Consider the following 3 examples.
Source: So, treatment ureaplasmosis should begin only after completion of all diagnostic measures.
Source: Corporate income tax was reduced from 33 to 20%
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
English: Soros’s activities are also being resisted in the Czech Republic.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
English: Such meetings serve as a vivid example of how problematic issues should be resolved in conditions of geopolitical instability.
Consider the following 5 examples.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
English: This would ensure sustained dialogue between States.
English: Major thanks to that wonderful man.
Source: This year, the forum’s central theme is Creating an Economy of Trust.
English: All this requires a high computing capacity, which, unfortunately, are not free.
Given this example in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
Consider the following 5 examples.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
English: Six masterpieces from Russia's top art galleries and museums will be moved to Crimea to be housed in a new cultural centre on the peninsula, according to a project presented to President Vladimir Putin.
Consider the following example.
Given these 5 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Given these 5 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Source: The Head of State personally controlled the course of construction and paid utmost attention to every detail.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
English: We are a polarized society.
Consider the following 3 examples.
Translate the following 3 examples from eng to rus.
English: Moscow metro serves the largest number of passengers a day out of all the metro systems in the world: on weekdays this number goes up to nine million.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Source: All this requires a high computing capacity, which, unfortunately, are not free.
Source: The incident was allegedly reported to a number of Government agencies, but no official action has been taken.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Source: In this post we discuss how and why these changes are taking place.
Translate the following 2 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 2 examples from English to Russian.
Source: In the first case, the fuel consumption is 7.1 liters per 100 kilometers, and in the second, a little more - 7.7 liters.
Consider the following 5 examples.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Given this example in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
Source: The secretariat noted that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization would be the most appropriate body to address the education system.
Consider the following example.
en: This product is a source not only of essential fatty acids, but also of protein compounds.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Source: Furthermore, priority should be given to strengthening political parties and revising registration rules to facilitate broader national platforms.
Source: While these systems provide opportunities for enhanced productivity and improved decision making, they also broaden the scope of potential vulnerabilities.
Source: And this is an area where Georgia has seen very little progress after an almost complete collapse of all state institutions in the early years of independence.
Given this example in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
English: Online marketing is a great tool to enhance your business, but you need to ensure that you hire the right marketing firm or it can wind up being a waste of money and time.
English: Everyone between ages 13 and 64 should be tested for HIV at least once
Consider the following 3 examples.
Consider the following 3 examples.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
English: There was no official confirmation from Moscow.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
English: As history has shown, great civilizations have always flourished by sharing their ideas and experiences with other civilizations.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
English: Although very well known in manufacturing industries, ISO standards are relatively new in healthcare and service organizations.
Source: However, it is impossible to ignore that by the time Washington is ready for real negotiations, its ability to offer something really interesting will most likely be extremely dubious.
Source: In addition, the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants obliges them to report possible cases of corruption.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Source: To ensure a sufficient amount of serotonin in the body, you need to get enough sleep, because it is during sleep that this hormone is produced.
Given this example in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Translate the following 3 examples from English to Russian.
Consider the following 3 examples.
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following 2 examples from English to Russian.
Translate the following 5 examples from English to Russian.
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
English: Mental illnesses, like other illnesses, are biological disorders.
Consider the following 5 examples.
Translate the following example from English to Russian.
Source: In the first case, the fuel consumption is 7.1 liters per 100 kilometers, and in the second, a little more - 7.7 liters.
Source: Voice assistant Google Assistant will soon be available to iPhone and iPad users
Source: Hirohito was born on April 29, 1901, in the Aoyama Palace in Tokyo.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Source: In particular, each contracting party must ensure that enforcement procedures are available under their laws, permitting effective action against any act of infringement of rights covered by the Treaty.
Source: The Centre for Gender Information and Policy is playing an important role in strengthening the partnership between government structures and non-governmental organizations.
Given this example in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Source: Like any other medicines, the drugs used to treat HIV can have unwanted effects that are sometimes unpleasant or can even make you unwell.
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Translate the following 4 examples from English to Russian.
Given these 3 examples in English and Russian, correct and translate accordingly.
Source: In addition, the Security Council must be provided with adequate resources to address challenges effectively.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
Consider the following 3 examples.
Consider the following 5 examples.
Translate the following 6 examples from English to Russian.
Given this example in en and ru, correct and translate accordingly.