pricey push - up bras .
Kate : Well , I ll tell you what , I ll throw in a free line of lingerie along with this .
Marguerite : Now we are talking .
Kate : So , I ll tell you what I need you to do . The next time Sami Brady calls your psychic phone line to ask for a little advice about her future , there are certain things that I would like you to say . Actually , I wrote up a little script for you to follow to make sure that Sami stays married to Brandon .
Brandon : I love you , Samantha , and a part of me always will . But I know that you want to marry Lucas , so ... I wo nt stand in your way . I m leaving Salem tonight .
Sami : Wait , Brandon , do nt go . I ca nt let you leave .
Brandon : Then I think it s time you decide between me and Lucas .
Mimi : Lexie .
Lexie : Hi .
Mimi : Hi . Are Belle and Shawn going to be able to go home tonight ?
Lexie : Well , it depends on how quickly their lung function returns to normal . They took in a lot of smoke . They need to rest .
Mimi : They were really lucky , were nt they ?
Lexie : Yeah . I do nt know what happened in that barn , but ... it could ve been the end for them . Excuse me .
Mimi : But it was nt the end . It was a new beginning for Belle and Shawn .
Ty : Mimi , I mean , when we rescued them , they were naked in each other s arms . It looked like they were , well , you know ...
Mimi : [ Thinking ] Shawn and Belle were making love . [ Aloud ] I am sure those two made love tonight in that barn . They have to get back together .
Belle : Philip ... there s something I have to tell you .
Philip : Okay .
Shawn - D : [ Coughs ]
Hope : Hey , take it easy . Shawn . Your cough sounds terrible .
Shawn - D : Mom , I have to see Belle . I need to talk to her about what happened tonight .
Hope : Honey , it s too soon for you to be getting up .
Shawn - D : No . I do nt care . This is too important . I need to see if she s feeling the way I m feeling .
Hope : Honey , what are you saying ? Is there a chance the two of you could get back together ? Careful .
Shawn - D : Mom , help me with this . I do nt know . I do nt know . I just need to see if what happened tonight was a dream or if it was for real . I need to talk to her .
Hope : Shawn --
Belle : Look , after what happened tonight , Philip , I thought I was gon na die . We were so right to not want to waste any more time . My future is with you . I want us to get married as soon as we can so we can be together . I love you , Philip .
Philip : I love you , too .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of Our Lives .
Kate : Sami will call you again . Very soon .
Marguerite : How do you know that ? Are you sure you re not psychic ? I mean , maybe you do nt need me after all , not that I want to put that idea in your head .
Kate : No , believe me , I would love to tell Sami exactly what the future holds for her ... in hell . But she d never believe me . That s when you come in , because you are a professional .
Marguerite : That s true .
Kate : We ll use the script that I wrote , and it will tell you exactly what to say -- that Sami s only chance at happiness is with Brandon Walker .
Sami : My mind s made up , Brandon . It always has been . My future is with Lucas and Will . They re my family . I grew up not really having a family . One of my parents was always missing , and now both my parents are dead . And I promised myself I was gon na give Will the kind of life that I did nt have growing up .
Brandon : Samantha , I know how important Will s happiness is to you . But marriage is a big step , and you want to be absolutely sure you re right . You do nt want to repeat what s happened before , do you ?
Sami : I m not gon na let that happen again . I really , truly love Lucas , and I know that he loves me -- faults and everything . I do nt know how I got so lucky .
Lucas : And I think , um , I think I m the lucky one . Did I get a great woman or what ?
Brandon : Yeah . Yeah , you definitely did .
Sami : Um , Brandon was just telling me that he was gon na leave town , and ... I do nt think he should . Well , not on my account , anyway . Brandon , I really think you should spend the holiday with your family , you know -- spend some time with Abe and your little brother Theo . Nothing is more important at the holidays than family . Or at any time .
Lucas : I agree . You re right about that . You know , uh , Sami , Will , and I -- we re gon na have the best Christmas ever . So you should really be with your nearest and dearest around the holidays .
Sami : Yeah , what do you say ? Are you gon na stay in Salem ?
Shawn - D : [ Thinking ] How could I have been so wrong about Belle ? It must ve been a dream .
Philip : You okay ?
Belle : I think being with you is the best medicine . You know , when I woke up from the fire , I realized that I had been dreaming about making love to the most incredible man . And I know the man I dreamt about was you .
Shawn - D : It had to have been real . It could nt have just been a dream .
Lexie : Shawn Brady , you are not well enough to be on your feet .
Shawn - D : I m fine , I m fine . Listen , Lexie , I have to ask you a question .
Lexie : Sure , what is it ?
Shawn - D : After everything that has happened to me -- the smoke inhalation , the passing out -- is it possible that I could have had a dream that seemed so real that I could swear it really happened ?
Lexie : Yeah , yeah , it s possible . After what you went through , vivid , lifelike dreams are nt at all unusual . Now , back to bed , you need to rest , okay ? Go .
Shawn - D : Yeah , yeah , okay . All right . I ll tell you what was real . Belle telling Philip how much she loves him , and kissing him . That was real .
Hope : What is it ? What s wrong ?
Shawn - D : I ll tell you what s wrong . I m a jerk . I have to stop being such a romantic . It s over , once and for all . I am done with Belle .
Belle : So , I was dreaming that we were making love , and it was so perfect .
Philip : Yeah ?
Belle : Yeah . It felt like it really happened . Tonight .
Philip : Maybe you were dreaming about the last time we made love .
Belle : Maybe . It just seemed so real .
Philip : Belle , you were with Shawn tonight . Are you sure --
Belle : No . It had to be you , Philip . You re the only guy I ve ever been with , the only man who has ever made love to me .
Philip : Right .
Belle : Yeah . I know it was you , Philip .
Mimi : Um , sorry . That s not true .
Shawn - D : I have had it with Belle . Philip can have her . Those two deserve each other .
Hope : Shawn ! Shawn , calm down . Lie back , honey . Take a deep breath . All right , that s it , just relax , okay ? Take it easy . Tell me what happened .
Shawn - D : Well , everything got messed up tonight , but I ll tell you what I remember . Belle got a call from Mimi saying it was very important that she drive out to Kent island .
Hope : Kent island , on a night like this ? What was so important ?
Shawn - D : I do nt know . We never made it . Obviously , the snow and the ice was terrible . Belle was driving , and as we were going over the bridge , she hit a patch of black ice and the car slid and fell into the river . I mean , she almost drowned . I had to drag her out . So , luckily , we were able to find a barn , and I carried her to it just to get out of the storm . I mean , we were freezing . Our clothes were soaked . So we got out of them , and I used my body heat to warm her up .
Hope : Honey , that s the best thing you ever could ve done .
Shawn - D : Well , I started this fire in this old stove , and I should ve kept an eye on it , but I was just -- I was paying so much attention to Belle . It just felt so right . It was like the way it was back in the day when the two of us were still in love . I was just holding her in my arms , and ... it was like nothing else in this world existed . It just felt so real . And we just wanted so badly to be together , and that s when we started ...
Hope : Started ...
Shawn - D : I - I do nt know . I thought we made love , okay ? I ca nt even believe I m talking about this . I mean , it all could have just been a dream . I was talking to Lexie , and I asked her if it was possible that I could have imagined all this .
Hope : What did she say ?
Shawn - D : She said it was very possible that it could have just all been in my head .
Hope : Honey , what did Belle say when you went to see her ?
Shawn - D : I did nt get close enough to ask her , but it was very obvious that she did nt remember any of it , either .
Hope : What makes you think that ?
Shawn - D : She was kissing Philip , telling him how much she wanted to marry him . She just can not wait to become Mrs. Jarhead . And I tell you , Mom , I would laugh . I would laugh , but it hurts too much .
Hope : Honey , I m sorry . I m sorry , honey .
Belle : What are you talking about , Mimi ? What s not true ?
Mimi : Can I talk to you in private for a minute , Belle ? Do you mind , Philip ?
Philip : Are you all right ? Do you feel up to it ?
Belle : Yeah . I ll see you soon .
Philip : Okay . Mimi , please try not to upset her .
Mimi : I m so glad my best friend s okay . I do nt know what I would ve done if I had lost you tonight . But ... you do nt remember everything that happened tonight , do you ?
Belle : Why ? Why do you say that ?
Mimi : You just told Philip that you were dreaming about making love with him , which I m positive it was nt a dream . It was real ... except for one thing .
Belle : What ?
Mimi : It was nt with Philip . It was with Shawn .
Girl s voice : Mama ?
Billie : It s Georgia . Georgia , it s okay . Mommy s here . Where are you ?
Girl s voice : Mama ?
Bo : Billie .
Girl s voice : Mama ?
Billie : Oh , my God . I feel like such an idiot .
Bo : No , no , no , I do nt blame you for getting your hopes up . Let s check this place out . Let s do it quietly .
Bo : Georgia s obviously not here and has nt been for quite some time . This place is decorated for a very young girl . A teenager s never lived here . She could nt have been more than , what , a toddler -- 3 , 4 years old .
Billie : It looks like , um , she had everything she wanted , you know ? She was pampered .
Billie : Everything she wanted except ... what a kid really needs . A mother and father . She may have grown up in the lap of luxury , but who was here to love her ?
Bo : I do nt know .
Billie : I think that she was incredibly lonely here . Where is she , Bo ? What could have happened to her ?
Bo : Here s something that may give us the answers we need .
Bo : Look at this .
Billie : It s Georgia s files . This could tell us everything we need to know . This could tell us where she is .
Bo : No , no , no . Hey . It might not be that easy . Just hold on .
Kate : All you have to do is stick to the script .
Marguerite : Right . Sami s not going to marry Lucas . That ll never happen . She s fated to be with Brandon . She might as well stop fighting and accept her destiny . Yada , yada , yada . It s quite a script .
Kate : Glad you approve . Do you think you can handle it ?
Marguerite : Uh - huh . Oh , um , there s one thing , though . Yeah , right here . Do you think we could punch this up a little , cause I would nt really say it this way .
Kate : You would nt ?
Marguerite : Besides being a psychic , I m also an actress . So , um , I understand character development , pacing , structure , that sort of thing .
Kate : Yeah , but what you really want to do is direct , right ?
Marguerite : Huh ?
Kate : Never mind . Look , just say it as written . Okay ? And you need to make it sound believable because it s very important that Sami buy every single word .
Marguerite : You know , there could be a big bug in your plan . In fact , it might be doomed to fail .
Kate : Why ?
Marguerite : What if this really is nt the future that s mapped out for Sami ? I mean , what if it s preordained in the stars that Sami belongs with Lucas ?
Kate : [ Scoffs ] Look , you re being paid to say what is , not ask what if .
Marguerite : Sami loves your son . She s desperate for -- for Brandon not to come between them . Why not let true love take its course ? I mean , what if Sami really is destined to be with Lucas ?
Kate : Never .
Sami : So , Brandon , how about it ? Are you gon na stay in Salem ? I know Abe would love to have you here .
Brandon : You know , in a perfect world , I d love to spend more time here with my entire family -- I mean , Nicky , my mom ... you know , family s very important to me . But so are you and your happiness . I mean , I saw what happened when you two tried to get married tonight at the justice of the peace . I turned out to be a major obstacle because I m still married to you .
Sami : Well , that was just a clerical error . I forgot to sign the form , which was a complete mistake .
Lucas : Do nt worry about it . We ll make sure we take care of it .
Sami : Right . We will , and then you and I will be happily married . And I m not gon na mess it up this time .
Lucas : No , you re not .
Brandon : Right . I hope that s true , but I do nt wanna be in the way anymore . I left town in the first place for a reason . I mean , we all need to get on with our lives . That s why I wanna just take myself out of the picture , let you two settle down and be a family with will and never look back .
Lucas : Well , I say that s very generous of you , Brandon . Thanks .
Sami : Yeah . You re , um , you re a really great guy , Brandon .
Lucas : I should get you home . I wish I could say it was a pleasure running into you .
Brandon : Yeah .
Sami : Well , um , goodbye , Brandon .
Brandon : Take care . Have a good life .
Sami : You too .
Lucas : Oh , wait , wait , wait . I ca nt wait to get you home . I m gon na give you a night you re never gon na forget .
Sami : Lucas ... I love you . I love you so much .
Brandon : Goodbye , Samantha .
Belle : No . It had to be a dream . I could nt have made love to Shawn . I m engaged to Philip .
Mimi : But deep down , you re in love with Shawn . Do nt you see ? You were together tonight . Your real feelings for each other came back , and you made love .
Belle : No . Look , I must have been -- look , I was dreaming about Philip .
Mimi : Get real , Belle . You were with Shawn in the barn . We know that for sure . You both almost froze to death . You had to get out of those cold wet clothes . Remember Ty Smith from high school ?
Belle : Yeah .
Mimi : He was one of the EMTs who brought you in tonight .
Belle : Okay , so ?
Mimi : Well , he said that when they found you , you were naked together .
Belle : Maybe we were . We were trying to get warm . Whatever . Look , nothing happened between Shawn and me . I am with Philip . We re getting married . It had to be a dream .
Mimi : And I am telling you , it was nt . Belle , it is time for you to wake the hell up and realize that the man you belong with is Shawn .
Shawn - D : Was it a dream or was it real ?
Hope : Shawn .
Shawn - D : Honest to God , Mom , I do nt know .
Hope : You ca nt give up . Whether it was a dream or whether it was nt , if you can look in your heart and say that you still love Belle , you ve got to be with her . You can not let her marry Philip .
Mimi : You were nt dreaming about making love with Philip tonight . Remember how confused you were after you did go to bed with him ? You were afraid you were going to regret it for the rest of your life . That s not how it was tonight , was it ? You must have really made love with Shawn . He s the man of your dreams , and you know it .
Belle : Look , my head may still be a little foggy , but I just ca nt believe that I was with Shawn and I do nt even remember . Freshman year I took a bio class , and we learned about hypothermia . You can get into this dreamy state when you re freezing to death and then start to hallucinate . That must have been what happened to me tonight .
Mimi : If you do nt believe me , there s only one way to know for sure . You should go to the source .
Belle : What , Shawn ?
Mimi : Yeah , and ask him what he remembers about tonight . And if you both have the same exact memory , then you know it has to be true . One way or another , you have to find out the truth .
Hope : Whether you dreamed about being with Belle or not , if you truly love her , you ca nt let her go . Shawn , you know you re the man she wants to be with . The only reason she is with Philip is cause you broke her heart . You ca nt let her marry Philip .
Shawn - D : But if she has already made up her mind , how am I supposed to change it ?
Hope : You fight for your love . You listen to me , Shawn . When I came back after being gone all of those years , your dad was with Billie . I never gave up on our love . I fought for him .
Shawn - D : Yeah , and now that we know that Dad and Billie s daughter is alive and out there somewhere , are nt you the least bit afraid that you might lose him again ?
Hope : He loves me , and I love him . He s my husband . We re a family . You know , your great Gran , she has always told me that you and belle remind her of me and your dad . Now it s up to you to decide . Is that love strong enough ? Strong enough ... to last forever ?
Bo : Damn . Whoever set up this filing system did nt want anyone poking around . This is not only a state - of - the - art locking system , but it could be a trap . If you re not an expert at disarming that thing , or you do nt know the combination , it could do some serious damage not only to you , but information that s inside .
Billie : So what do we do now ?
Bo : Well , I m gon na call the I.S.A. , see if they can help us crack this thing . I saw a balcony on the way up here . I m gon na go down there and see if I can get a signal on our satellite phone . You keep your hands off that thing , okay ?
Billie : Okay .
Bo : Be patient till I get back .
Billie : I said okay .
Brandon : Hey .
Lexie : Hey , I finally got your test results back . Uh , you may have had a mild concussion , but everything s fine now .
Brandon : I told you so .
Lexie : Mm - hmm .
Brandon : Listen , the storm s about to break , so I m gon na hit the road . I ll stop by your house to say goodbye to Abe and Theo .
Lexie : Oh . Uh , well , since I ll be working late tonight , you better say your goodbye to me here .
Brandon : All right .
Lexie : I wish you d stay for the holidays -- steering clear of Sami , of course . I know Abe and Theo were looking forward to spending Christmas with you . So was I.
Brandon : Yeah , well , at least I got to stay here for thanksgiving .
Lexie : Yeah . Well , you made it really special . Brandon , if you leave , who will cook Christmas dinner ?
Brandon : Well , hey , there s always the Penthouse Grill .
Lexie : Come on , I m serious . I do nt want you to go . Ca nt you -- ca nt you stay here in Salem ? Just -- just avoid Sami like the plague .
Brandon : Mnh - mnh , I tried that . I mean , you were the one who was afraid it would nt work , and you were right . It s not possible . Anyhow , I wo nt stand in the way of her happiness . And she made it very clear she wants to be with Lucas . She wants to start a family with her son . Sharing responsibility for a child bonds parents together for life . You ca nt fight that kind of love .
Lexie : Brandon , there are plenty of divorced parents in this country -- I mean , blended families .
Brandon : I know , but does nt every little kid you see want Mommy and Daddy to be together and love each other and live happily ever after ? I was talking to Hope about the same thing earlier , and I tried to be as positive about it as possible , but in all honesty , I think she s in for a rough time with Billie . I mean , if Bo and Billie find their daughter and bring her back with them , their lives are never gon na be the same again .
Sami : What is it ? What is the surprise ?
Lucas : Almost there , almost . You can open now .
Sami : Lucas , you made the room look so beautiful .
Lucas : Yeah , I did , did nt I ?
Sami : Yes , I think you did .
Lucas : You okay ?
Sami : I love you so much , Lucas . You are the only man that I could ever want .
Brandon : You know how much you want me , Samantha . Do nt deny it .
Lucas : I m gon na make you feel good from your head all the way down to your toes .
Kate : Look , I do nt care what the stars say about Sami s future . You are the only star on her horizon , and you re going to tell her that her happiness is not with Lucas , it s with Brandon Walker . Yada , yada , yada . I ll do the rest , got it ?
Marguerite : Got it . I promise I ll do your dirty work .
Kate : You re an actress , Marguerite . You ll handle it . Just play yourself . Hey . I thought you were going home to relax . What went wrong ?
Eugenia : I got bad news .
Philip : How was your talk with Belle ?
Mimi : I just hope I got through to her .
Philip : Yeah . Look , Meems , I know that you still think Belle belongs with Shawn . That s not going to happen . Belle loves me . And after almost losing her tonight , I am more committed to her than ever . I m not going to let anyone get in the way of our future together , okay ?
Mimi : Fate is what it is . There are a lot of couples who are sure they re meant to be together , but really are nt .
Shawn - D : I have to remember what happened in that barn tonight .
Shawn - D : I never felt like that in my life . It had to be real .
Belle : Shawn .
Philip : Mimi , I do nt appreciate you going behind my back to try to get Shawn and Belle back together . I thought we were friends .
Mimi : We are friends , Philip , and I really do nt want to see you get hurt .
Philip : Well , then , stay out of it . This is none of your business . And you know , why did you ask Belle and Shawn to go out in the middle of a raging snowstorm to meet you at Jan s place ? What the hell was that about ? You could have gotten them killed .
Mimi : I ca nt tell you , Philip . I ll show you ... and everyone . It s the only way you ll ever believe it .
Belle : Did I really make love to Shawn tonight ? I mean , I know we were naked together , but that was because of the accident . We had to get out of those wet clothes .
Shawn - D : Mom was right . I can never give up on Belle .
Brandon : Lexie , you re gon na have to be there for Hope as a friend . If Bo and Billie find their daughter and bring her back with them , it s gon na put heavy pressure on Bo and Hope s marriage .
Lexie : Brandon , Bo and Hope have a family . He would never turn his back on them .
Brandon : I m sure that wo nt be his intention , but he s bound to have a lot of guilt for missing 15 years of his daughter s life . So will Billie . And the one person who will understand what she s going through will be Bo . As they bond with their child , Bo and Billie will get a lot closer .
Lexie : Mnh - mnh , Hope is the love of Bo s life , okay ? No one s saying it s going to be easy , but their marriage is solid .
Brandon : I hope so . Anyhow , enough of that . I m a phone call away . If you need me , I m right here .
Lexie : Thanks .
Brandon : I have to go . Come here .
Brandon : I ll be in touch .
Lexie : Goodbye .
Lexie : Oh , Hope . Did you hear what Brandon said ?
Hope : He could be right about Billie .
Billie : I.S.A. is nt gon na be able to do anything about this over the phone . This could be our only chance to find our daughter . I have cracked safes more complicated than this .
Bo : Billie . Billie , do nt touch that !
Lexie : I m sure Brandon did nt mean to upset you .
Hope : But every word he said was true . I am worried that Billie will take Bo away from me . It almost happened once before . And this time I m afraid she really will .
Bo : Billie . Billie . Oh , my God . Billie . God , no . Billie . Billie . No , no . No . Do nt die . You ca nt die . Come on , Billie . Come back to me . Come on . Billie . Billie .
Sami : I m going to be so happy with Lucas . We re gon na get married and live happily ever after .
Lucas : Sami . Got a little surprise for you . Here we are .
Sami : Wow . Chocolate fondue and strawberries ?
Lucas : That s right . Only the best for you , my love . You just close your eyes , and open your mouth .
Sami : Mm . I am in heaven .
Lucas : So am I. You were just amazing -- incredibly sexy . What got into you ?
Sami : You did .
Brandon : Lying to your lover ? Ooh , Sami . Tsk , tsk , tsk . I do nt know how that can lead to anything good .
Kate : Okay , so what s the bad news ?
Eugenia : I just got a call from a friend who was visiting her grandmother at the hospital , and during our conversation , she mentioned a mutual acquaintance of ours .
Kate : Who ?
Eugenia : Brandon Walker .
Kate : What about him ?
Eugenia : She said that he s leaving town tonight .
Kate : Oh , come on . He said that more than once , and never goes anywhere .
Eugenia : He said goodbye to Sami , then Sami went home with Lucas .
Brandon : Goodbye , Salem . Ca nt say I m sorry to leave .
Mimi : Philip , I told Rex before I ca nt talk about what happened at Jan s . Belle and Shawn just have to see it for themselves . And believe me , when they do , those two will be back together so fast , your head will spin .
Shawn - D : You re not with Phillip . I m shocked .
Belle : Look , Shawn , I need to ask you a question . Do you remember what happened in the barn tonight between us ?
Shawn - D : Yeah , I do .
Marlene : What if I lose you like I ve lost everybody else ?
Roman : You are not gon na lose me -- not ever .
Hope : I just got the most awful feeling about Bo .
Celeste : It s Bo and Billie . At this minute , both of their lives are hanging in the balance .
Marlena : You should nt push yourself , sweetheart . We ll be together soon , in eternity .
### Summary:
| Bo and Billie enter Georgia s room at the DiMera castle but realize that Georgia has nt been there for years because it is decorated for a young girl . Billie ignores Bo s warnings not to touch a file cabinet and it explodes on them . Kate gives Marguerite a script on what to say the next time Sami calls . Brandon decides to step back and let Sami and Lucas be together . Lucas plans a romantic night for him and Sami but Sami ca nt stop thinking about Brandon . Belle tells Philip that she was dreaming about him . Mimi tells Belle that she was actually making love to Shawn tonight . Shawn wonders whether he was dreaming or not . He decides to take Hope s advice and talk to Belle about it but finds her kissing Philip . Later , Belle decides to talk to Shawn about what he remembers . Hope overhears Brandon telling Lexie that Bo and Billie will grow closer once they find Georgia . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Phoebe : Up and at em , Hope . Time for breakfast .
Brooke : Rick , could you help me , please ?
Rick : Oh , absolutely , Mom . Here --
Brooke : Thanks . That s kind of heavy .
Rick : Hey , where did R.J. and Catherine go this morning ?
Brooke : A play date across town .
Rick : Geez , it s like you re feeding an army .
Brooke : I guess it s been awhile since you ve had an all American breakfast . How did you start your mornings in Paris ?
Ridge : Sipping a cafe au lait and munching on a croissant , I expect .
Rick : Try a double espresso and a run to the gym .
Brooke : Well , you ll be eating a healthy breakfast while you re staying with us .
Phoebe : Thank you .
Rick : You re welcome .
Ridge : I ve been meaning to ask you , did you keep your place there ?
Rick : Are you anxious for me to get back ?
Ridge : Are nt you ?
Rick : I miss my friends and the places I used to hang out , yeah .
Ridge : Well , you wo nt be missing them for long . If this collection is as big a hit as I think it will be , Forrester Originals will need you back in Europe real fast .
Hope : I do nt want Rick to go .
Rick : Thank you , short stuff .
Phoebe : Well , Hope s right . I mean , you just got here . You do nt want to leave yet .
Brooke : And even if the collection is a huge hit , it s going to take a long time to put a European division together .
Phoebe : Yeah , I mean , something like that could take months , right ?
Ridge : Phoebe , will you help me get hope into her coat ? We can drop her off at pre - school on our way to work .
Phoebe : Dad , I m not even finished with breakfast yet . Can you just drop her off , and then I can ride with Rick ?
Ridge : You ve got a fitting first thing . Come on , just grab a muffin , let s go .
Phoebe : I will see you there .
Rick : Okay . See you later .
Storm : You know , I still do nt understand why we could nt conduct his meeting in LA .
Nick : Because he wants to meet on his turf .
Storm : We re nowhere near his turf .
Nick : It gives him more power . Meeting out in the middle of nowhere like this , it means we re committed to doing business .
Storm : The question is , is he committed to doing business ? Or if he s loyal to the Forresters .
Nick : He would nt agree to the meeting if he was loyal to Forresters .
Storm : Well , we are talking about Harvey Golden . The man has a very strange reputation .
Nick : Regardless , we re taking the meeting .
Storm : Well , of course , it s your call , nick . But , you know , I m just trying to inject a note of caution .
Nick : Golden s the key . If I get golden , I own everything except the Midwest .
Storm : The problem is , you ll be maxed out with debt . And merging all of these businesses in your mother s company could also be risky , Nick . The federal government just does nt look kindly on monopolies .
Nick : Well , so be it . The bottom line is , the only people who ll be pissed off is the Forresters . Everybody else in this business , they ll consider us heroes .
Rick : I m so tired .
Brooke : I wonder why .
Rick : It s all this food , it just makes you want to pass out .
Brooke : Really ? Was it the food , or was it staying up half the night with Phoebe ? I saw you two in the garden . It looked like you were enjoying each other s company .
Rick : The night did start off a bit strange , but it ended up okay . No , look , I do nt want to get into it . Hanging out with Phoebe is really cool .
Brooke : Cool ?
Rick : Nice . Phoebe is very nice .
Brooke : Well , obviously she thinks you re pretty nice , too .
Rick : We get along , yes .
Brooke : And ?
Rick : And what ?
Brooke : I do nt know . You tell me . What s going on between you and Phoebe ?
Ridge : Hey , Jim . I just wanted to make sure you got all those adjustments . Yeah , I want everything perfect for the showing tomorrow . Okay , thanks . Bye .
Stephanie : You look stressed .
Ridge : Yeah .
Stephanie : I thought everything for the showing was all set .
Ridge : It s not the showing , it s Rick .
Stephanie : Is he angry about the company or that you re marrying his mother ?
Ridge : It s Phoebe . Phoebe and Rick . There s a problem there , mother . And it might turn out to be an even bigger problem .
Nick : What are you doing ?
Storm : Just getting ready for the meeting .
Nick : Golden wants to meet with me , alone .
Storm : Nick , how are we supposed to get a deal done if I m not there to write the contract ?
Nick : I ll make the deal . You can handle the contracts later .
Storm : Okay , let s talk rationally about this . Nick , this guy wants to meet you alone . We have no idea what we re walking into .
Nick : Well , I guess I m about to find out .
Eric : This is for number 15 ? No , it s too much . It s going to pull focus from the design . Something simpler , if you will , all right ? What s this ? Oh , this is the audio stuff ? Fine . Thank you . [ Phone rings ] Here you go . Yeah ? No , no , no , I want the distributors down front . All of them . I do nt care if the press want to see a lot of celebs down front . I m rewarding our distributors for their loyalty . Yeah . Thanks . Thank you .
Phoebe : This place is crazy today .
Eric : Yes , well , it s because we have a million things to do before tomorrow . Wow , look at you , that s beautiful . Well , we have to get you fitted in this last gown !
Phoebe : I know , I ca nt believe I m going to be onstage tomorrow .
Eric : Are you nervous ?
Phoebe : A little bit . But more excited than nervous , I think .
Eric : That s because you re a Forrester . Fashion is in your blood . Okay , I m going to do this . Gorgeous .
Stephanie : You re worried about the two of them spending time together ?
Ridge : You re damn right I am .
Stephanie : Well , it seems to me all he has been is encouraging of her .
Ridge : Yeah , well , that s what concerns me .
Stephanie : Well , I mean , he s been trying to help her out with this modeling , giving her some pointers . After all , honey , she is a novice .
Ridge : Mother , she s a novice at a lot more than just modeling .
Stephanie : Phoebe s at an impressionable age , but she s not a dummy . She s not going to let his anger relationship with you , or Brooke , for that matter .
Ridge : I m more concerned about her relationship with him .
Stephanie : Well , honey , you want your children , all the children in the family to get along , do nt you ?
Ridge : Yeah , that s fine , Mother . There s getting along , and then there s getting along .
Stephanie : You re saying that they re not just spending time together ?
Brooke : If there s something going on between you and Phoebe , it s okay . You can tell me .
Rick : We re just getting to know each other .
Brooke : Ridge thinks that --
Rick : I do nt care what Ridge thinks . Just because he s marrying my mom does not give him the right to judge me or my choice in friends .
Brooke : Phoebe is his daughter .
Rick : I understand that , but Phoebe is also an adult . And she does nt need her father to be some guard dog .
Brooke : I guess that means you do nt need me prying into your life , either , right ? Can you blame me for being curious ? You ve been away so long , I do nt even know what s going on your life . Have you seen any women in Paris ?
Rick : I saw a few women , yeah . Nothing serious . I guess all my experiences with amber left me a little gun - shy .
Brooke : Shell - shocked is more like it . I ca nt even count all the lies that that girl told and the stunts she pulled .
Rick : Still , I would nt be here today without her kidney .
Brooke : If you ask me , she owes you a hell of a lot more than that for all the trouble she caused .
Rick : I see , now we have two insanely overprotective parents around here .
Brooke : Honey , Ridge and I just want our children to be happy and safe .
Rick : I understand that , mom , and I thank you . I want that for myself , too . I just -- I need you to understand that it s really hard for me to get close to people right now . It s like if -- if anything good is going to happen to me , it s got to sneak up on me .
Brooke : You have nt had enough of sneaky women ?
Rick : Just unexpected . And you ca nt -- you ca nt go looking for a girl like that . You ca nt even really describe her . You just know when you meet her .
Brooke : Have you met her ? I mean , the way it looked between you and Phoebe --
Rick : We just like hanging out . That s it . Despite the fact that Ridge said he would --
Brooke : He was nt seriously threatening to kill you .
Rick : Well , he seriously wants me out of here . And you know what ? He s such a hypocrite . I mean , after what he did with Bridget ? I mean , I know about that . I m sorry . I m sorry . Bottom line , I do nt care what ridge wants . And after everything he s put you through , you should nt care , either .
Nick : Hello ? Hello ?
Sidekick : Welcome , Mr. Marone . Your punctuality is much appreciated .
Nick : My pleasure .
Sidekick : I suggest we get right to business .
Nick : I d like to know who I m doing business with . Are you golden ?
Sidekick : Mr. Golden will be joining you momentarily .
Stephanie : You think there s more to this ?
Ridge : That s what my gut s telling me .
Stephanie : They re involved ?
Ridge : You ve seen them together . They re always together . What do you think ?
Stephanie : Well , I do nt know what to think . I mean , I think she s probably infatuated with him . It s kind of cute .
Ridge : No , mother . Do nt say that . It s not cute .
Stephanie : Well , it s perfectly understandable . I mean , honey , come on . Think of the life that he s lived , the things that he s done . That would be highly attractive to a girl her age .
Ridge : Yeah , well , I can see why she would be very intriguing to him .
Stephanie : Oh , Ridge , come on . Brooke would never allow anything like that .
Ridge : Yeah , you would nt think . She does nt seem to see the danger in it . I do nt know why . There s something going on with those two , though .
Stephanie : You think it s become sexual ?
Ridge : No . No , and it wo nt , if I have anything to say about it .
Stephanie : Well , why do nt I go talk to Brooke . Look , if she can see how concerned you are , and see your point of view , and then -- well , I mean , once she understands what would be at stake here , she ll do the right thing .
Brooke : I can understand why Ridge wants you to stay away from Phoebe . I can see why he s so concerned . I mean , I may not agree with it , but I do understand . And I think you should , too .
Rick : I do understand that Ridge is a jerk .
Brooke : Whoa , what were you just saying about Ridge not having the right to judge you ? I think it goes both ways .
Rick : Well , he s actually done something to be judged for . A lot of things .
Brooke : And you have nt ?
Rick : Mom , Phoebe and I are becoming really good friends . I can talk to her . I mean , really , really talk to her . And I know it sounds weird , because she s a lot younger than me . But she s been through a lot . I mean , she s really wise for her age .
Eric : This hemline is a little off . Are you standing up straighter ?
Phoebe : Well , I ve been taking some yoga classes because one of the models said it would help improve my posture . So maybe that s it .
Eric : Well , you should keep that up . You should .
Phoebe : Okay .
Eric : I ve noticed a positive change in you lately .
Phoebe : You have ?
Eric : Yeah . I mean , you re a beautiful girl . You and your sister have always been , but lately -- I do nt know , you seem radiant .
Phoebe : Well , I ve been really happy , so maybe that s it .
Eric : Any particular reason ? Any one in particular ?
Phoebe : Well , if you re talking about Shane , he s out of my life , so --
Eric : I m glad to hear it . I mean , I ca nt think of a worse match for you . Quite honestly , I think anybody else would be better .
Brooke : You like Phoebe too much to stop seeing her .
Rick : Phoebe and I are not seeing each other . And if that s what Ridge thinks , that s his problem , not mine .
Brooke : He ll come around .
Rick : Are we talking about the same person here ?
Brooke : All I want is for my son to be happy and for this house to be peaceful .
Rick : What if those two things are mutually exclusive ?
Brooke : I really do nt want to take sides here , but if you and Phoebe enjoy spending time together , I do nt see anything wrong with it .
Rick : Thank you .
Brooke : You re welcome .
Rick : I m going to go get ready for work , okay ?
Brooke : Okay .
Stephanie : What are you telling your son ?
Sidekick : Mr. Golden , Mr. Marone has arrived .
Golden : Good morning , Nick . May I call you Nick ?
Nick : I thought we d be meeting face to face .
Golden : I can just imagine the look on your face right now .
Nick : I do nt play games . I m here to do business .
Golden : Yes , I know all about your business . Your contracts with Harrison , Chen and St. Julienne . You ve bought all of my competitors , except Fenmore s .
Nick : Well , then , I guess you know that I m here to make you a very lucrative offer .
Golden : You have to , do nt you ? Without my company , you only own half the market , and that wo nt do . Not with the Forresters showing tomorrow . You need to make a deal today , make sure the Forresters ca nt sell their gowns anywhere but the Midwest .
Nick : You seem to know an awful lot about this situation . Tell me , will I have your company , too ?
Golden : Perhaps . But it comes at a price .
Nick : And I m offering a nice price .
Golden : If we can come to an arrangement , you ll owe me a lot more than money .
Phoebe : Well , I m not the only one who has a reason to be happy around here .
Eric : Yeah , it s been a long time since I ve been this excited about a showing .
Phoebe : I know . I want to do well for you .
Eric : No , sweetie , you ve already done so much for me to be thankful to you for . And seeing you here now , in this gown , and working with you , and with your father -- your aunts and uncles --
Phoebe : And Rick .
Eric : Yes , and Rick . I could nt be happier .
Phoebe : Yeah , I know what you mean .
Stephanie : You do nt see that this situation is wrong ?
Brooke : What situation ?
Stephanie : Rick and Phoebe .
Brooke : Oh , you ve been talking to Ridge .
Stephanie : Well , of course I have . Obviously , you just do nt fully understand what s going on here . Because if you did , I know that you would not encourage your son to become involved with a member of his own family .
Brooke : They re not even related , Stephanie . And nothing s going on . Phoebe has a little crush .
Stephanie : It s inappropriate .
Brooke : It s harmless .
Stephanie : It ca nt continue . You ve got to put a stop to it .
Brooke : Well , eventually , it will stop . Phoebe will meet somebody at the mall or at the beach , and she ll forget all about Rick . But until then , I do nt see anything scandalous about them hanging out with each other .
Stephanie : Wait a minute . They re living under the same roof . They ve got rooms down the hall from one another . And ridge has said that they re up til all hours of the night --
Brooke : Oh , you re being ridiculous . They re just catching up .
Stephanie : Fine . Why would I be surprised that you would minimize this ? This is your typical parenting style . It always has been . Do nt give them boundaries , just let the kids sort it out for themselves .
Brooke : You did nt just say that to me .
Stephanie : Yes , I just said that to you , and I m prepared to say more .
Brooke : No , you re not . You re not going to say anything to me , to Rick , and to Phoebe . You certainly are nt going to call her out on this , Stephanie , and turn a cute little crush into something dirty .
Stephanie : Kids need boundaries at this age .
Brooke : She is 18 years old .
Stephanie : Yes , and he is a grown man . And they are both Forresters .
Brooke : Oh , my God ! Would you stop it ? You are totally overreacting .
Stephanie : You have to draw a line here , and they ca nt cross it .
Brooke : This is not your home . And these are not your children . Have nt you learned by now that you ca nt control everybody in your life ? And you sure as hell are not going to control my son ! Stephanie , it has taken decades for you and I to reach this place where we can be civil with each other . And I do not want to jeopardize that . But if you or anybody else tries to interfere in my children s lives , I will never allow that .
### Summary:
| A nice peaceful breakfast at Brooke s house until Ridge wastes no time by asking did Rick keep his place in Paris ? And that it wo nt be long because if this collection is as big a hit as he thinks it will be , Rick will be off to Europe again very soon . Hope and Phoebe do nt want Rick to go . Ridge growls for Phoebe to grab a muffin and come to work with him , nixing her idea that she ride with Rick . Nick makes plans to meet Harvey Golden in the middle of nowhere which turns out to be an abandoned warehouse . Still it is not face to face , but through speaker phone . Golden tells him if they make a deal it will cost him a lot more than money . And he will have to make the deal today , Forrester s showing is tomorrow . Brooke questions Rick and his staying up late and budding friendship with Phoebe . He really , really likes talking to her , she is wise beyond her years . And if Ridge thinks there is more to it than that , it is his problem . They are not seeing each and he does nt know how you know when it s THE girl , it will just sneak up on you and happen . Likewise , Ridge explains to Stephanie that Phoebe is very impressionable and they may have a problem . She is concerned when Ridge says he will not let it turn sexual and she will have a talk with Brooke , who will do the right thing . Brooke tells her son that she wants him to be happy and her house peaceful , but she understands why Ridge would be concerned . She does nt want to take sides , but she sees nothing wrong with his friendship with Phoebe . Stephanie just happens to walk right on it and overhears this and calls her on it . Obviously there are things she does nt understand or she would nt encourage Rick to see a member of his own family . Brooke accuses her of being ridiculous . Stephanie counters with they are living under the same roof , with rooms just down the hall from each other . Brooke tells her this is just a little crush and not to make something dirty out of it . Stephanie scoffs at her parenting skills , and Brooke reminds her they are only now becoming civil to one another and Stephanie can not control other people s lives , much less her own son s . Even though Stephanie tells her to draw the line and do nt let them cross it , Brooke states Stephanie can not interfere in her children s lives , she will not allow it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Gus : Hey .
Harley : Here .
Gus : What d you get ?
Harley : Guy movies .
Gus : Get out of here . Well , first of all , I ll be the judge if they re really guy movies .
Harley : These are mine . Okay , here we go . These .
Gus : Ooh .
Harley : See ?
Gus : Excellent .
Harley : All six of them .
Gus : Well , I m very proud of you .
Harley : That s a guy movie , right ? Lots of punching .
Gus : Yeah . That s what we want to encourage around here . Lot s of punching .
Harley : Well , it s going to buy us 12 hours .
Gus : I do nt know , maybe the first three movies will make Rafe keep his mind off Daisy , but by the time Rocky gets to Russia and he s carrying the log up the snow , you know ?
Harley : You having second thoughts about keeping the kids apart ?
Gus : And then when the coach goes , You re a dinosaur , Rocky ! He ll knock you ...
Harley : Seriously .
Gus : We did nt have a choice , babe . Plus , if we had met when we were kids , you would nt have been able to keep us apart .
Dylan : Yeah , I can do that . I ve got the specs right here . Okay .
Gus : You gon na watch this ? This is good stuff .
Rafe : Yeah .
Harley : I ll make popcorn .
Gus : All right . Want me to pause it .
Harley : No , no , no . That s okay . Rafe .
Rafe : I hate popcorn .
Harley : I think it was something I said , but apparently it s everything I say whether it s him or Daisy .
Gus : Ah , they re mad at us . Do nt worry . Give it a couple of days , it ll blow over . All we really have to do is get through , like , the whole next school year , right ? Nobody getting pregnant or eloping or killing us in the middle of the night . We can do that , right ? We can do that .
Harley : I wish I had known you then , you know ? I wish it had been me instead of Natalia .
Gus : Baby , you ca nt think like that .
Harley : I could have been your first love .
Gus : Mm - hmm . Well , I saved the best for last . What can I say ?
Dylan : You okay ?
Daisy : Yeah . Yeah .
Dylan : What are you doing ?
Daisy : I.M.-ing with Ashlee .
Dylan : Okay . Well , I got to meet a client downstairs . That should nt be more than ten minutes . I ll bring you back some food , okay ?
Daisy : Okay . Thanks . ( Knocking at the door )
Harley : Okay . Okay . Hey .
Dylan : Daisy took off .
Harley : What ? She hates it here . Nobody understands her . Nobody wants her to be happy .
Gus : Rafe ! Rafe .
Natalia : Hello ? What do you mean they re gone ?
Alan : No , he s not here . Have you already lost him ?
Buzz : I m on my way .
Dylan : Rafe talked her into this .
Gus : You saw the note .
Alan : Harley drove the boy away .
Natalia : Okay , wait . Did he take his insulin and his tester ?
Buzz : He has diabetes ?
Harley : Well , hopefully he took something , but most of the stuff was down here with us . Please tell me you found them .
Frank : Well , a night manager at the Beacon saw Rafe come through the lobby .
Harley : They went to a hotel room together ?
Dylan : He probably slipped right by me .
Alan : Nice parenting , Harley . Have nt you learned you ca nt trust her ?
Harley : This is not all Daisy s fault .
Gus : This is not about fault . It s nobody s fault .
Natalia : We do nt know why they went there .
Buzz : Oh , we know why they went there .
Frank : Okay , let s not jump to conclusions , here .
Gus : Forget about why they went to a hotel .
Dylan : Forget ? You want to just forget ?
Harley : We do nt even know if it was them .
Gus : Let s just make sure Rafe is okay and that he has his medicine .
Natalia : You know what , I should have never let him stay here because he always takes care of himself when he s with me .
Alan : All right , I m going to call my security team right now .
Harley : Well , I think we should all be out there looking for them , Alan . Do nt you ?
Buzz : Frank ?
Alan : You know , Harley , you and Dylan should know where she hangs out .
Gus : We all know where she hangs out .
Dylan : We will find her .
Natalia : Okay . I do nt know the town , but I know that Rafe will not run from me .
Gus : Can we just find our kids , please ?
Gus : So Rafe gets to the Beacon hotel . First of all we do nt know if it was Rafe at all because we did nt see it ourselves , but this is what you do in missing persons ...
Natalia : What ?
Gus : Missing persons . Honey , this is a missing person . He has to be treated that way . Believe me , I know what I m doing . I do this for a living .
Natalia : Yeah , I know . You drop everything to track people down . Yes I remember .
Gus : Anyway , Dylan said that he had a ten minute meeting and it ran over to about two hours . And I do nt know how long I fell asleep . Well , actually I do . If we woke up and the movie was over , that s about two hours . Maximum , the kids have two hours on us .
Natalia : Okay . I m just upset . I want to go .
Gus : We re going to check every park and motel and hospital . We re going to get Rafe home safe , okay ?
Natalia : No one s seen them at Co2 .
Gus : You know , you look very nice . You were going out , or something , with Remy tonight ?
Natalia : Yeah , we were going to go to some new club . If you had called me any later , I d ...
Gus : Well , if I d found the kids before you got home , you would nt have had to worry at all .
Natalia : I m used to it .
Gus : You leave your window open like this ?
Natalia : I ran out of here . I forgot .
Gus : What s the matter with you ? Why do nt you just put a sign that goes , Hey , come and steal my stuff .
Natalia : The air conditioner s not working .
Gus : I ll fix the air conditioner .
Natalia : You ca nt fix everything . I can worry about Rafe in here as well as I can out there , but I am not going to find him in here . So I m going to go look ...
Gus : No , you re not going to go anywhere . Please , just stay put . I know you want to do something and this is what you re doing . You re going to stay here in case he calls or in case he stops by .
Natalia : He wo nt .
Gus : He will .
Natalia : They ran away .
Gus : Well , if they run out of places to hide or they run out of money , they re going to come here before they ever come near my house .
Natalia : Please bring our boy home . ( Knock on the door )
Remy : Hey . Is everything okay ?
Natalia : Rafe ran away . With Daisy . So I m supposed to stay here and hold down the fort in case he comes here .
Remy : Well I ll stay with you .
Gus : Why do nt you go out and help look ?
Natalia : I m sorry about tonight , Remy .
Remy : Finding your kid is what matters . I want to help , okay ?
Natalia : Thank you .
Gus : I m leaving .
Natalia : Call me .
Gus : Yeah .
Remy : I will .
Gus : You know , Remy , whatever you think you got going on ...
Remy : Whatever I think ?
Gus : Yeah , whatever you think you got going on with Natalia has got nothing to do with my son .
Remy : You re the one who asked me to help you find him , Gus .
Jimbo : Been looking for you , Boudreau .
Remy : Hey . Hey . Jimbo . Me , too , man . I m trying to set up another game , you know , to win back my losses or double your winnings . Are you around tomorrow night ?
Gus : Detective Aitoro . I got some bad news for you , Jimbo . Boudreau here is one of my top operatives . I know it does nt seem like it , but he is .
Jimbo : You quit the force after they fired you , so pay me .
Gus : Quit , fired . Fired , quit , it s all just part of a ruse to make him seem like persona non grata with the Springfield Police Department so he could go under cover . Deep , deep under cover .
Remy : You listening ?
Jimbo : Where s my money ?
Remy : Evidence room .
Gus : Bank .
Remy : It s the bank .
Gus : It s in a bank vault in the evidence room . And when we wrap up the case , you ll get what s coming to you .
Jimbo : If I do nt get my money , I take your head .
Remy : Nice save , Gus . Ow , man ! What s your problem ?
Gus : I have two missing kids , that s my problem .
Remy : You check the kitchen , I ll go around back .
Gus : Let me ask you something , Remy . What would have happened if Natalia had been around when your pal Jimbo showed up ?
Remy : Let s get something straight , Gus . I would never let anything happen to her .
Gus : I m talking about danger by association , because I ve got to tell you , I m not going to stand around ...
Remy : Well , good , because standing around is nt your thing , walking away is .
Gus : Why do nt you just stop trying to get in her pants and just look for the kids .
Remy : Oh , wow . Wow . Well , I m glad you finally said it .
Gus : Said what ?
Remy : That you re not worried that I m bad for Natalia , you re just jealous because I can be with her and you ca nt . ( Ringing of cell phone )
Gus : Yeah ? No , we re right across the street . Okay . Found the kids .
Gus : Okay , can we just find our kids , please ? No sweat . We do this all the time .
Harley : Just call me , okay ? Let s stay here and make some phone calls first .
Dylan : If everyone went running out of here without a real plan , they re going to end up searching the same places .
Harley : I know .
Dylan : Busy .
Harley : Me , too . Wait a minute , who did you call ?
Dylan : My mom . Man , we re just as bad as them . Do nt worry . I m going to try again .
Harley : I m going to call some motels and see if they made a reservation someplace else . How did it come to this ?
Dylan : All right , Mom . Daisy and Rafe took off . Just call me when you get this , okay ? All right . Bye , I guess . How did it come to what ?
Harley : Hi . No , do nt put me on hold , please ! How did it come to our daughter running away ?
Dylan : They re kids , that s what they do .
Harley : Hi . Listen , I m looking for two young people ... wait !
Dylan : You re on hold again ?
Harley : Yes . You know what ? This is ridiculous . Let s just ... we ll make calls on the way and we ll just ...
Dylan : On the way to where ?
Harley : I do nt know ! This is a lot easier when you re not searching for your own kids .
Dylan : Just calm down for a second . Take a breath . We just have to think like they think .
Harley : They do nt think . They re full of raging hormones and attitude .
Dylan : Okay so they re us at their age .
Harley : You re not helping .
Dylan : I m trying to help .
Harley : I do nt even know if anybody was supposed to check here already .
Buzz : I was . I did .
Harley : They re not here ? Well , where s Frank ?
Buzz : I m meeting him on Fifth Street . Maybe he had better luck .
Harley : Frank would have called me if he knew anything .
Buzz : I ll keep looking .
Harley : Thanks .
Dylan : Who needs a drink ?
Harley : I do nt want it .
Dylan : It ll take the edge off .
Harley : I do nt want it .
Dylan : You re not good like this .
Harley : Happy ?
Dylan : You re just like her , you know ?
Harley : No . No , she is like me . And that is not a good thing . Would you finish that ? I want to keep looking for them .
Dylan : You know , we did nt turn out so bad .
Harley : You were in prison . I got pregnant when I was a kid and I gave up the baby . That s not good .
Dylan : Yeah , but here s the thing . You re talking about the way we were , I m talking about the way we are today . We turned out all right and so will she , okay ?
Harley : In spite of everything ?
Dylan : Maybe because of everything . Maybe she turned out a survivor .
Harley : I do nt want her going through what we did . The good times , yeah , hey , that s fine . But the tough stuff ? The tough stuff that we went through ? No , I want better for her .
Dylan : And so do I , okay ? I ll drink to that .
Harley : Hey , you know , there s that pool club . The one on Main Street . Daisy loves pool .
Dylan : Need a break ?
Harley : Actually , I was just thinking I should have had that glass of wine . And , by the way , I made up that pool thing . I think I m the one who likes pool .
Dylan : Right . Well , I guess they re not around here .
Harley : No .
Dylan : Where next ? You know , I m not condoning this or anything , but we maybe should have tried something like this at their age .
Harley : Running away ?
Dylan : Yeah .
Harley : What would that have been like in that death trap of a truck ? ( Laughs )
Dylan : ( Laughs ) I loved that truck .
Harley : Yeah , more than me .
Dylan : Never .
Harley : The high school .
Dylan : What ?
Harley : Yes . The high school . It s summer . Come on ! There s not a lot of people around . There are vending machines in case he gets hungry . That s where the kids are . Come on . So much for them doubling back .
Dylan : The bathroom door s open .
Harley : I do nt have to go .
Dylan : Okay , that s good to know , but what I meant was , it was nt when I left .
Harley : Maybe Daisy left it open .
Dylan : I mean , after she ran off , before I came to your house , I mean , maybe they did actually come back .
Harley : Right . No , good thinking , good thinking . Hey , and I m going to check her computer to see if she s actually been on this thing recently . Not that this has anything to do with anything , but whatever happened to blue freak ?
Dylan : Blue streak !
Harley : Streak !
Dylan : Right . And the people I was staying with sold it off for parts to pay my rent after I went to prison .
Harley : You went to prison ? Just kidding ! Somebody wanted those parts ?
Dylan : Harley , let the truck rest in peace !
Harley : Sorry . I m just saying . We had a good time in that truck .
Dylan : Yes , we did .
Harley : I m not talking about that . I m talking about summers with the windows open and the wind blowing and the music blasting . Come on . It s like we were in a rock video .
Dylan : I kind of felt like I was a rock star whenever I was with you .
Harley : There s nothing on here . Well , you know , we were nt rock stars , we were just horny teenagers .
Dylan : Hey , we were more than that .
Harley : We did nt have time together to be more than that . What are you looking for ?
Dylan : Whatever s missing . You know what ? I wish we met when we were a little older .
Harley : That s so weird . I just told Gus I wish we met when we were a little younger . But then , we would nt have Daisy .
Dylan : Well , not our Daisy , but we d have kids and family and we d have each other . You know , a little wine with a whole lot of nostalgia .
Harley : We should get going . We ve got to find them .
Dylan : I m ...
Harley : You know what , apology accepted , how s that ?
Dylan : No , actually , what I was going to say is I m not sorry I kissed you .
Harley : Dylan , do nt .
Dylan : You know what ? You grew up , you moved on , you found Gus and you got this great life together , right ? And then I moved back to town and I see you and more and more every day I just feel like maybe I never got over Harley Cooper with the dangling earrings and the great laugh . And , you know what ? Maybe I never will . ( Ringing of cell phone )
Harley : What do you want ? Oh . Mhmm . Coming . The hospital .
Gus : We re going to check every park , motel , and hospital . We re going to make sure that Rafe gets home safe . Okay ?
Remy : Finding your kid is what matters . I want to help .
Natalia : Thank you .
Gus : I m going to go .
Natalia : Call me .
Gus : I will .
Remy : I will .
Gus : Go . ( Knock on the door )
Natalia : Rafe ? Mr. Spaulding ?
Alan : Please call me Alan . Any news ?
Natalia : No . No . Come in . I guess you have nt heard anything .
Alan : No , I m sorry . I have nt heard anything .
Natalia : Well , Gus thought that the kids might come here , so I m in charge of waiting and pacing . I was going to make some flyers to see if , maybe give them to the neighbors .
Alan : Oh , I do nt think that ll be necessary . If we need that I ll have my people prepare all that for us .
Natalia : You have people ?
Alan : Yes . Many people , but none of them are as important to me as family . Well , look at us . We re all dressed up , but no place to go .
Natalia : You do nt have to keep me company . You should go to wherever you ...
Alan : Well , I was on my way to a charity auction for autism . You ll find that I always fight for children .
Natalia : I know about you , Alan . You know , everyone does .
Alan : You ca nt believe everything you hear , you know .
Natalia : I do nt .
Alan : May I ... ?
Natalia : Yeah , yeah . Sit .
Alan : I just do nt think that you should be here alone with your son missing .
Natalia : Thank you .
Alan : I want to ask you something , though . Why did nt you return my phone call ?
Natalia : I did nt know what to think about that .
Alan : I just wanted to meet the mother of my grandson . I mean , I ve had an opportunity to spend a little time with him and I wanted to ...
Natalia : I heard . He likes you .
Alan : He does ? Well , I m glad to hear that .
Natalia : It takes a long time for Rafe to warm up to new people , and there have been a lot of new people .
Alan : I get the feeling he did nt have an easy life . But you know something ? I find him a very interesting young man .
Natalia : He s an infuriating young man .
Alan : Well , I m an infuriating older man and I understand perfectly . ( Laughs ) ( ringing of cell phone ) Oh , excuse me . My butler .
Natalia : Yeah , I should have had my butler answer for you .
Alan : Hello , Thomas . Yes , as a matter of fact , I m here with his mother right now . We ll be right over . Raphael talked his way through the front gate . Daisy and he may be on the grounds right now .
Natalia : Maybe ? What , they ca nt find them ?
Alan : You have nt seen our grounds . Come on . Check again , just in case . Well , we must have just missed them .
Natalia : This house ...
Alan : Yes , this house has been in the family for many years . Its ownership has been tossed around in the family like a hot potato . You , on the other hand . Your house was purchased with hard work and sacrifice . I d take that any day .
Natalia : No , you would nt .
Alan : I think I know now where Raphael gets his courage .
Natalia : I should nt ...
Alan : No , no , no . We both deserve a little time to regroup . After all , we need to have a little drink before we go back out .
Natalia : Maybe you more than me .
Alan : I ll tell you , the last few days have been pretty rough for me personally .
Natalia : Does this have to do with the wedding at that big barbecue ? I work at Company , the gossip capitol of Springfield .
Alan : Ah , yes , it is the gossip capitol .
Natalia : She was your wife and you thought she was having your baby ?
Alan : Ms. Rivera ...
Natalia : It s Natalia . I m so sorry .
Alan : Well , Natalia , if my reputation precedes me , you must be very disappointed right now to see the big , bad Alan Spaulding , huh ?
Natalia : You ve suffered a loss .
Alan : Well , you ve suffered a loss , too . Sending Raphael over to live with Gus and Harley , I mean ... but you wo nt lose him for long . I have an abundant amount of resources and I ll make sure that he comes home to you .
Natalia : You really care ?
Alan : That young man was very kind to me after a very difficult day in my life and he will be rewarded .
Natalia : No . I see where this is going . No , we do nt need for you to ...
Alan : I m sorry , Natalia . I did nt mean to insult you by offering you money . I only meant to suggest that when we get him back and he has to go back over to Harley and Gus to live , if it becomes too intense over there , and I m sure it will , I want you both to know that you will be welcomed here . The keys to the house are right here ... next to the lake house keys , which are gone . Raphael saw the keys yesterday . ( Ringing of cell phone )
Natalia : Hello ? Oh , Daisy . Thank God . Where are you ? Oh , no , no . I have to get to my son right now . I do nt know where she is ...
Alan : Daisy ? Stay right where you are . They re at the lake house . Come on , let s go .
Natalia : Oh , my God !
Gus : Baby , you ca nt think like that .
Harley : I could have been your first love .
Gus : I saved the best for last . What can I say ?
Dylan : I got to meet a client downstairs . I should nt be more than 10 minutes . I ll bring you back some food , okay ?
Daisy : Oh , okay . Thanks . ( Knock on the door ) It s still open , Dylan .
Rafe : Hey . Is it okay ?
Daisy : Get in . Oh , my God . I was just packing . I was going to come and get you and you re here . It s like you knew .
Rafe : Look , get the rest of your stuff , okay , because Gus and Harley are going to figure this out really soon .
Daisy : Okay . How did you get out ?
Rafe : The window . Where s your dad ?
Daisy : He s in the lounge . We can get a room here to hide out in .
Rafe : What if he s there ?
Daisy : There s a service entrance we can use .
Rafe : Okay , good , cool .
Daisy : Where are we going ?
Rafe : For good , I have no idea .
Daisy : For good , really ?
Rafe : Yeah . Look , my mom s on a date , okay ? So , if here does nt work , we can go there for now . Did you get everything ?
Daisy : Ah ... let s go .
Rafe : Okay . Okay , she s not here .
Daisy : They re going to flip . But that s what they get , right ? I mean , splitting us up , treating us like we re babies ...
Rafe : Are they always like that ?
Daisy : Gus and Harley , with the rules ? Yeah . I guess Dylan s okay , but he s not going to override Harley .
Rafe : Like my mom . All of a sudden she s on Gus team . You know what ? We re going to be fine .
Daisy : Are you kidding ? We re going to be better off .
Gus : Well , somebody s got to do it .
Rafe : $ 7.52 .
Daisy : Where are we going to go ?
Rafe : I have no idea , but I m thinking , I ll tell you that .
Daisy : Wish we had somewhere fun to go , you know ? Like a beach house or something .
Dylan : I loved that truck .
Harley : I know , more than me .
Dylan : Never .
Harley : The high school .
Dylan : What ?
Harley : Yeah , it s summer , there s not a lot of people around . There s a vending machine in case he gets hungry . That s where they are .
Daisy : Too close . Okay . Where are we going to go ?
Rafe : Come on . You just gave me an idea .
Daisy : I ca nt believe you just did that .
Rafe : That butler dude ? I think he s actually scared of me .
Daisy : Yeah , that s why he should nt have let us in . Can you believe your family lives here ?
Rafe : No , look . My mom is my family , all right ? But this ? This is helpful . Come on , let s go .
Daisy : This is like the perfect beach house . Or lake house . Whatever .
Rafe : It s what you wanted , right ?
Daisy : Yeah . It s amazing in here . So quiet and private .
Rafe : I thought I heard something .
Daisy : Yeah , me too . We re just so used to it . But it s just us , okay ? We made it . We got away . Are you hungry ?
Rafe : Yeah . I m starving .
Daisy : I ll make us something .
Rafe : Wait , you cook ?
Daisy : I can try . We ve got baking soda and we ve got pickles . Gross , these are old pickles . It s the middle of the summer . Why have nt any of the Spaulding s used this place ?
Rafe : I ll be they have like ten houses just like this .
Daisy : Yeah , but this one s really cool .
Rafe : I was nt that hungry anyway . It does nt matter . Let s go swimming .
Daisy : All right . Sure .
Rafe : You think the Spaulding s just left bathing suits lying around for us ?
Daisy : Do we really need bathing suits ?
Rafe : Okay . ( Laughs ) Last one to get into the lake has to eat those pickles .
Daisy : Ew , no . No , gross . Everything , right ?
Rafe : That s what we said , yeah .
Daisy : I am so going to be in that lake before you . Rafe ? Are you okay ?
Rafe : Yeah . I was just a little bit hungry . Give me a sec .
Daisy : Okay . Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Rafe ? Wake up . Rafe . God . Oh , my God . Rafe ? Come on . Come on , it s okay . It s going to be okay . Come on . Wake up . Come on , come on . Hey . Come on . Hi . Natalia . It s Rafe . We re at the Spaulding lake house and I ca nt ... I ca nt get him to wake up . Come on . Hey .
Natalia : Oh , my God .
Daisy : He wo nt wake up .
Natalia : Okay . Raphael , it s me . I m here .
Daisy : I do nt know what happened . He just passed out .
Natalia : It s his blood sugar . He s low and when it gets too low ...
Daisy : I m sorry . I knew we were nt supposed to ...
Alan : Daisy , do nt worry about that . We re here to help Raphael . Natalia , what can I do ?
Natalia : Come on . Come on .
Alan : Raphael , it s your grandfather . Listen to what your mother tells you to do .
Natalia : There we go . There we go . Good boy . Come on , Rafe .
Daisy : Is he okay ?
Natalia : There you go . Let me see . Rafe ? Good boy . There we go . Okay , we have to get him to the hospital .
Alan : All right . I ll call 9 - 1 - 1 .
Natalia : Come on .
Gus : Hey . Where is he ?
Buzz : Over there . That way .
Remy : Natalia .
Natalia : Nick .
Gus : Hi .
Natalia : Hi .
Gus : Is he all right ?
Natalia : Yeah . He almost went into shock . We got there just in time .
Gus : Can I see him ?
Natalia : Yeah .
Buzz : You know , this might be sort of complicated . Are you sure that ...
Remy : Yeah .
Rafe : Mom , I m sorry , okay ?
Natalia : You did nt just scare me this time . You scared your father , your grandfather .
Rafe : And Daisy .
Gus : You put Daisy in a very precarious situation and you put yourself in danger as well .
Rafe : Okay , I get it , all right ?
Gus : I m not done talking . I m glad that you re back , but you just ca nt take off like that . I d miss you . I d miss having you around .
Daisy : When can I go in and see him ?
Dylan : He s with his parents right now .
Harley : Baby , we just want to make sure you re okay .
Daisy : Yeah , I am . But if we had nt run off ...
Harley : Yup , you did that . But you stayed calm and you got him the help that he needed .
Daisy : I do nt think I was calm .
Harley : You were calm . You were calm and you were smart . You were smart enough to call his mother . Please stop doing this . Please stop running away every time you get mad .
Dylan : This could have gotten a lot worse . We were just talking about how we want better things for you .
Daisy : You were ?
Harley : I see you graduate from high school . College would be nice . Love to dance at your wedding .
Daisy : So , does this mean I m not grounded ?
Harley : We ll talk about it .
Reva : No strings attached .
Josh : Jeffrey . It s Josh Lewis .
Reva : I m right in here !
Josh : You do what you want . It s fine with me .
Reva : Why do nt you tell me who you want me to sleep with ?
Frank : Is Dinah really that bad ?
Dinah : Stop ! Alarm clock , push button ...
Terri : Does your little girlfriend know you re about to be deported ?
Alexandra : Looks serious .
Cyrus : There must be some amicable way we can solve this little green card issue .
### Summary:
| Gus and Harley s blended family is in the spotlight today as everyone pitches in to find Rafe and Daisy who have run away to be together . Gus and Remy team up to look for the teens and we discover that Remy owes money to a bad guy because he lost money on a poker game . We also discover that Gus is jealous of Remy and Natalia s relationship . Dylan and Harley team up to search and a drunk Dylan kisses Harley and he also tells her he still loves her . Alan and Natalia team up and get to know each other and we discover that Alan likes Natalia better then Harley for Gus . Rafe and Daisy run away to Alan s lake house and Rafe has a severe sugar low and faints so Daisy calls Natalia and they take Rafe to the hospital . Rafe and Daisy s parents realize that the teens really care for each other and have no idea how to handle the situation . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : Even though I would have been proud of you if you d gone into the Army , I would ve missed you like crazy .
Rick : ( Laughs )
Steffy : But it does nt change a thing . We still ca nt be together , not until you come to terms with my dad .
Rick : ( Sighs ) Look , you know that I would do anything for you , right ? But what you re asking me to do , Steffy , is just -- it s crazy !
Steffy : It s the only way we can have a future together .
Rick : Your father thinks that I m the devil .
Steffy : Okay . ( Sighs ) But do nt you see that I just--
Rick : Listen . Listen to me . Listen to me . I tried . I ve tried over and over again . It does nt work . The one thing your father wants in this world is for me to stay as far away from you as humanly possible .
Jackie : I will not allow it . I will not allow this wedding to take place .
Beth : And who are you to say ?
Jackie : I know my son , and this is not the life he wants .
Nick : Mother , you re going about this the wrong way .
Minister : I m sorry . I just arrived at your front door when she , uh , came--
Jackie : I was not invited , all right ? So I had to take matters into my own hands , and that s what I m doing .
Katie : You were nt invited , Jackie , for a reason , which you re proving right now .
Jackie : What I m proving is that this relationship is based on false hope . My son found himself in the middle of a life - and - death situation , and he did what any noble man would do . He gave you your last dying wish .
Katie : For God s sake .
Nick : Oh , okay , that s enough , Mother . That s enough !
Beth : ( Sighs )
Jackie : He was in love with Bridget when he took you to that island , and he was in love with Bridget when he returned , and if anyone dare say I m wrong , you better speak now .
Nick : ( Clears throat ) I do nt know why we re complicating this situation . I really do nt .
Katie : All right . All right , wait a second . Bridget , is that why you re here ?
Bridget : Katie , this is just your special day with Nick . I m --
Katie : Oh , thanks . Thanks . You re right . It is my day with Nick . It s a day that came about because of genuine feelings , feelings that I will not second guess or apologize to anyone for , especially you , Jackie .
Rick : I just thought I had the answers , you know ? I - I - I would join the military . I would impress your father . He -- he would see that I could change , and he would-- he would see me differently .
Steffy : Well , maybe he will .
Rick : Well , I was rejected by the Army , Steffy . It--
Steffy : I m glad they rejected you .
Ridge : Look at him in that getup .
Man : You want to go get ...
Ridge : And she s falling for it .
Rick : I know you may not believe me right now , and I - I get that . I understand that . What s important is that I believe me . I m gon na be the perfect man for you .
Steffy : No . No . You have to leave . If -- if my dad sees us like this--
Rick : Ahh , yes , your dad . It always comes down to your father , the one person who s standing in our way .
Steffy : He s so afraid . And it scares me sometimes . Come on , everything he says has a weird way of coming true . When we were in the car , when my dad was chasing after us , and you almost crashed-- the same way Phoebe died .
Rick : Steffy , I would nt have been driving that fast if he was nt chasing us to try to kill me .
Steffy : ( Scoffs ) And if Phoebe was nt in your car , she d still be alive .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Steffy : So many ifs , and yet so many similarities .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Steffy : At least , that s how my dad sees it .
Rick : Is that how you see it ?
Steffy : ( Sighs ) I do nt want to . But whenever we try to be together , something bad happens , and -- and that s what freaks out my dad , and when I think about it-- the stress he s under . My God . If something were to happen to him , I d just-- Id-- ( sighs ) that s why this has to end . So please , please do nt do this to me . This hurts me more when you re here .
Steffy : Do nt . ( Sighs ) Please , plea-- please do nt do this to me .
Steffy : ( Whispers ) Please . Please do nt . ( Indistinct conversations ) ( stairwell door opens )
Jackie : Look , I know that your feelings are true and genuine , but they come from a deceitful , dishonest place that only a woman knows .
Nick : Oh ! Mother !
Katie : ( Laughs )
Bridget : Katie , please understand that I have put you and -- and Nick behind me , and you re of absolutely no concern .
Minister : Could somebody help me ?
Nick : I was about to ask the same thing .
Jackie : Bridget , would you please be honest ? You have not put this behind you , and you have every right to blame her for absolutely everything .
Beth : No , she does nt . If you recall , Nick and Bridget have been married before . And unfortunately , it was a match proven not to work .
Jackie : It worked very well until a certain someone decided to play upon the sympathetic side of my son s heart ...
Katie : ( Sighs )
Jackie : A heart that was then seduced and stolen by a dying woman s pathetic plea .
Katie : How dare you ?
Bridget : No ! Wait a second , Katie . How dare you ? How dare you ? I trusted you . I trusted you , and you took advantage of that . So actually , Jackie , you re right . I have nt gotten over this at all . I was just repressing those feelings which are ... ( inhales deeply ) incredibly painful for me . I was repressing them for your big celebration day , right , Nick ? Guess I m not as good at that as I thought I was .
Katie : We ve talked about this over and over again . I do nt know what more you want me to say .
Bridget : Oh , we have talked about it . So what , Katie ? My patience is beginning to wane , because you keep pushing my buttons .
Nick : Oh -- oh , uh , girls . Ladies , could we just maybe take our buttons to a - a neutral corner , please , for now ?
Katie : I m not feeling very well . I m gon na go upstairs .
Beth : And I m going with her .
Brooke : Come in .
Steffy : Hey . Dad around ?
Brooke : No .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) oh .
Brooke : So I guess you ve heard about Rick . He s joining the service . Can you believe it ?
Steffy : It did nt work out .
Brooke : What do you mean ?
Steffy : They would nt take him because of the injury from the fall .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Oh , I - I - I must say , I am relieved .
Steffy : Well , he wanted to serve his country . You know , that s important to him , but personally , I do nt know . I just feel that I--
Brooke : You re glad that he was rejected .
Steffy : Pretty selfish , huh ?
Brooke : No . Your father ... ( sighs ) actually thought that this might happen , that he would nt be accepted because of that injury , his past medical history .
Steffy : Wow , and he thinks Rick knew that , right ? ( Sighs )
Brooke : He s convinced that Rick was grandstanding .
Steffy : Who do you believe ?
Brooke : I believe that Rick really has changed . I think he wanted to serve his country , because he wanted to become a better person .
Steffy : Yeah , I believe that , too . Not that Dad ever will . ( Sighs )
Ridge : I told you to stay away from her .
Rick : Were you spying on us ?
Ridge : What s it gon na take ? Because I am gon na stop you .
Rick : I had to tell her something , Ridge .
Ridge : Let me guess-- that you were doing the noble thing by joining the military .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Ridge : Brooke told me . I did nt believe her , because you do nt have the guts .
Rick : A few weeks ago , yeah , that would have been true .
Ridge : You have no intention of going in , and you know it .
Rick : Despite what you may believe , I had every intention of going in . I need the military , okay ? I need the focus . I need the discipline . It would make me a better person .
Ridge : ( Laughs ) Really ?
Rick : Yeah .
Ridge : So when do you leave ?
Rick : There was a slight issue with my deployment .
Ridge : And what might that be ?
Rick : Do you remember when you pushed me off the building ? I fell , and I was paralyzed ? Because of that , I can not serve my country .
Ridge : And that did nt occur to you at all when you walked into that recruitment office ?
Rick : No , Ridge , it did nt , okay ?
Ridge : Oh , the hell it did nt . This is all a ploy , Rick .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Ridge : Trying to take the heat off and maybe impress Steffy .
Rick : I would have served my country . I would have served proudly . But once again , you messed all that up .
Brooke : How did the two of you leave things ?
Steffy : ( Sighs ) I told him he had to go , that I ca nt be with him . It s too painful .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) You saw him at the house ?
Steffy : No . No , h - he was here .
Brooke : He was here ? In the building ?
Steffy : Mm - hmm , yeah .
Brooke : How long ago ?
Steffy : Just before I came to see you .
Brooke : Did you see your father ?
Steffy : No . Should I have ?
Brooke : He was here with me before he decided to go down and see you .
Steffy : When ?
Brooke : Apparently when you were downstairs talking with Rick .
Steffy : What ? Wha -- oh , my go-- oh , my God .
Ridge : So it s my fault you could nt join the Army ? You used that injury . You had no intention of going into the Army .
Rick : Ridge , that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard .
Ridge : You walked into that recruiting office knowing damn well there was no way they were gon na take you .
Rick : Are you listening to yourself ? That s insane .
Ridge : Then you cashed it in , Rick . You told your dad . You told your mom . You told Steffy about all your great aspirations to serve your country . You know how sick that is ?
Rick : Why do you do this ? Why do you do this all the time ? Why ca nt you , for once , just give me the benefit of the doubt ? Why do you always see the worst of me ?
Ridge : Because your actions speak the worst of you , Rick . You do nt do anything without some ulterior motive .
Rick : All right , yeah . I m done here . I m not gon na listen to this anymore .
Ridge : I have nt even begun with you .
Rick : Get your hand off of me .
Ridge : How many times have I told you to stay away from Steffy ? 10 ? 20 ? 50 times ? But you do nt listen . You just do nt respect what I say . What do I have to do ? Rip your head off ? Well , I ll do that in a heartbeat , Rick , if it means keeping my second daughter from being killed by you .
Rick : I said , Get your hand off of me .
Nick : What just happened ?
Jackie : Well , it s simple , really . The truth was told . The wedding is off .
Minister : The wedding is nt happening ?
Nick : It is .
Jackie : It s not .
Nick : Mother--
Bridget : Nick .
Nick : What ?
Bridget : You might just want to listen to her .
Nick : No , because she s stubborn , she s narrow - minded , and she s bullheaded .
Jackie : And I know you , and I know that you are not totally in love with Katie . And you know what I have said is the truth . Look , I am only here to give you my complete and unconditional love . You re my son , for God s sake . I want what s best for you . ( Sighs ) and marrying Katie is a mistake .
Minister : Perhaps I should leave if there is nt going to be a ceremony .
Nick : You re not going anywhere , because there will be a ceremony , and there will be vows . This is not unconditional love , mother . What you re doing is controlling and manipulative . Now when Katie comes back down these stairs , you will give us your blessing , and you will give it lovingly .
Jackie : Katie , I would like to extend an apology . It was rude of me to barge in like this on such a special occasion . I - it s just that when it comes to my son , I sometimes get carried away . I - I did nt mean--
Katie : Is this a joke ? I mean , she s kidding , right ?
Bridget : Uh , ka -- I-- I would also-- ( sighs ) I m sure I was , um , out of line , as well .
Katie : ( Sighs ) Well , I think there is one thing we can all agree on , and that is this is not the day ... ( sighs ) that I envisioned for the two of us , and it s certainly not a day that I want to remember for the rest of my life , so I guess you both accomplished what you wanted to . And if you do nt mind , I d like to talk to Nick alone , so ...
Beth : Sweetheart , if there s anything that I can do--
Katie : No , I - I m fine . I m good .
Beth : All right . ( Sighs )
Minister : Call me if you need me .
Nick : I will . Thanks .
Minister : Yeah .
Katie : ( Sighs ) That was a disaster . ( Laughs ) ( sniffles ) I wanted so much to marry you today . I wanted so much to make love to you tonight as your wife , and it s just not gon na happen .
Nick : I still want that . That s what I want .
Katie : You know , what -- what Bridget and your mom said-- it -- they were kind of right .
Nick : No . No , Katie . They were wrong . They were wrong .
Katie : No , what happened between us-- what happened between us , Nick , was something that I wanted , something that I needed . I destroyed your marriage to Bridget . I know that . ( Sighs )
Nick : Katie--
Katie : I love you . I really do . But I do nt know what to do with this . I just do nt know what to do . ( Sniffles )
Steffy : Jake , you were in the shipping office when I left . Did you see anything by any chance ?
Jake : Like what ?
Brooke : Was Ridge around anywhere ?
Jake : Uh , yeah , actually he was . I saw him near the office door looking through the window .
Brooke : Then what happened ?
Jake : Well , you know , actually , it was strange . I - I , uh , saw this guy wearing , like , military clothes . And I - I could nt see him from the front , so I did nt recognize him . Anyway , uh , I -- he slipped into the stairwell .
Steffy : ( Clears throat ) Uh , did my dad see him ?
Jake : Yeah . Yeah . Yeah , I think , in fact , he followed him .
Brooke : Well , thanks , Jake . That s all I needed to know .
Jake : Okay , yeah . You got it .
Steffy : That was Rick .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) We have to find those two before something terrible happens .
Rick : You are not the only one in pain .
Ridge : Oh , do nt you dare compare your loss to mine .
Rick : Why not ? You keep reminding me that I m the reason why Phoebe is gone . Do you have any idea how that makes me feel ?
Ridge : I lost a daughter . You lost nothing .
Rick : You -- you -- you--
Ridge : You used her against me .
Rick : You are feeding this obsession of yours , Ridge . You think that I m sick ? You re sick . You keep saying that I used phoebe . I did nt use her . I tried to stay the hell away from her .
Ridge : Oh , do nt even start with that . You brought this all on--
Rick : I brought nothing on . Listen to me . I brought nothing on . But you do nt believe me . ( Laughs ) you -- youve never believed a damn word I ve ever said , and you still do nt . You think I m some loser , Ridge , so what does that make you ? God s gift to women ? To this company ? To the family ? I am so sick of that . Do you have any idea what my life would be like without you in it ? My father would respect me . My mother would be eternally happy , and Steffy and I would be together . That s right , you heard me . Steffy and I would be together . In fact , we will be together . She will be mine , and there s not a damn thing that you can do about that .
Rick : ( Grunts ) ( Straining ) I got you .
Ridge : Pull me up . ( Grunts )
Rick : ( Groans ) My God !
Ridge : Pull me up , Rick .
Rick : ( Grunts )
### Summary:
| Jackie tells a minister and family that she wo nt allow this wedding . Despite the accusations , Katie says she will not apologize for her feelings for Nick . Urged by Jackie , Bridget finally unloads on Katie too . This is not nearly as in the past as they all were led to believe . Nick tells the minister not to leave . There will be a wedding . He admonishes his mother that when Katie comes back downstairs that there will be a wedding and with her blessings and she will give it lovingly . Ridge spies Rick and Steffy in an embrace and realizes that Steffy is falling for his explanations . Steffy asks Rick not to do this to her . It will freak out her dad , and she can not even think what might happen to him . Rick leaves her alone and leaves the building with Ridge right behind . Jake also sees them . Ridge confronts Rick on the roof and re- emphasizes that he wanted to go to the Army to better himself and serve his country . Because of his leg injury which Ridge caused , that ruined everything . Ridge feels Rick walked into that office knowing they would not take him . It was all self - serving . Brooke is happy to hear from Steffy that it did nt work out for Rick . The Army did nt take him . They both are alarmed that Ridge is missing and the last Brooke saw of him was that he was going to talk to Rick . First Jackie and then Bridget apologizes to Katie and she asks them to leave . This is not the wedding day she envisioned . On the roof , Ridge gives his spiel again that Rick should have listened and stayed away from Steffy . Brooke and Steffy discover from Jake that Ridge probably followed Rick into the stairwell . Words fly , Ridge pushes and taunts are made by Rick that Steffy will be his and there is not a damn thing Ridge can do about it . Ridge makes a pass at Rick but misses and takes a flying leap off the building , hanging by his fingernails . He asks Rick for his help in pulling him up . Rick does and then realizes he has this man s life literally and solely in his hands . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Ridge , it does nt matter .
Ridge : What do you mean it does nt matter ?
Brooke : The woman I am today would never make that kind of mistake ! What happened with Deacon --
Ridge : What did happen , Brooke ? Huh ? What , a one - night stand ?
Brooke : Call it whatever you want . It was just a low point in my life .
Deacon : Good . That s good to know .
Brooke : But it was also a turning point , Ridge . I ve changed !
Ridge : Yeah -- yeah , you sure have , Logan .
Brooke : Ridge , please !
Amber : What the hell have you done , you idiot ?
Rudy : Same old Amber . Feisty as ever . God , I missed you . But listen , I ca nt tie up this line anymore . What do you say we do lunch ?
Amber : Lunch ?
Rudy : I got next Monday free .
Amber : Okay , Rudy -- where are you ?
Rudy : Where do you think , huh ? Where d I always tell you I d end up ?
Amber : Hollywood .
Rudy : That s right , baby . You re not the only one making dreams come true . I m sitting right now at the worldwide headquarters of delight productions , incorporated .
Amber : It s the address on the box ? Hmm ? Is it ? Do nt move !
Stephanie : You have got it so wrong . You have got it so wrong . His world falls apart if he marries Brooke .
Eric : Why ca nt you let this go ? Bridget has forgiven her . Now if her daughter can get past this --
Stephanie : Wait a minute . Who told you that ? Who said to you that she s gotten past this ? Let me tell you , your daughter is never going to get past what her mother did to her . It s changed her forever ! And you have nt even begun to see the repercussions that this is going to cause .
Bridget : Okay , two mocha lattes .
Man : We ordered the special .
Bridget : Oh .
Woman : I think those are ours .
Bridget : Sorry . Long day .
Woman : No problem .
Bridget : Here you go . I ll be right back with yours .
Raquel : Hey , what s with you , girl ?
Bridget : Ken , I need the specials .
Ken : Coming up .
Ridge : You know , I d like to see what it felt like to put this on a beautiful woman s finger .
Bridget : Oh , no , Ridge -- not --
Ridge : There . That was nt so bad . Yeah , this is -- this is right . In fact , this is perfect .
Ken : There you go .
Bridget : Thank you .
Brooke : You do nt understand !
Ridge : No , Brooke , I do nt understand . Bridget knows , does nt she ? She knows all about it .
Brooke : Yes .
Ridge : Oh , god .
Brooke : We re working through it .
Ridge : You re working through it ? You had a baby with her husband , Brooke ! How does she begin to wrap her mind around that , huh ? How do I ?
Deacon : Maybe a little visualization would help at this point . You know that big brass bed that she has up in her office ? Well , picture the two of us on top of it with Bridget waiting downstairs --
Brooke : Oh , god , Deacon ! Stop it !
Ridge : Just get out of my house !
Brooke : Yeah , you heard him . Get out now !
Ridge : I was nt talking to Deacon .
Stephanie : What has Bridget said to you ?
Eric : She has nt said anything to me about this .
Stephanie : At all ?
Eric : No . She s had several opportunities to tell me about her mother and Deacon , but she has nt . She shared her view with Massimo , of course . But not me . I can only assume it s because she does nt want me to know . And so for her sake --
Stephanie : You re gon na pretend you do nt . That s what Bridget is starting to do . She s starting to pretend she does nt know what her mother is capable of . Because it makes it easier for everybody else . But she knows . She knows her mother was willing to sacrifice her . And she knows something else . Brooke will sacrifice Ridge s children , as well .
Raquel : Bridget -- phone .
Bridget : Can you take a message ?
Raquel : It s Thomas .
Bridget : Thomas -- ? Thanks . Thomas ?
Thomas : Hi .
Bridget : What s up , honey ?
Thomas : What s going on with your mom and my dad ?
Bridget : You mean tonight ?
Thomas : She s here . And we got sent upstairs so they can be alone .
Bridget : Um -- look , sweetie , I m sure your dad s gon na talk to you about that .
Thomas : He already did . He said he s not gon na do anything I m not ready for this I m not ready for this .
Bridget : Thomas , you know , sometimes things happen that we re not ready for . And that we re not happy about , but other people are . And if you love them , you just try to be happy for them .
Thomas : Is that what you d do ?
Bridget : Yeah .
Thomas : But it s just so hard .
Bridget : I know , sweetie . I know .
Brooke : Ridge , please do nt do this .
Ridge : I do nt want to say something I m gon na regret .
Deacon : Well , you know what ? ! Why do nt you try saying something you re gon na regret . Let it out , man ! Come on ! We can put an end to this ridiculous fantasy .
Brooke : There is no fantasy ! Ridge , what you and I share is real . What happened in my past , that does nt matter . You said so yourself . It does nt matter what other people think !
Ridge : That s right . That is what I said . How d you keep a straight face when I did say it , huh ?
Brooke : What you and I share is magic . It s the way it s supposed to be , Ridge . All of my mistakes --
Ridge : All your mistakes ? Is that how you classify it ? Sleeping with your son - in - law ? Oops , I did it again .
Brooke : No . No , it s changed me . Really , I have changed .
Ridge : Oh , really ? Really , Brooke ? Well , I got ta tell ya , it does nt really seem that different from all the other times , all the other lies .
Brooke : Ridge , I did nt want to tell you because it had nothing to do with us . And Bridget did nt want it to get out .
Deacon : Would you please just stop insulting this guy s intelligence for one second ? ! The only reason that you did this , Brooke , was so you would nt lose him .
Brooke : That s not true !
Ridge : You should really listen to him , actually . This guy might know you better than you know yourself .
Deacon : Oh , not so quick there , pal , all right ? I know you , too . I know you could nt handle Brooke . She s too real for you .
Ridge : Oh , but not too real for you , huh ? Well , congratulations , Brooke . After all these years of searching , you finally found him . Your soul mate .
Brooke : Oh , stop it , Ridge . You re the man I ve always loved . You know that .
Ridge : And this was -- ?
Brooke : This was nothing . This was two lonely , desperate people reaching out to each other ! That s all it was .
Deacon : No , that s a lie .
Brooke : Deacon !
Deacon : No ! No , you two are the desperate ones . Both of you pretending that she s something she s not . Just so you do nt have to be alone ? My god , Brooke , do nt you get it ? You re never gon na be good enough for him ! You re never gon na measure up . That s why I did this . That s why . So you d see ! [ Deacon scoffs ] to hell with both of you .
Ridge : I guess he nailed it , huh ? The two of us , we ve just been playing a big game here .
Brooke : No .
Ridge : Why do nt you just get your baby , Brooke , and go home .
Brooke : Ridge , no . We re gon na talk about this , and we re gon na get past this .
Ridge : I already have .
Rudy : Well , hell s bells , girl , look at you . Gone all uptown on me and everything .
Amber : Shut up ! Shut up , okay ? I ca nt believe you did this ! That tape was for us ! It was a joke ! And you told me you threw it away !
Rudy : I know , I know . And I should ve . But I just could nt . It was sentimental value , you know ? I mean , I even knew then that you had somethin special . Now the whole world s seein what I saw .
Amber : Nobody was supposed to see what you saw ! This is so humiliating !
Rudy : What are you talking about ? Have you seen the movie ?
Amber : Yes !
Rudy : You re beautiful ! You re art !
Amber : I m a kid who got conned into having sex with a loser !
Rudy : A loser ? A loser ?
Amber : Oh , right . I keep forgetting . You are president and CEO of Rudy delight productions . What s with this delight thing anyway ?
Rudy : It s my professional name .
Amber : Yeah , because this is your idea of professional .
Rudy : We ca nt all marry success , Amber . Some of us have to work for it , start small .
Amber : Thank god I found out what you were up to in time . You ve sold , like , what , like ten of these tapes ?
Rudy : 4,673 as of Friday .
Amber : You re telling me that over 4,000 people have seen me having sex ?
Rudy : Well , I mean , you got ta figure a bunch of these things have gone out to , like , frat houses and things , so it s probably a lot more .
Amber : Oh , god . Oh , my god .
Rudy : And that s just the beginning ! You have no idea of the opportunities out there when you ve got a hot property like this . I m getting calls from all over , real big players . Look at this . I got offers to do merchandising , tours , conventions .
Amber : Rudy , you ca nt -- you ca nt do this to me . First of all , it s got to be illegal . Yeah , and second , it s just not cool ! I was a stupid kid ! I did nt know what I was doing ! God , how could you use this against me ? !
Rudy : Against you ? Baby , I made you a star !
Amber : Rudy , you re not gon na get away with this .
Rudy : What are you worried about ? What other people are gon na think ? Come on , it s the new millennium . Nobody s gon na care . Look at Rob Lowe or Pamela Anderson . I mean , their careers only got bigger . Someday , Amber -- someday you re gon na thank me for this .
Brooke : Ridge , neither one of us has been playing games . We ve just been trying to get through this horrid , dark , difficult time in your life . And I really thought that I was helping . And , yes , I did nt want you to find out about the truth . Because I did nt want you to push me away , for your sake and for the children s .
Ridge : No way . No , no , no . You d be so much better off not mentioning my kids right now .
Brooke : Ridge , I love your kids .
Ridge : Like you love Bridget ?
Brooke : I let her down . That does nt mean that I do nt --
Ridge : No , you did nt let her down , Brooke ! You did nt let her down at all . You went on the attack is what you did .
Brooke : Look , I ca nt explain to you what happened . And I m certainly not going to defend myself !
Ridge : No , you ca nt explain , and you do nt understand it all . And it ll certainly never happen again , right ?
Brooke : That s right , it wo nt !
Ridge : Yeah , well , pardon me if I m not so sure about that . Pardon me if I do nt really want you around my kids .
Ridge : Their mother -- their mother , and I was going to replace her with you ? God help me . God help me !
Rudy : It s so good to see you again . I just -- I ca nt believe how much you ve changed .
Amber : Oh , I ve changed , Rudy . And if you think you re dealin with the same dorky little kid --
Rudy : No , no . No , no . I mean , I knew you d come up in the world . I seen you on tv , the magazines .
Amber : Yeah . Yeah , I bet . And you just thought you hit the jackpot , did nt you ? Huh ? Just figured you d cash in on my success .
Rudy : Is that what you think ? Geez , amber , you ve gotten hard .
Amber : You do nt know the half of it . You know , I was no match for you then , but you do not want to go head - to - head with me now .
Rudy : Of course not . The only way this works is if we work together . I want your input .
Amber : Ooh , oh , I m gon na give you my input , Rudy . In fact , I will tell you exactly what you can do with Ambrosia undressed .
Rudy : This is great ! This is great ! I mean , we could do like -- we could do the reunion tour , like the sex pistols , you know ? We can -- oh , oh , oh , oh , Amber -- we could do a sequel .
Eric : Stephanie , stop . Now , look , whether any of us approves or not , there s going to be a wedding , and you re going to accept it .
Stephanie : No , I m not !
Eric : I m not asking you ! I m telling you . This family has been through enough in fighting and division . I m not going to stand for it anymore . Taylor s children need us . They need us to come together as a family , for their father and for their new family . And that s what we re going to do -- for their sake .
Brooke : I ve been good for your children , Ridge . And I ve been good for you . Have you forgotten everything you said to me just half an hour ago ?
Ridge : I m trying to .
Brooke : This is crazy . I m the same woman I ve been all these months . Nothing has changed . The only thing that has is now you know why . You know why I m so grounded . You know why I put Hope first . Why I think before I act . Now , I hit bottom last year , and I never want to be in that place again .
Ridge : So what are you saying ? This has all been a character - building experience for you ?
Brooke : Yes , I am a better person now . And if I ve been able to help you at all , it s because of what I ve learned .
Ridge : No , Brooke , it s because you lied . Because you kept things from me , the way you always do when you re in trouble . You refuse to deal with reality . It just does nt exist for you . There s no reason for it . You just -- why even talk about it ? It s always the same damn excuses , Brooke ! And now you re gon na stand there and tell me how much you ve changed ?
Brooke : I have !
Ridge : Oh , god , if you believe that , you re even more deluded than I ve been .
Brooke : Taylor did nt think so .
Ridge : Oh , no , no , no , no , no . Do nt go there .
Brooke : Taylor believed in me . She saw how hard I was trying , and she encouraged me .
Ridge : Did Taylor know the truth , huh ? No ? I do nt think so . And do you think if she did , you think there s a chance in hell she would have wanted you raising her kids ?
Brooke : Yes , I do . I really think that she wanted us to be happy , Ridge .
Ridge : Yeah , well , I happen to have known Taylor a lot better than you did , and I happen to know that she d probably want to throw up .
Brooke : Okay . What I did was horrible . And I can see why you just do nt understand it right know , or why you do nt accept it . But it was even harder on Bridget . And if she and I could get past this --
ridge : Which I find very hard to believe .
Brooke : We have , Ridge . She has forgiven me . And I m sure you ll be able to do that , too .
Ridge : Oh , really , Brooke ? Oh , really ? Why is that , huh ? Because you re so unforgettable ? Well , maybe you are . Maybe you are . But I m sure as hell gon na try .
Brooke : Oh , god .
### Summary:
| Ridge is at a lost for words after hearing the truth about Brooke . Horrified about what Bridget went through , Ridge storms out of the house , along with Deacon . He ca nt believe he was going to replace his kid s mother with her . Amber tells Rudy to stay put because she is coming over . Amber screams at Rudy that the tape was supposed to just be for them . She is mortified to find out he has sold over 4,000 copies . Bridget has trouble focusing at work while she daydreams about Ridge . Thomas calls Bridget about what is going on between Brooke and Ridge . Even though he is nt ready for Brooke , Bridget reluctantly advises Thomas to be happy for his dad . Stephanie tells Eric that Bridget is nt over what happened with Brooke and the repercussions will hit Ridge if she marries him . She believes Bridget is lying to herself about what Brooke is capable of as a way of coping with the disaster . Despite all that , they head over to Ridge s to congratulate the new couple . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Patty : What are you looking at ?
Jack : Oh , nothing important . ( Sighs ) Nothing as important as seeing you in that bikini . Wow .
Patty : Mm . Would nt you rather see me out of it ?
Jack : What d you have in mind , Mrs. Abbott ?
Patty : Well , Mr. Abbott , I was thinking maybe we would take a shower before dinner .
Jack : Uh - huh , and after that ?
Patty : Oh , we d skip dinner .
Jack : You re gon na wear me out .
Patty : Uh - huh . Mm , that is my plan .
Jack : Uh - huh .
Patty : Uh - huh .
Jack : I ll be right in .
Patty : Mm - hmm . You better hurry .
Jack : ( Chuckles )
Patty : ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) Chh , chh , chh . ( Giggles )
Jack : ( Muttering ) Ash , it s me . Get back to me as soon as you can . I have some new information about Victor and Jabot . Jack
Kevin : ( Sighs ) So you hungry yet ?
Jana : Mm , yeah , I suppose I could eat something light , a salad or something .
Kevin : Mm .
Jana : God , if I would have known you were taking me out , I would not have eaten with ...
Kevin : Uh .
Jana : He who shall remain nameless .
Kevin : You promised , Jana .
Jana : I know . I know the rules . No talk about Ryder or Daisy . I promise .
Kevin : Or anything that would make us worry at all , because tonight we are gon na splurge . We are gon na live it up and act like it is our last night on earth together . What do you say ?
Jana : Ooh . Oh , hello . ( Laughs )
Kevin : Hmm ? Jack
Ryder : ( Whispers ) Did you get a hold of Mama Bear ? Bet she was nt happy . Stupid Jana , digging around in my past .
Daisy : ( Whispers ) Our mother has a plan , but you have to follow it exactly . What she wants us to do , it changes everything .
Ryder : What sort of plan ?
Daisy : The Fishers are about to learn what happens when Mama Bear gets backed into a corner .
Ryder : ( Sighs ) Jack
Ashley : I could not have gotten through today without you . Seriously . Thank you so much for being so supportive .
Neil : Are you kidding me ? You re very welcome .
Victor : Hello .
Neil : Hello , Victor .
Victor : Neil .
Ashley : Now s not a good time , Victor . It s been a really long day .
Victor : I m here to see Adam .
Neil : Since when are you back on speaking terms ?
Victor : This is the anniversary of his mother s death . I thought I should pay him a visit .
Ashley : He s not here .
Victor : When do you expect him back ?
Ashley : I do nt . He and Sharon moved out tonight . He s at the club .
Victor : Hmm . Whose decision was that ? Jack
Sharon : I ca nt believe that I would wind up living here again out of a suitcase like last year when my life was in a total shambles .
Adam : Hey , this is only temporary , Sharon . We re ... listen , w - well call the contractor tomorrow . We ll find out how the repairs are going . We ll be back in the house in no time , I m sure .
Sharon : I ca nt even think about a home right now . Not after what I heard tonight at the ranch from Ashley and Phyllis .
Adam : So now you ve decided that you do nt believe me ?
Sharon : If you were friends with Dr. Taylor , how could you not know what he was accused of ?
Adam : Why would I introduce Ashley to doctor-- listen , Dr. Olivia , Ashley s friend , a doctor , had nothing but glowing things to say about him .
Sharon : Well , you have an answer for everything .
Adam : Because it s the truth .
Sharon : Really ? Or is it what Ashley said-- you re starting to believe your own lies ?
Adam : What do you want me to say , Sharon ?
Sharon : I do nt know if there s anything you can say . Jack
Kevin : Cheers .
Jana : Cheers . Mmm .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) So you ready to order ?
Jana : Yes , in a sec .
Jana : I know you do nt want me to ask you this .
Kevin : But you re going to anyway .
Jana : Well , you know what ? ( Sighs ) Otherwise if I do nt , my imagination will just get the best of me . I ll start creating all these crazy stories in my head , and ones worse than the other , and--
Kevin : Well , we certainly would nt want that .
Jana : What did Tucker want when he called you aside earlier ?
Kevin : He asked me to do a search at Chancellor and see if anybody had sent out an e - mail looking into his previous business affairs .
Jana : Why would he ask you to do that ?
Kevin : I do nt know . He s paranoid ?
Jana : So basically , he s asking you to spy on the people you work with , the people who trust you .
Kevin : It does nt matter . That s corporate policy . Anything that s on those computers is -- is--
Jana : Well , I still do nt know how I feel about you investigating the people you work with . It s just not right .
Kevin : ( Scoffs ) Suddenly you have trouble investigating ? You had no problem investigating Ryder .
Jana : That was completely different .
Kevin : Oh ? ( Sighs )
Jana : We re doing it again .
Kevin : Mm - hmm . I m sorry .
Jana : God , I m sorry , too . I am . Let s order something . I - I m hungry suddenly .
Kevin : Now you re talkin .
Jana : Yeah ?
Kevin : I m starving . Jack
Adam : Look , just-- just knowing that Taylor delivered your baby-- the idea of him putting his hands on you ...
Sharon : You know what ? That night that he showed up at Fairview , as horrible as it is to think about what he did to those other women , I was in labor , and he was nothing but professional with me .
Adam : Well , good . That is a relief . Because , I mean , if something happened--
Sharon : Adam , wait . Look at me . This is about more than just Dr. Taylor .
Adam : What do you mean ?
Sharon : I need to know what happened in that house last summer . Did you drive Ashley to have a nervous breakdown ?
Adam : Sharon , I m sorry about what happened to Ashley last summer . I m sorry that I could nt help at all . I m sorry about the whole thing . But I did nt do it .
Sharon : Okay . Thank you for telling me the truth . ( Sighs ) You know what ? Um ... let s just-- let s go see a movie and get our mind off of things .
Adam : All right . Sounds good .
Sharon : Here it is February 18th already .
Adam : Wait . ( Stammers ) It s February 18th ?
Sharon : Yeah . Why ? What about it ?
Adam : Fe-- February 18th is the anniversary of my mom s death . Jack
Neil : All right , well , listen , I m gon na leave for a little bit . I ll give you two some time alone to talk , all right ? Ashley . Victor .
Victor : Neil . You did nt answer my question before . Why did Adam move off the ranch ? I thought you were such a big defender of his .
Ashley : It was always a temporary arrangement , Victor . It just seemed like the right time , so ...
Abby : Hi .
Neil : Oh , hi , Abby .
Abby : ( Chuckles ) Hi , Neil .
Neil : Hi .
Victor : There s got to be more to it than that .
Ashley : I m sorry you came all the way out here for nothing .
Abby : Uh , Dad .
Victor : Hi , Sweetheart .
Abby : ( Sighs ) Uh , what are you doing here ... ?
Victor : Hi , Sweetheart .
Abby : So late ? Is everything okay ?
Victor : Yes , everything is fine . I just came by to see Adam , but I did nt know that he and Sharon had moved off the ranch .
Abby : Yes ! Finally . I mean , Sharon s okay , but Adam ? ( Shudders ) It ll be nice just to have the house to ourselves again , just you , Faith and me .
Ashley : Yeah , about that , Honey . ( Sighs ) I really did nt want to get into it tonight , but since your father s here , we re all here , I ve decided not to take the ranch after all . So you and I are gon na have to find another place to live . I m sorry .
Abby : Like this year has nt been bad enough ? No we re gon na be homeless on top of it ?
Victor : Sweetheart , you re not gon na be homeless , okay ? You re not gon na be homeless . Do nt you worry about it . Jack
Jack : Your dastardly plan is working , you know .
Patty : ( Sighs ) My plan ?
Jack : Yeah , wearin me out so I ca nt even get out of bed . ( Chuckles )
Patty : ( Chuckles ) Well , I finally got you where I wanted you .
Jack : Mm . Mm . Hey . Whoa . ( Chuckles ) I m telling you ...
Patty : Hmm ?
Jack : These last couple of days , I have seen sides of you I did not know existed .
Patty : Do you have a problem with that ?
Jack : No . No , not at all .
Patty : Oh , good . ( Chuckles )
Jack : But ... I think I know where this is coming from . This is about Patty , is nt it ?
Patty : ( Sighs ) Jack
Ashley : Abby , I know you ve been through a lot this year-- lots of upheaval , and this is the last thing I wanted to do to you .
Abby : Not like anyone cares .
Victor : Sweetheart , why would you say that ? We love you very much .
Abby : Maybe if you loved me , you would ask me how I feel every one in a while . But you never do . It s like I m not allowed to have an opinion .
Ashley : Of course you can have an opinion , and I want to know what you feel and -- and what you have to say .
Abby : Really ?
Ashley : Yes .
Abby : Because you did nt ask when we moved to London or Los Angeles or back into Granddad s house or here . And now we re moving again ?
Victor : If you d like , you can stay here with me , okay ?
Abby : I m 15 years old , and you guys still treat me like I m a baby , like I m supposed to go along with everything that you say and pretend like I like it . Well , I do nt .
Ashley : Abby ? Abby , wait a second . Abby , hold on a second ! ( Sighs ) God .
Victor : Want me to go after her ?
Ashley : Why ? So you can convince her to stay here with you and Nikki ?
Victor : I just presented her with the option .
Ashley : Option . It s an interesting word coming from you .
Victor : Is this how it s gon na be from now on ? You pounce on every word I say ?
Ashley : Look , Adam s at the club . I would really love it if you would just go .
Victor : I will call her cell and try to smooth things over .
Ashley : Could you wait until tomorrow , please , when she s calmed down ? And then I ll do some damage control when she gets back tonight .
Victor : Meanwhile , I suggest you calm down .
Ashley : Right . Jack
Patty : Why are you bringing up Patty ?
Jack : I know how hard you worked , how much you gave of yourself , how you uprooted yourself for that woman . To find out that she tried to commit suicide ? Well , it does nt take a degree in psychology to wonder if there is nt a little escapism going on in this room .
Patty : Okay , Jack , I am here , and I m -- I want to focus on you . Hmm ? On us . I see . You re thinking I m using sex as a distraction , is that--
Jack : We all have our different means of coping . You know how responsible I felt for the hell Patty s life became after the divorce . I can only imagine what it must be like for you , her loving , caring doctor .
Patty : ( Sighs ) ( Chuckles ) I - I do care about Patty . ( Sighs ) Of course I do . A - and -- and that she wanted to end her life ? Yes , a part of me feels like I failed her . So if -- if ... I do nt know , maybe you re right . You are right . I just -- I m trying not to , uh , think about it .
Jack : On the other hand , I have heard ...
Patty : ( Chuckles )
Jack : That it s a mistake to let guilt run your life .
Patty : And what magazine did you read that from ?
Jack : Actually , it was my new favorite book-- Help yourself help others by Dr. Emily Peterson . Ever heard of her ?
Patty : ( Chuckles ) You re really taking my words to heart .
Jack : I take everything you say to hear . Yeah . But I want you to remember this-- if something s going on , if you re upset or worried about something , you can always talk to me . Always .
Patty : I ll remember that . ( Sighs ) But , um , right now , talking is not high on my list of things that I want to do with you . Okay ? Jack
Adam : I ve been so caught up in everything else . I should have gone to Kansas . I should have visited her grave . I should have gone to the farm . I loved it there .
Sharon : You do nt talk about it much .
Adam : I pushed it out of my mind ever since Mom died . But growing up ...
Sharon : Well , what was it like there ?
Adam : It was simple , carefree . I learned to count by the hens laying their eggs . I would ... Mom would let me , uh ... she d let me name all the animals when they were born , all the little baby animals . It just made me so happy when I was little . I - I know it sounds silly . It just--
Sharon : No . No , it s -- it s not silly at all . Those memories are gon na be with you forever . And it s no wonder you love your baby sister so much . Hope really taught you to love all life in all its forms . Oh , Honey , is-- is there anything that I can do ? Is there anything you need ?
Sharon : ( Sighs ) Ill -- Ill take care of it . Ill -- Ill -- Ill tell whoever it is to go away .
Sharon : Victor ?
Victor : I m here to see Adam . Jack
Kevin : Tonight is our night . Let s really enjoy ourselves . You want caviar ? Order caviar . The sky is the limit .
Jana : ( Sighs ) Look , I m sorry to be a downer . I just ca nt help the way I feel .
Kevin : Well , then I guess I am just gon na have to try a little harder to put a smile on your face . And if champagne and caviar wo nt cut it , well , then ... maybe my next surprise will .
Jana : What have you done ?
Kevin : I might have booked us the honeymoon suite with a couple extra bells and whistles to show you how much I love you .
Jana : Kev , this just is nt working for me .
Kevin : ( Scoffs ) ( Chuckles ) Wh - what s not ?
Jana : All of it . This . It s just -- this is not us . It s like we re pretending to be something we re not .
Kevin : So what-- what are you saying ?
Jana : ( Sighs ) I do nt know . I think we should maybe just call it quits .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Jana : You know ? Too much has happened . I do nt know if this can really be salvaged now .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) Um ... I m expecting a call from work . Yeah , this is it . Do you mind if I take it ?
Jana : Go ahead .
Kevin : Okay . Concierge , please ? Hey , Matthew , it s , uh , Kevin Fisher . Um , listen , uh , can we make a couple of changes to the honeymoon suite ? Like all that stuff I had asked for , the candles and the rose petals and all that , can we just get rid of that all ? I m ... gon na go for a different approach-- just nice and simple . Thanks . Hey , if you could send somebody up there right now , I could meet them there . Uh , yeah . Okay , great . Jack
Neil : Long time no see . Do you , uh , mind if I sit down ? Uh , well , cat got your tongue , or you re really bummed about something . What is it ?
Abby : ( Scoffs ) Does it matter ?
Neil : Yeah , of course it matters . It matters to me , and most of all , it-- it matters to you .
Abby : My dad is taking back the ranch , so my mom and I are moving ... again . It s like my superpower is packing .
Neil : ( Chuckles ) Oh , uh , uh , I m sorry , d-- um , forgive me for laughing . You know , I - I - I understand . It -- it must be rough . You -- you probably do nt know this , but Lily , she went through a very similar thing .
Abby : She did ?
Neil : Oh , yeah , sure . You know , Lily lived in Europe with her mother for a few years while her mother was modeling . You know , they traveled all over the place . They d go to , uh , Milan for a few weeks and then off to Athens for a few days and then back to Paris to catch their breath and off they went again and again .
Abby : Well , how did Lily deal with it ?
Neil : I think by keeping in mind that home is nt about a place . You know , it s about-- it s about the people that you live with . It s about the love and the heart that s there . And Lily knew that her home was wherever her family was . Jack
Victor : Despite our difficulties , I know that we are both thinking of Hope this evening .
Adam : True .
Sharon : I wonder what she would say if she was here right now . What she d say about the way that you ve alienated your son . Victor , you know I ve always respected you .
Adam : Sharon , please . Thank you for being so loyal . I d like to speak to my dad alone .
Sharon : Okay . I ll , uh , I ll be downstairs .
Victor : All right . I see you have nt discussed anything with her .
Adam : Just going along with the plan .
Victor : Good . I went out to the ranch earlier . I understand you moved out .
Adam : What d Ashley say ?
Victor : She just said that it was time .
Adam : Yeah , well , Sharon and I need to live on our own anyway . Besides , you ll be moving back to the ranch . We d have to get out of there .
Victor : Mm - hmm . To keep up appearances .
Adam : My one regret-- telling my wife all these lies . They re eating me alive .
Victor : Well , it s for the best .
Adam : ( Clicks tongue ) Well , Sharon was right about one thing .
Victor : What s that ?
Adam : What would Mom think of you and me right here , right now , pulling all that we re pulling ?
Victor : She d be prouder of you than you think . Jack
Jana : You were right . This is nt us . Meet me at the Francis Theater on Elm-- fourth row , first seat on the aisle . Love always , K. ( Laughs ) Jack
Kevin : I - I appreciate it . It s just , uh , not really Jana s thing , I guess . If you d set up an Ouija board theme , then I bet she d have been really -- hello ? Hello , Matthew ? ( Sighs ) ( Thud ) Jack
Adam : Proud of me , that s a stretch , after all the mistakes I ve made since Mom died .
Victor : Son , I m not sugarcoating any of this . But you paid your debt . You served time . Only to find out that you inherited your mother s dreadful disease that made her blind from birth . Son , what you have accomplished , all those odds against you , is extraordinary . You graduated from Harvard . That s remarkable . Now you ve married this wonderful and decent woman .
Adam : Dad , please . Please just stop , okay ? I ca nt hear it right now , especially coming from you .
Victor : I want you to remember your mother s legacy . She saw only the good in people . And I want you to do that now . I want you to look at yourself and just think of the positive things in your life , all the good in your life . Do that in memory of your mother , okay ? Jack
Ashley : You re on your honeymoon . What are you doing calling me ?
Jack : I got a fax from our lawyers about Victor and Jabot . I m putting together a new game plan .
Ashley : ( Scoffs ) You know , if -- if I were Emily , I d want to hit you upside the head right now .
Jack : I ca nt help myself . This is Jabot .
Ashley : The sale is nt even complete yet .
Jack : Yeah , which means there s still time .
Ashley : Exactly . And you re gon na be home in a few days . We can talk about it then . Now go enjoy Emily , all right ? Jack
Jack : Ash ... ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Patty : Well ... I could nt help overhearing .
Jack : Hey . Ready for dinner ?
Patty : ( Sighs ) After you tell me what s happening with Jabot . Hmm ?
Jack : You even have to ask .
Patty : Well , humor me .
Jack : It was nt bad enough the Chancellor takeover , Tucker McCall decides to put Jabot on the chopping block for the highest bidder and ... I assumed that s what we would be when we put together that insanely high offer .
Patty : Only you were nt .
Jack : No . No , once the Black Knight swooped in a trumped us .
Patty : Oh , Victor Newman .
Jack : The one man I do nt want to see running that company again . If there was some way to get a judge or an S.E.C. panel to void this sale , to somehow stop it .
Patty : Okay , we re ending-- ending our honeymoon . We re going home tonight .
Jack : Are nt you the person that keeps telling me I need to detach ? To focus on my personal life for a change ?
Patty : All right , whatever I said in the past-- if you want to go after Victor , I will be behind you 100 % , especially after what he did to me .
Jack : You -- you mean giving Patty your face ?
Patty : Yeah , that and , uh , hurting you and Ashley . I m your family now , and this is my battle , too .
Jack : Where is this coming from ?
Patty : What do you mean ?
Jack : Whenever I started ragging on Victor , you always seemed , I do nt know , disappointed in me . I -- why the change of heart ?
Patty : I know you , Jack . And you are gon na stand for yourself and what you believe in . This is you , and this-- this is what I love about you . And if Victor wronged you , you ca nt back down . You know he is nt going to .
Jack : Wow . I do nt know where this is coming from , but it sure is a nice surprise .
Patty : I think our marriage is gon na be full of nice surprises . And you re gon na see sides of me that you ve never seen before . Jack
Ashley : Abby , I m so glad ...
Neil : Is nt that great ?
Ashley : You re back .
Neil : Hey . Hi .
Ashley : Hi . I was nt expecting to find you two together . What s going on ?
Neil : Well , you know , we ran into each other at Crimson Lights . And we brought you back some of your favorite brownies .
Abby : Caramel fudge . There were six , but you know , stuff happens .
Ashley : Honey , I -- thank you . And I owe you an apology . I never should have dumped that news on you . I m sorry .
Abby : Well , it s okay . I sort of overreacted anyway . But Neil said something that gave me a great idea .
Ashley : Oh , yeah ? You did ? He did ?
Abby : Well , home is where your family is , right ?
Neil : That s absolutely right .
Ashley : Yeah .
Abby : Well , Colleen and Daddy were my family , and I still own Colleen s house . So when the construction is finished , we can just move in there , ca nt we ?
Ashley : Wow , I had nt really thought about it . Would that make things better for you ?
Abby : Yeah , but , uh ... I mean , I know Sharon was renting the place , but she and Adam can find someplace else to live , ca nt they ?
Ashley : Yeah . Let me call the contractor and see where things stand .
Abby : So if everything works out , you d be okay with it ?
Ashley : Absolutely , you bet I would .
Abby : Great . Well , um , I m gon na head upstairs , but I want to say thank you , Neil , for the brownie and the ride home , and you know .
Neil : Yeah . Yeah , I know . You re -- you re very welcome .
Abby : Okay , well , good night . ( Laughs )
Ashley : I ll be up in a little bit , Honey .
Abby : Okay .
Neil : Good night , Abby .
Ashley : What did you say ? She has nt been that nice to me in a really long time .
Neil : Well , Ash ...
Ashley : Like months .
Neil : I do nt know . Call me crazy , but I have a little bit of experience with a teenage daughter that has a definite mind of her own , hmm ?
Ashley : I m so grateful .
Neil : Yeah ?
Ashley : I mean , I m really , really grateful .
Neil : ( Sighs )
Ashley : Very grateful .
Neil : ( Chuckles ) Mm . Jack
Adam : What would you really say if you knew all the terrible things I ve done ? If I had it to do over again , I would , but I ca nt . I ca nt go back . Now I m in love . And it s real , Mom . For the first time since leaving the farm there s someone in my life who feels like home to me . I just want to make Sharon happy . I want to take away all her pain and suffering . But if I tell Sharon the truth , that Faith is hers ... I ll lose Sharon forever . I ca nt give her back what I ve taken away , Mom . ( Sniffles ) I just want to make things better . I want to make things right , but I do nt know how to . I do nt even know if that s possible . I just ... sometimes I do nt know who I am anymore , or what I m doing .
Adam : ( Crying ) Jack
Jana : Oh . ( Whispers ) Kevin ? ( Normal voice ) Are you here ? Jack
Kevin : Oh , come on ! It s a nice place ! How can the emergency phone be dead ? ! Hello ? ! Hello ? ! Hello , can anybody hear me ? ! I m stuck in the elevator ! Hello ! ( Sighs )
Jana : ( Sighs ) ( Giggles ) Okay , now this is more like it . You know how I adore a good mystery . Jana : Kevin , where are you ? ( Giggles ) Jack
Kevin : Help ! Help , somebody ! Help ! Get me out of here ! Oh ! ( Exhales deeply ) Help ! Jack
Jana : ( Laughs )
Jana : ( Sighs ) Jack
Sharon : Today of all days for Victor to come in here and make you feel like this .
Adam : This is nt about him .
Sharon : Do nt defend him . He disowned you . I m amazed that you even allowed him to come in here and talk to you , after all the things he said about you in the magazine .
Adam : It s not real . It was a hoax , Sharon .
Sharon : What was ? What was ?
Adam : Everything . Me quitting Newman , the fight downstairs , the article-- it was all just orchestrated to get me hired by Tucker McCall so I could be a mole in his company , uh , so Victor and Nick and I could ... get Katherine her company back . I m sorry , Baby . I am sorry . I ... hate ... I hate lying to you more than you realize . But with this , Victor insisted . ( Sniffs ) He figured , what the hell ? What s another lie , right ? Uh , to stack on to a mountain of lies of Adam s already screwed - up life .
Sharon : Well , he swore you to secrecy . I understand .
Adam : You do ?
Sharon : Yeah . It s been , uh , a rough relationship you two have had , and I m sure this looked like a way for you to get back into his good graces .
Adam : Like that ll ever happen .
Sharon : It could .
Adam : You re always so understanding . You are so encouraging , and you see the best in me . And there s only two people in my life who have ever treated me like that , and one of em is dead . ( Sighs ) I m so lost , Sharon . I m so lost , so utterly lost . I do nt know what to do , and I m out of Newman , and if I lost you , I--
Sharon : You re not gon na lose me . Adam , I m not going anywhere , okay ? I m gon na be right here , no matter what Ashley or Phyllis or anybody says , I m gon na be right by your side . And we re gon na move back into the house . We re gon na clear your name , and we re going to build a life together .
Adam : I do nt deserve you .
Sharon : Shh . Shh . Jack
Victor : Here s to you , Hope . You were a sweet woman . You re missed . Jack
Jack : You sure you want to do this ?
Patty : We have a whole lifetime full of romantic trips . But right now , yeah , we need to go back and fix this .
Jack : We re going home . And when we do , we re gon na take my father s company back . Jack
Kevin : You sure you do nt mind staying until close ? All right , great . I would ve , uh , called you back sooner , but , Dude , I got stuck in an elevator . Yeah , it was crazy . There was this loud screeching noise . I thought for sure that thing was gon na crash . Turns out it was just the guy getting it started up again . Uh , wait , but , um , before you go , is , uh , is Jana there ? Well , I , um ... I had to get up from the table for a minute , but it looks like she s gone . I thought maybe she went back to the coffeehouse . All right , bye . That s weird . Where d she go ? Jack
Jana : ( Thinking ) Ryder and Daisy are twins ?
Jana : If they re brother and sister , who -- who s their mother ?
Jana : Oh , God , no . It ca nt be .
Jana : Aah ! Jack
Lauren : I mean , Daisy s a good kid .
Kevin : Well , I thought the same thing about Ryder .
Victor : I wish you would hold off with that decision .
Victoria : No , I ca nt , okay ? This whole thing could just blow up in our faces .
Phyllis : Adam knew that this man was evil .
Ashley : Oh , my God .
### Summary:
| Patty asks Jack what is he looking at . Jack tells her that he wants to see her in that bikini . Patty asks him does he mean he wants to see her out of the bikini . Patty suggests that they shower and then skip dinner . Jana lets Kevin know that if she had known that he was taking her out to dinner then she would nt have eaten with , but can not finish the sentence . Kevin forbids her from mentioning Ryder s or Daisy s name . Daisy and Ryder , with the help of their mother , devise a plan to get back at Jana and Kevin . Ashley thanks Neil for his help when Victor stops by looking for Adam . Ashley tells him that Sharon and Adam does nt live here anymore , but at the club . Victor wonders what had happened . Abby walks in to join them and finds out that Victor is taking back the ranch . Abby goes off about not having a home and runs out the door . Sharon questions Adam about what Phyllis and Ashley had been saying about Dr. Taylor . Jana questions Kevin about what Tucker had wanted with him . When Jana finds out that Kevin is investigating his friends , she does nt approve . Kevin reminds her that she had investigated Ryder . Sharon asks Adam had he tried to drive Ashley insane . Adam denies it and Sharon believes him . Looking at the newspaper s date , Adam realizes that it is the anniversary of his mother s death . Victor comes to visit Sharon and Adam . Jack tells Patty that her plan is working because he can not get out of bed . Jack asks Patty if this is about Patty and what had happened to her . Patty owns up that she is trying to keep her mind off Patty . Jana suggests to Kevin that they call it quits . Abby meets up with Neil and pours out her heart to him about how she is feeling about moving out of the ranch . Patty overhears Jack s conversation with Ashley about Jabot and decides to cut their honeymoon short so that she and Jack can fight Victor together . Abby and Neil come home to the ranch with some of Ashley s favorite brownies . Abby suggests that they move into Colleen s house once it is renovated . Ashley is thrilled . Adam tells Sharon that he could nt stand it if he ever lost her . Sharon promises to stand by Adam . Jana goes to the theater to meet Kevin , but sees no one . Kevin gets stuck in an elevator . Jana wonders if Daisy and Ryder are twins then who is their mother . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Chloe : Hey .
Nicole : Hi .
Chloe : Thank you so much for meeting me here .
Nicole : Sure .
Chloe : I did nt want Daniel to hear any of this .
Nicole : Is he all right ?
Chloe : Yeah .
Nicole : So is Carly the problem ? I thought you were gon na put her on notice .
Chloe : I tried , and then she got back at me ... good .
Hope : [ Softly groans ]
Carly : This is for Ciara . Bo forgot to , um , give it to her when he came to say good - bye when he went to L.A. for his family emergency .
Henderson : Ah , yes .
Carly : I was hoping you d give that to her .
Henderson : You do nt wish to give it to her yourself ?
Carly : What I wish is to get out of here before the ax falls .
Hope : The ax being me . Uh , would you excuse us , please ? And could you please put this in my room ? Ciara s already asleep .
Henderson : Of course .
Hope : Thank you so much . So , things have gotten so bad that I did nt even know how seriously ill Kimberly is . How did it get this bad ?
EJ : Samantha .
Sami : Answer the question , Stefano .
Stefano : Actually , I m glad you re here , Samantha . Ahem . Elvis has something he needs to say to you , and , uh , I think it will be very interesting .
Brady : As a very wise man once said ...
Arianna : Yes ?
Brady : That s the most fun I ve ever had without laughing .
Arianna : [ Laughing ] What ?
Brady : Why are you laughing ?
Arianna : Well , I can tell you this -- we do nt have a problem in that department .
Brady : No . No , we do nt .
Arianna : No , we do nt .
Brady : Mm ! That was nice .
Arianna : Okay .
Brady : What do you mean okay ? Excuse me . Where do you think you re going ?
Arianna : I got ta go home .
Brady : You re not going-- you re staying the night . You re staying here .
Arianna : I thought you said you had to go to Sami s .
Brady : She ll understand if I put it off a day . It s okay .
Arianna : Well , I got ta work in the morning , and I want to go to the gym before that , so I ...
Brady : Honey , set the alarm .
Arianna : But I m a little uncomfortable when I , you know , sneak past Henderson in the morning . Hey ! Then I m like ...
Brady : Are you serious ?
Arianna : Yes .
Brady : He knows that you re my fiancée . You are my fiancée , right ?
Arianna : Yes , I am . I just said that I did nt want to rush into anything .
Brady : Yeah , I know . I know what you said , and I was actually hoping you d stick around and tell me why you said that .
Nicole : So what s Carly done now ?
Chloe : Well , she may be moving with Daniel and me .
Nicole : What ?
Chloe : Yeah , it s true .
Nicole : Damn , she s good . Sounds like something I d do .
Chloe : Well , it s supposed to be temporary because Bo had to go out of town because his sister s sick , and he s afraid that something s gon na happen to Carly .
Nicole : Are you kidding ? That woman can handle the Notre Dame offensive line .
Chloe : Try telling Daniel that . He s already offered to let her stay in our guest room .
Nicole : You can not let that happen .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] Well , it s only supposed to be temporary . I mean , she is still with Bo .
Nicole : For now , but what if she decides she wants Daniel ? You better have a plan .
Carly : Bo had to leave town quickly , but I know that he called you . I know that he left you messages , but you did nt call him back . He says you hardly ever call him back anymore . You re not gon na go off on me because you did nt know what was going on .
Hope : Honestly , I really do nt think you are in any position to speak to me like that .
Carly : Well , I think somebody needs to speak with you . It might as well be me .
Sami : What s going on ?
EJ : N - N - Nothing . Nothing is going on . Do nt be drawn into the middle of this . This is just something that is between father and me .
Sami : Oh , you want to be reasonable with this guy ? Well , I do nt . Did you hear the latest ? Did you tell him that you persuaded my son to move in here with you in the house of Frankenstein with you and Frau Blucher ?
Stefano : [ Laughing ] Frankenstein , I like that . That s very good . Um , no , Katherine felt that her grandson needed a little time and space .
Sami : Oh , yes , and we all trust Katherine s grandmotherly instincts .
Stefano : Mm . The person that you ca nt trust , Samantha , is my son .
Sami : What is he talking about ?
Adrienne : Hi .
Justin : Hey .
Adrienne : What ll you have ?
Justin : Do nt you have somebody to do that for you ?
Adrienne : The bartender s on his break , and as opposed to you , rich boy , I do nt mind doing menial tasks . Gives me a chance to think .
Justin : Oh . What are you thinking about ?
Adrienne : Mmm , the meaning of life , great books I m reading , things like that . Surprised ?
Justin : No , I never thought you were stupid , Adrienne .
Adrienne : Your friend Hope does , trying to sell me on the idea that what you really wanted was me .
Justin : Can we please just not go there ?
Adrienne : Oh , yeah , okay . I know you did nt come here for the atmosphere or the draft beer , so what is it that you want ?
Justin : Um ... okay . This .
Adrienne : What the hell is this ?
Chloe : I do nt think Carly s after Daniel , but she acts like she has this claim on him .
Nicole : Yeah , and that can be hard to fight .
Chloe : I tried .
Nicole : How ?
Chloe : Well , I told Melanie something Carly said , but I made it sound as bad as possible .
Nicole : All right . You re learning .
Chloe : Yeah , but I kind of felt awful doing it .
Nicole : Listen to me . You need to face this head on and fight back .
Chloe : That s what I m trying to tell you . I do nt think I can .
Carly : Bo tried and tried to reach out to you . He called you , he left you messages . You did nt call him back for whatever your reasons . Come on , you ca nt be upset with him because you did nt know what was going on . It s unreasonable , right ? You have a little girl together . You need to talk to each other .
Hope : Okay , I get it , I get it . I see , okay ? I get it . I was nt a good enough wife . Not I m a bad mother , too .
Carly : No , that s not what-- gosh , you drive me nuts !
Hope : Do I ? Good
Carly : Nice . Okay . All I m trying to say is that Bo misses his daughter terribly . He does nt get to see her on the weekend , or even just for an overnight anymore .
Hope : Let s think about that , okay ? Let s just think about that for a second , Carly . Why would that be ? Oh , right . That would be because I do nt want my daughter in the presence of a murderer .
Carly : Oh . Why ? Why are you keeping Bo and Ciara apart ?
Hope : No , that would be you . Correction , that would be you , Carly .
Carly : I have no say in her life . You do . Hope , is nt it enough that you threw your marriage away ?
Hope : I did not . I did not throw my marriage away . In fact , you should be thanking me . You should be grateful that Bo and I were separated , because if we were nt , you never would have had a shot in hell with him .
Carly : I completely agree with you . I would nt have stood a chance with him if you were together , but you were nt . You were separated . And when Bo realized the two of you were over , he chose to be with me , thank God . Maybe you need to learn to live with that .
Stefano : Do you like popcorn , Samantha ?
Sami : Oh , God , he s lost it .
Stefano : I have here a very short little film . It s very , very interesting . It s sort of like a documentary , huh ? Uh , very informative .
Sami : Do you know what s on that ?
Anna : EJ DiMera came to me and asked me if I wanted to make $ 5 million . I was to take care of Sydney , his daughter , while he made the baby s mother and everyone else believe that she had been kidnapped .
Justin : It s , uh , from your real estate agent . It , uh ... it gives her an exclusive on the property . She asked me to look it over , since I m still your attorney of record .
Adrienne : Oh .
Justin : So , you re thinking of selling this place .
Adrienne : Yeah .
Justin : It s not turning a profit anymore ?
Adrienne : Oh , no , it does all right . It s just , um ... I think my new manager may be dipping into the till . I m not here to keep an eye on him .
Justin : You could be .
Adrienne : What s that supposed to mean ?
Justin : Well , it s just that I m a little surprised that you want to let this place go . Sure you do nt want to stick around and run it yourself ? At least for a little while .
Adrienne : Are you asking me to stick around ?
Chloe : I m really glad you re back . Even though you never told me why you d come back to a place that so many bad things happened for you .
Nicole : I still like Salem . It s where I belong .
Chloe : Baloney .
Nicole : What ?
Chloe : And your baloney has a first name . It s B - R - A - D - Y.
Nicole : [ Laughs ]
Arianna : Some people say that we should just , like , rush and get married , like , right now .
Brady : Then why do nt you listen to them ?
Arianna : Okay , because I feel like they said it because Nicole is back . I feel like they think the only way I can hold onto you is if I rush you in front of a priest .
Brady : But who are these people ?
Arianna : My brother , for one . He says Nicole is back because she wants you .
Brady : Well , your brother does nt know what he s talking about .
Arianna : Really ? Really ? I mean , come on . I saw the look on her face when the two of you were talking about the loan . You know , my dad used to have that same look when he landed his hook in a great big fish .
Brady : [ Laughs ] Well , then , hey , obviously , I made a mistake .
Arianna : You think so ?
Brady : Oh , yeah . I did nt offer Nicole nearly enough money . And I can fix that .
Arianna : Wait , Brady . Wait--
Brady : Hold on , hold on .
Arianna : [ Sighs ]
Brady : Yeah . How about that ? You think that s gon na be enough to get her out of our lives and make her life somewhere else ?
Arianna : That s a lot of money .
Brady : That s a ton of money . You know what s funny about that is I would pay ten times that amount if it meant you did nt have to think about Nicole anymore . And you could spend a little more time appreciating me .
Stefano : The feature is about to begin .
Sami : You know what ? Hold it . Whatever s on that DVD , I do nt want to see it .
Stefano : Oh , but you do .
Sami : You , trying to get me to turn against EJ just after you tried to con my son into living here ? Stefano , that s just bad timing . No matter what is on that DVD , I m not gon na believe it .
Justin : Well , I just wanted to make sure that you were doing what you really wanted to do , selling the place . Seems like you are .
Adrienne : Hey , um ...
Justin : Yeah ?
Adrienne : You still suck at pool ?
Justin : [ Laughs ] Hmm ... well , you know how it is . We , uh , rich boys stink at all those things that come so easily to you girls from the other side of the tracks .
Adrienne : Mm - hmm .
Justin : And I m sure that if we , uh , you know , place a wager , you d probably , you know , make yourself some easy money .
Adrienne : Are you hustling me ?
Justin : Rack em . Let s find out .
Hope : Carly , you had nt lived in Salem for a long time before you d come back . That s why you can see you re just part of a pattern .
Carly : What pattern is that , Hope ?
Hope : You think ... you think it s you ? You were just in the right place at the right time .
Carly : I do nt know what you re talking about .
Hope : Well , I want to explain it to you . When our son was killed , Bo got-- okay , let s just say that , um , when things get really bad , Bo retreats into the past .
Carly : Oh . Look , I m not even going to begin to tell you that I understand what it s like to lose a child and what you went through when you lost your son . And I know that people grieve in different ways , but really , Hope ? Kind of a cheap shot , saying that Bo runs out and has affairs so that he does nt have to grieve and that you handle all that for the both of you .
Hope : You know what , I really do nt give a damn what you think , Carly . Honestly . All I know is , I ve gone through some really bad times alone .
Carly : Hope , what about Patrick ?
Hope : [ Sighs ] Bo talked to you about me ?
Carly : Bo talks to me about a lot of things . You stand there , up on your moral high ground , and the fact is that Bo has been hurt , too .
Hope : And you know what ? Unfortunately , I can see that he has more pain coming to him . You killed your own marriage , and then you came here . You had the audacity to come here and kill mine .
Carly : Yep , it s all my fault .
Hope : And , wow . What s the matter ? Already getting restless ? I can see it on your eyes . Bo s gon na find himself all alone ... again .
Brady : I m glad we talked .
Arianna : Me , too .
Brady : Everything s gon na happen . It ll work out just the way we want it . Promise you that .
Arianna : Sometimes you do nt always wait for things to work out .
Nicole : All right , it s Brady . It s always been Brady . I m in love with Brady . If I had nt been derailed by EJ , my life would be totally different now .
Chloe : But you were derailed , and now Brady s gon na marry someone else .
Nicole : Mmm . He has nt married Arianna yet .
Chloe : Nicole ?
Nicole : He has nt . And if I play my cards right , he never will .
Stefano : You re making a mistake not hearing me out . Well , all right , I guess I ll have to find another way to enlighten you .
EJ : I think that s enough . Thank you , Father . Samantha , please .
Sami : Just forget it . Mmm ! He s unbelievable . What is wrong with that man ?
EJ : Look , Samantha , could I just-- he ca nt stand that I m not under his thumb anymore , so he keeps trying to discredit me in your eyes .
Sami : Do you even know what s on that DVD ?
EJ : Hmm ? No . No , no idea .
Sami : Well , never mind about that . I am worried about Will . Look , is there anything you think you could do to help me with this guy ?
EJ : Uh , sure . Yeah , I ll come up with something .
Sami : I m gon na talk to Brady and see if maybe he can get through to Will , but if you could talk to your father and just make it clear to him ...
EJ : Completely .
Sami : Tell him , I am not gon na let him come between me and my family . Okay ?
EJ : I promise you I will talk to him .
Sami : Thanks .
Stefano : [ Whistling ] Ah , you are so lucky that Samantha is such a stubborn bitch .
EJ : So ... what do you want ?
Stefano : It s simple . I want you to see the error of your ways , Elvis , and I want you to take responsibility for what you did .
Adrienne : What s with the look ?
Justin : What look ?
Adrienne : The I know something you do nt know look .
Justin : [ Laughing ] Okay , I know that in spite of my nice shot , you still expect to win .
Adrienne : Why would nt I ? I always beat you in pool .
Justin : Because I used to let you .
Adrienne : Oh , like hell .
Justin : I did .
Adrienne : [ Laughing ]
Justin : I did . Sometimes when I would , like , go for the shot , I d actually close my eyes .
Adrienne : Oh , that is such a load of bull .
Justin : I knew how much it meant for you to win , and I was so crazy about you ...
Adrienne : Wait , you threw the game so you could nail me later ?
Justin : I just ... I just wanted to ... you to feel better about yourself , so I d do it .
Adrienne : Wow . I guess nothing about us is what I thought it used to be .
Justin : Adrienne , what are you talking about ?
Adrienne : Like I thought you came to Salem because Victor wanted you to defend his godson on a murder rap . But the truth is , the only reason you came to Salem was to play house with Hope .
Chloe : Nicole , when you decide that you re gon na make things happen the way that you want them to happen , you always end up in a lot of trouble . You just got out of prison .
Nicole : Do you really think I m gon na do something awful to Arianna ?
Chloe : Well , I distinctly remember being the other woman when you wanted Brady before .
Nicole : I , um ... I know , but I was out of my mind when I did that to you , and you forgave me , remember ?
Chloe : And you re in control now ?
Nicole : [ Sighs ] Brady loves me . I know he does . He just thought I was gon na be with EJ forever .
Chloe : Well , you thought so , too .
Nicole : Yeah , well , now I ve seen the light , and Brady will , too . Look , he does nt have to settle for second best anymore . Arianna Hernandez is all wrong for him , and I m gon na prove that to him .
Arianna : Good luck with that .
Sami : Oh , hey , sorry . Sorry I m late .
Brady : Something wrong ?
Sami : [ Loud sigh ] Where do I start ? I had to make a detour to Stefano s on my way here .
Brady : Oh , great . Something is wrong then .
Sami : Will has decided to move in with his Grandma Kate .
Brady : You got ta be kidding me .
Sami : No . Hopefully , EJ will take care of it .
Brady : EJ ... you , um ... [Laughs ] After everything that that jerk has put you through , you re gon na turn to him now ?
EJ : So just how am I supposed to take responsibility ? Would you like me to tell Samantha everything ? Do you ever wish to see Johnny and Sydney again ? Because you know what would happen if I told her .
Stefano : Elvis , if you had confided in me and trusted me , when you had the chance , I would have moved heaven and earth for you to protect you .
EJ : I do nt need protection , thank you ! I m a grown man !
Stefano : Ohh ! Ha ha ! Well ... [Chuckles ] You wait and see when Giovanni is your age and you are mine . Then we will see how you feel . Elvis , everything I did , I did for you , out of my love for you .
EJ : Okay . I ll accept that ... if you show me that same love right now . You keep this thing between you and me .
Justin : [ Sighs ] What are you doing ?
Adrienne : I think it s called moving on with my life , and I m gon na do that by selling this bar . Where do I sign ?
Carly : You want to think the worst of me ? That s fine , go ahead . But the fact is I ve been in love with Bo since I first met him , and that we re together makes me happier than I ever dreamed possible . If I have anything to say about it , we re gon na be together forever .
Hope : I used to use the same word .
Carly : Can we not do the martyr thing anymore , please ? And just so you know , I m not gon na grovel , and I m not gon na continue to apologize , okay ? So just forget about it . I love Bo , and he loves me , and that s not going to change .
Hope : Oh , God , what s happening to me ?
Henderson : Will you be dining at home this evening , Mrs. Brady ?
Hope : No , uh , you know what , Henderson . Actually , I m not feeling very well . I have an unbelievable killer headache , so , no , thank you .
Henderson : Can I get you anything ? A cup of tea ? Aspirin ?
Hope : No . No , I just , um ... I just want to go to bed . Just want this whole day to be over with . Good night .
Chloe : Well , I should be getting home .
Nicole : Okay . Well , remember what I said .
Chloe : And you remember what I said . Good night , Ari .
Arianna : Good night . So , I was right . You want to duke it out over Brady .
Nicole : May the best woman win .
Arianna : Anyway , Brady and I had a little chit - chat about you this evening .
Nicole : Really ?
Arianna : Really . We would like to give this to you .
Nicole : We ? Nice try . The loan is between Brady and me .
Arianna : Then why am I the one with the check ? Look , Brady feels sorry for you . He wants to help you start over anywhere but Salem . However , this is a one - time - only offer . So you take it or leave it .
Sami : You know what ? EJ has changed , all right ? I know you hate hearing me say it , but it s true .
Brady : Yeah , you re right . I do hate it , because I ve heard it before so many times .
Sami : This time is different . After everything that we went through with Sydney ... look , you and I both know that people are capable of changing . And he s trying to be a better person .
Brady : And his way of changing is spending all of his time over at your place . How s that working out for you and Rafe anyway ?
Sami : That has nothing to do with EJ .
Brady : Give me a break , Sami . It does .
Sami : It does nt ! Look , I went to Rafe , and I told him I would do anything to make things work between us , and he did nt want any part of it . He would nt even let me provide him with an alibi .
Brady : What ? I m sorry , what does he need an alibi for ? What is that about ?
Sami : The D.A. accused Rafe of having tried to beat him up or something , and , anyway , Rafe obviously did nt do it , but he needs proof .
Brady : He needs proof ? He needs a lawyer .
Sami : Yeah , well , he has time . I mean , he has nt been charged with anything yet .
Brady : All right , Sami , look , obviously Rafe has some problems that he s got ta deal with , but so do you , all right ? You ve got four kids depending upon you , and you do nt need to lean on someone like EJ DiMera . Cause no matter how much you think he s changed , you re never gon na break that connection between him and his father .
Stefano : So ... ahem . You want me to remain quiet to the fact that you kidnapped your own daughter .
EJ : That s right .
Stefano : And you sided against me . And you made me think , utterly believe , that that little girl was dead , drowned , dead . And you stood aside while I grieved for her ! [ Chuckling ] I could nt have done it better .
Justin : Look , I just want to make something clear . There was never anything between Hope and me .
Adrienne : I know that . Because she s so hung up on Bo , she would nt give you a tumble . But if that were to change right now , you would leave skid marks getting out of this bar . Come to think of it , that s why you really want me to stick around , is nt it ? If Hope thinks that you and I might be getting back together , she might just realize what it is she s missing out on .
Justin : That is beneath both of us .
Adrienne : I think it s right on the money . This is just you letting me think that I win so you can get what you want . But this time , I know the score . [ Crying ]
Arianna : Going , going ...
Nicole : Thank Brady for me . Actually , know what ? I ll do it myself .
Arianna : Whatever you want .
Nicole : So when s the wedding ?
Arianna : Actually , we ve decided not to rush into things .
Nicole : Great . Brady took my advice .
Arianna : Your advice ? You really think he d take advice from someone who s made a bigger mess of her life than anybody on this planet ?
Nicole : Well , something changed . I mean , you two are hell - bent on getting married , the sooner , the better .
Arianna : Actually , it was Brady who was hell - bent . It was his idea from the get - go . I know you think that I tried to push him into it .
Nicole : I really never gave it much thought , to tell you the truth .
Arianna : I know what Brady feels for you is pity , and you prey on his kind heart and it works . I know that he s too decent , he s too good to abandon someone as needy and desperate as you are .
Nicole : No , he s too smart of a man to abandon a woman who has his heart and always will .
Arianna : I m not like Chloe . I m not like the other little girls that you ve pushed around . I ve been inside , the same as you . You mess with me , you re not gon na like what happens .
Sami : I am not relying in EJ .
Brady : What , Rafe ? Rafe is out of your life , for what , two seconds , and you re already crawling back to EJ ? Sami , you -- look , you re strong . Why do nt you stand on your own two feet for a change ? Why do nt you come to me if you need help ?
Sami : I am standing on my own two feet . I went and confronted Stefano all by myself , and by the way , I am coming to you . This is me , sitting here , talking to you .
Brady : All right , okay . Why -- why does Will want to move out of the house ?
Sami : Cause he s mad , because EJ s living there .
Brady : He s li-- he s still there ? Are you kidding me ? He s still living there ?
Sami : You sound like my dad .
Brady : I sou-- well , he s an awful person to listen to . What is wrong with you ?
Sami : EJ wants to spend time with Sydney .
Brady : Who cares ? Who cares ? Your son -- your son wants to go move in with Stefano and Kate . Throw the bum out .
Sami : He s not a bum .
Brady : He gives bums a bad name , Sami .
Sami : Stop it , okay ? EJ is trying to be a good father . He wants to spend time with his daughter . We just got her back .
Brady : I ca nt believe you re buying this . Did it ever occur to you for one second that maybe EJ is just trying to make another play for you ?
EJ : I ... I thought you just said I did something well .
Stefano : Mm . Course , I do not like being played for a fool , and especially I do not like my life being threatened , but you also made Roman Brady s daughter believe in you . [ Chuckles ] You , my son , are a true DiMera .
EJ : Mm - hmm . So what is this ? Making one s bones ?
Stefano : No , no , no , no , come on , do nt get too cocky , okay ? Because , you know , I did find that bottle for the children s medicine . I had ... I had my suspicions , you know . [ Chuckles ] But you kept going at it , you know . It s wonderful . You , um ... you deceived the ultimate deceiver .
EJ : This is not the only copy , is it ?
Stefano : No , it s not .
EJ : So this is a gesture ? [ Grabs disk ]
Stefano : It is a gesture of respect . [ Pats back ] Elvis , you ve played it well .
Chloe : Hi , honey , it s me . I just wanted to know when you wanted me to come pick you up , and I was thinking we could do some takeout . On the way home , I saw this new Thai place that looks pretty delicious , so I was thinking we could have that for dinner , so , um ... yeah , just , um , call me when you can . Bye .
Carly : Hi . I m sorry if I scared you . Daniel gave me his keys . Listen , um , I just want to say that I m gon na do the best I can to stay out of your way .
Adrienne : I guess it s pretty dead . Guess I ll , I do nt know , close up .
Adrienne : What the hell was that ? Oh , my God . Justin ? Justin ! Justin ! [ Gasps ] Oh , God ! Justin ! No ! Come on , baby . Justin ! Justin !
Nicole : So are you threatening me ?
Arianna : I suggest you take the check and leave town . Unless you want to watch Brady and me living happily ever after .
Nicole : Happily ever after is for fairy tales , honey . This is real life .
Sami : EJ knows that there is no future for him and me .
Brady : Right , cause he s always been a no means no kind of guy , Sami .
Sami : Look , we had to deal with the fact that our daughter might be gone forever . In a situation like that , you make a lot of promises to God . Now we got her back , and she s okay , and now we have to honor those promises .
Brady : I m sure you did .
Sami : EJ s different . He s a better person .
Brady : He s a goon . He s the same guy that ruined my dad s life . He s the same goon that hired guys to beat me up on the docks before Nicole s wedding , because he did nt have the guts to do it himself .
Sami : You re right . He is that person , and that is exactly why I did nt want to tell him about Sydney in the first place . I know that , okay ? But I also know that he hates who he was , and that he does nt want to be that person anymore . He has distanced himself from Stefano , and all he wants is to be a good dad . I believe I am seeing the real EJ .
EJ : I , uh ... I do nt know what to say .
Stefano : My boy has become a man .
EJ : So this war between us is , uh ... over ?
Stefano : You re my son . I will always love you . Huh ? Course it s over . But for there to be complete peace and understanding between the two of us ... there is one final condition .
Adrienne : [ Crying ] He s not responding !
Stefano : You will have those children in this house within the hour .
