Dataset Viewer
imagewidth (px) 720
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"id": 0,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_0.jpg",
"width": 746,
"height": 829,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType the text found in the image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "his classmate\ns m\n\net him, he had already changed his jacket. Th\nen it was my husband's dream to\ngo here. To do this, it is necessary\nto develop railway networks. Skate boarder do\nes a trick on a city sidewalk From Zhas Kazak\nhstan Olzhas Kereykhan, Aslan Tolepov, \"Final New\ns\". Now, I have got a confession to make. fall I do not\nneed murits. Yeah, that's the wrestle\nr's handshake,' he says. For the purposes of this ar\n\nticle, the list of categ\nories of goods subj\n\nect to rapi\nd dama"
} |
"id": 1,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1.jpg",
"width": 1229,
"height": 820,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and transcribe the text shown."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "combinatio\nn of metal f\nrames a\nnd masonry c\nladding. The pr\noblem of water i\nn Kazakhstan is\nvery compl\nex. In this way, th\ne plot was dis\ncovered, and Guy Fa\nwkes was cau\nght before he could c\narry it out. The\nWorld Trade Org\n\nanisation’s General Agree\nment on Trade in Services (\nGATS), for example, gover\nns trade in services through different ’\nmodes of supply. Same deal. Timing\n— 1 hour 42 minutes. A baseb\nall player crouches down as he wa\nits for the ball. Sacrificial c\neremonies will be held at these seven l\nocations throughout the city. On th\ne one han\nd, if you l\nook at\nit like thi\ns, sixt\ny-seven th\nousand\ntenge\nis now th\ne salary\nof a civil servant. Girl holding cat on couch while cat's eyes\nare closed The transitional government that Macron forme\nd just after the election reflects great diversity, not only in terms of ge\nnder, but also with respect to political exper\nience and affiliation. President Kassy\nm-Jomart Tokayev on his \"Twitter\" page today. Scientists\nfrom the National Center for Biotechnol\nogy and the Research Institute for Biosafety will wo\nrk together on this work. low temperature The US dollar could\nstrengthen much further, especially aga\n\ninst emerging-market currencies, despite Trump’"
} |
"id": 10,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10.jpg",
"width": 1300,
"height": 784,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat's the text message in the image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "h resources and othe\nr shell-fish, if th\nis action does not co\nntain the si\ngns of a crimi\nnally punishable\nact committ\ned in the form of u\n\nse of livestock farms a\nnd other industrial complexes\n\nthat\ndo\nnot\nha\nve di\nspos\nal facilities and s\nanitary-protective z\nones entail a fine on i\n\nndividuals in amount of ten,\non civil servants,\nsubjects of small e\nntrepreneurship – in\namount of thirty,\non su\nbjects\nof me\ndium\nentrepr\n\neneurship – in amount o\nf fifty, on subjects of large"
} |
"id": 100,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_100.jpg",
"width": 1011,
"height": 783,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and detail text from the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "arge ent\nrepreneu\nrship –\nin am\nount of\ntwo hundre\nd mont\nhly cal\nculation ind\nices. p\novert\ny al\nlev\niati\non T\nhe\nco\nrre\nspon\ndin\ng terr\nitorial el\nection\ncom\nmissio\nn shall p\nrepare p\nolling s\ntatio\nns, ensu\n\nre manufacturing of\nthe polling"
} |
"id": 1000,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1000.jpg",
"width": 1371,
"height": 907,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat does the text in the photo say?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "twenty national pav\nilions were ins\ntalled for visitor\ns, and various natio\nnal dishes we\nre offered. What is\nthe matter with y\nou? The \"trad\ne war\" with C\nhina also affecte\nd. The competenc\ne of the militar\ny police bodie\ns of the National G\nuard of the Republi\nc of Kazak\nhstan on ad\nministrative infra\nctions in th\ne scope of transport\n\nshall apply to military servants, person\ns liable for military service, c\nalled on military trainings,\nas well as to the persons operat\n\ning the military\ntransport vehicles o\nf t"
} |
"id": 10000,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10000.jpg",
"width": 772,
"height": 1244,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and list the text in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "y. T\nhe cat l\nied an\nd said\nthat a\nll was fine. Failure to co\nnduct or improper\nconduct of veterinar\ny measures, as well as viol\nation of the terms for their co\n\nnduct, sh\nall entail\na fine on ind"
} |
"id": 10001,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10001.jpg",
"width": 870,
"height": 1694,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nConvert image text to typed text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "and six), 417, 419 (p\n\narts two, th\nree and four), 420\n, 421, 422, 423,\n424, 425, 432,\n434, 435 of the C\nriminal Code o\nf the Republic of\nKazakhsta\nn, prelimin\n\nary investi\ngation shall b\ne carried out by in\nternal affai\nrs bodies, a\nnti-corruptio\nn service o\nr economic inves\ntigation se\nrvice that in\nitiated pre-tr\nial investigat"
} |
"id": 10002,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10002.jpg",
"width": 857,
"height": 836,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCapture text content from the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ar days f\nrom\nthe d\nate o\nf th\neir\nrec\neip\nt. Having f\namiliarized\nhimself with the ec\nonomic and soci\n\nal potential of the\n\nregion, he\ninstructed t"
} |
"id": 10003,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10003.jpg",
"width": 1085,
"height": 945,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat's written on the object in this image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "holiday time — enjoy it. a ma\nn with\n\neyes closed and behind him a woman on a cell\nphone An individual entrepreneur engages in\nentrepreneurial activities in his own n\name, owns and exercises rights and duties. The m\nother of Gabit Maksutov, who wa\ns captured by the red flame and was h\nospitalized, arrived in Zharkent from Taldykorgan as so\non as she learned about the tragedy\n\n. Specialized interdistr\nict courts for case"
} |
"id": 10006,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10006.jpg",
"width": 1815,
"height": 922,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and detail text from the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "s of this Chapter, t\nhe following bas\n\nic concepts sha\nll be used.\nA large bathroom t\nhat is very wel\nl kept Each\nMem\nber\nratifyi\nng th\nis Co\n\nnvention shall indicate in the declar\nation accompanying the instru\n\nm\nen\nt o\nf r\nati\nfication the minimum age for admissio\nn to employment within its territory\nand on vehicles regist\nered in its territory; subject to the p\nrovisions of Articles 4 to 8 of t\nhis Convention,\nno adolescent under\nthat age shall be admitted to\nemployment or to a\nny other occupation. How did\n\nthis happen? But traveling by t\nrain is something you will r\n\neally remember. Dian Fo"
} |
"id": 10007,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10007.jpg",
"width": 1065,
"height": 791,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCapture and transcribe the text in this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "the carillon in July\ncalled it something else:\n\"A cultural treas\nure\" and \"an ir\n\nreplaceabl\ne histo\n\nrical instrument.\" Rapid r\nesponse measures are applied b\ny control and supervisory bodie\ns in the spheres of activity defined by"
} |
"id": 10008,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10008.jpg",
"width": 780,
"height": 826,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nReproduce the image text in writing."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "navoidable. Me\nasures are urgen\ntly needed to develop wareho\nuse and transport in\nfrastructure, in o\n\nrder to avoid being limited by the increasing\n\nproduction of raw materials. Today we n\need unity more than ever. Because the\nre are countries that do not supp\nort the Silk Road policy. The trick or trea\nters came knocking at the door. Boxes of fresh\nfruit on display in a market. Do\nnot forget to visit the lively K.R. Market. Ma\nrket, the center of wholesal\ne trade. At the request of the defen\nse party, the representative of the vi"
} |
"id": 10009,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10009.jpg",
"width": 771,
"height": 923,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nReproduce the image text in writing."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Whe\nn determ\nining\nthe a\nmount\nof VAT al\nlowe\nd to be\noffset\nby main\ntaining\nseparate\naccou\nnting,\n\na VAT payer shall maintain separate account\ning for VAT on received goods, wor\nks, services that are used"
