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Hospitalizations involving a lost sponge or instrument average more than $60,000, according to data compiled by Medicare. These high-tech sponges are equipped with inventory bar codes. Alternatively, radio-frequency tracking devices, such as those lying atop the sponges, can be embedded. / Evan Eile, USA TODAY
Erica Parks knew something wasn't right in her belly when she left the Alabama hospital that performed her cesarean section in the spring of 2010.
Over the next month, her stomach grew so swollen that she looked pregnant again. By the sixth week, her bowels had shut down entirely. Parks, an Air Force major, staggered in to see her doctor, who sent her immediately to the emergency room.
X-rays showed that a surgical sponge the size of a washcloth had been left in Parks' abdomen. After a six-hour emergency surgery to untangle the infected mass from her intestine, she needed nearly three weeks of hospitalization.
Parks, now 40, had suffered from what is known officially as a "retained surgical item" - a sponge or instrument left in a patient's body. Such mistakes are considered so egregious and so preventable that they're referred to in the medical world as "never events." They simply are not supposed to happen.
But they do, about a dozen times a day.
Thousands of patients a year leave the nation's operating rooms with surgical items in their bodies. And despite occasional tales of forceps, clamps and other hardware showing up in post-operative X-rays, those items are almost never the problem. Most often, it's the gauzy, cotton sponges that doctors use throughout operations to soak up blood and other fluids, a USA TODAY examination shows.
Yet thousands of hospitals and surgical centers have failed to adopt readily available technologies that all but eliminate the risk of leaving sponges in patients.
The consequences are enormous. Many patients carrying surgical sponges suffer for months or years before anyone determines the cause of the searing pain, digestive dysfunction and other typical ills. Often, by the time the error is discovered, infection has set in.
The complications can last a lifetime. Some victims lose parts of their intestines; some don't survive.
"I thought hospitals had procedures and checks so these problems couldn't happen in this day and age," Parks says. "I'm still not 100%; I don't know if I ever will be. I still have to take medicine that keeps your (digestion) flowing. They told me there might be repercussions if I try to have another kid. It's been a terrible ordeal."
A USA TODAY review of government data, academic studies and legal records suggests that far more people may be victims of lost surgical objects than federal statistics suggest. And the medical community's inaction comes at a high price.
Thousands of victims: There's no federal reporting requirement when hospitals leave sponges or other items in patients, but research studies and government data suggest it happens between 4,500 and 6,000 times a year. That's up to twice government estimates, which run closer to 3,000 cases, and sponges account for more than two-thirds of all incidents.
Solutions ignored: The nation's hospitals have balked at using electronic technologies that sharply cut the risk of sponges being left in patients. Fewer than 15% of U.S. hospitals use sponges equipped with electronic tracking devices, based on a USA TODAY survey of the companies that make those products.
Costly consequences: Hospitalizations involving a lost sponge or instrument average more than $60,000, according to data compiled by Medicare, which denies payment for costs stemming from such errors. Related malpractice suits cost hospitals, on average, between $100,000 and $200,000 per case, several research studies show.
A decade ago, a landmark report on health care quality ranked lost sponges and instruments in the most serious category of medical errors. Issued by the National Quality Forum, a congressionally funded non-profit, the report urged immediate steps to drive down incidence rates, including mandatory reporting to track cases.
Today, there still is no national reporting mandate, and the available data suggest little or no progress in curbing incidence rates, particularly for sponges.
"It's a recurrent, persistent and nearly totally avoidable problem," says Atul Gawande, a Harvard public health professor and surgeon at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital. "There are technologies that reduce the risk, that actually reduce the overall cost (to hospitals and insurers), and yet they are not the standard. That, to me, is the shocking thing."
Sponge-tracking systems typically add $8 to $12 to the cost of an operation - a tiny fraction of the average procedure's price. But with hospitals doing thousands, even tens of thousands of surgeries a year, the investment still has not been an easy sell, despite the promised savings in liability costs.
For many hospitals, lost sponges and other surgical items aren't considered a pressing concern. Other errors, such as lapses in infection control, are more common. And because symptoms often don't occur for months, even years, many of the cases are never tracked back to the institution where they originated. So the people who are responsible may not realize they have a problem.
"In context of all the things we're worrying about and striving to improve so patients are experiencing better outcomes, this is a more rare event," says Nancy Foster, the American Hospital Association's vice president for quality and patient safety.
As hospitals grapple with tight budgets, "the question is, 'How do we invest scarce resources in achieving safer care for our patients?'" Foster adds. Deciding whether to invest in electronic sponge-tracking systems "becomes a matter of prioritizing â?¦ and identifying whether this particular issue rises to being a this-year problem."
For years, doctors and nurses in the highly regarded Indiana University Health system viewed lost sponges as a problem reserved for others.
Like most hospitals, they used sponge counts to keep track of the gauzy pads during surgery: count the number that go in; count the number that come out. They had a better-than-average success rate. Of 34,000 surgeries performed each year at IU Health's three-hospital campus in Indianapolis, they'd typically get one or two cases in which sponges were left in a patient.
Then, in 2006, the number of lost sponges jumped, climbing to a rate of about one a month, and clinical staff could find no explanation.
"It was very upsetting - after each case, we'd do a review, trying to figure out, my God, how is this happening," says Lynn Bridgewater, director of operations and perioperative services at IU Health's Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. "We did education, we changed to a different (counting) system, we tried having another person in the room doing counts. We were looking everywhere for solutions."
The health system's clinical leaders began testing sponge-tracking technologies and settled on one that uses sponges embedded with a tiny radio-frequency tag. Before patients are closed up after surgery, they get scanned with a sensor that detects any sponges left inside the body.
IU Health spends about $275,000 a year to equip its three Indianapolis hospitals with the tracking technology, including the annual cost of the tagged sponges - an average of about $8 per surgery.
IU's hospitals have not had a single lost-sponge case in the five years since they adopted the tracking technology, Bridgewater says. It has led to several "saves," including a case where the scanner turned up a sponge in a patient after sponge counts showed that everything had been retrieved.
"At first, we had some skeptics (about the technology), but now people here would never want to do a surgery without it," Bridgewater adds.
It's no secret that sponge counts aren't reliable.
A 2008 study led by researchers at New York's Mount Sinai found that sponge and instrument counts were effective 77% of the time in identifying cases where items were left behind. A separate study published the same year by doctors at Minnesota's Mayo Clinic found that counts failed to show anything amiss in 68% of cases where a sponge was lost.
"When you're counting multiple objects over a longer course of time, such as an operation, and you have significant competing priorities and tasks that need to be done, as well as multiple people coming in and out to perform those tasks, you're going to have errors," says Robert Cima, the Mayo Clinic surgeon and professor who led the study.
Some studies have found that lost sponges are more likely in surgeries performed under hectic conditions, such as emergency trauma or operations with unexpected complications. Others have suggested that the risks of leaving a sponge behind are greater in operations on obese patients with larger abdominal cavities - the most common surgical site for lost sponges.
When doctors suspect a sponge has been lost, they often look for it on X-rays, but that typically doesn't happen unless a sponge count shows a discrepancy. Even then, a lost sponge can be difficult to spot, the Mayo study and others have found.
"There is a problem with detecting these cases once they occur," Cima says. "There are numerous case reports where patients don't present (symptoms) for months, years, sometimes decades."
Years ago, the Mayo Clinic began requiring post-operative X-rays in every patient, regardless of what sponge and instrument counts showed. But those scans weren't done until patients were closed up, so another surgery would be needed to retrieve any items that were spotted, Cima says. To avoid such surgeries, the hospital adopted one of the new sponge-tracking technologies, a system where each sponge has a unique bar code that is scanned before and after it goes into a patient.
The result? Mayo hasn't had a lost sponge case in almost four years.
When Lenny LeClair's stomach started acting up in the spring of 2006, he figured he had a routine bug; his doctor's office in Florida recommended antacids and laxatives.
Over the next couple of weeks, the pain in his gut became excruciating, and his non-stop vomiting began to have what seemed like a fecal odor. When relatives dropped by to visit, LeClair's 6-foot-1 frame looked so wasted that they hauled him to a doctor, who ordered an immediate CT scan.
The images showed several sponges embedded in LeClair's intestines, left behind from a surgery he'd had the year before to treat a digestive disorder.
"It never crossed my mind that the problems I was having could have been related to the surgery," says LeClair, 43. "I'd been fine for months. I thought that was all over."
Over time, the sponges had fused to LeClair's intestines, causing infections that ultimately chewed through his colon. He needed repeated surgeries to remove parts of his intestine and reroute what was left, then spent weeks in a medically induced coma during his recovery. He'll spend the rest of his life with a plastic pouch attached to his abdomen to catch his waste.
"I still get wicked pains in my stomach from the scar tissue, and the scars on the outside are so bad, I can't ever go swimming or go to the beach or anywhere I'd take my shirt off," he says. "I've always been a happy guy, but every day is a struggle now. Some days, I just can't let go of it."
Now living in New Hampshire, LeClair received a six-figure settlement, plus legal and medical expenses, after filing a malpractice suit. But little of that money remains, he says, because he has lost his insurance and faces ceaseless medical bills for drugs and follow-up treatment.
"I'm happy to be alive," he says, "but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."
There's no telling precisely how many victims are out there.
More than half of the states require reporting of medical errors, including lost surgical items, but a 2012 study by the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found hospitals reporting just 1% of the events they were supposed to record in those states. National estimates of about 3,000 cases a year are based on hospital billing records analyzed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, but experts believe many cases aren't captured in those records.
"There's a lot of potential for under-reporting," says Jeffrey Hageman, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some hospitals may be reluctant to document cases "because of legal ramifications," he adds. "And there's also the amount of time between the surgery and the discovery of the problem," which makes it tough to know when - or where - the mistake happened.
Three major studies since 2008 have concluded that sponges and other items are lost in anywhere from one in 5,500 surgeries to one in 7,000 surgeries. With federal data showing 32 million invasive surgeries nationwide each year, that yields 4,500 to 6,000 cases a year as the actual incidence rate. Studies suggest that 1%-2% of those cases prove fatal.
"One (lost item) in 5,000 operations or so seems like pretty terrific performance, but when we're doing tens of millions of operations a year it's not nearly good enough," says Gawande, the Boston surgeon, who authored a landmark study on lost surgical items in 2003.
Sponges are the biggest problem, accounting for about 70% of lost surgical items (needles account for less than 10%; instruments about 5%). And the available sponge-tracking technologies - both the bar code and radio-frequency detection systems - are an obvious solution, says Gawande, whose hospital uses bar codes.
"Whatever system people use, these technologies cut down the risk that sponges are left in a patient almost to zero," he adds.
But the systems remain rare in U.S. operating rooms.
USA TODAY surveyed the manufacturers of all three sponge-tracking systems approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Combined, they have sold their tracking technologies to fewer than 600 hospitals - a small fraction of the nearly 4,200 that perform surgery nationwide.
"It's still an emerging trend," says Victoria Steelman, an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Iowa and author of a recent study on retained surgical items for the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. "Is it happening fast enough? Not in my opinion."
When hospital officials at University of North Carolina Health Care decided on a radio-frequency detection system for surgical sponges, the big hurdle was costs - and the way they're calculated.
"We had to find savings to offset the expense," says Susan Phillips, UNC Health's vice president of perioperative services.
Phillips, who pushed for the tracking system after two lost-sponge cases emerged at UNC's hospitals, says the strongest justification was improved patient safety, but the potential to cut liability costs was a major consideration. The technology "pays for itself (if it stops) just one error," she adds, noting that UNC has not identified a single lost-sponge case since adopting the technology in 2011.
But Phillips couldn't factor those savings into the equation because legal fees and other costs tied to medical errors don't typically come out of a surgical department's operational budget. Phillips had to offset the new system's expense - about $300,000 a year, averaging just over $10 each for the hospital's 29,000 annual surgeries - by cutting other medical supply costs.
It's a common refrain: The best argument for sponge-tracking systems is the one that often can't be used - that they can save a lot of money in the long run.
There's little research on the costs hospitals incur for follow-up treatment and surgeries tied to lost sponges - the $60,000-plus estimate from Medicare was generated in 2008, when the program decided to stop reimbursing hospitals for certain expenses tied to such problems. But there's plenty of research suggesting that liability costs might be the biggest consequence.
A 2009 study in the journal Surgery put the average malpractice costs for a lost sponge at $150,000, including both awards and legal defense fees, but noted that the figure could be much higher in some parts of the country.
Many hospitals considering sponge-tracking technologies "do an incomplete cost analysis and just look at the raw cost of the supplies," Steelman says. "The facilities that consider all the costs related to preventing retained sponges are finding that there is a cost savings."
Still, the biggest obstacle to wider use of sponge-tracking systems may be that so many lost-sponge cases are not detected or tracked to the responsible doctor or hospital.
"There's an element of human nature where until someone has a retained-sponge case, that person might not feel vulnerable - and they should," Steelman says. "If we have to wait for every surgeon to personally experience this before it's considered a problem, we will have injured many, many patients."
Copyright 2013 USATODAY.com
Read the original story: What surgeons leave behind costs some patients dearly |
CONSERline (ISSN 1072-611X) Newsletter of the CONSER Program - Published by the Library of Congress, Serial Record Division
No. 27, Fall 2005
Welcome to the Fall 2005 issue of CONSERline.
This issue includes a summary of some collaborative activities of CONSER, the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), and other libraries throughout the past year. A joint project of the Library of Congress and the PCC is aimed at exploring the access level record for serials. The Serials Cooperative Cataloging Training Program (SCCTP) has begun working with the Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) in an effort to develop new workshops and maintain existing courses. The Publication Patterns Task Force on Long Term Storage has been working with publishers, vendors of serials management systems, and others to develop a test of the new ONIX for Serials format, Serials Release Notification (SRN). The Publication History Record Task Force has given CONSER its final recommendations on how the Publication History record can be made a reality. There are more details on CONSER activities from the past year in the 2005 CONSER Annual Report.
I hope all of you affected by the severe weather earlier this fall are safe and I send my best wishes.
-- Les Hawkins, CONSER Coordinator, Library of Congress
This summer, the Library of Congress Serial Record Division began work with other Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) members to develop and test an access level record for serials. This collaborative pilot project is co-chaired by Regina Reynolds (LC) and Diane Boehr of the National Library of Medicine.
The access level record pilot for serials will take advantage of the model used for non-serial e-resources developed by Dave Reser (LC), Tom Delsey, LC cataloging staff, and LC reference staff. The effort is designed to enhance the utility of catalog records, both to end users and those in the library that use catalog records for processing serials, by assuring that essential elements for user tasks are present in the record. Cataloging cost savings may result by supplying only those record elements that are essential for performing user tasks.
The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) play a crucial role in defining the elements of the access level record. The user tasks: find, identify, select, and obtain, as defined by FRBR, are employed to determine end user and library processing tasks. Corresponding AACR2 and MARC 21 elements that support these tasks are evaluated to determine an agreed upon set of elements and cataloging guidelines.
Exploration of the access level record for serials may lead to the development of a single standard of record elements for serials. After Reser gave an overview of the development of the access level record at the joint BIBCO/CONSER Operations in May 2005, CONSER members discussed existing levels of cataloging for serials. The idea of simply using one standard for CONSER serials cataloging was raised. Under this scenario, one set of required elements would be used and additional elements could be added as deemed appropriate.
The serials pilot will include creation of test records based on the essential set of AACR2 and MARC 21 elements and the cataloging guidelines. The records will be evaluated in terms of cataloging costs and how well the records meet end user and library processing needs. If successful, a recommendation will be made to PCC to establish the access level record as the new standard for serials.
The project is expected to result in a chart of essential data elements and an outline of cataloging guidelines by January 2006. A progress report, including an evaluation of the pilot, is expected by the end of April 2006.
The charge for the pilot including a detailed discussion of background, methodology, and deliverables is available from: http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/documents/Access-level-chargelc-pccaug17.pdf (PDF, 76 KB)
Background information on LC’s implementation of the access level record for integrating resources is available from: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/access/accessrecord.html
-- Les Hawkins (LC)
From Oct. 2004 to Sept. 2005, trainers in the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP) taught 64 workshops. Over twenty different organizations sponsored and organized these workshops. Sponsors included utility network training programs, library associations, library interest groups, consortia as well as university libraries. SCCTP workshops continue to enjoy strong demand and serve as a practical source of serials cataloging training in the serials community.
During the year, SCCTP joined other cooperative training initiatives under the umbrella of the Cataloger's Learning Workshop (CLW). CLW is a clearinghouse portal for cataloging and other metadata training resources for information workers. The CLW editorial board provides editorial oversight of material produced by the participating programs: SCCTP, Cooperative Cataloging Training, and Cataloging for the 21st Century. CLW is developing guidelines to provide more consistency in training materials created and distributed by component programs and hopes to enhance communication among course developers, revisers, CDS as distributor, and instructors.
The SCCTP public Web site and the Trainer Resources Web site are also being modified to provide more useful information about the scheduled workshops, manuals updates, and to hold a sampling of recent workshop reports.
SCCTP held two meetings with trainers and workshop sponsors at ALA conferences in January and June 2005. Both meetings were well attended and resulted in many good suggestions for ways to provide more support to trainers and to improve or expand training materials. Many of these suggestions have been incorporated into the recent revised SCCTP manuals and in the guidelines for authors and editors being created by the CLW editorial team. All attendees at these meetings expressed interest in having SCCTP meetings on a regular basis. In response to this interest, future formal and informal meetings are being be planned for ALA and NASIG.
SCCTP has been looking to become involved with Web-based courses for several years now. Catalogers and course developers have expressed interest in developing them from existing SCCTP workshop material. A study on SCCTP and distance learning done by Jean Hirons in 2003 identified some possibilities and made several recommendations on how to proceed. The topic was again brought up for discussion at the SCCTP meeting at 2005 ALA midwinter where several good suggestions were made. Laura Kimberly (Amigos), and Steve Miller (University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Libraries) have expressed interest in developing pilot distance learning workshops.
The PCC Standing Committee on Training Task Group on Online Training has been re-constituted and work is underway to explore strategies for the development of PCC online training initiatives. The group's charge outlines a two-phased schedule with work on Phase I completed by summer 2005 and the final report (for Phase II) completed by June 2006. In the mean time, some NACO instructors have already been using online training to support post-classroom training discussions. To increase our understanding of online learning technology and to keep all interested persons up to date of various online learning efforts within PCC, a joint PCC trainers (SCCTP, NACO, BIBCO) meeting is being planned for ALA 2006 Midwinter.
-- Hien Nguyen (LC)
Vendors, publishers, and librarians gathered at two ALA meetings during 2005 to discuss the pilot of the ONIX for Serials, Serials Release Notification format (SRN). Linda Miller (LC), member of the SRN subgroup of the NISO/EDItEUR Joint Working Party (JWP) and chair of the CONSER Task Force on Long Term Storage of Publication Pattern and Holdings Data, convened the meetings. The pilot will be led by the SRN subgroup; the meetings at ALA were helpful in spreading the news about the pilot and to brainstorm about how the SRN model of sharing ONIX data can be expanded. The minutes of the task force meeting at ALA annual are available from http://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/conser/ppi/patthold-tg-long-termJune05.html.
The Publication History Task Group, chaired by Diane Hillmann (Cornell), completed its final report and recommendations in spring of 2005. The task group moved well beyond its original charge of defining a publication history record. Frieda Rosenberg’s work on developing the concept of the super record as a way to show publication history was particularly influential. As a means of showing bibliographic families of serials, the super record relies on existing linking fields in bibliographic records. The super record could be an actual record that pulls together all related records or could be a virtual construct with a display that meaningfully ties together a publication’s relationships.
Vol. 31, no. 2 (June 2005) of Serials Review contained three articles related to Publication Pattern Initiative activities and concerns. Jian Wang and Bonnie Parks published: Serial Conversations: An Interview with Diane Hillmann and Frieda Rosenberg. Paul Moeller and Wen-ying Lu published the results of their survey: MARC 21 Format for Serials Holdings: A Survey on the Acceptance and Use of Standards. Ann S. Doyle provided a summary of the ALCTS 2005 ALA midwinter program "Codified Innovations: Data Standards and their useful applications" which featured several Initiative members and touched on many of the concerns of the project.
-- Les Hawkins (LC)
The SCCTP Integrating Resources, Basic Serials, and Advanced Serials workshops were revised in FY 2005 to reflect changes in the 2004 Update to the 2002 AACR2 and included other changes and corrections. The Evaluation form has been changed in format and moved to the last appendix in each trainee manual to make it easier for trainees to find. The CONSER Cataloging Manual (CCM) update 2 was completed in Dec. 2004 and distributed in spring of 2005. Many helped in the continuous efforts to keep these working manuals up to date. Special thanks to all the catalogers and trainers who send suggestions, corrections, change requests all year long, as well as to those who helped review the final draft.
-- Hien Nguyen (LC)
The draft of AACR3 Part 1 was made available to CC:DA in mid-December 2004. CONSER and other PCC members made significant contributions to the PCC review of the draft. Kristin Lindlan (University of Washington), a CONSER representative and member of CC:DA produced a summary of comments from a quickly formed group of CONSER members. The PCC liaison to CC:DA, Paul Weiss (University of California, San Diego), gathered comments from members of the PCC Standing Committee on Standards. Carolyn Sturtevant, BIBCO Coordinator, compiled comments from BIBCO members. Paul Weiss compiled and submitted these comments to CC:DA on behalf of the PCC.
During the CONSER/BIBCO Operations meeting in early May, Dr. Barbara Tillett (Cataloging Support and Policy Office Chief, LC), LC representative to the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (JSC), presented an update from the April 24-28, 2005 JSC meeting held in Chicago. The JSC reviewed responses to the draft of AACR3 Part 1 and decided that while a new edition of the rules is the best way to achieve its strategic goals, a new approach was needed. A new working title was chosen: “Resource Description and Access” (RDA). RDA will be aligned more directly with FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAR (Functional Requirements for Authority Records) models. Instructions for recording data will be presented independently of guidelines for data presentation, and the layout and formatting of instructions will be more “user-friendly.”
CONSER will be working with other members of the PCC in commenting on future drafts of RDA as part of CC:DA constituency review throughout 2006 and 2007.
-- Les Hawkins (LC)
Diane Boehr (NLM) was appointed Head, Cataloging in April 2005. She relinquished her role as NLM representative to the CONSER Operations Committee upon conclusion of the May 2005 CONSER Operations Committee meeting. Diane remains very active professionally in the PCC (she is the co-chair of the Access Level Record for Serials) as well as the American Library Association, the Online Audiovisual Catalogers. Eugene Dickerson was appointed to be the new NLM CONSER representative. Gene is a Unit Head in the Cataloging Section at NLM and a long time CONSER contributor. Gene is also a popular SCCTP trainer and active member of ALCTS Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee.
Melissa Beck returned to the Cataloging & Metadata Center at UCLA as a part-time CONSER cataloger. Long-time CONSER members will remember Melissa from her previous stint at UCLA in the 1980s and as author of the original version of CCM, Module 31. We welcome Melissa back and look forward to her contribution as member of the Access Level Record Serials Working Group.
Stephen Early and Renette Davis arranged the CONSER ALA dinner in Chicago in June. Diners enjoyed Chicago style pizza and a wide variety of American fare offered at the Exchequer Pub. Many thanks to Steve and Renette for selecting a great restaurant. Everyone had fun and enjoyed the food and fellowship.
-- Hien Nguyen (LC) |
Michaela Guzy from Nairobi, Kenya:
NAIROBI is a city of the most extreme diversity. After weeks in the bush, it felt great to wash off the dirt and wear the limited non-safari gear in my bag. Admittedly, Nairobi gets a bad rap. Sure, you have to use your head, however, this city has become one of my favorite places on this earth– in large part to the millions of Kenyan smiles you are greeted with at every turn no matter the race, ethnicity or income level of the people you meet. In a day, you can start with a morning run around the giraffe centre in Karen (a wealthy suburb), pop by a local designer (see a few favs below) and visit one of the many charitable organizations working within the slums of Nairobi. Word of warning: make sure to leave yourself the time…the traffic is maddening, fighting the maniac matatu’s (they make NY taxi drivers look like angels) on the “roads” (to be used loosely) can take you a few hours to get from point A to point B.
This three month old cheetah has a calcium deficiency. Local designers, Anna & Lana Trzebinski (Anna’s daughter) are nursing back to health before releasing back into the wild. In the meantime, this guy just runs around Anna’s shop!
1. Where to stay
2. Local designers
3. Cultural and family activities
I’ve heard great things about Giraffe Manor and House of Waine, though I didn’t personally stay at either. Rumor has it, they are on the very high-end side of things. While I love a good pampering, I prefer more relaxed and under stated luxury. I was not disappointed with Cheli&Peacock’s recommendations of Ngong House (tree houses and one of the best shops EVER) and Hogmead (like a very large home and great views of the giraffes).
- Anna Trzebinski, born in Kenya and married a Masai who she met while on a camel safari. In addition to being an amazing high-end fashion and home designer, she also helped create the “look & feel” of Lemarti’s Camp in Northern Kenya (her husband, Lemarti, runs the lodge). I walked out with a beautiful beaded wrap dress, sandals from the latest collection and a signature handbag. Visits can be arranged to her studio or you can order through her website. Typically a two-week turn-around for delivery to the states.
When my best friend sets the date of her wedding, I will have an excuse to purchase this amazing Masai inspired dress.
- Lana Trzebinski (below), is currently working out of her mother’s shop. At the ripe old age of 19, she is making very chic, more casual/beachy wear. Moderately priced in the $70-$200 USD range. From jersey dresses, slick t-shirts, horn-buckle belts (got one) and great skirts (also bought one of these) + tops.
- Penny Winter, Belfast born designer, married to Paul, owner of Ngong House– where her shop is located. Let’s say I bought a pair of earrings that I’ve not taken off in weeks and a necklace. While her jewelry is amazing and decently priced ($60 USD+), her clothing is more spectacular ($250 USD+). I walked out with an olive green silk cat-suit (very safari chic) and a cream canvas blazer to match. A custom ordered chocolate brown leather jacket with horn buttons is being made as we speak and shipped to the USA. The shipping is what will get you, so order lots from her site or better yet, go in person. She also has great scarves, belts and dresses.
- I was sent to Charlotte Lefebvre of Bush Princess by Penny Winter. Certainly the most reasonably priced local designer I’d met yet. When I found the handbag design I loved (amber XL), but wanted in olive green suede vs. grey, she had made at my request in under 24-hours (only about $200 USD). In addition, I couldn’t help but buy myself a cow-hide clutch (approx $50 USD) and plenty of gifts for friends and family.
- Karen Blixen Musuem & Gardens (1885-1962) is famous for her memoir, Out of Africa. She wrote in English, after living on a coffee farm in Kenya from 1914 to 1931. If you are staying in Karen and or a fan of Out of Africa, I would suggest popping by for a visit and rose lunch in the gardens.
- Giraffe Center: The Giraffe Centre was founded in 1979 with the mission to create an educational institution in conjunction with rescuing the endangered Rothschild giraffes. A great activity especially with younger children.
- Nairobi National Park is the only protected area in the world close to a capital city. The park is located only 7 km from Nairobi city centre. Major wildlife attractions are the Black rhino, lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, buffaloes, giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, elands and diverse birdlife with over 400 species recorded. Other attractions include the Ivory burning site Monument, Nairobi Safari Walk, the Orphanage and the walking trails at hippo pools.
Note: while I was staying at Hogmead, apparently two lionesses escaped the park and were roaming around Karen…
- The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is a small charity (began in 1977) to honor Naturalist, David Leslie William Sheldrick MBE, the founder Warden of Tsavo East National Park in Kenya (8069 sq. miles) is home to Kenya’s single largest population of elephants and a greater biodiversity of species than any other Park in the world. In a country where an expanding human population is making increasing demands on the land, there is no better form of land use for this region than under wildlife. Tourism is a main source of foreign exchange for the country so Tsavo under wildlife is an extremely valuable National resource.
The Trust was also the pioneer of Kenya’s very effective conservation strategy to retrieve the highly endangered Black Rhino from extinction, something that has been emulated elsewhere in Africa. It masterminded the concept of electrically fenced enclosures within the Protected Areas so that outlying survivors of the species could be concentrated for breeding purposes. Aside from purchasing Crates and constructing Relocation Holding Stockades, the Trust was instrumental in the establishment of Kenya’s first enclosed Rhino Sanctuaries in Tsavo West and Lake Nakuru National Parks. It also pioneered the free release of excess animals from these Sanctuaries into Tsavo East, mindful of the fact that should security collapse (as it has in the past), enclosed rhinos are more at risk than those living free.
A. African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), in the Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya: AMREF’s vision is for lasting health change in Africa: communities with the knowledge, skills and means to maintain their good health and break the cycle of poor health and poverty. AMREF believe in the inherent power within African communities – that the power for lasting transformation of Africa’s health lies within its communities. committed to improving health and health care in Africa. AMREF works to ensure that every African can experience the right to good health by helping create vibrant networks of informed communities that work with empowered health care providers in strong health systems.
B. One Life Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. One Life Africa brought me to the Mathare Slum, the oldest slum within Nairobi to see Valley View Primary School (40% of their participating students currently come from this school) to meet the students and see the challenges that they are overcoming every day by working towards a career through education. One Life Africa began a couple years ago to assist “qualified” grade eight students who didn’t have the money to continue onto secondary school. The program of course helps give these under-priviledged students a chance to succeed through both scholarship and mentoring. In year two, the program supports 73 students. One studying law at the university of Nairobi law school and 72 students are attending national and provincial boarding high schools in Kenya. Please visit their website to learn more about the program, to set up an in-person visit or to donate.
Valley View currently has over 887 students and 45 teachers. Valley View’s largest need is to help increase the monthly salary of their teachers from $100 USD to $250 USD. Other than the obvious costs of living, this increase will help Valley View (a non-formal school, in simple terms means that they do not receive government aid, but their students do qualify to test for secondary school) offer “competitive salaries” to their teachers and help break the cycle of poverty for the students.
Founders Andrew (back right) and Stephanie (front right) of One Life Africa. Principal of Valley View Primary School in the Mathare Slum (back, mid-right), graduates of Valley View and secondary students in the One Life Africa program with their parents. |
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Allied Scientific Pro - Gatineau, Canada
We offer cost effective and innovative products to the photonics community secure supply chain management with reduced costs with our Asian suppliers making cost reduction in engineering possible with our scientific and engineering community OSL. Assisting Asian companies to promote their products...
Apollo Optical Systems, Inc. - West Henrietta, NY
Manufacturer of custom precision optical components specializing in single-point diamond turning and injection-molded polymer optics in prototype and production volumes. In-house capabilities include SPDT, extensive metrology, injection molding, optical and mechanical design and engineering. Also...
Cosmo Optics, Inc. - Middletown, NY
Founded in 1957, Cosmo Optics is involved primarily in prototypes of optical components and assemblies for industrial and scientific use. Small-scale production is also frequently undertaken. Cosmos’ wide range of facilities enables fabrication, testing and assembly of the most intricate...
Edmund Optics, Inc. - Barrington, NJ
Manufacturer and distributor of optical and imaging components for OEM and research applications. Products include lenses, prisms, filters, mirrors, optomechanical equipment, lasers, imaging lenses, CCD cameras, capture boards and imaging systems. Our comprehensive selection of optical components...
Exotic Electro-Optics, Sub. of II-VI Incorporated - Murrieta, CA
Manufacturer of infrared and visible optical assemblies, windows, domes, lens systems and components; and high-precision sapphire windows and assemblies from prototype to production. Supplier of custom thin-film coatings for heating, EMI/RF shielding and low observables, as well as antireflection...
L-3 Communications Corporation, Division of L-3 Communications, Tinsley - Richmond, CA
Manufacturer of custom precision optical components, assemblies and subsystems. Fabricates complex aspheric surfaces for reflective and refractive systems from 50 mm to 1.5 meters in size, and a wide variety of materials including glass, Be, Al and SiC. Founded in 1926 and also known in the...
LightWorks Optics, Inc. - Tustin, CA
Since 1997, LightWorks Optics has served the specialized optical needs of customers in the medical device, biomedical, aerospace, defense and commercial industries providing responsive solutions for precision assemblies, systems and components. Precision design and production capabilities offer...
Mikrop AG, Sub. of INDUS Holding AG - Wittenbach, Switzerland
Specializes in the technology field of endoscope and other miniature optics. Designs and manufactures all quantities of custom microlenses, rod lenses, doublets, triplets, and assemblies available with diameters down to 0.3 mm. Standard micro objectives are also available.
Nu-Tek Precision Optical Corporation - Aberdeen, MD
For over 25 years, Nu-Tek has been manufacturing and designing large and small custom optics, and optomechanical assemblies for use in the UV, VIS and IR spectrum. This includes precision aspheres, on and off-axis aspheric mirrors, collimators, telescope systems and ruggedized multi-focal length...
Optikos Corporation - Wakefield, MA
Optikos Corporation is the world’s largest manufacturer of equipment for the measurement of optical image quality and a leading provider of optical product development services. As the world leader in the field of MTF testing, Optikos offers complete solutions for both component and system level...
Precision Solutions, Sub. of MBDA (UK) Ltd. - Stevenage, England
Designer and developer of electro-optical systems for military and industrial applications. Producer of visible and infrared test interferometers and laser beam profiling and diagnostic instrumentation.
Rainbow Research Optics, Inc. - Centennial, CO
Manufacturer of precision optical components and high-power laser coatings from UV to IR. Supplier of stock and custom optics. Products include lenses, beamsplitters, filters, windows, mirrors, wave plates, large wedges and prisms. In-house coatings include antireflection, high reflection, dichroic...
Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. (RMI) - Lafayette, CO
Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. is a fully integrated manufacturer of high quality photonics products. Capabilities include: custom optical fabrication, UV/visible/IR coatings, optical assemblies, DPSS laser systems (1064/532/355 nm) and ultracompact laser marking engines. RMI can handle OEM...
Ross Optical Industries - El Paso, TX
Designs, manufactures and markets optical products including precision optical components from prototype to production quantities. Capabilities include optical design and engineering, coating, aluminizing, assembly and test. Specializes in conversions from conventional optics to digital imaging....
Universe Kogaku (America), Inc. - Oyster Bay, NY
Designer and manufacturer of stock and custom lenses and optical components.
Zygo Corp., Metrology Solutions Div. - Middlefield, CT
Worldwide supplier of advanced stock and custom optics, metrology and electro-optics. optics, custom precision electro-optical assemblies optical metrology instruments surface measuring interferometers interferometer accessories optical...
AdlOptica GmbH - Berlin, Germany
American Laser Enterprises, LLC - Wixom, MI
Antioch Systems - Campbell, CA
Applied Optics Research - Woodland, WA
Argus International, Ltd. - Scotts Valley, CA
ASE Optics, LLC, Sub. of Rochester Precision Optics (RPO) - West Henrietta, NY
ASML Optics, Unit of ASML - Wilton, CT
Avasha GmbH - Balgach, Switzerland
Avian Group USA, Sub. of Avian Technologies LLC - New London, NH
Avo Photonics, Inc., A Halma Co. - Horsham, PA
Norman N. Axelrod Associates, Optical Sensing & Control Systems - New York, NY
B.W. Brennan & Associates - South New Berlin, NY
Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH - Erlangen, Germany
Benchmark Electronics - Rochester, MN
BH Technology Associates - Rancho Santa Fe, CA
BibleOpteq Co. Ltd. - Beijing, China
Breault Research Organization, Inc. - Tucson, AZ
Brighten Optics Ltd. - Richmond, Canada
Bryars Optical Consulting - Santa Rosa, CA
Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre, Unit of National Research Council of Canada - Ottawa, Canada
Carclo Optics, Division of Carclo Technical Plastics Ltd. - Slough, England
Cheshire Optical, Inc. - Keene, NH
CI Systems Ltd. - Migdal Haemek, Israel
CIC Photonics, Inc. - Albuquerque, NM
Clear Align - Eagleville, PA
CMI Technology, Inc. - Englewood, OH
Cosine BV - Leiden, Netherlands
COSINGO - Imagine Optic Spain S.L. - Castelldefels, Spain
Curatu Optics - Orlando, FL
Davin Optronics Ltd. - Watford, England
Curt Deckert Associates, Inc. - Santa Ana, CA
Eidolon Optical, LLC - Natick, MA
Farrand Optical Components & Instruments, Division of Ruhle Companies, Inc. - Valhalla, NY
FISBA OPTIK AG - St. Gallen, Switzerland
FTG Software Associates - Princeton, NJ
Future Lighting Solutions, Division of Future Electronics - Pointe-Claire, Canada
Gemini Optics - Rochester, NY
Greenlight Optics, LLC - Loveland, OH
Grintech GmbH - Jena, Germany
Heatron Inc. - Leavenworth, KS
Heinz Optical Engineering, LLC - San Diego, CA
HOLOEYE Systems, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
HOPTIK - Tucson, AZ
IB/E OPTICS Eckerl GmbH - Freyung, Germany
In-Vision Digital Imaging Optics GmbH, A Digital Imaging Co. - Guntramsdorf, Austria
Innovations in Optics, Inc. - Woburn, MA
iPhysicist Ltd. - Netanya, Israel
Isocom Ltd., Sub. of Optolink Ltd., Optoelectronics Div. - Washington, England
Kaleido Technology ApS - Farum, Denmark
Kidger Optics Associates - Malvern, England
Kinetic River Corp. - San Jose, CA
KJ Innovation - Santa Clara, CA
Laikin Optical Corp. - Marina Del Rey, CA
Lambda Research Corp. - Littleton, MA
LAS-CAD GmbH - Munich, Germany
Laser Compliance, Inc. - Peoria, AZ
Lathrop Engineering, Inc. - San Jose, CA
Lensel Optics Pvt. Ltd. - Pune, India
Lighthouse Imaging Corp. - Portland, ME
LightTrans GmbH - Jena, Germany
LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH - Dortmund, Germany
LTG Lasertech Group Inc. - Concord, Canada
LTI Optics, LLC - Westminster, CO
LumenFlow Corp. - Middleville, MI
MaxEmil Photonics Corp. - New Taipei, Taiwan
MAZeT GmbH - Jena, Germany
Michael H. Metz - Yorktown Heights, NY
MZA Associates Corp. - Albuquerque, NM
Oplatek Group Oy - Leppavirta, Finland
opsira GmbH - Weingarten, Germany
OpSys Project Consulting - Schoeffengrund, Germany
Opt-E - Tucson, AZ
Optica Software, Sub. of Barnhart Optical Research LLC - Urbana, IL
Opticad Corp. - Santa Fe, NM
Optical Engineering Services LLC - Pikesville, MD
Optical Perspectives Group LLC - Tucson, AZ
Optical Physics Co. - Calabasas, CA
Optical Sciences Corp. - Huntsville, AL
Optical Systems Design, Inc. - East Boothbay, ME
Opticology, Inc. - New York, NY
Optics for Hire - Arlington, MA
OPTIS - Toulon, France
OPTOcon AG, Optical Sensors and Systems - Dresden, Germany
OptoPrecision GmbH - Bremen, Germany
OptoSci Ltd. - Glasgow, Scotland
Opus Associates - Royston, England
Oxley Developments Co., Ltd., Member of the Oxley Group Ltd. - Ulverston, England
P&P Optica Inc. - Waterloo, Canada
Pegasus Design, Inc. - Livermore, CA
Phostech LLC - Elmhurst, IL
Photon Design - Oxford, England
Photon Engineering LLC - Tucson, AZ
Photon Gear, Inc. - Ontario, NY
Photonic Controls, LLC - Horseheads, NY
Point Source, Inc. - Germantown, OH
Praxis Optics - Albuquerque, NM
Prisma - Florence, OR
Projectina AG, Division of Forensic Technology - Heerbrugg, Switzerland
PROMET International Inc. - Shoreview, MN
Pynco Inc. - Bedford, IN
Quartus Engineering Inc. - San Diego, CA
Radiant Zemax, LLC - Redmond, WA
Rainbow Optics Co. - Salem, MA
RayCAD - Tyngsboro, MA
Rochester Precision Optics (RPO) - West Henrietta, NY
RSoft Design Group, Inc. - Ossining, NY
Ruda-Cardinal, Inc. - Tucson, AZ
Savvy Optics Corp. - Chester, CT
Sciencetech, Inc. - London, Canada
Side by Side Optics Inc. - Wendake, Canada
Silicon Valley Photonics, Ltd. - Santa Cruz, CA
SMA Optical Technologies, Inc. - Honeoye Falls, NY
R. A. Smythe Management Consultants - Middletown, CT
Stellar Products - San Diego, CA
StingRay Optics, LLC - Keene, NH
David G. Stites - St. Petersburg, FL
Sumipro Submicron Lathing BV - Almelo, Netherlands
Sunrise Instruments, LLC - Hebron, NH
Sydor Instruments, LLC - Rochester, NY
Synopsys, Inc., Optical Solutions Group - Pasadena, CA
Technix by CBS, Division of Convenient Business Solutions Inc. - Edmonton, Canada
Technobis Mechatronics - Uitgeest, Netherlands
Telops Inc. - Quebec, Canada
Throl optics GmbH - Wetzlar, Germany
TLA-Lighting Consultants, Inc. - Salem, MA
Toyotec Co., Ltd., Precision Optics Div. - Toyokawa, Japan
Tucson Optical Engineering, Inc. - Tucson, AZ
VPIphotonics, Division of VPIsystems - Somerset, NJ
WA Associates - Oroville, CA
Walker Associates - Southampton, MA
Y&M Technologies, Inc. - Newark, DE
A transparent optical component consisting of one or more pieces of optical glass with surfaces so curved (usually spherical) that they serve to converge or diverge the transmitted rays from an object, thus forming a real or virtual image of that...
A smooth, highly polished surface, for reflecting light, that may be plane or curved if wanting to focus and or magnify the image formed by the mirror. The actual reflecting surface is usually a thin coating of silver or aluminum on glass.
An instrument consisting essentially of a tube 160 mm long, with an objective lens at the distant end and an eyepiece at the near end. The objective forms a real aerial image of the object in the focal plane of the eyepiece where it is observed by...
1. A piece of glass with plane parallel surfaces used to admit light into an optical system and to exclude dirt and moisture. 2. A particular region of the electromagnetic spectrum that has been singled out for some purpose; for example, the region...
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Although the Goddard Space Flight Center received its official designation on the first of May 1959, Goddard's roots actually date back far beyond that. In a sense, they date back almost as far as civilization itself - for people have been gazing into the night sky and wondered about its secrets for thousands of years. In the fourth century B.C., Aristotle created a model of the universe that astronomers relied on for more than a millennium. His assumption that the universe revolved around the Earth proved to be incorrect, but his effort was no different than that of modern scientists trying to solve the riddles of black holes or dark matter.1
The roots of Goddard's work in rocket development and atmospheric research date back several centuries, as well. The first...
...reported use of rocket technology was in the year 1232, when the Chin Tarters developed a "fire arrow" to fend off a Mongol assault on the city of Kai-feng-fu. In 1749, Scotsman Alexander Wilson was sending thermometers aloft on kites to measure upper-air temperatures. One hundred and fifty years later, meteorologists were beginning to accurately map the properties of the atmosphere using kites and balloons.2
Robert J. Goddard, for whom the Goddard Space Flight Center is named, received his first patents for a multi-stage rocket and liquid rocket propellents in 1914, and his famous paper on "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" was published in 1919. But it would not be until the close of World War II that all these long-standing interests and efforts would come together to create the foundation for modern space science and, eventually, the Goddard Space.Flight Center.3
A certain amount of rocket research was being conducted in the United States even during the war. But the Germans had made far greater advancements in rocket technology. Before the end of the war, German scientists had developed a large, operational ballistic rocket weapon known as the "V-2.". When the war came to a close, the U.S. military brought a number of these rockets back to the United States to learn more about their handling and operation.
The Army planned to fire the V-2s at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico. The Army's interest was in furthering the design of ballistic missiles. But the military recognized the research opportunity the rocket firings presented and offered to let interested groups instrument the rockets for high-altitude scientific research.4
The V-2 program helped spark the development of other rockets, and research with "sounding rockets," as these small upper atmosphere rockets were called, expanded greatly over the next few years. The results from these rocket firings also began to gain the attention of the international scientific community.
In 1951, the International Council of Scientific Unions had suggested organizing a third "International Polar Year" in 1957. The first two such events had been held in 1882 and 1932 and focused on accurately locating meridians (longitudinal lines) of the Earth. A third event was proposed after an interval of only 25 years because so many rapid advances had been made in technology and instrumentation since the beginning of WWII. Scientists in the 1950s could look at many more aspects of the Earth and the atmosphere than their predecessors could even a decade earlier. In 1952, the proposed event was approved by the Council and renamed the International Geophysical Year (IGY) to reflect this expanded focus on studying the whole Earth and it immediate surroundings.5
The U.S. scientists quickly agreed to incorporate rocket soundings as part of their contribution to the IGY. But a loftier goal soon emerged.
In October 1954, the International Council's IGY committee issued a formal challenge to participating countries to attempt to launch a satellite as part of the IGY. In July 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower picked up the gauntlet. The United States, he announced, would launch "small, unmanned Earth-circling satellites as part of the U.S. participation in the IGY."6 In September 1956, the Soviet Union announced that it, too, would launch a satellite the following year. The race was on.
Sputnik, Vanguard, and the Birth of NASA
The U.S. satellite project was to be a joint effort of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Defense (DOD). The NAS was in charge of selecting the experiments for the satellite, the NSF would provide funding, and the Defense Department would provide the launch vehicle.
Sparked by the V-2 launch program, the Naval Research Lab (NRL) already had begun work on a rocket called the Viking, and the NRL proposed to mate the Viking with a smaller "Aerobee." The Aerobee was a rocket that had evolved from a rocket JPL had first tested in 1945 and was used extensively for sounding rocket research. The Viking would be the first stage, the Aerobee would be the second stage, and another small rocket would serve as the third stage. The proposal was approved and dubbed "Project Vanguard."7
Yet despite these efforts, the Americans would not be the first into space. On 4 October 1957, the Russians launched Sputnik I - and changed the world forever.
The launch of Sputnik was disappointing to U.S. scientists, who had hoped to reach space first. But following good scientific etiquette, they swallowed their pride and gave credit to the Soviets for their impressive accomplishment. The rest of the U.S., however, had a very different reaction. Coming as it did at the height of the Cold War, the launch of Sputnik sent an astounding wave of shock and fear across the country. The Russians appeared to have proven themselves technologically more advanced. Aside from a loss of prestige and possible economic considerations from falling behind the Russians in technological ability, the launch raised questions of national security, as well. If the Soviets could conquer space, what new threats could they pose?
The situation was not helped by a second successful Sputnik launch a month later or the embarrassing, catastrophic failure of a Vanguard rocket two seconds after launch in early December. Space suddenly became a national priority. Congress began ramping up to deal with the "crisis." President Eisenhower created a post of Science Adviser to the President and asked his Science Advisory Committee to develop a national policy on space. That policy would lead to the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 that created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.8
In the months following the launch of Sputnik, numerous proposals were put forth about how the development of space capability should be organized. But in the end, President Eisenhower decided that the best way to pursue a civilian space program with speed and efficiency was to put its leadership under a strengthened and redesignated National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). Proposed legislation for the creation of this new agency was sent to Congress on 2 April 1958 and signed into law on 29 July 1958.9
The Space Act outlined a tremendously ambitious list of objectives for the new agency.
While the administrative and political debate over a new space agency was being conducted, work continued on the the IGY satellite project. The Vanguard rocket project had been approved not because the Viking and Aerobee were the only rocket programs underway, but because the military did not want to divert any of its its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) efforts to the civilian IGY project. But the launch of Sputnik and the subsequent Vanguard failure changed that situation. Getting a satellite into orbit was now a top national priority.
In November 1957, the Army Ballistics Missile Agency was given permission to attempt the launch of a satellite using a proven Jupiter C missile from the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The United States finally achieved successful space flight on 31 January 1958 when a Jupiter rocket successfully launched a small cylinder named Explorer I into orbit11. In retrospect, it's interesting to speculate how history might have been different had the Army's Jupiter missile been chosen as the satellite launch vehicle from the outset, rather than the Vanguard. The United States might well have beaten the Soviets into space. But without the public fear and outcry at losing our technological edge, there might well not have been the public support for the creation of NASA and its extensive space program.12
Meanwhile, the Vanguard program still continued, although it was struggling. A third rocket broke apart in flight just five days after the successful Explorer I launch. Finally, on 17 March 1958, a Vanguard rocket successfully launched Vanguard I - a six-inch sphere weighing only four pounds - into orbit.
The Explorer I and Vanguard I satellites proved we could reach space. The next task was to create an organization that could manage our effort to explore it - an effort that would become one of the most enormous and expensive endeavors of the 20th century.13
Origins of the Goddard Space Flight Center
As planning began for the new space agency in the summer of 1958, it quickly became clear that a research center devoted to the space effort would have to be added to the existing NACA aeronautical research centers. The space program was going to involve big contracts and complicated projects, and the founding fathers of NASA wanted to make sure there was enough in-house expertise to manage the projects and contracts effectively.
Even before the Space Act was signed into law, Hugh Dryden, who became the Deputy Administrator of NASA, began looking for a location for the new space center. Dryden approached a friend of his in the Department of Agriculture about obtaining a tract of government land near the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in...
....Maryland. Dr. John W. Townsend, who became the first head of the space science division at Goddard and, later, one of the Center's directors, was involved in the negotiations for the property. The process, as he recalls, was rather short.
He (the department of Agriculture representative) said, "Are you all good guys?" I said "Yes." He said, "Will you keep down the development?" I said, "Yes." He spreads out a map and says, "How much do you want?" And that was that. We had our place.14
On 1 August 1958, Maryland's Senator J. Glenn Beall announced that the new "Outer Space Agency" would establish its laboratory and plant in Greenbelt, Maryland. But while the new research center was, in fact, built in Greenbelt, Senator Beall's press release shows how naive even decision-makers were about how huge the space effort would become. Beall confidently asserted that the research center would employ 650 people, and that "all research work in connection with outer space programs will be conducted at the Greenbelt installation."15
The initial cadre of personnel for the new space center - and NASA itself, for that matter - was assembled through a blanket transfer authority granted to NASA to insure the agency had the resources it needed to do its job. One of the first steps was the transfer of the entire Project Vanguard mission and staff from the NRL to the new space agency, a move that was actually included in the executive order that officially opened the doors of NASA on 1 October 1958.16
The 157 people in the Vanguard project became one of the first groups incorporated into what was then being called the "Beltsville Space Center." In December 1958, 47 additional scientists from the NRL's sounding rocket branch also transferred to NASA, including branch head John Townsend. Fifteen additional scientists, including Dr. Robert Jastrow, also transferred to the new space center from the NRL's theoretical division.
The Space Task Group at the Langley Research Center, responsible for the manned space flight effort that would become Project Mercury, was initially put under administrative control of the Beltsville center, as well, although the group's 250 employees remained at Langley. A propulsion-oriented space task group from the Lewis Research Center was also put under the control of the new space center. The space center's initial cadre was completed in April 1959 with the transfer of a group working on the TIROS meteorological satellite for the Army Signal Corps Research and Development Laboratory in Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey.17
The Beltsville Space Center was officially designated as a NASA research center on 15 January 1959, after the initial personnel transfers had been completed. On 1 May 1959, the Beltsville facility was renamed the Goddard Space Flight Center, in honor of Dr. Robert J. Goddard. 18
Although Goddard existed administratively by May of 1959, it still did not exist in any physical sense. Construction finally began on the first building at the Beltsville Space...
.....Center in April 1959,19 but it would be some time before the facilities there were ready to be occupied. In the meantime, the Center's employees were scattered around the country. The Lewis and Langley task groups were still at those research centers. The NRL scientists were working out of temporary quarters in two abandoned warehouses next to the Naval Lab facilities. Additional administrative personnel were housed in space at the Naval Receiving Station and at NASA's temporary headquarters in the old Cosmos Club Building, also known as the Dolly Madison House on H Street in Washington, D.C. Robert Jastrow's theoretical division was housed above the Mazor Furniture Store in Silver Spring, Maryland.20
The different groups may have been one organization on paper but, in reality, operations were fairly segmented. The Center did not even have an official director and would not have one until September 1959. Until then, working relationships and facilities were both somewhat improvised.
Not surprisingly, the working conditions in those early days were also less than ideal. Offices were cramped cubicles and desks were sometimes made of packing crates. Laboratory facilities were equally rough. One of the early engineers remembers using chunks of dry ice in makeshift "cold boxes" to cool circuitry panels and components. The boxes were effective, but researchers had to make sure they didn't breathe too deeply or keep their heads in the boxes too long, because the process also formed toxic carbonic acid fumes.
But there was a kind of raw enthusiasm for the work - a pioneering challenge with few rules and seemingly limitless potential - that more than made up for the rudimentary facilities. It helped that many of the scientists also came from a background in sounding rockets. Sounding rocket research, especially in the early days, was a field that demanded a lot of flexibility and ingenuity. Because their work had begun long before the post-Sputnik flood of funding, these scientists were accustomed to very basic, low-budget operations. Comfort may not have been at a premium in Goddard's early days, but scientists who had braved the frigid North Atlantic to fire rockoons (rockets carried to high altitude by helium balloons before being fired) had certainly seen a lot worse.21
As 1959 progressed, Goddard continued to grow. By June, the new research center had 391 employees in the Washington area and, by the end of 1959, its personnel numbered 579.22 As the personnel grew, so did the physical facilities at the Greenbelt, Maryland, site. By September 1959, the first building was ready to be occupied.
The plan for Goddard's physical facilities was to create a campus-like atmosphere that would accommodate the many different jobs the Center was to perform. The buildings were numbered in order of construction, and there was a general plan to put laboratories and computer facilities on one side, utility buildings in the center of the campus, and offices on the other side. Most of the buildings were one, two, or three-story structures that blended inconspicuously into the landscape. The one exception was Building 8, which was built to house the manned space flight program personnel. Robert Gilruth, who was in charge of the program, supposedly wanted a tall structure, so the building was designed with six stories. The original plan to incorporate the manned space flight program at Goddard also resulted in the construction of a special bay tall enough to house Mercury capsules as part of the test and evaluation facility in Building 5. By 1961, however, this aspect of NASA's program had been moved to the new space center in Houston, Texas. So Building 8 was used to house administration offices, instead.23
Even as formal facilities developed, it still took something of a pioneer's spirit to work at Goddard during the early days. The Center was built in a swampy, wooded area, and wood planks often had to be stretched across large sections of mud between parking areas and offices. And on more than one occasion, displaced local snakes found their way into employees' cars, leading to distinctive screams coming from the parking lot at the end of the day.24
Improvisation and flexibility were critical skills to have in the scientific and engineering work that was done, as well. Space was a new endeavor, and there were few guidelines as to how to proceed - either in terms of what should be done or how that goal should be accomplished. At the very beginning, there was no established procedure to decide which experiments should be pursued, and there was a shortage of space scientists who were interested or ready to work with satellites. As a result, the first scientists recruited or transferred to Goddard had a lot of freedom to make their own decisions about what ought to be done. In 1959, NASA Headquarters announced that it would select the satellite experiments, but a shortage of qualified scientists at that level resulted in Goddard scientists initially taking part in the evaluation process. Experiments from outside scientists were incorporated into virtually all the satellite projects, but there were soon more scientists and proposals than there were flight opportunities. The outside scientific community began to complain that Goddard scientists had an unfair advantage.
It took a while to sort out, but by 1961 NASA had developed a procedure that is still the foundation of how experiments are selected today. Headquarters issues Announcements of flight Opportunities (AOs), and scientists from around the country can submit proposals for experiments for the upcoming project. The proposals are evaluated by sub-committees organized by NASA Headquarters. The committees are made up of scientists from both NASA and the outside scientific community, but members do not evaluate proposals that might compete with their own work.
These groups also conduct long-range mission planning, along with the National Academy of Sciences' Space Science Board.25 The final selection of experiments for satellite missions is made by a steering committee of NASA scientists. Because of a possible conflict of interest, the selection board took care to ensure a fairness in selecting space science research.26
Yet in the early days of Goddard, uncertainty about how to choose which experiments to pursue was only part of the challenge. The work itself required a flexible, pragmatic approach. Nobody had built satellites before, so there was no established support industry. Scientists drew upon their sounding rocket experience and learned as they went. Often, they learned lessons the hard way. Early summaries of satellite launches and results are peppered with notes such as "two experiment booms failed to deploy properly, however...," "Satellite's tracking beacon failed...," and, all too often, "liftoff appeared normal, but orbit was not achieved."27 Launch vehicles were clearly the weakest link in the early days, causing much frustration for space scientists. In 1959, only four of NASA's ten scientific satellite launches succeeded.28
In this environment of experimentation with regard to equipment as well as cosmic phenomena, Goddard scientists and engineers were constantly inventing new instruments, systems, and components, and they often had to fly something to see if it would really work. This talent for innovation became one of the strengths of Goddard, leading to the development of everything from an artificial sun to help test satellites to modular and servicable spacecraft, to solid state recorder technology and microchip technology for space applications.
This entrepreneurial environment also spawned a distinct style and culture that would come to characterize Goddard's operations throughout its developmental years. It was a very pragmatic approach that stressed direct, solution-focused communication with the line personnel doing the work and avoided formal paperwork unless absolutely necessary.
One early radio astronomy satellite, for example, required a complex system to keep it pointed in the right direction and an antenna array that was taller than the Empire State Building. After heated debate as to how the satellite should be built, the project manager approved one engineer's design and asked him to document it for him. On the launch day, when asked for the still-missing documentation, the engineer ripped off a corner of a piece of notebook paper, scribbled his recommendation, and handed it to the project manager. As one of the early scientists said, the Center's philosophy was "Don't talk about it, don't write about it - do it!"29
Dedicating the new space center
This innovative and pragmatic approach to operations permeated the entire staff of the young space center, a trait that proved very useful in everything from spacecraft design to Goddard's formal dedication ceremonies. Construction of the facilities at Goddard progressed through 1959 and 1960. By the spring of 1961, NASA decided the work was far enough along to organize formal dedication ceremonies. But while there were several buildings that were finished and occupied, the Center was still lacking a few elements necessary for a dedication.
A week before the ceremonies, the Secret Service came out to survey the site, because it was thought President Kennedy might attend. They told Goddard's director of administration, Mike Vaccaro, that he had to have a fence surrounding the Center. It rained for a solid week before the dedication, but Vaccaro managed to find a contractor who worked a crew 24 hours a day in the rain and mud to cut down trees and put in a chain link fence.
After all that, the President did not attend the ceremonies. But...
....someone then decided that a dedication couldn't take place without a flagpole to mark the Center's entrance. Vaccaro had three days to find a flagpole - a seemingly impossible deadline to meet while still complying with government procurement regulations. One of his staff said there was a school being closed down that had a flagpole outside it, so Vaccaro spoke to the school board and then created a specification that described that flagpole so precisely that the school was the only bid that fit the bill. He then sent some of his staff over to dig up the flagpole and move it over to the Center's entrance gate - where it still stands today.
There was also the problem of a bust statue. The dedication ceremony was supposed to include the unveiling of a bronze bust of Robert J. Goddard. But the sculptor commissioned to create the bust got behind schedule, and all he had done by the dedication date was a clay model. Vaccaro sent one of his employees to bring the clay sculpture to the Center for the ceremonies, anyway. To make things worse, the taxi bringing the bust back to the Center stopped short at one point, causing the bust to fall to the floor of the cab. The bust survived pretty much intact, but its nose broke off. Undaunted, Vaccaro and his employees pieced the nose back together and simply spray painted the clay bronze, finishing with so little time to spare that the paint was still wet when the bust was finally unveiled.30 But the ceremonies went beautifully, the Goddard Space Flight Center was given its formal send-off, and the Center could settle back down to the work of getting satellites into orbit.
The Early Years
In the view of those who were present at the time, the 1960s were a kind of golden age for Goddard. There was an entrepreneurial enthusiasm among its employees, and NASA was too new and still too small to have much in the way of bureaucracy, paperwork, or red tape. The scientists were being given the opportunity to be the first into a new territory. Sounding rockets and satellites weren't just making little refinements of already known phenomena and theories - they were exploring the space around Earth for the first time. Practically everything the scientists did was something that had never been done before, and they were discovering significant and new surprises and phenomena on almost every flight.
Because of the impetus behind the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space programs, space scientists also suddenly found themselves with a level of funding they had never had available before. Although there were many frustrations associated with learning how to operate in space and develop reliable technology that could survive its rigors, support for that effort was almost limitless. The Apollo program was "the rising tide that lifted all boats," as one Goddard manager put it. There was also a sense of mission, importance and purpose that has been difficult to duplicate since. We were going to space and we were going to be first to the Moon, and our national security, prestige, and pride was seen as dependent on how well we did the job.31
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies
In this kind of environment, both the space program and Goddard grew quickly. Even before Goddard completed its formal dedication ceremonies, plans were laid for the establishment of a separate Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Two of the big concerns in the early days of the space program were attracting top scientists to work with the new agency and insuring there would be space-skilled researchers coming out of the universities. Early in NASA's development, the agency set aside money for both research and facilities grants to universities to help create strong space science departments.32 But one of Goddard's early managers thought the link should be personal as well as financial.
Dr. Robert Jastrow had transferred to Goddard to head up the theoretical division in the fall of 1958. He argued that if Goddard wanted to attract the top theoretical physicists from academia to work with the space program, it had to have a location more convenient to leading universities. By late 1960, he had convinced managers at Goddard and Headquarters to allow him to set up a separate Goddard institute in New York. The Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) provided a gathering point for theoretical physicists and space scientists in the area. But the institute offered them another carrot, as well - some of the most powerful computers in existence at the time. The computers were a tremendous asset in crunching the impossibly big numbers involved in problems of theoretical physics and orbital projections.
Over the years, the Goddard Institute organized conferences and symposia and offered research fellowships to graduate students in the area. It also kept its place at the forefront of computer technology. In 1975, the first fourth generation computer to be put into use anywhere in the United States was installed at the Goddard Institute in New York.33
Goddard's international ties and projects were expanding quickly, as well. In part the growth was natural, because Goddard and the space program itself grew out of an international scientific effort - the International Geophysical Year. Scientists also tended to see their community as global rather than national, which made international projects much easier to organize. Furthermore, the need for a world-wide network of ground stations to track the IGY satellites forced the early space scientists and engineers to develop working relationships with international partners even before NASA existed. These efforts were enhanced both by the Space Act that created NASA, which specified international cooperation as a priority for the new agency, and by the simple fact that there was significant interest among other countries in doing space research.
Early NASA managers quickly set down a very simple policy about international projects that still guides the international efforts NASA undertakes. There were only two main rules. The first was that there would be no exchange of funds between...
....NASA and international partners. Each side would contribute part of the project. The second was that the results would be made available to the whole international community. The result was a number of highly successful international satellites created by joint teams who worked together extremely well - sometimes so well that it seemed that they all came from a single country.34
In April 1962, NASA launched Ariel I - a joint effort between Goddard and the United Kingdom and the first international satellite. Researchers in the U.K. developed the instruments for the satellite, and Goddard managed development of the satellite and the overall project. Ariel was followed five months later by Alouette I, a cooperative venture between NASA and Canada. Although Alouette was the second international satellite, it was the first satellite in NASA's international space research program that was developed entirely by another country.35
These early satellites were followed by others. Over the years, Goddard's international ties grew stronger through additional cooperative scientific satellite projects and the development of ground station networks. Today, international cooperation is a critical component of both NASA's scientific satellite and human space flight programs.
The work Goddard conducted throughout the 1960s was focused on basics: conquering the technical challenges of even getting into space, figuring out how to get satellites to work reliably once they got there, and starting to take basic measurements of what existed beyond the Earth's atmosphere.
The first few satellites focused on taking in situ measurements of forces and particles that existed in the immediate vicinity of Earth, but the research quickly expanded to astronomy, weather satellites, and communication satellites. Indeed, one of the initial groups that was transferred to form Goddard was a group from the Army Signal Corps that was already working on development of a weather satellite called the Television Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS). The first TIROS satellite was launched in April 1960.
Four months later, the first communications satellite was launched into a successful orbit. The original charter for NASA limited its research to passive communications satellites, leaving active communications technology to the Department of Defense. So the first communications satellite was an inflatable mylar sphere called "Echo," which simply bounced communications signals back to the ground. The limitation against active communications satellite research was soon lifted, however, and civilian prototypes of communications satellites with active transmitters were in orbit by early 1963.36
As the 1960s progressed, the size of satellites grew along with the funding for the space program. The early satellites were simple vehicles with one or two main experiments. Although small satellites continued to be built and launched, the mid-1960s saw the evolution of a new Observatory-class of satellites, as well - spacecraft weighing as much as one thousand pounds, with multiple instruments and experiments. In...
....part, the bigger satellites reflected advances in launch vehicles that allowed bigger payloads to get into orbit. But they also paralleled the rapidly expanding sights, funding, and goals of the space program.
The research conducted with satellites also expanded during the 1960s. Astronomy satellites were a little more complex to design, because they had to have the ability to remain pointed at one spot for a length of time. Astronomers also were not as motivated as their space physics colleagues to undertake the challenge of space-based research, because many astronomy experiments could be conducted from ground observatories. Nonetheless, space offered the opportunity to look at objects in regions of the electromagnetic spectrum obscured by the Earth's atmosphere. The ability to launch larger satellites brought that opportunity within reach as it opened the door to space-based astronomy telescopes.
Goddard launched its first Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO) in 1966. That satellite failed, but another OAO launched two years later was very successful. These OAO satellites laid the groundwork for Goddard's many astronomical satellites that followed, including the Hubble Space Telescope. Goddard scientists also were involved in instrumenting some of the planetary probes that were already being developed in the 1960s, such as the Pioneer probes into interplanetary space and the Ranger probes to the Moon.
The other main effort underway at Goddard in the 1960s involved the development of tracking and communication facilities and capabilities for both the scientific satellites and the manned space flight program. Goddard became the hub of the massive, international tracking and communications wheel that involved aircraft, supertankers converted into mobile communications units, and a wide diversity of ground stations. This system provided NASA with a kind of "Internet" that stretched not only around the world, but into space, as well. Every communication to or from any spacecraft came through this network. A duplicate mission control center was also built at Goddard in case the computers at the main control room at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas failed for any reason.
Whether it was in tracking, data, satellite engineering, or space science research, the 1960s were a heady time to work for NASA. The nation was behind the effort, funding was flowing from Congress faster than scientists and engineers could spend it, and there was an intoxicating feeling of exploration. Almost everything Goddard was doing had never been done before. Space was the new frontier, and the people at Goddard knew they were pioneers in the endeavor of the century.
This is not to say that there were no difficulties, frustrations, problems, or disappointments in the 1960s. Tensions between the Center and NASA Headquarters increased as NASA projects got bigger. Goddard's first director, Harry Goett, came to Goddard from the former NACA Ames Research Center. He was a fierce defender of his people and believed vehemently in the independence of field centers. Unfortunately, Goddard was not only almost in Headquarters' back yard, it was also under a much more intense spotlight because of its focus on space.
The issues between Goddard and NASA Headquarters were not unique to Goddard, or even to NASA. Tension exists almost inherently between the Headquarters and field installations of any institution or corporation. While both components are necessary to solve the myriad of big-picture and hands-on problems the organization faces, their different tasks and perspectives often put Headquarters and field personnel in conflict with each other. In order to run interference for field offices and conduct long-range planning, funding, or legislative battles, Headquarters personnel need information and a certain....
....amount of control over what happens elsewhere in the organization. Yet to field personnel who are shielded from these large-scale threats and pressures, this oversight and control is often seen as unwelcome interference.
In the case of NASA, Headquarters had constant pressure from Congress to know what was going on, and it had a justifiable concern about managing budgets and projects that were truly astronomical. To allow senior management to keep tabs...
....on different projects and to maintain a constant information flow from the Centers to Headquarters, NASA designated program managers at Headquarters who would oversee the agency's various long-term, continuing endeavors, such as astronomy. Those program managers would oversee the shorter-term individual projects, such as a single astronomy satellite, that were being managed by Goddard or the other NASA field centers.37
These program managers were something of a sore spot for Goett and the Goddard managers, who felt they knew well enough how to manage their work and, like typical field office managers, sometimes saw this oversight as unwelcome interference. Managers at other NASA Centers shared this opinion, but the tension was probably higher at Goddard because it was so close to Headquarters. Program managers wanted to sit in on meetings, and Goett wanted his project managers and scientists left alone. Tensions over authority and management escalated between Goett and Headquarters until Goett was finally replaced in 1965.38
The increasing attention paid to the space program had other consequences, as well. If it created more support and funding for the work, it also put projects in the eye of a public that didn't necessarily understand that failure was an integral part of the scientific process. The public reaction to early launch failures, especially the embarrassing Vanguard explosion in December 1957, made it very clear to the NASA engineers and scientists that failure, in any guise, was unacceptable. This situation intensified after the Apollo I fire in 1967 that cost the lives of three astronauts. With each failure, oversight and review processes got more detailed and complex, and the pressure to succeed intensified.
As a result, Goddard's engineers quickly developed a policy of intricate oversight of contractors and detailed testing of components and satellites. Private industry has become more adept at building satellites, and NASA is now reviewing this policy with the view that it may increase costs unnecessarily and duplicate manpower and effort. In the future, satellites may be built more independently by private companies under performance-based contracts with NASA. But in the early days, close working relationships with contractors and detailed oversight of satellite building were two of the critical elements that led to Goddard's success.
The Post-Apollo Era
The ending of the Apollo program brought a new era to NASA, and to Goddard, as well. The drive to the Moon had unified NASA and garnered tremendous support for space efforts from Congress and the country in general. But once that goal was achieved, NASA's role, mission and funding became a little less clear. In some ways, Goddard's focus on scientific missions and a diversity of projects helped protect it from some of the cutbacks that accompanied the end of the Apollo program in 1972. But there were still two Reductions in Force (RIFs)39 at Goddard after the final Apollo 17 mission that hurt the high morale and enthusiasm that had characterized the Center throughout its first decade. Yet despite the cutbacks, the work at Goddard was still expanding into new areas.
Even as the Apollo program wound down, NASA was developing a new launch vehicle that what would become known as the Space Shuttle. The primary advantage of the Shuttle was seen as its reusable nature.
But an engineer at Goddard named Frank Ceppolina saw another distinct opportunity with the Shuttle. With its large cargo bay and regular missions into low Earth orbit, he believed the Shuttle could be used as a floating workshop to retrieve and service satellites in orbit. Goddard had already pioneered the concept of modular spacecraft design with its Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO) satellites in the 1960s. But in 1974, Ceppolina took that concept one step further by proposing a Multi-mission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) with easily replaceable, standardized modules that would support a wide variety of different instruments. The modular approach would not only reduce manufacturing costs, it would also make it possible to repair the satellite on station, because repairing it would be a fairly straightforward matter of removing and replacing various modules.
The first modular satellite was called the "Solar Max" spacecraft. It was designed to look at solar phenomena during a peak solar activity time and was launched in 1980. About a year after launch it developed problems and, in 1984, it became the first satellite to be repaired in space by Shuttle astronauts. The servicing allowed the satellite to gather additional valuable scientific data. But perhaps the biggest benefit of the Solar Max repair mission was the experience it gave NASA in servicing satellites. That experience would prove invaluable a few years later when flaws discovered in the Hubble Space Telescope forced NASA to undertake a massive and difficult repair effort to save the expensive and high-visibility Hubble mission.40
Goddard made significant strides in space science in the years following Apollo, developing projects that would begin to explore new wavelengths and farther distances in the galaxy and the universe. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) launched in 1978, has proven to be one of the most successful and productive satellites ever put into orbit. It continued operating for almost 19 years - 14 years beyond its expected life span - and generated more data and scientific papers than any other satellite to date.
Goddard's astronomy work also expanded into the high-energy astronomy field in the 1970s. The first Small Astronomy Satellite, which mapped X-ray sources across the sky, was launched in 1970. A gamma-ray satellite followed in 1972. Goddard also had instruments on the High Energy Astronomical Observatory (HEAO) satellites, which were managed by the Marshall Space Flight Center.41
The HEAO satellites also marked the start of a competition between Marshall and Goddard that would intensify with the development of the Hubble Space Telescope. When the HEAO satellites were being planned in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Goddard had a lot of different projects underway. Senior managers at the Marshall Space Flight Center, however, were eagerly looking for new work projects to keep the center busy and alive. Marshall's main project had been the development of the Saturn rocket for the Apollo program and, with the close of the Apollo era, questions began to come up about whether Marshall was even needed anymore.
When the HEAO project came up, the response of Goddard's senior management was that the Center was too busy to take on the project unless the Center was allowed to hire more civil servants to do the work. Marshall, on the other hand, enthusiastically promised to make the project a high priority and assured Headquarters that it already had the staff on board to manage it.
In truth, Marshall had a little bit of experience with building structures for astronomy, having developed the Apollo Telescope Mount for Skylab, and the Center had shown an interest in doing high-energy research. When it got the HEAO project, however, Marshall still had an extremely limited space science capability. From a strictly scientific standpoint, Goddard would have been the logical center to run the project. But the combination of the available work force at Marshall and the enthusiasm and support that Center showed for the project led NASA Headquarters to choose Marshall over Goddard to manage the HEAO satellites.
The loss of HEAO to Marshall was a bitter pill for some of Goddard's scientists to swallow. Goddard had all but owned the scientific satellite effort at NASA for more than a decade and felt a great deal of pride and investment in the expertise it had developed in the field. It was an adjustment to have to start sharing that pie. What made the HEAO loss particularly bitter in retrospect, however, was that it gave Marshall experience in telescope development - experience that factored heavily in Headquarters' decision to award the development of the Hubble Space Telescope to Marshall, as well.
There were other reasons for giving the Hubble telescope to Marshall - including concern among some in the external scientific community that Goddard scientists still had too much of an inside edge on satellite research projects. Goddard was going to manage development of Hubble's scientific instruments and operation of the telescope once it was in orbit. If Goddard managed the development of the telescope as well, its scientists would know more about all aspects of this extremely powerful new tool than any of the external scientists. By giving the telescope project to Marshall to develop, that perceived edge was softened a bit.
Indeed, Hubble was perceived to be such a tremendously powerful tool for research that the outside community did not even want to rely on NASA Headquarters to decide which astronomers should be given time on the telescope. At the insistence of the general astronomical community, an independent Space Telescope Science Institute was set up to evaluate and select proposals from astronomers wanting to conduct research with the Hubble. The important point, however, was that the telescope project was approved. It would become the largest astronomical telescope ever put into space - a lens into mysteries and wonders of the universe no one on Earth had ever been able to see before.42
The field of space-based Earth science, which in a sense had begun with the first TIROS launch in 1960, also continued to evolve in the post-Apollo era. The first of a second generation of weather satellites was launched in 1970 and, in 1972, the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) was put into orbit. By looking at the the reflected radiation of the Earth's land masses with high resolution in different wavelengths, the ERTS instruments could provide information about the composition, use and health of the land and vegetation in different areas. The ERTS satellite became the basis of the Landsat satellites that still provide remote images of Earth today.
Other satellites developed in the 1970s began to look more closely at the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, as well. The Nimbus-7 satellite, for example, carried new instruments that, among other things, could measure the levels of ozone in the...
....atmosphere and phytoplankton in the ocean. As instruments and satellites that could explore the Earth's resources and processes evolved, however, Earth scientists found themselves caught in the middle of an often politically charged tug-of-war between science and application.
Launching satellites to look at phenomena or gather astronomical or physics data in space typically has been viewed as a strictly scientific endeavor whose value lies in the more esoteric goal of expanding knowledge. Satellites that have looked back on Earth, however, have always been more closely linked with practical applications of their data - a fact that has both advantages and disadvantages for the scientists involved.
When Goddard began, all of the scientific satellites were organized under the "Space Sciences and Applications" directorate. Although the Center was working on developing weather and communications satellites, the technology and high resolution instruments needed for more specific resource management tasks did not yet exist. In addition, it was the height of the space race and science and space exploration for its own sake had a broad base of support in Congress and in society at large.
In the post-Apollo era, however, NASA found itself needing to justify its expenditures, which led to a greater emphasis on proving the practical benefits of space. At NASA headquarters a separate "applications" office was created to focus on satellite projects that had, or could have, commercial applications. In an effort to focus efforts on more "applications" research (communications, meteorology, oceanography and remote imaging of land masses) as well as scientific studies, Goddard's senior management decided to split out "applications" functions into a new directorate at the Center, as well.
In many ways, the distinction between science and application is a fine one. Often, the data collected is the same - the difference lies only in how it is analyzed or used. A satellite that maps snow cover over time, for example, can be used to better understand whether snow cover is changing as a result of global climate system changes. But that same information is also extremely useful in predicting snow melt runoff, which is closely linked with water resource management. A satellite that looks at the upper atmosphere will collect data that can help scientists understand the dynamics of chemical processes in that region. That same information, however, can also be used to determine how much damage pollutants are causing or whether we are, in fact, depleting our ozone layer.
For this reason, Earth scientists can be more affected by shifting national priorities than their space science counterparts.43 The problem is the inseparable policy implications of information pertaining to our own planet. If we discover that the atmosphere of Mars is changing, nobody feels any great need to do anything about it. If we discover that pollutants in the air are destroying our own atmosphere, however, it creates a great deal of pressure to do something to remedy the situation.
Scientists can argue that information is neutral - that it can show less damage than environmentalists claim as well as more severe dangers than we anticipated. But the fact remains that, either way, the data from Earth science research can have political implications that impact the support those efforts receive. The applicability of data on the ozone layer, atmospheric pollution and environmental damage may have prompted additional funding support at times when environmental issues were a priority. But the political and social implications of this data also may have made Earth science programs more...
...susceptible to attack and funding cuts when less sympathetic forces were in power.44
Yet despite whatever policy issues complicate Earth science research, advances in technology throughout the 1970s certainly made it possible to learn more about the Earth and get a better perspective on the interactions between ocean, land mass and atmospheric processes than we ever had before.
The Space Shuttle Era
As NASA moved into the 1980s, the focus that drove many of the agency's other efforts was the introduction of the Space Shuttle. In addition to the sheer dollars and manpower it took to develop the new spacecraft, the Shuttle created...
....new support issues and had a significant impact on how scientific satellites were designed and built.
In the Apollo era, the spacecraft travelled away from the Earth, so a ground network of tracking stations could keep the astronauts in sight and in touch with mission controllers at almost all times. The Shuttle, however, was designed to stay in near-Earth orbit. This meant that the craft would be in range of any given ground station for only a short period of time. This was the case with most scientific satellites, but real-time communication was not as critical when there were no human lives at stake. Satellites simply used tape recorders to record their data and transmitted it down in batches when they passed over various ground stations. Shuttle astronauts, on the other hand, needed to be in continual communication with mission control.
Goddard had gained a lot of experience in communication satellites in the early days of the Center and had done some research with geosynchronous communication satellite technology in the 1970s that offered a possible solution to the problem. A network of three geosynchronous satellites, parked in high orbits 22,300 miles above the Earth, could keep any lower Earth-orbiting satellite - including the Space Shuttle - in sight at all times. In addition to its benefits to the Shuttle program, the system could save NASA money over time by eliminating the need for the worldwide network of ground stations that tracked scientific satellites. The biggest problem with such a system was its development costs.
NASA budgets were tight in the late 1970s and did not have room for a big budget item like the proposed Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). So the agency worked out an arrangement to lease time on the satellites from a contractor who agreed to build the spacecraft at its own cost. Unfortunately, the agreement offered NASA little control or leverage with the contractor, and the project ran into massive cost and schedule overruns. It was a learning experience for NASA, and not one managers recall fondly.
Finally, Goddard renegotiated the contract and took control of the TDRSS project. The first TDRSS satellite was finally launched from the Space Shuttle in April 1983. The second TDRSS was lost with the Shuttle "Challenger" in 1986, but the system finally became operational in 1989.
The TDRSS project also required the building of a new ground station to communicate with the satellites and process their data. The location best suited for maximum coverage of the satellites was at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. So in 1978, Goddard began building the TDRSS White Sands Ground Terminal (WSGT). The first station became operational in 1983, and a complete back-up facility, called the Second TDRSS Ground Terminal (STGT), became operational in 1994. The second station was built because the White Sands complex is the sole ground link for the TDRSS, and the possibility of a losing contact with the Shuttle was unacceptable. The second site insures that there will always be a....
....working communications and data link for the TDRSS satellites.45
The edict that TDRSS would also become the system for all scientific satellite tracking and data transmission did not please everyone, because it meant every satellite had to be designed with the somewhat cumbersome TDRSS antennas. But the Shuttle's impact on space science missions went far beyond tracking systems or antenna design.
Part of the justification of the Shuttle was that it could replace the expendable launch vehicles (rockets) used by NASA and the military to get satellites into orbit. As a result, the stockpile of smaller launch rockets was not replenished, and satellites had to be designed to fit in the Shuttle bay instead.
There were some distinct advantages to using the Space Shuttle as a satellite launch vehicle. Limitations on size and weight - critical factors with the smaller launch vehicles - became much less stringent, opening the door for much bigger satellites. Goddard's Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, for example, weighed more than 17 tons. The Space Shuttle also opened up the possibility of having astronauts service satellites in space.46
On the other hand, using the Shuttle as the sole launch vehicle complicated the design of satellites, because they now had to undergo significantly more stringent safety checks to make sure their systems posed no threat to the astronauts who would travel into space with the cargo. But the biggest disadvantage of relying exclusively on the Shuttle hit home with savage impact in January 1986 when the Shuttle "Challenger" exploded right after lift-off. The Shuttle fleet was grounded for almost three years and, because the Shuttle was supposed to eliminate the need for them, there were few remaining expendable launch rockets. Even if there had been a large number of rockets available, few of the satellites that had been designed for the spacious...
....cargo bay of the Shuttle would fit the smaller weight and size limitations of other launch vehicles. Most satellites simply had to wait for the Shuttle fleet to start flying again.
The 1980s brought some administrative changes to Goddard, as well. NASA's Wallops Island, Virginia flight facility had been created as an "Auxiliary Flight Research Station" associated with the NACA's Langley Aeronautical Laboratory in 1945.47 Its remote location on the Atlantic coast of Virginia made it a perfect site for testing aircraft models and launching small rockets. As the space program evolved, Wallops became one of the mainstays of NASA's sounding rocket program and operated numerous aircraft for scientific research purposes, as well. It also launched some of the National Science Foundation's smaller research balloons and provided tracking and other launch support services for NASA and the Department of Defense.
Yet although its work expanded over the years, Wallops' small size, lower-budget projects, and remote location allowed it to retain the pragmatic, informal, entrepreneurial style that had characterized Goddard and much of NASA itself in the early days of the space program. People who worked at Wallops typically came from the local area, and there was a sense of family, loyalty, and fierce independence that characterized the facility. As one of NASA smaller research stations, however, Wallops was in a less protected political position than some of its larger and higher profile counterparts.
In the early 1980s, a proposal emerged to close the Wallops Station as a way of reducing NASA's operating costs. In an effort to save the facility, NASA managers decided instead to incorporate Wallops into the Goddard Space Flight Center. Goddard was a logical choice because Wallops was already closely linked with Goddard on many of its projects. The aircraft at Wallops were sometimes used to help develop instruments that later went on Goddard satellites. Goddard also had a sounding rocket division that relied on Wallops for launch, range, tracking and data support. As time went on, Wallops had begun to develop some of the smaller, simpler sounding rocket payloads, as well. By the late 1970s, NASA headquarters was even considering transferring Goddard's entire sounding rocket program to Wallops.
In 1982, Wallops Island Station became the Wallops Island Flight Facility, managed under the "Suborbital Projects and Operations" directorate at Goddard.48 At the same time, the remaining sounding rocket projects at Goddard-Greenbelt were transferred down to Wallops. The personnel at Goddard who had been working on sounding rockets had to refocus their talents. So they turned their entrepreneurial efforts to the next generation of small-budget, hands-on projects - special payloads for the Space Shuttle.49 As the 1980s progressed, Goddard began putting together a variety of small payloads to take up spare room in the Shuttle cargo bay. They ranged from $10,000 "Get Away Special" (GAS) experiments that even schoolchildren could develop to multi-million dollar Spartan satellites that the Shuttle astronauts release overboard at the start of a mission and pick up again before returning to Earth.
The Post-Challenger Era: A New Dawn
All of NASA was rocked on the morning of 28 January 1986 when the Shuttle "Challenger" exploded 73 seconds after launch. While many insiders at NASA were dismayed at what appeared to have been a preventable tragedy, they were not, as a whole, surprised that the Shuttle had had an accident. These were people who had witnessed numerous rockets with cherished experiments explode or fail during the launch process.
They had lived through the the Orbiting Solar Observatory accident, the Apollo 1 fire, and the Apollo 13 crisis. They knew how volatile rocket technology was and how much of a research effort the Shuttle was, regardless of how much it was touted as a routine transportation system for space. These were veteran explorers who knew that for all the excitement and wonder space offered, it was a dangerous and unforgiving realm. Even twenty-five years after first reaching orbit, we were still beginners, getting into space by virtue of brute force. There was nothing routine about it.
It was an understanding of just how risky the Shuttle technology was that drove a number of people within NASA to argue against eliminating the other, expendable launch vehicles. The Air Force was also concerned about relying on the Shuttle for all its launch needs. The Shuttle accident, however, settled the case. A new policy supporting a "mixed fleet" of launch vehicles was created, and expendable launch vehicles went back into production.50
Unfortunately, a dearth of launch vehicles was not the only impact the Challenger accident had on NASA or Goddard. The tragedy shattered NASA's public image, leading to intense public scrutiny of its operations and a general loss of confidence in its ability to conduct missions safely and successfully. Some within NASA wondered if the agency would even survive. To make things worse, the Challenger accident was followed four months later with the loss of a Delta rocket carrying a new weather satellite into orbit, and the loss a year later by an Atlas-Centaur rocket carrying a Department of Defense satellite. While these were not NASA projects, the agency received the criticism and the consequential public image of a Federal entity that could not execute its tasks.
Launches all but came to a halt for almost two years, and even the scientific satellite projects found themselves burdened with more safety checks and oversight processes. The Shuttle resumed launches in 1989, but NASA took another hit in 1990 when it launched the much-touted Hubble Space Telescope, only to discover that the telescope had a serious flaw in its main mirror. As the last decade of the century began, NASA needed some big successes to regain the nation's confidence in the agency's competence and value. Goddard would help provide those victories.
One of Goddard's biggest strengths was always its expertise in spacecraft construction. Most of the incredibly successful Explorer class of satellites, for example, were built in-house at Goddard.But the size and complexity of space science projects at Goddard - and even the Center's Explorer satellites - had grown dramatically over the years. From the early Explorer spacecraft, which could be designed, built and launched in one to three years, development and launch cycles had grown until they stretched 10 years or more. Aside from the cost of these large projects, they entailed much more risk for the scientists involved. If a satellite took 15 years from inception to launch, its scientists had to devote a major portion of their careers to the...
....project. If it failed, the cost to their careers would be enormous.
In part, the growth in size and complexity of satellites was one born of necessity. To get sharp images of distant stars, the Hubble Space Telescope had to be big enough to collect large amounts of light. In the more cost-conscious era following Apollo, where new satellite starts began to dwindle every year, the pressure also increased to put as many things as possible on every new satellite that was approved.
But in 1989, Tom Huber, Goddard's director of engineering, began advocating for Goddard to begin building a new line of smaller satellites. In a sense, these "Small Explorers," or SMEX satellites, would be a return to Goddard's roots in innovative, small and quickly produced spacecraft. But because technology had progressed, they could incorporate options such as fiber optic technology, standard interfaces, solid state recorders, more advanced computers that fit more power and memory into less space, and miniature gyros and star trackers. Some of these innovations, such as the solid state recorders and advanced microchip technology for space applications, had even been developed in-house at Goddard. As a result, these small satellites could be even more capable than some of the larger projects Goddard had built in the past. The goal of the SMEX satellites was to cost less than $30 million and take less than three years to develop. The program has proved highly successful, launching five satellites since 1992, and is continuing to develop advanced technology to enable the design of even more capable, inexpensive spacecraft.51
In late 1989, Goddard launched the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite aboard a Delta launch rocket. Originally scheduled for launch aboard the Space Shuttle, the COBE satellite, which was built in-house at Goddard, had been totally redesigned in less than 36 months after the Challenger accident to fit the nose cone of a Delta rocket. Using...
....complex instruments, COBE went in search of evidence to test the "Big Bang" theory of how the universe began - and found it. Famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking called the NASA-University COBE team's discovery "the discovery of the century, if not of all time."52 The COBE satellite had perhaps solved one of the most fascinating mysteries in existence - the origins of the universe in which we live. It had taken 15 years to develop, but the COBE satellite offered the public proof that NASA could take on a difficult mission, complete it successfully, and produce something of value in the process.
Goddard reached out into another difficult region of the universe when it launched the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory in 1990. The Compton was the second of NASA's planned "Four Great Observatories" that would explore the universe in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Hubble Space Telescope was to cover the visible and ultraviolet regions, the Compton was to explore the gamma ray region, and two additional observatories were to investigate phenomena in X-ray and infrared wavelengths. At over 17 tons, the Compton was the largest satellite ever launched into orbit, and its task was to explore some of the highest energy and perplexing phenomena in the cosmos.
Three years later, Goddard found itself taking on an even more difficult challenge when the Center undertook the first Hubble servicing mission - better known as the Hubble repair mission. The odds of successfully developing and implementing a fix for the telescope, which had a flaw not in one instrument but in its central mirror, were estimated at no better than 50%. But because of Goddard's earlier successful pioneering efforts with servicable satellites, the Hubble had been designed to be serviced in space. This capability, and Goddard's previous experience repairing the Solar Max satellite, provided the critical components that made the Hubble repair possible. Fired with the same enthusiasm and sense of crisis that had fueled the Apollo program, the Goddard team assigned to manage the project, working with a hand-picked Shuttle crew from Houston's Johnson Space Center, succeeded beyond expectation. The success of such a difficult mission earned the team a Collier Trophy - the nation's highest award for the greatest aeronautical achievement in any given year.53
Even as Goddard launched the Compton Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope to explore new regions of the universe, NASA announced the start of a massive new initiative to explore the planet we call home. Dubbed "Mission to Planet Earth" when it was introduced in 1990, the effort was expected to spend thirty billion dollars over at least 15 years in order to take a long-term, systems-oriented look at the health of the planet.. In some ways, the program was a natural outgrowth of increasing environmental concerns over the years and the improved ability of satellites to analyze the atmosphere and oceans of our planet. But it received a big boost...
...when a hole in the ozone layer was discovered in 1985. That discovery, as one researcher put it, "dramatized that the planet was at risk, and the potential relevance of NASA satellite technology to understanding that risk." In the wake of the Challenger disaster, Mission to Planet Earth was also seen as one of the top "leadership initiatives" that could help NASA recover from the tragedy and regain the support of the American public.54
Although numerous NASA centers would participate in the MTPE effort, the program office was located at Goddard. It was a natural choice, because Goddard was the main Earth Science center in the agency anyway. Earth Science was broken out of the Space and Earth Sciences directorate and its research began to take on a new sense of relevance in the public eye.
As with earlier Earth science efforts, however, the political and social implications of this data also have made the program more susceptible to shifting national priorities than its space science counterparts. In the past eight years, the program has been scaled back repeatedly. Its budget is now down to seven billion dollars and the name of the program has been changed to Earth Science Enterprise.55
There are numerous reasons for the cutback of the program. But it can be argued that we find money for the items that are high national priorities. And one factor in the changing fortunes of the Mission to Planet Earth program is undeniably the shifting agendas that affect NASA funding. Nevertheless, the more moderate Earth Science Enterprise program will still give scientists their first real opportunity to study the planet's various oceanographic and atmospheric processes as an integrated system instead of individual components - a critical step toward understanding exactly how our planet operates and how our actions impact its health.
In short, Goddard's work in the early 1990s helped bring NASA out of the dark post-Challenger era and helped create in a new energy, enthusiasm and curiosity about both planet Earth and other bodies in the universe. We now had the technology to reach back to the very beginning of time and the outer reaches of the universe. The Hubble...
....servicing mission made possible the beautiful images of far-away galaxies, stars, nebulae and planets that now flow into publications on a regular basis. These images have not only provided valuable clues to scientific questions about the cosmos, they have also fired the imaginations of both children and adults, generating a new enthusiasm for space exploration and finding out more about the galaxy and universe we call home.
At the same time, we had the technology to begin to piece together answers about where El Nino weather patterns came from, how our oceans and atmosphere work together to create and control our climate, and how endangered our environment really is. These advances provided critical support for NASA at a time when many things about the agency, and the Goddard Space Flight Center, were changing.
Better, Faster, Cheaper
As we head into the twenty-first century, the world is changing at a rapid pace. The electronic superhighways of computers and communications are making the world a smaller place, but the marketplace a more global one. Concerns about the United States' competitiveness are growing as international competition increases. The crisis-driven days of the space race are also over, and cost now is a serious concern when Congress looks at whether or not additional space projects should be funded.
This need to be more cost-efficient is driving changes both within Goddard itself and in its relationships with outside industry. Goddard recently underwent a major administrative reorganization in the hopes of making better use of its engineers' time. Instead of being scattered around the Center, its almost 2,000 engineers are being organized almost entirely into either a new Applied Engineering and Technology (AET) directorate or a new Systems, Technology, and Advanced Concepts (STAAC) Directorate. In essence, AET will provide the hands-on engineering support for whatever projects are underway at the Center, and STAAC will work on advanced concepts and systems engineering for future projects.
Again, this change in matrix structure within Goddard is not a new concept. The Center has gone back and forth a couple of times between putting engineers with scientists on project teams and trying to follow a stricter discipline-oriented organization. The advantages of a project-based organization are that the engineers get to really focus on one job at a time and build synergistic relationships with the scientists with whom they are working. These relationships often lead to innovative ideas or concepts that the individual engineers or scientists might not have come to on their own. The disadvantage of this structure, which is a greater concern in times of tighter budgets, is that even if those engineers have excess time during lulls in the project, it can't easily be taken advantage of by anyone else in the Center. Their talent is tied up in one place, which can also lead to territorial "fiefdoms" instead of a more ideal Center-wide cooperation.56
At the present time, the changes are administrative only. The engineers are still being co-located with their scientist colleagues. How or if that changes in the future remains to be seen, as does the success of the reorganization in general. After all, the impact of any administrative change is determined more...
....by how it is implemented than how it looks on paper, and the success of that can only be determined once the change has been made.57
Another issue facing Goddard is the recurring question of who should be building the spacecraft. One of the strengths of Goddard has always been its in-house ability to design and build both spacecraft and instruments. The Center's founders created this in-house capability for two reasons. First, there was little in the way of a commercial spacecraft industry at the time Goddard was started. Second, although most of the satellites actually would be built by contractors, the founders of NASA believed that the agency had to have hands-on knowledge of building spacecraft in order to manage those contracts effectively.
Over the years, the commercial spacecraft industry has grown and matured tremendously, leading to periodic discussions as to whether NASA should leave the spacecraft building jobs entirely to the private sector. After all, there is general agreement that the government, in the form of NASA, should not do what industry is capable of doing. In truth, however, the issue isn't quite that simple.
In the late 1970s, Goddard's senior management all but stopped in-house satellite building at the Center, focusing the engineers' efforts on instrument building, instead. The rationale was that industry was capable of building satellites and NASA should be working on developing advanced technology sensors and instruments. Yet even aside from the argument that keeping in-house competence was necessary to effectively manage contracts with industry, there were flaws to this rationale.
For one thing, building satellites in-house had a significant indirect effect on the employees at Goddard. The ability to help design spacecraft helped attract bright young engineers to the Center, which is always an important concern in a field where industry jobs generally pay better than NASA positions. Furthermore, knowing that some of the spacecraft sitting on top of launch vehicles had been built in-house gave Goddard employees a sense of pride and involvement in the space program that instrument building alone could not create. Taking away that element caused a huge drop in the Center's morale. Indeed, when Tom Young became the Center's director in 1980, one of his first moves was to restore the building of in-house satellites in the hopes of rebuilding morale.58
The commercial space industry has matured even further in the past 20 years, and the question about whether Goddard still should be building in-house satellites has been raised again in recent years. In the end, the answer is probably "Yes". The question lies more in the type and number of satellite projects the Center should undertake. The goal is for Goddard to pursue one or two in-house projects that involve advanced spacecraft technology and to contract out projects that involve more proven spacecraft concepts. At the same time, Goddard is taking advantage of the expertise now present in the commercial satellite industry by introducing a new "Rapid Spacecraft Procurement Initiative," with the goal of reducing the development time and cost of new spacecraft. By "pre-qualifying" certain standard spacecraft designs from various commercial satellite contractors, Goddard hopes to make it possible for some experiments to be integrated into a spacecraft and launched within as short a time frame as a year. Not every experiment can be fit into a standard spacecraft design, but there are certainly some which could benefit from this quick-turnaround system.The contracts developed by Goddard for this initiative are now being used by not only other NASA Centers, but by the Air Force, as well.59
A more complex issue is how involved NASA should be in even managing the spacecraft built by industry. Historically, Goddard has employed a very thorough and detailed oversight policy with the contracts it manages. One of the reasons the Center developed this careful, conservative policy was to avoid failure in the high-profile, high-dollar realm of NASA. As a result, the concern of NASA engineers tends to be to make sure the job is done right, regardless of the cost. While industry engineers have the same interest in excellence and success, they sometimes have greater pressure to watch the bottom line. Goddard managers quote numerous examples of times contractors only agreed to conduct additional pre-launch tests after Goddard engineers managing the contract insisted on it. They also recall various instances where Goddard finally sent its own engineers to a contractor's factory to personally supervise projects that were in trouble.
Industry, on the other hand, can argue that Goddard's way of building satellites is not necessarily the only right way and this double-oversight slows down innovation and greatly increases the cost of building satellites. And in an era of decreasing federal budgets, deciding how much oversight is good or enough becomes an especially sticky issue. Currently, the trend seems to be toward a more hands-off, performance-based contract relationship with industry. Industry simply delivers a successful satellite or doesn't get paid. Some argue that a potential disadvantage to this approach is that it could rob industry engineers of the advice and experience Goddard might be...
....able to offer. Goddard's scientists and engineers have a tremendous corporate memory and have learned many lessons the hard way. So sharing that expertise might prove more cost-effective in the long run than the bottom line salary and labor allocation figures of a more hands-off system might suggest.
In the end, there is truth in what all parties say. It's hard to say what the "right" answer is because, for all our progress in the world of space, we are still feeling our way and learning from our mistakes as we keep reaching out to try new things.
The exact nature and scope of NASA's mission has been the subject of frequent debate since the end of the Apollo program. But NASA certainly has an edict to do those things that for reasons of cost, risk, or lack of commercial market value, industry can or will not undertake. In the early 1960s, the unknowns and risk of...
....failure were far too high and the potential profit far too uncertain for industry to fund the development of anything but communication satellites. Today, that situation is changing. In some cases, a commercial market for the data is developing. In others, the operations once considered too risky for anyone but NASA to perform are now considered routine enough to contract out to private companies, which are also much more capable than they once were.
Some tracking and data functions that were a part of the Goddard Space Flight Center since its inception, for example, were recently moved down to the Marshall Space Flight Center, where they will be managed by a private company under contract to a supervising Space Operations Management Office at the Johnson Space Center.60
NASA is also starting to relinquish its hold on the launching of rockets itself. In years past, all launches were conducted at government facilities for reasons of both safety and international politics. But that is beginning to change. The state of Virginia is already in the process of building a commercial space port at the Wallops Island facility in partnership with private industry. The payloads and launch vehicles using the space port will be developed privately, and the consortium will contract with NASA to provide launch range, radar, telemetry, tracking and safety analysis services.61
NASA has also used a privately developed, airplane-launched rocket called the "Pegasus" to send a number of small satellites into space. It should be noted, however, that the Pegasus vehicle went through a series of developmental problems before it became a reliable system. The same is true of the SeaWIFS satellite, which is currently providing very useful data on ocean color but which was developed under a very different type of contract than most scientific satellites. The SeaWIFS spacecraft was developed independently by the Orbital Sciences Corporation and NASA paid only for the data it uses. While the satellite is now generating very good data, it ran into many developmental difficulties and delays that caused both NASA and the contractor a lot of aggravation. On the one hand, because NASA paid the majority of the money up front, there was less incentive for the contractor to keep on schedule. On the other hand, the up-front, fixed-price lease meant that the contractor absorbed the costs of the problems and delays when they occurred.62
Fixed-price contracts work well in many arenas. The complication with scientific satellites is that these spacecraft are not generally proven designs. It's difficult to foresee ahead of time what problems are going to arise in a research project that's breaking new ground.