Kate : You and EJ have underestimated Stefano DiMera .
### Summary:
| Hope and Carly get into an argument about Bo . Hope claims that Bo has tried to move on from her before , but was nt successful . She predicts that Bo and Carly will eventually break up . Carly advises Hope to move on from her relationship from Bo and storms off . Hope goes to bed with a terrible headache . When Justin learns that Adrienne plans on selling the Cheatin Heart , he suggests that she stick around . The two later get into an argument over Hope and their marriage , and Adrienne decides to sell the bar after all . Later , she finds Justin unconscious outside . Nicole confides in Chloe that she plans on breaking Arianna and Brady up . Chloe worries about Carly , and Nicole urges her to fight for Daniel . Chloe later comes home to find that Carly has already moved in . Brady writes a large check in a bid to get Nicole to leave town . Arianna delivers the check , and she and Nicole argue about Brady . Nicole takes the money , but vows that she is nt giving up on Brady . Stefano tries to show Sami the DVD of Anna s confession , but Sami refuses to listen to anything he has to say . She asks EJ to talk to his father about Will moving in , and goes to meet Brady to ask him to intervene as well . When Brady learns that EJ has moved in with her , he goes off on her . Sami tries to convince him that EJ has changed , but Brady does nt buy it . Meanwhile , Stefano reveals that he is proud of EJ for what he has done , and promises to keep his secret -- on one condition . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Todd : So you want help from me . As in -- me ?
Dani : If you do nt want to do it , then I ll just--
Todd : No , no , no . I ll do it . I m happy to do anything for : You . You know that .
Dani : You do nt even know what it is .
Todd : Do nt worry about that . What do you need ?
Dani : $ 50,000 .
Bull : Your girlfriend better come through , kid .
Nate : She will . But the last thing I wanted was for her to get mixed up in this . I m the one that took the money .
Bull : That s right . You did . You helped yourself to 50 grand that belonged to someone else . So suck it up . You had it coming .
Jessica : [ Sighs ] Bree , I think it s great that you like Brody so much .
Brody : I like you , too , Bree .
Bree : Can you be my daddy ?
Jessica : Bree , you already have a daddy . He s in heaven , but he s still your daddy . And you know what he would say if he was here right now ? Why is nt that sleepy , little girl in bed ? So give Brody a kiss good night and we re gon na go to bed .
Brody : Thanks , Bree , for what you said .
Bree : I m glad you re back .
Brody : Me , too . And when mommy tucks you in , you make sure she gives you a butterfly kiss , like this , and an Eskimo kiss , like this . You got it , mommy ?
Jessica : Got it .
Brody : Okay .
Kelly : You re not gon na get that ?
Langston : I m just gon na see if they leave a message .
Dorian : Why , David , quelle surprise . I thought by now you d be dining under the stars with Viki .
David : Oh , we had our picnic , all right . Right after you and Charlie took off for your business meeting . How did that go ?
Dorian : Obviously better than things went with you and Viki .
David : What s that supposed to mean ?
Dorian : Ha ha . Clearly you re not the golden boy that you think you are , or else she would nt have sent you packing .
David : I left because I had plans . Something that I think a certain someone can not say , who seems to be dining all by herself .
Dorian : I am meeting my girls .
David : Not your man , huh ?
Dorian : Excuse me , did I fail to notice your entourage somewhere around here ? Hmm ?
David : I already had dinner . With my little brother . I ca nt imagine why you d care about that .
Dorian : Correct . I do nt .
David : Oh , you re right . My mistake . I completely forgot -- you only have one priority right now , and that s to get Charlie away from Viki .
Gigi : Can I get you anything or are you waiting for Charlie ?
Viki : No , actually , I came to see you . Yeah . This is yours . It was delivered to Llanfair by mistake .
Gigi : Mm . No , it was nt . I told them to send it there .
Viki : Any special reason ?
Gigi : I did nt want anyone to see it .
Dorian : Why you persist in believing this fiction that I am after Charlie , I have no idea . Oh , wait -- unless , of course , you re hoping that Charlie breaks up with Viki so that then she will become vulnerable to your enormous agenda . Oh ! Look , there s Kelly .
Dorian : Kelly . Honey , are you all right ?
Kelly : I m fine . Really .
Todd : Why do nt we go out to the terrace and talk ?
Todd : So I thought I heard you say you needed $ 50,000 .
Dani : I do .
Todd : Mm . What s up ?
Dani : Look , ca nt we just do this without all the questions ? Okay ? You keep saying how you want me to depend on you . That s what I m doing .
Todd : I do and I m very happy about that . I just -- it s -- I ca nt just fork over that kind of money without knowing what it s going for .
Brody : She asleep ?
Jessica : Yeah , I think that butterfly kiss really did the trick . Next time I m lying awake at 1 : 00 in the morning and staring at the ceiling , you wanna hook me up with one ?
Brody : You got it . But from now on , you re not gon na have any sleepless nights , because everything s right again . Even Bree can see that .
Jessica : What she said ...
Brody : About me being her daddy ?
Jessica : Yeah . You know , we have nt talked about that . I -- I just want to know what you think .
Brody : Well , first I want to know what you think .
Ford : If you work here , you need to get a uniform .
Rex : I do nt work here .
Ford : So am I supposed to know you ?
Rex : Not really , although you did try to put the moves on my ... on my son s mom .
Ford : Oh . You re talking about Karen ? Because I did nt even know she had a kid .
Rex : Karen ? No . Gigi Morasco .
Ford : Sorry . Does nt ring a bell .
Rex : Well , I ll tell you this . You re certainly living up to your reputation . In case you re wondering what that is , it s not very good . But that s not why I m here . I d like to know if this belongs to you .
Ford : Not unless there s money in it . What makes you think it s mine ?
Rex : Your last name is Ford . And Cris and Layla told me you re from Ohio .
Ford : So ?
Rex : This was in the case . I m thinking since the business is in Ohio , maybe there s some sort of connection . Ford s body shop . Does that ring any bells ?
Nate : I wanted to return it . Really . I figured that much money , it would be all over the news or something , so I checked constantly -- TV , online--
Bull : You seriously thought that someone was gon na advertise that they we missing a case full of cash ?
Nate : Why not ? If it s someone s hard - earned money .
Bull : That s exactly what it is .
Nate : Are you saying you re the one who earned it ?
Bull : None of your damn business .
Nate : Earlier , when you were on the phone , you were threatening someone . Is that the guy whose money I took ?
James : Uhh . Starr . Starr , are you okay ? Starr ? Starr . Star come on , wake up . Wake up . Wake up , Starr .
James : Move that s it . Come on .
James : That s it . Come on . Open your eyes , Starr . Come on . You can do it . Come on . Hey . Hey . You remember me ? Twinkle ?
Starr : Do nt call me that .
James : I knew that would turn you around . How are you doing ? You okay ?
Starr : I do nt know .
James : Move something . Come on , wiggle your toes . You know , your fingers . Something .
Starr : Wait , how did this happen ? How did we get off road ?
James : You do nt remember ?
Starr : I would nt be asking you if I did .
James : Well , you thought you saw an animal and then you grabbed the wheel .
Starr : Oh , right . An animal ran in the road . I mean , did you see it ?
James : Barely . What was it ? A little chipmunk or something ?
Starr : You do nt brake for animals ?
James : Not when they re smaller than my fist .
Starr : It s still a living thing .
James : Yeah , well , so is a spider , but you do nt stop the car every time a spider s crossing the street . Otherwise , you end up in a ditch with a wrecked car !
Starr : So you re saying that you would ve smushed it if I did nt grab the wheel ?
James : It s better than smushing you .
Starr : Hey . Where are you going ? You ca nt just leave me like--
Dani : I knew this was a mistake . I ll just ...
Todd : No , wait , wait , wait , wait . Wait . I m just asking for a reason . Are you in trouble ?
Dani : If I tell you , you have to promise you re not gon na call the police .
Todd : If you knew me better , you d know I never like to involve the police in anything . Ever . Are you in danger ?
Dani : Not me . A friend of mine is . He s being threatened and if he does nt give back the $ 50,000 , I think he s going to die .
Todd : Give it back ? You mean he stole it ?
Dani : No , he found it . We both did .
Todd : Where was this , on the sidewalk or--
Dani : Does it really matter where ?
Todd : Actually , yeah , it does . Listen , let s sit down and start from the beginning .
Dani : Okay , well ... we were at the quarry , just hanging out , and we found this metal briefcase .
Rex : So the Ford on that card-- he have anything to do with you ?
Ford : He has nothing to do with me . But he s my dad . Where d you find that case ?
Rex : It was at the quarry . Think your dad left it there ?
Dorian : Langston , dear , are you expecting a call ?
Langston : No , I just missed one . I was just seeing if a message popped up .
Dorian : Clearly , neither one of you has a clue about the concept of undivided attention . Why do nt you try it ? Because really , it could be unexpectedly rewarding .
Kelly : I was multitasking .
Dorian : Is that code for texting Reed ?
Kelly : Reed and I broke up . He went back to London .
David : Funny . I remember fleeing to London to get away from a Cramer woman once .
Dorian : Cest la vie . Cest la guerre . I hope , darling , you re not agonizing over it .
Kelly : No . No , no , no . Not at all . You know what ? Reed was a nice distraction , but that s all he was . It was never serious .
Dorian : Oh , well , how could it have been ? Though he did have a beautiful French accent and that bespoke British tailoring . Though I have learned that one can not share one s life with an empty suit .
David : Or an obsessive - compulsive control freak .
Kelly : I do nt regret the time I spent with Reed . He actually left me with something very valuable .
Langston : He did ?
Kelly : Yeah . Now , he did nt mean to , but he broke the vase my mother gave me , and when I was picking up the pieces , I found a name that she had written on a piece of paper , as if she had hidden it there for me to find .
Dorian : And you think it s a clue to her murderer ?
Kelly : Yes , I do .
Dorian : What was the name ?
Kelly : Bennett Thompson . Do you know anyone by that name ?
Viki : So you intentionally did not have it sent to the place where you live-- the carriage house ?
Gigi : Um ... I -- I just thought if Rex or Shane checked the mail and they saw the return address , then they would ... well , you saw who it was from . You can guess what I ve been up to .
Dorian : Bennett Thompson . No , I do nt know the name .
David : Me either .
Dorian : No one asked you .
David : I m just trying to help .
Kelly : Well , I have been calling every Bennett Thompson I can find . So far I have talked to an accountant in Des Moines , a painter in Asheville , an actor in Maine ...
David : There are actors in Maine ?
Kelly : Yes . He is with a community theater in Bangor .
David : No cameras . Pointless .
Dorian : Thank you for that contribution . Honey , I think you better turn this over to John McBain immediately .
Kelly : Well , he has -- he has sent someone to check out the vase and to look for prints , but I have nt heard anything yet . I think he s got a lot going on right now .
David : Kelly , you should probably let me give this a shot .
Dorian : You ?
David : Well , you recall I was a member of the supermodel crime club .
Dorian : You re not a detective . You played one on TV , David . On a series that was canceled after the first episode .
David : Remember when Mitch Laurence was after your girls ? When you were out of your mind about Adriana ? Who do you think went and looked for her ? Huh ? Tell her , Kelly . It was you and me who went over to that Paris hotel room and found her with a total stranger .
Kelly : David ...
David : Tied up to a bedpost , blindfolded .
Kelly : David .
David : Into some sort of weird , kinky sex .
Dorian : Excuse me ! What are you talking about ?
Viki : It s from Llanview University . Honey , are you thinking of applying to college ?
Gigi : Maybe . Or maybe not .
Viki : Are you kidding ? Of course you should apply if you want to go .
Gigi : I do want to go . Now . I mean , before it was , like , not even on the radar . I got pregnant with Shane and my parents kicked me out . No money , no husband ...
Viki : Sweetheart , hey . I know how hard it was . When I met you at the Bon Jour , you were waitressing night and day just to keep your head above water .
Gigi : Yeah . But now things are so different . Shane does nt need me as much and he s growing up and Rex is always there to pick up the slack .
Viki : So I think now is the time to do something nice for yourself .
Gigi : There s just so much out there to learn about , and I just thought that maybe if I could learn it , then I would nt ... have to be a waitress my whole life . But it s just--
Viki : What , honey ? What ?
Gigi : Nothing . Forget it .
Viki : Okay . Just tell me this . Why does this have to be a secret from Rex and Shane ?
Ford : Whoever ditched that case is not my father . No way is he anywhere around here .
Rex : So where is he ? Is he alive ?
Ford : Unfortunately .
Rex : Why unfortunately ?
Ford : Because my father s only goal in life is to make everyone around him miserable .
Rex : Even you ?
Jessica : Some people , when they first meet a child , they feel like they have to make it this big performance , you know , with funny faces and funny voices , and the kids , in turn , feel like they have to have this big reaction . But you never fell into that trap with Bree . You know , you were just you .
Brody : She was so little when she lost her dad . I did nt want to do anything too overwhelming .
Jessica : Yep , and I think that s why she fell in love with you right away . You did nt try to be like Nash . You just let her come to you .
Brody : It was easy , Jessica . I love her . And I do , I do want to be a father to her someday . And maybe give her a brother or a sister . Or both .
Jessica : Oh , my God .
Brody : So -- so ... the answer to your question ... is yes . I want to be a family with you and your daughter . Is that what you want ?
Jessica : More than anything .
Ford : All you need to know is at I have nothing to do with my father . I took off a long time ago and I never looked back .
Rex : And you have no idea why his card might ve ended up in that case .
James voice : Bobby , it s me , bro .
Ford s voice : James ?
Ford : No . No idea .
Starr : Are you seriously blaming this on me ? It was barely even an accident . Look , there are no scratches or dents on this thing . Nothing . Would you just get out from under there and check out how lucky we got ?
James : Lucky ? No , I do nt think so , twinkle .
Starr : What are you talking about ? I can practically check out every inch of this thing . It looks fine .
James : Not the axle .
Starr : Well , what s wrong with the axle ?
James : It s cracked in 2 .
Starr : What does that mean ?
James : It means the car is useless . It s totaled .
Starr : So it s not worth 50 grand ?
James : It s not worth 50 bucks . Which makes it kind of difficult to tell my buddy Bull to cash it in .
Bull : I thought your high school honey was supposed to call back by now . What s up with that ?
Nate : Just give her some time , okay ?
Bull : I need you to lose the attitude , kid .
Bull : Who the hell is that ?
Dani : And I know it was stupid . Nate and I both know that .
Todd : You mean stupid to take the cash ? I would ve done the same thing . I m sure a lot of people would have . But what did you do with it ?
Dani : We went to the bank and had them turn it into a check .
Todd : The bank . Does Nate have an account there or something ?
Dani : No .
Todd : And the bank was okay cutting a check that size for you ?
Dani : Well , I ... I kind of had to tell them that if they did nt , you d take all your money to a different bank .
Todd : Okay . Heh . What d you do with the check ?
Dani : We gave it to Nate s mom .
Todd : But she wo nt give it back ? What , she blow it already ? Ah , that s what people do , they get greedy--
Dani : No , no , it s not like that . She s not like that . She still has the money .
Todd : Well , what are we waiting for ? Let s go get it .
Dani : That s what Nate told me to do . He said that if she knew that he was in any trouble , that she d give the money right up .
Todd : Then why have you come to me ?
Dani : Because I trusted you . I thought you d understand .
Todd : Yeah . Maybe I understand a little too well .
Dani : What do you mean ?
Todd : Why go to Nate s mom if I m such an easy mark ? If you had a chance to stick it to me , you d be crazy to pass this up , right ?
Gigi : I wo nt get in ?
Viki : Why would nt you get in ?
Gigi : because I barely graduated high school , missed most of my classes , and never took the SATs .
Viki : But , honey , that does nt matter . Forget about that . You have life experience now , and that counts for a lot .
Gigi : There s the money , and I do nt even know if I have enough to scrape together for even one semester . But it was fun to dream about , and if it does nt work out , it s not the end of the world .
Viki : Stop it , stop it .
Gigi : Okay . What ?
Viki : You re just coming up with a lot of reasons not to fill out this application . Honey , do nt sell yourself short . Please , put yourself out there . You are so worth it .
Gigi : Yes , maam .
Viki : Yes , yes . Hey , I believe in you .
Gigi : I guess that means I have an application to fill out .
Viki : Yeah , I guess it does .
Gigi : Thank you .
Viki : Oh .
Gigi : Thank you for believing in me . Ahem -- and for coming over here to give this to me . Um , but I -- I did nt even think you were supposed to be here , because Rex said something about you going to the cabin with Charlie .
Viki : Ah , yes , yes . Well , Dorian had other plans for Charlie .
Dorian : How dare you drag Adriana s name through the mud just to get my attention ?
David : I do nt need your attention . I also do nt need your cheap shots . Kelly could use my help , and you re lucky I m still offering it .
Dorian : I m sorry , how is it you have time for a second career ? Is nt it Viki offering you a job ?
David : That s still on the table . We re just discussing the parameters .
Dorian : Oh , the parameters ? That s what they re calling it these days ? David , there is no job . Do nt you understand ? Viki is just dangling a job in front of you because she s that insecure and jealous because Charlie is working for me . So she s going to do the same with you . The whole thing would be a farce if only it were remotely funny which it is nt , so let s just drop it , shall we ?
David : Fine ! I was about to walk away from you and order a drink .
Dorian : Well
Rex : So your father did nt lose this case , and you have no idea who did , or whether they might want it back ?
Ford : Why would anyone want it back if the only thing in it was a business card ?
Rex : Well , these are nt cheap .
Ford : Well , if whoever owns that case is connected to my dad , I do nt want any part of it .
Rex : So you do nt mind if I hold onto it ?
Ford : Knock yourself out .
Rex : Thanks . Keep the card .
Brody : Yeah , I ll talk to you later .
Jessica : What did John say ?
Brody : He s chasing down a lead on Hannah OConnor in Delaware .
Jessica : Delaware ?
Brody : I do nt know -- she has some family that has a house down there . She must have thought it was a safe place to hide out .
Jessica : [ Sighs ] You know , Todd has pictures of her all over the office . It s hard to imagine she s on the run from the police .
Brody : I guess Robert Ford has a way of bringing out the worst in people .
Jessica : Yeah , I guess .
Brody : I mean , how does a guy treat women that way ? This OConnor girl , Langston Wilde , and who knows how many others ?
Jessica : You know , I do nt want to talk about him , okay ? Let s not talk about it . It s -- he s disgusting .
Brody : Well , you re right . You know , we got much better things to concentrate on . Like our sleepover .
Bree : Mommy !
Jessica : Huh . Mommy s coming !
Jessica : Oh , and are you sure about that whole brother and sister thing ? You do nt maybe want to reconsider ?
Brody : Oh , not a chance .
Starr : Oh , well , what are we going too now ?
Nate : Starr , there s no we , okay ? You ve done enough . You were ready to give up your car so I could pay back bull .
Starr : Yeah , but now he s expecting this tomorrow , and he s not going to get it !
James : Because I wrecked it .
Starr : No , you did nt wreck it . I m the one that grabbed the wheel .
James : Starr , listen to me . This is not your fault , okay ? I let this become your problems and I never should have done that .
Starr : Well , what s done is done .
James : Not if I go to plan B.
Starr : I think we passed plan B a couple plans ago .
James : Okay , fine . Plan D then .
Starr : All right , whatever it is , tell me .
Man : Is someone in there ?
Nate : [ Whispering ] That s the manager .
Manager : That s okay . I ll check it out myself .
Dani : No , wait . Wait . I do nt blame you for thinking that I m trying to jerk you around or -- or get back at you or whatever , but that s not why I came to you .
Todd : Even though you could have just gone right to Nate s mom ?
Dani : Well , if she loses that money , they lose the house . She and Nate wo nt have a place to live .
Todd : How is that my problem ?
Dani : It s not . But I was with him when he found the money , and I am just as guilty as he is for keeping it . I mean , the only reason why I felt any better about it was because I knew that we were going to do something good with it .
Todd : Well , that s nice , but it s not your job to bail Nate s mom out of a jam . It s not his job , either , for that matter .
Dani : Yeah , he knows that . But it made him happy to be good to his mom . And when I saw that , it made me want to be a better daughter to my mom , too .
James : Okay , so the plan is to meet Bull like we originally planned .
Starr : But if we do nt have the car , then what good is that gon na do ?
James : I m going to work off the money , okay ?
Starr : How ?
James : I ll go back to Ohio with Bull , and we ll start stealing cars again for Dad s chop shop .
Viki : Dorian is constantly scheduling meetings so that she and Charlie are always together . I mean , obviously , I trust Charlie . There s no question about that , but , ugh--
Gigi : Do nt trust Dorian .
Viki : Oh , no , I do not . Do you know , I do nt think there s a boundary on this earth that she would respect .
Gigi : Sounds like a certain sister I used to know , may she rest in peace .
Viki : Well ... with Dorian , there s no rest , and certainly no peace .
Gigi : So what are you going to do about it ?
Viki : Oh , it s --
Gigi : Oh , you re back already .
Rex : Yeah . Well , I heard there were super hot waitresses here . And super hot patrons .
Gigi : Yeah .
Viki : Oh , really ? What is that ?
Gigi : That is Rex s new toy .
Viki : Oh .
Gigi : Do you get to keep it ?
Rex : Yeah . Ford did nt want it .
Gigi : Well , congratulations .
Rex : Thanks . Well , you know , every P.I. should have a case . Now I just need a case to go in the case .
Dorian : This text you ve been dying to have come in -- it has something to do with Starr , does nt it ? You re worried about Starr , correct ?
Langston : Yeah . Yeah , that it . That s -- yeah .
Dorian : That s it . That s what I thought . It s got nothing to do with Starr , does it ? This is about Ford , is nt it ?
Langston : I could lie to you and just tell you that you re wrong . But after everything that happened with Ford , I think I ve done all the lying that I want to do . I went to see Ford today .
Dorian : Langston , why ? Why would you make yourself vulnerable again ? To a man who broke your heart and destroyed your relationship with Markko ?
Langston : I know . It s just I had a question and he was the only one who could answer it .
Dorian : What ?
Langston : He told me he loved me . I did nt need him to do that . I did nt ask him to say that . I needed to know why he did .
Dorian : And did he say that he loved you ? That you were the only woman in the world for him ? Is that what you hoped to hear ?
Ford : You heartless bastard . Do I want to talk to you , or not ?
Starr : You ca nt go back home to your dad .
James : Why not ?
Starr : He beats you .
James : So ? There are worse things .
Starr : What , like working for a criminal ? Or -- or breaking the la or risk your life in jail ? That s probably the worst thing , and you got away from all that . You ca nt stop now .
James : I know , all right ? But I went about it all wrong , first by stealing that money . The biggest mistake that I made is getting you involved in this , Starr . And I am so sorry for that .
Starr : That s over with , okay ?
James : No . Not okay . Look , you ve been great . A major pain in the ass , but-- well , you ve been great . And you ve been through enough , and all I want now is for you to be safe , so just let me do what I ve got to do , okay ?
Starr : Is going back to Ohio really the only way ?
James : Yeah . This is our last night together . This time tomorrow , I ll be back where my dad wants me , and you ll be back home safe with your family .
Dorian : What does it matter if Ford says he loves you ? People who love you do nt hurt you . He s a user , and users will say anything to get what they want . And I learned from sad experience a user reels you in and then they just throw you overboard ... for some stupid acting job in L.A.
David : You re not still upset about that , are you ?
Dorian : Or the lure of a shiny object .
David : I like shiny objects .
Dorian : Or a lesser woman .
David : There s no woman lesser than you , sweetheart .
Dorian : Just pretend he does nt exist .
David : Oh . That s your strategy , huh ?
Dorian : Indifference , my darling , is the best revenge .
David : I ca nt even hear you over here , Dorian .
Dorian : I m not talking about you , David .
David : Yes , you are . What , am I deaf ? I m standing right here .
Dorian : Excuse me . Oh , good , good . Huh , this is the call about the grant that Charles and I applied for . Excuse me . Mayor Dorian Lord here .
David : Oh , brother .
Langston : Hello ?
Nate : I m -- I m sorry , I was just in the back folding towels .
Manager : I thought I heard voices .
Nate : I -- I was on the phone . I know I should nt get on it while I m working , but you can take it out of my paycheck ...
Manager : Just finish up here and get back outside .
Nate : Yes , sir .
Todd : Where s Nate now ?
Dani : He called while Mom was still here and he said that I needed to go get the money . And then this man came on the phone , and ...
Todd : Okay . What did this man say ?
Dani : He said that if I did nt do it , Nate was going to die . And I got really , really scared . And I know , it s a lot of money , and I just -- I figured maybe if you had set something aside for college , that you could just take it out of that and then I ll pay my way through . Ill--
Todd : No , no , no . Sweetheart , it s okay , I ll give you the money . It s just that there s going to be some conditions .
Ford : I called before .
Langston : I saw . I did nt answer .
Ford : Why did you change your mind ?
Langston : Because I needed to tell you never to call me again .
Ford : Okay , I have something that you need to know , Langston , and it s really important .
Langston : I do nt want to hear it . You do nt exist to me .
Dorian : Fabulous news . We got the grant . Ha , ha , ha , ha ! So of course , that means that we will be working together , until both our dreams come true . [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ]
Kelly : You know , I love Dorian with all my heart , but I had to find a place where I could get some work done without being interrupted every two seconds .
Viki : Is this work you re doing for good ?
Kelly : No . It s -- it s personal . I have a lead on my mother s murder , and I keep trying to access this database called ziptip .
Viki : Catchy name .
Kelly : Well , yeah . It makes it sound easy , but you know what ? I think I m doing something wrong , because it s just not that easy .
Rex : Well , I ve used ziptip a lot . You want me to look at it ?
Kelly : Would you ? That d be awesome .
Todd : Relax . It s not going toll be that hard . I just want you to promise me something .
Dani : What kind of promise ?
Todd : That you re going to do what you said and be good to your mom . She needs you right now .
Dani : Okay , I promise .
Todd : Okay . And do nt tell her about this , obviously .
Dani : Oh , I was hoping you d say that . So can I have it now ?
Todd : [ Chuckles ] No , it does nt work that way .
Starr : Hi , Grandma . It s Starr . I m fine . I ll be home by tomorrow , but I just wanted to call so I could say good night to Hope . Okay , can you put her on the phone ? Thanks . Hey . Maybe by tomorrow , you ll think of something better than going home .
James : I do nt think there s any other way .
Starr : Hi , sweetie . Oh , Mommy misses you so much , but I will see you tomorrow , okay ? I just wanted to call and -- and say good night , and sing you a little something . [ Note ] It s a night full of dreams and wishes to come true there s a sky full of stars but only one like you and it takes years and it takes time for the light to reach the earth and shine but look at you . Here you are burning bright my little star there have been times along the way where the distance seemed to pull our worlds apart but on that day you were born God hung a new star in my heart and it takes years and it takes time for the light to reach the earth and shine but look at you here you are burning bright my little star so let your light dance like the colors of the rainbow and the rising sun and let me take this chance to say I m proud of the girl that you ve become so I wish with all my might all your dreams come true tonight . Okay , Hope . Good night . I miss you so much , and I love you to the moon and back .
Bull : Listen , little girl--
Todd : No , you listen to me .
Bull : Who the hell is this ?
Todd : Who the hell am I ? I m Dani s father !
### Summary:
| Dani confides in Todd about the trouble that she and Nate are in after Tea has left them alone . Todd confronts Bull . Meanwhile , James and Starr have crashed the car that they need in order to get the $ 50,000 that he needs . And he assessed that the car s value is worth nothing . At that point , she wants to help him so that he does not have to go back to his abusive father in Ohio . Meanwhile , his big brother , Robert Ford is in the hospital calling Langston hoping to win her back . But she tells him they are through forever . Rex goes to talk to Robert Ford about the briefcase and his father s business card but does nt get any information . Viki finds out from Gigi that she wants to go back to school and pursue career goals beyond being a waitress and finds out that Gigi is afraid to have Rex or Shane know that she is applying but not get accepted into schools . Dorian and David argue while he is friends with Viki and she is friends with Charlie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sonny : Hey , Jax , do you think maybe I can cut in ?
Jax : No .
Carly : No . Oh , my -- what ?
Ric : Sorry to break up the party . We re here on official business . It seems Sam and Jason did nt surrender themselves as previously agreed . That would make them fugitives still . And now you are officially an accessory . You want to arrest him , please ?
Sonny : It s not right .
Carly : You ca nt do this . Sam and Jason have 15 minutes .
Sonny : Unless -- unless you know something we do nt , Ric -- like they did nt make it because you set up an ambush . Is that what happened ?
Jason : Get out -- get out of the car !
Damian : That was wicked .
Sam : Spinelli !
Laura : Even the skyline has changed since the last time I was here .
Luke : Forget the skyline , darling , and all the changes . In fact , forget everything but us -- the once again and forever Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Lorenzo Spencer in our eternal bridal suite . What should we drink to ?
Laura : The truth about me .
Emily : No , no , stand back . She needs room .
Lucky : Are you ok ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , I m fine .
Emily : Did you cut yourself ?
Elizabeth : No , I do nt think so .
Lucky : What about the baby ?
Elizabeth : I m fine .
Edward : Would somebody please tell me what the hell is going on in my own home ?
Carly : Why do nt you ask Ric , our wonderful D.A. ? Sonny made a deal for Sam and Jason to turn themselves in , but Ric made his own deal to have them both killed , huh ?
Ric : You know , Carly s delusional , as always .
Carly : Yeah .
Ric : Sam and Jason broke the law . It s my job to bring them in .
Carly : Ha - ha .
Ric : Oh , what , you re trying to get ahold of Jason there and you ca nt ?
Carly : I swear to God , if anything happens to him , I will kill you .
Sonny : Check your watch , Ric . Jason and Sam still have time to surrender . Unless you want all these people to testify that you jumped the gun on a deal that your own people made ?
Ric : You made the deal with Mac , not me . Ok , I may have gotten the surrender time wrong .
Carly : Yeah .
Ric : We ll wait , give Sam and Jason the benefit of the doubt .
Lucky : I think you should sit down for a minute .
Damian : Wow ! Just like Bad - Ass Angel IV .
Sam : How did you find your way over here ?
Damian : I know all the back alleys around here .
Jason : Yeah , throw some --
Lorenzo : I ve decided to make an appearance at a committee meeting . I should be tied up about an hour or so .
Diego : Well , that s smart , right ? Have some witnesses for your whereabouts before Jason and the others get it ?
Lorenzo : Yeah . One of my men will call to confirm when it s done . You stay as far away from that alley as possible .
Diego : What , that -- that s it ? Well , what am I supposed to do , go home now ?
Lorenzo : Yeah , go wherever you want . Your business is done for the night .
Diego : Ok , Dad , it s kind of hard adjusting to that , ok , going from 100 to zero in 10 seconds flat ? There s got to be something I can do . All right , I can tie up some loose ends , make some phone calls --
Lorenzo : What you can do is learn . The first important lesson is to know when to be involved and to know when to sit back and act surprised .
Diego : I can do that .
Lorenzo : Whoa -- Alexis up and about . You re looking well .
Alexis : Even a man with your considerable charm ca nt pull that off . By the way , I wanted to tell you I ve been watching the news a lot lately . And I ve noticed that you have kept your underworld mayhem to a minimum , and I want to thank you for waiting till I take my job back so that I can arrest you myself . Have a nice day .
Lorenzo : My pleasure .
Alexis : Do nt say anything . Do nt say anything . I ve checked myself out . Nothing you can say . Today s a very special occasion .
Laura : Did you really think you could keep something from me after all these years ? I so did nt want to believe Helena .
Luke : Helena ?
Laura : Yes .
Luke : When did you see Helena ?
Laura : Earlier .
Luke : Today ?
Laura : Yes .
Luke : She s supposed to be locked up somewhere in the Ozarks .
Laura : I went out to the rose garden before the ceremony . Something -- something inside me was just craving sunlight and warmth . And then there she was .
Luke : Well , what -- did she threaten you or --
Laura : Of course she did . Yeah , I asked her if she was here to curse our wedding again , and she said she did nt have to . She said that should go ahead and get married because it would all just fade away . And then during the ceremony , just as I was about to say my vows , she stepped in behind you just over your shoulder so only I could see her and I froze . And you said something . You said , Are you still with me ? -- As if you were expecting me to slip away . Luke , this miraculous recovery of mine is nt going to last , is it ?
Luke : No . At first I was afraid that the drug would work , because I did nt -- I did nt want to put you through this experiment . I was afraid , but I was more afraid that it would nt work . And then I flipped back again when the doctors told me what to expect .
Laura : And what is that ?
Luke : You will start to forget things , lose time . A little bit here and there , but continually until we re back where we started .
Laura : No , no . That ca nt be true . I can fight it . I ca nt do that again ! I can fight it ! Come on , let s call Robin right now .
Luke : Sweetheart , there s nothing that can be done .
Laura : You ve given up on me ?
Luke : No , never , never . I m just -- I m telling you the facts , Laura . Your prognosis has changed . This thing , this psychomotor disassociation they call it , it -- this condition started as an emotional condition , and now it s become a physical one and they ca nt operate . And they ca nt turn it around .
Laura : But the medication worked .
Luke : The medication was a big risk . But it was always a temporary fix .
Laura : But -- but I -- I disassociated because I could nt remember that -- that I killed my stepfather . And I have remembered now . So does nt that just negate everything ?
Luke : I m so sorry .
Laura : Oh , Luke --
Luke : I m so sorry .
Laura : I -- I did lose a little bit of time when I was out in the rose garden . And when I came back inside to get dressed for the wedding , I got lost in the hallway -- one that I ve walked through a hundred times . And -- and I ve been forgetting things that people say to me just a few minutes earlier . I ve known , Luke . I feel something trying to drag me under . It s like quicksand .
Laura : How long do I have ?
Luke : I do nt know . Not long .
Laura : How long have you known about this ?
Luke : Since before they administered the drug . It was one of the things I had to consider . I knew when you looked at me with recognition in your eyes for the first time in four years . I knew when you held your children , when you asked me to marry you . The only thing I have nt known is whether it was the right thing to do . I told myself I was doing it for the kids , and then I told myself I was doing it for you . But the truth is I m a selfish bastard , Laura . I did this for me . I wanted you back . I need you . I m lost without you !
Laura : No , you re not . You re not .
Luke : Maybe I should ve just -- maybe I should ve just let it go . And , look , what -- what would you do if somebody told you that they could give you time with the person that you love more than life but that time is brief ? What would you do ?
Laura : I would do exactly the same thing -- with one exception . I think I would ve told you from the start how it would end .
Damian : No , hold on ! I ve got to -- got to breathe !
Sam : Whoa , whoa , whoa , wait . We can spare a few seconds , come on . Do nt worry , we re going to get out of this .
Damian : Who -- whose posse is that ?
Jason : Alcazar s it s his backup plan in case the car bomb failed .
Damian : He really wants us dead , does nt he ?
Sam : Look , I do nt understand how our cover got blown . I never left the safe house .
Jason : I was not -- I was not followed , I am sure of it .
Damian : Ok , ok , it was probably me .
Sam : Oh , gosh .
Jason : How ?
Damian : Well , I -- I was going nuts for some chips , so I --
Sam : Whoa , whoa , whoa ! Jason , Jason --
Damian : I m -- I m really sorry , Goddess .
Sam : Hey -- hey , what s done is done . Come on . What s done is done . What s next ?
Jason : Ok . Well , if we can get to one of our --
Woman : Ok , sweetie , I ll be right back .
Alexis : Oh !
Kristina : Mommy !
Alexis : There you are , sweetie ! I missed you so much !
Kristina : I missed you , too .
Alexis : Oh , I love you . You know what ? We re all together now , that s all that matters . We re going to have the best time .
Mike : Look who s here .
Alexis : Look who s there ? Why , there s Molly . Let me see Molly .
Mike : Who s -- who s that ?
Kristina : Can I see the puppy ?
Alex : Yes , honey , you can see the -- make sure she s friendly , though , babe . Hi ! Where s Viola ?
Mike : Oh , she had some last - minute arrangements , you know , for the party . But it s really good you could make it . Um -- you look terrific .
Alexis : No , I do nt .
Kristina : Hi , puppy . Hey , boy . Hey , boy .
Alexis : All right .
Mike : So , tell me , what s --
Alexis : Ooh .
Mike : What s going on ?
Alexis : Well , I -- I have a secondary infection -- it s gone -- and I m ready for the second round of chemo and , no , I m not supposed to be here . I m supposed to be in the hospital , but I m not missing it because birthdays only come once a year . Hi there . Hi there .
Kristina : Hey , puppy . Hey . Doggy , that s a good boy . Yeah . Puppy , wait .
Ric : There was an explosion in an alley .
Carly : What about Jason ?
Ric : He s been seen in the vicinity , as well as somebody presumed to be Sam -- and some unidentified man . Shots were fired ; police have been dispatched . It seems that Jason has changed his mind about giving up .
Carly : And you re on your way over there to make sure he does nt get out alive ? Is that it ? Huh , Ric ? Does anyone here care that this man is about to murder someone we love ? Do you ?
Jax : Carly , this is nt helping .
Ric : Are you all right ? I m not trying to kill your friend . I m just doing my job . You believe that , right ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , of course , I do .
Lucky : Why are you covering ?
Carly : So what s your boyfriend using as an alibi tonight , huh ?
Kristina : Puppy , you here ? Puppy ?
Sam : If we run out of ammo , we re trapped .
Jason : Ok , we need to find cover .
Sam : Where ?
Diego : You need to finish this now ! If Jason and his girlfriend go to the cops , my dad is out for blood !
Sam : Create a diversion .
Jason : Ok . I ll draw their fire , you and Spinelli get to the warehouse .
Sam : Go .
Jason : Go , go .
Luke : So I should ve told you ? I should ve told you that the time was limited as soon as you could understand ? God , why did nt I do that ? I guess I just wanted to give my family something of value . I wanted to -- I wanted to see the joy in your face when you reunited with the kids . I wanted Lucky and Lulu to have one last shot at some decent parenting , and to have somebody who could actually answer these questions that they re constantly asking . And I wanted to spare you the fear and the desolation that I feel .
Laura : Time is so elusive , is nt it ? You always think you have enough of it . The years just sprawl out in front of you and they re all yours for the taking to do whatever you want with , to waste them ? There s plenty of time to live and plenty of time to love and make decisions and change your mind . Then you just blink , and 25 years -- or four years -- are gone . Out of your reach -- and so is the future . Oh , Luke -- Luke . This is happening to both of us . You should never have tried to carry this alone .
Luke : So , what do you -- what do you want to do from here ?
Laura : Well -- ok . First of all , no regrets . No regrets -- not about past decisions , and not about the letting go .
Luke : That s a pretty tall order .
Laura : I know , but you re up to it . I know you are . You are because I need you to be . Because now that I know that my time is going to be short , I want to enjoy every moment of it .
Luke : You are the bravest person I ve ever met .
Laura : No , I m not . I m scared , I m scared to death . My heart is in my throat and I am angry ! And right now I feel damn sorry for myself . But I do nt have the luxury of time to waste on all those negative emotions . So --
Laura : I wo nt . What about our kids ? Do they know ?
Luke : No .
Laura : I need to tell them .
Lulu : Well , at least my mom and dad got to have their happy ending before everything imploded .
Dillon : Yeah , well , maybe now you ll have a little more insight into why my family was so desperate for you to have the baby . They re always keeping their eyes pealed for a replacement for Jason . Because no matter how much they curse what he does or condemn him , he s still the golden boy . And the only way that s going to change is if , you know , Jason has a baby of his own , which --
Elizabeth : I m fine . Really , I -- I just got a little lightheaded from all the excitement of the day .
Lucky : And worry for Jason . Jason is as hooked on danger as I was on pills . He wo nt give up his addiction ; I did . Maybe I have a better reason .
Nikolas : Mom just called .
Lulu : On her wedding night ?
Nikolas : Yeah . She wants you , me , and Lucky at the house .
Lucky : I -- I ca nt . Elizabeth --
Elizabeth : Lucky , go . I m fine . Your mother needs you . Go .
Emily : Elizabeth , you are not fine . Neither am I. Let s just pray Jason is .
Damian : Great ! Now what ?
Sam : Are we surrounded ?
Jason : Catwalk -- let s go .
Sam : Come on .
Carly : You know , you do nt have to stay .
Jax : No , it s fine . I know how important Jason is to you , so we can just wait here together to hear the news .
Carly : That s really sweet . And I do nt want to sound like I do nt appreciate that , but I really want you to go . I love you , and I know that you love me . But I may have lost my best friend , and I am going to say and do things that you are not going to like me very much .
Jax : Do you think that I ca nt figure out what s going to happen next ? I do nt agree with it , and I do nt think that Sonny should do anything , but you re going to ask him anyway , so why do nt you just go ahead and ask ?
Carly : Do nt let Ric hurt another person you care about . You find a way , and you kill him .
Alexis : Honey , come on -- Kristina ? Kristina ?
Diego : Do nt move !
Lucky : Did Mom sound upset ?
Nikolas : I could nt tell .
Lucky : It s only been a couple of hours . I mean , what could Dad have done ?
Lulu : Hi .
Luke : Hi . You all made it .
Laura : Hi . Oh , sweetie . Well -- um -- you know , before we get into anything , I want to thank all of you for making this such a memorable day . You have no idea what it means to your father and me to -- to look out there and see all of you kids supporting us like that .
Nikolas : Did -- did you enjoy the carriage ride ?
Laura : Oh , yes .
Luke : It was great .
Laura : It was fabulous , in more ways than one . And then we -- we danced in the gazebo out by the woods . It was just -- it was just like a dream .
Lulu : So -- um -- so , why did you want to see us ?
Laura : I did nt . Did I ?
Sam : Kristina . Hey . Come here . What are you doing here ? What are you doing here , baby ? Are you ok ?
Officer : Lose your weapons and come out with your hands where we can see them .
Jason : No , no , no -- hey , wait .
Sam : No , no , no , go after him !
Jason : No -- Sam , I m not leaving you .
Sam : He s our only way out of this mess , Jason , go . Go !
Jason : What about you ?
Sam : I have to stay with Kristina . Hey -- hey -- it s ok .
Sonny : How many times has Jason beaten the odds ? He -- he knows that Ric and Alcazar are coming after him . He s not going to let them get him off - guard .
Carly : That s not the same and you know it ! Sam is with Jason this time , and he will do anything to protect her , and that s what scares me . And Ric is counting on that , and that s why he set up this trap . Jason loves Sam so much that he will do anything . He s willing to die for her , Sonny , and you know it .
Det . Rodriguez : All right , easy now , boys . Put your guns down . Easy , put it down .
Ric : What the hell ?
Det . Rodriguez : Ok , put it down . Put it down . Put it down .
Ric : Morgan s got to be around here someplace . Come on , up the steps . Go !
Det . Rodriguez : He s dead ?
Sam : It was self - defense . We need to take care of my sister .
Det . Rodriguez : It s ok , sweetheart . How you doing ?
Sam : It s ok .
Det . Rodriguez : All right , come on , let s get her out of here . Come on . Hold your fire . Put your guns down . We got a scared little girl on our hands . Morgan s still at large ?
Officer : Up there .
Jason : That s it . We re going to turn ourselves in the way we planned and that s it . What are you doing -- no , wait --
Officer : Stop right there ! Put the gun down .
Ric : He s got another gun ! Shoot !
Sam : Jason !
Ric : We got Sam .
Mac : What about Morgan ?
Ric : He was shot resisting arrest .
Det . Rodriguez : There was another man up there .
Ric : Yeah , well , he got out through a door up on the catwalk . Do nt worry , we ll find him .
Mac : Get some divers in the water , search for Morgan s body .
Ric : Kristina , are you all right ? What d you do to your sister ?
Sam : Stay away from us , Ric , please .
Alexis : Get away from her .
Ric : Alexis , what the hell are you doing ?
Alexis : Get away from my daughters !
Ric : Fine .
Alexis : Is she hurt ?
Sam : No .
Alexis : What happened ?
Sam : It was an accident . She saw me shoot someone .
Lorenzo : Where s my son ?
Sam : He s inside .
Alexis : I got to get her out of here . Come here , sweetie . Come to Mommy .
Sonny : Sam and Jason work as a team . She ll have his back .
Carly : Really ? Do you believe that , or are you just grasping at any excuse not to kill your brother ?
Sonny : No , I m scrambling to believe that my best friend is alive .
Jax : You know , I ca nt speak for Jason . But if something did happen to him , do you really think that this is how he d want the two of you to go about it -- by going at each other ?
Carly : I m sorry , Sonny . I m sorry . I m just scared because we ca nt lose Jason . You know , we ca nt lose him .
Sonny : Hello ? Talk -- talk to me .
Carly : No , Sonny , no .
Sonny : Jason --
Carly : Sonny --
Sonny : Was shot on -- on a roof . His body went into the water . He was unarmed . They have nt found him .
Elizabeth : Dear God . Please do nt let Jason be -- just let him be alive .
Officer : You ca nt be here . This is a crime scene .
Lorenzo : That s my son .
Officer : I m sorry for your loss .
Laura : Did I make something up in my head ?
Nikolas : No , no -- I m sorry , I -- this is my fault . I misunderstood .
Laura : No , that -- that s ok .
Nikolas : No , I -- uh -- I did nt check when -- when that message came in . Obviously it was -- it was an old one . We -- we should go .
Luke : Yeah , as much as we love your company , do nt let the door hit you on your tiny little butts as you go . Sorry about the confusion , kids .
Laura : Do nt go !
Lucky : Mom , what s going on ?
Laura : I ve been having some memory lapses and -- um -- losing time . Uh -- I -- I am so profoundly grateful to have had these last few weeks here with you , I really am , and I would nt give that back . Not for anything . But unfortunately --
Lulu : No , I do nt want to hear this .
Luke : Lulu --
Laura : You know --
Luke : Let your mother have her say .
Lulu : No , I wo nt .
Laura : Go after her .
Nikolas : Your recovery is nt permanent , is it ?
Lulu : It s not true . Mom can take more of that drug .
Luke : It would nt keep her with us .
Lulu : You re not surprised . Which means that you -- have you known that it was going to end up like this all along ?
Carly : You know , I should nt have jumped all over Sonny like that . I lost perspective . Jason s not dead . I mean , if he were dead , I would know it , you know ? I would feel it in here -- that s why they have nt found his body yet . We re each other s best friend , and Jason knows I count on him . And he knows that he ca nt leave me because he ca nt leave me , so he s fine . He s totally fine . No , you ca nt do that . You ca nt -- you ca nt do that , Jax , because I have to feel this . I have to feel this . I have to listen to my heart and figure out what s going on here . Because if I have lost Jason , that means that I -- um --
Jax : Hey --
Carly : I mean , I do nt know what I m going to do if I lost Jason . You know ?
Jax : Ok .
Det . Rodriguez : You realize that was murder ? I thought we were supposed to be better than they are .
Ric : What are you yammering on about , Rodriguez ?
Det . Rodriguez : You ordered those officers to fire on an unarmed man .
Ric : Jason Morgan was a cold - blooded hit man who deserved what he got . If you re feeling the urge to shoot your mouth off --
Sonny : Detective Rodriguez ?
Ric : I would suggest you do it outside --
Sonny : You re a man of integrity , I respect you for that . That s why I m going to ask you to leave me alone here with my -- with my brother . And forget you ever saw me .
Ric : It s ok , detective . You can leave . My brother s not going to hurt me . Look , you want to go ahead and make threats , make threats . But what I told Rodriguez about Jason is true and we both know it .
Sonny : You know how many times Jason begged me to let him kill you , starting when you chained Carly to a wall when she was pregnant with our son because you wanted to steal our baby , up until you slept with Sam ? And you know why I let you live ? I ll tell you why I let you live . One reason , and one reason only . Because you re my mother s son . Now Jason is dead . He was my real brother , and you had him killed . That takes all bets off the table .
Ric : You re not going to do it , Sonny . There s no way you can kill me .
Lorenzo : Why ? Why ? Oh , why ? I swear to you , Diego . No matter what it takes , or who has to pay , I will spend my last dying breath seeking revenge for you .
Mac : We need to take Sam into custody .
Alexis : Kristina s in a state of shock . If you take her away from Sam , it could make her worse .
Mac : Look , I m sorry . She s an escaped prisoner who just shot and killed a man .
Alexis : It was self - defense .
Mac : Argue that before a judge . We have to take her in .
Alexis : I have to take Kristina .
Sam : Ok .
Alex : Come here , sweetie , it s ok . Come to Mommy .
Mac : Ok , sweetheart , go to Mommy . It s ok .
Sam : It s ok , baby . Mommy s going to take care of you .
Officer : You can go to Mommy now . Come on , now . There you go . Come on , there you go .
Alexis : Oh , that s a girl . That s a girl . It s going to be all right , let s go .
Jason : Elizabeth --
Elizabeth : Jason ? Oh , my God , are you hit ? Hey , can you hear me ? Please do nt die , ok ? Please do nt die . You have to stay with me -- for the baby s sake . It s not Lucky s , Jason . The baby is ours .
Lulu : How could you keep it a secret ? I ll lose you again ! I do nt want to lose you again !
Laura : Shh .
Jason : No cops , please .
Elizabeth : You ve been shot . I have to call 911 .
Jason : We can do this . I trust you .
### Summary:
| Laura realizes that her miracle is going to be short - lived and confronts Luke . He admits the truth . Ric disrupts the reception , after Luke and Laura leave , to try and arrest Sonny and informs everyone that there was an explosion and gunfire in an alley where Jason was seen . Alexis leaves the hospital to go to Christina s birthday party . The little girl slips out of the party and sees the shooting . Sam does her best to comfort her . Laura begins to lose time . Jason is reportedly shot and his body to have gone in the water . The kids are told that Laura s recovery wo nt last . Diego is killed in the shoot - out ; his father vows revenge . Sonny warns Ric that all bets are off . Jason comes to Liz for help . She tells him he ca nt die ; her baby is his , too . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jesse : Hey . Hey , good morning , Babe . How d you sleep ?
Angie : I dreamed I could see again . I was watching these two little girls playing together .
Jesse : Well , I -- ahem -- I hear the procedure went really , really well yesterday .
David : Yes . We ve implanted the new retinal cells . Now we just have to wait to see if they regenerate .
Jesse : And the good news is you re coming home this morning .
Angie : This will be the hardest part -- waiting , hoping .
Opal : Oh , my Lord , what the Sam Hill am I thinking about this anyway ?
Dixie : Sam Hill ? I thought his name was Sam Brady .
Opal : Oh , wah wah ! Ha ha ha ! He s probably over at ConFusion right now setting up for the reunion . And , also , what do you think ? Does this dress look like I m trying too hard ?
Krystal : Oh , just enough .
Dixie : You look beautiful , Opal .
Opal : Yeah ? Well , he did make a point of saying that he wanted to see me .
Krystal : That s always a good sign .
Opal : Ohh , yeah . After all these years , I guess he still remembers the sparks we had -- and being an electrician , he must ve seen a lot of sparks in his day . Just a million kilowatts just looking at me . Well , who knows ? I mean , maybe that look is still there . Hee hee hee !
Krystal : Maybe it is .
Dixie : Yeah . Good luck .
Opal : Oh , thanks . Thanks . I need it .
Krystal : I want a full report when you get back , Opal .
Opal : Yeah , yeah , a full report , my Aunt Fanny .
Krystal : Ha ha ha !
Opal : I ll give you a partial report .
Dixie : Ha ha ha ha !
Opal : At least tonight I m the one who gets to say , Do nt wait up for me . Good night !
Krystal and Dixie : Bye !
Dixie : Aw .
Krystal : I just hope Opal does nt get her heart broken .
Dixie : Hmm .
Krystal : She really thinks things are gon na be the same between her and Sam . People change over the years .
Dixie : Yeah .
Krystal : Whatever you think is still gon na be there usually is nt . I am so sorry . No , I certainly did nt mean things between you and Tad .
Dixie : No , it s ok . You re right . People do change . Tad and I have changed . It s a fact . We re just gon na have to work through it .
Jake : What they say about coming full circle in this life , it s unbelievable .
Tad : What do you mean ?
Jake : Zach and Kendall , Ryan and Greenlee -- even Opal s trying to get lucky . You and Dixie -- are you kidding me ?
Tad : [ Laughs ] Wait a minute . Ok , I do nt want to be overly literal , but me and Dixie -- we re more like an octagon or poly hexagonal than full circle .
Jake : So it s not going smoothly .
Tad : I did nt say that . Do nt put words in my mouth , ok ? It s not that it s not going smoothly , it s just a little strange . It s awkward . Sometimes I feel like we re two kids on a first date .
Jake : Yeah , your 9,742nd --
Tad : Do nt help , ok ? You get the point , all right ? What I m saying is some people get second chances , true . But me and Dixie , what is that ? We should be in the books , right ? Call Guinness .
Jake : I ll do that .
Tad : It s just that it comes with a responsibility . As much of a miracle seeing her again alive , it s hard . Because I feel like the universe is looking at me going , Ok , guys , let s try it one more time from the top , and 2 , and 3 , and 4 -- and do us a favor : Do nt blow it .
Jake : Well , do nt blow it .
Zach : So why am I in handcuffs , huh ? He almost killed us .
Ryan : What are you worried about ? You just got to make one phone call to Hayward --
Zach : You were going 100 miles an hour on the wrong side of the road !
Ryan : I was trying to get some attention .
Brot : Guess what -- you got some attention . Will the both of you just shut up ?
Zach : I was making a citizen s arrest .
Ryan : That is such a load of crap , and you know it .
Zach : You were breaking into somebody else s property .
Brot : Listen , I m not gon na ask you two again !
Ryan : Listen , if I m the one that s such a dangerous criminal here , you might want to ask yourself why he was taking me out of town when you pulled me over . Nothing to say about that , Zach ? Maybe it s because you had no intention of bringing me back here alive .
David : You wo nt be expecting to see anything for the first couple of days .
Angie : And then after that ?
David : First , there ll be a sensation of light , then eventually some sense of movement , shadows building to images .
Frankie : Is there anything we can do to help it along ?
David : At this point , the best you can do is be patient , show your love and support .
Jesse : Excuse me . That s work . I ll be right back . Brot , listen . I ca nt talk now . I m in the middle of something .
Brot : I m sorry , Chief . I just figured I should let you know that I pulled Ryan Lavery over for speeding -- actually reckless driving .
Jesse : You called me here at the hospital for that ? My wife just got out of surgery , Brot .
Brot : Not just that . Zach Slater was in the passenger seat holding a gun on him .
Jesse : You know what ? I ca nt deal with this right now . You need to handle this . Do whatever you need to do . I need to take my wife home from the hospital , ok ?
Brot : Roger that , Chief . How s Angie doing ?
Jesse : She just wants to get home . I ll come in as soon as I get her settled .
Brot : Good . Oh , and , Chief , we need to find David Hayward , too .
Jesse : Find Hayward ? He s right here with us . Why ? Why ?
Brot : It was one of his labs that Ryan was breaking into .
Ryan : What happened to you ? Who are you ?
Zach : Right now I m the guy who s gon na bring you down .
Ryan : I m sure Kendall would be so proud of that , Zach .
Zach : Do nt mention her name .
Ryan : She s got to be wondering --
Zach : I said do nt mention my wife !
Brot : All right , enough ! Stop ! You sit down while I go question Ryan . Sit down .
Zach : You gon na question him ? He s gon na lie to you anyway .
Brot : Would you let me figure that out ? The two most successful men in Pine Valley end up acting like schoolyard gangsters . Come on , let s go .
Krystal : Honestly , I want you to let me know if you and Tad ever need any alone time .
Dixie : I m afraid it might take more than that .
Krystal : Why ? What happened ?
Dixie : I did something , something that really hurt Tad s feelings .
Krystal : You want to talk about it ?
Dixie : I just ca nt believe I did nt think about how it might make him feel .
Krystal : What ?
Dixie : Ohh . Ok , so I went to the hospital to have a checkup , and I ran into David , and he ended up giving me the exam .
Krystal : And Tad found out ?
Dixie : He walked right in .
Krystal : Oh , my God .
Dixie : Honestly , I did nt even think about how many buttons it would push until I saw Tad s face .
Tad : I know it s probably more my fault than Dixie s . She comes home , and I got Krystal and Cara living in the same house .
Jake : Amazing .
Tad : Yeah , but let s face it . It s hard to put it all back together again when you got 20 years of history to plow through .
Jake : Yeah ? That s what I say -- forget about history . Just get on with your life . Put the past in the past where it belongs -- that s what Amanda and I do -- and just get on with it . Get on with it .
Tad : For my incredible and mercurial and quixotic younger brother , sometimes you re frighteningly lucid .
Jake : You should listen to me more . Really , you should , because you re not a great listener .
Tad : Yeah , because when I listen to you , I get a migraine .
Jake : Sorry .
Tad : How is Amanda , anyway ?
Jake : She s cancer - free .
Tad : Thank the gods , baby , but that s not what I meant . I mean , is she ok with not being able to have another kid ?
Jake : I think it weighs heavy on her mind . Every day I thank God for Trevor . Thank God for Trevor .
Tad : There s always adopting .
Jake : Yeah , I was actually looking into that , believe it or not . A lot of kids out there that need parents , a lot .
Tad : You do realize if it was nt for Mom and Dad and you --
Jake : Yeah , you were the runt of the litter , but you were so damn cute . We just had to take you home . You had all your shots . No , but if that had nt have happened , I would nt have ended up with such an amazing big brother .
Opal : Ohh . Oh , be still , my little throbbing heart .
Sam : Opal . Look at you , just as pretty as I remembered !
Opal : Oh , and you are pretty darn fine - looking yourself , Mr. Brady !
Sam : I almost wore that shirt you gave me -- the one with all the fringe on the pockets ?
Opal : Oh , no , no . Yeah , I just could nt get enough fringe back then ! I ca nt believe you still have that old thing !
Sam : I ve just been doing a lot of looking back lately .
Opal : Yeah ? Good memories ?
Sam : I was remembering the time that you got really jealous because of that woman I was dating --
Opal : Oh , and she came into the Glamorama , and I dyed her hair turquoise ! Ha ha ha ! And then she tried to cover it up , and I just yanked her wig clear off her head !
Sam : Ha ha ha ! You remember the time that you caught me when I was doing the tango lessons ?
Opal : Yes , yes , I do remember . And you know she was nt just any old normal dance instructor . Come on , now .
Sam : What s her name ? Vicky --
Opal : Verla Grubbs !
Verla : Sam Brady , you old dog ! Oh , Sam , Sam , Sam ! Now , you got to tell me your secret .
Sam : What s that ?
Verla : How you managed to look even younger than the last time we met .
Sam : No , Verla , it s not true .
Verla : Shh , shh . No , I m not gon na hear about it . You re just the same as always , just so modest and so adorable and so sexy . Tell me , Sam , you ever thought in terms of a cougar ?
Sam : No , not actually .
Verla : Whoa ! Oh , my . You must be working out a lot . I bet you could pick me up with just one hand . Let s try it .
Opal : What are you doing ?
Verla : It s called working out , Opal . I mean , we re polishing the guns for the gun show . [ Imitates gunshots ] You are so cute .
Opal : No , what I meant was , what are you doing in Pine Valley in the first place ?
Verla : Erica did nt tell you ? My goodness . And here I thought you and the divine Ms. Kane were thick as thieves .
Opal : We ve been playing phone tag , but -- anyway , if you do nt mind , Verla , Sam and me -- we were just about to --
Verla : Excuse me . Sam , I ve been keeping my eye on you all these years , and I know what you ve been up to , you naughty boy .
Dixie : I really tried to explain to Tad that the only reason I saw David was so that I could find out more about what happened when he was holding me .
Krystal : I m sorry . I m with Tad on this one . You have got to stay away from David .
Dixie : Oh , I know . I know , but I ca nt . You see , something happened to me when he was holding me , and every time I try to remember , it goes away .
Krystal : So you think if you spend more time with David , you re gon na remember what that is , is that right ?
Dixie : Yes . Or maybe I ll get him to open up to me .
Krystal : That s not gon na happen . Honey , what s gon na happen is he s gon na draw you into his mind games , and that is a very dangerous place to be . Trust me , I know .
Dixie : I know . I hate him , but look at me . I m here . I ca nt help but feel a little grateful .
Krystal : No , stop . You got to stop that right now . I mean , you ve got to take a good , hard look at your life before and after David walked in , and , honey , do the math .
Dixie : I just ca nt believe what he does is so twisted .
Krystal : And you re trying to remember if he did something even sicker ?
Dixie : Yes . I mean , listen . There was somebody else in that room with me . Ok ? I remember that . It was a woman .
Krystal : What ?
Dixie : Yes . I did nt see her face , but I saw her hand on the gurney next to me , and she had a bracelet , and it had the letter B on it .
Krystal : Oh , my God .
Dixie : What ?
Krystal : David -- David taunted me about there being someone else , someone that he brought back . And he led me to believe that it could be Babe .
David : What the hell happened ?
Zach : Lavery broke into your storage lab .
Brot : I just questioned Ryan , and he claims he was set up .
Zach : Oh . Surveillance video .
David : Looks like there was a fight .
Zach : Yeah . He s a big boy , so I had to pull a gun on him .
Brot : I m assuming this gun was registered .
Zach : Sure . Why not ?
Brot : You intend on pressing charges ?
Zach : Yes , he is .
David : I probably should do that , yeah .
Brot : Stay here .
Zach : What ?
David : I do nt need these complications right now .
Zach : How about a little appreciation ? Ryan almost ruined everything .
David : This is not the time to rock the boat , all right ? That storage lab was empty anyway . Who gives a damn ?
Zach : No , it s not . You do nt want anyone checking in there right now .
David : Why ? What are you talking about . What -- are you telling me that s where you put Griffin Castillo ?
Zach : Shh , shh . What I m telling you is I need Lavery in here for another five hours or so , so you can clean up . That s all you need to know .
David : Zach , what the hell did you do ?
Zach : I made sure no one s gon na stop you from finishing your work . I have as much at stake in this as you do .
David : I appreciate your support , Zach , I do . The money that you infused into the --
Zach : It was a fortune , David , a fortune .
David : But this is getting too complicated . I did nt agree to all of this .
Zach : When you agreed to me , you agreed to everything that I bring to the table .
David : Ryan is gon na be released in a few hours , and when he is , he s gon na come after us with everything he s got .
Zach : I will handle him .
David : What does that mean , Zach ? Like you handled Griff ?
Zach : Whatever it takes .
Opal : Sam has always had a very interesting life , now , have nt you , Sam ?
Verla : I would say it s more than just interesting . Would nt you , Sam ?
Opal : So what have you been up to , Sam ?
Verla : Opal , you do nt know ? Shame on you . Sam here -- why , he s the pillow- sucking king .
Opal : The what ?
Sam : I just invented a device where you can get about a half a dozen pillows , and you can shrink them to a size that could fit into a desk drawer , that s all .
Verla : Just sucking them right up .
Opal : Would you just shut that trap of yours , so that Sam can explain , please ?
Sam : It s quite simple , really . All you do is you take the pillows , you put them into the magic bag . Then you take the hose from the vacuum cleaner , and then you suck all the air out .
Verla : Rumor has it , Sam , that you cleared over $ 2 million last year .
Sam : The infomercials were pretty successful , yes . So tell me , how s your life been going ?
Opal : Oh , just the usual -- lots of cooking , scrapbooking , still working on discovering no - cal refried chicken .
Verla : Oh , that sounds very interesting , Opal . But guess what -- I have my own reality TV series . Now , ai nt that a kick in the shorts ? TV . You know , TV ?
Dixie : David told you he saved Babe ?
Krystal : No , he did nt tell me a damn thing . He just -- he let the question hang , and then he just walked out .
Dixie : Oh , God , I wish I could tell you I knew for sure .
Krystal : Are you sure it was a woman ?
Dixie : Yes , I m sure it was a woman . But it could ve been anyone .
Krystal : Oh , God . That s what David does so well . That s how he gets to you , with the what ifs . You know , what if my baby doll was still alive ?
Dixie : What if A.J. had his mom back ?
Krystal : Marissa could meet her sister .
Dixie : Having Babe back could be the thing that turned J.R. around .
Krystal : And on and on and on and on . But Babe -- Babe did nt have a bracelet with her initial on it .
Dixie : Maybe David could ve given her one .
Krystal : I m not gon na go there . I m not . I know in my heart of hearts that if Babe were alive , she would find her way back by now . She would find her way home to her little boy . But she did nt , and I m not gon na continue to torture myself thinking that it could ever happen .
Dixie : I m so sorry . I wish I could tell you that it was Babe in the room with me .
Krystal : But you ca nt . And I promise I m not gon na push you on that , Dixie . I m not . You ve got a lot to do . You have got to make sure that nothing gets in the way of you and Tad finding the road back to each other .
Tad : I m not trying to beat a dead horse here , ok , but Dixie coming back --
Jake : More in that .
Tad : That s a miracle . Are you listening to me ? Hello ? Ok . It s a miracle , we re agreed on that . But it s just there are so many miracles you get in life . There are so many per customer . What if this is our last chance to get it right ?
Jake : Right . That s no pressure .
Tad : I ca nt help it .
Jake : I know you ca nt . Let me ask you something . What s the last stupid thing you did ?
Tad : Parked in the handicapped .
Jake : Of course , you did . I mean with Dixie . What s the last idiotic thing you did with Dixie ?
Tad : When I caught her with Hayward when he was examining her .
Jake : Caught her with Hayward ?
Tad : Yeah , Hayward . You ve met .
Jake : Because you think she , what , ca nt handle herself ? She s a big girl .
Tad : Oh , here we go . Jake ? Jake ?
Jake : You do nt think she s using him ?
Tad : Jake , I need a judge s ruling on this one . You are gon na lecture me about Hayward ? Come on . I walked in , his hands were all over her .
Jake : You have to let it go . Me , I m saying you have to let it go -- unless , of course , you want him to win . You want that ?
Tad : Hell , no .
Jake : There s my brother . Welcome to breakfast . I m glad you showed up .
Tad : All right , fine . I m not denying I was handed an unbelievable gift . But , Jake , I m still me . We ve been through this before . I may be a little older , wiser , newer version , a couple dings on the fender , but I m still me . What if I screw it up ?
Angie : I m certainly glad I did nt have to spend another night in the hospital .
Frankie : Yeah , I ll bet you the staff was probably happy about that one , too .
Angie : Uh - huh . Yep , nothing worse than a doctor as a patient .
Frankie : Ok .
Jesse : Can I get you something to eat or drink ?
Angie : No , thanks . But could you just check and see if Lucy s awake ?
Frankie : Hey , I got it .
Angie : Frankie , tell Maya that I could use a hug and cuddle from my -- from the baby .
Jesse : Listen -- ahem -- you re gon na have to take it really easy for the next few days , all right ?
Angie : Yeah , I know . And I do nt want to get too excited about the possibility of seeing again , but , Jesse , I feel really good about the procedure . I just do nt want to jinx it .
Jesse : Be right back .
Frankie : Maya and the baby -- they re gone .
Angie : What s going on ?
Jesse : Check Maya s closet .
Angie : Jesse ?
Jesse : Um , nothing , Babe . Maya and Lucy are just out .
Angie : Out where ?
Jesse : Frankie s checking .
Angie : Do nt lie to me , Jesse .
Jesse : Baby , I am not lying . Ok ?
Frankie : Maya s clothes are still here .
Angie : Frankie ?
Jesse : Angela , they re probably just out for a walk .
Angie : Are Maya s things still here , Frankie ?
Frankie : Yeah . I just checked . All her things are still here . I ll go out and look for them .
Angie : But you re worried , are nt you ?
Jesse : Just being cautious . Come on . Maya would not just leave with the baby like that . She would nt do that to you .
Angie : Lucy is her baby , and we really do nt have any say anymore on what Maya does , where she goes .
Jesse : Maya did say that she was gon na stay here for a while .
Angie : Yeah , maybe she just could nt bear it anymore , knowing how much I love the baby . She decided to make a clean break and leave all of her stuff behind . Oh , God , Jesse . What if Lucy is gone forever ?
Jake : You are over - thinking things .
Tad : So you want me to stop thinking ?
Jake : Yes . It d be better if you were just yourself .
Tad : Which is ?
Jake : Which is Tad Martin , the amazing guy .
Tad : Yeah , but what about Dixie ?
Jake : I know the whole story . She got stuck in a place for a couple of years , she does nt remember anything , bad things happened -- it does nt matter . She does remember one thing : The love of her life , Tad Martin . Right ? So stop trying so hard .
Dixie : Boy , I really opened up old wounds by going anywhere near David . I never should have .
Krystal : You got to stop second - guessing yourself .
Dixie : And I wish there was something I could do to prove to Tad that I want us to be together .
Krystal : Honey , I hope you work it out . I really do , because I ve always heard what a great couple you two were , how much fun you had and --
Dixie : Yeah , with Tad . We had fun . Oh . Thank you , Krystal . You have just given me a great idea .
Krystal : Ok . All right .
Dixie : I ll see you later .
Krystal : Bye .
Brot : If you can not afford an attorney , one will be provided --
Ryan : I know my rights . I appreciate it . I ll call my lawyer , he ll bail me out , but you better be reading the same rights to Slater .
Brot : I do nt have to .
Ryan : What are you talking about , you do nt have to ? You re not gon na arrest him for pulling a gun on me ?
Brot : The gun is registered , Ryan .
Ryan : Since when is kidnapping legal ?
Brot : It s not kidnapping . Technically , he was making a citizen s arrest .
Ryan : He was making a citizen s arrest . We both know that s a bunch of crap .
Brot : Listen , Ryan , we looked at the surveillance footage , and it clearly shows you breaking into one of David s labs . Now , Slater should ve called us so we could handle it , but he did nt . And we have no evidence to arrest him for anything .
Ryan : Ok , David is hiding something in those labs and it might be other patients , and he s using Zach to protect his secrets .
Brot : Listen , Ryan , I do nt have to tell you that it s against the law to break into someone else s property .
Ryan : You tell Jesse to get Slater under control , or I will .
David : I thought Lavery was your friend .
Zach : Friendship has limits .
David : Since when ?
Zach : Since I went to the brink and back . Can I tell you something ? When I found out that you were the one that saved me , that really threw me for a while .
David : Because of our past ?
Zach : Do nt sugarcoat it . We hated each other . But you came through for me . You did what you said you would do , and if you only did it for me , I d think that there was some kind of ulterior motive . But you did nt just do it for me . You did it for Greenlee , Dixie , whatever it is you re doing for Angie . I do nt care what people say about you . They can not question your work . Ryan Lavery -- he s irrelevant . My dedication is to you , your project , your work . And I see you looking at me and -- you got to ask yourself , maybe this is the time . Do you trust me ? Yes or no ?
David : Look , Zach , I appreciate your loyalty to me , all right , to my work . But this thing with Lavery --
Zach : Necessary .
David : Perhaps . But it s made things more dangerous for the other people who are still in recovery .
Zach : But that s just it -- I do nt get that . You got to explain that to me .
David : I m not worried about myself , all right ? But the recovery process -- it can not be rushed . Look what happened to Dixie when she got out too soon , ok ? You almost died when you tried to rush your recovery . So what I m asking from you , if you can please just take it down a notch . Can you do that ?
Zach : I m gon na go clean up that lab . Do me a favor . Keep him here for a few hours .
David : I ll do what I can . Zach , what did you do to Griffin ?
Zach : It s trust . Who else is there ? Who else ?
Verla : You see , I take the audience on an eye - popping voyage into the dark and mysterious world of the carny circuit . It s called The Wild and Wacky World of Verla Grubbs .
Opal : Sounds wild and wacky , all right .
Verla : I only wish Myrtle was around . I d make her my costar .
Opal : I do nt know if she d be interested . Myrt had taste .
Sam : So what channel are you on ?
Verla : Oh , we re -- ahem -- right now we re in preproduction .
Sam : So what you re really saying is you re looking for financing ?
Verla : No . No , no , no . I ve got plenty of that , Sam . I just thought maybe you might want to get in on the gravy train . See , we could meet . We could do lunch . We could --
Sam : Verla , no . Stop , please ?
Verla : What , sugar pie ?
Sam : Stop talking .
Opal : That d be like asking a bear to stop --
Sam : Opal ? I can handle this , ok ? Look , when I said I came back to Pine Valley for the reunion , that was true . But what was really true is that I came back to see Opal again , and I m not interested in any investing .
Verla : Not even the nonfinancial kind ?
Sam : Verla , you re wonderful , but that was the past . And that was nice , but you and I are not gon na do any more tangos in Pine Valley .
Verla : Ahem . Well , what s the matter with me ? Hmm . I m sorry , Sam . I truly am sorry . Opal , looks like the best womano won . I wish the two of you a lot of good luck , and I mean it . I really -- I mean it . And if anyone wants to see The Wild and Wacky World of Verla Grubbs , well , just come knock on my door . [ Sobs loudly ]
Sam : What was that ?
Opal : Did you really come to Pine Valley just to see me ?
Angie : I have to deal with the fact that Lucy is not my baby . I love that child as if she were my own , because I thought she was , but she is nt , and I ca nt allow myself to forget that .
Jesse : I know this is hard for you .
Angie : No , you do nt . You knew the truth all along .
Jesse : I made a terrible mistake by not telling you . But Maya has nt said definitely what she s gon na do .
Angie : Do nt pretend that we re gon na have Lucy in our lives forever . I ca nt do that anymore . I ca nt do it . I m hoping and I m praying that I will be able to see again , and I can not afford to put my heart on the line for something that I know I ll never have .
Frankie : They were just at the park .
Maya : I am so sorry we were nt here when you got back from the hospital .
Angie : It s ok .
Maya : I want you to know that I would never leave without giving you the chance to say good - bye .
Jesse : You mean if you decide to leave ?
Maya : When I leave . Angie , you ve been like a mother to me , a mother I never really had . You helped me stand up to Mookie and stand up for myself . And most of all , you gave me the guts to believe that I could make it as a single mother .
Angie : I have faith in you , Maya , and I have from the very beginning .
Maya : And I know that . And it breaks my heart that for me to have to start a life of my own , I have to break yours , too -- yours and Jesse s .
Jesse : You can stay .
Angie : Jesse , please do nt make it any harder for her .
Maya : I m not leaving yet , ok ? And I promise to give you time with her before I go .
Angie : Thank you .
Maya : Here she is .
Angie : Hello . Hi , munchkin .
Sam : There has not been a day that I ve been away from Pine Valley that I have nt thought about all the wonderful times that I ve had here , especially all the great times I had with you .
Opal : Really ?
Sam : Oh , yeah . When that old coot Palmer married you , I thought all I d have left is my memories .
Opal : I never knew that .
Sam : Yes , I m sorry about his passing , but that s what gave me the strength to come back and see you .
Opal : I thought you just came back for your reunion .
Sam : No , I came back to see if you d be interested in maybe the two of us getting to know each other again .
Opal : I d be very interested .
Sam : Ring - a - ding ding ! How about the two of us going to Hawaii ? Ha ha ha ! Oh !
Ryan : Hayward , let me ask you something . What did you actually do to Zach ?
David : Is nt it obvious ? I saved his life .
Ryan : You did a lot more than that . You screwed with his head --
Zach : No one screwed with my head .
Ryan : How many more people have you saved , because I m gon na find them before you mess with their heads . You understand that , right ?
Brot : Let s go , Ryan .
Ryan : I m gon na find them , Hayward , and then I ca nt wait to watch you try and play God from behind bars !
Zach : Do nt tell him anything . Do nt give in to that .
David : Just relax , all right ? No one s gon na know anything , not until it s over .
Zach : Good . You re a smart man . Do nt trust anyone , not even me .
David : I m glad you understand .
Zach : Ok . But we re on the clock . We got to move . I got to clean some stuff up .
David : Two . There are two more people . They re still in recovery , ok ? They re almost ready to be revealed . So , Zach , do nt screw this up .
Dixie : Cluck and say Howdy ! It s your Dixie chicken ! [ Clucks ]
### Summary:
| Opal prepares for her reunion with Sam Brady while Krystal and Dixie watch . At Pine Valley Hospital , Angie begins to wake up from her surgery with Jesse by her side . Jake and Tad discuss how things can full circle for everyone such as Greenlee and Ryan , Kendall and Zach and now Opal was hoping to get just as lucky . Zach and Ryan are brought into the police station in handcuffs by Brot , who had just arrested them . Ryan accuses Zach of not ever intending to bring him back to Pine Valley alive . David advises Jesse and Frankie to give Angie their full support . Brot calls Jesse to let him know that he had just arrested Ryan and Zach for breaking into David s warehouse . Dixie lets Krystal know how badly she had hurt Tad when she had gone to see David and had let him treat her . Tad questions Jake as to how Amanda is doing . At the Confusion bar , Opal is reunited with Sam Brady but their reunion is short lived when Verla Grubbs arrives and tries to steal Sam s attention away from Opal . Dixie tells Krystal that she is trying to get David to help her to remember what had happened to her when she was in the clinic . Jesse and Angie arrive home and Angie is anxious to see Maya and Lucy . Frankie arrives at Jesse and Angie s . Frankie looks for Maya and Lucy but finds them gone . Angie senses that something is wrong and wants to know what is going on . Jesse tries to relieve her worries that Maya would have taken Lucy and left . Angie can not bear the thought of not ever seeing Lucy again . Tad kisses Jake on the head as a way of thanking him for helping him get through his worries about Dixie . Krystal assures Dixie that everything will be fine between her and Tad . Brot tells Ryan that he has nothing to arrest David on because it was Ryan , who had broken into David s warehouse . Zach and David continue to argue over Ryan s interference in the Orpheus Project . Sam tells Verla that he will not invest in her reality television show that he came back to Pine Valley to see Opal . Frankie finds Maya and Lucy in the park and brings them home . Maya lets Angie know that she would never leave with Lucy without telling them good bye . Sam invites Opal to go to Hawaii with him . Dixie arrives at Krystal s diner in a chicken outfit . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jack : Thank you .
Abby : I m sorry , I m sorry . Do we have to do this right now ? The gala s about to start . I ve got a million things to do .
Jack : This will only take a minute . You remember Peter . He s head of Jabot s le--
Abby : Oh , I -- head of Jabot s legal department . Hi , okay .
Peter : Good to see you , Abby .
Jack : Have a seat , have a seat . Now that the money transfer has gone through , we want to make sure this Beauty of Nature deal is airtight . Victor and his lawyers are gon na pore over every syllable to try to challenge the sale , so we just need your signature on these papers before we file them with the S.E.C.
Abby : Mm - hmm .
Jack : Here you go .
Abby : Thank you .
Peter : And your signature here ...
Abby : Mm - hmm .
Peter : And here , and just initials on this one right here .
Jack : Excellent .
Peter : Thank you .
Abby : There you go .
Victor : Well , you ready for the big gala ? You look so beautiful .
Abby : Thank you . You , too . Well , I -- you look handsome , debonair , not lovely , but you know what I mean . ( Laughs )
Jack : I trust you ve heard the money s been transferred ahead of schedule . Beauty of Nature is now mine .
Victor : Very proud of yourself now , Jack , are you ?
Jack : Well , I m certainly pleased that the transaction went smoothly , yes .
Victor : And you brought by your lawyer to make things bulletproof , or so you think ?
Jack : Fire away , old boy .
Victor : ( Chuckles )
Jack : You re not gon na be able to blow any holes in this one .
Victor : Mm - hmm . Good luck to you , Jack .
Abby : Okay , I have to go . ( Laughs )
Peter : I ll , uh , make copies of everything and get em to your accountant , okay ?
Abby : Thank you . Thanks .
Victor : Sweetheart . Are you rushing off because you do nt want to face your father ? Is that it ?
Abby : No , I m rushing off because I am co - chair of the biggest social event of the summer , and I needed to be there , like , ten minutes ago .
Victor : Mm - hmm . I have a feeling that right now , you prefer being an Abbott rather than being a Newman .
Abby : ( Sighs ) Dad , that s not fair .
Victor : Really ?
Abby : I meant what I said . I love you , okay ? I do nt want you to be upset . It s just -- it s just business .
Victor : The time will come , I assure you , that you will regret having given all your money to that loser .
Chelsea : The farm sounds like a magical place .
Adam : Yeah . Yeah , it was , especially when mom was alive . Especially in the springtime , too . I mean , the goats would have kids , uh , one of the horses would foal .
Chelsea : And you got to name them .
Adam : Have I told you this before ?
Chelsea : No . Call it an educated guess .
Adam : Okay . So you think you know me so well , huh ?
Chelsea : ( Chuckles )
Adam : Come here .
Chelsea : Sometimes , not always .
Adam : Okay . Well , if you know me so well , what am I gon na do next ?
Faith : Hi , Adam !
Adam : Hey .
Chloe : No . No , no . No , no , no , no , no , no ! No , do not put me on hold again . Okay , I want to know where the truck is . Really ? Ten minutes ? Do you think that I m stupid ? Because you told me ten minutes about , mm , two hours ago . You listen to me . I do nt care how you get that truck driver here . I do nt care if he needs to grow wings . You get him here . Do you understand me ? Oh , my God . Oh , my God , I m gon na kill these people . I - I do nt have decorations . I do nt have tables . I do nt have chairs . I do nt have anything . Hello ! I ca nt have a charity event when I do nt have anything here !
Kevin : Hey , hey , hey . You just tell me what to do , and I ll do it .
Chloe : ( Sighs ) Okay , great . You can make the truck magically appear out on the loading dock in the next two seconds .
Kevin : Honey , just-- just calm down , calm down . Everything is gon na work out , I promise .
Chloe : ( Exhales slowly )
Kevin : Would you like some water ? Would that help ?
Chloe : No .
Kevin : Good , I ll go get you some .
Chloe : ( Sighs ) Ugh !
Kevin : Carmine , can I get a water for Chloe ?
Carmine : Sure thing , Boss .
Kevin : Ugh , she s been working so hard on this gala . I hate seeing her so stressed out .
Carmine : Mm . I wish you were that supportive with Angelina .
Kevin : Huh ?
Carmine : ( Chuckles )
Kevin : You have no idea how supportive I was .
Chloe : Okay , okay , you know what ? I got a great idea . You re gon na go home , you re gon na change , and you re gon na grab my dress . I m just gon na have to get ready here .
Kevin : How about this ? You go , I ll stay .
Chloe : Thank you for offering but there is no way that I m leaving , not now , so okay , listen . It s -- all my stuff is in the Fenmore s bag . It -- it s hanging up . It s right on the door .
Kevin : Are you sure ?
Chloe : I ve got shoes , accessories -- yes , everything .
Kevin : Are you sure you re gon na be okay ?
Chloe : Please , yes , yes , yes , I swear .
Kevin : Here , drink some water ...
Carmine : Hey , tell the driver to , uh , make another wrong turn . All right .
Lauren : Hi !
Nick : Hi , come in . Hey .
Michael : Hey .
Phyllis : Wow , wow .
Lauren : Uh , thank you , but why are nt you dressed ?
Michael : Yeah , are we early ?
Lauren : I thought we were going to the gala together .
Phyllis : Yeah , um , I - I just , um , I m not really up for it .
Daniel : Come on , I know you like this . Come on . Give me the frog . No ? ( Laughs ) I know , we re out of the strained peaches . That s what you like , right ? Okay , okay . ( Sighs )
Daisy : ( Exhales slowly ) Hi , what s up ?
Daniel : Hey , look , we re , um , all out of the strained peaches that Luce likes and she s not eating anything , so if you re anywhere near the store--
Daisy : I m there now , buying diapers , so I ll pick some up . I have a few more errands to run before I come home , but then I ll see you soon . Okay , bye .
Ricky : What are you doing here ?
Daisy : I want you to tell me what kind of plan you ve come up with to help me and Lucy disappear .
Adam : You do nt have any boyfriends ?
Faith : No .
Adam : I do nt believe you . You re too cute . Are you kidding me ? Maybe they re crazy . Maybe they need glasses or something .
Chelsea : ( Laughs )
Faith : ( Laughs )
Adam : Hey , have you met Chelsea before ? Chelsea , this is Faith .
Faith : Hi .
Chelsea : Hi , Faith . Adam is right . You are a very pretty little girl .
Sharon : Well , we have to go . I ve got ta get Faith to the nanny , and I m heading off to the arts council gala .
Adam : Sounds fun . Bye .
Faith : Bye !
Chelsea : Bye .
Adam : Bye - bye , Faith .
Faith : Bye .
Chelsea : Ohh . A gala . Mm . I ve never been to one of those . Is it anything like a kegger ?
Adam : Mnh - mnh .
Chelsea : Mm .
Chloe : Ugh . ( Sighs )
Abby : What s going on ? There -- there s no stuff . Where is everything ?
Chloe : Yeah , on the truck , which was supposed to be here hours ago .
Abby : ( Gasps ) Okay , I - I m gon na call the delivery company right now .
Chloe : Uh , great . What do you think that I ve been doing every five minutes ?
Abby : Uh , by the look of the place , not a hell of a lot .
Chloe : Really ? I ve been here all day dealing with this . Where have you been ?
Abby : Are you going to blame me for the truck not showing up ?
Chloe : You were the one who was in charge of the transportation .
Abby : Limos for the VIPs . Furniture , tablecloths , decorations-- that was your department .
Chloe : No , coordinating colors and the scheme of everything . Please . You were supposed to get them here .
Abby : ( Gasps ) You are so full of it !
Ricky : Daisy , I ve got my own things to deal with . Now I m supposed to worry about yours ?
Daisy : If your sister the prosecutor found out you bugged her apartment to spy on her--
Ricky : I told you to forget about that .
Daisy : I will forget about it , after you tell me how you re gon na help Lucy and me get out of town .
Ricky : Yeah , hello ? I ll be right down . I had lunch in the dining room , and I forgot to sign my bill . I need to go down and do it before the waiter goes off shift .
Daisy : Okay , after , we re gon na talk about my escape plan , hmm ?
Ricky : ( Scoffs ) Whatever .
Phyllis : I still hate that bug .
Daisy : ( Chuckles ) Who else are you spying on , Ricky ? Me ? God , what a freak .
Ricky : Rachel , look up . Smile for the camera .
Rachel : Will you please stop ? I told you , I m not up for this . Will you please just go ?
Ricky : Oh , come on , do nt be like that . How about I scrub your back ?
Rachel : Cut it out .
Daisy : Gross , a sex tape .
Rachel : I mean it , Ricky . Put down the camera .
Ricky : ( Sighs ) Fine . How about some more wine ?
Rachel : Sounds very nice .
Ricky : Ricky got it for you special . I know it s your favorite .
Rachel : Ricky , look . Despite what just happened , were still broken up . That has nt changed . I m sorry if that s not what you were hoping to hear , but you need to face the fact that we re over .
Ricky : Stop saying that !
Chelsea : And why would I be thinking about college if I do nt even have my G.E.D. ?
Adam : You will , just in time to enroll in the fall .
Chelsea : And what would I major in ? Oh , I know , mixology . Yes !
Adam : Ha ha . How about sociology , maybe even mathematics , computer science ? You d be a whiz at any of those .
Chelsea : Why sociology ?
Adam : Oh , you re a natural student of the human condition , statistics do nt faze you , and it s a great basis for a bunch of interesting careers .
Chelsea : You , Adam Newman , are one of the only people in my entire life who actually believed in me , believed in my capabilities and my ... what s that ?
Adam : What does it look like ? It s a garment bag .
Chelsea : ( Laughs ) Yes , I can see that , thank you . I mean , how did it get here ? What s inside ?
Adam : Mm , I do nt know . Go check it out .
Chelsea : ( Chuckles )
Chelsea : ( Gasps ) Ohh . Oh , it s incredible .
Adam : I imagine it will be even more incredible when it s on you . You re going to the gala with me .
Abby : Well , Tucker , that s not acceptable . I mean , there has to be something more you can do . O - okay , I didnt-- well , just try to think of something , okay , and get back to me ? ( Sighs )
Chloe : Now what ?
Abby : Tucker sent a jet to go pick up what he wanted . There s some windstorm out in Vegas . All the planes have been grounded .
Chloe : Well , for how long ?
Abby : I-- until the wind dies down . How am I supposed to know that ? Am I supposed to be an expert on the weather now , too ? ( Scoffs )
Chloe : Oh , my God , this can not be happening . ( Whispering ) This can not be happening . ( Whines )
Jack : If you insist on playing the blame game , why do nt we leave Abby out of it ? Play it with me . Abby had nothing to do with this . I was gon na get Beauty of Nature one way or the other . If I had nt borrowed the extra cash from Abby , I would have gotten it somewhere else .
Victor : But the point is , you chose to get it from my daughter , did nt you , Jack ?
Jack : No , your daughter chose to give it to me .
Victor : As your son chose to live at my ranch and work for me . You have a good night .
Rachel : I think you better-- you better go .
Ricky : Come on , Rachel , you do nt mean that .
Rachel : Yes , I - I do . ( Sighs )
Ricky : We just made love .
Rachel : Yeah .
Ricky : We had a connection . I know you felt that , too .
Rachel : No , I did nt . ( Slurring speech ) I only hooked up with you one last time cause I felt sorry for you .
Ricky : Nobody does that to me . Do you understand ? Nobody does that to me !
Rachel : Leave , now ! Or I m call ... I m gon na call the police . ( Gasps ) Did you-- did you put something in my wine ? Get out ! Go ! ( Breathing heavily ) I never want to see you again ! No !
Ricky : That can be arranged .
Ricky : Nobody ! Ohh .
Daisy : Oh , my God . Oh , my God .
Ricky : ( Breathing heavily ) Hmm . ( Breathing heavily )
Daisy : ( Gasps )
Daisy : Um ...
Daisy : Oh . Okay , Ill -- yeah , I ll see you soon . Bye . I - I got ta go .
Ricky : I thought you were all fired up to talk about your escape plan .
Daisy : Later . I got ta go . Something s come up with Lucy .
Ricky : Huh .
Lauren : You know , Sweetheart , we certainly understand why you d feel like hiding , but , you know , I think a night out would do you good .
Michael : Yeah , come on . It ll help take your mind off things .
Lauren : ( Laughs ) Come on .
Phyllis : Um , no , it s not -- I m not hiding . It -- I just dont -- I do nt feel like going to a big party , talking , you know , small talk with a - a crowd of people .
Lauren : Well , we will certainly miss you , and we understand .
Michael : Mm . All right , shall we ?
Lauren : Yes , we shall .
Phyllis : Okay , yeah , okay . Thanks . Thank you .
Nick : You guys have fun .
Lauren : Yeah , definitely .
Phyllis : Have a martini for me .
Michael : Ohh , I will have a martini . Oh , I m sorry . Hold on . Hold on .
Lauren : Worry about him .
Michael : I got a phone call . Michael Baldwin .
Daisy : Michael , its Daisy . I need to see you right away .
Kevin : Hey , I got your dress . Still no truck ?
Chloe : No , and now we have no entertainment , either .
Kevin : What ?
Abby : The Wanted is stranded at the Vegas airport . They ai nt make it here in time .
Chloe : When it rains , it pours ... ( Laughs ) Except this is a monsoon with a tsunami chaser .
Kevin : Well , look , if worse comes to worst , um ... I do nt know , we can get Lauren to sing .
Chloe : What are you talking about ? And we are way past Worst .
Abby : Yeah , try Catastrophic .
Chloe : Try shutting up .
Abby : Try kissing my--
Kevin : Okay , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , do nt . Do nt do that . Do nt . You guys have worked too hard on this to give up now .
Abby : I m sorry , what choice do we have ?
Chloe : I know . I really think that it s just time to accept it and that it s just not gon na happen , and the gala is an epic fail .
Abby : I m gon na be ruined . After tonight , no one will even trust me to organize a pizza delivery .
Chloe : Oh , my God , and once again , it s all about you .
Abby : ( Gasps )
Kevin : All right , time out . Look , there are folding tables , right , in the storeroom . We re just gon na have to make do with what we have . Let s go . Let s do it .
Abby : ( Scoffs )
Chloe : ( Sighs )
Abby : Can you please get dressed ? Unless you want to add to the horror by having people arrive and see you like that .
Chloe : ( Sighs ) ( Whines )
Carmine : Hey , did you hear that ?
Chloe : What ? ( Sighs )
Carmine : It was a horn . Sounded like it came from the loading dock .
Chloe : What ? Oh , my God . Do you think it s the truck ?
Carmine : It s got ta be . Come on , let s go tell em to hurry up .
Chloe : Oh , my God , let s go . Here we go . Oh , my God !
Chelsea : This is the fanciest thing I have ever owned . I feel like Cinderella .
Adam : I guess that makes me Prince Charming .
Chelsea : ( Chuckles ) Well , you are , you know .
Adam : All evidence to the contrary ?
Chelsea : Seriously , Adam , no one s ever done anything like this for me before . I ll never forget it .
Adam : I m gon na go to the front desk . I got ta get something . Be right back .
Chelsea : Uh--
Michael : Well , you can call my office in the morning .
Daisy : No , no , no , this ca nt wait .
Michael : Okay , then tell me now , on the phone . What is the big emergency ?
Daisy : I ca nt . It s too horrible .
Michael : What is ?
Daisy : Please , Michael , I-- you have to hear this in person .
Michael : Calm down . I m on my way to a charity event .
Daisy : The arts gala , in that warehouse on Union ?
Michael : Yeah .
Daisy : Okay , I - Ill meet you in the alley outside .
Michael : Sorry about that , Guys .
Lauren : Who were you talking to ?
Michael : Uh , Daisy . She insists that she has to meet with me .
Nick : Why ?
Michael : Said there s something that she has to tell me that ca nt wait .
Lauren : Please tell me you are not standing me up for that woman .
Michael : Look , Sweetheart , I just told her to meet me outside the gala . I will hear what she has to say . Then I will send her on her way and we will enjoy the evening , all right ? Come here .
Lauren : Mm - hmm , mm - hmm .
Michael : Mwah ! Right , disco till dawn .
Lauren : Yeah , really . Take care .
Michael : Ciao .
Nick : Bye .
Nick : I m surprised Michael would give Daisy the time of day .
Phyllis : Yeah , yeah , yeah , me , too . Y - you know what ? I - I think they re right . You want to -- you want to go to the gala ? We should go to the gala .
Nick : You sure ?
Phyllis : Yeah . I - Ill get dressed . Y - you -- you get dressed , and , um , I m gon na get some water , and then I ll meet you up there .
Nick : Cool .
Phyllis : Okay ? Right ?
Nick : Okay . Yeah .
Daniel : Yeah , here .
Daniel : Mom , what s up ?
Phyllis : Daisy just called Michael . She said she wants to meet him outside of the gala . I - I think she wants to tell him .
Daniel : About the hit - and - run ?
Phyllis : Yeah . Listen , we have to stop her .
Daniel : I ll meet you there .
Ricky : I thought I left this open .
Ricky : Nobody ! Bad move , Daisy . Ohh . ( Breathing heavily ) Very , very bad .
Daniel : Thank you for coming on such short notice . Lucy is asleep right now , so I got ta go .
Woman : I hope you wo nt be too long . As I said earlier , I can only stay for a little while . I have a date .
Daniel : Daisy s on her way home , so , um , it should nt be a problem . She should be back with plenty of time .
Woman : Okay .
Ricky : Bye - bye , Rachel . No hard feelings .
Abby : So the truck is running a little behind . Once it gets here , we ll need a quick setup , but we can do it .
Jack : Of course you can . The evening s gon na be a great success .
Abby : Tables , yay !
Kevin : Yeah , there s a couple more in the back , too .
Paul : All right , I ll take that one . You want to show me where they go ?
Abby : This way , this way .
Michael : Yeah , Ill -- Ill help bring em out , too , yeah .
Kevin : Great . This way . Here , will you take that ?
Michael : I don -- I do nt know . I have some time before I m supposed to meet with Daisy . Maybe Kevin can tell me what s got her so worked up . All right , going to work . Tables ! ( Claps hands )
Sharon : Well , uh , am I in the right place ? It hardly looks like there s a gala about to take place .
Jack : The girls have had a few , uh , technical difficulties . I think they re gon na work things out , though .
Sharon : I hope you re right . Ohh , I remember when I threw the gala .
Lauren : Oh , God .
Sharon : ( Laughs ) Some people can be so unforgiving .
Lauren : Uh , you would nt be talking about Agnes Sorenson , would you ?
Sharon : No comment .
Lauren : No . No , no , no .
Sharon : You look great , by the way .
Lauren : Thank you . You , too . I love your dress .
Sharon : Oh , thank you .
Jack : Hello , chopped liver .
Lauren : Right . Fishing . Fishing , as always .
Sharon : Do nt tell him how handsome he looks , because it goes right to his head .
Jack : Hey .
Nick : Hey .
Phyllis : Hi .
Nick : How s it going ?
Sharon : Hey .
Lauren : You re here .
Sharon : Uh - huh .
Nick : Yeah , Phyllis , uh , she changed her mind .
Phyllis : Yes .
Jack : Well , we re glad you re both here .
Phyllis : ( Chuckles ) Thanks .
Sharon : Great dress .
Phyllis : Thanks , you , too .
Lauren : Yes . This is the goddess section , right over here .
Phyllis : Oh , yeah , yeah .
Jack : Took the words right out of my mouth .
Phyllis : Hey , uh , where s Michael ?
Lauren : He went to help Kevin , you know , get some more tables .
Nick : It does look a little Spartan in here .
Phyllis : Um , you know , I m gon na freshen up . Excuse me .
Nick : Okay . Actually left my phone in the car . I need to get a baseball score . I ll be back .
Lauren : You know , I should probably call Fen before all this starts-- um , if this starts .
Jack : Was it something I said ?
Chloe : Well , there s no truck , so , huh .
Carmine : And there wo nt be for hours .
Chloe : What ?
Carmine : My revenge for Angie . I told you I d get it one day .
Chloe : You did this ?
Carmine : Yeah , well , my family has a few connections with the union drivers , so ...
Chloe : Oh , my -- I-- do you know that you are the biggest jerk - wad I have ever met in my entire life ? I am going to let the entire town know what you did .
Carmine : No , I do nt think so . You re not going anywhere . You see , I m gon na do something that I should have done a long time ago . I m gon na take you away from Kevvie , just like he took my Angie away from me .
Chelsea : ( Laughing ) ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Adam : Okay .
Chelsea : Who knew room service makes popcorn ?
Adam : You know , I have a question-- are you going to be talking throughout the entire movie , or are we good to go ?
Chelsea : You re just jealous that I m gon na know more of the lines than you do .
Adam : ( Chuckles ) Oh ! It is on .
Chelsea : ( Chuckles )
Adam : On , it is .
Chelsea : Not bad . Okay , fine , I look amazing . ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) Does nt matter , though . Girls like me do nt get fairy - tale endings .
Adam : You are smart . You re amazing . You are Rocky before a prizefight .
Chelsea : ( Laughs ) I love you .
Adam : Hey , you ve got something right here , a little food .
Chelsea : ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) It s about time I stop kidding myself . ( Sighs ) Adam does nt love me , and he never will . ( Sighs )
Victor : Thank you for coming by . All right , have a nice day .
Adam : Hey , Pop , I thought you d be at the gala .
Victor : Hey , Son , are you-- I m heading over there .
Adam : Well , I ll see you there .
Victor : Are you going ?
Adam : I do nt know . I was thinking about that or maybe bowling . I have nt decided yet .
Victor : ( Chuckles ) That s a difficult decision . Going by yourself , or what ?
Adam : No , I m , uh , headed upstairs to pick up my date right now .
Victor : Oh , yeah , that two - bit con artist .
Adam : She s got a job ...
Victor : Uh - huh .
Adam : And , yeah , I m taking her .
Victor : Mm - hmm .
Adam : I m not just taking her . I m gon na give her this tonight . I m gon na ask her to be my wife with everyone there .
Victor : Gon na make a public spectacle of it to embarrass your dad , try to get revenge ? You do nt give damn about that girl , do you ?
Kevin : Why do nt we move the table down so we re not blocking the stage , yeah ?
Michael : That s a great idea .
Abby : I thought I could do this , but I - I was kidding myself . This is a total disaster . It s gon na be tweeted all over the world that I , The Naked Heiress , had a party that was a flop .
Sharon : Maybe you ll get lucky and some bigger story will bury it .
Abby : Yeah , my luck ran out when I decided to chair this thing with Chloe .
Jack : So where is The Black Knight , anyway ?
Sharon : Oh , he s meeting me here later .
Jack : Oh , Nikki s meeting me here .
Sharon : I need a drink .
Abby : I need three .
Jack : Where s your bartender ?
Sharon : Good question .
Kevin : Has anybody seen Chloe ?
Abby : Yeah , she s getting dressed .
Kevin : With her dress still on the bar ?
Sharon : Oh . Something must have gone awry .
Abby : ( Scoffs ) Yeah , try everything . Kevin , can you take over for Carmine while I go try to find him ?
Kevin : Yeah , will you find Chloe , too ?
Abby : Do I have to ?
Kevin : Yes . ( Sighs ) What ll you have ?
Sharon : Surprise me .
Kevin : Okay .
Chloe : ( Muffled ) Carmine , let go ! Get off of me ! Get off of me ! Carmine ! Carmine ! ( Muffled yelling ) ( Screams )
Carmine : Get in there .
Carmine : ( Sighs )
Carmine : Oh , crap . Where d I leave my phone ?
Chloe : ( Muffled ) Help ! ( Pounding on metal ) Help ! Help me ! Help me ! Someone help ! ( Muffled scream ) Help ! Someone , someone help me ! Someone help ! ( Screams ) Help me ! ( Pounding continues ) Someone help ! Let me out ! Let me out ! Open it up !
Abby : ( Grunts )
Chloe : ( Normal voice ) Oh , my God . Oh , my God , Abby ! Oh , my God , thank God .
Abby : Here .
Chloe : Oh , ohh !
Abby : Come here . I saw the whole thing . Are you okay ?
Chloe : Oh , my God . Where is Carmine ?
Abby : Okay , he went looking for his phone .
Chloe : Okay , we have to call the cops .
Abby : Okay , go , go , go .
Chloe : Come on , right now .
Abby : Okay , oh , my God .
Daisy : Please hurry , Michael .
Daisy : What are you doing here ?
Adam : Wow . You look fantastic .
Chelsea : ( Chuckles ) Thank you .
Adam : I mean , not that you -- you do nt look beautiful and fantastic in t - shirt and jeans , or not in a t - shirt and jeans .
Chelsea : ( Laughs ) I m glad you re pleased
Adam : Oh , I m ... way more than pleased . I m gon na be very proud to have you on my arm tonight .
Chelsea : Um , I just have to get my lipstick , and then we can go .
Victor : You look beautiful .
Sharon : Why , thank you .
Victor : I just wonder if we should -- should stay for the festivities .
Sharon : What do you mean ?
Victor : Well , I ran into my misbegotten son Adam , and he said he would propose publicly to that two - bit Chelsea . I guess he wants to aggravate me or humiliate me or both .
Sharon : That sounds just like Adam .
Victor : Mm - hmm , but I do not want to be privy to his stupid little game , so what do you think if we have a private little dinner at home ?
Sharon : I think that is an amazing idea .
Victor : I m glad you agree . Hello , Son . Just get here ?
Nick : Uh , no , Dad , I ve been here a while . I left my phone in the car .
Victor : All right .
Sharon : Well , you have a nice evening .
Nick : You , too .
Victor : Nice to see you , Son .
Lauren : ( Sighs ) So ... still no delivery . Where s Abby ?
Jack : Oh , she s off somewhere panicking .
Lauren : ( Chuckles )
Jack : How s Fen ?
Lauren : What ?
Jack : You left to call your son .
Lauren : I - I did . Yes , um , I did nt reach him .
Daniel : Mom , hey .
Phyllis : What ? Oh , my God . Have you seen Daisy ?
Daniel : No , have you ?
Chloe : Someone help . Okay , someone -- someone please call the cops . Call the police ! Carmine tried to kidnap me !
Kevin : Are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?
Chloe : No , no , I m fine , but Carmine ruined the entire gala , okay ? He is the one that told the truck not to come just to get back at me .
Kevin : Are you kidding me ?
Chloe : He said that he s trying to take me away from you because you took Angie away from him . He threw me in a trunk , babe he threw me in a trunk , and then thank God for Abby , cause Abby came to get-- Ab - aby ? ( Sighs )
Abby : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Paul : Hi , Michael .
Michael : Oh , Paul .
Paul : Everything okay ?
Michael : ( Exhales slowly ) It s just so odd .
Paul : What is ?
Michael : Daisy . She called me earlier , was desperate to talk to me .
Paul : About what ?
Michael : I do nt have a clue . She said she could nt wait . I agreed to meet her here . She has nt shown yet . You -- have you seen her at all anywhere ?
Paul : No .
Michael : God , a waste of time . Daisy ! Standing out here waiting when there s a party- you know what , and mark-- what ... all right , I can deal with this . Hmm . Looky . Someone forgot a scarf .
Ricky : ( Breathing heavily ) ( Sighs )
Chelsea : I told you I love you , and you did nt say it back .
Victor : What is it ?
Ashley : Abby s been kidnapped .
Woman : Carmine Basco is 511 with ...
Abby : Ohh !
Ricky : Time to go to a party .
### Summary:
| The arts council gala is in bad shape when the truck with the tables and decorations does nt show up , and the band is stuck in Vegas because of a windstorm . Also the private plane that Tucker sent to pick up the band is grounded . Carmine admits to Chloe that he called in some favors to make sure the truck would nt arrive , because he wanted to get revenge on Kevin for taking Angelina away from him . Carmine puts Chloe in the trunk of his car and gets ready to drive away . Abby arrives and helps Chloe get out while he is inside getting his phone . Abby then decides to get inside Carmine s trunk , and he drives away not knowing Abby switched places with Chloe . Daisy arrives to talk strategy with Ricky about getting her and Lucy out of town . While Ricky is downstairs signing his lunch bill , Daisy searches his computer and comes across a video of Ricky drowning his girlfriend Rachel in the bathtub the same way his mother Isabella tried to kill Christine years ago . Daisy is so scared that when Ricky returns , she leaves as fast as her legs can carry her . Daisy desperately calls Michael and tells him she must meet him outside the warehouse where the gala is being held . Michael agrees to meet Daisy in the alley and tells Lauren where he is going . Phyllis overhears and calls Daniel , because she is worried Daisy is going to tell Michael that she ran over Paul and Christine in 1994 . Daniel gets a babysitter and heads to the gala to meet Phyllis . Once everyone is at the gala , Phyllis , Nick , Daniel , and Lauren all make excuses to leave for a little while and then they return . Ricky realizes that Daisy has been looking at his computer , because she left it open with the video on pause , so he deletes the video and goes out . As Daisy nervously awaits Michael , someone arrives . Daisy says What are you doing here ? Michael later waits in the ally for Daisy and wonders why she did nt arrive . When Paul arrives , Michael tells him about waiting for Daisy then he finds a scarf . Ricky later arrives in his room at the Athletic Club looking nervous and angry . Adam decides to take Chelsea to the gala and gets her a beautiful dress . While Chelsea is getting ready , Adam runs into Victor in the Athletic Club dinning room and shows him the ring he intends to give Chelsea at the gala . Victor thinks Adam is trying to get back at him and Sharon , and he does nt love Chelsea at all . Victor later goes to the gala and tells Sharon what Adam plans to do . Victor and Sharon decide not to stay for the show and head to the ranch for a romantic dinner . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bridget : I thought it was me . That was hard enough but knowing you feel it too . You ca nt tell me that kiss did nt matter , because it did . You felt something , did nt you ?
Rick : Bridget , It was nt supposed to be like that .
Bridget : We re not going to do this .
Ridge : I just want to be able to explain .
Bridget : I do nt want to hear it . We have to stop this right now . I want you to leave .
Ridge : Bridget , wait .
Bridget : I ca nt handle this . I ca nt . Ridge , it was just one thing when I thought it was me . But knowing you feel it too , I ca nt deal with that . Please , you have to go .
Massimo : Captain , I have offered you my apology .
Nick : No .
Massimo : Why ? Because you think that you have been treated unfairly . I understand
Nick : What do you understand that you were sitting up in your ivory tower , you re passing judgment , playing God while my men were fighting for their lives .
Massimo : I told you , I should nt have blamed you .
Ck : You made a mistake .
Massimo : Yes ! But I find your attitude disgusting . And ill advised .
Nick : What happened to you ?
Massimo : Excuse me ?
Nick : I Ca nt believe I used to admire you .
Eric : Amber , I like this design . I can just think of a couple of revisions I d like to make .
Amber : Whatever you want . Go ahead .
Rick : Thank you , Sheryl . We will finish this up later .
Amber : Are we done ?
Eric : We never really got started .
Amber : I m sorry , Eric .
Eric : Is something wrong ?
Rick : It s April .
Amber : Yeah , I ca nt -- she s not at her apartment , I ca nt get her on her cell . I think she left for Miami already .
Eric : What s in Miami ?
Rick : An all - star concert . It s also a showcase for up and coming talents .
Eric : Did you want to go ?
Amber : We were nt invited .
Eric : You were nt invited ? Why does nt she want you at her concert ?
April : Deacon Sharpe , you are a genius .
Deacon : It s easy to sell a product that everybody wants . Right ?
April : Everybody ?
Hostess : Excuse me , a passenger in coach recognized you , miss Knight . He asked if you could get -- he could get your autograph once we reach cruising altitude .
Deacon : She is nt going to sign any autographs . Bee just wants to relax and enjoy the flight .
Hostess : I ll let him know .
April : I have fans .
Deacon : April , listen to me . You ve got a lot of fans . How do I say this ? Look , you re a legitimate performer now . We have to do everything we can to distance you from this video . You understand ?
April : Right .
Deacon : This concert is just the beginning . This is going to attract people from all over the country , deejays , club promoters . I m going to make certain every single one of them sit front row centre just to watch you .
April : See ? I toll Amber you were a professional . That girl does nt know about the music business . I swear . You and me , Deacon . We are going to rock Miami !
Massimo : I m warning you , Captain . You re walking a very fine line here . I understand that you have just been released from the hospital you are mourning your friends . So I will not take offence .
Nick : You ought to be offended . You ought to be ashamed .
Massimo : I am only going to remind you of this one more time , sir . You have not been released from your contract . You are still my employee .
Nick : And that used to mean something to me . Did you ever look around his office ? Did you ever look at this ? Look behind you ! You ever look at it ? Look ! Do you ever look at this ship ? What do you feel when you look at this ship ? Do you look at it or is it just a piece of your furniture ? When is the last time you took one of these to sea ? You re not a sailor . You re a suit . Issuing press releases , worrying about your bottom line because of the accident . I m so glad I m not like you . This is nt a business to me . the sea s my life .
Ridge : Bridget .
Bridget : Please , Ridge , just go .
Ridge : I m not going to run away from this , and neither can you .
Bridget : What else can we do ? You re involved with my mother .
Ridge : And dad thinks you re my sister .
Bridget : You promised Stephanie you would nt tell him the truth .
Ridge : I m not going to .
Bridget : Well , neither am I. I m not going to do that , Ridge . I know how much dad loves you . For him to find out you re not really his son ... I m not my mother . I m not going to throw everybody s lives into chaos just because I have feelings for someone . No matter how strong those feelings are . I m not going to do it .
Ridge : I know .
Bridget : So then why are you here ?
Ridge : I m agreeing with you . Look , that kiss was wrong . But my intentions were good . I really thought that I could help solve those romantic feelings , to resolve everything that you ve been feeling towards me . But ...
Bridget : But instead you started feeling something for me .
Ridge : Looks , I m not sure what I felt in that kiss , but , I know we ca nt pursue this . I mean , we ca nt even explore those feelings , ca nt take them any further than we ve already gone with them .
Bridget : They have nt really gone anywhere .
Ridge : No , that s right . And they re not going to . Right ? That would destroy this family . Can you imagine the scandal this would cause ? It would destroy all of this .
Bridget : That s why I asked you to leave . I know .
Ridge : We also ca nt avoid each other , that s no solution .
Bridget : I know you and mom --
Ridge : Do nt you worry about your mom and me , okay ?
Bridget : You love her .
Ridge : I do nt want t lose your friendship , Bridget .
Bridget : I do nt want to lose yours , Ridge . The thing is , I m scared that we ca nt take back what we did . you know ? It s out there , Ridge . This thing between us , and if we ca nt ignore it , we have to do something about it .
Amber : I do nt blame April for not inviting me to her concert . It s not like I ve been all that supportive .
Eric : I thought you two were getting along .
Amber : We are , personally . When it comes to her career ...
Rick : You guys just have different ideas on that will . April wants to conquer the world , Amber thinks she should take her time and lay the proper groundwork .
Amber : Which is probably why my singing career never took off . I thought you had to play by the rules like everybody else .
Eric : You have a strong , good work ethic , Amber . That s a good thing .
Rick : We do nt even know that this is going to work out for April .
Amber : The truth is maybe I do nt want it to .
Eric : You think maybe you re jealous ?
Amber : Do nt get me wrong . I love my job . You have begin me amazing to me and I truly do appreciate it . Maybe you were right , Rick . I told you that I was okay with this , that it did nt bother me , but the more I think about it , April was discovered in my office after copping to my video . This could have been my story .
Eric : You think if the situation had been reversed you would have auditioned for this producer ?
April : No , I probably would have just taken a message . A few years ago , you know I would have . I mean , I was every bit as wild as April .
Eric : You were pretty irresponsible , too .
Amber : I m not saying I want to be that way again . I love my life and my family . My dream . I worked for it . I did for years . And now April s in Miami doing a concert just because she happened be in the right place at the right time . It does nt seem fair .
Eric : So it s the principle that bothers you .
Amber : Yeah . Yeah , it s the principle . I do nt want to be a rock star . No way . I mean , always having to be on the road . I mean , traveling all around the world , fans screaming out your name wherever you go . And the press conferences and the interviews . Hey , could you imagine having to sing the same songs over and over again ? I mean , ten years down the road , she s still going to have the same fans chanting out the same tired old hits . No thank you . No thank you . I am satisfied with my life just the way it is .
Amber : Can I help you ?
Wes : I hope so .
Deacon : I do nt think you re supposed to be up here now , are you ?
Wes : I just wanted to -- I saw you when I got on . I could nt believe it . I never do stuff like this . I m not some sort of crazy fan or anything . I just had to make sure it was really you .
April : Me ?
Deacon : Okay . Thanks for stopping by .
Wes : I told the flight attendant before , I do nt think she recognized you .
Deacon : Well , now she would nt , would she ?
Wes : Not a lot of people have seen your work,@ but I have , and I thought it was great .
April : Look , pal , what your name ?
Wes : Wes .
April : Very nice to meet you , Wes .
Wes : I do nt mean to bother you , could I get an autograph ?
April : Look , but I do nt think I m --
Wes : You are nt April Knight ? You were nt on The Late , Late Show ? You did nt do that gig on the strip ?
April : yeah , I did . I did . Did you hear that ? He recognized me from The Late , Late Show .
Wes : I ve been checking all the record stores . Is there a C.D. ?
Deacon : There s not one right now , but it s coming out . So you keep your eyes open , all right ? She s going places .
Wes : Thank you .
April : Thank you ! Did you see that ?
Deacon : What do you think you re doing ?
April : That was my first fan , Deacon . I have a fan . I have a fan . Do you know how turned on this makes me ?
Massimo : Captain , I understand your commitment to your job , to your men . Because I have responsibilities too . And not just to the families of the crew . But to every single employee of Marone Industries , not just to you . I am not a captain . I am a corporate executive . A man who feels as deeply about those men as you ever will . And believe me when I tell you that those families will be well taken care of . On that , you have my word . But you see , there are going to be a lot of other people who are coming to me for answers for this tragedy . I have to face inquiries from international governments , environmental agencies . I have been on the phone for hours with maritime lawyers , doctors , engineers . I have not closed my eyes since your ship ran aground . So do nt you dare condescend to me . This is a very emotional time for everyone involved .
Nick : It s your company .
Massimo : That s right . It s my name on that ship . It s my name at the bottom of the sea .
Nick : Maybe I was wrong . Maybe you have nt lost it .
Massimo : What ?
Nick : Your attachment to the sea .
Massimo : That s something I ll never lose , Captain .
Ninick : My ring .
Massimo : What ? What are you doing ?
Nick : I have a ring just like that .
Massimo : That s impossible .
Nick : It s identical . It my ring .
Ridge : Tell you what we re not going to do here . We re not going to let this drive us apart . And I m not going to let you disappear from my life or the lives of my children , because they love you too much . Do you hear me ?
Bridget : I love them too . But I m not going to put myself between them and my mother .
Ridge : If I thought for one moment that our friendship was going to be detrimental to my family or to Brooke , I would nt even be here .
Bridget : What ? You want to go back to being friends ? Like none of this ever happened ? I mean , do you think we can do that ?
Ridge : You tell me .
Bridget : We have to protect the family , especially dad . That is so much more important than any feelings we might have for each other .
Ridge : Absolutely . Right . So that s exactly what we re going to do .
Bridget : I just want you to be happy .
Ridge : And I want the same for you . We do nt have to be strangers to each other , you know ? That does nt have to happen .
Bridget : I know .
Ridge : You are an exceptional , exceptional woman , Miss Bridget Forrester . And I admire and respect you as much as anyone I ve ever known . This is not goodbye , you know .
Bridget : I know . We re doing the right thing . We re doing the right thing .
### Summary:
| Bridget is upset when she hears Ridge admit he felt something during their kiss . They both decide the kiss was wrong and they can not continue on this path . Bridget suggests they protect their families without losing their friendship . Mass warns Nick that he is walking on thin ice and suggests he be a little more respectful . Nick admits he is glad he is nt like Mass and points out that he has lost his feeling to sail and is a mere suit now . Mass explains in great detail all he has been doing since the ship ran aground and points out he is emotional too . Nick recognizes Mass pinky ring and says he has one exactly like that . Amber is distracted at work because she and Rick were not invited to Miami with April though she understands why . She and Eric consider that she might be jealous of April s success , but tries to play off that she is satisfied with her life . Deacon and April fly to Miami and a fan approaches her and recognizes her from the Late Late Show . Thrilled , April gives him an autograph and smooches Deacon . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ethan : Gwen ? Who is the baby s mother ?
Gwen : See for yourself .
Ethan : Oh , my god .
Eve : Do you hear me , liz ? I will kill you before I let you ruin my relationship with my daughters !
Julian : Shh , shh , shh , shh !
Father lonigan : Eve ! I will not have that kind of talk in my church . It s outrageous and unholy .
Julian : Eve apologizes , father . She s been under a great deal of stress lately .
Father Lonigan : Eve should join a gym or meditate . Or better yet , pray for god s peace . But I will not allow her to defile god s church with threats to break his commandments .
Eve : I m sorry , father .
Julian : Yes . Of course you are . Just get a hold of yourself .
Liz : You know , sis , you can keep blaming me for ruining your life , but keep losing control like this , you ll end up doing that yourself , not me .
Rebecca : Oh , Eve . Oh , I would just love to let this all play out . I mean , it would be so great to see you locked up in a padded cell with that nut case Norma . Oh , but I just do nt think there s enough time . I mean , I have to kill you before Julian can divorce me to marry you .
Sam : Do nt let what happened between liz and Eve get you down , ok ? Look , I ll keep the peace . Sheridan will never know there was a fight .
Luis : I m not worried , all right ? Now , Alistair s in a coma , ok ? There s nothing that he or anyone else can do to break up our wedding . Nothing .
Katherine : Oh .
Martin : Paloma , is everything all right ?
Katherine : Well , we heard raised voices down there , but we could nt quite tell what was being said .
Paloma : Dr. Russell was yelling at her sister liz . But things are calmer now .
Katherine : Oh , thank goodness . At least Alistair is nt trying to stop the wedding from his hospital bed .
Paloma : No , tia . The ceremony should start any minute now .
Katherine : Oh , good !
Martin : I mean , Luis and Sheridan are so close to finally being husband and wife , I just -- I do nt know , I just pray that nothing happens to stop them at the last minute .
Beth s voice : Read the card , Sheridan . Read it and weep .
Beth : What does the card say ?
Sheridan : Oh , my goodness . It could be time to start the ceremony .
Beth : Ok , I ll get the door . Just read the card . Mother , Precious , you just left . What is it ?
Mrs. Wallace : Precious and I want to find out if Sheridan read that card that you stuck in the flowers -- the one that said that Mrs .. Wheeler is really her mother , Katherine !
Beth : Well , she was about to before you and banana breath came back . Now get lost !
Mrs. Wallace : Ugh !
Sheridan : Oh , no !
Beth : Mission accomplished . Sheridan finally knows Mrs .. Wheeler is really her mother . Now there wo nt be a wedding . Sheridan and Luis wo nt live happily ever after . But Luis and I will !
Mrs. Wallace : Oh --
singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and I would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life
Father Lonigan : Eve , I suggest you keep your distance from your sister . I will not tolerate any more outbursts .
Eve : I m sorry , father .
Father Lonigan : Sam , let s take our places at the altar .
Sam : Yes , father .
T.C. : Are you all right ?
Liz : Oh , yes , T.C. I feel so safe when I m with you .
Eve : God , I m -- I hate it that everybody saw me lose control like that , but I hate liz even more .
Julian : Listen , Father Lonigan was right . You really have to control yourself .
Eve : I do nt know if I can . I mean , now liz stealing T.C. -- That was one thing , but trying to turn my daughters against me ? No , that s too much . I ll strangle her with my own hands rather than have that happen .
Rebecca : Oh , this seat taken ?
T.C. : Yes , it is .
Rebecca : Oh , you know , I was just shocked by eve s behavior . I mean , just shocked ! And in church , no less . Tsk , tsk , tsk , tsk .
T.C. : Rebecca , why are you sitting next to us ?
Rebecca : Oh , I do nt know . I guess I m kind of a drama junkie . Always have to be near the action .
Rebecca s voice : As soon as I give Eve this poison , there will be plenty of action .
Sam : I hate seeing what T.C. And Eve are going through and what it s done to their family .
Luis : Yeah , well , it s a been a rough year for all of us , so -- grace left you for David Hastings . We found out what really happened with my father .
Sam : I guess that certainly was nt good news .
Luis : No . It certainly was nt , considering he abandoned his wife and kids for that whore . I just ca nt wait till the day they re out of my life for good . I ll tell you one thing , I m glad they did nt have the nerve to show up at my wedding . If I see my father here , I ll kill him .
Martin : Oh , I ca nt wait to see my son get married !
Katherine : To Sheridan !
Martin : Of course . Thank you , sweetheart , for finding a way for us to watch the ceremony from here without being seen .
Katherine : Hmm . Darling , it means the world to us . Thank you !
Paloma : Well , enjoy ! I need to join the others before the ceremony starts , ok ?
Katherine : Ok , darling . Have fun ! Oh . I just ca nt believe that I m finally going to get to see my daughter marry your son . It s like a dream come true for --
Martin : Katherine , what is it ?
Katherine : I do nt know . I -- I just got the most horrible feeling that something was going to happen to stop it .
Sheridan : Beth , this is awful ! I ca nt marry Luis now !
Beth : Sheridan , what is it ?
Sheridan : Oh , you re not going to believe what s happened !
Beth : What ? Tell me !
Mrs. Wallace : Like she does nt know !
Pilar : Sheridan ? Que te pasa ?
Kay : What s wrong ?
Jessica : Oh , Sheridan , do nt cry . You ll ruin your makeup .
Sheridan : My makeup is the least of my problems ! I ca nt believe this is happening ! This is impossible ! It s just impossible .
Whitney : Can you tell who the mother of Ethan s child is ?
Ivy : No , I -- I do nt know .
Ethan : Gwen , I do nt know what to say .
Theresa : I told you the baby was mine . The test results prove it !
Ivy : No .
Ethan : Honey , I m -- I m sorry .
Theresa : The baby is mine , Ethan . I m her mother , and you are her father !
Gwen : Oh , god , please -- please , no , no , no --
Ethan : Honey -- honey , I know -- I know this meant the world to you . And now I -- I do nt --
Theresa : I am so happy ! Ethan , I have given you your first child ! I ve given you a daughter ! I ca nt believe this ! Oh , my god !
Julian : I ll be leaving to walk my sister down the aisle very soon . Are you going to be all right ?
Eve : Oh , yes . I do nt want to ruin Luis and Sheridan s wedding . They ve already overcome every horrible thing that Alistair could do to keep them apart .
Julian : Some done with my help , I m afraid .
Eve : Oh , but that was then . This is now . You ve changed . Sheridan and Luis know that . Everybody knows that , me most of all .
Julian : Thank you . Luis and Sheridan are quite remarkable , and they re proof positive that true love really can win out in the end . I d like to think that someday that we ll follow in their footsteps , we ll marry despite everything father s done to keep us apart .
Eve : Having you abandon me when I was pregnant , kidnapping Chad when he was born , leading us to believe he was dead , letting Chad fall in love with Whitney and almost marry her . And now my evil sister s taken full advantage of Whitney s upset and Simone s , too . But , yes , Julian , someday , when liz is in her place , hopefully six feet under --
Julian : Eve --
Eve : Hopefully , someday soon , we will be together .
Julian : Someday very soon .
Eve : I wo nt forget what you ve done , liz . And someday , you re going to pay , and you are going to pay dearly .
Father Lonigan : Sam , how is our groom doing ?
Sam : Well , I think it s safe to say he is raring to go .
Luis : Yeah , you can say that again .
Father Lonigan : Luis , I want you to relax and enjoy the ceremony .
Luis : I will .
Father Lonigan : At the same time , remember that marriage is a sacrament , a holy union . Sadly , in this day and age , it s been trivialized by some who go on to break their vows and the covenant they made with god .
Luis : You mean like my father ?
Father Lonigan : I did nt mean to upset you , Luis .
Luis : No , you did nt . In fact , today is the best day of my life . I just ca nt wait to see Sheridan walking down that aisle looking as happy as I am .
Mrs. Wallace : Fixing it so that Sheridan would find out that Mrs .. Wheeler is her mother ? Oh , you are going to go straight down for that , missy !
Beth : I do nt care .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh .
Beth : I stopped Luis and Sheridan from getting married . Now I just have to figure out how to get him to marry me . Wait a minute -- the card s still in the envelope . How could Sheridan have read it ?
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , merciful angels . Maybe she did nt .
Sheridan : I ca nt walk down the aisle with this spot on my dress !
Pilar : Oh , Sheridan , that s not the end of the world , sweetie .
Sheridan : No .
Beth : No , damn it , it s not .
Sheridan : Oh .
Kay : We know you want everything to be perfect , and it still can be .
Jessica : Yeah , Kay is right . We have something in our emergency bridal care kit for stuff like this .
Kay : Yeah , it s a simple fix .
Jessica : We can rub some chalk on the spot to cover it .
Sheridan : Are you sure ?
Jessica : If that does nt work , we have salt , club soda , white - out , stick deodorant -- all the things bridal websites say to have around to cover spots on a wedding gown .
Sheridan : What a relief . Thank you .
Beth : Sheridan , while they re trying to fix the spot , why do nt you just read the card , find out who sent this beautiful arrangement .
Sheridan : Oh , my goodness . The ceremony s going to start soon .
Pilar : Oh , great ! Jessica , good , look at that !
Sheridan : Oh !
Pilar : The spot is fixed !
Sheridan : Thank you ! Thank you so much !
Beth : Why do nt you read the card now ?
Sheridan : Right .
Julian : I m here to walk you down the aisle , sister dear .
Sheridan : Oh , Julian . Thank you for making my dreams come true .
Julian : I still so regret having helped father keep you and Luis apart in the past .
Sheridan : You have more than made up for it . You re back to being the strong , loving brother that I grew up with .
Julian : I do love you , Sheridan , so much .
Sheridan : I love you , too .
Julian : Are you ready ?
Sheridan : Oh , am I ready ? I m going to marry Luis !
Beth : But what about the card ?
Paloma : Places , everyone ! This is it !
Jessica : I ll see you .
Mrs. Wallace : Yes . Precious who s ugly and ca nt win for losing ? Bingo , it s bethie ! She botched it up again , tra - la ! We both know you will never come between Luis and Sheridan , no way ever , madam ! No way !
Beth : Shut up ! Luis and Sheridan are not married yet .
Mrs. Wallace : Well , give it up , will you ?
Beth : No , I wo nt . I will stop them from getting married . I just got to figure out how .
Theresa : We have a daughter . Ethan , I gave you a daughter .
Ethan : I ca nt tell you how sorry I am . I know how desperately you wanted this baby to be yours , and I m so sorry .
Theresa : Ethan , come on ! Let s go see our daughter .
Ethan : Gwen -- Gwen needs me , Theresa . Please !
Theresa : Look at her . Look at how pretty she is . Come on . Please , I can tell she wants to meet you , Ethan . She wants to meet her daddy .
Ivy : Theresa --
Ethan : She s beautiful .
Theresa : Yes .
Ethan : She s beautiful .
Ivy : Talk about shameless .
Ethan : I know I have nt had time to see her , but she is hurting right now . I have got to talk to her .
Theresa : Hello . I m that little girl s mother . Can her father and I please come in and see her ?
Nurse : Ok .
Theresa : Ok ? Ethan ? Ethan , come on ! Please ! Let s go see our daughter , please . She is in there . She s fighting for her life . Ethan , please , come on . It will be good for her to see her mommy and daddy . Come on .
Gwen : God , do nt do this to me right now . Please do nt do this to me right now , please !
Singer : You are my passion for life
Sheridan : I wish mother was here to see this day .
Julian : Well , I m sure she s watching you right now .
Liz : T.C. , I do nt mean to sound melodramatic , but Eve is starting to scare me .
T.C. : Liz , I wo nt let Eve hurt you . But I have to say I ve never seen her so angry in all the years we were married .
Rebecca s voice : Eve wo nt be angry long , T.C. She ll be dead soon .
Sam : I did nt know Precious was part of the ceremony .
Luis : She is nt . Precious , come here . Come on . Hey . Listen to me , all right ? Hey , Precious ? It s true , ok ? I m marrying Sheridan .
Father Lonigan : I know it s hard , but sometimes love means letting go .
Luis : You hear that ? Come on . Come on .
Mrs. Wallace : Sorry , honey . Come on . Come on , hon , right here . Come on , Precious . Come on . That s a good girl . Come here , come here . I know . I love you . I m so sorry . Look , if you ca nt have Luis , it is better that Sheridan gets him and not bongo bethie .
Mrs. Wallace : Marty . So much for stopping the wedding , missy .
Beth : Something could still happen .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , that s right , I forgot . We re living in a soap opera .
Beth : Say hi , daddy . Hi , daddy . Thank you , ok ? Bye . See you later .
Katherine : My son walking my daughter down the aisle --
Martin : To marry my son .
Julian : I wish you both all the happiness in the world .
Beth s voice : Damn it ! Time is running out !
Father Lonigan : You may be seated . All of you here know the history of Luis and Sheridan , how they met , literally by accident , their anger and acrimony eventually giving way to a deep and devoted love . We have seen their relationship threatened countless times in countless ways . But through all their travails , Sheridan and Luis love has endured , triumphant . This is the second time they have come to be married in this very church . Now all impediments to their happiness are behind them . We will have a mass to celebrate Sheridan and Luis marriage , but given their history of unforeseen events tearing them apart at the last moment , I am going to break with tradition and marry them first , if everyone is ok with that .
Father Lonigan : Very well , then . Let us begin .
Gwen : This ca nt be happening , Ethan . This ca nt be happening .
Ethan : Gwen , Gwen --
Gwen : First , we lost Sarah because of Theresa , then we lose our son because Theresa could nt carry both babies to term , and now this ? The surviving baby is your daughter with Theresa ? Ethan , if you would nt have slept with her , we d have a son right now ! I would be a mother ! I would be a mother to a son right now if you would nt have slept with her !
Theresa : Gwen , you can always adopt .
Gwen : Theresa , shut up !
Ethan : Gwen , please , come on .
Gwen : Stay away from me , ok ? Theresa , I lost Sarah because of you . I lost my son because of you ! And now because of you , I have lost any chance I will ever have of having a child of my own ! Do you understand that my life is over now because of you ?
Nurse : Mrs. Winthrop , this is the nicu . You have to control yourself .
Theresa : Your yelling will upset Ethan s and my baby , Gwen .
Gwen : I m never going to have a baby now , Theresa . Do you understand ? I m never going to have a baby !
Ivy : You shameless little hussy , kicking Gwen when she is down like that !
Theresa : I think she s gotten exactly what she deserves .
Whitney : I mean , do nt you feel sorry for her at all ? She s lost everything .
Theresa : No . I know what she is feeling right now . I understand the pain that she s in . But it s like you told me , Whitney , what goes around comes around . Gwen teamed up with Rebecca and stole my son from me . And then she cheered her mother on while she took away our home , our jobs , my family s dignity . This is her payback .
Gwen : Ethan , that s supposed to be my little girl in there . I m supposed to be her mother , you know ? That s supposed to be our daughter . We re supposed to be her parents , you and me , not -- not you and Theresa .
Ethan : Honey -- Gwen ?
Ivy : Oh , god .
Ethan : Oh , my god ! Gwen ?
Ivy : Gwen ? Gwen ? ( Gwen Collapses )
Ivy : Gwen ?
Ethan : Gwen ?
Nurse : I ll get a doctor .
Ethan : Honey , come on .
Ivy : Are you happy now , Theresa ? This is all your fault !
Theresa : No , Gwen started this when she stole my son from me .
Ivy : Because you killed her daughter !
Ethan : Both of you stop ! You re not helping !
Whitney : Ok , Ethan is right . Please .
Ethan : Where s the doctor ? Over here !
Doctor : What happened ?
Ethan : My wife just found out that the baby is mine with Theresa , all right ?
Doctor : I see . And the shock is obviously too much for her . I ll get her to her room , give her something to keep her calm .
Ethan : All right . I ll come with you .
Ivy : No ! No , Ethan .
Ethan : What ?
Ivy : I think you should just stay here . I ll go with her .
Ethan : Well , let me know when she s ready to see me , ok ?
Theresa : Look , you re right to wait here , ok , because as much as you want to be with Gwen , there s nothing that you can do for her now .
Ethan : No , I need to call Rebecca .
Theresa : No , honey , you do nt --
Ethan : I need to tell Rebecca what s going on .
Theresa : Listen to me , please . While it s quiet , let s go see our daughter , ok , because she s even more beautiful in person .
Ethan : Theresa , do nt you give a damn about -- look , Gwen s devastated ! Do you care ?
Theresa : I know that she s hurting , Ethan , but my daughter , our daughter is in there fighting for her life and she needs our love in order to survive , so come on , ok ? Trust me .
Ethan : All right , all right , all right .
Theresa : Trust me . Come on .
Whitney : I saw it , and I still do nt believe it . Theresa s getting everything she wanted -- Ethan , little Ethan , and the baby .
Theresa : Put your hand there . Gentle .
Doctor : The shot I gave you should help you rest . I ll be back and check on you soon .
Ivy : How is she , doctor , really ?
Doctor : Gwen seems to be all right for the moment . But watch her closely . Having learned that the baby is nt hers is like losing a loved one . Gwen is grieving , not only for having lost a child , but for losing any chance she ever had of having her own .
Ivy : Yeah , I ll try to help her get along until her mother comes .
Doctor : Where is Mrs .. Crane , by the way ?
Ivy : I do nt know . I tried her cell phone , but it s off .
Doctor : Well , I hope Mrs .. Crane checks her voicemail soon . Gwen needs her mother .
Ivy : Yeah , whatever Rebecca s up to , it ca nt be more important than her own daughter .
Rebecca s voice : You ll never marry Julian , Eve , but you will be with him till death do you part .
Katherine : Oh , Martin . Your son and my daughter are about to be married .
Martin : It s really going to happen .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan and Luis , have you come freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage ?
Luis : Yes .
Sheridan : Yes .
Father Lonigan : Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for all the rest of your days ? Will you accept children lovingly from god and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his church ?
Luis : Yes .
Sheridan : Yes .
Woman : Stop !
Beth : Oh , thank god .
Woman : I m sorry for interrupting , but it s urgent I speak with you , Father Lonigan . It s a matter of life and death .
Father Lonigan : Madeline , is that you ?
Madeline : Yes , father . Pop had a terrible accident on the boat . He s dying , father . He needs last rites . Please , you have to come give them to him .
Sheridan : She s right , father . You have to go take care of Mr .. Marsh s soul .
Father Lonigan : I ll be back as soon as I can .
Julian : God , who would have thought a terrible accident would interrupt you two just moments before you would become man and wife ?
Luis : This is no accident . This is Alistair s doing . Somehow he s managed to ruin our wedding from his hospital bed .
Julian : My father is not behind the delay in the wedding , Luis . He s in a coma . Father Lonigan having to leave to tend to that poor man is just an unfortunate coincidence . I m sure he ll be back soon to finish the ceremony .
Sheridan : Before you know it , we ll be husband and wife .
Beth s voice : Not if I can help it .
Liz : Stretching your legs , sister ? Why am I not surprised ? I imagine staying limber is a big part of your charms .
Eve : Why do nt you slink back to your seat and pray that lightning does nt strike you down ?
Liz : You know , Whitney just left me a message . It seems fox is going to meet her at the wharf . Now , did you she bother to tell you that ? After all , you are her mother .
Eve : Do nt start with me , liz .
T.C. : Eve , are you threatening liz again ?
Eve : She s a hateful home wrecker who deserves to die .
Julian : Eve , you have to stop this .
Eve : Well , she started it !
Julian : Listen , I do nt care . Now , we re going to get away from liz , we re going down in the basement and we ll have something to drink and we ll relax .
Rebecca : Ah . I do nt have to wait for the reception . I can kill Eve now , because once I lace her drink with poison , she wo nt just relax . She s going to check out .
Theresa : Hello , sweetheart . Mommy s back . And look who I brought with me . It s your daddy . Introduce yourself to our daughter .
Ethan : Hi , sweetie . Hey .
Theresa : You love your daddy , do nt you ? I think she has your eyes .
Ethan : Think so ?
Theresa : Yeah .
Ethan : I think you re right , actually . She s got your nose .
Theresa : You think ? She s our baby , Ethan . She s our beautiful girl .
Gwen : Ethan s going to leave me . He s going to leave me to go be with Theresa and their baby . I know it .
Ivy : Ethan would never do that , Gwen . You two are married , and he ll respect your vows .
Gwen : Uh - uh . No , he wo nt . Ivy , the only reason he married me is because I was pregnant with Sarah . He would have married Theresa .
Ivy : If that were true , then he would have left you once you lost Sarah , but he did nt . He stayed with you then . He will stay with you now .
Gwen : You really think so ?
Ivy : I know my son , and he adores you . And you have a long and loving relationship . Ethan s going to stand by you during this awful , awful time . All you have to do is turn to him and let him be there for you .
Gwen : You re not just saying that ?
Ivy : Ethan -- Ethan would have been here now . I insisted on coming .
Gwen : Really ? He really wanted to be with me ? He did nt want to be with Theresa and the baby ?
Ivy : Gwen , you are his number one priority . It was me -- I was worried that maybe you d be upset seeing him so soon after learning that the baby was his with Theresa .
Gwen : Oh , god . You know , for a second , I forgot about that .
Ivy : Honey , as devastated as you are right now , you have to remember two things . One , Ethan wanted to have a baby with you , not Theresa . And , two , Gwen , honey , you can adopt other children and you can raise them with little Ethan and you can have the family you always dreamed of and you will have it with Ethan . Now , I guarantee it .
Gwen : I want to believe that more than anything , but I -- I do nt know .
Ivy : Listen , no , ok ? Let s go . Let s go find Ethan , and you ll see that he is not going to leave you for Theresa . Ok ?
Gwen : Ok .
Ivy : Come on .
Julian : Here you are . Have a sip of this punch .
Eve : God , I d like to punch Liz s lights out . Well , it s not bad enough that she got T.C. To marry her . But she wants to mother my girls -- it s just too much , Julian ! It really is just too much !
Julian : Eve , you have to stop going off on liz . Do nt help your sister portray herself as a victim in any way .
Eve : You re right . I m sorry .
Julian : All right , all right . Have a sip of this nice punch . Calm down .
Rebecca : Go on , Eve . Have a sip . I guarantee the punch is to die for .
Luis : Well , I hope Mr .. Marsh does nt die .
Sheridan : Me , too .
Sam : Mack was one of the best lobstermen around .
Luis : Well , hopefully , he ll pull through and then Father Lonigan will be back shortly .
Sheridan : Well , not soon enough . Waiting to be your wife is just killing me .
Beth : If only .
Mrs. Wallace : I can see the criminal mind of your working overtime , missy ! Now , what evil plot are you hatching now ?
Beth : I ve got to go get that card that says Mrs .. Wheeler is really Katherine Crane from the bride room so I can make sure Sheridan reads it and freaks ! What ? What is it , Precious ? Mother , look ! Sheridan still has the card ! It s under the bouquet !
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , no !
Beth : Oh , yes . And Luis just noticed it .
Luis : What s that ?
Sheridan : Oh , it s the card from the flowers you sent me .
Luis : I did nt send you any flowers .
Sheridan : Yes , you did -- that amazing arrangement before the ceremony .
Luis : As much as I d like to take credit for it , I did nt send you any .
Sheridan : Well , then , who did ?
Luis : Well , why do nt you read the card ?
Sheridan : Oh .
Beth : Finally .
Sheridan : Oh , my god .
Theresa : Our baby , our beautiful baby .
Ethan : She is incredible . She s incredible .
Theresa : Congratulations , daddy .
Ivy : Ethan loves you , Gwen . He s not going to leave you for Theresa .
T.C. : Liz , I am so sorry that Eve attacked you for caring for our daughters .
Liz : Oh . Oh , thank you , T.C. , But it s all right . Eve s ranting and raving -- well , it really does nt bother me . You know , I believe in karma , cosmic payback , and sooner or later Eve is going to get what she s got coming to her .
Julian : I mean , liz is a spiteful opportunist with a mean streak a mile wide , but threatening to kill your own sister in public only plays into her hands . It makes you appear even worse to Whitney and simone .
Eve : I know , but --
Julian : If you want something stronger , I ll go get it . Otherwise , go ahead . Finish the punch and calm down and go back upstairs .
Rebecca : Come on , Eve . Have a sip , because then you ll die and I will live happily ever after as Mrs .. Julian Crane .
Kay : Does Sheridan seem upset to you ?
Martin : Oh , Katherine , honey . I know you re worried that something will stop the wedding , but do nt be . Only one thing can keep Sheridan from marrying Luis .
Katherine : And that s if she finds out I m her mother .
Martin : That s right , and that s not going to happen . Only you and I and Alistair know the truth , and crane s in a coma , so he s not talking , and we re not going to say anything , so how could Sheridan possibly find out ? Hmm ?
Luis : Sheridan , what is it ?
Beth s voice : It s the end of you two , that s what . Yeah , Sheridan , what is it ?
Mrs. Wallace : My snake of a daughter finally did it . She managed to tear apart Sheridan and Luis forever in hopes of landing him all to her nasty self !
Luis : Sheridan , what s wrong ? What does the card say ?
Sheridan : It -- it says -- it says that my mother is nt really dead after all .
Luis : What ?
Sheridan : It says that Mrs .. Wheeler is my mother , that she s Katherine Crane !
Ivy : Well , Theresa , I have a little something for you .
Theresa : What ?
Gwen : You re going to die .
Pilar : Admit it ! You are Sheridan s mother , Katherine Crane !
### Summary:
| The D.N.A. test proves that Theresa is the mother of the baby . Gwen is devastated and is convinced that Ethan will leave her now too . Theresa and Ethan bond as they admire their new daughter . At the church , the ceremony finally begins after Father Lonigan scolds Eve for threatening her sister s life in the church . The ceremony gets interrupted by a woman that needs the father to give her dad last rites right away . Father Lonigan apologizes but rushes off to perform the rites . Rebecca manages to get the poison in a drink that Eve is about to drink . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Olivia : You hate that I have his heart inside of me .
Natalia : I m the one who gave them permission .
Olivia : You should have said no .
Natalia : It cost Gus everything to keep you alive . It cost me everything .
Olivia : You wish I was dead , too . I do nt want you here . I do nt want this . Go .
Natalia : I ca nt .
It s the sweetest sin and a wasted good time trying to figure it out you got me , got me slipping you can say it loud but it does nt make it better .
Hilda : Miss Dinah . Miss Dinah .
Remy : Dinah .
Dinah : Hey ! ( Laughs ) Oh . You want to dance ?
Remy : Not ... not right now .
Dinah : ( Laughs ) Well , you must think I m rather shallow , enjoying myself like this when the whole town is mourning Gus death . I m just blowing off some steam .
Remy : Here ?
Dinah : Why not ?
Remy : Um ... it s Alan s house .
Dinah : It s mine now .
Remy : What ? Wait , I knew he was in trouble ... wow !
Dinah : Yup .
Remy : Wow . So you re the lady of the house now , huh ?
Dinah : You got that right .
Remy : So I guess this is everything you wanted , right ?
Dinah : Amen .
Remy : Hallelujah .
Dinah : That s right .
Remy : ( Laughs ) I m gon na go .
Dinah : Catch you later .
Cop : Hey , did you see this yet , Detective ... I mean , Chief ?
Mallet : Huh ? What is that ?
Cop : Looks like Alan Spaulding is coming down hard on you about Aitoro .