} |
"id": 1001,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1001.jpg",
"width": 737,
"height": 906,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat text does this image contain?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "clared by the Unite\nd Nations in 1\n981, is observed\non 21 Septem\nber every year. It is\nnot far. A tax order s\nhall be canceled by the ta\nx authorit\ny that issue\nd no later t\nhan one\nbusiness d\nay from th\ne date of\n\nmaking adjustments to the taxpayer's pers\nonal account, if the tax debt, for\n\nthe non-payment of which a tax order w\nas issued, was formed through incorrect calculati"
} |
"id": 10010,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10010.jpg",
"width": 2030,
"height": 1016,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract text details from this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "tion of biofuel in a volume equal to th\ne sold batch. A seagull stands on the beach in\nfront of a wave. It is prohibited for entities engaged in a\nctivities in the field of production and (o\nr) turnover of oil and gas condensate, production operatio\nns, and (or) turnover of crude oil and gas condensate wit\nhout equipping the production facilities,\nthe list and terms of equipment of which are approv\ned by the authorized body in the field of hydrocarbons,\n\nmetering devices. fr\nanchising Arlan is th\ne first team in the history o\nf Kazakhstani clubs to\nreach the Contine\nntal Cup. The registe\nr of require\nments\nensures co"
} |
"id": 10013,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10013.jpg",
"width": 844,
"height": 727,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify text and transcribe from this photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ided s\no that\nevery p\nrisoner\nmay be e\nnabled\nand re\nquired to\nhave a bath\nor shower, at a\ntemperature s\nuitable to th\ne climate, as f\nrequently as nec\n\nessary for general\nhygien"
} |
"id": 10014,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10014.jpg",
"width": 1376,
"height": 903,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe visible text from this photograph."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "annel. The food is on a paper plate with pl\n\nastic utensils. You can not catc\nh me. Economic success should be aim\ned, first of all, at improving th\ne well-being of each person. Non-disbursem\nent, untimely and incomplete disburse\nment of electronic money by an emi\ntter received by an individual entre\npreneur or legal entity from individuals upo\nn payment on civil transactio\nns, s\nhall\nen\ntail\na\nnot\nific\nati\non.\n\na hall Project docu\nments in the field of u\nranium mi\nning A dog is"
} |
"id": 10015,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10015.jpg",
"width": 847,
"height": 1315,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and rewrite the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "mach\ninery; A toilet in a\n\nsmall bathroom with garbage on t\nhe ground. A child reaches over a tra\ny of cupcakes for a single c\nupcakes. Now, in th\ne next five days, experts will determi\nne how much Nura is polluted.\nTwo J\napanes\ne umbr\nellas\nare in\na dri\n\nnk glass. a single bed A\nblack dog catching a frisbee in a park.\nTrump may pursue a nationalist vers\nion of what is typicall\ny a leftist demand: a debt jubil\nee or write-off. A very large and nice kit\nchen with wooden cabi\nnets. Get acquainted, our colle\nague. The obligation to pa\ny import customs duties, taxes\n\n, special, antidumping\n, countervailing duties in\n\nrespect of temporarily im"
} |
"id": 10016,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10016.jpg",
"width": 750,
"height": 1321,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and list the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "o weeks after arriving in the\ncountry. Moreover, Article 18 de\n\nfines this right b\nroadly: everyone\nhas the “fre\nedom, eit\nher alone or in\ncommunity with\nothers and in\npublic or priv\nate, to ma\nnifest his reli\ngion or belief\nin teaching,\npractice, wors\nhip, and obs\n\nervance.” W\ne will wait fo\nr y\n\nou! A train car with blue graffiti on th\ne side of it. Samat Kairdenuly, Tolegen Im\nanov, \"Final news\" from Petropavlov"
} |
"id": 10018,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10018.jpg",
"width": 812,
"height": 829,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCapture text content from the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ms. Some odd d\noughnut shaped b\nushes near trees No\nw the west is collap\nsing. The cardinal poin\nts were called the\ncorners of the World b\ny the Turkic people.\nDuring the customs inspection, t\nhe audited entity shall be\nobliged to put a sig\nnature on receipt on the origi\nnal of the regulation\nto conduct a field customs ins\npection. Habits ar\ne worse than diseases. W\n\ne are included i\nn this Gazprom registr\ny. The metho\n\nd of alteration is used to withdra"
} |
"id": 1002,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1002.jpg",
"width": 823,
"height": 1543,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe the image's visible text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "h 3 of\narticle 195\nof this\nCode s\nhall re\nmain val\nid until\nth\ne e\nnt\nry\nint\no f\nor\nce of\nthe ac\nt of t\nhe C\nommi\nssion,\npro\n\nvided for in subp\naragraph 3) of paragrap\nh 3 of article 195 of this Cod\n\ne. Questions ari\nse: are not\nwe taking on too\nmany international\nobligations;\ndo they all cu\nrrently meet t\nhe interests of\nKazakhstan; do\nnot they\nprevent us fr\nom develo\nping our n\national legisl\nation in\naccorda\nnce wit\nh the Co\nnstitut\nion o\nf the R\nepubli\nc? Ou\nr pe\nople\nhav\ne neve\n\nr been indiffe\nrent to the misfo\nrtunes that have\nbef\nalle\nn o\nthers.\nTheir\ninterest i\n\nn the Kremli\n\nn is p\narticularly striking"
} |
"id": 10020,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10020.jpg",
"width": 755,
"height": 1004,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and rewrite the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "s C\nod\ne.\nNe\nve\nrth\nele\nss, the volume\nof processi\nng of livestock\nproducts is sti\nll low, not exce\neding thirt\ny-five p\n\nercent\n. And\nanother passenge\nr is not satisfie\nd\nwith\n\nthe cleanliness of"
} |
"id": 10021,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10021.jpg",
"width": 1183,
"height": 981,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat does the text in the photo say?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "responsible for t\nhis area, everything de\npends on money.\nToday, there ar\ne twenty-two breeds of\nShopan ata litter bei\nng bred in the co\nuntry. The ordi\nnance shall\n\nbe accompanied by a list of ma\nterials to be alloca\nted in originals or\ncopies. People wh\no are insured against corona\n\nvirus bu\ny masks.\nOnly the kam could fight\nthe spirit or buy\nback the kut and ret\nurn it to the sick per"
} |
"id": 10022,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10022.jpg",
"width": 1398,
"height": 760,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCan you decode the text in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "racter and lifestyle. Today ther\ne are more than five hundred thousand\nyoung people in the region; mo\nre than a thousand o\nf them constantly participate i\nn public events. This was st\nated by the President\nof Russia Vladimir Putin. A stop sign on\nthe corner of Spring Stre\net a\nnd 1\n1th\nStreet.\nCo\npies o\nf prot\nest s\nhall\nbe sent by\nthe General P\nrosecutor of t\nhe Republic o\nf Kazakhs\ntan to person\ns participat\ning in th\ne case.\n\nAnd flour of\nthe first grade\nhas rise\nn in price by fifteen point three percent. A motivated ruling shall be issued on the termination of the p\nre-trial investigation. The Character Ethic is based on the fundamental ide\na that there are principles that govern human effectiveness. I don't like places where everything"
} |
"id": 10023,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10023.jpg",
"width": 975,
"height": 1647,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify and transcribe the image text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "SOEs. Sta\nte spendi\nng in t\nhis cat\negory can\nbe sig\nnificant.\nA youn\ng ma\nn riding\na sk\nateboard\ndown a\nyellow\nhand rai\nl. Classes\nof landfi\nll site\ns In order\nto com\nply w\nith t\nhe cu\nrren\ncy le\ngislat\nion\nof the\nRep\nublic o\n\nf Kazakhstan,\nthe cu\nstoms aut"
} |
"id": 10024,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10024.jpg",
"width": 1037,
"height": 749,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat's written on the object in this image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "questio\nn, you woul\nd want to\nknow a\nbit mor\ne about the\nsituati\non: does B\neth go arou\nnd kissing\nalmost eve\nryone at t\nhe drop of a\nhat? Selectio\nn for\nthe\ninter\nnation\nal c\nomp\netition\n\nis held not only i\nn Almaty,\nbut also i"
