translation | laser_score
float32 1.05
| source_sentence_lid
float32 0.5
| target_sentence_lid
float32 0.95
"afr": "In Mei 2007, in ooreenstemming met die spesifikasies van die Java Gemeenskapproses, het Sun Java tegnologie geherlisensieer onder die GNU General Public License.",
"eng": "As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License."
} | 1.071702 | 0.99966 | 0.9972 |
"afr": "Die artikel word uit al die probleme en oplossings. ...",
"eng": "The article lists out all the problems and solutions. ..."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99943 | 0.99968 |
"afr": "2) Die aapagtige manier.",
"eng": "3) The abstract way."
} | 1.071702 | 1 | 0.99014 |
"afr": "Daarbenewens het hy 'n aantal voorskote vir Atletico Madrid gedoen wat 'n kaptein se handband dra.",
"eng": "In addition, he has made a number of appearances for Athletico Madrid wearing a captain's hand band."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99999 | 0.99991 |
"afr": "\"Ja, oukei, maar jy weet wat ek bedoel.\"",
"eng": "\"Well, turquoise, but you know what I mean.\""
} | 1.071702 | 0.99998 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "sweetwolke 11.",
"eng": "Sweets 11."
} | 1.071701 | 0.81755 | 0.98831 |
"afr": "kort voor lank gemaklik met",
"eng": "For the short-term, make it easy"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99999 | 0.99978 |
"afr": "anti-homopropagandawet die het",
"eng": "so-called Anti-Homosexuality Bill that would"
} | 1.071701 | 0.97611 | 0.99735 |
"afr": "Tydings Wants Names.",
"eng": "The willows have names."
} | 1.071701 | 0.65995 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Sover as wat die telefoon-en inskrywing op die selfoon-operateur wat besit word deur die individuele - die regsverteenwoordiger, voog, ens. - Of entiteit (maatskappye, verenigings, organisasies, ens ..)",
"eng": "You are within the law Insofar as the phone and subscription to the mobile operator owned by the individual - the legal representative, guardian, etc... - Or entity (companies, associations, organizations, etc..)"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99995 | 0.99938 |
"afr": "en hande om God se werk in die wêreld te bring.",
"eng": "and hands to bring God's work into the world."
} | 1.112186 | 1.00001 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Ja, God is in staat om beide siel en liggaam in die hel te vernietig.",
"eng": "God is the One who can destroy both body and soul to hell."
} | 1.112186 | 0.9965 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Hierdie instrument is daarop gemik om aanlyngebruikers te help om 'n veilige ervaring op die internet te hê.",
"eng": "This tool aims to help online users have a secure experience while on the Internet."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99443 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "Help haar 'n besluit neem.",
"eng": "Make her make a decision."
} | 1.071701 | 0.98051 | 0.99709 |
"afr": "Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) -like protein",
"eng": "Also known as ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) protein domains."
} | 1.071701 | 0.54621 | 0.95044 |
"afr": "Ek wil haar vir ewig bemin.",
"eng": "I love her forever."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 0.95349 |
"afr": "Dit word ingelui deur 'n sonsopkoms, die geluid van 'n voël of die reuk van koffie wat lui uit die kombuis dryf.",
"eng": "It's ushered in by a sunrise, the sound of a bird, or the smell of coffee drifting lazily from the kitchen."
} | 1.071701 | 1 | 1 |
"afr": "Sy was getroud met Dean F. Schwenk in 1955 by die Holy Cross Church.",
"eng": "She married Dean F. Schwenk in 1955 at Holy Cross Church."
} | 1.112186 | 0.98358 | 0.99656 |
"afr": "Klik dan hier om verder te gaan waar je was gebleven.",
"eng": "Click here to continue where you left off."
} | 1.071701 | 0.58426 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Handmade uit katoen",
"eng": "Handmade from Cotton."