Mallet : Yeah , so I took a few traffic cops off the street to put them on the Eighth Street drug bust . It s not like any more cops on the street would have slowed Aitoro down . How did Alan know about this ?
Cop : Keep reading .
Mallet : I always put good men on traffic duty because the safety of our citizens is the most important thing , says former Police Chief Frank Cooper . That s great .
Natalia : I was nt sure if I actually own the house , because , I mean , Gus bought it , and now he s gone .
Woman : It s your house , Mrs. Aitoro . Gus was very excited to buy it for you and Rafe . Let me get the rest of the contract .
Natalia : Thank you . Leading no place leading to no place .
Jeffrey : How are you ?
Ava : Yeah , I m good . How about some breakfast ?
Jeffrey : I ca nt . I m already late for court .
Ava : You have a big case ?
Jeffrey : Actually , this is personal . I m going to file the annulment papers today .
Ava : So soon ? Is Reva pressuring you or something ?
Jeffrey : No , no , not at all . Actually , she finds the whole thing kind of amusing . But I m feeling a little , you know , uncomfortable . And , well , now that Olivia s on the road to recovery ... what ?
Ava : Well , maybe it s silly , but I just ... I think it s normal for a daughter to want her parents to remain married .
Jeffrey : Well , first of all , there s nothing normal about a marriage with Olivia . And , you know , you re going to be stuck with us as parents anyway , so lucky you .
Ava : I ll take it . I ll take it .
Jeffrey : Well , I m going to be late for the courthouse . Reva s waiting .
Ava : Oh , that s so sweet . Your girlfriend s waiting to go with you to your divorce hearing .
Jeffrey : Be good ! Do nt worry about Olivia . She s going to be fine .
The hardest thing I ve ever had to do .
Olivia : Gus , Gus ...
Doctor : Ms. Spencer , please , calm down . I just need to change your I.V.
Olivia : No . I do nt want it .
Doctor : You need it . These medications are the only thing keeping your body ...
Olivia : Just go . Get out or I ll scream ! The hardest thing I ve ever had to do is say good - bye to you .
Reva : Oh , perfect timing .
Jeffrey : Thanks for fitting us in .
Judge : Oh , confessions . My first annulment .
Reva : Well , it s a piece of cake .
Judge : It s pretty straightforward . You and Miss Spencer ?
Jeffrey : Yes . Well , she needed someone to take care of things when she thought that she was dying , and it turns out , well , she s going to be fine , so ... ( cell phone ringing ) Excuse me . I m sorry . I have to take this . ONeill . Yes , I understand . I ll be right there .
Reva : Olivia ?
Jeffrey : That was the hospital . Olivia s refusing the drugs that she needs to keep her body from rejecting the new heart . I m sorry , we have to go .
Matt : Hey .
Dinah : Hey . Fancy meeting you here . Look at you riding your bike . Are nt you Michigan guys all about your cars ?
Matt : Actually , I used to ride all the time in Europe with Vanessa and Maureen .
Dinah : Really ?
Matt : Yeah , really .
Dinah : Oh , I did nt know that .
Matt : Maybe it s because you never asked .
Dinah : Aw . I m sorry . I ve got so much going on .
Matt : Oh , boy .
Dinah : Believe me . You know what ? If you re lucky , I ll fill you in one day . No , I m sorry that I have nt had a lot of time for small talk . Just got a lot of life going on right now , you know ?
Matt : Sad about Gus , huh ?
Dinah : Oh , gosh , unbelievable . You know , you have to revere life , you know ? Grab it while you can . Grab everything you can . Anyway , I ve got to go . I ve got things to do .
Matt : See you .
Dinah : Talk to you later . Bye .
Matt : Bye . The hardest thing I ve ever had to do is say good - bye .
Natalia : I ca nt do this .
Reva : Rafe . Hey . I m sorry about your dad , but donating his heart like that , I mean , that s kind of who Gus was , a generous guy .
Rafe : Go to hell .
Mallet : Oh , and a big roll , cinnamon , lots of icing .
Dinah : ( Laughs ) I thought I d bring you guys some bagels .
Cop : Thanks , Dinah . Saved us a trip .
Mallet : Do nt hold back . They re all for you . I do nt want one . Thanks anyway . I ll get a crumb later .
Dinah : So how are you holding up ?
Mallet : Well , you know , I m good . I do nt get to eat much , but I m good .
Dinah : I do nt mean the job . I mean Gus .
Mallet : I do nt know . Half the time it does nt even seem real . And of course , all you ve got to do is pick up a paper and find out that Alan s trying to pin Gus death on me because I did nt put enough traffic cops on the street . But once in a while , I come across a quote from Frank about how he would have done it differently . Whatever .
Dinah : Frank ? He s got nerve .
Mallet : Yeah , I know . Frank s upset , and Alan s a jerk .
Dinah : You know what ? What do you say we go have some breakfast ?
Mallet : I wish . I do nt have any time . I ca nt . I do nt have any time .
Dinah : All right . Another time , then ?
Mallet : Yeah , okay . Another day . That would be good .
Dinah : Bye , Chief .
Mallet : Bye .
Rafe : What the heck is your problem ? Let go of me , man .
Remy : Hey , calm down !
Natalia : Hey ! What is going on ?
Remy : I m doing him a favor .
Natalia : What do you mean , you re doing him a favor ?
Remy : Your son was in the front of the hotel messing it up . He was ripping out plants and pulling down signs .
Natalia : Rafe ? Rafe , why would you do that ?
Rafe : Because , Ma , because I m sick , all right ? I m sick of Olivia and their family getting everything they fricking want . All right ? What do we get , huh ? We get nothing , Ma .
Natalia : Just calm down . And be glad that ....
Rafe : Be glad what ? Be glad that Gus gave Olivia her damn heart ? No ! No , man .
Natalia : Okay , Rafe , just come here . Come here .
Rafe : What ?
Natalia : I know you re angry . I m angry , too .
Rafe : But what , we ca nt take it out on others , right ? We ca nt take it out on others ? Ma , forget that , all right ? I ca nt do that . I do nt want to hear it .
Remy : Here , let me take a crack at it .
Natalia : What do you know about parenting ?
Remy : Nothing . But I know a lot about being angry . Trust me .
Jeffrey : Hello , sunshine .
Olivia : Shut up , Jeffrey .
Jeffrey : Now , is that any way to talk to your new loving husband ?
Olivia : We ll divorce soon . Women are going to love that . They ll all want to cook for you .
Jeffrey : The doctor says that you are refusing your medication . Olivia , you need that , so your body does nt reject the new heart .
Olivia : No more needles , no more pills .
Jeffrey : Well , that s just stupid .
Olivia : I do nt care .
Jeffrey : Okay , you re feeling guilty because Gus is gone and you re here .
Olivia : For now .
Jeffrey : Your daughters need you .
Olivia : I tried to be a good mother , Jeffrey .
Jeffrey : You are a good mother . They ... they love you .
Olivia : Look , Ava , Ava-- even with Emma , I was nt sure she was ready to be a mother . Now she s pregnant ?
Jeffrey : Okay , I m going to have to start cueing the violins here .
Olivia : Gus is dead .
Jeffrey : You re alive .
Olivia : I do nt feel very alive right now .
Jeffrey : Well , this is nt acceptable . Nurse ? Miss Spencer is ready for her medication .
Remy : Move ! Put them on .
Rafe : You re crazy , man .
Remy : First shot s yours .
Rafe : I m not doing this , all right ? Not like I do nt want to take a shot , man .
Remy : Listen , I m sorry about Gus , all right ? It was my bike , dude . I wish it was me .
Rafe : Stop . Just leave me alone and stay away from my mother , all right ?
Remy : You think you re the only one suffering ? Huh ? Nobody s suffering more than your mom .
Rafe : What do you know about anything ?
Remy : You can only use being a kid as an excuse for so long , okay ? Well , people need you . You ve got to be more than that .
Rafe : You are full of it .
Remy : I m full of it ? I ve been you-- the tough guy , the angry guy . Hit me ! Come on ! Hit me harder . Hit me ! Let s go ! Come one , get it out of your system . Hit me ! Hit me ! Hit me ! Hit me !
Rafe : Stop ! Stop !
Natalia : Hey .
Woman : Sorry about Gus .
Natalia : Thank you .
Woman : Can I get you something ?
Natalia : Yes . There s a soup that my son loves from here , and now I ca nt remember what it was .
Woman : He liked the vegetable beef with noodles .
Natalia : Yes , thank you . A large , please .
Dinah : He will be missed .
Natalia : Thank you , Dinah .
Dinah : It s horrible , losing your husband .
Natalia : Thank you for saying that .
Dinah : For what ?
Natalia : Thank you for saying he was my husband .
Dinah : Well , he was . You lived without him for a lot of years .
Natalia : 16 .
Dinah : Whoa . Waited for him that whole time , hoping to be reunited with him ?
Natalia : Well , I was young and proud and stupid .
Dinah : Wow . What kept you going ? I mean , you could nt have had much hope the two of you would find each other again .
Natalia : Rafe . Once you have a child , you ca nt just lay down and die . And I did try to move on . I did . Just ... there was nobody .
Dinah : I understand . Well , you still have a heck of a life . You have a son and you have a job and a home , success .
Natalia : Those things are important , but it s not ... it s not the same . I ca nt even explain it to you .
Dinah : Can I pay for your meal ?
Natalia : No , no . It s for my son , so I d rather pay for it myself . But no offense . Thank you .
Dinah : No , none taken .
Natalia : Thank you .
Jeffrey : Chief Mallet .
Mallet : Counselor ONeill .
Jeffrey : What s up ?
Mallet : Not much . How are you doing ?
Jeffrey : There s a fugitive situation that I would like for you to make a priority . Phillip Spaulding .
Mallet : Phillip Spaulding . Right . Does this have anything to do with your new bride , Olivia ?
Jeffrey : Well , my marriage to Olivia will be over soon enough . In the meantime , I do nt want her to have to worry about people bothering her or Emma .
Mallet : Right , people-- meaning Phillip ?
Jeffrey : He s like some weird phantom floating around town , you know , bothering and scaring innocent women and children .
Mallet : Well , I ll look into it , if you d like .
Jeffrey : Thanks .
Mallet : Yeah . I mean , Alan has always said that s the reason he got arrested . Phillip set him up . So I do nt know , I can poke my head in that direction , if you like , see what comes up .
Jeffrey : Keep me posted ?
Mallet : Yeah , will do .
Reva : Hey there ! Rumor has it you re planning on dying soon . You have a specific date in mind ? I was kind of hoping you might make it next Wednesday . That would work out really great for us , because Jeffrey and I have a little trip planned for the following weekend , and it would really be awful to have to cancel it because you were still here lingering .
Olivia : Ha , ha . It s not going to work .
Reva : Olivia , who would keep me on my toes if you went bye - bye ?
Olivia : I can think of at least 27 people who would love to hang you by your toes .
Reva : Well , well , well , the spirit is dying , but the sarcasm lives on .
Olivia : Go cheer someone else up .
Reva : Now , why would I want to do that , when spending time with you is such a lovely stroll in the park ?
Olivia : I have a park .
Reva : I know you do .
Olivia : It s the Olivia Spencer Memorial Park . Therefore I should just hurry up and die . I do nt want Gus gesture going to waste .
Reva : Olivia , Olivia . I have a better idea .
Dinah : That s Wednesday at noon . Okay . Great . Yeah , just let me know if anything changes . Okay , Vinnie , thank you .
Hilda : Excuse me , Miss Dinah . Chief Mallet is here to see you .
Dinah : Oh , excellent . Have cook start working on another cheese steak .
Hilda : Yes , Miss Dinah .
Mallet : Hey , baby .
Dinah : Hi . How are you ?
Mallet : I m here on business .
Dinah : Business ?
Mallet : Yeah . This place really becomes you .
Dinah : Well , thank you .
Mallet : Yeah , Jeffrey wants me to open up the search for Phillip Spaulding . What is this thing ?
Dinah : That is what rich people display . Why is Jeffrey suddenly so interested in Phillip ?
Mallet : I think Jeffrey s afraid that Phillip will terrorize his daughter and terrorize Olivia .
Dinah : Right .
Mallet : And Alan always maintained that Phillip was the reason he got arrested and lost his house and lost his money .
Dinah : Do nt go after Phillip .
Mallet : What ?
Dinah : No one who gets involved with either one of those two comes out clean .
Mallet : Uh - huh . Well , I appreciate your concern , honey , but I do nt get to pick and choose my cases .
Dinah : You are the chief now , and you have to be careful . Do nt take the crazy cases .
Mallet : Okay . I ll wrap it up as soon as I can .
Dinah : Please do not get involved .
Mallet : Why is this upsetting to you ? Is this upsetting to you ?
Dinah : Yes , it is .
Mallet : Okay . I do nt know . I ll tread lightly . Mind if I look around the house ?
Dinah : No .
Mallet : Thank you .
Dinah : Feel free . Just keep me posted .
Mallet : Okay . Thanks for the drink .
Remy : You need help ?
Ava : No .
Remy : You sure ?
Ava : Yeah , I m fine .
Remy : You want a sip of beer ?
Ava : No . Have you ever really gotten your hopes up about something ?
Remy : Yeah . I mean , not in a while , but , yeah .
Ava : It s like you know that it s a long shot , but you re just hoping that it will work out . And it does . It works out . And then , man , next thing , it s ... it does nt .
Remy : I need a little help here .
Ava : My parents are getting divorced .
Remy : Jeffrey and Olivia ? But I thought ... my sister said that was just ...
Ava : I know . I know . I know . I was just hoping , that s all . I was hoping that ... that maybe when they were married , they would have been happy . And maybe for once , I could have parents who are together . It would be really nice to go over and , you know , visit for the holidays and ... would nt it ?
Remy : Take mine .
Ava : ( Laughs ) I do nt really know them .
Remy : Well , you d love them . You have professor dad , shrinky mom , and ... ( imitating sound of drum roll ) ... super sister .
Ava : Okay . That sounds nice ... I guess .
Remy : I guess it would be if I ... if I fit in the picture .
Ava : Well , you re a sweet and nice , smart , handsome guy .
Remy : Thanks . But I had no plan . Family s all about the big plan .
Ava : Plan . You just need to figure out what you want , I guess . And once you do , you ll have your plan .
Remy : Maybe . Sure you do nt want a sip ?
Ava : Thanks .
Natalia : Hi , I m back . I m sorry . Could I please have a spoon and some napkins ? Sorry .
Woman : That s okay .
Natalia : Thank you .
Jeffrey : Natalia , hi .
Natalia : Hi , Jeffrey .
Jeffrey : How are you holding up ?
Natalia : Doing the best I can .
Jeffrey : I m glad I ran into you , because I ... I need to talk to you about something .
Natalia : Is it Rafe ? Is he in some kind of trouble or anything like that ?
Jeffrey : No , no . It s nothing to do with Rafe . It s ... well , I wanted to talk to you about Olivia .
Natalia : Oh , her .
Jeffrey : Natalia , I ca nt imagine what either of you is going through right now , but ... well , I was just thinking that , you know , maybe you could help each other .
Natalia : Well , I just saw her yesterday , and I think that that was enough for the both of us .
Love , why d you leave me alone it was the worst day of my life .
Olivia : Did nt your mother ever teach you that it s rude to stare ? Cause when I needed you , dear you were anywhere but here .
Remy : Hey ! Twice in one day . How lucky am I ?
Dinah : We need to talk . It s important .
Remy : Okay . What s going on ?
Dinah : I need to make everyone believe that Phillip has left town for good .
Remy : For good . Okay . So what s that got to do with me ?
Dinah : Because you re the one who everyone thinks saw him . And you did a good job of convincing Cyrus and Harley that you re working for him .
Remy : You know what ? You re right .
Dinah : So you need to get me off the hook . The police are going start looking for him , and I do nt want the trail to lead to me .
Remy : So what s in it for me ? I mean , this is not going to be a freebie .
Dinah : Name your price .
Remy : Some cash to pass the time .
Dinah : That s all ?
Remy : I could be your new roommate . Dude , you got , like , plenty of space . You wo nt even see me .
Dinah : All right . You know what ? Let s go someplace else , and we ll discuss the details .
Remy : Okay . Other side of the park , five minutes . Be there .
Olivia : Say something or get out .
Rafe : I do nt know what my dad saw in you . You re a waste .
Olivia : That s a tough guy , picking on a lady in a hospital bed .
Rafe : Whatever .
Olivia : Do nt you want to know about what your father said about you before he died ?
Rafe : You know what ? I could nt care less .
Olivia : Stop acting like a tough guy and get over here . It does nt suit you . I saw Gus after they brought him in . All he could talk about was you . His last words were about you .
Rafe : He was pissed at me . I blew him off earlier , I know .
Olivia : No , that s not the impression I got . He just kept going on and on about how proud he was of you , and how much he loved you , and how happy he was to have you in his life .
Rafe : He did ?
Olivia : Yeah . He said the thing that motivated him the most was his faith that you re going to be a decent man .
Mallet : What s up , Remy ?
Remy : Hey . Congratulations , Chief .
Mallet : Chief , right . It s just temporary .
Remy : Well , I ve been doing a lot of thinking , and I ... I have a confession to make .
Mallet : Did you commit a crime ?
Remy : Kind of , yeah .
Mallet : Uh - huh . Well , why do nt you tell me about it , Remy ?
Remy : A few months ago , I ran into Phillip Spaulding .
Mallet : You did ?
Remy : Yeah . And I ve been doing odd jobs for him for a while now .
Mallet : Odd jobs . Do they have anything to do with bringing Alan down ?
Remy : It does nt matter . It s just that after Gus death , it reminded me of Tammy s death , and I just do nt want to have anything to do with that family , you know ? So passing this along is the last thing I m doing for him .
Mallet : What do we got ? To Frank Cooper and/or the acting Chief of Police , Springfield Police Department , please know that I m no longer conducting business within the vicinity of Springfield . My goal of bringing down my father has been accomplished , and therefore I m traveling to parts unknown for much - needed rest and relaxation . I shall be very hard to locate , so please put your taxpayer money to far nobler causes and stop pursuing me . I shall not cast my shadow on Springfield again . Phillip Spaulding .
Remy : I personally put him on a plane , even carried his bags like the perfect employee . We shook hands , the plane took off .
Mallet : Okay . Well , thanks for this information , Remy . I m going to check it out . Listen , I do nt know if ... to be quite honest , I do nt know if you have anything to gain with coming forward with all this , you know what I mean ?
Remy : Not a damn thing .
Mallet : You okay with that ?
Remy : Mm - hmm .
Mallet : Okay .
Remy : Okay .
Mallet : Thanks .
Dinah : Hilda , why do nt you sit with me ?
Hilda : What ? Yes , Miss Dinah .
Dinah : Why do you call me Miss Dinah ?
Hilda : Excuse me , Miss Dinah ?
Dinah : I mean , should nt you call me Miss Marler ?
Hilda : I do nt understand .
Dinah : Well , you called Alan , Mr. Spaulding , right ?
Hilda : Correct .
Dinah : You did nt call him Mr. Alan . So I think from now on , you should call me Miss Marler .
Hilda : Oh , okay . I can do that , Miss Dinah-- I mean ... I mean , Miss Marla , Miss Dinah Marler .
Dinah : You know what ? I changed my mind . It s okay . I m going to eat alone . You can take a break , go back to the kitchen . That s good . A little privacy would be nice .
Hilda : Whatever you wish , Miss Dinah .
Remy : Hey , man .
Matt : Hey , Remy . How s it going ? Have nt seen you at Lewis too much lately .
Remy : No . Things are slow .
Matt : Tell me about it .
Remy : Yeah . I started job hunting . Hey , you know Dinah Marler pretty well , right ?
Matt : Yup , I know her . Proceed with caution .
Remy : Thanks .
Natalia : Rafe .
Rafe : Oh .
Natalia : You okay ?
Rafe : Yeah . I think ... I think I m going to be okay , all right ? But I m going to head back to school so I do nt miss the second part of the half day , okay ?
Natalia : Yeah , that s good . Good idea .
Rafe : All right . But even then my heart it would be safe , yeah .
Natalia : I just came to say thank you for telling Rafe what Gus last words were .
Olivia : I made it up .
Natalia : What ?
Olivia : I never got to see Gus that long before he ... I have kids , I know . I just did nt want him to suffer . What ?
Natalia : I just ... I do nt know if I m mad at you for lying to him , or if I m just floored at how good you were to him just now .
Olivia : It was no big deal .
Natalia : It is to me .
Olivia : I just wanted him to leave the room . It s really no big deal .
Natalia : Right . Of course . I got nowhere to hide .
Reva : Oh , hey , I had no idea you d be here . What are you doing ?
Jeffrey : A little research on the psychological ramifications of heart transplant surgery . Interesting stuff , huh ?
Reva : Maybe you and Olivia should just go into couples therapy . ( Laughs )
Jeffrey : Maybe you should join us .
Reva : Yeah ? Fat chance . Can you give me some room here ? I ve got to use the printer .
Jeffrey : What s the hurry ?
Reva : Well , I wanted to take a picture of Olivia s park , so I went and I did it , and I thought maybe if I could hang the picture on the wall , I could remind her that she could stop with the dying heroine bit , and realize just how much she has to live for .
Jeffrey : Well , that is impressive , given how you feel about her .
Reva : Thank you . Anyway , the instruction booklet said that it was so easy , even a kid can do it , but , you know ...
Jeffrey : Where s Will when you need him ?
Reva : Exactly .
Jeffrey : I think all you have to do is press this button here .
Reva : Really ? Thank you . Oh . Ooh . Thanks again ! ( Cell phone ringing )
Jeffrey : You re welcome twice . ONeill .
Mallet : Hey , ONeill , it s Mallet . Listen , I ve got some news .
Jeffrey : What s up ?
Mallet : Remy Boudreau came in today to see me . He brought a letter from Phillip Spaulding .
Jeffrey : What would Remy Boudreau be doing with a letter from Phillip Spaulding ?
Mallet : Well , apparently , he was working for him until recently . But the letter states that Phillip Spaulding has left town . How s that for good timing ?
Jeffrey : Yeah , that is good timing . I guess Phillip heard we were coming after him .
Mallet : I do nt know . I do nt know . But either way , it sounds like a good omen to me . I mean , Remy s also a witness . He actually took him to the airport and watched him leave .
Jeffrey : Okay . Well , thanks for calling .
Everyone can tell summertime is coming things have gone to hell .
Olivia : Who d have thunk you d turn out to be such a good husband ?
Jeffrey : I told you I would take care of Emma .
Olivia : And ?
Jeffrey : Good news . Apparently it s been confirmed that Phillip Spaulding has left town , so no more problems from him .
Olivia : Thank you . You push the pedals down .
Dinah : Hello ?
Mallet : Oh , hey , lady of the house , it s me . Listen , I know that you ve been worried about Phillip Spaulding , so I wanted to call and let you know he has left town , apparently , so you do nt have to worry anymore .
Dinah : Thank you . That really means a lot to me that you care .
Mallet : Well , you re welcome .
Dinah : Okay . Then I ll give you a call later , okay ? Bye - bye . Good for you , Miss Dinah . I know there has to be a secret wine room around here somewhere . Hilda ? Hilda ?
Reva : It s Reva , actually .
Dinah : Well , hello .
Reva : Hi .
Dinah : What are you doing here ?
Reva : Well , it s ironic , because I ve been trying to find things to keep me busy recently , and then Jeffrey suggested photography , which was an old hobby of mine in the day .
Dinah : Really ? Good .
Reva : It s funny what little nuggets you can turn up . Like when I came to the door and Hilda told me you d bought the place , it all started to make sense .
Dinah : Get to the point , Reva .
Reva : Okay , point . It was you the whole time .
Dinah : What was me ?
Reva : You made Alan and Harley and everyone else think that you were Phillip . It was you that got Alan in trouble with the I.R.S. , and it was you who crushed the man .
Dinah : What do you say we find a little wine ?
Coming up on Guiding Light ...
Coop : You re not actually thinking about getting the surgery , are you ? I like you the way you are .
Ashlee : I do nt want to not be intimate with you because I m uncomfortable with who I am .
Coop : I want to spend the night with you beforehand .
Ashlee : I mean , if you changed your mind or you do nt want to do this or something ...
Coop : Do we really need to do this ?
### Summary:
| The Show opens up at the Spaulding Mansion . Dinah is living it up . She gets a visit from Remy . Dinah tells Remy she now owns the mansion . Remy can not believe it . A cop gives Mallet the newspaper to read an article on Gus . Natalia receive some news . Jeffery says to Ava his marriage to her mother is over , but that he ll always be there for them . Later Jeffery is with Reva , he gets a call from the hospital . He is told that Olivia is refusing to take the drugs to treat her . Reva leaves with him . Dinah runs into Matt on the street . She tells him about her new home . Their discussion is short . She walks away and he rides away on his bike . Natalia checks the mail at the house . Reva runs into Rafe , who tells her to go to hell . This is after she tries to be nice to him . Dinah goes to see Mallet . Mallet tells her he is having a problem with Frank and that Alan is a jerk . Later Rafe is arguing with his mother over Olivia . Remy is caught in the middle and says he ll talk with Rafe . That he kinda knows what Rafe is going through . Jeffery tries to talk some sense into Olivia about the lifesaving drugs and Gus . He then calls for a nurse to give Olivia her meds . Remy tries to get Rafe in a one on one basketball shoot . Rafe just yells his head off and wants to start a fight with Remy , who pushes him then backs off . Dinah and Natalia get talking . Dinah offers to help . But Natalia turns her down saying no offense but no . Jeffery meets up with Mallet . Mallet tells Jeffery he ll keep him posted on what is going on with Frank . Meanwhile Reva visits Olivia to try and cheer her up and talk . Reva then leaves after getting nowhere with her . Dinah gets a visit from Mallet . Phillip s name is mentioned . Dinah tells Mallet he has to be careful . That he is now the Chief of Police . Remy sees Ava crying and offers to help . She says no . He sits down beside her to just listen to her talk about Olivia and Jeffery . She tells Remy all she ever wanted was her parents together and she almost had it . She asks Remy if he has any family plans . Remy says he does nt have family plans . Later Jeffery runs into Natalia . Jeffery asks how she is doing . Jeffery thinks Natalia can help Olivia . When he suggests it . She tells him about her last visit with her and that was enough for the both of them . Remy catches up with Dinah . She offers him a deal . He wants to know what is in it for him . She tells only 5 minutes of his time . Rafe visits Olivia . Olivia says she can see right through his tough guy act . She then tells him of one of her last discussions with Gus and how happy he was of Rafe and having him in his life . Remy visits Mallet to congratulate him on his promotion and then tell him is might be in trouble . Remy hands Mallet a note . Remy tells Mallet that Phillip was put on a plane . Dinah is having fun watching her maid , Hilda . Dinah and she come to an agreement on what to call her . Matt runs into Remy . Rafe is seen by his mother leaving Olivia s room . Asks him if he is ok . He says yes . Natalia tells Olivia that she does nt know if she is mad at her for being a friend to Gus or that she got his heart . Reva visits Jeffery who actually tells Reva where is Will when he needs him . Jeffery is told of the letter from Philip Spaulding . Natalia lays down on the bed that was to be hers and Gus holding his picture . Jeffery visits Olivia . Dinah gets a call from Mallet about their earlier discussion . The gets a visit from Reva . Reva shows Dinah a picture of her in the park . Reva then tells her she knows it was Dinah that crushed Alan Spaulding . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jj : Hey , look , I m all for you winning abigail back , but ... but right now , she s angry .
Chad : Which means I ll have to try harder . I m not giving up , jj . You on board ?
Jj : What can I do to help ?
Abigail : What are you doing here ?
Melinda : I m hoping for justice .
Abigail : Well , it s , uh , it s not a good time .
Melinda : Well , then I can come back tomorrow . And the day after that . And the day after that .
Chloe : Oh ...
Brady : Look at that smile , right ?
Chloe : [ Laughs ] I know . Look how much he s grown ! Oh , so sweet . And a day at the beach in january ? That s not bad .
Brady : Ah ... you remember how he was so quiet ? Used to never talk , and now he s talking up a storm . He makes himself laugh . He cracks himself up .
Chloe : Oh , I m so glad you got to spend time with him . So sweet , your little guy . I know at this age , every day seems like there s a new milestone .
Brady : Mm - hmm . I just , I-- I ca nt stop thinking about all the milestones that IM ... missing .
Chloe : I know .
Eve : Well , well , are nt you two cozy ? Again .
Sarah : Surprise !
Ciara : Un ... believable ! So you and claire put your heads together and came up with the brilliant idea to break up tripp and me ?
Ben : Ciara--
Ciara : I heard her leave you a message about your little deal , okay ? I busted her , and she admitted to everything , so do nt even try to deny it , ben !
Ben : I m not going to . I m guilty as charged .
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Ciara : I should have known something was up that day at the square . You and claire -- all chummy ? The handshake ? I asked . And what did you say ? That you were just -- you were just thanking her for trying to help you get a job ? What bull !
Ben : Ciara , I did nt want to lie to you .
Ciara : But you did . [ Softly ] Why ? Why would you even do that ?
Ben : Because I wanted to be with you ... so much . I thought it was the only way I d actually have a chance with you .
Melinda : I want you to reconsider . I want you to press charges against gabi hernandez .
Abigail : I was very clear at the police station . I have no intention of pressing charges against gabi . I want this over .
Melinda : The woman drugged you . She kidnapped you . Made people think that you were insane . She tried to ruin your life , and you re just letting her walk away , no price paid .
Abigail : No . Gabi has to live with what she s done , and that s punishment enough .
Melinda : I m sure that sentiment is a comfort to you , but that s not how our justice system works . Gabi committed multiple crimes , and she needs to pay for what she did . That s why I m here . So that you can see justice done .
Chad : Yes , I m planning a huge dinner and julie s gon na help me set everything up at doug s place .
Jj : That sounds great but , chad , if you want me to talk abigail into going , you might wanna rethink that . I m not exactly her favorite person at the moment .
Chad : Then join the club , my man . Unfortunately , this is gon na be a bit more complicated . ( Vo ) they re all going in the
Eric : Oh , my god , can I just tell you how happy I am to see this little girl ?
Sarah : [ Giggles ] Well , we figured since big brother was napping and grandma maggie was on the elliptical , we d come and visit her main man .
Eric : You did nt happen to mention this little field trip to maggie or chloe , did ya ?
Sarah : I ... left my mom a note , and she can call chloe .
Eric : Yeah , well , if you mentioned it to either one of them , they probably would have just said no .
Sarah : That is not true . Exactly . Also , you have to admit I m not exactly chloe s favorite person on the planet , so ... just figured I d let my mom talk to her .
Eric : Yeah , well , it does nt matter . I m just happy to see my favorite little girl .
Sarah : I think she s really happy to see you too .
Chloe : Oh , my , look at the time . I ve got ta get to work . You need some help , send me a smoke signal or something .
Brady : Mm .
Eve : [ Chuckles ] She is such a clever one , is nt she ?
Brady : Looks like somebody needs a little more retail therapy .
Eve : Thought you said that you two were nt together .
Brady : We . Are . Friends , eve .
Eve : Oh , well , judging by that little ... clinch , you re more than friends .
Brady : Not that I owe you any explanation , but I ve been a little upset because I just got back from seeing my boy .
Eve : Well , how is my nephew ?
Brady : He s great . Which makes it that much harder to be away from him . I do nt like being separated from him -- you know that .
Eve : Mmm . That s all big , bad eve s fault , is nt it ?
Brady : I did nt say that .
Eve : No . You did nt have to .
Brady : No , I didnT. And not to rehash , but I only did what I did because I was trying to help you . But lucky for me , there are people out there that do appreciate my help , and that would be jack . In fact , he s waiting right now to have dinner with me . Yeah , that s right . Probably with lots of , uh , i do nt know , candles and wine .
Brady : Oh ...
Eve : So ... toodles .
Brady : Yeah . You know what , hold on , eve , I wanna -- I need to talk to you , all right ?
Eve : Well , I think I ve said all I need to say .
Brady : Hey . I havenT.
Ben : For what it s worth , our little conspiracy was nothing more than claire trying to push you and me together so she could have alone time with tripp .
Ciara : That is so not the point . You lied to me . You manipulated me . You know , I expected this from claire . But from you ? After everything we ve been through at the cabin , I just-- I thought that I could trust you .
Ben : Is this really what you re upset about ? Or are you just looking for an excuse to end things ?
Abigail : Gabi and I have both lost more than either of us ever imagined or deserved , and our children have suffered in the process , so it needs to end .
Melinda : And it can . With gabi behind bars where she belongs .
Abigail : No . No . No more . We have both hurt each other enough . We re even .
Melinda : What if it is nt over for gabi ? What if she comes after you again ? I m giving you the opportunity to protect yourself , your family .
Abigail : Gabi and i understand each other . We understand each other , and it s over . I would really appreciate if you would understand that as well .
Melinda : You have no idea how wrong - headed this decision is .
Abigail : Well , it s my decision to make .
Melinda : Then you leave me no choice . Crimes have been committed , and justice will be served -- one way or the other . If you re not gon na help me prosecute gabi , I m gon na prosecute chad dimera instead .
Jj : Wow , I mean , yeah , that s a great plan , but ... look , I m just gon na say it .
Chad : Well , let me say it for you . I betrayed the woman that i love . I lied to her , I tricked her , I forgot to believe in her , and I know the chances of her coming back to me are ... one in a billion .
Jj : Yeah , but you re going for it anyway .
Chad : Well , I m an optimist . Will you help ?
Jj : Feeling kind of optimistic myself . Yeah , count me in .
Jj : You working ?
Haley : Meeting . Rescheduled from earlier . With your aunt kayla . The big talk about the incident .
Jj : How d it go ?
Haley : Well , turns out the administration really frowns on staff who try to off themselves on hospital property . As if that s what I did .
Jj : Right , it s -- it was an accident .
Haley : Totally . That I used meds that did nt belong to me kinda made it worse , but ... here s the part you ll like . [ Laughs ] I m getting counseling .
Jj : ThatS ... that s great . I m glad you re -- glad you re ready to get help .
Haley : I do nt need help . If I did nt agree to see a therapist , dr . Johnson was ready to suspend me ... or worse , and-- I ca nt afford to lose this job .
Jj : Well ... whatever gets you in the door . It s a start .
Haley : Whatever . I already have an appointment . With A ... dr . Evans .
Jj : Dr. Evans . Marlena . Yeah , yeah , she s , uh , she s the best . She s helped so many people , including me . She s really easy to talk to . Someone you can trust .
Haley : [ Small laugh ] I guess . As long as it means i get to keep my job , Ill ... tell her anything she wants to hear .
Jj : Like , uh ... like what you re keeping from kayla ?
Haley : [ Whispering ] How the hell do you know about that ?
Brady : Why are you doing this ?
Eve : Doing what , brady ? Telling the truth about what i see between you and chloe ? Or about my plans with the dashing jack deveraux ?
Brady : Jennifer . Why are you torturing her like this ? I mean , if you wanna be mad at me , that s fine , I understand that . But she does nt deserve this ... at all .
Eve : Why does everybody always come to her defense ? She destroyed your relationship with your brother , she destroyed my relationship with you -- now you should tell me why I should give a damn about her .
Brady : I m not telling you to give a damn about her .
Eve : Yeah , you are !
Brady : I m telling you to do the right thing . Eve , you walked into that new years eve party and made an announcement that you had A ... a wrecking ball for jennifer . Do nt you pretend like this is anything other than punishment .
Eve : I did say that , did nt I ?
Brady : You did .
Eve : Well , I guess I just got caught up in the moment . And wow , what a moment it was .
Brady : Yeah , it was . Look at you . I mean , look how proud you are . But where is jack ? Is he reunited with his family ? Is he trying to made amends with his wife ? No . He s in your hotel room . Getting ready to have some-- some cozy dinner with candles , and you ll probably be hanging all over him . You ll probably ask him to dance you to the moon and back , huh ? Is that your line ?
Eve : Ha ha ha . You are nt upset about little old jenny . You are jealous , brady black !
Chad : Hey , how s it going ?
Julie : Oh , chad , I am so glad you called . The loveliest table at doug s place awaits you .
Chad : That s great .
Julie : I m ordering flowers . Every one of them is abigail s favorite .
Chad : That s awesome . Look , there s been a change of plans .
Julie : Oh ?
Chad : I ll fill you in later . The important thing is , jj s in .
Julie : Well , of course . He just wants to see his sister where she belongs -- as we all do .
Chad : I hate to ask , but i need one more favor .
Julie : Ask away .
Chad : You , uh , you were there for abby when -- when none of us were . She trusts you . Is there any chance that you can convince her to be there tonight ?
Julie : My darling , I promise Ill ... Ill give it everything I ve got .
Chad : Well , there s no way she can say no .
Julie : [ Laughs ] Not on my watch !
Chad : Julie ... thank you . From the bottom of my heart . Thank you . I just want tonight to be special .
Abigail : Prosecute chad for what ?
Melinda : Kidnapping . He took you from your home and held you hostage at your family s cabin .
Abigail : No .
Melinda : Stefan , your husband at the time , reported him to the police .
Abigail : You would need my testimony in order to charge chad , and I m not gon na do it . I will not put the father of my children behind bars .
Melinda : He took your baby from you , tricked you into a padded cell . Surely , you must be furious !
Abigail : I know what happened . And that is between chad and me .
Melinda : I sent an innocent woman to prison for murder because of you . I have guilty people that i ca nt prosecute because of you . I ve worked too hard to build my career .
Abigail : There it is . This is nt about justice . This is about you getting a win . And I m not gon na help you do it , so you can just get the hell out of my house .
Ciara : I m mad because you lied to me . Just go . Just go , get outta here . I m sure stefan probably has a bunch more people for you to kidnap .
Ben : I do nt work for stefan anymore .
Ciara : You do nt ? You quit ?
Ben : Stefan was arrested for treason . Your buddy chad is back in charge of dimera , and his first act as ceo was to fire me .
Ciara : I see . So if stefan were still free , you d still be working for him ? Business as usual ?
Ben : Ciara , you do nt understand--
Ciara : No , I understand , ben . I understand completely .
Haley : What is up with you ? Huh ? Always up in my business and blabbing it to the world ?
Jj : I have nt blabbed anything . I heard you on the phone earlier .
Haley : Oh , so you eavesdropped .
Jj : I happened to walk by ... okay ? I do nt mean to pry . I m just concerned . I wanna help .
Haley : What s your idea of help , hmm ? Running to your aunt with something you do nt know anything about ?
Jj : I could have gone straight to kayla after you tried to kill yourself , but i didnT. I kept your secret . And I m going to keep this one .
Haley : You re a pain in the ass !
Jj : It s a gift . [ Haley scoffs ] But I also happen to be a damn good friend . I ... I just know from my own experience ... after what you ve been through , you need friends .
Julie : Is nt it a beautiful day ?
Chloe : You re in a good mood . And you canceled all of tonight s reservations ? We almost had a full house !
Julie : I rented out the entire restaurant to chad dimera . He s trying to woo abigail back again . I m going to give him the perfect setting to do it in .
Chloe : Ah . Definitely a grand gesture . Julie , next time you rent out the restaurant as a grand gesture when we almost have a full house , you have to let me know . If there s anything that drives me crazy , it s being left out of the loop about things that directly concern me .
Eric : You are just [ Laughs ] So smart !
Sarah : Hey , she s got it down !
Eric : Yes , you do . And there is a what ?
Holly : There is a rabbit .
Eric : That is a rabbit ! [ Sarah chuckles ] Know who this is ?
Holly : [ Gasps ] It s mommy !
Eric : That s right . That s your mommy . You know what ? This is actually one of my favorite photos that I took of her ! And she was so happy that day . Every time I look at it ...
Holly : Mm - hmm !
Eric : You know what it makes me think about ?
Holly : Mm - hmm .
Eric : It makes me think about you .
Holly : It no fit .
Eric : Yeah , those big eyes of yours ... and smile . Never be sad ... cause your mommy , she loved you so much .
Holly : Mmm .
Eric : I know she may not be here ... but she s always gon na be watching you from heaven . [ Whispers ] Always know that .
Brady : Do I wanna see you with jack deveraux ? No , not really . But that s not what this is about -- this is about you , the eve that I know . And right now , you are not the eve that I know and that I l-- I know -- I know the eve that-- that could take a hit to the heart and then be able to find forgiveness . I know a woman who used to keep her pockets full of food so my son could feed the ducks and the woman that would stay up with my boy until his fever broke and would nt leave his bedside -- that s the woman i know . My son , um ... he asks about you . As a matter of fact he , uh-- I m gon na pull this up for you here-- drew a picture not for you but of you .
Eve : Hmm .
Brady : Yeah . He thinks you d make one heck of a mermaid . Think he did a pretty good job .
Eve : He s quite an artist .
Brady : Well , he remembers how kind you were to him .
Eve : And what has kindness gotten me , brady ? Hmm ? Absolutely nothing . I lost you , my business-- everything . So you know what ? I m tired of losing . I wanna win . And this time , I will .
Brady : Is this your idea of winning ? Conning some poor amnesiac into being with you ? Turning him against his family and his loved ones ? [ Stammers ] Wh - wh - what re you gon na get out of this , eve , huh ? Revenge ? Is that the big payoff here ?
Eve : You know , brady ... do nt sell revenge short .
Brady : You re better than this .
Eve : Well , you know we all ca nt be mermaids , can we ? So , if you will excuse me , dashing jack is waiting .
Eric : Is that kid amazing , or what ?
Sarah : Oh , no , she s definitely amazing . [ Giggles ] And you ... the way that you handled that conversation about nicole s picture , it was ... it was perfect .
Eric : Yeah . I was just thinking about what nicole would want me to say . And to be honest ... there s one thing I promised-- to give that little girl absolute honesty . About everything .
Sarah : It wo nt always be easy .
Eric : Yeah , but there will be a day when she asks me about her father ... his death , and that I was the reason for it . And then maybe one day she ll hate me because of it .
Sarah : Or ... she ll understand that you re a good man who made a terrible mistake .
Eric : [ Light laugh ] Yeah . This is the way I pictured it . You know , being with holly . Just watching her grow up . It s what nicole wanted . She seemed pretty happy , did nt she ?
Sarah : She did .
Haley : This is nt some twisted thing where you think I ll be so grateful for your constant and unwanted attention that you think I ll ... [ Laughs ] Fall into bed with you ?
Jj : No , haley , there s -- there s no agenda with me . Look , I m just trying to pay it forward . You got ta understand . People were really good to me when I screwed up . And I m not trying to say that you screwed up as much as I did . But I m just trying to do the same for you . I just -- I just -- I want you to know that I do understand . And I d like to understand even more . Ca nt unless you tell me .
Haley : I definitely messed up ... big time .
Jj : Look , this is work . I have to take this . But I ll be right back , okay ? Do nt go anywhere .
Haley : What ? Yes , I know ! Stop pressuring me .
Abigail : Hey ! What are you doing here ? I thought that you were working tonight .
Julie : No ! Doug and I have a much better plan . We are gon na babysit charlotte .
Abigail : Oh , that s really sweet of you but , um , I m not going anywhere tonight .
Julie : Oh , yes , you are .
Abigail : What ?
Julie : Yes . Chloe and I have closed doug s place . There s going to be a special event . So we want you to go upstairs and change into something beautiful and get yourself over there .
Abigail : Julie , what are you talking about ?
Julie : It s a surprise .
Abigail : Well , uh , my last surprise was a father that did nt remember me , so I think I m good on surprises right now . I m gon na pass .
Julie : No , no , no . This one is gon na make you very happy , I promise . Certain people have gone to a lot of trouble to arrange it all .
Abigail : Certain people ? Uh , do you mean chad ?
Julie : I m not going to spoil the surprise . You wo nt get a word out of me !
Abigail : No , julie , just ... call him and tell him I m not going .
Chad : Hey . Glad you picked up . Uh ... I have a few things that I wanted to run by you for tonight .
Ciara : If stefan had nt been arrested , you d still be snatching moms from their kids . Cleaning up his messes .
Ben : Why do nt you let me explain why I m here , ciara .
Ciara : What is there to explain , ben ? You know how I feel about you working for a slime like stefan . I do nt want to give you some ultimatum -- I mean , we re just dating , right ? But I so wanted you to make the right choice . But you didnT. It was made for you . Which means that you were nt gon na do the right thing . Which means that you really did nt care about me at all .
Ben : Well , I can see that you ve made up your mind already . So I wo nt waste your time , ciara . I guess this is good - bye .
Brady : I mean , I tried to talk to eve -- I tried to get her to drop this vendetta against jennifer .
Chloe : And you , too , probably .
Brady : Oh , I can take care of myself , but jennifer does nt deserve this . I really thought I was getting through to eve , and ... I even brought up tate . She shut me right down . She did nt care .
Chloe : Hmm . Well , eve has lost so much , and you were the first person she trusted in a while . And after losing you , maybe she just does nt feel like she can be vulnerable again .
Brady : Oh , that settles it . I m an ass !
Chloe : No , brady , this is not on you . The only person who can save eve is eve .
Brady : Why is there nobody here , chloe ? Is it -- the restaurant is--
Chloe : Why is it empty ? Well , because julie decided to rent it out for a private event without bothering to tell me , so here I am .
Brady : She did nt tell you . Okay , well , then that means-- that would mean you re free .
Chloe : Yep .
Brady : So that would mean you have to eat , so we should go to dinner . Come on , my treat . We ll go to , uh , italian .
Chloe : Oh . Thank you . Well , as tempting as pasta is , I think I kinda miss those two cannolis over at maggie s house .
Brady : I do nt blame you . Holly and parker are very lucky to have you .
Chloe : Thank you .
Brady : But I want a rain check , okay , on dinner .
Chloe : You got it .
Brady : All right . See ya .
Chloe : Hey , maggie , it s me . It turns out I do nt have to work tonight , so I ll come by and pick up the kids . Holly s where ? Wait , I - I m sorry -- you did nt bother to call me and tell me that ? No , no , it s okay . Thank you , maggie . There s nothing to fix . I ll handle it myself . Okay , bye .
Julie : Okay , fine . It s chad . You dragged it out of me . He s very excited about tonight .
Abigail : Well , good for chad . I m not going .
Julie : Did nt I believe you , and nobody else in town did ? Did nt I find the true dna results about the baby ? Did nt I get pushed down a staircase and wind up in the hospital ? Now , all I m asking in return is for you to have a wonderful evening with a man who adores you .
Abigail : So you re -- you re emotionally blackmailing me .
Julie : Is it working ?
Abigail : Oh , my god , julie ! I love you so much , and I do owe you , but having a dinner with chad is nt gon na change what he did to me .
Julie : I do nt understand it . I do nt understand how you can not give the time of day to this poor guy , and yet you wo nt testify against gabi hernandez , certifiable bitch , who is now walking around town free to insult and intimidate and threaten anyone who knows the truth about her .
Abigail : Julie , just let it go ... please ? And while you re at it , just let go of this whole idea of me going to dinner with chad , okay ? It s just ... not gon na happen . Let me go check on charlotte .
Julie : You re not being fair .
Abigail : There is no fair in any of this .
Julie : You are not giving chad a chance to make everything up to you . That s not like you , abigail .
Abigail : Well , maybe I ve learned . Maybe I ve learned , you know , to protect myself -- even against the man who swears that he loves me .
Julie : Sweetheart , love -- it s never perfect . Doug and I hurt each other many times through the years ... sometimes so badly , I thought we could never get over the pain . But we did , because we forgave . Forgiveness is hard . But because of the forgiveness , we were blessed with this long , wonderful life ... life of sharing love and laughter , adventures ... joy ! That s all I want for you and chad .
Abigail : I-- [ Sighs ] Ohh ....
Ciara : Wait . You re twisting what I said .
Ben : I m not twisting anything , ciara . [ Light laugh ] I m being honest with myself . Finally . Because I was crazy to think that we would actually end up together ... that we could be together , that I m to escape my past . It s never gon na happen . Everybody s always gon na think the worst of ben weston . Including you .
Ciara : No , ben--
Ben : There s nothing else to say -- there s no ben . I get it . My god , I get it . That s just the way it is .
Ben : I know there are far crazier people than me who do find love ... so I m not giving up hope . And you ca nt either . I wo nt let you .
Ciara : Hey , it s ciara . I miss you more , I swear . Hey , how would you feel if I , uh ... if I came down for a little visit ? Good . I was hoping that you would say that , because i already booked my flight to south africa . Good . I ll see you soon .
Jj : [ Softly ] Damn it .
Melinda : Well , at least you re on time for once . How was your meeting with dr . Johnson ?
Haley : I guess it went as well as can be expected .
Melinda : Well , I hope to hell you kept your mouth shut .
Julie : [ Gasps ] You changed your mind .
Abigail : I m only going along with this because you are relentless . But I want you to know that this is nt going to change my mind .
Julie : We ll see . Sweetheart , you look beautiful . Have a good time .
Abigail : [ Kiss ] .
Chad : Wish me luck .
Eve : [ Laughing ] Jack ? Are you ready for our dinner , huh ? Jack ? Oh ! Where the hell did he go ?
Eric : She s sleeping like an angel .
Sarah : You have the touch . It was either that or it s all those airplane rides you gave her .
Eric : Excuse me .
Chloe : Hey .
Eric : Chloe , I--
Chloe : I m here to pick up holly .
Eric : She s taking a nap .
Chloe : I m sorry . I do nt care .
Sarah : Well , we can bring her back to you when she wakes up .
Chloe : I want her now .
Sarah : You re being unreasonable .
Chloe : You took her without my permission .
Sarah : It s not like I m a stranger -- I m her aunt .
Chloe : Did you put her up to this ?
Sarah : No ! This was my idea , so why do nt you back off ?
Eric : All right , enough , please . We ca nt keep doing this . We need to do what s best for holly .
Chloe : [ Sighs ]
Eric : I made a decision about her custody .
### Summary:
| Ciara was upset that Ben worked with Claire to break up her relationship with Tripp . Ben told her he did it because he wanted to be with her . Melinda went to see Abby to get her to press charges against Gabi . Abby said she had no intention of pressing charges . Melinda reminded her about what Gabi did . Melinda wanted her to get justice . Chad wanted JJ to help him get Abby back . Sarah brought Holly to see Eric . Eve caught Brady and Chloe together . When Chloe left , Eve accused him of being back with Chloe . They ended up arguing over what she did to cost him his son . She told him that Jack wanted to be with her . When she was about to walk away , he wanted to talk . Ciara was upset with Ben for lying to her . She said she thought she could trust him . He wanted to know if she wanted an excuse to end things . Abby told Melinda that their animosity had to end . Melinda wanted to protect Abby . Abby told her that it was over between her and Gabi . Melinda told her that she would prosecute Chad if she did nt help her get Gabi . JJ agreed to help Chad get Abby back . JJ talked to Haley about her dealing drugs . Brady wanted Eve to do the right thing with Jennifer . Eve wanted to know why she should do that after what she did to her . He threw up in her face that she was getting too close to Jack . She realized that he was jealous . Melinda told Abby that she would prosecute Chad for kidnapping her . Abby said she was nt going to help her . Melinda reminded her about what Chad did . Melinda said that it was her fault that she could nt prosecute criminals . Abby thought she only cared about getting a win . Abby threw her out of the house . Ciara wanted Ben to leave . He told her that he did nt work for Stefan anymore . He told her that Stefan was arrested . He told her that Chad is in charge and fired him . She said that he would still be working for Stefan if Chad did nt fire him . Haley thought JJ told what she was doing . She was upset about it . He said he wanted to help her . He told her that he would keep her secret . While Eric was spending time with Holly , she noticed a picture of Nicole . Brady told Eve that she was nt the Eve he knew . He told her that Tate asked about her . She told him that she lost everything . She said she was tired of losing and wanted to win . He told her that he should nt turn Jack against his family . Eve did nt want to hear what he had to say . Haley did nt want JJ s help . He said he was trying to pay it forward . He wanted to help her the way he was helped . Julie told Abby that there was a surprise for her . When Abby figured out it was Chad , she did nt want to go . Ciara yelled at Ben for working for Stefan . He wanted to explain , but she would nt let him . He told her that she made up her mind so he would nt waste her time . Brady talked to Chloe about his conversation with Eve . Chloe tried to see things from Eve s point of view . He asked her to go to dinner , but she turned him down . Chloe talked to Maggie and found out that Holly was with Sarah . Abby told Julie that she was nt going to meet Chad . Julie used guilt to get her to go with Chad . Abby did nt want to meet with Chad . Julie tried to convince her to meet with Chad . Ben told Ciara that no one was going to see the best in him . He left the apartment . Melinda met Haley in the park . Abby finally agreed to go meet Chad . Chloe went to Eric s apartment to pick up Holly . He said she was taking a nap . Sarah said they would give her Holly when she woke up . Chloe and Sarah got into an argument . Eric said that he made a decision about custody . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lucinda : Are you sure , Sierra , that you heard Alan correctly ?
Sierra : He was perfectly clear .
Lucinda : But , darling , why on earth would his last word on earth be Craig ?
Dusty : Must ve been something big .
Craig : Did he say anything else ?
Sierra : Nothing .
Lily : That s odd .
Dusty : Is nt it , though ? Makes you wonder . You know , a dying man s last word to his wife . Your name ?
Lucy : Daddy ?
Dusty : You d think he d say something special , you know , between Sierra and himself . But , instead , he says your name ? The ex - husband ?
Lily : What are you implying , Dusty ?
Dusty : That it s weird . Makes you wonder .
Craig : No , no , not me , Dusty . Hallucinations , brain damage . He s probably scared to death .
Dusty : Oh , I bet .
Sierra : John ?
John : I m sorry .
Sierra : You did everything you could .
John : This is not a real good time , but there are papers that need to be signed , decisions that need to be made .
Lucinda : I ll do it for you .
Sierra : No , no . He was my husband .
John : We can have more privacy in my office .
Lucinda : We ll wait for you right here .
Sierra : No , no . You do nt need to do that .
Craig : You do nt have to do this alone , Sierra .
Sierra : No , I ll be fine .
Lucy : She wo nt be alone . She has me .
Sierra : I would like that .
Lucinda : Well , you re positive ?
Sierra : Go ahead . It s something I need to do .
Lily : We ll go back to your place and wait for Sierra .
Lucinda : All right , we ll do that . Well , if there s anything --
Lucy : We ll call you .
Lucinda : I love you , too . I love you . Bye .
Craig : Thank you , Dusty , for everything you ve done , but this is a family matter now .
Sierra : But you can stay as long as you want . You saved Lucy .
Bartender : May I help you , sir ?
Ben : Yeah , I m looking for my wife .
Doc : Nurse , nurse ! Can we get some help here ?
Jessica : Please , you have to help me . I have severe cramping and pain . I m six weeks pregnant . Please , get Dr. Schiller .
Doc : She called Dr. Schiller from the car .
Dr. Schiller : Jessica ?
Jessica : I think I m bleeding .
Dr. Schiller : Okay , we ll take her into exam room five .
Jessica : Please do something . Please , you have to help me save my baby .
Barbara : Jennifer ?
Jennifer : I was hoping I d be gone by the time you got here .
Barbara : You ca nt leave . We have nt had a chance to talk .
Jennifer : I heard everything in New York .
Barbara : No , no , you did nt give me a chance to explain anything .
Jennifer : If you think there s an explanation for what you did , you re worse off than I thought .
Barbara : What I did , I did because I love you .
Jennifer : You lied to me and to Paul ! You manipulated us into thinking that you were sick again , and I believed you ! I dropped everything for you . I was a prisoner in a hotel room for you .
Barbara : I m sorry that I put you through that . I really am .
Jennifer : I should ve listened to Paul . He warned me .
Barbara : Warned you about what ?
Jennifer : He said that the second that I found someone who loved me , you would try to ruin it .
Barbara : That s not true , Jennifer .
Jennifer : Well , congratulations , Mother . Mission accomplished . Jordan is out of my life .
Barbara : Oh --
Jennifer : No , but there is good news in all of this . I m going back to Europe .
Barbara : When ?
Jennifer : Tonight .
Barbara : For how long ?
Jennifer : For good . And you and Jordan can go to hell .
James : Transferred ? You ca nt do that .
Paul : Me ? No , I ca nt . But the governor can . And the governor did .
James : I ll get my lawyers on the phone .
Paul : A waste of time . Your lawyers have no say in this . Neither do you .
Governor : Where you serve your time is at the discretion of the government .
Paul : And the government found you a nice spot in California . Plenty of sun and fresh air , not that you ll be able to see or feel any of that in solitary confinement . But at least you ll be away from Cabot and Jordan and Rosanna , and all the other lives that you ve tried to control . Hey , you there ? Dad ? You ? Speechless ? Bon voyage .
Ben : My wife --
Nurse : Doc Reese just brought her in .
Ben : He did ?
Nurse : She s in the exam room , and Dr. Schiller s with her now .
Ben : All right .
Jessica : How s my baby ?
Dr. Schiller : Well , it s still too early to tell . I ll have to run a couple more tests .
Jessica : There s nothing you can tell me ?
Dr. Schiller : Just close your eyes , and try to relax . I ll make arrangements , okay ?
Jessica : Please , God , do nt punish my baby for what I ve done . Please let my baby live .
Ben : Where s Jessica ?
Dr. Schiller : I was about to have you paged .
Ben : Where is she ? What happened ?
Dr. Schiller : I have nt broken the news to her yet .
Ben : What news ? Tell me !
Dr. Schiller : I m not hearing a fetal heartbeat .
Ben : Have you done an ultrasound ?
Dr. Schiller : No , no , not yet .
Ben : All right , then there s a chance . Maybe you missed something .
Dr. Schiller : We re setting up for that now .
Barbara : Honey , I know you re angry with me , and you have every right to be , but you ca nt make some kind of impetuous decision like this without thinking things through .
Jennifer : No thought . It s survival instinct . I m getting away from you .
Barbara : You do nt want to leave your brothers , your father --
Jennifer : As if you give a damn what I want ! You do nt care about me !
Barbara : All I care about is you !
Jennifer : You knew how much I loved Jordan . And I believed you when you said that you accepted our relationship . But the whole time , you were plotting to break us up !
Barbara : That is not true , Jen .
Jennifer : After you fooled us into thinking that you were going blind again ? I was the blind one . As usual . I am always the one who takes your side , Mother , and gives you chances , time after time . Well , never again .
Barbara : Walker . Thank goodness it s you . I really need to see you . I m at home . I ll be waiting .
Jennifer : If you care about that man at all , you ll let him go , before you destroy him , too .
Barbara : There are difficulties and disappointments in every relationship .
Jennifer : Yeah , I learned that at your knee .
Barbara : It does nt mean you pack up and leave .
Jennifer : We ll see about that .
Barbara : Walker stood by me during my worst times , Jen .
Jennifer : Well , he ll grow to regret it , Mother .
Barbara : You know , we re gon na work things through . And we ll be closer . That s what you and I have always been able to do . We ve always been able to overcome anything if we can just talk , Jen !
Jennifer : Yes , this is Jennifer Munson in the penthouse . Could you send a bellman up for my bags ? I ll be waiting outside in the car . I need to vacate quickly . Thank you .
James : Governor , you ve been deceived . I ve been a model prisoner . I ve kept in isolation , been very quiet . All I want to do is just serve out the rest of my time in peace . You can ask the guards , ask the warden .
Governor : I have been checking around .
James : Then you know --
Governor : -- That corruption is rampant in this facility , yes . But I m making reform the cornerstone of my re - election campaign .
Rosanna : Thank you very much , Governor .
Governor : We ll be in touch . Good luck .
James : Yes . Good luck . Paul , certainly you re not stupid enough to think this is gon na change anything ?
Paul : No , no . This is gon na change everything . Because you re going to be in a pit so dark and so deep that you ll never see the light of day again .
James : Why do nt you just hide and watch .
Paul : Free ride s over , old man . No more unlimited phone calls , no more visitors , no more emissaries waiting to do your bidding . You ve been cut off . It s all over now .
James : I m glad to see you do have some Stenbeck blood in you . I just do nt know why every time you show some fortitude , it s always against me .
Paul : I do nt know . Life is full of irony . Come on . Let s get out of here .
James : Rosanna , you ve been painfully silent . What do you have to say about all of this ? I mean , you re an intelligent woman . You know how to weigh the consequences . Are you sure this is what you really want ?
Dr. Schiller : Ben , I m so sorry .
Ben : No . God . How s Jessica ?
Dr. Schiller : Well , I mean , physically , she s fine . But --
Ben : Can I see her ?
Dr. Schiller : Sure . Yeah . Give you two some time .
Jessica : Oh , Ben . I m so sorry .
Ben : Shh .
Jessica : I m so sorry .
Ben : Shh . Its okay , baby . It s gon na be okay . All right ? Shh .
Barbara : Jen , Jen , please . Say something to me .
Jennifer : Good - bye , Mother .
Jordan : You would nt answer my calls .
Jennifer : I have a plane to catch .
Jordan : Listen , just come with me . Listen to what I have to say , please .
Jennifer : Jordan , I could listen , but it s not gon na change anything .
Jordan : I have to show you something , okay ? Take a look , if you do nt like what you see -- you re going to like what you see . But if you do nt , I ll let you go . Please ?
Jennifer : I have a car waiting .
Jordan : I ll drive you , myself . Just come with me .
Barbara : Oh , Walker . Oh , thank goodness you re here . I know that you re still angry with me because I lied about my condition . I know it was a very foolish impulse , but --
Walker : That s a start .
Barbara : But you re here . I mean , that can only mean one thing .
Walker : I still care about you very much , Barbara .
Barbara : I feel the same way about you .
Walker : I do nt think you understand .
Barbara : What s important is that you know that we can work through this .
Walker : I need you to -- I need you to listen . Come here .
Barbara : All right .
Walker : When we first met , people tried to warn me away from you , but I thought that I could be good for you . That , you know , with a little give and take , things could be fine . They re not fine , Barbara . You re not fine .
Barbara : What are you saying ?
Walker : You need help , Barbara . More help than I can give you .
James : You re sure this is what you want , Rosanna ?
Paul : This is what everybody wants .
James : I believe the lady s capable of speaking for herself .
Paul : Dad , it s over ! All right , this perfect little nuclear family you re trying to set up ? It s just not gon na happen . I m crazy about Rosanna . We re together . We re gon na stay together .
Rosanna : And there s nothing you can do about it .
James : And you re ready to put your faith in Paul ? He s my son , so I m keenly aware of his shortcomings .
Rosanna : We re together .
James : And you can trust him with your life ? I mean , Paul does have a questionable track record in taking care of the women he loves . I mean , just ask Rose DAngelo . Oh . Oh . No , ca nt . She s dead .
Paul : You lousy son of a --
Rosanna : Wait , do nt , do nt . Please , come on . Let s go . Let s go .
James : Think , Rosanna . Think . You re a new mother , with a vulnerable child . You ready to hitch your wagon to a faded star ? Hmm ? Are you ?
Rosanna : There is no doubt in my mind or my heart about Paul . Any other questions ?
Lily : How s your arm ?
Craig : You know , honestly , I ve been too worried about Lucy and Sierra to even think about it .
Lucinda : Okay , Rosa s working on a light meal , if anyone s interested . Because , it seems to me , this is gon na be a very long night .
Dusty : I m in no hurry .
Craig : What she means is , Dusty , it s going to be hours before Lucy and Sierra finish making their arrangements , so --
Dusty : Why do nt you say it ? Why do nt you come out and say it ? You want me out of here , right ? So you can keep bashing Alan , and you can convince all the ladies here what a loving , doting father you are .
Lily : Would you stop it , please ?
Dusty : He knows . He knows what he did .
Lily : How many times do I have to tell you ? I was there . I saw things . I heard things at the bell tower .
Dusty : Maybe you were hallucinating , you know ? You saw what you wanted to see because the truth is too shocking for you .
Craig : Dusty --
Dusty : How did you get shot , Craig - o ?
Lily : Because Alan believed that Craig knew too much .
Dusty : Is that what you saw ? Or is that what Craig said you saw ?
Craig : Dusty , I think we ve all heard enough for one night .
Dusty : Hey , you going to kill me ? Are you going to kill me for speaking the truth ? I know you re capable .
Lily : He saved my life .
Dusty : He d kill you , too , if you were in his way .
Lily : Mother , please ?
Lucinda : Okay , enough !
Dusty : You spun your plan way out of control !
Lucinda : We will not talk like this . Sierra s in pain . Let s not talk like it .
Lily : You re right . You re absolutely right . Sierra is going through too much right now . She does not need to hear about this tonight .
Lucinda : Thank you .
Sierra : I do nt need to hear about what ?
Lucinda : Hi , honey . You re back already ?
Sierra : Yeah , what d I miss ? I can tell by the way you re all acting , it must be about me . So what were you talking about ?
Lucinda : It was nothing important .
Sierra : Well , it certainly sounded important .
Lily : You ve been through enough .
Lucinda : Sweetheart , why do nt I have somebody bring your stuff up from the guest house , and you can go upstairs and take a hot bath and get some rest ?
Sierra : I will rest as soon as I know what s going on behind my back .
Lily : We were worried about --
Lucinda : Dear , it was nothing that you have to worry about .
Sierra : You know , that s it . I want the truth , and nobody s going to leave until I get it .
Lily : I think Sierra s right . No more secrets . I think that you should know what we know .
Craig : Better she hears it from us than from the police .
Sierra : The police ?
Lily : It s going to be very hard for you to accept , but Alan engineered Lucy s kidnapping .
Announcer : Coming up on As the World Turns --
Ben : Could you take a look , as a pathologist ?
Walker : I can do a full genetic work - up .
Man : Ms. Ryan , I have something for you .
Jessica : I m so sorry . You do nt know --
Ben : Stop apologizing . It s not your fault , babe .
Jessica : I was so afraid of this --
Ben : There s nothing to be scared of . I ve got you , baby , I ve got you .
Jessica : I just ca nt seem to do anything right .
Ben : Do nt you say that . Come here .
Jessica : It s true .
Ben : Do nt you say that . You know , it s not . These things happen . It s nature s way of making sure that we have a healthy pregnancy . It s not because of anything you did , or anything you did nt do . It s gon na be okay . We re gon na have a healthy pregnancy . Next time , it s gon na be different . Everything is gon na be okay . Trust me . Just close your eyes and relax , and let me take care of everything . We re gon na be okay .
Walker : What in God s name were you thinking when you lied to your children ?
Barbara : I was just trying to protect them .
Walker : They went through hell when they found out you had a tumor . Why -- why for any reason would you choose to put them through that again ?
Barbara : I had to do something !
Walker : Was it James ? Was it your ex - husband ?
Barbara : I ve already been through this . I am through with that part of my life , I told you that before .
Walker : Yeah , but he still frightens you , Barbara .
Barbara : I am through with him ! I made a mistake , all right ? Never to be repeated !
Walker : I m glad to hear that .
Barbara : You know , ca nt we just start over again ? Let s order some room service . We can talk about this --
Walker : When s the last time you saw Lynn Michaels ?
Barbara : Why do you ask that ?
Walker : Well , I know , in your court order , it stipulated weekly sessions with a psychiatrist . And you had to put that on a back - burner with your radiation and surgery .
Barbara : Point being ?
Walker : I think it s time you resumed your therapy .
Barbara : How thoughtful of you .
Walker : If not with Dr. Michaels , I have some suggestions .
Barbara : So seeing a psychiatrist is a condition for us being together ?
Walker : There is no us anymore .
Barbara : You said you cared about me .
Walker : I do , Barbara . And I will always care about you -- as a friend .
Barbara : I do nt need any friends .
Walker : I think you do .
Barbara : I need to be loved .
Walker : Then start by loving yourself . Start by believing you re worthy of love . Then you wo nt go to such destructive means .
Barbara : Well , why do I need Dr. Michaels when I have the omniscient Dr. Daniels right here ? Think you got me all figured out , do nt you ?
Walker : I only meant that you --
Barbara : I think that you need to leave . Will you take my check , or do you want to send me a bill for your unsolicited advice ?
Walker : Barbara --
Barbara : There s nothing you can do to help me , since I am so impossibly inhuman . So you d better go , before you become a casualty , too . I do nt need you ! I do nt need anyone .
Jordan : Sorry about keeping you waiting . I could ve used a little help putting Cabot to sleep .
Jennifer : Did I mention that I have a plane to catch ?
Jordan : This wo nt take long , Jen .
Jennifer : No , it s taken too long already . I knew that this was a bad idea , and I have to go .
Jordan : No , you ca nt .
Jennifer : Are you forcing me to stay here ?
Jordan : If I have to . See , I promised a certain little guy that I would nt let his favorite storyteller walk out of our lives . Jen , look , I know how much I hurt you .
Jennifer : No , Jordan , you do nt .
Jordan : I thought it was our only option . That it was the only way for Rosanna and I to keep Cabot safe , Jen .
Jennifer : What happens next time that Cabot is in danger ? That next time that James makes a demand or threatens you ?
Jordan : That s not gon na happen .
Jennifer : It always happens ! Have nt you been paying attention ?
Jordan : Rosanna and Paul are at the prison as we speak .
Jennifer : What for ?
Jordan : That s what I ve been trying to tell you . It s over , Jen . We have neutralized James for good .
Jennifer : How ?
Jordan : With this .
Jennifer : Annulment papers ?
Jordan : Rosanna had them drawn up right after we were married . All we have to do is sign .
Jennifer : Well , why did nt you sign before ?
Jordan : Because James was always an obstacle . He is nt anymore . I told you this would nt last forever . You are the one that I want . So say you ll forgive me . Say you ll stay .
Paul : So you played your last card , huh ? And you got trumped . How s that feel ?
Rosanna : Let s just leave , Paul . Please ?
Paul : You ll never know your sons . You ll never know your grandsons . You ll never know peace or happiness , or love . It s over . Your life is over . But my life , our life , is just beginning . Because there s no more boogeyman under the bed . There s no more wolves at the door . You just played with our lives because you did nt have your own life . And now , you re gon na have to find yourself another toy . You re gon na have to find yourself another way to pass your time all alone . Because from now until the day that you die , you will be more alone than you could ever have possibly imagined .
James : How sharper than a serpent s tooth to have a thankless child .
Paul : You want gratitude ? For what ?
James : You re gon na regret this , Paul .
Paul : No , my only regret is that I did nt do this sooner .
State trooper : Move away , Stenbeck .
State trooper # 2 : You re being transferred .
Paul : Guess the bus is here . Let s go celebrate , huh ?
Sierra : Alan involved in Lucy s kidnapping ? Are you out of your minds ?
Lily : I know this is difficult , Sierra .
Sierra : No , it s impossible ! If any of you had any idea what kind of man he was , if any of you had taken the time to get to know him -- why ? Why would you even suspect him of such a horrible thing ?
Lily : We have evidence , Sierra .
Sierra : What ? What , a ransom ? Everything I had was his . He did nt need the money . There was not a hurtful or hateful bone in his body .
Craig : Sierra , we can talk about this later --
Sierra : No ! Alan loved me , and he loved our daughter . Do all of you believe this ? Do you all believe that my husband had something to do with this ?
Craig : Sierra , none of us wanted to accuse Alan . You would think Alan would be the last person anybody would suspect . But the evidence does nt lie .
Sierra : What evidence ? What evidence ?
Lily : Sierra , can you think of any reason why Alan would have a copy of Lucy s trust fund agreement ?
Sierra : How could he have a copy of something he did nt know existed ?
Lily : I found a copy in his garment bag . I saw it .
Sierra : Well , even if that was true , I can think of several explanations . That does nt make him a criminal .
Lucy : Yeah , we should talk about this later .
Sierra : No , no . We need to clear this up right this second . You know , Alan had access to everything that was mine . All of my papers , all of my bank accounts , the contents of every safe in every house . What you re proposing is so ridiculous !
Lucinda : Honey , I think Lucy s right . We ll talk about it later .
Sierra : You know , how dare you ? How dare you make this incredible accusations about a decent man who is not here to defend himself !
Lily : I saw him , I saw Alan .
Sierra : Well , you are wrong !
Lily : Sierra --
Sierra : You are lying ! Why are you lying ? God .
Lucinda : I knew this was a mistake .
Sierra : No .
Lucinda : I m sorry --
Sierra : You are the ones making a mistake . You re cruel and you re spiteful , and you are wrong . All of you .
Lucy : No , let me go .
Lucinda : Oh .
Jessica : What are you giving me ?
Nurse # 2 : Something to help you sleep .
Ben : You ll feel better after you get some rest .
Nurse # 2 : Dr. Schiller wants to keep your wife overnight for observation .
Ben : Whatever she needs .
Nurse # 2 : Can you come to my desk , fill out some paperwork ?
Ben : Sure thing . I will be right back , before you know it . I love you .
Jessica : I love you , too .
Sierra : They re out of their minds . They re just out of their minds ! I know they re wrong .
Lucy : Mom ? Mom , maybe you should nt do this now . What ? What is it ? My trust agreement ?
Sierra : There s got to be an explanation to this . I know what it is .
Lucy : Mom , come on . Let it go ! Do nt do this now . [ Sierra muttering to herself ] What is this helping ? It does nt matter now .
Sierra : It s a phone number . What did you find ? What is it ? What do you have ?
Lucy : Nothing .
Sierra : Let me see ! A key .
Lucy : Daddy and Aaron have one just like it . The key to Metro .
Sierra : Why would Alan have a key to --
Lucy : It s how he got the gun . I m sorry . I m so sorry .
Sierra : I do nt understand .
Walker : Hey . I just ran into Elaine after she did the ultrasound . She told me about Jessica . I m so sorry , man .
Ben : Thanks .
Walker : I ca nt imagine what you re going through , and I m not gon na give you that speech about how you can try again because you -- I know you know all about that .
Ben : Yeah .
Walker : But if there s anything at all I can do , you know , just --
Ben : Wait , wait . Maybe there is . Maybe there is something --
Walker : Name it .
Ben : You think you can take a look , as a pathologist , and see if there s anything -- anything that we can do to make sure that this does nt happen again ?
Walker : I can do a full genetic workup .
Ben : I d appreciate it .
Walker : Consider it done .
Doc : I hope I m not disturbing you . I -- I heard what happened .
Jessica : What are you doing here , Doc ?
Doc : I came to tell you how sorry I am . What you re going through -- I ca nt begin to -- is there anything I can do ? Jessica , I know how much you wanted that baby . And I know how much you would have loved it .
Jessica : Please , Doc . You really do nt know anything about me .
Doc : Hey , any woman who hates me as much as you do has to be capable of -- just an amazing amount of love . Especially for somebody so innocent .
Jessica : The doctors keep saying it was meant to be , these things happen -- they say it s for the best . But how can it be for the best , when it feels like my heart has been ripped out ?
Lucy : You want me to go get Grandmother ? I ll go get Lily . And --
Sierra : I think I just want to be left alone .
Lily : Are you sure ? I could stay --
Sierra : Lucy . Lucy , I m all right . Really . You have had a long day and you ve been through so much . Do nt worry about me . Go take a bath . I ll be fine .
Lucy : I love you .
Sierra : I love you . Go on .
Lucinda : Thank you so very much . We ll see you then .
Lily : What d they say ?
Lucinda : Due to our peculiar circumstances , the police will let us give our statements tomorrow .
Lily : Oh , good .
Lucy : I guess I should give this to them , too .
Lucinda : What do you got there , honey ?
Lucy : Mom found it while she was going through Alan s suitcase .
Dusty : What is it ?
Lily : It s a copy of Lucy s trust fund agreement . What s the key ?
Lucy : The key is to Metro . And a phone number .
Lily : I hate to be the one to say this , but that s all the proof that we need .
Dusty : It proves nothing .
Lily : It proves motive -- money . And he had access to the gun that killed Don Creel .
Craig : Poor Sierra . She must be heartbroken .
Lucinda : Dear God ! Then it s true ?
Lily : I told you everything that happened at the bell tower . Now we have proof .
Dusty : Proof of what ?
Lucy : It was enough to convince my mother . Why is nt it good enough for you ? You should nt try to blame my father . He could never do anything to hurt me . Ever !
Barbara : Walker , I --
Man : Ms. Ryan , I have something for you .
Barbara : Who are you ?
Man : This is all you need to know . It s of the utmost importance . Have a good evening , Ms. Ryan .
Barbara : Wait a minute , who sent you ?
State trooper : Got him locked in tight ?
State trooper # 2 : Houdini could nt get outta this .
State trooper : Better hope not . This guy s a nasty one . Watch out for his teeth .
State trooper # 2 : A teddy bear like you ? You do nt bite , do ya , teddy bear ?
Paul : Hello . Hi .
Rosanna : Oh , hi .
Paul : I guess you ve heard the news ?
Jennifer : The important part . All we need now is to hear that everything went well on your end .
Rosanna : Well , why do nt you tell them ?
Paul : Okay . As we speak , James Stenbeck is being transferred not only out of the state , but out of our lives forever .
Jennifer : Really ?
Phyllis : Ms. Cabot ? You said you were expecting the county clerk ?
Rosanna : Oh , yes . Mr. Davenport .
County clerk : Pleased to meet you , Ms. Cabot .
Rosanna : Oh , thank you . The pleasure s mine . I m sorry for bringing you out so late . Please sit down .
County clerk : Always happy to help . Now , where s the document ?
Rosanna : It s right here . Are you ready to make the past disappear ?
Jordan : Since the day we got married .
James : Barbara , if you re listening to this tape , it only means one thing . I need your help .
State trooper # 3 : All clear . On the bus , Stenbeck .
Paul : There we go ! . Whoa ! It s a big deal , right ?
Jordan : Hear , hear !
Paul : So here is to freedom . And how sweet that is . May we not take it for granted . And may it last forever .
Jennifer : To us -- all of us .
Jordan : To us .
Rosanna : To us .
Paul : To freedom .
James : They think this is the end ?
Lucy : I know you would never do something like that . But I ca nt believe that Alan would , either .
Rosanna : We re free !
Paul : Free . Come here .
Carly : What d I miss ?
Julia : Did you get any sleep ?
Jack : Yeah . I had a dream .
Julia : You remember it ?
Jack : It was a wedding , I think . I opened my eyes , I lost it . It was completely gone . Then I looked down and I saw this .
### Summary:
| Jessica loses her baby . Ben asks Walker to do a genetic profile so that whatever caused the baby to die can be prevented next time . Sierra finds the evidence that Craig planted and now believes that it was Alan behind Lucy s kidnapping . Only Dusty knows and believes that it was actually Craig . Walker breaks it off with Barbara and suggests she begin her therapy with Lynn Michaels again . Jennifer is on her way to Europe when Jordan tells her that James is on his way to California and out of their lives for good . Rosanna and Jordan get ready to sign their annulment papers . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : (Joined in progress) News, this is NEWS & NOTES. I'm Farai Chideya. Ed Gordon is away.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled against the use of what state officials deemed medical marijuana. In a 6-to-3 vote, the majority argued that federal anti-drug policy overrides laws in 10 states that allow consumption of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Those states include California, Colorado, Montana and Vermont. For more on the moral and medical impact of the court's decision, we're joined by one of the two plaintiffs in the case. Diane Monson is a California accountant suffering from degenerative spine disease, and we're also joined by Calvina Fay, executive director of Drug Free America Foundation, and Dr. Eric Voth, chairman of the Institute on Global Drug Policy. He's also a specialist in internal medicine and addiction medicine at Stormont-Vail HealthCare in Topeka, Kansas.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Thank you all for joining us.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : It's good to be with you.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Thank you.
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : Thank you.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let me start with you, Diane. Now this case has been in the works for several years. Why did you first decide to file?
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : Well, it was in August of 2002 that my home was raided, and in conjunction with the local county sheriff, two federal agents came to my home. They were there to inspect a medical marijuana garden that they had seen in a flyover with an aircraft. So they came up in August of 2002 in the morning very early one day, and in about a three-hour standoff, it became clear that there was a real problem in the state vs. the federal government insofar as leaving me with my cannabis. In fact, in the end, they did take my six plants.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Now let's back up a little bit. Tell us about your degenerative spine disease. Couldn't you just take some legal medication already on the market for it?
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : That is a good question, and, in fact, I had been taking a variety of pharmaceutical drugs under my doctor's care for over 20 years, including many that have since been removed from the market, like Vioxx and Celebrex. In my opinion, cannabis is a lot more like aspirin than OxyContin, for instance. It helps a large population with many common ills, and there's a very low incidence of side effects. There's no overdose on record of any kind with cannabis, unlike, you know, just even over-the-counter drugs that I might use such as aspirin, Tylenol and drugs like that. Nothing is as effective for me as is cannabis.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : And so when did you decide that you could actually grow marijuana according to state law? How did you decide to take that leap?
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : In '97, it was recommended to me by my primary physician, and then in 1999, I actually got a recommendation and put in my first garden.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let me turn to Dr. Voth. You are listening to Diane Monson talk about her spinal pain and saying that there are no overdoses on marijuana and that some of the legal drugs like Vioxx that she used had been taken off the market. As a physician who've obviously very accomplished, does she have a point?
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Well, unfortunately she really doesn't. You know, the problem with marijuana is--and this plagued the research--it's very, very difficult to tell whether the drug has any legitimate benefit vs. simply intoxicating people. And I'll tell you I treat dozens if not hundreds of people for pain, including degenerative spine disease and have never yet ever recommended marijuana. And I think, you know, the overarching issue is here there has to be a systematic scientific way to bring drugs to market, and we can't just have this drugs-by-popular-vote kind of phenomenon that has gone on in California and the other states.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Well, certainly there's a point that some drugs that were approved like Vioxx have then been taken off the market. Aren't there actually some side effects to drugs that have gone through the full FDA approval?
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Oh, there sure are, and, you know, contrary to the allegations here--I mean, in fact, when you put marijuana into rigorous study, as many as 25 percent of patients actually drop out of those studies because they don't like the negative side effects of marijuana. So marijuana does have a lot of negative side effects. I mean, it causes what's called a dysphoric feeling or, you know, the feeling of being stoned. Some people don't like that feeling. That causes trouble with coordination, difficulty with driving, difficulty with concentration. So there's a whole host of them that make it not a good, quote, "medication," end quote.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Now you mention problems with driving. There's certainly, you know, questions of what drugs actually help patients and questions of the side effects of drugs. But let's take a look at alcohol.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Sure.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : According to federal statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, there are about 400,000 tobacco-related deaths a year, 75,000 alcohol-related deaths a year, and then another federal initiative, the Drug Abuse Warning Network, or DAWN, says that there are 664 marijuana-related deaths a year, less than 200 of which pointed to marijuana as the only drug involved. How should the medical advisory committees to the federal government process the difference between the marijuana deaths and alcohol deaths? I mean, no one's suggesting that alcohol is a medication, but isn't it a dangerous substance that should be taken out of American circulation?
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Well, two big considerations. I think alcohol is an excellent paradigm for why you don't want to legalize marijuana. If you consider, for instance, that even though both marijuana and alcohol are illegal for kids, kids use twice as much alcohol as they do marijuana and there's one difference. Alcohol is legal and it's accepted and marketed and advertised, and marijuana isn't. So I agree alcohol is a huge problem and all the more reason to not put marijuana on the street.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Now the effect of marijuana does not have the same effect on the brain stem that alcohol does; thus, it does not cause suppression of respiration and all that. It definitely is associated with trauma, though. There's all sorts of studies all over the medical literature on that. It's associated with car accidents, DUIs, etc.
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : Right.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : So to say that it somehow doesn't have negative side effects just simply is not accurate.
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : Yes. Yes.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Let me get Calvina Fay in here. Now you head the Drug Free America Foundation. I want to follow up on that whole issue of marijuana and alcohol. Speaking about a drug, not legal or illegal--there are many legal drugs including medications--is alcohol a legal drug that you might do more good by trying to ban than marijuana?
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : You know, the whole issue of discussing alcohol in the same topic of marijuana as a so-called medicine is a perfect example of the mixed messages we're getting. You know, are we talking about a medicine or are we talking about an illegal drug that's addictive and impairing? And that's really what's going on with this issue of marijuana as a so-called medicine. It's a movement that has been totally financed by individuals and organizations that want to legalize not just marijuana but all drugs. I think it's very telling when you look at who the advocates are out there in the public pushing for marijuana as medicine. The organizations behind it--I did several interviews yesterday, and those representatives from those organizations are all organizations that are advocating for the legalization of drugs.
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : Where do you draw the line? If we let individuals and organizations with a hidden agenda push marijuana as medicine, do we then allow them to push for crack cocaine as medicine? Do we let them push for LSD and ecstasy as medicine? The truth is when you smoke pot, you feel good. When you smoke crack cocaine, you feel good. When you do any of those drugs, you feel good; that's why people do them. But that does not mean that they're getting medical treatment for it.
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : So somewhere we have to have a process, and our country through the years has worked very, very hard to create a very solid process. It requires that we do research, that we show through scientific research that a drug has medical efficacy and that it goes through a very strict protocol before it's approved. And to totally by-step that process and totally ignore that process, it takes us back, really, to the dark ages. It takes us back to a time when we had snake oil salesmen out there declaring tonics and all kinds of things medicine and duping the American public, and I don't think we want to go back to those days.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Diane, let me get you in on this. We are talking about two different things. One is whether marijuana has any medical benefits and one is what kind of drug it is along the spectrum of legal and illegal drugs.
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : Yes.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Do you consider yourself a crusader for legalization, or are you looking at this in a purely medical context?
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : Oh, absolutely not. I have no interest in legalizing all drugs. That is the farthest thing from my mind. The people who are involved in this movement to allow a very small population of people to use a specific, helpful drug with the recommendation of their doctor, as a private issue between their doctor and themself--these people have their hearts and souls into this. This is not some sort of conspiracy to destroy America. My attorney David Michael, my other attorney Randy Barnett--they have done tremendous work here, and they have sacrificed tremendously to try and help, for instance, seriously ill AIDS and cancer patients to have an appetite, to have some sort of life that would--it hurts no one. I'm aware right now, for instance, there's a bill before Congress to make cannabis an exception to the Controlled Substances Act. There's another bill as I understand it to remove cannabis from the Schedule One classification of drugs which says there is no usefulness to the drugs. Even cocaine is not on a Schedule One. As happens very often...
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Well, I'm going to have to jump in because you get to the point that we want to end on which is: What's going to happen next? We only have a minute and a half.
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : OK.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Are you, Diane, going to file some kind of petition to move this legislation in the federal government forward?
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : OK. I certainly am going to--I'll make this brief--do anything I can to help. In my case, I consider myself under the jurisdiction of California authorities. I consider myself to be under the authority of the Butte County sheriffs, and that's who I'm going to coordinate with in going forward. Right now I do have a small cannabis garden started in my back yard, and I'm hopeful that I can continue and provide myself with the medicine that I need. I am very responsible. I have an excellent job. I have employed scores of people in my small town. I pay taxes. I have no interest in driving impaired. I have never done so. I respect my driving record.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : All right. I'm going to have to jump in. Thank you so much. Calvina Fay, what are you going to do about impending legislation in Congress to try to legalize marijuana for medical use?
Ms. CALVINA FAY (Executive Director, Drug Free America Foundation) : Well, we're going to continue to educate the public about the harms of drugs, including marijuana, and the fact that it's not a medicine. And I want to encourage those people that really do believe marijuana is a medicine to go for FDA approval. Why don't they do the research? Why don't they take it to the FDA for legitimate approval? And I know the answer to it. It's because it can't qualify, but that's the point. If it's medicine, let's get it declared properly as a medicine, and I think you'll find it's not.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Dr. Voth, very briefly...
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Well, you know...
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : ...should this go before the FDA?
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Yeah, I think that the FDA is going to be the end point for this, and you've got to remember either we've got consumer protection or we don't have consumer protection and we need a systematic, scientific way where we don't have drug advocates getting a medicine put in front of the public by popular vote, you know, where we run it through a scientific process. And all those processes...
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Dr. Voth, we're going to have to end right there. I'm sorry.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Sure.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : Dr. Eric Voth, chairman of the Institute on Global Drug Policy, Calvina Fay of Drug Free America Foundation and Diane Monson, a plaintiff in the case, thank you all for joining us.
Dr. ERIC VOTH (Chairman, Institute on Global Drug Policy) : Thank you.
Ms. DIANE MONSON (California Accountant) : Thank you.
FARAI CHIDEYA, host : This is NPR News.
### Summary:
| The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled against the use of "medical marijuana." In a 6 to 3 vote, the majority argued that federal anti-drug policy overrides laws in 10 states that allow use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Those states include California, Colorado, Montana and Vermont. For more on the high court's ruling, Farai Chideya is joined by one of the plaintiffs in the case, Diane Monson, a California accountant suffering from degenerative spine disease. Other guests include Calvina Fay, executive director of the Drug-Free America Foundation, and Dr. Eric Voth, chairman of the Institute on Global Drug Policy and a specialist in addiction at Stormont-Vail HealthCare in Topeka, Kan. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Harley : I just want to be me again .
Cyrus : You will be . Just give yourself some time . And until then , you know , I m here and ...
Marina : Remy , do not try to talk me out of this , okay ? I have to come clean to Harley and Cyrus about this whole Phillip thing . Yes , even if it means telling them that I lied about Phillip . I m not going to be some suspicious girlfriend , and worse yet , I m not going to keep my aunt thinking that her ex- ex is coming after her and her children .
Harley : Cyrus . No . No .
Cyrus : No , what ? No more ? I m not going back .
Marina : Cyrus , I need to ... to tell you something .
R.J. : Hey , it s pizza . Oh , it s you .
Rafe : Thanks a lot , dude .
Daisy : We ordered a large pie with extra cheese and pepperoni .
R.J. : Call me when it s pizza .
Rafe : You got them all trained , huh ?
Daisy : I have a way with boys . Some boys .
Rafe : So , I was thinking . I could use a little tutoring myself .
Daisy : Oh , History ?
Rafe : The midterm is coming up and I ... you know what ? Actually , forget it .
Daisy : No , no . Rafe , I d love to study with you .
Rafe : Yeah ?
Daisy : Yeah .
Rafe : So , you re babysitting , huh ?
Daisy : Yeah , trying to save up .
Rafe : That s good . You got a way with kids .
Daisy : So , I guess you think I should have had ours ?
Jeffrey : We can watch it again . We can watch it ten more times , if you want . I do nt think it s going to change anything .
Josh : I just do nt know that there s even enough on this tape to prove anything one way or the other .
Jeffrey : There s enough .
Josh : But him pushing Edmund off the balcony , that s one thing . Who knows what he did to provoke Will ? But this ...
Jeffrey : His own father . This changes everything .
Josh : It could have been an accident . Look , the tape s dark , you ca nt hear anything .
Jeffrey : I thought Cassie was the one making excuses .
Josh : We re talking about an eight - year - old boy here , a kid . Are we now suggesting that this kid purposely knocked his own father into a circuit box ?
Jeffrey : If he were an adult , I would call it murder , first or second degree .
Will : Uncle Edmund wanted to hurt you .
Cassie : But you ca nt solve problems that way , honey , and until I m sure you understand that and when I m sure it s safe to bring you home again , we re not leaving here .
Will : I do nt want to talk anymore .
Cassie : Honey , I know you re my good boy . I know that . I saw it with your brother and sister when you were younger .
Will : Tammy s dead .
Cassie : Yes , I know . But you re alive and your sister would want you to be the same , sweet , caring brother that she knew . So whatever it takes , however long it takes , we re staying here , just the two of us . And it s not going to be easy . We re going to have to face some hard truths , but I m going to be tough on you . And it s all going to be worth it . You understand ?
Will : I ll try .
Cassie : That s good . That s my good boy . Okay , so I m going to get some wood for the fire and then we re going to sit down , we re going to have ourselves a good talk , okay ?
Will : Okay .
Cassie : Okay .
Marina : You re dripping on my carpet .
Harley : Sorry . I almost called you .
Marina : Did you ?
Harley : Thank God for Cyrus . I thought that Phillip had Zach .
Cyrus : It was a false alarm .
Harley : I was a complete wreck .
Marina : And Cyrus was there .
Harley : Mm - hmm .
Cyrus : You ... did you have something to tell me ?
Marina : Yeah , it s about Phillip , actually . I ...
Harley : What ? What ? What is it ?
Marina : I leaned on Remy , and guess what ? Phillip made contact again . He actually wants Remy s help when he makes his move , so I guess it could be soon .
Cyrus : Oh , it s easier than we thought .
Harley : Well , then , we have to be ready for him .
Marina : We ? Harley , this is police matter .
Harley : The man took my kids once before . You ca nt count me out of this .
Marina : I m not counting you out of anything , okay ? If anything , you re the bait .
Cyrus : Hey , wait a second .
Harley : No , no , no , she s right . I mean , if Phillip went after Bill , I could be the next target .
Marina : Well , we do nt know that Phillip set the fire , but ...
Harley : But if I can help to lure him out ...
Cyrus : Fine . You be the bait and I ll spring the trap .
Marina : No .
Cyrus : What , you want to leave Harley out on an island ?
Marina : No . No , of course not . First things first . Harley needs to move into the boarding house with the boys .
Harley : Well , I do nt know if that s necessary ...
Marina : Yeah . I want you around family 24/7 .
Cyrus : It makes sense , but we want Phillip to come .
Marina : Well , I ll set up surveillance . Harley wo nt be alone , do nt worry .
Harley : Yeah , but surveillance . Do nt you think that s going to scare him away ?
Marina : No . You ll just go about your life . You re going to take the boys to school , the usual .
Harley : Well , what about work ?
Marina : You let Cyrus handle it . Phillip will see that he s not there to have your back . Maybe that s when he ll make his move .
Cyrus : You got it all figured out .
Marina : Pretty much .
Mallet : Hey , Rosey . Has Cooper punched in ?
Officer : Have nt seen her .
Mallet : What s a guy got to do to get a partner around here ? Oh , file . Lewis Construction fire . Do you have that ?
Officer : Sorry , man .
Mallet : No , nothing to be sorry about .
Officer : Your lawyer faxed them over . I made sure nobody saw them .
Mallet : Yeah , okay . Thanks , man . I guess I m not surprised , I m the one who pushed for the divorce . Okay . Well , Rosey , I guess I m a free man . Free and clear . Thanks .
Daisy : It s bad enough . I have to live with this every day . I have to beat myself up over whether I did the right thing or the worst thing ever .
Rafe : Daisy ...
Daisy : No . And then you take something good that I m doing , like helping my cousin with his homework ...
Rafe : I was nt talking about the abortion .
Daisy : You were nt ?
Rafe : Do I wish that you d gone ahead and had the baby ? Yes . And I know how my mom feels , but I ca nt live there forever . And I was nt saying anything about our kid .
Daisy : You were nt ?
Rafe : It was just us , okay ? And everything was cool and easy like it used to be and ... it was just us .
Daisy : Do nt forget R.J. and History .
Rafe : I m not too worried about History .
Josh : Just ...
Daisy : Oh , sorry . We were just ...
Rafe : History .
Daisy : Look , R.J. s upstairs with his homework and Cassie said I could have a friend over .
Josh : Cassie asked you to watch R.J. ? Where s Will ?
Daisy : Cassie took Will to the Bauer cabin .
Josh : When ?
Daisy : Not that long ... they should be there by now . She did nt tell you ? That s weird .
Josh : She s alone with him . Did she take her cell ?
Daisy : I think so . Is Will in trouble again ? He s a sweet kid , he s just kind of mixed up .
Jeffrey : Not answering ?
Josh : No , no . I do nt want to leave a message , either . How do we even know she would get it ?
Jeffrey : Okay , I ll drive . You keep trying .
Josh : Okay . If you hear anything from Cassie , you let me know , okay ? And keep an eye on R.J. ( Cell phone ringing )
Cassie : So , it s like solitaire . I ask you a question and every time you answer , I give you a card , okay ?
Will : Do I have to ?
Cassie : First one s free . Who are you mad at ?
Will : Nobody .
Cassie : What about James ? Are you mad at him because he got the lead in the school play ? Is that why you pushed him ? Okay , what about Josh ? Are you mad at him because he married me ?
Will : Sometimes .
Cassie : And Edmund ? Are you mad at him because he threatened me ?
Will : I do nt want to play .
Cassie : Sweetie , the game s not over . What about me ?
Will : You ?
Cassie : Yes , me . You re mad at me , too .
Will : You re my mom .
Cassie : Well , what kind of a mom leaves her little boy on an island with a bunch of strangers where he has to wear a uniform and live in an old , lonely palace ?
Will : I m not mad at you .
Cassie : Yes , sweetie . Yes , you are . Honey , hey . It s okay to be angry . It s okay to be angry . It s how you deal with it that matters . Some people ca nt deal with it , like your Uncle Edmund . Do you want to grow up to be like him ?
Will : No .
Cassie : Honey , we have to get this out of you ...
Will : Let me go !
Cassie : All this darkness that comes out in all the wrong places . If you re afraid you re going to hurt someone , it s fine . You hurt me . Just me , okay ?
Will : No . Do nt make me .
Cassie : Honey , Edmund could nt face his pain , but you can . You re braver than he ever was . Yes , you are . You are my brave , brave boy . You can do this .
Will : Let me go .
Cassie : I just need you to be brave enough to hurt me . You have to be brave enough to tell me whatever it is that you do nt want to say , okay ? Come here . Come here . Sweetie , say it .
Will : I hate you .
Cassie : Louder .
Will : I hate you !
Cassie : Okay , why , son ? Why do you hate me so much ?
Will : Stop calling me that . I m not your son . I m not , I m not , I m not !
Cassie : Okay . Okay , that s good , that s good . That s good . That s good , sweetie . That s good . That s good . It s okay , sweetie .
Will : I m sorry , Mommy .
Cassie : I know . I m sorry , too . I m sorry , so sorry , I sent you away . I m sorry I made you feel like I wanted your brother more . R.J. is my son , but , Will , you are my son , too . Just because I did nt give birth to you , I chose you . You re my special gift . You re a big , big boy . You re big enough to understand that I lost a child and it was terrible for me . It was the worst . But then there was you . This sweet , wonderful baby who needed a home just as much as I needed him . And you gave me my life back .
Will : I did ?
Cassie : Yeah , you did . You made everything better . That s when my fairytale world ended and I knew it was up to me to take care of you and R.J. and Tammy . You were my strength .
Will : Me ?
Cassie : Yeah . So , you see , we re not strangers , Will , you are my son . You are my hope , my strength . Do you believe me ? Will you say it out loud ? I need you to say it .
Will : I believe you . I ll be good , I promise .
Cassie : I know you will , sweetie . I know you will . Hey , what do you say we head back into town ?
Will : No , please ?
Cassie : Okay , we can stay a little while , I guess . I just have to ... I have to call Daisy , check in on R.J. , and I ve got to call Josh . That s odd . I had my phone here .
Will : Can we take a walk ?
Cassie : Honey , it s really cold outside , you know .
Will : Please . Before we go back ?
Cassie : Okay . Sure , I guess we can take the path around the lake . Yeah ?
Will : Is there ice on the lake ?
Harley : Hey , Lynn . I need a bowl of my dad s chili .
Lynn : Coming up .
Harley : Oh , thank you . How did you know ?
Mallet : Some things you just do nt forget .
Harley : Well , hello , stranger .
Mallet : Hello , stranger . I bet you want to chase that hot sauce with an ice cold beer ?
Harley : I need a beer .
Mallet : Lynn , can we get two more beers ?
Lynn : Coming up .
Mallet : And you know what ? Give me some of that chili .
Harley : So ?
Mallet : So .
Harley : Long time no see .
Mallet : It s been a long time . A lot has changed . Thank you .
Lynn : Here you go . Just like old times .
Harley : Such a born romantic .
Mallet : Oh , boy , she is . Maybe we should fill her in on all our horror stories .
Harley : No , do nt .
Mallet : Buzz s chili . Only one way to eat it-- lots and lots of onions . You got to have some onions .
Harley : No onions .
Mallet : You should have some onions . The chili s better with onions .
Harley : No onions , thank you .
Mallet : Okay , no onions .
Harley : I mean ...
Mallet : Why are nt you having onions ? You got a hot date ?
Harley : Why would you even say something like that ?
Mallet : I m sorry . I just assumed ...
Harley : Just because someone does nt want some onions does nt mean that they re priming for a kiss .
Mallet : Okay , okay , forget the onions . I ll have the onions .
Harley : How s it going ?
Mallet : I like onions .
Harley : Obviously . How s your life ?
Mallet : Do nt you mean how s my love life ?
Harley : If you know what I mean then why are you going to make me ask the question again ?
Mallet : Ask the question . Just say it .
Harley : Just answer the question the way ...
Mallet : Oh , whatever . God , we sound like an old married couple . Sorry .
Harley : Do - over .
Mallet : All right . You re right . This is a do - over . Harley Cooper , it is a pleasure to see you .
Harley : You too , Mallet .
Mallet : Thank you .
Harley : How are you ?
Mallet : I m good . I forgot to tell you I m sorry about you and Gus .
Harley : Oh . Yeah . I ca nt exactly compete with the son he never knew he had .
Mallet : Yeah . Yeah , not to mention the mother that came with the kid .
Harley : Yeah .
Mallet : Yeah .
Harley : So , you and Dinah ? Any chance there ?
Mallet : That would be slim at one time and probably nothing now . Oh . I did get a late Christmas present .
Harley : Wow . Handing them out like party favors . I got one of these recently myself .
Mallet : Sorry .
Harley : You , too .
Mallet : Thank you . Yeah , I do nt know . I ca nt keep kicking myself about it . I guess , in the end , it s what we both wanted .
Harley : Well , what do you want now ?
Mallet : Well , I got my onions , so work , friends , beer . No entanglements . You ?
Harley : No entanglements .
Marina : I m glad that Harley and the boys are at the boarding house . She ll have my dad and my grandpa to take care of her , nothing to worry about .
Cyrus : Yeah , you re right . Nothing to worry about . Besides , we ve got something to celebrate .
Marina : Oh , we do , do we ?
Cyrus : Yep . Your official return to the force , although I like you better out of uniform .
Marina : Oh , this old thing ?
Cyrus : You look amazing .
Marina : It s the candlelight .
Cyrus : Guess again .
Marina : Cyrus ?
Cyrus : What ?
Marina : Remember that talk that we had about not trying to change each other .
Cyrus : You re with the good guys and I reserve the right to be a bad guy . What s not to like about that ?
Marina : Is there something you want to tell me ?
Cyrus : Like what ?
Marina : Well , there was a jewelry heist at Towers last night . Some pretty special diamonds . What are you laughing about ?
Cyrus : Okay , Detective Cooper . Let s say I took the diamonds . What then ?
Marina : Then I would only have one thing to say .
Cyrus : And that is ?
Marina : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say or do can and will be held against you .
Jeffrey : Josh .
Josh : Cassie ? Hello ? Anybody upstairs ? Hello ?
Jeffrey : I saw footprints in the snow .
Josh : Will loves Cassie . He would nt hurt her .
Jeffrey : Did he love his father ?
Josh : Cassie ! ? Will ! ?
Mallet : Lynn , can I get another one of these ?
Harley : Two more .
Mallet : What ?
Lynn : You re dreaming , Mallet . Drink up .
Harley : I think you re right . I think you re on to something . We re all just lost souls , you know ? We re like ... we re these little lost birds looking for a nest .
Mallet : Maybe . It could be fish . I think we re salmon . We re salmon .
Harley : Or salmon .
Mallet : We re swimming upstream and we re looking to spawn .
Harley : I have nt had a good spawn in a while .
Mallet : That makes two of us . We ll regret it in the morning .
Harley : I m regretting it right now .
Mallet : Oh , man . We need it easy . Do nt you wish you ever had it easy ? Marina and Cyrus , they re easy .
Harley : Easy ?
Mallet : Yeah , good girl , bad guy , no joint checking account .
Harley : So you approve of them ?
Mallet : I got my partner back , she clocks in , in the morning , she s smiling .
Harley : I ... I m going to cover the beer .
Mallet : What are you doing ? What s the matter ?
Harley : I just remembered there s some place I have to be .
Mallet : You re not going in ... you re not driving . You ca nt drive .
Harley : I am going to walk . And , you know , the next time you want to take me for this little stroll down memory lane ...
Mallet : Yeah ?
Harley : Just do nt .
Marina : I m going to ask you again . Where are the diamonds ?
Cyrus : What diamonds ?
Marina : Okay . Are we going to have to do this the hard way ?
Cyrus : I ate them .
Marina : Okay . So after you retrieve them , then what ? Who s your partner ?
Cyrus : The wealthy woman I know .
Marina : Alexandra ? You do business with that old cow ?
Cyrus : There are other wealthy women and they all seem to like me .
Marina : Oh yeah ?
Cyrus : Yeah .
Marina : You re not going to be smiling once I throw you in jail .
Cyrus : Yeah , and throw away the key ?
Marina : How did you do that ?
Cyrus : My little secret .
Marina : What ? Cyrus , come on , I m serious .
Cyrus : You having fun yet ?
Marina : No , let me out of these . I m the cop , you re the criminal .
Cyrus : Really ?
Marina : Mm - hmm .
Cyrus : Hmm . ( Knock on the door )
Mallet : Marina , it s me . Open up .
Marina : Go away . ( Knock on the door )
Mallet : What s going on in there ? ( Laughter )
Josh : They could be anywhere . Hello ?
Jeffrey : Only one place we have nt looked .
Josh : The lake .
Jeffrey : One phone call , Josh .
Josh : I just ca nt believe that he would ...
Jeffrey : You do nt have to believe . Josh , what if something happens to Cassie ?
Josh : Okay . Make your call , okay ? Get the State Troopers here , the Rangers , anybody you can . Where s your mom ?
Cassie : Hi .
Josh : Are you okay ?
Cassie : Of course I m okay .
Jeffrey : We were , you know , worried . With the weather .
Josh : Yeah , yeah . We heard there was a storm coming in .
Cassie : How did you guys even know we were here ?
Josh : Daisy told us . Will , would you mind going upstairs for a little bit ? We just need to talk to your mom . Thank you .
Cassie : Okay , you two , I know you both mean well ...
Josh : Wait a minute , wait a minute . Listen to me , because you do nt understand ...
Cassie : I do understand . I m telling you . We had a huge breakthrough . We took a walk around the lake and he told me everything .
Jeffrey : Everything ?
Cassie : Yes , he told me everything , including what happened to Alonzo . Alonso did nt , you know , want me to take will home and so that night when the lights went out , Alonzo tried to grab him and Will was terrified .
Josh : Terrified ?
Cassie : Yeah . He reacted . He did nt know what was going on and he tried to pull away and he lashed out .
Jeffrey : And then Alonzo fell into the circuit box ?
Cassie : And he s never done anything like this before and it was nt just to anyone , it was to his own father .
Jeffrey : It must have traumatized him .
Cassie : Yes , exactly . So , when this happened , it started to happen again with Edmund and the church .
Jeffrey : Yeah . Then he pushed Edmund , too .
Cassie : Why are you saying it like that ? It was an accident . Everything has been an accident , what happened with Alonzo , Edmund . Josh , I m telling you . He told me everything . He cried . He swore to me .
Jeffrey : I m sorry , Cassie , we re going to have to take him in .
Mallet : Marina ! It s me , open up .
Marina : We are busted . Come on , you have to take them off .
Cyrus : I m sorry .
Mallet : Come on , do nt make me pull rank out here . Let s go .
Marina : I am serious . Cyrus , take them off of me now .
Cyrus : Well , the thing is , I can get off my own wrists , but when it comes to someone else ...
Marina : Cyrus !
Mallet : All right , that s it . I m coming in .
Cyrus : Hey !
Mallet : Hi .
Cyrus : Hi . Sorry . We were ... tied up .
Marina : I was ... we were ... practicing protocol .
Mallet : Uh - huh .
Cyrus : Yeah .
Marina : Okay , come on , you guys . Mallet , use your key and take these off of me .
Mallet : Uh - huh . Key . What key ?
Marina : You guys !
Mallet : You got a key ?
Cyrus : No , I do nt got a key .
Marina : Come on !
Mallet : All right , let me think about this . Let s see , she s my partner , I ca nt let her walk around like this , it s a really bad reflection on me . Well , look , a key .
Marina : Nice . Nice to see you re still that same humble partner I know and love .
Mallet : And I see that you re still running around and tied up with Springfield s most wanted .
Marina : Okay . If we re going to be partners , you better get used to him .
Mallet : Relax , everything s fine . Like I said to Harley-- keep those there-- if you re happy , I m happy .
Cyrus : How is Harley ?
Mallet : She s nursing a hurt . We have something in common .
Marina : Did she say what about ?
Mallet : I just assumed it was Gus . Why ?
Cyrus : Well , Gus is the least of her worries . She s got another ex out there .
Mallet : Phillip ?
Cyrus : Yeah . Marina s got some information that could link Phillip to the attack on Bill Lewis .
Mallet : Phillip ? Oh , no wonder Harley was so upset . Marina , we got to go work on this . Come on .
Marina : Actually , not tonight . Cyrus has a case and I promised I would review it .
Cyrus : That s right . She did .
Mallet : Really ? Right , okay . Maybe I ll leave the key for you , huh ? Listen . Phillip . Everything you ve got on him , all right ? For me , first thing tomorrow .
Marina : I promise . Everything I have .
Mallet : All right .
Cyrus : Mallet , if you run into Harley again , just tell her that I m working independently like we agreed .
Mallet : Okay .
Marina : Maybe you just want to tell her yourself .
Cyrus : So what s this case I m supposed to be working on ?
Marina : Forget about it .
Cyrus : Or was that just an excuse to get him to leave ?
Marina : No .
Marina : No . You know , I thought maybe you d want to be alone with me , but ... stupid me .
Cyrus : Marina ?
Marina : No . Cyrus , you know , I ... forget the handcuffs . I just wish I had some mace .
Cyrus : Come here .
Cassie : If you want to arrest someone , you can arrest me . I wanted Edmund gone .
Josh : Cassie ...
Cassie : Just like Reva did and you did and you did . Any one of us could have done this .
Jeffrey : But we did nt , Cassie . Will did .
Josh : If it was just Edmund it might look like self - defense , but , Cassie , this is his father we re talking about .
Jeffrey : It s a pattern , Cassie . Look , it s only going to get more violent , not less .
Cassie : He s not violent , he s confused , he s angry , but he s not some calculated killer .
Josh : Not yet . But if we do nt intervene now , who knows what ...
Cassie : Oh , and what does that mean ? That means sending him away again to an institution ? You really think that s going to make him better ?
Jeffrey : We ca nt just look the other way .
Cassie : I m not looking the other way . I m telling you , we had a breakthrough .
Josh : You know what ? He can be very convincing sometimes .
Cassie : It was nt an act . It was not an act . I can tell the difference . All right , fine . Give me a chance to prove it to you . Let me have some time with him tonight , to reach him .
Josh : Leave you here alone with him ?
Cassie : No . You can stay . Josh , we ll be like a family . I m telling you , he opened up to me . He confessed about so many things .
Jeffrey : I m sorry , Cassie ...
Josh : No , no , wait . Wait a second . If we agree to this , if we run into a stone wall , if he shows any signs of violence at all , we have ...
Cassie : Then we ll call Jeffrey , we ll call the police , we ll do what we have to do .
Jeffrey : I think you re both nuts .
Josh : Just one night . Then we ll know what we re dealing with . Okay ?
Cassie : Okay .
Josh : We owe it to her .
Jeffrey : All right . One night . Oh , and try not to let anyone misplace your phone , okay ?
Will : Are we going home ?
Cassie : Nope , we got a change of plans , sweetie . We are going to camp out here tonight . Just the three of us .
Cyrus : Hey , beautiful .
Harley : Cyrus , what s going on ?
Cyrus : You want an adventure ?
Harley : I ca nt have what I want .
Cyrus : Who says ?
Harley : Where is everyone ?
Cyrus : I reserved the place . Sent everyone home . Except for the band , they re in the kitchen , blindfolded . ( Laughter )
Harley : What about Marina
Cyrus : We had a good talk , open and honest . She knows how we feel about each other .
Harley : She hates me .
Cyrus : No , no , she loves you . She only wants you to be happy .
Harley : She said that ?
Cyrus : May I ?
Harley : It s like a dream .
Cyrus : You want me to wake you ?
Harley : No .
Marina : Let it ring .
Cyrus : No , it might be ...
Marina : Well , are nt you going to get it ?
Cyrus : No , I m not . Just let it ring . Come here , come here .
Marina : Oh . I m ... I forgot to tell you . Immigration called today .
Cyrus : Immigration ? For me ?
Marina : I m sure it s nothing .
Cyrus : Gday . This is Cyrus , but you knew that . Leave your name , your number , and a really short message .
Daisy : Rafe ?
Jeffrey : Hi .
Daisy : Hi , Jeffrey . Oh , Cassie called .
Jeffrey : Yeah , she s staying up at the cabin with Josh and Will .
Daisy : She told you ? Then why are you here ?
Jeffrey : Actually , I m here because I want to speak with you .
Daisy : With me ?
Jeffrey : Yeah . Do nt worry , you re not in trouble or anything . Can I come in ?
Daisy : Yeah .
Jeffrey : Thanks . You know , I signed back on as D.A.
Daisy : Congratulations .
Jeffrey : Thank you .
Daisy : There s cold pizza . You want to help me with my political science paper ?
Jeffrey : Pizza . You know what ? Maybe I can help you . And if I help you , maybe you can help me .
Daisy : With what ?
Jeffrey : How much is Cassie paying you ?
Daisy : Ten dollars an hour .
Jeffrey : Well , how would you like to make double that ?
Daisy : What would I have to do ?
Jeffrey : Well , it s real simple . When Will gets back here , I want you to keep an eye on him . And if he does anything weird or act strange , pick up the phone and call me .
Cassie : He s asleep .
Josh : Okay .
Cassie : No matter what , Josh , he is still just a little boy .
Josh : Yeah , that s what I keep telling myself .
Cassie : Do nt tell me you re afraid of the dark .
Josh : Not the dark , no .
Cassie : Josh .
Josh : Cassie , when I realized that you were alone with him , it scared the hell out of me , okay ? I did nt know what to do .
Cassie : You re a father . You re a minister .
Josh : It does nt matter . All the faith in the world , all the experience in the world does nt matter . I just know that I m not going to let anyone hurt you .
Cassie : Will would never . So , you saw the security tapes , huh ?
Josh : Yeah .
Cassie : I m sorry . I m sorry I refused to believe , I m sorry I fought you so hard . It s ...
Josh : It does nt matter now .
Cassie : This is new territory for me , you know ? The one thing I know is that if we stick together , we can do this . We can save my little boy .
Josh : Our little boy .
Next , on Guiding Light .
Alan : Olivia is Olivia .
Rafe : And my mom is strong . They re getting married .
Natalia : My wedding is off ?
Marina : I wo nt let anyone take you away from me .
Remy : You ve got to get Harley out of town .
Harley : You know something about Phillip ?
Remy : He s in New York .
### Summary:
| Marina makes a call to someone . Rafe visits Daisy while she is babysitting . Jeffrey says there is enough on the tape to accuse Will of the Edmund s fall . Will wants out . Cassie says she is going to be tough on Will . She says she is going to get something for the fire and leaves . Alone Will goes to a knapsack gets Cassie s cellphone and goes outside , drops it and comes back in the house , sits back in the chair and smiles . Daisy is at the door when Josh comes home . She is kissing Rafe . Josh asks her where Cassie is . She tells him she does nt know . Back where Cassie and Will are , the leaves are showing where the cellphone lies . Cassie asks Will if Edmund threatened him . She then asks about her . If he is mad at her . Will says he is nt angry at her . Then he tries to take off . Cassie catches him saying he s brave . She takes him to the mirror and ask him again why he hates her . Then they hug . While holding him on her lap , Will says he is sorry for his outburst . Cassie goes to her purse . She ca nt find her cellphone . Harley and Mallet have a talk at Company . They get into an argument then start again with How are ya . Josh and Jeffrey get to the cabin with no one around when they arrive , just a pair of gloves . Mallet says to Harley he approves of Cyrus and Marina s relationship . She gets up in a huff and walks out . Meanwhile Marina and Cyrus are having a romantic time . When there is a knock at the door . It is Mallet . Jeffrey says he s going to make a call to the state troopers just as Cassie and Will return . Will goes upstairs . Cassie say Will has had a breakthrough . She continues to say he told her everything . From Alonzo s fall , Edmund s fall , everything . Jeffrey says they have to take Will back to Springfield PD . Marina refuses to open her door , so Mallet brakes in and catches Marina and Cyrus . He kids with them about her being handcuffed . Mallet says he is happy for them . Cyrus tells Mallet why Harley is acting so strange . Cyrus brings up Phillip s name . Mallet then figures out why she has been acting so strange . Cassie says instead of arresting Will , arrest her . She is the one that brought Edmund back into their lives . She continues to tell them about the breakthrough . Jeffrey still wants to bring him in . Josh says wait a minute here . As a family they might be able to help Will . Jeffrey agrees to only one night . In the morning he is coming back , and if things have nt changed he is bringing in Will . Cyrus runs into Harley . Josh takes Cassie to bed . When Will comes downstairs , Josh sees him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eric : Bridget -- our little girl -- and Ridge -- in each other s arms .
Brooke : Eric , you re wrong . You have to be wrong .
Eric : I m not wrong ! I saw it ! They were kissing one another .
Brooke : Oh , God , no . They would nt do it again .
Secretary : Captain Payne to see you , sir .
Massimo : Oh , shelly , thank you . Come in , come in , Captain Payne . Bruno , new commander of my pacific fleet , Captain Payne .
Nick : How do you do ?
Massimo : I m glad you could make it on such short notice .
Nick : Well , I got a call , so I m here .
Massimo : Good . I know it s late , but we re going over the plans for your new office .
Nick : Before we get into that , there s something we probably should discuss in private .
Massimo : Okay . Leave the plans with me , okay , Bruno ? Thank you .
Bruno : Yes , sir .
Massimo : Well ?
Nick : Since I m gon na be working here , I thought I d tell you that I know the truth .
Massimo : What in the world are you talking about ?
Nick : I started putting a few things together and it started to make sense to me . You remember the story you told me behind the ring ?
Massimo : Mm - hmm .
Nick : Why would an employee be wearing the symbol of your family s heritage ?
Massimo : Now , Ridge is a very trusted employee .
Nick : Knowing s gon na make working here a lot easier . When the memo came out about Forrester being hired as your second - in - command , nobody could understand why . Why , Massimo ? He s a dressmaker ! But then it all made sense . You wanted him to learn the business , carry on after you . And why would nt you ? He s your son .
Ridge : Call me if you hear anything .
Taylor : Bridget -- love is too precious to not let yourself feel it . Never withhold your love . Do nt let old hurts steal it from you , okay ? Always love , no matter what the cost . It s the greatest gift .
Bridget : Ridge ?
Ridge : What is it ?
Bridget : I just remembered the most amazing thing . It seems like nobody understands our feelings and our connection . But what if somebody does ?
Ridge : Who ?
Bridget : Taylor .
Brooke : Ridge -- he said -- he said he still wanted to marry me . That s what he said . The day after we re supposed to get married , he s kissing my daughter .
Eric : I m sorry . The wedding -- I ca nt imagine what you ve been going through .
Brooke : I really thought we were going to work things out , you know ? And now they re at it again . And I was actually making excuses for them . That they d been through so much , and they were so confused , it only happened once . But now it s continuing .
Eric : And it s over now . I told them it s over . It has to stop -- now . What is happening to this family ?
Brooke : Please tell me , Eric , that they agreed to end this . I mean , you made them see how awful it is .
Eric : I tried . I tried .
Brooke : Well , so did I. I confronted them after the wedding . And they just could nt see how sick it is . And Bridget was actually defending it .
Eric : She did the same thing with me . She said she just could nt stop caring for Ridge .
Brooke : Why do nt you tell me exactly what she said ?
Eric : Well , she defended Ridge . She said that she was the one who first had feelings , and that they tried to fight it , but they just could nt -- they just could nt ignore it . Oh , Brooke , I m sorry . I do nt want to hurt you .
Brooke : This has got to stop .
Eric : It will . It will stop . Hey -- they will see the immorality of it , and they will stop . You know , if they do nt -- I ll stop it .
Ridge : Taylor ?
Bridget : I know it sounds crazy . But I ve asked myself over and over again why I ca nt erase my feelings for you . They ve hurt so many people -- mom , dad . God , what he said before -- it killed me to see him so destroyed . And I m the one responsible .
Ridge : Not just you .
Bridget : Ridge , I started this . It s okay . I know how wrong these feelings are , how much they scare people . I mean , God , it scares me that I ca nt let them go . But just now , I -- I thought about something Taylor told me . I went to visit her in the hospital just before she died . And even after everything she d been through , she was still so strong and she had so much wisdom . And she told me something so beautiful , I ll never forget it . She said , love is precious and that I should always love , no matter what the cost , because it s the greatest gift . And , at the time , I did nt understand why she d said it . But now I think I do . I think that s why I ca nt make my feelings go away , because I keep remembering her words . And I -- I keep seeing her face and how sure she was that love is always good .
Ridge : It sounds like Doc .
Bridget : Look , I want you to know I m not telling you this to make everything more complicated . I just -- I ca nt stop thinking about it . Ridge , what if Taylor knew something we did nt ?
Ridge : Aw , Bridget , I do nt know .
Bridget : I do . Ridge , when I m with the kids , I know . I love them so much . I know it s right for me to be with them , for me to be a part of your family , for me to love . I just wish to God I could ask Taylor if this is what she meant , and this is where I m supposed to be -- or if it s as evil as everyone says .
Ridge : Hey , our friendship is not evil .
Bridget : Try telling Stephanie that . Or mom or dad . They think our feelings are dirty . And they re so sure -- I do nt know . Could they be right ?
Massimo : Yes , Ridge is my son . How d you find out ? Oh , wait a minute , let me guess . Brooke Logan .
Nick : Why would you say that ?
Massimo : Typical Brooke . She s supposed to get married , the marriage is called off . She s feeling low , she turns to the nearest guy and pours her heart out , one thing leads to another .
Nick : That s not what happened .
Massimo : No . Look , I think it s wonderful that you are communicating and that she can confide in you .
Nick : She said a few things , but I had a lot of questions of my own .
Massimo : No , it s wonderful . I mean , you re talking . Brooke Logan is a very alluring woman .
Nick : Her biggest problem is that she s involved with your son .
Massimo : Ah , see -- Ridge and the children need a woman of -- how can I put this ? Greater substance .
Nick : Oh , see . So Brooke s not good enough for Ridge , but she s just fine for me ?
Massimo : Let me put it this way . I look out for my own .
Nick : Well , somebody needs to look out for her . And she s lucky she did nt marry him .
Massimo : Tell me something , Captain Payne . Are you always this protective of a woman you just met ?
Nick : You know , this is a little weird , Marone . You know , if you were my father , I d be pretty pissed off about how you re sticking your nose in my love life .
Massimo : I do not apologize for protecting my son .
Nick : He s a grown man ! You re trying to run his life !
Massimo : Ridge means the world to me . See , I thought I was alone in this world . And then suddenly -- suddenly -- I found out I had a son , grandchildren -- my blood flowing through their veins . You see , I missed years with Ridge . I missed his growing up . I could have helped guide , you see ? I could have helped mold his character . I was nt given the chance . So , yes , damn , I will do anything and everything I can to make sure that my family gets the best . I m not sure if you can understand that .
Nick : You re wrong , I can . What you re saying that you missed -- I know how that feels .
Massimo : You have children ?
Nick : No . But I understand the things that you said you d missed . I grew up mostly without a father . He died when I was young . I have a wonderful mother , but -- I missed having him there .
Massimo : I see .
Nick : And even though I do nt agree with how you re doing it , I see you re trying to be a father to Ridge . I respect that .
Bridget : There is so much confusion right now . I feel it . I know you do . We think we re responsible . We think our feelings have ripped this family apart . But what if that s not true ?
Ridge : What do you mean ?
Bridget : What if all this anguish is because we re trying to keep a lie in place ? Ridge , Taylor said to love no matter what . She could be looking down on us right now , praying we have the strength to do just that .
Ridge : We ll never really know , will we ?
Bridget : Maybe we already do . Ridge , do you remember you told me you went to Taylor s grave ? You asked her for a sign . You did nt know who to turn to , and then you saw my mother .
Ridge : Right .
Bridget : I was there , too . I knew that you were lost and that you needed help . And I just had this feeling that you would be with Taylor . I just knew . Maybe -- I do nt know , maybe Taylor somehow drew me there . I mean , maybe that was her way of telling us which direction to go in . Do we ignore that ? Or maybe I m just like a stupid , naive , romantic little girl . You missed your wife . Of course you d want to see her . I m reading too much into this .
Brooke : You should nt be comforting me . She s our daughter . You re just as upset .
Eric : I just do nt understand how it started . Ridge may not be my son , but Bridget grew up thinking of him as her brother . What in the world would make them start to look at each other this way ?
Brooke : Massimo .
Eric : Massimo ? What does Massimo have to do with this ?
Eric : Massimo has something to do with what s going on between Ridge and Bridget ? You mean because he s Ridge s father that it makes it possible and all ?
Brooke : No . There s more to it .
Eric : Like what ?
Brooke : He initiated it .
Eric : Why ? But if he has any feelings for Ridge at all , why would he do that ?
Brooke : Because of me . He thought that Ridge should have a better woman .
Eric : And so he chose -- he chose Bridget ?
Brooke : He planted the idea in her head and let it go from there .
Eric : He s manipulating our daughter ?
Brooke : Yes . And Ridge .
Eric : Ridge is a grown man !
Brooke : Who has had his life turned upside down in a matter of months ! He did nt even know who he was , Eric . And I m sure Massimo was there every day telling him what a horrible person I am and all the mistakes that I made . I m sure this would not be happening if it were nt for him . I m positive !
Eric : He s systematically taken everything that I love -- my wife , my son and my family . And now this ! He -- he conjures up a relationship between Ridge and Bridget . That bastard . Damn him . Dammit ! Damn him ! Dammit !
Bridget : I m sorry . I brought up what Taylor said because it meant a lot to me . I did nt want to upset you .
Ridge : No , you did nt . You loved her , too .
Bridget : I miss her . I m gon na go .
Ridge : Hey , Bridget -- hearing Taylor s words -- it s like a piece of her spirit . She would have been very grateful to you for how you ve helped me and the kids through the most difficult time in our lives . She blesses our friendship . I know she does .
Bridget : Thank you .
Secretary : Mr. Forrester , wait . I m sorry , Mr. Marone , he just went through security .
Massimo : No , that s okay . It s okay , Shelly . Leave us . Go on , go on . I ll have to call you back . Well , this is an unexpected visit .
Eric : Shut up . I never trusted you . The day you came to L.A. , I knew you d be trouble , but I never -- never could have imagined the devastation and the carnage that you would cause in my family -- ensnaring my wife and my son . But now you ve gone too far , you sick bastard . Promoting a relationship between Ridge and Bridget . Well , you re not gon na get away with it . Your corruption ends here , Massimo -- right now !
### Summary:
| Brooke ca nt get a grip on reality that Ridge & her daughter kissed at the cabin . She says she keeps giving excuses for them ( like vulnerability from Taylor s death , Ridge finding out about his real dad , etc . ) , and that has to stop . She & Eric will stop Ridge from taking advantage of Bridget . Brooke says Massimo started their relationship . She explains . Eric leaves mad . In the Big Bear cabin , Bridget could nt leave yet . She remembers Taylor on her death bed telling her to never let love go . Bridget blames herself for what s happening . She said everyone thinks their feelings are dirty and might be right . She recalls him being at Taylor s grave while she was overlooking and Taylor sent them a sign cause she understands and agrees with their love . Nick tells Mass he now realizes why Ridge is helping at the company ( because he s his son ) . Nick defends Brooke and does nt agree in the meddling Mass played with Ridge & Bridget s lives . Mass thinks Nick is interested in Brooke . He said he did what he did to protect his son because Brooke was nt good enough . He did nt get to raise Ridge so he s trying to make up for lost times . Nick understands and leaves . Eric barges thru Massimo s doors in his office . He angrily said Mass wanted his wife , took his son , and promoted Ridge & Bridget s sick relationship . Now the corruption will stop ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Avery : What , Paul ? I thought you came here to thank Dylan for the gift , not examine his footwear .
Paul : No , it s -- it s the color .
Avery : Fascinating . It s mud . And you re welcome to put the shoe down now , chief .
Paul : It s -- it s the reddish mud . It s the kind that s not too common around here . Do you know where Dylan was where he tracked this ?
Avery : No . Honestly , I have no idea , and I do nt see how it matters .
Dylan : Hey . Uh , what s going on ? Why are you holding my boot ?
Paul : I m just curious about the mud .
Avery : Not just curious . As chief of police , you have a perilous sense of curiosity . You re holding that boot like it s evidence , and I think Dylan and I would like to know why .
Lily : Okay . Here we go . Do you need help to the couch ?
Neil : No , no , no , no , no . No , no , no . I got it . It s , uh ...
Lily : Okay . You re doing good .
Neil : Okay . That s the table .
Lily : Mm - hmm .
Neil : There it is . It s a little tricky , though , lily .
Lily : You re almost there . Lamp . Look at you , dad . You re doing great . You re a pro already .
Neil : Well , I do nt know about being a pro . I mean , those , uh -- those steps at the doctor s office were like climbing a mountain .
Lily : Oh , stop it . You did great . I was proud to be there , and you should be proud of yourself , too .
Neil : I do nt know , lily . I do nt know if proud is the word . I can tell you that I m really relieved that I wo nt be beating the hell out of my shins on furniture anymore . [ Sighs ] Thank you .
Lily : Of course . I was happy to be there . And I know Hilary would have liked to have come , too .
Neil : No , I do nt want Hilary watching this , watching that . I made that call for a reason .
Lily : Dad , you ca nt really hide a long white cane from her . I mean , if you ca nt manage honesty with your spouse , how can you manage a marriage ?
Devon : Hi .
Hilary : Hey . What are you doing ? We ca nt .
Devon : I know we ca nt . But I ca nt help it .
Sharon : Hi , sweetheart . I have good news , and I wanted to tell you officially . Your father asked me to marry him in the most adorable and romantic way , and I said yes . I know we said that we would never get remarried . Well , I said it , and he agreed . But all of those fears and worries are gone now . This family s really coming together . Mariah -- that will take some time , but I m not gon na give up , and I m not gon na let her give up . The family will never be completely whole without you , but we will be together .
Sharon : Mariah ?
Cassie : No , Mom . It s me -- Cassie .
Victoria : Ohh . You re smiling , but you re trying not to , and it s completely unnerving .
Nick : Well , I have some news , although it s , uh -- it s a little delicate .
Victoria : Right . That .
Nick : That .
Victoria : No , I - I just mean that dad -- dad told me that you and Sharon have become engaged .
Nick : Hey , there we go -- dad poisoning the well . You got to admit , he is proactive .
Victoria : Well , he s not pleased .
Nick : Well , you should be . This takes a lot of heat off you . The only person dad hates as much as your ex is my future wife .
Billy : Hey , world traveler . How s the little guy ?
Chelsea : Cranky and jet - lagged . So am I , actually , so we re both not really fit for polite company yet .
Billy : Okay . I get it .
Chelsea : Get what ?
Billy : You do nt have to make an excuse for not calling me back . I m just glad you re here safe , and I ll let you get back to work .
Chelsea : Wait a minute . Stop walking . Get back here . When I said I was nt fit for company , I was nt talking about you .
Billy : Thanks .
Chelsea : I m actually glad we bumped in to each other . There s something we need to talk about .
Hilary : You re drunk again ?
Devon : No , I m not drunk . I have nt been drinking at all .
Hilary : Will you let go ? Please ? We made an agreement . You said you understood .
Hilary : Which will be when , Devon ? Huh ? Because there is no proof that Neil s gon na see again . There s no timeline . There s no promises . This is real .
Devon : The way you and I feel about each other is real .
Hilary : But if Neil s blindness is permanent ... then we stay apart ... permanently .
Billy : All right . This talk -- is it gon na be awkward ? Cause I ca nt handle that this morning . Of course , there s not much more awkward than a fully dressed man hanging out at a pool full of half - naked people while carrying a diaper bag .
Chelsea : I do nt think it s awkward . I think you pull it off .
Billy : Really ?
Chelsea : No . But do nt worry . This conversation wo nt be that bad -- at least not as bad as that phone call the other night .
Billy : You mean like when you confessed to dreaming about me ? Yeah , I already forgot about that .
Chelsea : It was awkward . And then it was good until I hung up on you . I like talking to you ... usually . It s easy .
Billy : Yeah . It s natural ... except when you leave me hanging about where we stand in our relationship , not that I m pressing now . I m not an idiot .
Chelsea : No , you re not .
Billy : I m also not some delicate flower . You do nt have to worry about my feelings .
Graham : That was , like , exactly what I needed . So refreshing . Ready to do this ?
Chelsea : Yeah , I definitely am . I ll meet you back in your suite . We ll order room service .
Graham : Give me 10 and we re good .
Billy : Seriously ? When is aid you did nt have to worry about -- you and six- pack ?
Chelsea : Oh . Yeah . Totally . I met him in L.A. , And I took him to New York with me . Did nt I mention that ?
Billy : No , you did nt mention it . Well , I guess we had our conversation , and it was pretty damn awkward .
Chelsea : He s my assistant , Billy . Relax . You should see your face right now .
Billy : You do nt owe me any explanations . You can hang out with whoever you like .
Victoria : The things that Sharon has pulled in the last few years -- it s kind of hard to be on your side .
Nick : Yeah , I know , but it s different now . Sharon s healthy again . And being with her feels like being home .
Victoria : I know that feeling . It s a wonderful feeling . You deserve that .
Nick : Well , so do you .
Victoria : Yeah , well , it came and went , which is why you re getting married and I am newly divorced . At least things worked out for one of us .
Sharon : Cassie , I did nt think that I would see you again .
Cassie : I will always be here when you need me .
Sharon : In my heart , yes , but like this ?
Cassie : In your heart . You ve got a lot of people in there , and now one more .
Sharon : Mariah will never replace you .
Cassie : I know that , and I do nt want you to worry about that .
Sharon : Is that why you re here -- because I m feeling guilty ?
Cassie : If I m here , it s because you need me .
Sharon : But you re a hallucination . I ve been taking my medication . I thought I was well . I should nt be seeing you .
Cassie : But you are . And you know why , mom . You know .
Avery : You seem to know an awful lot about mud , Paul . Is there a reason ?
Paul : No . It s just something I noticed .
Avery : And it s clearly on your mind . Does this have something to do with the investigation of Ian s whereabouts ?
Paul : Why would you jump to that ?
Avery : Because you re a cop . And you just told me yourself you never stop being a cop . People do nt usually pick up dirty shoes based on random curiosity , and Ian s disappearance is still an open investigation .
Dylan : Hey , Avery , it s --
Avery : No ! This is part of an investigation ! You are not answering questions !
Paul : Obviously , I am not here in an official capacity . I have a staff for that/
Dylan : Look , anything either of you want to ask me , it s fine . Trust me -- I have nothing to hide .
Avery : Dylan , I think we should cut this short .
Dylan : No , not if you have questions .
Avery : I know you have a rational explanation for all of your actions , but some people might misconstrue the situation .
Dylan : What situation exactly are we talking about ?
Avery : I understand you were observed in the vicinity of where they found Ian s car , I know that Paul is aware of that , too , and that s probably why he s here . And if he s trying to make an issue of this to pursue it , he s gon na have to come back with a warrant --
Dylan : I was gon na tell you all about that .
Paul : Look , Dylan , it really does not help anyone to dole out this information piecemeal . It does nt help Avery , and it does nt help me .
Avery : Dylan s not answering any more questions .
Dylan : Only because there s nothing new to say . Everything that happened , you already know .
Paul : So , you can account for every minute of your time after you chased Ian Ward off the Newman property ?
Dylan : Yes .
Avery : Okay . There . You heard him .
Paul : We found an item of Ian s caked in mud -- the kind of mud that can only be found in the quarry outside of town .
Avery : Did you just search my home without a warrant ?
Paul : Now , come on , Avery . I came here as a friend , and I simply observed something in plain sight .
Avery : Let s get to it , Paul . Is the department classifying this as anything other than a missing - persons case ? Because it s obvious to me that Ian skipped town to avoid arrest for multiple felonies .
Paul : Or maybe Ward did nt leave on his own volition . Given the fact that we found his blood on the ground , it is something we have to consider .
Dylan : That s why you re here ? You think I killed Ian and dumped his body ?
Neil : [ Chuckles ] You know , lily , this is a very interesting turn of events -- you wanting me to depend on Hilary . Look at you , making friends with my wife . Thank you .
Lily : Fr-- oh , God , no . We re not friends . I mean , I do nt -- I do nt mean it like that . It s just -- I do nt know . I guess she has redeemed herself a little bit .
Neil : Actually , that s mighty big of you .
Lily : I mean , she wants to be there for you , so let her , you know ?
Neil : That s right . That s what Malcolm said , too .
Lily : Well , given the fact that nothing was broken when we showed up , I m guessing that you know he was right ?
Neil : Yeah , Malcolm was right about a lot of things , especially the fact that I have to -- I have to be more honest with myself .
Lily : That s never easy to hear .
Neil : Never is .
Lily : You do nt resent cane for calling Malcolm , do you ?
Neil : No , not at all . I mean , we re brothers , you know ? He s my blood . We ve been through wars together . I do nt have to fake anything with him .
Lily : Like you do with your wife and kids ?
Neil : Lily , you know what the say , right ? They say fake it until you make it . True , I was nt up front at the very beginning of all this , but the situation with my blindness tore a hole in this entire family , and I ca nt pretend that I m alone in this . I mean , we re all in this together .
Hilary : Even talking about this is wrong .
Devon : It s okay .
Hilary : No , it s not okay . Nothing is okay . I can feel you watching me . I turn my head , and there you are . Neil is my husband , and he needs me . But I see you , and --
Devon : What when you see me ? Hmm ?
Billy : Look , you have to work , and I need to go feel like an idiot someplace else .
Chelsea : Wait , wait , wait . What ?
Billy : Look , I called you up all , hey , I m single ! And let s get together and fix my back !
Chelsea : First of all , uh , I called you , and , secondly , I do nt remember the whole back - fixing part .
Billy : No , you re right . It was nt some long - distance booty call . But I liked things were with us before you bolted out of town , and I get that you had your reasons .
Chelsea : For work ... and to put some distance between us .
Billy : All I m saying is I do nt expect anything from you and I do nt want things to get weird since we re gon na be working more closely together .
Chelsea : You re right . And , honestly , I ve thought a lot about it . L.A. And New York were crazy but good crazy . I feel like I finally have my head on straight , especially where you and I are concerned .
Graham : Yo . It s you - know- who , and we ve got an issue .
Chelsea : Seriously ?
Billy : You guys already have code names -- you - know - who ? Go . Go . Handle it .
Chelsea : I ll be back .
Billy : I ll , uh -- I ll be right here .
Nick : So , we have nt set a wedding date yet , but I m guessing you re gon na have a very special plus - one to the party -- this little guy or girl . You scared ? About the birth ? Look , the past is done , okay ? It s a new time and place .
Victoria : It s not so much the delivery . It s the paternity test and everything that comes after that .
Nick : No matter who the father is -- Billy or stitch -- you set the rules -- visitation , everything . Unless logistics is not what you re worried about . You told me that you were done with both of them -- romantically , at least .
Victoria : I mean , my brain tells me that they both lied to me , they both let me down , they ve caused me way too much stress and drama . But in my heart ...
Nick : One of them is still there ? Both of them ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] What happened with Ben is still muddled in my head -- who he is versus what he s done -- and Billy is just Billy . But lately , he s been doing things that remind me of why we fell in love .
Nick : Yeah , I hear you . There was a time that I was convinced that I was done with Sharon -- like , superdone . But now ... I ca nt imagine even spending one day without her .
Sharon : I love being with you . I love feeling like you re close enough to touch . But , at the same time , it makes me nervous because I know you should nt be and I do nt know why you are .
Cassie : You must need me .
Sharon : To be with ?
Cassie : To talk to . You know that you can tell me anything .
Sharon : Something troubling ?
Cassie : Maybe . Whatever is in your head . Maybe you think that everything s not okay .
Sharon : But everything should be okay . Nick and I are in a great place right now , and Mariah -- I have the chance to give her a real family . And I m not gon na do anything to ruin that . I m gon na earn her trust -- I have to -- just like I did with you . I loved being your mom so much , just sitting close , sharing secrets .
Cassie : We still do .
Sharon : You know my secrets ?
Dylan : So , that s it ? You think I killed Ian Ward ?
Paul : Dylan , what I think is there are certain inconsistencies that you could clear up .
Dylan : Well , I chased him out of Nikki s home , where he had a syringeful of God knows what , terrorizing --
Paul : And what about your hand ?
Dylan : Well , I lied about how I hurt my hand . That does nt mean I committed a homicide .
Avery : We re not discussing this .
Dylan : What ? My hand ? Yes . I lied about hurting my hand to protect you .
Avery : Dylan !
Dylan : I did not kill the guy .
Avery : I know you did nt . I know . He s probably off in some other country , terrorizing people or lying on a beach somewhere .
Dylan : I did nt hurt my hand at the coffeehouse . I put my fist through a window . Only I was so pissed , I did nt even remember doing it until I saw the window and I saw my hand .
Paul : You have a blackout ?
Dylan : No . It was a momentary lapse -- okay ? -- A minute or so . Not long enough to kill somebody , so both of you can relax !
Paul : All right . What about the mud on your shoes ? Where did that come from ?
Dylan : Sorry . I have nt worn them for weeks , and when I did , it must have been muddy out .
Paul : As I said , its specific composition is common only in one area .
Avery : Okay , this is enough . We re not doing this anymore . I m sorry , Paul . You have to leave .
Dylan : Avery --
Avery : No ! I mean it ! This is not an official interrogation , but it s getting very close to being one .
Paul : Avery , I am only trying to help . I just want to figure out what happened .
Avery : Ian Ward is out there ! He s wanted for kidnapping , assault ! He is a vicious criminal who needs to be caught , tried , and convicted . Put your energy there , Paul .
Paul : This is your house . I will leave . But we will have to have this discussion at some point .
Avery : Or maybe not .
Dylan : You did nt have to do that . I was handling it .
Avery : Dylan , this is what I do for a living . I can handle this . You were giving Paul reasons to arrest you . You want to tell me why ?
Victoria : So , are you saying that Billy is my Sharon ? Because , um , I would nt know how to take that . I mean , he has nt married any of my relatives .
Nick : Oh , stop .
Victoria : I m sorry .
Nick : Look , you re right . Sharon and I spent a lot of time hurting each other and other people because we can never let go . But once we finally did walk away from each other , we did it because we knew we had to . It s just like with you and Billy . You did it because you knew you had to . You had to walk away .
Victoria : Yeah . I walked away . But what if I walked back ?
Nick : Is that what you want ? Because , Vick , you deserve so much better . No more lies , no more shutting you out , no more jerking you around . You have been through enough rough times , and you deserve something that is nt one part happiness and equal parts hassle .
Victoria : Which is what I thought I had with Ben , but it turns out that everything about him s a lie -- even his name .
Nick : You sound more sad than angry , and I really wish it was the second one .
Victoria : How can I hate Ben ? I mean , maybe I should , but I might be carrying a part of him . How can I hate my child s father ?
Nick : I know . I mean , when you have a child with someone ... you find that the best parts of your kid are usually the best parts of your ex . It s like with Sharon , there were so many times when I was furious with her , so angry , resentful , 100 % sure that we were history .
Victoria : Well , you had good reason .
Nick : But there was always something there , no matter how many times I tried to deny it with Phyllis or Avery or myself .
Victoria : Or your family .
Nick : You guys , too .
Victoria : Well , how do you know that this is nt one of those times in between breakups ? I mean , I m not saying that it is , but how do you know ?
Nick : I just know . I love her , Vick . I know Sharon better than I will ever know anyone else . There s no unreal expectations with us . I m not waiting for another shoe to drop . It s just we re in this together , and it s a relief to know that we re gon na be there for the rest of our lives .
Sharon : I told you something important , something I did nt want your dad to know .
Cassie : You do nt remember talking to me ?
Sharon : I do -- some of it . But a lot of my memory -- it was erased after the E.C.T. But if you could tell me ...
Cassie : You talked a lot about how much you love dad , how you knew you two belong together .
Sharon : I still feel that way now . I mean , I know I was off my meds before and I was irrational , I was upset , I was unsettled .
Cassie : You re not that way now .
Sharon : No , not at all . I would nt have told your dad I d marry him otherwise .
Cassie : So , that brings us back to the big question . Why am I here ?
Sharon : You still think there s a secret .
Cassie : If you think so , I think so . That s how this works .
Sharon : I told you the secret . That happened . That is real . But it s not anything that I ve come up with so far . But there is something . Otherwise , I would nt be wondering , would I ? I m right . Ohh . What do I do ?
Cassie : Remember , I suppose .
Sharon : I ca nt . But you can remember for me . You can tell me . Please , Cassie . What is it that I need to know ?
Neil : You know , baby , I ve been thinking , um , it must be difficult for you and Devon to watch this . Even though you re grown , I m still your dad .
Lily : Yeah , but we do nt expect you to be a superhero .
Neil : Well , no , but here I ve been acting like a superzero . I ve been a grouchy old bear . I know .
Lily : You have a little bit , but I still love you .