} |
"id": 10025,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10025.jpg",
"width": 962,
"height": 1593,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe visible text from this photograph."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "proud of our country and respect others. Violation o\nf established requirements on ensuring the secre\ncy order by the persons admitted to work with the\nstate secrets or their carriers, if thes\ne actions do not contain the signs of a criminally\npunishable act, shall entail a fine in am\nount of twenty monthly calculation in\ndices. With this view, a feature film about Bekzat Sattark\nhanov shot at the request of the \"Kha\nbar\" agency will be screened this year. For example, the st\nory of the lion who forbade the flight of birds. Friends\nor obstacles to the continuation of friendly rel\nations. A pottery vessel in the form of a giraffe. 47.\nAm I on the right road to the Blackbird restau\nrant? Levy pursuant to court o\nrder shall be implemented in or\nder, established for court judgements im\nplementation. Could you please tell\nme what is included into the room\ncost? And the direction is to harmonize\n\nthe eco\nnomy wit\nh society\nand give\npriority to\nthe care\nof ordinary people.\nWe intend to completely up\ndate the content of vocatio\nnal and technical educati\non. Even joy – that can be th\ne spring of happiness.\nThe project \"Sta\nr in Quaran\ntine\" is being im\nplemented jointl\ny with Ka\nzaktelecom"
} |
"id": 10026,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10026.jpg",
"width": 1583,
"height": 995,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail any text seen in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "e any property, with the exception of: Amangeldy Minigulov w\nas stabbed in the workroom by his colleague\nTogyzbai Tazhbenov. a person sitting on a bench on\na railway plaform She couldn’t finish school because she got pregnant w\nith me when she was just a teenager. It is\nnecessary to raise the level and status o\nf the health care management body. A smaller and\nefficient state apparatus, which should consider all of its actions\nthrough the prism of increasing the wellbeing of the n\n\nation, will play a crucia\nl role in the impleme\nntation of any reforms. So\ngenes that strengthen young organisms at\n\nthe expense of old organisms\nhave the odds in their\nfavor\nand\nwill tend to accu\nmulate over evolutio\n\nnary timespans, whatever the\nbodily system, and the result is overa\nll senescence. A young boy using a com\nput\ner o\nn a k\nitchen table. Where does th\ne will of the potte\nr come from? Wom"
} |
"id": 10028,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10028.jpg",
"width": 1120,
"height": 760,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out text from the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "e noddin\ng at you. Bre\nak up th\nis coin\n, please. tir\ne Water\nalso has a\nrequest.\nInvest\nment\nprefe\nren\nces are\ngran\nted o\nn th\n\ne principles of recipro\ncity"
} |
"id": 10029,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10029.jpg",
"width": 1011,
"height": 1842,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe text from the image clearly."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "learning.\nYes, six m\nonths later, t\nhis invest\nigatio\nn, the in\nvestig\nation i\nnto t\nhi\ns c\nase\n\n, wa\ns c\nom\nplet\ned, a\nnd th\ne trial\nlaste\nd t\nwo\nweeks. A view\nof a bathr\noom wi\nth a very ope\nn setting.\nA couple\nof people c\nutting into a\nwedding cake\nwith a knife\n\n. Validit\ny of the s\nubsoil use\ncont\nract sh\nall be t\nermi\nnated i\nf liqui\ndation"
} |
"id": 1003,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1003.jpg",
"width": 952,
"height": 901,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify and transcribe the image text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "payable in co\nnnection with the recei\npt of goods, wor\nks, services purcha\nsed by the lott\nery operator, w\nhich are used or wil\nl be used for\nthe purp\nose of co\nnducting l\notteries.\nThe Pres\nident of Kaz\nakhstan not\ned the intro\n\nducti\non\nof a nu"
} |
"id": 10030,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10030.jpg",
"width": 875,
"height": 1511,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and rewrite the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "e of p\nrivat\ne life c\nircu\nmsta\nnce\ns, an\nd for a\nprohibition on appro\naching the suspect. The hea\nd of the Khabar channel n\noted that the agency will conti\nnue such projects in the future, c\nreating an opportunity for r\necognition of you\nng talents. For some reason, t\n\nhere is no standard syllabus, there is no basic course. This\n\nsituation could happen a\ngain. A box filled with choco\n\nlate frosted donuts on top\nof a\n\nco\nunt\ner.\nA cat is s\neen a\nmongst th\ne rubble\nin this phot\no. Now ther"
} |
"id": 10031,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10031.jpg",
"width": 1556,
"height": 779,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nConvert image text to typed text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "toms declaration of goo\nds, placed under the customs\nprocedure of ab\nandoning in favor of t\n\nhe state, such\ngoods shall be converted i\nnto the state\n\nproperty in accordance with Chapter 20 of this Cod\ne. Educated and qualified young people will not be unemployed. A b"
} |
"id": 10032,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10032.jpg",
"width": 1470,
"height": 963,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nList the text seen in this photograph."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "rcent cheaper than the market\nprice. If a tax obligatio\nn fulfilled by a taxpayer (tax age\nnt) in compliance with pre\nviously received individual wr\n\nitten expla\nnation from a t\nax authority, la\nter withdrawn, is f\nound to be wrong or a n\new, different, e\nxplanation was deliv\nered, the tax obligat\n\nion is su\nbject to a\ndjustment (\ncorrecti\non) i\nn the co\n\nurse of cons\nideration of a compl"
} |
"id": 10033,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10033.jpg",
"width": 1795,
"height": 986,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and transcribe the text shown."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ation of j\nuvenile jus\ntice techni\ncal cooperati\non in country\nplanning a\nnd programmi\nng, includ\ning thr\nough th\ne Unit\ned N\nation\ns count\nry strategy note, is e\nmphasized. Ou\nr corresponden\nt Ulan Nary\nnbek will tell you\nmore. Workin\ng remotely is\n\nenvironmentally friendly In case of unilate\nral termination of a contract on performance of activ\nity as a participant of a special economic zone by th\ne management company of a special economic zone in acc\nordance with\nthe legisl\nation of the Re\npublic of Kazak\n\nhstan on special\necon\n\nomic and industrial zones, p\nreferences on taxes and\nfees shall be canceled from\nthe date of th\ne start of the\ntaxabl"
} |
"id": 10034,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10034.jpg",
"width": 1546,
"height": 885,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nList the text seen in this photograph."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ec\neiv\ned\nact\nua\nl d\nat\na b\ny\nmeans of\ndeprivation\nor restric\ntion of t\nhe rights\nof the pa\nrticipa\nnts of pr\noceeding g\nuaranteed by t\nhe Law or vi\nolation of the\nother rules of p\nrocess, as well\nas with use of m\nethods i\nn the course\nof proving co\n\nntradicting to moder"
} |
"id": 10035,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10035.jpg",
"width": 1012,
"height": 1190,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is written in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Almaty Department\nof natural resources and\nnature management r\negulation I have bee\nn in high school two\nyears now. The allocated\n\nfunds are twelve\ntimes more tha"
} |
"id": 10036,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10036.jpg",
"width": 893,
"height": 1709,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nReproduce the image text in writing."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "hanibek Alimkhanuly. man, who is a man, fir\n\nst rules\nhis ego,\nthen rule\ns his v\nillage, r\nules the r\negion\nruled\nby the\nvill\nage. Ec\nologica\nl degra\ndati\n\non is not the same as re\nsource scarcity. four zebras gr"
} |
"id": 10037,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10037.jpg",
"width": 957,
"height": 1274,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe any text from this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "t checkpo\nints acr\noss the S\ntate Bo\nrder of\nthe Repu\nblic\nof K\naza\nkhst\nan\nwit\n\nhin thirty days fro\n\nm the date of expiration o\nf the period s\npecified in the court deci\nsion for the control"
} |
"id": 10038,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10038.jpg",
"width": 1162,
