stringlengths 0
cosh(2ρ)+1 |
µν(26) |
Note that all components of this mode behave asymptotically (ρ→ ∞) at most like a constant, |
except for the vv-component, which grows like e2ρ. The corresponding logarithmic mode grows |
again faster than its left partner (26) by a factor of ρand depends again linearly on time. |
Given a non-normalizable solution ψLobviously also αψLis a non-normalizable solution, |
with some constant α. To fix this normalization ambiguity we demand standard coup ling of the |
metric to the stress tensor: |
S(ψuL |
v,Tv |
u) =1 |
2/integraldisplay |
dtdφ/radicalig |
−g(0)ψuu |
LTuu=/integraldisplay |
dtdφe−ihu−i¯hvTuu (27) |
HereSis either someCFT action withbackgroundmetric g(0)or adualgravitational action with |
boundary metric g(0). The non-normalizable mode ψLis the source for the energy-momentum |
flux component Tuu. The requirement (27) fixes the normalization. The discussi on above |
focussed on left modes. For the right modes essentially the s ame discussion applies, but with |
the substitutions L↔R,h↔¯handu↔v. |
4.4. Logging correlators |
Generically the 2-point correlators on the gravity side bet ween two modes ψ1(h,¯h) andψ2(h′,¯h′) |
in momentum space are determined by |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψ1(h,¯h)ψ2(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=1 |
2/parenleftbig |
δ(2)SCCTMG(ψ1,ψ2)+δ(2)SCCTMG(ψ2,ψ1)/parenrightbig |
(28) |
where∝an}b∇acketle{tψ1ψ2∝an}b∇acket∇i}htstands for the correlation function of the CFT operators dua l to the graviton |
modesψ1andψ2. On the right hand side one has to plug the non-normalizable m odesψ1 |
andψ2into the second variation of the on-shell action and symmetr ize with respect to the two |
modes. The second variation of the on-shell action of CCTMG |
δ(2)SCCTMG=−1 |
16πGN/integraldisplay |
d3x√−g/parenleftbig |
DLψ1∗/parenrightbigµνδGµν(ψ2)+boundary terms (29) |
turns out to be very similar to the second variation of the on- shell Einstein–Hilbert action |
δ(2)SEH=−1 |
16πGN/integraldisplay |
d3x√−gψ1µν∗δGµν(ψ2)+boundary terms (30) |
Thissimilarity allows ustoexploitresultsfromEinsteing ravity forCCTMG,aswenowexplain.4 |
The bulk term in CCTMG (29) has the same form as in Einstein the ory (30) with ψ1replaced |
byDLψ1. Now, consider boundary terms. Possible obstructions to a w ell-defined Dirichlet |
boundary value problem can come only from the variation δGµν(ψ2), sinceDLis a first order |
operator. Thus any boundary terms appearing in (29) contain ing normal derivatives must be |
4Alternatively, one can follow the program of holographic re normalization, as it was done by Skenderis, Taylor |
and van Rees [23]. Their results for 2-point correlators agr ee with the results presented here.identical with those in Einstein gravity upon substituting ψ1→ DLψ1. In addition there can be |
boundary terms which do not contain normal derivatives of th e metric. However, it turns out |
that such terms can at most lead to contact terms in the hologr aphic computation of 2-point |
functions. The upshot of this discussion is that we can reduc e the calculation of all possible 2- |
point functions in CCTMG to the equivalent calculation in Ei nstein gravity with suitable source |
terms. To continue we go on-shell.5 |
DLψL= 0 DLψR= 2ψRDLψlog=−2ψL(31) |
These relations together with the comparison between CCTMG (29) and Einstein gravity (30) |
then establish |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψR(h,¯h)ψR(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼2∝an}b∇acketle{tψR(h,¯h)ψR(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htEH (32a) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψL(h,¯h)ψL(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼0 (32b) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψL(h,¯h)ψR(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼0 (32c) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψR(h,¯h)ψlog(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼0 (32d) |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψL(h,¯h)ψlog(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼ −2∝an}b∇acketle{tψL(h,¯h)ψL(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htEH (32e) |
Here the sign ∼means equality up to contact terms. Evaluating the right han d sides in Einstein |
gravity yields |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψL(h,¯h)ψL(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htEH=δh,h′δ¯h,¯h′cBH |
24h |
¯h(h2−1)t1/integraldisplay |
t0dt (33) |
and similarly for the right modes, with h↔¯h. The quantity cBHis the Brown–Henneaux |
central charge (13). The calculation of the 2-point correla tor between two logarithmic modes |
cannot be reduced to a correlator known from Einstein gravit y. The result is given by [25] |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψlog(h,¯h)ψlog(h′,¯h′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}htCCTMG∼ −δh,h′δ¯h,¯h′ℓ |
4GNh |
¯h(h2−1)/parenleftbig |
ψ(h−1)+ψ(−¯h)/parenrightbigt1/integraldisplay |
t0dt(34) |
whereψis the digamma function. An ambiguity in defining ψlog, viz.,ψlog→ψlog+γψL, was |
fixed conveniently in the result (34). This ambiguity corres ponds precisely to the ambiguity of |
the LCFT mass scale mLin (7c) (see also the discussion below that equation). |
To compare the results (32)-(34) with the Euclidean 2-point correlators in the short- |
distance limit (1), (7) we take the limit of large weights h,−¯h→ ∞(e.g. lim h→∞ψ(h) = |
lnh+O(1/h)) and Fourier-transform back to coordinate space (e.g. h3/¯his Fourier-transformed |
into∂4 |
z/(∂z∂¯z)δ(2)(z,¯z)∝∂4 |
zln|z| ∝1/z4). Straightforward calculation establishes perfect |
agreement with the LCFT correlators (1), (7), provided we us e the values |
cL= 0 cR=3ℓ |
GNbL=−3ℓ |
GN(35) |
These are exactly the values for central charges cL,cR[15] and new anomaly bL[23,25] found |
before. Thus, at the level of 2-point correlators CCTMG is in deed a gravity dual for a LCFT. |
5Above by “on-shell” we meant that the background metric is Ad S3(12) and therefore a solution of the classical |
equations of motion. Here by “on-shell” we mean additionall y that the linearized equations of motion (20) hold.Ψ1 |
Ψ3Ψ2 |
Figure 1. Witten diagram for three graviton correlator |
We evaluate now the Witten diagram in Fig. 1, which yields the 3-point correlator on the |
gravity side between three modes ψ1(h,¯h),ψ2(h′,¯h′) andψ3(h′′,¯h′′) in momentum space. |
∝an}b∇acketle{tψ1(h,¯h)ψ2(h′,¯h′)ψ3(h′′,¯h′′)∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=1 |
6/parenleftbig |
δ(3)SCCTMG(ψ1,ψ2,ψ3)+5 permutations/parenrightbig |
(36) |