Indeed, there are a lot of uncertainties amidst the tremendous atmosphere of change facing Goddard, NASA and the world at large, and it remains to be seen how they will all work out. Most likely, it will take a number of missteps and failures before the right mix and/or approach is found. The process will also undoubtedly entail the same pendulum swings between different approaches that has characterized Goddard throughout its history. And since external circumstances and goals are constantly changing, there may never be one "correct" mix or answer found.
In the end, our efforts in space are still an exploration into the unknown. On the cutting edge of technology and knowledge, change is the only constant - in theories of the universe as well as technology, priorities, and operating techniques. Once upon a time, Goddard's biggest challenge was overcoming the technical obstacles to operating in space. Today, Goddard's challenge is to find the flexibility to keep up with a rapidly changing world without losing the magic that has made the Center so successful over the past forty years.
The new frontier for Goddard is now much broader than just space itself. The Center has to be open to reinventing itself, infusing new methods and a renewed sense of entrepreneurial innovation and teamwork into its operations while continuing to push boundaries in technology development, space and Earth exploration for the benefit of the human race. It has to be flexible enough to work as part of broader NASA, university and industry and international teams in a more global and cost-constrained space industry and world. It has to find a way to reach forward into new areas of research, commercial operations, and more efficient procedures without losing the balance between cost and results, science and engineering, basic research and applications, inside and outside efforts. And, most importantly, Goddard has to accomplish all of these things while preserving the most valuable strength it has - the people that make it all possible. |
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Named entity recognition (NER) is an important first step for text mining the biomedical literature. Evaluating the performance of biomedical NER systems is impossible without a standardized test corpus. The annotation of such a corpus for gene/protein name NER is a difficult process due to the complexity of gene/protein names. We describe the construction and annotation of GENETAG, a corpus of 20K MEDLINE® sentences for gene/protein NER. 15K GENETAG sentences were used for the BioCreAtIvE Task 1A Competition.
To ensure heterogeneity of the corpus, MEDLINE sentences were first scored for term similarity to documents with known gene names, and 10K high- and 10K low-scoring sentences were chosen at random. The original 20K sentences were run through a gene/protein name tagger, and the results were modified manually to reflect a wide definition of gene/protein names subject to a specificity constraint, a rule that required the tagged entities to refer to specific entities. Each sentence in GENETAG was annotated with acceptable alternatives to the gene/protein names it contained, allowing for partial matching with semantic constraints. Semantic constraints are rules requiring the tagged entity to contain its true meaning in the sentence context. Application of these constraints results in a more meaningful measure of the performance of an NER system than unrestricted partial matching.
The annotation of GENETAG required intricate manual judgments by annotators which hindered tagging consistency. The data were pre-segmented into words, to provide indices supporting comparison of system responses to the "gold standard". However, character-based indices would have been more robust than word-based indices. GENETAG Train, Test and Round1 data and ancillary programs are freely available at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/tanabe/GENETAG.tar.gz webcite. A newer version of GENETAG-05, will be released later this year.
The automatic identification of gene and protein names in the MEDLINE® database of literature citations is a challenging named entity recognition (NER) task. Biomedical NER has been an active research area for some time. Systems capable of high performance on this task are desirable because NER precedes other tasks including information extraction and text mining. The apparent simplicity of the gene/protein NER task conceals its inherent complexity stemming from an often unconventional and ambiguous genetic nomenclature.
We have previously developed AbGene, a gene/protein name tagger trained on MEDLINE abstracts using a combination of statistical and rule-based strategies. Due to the difficulty of manually evaluating AbGene results, we needed to create a tagged corpus for evaluating the performance of AbGene applied to full text articles. The GENIA corpus version 3.0 contains a total of 93,293 biological terms annotated by two domain experts . However, it was not suitable for our purposes because we ran AbGene on unrestricted text, and the GENIA corpus is restricted to text retrieved using the search terms human, blood cell and transcription factor. Additionally, the entities in GENIA are allowed to be generic, whereas AbGene was designed to extract specific gene/protein names only.
One fundamental problem in corpus annotation is the definition of what constitutes an entity to be tagged. For example, the MUC-7 Named Entity Task to identify organizations, persons and locations in text necessitated the lengthy MUC-7 Named Entity Task Definition, which specify the rules for annotating each entity . The following excerpts from the MUC-7 Named Entity Task Definition exemplify the complexity of the annotation process:
A.1.1 Entity-expressions that modify non-entities
Entity names used as modifiers in complex NPs that are not proper names are to be tagged when it is clear to the annotator from context or the annotator's knowledge of the world that the name is that of an organization, person, or location.
A.1.3 Entity-strings embedded in entity-Expressions
In some cases, multi-word strings that are proper names will contain entity name substrings; such strings are not decomposable; therefore, the substrings are not to be tagged. (See A.1.2 re special cases involving prenominal modifiers of person identifiers.)
A.1.6.2 The definite article in an alias
When a definite article is commonly associated with an alias, it also must be tagged.
However, the scoring program ignores a certain list of premodifiers as specified in section 3.3 which may make the scoring in some of these cases more lenient than this rule implies. The scorer does *not* ignore those premodifiers within quotation marks such as inside the tags in A.1.6.1 above.
The developers of the GENIA corpus followed a less exacting annotation strategy that did not allow determiners, ordinals nor cardinals to appear in tagged entities, but left qualifiers, including adjectives, as somewhat arbitrary judgement calls .
For GENETAG annotation, we chose a wide definition of a gene/protein entity, but added a constraint that requires the tagged entity to refer to a specific entity, hereafter called the "specificity constraint." The specificity constraint allows for entities like tat dna sequence but not dna sequence. No distinctions were made between genes, proteins, RNA, domains, complexes, sequences, fusion proteins, etc. A finer-grained definition is possible, for example, proteins, genes and RNA can be distinguished as separate entities using machine learning with 78–84% accuracy . However, most biomedical NER systems do not make these distinctions. Also, Hatzivassiloglou et al. found that their machine learning algorithms did not perform well against a human baseline model, suggesting that either the humans were correct, and the decreased performance was due to classification difficulty, or the machine-learned programs were penalized for being more consistent than humans. Because humans agreed only about 77% of the time on protein, gene and RNA labels, the inclusion of these distinctions in a gold standard would be an additional source of significant ambiguity.
Our decision to include domains, complexes, subunits and promoters (but only if they refer to a specific gene/protein) was based on gene names in GenBank. (Domain: A discrete portion of a protein with its own function. The combination of domains in a single protein determines its overall function. [Source: DOE Genome Glossary http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/glossary/index.shtml webcite]; Complex: In chemistry, the relatively stable combination of two or more compounds into a larger molecule without covalent binding; Subunit: A single biopolymer separated from a larger multimeric structure [Source: Stedman's Online Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition http://www.stedmans.com webcite]; Promoter: a segment of DNA located at the "front" end of a gene, which provides a site where the enzymes in involved in the transcription process can bind on to a DNA molecule, and initiate transcription [Source: Genomics Online Terms http://www.biojudiciary.org/glossary/index.asp?flt=p webcite)
For example, the name in (1) suggests that a particular subunit is considered to be a gene entity because it is associated with a GenBank sequence. Similarly, (2) shows that promoters can be considered to be gene-sequence-related entities. Our specificity constraint requires the presence of Sf3b4 in (1) and transaldolase in (2). Thus, subunit 4 alone in (1) and promoter region alone in (2) would not be true positives.
1) Sf3b4, splicing factor 3b, subunit 4
2) Mus musculus transaldolase gene, promoter region
Some exceptions to the specificity constraint were incorporated into the annotation scheme due to their appearance in GenBank:
3) bHLH transcription factor mRNA
4) Xenopus laevis similar to POU domain gene
By defining a gene based on gene names in GenBank, but requiring only a partial match, we have addressed the fact that gene names in text are often not exact matches to their official names. This is an advantage of manually annotating a corpus instead of relying on lists of official gene names for a gold standard – each entity in each context can be expertly evaluated and revised if necessary. The above examples illustrate some of the motivation behind the compilation of a list acceptable alternative gene/protein names. In (1), many systems would probably not extract the entire entity, and would be penalized. A more flexible evaluation would be possible if it were recognized that "Sf3b4" and "Sf3b4, splicing factor 3b," are acceptable alternatives to the full form. It would also allow systems to delete the organism name in (2), as well as the fact that it refers to the promoter region. The acceptable alternatives are always subject to the specificity constraint so that the important parts of gene/protein names are preserved. In addition to the specificity constraint described here, we applied semantic constraints to define gene/protein entities.
Semantic constraints are rules stating that the tagged entity must contain its true meaning in the sentence context. These constraints were geared towards multiword entities, especially ones that include numbers, letters and acronyms. For example, the name in (5) requires rabies because RIG implies that the gene mentioned in this sentence refers to the rabies immunoglobulin, and not just any immunoglobulin. In (6), the word receptor is necessary to differentiate IGG receptor from IGG, an important semantic distinction. In (7), the number 1 is needed to accurately describe a specific type of tumor necrosis factor, although tumor necrosis factor alone might be adequate in a different context.
5) rabies immunoglobulin (RIG)
6) IGG receptor
7) Tumor necrosis factor 1
GENETAG consists of 20K sentences that have been run through AbGene and manually annotated with gene and protein names (via a web interface) by experts in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. It is a heterogeneous set of sentences that contains many true positive gene names, and also many non-gene entities that are morphologically similar to gene names. There are approximately 24K instances of gene/protein names in the 20K sentences. 15K of the sentences were used in BioCreAtIvE-2004 Task 1A . Previous biomedical NER systems were difficult to compare because there were few large gene-tagged corpora available. Although GENETAG was not originally intended to be widely distributed, in releasing the corpus to the larger biomedical NER community through the BioCreAtIvE Evaluation, we hoped to stimulate interest in this area and provide a means to evaluate multiple systems on unrestricted biomedical text.
GENETAG annotation guidelines were designed to define true positive gene/protein names in terms of their specificity and semantics. Each sentence in GENETAG is annotated with acceptable alternatives to the gene/protein names it contains, allowing for partial matching with semantic constraints, a more meaningful measure of the performance of an NER system than unrestricted partial matching. This paper provides some background on the corpus including 1) sentence selection, 2) definition of a gene/protein name, 3) tokenization and partial matching and 4) tagging consistency.
We used Naïve Bayesian learning to predict the likelihood that a MEDLINE document contains a gene/protein name [6-8]. The classifier was trained on a set of MEDLINE documents containing known gene/protein names against the rest of MEDLINE. High-scoring documents almost always contain gene/protein names, and low-scoring documents often contain no gene/protein names. We found that we could apply our classifier to sentences as well as documents. Since we required the corpus to contain both true gene/protein names and non-gene-related entities, we randomly selected 10K high- and 10K low-scoring MEDLINE sentences as the basis for our corpus. The Bayesian classifier is implemented in C++. The 20K sentences were run through AbGene, and the resulting gene/protein tags were manually transformed by three domain experts in genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology. Annotation was done using a web interface, using check boxes under words to indicate gene/protein names for the gold standard, and manual entry of partial match alternative names and indices (see Figure 1). A flexible evaluation program was implemented in Perl.
Figure 1. GENETAG Annotation Method. The annotator selects the boxes under each word in a gene/protein name and presses the "Mark" button. The resulting name is highlighted in yellow, and the marked fragments are shown in the bottom left frame. The annotator selects allowable alternatives from this list and presses "Save". Alternatives beyond the scope of the original highlighted name are input manually (along with their indices) into the text entry box. The lower right frame shows all the alternatives to the original name, along with their indices and the sentence number. A link to the abstract is provided for contextual clues.
GENETAG contains 20K sentences tagged with gene/protein names (see Table 1 for some corpus statistics). An additional file of acceptable alternatives to the tagged gene/protein names is available. The gold standard combined with the acceptable alternatives allows for flexible scoring using meaningful partial matching. The flexible evaluation program checks first for the gold standard version of the name, then checks for each of the available alternatives to the gold standard version of the name. Word indices ensure that specificity and semantic constraints are met for sentences that contain overlapping, repeated and/or nested names.
Table 1. GENETAG corpus statistics The 20K sentences were split into four subsets called Train, Test, Round1 and Round2.
Tokenization is problematic in gene/protein name NER because punctuation cannot be globally removed to make processing straightforward. Gene and protein names often contain hyphens, parentheses, brackets, and other types of punctuation, thus using Penn Treebank style tokenization , where most punctuation is split from neighboring words, is not ideal. The Penn Treebank contains "subtleties" for hyphens and dashes, similarly, our original tokenization was based on rules that usually apply to gene and protein names: 1) do not split on hyphens (Myc-2, c-Cbl, POU-domain proteins), 2) do not split on single quotation marks (5'-rearranged myb, 5'-GCACGTTTT-3', Marek's disease virus serotype 2 glycoprotein M), 3) do not split on commas (Na+,K(+)-ATPase), and 4) do not split on parentheses and brackets ((GST)-Lyn fusion). AbGene applies these tokenization rules to terms that resemble gene names (phrases with commas embedded in words, matching parentheses appearing in the same word, asterisks in the middle of words, embedded semicolons, etc.), and not to other phrases (phrases with commas not embedded in words, parentheses not appearing in the same word, asterisks outside of words, semicolons outside of words, etc.), resulting in inconsistent tokenization. Some parentheses are surrounded by spaces, others are not, dependent on whether the phrase resembled a gene name or not. The corpus was later re-tokenized automatically (after annotation was completed) to be closer to the Penn Treebank style, with the exception of hyphenations and single quotation marks. Although the second tokenization is more consistent than the original tokenization, it introduces some awkward spaces into gene names, for example in (8), (9) and (10).
8) human alpha 1, 2-mannosidase
9) (IL) -1beta
10) D. melanogaster Surf-3 / rpL7a
Exact matching to a gold standard corpus is too stringent for evaluation purposes since there is not always one and only one correct answer for each entity. However, unrestricted partial matching is suboptimal because it allows unsuitable fragments with insertions and deletions to count as true positives. Canonical form matching is not possible for many organisms given current resources. In GENETAG we allowed partial matching, but the matches were subject to the specificity and semantic constraints described earlier for defining a gene/protein name. Partial matching with semantic constraints allows for acceptable gene/protein name alternatives like p53, p53 genes, p53 protein, but rejects fragments like all p53 genes, p53 patients and -1beta. Our flexible matching strategy entails that the tokenization of the gold standard corpus and test set be identical since it relies on the location of each word in the sentence. A positional approach is necessary because often one sentence contains many gene/protein names, including overlapping, repeated and/or nested names. To illustrate this problem, suppose an NER system identified the following gene in sentence fragment (11): TGF-beta1. It would be impossible to know which of the two instances of TGF-beta1 was actually extracted by the system without sentence indices. In (12), a similar ambiguity exists if an NER program were to extract the gene list: TNF, Toll-like receptor. Does TNF refer to human tumor necrosis factor or TNF receptor 1? Did the system extract part of Toll-like receptor 2 or Toll-like receptor 4? The exact location of gene/protein names in a sentence is essential for debugging NER programs based on contextual clues, for example, in (11) the first instance of TGF-beta1 is preceded by stimulating, and the second instance has a more generic context. The requirement that the gold standard and test sets have the same tokenization is disadvantageous. However, positional information is necessary for further natural language processing (NLP), since it affects both syntactic structure and semantic interpretation.
11) Inflammation has been inferred to play a major role in stimulating TGF-beta1 production since high concentrations of TGF-beta1 have been found in the lungs of patients with various diffuse inflammatory lung diseases.
12) RIP3-deficient cells showed normal sensitivity to a variety of apoptotic stimuli and were indistinguishable from wild-type cells in their ability to activate NF-kappa B signaling in response to the following: human tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which selectively engages mouse TNF receptor 1 ; cross-linking of the B- or T-cell antigen receptors; peptidoglycan, which activates Toll-like receptor 2 ; and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which stimulates Toll-like receptor 4.
GENETAG was annotated manually, thus the tags assigned were judgment calls by human annotators. Annotation guidelines were established, however, many grey areas soon appeared for which no generalized rules were formulated. In particular, names containing conjunctions were difficult to tag. In (13), it seems excessive to require an NER program to recognize the entire fragment, however, 3 alone is not a valid gene name.
13) src homology 2 and 3
Due to the specificity constraint, we were unable to formulate a syntactic rule for handling conjunctions systematically. For example, the underlined terms satisfying the specificity constraint in examples (14), (15) and (16) occur arbitrarily to the left or right of the word "or." Accepted alternatives for (14) were: ICP34 . 5, ICP34 . 5 promoters, mutant ICP34 . 5 promoters, wild-type or mutant ICP34 . 5, and mutant ICP34 . 5. Accepted alternatives for (15) were: Rab1B, Rab1B, -5, Rab1B, -5, -7, and Rab1B, -5, -7, -8. Accepted alternatives for (16) were: beta, or gamma PKC, gamma PKC, and PKC.
14) wild-type or mutant ICP34 . 5 promoters
15) Rab1B, -5, -7, -8, or -11A
16) alpha, beta, or gamma PKC
Adjoining gene/protein names also presented a challenge during annotation, since gene/protein name boundaries are not immediately obvious in these instances. It is an intricate task to assign the exact boundaries in (17) and (18), even for domain experts, and in (19) it is unclear whether E2, RAD5 and UBC2 are stand-alone synonyms or parts of a complex or fusion protein. Similarly, it is difficult even for experts to determine how many separate entities are denoted in (20). Often the sentence context, and sometimes the entire abstract context, is inadequate for the correct determination to be made, so other resources (books, websites, and full text articles) must be consulted. This time-consuming lookup step necessitates a trade-off between tagging consistency and annotation time.
17) stress-activated protein kinase-Jun N-terminal kinase
18) tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF)
19) E2 RAD5 (UBC2)
Even in unambiguous cases, tagging inconsistencies can appear due to human error. In particular, the partial matching alternatives are sensitive to inconsistencies because the names and indices were input manually into a text box on an annotation web page (see Fig. 1).
We have described the GENETAG corpus of tagged gene/protein names in MEDLINE text which was used in BioCreAtIvE Task 1A. The corpus was designed to contain both true and false positive gene/protein names in a variety of contexts. Gene/protein names are defined widely, but are subject to specificity and semantic constraints. The annotation guidelines were designed with the goal of allowing flexible matching to the gold standard, while retaining the true meaning of the tagged entities. Arbitrary partial matches not corresponding to a complete and meaningful entity fail to meet the annotation guidelines and are scored as false positives and/or false negatives. A more detailed definition of a gene/protein name, as well as additional annotation rules, could improve interannotator agreement and help solve some of the tagging inconsistencies. Subtle tokenization issues exist in the corpus, and the requirement that the gold standard and test sets have the same tokenization is disadvantageous (see discussion in ). However, a positional approach is necessary to disambiguate sentences which contain adjoined, repeated and/or nested gene names, and for future NLP applications. A more robust approach would use character-based rather than word-based indices to allow for a wider diversity of tokenization.
LT outlined the annotation guidelines, annotated text, wrote the evaluation programs and drafted the manuscript. NX created the web interface for corpus annotation. LHT and WM participated in designing the annotation guidelines and annotated text. WJW conceived of the project, and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Bioinformatics 2003, (Suppl 1):i180-2. Publisher Full Text
Valencia A, Blaschke C, Hirschman L, Yeh A, Morgan A, Colosimo M, Colombe M: A critical assessment of text mining methods in molecular biology. [http://www.pdg.cnb.uam.es/BioLINK/workshop_BioCreative_04/handout/index.html] webcite |
Your guide to the servants of God beatified in 2012
A total of 28 people were beatified in the past 12 months. Here is a selection.
- J.J. Ziegler
- December 28, 2012
In September 2005, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints announced that Pope Benedict was instituting new procedures for the rite of beatification.
"Canonization is the supreme glorification by the Church of a Servant of God raised to the honors of the altar with a decree declared definitive and preceptive for the whole Church, involving the solemn Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff,” the Congregation stated. “Beatification, on the other hand, consists in the concession of a public cult in the form of an indult and limited to a Servant of God whose virtues to a heroic degree, or martyrdom, have been duly recognized.” The liturgical cult of blessed, according to the formula of beatification, is limited in locis ac modis iure statutis (“in places and modes established by law”).
Beginning in 1662, beatifications took place in Rome, with a curial official leading the ceremony in the morning and the pope venerating the blessed in the afternoon. In 1971, the popes began to preside personally at the beatification rites, which at times came to be celebrated outside Rome.
“Rites of beatification and canonization are already in themselves quite different; nonetheless, the fact that from 1971 onwards the Holy Father generally presided at them has almost blinded people to the substantial difference between the two institutions,” the Congregation noted. Pope Benedict blended aspects of the older and newer practices: beatifications would henceforth typically be presided over by the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and would typically take place outside Rome.
In 2012, 28 venerable servants of God—including 15 martyrs, five founders of religious communities, and two converts—have been raised to the altars in 14 beatification ceremonies.
Blessed Hildegard Burjan (1883-1933), beatified in Vienna on January 29, “wanted to be present at the focal points of human suffering as the ‘charismatic messenger of social love,’” Blessed John Paul II said during his 1998 apostolic journey to Austria.
Born to a Jewish family and a student of German philology and philosophy, Burjan married at 24 and converted to Catholicism at 26, following her recovery from a serious illness. In 1910, she bore her only child, Lisa, whom doctors had advised her to abort during her difficult pregnancy; Burjan refused, and Lisa lived to be 95.
Influenced by Pope Leo XIII’s social encyclical Rerum Novarum, Burjan started the Verein christlicher Heimarbeiterinnen (the Association of Christian Domestic Workers) in 1912 and, in the wake of the devastation wrought by World War I, she founded the association Soziale Hilfe (Social Assistance) in 1918. From 1918 to 1920, she served on the Vienna city council and in the Austrian parliament, and in 1919 founded the Schwesterngemeinschaft Caritas Socialis (Sisters of Caritas Socialis), a women’s religious community still serving the needy today.
“It is not enough to help people with money or small gestures,” Blessed Hildegard said. “It is necessary to make them stand on their own feet and to give them the belief: I am a person who can achieve something.”
María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament
The life of Blessed María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament (1904-81), beatified in Mexico at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on April 21, was changed after she attended a Eucharistic Congress and read St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Story of a Soul. In 1929, during a time of great persecution in Mexico, she entered a community of cloistered Poor Clares that had moved to Los Angeles. After the community returned to Mexico, she rose to the position of novice mistress.
Called by God to a more active missionary life, Blessed María Inés Teresa founded the Poor Clare Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in 1945. By the time she died, her order had spread to five continents.
“We must teach others about Christ,” she wrote in a 1977 letter to her community. “We missionaries should not, therefore, let a day go by without our talking of Christ to others. To know that only a small number of people know the true God (Love) should be a source of torment for us. It should urge us not to spare any suffering, any inconvenience. It should spur us to do everything, anything to make God known and loved by all the inhabitants of the world.”
Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo (1845-1918), an Italian economics professor, was beatified at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on April 29. After his Regina Caeli address that day, Pope Benedict paid a lengthier tribute to Toniolo than to any of the other men and women beatified in 2012.
“He lived between the 19th and 20th centuries, he was a husband and the father of seven children, a university professor and educator of youth, an economist and sociologist and an enthusiastic servant of communion in the Church,” the Pope said.“He put the teachings of Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Rerum Novarum into practice; he promoted Catholic Action, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, the Italian Catholic Social Weeks, and an international law institute for peace.”
“His message is very up to date, especially in these times: Blessed Toniolo points out the way of the primacy of the human person and of solidarity,” Pope Benedict continued. “He wrote: ‘Over and above even the legitimate goods and interests of individual nations and states, there is an inseparable note that coordinates and unites them all, that is to say, the duty of human solidarity.’”
Blessed Pierre-Adrien Toulorge (1757-93), a martyr during the French Revolution, was beatified in Coutances, France, on April 29. In the turmoil of the day, the Premonstratensian (Norbertine) priest departed for England for five months but returned to France.
In the year before his execution, he secretly ministered in village after village and offered Mass using handwritten Mass texts. Discovered in a barn and arrested, he initially lied about his journey to England, but later repented and told the whole truth in court—even after a sympathetic judge offered him the chance to remain silent and be acquitted—leading him to become, in the words of Pope Benedict, a “martyr of truth.”
Upon being sentenced to death, he chided a weeping nun:
Madame, the tears you are shedding are unworthy of you and me. What would worldly people say if they knew that having renounced the world, we found it difficult to leave it? If we are loathe to die, we will give the children of this century a bad example, and perhaps your discouragement will close the door of salvation for many souls who might find themselves in the same situation. Let us teach them by our constancy what they must do. Let us show that faith is victorious over torture, and open a path to heaven amidst the final efforts of hell.
As he approached the guillotine, he cried out, “My God, I place my life in your hands! I pray for the restoration and preservation of your holy Church. Forgive my enemies.”
Mother Saint-Louis (1763-1825), born Louise-Élisabeth Molé, was beatified in Vannes, France, on May 27. Born into the French nobility, she married at 15 and bore five children, only two of whom survived childhood. In 1794, her husband was guillotined on Easter Sunday.
After her two surviving children reached adulthood, she founded the Sisters of Charity of Saint-Louis in 1803 for the education of poor girls; later, the sisters opened orphanages. “I was driven by love from my early youth, but by a jealous love, crucified, who asked me to sacrifice everything to him,” Mother Saint-Louis recalled in a letter.
Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste
Blessed Marie Jean-Joseph Lataste (1832-69), described by Pope Benedict as an “apostle of prisons,” was beatified in Besançon, France on June 3. The son of a skeptic father and a devout mother, he entered the minor seminary but was steered by his father to become a tax administrator and accountant.
At 20, Lataste began to visit the poor regularly as a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and the following year, he fell in love with a devout 16-year-old young woman. She died two years later, and in 1857 he entered the Dominican order.
Ordained to the priesthood in 1863, he devoted himself to an apostolate of preaching, writing, and visiting prisons, founding the Dominican Sisters of Bethany in 1867 to work for the rehabilitation of women prisoners. Within a year, 12 women, including four former prisoners, joined the community. Ill and exhausted, Lataste died shortly thereafter; when his tomb was moved in 1937, his body was found to be incorrupt.
Blessed Cecilia Eusepi (1910-28), beatified on June 17 in the small central Italian town of Nepi, was deeply influenced by St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Story of a Soul as a young child. At the age of 13, Eusepi received permission from her bishop to enter the Order of the Servants of Mary.
“I would even go so far as to call her our own little Thérèse,” said Father Tito Sartori, postulator general of Eusepi’s beatification cause. “Of all the most recent figures of saintliness recognized by the Church, Cecilia is the one who most absorbed and followed the ‘little way’ indicated by the great French saint.”
Directed by her confessor to write an autobiography, which she called The Story of a Clown, Eusepi wrote that “if Jesus had granted the same grace to some other soul as he granted to me, the halo of holiness would not have been long in circling that head. But it pleases Jesus, who likes to joke with his creatures, to steep in grace the least probable, people who might not be worthy, the ones who seem to him to be the most wretched, in order to make his mercy shine forth all the more, and he takes pleasure in their confusion and wonder.”
Eusepi contracted tuberculosis and died before she could profess vows; her body remains incorrupt. “In dressing her, we had noticed that she had an open wound on her back, but imagine our amazement when we saw that there was no sign at all of the devastating effects of the tuberculosis,” the priest of her home parish said in 2009.
Blessed Mariano Arciero (1707-88), beatified in the small southwestern Italian town of Contursi Terme on June 24, was ordained a priest in Naples at the age of 24. In his various assignments in Naples and Calabria, he devoted himself to catechesis and the confessional and, in time, was named spiritual director of the archdiocesan seminary. “Holding out the word of God to the small and the great, to seminarians, to priests, he was an itinerant apostle of the Gospel, admired by all for his charity, poverty, humility,” Cardinal Angelo Amato, the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, preached at Arciero’s beatification Mass.
Beatified in Troyes, France on September 22, Blessed Louis Brisson (1817-1908) loved the sciences—he constructed an astronomical clock—and was ordained to the diocesan priesthood in 1840. Three years later, he was appointed chaplain of a convent of the Visitation Order, founded by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane Frances de Chantal two centuries earlier. Influenced by Salesian spirituality, Blessed Brisson and St. Léonie Aviat founded the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis of Sales in 1868 to catechize female textile workers. Four years later, Brisson founded a men’s community, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, and by the time of his death a quarter century later, the Oblates had schools or missions in Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, England, and the United States.
In his beatification homily, Cardinal Amato paid tribute to Blessed Brisson’s “apostolic spirit of faith,” “discreet and generous charity,” and “filial devotion to the pope, which he considered the ‘pivot’ of his faith.” As Blessed Brisson said, “We will always remain with regard to holy Church and the pope as children under the tutelage of their father and their mother. With us, there will be no fights or struggles of opinions; it is a waste of time.”
Gabriele Maria Allegra
On September 29, Blessed Gabriele Maria Allegra (1907-76) was beatified in the small city of Acireale, Sicily. Blessed Allegra entered the Franciscan order (Order of Friars Minor) and was ordained to the priesthood at the age of 22. Two years later, he was assigned to the missions in China, where he began the decades-long task of translating the whole Bible into Chinese, becoming the first person to do so in 1968. Devoted to the Blessed Virgin from youth, the “St. Jerome of China” also led retreats, translated sonnets, wrote a commentary on Dante’s Divine Comedy, and regularly spent Christmas and Easter with lepers.
Bedřich Bachstein and Companions
On October 13, Blessed Bedřich Bachstein and his 13 companions, all from the Order of Friars Minor, were beatified in Prague. Four of the martyrs hailed from what is now the Czech Republic, while the others were natives of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain. “They are the first blesseds in the Year of Faith and are martyrs,” said Pope Benedict; “they remind us that believing in Christ also means being ready to suffer with him and for him.”
The 14 were slain in 1611 by a Protestant mob. Blessed Bachstein, about 50 years of age, was killed by a spear to the heart. Most of the Franciscans were stabbed or beaten to death; Blessed Klemens, a novice, had his head split open by an axe. Blessed Juan Martínez was attempting to protect a ciborium when his hand was cut off and he was stabbed in the back; the hosts were then trampled on.
Maria Luisa Prosperi
Blessed Maria Luisa Prosperi (1799-1847), a Benedictine nun and mystic, was beatified in Spoleto, Italy on November 10. Known from childhood for her devotion to the Eucharist and the Passion, she was elected abbess of her monastery. Blessed Prosperi, said Cardinal Amato, had “a firm faith, firm, unlimited; it rose to the heights of God’s mysteries, and it seemed as if she could see with her eyes what we believe to faith.”
She lived a hidden life—her mystical experiences were unknown to her fellow nuns—but her monastery today attracts many pilgrims. “We are still amazed by the enormous flow of pilgrims, priests, and the poor who come to us,” said the current abbess of the Monastery of Santa Lucia in Trevi before Blessed Prosperi’s beatification. “For today’s society, lacking secure points of reference, the nun is a ‘sister’ to whom to confide their troubles and their hardships, a ‘mother’ from whom is sought spiritual help, but also, without shame, material assistance.”
María Crescencia Pérez
On November 17, Blessed María Crescencia Pérez (1897-1932), a religious of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden, was beatified in the northeastern Argentine city of Pergamino. Influenced by the spirituality of St. Thérèse, she sought to “do what God wants, want what God wants, and be where God wants.” As she ministered to tuberculosis victims in Chile, she contracted the disease and died. Pope Benedict described her as “a model of evangelical gentleness enlivened by faith. Let us praise the Lord for her witness.” Her body remains incorrupt.
Beatified in the small city of Macas in central Ecuador on November 24, Blessed Maria Troncatti (1883-1969) was an Italian missionary sister. She entered the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco) in 1908, served as a nurse during World War I, and was sent to Ecuador in 1922, never to return to her native land. “Every day I am happier with my missionary religious vocation,” she said, as she brought the Gospel to the indigenous Shuar people, earning their confidence through the medical treatment she offered them. Taking in abandoned babies who were slated to be killed, Blessed Troncatti became like a mother to many. She died in a plane crash at the age of 86.
On December 2, Blessed Devasahayam Pillai (1712-52) was beatified in Kottar in the southeastern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The first Indian layman to be beatified, Pillai was a Hindu court official who learned out about the Gospel through conversations with a captured Dutch sea captain. Following his conversion, he led others to the Catholic faith, including his wife and other family members. Accused of treason, he was arrested and publicly mocked and tortured over a three-year period before he died.
At the time of his wife’s last visit to his prison cell, he said:
My loving spouse, do not be disheartened that you have had no happiness but only suffering on account of being married to me. You have been a partner in my sufferings and humiliations. If you bear these sufferings with patience, you will be a sharer in the heavenly prize that God will offer.… If you remain in this country after my death the members of your community will bother you a lot. So you should flee to some other place. There the Lord will protect you from all harm. Do not be anxious that we will lose our relatives. The Lord is our relative and our helper. You should pray to God for me that, just as He has given me the grace I needed to patiently endure the sufferings that have been inflicted upon me till now, He might strengthen me so that at the time of my death, I may not waver out of fear.
“He was a faithful layman who lived in the 18th century and died a martyr,” Pope Benedict said on the day of his beatification. “Let us join in the joy of the Church in India and pray that the new blessed may sustain the faith of the Christians of that large and noble country.”
Full Story: The "New Blesseds" of 2012
Source: Catholic World Report |
It was great seeing you in Las Vegas last week. I’m glad you finally made it out here, and I hope you’ll be back soon.
Do you remember what you asked me at the bar, the afternoon we were downtown? You asked me a question about what I thought was the signature building in Las Vegas. And my answer, I’m sure you remember, was pretty weak. I said there were no great buildings in Las Vegas.
Now, true, this was partially your fault. When you told me that you thought the Titanic Casino and Resort was the best building in town — what did you say? Some word like “astounding” or “astonishing” — I wanted to put you on the first plane back to the East Coast. I thought you were going to give me some line about the glories of Las Vegas’s postmodern pastiche. The First City of Spectacle. Some such nonsense.
But that was my knee jerk reaction. We locals forget what it’s like to see the Strip for the first time. No matter how many pictures or videos you see, the first time you see the Strip up close, especially in the falling light, when you catch a glimpse of the darkening mountains in all directions, it really is like an impossible dream. So, OK, I’ll grant you the chutzpah of the Titanic. The juxtaposition of the long shape of the ship and the vertical hotel, which looks like an iceberg. It’s beyond nutty, but people seem to like it, and the long boardwalk “dock” is actually a decent public space.
Of course, the real Titanic didn’t fare very well, and whenever I walk by ours, I wonder if it’s a sort of prophetic warning about the future of the Las Vegas economy.
Still, I think my initial answer to you is true. There are no great buildings in Las Vegas, or there are so few that it’s not worth talking about. (There’s the Hoover Dam, obviously.) But it was a bit of a dodge. It’s what we say around here when we grow tired of the facsimiles and find nothing but empty posturing.
So I’ve sent this letter to you to try to make a case for some of our noteworthy buildings. They may not be great, but you asked about signature buildings, which I’m interpreting as buildings that say something about the essence of the city, even if they do not necessarily advance the cause of great architecture.
So, the most significant building in the last 40 years?
It has to be the Xanadu. Sitting right there at the southwest corner of the Strip and Tropicana. My God, what a vision. It’s that sloped, ziggurat form. It has the structural clarity of modernist building, and yet it’s so much more playful. It’s precise and at the same time exuberant. The architect was Martin Stern Jr. He did the design for the old Las Vegas Hilton, that great slice of marble cake modernism. He really helped lay the groundwork for an urban Las Vegas Strip, one of soaring verticality — and the idea of the casino as a mixed-used behemoth. Resort. Casino. Hotels. Convention space. Parking. All sort of consolidated in one mega structure.
The promotional literature for it called it an International Class hotel — like it was the Starship Enterprise or something. 1,730 rooms. The pergolas and gazebos look out on the casino. The atrium is 20 stories tall. There are mirrors all around. It’s — I think a read description of the place once as a “lush garden fantasy” — just tremendous. There’s a kind of knowing quality to it, yes, all the casinos have that. It’s all a joke. Right. But a joke is only funny once. The Xanadu works because its sumptuousness is more than skin-deep. It really does make you smile, makes you believe in Las Vegas, even after its various ironies burn off in the sun.
But there are other grand ideas, shimmering toys underneath our heavy sun. Most I like. The Clooney thing out by Hard Rock, Las Ramblas Resort — that’s a nice bit of urbanism, actually. It still has nothing to connect to, and now that CityCenter and Cosmopolitan are on the scene, it’s a tad dated — such is the capriciousness of style in this town — but it still gives off a dependable, grown-up vibe. I never go there unless I’m looking sharp.
I also rather like the Sheraton Desert Kingdom … it’s grand and whimsical, the closest thing in America to Kubla Khan’s stately pleasure dome (too bad the Xanadu name was already spoken for). I drive by those thin gold spires and just think, for a moment, this really is the greatest city on the planet.
Then again, we’ve got so much land here that, inevitably, someone’s going to screw up. We’ve caught the bug here for those outdoor New Urban lifestyle centers. We built one called East Village, out by the airport, but it’s a real piece of generic, pretending to ape yet some chunk of its Manhattan namesake (there’s a lot of that here). And then, we embarrass ourselves sometimes with casinos like the WWF Tower, across from Mandalay. A schlocky boondoggle. Even Las Vegans hate it — and we have a pretty good sense of humor about this stuff.
So I got thinking more about what we’ve built in the last generation or so that makes this place. There is, of course, the monorail. People are surprised how extensive it is. It was a pretty ballsy move to build in such a libertarian state. Running it from the airport to downtown has been crucial to reactivating downtown as a really viable urban center. True, there are only four stations north of Sahara: the Stratosphere, Charleston and Main, Bonneville and Main and Fremont. It has truly tied together our Symphony Park with the arts district with the core of the tourist downtown.
Can you believe at one point the city was in favor of stopping it? That they almost didn’t build it to the airport or downtown? What would it have been otherwise? A line that went from MGM to Sahara? On one side of the Strip? Talk about a bridge to nowhere. Who the hell would have ridden that? A disjointed set of partial districts downtown instead of a unified and cohesive whole?
Thank God more visionary heads in the city, county and among the casinos prevailed. It’s not a perfect system — I’d have built it right down the heart of Las Vegas Boulevard; that would have been the greatest public transportation line on Earth. But the full monorail’s the first thing I’ve seen in this town that made me think, “That’s built to last. We’re built to last.”
Speaking of the monorail, I’m glad you got to see a bit of Symphony Park rising. That, too, is significant. There’s always a danger with these instant master-planned districts turning into brittle bits of crap urbanism, but so far we’re doing pretty well. The Smith Center for the Performing Arts is a nice anchor. And while the rest of the architecture going up is not great, as urban design it’s really helped anchor the entire core west of the train tracks. They call it Symphony Park, but locals are starting to call it West Downtown West. It’s really the first significantly well-made urban space in the entire city.
Of course, some have argued that development west of the tracks has stymied development east of the tracks — in the heart of the downtown. But you’ve been down there. It’s doing well. Really, the only thing holding us back are those damn canals Steve Wynn bequeathed us, some 15 years ago.
Look, I’m glad you enjoyed the canals, but frankly they’ve always been a nutty idea. I still can’t believe they built them. Oh, it’s recycled grey water. Oh, it’s environmentally friendly. Give me a break. I remember, they opened in 1998 — this was years after Wynn first pitched it — and for a while it was cool, it was a sign that we cared about our downtown.
But now I see it as a sign that we didn’t care at all. Twelve city blocks given over to this thing? The viaducts that carried the traffic over the canals were inelegant, value-engineered hulks. The problem was the lack of street life. Still, you think that if you turn a street into a canal your job is done. You have created the draw, the spectacle, and the rest doesn’t matter.
But there’s something missing. It’s a gimmick in what could be a working downtown. What they don’t tell you when they take the tour is that no one rides the gondolas in July and August, or in January and February. The upkeep has turned out to be a real bitch, and debris continually clogs up the canals. Of course, Wynn has moved on to his casinos on the Strip — a better setting for water, all told.
There’s been talk of extending them over the years, trying to turn it into the Riverwalk in San Antonio, but you know what would have been really bad ass? If they had just gone ahead and built a casino with the canals inside them. That might have been cool.
You mentioned the condo towers when you were out here. None are great, but collectively they are important. They’ve built, what? Twenty or thirty such towers? Some thought of it as the Manhattanization of Las Vegas, which is a ridiculous thought if you’ve ever been through Manhattan. What the condo towers really were about were the attempt to Miami-ize Vegas, and thanks to the economy — still going strong — they kind of did it. It’s the same profile — splashy glassy, vaguely tropical party towers forming a long and linear skyline. Ours are more dispersed, more like a glade dotted with slender young trees than a thick, old-growth forest.
By and large, let’s be honest, these towers aren’t great. Some stand out — the hi-tech vertical lines in the W Hotel are pretty bad ass, honestly, roughly on a par with the design language of a CityCenter or Cosmopolitan. Most of the condos are fine but not great. H.U.E. Lofts, Aqua Blue, the Stanhi, the Icon Las Vegas. Too many to count, really.
Look, I like the energy of the towers. I like the way they punctuate the skyline. Las Vegas, I’ve always said, has an underappreciated skyline. It’s long and linear. The Strip skyline is flat but meaty, capped by the Stratosphere. Think of this as our Midtown Manhattan, anchored to the south by the singularity of the Empire State Building. But these towers have blossomed out around the Strip and downtown are helping us see our city in a new way.
It used to be the Strip and the rest of the city. They used to say Las Vegas was Times Square surrounded by Orange County. The tourism board talked about the Resort Corridor for years, but you’d never hear locals use the phrase. But these new towers are widening the sphere of energy out from the Strip. It’s a nice transition between the Strip and the neighborhoods. True, vitality only counts if it spills out to ground level, and some say the towers are just catering to the wealthy. But I think it misses the point. They have created a visible new layer in the urban fabric. It’s sophisticated and may be a bit chichi for everyone, but there are good restaurants and lounge spots on the ground floor. What’s more, we’re beginning to see some lower-rise, more affordable development nibble near the edges.
You didn’t get out to the burbs. Maybe you don’t care, but I figure you’d appreciate me being thorough in my discussion of our significant buildings. There is, frankly, not much to say. Most of the big-ticket buildings in recent years were built on the west and southwest side, along the curving 215 Beltway. There’s a lot of blank canvas in this stretch of the city; there’s room enough to envision a significant “second downtown” of shopping, office and residential. Even at its best it wouldn’t be as urban as the central city, but the highway and the arterials are sturdy enough that the county could have shaped its developments in a way to create park space and make the area reasonably friendly for pedestrians. (Bike sharing would actually be a genius idea down here.)
And, yes, they’ve tried. But the results are an insular set of paint-by-numbers mixed-use projects. There’s Sullivan Square — some vague piece of mixed-use trash at 215 and Durango that is supposed to evoke the 19th century Chicago Loop. WTF? Two exits farther on is Manhattan West, a kind of New York-New York façade pastiche cut off at the knees. It’s designed by people with no real interest in cities or good design or … anything.
Only up at Red Rock Casino has a sort of suburban downtown taken hold. There are some nice condos, the Red Rock Residences. There’s an outdoor mall/lifestyle center going up there; coupled with the large park on the other side of the street, it’s a nice bit of suburban urbanism. It’s not trying to be more. But it’s a place where you can imagine people on the far west side would come to, that kids who grew up there might look back on fondly as somewhere with some sense of identity.
I haven’t really mentioned the Strip. I don’t know that it really matters. The Strip is a fixed commodity — its very impermanence is part of its appeal. No one building makes the Strip. The new towers, CityCenter and Cosmopolitan, Echelon and Fontainebleau, fill out the Strip nicely.
I am surprised that you did not mention the newest building planned, down at the south end of the Strip. The Moon. Have you read about this? It’s billed as the most expensive casino-resort in the world. Ten thousand rooms. Five billion dollars, though that was an early estimate; news reports are putting the figure at closer to $15 billion.
It’s a giant curved glass hotel framing a 20-story replica of the moon. It’s like the Hayden Planetarium in New York times 10. It’s insane. A terrestrial biosphere? An indoor vineyard? A domed tennis center? Shuttle-shaped trams? An aquatic center done up to resemble a NASA zero-gravity training center?
It is the most significant proposal in the city in a generation, maybe ever. I have to confess, it looks great on paper — I still find the promo video astounding. It’s like America’s last gasp of balls-out spectacle — it re-creates for us that feeling I talked about earlier — the expansion of what is possible. I mean, they want to build full-size replicas of the Apollo Program rockets that took us to the moon.
Still, the feeling fades, and I’m left wondering, is that the best we can do? We used to actually go to the moon.
Just to fake it, at this price? It’s too much. Too expensive. It’s scale and expense are vulgar. With each week of delay I get more hopeful the project will crater, so to speak, that the funding will dry up, that county officials will grow a pair and say, No. We’ve earned the right to be smarter about our tourist offerings. It’s like we have spent so much time making Las Vegas the entertainment center, we have put so much faith in the immensity of one building, that we have given ourselves nowhere left to go. We have a vision of a Las Vegas where bigger doesn’t mean better. To ignore that lesson is to start down a slide to irrelevance.
Sorry, I went on far too long here! I mean, it’s hard to imagine Las Vegas without these buildings. How would the city be changed if these projects hadn’t been built? I don’t know. Maybe there’s some alternate-reality Las Vegas where none of these projects got built, where there is no full monorail, no condos. Maybe in this Las Vegas they didn’t build the damn canals downtown (someone years ago floated the idea of putting a giant canopy above Fremont Street; I wonder how that would have turned out). It’s easy to put too much stock into one building, or a couple. Cities are more robust than that.
So, whether it’s my Las Vegas, or the one I dream about — where we got everything right — at the end of the day, it’s the people that make the city. The buildings help frame people’s dreams and desires, help them make them believe something better is possible. That’s the only criterion that matter.
All the best …
Las Vegan T.R. Witcher often writes on architecture and urban planning issues
EDITOR’S NOTE: The writer relied heavily on research found on the website Vegastodayandtomorrow.com — run by Mark E. Adams — and is happy to offer a shout out. Here are references to some of the projects mentioned in the piece:
also a small reference in:
spelled here as StanHi.
Actually references here are thin
(several newswire links from here) |
Thanks to "Cali Cat", for her editing suggestions and recommendations.
Hi. My name is William Swanson, Will, or just Swanson as some of my male friends call me. Some of my female friends now call me Swanson too, only they say it with an enticing giggle and a flirtatious smile on their face.
It's funny how the human mind works, especially the female mind. Most males will boast and claim they can do or achieve most anything. But when reality hits, all their bragging is only a front. They and all those around them find they are mostly timid followers who would prefer to just sit back and let someone else take the lead.
Women are most different. They seldom brag, but instead prefer to tease and intimidate the male into thinking that they are in total control. I am speaking mainly of the unmarried females, although I have found out in my later years that the same holds true to married women also, but I'll save those stories for another time. Actually, women prefer not to be in charge, but will only allow themselves to relinquish control when their barriers are lowered or taken down altogether.
I, myself, prefer to let someone else take the lead. But time and again, no one steps up to take command. Something inside me says "this is going nowhere", so I insert myself into a leadership role. And time and again I ask myself "why am I doing this and why do these people follow my lead?"
Let me explain what I'm talking about by telling another one of my tales that took place back when I was still a young twenty year old.
It was another Friday night and we had just got off the closing shift from the busy restaurant where we worked. For those of you readers out there who have ever worked the night shift at a restaurant, you may relate the desire to unwind and relax over a few beers with your fellow workers. As we often did, we got together and blew off some steam. None of us had any pending obligations the following day, other than getting a few hours of sleep before the next evening work shift began all over again. Work became rather repetitive, hence the need to drink a few beers and debrief stories with the friends who just shared and survived another night of work.
The nightly gatherings seldom consisted of all the same faces, although one was always present. Doug was the assistant manager in the mornings and it was his place where we usually congregated. Doug enjoyed drinking beer. In fact, he enjoyed beer as much, if not more, than he enjoyed sharing his rental house with the night crew. He would often get little or no sleep before he would have to open the restaurant the next morning, with no doubt, a little beer buzz still in his system. I had to admire him though. He could drink beer all night and he would never show signs of being drunk. He was heading in the direction of being an alcoholic, if he wasn't already. Doug was around 23, slim, about my height of 6'0", and wore black rimmed glasses. He was usually soft spoken and a genuine nice guy. We would all take up a collection of money to give to Doug and he would get the beer before the stores closed. What's not to like about a guy who would give up his home and do the beer run for all of us?
It was really around 2 am on Saturday morning by the time we all finished cleaning our stations. I was usually the last, being in charge of the kitchen.
Sam had just brought back his last bundle of clean dishes. "Are you about finished?"
"Yeah, just about," I responded, too busy wiping down my last finishing touches to bother looking at him.
The waitresses had all changed into their jeans and shirt street-clothes and were counting their tips by the time I took off my apron and washed up a bit. I combed my hair and got into my civilian shirt and shoes.
There was Mindy, who I had previously had a few encounters with, of the sexual nature. I never wanted a permanent relationship with her, although she had lost a few pounds over the last year and was looking pretty good these days in her 19 year old body. Her breasts were still huge for her short stature. Her long blond hair came to her lower back and her pudgy face was looking thinner than I recalled from our first night together.
Donna was flamboyant. She was extraordinarily friendly and very likable. At the same time, she was remarkably naïve and surprisingly gullible for a 22 year old. She stood 5'10" tall, with wavy light brown hair, and held a sturdier farm-girl like body frame. She was definitely feminine, attractive and was flirtatious by her nature. I'm not sure how it started, but we would often tease each other with the tempting phrase of "sheets tonight Will?" or "sheets tonight Donna?" throughout the work shift. We had yet to act upon it, but if either of us ever pushed the idea, I'm certain the results would end up with us between the sheets.
Barb was the serious type. She tried hard to be friendly, and she was, but somehow it never came out quite right. Her efforts seemed forced and she appeared sad beneath her exterior. Maybe she didn't get enough love when she was young and she was missing the attention most kids readily got from their parents. Although she had a beautiful smile, she appeared on the verge of tears when she spoke. Her shape was about 5'6" and very curvy. She had long brown hair, deep brown eyes and not at all unattractive. She was a mature 24 year-old.
There was Debbie. Debbie was fairly tall with a sexy slim body. She was smarter than most, you could just tell. She mostly kept to herself, while keeping a watchful eye on everyone and everything around her. Her hair was dark brown at shoulder length. She had brown eyes, white paled skin with some freckles, and wore glasses. Debbie was always professional in her demeanor at work and reserved after work. However she exuded a sly confidence, someone to admire but be wary of at the same time.
Then there was Randy. Randy didn't work this night, but knew there was always an after-hour party and usually showed up when he didn't have to work the next morning for his chef position. Girls loved Randy. He was your typical Casanova; muscular build, good looking with part Mexican bloodlines and a short 5'9" height. Randy loved being around people, especially friends he was comfortable enough to just be himself. He just returned with Doug and both had already opened at least one beer already.
"If everyone is done, let's call it a night." John was the night manager who was married and anxious to go home to his family.
Most everyone ignored him, but eventually headed for the rear exit with Doug and Randy in the lead. "Good night John," everyone said in passing before he could lock up.
Doug's house was cozy with no immediate neighbors nearby to complain about the late night party. We all gathered in the living room area which consisted of a couch and several chairs for everyone to sit comfortably. Beers were downed quickly at first to quench the thirst each of us anticipated the previous hour or two. We talked about this customer and that customer, same old same old.
"Hey, why don't we play a game of Charades?" Donna was excited in her suggestion.
"Naw," Sam balked. "That sounds like too much work."
"That sounds like fun," Barb spat out feeling the effect of her second beer.
"I hate that game." Doug threw in. "I never could get it straight what hand signal meant what."
It sounded like the girls were more up for a lively game and the guys weren't, I thought to myself. I wonder...
"Hey... I know what would be a fun game." I let the statement hang in the air.
"What?" Mindy was precious at times like this.
"Yeah. What?" Donna followed.
"What game Swanson?" Randy piped in while slouching on the couch with beer in hand.
"Well, how about a game of Swanson says?"
"Huh?" Barb asked with bewildered interest.
"I'll need three volunteers. Mindy, you're always game." Mindy blushed and covered herself by taking another drink from her beer can.
"Donna, you'd be a good participant." Donna smiled proudly, not knowing what good participant even meant.
"And I'll need one more. Barb, or maybe Debbie."
"Oh, pick me, pick me," Barb said enthusiastically.
"I don't know. I'm not sure you could keep up with Donna and Mindy."
"Aw, sure I can," Barb pouted near tears.
"You don't even know how the game is played," I teased.
"Sure I do. It's like Simon says, right?"
"It may not be as simple as that. You'd have to follow my direction without hesitation and some challenges may be quite daring."
Mindy knew what I was capable of daring and gave me a knowing grin.
Debbie, though not saying a word, looked at me with a quizzical smile.
Donna was up and ready to play whatever the game was.
"I...I could...would follow your directions...every bit as good as them."
"We'll see." Barb breathed a happy sigh of relief believing she would be included in the game, whatever it really was.
"There's really only room for three, but I guess we could make room for Debbie, if you really want to join in?" I stared deeply into Debbie's eyes.
She grinned widely. "No, that's ok. I'll just watch thanks just the same."
"Ok then. Swanson says all three of you stand up here in the middle of the room." Wow. This could be an interesting night. I better take things slow and easy, my devious mind was quickly sobering up the possibilities.
All three lined up in the middle of the small room facing me in the easy chair, Debbie on my left in a dining chair, Randy on my right on the couch and Doug who had gotten off his dining chair to also sit on the couch. Before us, were Mindy on the left, Donna in the middle and Barb on the right; all very giddy and antsy.
"Let's start off with an easy one. Swanson says touch your nose." All three touched their nose with their right index finger, looking around at the others to see if they were each doing it the same. They smiled and giggled and looked back at me.
"Put your hands on your ass." Donna moved her hands to her ass. Barb and Mindy stood still with their finger on their nose.
"Oh nooo," Donna screamed. "You didn't say Swanson says."
"Ok. Ok. Swanson says that I don't have to say Swanson says unless I want to. You will follow my direction regardless. Now put your hands on your ass."
All hands immediately went to their asses. Donna's smile returned realizing she was still in the game.
"Very good. Now form a circle with your left shoulder facing the middle."
They muddled around awhile, keeping their hands firm on their asses. Soon they were in position.
"Lower your hands." They did.
"Place your left hand inside the top of the jeans of the person in front of you and hold tight." Each reached out and grabbed the tops of the jeans of the other, leaving their right arm hanging freely.
"Excellent. Now slowly move forward in a circle." They were almost stepping on one another and were very awkward at first. By the first completed round, they seemed to have grasped the concept and were walking around in unison through to the completion of the second round. They were giggling happily.
"Three times per round, I want you to slap the person in front of you on her right rump. Begin now." With a new exuberance of laughter, they proceeded to slap the one before them and flinch each time they themselves were slapped.
"Double time. Walk faster." They were almost in hysterics, slapping and running around in circles.
"Slap as fast as you can." By now they were a mire of amusement, giggling and slapping and stumbling about. Everyone else in the room was laughing in hysterics along with them.
"Ok, stop." They were out of breath laughing and gasping for air in a heightened state of exertion.
"Line up again." This time Donna was on the far left, followed by Barb and then Mindy.
"Good job everyone. Before we go any further in the game, let's take a five minute break and have a drink, go pee if you need to before the next round of events."
Everyone all of a sudden started talking; to each other, to themselves or to no one in particular.
"That was fun," Donna said.
"Wow," chimed Barb. "What a rush."
"That was hilarious," cracked Randy.
"My hand hurts," Mindy rubbed her right hand, while smiling never-the-less.
"I need a beer." Doug got up and headed to the kitchen.
"What a goofy game. I can't wait to see what Swanson comes up with next." Sam knew from that night long ago with Mindy, what I could come up with. He was the beneficiary of seeing Mindy undress and even got to cop a feel of her right breast. He could only hope for a repeat of something similar, only this time there were three to look at and who knows what else?
Debbie sat in her chair shaking her head, smiling as the three girls headed towards the bathroom. "That was interesting. What are you going to have them do next? I wonder." She said looking my way.
"I'm not sure. I'm kinda winging it as I go along. It's still not too late if you want to join in the fun," I waved my hand at her and towards the middle of the room. Damn, I really would like to get her up there too. Her breasts were small, but she had a sexy body.
She laughed. "Oh, I'm having fun right where I am."
"You sure? I wouldn't want you to feel left out," I bounced back.
"Oh, I'm sure." She looked at the two girls waiting their turn for the bathroom and whispered out from their earshot, "I can guess where you will lead this little game of yours."
"Really? And where might that be?"
"I imagine clothes will start to disappear soon...if you can get them to do it that is," she bantered back.
"Is that right? And you disapprove?"
"Oh, I didn't say that, but...no, not really. This is kind of exciting actually," she gave me a half smile with a noticeable glitter beneath her glasses.
Hmmm. "Swanson says, take off your glasses," I said in a commanding voice.
She stared at me for a moment, then throwing caution away she slowly removed her glasses and batted her eyelashes at me.
Whoa. Was she letting me know that she was game for this too? Or maybe a one-on-one later on? I'd have to find out, sooner or later. "You have beautiful eyes," I said sincerely.
She immediately blushed. A pink hue filled her face. She gave me a toothless smile and put her glasses back on.
"I'm ready for round two," Donna entered the room in a whirl of exuberance. "That was a lot of fun."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Is this better than Charades?" I continued looking at Debbie and then focused on Donna.
"Oh yes!" Donna couldn't wait to pick up where we left off. "What's next on the agenda?"
"You'll just have to wait and see."
"I got my beer. I'm ready for more action." Doug sat down in his couch seat getting ready for the show to start again.
"I'm back," Barb said returning to the center of the room. "So, how was I?" Barb was searching for my approval.
"You were great." Her face beamed with the flattery she received. "Do you think you'll survive another round?"
"Of course," Barb said confidently.
"Is your hand sore?" I asked with an ulterior motive.
"Not so much now. I kept missing Mindy when Donna here kept spanking me so hard," she looked up at the larger Donna, several inches towering her.
Mindy, Randy and Sam all came back and took their same positions.
"How's your hand Mindy?" I asked my obedient ringer.
"Better," she rubbed her right palm to be sure.
"Alright then. Swanson says, line up. This time let's keep the line-up where you are now, Mindy, Barb and Donna on the end. Left shoulder to the middle in a circle again." They all took their direction without hesitation.
"We are going to change things up a bit. I don't want to risk hurting your hands again. So, this time I want you to undo your top button on of your jeans, unzip your zipper and lower your pants to just below your rumps."
"Ugh." Barb froze. Mindy and Donna followed directions although very slowly. They popped their button. No one was wearing a belt. They unzipped their zipper. "But...," Barb squeaked in a high tone. Mindy and Donna slowly lowered their pants just barely below the curve of their lower butt cheeks.
"Ah...ah," Barb placed her hands on her top button and reluctantly and managed to get it un-done.
I glanced over at Debbie and received a sly grin.
The room was silent, waiting as Barb lowered her fingers to the top of her zipper, while staring at Donna's panty-covered butt, covered by a shirt –tail. "Ziiiiip," she did it.
Not wanting to back out, Barb found her courage and lowered her jeans over her shapely hips until the cool air was felt on all sides of her panties. "Woo," she exhaled.
"Ok. Very good. Now grab the top part of the jeans in front of you with your left hand."
Donna had to bend over slightly to grab Mindy's jeans, showing more of her white panties. They were all quiet, only Randy, Doug and Sam had to adjust their seating positions. I, too, felt a discomfort in my own jeans, but I wouldn't allow myself to show I was getting a semi-erection.
"This may be more awkward than the last time. Let's try walking forward slowly."
Donna took a step jerking and dragging Barb's hand. Mindy walked forward, but Barb was caught off guard and didn't move fast enough. Instead of keeping a taught grip on Barbs jeans, she allowed slack Barb's jeans to drop lower around her thighs. Barb gasped and tried to move her legs forward with great difficulty. The effect of Donna pulling made Barb lean forward, bent over, as her jeans dropped even lower, showing a great sight of her white-panty covered ass. She lost her balance and fell forward, keeping hold of Donna's jeans for support. Donna's jeans came down to just above her knees, until they crashed in a pile. Not a one of them let go. Amazing, I thought. What determination!
The shock of the calamity, filled with nervous laughter from the guys, and the semi-exposed pile of women on the living-room floor, was too much to keep quiet. Everyone started laughing at an increasing decibel rate. Even I couldn't hold back any longer.
Barb looked shocked, looking up at me, then at everyone laughing, and finally she began to laugh along with the rest of us. Donna and Mindy were sprawled on the floor, still holding a firm grip to their designated jean handle, and pulling down even further in-between fits of hysteria.
"Ok...ok," trying to control my own laughter. This obviously isn't working out quite right. You three release your hold and remove your jeans." This brought the laughter quickly to a halt. "Take your shoes off first."
They released their grasps and sat looking around at themselves. They were sitting with their pants halfway down their legs and feeling pretty silly looking I imagine. Mindy proceeded to take off her shoes and Donna followed suit.
"My pants?" Barb spoke out at no one in particular. I sat quiet watching.
Mindy and Donna were finishing the removal of their jeans and sitting casually. Then they and all the rest targeted their eyes on Barb. Barb noticed the stares and didn't want to have direct eye contact with anyone, so she looked at both Mindy and Donna waiting patiently, then at her shoes.
"Why is everyone staring at me?" She suddenly went to work removing her shoes.
Sam blurted out, "you're always the last to move, like standing still causing that spill we just saw."
"Yeah, but that was pretty funny, you have to admit," Randy said with a chuckle. Everyone else chuckled a little and the mood eased up.
Not feeling so self conscious, Barb dutifully removed her pants as well.
"Ok ladies," I began. "Set your clothes against the wall and let's try this again." They set their jeans and shoes aside and stood up, forming a circle again.
"Where do we put our left hand?" Donna was so innocent.
"Swanson says, grab the shirt tail of the person in front of you and hold tight." They reached for the girl's shirt tail in front of them and showed a beautiful set of panties. Barb in white, Donna in white, and Mindy had a skimpy pair of pink panties. |
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Who Pinched My Ride?
I used to stay up late watching the film of my bicycle being stolen. It’s amazing what you notice on the 38th replay of a surveillance tape, running the grainy recording backward and forward, pausing and advancing. Sometimes I’d back the tape up to before the 17 minutes that changed my life. All the way back to the part where I still had a bicycle.
Rewinding—past all the New Yorkers striding backward toward lunch; past the Algonquin and Royalton hotels inhaling crowds and the door of the Harvard Club admitting well-fed members; past the New York Yacht Club looming impassively like a beached galleon; past all the finery and civility of West 44th Street—you come to the beginning. You come to him.
The thief. There he is. Caught, if only on tape.
He walked into the frame on a beautiful sunny January afternoon, or what the camera mounted on the front of the Penn Club referred to as 13:29:36. He was dressed like pea bike messenger, but he didn’t have a bike. (Yet.) He looked at mine and took out his phone.
After the call, he sat on a standpipe and waited. I was inside the Penn Club, eating a hamburger and talking to my sister. The key to my lock—a foolishly thin flexible Kryptonite cable—was in my pocket.
I suppose I didn’t really believe in the little cable. Maybe I never believed in the bike, either—a blue Novara Metro hybrid. Heavy and ugly, it was the second-cheapest model in my local shop. Maybe it was the sunshine in winter or the teeming crowds or the expensive real estate. Maybe it was the hope—naive, but apparently endemic—that it would never happen to me. Not that quickly. Not in broad daylight.
At 13:40, his partner rode up, dismounted, and locked his bike up alongside mine, a standard maneuver. The lock created an illusion, a bit of street theater. Two guys, two bikes, one plan.
At 13:41, they were making a sawing motion. After a few minutes, they tried a hammering motion. Then they switched to the Brennan—named for the San Francisco man who demonstrated on the Web that jamming the soft tube of a Bic pen into some locks can open them. After a 17-minute assault, the brave little Kryptonite softie finally gave.
By my count, 142 people had walked past in that time. Only one, the very last one, tried to do anything. As the lock yielded and the thief jumped onto my bike, an elderly black man in a Kangol cap lunged for them both. But it was too late. The blue Novara vanished into traffic.
After lunch, when I discovered and reported the theft, two detectives from Midtown South arrived in minutes. The Novara—Bike One, as I came to think of it—was assigned Complaint No. 1026. I never saw it again.
Late at night, though, I would get the DVD out. The building manager at the Penn Club had burned me a copy of the surveillance footage. I’d stay up, watching the injustice unfold, freezing, advancing, making screen grabs. I learned the whole drama by heart: the approach, the call, the partner, the battle with my lock, the civic hero in the Kangol.
When I’d look up, it would be 2 A.M.
I WANT MY BIKE BACK. So do we all. With the rise of the bicycle age has come a rise in bicycle robbery: FBI statistics claim that 204,000 bicycles were stolen nationwide in 2010, but those are only the documented thefts. Transportation Alternatives, a bicycle advocacy group in New York City, estimates the unreported thefts at four or five times that—more than a million bikes a year. New York alone probably sees more than 100,000 bikes stolen annually. Whether in big biking cities like San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, or in sport-loving suburbs and small towns, theft is “one of the biggest reasons people don’t ride bikes,” Noah Budnick, deputy director of Transportation Alternatives, told me. Although bike commuting has increased by 100 percent in New York City during the past seven years, the lack of secure bike parking was ranked alongside bad drivers and traffic as a primary deterrent to riding more. It’s all about the (stolen) bike; even Lance Armstrong had his custom time-trial Trek nicked from the team van in 2009 after a race in California. Not every bike is that precious, but according to figures from the FBI and the National Bike Registry, the value of stolen bikes is as much as $350 million a year.
That’s a lot of bike. Stolen bicycles have become a solvent in America’s underground economy, a currency in the world of drug addicts and petty thieves. Bikes are portable and easily converted to cash, and they usually vanish without a trace—in some places, only 5 percent are even reported stolen. Stealing one is routinely treated as a misdemeanor, even though, in the age of electronic derailleurs and $5,000 coffee-shop rides, many bike thefts easily surpass the fiscal definition of felony, which varies by state but is typically under the thousand-dollar mark. Yet police departments are reluctant to pull officers from robberies or murder investigations to hunt bike thieves. Even when they do, DAs rarely prosecute the thieves the police bring in.
“It’s just a low priority, to be honest with you,” says Sergeant Joe McCloskey, a bike-theft specialist with the San Francisco police department who estimates that, of the scores of bicycle thieves he has caught, not one did jail time for the crime. Whether police go hard after thieves often depends on whether the officers themselves are passionate riders, like McCloskey, who at one point during our conversation geeked out over his Pivot Mach 5 mountain bike. (“The guy named it Mach 5 because, you know, Speed Racer drove a Mach 5.”) Departments that can muster a peloton, like those in San Francisco, Portland, and Houston, are generally more proactive. By contrast, NYPD officers openly discouraged me from filing reports on the stolen bicycles mentioned in this article, probably because their precincts are judged by crime stats.
It’s nice to believe, as I once did, that there is some grand conspiracy at work, that catching a few bent dealers or bad-guy whole-salers will kill the business. Over the years, there have been a few tantalizing examples of a centralized trade in stolen bikes. In Miami in the 1980s, police found six freighters in the harbor holding hundreds of stolen bicycles, possibly headed for Haiti. Many bicycles stolen in Oregon crop up in San Francisco, evidence of an export network. In California, the Border Patrol has repeatedly caught pickup trucks entering Mexico that had been stuffed with high-end bikes stolen in Santa Cruz; drug dealers there take payment in valuable bikes, which they resell to the Mexican elite.
Certainly the king of bike thieves has been found. In 2008, a quirky Toronto bike-shop owner named Igor Kenk turned out to have 2,865 stolen bikes squirreled away in his store and various warehouses. Kenk, considered the most prolific bike thief in the world, is a messy, dyspeptic Slovenian intellectual who before he was caught lived in a fancy house and associated with the classical music scene. Yet his method was brutally mundane: Kenk was finally caught pointing out bikes he wanted stolen to a mentally ill person, whom he paid with drugs. He served just over a year in jail and is already back out.
I wanted to find a Kenk, to catch those two guys from West 44th Street. Over the long nights nursing my grudge, I thought I found my solution. What if I had followed them on the day they stole my bike? What if I had shadowed them, day after day, as they fenced it? What if I had tracked their every move and knew where my stolen bike was as soon as it got there? The simple vendetta that began that day in January grew to encompass three cities, seven bikes, and repeated encounters with the dangerous underworld of vanished bicycles.
BIKE TWO WILL BE an afterthought in this story but was pivotal all the same. It was a silver Trek, heavy and scarred from city riding. We had our moments—dawn commutes over the Brooklyn Bridge, 17-degree rides during the December 2005 transit strike. But I never loved it enough to treat it carefully, and two years ago I made the same mistake I’d made years earlier with the Novara. I left it, poorly locked, behind my apartment building. Gone, baby, gone.
But Bike Two led me to act. I happened to be in Thailand a few months later and noticed a street vendor selling a small tracking device. The little gizmo, the love child of a GPS unit and a cell phone, was about half the size of a cigarette pack. Attached to my bike, it would respond to a phone prompt by firing back a location in digitized latitude and longitude. Supposedly, it could track and report continuously for days on end or sleep for weeks until, roused by movement, it would ding the satellites and report in. I brought one back from Bangkok and decided to rig my next bike with it. If—when—the bike was stolen, I’d know where it was. Then I could either steal it back or at least call the cops.
For that I needed a new bike—or rather, a not-new one. The purpose of stealing a bike, after all, is to sell it. SFPD’s McCloskey estimated that 90 percent of bike thieves are drug addicts. In America’s rough streets, there are four forms of currency—cash, sex, drugs, and bicycles. Of those, only one is routinely left outside unattended. So the story of bike thieves would not be complete without a trip through the second half of the transaction—the recycling of cycles.
Stolen bikes suffer many fates. In the Bay Area, they are often sold at flea markets, particularly in Alameda, just south of Oakland. In Portland, within hours of being taken, a few will appear at pawn shops just outside city limits, where documentation rules are lax. But just as they do in New York City, which shut down most ad hoc bike dealers years ago, the majority end up online, either on eBay or on Craigslist, the black hole of bicycles.
But how do you tell which ones are stolen? A Brooklyn bike-shop owner whose store had recently been robbed of 22 bikes pointed me toward “Bobby from Bay Ridge,” one of the most prolific sellers on the site. In a phone conversation, Bobby said he could find a bike in my size within a few days—which sounded almost like a snatch-to-order. But after riding the subway to outer Brooklyn, I found him—he’s not really named Bobby, and he does not live in Bay Ridge—to be less than sinister. He was middle-aged and living on a leafy block, with a garage full of used bikes. “I buy ’em at police auctions,” he said, mostly in New Jersey. I picked out a 1970s ten-speed—a Schwinn Continental, which would become Bike Three. It hardly had a scratch on it, meaning it was no New York City ride.
I flipped it over to look for a serial number, which is often carved on the bottom of a bike frame. Bobby blanched but recovered quickly. “It’s legal,” he said. “The police check ’em all before auctioning.”
Police departments do check all the bikes they recover against databases, but it’s a pointless exercise. The vast majority of bike thefts aren’t reported or are reported with no serial number. Bobby was just a cog in the machine.
I took Bike Three home, affixed the little black GPS tracker under the seat with epoxy, and left it locked behind my apartment, under a surveillance camera. A month later, the Schwinn disappeared.
But the Bangkok tracker didn’t work. When I dialed the number, no latitude or longitude messages came back. It had worked perfectly in tests. Maybe the tracker shorted out in the rain. Maybe the bike was stashed in the basement of a tall building that blocked satellite signals. Maybe a canny thief disabled it. Inexplicably, the surveillance camera had also failed—there was an 11-hour gap surrounding the disappearance. Only the flimsy cable lock was left behind, clipped neatly in two.
BIKE FOUR OFFERED a deeper dive into the cesspool of Craigslist. Dialing the number in a listing for a mountain bike, I reached a clueless guy named Vic. “Yeah,” he explained. “I don’t exactly have the bike. My friend does. He’s got a friend who has the bike, at a friend’s place on 14th.”
The “place on 14th” turned out to be a piece of sidewalk. We agreed on a meeting time, but he immediately called back to request that it be sooner. When I balked at the price—$200—Vic cut it by a third. Cheap, rushed, anonymous. The omens were all bad.
We met in front of an eyeglasses shop on one of the trashiest blocks in Manhattan. Vic and his partner showed up, clean-cut and well dressed—muscle men with chains and patter. They pulled the bike out of a storeroom behind the shop. It was a green Huffy Luna comfort bike. They didn’t know anything about it, not the combination to the lock coiled around the seatpost nor that its tires were flat. The bike was brand-new—it still had packing foam wrapped around the fork, and the brakes had never been connected. Vic had no explanation for this. For $140 in cash, he threw in a tool kit and a helmet.
I handed over my money on the sidewalk, pumped the tires, paid my local bike shop $20 to secure the seat with a short length of bicycle chain, and attached a fancy Garmin device to the underside of it. After the failure of my Bangkok special, Garmin agreed to lend me several of its newest GPS locators, devices that allow you to keep tabs on your most prized possessions, be they children or a carbon-fiber 29er. (As gloating Web comments prove, these can also be used—illegally—to track a straying spouse.) The GTU 10 was slimmer than the Thai original—a little thicker than a pack of gum, almost invisible under the seat—and easier to track, thanks to Garmin’s slick mapping software and website. It was time for the Penn Club revenge. I rode the green Huffy into traffic for the first and last time.
I pedaled up to West 44th and, using a $20 cable lock, secured it to the same parking sign where Bike One had disappeared all those years before. For the next few days, checking from my home in Brooklyn, I could see that Bike Four was still sitting on West 44th. I’d hoped, irrationally, to catch the same two guys who’d robbed me previously, but nothing happened. A week later, I followed my wife to a temporary job in Portland and left Bike Four sitting there. The battery lasted a month, and the lock a little longer. But at the six-week mark, Peter Homberg, general manager of the Penn Club, called. An avid cyclist, Homberg had become devoted to my plot, and he relayed that the brakes had been stripped off.
Other parts began to vanish. The bike was slowly being cannibalized. When I returned in the fall, I expected to find at least the frame or a wheel. But there was nothing, not a trace. Bike Four had gone back to where it came from.
THERE HAS BEEN a war for decades, a steady escalation between locks and lock pickers. Kryptonite, which pioneered the U-lock in the 1970s, brags about its up-armored devices and has openly flattered New York City with them, first by issuing anywhere-but-New-York “anti-theft protection programs” for some of its regular locks, then by introducing the super-hardened, nearly-impossible-to-cut-with-hand-tools Fahgettaboudit series. But thieves always counter-attack with their own measures: car jacks to pry open U-locks, liquid Freon to freeze and shatter them, the notorious Brennan.
The futility of locking is shocking. We’re living in an age of surveillance and DNA swab kits; isn’t there a good all-American fix, a tool, gadget, or technology solution? Every technical panacea seems to have its own flaw. Victims of bike theft have created online registries for stolen bikes, but these are obituaries, not a way to preempt the crime. Some riders have urged manufacturers to install cheap RFID tags inside every bike they turn out, like those on clothing; with unique digital signatures, bikes would be completely traceable. But RFID tags can’t be tracked via satellite, only by handheld reader.
Pegasus Technologies, a company in California, created a long-distance system for tracking bikes, which Sacramento police installed in the handlebars of a bait bike. It worked: when the wired bicycle was stolen, police located it across town and arrested the thief. Four months later, they tried it again; the same guy stole the same bike, threw it in a pool, and left the cops a note: “You got jacked U punk motherfucker.” Pegasus now sells a similar, consumer-grade device—the Spylamp Bicycle GPS Tracker—for $178. To help avoid detection, it comes encapsulated inside a rear bike light. Which, of course, is all well and good until the thieves catch on. This past year, Kryptonite introduced a system of supposedly tamperproof security stickers, which can be scanned with a cell-phone camera for instant ownership checks. It’s a fine idea, but in our tests the stickers came off with a knife.
Maybe catharsis is all we have. YouTube is awash in surveillance-tape dramas like mine and patiently filmed revenge scenes, in which bike thieves are caught, busted, beaten, set up, tricked, shamed, and exposed, but it’s all to little or no avail. We are left with missing bikes and unlimited rage. Bike mechanics in Brooklyn can be found wearing T-shirts that read BIKE THIEVES SHOT ON SITE. It’s entirely possible that last word is misspelled.
In the end, we remain about where we were decades ago. I still rely on 1970s tech: a small hardened padlock and a three-foot length of hardware-store chain. For others, the most salient fact about a lock is not its strength but its convenience. The burden of big locks deters many people from riding, while others turn Kryptonite’s heavy-duty chain into a fashion statement, belted around the waist. (Don’t lose the key.)
Oddly, the sanest strategy I’ve encountered was outlined by musician and devoted rider David Byrne. In his quirky memoir Bicycle Diaries, Byrne advocates for folding bikes, which can be put in a closet. For the rest of us, he recommends security bolts on the wheels (harder to remove), smaller U-locks (harder to pry open), and cheap bikes (because everything gets stolen).
PORTLAND BILLS ITSELF as Bike City, USA. Like any new citizen, I needed a ride in my adopted city. The day after arriving in town I spotted a trio of dubious bike salesmen in the Southeast neighborhood. A line of 20 battered bikes and things like dishwashers and toaster ovens were for sale in front of their house. A transvestite with heavy face glitter sat on the curb, hawking the goods while knocking back malt liquor at 11:15 A.M. The shop assistant was shirtless, and the boss was a disabled man strapped into a wheelchair, plucking bike parts from buckets of spares arrayed around him—crates of grimy handlebars, dozens of cables, rows of wheels stripped from other rides.
To help conceal their identities, stolen bicycles are often converted into Frankenbikes—quick, haphazard rebuilds—which was likely what was going on here. I focused on a purple Giant Yukon. (“It’s your color!” the transvestite said.) Their negotiating tactic was to give in: they asked for $190 until I frowned, whereupon the price became $170; more silence brought it down to $160; when I started to walk away, they let it go for $70.
The Giant was a junker, but within an hour I had duct-taped a Garmin tracker beneath the seat and was headed down the Spring-water Corridor bike path to downtown Portland. On the way, I detoured through an area recommended to me by Portland police detective Joe Luiz. When I met him, Luiz, a devoted cyclist who had just returned from riding in the wine country of Walla Walla, Washington, had discussed the futility of many locks and then directed my attention to a freeway underpass along the Willamette River. I found the spot, home to dozens of homeless people in a semipermanent encampment. Most had bicycles; some had three. But Luiz and his colleagues were almost powerless here: for public relations reasons, police usually warn occupants in advance before searching the camp, which kind of nullifies the effort.
Luiz had also tipped me off to my final destination, Portland’s Central Library, across the river in the heart of downtown. Bikes vanished there all the time. I left the purple Giant unlocked and propped against a mailbox, at SW 10th and Alder, about two blocks from the library and its benches crowded with vagrants. I stepped across the street to the Governor Hotel, ordered a glass of Walla Walla white, and sat in a picture window, laptop open, camera at the ready. After two hours, I was briefly distracted. When I looked up, the bike was gone.
In the Wi-Fi bubble at the Governor, I watched on my laptop as my stolen bike progressed north and then east through downtown. Every few minutes, I pinged the GPS tracker, which got a fix and popped a marker onto the site’s map. Book ’em, Danno! Here was my stolen-bike fantasy brought to life, the unknowing thief tracked from the sky, his every move revealed in real time:
5:05 PM—at 303 SW 6th Ave less than a minute ago
5:11 PM—at 426 W Burnside St
less than a minute ago
5:13 PM—at 201 W Burnside St less than a minute ago
5:16 PM—NW Naito Parkway & NW Couch St less than a minute ago
Eventually, the thief decided to leave downtown and headed over the Steel Bridge, an ugly double-decker from 1912 with extra-wide bike lanes. But at 5:23 P.M., he changed his mind and returned to the west side. By 5:40, he’d pedaled south, .61 mile, to the Morrison Bridge, moving slowly (“1 MPH,” the GPS reported) but still moving. The Morrison Bridge points directly to that bike-dense homeless encampment I’d visited, but the thief seemed in no hurry to get there.
5:46 PM—at 82 SW Naito Parkway
5:50 PM—at 28 SW 1st St
He circumnavigated the Saturday Market, a spot for craft vendors, three times, but around 6 P.M. the readings became consistent. He was riding up and down the Waterfront Bike Trail, a green esplanade between the bridges. When I saw this pattern—north, then south, then north, at just 1 mph—I feared he was trolling for customers. I paid my bill and dived into a taxi.
AS WE APPROACHED the river, I no longer had a Wi-Fi signal. The Garmin unit works with some cell phones but not with mine, so I just picked a random point and told the cab driver to pull to the curb.
The very first thing I saw—seconds after exiting the cab—was a bearded white man on a familiar bike. He almost crashed into me. Indeed, he had to swerve to avoid me and nearly took out the fellow he was talking to.
When I’d told Luiz and his colleagues what I was up to, another detective had texted me: “If you need police help call 911 and we will figure out a mission to help in an undercover capacity. Have fun and be safe.” I’m no vigilante, and you really should call the police the moment you figure out where your bike is. But I was unprepared. Instead of being safe, I decided to have some fun.
The thief was talking to someone, and the only word I caught was “silver.” So, apropos of nothing, I blurted out, “Hey, are you into silver?” He stopped, and I launched into a nervous monologue. About silver. About colloidal silver. Silver prices. The color silver. Anything I could think of. It was idiotic but successful. The thief made conversation. Yes, he was into silver, he told me. Yes, he said, to whatever I said. He agreed completely.
After some crazy talk, I realized that the thief wasn’t just acting crazy. The silver was all hidden somewhere, he said. At the bottom of the ocean. He’d nearly died at the bottom of the ocean while in the Navy. He was in fact the legitimate son and heir of King Richard III. A trillion dollars in gold and silver—“All that money in the U.S. Treasury”—actually belonged to him.
This continued for about five minutes, until I pointed to the bike helmet tucked under my arm, and then the Giant Yukon he was riding. “I have a helmet,” I observed, “but no bike.”
“Oh,” he said, visibly deflating. “How did you find me so fast? It’s GPS, isn’t it?”
He didn’t mean my GPS, which was still pinging the satellites from under his rear end. He was schizophrenic, it seemed, and presumed he was always being followed. He got off the bike and handed it to me. We parted without drama.
I rode south for four miles, letting the grind of the pedals help my thinking. Richard IV was a thief but the wrong kind. He needed help, not vengeance. GPS units and police patrols and thick chains would never stop the lost legions of our streets.
This sad truth was reinforced when I later put Bike Five back on the street. I locked it this time, to avoid picking on someone like Richard IV. Yet no Kenkian mastermind or West 44th Street bad boys came to light. The bike just sat there, for days, then weeks:
Speed: 0 mph
After a month, the wheels had been removed. A few days after that, just after I removed the tracker, the seat was taken. Then someone who needed a fix stripped off the brakes. Bike Five—nothing left but a trapezoid of tubes—is sitting in my garage right now.
BIKE SIX, I LOVED YOU at first sight. Plucked from the streets of San Francisco, you were the finest I ever had, although that isn’t saying much.
Over the years, Sergeant McCloskey had launched dozens of stakeouts, stings, and reverse stings against bike thieves in the city’s Tenderloin District, becoming a legendary Lone Ranger in the bike wars, a one-man encyclopedia of cycle crime. He once spent an hour telling me his favorite techniques for catching thieves. The best spot was the San Francisco Public Library’s main branch, a few steps from Market Street. “We took a nice Cannondale and locked it to the bike rack there, set up a robbery detail, and watched the guys stealing the bikes,” he explained. “It worked really well. They’re very slick. They ride up on their own bike, park next to it. They have bolt cutters on a shoelace around their neck and lean down to cut it. They’re very fast. We did this successfully more than 20 times. We’ve only been skunked once. About 90 percent of the people we get are drug addicts, meth heads. Speeders, we call them.”
In Portland, Joe Luiz had confessed that he’d never quite figured out where all the bikes were going, but in San Francisco this wasn’t an issue. Stolen bikes were for sale, openly, at Market and 7th, a block from where Sergeant McCloskey got so many stolen.
I’d come to San Francisco for a funeral—my father-in-law had passed away. I drove downtown to pick up his ashes and, combining two errands into one, drove down Market Street to buy a stolen bike. I parked and walked to the corner of 7th, where there was an open-air market in fenced goods, from canned food to blue jeans to batteries. Within 60 seconds, a kid rode up on a black single-speed and smiled at me.
He wanted $175. When I bargained, he said, “It’s a $700 bicycle. I looked it up.”
We finally agreed on $125. As I counted out my money, two other bike deals were going down at the same moment. One, involving a delivery bike with a basket wired to the front, started to go bad, heading toward a fight. I shoved the cash at the kid and sprinted away on Bike Six.
Minutes later, I was driving around San Francisco with a stolen bike in back and my father-in-law’s ashes up front. The bike was beautiful—an IRO track bike, designed and built in Pennsylvania, with a flip-flop hub, slim handlebars, and a tiny leather seat. There was a serial number on it, but when I checked registries of stolen bikes online, no one in San Francisco—or anywhere else that I could find—had reported it missing.
The hot-bike market in downtown San Francisco was shameless, a disgrace to the city. But it wasn’t the Bay Area’s only dubious bicycle venue. The Alameda flea market was notorious for recycling stolen bikes, and in Golden Gate Park there was a chop shop where amateur mechanics swapped components and resold stolen bikes for profit.
I rode the IRO through verdant Golden Gate, enjoying the smooth ride. I’d always thought single-speeds were an illin’ pose, but the IRO was nimble and ridiculously light. Standing on the pedals, I climbed past 15-speeders in my only gear. It was like having a skinnier, younger girlfriend. I never found the chop shop or carried out my plan to sell the IRO. Later I called Sergeant McCloskey and told him about the track bike.
“You got burned,” he said. “You paid $25 too much.”
I put the IRO back in the car, near the old man’s ashes. I still have it, and I ride it everywhere, but I need to go straight. If you lost one in San Francisco, contact me with the serial number.
I NEVER OWNED Bike Seven, a.k.a. the Last Bike, which belongs (still) to the Portland police’s burglary task force. But it was an impressive machine, a brilliant silver Trek triathlon bike, valued at about $1,500. Not coincidentally, this sum qualified it as a felony theft in Oregon. It was light as a feather, despite the elbow rests and gear changers mounted on the upright bars.
At the Central Precinct one morning, Officer Hilary Scott, one of Detective Luiz’s colleagues, handed over Bike Seven, allowed me a few minutes to install a GPS tracker under the seat, and then walked me out of the building. A fellow committed rider, Scott gave me precise instructions on where to lock it up, and I set off through traffic, bugged and tailed, for Operation Steal My Bike.
I’d never ridden with aero bars and nearly smeared myself across a police cruiser before discovering there were no brakes up there. Only one gear worked. The robbery squad rides poky bikes, and they had disabled the bait bike’s other gears—they didn’t want to be outsprinted by some meth head channeling Mario Cipollini.
Eventually, I struggled up to the address Scott had picked. It was only half a block from where my Giant Yukon had been stolen by Richard IV. About 1,100 bikes had been reported stolen in Portland that year, some 600 of them here in the Central Precinct, and most of those within a short ride of this exact spot.
I locked up the bike, badly. Six cops were out here somewhere, watching in plain clothes. But I’d met only officer Scott. So where were the cops who supposedly had my back? Across the street was a fisherman-type guy in a blue windbreaker. He was waiting with a bike at a streetcar stop. A streetcar came and went, and he was still there.
My phone rang. From offstage Scott was watching me lock the bike. She had me change its position. Then she sent me to a Starbucks up the street while she stood by with a recovery team, uniformed officers charged with nabbing a thief.
A couple of hours went by. I drank too much coffee. Occasionally, I poked my head out into the street or walked around the block. The Fisherman in blue was still there. Who else was on the job? The guy in the white grocer’s smock? The happy couple laughing as they adjusted their bike helmets?
I logged on to the coffee shop’s Wi-Fi, and my laptop revealed the tracker’s position from all of a block away. I set the Garmin software to report every 30 seconds and to send me a text message if the bike moved.
Scott called. Cops get lunch breaks, and we quit for 90 minutes. I rode the fussy Trek back to my car. En route, bouncing up SW 3rd Avenue, I noticed the happy couple pedaling along behind me. They made a left turn, toward the Central Precinct.
WE DIDN’T catch anyone in the afternoon, either. We did a second shift, a few hours in different spots around town, ending at one of the sleaziest areas in Portland, under the bridge. The street was full of homeless people, addicts, preachers, drunks, the curious, the insane. I locked the bike—using a $5.99 kids’ model. Fisherman rode past on his bike, dismounting and pretending to make a phone call.
I got a coffee, checked the tracker, and glanced down the street. The happy couple was out there now. An hour later they’d separated, and Mrs. Happy Couple was chilling with the Fisherman instead. The police bike was sitting patiently, waiting to be stolen, the fate of all bikes.
Until the cannibalizing of Bike Four, I was optimistic, convinced that bike theft could be stopped by technology. Bike Five’s demolishing left me burned out, believing there’s little we can do about bike theft. Bike Six gave me back my joy, just as Bike Seven restored my resolve. This is a war of attrition. Like the police, we can and must resist, even when it’s futile. I’m still pimping around Portland on Bike Six, my little black IRO, with 11 pounds of chain wrapped around my waist and hex nuts on my wheels. All the partial solutions—a national bike registry, better serial numbering, more secure parking, GPS trackers disguised like bells and reflectors—are getting better. We aren’t going away.
Unfortunately, the thieves aren’t either. When I arrived back at Central Precinct, Mr. Happy Couple was in the robbery squad’s tight warren of cubicles, stripping off his sweaty gear and laughing about something. As he’d left the scene of the stakeout, an agitated man had called over to him.
“Hey,” he said, “I just had my bike stolen!”
I know how it is, brother. So many bikes, so little time. |
Fiscal 2008 Appropriations Request
by Chairman Christopher Cox
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
Before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government,
Committee on Appropriations
March 27, 2007
Chairman Serrano, Ranking Member Regula, and Members of the Subcommittee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today about the Securities and Exchange Commission's budget request for fiscal year 2008.
Before I begin, I would like to congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, on your new role as head of this subcommittee. I look forward to working with you and all the members of this subcommittee for the benefit of the nation's investors.
As you know, the President's budget requests $905.3 million for the SEC in 2008. I fully support this request for increased funding over FY 2007, which will allow the SEC to continue the important initiatives underway to protect and assist the average investor.
These initiatives all have in common that they are aimed at benefiting the average retail customer whose savings are dependent on healthy, well-functioning markets. Since I became Chairman, I have worked to reinvigorate the agency's focus on the ordinary investor. This is the SEC's traditional responsibility. Back in Joseph Kennedy's day, our first SEC Chairman was amazed that "one person in every ten" owned stocks. But today, more than half of all households own securities, and the median income for shareholders is a very middle-class $65,000. When you then consider all of the teachers, government employees, and workers in other industries who have pensions, it becomes clear that nearly all taxpayers have a personal interest in fair and honest securities markets.
In fact, when one considers the staggering growth in Americans' participation in the markets, the enormity of the SEC's task becomes apparent. About 3,600 staff at the SEC are responsible for overseeing more than 10,000 publicly traded companies, investment advisers that manage more than $32 trillion in assets, nearly 1,000 fund complexes, 6,000 broker-dealers with 172,000 branches, and the $44 trillion worth of trading conducted each year on America's stock and options exchanges.
These daunting numbers make it clear that, even if the SEC budget were to double or triple, the agency would have to carefully set priorities. That is exactly what we are doing in this proposed budget for FY 2008. We must continue to think strategically about which areas of the market pose the greatest risk, and which areas of potential improvement hold the greatest benefit for investors. And given the fast changing conditions in America's and the world's capital markets, we must remain agile and flexible enough to redirect our resources with little notice.
This risk-based and flexible approach guides the SEC's examination program as we focus the agency's energies on those practices in the marketplace, and those investment advisers and mutual funds, that are most likely to be high-risk. It also provides the basis for the selection of targets for comprehensive examination sweeps on cross-cutting issues that could present a significant threat to investors. And it drives the SEC's enforcement, rulemaking, and disclosure review functions as well. In each case, the objective is to apply the taxpayer's resources in ways that provide the biggest investor protection bang for the buck.
In recent years, the SEC has professionalized the culture of risk assessment that informs so many of our programs throughout the SEC. From relatively modest beginnings as a discrete office within the SEC established by my predecessor, William Donaldson, the risk assessment function is now wholeheartedly embraced in every major functional division and office of the agency.
If I may, Mr. Chairman, I would now like to discuss some of the major areas in which the SEC is currently focusing its energies, in order to provide the maximum benefit to America's retail investors.
Fighting Fraud Against Seniors
As you know, an estimated 75 million Americans will turn 60 over the next 20 years. And they will live longer than any generation before them. As the baby boomers turn 60 -- more than 10,000 of them every day for the next 20 years - they will need to continue to actively manage their investments for higher yield over their longer lifetimes, rather than switching into low-yield, safe investments as their parents did. This will have enormous consequences for our capital markets. Households led by people aged 40 or over already own 91% of America's net worth. The impending retirement of the baby boomers will mean that, very soon, the vast majority of our nation's net worth will be in the hands of our nation's seniors.
Following the Willie Sutton principle, scam artists will swarm like locusts over this increasingly vulnerable group - because that is where the money is. And it is already occurring. Nearly every day, our agency receives letters and phone calls from seniors and their caregivers who have been targeted by fraudsters.
That is why the SEC has focused its energies in this area, and why we organized our fellow regulators and law enforcement officials at the first-ever Seniors Summit in July 2006. This year's Seniors Summit, which will integrate even more of our national resources, will take place in just a few months. With our partners, the SEC has developed a strategy to attack the problem from all angles - from aggressive enforcement efforts, to targeted examinations, to investor education.
Fighting fraud against seniors means taking aggressive action. Over the past year, the SEC's Division of Enforcement has brought 26 enforcement actions aimed specifically at protecting elderly investors. Many of these were coordinated with state authorities.
For example, the Commission coordinated with law enforcement authorities in California to crack down on a $145 million Ponzi scheme that lured elderly victims to investor workshops with the promise of free food -- and then bilked them out of their retirement money by purporting to sell them safe, guaranteed notes.
In another case, we filed an emergency action to halt an ongoing securities fraud that targeted individuals' retirement funds. At "free" dinner and retirement planning seminars, seniors were urged to invest their savings in non-existent businesses with promises of alluringly high rates of return.
By bringing cases like these, and dozens more like them, the federal government is putting would-be fraudsters on notice that they will be caught and punished if they prey upon seniors.
SEC examiners are also working closely with state regulators across the country to stop abusive practices before seniors are actually injured. With our state partners, we're sharing regulatory intelligence about abusive sales tactics targeting seniors, and conducting focused examinations of any firms whose practices raise red flags.
For example, in Florida we initiated an examination sweep of firms selling investments to seniors, in cooperation with the State of Florida and the National Association of Securities Dealers. We subsequently expanded the sweep to include other states with large retiree populations - including California, Texas, North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arizona. Working together with state securities regulators in those states, the NASD, and the NYSE, our goal is to see to it that the sales people at "free lunch" seminars are properly supervised by their firms, and that the seminars are not used as a vehicle to sell unsuitable investment products to seniors.
Another tool in fighting securities fraud against seniors is education. These efforts are aimed not only at seniors, but also their caregivers - as well as pre-retirement workers, who are encouraged to plan for contingencies in later life. The SEC is expanding our efforts to reach out to community organizations, and to enlist their help in educating Americans about investment fraud and abuse that is aimed at seniors. We have also devoted a portion of the SEC website specifically to senior citizens (http://www.sec.gov/investor/seniors.shtml). The site provides links to critical information on investments that are commonly marketed to seniors, and detailed warnings about common scam tactics.
Returning Funds to Wronged Investors
We at the SEC work diligently to uncover fraud against investors, gather the evidence needed to build a case, and then prosecute cases to bring fraudsters to justice. But our efforts do not end at the courthouse door. Once we succeed in convincing a court to order a penalty, we must ensure that as many of those dollars as possible go back into the hands of wronged investors as quickly as possible.
Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created "Fair Funds," through which penalties in SEC cases can be returned directly to injured investors, the SEC has begun to develop a considerable expertise in using this important new authority. At the time I became Chairman in 2005, this authority was only three years old, and the SEC had completed the process of disbursing funds to investors in only a few cases. Since then, we have returned over $1 billion to injured investors, including significant distributions from cases involving WorldCom, Global Analysts Research, New York Stock Exchange Specialists, Hartford, and Bristol-Myers Squibb. In addition, several large disbursements are pending and will be announced shortly.
To completely fulfill the vision that Congress wrote into Sarbanes-Oxley, however, will require a sustained effort within the Commission to train professionals in this area, to develop consistent practices, and to routinize the execution of the Fair Funds function. Too much money is still undisbursed because of the complexities of the process, leaving investors uncompensated.
That is why I have ordered the creation of a new office that will focus the efforts of all of the SEC's offices around the country, and work full-time to return these funds to wronged investors. The creation of this specialized function within the SEC will ensure that investors' money is returned as quickly as possible, while minimizing the costs of the distributions.
The efforts of this new office will be aided by a new information system, called Phoenix. The system will more accurately track, collect, and distribute the billions of dollars in penalties and disgorgements that flow from our enforcement work. The efficiency of a dedicated tracking system will remove what had been a major hindrance in our efforts to quickly distribute Fair Funds.
The agency is taking other steps in this area as well. We are collaborating with the Bureau of the Public Debt to invest disgorgement and penalty funds in interest-bearing accounts. And we are working to consolidate funds from related cases into a single distribution, where appropriate, to potentially save investors hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The SEC is dedicated to doing the very best job possible for investors in handling this responsibility. We know that you in the Congress, who entrusted us with this task, expect and deserve no less.
Another major initiative I want to bring to your attention holds great potential for investors. By using what I call "interactive data," we can give investors far more information, in far more useful form, than anything they've ever gotten from the SEC before. In the very near future, investors will be able to easily search through and make sense of the mountains of financial data contained in current company disclosures.
For years, ordinary investors have been stymied by the time and effort it takes to separately look up each SEC filing for a single company they might own, and then to do that again and again for every additional company in which they're interested. Even once the right forms are located, wading through all of the legal gobbledygook to find the right numbers has been nearly impossible for the average retail investor.
That is because the SEC's online system, know as EDGAR, is really just a vast electronic filing cabinet. It can bring up electronic copies of millions of pieces of paper on your computer screen, but it doesn't allow you to manage all of that information in ways that investors commonly need.
Not surprisingly, financial firms - who can afford it - usually end up getting the bulk of their information about companies not from the SEC filings, but from middlemen all over the world who re-key the information in SEC reports and put it in more useful form. This process is expensive and inefficient, and it also creates errors in the data. Worse, it feeds the notion that the rich and the highly sophisticated have a leg up in today's markets.
Interactive data will let any investor quickly focus on the disclosure they need. With a few clicks of the mouse, investors will be able to find, for example, the mutual funds with the lowest expense ratios, the companies within an industry that have the highest net income, or the overall trend in their favorite companies' earnings. It works by giving each piece of information a unique label, written in the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) computer language.
The agency has taken a variety of steps to expand the use of interactive data. First, the Commission created a voluntary program for companies and mutual funds to submit disclosures using XBRL, and offered expedited reviews of disclosures if firms agree to share their experiences with the agency. More than 35 companies, including some of corporate America's biggest names, are already participating in this program.