} | 1.071701 | 0.94391 | 0.99979 |
"afr": "Gesprek met Bees",
"eng": "Conversations with Bees..."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99753 | 0.99557 |
"afr": "Hy dink oor \"gevangenis\" en \"dood.\"",
"eng": "He talks about 'prison and death'."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99993 | 0.99974 |
"afr": "Find teen girl in cheboksary",
"eng": "Find a women for one night in cheboksary"
} | 1.071701 | 0.55054 | 0.99876 |
"afr": "Ek weet wat ek weet en dis dit.",
"eng": "I know what I know, and that's that."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Hiervoor moet die gemiddelde daaglikse lugtemperatuur van 14-17 ° C vir minstens 2 weke gehou word, nie laer nie, by 'n laer temperatuur wortel die plant nie goed nie.",
"eng": "For this, the average daily air temperature of 14-17 ° C should be kept for at least 2 weeks, not lower, at a lower temperature the plant does not take root well."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99997 | 0.99979 |
"afr": "Ek glo jy sal die regte besluit neem vir die kind.",
"eng": "I know you will make the right decision for Chico."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Alles is moontlik vanaf jou huis.",
"eng": "It all can be done right from your home."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "korrekte Witz:",
"eng": "Wry humour:"
} | 1.071701 | 0.71054 | 0.99336 |
"afr": "Die komende 32-plenaire vergadering van die Raad van Buitelandse Beleggers met deelname van die Staatshoof het ten doel om Kazakhstan se werk te bring om FDI in die ekonomie van die land tot 'n nuwe vlak te lok deur mensekapitaal te ontwikkel.",
"eng": "The upcoming 32nd plenary meeting of the Council of Foreign Investors with participation of the Head of State aims at bringing Kazakhstan's work to attract FDI into nation's economy to a new level through developing human capital."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99799 | 0.9987 |
"afr": "Voel Wat Is",
"eng": "Feel what it's"
} | 1.071701 | 0.91436 | 0.99972 |
"afr": "Ongunstig bekend (4)",
"eng": "Unbeknown (4)"
} | 1.071701 | 0.71517 | 0.99786 |
"afr": "Mite: \"My maat voltooi my.\"",
"eng": "Say: \"Our friendship is very important to me."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99285 | 0.99985 |
"afr": "Mev Louise Mallard is tuis toe haar suster, Josephine, en haar man se vriend, Richards, haar kom vertel het haar man, Brently Mallard, is dood in 'n spoorwegongeluk .",
"eng": "Mrs. Louise Mallard is at home when her niece, Josephine, and her husband's friend, Richards, arrive to warn her that her husband, Brently Mallard, has died in a train crash."
} | 1.071701 | 0.93094 | 0.99993 |
"afr": "Hy was direk en indirek verantwoordelik vir die dood van miljoene mense, onder wie die onlangse groot aantal betogers wat in Iran self doodgemaak is,\" lui die president se nuwe inskrywings.",
"eng": "\"He was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of millions of people, including the recent large number of PROTESTERS killed in Iran itself.\""
} | 1.071701 | 1 | 1 |
"afr": "Hierdie eis, geldig of nie, is beslis gebaseer op 'n geldige beginsel.",
"eng": "This dare, married or not, is based on unconditional love."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99899 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Dat is, indien dit nie 'n manier van eet jy kan voldoen aan onbepaalde tyd, selfs nadat jy kry om jou teiken gewig, dan is dit waardeloos.",
"eng": "That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99993 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Bevat uitstekende Magie.\"",
"eng": "And it has magic.\""
} | 1.071701 | 0.76681 | 0.99975 |
"afr": "Hierdie kragtige program laat jou toe om te ontleed, te bestuur en te deel data op meer maniere as ooit tevore.",
"eng": "This powerful program allows you to analyze, manage and share data in more ways than ever before."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99991 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Rekeninge van Oktober en die.",
"eng": "cash and October."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99727 | 0.99918 |
"afr": "Ek Sing Die Geboorte Gebore Vanaand",
"eng": "I Sing the Birth was Born Tonight."