Neil : Well , I have nt been sunshine and smiles since the accident , either , have I ? I mean , I ve been jumping on you for every little thing . When you and Hilary suggested that I use the screen reader , of all things , I - I just -- I was resistant to it because I did nt -- I did nt want to give up or give in here .
Lily : It s not you giving in . That s you taking control and being in charge .
Neil : I was nt ready then .
Lily : Well , are you ready now ?
Neil : Well , I was nt ready to , you know , use this cane , but here I am now -- right ? -- Going , tap , tap , tap . I ca nt depend on you -- all of you -- for helping me . I got to help myself .
Lily : Yeah , but we want to be here for you . We want to support you the way that you ve always supported us .
Neil : I know , baby , and I appreciate that . But this is my reality . And like you said , I have to take control . And I owe that to you and Devon . I owe it to Hilary .
Dylan : How am I trying to get arrested ?
Avery : By giving away pieces of information when it suits you , and to the chief of police , no less !
Dylan : But arrested for what ? Do you think I did something to Ian ? Because over there you said Ian might be on the beach somewhere .
Avery : Where is this window that you punched ?
Dylan : It was down by the racetrack .
Avery : You could nt tell me that why ?
Dylan : Because I know how freaked out you are about my P.T.S.D. And I did nt want you to think I was losing touch with reality like I did at the cabin with Connor .
Avery : So , you blacked out for two minutes and you re telling me that s not post - traumatic stress ?
Dylan : No . No . No . I do nt know . I was just angry .
Avery : You re angry and you punch a window and then you lie to me about it !
Dylan : I m sorry , Avery .
Avery : I m not asking you to be sorry . I m trying to get you to see that protecting me does nt help either of us . Paul does nt think that Ian simply got away . He thinks there s more to this , and now he s looking at you .
Dylan : Well , he s wasting his time , because I already told him everything .
Avery : Okay . How bout the mud on the shoes ?
Dylan : Like I said , I have no idea .
Avery : That s not gon na be an answer that Christine or Paul will accept .
Dylan : Well , do you accept it ?
Avery : It does nt matter what I accept . What matters is what the police can prove .
Officer : Chief , we got something on the Ward case .
Paul : Did you find more of his belongings or , better yet , the guy himself ? You know , life would be so much easier if we could just toss the guy in jail .
Officer : We got a call from his insurance company .
Devon : Damn .
Hilary : I know .
Devon : That was ...
Hilary : Perfect .
Devon : You okay ? If we could just go back and walk away from each other ...
Hilary : We could nt , though . Right ? That s the thing . I thought maybe ... if I just gave in , just once , it would be enough ... like being with you would ever make me love you less .
Devon : Not yet .
Hilary : Not yet .
Hilary : What if it s Neil -- he needs something ?
Devon : Okay . Go ahead . Go ahead .
Neil : Hilary , it s me . I need you at home -- now , please . It s very important .
Hilary : It s Neil . He sounded ... oh , my God . What if he knows ?
Devon : He does nt know . Nobody saw us .
Hilary : I have to go there . I have to stand there and talk to him .
Devon : Hey . Hey , hey , hey . Please -- please do nt leave like this .
Hilary : I have to go home ... to my husband .
Chelsea : [ Sighs ] See ? I m back .
Billy : Yeah , but where s six - pack surfer assistant dude ?
Chelsea : Oh , my God . Are you seriously jealous ?
Billy : I m just saying it s a bad idea to get involved with somebody you might have to fire . Sexual - harassment lawsuits can sting . So , if that s what you wanted to tell me -- that you and what s - his - abs are --
Chelsea : Okay , Billy . I m not his type , and he s not mine .
Billy : Oh . So , he s not what you wanted to tell me ?
Chelsea : No , but this has been so seriously amusing , and I just think I m gon na laugh about it for days and maybe even weeks .
Billy : Well , I am glad that I could give you a chuckle , but it s like I said -- just cause I m single does nt mean that I expected --
Chelsea : Okay , okay . I thought I was the one who was gon na do the talking . [ Sighs ] Yes ... you re single . So am I. It was nt your choice any more than it was mine . But we can either pine over our lost loved ones or we can see where this thing between us takes us . And if that s not clear enough , it means ... I vote for trying this out . [ Sighs ]
Paul : So , Ian s insurance company got a hit ?
Officer : Caller asked if he was still named on Ward s policy .
Paul : Life insurance ?
Officer : Yeah .
Paul : That s odd on a guy we re assuming is still alive . Who made the call ?
Officer : Dylan McAvoy .
Dylan : I m not gon na get arrested because I did nt do anything illegal .
Avery : Dylan , that s why I became a defense attorney -- because , yes , innocent people get arrested and convicted all the time . I have seen the worst - case scenarios working for the innocence foundation . I am not gon na let that happen to you .
Dylan : So , Paul shows up and all of a sudden , I m going to prison ? Avery , I did nt do anything to Ian . Let Paul show up and ask what he wants . My story s not gon na change .
Avery : He did nt show up for that . He showed up to thank you for the gift . He cares about you . But I do nt think he s gon na let this go .
Lily : Hey . I have news for you . It s shocking , but , anyway , I went to the doctor with dad , and he got a walking stick , which is huge , cause that s him showing that he actually needs help , you know ? And he was so sweet . He was apologizing for being snappy and short - tempered , and I think he s finally ready for us to help him , you know , which means that we re gon na have to step up in a huge way , okay ? Hello ? Did you hear what I said at all ?
Devon : Yeah . I heard every word -- every word you said . And I know exactly what I have to do .
Neil : Hilary , is that you ?
Hilary : Uh ... yeah . Hey . How was your doctor s appointment ? Oh , it was fine -- no big deal . There was absolutely no reason for you to be there .
Hilary : I was worried when I got your message .
Neil : Yeah .
Hilary : I thought , um , maybe you had news .
Neil : I do . Actually , Hilary ... where s your hand ? I made a decision that affects both of us .
Hilary : Okay .
Neil : I want to be perfectly clear about something . I made a call . Nothing s gon na change my mind . I want a divorce .
Sharon : You know what I did .
Cassie : We both know . It s inside you , mom .
Sharon : And it s trying to come out through you .
Cassie : It s going to come out . There is no stopping it .
Sharon : When ? How ?
Cassie : I love you , mom .
Sharon : Cassie , do nt leave me .
Cassie : I have to go .
Sharon : No . Do nt leave me . No ! [ Gasping ] Do nt leave me .
Nick : Hey . Hey , wake up . Wake up . It s okay . It was just a dream .
Sharon : Cassie was leaving , and I was begging her not to go . I mean , it just seemed so real .
Nick : Yeah , but it was just a dream , all right ? It s not a vision . You re okay .
Sharon : I wanted to tell her that -- that we got engaged , but then everything we said was ...
Nick : Well , I got to think Cassie had a hand in this -- us getting married again . Does that make me superstitious ?
Sharon : Nick , I want to get married again right away . I do nt want to wait .
Nick : I love it . But I thought you wanted to plan this and do it right .
Sharon : Doing it right would be doing it right away . We re a family already in our hearts . I just want to make it official . I do nt want to wait .
Nick : I ll hold you to that . I love you . You know that , right ?
Sharon : I love you .
Chelsea : Feel free to respond to me putting myself out there .
Billy : So , you re saying that you like me .
Chelsea : Not right this second , no .
Billy : You were up front , and I left you hanging , like -- like when you hung up on me the other day .
Chelsea : I think Graham and I suddenly have a future together .
Billy : You re not each other s type .
Chelsea : I m okay with that .
Billy : I m not . I saw you first . And , yes , I want to see where this is gon na go .
Chelsea : Too late . I changed my mind .
Billy : Well , then ... I guess I ... will have to change it back .
Chelsea : Well ... that did the trick .
Neil : You and I both know that this is nt gon na work out , and we both know why .
Maureen : Is Kelly gon na join us ?
Jack : No . Actually , I ve got a few things I need to say to you myself .
Nikki : I wish you and everybody would just back off !
### Summary:
| Sharon has a troubling dream where Cassie tells her that she has to remember her secret and then disappears . Sharon awakens startled and tells Nick she wants to marry him right away . Victoria talks to Nick and admits that she has feelings for both Billy and Stitch . Chelsea returns home , sees Billy at the yacht club , and tells him she wants to try to have a romantic relationship with him . Victoria looks upset when she sees Billy and Chelsea kissing at the yacht club . The evidence continues to mount against Dylan in Ian s disappearance when Dylan admits to Paul that he blacked out for two minutes at the racetrack where Ian s car was last seen . Devon and Hilary give in to their feelings and make love . Neil starts to learn how to walk with a cane for the blind , and Lily encourages him to be honest with Hilary and let her help him when he needs it . When Hilary arrives home , Neil tells her that he has decided to get a divorce , and she ca nt change his mind about it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : [ Exhales sharply ]
Brooke : I m feeling Stephanie s presence .
Ridge : Well , you re wearing her ring . Your ring now .
Brooke : As I recall , she was also wearing a wedding band .
Ridge : She was , and you ll have one , too .
Brooke : When ?
Ridge : You -- you want to set a wedding date ?
Brooke : You do have one in mind , do nt you ?
Ridge : Yeah , I do . What about the day we get rid of Quinn fuller ?
Steffy : I ll be looking forward to your arrival , André . Give my best to your lovely wife , okay ? All right . Au revoir . Pam , schedule a pick - up for André Moreau at lax . I m gon na e - mail you over his itinerary . And let s move my 3 : 00 meeting to 1 : 30 . And remind Rick again , I want to review the next quarter projections by tomorrow . Thanks very much . Bye . Now , you were saying ?
Wyatt : Uh , I do nt know about mom , but I -- I was just watching .
Quinn : Yeah , well , it s quite the transition . You were obviously born for this job .
Steffy : [ Laughs ] Thank you , Quinn . How s Granddad ? Recovering from the holidays ?
Quinn : Oh , he is walking on air . You made the holiday so memorable for him .
Steffy : Well , it was a lovely day . The house was decorated beautifully .
Quinn : Really ? You think so ? Oh . Well , that s really good to hear . I mean , Christmas is so important to your grandfather . What s important to Eric is important to me . I hope you re beginning to see that .
Wyatt : Christmas was amazing , mom . You did a great job .
Quinn : Thank you . What d you think , Steffy ?
Liam : You dropped in right in front of me .
Bill : Uh , he who hesitates . But the fact is , there was enough room on that wave for both of us .
Liam : Uh , I think that s debatable .
Bill : You think so ?
Liam : Yeah !
Bill : All right , fine . I did take your wave . Happy ?
Liam : Oh , you -- oh !
Bill : Uh , so , how s everything post - Christmas ?
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Everything ? Everything s kind of a big topic .
Bill : Well , specifically , how s it going with , uh , Steffy being C.E.O. at Forrester ?
Liam : Oh . That . Well , I want her to be C.E.O. I just do nt want her to be C.E.O. with Wyatt and Quinn whispering in her ear the whole time . There you go .
Bill : Risky business , son .
Liam : How s that ?
Bill : Steffy hit the jackpot , and you re asking her to tear up her lottery ticket .
Liam : No , Dad , I told you . It s not even about that .
Bill : I know , I know . It s not the job , it s the people she s working with , and you are absolutely right to be concerned about Quinn . But they re kind of two separate issues .
Liam : No , but they re not two separate issues . Quinn is trying to brainwash Steffy , right ? Steffy would nt have the title of C.E.O. if it were nt for Quinn , and Quinn s never gon na let Steffy forget that until she s convinced Quinn is some kind of , I do nt know , changed woman or whatever it is . Listen , I got to go . Can you -- lock up for me , will you ? Thanks .
Bill : Yeah .
Brooke : Well , then , I guess I just do nt have to rush out and call the caterer .
Ridge : Come on . I do nt -- I m sorry .
Brooke : No , Ridge , really . It s all right . If you want to wait till Quinn is gone ...
Ridge : I do nt want to wait . It s not -- I -- [ Groans ] I just do nt want this big Quinn cloud hanging over us . I just want to get rid of her .
Brooke : Okay , so how do you plan on doing that ?
Ridge : I do nt know . But I will do whatever it takes to get it done .
Wyatt : Okay , so our ctrs could use some enhancement , but we re still up over 20 % .
Quinn : Uh , ctrs ?
Nicole : Click - through rate . The percentage of people that click on an ad or a name in a news piece and end up at our website .
Wyatt : Yeah . Anyway , our ctrs are up , so is our conversion rate , and it is all about our influencer .
Nicole : That s very true . Steffy s killing it . They love her .
Wyatt : Yeah , but we ve got to amp up our daily vlogs , the video stories , you know ?
Wyatt : Come on in , Liam . Uh [ Clears throat ] You might even do some crowdsourcing . Ask her followers and her fans to shoot us some design ideas , maybe . Make them feel included .
Liam : You might want to check with your actual designer first . I m not sure Ridge would go for that .
Wyatt : I m not saying that we re going to use their designs , Liam . I m just saying , like , get them to try and feel involved , closer to Steffy .
Liam : Wyatt , that is such a bad idea on so many levels .
Wyatt : Excuse me , Madame C.E.O. , Madame President , this is our resident naysayer , Liam Spencer . Have you guys met yet ?
Liam : Oh , you re not open to another point of view ?
Steffy : Of course , we are . Let s hear it .
Liam : Okay . You re turning Steffy into clickbait .
Quinn : [ Laughs ] I assume that s pejorative .
Nicole : Very much so .
Liam : Yeah , uh , listen , Steffy , he s trying to use you to titillate your followers , which is a bad idea for two reasons -- one , it s demeaning to the C.E.O. of a multi - national corporation , and secondly , it s not gon na work if the end game is sales .
Nicole : Sales are already up .
Liam : I know . I know that . But that s -- I hate saying this -- but that is because of Quinn s short tenure as interim C.E.O. It s the jewelry line . It s the fashion show .
Wyatt : It s because of our branding , Liam ! And , yes , my mother did an amazing job . Thank you for acknowledging that , by the way .
Quinn : Yeah .
Wyatt : But Forrester s success is linked to our progressive , youthful , cutting - edge pipeline of products , who no one could represent better than Steffy can , so she has to be out there .
Liam : Yeah . Okay . She s the C.E.O. and you re turning her into a human emoji .
Wyatt : Oh , hey , that s not a bad idea . Maybe we do a whole line of Steffy Forrester emojis . Huh ? Look into that .
Liam : Steffy , Steffy . Listen to me . Listen to me for a second . Do you want to be the laughingstock of the business community ? Because if he keeps this up , you will be .
Wyatt : She is trending big - time , Liam . Or have nt you noticed ?
Liam : I have noticed , Wyatt . Have you noticed the chat rooms ? They re not kind .
Wyatt : Okay , look . Nicole and I are pushing forward on this , and we re talking link - building , blogging ...
Nicole : Search engine optimization .
Wyatt : Everything ! I want her on everyone s lips , and you ca nt tell me that that s gon na hurt us in any way .
Liam : It is gon na hurt you . It s gon na hurt you in the long run , and I can tell you that . Steffy s gon na get some buzz at first , and it s not gon na last , guys , because it never does . A year from now , it s gon na be Steffy Forrester ? Wait a minute , who is that ? Oh , yeah , she s the one who made a fool of herself on social media . Come on ! I know why you re really doing this , and the end game is not the bottom line . It s not sales . It s a marriage that -- I m sorry , I m sorry -- is already over .
Quinn : The divorce is nt final yet .
Liam : Do you -- let me ask you something . Do you guys really think Steffy does nt see through this ?
Wyatt : I m just trying to grow an online community here , a fact that you do nt wish to acknowledge .
Liam : Steffy , Steffy , privacy is key . Especially for someone in your position . Do nt put yourself out there for media consumption . You have too much class for that . You know why ? Because you re a Forrester . Would Stephanie do this ? Your namesake ? Would she do this ?
Quinn : I think we ve heard enough , Liam . We re in the middle of a meeting .
Liam : Would you like me to go ?
Steffy : Let me just finish this meeting . We ll talk about this afterwards , okay ?
Brooke : I do nt mean to be negative , but ridding the family of Quinn has been tried over and over , and it usually ends up backfiring .
Ridge : Not this time .
Brooke : So you do have a plan .
Ridge : [ Scoffs ]
Brooke : Oh , Ridge , I hate to see you this way .
Ridge : See me what way ? I m -- I m in love . I m engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world . I am happy , and it s almost -- it s almost perfect .
Brooke : You did have to put on a happy face during Christmas .
Ridge : Oh , God , I did . That was hard . Seeing her picture every time I looked up , and her picture instead of my mom s . It made my stomach turn .
Brooke : I know , you barely ate a thing .
Ridge : I could nt keep it down , the way she was just walking my dad around like he s a puppy on a leash .
Brooke : Her motives are pretty obvious .
Ridge : Yes , they are . She wants to get Steffy and Wyatt back together . Now , my daughter is pretty smart . How does she not see that ? That s why we got to get rid of Quinn .
Brooke : I know .
Ridge : I just do nt know how .
Brooke : But Quinn has your father solid in her corner .
Ridge : No . She has him painted into a corner , and there s only one thing that can blow this out of the water .
Brooke : What ?
Ridge : If Quinn betrays my dad .
Brooke : I do nt see that happening .
Ridge : I do nt , either .
Liam : Sorry . Did nt meant to interrupt .
Brooke : It s all right . I am leaving . I have an appointment to get to , so ... I will see you -- mwah -- at home .
Ridge : Bye .
Brooke : Bye .
Liam : See ya . Hey .
Ridge : Hey . You look a little beat up .
Liam : Yeah , I was just in with , uh , Quinn and Wyatt and Steffy , and they re working her over with all the social media crap .
Ridge : All right . Enough said .
Liam : So it sounds like you have a dump Quinn campaign , is that right ?
Ridge : Yeah . I just wish I had a plan .
Liam : I wish you did , too .
Ridge : Man , that woman is bizarre . She just likes having the upper hand on me .
Liam : Oh , good . What d you do now ?
Ridge : I do nt know . She s just -- she s smug and flirty with me .
Liam : Did -- I m sorry . Flirty ? When was she flirty ?
Ridge : When I found her naked taking a shower in the backyard .
Brooke : If you want to wait till Quinn is gone ...
Ridge : I do nt want to wait . It s not -- I -- [ Groans ] I just do nt want this big Quinn cloud hanging over us . I just want to get rid of her .
Bill : Miss me ?
Wyatt : Uh , well , that should do it . [ Clears throat ]
Nicole : We ll need a few hours later this week to shoot some stills .
Quinn : Okay , Nicole , we should give these two some time to talk things over .
Nicole : Of course . Uh , we still on for that lunch meeting ?
Wyatt : Yeah . Absolutely . I ll see you in a minute . Bye . He s wrong . You know that , right ?
Steffy : He s just looking out for me .
Wyatt : No , Liam is just looking out for himself , and his viewpoint on social media is absurd !
Steffy : He made some valid points .
Wyatt : About what ? ! His fear of losing you ? His insecurities ? Yeah , he made that very clear . What -- what was he even doing here , anyway ?
Steffy : He loves me , Wyatt .
Wyatt : Yeah , and there s a lot of us who do . Some of us let you do your job the way you want to do it and live your life the way you want to live it . And there s some of us who pressure you into doing what they want . You re the C.E.O. Of this company , Steffy . You do nt -- you do nt need that . You re still determined to have the ring removed and marry my brother , huh ?
Liam : She was showering in the backyard ?
Ridge : She bought my dad a shower for Christmas . Who does that ? Who buys a shower for Christmas unless you re really dirty and you got to wash something off ?
Liam : But she was naked .
Ridge : Yeah . I walked through the yard because I tried to get to the house .
Quinn : Ridge .
Liam : Oh , that must have freaked her out .
Ridge : On the contrary .
Quinn : You do nt like what you see ? I mean , come on , Ridge , your lurking got you to see me in the buff . Are nt you excited for your dad , what he gets to come home to every night ?
Liam : Oh . Hence the flirting .
Ridge : Yes , flirting , or messing with my head . Whatever you want to call it .
Liam : See , this -- this is weird . This is really weird .
Ridge : It s not weird . It s Quinn !
Liam : No , but it s weird cause it s in your dad s backyard .
Ridge : Yep .
Liam : I mean , what did you do ?
Ridge : What did I do ? I tried not to look at her . In a way , she was getting off on it .
Liam : You know what this means ?
Ridge : I do . That woman has no shame .
Liam : No , no , no , no . She s married to your father , and she s flirting with his son .
Quinn : Hello . Mr. Doom and Mr. Gloom . You missed a really good meeting . You would have been proud of your daughter . So , did I -- did I interrupt some kind of pout - fest ? Cause you re so cute when you pout .
Ridge : Oh , yes , I am . You enjoy this , do nt you ? Rubbing it in , what you did to my family and to this company .
Quinn : [ Scoffs ] Well , as awful as you ve been to me , I do enjoy seeing you sweat , so , yes , it gives me pleasure .
Ridge : Perverse pleasure .
Quinn : Well , you would know all about that , would nt you ? Ridge Forrester -- god s gift to women , Mr. Irresistible . Has any female ever been able to put you in your place the way I have ?
Wyatt : It s never completely going to go away . It s kind of like me .
Steffy : Enough visits from the doctor , and ...
Wyatt : You think that ll get rid of me ? Come on , he d have to be a witch doctor or something ...
Steffy : Hey , I m -- I m talking about this , not you .
Wyatt : No , no , no . Let s talk about me here for a second .
Steffy : Oh , your favorite subject .
Wyatt : No , no , no , you re my favorite subject , I m your favorite predicate .
Steffy : Nice . A man who knows his grammar .
Wyatt : A predicate s a verb . It makes things move .
Steffy : Just like you .
Wyatt : I got you to the altar , did nt I ?
Steffy : Well , your mom had something to do with it .
Wyatt : Oh , come on . Maybe she did , maybe she did nt , but it still did nt take away from the moment , Steffy . The beach , the sunshine , and the wind in your hair .
Steffy : I trust you that your commitment is forever . [ Voice breaking ] Because my commitment is forever , too .
Wyatt : I will always be honest with you and I will always , always put you before anyone else . My commitment to you is forever .
Wyatt : You promised to share a life with me . And I still believe in that promise , Steffy .
Quinn : Word of advice ?
Ridge : Please .
Quinn : Tell Liam to back off . He s distracting your daughter from her very important job .
Ridge : The job I was supposed to have , you mean .
Quinn : That one exactly .
Ridge : Well , it s part of the gig . I think Steffy s gon na be fine .
Quinn : Can you just look at me when you talk to me ? What are you working on ? Wow . That is a beautiful gown . You really do know how to flatter a woman s body . Wait , is that -- is that the piece that I just designed ? Wow . I mean , it really -- it really flatters the dress .
Ridge : Yep . Sadly , it does .
Quinn : You do nt have to be so negative .
Ridge : You know what ? You re right , I m gon na try to be more positive . You are positively the worst person I have ever met , but you re a really good designer .
Quinn : Okay . Guess that s a start .
Ridge : Okay . Now , can I finish , please ?
Quinn : You know , you really should show me a little bit of gratitude .
Ridge : Gratitude for what ?
Quinn : For naming your daughter C.E.O. Well , I mean , I did nt name her that , your father did .
Ridge : Yeah , no , you had nothing to do with it .
Quinn : Just a little bit .
Ridge : See , this is it . [ Sighs ] Women . The reason I was put on this planet . I get that from my old man . And I can almost see why he s bewitched by you , because you --
Quinn : What ?
Ridge : [ Groans ] You re the most evil person I ve ever met , but there is something undeniably sexy about you .
Quinn : Did you just call me sexy ?
Ridge : What ? No . No , no . I said I could see why my dad would think that you re sexy . I think you re awful .
Brooke : How did you get in here ?
Bill : I walked in .
Brooke : So , what are you doing here ?
Bill : Well , I did nt come here to see that poser , I can tell you that .
Brooke : He s at work .
Bill : I know .
Brooke : What do you want , Bill ?
Bill : You . And I will have you . Someday , you will be my wife . You re not married yet . Do nt do it , Brooke . Ridge will stray . He always does . I never will . I will be here waiting for you . And we will have our future together . Finally .
### Summary:
| Brooke and Ridge marvel over Christmas . She asks if he has a date in mind for them to get married . He quips how about the day they get rid of Quinn Fuller . He does not know how they will get rid of her but he does nt want her cloud hanging around and looming over their head . Wyatt and Quinn watch Steffy doing her duties and tell her that it looks like she was born for this title . Liam whines to Bill that Steffy would never be CEO if it was not for Quinn and she will want something in return . He has to run off to a meeting and the first thing he tells Wyatt is his idea is a bad one on so many levels . He tells Steffy that Wyatt s idea wo nt work . Wyatt says their success is linked to the jewelry line and the youth . Liam warns that Steffy will be the laughing stock of the industry with her emoticons . It will hurt them in the long run . A year from now it will be Steffy Forrester the one who made a fool of herself on social media . He begs Steffy to not do that . When he keeps piping off Quinn says they are in a meeting and they do not need any more comments from him . He asks Steffy if she wants him to go and all eyes are on Steffy to say yes or no . She finally tells Liam to let her finish the meeting and then they will talk . Ridge tells Brooke that the only way he sees getting rid of Quinn is for her to betray his dad . Liam walks in and sees it is all about Quinn . Brooke has to leave and Liam adds to the convo and adds he wish he could help . Ridge says he has something but he does not know how to implement it . Quinn came on to him and was flirting when he saw her naked in the outside shower . Maybe she is dirty and really wants to wash something off . Liam thinks this is weird since it is in his dad s back yard . Quinn has no shame if she is married to Eric and flirting with his son . Quinn comes in and calls Ridge Mr. Irresistible and she likes it when he pouts . She wonders if any woman has ever put him in his place like she has . Bill surprises Brooke by showing up unannounced in her kitchen . Wyatt tells Steffy that Liam is wrong . He s just insecure about losing her and throwing his weight around . Most leave her alone since she is CEO of this company but then there is Liam . Wyatt tells Steffy that her tattoo is never going to go completely away , just like him . He reminds her of the beach , the sunshine , the wind in her hair . He told her he would always be honest with her and always put her first , that is his commitment to her . He says she promised to share a life with him and he still believes in that . Quinn looks over some designs that Ridge is working on and asks that he look at her when she talks . He tells her that she is the worst person he has ever met but she is really a good designer when it comes to jewelry . He can see where his dad is bewitched by her and that he thinks she is sexy . Brooke asks Bill what he wants . He says simply her and someday she will be his wife . Someday Ridge will stray , he always does . And Bill will be there with her . Ridge takes a quick backward look at Quinn . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Greenlee : What do you think , Alfonso ? Am I stupid or what ? Aidan betrayed me -- with my best friend . Be glad you do nt have to fall in love . It s too hard .
Angie : We wo nt know what kind of repair Tad needs until we go in . The operation will last until morning . I need to run into the O.R.
Zach : Have you talked to Greenlee since she left you ?
Aidan : How is that any of your business ?
Kendall : Well , she s clearly upset , and we all care .
Aidan : Yeah , I know that , and I m sorry that she s upset . I m sorry about a lot of things . But I lost a friend today . And Tad is still fighting for his life . And there s not a damn single thing that I can do to fix any of it .
Kendall : Zach , I have to make things right with Greenlee and Aidan .
Zach : They re both adults .
Kendall : She s my best friend . I did this . I have to fix it .
Zach : And I m sure you will in time .
Kendall : No , life is too short , Zach . Look what happened here tonight .
Zach : Yeah , but you could do more harm than good .
Kendall : I have to get to work .
Zach : You re going to Fusion now ?
Kendall : No , I have to work on Greenlee .
Jesse : You ll come out , and you ll tell us if anything happens in Tad s surgery , right ?
Angie : Yeah , of course , I will . He s in good hands , baby .
Jesse : I know .
Angie : I love you guys .
Cassandra : Love you .
Frankie : Bye .
Cassandra : So , what now ? We just wait ?
Frankie : Well , there s no way in hell I can just sit around here .
Jesse : Me either .
Frankie : I m going to go see if the E.R. needs an extra hand .
Cassandra : But you re not even on tonight , are you ?
Frankie : It s better than watching a clock .
Jesse : Yeah , I m going to help Tad out .
Cassandra : How ?
Jesse : I m going to help him find that little girl .
J.R. : What the hell is my dad doing here anyway ? Does nt he realize that Krystal s got bigger things to do than just worry about him ?
Babe : No worries , J.R. , ok ? Mama can handle Adam .
Adam : Colby s taking very good care of Kathy . That little girl does nt know what s going on .
Krystal : Not yet .
Adam : How are you ? I just wanted to make sure you re ok .
Krystal : Ok ? Do I look ok ? My husband s been shot . He s going into surgery . They re not sure if he s going to make it .
Jake : All right , are we ready ?
Doctor : We are .
Joe : Jake , Jake , you do nt have to assist . Dr. George and his team are very skilled --
Jake : Dad , I take bullets out of people every day . It s what I do .
Joe : Well , still , he s one of the best in the state --
Jake : I have to be in here . I have to do this .
Joe : Ok .
Dixie : Your daughter needs you , Tad .
Krystal : Is Kathy -- is she really ok ?
Adam : Yes , she s fine . Colby s doing everything she can to keep her occupied . But she keeps asking for her Aunt Julia .
Krystal : Oh , God . What did you tell her ?
Adam : Well , not a whole lot . Colby s pretty good at changing the subject .
Krystal : Julia s gone . Now that that poor girl s already lost her parents , how in the world do you tell her that she has no one now ?
Dixie : Kathy still has her father .
Greg : Coffee , coffee all around . Anybody want coffee ?
Opal : Thanks .
Greg : Yeah , sure .
Ruth : Thank you .
Greg : What about food ? Anybody hungry ? I think the cafeteria just opened up for breakfast .
Ruth : Is it morning already ? I do nt think I can eat a thing .
Opal : Thanks for the offer , though . I ca nt believe this operation is taking so long .
Ruth : [ Sighs ] Gunshots are very tricky , Opal . The surgeon has to work so carefully .
Greg : You know , leave it to Tad to keep a room full of women waiting up all night long for him . [ Laughs ] I mean , oh , sure , he s married now and has a family , but back in the day , back in my day --
Ruth : Ah , careful now .
Greg : Tad the cad .
Cassandra : Cad ? Do people even use that word anymore ?
Opal : Well , our son did have a way with the ladies .
Greg : You know , when we were younger , Tad could talk a girl into just about anything .
Cassandra : Oh -- I m sorry . T.M.I. Just stop right there .
J.R. : How is Maria ?
Krystal : Not good , as you d expect . I just called and told her that she lost her sister .
Babe : And what about Kathy ?
Krystal : Maria s calling the family attorney now to check to see what she has to do to fulfill the requirements for guardianship . [ Sighs ] Oh , Frankie , any news on Tad ?
Ruth : Is he out of surgery yet ?
Frankie : Well , an O.R. nurse said that they still have a ways to go , so I m sorry . It s not going to be any time soon .
Ruth : Thanks .
Frankie : But if I hear anything , I ll be sure to let you guys know .
Krystal and Babe : Thanks .
Krystal : I need to get some air .
Babe : Ok , come on , Mama . I ll go with you .
Krystal : Ok .
J.R. : Why are you here , anyway , Dad ?
Adam : My family is here .
J.R. : I m the only family you have here . Krystal managed to escape the Chandler clan .
Adam : Uh - huh , yes . May I be concerned ? Is that possible ?
J.R. : About Tad ? What -- you got the reaper warmed up in the supply closet ?
Adam : J.R. , please . I know you re upset .
J.R. : You do nt know anything . You re a vulture , and you re not even hiding it . You re just waiting for Tad to die so you swoop in and grab Krystal . You know , that s real classy .
Adam : I m here for Krystal , yes . And I m here for you if you want anything .
J.R. : For somebody who s wanted Tad out of the picture for so long , do nt you think it s a little ridiculous for you to show up now ?
Adam : I do nt like Tad , that s true , but I do nt want him to die . Believe anything else that you might want , but I do nt want that .
Dr. George : Suction .
Jake : Damn it . That s another bleeder . Where s all this blood coming from ?
Dr. George : Can you tie it off ?
Jake : I ca nt get a visual . Sponge and cauterize . That s a lot of blood . Two more units . He s bleeding out . Slow down there , big brother . Slow down . Shoot , I ca nt visualize . Do you see it ?
Dr. George : I ca nt tell .
Jake : Lap pad . Lap pad , please . Come on , let s move .
Dr. George : Got it .
Jake : Good . That s one down -- a dozen to go .
Angie : One at a time , Joe .
Jesse : So you re absolutely sure you do nt have any by that name at this adoption agency in Albuquerque , right ? Ok , all right , all right , all right . Well , just let me know if anything changes , would you ? Unbelievable ! Some people just really need to get an education . That was another dead end for me . What about you ?
Aidan : I got nothing .
Jesse : Anything on Tad ?
Aidan : Still not out of surgery .
Jesse : So we keep working . He needs to wake up to at least something on Kate . That s the least we can do right now .
Aidan : Yeah , and Internet searching and cold calling is not going to get us anywhere
Jesse : I got a few more names on the list I can go through .
Aidan : And they re going to keep stonewalling you . You know what Tad would do ?
Jesse : What would Tad do ?
Aidan : He d play pinball or have a game of darts , or even a game of pool . Anything to get his mind off the case .
Jesse : You know what ? I could use some of that right now and get my mind off this .
Aidan : You know , when I first started working with Tad , he laid so many rules on me . Rule number one , he d say , the pool cue never lies . Rule number two , never let a female client leave here without getting a number .
Jesse : For follow - up purposes , of course .
Aidan : Of course . Fish n Chips , he d say , you take life way too seriously . You can still do serious work and have loads of fun .
Jesse : Just like Tad . Nice . Thanks for getting the guy that shot him .
Jesse : Well , it was nt soon enough .
Aidan : I should have been there on that roof .
Jesse : You were exactly where you were needed at the time . That idiot could have gone downstairs and started shooting again .
Aidan : Yeah , well , I still have so much drama , you know ? I should have been more alert , because then I could have saved Julia or Tad .
Zach : Come on in .
Jackson : Good morning . Is Kendall here ?
Zach : No , she left . Why ?
Jackson : I wanted to talk to her about Greenlee .
Zach : How can she help you with that ?
Jackson : Well , that s between Kendall and me .
Zach : Right now it s between us . What do you want to ask my wife ?
Jackson : Ok , Kendall s half the reason that Greenlee broke it off with Aidan .
Zach : I m aware of that .
Jackson : Yeah , I know you re aware of it . I was just trying to be tactful .
Zach : No need for that . It s out on the table . Greenlee broke it off with Aidan , because he slept with my wife .
Kendall : Good morning .
Jackson : So you re ok with what happened between Kendall and Aidan ?
Zach : No , I m not ok with it , but I dealt with it , and now it s in the past .
Jackson : Oh , well , but the problem with that , Zach , is the past just reared its ugly head , and destroyed my daughter s life .
Zach : I know . It s going to take a little time .
Jackson : My , are nt we cavalier ? A little time . So it was that easy for you ?
Zach : I did nt say it was easy . I m sure it was nt easy for you when Erica ran off with Jeff Martin .
Jackson : No , it was nt .
Zach : But you re still in her life .
Jackson : Yeah , we have a lot of history .
Zach : Right . So what do you do ? Where do you draw the line ? When you love somebody , you forgive things .
Jackson : My , what happened to bring on this spiritual awakening in you ?
Zach : I do nt know . Life happened , you know ? Stuck in a bunker for a few weeks with your daughter , and she made me realize some things that are very important .
Jackson : So we need to thank whoever sealed you two down there for this epiphany ?
Zach : I thank Greenlee .
Kendall : I brought coffee , nonfat skinny latte , and doughnuts . I m not leaving until we work through this thing .
Greenlee : You slept with my fiancé . That s not something you work through .
Kendall : I disagree .
Greenlee : You kept it from me for months , now you expect me to get over that ?
Kendall : Well , I know that it ll take time .
Greenlee : No , no . Here s what happens . Take our friendship off life support , pull the plug . Over , done , call it a day .
Kendall : Well , what if I m not ready to give up on this friendship ?
Greenlee : Too bad .
Kendall : Greenlee , we have to save this . We can save this , we have to .
Greenlee : No , we do nt have to . I do nt care how guilty you feel , I do nt have to do anything . Get out .
Kendall : I m not leaving this time .
Greenlee : Do nt push it , Kendall , do nt . You do nt want to fight me on this one .
Kendall : You want to fight ? Fine , bring it on . We can go shot for shot until we draw blood if you have to .
Greenlee : You have no idea .
Kendall : Yes , I do . How many rounds you up for this time , Greenlee ?
Greg : I ll be right back .
Cassandra : Excuse me . Do you want this ?
Ruth : Oh , no , thank you , sweetheart .
Cassandra : Dre . I was wondering what happened to you after things went crazy .
Dre : I had to leave . Sorry .
Cassandra : No , it s ok . I just wanted to know that you were all good .
Dre : Um , I brought you this . You forgot it last night .
Cassandra : Wow , thank you . I did nt even realize it . My brother helped save my mother s life .
Dre : Oh , that s great . How s Tad ?
Cassandra : You heard ?
Dre : Yeah . Is he going to be ok ?
Cassandra : It s touch and go right now .
Frankie : Good morning , miss --
Randy : Who are you ?
Frankie : I m Dr. Hubbard . Can you tell me how you got injured ?
Randy : I do nt even know how I got here .
Frankie : Well , according to the paramedics , you were found in the street unconscious .
Randy : What ? No , no way .
Frankie : Were you attacked , mugged , or anything like that ?
Randy : I do nt -- I do nt have a clue . The last thing I remember , I was walking home from work , and I do nt know , bam , I end up here .
Frankie : Ok . All right . Well , uh , I m going to run a full workup here and make sure everything checks out . These are some serious bruises you have .
Randy : Look , I m fine . I just need to get out of here , and a couple of aspirin , I m good to go .
Frankie : Whoa , whoa , whoa -- see ? Hold on , Sister Souljah . You re not going anywhere like that . Now , I promise , all of this will be relatively painless . Is there anybody you d like for us to call ?
Randy : I told you , I m fine .
Frankie : Where do you work ?
Randy : Are you trying to ask for insurance ?
Frankie : No . Does your job require any lifting , any kind of movements ? I just want to establish your history .
Randy : Just do what you have to do to get me to walk out of here .
Frankie : That s the plan .
Randy : The sooner the better .
Greg : You ok , Krystal ?
Krystal : Not even close .
Greg : Is there anything I can do ?
Krystal : Can you guarantee me that Tad will walk out of here ?
Greg : There are no guarantees , Krystal . I wish there were .
Dr. George : Dr. Martin , can you see the main bleeder ?
Jake : I ca nt find it .
Joe : What about the liver ?
Dr. George : The liver s clean . A small tear on the duct . No damage there .
Jake : It would nt account for all of this .
Dr. George : Give me some suction . Patient s still bleeding out .
Jake : The patient is my brother . Hang in there , Tad .
Dr. George : We re going to have to work this fast . He s becoming very unstable .
J.R. : Because Krystal does nt want you here .
Adam : I have no doubt that s true . But I m here for you , too , J.R.
J.R. : Then you should go , because I sure as hell do nt want you here , either .
Zach : Greenlee was amazing down there . She made me see things and believe in things that I never believed in . Faith , and love , and forgiveness . I know -- forgiveness . And I came out of that hole , and I found it in me to forgive Kendall and move on .
Jack : Boy , it s ironic , is nt it ? Greenlee imbues you with all this sage wisdom , and for her thanks , she gets her heart trampled .
Zach : And I did nt want that . She does nt deserve it .
Jack : No , she does nt .
Zach : I care about your daughter .
Jack : Yeah , ok . You know , I know you two got close down there , but this is a whole different thing .
Zach : Jack , it s more than that . I love your daughter .
Greenlee : You re insane if you actually believe we re going to be friends again .
Kendall : We ve been through worse . We ve always made it back .
Greenlee : Sorry , Kendall . This one s a deal breaker .
Kendall : I am still here after you ripped my dress off in court to prove that I was nt pregnant . I m still here after you stole Ryan from me .
Greenlee : Please . Ryan came willingly .
Kendall : But my kid did nt . You took him .
Greenlee : You took my child , the one I was dreaming of , when you took my eggs and stole my flipping life .
Kendall : I did that for you .
Greenlee : Please . Kendall the martyr ?
Kendall : Ok , we do bring out the worst in each other . I admit that . But we also bring out the best in each other .
Greenlee : Not a chance .
Kendall : Spike ? Fusion ?
Greenlee : So that s what this is about ? Fusion ? You re trying to make nice because you are afraid for the company .
Kendall : No , that s not it .
Greenlee : You know what ? After ruining my future with Aidan , you owe me .
Kendall : Well , that s why I m here .
Greenlee : Good . You want to make nice ? Give me our company . Give me Fusion .
Aidan : I could have done more .
Jesse : Oh , Aidan , do nt go there . It s not worth it . The only one to blame in all this is Gardner .
Aidan : But , Jesse , I ca nt stop thinking about Julia s little girl and Jenny .
Jesse : So let s just put it to good use , all right ? Tad looked for his girl every single day , did nt he ?
Aidan : Tad ever show you these ?
Jesse : No , I do nt recognize it .
Aidan : These are letters to Kate . He wrote two of these every week , hoping that he d find her soon , and when he did , he would show her these and then she would know that he never stopped thinking about her .
Jesse : He was going to give this box to her , huh ?
Aidan : Yeah , I mean , when she was old enough to understand .
Jesse : Dear Kate , this is your old man again . Still missing you like crazy .
Krystal : Kathy has to be told about Julia .
Babe : There s time for that , Mama . When Tad is better --
Krystal : I do nt want to leave here , but I --
Babe : But you just wait until after Tad s surgery , ok ?
Krystal : It s going to be so hard to tell her .
Babe : I know , I know .
Krystal : But it has to be done . I mean , she probably knows something is wrong by now , but you re right . I ca nt -- I ca nt tell her . Not -- not now .
Jake : I think I found it . I think I found the source . Yes , that s it . Good . 3 - 0 suture .
Dr. George : Come on , come on , we re running out of time .
Anesthesiologist : Pressure s down .
Joe : You need to stop the bleeding .
Angie : Joe , they have it . You re going to have to let Jake and Dr. George handle this .
Dr. George : He s in V - fib .
Joe : Hurry .
Doctor : He s still in de - fib .
Jake : Hold on . Hold on . Hold on . I got it . Go .
Joe : 360 . Clear .
Joe : Charge .
Doctor : Nothing .
Joe : Clear .
Angie : Come on , Tad . Come on .
Joe : Clear .
Doctor : He s back .
Jake : Do nt you do that to me , big brother . Do nt you ever do that to me again . Sponge .
Ruth : J.R. , would you like to come with me and Greg down to the chapel ? Opal s there .
J.R. : Um , thank you . But Ruth , I do nt really want to lose this spot .
Colby s voice : Julia was sitting where I was when she got shot -- Daddy , where you told me to stay put if --
Orderly : 17-year - old female shot at the casino .
Adam : You said my loved ones would suffer .
Dixie : Well , they are suffering . Do nt you see it , Adam ?
Adam : Yes , of course I see it . I see them . J.R. , Colby -- yes , they are suffering . They both love Tad , and they re afraid they re going to lose him .
Dixie : Someone else close to you is in pain , too .
Adam : Krystal .
Jack : So you love my daughter .
Zach : Yeah . A friend like that is hard to come by .
Jack : Really never had an easy time making friends .
Zach : Well , she s got one in me for the rest of her life . I ll see her through anything .
Jack : How are you going to see her through this mess exactly ?
Zach : I did nt tell her , because I wanted to protect her .
Jack : Yeah , and yet she turns out to be hurt worse than anyone . I do nt know how to help her . I do nt , I do nt .
Zach : Well , tearing into Kendall is probably not going to help .
Jack : Yeah , well , you know what , Zach ? Here s the thing . Kendall plays at being Greenlee s friend , but she just keeps taking and taking , and she constantly gets away with it .
Zach : Nothing to do with us . It s between them .
Jack : Yeah , ok . So who tells Kendall that she ca nt do it any more ?
Kendall : You will be eating your fudge ice cream in hell before I hand over Fusion .
Greenlee : Well , there s no way we can work together . Not after this .
Kendall : We were together after you stole my son and crashed the car he was in . So suck it up , Greenlee . Put on your big girl pants .
Greenlee : Suck it up ? Suck it up ? You slept with the man I was supposed to marry .
Kendall : Yes , and I will be paying for that for a very long time .
Greenlee : I d rather scrap Fusion and sell it for parts than share it with you .
Kendall : You would kill our Fusion ? You ca nt mean that .
Greenlee : Try me .
Cassandra : And that s when they took Tad to the hospital . I mean , he s still in surgery . They have no idea if --
Dre : I had to leave the casino . Seeing all those people panicking , I thought about my mom .
Cassandra : Oh .
Dre : She was in the South Tower on 9/11 .
Cassandra : I know . Colby told me , and I m so sorry .
Dre : So I had to get out . Sorry , I should nt have come here .
Cassandra : No , it s ok .
Dre : No , go . Be with your family .
Randy : So , what ? You run me through half a dozen hoops and then ditch me forever ?
Frankie : I had to go over your film with the radiologist .
Randy : And ?
Frankie : And you have a hairline fracture in your right wrist , and we notice another recent break in your arm as well .
Randy : So fix me up and get me out of here . That s how it works , right ?
Frankie : I wish . How d you break your arm ?
Randy : How is it your business ?
Frankie : Are you married ? Do you have a boyfriend ?
Randy : Again , none of your business .
Frankie : Well , it -- it just looks as if you --
Randy : What ? I m clumsy .
Frankie : Did someone hit you ?
Randy : Honestly , you re nuts .
Frankie : Look , I think it would , uh , behoove you to speak to someone . A social worker .
Frankie : I ve got to run , but I ll be right back .
Krystal : It s taking a long time .
Jesse : I do nt like it .
Aidan : Neither do I.
Frankie : How d the search go ?
Jesse : No luck yet .
Aidan : We ve been covering ground without Tad .
Jesse : He s got to be a part of the search for Katie , man .
Frankie : It makes sense .
Aidan : Well , as soon as he gets back on his feet .
Jesse : Yeah , we ll give him a week or two , right ?
Aidan : Then he can man up .
Krystal : I just wish I could be there , you know ? Do something for him , help him somehow .
J.R. : You have helped him , Krystal , by being his wife .
Krystal : But what have I given him , huh ? I mean , nothing close to what he s given me . I did nt love him enough . He deserves to be loved better , and I could nt do it .
Zach : Jackson . Kendall regrets what she did .
Jack : That does nt make it ok .
Zach : I know , but she s trying to make amends . She s at Greenlee s now .
Jack : Kendall s at Greenlee s now ?
Zach : Yeah , and you know why ? Because Greenlee and Kendall , they ca nt stay away from each other . Even something like that where somebody gets hurt .
Jack : Yeah , but you know what ? This is not just a little hurt !
Zach : I know . I agree with you , but they re sisters , Jack . Blood or no blood , they re sisters . Ca nt tear them apart .
Kendall : Admit it . You do nt want Fusion trashed any more than I do .
Greenlee : Fine . Fine . But I hate you .
Kendall : Fine . Hate me , but we ll work together , and you ll get over this .
Greenlee : But I ll still hate you .
Kendall : Fine . See you at the office .
Greenlee : Kendall . You knew how much I loved Aidan . You knew I could nt handle being hurt again . And still --
Kendall : I thought you and Zach were dead .
Greenlee : I was nt dead , but a part of me feels dead now . And you did that , Kendall . You , my best friend .
Social worker : She wo nt give her last name ?
Frankie : Yeah , well she s shady talking about the fractures . I suspect abuse .
Social worker : Yeah , I ll see what I can get out of her .
Adam : Krystal .
J.R. : Look , I told you , Dad .
Krystal : No , J.R. It s ok . Um , could you two give Adam and me a minute , please ?
Babe : Are you sure about that , Mama ?
Krystal : Yeah . I just -- I just keep wondering what I can do to help Tad and what I could possibly say to help him survive this -- to give him the strength to survive it .
Adam : And you came up with something ?
Krystal : Well , all I keep thinking about is when you lied . And it just keeps going over and over and over in my mind when you told me you knew where Kate was .
Adam : Hm .
Krystal : If only it was nt a lie . If only -- if only you did know where Kate was .
Angie : Krystal , Tad made it through surgery . He s in recovery .
Krystal : Oh .
Joe : Sweetheart , he made it .
Ruth : Oh .
Joe : He s in recovery .
Ruth : Oh , thank God .
Krystal : When can we see him ?
Angie : Not quite yet .
Ruth : Joe , what are nt you saying ?
Joe : The bullets did major damage .
Angie : We have no way of knowing at this point if the repair will hold .
Joe : The next 24 hours are crucial .
Jake : Ok , so , I ve done my job . Now you need to do yours . You hear me ? We love you , and we need you to stick around . So do nt go anywhere . You understand me ?
Tad : Hey .
Dixie : Hey .
Tad : I wish we could have had another chance .
Dixie : We can .
Tad : Huh . Mm .
J.R. ( to Adam ) : Kathy s already lost both of her parents . No one should have to go through that twice .
Dixie : We can start over , Tad . Tell me you want this .
Tad : Yes , I want this .
### Summary:
| Kendall goes to Greenlee s home to make things right between them . It is touch and go for Tad , but they find the bleeder , close his wounds , and caution that the next 24 hours will be critical to his survival . Jesse and Aidan search for Kate , but run into stumbling blocks . Aidan is concerned about Greenlee , but he lost Julia , a friend and Tad is in trouble as well . Kathy ( Kate ) does not yet know that Julia has died . Maria is seeking guardianship of Kathy . Colby was sitting in the chair where Julia was shot . Adam dislikes Tad but does not want him to die . Kendall offers to mend her friendship with Greenlee who insists she hates her , but they both agree that they will not lose Fusion . Jake stands by Tad . Jack want to point the finger at Kendall , but Zach will not let him . Krystal is worried that she did not love Tad enough . Tad sees Dixie and wishes they had another chance ; Dixie says they can . Zach found a new understanding while in the bunker , which is why he can forgive Kendall . Frankie talks to a social worker about the girl found on the street . When they return to her room , Randy has disappeared . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Taylor : Do nt you dare come in here and try to take my baby away .
Brooke : I m not .
Nick : Brooke , maybe this is nt the time .
Taylor : Get out !
Brooke : No , all I want to do is tell you--
Taylor : I do nt care !
Brooke : Taylor , you really need to listen .
Taylor : No , I want you to stay away from me . And do nt you dare go near my baby . Now get out !
Stephanie : Eric , I want to make this right . How could I possibly have known what that man would do to Brooke ? Do you think that I--
Eric : All right , you need to stop this .
Stephanie : I want to ap-- look , all I wanted to do was protect my grandchildren .
Eric : Well , what do you know ? The road to hell is paved with good intentions .
Stephanie : Sometimes it is , you know ? Bu-- look , the road I ve been on has been paved with obsession and hatred , and I ve been on it a long time . I do nt want that anymore . I just-- I do nt want this to cost me a life without you and our children . I ... that would be hell for me .
Phoebe : I ve never seen Mom so happy .
Ridge : So she and the baby are fine ?
Phoebe : Yeah .
Ridge : Are you just now coming from the hospital ?
Phoebe : No , nick s house . I was getting the nursery ready with Jackie and Thomas .
Ridge : So you have nt checked in with them again tonight ?
Phoebe : No . But you could always call Mom and congratulate her .
Ridge : Well , I think I ll just ... send a gift to the house .
Phoebe : You know , it s okay to feel weird about Mom having a kid with someone else . I mean , it was hard for me to get used to the idea at first . But nick s gon na be a really great dad .
Ridge : Well , maybe he ll focus on his own life now and stay the hell out of mine .
Taylor : Where the hell is security ? Somebody get her out of here .
Nick : Honey , please . Now Brooke is just as shocked and confused as we are . If we could all just calm down and try to make some--
Taylor : Calm down ? Brooke is the donor of our child , Nick . How could this even be possible ?
Brooke : There was a mix - up in the fertility lab . I gave an egg donation many , many months ago for medical research , and my medical records still said the name Marone . It was some stupid clerical error .
Taylor : A clerical error ? ( Scoffs ) my life is turned upside down because of a clerical error ?
Brooke : I m sorry .
Taylor : Really ? You wanted a child with Nick . Is nt --isnt that what you wanted ?
Brooke : Taylor , a lot has happened since then . We ve all moved on . And , yes , this baby-- it was conceived with my egg , but it s your son , Taylor . This child is yours .
Eric : If you came back here looking for sympathy , you ve knocked on the wrong door . You re not gon na find very many others open to you either .
Stephanie : Eric , you do nt think that I wanted th-- you do nt think I wanted her to be raped ?
Eric : You did nt care what might happen to her .
Stephanie : Do you think that I have nt asked myself how I could have let that happen , how I could have been so lost in my own hate ?
Eric : It s who you are . ( Inhales deeply ) Years ago , you were a warm , loving woman completely devoted to your family . But your children grew up , and you could nt let them live their own lives , especially Ridge . No woman was good enough for him , and certainly not a woman who brought to him such love and fulfillment as Brooke did . And so she was a threat to you . But really , you were jealous . You wanted Ridge and the children for yourself , because the truth of the matter is the real love of your life is Ridge . And no amount of soul searching is gon na change that .
Ridge : Look , I ve said as many prayers for that child as anyone today .
Phoebe : Yeah , but -- but you re still angry with Nick . And grandpa s got the company back .
Ridge : Sweetheart , my issues with Nick do nt have to affect your relationship with him , okay ? ( Cell phone rings )
Ridge : That might be your mother . Hello ?
Nurse : Is this Ridge Forrester ?
Ridge : Yes .
Nurse : Sir , this is university hospital . I have your name on the emergency contact sheet for a ms . Brooke Logan . I wanted to inform you that Ms. Logan will not be released tonight .
Ridge : Released ? What -- what happened ?
Nurse : You were nt aware that Ms. Logan had been admitted ?
Ridge : No , I was nt .
Nurse : I assumed since she listed you as an emergency contact ... I may have made a mistake . I am so sorry to have bothered you .
Ridge : Wait . Hello ? Hello ?
Phoebe : What is it ?
Ridge : Ohh .
Phoebe : Wh -- da--
Ridge : Brooke s in the hospital . I ve got ta get over there .
Phoebe : Wh--
Ridge : See you a little later .
Taylor : The child is all mine ?
Brooke : ... And Nick s . I just came from seeing him . He s so beautiful . ( Sighs ) I ve given him everything that I can , but that s not enough . What he needs from you is far more precious-- his mother . Nothing is more important than that .
Taylor : Do nt tell me how to be a mother .
Brooke : I m not . I just want you to understand so that there s no confusion .
Taylor : I carried that baby for eight months , and all that time , I was preparing . I was imagining our future together . I was ... thinking of everything that we would do as a family , raising our baby together .
Brooke : And you will , Taylor . You can have the life that you ve dreamed of , that you ve imagined . I am not going to stand in your way .
Stephanie : I love my son . There s nothing to be ashamed of in that .
Eric : No , there s not . But you ca nt let him live his own life . That s the problem .
Stephanie : It s not what s wrong with this marriage .
Eric : I was nt aware you thought anything was wrong with this marriage , the way you breezed in here .
Stephanie : Why I breezed in-- look , Eric , I was nervous . ( Sighs heavily ) I went away , because I was hoping that it would give you time to think all of this through and -- and time to understand it was never my intention to hurt Brooke in that way .
Eric : Taking her children away from her was nt hurtful ?
Stephanie : You re always so determined to see the worst in me . That s the problem with this marriage .
Eric : So it s my fault ?
Stephanie : Well , partly . I mean , is nt it 50 - 50 ? Have nt we both made mistakes , Eric ? And have nt most of the mistakes that we ve made in our lives involved Brooke ?
Eric : Oh , here it comes now . Here it is again .
Stephanie : Oh , please , do nt stand there and roll your eyes and just act as though you know exactly what I m going through .
Eric : I - I do know what you re gon na say ! I ve heard it a thousand times before , and I m tired of it .
Stephanie : Well , do you think I m not ? Do you think I fe-- I like feeling this way ? You re absolutely right when you say that I ve changed . Of course I ve changed over the years . But it had nt anything to do with losing the children . It had everything to do with losing you . You ve never really wanted to face what happened . You never wanted to look and understand why the wall came down between us . My heart stopped beating for you the day I saw you in Brooke s arms .
Stephanie : I m asking you please , please , please , please , do nt let what happened to Brooke come between us .
Eric : Brooke is the victim here , not you .
Stephanie : Of course she s the victim , but I did nt victimize her . The son of a bitch that raped her did !
Eric : You sent him ! And until you take full responsibility for that , there s nothing more for you and me to say .
Stephanie : You want me to apologize to Brooke , I will . I in -- of course I will . I m asking you , please , please , open your heart and try to understand and to forgive me .
Eric : It s not that simple . A lot s happened since you ve been away . You need to hear about it from me .
Ridge : Oh , I m sorry . I was told Brooke Logan was in here .
Nurse : Oh , she was . She may have been transferred to a room . I can check for you , though that really would surprise me . It s standard procedure to spend a few hours in recovery following a transplant .
Ridge : What do you mean a transplant ?
Nurse : Oh , she donated her bone marrow to the Marone baby .
Ridge : To Nick and Taylor s child ?
Nick : Ladies , I m the boy s father . I d like to say something . There s no issue about paternity here . The real question is parenthood .
Nick : And that s the commitment that we made together to this boy . What he likes , what he is and who he becomes-- we are his parents . This is a commitment we ve made for a lifetime-- to raise this boy with love and kindness and to give him our best ... together ...
Nick : Together , right ?
Taylor : ( Sobbing ) But if he likes me , why would he act that way ?
Brooke : I should go .
Taylor : Not yet .
Nick : Honey , there s -- there s nothing else to say .
Taylor : Yes , there is .
Taylor : Thank you .
Taylor : Because of you , our -- our child will finally have a chance at a normal life .
Brooke : I just did what any mother-- why , I - I just did what needed to be done .
Taylor : For a child you do nt have any connection with ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Taylor , I ll never forget what happened here today , but when the doctor releases me , I go back home to my own life , to my own family . Nothing has changed .
Taylor : Can you live with that ? Really , Brooke , look me in the eye and tell me you can live with that . A month from now , a year , ten years , you wo nt look at your child and wonder if maybe things could have been different ?
Brooke : No . And I pray to God you do nt either .
Nick : It ll be okay . We ll make it work .
Stephanie : Please , Eric , just open your heart and give me a chance .
Eric : While you were gone , I ve changed , too .
Stephanie : ( Inhales deeply ) Look , let s not talk anymore right now , okay ? I - I - Ill -- Ill go see Brooke tonight , and I will apologize , and I will ask her please if she can find it in her heart to forgive me .
Eric : Yeah , you do that .
Stephanie : Do nt just write this off . I realize that -- that it-- look , this is nt going to fix everything or-- could nt it just be at least the first step ? ( Door opens and closes )
Donna : She thinks you two still have a chance .
Eric : Stephanie only hears what she wants to hear .
Donna : I am not a home wrecker , Eric .
Eric : Donna , I made her no promises .
Donna : ( Scoffs ) Well , you have nt made me any either . But I can make you one . No matter how much Stephanie has or has not changed , your life with her wo nt . I mean , when was the last time you were truly happy with her ?
Eric : ( Scoffs ) Life is nt always like that , Donna .
Donna : It should be . I mean , maybe not always , but -- but a lot .
Donna : Is that how she makes you feel ? Eric , life -- life is a banquet , and it s all right there in front of you . Yeah , you can survive on bread and water , but would nt you rather have a - a decadent piece of chocolate cake ? And I know you know what I m talking about . It s why you do what you do . I mean , women could cover themselves in gunnysacks , but ... what s the point of high fashion ? It s to feel good about yourself . Which one of us does that for you , Eric -- Stephanie or me ?
Brooke : Ridge , what are you doing here ?
Ridge : The hospital called . I heard what you did-- donated marrow to Taylor and Nick s baby . That -- are you all right ?
Brooke : Yeah , just a little weak .
Ridge : Let me help you .
Brooke : My back s sore .
Ridge : Are you supposed to be out of bed ?
Brooke : Uh , I - I had to talk to Taylor .
Ridge : How s she doing ?
Brooke : She s overwhelmed .
Ridge : SCID , S - C - I - D ? Wh -- what is that ? I ve never heard of that .
Brooke : It s a problem with the baby s immune system . But he has a fighting chance now .
Ridge : Well , yeah , thanks to you . You re one incredible lady for doing something like that .
Brooke : Could you get me some water , please ?
Ridge : Yeah , sure .
Dr. Caron : Oh , Brooke , I m glad you re here . I wanted to thank you . You really rose above all the confusion today . That took a lot of courage .
Brooke : I wish everybody would stop acting like I m some kind of hero .
Dr. Caron : ( Scoffs ) You did an incredible thing for your little boy .
Ridge : She just called him your little boy . Why d she say that ? Why d the doctor refer to Taylor and Nick s little baby as your little boy ?
### Summary:
| Taylor rails on Brooke and wants her to get out do nt dare go near her baby or try to take it away from her . All of this because of some stupid clerical error ! However , Brooke assures her that nothing has changed , she is not going to claim the baby . Eric listens as Stephanie tries to explain she was only trying to help her grandchildren ; she never knew or intended for Brooke to be raped . He lets her know if she came back for sympathy , she has come to the wrong house . Donna is hiding and listening from the terrace . It s not that simple , explains Eric , and until Stephanie accepts full responsibility , there is no us . Ridge s issues with Nick clouds his judgment at being overjoyed at the birth of the baby . Then he s amazed when he gets a phone call from the hospital that Brooke will not be released tonight ; he heads there right away . And is even more amazed when he is told Brooke s bone marrow was donated to the Marone baby . With Nick s help , Taylor calms down , but she still has doubts that Brooke will feel this way a week from now or a year or ten years . Stephanie begs Eric to give her one more chance . He tells her that he has changed too while she was gone and he s making no promises . She only hears what she wants to hear and heads out to make amends with Brooke .tonight before it is too late . Donna tells Eric that she heard everything and that Stephanie still has hopes for their marriage , but life is a banquet and it s all right there in front of him if he wants it . Ridge talks to Brooke in the hospital and is blown away that she helped Nick and Taylor s baby . Then unbeknownst to the doctor that Ridge is in bathroom getting Brooke a glass of water , Dr. Caron comes in and praises Brooke for being so courageous for her baby boy . Ridge asks what this means her baby boy ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : ( Gasps ) Oh !
Ridge : Where s my milk ?
Brooke : ( Breathlessly ) Oh . Oh , never mind that . I did nt make it to the kitchen . This is big !
Ridge : Did you see who it was ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Yes . Dayzee .
Ridge : ( Mouths word )
Brooke : ( Gasps ) Thomas was kissing her !
Ridge : Whoa .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Amber : Are you still open ?
Stephanie : In your case , I m not so sure .
Amber : And , uh , do you still charge only what a person can pay ?
Stephanie : Well , if I did , it would be the biggest challenge to my principles up to this moment .
Amber : ( Sighs ) Look , I do nt like coming here like this , but , um , I did nt know where else to go . And in case it matters to you at all , I am homeless now , too .
Stephanie : ( Laughs )
Bill : Come in .
Lt . Baker : It s dark in here .
Bill : It matches my mood . What do you have for me , Lieutenant ?
Lt . Baker : The trailer was registered to Amber s mother . It was out of warranty and uninsured .
Bill : What a shock .
Lt . Baker : The propane distributor in your county said that he warned Mrs. Moore that the valve was rusted and that the tank should be replaced . Amber claims she did nt know anything about it .
Bill : You do nt say .
Lt . Baker : There s no evidence to support criminal charges , but I d say you probably have a case for , uh , civil action .
Bill : And what should I sue her for ? Charred trailer parts ?
Lt . Baker : I m sorry , Mr. Spencer . There s nothing else we can do .
Brooke : You re upset ?
Ridge : Am I ?
Brooke : You re thinking .
Ridge : I m thinking , way to go , Son .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Well , she is pretty wonderful .
Ridge : You and Mother agree on this ?
Brooke : You do nt ?
Ridge : I do nt really know her that well , but I get the feeling she s one of those women that , uh , knows how to handle a man .
Brooke : Handle ?
Ridge : Like you . The very first time I saw you at Mother s reception ...
Brooke : ( Sighs ) I ll have you know I was very sweet and very young and very innocent .
Ridge : I was looking at you a certain way across the room . You were looking back at me . I knew this was a girl that was not afraid of men .
Brooke : Whatever . I think Dayzee is an entirely appropriate girl to be dating Thomas .
Ridge : I agree .
Brooke : But I may have been too hasty in dating you .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Dayzee : Okay , this is all just moving a little too fast for me .
Thomas : Uh , all right .
Dayzee : ( Sighs )
Thomas : What would normal speed look like for you ?
Dayzee : Hmm , no kissing and no caviar .
Thomas : Okay , how would you know I was serious ?
Dayzee : ( Sighs ) You know , I do nt even think I know what normal speed is .
Thomas : Maybe that s what you re doing with Marcus .
Dayzee : ( Sighs ) I do nt know . Maybe .
Thomas : How are things with you and him ?
Dayzee : Um , we re friends-- good friends .
Thomas : So you re free to date other people ?
Dayzee : Okay , the man s in Paris , Thomas .
Thomas : So you ll tell him we re seeing each other ?
Dayzee : I would , yes , if I were , but ... I m not .
Amber : Look , I - I just , uh , I need a roof over my head just -- just until I can get back on my feet .
Stephanie : And that day never seems to come . No , you go -- go see your mother and cry on her shoulder .
Amber : ( Sighs ) She gave me her trailer , but it blew up .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Just like everything else you touch .
Amber : No , it-- it actually blew up . It -- it exploded . Like flames , ambulance ...
Stephanie : Somebody was hurt ? It was nt you .
Amber : Liam-- he s in the hospital .
Stephanie : What the hell was he doing there with you ?
Amber : ( Sighs ) You know , all anyone wants to do is tell me off . I m just so sick of it !
Stephanie : Wait a minute . He was nt ... he was nt seeing you while he s still seeing Hope ?
Amber : Is that so hard to believe ?
Stephanie : Yes !
Amber : Well , believe it . Pop another blood pressure pill because it happened . Liam and I slept together . Uh , only once , and ...
Stephanie : And now you re gon na tell me that he got you pregnant .
Amber : He did .
Stephanie : ( Singsong voice ) I do nt believe it .
Amber : Why does everyone keep saying that , huh ? Believe it . In fact , I have a D.N.A. test that proves it , performed by Bill Spencer s personal physician . I m having Liam s baby .
Steffy : Surprise .
Bill : Where did you come from ?
Steffy : Mm ... heaven , by way of Paris , full of dark , handsome French men . But you would know all this if you answered any of my text messages , hmm ?
Bill : You know that I m a busy man , Steffy .
Steffy : You miss me ?
Bill : No .
Steffy : ( Whispers ) Liar .
Bill : I m not getting in the sandbox with you tonight .
Steffy : ( Normal voice ) What , bad timing ? You re not in the mood ?
Bill : You re 2 for 2 .
Steffy : Hey , what s with the Dracula routine , you re sitting alone here in the dark ?
Bill : I m contemplating murder .
Thomas : Why ca nt you see me ? You just said you re unattached .
Dayzee : Thomas , I m a novelty , okay ? Novelties wear off .
Thomas : So it s a race to see who gets bored of who first , and you decide to be the winner ?
Dayzee : No , no . I m not bored with you . I hardly know you .
Thomas : Do you want to ? That s the question . Look , I know how much we do nt have in common . It just does nt scare me as much as it scares you .
Dayzee : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Is Liam all right ?
Amber : Well , he had a concussion before , and I guess the explosion made it worse .
Stephanie : But he s gon na be okay ?
Amber : I m saying he will .
Stephanie : You better . If anything happens to him , you ll have to deal with his father , and then heaven help you .
Bill : I do nt care what the police say . She s stalking him . That s what happened that night . She followed him home . She knew he d be lone , knocked him out , dragged him into his bed . Whatever exploits led to the insemination , I do nt believe for one minute it had anything to do with consensual sex .
Steffy : Okay , so why do nt you just pay her off ? You know that s what she wants .
Bill : No , what she wants is a paycheck for life . Besides , Liam would have none of it . It s his D.N.A. , his flesh and blood , et cetera . But if he never wakes up ...
Steffy : No , do nt even think that . He will , Bill ! He will .
Bill : If he never wakes up , she s going to pay .
Steffy : Bill , come on . You are not going to murder anyone . Look , I know you re joking .
Bill : Of course I am . You know me , always clowning . Try this .
Brooke : I am so happy for Thomas . I am so glad he found somebody special .
Ridge : Logan , it s only a first date .
Brooke : I know . But opposites attract , like us .
Ridge : I do nt think we re so opposite .
Brooke : Oh , yes , we are . We were in the beginning . I mean , not really now , but you were a millionaire playboy , remember ?
Ridge : You were A slut from the valley , according to Mother .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Oh , great .
Ridge : Not much has changed , just the zip codes .
Brooke : ( Chuckles ) Yeah . Yeah , it was forbidden love .
Ridge : We wore them down , did nt we ?
Brooke : Yeah , we did . ( Sighs ) So do you think there s no more excitement ? Are you bored with me ?
Ridge : Bored with you ? How can I be bored with you ? I never know what the hell you re gon na do next .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Ridge : I know you re not tired of me . I m endlessly exciting . We ve already established how much charm I have .
Brooke : Oh , God . ( Laughs ) Oh , that s interesting .
Ridge : And I m great in bed . So what ?
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Yes , you are .
Ridge : Does Miss Maam want to say something ?
Brooke : I just ... ( Sighs ) I just wish that everybody in the world could be as happy as I am . Sometimes , this feeling just ... ( Inhales deeply ) Comes over me , and I just never dreamed that I would have this much joy in my life just doing this , you know ? Hanging out with you , and talking with you and being with you before bed .
Brooke : I love you .
Ridge : I love you , too .
Dayzee : ( Sighs ) I m not afraid . I m skeptical . There s a difference .
Thomas : Okay .
Dayzee : Look , my mom had an education . Drugs do nt limit themselves to dropouts . I used to have teachers that would really apply themselves and really help me out , and I had them each for one year . And then I had this really great set of foster parents who taught me about art and music . And they sang to me , and they read to me , and they even took me to the mountains , to Mexico . You know how long I was with them ? Two years . Two years before the court put me back with my mom . Everyone I ve ever known in my life has been a tourist . Some of them I ll never forget , but to be honest I m used to people meeting me and wanting to get to know me and get close to me . Do nt get me wrong , its great when happens , but it does nt bowl me over .
Thomas : ( Chuckles ) I knew we had a lot in common . I do nt bowl over easy , either .
Dayzee : ( Chuckles )
Steffy : Bill , your imagination is running wild . Liam is going to be fine . He s gon na wake up . He s going to deal with Amber .
Bill : Liam is not made like me . He s bighearted and sensitive , and ... and believe it or not , I would nt want him any other way . I love that boy . And if I lose him because of Amber , I--
Steffy : You need to go home . You need to talk to your wife .
Bill : I talk to Katie about everything .
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Bill : But I m not going to expose her to this .
Steffy : Expose her ? Bill , this is a dark fantasy . You d never do it . So go home , all right ? Go home , build a fire , cuddle with your wife , all right ? Unless I could persuade you to escape someplace with me ... now you do nt know what you re missing , all right ?
Bill : I ve got to make a call .
Steffy : Promise me you ll leave right after . He loves you , too , you know . He did nt , then he did . You have that effect on people .
Stephanie : Oh , God , I do nt know . This whole thing , this paternity test , it just seems so dubious to me . You , Liam , a baby ?
Amber : I m surprised you had nt heard before .
Stephanie : How d you make it happen ?
Amber : The good old - fashioned way .
Stephanie : Oh , God . Why do I think there s something more going on here ? Liam is crazy about Hope . He s in love with her . He adores her . And all of a sudden , he turns his back ?
Amber : You think I manipulated things ?
Stephanie : You ve done this exact same thing before . This is another wealthy young man , and another baby out of wedlock .
Amber : What are you accusing me of ?
Stephanie : Amber , come on ! You re a wonderful young girl . You have whole great zest for life . You ve got a lot of talent , and what do you do ? You waste all of your energy scheming , manipulating , using people .
Amber : This baby is gon na be a blessing for everyone . You ll see . Cause that s what a child can do .
Amber : It s him .
Stephanie : Spencer ? Well , you better answer it , or he ll come looking for you .
Amber : ( Sighs ) Hello .
Bill : I need to see you .
Amber : Why ? What do you want ?
Bill : Well , I ve been thinking a lot about your point of view , and I ve done some soul - searching . I have something for you , and I think it can move things in a positive direction . 4185 Bluffside Road . I ll see you there .
Dayzee : Thanks for the shirts .
Thomas : Hey , you know what ? You should let me drive you .
Dayzee : No , it s okay . Stephanie made me take her car .
Thomas : Right . ( Chuckles ) When can I see you again ?
Dayzee : You know you re gon na run out of favors to do for me .
Thomas : Look , I know you re not some little lost girl who s waiting to be dusted off and handed her wildest dreams . You have purpose . You have plans . You have goals for yourself .
Dayzee : I do , yeah .
Thomas : I just want to be around . I want to know you .
Dayzee : Can I ask you something , at the risk of sounding rude ?
Thomas : Of course .
Dayzee : Why do you like fashion ?
Thomas : You mean the family business ?
Dayzee : Mm - hmm .
Thomas : I care about bodies .
Dayzee : ( Chuckles )
Thomas : ( Chuckles ) I care about ... ( Sighs ) What people see when they look at each other . It matters to everyone , even you . And more interesting clothes can tell you something about a person ... ( Sighs ) Well , a lot more than nakedness would . Yeah , can you imagine what I could do if I could just dress everyone in skid row for one week ? ( Sighs )
Dayzee : I wondered .
Thomas : What ?
Dayzee : If you loved fashion , or if it was just something that happened to you . I m impressed . You re passionate . I like that .
Amber : Hello ? Hello ? You just-- you scared me . ( Gasps ) So what s up ? Uh , what is this place ? Why d you make me come all the way out here , hmm ?
Bill : I am so glad you like it . This is quite a location . The view is to die for . ( Sighs )
### Summary:
| Brooke is surprised when she sees Thomas kissing Dayzee and she races back upstairs to tell Ridge . Both agree they like Dayzee and think she is appropriate for Thomas . Amber wanders into Dayzee s and tells Stephanie that she is one of the homeless now and this is the last place she can go . She needs something to eat if she can pay just what she can afford , which is nt much . She tells Stephanie about Liam being in the hospital and that he is the father of her baby . Bill looks online at a video of the lady who fell to her death at the house he has bought . He ca nt stop having visions of Amber falling in that same spot . Lt . Baker comes in and tells him they can not find any criminal charges concerning the trailer and there is no more the police department can do about it . About all Bill could do is sue a civil action , but he d probably collect nothing . Steffy stops in and teases Bill if he missed her while she was in Paris . He says no he did nt . Thomas tells Dayzee that he knows how much they do nt have in common , but that just does nt scare him as much as it does her . He knows she is dating Marcus and she assures him they are just friends . She tells Thomas she barely knows him , but she s impressed with his passion for everything . She likes that and gives him a kiss . Bill rants to Steffy that he does nt care what the police say , Amber was stalking Liam . She followed him home , knocked him out and dragged him into his bed . Whatever happened after that had nothing to do with consensual sex . Steffy advises him to pay her off . He says she wants a paycheck for life . They ve had a DNA and it s Liam s baby and he wo nt go along with paying her off . She advises him to give up this dark fantasy of Amber s death . Just go home and cuddle up with his wife . He says he tells Katie everything , but he wo nt expose her to this . Stephanie knows that Liam loves Hope so she ca nt see how this could happen that he d turn his back on her . She accuses Amber of being a bright girl , full of zest but uses all her time and energy in trying to scheme , manipulate and use people . Amber gets a call from Bill who asks her to meet him at a new spot . He has something for her that he thinks it will lead them to a positive place . She walks into this dark , eerie place far out on the beach all alone . She sees no one but walks on in only to finally see Bill standing in the shadows . He says he is glad she could make it . It s a great location , one to die for . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Are we really doing this ?
Bill : You said yes . I think it means we are .
Brooke : How could I possibly say no ? My own Spencer sword .
Bill : [ Chuckles ] It suits you .
Brooke : So do you .
Eric : Ridge . Have you seen Quinn ?
Ridge : No , thank goodness .
Eric : A simple no would be sufficient . Or is that too hard for you ?
Ridge : Dad , I m concerned about you . The whole family s concerned about you .
Eric : What , because I m some doddering old fool who could nt possibly be aware of the fact that the woman he s seeing is --
Ridge : No one is saying that .
Eric : Well , it s the way you re treating me these days . I m not naive . My head s not in the sand where Quinn is concerned . I know who she was . I know what she did . I do nt condone any of that . But she s asked for forgiveness , and I choose to give it to her because ...
Ridge : [ Scoffs ]
Eric : Because she s changed , Ridge . The woman she was , the manipulator , the woman who uses other people , that s not who she is anymore .
Ivy : Well ... I do nt look like myself .
Quinn : That s the point .
Ivy : I look just like Steffy . Is that what you intended ? What are you up to , Quinn ? What is -- what is this all about ?
Quinn : Told you what this is about . It s like a simple little makeover .
Ivy : What , to look like Steffy ?
Quinn : To better represent the company . You want to join me on the jewelry line , do nt you ?
Ivy : Yeah , I - I do , but --
Quinn : Then you have to just -- you have to ... trust my instincts . You know , your uncle does . And if I told him that I want you on the line --
Ivy : Please , Quinn , I ll -- look , I will do anything . I am so grateful for your help .
Quinn : All I ask in return is your loyalty .
Ivy : Done .
Quinn : Then this is gon na be great . All I need you to do is just embrace the look , lose the accent . You are gon na love the reaction you re gon na get .
Ivy : What if I cahnt lose the --
Quinn : Ca nt . Ca nt .
Ivy : Ca nt .
Quinn : Ca nt . Yeah . You will .
Ivy : Okay . I can -- yeah . Okay .
Quinn : O - kay .
Ivy : O - kay .
Quinn : Okay . See ?
Ivy : Okay .
Quinn : I am gon na love working with you .
Brooke : Seems like it took a long time for us to get here .
Bill : Because it did .
Brooke : And I m glad . I m glad it did . I m glad that we waited . I m glad that we did whatever we could ... to stay apart . Until we realized we just ... ca nt .
Bill : It s impossible .
Brooke : Impossible .
Ivy : [ American accent ] Is Eric Forrester available ?
Pam : Um , do you have an appointment ?
Ivy : [ Normal voice ] Gday , Pam . [ Laughs ] Does family need an appointment ?
Pam : Ivy ! Wow ! Look at you . You are looking sharp .
Ivy : Oh , thank you .
Pam : Well , are -- are you back just visiting ? Are you gon na stay for good ?
Ivy : Well , that will depend on what Eric says .
Pam : Then let s get on in there and see him . You look amazing .
Ivy : [ Chuckles ]
Pam : Oh , Mr. Forrester ? I ve got a little surprise for you .
Ivy : Hi .
Eric : What ? ! Ivy Forrester !
Ivy : Mm - hmm .
Eric : Wow . Look at you .
Ivy : Oh , look at you .
Eric : No . Look at you . You look wonderful . Wow .
Ivy : Oh , thank you .
Eric : I ve missed seeing you around here .
Ivy : Well , you could be in luck , because thanks to the new woman in your life , you could be seeing a lot more of me .
Quinn : Oh . Hi , Ridge . How s your day going ?
Ridge : Ehh .
Quinn : Oh . Leaving so soon . Hope it s not me .
Ridge : It is you . And you re the one leaving . Sooner than you think .
Eric : Now , you re seriously not gon na tell me ?
Ivy : I should nt . Quinn said she wanted to bring this up with you herself .
Eric : Uh - huh .
Ivy : I just do nt want to step on her toes , you know , especially now that you two are seeing each other .
Eric : And so we are .
Ivy : Uh - huh .
Eric : You re not gon na give me a bad time about that ? You re not gon na tell me what a fool I m being ?
Ivy : Well ... I wo nt lie . It , uh ... came as a surprise . [ American accent ] But it s really none of my business , is it ? You know what ? I m just -- I m happy if you re dating . And it sounds like Quinn is really making an effort .
Eric : What are you doing ?
Ivy : What ?
Eric : Are you doing , like , an American accent ? Is that what you re doing ? Yeah .
Ivy : Did it sound realistic ? Can you hear it ?
Eric : Yes , it s good ! It s really good . Why are you doing this ? Why make this change ?
Ivy : I m just trying it out . It s just an experiment . Okay , look , I ca nt wait . Quinn will just have to understand that , uh -- that I want to tell you first .
Eric : Mm - hmm .
Ivy : She said that I could come back and work here on the jewelry line if you approve .
Bill : Champagne for moi .
Brooke : Oh !
Bill : Sparkling water for my beautiful fiancée .
Brooke : Oh . Merci beaucoup . [ Giggles ]
Bill : To being engaged .
Brooke : Finally .
Bill : [ Chuckles ] Mm . All right , now , let s not wait too long for the ceremony . I mean , it feels great calling you my fiancée , but I want to call you wife as soon as possible .
Brooke : Yeah . That works for me .
Bill : But whatever you want , wherever you want it , I will make it happen . Could do it here or in a church or on top of mount Everest . I really do nt care . I just want to be your husband . And I want the world to know how I feel about you . You know what ? You can scratch that . I actually do nt care what the world knows . As long as you do .
Brooke : I do know . I ve always known .
Bill : Good . Let s go .
Brooke : Wait . [ Chuckles ] I thought we were gon na stay home and celebrate .
Bill : Oh , we re gon na celebrate .
Brooke : Oh , I see .
Quinn : Well , uh , I - I hate to disappoint you , but I m not going anywhere , Ridge , cause your father is in charge , and -- and he wants me here . Why ca nt we just get used to working together ? Can we at least attempt to try and get along ?
Ridge : Not really . I mean , your time here is limited .
Quinn : [ Scoffs ] Well , never say I did nt try .
Quinn : Something wrong ?
Ridge : Uh ... yes and no .
Quinn : Anything I can help you with ?
Ridge : Yeah , you know what ? Actually , there is . Pack up your stuff and get out . You ve got my dad snowed , but that s it . Honey , you re way out of your league . Do nt ever try going up against me .
Eric : So , you want to come back to Forrester ?
Ivy : How might an American say this ? [ American accent ] It d be totally awesome , mate . Dude .
Eric : [ Laughs ]
Ivy : Eric . [ Laughs ]
Eric : You re nailing it . You really are . You re doing it really well .
Ivy : Oh , okay .
Eric : Listen , Quinn and I have not discussed , um ... needing another designer .
Ivy : Well , the line was doing so well before , I just ...
Eric : Mm - hmm .
Ivy : I just assumed .
Eric : It d be wonderful to have you back .
Ivy : Is that what you ll tell Quinn when she comes to you about it ?
Eric : I m not sure . Would it be all right working with Quinn ?
Ivy : Why would there be a problem ?
Eric : I mean the two of you working together .
Ivy : She s changed , right ?
Eric : Yes . She has .
Ivy : Hm .
Eric : I would expect complete cooperation between the two of you .
Ivy : You ll have it . And I told Quinn the same thing . Neither of you have anything to worry about . I promised Quinn my loyalty .
Quinn : Why do you keep saying that I m going up against you ? I fell for your father , and your father fell for me . That s all there is to it .
Ridge : No , no . You preyed on him . You showed him a good time in bed -- which ... I could see that . At least you re good at something . But he s gon na come to his senses . He always does .
Quinn : So he s gon na come to his senses and , what , go back to your mother ? Because that s not possible anymore .
Ridge : Hey . Hey ! Do nt ever mention my mother . Do you understand me ?
Quinn : Give us a chance .
Ridge : Never .
Quinn : I just want us all to be a family .
Ridge : You will not be part of this family , ever . You re crazy to even think that .
Quinn : I - I m crazy to want to make your father happy ? To want -- to want his children to accept me ? I am part of this company , and I am part of your father s life .
Ridge : He s too gullible to see that you re a threat to both of those things . But I m here -- gon na take care of this family and this company . Do nt get too comfortable . You re not gon na be here that long .
Brooke : I knew you were taking a ridiculously long time pouring a few drinks .
Bill : I was a little busy setting the mood . You like ?
Brooke : I love .
Bill : The setting or the guy ?
Brooke : Both ... are irresistible . This is forever .
Bill : It is .
Singer : Days like this you look up at the sky above you and days like this yeah , you think about the ones that love you and all I want to do is live my life honestly I just want to wake up and see your face next to me every regret I have , we ll go set it free it will be good for me days like this yeah , you think about the ones that went before you and days like this have you ever seen the sky ? It s such a clear blue
Quinn : Say what you want . Make threats . It s fine . I can handle it . And some day , when you realize it needs to be given , I will accept your apology .
Ridge : You know what s funny ?
Quinn : Mm - hmm ?
Ridge : Everyone -- everyone sees right through you . Everyone except my dad .
Quinn : I do nt know . I do nt think that s necessarily true . You know , I have my supporters .
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
Quinn : There are people out there who -- who do nt hold grudges and believe that somebody can change .
Ridge : You re right . Somebody can change .
Quinn : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : You ca nt change . You have nt changed . You re the same person . You use people , and when you re done with them , you get rid of them . It s sick .
Quinn : Would you be saying these things to me if your father were standing right here ? Would you ? I mean , would you be treating me like this when I ve been nothing but polite to you ?
Ridge : Absolutely .
Quinn : Then you re the one who s sick , Ridge . Not me .
Pam : Oh . Is ivy gone ?
Eric : Yes , she is , pam .
Pam : Oh , rats . I was just hoping that , now that she s back in town , that maybe she d go out with me and Charlie .
Ridge : Get your stuff and get out !
Pam : What was that ?
Eric : Ridge .
Pam : Yeah , but who s he yelling at ?
Eric : Damn it .
Quinn : I just want to be friends with you .
Ridge : Stop .
Quinn : Friends with you and your whole family .
Ridge : Stop ! The only thing you want from this family is its name and what it has to offer !
Eric : What s going on here ?
Ridge : Just a minor disagreement .
Eric : Yeah , I can hear you across the hall . You need to calm down .
Ridge : I will calm down . Just get her out of the office .
Eric : That s not happening .
Ridge : Dad , she s a cancer .
Eric : Oh , for gosh s sake , Ridge .
Ridge : And I m gon na cut her out .
Eric : You ca nt . I m the one who decides who works here .
Ridge : For now .
Eric : Oh , what are you gon na do ? You gon na have me declared incompetent ? Is that it ?
Ridge : I wo nt have to .
Eric : [ Sighs ] Okay ?
Quinn : Yeah .
Bill : Back where we belong .
Brooke : Mm . It feels right . Being with my stallion .
Bill : [ Neighs ]
Brooke : [ Laughs ]
Bill : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : Oh . I missed that .
Bill : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : I miss laughing with you , too . I really do .
Bill : Well , that s what it s supposed to be like , right ? Love . Marriage . You know , speaking of marriage , you ve probably been thinking about what to get me .
Brooke : Huh ?
Bill : A wedding present . Since I m giving you my shares in Forrester . But I do nt want you to worry about it . Because you re gift enough .
Brooke : Somebody s trying to win points with me . I hope you know that s not why I accepted your proposal .
Bill : Of course , I know .
Brooke : But I am very thankful that you d give me your shares .
Bill : And you can do whatever you want with them . I mean it . Sell them to Ridge so he can keep Quinn away . It s your business .
Brooke : Okay . Let me get something straight . You would like Quinn away from Forrester just as much as I would , but you would die before you d sell Ridge your shares . So you need a middleman .
Bill : As I said , do what you want with them .
Brooke : I hope people do nt think that I d be marrying you for those shares .
Bill : Oh , some idiots will . I do nt give a damn what anybody thinks . We know the truth . We love each other . This is what we ve wanted . This is what we ve waited for . Do you know what you mean to me ?
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] You show me every single day .
Bill : Well , if I ever do nt , slap me . Do nt slap me as hard as last time . That was a pretty good slap . That hurt a little bit .
Brooke : Okay . Yeah .
Bill : Okay ? [ Chuckles ] I mean it , Brooke . I d deserve it . Because you deserve nothing less . I ve never met any woman like you . And I never will again . I love you . You re mine . I ca nt wait to call you my wife .
Brooke : [ Giggles ]
### Summary:
| Brooke looks at her ring and tells Bill how could she possibly say no . She is glad they waited and tried to stay apart but now are together with Katie s blessings . Ridge tells his dad again that they are all still worried about him . Eric says he is not a doddering old fool and his head is not in the sand . Quinn has asked him to believe her that she has changed and he is giving her that chance . Ivy tells Quinn that with the hair extensions and new makeover she looks just like Steffy . Quinn tells her just trust her instincts , this will be good for the line . She needs her loyalty if she will just accept the change and lose the accent . She will love working with her . Eric is very surprised when Pam brings Ivy in . She says she would like to see a lot more of him . And no pressure but Quinn said she could come back and work on the jewelry line if Eric approved . Ridge walks into Quinn s office and then starts to walk back out . She says she hopes he is not leaving because of her . He says no , she is the one leaving and a lot sooner than she thought . She replies that she is going nowhere . His dad is the one in charge and they just all need to get along . He tells her again just pack up and leave and in the future do not try to go against him . He tells her she will never be part of his family and do not mention his mother again . And do not get too comfortable as she is not going to be here that long . Bill tells Brooke that he does nt want to wait too long for the ceremony .just whatever she wants as long as it is soon . He wants the world to know how he feels about her . He has a good place to start for them to celebrate . They go upstairs . Eric tells Ivy that he and Quinn have not discussed having another designer but he thinks that would be all right if she can work with Quinn . He says he would expect complete cooperation between the two of them . Ivy says he has nothing to worry about . As Bill guides Brooke to the bed she says this is forever . Quinn tells Ridge that he can say what he wants , she can take it . And someday he will find she has changed and he will accept her . She says she just wants to be friends with him . Ridge rages that will never happen . She is a cancer . Eric hears him shouting and goes to check it out . He asks Ridge if he is going to have him declared incompetent . Ridge says he wo nt have to . Brooke laughs when she says she is back where she belongs .. with her stallion . Bill whinnies . He says he is giving her the shares but she does not have to get him anything . She is enough . This is what they have waited for and it makes him no difference what she does with those shares . He vows that he loves her and has never met anyone like her and never will again . He ca nt wait to get on with his life . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lexie : Okay , Jack . I m hooking up your IV . Are you with me ? [ Sighs ] Okay , we need to be vigilant about following the FDA requirements for this drug trial . The subsequent doses need to be given exactly as indicated in his chart .
Nurse : I understand .
Lexie : I ll need blood work every four hours around the clock . The orders are in his chart . Here you go .
Nurse : Thanks .
Lexie : Mm - hmm . [ Sighs ] Jack ... Jack , you need to hang in there , okay ? This may be the miracle we ve been hoping for , but , still , you have got to do your part .
Frankie : How s Jack doing ?
Jennifer : He s , uh , he s pretty weak . Lexie s giving him the first injection right now . Look , thank you so much for getting Jack in on this clinical study , for pressuring your friend to take him on and letting him do this .
Frankie : Hank likes to have his arm twisted . Besides , he owed me .
Jennifer : Still --
Frankie : No , no , hey . We just have to hope it works . That s all . How about some coffee ?
Jennifer : Sure .
Frankie : Come on . Here you go .
Jennifer : This really is it , is nt it ? It s Jack s last hope .
Frankie : Yesterday we did nt have hope .
Jennifer : You re right . You re right . This is gon na work .
Frankie : Mm - hmm .
Jennifer : It has to .
Hope : The test shows that , uh ... Patrick , you re the father .
Patrick : I - I ca nt believe it .
Bo : You know , the doctor said this test was nt 100 % . We ll have to do it again or do another ultrasound .
Hope : There s no question .
Bo : We ll find out . I ll go talk to the doctor .
Hope : No , I m not gon na have Dr. Bader do more tests . There s no reason to .
Bo : Sure there is , Hope .
Hope : Bo , you ca-- you ca nt be the baby s father because we were nt together when the baby was conceived . Patrick is the father .
Bo : No . I wo nt accept that .
Dr. Jaynes : The mix - up was nt with whose embryo was implanted in whom . It s a little more complicated than that .
Philip : Just cut to the chase .
Dr. Jaynes : Somehow , Belle s egg was fertilized with Shawn s sperm , and Mimi s egg was fertilized with yours .
Mimi : So -- so -- so the embryo you implanted in our surrogate is mine and Philip s ?
Shawn D. : And Belle is carrying mine ?
Dr. Jaynes : I m afraid so . Yes .
Mimi : Oh , my God .
Dr. Jaynes : We re working to figure out how this could have occurred .
Philip : I ll tell you exactly how it could have occurred -- through your gross negligence and incompetence . And all the funding you ve been getting from the Kiriakis Foundation -- it is gone .
Dr. Jaynes : I understand you re upset .
Philip : I m far beyond upset , you son of a bitch ! I m gon na sue you . I m gon na sue this hospital . You re never gon na practice medicine again .
Dr. Jaynes : I hope you ll have a change of heart .
Philip : That s not gon na happen !
Dr. Jaynes : In the meantime , what is important is that you find a course of action .
Philip : What would you suggest ?
Mimi : A course of action -- what can you do ? Can you take out the embryos and separate the sperm from the eggs and put them with the right ones ?
Dr. Jaynes : I m afraid not .
Mimi : Then there s nothing to discuss , is there ?
Shawn D. : Dr. Jaynes , I think we all need some time alone , please .
Dr. Jaynes : I m truly sorry .
Philip : You do nt know the meaning of the word sorry .
Shawn D. : Okay , look , this is huge , obviously . This affects us all equally . I think it s very important that we all think this through and we make a decision so we know exactly what we re gon na do .
Mimi : There s nothing that we can do . There s nothing that anyone can do ..
Philip : I m gon na take care of this right now . I m gon na take care of this . [ Door opens , closes ]
E.J. : If you do nt want to show me , that s your prerogative .
Sami : Wait . Promise me that you wo nt hate me after you read this .
E.J. : I promise .
Sami : See ? You hate me , do nt you ?
E.J. : Samantha , I told you I would nt judge you .
Sami : You ca nt help it . You are , are nt you ?
E.J. : No , I m not , but I need you to tell me the truth . Did you do this ?
Austin : Oh , no . A fire .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Lexie : Jack ... if you can hear me , remember what I said , okay ? You ve got to do your part . You ve got to stay strong and give the medicine a chance to work .
Jennifer : Lexie , how s Jack ? Is there any change at all ?
Lexie : [ Sighs ] It s too soon to tell if the drug is having any effect , but there have been no adverse reactions so far , and that s a good thing .
Frankie : How long until we know ?
Lexie : Right now , that s anyone s guess .
Jennifer : Oh , my gosh . I ca nt stand this .
Lexie : Jennifer , you have to stay strong -- we all do -- for Jack . I m gon na go on some rounds , and the nurses are watching him very closely . They ll page me if there s any problem at all , okay ?
Jennifer : Okay .
Frankie : Thank you .
Lexie : Have you finished the paperwork ?
Jennifer : Yes . Here .
Lexie : Thanks . I ll be back as soon as I can .
Jennifer : Okay .
Lexie : Stay strong .
Jennifer : Look at him in there . He is completely helpless .
Frankie : I know . Listen , hank said that they ve had success with the majority of their cases .
Jennifer : I know that , but not all of them .
Frankie : Not even aspirin can cure every headache , but the odds are with us .
Jennifer : There just have nt been really long - term studies . We do nt know if it s a permanent cure , and every patient that has done this has been so much stronger than Jack . Frankie , he is really sick . He is really weak .
Frankie : Yes , I know . Jen , come on . Do nt do this . You heard Lexie . We have to stay strong for Jack .
Jennifer : I know that , but --
Frankie : It s gon na work . We just -- we have to have faith .
Jennifer : Yeah , you re right .
Frankie : Okay .
Jennifer : I do nt know what I would do without you .
Hope : I need to talk to Bo alone .
Patrick : Are you sure you re gon na be okay ?
Bo : She s gon na be fine . Get the hell out of here .
Hope : I know this is hard for you .
Bo : [ Scoffs ] Finding out my wife is pregnant with another man s baby -- no .
Hope : Attacking Patrick and lashing out at me -- it is nt gon na change that .
Bo : Yeah , well , I -- [ Exhales sharply ] I knew this was a possibility . I tried to prepare myself . It s a little more difficult than I thought !
Hope : Kind of like me finding out when Billie was pregnant with your child .
Bo : [ Breathes deeply ] Hope , come on . I m sorry . I - I love you ... more than anything , and we have been through so much together . We ca nt throw all that away , not now . You know we ca nt . Now , when we found out we were nt J.T. s biological parents and , at the beginning , when I thought I was nt Zack s father , I loved those boys more than anything . And now this baby -- this baby is your baby , and I love you , so it will be loved more than anything . Hope , we can start over . We can pick up where we stopped . We can . I know we can . Hope , listen to me . We can . Please .
Patrick : Mom , it s Patrick . You were right . You re gon na be a grandma . Hope s pregnant with my baby . Do nt go buying baby clothes just yet . I ll talk to you soon .
Billie : You re the father ?
Philip : You understand me ? I want you to bury Dr. Jaynes . You got it ? Good . Come on . I want to take you home . Let the lawyers handle it .
Belle : No , I m okay . I m fine .
Philip : What do you mean , you re fine ? The surrogate is carrying my baby .. You are carrying Shawn s baby . Look at Mimi . She s a mess .
Belle : I know .
Philip : Why are you so calm ?
Shawn D. : There s nothing we can do about this tonight , all right ? I m gon na call Uncle Mickey in the morning . I ll find out exactly what our legal rights are . But for now , let s go home and try and get some rest , okay ?
Mimi : Try is right .
Shawn D. : Hey , this is gon na work out , okay ? It s gon na be fine .
Mimi : Oh , Shawn . I m so sorry .
Shawn D. : No . No . What are you sorry about ? You did nt do anything .
Mimi : Yes , I did . It s because of me we re all in this mess .
Sami : No , I did nt do what s in the note . It s obviously just someone trying to come between me and Austin .
E.J. : If that s true , what are you worried about ?
Sami : This whole town hates me , E.J. , and everyone is just looking for an opportunity to blame me for the next thing that comes along .
E.J. : I know what you forced Lexie Carver to do . If I tell , you will lose Austin and everybody will hate you . Samantha ... you made me promise before I read this note that I would nt hate you . Now , if you did nt do anything wrong , why did you say that ? Listen . If -- I m not gon na be able to help you unless you re honest with me . Are you sure that you did nt force Lexie Carver to do anything ?
Sami : I do nt think I should answer that .
E.J. : Samantha , I ve already read the note . I need you to trust me .
Sami : All right . Fine . Yes , I did something terrible , and I m a horrible person , okay ? But there I was , standing at Carrie and Lucas wedding , and Lexie stood up , and she was about to say something , and I knew in my heart she was gon na tell everyone the truth , and then she did nt , and I do nt know why .
E.J. : Maybe whoever wrote this note has something on her , too .
Sami : What ? Why ? Why ? Who ?
E.J. : I do nt know .
Sami : Now two people know what I have done , and that just makes it twice as likely that it s gon na come out cause I can guarantee you that someone has juicy information like this and they are bound to use it . E.J. , eventually the truth is gon na come out . If they tell Carrie or Lucas or Austin what I have done , it ll destroy everything that I have worked for , and I do nt even know who is doing this to me .
E.J. : Back up a second here . Hold on . Let me get this straight . If the truth comes out , then somehow this is also gon na affect Lucas and Carrie adversely ?
Sami : I just did it because I -- because I wanted to be with Austin . Oh , my God . I ca nt believe -- [ Exhales sharply ] What am I gon na do ?
E.J. : I think you need to go to the police .
Sami : Are you insane ? I ca nt go to the police .
E.J. : These guys have handwriting experts . They can analyze the note .
Sami : My dad is the police commander , and I ca nt let him find out what happened .
E.J. : Well , you know what ? If you feel that strongly about it , I think that the best thing you can do is just to ignore it . I mean , there s nothing else you can do .
Sami : There is no way I m gon na ignore this . I am not giving up without a fight .
E.J. : Samantha , look . If you start fighting this guy , you re gon na do exactly what he wants . You re gon na give him all the power .
Sami : And if I just give up and he tells Carrie and Lucas and Austin what I have done , then my life is over .
E.J. : But he has nt said anything .
Sami : Probably because he s a sadist and he s just waiting for the perfect opportunity to humiliate me in front of everyone , like at the altar when I m about to marry Austin . Believe me , it s been done before . It s Kate s favorite move . God , I wish it was Kate , but I know it s not because she s been after me for weeks trying to figure out what I m up to . I just do nt know what to do .
E.J. : If I were you , at the very least , I d burn it . And that way , neither Austin nor anybody else is ever gon na find out about this .
Sami : Well , that s a start . I can -- oh . All right . I ll make sure that Austin never reads this note .
Austin : Carrie ! Lucas ! [ Coughing ] Lucas , get up ! Get up !
Lucas : What ? What ?
Austin : There s a fire in the apartment .
Lucas : Carrie !
Austin : You ve already inhaled too much smoke . You need to get out of here . I ll get her . Where is Will ?
Lucas : He s at his grandparents house . He s fine .
Austin : Come on ! Come on !
Lucas : [ Coughing ]
Hope : Bo , I m sorry . You may be ready to pick up where we left off , but I m not .
Bo : We can make a clean start . We could raise this baby --
Hope : But it s not our baby , Bo . It s Patrick s . He s gon na want -- he deserves to be a part of this baby s life .
Bo : That does nt mean we ca nt be together , Hope . We could work something out . Hope , we love each other . You ca nt deny that . Please , do nt stop believing in us . Do nt stop believing in our love . That would nt be fair to anyone , and Zack -- it s not what he would want .
Hope : Do nt -- do nt -- do nt speak for our son .
Bo : All I m trying to say is think about us and everything we ve had together , Fancy Face , and then listen to your heart .
Hope : I am . I m listening to my heart , I m listening to my head , and it s telling me that I need time away from you .
Bo : No .
Hope : Bo , please do nt -- do nt make this even harder than it already is for me .
Bo : Do nt do this .
Hope : Bo , please . Would you excuse me ? I d like to get dressed .
Bo : You ve gotten dressed in front of me for many years . What --
Hope : I d rather if you left the room .
Bo : Okay . I ll give you your space ... but I ll never stop loving you . And I will never give up on you .
Billie : Congratulations .
Patrick : Thanks .
Billie : It s not that I m not happy for you . I --
Patrick : I know . It s , uh , complicated .
Billie : Bo s gon na be devastated .
Bo : That s a word for it .
Frankie : I m gon na get you something to eat .
Jennifer : No , I m not hungry .
Frankie : It s not negotiable . What would you like ?
Jennifer : Uh , grilled cheese .
Frankie : You got it .
Jennifer : Thanks .
Hope : Frankie .
Frankie : Hey .
Hope : Hi . I heard Jack was here . Is he --
Frankie : Oh , no . No . She would love to see you .
Hope : Okay .
Frankie : Okay .
Hope : Jen ? Hey , honey . Oh , sweetie .
Jennifer : I am so glad you re here .
Shawn D. : This is not your fault , okay ? Will you please stop saying that .. It s a horrible mistake . And together , with Uncle Mickey , we re gon na figure out exactly what we re gon na do about it , okay ?
Mimi : There s nothing anyone can do about it , Shawn , and how can you be so calm ? What if this winds up bringing you and Belle back together ?
Shawn D. : We re not getting back together . Why would you even say that ?
Mimi : She s having your baby .
Shawn D. : Accidentally . We have nt even been together .
Mimi : But she s still pregnant with your child . Maybe this is God s way of saying you two are supposed to be together .
Belle : Look , someone has to stay calm here , and ranting and raving and threatening lawsuits --it s not gon na change anything , Philip . Getting upset s not good for our baby .
Philip : It is nt our baby . It s yours , and it s Shawn s . And you do nt even care , do you ? You want this baby , do nt you ? You want it more than anything , even though it s not mine , your husband s .
E.J. : There go your troubles .
Sami : Hardly . Just because I burned the note does nt mean whoever wrote it is gon na just give up . They re not gon na stop .
E.J. : Calm down , Samantha . You re getting ahead of yourself .
Sami : No . I have to find out who did this . I have this vision of the owl from Harry Potter sending a gazillion more notes just like it down that chimney , and I have to find out who did this , and I have to shut them up .
E.J. : No , you do not . You listen to me . You keep your hands clean , okay ? I ll find out who did this , and I will make sure that they do nt bother you again .
Sami : You d do that for me ?
E.J. : Of course .
Sami : Thank you , E.J. You really are a friend .
E.J. : That s what I keep telling you . [ Alarm beeping ]
Sami : That s the fire alarm . Burning the note did nt do that .
E.J. : I smell smoke .
Austin : [ Coughing ] Come on , Carrie . Okay . All right , baby . Breathe . Breathe , baby . Breathe .
Sami : Oh , my God ! Oh , my God , Austin ! Is that Carrie ? Oh , my God !
Austin : There s a fire in the apartment . Do nt worry about Will . He s at his grandparents . Call911 right now .
Sami : 91 - - Austin , where s Lucas ? Austin , where s Lucas ?
Austin : I do nt know . He was right behind me .
Sami : But he s not here now ! Lucas !
Austin : Sami , do nt !
Sami : [ Coughing ] Lucas ! Lucas , where are you ? ! Aah ! Lucas !
Billie : I did nt know you were there .
Bo : I m out of here .
Patrick : No . You guys should probably talk . Go ahead .
Billie : Thank you . Bo , I know how much you wanted this baby to be yours .
Bo : It does nt matter . Oh , it does , but knowing that he s the father is just gon na make me fight harder for her .
Billie : I know , but --
Bo : There s no buts . Hope is the only woman I ve ever loved , and I m gon na spend the rest of my life with her .
Hope : Honey , that is fantastic .
Jennifer : It is fantastic if the trial drug works .
Hope : It will . It will . You just have to stay positive . You know , it s kind of ironic , is nt it ?
Jennifer : What , that Jack came back just as Frankie and I got married ?
Hope : No , no . That before Jack died , he asked Frankie to watch over you , to take care of you , and , well , he s taking care of both of you now .
Jennifer : He has taken care of all of us -- of me , of Jack , of our kids . And you have always been there for me . How did you know to come here ? Did Frankie call you ?
Hope : No , no . Actually [ Clears throat ] I was here taking tests of my own ..
Jennifer : What kind of tests ? Are you sick ?
Hope : No . No . I m -- I m not sick .
Jennifer : Then what ?
Hope : With everything you re going through , I - I did nt want to say anything , at least not until I knew for sure . I m pregnant .
Jennifer : [ Gasps ] What ?
Hope : And it s Patrick s .
Lexie : Thanks . Frankie . You re eating . Good .
Frankie : Actually , it s for Jen .
Lexie : Oh . How are you holding up ?
Frankie : It s not about me right now , anyway , so ...
Lexie : You ve been incredibly selfless through all this .
Frankie : No . I m just doing what anybody else would do . I had to help , Lexie . Otherwise , what kind of person would I be ?
Lexie : Even if it means losing Jennifer ?
Frankie : It s a risk I have to take .
Belle : Of course I care about this baby . It s a living thing , and he or she is mine .
Philip : But it s not mine .
Belle : It s not the baby s fault that there was a mistake , Philip .
Philip : I know it s not the damn baby s fault . I m just incredibly angry right now , and I m completely powerless to do anything about it , and standing here at the scene of the crime is not helping . I m gon na go talk to Shawn . [ Sighs ] I love you very much .
Belle : I love you .
Philip : Okay .
Shawn D. : Honey , you re my wife . You are the woman that I love , the woman I took vows to be with till death do us part .
Mimi : I m having a baby with Philip . You are having a baby with Belle .
Shawn D. : It does nt matter . I am not going anywhere , no matter whose baby is whose .
Mimi : A few hours ago , everything seemed so perfect . What are we going to do ?
Shawn D. : We are gon na get through this together .
Mimi : How ? How ? And what happens after the babies are born , when they start growing up and asking questions , and who raises who ?
Shawn D. : You re getting ahead of yourself . We do nt need to worry about that tonight .
Mimi : Maybe not , but we ca nt act like this is normal , either . Our children are going to be freaks , Shawn .
Shawn D. : I know it s not normal , but we are gon na get through this .
Mimi : How ?
Shawn D. : I do nt know , but we ca nt flip out on each other . That , I do know .
Mimi : I m sorry .
Shawn D. : I m gon na go leave a message for Uncle Mickey so he can get back to us first thing in the morning , okay ?
Mimi : Okay .
Philip : Where s -- where s he going ?
Mimi : To call Mickey Horton .
Philip : Good . He and Gene Briscoe should work together on this , get it taken care of .
Mimi : I guess .
Philip : You and I are having a baby together .
Mimi : Yeah , and we have nt even kissed .
Philip : [ Chuckles ] How you doing ?
Mimi : Awful . You too ?
Philip : Awful .
Mimi : I wish I could be as together about this as Shawn .
Philip : Come on . Let s get out of here , Meems .
Bo : I m sorry . I did nt mean to -- you know how much I value our relationship , our friendship , how much I care about you .
Billie : I know . I know you love Hope , and I respect that .
Bo : Well , I did nt have to be so blunt . I m sorry .
Billie : Come on . Do nt worry about me , Bo . None of this would have ever happened if it were nt for me .
Bo : Come on . That s not true .
Billie : It is true . Because of our daughter , you lost Zack . And now ...
Bo : You know what ? Maybe Shawn is right . Maybe Hope and the baby -- they re better off without me .
Billie : No . You do nt believe that .
Bo : I tried to convince her that everything would be okay , we d work things out , but ... Lockhart s not gon na want me to see his kid . Damn it ! [ Exhales sharply ] I ca nt believe this is happening . It s ... it -- when I found out that Hope was pregnant , I thought this was a chance to make up for the mistakes I made with Zack and Chelsea . And Zack , you know ... he d have made a great big brother cause he really -- he really did nt like it when Hope said , my baby , you know ? He s a big boy . He was -- he was my Tiny Man . You know , the only thing getting me through this is the idea that he s somewhere happy . But if he could see what s happening right now -- his family falling apart -- he d be sad .
Billie : I m so sorry .
Bo : Yeah .
Billie : I know it just seems like things are getting worse and worse .
Bo : I know . He ll -- he ll never forgive me for causing our family to fall apart like this .
Billie : Hey . Do you remember when Zack wanted you to forgive Chelsea ? If he could forgive his own sister , who he barely knew , for killing him , he can certainly forgive the father that he loves more than anything in the world . He s up there , Bo . He s looking out for you . You have to keep believing .
Bo : People I love have turned their back on me ... and he you are ... and I have turned my back on you .
Billie : You have nt . Bo , I have put you through a hell of a lot -- a hell of a lot -- and you always managed to forgive me . You deserve your family back . So , what are you gon na do to save your marriage ?
Jennifer : Hope , what are you -- what are you going to do ?
Hope : I do nt know . Bo and I were married for a long time before we had Zack . He was our surprise baby . Another child could never , ever , ever replace him in my heart . But I believe that this baby is a miracle -- a blessing . Bo has said that he thought that this pregnancy was a sign from God -- that it was Zack s way of telling us that his parents are supposed to be together . The only thing is , is that it s not Bo s baby . So , is it Zack s way of saying that we re not supposed to be together ?
Jennifer : Come on . You do nt really believe that .
Hope : I do nt know . The only thing I am sure of -- I m not sure about anything .
Jennifer : That s understandable . How could you be ? You have to sort through all of this , okay ?
Hope : Why is it that you seem to be the only one who understands ?
Jennifer : Listen , why do nt you just go home ? You do nt need to think about this today .
Hope : I m staying here with you , coz .
Jennifer : You do nt need to . I m -- I m fine . Right now , I m fine . Go home .
Hope : Will you call me if anything happens ?
Jennifer : I promise .
Hope : And call if you just want to talk .
Jennifer : The same goes for you . Listen . No matter what happens -- no matter what we go through -- we re gon na be okay .
Hope : Okay . I love you , coz .
Jennifer : And I love you .
Patrick : Hey .
Hope : Hey .
Patrick : I heard about Jack . How s Jennifer doing ?
Hope : Remarkably well .
Patrick : And you ?
Hope : Not so well .
Patrick : Well , this baby -- there s a lot to think about for both of us .
Hope : Yeah .
Patrick : So , uh , you want to talk ?
Hope : Yeah , I do .
Patrick : Okay .
Austin : Come on , baby , breathe . Breathe . Breathe . Breathe !
Carrie : [ Coughing ]
Austin : All right . Can you hear -- Carrie , can you hear me ?
Carrie : Austin ?
E.J. : I called 911 . Where s Sami ?
Austin : She went in to look for Lucas .
E.J. : Sami !
Sami : Lucas ! Lucas , where are you ? Lucas ! Oh , my God ! Lucas ! Lucas , get up ! You have to getup ! We have to get you out of here !
E.J. : Sami !
Sami : E.J. ! E.J. , Help me ! Come here ! Okay . [ Coughing ] Help is on the way , Lucas . E.J. , come here !
E.J. : Get out of here !
Sami : No ! I m not leaving without Lucas !
E.J. : I ve got him . Get him up . Let s go ! Let s go ! Let s go ! [ Boards crashing ]
Jennifer : Jack , listen to me . Lexie told me that you probably were nt fully conscious , but she said that maybe you could hear me . So if you can hear me -- if you can hear my voice -- can you just-- if you have any strength , just squeeze my hand a little bit -- just a little bit . Jack . Jack , that s it . That s it . You can hear me . Oh , gosh . That s so good . Just -- just hang on , okay ? That means the medicine s working . Okay , just hang on . You do it for us . You -- you do it for Abby and for Jack , Jr. You do it for me , okay ? Draw your strength from us and how much we love you . I need you . I need you so much , Jack . I love you . I ca nt live without you . Do you hear me ? Do you hear me , Jack ?
Patrick : I know you have a lot to think about , and I do nt want to add any pressure . I just want you to know that I m here .
Hope : Thank you for that .
Patrick : You know , Alma and I , uh , we talked about having kids . But after she was killed , I , um , well , I did nt think that -- I m just -- I m really excited about being a father , and , uh , no matter what you decide regarding Bo and me .
Hope : Whatever I decide , I promise you , you will have as big a part in this baby s life as you d like .
Patrick : Thank you .
Hope : Well , you re the baby s father .
Patrick : You know , one day when our child s a little older , I d like the three of us to go back down to the island to see where the baby was conceived . I mean , eventually that house is gon na belong to him or her , anyway , and I -- and I m putting one too many carts in front of that horse . I , uh , I m sorry . I was excited .
Hope : No , it s okay . I know . You re gon na be a great father .
Patrick : You think so ?
Hope : Yeah , absolutely . Absolutely . This baby -- this baby s really lucky to have you as a father . Come here .
Guy : You re in the way . You better get out . This whole place is gon na go ..
Austin : Come on , Carrie . I ca nt move you until you re breathing stronger .
Sami : Oh , my God ! Be careful with him ! Lucas ! Lucas ! Okay . Okay . Come on .. Oh , my God , Lucas . You re not breathing ! Come on ! Breathe !
E.J. : I m gon na go and see where the ambulance is .
Carrie : [ Coughing ] [ Sirens wailing ]
Austin : Carrie . Carrie .
Carrie : Aus--
Austin : No , do nt try to talk . There s a fire in your apartment . Help is on the way . Okay . No , no , no , no , no . Stay with me . Stay with me . Come on . Stay with me .
Lucas : [ Coughing ]
Sami : Lucas ! Lucas ! Lucas !
Lucas : Sami .
Sami : Lucas , thank God . Oh , my God . Thank God you re okay . I do nt know what I would have done if I had lost you .
Mimi : Well , thanks for the ride .
Shawn D. : Um , I -- I think we should plan on talking in the morning , after we all get some sleep and speak to the lawyer .
Philip : No , I want you guys to come over now . There s something I want to put on the table .
Belle : It s late .
Philip : It does nt matter .
Mimi : I do nt think we ll be sleeping much , anyway .
Shawn D. : Yeah , you re right .
Philip : Look , I m not gon na mince words here . We all know this never should have happened . You know , it seems like there s nothing that can be done . I believe that while we re still dealing with a few embryonic cells that have yet to become fetuses , the only sane thing to do is to terminate both pregnancies right now .
Belle : Absolutely not .
Shawn D. : There s no way I m gon na let that happen .
Mimi : I m so scared that this baby with Belle is going to come between us and ruin all of our dreams .
Frankie : You said you love him and that you need him . That is really what you want , is nt it , Jen ?
Sami : This person says they re gon na ruin my relationship with Austin . I do nt know what to do .
Austin : I ca nt lose you .
### Summary:
| Bo still wants to reunite with Hope and raise the baby as his own . Hope instead asks for time away from Bo . Billie overhears Patrick calling Bonnie with the news . Bo tells Billie that he still plans to stick by Hope and Billie urges him to save his marriage . Jack is admitted to the hospital to begin the new drug trial . Frankie stays by Jennifer s side for moral support but is saddened to hear Jennifer say she ca nt live without Jack . Jennifer gets Jack to squeeze his hand upon hearing her voice . Hope stops by to show her support for Jennifer and tells her the news about the pregnancy . Philip questions why Belle is so calm about the embryo switch up news . Mimi worries that having a biological baby with Belle will send Shawn running back to her . Philip accuses Belle of being happy about having Shawn s baby . Philip suggests terminating both pregnancies but Belle and Shawn immediately veto that idea . E.J. reads the note and discovers that it merely threatens to expose Sami for blackmailing Lexie , not the actual requirements . Sami admits to having requested something from Lexie in the blackmail and burns the note . Sami takes E.J. up on his offer to take care of the note writer for her . Austin spots the fire coming from Lucas and Carrie s apartment and bursts into to rescue them . He is able to wake Lucas but has to carry an unconscious Carrie from the apartment . Lucas tries to walk out on his own but passes out on the living room floor . The fire alarm alerts Sami and E.J. and together they discover Lucas and help carry him out of the apartment where Sami revives him . Austin is able to revive Carrie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Tessa : I tried to explain about the song again .
Noah : I read mariah s journal . Yeah , she showed me the pages . Everything you stole for your song .
Mariah : I should never have kissed tessa . I should never have kept it all from you . And I am really sorry that things did nt work out between the two of you .
Phyllis : Are you proposing to me ?
Billy : I m pretty sure I did . What do you say ?
Nikki : You can not tell nicholas what we did to J.T. You ca nt ! She says that she ca nt go into this marriage with a secret like that .
Mariah : It s about nick and phyllis . They slept together a few weeks ago .
Victor : There s no sign of the bride . Ca nt say I m surprised .
Mariah : I went to the house . Sharon is nt there . I do nt know where she is . Today , the role of summer newman is played by bayley corman .
Phyllis : That witch stood him up .
Billy : All right , take it easy there , captain optimistic . We do nt know that yet .
Phyllis : No , but we know sharon .
Victor : After all that nicholas and sharon have been through to be together , I mean , why would she be a no - show now ?
Nikki : Who knows what goes on in that woman s mind ?
Nick : So you checked the whole house ?
Mariah : Every room . She was gone .
Jack : What about her car ?
Mariah : It s gone , too .
Nick : What the hell ? What is going on ?
Mariah : Um , maybe she -- I do nt know , maybe she ran out to get a pair of shoes .
Nick : Really ? Today ?
Mariah : I mean , she said the ones that she was wearing were killing her .
Jack : She wants the day to be perfect . She does nt want anything to go wrong .
Nick : No , she has an entire closet full of shoes , all right ? She could nt find one that fits ?
Mariah : Maybe she spilled something on her dress and she ran out to the cleaners ?
Jack : Or maybe her car broke down .
Nick : Okay , this still does nt explain why she s not returning my calls .
Mariah : Her phone died , i guess ? In the excitement , she did nt charge it .
Jack : That s a real possibility . Come on , it s a hectic day . She is the bride . Let s give her a little more time . She will show up here eventually .
Nick : Okay , well , what are we supposed to do in the meantime ?
Jack : I will speak to the minister , tell him there s gon na be a slight delay .
Nick : I hope that s all it is .
Mariah : You know , jack is completely right . I m sure sharon is gon na walk through those doors any minute .
Nick : Yeah , I hope so . Everyone , I m sorry . It s just gon na be a few more minutes . Okay , you were the last person to be with sharon . How did she seem ?
Mariah : What do you mean ?
Nick : Like , did she seem upset ? Did it seem like she was having second thoughts ?
Mariah : No , she did nt say that .
Nick : What was her state of mind , mariah ?
Mariah : She was calm and she said she was looking forward to the wedding .
Nick : Then why is nt she here ?
Nick : Hey , sharon , it s me again . I ve left several messages , and you re not returning any of my calls . Can you please call me and tell me that you re on the way and that everything s okay ?
Phyllis : What s going on ?
Nick : I do nt know , I was hoping one of you might be able to say .
Summer : Why are you looking at me ?
Phyllis : Because you hold a secret that s pretty explosive that could hurt sharon , and we know how you feel about her .
Summer : I said I would nt say anything , and I didnT.
Nick : What about kyle ? Would he say anything to sharon about what happened between your mom and me ?
Summer : He s so busy with his own family imploding , I m sure you and mom sleeping together is the last thing on his mind . What about mariah ? She was the last one to talk to her .
Nick : She said sharon was happy , that she was looking forward to the wedding .
Phyllis : Does nt sound like she knew about us .
Nick : Why the hell else would she not be here ?
Summer : She s sharon .
Phyllis : Okay . You re not helping .
Nick : I need to speak to your mother alone , please .
Summer : I ll check on faith and christian .
Phyllis : What are you thinking ?
Nick : I do nt know , I m just looking for some insight as to why you think sharon might not be here .
Phyllis : From me ?
Nick : Yes . I do nt buy this thing that mariah came up with , that sharon was looking for some new shoes . No way . Something happened .
Phyllis : Yeah , well , she does nt usually confide in me .
Nick : Well , I need a friend right now , okay ? You know sharon . I mean , what do you think ? This looks bad , right ? I mean , this is bad .
Phyllis : Look , if -- and it s a very big if -- sharon decided to bail , it would have to be something very , very serious .
Nick : Like what ?
Phyllis : But let s not go there right now , okay ? Let s give this a little bit of time , all right ? Just a little bit more time .
Nick : You re here .
Noah : Have nt missed the wedding , have I ? Additional sponsorship
Faith : I ve missed you !
Noah : I ve missed you , too .
Faith : [ Gasps ]
Noah : Oh ! Yep . You ve grown .
Faith : [ Laughs ] Just wait till you see christian . He just fell asleep , but he ll be awake for the wedding .
Noah : Okay .
Faith : Mom s gon na be so happy you re here .
Noah : [ Laughs ]
Nick : Um , could you go check on christian for me ?
Faith : Oh , yeah . Sure . See you later .
Noah : You bet .
Nick : Hug for your old man ?
Noah : Yeah . Come here !
Nick : All right , you tell me , what are you doing here ?
Noah : I m -- I m attending my parents wedding .
Nick : You told me this was nt on your calendar .
Noah : Oh , right , yeah , you know , it turns out you can actually handle a crisis at work and attend an important family event , so ...
Nick : Oh , yeah , the dark horse philosophy . I love it .
Noah : Well , I could nt have done it without a little bit of help .
Nick : Help ?
Jack : From me . I sent a jet to pick up noah and bring him to genoa city . Hey , buddy .
Noah : Hey .
Nick : Thank you so much .
Noah : Yeah , we knew we were cutting it a little bit close , so I did nt want to say anything in case I did nt make it .
Nick : I m so glad you did .
Jack : Hey , listen , I hope you do nt mind , but now that noah s here , I m ready to give up my duties as best man .
Noah : Thanks , jack . If that s okay with you .
Nick : Are you kidding me ? Your mom is gon na be so happy to see you .
Noah : Yeah , uh , where -- where is mom ?
Abby : If sharon breaks nick s heart , I swear ...
Arturo : Easy , tiger .
Abby : She s already hurt him so many times . I really thought this go - around was gon na be different .
Arturo : Maybe it will be .
Tessa : So , did you talk to noah ?
Mariah : [ Scoffs ] All I can think about right now is how sharon is nt here , and it s my fault .
Tessa : Hey , do nt do that .
Mariah : What was I thinking , telling her about nick and phyllis ?
Tessa : You were just the messenger .
Mariah : Yeah , but I did nt have to be . I could have kept my mouth shut .
Tessa : You thought you were doing the right thing .
Mariah : I ca nt believe I did that . I ca nt believe I told sharon on her wedding day .... that nick cheated on her . She s probably off somewhere freaking out , or she s too furious and decided to stand nick up .
Tessa : Do you really think she d do that , though ?
Mariah : Probably thinks he deserves it . I just wish she would have listened to me and just called the whole thing off .
Tessa : Hey , there is no use trying to second - guess what s going on in sharon s head .
Mariah : Tessa , what am i gon na tell nick ? What am I gon na tell everybody else ? This is a mess .
Tessa : Hey , hey , hey . Breathe . Sharon could be having a total meltdown , or she could just be taking a long walk , trying to cool off . Until we know anything , there s no use in over - worrying .
Mariah : You re right . I m going straight to the negative thoughts , and I should be thinking happy ones . It s not easy , especially when noah is across the church . Do nt get me wrong , I m -- I m incredibly happy to see him .
Tessa : But he does nt know about us .
Mariah : I m dating your ex did nt really seem like text - worthy material . Or maybe that s just a lame excuse for being a coward .
Tessa : Well , you ca nt keep it from him forever , and he s right there , in the flesh .
Mariah : I just ca nt deal with that today .
Tessa : No , yeah , no , I get it . But you re gon na have to tell him eventually that we re a couple .
Nick : This is my son , noah . He is gon na take over as best man . Pleasure to meet you .
Noah : Hey .
Nikki : What a great surprise for nicholas .
Victoria : It s been a long time since he and noah have seen each other .
Nikki : Mm - hmm .
Victor : What a pity he came to a wedding that is not gon na happen .
Nikki : Now , victor , we do nt know that .
Victor : Sweetheart , I m simply saying what everyone is thinking . Nicholas was stood up by sharon . Question is -- why ?
Nikki : Oh , my darling , it is so good to see you .
Noah : Good to see you , too , grandma . Grandpa .
Victor : My boy .
Noah : Although , not so sure you feel the same way , after i bailed on newman , went to work for my dad ...
Victor : Well , to be honest with you , I wish I d heard it from you personally , you know ?
Noah : Yeah .
Victor : But I respect your decision .
Noah : Thank you , grandpa .
Victor : You know the door is always open , right ?
Noah : At newman enterprises ?
Victor : You bet .
Noah : Yeah . I think dark horse is where i belong right now .
Victor : Oh , yeah ? Good luck to you .
Noah : Thank you .
Victor : You re gon na need it .
Noah : [ Laughs ]
Jack : We re still waiting on the bride . There s been no word ?
Jack : Oh , we expect to hear from her any minute . I hope so .
Jack : Listen , you mentioned earlier you have another engagement today . Any chance that you could adjust that schedule ? Well , I think I can get someone to cover my appointment .
Jack : Fantastic . Sharon and nick would appreciate that so much . But we do have that other service scheduled for later today , and I m afraid there s nothing I can do about that .
Jack : Oh , I m sure sharon will be here by then . Okay , well , let me know when she arrives , and we ll get started .
Jack : Will do . Thank you .
Billy : Handled like a pro .
Jack : I have dealt with my share of family crises .
Billy : [ Chuckles ] What s going on ? I thought nick and sharon were good .
Jack : Yeah , nick did , too .
Billy : So , is there a reason why she s awol , or what ?
Jack : You know what , I am holding on to the hope that this is just pre - wedding jitters and that we ll be toasting the happy couple very soon .
Phyllis : Any word from our runaway bride ?
Nikki : Nicholas says her phone is going to straight to voicemail , she has nt responded to any text messages of his .
Phyllis : I have no idea why i thought she would actually do the right thing .
Victoria : She tried to tell us that she could nt do this .
Nikki : What , sharon lie ? Please . It s like breathing to her .
Victoria : But this is too much . She did nt want to marry nick knowing that she was keeping such a huge secret from him .
Nikki : All right , well , if that was the case , why did nt she just tell him ?
Victoria : Maybe she s planning to later .
Phyllis : Or maybe her boss / tenant / new friend rey convinced her to turn herself in .
Victoria : No , sharon would nt do anything that stupid .
Phyllis : Quick review , this is sharon -- stupidity is always on the table .
Victoria : Oh , my god . If she confessed to the police ...
Nikki : Stop it . We do nt know that . All we know is that sharon is nt here , and there could be any number of reasons for that .
Phyllis : Yeah , well , I do nt like any of them .
Nikki : Before we worry ourselves sick , let s just wait it out and see how things progress . I mean , maybe sharon got herself caught up in some crazy scheme and ca nt get out of it ?
Phyllis : Yeah , that s pretty likely .
Nikki : Yeah .
Victoria : What are we supposed to do , just act normal and pretend like everything s fine ?
Nikki : Darling , as far as we know , everything is .
Victoria : Well , for nick s sake , I hope it stays that way .
Phyllis : For all our sakes .
Faith : Everyone s asking where mom is .
Nick : Yeah . I know .
Faith : She ll be here , right ?
Nick : [ Chuckles ] You know what , faith , you are old enough now for the truth , so I m just gon na give it to you .
Faith : Has something happened to mom ?
Nick : No , I do nt know . I do nt know -- I do nt know what s going on or why she s not here .
Faith : Do you think she s coming ?
Nick : Yes , I do .
Faith : Why does it always slip away ?
Nick : What ?
Faith : Us being happy . We always get so close to it , but it never lasts . And you said this time it would .
Nick : Well , I believe it will .
Faith : I just want mom to show up and for you guys to get married .
Nick : I do , too . If we re going to go ahead with the wedding , we ll have to get started soon .
Jack : I ll let you know as soon as the bride arrives . Thank you , father .
Victor : You meant to say if the bride arrives , right ?
Jack : You d like that , would nt you ? Seeing your own son s happiness destroyed .
Victor : This is not my doing , jack .
Jack : For your sake , I hope not . I think you ve seen what nick does when he s been crossed .
Nikki : Victor , let s go check on faith , okay ?
Mariah : Mm ! Just what the doctor ordered for a freaked - out maid of honor who lost the bride .
Noah : [ Chuckles ] Does that mean you re glad to see me ?
Mariah : Yeah . I ve had worse surprises today .
Noah : Yeah , what s up with mom ghosting her own wedding ?
Tessa : That s what we ve been trying to figure out all day .
Noah : We ?
Tessa : Her friends and family .
Noah : Are you friends with my mom ? Is that why you re here ?
Tessa : Uh , yeah . I actually have been working for your mom and your dad .
Noah : Really ? Mom and dad both gave you a job after ... whatever . Um , listen , I m sorry I have nt kept in touch better . I m just settling into this new job .
Mariah : No , it s fine . We ve both had busy schedules . How s working for your dad ?
Noah : Great . Yeah , no , dark horse is a much better fit than newman . Yeah , it s got a young vibe , great energy , you know ? It s good to be in on something from the start , watch it grow from the ground up .
Mariah : That s awesome . Well , I am so thankful that you could tear yourself away from your busy schedule and join us today . Thank you .
Noah : Okay . What about you ? How s gc buzz ?
Mariah : It s great , um ... I just miss hilary .
Noah : Yeah . I m sorry about that .
Mariah : Thank you .
Noah : So , if you re working for both my mom and my dad , that means that you re no longer with hamilton - winters ?
Tessa : Yeah , I , uh -- I had to leave town , so I quit .
Noah : But you came back .
Tessa : Well , all my friends are here , and it s the closest thing I ve ever had to a home .
Mariah : Speaking of homes , how s london ?
Noah : It s awesome . You should come visit me sometime .
Summer : You re passing out hugs , and I do nt even get a hello ?
Noah : Hey , sis .
Summer : Hi .
Noah : Good to see you .
Summer : You , too . You gon na have time to hit the clubs with me while you re in town ?
Noah : [ Laughs ] I think i can squeeze that in . Want to join us ?
Mariah : Oh , clubs ? Yeah . Definitely .
Summer : Oh , please . Juliet and juliet are still in the stay home and stare into each other s eyes all night phase .
Noah : Okay , so then you ...
Summer : Oh . You did nt know .
Mariah : No . He didnT. Thank you for taking care of that , summer .
Summer : Sorry . I did nt know it was a secret .
Mariah : It s not . It s not , I just did nt know how to tell you , and i did nt think that here would be the time or the place .
Noah : Kind of hard to imagine what that might be .
Mariah : Yeah . I know . I --
Noah : I just need a little time , okay ?
Mariah : Yeah .
Noah : Excuse me .
Abby : Christian s lucky . I wish I could sleep through this .
Arturo : Yeah , I bet nick does , too .
Abby : I just -- I hate to see him hurt like this again .
Arturo : Again ? As in this happened before ?
Abby : Well , his last wedding to sharon was a bust , and then phyllis sister stood him up .
Arturo : [ Exhales sharply ] Wow . This guy has bad luck . I mean , at least when it comes to weddings .
Abby : Today s supposed to be a happy day . I just -- I wish there was something I could do .
Victoria : Is there anything i can do ?
Nick : Just tell me this is a bad dream .
Victoria : I m sure it feels that way .
Nick : I mean , this is real . Sharon and I should be getting married right now .
Victoria : I know .
Nick : I do nt know what happened . I woke up today , everything was going great , according to plan . I get here , and everything s falling apart .
Victoria : We do nt know that , nick . We do nt know anything .
Nick : That s what I said to faith . But sharon is not here and she is not answering her phone . Maybe it s like her bachelorette party , you know ? She disappeared then , too , and it turned out to be , you know , nothing . So I guess I m holding on to what mariah said , and this is just some crazy sharon - like reason as to why she s not here , like a lost earring , or she found a lost puppy on the side of the road . Imagine how amazing it would be if she walked through those doors right now with a lost puppy . You know , I d take it if she d just walk through at all . I d settle for that .
Victoria : There s still a chance she will .
Billy : Sharon sure does know how to liven up a wedding . I think nick would disagree .
Phyllis : Oh , he does nt even deserve this .
Billy : I do nt really have a horse in the race here .
Phyllis : Interesting choice of words .
Billy : It s a figure of speech . And I do nt want to talk about nick or sharon and their wedding or non - wedding . I want to talk about us . I asked you a question earlier , and I did nt get an answer .
Phyllis : That s because i thought you were high on wedding fumes , all right ? Before all hell broke loose . I let you off the hook .
Billy : The only thing I m high on is you , and I want to make that a permanent state .
Phyllis : You do nt have to marry me to do that .
Billy : I want to marry you . Look , I might not have the best track record . I m not gon na be able to use chloe or victoria as references , unless I want you to say no , and I do nt want you to say no . I meant what I said earlier . I want us to be together . Forever . And I know it s a little bit scary , but we can have that spontaneous , unpredictable life . Unlike any marriage we ve ever known . In a good way , of course . And we ll fight , but we ll make up the way that we do in the office , in the elevator , a mile high , or under the table at the club .
Phyllis : No one s supposed to know about that .
Billy : My point is , nothing will change . Everything will just be better .
Phyllis : Billy ...
Billy : Come on . Just say yes . I know you want to . I do nt know what could stop you from saying yes .
Phyllis : You caught me off guard . Just give me some time , okay ?
Billy : Okay . As long as your answer s yes . The young and the restless will continue . Today , the role of summer newman is played by bayley corman .
Faith : Hey .
Mariah : Hey . How you doing ?
Victor : You know sharon is not gon na show up . What are we doing here ? Let s go home .
Nikki : Let s wait a little longer . Nicholas might need us .
Victor : He can take care of himself .
Nikki : Well , there s faith and christian to think about , too . Please , let s just stay a little longer . I m afraid we re gon na have to start preparing for the next event .
Nick : Yeah , um , I get it . Thank you for being so patient . Thank you so much .
Jack : Could you give us a moment ? Sure .
Jack : Thanks .
Nick : Guess I m out of choices .
Jack : You want me to tell everyone ?
Nick : No . I ll do it . Thanks . Everyone , could I have your attention , please ? [ Sighs , chuckles ] First , I , uh ... I really want to thank you all for coming . I was hoping this was going to be a happy day and that we would all get to share it together . [ Cellphone chimes ] Unfortunately -- and I have no idea why at this point , but it does nt look like there s --
Mariah : Nick , wait !
Nikki : What s going on ?
Mariah : Okay , victoria , abby , summer , faith , follow me . Tessa , can you go get christian ?
Tessa : Yeah , yeah .
Nick : Wait . Hey !
Mariah : Nick , noah , please get in your place and find the minister .
Nick : Okay , but what s --
Mariah : Just do it ! Please . Please !
Nick : I guess , uh -- I guess we re doing this ?
Jack : I will get the minister .
Noah : This is great news .
Nick : Yeah . Uh , hey , so , uh , everything i said before , just forget it , except for the part where I m really glad you re here because I am , but get ready , because it looks like we re about to have a wedding .
Jack : We re absolutely ready to go . Could we light the candles ? Certainly .
Noah : [ Sighs ] Hey . It means the world to me that you re here .
Jack : Go that way .
Noah : Christian ! Right here , buddy . It s me ! Right over here .
Faith : Right there !
Noah : Hey , pal .
Faith : Come on .
Noah : Good job , buddy .
Nick : You okay ?
Sharon : I would like to apologize for keeping you all waiting . I ran into a small problem . I wo nt go into the details . I m sorry for the delay . I m here now , so if you re ready ...
Nick : I am more than ready . Let s get started , then . We re gathered here today -- in the sight of god , family , and friends -- to witness the union of nick and sharon . This is a celebration of their devotion and love to each other . A time to look back on all that they ve shared and everything they ve overcome to get to this moment . Most importantly , it s a time to to look forward . To the future they ll share together as husband and wife . Nick and sharon have written their own vows for today . Nick , would you like to start ?
Nick : Sharon , I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you . I mean , we were just kids , but even then , I knew you were the one . It was nt easy for us . Never is . But here we are . We found our way back to each other . I remember the first time you told me you loved me . I thought , how lucky am I ? I used to pray every night that would you wake up and still love me . And I still do that . In the morning , when my eyes open , I look over at you lying next to me , and I ca nt believe it . I am the luckiest guy in the world . I do nt know how we did it , but here we are after all these years . I mean , we have been through so much . 90s hair ... questionable fashion choices ... mostly mine .
Sharon : [ Laughs ]
Nick : You laugh at all my amazing dad jokes . We ve had beautiful children together who we love so much . We shared a devastating loss . We ve also had more joy than i ever thought was imaginable . We ve been together and apart , together and apart . And here we are . Back where it all started . But it s different this time because we ve changed . We re wiser and we re smarter , and I know for a fact that we re better off together than we are apart . There is nt anything that we ca nt get through . There is no obstacle that we ca nt overcome . I do nt know where life is gon na take us , but I know that if we re together , we re gon na be okay .
Phyllis : Yes .
Nick : So , should I start my vows now ?
Billy : What ?
Phyllis : Yes , I ll marry you .
Nick : Sharon , I take you to be my wife , to support you in everything that you do , to share with you your hopes and dreams , your joy and sorrow . I promise to be faithful to you , body and soul . To love , honor , and cherish you from this day forward till the day I die . Sharon .
Sharon : Those were really beautiful words . I do nt know if I can speak as eloquently .
Nick : I m sure whatever you wrote is beautiful , like you .
Sharon : I ll try . Hope so .
Nick : Just take it slow .
Sharon : [ Sniffles , sighs ] Nicholas , you are my best friend . You re my partner , you re my lover , you re the father of my children . Together , we have shared great joy and we ve endured deep sorrow . And all of it made us better , stronger , more . And we have been together and apart and back together again more times than I can count , but I stand here before you today overflowing and bursting with love and gratitude , just grateful that of all the millions of people in the world , you chose me . When I slide my hand into yours , it s the perfect fit . Like we were made together . You really get me , and .. you even know not to speak to me before I ve had my first cup of coffee in the morning . [ Light laughter ] You know that I like extra , extra pickles on my burger .
Nick : Yes .
Sharon : [ Chuckles ] You know exactly what to say to soothe me . And you know when to say nothing at all . You are my north . You re my heart . You re my everything . Being with you is ... is , um ...
Nick : Hey . Are you okay ?
Sharon : I wrote these words last night , and ... I just want to tell you what I m thinking and feeling right now . I just want to speak straight from my heart .
Sharon : I was thinking about your proposal . Your recent one . You said that we were meant to be together , that you did nt want to live your life without me , and you wanted to spend your whole life making me feel loved and special . Special . Your one true love . And I believed you . You know , when I said yes , I believed what you said , that all of the bad stuff was behind us and that we both learned from our mistakes and things will be different this time . And that anything is possible for us . We went through some rough times after that , and I was never sure that we were gon na make it to this day . But you convinced me that what we have is worth fighting for . You said as long as we are honest with each other that there s nothing we ca nt overcome . But you were nt , nick . You were nt honest .
Nick : No , sharon . Wait , I --
Sharon : I was nt gon na come here today , but I m glad that i did . Because I wanted to see the look on your face when I tell you that I ca nt marry you .
Nick : Sharon . You do nt mean that . No .
Sharon : Yes . Yes , I do mean exactly what i say , unlike your meaningless words . Your sacred vows . What a joke . The way you lied when you stood up here today . You lied to me , to your children , to everyone ! Because you ca nt love , honor , and cherish me , nick , while you re cheating on me with phyllis !
Jack : Phyllis ?
Sharon : That s right . I know that you and phyllis slept together .
Billy : You and nick ?
Phyllis : Billy ...
### Summary:
| Noah arrives for the wedding and Mariah wants to wait to tell him that she and Tessa are a couple but Summer did nt kow it was a secret and she accidently tells Noah who takes a little time to himself after hearing the neews . Sharon keps Nick waiting a very long time at the church but arives just as Nick is about to tell everyone that their wo nt be a wedding . Thewedding begins and Sharon walks down the aisle in a beautiful dress and Nick begins his vows that talk about their past and look forward to their future together . Nick s vows are so beautiful that Phyllis decides to say yes to Billy s earlier proposal of marriage and she whispers yes in Billy s ear . Sharon begins her vows to Nick that she wrote last night but then she tells him how she really feels and says that he does nt mean any of his vows to her because he cheated on her with Phyllis . Billy is shocked and looks at Phyllis as if to ask if what Sharon said is true . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kate : Hey .
Chelsea : I m sorry that I m late . I totally slept through my alarm clock . I did nt hear it .
Kate : Honey , do nt worry about it . You re recovering from major surgery , ok ? I think you need your rest . I guess .
Kate : Actually , you know what I m thinking ? That maybe this breakfast is a bad idea .
Chelsea : No . No , no . This was my idea , okay ? We re gon na have breakfast . I need to get out of that house .
Kate : Victor s all right over there , right ? They re taking care of you .
Chelsea : Yeah , everybody s great . Everybody s really cool .
Kate : Okay . Well , what do you say we , um -- we order some breakfast now . What do you want to get ?
Chelsea : I do nt know . I m thinking maybe just some juice . Maybe I ll get some tea .
Kate : Chelsea , come on . You know , and you re looking . Are you sure you re all right ?
Daniel : I was just going to ask the same question . You promised me you d take it easy today . You looked a little wiped yesterday at the Java café and now you re here ?
Kate : You two were at the java café ?
Chelsea : I m fine , okay ? Perfectly fine .
Daniel : Why do I get the feeling there s something you re trying to hide ?
Philip : Good . You re awake . You have nt changed your mind about my offer ?
Nicole : That I spy for you and , in exchange , you use your influence with Victor to help me with my divorce settlement .
Philip : Exactly . I ll make sure he s generous , that it ll be worth it to be rid of you .
Nicole : Gee , thanks .
Philip : You said as much yourself , Nicole .
Nicole : You know , you still have nt told me who I d be spying on . It s Chloe , is nt it ? Yeah , I know she s done something .
Philip : It s not Chloe . It is someone I think you might enjoy spending some time with .
Nicole : Oh , it s definitely not Chloe . Who Is it ?
Philip : John Black .
John : You sure I ca nt get you something , Paul ? Rolf just whipped up a killer gugelhupf . Do nt know what the hell it is .
Paul : I d like you to keep your word . My life is in shambles right now . And you promised you d make things right .
John : I will . It s just gon na take some time .
Paul : Hey , I do nt have time , John . My wife s attorney is breathing down my neck for alimony and child support , which I do nt have because I ve got no money , no job , and no hope of getting a job , because I m also about to be indicted for fraud , thanks to you .
John : I think you need to relax and let me handle things . I m putting you back on top , Paul , and when I m finished , you re gon na be better than ever .
Paul : And how do you know that ?
John : I just do . But make no mistake . When I m done , you re gon na owe me .
Ava : Are you sure you want to hear this ? Hmm ? You all want to hear what your good friend , your loving husband did to me ?