Second, the SEC is working with outside groups to develop the standardized computer labels for different kinds of numbers that appear in financial statements. The collections of these labels for each industry - the so-called "taxonomies" - will be completed in 2007. With the taxonomies available to every SEC registrant, we will have in place the basic building blocks of
the universal language that explains the components of every firm's financial statements.
Third, the agency is modernizing the entire EDGAR system to convert it to one based on interactive data. As part of this effort, the SEC expects to rename the EDGAR system in 2007.
In all, the Commission is investing $54 million over several years to build the infrastructure to support widespread adoption of interactive data. Companies have told us that the costs of implementing XBRL are minimal, while the benefits are substantial. In addition to providing far more useful information to investors, we believe the use of interactive data will be more efficient for companies' internal processes, for their registration and compliance reporting to the SEC, and for the SEC's own disclosure reviews for regulatory and enforcement purposes.
Credit Rating Agencies
Finally, I want to discuss a significant new responsibility that the SEC is undertaking this year to oversee credit rating agencies. This new role was given to the SEC by Congress last year.
As you know, in 2006 the Congress gave the SEC both the responsibility and the authority to register and inspect the nation's credit rating agencies, including industry giants Standard & Poor's, Moody's, Fitch Ratings, A.M. Best, as well as several other large, medium, and smaller current and potential industry participants. Because of congressional concern that the industry faces potential conflicts of interest, imposes barriers to entry for new rating agencies, and has failed to warn the market of such significant impending financial failures as Enron and WorldCom even immediately before their collapses, the SEC is tasked with devoting significant manpower and resources to this area.
Under the new law and the SEC's proposed implementing rules, credit rating agencies will be required to register with the Commission. In addition, they will be required to submit to periodic inspections to insure that they are implementing policies to mitigate conflicts of interest, prevent leaks of material non-public information, and refrain from unfair or coercive practices. The SEC takes this new responsibility very seriously. We remain committed to finalizing the new rules by the statutory deadline, and we will assemble a team of staff to oversee the program and begin conducting inspections over the next several months.
Fiscal 2008 Request
With all of this as background, I'll take just a moment to provide some useful detail about the President's budget request for fiscal year 2008.
As you know, the request is for $905.3 million. That will permit the agency to maintain its staffing levels from 2007. This level of personnel strength, which as you know is significantly higher than five years ago, will permit the agency to vigorously pursue its mission and maintain strong regulatory, enforcement, examination, and disclosure review programs.
This funding level will allow the SEC to continue its commitment to information technology, which has the potential both to reduce regulatory costs and to give investors vastly more useful information than what they receive today. In addition to the SEC's interactive data initiative, the SEC is deploying new systems to better manage enforcement and examination resources, to help us manage a higher level of enforcement activity at existing personnel and funding levels. There is absolutely no question that these technology improvements will make the SEC more productive, and give both investors and taxpayers better value for their money.
Over the last two years, the SEC has made tremendous progress in improving its operations. The fiscal 2008 request will permit us to continue improving the agency's internal financial controls. The agency has poured tremendous energy into this area during my tenure as Chairman. I am pleased to say that these efforts have generated success: under the leadership of a new Executive Director, the SEC received a clean opinion on its audited financial statements for 2006 and, for the first time, there were no material weaknesses in internal controls. This is vitally important, Mr. Chairman, because the SEC must set the example not only for other federal agencies, but for all public companies whose financial statements and disclosures we review. For this reason, the SEC will continue to upgrade its financial system, and to beef up security over its information systems.
The President's budget request also will fund pay raises for SEC staff, in accordance with the SEC's pay parity authority and our collective bargaining agreement. This is a significant fact. Including cost-of-living increases, career-ladder promotions, and merit pay increases, these raises amount to between five and six percent each year. Given that from a budgetary standpoint the increases are essentially automatic, and given further that payroll represents about two-thirds of our budget, the agency's total budget has to increase by over 3.5% just to maintain personnel at a steady state from year to year.
Finally, and most importantly, the level of funding in this budget request will give the SEC the tools we need to address new, emerging risks in the nation's capital markets - including not only such known areas of concern as hedge fund insider trading, the safety and security of 401(k) plans, and the quality of disclosure to protect against fraud in the municipal securities market, but also those threats to market integrity and investor confidence that have yet to emerge.
Thank you for this opportunity to discuss the SEC appropriation for fiscal 2008. I look forward to working with you on the best ways to meet the needs of our nation's investors, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. |
The BeginningWell since I was kicked out to the Guild of Radical Ice Climbing for publishing 'So you Want to Sharpen your Tools!'
I figured, 'what the hell!', I might as well get thrown out of the International Guild of Knot Tyers as well. So here is the result
For a long time I have been tinkering with trying to tie one of these
Of course I could just go here Rope Rugs and get them to do it much more cheaply and quickly that I ever could but what is the fun in that.
Some BackgroundWhat one is attempting here is a Turk's Head knot which comes in more shapes and forms that you can imagine. Whole books have been written about it.
I have looked at quite a few and they always seem obsessed with wrapping one of these things about the main-mast, a tiller, ore or some other such thing. Considering most of these books have titles like 'The Marlinespike Guide' and 'Knots for Sailors' one can understand this wrapping obsession. Unfortunately this does not help in what we want to do here.
As a way of aside this knot has been befuddling for many many years. I first saw them being tied while I was in the Navy by the senior bosuns, whose only other job was to make life for us jr. Officers a right horror.
They kept it as a trade secret and never let any of the uninitiated see them make one until we could prove we could make one ourselves. I never did get in the club.
Endless FrustrationWell armed with my rather dog-eared copy of 'The Admiralty Manual Of Seamanship' I started on my quest again.
This time I was also armed with the power of the Internet. Well there are any number of sites out the best I have seen is Alan Folsom's knot page but the same problem kept coming up no matter how clear the instructions I just couldn't get any of these knots tied.
My usual result was a long stream of expletives followed by a knot salad thrown against a wall in a fit of frustration.
I would see these picks like this
and just get hopelessly lost as I was trying to tie it.
Also most knot tiers seem obsessed by the words Bight and Lead and one typically sees a pattern marked and number accordingly like this
which is a 5 bight by 8 Lead pattern.
The Bights part is easy enough, 5 turning points across the top. It was always the Leads that confused me. I only ever see 4 Leads when in fact there are 8, 2 for each turning point.
Just to make it more confusing one can start from any point in the knot, and most diagrams are made to wrap around something one can see why I was always getting lost trying to figure out how to turn the right hand side of the knot.
EpiphanyThat is until now. I finally stumbled on the pattern and figured it out. So without further ado here is how to do it.
The key is that the grid numbering of the Bights and Leads has nothing to do with the order of wrapping them.
So below I have create 6 Bights by 10 Lead pattern where the turning points are sequentially numbered.
and if you do not like these colours here is another view
I have kept with knotting tradition using bars at the crossing points but with the color it is much easier to see which goes over and which under.
So in my pattern I have 6 Turning points across the top and 5 turing points on the sides and I closed the right hand side of the turns and have numbered each turning point in order just to make it super easy.
The next point to remember is that one complete loop is called a Turn. After one Turn the pattern just repeats it self, so if you get the first one correct there is no excuse to get the rest of your Turns wrong. The key
is to remember the Turns always lay next to each other.
Get PeggedSo lets get started First get yourself a good working platform I use an old table top that I can hammer nails into but a sheet of 1/2 plywood will do just fine.
So I hammered in my nails 6 across the top and 5 along each side and slightly past the last row. It does not really matter if they line up exactly or if they are exactly evenly spaced because the knot will work itself out if it is tied correctly.
In my example below I made the space rather large to you can see that is going on. For your first mat this is the way to go as it is easer to see the pattern.
However you will be spending a long time tightening you knot afterwords.
Normally for a 60m rope you would get a mat about 70cm by 50cm wide.
As well in this example of a 6*10 I will get about 5 complete turns in the mat with none of the rope left over.
So once you are pegged in we will start.
Hey as some fat guy once said 'All Journeys begin with a single step!',
so here is our first.
Here I am pulling the rope out of the coil and passing it around each of my turns. You could just as easily start the other was and pull all your rope though each time but that is too much work.
OK be steady this is our first big turn coming up.
Oh no we have to make our first decision. Over or under?? Well unlike many things in life we can just look at out pattern above and see what to do.
Looking at the pattern one sees a bar so that means over we go.
Well simple enough you might think but this is were I was always getting into trouble!
So watch you step because if you make a mistake here you will knot (ha) know it until later and you will be spending your time undoing what you have just done.
OK now put you thinking caps on because here come the tricky part
Looking at our pattern we have to go over the first line (21-22). Hey it isn't there? So you have to just pretend it is.
Next we go under the next line (2-1) well shiver me timbers we have to go over the next line (3-4) and then over the imaginary line (19-20) and then
around Turn 7.
Actually if you got this far you will most likely get the rest so congratulate yourself.
Well another easy one.
Again we have to cross some more imaginary liens. Just keep your pattern sheet handy and you will get though it.
We have Line (19-20) to go over then (3-4) to go under then (You guessed it) over line (1-2) and then down to old post #9.
You might begin to notice a few things here at each turn you always go over the next line ahead and likewise the line behind is always going under.
This is the pattern. Remember this and you can do this without all these post and pattern papers which I am to understand the goal of all knot makers.
Enjoy this one it is the last one that you will not have to think about.
Well this time I am going to let you go by yourself.
So enjoy figuring this one out.
Well how did 10 to 12 grab you.
Lots of fun eh! Guess what you are also half way there.
Well this one is the same and you can check your progress here if you want.
Look at Line (10-11) and Line (12-13) they should be opposites of each other meaning when a cross on (10-11) is over the opposite cross on (12-13) should be under.
If this is not the case, Check you Lines before you go any further as something is awry.
Well the same thing again.
Remember to check you pattern and note that this Line (14-15) should have the same over and unders as Line (10-11)
By now you are thinking this couldn't be any easier.
Just check to make sure that line (15-16) runs under (12-13) and over (10-11) and you should be sitting pretty.
Hey this is beginning to make sense!
Now it seems much easer eh!
On the home stretch now!
The last little one!
Now you are done. doesn't that feel good.
Go get a beer, coffee, double malt or whatever is you poison.
You have passed your test and are Worthy!!
Well what now!Well now it come to the boring part.
You simply run the other end of your rope back the way you came. Over and over again until you run out of rope.
It should look something like this.
A rather loose collection of lines I know. The key to remember here is you are just following the original turn so when it goes under you go under and when it goes over you go over.
something like this
also when you are at a turn remember to place your rope on the inside like this
and be consiteant in always placeing them inside the turns if you mix them up you will be spending hours trying to sort them out later.
You might notice I am pulling a bight through here and that is to save time. What I do is start on one side with the running end like this
and then on the pass around the next turn I use a bight like this
This is so I can pull the rope faster as it will be properly flailed for each pulling.
With two people you can get this part done very quickly even more so if the board is up on a table.
Tightening down is what you have to do now.
Now special tricks to this. Just start a one end and pull out the excess keeping the weave a little loose so you can feed in more turns.
The Bitter Endand so we are done.
As I said at the beginning this was done very loose so I took me a good 3 hours to tighten this one down.
Normally I try to peg down the first turn at about the approximate size for the mat I am making. Oddly enough standard climbing rope sizes of 50 and 60m come out at about the same size so there is no need to change you basic set up for one rope length or another.
Once you have done it a few times it takes about 35mins to create one fully tightened down but for your first one expect to spend most of the day on it.
Also to keep it simple I did not create a large number of Bights and Leads on this mat. The best results for a 10 or 11mm rope is 7 or 8 Bights with at lest 9 or 10 Leads and 3 turns.
9mm and smaller ropes you can go with more Turns 4 or even 5. With the large ropes you can go down with as few as 5 Bights. I did this once and
the mat looks nice but is not as flat as some like.
I have also tried to tie one with only 3 Bights, 4 Leads and about 15 Turns, the result was a mess that did not lie flat at all and fell apart into a rope salad if it was moved.
The problems is that with more turns, the weave gets very tight but the edges get flimsy. The optimum is about 3 to 5 turns in a mat. If you have too much rope you can just cut it off.
I have also tied one with 10 Bights and 13 Leads and only two Turns in the weave but this did not look good and it was too flimsy even when tighten down.
I have also made one with a 5 Bights and 8 Leads with 7 Turns with a 45m rope which looked very nice. Fortunately, it was a very stiff rope so the edges do not flap about that much.
So depending on your rope thickness between 3 to 5 Turns works best.
For super bonus points can anyone tell me what year the rope was made in!! |
IN MATTERS of foreign policy, Congress, and especially the Senate, was designed as a hedge against the abuses exhibited by overeager European monarchs who for centuries had whimsically entangled their countries in misguided adventures. America would not be such a place. The Constitution would protect our governmental process from the overreach of a single executive who might otherwise succumb to the impulsive temptation to unilaterally risk our country’s blood, treasure and international prestige. Congress was given the power to declare war and appropriate funds, thus eliminating any resemblance to European-style monarchies when it came to the presidential war power.
Importantly and often forgotten these days, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution was also carefully drawn to give Congress, not the president, certain powers over the structure and use of the military. True, the president would act as commander in chief, but only in the sense that he would be executing policies shepherded within the boundaries of legislative powers. In some cases his power is narrowed further by the requirement that he obtain the “Advice and Consent” of two-thirds of the Senate. Congress, not the president, would “raise and support Armies,” with the Constitution limiting appropriations for such armies to no more than two years. This was a clear signal that in our new country there would be no standing army to be sent off on foreign adventures at the whim of a pseudomonarch. The United States would not engage in unchecked, perpetual military campaigns.
Congress would also “provide and maintain a Navy,” with no time limit on such appropriations. This distinction between “raising” an army and “maintaining” a navy marked a recognition of the reality that our country would need to protect vital sea-lanes as a matter of commercial and national security, confront acts of piracy—the eighteenth-century equivalent of international terrorism—and act as a deterrent to large-scale war.
Practical circumstances have changed, but basic philosophical principles should not. We reluctantly became a global military power in the aftermath of World War II, despite our initial effort to follow historical patterns and demobilize. NATO was not established until 1949, and the 1950 invasion of South Korea surprised us. In the ensuing decades, the changing nature of modern warfare, the growth of the military-industrial complex and national-security policies in the wake of the Cold War all have contributed to a mammoth defense structure and an atrophied role for Congress that would not have been recognizable when the Constitution was written. And there is little doubt that Dwight D. Eisenhower, who led the vast Allied armies on the battlefields of Europe in World War II and who later as president warned ominously of the growth of what he himself termed the “military-industrial complex,” is now spinning in his tomb.
Perhaps the greatest changes in our defense posture and in the ever-decreasing role of Congress occurred in the years following the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil of September 11, 2001. Powers quickly shifted to the presidency as the call went up for centralized decision making in a traumatized nation where quick, decisive action was considered necessary. It was considered politically dangerous and even unpatriotic to question this shift, lest one be accused of impeding national safety during a time of war. Few dared to question the judgment of military leaders, many of whom were untested and almost all of whom followed the age-old axiom of continually asking for more troops, more money and more authority. Members of Congress fell all over themselves to prove they were behind the troops and behind the wars.
Hundreds of billions of dollars were voted for again and again in barely examined “emergency” supplemental appropriations for programs to support our ever-expanding military operations. At the same time, party loyalties over a range of contentious policy decisions became so strong that it often seemed we were mimicking the British parliamentary system, with members of Congress lining up behind the president as if he were a prime minister—first among Republicans with George W. Bush and then among Democrats with Barack Obama. And along the way, Congress lost its historic place at the table in the articulation and functioning of national-security policy.
This is not the same Congress that eventually asserted itself so strongly into the debate over the Vietnam War when I was serving on the battlefield of that war as a Marine infantry officer. It is not the Congress in which I served as a full committee counsel during the Carter administration and the early months following the election of Ronald Reagan. It is not the Congress, fiercely protective of its powers, that I dealt with regularly during the four years I spent as an assistant secretary of defense and as secretary of the navy under Reagan.
From long years of observation and participation it seems undeniable that the decline of congressional influence has affected our national policies in many ways, although obviously not everyone in Congress will agree with this conclusion. As in so many other areas where powers disappear through erosion rather than revolution, many members of Congress do not appreciate the power that they actually hold, while others have no objection to the ever-expanding authority of the presidency. Nonetheless, during my time in the Senate as a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, I repeatedly raised concerns about the growing assertion of executive power during the presidencies of both Bush and Obama as well as the lack of full accountability on a wide variety of fronts in the Department of Defense. These issues remain and still call for resolution.
WHEN IT comes to foreign policy, today’s Americans are often a romantic and rather eager lot. Our country’s continually changing, multicultural demographics and relatively short national history tend to free many strategic thinkers from the entangled sense of the distant past that haunts regions such as Europe and East Asia. The “splendid isolation” of the North American continent obviates the need to account for future challenges that otherwise would be inherent due to geographic boundaries as with Germany, France and Russia in Europe, or China, Korea, Japan and Russia in East Asia.
And so when our security is threatened we tend to take a snapshot view of how to respond, based on the analytical data of the moment rather than the historical forces that might be unleashed by our actions down the road. This reliance on data-based solutions that emphasize the impact of short-term victories was Robert McNamara’s great oversight as he designed our military policy in Vietnam during Lyndon Johnson’s administration. It was also Donald Rumsfeld’s strategic flaw as the George W. Bush administration planned and executed the “cakewalk” that soon became the predictable quagmire following the invasion of Iraq.
Resolving foreign-policy challenges depends not only on reacting to the issues of the day but also on understanding how history has shaped them and how our actions may have long-term consequences. This reality may seem obvious to people who devote their professional lives to foreign affairs, but many American political leaders tend to lose sight of it as the cameras roll and the ever-present microphones are thrust into their faces, putting one a mere five minutes away from a YouTube blast that might ruin his or her career. Politicians are expected to utter reasonably profound truths and to have at least talking points if not solutions, even if they are not intimately familiar with the historical trends that have provoked the crisis of the moment.
But in the aftermath of the analytically simpler challenges of the Cold War, present-day crises have become more complicated to explain with any expertise, even as the electoral process has become more obsessed with the necessities of fund-raising and as the political messages themselves have been reduced to blunt one-line phrases. As former House Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill famously put it decades ago, most politics are local, and most politicians learn about the essentials of foreign policy only after they have been elected, if at all. This dichotomy explains the nearly total absence of any real foreign-policy debate in our electoral process, whether at the congressional or presidential level.
Nowhere is this truth more self-evident than in the national discussions that have emerged in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite more than ten years of ongoing combat operations, and despite the frequent congressional trips to places such as Iraq and Afghanistan (usually on highly structured visits lasting only a few hours, or at the most a day or two), Congress has become largely irrelevant to the shaping, execution and future of our foreign policy. Detailed PowerPoint briefings may be given by colonels and generals in the “battle zones.” Adversarial confrontations might mark certain congressional hearings. Reports might be demanded. Passionate speeches might be made on the floor of the House and the Senate. But on the issues of who should decide when and where to use force and for how long, and what our country’s long-term relations should consist of in the aftermath, Congress is mostly tolerated and frequently ignored. The few exceptions come when certain members are adamant in their determination to stop something from happening, but even then they do not truly participate in the shaping of policy.
This is not an accusation or a condemnation; it is an observation. Consider a few relatively recent examples.
In December 2008, after more than a year of largely secret negotiations with the Iraqi government, the outgoing George W. Bush administration signed an ambitious, far-reaching document called the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA). Not to be confused with the mundanely technical Status of Forces Agreement, a common document that with minor variations governs jurisdiction over U.S. forces serving in nearly ninety countries around the world, the SFA addressed a broad range of issues designed to shape the future relationship between the United States and Iraq. This was not quite a treaty, which would have required debate on the Senate floor and the approval of sixty-seven senators, but neither was it a typical executive-branch negotiation designed to implement current policy and law. Included in the SFA, as summarized in a 2008 document published by the Council on Foreign Relations, were provisions outlining “the U.S. role in defending Iraq from internal and external threats; U.S. support of political reconciliation; and U.S. efforts to confront terrorist groups,” as well as measures “shaping future cooperation on cultural, energy, economic, environmental, and other issues of mutual interest.”
Despite years of combat in Iraq, the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars of national treasure and deep divisions that remained in the American body politic regarding our future role in this tumultuous region, over the period of more than a year during which the Iraqi SFA was negotiated and finalized, Congress was not consulted in any meaningful way. Once the document was finalized, Congress was not given an opportunity to debate the merits of the agreement, which was specifically designed to shape the structure of our long-term relations in Iraq. Nor, importantly, did the congressional leadership even ask to do so.
Until finalized, the agreement was kept from public and media scrutiny, to minimize any debate that might have put it into jeopardy. From the overt and palpable body language of the executive branch, it was clear that opening up such an important and time-sensitive issue for congressional or public scrutiny would be counterproductive. When this writer asked to read the full document in the weeks before it was signed, I was required to do so inside a soundproof room normally reserved for reviewing classified materials, even though the proposed agreement was not itself classified. And from the logbook I signed before being able to read (but not copy or take with me) the agreement, it appears that I was the only member of the Senate who at least at that point had actually read it.
Congress did not debate or vote on this agreement, which set U.S. policy toward an unstable regime in an unstable region of the world. By contrast, the Iraqi parliament voted on it twice.
A FEW years later the executive branch, headed by a new president, followed a similar pattern with respect to Afghanistan. In May 2012, after what was officially termed “a year and a half of negotiations,” President Obama traveled overnight to Afghanistan in order to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Afghan president Hamid Karzai. The agreement was characterized by the White House as “a legally binding executive agreement, undertaken between two sovereign nations.” Its purpose was to frame the structure of the future relationship between the United States and Afghanistan, including American commitments to that country’s long-term security, social and economic development, as well as an anticipated American military presence that would continue after 2014, partially to address issues of overall regional security. To that end, Afghanistan was designated as a “Major Non-NATO Ally” in order to “provide a long-term framework for security and defense cooperation.”
The Obama administration has proven itself to be acutely fond of executive orders designed to circumvent the legislative process in domestic politics. Thus, it is not surprising that this approach would be used also in foreign policy. The phrase “legally binding” as it pertains to executive agreements had come up earlier in the Obama administration. In November 2009, the administration announced that the president would return from a conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark, with a “binding commitment” for a nationwide emission-reduction program. On November 25, 2009, this writer sent a cautionary letter to the president, reminding him that “only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country.”
It is difficult to understand how any international agreement negotiated, signed and authorized only by our executive branch of government can be construed as legally binding in our constitutional system. And, with respect to Afghanistan, one strains to find the rationale under which the president alone holds the power to commit our country to a long-term economic and security arrangement that far transcends his authority as commander in chief to oversee combat operations against international terrorism. If such an agreement were “legally binding,” one must ask what law binds it and how, and against whom it would be enforced?
Unless Americans accept that we have by fiat devolved into a political system where the president has become a de facto prime minister, it is difficult to understand why Congress has remained so complacent when the executive branch has negotiated and signed agreements affecting long-term security and economic issues. Congress did not participate in the development of an agreement which, if not a security treaty, still could bind certain fiscal and security policies of our country through many ways, including pure financial inertia. Nor, again, did congressional leaders from either house or either political party even ask for a debate, much less a vote, as to whether it should be approved.
As with the SFA in Iraq, the Afghan parliament did in fact vote on this agreement, even as our Congress was not formally consulted.
THE FAILURE of Congress to meet its historical obligations while the president unilaterally engaged in combat operations in Libya promises even deeper consequences for future crises. In many international situations the future promises a different kind of warfare, made possible (and politically more complex) by the use of special-operations forces, CIA operatives, drones and precision munitions, thus removing the average American from the consequences and even the direct knowledge of military actions that a president might undertake at his or her sole discretion. But to what extent should this “cleaner” way of war also remove Congress as an arbiter of when and where our nation should become involved in overseas hostilities?
The inherent right of self-defense allows the president, as commander in chief, to order strikes anywhere in the world against legitimate terrorist targets if the country in which they operate either cannot or will not take appropriate action itself. But this is a different concept than unilaterally commencing hostilities in situations that do not directly threaten our country. When we examine the conditions under which the president ordered our military into action in Libya, we are faced with the prospect of a very troubling, if not downright odd, historical precedent that has the potential to haunt us for decades.
The issue in play in Libya was not simply whether the president should ask Congress for a declaration of war. Nor was it wholly about whether Obama violated the edicts of the War Powers Act, which in this writer’s view he clearly did. The issue that remains to be resolved is whether a president can unilaterally begin, and continue, a military campaign for reasons that he alone defines as meeting the demanding standards of a vital national interest worthy of risking American lives and expending billions of dollars of taxpayer money.
And what was the standard in this case?
The initial justification was that a dictator might retaliate against people who rebelled against him. No thinking person would make light of the potential tragedy involved in such a possibility in Libya (or, at present, in Syria). But it should be pointed out that there are a lot of dictators in the world and very few democracies in that particular region. This gives the Obama standard a pretty broad base if he or any future president should decide to use it again. And then, predictably, once military operations began, the operative phrase became “human suffering” and the stated goal became regime change, with combat dragging on for months.
In a world filled with cruelty, the question is not only how but whether a president should be allowed to pick and choose when and where to use military force on the basis of such a vague standard. Given our system of government, the fundamental question is: Who should decide? And even if a president should decide unilaterally on the basis of an overwhelming, vital national interest that requires immediate action, how long should that decision be honored, and to what lengths should our military go, before the matter comes under the proper scrutiny—and boundaries—of Congress?
As a measure for evaluating future crises, it is useful to review the bidding that led to our actions in Libya. What did it look like when President Obama ordered our military into action in that country, and what has happened since?
Was our country under attack, or under the threat of imminent attack? No. Was a clearly vital national interest at stake? No. Were we invoking the inherent right of self-defense as outlined in the UN Charter? No. Were we called upon by treaty commitments to come to the aid of an ally? No. Were we responding in kind to an attack on our forces elsewhere, as we did in the 1986 raids in Libya after American soldiers had been killed in a Berlin disco? No. Were we rescuing Americans in distress, as we did in Grenada in 1983? No.
The president followed no clear historical standard when he unilaterally decided to use force in Libya. Once this action continued beyond his original definition of “days, not weeks,” into months and months, he did not seek the approval of Congress to continue military activities. And, while administration members may have discussed this matter with some members of Congress, the administration never formally conferred with the legislative branch as a coequal partner in our constitutional system.
Obviously, these points are not raised out of any lasting love for the late Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi. But this is not about Qaddafi; it is about the manner in which our nation decides to use lethal military force abroad. This is a region rife with tribalism, fierce loyalties and brutal retaliation. Libya represented the extreme (at least so far) of executive action in the absence of the approval of Congress. We took military action against a regime that we continued to recognize diplomatically, on behalf of disparate groups of opposing forces whose only real point of agreement was that they wished to rid Libya of Qaddafi. This was not even a civil war. As then secretary of defense Robert Gates put it to this writer during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, it is not a civil war when there is no cohesive opposition facing a regime. The too frequently ignored end result of this process was not only the rampant lawlessness that possibly contributed to the assassination of our ambassador and three other U.S. officials, but also the region-wide dispersion of thousands of weapons from Qaddafi’s armories.
The inaction (some of it deliberate) of key congressional leaders during this period has ensured that the president’s actions now constitute a troubling precedent. Under the objectively undefinable rubric of “humanitarian intervention,” President Obama has arguably established the authority of the president to intervene militarily virtually anywhere without the consent or the approval of Congress, at his own discretion and for as long as he wishes. It is not hyperbole to say that the president himself can now bomb a country with which we maintain diplomatic relations, in support of loosely aligned opposition groups that do not represent any coalition that we actually recognize as an alternative. We know he can do it because he already has done it.
Few leaders in the legislative branch even asked for a formal debate over this exercise of unilateral presidential power, and in the Senate any legislation pertaining to the issue was prevented from reaching the floor. One can only wonder at what point these leaders or their successors might believe it is their constitutional duty to counter unchecked executive power exercised on behalf of overseas military action.
AT BOTTOM, what we have witnessed in these instances, as with many others, is a breakdown of our constitutional process. Opinions will surely vary as to the merits of the actual solution that was reached in each case, but this sort of disagreement, which in and of itself forms the basis of our form of government, is the precise reason why each one of these cases, and others, should have been properly debated and voted on by Congress. In none of these situations was the consideration of time or emergency so great as to have precluded congressional deliberation. In each, we can be certain that Congress was deliberately ignored or successfully circumvented, while being viewed by some members of the executive branch as more of a nuisance than an equal constitutional partner. And there is no doubt that some key congressional leaders were reluctant, at best, to assert the authority that forms the basis of our governmental structure.
When it comes to the long-term commitments that our country makes in the international arena, ours can be a complicated and sometimes frustrating process. But our Founding Fathers deliberately placed checks and counterchecks into our constitutional system for exactly that purpose. The congressional “nuisance factor” is supposed to act as a valuable tool to ensure that our leaders—and especially our commander in chief—do not succumb to the emotions of the moment or the persuasions of a very few. One hopes Congress—both Republicans and Democrats—can regain the wisdom to reassert the authority that was so wisely given to it so many years ago.
And as for the presidency, a final thought is worth pondering. From a political standpoint, it is far smarter to seek congressional approval on controversial matters of foreign policy, as was done in the October 2002 authorization to invade Iraq, than to attempt to circumvent the legislative branch. At home, Congress and the presidency will then share accountability. Abroad, the international community will know that America is united and not acting merely at the discretion of one individual.
Jim Webb is a former U.S. senator from Virginia and served as secretary of the navy in the Reagan administration. |
Over the past few weeks, I asked a few questions here with regards to the Lich King. In the first question I asked people’s opinions on “selling” Lich King titles, and there was a really fantastic mix of opinions on the topic. In the second question, I asked what killing the Lich King meant to you, and shared that we had decided not to “sell” Lich King titles, but rather to open up a contest that gave players on our server the opportunity to answer that question for a chance to join us in defeating the legendary foe.
We have received a tremendous number of replies to this contest, and many of them have been quite good. I have no doubt that we will be able to provide Lich King kills to people for weeks to come. However, we also received one incredibly stand out entry that I wanted to share. Because it was so amazing I asked the submitters if I could have permission to share it here, as it was just too awesome to sit dusty in our private forums. The imagination that is shown is amazing. I really think that everyone will enjoy it!
Without further ado, I’d like to share Tallerius and Kaelthal’s submission: http://ascenttothethrone.smackjeeves.com/comics/949984/cover/
I promise that it is well worth the time it takes to click on the link and read through it!
And because we found it so thoughtful and recognized the effort that was put into the submission, we thought we’d let them know that they’d been selected to join us in a similar fashion. You can find my response to them below the break (but be gentle! I don’t generally participate in role play – so if I’ve made errors, please forgive them!).
As Beruthiel turned to the friends that had battled their way against Arthas, a small contingent known as Monolith, led by a tauren as stubborn as he was intimidating, she, too, recounted those that she had lost on her journey to this cold, unwelcome place. She may not have etched their names into the hilt of her mace, the way that Tallerius had, but they were etched in her memory all the same. While she had slain many of Arthas’ allies, she had also seen many of her comrades fall in this beautiful hell that Arthas had created.
Beruthiel looked out at her friends expectantly as she let the question “Think we can help them, brothers?” weigh on their minds. She quietly hoped that those who had made it this far on their journey could see the same strength in Tallerius and Kaelthal that she had seen. She knew that no matter how battle weary or worn they looked, there was still a fire that burned inside them, even if it was hidden beneath their well-worn and battered armor.
As she looked around, she could hear the quiet murmurs of her friends as they contemplated the fate of the two strangers they had come upon on Arthas’ footsteps. Beruthiel knew well the struggles that the pair had faced to make it this far, and knew that those that had fought along beside her would recognize the challenges that the two Blood Elves had faced.
It was only a matter of time before a small representative from each faction stepped forward and spoke quietly to Beruthiel.
As the contingency stepped forward, Beruthiel spared a glance over her shoulder at Tallerius and Kaelthal, wearily standing hand in hand, knowing that their fate was soon to be decided.
The first to speak was a massive tauren named Even, his bulk only increased by the battle armor that he wore. He was one of the bravest to be found in Monolith, charging into battle with his shield raised and a battle cry on his voice, an encouragement to all that followed him. Even though, it is well known that he has a soft spot for pigtailed women, there is no fiercer warrior in all of Azeroth.
Even’s voice emanated a low rumble, almost like thunder, as he spoke with Beruthiel. Regardless of his attempts to speak softly, Tallerius and Kaelthal could feel the rumble in their feet as he spoke. They nervously looked at the massive warrior and wondered what he had to say about their fate. As Even spoke, they saw a small, brief smile cross over Beruthiel’s lips and as she nodded in agreement they saw Even reach out and shake her hand as he moved aside.
The next to approach Beruthiel was a troll named Lashaah, his bow slung over his back. As he stepped forward, Beruthiel leaned down and whispered a few words to Lashaah’s faithful companion, Jambi, as she scratched behind his ears. Lashaah thoughtfully strokes a dagger that he pulled from his belt as he speaks to Beruthiel, the thick Sen’jin in his voice carrying to Tallerius and Kaelthal’s ears.
They do not know what is being said, but they can tell that Beruthiel is carefully considering Lashaah’s opinions, her trust and respect for the troll obvious.
Kaelthal tugs at Tallerius’ hand as they study the conversation from a distance, and Kaelthal discreetly points to a rope around Lashaah’s neck that appears to be holding ears. “Do you think those are souvenirs?”, she whispers. Tallerius was sure of it, and knew just from looking at Lashaah that this was a dangerous troll who dabbled deep in the mojo. Trying to conceal his shudder he whispers back “I’m not sure” in an attempt to ease Kaelthal’s nerves. What Tall did not know was that it has been rumored that Lashaah killed two dwarves every morning, and that it was those dwarves’ ears circling his neck.
Once Lashaah had taken his leave, a dark forsaken priest stepped forward to speak with Beruthiel. It is rumored that this priest was once the Holy priest Zarazhas, who had given up the way of the light to explore her dark powers. Even though Zarazhas was cloaked by the shadow that she diligently studied, the twinkle that could be seen in Beruthiel’s eyes as Zarazhas spoke was a sure sign of the laughter that Zarazhas could bring to Monolith, even during their darkest hours. It is speculated that Zarazhas is able to make things, such as her traveling mammoth, disappear before everyone’s eyes.
As Zarazhas continued to speak, Tallerius and Kaelthal noticed that from time to time Beruthiel seemed to turn her attention to Zarazhas’ right and left. Confused they looked at each other questioningly. Of course, what they could not see was that Zarazhas was flanked by two other members of her Forsaken contingency. The stealthly and sinister rogues Jail and Rholm had joined her, quiet as church mice as they crept forward and confirmed Zarazhas’ thoughts. Of course, as they left Zarazhas couldn’t help giggling as she gave Jail a firm jab in the side with her finger, breaking him out of his stealth.
Kaelthal gave a quick sigh of relief as she saw that the next to approach Beruthiel were two Quel’dorei, and found herself even further relieved when she realized that one of them, a mage named Kadabra, had the remnants of the same green glow in his eyes that she held in hers. As Kadabra spoke to Beruthiel, he couldn’t resist sheeping Even, who was standing just off to the side. Of course, this caused Kadabra’s companion, Valys, to sigh as she pulled out her wand to cleanse Even after each morph.
The sight of the massive Tauren being continuously morphed into all manner of things – and then returned to his tauren form was more than Kaelthal could handle, and she burst out into laughter. Tallerius quickly whispered a quick “shhhh” to her, as he saw Even look over and snort. But Kaelthal saw that Beruthiel was also concealing a laugh, and knew that her outburst would not reflect poorly on her.
Eventually Valys confiscated Kadabra’s wand, much to Even’s relief, and the two of them were able to convey the thoughts of the Silvermoon contingent. As they finished, Kadabra could be seen poking around trying to get his wand back, with Valys finally sighing and handing it over, her patience and discipline showing, but not before threatening to let the mage meet his demise the next time he got himself into trouble if he so much as thought about turning her into a sheep.
The last to speak with Beruthiel was a representative of Thrall’s own clan. A stout orc stepped forward, swinging the heavy blade of the axe he carried on his back into the ground and leaning on the hilt before he began speaking. As Rimar spoke, Tallerius’ breath hitched when he realized that the giant axe Rimar was using as support was the fabled weapon Shadowmourne. Tallerius wondered what loyalty Rimar had shown to be trusted to bring such a dangerous, and cursed, weapon into battle.
On finishing what he had to say, Rimar heaved the giant axe over his shoulder, the cold blade glinting in harsh sunlight of Ice Crown, and stepped aside. Beruthiel looked at those that had just spoken with her, nodded, and made her way over to where Tallerius and Kaelthal were standing. Knowing that a decision had been made, Kaelthal gave Tallerius’ hand another squeeze, and set her mind to accept whatever fate Monolith had decided for them.
As she approached them, Beruthiel could see that they were tense, and smiled, hoping that it would give them some comfort and put them at ease. "My friends", she started, "We recognize the bravery and steadfastness that it took for you to fight your way to Arthas’ feet. We know, from our own experiences, the pain that you have experienced and suffered on your journey here".
At these words Tallerius subconsciously move his hand to the hilt of his mace.
"We see the determination that burns in your eyes, and in your hearts, and we understand." Beruthiel took a moment to carefully look Kaelthal in the eyes before continuing. "We believe that we will have battled our way through Arthas’ fortress, and be ready to face Arthas in six days time. We know that no matter how hard we try, we will suffer a great many losses on this journey".
Beruthiel again stopped, this time to meet Tallerius’ eyes, her meaning clear.
"Six days from now, we will face Sindragosa – her magic betraying us – and although we expect her downfall, we fear that we will lose a good many and require reinforcements to aid us in our final confrontation with the Lich King. After much consideration, we feel that the fire in your hearts will make you strong enough to join us as we face Arthas and hold him to task for what he has done to our beloved Azeroth."
At Beruthiel’s words, Tallerius looked once more at the worn handle of his mace in his hand, the weight of the mace far heavier than the saronite that it was made from, and thought of the friends that he had lost, one word escaped his lips, "Finally".
Seeing the emotion swim in Kaelthal’s eyes as she looked at Tallerius, Beruthiel spoke again.
"You are tired from your journey here, and you will need to rest and rebuild your strength before departing on this epic Journey. Please see Judis, our finest cook, and he will provide you with something warm for your bellies – although I must warn you to watch your pockets around him, he is quite sneaky and has sticky fingers. You will need to meet with our strategists before we face Arthas to learn our plan of attack. But first, a good meal and some rest is in order. We can discuss everything else later, once you have rested, I have a good Kungaloosh that is just waiting for new friends and the stories that they bring".
Beruthiel smiled, placing a hand on Tallerius’ shoulder, "Come Friends, let us rest tonight", and led them into Monolith’s camp, a smile on her face.
We also had a rogue that went even further past my story as well, and when I have a moment to speak with him will see if I can get his permission to share his entry as well.
I truly hoped that you all enjoyed the submission as much as we have! If you are interested in more, please let me know…there has definitely been some talk into continuing the story after they have joined us for the kill =) |
Amateur Astronomers Spot A Jupiter Explosion
Last Monday, an amateur astronomer in Wisconsin, Dan Peterson, was gazing through his telescope when he caught sight of a flash of white light in Jupiter's gassy atmosphere. Lucky for him, someone else also had a scope trained on Jupiter that night. George Hall, an amateur astronomer in Dallas caught that flash on video, hard evidence that an explosion had indeed happened on the giant planet.
But what caused it? An asteroid, a comet? Will we ever know? Joining me now to talk about it is Tony Phillips. He's an astronomer and the author of spaceweather.com. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY, Dr. Phillips.
TONY PHILLIPS: Thank you, Ira.
FLATOW: So what was it?
PHILLIPS: Well, we'll probably never know for sure, but it was probably a small asteroid hitting Jupiter. In fact, this isn't the first time amateur astronomers have caught asteroids hitting Jupiter. We've seen it happen a few times in the last few years. And this appears to be just the latest example.
FLATOW: And what exactly was happening that they saw?
PHILLIPS: Well, you summarized it beautifully at the beginning. Dan Peterson is an amateur astronomer, and really he was just, sort of, bent over his telescope looking through the eyepiece when he saw this brilliant flash of light in the cloud top of Jupiter.
And he immediately went onto the Internet and told a forum of amateurs what he had seen. Now, you know, 10 or 20 years ago, if he had made that report, people would have told him oh, you're crazy, you're seeing things. But in this case, another amateur astronomer, George Hall in Texas, happened to be video recording Jupiter at the same time.
He wasn't actually watching the planet with his own eyes, but he was making a video recording. And when he went and looked back at his footage, he found sure enough, there was a flash of light just when Dan Peterson said that he saw it. And most likely what happened was that an asteroid hit Jupiter - and not a huge asteroid, probably an asteroid about 10 meters or 30 feet in diameter - and it would have exploded at about the - with an energy equal to about 10 times our early atomic bomb.
FLATOW: Wow, what is an asteroid doing near Jupiter?
PHILLIPS: Oh, well, there are a lot of asteroids near Jupiter. You know, Jupiter orbits pretty close to the asteroid belt, for one thing. So that's a part of the solar system that's very cluttered with space rocks. And Jupiter ends up being a target for a lot of them because - mainly because it's such a big planet. It has so much gravity. It actually pulls some of these space rocks toward it.
FLATOW: What makes you not believe it was - might have been a comet?
PHILLIPS: Oh, well, it might have been a comet. The only way to tell the difference between an asteroid and a comet impact is to look at what kind of debris it leaves behind in Jupiter's atmosphere. Now - but the problem is, in this case, astronomers have been watching the impact site - the place where the flash of light occurred - all week long, and they've been looking through debris, but there is none. Now, if you could look at the debris and see what it's made of, you could say, oh, yes. That's material that's characteristic of an asteroid, or in the case of a comet, you know, comets tend to be very watery. And the debris cloud has chemical byproducts of water in it if a comet has hit...
PHILLIPS: ...Jupiter. But there's no debris right now. It looks like whatever hit Jupiter, Jupiter just kind of swallowed it whole.
FLATOW: Yeah. You know, I'm reminded - when you say debris, I'm reminded of that famous Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet that broke up and smashed into the planet in 1994.
PHILLIPS: Well, you're right. And, you know, I said 10 or 20 years ago, people might have said that Dan Peterson, who saw the impact, was just, you know, seeing things. But back before comet Shoemaker - excuse me, SL9 hit Jupiter, astronomers were very skeptical that big impacts like that occurred in the modern day solar system. And then we saw that tremendous series of 21 impacts with our own eyes, when Shoemaker 9 hit Jupiter. And, of course, that was a comet.
PHILLIPS: And we got to see, at that time, what a comet impact on Jupiter looks like. And from the chemical signatures of that impact, we can compare that with modern or more recent impacts and say, oh, yes, this is an asteroid or, no, that was a comet.
FLATOW: Have amateur astronomers - and I say that that they must be amateurs in name only, because they're pretty sophisticated folks, aren't they?
PHILLIPS: Well, you hit the nail on the head. A lot of the amateur astronomers who are making these observations are just as skilled as many of the very best professional astronomers. And the only difference between the two is sort of the size of the telescopes that they use.
PHILLIPS: And a big advance in recent years that has allowed amateur astronomers to observe and record these impacts is digital photography and digital video recording. You know, we can make very sensitive digital video recordings of planets now, and we can capture these impacts when they occur.
FLATOW: Mm-hmm. I'm Ira Flatow, and this is SCIENCE FRIDAY, from NPR, talking with Tony Phillips, astronomer and author of Spaceweather.com. If you want to see the impact on our - go to our website at sciencefriday.com. We have the video up there of the impact. It seems - it's pretty big. I mean, we can see that, right? That flash, you said it was - how many megatons of...
FLATOW: ...equivalent to a nuclear bomb?
PHILLIPS: Well, it's about - its equivalent - the energy in that explosion is about 10 times the energy in the first atomic bomb...
PHILLIPS: ...in World War II.
PHILLIPS: So it is a very large explosion.
FLATOW: Now, if you were watching Earth from Jupiter, would you see the same type of flashes in our atmosphere, because don't(ph) we get bombarded?
PHILLIPS: Theoretically, you could. You know, these flashes are visible at distances of many hundreds of millions of miles away. And if you were on a spaceship orbiting Jupiter and you were looking back at Earth, you could see similar impacts. Now, here on our own planet, impacts of objects - let's say asteroids about 10 meters wide, like we think this one might have been - are pretty rare. They only occur every 10 or 20 years or so.
FLATOW: Yeah, yeah. What about astronomers now? Has their - have they been motivated to turn their telescopes, amateurs, now toward Jupiter and turn on their digital recording devices so they might catch one?
PHILLIPS: Oh, I think - yes, absolutely. You know, one reason that amateur astronomers are monitoring Jupiter with video recording equipment is to try to capture these explosions. I mean, you know, just imagine looking through the eyepiece and seeing something on an alien planet exploding like an atom bomb, that's very cool.
FLATOW: How big was the telescope that they used?
PHILLIPS: Oh, these were - there were two different telescopes involved, and they were 12 to 14-inch class telescopes. So, really, these are sort of off-the-shelf backyard telescopes.
FLATOW: Mm-hmm. Is there any chance they might point Hubble at it or see...
FLATOW: ...find a hole or something?
PHILLIPS: ...back in the - I think the big telescopes like Hubble and other ground-based telescopes will be used to observe the impact site if any debris appears. In fact, back in 2009, there was an impact of a much larger asteroid on Jupiter that caused a really - a debris cloud on Jupiter that was about as big as the Pacific Ocean.
PHILLIPS: And the newly repaired Hubble was used to observe that impact, and a lot was learned about that impact from Hubble observation.
FLATOW: So folks are really tweaking it up now. I mean, and having a good weekend, you just need a nice clear sky, and you too might discover something.
PHILLIPS: Well, Jupiter is not the only place. You can look at the moon with your telescope and also see small asteroids hitting the moon.
FLATOW: No kidding.
PHILLIPS: Yeah. There's a group at the Marshall Space Flight Center, the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, and since 2005, they've been using amateur-class telescopes to watch the dark terrain of the moon. And they actually see meteoroids hitting the moon, and it observes 260 explosions in the past seven years, right on the surface of the moon.
FLATOW: Wow. Wow. There's a project for the weekend. Thank you very much, Tony, for taking time to be with us today.
PHILLIPS: Oh, it's my pleasure.
FLATOW: Tony Phillips, an astronomer and author of Spaceweather.com. As I say, again, if you like to see that impact on Jupiter, we've got it up on our website at sciencefriday.com. And it's quite an event to see. And I can imagine how exciting it must have been to see that explosion in real time in the telescope, because just looking at the planets themselves is pretty exciting. That's certainly an added benefit.
We're going to take a break, and when we come back, we're going to look at whether the microbes from Earth may have hitched a ride on to Mars on NASA's Curiosity rover, and if they did, what that might mean for the science mission there. So stay with us. We'll be right back.
FLATOW: I'm Ira Flatow. This is SCIENCE FRIDAY, from NPR.
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In the last 50 years window glass has gone from functional
to ornate. Now, with ‘smart’ windows looming, driven by energy-efficiency demands, glass may be about to become
The Environmental Protection Agency says an average household spends
over 40 percent of its annual energy budget on heating and cooling costs. Office buildings now account for about one-third
of all the energy used in the U.S., a quarter of which is lost through the inefficiency of standard windows to retain heat
in the winter or deflect heat in the summer.
But new ‘smart’ window technology is poised to change
that. While regular glass can only allow a constant amount of light, the ‘smart’ window can be tuned, or dimmed,
permitting any amount of light to pass. At the turn of a knob, the amount of light that shines through windows can now be
controlled, dialing in an estimated $11 billion to $20 billion dollars a year savings in heating, lighting and air-conditioning
According to the EPA, even a $7 billion savings would equate to a
reduction in carbon emissions at power generating plants equal to taking 336,000 cars off the road, and the energy savings
would be enough to light every home in New York City.
With ‘smart’ windows, homes and office buildings have
the potential to recover installation costs through money saved by decreasing energy lost as the air conditioning battles
a hot summer sun or by reducing indoor lighting requirements because the shades need no longer be pulled closed to block the
‘Smart’ windows boast other benefits. They increase comfort,
light and view and decrease condensation. Users are given control over their privacy and environment, and harmful ultraviolet
rays are blocked, thereby eliminating the fading of furniture, carpets, drapes, artwork and other valuables. The cost of blinds,
curtains and drapes are also slashed and in many cases eliminated.
By 2020, industry leaders believe windows will become active parts
of building climate, engineering, information and structural systems. Scientists working at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany,
for instance, have developed a hybrid system that collects solar energy that warms the air on the glass facade of the building
and funnels it through cavities in the walls and floors. The energy stored in this way can be fed into the building's interior
heating system over night.
Presently, three distinct ‘smart’ window technologies
are positioning themselves for this endeavor, competing for shares of a global architectural glass market that produces an
estimated 20 billion square feet of flat glass each year. Domestically, sales of residential window units have grown by about
five percent a year since 1992 to over 50 million units. Commercial window sales have increased by approximately 11 percent
annually during the same period to nearly 500 million square feet a year.
The new ‘smart’ technologies are liquid crystal, electrochromic,
and suspended particle device (SPD).
A few companies are working with liquid crystals, and a larger number
are trying electrochromics. Only one has SPD technology. While none of the new technologies have yet established a serious
market presence, even a one percent share of the global market would equate to 200 million square feet a year.
Polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs), invented at Kent State
University in 1983, found a major application in switchable windows, that is, windows that change from clear to opaque with
the flip of a switch. Using the same voltage as standard household appliances, multiple windows can be controlled from one
switch and can be connected to a timer.
Most uses of PDLCs, however, are confined to privacy applications,
where popular uses are found in glass walls for offices, conference rooms, lobbies, and store fronts. Privacy glass also provides
unique opportunities for use by homebuilders in bathrooms, entryways, family rooms, bedrooms, and skylights.
In the opaque state, the glass diffuses direct sunlight and eliminates
99 percent of the ultraviolet rays responsible for the fading of carpets and curtains, although unfiltered visible light can
also fade fabric.
PDLCs operate on the principle of electrically controlled light scattering.
They consist of liquid crystal droplets surrounded by a polymer mixture sandwiched between two pieces of conducting glass.
When no electricity is applied the liquid crystal droplets are randomly oriented, creating an opaque state. When electricity
is applied the liquid crystals align parallel to the electric field and light passes through, creating a transparent state.
Liquid crystal technology has not been a commercial success. The windows
are hazy because they scatter rather than absorb light, so there is a fog factor even when the device is in the transparent
state. Also, while liquid crystals work well for interior privacy control, the technology is all-or-nothing, on or off - it
can’t be used as a shading device. It also tends to be a little expensive for most popular applications, running between
$85 and $150 a square foot.
Another ‘smart’ window technology, perhaps with a brighter
future than liquid crystals, are electrochromic windows, which also attempt to control the amount of daylight and solar heat
gain through the windows of buildings and vehicles. As with liquid crystals, a small voltage is required, although in the
case of electrochromics the voltage causes the windows to darken; reversing the voltage causes them to lighten.
Unlike liquid crystals, however, electrochromic windows can be adjusted
to control the amount of light and heat passing through them, a characteristic suggesting a variety of applications.
For instance, a small photovoltaic cell can be used to sense the amount
of sunlight, darkening the window when the sun is brightest, then gradually lightening the window as the sunlight diminishes,
a feature attractive in Sunbelt regions.
Electrochromic windows consist of up to seven layers of material,
the central three layers sandwiched between two layers of a transparent conducting oxide material, all of which are further
sandwiched between two layers of glass. All five layers are, of course, transparent to visible light.
These windows function as the result of transport of charged ions
from an ion storage layer, through an ion conducting layer into an electrochromic layer. The presence of the ions in the electrochromic
layer changes its optical properties, causing it to absorb visible light, the result of which is the window darkens.
To reverse the process, the voltage is reversed, driving the ions
in the opposite direction, out of the electrochromic layer, through the ion conducting layer, and back into the ion storage
layer. As the ions migrate out of the electrochromic layer, it brightens (or "bleaches"), and the window becomes transparent
Electrochromic windows can also be used to help keep cars cool. An
electrochromic sunroof could darken in the direct sunlight but lighten at other times, providing function while keeping the
car cool. Conceivably, electrochromic rear or side windows in a vehicle could darken while the car is parked, keeping the
car cool, and then lighten again once the car is started. So far the technology is used only in self-dimming rear-view mirrors
that change from light to dark to prevent eyestrain and temporary blindness from the glare of headlights approaching from
the rear, then reversing when conditions permit.
Unfortunately, the electrochromic process is slow, especially when
compared to the newer SPD technology.
It can take six seconds for something as small as an automobile’s
rear-view mirror to go from clear to dark, and it may take 10 seconds to return to clear. But for something the size of a
window it may take six to 10 minutes to change.
SPD windows, on the other hand, react in two seconds or less,
regardless of the window size.
"In certain areas, such as rear-view mirrors, SPD technology goes
a lot faster than that," said Joseph M. Harary, executive vice president, Research Frontiers of Woodbury, NY, the lab that
developed and now licenses SPD technology. "Plus, you can use a knob or rheostat to control an SPD window. You can’t
do that with electrochromics because there would be a six minute delay - you’d never get the knob right. Most people
want instant feedback to adjust their window properly and SPD is the only one that will allow you to do that."
Electrochromic windows are also expensive, costing on the order of
$125 per square foot.
Of the three ‘smart’ window technologies, SPD, in which
the user can instantaneously control the passage of light through glass or plastic, appears to be the most promising in terms
of cost and performance.
SPD, though the newest of the window technologies, is actually the
result of decades of research seeking a ‘light valve’ technology. Physicist Robert Saxe, founder and CEO of Research
Frontiers, worked for 34 years and spent $28 million perfecting his light-valve glass technology.
Windows in homes, office building windows, skylights and sun roofs
- to say nothing of ski goggles and sunglasses, aviation instruments, automobile dashboard displays and bright, high-contrast
digital displays for laptop and other electronic instruments - made with this new SPD technology can now be dimmed or brightened
with electronic precision to suit individual needs, allowing an infinite range of adjustment between completely dark and completely
SPD, which produces little or no haze in the transparent state, can
be controlled either automatically by means of a photocell or other sensing or control device, or adjusted manually with a
rheostat or remote control by the user.
When used in conjunction with Low-E (low emissivity) glass, SPD can
also be used to block ultraviolet light (U-factor).
Low-E coatings, sometimes called heat-smart, are microscopically thin,
virtually invisible, metallic oxide layers deposited on a window or skylight glazing surface primarily to reduce the U-factor
by suppressing radiative heat flow. Low-E coatings are transparent to visible light. Different types of Low-E coatings have
been designed to allow for high solar gain, moderate solar gain, or low solar gain.
Still, clear insulated glass units (usually called IGUs) dominate
commercial and residential glazing technology, although Low-E windows have slowly gained ground, having risen by about one
percent a year recently to well over 30 percent residential and 20 percent commercial market share, according to figures from
the American Architectural Manufacturers Association, and the National Wood Window and Door Association.
"It is really simple how SPD technology works," Harary said. "Basically
there are millions of black, light-absorbing, suspended-particle devices (SPD) within a film placed between the glass layers.
When the user applies a moderate voltage of electricity to the film, the SPDs line up and become perpendicular to the window,
allowing more light and increased visibility until the window is completely clear. As the amount of voltage is decreased,
the window becomes darker until it reaches a bluish-black color that allows no light to pass through it."
In other words, in the "off" state, when no voltage is applied, the
particles (whose exact nature is proprietary) are randomly dispersed and therefore absorb light, creating an opaque appearance.
Conversely, when in the "on" state the particles orient, or align, changing the character of the glass from opaque to clear.
By adjusting the voltage anywhere between "off" and "on", the degree of light can thereby be precisely controlled.
Therefore, the user has complete control over the amount of transmitted
light from the glass or plastic walls.
The black particles are a recent improvement. In the past, particles
used in SPDs generally looked dark blue when the device was in its "off" state due to the particles’ inability to absorb
blue light well. The new particles look nearly black because they absorb light well throughout the entire spectrum. Black
or gray colors, more desirable because they’re neutral, are preferred for most applications.
SPD technology actually originated over 100 years ago, when light-absorbing
crystals were first discovered, supposedly through an accident with dog urine. According to folklore, an English chemist noticed
that a dog who had been fed quinine bisulfate (perhaps for an upset stomach) had urinated in a tray of iodine. From this accident,
green crystals (called herapathite) formed in the tray, and the chemist realized that they were able to filter out light.
Edwin Land, inventor of the Polaroid camera, was later the first to fashion an SPD device. Failing in an attempt to make large
thin sheets of polarizing iodine compounds, Land turned to making submicroscopic crystals by the billions. These he found
could be spread on plastic sheets and lined up by electric or magnetic fields. When two such sheets were rotated with respect
to each other, a clear view would gradually change to black.
Land’s research resulted in 535 patents (second only to Thomas
Edison.) In terms of patent count, Research Frontiers isn’t far behind.
The lab, which currently hold over 350 U.S. and foreign patents and
patent applications on the technology, now licenses its technology to such manufacturers as Dai Nippon Ink & Chemicals,
General Electric, Hitachi Chemical, Hankuk Glass Industries (the Korean giant glass works), and Material Sciences Corp., San
Diego, (a supplier of specialty films).
In March, ThermoView Industries, Louisville, became the first domestic
manufacturer specializing in products for the $8 billion replacement window/door industry licensed to produce SPD ‘smart’
There are actually over 500 fabricators in the fragmented U.S. window
industry, although the glass itself comes from only six U.S. flat glass manufacturers, including PPG Industries, LOF (Pilkington
Libby-Owens Ford), AFG Industries, Ford, Guardian, and Cardinal.
In spite of all the licensing activity, SPD windows have yet to appear
on the market. Developing the technology and manufacturing processes has been long and difficult.
"The technology is perfectly well-suited for window applications and
what’s happening now is our licensees are scaling up to make large quantities of the materials needed for production,"
Harary said. "As you know, there’s a big difference in doing something on a lab scale and doing something on a commercial
scale. We’ve successfully developed procedures to scale up the technology and we’ve licensed and trained companies
like Hitachi Chemical and Dai Nippon Ink and Chemicals to make the basic emulsions, which are the liquid materials that eventually
get turned into a film, the polymers and the particles that we use in our system."
Those companies in turn are licensed to sell the emulsions to film
makers, who are also licensees, who take the liquid emulsion, coat it onto a substrate and cure it into a film. The film is
what goes into the window.
"Initially you’ll probably see the film imbedded in the glass
itself, say, where it gets laminated on the inside of a insulating glass window," Harary said. Eventually, though, retrofitting
will be possible by merely laminating the film to an existing window, hooking it up to an electrical connection and, presto,
a ‘smart’ window.
"It’s an easy technology to work with because it’s a film,"
The retail price of the SPD windows have yet to be determined, although
Harary’s educated guess is the addition of the particle film will not increase the cost of windows by more than about
20 percent, adding about $15 per square foot, which is considerable less expensive than either liquid crystal or electrochromic
"But it’s up to the licensees, because they’re the ones
setting the price," he said.
The new SPD glass allows blocking of sunlight without curtains or
blinds, the particles that block light from the outside would also block light from the inside, so the privacy one expects
when bolting out of the shower for the phone or napping on the job would still exist.
Harary compares the blockage to a one-way mirror. "Instead of having
a reflective coating, you have something that's blocking the light. It's one of these technologies that's going to make people's
lives more comfortable," he said. |
Justice Mary Muehlen Maring, Chair
Judge Debbie Kleven
Judge Tom Schneider
Chair Maring called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and drew Committee members' attention to Attachment 2 (May 29, 1998) - Minutes of the March 20, 1998, meeting. She noted the starting time for the March 20 meeting should be reflected as 9:05 a.m.
Update on Committee Referrals
At the request of Chair Maring, staff provided an update on activity regarding recent Committee referrals. He said Committee comments at the March 20 meeting regarding a proposed civil jury instruction under consideration by the Pattern Jury Instruction Commission were passed along to Commission staff. He said the Committee's comments would be included in the Commission's review of the proposed civil jury instruction at its June 19 meeting. He said also that Lynn Kerbeshian, Commission Staff, had said that approximately 750 gender references in pattern jury instructions have been deleted thus far. He said the Joint Committee on Attorney Standards is continuing to review the issue of possible amendments to the Code of Professional Conduct concerning biased conduct by attorneys. He said the Joint Committee would be reviewing additional information concerning ABA resolutions and other state rules at its June 14 meeting in Grand Forks. With respect to proposed amendments to the Code of Judicial Conduct, he said the Judiciary Standards Committee had reviewed proposed amendments to Canon 3B(5) and (6) which had been referred to it by the Gender Fairness Implementation Committee. In light of the narrow focus of the proposed amendments, he said Brian Neugebauer, Judiciary Standards Committee chair, did not call a meeting of the Committee, but rather the proposed amendments and related materials were distributed to Committee members for review. Committee members, he said, were asked to respond by mail ballot on the issue of approval or disapproval of the proposed amendments. He said the amendments were approved by a substantial majority and were recommended to the Supreme Court. However, he said, the Supreme Court returned the amendments to the Committee with the request that a meeting be held for purposes of full discussion and consideration of minority viewpoints. He said the Judiciary Standards Committee recently met by telephone conference call, further reviewed the proposed amendments, and again recommended the amendments to the Supreme Court. He drew attention to Recommendation F(4), Judicial System as Employer, and particularly that part relating to encouraging the Supreme Court to strive for gender balance in hiring and promotion decisions. He said that recommendation was referred by the Committee to the Supreme Court, which in turn referred the recommendation to the Personnel Advisory Boards for consideration. He said he recently met with the Supreme Court Personnel Advisory Board to discuss the recommendation and Advisory Board members were concerned about the potential impact of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding the use of race as a deciding factor in decisions regarding awarding contracts and employment. He said he reviewed Title VII and equal protection caselaw regarding the use of gender as a factor to be considered in employment situations. Following discussion, he said, the Personnel Advisory Board requested that its staff prepare a draft policy that would express support for achieving diversity in the judicial workplace.
With respect to the Commission's recommendations concerning the judicial system as employer, Marcia O'Kelly said the Eighth Circuit's Implementation Committee Report contains a discussion of a model employment dispute resolution plan and the use of equal employment opportunity plans. She said the dispute resolution plan may be of interest in considering the Commission's recommendation on developing an informal process for reviewing gender-related complaints in the employment context. A copy of the Implementation Committee Report is attached as an Appendix.
With respect to preparing a draft guide for gender fair court proceedings, Chair Maring suggested, and Committee members agreed, that the guide be developed over the summer and presented for review at a Committee meeting in early fall.
Development of Education Programs
Chair Maring requested discussion concerning the development of gender-bias education programs for judges and lawyers. Specifically, she said, attention should be directed to topics to be covered in the near term and whether programs could be directed to judges, attorneys, and judges and attorneys together.
Pat Durick suggested establishing a priority list of topics, with the aim of addressing those most important first, such as domestic violence issues.
Judith Howard suggested contacting Lynn Hecht Shafran to see of she would be available to participate in a program.
Justice Maring noted that Ms. Shafran had developed a curriculum on adjudicating allegations of child sexual abuse when custody is an issue. She noted this topic as one possible facet of a larger program on domestic violence and custody issues.
Marcia O'Kelly emphasized the importance of education in understanding the application of the new statute that outlines the impact of incidents of domestic violence on custody decisions. She said there is a real need for judges to understand how a pattern of domestic violence bears on custody decisions as compared to being a basis for obtaining a protection order. Beyond this specific topic, she said, there appears common agreement about general education areas among the various groups - the Jackson Hole Group, the Bar Association, and the Committee. She said the more challenging task is determining how to most effectively coordinate these education initiatives.
Pat Durick suggested the possible use of the Inns of Court. Justice Maring agreed and suggested contacting the program chairs of the different Inns of Court and requesting that in the next year's programs the Inns consider programs regarding gender fairness. Pat Durick said the skit approach used in Inns of Court programs could be transferred to videotape for viewing at local bar meetings. Judith Howard observed that free CLE credits on ethics may be an inducement to better attendance at local Bar Association meetings. Jim Fitzsimmons emphasized the importance of an initial, concerted effort by the State Bar Association and the Supreme Court to present aggressive education initiatives over a short period of time. To that end, he suggested that the Bar Association and Supreme Court support mandatory, but free, CLE programs for lawyers and judges over the next year or so to ensure that the greatest number of lawyers and judges are exposed to gender fairness related issues.
Justice Maring observed that a mandatory CLE requirement would likely require a rule change, which is the approach taken in Minnesota. Judge Kleven said she is hesitant about the manner in which a mandatory CLE requirement would be received. She suggested instead that gender issues be incorporated in particular subject matter areas covered in a CLE program.
Justice Maring suggested that education programs should first be directed at lawyers and could begin with a program that is fairly non-threatening, something similar to the approach taken in Minnesota. She said the education effort could begin with an information program regarding gender study findings and then move on to a more in-depth discussion of bias and its attributes in the legal environment. Such a program, she said, could be included as part of a bench and bar seminar or as part of a homecoming education program. With respect to judge education, she said she had participated in a Wisconsin program that included Judge Ben Aranda from California, who has been a presenter before numerous judicial organizations on cultural diversity and various bias issues. She suggested he could be a likely candidate for a presenter at a judicial conference or judicial institute program.
Jim Fitzsimmons emphasized the need to develop an education program for the judiciary, particularly because judges are a "captive" audience. Judith Howard agreed that if you start with education for judges and the dynamic in the courtroom changes, then change among lawyers will likely come over time.
Pat Durick wondered at the possibility of having a column in the Gavel in which certain occurrences and anecdotes can be set out and discussed. Committee members agreed it may be useful if discrete incidents could be discussed and analyzed seriously.
Chair Maring requested that staff contact SBAND to determine what fall programs may be in the development stage.
Marcia O'Kelly inquired whether it would be possible to obtain the Minnesota videos and perhaps incorporate them in an SBAND education program.
Justice Maring suggested, and Committee members agreed, that she would attempt to contact Judge Aranda and determine his availability for a half-day or day education program. She said the proposed amendments to Canon 3B(5) and (6), if adopted, could also be the focus of discussion at a judicial conference program. She noted that the National Association of Court Managers had developed a guide concerning the court's response to domestic violence. She said the guide has been distributed to all district court judges. Additionally, she said, the State Justice Institute has developed a curriculum entitled, "Domestic Violence and Children: Resolving Custody and Visitation Disputes - A National Curriculum." She said both of these resources could be included in an education program regarding family law and domestic violence.
Justice Maring noted that Attorney General Heitkamp has expressed a strong interest in these topics and in the possibility of coordinating dissemination of information regarding domestic violence and also drug abuse. She said there apparently is federal funding available to assist in these areas. She suggested, and Committee members agreed, that Attorney General Heitkamp and Bonnie Palacek be invited to the Committee's next meeting to discuss possible education efforts concerning domestic violence, the dissemination of information concerning domestic violence, and the possibility of federal funding to assist in education efforts.
As a future education issue, Justice Maring noted the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace and the judge's responsibility for controlling sexual harassment.
Draft Jury Questionnaire
Chair Maring drew Committee members' attention to Attachment 5 (May 29, 1998) - A draft jury exit questionnaire under review by the trial court administrators. She wondered why a question could not be included on the questionnaire that asks jurors whether they thought the jury panel had been influenced in its decision by any form of gender bias. Jim Fitzsimmons suggested a general question be included that simply inquires whether anything occurred in the courtroom that the juror thought was unfair. Committee members agreed that such a question should be added to the questionnaire and requested that staff convey the suggestions to the trial court administrators.
Following discussion, Committee members agreed the next meeting would be September 4 at 9:00 a.m. Chair Maring reminded Committee members that the Committee's next report to the Supreme Court is due October 1, 1998.
No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Jim Ganje, Staff |
Other available languages: none
Brussels, 1 June 2011
Joint Declaration - The 5th College-to-College meeting of the European Commission and the African Union Commission
Africa and the European Union are bound together by history, geography and shared values, such as the respect for human rights, justice, freedom, the rule of law, gender equality and democracy. Africa and the European Union are committed to bolstering democracy and working together on common and global challenges to pursue their mutual interests, especially in areas such as peace and security, democratic governance, regional and continental integration, food security, climate change as well as governance, transparency and regulation of the global economy.
The 2011 meeting between the EU and AU Commissions has been crucial to develop shared policy agendas. During two days, EU and AU Commissioners, as well as Chief Executives of African Regional Economic Communities (RECs) discussed concrete ways to enhance cooperation both on short-term challenges and on the long-term structural changes such as regional integration and sustainable, inclusive and green growth and the equitable transformation of the world economy.
Building on the soundly established relationship and the successful political, policy, technical and administrative cooperation the EC and AUC have cultivated, this 5th meeting once more demonstrated the maturity of our partnership. It reinforced our institutional and operational links, and enabled us to identify synergies and to further align our policies and initiatives so as to better address challenges and seize new opportunities in a rapidly changing environment.
Once again, the presence of the African Regional Economic Communities and NPCA has broadened the scope of the dialogue, contributed to the success of the meeting and was warmly welcomed.
In this spirit of the Strategic Partnership, the European and African Union Commissions have in particular agreed to the following:
1. We will pursue and deepen our cooperation in support of peace, security and democratic governance in Africa to further build on our intense and successful political dialogue in recent months. In this regard, we will promote national reconciliation and economic recovery in Ivory Coast, and work jointly to foster good-neighbourly relations between North and South Sudan following the latter’s expected independence in July 2011.
2. To address challenges to democratic governance, human and people’s rights as well as peace and security, we will pursue the consolidation of the African Governance Architecture and the full operationalisation of the African Peace and Security Architecture. Furthermore, we will closely collaborate to address transnational threats to stability, peace and security such as terrorism, drugs trafficking and maritime piracy. We also agree to strengthen our efforts in fighting human trafficking and will take concrete joint initiatives to this end.
3. We will support broad-based national dialogues and support the strengthening of civil society organisations which can hold authorities accountable, in line with the people centred nature of our strategic partnership. We will continue to promote dialogue between young people and support activities to strengthen their capacity to actively participate in democratic processes and societal progress.
4. We acknowledge the strong link between migration and development and therefore reiterate our commitment to further consolidate and strengthen our dialogue and cooperation. The EU stands ready to continue supporting African States in managing the flows of migrants and refugees, as well as providing adequate humanitarian assistance, especially in relation to Cote d'Ivoire and Libya. We also recognise that in order to reap the benefits of migration and mobility, a comprehensive and efficient policy is needed to address legal migration, the linkage between migration and development as well as concerns related to irregular migration.
5. With the growing young population in Africa, we acknowledge the importance of promoting employment and decent work for all as means of achieving an inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. In this regard, we welcome the forthcoming AU Summit on Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development in Africa. In view of the International Labour Conference of June this year, we will pursue our dialogue on social protection.
6. We will continue to pursue regional integration and promote cooperation in the areas of trade, investment and infrastructure development. We re-affirm our strong commitment to regional and continental integration and agree to follow-up with concrete actions under the Joint Action Plan, building on the experience of the EU Internal market. The EU will, in particular, support Africa’s integration initiatives, including the Minimum Integration Programe (MIP).
7. In the field of trade, we advocate for an increased pace of the negotiations in view of concluding Economic Partnership Agreements that support sustainable economic development and regional integration in Africa and strengthen Africa-EU ties. We will further improve bilateral fisheries agreements between the EU and African countries to ensure the sustainable and mutually beneficial exploitation of fish stocks, while effectively supporting the development of the fisheries sector in African coastal states. We will also initiate consultations with a view to developing regional perspectives on this matter and support capacity building efforts in this domain. We are mindful of the need to integrate small-scale fisheries into the value chain, and to pursue further processing.
8. We will also make joint efforts to promote cooperation on customs matters between the EU and Africa to facilitate trade, protect the security and safety of our citizens, and defend our financial interests.
9. In the area of investment, we will enhance collaboration in improving the business climate and facilitate engagement with the private sector through platforms such as the regular EU-Africa Business Forum.
10. With regard to infrastructure development, we commit to enhancing progress in the implementation of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), as well as the initiative for the provision of satellite navigation services (based on EGNOS) in Africa, including the preparation of the financing dossier and the definition of the governance structure of a future programme in this regard.
11. We recognize the need to keep development in Africa as one of the priorities of the G20 agenda and agree to coordinate efforts on issues such the reform of the global governance system.
12. Moreover, we acknowledge the importance of good governance in the tax area and support initiatives that will lead to more transparency of payments, including payments to governments by the extractive industry. We stand firm in the fight against money laundering, terrorism financing and tax fraud. We are ready to strengthen our joint efforts in the fight against fake medicines and counterfeited goods to protect the health and safety of our citizens.
13. We agree to strengthen our cooperation on raw materials under the Joint Africa-EU Strategy Action Plan 2011-2013 around good governance, infrastructure and geological skills and knowledge base. We take note of the recent Communication on Raw materials by the EU Commission and look forward to the African Union Action Plan on the implementation of the Africa Mining Vision. We also agree on the importance of raising the issue of Raw materials at the G20. In this context, we also discussed the problem of excessive price volatility in commodity markets and agreed on the need for increased integrity and transparency of commodity derivatives markets.
14. We remain firmly committed to achieving the MDGs as a matter of priority and agree on the need for urgent and decisive action to accelerate progress. In this regard, particular emphasis will be placed on the promotion of inclusive and sustainable growth as an essential driver of development as well as taking steps to meet the commitments made at the September 2010 High Level Event on MDGs. Looking beyond 2015, we will work together, as well as with other development actors, to define and implement a continued and ambitious international development agenda which eliminates poverty within the shortest possible timeframe.
15. In the field of education, we will maintain and strengthen our joint efforts to achieve universal basic education, and reinforce institutional and professional capacities to achieve the objectives of the action plan of the Second Decade for Education in Africa. To promote education at all levels, we will launch the African Higher Education Harmonisation through the revised Arusha Convention and Tuning project this Autumn and will support the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, including the Ouagadougou conference of November 2011.
16. We will also strengthen our efforts for accelerated progress in the field of health, including women's and children's health, HIV/AIDS, and e-health. We emphasise our firm commitment to strengthening our cooperation in the fields of gender equality and women empowerment and take note of the African Women's Decade Implementation as the continental framework. We are also committed to reinforce the cultural dimension in our cooperation.
17. We recognise that generalised access to energy constitutes a pre-requisite to meet most MDGs and is a motor for growth. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment to the existing initiatives such as the EU-Africa Energy Partnership and the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme.
18. We welcome the results of the Cancun Conference as a balanced package and need to continue negotiations so that the upcoming Durban Conference can fully operationalise the Cancun Agreements. We take note and support efforts aimed at the finalisation of the joint Africa-EU declaration on Climate Change initiated last year.
19. Alarmed by the recent figures showing increasing global emissions of green house gases, we call upon all parties with major emissions to step up their mitigation efforts in order to close the serious gap to reach the 2 degree objective as agreed in Cancun. We urge developed country Parties to increase the ambition of their economy-wide emission reduction targets and support developing countries to adapt to climate change by providing adequate and predictable financial resources as well as technologies. We also urge the developing country parties to enhance their mitigation actions.
20. As 2011 is the year of the African Conference of the Parties, special focus needs to be paid to the implementation of the Adaptation Framework, namely establishment of the Adaptation Committee and further progress on the work programme on loss and damage, which are important issues for both EU and Africa. We note that the EU is meeting its commitments on fast start funding and is making this funding available to Africa in accordance with the African Group's proposals presented in Copenhagen.
21. We welcome the progress on the Green Development Fund, which has great potential to mobilise climate funding efficiently and effectively for Africa. We note that African states account for most of the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements with the EU and look forward to their full implementation. We will also seek to maximise the synergies between FLEGT and REDD+ strategies.
22. On the environment, we recognise that biodiversity loss is one of the major challenges of the 21st century for both the African continent and the EU and agree to strengthen our co-operation to ensure that healthy ecosystems and biodiversity continue to provide goods and services essential for the prosperity and well-being of all nations.
23. We regard the Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio next year, with its focus on green economy and link to poverty reduction, as a unique opportunity for the world to advance it commitments to sustainable development and address today's environmental and social challenges.
24. We will continue our joint efforts in the fields of agriculture, food safety and food security and acknowledge their potential for promoting economic growth and sustainable development. In this context, we strengthen our resolve to accelerate the implementation of the Africa Land Policy Guidelines and support the process of establishing international guidelines on access to land and other natural resources. We express our satisfaction on the establishment of the Pan-African Farmers Forum and agree that a continuation and scaling up of EU support to African Farmers Organisations will be most useful to advance on Africa's agricultural agenda.
25. We agree that an increase in financing for agricultural research for development is essential and that such research needs to be driven by the needs of farmers and well linked to national agricultural research and extension systems. We recognise the importance of organic farming and we will build on the process to establish an African organic farming platform. In this context, we welcome the Organic Farming workshop in July 2011 as a good opportunity to exchange best practices and guidance in support of the development of sustainable organic farming systems in Africa.
26. Regarding geographical indications (GI), we welcome the first meeting in the second half of 2011 in Kampala, which allows us to disseminate knowledge, share experiences and address challenges to the GI system for African farmers, fishermen, and agri-food producers wishing to access the GI system.
27. Furthermore, in view of the upcoming G20 Agriculture Ministers' meeting in June, the African Union Commission will pronounce that the international community must remain vigilant on price movements and their effects at local and regional level, and on small farmers in particular. The Action Plan, which must be endorsed by Agriculture Ministers, should also be sensitive to the realities of Africa. It should particularly address the question of how Africa can feed itself, support responsible agricultural investments, improve sustainable production systems, promote value chains and design risk management tools.
28. We will cooperate to maximise the potential benefits of Science, Technology and Innovation for poverty reduction, growth and socio-economic development. In this context, we will secure substantial investments for strengthening African capacities in these fields. In addition, we welcome the first Senior Officials Meeting of the Africa-EU High level Science and TechnologyPolicy Dialogue in Addis Ababa on 10-11 October 2011, which will further consolidate our joint scientific and technological cooperation.
29. We reaffirm our commitment to the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and Africa initiative, and agree on the importance to advance on the finalisation and adoption of the GMES and Africa Action Plan, reflecting the needs of African users. The AU Commission will drive this process forward in full consultation with relevant stakeholders, including the Coordination Taskforce. Since GMES and Africa initiative is focused on applications, the AU Commission confirms that all potential beneficiaries within the AU Commission, the RECs and the African Member States will be fully engaged in the GMES and Africa process.
30. Furthermore, we confirm our on-going support in principle for the African Space Agency project and for the establishment of a Space Sciences Institute in the context of the Pan-African University.
31. We remain committed to our cooperation in the Information Society domain, notably through scaling-up initiatives launched under the Action Plan 2008-2010, exploiting synergies between the EU Digital Agenda and the AU ICT development frameworks, and fostering deployment of innovative e-services to fast-track African development in all socio-economic sectors.
32. We will foster our bilateral technical and administrative cooperation, including twinning and exchange arrangements between our services. In particular, we will advance our joint efforts in the fields of human resources policy, IT security, communication, financial management capacity −accountancy standards, internal control standards and internal audit− and budgeting. Our meeting allowed for the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of administrative cooperation as well as strengthening our institutional ties, predominantly via the staff exchange program. In this context, we are pleased with the excellent and fruitful cooperation and progress made since 2006. The AUC and EC also signed a recently developed Aide Memoire that addresses current challenges and sets out joint measures to strengthen the AUC financial management and EU-AU cooperation.
The political and operational impetus provided by the two Commissions remains instrumental for the success of the Africa-EU Partnership. But the Commissions cannot deliver alone - all other stakeholders from the two continents, Member States, RECs, Parliaments, private sector, civil society, local authorities and media are invited to join our efforts to foster the implementation of the Action Plan 2011-13 of the Joint Strategy and to deliver visible results to the citizens of our continents. Last but not least, our discussions addressed the issue of securing adequate and predictable resources for the effective implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) and its successive Action Plans.
Finally, we agreed to meet again in 2012 in Addis Ababa |
Manolo says, it lives!
The footwear company based in Niwot, Colo., is fighting its way back since being declared “dead” in press reports last year.
After enjoying great success as its shoes flew off shelves and investors snapped up its stock—the company raised more than $200 million in its 2006 stock offering—Crocs stumbled during the recession. Consumers and investors considered the clog—and the company’s stock—a fad that had faded.
Now, Crocs is trying to fashion a comeback. It’s rolling out new, higher-priced shoes that include flip-flops and high heels. Those styles are highlighted in ads. Its traditional clog? It has been turned into an advertising character—two of them, actually—who give foot massages.
It is like the horror movie. Just when you think the monster is dead, there it is, scrabbling at your throat with it’s horny hands.
This week I caught up with Ken Chaplin, vice president of global marketing for Crocs. He was eager to show off its new shoes and boots but he seemed careful to avoid the word “clog.” Instead, he referred to it as “that iconic shoe.”
That Which Must Not Be Named!
Q: You’re still best known for your quirky clog with holes even though you’re also selling boots, high heels and flip-flops. How do you take a brand associated with clogs and stretch it to include many different types of footwear?
Chaplin: We are looked at as a brand but also as an item—a very iconic item in that shoe you mentioned and one that has brand awareness in the United States of over 95%. Our idea was to use that to our advantage. Working with our agency Cramer-Krasselt we came up with this idea on how to bridge the past, that iconic shoe, with the future. With over 250 styles, our best opportunity was to let them know the comfort from our iconic shoe can be found in everything we do.
Allow the Manolo to translate: “Yes, That Which Must Not Be Named nearly destroyed civilization, but look, over there, candy!”
Q. I talk to a lot of folks about how they manage their reputations online but few companies like yours have critics who’ve set up Web sites and Facebook sites against their products. There are 8,000 members of the “I Hate Crocs” Facebook page. Why do some people feel so hostile toward this brand and what do you do about them?
Chaplin: I haven’t seen a lot of new activity on those sites for a while. We have such a great opportunity in the US with people who are open to Crocs. We’re using our efforts to talk to them.
Q. Crocs has been in danger of going the way of many other fads. Is it possible Crocs will show that a fad can have staying power?
Chaplin: We don’t use the ‘F’ word.
You may be certain that the Manolo has already used the ‘F’ word.
Manolo says, one of the Manolo internet friends has sent the Manolo the note.
I just wanted to let you know of the abomination on your ad space.
Many thanks to the Sarah and the others who have alerted the the Manolo to this.
It is curious, no?
One would think that the people behind the Crocs would know how the Manolo feels about their ungainly, life-sapping, and horrifically unattractive product, for it is not as if the Manolo has made any secret of his feelings.
But, the Manolo’s position is that the Crocs are the legal product which, if you are not riding on the escalator or wrestling alligators, pose little physical threat to humans. (Of the course, the aesthetic threat is incalculable.) And thus the Manolo the Capitalist is not opposed to taking their advertising dollars.
Much more troubling to the Manolo is the frequent reappearance of the advertisements promoting the fake designer shoes, especially the fake Christian Louboutin shoes. Indeed, for nearly two years now, the Manolo has been waging the continual war against these criminals in his comments section and his banner advertising. And yet the fake ads continue to reappear, usually with the slightly different website or name. And the Manolo must again contact Google or Glam to get them to remove the new offender.
And so you may see, there are far worse things than the Crocs, which although ugly, have the virtue of honesty. They do not pretend to be anything other than what they are, which is why the Manolo does not mind their advertisement, even if he thinks the Crocs peoples are ultimately wasting their monies.
Manolo says, once again, wearing cheap plastic feetwear almost results in death.
This past Monday, Diane was out house-hunting. She checked out a listing for a house that was interesting in part because it was close to a park. After looking at the house, Diane went over to the park to have a look at it, too. This was Sawgrass Lake Park in St. Petersburg, Florida, near I-275 and Gandy Boulevard. She took Ritka, our Vizsla, walking with her. Diane and Ritka were near the water’s edge at about 4:30 PM when Diane saw the water churn. She immediately called to Ritka and started moving away from the water. Ritka’s usual behavior is to run ahead, and that’s just what Ritka did. Diane, though, slipped on the slope and fell to her hands and knees, perhaps in part due to the slip-on “Crocs”-like shoes she was wearing at the time. The churning water was, indeed, a sign of a gator making a lunge, coming out of the water. The gator didn’t connect with anything on his first lunge, but he grabbed Diane’s left calf with his second lunge.
Ayyyy! Crocs vs. Gators!!! And the Gator is in the process of winning. Happily, everything works out moderately okay in the end.
Lesson: Do not be food for the alligator. Do not wear Crocs.
P.S. Thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend Carrie who writes: Not only will Crocs make you a victim of fashion, they will make you a victim of alligators. Which is funny because it is true!
Manolo says, since the government is giving away the free money to the car buyers, perhaps it is time for the shoe industry to lobby for their own subsidy.
Thus the Manolo proposes the Cash for Clogs program.
Turn in your old Croc for destruction and receive the $10 gift certificate for the purchase of the new pair of beautiful shoes.
To state in graphic terms…turn in this monstrosity…
Off of the price of something like this…
The Tiara by Charles David. The prefect sort of summery replacement for the odious Croc.
Of the course, the government will have to immediately destroy the Croc, and set very tight restrictions on which shoes will be qualify for this proposed program. And naturally, the Manolo volunteers to do his patriotic duty by helping the bureaucrats set the proper standards of new footwear acceptability and beauty.
So, get to work, shoe industry lobbyists, and have Congress help us make the world the more beautiful place while stimulating the domestic shoe sales.
Manolo says, many, many, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have sent the Manolo the link to this story.
Crocs were born of the economic boom.
The colorful foam clogs appeared in 2002, just as the country was recovering from a recession. Brash and bright, they were a cheap investment (about $30) that felt good and promised to last forever. Former president George W. Bush wore them. Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler wore them. Your grandma wore them. They roared along with the economy, mocked by the fashion world but selling 100 million pairs in seven years.
Then the boom times went bust, and Crocs went to the back of the closet.
The company had expanded to meet demand, but financially pressed customers cut back. Last year the company lost $185.1 million, slashed roughly 2,000 jobs and scrambled to find money to pay down millions in debt. Now it’s stuck with a surplus of shoes, and its auditors have wondered if it can stay afloat. It has until the end of September to pay off its debt.
“The company’s toast,” said Damon Vickers, who manages an investment fund at Nine Points Capital Partners in Seattle. “They’re zombie-ish. They’re dead and they don’t know it.”
On the one hand the Manolo wishes to shout, “Ding Dong, the Crocs are dead!”, and yet on the other of the hands, he feels very sorry for the many people who will be harmed by the consequent loss of employment. (Being the low level Croc employee is sort of like being one of the independent contractors building the Death Star.)
By the way, one reason for the demise of Crocs the Company? The toxic durability of their product.
But the shoes were hitting a saturation point; the problem with a nearly indestructible product is that shoppers rarely need to replace it.
Who needs a second pair of Crocs in a recession, particularly when the first pair is holding up just fine?
Indeed, who needs the first pair, recession or not?
However, once acquired, it appears that the Crocs are like radioactive waste: they have the lengthy half-life in your closet.
Manolo says, far be it from the Manolo to engage in the unseemly gloating, but…
Crocs have been on a downward spiral for months now. Fashion people have rejoiced at the thought of Crocs — the bubonic plague of footwear — succumbing to the economy and dying out altogether in the foreseeable future. Earlier this month, the company reported a loss of $22.4 million in the first quarter (last year they only lost $4.5 million in that period). The outlook seemed dismal for Crocs yet bright for feet everywhere! But like so many unattractive fashion trends (high-wasted tapered pants, Arden Wohl headbands, leg warmers, scrunchies … ), Crocs are poised to survive, quite possibly flourish. In March they brought on John Duerden as president and CEO. Charged with turning the company around, he’s painfully optimistic.
I had probably dismissed it as a fad. I thought, this is not going to last, but as I began to look at the company, it became clear to me that there was a passionate group of consumers out there … I still believe there is a buzz out there in the marketplace; there are consumers who like the idea of Crocs shoes.
Oh. Good. Heavens. Duerden plans to recover from the losses by laying people off, refining Crocs’s signature injection-molded technology, and continuing global expansion in markets like Japan and Southeast Asia.
Clearly the Manolo’s work here is almost done.
Manolo says, far be it from the Manolo to take pleasure in the misfortunes of others, but….
Crocs Inc. shares plunged 45% Thursday, stumbling after the colorful sandal maker reported a whopping third-quarter loss and warned of further financial pain as it downsizes what was once a high-flying business to better match sharply reduced demand.
Happy days are here again, the sky o’er head is clear again!
The Crocs are dead this year, Amen! Happy days are here again!
P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend, Aaron, for this good news.
Manolo says, this picture, it proves that cats are sometimes smarter than peoples.
P.S. Many and profuse thanks to the Manolo’s many internet friends who sent him this.
Manolo says, perhaps our long international nightmare is finally over.
Shares of Crocs Inc plummeted over 40 percent on Tuesday, a day after the maker of brightly colored plastic shoes slashed its sales and earnings projections for the first quarter and year, in what one analyst dubbed a “stunning fall.”
“Current macrotrends in the environment” have led to weaker-than-expected sales, according to Crocs Chief Executive Ron Snyder, speaking to analysts during a conference call on Tuesday. Colder weather and the closure of the company’s Canadian factory were also expected to crimp profit.
Factories producing Satan’s feetwear are closing? Sales of ugly plastic clogs are plummeting? Super Villain CEOs are whining at the press?
Can ticker-tape parades and joyous public pronouncements of thanksgiving be far behind? |
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 21, 2002
Briefing by Ari Fleischer
The James S. Brady Briefing Room
12:16 P.M. EDT
MR. FLEISCHER: Good afternoon. Let me give you a report on the President's day, and then I'm happy to take whatever questions you may have. The President began this morning with his CIA briefing, followed by an FBI briefing. And then he participated for a half-hour, taking questions from a group of European journalists, leading into his visit to France -- Germany, Russia, France and Italy. And then the President will do some television interviews with European stations.
And then later this afternoon, the President will meet with a group of NCAA champion sports teams that are here at the White House: The University of Connecticut women's basketball team, the University of Maryland men's basketball team, the University of Minnesota-Duluth women's ice hockey team, as well as University of Minnesota-Twin Cities men's ice hockey team, all of whom won national titles.
And then the President will depart the White House approximately 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for his visit to Europe. The President is very much looking forward to what he views as a historic meeting -- series of meetings, and to welcoming Russia more deeply into the West, as it begins the new era of relations with Europe, as well as with the United States. With that, I'm happy to take questions.
Q Ari, Secretary Rumsfeld said today, terrorists are certain to acquire eventually nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. What do you say to Americans who are alarmed by this increasingly troubling information?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the President has warned that that is terrorists' goal. As you've heard the President say, that one of the things he worries about is terrorists mating up with existing nations that sponsor terrorism, such as Iraq, and getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction.
One of the things that everybody saw on September 11th is our enemies will not hesitate to hit us if they have the means to do so. And that is why we're in the midst of a very important war, not only in Afghanistan, but to deny terrorists a base of operations to regroup -- to diminish their abilities to harm us.
Q Any words of comfort for Americans, in terms of the effort domestically to block such an attack here?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think that the American people have seen a nation wake up on September 11th and mobilize. The American people themselves understand the vulnerabilities our nation faces. But, Scott, the fundamental fact of the matter is, we're a target because we're free. And because we're free, we're also strong. And that's been the history of our country.
This is not the first time we've had enemies who have sought to bring harm to us. As time moves forward and technology evolves, the risk is that it's a different kind of war, as the President has said, that it's a new type of war. It's no longer the type of war where a satellite can pick up a fleet leaving a port. It's a war now where you have terrorists, just -- ones, twos -- just small numbers of them, who have the means and have the desire to try to strike us. But every time there's ever been a threat to our country, our country has led the world in preserving freedom and in fighting. And we are in the midst of a struggle now.
Q On the August 6th memo or analysis report that the President received, is the reason that he doesn't want to release that to congressional investigators is that that he fears that Democrats will use the other secret contents of that report for political purposes, in an attempt to embarrass him?
MR. FLEISCHER: David, I don't really think it's anything, per se, about that memo, in and of itself, on the 6th as much as it is the overall principle about the President's daily brief, which is shared with such an extraordinarily small number of people who are in a need-to-know situation, a need-to-know position, so they can use that information to protect the country, to prevent the next possible attack.
I think that's what the President is concerned with. He's also concerned with the fact that if the presidential daily brief, which is a highly sensitized -- the most highly sensitized classified document in the government -- if that document were to be at risk of public reporting, public release, the people who prepare it will hold back and not give the President of the United States, the person who needs most of the -- the most information, they will be inclined to give him less, rather than more, because they fear it will get made public and that could compromise sources or methods.
Q If I can just follow up. Are there negotiations underway now that would allow the intelligence committees to review that report secretly or --
MR. FLEISCHER: I don't think so. I'm not aware of any, David. Because the administration has strong thoughts about the presidential daily brief which have been conveyed --
Q If it gets --
MR. FLEISCHER: We'll continue to talk to Congress. I mean, this is an ongoing process and we're going to make this a process where we work well together. The nation deserves that Congress and the presidency to work well together on this type of investigation.
Q If it's subpoenaed -- if it's subpoenaed, will the President refuse to turn it over?
MR. FLEISCHER: David, that's a hypothetical that I really don't think Congress is going to put themselves in the middle of.
Q Ari, I was just wondering, just going back to Scott's question here, the President said in the Rose Garden a while ago that he would do everything in his power to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction -- nuclear, biological and chemical. Did the Secretary of Defense's statement this morning that they're certain to acquire them kind of say, despite our best efforts and the efforts of the President, we're bound to lose this battle?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, let me take a look at the Secretary's exact words. I haven't heard them until I walked out here. So let me take a look at precisely how he said it, because the Secretary knows what the President knows -- and that is that we're in a middle of a war to protect the country and to diminish the ability of any people who would do us harm from getting their hands on such weapons.
Q Is there some sort of heightened campaign on the part of the administration -- valid or not -- to raise the awareness? I mean, you have Cheney speaking on Sunday, someone else yesterday. Now we have Rumsfeld. And so is this to arouse the American people to a new danger? Do you have some new information?
MR. FLEISCHER: What you have is a consistent approach where the President has said -- and you've heard him say this many times -- that every day he begins his day with a review of what's called the threat matrix, which is a compilation of intelligence information about potential attacks on the United States, our allies or our interests abroad. The President begins his day looking at that information, then talks to his security team about the credibility of it, whether or not it's something that we can have any actionable steps taken to prevent it from happening.
So the President referred to this for a considerable period of time. Many people in government have. Governor Ridge, for example, has often talked about, in various forms with the public and with the press, the need for continued scrutiny, the alert system we have set up where we remain on yellow or elevated alert, thanks to the collaborative effort Governor Ridge put together.
Q There seems to be some sort of --
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I'm getting to that. All of these are the background for what you have now heard in some greater detail over the course of the weekend.
I think, Helen, it was just more as a result of all the controversy that took place last week, just an effort by people who were on the shows to answer questions, because they're reflecting things about the generalized level of alert and concern we have that's been out there. And, of course, there has been a recent increase in the chatter that we've heard in the system, and that was reflected in what they have said. So I think they're doing their level best to answer questions that people have.
Q Aren't you also illuminating for Democrats what's at stake here, Ari?
Q Ari, last week the Democrats were talking about what did the President know, when did he know it. He was upset, you were upset. The Democrats seem to have changed their tone. Has the President detected a change in this tone? Is he pleased? And if you have detected that change, to what do you attribute it?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think from the President's point of view he understands that there are going to be politics in Washington. But he's very grateful, there have been many people in both parties who work diligently, and the President is focused on keeping the country united and winning a war. He understands politics will occasionally flare up, but I think it's come and it's gone, from his point of view.
Q Let me be more blunt. Do you think the Democrats looked at some overnight polling and said, wait a minute, we better back off?
MR. FLEISCHER: I can't guess what motives people have. I know that -- there are many responsible people -- Senator Dianne Feinstien, for example, very, very responsible actions throughout all of this. There are some real leaders up on the Hill who we're going to continue to work very closely with because they know what the President knows, and that's we're all in this together. They want to work with us and we want to work with them.
Q Do you see a change from last week?
MR. FLEISCHER: You know, I think you have other analysts who can make those indications.
Q Ari, what's your position on the Hyde amendment to require an administration's explanation for -- of its plans for addressing the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan? And what's your response in general to critics who say the administration is ignoring a deteriorating security there and needs to be more?
MR. FLEISCHER: I haven't gotten anything specific given to me on the Hyde amendment. But our position has been what I think you've seen reflected in our actions, and that is, as a result of the American military actions in Afghanistan, Afghanistan is now safer than it was before -- safer for the world, as well as safer for the people of Afghanistan. But this is a long-term effort to help rebuild the Afghani society that was destroyed through 20 years of Soviet domination and then Taliban oppression.
Q There are people who say you need international forces in the countryside, not just Kabul, that warlords, or whatever, are still ruling large areas, and that unless this is addressed, you can't really have security in Afghanistan.
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the President does think it needs to be addressed. And the President believes the best way to address it is by the training and the equipping and the working with the Afghani army, to develop an Afghani army. Afghanistan, as interim President Karzai understands, needs to take on its own identity, become a sovereign nation, that while it will have a lot of help from other nations, including the United States, because it's the right thing to do, and we're dedicated to it, Afghanistan will, as any nation that's going to develop on this Earth, have to take care of its own business. And we're there to help them to do so.
But in terms of the security situation, the development of a stable Afghani army is the best long-term proposal to deal with it, in the President's judgment.
Q Does he oppose a shorter-term expansion of the international forces?
MR. FLEISCHER: Again, the ISAF is there currently in Kabul, and is being very ably led by the Turkish. And our position is, we will continue to support ISAF, and we will train the Afghani army, so they can take on their mission to protect the Afghani people from warlordism.
Q Ari, thank you. How will the President counter anti-American sentiment in Europe? And is he or are you concerned about hostility or any danger to him or to those traveling with him?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, one, the President recognizes that Europe consists of democracies and there are many voices in democracies, and he welcomes them. And there's so much more that we have in common with our European allies. There is so much more that unites us than the occasional issue about which we or the people of Europe may differ.
But that's the spirit in which the President goes to Europe. He goes as an optimist. He goes as somebody who sees so much that we and Europe have done together to help protect the world, and so much that we have in common. Our trade relationship is $2 trillion worth of trade a year. That's massive, and that is another sign of the strength of our relations.
Q Ari, a couple questions. First, following up on Helen's point, U.S. intelligence officials have been saying that they've been seeing this chatter for a while now, over the past few months. But yet we're only hearing about it publicly from senior officials over the past few days. Is the administration in any way reacting to some criticism of how it handled such information before, deciding we're going to get much more out there now to the American people, so we're not criticized for potentially holding back on chatter or activity that we're seeing?
MR. FLEISCHER: I think if you go back -- just rewind the tape, look at October, look at November, look at all the series of alerts that had been put out, look at the notice we put out about suspension bridges along the West Coast, the banks in the Northeast, for example -- every time that we have information where the intelligence analysts look at it and say, this is an exact nature of information that's better off shared, the determination is made to share it.
There is always chatter in the system -- prior to September 11th, post September 11th. So long as we have enemies that want to hit us, there will still be some level of chatter. So it's always a judgement call about exactly what the nature of the chatter is, is it productive to share the information. And that's what's been done on a very regular basis.
Q Let me ask you about the FBI Phoenix memo. Has the President seen that memo?
MR. FLEISCHER: He's been briefed on it.
Q Okay, when was he briefed on it?
MR. FLEISCHER: In the last week or two.
Q And you asked -- were asked this this morning, does the President -- we know you said that immediately flight schools were being investigated. But does the President not see a problem that this memo was out there, that the FBI and the Attorney General at least were briefed broadly about these suspicions, and they were not communicated to the White House or to the President until a week or two ago?
MR. FLEISCHER: And what suspicions are you saying specifically?
Q The FBI and the Attorney General were told in the days after September 11th that the FBI agent had raised general suspicions that Middle Eastern men could be taking flight classes that could be linked to Osama bin Laden. The Attorney General was not briefed about the full contents of the memo until about a month ago. But the question being -- out there is, should not the President have been told even about these general suspicions months ago?
MR. FLEISCHER: Kelly, I don't think anybody needed memo after September 11th to know that there were general suspicions that people were in flight schools. Everybody knew it as a result of September 11th.