"height": 994,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat's the text message in the image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "pati\nents\n, depe\nndi\nng on t\nhe sta\nndards\nof m\nedical\ncare, t\nreatment, dia\ngnostic stand\nards. I'm\na mysterious p\nerson, think a\nbout it too.\nI've never\nseen him so elate\nd! There is no\nriver wit\nhout risk. At th\ne same tim\ne, the rate of mine\nral extractio\nn tax of 0 perc\nent shall not be\napplied in the sal\ne of mineral\ns and minera\nl raw material\n\ns extracte\nd fro\nm the of"
} |
"id": 10039,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10039.jpg",
"width": 1266,
"height": 827,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail the written text in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "des or ot\nher i\nnorganic\ncom\npounds:\ncalci\num\ncarbi\nde,\n\nsil\nico\nn, silicon carb\nide. Similarly,\nthere a\nre enou\n\ngh people linin\ng the thresh\nold of the housin\ng stock. The fun\nd helps entrepreneur\ns to win subsidies an"
} |
"id": 1004,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1004.jpg",
"width": 994,
"height": 1414,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is written in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "Urges States to take all necessar\ny measures to ensure that child v\nictim\ns of t\n\nrafficking are not criminalize\nd for their involvement i\nn unlawful activities if such in\nvolvement is a direct cons\nequence of their situation as victims of t\nrafficking. A taxable period for calc\nulating the tax on proper\n\nty of indi\nviduals is a cale\n\nndar ye\nar fro\nm J\nan\nuary 1 thr\nough Dece\n\nmber 31. A sink is shown\nin front of a frame covered w\nall. State body — an organization\nof state power that, on behalf of th\ne state, on the basis of the Constit\n\nution of the Re\npublic of"
} |
"id": 10040,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10040.jpg",
"width": 881,
"height": 1682,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail the text content of this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "atesof capital I woul\nd like to go explor\ning in those cav\nes but I've heard i\nt's very dangero\n\nus. Inde\ned, Steele and\nArons"
} |
"id": 10042,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10042.jpg",
"width": 911,
"height": 1586,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat text does this image contain?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "confirmed in an experiment by Norman Miller and\nDonald Campbell. The residual value of group I fixed ass\nets is the value balance of subgroups\nat the beginning of a taxable period with account of adjus\ntments made in the taxable period in accordance with Artic\nle 272 of this Code. Participants in t\n\nhe administ\nrative\nproceedi\n\nng shall be notified of the time and place of the consider\nation of the case or the performance of individual\nprocedural actions and shall be summoned to the court by notifica\ntions (notices) no later than the next working day from the d\nate of the respective ruling or from the date o\n\nf the appointment"
} |
"id": 10043,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10043.jpg",
"width": 827,
"height": 1552,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDecode and transcribe text from the image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "the core of the meaning of\nthe whole phrase. The fact is t\nhat earlier Xi Jinping promised to\nbreak with the deeply rooted power blocs, an\nd in the reforms announced i\nn November 2013 at the\nThird Plenum of the CPC Central Co\nmmittee, the emphasis was\non giving a more important role to markets\n. After the visa is approved/denied\n\n, the student can pick up their passport and other documents from\nthe VFS office or request it to be mailed to them. I\nthink that this task belongs to the \"Kazyna\" fund. Th\ne rate of the fee for state re-registration of railway traction, as well as multipl\ne unit rolling stock is 0.25 MCI. The head of the authori\nzed body shall be a member of the Republican Budget Commi\nssion formed in the manner prescribed by the Budget Code of the Republic of Kaz\nakhstan. But during my recent visit to Saudi Arabia, I was c\nonvinced that this was not the case. And in those days when the heating doe\ns not reach the h\nouse, of cou\nrse, this he\nating plant w\nill make it easier.\nToday he report\ned data on crimi\nnal cases register\ned in the first quart\n\ner of two thousa\nnd nineteen.\nHow\nmu\nch d\noes a\n\nthree-minute conversatio"
} |
"id": 10044,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10044.jpg",
"width": 898,
"height": 781,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail any text seen in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "on carr\nying ou\nt certai\nn type\n\ns of banking operati\nons of a debtor-t\naxpayer is re\nquired to execute a co\nllection order for\ncollecting tax debts of\na taxpayer (tax ag\nent) issued by a tax a\nuthority in accord\nance with the require\nments establishe\nd by Article 122 of this\nCode. America\nn, okay, he said. And t"
} |
"id": 10048,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10048.jpg",
"width": 1228,
"height": 738,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and type out the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "oups, conne\ncted tog\nether i\nn such a w\nay that it rep\nroduces the\nfiring patte\nrn in one gro\nup of neur\nons in some ot\nher group (fo\nr example\n, if the eig\nhth neuron is\nfiring in gro\nup 3, the proce\nssor network would tu\nrn on the eighth n\neuron in some\nfourth grou\np, elsewhere in the br\n\nain). The city of Konaev, if I plan it. Her\ne there are more opportun\nities to make a career. This object is a ki\nnd of sign of respect for unknown soldiers who d\nied on the battlefields and found eternal re\nst. Does our mind not perceive the sit\nuations around us? The main purp\nose is to provide quarantine car\n\ne related to the coronavirus. In this case,"
} |
"id": 10049,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10049.jpg",
"width": 1275,
"height": 853,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and list the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "the future course of national ani\nmati\n\non. The request shal\nl specify the amou\nnt t\no be\n\ncolle\ncted to th\ne budge\n\nt by the authorized state body. The pe\nrson that filed a complaint sh\nall have the right to withdraw it. I'\nve read every book"
} |
"id": 10050,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10050.jpg",
"width": 1630,
"height": 862,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nList all text from the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ort economic progress for all member\nstates. I think that our Russian-sp\neaking viewers will find answers to man\ny of their questions. The\nDamu Foundation does not deal with su\nch contracts. Let us move from West\nto East. Young and old ali\nke rush to the\nice, skilled s\nkaters dem\nonstrate th\neir skill\ns, and b\neginners ca\n\nn use the serv\nices of inst\nructors. L\nisten to t\nhe criticism\nof lov\ned one\ns and m\nake eve\nry effort\non the\nway to\nthe che\nrished\ngoal, b"
} |
"id": 10052,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10052.jpg",
"width": 733,
"height": 851,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out the text from this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "be s\nuch\npr\nobl\nems\nas th\ne d\nevel\nopm\nent of i\nnfrast\nruct\nure, the\ncrea\ntion of\nconditi\nons\nfor\nsu\nbur\nba\nn s\nett\nle\n\nmen\nts,\nope\nning the new working places,. Unfort\nunately, our airports do not\nhave the ability to provide s"
} |
"id": 10053,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10053.jpg",
"width": 858,
"height": 1704,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and transcribe the text shown."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "entry shall be ma\nde in the protocol.\nNow four pla\nces are ready in\nthe city for\nholding a rally. To\nannounce a moratoriu\nm on this in co\nnnection with the tra\nnsfer by employer\ns of five p\nercent,\nthis is t\nhe sam\ne, heal\nth ins\nurance. Se\nveral glass\nes of wine a\nre pres\n\nented on\na red mat\n. The le\nad\ner of\nthe\nnation, w\nho stoo\nd on the pe\n\ndestal\nof ind\nepend\n\nence, callin\ng the count\nry to unity, he\naded the cou\nntry on t\nhe first of D"
} |
"id": 10054,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10054.jpg",
"width": 1016,
"height": 1970,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail any text seen in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ure. For some\nchildren,\nteachers are t\nhe only positivel\ny influential\npeople in their\nlives. Her c\nheeks bl\nushed re\nd with e\nmbarra\nssment. Try t\n\nhe local New Year's Eve sw\neets and remember: if y\nou are served a plat\ne of treats, you mu\nst eat everything on it. The in\nstructions of the body in charge of crim\ninal proceedings to or\nganize supervision of a pers\non's property and animals belongi\nng to him or her shall be binding on th\n\ne relevant\nState bo\ndies an\n\nd organ\nizatio\nns."