Angelo : They re just stalling , baby . I say we end this now . We off them all quick and clean , just like you said .
Hope : I m not stalling . Obviously , you re gon na kill us anyway . I d just like to know why . Steve s been my friend for many years .
Bo : Mine too . It s hard to believe he d do anything so terrible to cause all this .
Kayla : He would nt . It s not in him .
Ava : Yeah , that s what you think .
Bo : Well , let s hear it . What the hell happened ?
Ava : Fine , I ll tell you . I m not gon na bore you with any of the little details . I ll just start at the end , the day that he ruined my life .
Kate : Do nt you think she looks pale ?
Chelsea : I am pale because I have nt seen the sun in forever .
Daniel : You feel a little clammy . You been running a fever ?
Chelsea : No , I m just sweaty because I was running late and I had to get here fast .
Daniel : You ran ?
Chelsea : No , not literally . I mean , I hurried .
Daniel : What am I gon na do with you . You know what you need ? You need a keeper .
Chelsea : I guess , maybe , that I do .
Daniel : Hang on , hold that thought . I got to get this . Do nt move . I ll be right back .
Chelsea : I am staying right here .
Kate : Chelsea . [ Sighs ] Chelsea , hello , Chelsea .
Chelsea : What ?
Kate : Hmm . Actually , I do nt like your color , and I ve decided to take you home , okay ?
Chelsea : No , I m fine .
Kate : Do nt you argue with me . I promised your mother that I would take care of you , and that is exactly what I m gon na do . Come on , get up . Come , come , come . Let s go . Here you go . Come on . Get your bag .
Nicole : John Black . What do you need to know about John Black , how he organizes his sock drawer ?
Philip : I want to know everything , everything he s up to .
Nicole : Why ? I thought he lost it or something . That s the rumor anyway .
Philip : Yeah , he s not quite the guy you remember . He s more like ... well , he s kind of like you .
Philip : Dead serious .
Nicole : I like him better already .
Philip : So , do we have a deal ?
Nicole : Only if you promise to keep your end of it and get me what I deserve .
Philip : Oh , I promise you . You ll get everything you deserve and then some .
Nicole : Are you trying to be funny ?
Philip : I m serious . So , you in or out ?
Nicole : Okay . You ve got yourself a spy .
Philip : Great . I ll fill you in on the way .
Nicole : The way where ?
Philip : To breakfast . I d rather not talk here .
Nicole : Oh , fine . I m starving . And I m kind of thirsty , if you know what I mean .
Philip : Even in the morning ?
Nicole : Especially in the morning . Now I just need to decide if I m in a mimosa mood or a Bloody Mary mood .
Paul : No , our deal was you help me out , make my problem go away , and I keep your name out of this mess .
John : That was part of the plan . I m gon na go the extra mile , Paul . I m gon na hook you up with the kind of life you were enjoying when you were married to that rich babe . It s what you want .
Paul : I m standing here , right ?
John : Yes . And for that , I m going to expect a little something extra .
Paul : Like what ?
John : All in good time .
Ava : Well ... I m sure you all know by now that Patch and I ... we were once deeply in love or at least that s what I believed ... up until my wedding day . [ Laughs ] That was the happiest day of my life , because I was marrying my soul mate , a man that was meant for me , who was gon na be with me forever ... someone who loved me and understood me like no one else ever had . And he said he felt the same way . It did nt matter that Daddy would nt approve . Nothing else mattered but us . It s why we ran off together , eloped to this tiny , little chapel in nowhere Nevada . I wore a simple white dress and picked my own bouquet of flowers from a nearby field . I had a laugh to think of how horrified my father would be cause it certainly was nt the wedding that he d always envisioned for me . This was simple and small and just the way that I wanted it . I was marrying the man of my dreams .
Philip : This is perfect . John just went inside . Are you ready ?
Nicole : What do you want me to do ?
Philip : Cozy up to him . Use your womanly wiles . You re good at that .
Nicole : Yeah , John hates me .
Philip : blank slate . And something tells me he s going for you .
Nicole : What about Marlena ?
Philip : not happening . Do your thing .
Nicole : Ok , I ll work my magic . Hmm - hmm . Are nt you coming ?
Philip : Uh - uh . He d be suspicious .
Nicole : Ok . Hey there . And put them both on his bill .
Nicole : Oh , why John Black . It is true , you are alive .
John : Do I know you ?
Nicole : Oh , that s right . I heard you were nt exactly yourself . I m sorry .
John : Oh , do nt be . I m not . No need to be sorry .
Nicole : I m Nicole Kiriakis . Oh , I mean Walker Kiriakis . You know my ex .
John : So , you re Nicole . I ve heard about you . It does nt matter , I make up my own mind .
Nicole : I m sure you do .
John : Him .
Nicole : May I ?
John : Ok .
Nicole : I really hate to drink alone , especially in the morning . And I find this whole thing fascinating . You do nt remember anything about your past ?
John : No , sorry to disappoint .
Nicole : Hmm , you re not disappointing me . In fact , the new John seems much more interesting .
John : Well , you re the first person to think that .
Morgan : What in Sam Hill are you doing ?
Kate : God , what I want you to do is sit down , rest a minute , and I m going to take you upstairs , and put you to bed .
Chelsea : I m really not feeling so hot all of a sudden .
Kate : Chelsea . Chelsea . Oh , my God , Chelsea . Chelsea . Honey , wake up . Chelsea . Henderson . Call an ambulance . Hurry .
Daniel : What the hell happened here ?
Kate : Where the hell did you come from ?
Daniel : She was nt looking too good at the pub , so I thought I d come by and check on her . Hey . Good thing I followed my instincts . Chelsea .
Hope : What happened then ? You and Patch at the chapel . You were going to be married .
Ava : Yeah , and I was never so much in love with Patch , as I was at that moment ... I smiled at him , and he smiled back . I mouthed the words I love you , and he did the same . Am I telling that right , Patch , or am I saying it wrong ?
Patch : No , you re telling it exactly the way it was .
Philip : You think you might be overdoing the Southern - belle accent a little , Morgan ?
Morgan : I go there when I m nervous .
Philip : What do you have to be nervous about ?
Morgan : I do nt know , you tell me .
Philip : I do nt get coy women . Never have , never will .
Morgan : Then you do nt get me .
Philip : I guess I ll have to live with that . But you never told me why you re nervous .
Morgan : Because you re out here lurking , and John Black is in there . And do nt pretend like you did nt see him , okay ? I know you re gunning for him , and that s fine , I do nt care . But why do you have to drag my father through the --
Philip : Slow down , and I m not gunning for anybody , and I m not dragging anybody .
Morgan : I may be coy sometimes , but that does nt mean I m stupid . Remember that .
Philip : Why should I ?
Morgan : Because it s a good piece of information to have .
Philip : You re being coy again .
Morgan : I ca nt help it . Second nature . So , are you --
Philip : I was just about to ask , maybe you d like to join me for breakfast , and I can prove to you that I m not after John or your father or anyone else . As long as they re not after me .
Morgan : I d actually like that , but I m meeting my father for breakfast , so -- and , actually , here he comes . Hi , Daddy .
Paul : Hey , honey . What s going on ?
Morgan : Oh , nothing much . Just saying hi to Philip .
Paul : Uh - huh . Well , now you can say goodbye to him . I m sure that Mr. Kiriakis is a very busy man .
Philip : I was a lot busier before my family s ships started mysteriously ... getting held up in customs .
Paul : Like I told you before , there s no mystery to it . There were irregularities in the manifest that called for an investigation .
Philip : And now , it seems , you re being investigated , at least according to the papers . It s quite a coincidence .
Morgan : This is what I m talking about , Philip . Why do you have to drag my father through --
Paul : Morgan , I ll handle this . We re not gon na have this conversation right now , okay ? I m here to have breakfast with my daughter . So if you ll excuse us .
Morgan : So , are you coming in ?
Philip : Maybe for some coffee .
Paul : Morgan , let s go .
Nicole : You know , I do nt mind telling you now that I ve always had a little crush on you -- uh , him -- the old John .
John : I thought you said the old John was boring .
Nicole : No , no , no , no . I never said he was boring .
John : That s okay . From what I understand , he was boring as hell .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] You really have changed , have nt you ? Anyway , the old John , it was nt that he was boring , he was just kind of --
John : Narrow - minded , self - righteous stick in the mud .
Nicole : I was gon na say conservative .
John : [ Chuckles ]
Nicole : But , at the same time , he was ... very sexy . You know , actually , he looked exactly like you -- or , you look exactly like him -- same handsome face , same sexy bod . Come to think of it . You re in much better shape . Have you been working out ?
Steve : Sweetness , I m sorry you have to hear this .
Ava : Come on . Patch , do nt you think it s time that she did ?
Steve : Come on , Ava . Is this really necessary ? What happened in the past is over and done with .
Ava : No , it is hardly over and done with . It has not been for me since that day . And , besides , Bo and Hope have asked , and I think they have a right to know about their friend that they think is so damn wonderful .
Hope : I d like to hear the rest . Please , Ava , go on .
Ava : I d be happy to tell you , because then maybe you can see Patch for the lying , heartless bastard that he really is . Oh , God , you know , I have a much better idea . Patch , why do nt you tell them , because you are so much better at telling stories ?
Steve : I think you re doing a good job . I do nt need to say --
Ava : I think you should just tell them . You tell your good friends and your precious little wife what happened next . You tell them what you did to me on our wedding day .
Kate : What s wrong with her ? What do you think happened ?
Daniel : I do nt know . She s passed out , and she s running a pretty high fever . I ca nt bring her around . Why do nt you call 911 ? Chelsea . Chelsea .
Kate : Hello , yes . I need an ambulance . 13201 Glen Oaks . My granddaughter has collapsed . Please , just hurry .
Nicole : Lonely in that big old house all by yourself .
John : I actually have lots of company at the moment .
Nicole : Hmm . Really ? Who ?
John : My staff , including my manservant , Rolf -- rarely leaves my side .
Nicole : Rolf . Is nt he that creepy doctor of Stefano s ?
John : Not anymore . He s my butler .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] I bet he s still creepy .
John : We re working on that , but it s been a little slow .
Nicole : You poor man . I ca nt imagine what you going through -- no family , no good friends to call your own , no memory of your former life . You must feel kind of ... cast adrift .
John : Yes . It s a nice feeling .
Nicole : You know what ? Darn it , I m just gon na be real forward here , for once , and ask you out on a date . I would love to have dinner with you , John . What do you say ? Are you game ?
Paul : What s wrong , honey ? You re not eating .
Morgan : How am I supposed to eat when I m forced to sit here and look at him ?
Paul : John Black is a good friend of mine , and he s promised to help me out with this misunderstanding down at the customs office .
Morgan : [ Scoffs ] I bet . Look , Daddy , one man has already underestimated my intelligence today . Are you gon na do the same ? I know John Black is responsible for putting you in this mess in the first place .
Kate : Where the hell is that ambulance ? It should have been here by now .
Daniel : Kate , you just called . They ll be here .
Kate : She should never have had that operation . It was too risky . It was just crazy .
Daniel : Try not to get too wound up , all right ? Be calm .
Kate : I am calm . My granddaughter is passed out there , and she s not waking up .
Daniel : Well , she s strong . She made it this far .
Kate : She better make it all the way because if she does nt , I m holding you responsible . That s right . You should never have talked her into that surgery .
Steve : Okay . You want me to finish the story ? I ll finish it .
Ava : Do nt you sugarcoat it . You tell them exactly what happened .
Steve : I will . In fact , I want to . I was standing at the altar ... watching you ... as you started toward me down the aisle . You looked so beautiful , so happy , and I wondered why I did nt feel the same way . I thought this should be the happiest day of my life , too , so why was nt it ? This ... really strange feeling came over me , a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach . I started having these crazy flashes in my head -- someone else s wedding ... another bride . I tried to get a grip . I could nt . I just knew there was something wrong about all this . I did nt know what it was . I just knew in my gut ... in my heart ... I could nt go through with it .
Morgan : Well , is nt that the truth ? I mean , is nt that the reason you re in this mess ? He made you take that bribe .
Paul : Honey , nobody made me do anything .
Morgan : You re a good man , Daddy . I know you would nt have done something like this if he did nt twist your arm . I mean , just look at him over there with a girl half his age . You can just tell the guy s a jerk . He does nt give a damn about what anybody else or anything but himself .
Paul : Listen to you . You talk like that in front of your mom .
Morgan : No , only because I do nt want to make her feel worse that she already does .
Paul : Well , do nt worry about your mother . She s as tough as they come .
Morgan : Yeah , what about you ? You might be going to jail .
Paul : Morgan , we already talked about this . That s not gon na happen . This is all gon na get taken care of , and everything s gon na go back to normal , all right ?
Morgan : Is that what he said ?
Paul : No . That s what I m saying to you . And when s the last time I let my little girl down ? All right , I got to go .
Paul : Already ?
Morgan : Yeah , I promised Jill that I d meet her .
Paul : Listen ... do nt worry about this , okay ? I meant what I said . Everything s gon na be fine .
Morgan : Okay . I love you , Daddy .
Paul : Oh , I love you , too .
Morgan : See you later .
John : Look , you seem like a really nice lady .
Nicole : Oh , I m not that nice .
John : Well , as interesting as that is --
Nicole : Look , John , it s just dinner . I m not asking you to marry me . Come on , Johnny . I promise I wo nt bite , unless , of course , you re into that kind of thing .
John : Well , that might be fun .
Nicole : Oh , yeah . I think it ll be the most fun either one of us have had in a very long time .
Philip : Well , well , well . What have we here ? Sleeping with the enemy , John ?
Nicole : We re not sleeping together . We re just having a friendly chat .
Philip : It s a figure of speech , Nicole .
John : Do you have a problem with our being friends ?
Philip : Oh , no . No problem at all . In fact , I d say the two of you deserve each other .
Daniel : Chelsea volunteered to donate part of her pancreas to her father . It s something she wanted to do , and I made sure she understood all the risks . Now , if you recall , I was nt too happy about doing the surgery in the first place .
Kate : Sorry . I guess I was just looking for someone to blame .
Daniel : Well , I understand . Let s not jump to the worst - case scenario here . We re not sure what s happened yet , but once we get her to the hospital and run some tests .
Kate : If victor was home , he d get the ambulance here .
Daniel : I will call the hospital , okay ?
Kate : Oh ! Thank God . Maybe that s them .
Daniel : All right , you hang in there , girl . You re gon na be okay . I ll make sure of it .
Kate : So , then she collapsed . Her doctor s here . He has nt been able to revive her .
Daniel : Dr. Jonas . Patient s recovering from a high - risk pancreas - transplant surgery . She s running a temperature . Her breathing is shallow . I want her stabilized and taken to University ASAP .
EMT : Yes , Doctor .
Steve : If it s too painful for you , I ll stop .
Ava : [ Sniffles ] Oh , no . I have nt heard this part of the story yet . At least not from your point of view , so please , by all means , be my guest .
Steve : So like I said , I was having these things , these flashes in my head and this weird thing was happening inside of me , and it was freaking me out . And then , without even thinking about it , I took a step back . Then another . Another . Next thing I knew , I was out the side door . I - I - I was just standing there with my heart pounding in my ears . Everything was spinning like I was drunk . Those crazy images started up again -- that other wedding , another bride . I could nt stop them . Finally , I knew what I had to do . I had to get back in there and tell you I could nt go through with it . I could nt marry you . Then out of nowhere , these two guys came up and grabbed me and dragged me off , and threw me in the back of my own car .
Ava : You really expect me to believe that .
Steve : It s the truth .
Ava : [ Scoffs ]
EMT # 1 : Her temperature s through the roof -- 103.4 .
EMT # 2 : Pulse is rapid and weak .
Kate : Is that why she passed out ?
Daniel : I m sure of it .
Kate : Why is she having these symptoms ?
Daniel : Wait till we get to the hospital . I ll start to do some tests , and I ll be able to tell you more .
Morgan : Oh , my God . What s going on ? What s happened to Chelsea ?
Nicole : Well ... thank you for the pancakes and the company . This is the best meal I ve had since I ve been back in Salem .
John : Well , thank you for joining me , Mrs. Kiriakis .
Nicole : Nicole , please .
John : Nicole .
Nicole : Well , I very much look forward to our dinner and getting to know the new and , may I say , vastly improved you .
John : Well , I hope I do nt disappoint .
Nicole : Same here . However , I ca nt imagine t possible .
John : Well then . Tonight . My place .
Nicole : Ca nt wait .
Ava : Do nt you think I deserve better ? What , you think I m that stupid ?
Steve : No . I m not lying , Ava . I never meant to hurt you .
Ava : [ Laughs ] Hurt me ? Hurt me ? You were the man that I was going to marry . I loved you . [ Voice breaking ] And I thought that you loved me . My God , do you have any idea what it felt like when I realized that you were nt coming back ? It was like -- it was like this part of me ... it just died right then and there .
Steve : I m sorry . I got to tell you . There s more to it if you d let me explain .
Ava : Why ? Why , Patch , so you can tell me more ridiculous lies ?
Bo : Why do nt you let him finish ?
Hope : Yeah . I d like to hear the rest .
Kayla : So would I.
Ava : Fine . Go ahead , Patch . You tell your little story , because I can not wait to hear how it ends .
Steve : You already know how it ends . All I could do now is tell a little bit about the time before I met you . Maybe then it will make more sense . I do nt know . Maybe not .
Ava : Get on with it .
Steve : Before we met , I had been abducted and held prisoner by a man named Stefano DiMera . He wanted to inflict as much pain on me and the people I loved ... as he could . And this is how he did it . This is gon na sound crazy . He faked my death . He made me forget my past .
Ava : You know , Hope over there , she mentioned that to me .
Hope : Go on , Steve .
Steve : So , DiMera had me locked up and under his control for a long time -- years . One day , I managed to escape . I did nt know where to go . I did nt know what to do because by then , I had no memory of who I was or where I came from . I was lost . But then I met you . You changed me . You gave me a life ... and something to live for . And I fell in love with you , and I wanted to marry you . I did . And it killed me that I never got a chance to say goodbye . I swear on my life . I swear on everything we once meant to each other . Now , that is the truth , Ava . I swear . I swear on my life . I swear on everything we once meant to each other .
Philip : So , tell me what happened . Are you gon na see him again ?
Nicole : We have a date tonight at his place . I think he kind of likes me .
Philip : Hey , do nt go getting distracted . Remember your objective .
Nicole : Oh , I know . Try to get the goods from him .
Philip : Not just try .
Nicole : Okay , I ll do it . I do nt see why business and pleasure ca nt mix .
Philip : They can , as long as John does nt know that s what s happening .
Nicole : Trust me . He wo nt suspect a thing .
Philip : Good .
John : I hope you re not following me now . I ve told you I would handle everything .
Paul : What are you talking about ? I m here having breakfast with my daughter . I got to say , I could nt help but notice that , uh , hot little blonde you were sitting with . Now , I know it may be none of my business , but , uh , you are married , right ?
John : That s right . It s none of your business . But I ll let you in on a little secret .
Paul : Yeah , what s that ?
John : I know what I m doing .
Paul : I ll bet you do .
Chelsea : Dr. Jonas .
Daniel : I m right here , Chelsea . Did nt I tell you to take it easy ?
Chelsea : You re gon na stay with me , right ?
Daniel : Oh , I m not going anywhere , I promise . I will take very good care of you .
Ava : I ll take the story back from there , since you could nt possibly know what happened next . I could nt believe it when you left the church . [ Chuckles ] I thought you must be playing a game or something , and so I waited and then I realized you were nt coming back . The next thing I knew , I was in an ambulance being taken to a hospital , where I stayed for -- I do nt know -- quite some time . And then Daddy took me out of there . He brought me back here , and he locked me in this room . It was for my own good .
Steve : I m so sorry , Ava .
Ava : [ Laughs ] That is all you can say to me ? That is all you can keep saying to me ? You are a cold son of a bitch . You ruined my life . You ruined everything . You took away everything I had , and you turned me into this person that I despise . I hate you ! And I hate everything that you have done to me ! I hate you ! [ Sobbing ]
Kate : I think you need to start talking now .
Sami : Until you drop Nicole , you re not going to the park or anywhere with your son .
Ava : You all miss your pop so much , huh ? Why do nt I just arrange a little reunion , huh ? I want them dead .
### Summary:
| After Chelsea faints , Daniel and Kate rush her to the hospital . After agreeing to spy on John for Phillip , Nicole works her charms on John and arranges a date with him . John assures Paul that he will help him with his legal and financial troubles . Paul in turn assures a suspicious Morgan that all of his problems will be sorted out soon . Steve tells Ava and the others that he dumped her at the altar after having flashbacks of his wedding to Kayla . He was kidnapped by Stefano s men before he could explain everything to Ava . Ava does nt buy it and continues to blame Steve for all of her troubles . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Todd : What you just said there .
Blair : What about it ?
Todd : I think you meant loved -- with a d at the end .
Blair : I know exactly what I meant . You know , Todd , when we got married this last time , it may have been for other reasons . But when I took those vows that day , I meant it , it was real . I love you . I always have and I always will . In all these years , you did nt know that ? Well , now you do . And you know what ? If the fact that my love for you and those two beautiful children in there love you is nt enough reason for you to stick around , then you know what ? Maybe you should go .
Dorian : There is only one David Vickers .
David : Actually , there are six David Vickers in the United States , and four across the pond with bank accounts exceeding $ 3 million -- not that I would ever take advantage of a mistaken identity .
Dorian : You see ? Your style , your wit -- those are two things a Buchanan man would nt know if it was branded on his butt . Know how to appreciate the best things in life . But I did . I still do .
Starr : Come in .
Langston : Hey .
Starr : Hey . Did Markko find Cole ?
Langston : No . I have nt heard from him , I ve been unpacking .
Starr : You like your room okay ?
Langston : Yeah , it s great .
Starr : Good .
Langston : Are you worried about Cole being out there all by himself ?
Starr : Yeah . I just -- I want to send him a text , but I just do nt want to send him , you know , the wrong message .
Langston : The wrong message ?
Starr : Well , with everything that s going on right now , I -- the whole situation -- he lost both of his parents -- what -- I m sorry , I really do nt know what I m doing right now .
Langston : No -- you were just thinking about Cole and what he s going through . You love him , you should be thinking about him .
Starr : But the thing is , is that I usually always talk things over with you , Langston . But right now in this situation , I do nt want to say anything that might remind you of -- no , I m really sorry . I just -- I just do nt know what to say right now .
Langston : It s okay . I mean , just -- Cole s out there walking by himself because he ca nt do what I did . He ca nt just pretend that his mom did nt die . Everyone he sees , everyone he talks to knows that he s all alone right now .
Starr : How am I supposed to help him ?
Langston : You re asking the wrong person . I did nt know how to deal with it when my parents died . Cole probably does nt , either .
Cole : Get out of my way , John ; I do nt want to hurt you .
John : Then do nt .
Cole : I have to do this !
John : Then you ll have to shoot me first , Cole .
Cole : John , please , get out of my way ! Please !
Miles : Cole , what are you doing ?
Marcie : Gigi , I m scared .
Gigi : It s , uh -- it s probably just Noelle . I told her that you re starting tomorrow and she s dying to meet you .
Marcie : Yeah , but she would just show up like this ?
Michael : Hello ?
Marcie : Oh , my God .
Gigi : Yeah , that definitely is nt Noelle .
Marcie : No , it s my husband !
Roxy : So , Angela , the only reason that my friend did what he did is because that psycho , Spencer Truman , was blackmailing him .
Rex : Hey , Rox , almost done ?
Roxy : Yeah , this is my last appointment . Oh , Rex , this is Angela . Angela , this is my son , Rex .
Rex : Pleasure s all mine . Look , I want you to help me figure out what to get Adriana for Christmas .
Roxy : Well , money s not bad .
Rex : And personal , too .
Roxy : You know , I m rather surprised you re even here asking me that .
Rex : It beats sitting home all day worrying about where Michael is .
Roxy : Hey , stop laying it on Miles . Miles is the guy that I m talking about ; trust me , honey ; he s a really nice guy .
Rex : So -- whoa ! I did nt know hair came in that many colors .
Roxy : Uh -- yeah . Angela : What have you done to my hair ?
Roxy : Uh -- well , huh , nothing that ca nt be fixed .
Cole : John , I did nt mean to .
Ramsey : He did nt mean to .
John : Hey -- hey , listen , take it easy . Listen , you got to help me get Laurence .
Ramsey : Laurence is dead in the water . He did it , he s running away . You are on your own .
John : Hey -- hey , Ramsey ! Laurence , let me tell you something -- when I get in there , you better be alive when I get there .
Michael : Hello ?
Marcie : What am I going to do ? What am I going to do ?
Gigi : You re not going to panic . Are you sure the man at the door is your husband ?
Michael : Is anybody there ?
Marcie : Yes , that s definitely him ! Look , what if he s not alone , okay ? What if Todd s with him ? What if the police are with him ?
Gigi : They would ve already busted down the door . Here , take Tommy into the bathroom . I ll figure something out .
Marcie : No , no , I got to get out of here !
Gigi : Where are you going to go , Marcie ? We got to think . Okay , he did nt say your name or Tommy s , right ?
Marcie : Right .
Gigi : Okay . What would Michael do if he knew for sure the two of you were in here ?
Marcie : If he knew for sure ?
Gigi : Yeah .
Marcie : He d break down that door .
Gigi : Okay , then we re just going to keep our mouths shut and wait till he gives up and walks way , just like Todd Manning did .
Marcie : Okay .
Michael : Hello , is anybody there ?
Tommy : Dada .
Michael : Tommy ? Marcie , I heard that .
Dorian : I was a fool to ever let you go .
David : You re not going to get all sentimental on me , are you ?
Dorian : It s just when you hear about the passing of somebody as young as Marty was , you ca nt help but examine your own life .
David : I guess .
Dorian : And then you walked in . And I could nt help thinking about all the good times we had together , and we did have some good times , did nt we ?
David : Let s see -- the kitchen counter comes to mind .
Dorian : David -- I was just so hurt and angry when I let you go .
David : Did you receive an extra - large bump on your head when you were mowed over by that car at rancho Buchanan ?
Dorian : No , just a little old average bump .
David : Well , I thought maybe you re acting a little loony , and that s why you re being so nice to me .
Dorian : I m always nice to you . I have never been more myself than I am at this moment .
David : Good for you . Why ?
Dorian : Well , is nt that obvious ? You re here .
Blair : Your turn to talk .
Todd : I do nt know what to say .
Blair : Oh , it s pretty simple , Todd -- you either tell me whether you re staying or you re going .
Todd : It s really not that simple , Blair . You make it sound like it is , but it is nt .
Blair : Well , I ll make it simpler for you -- I ll go back inside . Either you show up or you do nt .
Todd : Hey , wait , wait , wait . The thing is --
Blair : What ?
Todd : The thing is -- the hell with it .
Todd : Blair --
Blair : I do nt feel like talking .
Todd : So we re just going to stand here like this ?
Blair : You hate it ?
Todd : I just do nt understand .
Blair : Todd , what we do -- we mess up things when we start talking . You know , everything s all great and good , and then one of us opens our big mouths and hurts somebody . They get mad , and then -- you know , it gets all messed up and we never can get back to where it was .
Todd : This is nice , not talking like this .
Blair : Okay , you know what ? Let s not talk for one whole minute and just hold each other . Okay ?
Todd : Okay .
Blair : Todd ?
Todd : I thought you said a minute .
David : Hmm . Well , that certainly was --
Dorian : Yes , it certainly was .
Dorian : We should have a party .
David : Just the two of us ?
Dorian : No , a big party . We should throw a big party .
David : What s the occasion ? Is it my birthday ? No . Let s say it s my birthday .
Dorian : We ll wait a suitable amount of time , but this town has had enough tragedy , and the truth is we will be celebrating you and me .
David : We will be ?
Dorian : Yes -- we both managed to rid ourselves of boring , stifling relationships that were dragging us down .
David : I will drink to that .
Dorian : Yes , yes . Everyone will find out that Dorian and David are back .
Dorian : And even our detractors will find out they can not keep us down .
David : Sort of an up yours party , right ?
Dorian : Crude , but that s exactly what I had in mind .
David : Yeah , there s a few people I d like to invite to that kind of party .
Dorian : Hmm -- if only Viki were nt out of town .
David : She could serve the chicken - fried steak .
Dorian : What ?
David : Never mind . There s sort of an overall problem with the concept of this party .
Dorian : What s that ?
David : Well , people might get the wrong idea .
Dorian : Oh , please ! I do nt intend to be subtle .
David : Nevertheless , people are nt going to think that Dorian and David are just back in business . If you and I throw a party together , they re going to think that we re actually back together .
Starr : I really do think that I should call him . I should see if he s okay .
Langston : No , Starr . He said he wanted some time alone .
Starr : Well , I ve said a lot of things in the past and I mean the exact opposite .
Langston : Where s he even going to go ?
Starr : I do nt know , he could be anywhere right now , Langston . That s why --
Langston : No , no . I mean , where s he going to live , now that his mom --
Starr : Oh , my gosh , I did nt even think about that ! I m such an idiot !
Langston : No , you re not --
Starr : No , I am an idiot .
Langston : You re not an idiot , okay ? It s really hard to wrap your head around what Cole s going through right now .
Starr : But those are the questions that I should be thinking about . I should be thinking about where is he going to live ? He does nt have any relatives , so who is he going to stay with ? Who s going to pay for him ?
Langston : Stop . I hate to admit it , but he needs an adult . He needs your Aunt Dorian .
Starr : No , he needs his mom , Langston . He does , and now she s gone .
Langston : Starr , listen to me . You and Cole and Markko and your Aunt Dorian -- you re what made the difference for me , and that s what s going to make the difference for Cole . He knows he has good friends and a lot of people who care about him . And you -- he has you . And when he s ready , Cole will come back .
John : Laurence !
John : Damn , Laurence , you ca nt be dead . I m not going to let you die .
Michael : I know you re in there , Marcie .
Gigi : Guess we got to go to Plan B.
Marcie : Which is ?
Michael : Marcie , please , I love you . Just open the door and we can figure all this out , okay ? Marcie , I m alone . No one knows I m here . We do nt have to involve anybody else , okay , just the three of us . I m not moving , Marcie . I m not going anywhere until you open this door and let me see you and Tommy .
Gigi : What s all the commotion out here ?
Michael : I m looking for Gigi s friend .
Gigi : [ Texas accent ] Then you d be done looking .
Michael : You know Gigi ?
Gigi : Would nt be her friend if I did nt , would I ? Whom I looking at ?
Michael : My name s Michael McBain . Moe and Noelle from the cafe across the street -- they sent me over here .
Gigi : Why would they do that ?
Michael : Look , I m sorry to bother you . I really thought you were somebody else .
Gigi : Honey , sometimes I wish I was .
Michael : I did nt catch your name .
Gigi : Did nt throw it .
Michael : I am looking for my wife and son . I have got to find them , and I really thought for a minute --
Gigi : Name s Sally Ann , mister , and you know what ? I m the only one that s here .
Michael : I heard a child s voice say Daddy .
Gigi : That was me sang dagnabit , because I was trying to get some sleep , then someone started banging on my door and would nt stop .
Michael : I was so sure .
Gigi : Yeah , well , folks hear what they want to hear .
Michael : Moe and Noelle said you have a son ?
Gigi : Did they give you my shoe size and social security number , too ?
Michael : Is he here ?
Gigi : No , he s -- uh -- over at Gigi s . And I feel for you , Mister , but I m hard - pressed to understand why my business is any of yours .
Michael : Well , can you at least tell me if you have seen my wife and son ? You re lying to me . They were here .
Dorian : And what would be so bad about people thinking we re back together ?
David : People , or one person in particular ?
Dorian : I do nt care what that two - timing cowboy thinks .
David : Obviously not . But he just might get the absolute wrong impression .
Dorian : Which would be ?
David : That you and I were back together simply because you were trying to prove to him that you were over him , when , in fact , you re not .
Dorian : But that s preposterous . Oh , I -- I am so over that double - dealing Don Juan .
David : Then why did you kiss me ? You do nt really want me .
Dorian : Oh . Now you re going to tell me what I want and do nt want ?
David : Dorian , I m the guy that you slept with in Texas to get even with Clint . I m the same guy that you kissed because Nora rubbed your nose in the fact that you re not going to get him back . Clint may have broken your heart , but that does nt mean that I m going to let you settle for me .
Blair : You can relax now .
Todd : Was that a minute ?
Blair : Longest minute in your life .
Todd : Have I done something wrong ?
Blair : No , Todd , it was perfect . You want to go back inside ?
Todd : No -- Dorian s in there .
Blair : It s her house .
Todd : So she keeps reminding me . You know what I wish ?
Blair : What ?
Todd : Well , I wish a lot of things , but right now I wish that you and I and Starr and Jack were back living in the penthouse where we belong .
Blair : You just ca nt handle Dorian .
Todd : I can handle Dorian . I ca nt stand Dorian .
Blair : Why do you let her under your skin ?
Todd : Oh , yeah , like you do nt ?
Blair : I do nt .
Todd : Yeah . The minute we walk back in there , you re going to act all guilty the minute she sees us .
Blair : We re two consenting adults .
Todd : Does nt make any difference . She s going to see us and know something happened between us and she s going to start in on us .
Blair : Ignore her .
Todd : Yeah , like she could be ignored .
Blair : Well , what do you want to do ? Want to go back in or --
Todd : No , no , no , let s -- let s stay out . Let s finish this .
Blair : Finish ?
Todd : Yeah , you told me how you felt , and you asked me how I felt .
Blair : Yeah ?
Todd : I think you deserve an answer .
Langston : Coles strong . He ll be okay . You know , why do nt we just wait up until he calls ?
Starr : You would nt mind ?
Langston : No , of course not . I m going to go say good night to your Aunt Dorian , okay ? Starr ? It s going to be okay .
Starr : Oh , let s see .
Starr : Cole ? Oh , my God ! Cole , what are you doing ? Here , I ll help you . Cole , are you okay ? Come here ! Oh , my gosh , I was so worried about you ! Where have you been ? Why did you have to sneak in ?
Cole : I did nt want anyone to see me , all right ? I m in big trouble , Starr .
Roxy : At least let me wash this mask off , okay ? And , you know , maybe I should do color on the other side over here . You know , those colors -- they are really in style this season , and , you know , you ll get a lot of attention ! The way a bad nose job gets .
Rex : I should ve kept my mouth shut
Roxy : And I should ve put a sock in it . I was so distracted , I put those hideous colors in there . Oh , man . Oh , I was talking too much about Miles .
Rex : I noticed .
Roxy : You know , I m just worried about what s going to happen to the poor guy . I mean , he s finally getting his act together , and then his ex - wife has to get whacked in Iran ?
Rex : Ireland .
Roxy : Did nt I say that ? What s going to happen to the poor guy ?
Rex : Marty s kid is the one that you should be worried about . Miles is a big boy , he ll be okay .
Roxy : Look , you do nt know him like I do . He is sentimentally and sensitively challenged .
Rex : You ve known the guy for about 2 1/2 minutes .
Roxy : Yeah , but we had a lot of quality time doing that community service crap , and , you know , we worked very hard on having a -- a meaningful relationship as acquaintances .
Rex : If you say so .
Roxy : Now , listen , I know that he truly loved his ex - wife , and the fact that she got burned and blown up -- he s going to need to talk to somebody about his feelings .
Rex : And you think you should be the one to help him ?
Roxy : Yeah , well , you know , all my customers say that talking to me is as good as talking to a shrink . In fact , more than one of them has said that I am totally certifiable .
Rex : Hmm . And while you re helping Miles with his feelings , what about yours ?
Roxy : My what ?
Rex : Your feelings for him . Mom , you re crazy about the guy .
Michael : I ve had enough of this crap .
Gigi : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Michael : This is my son s shirt . Where is he ?
Gigi : That is my son s shirt . And if you do nt want me to call the police right now --
Michael : You see this stain ? You see this stain ? This is marinara sauce . He got it all over him one night at dinner , and I never heard the end of it . Marcie tried to get the stain out , but no amount of washing would work .
Gigi : Look , I m real sorry for your loss -- Michael , was it ? But you re barking up the wrong tree here . Um -- if you would look at the tag , I highly doubt they only shipped one of these over from china .
Michael : But the stain --
Gigi : Yeah , well , you d think my boy is half Italian by the way he loves that stuff . He just has nt exactly figured out how to push those noodles
Michael : I m sorry , I know this sounds crazy .
Gigi : Well , what you sound like is a man who misses his wife and kid so much , he sees them every which way he turns .
Michael : I was so sure .
Gigi : Um -- ahem -- if you do nt mind saying , what made all this happen ?
Michael : I did what I swore I d never do and I lied to my wife . I made her think that she could nt trust me , so she ran away and she took our son .
Gigi : I m sorry .
Michael : I m sorry , too . Because of me , Marcie s in trouble . She and Tommy are out there all alone . And I do nt know if I ll ever see them again .
Blair : You know , you were totally blindsided when you found out about Marty s death . And , you know , you do nt have to talk about anything until you re ready to deal with it .
Todd : No , I owe you an answer .
Blair : No , you do nt . I was freaking out because you said you were going to walk away from us , and I said a lot of things I probably should nt have .
Todd : Well , that s okay .
Blair : It s not okay . When I heard about Marty , I looked up and I saw Cole s face , knowing that he would -- he would never see his mother again . And then I thought of you and I thought , well -- I wanted to tell you how I felt , because I -- I -- I do nt know what s going to happen .
Todd : Okay . I know .
Blair : I ca nt even pretend to know what -- what you must feel about this situation with Marty , and I do nt want you to just say things to me because I feel like I ve twisted your arm into saying it , okay ?
Todd : You d -- you d like to hear it in the -- the cold , hard light of day ?
Blair : I want to hear it when all of this is behind us . You know where you can find me .
Todd : Oh , yes .
Todd : I m not going to lose track of you . Can we go in ? I m starting to freeze my ass off now .
Blair : You bet .
Dorian : Settle for you ? Oh , my dear , darling David , what has happened to your self - esteem ?
David : I do nt have a problem with my self - esteem . If I were a woman , I d be on the prowl for me .
Dorian : Oh , so this is nt a self - esteem problem ?
David : Dorian , we have been forced together , thrown together , and even chosen to be together , but the final result -- it s always the same .
Dorian : But this is different .
David : Because we d be getting together for revenge ?
Dorian : You make it sound as if we re nothing to each other .
David : No , we both know that s not true , but maybe we re better off as friends .
Dorian : With benefits ?
David : The benefits are the best part .
Blair : Oh , oh , oh , oh , oh , oh -- what is going on ?
David : That s another reason this would never work out . A little too crowded for naked tai chi .
Cole : It was nt my fault , all right ?
Starr : Well , what did you do ? Did -- did you do something ? I -- I want to help you .
Cole : You ca nt help me ! No one can !
Starr : But I love you , Cole ! Just please tell me where you went tonight .
Cole : I -- I had to get out of there . I could nt stand the way everybody was looking at me , feeling sorry for me , so I walked -- I do nt even know where I was walking to . I just -- just walked . I was -- ended up down by the river , down by the docks , and -- and that s when I heard them .
Starr : You heard who ?
Cole : I do nt know -- I could nt tell at first because they -- it was so far away , but -- but then I got closer and I could hear it was John s voice .
Starr : John McBain ?
Cole : Yeah , he was -- he was fighting with another guy .
Starr : Who , who ?
Cole : I do nt know -- it was the guy that -- it was the F.B.I. agent that went with him to Ireland .
Starr : What were they -- okay , what -- what were they fighting about ?
Cole : I do nt know -- I -- I could nt tell at first . I was -- the one guy had his gun out , and then -- and then they were screaming at each other , and then -- and then -- and then I -- the closer I got , I could understand what they were saying , and John said it . He -- he --
Starr : What did he say ? Cole , what did he say ?
Cole : He said he killed her . He said -- he said the other guy killed my mom .
Starr : The F.B.I. agent ? But -- but , Cole , you said that that was an accident .
Cole : Yeah , he s the one that caused the accident ! He shot the tires out on the van ! That s how he killed my mom !
John : Laurence ! Laurence !
Roxy : And contrary to what you think , I do nt have a thing for Miles Laurence , and even if I did , nothing s going to happen between the two of us .
Rex : Why not ?
Roxy : Because he s Mitch Laurence s brother , that s why not !
Rex : Mitch is dead .
Roxy : Not in here , he s not . He s still a psycho in my nightmares .
Rex : Okay , so he has an evil brother . What else is wrong with him ?
Roxy : I never said anything was wrong with him .
Rex : Something s keeping you apart .
Roxy : You . You re what s keeping us apart . You keep on putting him down !
Rex : Forget about me . What do you think about him ?
Roxy : Well , I think he s sweet . And I think he s kind . I think he s really good - looking . And he s loyal . He does nt even know that he is . And , you know , when I walk into the room , he does nt roll his eyes and sigh and turn his head like other people in this town do .
Rex : Anything else ?
Roxy : Yeah . He likes to talk to me . And it makes me feel as if he really wants to know about me , like he cares about me . And that smile of his -- you know , I can go that whole day just on that smile all alone . Oh , my God . You re right . I m crazy about the guy .
John : This is John McBain . I m at Pier 27 off of Front Street . I just pulled a G.S.W. out of the river . No . No , I ca nt find a pulse . Send a bus right away . I m beginning CPR .
Dorian : David , this is Langston .
David : She was raving about you all the way to Texas .
Blair : Yes , she s part of our family now . Are Starr and Cole upstairs ?
Langston : Well , Starr s upstairs . Cole s taking a walk .
Blair : Okay . Thanks . You two are awfully cozy for a married man .
Dorian : He s separated .
Blair : I thought you just got married .
David : Well , Blair , you of all people should know how fickle the heart is .
Dorian : Tell you what . Langston , why do nt we go into the kitchen -- Blair , you , too -- and we ll make some cocoa for everybody . David , you will be here when I get back ?
David : Have I ever walked out without saying goodbye ?
Dorian : Marshmallow ?
David : What ?
Dorian : In your cocoa ?
David : Three , please .
Dorian : All right . Um --
Blair : So , you know , he s separated two minutes and you re already in a lip lock ?
Langston : You know , this is the second time I ve walked in on you kissing a guy .
Blair : Oh , welcome to the family .
Todd : Alex Olanov ?
David : 51 hours of wedded bliss .
Todd : Huh . How much did you walk away with ?
David : You think I married her for her money ?
Todd : Oh , you did nt get a dime , did you ?
David : I have options , Todd .
Todd : Oh , yeah . Renee is on the market now , is nt she , now that Asa s kicked it ?
David : Huh .
Todd : Oh , yeah , she s right in your wheelhouse . Better hurry along , though , because she might be shopping for a younger model . You re getting a little long in the tooth .
David : I m a little surprised to find you here .
Todd : Why is that ?
David : Well , I saw on the news that you were on an all - out search for little Tommy McBain . Are you already tired of looking for your own son ?
Michael : I m sorry I woke you up and made such a big deal out of a shirt . You must think I m nut
Gigi : No . A man does crazy things when he s hurting . You going to be all right ?
Michael : No .
Gigi : Looks like you were a real nice family .
Michael : We were the best .
Gigi : It does nt mean you should give up hope .
Michael : Are you a single mom ?
Gigi : Yep .
Michael : Do you ever think about trying to get back together with your baby s father ?
Gigi : Huh . I think about it .
Michael : Yeah ?
Gigi : When my son has the flu and I ca nt stay home myself and take care of him , and when he asks about his daddy .
Michael : That s what drives me nuts when I think about Marcie and Tommy -- the idea that they re out there all alone . And the most important thing to me is that they are safe . Even if I knew that I would never see them again , as much as that would kill me , if I knew they were safe , I could live with it . It would nt be much of a life , but , I mean , at least I d know .
Gigi : If your wife were here right now , what would you say to her ?
David : Who would have thought that plucky , perky little Marcie McBain could elude the police , the F.B.I. , and all the manpower you could buy ? Because certainly , at some point , someone must have seen her . But if they did , and then they met you , they probably figured the little kid was better off with Marcie .
Todd : Yeah -- by the way , as long as you re in town , stay away from me . And if you try to hit Viki up for money , I ll put you back in a Moroccan prison before you can spend it .
Todd : I ll get the door .
David : Hmm . I think I hit a nerve .
David : Good thing he does nt know about my good - luck charm from Viki . Odds of winning -- 8,776,922 to one . I ve faced worse .
Todd : Hey , Ramsey . Did you find my kid ?
Ramsey : I m here for Cole Thornhart . Where is he ?
Starr : Why would the F.B.I. agent kill your mom ?
Cole : He wanted to get to the guy that was in the van . He did nt give a damn about me or my mom . I heard that , and then the gun -- it was -- it was right there .
Starr : Right where ?
Cole : Right in front of me , so I picked it up .
John : Come on , man .
Cole : All I could think about was my mom . I could see her . I could see her smile , and the guy that killed her was right there and I had the gun , and I had to make things right .
Starr : Cole , no . No , you did nt .
Cole : I had to .
John : You caused enough trouble . You re not going to ruin that kid s life .
Cole : It was so fast . I heard something , and then there he was .
Starr : Who ?
Cole : Miles .
Starr : Miles ? What was he doing there ?
Cole : I do nt know ! Just came out in the middle of nowhere .
John : Come on , man , breathe ! Breathe !
Cole : It kind of seemed -- it seemed like forever .
Starr : Oh .
Cole : It happened so quick . And then it was -- it was quiet . It was -- it was so quiet , I could hear the water . I shot Miles . I killed him .
John : Do nt die , Laurence . Breathe !
John : Do nt die , Laurence . Breathe . Breathe !
Michael : All I ever do is think about what I ll say to Marcie when I find her -- if I find her .
Gigi : Where would you start ?
Michael : I d tell her how much she changed me . And -- I do nt know how she does it , but somehow , the moments when we are together are so much better than the moments when we re not . And then Tommy came along , and he was like what we d been waiting for .
Marcie : Hey .
Gigi : I know what you mean .
Michael : I screwed things up because I could nt stand the idea of him being taken away from us , and now , I ve lost them both . My life is -- it s nothing without them . I -- I -- I just want her to know how much I love her .
Michael : Are nt you going to get that ?
Gigi : Who is it ?
Officer : It s the police .
Officer : Michael McBain , we got a warrant for your arrest .
Dorian : Cole shot someone ?
Todd : I always liked that kid .
Langston : The guy downstairs -- he wants to search the house !
John : How is he , Doc ? Is Laurence going to make it ?
### Summary:
| Michael knocks on Marcie s door , but she and Gigi refuse to answer the door . Michael is insistent on getting in , and he yells for Marcie to open the door . Marcie quickly hides before Gigi lets Michael in . Cole holds a gun on both John and Ramsay . Miles walks up and Cole accidentally shoots him causing him to fall into the river . Langston visits Starr in her room . Starr lets Langston know that she had nt heard a word from Cole . Langston relates to Starr how she felt when she found out that her parents were dead . Blair lets Todd know that she still loves him and always will . Todd kisses Blair . Dorian lets David know that he is the only man for her . Michael tells Gigi how very much he loves Marcie and their son . Just about the time that Marcie is about to reveal herself to Michael , the police arrive . John manages to get Miles out of the river , but Miles has no pulse . Rex comes to visit Roxy . Cole runs off after shooting Miles . Cole runs straight to Starr to tell her that he shot Miles . Angela panics when she sees the hairstyle that Roxy gave her . John urges Miles to breathe as he gives Miles CPR . Dorian tells David that she was a fool ever to let him go . Todd and Blair kiss . Dorian and David kiss . David asks Todd if he gave up the search for his son . The helicopter arrives to airlift Miles to the hospital . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : No . No , no , no . I ca nt believe what I m hearing now .
Rick : Steffy -- St -- St -- Steffy , please , just listen to me , okay ? I did this for you , for me , for us . I did this for our future together .
Steffy : For us ? For us . You stole my father s designs , my grandfather s hard work for us ? How could you think that would be better for us ?
Nick : ( Sighs )
Jackie : We re a hit . We are the biggest story in fashion .
Clarke : You hear that sound ? Ca - ching . That s the sound of debts being paid off .
Jackie : Oh , Nicky , we re back in business . And if you re worried about repercussions , do nt be , cause there are not gon na be any .
Nick : There already e repercussions . Brooke thinks we stole the designs , and so does Eric .
Clarke : Stole ? Did you say , Stole ? That s not how I remember it .
Jackie : And they re not gon na be able to prove anything . I mean , yeah , the Forresters are gon na make a lot of noise . They re good at that . But they wo nt sue us because they truly do nt have a case . And if they try to build one , they are going to look really , really bad .
Nick : You think that s the only fallout here , Mother , whether or not we re sued ? There are other issues .
Jackie : Name one . I--
Nick : Katie .
Katie : Did he tell you who did this , who betrayed us ?
Brooke : No .
Katie : Does he care that fingers are pointing at me ?
Brooke : Katie , you obviously did nt do it , so I do nt think he s too worried about that .
Katie : Oh , come on . Brooke , he knew that this was going to put me in a bad light . He did nt even warn me . I just do nt know how he could do something like this . He s just not the man I thought he was .
Brooke : I would nt overreact .
Katie : Overreact ? He sabotaged the company that I work for , and I m on the front lines of this . I deal with the media , and this is a P.R. nightmare . I ve been promising the world a collection like no other , and -- and-- what am I gon na tell everyone ? I just do nt think I can go home tonight .
Eric : I do nt know , Gloria . An injunction would be nice , but whatever you can do . I do nt want them to be able to sell those designs . Good . Well , anything new ?
Ridge : About who did this to us ? No , not yet .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Ridge : What are we gon na do , Dad ?
Eric : I do nt know , Ridge . I do nt know . We re supposed to show a new collection in a couple of days , except we now-- we do nt have one to show .
Ridge : All this work .
Eric : Oh , God . We ve had major setbacks , son , but this one really hurts .
Ridge : We have to find out who s responsible for this .
Eric : Oh , yeah . And we will . And whoever did this is going to jail .
Rick : Steffy , we ca nt go on like this here . Even you realize that .
Steffy : So you helped us by stabbing my dad , your dad and the whole company in the back ? That s really gon na make them accept us .
Rick : Look , nothing was gon na make them accept us . That s the point . We would never have a future together here .
Steffy : What were you thinking ? We re gon na have a future by stealing designs and working for the competition ?
Rick : Look , I tried to reach out to your father , okay ? He threw it back in my face . I recognize the fact that this was a - a bit rash .
Steffy : R - rash ? It was crazy .
Rick : No , you know what s crazy , Steffy ? What s crazy is what I ve had to deal with here ever since I became president . I got Stephanie threatening to try to get me fired every single day of her life . I got your father making me feel ridiculously uncomfortable . Thorne and Felicia are giving me lip every time I make a decision . Nobody respects me here . I want to get the hell out of here . And you gave me the perfect excuse-- us . Steffy , I love you .
Steffy : Rick , they re gon na find out what you did . They are . The minute you start working at Jackie M. , They re going to put it all together .
Rick : Or they ll realize what I just said and that it makes perfect sense-- that I m upset here . I have issues with the people here . I m gon na go work for another company .
Steffy : Now you re scaring me . You re dreaming . It scares me . I cant--
Rick : Ste -- Steffy , you have -- you have nothing to be afraid of , okay ? This is a perfect plan . I m gon na be president of this company . You re gon na have a great job over there . We re gon na turn Jackie M. into a first - class fashion house . And the best part is we re gon na do it together . We re gon na be free to be ourselves , to -- to be who we want to be , to be in love .
Steffy : You used your love for me to tear down my family . You did nt help us . You destroyed us .
Jackie : Katie ? You re worried about Katie ? ( Laughs ) do nt be , darling . She ll come around .
Nick : You think so ?
Clarke : Hey , you bailed yourself out of a jam , and you saved your mother at the same time .
Jackie : And secured a financial future for Katie and Jack .
Nick : I m not quite sure she ll see it that way . ( Knock on door )
Clarke : All right . Oh , hello .
Jarrett : ( Laughs ) Just who I m looking for .
Nick : Not now , Jarrett . We re having a meeting here .
Jarrett : Uh , well , just one or two pictures . Uh , uh , a few questions . Uh , Clarke , can we have you over by Jackie ?
Clarke : Oh , certainly . Certainly . Yeah . Here we go . Uh , here . Oh , wait . This is my good side . ( Laughs ) and here s my other good side . ( Laughs )
Jarrett : So well , uh , uh , what an amazing day for your company . Uh , did you have any idea that , uh , you were going to get this kind of reaction ?
Jackie : Well , we were hopeful .
Clarke : She s being modest . We knew that my designs would shake up the fashion world .
Jarrett : ( Laughs ) And indeed , they did , and what timing . I mean , everyone knows that your company was on the verge of collapse .
Clarke : All right , Jarrett , that is yesterday s news . Uh , we do nt need any government bailouts . We ve got Clarke Garrison .
Jackie : You know what , gentlemen ?
Nick : ( Whispering ) Come on , Katie . Answer .
Jackie : We actually were in a meeting , so if you could just take a couple more ?
Eric : I took a lot of pride in this collection , and to have it pirated like this and ...
Ridge : You ll come back from this , Dad . We ll come back from this . We always do .
Eric : Well , we always have before .
Eric : Thank God for you , son .
Eric : We got ta find out who did this .
Rick : Steffy , what were our options ? We want to be together , right ? That ca nt happen here .
Steffy : Rick , you re being shortsighted . Why were we sneaking around over here ? To keep my dad from finding out . It was the one and only obstacle . Nothing changes if we work at Jackie M. in fact -- in fact , my dad will know , and it will rip him apart . That s exactly what I do nt want to do to him .
Rick : So where does that leave us ? Where does that leave us ? I did this whole thing so that we could be together because I thought that s what you wanted .
Steffy : You made a mistake , a big mistake . How could you actually think I wanted to go along with this ?
Rick : Because we love each other .
Steffy : A love that hurts our family , a love that lies and steals from them is a sick , sick love . Nothing good can come of this . My dad and your dad are devastated from what you did today . They re looking for the culprit . They re gon na find you . All you can do now is just come clean .
Rick : Come clean ?
Steffy : Yeah , come clean . Do nt let them launch an expensive investigation . They ll find out it was you , and that s gon na hurt them more . Just tell the truth . Just tell the truth .
Rick : If I do that , will it make a difference for us ?
Steffy : There s no us anymore .
Rick : Please do nt say that . I do nt believe that . Listen to me . I m gon na go talk to my dad , okay ? I m gon na tell him everything if that s what you want . Angel : You re new !
Clarke : Yes , yes , and I - I think we should have a lovely cover .
Jackie : We can do that , but let s do it outside , okay ?
Clarke : Yeah .
Nick : Hey , it s me again . I would really like to talk to you . I m sorry . So would you call me , please ? ( Hangs up cell phone )
Katie : ( Inhales deeply ) He left a message .
Brooke : You are going to call him back .
Katie : I do nt know .
Brooke : Ca nt you see this from his perspective ?
Katie : I understand that he has a huge responsibility toward his mother . She made huge sacrifices for him when he was growing up . ( Sighs ) I understand that . I m his fiancé . We were gon na get married .
Brooke : Were ?
Katie : I do nt know what s gon na happen now . Could you marry someone who s not completely honest with you ?
Ridge : Oh , good , you re here . Did you talk to Nick ?
Brooke : Yes . ( Sighs )
Ridge : And ?
Brooke : He s not going to pull the line .
Ridge : Oh , that bastard . Did he at least tell you who fed him the designs ?
Brooke : No .
Ridge : You know , I feel like going over there and just--
Brooke : Ridge , do nt .
Ridge : ( Sighs ) What about you , Katie ? Ca nt you talk to him ?
Brooke : Let s not involve Katie .
Ridge : Involve her ? She s already involved . She s about to marry the guy . Oh , I get it . He did this behind your back , too , huh ? Well , Nick s really showing his true colors these days , is nt he ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) can we not talk about Nick ?
Ridge : Fine . Let s talk about Dad . I just came from his office . He is torn apart by all of this , Brooke . We have got to find out who turned on us before they destroy this whole company .
Eric : Thorne , look , I want answers . No , I want answers , Thorne . I - I - I ask you to devise the system to pre-- prevent this sort of thing , and it happens anyway . All right , I want you to get to the bottom of it . I mean it . Thank you . ( Slams down telephone ) well ... ( laughs ) we got quite a disaster on our hands here .
Rick : I know . That s why I m here . We got ta talk .
Eric : ( Sighs ) I - I - I ca nt believe this . I mean , somebody-- somebody from the inside betrayed us . Now I ve dealt with industrial espionage from the outside before . But this ? Never . This has never happened to me .
Rick : I know who it is , Dad .
Eric : What , you do ?
Rick : This traitor that you re talking about , this saboteur , it s me .
Steffy : ( Crying )
Steffy : You did this for us .
Rick : I love you .
Steffy : No . No , no . ( Sobs ) How could you do this for us ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Poor Katie . ( Sighs ) she s having such a hard time with this .
Ridge : Does that really surprise you ? She s involved with Marone .
Brooke : Well , this is so unlike him .
Ridge : Oh , really ? ( Scoffs ) I m sorry , Logan , but I hate to be so cynical , but he s really done a number on us this time . If you could have seen Dad-- it broke my heart . Oh ... ( sighs ) he was so proud of this collection , Logan . This was going to be his comeback party after the heart attack . All the work that we put into that , and now it s all gone . We ca nt go back to it . We ca nt re- create it . We just have to forget about it , go back to the board and start over . ( Sighs ) it s easier for me than it is for him . You see , Dad had something to prove-- that he was nt finished , that he was nt washed up . Now I feel like I ve got something to prove . I ve got ta prove that he can do it again . I feel like I ve got ta be his inspiration now .
Brooke : And you will be . You will be his inspiration , and I ll be yours .
Ridge : Oh , Logan .
Eric : You gave my designs to Nick and Jackie ?
Rick : I did , yes .
Eric : All right , who-- who -- you re the president of this company , Rick . You do nt have to protect anybody . Who are you covering for ?
Rick : I m not covering for anybody , Dad . I - I m telling you the truth . It was me .
Rick : I e - mailed the entire collection to Jackie M. Designs , and do you want to know why ? Because of Stephanie , Thorne , Felicia , Ridge . It became apparent to me over the past couple months , Dad , that I would never be truly accepted as the president of this company . I had the title , yeah , sure , but it did nt mean anything . I never earned it . I manipulated you . I guilted you into giving it to me , and it was a joke to our family . It was a gift from a father to a very spoiled son , and I was mocked for it . You were mocked for it , and I could nt take it anymore . Now , look , there are other contributing factors to this . I really do nt want to get into those . The -- the bottom line is I cut a deal with Nick Marone . I would give him Forrester s latest collection in exchange for a job of respect at a company that would appreciate my services . I want a future in my career , Dad . That s something that I would never have here .
Eric : I m your father .
Eric : You did this to your father ?
Rick : ( Sighs )
Eric : You gave my collection to them ?
Rick : Yeah . Dad , you ll never know how sorry I am for this .
Eric : ( Sighs ) You re sorry ?
Eric : ( Inhales deeply ) ( Sighs ) You committed a crime . You committed a crime against me and -- and against our family . And you did this why ?
Rick : ( Sighs )
Eric : You did this , uh , for respect ? What are you ? What are you , 11 ? I look at you , I do nt even know who you are . Who the-- I do nt even know you anymore . I dont -- I do nt know who you are . Who are you ? I do know one thing , though . I know that you re living in the shadow of your brother , and I think I know why .
Eric : Because you re nothing compared to him . You never will be .
Eric : You are no Ridge Forrester .
### Summary:
| Steffy wo nt listen , not even when Rick says he did this for their future . He took the designs and sent them to Jackie M. They have nothing to worry about , this is a perfect plan . They will turn Jackie M into a first rate fashion house and they can run it and be who they want to be . She sees his love for her is just a chance to tear down her family . His scheme did nt help them , it destroyed them . Now her father will know about their relationship and it will tear him apart , something she never wanted . Rick had no right to think she would go along with this sick idea . Nothing good will come of it . All he can do now is come clean . Rick promises he will go tell his dad right now if that is what she wants . Just please do nt say that there is no more us . Jackie exclaims to Nick and Clarke that they are a big hit . There will be no repercussions . He reminds her it is not only being sued they have to worry about , but how things sit with Katie . Nick is not at all sure that Katie will see it the way Jackie does . Katie tells Brooke that she is not sure how she can even go home tonight and face Nick . She s not sure about the marriage anymore either . Eric tells Ridge this really hurts . Ridge states they have to find out who the culprit is . Nick keeps missing Katie on the phone but leaves messages . Ridge tells Brooke that he must find out who turned on them before it ruins the entire company . He has to find a new inspiration . Brooke says she will be his . Rick confesses to Eric that he is the saboteur . At first Eric does nt believe it . He thinks Rick is covering for somebody . Rick further explains that he never earned the title of President . It was a gift from father to son after Rick had manipulated him . The bottom line was he could not accept being an outcast by his family . He wanted a future . Eric is aghast that his own son could do this and will not accept Rick s apology . He committed a crime against him and his family . He does nt even know who Rick is anymore . But he is living in the shadow of his brother .. he s nothing compared to him and never will be . He s NO Ridge Forrester ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Announcer : Previously on The Young and The Restless ...
Kyle : This may come as a shocker to you , but I m not interested .
Nick : You need to get up , get dressed , get out of here .
Phyllis : First of all , I am the CEO of Jabot Cosmetics , alright ? I sell sex . So why should I be afraid of the world to see me openly and proudly embracing my sexuality ?
Mac : I keep calling J.T. hoping that he ll answer , that he ll explain , but there s nothing . No matter what you told the police , please tell me the truth , do you know where he is ?
Abby : It was just laying there in Chancellor Park ?
Arturo : Near the dig site .
Rey : It s inscribed .
Arturo : Yeah . It says Love , Mac . I do nt know who that is .
Rey : I might .
Lauren : Look who I was able to pry out of the lab ?
Phyllis : Kerry . Both of you have met Kerry , yes , our amazing new lead chemist . You know , I have two pieces of advice for you if you d like to succeed , one , separate yourself from Billy . And two , never cross me .
Summer : Well , hey , look at that , the exact person I needed to see .
Kyle : What do you want , Summer ?
Summer : I had some ideas about the Jabot - Fenmore Synergy Project , and we really should nt let it slip through the cracks .
Kyle : Call me later , we ll set up a time . Right now , I need the elevator .
Summer : Okay , well , did nt you tell me that we needed to set our personal differences aside and work together ?
Kyle : You said my time here was limited because your mother s now the boss .
Summer : Okay , well , I was enjoying her victory .
Kyle : She s making that slightly difficult for anyone named Abbott .
Jack : I do nt know why we re discussing your personal life at all .
Phyllis : I could tell you exactly why , cause your family is looking for any excuse to dismiss me , in every sense of the word . You wanna undermine my credibility before I even make it though the first of CEO .
Jack : If you do nt want people harping on your private affairs , I suggest you conduct them in private . Get a hotel room . Oh , that s right , you already live in one .
Phyllis : Let me set you straight , okay ? What I do , where I do it , and whom I do it with , that is none of your business . And I can not play games , not when there is so much at stake for me and this company . And I will do whatever it takes , I will be as blunt as I need to be to make you stop living in the past .
Jack : You re sleeping with your ex - husband . I m living in the past ?
Phyllis : Get out .
Jack : Before I go , do not push the Abbots out , there are thousands of people depending on us to save this place and their jobs .
Phyllis : Correction , they re depending on me . Now , you may still hold a role on the board here , but I am in charge . And I will do whatever it takes to ensure this company turns a profit . You and your family may not believe me , or support me , but you do have to get the hell out of my way .
Jack : I do nt wanna upset you anymore .
Billy : Oh , I thought you preferred her as a redhead .
Jack : Oh , that was a long time ago . I m moving on .
Phyllis : You know what , why do nt you take your brother with you . I m busy .
Billy : No . We got a ton of work to do , so whatever the problem is ...
Jack : No , it is nt even worth motioning .
Phyllis : Like you re not gon na tell him .
Billy : Tell me what ?
Jack : Never mind .
Billy : No ...
Jack : Let s get a cup of coffee .
Billy : What s going on ?
Phyllis : I slept with Nick last night . Jack disapproves .
Victoria : I thought by now we would ve heard something from whomever moved J.T. s body from the park .
Sharon : Me too . But Phyllis has a point . Knowing the location of the body is the only leverage the blackmailer has . If they learned about the broken pipes , as we did , they would wanna protect their source of cash by moving it .
Victoria : Do you think that J.T. could still be alive ? I mean , I keep telling myself that it s too farfetched , but I just ca nt let it go .
Sharon : If they re smart enough to pull all of this off , they d be tormenting us from as far away as possible .
Victoria : All of the threat letters were postmarked Genoa City .
Sharon : Maybe they re working with someone ?
Victoria : Well , that s just as scary . Has Rey gotten any other leads about J.T. ?
Sharon : If he had , the police station would nt be terminating the investigation .
Victoria : But are they ?
Sharon : I work right beside him now .
Victoria : No , I know that , but he s a pro at lying and covering things up . Maybe you can take a look at his files again , his correspondence and see if there s anything that we really need to be worried about .
Sharon : Last time I tried that I got caught .
Victoria : But you covered .
Sharon : I think I did
Victoria : Ca nt you just try one more time ? I do nt know about you , but I ca nt go on like this . All of this fear and paranoia . It s just consuming my life .
Abby : Wanna bite ? Now , would nt you rather be sitting here with me , doing this , than turning in some random watch to the police station ?
Arturo : You are so right .
Abby : Just so you know , I get why Rey bugs you . You were planning on turning it in all along .
Arturo : Yep , I m used to it . He works there , makes sense ... I hope they figure out who lost it .
Billy : Can we work now ?
Phyllis : As long as you do nt have a problem with how I spent my evening last night .
Billy : Why would I ?
Jack : You can still go with me , you coming or not ?
Phyllis : We have a lot of work to do here .
Jack : Have at it !
Phyllis : I got your email on Kyle s marketing plan , plus your notes
Billy : You should nt have done that
Phyllis : What ?
Billy : Dragging Jack into our battle
Phyllis : He inserted himself , and we are not battling . It s over , we re done .
Billy : Now you got the last word right ?
Phyllis : Excuse me ?
Billy : Pay me back for sleeping with Summer you go and do it again with Nick ?
Phyllis : Let me help you out . I did nt sleep with Nick for revenge , I was not manipulating him . You were no where near my thoughts last night .
Billy : That s why I was the first thing that came out of your mouth when I walked in ?
Phyllis : You still think my world revolves around you , even now . Of course you think that about everyone . But for you to imagine that I give a damn about your opinion of me , when you used my daughter the way you did , that just makes you a clueless , epic narcissist . You know what ? I ca nt do this , if you re gon na sit there and spew garbage at me . I ve got a business to run so I m gon na review the marketing plans , and I will send you and Kyle instructions . You can go now .
Billy : It s gon na be like that ?
Phyllis : No Billy , it is like that .
Sharon : Thank you for lunch
Victoria : Do nt mention it . Sharon , wait . When you said Rey caught you before , that was nothing .
Sharon : I pretended that I was looking for something else , that excuse wo nt fly twice .
Victoria : I know . I know that , but you took this job so that you could monitor Rey s investigation .
Sharon : Partly , but we also wanted to help people , which I am , every day . Look , if Rey get suspicious of me , it will backfire on all of us .
Victoria : Look , I am desperate right now . I can barely sleep at night , every noise makes me think that J.T. is coming back to make me pay , and what if there s a small amount of truth to that ? What if he s somewhere close by ? We need to know . So that we can protect ourselves and our families .
Mac : Hi , I m Mackenzie Hellstrom . Detective Rosales is expecting me ?
Rey : Ms. Hellstrom . I m Detective Rosales .
Mac : Mac .
Rey : [ Sighs ] Thank you for going thought all the trouble to meet me here .
Mac : I was considering a trip back anyway . I was gon na see if you were making any progress , and if I could help .
Rey : You probably thought your ex - husbands traild gone cold . I admit I was worried , too .
Mac : Wait , you mean there s new information ?
Rey : And if it s what I think it is , it could be a significant lead . I just -- I need you to confirm it for me .
Mac : I will do whatever I can . Detective , I really need some answers , for my kid s sake .
Summer : Special new project ? Color me intrigued .
Phyllis : Well , since the virtual dressing room app worked so well for Fenmore s , lets adapt it . For Jaboutique .
Summer : I love it .
Phyllis : Right ? We are gon na drive traffic into the retail stores and we are gon na help the customer just shop faster
Summer : And spend more money ?
Phyllis : Yes , I knew you would understand . So , come up with how you think the virtual dressing room can work best for the boutiques using the Jabogo app .
Summer : Okay , you know you may wanna pull Kyle on this too , he s like a wiz with cost benefit analysis .
Phyllis : If only I could trust him ...
Summer : Okay , well , just think about it though . If you put Kyle on this with me and he rocks the hell out of it and you reward him for his efforts , I think that it ll help show him that he could still have a really bright future here , and make him and Jack really happy .
Phyllis : I m done trying to placate the Abbotts .
Summer : Yeah , but I mean still ...
Speaker 27 : Still what ?
Summer : I think that you need to either fire Kyle or give him something real to do .
Speaker 27 : Why ?
Summer : Because if you do nt , you re going to have a very intelligent , but very bitter guy with a lot of time on his hands , and what he does with that is not going to help the new CEO or her vision for Jabot ... he might do the opposite .
Kerry : Hi ! Lunch meeting ?
Kyle : I was going to get takeout , then head back to the office .
Kerry : Well , I m about done here but you re welcome to join me for a few minutes .
Kyle : I d love to . I ve been wanting to get to know you better ...
Kerry : Hmm .
Kyle : Everyone s raving . My dad , Billy , buzz around the office ....
Kerry : Well , I ve been told some fascinating things about you , too .
Kyle : I m sure you have , but do nt believe everything you hear .
Kerry : Oh , I ve seen quite a bit , too . Like everyone watching GC Buzz the day you and Billy promoted Jabot s new sunscreen .
Kyle : One of the most successful product launches in product history : Birthday Suit .
Kerry : And you capped it by appearing in yours , live .
Kyle : So , speaking of videos , I stumbled onto one this morning that made me think of you .
Kerry : Oh ?
Kyle : A viral clip , of this rock climber scaling a 300-foot wall without any ropes or harnesses .
Kerry : What ? You re afraid one wrong move by me and Jabot goes tumbling ?
Kyle : You do nt strike me as someone who makes wrong moves .
Kerry : You re right .
Kyle : However , that rock climber was facing the same degree of difficulty as your assignment : improving and replacing Birthday Suit , and the other products Ashley wo nt let us sell anymore . So , if you need anything to make your job easier , just say the word .
Kerry : Where did you get your chemistry degree from again ?
Sharon : Mac ?
Mac : Hi .
Sharon : Um , what are you doing here ? Are you waiting for someone ?
Mac : Um , actually I m --
Rey : Just a few routine questions on my end . Um , Ms. Hellstrom , if you d follow me , please .
Sharon : Mackenzie is at the police station , with Rey .
Victoria : What ? Why would -- Okay , you know what ? This is probably just Rey covering his bases , just one last ditch effort to keep the investigation open . Do nt you think ? Sharon ?
Sharon : I do nt know .
Victoria : What is it ?
Sharon : It just seemed like , there s more to it .
Victoria : What do you mean more ?
Sharon : Mackenzie seemed upset , like something happened .
Kyle : Harvard might not have prepared me for the chemical side of the company , but that s where my Aunt Ashley came in handy . Whenever I would visit , she would let me spend time in the lab and answer any questions I had . Then , once I joined Jabot , she continued to do the same . From a business standpoint , she felt it could only help a company to have some idea where the science is going .
Kerry : That makes sense
Kyle : Now , I know you and I are nt related , but Jabot is its own family , extending way beyond the Abbotts , so I do nt see why you and I ca nt have the same kind of relationship .
Kerry : As you and your aunt . I guess that would be quite special , would nt it ? Are you proposing the two of us conspire to take down Phyllis the same way you and Ashley went after Billy ? Or , would I just be feeding you secrets so you could stage your own coup .
Kyle : I -- I was nt implying anything like that . I respect and admire Phyllis , enormously
Kerry : Oh ! What a relief , because I do , too . Do nt worry , I ll be sure to explain our entire conversation to Phyllis , so she does nt misconstrue anything . Bye - bye .
Mac : That s really been the hardest part : the questions . I mean , if I ca nt give me children answers , they re gon na come up with their own .
Rey : They blame themselves .
Mac : It s what kids do . No matter how much we try to prevent it . Look , I know that whatever the truth turns out to be , its gon na be tough to explain , and even tougher for them to accept . I mean , J.T. is their father . But it beats never knowing , right ?
Rey : And I m committed to finding those answers . And after finding this , I think I m closer .
Mac : Oh , my God .
Rey : So you recognize it ?
Mac : It was an anniversary present to J.T. back when we still felt like celebrating . He loved it . Even when things hit the skids , he still wore it till he moved out . Where did you find this ?
Billy : Skinny and sweet .
Summer : Thank you
Billy : You re welcome , but I was asking about one of these .
Summer : You know what you were really asking for ? I guess the question is whether it s hot enough to scald the sleeves right off of you , but there s a bit of a build - up , so I d say no .
Billy : [ Chuckles]You know we still have to work together , Summer .
Summer : No , I work for Fenmore s , unless my mom transferred you over to their men s department . What is it , the big and tall jerk aisle ?
Billy : I really thought you d be in a better mood . Does nt every kid of divorced parents want Mommy and Daddy back together ?
Summer : My mom and my dad . Okay , since when ?
Billy : Oh , I do nt know , I do nt have the details , thank goodness for that ... but you can ask your mother about it she s pretty open . In fact , I m sure she ll issue a memo about it .
Summer : Okay , well , I doubt they re serious about one another .
Billy : [ Scoffs ]
Summer : Everything recent and still going on , I think it s a pretty off time to be rekindling ancient history , right ?
Billy : Oh , I do nt know are you asking me ? No , I have no clue . But I mean , you were instrumental in ruining both those relationships , so ...
Summer : No , I was not .
Billy : Okay . Whatever you say , but I figure you like it . Then , again , there s no obvious angle for you to milk for your own personal advantage , and that s kinda your M.O. , is nt it ?
Summer : Okay , what about you ? Horizontal revenge ? Who s next ? Oh , you know , I know , You can get back at my dad by seducing Grandma Nikki . How about that ?
Jack : Okay , what the Hell was that ?
Kyle : [ Sighs ] Hi , Phyllis .
Phyllis : FYI , I just spoke to Kerry . She just gave me a full report .
Kyle : Already ? She did nt waste one second .
Phyllis : I know , right ? She s brilliant . She just came up with more formulas for our first cornerstone products to replace what Ashley took off with . She just called me from the lab a few hours ago .
Kyle : A few hours ago ?
Phyllis : I am late for a lunch across town , so I need you to listen . Billy made some notes to your marketing plan , and I did the same and added some details from Kerry . We just sent you the email .
Kyle : Perfect . I guess then --
Phyllis : I m not done talking . If it seems like Billy does not have a lot of feedback , that s because I deleted anything that I did not agree with . So , it may have been his concept , the boutique and all , but we have to make sure all of the stores are profitable , from day one .
Kyle : We , as in ... ?
Phyllis : Meet me in my office when I get back . I have another assignment for you . It is parallel and pretty major , if you can handle it .
Kyle : Try me .
Phyllis : I think I just said I was . This is your chance to show me what you got . Do nt blow it . You wo nt get a second one .
Billy : Summer s bitter , and I do nt know what Phyllis is telling her over mothedaughter pedicures .
Jack : It sounded like you were going to retaliate for what happened with Nick and Phyllis by sleeping with Summer s grandmother .
Billy : Well , I was already married to Victoria , and Victor is not my type , so ...
Jack : Well , I was a little more concerned that you retaliate in another way , by getting involved in a high stakes poker binge .
Billy : No , Jack , no way . Okay ? Phyllis sex life is not my concern .
Jack : Even if it s with Nick ? Her ex - husband .
Billy : You know , at the office you seemed more upset about it than I was .
Jack : All motivated by my desire to keep everything that is happening from triggering your addiction .
Billy : Honestly , unemployment will probably trigger it first , really , I do nt know about my future at Jabot , but it s looking grimmer by the minute . I do nt think Phyllis and I can work together . Not at the way she is , she s so upset at me still .
Jack : Okay , help me understand this . I feel like there s something I m not getting here .
Billy : Well , I broke up with her , and I displayed a lot of attitude doing it .
Jack : Well , because she cheated on you with her ex - husband .
Billy : Yeah , but she still did nt like it , and she s Phyllis , so ...
Jack : Well , we both know Phyllis has a temper , but the way you re talking , she s acting like you did something just as bad , if not worse .
Billy : What could be worse than Phyllis and Nick spending the night together in bed ? Doing it on my favorite Egyptian cotton sheets ? No I m serious . I do nt know this for certain , but when I moved in after our little break , they disappeared , okay ? Hey ! Kerry !
Kerry : Hey !
Jack : I just dropped by Jabot to visit , and the door to the lab was locked .
Kerry : : Well , let s talk now ! Excuse us , Billy .
Billy : Mm - hmm .
Kerry : I ll take a coffee to go , thank you .
Jack : Hey , what is this ?
Kerry : : Your son . He s put in some solid time chatting me up at the athletic club .
Jack : Okay , Kyle obviously went a little too far ... He can be a little flirtatious . He s seeing someone right now .
Kerry : Oh , he s not after me . What he s trying to score is information .
Jack : About what ?
Kerry : My work at the lab , the projects I m developing . Please do nt act surprised . Are you a father - son tag team ?
Jack : What ? No !
Kerry : Because you just admitted you tried to get into the lab today .
Jack : Yes , to visit you , to see how you were adapting , to see if maybe there was something I could do to ...
Kerry : To what ? Make my job easier ? Kyle s exact words . You know , I really resent the two of you putting on this phony show of support .
Jack : Whoa , whoa , wait , we do support you , and that includes Billy . We are very confident in what you bring to the table .
Kerry : You Abbot s are a confident bunch . You think squeezing intel out of me is going to help you make sure Phyllis fails .
Victoria : Well , thank you for coming . When Sharon said you were in town , I was hoping that you could squeeze in a meeting .
Mac : No problem . How about Sharon ? Graduating college working as a victim s liaison ? I m really impressed .
Victoria : Yeah , I am , too . It s great for her .
Mac : So , since your dad was one of J.T. s victims , does that Sharon s been able to help your family keep tabs on the investigation ?
Victoria : No , not really . I mean she would , but Detective Rosales has been pretty tight - lipped .
Mac : I noticed that . He asked me so many questions but would nt tell me much .
Victoria : What did he ask you about ?
Mac : He wanted me to ID a watch with Love , Mac engraved on the back . It was an anniversary present that I gave J.T ..
Victoria : Well , that s so weird . Where did he find it ?
Mac : He would nt say . My guess is , J.T. probably pawned it somewhere . Maybe he listed an address , or left another clue that ll help the police track him down ... I do nt know it seemed Detective Rosales thought so .
Victoria : Why s that ?
Mac : He told me the watch was a significant lead .
Jack : Okay , I am not hoping for Phyllis to fail , secretly or otherwise . After everything she and I have been through , I still consider her a friend . What Jabot needs right now are successes , especially now that Ashley has taken off with our product .
Kerry : Which is why I am in the lab , working day and night to fill those shelves . Even when I m not there , I am thinking of ways to streamline the process .
Jack : Okay , obviously Kyle came on too strong . He s a very enthusiastic young man . Our commitment to you , our appreciation for you , is as real as it gets .
Kerry : Thank you , but Phyllis needs that , too . Jack , like it or not , right now she is Jabot . You ca nt claim to support one but not the other .
Jack : Okay , I m listening .
Kerry : You re the head of the family . So make them listen to you . Look , If you have your doubts about Phyllis qualifications , or her abilities , just keep them for now , but pledge to not undermine her leadership , and all of the other Abbotts and board members will follow you . And then , we will see what she , and I , and Kyle , and Billy , and all of the other talented employees who work there can really do .
Jack : You make a good argument . I hope Phyllis values your loyalty .
Kerry : I hope you give her the opportunity to value yours . They need me back at the lab .
Jack : I m parked outside . I m heading in that direction . Let me give you a ride .
Kerry : As long as this is nt you taking a stab at snooping around my workplace .
Jack : You know I have very important work to do at Dark Horse , my actual job . I was talking about dropping you off in front of Jabot .
Kerry : Of course , forgive me for even suggesting as much . I am deeply ashamed .
Jack : Somehow I doubt that .
Sharon : I know this is a place to see and be seen . I m impressed you got a table without a reservation , but would nt your own office be quieter , and a little more comfortable ? Just curious .
Billy : Quieter ? Yes . More comfortable ? Not so much , not after the morning I had with Phyllis .
Sharon : What did she do now ?
Billy : Oh , boy .
Sharon : It s that bad ?
Billy : I do nt want to be the one to tell you , but if I do nt , Phyllis will , and that s really gon na suck .
Sharon : Phyllis will what ?
Billy : Announce that Nick is her new sex buddy .
Victoria : So how are Becca and DJ holding up ?
Mac : They re okay . Unless , of course , DJ brings up J.T. and starts asking questions .
Victoria : Gosh , this whole situation is just so unfair for the kids .
Mac : Trust me , I look forward to explaining that to J.T. in great detail some day .
Victoria : You know , after all these months , we might need to manage our expectations that he will ever be found .
Mac : I was thinking the exact same thing , but after talking to Detective Rosales , I do nt know ... He just seemed so confident and determined . Honestly , I think now we will get the answers we want , and maybe very soon .
Kyle : Hey .
Summer : Hey . Uh ... Mom s not back ?
Kyle : She s still at a lunch thing , but how s this for freaky ? You re the exact person I wanted to see .
Summer : Huh . I did nt think that you wanted to see me unless I had an appointment .
Kyle : Well , things change . Phyllis liked my marking plan for the boutiques and gave me a new assignment .
Summer : Did she say what it was for ?
Kyle : I came here to find out . But , she texted me , said her meeting is running over . She said you have all the details , about adapting Fenmore s virtual dressing room for the boutiques ?
Summer : Yeah , yeah , for sure . It s kind of a top priority rush thing . She wants to have a version in place by the time the opening of the stores happen ,
Kyle : That s roughly a week away .
Summer : I know , which is why I asked her to pull you in on this . But I mean , she s the boss . It was just a suggestion
Kyle : No , no , no , an amazing one for me . The sooner I can show Phyllis and Lauren how much I can do , the better . I m a little shocked you recommended me for this .
Summer : Come on , its high pressure , quick results ... It s totally in your wheelhouse .
Kyle : Yeah , but I was such a jerk to you earlier , paranoid about Phyllis declaring all Abbotts the enemy . I ca nt imagine you d want to be stuck with me for a week doing this .
Summer : Well , I want to help my mom with her big boss gig , so ....
Kyle : And I want to do the same thing .
Summer : Right ! And the part about being stuck together ... I do nt really want to get in your way , so my mom asked me to write up some ideas about getting virtual dressing rooms into the boutique , so I m just gon na go do that .
Kyle : No , no , no , no , we will do that together , after we talk to Digital . Then we can send Phyllis a real proposal , with specific features ... sometime late tonight ? Unless you have plans tonight ?
Summer : No , no , I canceled everything from now until the boutique s launch , so ...
Kyle : That s smart . Lola and I had talked about a possible movie , but this is my golden opportunity . She ll understand . I ll call her now . Then I need a crash course on Virtual Dressing Room . Grab your computer , meet me in my office .
Summer : If you insist .
Sharon : Well , its no contest , your situation is worse than mine .
Billy : [ Chuckles ]
Sharon : Phyllis broke your heart , then she took your job at Jabot , which I m assuming is where you heard about Nick and Phyllis . And its so vindictive . What , now she s gon na continue punishing you because you dumped her ? You sure you wanna work in an atmosphere like that ?
Billy : Oh , I think it s going to be temporary . Phyllis at Jabot , I mean ... She ll flame out as CEO . And this thing with Nick , I think it ll have about the same amount of lifespan .
Sharon : I do nt care about Nick and Phyllis
Billy : Mm - hmm .
Sharon : What ? No , when I told Nick that it was over , I meant it . Does it sting to learn that he s so eager to move on ? Sure , but I have no claim on him , and I have no reason to expect anything different .
Billy : Hold on a second , I m gon na stop you right there because you re just giving Nick excuses . And ever since you found out that he cheated on you , he s been spinning a web of crap . It means nothing . Do nt overreact . Phyllis means nothing to me , do nt ruin our family , it ll never happen again , ... He s been lying , that s all he s doing , Sharon . To be honest , you deserve a lot better . A whole lot better .
Sharon : Thank you , come again
Billy : You know , I got ta hand it to you .
Sharon : What ?
Billy : You re handling this whole Nick and Phyllis news amazingly .
Sharon : Maybe it s like you said . Nick making me question my own judgment , because it s true . I ve had more than a couple sleepless nights wondering if I did the right thing putting Christian and Faith through another breakup . But finding out that Nick got back together with Phyllis , that erased any lingering doubts . In a funny way , it s a relief .
Billy : Okay , but please just do nt say that they did us a favor , okay ? I do nt want to hear that
Sharon : Oh , gosh , thinking of the two of them together , like that ? It s repulsive .
Billy : Grosses me out , too . But I get it . You re a mother ... you re a businesswoman . You got ta stay positive , you got ta , you know , stay optimistic and mature and yada yada yada . Of course . Me , too . But , if it ever gets too much , and you wanna howl at the moon , or shake it up a little bit , or any other kind of hell - raising that s in the same ballpark as that , well , you know who to call , right ? You have my number , right ?
Sharon : I sure do .
Billy : Okay .
Phyllis : Hey ! Just had the most productive meeting with Lauren .
Summer : So did Kyle and I. So , what s up with you and Dad ?
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] I , uh ... I wish I knew . I m not even sure myself . How do you feel about it ?
Summer : I do nt know . I mean , the timing is unfortunate . You both just ended pretty major relationships .
Phyllis : You could say it-- we got dumped .
Summer : So it s a double - rebound situation ?
Phyllis : I have a close , deep relationship with your father .
Summer : Okay , so does nt that just mean that you have more to lose ?
Phyllis : Sweetie .
Summer : Mom , I want you to move on from Billy , and have a life filled with nothing but happiness . But are you really sure this is the way to go about it ?
Victoria : That was great seeing you again .
Mac : You , too . If you hear anything at all from the police , keep me posted ? I ll do the same .
Victoria : Okay , I will .
Mac : Thanks .
Victoria : Take care , Mac .
Mac : You , too .
Abby : Hi ! Was that Mac ? Why is she back in town ?
Victoria : Uh , she s here to identify a watch the police found . It s J.T. s , but Rey would nt tell her where or how he discovered it .
Abby : Wow , that was J.T. s watch ?
Victoria : You know about it ?
Abby : Of course , yeah , yeah . Arturo found it , and he was gon na turn it in as lost property , but then when Rey saw it , he insisted on handling it himself . Wow , Arturo is not gon na believe this .
Victoria : Where did he find it ?
Abby : Chancellor Park . His crew is repairing a water line for Nikki , and they found it just lying in a pile of dirt . How bizarre , huh ? How would J.T. s watch get buried in the park ?
Arturo : Hey , what s going on ?
Rey : Hey . Your crew told me they were gon na finish here by dark ?
Arturo : I promised them beer and pizza if they finished the job by tonight .
Rey : Good news , I saved you a big bill at Zelatis .
Arturo : What s the bad news ?
Rey : Crew s got ta go . I m taking over this site .
Arturo : That s not possible . There s a busted water pipe there . This is official city business .
Rey : So is this .
### Summary:
| Summer persuades Phyllis to allow Kyle to work with her on the virtual dressing room project to promote Jabotique and she is happy that he cancels a date with Lola to work on the new project . Phyllis proudly tells Jack and Billy that she slept with Nick last night and she does nt care how they feel about it and she wants to get out in the open with both of them . Billy tells Jack that he s worried about his future with Jabot because he thinks Phyllis is trying to push he and Kyle out of the company . Jack and Kyle both try to figure out the new product line that Kerri jus trying to create for Jabot but Kerri catches to their tactic and says she wo nt spill any secrets so that he and Kyle can try tho push Phyllis out of the company . Billy tells Sharon that Phyllis and Nick are sleeping buddies and offers his moral support but saying she can call him anytime she needs to talk or wants to do anything fun . Sharon and Victoria with that their secret might be exposed when Mac arrives to identify J.T. s watch that Arturo found in Chancellor Park . Ray tells Arturo that he must stop working on the broken water pipe at the park because the park is now a crime scene . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Whitney : Well , I m going to leave and let you enjoy the rest of your evening .
Vincent : Whitney . Is something wrong ?
Whitney : I d actually like to talk to Valerie before I leave .
Vincent : Why would you want to speak to Valerie ?
Whitney : Well , I d just like to apologize to her , you know , face to face .
Chad : Oh , no , Whitney ca nt find me here . She ll know I ve been unfaithful with a man .
Tabitha : Actually , no . What I m trying to do at this moment is wrong your right .
Tabitha : Something that belongs under lock and key is missing , my witchling . Remember those little pinpoint lights of happiness that you let escape from this the other day , huh ?
Tabitha : It s not funny , Endora . You do nt want the blinking bluebird of happiness singing outside our window all day , do you ? Well , I suppose you do . Anyway , this is the most evil concoction I have ever come up with . Oh . Every ingredient is absolutely soaked in hatred , greed , and jealousy . With any luck , those little bits of happiness will come flying back here and try to counteract it , and then I will have to get every single one of them back in this jar before they do irreversible good in this town and make everyone happy . Can you imagine how sickening that would be , all the townspeople skipping down the street , trying to do good deeds , living out their little lives like sunbeams of goodness ? Ooh , horrorsville . It would be the death of me ... of us .
Fox : Damn him to hell .
Fox : No one steals from me . Poor Pilar . Looks like she s about to lose another son .
Sam : I ll make arrangements for an ambulance to take you to the prison hospital .
Sheridan : He s just been shot . Surely it can wait .
Sam : No , he goes tonight . Be prepared , Luis .
Eve : I m going to call the prison doctor and give him my notes on Luis condition .
Sheridan : This is all your fault . Let s just ignore the fact for a moment that you shot him . In a few minutes , an ambulance is going to be here to take Luis to the state prison hospital .
Fancy : Do you think I want that ? God , I am so sorry , Luis . I hate this .
Sheridan : Well , maybe you should ve thought of that before you accused him of being your attacker .
Fancy : I did nt .
Luis : Sheridan , please , could you calm down ?
Sheridan : You know , I will not . Luis , your life is at stake here . Am I the only one who cares ?
Fancy : I care .
Sheridan : Oh , liar !
Eve : Hey . Keep your voices down . This is a hospital . There are sick patients out there that are trying to get some sleep .
Fancy : I m so sorry .
Sheridan : Oh , now she s sorry .
Eve : Enough . Now , both of you need to leave anyway because I have to change Luis dressing .
Sheridan : All right , I can stay .
Eve : No , visiting hours are over . Besides , Luis needs to get some rest before the prison ambulance comes .
Luis : She s right . I ll be fine .
Sheridan : I ll be right outside if you need me .
Fancy : You forgive me , do nt you ?
Luis : What s there to forgive ? You were just doing your job .
Sheridan : I hope you re happy now . Luis is going back to prison . Thanks to the stunt you pulled tonight , he s being charged with yet another murder and arson .
Fancy : Do you think I like this ? My God , if the DA gets his way , Luis will be executed . I ca nt bear that , but there s nothing I can do .
Sheridan : Have you learned nothing from my father ? You know , I ca nt even waste my time talking to you . I need to go pull some strings to undo the damage you ve caused . Thank God I know how to help Luis .
Fancy : Help me , God . How did this happen ? I know Luis is innocent , but the evidence is stacked against him . He ca nt get the death penalty . He ca nt die .
Eve : I know that the papers and what they re saying about you must be just killing your mother , but I hope that you know that I know you re not capable of any of the things they ve accused you of .
Luis : All right .
Eve : And I m going to make sure that you get good care , no matter where you go .
Luis : Thanks , doc .
Eve : Ok . All right , get some sleep .
Sheridan : Good news . I gave the governor a piece of my mind and managed to have Luis stopped from being transferred to the state prison hospital .
Eve : Sheridan , that -- oh , my God , that s glorious .
Sheridan : I m not my father s daughter for nothing . Well , Eve , you ve got a job to do . I want Luis to get the best possible care while he s here at this hospital .
Eve : Well , of course .
Sheridan : I mean it . My family s money paid for this hospital . I want Luis to get everything he possibly needs and then some or I swear I will raise hell .
Eve : We do that for all our patients , Sheridan .
Sheridan : And do nt forget it .
Eve : Um , I m needed in ICU . Excuse me .
Sheridan : Certainly .
Sam : Where do you think you re going ?
Sheridan : To go be with Luis . Out of my way , Sam .
Sam : I do nt think so .
Miguel : Let s go upstairs , because I m making love to you all night long .
Kay : If the bed will take it .
Miguel : Oh , let s find out , huh ?
Fox : I will not let Miguel make love to my wife again . Oh , I should ve listened to my dad months ago and killed Miguel .
Ethan : Come on , come on .
Kay : Ethan . Hi .
Ethan : Hi , Kay . Is Miguel here ?
Kay : Yeah .
Miguel : I m right here .
Ethan : Hey , man , look , I got some bad news about your case . I need to talk to you .
Kay : Oh , yeah , come in .
Fox : Bad news for Miguel . Maybe this night s not a total loss after all . At least it ll keep him out of my wife s bed for a little while .
Chad : Come on , come on , I got to get out of here .
Whitney : Valerie ? Can I come in , please ?
Chad : Oh , damn , damn , damn . Whitney ca nt find me here . It ll kill her . It ll destroy our marriage .
Whitney : Valerie ?
Chad : No , I ca nt lose my son . I ca nt lose everything I care about in the world .
Whitney : Do nt be embarrassed , ok ? Can you just let me in ? Look , ok , I m just going to come in , all right ?
Chad : Oh , God , do nt let this happen .
Whitney : Chad ? What the hell are you doing here ?
Whitney : Ok , I -- I do nt understand .
Chad : Whitney --
Whitney : I just need to know what s going on here . Ok , I thought you told me that Valerie was the one in the bathroom .
Chad : Baby , look , it s -- I can explain , ok ?
Vincent : No , no , no , he ca nt . I m sorry , Whitney , but I do nt want you to find out this way .
Whitney : Find out what ? What ?
Vincent : About me and Chad .
Whitney : About you and Chad ? What --
Whitney : You re having an affair with my husband ?
Vincent : Yes , honey . Chad and I are lovers .
Whitney : Um --
Chad : Whitney .
Tabitha : Oh ! I think that s it . It s ready . Happiness , happiness , fly away home . Your house is on fire , your children are gone .
Tabitha : Shh . That s funny . Nothing seems to be happening . Happiness does nt seem to be returning .
Tabitha : Happiness , happiness , hear my call . Return to sender , ere disaster fall .
Tabitha : Endora , please , do be reasonable . I know you want your brother Fox to be with Kay , but we have family standards to uphold here . That would be going against everything we hold near and dear -- death , despair , and destruction . We ca nt have happiness flying around Harmony . I tell you , one day it would come back and bite us in the -- where it hurts . We ca nt afford to have people being happy . It s the last thing we want .
Fox : Oh , what s that smell ?
Tabitha : Hello , Fox . You on vacation from the hospital ?
Fox : Oh , damn . Why was I even ever born ?
Tabitha : That s what I like -- real misery .
Miguel : What happened , Ethan ?
Ethan : Miguel , I do nt even know where to start , man . By the way , did you know that your sister has married Jared ?
Miguel : What ? Wait , why would she marry Jared when she s in love with you ?
Ethan : I do nt know . Do nt you think I ve wondered -- sorry . I m -- I m just overwrought and this whole thing is killing me . I m sorry .
Kay : No , it s ok . Just relax and start from the beginning .
Ethan : All right . Theresa s being blackmailed .
Miguel : No .
Ethan : Yeah . She has some nasty little secret and the blackmailer is just forcing her to do these things . She s been forced to marry Jared and I could nt even stop it .
Miguel : Wait , but why would the blackmailer want her to marry Jared ?
Ethan : Wait , hold on , hold on , Miguel , there s more , and it s not good . Your brother was shot tonight .
Miguel : Oh , my God .
Ethan : Hold on , listen , listen , he s at the hospital . I have nt seen him yet , but apparently he s survived and he s fine .
Miguel : Listen , I have to talk to him .
Ethan : Miguel , you ca nt call him . He s not allowed to take calls . It s bad . He escaped from jail again .
Kay : Oh , no .
Ethan : Yeah . Listen , here s the story -- there was this bartender at the Blue Note who had this envelope , supposedly , that Rae Thomas had left for Simone the night that she was killed . Luis went looking for this envelope at the bartender s apartment . The only problem is when he got there , the bartender was dead , the place was on fire , and Luis was trapped inside .
Miguel : Look , this is insane , Ethan .
Ethan : Sam and Fancy showed up and they did nt know Luis was inside . They thought they heard gunshots , and Fancy accidentally shot your brother .
Kay : Oh , my God .
Ethan : To make a long story short , whatever was in this envelope is gone . It s burned up . Luis was found with the dead bartender , his clothes smelled like gasoline , and he was charged with an additional count of murder and arson .
Miguel : Look , this is so wrong , Ethan . My brother s not going to hurt anyone , much less kill anyone just to get something he needs .
Ethan : Miguel , I know this . The problem is all the forensic evidence points towards your brother . He was the only one at the scene and his fingerprints were all over the damn place .
Kay : Ok , but whatever happened tonight , Theresa can fix it , right ? I mean , her money can fix just about anything .
Ethan : I pray to God you re right about that .
Miguel : But you do nt think so ?
Ethan : No , I do nt . I do nt think even Crane money can fix this .
Miguel : Oh , God .
Sheridan : Sam Bennett , let me by . Luis needs me .
Sam : I always thought that you were different from the rest of your family . I was wrong . The governor just called headquarters because he got a call from you . You used your influence to keep Luis from being transferred to the prison hospital .
Sheridan : You bet I did . Luis does nt belong in prison .
Sam : So , Sheridan Crane , judge and jury , decides to fix things to her liking . Very nice .
Sheridan : You know Luis is innocent .
Sam : I know he s a suspect in more than one capital crime and he s escaped from custody three times .
Sheridan : Good for him .
Sam : I d watch it , Sheridan , or else I ll pull you in for aiding and abetting , because I m pretty sure you re the one who drove him up to the cabin . Luis is nt above the law , and certainly neither are you . He needs to remain under constant supervision .
Sheridan : Fine . You can supervise him here , not in a state prison hospital .
Sam : I m way ahead of you . Barker ?
Officer Barker : Yes , Chief ?
Sam : There s your suspect . Guard him . And I do nt want you to let anyone in there . I repeat -- no one .
Sheridan : But surely you do nt mean me .
Sam : Especially you .
Fancy : Eve . Tell me the truth -- will Luis be ok ?
Eve : Oh , honey , he s not going to have any permanent effect except for a scar where I took the bullet out . It s a miracle that he was nt killed .
Fancy : I know . I mean , thank God , I d never forgive myself if -- you know .
Sam : Cadet , listen , we need to go over this one more time , ok ? How did Luis escape from his cell again ?
Fancy : Oh , Sam --
Sam : It s Chief at the moment .
Fancy : Chief , I swear I did nt let Luis escape . I do nt know how it happened , but I do think he deserves a chance to defend himself .
Sam : Well , not like this . I mean , look what escaping to defend himself did for him . He got shot , and now he s accused of two more crimes .
Fancy : You know he did nt murder that bartender or set fire to that apartment .
Sam : Do I ? All the evidence says otherwise . Any jury in the land will give Luis the death penalty .
Nurse : I have medication for the patient , officer .
Barker : No problem , maam .
Sheridan : No one can keep me away from you , Luis .
Chad : Look what your cruelty has done .
Vincent : I m not the one who s been lying to her . She had to find out that we re in love with each other sooner or later .
Chad : I do nt love you , ok ? I love my wife , Whitney . Baby , listen , I would never leave you , no matter what Vincent does .
Whitney : Do nt touch me .
Chad : Baby --
Whitney : No , no , no , you get away from me and keep your hands off of me . What kind of disgusting monster are you ?
Chad : Monster ? Whitney , I love you .
Whitney : Love ? What kind of love is that ? To go have sex with a man and then come back home to me ?
Vincent : All the time .
Chad : Shut up .
Whitney : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , there s no telling what kind of disgusting diseases you ve exposed me to .
Chad : No , no , never , baby , I only have --
Whitney : You re a disgusting pervert is what you are .
Chad : Baby , calm down . Ok , let s just go someplace quiet where I can explain everything .
Whitney : No , no , I am not going anywhere with you . You re disgusting .
Chad : Baby , you have to understand .
Whitney : Wait , you want me to understand ? Chad , what the hell is wrong with you ? You could ve told me . You could ve come to me , we could ve talked about this . You could ve told me that you were gay .
Chad : I am not gay .
Whitney : Why did you marry me , Chad ? I mean , we could ve talked about it . In time , I could ve , you know , accepted it maybe , we could ve become friends , I do nt know . But what kind of idiot am I ? I mean , it s bad enough that you sleep with somebody else , but this ? To go off and sleep with another man , then come back home and lie to my face , Chad ? What is wrong with you ? You disgust me .
Chad : Baby --
Whitney : No , no , do nt touch me . Do nt ever touch me again . And you know what , you will never see Miles again either .
Chad : Whitney , do nt . Whitney , stop .
Vincent : Let her go , let her go . If she ca nt support you , she s not worth it .
Chad : What , are you insane ? This is hell . All right , this is what I ve been afraid of , and you made it come true .
Vincent : Look , if you re pointing fingers , why do nt you try pointing them at yourself ? I m not the married man . I m not the unfaithful one .
Chad : Stop it , stop .
Whitney : Valerie , come on . It s ok , just let me in .
Chad : No . No , no , I ca nt let that happen . I ca nt lose Whitney .
Whitney : Valerie , open the door . Why wo nt you come out and talk to me ? What is the problem ? Valerie ?
Vincent : Whitney , maybe you should stop .
Whitney : Why ? Why wo nt she come out and talk to me ? I know you guys are together . I know you ve been intimate before , so why wo nt she just come out and talk to me for a second ?
Vincent : Look , this is awkward , but I did nt want you to find out this way . Valerie ca nt talk to you because she s not the one who s in there .
Whitney : What are you talking about ?
Vincent : Valerie is not the one who s in the bathroom . I ca nt keep this from you any longer . I ve got to tell you the truth .
Chad : No , you bastard . Do nt you dare .
Chad : Do nt tell her , Vincent . Do nt tell her , please .
Whitney : So Valerie s not the one who s in the bathroom , when you told me before that she was ?
Vincent : I know . I did nt want you to find out this way .
Whitney : Vincent , you re cheating on Valerie ?
Vincent : You caught me .
Whitney : For God s sakes .
Chad : Please , not another word , Vincent . Oh , God , I should kill myself right now .
Whitney : You know what , I m sorry . Sorry that I came here . It was a mistake , a huge mistake . It s just when the nurse at the hospital said that the man I came with had come here , I just naturally --
Vincent : And you just jumped to conclusions , thinking that Chad was having an affair ? No way . Chad s way too uptight and straight - laced for that .
Whitney : Well , that happens to be the way I like him . You know , as a matter of fact , Vincent , you could learn a lot from my husband . Like , I do nt know , how to treat a woman ? See , he treats me with nothing but love and respect .
Vincent : Yet you automatically assumed that he was having an affair ?
Whitney : Well , see , that was my mistake , ok , not Chad s . Chad is the most honest and loyal man that I know .
Kay : Miguel , what are we going to do ? My God , your poor brother .
Ethan : There s more bad news .
Kay : Oh .
Ethan : I thought I had made a breakthrough in the case , but --
Miguel : What happened ?
Ethan : Well , this is going to sound kind of bizarre , but I got a clue as to where the blackmailer lived , led me to an apartment building near the carnival . When I got in there , there were photographs everywhere , like , all over the walls , of residents of Harmony . You two , me , Theresa , Jared , Luis , Sheridan , Fancy , Chris . I mean , everybody .
Miguel : What ?
Ethan : And they were nt just photographs , they were , like , surveillance photos .
Kay : You mean somebody s watching us ?
Ethan : According to Theresa , all the time .
Miguel : But this can be good , Ethan . I mean , these pictures can prove that Luis and I are being framed . I mean , where are the pictures now ? These pictures can help us in court .
Ethan : They re gone . They ve disappeared .
Miguel : Damn it !
Ethan : I know , Miguel , it s frustrating . I do nt know what to do . I went there to gather up the evidence and everything was gone -- the photographs , all the evidence was gone . Someone cleared out the place . And I do nt know what to do at this point . The evidence against you and your brother keeps mounting and mounting , and even if we take this to court , I do nt know how this thing is going to end up .
Miguel : You know who s behind this ? It s Fox . Fox is behind this . I m sure he s the one that s framing me .
Fox : I love you , too , short stuff . I ll tell you what -- just one little smile from Endora makes me feel better . Must be magic in that kid .
Tabitha : What are you doing here , Fox ? Are nt you supposed to be at the hospital receiving those dreadful treatments for your fatal illness ?
Fox : Well , you do call a spade a spade , do nt you ? Even though I do feel awful , I could nt stay in that hospital for one more minute . I had to get away and spend some time with my wife .
Tabitha : Oh , yes , well , I do nt know where Kay is just now .
Fox : Yeah , that s all right . I already know .
Fox : Ugh , that is awful . You re not really going to eat that , are you ?
Tabitha : Oh , do nt be silly . No , it s homemade modeling clay for Endora and Maria . That stuff you buy in the toy store -- it s so expensive , and this is just water and cornstarch and salt and green food coloring .
Fox : Ok , whatever .
Tabitha : Nero s fiddlestick . Now the spell works .
Fox : What s that noise ?
Tabitha : Just practicing my tap routine .
Tabitha : Listen , I think you must be very busy . Do nt you -- I think you should go now , Fox --
Fox : No , I do nt really --
Tabitha : Because I know you ve got a lot to do .
Fox : Honestly , I --
Tabitha : Off you go , dear . Off you go , off you go . Now you see what you ve done ? We ve got happiness everywhere you look . Oh , Fox is nt the only one who feels sick around here . Oh , Endora .
Sheridan : I m here , Luis . I will never leave you . It s just not fair . You do nt deserve to be lying here . I love you . I will do anything to make things the way they used to be . Anything . Though I have to admit , I ve done some things lately that I m so ashamed of . I just get so angry . I never used to be like that . But I do it out of love . I do it because I want to protect you . You re everything to me . You re my life . Everything stems from you .
Fancy : Hey . The chief sent me . I have a few more questions for the suspect .
Officer Barker : Go on in .
Fancy : Thanks .
Fancy : Nurse , how is he ?
Sheridan : [ Southern accent ] Fine .
Fancy : Uh - uh . Aunt Sheridan . I should ve known .
Fancy : What are you doing ? You re not allowed in here . Luis is under 24/7 police guard .
Sheridan : I know that .
Fancy : Oh . So you think you re above the law and sneak in in this little Halloween costume ? I think you re losing your marbles , Sheridan , again . Get out of here right now .
Sheridan : No , I will not . Luis needs someone who truly loves him , who cares about him .
Fancy : He has that someone -- me . I will take care of Luis .
Sheridan : You shot him . He deserves someone who has his best interests at heart .
Fancy : That s me .
Sheridan : You ? The woman who thinks he s guilty of raping her ?
Fancy : I do nt .
Sheridan : And of being an arsonist and a murderer . You shot him . You ca nt even be trusted with a goldfish , let alone Luis .
Fancy : You get out of here right now or I ll arrest you for aiding and abetting .
Sheridan : A criminal . See , that just proves my point . You think Luis is a criminal . You ca nt even find it in your heart to trust that he s innocent .
Sheridan : You might not believe in him , but I do .
Fancy : Out .
Sheridan : Please , Fancy . Please let me stay with him .
Fancy : Not a chance .
Tabitha : Oh , I thought Fox would never leave . Do you see all the trouble you re causing , Endora ? Come in , come in , come in , my lovelies . Come in . Welcome . Welcome back to Tabby s happy home . Gotcha . Gotcha , you little varmints . This is the last time any of you will leave this house .
Tabitha : It s not funny , Endora . If even one of these little harpies of happiness escapes again , it ll be curtains for the dark side -- the entire dark side . I have to get every single one of them back into this jar .
Tabitha : There , that s it . Now happiness will never reign in Harmony .
Miguel : Oh , this is a disaster , Ethan . I mean , the one clue that can help me and my brother you re telling me now just disappears .
Ethan : I m sorry , man . I feel like I let you down .
Miguel : No , you re -- you re doing your best .
Ethan : My best is nt cutting it , is it ? I mean , I m still going to keep trying . I m going to do what I can . I just do nt know what more I can do .
Kay : Well , you have to think of something .
Ethan : I just do nt know what . Unless I come up with something really big , I m afraid you and your brother might end up in prison for a while .
Fox : However long it is wo nt be long enough .
Chad : Please , Vincent , for me , leave her alone .
Whitney : You know what , Vincent , Valerie loves you , and you re cheating on her with another woman ? You re going to completely break her heart . You know , it s just a good thing you guys are nt married so she does nt have to divorce you .
Vincent : I m not the marrying kind .
Whitney : Oh , well , of course you re not , you re a pig . You re the most disgusting form of human filth that there is , and I m sorry I set the two of you up .
Vincent : Do nt you dare judge me . I do care about Valerie , probably more than anyone else in this town . I feel like I ve known her forever . And what I get from my lover in there is something that Valerie will never be able to give me .
Whitney : Spare me , please , with the details .
Vincent : Oh , come on , Whitney . Have nt you ever wanted to try something different , something dangerous ? I bet you did . Give into it , Whitney . Let yourself go .
Chad : You keep your hands off her , damn it .
Vincent : Come on . I know you want to try it . I know you re tempted .
Vincent : Come on , Whit , take a walk on the wild side .
Whitney : Get away from me , Vincent . Listen , I do nt do --
Vincent : Do nt what , like to try new things , new ways ?
Whitney : Vincent , I love my husband , ok , and I m not interested in whatever it is you re suggesting .
Vincent : You know , I have a great reputation . I can make a woman feel so --
Whitney : No , no , no , stop . Just please stop that , all right ? I do nt want to hear this . You re twisted , ok ? You re just a twisted little perverted -- listen , I love Chad and he loves me and that s it . That s all there is to it . It s called monogamy , in case you ve never heard of it . And that s what turns me on , all right ?
Vincent : Yeah , well , you think Chad is faithful to you ?
Whitney : I know he is . He would never hurt me the way you re hurting that person in the bathroom ! And if you have any feelings for Valerie whatsoever , you ll stop right now , before you hurt her any more than you already have .
Vincent : Coast is clear , lover boy . You can come out of the closet . Oops , I mean bathroom . My God . How do you stand her ? Smug little uptight bitch . God , so provincial and so stupid . She thinks you re a paragon of manly virtue . Boy , is she in for a surprise . You re the biggest whore I know .
Chad : You shut up ! You son of a --
Tabitha : There . That s it . Now you are never to touch that jar again . You promise ?
Tabitha : Ok . We got off lightly this time . But I tell you , it gives me goose bumps when I think what would happen if even one of those little happiness bugs was still free .
Fox : What ? Lightning bugs in April ? That s weird .
Fox : Now what are they saying ?
Ethan : Well , I got to get back to work . Maybe I can find something to keep you out of jail .
Kay : Please , Ethan , you have to .
Fox : Shoot , they ll see me .
Miguel : Hey , Ethan ?
Ethan : Yeah ?
Miguel : Do nt give up on me , all right ?
Ethan : Not gon na . Keep in touch , ok ?
Kay : I ca nt believe this . I thought once Ethan took your case you d be home free eventually , but now it looks like you re going to go to jail for something you did nt do .
Miguel : Hey , hey , it s ok . It s ok , we can face anything as long as we re together , ok , because you give me strength . And listen , if I go to prison --
Kay : Oh , God forbid .
Miguel : If it happens , promise me you will come visit me every chance you can .
Kay : Yeah , of course . I ll bring Maria with me so she does nt forget you .
Miguel : Thank you . I can bear anything except the idea of you being with Fox .
Kay : Ok , let s just not talk about this right now . I just want to enjoy the time we have together .
Fox : You stole my wife , you thief . Thieves go to prison . The sooner , the better .
Fancy : Get out of here , Aunt Sheridan . Do you want to make a scene ?
Sheridan : I do nt care . I m not going anywhere .
Fancy : Fine . You stay , I ll go ... to get Sam . He ll be happy to arrest you .
Luis : Fancy ?
Sheridan : No . No , Luis , that was nt Fancy . Sadly , she does nt believe in you . She thinks you re guilty as charged .
Luis : Oh .
Sheridan : But I m here for you . I will always be here for you . I will never leave your side , no matter what I have to do .
Chad : What happens when Whitney tells Valerie that you re having an affair ?
Vincent : Whitney had better keep her mouth shut .
Jessica : I will not stick around and be abused by you .
Ethan : Do nt leave me .
Theresa : Goodbye , Ethan .
### Summary:
| Eve knows that Luis is innocent . Sheridan comes running up . She has pulled strings so that Luis does nt have to go to the state prison . She tells Eve that if she does nt give Luis the best care possible , there will be hell to pay . Eve/ is taken back by Sheridan s behavior . Sheridan turns to go and be with Luis but Sam stops her . Ethan tells Miguel that he should know that his sister has married Jared . Miguel knows that is wrong . She loves Ethan . Kay wants to hear about this . Ethan tells that Theresa is being blackmailed . She was forced to marry Jared . Ethan tells that Luis was shot . He has survived . Luis escaped from jail . There was a bartender from the Blue Note and Luis wanted to see him . Luis went to see Dylan , and then Sam and Fancy showed up and ended up shooting Luis by accident . Whatever was in the envelope from is long gone in the fire now . Now Luis is charged with an additional murder . All the forensic evidence points to Luis doing the murder , and his fingerprints are all over . Kay hopes that Theresa s money is going to fix all of this . Ethan is nt sure that money will even fix this . Chad is holding his breath as he listens though the bathroom door Vincent says that he is cheating on Valerie and did nt want to admit it at first Chad could kill himself right now Whitney apologizes and starts heading to the door again . Vincent knows that Whitney thought that her husband and was cheating but he says that Chad is too high - classed for that . Whitney tells Vincent that he could learn a thing or two from Chad who is the most honest man that she knows . Tabitha opens the door and lets the Swarm of Happiness in the house where it belongs . Since the damn thing has been out and about in Harmony , people have been getting along and being good . She hates that . She ! Herself ! Even tap - danced at the sight of them . This has to stop ! She gets her jar and scoops up Swarm of Happiness bit by bit as it floats through the air . Endora claps with glee at the sight of it all . Tabitha has all but one of the varmints , but she manages to scoop that up too . Now happiness will never reign in Harmony ! Sheridan will not leave Luis s side . Fancy will get Sam then and have her aunt arrested . She leaves . Fancy ? Luis asks groggily . Sheridan tells him that it is she and that Fancy does nt believe in him and thinks that he is guilty as charged . Luis stares up into Sheridan s face as if wounded by her words . Sheridan smiles down on him , determined not to ever , EVER leave his side . She does nt care that Sam is coming . She will deal with him when he gets there . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Tony : So , what do you think ?
Ethan : Good . Do you have time to go over the Sync Up Software account ?
Tony : Sure .
Ethan : As far as TV spots go , they want two 30s and a 60 .
Tony : Why do nt you set up a meeting ? I d like to go over some ideas on viral marketing .
Morgan : Okay , Mr. DiMera , with your okay , I m gon na send this off to Reeve Goshe .
Tony : Great . You know ... they need a new ad agency . It s great food , lousy advertising .
Morgan : Uh - huh .
Ethan : Here are the revisions for the brief that we re submitting to Cool Cosmetics , as well as the CPM you requested . The figures are higher , like you said . I reworked the memo that you wanted me to submit to payroll , as well as --
Tony : Oh . Anna . Hello . What are you doing here ? Shopping ?
Anna : Ahh , the Tony DiMera irony . [ Laughs ] I can see how uptown I am . Well , you may have staff and stacks of work waiting to be done , but I have some things on the front burner .
Tony : Well , that s good to hear . So , what can I do for you ?
Anna : I want him .
Steve : Oh , man . This place needs more comfortable chairs , I ll tell you that .
Roman : Yeah , a little better coffee would be nice , too .
Steve : I do nt think that swill qualifies as coffee . You know how they say a watched pot never boils ? Is that the same principle for a clock ?
Roman : Well ... Bo s been out of surgery quite a while now . I wish somebody would tell us how he s doing , at least tell us something .
Steve : It s the waiting and not knowing that s tough .
Roman : I just hope it s not a bad sign that it s taking so long .
Kate : How to make your man say , wow . I have better ways than those . Come on , baby . Wake up , Sweetie . Is this normal ? Should nt she have regained consciousness ?
Daniel : Hey , cut her a little slack . She just went through some major surgery here .
Kate : Sweetie ? Oh , Honey , are you all right ?
Daniel : How are you feeling , Chelsea ?
Chelsea : A little out of it . My throat s sore .
Daniel : That s from intubation . But , you know , just give it a day or two .
Chelsea : Is my Dad okay ?
Caroline : How are you holding up ?
Hope : I m good . I ll be fine once Bo wakes up .
Caroline : Can I get you something to eat ?
Hope : No , thanks , Caroline .
Caroline : Some coffee ?
Hope : No , no , I m good . Thank you .
Kayla : Hi .
Lexie : Has he come to yet ?
Hope : No . Any more news ?
Lexie : Not yet . But his vital signs are stable .
Kayla : It s just a waiting game now .
Tony : Excuse me ?
Anna : I said I want him .
Ethan : Oh , excuse me . I m into aggressive older women -- not that you re older that much . [ Stuttering ]
Anna : Not for that . I need someone to help me at my firm , and you -- what is your name ?
Ethan : Ethan .
Anna : Ethan . Well , you seem very energetic and very capable , and I want you .
Tony : Words that I ve longed to hear from you , Anna . But since it s Ethan you want , are you prepared to match the salary I pay him ? He does nt come cheaply , mind you .
Anna : Money is no object .
Tony : Ethan , do you have your paycheck on you ?
Ethan : Yes , I have nt cashed it yet .
Tony : Show her , would you ?
Anna : [ Chuckles ] Does he pay you by the month ?
Ethan : Oh , that s my weekly paycheck .
Anna : Eesh .
Tony : I thought so . Anna , you of all people should know you get exactly what you pay for .
Anna : Well , I need someone to bounce some ideas off of . How about I take you ? What s your name ?
Morgan : Morgan .
Tony : Anna , did you see the sign on my door ? It says DiMera Advertising , not DiMera Deli . You just do nt walk in here and think you can take one of my employees as if she s some pastrami sandwich .
Anna : Well , I need someone to help me .
Tony : Morgan ... is my intern , personally selected by me . Besides , do nt you have one of your own ? What , you ve misplaced her , have you ?
Anna : No . She s at the hospital .
Tony : You assaulted her ?
Anna : Of course not . She s there because Bo Brady is very sick .
Tony : Oh .
Daniel : Well , the surgery went well . Your dad s back in his room . He s out like a light . Your partial pancreas and Bo s failing one are getting to know each other .
Kate : Honey , did you have enough water ?
Chelsea : Yeah . Thank you .
Kate : Are you still feeling groggy ?
Chelsea : Mm ... a little .
Daniel : Right now she probably just needs her rest , and I m guessing you do , too . Here all night , were you ?
Kate : Yeah , and I was fine , thanks .
Chelsea : You can go home .
Kate : Baby , I want to be here for you .
Chelsea : I m just gon na be laying here asleep anyway . There s no point in you sitting around watching me .
Kate : Okay , well , I guess I could go get some rest .
Chelsea : Yeah . Do nt worry about me . I ll be okay .
Kate : You call me if you need anything .
Chelsea : Okay .
Daniel : Okay . Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Whoa , whoa . Lie back . Lie back . You had a rough 24 hours . You ca nt just be hopping out of bed . Are you crazy ?
Chelsea : I was just trying to adjust my pillow .
Daniel : I know . Let me do that . Here .
Chelsea : Wow . I thought they had nurses to do that kind of stuff .
Daniel : Well , this way I can charge you a little extra .
Chelsea : [ Laughs ]
Daniel : You , um ... you did surprisingly well .
Chelsea : Oh . I did nt do anything . Just had to fall asleep and then have a doctor saw me open and take some stuff out .
Daniel : [ Chuckles ] Well , that s some pretty important stuff . It might save your dad s life .
Chelsea : Might ?
Daniel : Well , I am a betting man . I m betting we might hit the jackpot with this transplant .
Chelsea : Good . I hope so .
Daniel : No , I mean it . You ve done an amazing thing . You re a very special young lady . What you did was very brave , Chelsea . It took some guts .
Chelsea : Thank you . [ Laughs ] Oh . I just got that .
Daniel : Did you ?
Chelsea : Yeah . I m a little slow . We ll blame it on all the meds .
Daniel : All the meds . Yeah . But seriously , you did great . I m impressed .
Chelsea : And my Dad , he s gon na be okay ?
Daniel : Well , I wish I could tell you for sure , but he went through a pretty crazy surgery there . It s complicated , risky . And for now , all we can do is wait and see if his body accepts the transplant .
Roman : [ Exhales sharply ] Well , it is now official . I m going crazy .
Steve : You got to find something to do , man . Keeping busy -- that s the key to staying sane . See ? [ Tweets ]
Roman : [ Laughs ] You ve got to be kidding me . It is cute , though . I did nt know you did origami .
Steve : Well , I m not just a pretty face . I m a dude of many talents .
Roman : [ Laughs ] Oh . I never did understand how women could read this stuff . Kate used to have these magazines around her place . Look at this . Change your style for the season . Go from flabby to fabulous .
Steve : Yeah .
Roman : Wait a minute . How to make your man say , wow . See if I can find that little bit .
Stephanie : Hey , Dad .
Steve : Hey , Baby Girl .
Stephanie : Any news yet ?
Steve : No , not yet . Did you manage to catch some Z s ?
Stephanie : A little . Sleeping on that chair makes me appreciate my bed .
Steve : Aww . Do you want a birdie ? [ Tweets ]
Stephanie : Sure . Cute .
Roman : [ Laughs ] [ Cellphone rings ] Oh . Got to take this .
Steve : Okay , man .
Stephanie : I think I m gon na go to Chelsea s room to see if she s awake yet .
Steve : Yeah . I m gon na check on Bo , see what s happening . Your mama s been up all night . I m gon na see if I can get her to go home .
Stephanie : You take such good care of her .
Steve : I m trying .
Lexie : You two must be exhausted . Why do nt you go home and get some rest ?
Hope : No , I want to be here when he wakes up .
Caroline : So do I. Kayla , you should go home .
Lexie : That s not a bad idea , Kayla .
Caroline : It s not good for you and for the baby for you to be on your feet so long .
Kayla : You know what ? I will be okay , really . I m fine .
Steve : How s my best buddy doing ?
Lexie : He s resting comfortably right now . He still has nt regained consciousness .
Steve : [ Sighs ] Sweetness , you ve been up all night . I want to take you home .
Kayla : No , as I was just telling my mother , I ca nt leave him right now .
Steve : Bo is getting good care . There s nothing more you can do right now . You need to get home and get some sleep . And so do you , Mama Brady .
Caroline : There will be plenty of time for sleep later .
Steve : I ca nt decide which one of you is more bullheaded .
Kayla : Well , now you see where I got it .
Steve : [ Sighs ] Come on , baby . You ll be more valuable to Bo when you re rested and alert .
Hope : He s waking up . Hey .
Steve : Sweetness , he s waking up , baby !
Hope : Shh ! He s trying to say something .
Bo : I ...
Hope : I ...
Bo : How ...
Hope : How . How what ?
Bo : How can I get any sleep with all this arguing going on ? [ Laughter ]
Hope : Oh , Bo .
Steve : First thing out of his mouth is a wisecrack .
Kayla : That s my brother .
Caroline : He made it ! Oh , Lexie . Lexie , thank you so much . Thank you .
Steve : What did I tell you , buddy ? It was not a done deal .
Hope : I knew you d make it back to me . I knew it .
Bo : Back to you ? Without the surgery ?
Chelsea : Thank you for saving my Dad .
Daniel : I could nt have done it without you , and I mean that literally .
Chelsea : Sorry that I got really wasted beforehand .
Daniel : You were drunk ? That s funny , cause I did nt really notice .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ]
Daniel : No , you know what ? No worries . However , the words drink responsibly should be part of your lexicon .
Chelsea : My lexicon ?
Daniel : Yeah .
Chelsea : I do nt know what that means , but I will promise to make them a part of my vocabulary .
Daniel : And now you need to make me another promise .
Chelsea : What ?
Daniel : Rest .
Chelsea : Okay .
Daniel : Can you handle that ? All right .
Stephanie : Hey , you re up .
Chelsea : Yeah .
Stephanie : Dr. Jonas , nice to see you again .
Daniel : Stephanie .
Stephanie : Um , I heard the operation was a big success thanks to you .
Daniel : Nah , that s just a rumor I made up .
Stephanie : [ Laughs ]
Daniel : However , I m going to need a favor from you .
Stephanie : Okay , sure .
Daniel : Could you make sure our little donorette here gets some rest ?
Stephanie : Got it . He is so hot ! He s like a TV star with a scalpel . Gosh ! No wonder you volunteered for this surgery .
Chelsea : Oh , yeah .
Stephanie : I do nt want to be a donor or anything , but do you think he d at least just take a look at my pancreas ?
Chelsea : You are such a nerd .
Stephanie : You look pretty good . How are you feeling ?
Chelsea : [ Groans ] Tired , sore , but okay .
Stephanie : Do you know anything about how your dad s doing ?
Chelsea : Um , Dr. Jonas said that the surgery went well , and so far , there are no complications . We re just waiting to see if my dad s body accepts the transplant .
Stephanie : How amazing is that ? You saved your dad s life .
Chelsea : It s pretty cool , huh ?
Stephanie : Chelsea , can I ask you something ?
Chelsea : Yeah .
Stephanie : Is Dr. Jonas single ?
Chelsea : Shut up .
Tony : I m sorry to hear that Bo is ill .
Anna : Yes , he s having some partial pancreas transplant .
Tony : Hmm . Dear God . Can that even be done ?
Anna : Apparently . They ve got some hotshot doctor on the case , but it s still pretty chancy .
Tony : What s that got to do with your intern ? She s not the hotshot doctor , is she ?
Anna : [ Chuckles ] No . Bo s daughter Chelsea is the donor , and my intern , Stephanie , is her cousin and best friend . And Bo is also her uncle .
Tony : I see .
Anna : So , I ca nt very well tell her that she ca nt be at the hospital with her uncle and her cousin . It s a matter of life and death .
Tony : Yes , I can certainly see that . But your situation being short - staffed is not .
Anna : No , but it s urgent .
Tony : How so ?
Anna : Ugh ! I do nt know . It s so crazy . I ca nt -- I work for some guy who owns the company that I ve never even seen .
Tony : Never ?
Anna : Never . Never ! I ve got a ghost boss , an intern who s missing in action , and there s this account I really want to get .
Tony : Oh , yes . Kate Roberts new product line .
Anna : Yes .
Tony : Well , you know , there are a few agencies vying for that account . Do you have any ideas ?
Anna : Yes , I do .
Tony : Oh . How nostalgic .
Ethan : Oh , it s on paper . I remember seeing that in school .
Tony : Anna , in the interest of full disclosure , we are working on a few ideas for Kate Roberts ourselves .
Anna : Oh . Well , I hope you re not planning on stealing my idea .
Tony : Oh , you have my word . That idea is yours and yours alone .
Anna : So , do you mind me asking you , what have you guys come up with ?
Tony : Well , we have a few rough concepts .
Anna : Could I see them ?
Tony : Sure . Ethan . But , as I said , they are still under development .
Anna : Oh .
Max : Did you get to sleep at all ?
Philip : No . Not a bit .
Lexie : Excuse me , everyone . I have some news .
Max : So , how s Bo doing ?
Lexie : The surgery went well . He just woke up a little while ago .
Shawn D. : So , he s okay ?
Lexie : As far as we can tell , there have nt been any complications .
Shawn D. : Can we go see him ?
Lexie : I really should nt do this , but you ve been waiting all night , so if you want to go in for a little while , I ll allow it . But I want him to take it easy , so do nt make him exert himself , okay ?
Shawn D. : Sure . Let s go .
Philip : Can I talk to you for a minute ?
Belle : Yeah . What s up ?
Philip : Actually , that s what I wanted to ask you .
Hope : You had the surgery . Dr. Jonas did the transplant .
Bo : No , too much of a risk for Chelsea .
Hope : She wanted to do it . Bo , if she had nt , you would have died .
Bo : I did nt give my permission .
Hope : I signed the consent papers . I know . I know it is nt what you wanted , but I was nt about to stand by and let you die . And neither was Chelsea . And you did nt . You made it . You re alive .
Bo : And Chelsea ?
Kayla : She s fine , Bo . Everything went perfectly .
Hope : She knows that you would have done exactly the same thing for her or me or anyone that you love . You ca nt be mad . Do nt be mad . She did it cause she loves you .
Caroline : None of us can bear the thought of losing you , Bo . Honey , a lot went on while you were asleep . The surgeon that Victor found did a tremendous job . Victor ca nt always express his love for you , but his actions spoke louder than words .
Bo : Chelsea , too .
Caroline : Oh , yeah . You re gon na be so proud of her . So brave . She gave part of herself to save your life . She did it with her heart . And there s your sister here , Kayla . Had a very tough first trimester . But she was determined to see you through this . And she did . And then there s Lexie . She had your back . If I m in a bar fight , I would like her to be on my side . [ Laughter ] She is relentless , you know ? I now know why the board made you chief of staff . And your son , Shawn -- steady as a rock . And Max took such good care of me . And Roman was here , absolutely . And Abe . And ... last of all ... Hope . She has nt slept or eaten for days , but she put every bit of her energy in seeing that you came through this . I do nt think you could have a better name . Hope .
Hope : [ Laughs ]
Caroline : Cause when we did nt have it , she gave that to us . And those looking down on us -- Pop , my beloved husband , Shawn . I knew he would nt let us down . So , I give thanks . And you rest now , secure and safe in their loving arms . And I thank ... the powerful and loving God .
Anna : How did you do that ?
Tony : Oh , it s the art department . Can I see more of your portfolio ?
Anna : Uh , no . No . These are just some rough sketches . [ Laughs ] I have nt had a chance to get them to our art department yet .
Tony : I must say your work is very interesting , very much like , uh , Grandma Moses .
Anna : Well , I just did nt want it to be slick , you know . Advertising these days can be very slick .
Tony : I could nt agree with you more .
Anna : And there s something to be said for sophistication .
Tony : Absolutely .
Anna : So , I wanted our approach to be simple , but sophisticated .
Tony : Mm - hmm .
Anna : Edgy , but mellow .
Tony : Hot , but cold .
Anna : Yes . No .
Tony : Yes , but no ?
Anna : Tony , can I be straight with you ?
Tony : Straight , but crooked .
Anna : Stop it . I could use a little help .
Tony : Oh , you could use a little help ? Oh . Oh , I do nt need you , Tony . I do nt want you . I want to be independent . But at the first sign of difficulty , you come running back to me .
Anna : How dare you throw that in my face , especially in front of Elon and Margo ?
Ethan : Ethan .
Morgan : Morgan .
Tony : Oh , come on , Anna . Admit it . You do nt need Ethan . You need me .
Anna : Do nt flatter yourself .
Tony : Oh , admit it . You do want me . Do nt be so hardheaded .
Anna : I am not the one who s hardheaded .
Tony : Oh , really ?
Anna : Really . You are , and I ll prove it to you .
Tony : Oh !
Kayla : [ Laughs ] You know , you are really too much . When did you have time to buy all these little petals ?
Steve : When you were getting a haircut , baby .
Kayla : You are crazy . Honestly , I do nt know what I did to deserve this .
Steve : I ll tell you what you did . You pushed medicine into new frontiers and saved your brother s life all in one fell swoop . That s what you did .
Kayla : Oh , stop .
Steve : We re celebrating . I had them send up some champagne .
Kayla : That is very considerate of you , but I ca nt drink champagne in my condition .
Steve : I m just kidding , baby . It s not champagne . It s cider . But it s still bubbly . We are gon na toast Dr. Kayla Johnson .
Kayla : And Lexie and Dr. Jonas , too .
Steve : Okay . All right . I ll toast them , but you re the only doctor I want to kiss .
Kayla : [ Laughs ] To Dr. Kayla Johnson and all those other doctors . Mmm .
Kayla : Mmm .
Steve : Ahh ! I needed that . Okay .
Kayla : What next ?
Steve : Here s the remote .
Kayla : Oh .
Steve : The only thing you re allowed to do is relax .
Kayla : Uh - huh .
Steve : I m gon na go get us something to eat . Hey , little peanut ! What would you like to eat ? Uh - huh . Turkey sandwich , Russian dressing , on rye , a salad , and a piece of pie . Okay . That sound good to you ?
Kayla : Sounds great .
Steve : All right , I ll be right back . You ... relax .
Kayla : Okay .
Steve : Do nt drink all that cider .
Kayla : Okay . Oh .
Belle : Yeah . I ve been meaning to talk to you . It s just , with everything going on --
Philip : I know it s been hectic , but I just feel like there s this other thing happening , like there s this weird thing going on . Am I imagining that ?
Belle : Philip , you ve been really wonderful to me over the last few months . I really do nt know what I would have done without you .
Philip : I care about you .
Belle : I care about you , just not like that . [ Laughs ]
Philip : We ve been all through this , okay ?
Belle : Yeah .
Philip : I m okay with you and Shawn . I want you guys to be happy .
Belle : We are happy . We re just not gon na be close by .
Philip : What does that mean ?
Belle : Well , you know how Shawn used to always talk about how he and his parents sailed around the world when he was a kid and all these great places they went and these wonderful people they met . Well , I just think that sounds awesome . And now that we ve finally gotten through all of our problems and we ve reconnected , we ve decided to do that , too .
Philip : Sail around the world ?
Belle : Well , not until Bo s better , obviously , but yeah .
Philip : Wow , then you re taking Claire . I m never gon na see her again , am I ?
Belle : No , that s not true . Come on . We re gon na call . We ll e - mail . We ll visit . Besides , Claire loves you .
Philip : And I love her . I just wanted to be a part of her life , you know ?
Belle : You will be . I promise .
Philip : [ Sighs ] Man , that s a lot to deal with .
Belle : Yeah , it is .
Philip : Well , Belle Black Brady ... all I can say is bon voyage . I ll miss you .
Belle : Thank you .
Stephanie : Oh , I made you something . See ?
Chelsea : Cute .
Stephanie : [ Laughs ]
Chelsea : You did nt make it .
Stephanie : Okay , my Dad made it in the waiting room . We were all going crazy with worry . There were a ton of people waiting to see how you and your dad are .
Chelsea : Really ?
Stephanie : Yes . Including Nick . We all hung out all night , but he had to go . He s teaching right now . But he said he s coming back as soon as he can .
Chelsea : Good .
Stephanie : You know , what you did for your dad is pretty amazing , and I do nt want to sound like your mom , but I m really proud of you .
Chelsea : I m actually kind of proud of myself .
Stephanie : Being a donor -- that s so brave .
Chelsea : That s what Dr. Jonas said , too .
Stephanie : You two seemed to hit it off .
Chelsea : Oh , yeah . Yeah . You , um , should have seen us last night when I was drunk . We were really going at it .
Stephanie : Sounds pretty hot , actually .
Chelsea : Okay , I did nt mean it that way .
Stephanie : Well , I would nt worry about anything because I think everything turned out just right .
Chelsea : Yeah . It did . You know , when Dr. Jonas told me that I did a good job , it made me feel really good about myself . I have nt been this happy in a really long time .
Kate : Ahh , Doctor . May I speak to you for a moment ?
Daniel : Are you sure you would nt rather punch me ? I thought you went home to rest .
Kate : Well , yes , I m going to , but I wanted to speak to you about Chelsea first . How is she really doing ?
Daniel : She s young and healthy , so she should recover relatively quickly . After some food and fluids , she ll be feeling tip - top .
Kate : Well , that s good , but I know that it s major surgery , so I want to make sure that you re checking in on her regularly .
Daniel : Uh , absolutely . Yeah , we would nt want any complications , like infection .
Kate : Okay , look . I know that your main concern is Bo , but if you do nt make sure that Chelsea recovers completely , then you re going to have to deal with me .
Daniel : Well , no worries . Chelsea will be fine . She should nt have to hang in this hack shack for long , okay ?
Kate : Translation ?
Daniel : Translation would be she s gon na be out of this hospital soon .
Kate : Good . Make sure of it .
Tony : Well , I suppose one could consider this being deconstructing art . Hmm ... Morgan , Ethan , would you please excuse us ?
Ethan : Are you gon na be all right ?
Tony : Oh , I m going to be fine . I ca nt vouch for anyone else .
Anna : [ Laughs ] Tony , that s not a very friendly smile .
Tony : It s not .
Steve : You know , baby ... when I was watching Bo and Hope in the hospital , I realized how lucky we are .
Kayla : We are .
Steve : Let me get you some more water .
Kayla : Ow .
Hope : Hi , Dr. Jonas .
Daniel : Hi . How s Bo doing ?
Hope : He woke up for a little bit .
Daniel : Yeah .
Hope : Been sleeping ever since . He looks awfully pale to me .
Daniel : That s to be expected . He ll get his color back in a couple of days .
Hope : How s Chelsea ? Have you seen her ?
Daniel : She s up and talking , had a couple visitors . But she s doing surprisingly well .
Hope : That s wonderful .
Daniel : Yeah . Maybe we just got lucky . But you need to get your butt out of here for a bit so I can examine your husband , okay ?
Hope : I ll be right outside . Hi .
Roman : Where s Ma ?
Hope : She went to the chapel to pray and give thanks . It s been a pretty emotional day .
Shawn D. : How s Dad doing ?
Hope : Dr. Jonas is in with him right now . I m hoping the worst is behind us .
Anna : Now , hold on a minute , Tony . Think before you act .
Tony : Advice you d do well to take yourself .
Anna : Do nt lose your temper , huh ?
Tony : Worried you might find it ?
Anna : Violence never solved anything .
Tony : You re acting like a spoiled little brat . And do you know what I do to spoiled little brats ?
Anna : Spoil them more ?
Tony : No , I like to spank them .
Anna : No . No , because I bruise very easily .
Tony : Ah , you know what ? You re a brat .
Anna : You re a beast .
Tony : And you re spoiled .
Anna : You re smug .
Tony : Oh , yes ? And you re childish .
Anna : Callous !
Tony : Just admit it . You need me .
Anna : I admit nothing !
Tony : Admit it . You want me .
Anna : I want you .
Stephanie : Wait , wait , wait . What are you doing ?
Chelsea : I m gon na go see my Dad .
Stephanie : You ca nt . Lie down .
Chelsea : Why ?
Stephanie : For starters , you re hooked up to all this equipment , which I know is there for a reason . Plus , you re probably too weak to stand . And I told that hunk posing as your doctor that I d make you rest . In case you forgot , you just had major surgery .
Chelsea : Well , in case you forgot , I had the surgery for my Father . So , I think it s fair for me to be able to go see him , do nt you ?
Stephanie : I ll make you a deal . I will go to his room , check everything out , and come back with a full detailed report . Cool ?
Chelsea : [ Coughs ]
Stephanie : Goodness . Here . Drink out of your little straw . What ?
Chelsea : I just ca nt get over the fact that there s a part of me inside my Father that might help him live .
Stephanie : It s pretty amazing , huh ?
Chelsea : Yeah . I just hope that it works .
Stephanie : It will . Just think , you gave your dad a life - changing miracle .
Chelsea : It was really a miracle for me , too , and definitely life - changing .
Anna : I do nt know about you , but I definitely feel more relaxed .
Tony : Oh , love in the afternoon ! You know , this could replace our 3-martini lunch .
Anna : And no hangover . [ Knock on door ]
Ethan : Is everything all right in there ?
Tony : Yes . We ll be right there . We ll be right there .
Anna : Oh , my gosh . Where s -- where s my -- where s my book ? Okay , there s my book . Oh . Hang on . My lipstick looks better on me . Ooh . Okay , um ... my purse .
Tony : Your purse is right here .
Anna : Thanks . Okay . Okay . I m missing an earring .
Tony : And let that be a message to you , missy .
Anna : Well , if you think you can use your big office and your minions to muscle this account away from me , mister , you re very much mistaken .
Stephanie : Promise me that if I go check on your dad , you re not gon na pull some crazy stunt like try to get out of bed or , I do nt know , have a drink .
Chelsea : Ew . I promise .
Stephanie : I mean , you just had major surgery , okay ? You have to be careful . You could still get sick , so ...
Chelsea : Okay , Nurse Stephanie , I got it .
Stephanie : I m not kidding .
Chelsea : You re mean today . Look ... I promised my Dad that I would get well . And I m gon na keep that promise .
Shawn D. : So , how s my Dad doing ?
Daniel : Well , uh , the surgery went well . There were no complications . He s got a lot going for him -- excellent conditioning , a stubborn streak about a mile long .
Hope : That s true .
Daniel : Stubborn determination can be a real boon to recovery , and Bo definitely wants to get healthy , so ...
Roman : So , sounds like he s gon na pull through just fine , right ?
Daniel : We ve been giving him antirejection drugs , and that should be the real test . If Chelsea s partial pancreas picks up the slack for Bo s and his body does nt reject it , well , there s no reason why he ca nt make a full recovery . Now , that is two huge , huge ifs .
Shawn D. : How s Chelsea doing ?
Daniel : Oh , awesome .
Belle : That s wonderful .
Hope : Dr. Jonas , I ... I do nt know how I ll ever be able to thank you enough for everything you ve done .
Bo : Hope ?
Max : I thought you might like to know your company just had two shipments of cargo placed under quarantine .
John : What can I do for you ?
Belle : We came over to say goodbye . Shawn and Claire and I are leaving .
Steve : There s something I need to tell you .
Kayla : That sounds serious .
Steve : It is .
### Summary:
| Both Bo and Chelsea make it through the surgery . Dr. Jonas is confident both will recover . Steve brings Kayla home to celebrate and relax . Kayla hides some sudden cramping from Steve . Philip corners Belle into telling him about their travel plans . Stephanie visits with Chelsea while Kate threatens Dr. Jonas should he not give Chelsea the best care . Bo wakes up panicked and alone in his room . Anna requests to use one of Tony s staff members since her intern , Stephanie , is busy at the hospital . Tony , after mocking Anna s archaic proposal for Kate s new product line , accuses Anna of really coming to ask for his help . Anna retorts by crashing Tony s head through his new painting but soon they both end up making love on the couch . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Caroline : Is it possible ? Please tell me .
Doctor : That you re carrying another man s child ?
Caroline : It was just -- it was one night , and it was a mistake . Please , is there , like , a test ? Is there any way to know , anything ? I ca nt leave here without knowing who the father is .
Brooke : Maybe you should see a fertility expert . I know you have complete faith in your urologist , but still ...
Ridge : He ran the tests numerous times . He can run it a thousand times . It makes no difference . The result s the same . I m ... sterile . I married Caroline cause I want to give her a baby , and now ...
Brooke : Caroline loves you no matter what . Okay , yes , maybe she ll be a little disappointed , but she ll come around in the end . But first you have to tell her about the vasectomy and why you kept it from her . You ca nt hold anything back .
Steffy : Have you seen Quinn ? Her designs -- they re all wrong .
Thomas : What s wrong with them ?
Steffy : Well , for starters , they re nothing like she pitched .
Thomas : You mean like Ivy and she pitched . Steff , are you having second thoughts about letting Ivy go ?
Ivy : [ Chuckles ] [ Groans ] Okay , I should probably get going .
Wyatt : No , are you out of your mind , woman ? No , you just got here .
Ivy : Oh , okay .
Wyatt : No . Mnh - mnh .
Ivy : It s just ...
Wyatt : Mnh - mnh .
Ivy : I do nt want to interrupt your work .
Wyatt : No . What work ? I have been staring at a computer screen for the better part of today .
Ivy : Why ? You ca nt concentrate ?
Wyatt : I mean , I figured it d be easier working from home and not have to go in the office and see Liam s smug face , but ... I just wish Dad had nt shot down my fashion - house idea .
Ivy : Hey , he did nt want to pit brother against brother . Look , I understand that , and I do nt like saying it , but I respect your dad for it . And I love you for trying , so thanks .
Wyatt : You know what ? So what if -- if you re not at Forrester ? Another fashion house is gon na snap you up like that .
Ivy : Wyatt , it s just -- it s frustrating . It s frustrating ! If Steffy just had nt have fired me -- which , by the way , I do nt really understand . I mean , no , I should nt have used that video , but I deleted it !
Wyatt : I know .
