stringlengths 0
=/parenleftbigg |
2 0 |
0 2/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg |
Olog |
OL/parenrightbigg |
(3) |
The eigenvalues 2 arise because the energy momentum tensor a nd its logarithmic partner both |
correspond to spin-2 excitations. |
1This is exactly what the AdS/CFT correspondence does: given a gravity dual we can calculate the energy |
momentum tensor and correlators.The second definition makes it more transparent why these CFT s are called “logarithmic” |
in the first place. Suppose that in addition to OL/Rwe have an operator OMwith conformal |
weightsh= 2+ε,¯h=ε, meaning that its 2-point correlator with itself is given by |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOM(z,¯z)OM(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=ˆB |
z4+2ε¯z2ε(4) |
The correlator of OMwithOLvanishes since the latter has conformal weights h= 2,¯h= 0, and |
operators whose conformal weights do not match lead to vanis hing correlators. Suppose now |
that we send the central charge cLand the parameter εto zero, and simultaneously send ˆBto |
infinity, such that the following limits exist: |
bL:= lim |
cL→0−cL |
ε∝ne}ationslash= 0B:= lim |
cL→0/parenleftbigˆB+2 |
cL/parenrightbig |
(5) |
Then we can define a new operator Ologthat linearly combines OL/M. |
Olog=bLOL |
cL+bL |
2OM(6) |
Taking the limit cL→0 leads to the following 2-point correlators: |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOL(z)OL(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 (7a) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOL(z)Olog(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=bL |
2z4(7b) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOlog(z,¯z)Olog(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−bLln(m2 |
L|z|2) |
z4(7c) |
These 2-point correlators exhibit several remarkable feat ures. The flux component OLof the |
energy momentum tensor becomes a zero norm state (7a). Never theless, the theory does not |
become chiral, because the left-moving sector is not trivia l:OLhas a non-vanishing correlator |
(7b) with its logarithmic partner Olog. The 2-point correlator (7c) between two logarithmic |
operators Ologmakes it clear why such CFTs have the attribute “logarithmic ”. The constant |
bL, sometimes called “new anomaly”, defines crucial propertie s of the LCFT, much like the |
central charges do in ordinary CFTs. The mass scale mLappearing in the last correlator above |
has no significance, and is determined by the value of Bin (5). It can be changed to any finite |
value by the redefinition Olog→ Olog+γOLwith some finite γ. We setmL= 1 for convenience. |
Conformal Ward identities determine again essentially uni quely the form of 2- and 3-point |
correlators in a LCFT. For the specific case where the energy m omentum tensor acquires a |
logarithmic partner the 3-point correlators were calculat ed in [5]. The non-vanishing ones are |
given by |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOL(z,¯z)OL(z′,¯z′)Olog(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=bL |
z2z′2(z−z′)2(8a) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOL(z,¯z)Olog(z′,¯z′)Olog(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−2bLln|z′|2+bL |
2 |
z2z′2(z−z′)2(8b) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tOlog(z,¯z)Olog(z′,¯z′)Olog(0,0)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=lengthy |
z2z′2(z−z′)2(8c) |
If alsoORacquires a logarithmic partner O/tildewiderlogthen the construction above can be repeated, |
changing everywhere L→R,z→¯zetc. In that case we have a LCFT with cL=cR= 0 andbL,bR∝ne}ationslash= 0. Alternatively, it may happen that only OLhas a logarithmic partner Olog. In that |
case we have a LCFT with cL=bR= 0 andbL,cR∝ne}ationslash= 0. This concludes our brief excursion into |
the realm of LCFTs. |
Given that LCFTs are interesting in physics (see section 5) a nd that a powerful way to |
describe strongly coupled CFTs is to exploit the AdS/CFT cor respondence [6] it is natural to |
inquire whether there are any gravity duals to LCFTs. |
3. Wish-list for gravity duals to LCFTs |
In this section we establish necessary properties required for gravity duals to LCFTs. We |
formulate them as a wish-list and explain afterwards each it em on this list. |
(i) We wishfora 3-dimensional action Sthat dependsonthemetric gµνandpossiblyonfurther |
fields that we summarily denote by φ. |
(ii) We wish for the existence of AdS 3vacua with finite AdS radius ℓ. |
(iii) We wish for a finite, conserved and traceless Brown–Yor k stress tensor, given by the first |
variation of the full on-shell action (including boundary t erms) with respect to the metric. |
(iv) We wish that the 2- and 3-point correlators of the Brown– York stress tensor with itself are |
given by (1). |
(v) We wish for central charges (a la Brown–Henneaux [7]) tha t can be tuned to zero, without |
requiring a singular limit of the AdS radius or of Newton’s co nstant. For concreteness we |
assumecL= 0 (in addition cRmay also vanish, but it need not). |
(vi) We wish for a logarithmic partner to the Brown–York stre ss tensor, so that we obtain a |
Jordan-block structure like in (2) and (3). |
(vii) We wish that the 2- and non-vanishing 3-point correlat ors of the Brown–York stress tensor |
with its logarithmic partner are given by (7) and (8) (and the right-handed analog thereof). |
We explain now why each of these items is necessary. (i) is req uired since the AdS/CFT |
correspondence relates a gravity theory in d+1 dimensions to a CFT in ddimensions, and we |
chosed= 2 on the CFT side. (ii) is required since we are not merely loo king for a gauge/gravity |
duality, butreallyforanAdS/CFTcorrespondence,whichre quirestheexistenceofAdSsolutions |
on the gravity side. (iii) is required since we desire consis tency with the AdS dictionary, which |
relates the vacuum expectation value of the renormalized en ergy momentum tensor in the CFT |
∝an}b∇acketle{tTij∝an}b∇acket∇i}htto the Brown–York stress tensor TBY |
ij: |
∝an}b∇acketle{tTij∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=TBY |
ij=2√−gδS |
δgij/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle |
EOM(9) |
The right hand side of this equation contains the first variat ion of the full on-shell action with |
respect to the metric, which by definition yields the Brown–Y ork stress tensor. (iv) is required |
since the 2- and 3-point correlators of a CFT are fixed by confo rmal Ward identities to take |
the form (1). (v) is required because of the construction pre sented in section 2, where a LCFT |
emerges from taking an appropriate limit of vanishing centr al charge, so we need to be able |
to tune the central charge without generating parametric si ngularities. Actually, there are |
two cases: either left and right central charge vanish and bo th energy momentum tensor flux |
components acquire a logarithmic partner, or only one of the m acquires a logarithmic partner, |
which for sake of specificity we always choose to be left. (vi) is required, since we consider |