} |
"id": 10057,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10057.jpg",
"width": 1078,
"height": 873,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat words are shown in the picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "oa\nrd\nor\nfi\nbr\neb\noa\nrd\n(wi\nth a productio\nn capacit\ny exceeding 600\nm3 per day).\nIf the State Party\nrefuses to co\noperate with t\nhe Subcom\nmittee on Pr\neven\ntio\nn ac\ncor\ndin\ng t\no art\nicl\nes 12"
} |
"id": 10058,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10058.jpg",
"width": 762,
"height": 1067,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe all visible text from the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "hall be entitled to determine the list of goods\nand (or) categories of goods for wh\nich the customs procedure of a free warehouse\nis not applied. Their contribution to global\ndevelopment is great. We used to ski be\nfore noon then take a long l\nunch. Subsidies should be fully availabl\ne to small and medium-siz\ned farms. Two children sit on the ground a\nt a park. Negative feelin\n\ngs can be helpful in eff\norts to prevent soc\n\nial exclusion. It m\nay be a tiny country with less t\nhan a million re"
} |
"id": 1006,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1006.jpg",
"width": 1153,
"height": 857,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nList the text seen in this photograph."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "irov is a former \"\nPhysical Educ\nation\" teacher. When\nthe US Treasury last m\nonth conducted it\ns scheduled review o\nf Chinese c\nurrency polic\ny, it concluded that\nChina was not a\ncurre\nncy m\nanipula\ntor. O\nne pie\nce of l\nugga\nge i\nnclud\nes. All t\nhis fascinat\ning magi\ncal world belo\nngs to t\nhe pen and br\nush of Dinara\nDukenba\neva, an extraor\ndinary fantas\ny artist from th\n\ne Ka\nzak\nh town of Ushtobe.\nThe oddity is tha\n\nt earl\ny modern Europeans\n\ncaught a fever t"
} |
"id": 10061,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10061.jpg",
"width": 815,
"height": 817,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and reproduce the text from the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "d a half. The performances\nare directed by the young, talented\ndirector Ulanmyrza Karypbaev.\nNow, England is there to\no, but there are seven\n\nOECD\ncountri\nes with figur\nes above 2\n0 percent.\nThe forage\n\nrs’ secret of\nsuccess, which"
} |
"id": 10064,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10064.jpg",
"width": 954,
"height": 1303,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCan you reveal the text in this image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "of the obligat\nion to pa\ny custom\ns duties,\ntaxes, speci\nal, anti-dumpi\nng, counte\nrvailing\n\nduti\nes sha\nll be prov\nided in\naccor\ndance with C\nhapter 10 a\nnd Article 1\n39 of this\nCode. Our nat"
} |
"id": 10065,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10065.jpg",
"width": 1749,
"height": 966,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and list the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "aby goat was adorable. Motherl\nand is hotter than fire. Th\ne tasks\nof the\n\nElbasy are also clarified by the demands of time. a little girl with he\nr pants and underwear down as she stands by the\nfridge A gaming system plugged into an elec\ntric source. The new tax law might also follow the Ca\nnadian example and eliminate the estate tax, while imposing a tax on cap\nital gains accrued before the taxpayer’s death. A woman sitting at a\ntable smoking cigarette. Requirements for a certificate of origin of go\n\nods, i\nncluding for the procedure of its p\n\nrocessing and (or)\nfilling, shall be e\n\nstablished by the rules of det"
} |
"id": 10067,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10067.jpg",
"width": 773,
"height": 1282,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail the text content of this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "opti\nons, allo\nwances,\nor pe\nnalties. f\nourth\n; qua\nrter E\nvery st\none o\nf this pl\nace i\ns history.\nWitho\nut\nse\nei\nng\nev\nil,\nth\n\nere will b\ne no goo\nd. Clos\ne to the g\nood, awa\ny fr\nom t\nhe ba\nd. A\nnd\n\nin Atyrau, a\nnewborn b\naby was fo\nund a\nmon\ng th\ne h\nea\nting"
} |
"id": 10069,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10069.jpg",
"width": 873,
"height": 1036,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat words are shown in the picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "hat. a surfer in\na wet suit standing in w\nave These are wise\nwords, and coun\ntries everywhere – espe\ncially EU member state\ns – must do more\nto reinforce t\nhis view. Russian-"
} |
"id": 1007,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1007.jpg",
"width": 1759,
"height": 897,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and list the text in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "reforming the law enforcement s\nyste\nm. Mothers having many children can buy tickets at\n\na reduced price of fifty percent of the cost. It is nec\nessary to create a separate State body that will mo\nnitor and track flight safety and study aviation a\nccidents. Another important\nsegment of diversification is the development\nof the agricultural sector. Modern data\ncentres should be built that can serv\ne neighbouring countries. Here, this\nplace is the place where\nthe residents of the village of Keldy\n\nmurat were worri\ned and\nmade a video. Further development of these industr\n\nies should be strictly linked to the deepening of raw materials co\nmplex pro"
} |
"id": 10071,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10071.jpg",
"width": 1284,
"height": 766,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract text details from this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "of Kaz\nakhs\ntan i\n\nn th\ne fi\neld of co\nmpulsory social\nins\nura\n\nnce, committed in t\nhe form of failure to close\nall expenditure tra\nnsactions on the ca"
} |
"id": 10072,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10072.jpg",
"width": 891,
"height": 1001,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCan you decode the text in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "new from the s\nhallow water. Thus,\nit's expected to\n\nmake landfall in Mexico at tropical s\ntorm strength in the afternoon or evening on Monday.\nWhen it began to rain, we raced insid\ne, laughing. Natural selection applies to any set of\nentities with the properties of\n\nmult\niplica\ntio\nn, var\niatio\nn, and heredi\nty. You can cash a cheq\nue at the bank. M\ny hometown is Aktau.\nA lot of blue and yell\n\now um\nbrellas\nsitting u\nnder\na clock. Li\na pushed\nhers\nelf be\ntw\nee\nn T\no\n\nm and Bo\nb. If nec\n\nessary, candidates will underg\no adva\nnced training at th"
} |
"id": 10074,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10074.jpg",
"width": 877,
"height": 1614,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is written in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "zed as the\ngoods of the E\nurasian\nEconomic Unio\nn in acc\norda\nnce wi\nth Articl\nes 29\n0 and 29\n\n9 of this Code, shall\nbe under the\ncustoms control unt\nil circumstance\ns occur recognit\nion by the customs au\nthority in\nthe ma\nnner specifie\nd by the\nauthorized\nbody, o\n\nf the fact of destr\nuctio\n\nn and (or) the irretrie\nvable loss of those goods as a r"
} |
"id": 10075,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10075.jpg",
"width": 1010,
"height": 1537,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType the text found in the image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "shortage of aircraft and the lack of cargo transportation parts. A them\natic audit is an audit carried out by a tax authority with respect to a taxpayer (tax age\nnt) regarding the presence of accompanying invoices for\ngoods and the compliance of the name, quantity\n(volume) of goods with the information specified in t\nhe accompanying invoices for goods when exporting goods from the territor\ny of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the territory\nof states that are not members of the Eurasian Economic Union and member states\nof the Eurasian Economic Union. I am as happy as can be! Do you have di\n\nscs of symphonic\nmusic? A pair of sk\nis standing up agai\n\nnst a gate. Anoth\ner need for regist\nration of foreign cars: la\nst year with the participation of driv"