Ivy : I deleted it . And then she has me escorted out of the building . That was humiliating . It was so wrong .
Wyatt : So wrong .
Ivy : Forrester Creations is my family business , too . I wo nt be kept away . Steffy ca nt get away with this .
Wyatt : [ Chuckling ] Whoa , whoa , slugger , okay ? You may want to think about this for a second .
Ivy : Why ? I have just as much right being at Forrester as Steffy does .
Wyatt : I agree ! But there s a little matter of the video , remember ? Steffy has nt told anyone why she fired you . And if you push her --
Quinn : Push who ? What s going on ?
Wyatt : Uh , nothing . Nothing . Ivy and I were just talking about stuff and things .
Quinn : Ah , you plotting a way to get your job back at Forrester ?
Ivy : What ?
Quinn : Oh , I m right , are nt I ?
Ivy : No , we re -- we re not -- we re not plotting . I mean , I m just -- I m gon na go back down to Forrester , and I m gon na try speaking to Steffy again , and hopefully this time I ll get through to her .
Steffy : Why would I have second thoughts ? Ivy blackmailed me . I ca nt trust her .
Thomas : Steff , she should be thanking you that you only fired her .
Steffy : Oh . Glad you re on my side .
Thomas : Of course , I m on your side . You re my sister . Except for when I m not .
Steffy : Okay .
Thomas : Mm - hmm .
Steffy : Careful . You do nt want to get on the boss s bad side .
Thomas : Not a chance . Besides , Dad and I started off a little rocky , but now that I m on the design team , he seems to be responding really well to everything that I have to offer .
Steffy : Yeah , how s that going ?
Thomas : Great . Great , yeah . Dad s loving everything that I have to give him right now .
Steffy : No , I mean how s it really going , working so closely with Dad and his new wife , given your history with Caroline ?
Brooke : I know you do nt want to disappoint Caroline . But this changes everything .
Ridge : Oh , really ? You do nt think I realize that ? She s wanted a baby for so long , and now I m gon na take that away from her .
Brooke : No , you re not . You ve done everything you possibly can to make it happen , only it s not possible . The longer you keep this from Caroline , the harder it s gon na be for both of you . And you know I m right .
Doctor : If you re asking about a paternity test --
Caroline : Please do nt tell me that it s too early .
Doctor : I m afraid so . Though you said something earlier about your period . Uh , you indicated it was lighter than normal ?
Caroline : Yes .
Doctor : But you said you had it , correct ?
Caroline : Yes . Please , just please tell me that this is my husband s baby . Please .
Quinn : Steffy does nt back down on pretty much anything . What makes you think you re gon na get her to on this ?
Ivy : Well , I at least have to try .
Quinn : Why ? Because you miss working with me so much ?
Ivy : I miss everything at Forrester , actually , even Pam and her lemon bars .
Quinn : Ew ! Ah !
Ivy : And having my defender right down the hall . That was an added bonus , as well .
Quinn : Well , if this guy is in your corner , he s there for life , unlike Liam .
Wyatt : Okay , let s not go there , please .
Quinn : I m just saying , she can count on you in ways she never could with Liam .
Ivy : Look , I know that . Your son has proven that to me in a way that I ll never forget .
Quinn : Proven it in what way ?
Wyatt : Must you know everything , Mom ?
Quinn : Must you be so infuriatingly cryptic all the time ?
Wyatt : You re infuriating .
Ivy : Can we speak about Steffy again , please ? Look , some time has passed , and I think that I can talk to her and -- and get through to her this time .
Quinn : And if you ca nt , what are you gon na do then ?
Thomas : What is it with everyone ? All right , first Brooke , then Nicole , now you ? There s no problem , okay ?
Steffy : I did nt say there was . I m just saying when you first found out about Dad and Caroline --
Thomas : Whoa , whoa , whoa . No , no , no . You had problems with their relationship , too .
Steffy : Yeah , for different reasons than you did .
Thomas : I was concerned for Caroline , all right ? I thought Dad was gon na let her down just like he did with Brooke and Mom . I was wrong , okay ? He totally stepped up .
Steffy : Agreeing to be a father again , you mean ?
Thomas : Having a child is everything to Caroline . Granted , Dad was nt initially gung - ho about the whole thing , but now nothing is gon na stop him from giving his wife the child of her dreams .
Brooke : So , how much longer do you think Caroline will be ?
Ridge : I do nt know . I know you mean well , and you want to -- want to help , but ...
Brooke : You do nt want me around when she returns .
Ridge : I just want to be alone with my wife .
Brooke : I ll say it again . There are other ways that you can have a child together .
Ridge : I ll say it again . Caroline wants to have a child with me . That s why she went to the doctor s office . She wants to make sure that everything is in place so it can happen . But it ca nt happen . As long as Caroline s with me , she s never gon na be pregnant .
Caroline : Please just tell me that I m carrying my husband s child .
Doctor : You really had no idea you might be pregnant ?
Caroline : I was on the pill !
Doctor : It s a very effective form of birth control , but none are 100 % , especially if you miss a day or two .
Caroline : [ Sighs ] I was just so , so stressed out back then , and ... oh , my God . I could be carrying ...
Doctor : Caroline , listen to me . I understand why you might be upset . It sounds as if you had your period . This pregnancy would have come after . In my opinion , for now there s no reason to believe this is nt your husband s child .
Caroline : [ Sighs ]
Doctor : We can do some more tests to be certain when you re a little further along , but given everything you ve told me , I have a really good feeling . Stay positive . It ca nt be stressing the two of you .
Caroline : Okay . Okay , um ... is there anything that I should be doing ?
Doctor : We ll get you started on prenatal vitamins . Beyond that , you re a very healthy young woman . I do nt foresee any problems .
Caroline : [ Sighs ] It s our first baby . Oh , I ca nt wait to tell my husband . [ Chuckles ]
Wyatt : [ Sighs ] Well , Ivy should be there by now .
Quinn : You re really worried about her , are nt you ?
Wyatt : Yeah , she really wants back in at Forrester . It s not that it ca nt happen , but still ...
Quinn : But it s all up to Steffy now .
Wyatt : You know what ? If Liam was such a good guy ...
Quinn : [ Scoffs ]
Wyatt : ... He would stand up to his girlfriend for Ivy .
Quinn : Because Liam s track record with women is sickening , the way he treated Hope and now Ivy ? And yet he s still considered the fair - haired wonder boy .
Wyatt : Yeah , especially in Dad s eyes .
Quinn : What does your dad have to do with all this ?
Wyatt : What ? Nothing ! I -- we re not talking about Dad here . We re talking about Ivy , okay ? And you -- you . I do nt get you . Practically since the moment you found out Ivy was let go , you were calling me , saying what a great opportunity this is gon na be for us , oh , my God . And now all of a sudden you re on her side .
Quinn : I m not allowed to change my mind ?
Wyatt : Yeah . But this is like an instant 180 . What is your problem ?
Quinn : Because I can see how you feel about her . And I can see how she feels about you . And , you know , in certain ways , your situations are very similar .
Wyatt : Yeah . Yeah , we were both disrespected by Liam and Steffy . A big cost , too . And maybe that s about to change , you know ? At least I m hoping so for Ivy .
Ivy : I slipped by security .
Steffy : Why are you here , Ivy ?
Ivy : Steffy , I think I ve been punished enough . I think it s about time I get back to Forrester to do some work , do nt you ?
Thomas : Hey . Is , uh , Dad here ?
Brooke : Uh , did you need him for something ?
Thomas : Yeah , well , I just wanted him to check out the tweaks I made to this design that he saw earlier .
Brooke : Ohh , let me see .
Thomas : Ah , ah , ah , ah , ah . Only if you promise to tell me how brilliant this is . All right , all right .
Brooke : [ Laughs ] It is brilliant .
Thomas : No , seriously , come on . Tell me what you really think .
Brooke : No , I - I really think it s good . It s really amazing . And I think being a part of the California Freedom design team really has enhanced your career . It s brought a lot of energy and excitement to your designs .
Thomas : Yeah . Thank you for that . It s really challenging me , you know , making me dig deep for stuff . So , uh , where is he , though ? Dad ?
Brooke : Oh , he had to go home to be with Caroline . There s something they needed to talk about . In private .
Caroline : Champagne ? Pour me a glass . Actually , on second thought , do nt . Oh . Ah . Scotch . Uh - oh . What happened ? Was there , like , a crisis at work ? I leave for like a minute to go to the doctor s appointment and then the whole place falls apart . Well , fear not , cause I have some amazing news . I thought about it the whole way home how I was gon na tell you , and I think I know how you re gon na react . Well , I hope I know how you re gon na -- I m getting ahead of myself . I should just start from the beginning . So , I was at the doctor , and , oh , God . I ca nt believe it . Ah . I still ca nt believe it , actually . And --
Ridge : Hey . There s something I have to tell you first .
Caroline : Babe , but ca nt it wait ? Cause I m kind of on a roll here , and I just feel like ... oh . Okay . Yeah , yeah , you go -- you go first .
Quinn : Why are nt you fighting back ?
Wyatt : Ugh .
Quinn : Why are nt you hitting Steffy and her lap dog boyfriend where it hurts the most ?
Wyatt : Okay , here we go .
Quinn : Come on , Wyatt . And you know what ? Do nt -- do nt you tell me that it s none of my business , because you re my son . You are -- you are bright , you re talented , you re a natural - born leader . You should be running Forrester Creations and Spencer Publications or -- or you should be creating your own company to go head to head with them !
Wyatt : Who says I have nt tried ?
Steffy : Do nt beat around the bush .
Ivy : I know you feel justified in terminating me .
Steffy : You blackmailed me . I think that s more than enough justification , do nt you ?
Ivy : Steffy , I was nt dealing well with Aly s death , and it still upsets me .
Steffy : We all miss her . But what you did was wrong .
Ivy : I was torn about what I saw in that video . I agree with you . I should nt have used it the way that I did . I should have dealt with my own guilt . Aly was screaming out for help , and I did nt see it or I did nt want to see it .
Steffy : Nobody did .
Ivy : Look , I understand why you do nt want me to continue as the face of Forrester . Things got pretty heated between us . But we ve both had a chance now to step back and cool off . Steffy , I m a Forrester , too . This company is very important to me , and I ve made a valuable contribution to it , one that I know I can make again . So surely , as president , you can see the wisdom in my return . Look , we re family . We should be able to put things behind us and work together for the greater good of the company . I respect your position as president . And I know that I can prove to you that I m a loyal and trustworthy employee . So please , Steffy ... please find it in your heart to allow me to return to Forrester .
Thomas : So Dad wanted some private time with his new bride , huh ?
Brooke : Yes .
Thomas : Well , we both know why . Another one of his famous romantic evenings . Champagne , candlelight , soft music . With any luck , nine months from now , hello , baby Forrester .
Caroline : Everything okay ? You seem very serious .
Ridge : Uh , I want to talk to you ... about Paris .
Caroline : Paris ?
Ridge : Yeah . When I was living abroad , I was at a crossroads in my life , and I had to make a decision about my future . I already had a family . Steffy and Thomas were doing great , and RJ was growing up to be a fine young man , so I , um ... the idea of having another family just never really entered my mind , and -- and when it did , it just seemed like a lot of work . And -- and then you showed up in my life , all perfect and beautiful and loving and giving . And -- and if I had known that you were coming , I ... but I did nt -- I did nt know . So I took the steps to make sure I would never have children again .
Caroline : Uh , what -- steps ? Wait . What steps did you ...
Ridge : I had a vasectomy .
Caroline : What ?
Ridge : So when I said I could nt give you kids , I meant that I - I - I could nt . And I let you go , because I - I did nt want you to be deprived of the joy of motherhood . But then I talked to you on the phone , and you were sad and crying out there on your own with no one to lean on , and -- and ... I realized that if I lost you , I would be lost , too . So I decided that day that I would go and just have the vasectomy reversed . And if you want to have a kid , we ll have a kid . You want 10 kids , we ll have 10 kids . I went to the doctor s office , and he ran tests , and -- and ... and I have this ... condition ... where ... where nothing is viable . And what I m ... I m saying is , I m sorry , Caroline , but I ... I ca nt be the father to your kid .
### Summary:
| Caroline tells her doctor that she can not leave here today until she knows who the father is . There must be some test . Ridge also tells Brooke that he s had tests and he could have a thousand more and it will not change things . Brooke again advises him to tell Caroline . He says Caroline has wanted this for so long and now he finds out he is sterile and it is not possible so he can not tell her now . Thomas asks Steffy if she had had second thoughts in letting Ivy go if she is not that pleased with Quinn s designs . Wyatt kisses Ivy and tells her he is going to work from home today as he can not go in and see that smug face of Liam . And now his dad has shot down his own fashion house . Ivy tells Wyatt that she has as much right to be at FC as Steffy so she will not stand for this . Quinn walks in and wonders if they are plotting a way to get her back into FC . Ivy says they are not plotting but she is going to see Steffy and talk to her again . Wyatt has done all he can and Quinn thinks they are being awfully cryptic . The doctor tells Caroline there is no test immediately to give her the answer but she d like to find out more about this period that Caroline had around the time she had sex with the other guy and is wondering if he could be the father . The doctor says based on everything she has said she has no doubts this is her husband s child and she sees no problems . They will get her started on vitamins right away . Caroline is optimistically happy and ca nt wait to tell Ridge . Ridge tells Brooke that he wants to be alone when Caroline comes back so he d like her to leave . She says again that he needs to tell Caroline and face the future . There are other ways to have a baby . Ridge wo nt hear of that since Caroline wants his baby . Quinn tells Wyatt that Liam s track record with women is sickening . He will not stand up for Ivy against Steffy . They were both disrespected but he hopes that will change today . Ivy slips in past the guards and tells Steffy that she thinks it is about time she came back to work . Thomas wants to show his dad some designs but runs into Brooke instead . She thinks it is brilliant and adding him to the design team has added a plus . She says Ridge went home as he needed to talk to Caroline , something in private . Caroline is not expecting him at home but can not wait to tell him her news . She starts to gush it out but he stops her and says there is something he needs to tell her first . He starts by saying there is something he needs to tell her about Paris . He was living at a crossroad then and trying to decide what to do with his life . His children were all grown except RJ who was turning into a fine young man . Having another family did not cross his mind so he took steps to make sure he never had any more .... he had a vasectomy . So when he had earlier told her he could not give her kids that is what he meant . But then she seemed so broken and cried over the phone and no one to lean on and he knew he had lost her and he would be lost too . So he decided that he would go and have the vasectomy reversed . They can have one kid or ten kids . So he went to the doctor today and he ran tests and Ridge says he is sorry but nothing is viable . He is sorry but he can not be the father to her child . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Phillip : Corporate giant set to bulldoze local eatery . Good .
Gus : Have you seen Alan ?
Phillip : Have you seen this ?
Gus : You re not going to get any sympathy from me , pal .
Phillip : I did nt ask you for any sympathy . Did you see it ?
Gus : No , I have nt seen it . I have nt seen it . But what do you expect when you try to snuff out the little guy ? Honest .
Phillip : How about an impartial headline for starters ? I m going to have to have a little talk with Holly Reade .
Gus : Good for you . You ve found your new target .
Phillip : Although actually it s not so much the headline that s disturbing me . It s more what s inside the article -- which is filled with lots of inside confidential information . And it s not the first time .
Gus : Well , maybe there s a leak .
Phillip : Yeah , maybe there is . I was thinking at first that it might be my new assistant , Ruth , but you know , she has nt been here long enough . But it s definitely somebody here at Spaulding , somebody up high .
Gus : Hmm . Well , who you looking at ?
Phillip : You .
Marina : How about we make you a pretend sundae ? With extra chocolate sauce .
Beth : I ll take a banana split with extra whip cream , please . Hey , Zachy . Hi , Marina . I was hoping you might be open for one last hurrah .
Marina : Nope . We re closed , for good .
Beth : I m so sorry . You know , if there was anything that I could do ...
Marina : No , you do nt . No , you do nt have to say it . Hey , Zach , we ve got to get going and get you up to your dad s .
Zach : I do nt want to go . He s mean .
Tammy : JB ?
JB : Where s your bedroom ? Why , you re not glad to see me ?
Tammy : No , I am . I am . I just ... I do nt think I m ready . Later , babe .
JB : Hey , Mom , long time no see .
Blake : Daddy , I still have nt heard from you . Listen , your letter made it sound like you would be here . So I am at the restaurant in Towers , your old stomping grounds . And if you need me to pick you up or anything at all would you please call me ? I m so glad you re coming , especially now .
Reva : Hey , Blake . You waiting for somebody ?
Blake : Ross , we were celebrating Dinah s release .
Reva : Oh , well , that sounds like a party .
Jeffrey : Okay , I got your message . What do you want ?
Dinah : Thank you for checking on me last night .
Jeffrey : Dinah , I do nt have time for these games anymore .
Dinah : Yeah , but you re here . So obviously you care . I m fine though , even though I had to hitchhike home . I know how you worry .
Jeffrey : I knew this was a waste of time .
Ross : Jeffrey , what are you doing here ?
Reva : There s Ross , I guess the celebration can start . Are you expecting someone else ?
Blake : ( gasps ) No , I just do nt want to be here .
Blake : I mean , what was Cassie thinking ? Why would she ever let Dinah go free ?
Reva : I do nt know . She sounded pretty shut down when I talked to her . But I m sure she had her reasons .
Blake : Well , I ca nt imagine what they could be . I just hope that somebody takes care of that murderous little twit .
Marina : Hey , your dad loves you so much .
Beth : Of course he does . And you should see him when he knows you re coming over to the house .
Zach : Why ?
Beth : Why ? Because he whistles , and I know your dad well enough to know that he only whistles when he is really , really happy .
Marina : That s right . And your dad would be so sad if you did nt go see him . You do nt want your daddy to be sad , do you ? Hey , do nt you go too far . I do nt know . We re so careful not to say anything bad about his dad .
Beth : Oh , you d be surprised on what kids pick up on their own .
Marina : I guess .
Beth : I have so many regrets about Lizzie , all the things that went on around her when she was younger .
Marina : I do nt want him to hurt like Lizzie .
Beth : Nobody does , especially not Phillip . Marina , I m going to talk to you later .
Marina : Well , thanks , again .
Gus : Phillip , I am not your leak .
Phillip : If you say so .
Gus : Yeah , I say so . You know what ? Let me tell you something . Because you know what ? Everybody is afraid of you . So let me tell you , there s a lot of people that hate you . A lot of people would like to take you down .
Phillip : Yeah , that s true . But this is somebody on the inside , somebody with access .
Gus : So keep your eye peeled . What can I say ?
Phillip : Oh , Gus , I m going to do so much more than that . I m going to start calling people in here and firing them until I get what I want .
Gus : That s good . Make all of your employees resent you . You do nt care ?
Phillip : No , I do nt . Why should I ?
Gus : Call me naive , but people usually like to do things for you if they like you .
Phillip : You know what , Gus ? You may actually have a point . It may be the best thing to do to let this person have just enough rope .
Gus : You re actually going to take my advice ?
Phillip : Yeah . Yeah , this once we re going to do it your way . It s not a big deal . I can fight this . I have a TV station . What s the point if I ca nt use it to my own advantage ?
Gus : You re right . What s the point ? I ve got to go . See you around . ( phone rings ) yeah , it s Gus Aitoro . Well , yeah , yeah , it was a very good story . Well , look , it s just that my brother sees it one - way and I see it another . Yes , yes . Believe me , you ll be the first to know if there s any further acquisitions , okay ? I ve got to go . Thanks . Whoa .
Beth : Phillip s right . You re leaking information to the press .
JB : Hey .
Tammy : Hey . Where did you go ?
JB : Out .
Tammy : Well , I know that . I ... I ... I thought maybe you d be here when I woke up .
JB : Oh , do nt sweat it . We re cool .
Tammy : I thought maybe because we did nt ... I do nt know .
JB : What ? You think my only objective is to get you between the sheets ? What kind of guy do you think I am ?
Tammy : I m sorry . I m being dumb . I saw your note and I did nt know what to think .
JB : You thought I d just split and would nt come back ? I ll save that until after we finally do it .
Tammy : You re playing with me , right ?
JB : You know what you ve got , do nt you ? Hmm ? What you are ? Guys do nt walk away from someone like you .
Tammy : Yeah , right .
JB : Not this guy .
Tammy : Really ?
JB : You turn me on like crazy . Ca nt you tell ?
Tammy : I hope so .
JB : Well , you wo nt have to hope . You ll see . Soon .
Tammy : You want to maybe grab some breakfast ?
JB : No . You could make me some .
Tammy : Okay . What do you want ?
JB : I m kidding . Come here . This is exactly where I want to be .
Jeffrey : It s a public place , Ross . Maybe I want to eat something .
Ross : Well , that s fine . Just do nt be bothering my daughter .
Dinah : Daddy , it s okay . It s good that Mr. ONeill is here . He can see for himself I m not cooking any evil plans .
Blake : Do nt you usually do that over a caldron ?
Dinah : Blake , today is my first day of freedom . I m not going to let you ruin that .
Ross : She s not going to try and ruin it , sweetheart . Are you , Blake ?
Blake : I need some air .
Jeffrey : I need a drink .
Reva : Give my boy a big kiss , too . And be safe . Joshua , can you hear me ? Oh , I m , losing ... I m losing you . I love you . Bye .
Waiter : Mrs. Lewis ?
Reva : Yes .
Waiter : You have a message .
Reva : Oh , thank you .
Waiter : You re welcome .
Blake : Oh , daddy , where are you ?
Young man : Chrissy ?
Tammy : You know , I really do nt mind getting you something to eat . I mean , we do nt have much , but I can get you toast .
JB : I m cool . I do nt need anything .
Tammy : Yogurt , maybe ?
JB : Are you hungry ?
Tammy : Not really .
JB : Then get back over here . Come on . Unless you do nt want to .
Tammy : I want to .
JB : Do nt be shy . You re so tense .
Tammy : I m sorry . I guess I m just kind of nervous .
JB : Oh , do nt be nervous . Look , if it happens , it happens . If it does nt , you know , that s okay , too . Could be kind of hot , though .
Tammy : Here ?
JB : Why not ?
Tammy : I do nt know . It s the living room . I just thought it would be a little bit more ...
JB : Romantic ? Like with flowers and stuff ?
Tammy : Yeah . Do nt you think that would be nice ?
JB : I m a guy . I do nt need all that stuff . I mean , I m all about you ... Just having fun . You want me to fix you a drink ?
Tammy : This early ?
JB : It ll help you relax . Does nt mean we re going to get down and dirty . I mean I could do the flower thing if I have to , but you ll enjoy it either way . ( knock at the door )
Tammy : Aunt Reva .
Reva : Hi , sweetie .
Tammy : What are you doing back here ?
Reva : Well , I got message from your mom and she wanted me to come check on you .
Tammy : Oh , I m ... I m fine .
Reva : Mind if I come in ?
JB : Hey , what s up ?
Reva : What s going on ?
JB : Oh , we re just hanging out . You want to join us ?
Gus : Look , do nt blame me . Okay , I just ca nt stand around and watch him blow up company . It s the Coopers only lifeline .
Beth : I was just at company . I hate what he s doing . And it s starting to affect Zach , and that is inexcusable .
Gus : All right . So there you go .
Beth : Well , do nt worry . I m not going to tell Phillip .
Gus : You re not ?
Beth : No .
Gus : Well , what are you doing here ?
Beth : He needs to know about Zach . He needs to take stock of his actions and how it s affecting his son .
Phillip : What do you mean that Olivia s back in the country ? How did that happen ? Do nt give me excuses , O Hagen . No . No . I ll take care of it .
Dinah : Hey , why do nt you join us for breakfast ?
Jeffrey : Thanks , but it s a little early for fireworks .
Dinah : Well , you used to love explosions early in the morning .
Jeffrey : That s good . So why do nt you tell me what you want ? Why d you ask me here ?
Dinah : I would like to bury the hatchet .
Jeffrey : Yeah , in my back . This is about last night , is nt it ? You re angry about last night .
Dinah : Good for you . Okay , score one for the DA . Yes , I was angry . You were going to let Cassie kill me .
Jeffrey : It was a negotiating tactic , Dinah .
Dinah : Negotiating tactic , my butt . You wanted her to pull the trigger . You wanted to get rid of me . I know .
Jeffrey : This is news to you ?
Dinah : Would you make up your mind ? One minute you want to bed me ; the next minute you want to throw me off a cliff .
Jeffrey : Or off the Towers .
Dinah : We could be so good together if you were nt so bloody ...
Jeffrey : Do nt even say it .
Dinah : Say what ?
Jeffrey : Laurel Falls is over , okay ? That was last night . It s history . If you want retaliate , retaliate against me , but leave Cassie Winslow out of it .
Dinah : I was going to say we would be so good together if you were nt so bloody pigheaded . Cassie never crossed my mind .
Blake : Oh , I m sorry . I thought you were my ...
Man : Your father . I know .
Blake : Who are you ?
Sebastian : Sebastian Hulce .
Blake : Sebastian ?
Sebastian : Mm - hmm .
Blake : You picked up my father s phone once .
Sebastian : Yeah . It s a pleasure to meet you , Christina .
Blake : You know , my father s the only person who calls me that . Do you work for him ?
Sebastian : No , no . Well ... No , not really .
Blake : Is he here ?
Sebastian : No .
Blake : All right . I ve been waiting for him . I ve been expecting him . Do you know where he is ?
Sebastian : Chrissy , I m so sorry to tell you this , but Roger s dead .
Blake : No , my ... My ... My dad is alive . I mean , he just wrote to me .
Sebastian : To say good - bye .
Blake : No . He ... He wrote to me to tell me that he was coming into town , to help me . I mean I have his letter right here .
Sebastian : I know . I mailed it .
Blake : Yeah , but you do nt know what was inside of it .
Sebastian : Chrissy , he wanted to be here with you more than anything , but he knew he could nt .
Blake : All right , all right . Why are you saying these things to me ?
Sebastian : Because Roger was too sick to travel . He was dying .
Blake : No .
Sebastian : It s the truth .
Blake : No . You know what ? I do nt believe you . I do nt even know who you are .
Sebastian : I was with him until the very end .
Blake : All right . All right , now I know you re lying , because he would have wanted me there and my mother .
Sebastian : Roger did nt feel like the man he used to be . He wanted you and your mother to remember his strength .
Blake : All right , what are you doing here ? Did Dinah put you up to this ?
Sebastian : No .
Blake : All right , because that makes total sense .
Sebastian : I know how difficult this is for you to hear . I have proof .
Blake : What is this ?
Sebastian : Your father s ashes . He wanted me to bring them to you .
Beth : Phillip ?
Phillip : Uh ... You know , Beth , it s not a good time .
Beth : Is it ever a good time for you anymore , a time when you re not angry ?
Phillip : I m not angry ; I m just having a bad morning . I ve got a little problem with Olivia that I have to take care of . It s not a big deal . I just have to put her in her place .
Beth : The same way you put the Cooper s in their place ?
Phillip : Okay , look , if you came here to beg me to reconsider what I m doing with Company , you re wasting your time .
Beth : I did nt come here to beg you for anything , but I was hoping you would see the error of your ways .
Phillip : Would you just stop , okay ? I m not in the mood for this right now .
Beth : And I could nt care less . But obviously you do nt either .
Phillip : That s not true , Beth . I happen to care a hell of a lot about my family .
Beth : Oh , yeah ?
Phillip : Yes .
Beth : Well , tell that to your son .
Phillip : What s wrong with James ?
Beth : Zach ! His last name may be Spaulding , but he s still a Cooper .
Phillip : Zach will be fine . All my children will be fine .
Beth : Phillip , you ca nt really believe that !
Phillip : Yes , I do .
Beth : Okay . Then I guess there s nothing more I can say .
Gus : What happened ?
Beth : I ve never seen him like that .
Gus : No , wait . What happened ? You told me that you were his moral compass , like ... He listens to you . What happened with that ?
Beth : Gone .
Gus : Well , is it ... You think just today , or ... ?
Beth : I do nt know . But you asked me before if I would help you and I turned you down .
Gus : So what ? You re changing your mind ?
Beth : I ve changed my mind . What can I do ?
Gus : What can you do ? I thought you were going to have the ideas . I m plum out of ideas .
Beth : What ... Okay . Um ... I m assuming that you ve exhausted all your legal options .
Gus : Well , I do nt know . Yeah , I mean , besides calling Company like an historical landmark or something or a nesting place for exotic birds . I do nt know . Yeah , I do nt know .
Beth : You know something , Gus ? You re not as dumb as you look . Come with me .
Tammy : This is my friend JB .
Reva : JB I m Tammy s Aunt Reva .
Tammy : We were just hanging out .
Reva : So he said .
JB : So Aunt Reva , what brings you all the way out here ?
Reva : Is nt it a little early for company ?
Tammy : Well , JB Knew that mom was out of town and he just ... He thought I might be lonely .
Reva : That was so nice of him . I can tell he s a real sweetheart . But I m here now , so , um ... Ready to go ?
Tammy : Go where ?
Reva : To my place .
Tammy : Oh , we settled that already , remember ? I m going to stay here .
Reva : Yeah , well , I do nt think that s such a good idea .
Tammy : I m fine . Really Aunt Reva .
JB : Well , she ... She does nt think you are . Now , your niece is all grown - up .
Tammy : Yeah , well , it s my niece that I have to be worried about .
JB : Are you worried about me ? I m a nice guy .
Reva : Really ? Well , I do nt know you .
JB : What do you want to know ?
Reva : Not a thing , but thanks for the offer . Tammy , I d feel a whole lot better if you just came back to our house .
Tammy : Okay , well , thank you for worry about me , but ...
JB : Tammy and I have plans for this afternoon , I m sorry .
Reva : What kind of plans ?
JB : Well , a few friends of mine are going to throw a party . Now , come on , you look like you were a party girl back in your day .
Reva : Back in my day ?
Tammy : Okay , Aunt Reva , how about this ? What if JB drops me off at your place later ?
Reva : Tammy , I do nt think your mother would appreciate you spending the afternoon partying with this guy .
JB : What s your problem ? Your niece wants to hang out with me . Do nt you have any kids of your own you can go home and bother ?
Jeffrey : You know what ? I m not your daddy , Dinah . So the innocent act is nt going to work on me .
Dinah : I am just trying to have some fun . Do nt you know how to have fun anymore ?
Jeffrey : I think I ll pass , but you knock yourself out , okay ?
Dinah : You know , the animosity between the two of us is really starting to bore me .
Jeffrey : Do I look like I care ?
Dinah : No . But you should . Because I am free and clear , and I can tell Cassie about us anytime I want .
Jeffrey : Oh , well , you re just in the driver s seat , are nt you ?
Dinah : Vroom , vroom .
Jeffrey : Ladies and gentlemen , can I have your attention please ? You all know Miss Marler here , the infamous Miss Dinah Marler . Well , Miss Marler would like to make an announcement . Well , go ahead . You ve got something to say ; now say it .
Reva : I m sorry . Am I bothering you ?
Tammy : I do nt think that s the way JB meant it , Aunt Reva . Is it ?
JB : I was just asking a question .
Reva : Well , good , I ll answer it then . I happen to have four very well- mannered children who would never be so disrespectful to somebody they ve just met .
JB : Whoa . Did you think I was being disrespectful ?
Reva : Save it . I ve had guys like you for breakfast .
JB : Oh , I m sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way .
Reva : Excuse us . Tammy , what are you doing with him ?
Tammy : Joey is gone , and JB is a guy that I can just have fun with .
Reva : Well , you know what ? I know guys like him .
Tammy : I know .
Reva : Okay . And what I can tell you is that guy is a creep .
Tammy : You came in here and immediately started insulting him and treating me like a kid .
Reva : Tammy , look , I have been where you are . I have . You break up with the guy you love , and you try to find somebody else to make it all better .
Tammy : That is not what I m doing .
Reva : Well , that s good , because trust me , it does nt work .
Tammy : I think we should get going .
Reva : I m not finished .
JB : I thought Tammy made it pretty clear that she wanted to stay with me .
Reva : Okay , that s it . From the moment I walked into this house you ve done everything to get on my nerves . Now , I d like to know what your problem is with me .
Beth : Okay , look around you . What do you see ?
Gus : Nothing .
Beth : Trees . Trees like these are home to the nesting warbler .
Gus : The what ?
Beth : The nesting warbler . It s a rare bird .
Gus : No , Beth , I was kidding about the endangered bird thing . It would never work .
Beth : I know that . I know that . But I m not .
Gus : Is there such a thing as this thing ?
Beth : Yes . The nesting warbler , and I know about it because I m on the board of the Springfield Wildlife Society .
Gus : So you ... You ve actually seen these little critters ?
Beth : No , and that s the best part . They re nocturnal . They re hard to spot . But where we are right now , this is a documented part of their migration pattern , if you know what I mean .
Gus : You re a genius . And they re nocturnal and they re very hard to spot .
Beth : Very hard to spot .
Gus : Let s go , okay ? I m not going to let Harley down again !
Phillip : Okay , wait till you see what I have for you here . Okay . Thanks for dropping him off , Marina .
Marina : Yeah . Sure . Does it feel as good as you thought it would ? Tearing down my grandpa s restaurant ?
Phillip : Please do nt make a scene in front of my son .
Marina : He could nt hear me . You know , I would nt want him to .
Phillip : Wonderful . Then go be a teenager someplace else .
Marina : Oh , I hate you .
Phillip : I understand . You ll have to stand in line .
Zach : Leave her alone !
Dinah : You re making a mistake .
Jeffrey : Oh , no , I do nt think so . You said you had something to say , go ahead . Spill your guts .
Dinah : Why are you doing this ?
Jeffrey : Because I want to get you off of my back once and for all .
Ross : What is going on here ?
Jeffrey : I m sorry , ladies and gentlemen . It would appear that Miss Marler is dumbstruck .
Ross : What is happening ?
Jeffrey : Ask your daughter , Ross .
Ross : I m asking you , Jeffrey .
Dinah : It s my fault , Daddy . Okay ? It s my fault . I accused Mr. ONeill of something in his past that he probably is not very proud of .
Ross : And ?
Dinah : And he put me on the spot and asked me to put up or shut up , and I should have shut up .
Jeffrey : Now , there s a novel concept .
Ross : Jeffrey , do you mind ?
Dinah : Daddy , look , um ... Can you give us just a second ?
Ross : All right , I guess I should go check on Blake .
Blake : Yes .
Ross : The mayor s office would appreciate it if you kept this private , okay ?
Dinah : I promise . Are you satisfied ?
Jeffrey : Do nt threaten me anymore .
Dinah : Will you chill out ? Do you think I was threatening you ?
Jeffrey : If you want to spill your guts , hmm ? If you want to tell , be my guest . But I think you know , Dinah , there will be consequences .
Dinah : I ve never wanted you more than I do right now .
Jeffrey : You re a real piece of work .
Blake : ( crying ) Oh , God .
Sebastian : Your father was a great man . He loved you and your mother more than anything . He loved you and your mother all the way to the very end .
Blake : I ca nt believe he s gone . ( crying ) I have to plan a funeral , and I do nt think I can do that .
Sebastian : Actually , Chrissy , Roger did nt want a funeral .
Blake : What ?
Sebastian : He did nt want his enemies to have an opportunity to dance on his grave .
Blake : Oh . Oh , Daddy . Why did nt he call me ? I should have been there for him .
Sebastian : You know how proud he was . It s the same reason he sent Amanda Spaulding away .
Blake : You were ... You were there ? You ... At the end ?
Sebastian : Yeah .
Blake : What was he thinking ? I mean , what was going through his brain ?
Sebastian : He wrote this near the end , and I think this will answer all of your questions .
Blake : Thank you for bringing it to me .
Sebastian : No . I ca nt let you have it .
JB : I do nt have a problem with you .
Reva : Really ? You could have fooled me .
JB : Yeah , you clearly have a problem with me though . You do nt like me , do you ? You d like to send me away somewhere , get rid of me forever ?
Reva : What a great idea . So why do nt you take your sorry butt and get out of here ?
JB : You did nt invite me . So far as I can tell , you ca nt uninvite me .
Tammy : Maybe you should go .
JB : Is that really what you want ?
Tammy : I m sorry . We ll hang out another time , okay ?
JB : Yeah , definitely . Later .
Reva : Tammy ...
Tammy : I do nt think he meant to be a jerk or anything , Aunt Reva . He just ... He says what he feels . And , you know , I kind of like that about him .
Reva : You like that ? What do I have to do to get through to you ? Oh , you know what ? You have to make your own mistakes .
Tammy : Thank you .
Reva : Ready to go ?
Tammy : Yeah . You know , he s not such a bad guy .
Reva : Yeah ? The kid is rotten to the core . I feel sorry for his mother .
JB : So do I.
Phillip : Zach , it s okay , buddy . Marina and I were just having a disagreement . But , you know , grown - ups do that sometimes .
Marina : Yeah .
Phillip : Okay ?
Marina : Everything s fine , okay ?
Phillip : Okay ?
Marina : Hey ... Hey , let s go get a juice or something , okay ? We ll be right back .
Phillip : All right .
Gus : Hey , we ve got to talk to you . I ve got something to show you . There . Huh ?
Phillip : It s a bird .
Gus : No , it s not just a bird . It is the reason why you ca nt tear down Company . Look at it . Look at it !
Phillip : Is this a joke ?
Beth : No , it s no joke . Company is right in the middle of their migration pattern .
Gus : Yeah , that s the nesting ... That s the nesting ...
Phillip : Nesting whatever it is . So what ?
Gus : Warbler . It s the nesting warbler . That s no joke .
Phillip : You re making this up .
Beth : No , he is not making it up . And Gus called me in because of my involvement with the Springfield Wildlife Society .
Phillip : Oh , come on ! You do nt even go to those meetings .
Beth : I have recently .
Phillip : This is your pathetic attempt to try to fix things with Harley .
Gus : Oh , no , Phil . I do nt think the EPA would see it that way . Sorry , pal . It s over .
Phillip : Oh , no , it s not over .
Gus : What , it ai nt over till the fat lady sings ? Well , the fat lady sang like a half hour ago , pal ! I m out of here .
Phillip : Hey . That s all right , Marina . We re fine now . You can go . Buddy ...
Zach : No , I do nt want to stay here with you . You re mean .
Phillip : Zach , buddy .
Zach : No .
Phillip : All right . You can go ahead . You can go with Marina . We ll get together later , okay ? All right ?
Marina : I m sorry .
Phillip : Bye , Zach . Ross , it s Phillip . I need to see you . Right away . I need to review my divorce agreement with Harley .
Blake : What do you mean , I ca nt have my father s letter ?
Sebastian : Roger gave very specific instructions .
Blake : What instructions ?
Sebastian : Well , he wanted you and Holly to be together so that you d have each other for when you hear his final words .
Blake : Oh , that s just so typical , Daddy . He s controlling things even when he s gone .
Sebastian : I think you should call your mother now , Chrissy . The sooner Holly gets here , the sooner you can find out what your father wanted you to know .
Ross : Blake ? Hello . I m Ross Marler .
Sebastian : Sebastian Hulce .
Blake : Sebastian s an old friend of mine . We went to school together and he s here in town for business and we just ... It s a small world .
Ross : Yes , it is . Could I have a word with you ? Honey , I know that you re upset about this Dinah situation , but you can not stay out here forever .
Blake : Okay . I ll be in in a little bit , all right ?
Ross : All right . You know , Phillip called me . He wants to see me . He said it was urgent .
Blake : Okay , go . I ll be fine .
Ross : Are you sure ?
Blake : Yes .
Ross : All right . Nice to have met you .
Sebastian : Yeah , and you . So Roger told me all about your husband . I assume you did nt tell him because he would nt share in your grief .
Blake : No , he would not .
Sebastian : Was that his daughter , Dinah , I saw inside ?
Blake : Yes .
Sebastian : Yeah . Roger told me all about her as well .
Dinah : Come on , admit it . You want me just as much I want you .
Jeffrey : I admit that we were good together , Dinah , but that was just biology .
Dinah : That s a little more complicated than biology . You know that .
Jeffrey : No , what I know is that you re incapable of having any real feelings for anyone , except for your self , of course .
Dinah : Ouch .
Jeffrey : And I also know that you re one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in my life , and I do nt plan on repeating the mistake .
Dinah : Why ?
Ross : Dinah , I got a call from Phillip . It sounds urgent . So I m going to go and then come back . I ll see you again .
Dinah : Okay . Yeah , yeah .
Ross : A bit of fatherly advice , okay ?
Dinah : Okay .
Ross : Why do nt you stay away from Jeffrey ? There are plenty of other available men in town , you know .
Dinah : I actually have had my eye on this one particular fellow , but we have a bit of history so I was nt quite sure if I should make a move or not .
Ross : Oh , really ? Well , I say go for it . You deserve to be happy . All you have to do is figure out what you want .
Dinah : I m trying . I love you .
Ross : I love you , too .
Dinah : Okay .
Ross : See you later .
Dinah : Okay . I know exactly what I want . Edmund ? Hi , I was hoping you d be home .
Dinah : I m very thankful for this second chance , and I was just hoping to take something good from the whole ordeal .
Edmund : Really ? What would that be ?
Dinah : You .
Holly : Why in the world should we believe Roger is dead because this person says so ?
### Summary:
| Phillip accuses Gus of giving inside information to the Springfield Journal . Beth and Gus come up with a way to save Company . Dinah threatens Jeffery and he calls her on it . Reva and JB have an argument . Blake meets a mystery man , Sebastian , who tells her that Roger is dead . Phillip calls Ross so that they can look over his divorce agreement with Harley . Phillip is in his office reading the local news when Gus walks in wanting to know where Alan is . Phillip shows Gus the paper , and mentions that he s going to have to have a talk with Holly Reade as the headline ( Corporate Giant set to Bulldoze Local Eatery ) is biased . Phillip tells Gus that it s not so much the headline that bothers him , but that the article talks about a Spaulding insider , Phillip also goes on to mention that the person leaking the information has to be high up . When Gus asks Phillip who he thinks it is Phillip tells him , straight up that he thinks it s him ( Gus ) . Gus looks shocked at this accusation . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Rafe : This means you can get the farmhouse now .
Natalia : It s complicated , so this ...
Rafe : I trust you .
Natalia : I could actually get a mortgage I could afford if I took in a renter .
Olivia : $ 1,200 for a room ?
Natalia : It will include full - time care .
Olivia : Full - time care ? Who are you planning on renting to ? Oh !
Natalia : Exactly . I guess that makes me a homeowner ! ( Cheers )
Olivia : Be careful of those plates . I ve been collecting them since I lived in San Cristobel .
Natalia : Wow . Very fancy .
Olivia : Be careful , please . Hey !
Emma : Look what I found in the barn . Cool , huh ?
Natalia : Yeah . Do you know what that is ? That s really good luck .
Olivia : Do you know what ? You need to go wash your hands .
Emma : Okay .
Natalia : Why do nt you take it up to your new bedroom ; check it out ? And me and Mommy are going to finish all this up . You know , you ve got to relax . Kids get dirty .
Olivia : Have you seen the inside of that barn ? Let me give you some help . You have an original way of packing .
Natalia : No ! Sit . Relax !
Olivia : No . I m tired of feeling useless ! No .
Natalia : You re not ! You re supervising . Just think of it that way .
Olivia : I can do that .
Natalia : Oh , I know . Have I told you how much I love this place ?
Olivia : Yeah , only about 100 times .
Natalia : ( Sighs ) It s just , I finally have a real home for my son . I m very thankful that you re paying rent so that I can afford it .
Olivia : Look , it s a good financial decision for me . It s a win / win .
Natalia : Yeah . It s just so charming , you know ? It s the floors and the windows and the fireplace and the stairs ...
Olivia : Oh , they creek .
Natalia : Yeah . Everything s perfect . It s a real Christmas miracle .
Olivia : Ah ! My eyes ! We have mice , but no vampires .
Natalia : I do nt know if I want to hang this over here or find another spot .
Olivia : Are you , uh ... you re serious ?
Natalia : Oh , look . The fireplace . That s good . Are you rolling your eyes at me ? Do you have a problem with this ?
Olivia : Me ? No ! ( Chuckles ) All right , wait . I guess I do .
Remy : I just ca nt believe you re here .
Ava : Yeah , funny thing . I just happen to be in the neighborhood . You look really good .
Remy : You , too .
Ava : Oh , thanks .
Remy : So you re feeling ...
Ava : Better . Yes , I m feeling much better ...
Remy : Good .
Ava : Much better . Thank you for inviting me in .
Remy : Oh , it s no ... it s no problem .
Ava : No , no , no , no ! Do nt clean up , please .
Remy : No , no . My buddy , Shayne Lewis , was bunking with me for a few days , and that guy is kind of a slob .
Ava : It s ... I should have called , and I did nt . But I was going to come into town and tell my parents Merry Christmas , so ...
Remy : I m sure they ll be happy .
Ava : Are you ? Are you happy to see me ? Because I was really looking forward to seeing you , too .
Remy : Uh ... you said we should nt see each other anymore . What changed ?
Ava : I m not sure . Wow , you still have this ? This ... look at this picture ! ( Laughs )
Remy : Yeah .
Ava : Okay . Well , I lied ... I did nt come back to just say Merry Christmas .
Reva : So , how d I do ? I mean , I know the Olympics are still a few years away , but I m going to be ready !
Christina : You know , you re improving your strength and your flexibility , and that s what s most important .
Reva : Oh , good . Well , you know , I do have two babies to take care of .
Christina : Two ? Wait , you re having twins ?
Reva : Oh , no , no ! I ve got one in the oven and one in a wheelchair .
Shayne : Jeffrey . Hey .
Jeffrey : Hi .
Shayne : Do you got a minute ? Do I need to make an appointment-- have my people call your people ?
Jeffrey : No appointment necessary . We re family . It s good to have you back . How are you ?
Shayne : What , you ... you mean this thing here ? This is nothing . I can go from zero to 60 in this thing in like an hour and a half .
Jeffrey : Well , for what it s worth , you have my respect . It s very admirable what you did , you know , putting your life on the line to help others . Your mother is damn proud of you .
Shayne : Yeah , what about you ? A hot - shot job with the Governor . Congratulations !
Jeffrey : Well , you know , we ve all got to do our bit , right ?
Shayne : I m glad you feel that way . I am . Because I need a favor . I , um ... need you to use your contacts to get me back doing what I do best . Blowing things up .
Natalia : This cross has gone everywhere with me-- ever since my confirmation .
Olivia : Huh . Okay , look , I m not trying to disrespect your religion . I m really not . I just do nt know why it has to be so public , so , you know , out there .
Natalia : It s ... it s my house . If I want to hang things in my house , I should be able to , you know ...
Olivia : You re right . You own the house , but I pay the bills . So the way I see it is ... we re ... we re kind of ... it s even .
Natalia : Fine . I will put this in my bedroom .
Olivia : Oh , careful . Careful with that .
Natalia : What is this ? This is really ugly !
Olivia : No , no , no . It s supposed to be like that .
Natalia : What is it ?
Olivia : No . It s supposed to be like that . It s a Kolinkov .
Natalia : It s like an ... ugly cheese grater .
Olivia : Hey , you know what ? It s a Kolinkov . He s a very important modern artist .
Natalia : Okay . I m supposed to hide my cross , but you want to put your little Kolinky thing wherever you ... No . It s a farmhouse , not an art museum .
Olivia : Hey , you know what ? Putting something contemporary up against a rustic backdrop makes a statement .
Natalia : Okay . Well , thank you for the decorating tip , but you can go ahead and put this thing in your bedroom .
Remy : I m confused . The last time I spoke to you , you wanted nothing to do with me .
Ava : You still have my picture in your apartment . And I still have your picture in my wallet .
Remy : Well , we ve been through a lot together , Ava .
Ava : We have . A lot .
Remy : And that was the problem . Too much pain . Too much baggage . Your words .
Ava : Losing Max was devastating . It hurts me every single day . I can still see his little face .
Remy : Yeah . Yeah , I can drive you to the cemetery and we can see him together .
Ava : It was my first stop . Um ... I did nt stay for long because the ground was so cold , and I could only stay for a second .
Remy : Yeah . Well , it took real courage to go there .
Ava : It took real courage for me to come here today and see you , too . I got a job offer in San Francisco . Yeah ... well , it s really not an offer , but it s an interview , and it sounds really good . So they re flying me out there . I was hoping that you would come with me .
Remy : Huh ?
Reva : Oh , yeah , yeah , yeah . Pull , pull , pull ! Ah !
Christina : All right . We re almost done . Just a little bit more stretching , and then I m off to a house - call .
Reva : You sure do work hard ! I hope you save some time for fun and maybe a special guy .
Christina : What do you mean ?
Reva : I see the way you look at Remy Boudreau . I find myself looking at him , too . ( Laughter )
Reva : But you better snap him up before some other girl does . That s good .
Christina : I ve got no time for a social life .
Reva : Uh - huh . You are so busted !
Christina : I just wanted to save up and get him something nice for Christmas . For helping me study for the MCATs .
Reva : Ah , I see . No wonder you ve been working all of those extra sessions .
Christina : He s such a great guy .
Reva : Yeah .
Christina : And I finally saved up enough money to get him something really nice .
Reva : Yeah , well , I m sure he s going to love it . I wonder what he got you ?
Christina : Nothing . I mean , he s not supposed to .
Jeffrey : You ca nt ... you ca nt go , Shayne . I mean , your mother needs you here . She counts on you for the holiday .
Shayne : Come on , man . It s your first Christmas together as a married couple . Do you really want me under foot the whole time ?
Jeffrey : She wants you here , okay ? And I want to make her happy , all right ?
Shayne : You do . You do make her happy . You guys have a little one on the way , and I m just not ... I just do nt want to be here right now . I ca nt be here right now . Okay ? I just need to get back ... I want to go back to where the action is , please .
Jeffrey : All right . All right . Ca nt you wait just a couple days , Shayne ? You need to wish your mother a Merry Christmas . You really do . Open some presents , drink some eggnog , and then you re done . That s it . How hard can that be ? Anything you want for Christmas ?
Shayne : A visa back ? No ? No . You know , man , those landmines are nt going to clear themselves . I ... I just need to get back .
Jeffrey : What are you going to do ? You ca nt do the same thing you were doing before , not as long as you re in that chair .
Shayne : Yeah , thanks . I think there I can still be useful .
Jeffrey : And here ?
Shayne : Here , I m just a guy that everyone is feeling sorry for .
Jeffrey : No , I m sorry . Your mother is counting on you for the holidays , okay ? Your mother needs you . I m not helping you bail .
Shayne : It s not like this is a high - risk pregnancy ...
Jeffrey : This is nt ... it s not about the pregnancy , Shayne , okay ? It s about your mother s cancer .
Natalia : Oh !
Olivia : Well , I did nt know we were opening up a church !
Natalia : This is a Christmas crèche .
Olivia : Do you have one of those velvet portraits of Jesus ? You know , where the spooky eyes just kind of follow you around ?
Natalia : Can you just keep quiet so you do nt hyperventilate ?
Olivia : That can go in your room , too .
Natalia : This is a Christmas crèche . It counts as a Christmas decoration , so it stays . We should ... we should get a tree , though . And I ll get some lights , and then maybe we can get Buzz or Frank to dress up like Santa , and do , like , the whole thing-- the whole Christmas thing .
Olivia : Maybe we should have a party .
Natalia : Okay .
Olivia : You know what ? We ll sterilize the barn , and we ll cater it , and we ll have black tie and a big band ...
Natalia : Oh , that s a bit much . I was thinking , like , cookies and Christmas carols .
Olivia : No , we could do that , too . But Christmas is a really good time to network and party , and not just hang up crucifixes and halos all over your house .
Natalia : What do you think December 25 is ?
Olivia : It s a day I pay my employees time - and - a - half .
Natalia : It s the day that a baby was born to save the world . It s what I celebrate . It means something to me .
Olivia : You are so naive !
Natalia : And you are so selfish !
Olivia : Next you re going to tell me that you believe in Santa Claus .
Natalia : Well , I still believe in something .
Olivia : Hey , Em . Hey , come here . I ve got a great idea . How would you like to get dressed up really fancy , and have a nice , big party for Christmas ?
Emma : Can we bake cookies ?
Remy : I ... I ve just got to ... I ve just got to wrap my head around this . You want me to move to San Francisco with you ?
Ava : No , I m just ... I have nt gotten the job yet . Just , I thought I could go there and . Come with me .
Remy : Why ?
Ava : Why not ? So we could spend a little time together ? Get away from some of these memories . Do nt you think we owe it to ourselves ? Come on . And we can see where we stand with each other .
Remy : Ava , listen . Things have ...
Ava : Have what ? You know what ? I should nt have even come back here . This was such a stupid idea .
Remy : No , no . That s not what I was saying .
Ava : No .
Remy : It s just , I have to consider ...
Ava : What was I thinking ? That you were going to mope around and wait for me to get out of my funk ? What s her name ?
Remy : No , no . Yeah , I m ... I m still trying to figure things out .
Ava : I m sorry I was ... ( cell phone rings ) that s ...
Remy : Oh , um ... sorry .
Ava : Okay .
Remy : I have to take this . Hey ...
Christina : What are you up to later ?
Remy : I m not sure .
Christina : Uh , you sound funny .
Remy : No ... I m ... I m busy .
Christina : Well , I was thinking about the divorce , and , um ... you know , with the holidays and everything , I was thinking maybe we could hold off . And there s this scholarship , except the only thing is that you have to be ... are you still there ?
Remy : Huh ? Yeah . Um ... you know what ? Can I , uh ... call you back in a little while ?
Christina : Yeah . I can swing by your place . I actually have a ...
Remy : No . I ll meet you at the gym , okay ? I ve got to go . I think I got it this time ...
Ava : Who was that ?
Remy : Um ... just a friend .
Shayne : Why did nt she tell me ?
Jeffrey : She thought that you had been through enough .
Shayne : Cancer ... again .
Jeffrey : Yeah . She s got cancer . She s pregnant . She s getting the chemo . She s not sure if the chemo is going to affect the baby . She s not even sure she s going to live long enough to see the baby .
Shayne : I ca nt believe this . Wait ... wait . How is she getting treatment when she s pregnant ?
Jeffrey : Somehow , the baby does nt absorb the chemo . It s some miracle of modern medicine . She s still very worried .
Shayne : She must be terrified .
Jeffrey : Now you know why you have to stay .
Shayne : You know , if I m not here , though , it s going to be one less thing for her to worry about .
Jeffrey : Okay , fine , you know ? Leave . Leave . Do nt ask me to help you , not when she needs you .
Reva : Hey ! There s two of my favorite guys . He told you .
Jeffrey : Why do nt we go up to my office and we ll ...
Shayne : Why did nt you tell me you had cancer again ? Did nt you learn anything from the last time ?
Reva : I wanted to wait until you came home . I just never expected ...
Shayne : What ? You did nt expect the chair ? The chair ? This chair does nt matter . Okay ? I get out of it or I do nt . Mom , what matters is you ! And this little kid . Jeffrey , may I have a minute alone with my mom , please ?
Jeffrey : Of course . Do nt overdo it , okay ?
Shayne : I m glad he told me .
Reva : I know it s not exactly the homecoming you were expecting . Merry Christmas , son . And , by the way , I got the big C again . ( Laughs )
Shayne : I m sorry . I m sorry . I know that this was nt exactly what you were expecting me to pull up in , either .
Reva : Yeah , well , I guess we ve both had some surprises in store for each other . But I am so glad you re home ! ( Sobbing )
Shayne : Are you sure about this ? This whole ... this whole chemo with the baby thing ?
Reva : I can tell you one thing . I am having this baby , even if it kills me . ( Laughs )
Shayne : Do nt do that . Do nt you make a joke out of this right now .
Reva : I m sorry .
Shayne : I need to tell you something . I ... I m worried for this little kid .
Reva : Why ?
Shayne : Because of what happened last time . When you left . When you were sick .
Reva : You mean the ...
Shayne : The postpartum , yeah . Not the cancer .
Reva : Well , I am going to fight both of them . I am . I have too much to stick around for .
Shayne : It s funny how life turns out , is nt it ? Just when you think you ve have everything figured out , a landmine blows up under your feet .
Reva : Or a cancer cell decides to take a swan dive into your bloodstream . ( Laughter )
Shayne : No ! It stinks !
Reva : I know . It s awful . Look at this .
Shayne : What ... what are you doing ?
Reva : What do you think I m doing ? I m taking my son for a walk . ( Laughing )
Remy : I m glad ... I m glad you came by . This was good . It was real good .
Ava : Yeah , it was . So am I. And , um ... by the way , your roommate is a slob .
Remy : Yeah . ( Laughing )
Ava : But some day , when you re a big , fancy doctor , and you wo nt have any time for road trips , maybe you ll look back and you ll regret turning me down .
Remy : Well , I just ... just need time . I ll call you .
Ava : Think about it , I m a happy girl . So ...
Remy : Are you going to run away again ? Am I going to call your phone and find that it s disconnected or that your plane took off ? Because last time I really put myself out there for you , Ava , and you bailed on me . And I do nt think I could take that kind of body slam again .
Ava : I promise , I ll be here ... if you want me . And , um ... I hope ... I hope your answer is yes . Til the feeling is gone for good ...
Natalia : You want to make some cookies later , maybe some gingerbread men ?
Olivia : You know what ? We have enough to do . Why do nt I call Towers and I ll get a big box of cookies for later ? We ve got ... why do ... why do the work ?
Natalia : Because it s fun ! Because it makes the house smell good when you bake them . Because it s festive . Why ca nt you just enjoy it ?
Olivia : Why ca nt you just get off the home spun nonsense for five minutes ? My head is going to explode with ... with dancing angels and sugar plums !
Emma : Are you two fighting ?
Olivia : Fighting ? No .
Natalia : No . We re having decorating discussion . ( Knock on the door ) Do you know what that is ? That is our first guest .
Emma : Maybe it s a caroler .
Olivia : Maybe it s somebody selling useless magazine subscriptions .
Natalia : Bah , humbug . Hi , may I help you ?
Christina : Hi , Ms. Spencer ?
Olivia : That would be me . Bah , humbug .
Christina : I m your personal trainer . Christina .
Olivia : Oh .
Christina : Remy recommended me ?
Olivia : Was that today ?
Christina : Yes , maam .
Olivia : Could we reschedule because we re making cookies .
Natalia : Oh , no , that s okay . You re just what the doctor ordered , Christina , because is nt he concerned about your circulation ?
Emma : Mom ?
Olivia : Yes . Let s do this .
Natalia : Okay . You guys get to work . I can take her
Olivia : Thank you .
Natalia : Okay .
Christina : Okay .
Olivia : Oh , what s that ?
Christina : It s a spirometer . To increase your lung capacity . You just blow through the tube , and it exercises your chest muscles .
Olivia : Fun !
Christina : Of course . ( Laughs ) But we re going to get started with some simple knee raises to warm up . So just put your hands on this chair ...
Olivia : Okay .
Christina : Uh - huh .
Olivia : So just kind of like this , right ?
Christina : That s perfect . This really is a nice place . Remy said you guys just moved in ?
Olivia : Yeah .
Christina : Okay . Take a big , deep breath in and then you re going to exhale into this tube . This really is a great place .
Ava : Hey , you got a minute ?
Jeffrey : Ava ! Hi !
Ava : Hi !
Jeffrey : You know , let s just get our coats . I m going to take you right home and show you off to Reva .
Ava : No , no , no ! Please , please , please , can I have you to myself for just a little while , if that s okay ?
Jeffrey : Of course it s okay . Sit down . How are you ? I mean , you look great .
Ava : Thanks . I have a great job offer in San Francisco .
Jeffrey : San Francisco ? Wow . That s a big step . It s like miles away from anyone you know . You ll be starting over in a completely unfamiliar place .
Ava : No , I know . But it s exactly what I want-- to reinvent myself ; a fresh start . What ?
Jeffrey : It s back . That smile , that twinkle in your eye . I ... I thought I would never see that again .
Ava : Me , too . I still really miss him .
Jeffrey : I know .
Ava : Losing Max was nt just losing a child . It was like losing faith in myself and in the world .
Jeffrey : I know how hard it was for you . Especially now , you know , that I m going to have a baby . I know how devastating it was .
Ava : How is that going ?
Jeffrey : It s going well . I mean , she s fine , all things considered . We will share another day do nt ask me how I ll make it some way
Olivia : How s that ?
Christina : Okay , really reach now . Okay . You ve got to relax . Your muscles are so tight .
Olivia : All right , but can you blame me . I thought it was moving into a house , not a bloody shrine . Seriously , do nt you think they re looking at me . Look ! Look at them .
Natalia : We need eggs . All right . Thank you .
Emma : You re welcome .
Natalia : What else ? Oatmeal . And do we need -- do you want raisins ?
Emma : No raisins .
Natalia : No raisins . Only chocolate chips . That s Rafe s favorite , too . Are you okay , sweetie ?
Emma : Do you really think that horseshoe is lucky ? I want to give it to my mom so she ll be okay ?
Natalia : You know your mom is going to be okay . And now we re all living together , so we can all keep an eye on her , whether she likes it or not .
Olivia : I m a little rusty .
Christina : Just flex your foot , better for circulation . Here , I ll stretch you .
Olivia : Thanks . Oh , that s great . See , you re helpful . And Natalia , I like her , but she -- she goes out of her -- it s not like she goes out of her way to be difficult , but we re so different .
Christina : Different is nt always such a bad thing . Two people can think they hate each other , and once they spend a little time together , that can change for the better .
Olivia : Or worse .
Christina : Because sometimes someone comes into your life under the strangest circumstances , and that s when you need them the most . ( Cell phone rings )
Olivia : I m sorry . Sorry . Hello ? Ava ? You know , could you go just near my shoulder blade . I have to get this . It is my oldest daughter . Hey . Hey , sweetie . I m so glad you re back in town . Your father is going to be so -- you saw him ? What about Remy ? I m sure he was so thrilled to see you , too . San Francisco ? Did he say he would go with you ? Yeah , we have a lot to talk about then . I ll see you soon . Ouch !
Shayne : You scared ?
Reva : You know ... I do nt know if scared is the right word . It s kind of like a second marriage . I was scared to death the first time .
Shayne : Now you know what to expect , huh ?
Reva : The one I m really worried about is this little guy in here . I mean , he s innocent in all of this . But -- but for me , it s just like going into battle again . I mean , I m not trying to compare it to what you ve been doing . I mean , my God , stepping onto a face every day . Minefield , staring death in the face every day .
Shayne : It was a job , Mom . You are bringing a new life into the world . This was a job .
Reva : Shayne , Shayne , sweetie , you re saving the lives of people you do nt even know . That s heroic , and it s brave , and I m very proud of you . Ooh , it s getting cold ( laughing ) And your old mom is getting sentimental . So what do you say , do you want to get out of here ? Are you going to be okay ?
Shayne : I m Reva Shayne s son . What do you think ?
Reva : Well , let me give you a ride somewhere .
Shayne : Let me give you a ride . ( Laughter ) I m good .
Reva : You sure ? Stop by the house later . I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes .
Shayne : I ll try . Just do nt count on me , but I ll try .
Reva : You know what ? You re too late because I always count on you .
Christina : So , same time next week ?
Olivia : Why not ? I m not doing anything . I m not doing anything .
Christina : Is there somewhere that I can change ?
Olivia : Uh - huh . Upstairs , second door on the right .
Natalia : Look who we found on the doorstep ?
Olivia : Hello .
Ava : Hi !
Natalia : Welcome to our new home . There is an extra bedroom upstairs any time that you re here .
Ava : Thank you . That s great . I really appreciate it . I missed you , too , little sister .
Olivia : Ho , ho , ho . You know the deal , presents are nt opened until Christmas day . They have to go under the tree . We need a tree .
Natalia : Well , we can go into town and we can get a Christmas tree . I know you guys have a lot to talk about .
Olivia : Oh , my gosh .
Ava : How is this new place working out . This place is supposed to de - stress you , but you look stressed .
Olivia : If only Natalia were nt so cheery . It s a little annoying . Tell me about you ?
Ava : Gosh . Wow , seeing Remy today made me realize he is just too good a guy to let go .
Olivia : He was crazy about you from the beginning .
Ava : I know . My head was in such a bad place , and now it s my time to reach out . He says the only thing that is keeping him here is his work . I do nt know , maybe this time -- maybe this time we can really make it happen . Whoa ! Who was that ?
Olivia : My new physical therapist . She is actually really nice . Anyway , I m going to have to reconcile myself to you and Remy .
Ava : Look . I hurt Remy , and our problems are nowhere being near over . I guess there is really no guarantee we re going to hook up again , but , Mom , I ve got my fingers crossed .
Olivia : Yeah . Yeah .
Remy : There you are ? How was your session today ?
Christina : Fine . I learned a lot from my client .
Remy : Look , I m sorry if I sounded weird today .
Christina : It s okay . What s up ?
Remy : I was just surprised you want to postpone the divorce .
Christina : Is that a problem ? Has anything changed ?
Remy : No , no . If you want to wait until after the holiday , that s cool . We can wait ... wait until after the New Year s .
Christina : You ll never guess who called me today ? My best friend from high school . She got married right after graduation , and she s got three kids . She s going through some funky personal stuff , and I m going to go out there and help her get through the holidays . So I m not going to be here for Christmas .
Remy : You re leaving town .
Christina : So lucky you . You get to be a bachelor again for the holidays .
Remy : Yeah , yeah . Party time . How long are you going to be gone ?
Christina : I m not sure . But I should go pack . So ... have a nice holiday . I hope you re happy , really . You deserve it .
Remy : You were going to tell me about that scholarship .
Christina : It s not important . Merry Christmas .
Reva : What are you doing ?
Jeffrey : Hi . Remember how I used to make fun of Christmas ?
Reva : You ? No .
Jeffrey : I think I m turning into one of those guys who is into mistletoe and Christmas carols , and someone who wants Santa and his reindeer on his front lawn .
Reva : Listen to you , Mr. Holiday .
Jeffrey : Can you believe it . I do nt know if it is the declarations I saw on Main Street or the way you look standing there with your rosy red cheeks . I am going to decorate this house to within an inch of its life . I want this house to shine like a beacon of holiday cheer .
Reva : Who would turn out my guy would turn into such a mush .
Jeffrey : Reva , we need to be happy . We re having a baby . Why not ? Shayne is here and I ve got another little surprise today . Guess who came to see me ? Ava .
Reva : Ava ? How is she ?
Jeffrey : She s doing great .
Reva : Look at us , after the year we ve had , we still have so many blessings . I hope Shayne feels the same way . Silent night holy night all it calm , all it bright round young virgin , mother and child ...
Coming up on Guiding Light ...
Bill : Someone is one step ahead of me , someone who wants me out of the way . Who wants to turn Lizzie against me , and that is you , Alan . You did it . You are the kidnapper . I can see right through you . Call the police , get them down here . Nice homecoming to Beth , to find out what you did to her daughter . How is that for pathetic ?
### Summary:
| Remy meets with Ava . She ca nt believe he still has a picture of her . Reva meets up with Christina for exercising . Olivia is having a problem with Natalia s religion as far as her putting thing out for the holidays . Talking with Remy , Ava says it took her courage to get back to her old self . Jeffrey meets with Shayne to convince him to stay even for just the holidays . Shayne says he is just a guy everyone feels sorry for . Jeffrey spills that Reva has cancer when Shayne tells him he is still going . Natalia shows her feelings about the holidays . Olivia says she is so naive . Remy and Ava get along during their visit . Shayne wants to know why Reva never told him the cancer was back . Then Reva interrupts them . She sees the look on their faces and realized Jeffrey told Shayne that the cancer was back . Reva kneels down toward Shayne so they can talk face to face . Later they have a good laugh . Ava tells Remy he is turning his regrets toward her . She later leaves . Olivia and Natalia are still at it when Emma joins them . There is a knock at the door , Natalia answers it . It is Christina with Christmas cookies for them . Christina stays to help with Olivia s breathing exercises . Ava meets with Jeffrey , who is glad to see her . She tells him she has a great job offer . That this is exactly what she wants . She is happy . Jeffrey tells Ava he and Reva are having a baby . That things are going fine all considering . Natalia is food shopping and has taken Emma with her . Emma picks up a package and tells Natalia she wants to take it home to Mommy to make her feel better . Olivia gets a call from Ava . Olivia is glad to hear her daughter is back in town . Christina hears Olivia s side of the discussion and backs off from Olivia . Reva says compared to what he was doing overseas , she is fairing far better . Just as Reva is about to leave her son in the park . She tells him to come for supper . She jokes when she tells him the menu of meat - loaf and mashed potatoes . He tells her he will try . Olivia has Christina get something for her upstairs . While waiting for her , Natalia comes in so happy with Emma and tells Olivia look who we found while shopping . At that point Ava comes in . Olivia is so glad to see her . While they are talking about Ava s visit with Remy , Christina starts coming downstairs . She then does but secretly leaves to meet Remy . Remy makes plans for the holidays and wants to include Christina . She tells him that someone from high school called and she is spending Christmas with that friend . Before she leaves she kisses Remy . Before leaving the building where they met she throws away the gift she was going to give him . Jeffrey and Reva meet up at the park . Jeffrey says he is so happy . Reva wants to know why . Jeffrey says that Ava is back in town . She is surprisingly happy . meanwhile Shayne is in his car about to drive off on to railroad tracks . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
WOLF BLITZER, ANCHOR, CNN : And the shutdown, they got to do it quickly because there's a lot at stake. Rene, good reporting. Thank you very, very much. And to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. Erin Burnett OutFront starts right now.
ERIN BURNETT, ANCHOR, CNN : I'll try next breaking news mall are now looking at Trump's ties to the NRA. The same NRA, whose connections to Russia been under scrutiny by Congress. Plus the Senate is out to vote on two bills as 800,000 federal workers are hours away from missing another paycheck. Is it all for show? And the student at the center of the viral stare down with a Native American elder speaks out, let's go OutFront. And good evening, I'm Erin Burnett. OutFront tonight breaking news in Mueller's Russia investigation, CNN learning tonight that Mueller is digging into President Trump's ties to the NRA. It's a significant development this hour since we know the NRA has been under scrutiny for months because of its ties to Russians. And the NRA was core to Trump's victory, the group spending $30 million on Trump's campaign. That is a staggering number and it is more than the NRA spent on all political races combined in 2008 and 2012. It's a love that Trump returned.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES : They're actually great people. This is an amazing group. They're great people. Great people.
BURNETT : One of the NRA's most scrutinized ties is to the Russian you see on your screen Maria Butina. She's already pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States of America as an agent of Russia and the way she did it allegedly infiltrating the NRA. And the same woman who is now admitted to being a Russian agent was somehow selected as the first questioner to candidate Trump. She asked about his intended relationship with Russia at a rally in Las Vegas.
MARIA BUTINA : I'm visiting from Russia.
TRUMP : Ah, Putin, a good friend of Obama-Putin. He loves Obama a lot, good.
BUTINA : If you would be elected as a President, what will be a foreign politics especially in the relationships with my country and do you want to continue the politics of sanctions that are damaging of both economy or you have any other ideas?
TRUMP : Okay. Obama gets along with nobody. The whole world hates us. I believe I would get along very nicely with Putin.
BURNETT : The big question tonight, was Russian money going to the NRA with the purpose of electing Trump? Back to that $30 million staggering number. Keep in mind foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to any election activity in the United States. So if Russian money was being funneled through the NRA to help Trump, it's a huge deal and then there's this. If it happened, did Donald Trump know about it? Sara Murray is OutFront live in Washington breaking the story. And Sara, what have you learned about what Mueller is looking at?
SARA MURRAY, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN : Well, Erin, as you point out we know that the NRA has faced all of this public scrutiny because of all of the money it spent on the 2016 election as well as its ties to these Russian nationals. But this is really the first indication we're getting that the special council wanted to know more information about the early Trump campaigns ties to the NRA and we learned this from Sam Nunberg who's a former Trump campaign aide who told CNN he was actually asked in his February 2018 interview to explain a little bit more about how Trump came to build these ties with the NRA, how we ended up speaking at the 2015 NRA annual meeting before he even became an official presidential candidate. And CNN learned that as recently as a month ago Mueller had some more follow up questions about this. Now, what's not clear at this point is whether this is some kind of deeper dive by Robert Mueller into questions like the NRA's finances, whether they may have had some kind of Russian money funneling through them to help Trump or whether this was simply sort of an exercise to check all the boxes, to make sure that they covered all of their bases about things that have been sort of talked about and speculated about publicly. Now, the NRA did not respond to our request for comment today, but they previously in some letters they shared back and forth with lawmakers denied that they took any significant sums of money from Russians. They denied that they use any foreign money for election related purposes. On this story, specifically, the special counsel declined to comment. We should note that when President Trump got that list of questions that Mueller wanted him to answer, there were no questions about the NRA, so at least they're not asking Trump about it at this point, Erin.
BURNETT : All right, Sarah Murray, thank you very much. I want to go out front now to the Democratic Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Texas, Member of the House Ways and Means Committee. I appreciate your time, Congressman.
BURNETT : So, look, the NRA when you look at the details here, right, the $30 million is staggering. They so far have said they received contributions from more than 20 Russians, but they say these weren't a big deal. They added up to a little more than $2,500, not $30 million. Do you believe them?
DOGGETT : No, the NRA, of course, so here in Congress, so intertwined with the Republican Party and the Trump administration that it really means no Republican action when it comes to raise more gun safety, but $30 million they had a big investment as Vladimir Putin had a big investment in seeing Donald Trump elected.
BURNETT : So when the NRA says it did not use foreign funds for election related purposes, right, which is what would be against the law, do you believe that Russia was somehow using the NRA or involved here to funnel money to help elect Trump? Does it go that far in your view? I don't know.
DOGGETT : It certainly could. It needs to be thoroughly explored. I hope the special prosecutor or special counsel is doing just that. It's clear that Putin cared enough that they dispatched the woman you just mentioned who's in jail right now as an agent to try to connect better into the NRA and we don't know what her role fully was. There's just such incredible irony that the NRA would link up with Putin who restricts gun rights and claim that they're promoting gun rights.
BURNETT : Right and, of course, she has pleaded guilty as we said to being an agent of Russia, right, in conspiring against the United States of America.
DOGGETT : That's right.
BURNETT : Last year, Congressman, when the house was under Republican control, Democrats had a lot of complaints, right? They said Republicans aren't allowing them to continue with efforts to investigate this issue, right, whether Russia used the NRA to funnel money or not. Are you going to investigate this particular issue now?
DOGGETT : I hope that will be done. Any investigations that occur here need to have a specific purpose that does not interfere with Robert Mueller's work and I think the most important thing we can do right now is to ensure the protection of his work, his work product eventually gets to this Congress and to the public. But at some point, I think this does need to be thoroughly investigated.
BURNETT : So you have been very outspoken about other things as well including, right, the Trump administration's lifting sanctions against Russian companies. And I want to ask you about a New York Times report, right, they are saying that there is a binding confidential document that they've seen which shows a deal between the Trump administration and Putin confidant oligarch Oleg Deripaska. And basically the administration had said, "Oh, we're going to lift sanctions because he's slashing his stake of the major aluminum company in particular. He's no longer going to have control." New York Times says that's not so. Deripaska is going to be relieved personally of hundreds of millions of dollars in debt and he and his allies will keep majority ownership of that most important company Rusal. What's your response? They said this was going to be punitive for him and it looks like this document shows the opposite according to The Times.
DOGGETT : Well, I think the document which I have here as well as the letter that accompanied it both show that there's a problem here. I got involved in this last summer when three days after the Helsinki surrender by Trump to Putin, they dug out a thousands of exemptions that were being sought mostly by American companies and pulled out one for Rusal and gave them an exemption from Trump's tariffs. They eventually withdrew that and now they're focused on sanctions relief and it concentrates on doing as much as possible secretly and as fast as possible. They told Congress about this as we were departing for the Christmas holidays. I visited personally with the Secretary of the Treasury and asked that there be an extension. We have asked for additional time for a thorough review. What we really need to do is to have an intelligence assessment, classified assessment that determines whether Mr. Deripaska still has effective control of this company. The goal was to change Russian conduct not to change things to help a thug like Deripaska.
BURNETT : Yes. So you're saying you've seen this document.
BURNETT : What is in it that shocks or surprises you? I mean am I accurate in the description here, confidential binding document that shows Deripaska losing hundreds of millions of dollars in debt relief and what else is in there that's important for us to know?
DOGGETT : Well, I think it raises a question as to him having effective control of this company. You know he spent half a million dollars in the last six months hiring a former Republican Senator and his lobbying firm to try to influence the administration, the Congress, and foreign ambassadors. And I've got that document as well and it's interesting that the company that represents that is lobbying for Mr. Deripaska mentions that 48% control of one of his companies by another is effective control. The Treasury set this arbitrary number that as long as Deripaska didn't own 50% of the stock, he handed out some of it to his banker, to his former wife, and other relatives, and his own Trump type foundation that as long as he didn't have 50%, he didn't have effective control. We disapproved this in the House. The Senate needs to disapprove it also. McConnell needs to stop blocking it and we need that intelligence assessment to find out is this just another Trump favor for Putin or is it a legitimate transaction. It certainly looks like a sorted deal to me.
BURNETT : It's interesting you say it looks like a sorted deal, certainly giving shares to your ex-wife with wrong Deripaska does have a very, very tight financial relationship would not be losing control. I mean the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, he put out a statement. Congressman you saw it. He said the sanctions would, "Sever Deripaska's control." Those were the words used by the Treasury Secretary of the United States. By the way overruling the recommendation of his own staff, right? They had said don't do this. He overruled and did this in Deripaska's favor saying it would sever. You're saying it doesn't. Do you want Mnuchin back in front of Congress to testify on that?
DOGGETT : I do. He's been invited to be back in front of our committee this Thursday. I hope he comes. He's been asked to extend time so we can have a thorough briefing on this and if he's right, if this does accomplish the objective, why not permit a reasonable period of time to have a classified independent intelligence assessment through the CIA, and other intelligence organizations to determine will he still have effective control in Putin's Russia or is this a truly independent relationship. I doubt that it is. I think this is just helping Putin. It was really Trump just sliding another gift under the Putin Christmas tree.
BURNETT : All right. I appreciate your time, Congressman.
DOGGETT : Thank you.
BURNETT : Thank you very much. We should point out of course Oleg Deripaska for years has not been able to get a visa to the United States except for when he was passed off as a member of the diplomatic corps to get into this country. OutFront next, Rudy Giuliani alluding to tapes of Trump in a head scratching new interview and they really are at this pointing, I mean, what exactly is he talking about. Plus we're just hours from a crucial deadline, 800,000 workers will miss another paycheck if the government does not reopen tonight, if they have a deal. And we are learning there are two scheduled votes at the Senate, does either one matter at all. Plus, President Trump inviting the students in the viral confrontation with the Native American elder to the White House. As the team at the center of the stare down speaks out.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE : As far as standing there, I had every right to do so.
BURNETT : New tonight, Rudy Giuliani telling our Dana Bash that President Trump has quote "not pissed with him." This is the New York Times report, several people close to Trump are exasperated with Giuliani's interviews about Trump and Russia. Giuliani's latest mess comes during an interview with The New Yorker in which he suggested Trump's conversations about Trump Tower Moscow are on tape. Okay, so this is how the exchange goes. Rudy says, "I have been through all the tapes. I have been through all the texts, I have been through all the emails and I knew none existed." He's referring to a proof of the timing of discussions. The New Yorker then asked, "Wait, what tapes have you gone through?" Giuliani, "Oh, I shouldn't have said tapes." The New Yorker then tries to clarify, "So, there were no tapes you listened to though?" Giuliani, "No tapes. Well, I listened to the tapes but none of them concerned this." Again this is the Trump Tower Moscow meeting how long those conversations were going on specifically involving Donald J. Trump. OutFront now, former Assistant U.S. Attorney with the Southern District of New York, Harry Sandick and White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, April Ryan, also the author of under fire reporting from the frontlines of the Trump White House. So Harry, there's tapes, there's no tapes, there's tapes, there's tapes but not about Trump Tower Moscow. Obviously, now he's telling CNN, "Oh, I'm talking about Michael Cohen tapes, but they weren't about this. They were of other conversations." What's going on?
HARRY SANDICK, FORMER ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK : I really don't know. I mean you can have the two theories broadly. One crazy like a fox. This is all somehow intended to distract people from other things and create sort of a circus-like atmosphere with making statements and then retracting them. I tend to think it's not that deliberate and that it's just somebody who isn't asking the first question that you have to ask in defense work or really any legal work. Before you do something, how does this help my client, how is this advancing the ball, if it's not advancing the ball, don't do it. Stop talking and I don't understand why he's doing this.
BURNETT : How you could see this as advancing the ball, I mean, because April to the point that Harry is making, Rudy Giuliani has said a lot of things to which there appears to be no strategy in part because they're catching someone out for being a liar explicitly in some cases, the President of the United States, right? So he said the opposite of Trump and meaning one of them is a liar, it was Trump on the Stormy Daniels' payment, right? That's been proven. We don't know yet which one of them was lying about whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia or how long Trump was involved in those negotiations for a potential Trump Tower in Moscow. But let me just play this for you.
TRUMP : They said, "Maybe Donald Trump is involved in projects with the Russian." The answer is no. No.
RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY : The President can remember having conversations with him about it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE : Throughout 2016.
GIULIANI : President also remember - yes, probably up to, it could be up to as far as October, November.
TRUMP : There is no collusion between me and my campaign and the Russians.
GIULIANI : I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Did you know about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels?
TRUMP : No. No.
GIULIANI : .. funnel throw offer and the president repaid it.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE : Oh, I didn't know that he did.
BURNETT : Okay. April, Rudy, now he says that the president has no problem with him, right, the quote was he is not pissed with me. Could all of this be purposeful, a strategy?
APRIL RYAN, WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, AMERICAN URBAN RADIO NETWORKS : I don't know what it is, but I can tell you this, you just laid out a great pattern and this is not fake news, this is real. This is a pattern of things that Rudy Giuliani has said on tape and the things that the President just said on tape. Now, the bottom line is he may be friendly with the President but my sources are telling me that the attorneys that are working with the president in the White House that inner circle, they are frustrated with Rudy Giuliani, and they don't know how to tell the President. That's simple. And then, they're also feeling that Rudy Giuliani is unhinged as he is jeopardizing the President's case by saying one thing one day and saying another thing the next. Rudy Giuliani should stop talking. We've been saying - I've been saying it over and over again, so have other lawyers. As a lawyer, you're supposed to sit back and wait and he's trying to play to the court of public opinion, but he's putting his client in jeopardy.
BURNETT : So Harry after the Stormy Daniels bombshell that we just played from Giuliani, I just love it, and as I say it every time I love Sean Hannity. Oh, okay, yes. All right, so Trump tried to downplay the comments as Giuliani making mistakes when that incident happened because he was new and he couldn't know everything going on. Let me play it.
TRUMP : Rudy is a great guy, but he just started a day ago, but he really has his heart into it. He's working hard. He's learning the subject matter. Rudy know it's a woodcut. He started yesterday. He'll get his facts straight. Rudy is great but Rudy had just started and he wasn't totally familiar with everything.
BURNETT : That was 263 days ago, Harry.
SANDICK : Yes, that excuse no longer washes and as April was saying, there are other lawyers working for the President. Some of them are outside of government and many are inside of government. We know from reporting that more than a dozen new lawyers went to work at the White House counsel's office, some of them are very talented. One of them is a former colleague of mine. Those are really the people who should be directing the strategy. And if Giuliani is interfering with that strategy by making these statements then, he should do as April said, he should stop talking.
BURNETT : And yet April he told The New Yorker he's not concerned if people think he's a liar. The magazine asks, "Saying things for Trump not always being truthful about it, do you ever worry this will be your legacy? Does that ever worry you in any way?" To which Giuliani responds, "Absolutely. I'm afraid it will be on my gravestone. 'Rudy Giuliani, he lied for Trump,' somehow I don't think that'll be it, but if it is, so what do I care. I'll be dead." Now, he's trying to clarify by the way those comments, April, to our Dana Bash saying, wait, he's not lying for the President, but then he said that his gravestone could say that. I mean, it is confounding.
RYAN : It's confounding the back-and-forth continues, even on his own legacy. The Rudy Giuliani that we knew at 9/11 is no more, okay. We could put a tombstone there. We don't know this person. This person according, again, to the President's lawyers and attorneys who are dealing with this Russia stuff, they are feeling that he is "unhinged" that's the word I'm getting. They are very concerned, because this is putting the President in jeopardy and, again, they are scared to tell the president. Rudy Giuliani, he just needs to be quiet and the quieter he is, his silence could be deafening, but it could also save his client. I'm not trying to give Rudy Giuliani any tips on how to be a lawyer for the President of the United States, but any legal expert would say, "Be quiet." And he's showing himself.
BURNETT : And, of course, it's scary. I think the scary thing that you're saying is that people are so scared to go to the President and tell the truth and say what they think. It's one of the biggest problems he faces. Thank you both. And next, the Senate preparing to vote on two bills as more than 800,000 Americans are just hours away from having a second pay period with no money coming at all, the 0.00 paycheck. Are these bills just a waste of time? Plus President hopeful Elizabeth Warren taking on Trump and his signature project.
ELIZABETH WARREN, UNITED STATES SENATOR : Now, make no mistake, this wall is dumb.
BURNETT : Tonight, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have announced they're going to take two votes. Okay, and this is about the shutdown, one of the votes is going to move ahead on the President's plan to fund the government, so that means he gets his $5.7 billion wall in exchange for some DACA protections. The ones that he had taken away. The other bill will be to move forward on one of the bills, the House of Democrats passed to reopen the government in February 8th. Okay, so here's the problem, for either of these to actually do anything, they need 60 votes to pass and is there any chance of that? Phil Mattingly is OutFront from Capitol Hill. Phil, what's the answer to that?
PHIL MATTINGLY, CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT, CNN : At the moment it looks like neither is going to pass and that's just in taking a kind of an early survey of Republican and Democratic aides that are involved in this looking at kind of just the bare reality as it currently stands. If you look at the chamber, there's 53 Republicans in the Senate, 47 Democrats. The Republicans are going to need seven Democrats to come over and support the President's proposal which Democratic leaders and most to the rank and file has already panned as not a compromise at all and not on the table. Democrats will need at least 13 Republicans to join them and what their proposal would do is essentially reopen the government until February 8th and open some opportunity to have the discussions on border negotiations and border security. Here's the issue here for Republicans and we've talked about this before, Erin ...
MATTINGLY : ... the President opposes that plan and if the President opposes it while some probably three, four maybe five Senate Republicans are willing to break with the President, the vast majority the conference is not. So the idea that 13 of them could break or even want a veto-proof majority, you're going to need seven, eight, nine, 10 more of those. It's just not a reality right now. That's what everybody is saying. I think the bigger question right now is twofold. One, is the president going to change his mind at any point in the next couple of days? It seems like no and if that's the case, both of these will fail. And the final would be if both of these fail does that serve as kind of the trigger to bring people to the table and actually have a discussion, a real discussion that we haven't seen for days, maybe even weeks. Right now we don't know the answer that, Erin.
BURNETT : All right, Phil, thank you very much. So I want to go now to Democratic Strategist, Keith Boykin, and former Republican Congresswoman, Mia love, both political commentators for us. So Mia, these bills, you heard Phil, unless the President really changes his stance, they're not going to pass. So it seems from that perspective to be a waste of time while federal employees literally they don't get the go-ahead by midnight, they can't issue these paychecks for Friday, so we're going to miss another pay period.
MIA LOVE, FORMER UTAH CONGRESSWOMAN : Yes. Well, I don't think it's a waste of time because at least they're voting on something. Unfortunately, these are procedural votes and it allows that 60-vote threshold to get through. So, of course, you've got the President's plan where you need seven Democrats to vote for the President's plan which includes the 5.7 billion, the temporary protective status three years extension including DACA, all of those things that the President talked about. And then the other bill is the House bill that was passed that only opens up the 25% of government that was shut down till February 8th.
LOVE : So, we're going to end up. Even if that passes, are you in the same place again on February 8th. So, at least they're taking a vote. But again, this is not. I've spoken to my colleagues. I've spoken to my friends on both sides of the aisle. There isn't one person that is actually seeing these things, seeing that actually pass the 60 vote threshold.
ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST : So, Keith, given that, is this a waste of time or no?
KEITH BOYKIN, FORMER CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AIDE : I sort of agree with Mia, actually, in that I don't think it's a waste of time only because they're doing something. They're making progress. However, it does also come as a reflection of the fact that Mitch McConnell has been in control of the United States Senate for the past 32 days of the shutdown and has not allowed any of the nine Democratic House bills that have passed to reopen the government to be introduced on the Senate floor. He's been the bottleneck that's prevented any sort of action on this, by now introducing legislation, it's showing the fact that he could have done something all along. He failed to do something. So, I think that's a reflection of the fact that he's abdicated his responsibility as leader of the Senate majority.
BURNETT : So if this doesn't happen. And, you know, even if you get a government maybe reopening before the State of the Union, they're going to be close to it at this point, Mia. You know, the White House says, OK, we're going ahead with our plans the Secret Service says, we're OK. We're going to go through our walkthrough, right? We're going to do our thing. But an adviser telling CNN the idea of a rally has been discussed, something that we know is oxygen for this president. Should he just bag the State of the Union, go out, do his message at a rally? Is that a good idea?
LOVE : I don't think it's a good idea. Look, the American public is suffering. They need to know what the plan is. They need to know -- they need to hear from people. We have to stop the posturing. Again, think about this there are some my former colleagues saying, look, $5.7 billion, if you think about it, you know, we're willing, as long as we get the $5.7 billion, we're willing to pretty much talk to speaker Pelosi about anything. Anything is on the table. It's going to be above -- below that threshold. They see it as a -- you know, this is nothing compared to the 867 billion dollar ad bill that -- the farm bill that they pass. Also, the two bills include a little over $12 billion in disaster funding also. So, they're a lot of the colleagues I spoke to today who feel like, OK, $5.7 billion. Let's start talking about this.
BURNETT : Yes, go ahead, Keith.
BOYKIN : Except that Republicans had control over the United States Congress of both chambers for two whole years and did nothing about this. And now, suddenly, after Republicans have lost control of the house, it becomes the crisis. If it was such an emergency, they should have done something before. Secondly, you got the fact that the American people voted on this, in November. They voted on which side they are going to support. They have voted against the Republican and now this is effectively a coup that the Republican Congress is orchestrating to overturn the will of the American people.
LOVE : Wait. Just one minute, I just need the make sure there was a little correction there, because when I was in the House of Representatives, we had a really good comprehensive immigration bill that actually helped families on the border. As a daughter of parents that immigrated to this country, immigration was one of my top priorities where I actually went against my own leadership to get these bills on the floor. And, unfortunately, with temporary protective status, with a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients and protection at the borders, we didn't get any support from the minority at that time. So, I think again this is something that actually can be fixed. Speaker Pelosi can come to the table and ask for whatever. I just want it done. There are people that are literally there saying, let's get rid of -- if the leadership can't fix this, let's get together on our own and see if we can push a vote that will open up government.
BURNETT : That would be interesting to see, talking about a coup.
BOYKIN : They had two years to do it and they didn't do anything.
BURNETT : All right. Thank you both. And next, the governor known for being the first to legalize marijuana, my guest, John Hickenlooper. Is he ready to run for president? Plus, the teen in that viral stare down is speaking out as President Trump invites him and his classmates to the White House.
### Summary:
| Mueller Wants To Know About Trump's Campaign Ties To NRA; Fact; NRA Expect More Than $30 Million To Back Trump; Ex-Trump Aide: Special Counsel Mueller's Team Asking About Trump Campaign's Ties to NRA; Giuliani Tells CNN Trump Is "Not Pissed" With Him Despite Series Of Comments Where He Contradicts Himself And The President; Giuliani Insists He Hasn't Lied For Trump After Asking In Interview "So What Do I Care?" If People Think I Lied For Him; Giuliani Suggests He's Been "Through All The" Trump Tower Moscow "Tapes," Then Says He "Shouldn't Have Said Tapes" White House Won't Say If Trump Would Veto House Bill To Open Government. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : I did not know how much I needed a break .
Wyatt : See ? You should always listen to me .
Hope : Ha ! Yeah , you wish .
Wyatt : You wish !
Hope : [ Laughs ]
Wyatt : So ... [ Clears throat ] There s nothing that you want to take back ?
Hope : No . In fact , I want more of everything .
Wyatt : Well , I think I can make that happen .
Charlie : You know , I really thought Quinn had you fooled .
Pam : She s good . I ll give her that . You should have seen her at lunch , Charlie . She s fawning all over me and flattering me , pretending she was my B.F.F.
Charlie : But you never bought it -- I mean , not even for a minute ?
Pam : The minute that she called me girlfriend , I knew something was up . I just did nt know what .
Charlie : So , you just played along ?
Pam : I did . It really fries my cookie when someone assumes that I am some kind of airhead . Well , Quinn bet on the wrong pony this time . Let s go see Liam .
Liam : [ Sighs ]
Ridge : I like what you did here . What if you drape this guy over the side like that ? What do you think ?
Caroline : Oh , yeah . It s way more elegant .
Ridge : It still has your edge but a little bit of the Forrester grace .
Carter : The tiniest change can make such a difference .
Employee : Ridge is a genius .
Ridge : Oh , stop it . I m not .
Employee : And he s modest .
Rick : Do nt let him fool you .
Employee : Feel free to fool me anytime .
Employee : I would nt mind it , either .
Caroline : All right , ladies . A little professionalism .
Brooke : Hi . You got a minute ?
Katie : Yeah . Sure . Come on in . What s up ?
Brooke : Well , I just wanted to tell you how much your support with Ridge meant to me . I mean , after everything I ve put you through , you re still urging Ridge to marry me . I was surprised [ Chuckles ] And overwhelmed .
Caroline : Is this the right amount ?
Ridge : Just come over all the way like that here . There . There you go .
Rick : I disagree . The dress looks gorgeous the way it is .
Ridge : I did nt say it did nt .
Rick : No , actually , you barged into a meeting that was nt yours , started making changes . I do nt think I have to tell you you do nt design for Hope for the Future . We rebranded this line -- quite successfully , I might add . If we go back to the way things were , we might as well sail that ship right into a financial abyss . Second of all , as the executive in charge , I do nt want Hope for the Future looking Couture . That was never the intention .
Ridge : I gave a note . You can take it or leave it .
Caroline : I m taking it . Thank you . What about -- what about this one ?
Brooke : What you said to Ridge -- telling him to put my ring back on -- your support almost makes up for the fact that he did nt .
Katie : I m sorry . I know that s what you wanted -- to rebuild your life with Ridge . It ll happen . You and Ridge always find your way back to each other , right ?
Brooke : I do nt know . He seems disillusioned .
Katie : I know you just want him to get over it , but you have to understand . Hearing about you and Bill -- it s a shock . He needs time to absorb it .
Brooke : I know . I just need to be a little more patient .
Katie : Not exactly your strong suit .
Brooke : But I ve been trying with you , and I think it s paying off . I feel closer to being a real sister to you again .
Katie : We are real sisters . And R.J. is my nephew , and if he can have both of his parents , then of course I m supportive of that .
Brooke : What about Will ?
Katie : Will will be fine . Lots of kids grow up in divided homes .
Brooke : So , you do nt think there s a chance for you and Bill ?
Katie : No , I do nt .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] All because of what I did .
Katie : Because of Bill . He does nt get a free pass .
Brooke : So much damage done -- your relationship broken , Ridge is disappointed in me . Being with Bill Spencer was probably the worst mistake of my life .
Pam : Um , Liam ?
Liam : Pam ?
Pam : Oh .
Liam : Hi .
Pam : We , uh -- we really need to talk to you .
Liam : Okay , yeah . Come on in . I was just , uh -- hey , Charlie . I was just trying to get ahold of Hope . She s off somewhere with Wyatt and not answering her ... phone . What ? What s -- what s going on ?
Pam : Look , go easy on him . He already feels terrible enough as it is .
Charlie : I - I - I - it was that woman . She --
Pam : She creeps him out .
Charlie : Yeah .
Liam : What woman ?
Charlie : Quinn .
Liam : Oh , great . What did she do now ?
Charlie : Not now -- before .
Pam : Go on . Just say it .
Charlie : Ooh . You were right , Liam . Wyatt stole the diamond .
Wyatt : Well , I hope you re happy , because I am . I have never been happier in my life .
Hope : Because of little old me ?
Wyatt : That s all it takes .
Hope : Yes , I m very happy .
Wyatt : Good . So , you still have no regrets about any ...
Hope : You keep asking me that . No , I do nt -- I do nt regret anything between us . I mean , I - I think at first , I had some questions . I thought maybe there could be some , like , character issues .
Wyatt : Really ? ! What ? !
Hope : Okay , listen . Like , o-- well , okay . Honesty and -- and goodness and decency -- you know , that s what I look for in a man -- treating others with respect , kindness . And when you first showed up , I did nt -- I did nt see a whole lot of that from you .
Wyatt : By the way I treated Liam ?
Hope : You were kissing me in his house . You were , you know , putting him down all the time .
Wyatt : I know . I -- it was nt nice . And I do nt have an excuse , but I could give you a reason .
Hope : Okay .
Wyatt : I was ... so jealous that I could nt see straight .
Hope : That s very honest .
Wyatt : Liam had you , and I wanted you , and ... that s really all I ve got .
Hope : That s it ? That s all you got ?
Wyatt : That s all I got .
Hope : Okay . Well , I think -- I think you ve redeemed yourself . Not only am I happy to be with you , I m proud .
Caroline : Okay , ladies . Unpeel your eyes . Alterations await . Chop , chop .
Employee : Thanks , Ridge .
Carter : Must be tough , all the gorgeous women in town falling all over you .
Ridge : [ Groans ]
Rick : Ridge does nt notice . He s all about my mother . Are nt you , Ridge ?
Ridge : Why am I getting the feeling that you have something to say to me , Rick ?
Carter : I ll take that as my cue .
Ridge : Do nt go far . I got something to talk to you about .
Carter : I ll be in my office .
Ridge : Now ... what s on your mind ?
Rick : My mother . She s been through a lot . I do nt want to see her hurt . So , I need to know where you stand .
Brooke : Thank you . Ridge said that he needed time to get used to the fact that I betrayed you . I think if it was anybody else , he probably would have forgiven me by now , but with your husband ? I felt really stupid getting him to put that ring back on my finger . [ Sighs ] You think it d be too much to ask ...
Katie : What ?
Brooke : Ridge respects your opinion . Maybe if you could keep supporting me and put in a good word for me ...
Katie : What are you thinking ?
Brooke : Do you think maybe he s involved with somebody else ?
Hope : So , do you even know where we re going ?
Wyatt : I m gon na follow the highway .
Hope : Ah .
Wyatt : Unless you want me to make a plan , cause I can do that .
Hope : No . I m offended . What , you think I ca nt be spontaneous ?
Wyatt : Oh , no , I know you can be spontaneous .
Hope : All right . Well , now you re just making me blush .
Wyatt : Well , I did nt even say anything .
Hope : It s your eyes . Your eyes are saying so many things .
Wyatt : My eyes -- my eyes are saying how much I love you ?
Hope : Yeah , I m -- I m getting that message .
Wyatt : Yeah ? How insanely sexy you are ?
Hope : It s coming through a little bit , too .
Wyatt : Yeah ? You know , we really do nt have to go anywhere right now . We could just come in here .
Hope : No , no , no . No !
Wyatt : What ?
Hope : Tempting . This is a road trip , so let s hit the road .
Wyatt : Oh - ho - ho - ho ! Fine . Let s do it .
Hope : Okay .
Wyatt : Ugh ! [ Laughs ]
Liam : Wait . But you -- you said that there was nothing on the security footage that showed Wyatt took the diamond .
Charlie : Yeah , I know . I - I lied .
Liam : You ... lied ? Why -- to protect Wyatt ?
Charlie : No , to protect me .
Pam : Look , Quinn threatened him , Liam , and not in any kind of specific way , but that s not how she operates .
Liam : Uh - huh .
Charlie : She made me think that telling you could cost me my job and that Hope would be upset with me now that she was dating Wyatt and it was just a harmless mistake and a prank and -- I do nt know . I - I - I - I m so sorry , Liam . I should have come to you in the first place .
Liam : No , it s okay . Just ... let me make sure I understand . Are you telling me that you have actual footage of Wyatt stealing the diamond ?
Charlie : Oh , yeah . Yeah , yeah . It s on my phone . Here . Here . Look .
Liam : You re kidding .
Charlie : See ? So , when I turned around to secure the premises , that s when Wyatt snatched the diamond .
Liam : There it is . I knew it .
Pam : I would have told you sooner , but I just found out myself .
Charlie : Tell him about Quinn .
Pam : [ Scoffs ] So , she takes me out to lunch and pretends that she s my best friend .
Liam : What ?
Pam : I knew something was off , but I just let her think that I was all flattered to be in her regal presence . Turns out she just wanted me to keep Charlie quiet .
Charlie : I m so sorry , Liam . This is all my fault .
Liam : No , Charlie . No , it s not . Quinn is a master manipulator , and so is her son . Listen , I knew -- I knew -- that there was something going on with Wyatt . I just needed the proof , and now I have it . I just -- I have to get it to Hope .
Rick : I saw my mom yesterday . I got the impression that she was coming to you with her engagement ring .
Ridge : Yeah . She wanted me to put it back on her .
Rick : Um ... she s not here , so I m gon na take a wild guess and say that did nt happen .
Ridge : No , it did nt happen .
Rick : You rejected her again .
Ridge : What your mother and Bill did to Katie is ...
Rick : Unforgivable ?
Ridge : I do nt know . I m having a hard time getting my head around it .
Rick : You keep telling everyone that you came back to reunite your family . If you do nt want to do that , hey , that s fine . That s your call . But do nt string my mother along . Do nt get her hopes up if it s a dead end .
Ridge : I need more time , Rick .
Rick : See , that s weird to me . You ve always forgiven her in the past . It makes me wonder , is there something that you re not saying ?
Ridge : Like what ?
Rick : Like , is there someone else ?
Ridge : I m just not ready to commit to your mom .
Rick : To my mother or to any woman ?
Ridge : Any woman , Rick .
Katie : Has Ridge given you any reason to believe that he s involved with somebody else ?
Brooke : No , but his reluctance to make a commitment tells me otherwise .
Katie : Why do nt you just believe him when he says that he needs more time instead of manufacturing obstacles ?
Brooke : Okay , okay . I ll just -- I need to let it sit for a while .
Katie : Yes . Good .
Brooke : I have been in love so many times -- in and out of love , breaking up , getting back together . You -- you have been in love with one man and been very happy , till I came along .
Katie : Well , we do nt have to talk about this anymore .
Brooke : My point is ... I just do nt want it to throw you into another depression .
Katie : You do nt have to worry about me . I m fine . Actually , I m feeling quite well .
Liam : [ Gasps ] Caroline .
Pam : What about her ?
Liam : Hope and Wyatt -- they were passing her on the way out . Maybe she knows where they were headed .
Caroline : Hey , Liam . What s up ?
Liam : Hey . Uh , you saw Hope and Wyatt leave . Do you have any idea where they went ?
Caroline : Not a clue . I mean , they were heading south on PCH . Um ... oh , you know what ? Wyatt said something about a surfing safari .
Liam : S-- okay . Thanks .
Charlie : Anything ?
Liam : They headed south on a surfing safari .
Liam : Surfing safari , south on PCH .
Pam : Lots of cities .
Liam : Yeah , but we know that it s somewhere along the coast , right ? So , we got Seal Beach , Huntington , Newport , Corona Del Mar. Emerald Bay ?
Wyatt : Hey , come out here ! We re at Emerald Bay , our very own Costa Smeralda , huh ?
Hope : I know , and ... oh , I love this !
Wyatt : ... I made cocktails .
Hope : You did ! It s a -- it s a little early .
Wyatt : Thank you . But we re on vacation , remember ? Plus , time is anything we say it is . You know , it s 5 : 00 somewhere , right ?
Hope : [ Laughing ] Yes .
Wyatt : To many more adventures .
Hope : One a month .
Wyatt : At least .
Hope : [ Laughs ]
Wyatt : God .
Hope : Mm .
Wyatt : I do nt want to go back .
Hope : We do nt have to . I mean , well , not yet .
Wyatt : I like having you all to myself , you know ? No distractions , no ex- boyfriends or mothers -- just you and me , you know , the sand , the surf , the open road . It does nt get any better than this .
Brooke : Are you sure you re all right ? I think about you here alone in this great big house .
Katie : I m fine . I m not looking for a man to fill up the spaces . I m actually enjoying my independence .
Brooke : Wow . I m surprised . I have nt seen you read poetry in a long time .
Katie : I picked it up again . I d almost forgotten how much I love it -- the beauty and the purity , the wisdom in the words .
Brooke : When you find something like that , something that makes you feel good inside , it s food for the soul . You need to hang on to it , to hold it close . Never let it go .
### Summary:
| Hope tells Wyatt that she does nt want to take anything back ; she wants more of it all . He says he is the happiest he has ever been , all because of her . He admits he was nt very nice to Liam when they met . He had no excuse but there is a reason . He was so jealous he could not see straight . Liam had her and he wanted her , that s all he s got . She says he has redeemed himself . She s proud to be with him . Pam tells Charlie that it just fries her cookie when someone assumes she is an airhead . She loved how Quinn was fawning all over her at lunch and wanting to be her BFF . She saw right through her little scheme . Quinn bet on the wrong pony this time . They are going to go see Liam . Brooke drops in on Katie and thanks her for supporting her when she asked Ridge to marry her . He s very disillusioned and needs more time to absolve what happened with Bill . Katie says they always wind up back together so it will happen . But this does not mean she will get back with Bill ; too much damage done . She says she is not looking for a man to fill the spaces . She is enjoying her independent life . Brooke notices the poetry books and says that is good for the soul . She needs to hang on to that and embrace it . Ridge makes a few changes on the models and Rick takes offense that this is not Ridge s line . And Rick does not want HFTF to look couture . They even get into words over the way Ridge is rejecting Brooke . Ridge says he is having a hard time over what happened with Bill . Rick points out that Ridge has always forgiven her before . It s as if there is something else he is not saying . Liam is still trying to track Hope down when Charlie and Pam come to his office . Pam tells Liam to go easy on Charlie , but Liam was right , Wyatt stole the diamond . Charlie admits that he lied about the footage not showing anything as Quinn had threatened him that he would lose his job and Hope would be very unhappy . Charlie says he is sorry ; all of this is his fault . Liam says no , he knew all along Wyatt was involved . Now he needs to get this information to Hope . He calls Caroline who did actually see Hope and Wyatt leave . All she knows and tells Liam is they went South on PCH , something about a Surfing Safari . Wyatt tells Hope that he does nt want to go back . He likes her here all to himself with no ex boyfriend or mothers , just the road . It does nt get better than this . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Krystal : Serve yourself here .
Opal : Thank you very much .
J.R. : What do you say , Joe ? You care to do the honors ?
Joe : Well --
Mrs. Castillo : Of course , the father of the groom will make a toast .
Joe : Cara , you ve just married a man who will stand behind you no matter what . May you be healthy , happy , and safe , and may you both --
Opal : To the bride and groom !
All : To the bride and groom !
Griffin : Hey .
Tad : Hey . Kendall get home ok ?
Griffin : Yeah . Did I miss anything ?
Tad : Actually , just this .
Griffin : I wish you a happy and safe life . Welcome to la familia Castillo .
Tad : Thank you .
Griffin : Thank you .
Cara : Oh , I m so glad you came .
Joe : Hey , Tad , come here a second .
Tad : Listen , Pop , that was one hell of a speech . Thank you .
Joe : Your mother - in - law is out of earshot now and the Immigration guy is gone , so I can be a little direct . It s done now . You must do your best to make it work .
Krystal : Ok . Anybody want more champagne ? I guess you do . Yeah . That s good ?
Opal : I think we all are .
Jake : I guess this is where I say Congratulations .
David : You re the ones who called this meeting . Now you re late .
Greenlee : Why are you in scrubs ?
David : I m volunteering at a local free clinic .
Ryan : Emptying bedpans ?
David : I want to practice medicine again , Ryan . So if doing menial work helps me do that , get my license back , why not ?
Ryan : Yeah , you want to prove that you re a changed man ? Help me get my daughter back .
David : You have my full cooperation .
Ryan : Ok . So by now Annie must be really hurting for cash .
David : Yeah , but she s obviously afraid of coming out of hiding to actually get it . So all I can do is sit around , wait for the phone to ring .
Ryan : Maybe there s something I can do .
Scott : Hey , I m going to head to work now . I can give you a ride to get your sonogram .
Madison : Oh . I ve been trying to reschedule , since they canceled me yesterday , but so far it s a big , fat No .
Scott : Are you kidding me ? That s just wrong .
Madison : Hmm . I m in perfect health and not exactly a priority case . But I just -- I wanted a peek , you know ? Just a peek just to make sure that everything s going well in there .
Scott : Yeah . Grab your stuff , come down with me . If they see you standing there all ready to go , maybe they ll squeeze you in .
Madison : No . That s all right . It s no big deal .
Scott : Are you sure ?
Madison : Go , before you re late . Yeah .
Scott : Yeah ? All right .
Madison : Ohh .
Jake : So , Mrs. Martin --
Cara : I prefer Dr. Martin .
Jake : I m sorry all of this had to happen like this . I m sorry that Amanda -- that she turned you in .
Cara : It s not your fault .
Jake : I have to say that I do nt think she would ve done it if she knew how much danger it would actually put you in . I have to believe that . But you know what ? The Immigration officer is gone and -- so you can breathe now . You can exhale .
Cara : Right .
Jake : Happy wedding day to you .
Amanda : A dirty martini . Thank you .
Agent Trumbull : This one s on me .
Jake : This is gon na work .
Cara : Of course , it will .
Jake : Yeah , yeah . Agent Trumbull saw the perfect wedding . Everybody did their job , so welcome to the family . Welcome back to the family .
Joe : Still think it was a good idea ?
Tad : I think Jake and Amanda are solid .
Joe : Where is Amanda ? Do nt forget what Cara did to Jake and how hurt he was when she left him .
Tad : She left him to save his life , and I figure that we owe her for that .
Joe : There are other ways to repay her .
Tad : Yeah , it d be kind of hard to figure one out if she s dead . How many times have you saved a life ? More than I can count , that s for sure . You know something , Pop ? I ca nt strap on a stethoscope like you can or Jake , make that kind of difference , but I can do this . You took a chance on a screwed - up kid with a broken arm a long , long time ago . You made him part of your family , and you gave him a life . And I ca nt possibly imagine what I would ve amounted to if it was nt for you . So maybe another way of looking at this is like paying it forward , or maybe it s a leap of faith , or maybe it s just the sum total of all the years I ve had your voice inside of my head reminding me to do the right thing .
Joe : It s all my fault , then , and your mother s ?
Tad : Pop , it s not about fault . You re my father . I love you . You re the best man I ve ever known . I m proud of the man that you made me . I hope you are , too .
Joe : Son , what about your happiness ? You still have time to have a real marriage .
Tad : Pop , let s be honest . I m never gon na have anything close to what I had with Dixie . Not in this lifetime . I ve already had the best . I got no regrets . I ve got happy memories . I ve got beautiful children . I m ok with this . It ll be all right .
Kathy : Come on , Daddy !
Tad : Hey , easy on the groom , now . Come on .
Kathy : You look beautiful .
Cara : Oh , honey , you look beautiful . And so do you , muffin . Thank you .
Krystal : Come on , now . It s not real .
Opal : I know , I know , but still . I just always cry at weddings . I ca nt help it .
Ruth : She does . Who knows ? Maybe they ll be good for each other .
Opal : Yeah .
Marissa : Guess I m getting a new roommate .
J.R. : Yeah , I heard that you re all moving out so Tad and Cara can have the place to themselves .
Marissa : Yeah , we re just getting a room at the Valley Inn .
J.R. : A hotel ? Why do nt you just come over to the house ?
Marissa : There are 5 of us .
J.R. : Yeah . We got a lot of rooms . It ll be a gift to Tad , ok ? Fire up the old game console , serve some mac and cheese , play some games . Besides , it s only just A.J. and me anyway .
Marissa : Do you ever stop ?
J.R. : Stop what ?
Marissa : Pushing .
Griffin : So I guess we re brother - in - laws again .
Jake : Brothers - in - law is the right way to say it .
Griffin : There s nothing more important to me in this life than Cara .
Jake : I m aware . Gon na take good care of her . Ok ?
Griffin : Yeah ?
Jake : Yeah . I got to go . I got to make a call .
J.R. : You re not leaving ? Brother of the groom ca nt leave until he makes a proper toast . Huh ? Ha ha ha !
Amanda : In all the joints , in all the towns in the world , you end up here in that barstool .
Agent Trumbull : I could move over a few if you d like . I ll have the same . You know , I could ve sworn you d be toasting the bride and groom right about now .
Amanda : Hmm . I m not really that big into weddings .
Agent Trumbull : What s not to like ? They re full of love and hope , and the bride gets welcomed into the groom s family . Who would nt want a part of that , right ?
Amanda : You have no idea .
Scott : Hey , you re in charge of scheduling . Right , Melissa ? Yeah , I have a friend , a very good friend , who was here for a sonogram appointment yesterday , but I guess things got a little crazy , and they sent her home . So I was wondering if you could just squeeze her in today ?
Melissa : If I gave in to everyone who just wanted to be squeezed in , there would nt be a schedule . So , much as I like dimples , no .
Scott : You can just --
Melissa : No .
Scott : Really ? Really ? That is so rude and -- and wrong . [ Types ] Well , looky here , an appointment . Madison North . Hey , Madison . Do you have any time ?
Ryan : I have an idea that just might force Annie out into the open . It s a long shot --
Greenlee : But it s better than doing nothing .
David : All right . So what s your brilliant plan ?
Ryan : Annie is not aware that I know you helped her escape . Right ? So if she s desperate enough --
Greenlee : She ll contact you again .
Ryan : So what I did is I made a video appeal to Annie to bring Emma back , and I distributed it to the television stations , especially the stations where Annie was last seen in that area .
David : So you think she s just gon na turn on the TV , happen upon your sad face , and bring Emma home ?
Ryan : The appeal to Annie to bring Emma home is only part of it , ok ? I make very clear that she s a fugitive . She ca nt get a job . One swipe of the credit card , and we nail her .
Greenlee : We re hoping that it will remind Annie she s boxed in , nowhere to turn for cash except --
David : Me ?
Ryan : It s a gamble , but if she bites , we got her . So all you have to do is arrange a drop site for the money , and the FBI will be there waiting , and they ll grab Annie .
David : You do realize it could take her weeks to call ?
Ryan : That s why you got to stay on top of this .
David : All I can do is sit around waiting for the phone to ring . But I got to say this is a first , huh ? You needing me ? I m just happy to help .
Ryan : Let s just hope this works , ok ? Because if it does , I get my daughter back safe , and I do nt have to deal with you again .
David : In all sincerity , I feel the same exact way on both counts .
Ryan : I m gon na go see if there s been any response to the video .
Greenlee : I m gon na buy you a dictionary , because you obviously have no idea what the word sincerity means .
David : What ? I meant what I said about helping find Annie .
Greenlee : You re not doing this for Ryan . You re doing this to get your medical license back . And just maybe Marissa will find out about your good deed , forgive you for all the crap that you ve pulled , and you ll have your daughter back , as well .
David : What s wrong with everyone getting their happy ending ?
Greenlee : Ow !
David : You all right ?
Greenlee : I m fine .
Ryan : What s going on ?
Greenlee : I m fine . I just -- I just twisted it a little bit .
David : Let me take a look at it .
Ryan : No , let s get you to a doctor . Ok ?
Greenlee : I m fine .
Ryan : I want to be sure . Ok ? Please . Easy .
Scott : You made it .
Madison : I ca nt believe an appointment opened up . Thank you so much for checking and calling .
Scott : I m just glad it worked out . Come on in .
Madison : You know , I hate to admit this , but -- I did nt want to make a big deal about not getting the sonogram yesterday , but it was a big deal , you know ? I was bummed , but now --
Sonographer : You re here for the ultrasound ?
Madison : Yes . Madison North . I appreciate your seeing me today .
Sonographer : With the way my schedule keeps getting changed with no warning , you re lucky you got an appointment at all .
Scott : Yes , we are lucky . And we would love to see how this baby is doing .
Sonographer : Then let s get started . You know the drill ?
Madison : Yes . I know there s no medical urgency , obviously , but I m a first- timer , so I get worried . I just wish I had a window , so I can look in there and see how the little baby s doing , you know ?
Sonographer : There s the baby .
Madison : My baby .
Agent Trumbull : I guess things did nt work out the way you thought when you called us . Cara s gon na be your sister - in - law . She s gon na be at every family gathering , anniversary , birthday .
Amanda : Hello ?
Jake : Where are you ? I ve been leaving you a bunch of messages .
Amanda : Sorry about that .
Jake : Just tell me where you are . I ll meet you .
Amanda : There s no reason for you the leave the wedding .
Jake : Amanda , I would rather be with you . Get it ?
Amanda : Everything s so messed up .
Jake : Just tell me where you are .
Amanda : I ll just meet you back at the house . Bring me some wedding cake .
Jake : Wait a sec --
Amanda : You re still here .
Agent Trumbull : I did nt finish my drink yet . Do nt worry , I was nt eavesdropping .
Amanda : Is nt that part of your job ? Nosy , snoopy , listening to people s business that s none of yours ?
Agent Trumbull : You ok ?
Amanda : Peachy . Huh .
Agent Trumbull : I know when you look at me , you see a badge .
Amanda : And a bad suit and the wrong shoes .
Agent Trumbull : You know , if you want to talk , I m a good listener .
Cara : Ooh , I love that !
Kathy : You re supposed to do it .
Griffin : Hey .
Opal : I have nt officially welcomed you to the family .
Griffin : Thank you .
Opal : We re big huggers .
Griffin : Yeah .
Tad : Now comes the traditional moment in ceremony when we enjoy cheese . For you .
Cara : You re happy . I do nt want the cheese .
Tad : I m usually happy at my weddings .
Cara : Yeah ?
Tad : Yeah .
Cara : But those are the real ones .
Tad : This is real , too , in its own way . Please , enjoy cheese .
Cara : I ll have a breadstick .
J.R. : You know I did nt mean to put you on the spot ?
Marissa : You asked me to move in with you once , and I said No then . Nothing s changed .
J.R. : It s one night . Everybody s having a great time . There s no reason for the party to end . Let s just continue it back at the mansion .
A.J. : Can we have a party at our house ?
Marissa : No , sweetie . We re just talking , ok ? Why do nt you go play with Kathy and Jenny , huh ?
J.R. : One night .
Marissa : Uh - huh . It must get tiring always wanting what you ca nt have , huh ?
J.R. : There s a big difference between ca nt have and do nt have .
Tad : Please , please . Excuse me .
Tad : May I please have your attention ? I think it s time to warn you , now has come the time for me to step on my wife s toes . In other words , our first bolero .
Griffin : That s unfortunate .
Mrs. Castillo : I hope that s not a sign .
Tad : Let s cut the cake .
Kathy and Jenny : Yay !
Krystal : I ll get a knife . Excuse me .
Ruth : She is ok with the wedding , is nt she ?
Opal : She s getting there , yeah . Why do nt we go help her with the plates .
Ruth : Good idea .
J.R. : Tad ? I just want to say congratulations again , but I m gon na have to leave .
Jake : I m also gon na head out .
Tad : No . We re just getting to the good part . We re gon na have cake and dance -- and cake .
J.R. : Listen , I d love to stay , but I have an appointment I got to make .
Tad : Oh , mijo .
Jake : Take it easy .
Tad : Wait a minute . Not you , too . Come here for a second . You ca nt bail on me right now , ok ? Look , my best man s already on the way to California . J.R. leaves . I need you to stick around . What ?
Jake : Cara knows .
Tad : What do you mean ? Cara knows that -- that Amanda is the one that nailed her ?
Jake : And she took off . I got to go find Amanda , make sure she s ok . So I m sure you understand .
Tad : Look , I do , ok , and I m really , really sorry about Amanda , but I need you to stick around . Do this for me , ok ? Please , just a little longer . Take some snapshots , ok ? We want to make sure if the Feds see them , they do nt wonder why you re not in them .
Kathy : Smile , Daddy !
Jake : Got it ?
Tad : Do another one .
Jake : Pictures .
Tad : Smile !
Singer : How do you know something that s for real or just for show ? All the double - dealing has got us tripping now if you take a little leave a little can I make you understand now ? If you get a little give a little , maybe it s a better plan
Amanda : It s just Cara , me -- a total jealous bitch , the one that brought you guys down on her , but you know that already .
Agent Trumbull : I know it s not a country , but she is getting married . That part s good , right ?
Amanda : Uh - huh .
Agent Trumbull : She s too close ? You still have doubts , even though she s wearing another man s ring ?
Amanda : His ring , yeah .
Madison : Look . There s the head . I ca nt believe how much he / she has grown .
Scott : He / she ?
Sonographer : Do you want to know the baby s sex ?
Scott : That s your call .
Madison : Yes , I want to know .
Sonographer : Looks like it s a girl .
Madison : A girl .
Scott : And I bet she s gon na be just as beautiful as her mom .
Sonographer : Here you go .
Scott : Oh .
Sonographer : One for you .
Madison : Thank you .
Scott : Wow .
Madison : Baby Girl North . I m never gon na forget this day .
Scott : Oh . Accounts Receivable -- ca nt live without me . So you re good ?
Madison : I m good . Thank you . Thank you so much .
Scott : All I did was --
Madison : A lot .
Scott : Ok .
Greenlee : I told you it was nothing . Let s get out of here .
Ryan : Ok . I ll go take care of the paperwork , ok ?
Greenlee : Taking care of me is the last thing you need to do right now . All we should be thinking about is Emma . I ca nt wait to hear that laugh of hers again .
Ryan : I know . We just got to believe she s coming home . I ll be right back .
Greenlee : Hey .
Opal : Get yourself up here .
Krystal : No , if I m doing it , you re doing it , too .
Marissa : Do nt do me any favors .
Cara : I will . I ve got my eye on you .
Opal : Give her a little room .
Marissa : I like that .
Opal : Here we are . That s the obliging ladies .
Cara : You guys ready back there ?
Kathy : Yay !
Cara : All right . Here we go .
Krystal : Oh !
Jake : I think this is for you . I m a married man . Sorry .
Kathy : Ha ha ha ha !
Marissa : You ready to go ?
A.J. : Ca nt we do what Dad said , bring everyone over to the house ?
Marissa : I do nt think that s a good idea .
A.J. : But the house is lonely . I do nt want to go .
Ruth : We want another grandchild fix before we fly home , you know . Listen , we do live in Florida , but if you ever want anything , need anything , please call .
Cara : I have been hearing about this coffeecake recipe , so --
Ruth : Ha ha ! Oh , Grandma Kate . Yes , of course . I ll send it .
Griffin : Mami ? Cab s here .
Cara : Ok .
Mrs. Castillo : I do nt know what to say .
Cara : Say you re happy for me , Mama .
Mrs. Castillo : I m happy for you , mija . You made many promises today .
Tad : And I intend to keep every one of them .
Joe : You d better .
Mrs. Castillo : I believe he will .
Ruth : I guess we re all family now , hmm ?
Amanda : Ha ! Do nt forget about Tad . He is her new husband .
Agent Trumbull : You ok ?
J.R. : Whoa . Back off .
Agent Trumbull : Let me help .
J.R. : She s married , buddy .
Agent Trumbull : Who are you ?
J.R. : I m a friend . Come on . Just sit down . What s going on with you ?
Amanda : The usual -- making a mess of my life .
J.R. : Why do nt we get some coffee in you , huh ?
Amanda : No . I m fine .
J.R. : No , you re not .
Opal : The girls are getting their stuff ready to go . Should we toss the rice ?
Tad : Actually , everybody that s left is in the know . So we can relax .
Cara : We did it .
Krystal : Somehow .
Opal : Well ! I can breathe again . Your mama is one tough customer .
Griffin : Yes , indeed .
Tad : So are you .
Opal : Oh , I try .
Tad : Thank you , all of you , for helping us to pull this off , and for keeping Cara safe . And , um , for making it seem like I m the luckiest guy in Pine Valley .
Cara : Wait . I should be the one saying Thank you .
Griffin : And I should thank you , too . I m not gon na kiss you .
Opal : Heh heh heh heh !
Griffin : So can we drink now , please ? Salud .
Opal : Mmm ! I think I m gon na need a refill soon .
Cara : I ll join you on that .
Jake : Three years of your life . Your life -- what are you doing for three years ?
Tad : It s a good cause . You take care of Amanda .
Jake : I m gon na have to find her first .
Opal : Oh , you girls ready ?
Kathy : Yeah !
Griffin : I can give you a ride home if you want .
Cara : Wait , girls . Come here . Do nt forget your bells .
Kathy : Right !
Tad : Ok , you guys remember I want you to have fun tonight , and I ll see you first thing in the morning . Ok ?
Kathy : You promise ?
Tad : Yes , I promise . Go on , now .
Kathy : Ok . Oh . Do nt forget your --
Cara : Bye .
Opal : All righty . Come on . Let s get going .
Ryan : Hey . Is that your baby ?
Scott : Uh , yeah . It s a girl . We found out today .
Ryan : That s fantastic . Congratulations . That s big . That s big news .
Scott : Yeah . Thanks . Um , I got to go .
Ryan : Ok . Tell Madison we ll just send her our best .
Scott : Yeah , I will .
Greenlee : Ahem .
Ryan : You ok ?
Greenlee : Yeah . Can we just get out of here , please ?
Ryan : Yeah . I just want to show you something first . It started . It should be on right now . [ Clicks on the TV ] I know you re upset , and I know you re scared , but there s still time here to correct this horrible mistake . Annie , we got to think about Emma and do what s best for her , ok ? So bring her home , please . It s not fair to keep her on the run forever .
Amanda : Why are relationships so complicated ?
J.R. : Can we start with an easier question ?
Amanda : It s like you love each other and everything s going great , and then all of a sudden it s not . Ohh . It s like you ca nt change what you ve done , you ca nt change how you feel , and you want to make everything better , and you do nt know how . And the other person --
J.R. : Makes you crazy , and you ca nt live without them .
Jake : Hey . Am I interrupting something ?
J.R. : I m just making a delivery . You got it from here . Take care of yourself .
Jake : Thanks , buddy . I was looking all over the place for you .
Amanda : Well , you found me .
Jake : Is that the dress you were gon na wear to the wedding ?
Amanda : Oh . Yeah , I was gon na come . But I ve made so many mistakes that I did nt want to make any more .
Jake : Neither do I. Look , I want us to talk , and I want you to --
Amanda : Talking is one thing , but I just feel like they re just words . Feelings are another thing .
Jake : I love you .
Amanda : And I know that . But those are not the feelings that I m talking about .
Tad : Cara ?
Cara : Yes ?
Tad : There s a plain - wrapped car outside with two guys in it . I do nt think they could be more obvious .
Cara : Immigration s watching the house ?
Tad : Yeah . Apparently .
Cara : Ok . Relax , all right ? Because you know what ? Hey , we re married , baby .
Tad : No , that s what I mean . It does nt exactly scream crazy in love wedding night , you and me hanging around , cleaning up .
Cara : Ok . Fair enough . So , what , you want to crack the window , and I can fake a Meg Ryan ?
Tad : A Meg Ryan ? You mean as in the deli scene Meg Ryan ? You d do that ? I dare you .
Cara : Why not ? Stop . I m getting to liking this acting thing , ok ?
Tad : As entertaining and as gratifying as it sounds , I say we go for another option .
Cara : Ok .
Tad : I say we go for a nice hotel . Carrying over the threshold -- give them the whole show .
Cara : Yeah ?
Tad : Champagne . Jacuzzi bath .
Cara : Yeah . Like , honeymoon suite ?
Tad : Yeah . Like a honeymoon suite -- with separate beds .
Cara : Well , yeah .
Madison : I stopped by the nurses station to fill out paperwork for my insurance , and the nurse was really surprised to see me today , since she said she specifically told you there were nt any available appointments .
Scott : Hmm . That woman is obviously overworked , because she is losing her mind .
Madison : You did this , did nt you ?
Scott : What ?
Madison : The thing I want to know is why you would do something so great and not want me to know about it .
Scott : I did nt do it just for you . I also did it for the baby .
Madison : You did nt have to . She s not --
Scott : Look , I know she s not . All right ? And I know you want your independence , and I respect that . Ok ? I m just your cover . But I got to tell you , even though your baby is just the size of a little potato , I m already starting to like this kid .
Ryan : David . Has Annie tried to reach you ?
David : Yes . She called .
Ryan : What did she say ? Where is she ?
David : I do nt know . I missed it . I was on duty . I was nt allowed to use my cell .
Ryan : Damn it !
David : Look , but she did leave a message , ok , and she sounded very anxious . She said she would call back at 6 : 00 .
Ryan : 6 : 00 ? That s in , like , 45 minutes . Meet us at our place .
David : I m on my way .
Ryan : Annie must ve seen the appeal . She wants to talk to David .
Greenlee : This is it .
Madison : You know you have no obligation to this baby ?
Scott : I know that . It s just -- ok , look . Even though I did time for theft , sitting in a cell did nt exactly make up for what I did . All right ? I hurt a lot of people , screwed a lot of people over , and I just want to do something good . I want to do what s right . Even though I m lying to people each and every day to their face , I -- it just feels kind of noble . All right . Look , maybe this is wrong for me to even put out there , ok , but it s your child and it s your life , but in some weird way I just -- I want to do this . I need to do this . And look , Madison , I do nt want to put any sort of pressure on you or freak you out . That s not what I want to do here .
Madison : I think Baby Girl North is lucky to have someone who cares so much in her corner . So am I.
A.J. : Daddy !
J.R. : Is this a closed party , or can anyone join ?
A.J. : You want to come play with us ?
J.R. : What s going on ?
A.J. : I asked Mommy if everyone can come over like you said . Is it ok ?
J.R. : It s better than ok .
Opal : All right . Good .
Krystal : Come on , A.J. It s your turn now .
Opal : That s right .
J.R. : Get the guest rooms ready , the south wing .
Maid : You closed that wing up last week .
J.R. : I want you and the staff to open it up again .
Jenny : Green . Yeah , green !
J.R. : One day soon , this -- this house will be full again .
Jenny : Double purple !
Amanda : As much as you love me , you still have feelings for Cara .
Jake : Honey , that s just not true .
Amanda : Maybe it s the way that your marriage ended , maybe it s because you guys shared so much , but you still care for her . And just because you want those feelings to go away , you ca nt make it happen . And what that s wound up with is us being in a marriage with three people .
Tad : Hey , look . I thought you could use a little privacy .
Cara : Oh , no . Immigration people . Ooh ! They re gon na probably pop in , because they followed us -- oh . Do you see them now ? They followed us over here to make sure this night was legit . So there you go .
Tad : Ok . I m game if you are . However , you know what they say : No marriage is really a marriage until the deed is done . No , no , not that deed . I m talking about the first dance . Because you look great , you look hot , and we never got a chance at the house , because of the stereo . So with your blessing --
Cara : That sounds like fun . Yeah , because it broke . I remember it was nt -- something .
Tad : So this is a very special song . Do nt worry . No dipping .
Cara : Ok . No dipping . It s gon na -- maybe it wo nt . Ok . Oh , God .
Tad : Ha ha ha ha ! Ai nt a marriage , huh ?
Cara : Ha ! Ha ha ha !
Tad : You re feeling it ?
Cara : I m feeling it !
Tad : I m feeling something . I do nt know what it is .
Cara : Oh , yeah . Ok .
Tad : Somebody call 911 .
Cara : No . Thank you . Thank you for everything .
Tad : Come on . What are brand - new husbands for , huh ?
Cara : Hey , look at that ! Ok ! Look at that good move !
Tad : Ha ha ha ! He can be taught !
Cara : Ha ha ha ha !
David : Annie should ve called by now . She was very precise about the time .
Greenlee : She s always a little late .
Ryan : Damn it .
David : Annie ?
### Summary:
| Joe proposes a toast to the happy couple , Tad and Cara . Opal finishes the toast . Griffin wishes Cara to be happy in her new life . Joe urges Tad to make this marriage work . David stands at the bar at Krystal s when Ryan and Greenlee come in . Greenlee notices that David is in scrubs and wonders if he had gotten his job back . David lets Greenlee know that he is doing volunteer work . At home , Scott offers Madison a ride to her sonogram appointment . Madison lets him know that she could nt get an appointment . Jake apologizes to Cara for Amanda turning her in to Immigration . At the Confusion bar , Amanda drowns her sorrow in a martini . Agent Trumbull joins her and even buys the next drink . Jake welcomes Cara back to the family . J.R. invites Marissa to move back in to the Chandler mansion , but Marissa accuses him of not ever giving up . Amanda gets a call from Jake , but ignores it . At the hospital , Scott asks a nurse to give Madison an appointment for her sonogram , but the nurse refuses . Scott gives Madison an appointment himself with the help of the computer . Scott calls Madison to tell her about her appointment . Ryan suggests some television air time in order to reach out to Annie to bring Emma home . Ryan asks David for his help in getting Emma home . Greenlee accuses David of only helping Ryan to get Emma home so he can get his job back at the hospital . Greenlee starts to get up and almost falls . David wants to check her , but Ryan insists that he will take Greenlee to the hospital . Madison sees her baby through the sonogram . Madison and Scott hold hands . Opal gets acquainted with Griffin and gives him a hug . Tad starts to dance with Cara when an alarm goes off . Jake lets Tad know that Cara knows about Amanda turning her in to Immigration . Wedding pics are taken of the wedding guests and the bride and groom . Greenlee runs into Scott at the hospital and sees the sonogram . A.J. invites Marissa to go home with him . Marissa is taken aback by his offer . Mrs. Griffin says good - bye to Cara . Ruth lets Griffin , Cara and Mrs. Griffin know that they are part of the family now . J.R. bumps into Amanda in the Confusion bar and misinterprets that Agent Trumbull is attacking her and drags Amanda away with some few choice words to Agent Trumbull . Tad thanks everyone for their help in pulling this wedding off . At the hospital , Jake finds out that Scott and Madison are having a girl . Ryan and Greenlee watch on television Ryan s appeal to Annie to bring Emma home . Tad sees some immigration men watching the house and suggests that they go to a motel . Cara agrees . Madison confronts Scott about getting her the sonogram appointment . Tad and Cara get a room at the Yacht Club . David calls Ryan to let him know that he heard from Annie . Annie calls back at exactly 6 : 00 p.m. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
bill : What are you doing ?
Harley : Hey . I was ... I was actually just upstairs watching the boys sleep . You know , trying to suck up every last minute bit of them that i can . But I kept waking them up , because I was kissing on them , smelling them , snuggling them . ( Laughs ) mostly though I m just trying to avoid gus . He s not making that very easy .
Bill : What are you going to do , harley ? The guys loves you , you know .
Harley : A lot of good that s going to do him . I m going to prison and if he does nt get on with his life , he will lose everything else .
Gus : Excuse me . Can I talk to you for a second ?
Bill : Come on , gus . You ve got to back off . Harley does nt want to talk to you right now .
Olivia : Billy , billy , billy . You hired this big nasty thug to beat up on phillip . You are a bad boy .
Billy : Billy lewis .
Olivia : It s olivia lewis . How are you doing , dad ? I was wondering if you were available for a meeting .
Billy : What kind of meeting ?
Olivia : Call it a meeting of the minds . If you need some incentive , it involves your son .
Alan : Sebastian , why do nt we go to the country club ? I m a member there .
Sebastian : No , no , no . I like this spot . Sentimental reasons , you know . You know what ? I almost died about right there . Let me tell you something , alan , old boy . Nothing like a near death experience to put a little bounce into your life .
Alan : I robbed death a couple times myself . Heart attacks . I had my first heart attack right before my first grandson was born . I think that may be the reason why phillip named him after me .
Sebastian : You miss him very much , phillip , do nt you ?
Alan : More than i can say .
Sebastian : Well , you must feel a certain closure now that harley s cooper been convicted . Yeah ?
Alan : Never . Harley s cooper been convicted . Yeah ?
Alan : Never . But now that harley s in prison it will give me more time to devote to the other people who hurt phillip . And believe me , sebastian , they will all pay .
Michelle : So what s going on here ?
Tony : What s going on with you ? Hey . Take a seat . What s going on ? What happened to you ?
Michelle : I m fine .
Tony : Are you okay ?
Michelle : I m okay . I just got ...
Tony : Huh ?
Michelle : I m so sorry .
Tony : Hey , hey . It s okay . It s all right . You re home . All right , you re where you belong . All right , whatever happened it s over . It s okay .
Michelle : I ve got to tell you what happened .
Tony : Okay , that s fine . You could tell me on the way to the hospital . I want to get you looked at .
Michelle : No , no , no , i m okay . Tony okay . Come on , please .
Michelle : I do nt need to go to the hospital .
Tony : Hey , will you ... Michelle , will you let me take care of you , please ? You have no idea what s been going on through my head . You have no idea . All right . What s going on ? You re trembling . Okay , I need you to tell me what s going on . Please tell me .
Michelle : Tony ...
Tony : What ?
Michelle : I almost lost you tonight .
Tony : That s not going to happen . Come here .
Michelle : I remember my mom dying . God , it s coming back to me so fast .
Danny : What is ?
Michelle : You . I remember loving you .
Marina : Hey .
Danny : Marina . Hi . I am so sorry .
Marina : Okay . That s a good start because i do nt know whether to be relieved that you re alive or angry at your nerve for even showing up .
Danny : Look , something happened tonight . Something I need to tell you about .
michelle : There was an accident tonight at the townhouse that danny s constructing .
Marina : What kind of accident ?
Danny : Some beams that were supporting the roof gave way . The whole thing collapsed .
Michelle : And i was right underneath it .
Tony : My god , michelle . I recommended that construction team to danny . Michelle , hey , you could have been ... You could have been killed .
Michelle : I wasnT. I was nt . I mean , physically i m okay . You know , once all the dust cleared .
Danny : And michelle and i wound up under a whole bunch of debris .
Marina : Is she okay ?
Danny : Yeah , she s fine . She s fine .
Tony : What was danny thinking ? He should have taken you ... He should have taken you to cedars .
Michelle : Tony , we were both in shock . You know ...
Tony : I m just glad that he was with you , okay .
Michelle : Yes . So am I.
Danny : I just ... I felt like i really could nt leave until i was sure that michelle was okay .
Marina : You do nt need to explain .
Danny : I m just so sorry . I really am . I feel terrible .
Marina : I m just grateful that you were nt hurt .
Michelle : I m so sorry .
Tony : Relax .
Michelle : There was really no way I could get in touch with you .
Tony : Hey , it s okay . All right , you re home safe now . And that s all that matters . If i had lost you , michelle , i do nt know what I would have done .
Michelle : You have nt . You have nt lost me , okay . I m right here . I m right here with you .
Marina : It just scares me to think of what could have happened to you .
Danny : I m okay . I am . I m fine . It s over . There s nothing to be scared of .
Gus : This has nothing to do with you , bill . This is between harley and me .
Bill : Need a little backup ?
Harley : Yes .
Gus : You need a little backup ?
Bill : Look , gus , you re killing her . She should nt have to worry about you at this point , that s all .
Gus : No offense , bill , but you do nt know what you re talking about . So why do nt you take a hike .
Bill : Listen to me . I know what harley s told me . She s got a couple of days left with her boys and her family and she would like for you to be able to move on and take care of yourself . And , gus , if you really did love her , you ll do that . You d honor her wishes . Harley , if you need anything just give me a call . Okay .
Harley : Thanks .
Gus : Is that true ? I m hurting you by trying to help you ?
Harley : Yes . The answer is yes .
Olivia : Can i get a scotch on rocks ?
Sebastian : There she is , our lady president .
Alan : Yes . Olivia probably hurt phillip more than all the rest of them put together .
Sebastian : Yeah , but harley pulled the trigger .
Alan : Olivia killed his spirit . From the moment they met , it was the beginning of the end of my son .
Sebastian : And she ll be punished for that ?
Alan : She s already wondering where and when i m going to strike next . All I have to do is add a little pressure and she ll go right over the side .
Sebastian : Well , alan , i would like to think that my father would have channeled his love to hurt people in my name .
Alan : Your father would have unleashed a plague .
Sebastian : ( Laughs ) thank you , alan . That is very kind of you to say . Shall we get to work ?
Olivia : Golly , is this boy s night out ?
Sebastian : Well , boys night out is always more titillating when a gorgeous woman appears .
Alan : I ve asked sebastian to meet with me because i m thinking about targeting a new company for spaulding to acquire .
Olivia : Is that right ? And I was nt included because ?
Alan : Conflict of interest possibly . You see I m going after lewis construction .
Olivia : ( Laughs ) that s very funny .
Alan : Is it ? But you know , olivia , if you want to join me , i would love to have your assistance .
Olivia : Alan , this is ridiculous .
Alan : Really ?
Olivia : Yeah . And it s totally unnecessary .
Sebastian : Nah , i ve already come up with the way to rest the business out from under the ...
Olivia : You do nt want lewis . You just want to put bill in his place and destroy my marriage .
Alan : Well , i do nt think you need any help in that area .
Olivia : Oh , you know , i ca nt even ...
Sebastian : Livvy . Livvy .
Olivia : Livvy ?
Sebastian : You do nt have to get your hands dirty in this . I ll take care of it .
Olivia : So nice of you to be concerned about me , sebastian . But I m not afraid of a little dirt . I m in .
Tony : You know , it still is our night even though it got off to kind of a shaky start . ( Chuckles )
michelle : Well you should know that it would take a lot more than a building falling down on me to wipe me out .
Tony : That I am now figuring out . I love you . I love you so much . I could nt imagine living without you . Hey , that is kind of supposed to make a little happy .
Michelle : I am happy . Very happy .
Tony : Are you sure ?
Michelle : Mm - hmm .
Tony : Okay . Then this is just the beginning . Come with me . I want you to sit right here .
Michelle : What are you doing ? You already asked me .
Tony : I took care of a few lose ends . I talked to robbie . Little man gave me his blessing . Well , I guess you could say he more or less jumped in my lap and said , yeah , this is great . I promised him a big wedding . That s yours .
Michelle : Tony . It s beautiful .
Tony : Not only are you beautiful , but you deserve the best . Will you marry me ?
Michelle : I m just ... Oh , god , i m so overwhelmed . I do nt know what to say right now .
Tony : You do nt have to say anything . Come here . Because you said enough . You agreed to be my wife and you love me . That s all i need . That s all i need . In fact , i do nt want to wait because I ca nt wait to be your husband .
Alan : You mean , olivia , you re willing to sell out your in - laws ?
Olivia : In a heartbeat .
Sebastian : ( Laughs ) olivia , you are an incredible woman .
Olivia : Well , finally , we agree on something , huh ? Billy lewis has it coming . I hate doing it to josh , but i want to keep my place at spaulding as well as my family .
Alan : Well , i would expect no less from you .
Olivia : Well , i learned from the master , alan . Besides I trust you way more than i trust billy .
Alan : Because i m a known quantity ?
Olivia : Oh , because at least in you , bill and i have a common enemy .
Alan : Wait , wait , wait . You re going to leave before we start the strategy session ?
Olivia : Well , you know what ? I am way ahead of you . So what else is new ?
Sebastian : Bye . Was she like that when you were married to her ?
Alan : She has nt changed a bit , and that is what I m counting on .
Billy : You look a little ragged . What s going on ? You got trouble at home ?
Bill : Stop that . Will you , please ?
Billy : Okay . All right . Okay .
Bill : Come on .
Billy : Well , if it s not at home , then what is it ?
Bill : I ve been spending a lot of time with harley lately , especially after the sentencing . So ...
Billy : I know . That was a tough break .
Bill : Yeah . I tell she s something else . I mean with everything she s got going on , facing prison and all , she can still keep her priorities straight . Everything is about her family and her kids , making things right before she has to say good bye . I do nt know . She s showed me that i ve taken she s showed me that i ve taken a lot for granted , i ll tell you that much .
Billy : Like what ?
Bill : Well , like , you know , being a lewis , you know ? I mean , I ve got my own family . I love olivia and emma . I do . But sometimes I wish ... I do nt know . Sometimes I wish things were a little different , that s all . But anyway how are you and josh fixed for work around here ? You got everything covered ?
Billy : ( Laughs ) oh , yeah , right . Would I still be working if i did ? Wanda s swamped . And sandy , he s doing his share , but , you know , he s overworked .
Bill : Right , right , right . So maybe ... I do nt know , maybe you could use an extra hand .
Billy : I mean , you know someone ?
Bill : Well , you know , you re looking at him . That is if you re hiring . No pressure .
Billy : ( Laughs ) you re hired .
Bill : All right .
Danny : I m sorry about chicago . I am . We could still go .
Marina : Tonight ?
Danny : Mm - hmm .
Marina : No . No , danny , it s too late . But there ll be other nights , right ? It s no big deal .
Danny : I promise I will make it up to you .
Marina : Yes , you will .
Danny : You re really amazing , you know that ?
Marina : What can I say . I m one of a kind . You re a lucky guy .
Danny : It s true . Thank you for being so understanding .