} | 1.112186 | 1.00001 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Maar hier aan die einde was hy meestal alleen, vergete.",
"eng": "But at the end, he died alone and forgotten."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99942 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Hulle inkruip Ben Roberts (Nieu-Seelandse Rugbyliga), en Jeremy Stanley (Nieu-Seelandse Rugbyunie).",
"eng": "They include Ben Roberts (New Zealand Rugby League) and Jeremy Stanley (New Zealand Rugby Union)."
} | 1.071701 | 0.97594 | 0.99472 |
"afr": "U sal miskien in die versoeking kom om hierdie wiskundeprobleem van links na regs op te los, maar dit sal die verkeerde antwoord tot gevolg hê!",
"eng": "You might be tempted to solve this math problem left to right, but that would result in the wrong answer!"
} | 1.112186 | 0.99996 | 1 |
"afr": "Dat ons kinders okay is, en sal wees.",
"eng": "The kids are alright, and so will we be."
} | 1.071701 | 0.94773 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Uefa, die beheerliggaam vir sokker in Europa, en Concacaf, sy eweknie in Noord- en Sentraal-Amerika en die Karibiese Eilande, het reeds die Nations League op die been gebring, vir kompetisies op hul eie kontinente.",
"eng": "European football body UEFA and its counterpart for North and Central America and the Caribbean, CONCACAF, have already set up Nations League contests in their own continents."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99999 | 0.99877 |
"afr": "Sê totsiens vir eentonigheid",
"eng": "I wanna say good-bye to the loneliness"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99997 | 0.98996 |
"afr": "Konsepte van 'meer as' en 'minder as' besprekings van toevalligheid of waarskynlikheid sowel as volgorde en groeperings word 'n goeie werk met 'n kaartspel gegee.",
"eng": "Concepts of \"more than\" and \"less than,\" discussions of chance or probabilities as well as sequence and groupings, are given a good work out with a card game."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99981 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Hoe om sosiale betrokkenheid te verhoog",
"eng": "How to increase the level of social engagement"
} | 1.071701 | 0.9983 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "Ek weet dis vandag vir jou baie moeilik.",
"eng": "I know today will be very hard for you."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Een van Trump se eerste stappe as president was om die VSA van ʼn 12-nasie-handelsooreenkoms wat deur Barack Obama se administrasie onderhandel is en sterk deur Tokio ondersteun is, te onttrek.",
"eng": "One of Trump's first actions as president was to withdraw the U.S. from a 12-nation, trans-Pacific trade agreement that was negotiated by the Obama administration and strongly supported by Tokyo."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99956 | 1 |
"afr": "Die Braves het die Houston Astros geklop 7-0 Dinsdagaand om die kampioenskap af te sluit.",
"eng": "The Atlanta Braves defeated the Houston Astros 7-0 on Tuesday night to win the World Series."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99985 | 0.99226 |
"afr": "Bespreking GPP.",
"eng": "Discussing the gpu."
} | 1.071701 | 0.74554 | 0.99153 |
"afr": "Baie Lang Hond",
"eng": "That's a long dog"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99943 | 0.97627 |
"afr": "As sy boeke te rof is vir julle, hou dan maar by julle Mills & Boon",
"eng": "If it was love you were after, there was Mills & Boon."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Al wat hy schreef is louter goud,",
"eng": "Everything he said was pure gold."
} | 1.071701 | 0.6581 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "So ook ñ hele paar van hulle vriende.",
"eng": "So do a lot of their friends."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "Nou wat wil Mmusi Maimane nou maak?",
"eng": "What does Mmusi Maimane have to offer them?"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99931 | 0.99987 |
"afr": "Natuurlik sal nie alle kleinsakeondernemings kwalifiseer vir 7 (a) SBA-lenings nie, maar die SBA bied verskeie variasies van die program om sekere geteikende behoeftes te akkommodeer.",
"eng": "Of course, not all businesses need that kind of financing, so the SBA also offers 7 (a) small loans."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99998 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Macron het aangekondig dat enigiemand wat vanaf Augustus wil gaan uiteet, 'n drankie wil gaan drink, met 'n langafstandtrein wil ry of 'n winkelsentrum wil besoek, 'n sogenaamde \"gesondheidspaspoort\" sal moet kan toon.",
"eng": "Macron announced in a televised address that from August anyone wanting to go out to eat or drink, take a long-distance train, or visit a shopping centre would need to show a \"health pass,\" which means either proof of vaccination or a negative test."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99153 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Hulle probeer op twee stoele sit.",
"eng": "trying to sit on two stools."