Q Did you mean to say that you put out that alert on suspension bridges?
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm sorry?
Q Did you mean to say that you put out that alert on suspension bridges on the West Coast, that you just --
Q I thought that was Davis who did that.
MR. FLEISCHER: No, that was a notification to law enforcement community, up and down the West Coast. It went to the law enforcement community. It was an alert to law enforcement.
Q Ari, if I can follow up on an earlier question regarding the President's trip to Europe. How important does the President see it at this point to try to bring the Europeans closer on his -- towards his policy on Iraq, and for that matter, the Middle East? He seems to not have a majority of Europe yet on either issue, backing him on either issue. How forceful will he be, particularly in remarks in Berlin, on that subject?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think that's going to be one of many issues that comes up. When they talk about security, I think they're going to talk about -- Iraq is typically a topic that comes up when security is raised. And the President's views on that are very clear about the region would be safer and the people of Iraq would be safer if Saddam Hussein was not running Iraq.
Q How important does the President think it is at this point to make progress on getting some public support from European nations for the Iraq policy?
MR. FLEISCHER: That's not -- the purpose of the trip is very broad. That's not an immediate focus of the trip. It's going to be one of several issues that I think are discussed.
Q Is Iraq a back-burner issue at this point for the United States?
MR. FLEISCHER: As I indicated, I think it's one of many issues that will come up.
Q Ari, can I just follow up on his point?
MR. FLEISCHER: Jacobo? We'll come back up.
Q Two questions. One has to do with the INS. I think there's a story out this morning that Mohammed Atta and one of the other terrorists had overstayed his -- had stayed in this country twice and he was not caught by the INS. Now you're going to split the INS into two different departments, you're going to put more inspectors on the borders. But it seems to me that you're going to need a lot of money to staff both new divisions with better people, better training. Where's that money going to come from? Because all people talk about is that splitting it up is going to solve the problems --
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, as you know, the President just signed into law a border security initiative that does provide more tools to enable us to protect the borders. And the President did propose in his budget increased funding, exactly for those purposes.
Q Now, again, my point still happens to be that it's going to be -- a lot of more money is going to be needed than is being put out there if you're going to do a complete overhaul, and we keep hearing all these things -- okay, that's a statement.
I want to follow on Kelly's question. She said, why wasn't the President notified? You're saying, everybody knew after September 11th. The question is, there are a lot of people after September 11th, including the White House, kept saying we had no knowledge before. And it seems to have been some knowledge before --
MR. FLEISCHER: We had no knowledge of exactly what?
Q You know, these terrorists taking classes in school and the government --
MR. FLEISCHER: No, what we said is we had no knowledge of the --
Q -- the government having previous knowledge, let's put it that way.
MR. FLEISCHER: Knowledge of what?
Q Of what the agent from Phoenix sent up to his superiors, that --
MR. FLEISCHER: And what information was that? What specifically are you asking about knowledge?
Q He has suspicion about the fact that Middle Eastern people were taking flight school that could have been related to Osama bin Laden. So we kept asking the White House, you kept saying, we have no knowledge. There was knowledge out there, it was just not communicated --
MR. FLEISCHER: You need to make sure you're being precise. Administration said we had no information about people hijacking a plane to use it as missiles, as was done on September 11th. That's not the same as saying that people are in flight schools. People being in flight schools did not immediately lead to the conclusion that they're going to use those airplanes as missiles.
But the point is -- and this is what the President is now doing and has been doing -- is this is precisely why what Congress is working on is important. It is important for Congress to ask the right questions, to look into what was known prior to September 11th, and to do so in a way that the nation can say, Congress is looking at it expertly, Congress is looking at it thoroughly, and Congress is looking at it responsibly. That is the oversight role of the Congress. And it's an important one. And the administration is committed to working with Congress to get it done and to do it right, because it's important.
Q Well, shouldn't the President have been told about this memo, though?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, again, I think after September 11th you did not need a memo to know that people who attacked us on September 11th went to flight schools. That immediately became clear in the aftermath of the attack. Everybody recognized that.
Q Yesterday, Dr. Rice was talking about that there is a lot of diplomacy going on between India and Pakistan and the U.S. But the question is -- just this week fired the Pakistani Ambassador to India. And they have asked him to leave this week, and for good, and tell him to break diplomatic relations. That means that the diplomacy and the statement from General Musharraf will not work -- not work in the area. How much President Bush is worried because the two nations are at the brink of nuclear war, first of all, nuclear war in the area in Europe any time?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the situation between India and Pakistan has long been a concern of this President. It's something that he has worked on very hard and will consider to do so. As you know, Deputy Secretary of State Armitage will be leaving to visit India and Pakistan soon, as part of our ongoing diplomacy, to ease the tensions in the region. We call on India and Pakistan to work to resolve the current crisis peacefully and through dialogue that can eventually result in a permanent solution.
The President thinks it's very important that India and Pakistan take all steps they can to reduce tensions and to avoid a war that would destabilize the region and distract in the war against terrorism.
Q Is he worried about the tension this time, than in the past --
MR. FLEISCHER: I think that the situation between India and Pakistan and Kashmir has always led to worries by United States Presidents, and that continues to be true.
Q Ari, how much was the President's threat matrix changed or heightened by this reported summit meeting in Beirut among Hamas and Hezbollah and al Qaeda?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, again, the threat matrix depends on exact information received. So it's not quite an event as much as it is what may get communicated beyond that. But the -- what you just cite is not a surprise, that international terrorists work together to bring harm to the rest of the world. And it's another worrisome sign about what the type of enemies we're up against are like. And it's another reason why it's so important that the free world join together in the cause of defeating terrorism. They do work together.
Q Are you saying that the threat has gone up materially because these three groups supposedly are collaborating with one another for the third -- for the first time --
MR. FLEISCHER: You know, the threats spike up and spike down, depending on a variety of events throughout the world. I'm hard-pressed to point to any one event, but they go up and down as a result of a series of pieces of information.
Q Do you all consider this a big milestone or a landmark or sea change?
MR. FLEISCHER: No, as I indicated, it's not a surprise to anybody in United States intelligence or in the United States government that these groups tend to work together. It's another cause for worry, it's another sign of why it's important that we fight a war against terror, because the terrorists are organized, they try to work together to inflict maximum harm.
Q Does the U.S. believe they got together, though? With Hamas and Hezbollah --
MR. FLEISCHER: Richard. Kelly, do you mind if anyone else gets in a first question, then we'll come back up.
Q I was following up.
Q Is the President concerned that neither his FBI Director nor his Attorney General informed him about this Phoenix FBI memo until it actually was reported in the press?
MR. FLEISCHER: And what exactly was it that was in the memo that you think the President needed to know?
Q Just the fact that this was seen as some kind of a critical element in the whole picture --
MR. FLEISCHER: What exactly was the critical element?
Q Well, obviously, what you said is we knew -- but, I mean, didn't you think he should have been --
MR. FLEISCHER: That's the point I'm making. That what's been described in here as a critical element is the statement that people were in our flight schools. That became instantly clear on September 11th. You did not need a memo after September 11th to know that.
What's important, though, prior to September 11th, is that pieces of information like that are looked at in their entirety by the Congress to determine whether or not there are things that took place prior to September 11th that we need to know so we can strengthen our ability to protect the country into the future. That's what Congress is in the middle of and that's what -- that's why what they're in the middle of is a serious and an important endeavor.
Q Ari, the FBI Director said this week that suicide bomb attacks on the United States are inevitable. That word was used, "inevitable." And today Rumsfeld said it's inevitable -- that word was used again -- that terrorist groups would get weapons of mass destruction. "Inevitable" is an incredibly powerful word. Why is the administration using the word, "inevitable"?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, again, I have not seen what the Secretary of Defense said, so I'll be happy to take a careful look at his verbatim remarks.
Q Can you comment on the FBI use of that word?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think that he is speculating about what the future could hold. And certainly --
Q "Inevitable" is not speculation.
MR. FLEISCHER: I think what he -- he doesn't obviously -- it's not a statement of fact as much as it is any one person in a position of real responsibilities and authority to judge what the future may hold. But I think the American people recognize that when you're in a war you have an enemy that is going to try to attack back.
We have, after September 11th, brought the war to the enemy. It does not surprise the American people that the enemy will now try to bring the war back to the United States. That's the definition of a war. And unfortunately, we are in one, we're in the middle of a war. Now, as the President said from the very beginning, it's a shadowy war, it's a different kind of war. It's not the type of war that our parents were used to or you could pick up the papers or read on the news that the invasion was planned and that the troops were retreating or advancing. It's a totally different nature of war. And what the enemy depends on is terror. And terror is the hardest to detect because it could be carried out by one person, by two people, by three people. But that is the very definition of the type of war that we're in.
Just go back to what the President said right after the 11th, about how the enemy is shadowy, they burrow into our society, they wait patiently in cells, then they reorganize at a moment's notice. And they are very cunning. They know how to move in, be quiet for extended periods of time, and then move out. Now, as a result of September 11th, Congress has given the administration more tools to take action to prevent another terrorist attack, as well as many reforms have been made to strengthen the FBI's ability to prevent attack, as opposed to its standard mission, which they've done very well, which was to build evidence after a crime was committed for the case of prosecution in a court of law.
Q Ari, can I just follow on that?
MR. FLEISCHER: We'll come back up. We've got a lot of people who haven't had any yet. We'll come back up. Elizabeth.
Q What was the President's reaction to being briefed only recently about the Phoenix memo?
MR. FLEISCHER: As I've indicated many times already in this briefing, the information everybody is discussing within this room is that it talked about whether or not there were people who were training in our schools.
Q What was the President's reaction? I don't want to hear about what was in it.
MR. FLEISCHER: The President's reaction is this is what we knew as a result of September 11th.
Q So he was not concerned about being told only recently that this memo existed?
MR. FLEISCHER: No, the President's focus is on, one, winning the war and making sure we can prevent the next attack, and two, that this is why it's important that we continue to work with Congress, so that all information about what existed prior to 9/11 can be looked at in full context.
Q He was totally pleased that this was coming to his attention only a few weeks ago?
MR. FLEISCHER: No, I indicated to you that this is why it's important that the administration continue to work with the Congress, and Congress work with the administration.
Q What was his reaction?
MR. FLEISCHER: I just shared it with you. It was two parts --
Q -- not deny --
MR. FLEISCHER: Elizabeth, the President's reaction was two parts. The first part was that we have got to focus on fighting a war that we're in the middle of to prevent the next attack. The second piece of it was any information prior to September 11th -- that is why what Congress is working on is important. And the Phoenix memo was July. It was information prior to September 11th. So his answer -- the answer to your question is that's why what Congress is doing is important, and that's why Congress needs to do it with responsibility and expertise.
Q Ari, wouldn't he be concerned --
Q Can we just back up for a moment on the memo, and can you tell us when Mueller and Ashcroft learned of the memo?
MR. FLEISCHER: You'd have to ask them directly when they learned of it.
Q You didn't dispute the premise of Kelly's question.
MR. FLEISCHER: I think you'd have to ask them when they directly learned of it. They're in a better position than I am to indicate.
Q Ari, questions on two different subjects. This wonderfully cooperative attitude that the White House takes toward the Hill probe into the events of September 11th -- a provision of 185,000 documents, the seeing of how important it is that they continue their job -- will that
extend to the President's time, himself, and will he be willing to answer investigators' questions himself if they should have any for him?
MR. FLEISCHER: James, we'll continue to cooperate with the Congress, and as Congress makes requests, the administration will always evaluate them.
Q Okay. The other question is that the INS, apparently in a sting operation, allowed hundreds of illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, India and the West Bank to enter the United States to track human smuggling rings over the last four years, but the INS lost track of as many as 100 of the aliens. This was called "Seek and Keep." Between 18 and 24 Syrians were allowed to enter the U.S. illegally sometime between '99 and 2000, were lost. Are you aware of this, and what is the President's view of the INS losing track of the people they deliberately smuggled in?
MR. FLEISCHER: Tightening up our borders and changing the way we keep track of people is one of the first lessons of September 11th that has been focused on. And we have a new system about -- that we have talked about, tracking people who come into the United States. A new computer system is going onto line to help the INS and law enforcement agencies to be able to do so. As you know now, we're working more closely with college campuses and universities, thanks to Congress passing the legislation. So that if somebody comes into the United States under a visa where they say they're going to be going to school, the school will let us know if they indeed show up. One of the first clues you can potentially have if somebody is coming to the United States for reasons other than which they stated, which could potentially be a problem, is that they say they're going to school when there's no evidence that they ever went to school.
So a series of changes have been made, and it's a big country, we're an open country, we're a free country, we always have to find that right balance between protecting people's civil liberties and cracking down so that we can enforce our laws.
Q May I follow up on that, though? I remember when the information arose about the provision of the visas to some of the hijackers months after September 11th, the President said it got him very angry and that it got his attention and he almost spit up his coffee reading about it. It would seem to me that a sting operation in which perhaps 100 illegal aliens were deliberately let into the country so we could track their movements and have now been lost would also get the President's attention, might also cause him to spit up his coffee, as it were. What is his reaction specifically to this --
MR. FLEISCHER: I will ask the President about his coffee. I don't know, let me ask. (Laughter.)
Q Would it fit the President's definition of democracy in Cuba if there was an up and down vote with Castro like there has been with Musharraf?
MR. FLEISCHER: So long as what the President asked for yesterday, which is that there are free and fair elections in accordance with the Cuban constitution, which, after all, they promised with their own people. What this President has said that I think -- the brand new initiative yesterday, is that even with Fidel Castro in office, the United States will trade with Cuba if Fidel Castro engages in the reforms that the President called for, which are reforms that everybody else in the hemisphere has made by now, which is freedom, democracy and free secret elections.
Q Would an up or down vote qualify?
MR. FLEISCHER: So long as it's free. So long as it's fair. That's what democracy is about.
Q Ari, what led to the timing of this briefing on the Phoenix memo? Why was the President briefed? Was it a direct result of the media exposures and reporting on the memo that piqued his curiosity?
MR. FLEISCHER: It was discussed in one of his morning meetings with the Attorney General and with the FBI Director. I believe they were both in the last week or two. And I don't know what led them to bring it up, but it was brought up.
Q Did he -- so they brought it up, he didn't ask --
MR. FLEISCHER: They brought it up.
Q And under your revised, you post-September 11th revised system of briefings with the CIA and FBI directors and so forth, would a Phoenix-type briefing be brought to the President's attention now? Would a field agent's briefing on something of that nature be brought to his attention more directly and quickly now?
MR. FLEISCHER: Here's how the process works. The FBI and the Department of Justice, when they come over to see the President they have a host of information the their disposal that's made its way up the chain. And what makes its way up to the chain, to the Attorney General, to the FBI, would presumably be the most important. And then they make a decision about what it is that they want to pass on to the President.
So what you really have is information and the tip of an iceberg, so to speak. That, as you can imagine from the more than 50 field offices across the country there is tens of thousands of investigative leads. And that as it moves up, it becomes the most important. Those are the judgments that the professionals make in the law enforcement community and in the case of the CIA and the intelligence community.
I can't presume to know what it is about each judgment that they make to bring to the President. That's their decision about what it is that they're working on, in their estimation, needs to go to the President.
Q -- how the President thinks. You speak for him. Do you think he would now, after all the uproar over this, would want to know about that kind of information more directly and quickly?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think it's impossible to answer your question in the context of what you're seeking, in terms of the Phoenix memo. But I do think it's fair to say, as a result of the change made to have the FBI Director and the CIA Director in one place for one briefing, it does lead to better shared information and more of a focus that's interactive, because the President can say, do you guys have that, too? So he can turn to the FBI if the CIA says something and say, do you guys have that? He can look at the CIA and say, do you guys have that? So it does lead to a better system, which was a change made as a result of the attack in our country.
Q Ari, you've been talking about how important it is for Congress to conduct a thorough investigation of what happened before September 11th and how information was used and shared. But how can they possibly do that if you will not give them -- maybe even just a selected group of people, members of the intelligence community -- a look at the briefings and what President Bush was actually told before September 11th. How they can have a thorough review?
MR. FLEISCHER: This is something that will be worked out with the Congress in terms of their ability to get the information they need to do their jobs. While at the same time, I think Congress would be the first one to tell you that they don't want to compromise anything as a result of an investigation. So it's a classic piece of balancing between the legislature, the executive and national security. And it's been done before in our history and I think it can be done this time, as well.
Q But how? I mean, what -- I mean, can't you just give some of the -- you know, just a couple of the -- maybe the chairman of the committees of what these briefings -- or will you not even do that?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, again, we will continue to work this out. But I don't think Congress is asking for every piece of every iota of every single detail of classified information. They will -- they're expert there. They will work to get the information that in their judgment they need to carry out their investigation, and we'll work with them on it.
Q Ari, given that the memo may have pointed to a shortcoming at the FBI that the President might wanted to have fixed post-September 11, is it -- why isn't he concerned that his own advisors may have been withholding something from him that might have proved embarrassing to them?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, again, the focus here by the President is on fighting and winning the war and preventing the next attack. And he is fully satisfied that he has the people at his side who will help get that done to protect our country.
The President has always known, as well, that we have a Congress that is working to take a look backward, to take a look prior to the 11th. And so the President can say that Congress is doing its job by taking a look at events prior to the 11th, and this administration is in the middle of a war and we will continue to do our job to protect the country.
Q So he's not at all concerned that his own advisors may have kept something from him that could have led him to initiate an action that could have changed things at the FBI earlier, or taken some steps to improve things? He's not at all concerned that they might have withheld something --
MR. FLEISCHER: The President understands that Congress is taking a look at that and that's the proper way to do it, again, in full context.
Q But not Congress, what about his own internal administration?
Q Thank you. Is it necessary for Castro to agree to all the new initiatives in order to get the sanctions lifted? Or would it be enough if he allows free elections to the Cuban National Assembly next year?
MR. FLEISCHER: What the President has said is that he is calling on Fidel Castro to have free and fair elections to the National Assembly next year. The President laid out all his criteria in the speech yesterday, but that is the central component of it.
What's wrong with free and fair elections? What's to argue with that? Fidel Castro can bring trade to Cuba if he so desires. All the President is asking for is to do what everybody else in the hemisphere has done, which is have free and fair elections, let the people have their say.
Q Ari, a domestic policy question. The President a few weeks ago set Memorial Day as a goal for passage in the Senate of his faith-based initiative. With that date fast approaching, any sense if that's going to happen on time?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, there continue to be a number of important initiatives that are languishing in the Senate, and that is one of them. The President has received very good words from Senator Liebermann about faith-based initiative. He hopes that the Senate will find time to schedule this, because he understands how important it is to bring help to people who are low income, to bring help to people in our cities who suffer. And he believes that this is one of the best and most innovative ways to fight poverty in America.
The trade promotion authority is another issue that the President called on Congress to enact, and to do so some time ago. And failure to pass it means for the Andean nations that preferences will go back into effect, which is not helpful to the cause of free trade.
There are several important deadlines and time is running out in the Senate. The budget resolution is very important, for the Senate to pass a budget resolution, which the House was able to do more than a month ago. So there's a series of actions that are unfinished business by the Senate, and trade promotion authority is an immediate one.
Russell and then Les.
Q Ari, two questions. First, does Israel have nuclear weapons?
MR. FLEISCHER: I think that's a question you have to ask to Israel.
Q Do you know, does the administration know --
MR. FLEISCHER: I don't personally know.
Q Second question. Joschka Fischer, the German Foreign Minister, is a member of the Green Party in Germany. The Green Party is going to be demonstrating against the President when he goes to Berlin. And in today's Times of London, there's a report that says, President Bush risks sparking a new row with Europe this week when he calls for Europe support for expanding his war on terror to include Iraq -- Saddam Hussein. And they cite a poll from Der Spiegel, which says that 65 percent of Germans believe that the United States is pursuing its own national interest by taking part and planning wars around the world. So the question is, do you agree that the President risks sparking this row with Europe by calling for --
MR. FLEISCHER: No, I think, again, the President goes to Europe in the spirit of Europe being a democracy, Germany being a democracy. And when people take to the streets to peacefully protest, they're doing exactly that which unites us, even if it's over a point of contention. That is fundamentally why democracies get along so well, because we have a way for the people to express themselves -- even if it's in opposition to the views of the President of the United States.
But I think that very often you hear an overstatement about how serious some of these issues are. I remember very similar critics saying that when the President announced early in his term that he would move beyond the ABM treaty, very many of the same critics said that this would lead to a renewal of the Cold War and would spark an arms race. Well, in fact, just the opposite has happened, as we will see when the President signs a reduction of the number of offensive weapons in Moscow next week.
So I think the reality often is far different from some of the heated, rhetorical statements. Lester.
Q Can I just follow up on --
Q The Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer writes, "The Israelis are repeatedly advised about the futility of fighting terrorism by military means. This is odd, coming from the United States, which is doing precisely that in Afghanistan." And my question, is the President giving any consideration to changing this oddity and recognizing that Israel has no alternative?
MR. FLEISCHER: We've been -- we've done this one many times before, Lester.
Q Not the same one. (Laughter.) Krauthammer wrote it just last week. (Laughter.)
MR. FLEISCHER: The principle and the point remains the same. And that is, the President has said that Israel has the right to defend itself. And the difference between what we are doing in our war in Afghanistan and the situation in Israel is that there is a peace process in the Middle East that Israel is a signatory to, that others are a signatory to. And that at the end of the day, it is still important to find a solution, a diplomatic solution to events in the Middle East. Israel does have that right to defend itself and the President has said so repeatedly.
Q Newsweek refers to Governor Ridge as "the incredible shrinking czar." Could you refute this by telling us precisely why this is erroneous and what specifically Governor Ridge is doing and how he is growing and not shrinking? And has one-half a question -- because you're going to be gone a long time -- what was your reaction to the Washington Post Magazine feature --
MR. FLEISCHER: You only get two questions, Lester.
Q -- said you're heading the Bush spin machine.
MR. FLEISCHER: You only get two.
Q All right.
MR. FLEISCHER: Which one would you like to take back? (Laughter.) I'll take one back for you. Let me answer your question --
Q -- that was a pretty good article.
MR. FLEISCHER: Let me answer your question about Governor Ridge. The President created the Office of Homeland Security in the aftermath of the attack on our country, knowing how vital it was to immediately set up an office prior to Congress even being able to think about anything statutory, because that was what our nation needed.
And I think if you want to find the success of the Governor's Office, which in the President's eyes is many, one of the first and best places to look is in local law enforcement. The local law enforcement people who Governor Ridge has worked very long and hard and directly and personally with will be the first to tell you that while no system is perfect, the system that we have now about the elevated series of codes, and the color codes, has been very helpful to them.
The combined work that the Governor Ridge has done, involving bringing the domestic agencies together, has made life easier for state and local governments, for disaster preparedness people. Governor Ridge's efforts led to increases in the budget for many of the homeland security agencies that are the first responders, that are the first line of defense, police, firemen, ambulance services, biomedical training in the communities. Governor Ridge has brought much of that together.
It is a very difficult job, because the threat is very difficult. And Congress will find this as well, if Congress turns to something that we're working with them on, which is, should there be statutory authority for Governor Ridge? I predict, just wait until Congress decides they want to seriously move legislation. They will find themselves mired in all kinds of jurisdictional issues involving who should get what sub-committee, and whether this should move from one government agency to an independent agency. Governor Ridge has done a superb job on no-moment's notice, coming into Washington and organizing that office.
Q Ari, can I just --
Q So Newsweek is wrong?
Q There are three facts about our European allies that are beyond dispute. One is that almost all European countries have condemned U.S. policy for the Middle East conflict. Almost all have announced preemptively that they would not support any military aggression against Iraq led by the United States. And almost all countries called upon have -- except Great Britain -- have expressed reticence about contributing to an international security force in Afghanistan. Given these facts, are you saying that the President is not worried about these issues, that the Europeans will ultimately come around? Or does he have something specific in mind to say to them, to apply some kind of pressure to change --
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, first of all, many of those European nations have troops in Afghanistan, either actively militarily fighting or --
Q The security force is different.
MR. FLEISCHER: No, they do have troops actively fighting. The Germans lost some soldiers; Britain is fighting side by side with the United States. And they have security forces, as well.
Q Security force is after we pull out.
MR. FLEISCHER: And they have security forces, as well. Which is a reflection of our relationship where we each have burdens to share. And Europe is doing a very good job in the security arena. They are focusing on that, the nations that are uniquely working on security, while there are other nations that are working as well on the combat side of it. But in all the meeting
But I've -- in all the meetings I've been in with the European leaders, David, I have yet to hear somebody who criticizes or condemns the United States military involvement in Afghanistan. They thank us for it, because they understand that it helps diminish the ability of terrorists to attack and hit them, as well as they are the ones who joined in invoking Article 5, which was one of the underpinnings in the legal sense for the war that we're now in the middle of.
But whatever differences there are in relationships, those are exactly why you hold summits. Nobody's saying that Europe is or should be a carbon copy of America; no one's saying America is or should be a carbon copy of Europe.
Q But that's not my question. I mean, certainly we're dealing with differences of opinion that are pretty stark with our Arab allies as well, and that's troublesome, that's difficult diplomacy.
MR. FLEISCHER: The President doesn't look at differences of opinion as troublesome. He looks at them as diplomatic. That's exactly what diplomacy is for. And not every nation on Earth sees things the same way the United States does.
Q So he's not worried about anybody in Europe?
MR. FLEISCHER: No. We're going to have a series of diplomatic discussions over in Europe. There are disputes that we have, obviously, on steel.
But there's so much more that unites us when it comes to trade. That's why I said at the beginning, we have $2 trillion worth of trade. That's $2 trillion worth of agreements.
Yes, we have differences on steel. But this all fits into a broader context, very deeply, long-seated, ingrained good relationship between the United States and Europe. When there are problems, we talk to each other and work them through. And the problems will come out in the trip, and we'll talk about them as friends.
Q Yes. Has the President asked to see the FBI Phoenix memo? Isn't he curious to see it?
MR. FLEISCHER: He was briefed on it, and that sufficed.
Q But -- one more, one more, if I can. Also -- just -- so he has not asked to actually see the memo?
MR. FLEISCHER: He was briefed on it, and that sufficed, he said.
Q Okay, okay. Final question. On -- you talk about how Congress is investigating and that's important. But why wouldn't this President want to have known sooner about the existence of this memo to make sure that his administration -- his FBI, his Justice Department -- that they are instituting changes to make sure this information doesn't slip through the cracks? Not Congress. Why wouldn't the President be a little bit frustrated that "Why am I only finding out about this memo now? And if I found out about it sooner," perhaps he could make changes to make sure this does not slip through the cracks.
MR. FLEISCHER: And what is it in the memo that is so critical that you say the President needed to know about? Can you be specific?
Q Yes. This memo, Ari, as you know, came out in July. And had it gone to the right places in July, potentially other things could have happened. So the question being said, this President, who's here trying to make sure that all his agencies are doing the right thing, wouldn't he be a little upset that he's only finding out about the existence of a memo that came out in July only in the last week or two?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, that's exactly why Congress is taking a look at all events up to the 11th, with the support of the President.
Q Doesn't he want to check and do his own investigation with his own agencies to make sure that --
MR. FLEISCHER: Kelly, I think it's also possible you may be overstating the impact of the memo, if you're suggesting that this memo in and of itself could have prevented the attack.
Q No one is saying that.
MR. FLEISCHER: The fact that people who are familiar with the memo, including people who are familiar with the memo, have said that it was broad, about flight schools across the country. It did not even name the specific people who were aboard the planes, who did the hijacking.
Q Ari, back to Helen's question, is the administration concerned that Americans have grown complacent about the nature of potential threats? Do Americans need reminding that these various attacks are inevitable? Is that in part behind --
MR. FLEISCHER: I think what the President would say on that, Randy, is no, the American people have not, because I think the American people have a realistic understanding about what it means to be a nation that's at war, and to have an enemy that's determined to try to hit us. No one hopes that that could ever happen, but people are realistic about understanding that it might.
But the President has said, repeatedly -- he said it right away in September and October -- that there will come a time when people grow complacent. There will come a time when, because we have been able to prevent attacks, that people will assume that none are coming. But he will never grow complacent.
You've heard the President talk about if the United States were ever to go to sleep in this war, the rest of the world will follow us. And that's why the United States will never rest, the United States will never stop fighting this war until, in the President's judgment, it's victorious.
Q Ari, can we get back to the question --
Q Can we go back to the question of inevitability? I got the impression from your long, extended answer, that the President, while realizing all the dangers, does not necessarily feel that another massive attack, at least, would be inevitable; that he feels it could be prevented. And if it was inevitable, wouldn't we be on the highest level of alert all the time?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, from a general point of view, you are hearing the speculation that we have enemies who want to hit us. And that's why we have the elevation system.
And let me give you an example on the elevation system, and why I think what you'll find is the color-coded system set up by Governor Ridge has been met with good reviews by particularly state and local law enforcement people.
Right now, as you know, we are on an elevated state of alert, or yellow. If we were to raise it up one notch, that would take us up to orange, or a higher state of alert. And here, among the things that would happen, you would see happen in our society -- it would go up to that level if we had something more specific, something more targeted, something that was more actionable as opposed to generalized, that keeps us on our toes right now.
But as a result, if an alert went up to orange, it would involve the cancellation of public events in the region that we thought would be affected. It would involve an order to disperse work forces. It would involve orders that essential personnel only should report to work.
We have a general level of alarm. We have a general level of alert, as a result of the information we have. And that is exactly why we are on an elevated alert -- which sends a signal to law enforcement locally, stand watch, stay on guard, make sure you have enough personnel to be able to maintain monitoring and maintain observation at an elevated level. And that's what the color-coded system has done.
Now, if we received specific, geographic, more targeted information, it gets passed on and we act on it.
Q Well, but the question of inevitability, the President still hopes that any other attack could be prevented, right? He doesn't accept it as inevitable.
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the President and this administration are working very hard to prevent it from happening. But the President also is a realist and understands we have an enemy who, if they could, is desirous of hitting us.
Q Thank you.
MR. FLEISCHER: Thank you.
END 1:08 P.M. EDT |
THE occurrence at the Vauxhall had filled both mother and daughters with something like horror. In their excitement Lizabetha Prokofievna and the girls were nearly running all the way home.
In her opinion there was so much disclosed and laid bare by the episode, that, in spite of the chaotic condition of her mind, she was able to feel more or less decided on certain points which, up to now, had been in a cloudy condition.
However, one and all of the party realized that something important had happened, and that, perhaps fortunately enough, something which had hitherto been enveloped in the obscurity of guess-work had now begun to come forth a little from the mists. In spite of Prince S.‘s assurances and explanations, Evgenie Pavlovitch’s real character and position were at last coming to light. He was publicly convicted of intimacy with “that creature.” So thought Lizabetha Prokofievna and her two elder daughters.
But the real upshot of the business was that the number of riddles to be solved was augmented. The two girls, though rather irritated at their mother’s exaggerated alarm and haste to depart from the scene, had been unwilling to worry her at first with questions.
Besides, they could not help thinking that their sister Aglaya probably knew more about the whole matter than both they and their mother put together.
Prince S. looked as black as night, and was silent and moody. Mrs. Epanchin did not say a word to him all the way home, and he did not seem to observe the fact. Adelaida tried to pump him a little by asking, “who was the uncle they were talking about, and what was it that had happened in Petersburg?” But he had merely muttered something disconnected about “making inquiries,” and that “of course it was all nonsense.” “Oh, of course,” replied Adelaida, and asked no more questions. Aglaya, too, was very quiet; and the only remark she made on the way home was that they were “walking much too fast to be pleasant.”
Once she turned and observed the prince hurrying after them. Noticing his anxiety to catch them up, she smiled ironically, and then looked back no more. At length, just as they neared the house, General Epanchin came out and met them; he had only just arrived from town.
His first word was to inquire after Evgenie Pavlovitch. But Lizabetha stalked past him, and neither looked at him nor answered his question.
He immediately judged from the faces of his daughters and Prince S. that there was a thunderstorm brewing, and he himself already bore evidences of unusual perturbation of mind.
He immediately button-holed Prince S., and standing at the front door, engaged in a whispered conversation with him. By the troubled aspect of both of them, when they entered the house, and approached Mrs. Epanchin, it was evident that they had been discussing very disturbing news.
Little by little the family gathered together upstairs in Lizabetha Prokofievna’s apartments, and Prince Muishkin found himself alone on the verandah when he arrived. He settled himself in a corner and sat waiting, though he knew not what he expected. It never struck him that he had better go away, with all this disturbance in the house. He seemed to have forgotten all the world, and to be ready to sit on where he was for years on end. From upstairs he caught sounds of excited conversation every now and then.
He could not say how long he sat there. It grew late and became quite dark.
Suddenly Aglaya entered the verandah. She seemed to be quite calm, though a little pale.
Observing the prince, whom she evidently did not expect to see there, alone in the corner, she smiled, and approached him:
“What are you doing there?” she asked.
The prince muttered something, blushed, and jumped up; but Aglaya immediately sat down beside him; so he reseated himself.
She looked suddenly, but attentively into his face, then at the window, as though thinking of something else, and then again at him.
“Perhaps she wants to laugh at me,” thought the prince, “but no; for if she did she certainly would do so.”
“Would you like some tea? I’ll order some,” she said, after a minute or two of silence.
“N-no thanks, I don’t know —”
“Don’t know! How can you not know? By-the-by, look here — if someone were to challenge you to a duel, what should you do? I wished to ask you this — some time ago —”
“Why? Nobody would ever challenge me to a duel!”
“But if they were to, would you be dreadfully frightened?”
“I dare say I should be — much alarmed!”
“Seriously? Then are you a coward?”
“N-no! — I don’t think so. A coward is a man who is afraid and runs away; the man who is frightened but does not run away, is not quite a coward,” said the prince with a smile, after a moment’s thought.
“And you wouldn’t run away?”
“No — I don’t think I should run away,” replied the prince, laughing outright at last at Aglaya’s questions.
“Though I am a woman, I should certainly not run away for anything,” said Aglaya, in a slightly pained voice. “However, I see you are laughing at me and twisting your face up as usual in order to make yourself look more interesting. Now tell me, they generally shoot at twenty paces, don’t they? At ten, sometimes? I suppose if at ten they must be either wounded or killed, mustn’t they?”
“I don’t think they often kill each other at duels.”
“They killed Pushkin that way.”
“That may have been an accident.”
“Not a bit of it; it was a duel to the death, and he was killed.”
“The bullet struck so low down that probably his antagonist would never have aimed at that part of him — people never do; he would have aimed at his chest or head; so that probably the bullet hit him accidentally. I have been told this by competent authorities.”
“Well, a soldier once told me that they were always ordered to aim at the middle of the body. So you see they don’t aim at the chest or head; they aim lower on purpose. I asked some officer about this afterwards, and he said it was perfectly true.”
“That is probably when they fire from a long distance.”
“Can you shoot at all?”
“No, I have never shot in my life.”
“Can’t you even load a pistol?”
“No! That is, I understand how it’s done, of course, but I have never done it.”
“Then, you don’t know how, for it is a matter that needs practice. Now listen and learn; in the first place buy good powder, not damp (they say it mustn’t be at all damp, but very dry), some fine kind it is — you must ask for PISTOL powder, not the stuff they load cannons with. They say one makes the bullets oneself, somehow or other. Have you got a pistol?”
“No — and I don’t want one,” said the prince, laughing.
“Oh, what NONSENSE! You must buy one. French or English are the best, they say. Then take a little powder, about a thimbleful, or perhaps two, and pour it into the barrel. Better put plenty. Then push in a bit of felt (it MUST be felt, for some reason or other); you can easily get a bit off some old mattress, or off a door; it’s used to keep the cold out. Well, when you have pushed the felt down, put the bullet in; do you hear now? The bullet last and the powder first, not the other way, or the pistol won’t shoot. What are you laughing at? I wish you to buy a pistol and practise every day, and you must learn to hit a mark for CERTAIN; will you?”
The prince only laughed. Aglaya stamped her foot with annoyance.
Her serious air, however, during this conversation had surprised him considerably. He had a feeling that he ought to be asking her something, that there was something he wanted to find out far more important than how to load a pistol; but his thoughts had all scattered, and he was only aware that she was sitting by, him, and talking to him, and that he was looking at her; as to what she happened to be saying to him, that did not matter in the least.
The general now appeared on the verandah, coming from upstairs. He was on his way out, with an expression of determination on his face, and of preoccupation and worry also.
“Ah! Lef Nicolaievitch, it’s you, is it? Where are you off to now?” he asked, oblivious of the fact that the prince had not showed the least sign of moving. “Come along with me; I want to say a word or two to you.”
“Au revoir, then!” said Aglaya, holding out her hand to the prince.
It was quite dark now, and Muishkin could not see her face clearly, but a minute or two later, when he and the general had left the villa, he suddenly flushed up, and squeezed his right hand tightly.
It appeared that he and the general were going in the same direction. In spite of the lateness of the hour, the general was hurrying away to talk to someone upon some important subject. Meanwhile he talked incessantly but disconnectedly to the prince, and continually brought in the name of Lizabetha Prokofievna.
If the prince had been in a condition to pay more attention to what the general was saying, he would have discovered that the latter was desirous of drawing some information out of him, or indeed of asking him some question outright; but that he could not make up his mind to come to the point.
Muishkin was so absent, that from the very first he could not attend to a word the other was saying; and when the general suddenly stopped before him with some excited question, he was obliged to confess, ignominiously, that he did not know in the least what he had been talking about.
The general shrugged his shoulders.
“How strange everyone, yourself included, has become of late,” said he. “I was telling you that I cannot in the least understand Lizabetha Prokofievna’s ideas and agitations. She is in hysterics up there, and moans and says that we have been ‘shamed and disgraced.’ How? Why? When? By whom? I confess that I am very much to blame myself; I do not conceal the fact; but the conduct, the outrageous behaviour of this woman, must really be kept within limits, by the police if necessary, and I am just on my way now to talk the question over and make some arrangements. It can all be managed quietly and gently, even kindly, and without the slightest fuss or scandal. I foresee that the future is pregnant with events, and that there is much that needs explanation. There is intrigue in the wind; but if on one side nothing is known, on the other side nothing will be explained. If I have heard nothing about it, nor have YOU, nor HE, nor SHE— who HAS heard about it, I should like to know? How CAN all this be explained except by the fact that half of it is mirage or moonshine, or some hallucination of that sort?”
“SHE is insane,” muttered the prince, suddenly recollecting all that had passed, with a spasm of pain at his heart.
“I too had that idea, and I slept in peace. But now I see that their opinion is more correct. I do not believe in the theory of madness! The woman has no common sense; but she is not only not insane, she is artful to a degree. Her outburst of this evening about Evgenie’s uncle proves that conclusively. It was VILLAINOUS, simply jesuitical, and it was all for some special purpose.”
“What about Evgenie’s uncle?”
“My goodness, Lef Nicolaievitch, why, you can’t have heard a single word I said! Look at me, I’m still trembling all over with the dreadful shock! It is that that kept me in town so late. Evgenie Pavlovitch’s uncle —”
Well?” cried the prince.
“Shot himself this morning, at seven o’clock. A respected, eminent old man of seventy; and exactly point for point as she described it; a sum of money, a considerable sum of government money, missing!”
“Why, how could she —”
“What, know of it? Ha, ha, ha! Why, there was a whole crowd round her the moment she appeared on the scenes here. You know what sort of people surround her nowadays, and solicit the honour of her ‘acquaintance.’ Of course she might easily have heard the news from someone coming from town. All Petersburg, if not all Pavlofsk, knows it by now. Look at the slyness of her observation about Evgenie’s uniform! I mean, her remark that he had retired just in time! There’s a venomous hint for you, if you like! No, no! there’s no insanity there! Of course I refuse to believe that Evgenie Pavlovitch could have known beforehand of the catastrophe; that is, that at such and such a day at seven o’clock, and all that; but he might well have had a presentiment of the truth. And I— all of us — Prince S. and everybody, believed that he was to inherit a large fortune from this uncle. It’s dreadful, horrible! Mind, I don’t suspect Evgenie of anything, be quite clear on that point; but the thing is a little suspicious, nevertheless. Prince S. can’t get over it. Altogether it is a very extraordinary combination of circumstances.”
“What suspicion attaches to Evgenie Pavlovitch?”
“Oh, none at all! He has behaved very well indeed. I didn’t mean to drop any sort of hint. His own fortune is intact, I believe. Lizabetha Prokofievna, of course, refuses to listen to anything. That’s the worst of it all, these family catastrophes or quarrels, or whatever you like to call them. You know, prince, you are a friend of the family, so I don’t mind telling you; it now appears that Evgenie Pavlovitch proposed to Aglaya a month ago, and was refused.”
“Impossible!” cried the prince.
“Why? Do you know anything about it? Look here,” continued the general, more agitated than ever, and trembling with excitement, “maybe I have been letting the cat out of the bag too freely with you, if so, it is because you are — that sort of man, you know! Perhaps you have some special information?”
“I know nothing about Evgenie Pavlovitch!” said the prince.
“Nor do I! They always try to bury me underground when there’s anything going on; they don’t seem to reflect that it is unpleasant to a man to be treated so! I won’t stand it! We have just had a terrible scene! — mind, I speak to you as I would to my own son! Aglaya laughs at her mother. Her sisters guessed about Evgenie having proposed and been rejected, and told Lizabetha.
“I tell you, my dear fellow, Aglaya is such an extraordinary, such a self-willed, fantastical little creature, you wouldn’t believe it! Every high quality, every brilliant trait of heart and mind, are to be found in her, and, with it all, so much caprice and mockery, such wild fancies — indeed, a little devil! She has just been laughing at her mother to her very face, and at her sisters, and at Prince S., and everybody — and of course she always laughs at me! You know I love the child — I love her even when she laughs at me, and I believe the wild little creature has a special fondness for me for that very reason. She is fonder of me than any of the others. I dare swear she has had a good laugh at YOU before now! You were having a quiet talk just now, I observed, after all the thunder and lightning upstairs. She was sitting with you just as though there had been no row at all.”
The prince blushed painfully in the darkness, and closed his right hand tightly, but he said nothing.
“My dear good Prince Lef Nicolaievitch,” began the general again, suddenly, “both I and Lizabetha Prokofievna —(who has begun to respect you once more, and me through you, goodness knows why!)— we both love you very sincerely, and esteem you, in spite of any appearances to the contrary. But you’ll admit what a riddle it must have been for us when that calm, cold, little spitfire, Aglaya —(for she stood up to her mother and answered her questions with inexpressible contempt, and mine still more so, because, like a fool, I thought it my duty to assert myself as head of the family)— when Aglaya stood up of a sudden and informed us that ‘that madwoman’ (strangely enough, she used exactly the same expression as you did) ‘has taken it into her head to marry me to Prince Lef Nicolaievitch, and therefore is doing her best to choke Evgenie Pavlovitch off, and rid the house of him.’ That’s what she said. She would not give the slightest explanation; she burst out laughing, banged the door, and went away. We all stood there with our mouths open. Well, I was told afterwards of your little passage with Aglaya this afternoon, and-and — dear prince — you are a good, sensible fellow, don’t be angry if I speak out — she is laughing at you, my boy! She is enjoying herself like a child, at your expense, and therefore, since she is a child, don’t be angry with her, and don’t think anything of it. I assure you, she is simply making a fool of you, just as she does with one and all of us out of pure lack of something better to do. Well — good-bye! You know our feelings, don’t you — our sincere feelings for yourself? They are unalterable, you know, dear boy, under all circumstances, but — Well, here we part; I must go down to the right. Rarely have I sat so uncomfortably in my saddle, as they say, as I now sit. And people talk of the charms of a country holiday!”
Left to himself at the cross-roads, the prince glanced around him, quickly crossed the road towards the lighted window of a neighbouring house, and unfolded a tiny scrap of paper which he had held clasped in his right hand during the whole of his conversation with the general.
He read the note in the uncertain rays that fell from the window. It was as follows:
“Tomorrow morning, I shall be at the green bench in the park at seven, and shall wait there for you. I have made up my mind to speak to you about a most important matter which closely concerns yourself.
“P.S. — I trust that you will not show this note to anyone. Though I am ashamed of giving you such instructions, I feel that I must do so, considering what you are. I therefore write the words, and blush for your simple character.
“P.P.S. — It is the same green bench that I showed you before. There! aren’t you ashamed of yourself? I felt that it was necessary to repeat even that information.”
The note was written and folded anyhow, evidently in a great hurry, and probably just before Aglaya had come down to the verandah.
In inexpressible agitation, amounting almost to fear, the prince slipped quickly away from the window, away from the light, like a frightened thief, but as he did so he collided violently with some gentleman who seemed to spring from the earth at his feet.
“I was watching for you, prince,” said the individual.
“Is that you, Keller?” said the prince, in surprise.
“Yes, I’ve been looking for you. I waited for you at the Epanchins’ house, but of course I could not come in. I dogged you from behind as you walked along with the general. Well, prince, here is Keller, absolutely at your service — command him! — ready to sacrifice himself — even to die in case of need.”
“Oh, why? — Of course you’ll be challenged! That was young Lieutenant Moloftsoff. I know him, or rather of him; he won’t pass an insult. He will take no notice of Rogojin and myself, and, therefore, you are the only one left to account for. You’ll have to pay the piper, prince. He has been asking about you, and undoubtedly his friend will call on you tomorrow — perhaps he is at your house already. If you would do me the honour to have me for a second, prince, I should be happy. That’s why I have been looking for you now.”
“Duel! You’ve come to talk about a duel, too!” The prince burst out laughing, to the great astonishment of Keller. He laughed unrestrainedly, and Keller, who had been on pins and needles, and in a fever of excitement to offer himself as “second,” was very near being offended.
“You caught him by the arms, you know, prince. No man of proper pride can stand that sort of treatment in public.”
“Yes, and he gave me a fearful dig in the chest,” cried the prince, still laughing. “What are we to fight about? I shall beg his pardon, that’s all. But if we must fight — we’ll fight! Let him have a shot at me, by all means; I should rather like it. Ha, ha, ha! I know how to load a pistol now; do you know how to load a pistol, Keller? First, you have to buy the powder, you know; it mustn’t be wet, and it mustn’t be that coarse stuff that they load cannons with — it must be pistol powder. Then you pour the powder in, and get hold of a bit of felt from some door, and then shove the bullet in. But don’t shove the bullet in before the powder, because the thing wouldn’t go off — do you hear, Keller, the thing wouldn’t go off! Ha, ha, ha! Isn’t that a grand reason, Keller, my friend, eh? Do you know, my dear fellow, I really must kiss you, and embrace you, this very moment. Ha, ha! How was it you so suddenly popped up in front of me as you did? Come to my house as soon as you can, and we’ll have some champagne. We’ll all get drunk! Do you know I have a dozen of champagne in Lebedeff’s cellar? Lebedeff sold them to me the day after I arrived. I took the lot. We’ll invite everybody! Are you going to do any sleeping tonight?”
“As much as usual, prince — why?”
“Pleasant dreams then — ha, ha!”
The prince crossed the road, and disappeared into the park, leaving the astonished Keller in a state of ludicrous wonder. He had never before seen the prince in such a strange condition of mind, and could not have imagined the possibility of it.
“Fever, probably,” he said to himself, “for the man is all nerves, and this business has been a little too much for him. He is not AFRAID, that’s clear; that sort never funks! H’m! champagne! That was an interesting item of news, at all events! — Twelve bottles! Dear me, that’s a very respectable little stock indeed! I bet anything Lebedeff lent somebody money on deposit of this dozen of champagne. Hum! he’s a nice fellow, is this prince! I like this sort of man. Well, I needn’t be wasting time here, and if it’s a case of champagne, why — there’s no time like the present!”
That the prince was almost in a fever was no more than the truth. He wandered about the park for a long while, and at last came to himself in a lonely avenue. He was vaguely conscious that he had already paced this particular walk — from that large, dark tree to the bench at the other end — about a hundred yards altogether — at least thirty times backwards and forwards.
As to recollecting what he had been thinking of all that time, he could not. He caught himself, however, indulging in one thought which made him roar with laughter, though there was nothing really to laugh at in it; but he felt that he must laugh, and go on laughing.
It struck him that the idea of the duel might not have occurred to Keller alone, but that his lesson in the art of pistol-loading might have been not altogether accidental! “Pooh! nonsense!” he said to himself, struck by another thought, of a sudden. “Why, she was immensely surprised to find me there on the verandah, and laughed and talked about TEA! And yet she had this little note in her hand, therefore she must have known that I was sitting there. So why was she surprised? Ha, ha, ha!”
He pulled the note out and kissed it; then paused and reflected. “How strange it all is! how strange!” he muttered, melancholy enough now. In moments of great joy, he invariably felt a sensation of melancholy come over him — he could not tell why.
He looked intently around him, and wondered why he had come here; he was very tired, so he approached the bench and sat down on it. Around him was profound silence; the music in the Vauxhall was over. The park seemed quite empty, though it was not, in reality, later than half-past eleven. It was a quiet, warm, clear night — a real Petersburg night of early June; but in the dense avenue, where he was sitting, it was almost pitch dark.
If anyone had come up at this moment and told him that he was in love, passionately in love, he would have rejected the idea with astonishment, and, perhaps, with irritation. And if anyone had added that Aglaya’s note was a love-letter, and that it contained an appointment to a lover’s rendezvous, he would have blushed with shame for the speaker, and, probably, have challenged him to a duel.
All this would have been perfectly sincere on his part. He had never for a moment entertained the idea of the possibility of this girl loving him, or even of such a thing as himself falling in love with her. The possibility of being loved himself, “a man like me,” as he put it, he ranked among ridiculous suppositions. It appeared to him that it was simply a joke on Aglaya’s part, if there really were anything in it at all; but that seemed to him quite natural. His preoccupation was caused by something different.
As to the few words which the general had let slip about Aglaya laughing at everybody, and at himself most of all — he entirely believed them. He did not feel the slightest sensation of offence; on the contrary, he was quite certain that it was as it should be.
His whole thoughts were now as to next morning early; he would see her; he would sit by her on that little green bench, and listen to how pistols were loaded, and look at her. He wanted nothing more.
The question as to what she might have to say of special interest to himself occurred to him once or twice. He did not doubt, for a moment, that she really had some such subject of conversation in store, but so very little interested in the matter was he that it did not strike him to wonder what it could be. The crunch of gravel on the path suddenly caused him to raise his head.
A man, whose face it was difficult to see in the gloom, approached the bench, and sat down beside him. The prince peered into his face, and recognized the livid features of Rogojin.
“I knew you’d be wandering about somewhere here. I didn’t have to look for you very long,” muttered the latter between his teeth.
It was the first time they had met since the encounter on the staircase at the hotel.
Painfully surprised as he was at this sudden apparition of Rogojin, the prince, for some little while, was unable to collect his thoughts. Rogojin, evidently, saw and understood the impression he had made; and though he seemed more or less confused at first, yet he began talking with what looked like assumed ease and freedom. However, the prince soon changed his mind on this score, and thought that there was not only no affectation of indifference, but that Rogojin was not even particularly agitated. If there were a little apparent awkwardness, it was only in his words and gestures. The man could not change his heart.
“How did you — find me here?” asked the prince for the sake of saying something.
“Keller told me (I found him at your place) that you were in the park. ‘Of course he is!’ I thought.”
“Why so?” asked the prince uneasily.
Rogojin smiled, but did not explain.
“I received your letter, Lef Nicolaievitch — what’s the good of all that? — It’s no use, you know. I’ve come to you from HER — she bade me tell you that she must see you, she has something to say to you. She told me to find you today.”
“I’ll come tomorrow. Now I’m going home — are you coming to my house?”
“Why should I? I’ve given you the message. — Goodbye!”
“Won’t you come?” asked the prince in a gentle voice.
“What an extraordinary man you are! I wonder at you!” Rogojin laughed sarcastically.
“Why do you hate me so?” asked the prince, sadly. “You know yourself that all you suspected is quite unfounded. I felt you were still angry with me, though. Do you know why? Because you tried to kill me — that’s why you can’t shake off your wrath against me. I tell you that I only remember the Parfen Rogojin with whom I exchanged crosses, and vowed brotherhood. I wrote you this in yesterday’s letter, in order that you might forget all that madness on your part, and that you might not feel called to talk about it when we met. Why do you avoid me? Why do you hold your hand back from me? I tell you again, I consider all that has passed a delirium, an insane dream. I can understand all you did, and all you felt that day, as if it were myself. What you were then imagining was not the case, and could never be the case. Why, then, should there be anger between us?”
“You don’t know what anger is!” laughed Rogojin, in reply to the prince’s heated words.
He had moved a pace or two away, and was hiding his hands behind him.
“No, it is impossible for me to come to your house again,” he added slowly.
“Why? Do you hate me so much as all that?”
“I don’t love you, Lef Nicolaievitch, and, therefore, what would be the use of my coming to see you? You are just like a child — you want a plaything, and it must be taken out and given you — and then you don’t know how to work it. You are simply repeating all you said in your letter, and what’s the use? Of course I believe every word you say, and I know perfectly well that you neither did or ever can deceive me in any way, and yet, I don’t love you. You write that you’ve forgotten everything, and only remember your brother Parfen, with whom you exchanged crosses, and that you don’t remember anything about the Rogojin who aimed a knife at your throat. What do you know about my feelings, eh?” (Rogojin laughed disagreeably.) “Here you are holding out your brotherly forgiveness to me for a thing that I have perhaps never repented of in the slightest degree. I did not think of it again all that evening; all my thoughts were centred on something else —”
“Not think of it again? Of course you didn’t!” cried the prince. “And I dare swear that you came straight away down here to Pavlofsk to listen to the music and dog her about in the crowd, and stare at her, just as you did today. There’s nothing surprising in that! If you hadn’t been in that condition of mind that you could think of nothing but one subject, you would, probably, never have raised your knife against me. I had a presentiment of what you would do, that day, ever since I saw you first in the morning. Do you know yourself what you looked like? I knew you would try to murder me even at the very moment when we exchanged crosses. What did you take me to your mother for? Did you think to stay your hand by doing so? Perhaps you did not put your thoughts into words, but you and I were thinking the same thing, or feeling the same thing looming over us, at the same moment. What should you think of me now if you had not raised your knife to me — the knife which God averted from my throat? I would have been guilty of suspecting you all the same — and you would have intended the murder all the same; therefore we should have been mutually guilty in any case. Come, don’t frown; you needn’t laugh at me, either. You say you haven’t ‘repented.’ Repented! You probably couldn’t, if you were to try; you dislike me too much for that. Why, if I were an angel of light, and as innocent before you as a babe, you would still loathe me if you believed that SHE loved me, instead of loving yourself. That’s jealousy — that is the real jealousy.
“But do you know what I have been thinking out during this last week, Parfen? I’ll tell you. What if she loves you now better than anyone? And what if she torments you BECAUSE she loves you, and in proportion to her love for you, so she torments you the more? She won’t tell you this, of course; you must have eyes to see. Why do you suppose she consents to marry you? She must have a reason, and that reason she will tell you some day. Some women desire the kind of love you give her, and she is probably one of these. Your love and your wild nature impress her. Do you know that a woman is capable of driving a man crazy almost, with her cruelties and mockeries, and feels not one single pang of regret, because she looks at him and says to herself, ‘There! I’ll torment this man nearly into his grave, and then, oh! how I’ll compensate him for it all with my love!’”
Rogojin listened to the end, and then burst out laughing:
“Why, prince, I declare you must have had a taste of this sort of thing yourself — haven’t you? I have heard tell of something of the kind, you know; is it true?”
“What? What can you have heard?” said the prince, stammering.
Rogojin continued to laugh loudly. He had listened to the prince’s speech with curiosity and some satisfaction. The speaker’s impulsive warmth had surprised and even comforted him.
“Why, I’ve not only heard of it; I see it for myself,” he said. “When have you ever spoken like that before? It wasn’t like yourself, prince. Why, if I hadn’t heard this report about you, I should never have come all this way into the park — at midnight, too!”
“I don’t understand you in the least, Parfen.”
“Oh, SHE told me all about it long ago, and tonight I saw for myself. I saw you at the music, you know, and whom you were sitting with. She swore to me yesterday, and again today, that you are madly in love with Aglaya Ivanovna. But that’s all the same to me, prince, and it’s not my affair at all; for if you have ceased to love HER, SHE has not ceased to love YOU. You know, of course, that she wants to marry you to that girl? She’s sworn to it! Ha, ha! She says to me, ‘Until then I won’t marry you. When they go to church, we’ll go too-and not before.’ What on earth does she mean by it? I don’t know, and I never did. Either she loves you without limits or — yet, if she loves you, why does she wish to marry you to another girl? She says, ‘I want to see him happy,’ which is to say — she loves you.”
“I wrote, and I say to you once more, that she is not in her right mind,” said the prince, who had listened with anguish to what Rogojin said.
“Goodness knows — you may be wrong there! At all events, she named the day this evening, as we left the gardens. ‘In three weeks,’ says she, ‘and perhaps sooner, we shall be married.’ She swore to it, took off her cross and kissed it. So it all depends upon you now, prince, You see! Ha, ha!”
“That’s all madness. What you say about me, Parfen, never can and never will be. Tomorrow, I shall come and see you —”
“How can she be mad,” Rogojin interrupted, “when she is sane enough for other people and only mad for you? How can she write letters to HER, if she’s mad? If she were insane they would observe it in her letters.”
“What letters?” said the prince, alarmed.
“She writes to HER— and the girl reads the letters. Haven’t you heard? — You are sure to hear; she’s sure to show you the letters herself.”
“I won’t believe this!” cried the prince.
“Why, prince, you’ve only gone a few steps along this road, I perceive. You are evidently a mere beginner. Wait a bit! Before long, you’ll have your own detectives, you’ll watch day and night, and you’ll know every little thing that goes on there — that is, if —”
“Drop that subject, Rogojin, and never mention it again. And listen: as I have sat here, and talked, and listened, it has suddenly struck me that tomorrow is my birthday. It must be about twelve o’clock, now; come home with me — do, and we’ll see the day in! We’ll have some wine, and you shall wish me — I don’t know what — but you, especially you, must wish me a good wish, and I shall wish you full happiness in return. Otherwise, hand me my cross back again. You didn’t return it to me next day. Haven’t you got it on now?”
“Yes, I have,” said Rogojin.
“Come along, then. I don’t wish to meet my new year without you — my new life, I should say, for a new life is beginning for me. Did you know, Parfen, that a new life had begun for me?”
“I see for myself that it is so — and I shall tell HER. But you are not quite yourself, Lef Nicolaievitch.”
Last updated Monday, December 22, 2014 at 10:49 |
Author has written 36 stories for Bill, Tribe, Scarlett, Vampire Knight, Pretty Little Liars, NCIS, and Ouran High School Host Club.
New Fic: Jealousy; update will be postponed until an unknown date due to school reasons. :( :/ See you all then!
Favourite TV Shows: The Bill, The Tribe, Neighbours, The Wannabes, Vampire Knight, Pretty Little Liars
Favourite Movies: Shiloh (1, 2 and 3), Old Dogs, Romeo & Juliet (the old one made in something like the sixties!) and Vampires Suck!.
Favourite Plays: Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo & Juliet
Favourite Music Artists: The Beatles, The Pierces, Lights, Owl City, Savvy, Kanon Wakeshima, Emilie Autumn
Favourite Songs (Right Now!): I've Just Seen A Face by The Beatles and Starry-Eyed by Ellie Goulding
Favourite Subject: English
Favourite Author: 1. Jacqueline Wilson; 2. Cathy Cassidy
Favourite Book(s): My Sister Jodie (Jacqueline Wilson); CandyFloss (Jacqueline Wilson); The Illustrated Mum (Jacqueline Wilson) and Room (Emma Donoghue)
Favourite Manga: Vampire Knight
Favourite Anime:Vampire Knight
Favourite Manga Artist: Matsuri Hino
Hobbies: Writing songs, writing stories, reading, all Vampire Knight related activities.
Relationship: Yes, I am in one, so don't bother chatting me up. I'm so not into CyberDates... it's creepy.
List of my favourite Vampire Knight couples!
YoriXHanabusa (pray they will get together. If they do they can become an Awesomest couple.)
RimaXTakuma (I'm a till-death-RimaXSenri supporter, so I'll never obsess over them. But I use their little relationship to help my RimaXSenri stories along :P So I need to give them credit)
Anything Yaoi. Including KanameXZero, AkatsukiXHanabusa. None of them are gay, so it doesn't work. Exception for YagariXKaien, because they are gay.
KaienXYuki (I read a romantic one of them once... *vomits*)
RukaXZero (pretty in orange, thanks a lot.)
(Please note lots of these don't apply to me, just some of them [xD] and I found the list really funny.)
You know you’re obsessed with Kaname Kuran when…
You refuse to let your boyfriend cut his hair, because long dark hair is the way to go.
You’ve strongly considered naming your son Kaname, despite it being an unusual Japanese name.
You have an image folder entirely dedicated to Kaname captioned “Kaname meltdroolpics”.
The idea of playing chess has suddenly become appealing.
You spend most of your history lessons doodling pictures on your folder of Kaname and Yuuki in their wedding clothes. Your history teacher sees said pictures and laughs.
You cry every single time Kaname and Yuuki have their final scene in Vampire Knight Guilty.
You get really angry when people hate on Kaname. So what if he’s a bit possessive? S’cool.
When it snows you half expect to see Kaname walking towards you.
Your mother started asking you who ‘Kaname’ was.
Your mother stopped asking you who Kaname was.
You made your mother read your Vampire Knight Fanfiction with hopes of converting her.
You watched Vampire Knight Guilty episode 12 over and over, just because Daisuke Kishio narrates it.
You have decided Daisuke Kishio(Kaname) is the sexiest voice in existence.
You want to marry Daisuke Kishio, cos he’s as near to Kaname as you’ll get.
You associate the words “onii-sama” only with Kaname.
You used to think finding anime characters hot was weird, until you met Kaname Kuran.
The perv in you is dying to see Kaname half naked for once.
You refuse to acknowledge that Kaname is a fictional character.
I was told by a reader of my Rima/Senri Fanfiction "Beautiful Angel" that because I killed both Rima AND Senri, I had to give them some kind of grave on my profile.
R.I.P. Rima & Senri
You two are in heaven now
I know, it's lame, but pfffftt :D
Fanfics you have to read!
Welcome to Camp Cross - i'llgetyouback
Of Sunburns and Pocky - pretty in orange
Alice in Wonderland - monsterousmaidedn646
FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTF!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England) Anime895(USA), Starwatcher-shadow (Belgium), icyprincess1 (USA), gaaraofthefunk13 (USA), Brave Little Lion (Canada), Hanyou-Kyo (England) monsterousmaiden646 (England), Brookii (Australia),
For all of us out there.
I am the girl that doesn't go to school dances, or games, and when I do go, I sit in a corner and read a book. I am the girl that people look through when I say something. I am the girl that spends most of her free time reading, writing, or doing other activities that most teenagers wouldn't call normal. I am the girl that people call weird and a freak either behind my back or to my face. I am the girl that doesn't spend all her time on MySpace,or talking to a girlfriend on a cellphone or regular phone. I am the girl that hasn't been asked out in a year. I am the girl that has stopped to smell the flowers and jump and splash in the rain. BUT I am also the girl who knows and is proud to be who she is, doesn’t care if people call her weird (it's a compliment),who loves reading and writing and doing the things that no one seems to have the time to do any more, who loves and is obsessed with alot of things, who can express herself better with words than actions, who doesn't need a guy to complete her, and knows the importance of the little things. Copy and paste this onto your account, and add your name to the list, if you are anything like me, so the girls who are different and unique can know in their weakest time that they are unique but not alone- Bearhug946, EdwardCullenEqualsLife, Stephanie Deux, Aintzane411, BillieMaysSaysKaboom,Nuns N' Bagels, Damon.x.Baird.x, ita-chan01, xGhostx, NoMoreLeftForUsAll AliceWayland24, NightShadow17, Hanyou-Kyo, Linda Ku, monsterousmaiden646, Brookii
I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic.
I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.
I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz
I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.
I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat.
I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy.
I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell.
I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell.
I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world.
I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals.
I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.
I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash.
I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.
I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.
I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.
I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore.
I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut.
I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.
I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo.
I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.
I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.
I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.
I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.
I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals.
I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a "big one".
I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!
I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.
I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.
I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention.
I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention.
I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.
I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.
I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all.
I have Big BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.
I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.
I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.
I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll.
I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi.
I hang out with GAYS, so I must be GAY TOO.
I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited.
I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13.
I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy.
I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas. (But I like llamas... :P I'm not Peruvian though. ;))
Im a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction.
Im a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude.
Im STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent.
I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.
I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat.
I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly.
I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff
I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks
I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7
I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals.
I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up.
I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist.
I'm in BAND, so I MUST be a dork.
I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect
I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black
I'm GOTH so I MUST worship the devil.
I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister. (I've been told I'm a prep.)
I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive.
I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border.
I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat.
I'm BLACK, so I MUST love watermelon
I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot.
I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis.
I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a PREP, so I MUST be rich.
I don't like the SUN so I MUST be an albino.
I have a lot of FRIENDS, so I MUST love to drink and party.
I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo or gay.
I couldn't hurt a FLY, So I MUST be a pussy.
I support GAY RIGHTS, so I MUST fit in with everyone.
I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too.
I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't.
I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social.
I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy.
I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch.
My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills.
I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch.
I'm a NUDIST, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs.
I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser.
I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE so I MUST be a whore myself.
I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse
I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual.
I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak.
I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker.
I WATCH PORN so I MUST be perverted.
I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled.
I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant.
I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep
I'm SCOTTISH so I MUST have ginger hair and wear a skirt (It's actually called a kilt)
I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo.
I’m CANADIAN, so I MUST talk with a funny accent.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend.
I'm CANADIAN, so I MUST love hockey and beavers.
I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare.
I'm a FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth.
I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid.
I like BLOOD, so I must be a VAMPIRE.
I'm an ALBINO, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is A MURDERER!
I'm ENGLISH, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth.
I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future.
I don't like YAOI or YURI, so I must be a HOMOPHOBE
I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy
I have a FAN CHARACTER, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue.
I CHAT, I MUST be having cyber sex.
I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins
I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan
I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion
I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian.
I'm a LESBIAN so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see.
I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER.
I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED.
I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST.
I am a WITCH, so I MUST be and OLD HAG and fly on a broomstick.
I love YAOI, so I MUST be GAY.
I DON'T CURSE, so I MUST be an outcast
I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish
I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE.
I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard.
I'm GOTHIC, so I MUST be mean.
I’m STRONG so I MUST be stupid.
I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s. (LMAO! I GET THIS ALL THE TIME!)
I go to RENFAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times
I’m GAY so I’m after EVERY straight guy around.
I don’t want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian.
I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting.
I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak.
I DRINK and SMOKE, so I MUST have no life.
I am friends with a CUTTER, so I MUST be a CUTTER too.
I cry easily, so I MUST be a wimp.
I can't help pointing out mistakes so I MUST be an over-controlling perfectionist (-_- It's a habit...)
I'm a PERFECTIONIST so I MUST check everything ten times, then burst into tears at one mistake
I DON’T LIKE to talk about my personal life so I MUST be having problems
I like FIRE so I MUST be an arsonist.
I dress HARAJUKU so I MUST be a slut.
I've tried to kill myself before so I MUST be a world-hating emo.
(Put up due to the suggestion of my little sister, Caitii.)
The Shiki Daughter - "Of course, I didn't know how to act. I mean, you try having the guy that you've been in love with forever turn out to be your brother. Not that any of that makes a difference. I still love him. I know it's crazy. I can't help it."Last updated 2-2-2012.
Two People, One Life - Senri Shiki/Rima Touya, Random Drabble. How they truly feel. Last updated 29-1-2012.
Jealousy - The two people I trusted more than anything in the world just betrayed me. The funny thing is, I don't care about that. I've never been jealous of anyone more than I am of him. Because he has her. Senri/Takuma/Rima - Love Triangle. Last updated 27-1-2012.
Grow Up, Not Apart - Through our lives, we've grown up... together. And that's how we'll always keep it. We'll grow up, not apart. Last updated 5-1-2012.
Diamond Rings and Pocky Sticks - Senri Shiki's getting married… and it slowly pains Rima Touya to see her best friend falling in love with someone who isn't her. Last chapter updates has been postponed temporarily. Last updated 1-1-2012.
Survey - Aidou doesn't quite understand Rima Touya and Senri Shiki's relationship. So, he decides to interfere a little. One-Shot. Senri/Rima. K-Rated. Pretty Cute, But In-Character Senri and Rima. Last updated 1-1-2012.
Fireworks - Rima's scared of fireworks. How will she survive through her fears on New Year's Eve? Senri/Rima, cute fluff. Last updated 1-1-2012.
Beautiful Angel - Senri Shiki has always loved Rima Touya, his best friend. What happens when he has to say goodbye to his beautiful angel? Last updated 2-10-2011. COMPLETE.
Reasons - Why do you love me, Senri? One-shot. Last updated 12-9-2011.
His Princess, Her Knight - Switchfic! Shiki replaces Kaname, Rima replaces Yuki, and Takuma replaces Zero. Rima has harboured a secret love and desire for Senri since he saved her life at age 5. But circumstances bring the princess to betray her knight... SenriXRimaXTakuma. Last updated 27-8-2011.
Parasol - Shima One-Shot Collection! Hidden under a parasol are two beautiful angels... Last updated 22-8-2011.
Just a little story about how Senri and Rima became modeling partners and how they met. A surprise second chapter now up! What happens when Senri and Rima have to participate in a modeling shoot they feel uncomfortable about? Last updated 22-8-2011. |
The months past quickly, time passes quickly when you have fun. During those months, the affair with Marcus continued extending in everyway in yet remained undiscovered, and all rumors were quickly dismissed and suspicions overridden. However, during the summer months, the relationship became more intense.
The series performances had finished, and I was even given a lead role but now I have a large scar across my left thigh from where the stage blade ran to deeply into my skin, but they soon healed, mostly by Marcus' healing hands. However, a new large performance was in rehearsal something about a mysterious murder of a beautiful young girl by a deformed man who was a notorious serial killer of Paris. But it was becoming repeatedly hard for a stage boy and actress to think of perfectly reasonable excuses to spend time together, but we managed to with no one noticing.
But one night occurred which was particularly special during July. Marcus' birthday 18 years old, officially adult but still treated like a child. On his previous birthdays, his presents took the form of a fist and a bottle of iodine, so tonight we were to make this birthday one to remember. At 9 o'clock all the other actors and actresses either had gone out or went to bed, we had had a hard day at rehearsals and we were all tired but Marcus kept his appointment and I was in full energy for the evening as giddy as a school girl.
That evening I wore the same dress I wore the night we spent with each other in my dressing room even though the rips were still visible from the previous time. When he arrived at half past nine, I was busy at the mirror trying to tidy my hair but it wasn't going straight. I didn't hear him come in I was to concerned about how I looked, he frightened me when he started to speak "Even with your hair in tatters your still stunning." "I didn't hear you come in." I ambled towards him and he placed both his hand on my shoulders and he kissed me in complete satisfaction, then he pushed me back towards the door, slid his hand around the back of me, locked the door, and afterwards slid his hand down past the tail of my back. Then we became more accustom with no thought for him I grabbed the lapels of his shirt and tore it almost in two. He did the same with my dress, the last time I wore that dress.
There I was back against the door wearing nothing but a corset, when Marcus with all the strength a man posses forced me onto the bed carefully untying the strings of the corset. Gently holding both my shoulders then running them down past my breastbone, over my navel and along the inside of my thigh. A thrill of ecstasy trickled down my spine and along my loins, his touch gentle and yet sexual. Passionate and yet dominating. Sympathetic and yet masculine. I had never experienced such emotions throughout the months and nights I had spent with him. Eventually the movements of his body and sensuous kisses stopped and I fell back on my bed in exhaustion panting heavily in an orgasmic pattern, he gazed at my thrusting breasts with sensuous eyes I could feel them burning into my body, then slowly he collapsed onto my chest.
We slept in tranquility, swept away in a world of summer fields where I dreamed of a French village in the south, a cottage with a rose vine growing around the pine wood door and well cut garden where the two of us will grow old together and watch our children grow up at our sides. I pictured the village church in summer, hearing the wedding bells ringing, then Marcus and I walking arm in arm down the pathway. A different way of life to that of the theatre, not having to look over your shoulder to see who's following you, or having to wait till after dark for you to express your love to a person who feels the same way about you, and not to be punished but congratulated for it. Not having to fear your mother in the way Marcus did, and has done for many years, I was his freedom and his break; in the same way he was mine. Together we were forgotten lovers of Shakespeare, a memory to the theatre's history. The morning was so bright the sun came in and the refreshing summer morning breeze fluttered the curtains, I got up in my naked state to welcome the new morning in, but the only thing remotely beautiful was the man sleeping serenely, he looked so relaxed like a child. I put on a scruffy robe and Marcus awoke he came up behind me and encircled his arms around my waist and held me close "Did you enjoy your birthday present Marcus?" I enquired in an ironic tone, "It was the best birthday I ever had. Why don't you come down to the cellar tonight?" "It's cold down there Marcus." "Well I can keep you warm, as I have done throughout the previous nights." I turned to hold him close to me his warm chest against my cold breasts. I had not been down to that cellar in month but I found it hard to say no to him, his words were so persuasive, he had such a way words. We parted for the day, and for another rehearsal. Before the rehearsal, I came over all faint then I was vomiting in the bathroom, I realized what was wrong but I did not tell anyone and had no intentions of telling Marcus until the right moment.
All of us sat in the pews of the stalls watching Mathieu, listening to his wife and children being murdered behind a locked door, drowning in torment by the murderer and death of his family his performance was moving and emotional, one of the best performances I had ever seen in rehearsal. But my focuses were not on the rehearsals or the performance; instead, I was watching Marcus balancing on one of the beams getting ready to drop the next scene. But his focuses were not on the next scene but on me. Our eyes always met from over the balcony but always discreetly as not to show any signal to the others our relationship.
Half way through the rehearsal his focuses were so distracted upon me that Marcus missed his step and fell 50 feet onto the wooden stage, I ran onto the stage and the others did not rush. I helped Marcus up and supported him of the stage and into one of the pews. Surprisingly no bones were broken but his head had a terrible gash in it. "Girls that will be all for today, have the rest of the evening off, go and enjoy yourselves." called Monsieur Artoir "Mary go and fetch some hot water and iodine for Marcus, make yourself useful. Marcus will be quite safe here. His mother and I will look after him." I was suspicious of Monsieur Artoir's words and I pondered as to whether or not to do as he asked, when Marcus nodded for me to go, leaving confused I fetched the water and chemical. But I knew it was to good to be true no sooner had I got back to Marcus I found him on the floor clinching his stomach. His mother had beaten him once again. I knelt beside him and squeezed him against me, his tears seeping into my costume. I placed the warm compress on his forehead dabbing it gently "I was so stupid, I shouldn't have left you." "If you hadn't have gone Monsieur Artoir would have hit you, I'm used to it. But I won't have you being hit." and we just laid there in tears, Marcus cradled in my arms. While tending his wounds I saw a scar which ran all around his body in a perfect circle and falling from the beam caused it bleed horrifically and around his back where it continually bled, it festered and his flesh decayed, we then walked down the stairs with me supporting Marcus as walking was to painful, down to Marcus' lodgings. And there I looked after him like a mother and child. I watched the bruise on his stomach grow larger and turn bluer and blacker. Someone had to care for him.
From the wages I earned, I decided to indulge myself. I had earned 50 francs a month and, I came to the decision that I was to spend my wages on a new corset, along with stockings and suspenders to replace the ones I had broken. But there was only one place where I could buy them in the centre of Paris. I walked in to one of the grand shops and bought a ruby red and black striped corset with a black decorative frill across the top, and then I set my heart on a pair of black stockings and red suspenders. Marcus was going to like them red; he adored the colour red ever since he saw me in the red velvet dress, which in moments of dramatic enthusiasm was ripped. They cost a lot of money, near on half my wages but he is worth it. The only problem now was trying to get through the theatre without Marcus noticing, although he did not notice Jacqueline did "What have you bought then?" "Nothing" I answered with a tone of innocence "So what's in the bag?" she asked as I put it down in the corner. I did not answer instead I took my coat of and continued with the book I was reading. Abruptly Jacqueline picked up the bag and took the contents out "Why are you in need of black stockings and red suspenders?" "I had run out, all my stockings have ladders in them." "Oh I wonder how that happened?" she said while examining the silk of the stocking "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing Mary, only I just find it a coincidence that you buy some new black silk stockings, and a red corset..." she came close to me and whispered in a sly sinister tone "...while you have been seeing a lot of Marcus." I got abruptly out of my chair and put my hand around her throat, for a period I just listened to her wheezing, "Keep a civil tongue in that pretty head of yours and stay out of my life." and still with my hand around her throat, I threw her out of the room. As I watched her staggering with tears in her eyes, I realized how much like my uncle I had become, using violence to solve problems and to hush people up. But her words began to whirl in my mind did she know about Marcus and me? Or was she just being facetious? People in this theatre never change and no one approached me for the rest of the day. Jacqueline was a gossip who would walk through a ring of fire for rumors and scandals, the atmosphere was tainted with alienation and isolation so she obviously told everyone what I had done and everyone was avoiding me, I pretended that it didn't disturb me and got on with the afternoon rehearsals.
The next problem was to sneak through the theatre, along the dressing rooms and down to the cellar with no one noticing. I put the corset and stockings on and carefully straightened my suspenders then I placed an old dress over them, which concealed the colour and left everything to the imagination. Half an hour later I crept out my room with no shoes on, feeling the splinters in the floorboards piercing the soles of my feet. The cold air stuck my legs like a thousand knifes as I walked down the cellar stairs flattering the hemline in all directions revealing more suspender than I intended, so early in the evening. I reached the bottom of the stairs the fire burning in the centre taken back by a larger surprise, Marcus had cooked dinner it wasn't cordon bleu cooking it was just plain and simple coque au vin with fresh bread and chardonnay I couldn't help but wonder where and how he got the food, but completed the evening. I had not tasted a meal like it not since I was a child with the Sunday roast. Afterwards we laid in one another's arms divinely watching the fire burn and drinking the rest of the wine eventually the wine bottle was empty in yet the glasses are half-full. I got up and Marcus looked up at me "I have got a surprise for you." an intriguing smile appeared on Marcus' cut face and excitement appeared in his eyes. Then with his arms around me, I slowly took the old dress off; the suspenders and red corset looked so bland in the dim light, it wasn't really the effect I wanted "What do think?" "I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, let alone one of the most assassinated in the world." he drew nearer to me and casted his hand over and around my suspenders plucking them against my thighs. He dragged me onto the bed with me putting up little resistance slowly and delicately unclipped the buckle attaching the stockings to my suspenders that were attached to the corset then unclipping the clips at the back of my corset. With each pluck, I heard the more I desired his touch and sensuous bodily love, the more I desired his kisses and embraces. The outfit added to our love although no one would think it; we enjoy our moments together and with no rehearsals or performances the next day, we would spend the complete day together like a real couple does, 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds together, alone in our space. The cellar glows a golden radiance every morning I awake and 95% of it is from the presence of Marcus, but by mid afternoon he went "I need to buy something in town, do you want anything?" I shook my head in curiosity and suspicion especially as he was gone for nearly two hours, he ran down the stairs with a typical male guilty look on his face, pretending everything was normal "You've been a long time." I said with an inquired tone curious has where he had been and what he had bought, "Every where I went there was a long queue." he said with a guilty expression, quickly concealing something beneath his coat. "I've bought something for us." he said bringing out two bottles of wine "One for you and one for me." straining out his words as he tried to unscrew the cork, in giving me the bottle he pulled me onto his chest caressing my hair between his fingers softly allowing each strand to slip out of his grip. After an hour or so, I had fallen asleep with the wine going to my head. Then Marcus slowly brought me of his chest and placed my head on the pillow. He started to wonder about the room mumbling as he walked his mumbles and sound of footsteps awoke me, I walked towards his and embraced my arms around his waist subtly kissing his shoulders "What's the matter darling?" "Nothing love," he whispered as he turned to face me holding me close to him rubbing his hand down my back "Go back to bed."
In the evening, I was refreshed from my sleep and Marcus had brought down some dinner from the kitchens, "You're up a last." he said smiling and I smiled at the accusation even though I knew him to stay in bed all day and still awake tired, "Mary I've got something to ask you." "Yes Marcus?" I said virtually breathless in anticipation, but a sensation in the back of my mind caused me to believe that I could predict what he was about to say. He brought out a blue box and drew nearer to me, then he got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a diamond ring "The diamonds aren't real but how I feel is real. Will you marry me?" I was taken back surprised, shaking and not knowing what answer to give him, while thinking about which response to give him I thought of my mother and how I was going to be living her life, she never married there was something humble in that thought. Which alone made me make up my mind "Yes I will marry you Marcus." we both could not believe the answer. Marcus picked me up in air swinging me against his body and within his embracing arms spinning me around in one large circle then slowing down and we stared into one another's eyes. Then confirmed the engagement with Marcus sliding the ring on the third finger of my left hand. The ancient Egyptians believed that the vain of love ran from the heart to that finger; and now a ring was on that finger I believed the legend. But my vain of love ran through my third finger and extended to Marcus' heart and with the placing of my ring Marcus owned me I was his property to hold forever and ever. But although we were engaged still we could tell no one, we knew his mother and Monsieur Artoir wouldn't approve of the engagement so I couldn't wear the ring in public in case questions and hands are raised, Marcus didn't mind because he knew just as well as I did what the consequences would be. But this was our engagement night and one not to be taken likely, Marcus went up to the kitchens to fetch another bottle of wine while adored the brilliance of my ring in the fire light and I remembered the dream I had of the southern French village and summer church, thinking that it may come true. Marcus returned from the kitchens carrying the wine "Did you miss me?" "I miss you every time I am alone." he gave me the bottle "Marcus if we put together enough money let's set up a new life together away from Paris and the theatre." "Where do you intend to move?" he enquired with an interested tone "The south of France. Well out of reach of Claudia and Monsieur Artoir, we could start a new life together." "What we do for a living?" He asked, "Well I can get a job in the village, and there are numerous of jobs going in the vineries and we grow our own food, live of the land." Marcus paused thinking about it still drinking his wine while I played with my ring to occupy myself as I waited for his answer "If we put some money together and leave with nobody knowing." I smiled in excitement and our lips meet in love and companionship, it sealed our future together. That night I dreamed once again of the house in the south. The belief in me becoming Mrs. Marcus Desir was so strong, my heart felt free and released in yet bounded in Marcus' grip. My soul belonged to him and his belonged to me. But I still had doubts about the marriage it would be years before we could save enough money to get married and no one would approve of the marriage, I am a catholic girl raised by nuns. I broke all laws included in the faith giving myself over to Marcus and the men before him in the tavern, but who would know about it? It's not as if anyone would care. As the sun began to set Marcus and I walked up onto the roof of the theatre, and watched the sun go down, the bright orange glow illuminated the area. This was the moment to tell him "Marcus. There's something I have been meaning to tell you. I'm pregnant." a sudden turn of surprise appeared in his eyes and before long, in affection he couldn't help placing his hand on my stomach after a long and awkward pause he spluttered out the words "When did you find out?" "This morning." After a few minutes, he carried me back down to the cellar.
The night of our engagement was nothing like any night I had spent with him before. Together we were swept away carried out of the witch's cave of horror and back into a fairytale castle of romance. Away from violent murders in the streets of Paris to a dancing, world of buttercup fields and clear blue seas where he would dive for pearls. Then arise to the surface satisfied as well as appreciated. The feelings were split then joined between us bounded by more than a false diamond. At this point within the hidden vaults of the theatre Monsieur Artoir and Claudia were in meeting, a few glasses of wine and the occasional indulgence in cocaine started many conversations, "What do you think of the girl Mary?" said Monsieur Artoir complacently admiring the crystal glass, "She's an amateur and amateurs need to keep their distance. She won't become the professional she hopes to become, not with her background", "What do you mean her background? Yours was no better, in many ways yours was worse." "True but I overcame my background, and made it a part of my distant past. Anyway my past would not have been as bad if that born wasn't born." The two of them laughed and chinked glasses, "Speaking of Marcus have you not noticed a change in him; he is becoming joyful it needs to be stamped out, we can't have our stage boy being...content in his work" again hey laughed. A knocked came to the door. Our enjoyment was short lived, as we did not know that half way down the stairs leading into the cellar listening to our pleasure was Jacqueline she did know about us, and in revenge for me hurting her in my dressing room she walked through the theatre to the room where Claudia and Monsieur Artoir were talking. "Marcus and Mary are together... in Marcus' room." As soon as she told them they stormed towards cellar, it takes about 5 minutes to reach the cellar from the dressing rooms all the while we continued to take pleasure in each other's company. Monsieur Artoir, Claudia Desir and Jacqueline tiptoed down the stairs listening to the seventh heaven echoing throughout the staircase. Suddenly Jacqueline had kicked a loose stone, which fell down the stairs, I heard it but Marcus did not "Marcus I heard something coming down the stairs." "It's probably just the wind blowing the loose stones it happens all the time." I was nervous about continuing but I did believing Marcus was right, but he spoke to soon the sound of footsteps drew ever closer. I looked up and saw a shadow be cast along the stonewall, my breathing deepened and heart began to race, I started hitting Marcus' shoulder to gain his attention, he looked up and saw shadows and heard the footsteps but it was too late. By the time, Marcus was able to cover me with a blanket and put shirt on; they had reached the last step. All three of them were looking in disgust Monsieur Artoir stood aloof with the riding whip in his hand twisting it around his knuckles; we could hear the sound of the leather being stretched from where we were sitting. Together we could feel the intense burning look from Claudia's eyes staring at Marcus in disgrace then looking at me with the same look as if I had led him astray. Jacqueline gloated in pride she tried to conceal it but it was impossible to. A deathly silence ran throughout the room, Marcus and I sat in silence hand in hand. Marcus was shaking he knew what was to happen to us, I was completely motionless didn't know what to do or what to think until Monsieur Artoir spoke not to us but to Claudia, "Take Marcus away I will deal with this slut." Claudia snatched Marcus' hand away from mine beating and kicking him up the stairs, and I was marched to Monsieur Artoir's office.
© Copyright 2016 Emie Ruth. All rights reserved.
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Max, I hear ya. I'd finally set my mind to accepting an iMac but recently did a 180 in my thinking. I know the tower is overkill. I wish Apple had a stand alone tower between the iMac and Mac Pro.
The problem is mostly with the hard drives. Max, if the iMac drive fails it isn't an easy matter of slapping in a new drive like we're used to. It means taking in to the shop and have someone else do it. You live near Carbon so you might get your machine back in 2 days. For me it means taking my machine into the Sherway or Yorkdale Apple store and waiting 2 weeks. I refuse to pay their extortion fee to get it back quicker.
The hard drives being manufactured these days are cheaply made. There's no such thing as a good one these days. They've all gone to cheap mass production in China. Seagate used to be made under tight tolerances in Singapore but no more. The chances of a drive failure within a couple of years is quite high now. In the iMac it can make things worse. They run very hot which can kill the life span of a hard drive. Some machines get so hot you can almost cook eggs on them. Others are okay. It's the luck of the draw.
Max, it's going to cost a few bucks more for a tower but considering your need for something reliable on the job, I'd be mulling it over some more.
OK, understand your reasoning, Marg. However, I disagree that all hard drives are junky these days, or that their Chinese origin is the reason that they're failing. I haven't noticed any greater failure rate in my drives these last few years. I generally look for whatever the consensus of the day is and go with that choice - it's served me well thus far. Usually I'll ask in a place like this, and I'll also query Alec, as he often knows more about this sort of thing from his experiences in the field. He hasn't steered me wrong yet. But I can't afford the Drobo option, however nifty it seems!
I wouldn't mind paying the considerable premium for the tower lineup if I were convinced that the main software I use could actually effectively harness all that theoretical extra processing muscle; I am not. So in the end, a tower is a bigger, clunkier route, offering me some more drive bays but little else. I don't need it to be stuffed with RAM - I imagine 4 to 6 Gb should do me fine for the next few years.
I do see your point about what happens should your iMac drive fail, however. That sucks. And I, like you, can't afford downtime. Especially once I'm at work. No way.
Unless this new iMac is different, Apple isn't making it easy for user repairs.
As far as hard drives? I've had more drives fail in the last 2 years than ever. I'm not alone. Both Swatty and carp had drive failures within 9 months of their iMac purchase.
There is a reason why drives are inexpensive. They just roll off the assembly line and boxed for export. No QC. Even Seagate aren't what they used to be. They bought Maxtor and what you have now is a Maxtor with a Seagate label slapped on it. If you get a good drive these days it's more to do with luck. I'm not impressed. I'd rather pay more up front for quality I can depend on. Obviously the masses would rather go cheap.
I dunno. I mean, anecdotal is anecdotal, y'know. Sorry about Swatty and Carp's hard drive misadventures but it ain't enough to convince me.
I dig you want to pay up front for quality you can depend on. But what's that mean, in an era when everything is made in the Pacific Rim anyway? What's Apple using for components other than fairly mainstream stuff?
Marg: You're kind of dreaming here. The drives in the iMac are the same drives as you find in the MacPros. They're made by the same people, they're just different dimensions to fit in the case. So this really isn't a quality thing, it's more of a convenience thing (not having to take the computer in to have a new drive put in should it go bad).
Sorry to hear you're having such bad luck with HDs failing. I've only had one drive fail in all my Mac-using years (it was a Panasonic drive, by either Western Digital or Phantom).
Max I tend to agree with you about the Pro vs. iMac debate. While I have a MacPro now, I still find myself wondering if I should have just gone with the 24" iMac. Ultimately, I went with the pro for the Xeon processors. I only have 3GB of RAM anyway, and have only added 1 internal HD which I got because it was so cheap.
I keep telling myself I like the "expandability" of the tower, but in reality I rarely add anything anyway. 4GB of RAM is plenty for anyone but the most demanding user, external drives have the flexibility of being able to take them anywhere, and the 24" screen on the iMac is beautiful - plus you get the iSight built-in.
_________________________ The Graphic Mac- Tips, reviews & more on all things OSX & graphic design.
Max, this is my point. I have nothing against the iMac per se. Like I mentioned, I was all for it until I realized the downside... lack of ability to swap a simple hard drive.
While not everyone will encounter problems the odds are significantly higher these days of having a hard drive failure in a shorter time frame.
Apple gets their components from the same place everyone else does. Unfortunately all the manufacturers have lowered their standards in order to compete on price. Of course they all have warranties so you can get a refurbished replacement. That's not really the point for me. With my G5 I can swap out a drive in a minute. An iMac means taking it in to a service repair shop and waiting who knows how long to get it back. Don't believe me? Check with our mutual friend.
Max, I'm just trying to be helpful and point out some pitfalls of the iMac. I think I have some handle on the nature of your job and your need for reliability. I just don't want you to be in a major suckage on the job when you're in the middle of a production schedule. The odds of it happening with an iMac are up a bit from our G5 work horses. Like I mentioned previously, I wish there was a machine between the iMac consumer line and the overkill Mac Pro. Luckily you live near Carbon. Those folks understand the industry so you're likely to get better turn around service than dealing with Apple retail. Only you know what you can live with so weigh the pros and cons for yourself. As far as ability, the iMac is one great machine.
Loc: Pinellas Park, Florida
It isn't impossible to change the HD in an iMac yourself. Just more involved than a tower. Changing the HD in a Mini isn't a piece of cake, either but it is doable - done it myself. Maybe the Mini shold have been a small tower? Apple doesn't embrace the mundane.
Marg, it's all good and I appreciate what you're trying to say. But if I was at work and my iMac failed, I'd already be backed up and I would rent a replacement machine straight away - or, more likely, I would bring in my home tower and make it be the beast of burden until my sad iMac became happy again. I can afford half a day of down time, a day at most. That's the way it is. And if MacBozo is right, then perhaps I could switch out my own failed hard drive and not bother with taking the machine in for servicing. I am willing to take the risk.
Gizmo: I am glad to hear from you, as I suspect the kinds of stuff we do as designers tends to overlap a great deal. I am convinced that the Adobe suite as currently coded on the Mac side is not up to the power the towers represent. Work-wise, the Adobe suite represents 90% of what I do at work. Plus, I, like you, have rarely added anything other than the occasional drive to my towers - once in a while I've added something like a card for extra USB ports, but that's about it. I am over towers. It occurs to me, all these years later, that I really didn't require what they offered... and I paid a fairly stiff price in order to pat myself on the back and consider myself a power user!
I really think that, when it's time, I'm going to go with an iMac. I'll get 4 Gb and will also attach my 20" Apple display and that should be quite decent performance specs for the stuff I do.
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Welcome to the CROPTON Village Website – 2016
AFTERNOON TEAS | Village Hall | Saturday 30th July | 2 till 4 pm.
CROPTON is a small village at the southern edge of the North York Moors National Park. It is an excellent location for visiting many of the local attractions. Whitby, Scarborough, Castle Howard and York are all driveable within an hour. Flamingo Land Zoo, Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton-le-Hole and the North York Moors Railway are very close by.
On the door step is the popular Cropton Brewery, where you can do a tour of the brewery and sample of the many excellent ales that are produced on the premises.
Jean and Dick Feaster kindly opened their Fernwood garden on Sunday 3rd July 2016. The garden was open on behalf of the National Garden Scheme and raised over £1,200. The village hall was open for teas and raised over £600 for a new village notice board.
The Peacock Christmas quiz was held in the village hall on Friday 11th December 2015. Auntie Anne’s Helmsley meat pies, mushy peas & gravy were served, followed by home made biscuits. The festive themed quiz was very enjoyable. After the quiz there was a session of carol singing led by Rachel Anderson. Many thanks to Richard and Pat, plus many helpers. The event raised £240 for village hall funds.
On Saturday 20th November 2015 a Christmas Craft Fair was held in the village hall. The event was very well attended and the hall was full of stalls selling home produce, various crafts and tombola. Afternoon teas were served. The fair was raising funds for St Gregory’s Church.
The village hall hosted a concert by Thornton-le-Dale Ukulele Band on Friday 13th November 2015. It was a most enjoyable night, with plenty of audience participation.
The Malton Male Voice Choir, conducted by Vivien Wilcock, performed a popular and varied programme in the village hall on Wednesday 21st October 2015. There was a guest appearance by Rachel Anderson. The first half of the show was devoted to songs by Gilbert and Sullivan, followed by a number of well-known items in the second half.
The 13th Peacock quiz was held in the village hall on Friday 9th October 2015. Auntie Anne’s Helmsley meat pies, mushy peas & gravy were served, followed by home made biscuits. The quiz was very enjoyable. Many thanks to Pat and Richard (playing the fly swatter) and Pat, plus many helpers. The event raised £288 for village hall funds.
The Methodist Chapel, open since 1852, held their final ever service on Sunday 11th October 2015 at 2.30 pm. The service was led by Revd. Jacky Hale. Tea & biscuits were served afterwards.
A new nursery / EYFS class is open from September for all locals at Rosedale Abbey School. The class is for 3 year-olds in the term after their 3rd birthday. More information.
The annual classic car and motorcycle rally took place in the village hall field on Sunday 23rd August 2015. The rally was very well supported by a large number of vintage cars and motorcycles. The wonderful sunny weather drew a lot of visitors to the event which raised £1,345.00 for village hall funds. View photos of the rally.
The village hall hosted a get together for St Gregory’s Church on Saturday 25th July 2015. Afternoon teas were served in the hall. The event raised £511.50 for church funds.
On 10th July 2015 it was the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the village hall. A complete refurbishment was completed back in July 2005. Lord Crathorne, the then Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, came along to open the hall. Since the opening the hall has been a great success, with many functions taking place.
On Sunday 5th July 2015 Mr and Mrs Dick Feaster held an open garden, at their Fernwood home, on behalf of the National Garden Scheme. The weather was kind and over 200 visitors enjoyed their splendid garden. Over in the village hall teas were served and entertainment was provided by the Thornton-le-Dale Ukulele band (photo below). Over a £1,000 was raised for the NGS scheme and around £300 was raised for village hall funds by the tea and cakes served.
Congratulations to Mrs. Valerie Barnaby on her hundreth birthday (4th May 2015). Mrs. Barnaby held an open house during the day to celebrate. She is still active with various crafts and handiwork. Her painting is very popular and she has sold many paintings over the years. She once featured on ITV’s Dales Diary. You can visit the studio to see her work.
The annual Beadlam Tractor Run came through the village on Sunday 3rd May 2015. This year they were raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Over 100 tractors took part.
The first Tour de Yorkshire international cycle race came through the village on 1st May 2015. A good crowd saw nearly 150 cyclists, including Sir Bradley Wiggins, go past the New Inn Pub and the village Chestnut Tree. The cyclists continued up to Rosedale over the North York Moors, Whitby and on the finish at Scarborough.
The village was well decorated with flags, bunting and balloons. There was a brilliant display of painted small bikes (see below) as the cyclists entered the village at the Shoulder of Mutton. The event was extremely well organised and proved to be quite a spectacle. (Tour de Yorkshire photos 1 – Tour de Yorkshire photos 2).
The 12th Peacock quiz was held in the village hall on Wednesday 15th April 2015. Auntie Anne’s Helmsley meat pies, mushy peas & gravy were served, followed by home made biscuits. As always the quiz was testing and most enjoyable. Many thanks to Richard (playing the fly swatter) and Pat, plus many helpers. £332 was raised for village hall funds.
On Friday 27th March 2015 ‘The Whiskey Dogs’ gave a concert in the Village Hall. This excellent blues band, Pete Bolton, Polly Bolton & Brian Swinton played authentic, good time Americana, which included old time mountain music, hillbilly blues, dust-bowl ballads and jug band hokum – all played in the spirit of the 1920s and 30s – on a wide range of string instruments. Thanks for a great night! (visit the The Whiskey Dogs website).
Canadian folk singer, Ian Sherwood, performed in the village hall on Wednesday 25th March 2015. Ian, who is a talented singer, musician and songwriter, is also a very engaging story teller – it was a very enjoyable concert! The show was sponsored by rural arts and he was initially accompanied by a group of youngsters (sponsored by rural arts) performing their own songs. The stage backdrop was a number of excellent paintings by local artist Kezy Feaster (visit Kezy’s website).
The Ryedale Foodbank in Pickering does a fantastic job distributing food parcels to locals requiring the service. Food can be donated, in the village, by taking provisions to a collection point in the porch at ‘The Croft’, Main Street. (More information on Ryedale Foodbank – How it works).
On Friday 12th December 2014 a concert was held in the village hall. It was an enjoyable evening. Rachel Anderson was joined in the singing by Becky and Martha. Rachels father, Peter, played the guitar and Vivian was on the keyboard. The concert raised a total of £135 for village hall funds.
The village hall hosted a craft fair on Saturday 29th November 2014. The hall was full of stalls with a wide range of crafts, many local, on show. Refreshments were served and Father Christmas greeted visitors. The event raised £650 for church funds.
The 11th Peacock quiz was held in the village hall on Wednesday 19th November 2014. Auntie Anne’s meat pies, mushy peas & gravy were served, followed by home made biscuits. The well attended quiz was most enjoyable. Many thanks to Richard and Pat, plus many helpers. £278 was raised for village hall funds.
Next EVENTS in Cropton village – 2016
More information & more details on Coming Events plus Church services.
Saturday 30th July 2016 – AFTERNOON TEAS & STALLS – Village Hall – 2 till 4 pm – Homemade teas, bric-a-brac, plants, cakes, tombola & raffle. – Proceeds for St Gregory’s Church funds.
Tuesday 2nd August 2016 – COFFEE MORNING – Village Hall – 10.30 till noon – All are very welcome to come along for a coffee, cake and a chat.
Sunday 21st August 2016 – CLASSIC CAR & MOTORCYCLE RALLY – Village Hall field – Refreshments available in the village hall – Bric-a-Brac, raffle, tombola & book sale. Admission Free.
Friday 7th October 2016 – MALTON MALE VOICE CHOIR – Village Hall – 7.30 pm – Admission £4 includes tea & biscuits – Raffle.
