go d-ti 'n áit, ogus gan níos mó coṁ
go d-ti 'n áit, ogus gan níos mó coṁ-
Masters is dear and not easily procured, we saw
Masters is dear and not easily procured, we saw
Ní ġaḃfaiḋ mé feasta, aḃrán le bur
Ní ġaḃfaiḋ mé feasta, aḃrán le bur
sts., on Sunday evening, February 26, at 8 o’clock
sts., on Sunday evening, February 26, at 8 o’clock.
velcome. The whole court of heaven were of one
welcome. The whole court of heaven were of one
Tá smuit air an gréin,
Tá smuit air an gréin,
As duina me ḋiolas liún lá,
As duina me ḋiolas liún lá,
author’s piety, his zeal and his fairness. .. . We
author’s piety, his zeal and his fairness. . . . We
Milesian, nobles were in chains and captivity, and
Milesian nobles were in chains and captivity, and
ráḋ a ḋeunaḋ, d' oibriġ sí aig gearraḋ
ráḋ a ḋeunaḋ, d' oibriġ sí aig gearraḋ
of the noun to the speaker: and of-
of the noun to the speaker: and of
Brosdaiġiḋ faoi ġlas-ḃrat ḃar 'ngaisg-
Brosdaiġiḋ faoi ġlas-ḃrat ḃar 'ngaisg-
na neiṫiḃ a deunaḋ a n-Éirinn air feaḋ
na neiṫiḃ a deunaḋ a n-Éirinn air feaḋ
say he, can gat it through any of thé.
say he can get it through any of the
your news-agért makes any excuse,
your news-agent makes any excuse,
the most skillfull scribes that ever lived, prob-
the most skillfull scribes that ever lived, prob-
ḋiaiġ sin,
ḋiaiġ sin,
ċaiṫidís oibriúġaḋ le ċéile, gaċ uile ḋuine
ċaiṫidís oibriúġaḋ le ċéile, gaċ uile ḋuine
Cuir an Gaoḋal ċum Seáġan Horri-
Ċuir an Gaoḋal ċum Seáġan Horri-
'Ċroċ Daly, ḃearfaiḋ díol ann
'Ċroċ Daly, ḃearfaiḋ díol ann
D'ḟuasgail me di an sin mo ċúis ;
D'ḟuasgail me di an sin mo ċúis;
splanc as teine altóra noċ do ḃí lasta'n,
splanc as teine altóra noċ do ḃí lasta'n
strong gate of iron leading into the porch where
strong gate of iron leading into the porch where
Finn—H. C. Finn Rec. Sec. P. C. S. has become
Finn — H. C. Finn Rec. Sec. P. C. S. has become
Uá clann gan aon ċeannas, mur n-deun
Tá clann gan aon ċeannas, mur n-deun-
of a copy of this book.”—St. Albans. Vt., Home Journal.
of a copy of this book.” — St. Albans. Vt., Home Journal.
agus ro ṫeiṫ an seo anois. Cuirim
agus ro ṫeiṫ an seo anois. Ċuirim
’Neath the borderers brave from the banks of the
’Neath the borderers brave from the banks of the
and allow no intoxicated persons to
and allow no intoxicated persons to
12 Is not this beautiful weather! It is glory be
12 Is not this beautiful weather! It is glory be
ṫose ṁishing to order it ṁill be ac-
those ṁishing to order it ṁill be ac-
'8 an trillsean tá aig lasaḋ. sliḋe
'S an trillsean tá aig lasaḋ. sliḋe
Do cuir sí ċum an d-tír seo compluċt,
Do cuir sí ċum an d-tír seo compluċt,
cipal members of the Council to confer with Sir
cipal members of the Council to confer with Sir
cil since the Irish Congress was held in Dublin last
cil since the Irish Congress was held in Dublin last
Fine Gold Jewelry Made to Order.
Fine Gold Jewelry Made to Order.
leaḃaragan, a library leaḃaraifrionn,
leaḃaragan, a library; leaḃaraifrionn,
ṁeasaim;" aċt deireann siad go coit-
ṁeasaim;" aċt deireann siad go coit-
4 offences capital; the Tuodrs, 27; the Stuarts,
4 offences capital; the Tuodrs, 27; the Stuarts,
their laudable exertions in extending a know-
their laudable exertions in extending a know-
Weekly and Monthly Payments Taken.