Marina : Please , it s all an act . I pretended to be all low maintenance and once i get you under my spell , I break out to be the diva from hell .
Danny : Oh . Oh , I ca nt wait to see that .
Marina : Mm - hmm .
Danny : No , really . You just make things very simple .
Marina : Sounds boring .
Danny : No , no , no , no , no . It s anything but .
Tony : Are you sure that you re okay with this ? You want to go somewhere else or anything ?
Michelle : This is fine . I m starving .
Danny : Hey .
Tony : Hey .
Michelle : Hi .
Danny : How are you feeling ?
Michelle : I m good . Good . Just like new .
Harley : It does nt matter what we want or feel . It ca nt happen now . I m going to prison . Maybe for life .
Gus : IM ... See i m going to find phillip s murderer and when i do ...
Harley : You know what ? We may never know whet happened the night that phillip was shot . And you ca nt put your life on hold hoping to make it come out the way you want . Then it s like we re both in prison .
Gus : Can I just ask you a favor ? Can we just not argue about this tonight , please ? I mean , we have such a little amount of time . Can you just come back to my apartment ? Come on .
Harley : I ca nt . I ca nt do that . I ca nt do that . I ca nt be alone with you .
Gus : What are you afraid of ? What ?
Harley : Of leaving you with the hope of something that will never happen . Holding you when i have to let you go . Making love to you when I should be saying good - bye . I ca nt do that . I love you too much to do that to you .
Gus : Can you just do me a favor , please ? Can you just hold on to the love part , okay , and I ll handle the rest . Before i met you , I did nt even have a family . I had nothing . Then i had love , and i had a family , and I ca nt just , like , let it go , you know . I m going to help zach and jude . I m going to teach them how to play basketball and I m going to help marina , like , college course out and stuff like that and I m going to build your house . I m going to make it perfect . And when you come home and you know ... That s not me ruining my life or anything like that . That s making my life . That gives me a reason to wake up every single morning . So do nt ... Do nt make me ...
Harley : Gus ! Call a paramedic ! Coming up on guiding light .
Bill : So talk business .
Olivia : Maybe it s me , but i have a feeling when the news hits the stand it s going to be bye - bye billy and bye - bye lewis construction .
Harley : Wait with me . Be here when he wakes up . He needs someone , and you owe me . He has to start living without me .
Paramedic # 1 : What happened ?
Harley : He fell ... Like he fainted . He has an ulcer , so I ...
Gus : I m okay .
Harley : You re ridiculous . They re taking you to the hospital .
Paramedic # 1 : Sir , we re going to make sure everything s all right .
Paramedic # 2 : Did he hit his head or anything ?
Harley : No .
Paramedic # 1 : Okay , let s do it .
Gus : Harley .
Harley : I m here . I m coming with you . I m right here .
Holly : How nice to see you making friends .
Sebastian : ( Laughs )
holly : Are you playing well with others ?
Sebastian : Well , if it is nt my favorite shadow . Help me out here , holly . I m trying to get alan to join the land of the living .
Holly : Come on , play some pool . I ll buy the drinks .
Sebastian : Hmm . Tempting offer . I d take her up on it .
Danny : Michelle , what happened tonight was ... It was pretty traumatic and you should take it easy .
Michelle : Well , how are you doing ?
Danny : Me ? I m fine .
Tony : Listen , i wanted to say thank you for what you did for michelle .
Danny : I m just glad I was there . And ... Hey , by the way , congratulations on your engagement .
Tony : Thank you . Thank you . I m happy .
Marina : I hope you guys are really happy .
Tony : Well , you know ...
Danny : Big news .
Michelle : Thanks . Thank you , thank you .
Tony : Okay . All right , show her the ring . Show her the ring .
Michelle : Oh , you know , it s so new , I forget i m even wearing it .
Marina : Wow . That s beautiful .
Michelle : Thank you . Tony s got really good taste . Let s go inside .
Tony : All right . You sure ?
Michelle : Yeah .
Tony : You guys , want to join us ?
Danny : No , no , that s all right . No , you two go ahead .
Tony : Okay . All right .
Bill : So where do i start ?
Billy : Well , you start by sitting in that desk right over there .
Bill : Oh , no . That s okay . I donT ...
Billy : Go , go . Yes , yes . I m going to get the plans for that new industrial complex , okay .
Bill : All right .
Billy : Hey . It s really good to have you back .
Bill : It s good to be back .
Olivia : You re still hard at it ?
Billy : Oh , you just do nt take no for an answer , do you ?
Olivia : It s not in my nature .
Billy : This probably is nt a good time .
Olivia : Well , make time .
Billy : No , no . I want to tell you something .
Olivia : Really ? My news first .
Billy : What s this ?
Olivia : Read it . You might want to grab a seat first before it gets pulled out from under you .
Billy : Well , I d say you ve been a busy little girl .
Olivia : I d say you ve been the busy one , billy . You re running an international corporation , you ve managed to turn yourself into a one man wrecking ball to destroy my marriage , and yet you still manage to find the time to hire some thug to break phillip s knee caps .
Billy : I do nt think you could prove that .
Olivia : Yes , I can . I ll give harris any amount of money he wants and he will sing any tune i want .
Billy : What is it you want ?
Olivia : Your portion of lewis .
Billy : ( Laughs ) in your dreams .
Olivia : ( Laughs ) those papers say differently .
Billy : Does bill know you re up to this ?
Olivia : Not anymore than he knows about the thug you hired . But he can and he will , unless we could come to terms .
Billy : Okay . Let s talk business . So you feel pretty sure of yourself about getting my part of the business here . I think I might have to rethink everything , because I do nt think you have enough cash .
Olivia : It s not about cash , billy . I could put away for conspiracy , attempted assault . Who knows what else .
Billy : Go for it . I ai nt budging .
Olivia : Fine . Have it your way . I ll just go to the da and i ll tell them that you hired some thug to beat up phillip spaulding . Maybe it s me , but i ll have a feeling when the news hits the stand , it s going to be bye - bye lewis construction .
Sebastian : Whoa !
Alan : Well , it s been awhile .
Holly : You could have fooled me .
Sebastian : Well , I guess the next round of drinks is on me .
Holly : Hurts to lose .
Sebastian : Not a word about this in that article you re writing or i m going to have to sue the journal .
Holly : Hmm .
Alan : Holly , you want to take on the winner ? I mean , you talked me into this . What have you got to lose ?
Holly : Actually very little .
Alan : Good .
Holly : Ah .
Alan : Whoa . Very good . Well , that was a pleasant surprise .
Holly : Oh , I m full of them .
Alan : Yeah .
Holly : So tell me how is sebastian working out at spaulding ?
Alan : As matter fact , very well . Roger s probably rolling over in his grave .
Holly : Yeah . Your drink ?
Alan : And how is sebastian working out for you ?
Holly : Oh , this is strictly professional . I m doing a story on him for the journal .
Alan : Oh , is that so ?
Holly : Nice .
Alan : So tell me , this article that you re writing , i assume we wo nt be seeing it anytime soon .
Holly : Why do you say that ?
Alan : Unbiased journalism is nt what it used to be . Tell me something . Why are you following him around ?
Holly : I m doing my job .
Alan : Oh , really ?
Holly : Mm .
Alan : Well , you know , my experience is that work interests and personal needs sometime overlap , and I think that s true about you . That s one thing that roger and i had in common . We both appreciated that side of you .
Michelle : I m going to go get us some more napkins , okay ?
Tony : Okay .
Michelle : Excuse me .
Danny : You did nt tell tony .
Michelle : No , i ... I ... No , i did nt . I was going to tell him , but ...
Danny : Okay , okay . No , there s no need to explain .
Michelle : I m going to tell him . I am . That i got my memory back . Did you tell marina ?
Danny : No , not yet .
Michelle : It s kind of funny , because I remember how close marina and i were . Strange how everything can be really clear and yet very confusing all at the same time .
Danny : Michelle , you need to take things one step at a time .
Michelle : I just want to be with robbie , you know , and i want him to know that his mommy s back . You know , really back .
Danny : Well , he ll feel that . He will . And it s important that we do nt confuse him because we ve worked really hard to make things as easy for him to understand as possible .
Michelle : You re right . You re right . You re always really good about him . I should go .
Danny : That s a nice ring .
Michelle : Yeah . Mm - hmm .
Danny : Tony seems really happy about the engagement . I do nt think I ve seen him like this , ever .
Michelle : I d never hurt him if that s what you re thinking .
Danny : No , no , I was nt .
Michelle : Well , i mean , you do nt want to hurt marina . You guys ... You guys are really close .
Danny : Right . That s true . That s true , you re right . Our lives are different now . Things are different .
Michelle : Yeah .
Marina : I m really happy for you and michelle .
Tony : Well , thank you . We have a lot to be thankful for .
Michelle : Hi . You ready to go ? All set .
Tony : I am . All right . Take care . See you soon . See you , danny .
Danny : See you .
Marina : It s back is nt it ? Michelle s memory ?
Danny : It is that obvious ?
Marina : I can tell by the way she looks at you .
Danny : Yeah . It s back .
Alexandra : Oh , harley , I got here as fast i could . What s happened ?
Harley : I do nt know yet . He just collapsed at company . Rick is in there with him now . I m waiting to hear .
Alexandra : Well , what can i do ?
Harley : Wait with me . Be here when he wakes up .
Alexandra : Well , I do nt know if i m the one ...
Harley : I ca nt stay , alex . He needs someone , and you owe me . You do nt understand . I can not be here when he wakes up . He has to start living without me .
Alexandra : All right . I really do nt want you to start thinking this way because , you know , it s a good chance ...
Harley : I m just being realistic . I m going away for a long time , and he needs someone he can count on . You re the only one in that family i can think of . The only one with half a heart .
Alexandra : Half a heart s better than none , I guess . Of course , i ll be here with gus . Harley , I want you to know that i will do anything to help this family now .
Harley : Good , because i m counting on you .
Rick : Hey .
Harley : Is he going to be all right ?
Rick : We ll know more when we get the test results back . In the meantime I ve given him something to help him rest .
Harley : What is wrong with him ? Is it his heart ?
Rick : No , i think his heart is fine . I think it s the same thing that brought him here last time , which is he has an ulcer and he s exhausted . Now both are treatable if he allowed himself to be treated . Harley , I tried and tried to talk some sense into him last time , but he would nt listen to me . I mean , the man lives on coffee , cigarettes and no sleep .
Harley : I know .
Rick : All right , the first order of business is he absolutely has to take this condition seriously . This is the second time that he has passed out .
Alexandra : Well , that s the second time that we know about .
Rick : Exactly , so he needs to stay here and let us teke care of him . I m going to the lab , so please talk some sense into him . Please ?
Sebastian : Wow . You are quite the player .
Alan : Yes , I am .
Holly : Alan is a complicated man . In fact , i just figured out my next story . A human interest story about a family who has suffered unthinkable tragedy and how they pick up the pieces .
Alan : I do nt think i m ready for that .
Holly : No , no , but it would help .
Sebastian : Do nt push him , darling .
Holly : Let me know if you change your mind .
Alan : I will .
Sebastian : Well , what do you say , boss ? Time to hit the road ?
Alan : I do nt think so . You know , you were right . I needed this break . This is just what I needed .
Holly : ( Laughs ) me , too .
Olivia : Come on , billy , take the deal . We can sign off on it here and now . Otherwise , i m going to go public with this information .
Billy : You must really feel threatened by me .
Olivia : I m just trying to protect my marriage . You re making it easy .
Billy : Yeah , if bill could only hear you now .
Olivia : Do we have a deal , billy ?
Billy : No . I ll never give up my company or my son to the likes of you . T1 you just do your worst . Bring it on .
Olivia : Whatever you say . Alan , hi . Call off sebastian . I ve got the lewis deal under control . Never mind how . Billy s fighting it , but he ll cave . Trust me . Lewis construction is ours . I ve got to go . I did nt know you were here .
Bill : I bet you didnT.
Tony : I can not wait to marry you . The sooner the better . You know that ?
Michelle : Tony ?
Tony : Hm . You know what ? I m sorry , babe . I m so sorry , you know ? I m just excited about marrying you and being with you , I ve completely overlooked the fact that you are recovering from the accident . I am sorry .
Michelle : Tony , no , listen . There S ... There s something else that happened tonight at the construction site . Something really wonderful and i just want you to think that it s wonderful , too .
Tony : Okay . What is it ?
Michelle : I remember , tony . I remember everything .
Marina : So , wow . This is ... This is huge . She got her memory back just like that , huh ?
Danny : Pretty much . It happened really fast .
Marina : Wow . That s incredible . I mean , her family must be thrilled .
Danny : I do nt know . I mean , yeah , I guess . I guess they are .
Marina : I mean , it s what everyone s been hoping for , for so long . I mean , I m happy about it . At least the old michelle liked me , right ? And it is about me .
Danny : It is . Marina , you re a really big part of this .
Marina : Do nt freak out , okay ? I was just kidding . So , this is ... This is huge . She has her memory back . Yeah . You must be torn .
Danny : ( Sighs )
marina : I mean , you want to be fair to me and you want to be fair to michelle .
Danny : I ... Look , i m just a little overwhelmed . I just feel like we might need to slow things down for now .
Marina : I m totally cool with that . Really , danny , i am .
Danny : You are ?
Marina : Yes . Okay ? I m not worried about you and I. Michelle s not the only one who changed , danny . You did , too . You did nt just get over who she was after the accident , you got over who she was before .
Danny : Marina , I really do nt want to hurt you . You re very , very important to me .
Marina : I know , danny . I know . Okay , I understand . You have so much to consider now . But I know something .
Danny : What ?
Marina : I m not going to give up on what we have together . Not without a fight .
Harley : Gus . Good . You need your rest . You ve been working so hard . You ve been working for me . And it was all for nothing . Look , it s too late for me , but you have a life and you need to get better so you can start living it . With someone else . It s time to stop living for me .
Rick : Hey .
Harley : Promise me something . Promise me you ll make him stay here and take care of himself .
Rick : Harley , i was counting on you for that .
Harley : I wo nt be here . I m going home to zach and jude . Next , on guiding light ...
Harley : Those boys were not put on this earth to replace the son that you lost .
Alan : The son that you took away from me .
Olivia : I did this for us .
Bill : Or you did this for you . He s not the one who s going to come between us . It s you .
### Summary:
| Harley confesses to Bill how she needs to be away from Gus and spend her last night alone . Gus is rushed to the hospital where Harley calls in a Spaulding when she needs reinforcements . Olivia finds out that Alan has a plan involving her family and offers to help him . Sebastian and Holly show Alan that a little fun is good for the soul . Michelle and Danny explain what happened in the townhouse , leaving their tryst a secret . Marina vows to fight for Danny when he mentions taking things slower . Tony gives Michelle her engagement ring and lets her know how excited he is for the wedding . Olivia confronts Alan with what she knows about Jed Harris and threatens to blackmail him with it while her husband listens in from the other room . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Carly : Are you all right ?
Lulu : I do nt know . Um -- I keep waiting to get hit by this surge of relief -- the kind that you feel when you re making the right decision -- but so far , I just feel like I m drowning .
Carly : Okay , does that mean you ve made a decision about what you re going to do ?
Lulu : I would nt call it a decision , exactly . Um -- Dillon really wants the baby , and he is invested and he s committed , and like I said , the Quartermaines are all over me , promising this kid the moon . So -- so I gave in , and I m going to have the baby .
Sonny : What are you doing , Luke ?
Luke : Hey .
Sonny : Welcome back .
Luke : Where d you stash the blue label ?
Sonny : Oh , I -- I ve had to make some lifestyle changes .
Luke : Do nt tell me you re in recovery ?
Sonny : Eh , something like that , but it s -- it s not that .
Luke : Oh , man , I m surprised and disappointed .
Sonny : Well , I think you re going to be in for another surprise . It s good to see you .
Luke : Hey . Your errand boys were very polite but uninformative . They said it was urgent that I come back here , so -- you know , I know you do nt panic or exaggerate , so I ditched the delicious dish I was doing and here I am . I hope this is good .
Sonny : Your daughter s pregnant .
Sam : Jason , you were right . No one can tell someone how to live or who to love . You have to make that choice on your own . Is nt that why you came to Alexis room to wait with me ?
Jason : You promised Alexis you d stay away from me .
Sam : I know . And I m breaking it and I want us to try again . Can you do that ? Can you do that knowing I slept with Ric ?
Luke : Grape juice ? You toss a bottle in my face and give me grape juice ?
Sonny : Believe me , if I had anything stronger , I d -- that s all I got .
Luke : Pregnant ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Luke : Pregnant ?
Sonny : Hmm .
Luke : Are you sure ?
Sonny : Yep .
Luke : How d you find out ?
Sonny : I was on the Elm Street pier a couple weeks ago , I ran into Lulu , she seemed upset , I offered help .
Luke : She spilled her guts because you offered to help ? That does nt sound like her .
Sonny : Well , you know , I can be pretty persuasive . Evidently , she needed the ear .
Luke : Who s the father ?
Sonny : Dillon .
Luke : Dillon ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Luke : Oh , man . No wonder Tracy sent her bloodhounds out after me . She must be chewing ten - penny nails .
Luke : So what s the rest of this sordid story ?
Sonny : Well , you know , look , I -- I pretty much knew that Lulu was nt happy with the situation , and Carly told me that she kept blaming herself , and Lulu made me promise that I would nt say anything . But I kept thinking about it , thinking about it , thinking about it . If it were my kid , I d want to know , so that s why I told you , Luke .
Luke : Yeah , and I appreciate it , believe me . What the hell am I supposed to do about it , though ? Is there any more grape juice ?
Lulu : Dillon does nt have a clue about what being a parent is really like . I mean , neither do I , but I do nt think he s even been around a baby . I ve at least held Spencer a few times , not that that qualifies me for anything . But regardless , ready or not , here we come -- the worst parents in the history of the universe . We re going to make my dad look like the father of the year .
Carly : Lulu , no one s great at parenting right away . You learn as you go along .
Lulu : Yeah , we probably wo nt have to . The poor kid s going to spend most of its time with a nanny . That s the Quartermaine way -- hired help , boarding schools . God , it should nt bother me , but for some reason it does .
Carly : Then why do nt you have an abortion ?
Lulu : Because you told me not to .
Carly : No , I did nt . I told you why I would nt . Lulu , this is your life ; you have to make your own decisions . And you have to do it from your heart , not because the Quartermaines are pushing you into it .
Lulu : But it is not just them , it s everyone . It s Lucky , it s Dillon , it s Nikolas -- he s trying to be neutral , but it s very clear what he wants . And you -- I ca nt fight the world to have an abortion that I m not sure that I want . The bottom line is I do nt know what I want . And Dillon is so sure about doing the right thing that I have to trust him and have it . And if the kid grows up hating my incompetent guts , then I ll just deal with it .
Elizabeth : Oh , no , I got it , thanks .
Ric : You all right ?
Elizabeth : Yeah . Uh -- yeah , I just skipped breakfast this morning .
Ric : I d be happy to go to the cafeteria and get you a sandwich if you want .
Elizabeth : That s okay . I m going to go home , get something there . Give Alexis my best ?
Ric : Will do .
Elizabeth : Okay .
Doctor : Mr. Lansing ?
Ric : Dr. Trent . I -- I was just on my way to see you .
Dr. Trent : I have the results of your wife s biopsy .
Jason : I want you to be okay .
Sam : I want world peace . I want my mom not to have cancer . We all want things , Jason . Some things are impossible . I want to know if we re possible . I want to know if you re just feeling sorry for me .
Jason : Of course I m sorry . Your mom s sick , she s having surgery .
Sam : Okay , that s it ? That s all ? That s it ? I am someone you can pity , but I am not someone you can love , now that you know that I ve been with Ric ? That s right , Ric , Jason ! I had sex with Ric Lansing !
Jason : Stop it .
Sam : No , I know you hate it --
Jason : Sam --
Sam : So why do nt you say the words ?
Jason : I do nt want -- I do nt want to talk about it .
Sam : I know you , Jason ! I can see it in your eyes ! Say it ! Say that you ca nt forgive me .
Jason : He s my enemy ! He s my enemy ! Not to mention your mother s husband . You know all the sick and twisted things Ric has done , and you let him put his hands all over you . You let him , Sam . I mean , how -- how could you -- how could you do that to yourself ? How could you do that to me ?
Sam : No , Jason , I did it to punish me ! I did it because you left me . I did it because my mother told me that I was trash . So I figured , why not be what everyone thinks I am ? Ric was there . And I guess I stopped thinking at all , because the next thing I remembered , I woke up on the floor , Jason -- on the floor , and I realized what I had done , and I realized that you would hate me . And that you would probably never be able to look at me the same .
Luke : Oh , thanks , man . Oh , God . I expect her to raise hell , get into trouble -- I mean , she s my kid , after all -- but pregnant ? That s stupid , that s careless . She s got her heart out on her sleeve , and Dillon just took it -- no , wait a minute , that s not it . No , she s too smart for that . We were always totally upfront with our kids about sex and passion and protecting themselves from S.T.D. s and the whole bit . No , no , if she s pregnant , she meant to get pregnant . It was a conscious choice that she made . Maybe she s trying to create that picket - fenced family she says she missed .
Sonny : You think it s that deep ?
Luke : I do nt know . I do nt know . And I do nt know what the hell I m supposed to do .
Sonny : Well , you know what ? You came back when she needed you most . That s got to count for something .
Luke : Huh . I guess . I mean , if she were in a Bolivian jail or kidnapped or on trial for grand theft auto , I d know just what to do , but pregnant ? This should be Laura s department .
Sonny : Yeah , it should . So what are you going to do ?
Luke : I have nt got a clue . There s some comfort in knowing that no matter what I do , nobody will agree with it , nobody will approve .
Luke : Sonny , I owe you one . Thank you . Thanks .
Sam : Before you ever said you loved me , I knew from how you looked at me . Even when you pushed me away , I could see it in your eyes . You ca nt look at me with love , knowing that I slept with Ric .
Jason : I hate him , and you knew that .
Sam : And you ca nt forgive me .
Jason : If -- if it would ve been anyone -- anyone else , it would ve hurt , but I could -- I could accept it . You know , we were -- we were together for two years , we were getting married . I know that I pushed you away , Sam , but I thought you knew how much I loved you . I guess I thought underneath the hurt , you could see that I was actually trying to save you .
Sam : Save me ? Jason , save me ? How many times did I come to you ? I begged you to take me back . I did everything -- everything I knew how . When we were on that terrace , for a split second -- for a split second I thought it was real , and I thought everything was going to be okay . But it -- but it was nt .
Jason : I know , okay , I know . I know that I m the one who set all this in motion . I m going to take my responsibility for that . The choices that I made , the way I treated you , put you in that house on that night with Ric . I know that . But you could ve walked out ! You did nt have to sleep with him .
Jason : But you did .
Jason : Now , I want to try to get past it . I just -- I do nt know how .
Elizabeth : You re home .
Lucky : I live here .
Elizabeth : Well , I thought you were going to go to the station after your meeting .
Lucky : Yeah , I spilled coffee on my shirt , and I just need to change .
Elizabeth : Uh -- there s clean clothes in the laundry basket . I ll go get you one .
Elizabeth : I think I left them in Cameron s room .
Lucky : Oh , hey -- hey , hey , hey -- what , you do nt want me to touch you anymore ?
Luke : What do you know about my daughter ?
Carly : Lulu ? Oh , well , she s a beautiful , young , funny girl -- kind of like me . Want to be more specific ?
Luke : I hear she confided in you .
Carly : If you re trying to ask me if she s pregnant , the answer is yes .
Luke : Okay . Well , how -- how is she ? How is she feeling ? What -- what is she going to do about it ? What -- what did you tell her ?
Carly : You know what ? You re not going to get any information from me acting like that .
Luke : Caroline , wait a minute , I m sorry . Maybe I got off here on the wrong foot . I ll -- I ll start over . Please , put your bloodthirsty instincts aside for a minute . I m here for my daughter . In order to help her , I need to know what she said to you and what you said to her .
Carly : Have you seen Lulu ?
Luke : Not yet . I m going to do that when I decide what it is she needs .
Carly : She needs her father . Why do nt you go see her .
Jason : I -- I do nt want to hurt you more than I already have , or ask you to try again , because I ca nt promise to get back what we had .
Sam : Do you think I would ever sleep with him again ?
Jason : No , I do nt .
Sam : No . And would you ever be with Elizabeth again ?
Jason : Elizabeth ?
Sam : She s not my enemy . Jason , I barely know her . And I was the one who was unfaithful first , so I m not allowed to feel betrayed that you slept with her . I m not allowed to feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest . But I still do .
Alexis : You know anything about orchids ? Because Jax gave me this one before surgery , and it s starting to look a little peaked , I think .
Ric : I do nt know anything about plants , but -- uh -- it looks okay to me .
Alexis : Fresh air . I think it needs some fresh air . He said something about humidity and -- and the bathroom . I ll have to check my notes . I -- I really want the girls to see this orchid bloom .
Ric : Well , we can always call a houseplant service and get them to come tell us how to take care of it .
Alexis : You found Dr. Trent ?
Ric : The nurses station .
Alexis : How bad is it ?
Ric : Only two of the lymph nodes were clean . The rest were affected .
Alexis : So the cancer spread ?
Carly : Lulu was seriously considering an abortion .
Luke : Did you put your two cents in ?
Carly : She asked my opinion .
Luke : Which was ?
Carly : Which was I would nt do it because I m grateful for my boys , but this was a decision that Lulu has to make .
Luke : And after you gave her the politically correct answer , what did she say ?
Carly : She says that you regret having her . And she does nt want her kid to grow up feeling unwanted and abandoned like she did .
Luke : Oh , God . What s she going to do ?
Carly : Well , she was leaning towards an abortion , but the Quartermaines are pushing her hard to have the baby .
Luke : Well , of course they are -- a fresh heir . Edward must be thrilled .
Carly : Dillon s pushing her , too . And I think she finally caved under pressure , because when she left here a little while ago she said she was going to have the baby .
Dillon : Hey , you okay ?
Lulu : I m ready to barf . Thank you for asking .
Dillon : Um -- I actually did some internet research on morning sickness . Turns out that it s not --
Lulu : It s not limited to mornings . It can happen anytime , especially when it s most inconvenient .
Dillon : Yeah . But , I mean , the good -- the good news is that it only lasts for the first trimester . So , I mean , once you get a little bump , I mean , you wo nt be sick anymore . You know , a lot of women enjoy being pregnant .
Lulu : Hmm . Yeah , and I bet they actually wanted the baby . They re counting down the days til they can bring their bundle of joy home after a stimulating round of natural childbirth . Yum .
Dillon : Do nt you think all this negative attitude is going to make the baby mad ? It s a joke . I m joking .
Lulu : Did you research that on the internet ? Is that -- because , you know , actually , I ve been doing my own research on the internet , as well , on teen pregnancy -- something I wish I had done before I slept with you , but oh , well -- and , actually , 80 % of teen pregnancies , the guy wants nothing to do with the girl or the baby .
Dillon : So do you -- you want me to act that way ? You want me to just , like , throw up my arms and walk away ?
Lulu : Yeah . Right now , pretty much .
Edward : Not so fast . I need a moment with both of you . And Dillon has told me the happy news -- that you ve agreed to have the baby . Now all we have to do is formalize the agreement .
Lulu : What -- what agreement ?
Edward : The legal one giving Dillon sole custody of the child .
Ric : I told Dr. Trent that I -- I wanted to be the one to tell you , but , obviously , you want to meet with him and discuss your options . Uh -- I d be happy to -- to sit in on the consultation if you want , or if you do nt want me to be there , I --
Alexis : I appreciate the moral support .
Alexis : But I -- I think that we can predict what Dr. Trent is going to say . He s going to recommend the chemo . Even though he ca nt give any guarantees , he s going to say that s my best shot . Then I m going to have to decide whether I want to spend the rest of my days frail , sick , tired , and bald , or if I want the cancer to just let it take its course , and be present in my daughters lives for the time that I have left .
Ric : Look , I -- I know that the -- the diagnosis is bad , but it s not terminal , Alexis .
Alexis : If it were you , what would you do ?
Ric : I d choose option three . I would choose to believe that the chemo was going to work and that you were going to get through this . I d choose hope . I d like to think that you would choose it , too .
Jason : I do nt even remember driving home from the lake house . I came through the door , it was dark because of the blackout . I went to the cabinet , got a bottle of tequila , and I started drinking because I wanted to forget . And the more I tried , the more I remembered -- and not just you and Ric .
Jason : But you and me . You know , the little things -- like the way you d leave your dictionary around and look up words you did nt understand . Hawaii -- you know , we had a water fight and I threw you in the water . And then there was a knock on the door , and for a split second I thought it was you , so I opened the door , and Elizabeth was there .
Sam : Because Lucky was on drugs , she had nowhere else to go .
Jason : Yeah , that s right .
Sam : That s right ? Jason , what about her grandmother ? What about Wyndemere ?
Jason : Elizabeth did nt come here intending to sleep with me , Sam .
Sam : You know , it -- it almost would be a little bit easier if she had , because then I could be mad at her , I could resent her . You know , I do resent her , Jason -- she got to comfort you when I hurt you . That s -- that s worse than knowing that you two slept together .
Jason : It was nothing we planned . You know , it was just one night , that s it . One night we helped each other .
Sam : And now ? What do you feel about her ?
Jason : She s my friend .
Sam : What do you feel about me ?
Lucky : Have you -- have you heard from Lulu ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , she came by the hospital earlier . But before you ask , she made it very clear she did nt want my opinion on what to do about her pregnancy .
Lucky : Well , did she say what she was planning on doing ?
Elizabeth : She did nt have a chance . Edward blew in and intimidated her .
Lucky : How ?
Elizabeth : He said that she better not be there making an appointment for an abortion . But I tell you , if that man does nt back off , he s going to drive her to the very thing he s trying to avoid .
Lucky : You know , I need to get her out of that house . You know what ? Nikolas and I , we re going to go over there and get her and move Lulu into Wyndemere .
Elizabeth : Lucky , listen , she s really fragile right now . The last thing she needs is her well - intentioned brothers barging in and trying to take over her life .
Lucky : You do nt want me around Lulu because you do nt think I can handle it .
Elizabeth : I am just suggesting that you give her a little room , and if you ca nt hear that without getting angry , it s because you re trying to quit these pills cold turkey .
Lucky : Here we go back to the pills with you again .
Elizabeth : Well , is there another reason why you re jumping down my throat ?
Lucky : You re right . It s just -- the withdrawal is getting at me . I m sorry I snapped at you .
Elizabeth : I really , really wish you would reconsider rehab .
Lucky : Wait , wait -- oh , my God , rehab . We ve been over this . The worst part of withdrawal is over . I do nt -- I m going to meetings . I m going to meetings . That s -- that ll be fine .
Jason : When you first came to live with me , you used to ask how I could -- could have room for you . You know , you -- you could nt figure out how my life could be so empty that you could live here . Well , I figured it out . I ca nt let go of things . You know , I loved Robin . She was my whole life . Anything she told me , I accepted that it was good and that it was right . Then she told A.J. he was Michael s father , and something -- something broke inside of me . Something -- I could nt -- I could nt love Robin anymore , not -- not like I did before , so she just -- just left . Then there was Carly . You know , we were together , I was starting to fall for her . She slept with Sonny --
Sam : And something broke inside you again .
Jason : Yeah , I did nt -- I did nt lose Carly . She s one of my best friends , but I ca nt -- you know , I ca nt be in love with -- with her . I ca nt even make myself try . I --
Sam : Maybe we should give up , walk away with two years of really beautiful memories instead of destroying it by trying to hold on .
Jason : Is that what you -- is that what you want ?
Sam : I will love you for the rest of my life , Jason . If I die tomorrow or if I live to be 100 . Even if I never see your face again . You re asking me what I want . What I want is for us to try . I just -- I ca nt do that alone .
Jason : I do nt trust myself . I do nt know if I can put down the anger . But I do know if I do nt try , I could lose you . I could lose you forever .
Sam : Maybe you should take this back .
Jason : It -- no , that s -- that s your ring . I gave that to you .
Sam : No , Jason . Maybe you can put it back on my finger one day when we re ready to make those promises again .
Singer : Baby it s just you and me we got a thing they ca nt shake
Singer : Maybe it s a little hard
Sonny : It s me , Sonny .
Singer : Sometimes to take but I ll tell you something it s a life worth living just so you know
Sonny : I need you on the next plane to Buenos Air-- I m sorry . I did nt know you had company .
Sam : No , it s okay . I have to go to the hospital to see Alexis .
Sonny : Well , I do nt want to chase you out of here .
Sam : No , no , no . It s okay , Sonny , it s okay .
Jason : Hey -- it sounds like I might have to leave . When I m away , are you going to be okay ?
Sam : Yeah . Just promise me you re going to be careful .
Jason : I m always careful .
Sam : If you say so .
Jason : Look , if you need me -- if you need me , just call Sonny . He ll get -- he ll get a message to me .
Sam : I m going to be okay . You just call me when you get home , okay ?
Singer : With your quiet smile baby , it s just you and me I would nt give it up , no .
Lulu : I ve barely decided to have this baby , and now you want me to sign it away ?
Edward : And you know something ? I commend you for not romanticizing the situation . Raising a child can be very stressful . You ve already said you re not ready for the responsibility , and , fortunately , Dillon has a family that is capable of providing for him and his child . So once you sign over custody to him , and after the baby is born , you re free as a bird .
Lulu : Is this what you want ?
Dillon : Look , do nt -- do nt listen to him , okay ? Um -- just know that I would be happy to take custody if you re willing to give it to me , but I want to share it with you . I mean , you -- you ve been telling me all along that you re not ready for this , that you do nt want the baby , that you do nt think you could raise it . Well , I do nt know -- I do nt know , Lulu . I mean , if you -- if you do this thing , then maybe all the pressure s off and you can just relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy , knowing that you re not going to have to worry about your life at the other end .
Edward : I really think this is the best solution for all concerned .
Lulu : Well , I ve already gone this far . I might as well go all the way .
Lulu : Dad ?
Luke : I heard you were facing lions , baby . I thought you could use a whip and a chair .
Alexis : Did the doctor say when I ll be able to leave the hospital ?
Ric : Well , they said you re still at risk for contracting pneumonia , so it s going to be a couple of days at least .
Alexis : I ca nt think in this place .
Ric : You do nt have to think right now , you do nt have to make any decisions at the moment . It s going to be a couple of weeks before they would even start the chemo .
Sam : Hey . I m just checking in . Do you need anything ?
Alexis : Do you want to talk ?
Sam : You look -- tired .
Alexis : We have to talk .
Sam : Okay .
Alexis : The biopsy results are in , and the cancer spread .
Sam : So we keep fighting .
Alexis : Ooh , you re good .
Sam : Me ?
Alexis : You did nt even blink .
Sam : I am not going to lose you , so we re going to do whatever it takes . End of story .
Alexis : I m really glad that Kristina and Molly have you to count on . I know what a huge sacrifice it is for you to stay away from Jason , and I really appreciate that .
Sam : You do nt have to worry about that anymore .
Elizabeth : Pregnant .
Michael : Whoa .
Jax : Check it -- check it out . I ll show you how it works .
Morgan : I want to hold this .
Jax : This is really cool .
Michael : I know how it works .
Jax : You do ?
Michael : Yeah .
Jax : Really ?
Michael : Turn it on .
Jax : Oh .
Carly : Can I talk to you for a minute , please ?
Jax : Hey , you know what -- yeah -- there s a button on the --
Carly : No -- out !
Jax : What -- all right , what ?
Carly : You should be ashamed of yourself , trying to use my boys to get to me ? I got to tell you something -- it s not working . It s not working at all .
Jax : Really ?
Carly : Yes .
Jax : You know , I happen to like those boys . Okay ? And as for getting to you , the only reason you re mad is because it s working .
Lulu : I did nt realize that you were coming home .
Luke : Uh -- well , I heard you needed backup .
Lulu : You -- you know ?
Luke : Yeah , I know .
Edward : You see , Lulu has made a very wise decision , Luke . She has decided to give custody of the child to Dillon . And since you have no interest in children , why do nt you go back to Bora Bora --
Luke : Is this the way it s been ? You just stand here mute while this old bastard calls the shots ?
Dillon : No . No . I just want to do what s right for the baby , even if it means accepting the old bastard s help .
Luke : And what about you ? Is this what you want ?
Lulu : I do nt even know if I want this baby .
Dillon : Lulu , you said that you might --
Luke : Quiet . You forget all this pressure . You forget what these people are saying . This is your decision to make , and anybody who tries to bully you into anything else is coming through me first . Now , you two , get out of here . Give us some time . I need a minute or two alone with my daughter .
Dillon : Luke , I m the father --
Luke : Out !
Lulu : I m really glad you re home .
Luke : Oh . Me , too , gumdrop . Me , too .
Jax : What do you think ?
Carly : Is this some kind of a bribe ?
Michael : You re going to have to work a lot harder .
Kelly : Are congratulations in order ?
Elizabeth : I need to make sure I m really pregnant .
Sam : Jason ?
Alexis : Sam ? Who were you talking to ?
### Summary:
| Jason admits that if Sam had been with anyone but Ric , he might be able to forgive her , but not him . Both vent about their feelings over their mutual infidelities . Jason admits that he can not forgive . They agree to part . Luke returns and is blown away with the news Sonny gives him , that Lulu is pregnant . He then gets Carly s input . Carly tells him that Lulu did nto want her baby to feel unwanted , the way she did , but that when she last talked to the girl , Lulu planned on keeping the baby . Edward immediately moves in to get Lulu to sign over custody of the baby to Dillon . Ric and Alexis find out how bad her cancer is . Liz and Lucky fight again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Quinn : Sweet . That s it . See , you focused , went for it , nailed your target .
Daniel : I need some focus like this in my life . [ Grunts ]
Quinn : Awesome . Last one .
Daniel : Little higher ?
Quinn : Head high . Huh !
Daniel : Aah !
Quinn : Nice . Good job .
Daniel : Thank you . Thank you .
Quinn : Great stuff . Great stuff .
Brady : Hey , man . Hey , doctor , that looked pretty good . How you doing ?
Daniel : Yeah , just -- well , I m working off a little stress , that s all , kicking that thing .
Brady : How s it working for you ?
Daniel : A few hundred more kicks , I ll let you know , all right ?
Quinn : Just grab em .
Daniel : Like that ?
Quinn : Yep . All right , watch me , then you ll try it .
Daniel : Cool .
Quinn : Okay , body , then head .
Daniel : Right on .
Maggie : Ooh !
Brady : Ladies .
Maggie : Goodness gracious !
Brady : It s good to see you .
Maggie : Hi . Good to see you . My .
Melanie : Well , if there are more instructors like you , I m gon na start signing up for some more classes .
Daniel : Hey , behave . All right , man , thank you . Thank you . Get over here . You all right ? What s going on ?
Melanie : I should be asking you .
Daniel : Why ?
Melanie : I saw the surgery schedule this week .
Daniel : Oh , the surgery ...
Melanie : Oh , yeah , you re not doing surgery on grandma s friend or anyone else . Why ?
Daniel : Uh ...
Melanie : Maggie know something too ? What s going on ? You re freaking me out .
Marlena : You ve got to stop . My husband s coming home soon . [ Both chuckle ] Kiss me again . I thought I was dreaming .
John : No , you re not dreaming . I m home . I m free . No more jail ... no more ankle bracelet ...
Marlena : Mm .
John : And I have my good name and reputation back . But best of all ... people know I did nt defraud my investors , thanks to you .
Marlena : Thanks to me ?
John : You never gave up on me .
Marlena : Well , baby , I loves ya .
John : Well , baby ... prove it .
Marlena : All righty .
Stefano : I just finished reading the morning paper . Seems everybody is lined up to apologize to our Mr. Black .
EJ : A Christmas ... miracle . That s what they re calling his release ... a Christmas miracle . You remind me to buy that rag and shut it down .
Stefano : Ah , yes . Well , you know , what happened happened .
EJ : What I want to know is how it happened . I was so careful . I mean ... I covered my tracks meticulously . How could somebody find the information to clear John black , hmm ?
Stefano : Well , it s possible that you were not meticulous enough . I mean , and , uh ... you have to figure out where you went wrong .
Jack : You know , cleaning up after Christmas can be kind of a downer . The tree looks empty because the presents are all gone . The house seems empty cause the people are all gone .
Jennifer : You know what ? You re right . Thanks for bringing me down with you .
Jack : I m sorry about that . Okay , let me think about the good things at Christmas-- the great carols , the great food ... and the great blessing of being home with my family .
Jennifer : Yeah , it was an amazing Christmas . I wish , uh , JJ could have been here with us .
Jack : Well , he was , in a way . We Skyped with him and ...
Jennifer : Our family .
Jack : Here we are . Whether near or far ... we ll always be family ... unless you do nt feel the same way .
John : Those nights I spent in that cell ... I had these moments when I never thought we d be like this . Somehow ... somehow I had ... I had faith that it was all gon na be okay . I just ... I just did nt know how it was gon na play out . [ Chuckles ] Fact is , I still do nt know how it exactly played out .
Marlena : I ll enlighten you . See , Carrie and Rafe realized that the photograph in paris had been altered . So they began to question the timeline . When they pulled that thread , everything else unraveled .
John : Hmm . It s just so damn humbling knowing so many people tried to help me .
Marlena : So many people love you .
John : Yeah , you re biased .
Marlena : No , I m not . Yeah , I am . No . Yeah . [ Both laughing ] What ? What ?
John : [ Laughs ]
Marlena : [ Laughing ] What ?
John : I m just ... thinking about Stefano ...
Marlena : Mm - hmm ?
John : And how my release must have just ruined Christmas for him and EJ .
EJ : Where I went wrong ? No , no , no , no , no , I - I told you my plan . You said it was brilliant . You said it was infallible .
Stefano : Yeah , but John s exoneration has proven me wrong on both counts .
EJ : I just do not understand how those village idiots managed to come up with the evidence to clear him .
Stefano : Well , why do nt you ask them ? I mean , I m sure they would love to tell you .
EJ : Oh , I m gon na find out where I went wrong , father . Do nt worry . On my honor as your son , I m not gon na rest until I do .
Jennifer : Uh , yeah . O - of course I feel the same way , Jack . Like you said , we will always be a family . We are blessed to have two great kids ...
Jack : I m blessed to have all three of you back in my life .
Jennifer : Yeah , we feel the same way about you . We do . And as wonderful as this holiday has been , I know that we are not where you want us to be . And I ca nt promise you--
Jack : I know . I know that . I know . I know . And I m not pushing you . I am not doing that . I m just -- I-- I keep thinking I m gon na say or do the wrong thing and -- and mess everything up . So I just keep jumping back in and asking you if everything s okay .
Jennifer : You know what ? Do nt do that . I ll let you know . If there s a problem , I ll tell you .
Jack : So ... so everything s okay ? You re comfortable with me ?
Jennifer : Yeah , it s -- you know what ? It s fine . Just do nt keep checking the temperature every five minutes . Okay ?
Jack : Duly noted .
Jennifer : Okay . I promise you I am wading back in ever so slowly . I am not diving right into the deep end again , Jack .
Jack : Diving ... deep end--interesting choice of words , because , uh ... just a minute . Just a minute . Speaking of h-2-O ... [ Laughs ] Ta - da !
Jennifer : Wh -- what is this ?
Jack : Well , my keen reporter s instincts would tell me that this is a present that you have not yet opened . So ... go ahead -- open up .
Daniel : Listen , I am just taking a little break from surgical rotation . It s nothing you have to be upset about , nothing .
Melanie : Um , I m upset that everyone knows but me . I can guess what it is . You tested positive for myasthenia gravis .
Daniel : Okay , Melanie--
Melanie : They why did nt you tell me ?
Daniel : The test results came -- they came back negative . All right ? Just like yours . It s okay .
Melanie : Then why are you-- why did nt you--
Daniel : Listen , I do nt know . It s got to be something else . I really do nt know . You want the truth ? The truth is I just-- it started happening shortly after thanksgiving . At first , it started off little , small tremors , and then it started happening more and more . And I did -- I thought it was myasthenia gravis too . But , you know , I - I got Lexie on it . She s doing some tests . I m fine .
Melanie : And ?
Daniel : And I m waiting for the results . Okay ?
Melanie : So you re just not gon na do surgery until you find out what it is ?
Daniel : I ca nt . My hand , you know -- the shaking comes and goes .
Melanie : Okay .
Daniel : I m not gon na take that risk for that patient .
Melanie : I know . I get that . I just -- I do nt get why you did nt tell me .
Daniel : I do nt want you to worry .
Melanie : I m your daughter
Daniel : Exactly . I do nt want you to worry .
Melanie : And I love you . How am I not supposed to worry ?
Daniel : I love you too , baby . I m just trying to protect you-- that s all .
Melanie : Well , stop ! Stop doing that . If something s wrong with you , I want to hear about it from you . I do nt want to read about it somewhere else . I do nt want somebody else telling me .
Daniel : I understand . This could still be nothing , though .
Melanie : And what if it s not ?
Daniel : Then I ll figure it out myself . I ll take care of it-- together ... together , as a family .
Melanie : Promise ? No , sweaty . Promise me .
Stefano : Look , as meticulous as you were in your scheme to frame John black , obviously ... [ Chuckles ] The other side was just as meticulous .
EJ : Father , there is no way that I could have known that the French government were gon na shut down the internet ... right at a moment where I m faking John s transactions !
Stefano : Did you know ?
EJ : At the time ? No !
Stefano : Well , maybe that s where you went wrong . You left an opening , and , uh ... they took full advantage .
EJ : It could nt have been somebody on his legal team . I do nt think any of them are shrewd enough . No , father ... somebody else had to point them in the direction of the internet . Hmm ?
Stefano : Hmm . All right , that somebody ... I mean ... [ Clears throat ] Let s say that you found out who that somebody is , right ? So what are you going to do ?
EJ : Oh , I m gon na take care of it , father , personally . You know what that means , right ? 3q take the finish challenge .
Jennifer : Jack , these are-- these are tickets to Hawaii .
Jack : Yes , of course , for a family of four-- you , me , and the kids !
Jennifer : Wait a minute , Jack . Hold -- it s very sweet . I do nt want you to think for one minute that we--
Jack : No , no , no , I m way ahead of you on this , Horton . You see , I got rooms for each of us -- all of us , right ?
Jennifer : No , I can see that . I can do the math , Jack .
Jack : I am not pushing you . I m not pushing you . I m just thinking of-- of the surf , the sand , the waves and those little tiki-- tiki drinks that you love so much with the fruit and -- and the umbrella . And -- and who knows ? Maybe a volcano will become active , and we can--
Jennifer : No , this is wonderful . It s -- it s a wonderful thought . But I am getting ready to revamp Abe s entire campaign . You re starting spring semester at Salem u with Abigail . This will absolutely not fit into JJ s boarding school schedule . It wo nt work , Jack .
Jack : Oh , I ve taken all of that into account . I ve considered all of it . I ve looked ahead to any possible asteroid confluences with our vicinity , and I have found a time that s good for all of us ... all of us . Right there -- take a look . [ Chuckles ]
Jennifer : You did . You did .
Jack : Yeah . I mean , it s definitely in the future , but I promise you ... I m not planning on going anywhere in the meantime . I ... I have not been a husband or a father who has made family time -- ballet recitals , family beach vacations , or anything like that -- a priority . This is me trying to make up for that .
Jennifer : Well , it s very thoughtful .
Jack : Yeah . So ... what is it ? Is it a yes ? I mean , can we all go on a family vacation together to make up for all the ones that I made us miss out on ?
Jennifer : Well , I do nt know . I mean , does aloha mean yes ?
Jack : It does today . Aloha !
Melanie : You re gon na be fine .
Daniel : Yeah , I could nt agree more . It just could turn out that my symptoms are stress - related .
Melanie : Yeah . I mean , you ve been overworked . Breaking up with Abigail s mom ca nt have been easy on you .
Daniel : Yeah . Anyway , so we ll find out , and then we ll deal with it .
Melanie : Real subtle . When do you find out the results ?
Daniel : Lexie does nt know . When she finds out , I will let you know as soon as I know .
Melanie : Promise this time ? You promise me ?
Daniel : Yes , I promise .
Melanie : Thank you .
Maggie : Oh , I definitely have to sign up for something . Quinn s place is amazing .
Melanie : It is .
Maggie : It is .
Melanie : It s definitely a nice place for a second job .
Maggie : [ Giggles ]
Daniel : So where s Quinn , by the way ? Did you knock him into next week ?
Brady : No , he had to make a call or something .
Melanie : Well , okay , that s fine . Tell him I ll see him later .
Maggie : Okay , well , you keep in touch , like a good son should .
Daniel : Yeah . All right , well , will do .
Melanie : No , dont-- no , sweaty ! Sweaty !
Daniel : Get out of here , please .
Melanie : Bye . Bye .
Brady : Have a good time . Come on , let s hit the heavy bag .
Daniel : You know what , buddy ? I m good for now . Thanks . Yeah .
Brady : What s going on , man ? Something s bugging you . Want to talk about it ?
Daniel : No , not really .
Brady : All right .
Daniel : Well , since you brought it up , I guess , um ... I mean , what would you do if suddenly you could nt do the one thing you dreamed of doing your entire life ?
Abe : Uh , all this going on , it s going to be a busy , busy , busy day . You know , Caroline s waiting to open until we re finished with all this , so we ll make it brief . I ll make a statement . Mr. Black then will answer a few questions-- that s it .
Man : Short and sweet , just like I like it , Mr. Mayor .
Abe : [ Chuckles ]
John : Hey , Lexie .
Lexie : Oh , hey , you two ! Is it a wonderful day or what ?
John : Well , it started out pretty great .
Marlena : It sure did .
John : Looking around here , I ca nt help but think the last time we were here , with all the chaos and Johnny and everything .
Lexie : Yeah , I know . It s amazing how quickly things can change , huh ?
John : Especially when the loved ones just stick by your side . And , yes , I m talking about you and Abraham .
Lexie : Oh , come on , stop . You re gon na make me cry .
Marlena : I know . I feel the same way .
John : There he is .
Abe : [ Chuckles ] Marlena , John .
John : I got to tell you , partner , these last couple months ... I could nt have made it without your friendship , knowing that you were always there for Marlena and ... especially when I think about everything it could have cost you .
Abe : You know , nothing would have cost me more than to abandon a friend . And no one is a better friend than you are , John .
John : Right back at you . And I mean it-- I will never forget what you did for me .
Marlena : What you did for us .
John : For us . And payback starts right here , right now .
Taryn : Excuse me , uh , mayor carver .
Abe : Oh , Taryn . Taryn Noone , I d like you to meet John black and his wife , dr . Marlena Evans .
Marlena : How do you do ?
John : My son Brady says that you are first rate .
Abe : Which is why he chose you to cover this press conference .
Taryn : Well , I m flattered . Shall we get started ?
Abe : I m ready if you are .
John : Let s get this show on the road . I just hope the , uh , DiMeras are watching . I m sure this is just gon na make their day .
Stefano : You know what I think ? I think it would be best if you did not waste your time trying to find out who tipped off John black s freedom fighters .
EJ : That s very unlike you .
Stefano : Well , maybe it would be wiser for you to spend your time trying to figure out what you re gon na do with his freedom .
EJ : I can do both , thank you .
Stefano : [ Chuckles ] Look , Elvis , you figured that you would frame him and that you would become mayor . Maybe you are not very good at multitasking .
EJ : Well , I m certainly a better man for you pointing that out .
Stefano : All right , look , listen to me , please . Elvis , just because John is free does not mean that the game is over .
EJ : No , not at all , father . It just means the rules have changed .
Stefano : Well , okay . Yeah , all right . Now , look , you are a capable man , huh ? You are a DiMera , after all . I am absolutely confident that you have got it in you to be able to turn this back into your favor .
EJ : [ Laughs ] Okay .
Jennifer : Wow . I ve always wanted to go to Hawaii .
Jack : I know that .
Jennifer : I ca nt wait to call the kids . They re gon na be so excited .
Jack : Let s do it . Let s Skype JJ right now .
Jennifer : No , wait . Not-- no , not right now . Let s just get organized and-- and regroup , and then we ll tell them , okay ?
Jack : Good . Good idea . I ll just get these things right here , put all the rest in its place .
Jennifer : And I m gon na take these ornaments , and I m gon na put them back up in the attic .
Jack : No , wait . Uh , we do nt have to take the tree down today , do we ?
Jennifer : No , no , I m not gon na take the tree down . I just want to get our family ornaments just back up for safekeeping , you know .
Jack : Right . Good . Okay . I ll be right back .
Jennifer : Okay .
Daniel : Yeah , I wanted to be a surgeon since I was five years old , man . I love it . I ve been training my whole life for it .
Brady : Look , before you turn in your scalpel , doctor , you should first get the results of your tests . Second of all , I mean , there s other things you can do in medicine , right ? If you get the bad news .
Daniel : Candy striper . Oh , yeah , I do nt really have the legs for that , though , do I ?
Brady : You could be a surgical consultant , right ?
Daniel : I suppose , yeah .
Brady : You have options , you know . Most people , when they get the bad news in their life , they do nt have options . That s the end of the road for them .
Daniel : No , you re right . You re right , you re right . I m just trying to wrap my head around all that s happening and how I m gon na change my life on a dime .
Quinn : Trust me , mate , if I can do it , you sure as hell can .
Melanie : Your father had hoped that it would be nothing , and then there would nt be anything to tell . I only found out because sally called me in a panic that Daniel was nt doing her surgery , and I had to find out why .
Melanie : Okay , I get that . But I m his daughter , and I m a nurse . I mean , I deal with bad medical news all the time .
Maggie : Daniel thinks of you as his little girl . All fathers do .
Melanie : I know , but I m not a little girl . And he s going through so much . I ca nt be there for him if I do nt know what s going on .
Maggie : I m sure you made that clear to him .
Melanie : Well , I better have .
Maggie : I m worried about him too , Melanie . But you see , you have me , and he has us now . So we have to believe it s gon na be okay .
Melanie : Yeah . I ve just been racking my brain trying to figure out what this could be . None of the possibilities are good .
Maggie : Well , whatever it is , bad or good , we re gon na deal with it as a family . Love always wins in the end ... always ... always . Aw . Mmm .
EJ : You know what ? You re right . I m a DiMera . I can take whatever anybody throws at me , and I can turn it around . After all , I learned from the master .
Stefano : [ Chuckles ] All right , look , a little more action and less talk , because your window of opportunity is getting smaller every minute .
EJ : What do you mean ?
Stefano : [ Sighs deeply ] Here ...
Stefano : See for yourself . For live coverage of John black s first public statement since being exonerated in the theft of billions of dollars in pension funds and other investments .
Stefano : [ Grunts ] You realize once that , uh , John has told everybody that he s been set up that the voters are gon na flock back to carver s camp , all right ? It s gon na take every bit of your cunning to turn this back in your favor .
EJ : I m well aware of that .
Stefano : So what are you going to do ?
EJ : I m thinking .
Stefano : Yeah , well , think fast , because the clock is ticking . Larry , we just had the carpets cleaned !
Maggie : You know , Henderson still ca nt get used to me waiting on myself . [ Chuckles ] Can I get you a piece of cake or some cookies with your tea ?
Melanie : Oh , maybe later .
Maggie : Mm - hmm .
Melanie : I m having so much fun with my grandma . It feels right .
Maggie : It always has , has nt it ?
Melanie : Mm - hmm .
Maggie : Well , now that we know that we re related ... it s all the more special . Having you and Daniel as my family ... well , has made this the best holiday season I ve had in a long , long time .
Melanie : So how was your first Christmas as Mrs. Victor Kiriakis ?
Maggie : The last few holidays have been very hard . But I have to honestly say ... that Santa-- good old Santa-- brought me everything I could have ever wished for and more .
Melanie : Good ... [ Both giggle ] Cause you deserve to be happy and in love .
Maggie : And does nt everyone ?
Melanie : Well , true .
Maggie : So ... [ Chuckles ] How are you and Chad ?
Melanie : There s no me and Chad .
Quinn : Do nt know what starting over may be on your plate , mate . Do nt need to . But here s proof it can be done .
Daniel : Yeah , but you chose to change your life .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] Not sure I had all that much choice in the matter . See , I lost all me money and never really established a career to fall back on either .
Brady : Is that why you broke up with Taylor ?
Quinn : Yeah , that was , uh , part of it . But look , I d been on the move for so long , I just wanted to land someplace old and familiar . So I came back to Salem , reinvented myself .
Brady : I got to be honest with you , Quinn , I did nt give you a good chance .
Quinn : Well , I had one thing going for me . I knew I had to love what I was doing , or I d do myself in again .
Brady : Are you getting all this , man ? You hearing this ?
Daniel : Yeah . Subtlety your middle name ?
Quinn : Look , some days are harder than others , but this is all me . I got into my last profession because I had no shame and I needed money . I got into this to make peace with myself .
Brady : Yeah , but if you make a buck or two , that s all right .
Quinn : You re damn straight . But even a jaded lad like me knows you ca nt a price on personal honor and self - respect . Mother of Perth . Did I just say that ?
Daniel : You did say that . All right . [ Laughter ] Thank you , man . Thank you .
Quinn : Good work , fellas .
Daniel : All right .
Brady : Thanks , man . You know , if there s anyone that can turn his life around , it s you . You got talent . You got skills . You ve got education . Daniel , you got a lot of things going for you . I do nt think it s gon na be easy , but if there s one guy that can do it , it s you .
Abe : Well , thank you all for coming . Mr. Black will make a statement , and then he ll answer a few questions . John ?
John : Thank you , mayor carver . Well , as you all can see , I am once again a free man . All the charges have been dropped against me . My legal team has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not defraud a single investor of a single penny . Late last summer , when I was first aware that billions that were entrusted to me had vanished without a trace , I was sickened . I could nt comprehend how something like this could happen , especially under my watch , because I consider all of my investors members of my family .
EJ : What insipid drivel .
John : The fact is , I had already embarked on a path of recovering my investors money until I was arrested when I returned to Salem . You see , I knew that I was being framed by someone .
Man : Who do you think framed you ?
Abe : Excuse me , John . The FBI , the S.E.C. , And the Salem P.D. Are all investigating who set up Mr. Black .
John : For now , I m just glad to have my life back .
Marlena : I d like to address that , if I may . I d like to answer your question . I know you re watching . When you set out to attack my husband , you attacked me as well . You have spent all this time hurting my husband , my family , my friends . You have put them through hell . I will spend the rest of my life making sure that you , the person that hurt my husband ... and robbed innocent people of their savings and their security ... I will make sure you pay for it . And you know me . You will pay dearly . 3q there she is !
Jennifer : There we go . Got it .
Jack : Okay .
Jennifer : Now we are ... done !
Jack : Wait !
Jennifer : What are you talking about ?
Jack : It s tradition . What can I say ? We do nt want okay risk another year of bad luck .
Jennifer : Bad luck for both of us ?
Jack : For both of us .
Jennifer : Yeah , we do nt want that , do we ?
Jack : No , we do nt . So , uh ... what do you say ?
Jennifer : To , uh ... to no more bad luck .
Jack : To no more bad luck . Oh , whoa -- oh , oh , oh , oh !
Jennifer : Jack ! Jack !
Jack : [ Groaning ]
Jennifer : Jack ! Jack , are you okay ? Are you all right ?
Jack : Does this qualify me as a tree hugger ? Happy arbor day .
Brady : Hey , um , just curious . Does Jennifer know about this health stuff you got going ?
Daniel : No , I did nt tell her . I do nt want her feeling sorry for me .
Brady : Do you still think that handing Jennifer over to Jack was such a good idea ?
Daniel : You know , it was nt easy . I made up my mind ... did it , and that was that .
Brady : That was that , huh ?
Daniel : Yeah .
Brady : Well , look , I m your friend , so I m gon na tell you something that might come across as kind of harsh , but you re an ass for letting Jennifer go . I think she s a fool for taking Jack back .
Melanie : [ Groans ]
Maggie : Okay , spill , sweetie , and I do nt mean the tea .
Melanie : Okay , uh , I was gonna -- I did . I talked to Chad . I was gon na tell him how I felt . Uh , and instead I lied and told him that I only said I had feelings for him because I thought we were gon na die .
Maggie : Okay , I think I get it . Well , then what s the problem ?
Melanie : Abigail .
Maggie : Oh , right .
Melanie : Right . What kind of best friend am I if I tell her boyfriend I have feelings for him ?
Maggie : Okay , I get what you re saying , but what if Chad has feelings for you ?
John : While I was incarcerated , my personal assets were frozen by the government . Now that I m a free man , I once again have control of those assets . Now , I have said it before , but it bears repeating . I consider all of my investors part of my family . Therefore , until the investigators locate the billions stolen from basic black s financial arm , I intend to liquidate not only basic black , but all my personal assets to repay every dime to every investor who trusted me with their money .
Lexie : Oh , my goodness .
EJ : That idiot ... always playing the bloody hero .
Stefano : [ Chuckles ] Unfortunately for you , he is a hero now ... at least to some of the folks here in Salem .
EJ : Not for long . Not ... for long .
Jennifer : Okay , um , here ...
Jack : Ooh !
Jennifer : Honey , are you okay ? Let me help you , Jack .
Jack : Ow , ow , ow , ow ... oh , oh -- okay , I m good .
Jennifer : Are you sure ?
Jack : Never been better .
Jennifer : Jack ...
Jack : Never been better .
Jennifer : Are you sure ?
Jack : Oh , yeah . It s a good thing I decided to ... get the ornaments off before I decide to play lumberjack .
Jennifer : Yeah , yeah , the special ornaments . I think you may have hurt your head a little bit more than you think , Jack .
Jack : Yeah , I do tend to fall more than the average person ... into cakes ... off ladders .
Jennifer : Yeah .
Jack : In love ... with you .
Jennifer : Yeah , you re kind of a mess , you know . You ve always been kind of a mess . But you always make me laugh .
Jack : Well , we aim to please . Whatever will make you ... laugh . So , uh ... I d say we got one more chance ... of averting a year of bad luck . And this time ... I m on terra firma .
Melanie : When we talked , he kind of said the same thing-- you know , that he does nt have feelings for me either .
Maggie : Because of Abigail ?
Melanie : Yeah . Well , I - I m sure . There s not gon na be a me and Chad . It was silly for me to think there would be .
Maggie : I m sorry , sweetheart . Oh , I m so sorry . Oh , feelings and friendships and hope and love ... it can all get so , so messy .
Melanie : I ll get over him . He loves my best friend ... [ Chuckles ] Not me .
Quinn : Great -- your next session s all booked in .
Brady : All right .
Daniel : Thank you .
Quinn : Next time .
Brady : Thanks .
Daniel : All right , where do we do this -- sign out ?
Brady : You want to grab something to eat , man ?
Daniel : Yes , I would .
Brady : What is it ?
Daniel : It s my test results .
John : The plan is to pay back individual investors first , then institutions , municipal-- palities .
EJ : Congratulations .
Marlena : What is he doing here ?
Lexie : Trying to upstage John -- what else ?
John : Thank you . I ca nt tell you what that means coming from you .
EJ : Thank you . I d just like to ... add that once you replenish the money to the pensions , I ll be happy to drop the lawsuit . If it turns out I m wrong , John , I m certainly a big enough man to admit that . If , uh ... if I or anyone in my family has caused you and your loved ones any harm , then , uh , I sincerely apologize . When I first heard that John had , uh , defrauded these investors , I found it very hard to believe that a man of such high regard would stoop so low . The evidence against him was overwhelming .
John : That s because I was framed . I was set up . But like my wife said , we will find the people that are behind this . And when we do ... they will pay .
EJ : Oh . Hear , hear . [ Clapping ]
Hope : This was hidden in the plaque . Do you have any idea how it got there ?
John : If someone does nt tell me what s going on here , I m gon na start getting a little paranoid .
Madison : I guess I should have fired you when I had the opportunity .
### Summary:
| At the spa , Melanie and Daniel talked about him not performing surgeries anymore . He also told her about the tremors that he has been having . At the townhouse , John and Marlena spent the morning in bed . Marlena thought she was dreaming that he was home . He assured her that she is not dreaming and that he was happy that she never gave up on him . At the DiMera mansion , EJ and Stefano talked about John getting out of prison . EJ wanted to know what happened because he thought he was very careful about setting him up . Stefano informed him that he might not have been as thorough as he thought . John and Marlena continued to talk about how he was in prison and how Carrie and Rafe helped him so much . EJ wanted continued to wonder how the people helping John were able to figure out what happened . Stefano told him to ask them and find out . EJ was determined to find out the truth . Daniel and Melanie continued to talk about his condition . Melanie was upset that everyone knew about his condition but her . He assured her that he did nt have MG . It is something else . Daniel told Melanie that Lexie is running tests on him . Stefano continued to question where EJ went wrong with his plan . Stefano wanted to know if he was made sure to check everything out . EJ thought he did everything right . Later , Stefano told EJ he should stop trying to figure out who tipped everyone off about John s situation . EJ was surprised by Stefano s comment . Stefano assured EJ that the game is not over just because John is out of prison . At the Horton house , Jack talked to Jennifer about their lives together . He bought tickets for the family to go to Hawaii . Jennifer was nt ready for that yet . While Jack was taking down the decorations , Jennifer tried to kiss him . Jack leaned down to kiss her , but he fell off the ladder . He assured her that he was okay . They ended up kissing under the mistletoe . EJ and Stefano watched John s press conference . Stefano was convinced that once the voters find out that John was set up , they would vote for Abe . Stefano wanted to know what EJ was going to do about it . John wanted to liquidate his assets so he could pay back the money everyone lost . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eric : I guess so , huh ?
Stephanie : Well ...
Eric : ( Stammers ) Hope s not here yet ?
Brooke : Is it time . For the meeting ?
Stephanie : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : I wonder what she wants to talk to us about .
Hope : Oh , good , good , good . You re all here . Okay . ( Sighs ) I have an announcement to make .
Bill : Are you trying to irritate me ? Oh , you are , are nt you ? Because I said so , that s why . Do I have to give you another reason ? Jerry , you -- you are-- you are boring me to death , like usual . Just write the story the way I want it written . O - okay , listen , before you go , I want you to hear something .
Liam : So I ve got news .
Bill : I can see that .
Liam : Huge news .
Bill : About Steffy ?
Liam : What ?
Bill : Well , look at you . You got a smile on your face , a little bounce in your step .
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Bill : You seem energized , kind of like the other day when you came in from your walk on the beach with her .
Liam : No , no , Dad , not -- not Steff , Hope . We re movin up the wedding . No more waiting . I m getting married ... ( Thumps table ) As soon as possible .
Bill : The big day is just months away . Why move it up ?
Liam : Well , Dad , I mean , you -- you know what s not happening until then . It makes it feel like an eternity .
Bill : Yeah , I now . Uh , in fact , the whole world knows . Forrester s ad campaign for the line is practically based on it now .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) I know .
Bill : I m surprised her parents would ever let Hope get married , let alone move up her wedding .
Liam : No , that s what I m saying . There s no reason for Hope for the Future s message to change once she gets married . In fact , it might even reinforce the fact that it was-- it was good for her to wait , you know ? Look , she s telling her parents now . They re probably gon na be thrilled . It s all a matter of picking the date .
Ridge : So let s hear it . What s the big news ?
Hope : Okay , so Liam and I were talking , and he brought up a really good point . Why are we waiting so long to get married ? So we decided to move the wedding up .
Ridge : Move it up to when ?
Hope : Uh , well , that s kind of why I called everybody here-- to figure that out . I m thinking next week if we can pull it off . If not , then the week after . Um , you know , but there s gon na be a lot of scrambling with all the arrangements , but -- but you ll help me with that , right , Mom ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Uh , Honey , I-- I do nt know . We re gon na be so busy in the next few weeks with Hope for the Future .
Eric : Look , so many plans have been made for your line , and it all culminates with the wedding .
Brooke : I understand why you would want to move it up , but it s only a few months away . Why not wait ? You re gon na be so busy , you wo nt even notice anyway .
Hope : What are you saying ?
Ridge : Sweetheart , too many plans have been made . I m sorry , but we ca nt move the wedding up . You know better than anyone what we ve got planned leading up to the ceremony . Plus , if you get married next week , imagine all the changes we d have to make .
Hope : Yeah , but--
Brooke : Honey , there s a lot of promotion going into this . Is it really worth the extra time and the extra work to move it up just a few more weeks ?
Ridge : Not to mention the cost . Once you re married , the anticipation is gone . We want all of our clients to be counting the days , buying Hope for the Future products at each and every event leading up to it .
Hope : Yeah . Okay . Okay , I get it . I get it . We ll keep the wedding as it is ( Scoffs ) This sucks . I mean , Liam was so excited . He was really happy about this .
Eric : He understands the nature of our business
Stephanie : Honey , he loves you . He ll be fine .
Hope : It s just I ve been asking so much of him lately , and all he asked for was this-- this one thing , and I ca nt even give it to him . ( Scoffs )
Bill : I m happy to see you this way again-- upbeat , positive . I was worried about you . It seemed like Hope was bringing you down .
Liam : It s not Hope s fault . I was letting it all get to me .
Bill : Until Steffy cheered you up .
Liam : I wo nt deny that Steffy was there for me when I needed a--
Bill : When Hope was too busy .
Liam : Dad--
Bill : Look , I m just-- I m just saying , getting married is nt going to change who Hope is . It wo nt change her priorities . So why do nt you just leave the wedding date as is , to give yourself a little more time to weigh your options ?
Liam : I do nt need more time . I--
Bill : Maybe find somebody mature enough to put your relationship ahead of her image or get her message to the world .
Liam : Okay , Dad , Hope and I are getting married as soon as we can . Please accept that .
Bill : Okay . ( Chuckles ) All right , accepted . I m smilin again , and there s only one thing left for me to do .
Liam : What ?
Bill : Throw my boy a bachelor party , huh ? ( Grunts )
Liam : What -- really ? I mean -- I mean , really ?
Bill : Got plans tonight ?
Liam : You-- Dad , you do nt have to do this . I mean -- I mean--
Bill : I - I - I want to . And nobody can put a bachelor party together faster than Dollar Bill Spencer .
Liam : O - okay . Oh , uh , sure . Yes , o -- yes , okay . Just , um , nothing too crazy , please .
Bill : No , no , it wo nt be too crazy . Maybe only ten strippers ... per person .
Steffy : Strippers ? Wait , are you trying to make the Spencer board meetings a little more exciting ?
Bill : Uh , no , no , no . I m , uh , putting together an impromptu bachelor party for my boy here . It seems he s getting married a little sooner than any of us expected .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Oh , Honey , I know this did nt go as you imagined .
Hope : Not quite , nope .
Brooke : If there was any way we could make this work--
Hope : No , I - I should have thought it through and I did nt . ( Sighs ) Liam is going to be so disappointed .
Brooke : He loves you . He ll wait .
Hope : But he should nt have to . It s not fair . I am so ready to be his wife in every way . And I - I - I know that three months does nt seem a long time to you , but to move up the wedding would have made all the difference . It just felt so right knowing that it would happen any day now .
Brooke : I need to ask you something .
Hope : Hmm ?
Brooke : Did anything happen that has made you question your commitment to Liam or his commitment to you ?
Hope : No .
Brooke : So you re ready to pledge yourself to him , to love him with all your heart for the rest of your life ?
Hope : Of course . That s why we re getting married . I mean , I - I practically think of him as my husband anyway .
Brooke : Okay . Officially in the state of California , you re not married . But you have a commitment . You have an intense emotional connection . Why not give yourself the permission to make it a physical one ?
Eric : Hope had not considered the implications .
Ridge : She sure had nt .
Stephanie : Well , she s all caught up in the romance of it . She s a young girl . She s not interested in reality .
Eric : Well , I think she understands now moving up the wedding date is not possible .
Ridge : Let s hope Liam does , too .
Bill : Okay , well , if you two will excuse me , I have a bachelor party to go plan .
Steffy : Um , I - I do nt understand . I thought you were getting married in-- in a few months from now .
Liam : Well , I mean , yeah , but for no reason . If we can get married sooner , why would nt we ?
Steffy : Well , I do nt think you should be marrying Hope at all .
Liam : Steffy , I m -- I m sorry , but you know how I feel about this .
Steffy : Yeah , um , you know , I - I guess I just thought with the wedding being so far , just ... I could help you see what-- what we could be . Is Hope really gon na give you what you want ? I - I m not talking about in the bedroom . I mean the love and support . You know , the give - an - take of a marriage . I - I - I think she understands the Take , but I really do nt think she understands the Give .
Liam : Okay , see , but she does she does , Steffy . That s where you re wrong . Perfect example -- this wedding . And , she -- she knows how much it means to me . She knows that I m ready to get on with our lives , and she moved the wedding . So there you go . I mean , she s not the egomaniacal person that you and my dad keep on making her out to be , and I m not exactly worried about what our marriage is gon na be like together so ...
Steffy : Okay . Okay . Look , if she is doing this for you , then -- then -I m happy for you . Like I said , do what s best for you . Liam , I really do nt think its Hope . But if you do , that s all that matters .
Hope : You think I should ? Before the wedding ?
Brooke : It s entirely up to you . It seems like you re ready , though .
Hope : Oh , I m definitely ready . ( Laughs ) Okay , but what about Hope for the Future ? I do nt want to seem like a hypocrite .
Brooke : Honey , you have unquestionable integrity , and you ve been an inspirational role model . So many young women have listened to you . You would nt be betraying your message-- far from it . You waited until you found somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with , and you waited to make sure that he wanted the same thing . Nobody ever pressured you into doing anything you did nt want to do until you were ready to do it . So it s pretty much the message you were putting out there , right ?
Hope : Yeah , yeah , it is . Brooke Nobody needs to know . In your mind and in your heart , you are married , so why not take it to the next level ?
Hope : You re right .
Hope : It s Liam .
Brooke : Oh , boy you have a lot to talk about .
Hope : Uh , first some bad news , but then some really , really good news .
Brooke : Do you want me to leave ?
Hope : No , no , no , no . I m not gon na get into it on the phone .
Hope : Liam ?
Liam : Did you talk to your parents ?
Hope : Yes , I did .
Liam : So ... did you discuss any dates ? Like sometime next week or--
Hope : Uh , could I swing by tonight ? Cause I - I want to talk to you about it .
Liam : Uh , yeah , let me-- let me just find out what my dad s plan is for tonight . You re not gon na guess what he s doing .
Hope : What ?
Liam : He s actually throwing me a last - minute bachelor party . Can you believe that ? I mean , I - I told him to keep it tame , so it s not ...
Hope : Okay , well , does that mean I m not gon na see you until tomorrow ? Because I was really hoping we could talk .
Liam : Uh , yeah , well , why do nt you just come over after ? I mean , I promise . It s not gon na go too late .
Hope : Okay .
Liam : Cool . Wait , you said you-- you want to talk ... Like -- like talk ? Like it s serious ?
Hope : A little .
Liam : Hope , what is it ?
Hope : No . No , no , no . I do nt want to ruin your party .
Liam : All right , well , now you have to tell me .
Hope : Okay , um , I ca nt move up the wedding . Liam , are you there ?
Liam : Um ... Hope , you said--
Hope : I know . I know . I know I did . But I will explain everything tonight .
Liam : Why do nt you explain it now ?
Hope : Um , yeah , it s -- it s because of my ad campaign for the line . It -- it s just we really need to keep the wedding as it is . I m sorry . I know that s not what you were hoping for .
Liam : I was hoping you d keep your promise to me .
Hope : I know . I know , but you know what ? There s -- there s other news , too . Um , but well-- we ll talk about it tonight , okay ? In person .
Steffy : She changed her mind about moving up the ceremony . Liam , I am so sorry . Why would she change her mind ?
Liam : Hope for the Future .
Steffy : She wants to make you wait because of her clothing line ? That is totally not fair .
Liam : I do nt know . I do nt know , Steffy . It makes sense to her , okay ?
Steffy : Well , not to me .
Liam : God , I thought I had this all figured out , you know ? I - I thought we would be married in a couple of days .
Steffy : Oh , my God , this is exactly what I told you . She shows you where she stands , and , Liam , it is not with you . I mean , she is being so selfish and-- and immature .
Liam : Okay , you know what ? Stop it . Stop it , Steffy ! You stop it ! You do nt get to talk trash about her . Do you understand me ? You do nt get to do that . Please just -- I cant-- just not now . I just cant-- I ca nt take it right now , okay ? God , I ask her to do this one thing ...
Brooke : Honey , you did nt tell him the good news .
Hope : Well , I want to do it in person .
Brooke : What if he is angry ?
Hope : Oh , Mom , I mean , he was disappointed , but he ll be okay .
Brooke : Not if he s been stewing about it for hours .
Hope : Oh , it s -- its fine . He s going to a party , and that gives me time to go to his place , and Ill -- Ill set everything up and make it beautiful and special , and when he gets home , I ll be ready .
Brooke : Ok . I m not sure that s the best scenario . What if he comes home drunk ?
Hope : Oh , Mom .
Brooke : You said he s going to a party . Who knows when he ll get home ?
Hope : Oh , Mom , it s fine . It s perfect , actually , because it gives me time to go home and pack a few things .
Brooke : Pack ? ( Scoffs )
Hope : Yes . Yeah , I - I mean this is nt just me being with him for the first time . It s ... I mean , I want to move in . We re starting our married lives together , even though it s not technically official yet . Mom , thank you so much for encouraging me to take this step . Liam will be so happy when he comes home and I tell him . Everything changes tonight . ( Sighs ) ( Laughs )
Steffy : You do nt want me to talk trash about Hope ? I wo nt . I do nt need to . Her actions have said enough .
Liam : I ca nt believe she s doing this after getting my hopes up .
Steffy : This is a preview into your marriage . Liam , she s going to make promises to you . She s going to string you along . But you know what ? She s going to have it her way . And just believe me , I know . I ve lived it . Just get out of this relationship .
Liam : No .
Steffy : You do nt have to tie yourself to her , Liam . Come on .
Liam : Well , Steffy , you know what ? I love her , and I want to marry her , so you tell me .
Steffy : Well , a lot more than she wants to marry you , obviously !
Liam : I ca nt walk away , okay ? I ve made promises .
Steffy : I get that . But she made a promise , too , and it was so easy for her to break it . Liam , she keeps making you wait , and you do nt have to wait to be loved . No . Cause I m ready-- not a few weeks , not in a few months . Right here , right now-- my love , my commitment for life . Look at me . Leave Hope , all right ? Get away from a future that is not gon na make you happy . Liam , start a life with me . You know how I feel . I love you .
Liam : ( Sighs )
### Summary:
| Hope calls a quick meeting at Forrester ; she has an announcement to make . She realizes it is short notice , but she would like to move the wedding up . Ridge says sorry , but too many plans have been made . She s disappointed for Liam , but they all tell her it will be okay . Brooke even suggests that although it is not official and she wo nt be married but she could give herself permission to make it a physical relationship now . Liam is anxious to tell Bill about his huge news about moving up the wedding . Bill does not see that this will be in Forrester s best interest with the Hope line and all . Liam tells him do not try to change this ; he is going to get married sooner rather than later . Bill changes gear and insists on throwing him the mother of all bachelor parties tonight . Steffy walks in and hear this . Steffy still does nt believe that Hope will give him what he wants . He s not worried , so she and Bill should nt be either . Liam calls Hope and she gives him the bad news . Once again Steffy points out to Liam that Hope has changed her mind and is manipulating him again . It s totally unfair . Liam tells her to stop it . She does not get to trash talk Hope . Steffy says she does nt have to . Hope s actions speaks enough . She will string him along and have her own way . Steffy says he does not have to wait months , or weeks , she is ready for him right now . They kiss . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jill : Mm . I m surprised security let you back in the building .
Genevieve : I think I may have left my reading glasses . Well , did nt waste any time getting rid of my desk , did you ?
Jill : Oh , it s been heaven having my office all to myself ever since you were fired .
Genevieve : Quit .
Jill : ( Singsong voice ) Whatever .
Genevieve : Oh , I will miss the bickering .
Jill : ( Normal voice ) Well , I hope you ll restrain yourself at the church tomorrow .
Genevieve : Church ?
Jill : Yes , at Cane and Lily s wedding . Ohh ... you were nt invited , were you ? That s right . Even your own son ca nt stand the sight of you .
Olivia : Yes , yes , I need a photographer for tomorrow . I know its valentine s . Thanks .
Lily : Hi . Oh , um , can you do me a favor ?
Cane : Yeah , sure , what ?
Lily : Oh , hold on .
Sofia : Finally . Look , I need to rent a limo .
Olivia : Okay , yes , I know it s last - minute .
Sofia : Oh , no , no , not again .
Lily : Oh , hi . Thank you .
Sofia : Do not put me on hold .
Olivia : Uh - huh .
Lily : Wow .
Cane : Whoa .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Cane : Who -- who are they from ?
Lily : Um , I do nt know . Let s see . These are pretty . Oh , they re from Malcolm .
Sofia : He always did have great taste .
Cane : Here , let me do this for you .
Sofia : Oh .
Cane : I ll take care of it . Give it here . Hello . Yeah .
Sofia : ( Sighs )
Lily : Hey .
Sofia : Hey .
Lily : I know the way things turned out with Malcolm , but everything happened the way it was supposed to , okay ?
Sofia : You think ?
Lily : Yes , of course . Moses is a miracle , and I know my dad feels the same way .
Sofia : Yeah .
Devon : Ooh .
Neil : Hey , thanks .
Devon : Uh - huh . Hey , Moses .
Neil : ( Chuckles )
Devon : He s tired from running all those errands .
Neil : Right .
Devon : ( Chuckles )
Neil : Ooh .
Devon : Who s that , the bride or the groom ?
Neil : Huh ? Oh , no , neither . Um , ex - business associate of mine . Uh , I contacted him because he s had dealings with the Atkinsons .
Devon : So you really might be working for Cane s mother ?
Neil : Want to know what I d be getting myself into first , right ?
Devon : Yeah . Huh .
Neil : Mmm .
Harmony : Hi , Handsome .
Neil : ( Chuckles ) Hey , Harmony , come here , join us . Have a seat .
Harmony : Hey , you .
Devon : How you doin , Mom ?
Harmony : So how you got time for coffee with a big wedding coming up ?
Neil : Well , you know--
Harmony : You ready for it ?
Neil : You know what they say , uh , It takes a village , but it s all coming together .
Harmony : Well , I m sure it ll be amazing . ( Chuckles )
Devon : You know what ? Roxanne -- she s out of town and not gon na be able to make it . Would you like to be my date ?
Harmony : ( Laughs ) I would -- I would love to , Son .
Billy : Man . Our daughter is a firecracker today .
Chloe : Yeah .
Billy : Okay , uh , what did I do this time ?
Chloe : ( Sniffles ) It s actually not you for once . ( Sighs ) It s Kevin and his trashy bride . ( Sniffles )
Billy : Whoa , uh , I m sorry , Trashy bride ? The rodent got hitched ?
Chloe : You have nt heard .
Billy : Mnh - mnh . I mean , who would marry this guy ? ( Chuckles ) Besides ... ( Clears throat )
Chloe : Yeah , well , it s , um ... it s that gum - chewing Jersey Shore wannabe-- wannabe , you know , that one .
Billy : Angelina ?
Chloe : Yeah . So why would he dump me and then run off with that skank ?
Angelina : Hey .
Kevin : Morning .
Angelina : You sleep okay ?
Kevin : Yeah , once I turned the phone off .
Angelina : ( Laughs ) Media s dying to get an interview . I m a pop superstar ! ( Laughs ) Yay me !
Kevin : Well , I m glad you re happy .
Angelina : Where s your roomie ?
Kevin : Um , Eden stayed at Michael s so the newlyweds could be alone .
Angelina : Thanks for letting me use your bed last night . That was real sweet .
Kevin : Yeah , yeah , that s me , sweet Kevin Fisher .
Angelina : Wish I d never lied to you about being pregnant . I hate seeing you so sad .
Kevin : Yeah , yeah , it sucks . The whole thing sucks . It s like being on a runaway train that I ca nt get off of .
Angelina : I m gon na make this right , I swear .
Kevin : Mnh - mnh . I m gon na get myself out of this . I just hope that your father listens to reason , because I enjoy the whole ... you know , being alive thing . ( Exhales quickly )
Kay : Oh , Victor . For God sake .
Victor : Katherine .
Kay : ( Laughs )
Victor : Nice to see you . Please ...
Kay : Oh , you do nt have to get up .
Victor : Have a seat .
Kay : Well , all right , I will . ( Groans ) These bones are tired .
Victor : Oh , I can imagine , I can imagine , I can imagine .
Kay : ( Laughs ) Ahh , Adam . Adam , yes , uh ...
Victor : Uh - huh .
Kay : Has any of his sight returned ?
Victor : ( Sighs ) The doctors do nt think that he will ... regain his eyesight .
Kay : That s a shame . How s he handling it ?
Victor : Do nt know . I have nt talked to him .
Kay : Mm - hmm . Where is he ?
Victor : He s back on the farm in Kansas ...
Kay : Ohh .
Victor : Reacquainting himself with his roots . Hopefully , it ll make him be at peace with his condition .
Sharon : What are you looking for ?
Adam : A damn spoon .
Sharon : Okay , um , I ll help you .
Adam : No , I do nt need your help , Sharon . Thank you .
Sharon : Here , right--
Adam : I do nt need your help . Thank you .
Sharon : Is there some reason why you re angry with me ?
Adam : Do you want the truth ? You want to know the reason ?
Sharon : Yeah .
Adam : Why did nt you tell me that it was my father s idea to send me down to this farm ?
Sharon : Why I did nt tell you is because I knew that you would just completely flip out .
Adam : I never should have let you talk me into coming here .
Sharon : This is the perfect place for you to get your bearings-- the house you grew up in . It--
Adam : No , Sharon , it is not your call to make . Do you understand me ? And it s certainly not my father s call . All he ever wants to do is just get me out of town .
Sharon : You re wrong about that . You know what ? Victor really wanted to help .
Adam : I m sure he did . I know how my father operates , and I bet he is laughing his ass off back in Genoa City , knowing that I m stuck here on the farm , and I m just getting the hell out of here .
Sharon : Adam , stop ! This s -- would you stop ? ( Sighs ) You can not run away from your feelings . You have to face them .
Adam : What are you , my shrink ?
Sharon : No , I m someone who cares about you very deeply . You re not gon na leave here . I m not letting you .
Genevieve : I do nt know why I m so upset about this . ( Sighs ) Ethan and I have never been really close , but the idea that he would nt want me there on his wedding day ?
Jill : Stop making everything about manipulation and power plays .
Genevieve : Oh , that s just what I need , you know ? Advice from the perfect mother .
Jill : ( Laughs ) Yeah , okay . All right . I m not the perfect mother , but for many years , my relationship with Billy was a disaster , and I always blamed him . Then it all changed when I admitted to myself that I was a lousy mother .
Genevieve : ( Scoffs ) Why are you telling me this ?
Jill : Because I love Cane , and I know that he would like very much for the two of you to be closer .
Genevieve : Hmm . That s why he wants nothing to do with me .
Jill : You got ta stop putting yourself ahead of him and his family .
Genevieve : It s not personal .
Jill : Oh , for God sake , it does nt matter if it s personal . But you better change before it s too late , because very soon , it will be .
Cane : Hey , hey , Sweetheart . A kiss . Mm ! Hey , Guys , Katherine s here .
Devon : What is she doing here ?
Abby : I have no idea .
Kay : Hi , everybody . Listen up , because I have an announcement to make .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Cane : Okay .
Kay : Uh - huh . As you all know , um ... oh , hi , Traci .
Traci : ( Laughs )
Kay : Lily and Cane have , um , overcome tragedy , illness , and even a divorce , and that love was so strong , it could nt even tear them apart . Now I think something like that deserves something befitting , do nt you ?
Abby : Mm - hmm .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Kay : So I hope you all , um , have your passports in order , because you re going to be boarding my private jet in just a few hours .
Lily : ( Chuckles ) Wha -- what ?
Cane : Wait , what are you--
Lily : Where are we going ?
Cane : Wh - what s --
Kay : ( Sighs ) I am going to give you the greatest Valentine s Day wedding surprise you ve ever heard of-- of a lifetime ! You re going to France .
Harmony : Oh , my , what ?
Lily : ( Laughs ) Are you joking ?
Kay : You like it ?
Lily : What ?
Harmony : Oh , my goodness .
Devon : That s perfect .
Billy : Hi ! I just heard the good news . Congrat-- have you lost your mind ?
Kevin : Not now , Billy .
Billy : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Now whatever you do , do nt upset Chloe any more than she already is , okay ?
Kevin : Oh , I should be taking advice on how to treat women from you ?
Billy : Good point . Good luck .
Kevin : ( Sighs )
Kevin : Please , just hear me out .
Chloe : Why should I ?
Kevin : Because-- because you need to know why I - I left you at the altar .
Chloe : Yeah , because you re a coward .
Kevin : No , no . It killed me , Chloe . I wanted you to be my wife .
Eden : Hi .
Angelina : Hi .
Eden : Where s Kevin ?
Angelina : Went out . Not sure where .
Eden : Okay , well , I just , uh , came by to grab some clothes , so .. did somebody sleep out here ?
Angelina : Oh , one second . Ohh , Daddy , uh , what you doin here ?
Angelo : Just checking up on the newlyweds .
Eden : Uh , I m gon na grab that stuff .
Angelo : This place ai nt fit for my princess . I m buying you lovebirds a bigger nest , with lots of bedrooms for when you start poppin out little Angelo s .
Angelina : Daddy , Daddy , stop .
Angelo : What s wrong , Baby ?
Angelina : ( Sighs ) I think marrying Kevin was a mistake .
Cane : So why-- why are nt you coming ?
Kay : Oh , Darling , I - I ca nt . Tomorrow s Delia s birthday , but I promise you , I will be there in spirit .
Lily : ( Chuckles )
Devon : Mom , did you know anything about this ?
Harmony : Are you kidding ? I - I could nt s - sit on a secret like that .
Olivia : And there is so much to do .
Lily : I know . I do nt even know where to begin .
Kay : No , no , no . First of all , you can begin by relaxing . Every detail has been taken care of . I , um , was very fortunate in getting passports for Moses ... and the twins .
Lily : ( Chuckles ) What ?
Olivia : ( Gasps ) What ?
Cane : Wow , thank you .
Kay : Well , all you have to do is pick them up at my office .
Cane : Okay .
Kay : Okay ?
Neil : I ll go .
Kay : Good , thank you .
Neil : Thank you , Dad .
Sofia : I m gon na get Moses and get to packing . Thank you !
Olivia : Ah , do you want me to get the twins ready , dressed to go ?
Lily : Yes , please , thank you . You re a saint . Thanks .
Kay : Thank you , Olivia .
Neil : Cane .
Cane : Yeah ?
Neil : You better call Jill and Genevieve , let em know there s gon na be a change of plans .
Cane : I m not inviting my mom .
Neil : Why not ?
Cane : All right , listen . My mom s not a good person . We ll leave it at that , okay ? I do nt want to talk about it .
Neil : Okay .
Lily : So I wanted to ask you guys something .
Traci : Sure , tell us what we can do to help .
Abby : Whatever you need , it s yours .
Lily : Wow , you sounded so much like Colleen just then . ( Laughs )
Traci : Oh , I know how much you miss her .
Lily : I do . Um , that s why I wanted to ask you guys if you would stand up for me in her honor , both of you . ( Chuckles )
Abby : I d love to .
Traci : Ohh .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Traci : Sweetie ... ( Laughs ) You know , I just do nt think that I can . I - I really do nt feel like I should leave Jack right now .
Lily : Y - yes , of course . I - I know how much Colleen loved him , so she would want you watching over him .
Traci : Thank you . So I m leaving it to you , and I want lots of pictures and videos and ...
Abby : ( Laughs )
Lily : Okay . ( Chuckles )
Traci : You know , Lily , Colleen will be there with you . You know she would never miss a day this magical . ( Laughs )
Lily : Thank you . ( Sighs )
Abby : ( Sniffles )
All : ( Chuckle )
Chloe : You have three minutes , and then I have to get upstairs to my daughter .
Kevin : Right before we were about to get married , Angelo shows up at the church , and he insists that I go to Devon s studio to help with Angelina s demo .
Chloe : Because she sings better when she gazes into your eyes .
Kevin : I tried to say no , and he gave me that look . So afterwards , we re racing to get back to the church , and we get shot at
Chloe : What are you talking about ? You got shot at ? Why would you get shot at ?
Kevin : Well , Angelina tells me that she s pregnant with the ex s baby , only Carmine thinks that it s mine and he s insanely jealous . I could nt risk showing up at the church , thinking he would follow me , and then worrying that you or Delia or any of the other guests could get caught in the cross fire .
Chloe : Why would nt you just tell me the truth ?
Kevin : ( Sighs ) Because I thought that if you were nt mad at me , that you would come looking for me , and I just could nt risk you getting hurt , Chloe .
Chloe : Well , then , why did nt Angelina just tell her father ? Why could nt he just deal with the entire thing ?
Kevin : She claims that Angelo thought that I was the baby daddy , too , because we ran off together , and ... ( Sighs ) And then it just got really , really complicated .
Chloe : So you never had any doubts about us ?
Kevin : Never . I wanted to marry you that day , and it killed me to have to lie to you .
Genevieve : Hey . I ll have a glass , Clos du Mesnil , 1995 , please . ( Clears throat )
Victor : Are you celebrating your recent acquisition ?
Genevieve : ( Laughs ) I m hardly in the mood to celebrate today .
Victor : Mm - hmm . Trouble with Beauty of Nature ?
Genevieve : No , not at all . Right on track there .
Victor : You re in deep water .
Genevieve : So you keep telling me .
Victor : If you were the businesswoman you claim to be , you will grab a hold of the life preserver I m throwing you before you lose everything .
Genevieve : Do nt worry about it , Victor . I m gon na float just fine .
Victor : Do nt say I did nt warn you .
Genevieve : ( Sighs ) Uh , yes , Neil , it s Genevieve . I am at Gloworm , hoping that you re gon na tell me that you ll be joining my team , because I think we could do fabulous things together , so hope to see you soon .
Adam : Did he leave yet ?
Sharon : Yeah .
Adam : Good .
Sharon : You know , Mr. Foster asked about you .
Adam : Great . Did he remember the bottle of water ?
Sharon : Here . ( Clears throat ) So did you and your friends used to hang out at Foster s when you were a kid ?
Adam : I try not to think of any memories from my childhood . All I ever wanted to do was get the hell away from here .
Jill : This time , you ve managed to impress even me .
Kay : Oh , get over it . I m always impressive .
Jill : ( Laughs )
Lily : ( Laughs )
Olivia : You know what ? Let me take these two for a walk , and that way , you guys can pack .
Cane : What about you ? When are you gon na pack ?
Olivia : Me ? I take ten minutes . Do nt worry about it .
Cane : You sure ?
Olivia : Yeah .
Lily : Okay , be good for Auntie Liv , okay ? Be good babies for Auntie Liv , okay ?
Jill : Aw . Oh , that s sweet .
Cane : All right , okay .
Lily : See you guys .
Olivia : Bye - bye .
Billy : Hey . ( Laughs )
Traci : Look who s here . You are not gon na believe what s going on around here .
Billy : Oh , yeah ?
Lily : Yes , Katherine is flying us to France for our wedding .
Cane : Can you believe it ? Can you believe it ?
Billy : That s amazing .
Kay : Well , you and Victoria are -- you re invited , also .
Billy : Well , we appreciate it , but right now is not a good time to leave town , so ...
Kay : All right , then , everybody , let s hustle and meet back here , all right ?
Jill : Okay , all right .
Cane : Go on , go on , go on . I love you . See you , Sweetie .
Lily : See you soon , Honey . We love you .
Abby : Bye , Sweetie .
Jill : Aw , bless you . Mwah .
Billy : Bye , bye .
Jill : Bye , Darlings .
Lily : Bye .
Cane : All right , bye .
Jill : Bye - bye , Hon .
Billy : Whew !
Lily : Yeah .
Billy : ( Groans )
Cane : Okay .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Billy : Well , we re not gon na keep you , but , uh , Victoria and I just wanted to say , uh , congratulations .
Lily : Aw .
Cane : Thanks , man . I - I appreciate it . Thank you .
Lily : Aw , look at the brothers bonding .
Billy : Ha .
Lily : It s so cute .
Cane : Oh , yeah , okay . Thank you . All right , see you . Well , uh , thank God we re leaving the country or I would ask you to be my best man .
Billy : Hmm .
Angelo : Did Fisher say something to upset you ?
Angelina : No . We just kind of rushed into this , you know ? A - and Kevin never really had a chance to get over Chloe .
Angelo : He s two - timing you with Chloe .
Angelina : No !
Angelo : Do nt you fret about it , Princess . Daddy s gon na make sure that your marriage stays happy , or that mookll pay for it .
Angelina : ( Sighs ) But -- Daddy !
Kevin : We were hiding out in this crappy motel room in Niagara Falls , and then , during a bunch of ... craziness that included a deserted island , a homemade raft , and a mega meal , Angelina tells me that she was lying about the whole thing .
Chloe : What ?
Kevin : Yeah . She was trying to stop me from marrying you , so she lied about being pregnant . She had a friend shoot at us . ( Exhales quickly )
Chloe : This is the craziest thing I ve ever heard . ( Sighing ) Okay , look . I - I understand that I have tricked a guy once or twice , but this-- I mean , I am gon na rip this girl s eyes out . You understand that ?
Kevin : I know that I hurt you ... but I need you to understand that I did nt leave because I wanted to . I did what I thought I needed to do to keep you safe .
Chloe : ( Sighs ) This changes everything .
Neil : I appreciate your interest in me for Beauty of Nature ...
Genevieve : Mm - hmm .
Neil : But I have to turn you down .
Genevieve : May I ask why ?
Neil : I did some research . It s not the type of world that I want to be caught up in .
Genevieve : My husband had the shady connections , not me . Beauty of Nature is my company , and no one else s .
Neil : I understand that , and I wish you success , but I m gon na have to pass .
Genevieve : Did Ethan have something to do with this ?
Neil : ( Laughs ) Your -- your son , yeah . I do nt take career advice from your son .
Genevieve : He s not too happy with me right now .
Neil : Yeah , I figured that , since the whole family is flying out to Provence in a few hours for Cane and Lily s wedding , and the mother of the groom was nt invited .
Genevieve : Well , I hope you all have a wonderful time .
Neil : I appreciate that , and I m very sorry that it worked out this way . You take good care .
Victor : Are you ready to reconsider an alliance with me ?
Delia : Where were you ?
Kevin : Well , I had to leave town for a little while , but , um , I sure did miss you a lot .
Delia : Are you and Mommy getting married now ?
Kevin : You know what I remembered ? I remembered what tomorrow is your birthday .
Chloe : Mm .
Delia : Are you coming to my birthday party ?
Chloe : You know what ? Speaking about birthday parties , I think you should go try on your birthday dress . Yeah ? Come on . Grandma s -- Grandma s tailoring it . Let s go . You , stay here .
Kevin : Angelo . I m glad you called . We need to talk .
Angelo : You ai nt a bachelor no more . You do nt leave your bride the morning after the wedding . Now the Venezianos take their matrimonials real seriously . You show my little girl some respect , capisce ?
Kevin : Everything has changed , Angelo . I ve explained things to Chloe , and--
Angelo : You even think so much as braking my little girl s heart , and I will send Chloe to a deserted island like I did that idiot Jeff , and no one will ever hear from her again .
Kevin : Angelo , come on . It--
Angelo : I told you last night , we are family . Now you get home to your wife if you know what s good for you .
Sharon : Well , I assumed that , you know , because you and Hope were close , that you had a lot really nice childhood memories here .
Adam : My mom and I had some great times here when I was a kid ...
Adam : But I ve known all along that I did nt belong here . I did nt feel like I belonged . I - I worked my ass off to have a different sort of life .
Sharon : Yeah , I know . I mean , graduating from Harvard business school-- that s a big accomplishment .
Adam : I was starting to make a name for myself on Wall Street , even . Adam Wilson-- hometown boy makes good .
Adam : The minute that I started being Victor Newman Jr.- that s when everything seemed to fall apart .
Sharon : Hey , this is good . This is very healthy . You just let out all this pent - up emotion , and -- and that s -- that s how you ll get through this .
Adam : All it does is remind me of the failure I ve become .
Sharon : You re not a failure .
Adam : I have no job . My so - called family ... hates me . This is nt exactly cathartic . It s like some nightmare that I cant-- I ca nt wake up from . I am blind . That is my nightmare .
Cane : All right , I got em .
Lily : Hey , Honey , what--
Cane : I got em , I got em .
Lily : What am I forgetting ?
Cane : Uh , the kitchen sink .
Lily : No , I m being serious .
Cane : I m being serious , too .
Neil : Hey , I got the kids passports .
Cane : All right , cool .
Lily : Oh , my gosh ! Thank you so much . I love you .
Neil : You re welcome . I better get home , help Sofia finish packing , so we can get this adventure started .
Cane : All right , now Katherine s sending cars to the airport . Do nt forget that .
Neil : Beautiful . See you soon . Bye .
Lily : See you soon . Oh , my gosh . ( Laughs )
Cane : ( Exhales slowly )
Lily : Can you believe this ?
Cane : ( Sighs ) Oh , my God . For so long , we could nt leave the country .
Lily : I know . I mean , your citizenship issues and my cancer--
Cane : In the first wedding , you brought France to us .
Lily : Yep .
Cane : Mm - hmm .
Lily : And now it s gon na be the real deal .
Cane : Hmm , the real deal .
Lily : ( Laughs )
Cane : And , uh , this time tomorrow , I m gon na be kissing my bride .
Lily : Mm .
Cane : Hmm ?
Lily : Practice makes perfect .
Cane : Yeah , it does , does nt it ?
Lily : ( Laughs )
Genevieve : If you re asking me if I m ready to relinquish Beauty of Nature to you , no . That s not gon na happen .
Victor : But you re willing to enter into some kind of business arrangement that will benefit both of us ?
Genevieve : I m open to all kinds of possibilities . Have a good day .
Victor : Thank you .
Eden : Have you talked to Kevin since he s been back ?
Billy : Yeah , I ran into him earlier , at Chloe s . Why ?
Eden : He was at Chloe s ?
Billy : Yeah , I thought it was weird , too .
Eden : You know , there s something off about his quickie marriage to Angelina .
Billy : Kevin is an off individual , but why do you say that ?
Eden : I just do nt get the vibe that they re in love .
Angelina : ( Sighs ) Ohh .
Angelina : ( Exhales quickly )
Angelina : Daddy , what did you do ?
Angelo : Your worries are over , Princess . From this moment on , Fisher -- he s gon na treat you like the gift that you are . He and I understand each other now .
Chloe : How d you end up married ?
Kevin : I should go .
Chloe : What ? Wh - wh - why ? I thought we were gon na talk this out .
Kevin : Uh , it s just not the best time right now . There s this other thing that I need to figure out first .
Chloe : Figure out what ? Hey , I - I deserve to know how we ended up here . I mean , it was nt too long ago , we were best friends , and we were in love . I mean , maybe we still are in love .
Kevin : ( Sighs ) Somebody sent me a picture of you and Daniel kissing outside of Jimmy s .
Chloe : I mean , it-- I - I was really messed up . I mean , it was after you left . It -- it did nt mean any-- it did nt mean anything .
Kevin : I did nt know that . I felt betrayed .
Chloe : Ohh , you -- you felt betrayed ?
Kevin : Yeah , and , um ... that s -- that s when I started looking at Angelina differently .
Chloe : Differently ?
Kevin : Yeah . She s sweet , she s warm , and she s fun to be around , and ... yeah , I just never expected to fall for her .
Chloe : Oh , my God . You re serious . ( Sighs ) Have a nice life , Kevin .
Kevin : I m sorry .
Sharon : You know , coming home does nt have to be a bad thing .
Adam : I d be gone in a heartbeat if I had somewhere else to go . You do . Your daughter needs you .
Sharon : Well , I m not abandoning her . I m gon na visit , and this is nt going to be forever .
Adam : I m not gon na drag you down with me . I deserve to be alone , Sharon .
Sharon : No one deserves to be alone .
Adam : Go away ... now . Just leave .
Sharon : Um ... okay , I m ... you know what ? I m just gon na give you some space ... but I m not leaving you .
Cane : Is that it ?
Abby : ( Grunts ) It s cool that you re bringing your mom .
Devon : Yeah , she s really been trying lately , you know ? Let s hope it lasts .
Neil : What s wrong ?
Harmony : Oh . ( Chuckles ) I m just not too good at flying .
Neil : Well , you got ta understand , the law of aerodynamics is-- do nt worry about it , you know ? You ll be -- youll be just fine , I promise , huh ? ( Laughs )
Lily : Um , okay , head counts-- we have Dad , Harmony , Jill , Sofia , Abby , Olivia , and Dev-- where s Devon ?
Abby : ( Laughs )
Devon : What ? What ? I was hungry . ( Laughter )
Lily : Me , Cane , okay . That s everyone .
Neil : Hey , Guys , limos are here . It s time to go .
Olivia : I ll go get the twins .
Jill : Okay , show time , everybody .
Cane : All right , guys , guys , guys , guys , everybody , everybody . Before we leave , I would like to officially thank our hostess with the mostest for being the most generous woman in the world . Thank you , Sweetheart . Thank you very much .
Lily : Yes , thank you .
Cane : All right ?
Kay : ( Laughs ) Darling , it was my pleasure , and my fondest wish is ... is that this is a drama - free wedding .
Cane : Ohh .
Kay : No , it s about time someone in this town had one .
Cane : Thank you . Thank you .
Jill : It s true , yes .
Cane : All right . All right , let s go . Let s go , everybody .
Jill : All right .
Genevieve : Uh , yes , hello . I need to travel to Provence , France . I d like to purchase a first - class ticket to , uh , the nearest airport . Whichever flight leaves the soonest .
Chelsea : I know exactly how to play these two , okay ? So just back off and let me do it .
Cane : Genevieve and I do nt work . You are the mother of the groom .
Minister : Welcome , everyone , to the wedding of Lily and Cane .
### Summary:
| Adam struggles to deal with his blindness on his mother s farm . He tells Sharon that he tried so hard to get away from there , because he never felt like he belonged but now he is stuck there because he has no where else to go . Adam tells Sharon to leave because she must take care of Faith and he deserves to be alone . Sharon refuses to leave the farm but does leave Adam alone to think . Devon invites Harmony to go to Cane and Lily s wedding with him and she gladly accepts his invitation . Katherine surprises Cane and Lily by announcing that she has made all the arrangements so that they can get married in Provence , France . They and all their wedding guests can fly on her private jet . Katherine wishes Cane and Lily the best and tells them she ca nt go but will be there in spirit . Lily asks Traci and Abby to be her maid and matron of honor in Colleen s place . Traci appreciates the gesture and wishes she could go , but she does nt want to leave Jack right now . Billy and Victoria also tell Cane and Lily they ca nt go because it is nt a good time for them to leave town . Neil turns down Genevieve s offer to help her run Beauty of Nature because he does nt have a good feeling about working with her . Victor asks Genevieve to reconsider his offer to have him run the company under Newman Enterprises , but she tells him she will do just fine on her own . Kevin tells Chloe what happened with Angelina and she understands . They are about to talk about why he married Angelina but Delia interrupts them . Angelina tells Angelo that maybe she married Kevin too quickly because he has nt had time to get over Chloe . Angelo assumes Kevin is cheating on Angelina with Chloe so he calls Kevin and tells him that if he does nt honor his marriage vows , he will send Chloe to a deserted island like he did Jeffrey . Kevin once again lies to Chloe in order to protect her and tells her that he married Angelina because he was mad about the picture he saw of her kissing Daniel . Kevin also tells Chloe that Angelina is sweet and fun to be around so Chloe tells him to have a nice life . Genevieve remembers that Neil told her that the wedding was going to be in Provence , France , so she books a first class ticket on the first available flight . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : I told you to go !
Stephen : I m not going anywhere until you and I work this out .
Brooke : I do nt want any part of your working out thing .
Stephen : I am trying to make up for my mistakes .
Brooke : By putting fuel on a fire that was about to go out ? Stephanie was going to accept me , Dad .
Stephen : Brooke , you re not that naive .
Brooke : Well I must be , to give you a second chance .
Stephen : You re frustrated . Taking control of Forrester was more complicated than we thought , and it put stress on your relationship with Nick , but you have to realize , it was nt my intention .
Brooke : Oh , no . No , you do nt intend to make a mess of things . You just do .
Stephen : Do nt you do that . Do nt you try to blame me like I m some hapless loser . I have turned my life completely around , Brooke . I ve done my time .
Brooke : Really ? Well , then tell me , Dad -- what s the minimum sentence for abandoning your family ?
Stephanie : Do nt worry , he s expecting me .
Nick : No , he s not .
Stephanie : Really ? 2 % of Forrester stock ?
Nick : Brooke s office is right down the hall .
Stephanie : You and Stephen bilked Taylor out of those shares .
Nick : Actually , my accountants tell me that I paid more than they re worth .
Stephanie : You took advantage of a decent woman .
Nick : No , no . That s your style , not mine . Now you take that high horse you re on and you ride right on out of here . Cause there s nothing you ve got to say I want to hear .
Bridget : I should nt have come here . This was a mistake .
Dante : Wait , Bridget . Wait . Wait a second . I m sorry , Bridget .
Bridget : You re engaged ?
Dante : It just happened last night .
Bridget : But you are nt in love with her .
Dante : But we have a son together .
Bridget : A few days ago , you wanted to raise that child with me .
Dante : And you turned me down .
Bridget : So you just go to the next person on the list and propose to them ?
Dante : Bridget , it s not like that .
Dante : I ve moved on with my life . I thought you d be happy for me .
Felicia : I m ecstatic , Daddy .
Eric : Yeah , yeah , yeah , I can see that .
Felicia : I m getting married . Me ! I m settling down ! A husband , a baby , a white picket fence . No minivan . Unless I can find one with black - tinted windows and a spoiler on the back . I can hardly believe it . Can you believe it ?
Eric : It s not that . It s just that it s a little -- it s a little unexpected .
Felicia : You never thought I d find him , did you ?
Eric : No , no , it s not that .
Felicia : You just never thought he d be so normal . Mr. Right . No piercing , or tattoos or green hair .
Eric : I always hoped that you would find someone who loved you . Who absolutely adored you . And only you .
Felicia : Dante s a good man , Daddy .
Eric : Well , he certainly has good taste . Given that you re the second of my two daughter s to whom he s proposed in the last month .
Eric : You are aware that Dante s pursuing a relationship with your sister .
Felicia : He was . But that was before he realized he actually could have one with me .
Eric : But you can see how I might be concerned .
Felicia : Daddy -- look , I know it seems crazy and impulsive , but you know what ? If Dante were nt a little impulsive , he would nt be the right man for me .
Eric : And you re certain that he is ?
Felicia : Yes , I am .
Eric : Well , all right , I guess that s it .
Felicia : No , not quite . I m going to need a wedding dress .
Eric : Hmm . Black . Leather .
Felicia : Buckles .
Eric : Buckles .
Felicia : I love you .
Eric : I love you . Does he really make you happy ?
Felicia : Yes , Daddy , he does .
Bridget : You really thought that I would be happy ?
Dante : It sounds ridiculous , seeing your reaction --
Bridget : I have no right to be upset .
Dante : But you are .
Bridget : Well , I turned down your proposal . And you did nt -- you did nt want to wait for me because you thought that there was nothing to wait for , so --
Dante : Because I knew you were nt over Nick . Look , I still want you to be -- I want you to be in Dino s life . And I want you to be close to Felicia and me .
Bridget : The ring that you were going to give me --
Dante : I gave it to her . Okay , it was nt something I was planning . It was an impulse . And I believe it s the right one for me and for my son .
Bridget : I m sure Felicia s thrilled .
Dante : We are both very happy .
Bridget : Well , I hope that -- I hope that you both have a wonderful life together .
Dante : Wait , Bridget . Wait . I am truly sorry .
Bridget : Me , too . I m sorrier than you ll ever know .
Dante : Bridget , wait -- wait a second , please . Just stay .
Stephanie : You pushed your father out of his company , and now you want to push me out of mine .
Nick : No , no , this has nothing to do with me . I bought Taylor s shares so Brooke could be free of your family .
Stephanie : Well , that s not what she wants .
Nick : No , I think it is .
Stephanie : No , she did nt fire us .
Nick : And she probably wo nt as long as you can keep up this peace , love and harmony act .
Stephanie : It s not an act . It s the truth .
Nick : Yeah . Oh , and by the way , I did see your ad in the paper . Your new lingerie line .
Stephanie : Ridge is very excited about it .
Nick : I bet he is . You tell him to keep his pencil in his pocket . Because I m not the only one who wants to protect Brooke .
Stephanie : Oh , you and her father ? I hear Stephen has been busy as a little bee . Is nt that right , Jacqueline ?
Jackie : Well , if you re referring to our friendship --
Stephanie : Oh , yes . Yes , yes . Your friendship . You know what they say ? Lie down with dogs , get up with fleas .
Jackie : He s a good man , Stephanie . And believe me , I should know .
Stephanie : You know where he was the night before ? In Taylor s bed .
Stephen : I ca nt change what happened in the past .
Brooke : Then why are you here ?
Stephen : Because I m your father . And whether you believe it or not , I love you .
Brooke : If you loved me , Dad , why did you leave us ?
Stephen : I told you before , that was the biggest mistake of my life . And one I will never make again .
Brooke : And now that I want you gone , you wo nt leave ?
Stephen : I m not your problem . The Forresters are your problem . You ve got them in your head . They re influencing your choices , what you value , who you love .
Brooke : That s really , really rich , coming from you . You know why I turned to Eric , to Ridge and to Thorne ? Because I needed somebody to love me . I needed somebody to make me feel safe and secure . Everything that you were supposed to make me feel , but you did nt . The absent father . Stephanie and Ridge and Taylor , they would tell me this . But I did nt believe them . All of the mistakes that I ve made , all of the regrets that I have , all of the bad decisions and the wrong moves . I blame those all on you .
Felicia : Bridget , hi !
Bridget : Hi , I ve -- been looking for you .
Felicia : Come here , this is so sweet of you . You did nt have to come all the way over here just to congratulate me .
Stephen : You blame me for all the bad things that happened to you ? Well , sweetheart , I blame myself , too . I know what my absence has caused you . But I could always tell myself , she s better off without me . I d pick up newspapers , and there would be one success story after another . And I d say , see , she s doing great . My baby s okay .
Brooke : But I was nt okay , dad . Do you know why I had to achieve so much ? Do you know why I had to work so hard ? I had to keep myself busy . I had to keep moving all the time . I had to keep my mind working all the time , so I would nt think about you . So I would nt feel that emptiness inside . So I would nt feel the loss . So I would nt feel , and fall into that empty , dark , painful place that you left inside of me .
Nick : Do nt listen to her .
Jackie : Stephen and Taylor ?
Stephanie : How do you think he got her 2 % of the stock ?
Jackie : I do nt believe you .
Stephanie : I caught him coming out of her bedroom . I wonder if he would have been as proud if I had caught him sneaking out of yours .
Nick : That s enough .
Stephanie : You know , it s one thing , Jacqueline , to be rejected by men like Eric and Massimo , and it s quite another to be tossed aside by a loser like Stephen Logan .
Nick : Do nt disrespect my mother .
Stephanie : I have a question for you and your son . Is Stephen Logan really the kind of guy that the both of you want to get in bed with ?
Felicia : I am really glad you re here .
Bridget : Well , you know , I thought that we should talk .
Felicia : Really ? You would nt mind ? Because I ve been dying to tell somebody about it .
Bridget : No , of course not . Dante already told me a little .
Felicia : He called you , too ?
Bridget : Actually I saw him at the beach house . I went down there .
Felicia : So , you know about the ring ?
Bridget : Yeah .
Felicia : Yeah , I got to tell you , it s a little bit loose . But so am I. But not for long , because I m going to be a married woman soon . Yeah , I guess if you are going to be wigged out about anything , this would be it .
Bridget : Yup .
Felicia : But you re not , right ? Because you said on the phone , that it was wonderful , and you re here , and you want talk about it , so you must be okay .
Bridget : Yeah , I m fine , Felicia . I m actually really worried about you .
Felicia : Me ?
Bridget : Yes , Dante s a charming , loving , caring man . And you too have a son together , but honey , you ca nt just take your clothes off , pose , and call that love .
Felicia : Excuse me ?
Bridget : I m not trying to insult or get you upset . You know , you almost died . And a traumatic experience like that can really , well , it affect your judgment .
Felicia : Whoa . Are you saying I threw myself at him ?
Bridget : Slow down . You re -- I m just saying I think you should take a minute and think about what you are doing . If not for your own sake , Felicia , at least for your son .
Felicia : I think that giving my son a stable , happy home is what s best for my son .
Bridget : Of course it is , Felicia . When you re with a man that really loves you .
Felicia : Bridget , Dante proposed to me . I did nt propose to him .
Bridget : I m sure , I m sure this is sounding a little like sour grapes to you right now .
Felicia : Then do nt say it . Do nt spoil this for me , okay ? Because I ve waited a lifetime to find this kind of satisfaction with a man .
Bridget : I know that . And you think you deserve that . You and Dino deserve to have everything that you want . And I really do nt want to stand in your way . But is this really what you want ?
Felicia : Yes , or I would nt have said yes .
Bridget : Have you had time to think about this ? You and Dante barely know each other .
Felicia : We know enough .
Bridget : But , to date , right ? Marriage -- marriage and making a life together , and building a home ?
Felicia : Bridget , just listen to this . Okay , a month ago I thought I d be toes up by now . I m not . I m here . I have a second chance . And I m going to make the most of it . If that means taking risks or putting myself out there , that s exactly what I m gon na do . I love you . You re my sister . And I want you to be a part of this and I need your support . But if you ca nt give it to me --
Bridget : Felicia , of course , I support you . You know how much I love you .
Felicia : Be happy for me . Then just tell me you re happy for me , okay ? Please . Please , just be happy for me , Bridget .
Stephanie : Stephen Logan has never done anything positive , for anyone in his whole life . Including himself .
Nick : Well , Stephen Logan is nt the only one that s looking out for Brooke .
Stephanie : Telling her to fire us was a miscalculation on your part , and she s not going to be so easily swayed by bad judgment again .
Jackie : You are making it sound like Nick is the one who s manipulating her . You are the one that is pushing her buttons .
Nick : And I do nt like it .
Stephanie : I admit I had made her life hell . I was terrible to her . But I m trying to make amends , and I never pretended to try to help her .
Nick : No , not until now .
Stephanie : No , you and her father are filling her head with suspicions and bad business judgment .
Jackie : You just admitted that you made her life hell . Brooke has every reason to be suspicious .
Stephanie : Well maybe you should be too -- of her father . This is a man who abandoned his wife and four little children . He s using you . And you , and Taylor . He s even using his own daughter to get back at me , because that is a lot easier than facing his own failures and mistakes . You want to help Brooke ? Get rid of the father . Or I will .
Brooke : Do you believe in ghosts ?
Stephen : Ghosts ?
Brooke : I tell my children that they do nt exist . But I know that they do . Because I ve lived with one for most of my life .
Stephen : What I did still haunts me , too .
Brooke : I was nt haunted . I was possessed . You say that the Forresters are in my head . What about you ? You were there for all those horrible decisions that I made , all the pain that I caused my family , myself , my children . You were there , dad . And you were there for all those questions that keep me awake at night . Am I ever going to be happy ? Am I worth loving ?
Stephen : Of course , you are .
Brooke : And how do you know that ? Were you there to tell me that ? Were you there to hold me when I felt lonely ? When I felt scared ?
Stephen : I m here now .
Brooke : It s too late !
Stephen : No , it s not !
Brooke : I want you to go !
Stephen : No , you do nt !
Stephen : Oh Brooke , honey . It will be okay . Come here . It s all right . It s all right . It s going to be okay .
Brooke : No , let me go ! Let me go !
Stephen : No , I m not going to let you go . Not ever again , never . It s fine .
Stephen : Brooke ! I m your father .
Brooke : I do nt need you anymore , Dad . I needed you when I was younger , but I do nt need you now . It s too late !
Stephen : No , it s not too late . Now , listen to me . Listen to me !
Brooke : You are not going to ruin my life !
Stephen : Just listen to me --
Brooke : Do nt touch me !
Stephen : Brooke !
Brooke : Get out ! Get out ! Get out of my house ! Get out !
### Summary:
| Brooke continues to berate Stephen for coming back and interfering in her life . Dante tries to explain to Bridget why he asked Felicia to marry him . Stephanie bursts into Nick s office at Marone and he tells her that he has not interest in what she has to say . Felicia and Eric talk about her engagement to Dante , but Eric is concerned that Dante just recently asked Bridget to marry him . Bridget is reeling from the news of Dante and Felicia s upcoming marriage . Dante tells her that he loves Felicia because she is the mother of his son and he thought since Bridget had rejected him , she would be happy for him . Bridget although deeply hurt that Dante gave Felicia the ring he was going to give her , tries to see things from Dante s point of view . Stephanie criticizes Nick for teaming up with Stephen and trying to force Brooke into firing the Forresters . Felicia convinces Eric that Dante makes her happy and Eric gives his blessing . Jackie arrives at Marone and Stephanie wastes no time telling her that Stephen slept with Taylor . Jackie is shocked , but quickly turns the tables on Stephanie pointing out how she is manipulating Brooke . Bridget makes her way over to Stephanie s in search of Felicia . Finding her sister , Felicia assumes that Bridget is there to offer her congratulations . Bridget accuses her sister of using sex to connect with Dante . Felicia reminds Bridget that she and Dante share a child and they want to build a life together and asks for Bridget s support . Bridget torn between her love for her sister and her hurt over losing Dante , tells Felicia that she is in her corner . Stephen continues to plead with Brooke to see that he has changed and he just wants to be a good father to her . Brooke tells him it s too late , and as Stephen is comforting her she has a childhood flashback and physically throws her father out of the HOUSE ! ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ricky : Hey , Casey , get your butt out here ! This sorry excuse for a fire is about to go out . Bring the marshmallows .
Casey : Ok , I ll be right out ! Hold up .
Joshua : I really would like to focus and take this band to heights where you see it . But I ve got this angel who keeps looking over my shoulder .
Ricky : So what does that have to do with me ?
Joshua : You re a smart kid . How would you make an angel fall ? Think about it .
Casey : No , no , no , I m not here on vacation , Ricky . I m here on assignment .
Ricky : What ? What ? An angel assignment .
Casey : Yeah . Yeah , that s right .
Ricky : So what , you know ? You ca nt work all the time .
Casey : No , honey , you do nt understand .
Ricky : What s to understand ? You re back and that s all that matters .
Casey : Look , there are rules . There are rules . That s why I got yanked back , ok ? There s no -- no kissing , no fooling around , no -- no -- no -- no .
Casey : Wow , you really are a boy scout . That s a pretty fat fire , man .
Ricky : Hey .
Casey : Whoa .
Ricky : Spend an evening with Ricky Garza , it s first class everything .
Casey : Hey , I take back that boy scout thing . What s up with you , man ?
Ricky : Oh , what do you mean ?
Casey : I do nt know . You re acting all -- you re practicing for your groupies or something ?
Ricky : No , I m not practicing for my groupies . I was just hoping that , you know , you ll keep your promise and just hang out . Forget about your job , forget about the vampires and your buddy Jamal . Just kick back and enjoy it .
Casey : I am .
Ricky : Me , too .
Jamal : So what ? What s the big deal ? I feel lousy . It s nothing .
Jack : If it s nothing , why are you so uptight ?
Jamal : Why do nt you get off my back , Jack ? Ok , manage your bar , and then go manage your little rock band . Just stay off my case .
Jack : I would , but I see that look in your eyes . I ve been down that road before , Jamal . The whole -- chills , the hunger pangs . Trust me , it s no flu .
Jamal : Oh , shut up , man .
Jack : No , not till you start talking , because we both know that you ve been turned .
Jamal : What ? Proud of yourself now , huh ? Good . Ok , but look , here s a news flash -- I do nt want your pity .
Jack : Good , because you re not going to get any . But I do have some advice -- embrace it .
Jamal : What ?
Jack : You are what you are .
Jamal : Oh , my God . Please .
Jack : You ve been turned . No , listen to me . Stop fighting it . Let the beast be your friend .
Alison : So what is it with you guys ? You need to kick the crap out of each other in order to work together , hmm ?
Rafe : I guess it s just not meant to be understood .
Alison : Well , as long as you understand the point that I was trying to make , you understand that it s right , that s all that matters .
Caleb : Huh . Right about what ? I -- I ve forgotten .
Livvie : Next she ll be trying to convince us that s what we all want to do .
Rafe : None of us wants this . We re doing what we have to do .
Caleb : Amen to that . No offense .
Rafe : None taken .
Alison : So then we all agree -- no more secrets , right ?
Livvie : Yeah .
Caleb : Deal .
Livvie : I need some air .
Livvie : Well ? Come on , Rafe ? Did you or did nt you get the antidote ? Yes or no ?
Rafe : There is -- no antidote . I m sorry , we were wrong about that .
Alison : Hey , you are ok with this , right ?
Rafe : Well , name the other choices .
Caleb : Hey .
Livvie : Tell me we are not going to do this . We re not really going to work with these two , are we ?
Caleb : We need them .
Livvie : But , Caleb , I thought you said yesterday that you could nt trust Rafe .
Caleb : At this point , it does nt matter about any of that . Two is better than one , four is better than two . Joshua has an army . It ll take all four of us if we want to have any chance of taking him down .
Casey : Ricky , what are you doing ?
Ricky : What do you mean , what am I doing ? What , do I have to draw you a map so we can enjoy this ?
Casey : Stop it !
Ricky : What ? You kissed me , too . You know you did .
Casey : Look , what do you have , like , a brain cramp ? Look , we ca nt be doing this -- even if we wanted to . Ricky , I -- for heaven s sake , I m your guardian angel , all right ? If we do anything like that , they re going to yank me up so fast , you re going to be here all alone .
Ricky : Look , I m sorry , all right ? I mean , man , you look so fine and your kisses are so good .
Casey : Just chill . It s cool . What s going on , man ?
Ricky : I just wish it was different .
Casey : Yeah ? Since when ? You ve been acting like such a jerk lately .
Ricky : Yeah , yeah , I know , but , I mean , we ve been hanging out lately like this , and it just -- it s all coming back -- the way we used to be .
Casey : Really ?
Ricky : Yeah .
Casey : Me , too . That was a long time ago , though .
Ricky : Do you remember ?
Casey : Every minute , and I bet you do nt remember the first time we ever met .
Ricky : Oh , please .
Casey : When ?
Ricky : I busted your butt for armed robbery .
Casey : Ah , no , I do nt think so . You were scamming as a security guard .
Ricky : Yeah , yeah , yeah , that s fine and everything , but you still got caught without a -- what was it ?
Casey : Necklace . It was a necklace , and we both got caught .
Ricky : That s right . Do you remember how you started that fire at the police station ?
Casey : Oh .
Ricky : That s what busted us out .
Casey : That was the great escape , right ?
Ricky : Yeah . I bet you thought I was a jerk back then .
Casey : Oh , no , I did nt .
Ricky : Yes , you did .
Casey : Yeah , I did . I did , only because you were a jerk . I mean , that s until you decided to show me that you were really a nice , sweet guy , and then when you did that , it was game over . I could nt help myself . I had to fall madly , deeply in love with you . How do you play that thing ?
Ricky : Oh , it s actually not as hard as it looks . Come on , I ll show you .
Casey : Oh . Ok , well , I m warning you , I m tone deaf .
Ricky : All right , ok . You strum it with your right hand and , ok --
Casey : Yeah ?
Ricky : Go ahead and strum . There you go . strum some more . All my life I lived a lie . Believed I was in love and I was satisfied . Then I learned of you loving me but you were gone before I found you . Too late for me to know you .
Rafe : We have to find some way to infiltrate Joshua s circle of power .
Caleb : You could always plant a hidden camera in his living room .
Rafe : You can joke all you want , but it worked , did nt it ?
Alison : Ok , ok . Same side . Come on .
Livvie : Please . Next , you ll be wanting us all to take a vacation to the Poconos together .
Alison : Are you ever pleasant ? Umm , ever ?
Livvie : Look , little miss goody two - shoes , we are not the same . We do nt want the same things . We have nothing in common , so get over it .
Alison : No , we do have one thing in common -- we all want to bring down Joshua .
Livvie : Yeah , that s -- that s right , and when this nightmare of a thing is over , you get what you want -- like always -- and I get nothing , like always .
Rafe : Livvie -- what --
Caleb : She s talking about the antidote , the one that supposedly does nt exist .
Rafe : That s right , it does nt .
Caleb : She s a little worried -- the longer that I m mortal , the more that I m going to like it .
Livvie : Yeah , thanks . That s great . Just tell them everything , why do nt you ?
Caleb : Hey . Hey , relax . I m just -- I m trying to come clean , make everything right .
Livvie : Yeah , well , my fight is nt with you .
Caleb : It s not -- it s not with them , either , not right now .
Livvie : I do nt have to like it .
Caleb : I know you do nt . I know you re suffering , but you are making this harder on yourself than what you need to .
Livvie : You re right . I m sorry . You re right .
Caleb : Ok . You just got to trust me . I m -- I m going to make everything work , I will .
Livvie : I know you will , and I do trust you , and I love you . Ok ?
Caleb : Ok . No more fights ?
Livvie : I ll try .
Caleb : All right .
Livvie : I m just going to try and clear my head for a while .
Caleb : You want me to come with you ?
Livvie : No . No , you -- you and Rafe have big plans to make , so I need some down time .
Caleb : Ok . You be careful .
Livvie : Ok .
Alison : Ok , so , I m going to get some firewood while you guys try and save the world , ok ? Thanks .
Alison : Oh , God , get off ! Get off ! Rafe !
Ricky : Lighten up my brain . That s it .
Casey : Oh , I love that song .
Ricky : Yeah ? Well , you should . You know , it was written for you .
Casey : No , no , no , no , it s the way you sing it . You have a sick voice . oh .
Ricky : No , no , no , I just -- I just love to sing , you know ? When I sing , everything else is unimportant . I would almost do anything not to lose that . And me being the lead singer of this new band -- that s the greatest thing that s ever happened to me .
Casey : You said it , right ? you wanted the life , being upfront , top of the list at all the clubs , your face seen everywhere , besides those wanted posters .
Casey : I mean , look at you . You re a genuine rock star .
Ricky : It s not about the posters and --
Casey : Chicks ? What ?
Ricky : No , it s not about the chicks . It s about the music . I mean , I love the whole process . I love rehearsal . I love practicing . I can even put up with Joshua yelling at me . All right , I love the music . I feel like I m finally becoming what I m supposed to be .
Casey : Guess what -- you did it without fangs . I mean , you did it without sacrificing anything , and you should give yourself props for that .
Ricky : I should give my guardian angel props for that .
Casey : Oh , please . I did nt do anything .
Ricky : Oh , come on . You -- you -- you taught me to believe in myself before I even knew what that meant .
Casey : Well , that s just because you had nt realized it yet .
Ricky : No . When I got myself in that fight and I got my face all cut up , you told me not to give up on myself . Then -- then you touched me . and it was gone .
Casey : Just a little trick I learned from up there . That s all it was .
Ricky : No , it was nt about the healing . It was much deeper than that . You taught me that my life could actually be worth something .
Casey : It is worth something , Ricky .
Ricky : I owe you . I owe you , and I can never let myself forget that . I -- I just want to --
Casey : You just got to be happy . That s it .
Jamal : You re actually telling me to go with the flow of being a vampire ?
Jack : Is there anything that you can do about it ?
Jamal : No . No , I ca nt , not at the moment .
Jack : Then why not go with the flow ?
Jamal : Yeah , that s easy for you to say . Yeah , you do nt have to wake up every morning and brush your fangs , now , do you , Jack ?
Jack : I made it loud and clear that it was nt my choice .
Jamal : What , do you think it was my choice ?
Jack : Jamal , all I m saying is you ve been turned . All right ? It s done . There s no point in fighting it .
Jamal : I have to .
Jack : No , you do nt .
Jamal : Yes , I do .
Jack : Look around . Jamal , there are nt enough good guys left in this town to fight this fight , and if big boss finds out that you re playing for the angels , he s going to make your life a living hell .
Jamal : Oh -- well , what do you call the life I got right now ?
Jack : Look , I know this is going to be tough to embrace , ok ? No , listen to me , listen to me . But if you just quit fighting it , well , maybe eternity wo nt be such a rotten place to live after all .
Jamal : Eternity , huh ?
Jack : Is this starting to make sense ?
Jamal : Yeah , in a weird , kind of twisted way , it is .
Rafe : The kitchen upstairs .
Alison : Rafe ! Rafe !
Caleb : Hey .
Alison : Oh , God ! Oh , God ! Oh , my God .
Rafe : You ok ?
Alison : Did you see that ? Did you see that ?
Rafe : What was it ?
Alison : I have no idea . It was -- I do nt know . It just had , like -- like , claws or something . It was -- big wings .
Rafe : A wild bird or something ?
Alison : I have no idea . I have absolutely no idea .
Rafe : A bat ?
Alison : I do nt know . I do nt know ! I have no -- I just do nt know .
Rafe : All right . But you re ok , all right . Are you hurt ?
Alison : Yeah -- no , I m fine , ok .
Rafe : All right .
Caleb : Easy . Easy . Shh .
Livvie : What is wrong with you ? Look at this .
Caleb : Ok . Ok . I m sorry about your arm . But I had to stop you .
Ricky : No , no . This is really a bad idea .
Casey : Ricky , what ?
Ricky : No . No breaking the rules , Casey . You said so yourself .
Casey : Wow . Wow . You really do have my back , like you said you would .
Ricky : I guess I m finally learning how to keep my word .
Casey : You do nt want me to go back , do you ?
Ricky : No , no . Not because of me , I do nt . No .
Casey : Well , you know , I got to tell you it s going to be really hard trying to keep my hands off of you , so you got to be strong for the both of us , ok ?
Ricky : Yeah . I know .
Alison : I mean , did you see that ?
Rafe : That s enough . Now , just sit down for a second , ok ? Yeah , I saw it . Let me look at you . I m going to look at you , ok ? You look all right , perfect as usual .
Alison : That was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life .
Rafe : What was it ? What do you think it was , huh ?
Alison : I do nt know .
Rafe : Well -- I have nt heard much about killer birds around here lately , you know ?
Alison : Do you think that it was one of Joshua s -- you do , do nt you ?
Rafe : I do nt know . I do nt know .
Alison : Well , I m glad that I threw that temper tantrum , then .
Rafe : What are you talking about ?
Alison : Caleb saved my life .
Livvie : I ca nt believe you d do this to me .
Caleb : What ? Stop you from killing Alison ?
Livvie : What would be so terrible if she was really out of the way ? Everyone thinks I did it anyway .
Caleb : Alison is not the enemy . Hey , you want revenge ? Then think about Joshua .
Livvie : I ca nt believe you re lecturing me now .
Caleb : You are not hearing me . Alison just wants the same thing that we want . She wants her life back . What do I have to do to convince you of that ?
Livvie : Apparently , by not letting me forget it . I m in pain , Caleb . I ca nt be with you . The world thinks I murdered the little princess , and all I get from you is how wrong I am . Fine ! I get it . I m ruining everything . That s just great . Thank you .
Caleb : Livvie --
Livvie : No . I want to be by myself . I want to be alone .
Jamal : Is there anything that is going to quench this thirst ?
Jack : Yeah . I hate to say it , but you need to feed .
Jamal : Nah -- nah , I m not going there , Jack . Do nt even mention that .
Jack : Listen to me . I can help you , all right ? I m going to go to the hospital and I m going to steal some blood .
Jamal : No . No , no , no , no , no . Let s try plan A first . All right ? I ll be right back . Hey .
Frank : You still here ?
Jamal : Yeah . I want to say something to you .
Frank : If you re going to start whining about being turned , I do nt have the time or the inclination .
Jamal : I m not going to start whining . All right , it s just this -- I m not going to fight you .
Frank : You serious ?
Jamal : Yeah . I mean , I ve already lost everything that means anything to me , so I give up . if this is going to be my life , I might as well make the best of it , right ?
Frank : Bottom line , Jamal .
Jamal : That s what I m saying . So , now I want in . I want to come work for you .
Livvie : All right , blondie , you can turn this whole stupid backwater town against me , but not Caleb . No , not my man .
Livvie : Hi , Joshua ? Hi , it s Livvie . Look , I have something to tell you . It s about Alison Barrington . Stay tuned for scenes from the next Port Charles : Desire .
Rafe : We need Livvie to turn Caleb back into a vampire .
Alison : You really meant it when you said that we were all going to work together , did nt you ? I wish that Livvie felt the same way . Where is she anyway ?
Livvie : I ll give you Alison if you agree to give that antidote to me .
### Summary:
| To gain Casey s trust and cause her to fall from grace , Ricky gives his guardian angel a day just for the two of them . Ricky confesses his willingness to do almost anything to keep from losing his gig as lead singer of The Experience . After kissing Casey , he pulls away and expresses a reluctance to break the rules . Jack advises Jamal to embrace his new identity since it ca nt be reversed . After informing Frank that he has no intention of whining or fighting with him , Jamal asks his sire for a job . While Alison tries to comprehend the men s need to fight , Caleb struggles to make Olivia understand that Alison is nt the enemy . Rafe and Caleb sit down to strategize . In the spirit of openness , Caleb admits that Olivia worries that he ll eventually prefer being mortal . This angers Olivia , who shape - shifts and attacks a bewildered Alison outside the catacombs . Caleb comes to his friend s rescue , causing Olivia to feel betrayed by the man she loves . Determined to get what she wants , Olivia phones Joshua with news about his dearly departed Alison . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Marlena : Being here ... and being here with you ... it s just right .
John : Amen to that .
Marlena : It really is perfect , is nt it ?
John : It s a living testament to tom and Alice , and everything they meant to the people of Salem .
Marlena : How do you ever thank somebody for all they have given ? How do you thank them for giving so freely from their heart ... from their soul ?
John : You just love them ... and you never forget them .
Carrie : I have nt seen Kate yet . Have you ?
Austin : No . No , not that I m surprised . I mean , I doubt my mother and Stefano would be welcome here .
Carrie : Since when has that stopped them ?
Austin : True .
Kate : Well , I just spoke to your father . He s going to be here shortly . Did I miss anything ?
EJ : [ Laughs ] Nothing that would interest you . Just a bunch of happy , self- congratulating folks smothering themselves in hugs and kisses .
Kate : Well , god bless em .
EJ : What do you think it s like to come from a family like that ?
Kate : The Hortons ?
EJ : Mm .
Kate : Hmm . Well , you know , they do nt eat their young . That would be a little different for you . I do nt know , I think it would probably be wonderful and god - awful all at the same time . I mean , do nt get me wrong . I am very grateful for what they did for Lucas and for will . But you and I , EJ , we are cut from a different cloth .
EJ : So what are you saying ? DiMeras do nt care about their family ?
Kate : Not at all . It runs just as strong and deeply with us . We just express ourselves in a different way .
Sonny : You want to dance ?
Melanie : I thought you d never ask .
Victor : She s a very engaging young lady , Melanie .
Maggie : Yes , she is .
Victor : They make an attractive couple , do nt you think ?
Justin : Uncle Vic ...
Adrienne : We love sonny just the way he is .
Victor : So do I.
Maggie : Oh , boy .
Melanie : Thank you very much for saving me . I was starting to get a little self - conscious . I m not used to not having a guy to dance with . Oh , my god , I ca nt believe I just said that .
Sonny : No , no , no , no , do nt worry , do nt worry . You re not gon na be stuck dancing with the gay guy forever . Trust me .
Melanie : I m not really complaining .
Daniel : This really is something , huh ?
Jennifer : Yeah , it is . I m sorry . I promised I was nt gon na get this way tonight , and here I am ...
Daniel : What ? No , no . This is a big day for your family . I get it , all the old memories , the old feelings . Your grandparents , they ... were obviously loved by a lot of people .
Jennifer : Yeah . It s amazing . I mean , my-- my grandparents really did bring people together , did nt they ?
Daniel : They did . But you know what , you re lucky . You re lucky to have grown up with that kind of family .
Jennifer : Yeah . And you know , that s just what I wanted for my children . You know , I wanted them to always feel like they belonged , like they were loved . That s what I wanted for them .
Daniel : You okay ?
Jennifer : No . I did nt give them that . And I realize that tonight . I have failed my children ... in the worst way .
Chloe : I got the job .
Nicole : Hey , congratulations .
Brady : Oh , my gosh . I m so -- I m so happy for you .
Chloe : Thank you .
Nicole : Yay .
Brady : When do you start ?
Chloe : Uh , pretty much right away . I just have to have Lexie officially discharge me from the hospital so that I can make it to Chicago by this weekend . Oh , my god , I have so much to do . I ve never been this terrified and excited at the same time .
Nicole : Hey , it does nt show .
Chloe : I owe everything to you , Brady .
Brady : All I did was make a couple calls . You got this gig all on your own . And you need to know that , Chloe . You can do anything you want to .
Daniel : Come on .
Jennifer : I m sorry , Daniel . This is the happiest night , and I am turning it into something that-- I -- I do nt want to do this . I m sorry .
Daniel : Jennifer , Jennifer ! Jennifer , you are a great mom .
Jennifer : I just -- I do nt feel like I have been the role model that my grandparents were to me . I do nt feel like my children have seen what a real marriage should look like . And they ve been cheated at that , and that makes me feel bad .
Daniel : And you think that s your fault ?
Jennifer : Yes , I do .
Daniel : Jennifer , you did not cheat them out of anything . Your marriage ending-- that s not you . You are the one who stayed . It was you . And who was it that stayed with the kids at night ? And who was it that let those kids know how much they were loved ? That was you . And if you do nt believe me , all you have to do is look at Abigail and see what an amazing job you have done . She is so special . And so are you . You made up for Jack s absence in ways that count . You had to be the mother and the father . So it was nt you that failed your marriage or your children . It was Jack .
Melanie : Thank you so much for saving me so I did nt look like the biggest loser in Salem .
Sonny : Hey , you get me until I find a guy as cute as you . But then you re on your own .
Melanie : Is it hard ?
Sonny : What ? What , being gay , or being gay in Salem ? Cause those are two totally different things .
Melanie : How ?
Sonny : I m cool with who I am . So are most of the people I know . But if I were to bring someone around , that s when I have to start being more careful . I have to be aware of who s around me because if I want to put my arm around him ... there s just always someone who s not gon na like it . And they re not afraid to say it , either .
Melanie : I m sorry . That sucks .
Sonny : No , do nt be . I mean , I m not . Like , I m glad that I m out . That s what people do nt understand is that ... being gay is a small part of who I am . And if you re looking for someone to feel sorry for , it s for those people who do nt get that .
Gabi : You know , I do nt think it s as easy for sonny as he says it is .
Will : I do nt know , I mean , he seems fine to me .
Gabi : Yeah , I mean , he s great . Just ... people are so nasty , just like t is .
Will : Yeah .
Gabi : You know what my mom says ? Sonny s the exception to the rule .
Hope : I was expecting so many leftovers .
Bo : Well , the food , among other things , was a huge hit . But I ve got ta take most of the credit . I was one heck of a taste tester .
Hope : Yes , you were . And you know what-- let me fix your tie .
Bo : What ?
Hope : You enjoyed and loved every single bite .
Bo : Not as much as I love you .
Hope : Oh , shoot .
Bo : What ?
Hope : Gran s doughnuts . I left em at the house . I m gon na go back and grab them .
Bo : Hold on there , speedy Gonzalez . I ll go with you .
Hope : No , you stay here . Enjoy the party . I ll just be a second .
Bo : Do nt you know by now , for me , the party is wherever you are ?
Hope : Then I ll make it worth your while .
Bo : Oh , wow .
Jennifer : Where are you taking me ?
Daniel : I wanted to get you alone .
Jennifer : The entire town is here .
Daniel : Well , then , you ll appreciate the change .
Jennifer : Oh , goodness .
Chloe : Hi . Um , I hope I m not interrupting -- I m sorry .
Jennifer : Oh , no . No , you re fine .
Daniel : Wow , it s great to see you up and about .
Chloe : Uh , yeah , Lexie gave me special permission to leave the hospital . I had an audition today for a club in Chicago .
Jennifer : Chloe , that s great .
Chloe : Yeah . I ve probably got ta go back to the hospital soon , but hopefully it s just for tonight .
Daniel : You re pushing to be released early ?
Chloe : Yeah , um , I got the job . I m leaving Salem . I wanted to say good - bye .
Roman : [ Laughs ]
Marlena : No ... oh ...
Roman : Whoo !
Marlena : Oh , my .
Roman : Oh , is it good to see you .
Marlena : I have missed you . How are you ?
Roman : I am good .
Marlena : Wow . Well , tell me everything . I know something already . I do know that you are the police commissioner .
Roman : Yes , I am . And it keeps me busy , out of trouble .
Marlena : Yeah ? What , that s all I get from you ?
Roman : I m not gon na tell you everything . I ve got ta give you some kind of incentive to stick around . In the meantime , I m very glad that you and John got here for this .