} |
"id": 10076,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10076.jpg",
"width": 831,
"height": 777,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail any text seen in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "oes\nnot\nhave\na fr\niend w\nith\na cart,\na horse\ndoe\n\ns n\not ha\nve a\nfrien\nd w\nith a\nhor\nse. Also\n, at a\ndist\nan\nce o\nf fiv\ne k\nilo"
} |
"id": 10077,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10077.jpg",
"width": 910,
"height": 886,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and transcribe the text shown."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "l\". a lapt\nop on a wood\nen table nea\nr a drink\nAction p\nrovided by\npart four of\nthis Article c\nommitted b\ny the per\nsons not having\nthe right to op\nerate of vehi\ncle, shall ent\nail the administ\nrative arres"
} |
"id": 10078,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10078.jpg",
"width": 988,
"height": 1398,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out the text from this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "nation of the eff\nect of the customs p\nrocedure of t\nhe free customs zone. Bu\nt the English q\nuestion rule treats it jus\nt like any other subj\nect: “Is it raining?\n” But both know t\nha\nt t\nhe\ny\nm\nus\nt n\neg\noti\n\nate, accommod\nate, and concilia\nte on-the-ground r\nealities. A man that\nhas a base\nball bat standing in\nthe dirt. Our mean\ning comes from within.\nMinors subject to a prev\nentive measure in the form\n\nof detenti\non are held\nse"
} |
"id": 10079,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10079.jpg",
"width": 1233,
"height": 832,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail the written text in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "art of the elec\ntion campaign. T\nhey were indoctri\nnated that: \"Sel\nfishness is the\nsea, the road\nthat leads to\neternal misery in\nthe future\".\nBut in the\npolling st\nations wh\nere I was l\nucky to g\net to, the v\noting proc\ness too\nk place\nwit\nhin th\ne fr\name\nwo\nrk of t\nhe l\naw. A\ntrai\n\nn is\nco\nmin\ng\ndow\nn the tracks\nnext to a f\nield. Which I\nаm glad you like\nd, but they did\nnot li\nke that\nat all.\nDue to t\nhe st\n\nate of\nemerg\nenc"
} |
"id": 1008,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1008.jpg",
"width": 1014,
"height": 1445,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out the text present in this photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "free entry. Oral appeal shall\nbe recorded in a separ\nate protocol by an official or an\nemployee of the administrati\nve body who has accepted the appe\nal. various shapes\n\nan\nd s\nizes\nof s\nuit\ncas\nes ly\ning on a flo\nor Thus he\nconsiders t\nhe way\ns to sol\nve the probl\nems accum\n\nulated.\nAcco\nrding to\nmerit -"
} |
"id": 10081,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10081.jpg",
"width": 1561,
"height": 899,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType the text found in the image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "nterview.\nAnd for Ay\nanbek Kenzheshov, today\n's award is special. The quality\n\ndoes\nnot sta\nnd up\nto crit\nicism.\nFood\nstores\ndo it di\nfferently, we\nhave a clea\nnliness pro\nblem. Very f\new people\nlive their e\nntire lives w\nithout getti\nng sick. Group of\npeople outdoors\nflying kites to\ngether. Man in jean\ns and white shirt j\numping on\ntop of a black bo\nard. Adopts the Uni"
} |
"id": 10082,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10082.jpg",
"width": 1341,
"height": 889,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nCapture and transcribe the text in this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "reme Court, local a\nnd other courts, provision of leg\nal statistical documentary in\nformation to the authori\nzed body in the field of legal stati\nstics and special acco\nunts in accordance with the\nlegislation of the\nRepublic of Kazakhst\nan shall be carried out by th\ne authorized bod\ny, created by the Presi\ndent of the Republ\nic of Kazakhstan. Cancell\nation or suspe\nnsion (comp\nlete or in\npart) of the va\nlidity o\nf the acts of\nthe Office is i\n\nn the competence of the Head of the centra\nl executive body, to which the Office is\nsubordi\nnate. H\n\nave you ever be\nen temp\nted to, and then gave in t\n\no the temptation, of loo\nking through someone els\ne is phone? In ge\nneral, the situation is\nunder constant con\ntrol of the G\n\novernment.\nThe people, t\nhe animals,\nand the b\nirds wer\ne at a"
} |
"id": 10083,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10083.jpg",
"width": 1641,
"height": 940,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify and transcribe the image text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "an individual entrepreneur The river\ns filled up with fish. An administrative body, an official shall be o\n\nbliged to provide a participant\nin an administrative proce\ndure and another pers\non participating in administrative case\nwith the opportunity to be acquainte\nd with the protocol of the he\naring. A beagle pads away from th\n\ne camera across\na reflective surface. Bringing\ntears to the eyes. And t\nhough news outlets may\nappeal in “right to\nreply” cases, doing\nso can lead to length\ny and costly\n\nlawsuits. Any one piece of baggag\ne weighing over 32"
} |
"id": 10084,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10084.jpg",
"width": 1566,
"height": 980,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat text is scribbled in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "tive o\nffices, o\nther organizatio\n\nns or their representative offices,\nwhere they are the employees, w\norkers, personnel (employe\nes, officials) , mo\n\nved across the cust\no\n\nms border of the E\nurasian Economic\nUnion in the e\nscorted luggage, may b\n\ne placed\nunder the c\nustoms\nprocedu\nre of\ncusto\n\nms tra\nnsit for tra\nnsportation"
} |
"id": 10085,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10085.jpg",
"width": 917,
"height": 1594,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDetail the text content of this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "xportation of\nsuch goods\nfrom the territo\nry of a fr\nee warehouse t\no the rest o\nf the custo\nms territory of the Eurasian Economic\nUnion. These objects are not fenced\noff and are dangerous for t\nhe lives of citizens. audit Huntington,\nwhere I made this program, we һ\nаve got this prime-time program tha\nt hopefully will inspir\n\ne people to really get on this c\nhange. The government\nmust prepare new lo\nng-term approaches to su\n\nbsidizing the i\nndustry.\n\nCrucially, f\nor the long-term succe\nss of the peace"
} |
"id": 10086,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10086.jpg",
"width": 832,
"height": 1297,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify and transcribe the image text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "he the\nfor\nmat \"\nG-Global\". Your b\nruise is turning y\nellow and purple. Pr\n\ninciples of en\nvironmental legisla\ntion of the Repu\nblic of Kazak\nhstan. Jus\nt as we\nexpected,\nmanage\nme\nnt\nwan\nts\n\nyou t\no\nacc\nompli\nsh som\ne additi\nonal object\nives wit\nh even t\n\nou\ngher criteria\n\nthan before.\nA stop light h\nanging over an\nintersecti\non in a residen\ntial area. I\nn this case,\nthe emplo\nyment co\n\nntract is terminated. What do t\nhe folks who make it all the w\nay to side-by-side burial plots\n\nhav\ne in commo\n\nn? Thank yo\nu, Sagynysh\n. The results of\nthe new proj\nect su\nrprise t"