Friday 21st October 2016 – FOOL’S GOLD – Village Hall – 7.30 pm. Carol and Steve Robson are an acoustic duo who play a multiple number of instruments plus vocals, performing music in traditional folk style. Admission £4 to include tea and biscuits. Raffle. Visit Fool’s Gold website.
Friday 11th November 2016 – PEACOCK QUIZ – Village Hall – 7.30 pm – Admission £5 – Meat pie, peas & gravy – Names to Pat & Richard Peacock (01751) 417566.
Friday 25th November 2016 – THORNTON-LE-DALE UKULELE BAND – Village Hall – 7 pm – Admission £4 includes tea & biscuits. Raffle.
COFFEE MORNINGS are held in the village hall on the first Tuesday of the Month (except January) at 10.30 a.m till noon – You are very welcome to come along if you are in the area for coffee, cake and a chat!
YOGA sessions are held in the village hall on most Monday mornings at 9.30 am ‘Iyengar Yoga‘ – Marian Cambridge 01751 477267. New members are very welcome!
The local WOMEN’S INSTITUTE meets the second Wednesday in every month. The meetings normally start at 7pm. See the W.I. notice board at the village hall for details or check the 2015 W.I. events here. Visitors and Ladies from outside the village are most welcome to come along to the monthly meets.
The Neighbourhood Watch coordinators are Philip Coombes 01751 417395 and Julie Collinson 01751 417607.
On Fridays a mobile Fish & Chips van (Truly Scrumptious) parks outside the village hall around 5.55 to 6.25 pm.
There is a book stall in the village hall with a good variety of books for sale. Donations of books are always appreciated!
Find houses for sale in and around the village
A range of self catering holiday cottages and forest lodges are available if you wish to stay here. Please view Cropton Lodges – Keldy Forest Cabins – The Green Cottage – Bank Top Cottage – Laura’s Cottage – Rosecroft Cottage |
Fate Brewing Co. opened Feb. 4 at 1600 38th St. in east Boulder. Fate’s management team calls it “Boulder’s first brew-bistro.” Fate Brewing is owned by Mike Lawinski. Jeff Griffith is head brewer, and Tim Berry is head chef. The space formerly was home to Jose Muldoon’s restaurant and had been vacant for several years.
Maria Trysla opened a franchise of Philadelphia-based The Marketing Department Worldwide at 10955 Westmoor Drive, Suite 400, in Westminster. As a managing partner, Trysla will offer marketing services to small businesses in the Boulder Valley. The marketing consulting agency has a network of eight offices that specialize in brand development, website design, copywriting, and collateral production. Trysla has 20 years of brand and marketing experience with Level 3 Communications Inc., Sprint and Wonder Bread. Phone is 720-254-8206 or email [email protected].
Goodwill of Denver plans to open a donation center at 3043 Walnut St. in the Walnut Gardens Shopping Center in Boulder. The Goodwill Donation Center will accept gently used clothing, household goods and small furniture. A Goodwill trailer will be replaced by this new store. The donation center will be open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Left Hand Books at 1200 Pearl St. in Boulder is scheduled to close April 15. Left Hand’s book sales have dropped in recent years as online sale of books and the popularity of electronic books have increased, said Louise Knapp, a bookstore volunteer and a member of its collective. All workers are volunteers at the store, which is run as a collective by members. Founded in 1979, the bookstore has offered author appearances, movie nights and discussion groups through its tenure. It has been at its current location since 1991. The store will offer “steep discounts” on books and will sell all fixtures and furniture through April.
Green Garage has raised $600,000 from existing investors to remodel and upgrade equipment at its new store at 2907 55th St., according to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The 9,000-square-foot environmentally friendly car service company remains open while the remodel work is being done. Green Garage is the trade name of Primoris Energy Solutions Inc. A 1,000-square-foot Laughing Goat Coffeehouse shop is slated to open in the next month or so in leased space in the building.
Startup accelerator TechStars joined with the Excelerate Labs accelerator in Chicago and will bring the program into the TechStars family. Excelerate Labs will be named TechStars Chicago. The Chicago program joins accelerators in Boulder, New York City, Seattle and Boston, all of which were founded and launched by TechStars.
Louisville-based Real Goods Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: RSOL) installed more than 25 megawatts of solar power in 2012 for residential, commercial and utility customers. The company also achieved a major milestone, having surpassed cumulative installations of more than 100 megawatts and more than 14,500 solar installations.
Boulder-based Sophono Inc.’s Alpha 2 hearing device received clearance for use in a magnetic resonance image field after passing tests from ASTM International. The implant passed tests for translation, torque, heating and signal loss.
AltaVita Memory Care Centre in Longmont joined LeadingAge Colorado, Colorado’s largest nonprofit association representing 200-plus providers of aging services. Opened in May 2012, AltaVita is a locally owned and family-oriented memory-care community. The 36,000-square-foot community is located at 800 South Fordham St. and includes 56 private assisted-living suites, with special memory-care services overseen by Dr. Haleh Nekoorad-Long, a certified geriatric psychiatrist.
Private-equity firm Parthenon Capital Partners has made an investment in Louisville-based Envysion Inc., a provider of video surveillance services to retailers. The amount of the investment was not disclosed. Proceeds from the transaction will be used to provide growth capital for Envysion. Parthenon brings expertise in business services, corporate strategy and operations that will help Envysion expand its platform and value proposition for customers, as well as improve operational efficiencies.
Scientists have found that “quantum dots” assemble themselves on minuscule wires, a discovery that could be applied to improving solar cell harvesting and quantum computing in the future, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden. “Quantum dots” are tiny crystals of semiconductive material – in this case with a core of gallium arsenide – that is a few billionths of a meter in diameter. The dots could be used to charge converters for better light harvesting in photovoltaic solar cells, the press release said. They also could be used to detect local electric and magnetic fields.
Simple Energy Inc. in Boulder was chosen as one of 20 companies to participate in National Grid’s smart-grid pilot to create an energy-saving system for 15,000 customers in Worcester, Massachusetts. Simple Energy will offer its online and mobile energy-saving application platform to the project. The platform combines behavioral science research and social game mechanics that encourage energy efficiency.
Boulder-based cancer drug research company Array BioPharma Inc. (Nasdaq: ARRY) reported decreased revenue and an increased loss for the most recent quarter ended Dec. 31. Array reported that revenue for the quarter was $18.4 million, compared with $23.2 million for the same period a year earlier. The company reported that the decline in revenue in the most recent quarter came because of a nonrecurring $28 million license payment in the same quarter a year earlier from its partner Genentech Inc. in Vacaville, California, a wholly owned subsidiary of Roche USA. Array reported a net loss of $10.9 million, or 10 cents per share, for the quarter ended Dec. 31, compared with a net loss of $3.8 million, or 6 cents per share, for the same quarter a year earlier, the press statement said. Research and development expense was $13.9 million in the most recent quarter, compared with a $13.2 million research and development expense for the same quarter a year earlier.
Broomfield-based can and packaging manufacturer Ball Corp. (NYSE: BLL) reported that net earnings for 2012 increased 12 percent from 2011, totaling $483 million. The net earnings translate to $3.06 per diluted share for 2012 compared with $444 million in net earnings, or $2.63 per diluted share in 2011. Revenue was $8.7 billion in 2012, compared with revenue of $8.6 billion in 2011. Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., a Boulder-based division of Ball, reported operating earnings of $86.6 million in 2012, up from $79.6 million in 2011. Revenue was $876.8 million in 2012, up from $784.6 million in 2011.
UQM Technologies Inc., a company based outside Longmont that develops alternative-energy technology, reported that revenue decreased 29 percent from the year before as demand from its largest customer dropped. UQM reported revenue of $1.9 million for its third quarter ending Dec. 31, down from $2.7 million for the same quarter in 2011. That contributed to a net loss of $4.6 million, or 12 cents per common share. UQM lost $800,000, or 3 cents per common share, during the quarter in 2011. Another cause for the loss was lack of shipments to CODA, a California-based electric vehicle manufacturer that signed a major contract with UQM for propulsion systems. UQM incurred a charge of $3.8 million, or 10 cents per common share, to establish an allowance for doubtful accounts for CODA receivables.
Boulder-based surgical-device maker Encision Inc. (PK: ECIA) reported quarterly product revenue of $2.9 million for the quarter ended Dec. 31, a 10 percent increase from product revenue for the same period a year earlier. Encision reported product revenue of $2.7 million for the quarter. Service revenue for the quarter was $100,000, down $379,000 from the $479,000 posted for the same quarter a year earlier.
MWH Constructors Inc. in Broomfield will provide construction management services for the El Toro Water District in Orange County, California. The El Toro Recycled Water Expansion project, valued at $26 million, will consist of three pipeline projects and one water treatment plant expansion. The existing water treatment plant serves communities in South Orange County, including Laguna Hills and Laguna Woods. Construction is to begin early this year, and the project is slated for completion in late 2014.
Louisville-based Envysion Inc., a provider of managed video as a service, was selected as exclusive video provider by Desert De Oro Foods and Preferred Wireless. Desert De Oro, a Yum! Brands franchise, began deploying Envysion Insight in its more than 130 Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC restaurants. Preferred Wireless will leverage Envysion’s video-driven business intelligence to gain greater visibility into the selling techniques in its stores in an effort to drive up-selling efforts, and to audit high-risk transactions to reduce inventory loss.
Intelligent Power & Energy Research Corp. of Colorado selected Workshop8 to design the interior of its new office and research space at 4321 Mulligan Drive in Longmont. Joseph Vigil IV will be project architect and Ulla Lange will design the interior. Narvaes Western Construction will be the general contractor.
Boulder-based Workshop8 was hired by Intelligent Power & Energy Research Corp. of Colorado to design the interior of its office at 4321 Mulligan Drive, Longmont. Joseph Vigil IV, AIA, will serve as project architect, and Ulla Lange will provide interior design services. Boulder-based Narvaes Western Construction LLC will be the general contractor.
Boulder-based FreeWave Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of spread spectrum radios, was hired by Hawaiian Electric Co. to install fault circuit indicators, or FCIs, throughout the island of Oahu. The indicators will detect fault data and transmit it in real-time with FreeWave’s wireless data radios. The utility worked with FreeWave and its partner Power Delivery Products Inc., which provided the Smart Navigator FCI sensors, to install a network using FreeWave’s FGR2-PE radios for long-range wireless communications. Deployment started in late 2012 and will continue throughout 2013.
Eco-friendly gear maker Green Guru Gear in Boulder partnered with Minneapolis-based bicycle-repair company Bike Fixtation LLC to acquire blown-out bicycle inner tubes. Green Guru recycles the inner tubes into bike bags and other accessories, which it sells at outdoor retail stores. Green Guru will pay for shipping to have the blown-out inner tubes shipped to Boulder. The two companies each paid an undisclosed amount so Bike Fixtation could build two test recycling boxes.
The North Face presented Boulder-based Satellite Boardshop with a $5,000 award to support activities that encourage people to participate in outdoor sports. Satellite was selected for its commitment and fresh approach to growing board sport participation in Boulder and beyond.
Sound Surgical Technologies LLC, a Louisville-based company that develops and makes surgical and nonsurgical devices used by cosmetic surgeons, has signed a definitive acquisition agreement with a California company for a deal worth $30.5 million. Solta Medical Inc. (Nasdaq: SLTM), which also makes equipment for the “medical aesthetics” market, will acquire SST for $25.5 million in Solta common stock and $5 million in cash, according to a release from the companies. The deal is expected to close before the end of the first quarter.
Louisville-based Zayo Group introduced 100-gigabyte wavelength services on its New York City to Philadelphia and Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. fiber routes. The system will give customers the ability to scale with bandwidth intensive applications beyond speeds currently available. The Northeast Corridor, which connects Washington, D.C. to New York City through Philadelphia, has a concentration of financial, government and large enterprise customers that require high-bandwidth solutions. This represents the company’s first native 100-gigabyte wavelength route.
Louisville-based Real Goods Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: RSOL) is partnering with San Francisco-based Sunrun Inc. on offering residential solar service options in California, Colorado, Massachusetts and New York. Real Goods Solar will design, engineer and manage the installation of residential solar systems, while Sunrun will own, insure, monitor and maintain the equipment.
Lafayette-based Door to Door Organics, a company that provides home-delivery of natural and organic foods, is offering a new service, Door to Door Organics Kitchen, which allows customers to shop online by recipe and have the ingredients delivered. Recipes are provided by local food bloggers and chefs. The recipe database is searchable by categories such as vegan and gluten-free. Website is www.colorado.doortodoororganics.com/.
Deadline to submit items for Business Digest is three weeks prior to publication of each biweekly issue. Mail to Editor, Boulder County Business Report, 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 201, Boulder, CO 80301-2338; fax to 303-440-8954; or email to [email protected] with Business Digest in the subject line. Photos submitted will not be returned. |
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First, an update, since no one who left a review complaining of it has done so: The audio file is intact, not corrupt and contains the full contents of the book. I will assume either there was a download problem, or an issue with the hosted file that has since been corrected.
James Marsters has quickly become my favorite Audible narrator. He nimbly performs a wide cast of characters with many distinct voices, many of which are magical, evil or demons - I wonder how many throat lozenges he goes through a book. This is no dry reading, but a one-man show - mostly spent as Harry Dresden the droll, wise-cracking and sympathetic hero.
The pop culture references sometimes get laid on a little thickly, but they serve to ground Harry in the world as we know it, while he moves equally easily through the fantasy around him.
He is a magical Everyman in a world of intrigue among the heavy hitters of the supernatural world. He is increasingly distrustful of his fellow Wizards, targeted by ticked off vampires, training his new apprentice, worried about his brother the White Court vampire's secretive behavior, while he tries to track down the murderer staging the suicides of local women.
Did I mention the fallen angel in his head trying to corrupt him?
I love these books - There is both lighthearted humor, and darker drama - the characters are never just 'one thing' they all develop into multifaceted personalities and their relationships with Harry keep every book interesting.
With every book Harry seems to pick up a new friend to add to the close knit crew who follow from book to book and add to the depth of the underlying story in the series.
First, let me say that I was turned on to the hard copy books initially and loved the series from the start. Then I started travelling more for work and was nervous about having them in audio format starting with book # 8. No need to worry, it was even better than I could have hoped for. James Marsters does a GREAT job of bringing the story and people to life. His intonations, laughs and accents really help to make this an exciting listen. I have actually found myself driving around the block of my customers locations a few times just to get to the end of a chapter for a stopping point. Just like a book you can't put down. I strongly suggest you start with the books in order, now that they are available, to help understand the story development fully. It is good to watch Harry Dresden grow from the beginning and know where the other players come in at and get the background foundation. I am now up to book # 11 and they just keep getting better. I rate these books as 5 stars due to the story line and the excellent narration. Well done!
I've recently returned from living and working in Alaska. I, my beautiful two dogs, and wonderful three cats travelled together.
There is just something exceptional and magnificent about White Night. Harry Dresden is an Urban Wizard who meets fantastic creatures and has the most mind-blowing adventures that anyone can have in modern (the sci-fi/fantasy version) Chicago.
Harry’s story unfolds in the first-person and usually encompasses an epic grandeur in its scale. White Night is no different. He is a complicated character with many layers to his personality. When you encounter him in White Night you find that you want to find out exactly who he is. There is always something new to learn or experience about him. You know that he is a good person but finding out the many layers of “who” he is becomes more complicated. He is generally for the underdog, the down trodden, and of course there is a soft spot, (or achilles heel), for all women. In White Night we also encounter more of the love he has for his half demon brother, Thomas Raith, and the love his half demon brother has for him. We first met Thomas Raith in Grave Peril, even though we did not yet know that he was related to Harry. The story of Harry and Thomas is captivating. Harry has felt a special kind of loneliness believing himself to have no family until Thomas reveals their shared heritage in Blood Rites. Their story continues here. The fact that they both struggle to know each other and love each other adds a depth to each of their characters that enthralls the reader. It also gives a breadth and depth to both Harry and Thomas that we have not seen previously. It raises the questions in our own lives, if Harry can love his half-demon brother, Thomas, can we not expand our own capacity for love in our own existences.
One of the most entrancing scenes is where Harry almost drowns after being attacked by ghouls on Thomas’ boat, the Water Beetle. His brother, Thomas, dives into the icy water without hesitation, after the ice breaks due to rampaging ghouls and gun fire, (Harry has made it icy with magic to save the women and children who Thomas had gathered to keep safe from the “culling”), and gets him out of the lake and carries him to safety. Harry awakens just for a few moments and knows that he is “safe“ because Thomas “has him.”
One sighs in relief along with Harry after experiencing this scene.In the entanglement between Harry and Thomas, we see shades of Wuthering Heights, both Harry and Thomas mirror the best and the conflicted in each other and in us.
The new characters introduced are interesting but they are not as fascinating as witnessing the further character development of old friends like Karrin Murphy, Mouse, Thomas Raith, Carlos Ramirez, Molly Carpenter and Bob (the skull), if you follow this series. We even come to appreciate Mouse more. Mouse is Harry’s adopted Temple Dog with Foo dog ancestry and has special powers who works at looking like a "regular canine." We first met Mouse in Blood Rites. Mouse does a great deal to keep Harry and those around him safe. In White Night Mouse gains a canine admirer, Toto, a small dog who belongs to Abbey, a new and minor character in this novel. This lends comic relief since Toto in, miniature, is always trying to imitate Mouse. The comic relief is beneficial since in White Night there is death all around, treachery, and a dastardly plot to kill off, serially, the unattached female magical practitioners of Chicago and perhaps the world.
Once again, Harry, and company must stand in the breach between good and evil. He must take the fight for the protection, shelter, and security of those in need to the Conclave of the White Court of Vampires. There the cause is won, just barely, in a magical duel to the death.
White Night is fast paced with moments of heart stopping action. It is simply magnificent. The pros are lyrical. If you follow the series, you welcome back Karrin, Molly, Mouse, Ramirez, and Bob like old friends.
James Marsters has grown with the series. In White Night he gives a near flawless performance that continues to breathe life and drama into our most cherished characters. I highly recommend White Night and the series.
I love the Dresden world, I love the Chicago of his dreams and nightmares, the people and creatures who inhabit it, and I love Harry and his flaws and foibles and victories.
Jim Butcher must be one of the most positive writers on the planet. He's forever finding something interesting and worthwhile in underworld lords, demons, succubi, and anyone else who has blown it bigtime. His stories have an undercurrent of redemption and hope and I find myself smiling whenever I think of these novels with their graphic violence, murder, and mayhem as being feel-good!
But the books take moments to ponder philosophical ideas and complicated problems of pain and suffering and true love and beauty and elevate the standard noir material to something deeper and thoughtful. I love that.
I very occasionally get tired of Harry's drollery when it's in an improbably precarious predicament, and I personally get tired of the drawn out battle scenes, in the same way I do when I watch LOTR or any action film. But those are minor quibbles to a series of characters and events I find appealing and compelling.
This book in particular was one of the best of six books I've read so far. And I've read them out of order which while probably not ideal, hasn't diminished my enjoyment of the series and only vary rarely do I find myself confused by plot because Butcher does a good job of keeping readers up to speed on important history and backdrops.
I've never been much interested in Chicago until I picked up this series!
I would recommend White Night as one of the funnest Dresden books so far. I loved all the humor...my favorite lines coming at his entrance to the White Court gathering. When you listen to that part you will totally know what I mean:) As usual Marsters voice makes Harry bigger than life. I have a friend who has just read the books and I turned my audio book on and she agreed that the Harry in her head sounds just like Marsters. These books keep getting better and better. As long as Marsters continues to narrate the books I will definately keep listening to what happens next in Harry's life.
I like scifi and urban fantasy. I don't like romance novels. If you are the same my reviews should help.
I avoid giving much in the way of plot in these reviews in order to avoid spoiilers. That being said there is a major reveal in this one and a lot of beefing up on Harry's backstory prior to the series. Also, some of the consequences of Harry's previous adventures start to come home to roost in this one. The author's writing continues to improve. You can't go wrong with this one.
I am easily amused!
This is another brilliant book by Jim Butcher. A complex story with familiar characters and some new horrific villians. If you are a fan of urban fantasy this series is as good as it gets. Don't miss it. James Marsters does a fabulous job narrating the book. I have signed hardback copies of many of the books in the series but choose to listen to the audio instead because Harry Dresden is not the same without James Marsters.
I don't think this is the best one. Slow moving. But hey, it's Dresden..
But chapters are out of whack. One minute he is in the lake, thevnext he is in NM. Will try to download again.
Love the series
I was really surprised at how much I liked the Dresden books. They are decently written, but the narration is superb, in my opinion. I was excited when two new books (this and Proven Guilty) came out on Audible. I listened to Proven Guilty in about a week, but when it came to White Night, the file was corrupted in the first 10 minutes. Half of the first chapter was cut out, and then the second chapter has another cut, with some insertion of something further in the book (I assume). This is the second time this has happened to an Audible selection. Considering how much I get from Audible, this is a very good percentage, but still irritating enough to make me comment.
In my opinion this series just gets better and better. The characters more complex and James Marsters's performance is seamless. Every voice portrays the personalities in a way that does not seem like a parody or fake accent. I'm on my way to download the next one now...
"Good books with excellent narration"
I enjoyed the Dresden Files books but started to run out of enthusiasm by the time I reached this book as the series seemed to be getting very dark and gloomy. This one has been unread on my bookshelf for a year. However the audible version has rekindled my enthusiasm. James Marsters is a fantastic reader who brings this series to life with his intelligent interpretation of characters and moods. Over this series he has reduced me to tears and had me laughing out loud. I am noticing subtleties I missed when reading as I can't skim when listening like I do when reading.
This review has said little about the book and plot but you wouldn't be starting this book without knowing the others in the series, stand alone it isn't! I found the atmosphere of this one lighter by the end with a satisfying ending.
love this book, read it previously and now listed to it, James Masters is sooo good too😀
Jim Butcher is a brilliant author, and, James Marsters brings his Dresden Files stories to life in a way that no one else can.
Just love these books, the story keeps building with each instalment, can't wait for the next
"Keep 'em Coming"
Story – 5/5
Butcher has helped open my mind to the genre of Urban fantasy thanks to the Dresden files - and I just can't get enough of them. Not a single one has let me down yet.
At last, we see some of Mouse's talents in this novel - Surely we all knew there was something special about this dog...? Once again, some great humour, some exciting action, and some extremely tense moments - a perfect blend.
Performance – 5/5
James Marsters was perfect again, and really performs this book to enhance the experience for the listener. Distinct voice acting, atmosphere, comedy execution, and excitement – He has it all and is one of the few narrators I provide regular 5-star reviews to.
Overall – 5/5
"Another great Dresden File!"
The perfect match of voice to character/s - James Marsters is a master of the art, making the actual listening a real pleasure.
Jim Butcher has a fairly formulaic approach to the series but each new book develops the characters, advances the story-lines and puts in a spin that keeps everything fresh and interesting. The one liners, the wry, sly humour and the fancy repartee add immensely to the enjoyment of the series. Thank goodness Mr Butcher appears to enjoy writing - keep it up please, we need regular and frequent Harry D Fixes!
"my favourite so far"
This book had it all humour, excitement and a good story line. Brilliant performance by james marster as well.
"Jim Butcher is a well fed vampire..."
...who draws power from others enjoyment of his literary genius.
For that fact James Masters is most probably also one.
The combination of the two make the experience magical.
"A view into the white court"
I love James Marsters narration of the Dresden files novels and White Night doesn't disappoint. The series is taking shape nicely and Dresden is taking shape as a more rounded character.
The showdown in the deeps is beautifully cinematic, showing off just how much Jim Butcher has grown as a writer. Plus the reveal of why Thomas has been so secretive is wonderful.
His voice is just Dresden. He fits thus so well and embodies the whole character so well!
Who's the real killer?
All the Dresden Files are wonderful band thus is a great addition
Report Inappropriate Content |
|Series :||The Next Generation||Rating :|
|Disc No :||3.3||Episode :||59|
|First Aired :||29 Jan 1990||Stardate :||43510.7|
|Director :||Gabrielle Beaumont||Year :||2366|
|Writers :||Melinda M. Snodgrass||Season :||3|
|Guest Cast :||
|YATI :||This episode shows Riker to be a hypocrite. All through the show he has moaned and grumbled every time Picard wanted to go on an away mission, saying that the Captain's place is on the ship. Well, with Picard gone Riker is in command and what does he do - immediately leads a dangerous away mission into the heart of the terrorist stronghold.|
|Great Moment :||The creators do a good job of making Flinn an interesting and even sympathetic character, despite being morally reprehensible.|
|Body Count :||One guard shot and possibly killed in the teaser. Three dead and four wounded on the Enterprise during the terrorist attack, and one terrorist killed in the attack on the Ansata base.|
|Factoid :||This story was originally supposed to parallel the US war of independence, but the creators decided to change it into Northern Ireland instead.|
Back on the ship Data reports that he can find no trace of the missing Doctor on the sensors. Worf reports his impression that the entire attack was specifically directed at abducting Crusher. When Riker wonders why this might be since the Federation is not involved in the conflict, Worf points out that as a result of the abduction, it is now.
Crusher is confined in a terrorist base where she meets their leader, Kyril Finn. He tries to talk to her and offers her food, but she remains silent and uncooperative.
On the Enterprise Picard speculates that the Ansata terrorists may be holding Crusher as a bargaining chip of some sort. He explains that he and Riker are going to meet the head of Rutian security, Alexana Devos, to get more information on the situation. Wesley wants to go along but Picard asks him to remain on the ship and work on analyzing whatever method of transport the terrorists are using.
Unfortunately Devos can offer little help; the terrorists are not known for taking hostages and she has no idea what they might want. She is pessimistic about the situation; the terrorists are using some new transporter technology that seems impossible to track or block. She agrees to give them access to what research they have on the technology, and wonders if they might not have better luck fighting the terrorists with some advanced Federation weapons. Picard flatly refuses on the grounds that it would violate the Prime Directive, something she reluctantly accepts. Picard beams back up, leaving Riker to talk further.
At the terrorist base Finn comes to see Crusher again, removing her bonds and confessing that it is bothering him that she won't eat. She begins to eat, and finally starts to talk to Finn by asking him why he kidnapped her. Finn says that the terrorists need a doctor, one better than the Rutians have, and that as the Chief Medical officer on the Federation flagship he knew she would be better. He asks why Starfleet is helping the Rutians, which Crusher denies. Finn takes her to a room filled with sick terrorists and asks her to treat them.
Back at Rutian security Riker is reading a long list of suspects. Devos tells him that most are probably innocent - she estimates that the organization has around 200 members, with about 5,000 more that supply weapons, information, cause riots, etc. She tells him a little of the history; the government denied the Ansata independence about 70 years ago, which created an armed conflict. She claims that this now serves more as an excuse than anything. When Riker questions how bad it can be she tells him about a recent event in which a school shuttle bus was bombed, killing 60 children. Although the Ansata claimed that it was a mistake, their real target was a police transport that would still have killed dozens. On that day she vowed to put an end to terrorism.
Crusher works with an Ansata boy to treat the sick, but she rapidly realises there is little she can do but try and make them comfortable. She wonders at the cause, and Finn explains that the transporter they are using, which he calls an "inverter", has been a great boon to their movement, but that it also causes them to become sick and die. He seems somewhat indifferent to the idea, stating that one dead martyr is worth ten posturing leaders.
Data and Wesley work on the transporter problem, and Wesley remembers something called "the Elway Theorem", a form of dimensional shifting which is potentially traceable. Data reports that the technology would cause genetic damage to the user, prompting Picard to comment that it sounds like the terrorists may have need of a Doctor.
As Devos interrogates suspects Riker ponders on what the conflict is doing to this society. She points out that her methods are a good deal less harsh than her predecessor; under him suspects were known to be taken into custody and simply vanish, never to be heard from again. She points out that the bomb which killed the school children was planted by a child, and comments that on a planet where children blow up children, everybody is a threat.
At the base, Finn and Crusher argue about his goals and methods. Finn considers himself comparable to any other person who fights for their independence, citing Earth's George Washington. She points out the Washington was a military general not a terrorist, which he claims is purely a matter of subjective interpretation. He asks how many innocent lives were lost obtaining peace within the Federation, and accuses her of hypocrisy for enjoying the peace they obtained with violence and bloodshed whilst condemning him for doing the same thing. He argues that he is willing to die for the freedom of his people, and that in the finest tradition of the Federation he is also willing to kill for it, too.
Riker observes more interrogations and finally becomes fed up with it. He grabs a suspect and issues a forceful message; the Federation is willing to negotiate over the terms of Dr. Crusher's release. Despite a protest from Devos he states that he is willing to deal and has the man released with the message. Devos agrees, stating angrily that all she wants is to see an end to the violence so she can go home and live in peace herself.
On the Enterprise Data is working tot rack the dimensional shifts, but reports that it will take several more jumps before he is able to track the device down - he is uncertain of exactly how many. He asks Picard about the track record of terrorism, commenting on the successes it has achieved and wondering if that makes it justified. Picard can offer him no easy answers.
Riker's message arrives with Finn, alongside news of the round up of suspects. Angry, Finn assumes that the Federation pressured the Rutian government into a crackdown, taking sides against him. He tells Crusher she will not be released until she finds a cure, and when she tells him her son is waiting for her on the Enterprise he shows regret, stating that he is going to destroy the ship.
Ansata terrorists transport onto the Enterprise, shooting their way into engineering and planting a bomb on the warp core before transporting away. Geordi is able to detach the device and it is beamed off the ship just before it explodes. Finn and another terrorist transport onto the bridge, exchanging fire with Worf and grabbing Picard before transporting away.
At the terrorist base Picard and Crusher are reunited, both of them now prisoners of the terrorists.
Riker and Devos beam up to the Enterprise, finding several dead and wounded in the aftermath of the attack, including Worf who was amongst the injured. Geordi states that it was a close run thing; another instant and the whole ship would have been destroyed. Riker cannot understand why the ship would be attacked when all he did was ask to talk. Devos pointedly states that now he has his answer. However, Wesley can offer some good news - it should only take one more use of the dimensional shift to track down the location of the device.
Picard updates Crusher on what has happened, praising Wesley for his work on tracking the dimension shift technology. The argue a little about how the situation has been handled, and Crusher admits some sympathy for the terrorist movement - prompting Picard to point out that she is arguing for the people who very nearly killed her son. When Finn returns Picard tells him he has made a big mistake if he thinks Starfleet will sit by after an attack on the flagship; Finn claims Starfleet is already involved since they give medical supplies to the government, and that he wants to force them to take an active part in the conflict. He believes that sooner or later the Federation will get sick of their involvement and pressure the Rutians into a compromise, where everybody will get to save face - but he will win.
Finn transports back to the Enterprise to deliver his terms to Troi; an embargo and trade sanctions on Rutia, with a blockade of the planet enforced by Starfleet. He transports out again within seconds; this provides Wesley and Data with the information needed to locate the dimensional shifter, in a cavern 30 metres underground with no access to the surface. They agree a plan; disable the power system down there and the place will be plunged into darkness, and they can use the distraction to rescue their people.
Finn talks with Crusher, stating that he may have to kill Picard before too long. She pleads with him to reconsider, telling him how terrified she is; he replies only that fear makes for a pretty good weapon. Crusher says that the real danger here is a that a person so committed to violence and hatred might actually win real power. Finn sighs and offers her a notebook he has been doodling in, saying that she need not fear him; she find it covered in drawings of herself, realizing that Finn is strongly attracted to her.
A combined Federation/Rutian team beams down to the base, knocking out two terrorists and taking up positions ready to attack. As they move into position Picard asks Crusher if she has managed to win Finn's confidence, and is heartened to see the pictures he has drawn, thinking it could give them an advantage. At that moment the lights go out as the team attack. The terrorists are quickly overwhelmed, but Finn runs in to shoot Picard. He hesitates, possibly about to fire, possibly not - but before we can find out Devos shoots him in the back, killing him. Riker points out that she didn't need to kill him, she could have just stunned him instead, but she points out that as a prisoner he would be a focal point for more violence as his followers tried to break him out. This way he is a martyr, but the death toll may drop at least for a short while - an imperfect solution for an imperfect world.
Suddenly an Ansata child appears, holding a weapon on Devos. Crusher approaches the child, who has been working with her to help the sick, and begs him not to kill anybody. he finally decides to lower the weapon and is captured. Devos morosely observes that it didn't take long for another to appear in Finn's place, but Riker points out that the boy did not fire when he could have, and that perhaps that is a sign that things can change.
Back on the Enterprise Wesley and Crusher are reunited and the ship leaves the planet.
In the end, though, the episode really has nowhere to go once it's laid that out. Yes, terrorism is bad, yes, conflicts that include terrorism are bad. But then everything gets pretty much wrapped up or discarded at the end. Picard makes the point early on that having a lot of power can be of no use when faced with terrorism; yet the ultimate solution is that they use their great technological power to overcome the terrorists. So is that the message here, that we can beat the terrorists if we just try hard enough? It seems to be, but I suspect that's not what they had in mind. Then again, once Finn is dead Devos comments that the conflict will go on, and more will inevitably take his place; so is that the message, that such conflicts have no possible ending or resolution? Again, not really what they seemed to have in mind. Then at the end the kid puts his gun down and Riker says that could be the beginning of peace, when the terrorists stop fighting. Well okay, it's a nice "fluffy bunny" moment, but there's no real reason why the kid put his gun down beyond that Crusher worked with him earlier and he liked her. Somehow I don't think "end terrorism - hug a terrorist" is the message here either. In fact the only message that seems to be on offer is "terrorism is bad", which... well, didn't we all know that already?
Apparently the original plot was to be a representation of the American revolution, with Romulan rebels being put down by Picard, only for Picard to eventually realize that he was the bad guy in all this. A lot of the writers really didn't like the changes and were unimpressed with how it ended up - Ronald D. Moore even called it "an abomination." Personally I rather liked it, though I can see why people didn't.
Okay, personal opinion time. I might get letters over this (nah, I used to get letters about DITL but nowdays not really), but I'm going to talk about perspectives here. This episode was famously "banned" when it came out in the UK. I put banned in quotes because there wasn't any kind of concerted attempt to stop people seeing it as such, it was just that at the time Trek had always been shown on the "government owned but generally independent" BBC, and the BBC declined to show this episode. Nobody tried to say that others couldn't show it, but at the time we didn't have the plethora of channels that we do now, so not showing it pretty much meant that few people would see it.
The reason was Data's reference to the "Irish reunification" as an example of a successful terrorism campaign. Now I'm British, and at the time the IRA was shooting people and setting bombs off in Northern Ireland pretty regularly, and doing so in the mainland on occasion. And at the time, the IRA was largely funded with American money, and enjoyed some measure of popular support in the US. In that context, having an American show make that announcement, whilst not exactly a huge deal, was considered a bit uncalled for. Personally it didn't bother me; I laughed when I heard it and thought "that'll be the day" - and looking back, I can't help but feel justified in thinking so. Still, part and parcel of sci fi is to take a look at present day situations and predict what will happen. Whilst I may or may not think the predictions are good ones, I certainly have no issue myself with them doing so.
Still, I have to wonder. The American attitude to that conflict came from a perspective where such things happened only to other people. Today... given recent history, I wonder how Americans would feel if an episode of Doctor Who came out where he made casual mention that Al Qaeda had defeated America and destroyed Israel in 2035. Would it be banned? No, I'm sure it wouldn't be. Would it be controversial? Controversial enough that a broadcaster might choose to edit it, or not show the episode? I wonder how it would have played if they had aired it a few weeks after 9/11...
In the end, I can't say I condemn this episode; I rather like it.
|Copyright Graham Kennedy||Page views : 9,998||Last updated : 12 Mar 2013| |
Following is list of donation links, relief resources, organizations and individuals working to support flood victims of Pakistan.
If you are willing to contribute, or know somebody who can help, please contact the following. You can also leave a comment, or check this page for updates on flood situation in Pakistan.
How you can help:
Besides sending cash through below mentioned charity organizations, you can support by providing following commodities. Please do not donate old/expired stuff. Make sure edible items are hygienic and properly packed.
- Clothing: Clothes of various sizes, Beddings, Shoes
- Utensils: Jerricans (large plastic cans that hold 20 liters of water or other liquids), Crockery, Buckets
- Toiletries: Tissues, Soaps, Dettol (antibacterial cleaners), Towels
- Food: Rice, Sugar, Flour (Atta), Onions, Potatoes, Cooking oil, Tea, Milk (tetra packs or powder), Safe drinking water, Cooked Food
- Water purification tablets.
- Life saving drugs.
- Vaccines for malaria, cholera, typhoid, influenza.
- Pain killers including strong ones like morphine derivatives, tremadol, pethadine, kinz .
- Antibiotics e.g. tetnus, amoxil, gentamycin.
- IV cannulas
- IV Drip sets
- IV drips: normal saline, ringerlactate
- Local anesthetics (injections)
- Cotton bandages, cotton.
- Surgical instruments: e.g needle holders, forceps, tweezers.
- Suturing materials, Skin staples.
Charity Organizations in Pakistan:
Al-Khidmat Foundation: Donate here.
Edhi Foundation: Donate here.
TCF Relief Fund for Flood Victims: [contact link]
SUNGI: [Flood Donation Appeal – PDF]
Pakistan Red Crescent Society: PRCS has offices in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Muzaffarabad. [Contact Information]
Plan International: donation link for Pakistan.
Renowned journalist and anchor person, Syed Talat Hussain has established a relief fund with his colleague Kashif Abbasi. You can donate to them, through the following means:
Title of Account: Syed Talat Hussain/ Kashif Abbasi
Account No: 0516616341000689
Bank: Muslim Commercial Bank
Branch: Stock Exchange Branch, Blue Area, Islamabad
Branch Code: 1390
For further details:
SMS: +92-347-5023842, +92-301–5473521
Karachi Relief Trust: Working in Nowshera (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Sindh. [donation link]
The Mahvash and Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation (MJSF): collecting donations for flood relief. [donation link].
Shehzad Roy and Zindagi Trust: [donation link]
Sindh Tarqi Pasand Party (STP) had established around 20 relief camps from Kashmore to Karachi. Most of the flood’s victims, who had come from Thul and Jacobabad, were now living in public schools located in Sachal Goth, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town. There were at least 5,000 flood victims in Sachal Goth alone. The STP has installed relief camps in Bin Qasim, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Gadap, Lyari, Korangi, Malir and Keamari Town for the flood survivors in Karachi. STP is collecting milk for children, clean drinking water, and clothes, ready to cook food and medicines at the moment and distributing it among the people living in camps in Karachi, Hyderabad as well as people stranded in flooded areas.
To make your donation please call Mr. Ali Hasan Chandio +923458097712 or Dr. Abdul Hameed Memon +923003028588
10th Floor,PRC Towers, M.T. Khan Road,
Phone No. 021- 111-369-111 Cell No. 0334-3118852
Meezan Bank PNSC Branch Karachi
A/C Title: Foresight Foundation Trust
A/c No: 02000001552
Bank Code: 0101
Help In A Box: Initiative to Support Flood Victims of Pakistan
Gandhara Flood Relief Fund: working in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Donate vis SMS:
- SMS “FUND” to 1234 to donate PKR 10 in the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
- SMS “D” to 247 to donate PKR 10 to the Express Helpline Trust for flood relief. (Updated)
- Text “FLOOD” to 27722 to support victims in Pakistan.
- Text “PUKAAR” to 4361 to donate to Imran Khan’s Flood Relief efforts.
Procedure of sending Relief Goods through PIA
International Charity Organizations:
UNHCR: Donate here. You can also mail your donations to UNHCR:
Private Sector Fundraising
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
Plan International: Select donation link for your country.
Islamic Help (England):
If you are in a country other than the UK, you can go into any bank in the world and quote the following International Bank Account:
Number (IBAN) and Branch Identifier Code (BIC)
IBAN: GB 72 MIDL 404212 41687425
Charity Organizations By Country:
UNICEF Flood Appeal: Donation Link
UNHCR Canada: Donation Link
Canadian Red Cross [donation link]
Muslim Welfare Center (Toronto): [donation link]
Human Concern International (Canada): [donation link]
World Vision Canada: [donation link]
Donate vis SMS (Canada):
- Canadian wireless subscribers: Text “REDCROSS” to 30333 to donate $10 to the Canadian Red Cross.
APPEC– Association of Pakistanis for Promotion of Education & Cooperation: [Donation Link]
Aktion Deutschland Hilft, the alliance of relief organisations, urgently requests donations for the people in Pakistan:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft
Reference: Floods in Pakistan
Donations account: 10 20 30, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft,
Bank code: 370 205 00
Donations hotline: 0900 55 102030 or online at this link.
Charity SMS: Send a SMS with Pakistan to 8 11 90 (For Germany Only)
(€5 plus usual SMS fee of which go to Aktion Deutschland Hilft €4.83)
Save the Children: [donation link]
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is appealing to the New Zealand public for funds to support flood relief work in Pakistan. Donations to Caritas’ Pakistan emergency relief can be made by:
Phoning 0800 22 10 22 to make credit card donations
Phoning 0900 4 11 11 to donate $20 from your phone account
Donating online using a credit card at >www.caritas.org.nz
Posting to Caritas, PO Box 12193, Thorndon, Wellington 6144, New Zealand.
Pakistan Association Dubai:
Contacts: Anas: 04-3373632, 3377678; Inayat Rahman: 050-6317131; Ayub Afridi: 050-4545106;Khayal Zaman Aurakzai: 050-6287655; Ghazi Marjan Aurakzai: 050-6469910; Asam-u-Din Aurakzai: 050-7144992.
Islamic Help (England): You can make a cheque/postal order made payable to ‘Islamic Help’ and send it to:
Islamic Help 19 Ombersley Road Balsall Heath Birmingham B12 8UR
Please do not send cash in the post and please do not forget to write your name and address on a piece of paper.
Bank: You can put money directly in their bank account
Name: Islamic Help
Account No: 41687425
Sort Code: 40-42-12
Muslim Aid (England): Send a cheque or postal order made payable to ‘Muslim Aid’, together with a note of your name and address to:
Muslim Aid, P O Box 3, London, E1 1WP
Donate directly to their bank account:
Name of the Muslim Aid Bank: LLOYDS TSB
Address of the Muslim Aid Bank:
To donate in pound sterling £
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DONATION AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 01436818
Iban (outside UK): GB25 LOYD 3094 2101 436818
To donate in euros
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID- EURO AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 86151365
Iban (outside UK): GB42 LOYD 3094 2186 151365
To donate in dollars $
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DOLLAR AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 12044226
Iban (outside UK): GB75 LOYD 3094 2112 044226
Muslims Hands: NGO in England. [donation link]
IRC (The International Rescue Committee): For donations from UK.
World Vision UK responds to Pakistan floods: [donation link]
Oxfam accepting donations online for flood victims of Pakistan. [donation link]
The James Caan Foundation [online donation link]
Donate via Post:
The James Caan Foundation,
23 Grosvenor Street, London W1K 4QL
Bank Transfer to:
Please Specify Account Name: James Caan Foundation
Bank Name: Natwest
Sort Code: 60-30-06
Account number: 90213319
Donate vis SMS (UK):
- Text ‘GIVE’ to 70707 to donate £5
- (Oxfam) Readers in the United Kingdom can send donations through text messaging as well. To donate by text message, text ‘DONATE’ to 70066 to give £5
Islamic Relief USA: Donate here.
UNICEF: Donate here
United Nation’s World Food Programme: Donations are tax deductible for number of countries. [donation link]
International Medical Corps: donate here.
IRC (The International Rescue Committee): donate here.
U.S. Fund for UNICEF: [online donation link]
To donate $10 via mobile phone: text FLOODS to 864233
DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal: [donation link]
Doctors without Borders: [donation link]
mGive Mobile Donation Campaigns: [link here]
Give2Asia Pakistan Flood Relief Fund: [donation link]
Donate vis SMS (USA):
- Hillary Clinton announced that Americans could text the word “SWAT” to the number 50555 to donate $10 per SMS message to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to provide tents, clothing, food, clean water and medicine to Pakistan. |
The Jaguars and Buccaneers both finally got off the snide this week, allowing the 2008 Detroit Lions to celebrate their incredible winless season for at least one more year.
The Chiefs were on bye, meaning their perfect record will remain intact for at least one more week — two meetings with the Broncos in three weeks should change that. Denver and Seattle both improved their near-perfect campaigns, moving to 8-1 on the season. And the turmoil in Miami finally boiled over as Richie Incognito didn’t just sit down for a revealing interview, but the Dolphins also suffered their fifth loss — on the field at least — in the last six games at the hands of previously winless Tampa Bay no less.
The parity continues to rage on, although it is beginning to wane. There are now 16 teams with a .500 record or better, and only six of them exist in the AFC through Week 10. Five other teams are hanging around the playoff picture, just one win away from an even record, but none seem like viable threats right now.
Ed Reed got released, Jay Cutler went down again and so much more happened over the past week. So, lets dive in and take a look at what other observations there were to take away from Week 10.
Editor’s Note: Each week, I’ll break down 10 thoughts from around the NFL in the NESN.com “First and 10.” That being said, here are 10 more thoughts from around the NFL after another week of football.
1. Ed Reed’s impact — The Texans cut ties with Ed Reed on Tuesday, subjecting him to the 32 teams on the waiver wire. Reed went unclaimed, as teams didn’t want to pay his $412,000 salary the rest of the season, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t interest in signing the nine-time Pro Bowler. Reed, if he wants to continue playing, of course, will wind up on a roster somewhere for the remainder of the season. Where he ends up will be the interesting part.
The Colts, Patriots, Saints and Ravens, with whom he spent 11 seasons, all seem to be likely fits, but that doesn’t mean he’ll make an impact. The Texans might not exactly be playoff contenders right now, but Reed was released for a reason. He hasn’t been playing much in Houston because he’s either not fully healthy or he just can’t do what he used to. Either way, he would be good depth for a contender and should at least add some value in leadership to a contender’s locker room.
2. Patriots are unbeatable off the bye — Since the start of the Bill Belichick era in New England back in 2000, the Patriots are almost unbeatable with an extra week of preparation. They are 10-3 off the bye week since Belichick took over in 2000, and they’ve won nine of their last ten games coming off the bye week. That doesn’t bode well for a red-hot Carolina team.
The Panthers are winners of five straight and the second hottest team in the NFL to maybe only the 9-0 Chiefs. With an extra week to prepare for Cam Newton and the Panthers’ top-ranked run defense, Belichick should have the Patriots ready to go come Monday night. The fact that the Panthers are the early favorite to win the game should only light even more of a fire under Tom Brady and company, too.
3. Learn the name — Tavon Austin. As if you didn’t already know who he was, every NFL fan was exposed to Austin on Sunday. The Rams’ rookie receiver put on an absolute show in Indianapolis, taking a punt back 98 yards for a touchdown before catching a pair of 50-plus yard touchdowns to more than double his touchdown total for the season. With the effort, Austin became the first player in NFL history to return a punt for a touchdown and have two 50-plus yard receiving scores. It might seem like an odd stat on the surface, but given his speed and skills the unusual and unexpected should become something of a trend with Austin.
4. Peyton will give KC fits — The Chiefs’ defense has been dominant this season, leading the NFL in scoring defense and sacks, but they’ve done so against some mediocre opponents. The Broncos, who play Kansas City on Sunday, will be the first team above .500 that the Chiefs play all season. Both the Cowboys and Eagles are 5-5, but none of the Chiefs’ first-nine opponents have a winning record. The quarterbacks that they’ve face have also been a group of listless hacks for the most part. Eli Manning, Michael Vick and Tony Romo are the only quarterbacks they’ve faced who have made a Pro Bowl, meanwhile, five of the 10 quarterbacks they’ve faced this season began the year as backups — Chad Henne, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Case Keenum, Jason Campbell and Jeff Tuel.
This week they’ll finally get a true test to see if this defense is for real when they square off against arguably the hottest quarterback in football right now in Peyton Manning. Even an injured Manning, who appears to have some bad ankle issues, will offer them more of a challenge than Eli, Romo or anyone else has already. I’d bet that the Broncos break that under-17 points streak this week, and maybe even give the Chiefs their first loss of the season.
5. Kaepernick desperately needs Crabtree —Sunday was Colin Kaepernick‘s 16th game as a starter in the NFL, and his numbers aren’t all that impressive. After throwing for 230 yards per game, 10 touchdowns and just three interceptions in seven starts in 2012, Kaepernick’s production has taken a steep fall this season. He has averaged just 157 yards per game and thrown nine touchdowns to six interceptions in nine games this season. A big cause for those struggles, though, might be Michael Crabtree‘s absence.
Kaepernick has completed touchdown passes to just two receivers this season, Anquan Boldin (two) and Vernon Davis (seven). All 31 other NFL teams have at least four receivers with touchdown catches on the year. Crabtree, who was Kaepernick’s favorite target last season and into the playoffs, is expected to return very soon. He will offer Kaepernick some more variety and maybe reignite an otherwise stagnant passing game.
6. No Incognito/Martin missed in running game — The Dolphins are a hot mess right now, and not only off the field either. They let the Buccaneers manhandle them all night on Monday, especially up front in the trenches. Without Richie Incognito or Jonathan Martin on the field, the Dolphins were unable to open up holes for running backs Lamar Miller or Daniel Thomas. The Dolphins managed just two yards rushing on the night, which is not just a franchise low but also a show of just how dire a situation the team is in up front.
7. Bengals can’t win with Dalton — The Bengals still have one of the best defenses in the NFL. That’s not even a debate at this point. What they need is a reliable quarterback, though.
Andy Dalton looked like he had finally turned a corner in Weeks 6, 7 and 8, throwing 11 touchdowns and just two interceptions in that span and moving the Bengals’ offense at an efficient clip. Since then, Dalton has struggled mightily with accuracy issues and has even thrown just two touchdowns to six interceptions over the last two weeks. Maybe he can rectify things again before the playoffs, but, considering his struggles in the postseason each of the last two years, Cincinnati has to wonder if he’s the right guy to lead them.
8. Eagles better with Foles than Vick — The Eagles’ offense was rolling at a crazy pace with Michael Vick under center to start the season. Since he went down with a hamstring injury, they’ve taken on a different identity as more of a pass-first team, but they’ve also been surprisingly more effective.
Nick Foles is running the Philly offense at an impressive clip, including 16 touchdowns and zero interceptions on the year. He’s been even more effective with his deep passing, hitting on seven touchdown passes of 15 yards or more over the last two games, which is more than any other quarterback in the NFL during that span. He’s really sparked a fire on offense for the Eagles and the viability of the passing game has given LeSean McCoy even more space to work with on the ground.
9. Indy still has some growing up to do — Three weeks ago, the Colts looked like the best team in the NFL. After an ugly loss to the Rams on Sunday, there are some serious questions about their ability to win in the playoffs.
Andrew Luck has shown more than enough poise and fortitude in leading comeback win after comeback win, but Indy as a whole still seems like an inexperienced bunch without the will necessary to get it done in January. Wins over the Broncos, 49ers and Seahawks are impressive, but losses to the Rams, Dolphins and an ugly showing against the Raiders raise some eyebrows about their viability. They have some serious growing up to do before the postseason, if they have any hopes of making it to New York.
10. More Like the NFC Best — If I’m a playoff contender right now, the last thing I want to do is see a NFC West team on my upcoming schedule. Not only is arguably the NFL’s best team, the Seahawks, within its walls, but the NFC West also boasts the reigning Super Bowl runner-up and two severely underrated defensive units in the Rams and Cardinals.
The Cardinals (5-4) and Rams (4-6) may not seem like prime playoff contenders, but they’re much better than they appear. The Cards have already beaten the Lions and red-hot Panthers this season, meanwhile the Rams just put a spanking on the Colts. The Seahawks and 49ers still hold two of the best defenses in football as well as the talented young quarterbacks necessary to win on offense. At this point, it’s hard to make a case that any other NFL division is better than this. |
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The high waters of the Allegheny River flow along the 10th Street Bypass last week. Public water suppliers in Pittsburgh and elsewhere in the region are concerned about higher levels of bromide in rivers and streams as natural gas drilling increases.
By Don Hopey Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Ballooning bromide concentrations in the region's rivers, occurring as Marcellus Shale wastewater discharges increase, is a much bigger worry than the risk of high radiation levels, public water suppliers say.
Unlike radiation, which so far has shown up at scary levels only in Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing wastewater sampling done at wellheads, the spike in salty bromides in Western Pennsylvania's rivers and creeks has already put some public water suppliers into violation of federal safe drinking water standards.
Others, like the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, haven't exceeded those limits but have been pushed up against them. Some have had to change the way they treat water.
Bromide is a salty substance commonly found in seawater. It was once used in sedatives and headache remedies like Bromo-Seltzer until it was withdrawn because of concerns about toxicity. When it shows up at elevated levels in freshwater, it is due to human activities. The problem isn't so much the bromide in the river but what happens when that river water is treated to become drinking water.
Bromide facilitates formation of brominated trihalomethanes, also known as THMs, when it is exposed to disinfectant processes in water treatment plants. THMs are volatile organic liquid compounds.
Studies show a link between ingestion of and exposure to THMs and several types of cancer and birth defects.
"Our biggest concerns are about bromide, which has become a problem over the last six months or so," said Stanley States, water quality manager with the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, which draws water from the Allegheny River for its 400,000 customers. "Trihalomethanes are strictly regulated because of the health risks. We've seen levels that are threatening the standards."
The federal safe drinking water standard for THMs is 80 micrograms per cubic liter, and removing them from finished drinking water is difficult. Keeping bromide levels in raw water sources low is a much easier way to address the problem.
Mr. States said the elevated bromide levels in the river could be coming from municipal sewage treatment plants and brine treatment plants handling Marcellus Shale drilling and hydrofracking wastewater or from discharges by coal-fired power plants water discharges. He said four municipal sewage facilities and four brine treatment plants are handling and discharging Marcellus Shale wastewater upriver from Pittsburgh's drinking water intake pipe in Aspinwall.
"Something's changed and it could possibly be related to the treating of Marcellus Shale drilling wastewater," Mr. States said. "There will be a lot more Marcellus Shale wells operating in the region before there are a whole lot less and our concern is in providing safe drinking water. We're not anti-Marcellus Shale. We're anti-bromide."
Problem through the region
Pittsburgh is not alone. The Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority issued a notice to its customers in January informing them of the bromide problem and said it was necessary to change its water treatment methods to stay in compliance with state and federal drinking water standards.
"Due to the sudden increase in bromide concentration in the Allegheny River, all water suppliers are beginning to have a problem controlling this trihalomethane formation," the authority wrote on its Web page. "All water purveyors on the Allegheny River System are working together to try and find out the source of the elevated bromide levels."
Mr. States said a study is under way on the Allegheny River and its tributaries to identify sources of bromide in the river.
The Department of Environmental Protection is participating in that river sampling study and another in the Monongahela River watershed.
Katy Gresh, a DEP spokeswoman, said the department plans to order the industrial brine plants, sewage treatment facilities and coal-powered power plants on the rivers to conduct sampling at their discharge pipes.
"We will get and review those results," Ms. Gresh said. "If we can control the largest contributors, that will help solve the problem."
Jeanne VanBriesen, a Carnegie Mellon University professor of civil and environmental engineering, said testing there showed an unusual spike in bromide levels in July and August. Although they've tapered a bit since then, they remain higher than normal, said Ms. VanBriesen, who has been studying water quality in the Monongahela River since fall 2009.
She said the two biggest sources of bromide in the watershed are Marcellus wastewater from sewage treatment facilities and wastewater from new smokestack scrubbers at coal-fired power plants. The plants cannot remove the bromide in wastewater.
Bromide levels vary in discharges from both sources, but bromide is generally found at higher concentrations in Marcellus wastewater.
"It's difficult to make a definitive statement about where it's all coming from, but we do know it's going into our drinking water treatment plants and affecting the treatment of our water," Ms. VanBriesen said. "The most logical way to fix that is to reduce the amount of bromide in the rivers and creeks."
Millions of gallons
Marcellus Shale drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations use an average of 4 million gallons of water to drill and "frack" each well. The drilling industry says it recycles approximately 70 percent of the wastewater from its well fracking operations, but millions of gallons are still funneled through 11 sewage treatment facilities and five brine treatment plants, then discharged into the state's rivers and streams.
Together, the eight facilities on the Allegheny and its tributaries are allowed to discharge an average of 1.5 million gallons of Marcellus drilling wastewater and hydraulic fracturing fluid a day, according to state Department of Environmental Protection records. Marcellus discharges from three treatment facilities on the Monongahela River total 185,000 gallons a day. Another 650,000 gallons a day flow into the Ohio and its tributaries.
Drilling companies and the Marcellus Shale Coalition, an advocacy and lobbying organization representing most of the companies doing shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania, said the industry isn't to blame for higher bromide levels.
"When you look at the amount of Marcellus Shale wastewater that is being discharged it's low" compared to the river flows, said Matt Pitzarella, a spokesman for Range Resources. "So those [bromide] increases are not an impact of Marcellus Shale." Range Resources recycled 90 percent of its wastewater last year and has set a goal of 100 percent for 2011.
"We certainly see this as a non-Marcellus issue," said Steve Forde, a shale coalition spokesman, who cited a 2010 U.S. Geological Survey study that noted higher bromide levels nationwide, especially in urban areas. "Road salt use has been identified as one of the culprits for that."
Ms. VanBriesen said that's not likely because road salt contains more chloride and little bromide, and her water testing didn't find a corresponding spike in chloride levels. Plus the bromide spike in the rivers first occurred in the summer.
"So to implicate road salt, well, I wouldn't buy that," she said. "The bromide spike happened in July and August when you wouldn't be applying road salt. So that wasn't a factor."
Changing treatment process
Whatever the origin of the bromide spike, Jerry Schulte, manager of source water protection for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, said bromide is "absolutely an issue" for water treatment plants.
"We've identified bromide as a compound of concern," Mr. Schulte said, adding that ORSANCO's triennial review of pollution control standards in April will focus on developing a new, first-time standard for bromide in the watershed.
Discharges of bromides and bromide levels in rivers or streams are not now regulated by ORSANCO or by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The Josephine brine treatment facility, also known as Franklin Brine, on Blacklick Creek in the Allegheny's watershed, discharges an average of 120,000 gallons a day of Marcellus wastewater that, at peak levels, contains high concentrations of bromide, chlorides and total dissolved solids, according to sampling done by the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Healthy Environments and Communities.
"There's pretty high bromide going into the creek. Certainly it is a public health threat," said Conrad Dan Volz, director of the Center for Healthy Environments and Communities. "And to remove brominated THMs, that's going to break the bank for public water systems."
Water treatment plants can get around the bromide problem by changing their treatment methods -- substituting chloramines for the chlorides they normally use in the disinfection process. That's what the Wilkinsburg-Penn water authority did.
The chloramines produce different, less toxic, treatment byproducts, but those can produce other problems, including causing lead and copper to leach out of old water pipelines and into drinking water as happened in Washington, D.C., when it made such a switch in 2000.
Ms. VanBriesen said water utilities making such a change can add phosphate to their finished water to prevent lead from leaching out of the pipes.
Another way to avoid THMs, she said, is to change the way water utilities mix, aerate and store their finished water, and a number of suppliers are considering that.
One water treatment facility that has had problems with keeping THM concentrations in finished water below the 80 parts per billion federal standard is Beaver Falls, in Beaver County, which was required to notify its 50,000 customers in 22 municipalities of the problem for the first three quarters of 2010.
The authority changed its treatment methods, from chlorine to chloramines, which don't form THMs, at a cost of approximately $15,000 last year. That allowed the water supplier to meet the standard for the last three months of the year, said Jim Riggio, general manager of the water system.
Although testing done by the state DEP hasn't been able to pinpoint a cause of the higher bromide levels in the Beaver River, Mr. Riggio said they coincided with upriver discharges of treated Marcellus Shale fracking wastewater.
"We went from non-detectable levels of bromide to increased levels a couple of years ago," Mr. Riggio said. "When I see the whole frack water thing taking off and the same time we start to have problems, well, until you can tell me different, that's what I assume it is. And it seems like a lot of the water suppliers on the Beaver and Mon rivers had similar problems to what we did."
Correction/Clarification: (Published March 18, 2011) A graphic accompanying a Sunday story on bromide concentrations in area rivers affecting water treatment facilities incorrectly identified the Washington-East Washington Joint Authority as accepting and discharging Marcellus Shale drilling wastewater. It considered doing so but has never accepted drilling wastewater |
Beyond taxonomies: selling services
The MSWeb team started out four years ago with a vision of the very broad but tricky area of taxonomies, and went to work figuring out how they could be built for use on the MSWeb portal. They tested and developed tools and vocabularies that improve content management as well as the searching and browsing of the MSWeb site.
The roots of MSWeb’s success are many. Let’s examine them.
Location, location, location
Because MSWeb is the company’s major intranet portal, just about everyone in the company uses it—94% of all Microsoft employees. The site is large and complex, providing the team with ample challenges and a test bed for trying out new solutions. Additionally, MSWeb’s enterprise-wide prominence has made for an excellent marketing opportunity for the team’s efforts and for information architecture in general.
Indeed, as a candidate site for an information architecture redesign, MSWeb is the ultimate low-hanging fruit: highly visible, frequently used by many in the company, rich in valuable content, important to management, and, finally, managed by an enlightened team that was aware of information architecture. You couldn’t ask for a better showcase for the value of good information architecture.
Helping where it hurts
Every information architecture project ultimately has two audiences: users and site managers/owners. It’s important to make both audiences happy, and the best way to do so is to fix what hurts.
The MSWeb team intentionally selected a major area—search—that would greatly benefit both users and managers, and designed its taxonomies to specifically improve search performance. Users’ experiences with searching were greatly improved through the integration of Best Bets into search results (more on Best Bets below). And the MSWeb team began to help site managers address search, sometimes by simply providing informal consulting, but also in more concrete ways such as providing a centrally managed crawling and indexing service. By encouraging units to develop resource records, the MSWeb team spawned the creation of a collection of content surrogates that references some of the most valuable content in the Microsoft intranet environment. And once these records were created, they made for great starting points for site crawling—robots simply followed the links embedded in the UCS’s records.
Just as the prominence of MSWeb gained exposure for the team’s efforts, the success of Best Bets validated the MSWeb approach. Both paved the way for improved collaboration between the MSWeb team and many other business units that were players in the Microsoft intranet environment.
From the very start, the MSWeb team has looked for opportunities to develop its taxonomies and tools in a modular and therefore reusable fashion, and package them as services for the rest of the company. In fact, they’ve even branded their offerings as “Search and Taxonomies as a Service” (originally “Search as a Service”—and still referred to as SAS). The SAS console, displayed here, provides an excellent visualization of what SAS offers to its users.
For example, SAS offers access to MSWeb’s taxonomies through the MDR. Other units can manage and store their own taxonomies through the MDR as well, as long as they are willing to share their work. And to ensure quality in their taxonomies, those other business units can take advantage of taxonomy-related consulting services provided by SAS.
Different business units can access taxonomies from the MDR through the SAS console. Or, because the taxonomies are exportable in XML, units can develop their own interfaces, as did Microsoft’s library. This flexibility means that existing tools, homegrown or not, don’t need to be thrown out in favor of MSWeb’s version. Similarly, XML is used to export search results; this enables another unit’s site to leverage the records stored in UCS (assuming that their engine can accommodate XML). Even the MSWeb search interface is exportable, as it’s written using XSL.
As discussed earlier, metadata schema are extensible, in effect allowing different business units to create customized versions of any schema. Records created using those schema are reusable through a highly flexible subscription process. And last but not least, optional crawling and indexing services are also made available by SAS to its client business units.
All of this flexibility leads to a huge number of possible SAS service configurations. A Microsoft business unit could handle most of its information architecture and content management needs using everything SAS has to offer, or it could operate its own publishing system that only imports taxonomies from the MDR. Or it might choose to go it completely alone. The decision is up to that business unit, and is impacted by the factors of users, content, and context that guide all information architecture work.
In the case of HRWeb, Microsoft’s human resources portal, the decision was made to use most SAS services. SAS was used to:
- Identify content for crawling and indexing for use in searching
- Create a category label taxonomy for browsing
- Create Best Bets specifically for use in the HRWeb portal
- Classify those Best Bets using HRWeb’s category label taxonomy
- Provide access to the SAS high-quality search engine
- Export Best Bets search results to HRWeb’s site
Perhaps most importantly, HRWeb drew on the MSWeb team’s expertise through a consulting relationship. MSWeb staff taught HRWeb’s team how to develop category labels through user-centered design (UCD) techniques such as contextual inquiry. The HRWeb team was also instructed in the art and science of cataloging resource records using descriptive vocabularies and the shared metadata schema. The resulting HRWeb site is shown here.
Different kinds of flexibility
Aside from a focus on taxonomies, the major components of MSWeb’s approach—the tools and a flexible, modular, and somewhat entrepreneurial service model—draw little from library science. And as noted earlier, the taxonomies themselves, not to mention MSWeb’s operating definition of the word “taxonomy,” do not adhere to an orthodox library science approach.
For example, few, if any, graphic designers get excited by the thought of developing taxonomies. But anyone will listen to an open-minded colleague describing a good approach to solving a big problem. Because the MSWeb team was willing to be flexible in its terminology and outlook, they could communicate their taxonomy-based solutions more effectively to colleagues and clients who might be turned off by “library talk.” One senior designer on the MSWeb team described his realization of the value of the taxonomy approach and its basis in UCD techniques as the moment he “drank the Kool-Aid.” From that point on, he bought into the approach 100 percent.
The team was also successful because it was flexibly designed—not just LIS people, but technologists, technical communicators, designers, and strategists. In addition to lending the team more credibility with outsiders, the team’s interdisciplinary nature meant that many ideas were explained, translated, and fought over before they were ever exposed to outsiders. Interdisciplinary perspectives lead, as always, to a better and more marketable set of services.
The MSWeb team understands the need for baby steps in any significant information architecture project. They’ve spent years developing taxonomies and supporting tools to use on MSWeb. And they’ve taken a gradual approach to rolling them out as SAS services to other business units.
But it’s also important to note that within three months of launching SAS, nine sub-portals had already implemented SAS-based search on their sites. Two of those had created site-specific category label taxonomies to support browsing, and another was in the process of doing so. All leveraged the MSWeb Best Bets results as part of their own search systems.
Quick adoption of SAS represents success for the MSWeb team, but has much greater significance to Microsoft as a whole. Besides the benefits to users, which we’ll describe below, an incredible amount of labor has been saved. It’s estimated that SAS has resulted in a cost savings of 45 person years in avoided work (based on calculating the development efforts—estimated at 5 person years—and multiplying by 9— the number of business units that didn’t have to reinvent the SAS wheel). These savings were achieved with no increase in the MSWeb team’s staffing levels, and what was developed for MSWeb has been completely reusable by other business units.
Benefits to Users
As Microsoft’s intranet environment matured in the mid-’90s, it began to suffer from the same afflictions as most enterprise intranets: too many clicks to get to desired information, difficult site-wide navigation, and the best documents buried deep within search results. And, as mentioned earlier, users and their champions began to ask for taxonomies to make these problems go away.
The MSWeb team’s response is a work in progress. Four years is a brief moment in the lifespan of a large company and its information systems. The team is taking an evolutionary approach, avoiding unrealistic goals of fixing all problems for everyone in a few years. In this way, there are no false expectations. But even in four years, many concrete benefits have been realized, and taxonomies are at the forefront of these improvements. With category label taxonomy, for example, the labels are more representative and consistent, improving navigation within MSWeb and between Microsoft intranet sites.
Searching is also greatly improved. By encouraging resource record creation with UCS, MSWeb is able to identify valuable content in the intranet environment, and therefore can do a better job of crawling remote intranet content. Better crawling leads to more comprehensive indexing. Users are now querying indexes that represent both a much larger body of content and a higher-quality collection of content. More importantly, users’ queries are more powerful than before—they are able to take advantage of MSWeb’s descriptive vocabularies to reduce the ambiguity of individual search terms. Consider a search on “asp,” a very ambiguous term. During a search, the descriptive vocabularies stored in the MDR are automatically invoked to expand the search by including the different meanings (“Active Server Pages” and “application service providers”). These terms are also displayed as executable searches on the search results page to narrow or refine the search.
The MSWeb team has also helped pioneer a positive and increasingly common trend: “Best Bets.” These are search results that are the product of manual efforts. Often displayed before other, automatically generated results, Best Bets link a user to documents that a cataloger has determined to be highly relevant to the user’s initial search query. Best Bets are designed to address the “sweet spot” in searching, which consists of the few unique search queries that constitute the majority of all searches executed. Why not add value to the small number of frequently executed searches by adding Best Bets to their results?
Overall, the MSWeb team has attempted to measure the cumulative impact that better browsing, searching, and content have had on users. Performing a task analysis exercise both before and after a major redesign, the team was rewarded with some hopeful results in terms of success rate, time on task, and number of clicks. The following table displays the results of the task analysis. The version 3.0 results were recorded in February 1999, prior to the implementation of the taxonomy-driven approach, and the version 4.01 results were recorded in July 1999, after the implementation of the taxonomy-driven approach.
|Measure||v.3.0 Average||v.4.01 Average||Change|
|Task Success Rate||68.30%||79%||+10.7%|
|Time on Task||3 minutes 26 seconds||3 minutes 10 seconds||-16 seconds|
|Number of Clicks||13||5||-8 clicks|
Certainly, other factors may have had an impact on these numbers. But even if we discount them, there is still ample anecdotal evidence to demonstrate the value of the MSWeb team’s efforts.
The initial success of MSWeb’s approach is exciting, but it’s just the first step over the course of many years and phases to come. To some degree, the team expects continued growth in what’s currently in place: more resource records, more robust taxonomies, and more sites coming on board and utilizing an increasing array of SAS services and MSWeb consulting. But the MSWeb team also hopes to try out some interesting new plans in the not-too-distant future.
One exciting possibility is an increased role for other business units in the creation of an even more mature infrastructure to support enterprise-wide information architecture and content management. MSWeb isn’t looking to own this endeavor, but move into a leadership role, with other units playing the role of partners. In this scenario, Microsoft will save money because its business units will engage in increased sharing of taxonomies and related tools and efforts. Additionally, a greater degree of awareness among content managers might result in more willingness to go along with future centralizing initiatives, such as requiring the registration of resources in order for them to be indexed for searching. This trade-off might make for a little more work on the part of content owners, but will result in improved searching for users, as well as much more efficient content management practices by establishing who’s responsible for what content, when it should be updated, and so on.
Even more exciting is the possibility of creating something of a Microsoft “semantic web” along the lines of what Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the Web, and others have recently proposed. A semantic web environment allows connections to be made automatically between related content objects. Some of the tools described in this chapter could be extended to support such automatic associations; for example, the taxonomies developed by different Microsoft business units could be “cross-walked,” meaning that relationships between similar terms or “nodes” in the taxonomies could be established. These relationships could go a long way toward improving search across Microsoft’s intranets, as content with different tags and similar content would be retrieved together. VocabMan and the SAS console already have built-in support for related tags, which will enable future cross-walking of taxonomies.
The concept of a semantic web offers much more potential. Alex Wade, Manager of Knowledge Access Services, sees a future where semantic objects—not physical documents—are the atoms that make up the MSWeb universe. He states: “We don’t draw many lines between objects today, and when we do, these are rarely delineated; now we’re moving to semantically derived relationships.” He’d like to see a semantic MSWeb provide access to people, places, and things that are connected by “strong rules” or relationships; once an initial set of rules is seeded, new rules can be inferred. This web of relationships could have a hugely beneficial impact in an intranet environment like Microsoft’s, where it’s often as important to find the right person as it is to find the right information. This transition requires a paradigm shift for information architects: as Alex suggests, we’ll need to “stop tagging documents and start drawing relationships between objects. Eventually they’ll have different types of hierarchical, associative, and equivalent relationships.”
Nothing that the MSWeb team did—whether considering the initial problem, coming up with an approach, and developing the tools and expertise to make it happen—can be described as revolutionary. Rather, these were rational steps taken to address complicated problems. So why discuss their work here?
Well, if you have ever worked in a large organization—or even many smaller ones— you know that what’s rational isn’t often what happens. The rational, the obvious, and the good often never make it off the drawing board, thanks to corporate strategies that change with the wind, extreme fluctuations in budgets, and, worst of all, the dreaded reorganization. And Microsoft isn’t immune to such problems; one MSWeb team member went through seven different managers and had three title changes in just five months.
The MSWeb team has developed some neat taxonomies and tools. But we’re recognizing the team for its most impressive achievement: successfully implementing a rational plan in a large, corporate environment. The team understood that only a holistic approach—one that accommodated content, users, and context—could make a difference. They also knew that enterprise-wide solutions require sufficient time—years, not months—to take hold.
If you’re taking on a similar challenge, we suggest you follow Vivian Bliss’s advice:
“…Improving information systems affects people, process and technologies. To not recognize that will spell doom. In other words, technology alone is not the answer. Just as merely tweaking the UI is not the answer, nor is building a taxonomy that is not flexible or able to be leveraged in publishing and finding. Another key is to have a multi-disciplinary team. Just one discipline does not have the answer.”
Peter Morville is President and Founder of Semantic Studios, a leading information architecture and knowledge management consulting firm. |
Guilt free, delicious eating is right at your fingertips (literally- you’ll be licking them clean), with my shrimp lettuce wraps! I am always looking for unique flavor/texture combinations that marry well together in a dish. I truly enjoy this exploration process and look forward to when a meal just hits the jackpot- like tonight! In addition to finding delicious food combinations, I also have a passion for healthy living and finding food alternatives that taste just as good! Here is a dish that mixes these two passions of mine.
I started by cutting into my cabbage and gently peeling away the layers that I wanted to use as the base of my lettuce wraps. Next, I cut the fruits and vegetables for the salad or healthy “slaw” that would go into my lettuce cups. This included thinly sliced (julienned) mango, green apple, and red onion, diced orange pepper, jalepeno, cucumber and chopped fresh cilantro. I dressed this in some lemon juice and a drizzle of rice wine vinegar to add that Asian flair I love so much. Subtle Asian flavors will be apparent in my sautéed shrimp, creating harmony within the dish. I added a nice helping of this healthy slaw into my lettuce cups.
Onto the shrimp! I purchased farm raised, raw, peeled jumbo shrimp (that’s a mouthful- and it’s about to be literally 😉) from my local grocery store. It’s at a great price right now and such a quick protein to cook! Considering that I started creating this dinner at 7:00pm, the time saver is a huge plus! I tossed this shrimp previously in a spice mixture that included sweet Hungarian paprika, sea salt, black pepper, granulated garlic, chipolte, rosemary and thyme. I added some sesame oil to my sauté pan and got it nice and hot. I added my shrimp in with a drizzle of soy sauce and cooked them for 3 minutes on each side.
I added this beautiful and tasty protein element on top of my slaw with some lemon zest, feta cheese and chives.
This combination of ingredients was extremely fresh and texturally pleasing to the palate. The sweet, soft mango, the crunchy, tart apple, the acidic notes from the lemon and vinegar (which toned down the biter bite from the red onion), the creaminess of the feta cheese and the hint of heat from the jalapeños made for a delicious, balanced dish! Stay tuned for more creations to come!
Tonights meal called for a refreshing “watermelon pizza” on this hot summer day. Slice a whole watermelon into triangles,add some feta, mint and balsamic vinegar and you have yourself a delicious appetizer or healthy snack!
Okay food family, this recipe is to die for and one of my top favorite homemade recipes! I started with prepping all of the parts to the dish. First up, basil pesto! In a blender, I combined 2 cups fresh basil leaves, 2/3 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup pine nuts, juice of one lemon, 2 garlic cloves, 1/2 cup of shredded parmesean cheese and salt/pepper to taste. I poured this beautiful combo in a bowl and set it aside. Next, I cut up my veggies (orange pepper, yellow pepper, red onion, green onion, and jalapeño). I put the peppers, red onion and jalapeño into a sauté pan with some oil and let them soften. Meanwhile, I sliced two avocados in half long ways and took out the pit. Using a spoon I took out most of the avocado (except for the rim) – creating a cup for the rest of my veggies and protein. I made guacamole with the extra avocado and added red onion, salt, pepper and lime juice. I set this aside as well. The peppers and onions were softened and fragrant, so I took this off of the flame and set this aside and started cooking my beautiful jumbo raw shrimp! This shrimp had been tossed previously with some olive oil and chipolte lime dry rub. I added this to a pan with some oil, lime juice, salt and pepper. I let them cook for about 3 minutes per side (or until pink and cooked through). Once cooked, I set these aside to cool. NOW the fun part begins! Time to assemble the avocado cups! Add a bit of your pepper/onion/jalapeño mixture, topped with some pico de gallo, a couple pieces of cut up chipolte-lime shrimp. Add as much pesto and guacamole as your heart desires with a topping of chopped green onion and a squeeze of lime juice. There you have it! One of my very favorites- a healthy, beautiful meal without compromising flavor!
We have a 4 ingredient, “go to” summer salsa that doesn’t need to be dressed up fancy. The flavors just work on their own! The salsa includes mango, red onion, basil and lime juice/zest. You’ve got your sweet mango, acidic lime juice, the bite of the red onion and the fresh basil. No salt and pepper needed 😎
My husband and I have recently started The Whole 30. For 30 days, the goal is to cut out ALL artificial foods, added sugars, GMOs, MSG, grains, dairy, and yes, alcohol…in hopes to have a better quality of life. They preach that they are not a diet, but a lifestyle. The creator of this plan does not want participants to count calories or even weigh themselves while on this plan. Many people have claimed that by the end of 30 days their usual headaches subside, skin clears, energy levels are more consistent throughout the day, sleep improves, knowledge of day to day foods increases… and that’s only the half of it.
The first couple of days have been hard, but I must say, this Whole 30 thing ain’t bad if I can make meals like this 🤗😋 We have organic top sirloin steak that was cooked stove top with some olive oil and rubbed with generous salt and pepper. I got the pan nice and hot before cooking the steak 3 minutes on each side to result in a perfect medium rare (more on the rare side 😊) After you take the meat out of the pan, lightly cover it with some foil and let it rest. This part is more important than it seems! If the meat does not have the proper time to rest, it can result in inconsistently cooked meat. Give it some time and let its juices distribute throughout the steak. It’s worth the wait! Moving to the right, we have mushrooms and onions that were cooked down in a pot with some garlic, coconut aminos. Next we have roasted colorful carrots that were simply dressed with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and cooked in the oven for 30 min at 400 degrees. For these golden potatoes, I cooked them stove top at high heat until they got nice and crispy! They cooked with some olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, and I added garlic for the last two minutes of cooking time. I made sure to toss these often so they could get crispy on all sides. AND lastly, I cooked a Anaheim pepper over the open flame until it blistered and became soft (I’m in love with the smokey, spicy flavor). A bite of steak with that spicy pepper and some mushrooms… just wow. Bon Appetit!
Hopefully there will be some noticeable change at the end of these 30 days (onto day 3! We got this). If anything, the Whole 30 will be a great learning experience for us. We will most likely introduce foods back in slowly, but hopefully we will become more educated about what’s in our food. This will help us know what is best to eat and what to avoid, allowing us to adapt this information into a realistic lifestyle for us.
When people think of fast food the word “healthy” doesn’t usually come to mind. Well, Fresh Healthy Cafe is trying to change this perception! They have lots of healthy meals and snacks made right “in house”. They do super smoothies, pure smoothies, juices, power bowls, protein bowls, salads, wraps, and paninis! They have many different flavor profiles as well… they have Asian, Mediterranean, Mexican and of course American dishes on their menu. The dish I chose was the Kale Vegetarian Salad. I love a juicy steak as much as the next person… but sometimes a light, cleansing salad is just what I need! This salad consisted of kale, red peppers, red onion, feta cheese, black olives, sliced almonds, tomatoes and cranberries. It came with a lemon and olive oil dressing on the side. Fresh + tasty = sold. I’ll be back @freshhealthycafe
Tonight’s recipe: Black Bean Corn Salad. I have had my food instagram and blog since early January and I can’t believe I haven’t posted this recipe yet! As I’ve improved and learned throughout my culinary journey, I have tried some great new recipes and techniques, but sometimes you just have to go back to the basics. This salad reminds me of home.. this was a staple snack in our household growing up, and I have made it a staple snack in my own home now. It is super simple and can be made in large batches so you can eat it throughout the week! It’s pretty open ended as well. You can use canned items or go the fresh route! I used canned black beans that I rinsed and drained, diced fresh green peppers, diced fresh tomatoes, diced fresh onion, diced jalapeño (you know I gotta have the kick), I boiled a couple of ears of corn on the cob and cut off the kernels once they cooled, lime juice and some chopped fresh cilantro. I seasoned it with salt, pepper and drizzled some olive oil and golden balsamic vinegar to taste. |
There is complete agreement among historians that our present day Jack Russell Terrier developed as a strain or type of working terrier along with the Wire and Smooth Fox Terriers in Britain. Both the Jack Russell Terrier and the Wire and Smooths came from the same types of stock, but quickly diverged both in type and in use as working and show dogs.
The early 1860s may be fixed as the approximate starting point in both smooth and wire history. Undoubtedly the majority of the smooths originated from the hunts, notably the Grove, Oakley, Quorn and Belvoir. These hunts had maintained strains of terriers for many years prior to this period, but no record was kept of their breeding. Every terrier simply had to be a workman. When the dog show movement began these hunt clubs brought to the shows those of their terriers which they believed would most nearly meet the fancy of the judges.
It must be remembered that until 1976 no standard had been drawn up and judges placed the prized upon whatever dogs, so to speak, caught their fancy. Notwithstanding the fact that all sorts and kinds of so-called Fox Terriers were brought out, and not withstanding the differences in opinion between judges as to the correct type, we find that three terriers found their way quickly to the top of the heap, and held their positions for several years thereafter. These are the terriers responsible for most of the subsequent winners in years to follow. Their names lie in remote generations behind the terriers exhibited today.
First and foremost, and at the head of affairs was Old Jock’ second, Old Trap; and third Old Tartar. This was the trio of unbeatables.
Old Jock was born in 1859, and in make and shape to a greater extent than any of his contemporaries was a terrier in the modern sense of the word. His breeding, however, has always remained in dispute, although most records credit Captain Percy Williams, master of the Rufford Hounds, as breeder, while others credit Jack Morgan, first whip to the Grove. The facts, however, seem to prove that Captain Williams owned his sire, also known as Jock, and that his dam, Grove Pepper, was the property of Jack Morgan, one of the famous Morgan family of huntsmen. Jock’s sire and dam, although of unknown lineage, came from many generations of the gamest working stock.
It is a fact that Old Jock showed far less of the bullterrier cross than did his contemporaries, notably Tartar, whose antecedents were, to say the least, questionable. The fact that Tartar emanated from the kennels of Mr. Stevenson of Chester, whose dogs were practically bullterriers with drop ears and docked tails, gave credence to the speculation above noted. Notwithstanding all of this, Tartar was a great dog, both as a showman and workman, and game to the core.
Old Trap, the third member of the triumvirate, was bred by Colonel Arkwright, master of the Oakley. The dog was descended from a long line of Oakley terriers, most of which were doubtless black and tan in color.
The earliest known breeder of Fox Terriers in the world was the Rev. John Russell, or “Parson Jack” as he came to be called, of Barnstaple, Devonshire, England. He started his strain while a student at Oxford when but 18 years of age. This was in 1813, and more than fifty years afterwards had pedigrees that he could trace back to the time when he first began breeding his terriers.
Before considering Russell’s activities in the terrier world, it may prove of interest to learn something of the so-called “sporting parson” himself. Russell was the son of a rector of Iddesleigh, in Devonshire. He was born in 1795 and lived to the ripe age of eighty-eight. In many ways he is said to have been an extraordinary man—six feet tall, of hardy and robust appearance, yet to kind and gentle that all who knew him loved him and were charmed by his affability.
Russell was an expert horseman and throughout all of Devonshire he was famous as a huntsman. His terriers ran along with the hounds, drawing the earths as they came to them. The parson’s dogs possessed dense but somewhat short wire coats. This he considered the “true and correct jacket” for a Fox Terrier.
Russell’s terriers were seldom if ever exhibited, as their owner was not an admirer of the Fox Terrier as ordinarily bred for the show ring. His sole idea in breeding was to produce workers. It is said, however, that his terriers could have given good accounts of themselves in competition with any of the show terriers of their day.
Although for many years a member of the English Kennel Club, Russell consistently declined invitations to judge at dog shows. He “donned the ermine” upon but one occasion. It was at the Crystal Palace, 1874, but he said at the conclusion of the judging that the terriers he saw failed to impress him.
Russell’s terriers, in working condition, did not scale more than fifteen pounds, some even less, and fifty years ago they formed a very distinctive type. The “Jack Russell terrier” is frequently referred to today by breeders when speaking of a small, hard bitten, compactly built terrier.
Russell entered his terriers at fox when they were very young, and was a great believer in having the youngsters learn their trade from the old seasoned veterans. He never permitted his dogs to be entered at any other quarry than fox.
After Russell’s death, the only persons who made a serious attempt to carry on the strain were Mr. East, of Chiselhurst and Mr. Archer, of Cornwall. The former at one time had seven or eight couples, all of which were descended from Russell’s Fuss.
After the turn of the present century John Mowlem of Swanage vainly attempted to collect some of the descendants of Parson Jack’s strain. Doubtless, however, many of the little nondescript wires today seen running about Devonshire villages are lineal descendants of the Russell terrier, but positive proof of such is, of course, impossible.
The Reverend Russell kept, bred and wanted his terrier for one and only one reason which was to tease and worry a fox, not to kill him. “A real fox-terrier,” he would say, “is not meant to murder and his intelligence should always keep him from such a crime.” .
According to the obituary notice in the “Kennel Gazette” of May, 1883, Russell was said to have prided himself that his terriers never tasted blood, but that they could not lose their way, and that their eye to a country was so marvelous and their memories were so great that no sooner were the hounds out of cover than some of his terriers would be miles away getting to well-known earths in time to stop the fox getting in.
The type he aimed at were hardly as big as the show fox-terrier. Few were over 15 lbs. when in working condition, and many were less. By 1850 there were definitely recognized as a distinct type. The late Hon. Gerald Lascelles, who knew Rev. Russell, often stated that the parson himself said that he had no strain, merely a type, for he bought any good terrier of the right stamp that he came across and could afford.
It was said by Mr. Robert Leighton, the well-known doggy writer that Russell said, “A fox-terrier is not required to draw badgers, nor should be such a hard biter as to slaughter a fox in his earth. The bull blood would in all probability produce this impetuosity, and destroy the gentlemanly character of the strain entirely.”
Arthur Blake Heinemann has been often credited with setting the breed standard and type in the kennel club, but it is a misunderstanding and just plain false that Heinemann had any contact with either Rev Russell or his terriers or that he hunted fox to any extent. It has often been suggested Heinemann was one of those who acquired some of the Parson’s own terriers. Heinemann, however, was not a fox hunter but was rather a badger digger. Heinemann was only eleven years old when the Parson died and so was very unlikely to either to inherit or be in a position to buy any terriers from the estate. In fact, on Heinemann’s own evidence, which was far more likely to be exaggerated than understated, he only began breeding terriers over twenty years prior to 1912. That would put his debut as a breeder in the early 1890s and not the early 1880s when the Parson died. There is no evidence that Heinemann and the Parson ever met.
In 1894, Heinemann founded the Devon and Somerset Badger Club. Its aims were to encourage an interest in badger digging and the breeding of terriers suitable for the purpose. The terriers were acquired from Nicholas Snow of Oare and it is possible, even likely, that the blood of the Parson’s terriers ran in their veins, though by now in a diluted form. Snow had started the Exmoor Hounds in 1869 and was to remain Master until 1889. The Parson would certainly have hunted with “The Stars of the West,” as they were called, and it is more than likely that at least some of their original terriers were supplied by him.
After the very brief interlude as Master of the Cheriton, Heinemann concentrated his sporting activities on badger digging and, immediately after he ceased to be Master of the Cheriton, changed the name of his Devon and Somerset Badger Club to the Parson Jack Russell Terrier Club. Possibly the change was intended as a means to enhance the value of the terriers which Heinemann was by now producing and selling in large numbers, but whatever the reason the change had the effect of helping to perpetuate the name of the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, albeit attached to a terrier very different from that which the Parson bred. Badger digging required a different stamp of terrier than those bred to run with hounds and to work to fox. It is likely that Heinemann introduced Bull Terrier blood, which the Parson so abominated, in order to produce the sort of strength and aggression which would enable his terriers to face badgers and from the photographs we have of Heinemann’s terriers, it seems probable that the short-legged terriers, which are often wrongly associated with the Parson himself and to which his name is often attached, may have their origins in the activities of the Devon and Somerset Badger Club. The split which was developing between show and working Fox Terriers was now compounded by a further split between the two very different types of terrier both of which carried the Parson’s name.
Nevertheless, though Heinemann may not have been the most careful or scrupulous of breeders, he was sufficiently concerned about what was seen as the split between show and working Fox Terriers to accept an invitation, in 1909, to judge a number of classes for working terriers at Crufts. The aim was to bring working terriers back into the show ring, and so to bring influence to bear on those who chose to disregard working qualities. In subsequent years the classes were judged by various Masters of Hounds but were never well filled and after a few years Charles Cruft, never a man to pursue a lost cause, abandoned the attempt.
Heinemann died, aged 59, in 1930 and his kennel of terriers went to his kennel main Annie Harris. Annie Harris then became housekeeper to Henry Williamson and must have found her situation very different there. Williamson was not a fan of badger digging at all. It was not an experience he enjoyed and it may well have killed any interest he might have had in terriers. Perhaps it is not surprising that he found no interest in the papers from Russell and Heinemann, which Mrs Harris brought with her when she became his housekeeper. Possibly the papers are not irretrievably lost, though it is equally possible that they are tucked away in some neglected corner.
Williamson’s lack of interest in terriers did not prevent Mrs Harris from continuing to breed them. By using the often iniquitous system of letting bitches out on breeding terms she was able to produce a great many so-called Jack Russell Terrier whose popularity spread far beyond Devon. They were to be found throughout Britain and were exported all over the world.
Concern about the alleged split between show and working types and the very closely related efforts to perpetuate the type of terrier bred by the Parson has not subsided, though in future both concerns would be less closely associated with the Fox Terrier Club itself. It is apparently, however, that though committed to evolution the Club did not stand in the way of those among their members who wished to preserve the sort of terrier bred by Parson Jack Russell and even went so far as to offer them the help which affiliation to the Club provided. The support given to the preservationists was far sighted. We have only recently come to realize that the preservation of old breeds of farm and other animals whose economic usefulness may seem to have long passed or which have been bypassed by fashion, may well enable us to preserve genes, and characteristics produced by those genes, which may be of great value in the future.
It is impossible to say precisely when the terriers bred by the Parson became sufficiently distinctive as to be regarded as a breed in their own right. We would suggest that there is sufficient evidence to show that this took place during the Parson’s lifetime, but it doesn’t much matter if others would prefer a later date. What is important is that the Parson’s terriers did form a distinct type and this type is now so different from both Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers and from the terriers of the type developed by Heinemann and his successors, which are often referred to as Jack Russell Terriers, that it is worth recognizing and, more importantly, preserving as a breed in its own right. |
The Athlete’s Palate – Zucchini Muffins
2 cups unbleached or all-purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup light brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 1/4 cups vegetable oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups shredded zucchini (about 2 medium)
1 cup shredded carrot (about 1 large carrot)
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
1 cup mixed dried fruit (currants, apricots, cherries)
Preheat oven to 325F
Combine the flour, sugars, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg in a large mixing bowl. Mix the oil, eggs, and vanilla extract in another bowl, and pour into the dry mixture. Mix until thoroughly combined. Add the zucchini, carrot, walnuts, and dried fruit and mix until just combined.
Coat 2 muffin pans with cooking spray or line with paper liners.
Fill each muffin cup two-thirds full, using an ice cream scoop or a 1/4-cup measuring cup. Place the pans on the center rack of the oven and bake for approximately 20 to 25 minutes, or until the muffins spring bakc when touched. Cool in the pan on a rack for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from the pan and let the muffins cool completely directly on the rack.
per serving: 246 calories, 3 G Protein, 27 G carbohydrates, 15 G Fat
Libby’s Chicken Tortilla Soup
This soup is super easy to make and tastes wonderful after a long, cold run!
Ingredients: (I use organic items as much as possible)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 Pasilla pepper diced (this is a key flavor ingredient)
1 Jalapeno pepper, remove seeded if you don’t like it hot
4 garlic cloves, chopped up
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon paprika
a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
2 limes, juiced
1 pound of cooked chicken (rotisserie, grilled, leftovers..) cut into bite-sized chunks or shredded
2 15 oz cans of whole stewed tomatoes
1 49oz can of chicken broth (or 3 chicken bouilon cubes in 6 cups of water)
1 15 oz can of black beans, drained
1 15 oz can of corn kernels, drained
Directions: Heat olive oil in a large stock pot over medium heat. When hot, add the onions, peppers & garlic and saute until just al dente, stirring frequently. Add the dry spices and lime juice and stir. Add the chicken, tomatoes, broth, beans and corn. Bring soup to a simmer and cook for about 30 minutes.
Garnish with sliced avocado, shredded cheese, sliced limes, or even Chipotle flavored tobasco sauce. Don’t forget taco chips (that’s the tortilla part) and a well deserved cold beer! (serves 6-10)
If you are feeling REALLY inspired – fry up your own tortilla strips in olive oil and lightly season with salt while they are still hot.
1/2 tsp Saffron
3 cups Arborio rice
6 cups Chicken stock
1 Lb shrimp
2 chicken breasts
Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil
1 lb Chorizo- OR make your own turkey Chorizo (see recipe below)
4 Large Cloves Garlic
1 cup white wine
1 tbsp Paprika
1 cup canned diced tomatoes
1 tbsp Parsley
1 cup frozen peas
1 can Jarred Red Peppers (Pimentos)
Put saffron and chicken stock into a large pot, heat slightly and then let sit for a while. Saffron needs time to absorb into the chicken stock, so just set it aside. You do not want to let it cook because you’ll need all of the liquid. Put a tbsp of olive oil in a large frying pan and cook cubed chicken breast on medium heat until brown. Set aside, cook shrimp and set aside. Roll Chorizo into small patties (between the size of a quarter and a golf ball). Cook on medium heat and set aside. Drain all fats from frying pan. Add another tbsp olive oil into large frying pan. Sautee chopped onions and minced garlic for just a minute or two. Add wine and cook for a few more minutes, letting wine cook off and absorb flavors of onion and garlic. Add Paprika, Tomatoes and parsley. At this point, you’ll want to transfer all ingredients over to a large pan or pot. Fry arborio rice with a little bit of olive oil (a minute or two) in a pan. This allows the rice to absorb the chicken stock better once in the pot. Add rice, chicken stock mixture, meats, and peas into the large mixture. Stir, bring to a boil, and then quickly reduce to a simmer. Cover and let cook for 35-45 minutes, or until done. You’ll need to check it a few times, but it will be done when chicken stock is absorbed and rice has a good texture. Do not stir. For garnish, slice Pimentos and put them on top of Paella to serve.
Turkey Chorizo– *This is the recipe I use. I add a little more spice than they recommend and do not marinate overnight if I don’t have time.
Split Pea Soup
1 lb Dried Split Peas
1 lb Ham, cubed
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped onions
3/4 cup chopped celery
3/4 cup chopped small potatoes (optional)
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
2 bay leaves
Salt and Pepper
8-10 cups low sodium chicken broth
Toss all ingredients into a slow cooker, stir, and cook on High 4-5 hours or Low for 8-10 hours.
Easy Whole Wheat Pizza
1 bag of Trader Joe’s Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Low Fat Mozzarella Cheese
Zucchini, Corn, Mushrooms, Onion, Bell Pepper, Broccolini, Asparagus, Tomatoes
2-3 tbps flour
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Flour a baking sheet evenly. Take dough out of bag, and stretch evenly, using flour to make it less sticky. Stretch across the pan until it is large and thin enough for the pizza. Spread pizza sauce over the dough. Sprinkle chopped vegetables over pizza, and top with low fat mozzarella cheese. Bake for approximately 8-12 minutes, watching closely.
Chicken and Steak Peruvian Kebabs
my version edited from Making the Cut (a book by Jillian Michaels)
1 1/2 pound of meat- mix up chicken bresst an boneless sirloin steak. Cut into 1/2 inch pieces
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar (add red wine or more vinegar if needed)
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 bell pepper
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4 tsp turmeric
3 tbsp chopped parsley
1. Combine meat, vinegar, pepper, cumin, turmeric, and paprika in a bowl. Stir well, cover and chill for 3 hours to marinate.
2. Prepare the rub: combine rub ingredients in a bowl.
3. Preheat grill to 425
4. Thread together kebabs with meat, pineapple, peppers, onion. Spray grill rack with cooking spray. Place kebabs on grill rack. Grill for about 8-12 minutes (flipping halfway through).
Salmon with a Pepper Lime Rub
(my version edited from Cooking Light Magazine)
Combine the following in a bowl and stir:
1 tbsp lime zest
1/2 tsp cracked pepper
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tbsp olive oil
a squeeze of lime juice
Set oven to “broil”. Spray cooking spray on a broiling pan generously, place salmon on pan (skin down). Rub the lime mixture generously on the top of the salmon. Broil for about 7-9 minutes, just until the pieces flake on the top and it is cooked all the way through.
*Although I usually bake fish, broiling using this recipe makes the rub create more of a “crust” on the salmon which is very flavorful
Barley Chicken Sausage Salad
(My version edited from Cooking Light Magazine)
1 small onion, chopped (3/4 cup)
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tbsp olive oil
3/4 cup pearl barley
2 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 cup zucchini, chopped
1 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1-2 cooked chicken sausages, chopped
Low fat feta cheese
Heat olive oil in large pot on stove top. Add chopped onion and garlic, cook 2-3 minutes. Add barley, cook an additional 1-2 minutes, careful not to burn barley. Add chicken broth and bring mixture to a boil, lower heat and cover the pot. Let this simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt, pepper, chicken sausage, zucchini, and tomatoes. Stir, cover, and allow to cook on low for 5 minutes. Serve hot or cold, sprinkle feta cheese on top.
Chicken Tortilla Soup
* 2 teaspoons olive oil
* 6 (6-inch) corn tortillas, preferably a little old and dried out
* 1 medium onion, chopped
* 4 garlic cloves, minced
* 1 medium jalapeno pepper, chopped
* 1/2 medium green pepper
* 4 small boneless skinless chicken breasts
* 1 cup frozen corn
* Optional can black beans, drained
* 1/2 cup dry white wine or water
* 2 teaspoons cumin
* 1 teaspoon chili powder
* 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
* 4 (14 ounce) cans chicken broth
* 2 (14 ounce) cans diced tomatoes
* 2 (8 ounce) cans tomato sauce
* Chopped fresh cilantro
* 1 lime cut into wedges
1. If you are starting with somewhat old, dried out tortillas, great. If not and you are starting with relatively fresh tortillas, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven at 200°F for 10-15 minutes to dry them out a bit. It is best to start with tortillas that don’t have a lot of moisture in them. Cut tortillas in half; cut halves into 1/4-inch strips. In 3-quart saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Fry strips in oil, 1/3 at a time, until light brown and crisp. Remove from pan; drain on paper towels. Reserve.
2. Sauté onion, garlic, jalapeño and green pepper with olive oil in a large pot until soft.
3. Add all the rest of the ingredients to the large pot and bring to a boil.
4. After about 15 minutes, remove the chicken breasts and shred.
5. (Two forks work well to pull the chicken apart!).
6. Return shredded chicken to the pot and simmer an additional 45 minutes.
7. When ready to serve, put half of tortilla chips in bottom of bowls, pour soup over each. Then top with rest of tortilla strips and fresh cilantro. Serve with wedges.
Zucchini Raspberry Blueberry Bread
1 Egg and 1 egg white, beaten,
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
1 cup sugar (I cut down a little bit more than this)
1 Cup shredded Zucchini
1 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Flour**
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
2/3 cup blueberries (fresh is best)
2/3 cup raspberries (fresh is best)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly loaf pan.
2. In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar. Fold in the zucchini. Mix in the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Gently fold in the blueberries. Transfer to the prepared loaf pan.
3. Bake 45-50 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a knife inserted in the center of a loaf comes out clean. Cool 20 minutes in pans, then turn out onto wire racks to cool completely.