Marlena : We are too . Switzerland was great for John , but you know , this is Salem , and there s just no place like home .
Roman : Did you get a chance to talk to Carrie ? Sami ?
Marlena : I did , for just a moment . Oh , my gosh , I could nt get over seeing them together , actually talking and sort of carrying on together .
Roman : Talk about a miracle , huh ?
Marlena : I thought it d never happen . It was good . It was good .
Roman : Yeah . Uh ... how are you ? I mean , the last couple years could nt have been easy for you .
Marlena : Well , I was nt the one trying to rebuild my life .
Roman : No , no . But you were part of John s journey , his main support system . You were there when things were good and bad .
Marlena : Yeah , well , there were some hard times ... just in trying to stay strong , not get caught up in the frustration or the anger . And there were times when I did nt know if things would ever get better .
Roman : But they did .
Marlena : They did . And now I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel . Wow .
Roman : Doc ... are you sure everything s okay ?
Marlena : Sure . Of course everything s okay .
John : Not even a hello for your old man ?
Brady : I must have missed the big surprise .
John : Are you surprised ?
Brady : Yeah , I m very surprised to see you .
John : It s good to see you , son .
Brady : It s good to see you , dad . You re up and out of the chair , I see .
John : Yeah , getting stronger every day .
Brady : I can see that . That s good .
John : So I hear you ve been staying busy at work .
Brady : Oh , yeah . I ve been trying . Trying to stay busy . So how did you get out of the chair ? I mean , when did this happen that you got out of the wheelchair ?
John : Just recently . It was nt easy . It will was a lot of therapy . Specialists , tests . Doc , of course , never gave up on me .
Brady : I m very happy for you .
John : Good . Listen , kid , I was hoping that maybe you and I could maybe bank a little face time while I m still here . You know , I mean , there are a few things we could talk about .
Brady : Actually , dad , I mean , I do nt know-- I do nt know how much we have to talk about . You know , I mean you-- you made it pretty clear how you feel about my life , and actually , none of that s changed at all .
John : That s right , that s right , you re still my son . I still love you . And I m still concerned about you .
Brady : I know you are , and I appreciate it , I really do .
John : Well , that s good-- you know ... maybe this is nt the time to do this right now .
Brady : No , I do nt think this is the time or place to do this .
John : Okay .
Brady : But I am happy to see you . I m really happy to see you , and I m glad you re walking . I mean that . [ Male announcer ] [ [ [ Humana believes
Hope : All right , quick , quick . I ll grab the doughnuts , then we ll head back .
Bo : Hold on , hold on ..
Hope : What ?
Bo : This . This is another event I will never forget .
Hope : You better not . You were really something that day .
Bo : [ Laughs ] What ? I m really something this day too , I think .
Hope : You got that right .
Bo : What was that for ?
Hope : The other day . For knowing that I needed some time alone to think about Gran and grandpa ... before celebrating with everyone else .
Bo : Yeah , I ve been thinking an awful lot about them . You know , how they spent their entire adult life loving only each other . It just kinda makes me think of what my life would be like without you in it . Or worse yet ... if I had lost you for good .
Hope : But you know what , you do nt have to think about that . Because that is never , ever going to happen .
Bo : Yeah . I have nt always been the man you deserve , and I have hurt you . Taken -- taken some things for granted .
Hope : Bo ... you apologized . I apologized . That s all in the past .
Bo : I need you to know that being with you , loving you is the best thing I have ever done . Being your husband , the father of your children . That is the most important thing to me in this world . And I promise you in front of these two very important witnesses that I will never take what we have together for granted again . I will never forget how much I love you .
Chloe : I do nt know how to do this , how to say good - bye to you ... and to Salem , again .
Daniel : Well , maybe you need to just focus on what s ahead of you .
Jennifer : Yeah . I mean , this job in Chicago , it sounds amazing .
Chloe : Yeah , it is . I still ca nt believe they picked me .
Daniel : What ? You -- you are an incredible talent . Dont -- dont forget that .
Chloe : Well , you were really nice to me . I was nt expecting that .
Daniel : I really do wish you the best . In everything .
Chloe : You too , Daniel .
John : And how is roman ?
Marlena : We were just catching up . I saw you with Brady . How did that go ?
John : About as well as could be expected .
Marlena : Oh , I m sorry . I know how much you were looking forward to seeing him .
John : I wish the feeling was mutual .
Marlena : Well , maybe he ll come around .
John : Come on , doc , he s my son . He got himself involved in situations he knew he should nt have . He does nt want to admit it , he does nt want to hear me say it , so he s putting up walls and keeping me at a distance .
Marlena : And all you want to do is be his father .
John : I do nt think he s gon na give me that chance .
Marlena : Oh . So that s it ?
John : Come on , he s a grown man . What am I gon na do , force my way into his life ?
Marlena : Well , the man I know , the man I love ... just stood on a dance floor with me and held me in his arms when doctor after doctor said he would never even walk again . So you know what that tells me ?
John : That I m incredibly stubborn ?
Marlena : That you never give up . You just do nt . Not on yourself , and not on your family .
Kate : Austin ? Hi .
Austin : Ma !
Kate : It s so good to see you .
Austin : So good to see you .
Kate : Is Carrie with you ?
Austin : Yeah . Yes , she is .
Kate : Why did nt you tell me you were coming ? I would have met you at the airport .
Austin : I know . It was all last - minute . Carrie had a trial that got postponed , I had something at work that got put off . And , um ... there s actually another reason why I did nt say anything .
Kate : Well , what s that ?
Austin : Because , honestly we did nt know if you were invited here today .
Kate : Oh , come on . So what s that face ? Give me something . It s a public square , is nt it ?
Austin : Yeah .
Kate : Yeah . Okay . So what about Billie ? Were you able to convince her to come ?
Austin : I tried , but she could nt make it . But her and Chelsea both say hi .
Kate : I would really have liked to have seen them .
Austin : No , I know she wanted to . She has nt forgotten and Alice and Maggie were her first two investors in countess Wilhelmina , so she would have loved to have been here to honor that .
Kate : Well , you know , speaking of that ... you see that building over there ?
Austin : Uh , it s kind of hard to miss .
Kate : Yeah , I know .
Austin : What about it ?
Kate : Billie did nt tell you , did she ?
Austin : Tell me what ?
Kate : I -- I am re - launching countess Wilhelmina . New -- some twists with it , but this is going to be the headquarters .
Austin : Wow . That s awesome .
Kate : Yeah . You do nt know how awesome it is .
Chloe : Justin , thank you so much for everything you ve done for me . Thank you to the both of you .
Adrienne : Well , it was our pleasure .
Justin : Yeah .
Chloe : You know , I never really knew what it was to love somebody until parker was born . Not like this .
Adrienne : That little boy s gon na be so lucky to have you back in his life . I ll miss you .
EJ : Hey .
Nicole : Hmm .
EJ : Fancy seeing you here .
Nicole : Uh , at the bar ? Yeah , shocker .
EJ : So I ll tell you , you know , you look smashing .
Nicole : Yeah , well , I was hoping to be smashed , but-- wait , what are you doing here ? Where s your date ... your millionaire matchmaker ?
EJ : Oh , yeah , I sort of lost track of her , unfortunately .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] Well , better luck next time , huh ?
EJ : Hey . Whoa . You re really here on your own ? Really ?
Nicole : Stunning , I know . I mean , as popular as I am .
EJ : Why ?
Nicole : Why ?
EJ : Why ?
Nicole : Because I ve changed , EJ . I decided that I do nt want to be with some idiot guy for all the wrong reasons .
EJ : Oh , I see . By idiot guy , I take it you re referring to me .
Nicole : Oh , wow . No . You really enjoy taking credit for things that just-- that you do nt deserve . It s amazing . No , you are not the guy . Okay ? Gus is the guy . When he took me hostage , my pathetic , sad life passed in front of me , okay ? Thank you for picking me up off the floor and all that . That was great . Thank you . But I-- I just realized , EJ , that I need to rely on myself . I do nt know-- I do nt know what will happen . Maybe -- I do nt know what s going on . Maybe I m having some sort of spiritual awakening .
EJ : So you re staying away from guys for a bit ?
Nicole : No . Just the wrong ones .
Hope : Okay , I ve got the doughnuts . Let s head back before anyone notices we re gone .
Bo : Hey , with Carrie and Austin and John and Marlena and that millionaire matchmaker person , nobody s gon na know if we re gone .
Hope : They re gon na notice we re gone because we ve got the doughnuts .
Bo : I stand corrected .
Hope : Here . That s right , you get to carry these . I ll grab -- oh , you got the keys ?
Bo : Yeah , I got the keys .
Hope : All right . Wait a second , Bo .
Bo : What ?
Hope : What are these ? There are no names on any of these envelopes .
Bo : Let s see what it is . It s a bank statement .
Hope : Yeah . There s no name on the account , either . Just this number . Wait a second , did you see this ? The same amount s been deposited every month .
Bo : And withdrawn a few days later . We ve got a phone number here .
Hope : But wait , that s overseas . Wait a second , why are these being sent here ? Who was making these deposits ?
Bo : And more important , who s making the withdrawals ?
Nicole : Seriously , what-- what are you doing here ?
EJ : Who does nt like a nice party , huh ?
Nicole : Oh , oh , come on . You do nt give a damn about what s going on here . Really , the Horton legacy-- you care about that ?
EJ : Well , okay , I admit I was just a bit curious to see what all the fuss was about . That s my excuse . What s yours ? Hmm ?
Nicole : Okay , I wanted to see Sidney and Johnny .
EJ : Did you ?
Nicole : Yeah .
EJ : They re ...
Nicole : Mm - hmm . They look happy . And , of course , there s an open bar . [ Chuckles ]
EJ : Right . Yeah , it s good to see that your spiritual journey brought you back to your temple . [ Laughter ] You sure you re not here to celebrate this wonderful , if ... [ Quietly ] Conventional marriage .
Nicole : What ? What-- what are you talking about ? I do nt think it was conventional .
EJ : What--
Nicole : I think it was-- I think it was rare . Oh , my-- these two beautiful people-- this couple that-- they managed to find what everyone out there is looking for , EJ -- everyone ! I m sorry , everyone except you , of course .
EJ : Oh , really ? Okay , what exactly is it that everybody , except me , is looking for ... hmm ?
Nicole : To find someone to spend the rest of their life with . To find someone that-- that needs you as much as you need them . Who understands you , who loves you no matter what . That is what I want . I am tired of settling , EJ . And I-- god , I may never find it . But I would rather die than end up in some-- some man s arms that I ca nt stand . I do nt know , maybe it s the romantic in me . You know what , enjoy the rest of the party EJ , and good luck-- good luck with your millionaire matchmaker .
EJ : Come on , Nikki , would you -- Nik-- [ Sighs ]
Abigail : You know how I know this day s totally gotten to me ? I found myself thinking the only thing that would make today more perfect would be if dad were here .
Jennifer : Come here . Come here , sweetie .
Abigail : You know , I know that what he gave up-- us , basically-- that s his loss , not ours .
Jennifer : That s okay , cause you know what , we are gon na take all this anger and all this pain and all this hurt , and we are gon na put it behind us . Do you understand me ?
Adrienne : You know , I m thinking that that s probably gon na get pretty much easier with this handsome doctor following you around all the time .
Melanie : Otherwise known as my dad .
Maggie : Yeah . You two look awfully good together .
Melanie : You do .
Jennifer : Well , thank you very much . Oh , shh . Shh . We were just talking about you .
Melanie : Hey , yeah . Mostly good things . [ Laughter ] All good things . I m kidding .
Daniel : Well , if you do nt mind , I was kind of hoping that I could steal Jennifer away , just for a bit .
Jennifer : Oh , another dance ?
Daniel : No , no , no . This is more important than a dance .
Abigail : Oh . Ooh .
Daniel : This way , milady .
Jennifer : I will walk this way with you .
Hope : Thank you for the information . I appreciate it . Thank you .
Bo : What d they say ?
Hope : They would nt give me a name . Or tell me why all these statements were sent here .
Bo : They give you anything ?
Hope : They did . They said this was a clearinghouse account that s been open for 20 years .
Bo : That s more information than I thought we d get without a court order .
Hope : Obviously , these do not belong to Jennifer .
Bo : Yeah . As long as this account s been open--20 years plus-- that just leaves your grandparents .
Hope : I ve never , ever heard either one of them talk about this before . It s a strange thing to keep a secret , do nt you think ?
Chloe : Ahh , oh , wow .
Nicole : Well ?
Chloe : I said good - bye to Daniel .
Nicole : Are you okay ?
Chloe : I will be . It s just that Salem has been my home for so long .
Nicole : That does nt have to change . I mean , we re still living here .
Brady : Yeah .
Chloe : I know . All the people I love . Except for parker .
Brady : Hey , remember , you re doing this for him . Remember that , okay ?
Chloe : Always .
Nicole : Oh , I do nt want you to leave , but I am so proud of you .
Chloe : Thank you . Chicago s not that far away . We can visit each other .
Nicole : Yeah , you can count on that for sure .
Chloe : Wow . I m really doing this , are nt I ?
Brady : Honey , you are going to be spectacular .
Chloe : Thank you . I know , I just-- I wish I did nt have to go on my own .
Kinsey : What if you did nt ? What if I come to Chicago with you ?
Jennifer : All right , where are the doughnuts ?
Daniel : I do nt know . A Horton celebration without doughnuts-- what is the world coming to here ?
Jennifer : You know what ?
Daniel : Hmm ?
Jennifer : I really , really wish you could have met my grandparents .
Daniel : Me too .
Jennifer : I know my grandfather , he would have really respected the doctor that you are . And you would have made him laugh . Yeah . And my Gran , she probably would have invited you for dinner every other night .
Daniel : Well , probably because I m a lousy cook .
Jennifer : No .
Daniel : One word -- Cioppino . Okay ? Oh , I know what it is . I know what it is . It is because I love you this much .
Jennifer : Really ?
Daniel : Yeah .
Jennifer : Well , that s funny because , you know , I was her favorite , so ...
Daniel : Really ? Well , now you re my favorite .
Jennifer : You re my favorite .
Daniel : Okay . Just , I mean it . I do . I ve made a lot of mistakes in the past with relationships . I m just not--
Jennifer : Yeah , I know . Hey--
Daniel : I mean , I m not perfect .
Jennifer : That makes two of us . Yeah .
Daniel : I m not perfect , and I know that , but you are perfect for me . And I know you said do nt rush things , and I heard you . But today ... just all this . I was thinking about your grandparents , and about how important life really is , and things that are important to me . Um , and I just feel that this is the right time to say , uh ... I m ready ... to make a bigger commitment to you . To us .
Bo : So you ve never heard anyone in your family talk about this account ?
Hope : No . And given the dates , the only person it could belong to is Gran . I know she revised her will right bef-- there was no mention of this in any of the paperwork that was drawn up . Not even a letter to anyone saying it even existed . What ? Brady , what are you thinking ? Tell me .
Bo : You re not gon na like it .
Hope : No , probably not , but whatever it is , I need to hear it .
Bo : You know I love your grandma , and I know what kind of integral person she is . But if I were to find this in any other circumstance , anyone else s home-- an account hidden away for over 20 years ... money coming in , going out , same time every month ... there s only one conclusion I could draw .
Hope : I m thinking the same thing . Is it even possible ? Is it ? Could someone have been blackmailing my grandmother ?
Kinsey : So what do you think ?
Chloe : Are you serious ?
Kinsey : Yeah . I mean , I could use a fresh start too . Boy , could I. And , god , I would be so helpful . I swear . You know , I could watch parker for you while you re working at the club .
Chloe : I mean , hey , if you really want to , I m all for it .
Kinsey : Really ?
Chloe : Yeah .
Kinsey : Oh , my god , thank you . I m going home . I have to pack .
Chloe : Wow . This is really happening , is nt it ?
Nicole : Bye . You are gon na be fabulous , I know it .
Chloe : Thank you .
Brady : [ Clears throat ]
Chloe : I do nt know how to say good - bye to you .
Brady : Then do nt . Just knock em dead for me , all right ?
Carrie : This has been such an amazing day .
Austin : And it s not over yet .
Carrie : I wish we could stay longer .
Austin : I know . I know , me too .
Carrie : No matter where we are , this is the one place that always feels like home .
Austin : No matter where you are , that s it too .
Marlena : I ve missed everybody . They were such a big part of our lives .
John : I m glad we made the extra effort to be here . It all goes by so fast , does nt it ?
Marlena : I was thinking about Brady . I think you ve got ta make contact with him before--
John : I know , I know . So ... do you think we should tell everyone the other reason we re here ?
Marlena : No . No . They re having such a good time . Let them enjoy that as long as they can .
Daniel : Jennifer , I am crazy about you . And I want your smile-- that smile right there-- to be the last thing I see at night , and the first thing I see every morning . I think we re ready for this .
Jack : Unh !
Daniel : What the hell ?
Jennifer : Oh , my god ! Jack : Hi , Jennifer .
Jennifer : Jack !
Jack : I love you !
Jennifer : You do nt love anybody -- you love yourself !
Jack : If you would only--
Abigail : Daddy ?
Jack : I m not deserting my family .
Daniel : You already did .
Jennifer : I want you to go . You re not gon na keep me away from my daughter .
### Summary:
| Everyone was still gathered at the town square . Jack overheard Jennifer talking to Daniel about failing her children . Chloe told Brady , Nicole , and Kinsey that she got the job in Chicago . Chloe had to get Lexie to discharge her from the hospital because she has to be there for the weekend . She owed everything to Brady . Daniel reassured Jennifer that she s a good mother . They talked about her marriage ending . Jack was still listening to them . Chloe walked up on Daniel and Jennifer . Chloe said she was leaving for Chicago . Marlena and Roman talked about their lives . Roman wondered if everything was okay with her and John . She made it seem as if things were nt okay with them . John and Brady had a reunion that did nt go that well . When Bo and Hope went to Jennifer s house , they reminisced about the past . Chloe said goodbye to Daniel . Daniel reassured Chloe that she would do great in Chicago . Kate reunited with Austin . They talked about Billie and Countess W. EJ and Nicole talked about him being at the party . They also talked about marriage . When Bo and Hope were about to leave Jennifer s house , Hope noticed the envelopes . Bo opened one and found a bank statement . Hope noticed that there was nt a name on it . It only had an account number . They noticed that the same amount was deposited every month and withdrawn a few days later . They found a phone number from overseas . They were curious as to who was making the deposits and withdrawals . Hope got off the phone with someone who gave her information about the account . It is a clearing house account that has been open for 20 years . Hope did nt think it was Jennifer s so it had to be Tom and Alice s . Hope said she never heard Tom and Alice talk about the account . Hope realized that it can only be Alice s because of the date . She said that Alice s will was revised . There was no mention of the account in any of the paperwork that was drawn up . Bo thought that Alice could have been blackmailed . Chloe said goodbye to Brady and Nicole . Kinsey offered to go with Chloe . When Daniel and Jennifer were talking about moving in together , Jack tried to get in a position so he could hear better . A man bumped into Jack , which sent Jack sailing into the cake . Jack waved and Jennifer reacted . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bo : Walking distance .
Hope : Oh , my god . You know , I d really like to believe that what goes on there stays far removed from Shawn s life . Because where there are gangs , there are drugs , and where drugs , there are drive - bys .
Bo : Hey , look who s here .
Hope : Hey .
Jennifer : There they are . Hey .
Hope : Come and sit with us . Bo was trying to fill me in about last night .
Jennifer : All right .
Jack : So , did anything develop after ?
Hope : Let s put it this way . Bo tried his luck with another hostess .
Bo : I m losing my touch . She was nt interested in me . I asked too many questions .
Jennifer : I m sorry .
Jack : So , it is nt just Maria who s got something to hide . Bo : No . This thing could be bigger than I thought .
Jennifer : All right , well , let s look on the bright side . More people that are in on it , the more avenues we have to pursue , right ?
Hope : Mm - hmm . Keep the pressure on , some will break . Yep . We ll nail those bastards .
Kate : Ha ha . But you have to be smarter than the cops .
Roman : Ha ha . Oh , my .
Nicole : Speak of the devil . How s it feel to be out to pasture , Kate ?
Kate : Speak of the devil . But I do nt want to speak to her . And I wonder where her husband is . I guess the honeymoon must be over .
Nicole : Bingo . Just the man I needed to see .
Chloe : Brady .
Brady : Good morning .
Chloe : It s morning ? [ Sighs ] Day zero .
Brady : Tomorrow s the first day of the rest of your life .
Chloe : Ha . You make it sound like I m getting married or something . I mean , instead of having a bone marrow transplant .
Brady : The only difference being the hard part is over . All you have to do now is sit back and rest . Unh , da - da - da - da - da .
Brady : [ Whispering ] I want to talk to you . Sit tight . I wo nt be long .
Craig : How s it going ?
Brady : Dr. Wesley , I m worried . I mean , I ve seen Chloe sick and tired before -- we all have -- but she s always had that fight in her , you know ? And these past couple of days , it s like it s gone -- the fight -- just when she needs it the most . Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Jennifer : I m just saying , if you can get me the public records on the drug dealer s house , that I --
Bo : H , , you should nt have a problem switching that deed into both your names once you --
Kate : Hi .
Bo : Oh , hey .
Roman : Hi .
Hope : Hey . Hi .
Jennifer : Hey .
Roman : Um , hope we did nt interrupt .
Bo : Oh , no . Jack and Jennifer , they were just wondering if there were any new developments on that Ben wells case . Ca nt wait till we put a period on that story .
Roman : Well ... enjoy your breakfast .
Jennifer : Thank you .
Jack : Certainly .
Jennifer : You know , I am so tired that I am desperate enough to scrounge up my own coffee . Would anyone else like some ?
Hope : I ll get you a cup . Come on , I know where they are .
Jennifer : Excuse me , Jack .
Jack : Yes , certainly .
Jennifer : Thank you .
Jack : So , roman does nt know I m on this case , does he ?
Bo : Roman does nt know I m on this case . And if he found out that I was leaking information to a member of the press ...
Jack : Vultures -- all of us . I know .
Bo : He d have my badge .
Jack : Oh , come on . Roman would nt really do that to you , would he ?
Bo : Yeah .
Jack : Well , contrary to what they say about reporters , we do nt all spill our secrets . I promise you , Jennifer and I wo nt breathe a word .
Hope : And I ca nt blame Bo for not completely trusting roman to be on his side right now .
Jennifer : And , hope , believe me , Jack and I do nt want to do anything to make the situation more tense . At least you got them talking again .
Hope : I did nt do much of anything . They re brothers , you know . Nothing will ever change that . You know , when you love someone enough , it s not so hard to forgive , is it ?
Jennifer : Do you know I could have saved myself a lot of heartache if I had realized that months ago ? No , years ago , that is .
Hope : Yeah , but you were nt ready . But now you re with Jack all day at work , all night at home .
Jennifer : Mm - hmm .
Hope : And any couple who could survive that can survive anything . God , I really miss working with Bo .
Jennifer : That s what you re doing right now .
Hope : Mm , kind of . I miss being in the trenches , you know ?
Jennifer : Oh , yeah ? You did nt miss much last night , believe me .
Hope : You were there ?
Jennifer : Well , I was nt invited . Three s a crowd , I guess . But when I showed up , I was quite welcome , because Jack was being mauled by a working girl .
Brady : Dr. Wesley , with all due respect , I understand these treatments are supposed to make her tired , but Chloe ca nt lift her own head . She ca nt keep her eyes open .
Craig : Brady , we have been monitoring her vitals every two hours . She s okay .
Brady : No , no , she s not okay . She has a fever .
Craig : It was 98.7 10 minutes ago . There is no sign of infection . Now , Brady , I want you to listen to me . I understand it s hard for you to see her like that , but this was our intent . We wanted to destroy her immune system and get rid of any other disease cells that might be there . The leukemia s gone . We got it before she relapsed , and now her body is ready to receive the transplant and build new bone marrow . I understand that this is grueling and it s brutal , but this is Chloe s best chance for a cure . Everything is going exactly as we planned .
Bo : Excuse me a second .
Jack : Sure .
Nicole : About time . Bo , hi , hi .
Bo : Nicole . What are you doing here ?
Nicole : What do you mean ? Did nt you expect to see me alone ?
Bo : Alone , yeah , but not many millionaires hang out at my parents pub .
Nicole : Actually , I m glad I ran into you . If you have a minute , I need to talk to you .
Bo : Sounds serious .
Nicole : It is .
Nicole : I need you to know what your father s been up to .
Man : Everything looks good .
Craig : [ Sighs ] Oh ...
Nancy : Is she awake ?
Man : Uh , go on in . She s waiting for you .
Craig : Oh , thanks . Thanks . Come on , honey .
Nancy : Thank you .
Man : Mm - hmm .
Craig : Come on .
Nancy : Good morning , sweetheart .
Chloe : Hey .
Craig : Sweetie . Hey there . How you doing ?
Chloe : All this counting down to day zero seems kind of anticlimactic , does nt it ?
Craig : Yeah .
Chloe : I mean , they come in here , hang one more I.V. , And then after an hour it s over . Dr. Herman says I probably sleep through the whole thing . How s joy ?
Craig : She s great . She s just great , sweetie .
Chloe : I m so glad that she was nt poked with a single needle to do this for me .
Craig : Core blood was harvested the moment she was born . She did nt feel a thing . And I m sure it s gon na mean an awful lot to her knowing that she got to help her big sister out this way .
Chloe : I ca nt wait to see her again . All of you .
Craig : Mm .
Chloe : Craig , dr . Herman would nt tell me how long it will be before we find out if the bone marrow is working . I hate it when doctors are so vague .
Craig : Well , he was nt being vague , sweetheart . He was just telling you what he knows . We re not sure . I mean , engraftment can take anywhere from a week to a month . The very fact that you and your sister were perfect matches on all six markers -- it s a good sign it could be sooner , though .
Chloe : But you will tell me everything , right ?
Craig : This is your recovery , sweetheart . You are in charge .
Brady : Like anyone could hide anything from you .
Nancy : Ha ha .
Craig : Now , d Herman did tell you that there may be a few transfusions along the way while we re waiting for your bone marrow to produce some new cells . It s perfectly normal , okay ?
Chloe : Okay .
Nancy : Well , look , you must be tired . We should go .
Craig : Yeah .
Chloe : No , I do nt want you to go . Can I have some time alone with my mother ? I want to talk to her .
Craig : Sure , sweetie . See you in a little while , okay ? Come on , Brady .
Jennifer : So then Jack says to me , have I died and gone to heaven ? Can you imagine , with this woman --
Jack : And , of course , I had . Oh . Ahh . Ow .
Jennifer : Poor Jack . Are you okay ? Do you still have a headache ?
Jack : I ll have you know , I was assaulted .
Hope : Yeah , sensory overload , huh ?
Jack : Oh , please . Come on , do nt laugh . I mean , come on , my jaw and my head are still hurting .
Hope : I m sorry . So let me guess . I assume that you ca nt go undercover there anymore , right ?
Jack : Well , I - I m not --
Jennifer : Oh .
Jack : On that note ...
Hope : Saved by the bell .
Jennifer : Saved by the bell .
Jack : All right . Deveraux here . Yeah .
Vern : Jack ?
Jack : Vern .
Vern : Listen , I m over at television hill -- WDIL .
Jack : Yes ?
Vern : You and Jennifer need to get over here right away .
Jack : What for ?
Vern : An emergency meeting .
Jack : Of whom ? What kind of an emergency meeting ?
Vern : Well , someone s come bearing gifts from Bill Horton to you .
Jack : Oh , great . Should we bring along animal control ?
Vern : As long as you behave yourself , I do nt think that will be necessary . Hurry up .
Jack : Fine , fine , we re on our way . Good .
Jennifer : All right , what s that ? What s going on ?
Jack : Another thrilling surprise from your father .
Jennifer : Oh , no ! Tell Zack I ll have to see him next time . Give him a kiss for me .
Hope : Sure thing . Hey , good luck .
Jack : Thank you .
Jennifer : Thank you .
Hope : Give me a call , okay ? See you later , Jack .
Jennifer : What does Vern have to do with this ?
Jack : I do nt know . I m just the messenger .
Jennifer : I m so scared , Jack .
Jack : Please . Me too .
Roman : You ready ?
Kate : What ? I thought we were going to eat in . This is about Bo , is nt it ?
Roman : Well , my little brother never thinks I listen , but it s pretty clear that he d prefer I not be here right now .
Kate : What would you prefer ? Oh , roman , I thought things were better between you two .
Roman : So did I.
Bo : What about my father ?
Nicole : I overheard a conversation recently , and I am telling you , it was nt titan business he was discussing . Now , obviously I was aware of victor s reputation when I married him -- you know , his former association with organized crime and everything , but what I did nt realize was that he --
Victor : How sweet of my devoted wife to be so concerned about her husband s welfare . But she need nt be .
Victor : So you came to Bo because you were concerned that I might be involved in something that could compromise my safety , huh ?
Nicole : I know what I heard , victor , and I think Bo should know , too .
Victor : Bo does know . You see , w was in contact with my former associates at Bo s request regarding his investigation into some recent gang activity . Unfortunately , I did nt come up with anything of much use . I m sorry , Bo . But I had no idea that Nicole had overheard my conversation . But you can see how she might have jumped to the erroneous conclusion that I was in danger . Is nt she something ?
Bo : Yeah . Thanks for trying to help .
Victor : Oh , I have nt given up yet .
Bo : Well , I appreciate that . Could I talk to you in private for a second ?
Victor : Of course .
Bo : I need to ask you another favor .
Victor : Anything .
Bo : What can you get me on Carson palmer ?
Victor : The D.A. ?
Bo : Yeah .
Victor : What are you looking for ?
Bo : Do nt know exactly . But I got a feeling I will when I see it .
Victor : Well , I m sure you re right . Listen , I m no fan of the man who made it his personal mission to put my grandson behind bars . I ll dig back to his days in diapers .
Bo : Appreciate that .
Victor : Well , the most satisfying breakfast in the world at the Brady s pub . We ll leave you to yours in peace . Oh , and I can assure you that you wo nt be troubled m my wife again .
Nancy : You ll let me know if you get too tired .
Chloe : No , I want to hear about when you brought joy home from the hospital .
Nancy : Ha ha . Well , honey and sugar have appointed themselves her chief protector and guardians . They sleep underneath her crib . I think they d be in it if we were nt extremely vigilant . Oh , gosh . And when we go on our walks , we have two leashes , one stroller , the baby -- we just ca nt wait for big sister to join us . Oh , and your father has already got you signed up for diaper duty rotation . I think he s got --
Chloe : Mom ... I m scared .
Nancy : Oh , sweetheart . We re here .
Jennifer : Why do you think I m being summoned for your surprise ?
Jack : I do nt know . How about so you can be around and witness my massive heart attack ? I know . Your father s testing me . If the binturong did nt send me over the edge , he wants you to witness my complete and total emotional breakdown .
Jennifer : No , you re not gon na have a nervous breakdown . You re gon na be just fine .
Jack : No , of course I m not . I ll be fine .
Jennifer : You re fine . You re fine .
Jack : Are you ready to see what s behind door number three ?
Jennifer : Yes ?
Jack : All right .
Vern : Hey , there you are . It s about time .
Jennifer : Vern .
Vern : Come in , come in . Come in . Hi .
Jack : Oliver .
Jennifer : Harold !
Oliver : Hi - de - ho , Deveraux .
Jennifer : You re back .
Oliver : Very astute .
Jack : She is that , yes .
Oliver : Is nt that what I just said ? The best decision I ever made in my life was putting you in charge of my newspaper -- a sidelight being the most outstanding safari of my lifetime . And thank you for introducing me to your father -- a fascinating man .
Jack : He is that .
Oliver : Of course , bill Horton s never taken the time to go on a Kenyan safari . Many nights , he would sleep and eat in his clinic -- if he slept at all .
Jennifer : Yeah , I am aware of that . I m also aware of the generous contribution that you have made to his work with HIV and aids , and I thank you for that .
Oliver : Well , someday I hope to do more . And someday I m sure your father hopes he can be closer to you and your family . Family is what it s all about , is nt it ? One of the many reasons I m pleased as punch about bill s idea , and I m thrilled I can help it come to fruition .
Jennifer : This idea -- this is jack s gift from my father ?
Jack : Now , I know that I m not your favorite person , Mr. Wentworth .
Oliver : Oliver .
Jack : And I know I m not bill s favorite person , either .
Oliver : Do nt look your gift horse in the mouth , Jack .
Jack : Horse , horse -- that s it . Horse byproducts . That s bill s dream idea of a gift for me . I know it .
Oliver : Well , it better not be . He promised me it would nt be . I trust you to do for my TV station here what you did for my newspaper in a few short months .
Jack : What ?
Jennifer : What ?
Oliver : Welcome to your show of shows -- the Jack and Jennifer show -- or the Jennifer and Jack show . Whatever you want to call it , it s yours .
Craig : Uh - oh . Hey , honey ...
Nancy : Oh , Craig .
Craig : Come here . It s all right . It s all right .
Nancy : Sweetheart , she is so upset . I think you need to go talk to her .
Craig : Okay . I ll be back . I ll be back .
Brady : Mrs. Wesley , we re all scared . But you know what ? We re gon na be okay . We all are .
Nancy : Thank you , Brady .
Craig : Hey .
Chloe : Hey .
Craig : Would you like to go over those together ?
Chloe : The consent forms .
Craig : Oh , honey .
Chloe : I understand what I m facing , Craig . I know my chances . I know my options .
Craig : It s okay .
Chloe : Hey , I want to thank you .
Craig : For what ?
Chloe : Not just for everything you ve done , but ... for the way you ve treated me . Just letting me know what s happening every step of the way . It s made me feel like I still have some control . And , hey , if anything does go wrong ...
Craig : Hey , shh .
Chloe : Please just know that you were right . Do nt ever , ever blame yourself for trying .
Craig : Chloe , sweetheart , this is a risk that we have to take , and ... we have to believe that this is going to work .
Chloe : I do . I want to see my little sister grow up .
Craig : You will . You will .
Chloe : But if something does happen , you have to promise me something .
Craig : What ?
Chloe : Please do nt let joy ever find out . I do nt want her to ever think that she did anything to fail me . Hey , she s my only chance . She s our miracle .
Craig : So are you , Chloe . So are you .
Hope : Hey , Nicole . Hey , victor .
Victor : Well , hope .
Hope : Hi .
Victor : Listen , I have been here for five minutes , and Bo has nt showed me one single picture of Zack .
Hope : Well , you know what ? We can do better than that , because Zack is upstairs playing candy cane lane with grandpa Shawn .
Victor : Ahh . Wait till grandpa victor teaches him poker .
Hope : Oh , dear , let s have a talk . Thankfully he ll have to wait a few years for that .
Nicole : Look , Bo , you do nt understand .
Bo : No , you do nt understand . I do nt know what the hell s going on between you and my father , and I really do nt want to know . Victor and I do nt share the same code of conduct , but we ve reached an understanding . I do nt intend to make his business mine , so do nt try to play us against each other again , okay ?
Hope : And I told them , maybe they ll even see Abby s binturong .
Bo : Abby s what ?
Hope : Binturong . I m sorry . Your parents are taking Zack to the zoo .
Bo : Okay . What s this about Abby and a bing-- you know what ? Tell me later at home . I m late for work .
Hope : I ll tell you in the car . I m coming with you . I ll see you later , victor . Bye .
Bo : You re coming with me ?
Hope : I m coming with you . I ll tell you in the car . See you later , Nicole .
Bo : Oh , you just decided this all on your own , huh ?
Victor : Well , well . Alone at last .
Oliver : What s the matter ? Well , get it out of your system now . We ca nt have dead airtime on live TV when your job is to chat , chat , chat .
Jennifer : We ca nt . I mean , we do nt . We re not what you re looking for , Oliver .
Oliver : Sure you are .
Jack : We re , um ... print journalists .
Oliver : You ve done TV before . Both of you have .
Jennifer : Yes , we got paid to publicly disagree weekly on a wide variety of issues .
Jack : The stuff from which great relationships are made .
Oliver : Oh , you two are stronger than that , are nt you ? Anyhow , you do nt have to go back to that crossfire format . You can do it any way you want . I ll be producing at a long distance . My interference will be minimal . You guys work at the paper every day . What s the difference ? You ca nt lose . You re quick on your feet , and Jennifer s America s sweetheart .
Jennifer : Oliver , I am already away from Abby more than I d like to be .
Oliver : And obviously , I would nt expect you to helm the spectator in addition to your hosting duties .
Jack : You -- you re not saying give up the spectator . That s our baby .
Oliver : Look , Jack , we can be flexible . All you got to do is make the commitment .
Jennifer : Oliver , we already have a huge commitment . We re starting to plan a wedding .
Jack : Yes .
Oliver : All sorts of professional assistants at your disposal . There s a ratings grabber for sure .
Harold : Yeah .
Jack : Uh , look , our -- our last wedding was a real circus . This one -- what ? What are you rolling your eyes at , Vern ?
Vern : Jack , have I ever steered you wrong where your career was concerned ? I mean , if you d only listen half the time , we -- look , anyway , you and Jennifer have important things to say . You need to avail yourself of every opportunity to make those voices heard .
Jack : What about credibility , the stigma of television ?
Harold : I ve got two words for you , Jack -- Tom Brokaw .
Oliver : You re beautiful people . Make use of your assets . The public will eat you up .
Jack : Or eat us alive .
Oliver : You could be Salem s answer to Regis and Kelly . Ha ha .
Harold : Perfect .
Hope : I m not going to get in your way . I promise you , I m not going to get in your way .
Bo : I know you want to help . You already have , but what do you think Abe is going to say about a civilian getting involved ? He s already got Carson palmer breathing down his neck .
Hope : I m not just a civilian . I was a cop .
Abe : Detective Brady , in my office , now .
Abe : You tampered with the lock on my file cabinet , did nt you ? You pulled out every file related to the Ben wells shooting . You know , I pulled you off this case because you were too emotionally involved . I was afraid you d go too far . Already , you proved my point . Now , are nt you in enough trouble ? Do you want to get tossed off the force ? Who the hell is that going to benefit ? You know what s worse ? You break the rules , people get hurt . Have nt you learned that ?
Roman : Hope , what are you doing here ?
Hope : Hey . Uh , I came with Bo .
Roman : Is he in there with Abe ?
Hope : Yeah .
Roman : What s going on in there ?
Hope : I have no idea .
Abe : I have told you time and time again .
Roman : Hey , I ll see what I can do .
Abe : I specifically said do nt touch the file cabinet . You know , you re too good a police officer to resort to playing dirty . Entrapment , illegal search . I know how you get when you re impatient . You get overeager . And it may gall you , but you have got to be patient . You screw this up , our case gets thrown out of court , and no matter what he s done , the perp walks .
Bo : They all walk these days , Abe . What the hell difference does it make ?
Brady : Hi .
Chloe : Hey .
Brady : Can I get you anything ?
Chloe : You .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] As long as this is taking ... I hate waiting . But at least we have more time together .
Brady : You know , um ... this -- this might be the last time I -- I ll be able to touch you for a while ... but I promise we re never going to be apart again , okay ?
Chloe : I love you , Brady .
Brady : I love you , too .
Oliver : The decision is yours . I ll leave you two to talk it through , but before I go , I want you to meet my station manager . Ricardo .
Jennifer : I do nt think that we need to meet him --
Oliver : Ricardo Diaz .
Ricardo : Hey , thank you , buddy . Ricardo , Ricky , whatever you want . Oh , and hello . How are you ?
Jennifer : Hi .
Ricardo : I love your work in the spectator .
Jennifer : Oh , thank you . It s nice to meet you . Thank you very much .
Ricardo : You know , wow , I marvel , too , at how you manage to look so stunning after seeing that grainy photo beside your byline , but now after seeing you in person -- wow .
Jack : Ahem . Ahem .
Ricardo : Oh , yeah , we want to do serious -- serious journalism , right ?
Jennifer : That s right .
Ricardo : Listen , they say the pen might be mightier than the sword , but the -- the camera -- that s -- that s much mightier than the pen . Talk about audience -- listen to this . You want to expose corruption , right wrongs , champion the little guy , get the people who --
Jennifer : Okay , I - I hear what you re saying , but I m not sure if you re aware that at one time , I had a semi - failed talk show with Austin reed .
Ricardo : No , no , no , no . No , no , no , no . Bad chemistry . Bad chemistry . I mean , look at you two . You re about to be ex - exes . Come on . You re going to be remarried . Reality TV packaged in a fantasy . Come on , this is it .
Jennifer : No .
Jack : No . Well --
Jennifer : Reality TV ?
Vern : Okay , you two , come right here and sit and work this through .
Jennifer : What are those ?
Jack : Oh , no .
Jennifer : What in the world ?
Oliver : Take all the time you need .
Jennifer : Oliver -- Harold , did you --
Harold : Is nt he great ? Yes !
Oliver : Let s coffee up , guys .
Jack : Vern --
Jack : Well , they spelled the names right .
Jennifer : Oh , gosh .
Abe : I m getting tired of having to intercede for you every time you get in trouble . I ve got the commissioner calling me , I have the D.A. Calling me . Your fellow officers are calling me .
Roman : Hey , Abe . Abe , I understand what you re saying about Bo getting too personally involved , about pushing too hard . But we both know that s what makes him a good cop , and that s exactly why he s got one of the best arrest and conviction rates on the force . Abe , I promise you , he s not going to get crazy . Now , he may bend rules , but he s not going to break them . We got a crisis situation here , pard ... and I do nt think you want one of your best cops sitting on the sidelines with his hands tied while innocent lives are being lost . Abe ... I do nt think you want Bo off this case any more than I do . We are all personally involved here . This is our town . This is our community . We grew up here . We raised our families here . Our commitment here is not just about our jobs . This is about our whole lives .
Abe : You know , under ordinary circumstances , I would nt hesitate . But one -- one misstep and the D.A. And city hall will lambaste us all . And personally and professionally , that would be a blow , but for this city to have its most veteran police officers hamstrung ... we do nt need a renegade cop out there .
Roman : You wo nt , Abe . You wo nt . I ll partner with Bo , and I will be personally responsible for every move he makes on this investigation .
Bo : I do nt need a babysitter .
Roman : Bo .
Abe : You know , the only way you re going to be allowed to continue with this gang investigation is with a partner , so you have one choice . Take it or leave it .
Chloe : [ Sighs ]
Dr. Herman : Sorry .
Chloe : It s time ?
Dr. Herman : Zero hour . The sooner we get this show on the road , the sooner you ll be back in each other s arms .
Brady : I wo nt be gone long , okay ?
Brady : Okay ?
Chloe : I love you , too .
Jennifer : Do you believe this ?
Jack : Yes . No . Your father -- why is this a gift for me ?
Jennifer : I do nt know , but I m still expecting a gift . I do nt even want to think about it . I mean , really , why would we want to be in a fishbowl every day just when our lives are finally settling down , Jack ?
Jack : As if we d ever settle down .
Jennifer : It s very stressful for two spouses to work together .
Jack : We work together every day .
Jennifer : We do nt fight on live TV .
Jack : No , we do nt fight . We -- we banter . That s what -- we banter .
Ricardo : You banter . You banter . That s exactly it . Why do nt we just tape this ? This is what we re talking about .
Jennifer : You got to be kidding .
Ricardo : Well , would you at least sign my 8x10 glossy of you ? Oliver took the liberty of having a few of these printed up . Come on .
Jennifer : Oliver -- he -- he really believes we re going to say yes .
Ricardo : Why would nt you ?
Jennifer : Here s an idea -- the spectator .
Ricardo : What about your message ? Come on .
Jennifer : He s very persuasive , is nt he ?
Jack : What do you expect ? He works in TV .
Ricardo : Ooh . Go on .
Jennifer : Do you really want to do this ?
Victor : Let s go home .
Nicole : I do nt want to go home .
Victor : You do nt have a choice .
Victor : When are you going to realize that you he e no power ? Nicole , you re feisty , you re clever , and you re beautiful . Now , those endowments make life interesting for me , but know this -- you re not clever enough . Age before beauty , as they say . You ll never get the upper hand with me -- never .
Nicole : Nothing lasts forever , victor .
Victor : No . There s a fresh hell somewhere for you .
Abe : One - time offer , Bo . What s it going to be ?
Bo : I want on this case .
Abe : So you ll partner with roman .
Bo : Yeah .
Abe : Good .
Bo : Want to stake out the drug house ? The alleged drug house ?
Roman : Sounds like a plan .
Kate : Stake out a drug house ? Roman s a police captain . I did nt think he still worked in the trenches .
Hope : What s wrong ?
Kate : It sounds dangerous .
Hope : Every day they come to work , it s dangerous .
Kate : [ Sighs ]
Hope : Kate , this is a little awkward , and Bo only mentioned it because we tell each other everything , but ... he told me what you said about your feelings for roman .
Kate : Oh , god . Oh , th-- that was just a blurt . I do nt --
Hope : You do nt what ? Love him ? Ca nt say it , can you ? Why have nt you told him ?
Kate : Because ... I was hoping that he would say it first , and he has nt . And now ...
Hope : And now he s going out on that dangerous stakeout .
Kate : You re probably used to this , huh ?
Hope : You never get used to it .
Craig : Hey . Something told me somebody might be missing someone .
Nancy : Oh , hi there , sweetheart .
Craig : Hi , sweetie .
Nancy : Come to your mama .
Craig : You want to say hello ? Look at the sweetie .
Nancy : Did you give nurse Deb a hard time ? No , you did nt . You re my little angel .
Brady : She s so tiny .
Craig : Is nt she ?
Nancy : Yes , you are . Brady , would you like to hold her ?
Brady : No , I - I do nt think so .
Craig : Come on .
Nancy : Come on .
Brady : Okay .
Nancy : Watch her head .
Brady : Come here , sweetie .
Nancy : Hey , look who you re going to .
Craig : Aw .
Brady : Hi . Hi , joy . Your big sister s going to sing you lullabies one day really soon . Yeah . Sweet dreams , joy . Think good thoughts for your big sister , okay ?
Joy : [ Crying ]
Nancy : Oh , no .
Mimi : Oh , my god . Please tell me you were not wearing that underwear .
Belle : It was the worst night of my entire life .
Cassie : If Shawn was my boyfriend , I d find much better things to do with him than fight .
Belle : Cassie , give me that .
Cassie : No , I m taking the picture of him ! Get away from me ! You know , I am so sick of you !
Marlena : Congratulations . Now you ve become a parent .
Tony : Hmm .
Rose : Bye - bye , baby .
### Summary:
| Brady tries to put on a brave face for Chloe since it s the day of her transplant . Nancy , Craig , and even Victor are there for support . Bo , Hope , Jack , and Jennifer all begin to talk about Carson Palmer but Jack and Jen are called away . They find out that Bill s gift to them was their very own talk show ! Nicole trys to talk to Bo about his father s illegal dealings but Victor stops her . Bo , Hope , Roman , and Kate all end up at the station and Abe argues with Bo about pursuing the case . Eventually , Roman and Bo are assigned as Hope and Kate watch on . Hope tells Kate to tell Roman how she feels about him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kate : I mean , I go to Chicago for a day , and all hell breaks loose , and I m completely out of the loop . No one calls me . No one texts me . I mean , Lucas gave me a little bit of information , but do nt I rate a--
Will : Hey ... this is nt about you . This is about Gabi .
Gabi : Do nt . Just do nt say anything until you know the truth .
Abigail : I know the truth , Gabi . I know that you confessed to shooting Nick . And , yeah , Nick was my family , and of course I never wanted anything bad to happen to him , but you re my friend , Gabi , and I know--
Gabi : I m not your friend . I never have been your friend .
Paige : Yeah , Miami ! I knew I d seen you before . You came up from Florida , right ?
Ben : [ Scoffs ]
Paige : When did you move to Salem ?
Ben : I think you have me mixed up with someone else .
Paige : No , it was just two years ago . You worked at that diner-- the one off of the Dixie highway ? My mom and I ate there , like , once a week .
Ben : Uh ...
Paige : You do nt remember ?
Daniel : [ Groans ] Ah , Rafe . Sorry , sorry . Heard about Gabi . Call me . [ Exhales deeply ] I got to check on Nicole . No , no , no , no , no . Do nt . Just -- no , one minute . Just -- just one ... one minute .
Daniel : [ Whispering ] Do nt do it . [ Grunts ] [ Sighs ] [ Grunts ]
Jennifer : Yeah . No , I knew that Daniel was in surgery . Uh - huh . Oh , great . So he s on his way home . Oh , Maxine , thank you so much . Yeah , I m heading over to his place right now . Thanks again . Nicole .
Nicole : Jenn .
Jennifer : No , I know that you want to talk , but I really need to get going .
Nicole : Oh , no . Oh , no , you do nt . You re staying right here .
Ben : Sorry . You must have me mixed up with someone else .
Paige : That s so strange .
JJ : Well , maybe you got A ... what do you call it ? Like , a long lost twin .
Sonny : Oh , a doppelganger ?
JJ : Yeah .
Sonny : They say everyone s got a double somewhere , so ...
Ben : Yeah , that s got to be it , I guess . [ Chuckles ] Sorry , Paige .
Paige : Okay .
Bev : Hey , Cole .
Cole : Bev ... looking good .
Bev : When did they let you out ?
Cole : Uh , yesterday . I spent the night in a damn shelter . I m flat broke . Would you front me some ?
Bev : Sure . Why not ?
Cole : Thanks .
Bev : Of course , I m gon na need a little favor first .
Cole : Like ...
Bev : You know Paige Larson ?
Cole : Who does nt ? Body used to keep me awake at night .
Bev : Ew , get over her . She s totally a bitch .
Cole : [ Laughs ] Really ? Never talked to her .
Bev : Well , she hangs out with Marybeth and that crowd , so how cool can she be ?
Cole : Okay .
Bev : Well , now she s hanging out with JJ .
Cole : [ Sighs ] No way .
Bev : Yeah , the guy that did nt go to jail , and you did .
Cole : Yeah .
Bev : Well , what I need for you to do is drop a couple joints in his girlfriend s purse . You think , uh , you could do that for me ?
Cole : I guess . Then what ?
Bev : I ll take it from there .
Eric : Hey , I m -- I m sorry . I know I should ve called first .
Daniel : No problem . Uh , come on in .
Eric : I understand you have papers ... pages of some kind ... records that Dr. Chyka kept about the drugs he made for Kristen that could possibly clear my name .
Daniel : Yeah . Uh , I do . And , yeah , I think they could be what you ve been looking for since ... since it -- since it happened . Um , I am sorry ... about what Nicole did to you .
Eric : I did nt come here to talk about her . May I see those papers ?
Jennifer : Nicole , I realize that you are upset .
Nicole : Really ? I thought I was covering it so well .
Jennifer : And I understand that you have something that you want to say to me , but it really needs to wait .
Nicole : You think ?
Jennifer : Yes . I need to get to Daniel s . We need to meet up with Rafe and find out what s going on with Gabi , and it ca nt wait .
Nicole : What is the matter with you ?
Jennifer : Nicole , please .
Nicole : Did nt you hear what I said ? You are not going anywhere . Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now ? I will never forgive you , Jennifer , never . Bolder . Bigger .
Kate : Honey , I m sorry . Of course , you re right . This is all about Gabi . Her life has been completely shattered .
Will : No kidding .
Kate : So have you seen her ?
Will : Yeah . I just came from the police station .
Kate : How s she doing ? In hell , right ?
Will : [ Sighs ] Well , actually , considering , she s holding up pretty well . And just -- just so you know , she never would have let me take the blame . That s not who she is . And right now there s really only one person that s on her mind .
Kate : Arianna .
Abigail : I - I do nt understand , Gabi . Why would you say something like that ?
Gabi : I wanted to be your friend . You ve always been so ... nice to me , but ... if you knew the truth ...
Abigail : What are you talking about ? The truth about what ?
Gabi : I hired Andrew .
Abigail : What are you talking about -- Andrew ? Wait . Andrew -- Andrew the guy that ...
Gabi : That supposedly was stalking me , and the guy who kidnapped Melanie . Yes , that Andrew .
Abigail : Okay , now -- now I m really confused . What ?
Gabi : It was a long time ago , I know , but come on . I mean , you were ... you were suspicious of me right off the bat . You remember ? You felt like I was up to something , and I was . I wanted Chad for myself , so ... so I hired Andrew to be my stalker , so I - I could get Chad to be more protective , and it ... it worked . I mean , it sort of worked .
Abigail : Gabi .
Gabi : And , uh ... and then Andrew turned out to be this total psycho , and he kidnapped Melanie . And I found out about it , and ... I m not your friend , Abigail . I betrayed Melanie . And I betrayed you .
JJ : All right , well , hey , we got to get moving , but I was serious before . If you and will need me or Gabi needs something , anytime , call .
Sonny : Will do .
Paige : I m really sorry about what happened . Seriously , if you need help with the baby , call . She s so cute -- you must have sitters , like , fighting over her .
Sonny : Sometimes .
Paige : [ Laughs ]
Sonny : Well , thank you , Paige . I really appreciate that .
Paige : Sorry again about the mix - up . It s like I never forget a face , you know ? Obviously , I m not always right .
Ben : That s no problem at all .
Paige : Bye .
JJ : All right , man .
Paige : Bye .
Sonny : See you later .
JJ : Good seeing you .
Cole : Why should I help you fix things so he dumps Paige and comes home to you , huh ? I hate his damn guts .
Bev : Yeah , well , I hate Paige ten times more . But I figured , why get mad when you can get even ? And you need the cash , right ?
Cole : Right .
Bev : Okay . Well , my old man always makes sure I have a full wallet . So we ll do an even trade . You be my go - to guy , and I ll be your A.T.M.
Cole : Fine .
Bev : Half now ... half when it s done .
Cole : Okay , but how the hell am I supposed to put two joints into Paige Larson s purse ? I mean , what do I do ? Follow her into the ladies room ?
Bev : Okay , relax . I ll do the thinking . You just do the deed .
Paige : I just remembered that guy down in Florida was named Kevin .
Paige : [ Sighs ]
JJ : Um ...
Paige : What ?
JJ : [ Sighs ] Bev wants to meet up .
Eric : I just wanted to say I m truly sorry .
Daniel : For what ?
Eric : You ve been an amazing friend ... every step of the way . And I m not blaming you . And I know this is not--
Daniel : Okay , I understand .
Eric : Listen , about the square ... I was very angry . I was -- I was harsh with you .
Daniel : Well , yeah . Nicole set you up . She set us both up . I thought she told you the truth . You thought I was in love with her . We were just -- we were confused .
Eric : I should have trusted in you .
Daniel : Okay , do nt apologize . There s no need . At least now you know the truth .
Eric : Yeah . Now I understand everything .
Nicole : You had no right ... none . What you did to Eric , to me-- I mean , how could you ?
Jennifer : You had no right to barge into my home .
Nicole : No . You destroyed our lives , and it was none of your business . I mean , who do you think you are -- God ? I lost everything today , and so did Eric , because of you .
Jennifer : No . You brought your problems on yourself , Nicole .
Nicole : But I was dealing with them . I was . But , no , it was nt good enough for miss goody two - shoes , was it ? Anything to show someone else where they ve gone wrong . Oh , man .
Jennifer : You know what ? That is enough . No . I had every right to tell Eric . He is my friend .
Nicole : He was the love of my life .
Jennifer : Nicole , his life was almost destroyed because of what Kristen did to him .
Nicole : Well , guess what . Today you finished the job .
Jennifer : No . No , I did nt . He lost his vocation ... his life as a priest . He gave his life to the church . And he lost all of that because Kristen hated Marlena . And what he needed more than anything was to rebuild his life , to find some proof ...
Nicole : No . What he needed was me and my love !
Jennifer : Of innocence ! And you had that proof !
Nicole : [ Sighs ]
Jennifer : And you lied to him , and you hid that from him .
Nicole : No ! I did nt lie ! I just -- I did nt want him to see it right away .
Jennifer : What ? That s what you re doing right now . You re lying again , Nicole !
Nicole : No ... not about my love for him .
Jennifer : Are you kidding me ? You made this man suffer for months . He was totally in the dark about how he could clear his name . And when I found out what you were doing , there was no way that I was gon na keep this from him , not even for one day .
Nicole : Do nt you see ? Eric would nt have stayed in the dark . I would have told him in my own way , but you robbed me of that chance !
Jennifer : Nicole , that is bull ! That is bull ! I know you ! If it had nt been for me , he would never have known the truth .
Abigail : Wait a minute . So ... so everything that happened to Melanie ...
Gabi : I did nt know that Andrew was crazy . I did nt . And I did nt know about the kidnapping , and that was nt part of any-- the point is-- the thing is that it ... I - I should have been made to pay for what I did , Abigail , because if that would have happened , it wouldve -- I would have never been in this position . Nothing would have happened .
Abigail : Nick knew that ... you were involved in what Andrew did to Melanie , did nt he ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Abigail : And so he was holding this over your head , right ?
Gabi : He even talked about sending me to prison anytime he wanted .
Abigail : Oh , my God .
Gabi : [ Sobs ] I should have paid for what I did , because none of this would have happened . He would have never had to bring that up . What ?
Abigail : Does Melanie know about this ?
Gabi : Yeah . It s part of the reason she left Salem .
Abigail : So , all this time , you ve just ... you ve just kept this inside of you ? You never said anyth-- The court s about to call your case .
Abigail : But--
Gabi : I m sorry . I m sorry . You deserve to know the truth .
Abigail : Wait . Gabi ... [ Crying ] What ?
Bev : Hey , guys .
JJ : Hey , Bev .
Paige : Bev .
Bev : You know what ? I m just gon na say this . I m really glad to see two together -- emphasis on together .
JJ : Yeah , we were just at my cousin s place when you texted me , seeing his baby .
Bev : Oh , that s so cute . But listen , I really feel like we need to clear the air a little . Uh , about that lab report you found , Paige-- ugh , totally embarrassing .
JJ : Well , Paige told me about it , so relax , okay ?
Bev : No , no , it s cool . I made it clear as a bell that you had nothing to do with why I got tested for STDs . You believe me , right , Paige ?
Paige : Yeah . I do .
Bev : Okay , great ! See , all s well that ends well . I was hoping it would , which is why I texted you , JJ . Um , if I m not the evil witch of Salem anymore , I was hoping maybe you could help me bone up for the physics final ? Not A.P. Physics , like what gets you into Stanford ... [ Laughs ] But physics for little people . If I do nt get a good grade , I might not get into Salem U. It s my life , you know , so would you help me , please ?
Paige : Yeah .
JJ : All right . What the heck ? Um , an hour or so ?
Bev : Great . Ah , thank you so much .
Paige : I ll meet you in the club ? An hour ?
JJ : Right , I ll see you there .
Paige : Okay .
Bev : Thank you , Paige ! Do nt worry . I wo nt keep him long .
Will : The reality now is that Arianna is going to grow up without her mother .
Kate : Yes , yes . And that is sad . But she will survive .
Will : Of course she will . Sonny and I are gon na make sure of that . She s gon na visit Gabi every chance she gets .
Kate : Excellent .
Will : We ll send videos . But Ari is never going to know her mother the way that children are supposed to . What are the other people gon na say , when she s growing up , about how she has two dads , her mom s in prison ?
Kate : No . Honey , no . Not another word .
Paige : Hey , Stacey !
Stacey : Hi !
Paige : Where have you been , girl ?
Stacey : I just got back from visiting Princeton .
Paige : Oh .
Stacey : What a campus .
Paige : Mm - hmm .
Stacey : What are you doing here ?
Paige : Killing a little time . I m meeting my -- my friend JJ .
Stacey : Ah , JJ Deveraux , right ?
Paige : [ Giggles ]
Daniel : They were shredded and then put back together strip by strip . Liam Frazer did it , and then he used that information to blackmail Nicole .
Eric : Thank you . At least someone thought I had the right to know . I m glad someone did .
Jennifer : I knew that you were going to try to get Eric out of town and maybe never even come back here .
Nicole : Damn it . I would have told him .
Jennifer : Yes . You would ve had to eventually because someone from Salem would ve gotten in touch with him . But then you would ve been married by then . And he would never have a chance to be a priest again .
Nicole : What is the matter with you ? I thought you understood what was going on . Obviously you heard what I said to Daniel ...
Jennifer : Yeah .
Nicole : In my hotel room .
Jennifer : Yeah , I heard a lot of it .
Nicole : So you know I had to tell Eric the truth right away or-- Daniel gave me no choice .
Jennifer : Really ?
Nicole : Okay , fine . He gave me a little time . But if I did nt tell Eric the truth , Daniel would . You know that , Jenn . What ?
Jennifer : I do nt know that . I do nt know that at all .
Paige : Stanford is so beautiful . I bet Princeton is too , yeah ?
Stacey : Yes .
Paige : God , I m so-- I m just so excited . Can you believe this ? We re finally , like , going off and starting our lives .
Paige : Oh . [ Gasps ] Oh , my God !
Cole : Oh .
Stacey : Hey .
Cole : Oh , man . I am so sorry . I was moving it to my other hand and-- oh , God . Honey , I m really sorry .
Paige : I ve got to get this off right away .
Cole : Yeah . All right . What a klutz . I feel terrible . Hey , could you maybe go help ? She was in a really bad way .
Stacey : [ Scoffs ]
Ben : I m sure you recognize me , do nt you ? Huh ? [ Laughs ]
Sonny : That was weird , was nt it ? That she thought she knew you from Florida ?
Ben : I actually get that a lot . I guess I just have that kind of face .
Sonny : Hey .
Will : Hey . Hi , Ben .
Ben : Hey , how s it going ?
Will : Pretty good . Better now that I m with my girl and my guy . Hi .
Sonny : How s Gabi ?
Will : I did what I could to make her feel better about Ari . It s scary , though . She knows that there s a very long nightmare ahead of her . Abigail showed up when I was leaving . Maybe she ll cheer her up .
Ben : Is Abigail doing okay ?
Will : Did nt seem like it . It s hard on the whole family , but , you know , we ll get through .
Ben : Well , listen , guys , all my best , okay ? I ll see you tomorrow .
Will : Yeah .
Ben : Take care of this special little lady . [ Laughs ]
Will : We will .
Sonny : Definitely .
Ben : She s lucky she has you two .
Eric : You know , maybe I should be alone when I read these .
Daniel : Yeah , sure . Yeah .
Eric : Daniel , I just wanted to say I m sorry I thought those things .
Daniel : No , no , look , I - I get it . I get it . Sometimes Nicole can really do a number on people , you know , when she -- when she wants to .
Eric : Well , maybe someday we can talk it through . For now , I just--
Daniel : No , no , I - I get it . I get it . Just go home . Take your time with those pages . Right now you got to be mad as hell at Nicole . Join the club . I do nt know -- maybe one day I can find a way to forgive her for doing this , but I-- you know , I m not the one who s important here . At least we both can be glad that Nicole told you the truth .
Eric : She did nt .
Daniel : Uh , I m sorry ?
Eric : Nicole was nt the one who told me the truth .
Nicole : What is the matter with you , Jennifer ? Daniel was making me tell Eric . He had me backed into a corner . If I did nt tell him the truth , Daniel would .
Jennifer : Okay , and when you found Eric and you looked into his eyes , do you really think you would ve told him the truth ?
Nicole : [ Scoffs ]
Jennifer : I do nt . In fact , I know you would nt .
Nicole : Well , that is just crazy . Like I said , if I did nt tell Eric the truth , Daniel would . But you did nt give me that chance .
Jennifer : Right , and how many chances did Daniel give you-- two , two dozen ? I mean , from what I overheard in that hotel room , I mean , you have really had so many chances . You ve broken so many promises .
Nicole : Okay , you know what ? Maybe . But honestly , Daniel really laid down the law this time .
Jennifer : Okay , and when Eric and I were on our way to Daniel s apartment for your engagement party , was nt that the first time Daniel confronted you with all of this ? And how long ago was that ?
Nicole : What , are you keeping a diary ? I am telling you I had no choice !
Jennifer : And Daniel is always so compassionate and wants to believe everyone s point of view , because he is so compassionate and giving , probably too compassionate for his own good sometimes .
Nicole : You re acting like he would lie for me .
Jennifer : He did lie for you !
Nicole : No , he did nt .
Jennifer : He lied to EJ .
Nicole : That s different .
Jennifer : He lied to Eric , because that s what you do . You manipulate him . And you twist things so that Daniel thinks that it s the truth , and when he finds out it s not and he gets angry , you twist it again ! It is so sick what you are doing to him !
Nicole : Oh , my God , do you hear yourself ? You re moralizing away .
Jennifer : If you had your own way and enough time , you would convince Daniel to never tell Eric the truth , that he would nt even need to know it .
Nicole : What ?
Jennifer : You are tearing Daniel apart ... because he cares about the truth . And you know what ? He cares about you ... very , very much !
Nicole : Oh , my God , Jennifer . Are you jealous of Daniel and me ?
Ben : Hey .
Abigail : Ben . Hi . Hey , what are you doing here ?
Ben : I was looking for you . I talked to will earlier . I just wanted to make sure you were okay .
Abigail : Thanks . That s really sweet of you .
Ben : I have nt seen you since you found out who killed your cousin .
Abigail : Yeah .
Ben : Abigail , it s got to be so tough , just finding out it was one of your good friends .
Abigail : Well , it turns out Gabi was nt my friend .
Gabi : When I got out of court , they said I had a visitor , but ... I did nt expect it to be you .
Kate : I know . Not exactly your favorite person . I m not going to pretend that I m sorry that you killed Nick , that Nick is dead ... because I understand ... perfectly . The only thing I m sorry about is that you got caught .
JJ : Then all you do is apply Newton s second law of motion .
Bev : Okay , wait . Do nt tell me . Force equals mass times acceleration ?
JJ : There you go .
Bev : Ah ! Thank you . That helps so much . Just think -- this time next year we ll both be finishing our freshman year .
JJ : Hopefully , yeah .
Bev : Yeah . I mean , I guess it s a good thing Paige will be all the way in California .
JJ : Why would that be a good thing ?
Bev : Well , for your sake . I know how hard you ve been working to stay out of trouble-- drugs especially .
JJ : What are you talking about ?
Bev : Hey , I mean , I was surprised myself when I heard , but it turns out Paige Larson is a little more of a party girl than people think .
JJ : Hmm , now , where did you hear that ?
Bev : It s around .
JJ : Are you trying to pull something here ? Bev , I warned you . If you re trying to make Paige out to be some druggie , then we re done . You know what ? We are .
Bev : We ll see .
Paige : Hey ! What are you doing ?
Daniel : I do nt understand . Nicole and I were the only ones who knew . She had to be the one to tell you .
Eric : It was Jennifer .
Daniel : Jenn ? But that s not-- how -- how -- I mean , that s not even possible .
Eric : I think maybe you should talk to her about that . Thank you .
Jennifer : This has nothing to do with jealousy .
Nicole : Ooh , like hell it does nt . No . Daniel and I have been close for a long time . We lived together , something you two have never done . And , yes ... there was a time when we went a hell of a lot further than just being best buds , but ... you ve never gotten over that , have you ? And as hard as I ve tried to be your friend , you just ca nt stop thinking about it .
Jennifer : Stop . This is nt about me . Stop doing what you always do .
Nicole : Which is what ?
Jennifer : You re twisting things and trying to make this look like something that it s not . It s not going to work . You need to face reality . You lied to Eric , and the truth came out . You made your bed . Now go lie in it .
Ben : So , I mean , what s going on ? I mean , if it s none of my business , Abigail , just say so . But you seem kind of messed up . I mean , I get it , okay ? If Gabi killed your cousin , it s obvious why you do nt think she s a friend . But if it s something else ...
Abigail : It is . It is something else . I ...
Ben : What ?
Abigail : I went to see Gabi . You know , I thought that ... if I could just understand her , that maybe I could help somehow . [ Sighs ]
Ben : What ?
Abigail : It turns out that our whole friendship was a lie . I obviously did nt know who Gabi was at all . [ Sighs ]
Gabi : The judge said yes to almost everything that EJ asked .
Kate : [ Sighs ] Do you think it s wise to ask for your case to be expedited ?
Gabi : EJ says it is . He s working on a brief that pleads mitigating circumstances .
Kate : For the sentencing hearing .
Gabi : Right .
Kate : Just exactly what would those circumstances be ?
Gabi : Do nt worry . What happened the night Nick went into the river wo nt be mentioned .
Kate : [ Sighs ] Thank you .
Gabi : I know that you and Sami were just trying to help me . And maybe if I would ve listened to you when he came back into town , none of this would ve happened .
Kate : No . No . Do nt beat yourself up now . I know exactly why you did what you did .
Gabi : Really ?
Kate : Yes . [ Sighs ] Yes . Believe me . A mother will do anything to protect her children ... including murder .
Gabi : [ Cries ]
Eric : [ Shuddering ] [ Sighs ] [ Continues shuddering ]
Jennifer : Hi , Daniel .
Daniel : Hi . We need to talk .
Jennifer : Uh , yeah , we do . Can you come here ?
Daniel : I ll be there right away .
Nicole : Moralizing , stupid ...
Nicole : [ Shouts ] This ca nt be happening . Oh , my God . Oh , my God ! This ca nt be happening ! [ Crying ] I ca nt ... it s not ... it s not gon na happen . It s not .
Cole : Hey . I was checking to see if you had any tissues in your purse , so I could mop up the table before you got back .
Paige : And you ignored the pile of napkins right there ?
Cole : No , I was feeling really guilty that I spilled--
Paige : What were you doing in my purse -- trying to steal my phone , my wallet , what ?
Cole : Hey , come on , honey . I told you I was trying--
Paige : I m not your honey . Did you spill coffee on me on purpose ?
Cole : No .
Paige : You did . What s going on ?
JJ : What are you doing here , Cole ? Hey , jerk , I asked you a question .
Paige : He dumped coffee on me , and then he was trying to open my purse .
JJ : Hey , where do you think you re going ?
Kate : Gabi ... sonny and will are going to do everything it takes . Arianna s gon na have a good life . You know that , right ?
Gabi : I do . [ Crying ]
Kate : Listen ... my promise to you ... my promise to you is that every time I see that little girl , I m gon na tell her how much her mother loves her ... okay ? And when she s old enough , I ll explain things ... because she will know that her mother loved her so much ... she was willing to sacrifice everything to make sure her little girl was safe .
Gabi : Thank you . Thank you . [ Crying ]
Will : Gabi s strong , but ...
Sonny : I know .
Will : When I was in her shoes , facing spending the rest of my life in prison , facing being without you , without Arianna ...
Sonny : Except you did nt have to protect me . And why you thought I would let you go to prison for me is-- you know what ? I just -- I do nt even want to talk about it anymore . I do nt .
Will : That s a good idea . It s going to be difficult , but we will make this work for Arianna .
Sonny : We re gon na give her a great life .
Will : And she s gon na visit Gabi every chance that we can .
Sonny : Absolutely . We can make this work .
Will : And we will .
Arianna : Dada .
Both : Daddy s here .
Cole : Get away from me !
JJ : What the hell were you trying to do in there ?
Cole : Nothing ! Get your hands off me !
Paige : No ! Stop ! Stop it ! What are you guys doing ? JJ , please !
JJ : [ Groans ]
Paige : JJ ...
Jennifer : [ Sighs ]
Jennifer : Daniel .
Eric : Jenn . I , uh ... she , uh ...
Jennifer : I m sorry .
Daniel : What the--
Nicole : [ Shouting , crying ]
### Summary:
| Nicole argued with Jennifer because she told Eric the truth . Gabi told Abby that she set up what happened to Melanie . Daniel and Eric talked about the proof Nicole had that could clear Eric s name . Nicole continued to justify all of her lies to Jennifer , but Jennifer did nt fall for them . Jennifer still thought Nicole would have lied to Eric . Daniel gave Eric the proof so he could read everything . Daniel thought Nicole told Eric the truth . Eric told him that Nicole did nt tell him the truth . Jennifer and Nicole continued to argue over whether or not Nicole would have told the truth . While they were arguing , Nicole suspected that Jennifer was jealous of her and Daniel . Kate went to see Gabi to let her know that she approved of her killing Nick . Eric told Daniel that Jennifer told him the truth . Eric suggested that Daniel talk to Jennifer . Jennifer tried to deny being jealous of Nicole and Daniel , but Nicole did nt buy it . Daniel called Jennifer so they could talk . Eric went to Jennifer s house while Nicole went to Daniel s apartment . Nicole attacked Daniel when he opened the door . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : I do nt know that I ll ever get over this .
Taylor : Yeah , it is a lot to absorb . But the important thing is that --
Stephanie : The important this is that you re here . You re home . It s such a miracle . It s such a blessing .
Nick : Hey , there . Bridget said I d find you here .
Brooke : Hi , Nick .
Nick : Mind if I come in ?
Brooke : No , no . Come on in . I just actually had to grab a couple of reports , and then I m heading home .
Nick : Well , that must be an interesting place now .
Brooke : So , Bridget told you .
Nick : Yeah .
Brooke : Yeah , it s really quite miraculous , do nt you think ?
Nick : Well , for your husband and their kids , I guess .
Brooke : Well , for anybody who knew and loved Taylor .
Nick : I understand she was very well - liked .
Brooke : Yeah , she is . She s a wonderful person . An amazing mother .
Nick : How is she as a wife ?
Brooke : God , a lot s happened since then . I guess she has -- she has a lot to adjust to .
Nick : Well , I guess that goes double for you and Forrester , would nt you say ?
Bridget : I ca nt take it anymore . Where is she ?
Ridge : Well , come on in . Taylor s downstairs talking with mother right now .
Bridget : Oh . Oh , my goodness . What that must be like for them . Losing Taylor was almost as hard on Stephanie as it was on --
Ridge : As it was on me and the kids .
Bridget : Oh , I remember everything you went through . That loss was unbearable .
Ridge : Yeah , it kind of felt like my heart had been ripped out . Did nt really know you could feel that much pain . But now --
Bridget : You did nt know you could feel this much joy . I m surprised you re not downstairs right now .
Ridge : Well , I just thought I d give them a little time on their own . I m sure mother s got a million things to talk to Taylor about right now .
Taylor : Oh , we ve been through so much together , you and I.
Stephanie : You know , when I walked into the hospital room , and Ridge -- Ridge said that you d passed , I ll never , ever forget the pain that I went through at that moment .
Stephanie : No . You re not finished here . What about the children ? They re still babies . Are you gon na leave Ridge ? Are you gon na leave me ? Oh , god . Life ca nt just be this cruel . It ca nt be .
Stephanie : What a mistake we made . What a terrible mistake I made . The years that you ve lost
Bridget : Details , details . I want all the details .
Ridge : About ?
Bridget : Well , Taylor , the reunion and the kids .
Ridge : Did nt Brooke tell you anything ?
Bridget : Yes , but I want to hear it from you .
Ridge : God , Bridget . I ll never forget this moment as long as I live -- to see the elation in Thomas and the girls eyes . Seeing their mother , after all the trauma they went through , to finally have their mother back . Oh , god , one amazing moment , everything was reversed . No wonder they did nt want to stop hugging her . They even spent the night snuggling with her in bed , you know ? They did nt want to let her go . Not that she wanted to let them go .
Bridget : So , since Taylor was with the kids , I guess you got to spend some time with mom . How d it go ?
Brooke : This is not an ordinary situation , nick .
Nick : No , people do nt come back from the dead every day .
Brooke : You ca nt just turn back the clock . Life moves on . And it has moved on . Even if Taylor feels like it s only been a couple of months .
Nick : What about Forrester ? What s this feel like for him ?
Brooke : To have the mother of Thomas and the girls back ? He s thrilled for them .
Nick : What about the two of you ? How are you doing ?
Brooke : Well , I guess we can just take it a day at a time .
Nick : That simple , huh ?
Brooke : No , no . Nothing about this situation is really simple . But I have faith in Ridge , and in our marriage .
Nick : Good . That s the most important thing . You ve thought about where your marriage is legally ?
Brooke : Yes , I have . I mean , there s a lot that we have to work out here , nick . But if you came here to point out the fact that my marriage to Ridge might not be legal --
Nick : No , no . That s not why I m here at all . I m here to support you .
Brooke : Well , you have a very strange way of showing it .
Taylor : No , no , Stephanie . It was not your fault . It is nt anyone s fault .
Stephanie : But I should have called someone . I should have gotten a doctor , a nurse . I did nt , because Ridge --
Taylor : Because Ridge knew it was what I wanted . Which is why you have no reason to feel guilty . Okay ? I took myself off those monitors . That was my decision , because I d believed that it was inevitable .
Stephanie : But it was nt inevitable . I mean , and if we d known that , we could have acted .
Taylor : But you did act . You did what any friend would do . You did what any mother would do . You were there for Ridge . And you held this family together . What happened , happened . It s over . I m here , and I ll always be so grateful to you .
Stephanie : Okay . I need to ask you something , though , because I m concerned . Has Omar really accepted this decision on your part ? Is he really going to leave you alone now ?
Taylor : He is still in pain , but I think he has finally accepted the truth , that I had to come back to my family . He knows that I could never stay with him , because in my heart , there s only one man for me . There s only one place I really belong , and that s here . Here with my family .
Stephanie : Good .
Nick : I am here because I care about you , because I m gon na make sure someone s looking out for you and your best interests . And I ll always do that . I made that promise , remember ? I m sticking to it , even though you make it very difficult at times .
Ridge : Your mother s happy for Thomas and the girls . We did nt really get into it much beyond that . It was a long day , and after Brooke went to sleep , I was so wound up I just went downstairs .
Bridget : You stayed there all night ?
Ridge : Yeah , I just could nt turn my thoughts off .
Bridget : Mom would have stayed up with you , you know . You two share so much , Ridge -- your life , and your child . She just wants to know what you re feeling , and help you sort it out . You do know that , right ?
Brooke : I m sorry , Nick . I should nt have snapped at you like that .
Nick : Well , that s okay this time . Just do nt let it happen again .
Brooke : But you know , you re right . This is a very complicated situation -- having Taylor back , and the legalities of it all . But somehow , it s going to resolve itself . What I m really concerned about , of course , is the children , Taylor s and mine , and how this is going to impact them .
Nick : Well , not only now , but the rest of their lives .
Brooke : I just would really hate to put Ridge in the position of having to choose between the two families .
Nick : What if it comes to that ?
Brooke : Well , if it does , I believe that Ridge would make the right decision .
Nick : He s got no choice here . He pledged his love to you .
Brooke : He also pledged his love to her .
Nick : Well , that was then . Things are a little different now . Brooke , listen to me . You guys have built a life together . You have a young child . Now , that boy needs a father . That s got to be ridge s first priority .
Brooke : She s going to just have to accept that .
Nick : Well , it seems to me like the man that she thinks is her husband is in a no - win situation here .
Stephanie : So , you are gon na take the girls out of boarding school ?
Taylor : I know they ve enjoyed it up there .
Stephanie : Well , good . I think it s a good idea , now that you re home .
Taylor : They re such wonderful children , Stephanie . Only they re not children anymore . Thomas is practically a man , and the girls are so grown - up .
Stephanie : Yes , they are . But they can still use your guiding hand .
Taylor : I m just so grateful to you , and Brooke , while I was gone . You did an incredible job .
Stephanie : We tried , but nobody can replace you .
Taylor : Ridge told me that Bridget helped , too .
Stephanie : Yes , Bridget was wonderful . She stepped right in .
Taylor : I ca nt wait to thank her . And apologize for ruining her wedding day .
Stephanie : Well , knowing Bridget , she -- she wo nt feel that way . Does she know ?
Taylor : I guess that Brooke would have told her by now .
Stephanie : Taylor , how do you really feel about this marriage with Brooke ? Honey , you can say to me whatever you want . Let it out . Let it all out . It s okay . It s okay . I know you love him . And he s never stopped loving you . He always will . You know that . Sweetheart , he was so lost and confused without you . You re his heart , his touchstone . You -- he could nt make sense of his life without you in it .
Taylor : I know . I know that he needed to turn to Brooke . And he started a life with her and their son . And I am grateful to her for that . I know everything has changed . I know .
Ridge : Bridget , listen . I m not shutting your mother out , if that s what you re thinking .
Bridget : No , no , no . I know you would never do that . You love her way too much . You love your life with her too much . But , with everything that s going on --
Ridge : There s a lot to work out . No one realizes that more than I do .
Bridget : I m just saying , the home that you two have created together with all of the kids is her world . It means everything to her .
Ridge : I know . I hear what you re saying .
Bridget : It s a complicated situation .
Ridge : Yeah , and we ll work it through in time . But right now , just seeing my kids with their mom . Seeing my mother holding her best friend -- god , Bridget . I ca nt remember feeling this happy .
Bridget : You deserve it . Every incredible moment . Oh , you , and the kids , Stephanie -- everyone deserves this happiness .
Nick : I have a little question to ask you . Has Stephanie weighed in on all of this yet ?
Brooke : No , she does nt even know about it .
Nick : Bridget told me that they were close friends and all .
Brooke : Taylor can do no wrong in her eyes . But me , on the other hand --
Nick : No , now wait a minute . I do nt want to hear that . You ve given this woman a beautiful grandson . You ve taken the dressmaker . You made him a happy man , not to mention what you ve done for Taylor s children . Now , she should be on her hands and knees thanking you .
Brooke : Mm , that would be the day . But she does know how important it is for a little boy to have both of his parents . That s why I think she would support me on this . I really do feel sorry for Taylor . She will always have a place in this family .
Nick : But it s not gon na be as Forrester s wife . Brooke , it s up to him to make her see that .
Brooke : He will . We did nt fight for a lifetime to try to be together just to have it all fall apart . True , it s going to be the ultimate challenge . But I believe that our love will survive over anything . Even this .
Stephanie : The dynamics of the family have changed . I mean , that s -- that s true . Ridge and Brooke have a child . But what has nt changed , I think , is the depth of feeling that he has for you . It s every bit as strong as it ever was . And what really matters is that you re here . You re home . We all need you , Taylor . All of us -- including me . When I thought you d died , when I thought that I had lost you , I lost my faith in god . I was so angry . I thought , how could god take my son s wife ? How could god take the mother of my grandchildren ? How could god make my family endure so much pain ? It made absolutely no sense to me . And then , today , you re here . And it s a miracle . It s a blessing . And with you returns decency and faith . My dear , sweet friend , you have such integrity , such strength . I respect you so much , and I love you so much .
Taylor : I love you , too , Stephanie .
Stephanie : Do nt ever leave me again .
Taylor : I wo nt . I never will . Never .
### Summary:
| Nick pays a visit to Brooke and tells her that he is on her side . He is there for her and will always watch out for her and her best interests . Brooke is happy to have the support . Bridget visits Ridge and shares the joy he feels . She tries to remind him that he has now built a life with Brooke , but Ridge is too happy about Taylor s return to think about the complications that this causes now . Stephanie and Taylor re - connect and talk about all that has changed since Taylor has been gone . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lexie : Hi , Lucas .
Lucas : Hey , Lexie . H - how is she ? Is she all right ? I mean ...
Lexie : Uh ... the same .
Lucas : Yeah , I know . I do nt even know why I ask . I mean ... of course it s the same .
Lexie : Look , um ... I m so sorry . I know how hard this is for you . I mean , this is a ... tough situation .
Lucas : I keep going over it ... over and over in my head about what I should do , and I just do nt know . I do nt know how to decide .
Craig : That s why I m here .
Lexie : [ Exhales ] Craig .
Craig : Hi , Lexie . [ Sighs ] There she is ... [ Exhales ] My beautiful daughter .
Kate : You .
Daniel : You . Ah , this is perfect . It s just the two of us .
Kate : [ Chuckles ] Have you been drinking ?
Daniel : Ah , just like it was meant to be .
Kate : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Daniel : Just trying to kill the pain . Hmm ?
Kate : Eh ... naw . I think you can do that by yourself .
Daniel : No , please ... stay . Considering what you ve done to me ... I think you can give me ... five minutes .
E.J. : And no matter what they tell you , football is a game that involves a ball and foot , and if it touches the hand , that s handball . [ Sydney cries ] Oh , sweetheart , come on , shh , shh , shh , shh . We can go to England and watch a soccer match -- would you like that ? Sydney : [ Crying ]
E.J. : Shh , shh , shh , shh .
Sydney : [ Fussing ]
E.J. : Mia . Hey . Mia , come over here and say hello .
Mia : I , uh ... okay .
E.J. : We were just talking about football , soccer . Um ... do you play ?
Mia : I did , when I was younger .
E.J. : When you were younger . You make yourself sound like you re a hundred years old .
E.J. : I m sorry , my phone s going . I have to take this call . Would you mind holding Sydney for a moment ?
E.J. : Hmm ? How bout that ? You remember Mia ? She s your friend . Come on . Oh ! There we go . There we go .
Mia : It s okay . It s okay .
Mia : [ Whispers ] Hey .
Brady : Ah . Arianna , I can not believe I m doing this . Do you know how much coffee you drink during one of those meetings ?
Arianna : Well ... ours is the best , right ?
Brady : Yours is the best . I m gon na come back here , actually , right after the meeting , I m gon na get another cup -- it s that good . As long as you re ... still working here .
Arianna : Yeah . I ll be here till closing .
Brady : It s always good to have something to look forward to . See ya . So ...
Rafe : Hey .
Arianna : What are you up to now ?
Rafe : Oh , just doing whatever it takes to find out what Nicole and Baker did ... and if it had anything to do with why Grace died .
Dr. Baker : You better come through for me , Nicole . Cause I ... am gon na turn that seed money ... into a fortune .
Nicole : No , this is not about a payment , so keep up , please ? Okay ? Some disreputable private eye stole my phone , and I wanna make sure he ca nt access my account . No , no , no , no , please , please . It took me half an hour to get a live person . Do not transfer me to-- [ Sighs ] Uh - huh . Yeah . And what number do you want me to push if I want to take my phone and shove it up your--
Nicole : [ Beep ] Great . What fresh hell is this ? Oh . Sami .
Sami : I have to talk to you .
Nicole : What s wrong ?
Sami : Remember I told you about Dr. Baker , he delivered Grace ? Well , he , um ... he called me , and you re not gon na believe what he told me .
Kate : Do you really think I m gon na stand here and listen to your outrageous accusations ?
Daniel : That s not even what I m talking -- you know , you have no idea ... what I m talking about . Now , that might even be the worst part . Cause you do nt know ... what you did to me . Ehh ... nothin . Like I did nt even matter at all .
Kate : I m going .
Daniel : Yeah , you broke my heart , and you do nt even know ... what you did to me . Pfff !
Nicole : Uh ... can I get you anything ? Tea ? A drink ?
Sami : No . No , thank you . Look , Nicole , he-- he said ...
Nicole : What ?
Sami : He asked me how Grace was . He did nt know . He ... he was all cheerful on the phone , and I had to tell him that ... that she s ... she s gone .
Nicole : I m so sorry , Sami . That ... that s awful ... cruel .
Sami : It s not his fault . He did nt know . But it just reminded me of ... of that moment when she was born and he ... when he finally handed her to me . I was so happy .
Nicole : I know . I know .
Sami : I just wanna hold my baby again . Nicole , I just want her back . I want her back so much !
Nicole : Okay , okay , okay .
Sami : [ Sobbing ]
Nicole : Come over here .
E.J. : I was watching you holding her . You re a natural .
Mia : Oh . I ... had a lot of experience with , uh ...
E.J. : Grace .
Mia : She was a very sweet little girl . Just like yours .
E.J. : Yeah . I m very lucky .
Mia : And she s very lucky to have such wonderful parents .
E.J. : Well , you know , some day when you have children of your own , you ll realize that you ll do anything for them ... anything at all .
Mia : I already know that .
E.J. : Right . I have to get this here baby to the hospital . We have to go and see Lexie . I know ! Oh , she hates the hospital . Come on , sweetheart . Oh , shh , shh , shh . Shh , shh , shh . Off we go , shh , shh , shh . Come on , shh , shh , shh .
Brady : Hey , Mia . Hey , is everything okay ?
Mia : No . Not really .
Arianna : You stole her phone ?
Rafe : She misplaced it .
Arianna : In her own living room ?
Rafe : Seems to be a very scattered sort of woman .
Arianna : And you re doing this all to find Baker .
Rafe : Yep . Because he s the one who s at the center of this . He knows what Nicole s been up to and if it affects Grace .
Arianna : Rafe ... it was meningitis ... all right ? It was a tragedy--
Rafe : There are too many questions to which I do not have the answers for .
Arianna : Oh , no , wait , please -- please , dont -- no , think about what you re doing .
Rafe : [ Whispering ] It s Baker .
Arianna : Do nt .
Dr. Baker : Hello ? Nicole ? Are you there ?
Nicole : Okay . It s okay , Sami . Listen ...
Sami : Sorry . Sorry .
Nicole : Do nt let this stupid call upset you , okay ? Dr. Baker caught you off- guard , but ... you were doing so well . You have to stay strong .
Sami : It was nt just telling him about Grace that upset me . There was something else that was wrong .
Nicole : Huh ?
Sami : He said at the beginning of the call that there was something important he had to tell me .
Nicole : What ?
Sami : I do nt know ! He never told me what it was ! I mean , as soon as I told him what happened with grace , he gave me this whole song and dance about how he was just calling to let me know that he had moved in case I had any questions .
Nicole : Well , maybe that was the truth .
Sami : He was calling from the Dominican Republic . And anyway , you know what ? I did have a question . I asked him if ... if the complications with grace s birth had anything to do with her getting meningitis ...
Nicole : Okay , Sami , calm down .
Sami : And he did nt answer me !
Nicole : Well , probably because he thought you were blaming him .
Sami : Did he call you ?
Nicole : Huh ?
Sami : Well , he said he was calling all his patients , and I know he looked after Sydney . Did he call you ?
Nicole : Uh ...
Sami : Nicole . Did he ?
Nicole : Listen , Sami , do nt get obsessed with this phone call , okay ? Like I said , you have to stay strong .
Sami : No . No , I know I m right . There s something wrong , and I have to find out what it is . I have his number . I m just gon na call him .
Nicole : Uh ...
Craig : Lucas .
Lucas : What happened ? Did you finish your exam ?
Craig : Well , I was hoping I would see something that nobody else had but ... no .
Lucas : She must have been so unhappy . Of course she was -- she was married to me , right ?
Craig : Now , come on , Lucas .
Lucas : I did nt see anything that was going on around me .
Craig : Well ... you ca nt blame any of this on yourself . You know that .
Lucas : I m not so sure .
Daniel : You ever realize that you re not the kind of person that a man can really just open up to ? That a man -- I mean a real man-- just might ... keep his feelings to himself ... and work hard to make sure you never saw how much you hurt me ?
Kate : Come on . [ Laughing ] Come on . You could have cared less that we broke up . What did it take you ? What was it , 15 seconds before you hooked up with that--
Daniel : With that young , naive , pliable girl ? The exact opposite of you .
Kate : Mm .
Daniel : In every way . Shh . Yeah . I went out and I found the anti - Kate . Now , that -- that does nt tell you anything ?
Kate : Oh , I think it does tell me something , you see , because I saw the two of you together , and I do nt think it was her personality that attracted you .
Daniel : No , you do nt ? Ah , I see . [ Snickering ]
Kate : I do nt know why the hell I m even talking to you .
Daniel : No , you do nt ? Well , go then . Why do nt you go , walk away ! That s what you re good at , right ? Like you re good at being alone ? Hmm ? [ Whispers ] Look at you . Yeah . You are . You-- I just wish I could do it . I ca nt do it . [ Sighs ] Oh ... [Mutters ] [ Sighing , groaning ]
Arianna : Okay , why did you just answer the phone if you were nt gon na talk to him ?
Rafe : To extend the call . I just pinpointed his exact location in the Dominican republic .
Arianna : Okay . For now . But if he s working for Nicole and Nicole tells him that you stole her phone , do nt you think he s gon na move somewhere else ?
Rafe : Maybe she wo nt tell him that .
Arianna : And why would nt she ?
Rafe : Well , maybe she ll tell him ... exactly what I want her to tell him .
Rafe : With E.J. and Stefano . Bad time . What ... do ... you ... want ?
Dr. Baker : Ditch them ... because you and I have a lot to ... talk ... about .
Nicole : Sami , Sami , please listen to me . I am your friend . You do nt want anything to do with that man .
Sami : But I want to talk to him . I want to know what he was going to tell me !
Nicole : All right , all right , listen , listen , sit down . He is just one of those guys . It is one of the reasons why we would nt let him be Sydney s doctor . He is a troubled man . He makes problems . You do nt need someone like that in your life right now .
Sami : You re right . Dealing with Dr. Baker is definitely a step backwards . It s -- and I need to ... I need to move forward .
Nicole : So you should go be with your kids right now , okay ? Let -- let him go .
Sami : Thank you . Thank you for , um ... [Laughs ] Thanks for talking me down .
Nicole : Yeah , you re welcome . And ... listen , Sami , uh ... just keep talking to me , okay ? And if that creep calls you , you hang up and you call me , okay ?
Sami : I will . Thanks .
Nicole : Oh ... you went too far , Dr. Baker . And I m gon na make sure it does nt happen again .
Brady : Okay . Come on , what s wrong ?
Mia : Nothing .
Brady : Nothing . You re a liar .
Mia : You re out for a walk . You really ... dont need to hear about my problems .
Brady : No , hey , hey ... dont you tell me what I want and what I do nt want . I was just thinking to myself , Brady , you re way too happy today . You need to hear something like depressing ... so hit me .
Mia : All right , well , then you came to the right place . I was just holding Sydney .
Brady : Go on .
Mia : I ran into E.J.
Brady : Ah .
Mia : And he was really nice and ... [Sighs ] And now I m scared that I m gon na get in trouble by Nicole .
Brady : Why ?
Mia : If he tells her , you know ... I saw her the other day at the hospital , and she told me the best thing for me to do was to stay away from the baby and that when I gave her up , I gave up all my rights and stuff .
Brady : Mia , Mia , you know what ? You did a really hard thing ... because you thought it was best for the baby . You do nt need additional grief .
Mia : I did nt do what I thought was best for the baby . I did what was best for me .
Lucas : I mean , I know the will says that she would nt want to live like this .
Craig : But ...
Lucas : But if there s a chance that she could get better ... I do nt want to be the one to take that chance away from her .
Craig : Well , we re never gon na know for sure either way , Lucas .
Lucas : Which is why I got ta ask you , Dr. Wesley . What should I do ?
Kate : Okay , let me get this straight . I broke your heart ... and you took up with Chloe on the rebound ?
Daniel : Why is that so hard to believe ? Ah ... you have never felt about anyone the way I felt about you .
Kate : Cold , calculating Kate . No true feelings , right ?
Daniel : No , no , no , they re in there . You just spent a lifetime burying them . Cause I thought ... like an idiot , I thought we were going someplace , someplace together , someplace so good ... and it was a hell of a surprise to find out how dispensable I was to you .
Kate : If I did nt have any true feelings--
Daniel : What ?
Kate : Why are you saying all of this ?
Daniel : Because I m ... [ Sighs ] I m drunk . But also ... when you pretty much lose everything in your life -- your pride ... it does nt really quite ... feel the same .
Kate : Your pride ?
Daniel : Oh , yeah . Cause I was never gon na tell you what you did to me . Never , cause I cant-- I ca nt do it . I ca nt just walk away like you did . I do nt know -- it s not in me .
Kate : Is this true ?
Daniel : Are you kidding me ? You did nt have to do anything to Chloe . All you had to do was ask me ... to come back .
Kate : I do nt know how I could have been so blind . [ Exhales ] It was all here ... right in front of my eyes . I just have one question . Where s the wire ?
Rafe : We ... dont ... have anything ... to talk about .
Arianna : Do nt you think you re gon na tick him off ?
Rafe : Well , I got ta make him think that he s talking to Nicole .
Rafe : We both know that s not true . Call me when you re alone , or else .
Arianna : Okay , he s threatening her . He s got something on her .
Rafe : He does . I m gon na find out exactly what it is .
Arianna : Okay , so what are you doing now ?
Rafe : Taking the next step .
Arianna : Which would be giving Nicole her phone back and hoping that she does nt have you arrested .
Rafe : [ Laughs ] Not exactly . Wow .
Arianna : Wow what ?
Rafe : Nothing . Ari ?
Arianna : No .
Rafe : What do you mean , no ? You do nt even know what I m gon na ask !
Arianna : Whenever you say Ari in that innocent voice of yours , we re both headed for trouble .
Rafe : I got ta find him . I have to find out exactly what happened .
Arianna : You ca nt , okay ? Because he s in the Dominican-- you wanna go there , do nt you ? And you do nt have enough money to get you there , right ?
Rafe : Yeah , that s ... what the wow was . I mean , these last - minute air fares , they really stick it to you .
Arianna : [ Sighs ] You travel coach to the Caribbean on a no - frills airline .
Rafe : No , no , no , I m telling you , yeah , this is the cheapest one I could find right here .
Arianna : There is no stopping you , is there ?
Rafe : Sis ...
Arianna : Bon voyage .
Rafe : You re the best .
Arianna : I m a sucker , that s what I am .
Rafe : No , you are the best . I ll see you soon .
Arianna : All right . [ Sighs ] Well , Dr. Baker , you have tangled with the wrong guy .
Arianna : [ Ringing ] Hey . Yep , I can do that . I can meet you in the park . Um ... Pete . I need you to cover for me , okay ?
Pete : Sure .
Arianna : Cool .
Nicole : What are you doing ? You do nt have the number . You do nt have the number because you do nt have your phone . You do nt have your phone because the guy who wants to ruin your life stole it ! What are you up to , dr . Baker ? Why did you call Sami ? Oh , my God . If Sami finds out what I did ... [ Exhales ]
E.J. : Lexie ! Just the person I was looking for .
Lexie : Hi ! You two are out late !
E.J. : Yeah , we re just heading back to the house , actually . I wanted to get some of those documents , the test results , so I can take em back for safekeeping .
Lexie : Yeah , no problem . I ll have one of the nurses get it for you .
E.J. : Thank you , I appreciate it .
Lexie : What s really going on ? You did nt really need to run all those tests .
E.J. : Well , with all due respect , Lexie , after what happened to Grace , I do nt want to take any chances .
Lexie : E.J. , even if you d run all those tests on Grace , it would nt have changed what happened .
E.J. : Well , we do nt know that ... do we ?
Lexie : Okay , all right . Hey , take it easy .
E.J. : Do nt tell me to take it easy , all right ? Samantha and that guy she hooked up with , they kept me from my daughter . They pay for that .
Craig : Lucas , I ... I ca nt tell you what to do . I mean , as a ... a dad , I ... God , I want there to be a miracle . As a doctor I just -- I know that [ Sighs ] chances of her surviving and recovery s just ... slim .
Lucas : I ll give you some time alone with her .
Craig : Thanks . Chloe , sweetie . I hope you can hear me . Let me tell you how much that ... your mom and I and your sister all love you . You did nt deserve this . [ Whispers ] Dear God .
Daniel : What , you think I m wearing a wire ?
Kate : It s the only logical explanation .
Daniel : Yeah , but the things I m talking about are nt logical . But you know what ? Do nt take my word for it . No . Here you go . You satisfied ? Huh ?
Kate : No .
Daniel : No ?
Kate : Mm .
Daniel : Okay .
Kate : That s not what I meant .
Daniel : Yeah , well , nobody knows what you mean , what you want , how you feel , because you let nobody in ! We could have had a chance . Why could nt you have just given us a chance ... so none of this had to happen ? [ Whispers ] None of it . We could have just been happy .
Kate : Wait . Do nt go .
Sami : Hey , uh , Pete . Have you seen Arianna anywhere ?
Pete : Uh , no , she just left . She was here with her brother .
Sami : Rafe was here . That s who I m looking for . He s not answering his cell phone .
Pete : Uh , well , he s on his way to the airport . I heard him tell Arianna he was going to the Dominican Republic .
Sami : Why is he going to the-- Dr. Baker . Did he say anything else ?
Pete : Uh , no , but these are here .
Sami : Oh , thanks . You re going after Dr. Baker ? So am I.
Brady : Wow , you re really beating yourself up over this , are nt you ?
Mia : Well , you said I did what I did for the baby , but ... you know , I was scared and I did nt want to give up my life .
Brady : Well , maybe ... the decision was best for both of you . I mean , that can happen . You know that little baby has everything she needs . I mean , everything . And if she needed anything from you , you would be right there to give it to her . But the fact is , she s okay . She does nt need anything from you right now , so do nt worry about moving on with your life .
Mia : You re really smart about people , are nt you ?
Brady : Oh , I m a genius about everyone , yeah . Except ... except myself .
Mia : Yeah . Got it . Okay . Well , I m gon na go finish my run . I m glad we talked .
Brady : Me too .
Mia : Bye .
Brady : Bye . Well , it was kind of a meeting . Hey , uh , it s Brady . Is Arianna there , please ? She did ? Oh , no , no , uh ... no , that s okay . Thanks . Where did you go ?
Arianna : I was just looking for you . Thought you stood me up .
Man : What , you ? Never .
Arianna : So ... were you able to do what I asked ?
Man : I am trying . But I need a little something extra for ... my trouble .
Lexie : Okay . You are scaring me . You re sounding way too much like father .
E.J. : They kept me from my daughter , Lexie . There s no excuse for that .
Lexie : So ... so your other children , Johnny and Sydney -- they grew up in a house of hate ? Wow , lucky kids .
E.J. : I think you ve said about enough .
Lexie : No , actually , I m just getting started . We need to talk about Sami . About you and Sami .
Sami : All right , keep your shirt on ! Passport . Keys . Okay . Rafe will find out what you think is so important , Dr. Baker .
Nicole : Stefano , where the hell are you ?
Nicole : Ooh ! I got it , Mary .
Nicole : Hello ?
Dr. Baker : So did you ditch the hubby and the father - in - law ?
Nicole : What ? What do you mean ?
Dr. Baker : You know , I really hate texting . It s hard on the thumbs , and nobody can spell anymore .
Nicole : Wait a minute . Did you text me ?
Dr. Baker : What , are you senile ? About 20 minutes ago .
Nicole : No , that was nt me . Rafe-- someone stole my phone . What happened ? What did you say ?
Dr. Baker : Nicole ... all right . Do nt panic , okay ? Just wire me the money , and my lips and my ... thumbs are sealed .
Nicole : No , no , no , no , no . I sent you your money , and it s not my problem that you blew it already .
Dr. Baker : All right , all right . No problem .
Nicole : What ?
Dr. Baker : Yeah . I ll just return Sami Brady s call .
Nicole : You listen to me . I already told Stefano that you wanted more money .
Dr. Baker : What ? I told you not to .
Nicole : Well , do you think I m just gon na let you bleed me dry and not try to--
Nicole : Hello ? Hello ! No ! Oh ! This is nt happening . This can not be happening ! Stefano , where the hell are you ?
Arianna : Okay . You get me a meeting with your higher up , and , um ... I can come up with some more money . Seems only right .
Man : Well , the thing is , Arianna , I was nt talking about the money .
Lexie : Look ... I love you . I love your children as if they were mine . We re family , and ... I m worried about you .
E.J. : I m fine . Really .
Lexie : Okay , look ... I want you to do something Father never does , certainly what he never wants any of us to do -- think . All this hatred , this anger , this need for revenge -- I mean , is it because you did nt know about Grace ?
E.J. : Of course it is .
Lexie : Or , or ... is it because Sami shared her life with another man ?
E.J. : It has nothing to do with Samantha sharing her life with another man . It s because he kept my daughter from me .
Lexie : Right . Right . She trusted Rafe that much . She did nt trust you , E.J. Sami loves Rafe .
E.J. : Lexie , I m married to Nicole , all right ? I have a family . I have Sydney , I have Johnny . I m very happy .
Lexie : Then why ca nt you let Sami and Rafe go ?
Kate : So ... are you telling me this thing with Chloe was nt going to last ?
Daniel : Does it matter ? Hmm .
Kate : I think it does matter .
Daniel : I do nt ... split decision . Oh ! But you know Justin . He says somewhat , I think melodramatically , that my fate ... is pretty much sealed , so ... I m about halfway into oblivion , and I ve wasted enough of your time . So now why do nt you ... go home ?
Kate : I think I should go home .
Arianna : So , um ... if you get me in with your higher ups , I think we could work something out .
Brady : Arianna . Hey , hey , what-- what the hell is -- isnt that the guy that attacked you a couple weeks ago ? Was nt that him ? You want to tell me what the hell s going on , please ?
Daniel : You have never felt about anyone ... the way I felt about you .
Kate : Ohh ... what the hell just happened ? Is he playing me or not ?
Daniel : I ll do it , Chloe . It makes my skin crawl to touch her . But whatever it takes ... to bring her down ... and to bring you back .
Lucas : It s getting kind of late .
Craig : Yeah . Yeah , it is . [ Sniffles ] I m , uh ... I m checking into the Salem Inn . Listen , Lucas , um ... I just want you to know that , uh ... whatever you decide ... Nancy and I are going to stand behind you .
Lucas : [ Softly ] Thank you .
Craig : Mm - hmm . This is nt the life for my daughter . [ Whispering ] I love you . [ Sniffles ] I ll see you later .
Lucas : Yeah . I know what I have to do .
Nicole : For God s sakes , Stefano , this is like the tenth message I have left you . Where are you ? I need to talk to you !
E.J. : Nicole . Why do you need to talk to my father ?
Daniel : I m going to bring Chloe back , I am going to save her life with or without you .
Lucas : Maybe it s time that we take her off life - support .
Stefano : Dr. Baker ... is not a problem of yours anymore .
Sami : Aah !
### Summary:
| Craig comes to see Chloe and he and Lucas discuss Chloe s living will . Craig tells Lucas that he will stand by any decision he makes , but that he does nt think Chloe would want to live this way . Meanwhile , Daniel pretends to be drunk and tells Kate that he only moved on with Chloe to try to get over her . Kate thinks he must be wearing a wire , but he is nt , and he continues to claim that he ca nt get over Kate and his true feelings for her . Later , Kate wonders privately if Daniel is playing her . Daniel tells himself that although it makes his skin crawl to touch Kate , he will do anything to bring her down . Mia comforts a crying Sydney when she runs into EJ at the park . She later admits to Brady that she feels guilty for giving her baby up . Brady tries to reassure her that she did what was best for Sydney . Later , Brady confronts Arianna when he sees her talking to her drug dealer , the man that Brady knocked out a few weeks ago . When Rafe learns of Baker s whereabouts thanks to Nicole s phone , he talks Arianna into buying him a plane ticket to the Dominican Republic . Sami goes to see Nicole and tells her about Baker s suspicious call . Nicole tells Sami that she should nt have anything to do with Baker , since he has problems , and that why she and EJ found a new doctor for Sydney . Sami accepts this . Later she learns about Rafe s trip to the Dominican Republic . She knows he is going down there to see Baker and decides to go herself . Baker continues to threatens Nicole , but when he finds out she told Stefano about his blackmailing her , he panics and starts packing . Lexie tells EJ that she thinks he is angrier at Sami for moving on than he is angry with her for hiding Grace from him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Josh : Agh !
Julia : Oh , will you just hold still for two seconds ?
Josh : Will you hurry up already ? I have things to do .
Julia : You should ve been in here hours ago after this first happened . Now that I ve got you here , I m going to be thorough , so just deal with it .
Josh : Listen , I m the doctor . I know what needs treatment -- a few minor lacerations -- and the bruises will heal on their own . If you want to play Mommy and put bandages on my boo - boos , hurry up so I can get back to the yacht club .
Julia : What for ?
Josh : To see if the cops found the maniac who blew up my dad s yacht . Here comes the mad bomber right on cue .
Julia : Hey , hey , hey .
Jamie : You got to be kidding me . You really think I blew up the SS Madden ?
Josh : I just ca nt figure out , were you trying to kill me or my father ?
Disguised voice : Good morning , Dr. Madden . Had enough living death ? Ready to cooperate ?
Tad : Come on , Derek , be honest with me . I mean , first Madden completely vanishes , and now his yacht blows up ? You re going to try to tell me that s a coincidence ?
Derek : At this point , it s anybody s guess .
Tad : Well , you got to have some idea what you re looking at . I mean , either it s an accident -- like a fuel leak or a faulty engine -- or just plain sabotage .
Derek : Look , until I get the report from Forensics , I m not making any predictions .
Tad : Just give me a hunch . Just when my day ca nt get any worse . You re not the nautical type . What are you here to do , work on your tan ?
Zach : My tan s fine . What do you know about Madden s yacht blowing up ?
Tad : No , the question is , what do you know about it ? Because what I know about it is a guy like you would do something like that to impress Dixie .
Dixie : Hi . Where s J.R. ?
Adam : Dixie , go away .
Dixie : Look , Adam , I just want to talk to him before he goes .
Adam : Before -- before he go -- what ? Say it . Go on , Before he pleads guilty to attempted murder or before he goes off to prison for God knows how many years or just one last glimpse before J.R. s life goes to hell .
Dixie : I just want to talk to him .
Adam : And say what ?
Krystal : You re -- you re yelling .
Adam : I m not yelling ! It s -- it s on her head ! My son is being punished because of his mother s sins .
J.R. : I love you . I do nt want to leave .
Babe : I do nt want you to go . Do nt go . I love you .
J.R. : I m sorry . I m so sorry .
J.R. : This is it -- the day that we say good - bye . Is this a good time ? I have some things I want to go over with you .
Babe : I guess . Yeah , come in .
J.R. : So I spoke to the family attorney and the accountant . I wanted to make sure that they handled everything the -- the right way .
Babe : J.R. , you know I m not into all of this stuff .
J.R. : You have to hear me on this , Babe . I m not going to go into a lot of details , but I want you to know that I ve taken every provision possible for you and Little A. I ve signed over the power of attorney to you to take over my shares at Chandler Enterprises .
Babe : What ?
J.R. : That reaction there -- if you multiply that by a hundred , that s a ballpark of how my father is going to react .
Babe : Your dad does nt even know about this yet ?
J.R. : No . And it s my suggestion that you keep some distance -- at least till your mother can hose him off .
Babe : J.R. , are you sure ?
J.R. : If I would ve known that the Carey women would have controlling interest in Chandler and the power to outvote my father -- uh --
Babe : No , J.R. , you -- you re making jokes and making light of this , but I know how hard this was for you to do this .
J.R. : No , holding onto all this stuff is why I got in this whole mess to begin with . The reason why I -- I tried to kill you was because I was afraid to lose everything that I have . By giving this to you , on some weird level I feel like it s setting me free . Now , as far as our son is concerned -- it would be amazing if I was able to see him every day . But I do nt want him to freak out . So that s why I m going to leave it up to you whether you think he should come for visits .
Babe : Sure . Absolutely .
J.R. : You know I hate what I did to you . I wish I could go back . I wish I could rewind back to the day we were married . I love you , and I m going to hate myself for putting you through all that hell . And that s why I ll totally get it if you do not want to continue this marriage , if you do nt want to wait for me to serve my time . What I m saying is I m not going to fight you if you want a divorce .
Babe : What s this ?
J.R. : That s custody of Little Adam , if and when you want to end the marriage .
Adam : You have been trying to get our son away from me since the day he was born , and now you get your wish .
Dixie : Do nt you dare imply I wanted this .
Adam : Well , did nt you , because you re the reason it s happening .
Krystal : Oh , come on , Adam . You can not possibly blame Dixie for -- for what J.R. did to Babe .
Adam : Dixie is exactly who I blame ! You devastated that boy , you deserted him , you let him think you were dead , led him on to -- to drowning in the bottle , going on to a felony , and then straight to prison .
Dixie : Do nt do this , Adam .
Adam : The truth hurts , does nt it , lady ? You realize our son could be killed while he s in prison , especially when they find out why he is in there ? Almost killing a woman and her unborn child .
Dixie : Do nt you dare say that . Do nt you dare say that J.R. will be killed . Do nt you ever say that again .
Adam : Well , you abandoned one child and gave away the other one . No one is being fooled by your devoted parent act .
Krystal : Adam , that -- that s enough now . Now , I am not condoning what Dixie did to J.R. , but everybody knows that she has been working like the devil to try and find her baby girl . The only reason why she stayed away from her son was because of Kate .
Adam : Yeah , you re absolutely right , Krystal . She loved Katie far more than she ever loved her own son .
Dixie : That is not fair .
Adam : No ? You abandoned J.R. because of baby Kate . You stayed away because of Kate . Face it , Dixie . You chose Kate over J.R.
Tad : Come on , for a guy that can take out an entire city s power grid , blowing up a boat ought to be a piece of cake .
Zach : I like Dixie , I really do . And I do nt think I have to blow anything up to impress her . I got better things to do .
Tad : Yeah , better things to do -- like keeping her hidden from her family , letting us go on mourning for her , or taking little field trips out to some maternity resort . You mean better things to do like sticking your fat nose in other people s business .
Zach : And here you are in mine . Dixie asked me for help . Would it make you feel better if I turned her down ?
Tad : No . It would ve made me feel better if you told me she was alive in the first place . It would ve made me feel better if you told me Kate had survived that accident , somewhere out there was information Madden had that would help me find my daughter , but you did nt . You kept your mouth shut -- again -- and now all that information is useless because it s disappeared .
Zach : What do you mean , it s disappeared ?
Tad : I mean it s gone . I went out to that island , there s nothing there . There s no one and nothing , and that -- that big room , that secret room Dixie told me about -- it s empty . On top of that , somebody just busted into her hotel room . They took all the information back that you two stole , so there s nothing left on this earth that can lead me to Kate .
Zach : I tell you what , I got something to make you feel better -- this is all because of me .
Tad : I m so glad at a moment like this , you could be smug .
Zach : Well , you asked me for help , I m giving it to you . I m taking the blame , which means you do nt have to face the truth . You lost Kate because you never wanted her in the first place .
Josh : You saw me get on that boat before it went into flames .
Jamie : So that obviously means I did it .
Josh : You hate -- you hate me , you hate my father .
Jamie : Yeah , me and about a thousand other people in Pine Valley .
Josh : Well , you know what ? You can tell it to the cops because I m turning you in .
Julia : What ? You re not serious .
Josh : I am dead serious . Actually , I want your whole damn family interrogated on this .
Jamie : Sounds good . I ve actually been meaning to talk to the cops . Well , someone s got to tell them all about your half brothers and sisters out there .
Disguised voice : Once you ve told me where Kate is -- name , address , phone number , zip code -- and I get DNA proof it s her , then you ll resurface . You ve wasted enough time , Doctor . Your food supply is limited .
Greg : Please shut up .
Disguised voice : Your oxygen supply is limited .
Greg : I m trying to meditate .
Disguised voice : Which means your time on this earth could be limited , unless you do as I say .
Greg : Silence , please , please . That s all I ask .
Disguised voice : How long can you hold out ?
Greg : Please shut up . Enough , already .
Disguised voice : I m not afraid to let you die .
Greg : All right . All right , I ll give you what you want . I ll tell you where Dixie s child is . Ok . All right . I ll tell you who has the child . I ll give you the address , her home phone number , the business numbers -- I ll tell you everything . But you have to get me out of here first so that I would know you wo nt leave me here to die . I ll tell you everything you want to know , but get me out of here . Answer me , damn it !
Dixie : I have made more mistakes than I care to count . I have hurt my children in ways that are too depressing to think about . I admit that .
Adam : You -- this is nt some self - help meeting -- lousy mothers anonymous . I m -- I m Dixie , and I m addicted to destroying my children . That does nt -- see , that does nt cut it . That is nt nearly enough , and it s way , way too late .
Dixie : There is one thing that I am proud of , however , and that is J.R. admitted that he was wrong , and he is willing to face the consequences . It takes a very strong boy to do that .
Adam : Yeah . Yes , well , he s already served his sentence -- all those years that he grieved for you and ached for you for nothing . You think he really deserves another sentence on top of the one you gave him ? Face it . It s a joke , a slap in the face , your being here . I never thought I would hear myself say this , but I am so grateful that J.R. has Babe . Unlike you , J.R. can count on Babe to stand by him . She is nt going to desert him when he needs her most .
J.R. : If splitting up is the route that you choose , I hope that you d be willing to talk with me about visitation after I get out of prison .
Babe : I need to get ready .
J.R. : We have to talk about this .
Babe : No , I do nt want --
J.R. : No , we have to , Babe . This is real , ok ? I m going away for a long time , maybe forever . You re going to have to take on a lot more responsibility than you ever thought you had to , and I trust that you can handle it , but you got to know what I m leaving you with . This is a copy of my will and my insurance policy .
Babe : I do nt want those .
J.R. : Look , best - case scenario , I go in there for a few years , and I come out no worse for the wear . Worst - case scenario , I may never walk out of there .
Babe : No .
J.R. : Please , just review it , Babe . You can -- you can see that I left you everything .
Babe : No , J.R. , stop it ! I do nt -- I do nt want to hear any more of this . You -- you re going to be fine , and -- and nothing is going to happen to you .
J.R. : Babe , please do nt do this right now .
Babe : I ca nt . I do nt want you to -- to die . I could nt stand it .
J.R. : So if anything happens to me , you and the baby are taken care of .
Babe : Would you quit saying that ? Nothing is going to happen to you . You re going to --
J.R. : Well , look who it is .
Winifred : You wanted to see the baby , sir ?
J.R. : Yeah , you bet . Hi . Hi , buddy .
J.R. : Oh . So -- check it out , ok ? Daddy s got to leave today . He has got to go away for a while and does nt know when he s going to be back . He s done some really bad things , and he has to take an extra - long time - out . But you still have your mama and your grandma and your aunts and uncles and all your friends . So if you ever need any help , you can always go see them , because they love you just as much as I love you . Oh . I want to show you something , ok ? Have you seen this ? See this ? That s a picture of Daddy and Little A. So if you ever need to put it next to your bed at nighttime , if you ever miss my good - night kisses -- I love you so much .
Jamie : And at this creepy island maternity spa , Dixie and Zach Slater found proof that your father was universal donor number one .
Julia : Think of all those women who volunteered as surrogates , never having any idea that they were carrying their doctor s baby .
Jamie : Wow , Josh , you just went from being an only child to one out of a thousand in a matter of minutes . I guess Christmas could get real expensive for you this year .
Josh : This is total BS .
Jamie : No , this is fact . So if you try to turn me or my family in to the cops , I ll just narc on your father and send that pervert away for good . Derek . We re just talking about you .
Derek : Why does that worry me ?
Josh : Any new leads on the explosion ?
Derek : Just got word from Forensics -- definitely sabotage . Now , do you have any idea who could be responsible for this ?
Greg : First you wo nt shut up , now you wo nt say anything . What kind of ploy is this ? I thought all you wanted was your precious Kate . Who are you , anyway ? Who do I have the pleasure of despising ? Is it you , Tad ? Did you bury me like this , because I would nt give you back your child ? If you did , you re a damn fool . You do nt deserve to have that child back . You do nt deserve to ever see her again .
Tad : Your services in searching for my daughter are no longer needed or accepted . You turn in your resignation . Bye - bye . Why , do nt you have a wife out there you can play superhero for ?
Zach : Kendall has my full attention . Why do you think I m going after Madden ? He tried to convince her to give up her child . I m not going to let that slide .
Tad : Hmm . What do you know -- something we finally agree on . Yippee . Madden s a pig . Do nt expect me to invite you out for beer and darts .
Zach : I never thought that beer and darts were a very good combination . Tad ? What Madden did to Kendall is nothing compared to what your son did to her .
Tad : My son is going to prison for what he did to Kendall . At least he s paying for his mistakes .
Zach : My wife and her unborn son almost died . Little more than a mistake . You want to know about a mistake -- how about that ? If you d succeeded in blowing up Madden along with his yacht , you d never find out where Kate is . What do you think about that ?
Del : Do nt ask him . Ask me . Tad had nothing to do with the explosion . I blew the doctor s cabin cruiser sky - high .
Singer : Family , society and all the people in between
Dixie : Hey , kiddo . I really hope you do nt mind me coming . I just -- uh -- I had to see you . I could nt let you go without -- without telling you how much -- how badly I -- how sorry I am for hurting you . For making you feel abandoned . For ever thinking that I do nt love you , because I do , more than you will ever know . And now you re going to face this judge , and I got to tell you I feel responsible . So I just want you to know I m so sorry . I m so sorry for all of it .
J.R. : You know , I ve been doing some thinking about what I ve done , where I m going , how I got there . But I do nt think anybody s going to be able to understand my choices . I barely understand them myself . At the time , it seemed like they were the right choices , the only choices . And as twisted as it seems now , my wanting to hurt Babe was because I felt like it was the only way I could protect myself and my son . I m not trying to justify it because I ca nt . I just wanted to let you know that I can sort of see it through your eyes . And it s not as ugly as it was .
Dixie : You do nt have to let me off the hook . I ve made a lot of mistakes .
J.R. : Yeah , you have . I still do nt understand how you could walk away from your son . It absolutely killed me to say good - bye to Little Adam . But I do believe when you left Pine Valley , you did nt intend to stay out there as long as you did . You know , you had to go out to Europe to protect Kate , and I want what s best for Kate . You had to go looking for her .
Dixie : Yeah , but I should ve told you the truth . I should ve told you that we were alive .
J.R. : And I should ve put down the booze the moment I started thinking about killing my wife , but I did nt . And it just snowballed from there . Same thing for you . But we can make this situation right . I can do the time that I deserve . And you can find my little sister .
Dixie : Oh , I am trying , but I do nt know .
J.R. : Kate s going to be coming home a lot sooner than you think . My baby sister will be here .
Tad : Are you out of your mind ? Do you realize if Madden had been on that boat , you would ve just taken away the last chance we have of finding --
Del : I knew Madden was nt on the yacht . I d been watching it nonstop .
Zach : So why did you blow it up ?
Del : Take away a possible escape route . If Madden s anywhere in Pine Valley , he s not leaving on that boat , not unless he plans on gluing together some splinters and building a raft .
Tad : You know what would be a better way to keep Madden in Pine Valley is not letting him drug you at the airport .
Del : Do you really want to start pointing fingers , Tad ? Tell me exactly how the supposed love of your life was alive and well in Europe looking for your child , and the great PI ca nt track her down .
Di : Ok , Del , that s enough . We re going to go now .
Tad : No , no , no , no . That s all right . By all means , allow me .
Del : When are you going to quit sticking up for this jerk ? How many times is he going to dump all over you before you realize he s a total waste ?
Di : Del , Tad is not the bad guy here . You want to be ticked at someone , be ticked at Madden . You want someone to suffer , let it be Greg .
Zach : Oh , Madden will suffer . Do nt worry about that .
Greg : Tad ? Answer me ! Tad ? It has to be Tad . Dixie ? Oh , Dixie . If you re foolish enough to bury me here -- oh . You re so insane , you re too insane to raise that precious child . If you have any ideas you ll get that child back , you can kiss those good - bye . I know what s best for that child . I know what s best for all my children , and it s best for them if they stay exactly where they are !
Disguised voice : Josh will be worried sick . You do nt want him to go through life thinking you abandoned him , do you , Dr. Madden ? Would nt you like to see Josh again ?
Josh : No , I do nt know who could ve blown up my dad s boat or who d want to .
Derek : Are you worried about your own safety , Josh ?
Josh : No . No , not at all .
Derek : Ok . But if someone should come to mind or if your father shows up , you know where to reach me .
Josh : There . I backed off . I did nt turn your sorry ass in to Chief Frye . You owe me , here s how -- get off my father s back .
Jamie : When your father messed with my family , he made the biggest mistake of his life . There s no way I m going to let him get away with it .
Julia : Jamie , wait a second .
Jamie : What ?
Julia : Did you --
Jamie : Did I what ?
Julia : Sabotage Greg s boat ?
Jamie : Not me . What about you ?
Julia : No .
Jamie : Well , when I signed in this morning , I noticed that you signed out early the night that Greg Madden disappeared .
Julia : Well , I d been working here for so many hours straight , I just had to get out of here . Uh , do you want to get a coffee ?
Jamie : I do nt have time . I have to go see my brother before he gets sent off to prison today .
Julia : Jamie , I m so sorry .
David : Is nt he a little young for you , Julia ?
Dixie : Everything you ve said , J.R. -- it s more than I ever hoped to hear . To say that you understand even some of what I ve done --
J.R. : It is nt easy . I mean , owning up to what I ve done would nt make much sense if I was nt prepared to admit to all of my mistakes . I have disappointed you , Mom . I am so sorry for that . I know that you expected so much more .
Dixie : You could not have been a better son . I am so proud of you .
J.R. : But I ve done so many inexcusable things .
Dixie : And I will always love you . I still love you . Come here .
Joe : Josh , what happened ?
Josh : Someone blew up my father s yacht . I happened to be on it at the time .
Joe : Are you all right ?
Josh : Yeah , I m -- I m fine . A few minor cuts and bruises . It turns out I m shatterproof .
Joe : Well , thank God . I -- I assume the police are investigating ?
Josh : Yeah , but I do nt trust them . I do nt trust anyone in this town .
Joe : I hope you know you can trust me .
Josh : I guess you heard the news . My father s evil .
Joe : You believe that ?
Josh : I do nt want to . But I have a feeling he s keeping something from me -- something major .
Joe : Mm - hmm . Have any idea what that could be ?
Josh : I think it has something to do with Erica . She s been holding something from me . I have to know what they re hiding . I need to know .
Julia : Beat it .
David : You can do a lot better , Julia . Actually , you already have .
Julia : If you re referring to those two regrettable nights that we spent together , I was really a mess then , and I had no idea what I was doing .
David : Well , you seemed to be an expert at everything you were doing that night . In fact , I still dream about that one position .
Julia : Will you shut up ?
David : Look , I d love to stay and chat with you longer , but I have to get to the courthouse . My son - in - law is being carted off to prison today , and I want to get a good seat .
Julia : You re unbelievable .
David : I am on cloud nine . Finally , that punk J.R. is going to get what he s had coming to him .
J.R. : I hope you get to know Babe better while I m gone .
Dixie : Of course . I -- I would love that .
Babe : Me , too .
J.R. : And -- and Little Adam . I want him to know my mom .
Babe : Of course , J.R. Little Adam and I would love to spend more time with you .
Adam : J.R. ? You do nt have to make the decision right now .
J.R. : I -- I have a request for you , too , Dad . Could you try to be nicer to my mom ? She s welcome in the house any time . I mean , Little Adam is her family , too .
Krystal : Dixie can come visit that little munchkin whenever she likes .
J.R. : Thank you , Krystal . I m going to hold you to that . You know , I owe you an apology . I m sorry . Every time I tried to hurt your daughter or disrespect her , trust her , I --
J.R. : There s no way that I could ever make up for that . I just hope you know now that I really do love her .
Tad : Is it ok if we interrupt ?
J.R. : Come on in .
Jamie : I thought we d tag along with you to the courthouse if that s ok with you .
J.R. : Are you kidding me ? That s -- that s more than cool . It s --
Adam : We can all ride over in the car together .
Dixie : You guys go ahead . Babe and I will meet you there . I need to talk to you . It s important .
Joe : Josh , you -- you must be exhausted . Why do nt you go home and get some rest ?
Josh : You know , do nt you ? You know what my father and Erica are hiding .
Joe : Hmm .
Josh : Come on , Dr. Martin . You ve always played it straight with me . You gave me a job , support . I need your help . I am completely in the dark on this . My father is gone , and I have a feeling he did something so horrible that he had to run , and I have a -- I have a feeling he s not coming back . I deserve to know the truth . I need to know who my father is . Dr. Martin , if you know something , please tell me .
Greg : Of all the sick , twisted , demented psychopaths , whoever put me in here -- Tad , Dixie , Di , Del , Slater , Erica . Oh , Tad . You wo nt beat me . You ll never win . You ll never win ! You wo nt break me !
Disguised voice : Once you ve told me where Kate is -- name , address , phone number , zip code , and I get DNA proof it s her -- then you ll resurface .
Greg : It s a recording . I m not even talking to a real person . Oh .
Disguised voice : You ve wasted enough time , Doctor .
Greg : Whoever put me in here is nt sitting by a speaker over my grave ready to dig me up . They re out there somewhere , going about their life while I m left in this death trap . Where are you ? Who are you ? You wo nt get away with this . Whichever one of you did this to me , go about your business while you still can .
Babe : Look , whatever you wanted to say , Dixie , I wish you would hurry . J.R. needs me , and I ca nt be late for this .
Dixie : Yes , you need to get to court in time to stop it .
Babe : Stop what ?
Dixie : Please , Babe . Save my son . You re the only one who can .
Josh ( to Erica ) : We were just talking about you .
Joe : Tell him , Erica .
Dixie ( to Babe ) : The guilty plea is for you . Stop him from making it .
Ryan ( to Kendall ) : I love you .
### Summary:
| JR is ready to confess and go to prison . Babe has a dream that she gets back with him . He comes to see her and humbles himself to her . Dixie wants to find her son and talk to him before he goes off . But Adam tells her that it s all her fault that JR lost it and attempted to commit murder . JR talks to Dixie and , for the first time , humbles himself to her . And it looks like they may have reconciled . And he asks Adam and Krystal to be nice to Dixie , let her visit and see little A. He apologizes to Krystal for the way he s treated her daughter . He then visits with Jamie before going to the court house . It seems everybody is supportive of him and respects the fact that he s owning responsibility for his actions . Only David Hayward is happy that JR is going up the river . After Madden s boathouse restaurant gets blown up , Tad finds Zach and tells him he believes he did it in order to impress Dixie . But he can not prove it . Right when tad and Zach are arguing , Del comes and informs them that it was he who caused the explosion . He tells them he did it in order to prevent Madden from leaving on his boat . He protests to Tad that only he can bring Madden to justice . Josh gets injured from the explosion and Julia and Jamie suspect him of helping his father with the dirty deeds . They inform him what they know about Greg s plan to inseminate so many women . He does not buy that . He tells Jamie he bets that he ( Jamie ) is responsible for the explosion because of the problem his family has with Greg . Jamie and Julia privately realize that they both have motives and means to get revenge on Greg . When Greg is buried in the box in the ground , the mysterious voice tells him he wo nt get out until he tells them where Kate is . Josh privately talks to Dr. Joe and tells him he knows that his father and Erica have some sort of secret . And he needs to know what it is . He seems to know that Joe knows something . Greg still refuses to tell anybody where Kate is . And it s still a mystery who put him in the box in the ground . Dixie asks Babe to stay behind when going to JR s trial . She tells Babe that she ( Babe ) is the only one who can save her son ( JR ) . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : I know you want me . I know you do . Help me get rid of Brooke and Hope , and your life can change in the most amazing ways . I promise you . You wo nt regret it .
Hope : Oliver . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Hope ?
Hope : Hey . ( Giggles )
Brooke : Reliving your moment of glory ?
Hope : ( Sighs ) Yeah , that was pretty major , huh ?
Brooke : But not as major as your evening with Oliver .
Hope : Mom , I think I m falling in love with him .
Whip : ( Sighs )
Taylor : Aah ! What is that ?
Whip : Oh , uh ...
Taylor : Ice cream ?
Whip : Mm - hmm . Good .
Taylor : Oh , that s not what I had in mind when I thought you were bringing me a treat .
Whip : Oh , that s okay . This is nt for you . It s for me .
Taylor : Oh .
Whip : I mean , I got to keep my energy up with you , hmm ?
Taylor : Hmm . Mm . Mmm . ( Chuckles )
Whip : Mm ?
Taylor : Oh , that s good .
Whip : Yeah ?
Taylor : Mm . I want some more .
Whip : You want ? Okay . Here .
Taylor : Mmm . Steffy s going to be so upset . This is her favorite ice cream . When she finds it gone , she ll be upset .
Whip : Oh , I ll make sure that we save her some .
Taylor : No . Mnh - mnh . Go ahead .
Whip : Mm .
Taylor : Eat it . You need all the energy you can get .
Whip : ( Chuckles )
Taylor : But I m not kidding about what I said . I know Steffy has some issues . I know she has issues with the Logans .
Whip : Mm - hmm .
Taylor : But she does know that Oliver and Hope are seeing each other , and she is not going to do anything to hurt their happiness .
Whip : Mm - hmm .
Taylor : Mm - hmm .
Brooke : ( Chuckles ) Love ? That s , uh , that s a pretty big word .
Hope : It s a pretty big feeling .
Brooke : Yes . Yes , it is .
Hope : ( Sighs ) Hey , Mom , can I ask you something , just between us ?
Brooke : Your father s down in the kitchen .
Hope : Well , you know Oliver and I had dinner tonight at the beach house .
Brooke : Uh - huh .
Hope : Okay , well , something happened , or almost happened .
Brooke : Sex ?
Hope : I was nt ready , but I think Oliver really wanted to .
Oliver : Whoa . Whoa . Whoa .
Steffy : Mnh - mnh . No , no , no . Do nt stop now .
Oliver : Steffy .
Steffy : Come on . Everything you ever wanted ...
Oliver : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Your future , your career , me , everything . How can you turn this down ?
Oliver : ( Groans )
Steffy : What s wrong ?
Oliver : This is wrong .
Steffy : No , d -- come on . Do nt say that .
Oliver : I ca nt do this , not to Hope .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Oliver : I m -- I m sorry .
Hope : I mean , he -- he did nt pressure me or anything .
Brooke : But he invited you to his house alone .
Hope : Yeah , to celebrate and have dinner . It was sweet and romantic . Oliver was nt expecting anything . You know , he s not like that . It was one of the most incredible nights of my life .
Brooke : But it just went a little further than you wanted it to .
Hope : No , I wanted to go further . Well , a part of me did .
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) Okay .
Hope : Mom , you always said that I could talk to you about everything , you know ? No matter what , I should be honest .
Brooke : I know . Okay . Right . ( Sighs ) I m listening .
Hope : Okay , well , when we were kissing , I mean , I - I knew what Oliver wanted . And part of me wanted it , too , but ... ( Sighs ) I do nt know . I mean , I care about him so much , and I know he respects me . And it was so perfect , you know ? The dinner , the candles ... it was a like a scene out of a movie . It was the perfect moment . But I was nt ready .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) So how did Oliver react to that ?
Hope : He was so sweet and so understanding . But I do nt get it , Mom . I mean , it was the perfect guy , and the perfect moment . Why was nt I ready ?
Brooke : Honey , it s okay . Really , it s okay if you were nt ready . Nothing is wrong with you . And if Oliver made you feel that way--
Hope : No , no , he did nt . Not at all . I know how lucky I am to have a guy like Oliver . You know , I - I feel it every time I see Steffy flirting with him .
Taylor : Brooke accuses Steffy of being manipulative ...
Whip : ( Sighs )
Taylor : And deceptive , but we know she is nt like that .
Whip : ( Chuckles ) Of course you feel that way , sweetheart , you know ? You re her mother .
Taylor : No , she s just defending herself . He s protecting herself .
Whip : From who ? The Logans ?
Taylor : From anything , anything in the world that she perceives to be a threat .
Whip : Well , a good offense is the best defense .
Taylor : No , that s all she knows , Whip . I mean , look at everything she s lost in her life .
Whip : Look , she s a strong woman just like her mother .
Taylor : Hmm . I do nt know if I m as strong as she is .
Whip : Well .
Taylor : Look at the things that she s been able to do and get through . She got the company back , from Bill Spencer no less . You know , there s this understanding in psychology that if someone puts up a big bravado or they re overcompensating for everything , that really , there s something very vulnerable , very broken underneath .
Whip : Hey , people have told me that I have a lot of bravado .
Taylor : Oh , well , you are overcompensating for nothing .
Whip : Mm .
Taylor : Mm .
Whip : Okay .
Taylor : But Steffy ... my daughter is . She s got some very painful wounds under that tough exterior .
Oliver : Steffy , do nt .
Steffy : Wow , okay , I m being turned down .
Oliver : I do nt want to hurt you .
Steffy : Well , it feels like it .
Oliver : Look , I m attracted to you , obviously .
Steffy : But obviously , you care about some girl who s still in high school .
Oliver : She s my girlfriend . We re a couple . You know what that means .
Steffy : You re acting like you re about to get married .
Oliver : That s not what I meant .
Steffy : Really , really acting like it .
Oliver : ( Chuckles ) ( Sighs ) Hope trusts me .
Steffy : Do nt want to let down the prom queen .
Oliver : She cares about me .
Steffy : Did you ever think what this could mean for us , you and me ? You help me get rid of the Logans , I will make you my golden boy . I told you , everything you ever wanted-- money , promotions . End it with Hope , and you ll have it all . Just think about it . Music for photo shoots , fashion shows . Oliver Jones , the sound of Forrester Creations . Now do nt say that s not tempting . I know I turn you on .
Oliver : The Logans really are nt that bad .
Steffy : They re takers . They took the business away . They took my sister away . And they took my father away from me . Look , Oliver , I need you . I need you to help me get rid of the Logans . Think of all the things I could do for you .
Taylor : That was what was so nice about watching Steffy and -- and Phoebe grow up , you know ? They -- they just really kind of balanced each other out . Which , you know , if she had trouble , she knew she could always call her sister , but I kn -- I know she talks to Thomas , but not-- not girl things .
Whip : Yeah .
Taylor : You know , that was her sister , her twin . And when she died , she felt like she lost part of herself , I m sure . And ... you know , I think she ll be struggling with that for the rest of her life-- I m sure with a lot of issues .
Whip : Yeah , but she talks to you , right ?
Taylor : Yeah , but I m her mother . She is nt gon na talk to me about everything . ( Chuckles )
Whip : Well , she s been pretty vocal about ... ( Sighs ) her wanting you and Ridge back together .
Taylor : Yes . Yes . All children want to see their parents reconciled . And Ridge has sort of led them to believe that that was going to happen , but it did nt .
Whip : Yeah .
Taylor : So definitely , definitely there s going to be a lot of residual hurt that she has nt gotten over yet , and she may never .
Brooke : I understand your concern about Steffy s fixation on Oliver .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Brooke : But after what happened tonight , a little flirtation seems harmless .
Hope : Well , not to me .
Brooke : Coming on to your boyfriend is one thing . Sabotaging your professional debut is quite another .
Hope : Yeah , but it did nt work . I mean , I did fine .
Brooke : I know . I know it did nt work . And of course you did fine . You were marvelous , and I m so proud of you . So is your father . But I think that now Steffy might be a little more determined .
Hope : I know . That s why I m worried about Oliver . I mean , if she was so intent on ruining my relationship before , then ...
Brooke : This time , she might want to do something a little more drastic . ( Sighs )
Steffy : Do nt turn me down .
Oliver : What if it backfires ?
Steffy : It s not gon na backfire .
Oliver : All right , how s this gon na work ?
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Oliver : You take up with me . We break Hope s heart . Her life is in shambles . She takes the scholarship and goes to college back east . Her mother s an island . She feels alone , awkward . She decides to hang it up , leave Forrester for good .
Steffy : You got it .
Oliver : Ridge is not gon na go for that . He fired you as head of P.R. when you messed up Hope s campaign . Now you re messing with her life ? He s gon na come down on you hard . Do you want that ?
Steffy : Okay , well , I thought something was gon na happen for us . Sorry . ( Sighs )
Oliver : I m just part of your agenda .
Steffy : Yeah , yeah , you re part of my agenda , but you also turn me on , and I ve made that very , very clear .
Oliver : I m not gon na be your pawn with your war with the Logans .
Steffy : Like it or not , it already happened . You re caught right in the middle .
Taylor : You know , the way Steffy s been feeling and -- and the way she s been acting , her behavior , it s all completely understandable . It s very normal . She s not a villain like Brooke is making her out to be .
Whip : No , I know , but you got to admit , there s more going on underneath the surface .
Taylor : No , of course . She s very intelligent . She s a very complex woman .
Whip : Yes .
Taylor : She s very sensitive .
Whip : Uh - huh .
Taylor : And she-- she s very passionate . And she works very hard a - and she loves her family .
Whip : Mm - hmm .
Taylor : But she also-- she feels like she s been robbed of a lot of things . She feels like she s been robbed of her relationship with her father . That s completely justifiable . She is nt irrational . You know , she ... she s done a lot of things , a lot of very sensitive things . She -- she s done a lot of things to bring her family back together .
Whip : Look , you know what I think ? I think she s gon na be fine . Really . Th-- that ... ( Sighs ) that tough exterior s not just for show . I ve met mountain climbers before that-- that did nt have Steffy s survival instincts . Look , I guarantee you , she s gon na get through this . She s gon na be able to walk through this , and if she ca nt , you re gon na be there , being able to hold out your hand and walk her through it . But I think that she s going to be fine . And I do nt worry about Steffy , and I do nt think you should either .
Taylor : Hmm . Steffy s a survivor .
Whip : Mm - hmm .
Taylor : The things life has thrown at her-- she -- she s had to be .
Hope : Okay , I do nt want to talk about Steffy anymore , okay ? I feel really good right now .
Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) Okay , and you should . You should feel great , because this is a really important time in your life . You re falling in love . It s the start of a new career . And I am so happy for you . I do have some advice , though . I just want you take it really slow , okay ? I want you to enjoy every minute . The launch of a new line , the start of a new relationship-- it s all so precious , and you need to enjoy it .
Hope : Take it slow . Take my time .
Brooke : Yeah . And treat yourself with respect . And make sure that everybody else does the same .
Hope : I got it .
Brooke : I believe you do .
Hope : Thanks , Mom .
Brooke : Sure , honey . ( Chuckles ) And do nt worry about Steffy .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : If Oliver is right for you , he will be patient , no matter what Steffy tries to do . ( Giggles )
Hope : Thank you . Okay , I m going to bed .
Brooke : Okay .
Hope : Good night .
Brooke : Good night . Love you .
Hope : Love you , too .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Steffy : You keep trying to tell me no , but I still feel that heat .
Oliver : It s getting hot in here . Maybe you should put some clothes on .
Steffy : I do nt want to put any clothes on .
Oliver : I told you . I m not gon na do this to Hope .
Steffy : After everything I m offering , you still want the teen queen . Come on , you re not tempted ? I know you are . I can see it in your eyes .
Oliver : You do nt give up , do you ?
Steffy : What would be the point of that ? I go after what I want , and what I want is you in my life working beside me . Maybe we ll be the future of Forrester Creations when it s all Logan - free .
Oliver : You know , I ll tell you one thing . Your father s a lucky man . He s got two awesome daughters-- both talented , smart , committed to the family business . If you and Hope could get along , you could the be the hottest duo in L.A. fashion .
Steffy : Ai nt gon na happen .
Oliver : Why not ? You re Steffy Forrester , giant killer . You took Bill Spencer and brought him to his knees . You can do anything . You re -- you re -- you re passionate , tenacious , determined .
Steffy : Well , I know what I want . I may not get it the first try , but I ll get it .
Oliver : You re coming on to me like this seductress , vamping me .
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Oliver : But I know there s more to you than that . I can see underneath .
Steffy : Really ? And what do you see ?
Oliver : A terrific girl ...
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Oliver : Who at a young and impressionable time in her life had to watch her father walk out the door . She had no control . She felt alone , abandoned . And she made a vow to herself always to be in control , never let her guard down .
Steffy : Yeah , that sounds like somebody I know .
Oliver : There s more .
Steffy : Oh , more ?
Oliver : Your father leaving you left a hole in your heart , but it made you stronger in other ways , made you the unique person you are today , the woman who took Bill Spencer down , got the company back , put it back in her father s hands , a woman who can move mountains , who can do anything . A young woman who s special in so many ways . You keep your vulnerabilities hidden , but I know they re there . I can see them right now . Sometimes ... when I look deep in your eyes ...
Steffy : Hmm ?
Oliver : I can see them .
Steffy : Mm .
Oliver : And the young man who is lucky enough to spend his life with you is one lucky dude .
Steffy : You are something else , Oliver . I really do nt think you belong with Hope . But someday , you ll be mine , if you do nt take too long , because I m going to make a name for myself at Forrester without the Logans . And I m gon na be surrounded by people who love me and who I trust , and that will be with my father and maybe you-- maybe . What ? We re hot together . We re gon na take Forrester into a whole new era , you and me , Logan - free . That will happen , Oliver .
### Summary:
| Straddled on top of him , Steffy tells Oliver that if he helps her get rid of Brooke and Hope that he wo nt regret it . She knows he wants her . He s flashing back to moments with Hope . As Steffy continues , Oliver looks at Hope s photo on the desk and pulls away . He tells Steffy he can not do this to Hope . Hope tells her mother that she could be falling in love with Oliver . She reveals she thinks Oliver is ready to make love and part of her did too , but it was too soon . She s glad Oliver is so sweet and understanding . She s lucky to have a guy like him . Whip brings a pint of ice cream to bed and declares that it s all for him as he has to keep his energy up . Taylor defends Steffy and her antics as just a means of crying out of pain , but she wo nt cross that line . She s not the villain Brooke is making her out to be . Despite her continuing to paw all over him , Oliver tells Steffy that he s not going to be her pawn and allying himself against the Logan s . So even if she manages to get rid of Hope and Brooke leaves too , Ridge will be a force to be reckoned with . He wo nt be happy at all with these results and will know that he and Steffy were behind it all . Brooke advises Hope to take things slow , enjoy herself and treat herself with respect and everyone else will too . Do nt worry about Steffy . If Oliver really loves her then he will dodge anything Steffy can throw at him . Oliver lets Steffy down gently and reminds her that she is one terrific girl .. someone to be reckoned with . She gloats that she is not giving up . She may not make it on the first try , but she s going to take Forrester s into the next decade and it will be Logan free and he can be right up there with her . |
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