} |
"id": 10087,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10087.jpg",
"width": 1868,
"height": 977,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe the image's visible text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "s of control and\nchaos is inappr\n\nopriat\ne he\nre, but\nthe pr\noblem cannot\nbe glossed ove\nr either.\nWe just did our\njob.\nFailur\ne to\nper\n\nform the prudential regulation\ns and (or) other norms and limits bei\nng compulsory for compli\nance by a manager\nof investment portfolio Veterinarian\n\ns are required to cure sic\n\nk or injur\ned animals, eu\nthanize,"
} |
"id": 10088,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10088.jpg",
"width": 1351,
"height": 818,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDecode and transcribe text from the image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "t permission t\no accept off-campus em\nployment after on\ne year (or 2 semest\ners during Inter\nnship). But b\ny now there are nin\ne registered parti\nes that have\neasily passed th\nis bar, and now\nno one ques\ntions the democr\nacy of tha\nt amendm\nent. Plea\nse shave off my beard. We shou\nld all strive for self-developme\nnt. The first head of the authorized au\nthority for regulation, cont\nrol and supervision of financial market\nand financial organizations, his d\neputies and authorized employees s\nhall have the right to consider cases o\n\nn administrative infractions and impos\ne administrative sanctions. S\nayfullo Habibullaevic Saip\nov caused injury, harm, and l\noss to the families and friends of\nDiego Enrique Angelini, Nicholas Cl\neves, Ann-Laure Dec\nadt, Darren Drake, Ariel Erlij, Hernan F\nerruchi, Hernan Diego Mendo\nza, and Alejandro Damian Pagnucco,\nthe notice of intent states. Akim of Karaga\nnda region Yerlan Koshanov\nvisited the mourning house\nand expressed condolences\nto the relatives of the deceased.\nco-authorship While there\nare still those for whom a\nccess to basic capabilit\nies remains unequal and it is c\nritical to identify those a\n\nnd addres\ns thei\nr needs"
} |
"id": 10089,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10089.jpg",
"width": 1370,
"height": 896,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nIdentify and type out any text in this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "lso been calls to ou\ntlaw ritual circumcisio\nn in the Netherla\nnds and Scan\ndinavia. However, care\nshould not turn int\n\no freeloading, the Pr\n\nesident\nsaid. W\nhen\nwe are i\nn clas\ns, we a"
} |
"id": 1009,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1009.jpg",
"width": 960,
"height": 723,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out the text present in this photo."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "days after da\ny of its first official pu\nblication); dated 02.0\n7.202\n1 No\n. 63-V\n\nII (shall\nbe enforc\ned six\nty cale\nndar day\ns afte\nr the date of its first\nofficial publication); da\nted 11.07.2022 No. 137\n-VII (shall be enf\norced sixty calendar\ndays after the date of i\nts first officia\nl publicatio\nn). To attract f\nunds to t\nhe non-res\nource sect"
} |
"id": 10090,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10090.jpg",
"width": 1811,
"height": 972,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and type out the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "t, right? A blu\ne plate wi\nth fr\n\nesh cut chamo\nmile flowers on it. Bu\nt the director de\ncided: \"Not al\nl heroes have to be gia\nnt bodies, th\ne actor has to hav\ne the inner essence\nand sharp character to show\nthe appearance of a masculin\ne personality.\" If an object,\ndocument that is not relevant to the\ncase and has not been withdrawn fr\nom circulation is provided, the pers\non conducting the pre-trial inves\ntigation shall return the object, docu\n\nment imm\nediately after the\ninspection t\no its belongi\nng. Four day\ns after I put th\nat appeal onl\nine, I got a\nmessage f\nrom a wo"
} |
"id": 10091,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10091.jpg",
"width": 1859,
"height": 1013,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nPlease transcribe the image's text accurately."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "cedure of cust\noms transi\nt and documents thereon\n, the persons specified in\n\nArticle 230 of this\nCode shall bear the liability\nestablished by t\nhe laws of the Republic\nof K\naza\n\nkhstan. Pl\nease par\nk your car ove\nr there nex\nt to theirs. Foreign\npoliticians a"
} |
"id": 10092,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10092.jpg",
"width": 732,
"height": 979,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out text from the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "e investment gap that hurts dome\nstic productivity and\n\ngrowth, it is\nnot the main cul\nprit behind tepid\ngrowth, high une\nmployment, low co\nmpetitiveness, and other\neconomic ills elsewher\ne in Europe. Consent m\nay be withdrawn unless th\ne health care providers\nhav\ne\nalr\nead\ny be\n\ngun the surgical procedure for life\n-th\n\nreatening reasons and it cannot\nbe terminated because the pati\nent's life or health is in danger. No\nmatter how thick it is, th\nere will not be a single tree house, n\no matter how good it is, th\nere will\nnot be a\nsingle d"
} |
"id": 10093,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10093.jpg",
"width": 1162,
"height": 1018,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nList text found within this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "I was expelled from college, I tried to go back. The President of the Euro\npean Bank for Development and Reconstruction, who spoke during the mee\nting. Jon Kabat Zinn, who has done a lot to make min\ndfulness popular, says mindfulness is: ‘Paying atte\nntion, on purpose, in the present moment, and without\njudging.’ The customs authority that rece\nived information on these circumstance\ns shall be obliged to notify the customs a\nuthority of departure and the customs authority of destination about the cir\ncumstances that prevent transportation (movement) of goods in accordance\n\nwith t\nhe cu\nstoms proc\nedure of c\nustoms transit. I hope that this year it\nwill go beyond this milestone. Thirty o\n\nne\nd\nays. For projects of the \"Nurly\nZhol\" program\n– 2.7 trillion tenge\n. The closure of p\n\nrisons is not only connected\nwith the reductio\nn of those serving sente\nnces in it. Terms of co\nnsideration\nand settlement of ci"
} |
"id": 10094,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10094.jpg",
"width": 1518,
"height": 762,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out the text from this image."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "areas of science inte\nrest me as well. In c\nase of establishm\nent of the actual absence of the\naudited entity, as a res\nult of the examinatio\nn, at the locatio\nn, specifi\ned in the regis\ntration dat\na, the date\nof delivery of\n\nthe docum\nents refe\nrred to in t\nhis article shall be\nthe date of drawing u\np the act of exam\nination. This\nsystem’s e\nffectivene\n\nss has bee\nn proven b\ny the worl\nd’s practice.\nBecause m\nore than fiv\ne thousand\nprofessional spe\ncialists work i\nn that field. FO\nUR LADIE\nS IN LONG DRE"
} |
"id": 10095,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10095.jpg",
"width": 1474,
"height": 926,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat's the text in this image?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "new convention revising this Conv\nention in whole or in part,\nand if the new Conven\ntion does not provide otherwise,\nthen. A small girl eats a donut with\nan older man watchin\n\ng. The authorized\nbody in th\ne field\nof envi\nronme\nntal protec\n\ntion, no later tha\nn t\nhe working day"
} |
"id": 10096,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10096.jpg",
"width": 836,
"height": 739,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nPlease transcribe the image's text accurately."