} | 1.071701 | 1 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Het jy geweet dit kom uit die Bybel?",
"eng": "Did you know that it is derived from mold?"
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Elke reaksiefunksie word uitgedruk as 'n lineêre vergelyking, afhangend van die benodigde hoeveelheid.",
"eng": "Each reaction function is expressed as a linear equation dependent upon quantity demanded."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99994 | 0.99934 |
"afr": "Beweeg u liggaam soveel as moontlik terwyl u oefen om u sweetvlakke te verhoog.",
"eng": "Move your body as much as possible while you are working out to increase your sweat levels."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99997 | 1 |
"afr": "Beperkte breëbandtoegang beteken dat gesondheidsbeplanners nie slegs op telemedisyne kan vertrou om die leemtes in landelike gebiede te vul nie.",
"eng": "Limited broadband access means health planners cannot rely solely on telemedicine to fill the gaps in rural areas."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99983 | 0.99975 |
"afr": "Dit is tyd dat joernalistiek erken dat die klimaatnood hier is,\" Scientific American geskryf.",
"eng": "It's time for journalism to recognize that the climate emergency is here,\" Scientific American wrote."
} | 1.147753 | 0.99931 | 0.99951 |
"afr": "Weekes, Annie Penelope 33",
"eng": "At the same time, Dame Penelope 35"
} | 1.071701 | 0.50098 | 0.97003 |
"afr": "Hoekom jou kind saamneem?",
"eng": "\"Why would they take your son?"
} | 1.071701 | 0.99952 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Praat direk met hulle vanuit die app self en u is op pad om u eerste Tinder-afspraak uit te voer.",
"eng": "And talking to them directly from the app and you're on your way to going out on your first Tinder date."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99959 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Geur die vele lekker vinden.",
"eng": "The scent I like a lot."
} | 1.071701 | 0.97802 | 1 |
"afr": "Let daarop dat die PST verwys word as die Retail Sales Tax (RST) in Manitoba of die Quebec Sales Tax (QST) in Quebec.",
"eng": "Note that the PST is referred to as the Retail Sales Tax (RST) in Manitoba or the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) in Quebec."
} | 1.112186 | 0.99301 | 0.99936 |
"afr": "Wat beteken dit dat Jesus die brood van die lewe is?",
"eng": "What does it mean that Jesus is the bread of life?"
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Terselfdertyd, dit het 'n uitstekende veiligheid in die toepassing van die dak beligting deel en ook bied 'n uitstekende beligting effekte, en het 'n uitstekende weerstand teen weer, dit veral geskik vir uiterste toestande temperatuur, kan dit koud gebuig en thermo wees.",
"eng": "At the same time, it has excellent safety in the application of the roof lighting part and also provides excellent lighting effects, and has excellent weather resistance, it particularly suitable for extreme temperature conditions, it can be cold bent and thermoforming."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99871 | 0.99988 |
"afr": "Sy het nie die boodskap gelees nie, ek het geglo sy is besig.",
"eng": "And obviously, you didn't read my post, because I said she was already BITING."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Jy meen soos ek?",
"eng": "\"You mean like me?"
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "Die brein is 'n baie meer oop stelsel as wat ons ooit gedink, en die natuur het baie ver gegaan om ons te help sien en in die wêreld rondom ons.",
"eng": "\"The brain is a far more open system than we ever imagined, and nature has gone very far to help us perceive and take in the world around us."
} | 1.112186 | 1.00001 | 0.99993 |
"afr": "Die Amerikaanse stelsel moet nie beloon maatskappye vir die blokkeer van generiese kompetisie.",
"eng": "The U.S. system should not reward companies for blocking generic competition."
} | 1.112186 | 1.00001 | 0.99984 |
"afr": "Ek weet, ek weet en ek vra om verskoning.",
"eng": "I know, I know, I apologize."