Weekly and Monthly Payments Taken.
age of vital importance to the descendants of
age of vital importance to the descendants of
of the noble tribes of the province of Leinster, who
of the noble tribes of the province of Leinster, who
Henry Magee, Esq. (in the chair) ; Rev. Alexander
Henry Magee, Esq. (in the chair); Rev. Alexander
1 co
1 00
muir, the sea; oiltíre, sojourn; aṁas-
muir, the sea; oiltíre, sojourn; aṁas-
Ireland about the middle of the third century.
Ireland about the middle of the third century.
is to publish cheap literature in the Irish Lan-
is to publish cheap literature in the Irish Lan-
terḃeriġ, ag iarraiḋ air a ġráġ' do ṫaḃ-
terḃeriġ, ag iarraiḋ air a ġráġ' do ṫaḃ-
Mar ḃí Fodla, Banba agus Éire.
Mar ḃí Fodla, Banba agus Éire.
sound.---ae, ao, eu, eo, ia, ua.
sound. — ae, ao, eu, eo, ia, ua.
Aċt, coṁċruinniuġaḋ a ne art go h-uile,
Aċt, coṁċruinniuġaḋ a neart go h-uile,
MacSweeneys, O'Dalys, O'Hays, O'Callin , O'-
MacSweeneys, O'Dalys, O'Hays, O'Callin, O'-
s'avcd, persecuted and impoverished but never
s'aved, persecuted and impoverished but never
the Deluge.
the Deluge. —
the tyranny of England.
the tyranny of England.
D. P. Scranton Pa.—The Annals of the Four
D. P. Scranton Pa. — The Annals of the Four
aon ḟoċal beurla laḃairt ċo fad agus!
aon ḟoċal Beurla laḃairt ċo fad agus
land be freed, taking into account all the surroand
land be freed, taking into account all the surround
Mobile, an 22aḋ bealteine, '82.
Mobile, an 22aḋ bealteine, '82.
returns just issued, 5,160,000, showing a decrease
returns just issued, 5,160,000, showing a decrease
that the amount of subscription to both papers is
that the amount of subscription to both papers is
go braṫ. 14. cia leis an leanḃ boċt?
go braṫ. 14. cia leis an leanḃ boċt?
A Ṁaiġistir Ui Lóċáin.
A Ṁaiġistir Ui Lóċáin.
gan gleus iomċair. Is fioaċliḃ naċ rád-
gan gleus iomċair. Is fioaċliḃ naċ rád-
19. is fíor gur mór. 20. go raḃ se
19. is fíor gur mór. 20. go raḃ se
in 1801 are as follows.—.1801 5,395,000 : 1811. 5.-
in 1801 are as follows: — 1801 5,395,000: 1811, 5,-
Deeply the merciless foeman shall rue,
Deeply the merciless foeman shall rue,
And cherish in your heart of hearts the language of
And cherish in your heart of hearts the language of
a ċuir ann uċt ċúrta atá cumṫaḋ
a ċuir ann uċt ċúrta atá cumṫaḋ
the Irish societies and their friends right away.
the Irish societies and their friends right away.
"Acushla” said he “my heart as a fountain
''Acushla” said he “my heart as a fountain
sa, n-áit a raiḃ sé seinm ċeoil. D' iarr
sa, n-áit a raiḃ sé seinm ċeoil. D' iarr-
ṁór a ḃ-fuil áḋḃar cúṁa agus caoine
ṁór a ḃ-fuil áḋḃar cúṁa agus caoine
ṁain an Bonderbolt don áit tá an col-
ṁain an Bonderbolt don áit tá an col-
We wish all our subscribers a happy, "ew Year.
We wish all our subscribers a happy New Year.
The Council will persevere in their endeavor to
The Council will persevere in their endeavor to
not the ird vidual is the object. Then, the Irish-
not the individual is the object. Then, the Irish-
Ċum cuairt m' aṫar do ġlacfad ṫhú,
Ċum cuairt m' aṫar do ġlacfad ṫú,
Excepting a few thous aind Jewish votes, we believe
Excepting a few thousand Jewish votes, we believe
groan, when they who are drawing all the weight
groan, when they who are drawing all the weight
The Language of our Fathers from dark oblivion's
The Language of our Fathers from dark oblivion's
Tá na Ḟoġaraiḋ roinnte ann ḋá ċuid;
Tá na Ḟoġaraiḋ roinnte ann ḋá ċuid;
B--urla do ḃaint asam, aċt níor ḟeud-
Beurla do ḃaint asam, aċt níor ḟeud-
te argennherotlsticwels Itighams to
the large number of distinctively Irish names to
a baint go mear anois, agus cuirfimid
a baint go mear anois, agus cuirfimid