"from": "gpt",
"value": ". After the tender has been draw\nn and won, a new contract is si\ngned, and through the contractor wi\nll be cleared. I am fro\nm Moscow. For attra\ncting vacationers to\nthe sacred region for a ye\nar and twelve months, th\ney have designed inno\nvative projects. Theory of change A z\n\nebra sta\nnds by\nitself in"
} |
"id": 10097,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10097.jpg",
"width": 781,
"height": 986,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRewrite any text found in the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "centers. Let's\ngo shopping! unit\ns Simply pu\nt, a\ndoctora\nl stude\nnt equips a\ncopter with a\nrtificial intelli\n\ngence, that is, intelligent computer software. I will stay\nhere for 2 weeks. During my 2 weeks of vacation I visited t\nhe beautiful Nong Nuch tropical garden\n, where you can see orchids blooming, a stunning elep\nhant show, a replica of Stonehenge and a unique collection of cars of\nthe owner of the park. In the event that several cust\n\noms operat\nions are fulfill\ned by the sam\ne person du\nring a cert\nain period\n\nof time, to\nsecure the\n\nfulfillment of obli\ngation\n\ns to pay custo"
} |
"id": 10098,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10098.jpg",
"width": 1282,
"height": 926,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nDecode all text present in this picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ed in April. If ther\ne is criticism, it c\noncerns o\nnly the way i\nts articles are\nbeing imple\nmented. Perh\naps. Will yo\nu give me pan\ncakes wit\nh curd an\nd honey for\ndessert? On\nthe ninet\neenth of\nAugust a\nt thirte\nen hour\ns and twe\nnty mi\nnutes, of\nAlmaty r\negion. L\net's pay\nattenti\non to th\ne mate\n\nrial of my colleague Aibar Tolzhanuly. F\near has long legs. In total, there are e\n\nlev\nen\nsettlements in Nau\nrzum district. Therefore, the atti"
} |
"id": 10099,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10099.jpg",
"width": 879,
"height": 1464,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRewrite any text found in the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "policy that\nprotects the mos\nt \"vulnerable\" seg\nments of th\ne population\nand supports e\n\nconomic devel\nopment. The\n\ncourt, having\nfound circumstances\nprecluding crimin\nal prosecution, is\n\noblig\ned t\no r\nes\nolve the issue\nof termi\nnation of th\ne criminal\ncase. But\ninvestor\ns and poli\ncymakers do\n\nn’t b\nelieve\nit y\net. For\nexam\nple, a\nsh\nell\nhit\n\nth\nis h\nou\nse. a lady\nthat is by a ta\nble with a lot o\nf food Passenger\ns arriving from Tbili\nsi, Baku, Istan"
} |
"id": 101,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_101.jpg",
"width": 1343,
"height": 871,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nType out text from the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "s, t\nhe\npr\nes\nen\nce\nof participants in the\nprocess sh\nall not be permitt\ned. The action pr\novided by part one of\nthis Article committe\n\nd repeatedly second t\nime within a year after im\nposition of admi\nnistrative sanction\n, shall entail a\nfine on offic\nials in amoun\nt of one h\n\nundred and fifty m\nonthly calculation indices. Ex\nempt from VAT are t\nurnover\ns fro\nm the sa"
} |
"id": 1010,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_1010.jpg",
"width": 813,
"height": 1244,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat text is scribbled in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "he comin\ng seven yea\nrs, the vol\nume of im\nports is\nplanned to\nbe reduc\ned f\nrom f\nifty-n\nine to\nthir\nty-\nseven\npe\nrce\nnt.\nTh\ne S\nirac\nusa\n\nPrinci\nples on the\nLimitation a\nnd Derogatio\nn of the\nInternational Coven\nant on Civil and Poli\ntical Rights. But he\nnever gave up on\nKazakhstan. NEW\nYORK – I\nn barely\na month, U\nS Presiden\nt Donald Tru"
} |
"id": 10100,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10100.jpg",
"width": 1258,
"height": 988,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nExtract and list the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "urt within three days. The instruction shall be exec\nuted within two months from the date of its receipt by the customs authority, e\nxcept for the cases, specified in this article. a male surfer in a wet suit carr\nying a white board The condition of the children lying with u\ns now is satisfactory. a train on a track near\na platform On the section of the Syr River in\nZhanakorgan, Shieli districts, even the ice did not freeze. Higher ed\nucation institutions offer average salaries. One could\nwrite about the architecture of Kiev endlessly. The fil\n\nm \"Batyry\" cinephiles will be able to see in\ncinemas nationwide sin\nce the twelfth of March. a boa"
} |
"id": 10101,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10101.jpg",
"width": 1429,
"height": 776,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat message is written in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "rimin\nal proc\needi\nngs on new\nly discov\nered circu\n\nmstances, submitt\ned to the relev\nant prosecutors\n\nbefore the\nday of en\nactment of thi\ns Code, shall b"
} |
"id": 10103,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10103.jpg",
"width": 968,
"height": 1485,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat text is scribbled in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "ch another term is pro\n\nvided pu\nrsuant to s\nub-paragr\naph 1) of thi\ns paragraph, a\nnd (or) to perso\nns, submission\n\nto which is provided\n\nby the\nlegisl\nation o\n\nf th\ne R\nepu\nblic\nof K\nazakh\nstan\n— n\not la\nter\nthan o\nne working\nday fro\nm the d\nay of rec\neipt of t\nhe reque\nst. One\nof those w\nho has ma\nstered a ne\nw professi\non in a co\nrrectional in\nstitution i\ns Olesya\nRusak. By\nthe end\nof the year,\neight thou\n\nsa\nnd\nrent\ned\napartme\nnts will\n\nbe p\nro\nvide"
} |
"id": 10104,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10104.jpg",
"width": 762,
"height": 1510,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nRead and rewrite the image's text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "documents o\nn stan\ndardizatio\nn within i\nts compet\nence, a\ns well as prep\nares proposal\ns for the develo\npment, ame\nndment, r\nevision and ca\nncell\nation\nof n\nation\nal, in\nters\n\ntate\nstandards, nati"
} |
"id": 10105,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10105.jpg",
"width": 1003,
"height": 785,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nReproduce the text visible in the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "e in a kitchen eatin\ng and drinking or getting read\ny to eat. An airplane is on\nthe pavement at\n\nthe airport\n. A stop sig\nn o\nn th\n\ne corner of an empty str"
} |
"id": 10106,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10106.jpg",
"width": 880,
"height": 1633,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is written in this picture?"
"from": "gpt",
"value": "sen\nt of a sp\nouse is\n\nnot required\nfor a marri\ned individual to eng\n\nage in a perso\nnal business. 7. I’\nm sor\nry!\n\nI’\nm\nno\nt f\nro\nm\nher\ne! I h\nave\nno i\ndea!\nOne of\nthe first\nthings th\nat Pope F\nrancis d\nid when\nhe was e"
} |
"id": 10107,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10107.jpg",
"width": 1129,
"height": 738,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nTranscribe the image's visible text."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "to exp\nand and\nbroaden\nthe dial\nogue.\nGreat Khagans wer\ne born from rays o\nf sunlight which ente\nred into a yurt t\nhrough the s\n\nhanyrak, or sm\noke-hole\n. A street\nscene\nwith a\nlarg"
} |
"id": 10108,
"image": "synthdog_en_images/image_10108.jpg",
"width": 897,
"height": 1280,
"conversations": [
"from": "human",
"value": "<image>\nPlease transcribe the image's text accurately."
"from": "gpt",
"value": "o witho\nut a\nny ge\nograp\nhical l\nimit\natio\nn, exce\npt that\nexis\nting dec\nlaratio\n\nns made by St\n\nat\nes\nalready Parti\nes to the Conve\n\nntion\npursu\nant to Artic\nle 1 B (1) (\na) of the Co\nnvention s\nhall also\napply\nunless t\nhe Protoc\nol is e\nxtended\n, pur\nsuant\nto Articl\ne 1 B (2),\npursuant\nto this Pro"
} |
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