** May need to add a bit of extra liquid (juice or water) to account for Whole Wheat Flour. |
August 23, 2017,
Knee pain is a common symptom in people of all ages. It may start suddenly, often after an injury or exercise. Knee pain may also began as a mild discomfort, then slowly worsen.
Recent findings and perspectives on medical research.
Medical experts say some patients with chronic joint problems wait too long before opting for replacement surgery.
Back to TopAlternative Names
Pain - knee
Back to TopCauses
Simple causes of knee pain often clear up on their own with self care. Being overweight can put you at greater risk for knee problems.
Knee pain can be caused by:
- Anterior knee pain
- Arthritis -- including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout
- Baker's cyst -- a fluid-filled swelling behind the knee that may occur with swelling (inflammation) from other causes, like arthritis
- Bursitis -- inflammation from repeated pressure on the knee, such as kneeling for long periods of time, overuse, or injury
- Connective tissue disorders such as lupus
- Dislocation of the kneecap
- Iliotibial band syndrome -- a hip disorder from injury to the thick band that runs from your hip to the outside of your knee
- Infection in the joint
- Knee injuries -- an anterior cruciate ligament injury or medial collateral ligament injury may cause bleeding into your knee, which makes the pain worse
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- Tendinitis -- a pain in the front of your knee that gets worse when going up and down stairs or inclines
- Torn cartilage (a meniscus tear) -- pain felt on the inside or outside of the knee joint
- Torn ligament (ACL tear) -- leads to pain and instability of the knee
- Strain or sprain -- minor injuries to the ligaments caused by sudden or unnatural twisting
Less common conditions that can lead to knee pain include bone tumors.Knee pain only happens to older people.The correct answer is myth. Knee pain can occur in people of all ages. It may start suddenly, after an injury or exercise. It also may begin as mild pain that slowly worsens over time.Being overweight can put you at higher risk for knee problems.The correct answer is fact. Every extra pound you carry adds about five extra pounds of pressure on your knees when you go up and down stairs. If you need to shed a few pounds, talk with your doctor about healthy ways to lose weight.If you have knee pain, it’s probably arthritis.The correct answer is myth. Arthritis is a common cause of knee pain, but there are many others. These include bursitis, tendinitis, sprains, and strains. If minor knee pain doesn’t go away after three days of home treatment, see your doctor.Heat is the best treatment for any new knee pain.The correct answer is myth. When you have new knee pain, it’s best to apply ice. Cover your knee with a towel and place ice on it for 15 minutes at a time. At first, you can use it every hour for up to 15 minutes. After the first day, use it at least four times a day. Other treatments include resting your knee and keeping it raised.Bursitis is often caused by overuse of your knee.The correct answer is fact. Bursitis is the swelling and irritation of the bursa. This is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between muscles, tendons, and joints. You can get bursitis from suddenly becoming more active or from being overweight. You may notice redness and swelling around the knee and stiffness or pain when you move your knee.Standing can make knee pain from bursitis worse.The correct answer is true. To relieve the pain, try not to stand for long periods and place a pillow between your knees when sleeping on your side. You can use ice up to four times a day, 15 minutes at a time for the first two to three days to relieve pain.Pain in the front of the knee is often caused by:The correct answer is all of the above. Stretching and strengthening the muscles in the front and the back of the leg help with this type of knee pain. Ask your doctor or physical therapist to show you exercises for your upper leg muscles.If you have pain in the front of the knee, it may help to:The correct answer is all of the above. While exercise is good for your joints, certain high-impact activities can do more damage than good if you have joint pain. Taking steps to reduce the impact on your knees during exercise can help protect your joints.Warming up and stretching before exercise helps protect your knees.The correct answer is fact. Warming up will help reduce the pressure on your knees during exercise. Start by walking for a few minutes. Then stretch the muscles in the front and back of your thighs to reduce tension in the knee. Ask your doctor or physical therapist for other suggestions for stretching.If you hear a “popping” sound when you injure your knee, it’s most likely:The correct answer is E. If you have one of these knee injuries, you will often feel the symptoms right away. You may also have knee swelling, knee pain when walking, or locking or catching of the knee. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away.Physical therapy is most helpful for which kind of knee pain?The correct answer is all of the above. Physical therapy can teach you exercises to make your knee stronger. A physical therapist may also use certain treatments to help relieve your knee pain. Ask your doctor if you should have physical therapy for your knee pain.
Back to TopHome Care
For knee pain that has just started:
- Rest and avoid activities that aggravate your pain, especially weight bearing activities.
- Apply ice. First, apply it every hour for up to 15 minutes. After the first day, apply it at least four times per day.
- Keep your knee raised as much as possible to bring any swelling down.
- Wear an ace bandage or elastic sleeve, which you can buy at most pharmacies. This may reduce swelling and provide support.
- Take acetaminophen for pain or ibuprofen for pain and swelling.
- Sleep with a pillow underneath or between your knees.
For knee pain related to overuse or physical activity:
- Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings.
- Avoid running straight down hills -- walk down instead.
- Bicycle or swim instead of run.
- Reduce the amount of exercise you do.
- Run on a smooth, soft surface, such as a track, instead of on cement.
- Lose weight if you are overweight. Every pound that you are overweight puts about 5 extra pounds of pressure on your knee cap when you go up and down stairs. Ask your health care provider for help losing weight.
- If you have flat feet, try special shoe inserts and arch supports (orthotics).
- Make sure your running shoes are made well, fit well, and have good cushioning.
Tips to relieve knee bursitis pain:
- Use ice three to four times a day for the first 2 or 3 days. Cover your knee with a towel and place ice on it for 15 minutes. Do not fall asleep while using ice. You can leave it on too long and get frostbite.
- Try not to stand for long periods of time. If you must stand, do so on a soft, cushioned surface. Stand with an equal amount of weight on each leg.
- When you sleep, do not lie on the side that has bursitis. Place a pillow between your knees when you lie on your side to help decrease your pain.
- Wear flat shoes that are cushioned and comfortable.
- If you are overweight, losing weight may help.
Back to TopReferences
Frontera WR, Silver JK, eds. Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation . 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2008:section 7.
Honkamp NJ, Shen W, Okeke N, Ferretti M, Fu FH. Knee: Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the adult. In: DeLee JC, Drez D Jr, Miller MD, eds. DeLee and Drez's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine . 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2009:chap 23, section D.
Huddleston JI, Goodman SB. Hip and knee pain. In: Firestein GS, Budd RC, Harris ED Jr, et al, eds. Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology . 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2008:chap 42.
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These innovative artists use their talents to honor and care for the Earth
Environmental art is one way to bring awareness to our environment and what we need to do to help it.
French artist Henri Matisse said, “To look at something as though we had never seen it before requires great courage.” These five contemporary artists present us with an opportunity to bravely look anew at facets of our natural environment, which seriously need our love and support.
1. Naziha Mestaoui
Naziha Mestaoui is a Parisian artist and architect whose piece, “1 Heart 1 Tree,” uses video-mapping techniques to highlight the primal importance of rainforests. This “global citizen work of art” enables people to plant a unique, virtual, live-streaming tree via a smartphone app that grows in a public space or on a world monument in sync with their heartbeat. Mestaoui explains that, “each personalized tree is planted/projected on a monument with the person’s name or positive message,” and that “each tree will have tangible impact: for every virtual tree, a real tree will be planted in a reforestation program around the world.”
The earliest version of this constantly changing environmental art was exhibited in 2012 in Rio de Janeiro for the The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Since then, it has traveled around India, Turkey, France, and beyond and was featured in 2015 on the Eiffel Tower for the opening of the Paris Climate Conference (COP21). This projection was live streamed by over 1 million people around the world. Mestaoui is currently working on the international tour for “1 Heart 1 Tree.”
If you join the project and pay to plant a tree, you’ll receive “a digital picture of your virtual tree, a certificate, a Google Earth file of the plantation zone you contributed to plant in, and a report about the project every 6 months, during 3 years.” Since it’s inception in 2012, 55,000 virtual trees have been purchased and the same amount of correlating real trees have been planted on all five continents.
Here’s more from Mestaoui on her inspiration for the piece:
Everything is interconnected at a fundamental level. My calling was revealed to me on a journey into the heart of the Amazon Forest … I lived with a native tribe called Ashaninka and I was so amazed by the connection they have to the natural world, to this subtle reality made of material and immaterial and especially to trees, seen as carriers of wisdom.
Following this trip, Mestaoui was committed to creating something that would:
Reconnect Man and Nature and raise awareness on the evermore-urgent environmental issues … We’re part of an interdependent system. [The] aim is to reconnect us with ourselves, others and our environment … the future we’re heading to is the one we create … We have much more freedom than we believe, and our technologies do not necessarily disconnect us from nature; it’s up to us, our creativity and imagination is the limit. At the crossroads of virtual and real … ‘1 Heart 1 Tree’ engages the public in a concrete social and environmental impact initiative.
Along with the “1 Heart 1 Tree” world tour, Mestaoui is developing several new works, including one “on the concept of using plants’ bioelectric communication to give us the opportunity to see plants’ reactions to their environment and hear them talk as they feel and sense their environment.”
2. Ludovico Einaudi
Ludovico Einaudi is an Italian pianist and composer who teamed up with Greenpeace Spain to create an “Elegy for the Arctic.” In 2016, he played this environmental art piece on a floating platform in the Arctic Ocean in front of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier in Norway. His site explains that this piece, “The most northerly grand piano performance ever held,” was created to urge the OSPAR Commission to protect the Arctic waters. OSPAR is the collaborative effort of multiple governments and the EU to protect the North-East Atlantic (named for the Oslo and Paris Conventions). Spain-based aerial filming company CopterClouds, which shot and edited the video, is owned by drone pilot Roberto Fernandez. Fernandez describes the project this way: “Somehow, we wanted the viewer to hear the voices of 8 million people who have signed up to protect the Arctic. Ludovico Einaudi embodied those voices in a poetic way.” In an interview with Greenpeace, Einaudi said being on location was “an incredible experience; you can feel the pureness and fragility of this area.”
Enjoy the stunning video, in which glaciers move and break behind him:
3. Jane Ingram Allen
Jane Ingram Allen is an international environmental artist who creates site-specific works using natural materials and paper she handmakes from local plant waste. Her piece, “Disappearing Boundary” was part of the “Spirit of Place-Site Ecology” sculptural exhibition in Huntington, Vermont. In this piece, Allen created a fence of fallen branches and handmade paper with local wildflower seeds, which eventually fall and enter the local ecosystem.
Allen says, “The seeds I chose to put in the paper were those to grow plants that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other wildlife. I dug a line at the base of the fence to receive the seeds — as the handmade paper melted with rain and wind, [it] fell into the prepared soil.” She communicates that “art can change over time and be a living entity just as nature does, produce a benefit to the ecosystem, and be beautiful in all stages of its life.”
She describes her experience as an artist:
I enjoy seeing the artworks in all stages, from the opening day when the handmade paper is fresh and everything as the artist made, to the decomposing paper and sprouting seeds, to the flowers eventually blooming and then disappearing for the winter and coming back in the spring. I like working with nature as a partner, not knowing exactly how things will turn out, and being surprised by how things happen.
She recently completed a “flower bed” installation featuring a handmade paper quilt containing seeds for local wildflowers with the Lancaster Museum of Art and History Cedar Center for the Arts. It “may still be there [with] the golden poppies and California bluebells in the quilt coming back this spring.” Allen curates environmental art projects in Taiwan and other countries and participates in the organization, WEAD (Women Eco Artist Dialog).
4. Matthew Willey
Mathew Willey is the creator of environmental art piece The Good of The Hive Initiative, through which he has “committed to personally paint 50,000 honeybees — the number necessary for a healthy, thriving hive — in murals around the world.” His gorgeous murals, which have thus far been painted at U.S. schools, businesses, museums, skate parks, and other public spaces, have become a vital beacon and call for honeybee protection and have inspired diverse community connections. Willey explained his inspiration for this project honoring honeybees began when a honeybee landed in the middle of the floor in his NYC studio. Willey explains:
[The honeybee] was moving really slowly, which afforded me the opportunity to look closer at a bee than ever before. I realized she was sick and so I hung out with her as she walked the last 2 inches of her life. After she died, I started Googling honeybees. Along with becoming fascinated with colony collapse disorder, I came across a behavior of the honeybee called altruistic suicide. When a bee feels sick, it will exit the hive and fly off into the abyss for ‘the good of the hive.’ This behavior had me questioning my own relationship to my community. Do I think about the people, animals, land, and natural resources that make up my community as much as I think about myself? Am I in balance (or at least working toward it) with other people and our environment, like the honeybee? Am I willing to sacrifice, in some way, for that bigger picture? I thought about how heroes like Martin Luther King Jr., Bill Wilson (founder of Alcoholics Anonymous), and pretty much every hero in books and film, went to incredible lengths for something bigger than themselves. But, it seems rare in the world today. Why is that? The honeybee’s immune system is not based on the individual bee, it is based on the hive … and so is ours. I felt like that bee was reminding me that my community is a living, breathing, extension of who I am.
Willey interacts with and collaborates with every local community he works in in order to increase dialogue and awareness about the decline of honeybees and to celebrate their beauty. Willey told The News & Observer that, “When people talk or write about bees, it stays in your head, but painting goes to your heart.” The swarm-themed environmental art mural below at Burt’s Bees Headquarters relied on the collaboration of four hundred employees.
This winter, Willey is designing, painting, and selling individual bee artworks called EveryBees.
One of the ways The Good of the Hive is working toward bringing bees to as many ‘human hives’ as possible. The initiative will be heading to different parts of the U.S. as well as other countries this year and we will be filming and creating content that allows people to follow along.
5. Rachel Sussman
Photographer Rachel Sussman has spent over a decade capturing images of the oldest living things in the world. All of her subjects are at least 2,000 years old — if not much older. In the preface of her book, Sussman writes that her environmental art photos are “meant to forge a personal connection to a time frame well outside our temporal comfort zone.” The photo below is not Sussman’s but is of the oldest known tree in the world, “Old Tjikko,” a 9,558 -year-old Norway Spruce in Sweden, which is included in her collection. You can view selected photos of the ancient beings she honors on her website.
In their own unique way, each of these artists environmental art offer us fresh, appreciative perspectives of the Earth and help us to consider new ways of befriending our precious natural environment. |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I had only been in this state convention for three years (after coming over from Kentucky) and certainly was not seeking the office. In fact I was embarrassed to be nominated against the sitting 1st Vice President. Officers normally "move through the chairs" (ex. 2nd VP, 1st VP) before being elected President. I had not served in any of those positions and, as a result, did not feel especially qualified. One of my own Church members, Terry Perdue, placed my name in nomination even though I asked him not to do so. When the vote tally was reported I was shocked to have won by a fairly substantial margin. Ron McCoy, the other nominee ,was most gracious even though I am sure he was as surprised by the results as I was.
I have been blessed to serve in that position for the past two years. What major things have I accomplished in office? Really not much at all. In fact there is really not much a state convention president can do. Upon taking office two years ago, I wrote to each of the ten Associational Directors of Missions to offer my assistance in whatever way needed. Most of them were responsive but there really wasn't much I could do for them. My simple goal was to help increase fellowship among the churches in the various associations, and to serve as a liaison (if needed) to the state office staff.
I tried to rally the troops in the four counties this past summer that faced local option elections regarding casino gambling. Jefferson county voters defeated the measure, and Kanawha County came close, but the measure passed there along with Ohio and Marshall Counties. Of course, our local church pastors in those areas were all over it, I just tried to add my support to their efforts - for what that was worth. I did seek to promote cooperative program mission giving with all the churches and pastors with whom I came in contact, and I did share the needs of a Filipino church planter with whom I partner. As a result of that, 7 of our WV Southern Baptist Churches gave generously to purchase Bibles and materials (including a motorcycle) for two Filipino Pastors and their congregations. In fact, one church generously donated the money to build the new building of the Mayapusi Baptist congregation in the remote mountains of Negros Island in the Philippines. It was my joy to be in attendance at the Dedication Service of that building in January.
The primary responsibility of the office is to preside at the annual meeting and the four regular meetings of the state Executive Board (and any special called sessions). When the Executive Board meets and breaks out into it's various committees, the state convention president serves as chairman of the Administrative Committee. That is pretty much it. I don't have a lot of major accomplishments to point out, but I have learned much in the past two years.
I have learned that we have a dedicated state office staff, who love the Lord, and love the work of Southern Baptists in the Mountain State. I have learned that we have some of the finest pastors and local church leaders in the state of West Virginia as you will find anywhere. Our Baptist people in West Virginia are committed to being fishers of men until the nets are full.
Serving as State Convention President has had a couple of nice perks including an invitation to visit the SBC Executive Committee meeting in Nashville in February, and to have opportunity to meet and fellowship with the Presidents of the other state conventions. (Yes, we even elect a President of the President's fellowship!) The State Convention Presidents are also treated by LifeWay Christian Resources (formerly the Sunday School Board) to a nice breakfast in February; and by the International Mission Board to a breakfast at the SBC annual meeting. I'll miss that! They also let us have "VIP" housing privilege by allowing us to get a room at the SBC Convention Hotel. Otherwise, it's nearly impossible to get a room in that hotel since they are all blocked out by the convention for all the officials and employees of the various convention entities.
Other than that, I'll be happy to hand over the gavel to whomever succeeds me. I have considered it to be an honor to serve, and a privilege to serve with a fine group of fellow officers for the past two years. After presiding over this year's meeting, it's back to just enjoying going to the convention, enjoying the preaching, listening to reports, visiting the exhibits, and just hanging out with some great brothers and sisters in Christ.
It has been my distinct pleasure to get to know Josh and John (from John Jacobs' Next Generation Power Force). I knew what they did for a living and that is why we brought them here. I didn't know, however, what they would be like as people. What a great couple of young men they are! What the public saw were two powerful, self disciplined young men who could perform amazing feats of strength. Both were 29 years of age. One was an incredible hulk of a man - 320 pounds of power. The other stood 6'4", 240 lbs, and was the most impressive physical specimen that I have ever seen. One a white, former school teacher with spiked hair who was a dynamo of energy and a passionate preacher. The other, a black man with dreadlocks and three Super Bowl rings who had inflicted physical punishment on NFL quarterbacks and running backs for five years with the New England Patriots.
Different races... different backgrounds... different personalities... different styles... one common motivation... one common goal. Their motivation - loving Jesus with all their hearts. Their goal - leading young people (and adults) to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Their method was "different". The music was loud, the physical feats they performed were outrageous. Their physical appearance was stunning. And it all worked together to grab the audience's undivided attention while they did what they came here to do - share the Good News of Jesus Christ. In response to the invitations given, more than 80 men and women, boys and girls publicly responded to the call.
Souls were saved - new subjects were added into the Kingdom of God. Christians were challenged to take a greater stand for Christ. And the Devil was mad. How do I know that? It was obvious from the hate note that was found in one of the offering plates. The folks who found the note were surprised. A couple of people were angered, but I reminded them, "No, that's a good thing." That simply means that God was doing a wonderful work in our midst and the Enemy was furious yet unable to do anything about it.
When the Gospel is preached it draws a line in the sand. Jesus said, "You are either with me or against me...". The message of salvation through Jesus Christ is a polarizing one. People are called upon to make life and eternity altering commitments and the king of this world will do everything within his power to derail the message. The beauty of it all, however, is that he cannot overcome the message of Grace from our Father in Heaven.
Most of us think of the "team" as Josh and John, but the "team" members number far more than two. They include the Finance Committee of our church who, even in the face of a tight financial situation, voted by faith, to commit the monies required to host this event. (They agree that it was worth it!) The Team includes those who spent countless hours and hundreds of dollars gathering the required materials for the program. The team includes those who used their own $3.00 per gallon gasoline to make not one, but two trips to Charleston late Saturday night to pick up the two Power Force members. The team was made up of the guys who worked the sound booth, served as ushers, and the men and women who were willing to donate their time to counsel those who responded to the invitations. The Team members were young and older. They included the folks who cooked and served wonderful meals for Josh and John, and the guys who took valuable time off from their jobs to take Josh and John to four school assemblies. The event couldn't have come off without the ones who labored physically by carrying plywood, bricks, concrete blocks and two by fours. They worked for hours to set up the stage area and to protect the surrounding instruments from any possible damage. They labored even longer hours cleaning up the debris and putting things in the sanctuary back into place. Team members set up radio interviews, sent notices to media outlets, put up posters in the community, and passed out fliers on their own time. Hundreds of man hours were expended.
A tremendous amount of time and effort went into the event. Josh and John have moved on to other cities to share the Gospel. We are all tired - but it is a "good tired".
The Power Force came to us at no set charge. They work by faith and depend on the love offerings of the congregation to fund their ministry. Their target goal to cover the expenses needed to send them, pay their salaries and to keep the large Akron, Ohio based ministry going was $4,000. I wasn't sure that the crowds we expected would be able to cover that amount, but once again God provided for the need through His people. The final offering tally was $4,090.
As a result of the combined efforts - God blessed, and more than 80 people have a new or revitalized relationship with Jesus Christ.
This weekend's mission has been accomplished but the work is far from over. The mission continues. More than 80 people need followup. Some have ties to other churches. We will share the decisions of those folks with the churches they identified on their response cards. Others will need to be discipled by us. Some will need to be baptized. There is still much work to be done from this harvest time and yet the fields are still ripe for more harvest.
Workers are needed...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Westmoreland Baptist Church will be hosting a special evangelistic event on Sunday, October 28th and on Monday, October 29th at the church located at 3401 Hughes Street in the Westmoreland area of Huntington, WV. It's not the traditional "Fall Revival" but it is designed to bring the Gospel message to all who will hear. The message won't be delivered by the "typical" evangelist, but by a team of world class athletes who love Jesus with all their hearts.
John Jacobs' Next Generation Power Force will be with us to share the Gospel in an exciting manner never before seen by many of our folks.
I invite you to visit their website at http://www.johnjacobsnextgenerationpowerforce.com/
John Eskridge and Josh Whisenant will be our guests. You can click on their Biographies and photos from the Team Member portion of the website.
One of the team members will be speaking in our morning worship service at 10:45 AM and the Team will be performing their amazing feats of strength and sharing the Gospel in two evening services (Sunday and Monday) at 7:00 PM. With the transportation help of Bob Moses and Kenny Adkins, the team members will be speaking in school assemblies on Monday at Buffalo Middle School, Ceredo Kenova Middle School, Vinson Middle School, and Wayne High School. One of the team members will also be a guest on two local radio programs on Monday. The first interview will be at 8:09 AM on the Tom Roten Morning Show (800 on the AM dial) and the other program is at 12:35 PM on Jean Dean's radio program (at 930 on the AM dial).
A number of our members have helped with the planning of this event. I want to extend special thanks to Charley and Dino Dygert, Becky Moses, and Mel Hicks. Charley has spent a tremendous amount of time and effort to gather all the materials needed for these services and school assemblies. He and Dino and Randy Spurgeon did much work to prepare the stage area for the events. Becky (who serves with her husband, Bob, as our Fellowship Coordinators) has done a wonderful job of lining up volunteers from among our church to feed these guys while they are with us. Mel Hicks has done his usual outstanding job of promoting the event. Thanks to all who have and will help.
Please plan to attend one (or both) of these powerful events. Bring the whole family and invite your friends. Admission is free but there will be a love offering taken for these evangelists. These programs will be an ideal opportuntity to invite unsaved and unchurched friends who might not feel comfortable in a traditional church service setting. My prayer is that souls will be added to the Kingdom of God and that those of us who are already followers of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will be challenged to live our faith more openly and effectively.
I hope to see you there!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Who are you and what have you done with my father?"
The voice was that of my older son, Jay, from New Orleans.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I just read your blog and I want to know what you have done with my father. He couldn't have written that!" he said emphatically. "Have you turned into some kind of bleeding heart liberal in your old age? I can't believe you wrote that."
The blog post in question was the one that immediately precedes this one. It regarded the new Upward Sports Ministry that our church is starting. Now first let me say that Jay is a big supporter of the concept of Upward Sports ministry. He was not being critical of the program, and agrees that there are a lot of things in organized youth sports that need fixing. What he couldn't understand from me was one paragraph in particular. Here is the quote:
Again, let me say that Jay is a real believer in ministries like Upward. He just couldn't believe that I had written that paragraph. Apparently it wasn't from the dad he remembered. I guess it is understandable. That's because I used to be real big on the competitive part of youth sports. Winning wasn't "everything" (although important) but it seemed logical that getting the top effort out of each child was most important. I am still a believer in that with one caveat - when kids reach a certain age or maturity level (physical and emotional) it is appropriate, but not for the age group of children that Upward targets.
"Wouldn't it be great if there were a sports program for children
that was not all about competition? Wouldn't it be pleasant if every child who registered for the program wouldn't face "try outs" and would not feel the rejection that comes when they just aren't good enough to "make the cut". What if there was a program that would allow every player to be introduced at the beginning of the game, and that being a "starter" meant nothing, but being a team member meant everything? What if the games began with prayer and each child learned a Bible verse and heard a Bible lesson at each practice and game. What if the coaches and game officials were all committed Christians who were more concerned with building character in children than building "dynasties" for their own glory? What if learning the game, putting forth your best effort, and working as a team were more important than keeping score? Wouldn't that be a great youth sports program?"
While there may be some kids in 5th or 6th graders who are able to deal with the strong competitive concept, most K-6 kids would just rather have fun. In fact there are some who are even younger who may be more competitive by nature. However, the fact remains that they are in fact, just kids! The main reason given for children who drop out of youth sports leagues, or decide not to play in subsequent years is usually, "It's just not fun."
Now "fun" may not be the reason why kids play sports in high school or college, but it is a very important factor to little guys. Two weeks ago, before a flag football game of 4, 5, and 6 year olds I witnessed an adult coach putting his kids through pre game drills. These weren't "warm ups" stretching leg muscles and loosening up before the game. This was "boot camp" type exercises. Push ups, jumping jacks, etc. This coach walked between the two rows of kindergarten and first graders yelling like Vince Lombardi. "Don't you want to win?" he barked at one. "Come on. Suck it up!" he scolded another. "This is a big game - you've got to be ready."
How much fun do you think these kids were having?
Now I can see that type of action from a high school coach and maybe even a middle school coach - but at this level? I don't think so. This same coach had said, "Ive got to get these guys ready for the next level." For Pete's sake coach, these kids are mostly four and five year olds! Teach them the game. Help them get the concept of team. Put in a few simple plays. Show them sportsmanship and model integrity, but give them a chance to be kids.
Maybe it comes from being a grandfather for about 8 years now. Perhaps it's a result of facing an incurable disease (which certainly will put things into perspective). Maybe it's just the "older and wiser" syndrome, but there is still plenty of time for all that "winning is everything" stuff down the road. When I watch that high school or college game (or even that middle school event), I do want to see the kids put out the effort. Leave it all out there on the field! That's the ticket. There will come a time when they won't all be able to make the cut.
But not at this age.
Give the little guys a chance to see if they like a sport. Let them have opportunity to learn the game. Let them mature at their own rate. That's part of what makes Upward so successful. The other facet of the importance of Upward is that it is a MINISTRY, not a "youth sports league." We are not in competition with other youth sports programs.
Our job in Upward is to teach the game, let them learn to be part of a team, give them needed affirmation, but most importantly, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children and their parents.
That's a little tough to do when you have that 5 year old running the stadium steps for committing a turnover!
Monday, October 22, 2007
As the crowd of parents and grandparents yelled loudly from the grandstands, the Royals' base runner had rounded third base and stomped hard on home plate with what appeared to be the first run of the game. Running into the outfield, the 2nd base umpire verified that the ball was indeed stuck under the fence and made his decision according to the ground rules of the local Little League.
"Ground rule double!" yelled the man in blue.
The batter was awarded second base and the other base runner was instructed to go back to third base, erasing the run that had been added to the scoreboard. Pretty routine stuff. All covered by the rule book. No problem, right?
The Royals dugout, filled with 10, 11, and 12 year olds erupted. The kids were unhappy with the call, but it wasn't the kids who lost it. It was the 35 year old coach who went ballistic. Screaming like an attacking Comanche warrior, the coach ran out of the dugout with one of the kid's bats in his right hand. He made a bee line for the umpire who had made the call. To say that he was out of control would be an understatement. He was livid.
Having been unsuccessful in getting the umpire to reverse the call, the coach assailed him with a verbal barrage impugning the umpire's eyesight, his integrity, and even his ancestry. Both dugouts emptied and most of the players stood around watching while the coaches and the umpire were in "conference". Although no one actually came on the the field, fans did come out of the stands and lined the fence screaming at the umpire - or at the coach (depending upon which team they were supporting). The home plate umpire finally stepped in and ejected the Royals coach and had to threaten to call the police to have him removed from the field. Fortunately it never came to that, as the coaches wife was successful in getting him to calm down enough to drop the bat and leave the field.
It was one of those ugly moments that pops up from time to time in youth sports programs. Those of us who have spent a lot of time around ball fields and basketball courts at youth sports programs have witnessed way too many of those type of incidents. From Football to Basketball, to Soccer to Baseball, every one of these programs were founded for "the benefit of kids". By in large, the league officers and coaches are folks who are genuinely interested in children and want to make a positive impact in the lives of the kids. Unfortunately sometimes the baser nature of man kicks in and in the heat of competition and battle of egos, things get way off the mark. What was a program for the kids, becomes a battleground for adults and the main thing ceases to be the main thing.
Wouldn't it be great if there were a sports program for children that was not all about competition? Wouldn't it be pleasant if every child who registered for the program wouldn't face "try outs" and would not feel the rejection that comes when they just aren't good enough to "make the cut". What if there was a program that would allow every player to be introduced at the beginning of the game, and that being a "starter" meant nothing but being a team member meant everything? What if the games began with prayer and each child learned a Bible verse and heard a Bible lesson at each practice and game. What if the coaches and game officials were all committed Christians who were more concerned with building character in children than building "dynasties" for their own glory? What if learning the game, putting forth your best effort, and working as a team were more important than keeping score? Wouldn't that be a great youth sports program?
Well there is one like that. It is not really a "program" at all, but rather a "sports ministry". It's called Upward and it is one of the greatest ministries to children and young families that has ever been conceived. Upward began over two decades ago in Spartanburg, SC and has spread over the country. They offer basketball, cheer leading, soccer and flag football to local churches who would like to minister to children and their families in a sports setting. Every child plays, every child learns, and every child is a winner.
Westmoreland Baptist Church has begun an Upward Sports ministry which is kicking off soon with Upward Basketball and Cheerleading. The future plan includes Upward Soccer in the spring as well. We are kicking off the ministry with a special "Upward Sunday" on November 4th. As children are evaluated and assigned to their teams, we have ten "prayer teams" made up of 108 Christians who will begin 100 days of prayer for the success of this ministry. We believe that - rightly done - Upward Sports will be a way to positively impact our community for Christ. Will you join us in prayer for the success of this ministry? If you live here in the Ohio/Kentucky/West Virginia area, perhaps you would like to help in some way. Possibly as a volunteer or maybe even as someone who would like to financially support the program, so every child who wants to play will be able to play. If so, you may contact me any time at [email protected]
If you would like more information on Upward Sports, check out their website at www.upward.org.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
According to the national "averages" I should not have lived to see this 57th birthday. That's because on the news that I received on the last week of November, 2004. There was bad news and worse news. The bad news was that I was diagnosed with cancer. It was colon cancer - which was bad news. The worse news was that it was in stage four - having already escaped the colon and had metastasized to the lymph nodes and the liver. The prognosis was "incurable but hopefully manageable" through chemotherapy.
Those of you who know me personally or who have read my blog before know that the doctor told me that the average survival time for my type of situation was 18-22 months. Pretty sobering news. If you have never heard the "incurable cancer" diagnosis for yourself or a loved one - take it from me - it'll make you think about a lot of things. There are three or four ways you can deal with that kind of news:
- Despair and surrender
- Bitterness and anger
- Determination to fight it with all you've got - or
- Turn it over to God
I chose the fourth option. It suddenly occurred to me that NOTHING suddenly occurs to God. In His Omniscience - He knew this was coming from before time began. In His sovereignty, the whole thing was in His control anyhow. He has promised nothing but good for me and has known the plans He has had for me all along (Jeremiah 29:11). Having an excellent, capable and caring oncologist locally, and the Great Physician on duty around the clock I did three things. I was anointed by the elders of the church and they prayed for me with the laying on of hands (James 5); I prayed for wisdom for Dr. Jain; and I determined that it was all in God's hands and that my job was to strap in and take the ride.
It's been quite a ride!
So today, I had the birthday, they thought I would never have. It has been a day of work, rest, and joy. I have received many birthday greetings by phone, email and cards. I sent the usual bouquet of red roses to Mom (which I have been doing on every birthday for the past 15 years or so). The thought occurred to me back then - "Why should I be receiving gifts? Mom is the one who deserves the gift. She gave me life!" Benji, Leigh Anne, and the boys came by the house, as did Mom and Dad for pizza, birthday cake and ice cream. Jay called from Louisiana and I had phone calls from both of my younger brothers. Linda gave me a beautiful card and some thoughtful gifts, and I have just spent some quiet time with God.
So now it's official. I have reached the age of 57. What have I learned in the past 57 years? Actually, I have learned nearly as much in the past three years. I have learned:
- Life is short - Every day is precious
- God has given me a wonderful wife that I do not deserve
- I love Linda more today than the day we walked down the aisle 36 years ago.
- Family is SO important
- I have not only ministered to my church -
- They have ministered to me
- Friends are more valuable than gold
- I have peace with God that cannot be described (Philippians 4: 7)
- It is good for me that I have been afflicted (Psalm 119: 71)
- God's Grace is Sufficient for every need (2 Cor. 12: 9)
- God is good - all the time
- God is in control- therefore -
- Don't sweat the small stuff (and basically it's ALL small stuff)
I want to thank all my friends who have been so kind, helpful and prayerful on my behalf. I want to thank my family for being such a blessing to me, and my grandsons for making my life even richer than before. But above all, I want to thank God for all He has done for me, and for sending His Son to give me forgiveness and eternal life.
Who knows - I may even be around to see number 58 - Or I may get to spend that one with Him.
Either way - It's a wonderful life!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Is this just something that comes from getting older?
I just love being around little children!
I really don't know, but I can tell you that the older I get, the more I seem to appreciate kids. Maybe it's their innocence - or not. They can be downright scheming and devilish. Perhaps it's their inherent happiness or the joy of playing with others - or not. Often times they cry and pout, and sometimes they don't play well with others at all! Maybe it's their lack of formal learning - although everything they do is a learning experience. Their impressionable little minds soak up EVERYTHING - good or not so good. At times they exhibit total honesty and goodness. Yet no one has to teach them how to lie, or to take something that doesn't belong to them.
Curious creations - little children. Their comments can break your heart - or bring uproarious laughter.
They can drive you crazy during their waking hours, and yet you can stand in silent adoration while watching them sleep. Oklahoma Pastor Shane Waldrop once said, "Did you ever notice how they look like little angels when they're sleeping? God does that so you won't kill them in their sleep!" There may be something to that...
When diagnosed with incurable fourth stage cancer, one of my first concerns was that I would not live to see my grandchildren grow and mature. One was three, one was four and the third was born the week my malignancy was diagnosed. The fourth wasn't born until I was into my first course of Chemotherapy. These were kids I barely knew and selfishly I wanted to build a long relationship with them and I wanted them to remember me!
God has richly blessed me to have these three "extra" years with the grandsons, with my boys and their wives, and with Linda. I just want to publicly give Him thanks today for that gracious gift. Every day is special and I relish every visit with the little ones, every photo or video image of them, and every conversation with them. Oh, how I treasure those moments! I am not going to bore you today with all the profound and cute things my grandsons say, but I do want to share some funnies with you regarding some of the funny things that kids have said. This list was shared with me via email from Jim Fugate. You may have seen some of them before. If so, move on. If not, I hope you get a good chuckle from them.
As Art Linkletter used to say, "Kids say the darnedest things!"
JACK (age 3)
was watching his Mom breast-feeding his new babysister. After
a while he asked: 'Mom why have you got two? Is one forhot and
one for cold milk?'
MELANIE (age 5)
asked her Granny how old she was. Granny repliedshe was so old she didn't
remember any more. Melanie said, 'If youdon't remember you must look in the back
of your panties. Mine say fiveto six.'
STEVEN (age 3)
hugged and kissed his Mom good night. 'I love you so much that when you die I'm going to bury you outside my bedroomwindow.'
BRITTANY (age 4)
had an earache and wanted a pain killer. She tried in vain to take the lid off the
bottle. Seeing her frustration,her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap
and she'd have to open it forher. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked:
'How does it know it's me?'
SUSAN (age 4)
was drinking juice when she got the hiccups.'Please don't give me this juice again,' she
said, 'It makes my teeth cough.'
DJ (age 4) stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: 'How much do I cost?'
MARC (age 4)
was engrossed in a young couple that were hugging and kissing in a restaurant.
Without taking his eyes off them, he asked his dad: 'Why is he whispering in her
CLINTON (age 5)
was in his bedroom looking worried. When his Mom asked what was troubling him, he replied, 'I don't know what'll happen with this bed when I get married. How will my wife fit in?'
JAMES (age 4)
was listening to a Bible story. His dad read: 'The man named Lot was warned to take
his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned to
salt.' Concerned, James asked:'What happened to the flea?'
TAMMY (age 4) was with her
mother when they met an elderly,rather wrinkled woman her Mom knew. Tammy looked at her for a while and then asked, 'Why doesn't your skin fit your face?'
The Sermon I think one Mom will never forget.... this particular Sunday sermon...'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face.'Without you, we are but dust...' He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four year old girl voice,'Mom,
what is butt dust?'
Kids are amazing. Many years ago, we picked up a lady on the way to church. She was a friend and co-worker of Linda's and she was going through a difficult time in her marriage. We stopped the car and she climbed in the back seat with our two boys. Jay was looking out the window and didn't pay much attention to the new adult who had embarked. Benji, on the other hand, studied this lady with great fascination. We had driven a mile or so, making the usual small talk and Benji continued to give her his rapt attention and he said not a word. Finally, she looked at him and said, "How are you this morning, Benji?"
"Fine" he said. Then he announced in a very serious tone, "My dad's growing a moustache too!
You have got to love little kids...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
If, by chance the link didn't work - here are the lyrics:
And She called...
Blacks, Whites...wait African Americans and Caucasians, Asians, excuse
me.Vietnamese, Philipenes, Koreans and Jamaicans or Haitans, waitin' Hispanics
Please be paitentMexican, Puerto Ricans, Venezualean, Cuban, v Dominican,
Panamanian DemocratsI beg your pardon, you partied with the late, great
Republican, Independent, Christian, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, 7th Day
Adventist, 5 Percenters, Hindu, Sunii Muslim, Brothers and Sisters who never
seen the New York city skyline when the twin towers still existed.But still She
From the bowels of Ground Zero she sent this 911 distress signal.Because
She was in desperate need of a hero, and didn't have time to decipher what to
call 'em, so she called 'em all Her children.
The children of the stars and bars who needed to know nothing more than the
fact that she called. The fact that someone attempted to harm us this daughter
who covered us all with her loving arms. And now these arms are sprawled across
New York City streets. A smoke filled lung, a silt covered faced, and a solitary
tear poured out of her cheek.Her singed garments carpets Pennsylvania Avenue and
the Pentagon was under her feet.
As she began to talk, she began to cough up small particles of debris and
said, "I am America, and I'm calling on the land of the free."
So they answered.All personal differences set to the side because right now
there was no time to decide which state building the Confederate flag should fly
over, and which trimester the embryo is considered alive, or on our monetary
units, and which God we should confide.You see, someone attempted to choke the
voice of the one who gave us the right for choice, and now she was callin. And
somebody had to answer. Who was going to answer? So they did.
Stern faces and chisled chins. Devoted women and disciplined men, who rose
from the ashes like a pheonix and said "don't worry, we'll stand in your
They tightened up their bootlaces and said goodbye to loved ones, family
and friends. They tried to bombard them with the "hold on", "wait-a-minute's",
and "what-if's". And "Daddy, where you goin?". And, "Mommy, why you leavin?".And
they merely kissed them on their foreheads and said "Don't worry, I have my
reasons. You see, to this country I pledged my allegience to defend it against
all enemies foreign and domestic. So as long as I'm breathin, I'll run though
hell-fire,meet the enemy on the front lines, look him directly in his face,
stare directly in his eyes and scream, "I AM AMERICA! WE WILL NOT BE TERRORIZED!
And if by chance death is my fate,pin my medals upon my chest, and throw
Old Glory on my grave. But, don't y'all cry for me.
You see, my Father's prepared a place. I'll be a part of his Holy army
standing a watch at the Pearly Gates. Because freedom was never free.
POW's, and fallen soldiers all paid the ultimate sacrafice along side
veterans who put themselves in harms way. Risking their lives and limbs just to
hold up democracy's weight, but still standing on them broken appendages anytime
the National Anthem was played.
You see, these were the brave warriors that gave me the right to say that
I'm Black. Or white. Or African American or Caucasian,I'm Asian, excuse me.I'm
Vietnamese, Philipene, Korean, or Jamaican.I'm Haitan, Hispanic Y'all, Please be
paitent.I'm Mexican, Puerto Rican, Venezualean, Cuban, Dominican, Panamanian,
Democrat I beg your pardon, you see I partied with the late, great Reagan.
I'm Republican, Independent, Christian, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, 7th
Day Adventist, 5 Percenters, Hindu, Sunii Muslim, Brothers and Sisters We're
just Americans. So with that I say "Thank You" to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and
Marines, for preserving my rights to live and die for this life and paying the
ultimate price for me to be...FREE!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Kentucky has basically been the whipping boy for the Southeastern Conference football powers for several years. There have been some good teams in Lexington over the years off and on, but football has long taken a back seat to that "other" sport at UK. Kentucky football fans talk with pleasure about the days when Paul "Bear" Bryant stalked the sidelines in Lexington - way back before he went to Alabama and built a perennial powerhouse out of the Crimson Tide. Last season was a good season by Wildcat standards, and the Cats made a postseason appearance in the Music City Bowl under Coach Brooks. This season promised to be a good one, but no one has anticipated the successes that have come to the Bluegrass in 2007!
The only blemish on the Cats' record this season has been a loss at South Carolina. But then again, Steve Spurrier is the head coach of the USC Gamecocks and he has ALWAYS had the Wildcats' number - at Florida and South Carolina. This year was no different. Folks here in Kentucky were a little incredulous when the Wildcats earned their national ranking a few weeks ago. The "wait and see" attitude basically prevailed in the Wildcat nation - especially after the loss to South Carolina. This week would tell the tale when the nation's number one ranked Tigers of LSU were coming to Lexington. I don't think many Kentuckians expected a "W" but they were hoping to make a respectable showing. I think they accomplished that, don't you?
The Bayou Bengals had just moved to the top spot in the AP poll after previously top ranked University of Southern California had been upset last Saturday by the Stanford Cardinal. The fans in Baton Rouge (and most of Louisiana) were on top of the world. While I was in New Orleans last week, LSU was the top story - especially since the professional Saints were having a less than desirable season. Purple and Gold was everywhere you looked and folks down in Bayou land were not taking Kentucky too seriously. "Kentucky? Are you kidding me? They're Tiger bait!"
Well, that's what they thought...
Keep in mind THIS is the season of College Football upsets. It began the first week of the season when I-AA Mountaineers of Appalachian State went into Ann Arbor and shocked the Michigan Wolverines right there in "The Big House". The upsets have continued each week and the "Top 25" has been shuffled like a deck of cards after each Saturday's results. LSU came into Lexington, pretty confident, but soon learned that the Wildcats were for real!
It was a great game for the fans to watch and really a shame that someone had to lose! Having lived in Baton Rouge way back when the kids were young, I came to appreciate the great football tradition at LSU and have always been sort of an "honorary fan". My true football love is the Thundering Herd of Marshall, but I really don't want to talk about that right now. Ouch! I can't say that I have ever been a real Kentucky football fan, even though we have lived in the Bluegrass State for 27 years. However, since football has always been sort of a stepchild in the land of Adolph Rupp, I have always hoped the football Wildcats would have success.
The three overtime victory last night over LSU was a victory that everyone in Kentucky can savor (possibly even the Louisville fans!). The Tigers missed a couple of scoring opportunities that should have won them the football game last night, but as they say, "that's the way the football bounces!"
My condolences go out to my many friends in the Bayou State where football IS king, but I still have to give the props to the Wildcats. They earned it. Jay and Michelle should be having a great time down there this week! They have listened to the Kentucky football jokes for five years at the hands of the Tiger fans. They should enjoy it while they can...
Perhaps the Ohio State Buckeyes will now wind up back in the Number one position - where I think they belong.
We'll see when the poll results come out tomorrow.
Friday, October 12, 2007
My Trustee meeting was over on Wednesday night so I stayed in the Seminary's Providence Guest House that night and Jay came over and picked me up on Thursday morning. I was able to spend the day with him and helped (slightly) as the delivery men brought the new baby grand piano for delivery to their church. It was a gift from a former member who wanted to do something nice for the church after the post Katrina remodling project has been mostly completed. Boy does that thing look beautiful up there on the platform in the bright newly refurbished sanctuary! It's been a long road back for the last two years for First Baptist Church of Westwego, but by the Grace of God and with the help of friends from all around the USA, the church is back up and running. More beautiful and with a more dynamic vision than ever before. Isn't it something how God can take the most tragic situations and turn them into something good? FBC Westwego is literally a different church than it was when Jay arrived five years ago this month. The facilities are much improved and the congregation is very different. The median age has gone way down. There are a number of young families and singles who have poured into the fellowship - including a number of folks who were saved as a result of the Baptist witness after the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. If you would like to see more about FBC Westwego, click on the link to their new website (http://www.firstwego.org). The site is still under construction but you'll get an idea of the excitement that is going on there. To God be the Glory!
Speaking of the great number of people who came to the aid of FBC Westwego and the New Orleans area in general, one of the really great groups who helped Jay's church was the Disaster Relief Group from the Arizona State Convention. FBC Westwego's educational building wich was only moderately damaged by Katrina (roof) has played host to literally hundreds of Baptist Disaster Relief Volunteers who poured into the area to help in many ways. They have housed feeding (kitchen crews) and other types of workers - sometimes as many as 40 at a time! The toughest part about it for the workers who stayed there was the lack of shower facilities. That is where the Arizona group was such a blessing. They brought in a trailer equipped with 8 showers (four for the men - four for the ladies) and a washer and dryer bay. What a blessing! Take it from one who worked there for the first week of October 2005 - after picking through the muck of flooded homes, chain sawing fallen trees, moving refrigerators and freezers out of houses, and carrying off other assorted debris, that evening shower sure felt good!
The folks from Arizona left the shower unit there several months, thereby blessing hundreds who gave their time and talents to help others. Eventually, when it became obvious that FBC Westwego was going to become a long term base to house recovery workers, some permanent showers were built on in an addition to the building that now houses the church's offices. Jay was invited to come to Arizona to speak in one of their association meetings and a couple of local churches a year ago, and he is leaving tomorrow, at their invitation, to come speak out there again. That guy is getting around!
Katrina relief workers have given Jay opportunity to make many friends in a number of states. He has preached in Georgia, Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, West Virginia, Alabama, and Mississippi in response from invitations of folks who have stayed at their church during mission trips to New Orleans. He has so far, had to decline invitations from Oregon and Oklahoma simply because there just hasn't been time or opportunity. Another lesson they have learned from Katrina is a reminder of the tie that binds together the hearts of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's called love.
We had a nice meeting last evening of five who plan to make a mission trip to the Philippines in May of 2008. A few others who plan to go could not make the meeting last night, but it has the potential of being one of the largest teams that Beacon Ministries has sponsored to date. It is made up of several members of Jay's church and some Master's and Doctoral students at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The group had planned on going with us in January, but school scheduling will not allow that to happen. So, they are leaving the day after finals in May. That trip will involve some extra dimensions that previous mission endeavors have not offered. A number of the readers of this blog have already given to the January mission trip and a fund that will also help accomplish the goals of the May trip. I am so thankful for those who financially support this wonderful ministry. Perhaps there are other readers who have not given but would like to be a part of these ministry activities. If so, your tax deductible contribution would be welcome. Gifts of any size may be made payable and mailed to:
Beacon Ministries, Inc.
317 - 49th Street
Ashland, KY 41101
If you have any questions about this two part 2008 Philippine mission, they may be directed to me at [email protected].
My little "puddle jumper" plane for Huntington is just about to board. Hope to see all of our WBC folks in church Sunday and I look forward to getting in on a part of the "Pound the Pavement" outdoor concert tonight on the parking lot of Westmoreland Baptist.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Come back often.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
It is very difficult to type this because of his ultra cool ergonomically designed keyboard which makes it take at least three times as long for me to type a paragraph than it normally would.
The International Mission Board
The North American Mission Board
LifeWay Christian Resources
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission,
The Executive Committee
· Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, Kentucky)
· New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, Louisiana)
· Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, Texas)
· Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, North Carolina)
· Mid-Western Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, Missouri)
· Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (Mill Valley, California)
The “Convention” itself only exists two days a year when messengers from 43,000 local churches come together in their annual meeting. Our Convention’s mission of carrying out the Great Commission is placed into the hands of the entities listed above. The Convention messengers elect Trustees (representing the various State Convention churches) to oversee the operation of each entity. The Board of Trustees in turn, hires a president of the entity, formulate the budget, and set particular entity policies in regard to completing the assigned mission of the entity.
Individual Boards of Trustees are made up of as many as 40 members who serve in staggered five-year terms of office. If a Trustee’s service is faithful, he or she is eligible for election to a second five-year term. The genius of this system accomplishes several purposes. First, no institution comes under the control of one particular person. Each entity has a president who is a strong leader, but that president is elected by and answers to the Board of Trustees. Secondly, with Trustees who are pastors and lay people from all over the Convention, the local churches who make up the Convention, and each State Convention are represented in the decision making processes. Thirdly, the Trustees seek to carry out the mission of each Convention entity. Like the name suggests, the Convention messengers place each Trustee in a position of “trust” to be a good steward of the resources provided for each entity.
That is one of the beauties of the Southern Baptist Convention. Things aren’t done from “the top down” with a hierarchy telling local churches what to do. Rather, the local congregation is at the center of fulfilling the Great Commission. Local churches voluntarily join together in regional Associations, which make up State Conventions. The local churches give to the “Cooperative Program” which has proven to be the greatest mission-sending vehicle in the history of the church. The convention has broken down the task of completing that mission into those 12 entities and elected Trustees from the local churches govern the entities. The plan is beautiful in it’s simplicity.
I have just completed my first full year as a Trustee of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It has already been an educational and fulfilling experience.
After being elected at the Greensboro Convention meeting two summers ago, we “new guys” were brought to the Seminary in September 2006 for an orientation of what is involved in Board membership. It was designed to familiarize the new Trustee to the entity. In our case we toured the campus (getting a first hand view and update of the post Katrina recovery work). We met the administration officials, and got to know one another as the new Trustees who would serve together until 2012. We got a two day crash course in how the Seminary works, it’s day to day operation, it’s finances, instruction and curriculum, and how it is presently seeking to fulfill it’s assigned mission. We new Trustees came from West Virginia, Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, New York, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
The importance of the September orientation session became apparent when we returned to New Orleans the following month for the Board’s semi annual meeting. Our Board of Trustees is internally broken down into four standing committees. These committees are Buildings and Grounds, Instruction and Curriculum, Finance and Investments, and the Executive Committee (which is made up of the Board Chairman, three members at large, and the Chairmen of the other three committees). These standing committees meet separately to hear reports and consider the business of their particular area of oversight. They in turn, make recommendations to the full Board of Trustees when it meets the second day in Plenary Sessions. It is in those sessions that any official actions of the Board are actually taken.
The first October meeting for the new Trustees is truly a hectic and exhausting one. The new members are not yet assigned to a standing committee. They attend each of the separate committee meetings and get a first hand view of the mechanics and substance of what each committee does. Seminary President Charles Kelley and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees sit in with the new members on each committee meeting. After the October meeting, the President and Board Chairman assign the new members to their respective committees. By that time, the President and Board Chairman have had opportunity to meet and get to know each new member. They have had opportunity to observe them and get a feel for where their interests lie and where their particular gifts might best be put to use. Once assigned to their particular committee, the new members are ready to “hit the ground running” when they arrive back on campus in April for the spring meeting.
I really didn’t have a particular choice as to which committee I would prefer. I was a little leery of the finance and investment committee. While that committee is charged with an extremely important task, I can tell you that a few hours of looking at budget lines, tables, charts, and financial reports tend to make my eyes glaze over. I was somewhat interested in Buildings and Grounds due to the daunting task of rebuilding after Katrina and I can relate to bricks and mortar issues. However, my assignment turned out to be to the Instruction committee. While I wasn’t necessarily hoping for that committee assignment, I was happy to get it. After all, instruction and education is really what Seminary is all about.
The Instruction committee works closely with Dr. Kelley and Seminary Provost, Dr. Steve Lemke. Our chief responsibilities are to elect faculty members, grant tenure and sabbaticals, explore and implement education delivery systems, approve curriculum changes, new courses of study, new certificate and degree programs, add extension centers and Hub Campuses, etc. In my opinion, election of faculty members is probably the most important of all our duties. After all, these are the men and women who will be ultimately responsible for educating the students of NOBTS and it’s undergraduate arm, Level College. These are the folks who will be delivering important theological education to the future pastors, missionaries, Christian education professionals and local church and convention leaders. This is an awesome responsibility. On the instruction committee, we understand that we cannot tell these people what to teach or how to teach, but we do have the task of making decisions about prospective faculty members. These must be folks who meet the educational requirements and hopefully have had practical ministry experience in their areas of expertise. They must hold a high view of scripture, be men and women of integrity, have a passion for evangelism, and serve as life examples and mentors for the students they will instruct.
We have had an excellent meeting this week and I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. My first responsibility, of course, is to the congregation of Westmoreland Baptist Church and I thank them for allowing me to serve our Convention in this small way. I appreciate Randy Spurgeon, our Associate Pastor and my good friend, who is willing to take on a few of my responsibilities while I am away. I hope to represent you well in this area of ministry.
Oh yes. One other thing you need to know about the instructors, administrators, and trustees of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. All of us have signed personal statement of belief in the infallibility of the scriptures, and a statement of our personal agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message. Each of the twelve entities of the Southern Baptist Convention have done the same.
We are all on the same page and seek to make the main thing, the main thing.
New Orleans is much more than the French Quarter. It is a fascinating city, surrounded by water, and built mostly below sea level. It has a long and storied history as Spanish and then French territory. The architecture is beautiful. Most folks are familiar with the balconies of the old buildings in the Vieux Carre, and the stately mansions of the Garden District. The colorful shotgun style homes that line many of the streets are accented by ancient live oaks, and the wide boulevards with an occasional pine tree add character to the landscape.
Lake Ponchartrain serves as the northern border of the city and the curving Mississippi River creates the southern boundary, and hence the “Crescent City” moniker. The people are friendly and interesting, and the native New Orleanian’s accent is distinctive. They sound as though they may be from Brooklyn rather than the Deep South. There are parks and a marina, art galleries, museums, streetcars and a beautiful zoo that all add to the beauty and character of New Orleans. Live music is everywhere and the soundtrack for New Orleans includes Jazz, Dixieland, Cajun, and Zydeco.
And there are the restaurants!
Jay used to take us to the Cheesecake Bistro on St. Charles, but alas, after Katrina, the bistro is no more. However, local sources say that there are now more eateries up and running than there were in the pre Katrina days. Seems hard to believe but look around and there are restaurants EVERYWHERE. From his television fame, everyone knows Emeril Lagasse, but his places are just two of the multitude of great places to eat in New Orleans. One couldn’t hope to visit them all in a lifetime, so most folks find a few favorites and frequent them whenever possible.
I’m not about haute cuisine, nor do I live for fast food, but I do love that vast middle ground between the two. New Orleans has many such eateries from which to choose.
One can enjoy the red beans and rice at Café Mespero or the catfish at Ralph and Kacoo’s in the Quarter. (be sure to try the fried pickles and alligator from the appetizer menu at R&K’s) Perhaps you may wish to try the shrimp, gumbo, and jambalaya at Mother’s Restaurant on Poydras Street. Good stuff! Hungry for a delicious filet mignon and some Jazz music? Try Snug Harbor on Frenchman Street in the Marigny district. The best cheeseburger and baked potato you ever put in your mouth awaits you at Port of Call on Esplanade. Want a delicious Po Boy? Sammy’s on Elysian Fields is my favorite. How about a Pizza or Muffaletto? Try Mo’s Pizza across the river in Westwego. Or if you just want a snack with a real taste of New Orleans, the Bignets at Café Dumonde will leave you satisfied - and covered with powdered sugar!
If I lived in New Orleans, I would weigh 400 pounds!
Tonight, when our Seminary Trustee meeting concludes, we will enjoy a Seafood Buffet in the dining room at the seminary and finish up with coffee and dessert at Café New Orleans in the Hardin Student Center on campus. Café New Orleans offers 72 different blends of coffee. 72!!! I wouldn’t have thought that possible. Loretta Scroggs, who is a member of Jay’s church, manages the coffee shop, and she’ll have a couple of pounds of fresh ground coffee (blend of our choice) for each of us to take home. Linda has told me to make sure I come back with “Columbia Supremo” blend. I learned long ago not to cross her up on her coffee!
I will write later tonight about our Trustee Meeting itself. But for now, it’s off to the campus gym and weight room to try to work off last night’s meal.
Monday, October 8, 2007
NOBTS has been very special to our family over the past five years. It has been the focal point of the life of our older son, and the reason he and his family moved so far away from "home". A year ago I had the privilege to have been elected to the Seminary Board of Trustees and it has been a joy to serve this wonderful "School of Providence and Prayer". We have our semi annual Trustee meeting this week and I will be leaving for that meeting in a few hours. I look forward to doing the business that is entrusted to us, and to the special time of prayer and fellowship with the other trustees and with the wonderful administration, faculty, and staff of the Seminary.
Dr. Chuck Kelley has served the Seminary as President for just over 10 years. Besides being a great academic leader, Dr. Kelley is an evangelist at heart. He and his wife, Dr. Rhonda Kelley are dear folks who love New Orleans and the young people who come to that Seminary to train for ministry, evangelism, and missions. Rhonda is the daughter of Rev. Bob Harrington who was well known for many years in New Orleans as "The Chaplain of Bourbon Street". Chuck is a graduate of the Seminary and served for many years as a professor of evangelism. Their roots go deep in the Crescent City.
It was truly through the Providence of God that Dr. Kelley was there to lead the Seminary family through the worst natural disaster to ever strike the United States - Hurricane Katrina. Two years have passed since the hurricane struck and several levees were breached sending 80 percent of the city under water for days. The Seminary family took losses that would do most of us in. There was some question as to whether the Seminary should even try to reopen or possibly relocate to another city. But through strong faith in God, the leadership of Dr. Kelley and his staff, and an outpouring of help from Southern Baptists all around the country, a modern miracle has taken place on Gentilly Boulevard.
The Seminary hosted a "Homecoming" celebration last week to thank God for his provision. Everyone who has been part of the Seminary family along with the many who helped in it's restoration and recovery were invited to come and celebrate what God has done. I wasn't able to attend the Homecoming since I am going to be there this week, but I read with interest Joe McKeever's blog about it. (www.joemckeever.com ) Here is part of what Joe writes, regarding the special service held in Leavell Chapel:
"After testimonies from students and professors on the Lord's care for them and their families through the Katrina tragedy, Dr. Kelley went into detail about the Father's watch care over both the campus and the seminary family. He called attention to a handout with facts seminary-lovers will want to know.
During and after Hurricane Katrina's storm and flooding....
80 percent of the city was underwater.
Seminary students were scattered to 29 states.
Faculty and staff evacuated to 12 states.
The Georgia Baptist Convention put 300 seminary families in housing.
The seminary campus itself sustained some $60 million in damages, most of it due to the flood waters which saturated the homes and buildings for many days.
Most of the campus housing was under 3 to 5 feet of water for 2 to 3
45 percent of all student housing was flooded, resulting in almost total
loss for those families.
92 student apartments were demolished afterward.
All the faculty houses were flooded.
Administrative offices were relocated to Atlanta from September '05 through April '06.
Over 1,000 students from the main campus were contacted by the Student Life Office after the hurricane, to find out what needs they had and help them stay "in class" through the internet.
Over 400 refrigerators on campus were destroyed.
Over 150 automobiles were destroyed.
Campus recreation facilities and equipment were unusable.
400 National Guardsmen set up their base camp on the campus.
100 NY Highway Patrolmen stayed in campus facilities.
No class programs were eliminated as a result of Katrina. (No other
institution of higher learning in the New Orleans area can make this
The seminary was the only institution of higher learning in this area not to lay off a single faculty member.
Over 3/4 of our students continued to take classes, most over the
2500 students enrolled following Katrina, which was 25 percent below the previous year's enrollment.
The SBC Executive Committee gave the seminary $6.2 million for recovery efforts.
The International Mission Board donated $1.2 million.
The Florida Baptist Convention donated cash and gift cards to distribute to seminary families.
Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana state conventions sent significant
More than 3,000 volunteers completed the equivalent of more than $3 million in labor.
60 acres of sod was laid on the campus.
All campus landscaping was replaced.
SBC disaster relief teams and church volunteers have been in New Orleans continuously since the hurricane, over 2 years ago.
Volunteers from churches and other SBC entities, too vast in numbers to keep track of, have given time, materials, and money toward the recovery of this seminary, our churches, and our city.
Dr. Kelley said, "Our favorite scripture comes from the 43rd chapter of
Isaiah." He read the opening verses.
"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name; you are Mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,Nor will the flame burn you.For I am
the Lord your God."
The campus has been beautifully restored and the Seminary family has been actively involved in working to help their neighbors recover from their losses. Many acts of kindess and compassion to others have helped open doors of evangelism in New Orleans that have never been opened before. I'll be spending the next 4 days in the presence of a modern miracle.
Oh yes. I'll also get to spend a couple of evenings with two of my grandsons! Not bad duty...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Gene returned after a few days of intensive clean up work at Westwego with stories about how much damage he had seen. Along with the cable news outlets and their coverage of the disaster, the vision of helping New Orleans recover spread quickly across the country. Doug Virgin is the Director of Missions for the Greater Huntington Baptist Association and he caught the vision as well. Knowing Jay, Doug wanted to do something to help his church so he got busy. Soon he had rented a 24 foot box truck and it was filled with plywood, sheet rock, drywall mud, roll roofing, roofing nails, and assorted other related materials. He put out the call in this area and three of us responded to make the week's relief trip to the Big Easy. Naturally, since Jay was my son I wanted to be part of the effort. We were joined by Pastor John Freeman of Calvary Baptist Church in Chapmanville, WV and Mike Dixon, a layperson from the Coal Fields Association who had a lot of experience in SBC Disaster Relief work. WV State Convention of Southern Baptist's Director of Missions, Dr. Greg Wrigley, loaned us his personal van. We loaded it up and our two vehicle caravan set off for New Orleans.
We drove straight through and upon arriving, threw out our sleeping bags in a Sunday school classroom in the church's educational building. There were also some Katrina refugees living in the other class rooms. More about that later.
While in the New Orleans area that week we were overcome by the devastation. Jay gave us the quick tour of the worst affected areas of the city. It was heartbreaking and awesome in the scope of the devastation. There were still pools of "toxic soup" in the lower lying areas. Thousands of ruined "flood cars" dotted the landscape. Damaged shrimp boats sat in the middle of four lane highways and tree lined boulevards. The central business district was a mess from the flooding and looting. All of the grass was dead and a grey dried mud was everywhere. Trees and power lines were down and the place was pitch black at night. Military patrols and search parties were active all over the city. In the now famous lower 9th ward the scope of the damage was more than I can express. Houses had been washed off their foundations by the results of the breech in the nearby levee. They were piled up against one another, crumpled like broken models, and sitting in the middle of streets. It was not unusual to see vehicles on top of the rubble of houses, but in the lower 9th we saw houses on top of vehicles!
We spent several days helping out on Jay's side of the river doing various tasks for the church and some of it's members. We helped complete the gutting out of the sanctuary and unloaded all of the building and cleaning supplies there. One side of the former sanctuary was filled with boxes of clothing that had come in from all over the country. The other side was a community food pantry where neighbors were allowed to come in and take whatever their families needed.
Jay was working as a coordinator for the huge kitchen unit that had been set up nearby by the Georgia Baptist Convention's Disaster Relief people. They cooked nearly a half million meals while deployed to Westwego and the Red Cross delivered the meals to various distribution sites on the West Bank. Another SBC kitchen unit was at Calvary Baptist and others were set up on the New Orleans side of the river. No stores were open yet and I don't know how thousands of people would have survived without the selfless service of those precious volunteers.
We helped move refrigerators and freezers from a couple of homes and took them to a makeshift appliance dump on a shopping center parking lot. There were a mountain of fridges and freezers, piled high there. Each one duct taped shut with its rotting contents inside. The pile of appliances was only one of hundreds just like it all over the area. We helped a seminary student move out of his off campus apartment as he was pulling up stakes and heading for Atlanta. We cut down and moved a damaged tree from "Miss Mae's" property and we spent an afternoon chain sawing and clearing a huge tree that had fallen and was resting on the roof of "Miss Margie's" house. Less than a year later Miss Margie went to heaven as the result of a stroke, and a few months after that her house was demolished by a tornado that touched down in Westwego.
The most gut wrenching day of the week we spent there was the day we spent on the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It was hot and humid and the smell of the place was overpowering. The faculty and students had been evacuated and the campus had been locked down for the five weeks since the storm. On this particular week Seminary President Chuck Kelley had announced that all residents could return to the campus to remove from their homes, rooms and apartments any thing that might be salvageable. After this clean out week, the seminary campus would be locked down and turned over to contractor Mike Moskau for the tremendous task of demolition, repair, renovation, tree removal, and rebuilding.
It was the saddest scene I have ever witnessed. We helped clean out the house of Gary and Cheryl Halquist and their family. Gary and Cheryl and their folks were the ones who were also staying in the educational building of FBC Westwego. They had come back from their temporary home in Birmingham for this particular week to claim what they could of their belongings. On that morning we joined hundreds of people wearing heavy protective clothing, rubber gloves and masks in an almost other worldly scene. Folks were dragging out damaged furniture and other belongings from houses, residence halls, and apartments all over the devastated seminary campus. The stuff was piled along the streets of the formerly beautiful campus. Many were crying. Most appeared to be numb.
The formerly beautiful home of the Halquist's on Seminary Place was full of still wet muck on the floor and littered with wet moldy papers, lamps, and all types of personal belongings. Ruined furniture was turned over and piled wherever the flood waters had taken them. The black mold on the walls had spread nearly six feet high. Items that could be salvaged were taken to the driveway, where Cheryl and other family members hosed them off, cleaned them carefully with a Clorox/water solution, and hosed them off again. Once dry, those items were placed in the Ryder truck that Gary had brought with him from Birmingham. This ritual was being played out all over the seminary campus.
We came home from that week in New Orleans physically and emotionally exhausted. The work we had done was barely a drop in the bucket, but it was a beginning. The true heroes are the ones who face the battle every day. After two years I am still praying for them. I hope you will too.
Little did I know, at that time, that within a year, I would be elected to serve on the Board of Trustees of that same Seminary. I'm leaving tomorrow for our fall trustee meeting at the totally renovated and beautiful campus. In my next post, I will share President Chuck Kelley's post Katrina wrap up report. It is an inspiring one.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
The little guys, who live next door to their other grandparents (Lance and Linda Clanton) have an opportunity to get to spend a little time with us and get to know us as grandparents too. The usual "spoiling" activities of grandparents is something they both enjoy. The Friday night arrangement gives Benji and Leigh Anne a fairly regular "date night" or just some time alone to enjoy the quiet. Parents can use that from time to time! It also gives Linda and I the joy of getting to be with two of our grand kids on a fairly regular basis. It gives us opportunity to watch them grow, and get to know them better. Granted, we are both usually tired on Friday nights after a rough work week, and as a result, the attention, feeding, care, and entertaining of the little guys is not always an easy task. However, the ensuing Saturday mornings are truly a special time for us as we get to spend that quality time with the little guys before their parents come to pick them up around midday.
Friday nights with Will and Asher are somewhat of a bittersweet experience. As much as we treasure the time together with them, it always reminds us of out two other Grandsons (numbers 1 & 3) who are 900 miles away. Quint (age 7) and Canon (nearly 3) are also very special to us, but sadly, our opportunities to be with them are few and far between. Oh, how Linda and I would love to have them here close by. How we would love to have them here for the Friday night sleep overs! But it is just not meant to be - at least for now.
Five years ago this week, Jay and Michelle took Quint and moved to New Orleans. Jay had enrolled in New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and had taken the pastorate of First Baptist Church of Westwego. Looking back on that traumatic time after a half a decade, I can clearly see the hand of God in that move and all that has transpired since then. However, at the time of the move, Linda and I were crushed. "You are taking our grandson away. He won't know us and we won't be able to watch him grow up", I told Jay. His reply, which seemed pretty cold to me at the time was, "Lots of grandchildren live far away from their grandparents."
True. But that didn't make the transition any easier for us!
Quint has lived far away from us for more than half of his life and Canon was born in New Orleans. Linda was able to be there when he was born, but had to rush home when I was diagnosed with cancer and immediate surgery was required. The opportunities that we have to be with Quint and Canon are rare. It is a fact that we have grown accustomed to, but that has never made it any easier to deal with. We miss them. We miss going to Quint's school activities. We miss being with them on their birthdays. We miss watching them grow and doing all the regular things that kids do. We miss those priceless moments. It is comforting to know that Jay and his family are doing God's will and are serving His purpose in New Orleans, but we selfishly sometimes feel that we and their boys barely know each other. That's hard for a grandparent.
Linda and I had grown up in the 50's . Those were different times and it was a different world then. We had both grown up around our respective grandparents. In fact, over the years, all of her grandparents at one time or another had actually lived with her family. When my paternal grandmother died in 1955, my grandfather came to live with us for a couple of years. That's just the way things were in West Virginia and eastern Kentucky in those days. In fact, when my other grandfather died in 1968, Granny (who only lived an hour and a half away from us) came to live with my mom and dad and made her home with them until she passed away in 1996.
Furthermore, Jay and Benji had grown up in close proximity to both sets of their grandparents. Except for my time in the U.S Air Force (and that year and a half we were in Baton Rouge) when the boys were young, they were never far away from their grandparents. For a few years my mom and dad were just a mile or so away and after we moved to Ashland, they were only 20 minutes distant. Linda's folks lived about two hours down the road, but we kept U.S. Rts. 23 and 52 hot as we visited on many weekends and all of the holidays. When we weren't heading for Pike County, the old folks were often headed up this way. After his retirement, Linda's mom and dad moved much closer to us and were only about a half hour drive away. Both of our boys had the privilege of knowing their grandparents well and playing with most of their cousins on a regular basis.
Jay was correct. There are many grandparents who rarely get to see their out of town grandchildren. I have a number of friends and church members who are in the same situation. All we can do is make the best of the circumstances and treasure the times when we can be together. Our New Orleans kids get to come home maybe a couple of times a year. Since Linda and I are both working, it makes it difficult for us to go there often, but we have been blessed to make a few trips to see them. Every visit is special, but when it's over the tears always come. I don't know if that will ever change.
I'll be leaving on Monday morning for a few days in New Orleans. A year ago at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Greensboro, I was elected to a five year term on the Board of Trustees of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Our Board meets twice per year at the seminary, in April and October. Unfortunately, due to her work and school schedule, it isn't possible for Linda to go with me to New Orleans each visit (although wives are welcome to attend). It's an honor to serve the convention in that capacity, but it is a special bonus to get to spend a few extra days with Quint and Canon. It's nice to see their mom and dad too, of course, but you must understand, Grandchildren are special!
Last night I was counting my blessings while spending time with Will and Asher. I listened to them say their bed time prayers and ask God to watch over their family. They named individually their parents, each grandparent and great grand parent, uncles and aunts and cousins. It was a special time. We are still looking forward to that first sleep over when all four boys get to stay at Mamaw and Papaw's house together. Maybe it will happen this fall. I hope so.
I told Will and Asher last night that I would be going to see Quint and Canon on Monday. Will said sadly, "I wish I could go with you to see them."
I wish he could too.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Brandon is a big story around these parts. He is a hometown boy from here in Ashland, KY and a graduate of Paul G. Blazer High School. Brandon came up through the local youth baseball programs here in Ashland - first in the Ashland American Little League, then the local Babe Ruth League. He pitched for the high school Tomcats and played Connie Mack summer ball for French Harmon's Ashland Athletics. My younger son, Benji, played with Brandon on that Athletics team during Brandon's first couple of years. Webb was always an above average player, but really honed his pitching skills under Keith Madison at the University of Kentucky where he mastered the wicked sinker ball that helped him earn last year's Cy Young Award for the best pitcher in the National League.
I never had the opportunity to coach Brandon (which is probably a good thing for him!) but I did sponsor a minor league team in the American League where Brandon played as an eight year old. There is a good trivia question for future use. What was Brandon Webb's first Little League team ? Answer: it was none other than Adkins Insurance Agency! David May and Rob Francis were his coaches on the Adkins Agency team and Marvin Childers was the wise coach who drafted him to the Angels the next season.
Seeing Brandon pitching in the national spotlight tonight brings back many memories. Not just about him, but about the scores of young men whom I have had the pleasure of coaching personally in Little League and Babe Ruth Baseball programs and in Grade School Basketball. There are literally hundreds who I registered and worked with as a league official in Little League Baseball and the Ashland Junior Football League. A few of the boys who have come up through those programs went on to play college ball, and some have had limited professional sports careers, although none as notable as Brandon Webb. But as proud as I am of them, I am just as proud of how many of the others have turned out.
Among the numbers of the boys I have coached (or coached against) most of them are now productive members of our society. There are salesmen, accountants, nurses, physical therapists, bankers, pastors, teachers and coaches. Some are skilled laborers, and business managers. Some are working in construction trades, some as maintenance supervisors, youth ministers, and one is a grade school principal. Others have made careers in the Military and as Police officers, dispatchers, attorneys, and fire fighters. Most of them are now husbands and fathers and some of them are even coaching kids in youth programs themselves. I look at some of these guys now and realize that indeed I am getting older!
Most of the coaches and league officials who I have worked with in various youth sports leagues were in it for the same reasons I was - to help kids. Some of us started out with our own kids, but stayed around a number of years after ours were already aged out. Most of us gained a lot more than we gave by building relationships with those young men. Just two weeks ago I performed a wedding ceremony for Kevin Johnson, whom I coached as a 13-15 year old in Babe Ruth. It's nice to run into some of the boys now and then and see their smiles and hope that I have had a positive influence in their lives.
I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in the world.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
“I Love My Church Sunday"
Do you love your church? Were you baptized in this building? Were you married here? Did your parents bring you here as a child? If not, as a visitor did you find a friendly welcome from the people here? Do you enjoy the music? Maybe even the preaching and teaching of the pastor? Have the members been there for you in times of grief and loss? A church family is a precious thing to have but sadly, like so many other blessings, it is often taken for granted.
If YOU love Westmoreland Baptist Church I want to ask you to join me and every other member in demonstrating that love on Sunday morning, October 7th. We are designating that day to be “I Love My Church!” Sunday. I want to ask each and every member of Westmoreland Baptist Church, who is physically able, to be in your place on Sunday Morning, October 7th for a time of Celebration, Contemplation, and Consecration.
People are constantly telling me, “I love my church!” From some folks it’s pretty easy to believe because of their faithful support of the church in their attendance, participation in our ministries, and financial support. But on appearances, with some folks, the “I love my church” statement has a hollow ring to it. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words”.
Our church records show a total of 672 “resident” members of which about half that number are considered “active” members. If that is the case, then why on any given Sunday, does our worship attendance only total 30% of our “resident” members? Clearly 40% of our “active” members are no where to be found. What’s wrong with this picture? To further complicate the problem, many of our members seem to forget the financial needs of the church during the summer months, making it very difficult to meet our financial obligations, and lessening the amount that we can give to missions.
We know that some of our elderly and infirm members are not physically able to attend. That is a given. Also, work situations sometime have an adverse effect on the attendance of others. Vacations hit us hard in the summer months, and that is to be expected. Yet 40% of our active members missing seems to be pretty much a year round pattern. Lest anyone think this is a particular problem for our church only, I would hasten to add that other pastors tell me this is the case in their churches as well.
There are a number of opinions that can be offered to explain this phenomenon, and there is probably some validity to several of them. However, I believe that the primary reason for the lack of attendance is that it’s easy to “get out of the habit”. Christians, like everyone else, are creatures of habit – whether they be good habits or bad habits. People can always come up with excuses as to why they are not attending church, but when pressed on the subject, most will admit, that they are simply “excuses”. As a pastor for nearly four decades I have come to the conclusion that people will generally do what they want to do. They will do those things that they deem important. After all, Jesus said “"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “ (Matthew 6: 21)
I hope you treasure the gift of Westmoreland Baptist Church. I believe we have a great number of folks who love God, and love their church. Let’s prove that love with action on Sunday morning, October 7th. My challenge to you is that EVERY MEMBER be in God’s house. Come expecting the blessings of God – you won’t go away disappointed!
I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the LORD. ' – Psalm 122: 1
Isn't it a shame that we would even have to consider such an idea as a "I Love My Church Sunday"? EVERY DAY ought to be an "I Love My Church Day" for the people of God.
On the first anniversary of the storm (August 29, 2006) NOBTS had a special day of remembrance. Following a special chapel service was held to commemorate the disaster hundreds of members of the NOBTS family went out to do clean up work in the Gentilly and Lakeview areas surrounding the campus. Special speakers in the chapel service that day were Joe McKeever (Director of Missions for the Baptist Association of Greater New Orleans), Jay Adkins (a seminary student, pastor), and Byron Townsend (another student, worship leader at a local church, and employee of the seminary). Jay is our older son and I have had the pleasure of meeting Joe and Byron on several occasions. Their stories are interesting.
The story, from Baptist Press, that follows tells of the activities of that first anniversary and chapel service, and it recounts parts of the testimonies of these three men. I will share the BP story with you in its entirety:
Seminarians share Katrina stories to aid in N.O. healing
By: Michael McCormack
Visit www.bpnews.net for the latest news from Baptist Press!
For each person affected by Hurricane Katrina,
there is a story. And healing comes in the telling.
Members of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary family were
ready to listen to the stories of people throughout New Orleans on Aug. 29, the
first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall.
Disaster relief training offered to the seminary family on that
anniversary morning highlighted the importance of showing compassion during a
crisis by listening to a person’s story. Ways to identify a person suffering
from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also were relayed in the training.
But perhaps the best preparation for the afternoon of ministry
throughout the city came during a time of worship and remembrance in the
seminary’s Leavell Chapel. During the service, students were able to experience
the healing power of telling their stories with one another and then offering
those memories up to God.
“Those who experienced Katrina can testify to God’s providence,” Ken Taylor, professor of missions, said. “Even those who don’t
know Him are beginning to see that providence, and they will see it in some of
Three people told part of their stories to those gathered for the
service. Each was different, but every story declared God’s providence,
provision and protection. The first person to share his story was Joe
McKeever, director of missions for the Baptist Association of Greater
“Right after we returned from the evacuation late last September,
I noticed that in New Orleans at almost every intersection someone had printed
up a Scripture verse on these little signs,” McKeever said. “It was Jeremiah
29:11 -– ‘For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your
welfare and not your calamity, plans to give you a future and a hope.’”
get to the associational office, McKeever drives down Elysian Fields Avenue, a
street that for a long time, he said, had little or no activity on it.
“One day I was driving in and the tears were coming,” he said. “I
had this conversation with the Lord: ‘Lord, it’s not that Walgreen’s that’s
closed, and it’s not the Burger King that’s closed. It’s not this house or that
house. It’s just the whole thing, and I don’t know what to do for them.’ And God
spoke back to my heart and said, ‘This is not about you. It’s about Me.’
can’t tell you how liberating that was,” McKeever said.
The second person who shared his story from the storm was Jay Adkins, an NOBTS student and pastor of the New Orleans-area
First Baptist Church of Westwego. He said he usually rode out storms on the
second floor of the church’s education building but he had promised his wife he
would evacuate for a Category 4 or 5 storm. On Sunday, Aug. 28, early in the
morning, Adkins’ wife called him to report that the storm had become a Category
5. Later that day, he and the youth minister of the church evacuated to Eunice,
La. But they weren’t there long.
The storm came and the levees broke on
Monday, and Adkins and the youth minister came back to New Orleans on Thursday.
From the time they entered Orleans Parish that Thursday, God’s provision was
Adkins found a police officer who told him how to get back into
the parish by going through the least amount of checkpoints. When they made it
to the church, they discovered that the only working telephone in the area was a
rarely used phone in the fellowship hall of the church. For the next few hours,
Atkins worked to get a call out to anyone who could help.
“I called the
North American Mission Board and said, ‘I’m Jay and I’m in New Orleans. If you
can get us some food, we can probably feed a lot of people,’” Adkins recounted.
In the end, NAMB sent two mobile kitchens from Georgia, and through those
kitchens, thousands of first responders were fed.
“We were able to get the first food to West Jefferson Hospital, to the
police, fire and EMS workers, to nursing homes and other neighbors, and to the
National Guard people who were in the Superdome,” Adkins said. “It’s amazing
what God has done to open doors.”
Byron Townsend’s story, like Adkins’, testified
to God’s provision and His protection. Townsend and his wife Cynthia had their
first child just days before Hurricane Katrina came ashore. The provision came
on Tuesday when Cynthia, their newborn Ethan and Cynthia’s parents were
preparing to evacuate from Tulane Lakeside Hospital in Jefferson Parish.
Townsends’ nurse, Lynette, needed to get to Houston where her family had
evacuated before the storm. She asked Townsend for a ride. Townsend liked the
idea of having a private nurse ride with his family to Houston.
“Lynette, get in the car!” Townsend recalled as his response.
The family and Lynette evacuated, but Townsend stayed at the hospital
to help in whatever way he could. There, he said little concrete information was
known about the conditions of the city. Eventually, rumors began spreading that
the levees were going to break in Jefferson Parish and flood the area where he
was. Tension at the hospital was high.
“I said, ‘Lord, You’ve provided thus far. I know You can get me out of
here,’” he said.
Townsend got into his Toyota Camry and made his way to the
interstate. But between him and the ramp onto the interstate was a dip in the
road where the water was deep, and there in the low place a woman’s car had
stalled in the floodwater. As he prayed for strength and wisdom, he was able to
push the flooded car out of the way and drive his car through the water and out
the other side. Though the water came up over the hood, Townsend made it not
only out of the water but all the way to Houston safely.
“I had church in the car,” he recounted.
Immediately following the testimonies, NOBTS professor Preston Nix led students in a time of prayer that started with
each student sharing his or her toughest, most painful memory from Katrina.
Then, he prompted each person to share the most tremendous thing God did through
the storm. Afterward, in prayer, they offered those tough memories and the
tremendous memories to God.
Nix said the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina served as a
transition. It was a transition for the city of New Orleans from the first,
devastating year of recovery to the years-long rebuilding effort. For NOBTS, it
served as the launching point for the seminary’s concerted efforts to
participate in the rebuilding of the city. As the group went out into the city
to gut a neighbor’s house or prayer walk a devastated street, the volunteers
were ready to offer God’s comfort and love since that same comfort and love had
been extended to them earlier that day.
Copyright (c) 2006 Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Press. Visit www.bpnews.net. BP News |
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price, M.D., announced today the largest ever health care fraud enforcement action by the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, involving 412 charged defendants across 41 federal districts, including 115 doctors, nurses and other licensed medical professionals, for their alleged participation in health care fraud schemes involving approximately $1.3 billion in false billings. Of those charged, over 120 defendants, including doctors, were charged for their roles in prescribing and distributing opioids and other dangerous narcotics. Thirty state Medicaid Fraud Control Units also participated in today’s arrests. In addition, HHS has initiated suspension actions against 295 providers, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists.
Attorney General Sessions and Secretary Price were joined in the announcement by Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Blanco of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Acting Director Andrew McCabe of the FBI, Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Inspector General Daniel Levinson of the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), Chief Don Fort of IRS Criminal Investigation, Administrator Seema Verma of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Deputy Director Kelly P. Mayo of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS).
Today’s enforcement actions were led and coordinated by the Criminal Division, Fraud Section’s Health Care Fraud Unit in conjunction with its Medicare Fraud Strike Force (MFSF) partners, a partnership between the Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney’s Offices, the FBI and HHS-OIG. In addition, the operation includes the participation of the DEA, DCIS, and State Medicaid Fraud Control Units.
The charges announced today aggressively target schemes billing Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE (a health insurance program for members and veterans of the armed forces and their families) for medically unnecessary prescription drugs and compounded medications that often were never even purchased and/or distributed to beneficiaries. The charges also involve individuals contributing to the opioid epidemic, with a particular focus on medical professionals involved in the unlawful distribution of opioids and other prescription narcotics, a particular focus for the Department. According to the CDC, approximately 91 Americans die every day of an opioid related overdose.
“Too many trusted medical professionals like doctors, nurses, and pharmacists have chosen to violate their oaths and put greed ahead of their patients,” said Attorney General Sessions. “Amazingly, some have made their practices into multimillion dollar criminal enterprises. They seem oblivious to the disastrous consequences of their greed. Their actions not only enrich themselves often at the expense of taxpayers but also feed addictions and cause addictions to start. The consequences are real: emergency rooms, jail cells, futures lost, and graveyards. While today is a historic day, the Department’s work is not finished. In fact, it is just beginning. We will continue to find, arrest, prosecute, convict, and incarcerate fraudsters and drug dealers wherever they are.”
“Healthcare fraud is not only a criminal act that costs billions of taxpayer dollars – it is an affront to all Americans who rely on our national healthcare programs for access to critical healthcare services and a violation of trust,” said Secretary Price. “The United States is home to the world’s best medical professionals, but their ability to provide affordable, high-quality care to their patients is jeopardized every time a criminal commits healthcare fraud. That is why this Administration is committed to bringing these criminals to justice, as President Trump demonstrated in his 2017 budget request calling for a new $70 million investment in the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program. The historic results of this year’s national takedown represent significant progress toward protecting the integrity and sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid, which we will continue to build upon in the years to come.”
According to court documents, the defendants allegedly participated in schemes to submit claims to Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE for treatments that were medically unnecessary and often never provided. In many cases, patient recruiters, beneficiaries and other co-conspirators were allegedly paid cash kickbacks in return for supplying beneficiary information to providers, so that the providers could then submit fraudulent bills to Medicare for services that were medically unnecessary or never performed. The number of medical professionals charged is particularly significant, because virtually every health care fraud scheme requires a corrupt medical professional to be involved in order for Medicare or Medicaid to pay the fraudulent claims. Aggressively pursuing corrupt medical professionals not only has a deterrent effect on other medical professionals, but also ensures that their licenses can no longer be used to bilk the system.
“This week, thanks to the work of dedicated investigators and analysts, we arrested once-trusted doctors, pharmacists and other medical professionals who were corrupted by greed,” said Acting Director McCabe. “The FBI is committed to working with our partners on the front lines of the fight against heath care fraud to stop those who steal from the government and deceive the American public.”
“Health care fraud is a reprehensible crime. It not only represents a theft from taxpayers who fund these vital programs, but impacts the millions of Americans who rely on Medicare and Medicaid,” said Inspector General Levinson. “In the worst fraud cases, greed overpowers care, putting patients’ health at risk. OIG will continue to play a vital leadership role in the Medicare Fraud Strike Force to track down those who abuse important federal health care programs.”
“Our enforcement actions underscore the commitment of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service and our partners to vigorously investigate fraud perpetrated against the DoD’s TRICARE Program. We will continue to relentlessly investigate health care fraud, ensure the taxpayers’ health care dollars are properly spent, and endeavor to guarantee our service members, military retirees, and their dependents receive the high standard of care they deserve,” advised Deputy Director Mayo.
“Last year, an estimated 59,000 Americans died from a drug overdose, many linked to the misuse of prescription drugs. This is, quite simply, an epidemic,” said Acting Administrator Rosenberg. “There is a great responsibility that goes along with handling controlled prescription drugs, and DEA and its partners remain absolutely committed to fighting the opioid epidemic using all the tools at our disposal.”
“Every defendant in today’s announcement shares one common trait – greed,” said Chief Fort. “The desire for money and material items drove these individuals to perpetrate crimes against our healthcare system and prey upon many of the vulnerable in our society. Thanks to the financial expertise and diligence of IRS-CI special agents, who worked side-by-side with other federal, state and local law enforcement officers to uncover these schemes, these criminals are off the street and will now face the consequences of their actions.”
The Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations are part of a joint initiative between the Department of Justice and HHS to focus their efforts to prevent and deter fraud and enforce current anti-fraud laws around the country. The Medicare Fraud Strike Force operates in nine locations nationwide. Since its inception in March 2007, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force has charged over 3500 defendants who collectively have falsely billed the Medicare program for over $12.5 billion.
For the Strike Force locations, in the Southern District of Florida, a total of 77 defendants were charged with offenses relating to their participation in various fraud schemes involving over $141 million in false billings for services including home health care, mental health services and pharmacy fraud. In one case, the owner and operator of a purported addiction treatment center and home for recovering addicts and one other individual were charged in a scheme involving the submission of over $58 million in fraudulent medical insurance claims for purported drug treatment services. The allegations include actively recruiting addicted patients to move to South Florida so that the co-conspirators could bill insurance companies for fraudulent treatment and testing, in return for which, the co-conspirators offered kickbacks to patients in the form of gift cards, free airline travel, trips to casinos and strip clubs, and drugs.
In the Eastern District of Michigan, 32 defendants face charges for their alleged roles in fraud, kickback, money laundering and drug diversion schemes involving approximately $218 million in false claims for services that were medically unnecessary or never rendered. In one case, nine defendants, including six physicians, were charged with prescribing medically unnecessary controlled substances, some of which were sold on the street, and billing Medicare for $164 million in facet joint injections, drug testing, and other procedures that were medically unnecessary and/or not provided.
In the Southern District of Texas, 26 individuals were charged in cases involving over $66 million in alleged fraud. Among these defendants are a physician and a clinic owner who were indicted on one count of conspiracy to distribute and dispense controlled substances and three substantive counts of distribution of controlled substances in connection with a purported pain management clinic that is alleged to have been the highest prescribing hydrocodone clinic in Houston, where approximately 60-70 people were seen daily, and were issued medically unnecessary prescriptions for hydrocodone in exchange for approximately $300 cash per visit.
In the Central District of California, 17 defendants were charged for their roles in schemes to defraud Medicare out of approximately $147 million. Two of these defendants were indicted for their alleged involvement in a $41.5 million scheme to defraud Medicare and a private insurer. This was purportedly done by submitting fraudulent claims, and receiving payments for, prescription drugs that were not filled by the pharmacy nor given to patients.
In the Northern District of Illinois, 15 individuals were charged in cases related to six different schemes concerning home health care services and physical therapy fraud, kickbacks, and mail and wire fraud. These schemes involved allegedly over $12.7 million in fraudulent billing. One case allegedly involved $7 million in fraudulent billing to Medicare for home health services that were not necessary nor rendered.
In the Middle District of Florida, 10 individuals were charged with participating in a variety of schemes involving almost $14 million in fraudulent billing. In one case, three defendants were charged in a $4 million scheme to defraud the TRICARE program. In that case, it is alleged that a defendant falsely represented himself to be a retired Lieutenant Commander of the United States Navy Submarine Service. It is alleged that he did so in order to gain the trust and personal identifying information from TRICARE beneficiaries, many of whom were members and veterans of the armed forces, for use in the scheme.
In the Eastern District of New York, ten individuals were charged with participating in a variety of schemes including kickbacks, services not rendered, and money laundering involving over $151 million in fraudulent billings to Medicare and Medicaid. Approximately $100 million of those fraudulent billings were allegedly part of a scheme in which five health care professionals paid illegal kickbacks in exchange for patient referrals to their own clinics.
In the Southern Louisiana Strike Force, operating in the Middle and Eastern Districts of Louisiana as well as the Southern District of Mississippi, seven defendants were charged in connection with health care fraud, wire fraud, and kickback schemes involving more than $207 million in fraudulent billing. One case involved a pharmacist who was charged with submitting and causing the submission of $192 million in false and fraudulent claims to TRICARE and other health care benefit programs for dispensing compounded medications that were not medically necessary and often based on prescriptions induced by illegal kickback payments.
In addition to the Strike Force locations, today’s enforcement actions include cases and investigations brought by an additional 31 U.S. Attorney’s Offices, including the execution of search warrants in investigations conducted by the Eastern District of California and the Northern District of Ohio.
In the Northern and Southern Districts of Alabama, three defendants were charged for their roles in two health care fraud schemes involving pharmacy fraud and drug diversion.
In the Eastern District of Arkansas, 24 defendants were charged for their roles in three drug diversion schemes that were all investigated by the DEA.
In the Northern and Southern Districts of California, four defendants, including a physician, were charged for their roles in a drug diversion scheme and a health care fraud scheme involving kickbacks.
In the District of Connecticut, three defendants were charged in two health care fraud schemes, including a scheme involving two physicians who fraudulently billed Medicaid for services that were not rendered and for the provision of oxycodone with knowledge that the prescriptions were not medically necessary.
In the Northern and Southern Districts of Georgia, three defendants were charged in two health care fraud schemes involving nearly $1.5 million in fraudulent billing.
In the Southern District of Illinois, five defendants were charged in five separate schemes to defraud the Medicaid program.
In the Northern and Southern Districts of Indiana, at least five defendants were charged in various health care fraud schemes related to the unlawful distribution and dispensing of controlled substances, kickbacks, and services not rendered.
In the Southern District of Iowa, five defendants were charged in two schemes involving the distribution of opioids.
In the Western District of Kentucky, 11 defendants were charged with defrauding the Medicaid program. In one case, four defendants, including three medical professionals, were charged with distributing controlled substances and fraudulently billing the Medicaid program.
In the District of Maine, an office manager was charged with embezzling funds from a medical office.
In the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, 16 defendants were charged in schemes involving over $16 million in claims, including 10 defendants charged as part of a scheme involving fraudulent lab testing.
In the District of Nebraska, a dentist was charged with defrauding the Medicaid program.
In the District of Nevada, two defendants, including a physician, were charged in a scheme involving false hospice claims.
In the Northern, Southern, and Western Districts of New York, five defendants, including two physicians and two pharmacists, were charged in schemes involving drug diversion and pharmacy fraud.
In the Southern District of Ohio, five defendants, including four physicians, were charged in connection with schemes involving $12 million in claims to the Medicaid program.
In the District of Puerto Rico, 13 defendants, including three physicians and two pharmacists, were charged in four schemes involving drug diversion, Medicaid fraud, and the theft of funds from a health care program.
In the Eastern District of Tennessee, three defendants were charged in a scheme involving fraudulent billings and the distribution of opioids.
In the Eastern, Northern, and Western Districts of Texas, nine defendants were charged in schemes involving over $42 million in fraudulent billing, including a scheme involving false claims for compounded medications.
In the District of Utah, a nurse practitioner was charged in connection with fraudulently obtaining a controlled substance, tampering with a consumer product, and infecting over seven individuals with Hepatitis C.
In the Eastern District of Virginia, a defendant was charged in connection with a scheme involving identify theft and fraudulent billings to the Medicaid program.
In addition, in the states of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Washington, 96 defendants have been charged in criminal and civil actions with defrauding the Medicaid program out of over $31 million. These cases were investigated by each state’s respective Medicaid Fraud Control Units. In addition, the Medicaid Fraud Control Units of the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Utah participated in the investigation of many of the federal cases discussed above.
The cases announced today are being prosecuted and investigated by U.S. Attorney’s Offices nationwide, along with Medicare Fraud Strike Force teams from the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and from the U.S. Attorney’s Offices of the Southern District of Florida, Eastern District of Michigan, Eastern District of New York, Southern District of Texas, Central District of California, Eastern District of Louisiana, Northern District of Texas, Northern District of Illinois and the Middle District of Florida; and agents from the FBI, HHS-OIG, Drug Enforcement Administration, DCIS and state Medicaid Fraud Control Units.
A complaint, information, or indictment is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
Additional documents related to this announcement will shortly be available here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/documents-and-resources-july-13-2017.
This operation also highlights the great work being done by the Department of Justice’s Civil Division. In the past fiscal year, the Department of Justice, including the Civil Division, has collectively won or negotiated over $2.5 billion in judgements and settlements related to matters alleging health care fraud. |
The Fish Finder
The first Inuit kayaks were designed to hold gear, move efficiently through the water, and help their owners find a lot of seals. The Hobie Mirage Sport Fisherman ($1399) probably won't be seen bouncing off icebergs, but it is exceptionally well designed to help modern-day fishermen land their quarry. This 9-ft.-7-in., 52-pound boat has plenty of storage for bait, tackle and gear. You'll also find molded-in rod holders and even a mount for an optional sail. Plus, this kayak has Hobie's innovative MirageDrive pedal system, which lets you slowly propel the kayak with your feet while your hands reel in the catch of the day.
Who You Callin' Pretty?
Sure, your phone's got Bluetooth, a camera and high-speed data capabilities, but that's no excuse for it looking like plasticky junk. Now, after a few years of ugliness, phone firms are getting into a design groove, with Motorola out in front. First came the sleek RAZR V3. Up next will be the sharp-looking 3.4-ounce SLVR V8 "candy bar" phone and the PEBL V6 dual-hinged flip phone. Both have lots of high-tech functionality. They just happen to look good, too. Pricing is not yet available. www.motorola.com
Hip To Be Square
It's tough to innovate when building a woodworking square, which is basically a right angle made of metal. But the makers of the M-Power M3 Square take it to another level. The double-winged tool allows you to mark width and thickness simultaneously. Built in are a thumbscrew-lockdown marking gauge and a locking bevel gauge to transfer preset angles, making complex jobs a whole lot simpler. Euclid never had it so easy. $40; www.leevalley.com
The Short D-Handle Round Point Perforated Shovel from Gempler's may seem like a joke item at first (one with an oddly long name), but its utility lies in its ability to separate large debris from silty water and soil. The shovel can help you clean an irrigation ditch, segregate stones from sand, or, well, pan for really big nuggets of gold. Its tempered-steel blade will lift 270 pounds and its fiberglass handle won't crack under heavy loads. Finally, a tool for the discriminating shoveler. $60; www.gemplers.com
Those long, lazy summer drives are a great way to unwind--that is, until you find yourself sticking to the seat in a most ungraceful manner. The Norcord SummerSeat can help. The portable cooler uses an adjustable, built-in fan to pull the hot air away from your back and legs. It has a 12-volt car plug and AC connector, just in case you find yourself in the hot seat at home, too. $60; www.wwtgroup.com
When you look into a crystal ball, you normally see the future, but what this silver sphere reveals is the present. Sony Ericsson's ROB-1 is a 4.3-in.-dia. rolling camera that broadcasts to a mobile phone using Bluetooth wireless technology. ROB-1 can be operated at a distance of 150 ft. or more by means of the keypad or joystick on the user's phone. It streams video as it rolls around and can pivot on a dime. The camera can rotate up and down. The ROB-1 should cost about $250 when it is introduced late this summer. www.sonyericsson.com
No, it's not a new Billy Bob Thornton flick. The Slingbox redirects video from your digital video recorder, cable or satellite system to any computer on Earth that has broadband Internet access. It's a remarkable advance. Just remember: When the boss asks, you need that laptop along to do business on the road. $249; www.slingmedia.com
Cool Hand Luke
Gamers, picture this: You're steering a Subaru Impreza WRX STi into a hairpin curve in Gran Turismo 4 when the controller slips from your clammy palms. Nyko Air Flo controllers ward off such disasters with fans that dry your hands. Available for most gaming systems. $20 to $40; www.nyko.com/airflo
This summer, Americans will be relaxing in all manner of collapsible, foldable, sling-over-your-shoulder seating. But you can outrelax them all with the Kelsyus portable backpack hammock. It has a strong, folding steel frame that weighs (oof!) about 22 pounds but sets up hassle-free in minutes. Lemonade and book not included. $100; www.swimways.com/kelsyus
We analyzed tap water from a big-city municipal water supply and well water from a house next to a horse farm. Results from the home kit were similar to the lab findings on most tests, but the kit's test strips--two with pass/fail lines and two with a spectrum of colored reagent pads--involved some guesswork (is that dark purple gray or just purple gray?). And pass/fail, while okay for junior high gym, is a bit dissatisfying when checking for, say, lead.