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 0.99885 |
"afr": "van die NGO.",
"eng": "by the NRO."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99929 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "operasie huidige",
"eng": "operation currently."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99905 | 0.99932 |
"afr": "en hardloop soos dronk bobejane rond.",
"eng": "Like drinking from a fire hose."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99993 | 0.9999 |
"afr": "Paulus skryf, \"Let dan op die goedheid en strengheid van God\" (Romeine 11:22).",
"eng": "But as Paul reminds us, \"Behold then the kindness and severity of God\" (Romans 11:22a)."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99489 | 0.99834 |
"afr": "Om die video lêer in te voer, klik \"Video Voeg\" om een of meer video's te voeg in 'n go.",
"eng": "Click \"Add File\" to add one or more YouTube videos."
} | 1.071701 | 0.98177 | 0.97574 |
"afr": "Oi, sou Dino",
"eng": "Hey, I'm the dino."
} | 1.071701 | 0.6578 | 0.98158 |
"afr": "Justine is beslis die wenner!",
"eng": "Justine makes Hunter's decisions."
} | 1.071701 | 0.97953 | 0.9677 |
"afr": "Hoe moes hy dan weet dit is sy familie daardie?",
"eng": "How do you know that was his family"
} | 1.071701 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Dit sal op 'n 5-minuutkaart toegepas word, maar kan ook op hoër (of laer) tydkompressies toegepas word.",
"eng": "This will be applied to a 5-minute chart, but can also be applied to higher (or lower) time compressions as well."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99933 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Dan 13:16 En daar was niemand nie, behalwe die twee oudstes wat hulleself verskuil het en besig was om haar te bespied.",
"eng": "13:16 And there was no one there, except the two elders in hiding, and they were studying her."
} | 1.071701 | 0.99995 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Betekenis van Blacky",
"eng": "Meaning of blackie."
} | 1.071701 | 0.87228 | 0.99344 |
"afr": "apakah blog nie katrok banget?",
"eng": "Isn't the blog hop a lot of fun?"
} | 1.0717 | 0.73276 | 0.99804 |
"afr": "Daarom, leidrade tot die manier waarop ons as volwassenes funksioneer, kan dikwels gevind word in ons vroeë tuislewe en die mense wat gedien het as gedragsmodelle.",
"eng": "Therefore, clues to the way we function as adults can often be found in our early home life and the people who served as models of behaviour."
} | 1.112185 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Meer dan US$ 300,00 Ontvang 10% korting !",
"eng": "More than $300 USD, you will have 10% discount!"
} | 1.0717 | 0.79441 | 0.99948 |
"afr": "Geheimhouding is die vyand van intimiteit.",
"eng": "\"Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy."
} | 1.0717 | 0.99883 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Ek sal jou plek vir jou hou.\"",
"eng": "I'll hold your place for you.\""
} | 1.0717 | 1.00001 | 0.99984 |
"afr": "Dalk was ek op een!",
"eng": "Maybe I am on one."
} | 1.0717 | 0.9999 | 0.99171 |
"afr": "Charles Dickens populêre die tradisionele, Engelse Kersfees in 1843 in sy roman A Kersfees Carol, wanneer Bob Cratchit en sy gesin op Kersdag gaan sit, eet 'n aandete gans met kapokaartappels en appelsous saam met salie en ui-vulsel en gevolg deur Kersfeespudding.",
"eng": "Charles Dickens popularised the traditional, English Christmas in 1843 in his novel A Christmas Carol, when Bob Cratchit and his family sit down on Christmas Day to eat a dinner of goose with mashed potatoes and apple sauce accompanied by sage and onion stuffing and followed by Christmas pudding."
} | 1.0717 | 0.99932 | 0.99982 |
"afr": "As u suksesvol is, sien u hierdie inligting hieronder op u dashboard.",
"eng": "If you're eligible, you'll see the notice on your dashboard."
} | 1.0717 | 0.99998 | 0.9989 |
"afr": "- die God wat magtig is en groot dinge doen. (vers 49)",
"eng": "In His might, God does \"great things\" (49)."