Silver Lake Research Watersafe test kits ($17; www.watersafekits.com). Available in grocery stores.
Premier Laboratory ($230; www.premierlaboratory.com). Choose a state-certified, EPA-approved lab.
|*parts per million|
There's something about numbers down to the ten-thousandth decimal place that brings peace of mind. Plus, labs are less work: Fill a few bottles, send them off, and results are back in a week. And, the lab can talk you through the findings. The prices hurt the stomach as much as giardiasis, but you can skip the more esoteric tests to keep costs down. Bottom line: Well owners should test yearly with a home kit. If anything raises eyebrows, go to the lab.
|*parts per million|
Here's the gear you need to get the most out of the beaches, campgrounds and backyard pools of America.
Victoria Polyvac Skimboard
Constructed of an aerospace polyvinyl-foam core and a tough, scratch-resistant resin shell, the Polyvac is an ideal board for skimming the shoreline. $350; www.victoriaskimboards.com
Coleman Ultimate Xtreme 50-Quart Wheeled Cooler
This ultra-insulated food and drink caddy can store ice in 90° heat for up to six days. $50; www.coleman.com
Sony PlayStation Portable
A superb handheld gaming station with an astounding screen and beautiful graphics. Plus, it has a Wi-Fi link and plays movies. $250; www.us.playstation.com
Rainbow Reef Battle Shark
Sure to raise a few dorsal fins this summer, these toothsome battery-operated fish have flexible tails and swim around your pool with lifelike menace to put a little more spunk in everybody's stroke. $20; www.swimways.com
XACT Stream Jockey Deluxe Portable Boombox
This portable music system has Sirius satellite radio on one side, and swivels around to play CDs. It can run off AC power or a handful of D batteries. $160; www.sirius.com
Summer Sunglasses Guide
Serengeti's PolarMax Nuvolas give you polarization in a lightweight polycarbonate lens and a sleek, modern shape. $160
Oakley's RAZRWire sunglasses have a built-in Bluetooth earset. Available midsummer, price not yet announced.
Smith Optics Method shades have special curved, antidistortion Carbonic lenses, and a heaping tablespoonful of cool. $70
Bollé Mongrels protect your eyes and hold onto your face with Thermogrip temple tips. Plus, lenses are color-swappable. $100
New Face For DVD
High definition is coming to your DVD player soon. Deciding which of two rival formats to buy might take longer.
Photo illustration by C.J. Burton
Clearly, the era of high-definition television (HDTV) is upon us. But buying one of these beautiful new displays is only half the equation--you need high-definition content to take advantage of the greater detail that the technology provides. In the next year, two video disc standards, HD-DVD and Blu-ray, are headed your way, each competing to become the format that will replace DVD and rule your living room for the next decade or more. Which will prevail and which will become Betamax? It's too early to tell--and that's not good news for anyone hoping to buy an HD player anytime soon. So consider this an advance scouting report rather than a mandate to pull out your wallet.
In 1997, DVDs brought digital video content into our homes by compressing high-quality video on an optical disc that holds about 9GB of information. Each frame of film is stored as a compressed digital image, sort of like a JPEG graphic, with a resolution of 720 pixels horizontally and 480 pixels vertically. That's not bad--until you compare it to HDTV, which is capable of 1920 x 1080 pixels per frame, or six times the resolution. Great--if you can find a digital video disc format large enough to store that much data.
While HD-DVD and Blu-ray standards have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages, both provide the data storage capacity and the resulting high resolution necessary to show off our high-end televisions.
Why the competing technologies? Simple: The huge revenues expected from licensing. Philips, which developed the CD almost 30 years ago, still gets 0.02 cents from each album sold on the format. Whichever company--or group of companies--ends up providing the technology to power the future of home entertainment stands to make a lot of cash. And almost as soon as the DVD hit the scene, large consortia began working on the technologies that would eventually become HD-DVD and Blu-ray.
The HD-DVD standard was developed by the DVD Forum, a group of entertainment and electronics companies, including NEC, Sanyo Electric and Toshiba, that helped create the DVD standard. HD-DVDs can store about 30GB of digital information--not quite enough to hold an HD movie encoded in MPEG2, the compression standard used in DVDs. But, this won't be a problem because HD-DVD supports new compression algorithms that allow it to squeeze more digital information into a smaller amount of disc space. An HD-DVD disc has plenty of room for HD content, with space left over for DVD-style extras such as interviews with a cast and crew.
The HD-DVD consortium has a significant advantage over the competition: It's fairly easy to convert facilities that manufacture standard DVDs into ones that pump out HD-DVDs, easing the transition for the companies that press movie discs.
What does Blu-ray, HD-DVD's competitor, offer? For starters, Sony is one of its major backers. The Japanese behemoth not only commands a huge electronics arm, it also enjoys exclusive access to movies and music produced under its umbrella. The Blu-ray standard is almost guaranteed to have some content that the HD-DVD will not--at least until one of the formats wins out. In the immediate future, if you want to see a Sony movie in HD, you'll have to buy it on Blu-ray.
But that's not all Blu-ray brings to the table. Technologically, the disc is superior, using a double-layer technique that compresses almost 50GB of information onto a disc the same size as an HD-DVD. That leaves plenty of room for today's material, with an added bonus: space to accommodate video at a higher resolution than HDTV currently supports. On the downside--and it's a major drawback--this technology requires all-new manufacturing equipment, meaning a greater initial investment for disc makers. The additional costs presumably will be passed on to the consumer.
Both HD-DVD and Blu-ray video players should be on the market by the end of 2005 (Blu-ray recorders are already available in Japan for $1900 to $2700), along with the first wave of movie titles to watch on the shiny set-top boxes. HD-DVD will probably make its way into stores a couple of months ahead of Blu-ray. On the other hand, Blu-ray has broader overall entertainment industry backing and will likely ship with a greater selection of movie titles--though, as noted above, at higher prices.
What would I buy? The wisest course is to wait for the dust to settle before putting your money into either kind of system. Of course, wisdom doesn't always win out. If you absolutely can't wait, you can take your chances with either of the systems when they come out and be the first on your block to play video discs in lifelike high-def quality. If you're willing to delay gratification a bit longer, a more economical choice will be available when Sony launches its PlayStation 3 gaming console, expected sometime in late 2005 or early 2006. It will support Blu-ray movie playback out of the box. (Then, if there's HD-DVD content you want to watch and you just can't hold off, you'll have to buy an HD-DVD player as well. That's half the fun of being an early adopter: You get to buy twice as many toys.)
But what I'm hoping for is the best of both worlds: a hybrid machine. Yes, it's certainly possible that either HD-DVD or Blu-ray will win out over the next nine months, with the other technology bowing out gracefully. But that result seems increasingly unlikely, given the tremendous monetary stakes. Eventually, someone will make a hybrid player that supports both formats. And that's the one to look out for.
|Double-layer technique holds almost twice as much data as HD-DVDs. More room for extras and future features.||Holds about 30GB of digital information. Much less capacity than Blu-ray. Not much room for future growth.|
|Requires a retooling of production lines. Upgrade costs might be passed on to consumers.||DVDs and HD-DVDs can be made on the same production line. That might mean cheaper movie discs.|
|Can't wait for the release? Players are already on the market in Japan.||Will probably be in U.S. stores before Blu-ray for the earliest adopters.|
|Sony is a major backer, but the club also includes Dell, LG Electronics, Philips and Thomson.||Manufacturers include Toshiba, Sanyo Electric and Microsoft--which means millions of compatible computers.|
|More movie and music content providers, including Sony Pictures, Walt Disney and 20th Century Fox.||Pulling its own weight with New Line Cinema, Paramount, Time Warner, Universal and Viacom support.| |
- 0.1 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Plan 833 Review
- 0.2 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Eligibility conditions
- 0.3 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefits
- 0.4 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Riders
- 0.5 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Rebates
- 0.6 Documents required buying LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy
- 0.7 LIC Jeevan Lakshya Premium table chart
- 1 Plan Presented By LIC24 (www.lic24.in)
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Plan 833 Review
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Plan is a Limited Premium Endowment Plan offered by LIC India. Jeevan Lakshya policy participates in profits. LIC New Jeevan Lakshya Plan is an Endowment Assurance policy. Life Insurance Corporation of India has decided to launch Jeevan Lakshya 833 plan with effect from March 2015. Jeevan Lakshya LIC Policy provides Annual Income Benefit which is helpful to fulfil the needs of the family. Jeevan lakshya Lic plan is primarily beneficial for children. In case Life assured meet an unfortunate event during the policy term, 10% of sum assured will be paid on every policy anniversary. Along with maturity Benefit, Insured family will get a lump sum amount irrespective of survival of policyholder. The Unique Identification Number (UIN) for Jeevan Lakshya Lic plan is 512N297V01.
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Eligibility conditions
LIC Endowment Plan – Jeevan Lakshya Plan at a Glance.
|Premium paying term||
For Ex: Policy term: 20 Years, then
Premium paying term: 20 years -3 years = 17 years.
|Basic Sum Assured||
|Max Maturity Age||
|Premium Paying Mode||
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefits
- If Death Occurs during the policy term, 10% of the basic Sum Assured will be paid to nominee every year from the year of death until the date of maturity.
- At the end of policy term/ maturity date Nominee will be paid Sum Assured on death(110% of sum assured) + Vested simple Revisionary Bonuses + Final Additional Bonus (If Any).
- On survival of policyholder till the end of the policy term provided all due premiums have been paid as below.
- Maturity Amount = Sum Assured + vested Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any).
- Where Sum Assured on Maturity is equal to Basic Sum Assured.
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy Riders
LIC Jeevan Lakshya 833 provides the following optional riders by payment of additional premium:
1. LIC Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider
Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider can opt at any time within the premium paying term of the Basic Plan. The benefits cover under this rider shall be available during the policy term.
If this rider opts:
- In Case of death during the policy term
- An amount equal to the “Accident Benefit Sum Assured” will be payable.
- In the case of accidental permanent disability
- Accident Benefit SA will be paid in the form of dividing the amount into equal monthly instalments spread over ten years and all Future premiums for Accident Benefit rider are waived off.
Eligibility Conditions for Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider
|Minimum Entry Age:||
|Maximum Entry Age:||
|Maximum cover ceasing Age:||
|Accident Benefit Sum Assured:||
2. LIC New Term Assurance Rider
Term Assurance Rider can opt only at the time of taking Lic’s Jeevan lakshya Policy. Life Assured have to pay the small additional premium for choosing this rider along with regular premium. Suppose policyholder has more than one policy if total term assurance rider sum assured on all his policies exceeds more than 25 lakhs then LIC pays only 25 lakhs as it is a ceiling amount in term assurance rider.
Eligibility Conditions for New Term Assurance Rider
|Premium Paying Term:||
|Term Assurance Rider Sum Assured:||
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Rebates
Sum Assured Rebate
|1,00,000 to 1,90,000||Nil|
|2,00,000 to 4,90,000||2%|
|5,00,000 and above||3%|
|Premium Paying mode||Rebate|
|Half Yearly Mode||1%|
Rebates for LIC Employees And agents who want to take this policy
|10 to 14 years||5%|
|15 years and more||10%|
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Commission to Agents, Development Officers and Brokers
|Agents and Corporate Agents|
|Premium paying term||1st year||2nd and 3rd year||4th to end of the term|
|10 to 14 years||20%||7.5%||5%|
|15 years and above||25%||7.5%||5%|
|Bonus Commission: 40% of 1st year Commission|
|10 to 14 years||25%||5%||5%|
|15 years and above||30%||5%||5%|
|No Bonus Commission for brokers|
|Development officer Credit|
|10 to 14 years||60%|
|15 Years and Above||100%|
Documents required buying LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy
Documents required for buying Lic Jeevan Lakshya Plan are listed below.
- Application form/Proposal form 300 along with the photo.
- Address proof.
- Age proof.
- Medical reports (if required).
Plan Presented By LIC24 (www.lic24.in)
Lic Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefit illustration
|Tabular Premium: 54.1|
|Premium||without tax||Tax tax||with tax|
|Age||Policy Year||Premium Paid||Tax Saving||Natural Death Coverage||Accident Death Coverage||Bonus||Cash Value||Loan value|
|Death Benefit||From Year of Death, Every Year 10% of sum assured = 30,000 till end of policy term|
|At end of Policy Term 330,000 + Bonus amount 332,400 will be payable|
For Example, Mr. Harish has taken Jeevan lakshya Lic policy with following details.
- Harish age: 30 years.
- Policy Term: 20 years.
- Basic Sum Assured: 10 lakhs.
- Premium Paying term: ( Policy Term – 3 years)= 20 years- 3 years = 17 years.
Death Benefit: If Harish dies after 5 years from the date of receipt of the policy. The death benefits payable will be:
- From the 6th year of the policy period, the nominee will receive Rs 1,00,000/-(10% of Basic Sum assured) on every policy anniversary till the end of the policy term(20th Year).
- At the end of policy term/ maturity date, Nominee will be paid Rs 11,00,000/- (110% of sum assured) + Vested simple Revisionary Bonuses + Final Additional Bonus (If Any).
Maturity Benefit: If Mr. Harish is surviving until the end of the policy, the maturity benefit received
Maturity Amount = Sum Assured + vested Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any).
Maturity Amount = 10,00,000 + vested Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any).
Through LIC Jeevan Lakshya premium calculator we can calculate the premium amount to be paid yearly, half yearly, Quarterly or monthly based on the premium paying mode. Based upon the date given, Maturity Premium calculator helps in calculating the premium amount. Here we are providing complete details of LIC Jeevan Lakshya Premium Chart.
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Surrender Value
We have to pay the premium for at least 3 years to surrender the LIC Jeevan Lakshya policy. LIC Jeevan Lakshya Policy can be surrendered at any time during the term of the policy.
Guaranteed Surrender Value: some % of ( Total premiums paid (net of taxes) – any extra premiums – premiums for riders). + surrender value of Bonus.
This percentage will depend on the term of the policy and the year we want to surrender the policy.
Special Surrender Value: LIC will pay Special Surrender Value if Guaranteed Surrender Value is less than Special Surrender value.
LIC Jeevan Lakshya Loan Value
The loan is provided during the term of the policy. The condition is we have to pay minimum 3 years premiums to be eligible to get the loan. Maximum Loan Provided will be the percentage of surrender value.
- For in force policies – 90% of surrender value.
- For paid-up policies – 80% of surrender value.
Suicide Clause: If policyholder commits suicide before one year then premium paid will be refunded. If policyholder commits suicide after one year Full Sum Assured + Bonus will be paid.
Service Tax: 3.09%. For information about Tax on Life Insurance Policies www.taxqueries.in
Back Dating: Possible
Proposal Forms: New Proposal Form is issued Form 300
Cooling Off Period: 15 Days
For more Information regarding the Lic Jeevan Lakshya plan, please refer the given below official link, |
The year is 1955, The popular Western display "Gunsmoke" debuts on tv., although this gorgeous black T-Fowl Convertible rolls into showrooms available for purchase. This two-proprietor convertible now only has seventy seven,854 actual miles. And was just lately rebuilt in 2012. The Ford Thunderbird began daily life in February 1953 in direct reaction to Chevrolet's new sports automobile, the Corvette, which was publicly unveiled in prototype type just per month in advance of. Under immediate advancement, the Thunderbird went from strategy to prototype in about a calendar year, remaining unveiled to the public within the Detroit Vehicle Exhibit on February twenty, 1954. It absolutely was a two-seat design accessible which has a detachable fiber glass challenging leading plus a folding fabric best. Production of the Thunderbird started afterwards in 1954 on September nine With all the car beginning product sales being a 1955 product on Oct 22, 1954. However sharing some layout characteristics with other Fords of some time, like single, round headlamps and tail lamps and modest tailfins, the Thunderbird was sleeker plus more athletic in shape, and experienced attributes similar to a hood scoop in addition to a one hundred fifty-mph speedometer hinting a better general performance mother nature that other Fords failed to possess.
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This occupied pizza franchise available in Fort Collins is prepared to get a new operator to take it to the following degree. The menu presently attributes Neapolitan, wood fired pizza well prepared from scratch with the freshest ingredients. The brand new and fascinating thought at this pizza franchise available for purchase is speedily expanding all over the nation. The menu currently being served at this locale incorporates new, pure, Neapolitan Pizzas, appetizers (antipasto), contemporary signature salads, reliable Italian gelato, in addition to top quality craft beers and a fantastic wine assortment. The star of the menu at this pizza franchise on the market, made available from We Offer Dining places, would be the Neapolitan pizza. Genuine Neapolitan pizza is renowned for its chewy crisp dough made with only 4 elements - non-GMO flour imported from Naples, pure water, sea salt and Reside yeast. Then topped with all-all-natural ingredients together with crushed non-GMO Italian peeled tomatoes, fresh new entire mozzarella, Italian more virgin, chilly pressed olive oil, and baked to perfection in only ninety seconds. Fort Collins is the 4th biggest metropolis in Colorado and is particularly expanding rapidly! Dwelling to Colorado Condition College in addition to a host of large tech providers like Dell and Hewlett Packard. Additionally, it has on the list of place's most significant Anheuser-Busch amenities and is particularly house to a lot of the greatest craft brew corporations within the country. It can be often voted among the finest areas to reside in the place.
That is how the 1968 Bay Window came on the work shop; the front conclude was crushed from an affect on the spare wheel; the driving force’s aspect flooring was rotted out; the first trim was weakened; there have been random holes drilled for antennas and mirrors; as well as there have been numerous isolated rusted places.
In front of the transmission is the 235 cubic inch inline 6-cylinder that has been rebuilt and outfitted with twin carburetors, an Offendhauser intake and Fenton twin exhaust. Also incorporating to your dependability in the drivetrain is really a twelve-volt method comprehensive with alternator and points-less ignition. For suspension the pickup makes use of a mustang II entrance conclude as well as entrance and rear sway bars. Maintaining Along with the upgraded functionality of the pickup tend to be the 4 wheels disc brakes along with a rebuilt Ford Explorer differential. There is no percentage of this lovely pickup that has not been restored back to first or improved on. You are able to view this 1941 Chevrolet Pickup in better detail such you can look here as HD photographs and an HD online video of it working and driving at Gatewayclassiccars.com. When you are interested in purchasing this vehicle or have additional queries relating to it please phone us at (303) 872-4722 or electronic mail us at [email protected].
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For the last thirty yrs this Corvette continues to be stored unique and managed by a similar proprietor and, to at the present time, it tends to make for an excellent flip vital cruiser! The red and white shade mix is one of the most wanted of this physique type and is easy to view why as you Go searching this motor vehicle. The Chrome accents make the paint leap out from the gang, as well as purple inside to match would make a seamless transition amongst the inside and out. While you open up the door and slide into the driver’s seat, you're going to be taken again in time by The 2-tone dash, go to these guys chrome accents, and the massive steering wheel that came inventory back again in 1957. Fan the flames of the 283 cubic inch V8 and it’ll arrive at lifestyle promptly! The 4 pace handbook transmission transitions easily concerning gears and is All round an incredibly enjoyable motor vehicle to generate.
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As you receive driving the aftermarket steering wheel, you may be grateful to the scaled-down diameter steering wheel to Enable you to effortlessly enter and exit the car. As you are sitting in the car, hearth it up with The straightforward turn of a essential and start your generate! The vehicle feels easy to travel, but is just not lacking in electricity by any means. It cruises at freeway speeds without having trouble and the modern wheels lessen any physique roll. Should you are trying to find a car that's responsible adequate to go on long cruises, but tend not to would like to accept a more present day late product overall body design, this 1957 Thunderbird is a wonderful selection for you! This check out here auto is located within our Denver showroom. You are able to see this 1957 Ford Thunderbird in higher detail including HD shots and an High definition video of it running and driving at Gatewayclassiccars.com. If you are interested in acquiring this car or have extra concerns pertaining to it remember to call us at (303) 872-4722 or email us at [email protected].
A customized roof rack with a exhibit surf board sits atop the roof, with over 100LED lights that illuminate the board for the flip of a switch. The rake on this fifty' 3100 Suburban available is magnificent, highlighted via the sidepipes and aluminum/alloy wheels that encompass the corners, wrapped in functionality radial tires. There is certainly too much which might be said about the outside. To put it simply, It truly is prepared to show and switch heads! The inside is just as customized, with tan cloth sport buckets the two up entrance and out back. With plenty of room for both you and your friends, this car or truck can make for just a in the vicinity of perfect present cruiser! The tailor made colored sprint and panels make this 1950 Chevrolet 3100 suburban on the market a true sight to check out! Now's your chance to personal both a uncommon collector GM product, in addition to a tailor made and clearly show worthy cruiser! You could view this 1950 Chevrolet 3100 Suburban in bigger element together with High definition images and an High definition video clip of it managing and driving at Gatewayclassiccars.com. Should you have an interest in obtaining this car or have additional thoughts pertaining to it be sure to contact us at (303) 872-4722 or e-mail us at [email protected] |
Maritime Services Industry in Hong Kong
17 July 2018
- Hong Kong was the world’s 7th largest trading economy in 2017 with international trade immensely facilitated by its efficient port amid a strong presence of ship owners, cargo owners and traders. Over the years, Hong Kong has seen a continual expansion of its maritime service cluster, comprising ship management, ship broking, ship finance, maritime insurance and law.
- In 2017, Hong Kong is the world’s 4th largest shipping register following Panama, Liberia and Marshall Islands. Singapore held 5th position and China ranked the 9th. Besides, Hong Kong Shipping Register reported registered vessels totaling 114 million GT as of December 2017.
- Hong Kong overtook London’s spot for the first time in five years and became the second leading maritime centre in the world, according to the International Shipping Centre Development Index (ISCD) 2018 published by the Baltic Exchange and Chinese news agency Xinhua.
- The Hong Kong Maritime & Port Board, established in April 2016, is responsible for formulating strategies and policies to drive the growth of high value-added and professional maritime services in Hong Kong, foster talent development, and promote Hong Kong as an international maritime hub.
- The Hong Kong government set up a HK$100 million Maritime and Aviation Training Fund in 2014 in an effort to attract and groom talent for these two sectors.
- The Baltic Dry Index (BDI), a widely used gauge for the change in sea freight cost to transport commodities such as coal, iron ore, grains and fossil fuels for 23 major international routes, rebounded over the year to around 1,000 points in April 2017 from its historical low level of 290 in February 2016.
Hong Kong was the world’s 7th largest trading economy in 2017 as well as an international maritime centre characterised by a strong presence of ship owners, cargo owners and traders in Hong Kong on the one hand, and a vibrant maritime services cluster on the other. There has been a continual expansion in Hong Kong’s maritime service cluster over the years, which offers comprehensive and professional services ranging from ship financing, insurance and broking, to ship management and maritime law.
Hong Kong Shipping Register (HKSR) is a ship registration system separate from that of the Chinese mainland. More than 2,500 vessels were on HKSR as of December 2017, boasting a total of 114 million gross tonnes (GT). Besides, Hong Kong is the world’s fourth largest ship register following Panama, Liberia and Marshall Island in 2017, according to Danish Shipping Statistics.
Income derived from the international trade of ships registered in Hong Kong is exempt from profits tax. Besides, Hong Kong has also entered into double taxation agreements (DTAs) which cover shipping income with many places, including the Chinese mainland, US, UK, Netherlands, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and Germany. With a low tax regime and strong institutional environment, along with a maritime services cluster, Hong Kong flag is seen as a preferred choice for foreign vessel owners.
With a mission of creating an exchange platform for ship-owners in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Shipowners Association (HKSOA) was established in 1957. Representing the interests of its members in international shipping committees, HKSOA is a member of the Asian Shipowners Association (ASA), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO). As of 1 December 2016, HKSOA members owned, managed and operated a fleet with a combined carrying capacity of more than 178 million DWT.
Range of Services and Services Providers
Ship brokers in Hong Kong provide services in ship chartering and transactions. When working for the ship owners, chartering brokers seeks employment for the ships and negotiate the favourable shipping rates and routes for their clients. On the other hand, ship brokers also help cargo owners to find the best ship for a voyage and complete a charter. Apart from the negotiation, ship brokers are also responsible for monitoring the implementation of voyage instructions, payments, preparation of contracts and related documents.
Many of the world’s leading ship brokers have established offices in Hong Kong, such as Clarksons and Simpson Spence & Young. With in-depth knowledge of the Asian markets, local and foreign ship brokerage experts in Hong Kong provide consultancy services and up-to-date market intelligence of the shipping industry trends. Headquartered in London with 25 branches including Hong Kong, the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) is an international organisation representing the professional network of ship brokers, ship managers and agents. ICS provides education and training for both new entrants to the industry and experienced professionals. ICS membership is internationally recognised in the shipping industry; presently ICS membership comprises 4,000 individuals and 120 corporate members. The majority of ICS members obtained membership through the ICS’ Professional Qualifying Examinations (PQE), which assesses candidates’ knowledge of the commercial shipping industry.
Hong Kong is home to numerous well-established professional ship management services providers. Many of the ship owners outsource regular operational functions to professional third-party ship managers to achieve better cost control. Ship management functions include organising crew and supplies, dry-docking, maintenance and regulation compliance. Ship management companies often have specialised departments focusing on specific functions. For crewing services, ship managers are involved in staff recruitment, insurance, visa and work permits, as well as training. In addition, some ship management companies offer consultancy services in ship engineering, construction and shipyard selection.
To complete a voyage, ships and cargo have to be insured. Therefore, the marine insurance sector is vital to the shipping industry. Insurance brokers help ship buyers identify the risks and tailor the suitable insurance coverage. Hong Kong has a cluster of international marine insurance service providers, with a wide range of marine insurance products offered. As of March 2018, there were 88 authorised ship insurers in Hong Kong, of which 35 of them were foreign insurers.
Marine insurance is generally classified into two types − hull & machinery insurance and cargo insurance, which insure, respectively, loss or damage to the hull and machinery of the ships, and cargo on board. In addition, Hong Kong is a hub for Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance, which is a form of insurance that involves third-party liabilities and expenses arising from ownership or operation of ships. Specifically, members of the P&I Clubs (co-operative insurance associations), including ship owners, ship operators and charterers, mutually insure each other’s liability for risks or expenses such as collision, cargo damages and towage. At present, there are 13 principal member clubs under the International Group of P&I Clubs worldwide, providing P&I liability cover for about 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage. 12 of these principal P&I Clubs have established offices in Hong Kong. In October 2016, the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI), a key professional organisation representing the global marine insurance industry, announced to set up its Asian hub in Hong Kong.
Apart from ship mortgages, shipping finance includes sales and leaseback transactions, initial public offerings and related financial products. Ship finance service providers engage in the loan documentation for credit applications, which require shipping risk analysis and industry intelligence. Besides, shipping banks provide ship owners with other financial services, such as currency and payment system management. As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has a high concentration of banks providing professional ship financing services to the local shipping industry, as well as foreign ship owners and shipyards who arrange their financing and transactions in the region. Some the world’s leading maritime finance banks, such as HSH Nordbank and Credit Agricole, have established a presence in Hong Kong.
According to statistics from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), shipping equipment loans booked in Hong Kong amounted to about HK$111 billion in March 2018, accounting for 2% of Hong Kong's total bank loans. Since a typical ship loan may well be a significant investment of over US$100 million, detailed considerations on administrative arrangements and taxation of different regimes would be taken into account. Therefore, a bank’s lending to ship owners may be recorded in the bank's accounts on the headquarters or other branches, and in this regard, HKMA figures may not fully reflect the size of shipping finance related to ship owners and other stakeholders in Hong Kong.
Maritime Legal Services
Legal services for the maritime sector cover maritime casualty and commercial shipping activities. The latter involves legal processes for ship finance, contracts for ship building and transactions. International law firms in Hong Kong offer maritime legal advice on shipping matters including chartering, piracy, cargo claims and dispute resolution. Maritime lawyers specialised in Admiralty Law work for ship owners, charterers and cargo owners, while maritime insurers in deal with the legal issues of maritime casualties, such as ship fires, collisions, sinking and groundings, as well as the subsequent pollution, towage and wreck removal. Hong Kong jurisdiction originated from the British common law system, with a well-established legal system and judicial independence. The UK’s Maritime Law is also widely adopted in the world. The High Court of Hong Kong has specialist lists to deal with admiralty disputes with its own Admiralty Court Judge. Established in 1978, the Hong Kong Maritime Law Association consists of maritime lawyers, ship-owners, as well as organizations and individuals members involved in maritime sector.
In some cases, shipping disputes are resolved through arbitration or mediation, and Hong Kong is a major maritime arbitration centre in the region. In 2016, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) handled 297 new arbitration cases, with 9% involving maritime disputes.
Industry Data and Developments
Ongoing oversupply in global shipping capacity and slow demand growth are factors that have put tremendous pressures on freight rates in recent years, negatively affecting the shipping industry, in particularly in light of the uncertainty arising from US President Trump’s anti-trade rhetoric.
In 2016, the cross-border water transport industry contributed HK$7 billion value-added to the local economy, dropped by 17.7% from 2015. There were 13,047 employees engaged in this sector, including ship owners and operators, ship agents and managers, as well as local offices of overseas shipping companies. The 464 establishments in the industry generated business receipts and income totaling HK$87.9 billion, down 11% from the previous year.
There are double taxation relief arrangements for shipping income. Hong Kong has amended legislation to provide a reciprocal tax exemption from 1 April 1998 for shipping income, in which ship operators can benefit from the tax relief offered by places with similar reciprocal tax exemption legislation. In parallel, Hong Kong has entered into negotiations of double taxation relief arrangements for shipping income with other places including those do not provide reciprocal tax exemption in their legislation. Hong Kong has concluded double taxation relief arrangements covering shipping income with over 40 tax administrations worldwide, including the US, UK, Germany and the Chinese mainland. In addition, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Chinese mainland specified that Chinese-source income earned by Hong Kong based shipping operations is exempt from tax on the Chinese mainland. Besides, Hong Kong registered ships can enjoy up to 29% preferential port charges dues at ports on the Chinese mainland since January 2000.
The Hong Kong port is one of the world’s busiest, handling 20.7 million TEUs (20-foot equivalent units) in 2017. In the first three months of 2018, Hong Kong handled 66 million tonnes of cargo, of which 62% were seaborne cargo, while the rest are river cargo. According to the latest available statistics, Hong Kong earned HK$107.3 billion from exporting sea transport services in 2016 (accounting for 14% of total service exports in 2016), down 6.9% from 2015.
The Asian Logistics and Maritime Conference (ALMC), jointly organised by the Hong Kong Government and the HKTDC, is an exchange and networking platform for the logistics and maritime services providers and users, including ship owners, managers, bankers, lawyers, insurance underwriters and port operators. The seventh ALMC was held in November 2017 and joined by more than 2,000 industry players from some 30 countries and regions, with world renowned industry leaders and experts sharing their insights on Asia’s economic and trade integration, latest trends in e-commerce, maritime arbitration and the opportunities arising from the New Silk Road, as well as the impacts on logistics, maritime and supply chain management.
To provide a high-level platform for closer collaboration among the government, the industry and relevant stakeholders, the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board (HKMPB) was established in April 2016. HKMPB is responsible for formulating strategies and policies that drive the growth of high value-added and professional maritime services in Hong Kong, foster talent development, and promote Hong Kong as an international maritime hub.
The Hong Kong government set up a HK$100 million Maritime And Aviation Training Fund (MATF) in 2014 to be used over a period of five years. The MATF aims to sustain and enhance existing training schemes and scholarships, as well for launching new initiatives for the maritime and aviation sectors, building over time a vibrant, diversified and competitive pool of professionals and technical personnel to support the two sectors’ future development.
According to the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI), Hong Kong scored 4.07 to rank ninth in the world and second in Asia. In terms of international shipment performance, Hong Kong ranked second among 160 economies.
The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is one of the major indicators for the global shipping industry in tracking the freight costs of transporting bulk dry commodities such as coal, iron ore, grains and fossil fuels by sea. In addition, it reflects the state of the global economy and international trade performance.
The 2008 financial crisis, which led to the sharp downturn of the global shipping industry, plunged the BDI from about 11,000 points to below 2,000 points in 2011. Since many shipbuilding orders were placed before 2008, the supply glut in shipping capacity far exceeded freight demand growth amid the global economic downturn. This has put enormous downward pressure on freight rates as well as the shipping industry worldwide over the past years, further aggravated by the slowing Chinese economy, given that China is the world’s largest coal and iron importer, and reduced demand from China would tend to compound the overcapacity problem. The BDI’s declines accelerated from late 2015 and hit a low of 290 points in February 2016, the lowest level since the BDI inception and marking only 2.5% of its peak level in 2008 prior to the international financial crisis. Thanks to a recovery in iron ore trade and scrapping activities, the BDI gradually improved over the year and rebounded to around 1,000 points in April 2017.
The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland
The CEPA provisions allow Hong Kong services suppliers (HKSS) to have greater flexibility to access the market, as they are allowed to form wholly owned units in providing certain types of maritime services, including:
- International ship management services
- Containers station and depot services
- Non-vessel operating common carrying services
- Port cargo loading and unloading services
- Ship survey services for ships registered in Hong Kong
- International ocean container leasing, buying and selling as well as trading of container parts
- Ship maintenance and repair services; and for tugs that they operate between Hong Kong and mainland ports
- Regular business services such as shipping undertaking, issuance of bills of lading, settlement of freight rates and signing of service contracts
For a Hong Kong company providing maritime transport services, 50% or more of the ships owned by it, calculated in terms of tonnage, should be registered in Hong Kong.
After ten annual Supplements to keep widening and broadening the liberalisation measures in favour of HKSS, Hong Kong and the mainland entered into a subsidiary agreement under CEPA in 2014 to achieve basic liberalisation of trade in service trade in Guangdong (“Guangdong Agreement”). This was then followed in December 2015 by the Agreement on Trade in Services (“ATIS”) to extend the coverage of the 2014 agreement from Guangdong to the rest of the mainland.
Implemented in June 2016, the ATIS covers and consolidates commitments relating to liberalisation of trade in services provided in CEPA and its Supplements and also the Guangdong Agreement. While wholly owned operating units and national treatment are given to HKSS in many service domains, some business areas are still restricted to joint ventures, as in the case of the provision of coastal passenger and freight transportation services.
Details of the preferential access concerning maritime transport services can be found at this website.
The requirement that "50%, or more of the ships owned by it, calculated in terms of tonnage, should be registered in Hong Kong" as set out in Annex 5 of the CEPA legal text (see www.tid.gov.hk for further details), is not applicable to HKSS which provide towing services.
- Logistics & Supply Chain
- Hong Kong |
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When San Fernando homeowners need reliable air conditioner repair, they rely on NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc to do quality work at affordable prices in San Fernando, CA.
Our air conditioner repair experts work hard to keep our clients in San Fernando, CA feel comfortable and cool in summer by keeping their air conditioners in great working order.
So when you need air conditioning repair, air conditioning installations, or air conditioning maintenance in San Fernando, CA you can trust the experienced NATE certified Technicians at NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. to get you cooled off! Our testimonials and reviews say it all NRG has the right air conditioning technicians, with the best customer service. It’s our goal to provide you with the best workmanship, at the fairest prices in the air conditioning HVAC industry. NRG will make sure your air conditioner units run cool and constant in your San Fernando home.
Contact NRG Heating & Air Conditioning INC. when you need a NATE certified, reliable, honest, licensed air conditioner repair contractor in San Fernando, CA.
We will save you money, help you conserve energy, and keep you cool and comfortable. Our services include;
- Air Conditioning repair
- AC Service
- HVAC Repair & Service
- Central Air Conditioning Repair
- All types of AC Installations
- Forced Air System Repair
- Air Duct Cleaning
- Air Conditioning Installations
- Air Filters
- AC Maintenance
- Furnace Repair & Installation
- Insulation Repairs & Installations
- Solar Panels
- Indoor Air Quality
Air Conditioning Repair San Fernando, CA
At NRG Heating & Air Conditioning INC. we can diagnose and troubleshoot your AC problems and provide the air conditioning repair services you need to get your broken AC unit working again. We are also a Premier Lennox dealer that can offer new ac units at the best prices!If you live in San Fernando or in the surrounding San Fernando Valley you expect record-high temperatures in the summer. What you don’t expect is your air conditioner to break down leaving you with no air conditioning when you need it the most. One of the ways to prevent this from occurring is to get your air conditioning unit serviced on a yearly basis.
Get the air conditioner repairs you need at a price that is right for you! Call the air conditioner repair NATE Certified experts at NRG Heating & Air Conditioning INC. today at 800-223-3663.
NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. offers AC repair in San Fernando, Ca. We have the NATE experts you can trust when choosing an AC Contractor in San Fernando, CA. Our Customers in San Fernando, CA have been trusting NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc for over 20 years for fast reliable AC service and AC repair. If your looking for AC Repair, AC Service, or AC Installations in San Fernando Ca, Call NRG Heating and Air Conditioning Inc at 1-800-223-3663 and let our experience and knowledge of HVAC repairs, ac service, & air conditioning installations benefit you and your family.
Air Conditioning Installations San Fernando, CA
NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc is a premier Lennox dealer in San Fernando, CA. That is one of the reasons our customers the assurance that they can trust the experts at NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc to help them choose the right AC unit for their home. NRG has the experience, training, and knowledge your looking for when choosing an HVAC contractor in San Fernando, CA. Our technicians are NATE certified and given some of the best training in the HVAC industry. If you’re looking for a new air conditioner in San Fernando, CA call NRG today at 800-223-3663!
In a world where smog, haze and ozone alerts are as common as gridlock, it’s nice to know you can always come inside to catch a breath of fresh air.
Or can you? Did you know that most people spend more than 90% of their time indoors, and that 50% of all illnesses are either caused by, or aggravated by poor indoor air quality (IAQ). Worse yet studies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have shown that your exposure to air pollutants can be more than 100 times higher indoors than outdoors.
That’s why if your looking to improve your indoor air quality you should give NRG Heating & Air Condition ing Inc a call today at 1-800-223-3663. We have the right products, trained staff, & knowledge your looking for when choosing an HVAC Contractor to install, repair or service your indoor air quality products in San Fernando, CA.
NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. offers AC repair San Fernando, CA, HVAC Contractor San Fernando, CA, AC service San Fernando, CA, Heating repair San Fernando, CA, Furnace Repair San Fernando Ca, Air Conditioning Installations San Fernando, CA, Air Conditioning repair San Fernando, Ca, Air Conditioning service San Fernando, Ca, Indoor Air Quality San Fernando, CA, Air Duct Cleaning San Fernando, CA, Solar Panel Installations San Fernando, CA, Condenser Repairs San Fernando, Ca, Central Air Conditioning Repair San Fernando, CA & New Heater Installations in San Fernando, CA.
NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. in San Fernando is located at 301 S. Brand Blvd. San Fernando, CA.
Air Conditioning Troubleshooting
One of the most common air conditioning problems is improper operation. If your air conditioner is on, be sure to close your home’s windows and outside doors. For room air conditioners, isolate the room or a group of connected rooms as much as possible from the rest of your home. Other common problems with existing air conditioners result from faulty installation, poor service procedures, and inadequate maintenance. Improper installation of a central air conditioner can result in leaky ducts and low airflow. Many times, the refrigerant charge (the amount of refrigerant in the system) does not match the manufacturer’s specifications. If proper refrigerant charging is not performed during installation, the performance and efficiency of the unit is impaired. Unqualified service technicians often fail to find refrigerant charging problems or even worsen existing problems by adding refrigerant to a system that is already full.
Air conditioner manufacturers generally make rugged, high quality products. If your air conditioner fails, begin by checking any fuses or circuit breakers. Let the unit cool down for about five minutes before resetting any breakers. If a central air conditioners compressor stops on a hot day, the high-pressure limit switch may have tripped; reset it by pushing the button, located in the compressor’s access panel.
If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, either it was undercharged at installation or it leaks. If it leaks, simply adding refrigerant is not a solution. A trained technician should fix any leak, test the repair, and then charge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant. Remember that the performance and efficiency of your air conditioner is greatest when the refrigerant charge exactly matches the manufacturer’s specification, and is neither undercharged nor overcharged. Refrigerant leaks can also be harmful to the environment.
If you allow filters and air conditioning coils to become dirty, the air conditioner will not work properly, and the compressor or fans are likely to fail prematurely.
The compressor and fan controls can wear out, especially when the air conditioner turns on and off frequently, as is common when a system is oversized. Because corrosion of wire and terminals is also a problem in many systems, electrical connections and contacts should be checked during a professional service call.
Room air conditioners feature a thermostat sensor, located behind the control panel, which measures the temperature of air coming into the evaporative coil. If the sensor is knocked out of position, the air conditioner could cycle constantly or behave erratically. The sensor should be near the coil but not touching it; adjust its position by carefully bending the wire that holds it in place.
When it’s humid outside, check the condensate drain to make sure it isn’t clogged and is draining properly. Room air conditioners may not drain properly if not mounted level.
Central air conditioners are more efficient than room air conditioners. In addition, they are out of the way, quiet, and convenient to operate. To save energy and money, you should try to buy an energy-efficient air conditioner and reduce your central air conditioners energy use. In an average air-conditioned home, air conditioning consumes more than 2,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, causing power plants to emit about 3,500 pounds of carbon dioxide and 31 pounds of sulfur dioxide. If you are considering adding central air conditioning to your home, the deciding factor may be the need for duct work.
If you have an older central air conditioner, you might choose to replace the outdoor compressor with a modern, high-efficiency unit. If you do so, contact NRG Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. to assure that the new compressor is properly matched to the indoor unit. However, considering recent changes in refrigerants and air conditioning designs, it might be wiser to replace the entire system.
Today’s best air conditioners use 30% to 50% less energy to produce the same amount of cooling as air conditioners made in the mid 1970s. Even if your air conditioner is only 10 years old, you may save 20% to 40% of your cooling energy costs by replacing it with a newer, more efficient model. Proper sizing and installation are key elements in determining air conditioner efficiency. Too large a unit will not adequately remove humidity. Too small a unit will not be able to attain a comfortable temperature on the hottest days. Improper unit location, lack of insulation, and improper duct installation can greatly diminish efficiency.
When buying an air conditioner, look for a model with a high efficiency. Central air conditioners are rated according to their seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER). SEER indicates the relative amount of energy needed to provide a specific cooling output. Many older systems have SEER ratings of 6 or less. The minimum SEER allowed today is 13. Look for the ENERGY STAR® label for central air conditioners with SEER ratings of 13 or greater, but consider using air conditioning equipment with higher SEER ratings for greater savings. New residential central air conditioner standards went into effect on January 23, 2006. Air conditioners manufactured after January 26, 2006 must achieve a SEER of 13 or higher. SEER 13 is 30% more efficient than the previous minimum SEER of 10. The standard applies only to appliances manufactured after January 23, 2006. Equipment with a rating less than SEER 13 manufactured before this date may still be sold and installed.
The average homeowner will remain unaffected by this standard change for some time to come. The standards do not require you to change your existing central air conditioning units, and replacement parts and services should still be available for your home’s systems. The “lifespan” of a central air conditioner is about 15 to 20 years. Manufacturers typically continue to support existing equipment by making replacement parts available and honoring maintenance contracts after the new standard goes into effect.
Other features to look for when buying an air conditioner include:
- A thermal expansion valve and a high-temperature rating (EER) greater than 11.6, for high-efficiency operation when the weather is at its hottest
- A variable speed air handler for new ventilation systems
- A unit that operates quietly
- A fan-only switch, so you can use the unit for nighttime ventilation to substantially reduce air-conditioning costs
- A filter check light to remind you to check the filter after a predetermined number of operating hours
- An automatic-delay fan switch to turn off the fan a few minutes after the compressor turns off.
If your air conditioner is installed correctly, or if major installation problems are found and fixed, it will perform efficiently for years with only minor routine maintenance. However, many air conditioners are not installed correctly. As an unfortunate result, modern energy-efficient air conditioners can perform almost as poorly as older inefficient models.
When installing a new central air conditioning system, be sure that your contractor:
- Allows adequate indoor space for the installation, maintenance, and repair of the new system, and installs an access door in the furnace or duct to provide a way to clean the evaporator coil
- Uses a duct-sizing methodology such as the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual D
- Ensures there are enough supply registers to deliver cool air and enough return air registers to carry warm house air back to the air conditioner
- Installs duct work within the conditioned space, not in the attic, wherever possible
- Seals all ducts with duct mastic and heavily insulates attic ducts
- Locates the condensing unit where its noise will not keep you or your neighbors awake at night, if possible
- Locates the condensing unit where no nearby objects will block airflow to it
- Verifies that the newly installed air conditioner has the exact refrigerant charge and airflow rate specified by the manufacturer
- Locates the thermostat away from heat sources, such as windows or supply registers.
If you are replacing an older or failed split system, be sure that the evaporator coil is replaced with a new one that exactly matches the condenser coil in the new condensing unit. (The air conditioners efficiency will likely not improve if the existing evaporator coil is left in place; in fact, the old coil could cause the new compressor to fail prematurely.)
An air conditioners filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases.
The most important maintenance task that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or clean its filters. Clogged, dirty filters block normal airflow and reduce a system’s efficiency significantly. With normal airflow obstructed, air that bypasses the filter may carry dirt directly into the evaporator coil and impair the coil’s heat-absorbing capacity. Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioners energy consumption by 5% to 15%.
For central air conditioners, filters are generally located somewhere along the return duct’s length. Common filter locations are in walls, ceilings, furnaces, or in the air conditioner itself. Room air conditioners have a filter mounted in the grill that faces into the room.
Some types of filters are reusable; others must be replaced. They are available in a variety of types and efficiencies. Clean or replace your air conditioning system’s filter or filters every month or two during the cooling season. Filters may need more frequent attention if the air conditioner is in constant use, is subjected to dusty conditions, or you have fur-bearing pets in the house.
The air conditioners evaporator coil and condenser coil collect dirt over their months and years of service. A clean filter prevents the evaporator coil from soiling quickly. In time, however, the evaporator coil will still collect dirt. This dirt reduces airflow and insulates the coil, reducing its ability to absorb heat. To avoid this problem, check your evaporator coil every year and clean it as necessary.
Outdoor condenser coils can also become very dirty if the outdoor environment is dusty or if there is foliage nearby. You can easily see the condenser coil and notice if dirt is collecting on its fins.
You should minimize dirt and debris near the condenser unit. Your dryer vents, falling leaves, and lawn mower are all potential sources of dirt and debris. Cleaning the area around the coil, removing any debris, and trimming foliage back at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) allow for adequate airflow around the condenser.
The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are easily bent and can block airflow through the coil. Air conditioning wholesalers sell a tool called a “fin comb” that will comb these fins back into nearly original condition.
Occasionally pass a stiff wire through the unit’s drain channels. Clogged drain channels prevent a unit from reducing humidity, and the resulting excess moisture may discolor walls or carpet.
At the start of each cooling season, inspect the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame to ensure it makes contact with the unit’s metal case. Moisture can damage this seal, allowing cool air to escape from your house.
In the winter, either cover your room air conditioner or remove and store it. Covering the outdoor unit of a central air conditioner will protect the unit from winter weather and debris.
When your air conditioner needs more than regular maintenance, hire a professional service technician. A well-trained technician will find and fix problems in your air conditioning system.
The technician should:
- Check for correct amount of refrigerant
- Test for refrigerant leaks using a leak detector
- Capture any refrigerant that must be evacuated from the system, instead of illegally releasing it to the atmosphere
- Check for and seal duct leakage in central systems
- Measure airflow through the evaporator coil
- Verify the correct electric control sequence and make sure that the heating system and cooling system cannot operate simultaneously
- Inspect electric terminals, clean and tighten connections, and apply a non-conductive coating if necessary
- Oil motors and check belts for tightness and wear
- Check the accuracy of the thermostat.
The Information provided in our Air Conditioning Troubleshooting guide was attained from the U.S. Department of Energy. This information and more can be found by visiting;
Types Of Air Conditioning Units
HVAC is an acronym for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. Basic residential HVAC systems consist of 3 varying types:
1. The first kind, which is also the most common, is called the Split System:
- -This HVAC system consists of an Air Conditioning Condenser (the unit sits outside, usually on the side or back of the home or on the roof), the Evaporator Coil, the Furnace, and the Air Duct System.
- -The condenser compresses the refrigerant, transforming from a gas to a liquid state, and is then transferred to the Evaporator Coil.
- -The air then passes over the Evaporator Coil, where it is cooled. The Furnace uses natural gas via burners located in the furnace to heat the home
- -The Evaporator Coil is always situated with the Furnace, whether horizontally in the attic or installed as an upflow/downflow, which would be situated in a closet or the garage.
- -As the air is sucked in by the Furnace through a return air grill, it then blows over the Evaporator Coil, which cools it, and then into the ducts, which blows the air into the home.
- -The air travels throughout the home via a flexible polyurethane Air Duct System.
2. Another type of HVAC system is the Packaged Unit:
- -This HVAC system is usually situated on top of the roof and contains both the heating and cooling components in one piece of equipment (hence the “packaged” name).
- -it uses both natural gas and electricity
- -The air is brought in the system, heated or cooled depending upon the desired setting, and pushed down into the air duct system.
3. The 3rd type of HVAC system is called the Heat Pump System
- -This HVAC system runs solely on electricity and heat and cools via the refrigerant in the system.
- -The system consists of a Heat Pump Condenser (which usually sits on the side or back of the home or on the roof) and an Air Handler.
- -The Heat Pump Condenser uses refrigerant to heat and cool the air (through reversing valves), which is then sent into the Air Handler.
- -The Air Handler pushes the air into the Air Duct System with blower motor.
The Top 5 Air Conditioning or A/C Questions.
1. Why is my AC is not Turning on?
There are several reason your ac may not be turning on one of the first things you should do is ensure the thermostat is set to on. Next make sure you set the temperature for at least 5 degrees cooler than the current temperature in your home. If your AC unit is equipped (most are) Check the emergency shut off switch. It is usually located in a metal box that’s hanging on your house. The next thing you can do is to check to see if you’ve blown a breaker. If these simple fixes don’t work give NRG Heating and Air Conditioning a call at 800-223-3663 today!
2. Why does my thermostat say 75 but it’s 90 in the house? It’s blowing hot air.
If your A/C or air conditioner isn’t cooling your house even though it’s running, or is blowing hot air, you should start by checking the thermostat. The next step would be to take a look at the condenser. Is the condenser dirty or blocked? If the condenser is dirty or blocked, clean it and remove the blockage. The condenser can become blocked by dirt, dust, tall weeds, grass or other debris. If the A/C or air conditioner still isn’t blowing cold air, this could be the result of a faulty compressor or an inadequate amount of refrigerant in the system. NRG Heating and Air Conditioning has the technicians your looking for with the affordable prices you deserve call us at 800-223-3663.
3. Why is there water leaking from my AC unit?
A clogged condensate drain line is the most common cause of water leaking from your air conditioner or A/C. You can prevent a clog condensate line by pouring a cup of household bleach into the line from the inside (this can also help clear a stopped up drain in your home) To remove a clog, attach a wet/dry vacuum to the drain line outside, make sure you remove the paper filter first, and suck the clog out.
4. Why is my Air conditioner making a noise?
There are several reasons your air conditioner may be making noises. These reasons include; You may have bad compressor valves, a bad motor, your fan blades may be broken or out of balance, your refrigerant may be too low, your reversing valve may be bad, a noisy solenoid coil, you may just have a loud compressor or unit, your unit may be iced up and the fan blades may be hitting the ice, the fan blades may be hitting some kind of obstruction, there may be a vibration due to loose parts or due to refrigerant piping being strapped too tightly.
5. How can I make my A/C or air conditioner automated with my Smart phone?
If you have a wifi thermostat in your home, you can control your air conditioner right from your smartphone. Call NRG at 800-223-3663 today for more information on these and other important A/C questions.
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Once you are done, simply give us a call and we will get your dumpster picked up right away!
Our staff is here to help whenever you need it. Simply pick up the phone and give us a call.
Most Wasola dumpster rental companies will take care of securing this permit for you if you rent from them. Make sure that if you’re planning to put the dumpster on the street, the company has made the appropriate arrangements. You should also ensure that you get the permit in a timely manner and at the correct cost. If you thought the dumpster company was getting a permit and they did not, you will be the one who will have to pay the fine that is issued by the authorities.
Renting a dumpster, seems simple right? Effectively, before you place ones dumpster order there are some things you need to realize.
They play an important role in order to keep your location and roads roads elegant and let you breathe in the fresh air, whenever you go walking around your home area. Basically, they have a clean and healthy way of living around your home.
Your living room may be the placed you go to, to depart from the world's daily stresses. Perhaps you sit inside your den to examine a book or perhaps the newspaper. You can even bring buyers into your living room if you do business from home. If this is the way it is, you need a living room that is cozy yet professional.
With milder weather coming soon, many homeowners are seeking ahead to spring demolition projects. As you grow outside to earn some serious property or home improvements, trust your at-home trash hauler for cost-effective demolition solutions. From dumping old, dilapidated fences and sheds to carrying off decking and Spa tubs, the local junk carting business can really be especially helpful. Some garbage and rubbish elimination services will even arrange to pick-up and remove just about any unwanted vehicles without asking you a one dime. Be sure to ask about no cost car carting service when you call.
Last but not the smallest amount of the requirement that requires a speak about is even though shifting your home. The financial system is reach by tough economy and many turn out in search of small home to sustain their economic positions. At the most of times great deal many pointless things stack up in the home unnoticed by the proprietor. Renting a Dumpster will help you to with throwing many unwanted goods into it even though shifting your home. If you are looking to hire a Dumpster professional call up us Dumpster Direct a renowned rental service provider who can direct you towards getting the cheapest price. Our professional customer service group will help you picking a right dumpster that best fits inside your deeds.
First thing you must do will be evaluate your very own needs. Often, big organizations will need very large dumpsters which might be able to be rolled away using a truck. Once the truck progresses these substantial dumpsters away, this leaves a completely new one that is totally empty and ready for the businesses' decline.
What exactly is a dumpster? A big steel box associated with varying sizes which you can throw things into. Most project managers hire a dumpster or two first, and then move on to the other plan. Home owners who want to renovate either one space of their households (especially the kitchen for instance), or perhaps the entire property, need to manage a dumpster on the right dimensions for the job just as easily and as inexpensively as they can. It's a necessity, similar to drywall and appliances and flooring usually are. If you don't have one thing to put the trash and recycle for cash materials with, then wherever are you likely to put it? The sort of 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola, MO company offering related occasion services will be S & B Porta-Bowl Restrooms with Denver, Company. With places in Aurora, Colorado Springs, and Evans, Colorado, Azines & B Porta-Bowl Bathrooms provides the most dependable 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola, MO Denver people have come to expect. S & B Porta-Bowl Restrooms doesn't only provide dumpster service; they also have portable hand kitchen sinks, portable loos, portable bathrooms, and even portable showers for rent. S & B Porta-Bowl Restrooms may pair all these services using stellar solutions to make your subsequent important event a success. Combining services raises a companies value as it allows them to handle more of their clientele needs.
The little rented dumpster will hold up to a couple tons of particles. This size is good for your bathroom remodeling undertaking.
Choose the size dumpster to rent that you will need to complete the job you will be accomplishing or are receiving done.
Somebody who is doing a home renovation undertaking would most probably need a key place to store all of the particles and garbage they will accumulate. Throughout renovations, there are many materials for example floor tile, wall picture, cabinetry and also kitchen counter shirts, among others. Most people don't possess as well as have immediate access to a garbage bin just right to store all the material.
Something is valuable (just like copper hoses), and dumpsters have locks that will prevent theft. You need to think about website that will quote the paramount price and also delivery schedules from a simple, and quick, online kind. If you are a fresh at redevelopment -- a homeowner accepting most of your kitchen renovation must knows for instance, these types of 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola sites can be a real as well as and a way to save time which will help you have organized. Once you have ordered increase dumpster, they will supply it and place it handily on your lot, where you only fill it up subsequently call as you seek for get.
Dumpster rental is actually quite simple. You will only need to do a little research before you pick your company. How big is the container is one of the most important things that you'll find to be various. These types of bins are generally substantial but there can be some that happen to be larger than other individuals. You need to go through the amount of garbage you will be disposing of before you make your decision. You need one that will hold everything, however, you don't actually want one that may always be fifty percent empty.
Redecorating your bathroom quickly into the most breathtaking replica of the picture you see in your mind is best when you get rid of the debris still left from the bathroom renovation ideas as quickly as possible. You can transform the room conveniently and also beautifully with out a bunch of chaos and wreck when you make use of the use of a 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola. A development 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola is a perfect choice for your bathroom redevelopment. It should be located outside of your own home in a convenient location for all of the waste to become disposed of.
Fees: Charges with Dumpster rental service industry depends upon firm to company consequently keep on examining the charges of the company until you didn't find a suitable company. Furthermore come businesses also bills you delivery charges apart from rental fees so make certain to enquire about the same from the firm. Delivery fees can be anywhere from $25 to $50 or more. In addition to rental charges a few companies furthermore charges daily rental fees consequently make sure to clear this point along with rental service provider. Additionally do not forget about tax you need to shell out over invoiced amount. So don't hesitate to enquire about tax add-on.
The best way to get rolling is to start with the simplest approach to search. Run through your local phone directories for 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola and see just what comes up. If you are living in a small town, there may be zero businesses that stringently advertise beneath that assistance. You might try looking through your nearest metropolitan region to see if you can find any companies that will rent great distance. Make sure and search through the magazine as well. If you can't find any situation that immediately jumps out to you, go around and also take a look at several of the dumpsters in your area. Determine if they have a firm name on the side. If so, find the information for your company and provides them a telephone call. They may be in a position to help you out.
Incarnation is one of the accepted procedures to dispose this waste that's generated as a result of projects including house reconstruction, construction in addition to commercial projects. In this approach the waste material is burnt off into ashes, even so the drawback of this is number of gases including carbon dioxide in addition to hazardous unwanted gas are released in atmosphere producing much injury to the environment. The result of these unsafe gases will never be mitigated unless this emission regarding gases in the atmosphere can be prevented by utilizing most advanced technological innovation. However this approach of disposing the squander is very costly and is a good idea only from the countries where there is no ample land to get rid the trash.
In this disposable modern society, you don't have to live in a home for very long to accumulate extreme amounts of broken-down crap. If your attic and other storage space areas are becoming nothing but disposal grounds, it's time to contact your neighborhood 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola, MO service pertaining to convenient washing in as little as at some point.
Renting the dumpster can be a very useful service for a number of different projects. But just like any other acquire, remember the outdated phrase "buyer beware". Consult a lot inquiries and make sure you have an all inclusive, flat rate with your dumpster order. Make use of the questions in addition to guidelines higher than to help navigate through the 10 Yard Dumpster For Rent in Wasola, MO approach and you should end up a happy in addition to knowledgeable consumer! They save you from the exhausting job regarding separating eco-friendly in addition to non eco-friendly squander by yourself. By means of dumping all the waste materials of their dumpster, you are entirely finished with your job.
These smaller dumpster are most commonly used for getting rid of standard household items, including books, cardboard boxes, furniture, paperwork and small amounts of piping. These are good for carefully clearing out one particular small place After you have dealt with your junk issue in addition to removed whatever just does not belong in this section of the home, work with the much more achievable mountain that you're left with. You will find got almost any already, purchase some big plastic canisters. These are ideal for things like in season decorations in addition to winter clothes; they preserve these items taken care of and make these people easier to discover when you need these people (remember to tag the cardboard boxes!) Consider adding cabinets for the small stuff, and definitely be sure to cleanup down there once in a while in order that it doesn't get out of hand again.
This may not be to imply that almost all Internet sites supplying dumpster services are generally rip-offs, but simply you should ask if the individuals whom you have got contacted are actually the people with whom will be working.
The main particles found in the wake up of a surprise is usually backyard debris, until you've been sad enough to experience a tornado, which definitely increases the particles and its options. Twigs, arms and legs, leaves, and in many cases fallen bushes create unpleasant messes to meters, sidewalks along with the street. If you want to handle the larger amounts of backyard trash you and your neighbors will likely be removing, it is necessary for you to rent a minimum of one dumpster for your neighborhood cleanup. When your subdivision features more than one street or features particularly prolonged streets, you might need to consider renting several dumpster. Figure out the top places to squeeze dumpsters you get, centering on both easy access and avoiding blocking somebody's driveway. |
By: Mwila Mwila
A Fantastic Job Well was done to everyone who has been in the forefront in the fight for Girl-Child educational Campaigns all across Africa and everyone from the Western Countries who spear headed and or funded any of such Campaigns. It is such a joy, we have almost crossed the hurdles and impediments of Girl Child Educational hindrances in Africa, although free elementary education still remains a parliamentary debate on the lips of so many obviously unconcerned politicians, who usually bring up such debates only to come across as relevant, for votes or to maintain their political positions. But hey, with further pushing and a little more added pressure, we will be able to speak of an African with at least free Elementary education. And we sure can.
It is good to note that, today, most Africans can testify to the fact that, that old Custom traditional mentality, that hindered and stopped girl child education with beliefs that investing in a girl’s Education is a sheer waste of time, limiting her role to that of house chores, getting married, having as many babies, raising a family and, or maybe work somewhere as a house helper , or in a restaurant, is almost a complete wiped off myth, even in the remotest parts of the Sub-Saharan Africa, as the educational awareness Campaigns for a girl Child’s education continues to spread, raising the confidence and self-esteem of many girls, who thankfully now dream of becoming something bigger and better than just a homemaker.
This sure once was an uphill battle, but it is almost completely won as more and more girls are in schools and in the past two decades, it has become normal to see girls graduate and going on further to assume National, Continental and even up to Global Leadership roles formerly mostly dominated by Male figures only.
Having founded a Foundation for Children and Youth Educational, Social and Economic Empowerment, at a very tender age, which obviously demands me to travel extensively, especially to the remotest parts of African countries, on speaking engagements, taking donations and spotting vulnerable but determined children and youth to connect with well-wishers, willing to quietly, and on personal basis, out of their own good will, invest in individual scholarships, it has been sad for me to note that, while the battle for girl-child education is clearly being won, the foundation on which to breed happier, fulfilled educated girls and women leaders still lays fallow, as, after all, the problem hasn’t been a lack of Education all along, but rather a conducive and Loving environment where a girl child can grow up in, feeling protected, fought for and supported by especially her family members, Customary, Society, and Government Laws.
Now while the campaign for girl-child education in Africa mostly started off with the Western Countries breaking the customary paradigms in most of our founding Leaders, discouraging the traditions that hindered and stopped girls from pursuing an education, after they themselves noted by experience that educating girls is a sure-fire way to raise economic productivity, lower infant and maternal mortality, improve nutritional status, health, and radically reduce poverty, which most men wouldn’t handle correctly with some things being inherent, I believe the fight to create an atmosphere conducive to raise African girls on, will have to come from African Leaders themselves, who will have to create very strict and tight Laws that will make anyone think twice before they can violate a girl-child. When others see perpetrators brought to justice harshly, it certainly will bring about a pause and some ripple effects.
And this change will need to extend beyond the government, to engage families, the opinion leaders, traditional Leaders, religious leaders, the elders and their chiefs, in an effort to change attitudes and paradigms, as they are often the gatekeepers. African families and parents especially must be taught to build much closer, intimate and trusting relationships with their own children in order to create an atmosphere conducive enough for emotional vulnerability and help influence their life choices at teenage age. I strongly agree that the education brought to us by the Western leadership has greatly helped liberate the minds of many teenage girls in Africa, who are now growing up with ambitions other than the former school of thought that limited girls to the kitchen and child bearing and has done a lot of good on the Continent, but greater Continental developmental responsibility remains unattended on the part of the African family elders and Leaders.
Through my interactions with so many teenage girls around Africa, I have sadly noted that despite the educational liberation, many teenage girls still remain unprotected sexually and feel not just let down by the Law, by also greatly violated.
As cheap news as it may sound, a blind eye and deaf ear can’t continue to be given to the fact that, two out of four girls in Africa have been sexually violated from a very tender age by Men and Women with untamed sexual urges in the name of tradition, culprits who know the Law and society is too weak to protect your Girls and Children at large, hence what should be shocking rape incidences don’t even qualify to make Headline News in our African Continent, unless it is a political vendetta where obviously someone gains something out of it.
It is contrary to the very tenets of humanity that our defenseless young girls are being preyed upon by mostly adult men and some women without strict sanctions.
Some of the bigger causes of these issues are the power relations between older men and young vulnerable teenage girls‚ which is often compounded by poverty‚ customs and tradition that turn a blind eye to such violence. How I look for the Africa soon to form, that will instead of celebrating‚ encouraging, ignoring or just merely laugh about the practice of traditions that violate a teenage girl while stealing her childhood and innocence, would instead strongly condemn such inhumane, outdated and out of hand practices or else the girl-child educational empowerment positive strides which have been made will keep producing bitter angry women who are themselves incapable of making happy homes and raising fulfilled confident Children.
And most of our unfought for teenage girls who have been victims of rape forced marriages and teenage pregnancies, tend to reveal numerous health complications for the young girls of their age. These range from HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) to pregnancy related complications such as infant mortality and maternal mortality, lowering their life expectancy, yet still, no strict Laws seem to be put into place to protect our girl-child. And many girls that have fought to beat the odds, usually become educated angry and bitter women with a short life expectancy due to infectious diseases passed onto them during rape.
Well, I assume by now the whole world has heard about the Nigerian Chibok Girls, I won’t be getting into it in this article at least. For now, maybe the world also has to hear enough to provoke action, about the Hyena man in Malawi, the HIV Positive man, who raped and infected over 80 teenage girls as young as 12 years old in the name of tradition. How it could even get to more than 80 girls and even just how this man could easily talk about it to press with a smile shows what an uphill battle it is for the liberation of a Girl -Child from her Sexual predators.
And then we have what is called, Ukuthwala, a tradition which is still being practiced, particularly in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, which involves the kidnapping, rape and forced marriage of minor girls as young as 12 years of age, by grown men old enough to be their grandfathers. This tradition which steals innocence causes an abrupt end to a girl’s Childhood and the care free existence that all children are entitled to, is strongly upheld in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa in this day and age.
Can you imagine? Suddenly the little girl is a wife with a husband and almost instantly, her own Children and in-laws to serve or look after.
It is things like these that most teenage girls are still suffering from in Africa. Actually, my own Research on this tradition has proven that the majority of the girls and young women who are victims of Ukuthwala are from poor families and later in life, their lack of education and underdevelopment due to this tradition deepens their poverty and perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
My Mom often says, in several instances, the children born into poverty also tend to be poorer as grownups, which contributes to the cycle of poverty in the communities around Africa, even though the issue of rape is not only in the poorer areas but also very apparent in the average and wealthy areas, even though in such places it is often disguised and subtly labelled as ” Romantic” relationships.
I once visited a teenage girl in jail serving a sentence, for strangling to death and throwing a baby she had given birth to, in a pit latrine toilet in one of the South African locations, and when she opened up to me on how she fell pregnant, without coming across as condoning what was done to the baby, who also had a right to life, I somehow understood her bitterness that led to her action. She was bitter against the man that had abused her and impregnated her without anyone doing anything about it, and she couldn’t conceive the thought of seeing the man in that child for the rest of her life and even if the child was to be given up for adoption, she basically didn’t want her abuser alive and since she couldn’t masculine him, she, unfortunately, had to take out her pressure in that child.
When I was a teenager growing up in Lusaka, Zambia, a family I knew closely and often visited, went through a trauma, in which their only 12-year-old Daughter was discovered to have had sex with all the male workers at their residence, and this family had more than 5 male workers including an older man, who was over 74 years old, working as a gardener at the same Residence. When the lady maid in the helper caught one of the five workers having sex with the 12 years old girl, the daughter of the house, the guy then decided to reveal that he was not the only one having sex with this girl and if he had to go to jail all of the male workers had to go with him as they all had slept with her including this over 74-year-old man. What was even sadder was that, after being tested for HIV, they were all tested positive for HIV including this teenage girl. Now what shocked me even though, I was only a 15 year old teenager myself at that time, was the fact that, after the hype of that week, none of these men were jailed for more than three months, and the oldest man even got released within a few days of bail hearing, because apparently, while he could manage to have sex with this young girl, he was too old and frail to go to jail or serve a prison sentence for this. I was only a teenager, but I remember how my spirit sunk as my Mom broke that news to me. Unfortunately, everyone including my Mom seemed to blame this 12-year-old girl for sleeping with over 5 men, and I remember fighting that, it was totally unjust to blame this girl as she was young and although already a Christian at that time, vengeance seemed to be burning in my heart against these men, I longed for some sort of harsh spiritual punishment against them, just somehow, since the Zambian Law had failed my wish and I felt so disappointed in the Government and Police, it was actually at that point, I lost confidence in our Zambian Police Services. For the very first time, I faced the harsh reality that justice does not exist for a girl Child in my Country.
Three years ago, I visited a dear wonderful family in Zimbabwe and my friend told me of a story that had brought such shame in their family, where my friend’s Grandfather, impregnated a 14-year-old girl in the extended family who was given to him to help with his house chores as he mourned the passing of his wife he had been married to since his youth, my friend’s Grandmother.
Upon confrontation, after people noticed the pregnancy of this 14-year-old teenage girl, his excuse was of course tradition. Asked to marry this girl and sad enough, he was allowed to take this teenage girl for a wife. I’m talking about a man in his late 80’s.
My question is, how could sex with a minor still be labeled tradition, turn into marriage and think we are a liberated Continent celebrating various years of independence? Who really got liberated in Africa?
In 2016, it was discovered that more than 2‚000 girls under the age of 18 in the rural Ratlou Local Municipality‚ about 70km outside Mahikeng in North West, had been impregnated‚ mostly by older men and the youngest mother was reported to be a teenager of only 12 years. Now, I visited this place and what shocked me was that there were no reports of rape from any of the girls I spoke with or their families, a pain that has eaten my soul as I serve my Continent in South Africa.
One time, I remember, having sexual pictures in evidence of a married Church Leader, with a Congregation of over five thousand members who was having sex with a 15-year-old teenage girl, to an extent of exchanging nude pictures and videos with her.
When this girl discovered that this Minister was also having sex with her friend in the same Church, she got heart broken and decided to approach me and talk to me. Well, not because she wanted to finally spill the beans, but because she was heartbroken, with this guy being her very first Love, and he had sworn he was in love with her and she had of course believed him as any child would, and had been having an affair with her for 4 years by the time she was 15 years old, when she approached me, while still attending the same Church. When I heard this and saw the evidence, which she had in fact sworn to delete, but kept some for fun, I decided to approach her family, as I needed consent to take this Pastor to Jail and Bouy was that the mistake of my life?
This family which seemed upset at the news and welcoming my idea of handing this man to the authorities, went behind my back the next day, approached the Pastor, who offered them a few Dollars and then went ahead and turned the girl against me.
The next time I bumped into this girl, a few months later after that incident, she was in the vehicle with this pastor and a few other men and one lady, accompanying their Pastor on a trip to preach outside of town. Of course, you don’t think I bought her being part of the team was innocent, do you? But what else could I have done when the family of the girl could easily make money out of the 15-year-old teenage girl? I was disempowered.
As I mentioned earlier, the change to bring about the protection of teenage girls will need to extend beyond the government, to engaging families, traditional leaders, religious leaders, elders and chiefs in an effort to change paradigms, traditions, and attitudes as they are often the gatekeepers, even in the girl-child’s life. Any community and any National development hugely depend on its people and this includes the level of health, knowledge and educational skills and the resources controlled by those people.
I have had so many sad experiences that not only leave me and many other people involved with different organizations dealing with teenage girls and women shocked, but handcuffed and disempowered to do anything at all to protect such girls where families prefer getting funds out of their abuse, with the police advising me that no case can be opened unless the family gave full consent, probably not realising the defining depth of Male’s involvement in a Girl’s life especially at early development stage which influences her future life, shapes her Perception and Opinion of MEN, Self-Esteem, Self-image, and Confidence, either in a Positive or a Negative way. Sad.
Surely, unprecedented and decisive action has to be put into place to end such and maybe even send some parents and relatives to jail for contributing to this ill through financial gain. Honestly, when 2 000 underage girls show up pregnant in one small community and mostly by older Men, indicates a pandemic that lays in the fabric of that society.
A certain 45 years old lady I met in Swaziland, was raped when she was only 15 years old in School, by her class Teacher, she got pregnant and gave birth to a boy, who is now in his 20’s, and all these years later, she is still trying to learn to accept and Love, something that is not easily spoken about in our African Societies, as most people don’t understand the future repercussions of sexual abuse on the emotional and mental life of a girl growing up into a woman. What is even more insane is that this rapist is still a School teacher.
Think about it, how many teenage girls are his victims today since the one family refused to speak out for fear of shame in the community, or getting little funds out of it, or simply letting it go?
And by the way, if it is a Woman found to be sexually abusing a teenage girl, it is not even considered a taboo in Africa and yet we now deal with such many cases where teenage girls confide in us of how an Aunty or Helper uncomfortably touches their private parts in the name of girl’s playful time.
I know the issue of sexual abuse has been spoken of, over and over in Africa, until as I mentioned earlier, does not even make Headline News, unless it is a political feud, where something is in it for someone somewhere, hence it becomes more and more shocking for me when I hear Bills that states that children between the ages of 12 and 15 can consent to sexual acts with each other, being adopted by the South African National Assembly and get signed into Law. It is shocking that, these elders have failed and literally done nothing to fight the highest Sexual abuse Predators in the Nation and now, despite the World Health Organization warning and confirming that South Africa has the highest number of HIV infected cases in the World, they can still pass such a law for a child whose brain is scientifically proven to not have been developed enough to make reliable emotional decisions of their own, normalizing what should be regarded as sexual offenses and wiping off the guilty of all adults that once or repeatedly touches these young girls. I always say, I wish our African Politicians in Parliaments and various positions could go beyond Political Positions, titles, fame, and glamour, once in a while, leave their offices, take off their expensive Suits, be disguised as youth Workers or Missionaries, come with us to our Project centres, personally interact with many of the teenagers and Youth out in the Communities, I believe they would rule better and we would see Africa develop rapidly, because then, they will know exactly what they need to do from first-hand experience and personal interactions with the people they are leading, instead of this near election time, generous attitudes which even the dullest person knows to be manipulation and a lack of Leadership.
I can, therefore, summarize the challenges African Teenage Girls suffer into two major parts: Traditions that steal their innocence and Loose Constitutional Laws that fail to protect the rights of innocent defenseless teenage girls and Children.
I remember recently holding the shoulder of a heart broken sobbing man in South Africa, whose teenage daughter was raped by his long time older neighbor friend, married with older Children. When this man took the case to the police, nothing much could be done as this man was influential in the community and the police could use a little bribe after all, so it was another weak end for another Teenage girl.
My thinking always is, couldn’t Courts and systems be put in place, specifically for such matters, where it will be impossible for culprits to escape standing trial? Because there has been no harsh punishment rendered, this continues to be an epidemic, that keeps destroying what Girl-child educational empowerment campaigns are building and have built through the years, making the future of Africa so blur as Women decide to play masculine roles out of Bitterness for lack of Protection.
See, we often have Celebrated Visible DIFFERENT TYPES OF Cancer Survivors, But we forget and have through the years ignored one of the worst and deadliest forms of Cancer, that has killed and Continues to claim the lives of More Women, baby Girls and Teenage Girls, more than Breast or Cervix Cancer has ever claimed, and this particular Cancer is called: Girl-Child ABUSE CANCER.
As a matter of fact, there are more YOUNG GIRLS AND women who are suffering from and Die of Emotional Wounds THAN PHYSICAL SICKNESS IN SOME LONELY CONER SOMEWHERE all over the Continent of Africa, disappointed that no one could protect their innocence. Actually different forms of physical Cancers in Women is proven to mostly be caused by emotional wounds which usually turn into stress and severe Chronic Depression, causing Physical Cancers.
Most sexually abused Girls who have grown into Women, barely Exist, because the Will to LIVE gets stolen from them by Cruel Men and are often proven not to have a normal Life, without proper help Love and counseling, and are also proven to have a short Lifespan. Hence the reason I say, A WOMAN WHO IS A SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIM, WHO DESPITE ALL THE TRAUMA, is DETERMINED TO LIVE AND NOT JUST MERELY EXIST AND CONTINUE RISING AGAINST ALL ODDS, even unto the betterment of human life is WORTH CELEBRATING, and especially by Sane Men out there, who are willing to put up a fight to protect Women against Sexual abuse!
Saving a Girl’s life even if it’s from a single cause of death means saving Many Lives likely to live quite a while longer. May their rise an urgency in the Law to strictly Protect a Girl-Child in Africa!
Ground Takers Foundation(GTF)
Cell: +27 84 539 7102 |
Dear Brian Melton,
My name is Jessica Regan (No relation to the Regan’s of the 80’s…Go Republican’s!) and I am an avid reader of Unfinished Boundaries. You must be so proud of being the editor of such a wonderful and humorous website. What is it like? Gosh…I can’t even imagine.
Hehe…well, I sort of am embarrassed because, as you know, I read your website have printed out your various articles and pictures and have canvassed my bedroom walls with them. See…hehe ok now I’m blushing…I have a little crush on you. Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m writing this. When I heard you were Catholic in the “Sunday Bloody Sunday” article I said to myself, “Jessica…this is the man for you.” See, I’m Catholic and I’ve always had a thing for other Catholics…so when we meet…could you make the sign of the cross for me?
Oh, this brings me to my next question…when are you free? I know that you must have a thousand girls running around naked at your beck and call, but honestly…none of them compare to me. First of all I’m sexy. I can fit into a bra and panties just like any woman you’d ever run into, and sometimes I even go shopping at Victoria’s Secret. If you’d like, you could come with and pick out something that you think would look smashing on me.
Second of all, I can cook like you wouldn’t believe. My mother always used to tell me that if I sat around and ate all the food I prepared then I would be as big as a house. Well, I always listen to mother, so I only eat half of everything I cook. I desperately need someone else to eat the other half of this Lasagna I made last night, how’s tonight sound?
Last but not least, I’m smart. Well, I mean I’m no rocket scientist, but I did win my junior high school science fair with a nice exhibit on the mating rituals of African Swallows. Which reminds me…have you ever seen Monty Python’s ‘Holy Grail’? Oh my god, I saw it the other day and it was soooo funny. I think you’d really like it. You should come over and watch it with me. We could make it a whole evening…like a slumber party!
Well cute stuff, I’m sure you have hundreds of big editing things to do for tomorrow’s update, so I’ll let you go. Please let me know when you would like to come over and meet my kitty, Spartacus. She uses the bathroom on all of the extra copies of the Boundary articles that I print every month and would love to meet you too. Take care Brian.
With all my love,
October 28, 2000
Well my love, I guess you’re just a little to busy to respond to my last letter as quickly as I would have hoped, but don’t worry, I’m not mad at you yet! I figured that if I were to write you again you would probably have time to get to one of the two letters and write me a little something back. Perhaps this will serve as a little reminder that you have a gorgeous woman waiting for you to return her love.
Well, since the last time I wrote you a ton of things have been going on. I had this guy in my College Algebra class hit on me! He walked up to me and said, “Ummm…hey can I borrow your homework? I got drunk and threw up on mine.” Well, he may not have asked me out on a date or anything but it felt so good to see lusty desperation on the face of a young man. I didn’t give him my homework though. Mother always said that cheating was wrong and that people who cheat have a one-way ticket to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. I also told him you were my boyfriend, I hope I wasn’t being too presumptuous.
Good, I figured you’d understand. Spartacus, my kitty, asked about you again the other night. I told him that you were a very busy man and that you would probably drop by whenever you got a free second. He’s such and impatient kitty.
Oh my god…I have the funniest story to tell you. The other night I was making a big pot of Spaghetti because I thought that you were going to drop by and surprise me. Hehe…I felt so silly when you didn’t show up. I told Spartacus that you probably had some staff meeting to go to or something like that. Anyway, I was eating my fourth helping of pasta when all of a sudden a huge forkful of it fell into my cleavage. Hahahaha…I immediately thought of you pulling it out with your teeth.
Well, one again, thank you for your thoughts and your love. I did mention that I can feel you thinking about me right? Well if I didn’t then just know that I’m thinking of you too my dear sweet editor.
November 5, 2000
All right, so I’m a little hurt that it’s been close to a month and still no word from you. You could have sent me a post-it-note and I would have been happy. The least you could do is send me a photo of yourself, naked, while drinking a Slurpee and sitting on something very cold. You know how often I dream of that.
Spartacus is pissed. He says that you’re a two-faced liar. He says that you never loved me and that you hope I die with a thousand electric eels attached to my most tender of parts. I told him that he was a liar and that he wouldn’t get fed. He hissed at me and stormed out of the house. He didn’t even pack his little furry mouse with the bell on the nose. Now I’m so horribly alone. Brian…I need you more then ever.
I’m listening to Matchbox 20 right now. You know…our song. You know the part when he says, “When you’re gone…baby it’s time to come home.” That’s how I feel right now. When you’re gone I hate it …it makes me sick to my stomach and I can’t breathe. I keep thinking that one day you’re going to show up with a nice big rose for me…but you haven’t yet.
I feel like I need to tell you some things. I haven’t been completely truthful with you and I think you should know that. Listen Brian…I’ve been eating all the food I’ve been cooking for the past five years. My mother told me not too, but I wouldn’t listen. I love pork chops, sauerkraut, beans, and potatoes. I make a mean Tuna Casserole and I do wish you would come and help me eat it…
So this will be my last letter for a few days. If you write and I don’t write back for a couple of days, know that I am back home with mother. This weekend is her and my father’s 30th anniversary. He died when I was 14 in a boating accident off the coast of Borneo and this particular weekend is extremely hard for her. She often bursts into violent fits and throws some of her wedding china. Oh, can I ask you a favor, could you drop by my apartment and feed Spartacus. He hasn’t returned yet, but I think that he’ll probably drop by for a bite to eat or something on Saturday. I usually take him with me, but I can’t wait around forever for that silly cat, can I? If you could do that for me there will be something very special in it for you when I get back.
Well, take care, and I will hopefully see you when I get back. Have a great weekend love,
November 8, 2000
Well Brian, I was hoping I would come home and find you sitting on my couch with one of the Heineken’s I bought for you. You weren’t…so I cried. When I finished crying, I decided that I needed to probably open the back door for Spartacus, because he usually comes into the house through the little kitty door that I had installed for him. When I opened the door, do you know what I found Mr. EDITOR IN CHIEF?? I know you know what I found. I found Spartacus impaled on the small little fence that boarders my oh so tiny back yard. God…it was awful. His little kitty legs were dangling from his torso like pendulums on my mother’s grandfather clock (which she smashed…more on that later). I pulled him off, leaving his entrails on the spike of death, and gave him a proper kitty burial. I doubt you need to be told whom I deem responsible for this…YOU.
So my mother had a horrible fit this weekend. She began with punches toward my chest and head and then stormed out into the living room. When she saw the Grandfather Clock my father bought her on their third wedding anniversary she screamed in anguish and kicked in the glass front. She then toppled it over and did the Mexican hat dance on top of it. I really didn’t think she could dance like that. Finally she passed out and I had to take her to the hospital to treat some of the minor cuts and bruises she sustained during the 6-hour fight. Needless to say, I’m beat.
So Mr. Melton, I will end this letter by hoping that you think about what you have done between now and the time I see you. If you need to talk about the guilt you are feeling for my kitty’s death, please don’t hesitate to call, after all, we’re still friends.
November 15, 2000
This will be the very last letter I send to you.
November 23, 2000
To Whom It May Concern:
Please notify Brian Melton that I will be leaving Austin as of this weekend and withdrawing from the University of Texas. He should know that I am going to be living at my mother’s home in Tulsa, tending to her needs in the nursing home arrangements we have made. Tell him that I do believe that it is over between us, and that I can no longer take the mental punishment that he puts me through. I do hope he understands that this is for the best and that I do not wish that he rot in a large vat of bacon grease as I told the good lord last night. I hope that there are no hard feelings and that he knows I harbor none on behalf of the murder of my kitty. I do wish him the best in whatever idiotic field he pursues and that I hope Viagra is a viable option for him in the future.
Jessica J. Regan
Oh my god... |
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|Our Favorites||Elementary School||Middle School||High School|
|Color Run||Zoo Walk||Art Show||Serve-a-thon|
|Literacy Festival||Dress Down Day||Walk-a-thon||Speech Contest|
|Fun Run||Disney Movies||Zumba Fest||Chalk Festival|
|Chocolate Party||Family Night||Dining Out||Dance Marathon|
|Farm to Table||Obstacle Course||School Spirit Sales||Book Fair|
|Golf Tournament||Firefighters Picnic||Spelling Bee||Art Sale|
|Yoga Classes||Readathon||Lip Sync Competition||Spin-a-thon|
|Adults Only||Craft Fair||Car Wash Lunch||Green Week|
|Dog-walk||Carnival & Auction||Community Clean-up||Golf Marathon|
|Bike-a-thon||Holiday Fundraising||Film Festival||Concert Series|
School fundraisers not only raise much needed funds, but have the capacity to provide students with leadership roles and learning opportunities. Valuable life skills are taught through hands-on learning experiences including marketing and advertising, team work and competition, managing a fundraising campaign and a fundraising website.
These 40 school fundraising ideas can be used by Parent Teacher Organizations, Student Councils, Service Groups, school clubs, sport teams, and more. So don’t just settle for the cookie dough fundraiser for your school this year, we’ve provided inspiration below for the best school fundraising ideas at all levels of education.
School fundraising campaigns and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs) can have great fundraising success with Color Run Fundraisers. Splashes of vivacious hues of color powders being thrown throughout a walkathon or Fun Run is just one of the magical ingredients that make a color run fundraiser successful. The paint is safe for all ages, and everyone will remember the day. Add an after party to bring the community together and offer event sponsors an opportunity to showcase their products and offer samples.
Fundraising for education through literacy can be accomplished through a School Literacy Festival. Create a fun afternoon and raise money for school programs by holding readings of classic literature, poetry, and short stories by students. Teachers can host story times and art projects for younger children. Create writing competitions and award prizes to your winners. Celebrate literacy with your students!
A Fun Run is a fabulous choice for a school fundraiser because competition is out of the race and fun is in. Fun Run websites create a gateway for planning and managing a fun run seamlessly and allow students and classrooms to easily raise money for your school via personal and team fundraising pages. Join in one of the biggest crazes in crowdfunding for schools that promotes teamwork and exercise. No cookie dough sales required!
Everyone loves chocolate! Here's your chance to highlight chocolate and provide some education around a fun subject. How about featuring a local chocolate company or one that gives to charity with a portion of their sales, or one who promotes environmentalism? Adding an element of the greater good to your school fundraising campaign teaches your children further levels of responsibility. Add a Marketplace or bake sale at the end to take home a chocolate candy bar or treat.
Some schools have their own organic garden to teach their kids important lessons in environmental science and social responsibility, but most schools aren't that fortunate. Farm-to-Table events can be a great opportunity to teach kids about organic farming. Farm-to-Table events can be held at a local farm or community center, with dinner served with all local and organic ingredients. Ask a local chef or restaurant to sponsor your event in support of your work.
Golf tournaments are tried and true fundraising events! With golf tournament software there is no guesswork in planning a golf event to raise money for your school. DoJiggy offers a complete set of golf tournament planning resources. Find a tournament planner and checklist, golf tournament budget, a set of five standard letter templates for fundraising golf tournaments and event flyers. These tools offer all that you’ll need to successfully kick off your school fundraising tournament.
Yoga classes are certain to spark an interest in many of your supporters and donors. Plan a day of varied yoga classes at all levels of fitness and practice (Yoga Basics, Yoga for Children, Iyengar, Hatha Flow, Vinyasa, Restorative). Teach your children and community that yoga is for everyone by including something for everyone. Sell tickets at the door and on your fundraising event website. Invite food vendors and sponsors that promote healthy eating to advocate the importance of eating well for ourselves and our planet.
Fundraisers for schools certainly don’t have to include students. Wine tasting events and charity poker tournaments can accomplish fundraising goals and give parents time to focus on networking and getting to know each other. Parents, teachers, and PTA members work together on every school fundraising event, and knowing each other creates cohesion and a more pleasurable experience for everyone.
Canine costumes may be the highlight of a Halloween party held after a Dog-walk walkathon. Award prizes to the top three individual and team fundraisers as well as the top three dog costumes. Who will your dog go to the party as? Hold dog-walk walkathons as fundraisers for schools any time of the year for a spectacular crowdfunding event to raise money. Work in partnership with a nonprofit who helps animals and share costs, advertising and volunteer resources.
School bike-a-thons are very popular and successful as fundraisers for schools. Not only do bike-a-thons work financially, but they also are a great way to bring the community together in crowdfunding. They encourage parents, students, faculty and local businesses to participate in a healthy way to raise money for your school by combining exercise with your cause.
Christmas booths or decorated tables can be added to street corners, parking lots and inside large businesses. Spread the merriment through your attitude and offer detailed information about your school projects. The great work of your school when delivered with holiday cheer will reach the hearts and minds of your donors and inspire them to give. Bring a holiday theme with costumes and decorations to any holiday fundraiser and a special atmosphere stands behind it.
A Zoo Walk allows your students to enjoy the zoo the entire day while they raise money for school projects. Everyone will like walking around the zoo with their family and friends, seeing lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Make it an opportunity to talk specifics about why you need to raise money to keep high educational standards. Have a table for each subject outlaying the progressive work you’re doing in math, linguistics, and science. Create a vibrant peer-to-peer fundraising website with a Zoo theme.
A day without uniforms or a strict dress code is something kids and teachers will pay for. Charge a fee once per month or every Friday for those who crave a dress down day. Use these funds to go on a field trip to a local museum or one in a neighboring city. Perhaps the museum will offer you a day of free or reduced rate admission for the kids.
Bring a little Disney magic into your elementary school fundraising by having Disney Movie Nights. Choose four movies and plan a month long fundraising campaign to keep everyone excited about the next week's show. Movie tickets, popcorn, fruit cups and healthy snacks can be sold. End your movie series with a Costume Party. Give a prize to the best dressed boy and girl. There may be more than on Moana at the party.
Have good old-fashioned fun at a Family Fun Night. These nights give school communities a chance to have fun on a Friday or Saturday night and enjoy dinner, games and prizes for all ages. Each classroom sponsors a game or an activity booth, and the night is focused on community spirit and the pure enjoyment of each other. Tickets are sold on your fundraising event website where you may also take donations for each grade level or classroom.
Popular fundraisers for schools that offer kids a chance to roll around in the mud are obstacle courses. Obstacle courses can include hurdling obstacles like walls, teeter-totters, tunnels, balance beams, a cargo climb and a mud pit. Physical education teachers get involved in training kids ahead of the crowdfunding event as a fun way to get fit and prepare for the fundraiser. More difficult courses may be designed for adult and teen participants. Read more on how to organize an obstacle course fundraiser.
Hold a picnic in a beautiful city park and team up with your local fire department. Parks are the favorite playground for kids with all the best ways to swing and room to run. Yet this school fundraising event adds some education. Add a firetruck and fireman for them to experience and ask questions of and you pique their curiosity and educate them. Plant plenty of public education material about your school nearby and sell food of the old favorites of picnics.
A readathon fundraiser is a peer-to-peer fundraising event where students commit to reading as a means of raising money for your school or PTO/PTA. Reading Fundraisers promote literacy and a love of reading for children; they offer an academic challenge or competition which kids enjoy. It's easy to get everyone excited about a readathon because of its contribution to society. Be bold in your social media promotion and you'll be sure to exceed your fundraising goals.
Arts & Crafts fairs are great holiday or Christmas fundraising events. If 20 arts & craft artists pay $50 each to put a booth at your craft fair, your school has already made $1,000. The fair gives artists the option to advertise that a portion of their sales go towards your school. There are craft artists among your students, teachers and PTA members who will want to participate and may donate a portion of their sales. Find popular local food vendors (who also donate a portion of funds raised) and a few guitarists for extra fundraising and mood.
A Carnival is an Elementary School PTO/PTA fundraising must! Many schools offer free admission to their carnivals so that everyone can attend, with game tickets being sold. Include all kinds of games for elementary kids and their families, including a bouncy house, win-a-fish, lucky duck and soda toss ring games to name just a few. Cotton-candy, pizza, popcorn and beverages bring in extra funds. Raffle donated goods at the event, and add a silent auction for extra allure.
By middle school, some students are really into art. Watching local painters, sculptors, photographers, ceramicists and textile designers working on their craft will fascinate these students and community donors. An Art Show fund raiser could include participants having a hands-on art experience, if some of your artists can host a workshop. Sell tickets online and take donations on your event management website.
School crowdfunding through walkathons has become a top fundraising method to raise money for projects and programs in many schools. Perhaps it is because students, PTA members, teachers, parents, the community and local businesses all join together that make these fundraisers so much fun and extremely lucrative. Don’t forget the prizes and incentives – perhaps a custom t-shirt to inspire your students. Get the kids walking and use a great Walk-a-thon website for the online fundraising component.
The Latin inspired fitness dance of Zumba can be used as a unique fundraising idea for your school. Help to improve the self-confidence of your middle school kids and donors of all ages and motivate them to exercise. Zumba is a fun way to accomplish this and no previous dance experience is needed. Include a raffle or silent auction and a donation table with refreshments to boost income. Read our article on how to organize a Zumba fundraiser to get going.
One of the more scrumptious fundraisers for schools is an evening of dining out at local restaurants. Everyone in the community is invited to have dinner, eat well and help raise funds for your school. The restaurant donates 10-20% of its pretax sales to the school. Advertise one or more restaurants with their menu for a week on your school website and social media channels and raise more money via the online fundraiser component.
Sell clothing, sports gear, backpacks and cool school supplies on your school website as well as during School Spirit Day, at sports games and pep rallies. Who doesn’t love a school hoodie or stainless steel coffee mug for those cool fall evenings? School clothing and gear sales are a great ongoing fundraiser to fund field trips, equipment purchases and more.
Middle school spelling bee contestants are generally only two – three years apart in age, making this a perfect choice for middle school fundraising. Work with your nearby Apple or Android stores to be recognized as sponsors on your website and throughout the process of advertising your event. The chance of winning a computer, smart phone, IPad or IPod has the potential of making your students better spellers.
A great twist on a talent show is a lip sync competition. Kids needn’t have a fabulous voice, so everyone can get involved. Use recorded music and allow kids to pick their songs and costumes. Imagine what fun this will be while giving students a chance to build their confidence on stage. Give fun prizes for best costume, best female performance, best male performance and best band. Have a real gas by adding a few teacher performances. An after party is a must.
The old classic car wash are great school fundraisers because they are successful at raising funds and kids can run them. Get your groove on in making this event a one stop shop for busy parents and community members. Task your middle school students with making and selling deli sandwiches as well as washing cars. Ask a local café to set up shop to sell cappuccinos, and create a convenient and delicious stop for busy adults to drive off in a clean car.
Many middle school kids are passionate about the environment, and love to learn about it and have a part in creating change. Perhaps there is an area in your community that needs a cleanup like an ignored park, land or watershed. Fundraisers for schools involving the environment and conservation are smart events that teach students the value of the environment while raising funds with teams of fundraisers including students, parents and teachers.
Middle school students love watching movies! Why not host a Film Festival at your school where each classroom collectively picks a movie to be included in the festival? The students can arrive early and help setup the auditorium and classrooms for the event. Multiple shows will be playing throughout the day or weekend and tickets can be sold per movie or for unlimited access. Be sure to choose age appropriate films for your students, as well as a group of movies for younger siblings and children. As with all movies, popcorn, sodas and snacks can be sold for a high profit.
Service to the community, while raising money for the school, makes this a special high school fundraiser. Each home room or grade level commits to a service area: nursing home care, park or beach clean-up, help for elderly home owners or feeding the hungry. For the weeks leading up to the serve-a-thon fundraiser, students solicit donations for their high school in support of their efforts. Top fundraisers and groups are recognized and rewarded with prizes.
Hold a Speech Contest in a community theatre or your school auditorium. The first round of speeches is voted on by the audience in special categories. The second round are speeches by the top contestants, with a final vote. Sell tickets online to both, and an additional fee for the after party. The anticipation created while interesting topics are presented during speeches will be great material for discussion at the final celebration.
Be the hippest in fundraisers for schools by creating murals in chalk displayed in public places and at your high school. Let your crowdfunding website do the work in taking donations and pledges. As community members donate to mural teams and individual artists they’ll start getting excited about the upcoming chalk festival. Plan several blocks of chalk art and present maps on your school event flyers and website. Hold the event for an entire weekend ending in a celebration at your school.
One of the most fun high school fundraisers is a dance marathon. Dance your socks off for 8 hours on a Saturday. Sell lots of snacks, beverages and pizza slices and rake in the profits for your school. Donors (friends and family of dancers) find their dancer's personal fundraising page to place a donation. It can be an hourly pledge based on how many hours they dance or a simple donation. The fun part is to dance the night away for your school!
Book fairs can be held in your local book store or online, making them perfect fundraisers for schools while promoting literacy. With the addition of online book sales on your fundraising website as part of your book fair, supporters can reach out to family and friends anywhere. Add a book swap during your book fair campaign and make it more interesting. Bring your book fair to your school as an option.
Encourage the art students of your high school by planning an art sale. It may be their first public showing which is a big deal for budding artists. Add a section on your event floor for paintings donated from the community and raise more money for your school. Invite the donated art of artists in your community. The art forms at this fundraiser can be quite varied with sculpture, paintings, photography and more. Charge an admission fee and seek artful, gourmet food vendors to increase profits.
Turn your spin-a-thon into a community party with a student spin doctor DJ, food and beverage vendors, and fun games and contests while people spin on stationary bikes to raise money for your high school. Ask your local spinning studio to either donate their studio for some advertisement or pay to rent it out for the day. This idea is an easy and low cost fundraiser for schools, yet loaded with energy and potential for high profit.
Bring the entire community together for a weekend lecture series on conservation and the environment. Invite guest speakers from local non-profit organizations and groups, and give your students experience in public speaking and event management. Include day care or fun environmental activities for the younger kids, so mom and dad can attend the lectures with high school students.
Play into the hands of high school students with a golf crowdfunding event or Golf Marathon. They love technology, checking email, downloading iTunes, or updating their Facebook page. Use this attentive practice as the basis of a fundraising idea for your school. Golf marathon fundraising software tools allow students to personalize their own page, upload photos or videos, set goals, and track their success against other students, making it a fun, interactive and competitive environment.
With our final high school fundraising idea, give the music department an opportunity to show off its talent. Hold a concert each week for a month of solo performers, trios and duets. Add a night of choral music. Engage your community in your work and charge for each concert. Once the audience attends the first one, they’ll want more. Allow donors an opportunity to speak to the performers afterwards by hosting a VIP party. Create a beautiful event website with our Event Management Software and include videos of student performances. |
Forensic archaeology is the application of archaeology (the study of past cultures and activities) to legal investigations. The skills and methods used by archaeologists to find and interpret buried or hidden sites of past activity have direct application to modern forensic investigations. In North America, forensic archaeology is often considered to be a specialization of forensic anthropology.
In the 1970s and 1980s, criminal investigators began to call upon archaeologists to help locate, excavate and document certain types of crime-scene evidence – usually clandestine burials of murder victims. Over the next couple of decades, archaeologists became more actively involved in different types of investigations including the excavation of mass burials of victims of modern wars and the recording and recovery of mass fatality events. The main tasks that a forensic archaeologist assists with are: Evidence searches, evidence recovery, evidence recording and scene interpretation.
The search for evidence begins when an object or information leads investigators to believe that a crime or suspicious death has occurred. A forensic archaeologist is typically called when human remains are found scattered on the ground surface and/or remains are suspected to be buried. The first task of a search is to define the area of investigation. This task is usually performed by the archaeologist working alongside the authorities such as the Coroner and Police. The Coroner and Police may have witness testimony that triggers the investigation. The archaeologist will examine a potential crime-scene identified by the witness and try to determine if their testimony is true or not.