} | 1.0717 | 0.99996 | 0.99848 |
"afr": "\"Ek was net op die regte tyd op die regte plek,\" het O'Brien gesê, aldus ʼn verklaring deur die Amerikaanse Lugmag.",
"eng": "\"I was at the right place just at the right time!\" explains O'Brien."
} | 1.0717 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "\"My seun, dis die kruis waarmee jy hier aangekom het.\"",
"eng": "\"My son, that is the cross you just brought in.\""
} | 1.112185 | 1 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "alle Kinder die Gewinner.",
"eng": "The most laps wins."
} | 1.0717 | 0.7998 | 0.99995 |
Dataset Card for allenai/wmt22_african
Dataset Summary
This dataset was created based on metadata for mined bitext released by Meta AI. It contains bitext for 248 pairs for the African languages that are part of the 2022 WMT Shared Task on Large Scale Machine Translation Evaluation for African Languages.
How to use the data
There are two ways to access the data:
- Via the Hugging Face Python datasets library
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("allenai/wmt22_african")
- Clone the git repo
git lfs install
git clone
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
This dataset is one of resources allowed under the Constrained Track for the 2022 WMT Shared Task on Large Scale Machine Translation Evaluation for African Languages.
Focus languages
Language | Code |
Afrikaans | afr |
Amharic | amh |
Chichewa | nya |
Nigerian Fulfulde | fuv |
Hausa | hau |
Igbo | ibo |
Kamba | kam |
Kinyarwanda | kin |
Lingala | lin |
Luganda | lug |
Luo | luo |
Northern Sotho | nso |
Oroma | orm |
Shona | sna |
Somali | som |
Swahili | swh |
Swati | ssw |
Tswana | tsn |
Umbundu | umb |
Wolof | wol |
Xhosa | xho |
Xitsonga | tso |
Yoruba | yor |
Zulu | zul |
Colonial linguae francae: English - eng, French - fra
Dataset Structure
The dataset contains gzipped tab delimited text files for each direction. Each text file contains lines with parallel sentences.
Data Instances
The dataset contains 248 language pairs.
Sentence counts for each pair can be found here.
Data Fields
Every instance for a language pair contains the following fields: 'translation' (containing sentence pairs), 'laser_score', 'source_sentence_lid', 'target_sentence_lid', where 'lid' is language classification probability.
'afr': 'In Mei 2007, in ooreenstemming met die spesifikasies van die Java Gemeenskapproses, het Sun Java tegnologie geherlisensieer onder die GNU General Public License.',
'eng': 'As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License.'
'laser_score': 1.0717015266418457,
'source_sentence_lid': 0.9996600151062012,
'target_sentence_lid': 0.9972000122070312
Data Splits
The data is not split into train, dev, and test.
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
Parallel sentences from monolingual data in Common Crawl and ParaCrawl were identified via Language-Agnostic Sentence Representation (LASER) encoders.
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
Monolingual data was obtained from Common Crawl and ParaCrawl.
Who are the source language producers?
Contributors to web text in Common Crawl and ParaCrawl.
Annotation process
The data was not human annotated. The metadata used to create the dataset can be found here:
Who are the annotators?
The data was not human annotated. Parallel text from Common Crawl and Para Crawl monolingual data were identified automatically via LASER encoders.
Personal and Sensitive Information
[Needs More Information]
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
This dataset provides data for training machine learning systems for many languages that have low resources available for NLP.
Discussion of Biases
Biases in the data have not been studied.
Other Known Limitations
[Needs More Information]
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
[Needs More Information]
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the terms of ODC-BY. By using this, you are also bound by the Internet Archive Terms of Use in respect of the content contained in the dataset.
Citation Information
NLLB Team et al, No Language Left Behind: Scaling Human-Centered Machine Translation, Arxiv, 2022.
We thank the AllenNLP team at AI2 for hosting and releasing this data, including Akshita Bhagia (for engineering efforts to create the huggingface dataset), and Jesse Dodge (for organizing the connection).
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