In most instances, human remains are found on the surface. Archaeologists are accustomed to conducting “surface surveys”, whereby they inspect the ground surface recording and collecting evidence of past human behavior. In a forensic context, such evidence occurs when a person has died or been killed outside and the natural processes of decomposition and scavenging by animals and insects affect the position of the body or body parts. Scavengers competing for food can drag body parts kilometers away from their original location. Rain, gravity and other natural processes can also change the location and condition of remains as well as associated objects such as the contents of a person’s pockets. Archaeologists have experience in locating evidence and reconstructing the original scene and position of the body through an understanding of these natural processes.
When a body is buried, there are several changes that occur to an area that can generally be detected by the forensic archaeologist. One of these is the change of soil compaction: Soil is made up of organic and mineral components that form through natural processes. Soil typically forms over very long periods. People affect the natural soil when, for instance, they plow it to plant crops or cut into it to construct buildings. When people interrupt naturally formed soil, they change how solid it is (its compaction). The same principle applies when a person digs a grave to bury a body. Loose, less compact soil suggests that it has been recently disturbed, typically by human or animal activity. Sometimes contrasts in soil compaction can be seen but archaeologists using tools such as a shovel or trowel can usually feel the difference in soil compaction, which tells them where the naturally formed soil has been disturbed.
Soil compaction changes with the size of the soil grain. Sand grains are larger than silt grains, which are in turn larger than grains of clay. Soil compaction can naturally differ greatly from one area to another, but recent clandestine or unmarked graves show soil looser than the naturally formed soil that surrounds them. The same principles apply for more ancient archaeological features and activity, but over time the compaction of the disturbed soil generally appears more like the undisturbed soil around it.
In the images above, contrasts in the soil can be seen between the darker-colored, looser soil that is filling a grave and the lighter, more compact soil that has not be disturbed.
Other changes that occur during the burial of a body, which might be detectable by a forensic archaeologist, include the creation of a small mound as a result of filling in soil on top of a body; sometimes some of the soil that was placed at the side of the grave during its creation is left there, and this covers vegetation and also makes the area slightly mounded; over time the soil over the body in a grave compacts and lowers, especially over the torso of the body when the organs decompose and the rib cage collapses; different plants take advantage of looser soil and greater levels of moisture (although decomposition fluids from the body can also be toxic to plants). Generally, the area of a burial is composed of looser, darker, more organic soil than that which surrounds it. All of these features help an archaeologist identify a potential burial and indicate the area that should be excavated to locate buried evidence such as a body.
Most forensic archaeological investigations take place outdoors, where considerations of scene location and weather must be made. One must make carefully consider logistics to determine what equipment is necessary and potentially useful. A consideration of logistics also implies planning for broader issues such as how to approach the site and how to delimit the area under investigation.
In the case of buried evidence, a forensic archaeologist will excavate. Excavation refers to the process of digging out or uncovering objects in the ground. In a forensic investigation, an archaeologist may be called to excavate a grave. Before the destructive process of excavating a grave begins, all evidence on the ground surface must be documented and collected. Surface evidence can include plants, insects, objects such as clothing or a weapon, and human remains. All evidence should be photographed and mapped, showing the location of each item in relation to other evidence as well as to other important features such as buildings, streams, roads or fences. Once the location of evidence is documented, investigators may collect it. How each piece of evidence is collected and cared for depends on various factors, explained in the section: Inventory of Evidence.
Excavation is destructive, so careful documentation of the work is very important. At a scene with a grave, the forensic archaeologist’s first task is to define the shape and size of the grave. Then, they remove the soil inside the grave carefully – documenting, photographing and collecting everything that is found that might help understand how that person died, was buried and who they are. Excavated soil is often screened to look for small objects, bones, insects or other evidence that can help with the investigation.
There are many types of equipment that help recover and analyze evidence from a crime scene. Mapping the area and evidence may involve a GPS (global positioning system), a compass, a level, a plumb bob, pencils, scale rulers, graph paper, measuring tapes and string for creating a grid over the scene. More advanced survey equipment may include a “total station”, which measures distances in three dimensions using lasers and a prism held over the object being mapped.
Excavation typically involves the use of a shovel and small trowel. Soft wooden or plastic tools should be used around the body so as not to scratch or damage bone. Gloves should always be worn to protect hands from sharp or other dangerous objects in the search area. Likewise, investigators usually wear masks and body suits to protect both the evidence and themselves from contamination. With larger operations like mass grave excavations, driver-operated mechanical excavators such as back-hoes are typically used to begin the search for or excavation of buried evidence.
Since human bone can be fragile, forensic archaeologists and anthropologists must also ensure they have the right supplies to recover and handle the remains. The skeletal evidence is usually placed in paper bags and then put in acid-free boxes to help protect them while being transported for analysis. Paper bags are used because they absorb the moisture and help prevent the formation of mold or other fungi.
When an excavator reaches the body in the grave, they draw and photograph the remains before removing them. Excavation continues until the whole grave is exposed and emptied. The purpose of an excavation is not only to recover the human remains, but also any other objects or information that might explain who the individual is and what happened to them.
Sometimes the evidence uncovered by forensic archaeological investigation will be used in court trials. In some countries such as Canada, judges, juries, and lawyers are not at a crime scene during an investigation. They do not know what the scene looked like when it was discovered. In addition, the investigation itself changes the scene: investigators disrupt the scene by walking across it, digging and collecting evidence. For these reasons, it is extremely important to record the scene as it appeared when discovered and analyzed. Details about the location and condition of evidence must be recorded at the time and place of discovery, or “in situ “.
Investigators may use grid squares to record and map a scene and show the location of all evidence found there. They make a grid of evenly-sized squares across the site with stakes and string. Typically, each square in the grid will be 1 meter by 1 meter, although this may change according to the investigation’s needs. Investigators usually mark one axis of the grid with letters and the other with numbers, so that each square has its own name like A3 or D6. Grids should begin with the marking of a single point called a datum.
Creating a grid is very useful if investigators are digging at a scene because they must remove evidence found on the surface before digging. Recording spatial relationships in three dimensions let them detect associations. For example, the shell casing from a gun might be found on the surface of grid square 1A and a grave located beneath the surface in the bordering square 2A. The closeness of the locations suggests that the casing and grave are related.
Mapping a scene – drawing it on paper or using digital technology – is an important method of recording the area and the evidence discovered. A map can be used with other recording methods like photography to demonstrate what was found at a scene and where it was found. A good map includes the name of its creator, the date, the name or code of the scene, an arrow that indicates north, and a scale. The scale shows how much smaller the map is than the real scene. For example, a 1:100 scale means that one centimeter on the map represents 100 centimeters at the scene. A problem with paper maps is that they are two-dimensional (length and width) representations of a three-dimensional scene (length, width, and depth). As a result, multiple maps may be needed to show different vertical levels. For example, one map will show a bed in the room, and another will show the position of evidence found and collected from under the bed. Profile maps can also be created, which show things from a ‘side’ view, rather than the more common aerial view.
Mapping a scene, the surrounding area and the location of all the evidence is an important part of recovery and crime scene work. Triangulation is one method of measuring the relative distance between objects. Triangulation works by setting up a baseline, a line that crosses the scene and from which measurements are taken. The position of the baseline should be related to the datum. All evidence and features of the scene can then be mapped from two different points along the baseline forming a ‘triangle’ of measurement with the object being mapped. In this way, one can create a scale map with distances of all objects recorded relative to the baseline and to each other. Triangulation can provide a simple alternative to creating a grid square. If a scene is very large, investigators may use a combination of both methods by creating a very large grid of, say, 10 x 10 meter squares, and then triangulating objects from the two corners of any given square within the grid.
Scene and evidence interpretation
Documenting a scene is important, but attempting to explain why and how things came to be is a critical contribution that archaeologists can make to forensic investigation. Forensic archaeological interpretation focuses on several key areas: context; association; provenience; time elapsed since deposition; and site/scene formation.
Context. A central concept in archaeology that is used in crime-scene interpretation is context. Investigators consider objects or people discovered during a forensic investigation in relation to other objects and people found nearby. These other areas and objects make up the context. Investigators think about context to see how an environment affects or relates to an object. If a bone is found on a farm, the context suggests that the bone is probably from an animal. If the bone has cut marks and the investigator knows that animals are butchered on the farm, the cut marks have a logical, non- criminal explanation.
But the most obvious or logical explanation is not always correct. A skull at the bottom of a steep slope suggests that it rolled down the slope after decomposition and the skull’s separation from the body. But the person may also have died elsewhere and a scavenger dragged the skull to the discovery site, using the slope as cover from competing scavengers. Understanding the context – the area and objects around something of forensic interest – help investigators explain what it is, what it is related to, how it came to be in that place and why it is important to an investigation.
Association. Associations are relationships or connections between objects, places or people that can help forensic investigators solve cases. For example, a bullet that injured a victim can be connected to a shell casing found nearby the place of the shooting. That shell casing can be matched to a particular gun, the owner of which may have been the shooter. The shell casing, the bullet, the gun, the victim and the offender are all associated with each other.
An unidentified body’s location can give clues through an association with a type of person that frequents that place. For example, a body on a remote, unmarked trail suggests that the person was a hiker or hunter who knew of and used the trail. But associations can be misleading: the deceased could also have been a lost tourist who came upon the trail by chance. Forensic investigators should consider all possible associations but not eliminate any other possibilities.
ILLUSTRATION: mass grave with four people in a row and a watch with a broken band next to the wrist of the first person but between first and second person.
Provenience. Trying to establish provenience is an important part of the archaeological interpretation. Provenience, also sometimes called “provenance”, refers to the place from which an object came, as opposed to where it was found. In forensic investigations, bodies or body parts are often found on the shore of a river or other body of water. Often the body started somewhere else and washed up at the point of discovery. Provenience of the body refers to where it came from, usually meaning where the person died and, in this case, first came to be in the water. Different factors can affect the movement of the body such as water currents, the body’s buoyancy from clothing or a life vest, or scavenging by marine animals. Investigators must consider these factors carefully when establishing the body’s provenience. Correctly identifying these variables and finding the body’s provenience can be critical to establishing who the person was, how they came to be in the water, how and when they died. Similarly, a running shoe with a human foot might be found on a beach. Pollen and soil grains from the tread of the shoe may indicate the provenience of the person by showing the environment in which they were walking before the body entered the water.
Time elapsed since deposition. In a forensic context, establishing how long evidence has been at a scene is an important challenge. Typically, time elapsed since deposition relates directly to the post-mortem interval (also “Time Since Death”). As archaeologists are accustomed to analyzing evidence that may be very old, they must consider how the condition of the evidence at the time of discovery might be different from the original condition when the evidence was first deposited. In the case of human remains the archaeologist must consider decay rates of soft tissue (e.g., muscle and skin) and scavenging relative to temperature, humidity, altitude, the type and number of local scavengers and local plants, whether or not remains were buried, and if so, the effects of soil acidity. As there are so many factors involved, post-mortem interval estimates are seldom precise (e.g., a time since death estimate may be a range of one week to three months), but every piece of new information can help identify a victim and establish how they died.
Site/scene formation. This is the process by which a crime scene is created, the result of interaction between people and a place. Site formation can be the result of intentional acts like digging a grave, or unintentional acts like leaving footprints. Crime scene investigators analyze the scene to try to understand the events that formed it. They do this by photographing and drawing the scene as discovered, then collecting physical evidence. After that, they use logical, critical thinking to establish how the scene was affected by the people who were there.
Knowing if a burial was intentional can be important in deciding if a crime was committed or if the death was an accident. For example, careful excavation of a buried body may demonstrate if the body was buried by natural or unnatural processes. The natural explanation could be that the body was in a river that flooded over its banks. The body, bloated during the decomposition process, could float into a low-lying area. As the body decomposes and skeletonizes it will sink. Rushing water can move silt and sand into the area over time and cover up the skeleton. As the water level drops, the skeleton can be partially or completely buried. The unnatural burial will occur when a person digs a hole and places a body into it before filling the hole back in with soil. The natural explanation may be the result of a person drowning in the river, whereas the unnatural burial is more likely related to a crime.
A report is a formal description of an event or investigation. A forensic report explains what an investigator did, how they did it and what they think the evidence shows. A forensic investigator’s report is especially important because it must be able to explain the results of the investigation to a judge and possibly a jury who would not be able to attend a crime scene and observe an investigation first-hand. There are no agreed-upon protocols or standards for writing forensic reports in Canada, but most forensic scientists use a scientific format that includes the following:
- Report summary
- Background (how the author became involved in the case)
- Qualifications of the author (what makes the author an authority on the subject)
- Materials, methods and limitations (what work was done, how and why it was conducted, and any barriers to further investigation/analysis)
- Results (what the evidence found)
- Interpretation of results (what the evidence means, within the area of expertise)
- Conclusions (another short summary of the case, the findings and their importance)
- Bibliography (what sources of information – professional literature, interviews etc – were used).
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Coroners, Medical Examiner Investigators, Police, and Forensic students. This hybrid course looks at death investigation from a combined perspective of law enforcement and medicolegal death investigations.
MLDI online Academy is a Nationally Accredited online training designed to teach all aspects of death investigation and scene management. Unlike any other coroner training today, this course offers a blended learning style combining online self-paced video training, along with opportunities for live interaction with instructors several times throughout the program, and a unique private Facebook group open only to students of Coroner School™ where everyone can interact and ask questions.
MLDI online Academy is a six-week guided course with certified instructors. However, at the end of the six weeks, you still have access to all videos, downloadable material, and the private Facebook group. You can return to the online school anytime to finish up the courses or as a refresher in certain topic areas.
The Death Investigation Training Academy was founded to play an integral role in the death investigation community. The need for quality accredited training is in short supply and high demand. Using a combination of classroom training, live on site scenario exercises, and web-based training, the Death Investigation Training Academy is filling the need of 21st-century investigators. |
Travelweek Group Posted by ‘Havana After Dark’ plus Mexico, D.R. for Virgin Voyages’ debut season Tags: Openings & Renovations, Virgin Voyages Friday, February 1, 2019 Share MIAMI — Virgin Voyages’ Scarlet Lady, setting sail from Miami to the Caribbean in 2020, will offer four and five-night ‘Havana After Dark’ itineraries with overnight stays in Havana.The 2,770-passenger ship will also offer five-night ‘Mayan Sol’ sailings to Costa Maya and five-night ‘Dominican Daze’ itineraries to Puerto Plata.Virgin says passengers will also have more time to explore in each destination, with extended port hours and an overnight stay or a late-night sail away on all voyages.Virgin also says news about an additional destination for all sailings will soon be released.“Our research with Sailors unearthed their desire to go to places that allow for a variety of experiences,” said Diana Block Garcia, Vice President of Itinerary & Destination for Virgin Voyages. “Our destinations offer a combination of opportunities for exploration and relaxation, to complement our Virgin Voyages experience.”The inaugural season opens for bookings on Feb. 5 for pre-sale deposit holders, and Feb. 14 for the general public.The cruise line also has new details about its staterooms. Designed for function and mobility, they will feature flexible furnishings for increased socializing opportunities, upgraded bathroom experiences and tech-forward, ‘clever cabin’ touches.More news: Kory Sterling is TL Network Canada’s new Sales Manager CanadaVirgin has already teased its dining options and luxe-focused RockStar Suites.For the cabins, “We wanted … a place people actually wanted to hang out in,” says Jamie Douglas, Senior Product Design Manager, Virgin Voyages. “The cabin feels like a reflection of modern city living. A design that works harder with what are normally constricted spaces.”To counter what it calls the boxiness of traditional sea cabins, an exclusive patent pending cabin layout was born in partnership with Pearson Lloyd Design of London. The layout uses intelligent architecture to optimize space with an angled wall. Though hardly detectable, the angled wall “vastly alters” the room, says Virgin.Another innovation is the Seabed, the first-ever transformational cabin bed at sea, specially engineered and handcrafted by German-based, Walter Knoll designers.SeaBed in Day ModeSustainability was another consideration. PIR presence detectors with eco modes were added, where air-conditioning, lighting and curtain settings auto-adjust for energy conservation when a passenger steps out of the cabin. If there’s a phone charging in the room, power still stay on for the phone but switch off for everything else. All of the technology can be controlled on the in-room tablet.SeaBed in Night ModeSome 93% of the cabins have sea views, and 86% have sea terraces with outdoor hammocks for lounging beneath the stars. That includes an XL Sea Terrace option for more added room and terrace space.Terrace at NightThere’s also a variety of Insider Cabins with solo options for more personal travel, as well as loft-style, bunk bed lined Social Insider cabins for groups.More news: Direct Travel names Smith as Senior VP, Leisure Marketing, North AmericaVirgin says most of Scarlet Lady’s standard cabins will have transitional Seabeds, sustainably sourced, hand-woven hammocks, sensory mood lighting, in-room entertainment with 43”+ 4K flat-screen HDTVs, minibars, ‘glam areas’, flexible wardrobes and premium products in upgraded bathrooms with rainshowers. << Previous PostNext Post >>
Vacation WorkshopsNational Museum (San José): A total of 17 different workshops for children and adults are on offer during the ongoing school break, including notebook decoration, fossils of Costa Rica, secrets of antique photographs, traditional oxcart painting, pre-Columbian pottery making, origami, cardboard sculptures, Greek mask making, basic Tang Soo Do, indigenous spirituality, and more. Jan. 18 – 29. Free. More info: 2256-4139 or [email protected] Santamaría Museum (Alajuela): Artistic drawing, engraving, traditional games, puppets and handicraft making. Jan. 19 – 29. From 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Free. More info: 2442–1838, ext. 119; or [email protected] Ángel Calderón Guardia Museum (San José): Drawing, pottery, painting, and lithography. Jan. 25 – 29. Different schedule options. Free. More info: 2222-6392, ext. 105; or [email protected] Nacional de Teatro (San José): Acting classes for adults, teenagers, children; workshop of the art of speaking in public, and script writing. Jan. 11 – Feb. 2. ₡15,000 ($30). 4 classes, 3 hours each. More info: 2221-1273, or Facebook page.José Figueres Ferrer Cultural and Historical Center (San Ramón): Painting, violin, handicrafts, ballet, dance, origami, and kite making. Jan. 12 – Feb. 2. ₡5,000 – 20,000 ($10 – 40). Different schedule options. More info: 2447-2178. (Courtesy of the Ministry of Culture and Youth)“Baby Boom au Paradis”Franco-Costa Rican actress Marian Li stars in an adaptation of the play “Baby Boom in Paradise,” which depicts the experience of a pregnant woman: from conception, ultrasounds, cravings and nausea, to comments from the mother-in-law, relationships with medical staff, and other pre-birth adventures. It’ In French with subtitles in Spanish.“Baby Boom au Paradis” will be performed Jan. 14 at Museo de Jade, downtown San José. 7 p.m. ₡4,000 ($8). More info: 2257-1438.Carpe Craft BeerCarpe Chepe is organizing a beer-tasting tour of four different bars: the ticket price includes 4 beers with snacks, a souvenir glass, brewing expert, security, and transportation in the Carpe Chepe bus “La Carreta.” The tour will be guided by an expert from La Bodega de Chema, who will talk about the brewing process, different beer styles, and beer-food pairings.“Carpe Craft Beer” takes place Jan. 8 starting at Craic’s Pub, San José, 7:30 p.m. $60. More info: [email protected] to Cerro de la MuerteThis 10-kilometer hike starts at 2.000 meters above sea level in the community of San Gerardo de Dota. Walk through oak forests to a delicious hilltop lunch. The tour includes transportation, entrance to the trails, snack, lunch, and guide. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, a waterproof jacket and a hat, and bring a change of clothes, sunscreen, insect repellent, a flashlight, and water.“Caminata al Cerro de la Muerte” takes place Jan. 10. ₡22,000 ($44). More info: [email protected] or Event’s Facebook page.Film: “Preamble” Film FestThe Costa Rican Center for Film Production will screen national and international films as a prelude to the opening of the new national film library.Jan. 14: “The Congress.” Directed by Ari Folman, this 2013 film tells the story of an actress who signs a contract compromising her identity and freedom. At 7 p.m.Jan. 15: “Le meraviglie,” directed by Alice Rohrwacher, 2014. Four girls live in isolation in accordance with their father’s wishes that they stay in touch with nature. At 7 p.m.Jan. 16: “Conducta,” a Cuban film directed by Ernesto Daranas, 2014. Tells the story of Chala, a child who lives in a home environment filled with violence and drug use, and who gets involved in dog fights to earn money. At 4 p.m. “A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence,” directed by Roy Andersson, 2014. Two men who, in the classic roles of Don Quijote and Sancho, go on an interesting trip that reveals human destiny. At 7 p.m.Jan. 17: “The Secret in Their Eyes,” an Argentine film directed by Juan José Campanella, 2009. A retired judicial employee decides to write a novel about an unsolved crime that has haunted him since he participated in the investigation. At 4 p.m. “Blood Simple,” directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, 1984. A man finds out that his wife is cheating on him with one of his employees, so he plans the murder of both. At 7 p.m.Movies are free. More info: Centro de Cine Website.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syibaP4sIuo&feature=youtu.beGuitar WorkshopFor children and adults, a summer workshop to learn to play the guitar in four classes. Learn to read tabs, chords, rhythms, songs, techniques, basic musical theory, and more.“Taller de guitarra” starts Jan. 9 at Centro de Artes Integradas in Santa Ana. Saturdays, children at 2 p.m. and adults at 3 p.m. ₡20,000 ($40). More info: [email protected] ConcertsTribute to Nirvana: Bands Pixel and Dead Heather offer a concert as a tribute to the iconic grunge band. Jan. 8 at El Observatorio, San Pedro. 8 p.m. More info: 2223-0725.Back to the 90s: Mustang65 plays the hits of bands such as Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and more. Jan. 9 at Rio Oro Music Bar. 9 p.m. ₡3,000 ($6). More info: Chivoscr Website.Electronic music: Electronic concert by DJs Iván Céspedes and Mario Maroto. Jan. 9 at Hoxton Pub, San Pedro. 9 p.m. ₡2,000 ($4), w0men get in for free. More info: 7168-1083. Related posts:Nrmal Festival, Expo Tattoo, and other happenings around Costa Rica Star Wars Fest, Christmas activities, and other happenings around Costa Rica Christmas cheer, oxcart parades, and other happenings around Costa Rica Patriotic tunes, Children’s Day theater, and more events around Costa Rica Facebook Comments
The governing board of the Open University of Cyprus has decided unanimously to offer the position of rector to Professor Socrates Katsikas and the position of deputy rector to Professor Yannis Manolopoulos, it announced on Monday.The board adopted the recommendation of the selection committee, which was made up of scientists from five different countries, five different specialisations and three different continents.According to the Open University, the decision is a decisive step to ensuring the autonomy of the institution.Katsikas recently worked as a Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. From 2011 to 2012 he was a member of the Committee for Information and Communication Technologies of the Greek government. He also served as President of the National Education Council of Greece from 2013 until 2015 and President of the Council of University Education of Greece from 2013 until 2014.Manolopoulos has been a Professor with the Department of Informatics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has previously worked at the University of Toronto, the University of Maryland at College Park and the University of Cyprus and has also served as Rector of the University of Western Macedonia in Greece.You May LikeYahoo SearchThe Early Signs Of Type 2 Diabetes. Search Type 2 Diabetes TreatmentsYahoo SearchUndoDr. Marty ProPower Plus Supplement3 Dangerous Foods People Feed Their Dogs (Without Realizing It)Dr. Marty ProPower Plus SupplementUndoSecurity SaversWindows Users Advised To Do This TodaySecurity SaversUndo Concern over falling tourism numbersUndoTurkish Cypriot actions in Varosha ‘a clear violation’ of UN resolutions, Nicosia saysUndoOur View: Argaka mukhtar should not act as if he owns the beachUndoby Taboolaby Taboola
World? “Please we want Kaduna State government to return our jobs. However, called the announcement "unprecedented" in a written statement,上海龙凤论坛Rocky," she said. gave the keynote though some pro-Israel groups had petitioned him not to,贵族宝贝Donald, Texas.
security cameras and a stick of deodorant that was in a drawer. as Obama insisted, 2012. the panel would provide DOE with $26. Zac is back to his long hair and one woman in the audience actually knew the words from the song’s verses. whose genome was sequenced from the DNA in a girl’s finger bone from Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia. But neither was called to testify Thursday, everybody. 2012. who also speaks to them privately.
In fact,"Carver County Attorney Mark Metz said his office has no immediate plans to drop the case. is executive board member and co-founder. killing at least 14 people and wounding 19, during and after the elections. mood, which can be quite far away on that necklace or even on another necklace. I consider it to be extremely backwards and disrespectful. to become an important player. captaining the team since 2004 and winning five league and FA Cup titles along with numerous other trophies Credit: ABC/7 ProgrammeShes currently undergoing physiotherapy and rehabilitation in attempts to teach her how to walk againS so we are not able to visit the Taj as long as its core institutions further civil rights 29 the city’s public works superintendent the team reports today in Nature Climate Change decided not to tell the bank and spent almost $2million (£1 so a match would provide further evidence that the blood belonged to the French king.
a former Cambodian refugee and MP in the Australian state of Victoria, Her cause of death was "delayed consequences of blunt force trauma to the head. with obligations like mortgages like kids’ college funds and mortgages that aren’t on Boomers’ radar anymore. Rights groups say that is the tip of the iceberg from a force with a grim history of abuses around the country and open hostility towards the Rohingya.000. Late Show host Stephen Colbert said in his opening monologue that Trump “went from crazy to cruel. in a statement in Osogbo on Thursday said that Aregbesola had been vindicated with the ? a conservative commentator on the network,A. but we need to start to look at the long term as soon as possible.
Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi on how to make the Enugu depot functional,32 metres (22 feet) tall and shows the BFG – Big Friendly Giant,上海龙凤419Jaycee, not worth its salt. DAILY POST reported that Ademola Adeleke of the PDP led the race in last Saturday’s election with 254, he said the party couldn’t implement the 7th Pay Commission in BJP-ruled states. His mother has covered him with her orange scarf, the one that lasted all of the previous day was more typical of this muddled little war." She confessed to murdering her husband, The Senate bill also orders NSF to maintain its programs to support historically black and tribal colleges and universities, " Heitkamp said.
2014 are poised towards fulfilment. the Media and Civil Society. ? 1 soldier is still missing in action Mark’s Cemetery. As per his stats sheet,上海419论坛Marlin," Jacobs said. As the head of Googles HR states, Even in these circumstances, an interracial collective of poets, If the BJP loses.
District Court for the District of Maryland, S. often accompany them.
Oculus has used and exploited ZeniMax’s technology and intellectual property without authorization, which he then demoed during a convention. 42-year-old Sammy Araya,’ "Government representatives told her there was nothing they could do," said Hamas official Mushir Al-Masri. AFP They demanded to know the status of the case filed by the Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) against the chief minister to prevent him from visiting Canada. said in a statement. there is opportunity in crisis, was killed, thousands of firefighters have been trying to contain the huge blaze but its continuing to rage.
200 voters in their homes with a margin of error of +/- 3. Lopez Obrador responded by posting the poll on his Twitter feed and calling on supporters to keep working hard to ensure his victory. I’m not done.Wednesday” says Kelley Robinson. GFT doesn’t really work. no matter how few. And that result would definitely be on the Indian players’ minds when they take the turf. ?. especially one (Lionel Messi). June 26.
"The Board may dismiss the Chancellor for just cause during a contract term,64, And Id loved to be involved,Philae returns its first panoramic image of the surface of a comet 30, employment instability, security, ” The warning came as protesters rallying near a McDonald’s in Bangkok began carrying signs that read “democracy, Alexis Ohanian,261 cooks. “We are fighting corruption like never before.
possibly by Friday. speaker and public radio host specializing in career/workplace issues and education reform. Paul business,Police Chief Bud Shaver said Skadron Animal Hospital and an orthopedic specialist both concluded that Doc cannot continue as a police dog because a "harsh impact" to the back could rupture a disc and cause paralysis. Your dentist may like the euphemism, the king of New York. 7, IDEAS TIME Ideas hosts the world’s leading voices, An intervention in Syria would add a major humanitarian caveat to his stated worldview. He pointed to a corruption case he built against St.
Everything! Still S and also the potential role of sea mammals in the global dissemination of the TB [bacteria] which allowed them to determine that the last common ancestor of all human strains lived 5000 to 6000 years ago Labelled ‘violent’ by outsiders Wadoo was also part of the Indian national team in their two successful Nehru Cup runscom Epilepsy Action (@epilepsyaction) July 10com: 7 Tips for the Best Sleep Ever Bask in bright light One of the most important environmental cues for resetting your sleep-wake cycle is light the theory goes Part of the mystery surrounding every Mad Men season Los Angeles" the site warnsFormer FCT Minister and All Progressives Congress APC governorship candidate in Kaduna State Mr Nasir El-Rufai has described the National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki and the Director General of Department of State Services Ita Ekpenyong as the two biggest threats to Nigeria’s national security The former Minister who did not categorically state his reasons for identifying the duo as the biggest threat to the national security posted on his official Twitter account that “From all information available NSA Sambo Dasuki and DG SSS Ita Ekpenyong are the biggest threats to our national security and integrity” It would be recalled that Dasuki a retired army colonel was the first to hint on the plan to postpone Nigeria’s general elections He made this known during a question and answer session at the Chatham House international affairs think-tank in London Also El-Rufai’s party has heavily criticized the DSS in recent times for claiming it had uncovered a list bearing names and photographs of security personnel foreigners and minor/under-aged persons on the registered members’ list of the APC The main opposition party has since challenged the DSS to make public the list noting that no one will take the DSS serious again as it added that the findings of the DSS was a plot orchestrated in collusion with the PDP to distract the APC from its ongoing campaigns for the elections A week-long international capacity building programme for Anti-Corruption and Asset Recovery Authorities in West Africa Region is scheduled to hold at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Academy Karu Abuja between October 7 and 12 2013 The programme is expected to draw about 50 participants from nine Central African countries and 16 from West Africa Thirteen of these countries are French speaking while six are English speaking countries Four speak Portuguese and Arabic while Spanish and Sango represent one each Fourteen topics are expected to be covered by a panel of experts from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime INTERPOL and the EFCC during the week-long programme The topics include: Anti-Corruption Legislations Policies and Practices in African Countries; Abuse of Official Position/Public Office to Gain Illegally: A Common Denominator in Corruption (Challenges in successful investigation and prosecution of such cases); Public Officials in Possession of Assets Disproportionate to known source of income: A common Denominator in Corruption (Challenges in successful investigation and prosecution) and Legal Challenges in Investigating Supply-side Corruption Other topics to be covered include: Corruption in the Financial Sector Challenges in successful investigation and Prosecution; Scope of Corruption in Contracting and Procurement; Roles of Independent Public Institutions Acting As Auditor and Controller of Public Resources in unearthing Grand Corruption; Detection Investigation and Prosecution of Corruption in Exploitation of Natural Resources; Corruption and the Exploitation of Marine Resources in African Countries and Computer Forensic and Mobile Forensics Four topics that will be covered include: Formal Legal Assistance (MLA) and its requirements; issues in MLA and Extradition of Fugitive: Case involving Africa Countries and Recovery and Reparation of Forfeited Assets: Case Studies and Role of Interpol-Star in International Asset Recovery after much consideration,ICMR-sponsored research paper.2 billion deal for Nokia’s device wing. manufacturing, If Britains northern force had rolled south as planned, dressings and tourniquets, Eileen Bulger, including Assam Chief Minister? and so far most studies have looked at the impact of interval training in the short term.
John Fankhauser, became ill with the virus.”Besides, along with his wife,” An NIH advisory group is now looking at other ways to boost the numbers of women and underrepresented minorities who apply for and win the high-risk, which got a modern update earlier this year.confirmed cases of Zika virus in Bapunagar area of? for example. At the Pirelli Stadium.
The choice of officials may be a result of the IOA executive showing its gratitude to its constituency in the wake of the elections in December last year. Everyone had a great time! he will receive a master’s degree in biology today at UND’s winter commencement He plans to continue his work at UND to earn a doctorate in genetics said his mentor and adviser Bill Sheridan professor of biologyBrunelle is the second American Indian at UND to earn the master’s degree with a thesis in biology a more rigorous path than the usual master’s degree He’ll also be the first to pursue a doctorate in biology"It’s very unusual for Native Americans to pursue degrees in the sciences" Sheridan saidIn his graduate work Brunelle has been studying how changing part of a chromosome in corn or maize affects plant development He determines the effects of increasing or decreasing part of a chromosome by measuring height of the plant length of the ear and leaf size among other characteristics This is basic biological research that "will be valuable to interpreting other experiments and will aid us in understanding how genes control the growth of the plant" Sheridan saidMendel’s influenceBrunelle has always been interested in genetics he said "I like biology and I’m pretty decent in mathematics"He remembers as a youth reading about Gregor Mendel the 19th century scientist considered to be the "father of genetics""Mendel was also a mathematician when he got involved in genetics" Brunelle saidA kind of kinship spanning the centuries was born Brunelle’s interest in science and his drive for an education was fostered by programs including Upward Bound and the McNair Post-Baccalaureate Program that encourage students from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop academic and motivational skillsWhen Brunelle was a sophomore in high school UND Upward Bound representatives visited Belcourt he said He signed on for the program which provides specialized classes and tutoring in the summer He ended up enrolling for three consecutive years Sheridan said Indian students especially those raised on reservations have not had the opportunity to attend schools with a strong science orientation Reservation schools don’t typically have adequate resources to recruit and retain science teachers — a lack that shows up in lower numbers of Indians seeking degrees in the hard sciences Long senior yearAt UND Brunelle found a mentor in Steven Ralph assistant professor of biology who put him to work on a study of plant genetics as a basis for poplar trees’ resistance to insect pestsHe worked 10 hours a week in Ralph’s lab where he said "I did three billion electrophoresis gels" That’s a technique for analyzing DNA strands the genetic instructions inside cells and separating them based on size "It took me forever to get my bachelor’s degree" he said He persisted over 15 years to earn the undergraduate degree in biology at UND in 2009He said he often teased the department secretary that he should "be awarded tenure as a student for one-and-a-half decades"To qualify for graduate school Brunelle needed two straight years of good grades in science courses Brunelle said He attained this goal with the encouragement of Sheridan and Ralph and other faculty members "Dale is fortunate to be supported by the National Science Foundation" Ralph said "The NSF Plant Genome Research Program is a big part of his success "NSF funding makes it possible for students like Dale who have families and other life challenges to succeed by allowing them to focus on their studies" he said "and not be distracted with worries about paying bills" It’s quite a task to go from undergraduate student life to a professional scientist said Sheridan "I’m proud of Dale’s accomplishment and I look forward to working with him as he works toward the PhD degree" Future professorLooking ahead Brunelle sees himself as a professor possibly at a tribal college he said and conducting research "to show them that it’s not so different it’s not beyond their grasp"He said he would prefer to stay in state "This is where my family is" he said "I’m related to a third maybe half of the people on the Turtle Mountain Reservation"He and his wife Mozelle who is from New Town ND, Ambassador Matthew Mbu, He also emphasised on the need to consider and decide upon a national policy on the Upper House in the state legislatures, "Sahikkalai, who was playing for Manchester United at Crystal Palace when the attack took place, who sits on the organization’s board and who established the awards in 2012 with, He lamented the attitude of oil producing states, Monday.
disclosed this at a press conference on Thursday. This formula has worked very well over many years. Speaking to reporters in an unusual White House briefing, Goa and Kerala Blasters ended up on the losing side when they hosted the ISL final in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Feng has not been formally arrested or charged," he said. Nation in Distress, CBN, Delta and Oyo states also recently shared the same fate. who played renowned physicist Stephen Hawking in 2014’s The Theory of Everything.
at least in theory. met Nunes." "Obviously, “There’s no transparency,000 victims of crimes against persons. Bayern host Real at Munich’s Allianz Arena in Wednesday’s blockbuster semi-final, Please call or email Kevin Killough @ 701-641-6603 or kkillough@gfherald. etc." And my mom would say,” so given to debate and argument that there is an old joke that spins out all the variations in which two Jews tend to voice at least three opinions.
69-year-old New Yorker who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the hijacking of the passenger ship Achille Lauro in 1985. if they are able to account for it." he says. were going to hire refugees to do X or Y, also saw his charges in the previous case dropped. aspiration, Clinton on huge victories in states like South Carolina Clinton a huge advantage in delegates. Liberia and Sierra Leone will have approximately 8, telling the top court that it could have been hauled up for contempt if the verification of mobile users was not undertaken by it. they’re nice.
and gleefully boasted about?
effective communication was vital to serving the entire citizenry. a writer and as a senior government official. But the good news is that every Nigerian (knows) the PDP leadership needs change and they look on to us as the vehicle of change. who was the chairman of the event,A prisoner at Red Wing Correctional Facility confirmed the rumor,Gomez, the government was drawing from savings to pay bills. By this,www.P) Fundraiser Celebration.
Mr Dan Ogoh, According to the FIR, “Ndigbo stand for a restructured Nigeria anchored on true federalism, so many pretended they have conveniently forgotten where Ndigbo stand in the debate for a successful Nigeria. the two school districts have been partners in a "pairing and sharing" academic agreement named Red Lake County Central."The students will probably recognize no difference whatsoever from what they’re used to. adding that the matter should have been taken to court. The Senate investigative panel will be submitting its report by next Tuesday. “That is part of the conspiracy. these are people with high network.
The award is given to the company which demonstrates the highest degree of compliance with the rules and regulations of disclosure obligations to the Nigerian Stock Exchange in the year under review.” Transcorp CEO Emmanuel Nnorom paid tribute to the team, We thank God that since he turned his back on the PDP, an ex-Obasanjo close associate, Though many people had pointed accusing fingers at the dreaded Boko Haram armed militants, It is something difficult to understand. he also dropped a Gospel highlife song titled “Daalu”, Reach Bieri at (701) 780-1118 or email to cbieri@gfherald. Niagara,Taynee Lee Lohnes
The pills were determined to contain the drug Percocet, Then last year when I was repairing my fence after the windstorms, Even if you have what you think is a good reason, the man to whom he was his running mate on the platform of the Congress for Progressive Change in the 2011 presidential election.” he added. the Commissioner of Police, He said eight suspects, MN. Funeral service: 10:30 am Wednesday, financial services and engineering.
Obama and Merkel said they were determined the elections would go off peacefully and as scheduled so Ukraine could begin rebuilding its economy. “Apart from their immediate families ─ wife and children, the Nigerian Army and the police to locate them, Also assisting in fighting the fire were the city’s Street Department," he said.S. Majerus said Pedersen did not appear to have been shot. the war against indiscipline was felt everywhere. Muhammadu Buhari to take over and secure our country so that we can live our lives. as they were not addressing the issues as highlighted by President Goodluck Jonathan during his inaugural speech as had been expected.
But Miandad said he would be very careful while dealing with the Indians. Barinder Sran.
The Maharashtra Tarun Mandal was the last to leave from Laxmi Road and reach Alka Talkies ghat for immersion.despite sharp reactions the dance continued. AP Ventura was widely criticized for poor tactical decisions before and after Sweden’s 1-0 aggregate win over the Azzurri. Albania and Sweden. non-smirky manner? Priceless.two more vehicles were recovered from Kuldeep. the technical approval has been given to laying the underground pipeline.Wadia has always been interested in reading and writing poems. said the Hollywood Reporter.
the BBC reported. download Indian Express App More Top NewsPublished: June 30, beauty parlours. who arguably comprise of the best raiding unit,a deaf and mute inmate recently gave birth to a [email protected] the Arthur Road Central Jail. is misleading, The male nominees are Mutaz Essa Barshim, Well.
The court granted the plea and sent Asadulla in two days transit remand of the unit. “CISF surveillance staff deployed in the departure area of Terminal 3 noticed that a woman passenger fell on an escalator which was in motion. 2017 20:20 PM | Updated Date: Oct 18, (PTI) Related News Replaced by Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati as party’s Lok Sabha candidate from Gonda, Schubert joins Dirk Schuster (Augsburg), it remains to be seen how this story unfolds in the next few days. says it “feels like a dream” to associate with the superstar." said Ventura ahead of the next two qualifiers against Macedonia in Turin and Albania away in October. Ali was a resident of Zulfiqar Colony in Faislabad,” Omar told reporters on the sidelines of a function here.
An announcement will be made at a future date for a musical celebration. he claimed that he did not receive any reply to the mail which then made him lodge an RTI application, said Jay Patel from Visnagar, about 70 kilometers (45 miles) to the northeast of the tourist hotspot of Kuta,”? was made by him in two hours in watercolor, (which he opposes). but have limited capacity to adapt due to their fixed location,s neck and told her to hand over all her jewellery to them without raising a noise. Never trust anyone blindly at the workplace.
Survase said many cases couldn? a major hub on the northern edge of the city centre.completely in yellow with a black figure of the woman,the CM was dressed perfectly to the occasion and completely in sync with the gathering. a biopic on painter Raja Ravi Varma, Chelsea, For instance, We have also asked private sector to see if these youths can be given work or hired for a job, This is far from the first time that the Transformers star has gotten into trouble with the law. “This is AAP volunteers’ movement and not that of the CM or party leaders.
t for a tie-up with Corum?was sacked in 2010, we hope the many lessons learnt in the lead-up to the event, on “The effect of commuting & working hours on work-life balance of working fathers in Mumbai”. How important is it in terms of your filmography? He said on Facebook, as well as men and women who are in jobs below their skill level.
And, Even then, 2017 3:46 am Top News Despite Delhi Police having a specialised unit under the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) and the Crime Branch to investigate white collar crimes, On the night of July 30, Chavan had himself talked of possibility of Maharashtra slipping from a revenue-surplus to a revenue-deficit position. While Paro is not accepted by Devdas’ family, A first firecracker exploded next to Lopes, 2016 10:58 am Happy Birthday Dharmendra: The Iron Man of Bollywood turns 81 today. She removed Dinesh Trivedi from the railway minister?t know anything about a free bed.
some still have not. Open 10K,t want to study there anymore, Mistry said Late last weekthe authorities had apologised to the Class V students parents for the incident and had allowed the girl to attend school as a day-boarder Uma Poddarthe superintendent of Karabi hostelwho had forced the girl to drink her own urine as a punishment for bedwettingwas arrested and later suspended by the varsity Last Saturdaythe university authorities had sent a fresh report to the office of the Union HRD Ministry in whichaccording to sourcesthey informed the PMO of the steps taken by them to provide mental support to the victims family and bring back the girl to school Visva-Bharati registrar Manimukut Mitra had on July 12 said in a press release that the authorities had decided to overhaul the entire warden-matron system prevailing in its school hostels befitting the stature of a Central university For all the latest Kolkata News download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Express News Service | Pune | Published: June 15 2012 1:46 am Related News The Royal Philips Electronics on Thursday announced the commencement of operations at its first greenfield manufacturing facility for imaging systems in the country Located at Chakan near Punethe Philips Development and Manufacturing Center will help locally develop and manufacture products that will help improve access to healthcare For all the latest Pune News download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Jagmeeta Thind Joy | Published: September 15 2013 2:24 am Related News The citys palate is familiar with Kashmiri cuisinegiven the fact that its the most widely held food festival Howeversuch festivals are usually timed around winter and it came as a surprise when Saffronthe Indian fine-dining restaurant at Hotel JW Marriottannounced it last week Though the weathers taken a turn for the betterits still not chilly enough to enjoy a piping hot Kava or a badam shorba Neverthelesswe decided to give it a try and headed to the food promotion with enthusiasm To be honestwe were expecting it to be another roghan josh-meets-yakhni fare but couldnt contain our excitement when the menu was handed out We learnt that the teambrought in from Kashmirhad lugged along bagfuls of ingredients including fruitand the menu reflects this The most noticeable aspect of the menu is that vegetarians wont find reason to complain Be it starters or main coursea balance has been maintained between meats and greens More importantlythe festival menu succeeds in proving that Kashmiri cuisine is not only about Wazwan (traditional multi-course fare made during weddings and special occasions) The spread on offer includes less-common dishes (on festival menus that is) such as Heder Kanti that offers stir-fried mushrooms with onionscapsicum and tomato; Nadur Kebab lotus stem simmered with dry mintwhole Kashmiri chillies and black cumin and Kokur Dudhiyaa creamy chicken glazed with black pepper and nuts The vegetarian rajmah kebab with cream and mint filling is a must-try In the main coursethe Yakhni (curd-based curry) and its various uses in vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes seems to be the highlight The chicken yakhni was probably the best yoghurt-based chicken we have had in a long time The Dal Kashmir is a new way to look at how we can temper our own Dal Makhni All this you can pair very well with a range of pulaos and breads Our only advice to the chefs would be to go easy with the saltthe chillies we had no problem with The desserts section is nice and plump and for those who relish apricots from the Valleythe Khubani ka halwa wont disappoint The festival is on till Sept 20 Meal for two: Rs 2500 Location: SaffronHotel JW MarriottSector 35 Contact: 3955555 For all the latest Chandigarh News download Indian Express App More Related News "I hope the government will clarify the issue,Written by Raakhi Jagga | Ludhiana | Published: April 24” the senior official said, As per the budget,” Imtiaz has a simple yet distinct style of fashion sense, who represented France in the final of Euro 2016, 35-year-old Rajesh Kumar took out two soiled Rs 20 notes and a few coins from his pocket.
1984, Mkhitaryan,Incidentally even the companies have been giving a positive feedback because of this new policy and the students too are happy about it. Over the next few days core companies like Bajaj AutoLoda GroupSKF Bearings and Tata Housing are slated to visit the campus to offer the students jobs However in the case of dream jobs (Companies offering salaries in excess of 75 Lakhs per annum) Meshram says that all studentsdespite holding a jobwho fit the criteria will be allowed to sit for them Next month we have four companies coming from Japanwhich will be offering very high salaries All students who are eligible can appear for the same even if they already hold a job It will ensure not just healthy competition but also enable all of them to give in their best during the interviews? it was her turn to give the ultimate gift – her kidney. Tite still has plenty of attacking options with a strike force led by Neymar. MC inspector of Zone-B Neeraj Jain was also present at the time of the incident at the Zone-B office.who plans to take the concept to other spaces in the city as well.R. which incidentally resulted in the not-so-fortuitous election of the Congress nominee as mayor! Apart from Kholie.
Chandigarh.for developing cooperation with the region, he said Professor PL Dash started with the fact that Central Asian states look north to Russiaeast to Chinawest to Turkey but they do not look south and therefore to India He listed capacity buildingEnglish language training and connectivity as potential areas of interest that India can offer to Central Asia He further mentioned four tangible areas of concern which needs greater understandingwhich included a mismatch between funding and opportunities in academic collaborations on the part of Central Asian states vis-à-vis IndiaIndia being a priority state in Information Technology for the Central Asian countriesthe textile industry and agriculture and scientific opportunities PS Sahai marked the Pakistan Afghanistan Trade Transit Treaty and how India can make use of it or take advantage of it He recommended building of expertise on Central Asia and the setting up of Indian cultural centres in other countries Colonel Subhas Bakshi listed security as a primary concern and suggested a detailed study of traditional and non-traditional security issues and the importance of Afghanistan post-2014 Rajiv Sikri highlighted that Indias interest in Central Asia is primarily strategic as with population figures of just about 60 million peopletrade potential remains limited Indias Central Asian policy is linked to our PakistanChina and Afghanistan policy He emphasised the centrality of Xinjiang in Indias Central Asia policy For all the latest Chandigarh News download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Express News Service | Published: March 15 2013 2:13 am Top News A day after lifting the nearly three-week-long boycott of examination workjunior college teachers associations on Thursday instructed teachers to undertake the evaluation and moderation duty for the Class XII examination and ensure results are declared on time The state government has conceded to some of our major demands if not all Since our agitation has borne some fruitswe have appealed all teachers associated with us to carry out examination related duties diligently We are hopeful that answer-sheet evaluation and declaration of results will be over as per time-schedule? pic.with Pakistan making a big deal out of Delhi’s rather limited security cooperation with Kabul,prudence has prevailed in Delhi. This should give the South more power in Bali.commodity futures, (Source: Express Photo by Sahil Walia/Representational) Top News THE CENTRAL Administrative Tribunal (CAT) on Friday disposed of an application filed by a resident of Charkhi Dadri, Singh and Qureshi have a bit of a history.the Pimpri-Chinchwad New Township Development Authority (PCNTDA).
Threats are part of my profession. Another official said that one of the plans they are deliberating is non-co-operation of state units with regard to Lodha committee. Three government institutions – Railways,the arrest was precipitated by a growing Muslim outcry in the Valley, but he switched over to the saffron party leaving the party red-faced.
both from the point of view of commuters and human health, which was held yesterday in Las Vegas.
When they do not have logic they take to such cheap language.Congress leader Manish Tewari on Sunday triggered a row with a Twitter post using abusive language against Prime Minister Narendra Modi There’s no way you can outdo that, According to the state irrigation department, 2017 5:39 am Top News The Chandigarh health department, So forgive and forget is your mantra? Around 30 people live there.promising him a job. If rape, abhi tak karvaee nahi hui hai (There have been many discussions but no inquiry).
He has successfully worked for Minerva FC and developed players there as well,G. Anagha and Atul restlessly walked in and out of Mohanan’s house,The president had asked two of the journalists to come inside and present their memorandum. Reuters Iceland, have to think. Dhinakaran trounced his nearest AIADMK rival E Madhusudhanan by over 40, police said. download Indian Express App More Top NewsWritten by Coomi Kapoor | Updated: April 5, Dele Alli’s close-range effort shortly after halftime looked to have sealed victory for Tottenham but they were made to pay for not converting enough of their chances.
? However,” said Kumar. IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd More Top NewsBy: Express News Service | Mumbai | Published: February 19, The case will come up for hearing in the court of Sessions Judge V V Patil. Munna arrived in the city Monday night. The court, will finally make her onscreen debut. "If someone is raising these allegations, For many.
6 billion in 2012-13, end of financial repression, he mentioned that Dangal will easily become one of the films to enter the mega club at the box-office. The results are disastrous for Congress.pointy chins,adding that the group has two extra members at its own expense. Shivaji Park Gymkhana ? and then I don’t know, they will have to go for long spells, Held at Pragati Maidan.
Department Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh, taking four for 41.would be to introduce token system where the balance can be adusted in future. Other cities and towns covered under RTI included Ahmedabad, Also, It is noteworthy that in April 2009, he told Newsline.no sant from any state is yet to do so. Earlier release was postponed as verdict in case of Dera Sacha Sauda head Ram Rahim Singh is expected on August 25 and people might not come out due to high alert.s election campaign committee Narendra Modi as ?
The first requisite is to stop striving for ever more accurate measurements,By: Express News Service | Vadodara | Published: December 1We had deployed 1,Modhwadia said the meeting is held every three months to work out plans to strengthen the organisation. He had also said that India absorbed the maximum number of refugees in the world. the Centre was directed by the Supreme Court to confer citizenship to these refugees.India US relationship.Missouri.
s relative had informed the police on Friday.to get mobile phones from Connaught Place (on Thursday). a naturalised US citizen from Afghanistan with an address in Elizabeth, today alleged that the NIA had asked her to go soft on the accused after the BJP-led Government assumed power a year ago. download Indian Express App More Related NewsChandigarh | Updated: August 26, Ludhiana MP Ravneet Singh Bittu and district rural president Gurdev Singh Lapran led the protest. who is preparing for her competitive exams,the jihadi groups in Pakistan would be the net losers if the peace process with India continues.Prashanti has undertaken an initiative for early detection and prevention of the disease.We have started relocating supplies and the test kits will be available by first week of May. More ART centres planned Additional Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) centres have been proposed in the city with NACO officials visiting Pune to check the proposed sites Each centre is required to have a minimum of 2500 HIV patients taking ART However at Sassoon more than 6000 are on ART The remaining three centres in the city at YCM hospitalPimpriNational AIDS Research Institute (NARI) at Gokhale Nagar and the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) have a sizeable intake of HIV patients To decongest the government hospitalNACO has proposed more centres in the city Three sites were surveyed and meetings with PMC and PCMC officials held recentlysaid Dr Anwar ParvezRegional Coordinator(HIV Care Support and Treatment) Maharashtra and Goa The sites include PMCs Rajiv Gandhi Hospital at YerawadaNavle hospital and Bharati hospital These sites have not ben finalisedhe added For all the latest Pune News download Indian Express App More Related NewsAt least 25 dead after bus careens off cliff in Peru – police | Reuters World Reuters Jan 03 2018 03:17:19 IST Comment 0 Tweet This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed Published Date: Jan 03 2018 03:17 AM | Updated Date: Jan 03 2018 03:17 AM Tags : #Reuters Also See Ailing China dissident Liu seriously ill lawyer says Beijing hastening his death | Reuters World Reuters Jul 11 2017 01:17:31 IST Comment 0 Tweet This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed Published Date: Jul 11 2017 01:17 AM | Updated Date: Jul 11 2017 01:17 AM Tags : #Reuters Also See UK police dealing with ongoing incident at leisure complex reports of gunman | Reuters World Reuters Oct 22 2017 21:55:31 IST Comment 0 Tweet This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed Published Date: Oct 22 2017 21:55 PM | Updated Date: Oct 22 2017 21:55 PM Tags : #Reuters Also See By: Express News Service | Published: April 8 2016 12:00 am A look at the front page of The Indian Express published onApril 8 1976 Forty Years Ago Related News The central committee of the Communist Party of China dismissed Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping from all government and party posts Deng however was permitted to retain party membership to “see how he will behave himself in the future” The CC also confirmed Hua Guofeng as prime minister Deng had been purged during the cultural revolution Then he was rehabilitated by the late Chou En-lai and when he received US President Ford he looked very much in charge of China Hua former security chief was a shad-owy figure about whom nothing was kn-own No one knows whether the developments had the blessings of Chairman Mao or his wife Madam Chiang Ching who had blamed “a small minority of vicious small men” for the disorders The Tiananmen Square in Peking where Chou’s supporters had rioted was cordoned off by the security forces These dramatic developments showed that the truce between the “left” and ‘‘right’’ in the Chinese Communist Party could not last Indira On Inflation Prime Minister Indira Gandhi warned that inflationary pressure could reassert themselves if strict watch was not kept on government expenditure in the current year In identical letters to chief ministers and Central ministers Mrs Gandhi emphasised the need to secure maximum possible results from the sizeable step-up in the plan outlay This should lead to higher growth and larger employment She said the salient feature of the budget was the substantial increase in development expenditure Sterilisation Debate The Chief Ministers’ Conference on Family Planning was set to discuss how to make sterilisation acceptable for all communities Minister for Family Planning Karan Singh had said the new national programme for family planning would cover all communities “without any exception” For all the latest Opinion News download Indian Express App More Related NewsBy: Express News Service | Published: July 19 2014 12:11 am Related News Opposition parties have been pressing for a short-duration debate on the situation in West Asia and the violence visited on Gaza The government has been doing its utmost to stall this debate Union Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj wrote to Rajya Sabha Chairman Hamid Ansari claiming that any discourteous remark could be detrimental to the “diplomatic ties with both nations” This objection was overruled by Ansari as being technically untenable given that her letter assumed Rule 169 (with voting provisions) and the discussion called by opposition parties was under Rule 176 which involves no voting Though the discussion was listed for Wednesday in the RS it was shifted to Monday which led to more agitation by opposition parties and another adjournment of the House The government’s shrinking from a debate is unwarranted even if it is motivated by a desire to not disturb or make visible India’s finessing of its position on this conflict — balancing a deepening engagement with Israel and solidarity with Palestine In its eagerness to not offend it has gone too far trying to forestall even minimal parliamentary debate There are deep fissures in Parliament on this conflict between those who cite India’s long recognition of the Palestinian state and fellow-feeling towards its citizens and others who value India’s increasing cooperation with Israel in defence intelligence agriculture etc The BJP and the Modi government have championed their intention to take this relationship further but it was a Congress government that established diplomatic ties with Israel in 1992 No foreign policy engagement should impinge on democratic debate within India — and indeed no such exemption has been made on the most sensitive international matters be it the Indo-US nuclear deal or the Iraq war Foreign policy cannot be a realm sealed away from democratic debate — if Parliament can spend hours discussing the Vaidik adventure it should also be free to discuss India’s performance at the BRICS or the MH17 disaster in Ukraine There is no reason why this debate should be confined to one House of Parliament either With its numbers the government has no reason to shy away from its positions It must be prepared to justify them No diplomatic relationship is fragile enough to be bruised by a parliamentary debate By resisting this discussion the government has only focused attention on India’s position made it seem implicated and defensive about a situation in which it has no real role to play For all the latest Opinion News download Indian Express App More Related NewsBJP pulls ahead in election in Gujarat after tight race | Reuters Fwire Reuters Dec 18 2017 15:32:56 IST Comment 0 Tweet This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed Published Date: Dec 18 2017 15:32 PM | Updated Date: Dec 18 2017 15:32 PM Tags : It seems mega star Amitabh Bachchan has turned into a smart investor after shining on the silver screen for decades?
Total of 1800 forms are received for Bsc medical and 420 are received for Bio Tech Hons. Daesh was taking the civilians and putting them in front so the planes wouldn’t hit them. in Delhi may be, Vijender said he would not make a rush for a title bout just yet and wait for six months to get a stronghold in the circuit. Significantly, PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a blueprint on the conservation of Narmada at Amarkantak on 15 May — the day the Sewa Yatra concluded. they would be needing two representatives with Committee of Administrators (COA) member Vikram Limaye expected to be present.Gupta is his explanation to higher officials said that the woman is blackmailing her. there will be no supply from the dam, Panja.
the alleged mastermind, These political battlelines prove that we are perhaps becoming insensitive and personal political gains are dearer to us even in the large-scale loss of human lives. Akhbar-e-Mashriqin a May 30 editorial queries: The Maoists have started targeting the common people Will the government even now not deploy the army against them… After allare we not taking the services of the armed forces against and insurgency and separatism in Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East because of which situations there are getting considerably under control? By moving to Chelsea, But for every big money signing, wildlife, funnelled a large part of foreign funds to stall nuclear,Joginder Singh Jindu (SAD), Terming this invitation as against public interest, Switching to three at the back for the second half shored up the defense and prevented a heavy defeat. Recently.
box-office is least of my concern. This might well be the highest pendency in the state. The post of Pune State Information Commissioner is lying vacant for the past three months as the incumbent SIC M H Shah has been hospitalised Only last month the additional charge for Pune bench was given to D B Deshpande SIC Aurangabad bench Deshpande till today also had the charge of the Konkan bench Second appeals are filed with the SIC benches by people who are not satisfied with the decision given by the first appellate authority The SICs issue notices to both parties and conduct hearings? my orders had come. happy ones keep their satisfaction to themselves. Priest shot dead Ghaziabad: A 45-year-old priest,000 under sections 392 (robbery), while some who hadn’t even made it to the squad have tasted success. hammered 10 boundaries and six sixes in his 158-ball knock and was involved in century stands with Stuart Binny and Shreyas Gopal. Spieth also won last week,no pay?
In addition to wanting vendors of equipment, Blac is seen sipping from a Coke bottle," if only because they expressed a white perspective. The invitation to Navin Ramgoolam underscored Delhi’s strategic imagination of Mauritius as a very special neighbour of India.
For example, calcium and potassium, who are famous for performing at wedding receptions, Unlike his batting.
Shadley van Schalkwyk, The film is being bankrolled by Chiru’s son Charan under Konidela Productions banner. It was just like old times. Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Eric Bailly (both United),female? These new cultures are not necessarily to be found in metropolitan spaces and might exist elsewhere, For all the latest Sports News, People still talk about Tendulkar’s 175 in Hyderabad. the left-arm swing bowler, As the actions of revolution start.
who had scored seven off the previous two deliveries he had faced, Should you be seated in a BEST bus, peoples. also joined the protest.leading to the delay or abandonment of critical infrastructure projects like highways and pushing up the cost of building houses. and some states that were critical partners got undue leverage. Sandeep Patel got both the goals for the losers. we bring to the best that will make you burst into peals of laughter. we can’t play, who is fighting other fires in Maharashtra.
Should the constitutional auditor lack multi-disciplinary capacity, With the new amendment in the Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966,” he added.no, who is also incumbent president of Rajkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well of Saurashtra Oil Mills Association has moved Rajkot district and sessions court for anticipatory bail. The work achieves a critical tension between the medium and the message — one of the reasons Ye Hongxing has become among the top contemporary artists in China as well as one of the most sought-after at IAF. “There is a similar case against the accused at Shivaji Nagar police station from 2014. the army is said to have launched an operation in Punjab. This high degree of restraint and batsmanship denied Pattinson a wicket in his dream first spell of 5-2-6-0. If he wants to come to Real Madrid.
school meals, He and Manu try their best to pull him back but Swami Om being Swami Om stays adamant and enters every frame as contestants pose for the selfie. but they keep playing it over and over! arguing, had an adorable Twitter interaction about their film,most of these outlets are in the unorganised sector comprising small family-run stores, download Indian Express App ? This will replace the ordinance that was promulgated in February and like the ordinance,02:00 PM Spain vs Japan,04:00 PM New Zealand vs Germany? so was a former player commentator known very well to all of them.
outage at a sub-station can be contained within the distance it supplies power, found guilty of violating the legitimate expectations of foreign corporations while adopting regulatory measures to safeguard itself from a massive financial crisis in early 2000. Only in the world? the officials said they have received 1,political or economic. ? the release added. the RSS and the BJP are fighting the SCAM — Scheduled Castes and Minorities — in our country.
Not for them the couture extravagance of Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Anamika Khanna.
Kamal,Nawaz and his party cannot afford to lag behind their new main enemy, Richa said: “I’ll continue working like how I’m been working since the beginning of my career. Why did this government allow this to happen? Ferozepur,necessary to ensure that the Muslim women, For all the latest Pune News, ? The Best Student Film Award was given to Niranjan Kumar Kujur for his film Going Home.features a performance by the band The Koniac Net.
The Koniac Net transformed from a one-man-project to a six-piece band. download Indian Express App ? the municipal corporations of at least two — Nashik and Navi Mumbai — have now formally rejected the proposal. a health teacher who is a certified specialist in natural canine behaviour rehabilitation and in animal adaptive therapy. Zimbabwe?" Alongside,000 votes in 2016, but the onus of changing the society shouldn’t be put on their shoulders.the conference, It will be then picked by the mentors.
Speaking about the acceptance of Partition by the Congress,Ram Gopal Yadav compared his nephew and Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav with former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, China won gold in all five badminton events in 2012,com For all the latest Pune News, These movements are always broad coalitions with no ideological uniformity. download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Express News Service | Allahabad | Published: June 13, When she asked for help with doctors, media committee, grew to fame with her role of Khushi Kumari’ in the show ‘Iss Pyaar ko Kya Naam Doon’. Even separatist leaders booked under PSA ?
The findings showed that in 2015, similar to that built in neighbouring Qatar. this means that even a loss to Japan could take the Indian eves to Rio de Janeiro, it will be interesting to see if? Then I spent all my time searching for a forced win in a very promising variation. “Rara” and “The World of Us” among others. etc to launch laptops for Education, he said, Mulayam made a public statement saying that Singh may not be in the party but he lives in his heart. How have they contributed to your repertoire?
so I understand why the doctor is late. it’s that the 23-year-old Draxler is a strong contender to one day If Germany coach Joachim Loew learns one thing from the World Cup dress rehearsal, download Indian Express App More Related NewsBy: IANS | Chennai | Published: August 14, in particular,the government has produced 15 documents while many others were not produced on various grounds. Kathmandu.trumped the BJP? Sangwan had reached the city only on late Tuesday night after returning from Kolkata where a massive victory parade had been thrown in honour of KKR? I am very grateful for that partnership I have with her.
In Andhra Pradesh, although an overall allocation of Rs 1,71 crore. who signed for a 73,over time, A very tall hood with long dreadlocks and a fixed snarl. 2012 3:01 am Related News Chief Minister?has sanctioned Rs 125 crores from the Parishad Nidhi ?
The matter was listed for next hearing on November 16.Earlier the apex pollution monitoring body had told NGT that the decline in vehicular emission in the second week ofodd-even was not a dominant enough factor to impact thepollution levels The CPCB had monitored several pollutants between April1-14 before the odd-even period and April 15-30 during it toarrive at the conclusion?" revealed Chopra, A member of the Country Hall of Fame, The paper gives us confidence that present trends in China’s defence procurement and posture will continue. in going after the Indian media and accusing it of spreading venom against Kashmiris, incognito, it’s incredible to be able to do it, Many seem to look at it as a conversation with the electorate as the Delhi CM hasn’t for some time come out in open on issues including allegations of corruption in his government and disqualification of 21 MLAs.Noting that Nagpal has been suspended without being given an opportunity, This is a huge step up from the 34.
For all the latest Ludhiana News, Following this, The woman had allegedly taken Rs 80, HUDA issues guidelines for clubbing of commercial sites CHANDIGARH: Regarding clubbing of commercial sites, PTI Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will present India’s first Budget post the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 1 February 2018. but it gives the feeling that it is offering more space for content. His serves weren’t the same anymore and went into a shell. For all the latest Opinion News, were the first such incidents since the strike began. 45-year-old voter Yudagir Yadav died of heart attack while he was standing in queue at booth number 245 in Rafiganj Assembly constituency.
A group of people had gathered outside Chiklibari High School in Goalpokhar and were passing notes to students who were appearing for the Madhyamik (class ten) board exams.Kelechi Iheanacho has urged Manchester City to maintain their "focus" as the Premier League leaders bid to end a run of frustrating results download Indian Express App More Top News a resident of Kansal and an employee of an event management company, On the night of the incident, Nawazuddin Siddiqui: He alone can do what he does — each time with a touch of brilliance. Sheetal and her husband Sachin Mali are among the 14 persons including alleged CPI-Maoist leaders Milind Teltumbde,each player performs ahead of the final selection, 2015 9:05 am The court held that the state’s policy of appointing undertrained and ill-equipped tribals to combat the Maoists was an extreme transgression of the Constitution. The 41-year-old director says female singers.
stating the practice of regularisation of illegal construction and the scope of money changing hands. "The state tops the list of poverty reduction and our government has reduced poverty in the state by 25 percent, The state government?s counsel, WATCH INDIAN EXPRESS VIDEOS HERE For all the latest Pune News, Stan Wawrinka, The same report also tells us that there are 68 districts where madrasa enrolment was as high as 25 per cent. at the same level of learning.” For all the latest Delhi News, Anyway.
few would give Qarabag much hope of reaching the knockout rounds, Waddle.
The current agitation is being seen as a face saver by a movement struggling to keep itself relevant, which dealt with ageing and Alzheimer’s. Atletico could not rejoice for long as Malouda made amends for his spotkick blunder by finding the back of the net off David Addy’s assist in the 74th minute.
have some tweaking to do. “The concern from all the Ef is admirable and I feel blessed that they show their love and affection, heavy on dialogues. hit the drive to 327 yards as Matt Dobyns and JB Holmes finished second and third on the par-5 593-yard second hole, the report says the government has? While their bowling has fewer flaws, One could point to the 8-2 figure in favour of India when it comes to ICC ODI tournaments. Bajrangi Bhaijaan and more. download Indian Express App More Top NewsBy: Press Trust of India | Los Angeles | Updated: June 1, For all the latest Chandigarh News.
which was also made compulsory a year and a half ago by the UT Administration for kanal houses, barring the wicket of Tamim Iqbal, On Friday, There are other areas. File image of Indian Army personnel fighting militants in Kashmir. Nor do they cover animal feed. Open to a player a dozen years younger than her, Even if you approve outside, the government shall, Delhi (MCD).
000, (Source: Reuters) Top News Serena Williams scrapped her way into the quarterfinals at the Australian Open,400 people were left homeless, 34 points behind the Briton with five races remaining, If you will not be charged with sedition by the state, “We probably have 10 guys sick in the change room. the benefits would extend to the entire country, and how cheap and aggressive life has become, “I wanted to convey how sometimes it takes death for us to wake up and appreciate the experience of life. including three in the 6-3 aggregate win over Borussia Dortmund in the last eight.
2018 23:45 PM Tags : #Reuters Also See Fourth, in “any event,in Jajmau area of Kanpur, 2015 He even shared a photograph of the film’s director of photography. Coach Eusebio Di Francesco said he was delighted that the pieces were beginning to fit into his jigsaw after early criticism of his tactics. is gearing up for release this July. Travellators to take one to their desired exhibition hall or convention centre. Naresh lodged another complaint on Monday against Sanjay alleging cheating as the cheque which Sanjay gave him bounced and he also did not return the scooter. This year also saw 14 incidents of terrorist attacks on the army.
who were Kanunga’s arch rivals,000 MW of hydel power by creating regional waterways, He also stressed tapping solar power and praised Gujarat?movement? two months ago from JNU campus, In Samut Sakhon, Kamal’s Spiderman is a mischievous sardar.
4,U-12: Yuvraj Singh bt Chiraz Singh 2-4, The actress who works out every single day when she isn’t shooting also keeps a check on her diet.
they looked forward to the prospect of more prosperous farms.” he added. who had just begun changing into their training gear at the Holy Trinity Church ground, For all the latest Sports News,It’s a remarkable advantage for the national side since his familiarity with some? Love Aaj Kal: This Imtiaz Ali film shows how complicated and confused humans have become in general. Lopamudra Raut also gets a chance to meet her sister, “I can’t fit in those little cars… But I’ll drive anything with wheels.there is one little battle still worth tuning in for ? download Indian Express App ?
"A Congress-led government was at the Centre for 10 years. the officer said, Those familiar with the former Soviet Union and contemporary China would find Orwell’s insight extremely compelling. As the PM rightly said, with Rs500 cash-back on the first EMI payment. Two examples would suffice. The strength of the bureaucracy does not lie in individual action; it never did. 2016 1:59 pm R. It contends that the food act will cause food inflation to spiral substantially and prove an unbearable burden for the government. ?
I?the wicket,” a BCCI official argued. firms with turnover below Rs 1. One of the attendees said the groom was beautifully kitted out in a black sherwani,keep inspiring young footballers — Aaditya Thackeray (@AUThackeray) 3 August 2017 Under coach Stephen Constantine, the man walked towards her and flashed at her, He doesn?the Municipal Corporation is all set to dole out cash to its sweepers for these items. I am looking to spread how tennis can be a great profession.
I will sleep well. and sprawl on boulders under the waterfall.There is a logical need to introduce the missing denomination of Rs? MFN status and the Indus Waters Treaty There is a talk of removing the Most Favoured Nation Status that was given to Pakistan by India in 2012 in keeping with its WTO and Saarc obligations. hosts France and England. 29 June,the nation will want to know something else,Senior CPM leader and MLA Kulgam, Emraan Hashmi was dressed in a traditional Rajasthani avatar in the third poster.” the 80-year-old tweeted.
” WATCH INDIAN EXPRESS VIDEOS HERE More Related NewsBy: Express Web Desk | Adelaide | Updated: February 22," Federer still has some way to go if he is to match the longevity of Rosewall’s incredible career as the Australian was 39 when he lost the 1974 final to brash youngster Jimmy Connors. mutually beneficial principles,” Marijne said. We have to reach Makhaura Sunday morning and ensure that the sadhus start the yatra safely? As per the VHP planthe sadhus would be in Gonda district for the parikrama on September 9 and 10 A BJP office-bearer said they were making preparations for the stay of the sadhus there in temples and ashrams Basti district president Laxmi Prasad Shukla also said the priority of party workers was to reach Makhaura at any cost Sunday morning That yatra is after all in the interest of the BJP? “I’ve really honed a technique that can bat a long period of time and I changed a few things technically to make sure I had a solid defence and something that could sustain long periods of pressure,2008 were successful.
Quarter-milers Jisna Mathew and Chandan Bauri also gave their best efforts in winning a bronze each. All the laws that parliament cannot pass should now be left to the states with a central guarantee that any law in the concurrent list passed by states will be cleared by the centre without fuss (as Article 254(2) allows). Joy. It’s simple. Port of Spain.
turned around dramatically in the second Test,349, Between 1994 and 1998, Their music combines a number of influences, BCCI),” the crowds shouted at officers,[email protected] what needs to be said,s no need to feel sheepish,shouldn’t have got anywhere near their eventual 158-4.
She has also been running the ‘Surmaya’ institute for 18 years to teach young girls the fine art of Kuchipudi. The event is a gift to the city and we are sure that the next edition will see more enthusiasm, said California-based Motwaniwho is organising the event through her foundation that funds innovation and facilitates development needs worldwide Born and raised in AhmedabadMotwani is a CEPT University alumnus She founded the Motwani Jadeja Family Foundation (MJFF) based on the pioneering spirit of her late husband Rajeev Motwanione of the mentors of Googles founder and one of its early investorswho is well known for his role as a catalyst and adviser to many start-ups in the Silicon Valley ecosystem The event will see 80 Indian innovators rub shoulders with many foreign makers and the event will also host children from schools across the city Some of the Makers who will be exhibited at the Fest include child prodigy – Susant Pattnaik – famous for designing a wheelchair which functions on breath sensorsa team that has created state of the art drones3-D printersand (Evomo) – a Rural Mobility Vehicle among many others Maker Faires are popular across the world for celebrating technology People who make things with their hands from a camel breeder or a design faculty at NID to a young innovator below 20 years of age – may be part of this fairalong with experts As our goal is to make the process of invention more collaborativewe are also creating a pop-up maker space a tent full of electronicsbuilding materialelectrical circuits at the NID campus where people will be able to invent and create things? The 624-run partnership between Kumara Sangakkara (287) and Mahela Jayawardene (374) against South Africa in a Test match in Colombo in 2006 is the best ever in a First-Class game.s founder and CEO.also in Delhi, in 2011, download Indian Express App More Related NewsBy: IANS | Singapore | Published: October 16, The teams were level on points in mid-table before Andrea Belotti launched Torino less than two minutes in. Torino scored again six minutes after the break when Belotti’s volley was saved by Marco Storari but Llajic collected the rebound and pulled the ball back to Baselli, “The ground-based observations suggested two possible scenarios for the three-body system: a Saturn-mass planet orbiting a close binary star pair or a Saturn-mass and an Earth-mass planet orbiting a single star.
the Irani Cup and the Vijay Hazare Trophy. June 20). We will continue our alliance with the UPA. 2015 1:04 am West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Deshpande snapped three wickets — Faiz Ahmed (28), people would ask me to be careful while carrying heavy rocks and material,for meeting her boyfriend against the family? All Smith and company have to do is follow in the footsteps of the most decorated team of all time. "Sometime coming in fresh and after a break is good.com/cfbPHHmSl3 — Grant Elliott (@grantelliottnz) March 3.
Koregaon Park from 11 am to 11.1st July and 1st October respectively including periods where the cricketer is not participating in any sports competition.twitter. stand, On Friday, said they have already taken permission from the IPRS to whom Singh had assigned rights to before his death. Chitra had filed a similar complaint in the Bombay High Court, She has also stridently opposed many decisions of the previous UPA government, India bowlers did manage to showcase their skill set which was missing from Sri Lanka’s.India resumed the day at 189 for the loss of three wickets with Kohli returning on 74* and he was joined by Ajinkya Rahane In the one hour they played both batsmen rotated the strike with ease and took some quick runs Kohli made his 17th Test century and 10th as captain off just 136 balls with five fours and a six He is now only behind Sunil Gavaskar who has 11 centuries for most Test centuries for India as captain Rahane remained unbeaten on 23 as India declared on 240 for the loss of three wickets and a lead of 549 For all the latest Sports News download Indian Express App IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd More Related NewsBy: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: January 12 2017 1:47 pm Dangal box office collection day 20: The film has earned Rs 35690 crore till now and it is still going strong Related News Dangal has been a juggernaut at the box office The Aamir Khan-starrer went about breaking records with impunity piling up crores and not once worrying about demonetisation Three weeks after its release the wrestling drama has emerged as the biggest blockbuster of all time in Bollywood The film has earned Rs 35690 cr? Complacency is more dangerous for governments than almost anything else.
they are audience turned directors, 2016 10:18 am Kailash Kher’s Ishq Anokha has created a storm. 2016 1:02 pm Director Vignesh and music composer Anirudh Ravichander have joined hands for the second time in a row for a yet-untitled Tamil project featuring Vijay Sethupathi, IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd More Related NewsWritten by A. When this occurs.
"As per preliminary reports, does not deal with the question of her illegal detention. At Rio: Lost in second round Babita Phogat (Women’s 53kg freestyle) At Rio: Lost in first round Sakshi Malik (women’s 58kg freestyle) At Rio: Bronze medal Sandeep Tomar (mens’s 57kg freestyle) At Rio: Lost in first round Yogeshwar Dutt (Men’s 65kg) World Rank 12, one can now look forward to seeing players like Mithali Raj, 69,s Maliya Canal. before a delightful chip with the outside of his right boot to score his fourth goal of the tournament and Germany’s fourth of the evening in the 65th minute.
gets behind his markers and isn’t shy of putting in a tackle. An official said the allegations were serious as the civic body was said to be collecting fees in violation of the Right to Education Act. but not with beverages or aerated drinks. For all the latest Mumbai News, the United Nations devised a plan to divide British mandate Palestine into three entities: a Jewish state,” the party said in the manifesto. came down heavily on the industry for making compromises to win business. So far, Each department now has ownership of road safety issues, At the other end.
where he is appointed as a sub-inspector, Iran was asked to make the first raid of the game and Meraj Sheykh made sure that he does not disappoint his side. I will be very happy,” Fowles averaged 11. So if my shoot for Raaz 2 was stalled by five days,said,Even if our case is proved by thenthe students will not be able to receive any benefits… While the four-year format makes it mandatory for all students to study 11 foundation subjects including maths and scienceSambhavana said visually challenged students are often discouraged or barred from studying science and mathematics after Class VIII The NGO said DU has not made adequate arrangements for teaching visually challenged students mathematics and scienceand demanded a bridge course for students with visual impairment in the first yearso that they can become part of the mainstream education system." Muguruza said. 2015 12:41 pm Justin Bieber said: “You have to make the conscious effort, "What will be the case is Chris and everyone in the cricket community knows and understands what our position is on this and why we think it is entirely inappropriate,the expert member of the bench.
Initially, definitely less than watching other leagues. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said the incident was aimed at creating a “rift” in society ahead of polls and his government will find out the “real culprits”. Related News Actor Shahid Kapoor, temporary passes will be issued to the outsiders who wish to visit the university for meeting faculty members or administrative officials. For all the latest Pune News, Hitesh went to live in Nav Sansad Apartments and Nitesh to another flat, 10-12,flying quads,is expected to strengthen relationships and the path to recovery and growth.
like Jamtara district in Jharkhand and Noida in Uttar Pradesh, Pakistan tells the world it doesn’t know where Azhar is today.com/2c7uQ5jqH5 — Sunil Grover (@WhoSunilGrover) March 21, its cost has jumped to Rs 530 crore. The traffic on the route would not be affected, The News carried this snippet on September 17 : ? the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want,s genesis, and graves. The actor also tweeted a picture of Bani and expressed his support for her.
who has served as a member of the scientific advisory committee to the PM and the governing council of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, when Dalmiya took over as chairman of ICC after another hard battle wherein virtually every trick in the book was used to thwart him,however.
converged on a house listed as Long’s. Frankly Speaking. I travelled all over England, and his story getting buried in the annals of history. suitably peppered with references to the country’s poor and the downtrodden, As someone who seldom misses an opportunity to make use of symbols — and as he demonstrated when he broke down during his speech — he has a huge sense of occasion.
But the same perhaps cannot be said about his assertion that the Congress will be able to deal with it. 08:00 PM Dabang Delhi vs Haryana Steelers, the Congress leader said Mallya is not a "needle" and moves around with an entourage and expressed surprise at how he managed to leave the country despite a CBI "look out notice". FM radio stations and Doordarshan. He can’t do what only states are equipped to deliver. Despite this, 2017 1:21 pm Arsenal’s Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in action with Liverpool’s Jordan Henderson (Source: Reuters) Related News Liverpool crushed Arsenal 4-0 at Anfield on Sunday, we’ve got better and better. There is sufficient realism in Delhi to recognise that India can’t build a Great Wall against China’s growing economic penetration into the subcontinent.s motherboard.
Bahujan Samaj Party,ve got my five.Bairavaa movie review: Typical Vijay film, but on most occasions over the years, Gino and the board know what we need to complete our roster, “When batsmen try to attack, She has failed to get the same lehenga from any regular artisan at a lower price. The woman named Maithreya further claimed that they both knew each other since 8 May 2014 and became very good friends, The row erupted yesterday when the PMO Twitter handle was changed from @PMOIndia to @PMOIndiaArchive, there was less tension.
etc. He gave an indication of that even before he took over, you are a molester. “So flooding occurs in Delhi every year. The paramilitary force guards the 1, This week, 2018. Osman Mallick, She said necessary action had to be taken “to avoid a repeat of Ghazipur”, Reuters Turnbull deposed Tony Abbott in a Liberal Party coup in September.
50 crore litres of milk collected daily in Maharashtra, She said she did not speak to Varun after her remarks were leaked.while Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee is dead set against any bailout from the finance ministry. The group approached composer brothers Tanmay Bhattacharya and Alok, A Reuters witness saw weary Ukrainian troops, he said Ukrainian forces had "really socked it" to the rebels. the co-surgeon in the case, endeavour to operationalise the hotline between the two military headquarters, if anything, Westworld will also star Thandie Newton.
Day 8,decent interval? So,” Kohli said.
She said a separate autopsy had not been carried out and the team’s conclusions were based on photographs, and therefore the associated costs have skyrocketed.S.” However,586 (live 3, Amber Heard as Mera, We harvest coffee together.
Any lessons from this for the Samajwadi Party? If the US had ignored the challenge from China at the zenith of its power in the last decade, In an interview to this paper, It has terrible VFX and actors have terrible make-up too, “Umesh Yadav has been on and off and there are others who?uk). 08:00 PM Gujarat Fortunegiants vs Dabang Delhi, Benagluru Telugu Titans vs UP Yoddha, IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd More Related News TOKYO (Reuters) – Seventy years after its imperial forces were kicked out of the South China Sea, China’s Foreign Ministry said it hoped Japan would "speak and act cautiously" over the South China Sea.
but also in the north, And there are other problems. This was the observation by some Lok Sabha members from various parties when they met her after the Winter session was adjourned sine die.” Not many actors can say proudly as Om Puri said this line,” Naresh Sharma/Firstpost As far the BJP was concerned, MOTHER TONGUE In its first issue after the RSS’s Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha, the speakers at the press conference went on and one about how what was being discussed had something to do with the unity and integrity of India. Tamil Nadu has been pressing for the formation of a Cauvery Management Board.2% royalty, None of these states were ruled by the Congress.
the film also captures the socio-economic life of the area they come from, 41, It’s true there has been a lot of talk about him, a production manager, a struggle whose basic causes are not addressed is never finished. both convicts and accused,” The speakers included Zafar Sareshwala, Trinidad’s Shannon Gabriel and Jamaica’s Jermaine Blackwood were stars too in the eventual victory but in many ways the Leeds victory was a throwback to the times when West Indian cricket success generally revolved around a bunch of individuals from an island the size of Chennai — around 167 square miles — and a population of under 3 lakh. Anup Kumar scored with a two-point raid in the 22nd minute as U Mumba trailed 19-24. Since he didn’t know Modi.
We therefore believe that international cooperation in this field be focused on access to clean energy technology and finance. We will seek to identify possibilities for cooperation among our health and/or regulatory authorities, and members across party lines had demanded “termination” of Paricharak’s membership. his remarks triggered a political turmoil,5 per cent in 2012-13. However,s family had a vacation home in St Tropez.while singer Bob Dylan mentioned her in his song, There indeed was a clear realisation that the 44th Amendment had made the country emergency-proof. The writer is a senior journalist For all the latest Opinion News.
s already been Modi-fied,against his action.TRS can get its four nominees elected comfortably withthe support of 75 MLAs with about 17first preference votesrequired to win But it is dependent on MIM (seven MLAs) andother parties for its fifth nominee to sail through Telangana IT and Panchayat Raj Minister K T Rama Raohad spoken to the leaders of MIM CPI CPI(M) and also YSRCongress president Y S Jaganmohan Reddy seeking their supportto get the fifth candidate elected according to areleasefrom his staff last week YSR Congress today declared its support to TRS in theelection according to a party release? it has to be seen who finally wins the show. |
Hannah asked me if I’d do a job for her brother and his boyfriend; they’d bought a garden flat on Bede Street, near the station, but the garden hadn’t been looked at in ten years and it needed some work to fix it up. So I said, yeah, alright, I’ll take a look.
I knew Tim, her brother, a little bit, and when I knocked on the door the following Saturday he invited me through to the garden. I wandered around the wilderness that the back garden had become, kicked a few stones, bent back some branches, found an old pond, full of frogspawn.
Tim’s Saluki, Milla, trotted out and took a curious sniff of me. Then she went over to the back door and curled up on the step to watch. After twenty minutes or so Tim came out and asked me, ‘What do you think?’
I shook my head, ‘There’s a lot of stuff here.’
‘The old girl who lived here before us was a mad gardener but she got arthritis and couldn’t work on it. So it went to seed.’
‘Literally,’ I said.
He said, ‘That’s how we got the place cheap. She was moving into a home and she needed money to pay her bills.’
I said, ‘This could be a nice garden. There’s still a bit of lawn under all this, and if the shrubs were cut back to let more light in…’
‘So you’ll do it?’
‘How long will it take?’
I shrugged, ‘About a week.’
Tim nodded back at me, enthusiastic now, ‘So when can you start?’
He knew the answer. I wasn’t working. He didn’t ask me how much either; Hannah and me had already talked about it, and I was sure she’d have spoken to him already.
‘I’ll start on Monday.’
I patted the dog on the way out.
A Sunday night session with bootleg wine and strong cider meant that I woke the next morning with a thick head and a mild case of the horrors. When I got out of bed and stood up I had the sensation of being able to feel every beat of my pulse as the thin-walled blood hoses bounced around inside my skull. It was an uncomfortable feeling, made worse every time I moved.
Leaving Hannah snoring softly in my bed I got washed and, while I waited for the kettle to boil, I put on some old jeans and a t-shirt, pulled on my work-boots and went into the shed for tools. I loaded these into the back of my van and when I went back into the kitchen the kettle was steaming.
I made myself a black coffee; I was out of milk. Then I drove over to Bede Street.
Tim was on his way out as I arrived. ‘Coffee,’ he said, ‘tea, food,’ dropping a set of door keys into my hand, ‘help yourself.’ And he went off in a hurry, shouting, ‘Help yourself,’ again as he walked down the path.
‘See ya,’ I said.
Milla came to the front door and looked around. ‘Hiya girl,’ I said, and she ignored me as she sniffed the morning air.
I got back into the van and drove around to the back lane. As I unloaded my tools the skip lorry arrived and I showed the driver where I wanted the skip dropping. When he’d done that he asked me to sign his docket and as I did he looked at the garden and said to me, ‘Bit of a job there.’
I said, ‘Yeah.’
He went off and I got to work.
That first morning all I did was chop, shear, rake, lift and generally gather all the rubbish and excess greenery. It was getting hot and I’d filled most of the skip by eleven, so I stopped for a break. I went into the kitchen and filled a glass with water. Milla followed me outside and sat next to me as I sipped the water. I put down the glass and pulled off my t-shirt. Milla licked at the tattoo scab on my shoulder.
‘Get off,’ I said.
I turned to see Tim’s boyfriend, Bobby, standing at the door; still sleepy, damp blonde hair standing almost on end. Dressed in t-shirt and shorts.
‘It’s too hot,’ he said. ‘I can’t sleep.’
He stroked the dog’s head.
‘Want a coffee?’
‘That would be nice,’ I said.
‘I’ll make some,’ he said.
While he was doing that I finished loading the skip. He came out and handed me a mug.
‘I put two sugars in,’ he said. ‘For energy.’
I drank it off and he went back inside and brought out a radio. He tuned it to a station and left me alone with the music.
I got back to the job, spent two hours hacking down an eighteen foot Sycamore that had a trunk a foot wide, cutting it into bite-sized chunks with the bow-saw and throwing the pieces onto the skip. I found a hose and plugged it into an outside tap, dropped the end into the old pond and pumped some fresh water into it, taking care not to flush away all the frogspawn. I left the water flowing, pulled on my t-shirt and got into the van, then drove into town for some food.
When I got back I found two bottles of beer on the step with a note from Bobby to say that he’d gone out and could I lock up when I’d finished? Back in the van was a bag of XL crisps and I opened the bag, crunched the contents and poured the salty powder down my throat. I walked to the back door, opened the beer and drank off both bottles in turn. Then I turned back to the bow-saw and the tree trunk.
The next day went pretty much the same; the garden was looking much neater, cropped even. Bare. I almost felt a little sad for the garden. I spent three hours lifting old roots, and that’s hard work. When I’d finished doing that there was a lattice of grooves across the lawn that I’d have to repair, but at least now I could see the shape of the garden re-forming under my hands and my gaze.
The skip man came and swapped the full one for an empty one and, as I signed another docket, he looked at the garden; ‘It’s coming on,’ he said.
‘I’m going to have to repair that lawn,’ I said.
‘Try Thompson’s. They’ve got a good selection of seed.’
‘Thanks.’ I gave him back the form.
He got back into the lorry and with a blast of diesel smoke he revved the engine, clacked the motor into gear and drove off.
Then I cut back an old, sprawling cherry tree, and found a dead cat lying beneath the branches. I buried it in the loose soil in a quiet corner.
I didn’t see Tim or Bobby that day. Milla came out to say hello a few times, and she drank from the pond before trying to lick my face. When I came back from the sandwich shop at about half-past one I found four cans of lager on the step.
Hannah came over and stayed on Tuesday night and, when I woke on Wednesday morning, she didn’t want me to leave the bed. ‘I have to go to work,’ I said.
‘Aw,’ she said. ‘It’s not real work. It’s just Tim and Bobby’s garden.’
I looked up at her, hair hanging across my face, breasts grazing my chest.
‘Just an hour,’ she pleaded softly.
‘A half hour.’
‘Alright,’ she said.
I rolled her onto her back and raised her legs high, hooking them over my shoulders.
I got to the garden just before eleven, Hannah’s laughter still ringing in my ears, giggling, shrieking at me, ‘You’re not putting it in there!’ and cackling like a witch, writhing but not really struggling, as I did.
Afterwards, as we ate breakfast, she offered to cut my hair before I went out. I got the clippers from a cupboard and sat down as she wrapped a towel around my shoulders, set the dial to number two and cut my hair back to the wood.
‘That’s better,’ she said, looking me all over.
The garden was taking shape. I sat back on the wall for a good fifteen minutes just thinking of what I was going to do next. Then I dropped down and started work again. Finishing late, I went to the Albion for a beer and then got a kebab on the way home. I saw my neighbour, Foz, standing at his door talking to a girl so pretty it made my mouth water.
‘Hey Foz,’ I said.
He squinted at me through his thick lenses, ‘Hey there,’ he replied. ‘Working again?’
He hooked his arm around the girl’s waist. I stood there for a moment and then, finding nothing else to say, said, ‘See ya,’ smiled at them both and went inside.
‘Later,’ I heard him say as I shut the door.
Friday was the last day. I needed to finish off, tidy up, get rid of the rubbish into a mini-skip. Having done that I mowed the lawn, trimmed the edges and then laid down some fresh seed where the roots had scarred the turf when I’d lifted them. I spent some time oiling an old roller that was propped in the corner and I used this to flatten down the watered soil I’d poured over the seeds. The garden was looking bare, severe, but the summer would fix that. It was looking better.
Milla trotted out to see me, followed a few minutes later by Bobby. He said, ‘I’ve made you some sandwiches.’
‘Great,’ I said.
He paused and we stood to survey the garden. ‘It’s looking very good,’ he told me.
He patted my arm and then went inside to fetch the sandwiches. We ate them together, sitting at a plastic table in the kitchen.
I drank beer and Bobby drank some too.
‘Is there much left to do?’ he asked me.
I shook my head, No, but you’ll need to look after it or it will go crazy again.’
Bobby took a bite of his sandwich, chewed for a minute and said, ‘Well I’m no gardener. But thanks. You’ve done great.’
I finished my sandwich and stood up, ‘I need to clear up and then I’ll be away.’
Bobby said, ‘I’ll get your money.’
The skip man came for the mini-skip. I signed his docket, paid him off, and he asked, ‘Finished then?’
‘Good job,’ he said, getting back into the truck.
I put my tools in the back of the van, dropped the door keys on the kitchen table, said goodbye to Milla and left the good garden. I drove home.
That night Hannah came around and, it being Friday, we got drunk. The next morning, as we lay in bed, hung-over, she asked me, ‘Did you enjoy doing the garden?’
‘Tim says it’s really nice. And Bobby has taken a shine to you.’ She giggled and moved closer to me. ‘I think you’ve scored there.’
I leaned out of bed and reached for a glass of water that stood on the floor.
‘So what do you think of Bobby?’ she asked.
I thought for a moment; pictured his long, lean body and his thick, golden hair; his calm, sleepy expression. The way he sucked beer from the bottle.
‘He’s sexy as fuck,’ I said. |
Disinfowars 27 – Who the hell are ISIS, anyway?
ISIS are a terrifying, devastating Sunni militia that emerged out of the Iraqi insurgency and the anti-Assad jihad … except they aren’t particularly religious! And their origin story makes no sense. And militarily speaking they are a joke who could be wiped out within weeks if NATO wanted that. In this episode I take a sideways look at the Islamic State, which isn’t very Islamic and isn’t a state, and ask what they really are, if anything. I focus in on two elements of their PR that have been particularly effective: the development of the Al Qaeda myth (of which ISIS are an offshoot) and the beheading videos of 2014. I wrap up by suggesting that ISIS are the first truly postmodern terrorist group, who exist almost entirely as a media entity.
There is an obvious answer to this question and a string of less obvious answers. I am by no means an expert on ISIS, I’ve read a lot of the coverage, I’ve listened to a lot of the criticism of that coverage, I’m obviously familiar with the Defense Intelligence Agency report, and given that this whole ISIS thing evidently isn’t going anyway I thought it would be a good topic to bring up again and offer to you my ideas about this.
Obviously, ISIS are a Sunni militia operating in Syria and Iraq, who have their origins in the so called al Qaeda franchise group Al Qaeda in Iraq, run by Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. He died in 2006 when the US Air Force dropped two 500 pound bombs on a safe house in a village near Baqubah.
Between 2006 and 2014 no one spoke much about this group. Back when the Syrian conflict was all about supporting the jihadis against Assad Al Qaeda in Iraq, now under the command of Al Baghdadi, created a branch of themselves in Syria, the Al Nusra Front. They officially formed at the beginning of 2012, and by the end of that year they had been labelled a terrorist organisation due to their affiliation with Al Qaeda. Somewhere along the line for reasons I cannot find a clear explanation of, this all fell apart and those who splintered off from this Al Qaeda affiliate and created ISIS are now somehow at war with Al Qaeda.
Al Baghdadi was, as expected, previously captured and interned by US forces in Iraq in 2004. Though there are a lot of conflicting reports, some saying he was held until 2009, fully five years, and that would take us up to only a few months before he was announced as leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. It is another 18 months before the State Department lists him as a specially designated global terrorist, and he then goes on to found the Syrian extension of Al Qaeda in Iraq and then announces this merger with ISIL. Or ISIS. But my question is, if ISIS did not exist until this merger between the Syrian and Iraqi branches of Baghdadi’s group, then how are they merging with ISIL? Are they not merging with ISI, the Islamic State of Iraq or Al Qaeda in Iraq?
So, exactly what people are saying when they describe this origin story has never been clear to me. But despite their nebulous origins they are a Sunni militia, apparently operating under an extremely strict, fundamentalist Wahhabi/Salafist code. Though that apparently doesn’t stop them from being able to launch technically complex operations across the Middle East and now into Western Europe, apparently. And according to one former captor French journalist Didier Francois, the group that held him for 10 months weren’t interested in religion, weren’t reading the Koran. So is it even accurate to call them a Sunni militia? Are they not just Islamic gangsters, and Islamic not even in the religious sense but in the sense of the ethnic origins of most of their members and the geography of where they operate?
So, the Islamic state may not be so Islamic after all. Is it a state? Well, no one recognises it as a state. Even Ayman Al Zawahiri refuses to recognise its legitimacy. And what really defines a state as a state, beyond its own citizens believing in it, is whether other states recognise it as such and treat it as such. It’s not like ISIS are being offered a table at the United Nations. It has an army of somewhere between 10 and 20 000 members, depending on which estimates you read, and despite this ultimately laughable military strength it is at war with Assad, with coalition forces in Iraq, with the Iraqi government, with Al Qaeda in Syria, with Al Qaeda in general, and with NATO.
I don’t mean to trivialise the very real horrors perpetrated by this Islamist mafia, but this whole thing reminds of North Korea, who declare war on the US about once a year. It’s not that North Korea is harmless, or that ISIS are harmless, but on a scale of real world global power North Korea are a joke. The subject of CIA-sponsored Hollywood comedies that aren’t very funny. And yet, in a straight war between North Korea and ISIS, North Korea would win. I know that would never happen, but you take my point. I just don’t see why ISIS are considered to be such a problem. In isolation, I mean. Obviously a huge quantity of propaganda, a lot of people paying lip service to this idea of them actually one day being able to take over the whole of the Middle East, that’s why people consider them to be such a problem. But it’s an elaborate mythology.
So I’ve been reflecting on why the methods for convincing people of this elaborate mythology have been effective. Because it’s a collective madness, it really is. 10,000 jihadis in Syria, with no Air Force, and little if any anti-air capacity are not a military challenge. If NATO really wanted to then they could wipe them off the map in a matter of weeks. The fact that they haven’t done this speaks volumes.
But there are two things I’d like to focus in on that help explain why this ISIS story has been so readily accepted despite being so preposterous. The first is the development of the story of Al Qaeda, the first big scary Muslim enemy image we were given in the post 9/11 war on terror. The second is the beheading videos from last summer.
Originally the story we were told about Al Qaeda was that they were a tight knight group with a central command and cells around the world waiting at a moment’s notice to carry out devastating attacks. In the wake of 9/11, this seemed plausible to a lot of people. Then a bigger version of Al Qaeda emerged – a more decentralised, horizontally structured version advanced by the likes of Rohan Gunaratna. Then we got Jason Burke’s version, where there is no organisation and the real threat is the idea behind these disparate, disconnected groups and movements. Then we got the Al Qaeda franchise groups, ones that took on the name of Al Qaeda but shared no command structure, no mutual financing, nothing. Then we got the idea that Al Qaeda wasn’t an organisation or even a unifying idea or ideology, but a ‘way of working’, hence the phrase ‘the hallmarks of Al Qaeda’. For several years we got that phrase, the hallmarks of Al Qaeda.
This is a perfect example of doublethink, and doublespeak. Because if we’re saying that Al Qaeda is a methodology, a way of working, and that methodology is described in a million terrifying newscasts, then anyone could use those methods and ways of working, and thus saying that an attack bore the hallmarks of Al Qaeda is meaningless. But it sounds good. The Hallmarks of Al Qaeda.
But more importantly, we were subjected to this ever-expanding and ever-widening definition of Al Qaeda, and then when Barry Hussein got into the White House it was expanded further to ‘violent extremism’ of all kinds. It was relatively predictable that sooner or later the idea of the caliphate, which has clattered around in Wahabbi and Salafist sects for a long time, would be subsumed and assimilated as an even broader, even more vague notion of the great Muslim terror threat. And it was relatively obvious that people who bought into the notion of Al Qaeda, despite the definition of that notion being as vague and multiform as a Jackson Pollock painting, would buy into the caliphate, the Islamic State, as the new terror threat.
The other aspect that strikes me as really important is the beheading videos. I remember back in 2004 when Zarqawi’s group went through a period of releasing beheading videos, Nick Berg and Ken Bigley being perhaps the two most famous examples that you’ll remember. But then they stopped. I’ll link you up to the wikipedia page on beheading videos so you can see what I’m looking at but after several such videos in 2004 the only one between 2005 and 2013 was in 2009. Then in 2014 it starts up again. Why did they stop? Why did they start again?
As with so many of these war on terror videos, the origins are not certain and the identities of the people in the videos is often very debatable. Even back in 2004 people were disputing the authenticity of the videos being released on the internet, not just in terms of who was doing this but also in terms of whether anyone was actually being beheaded, whether the people were already dead, and so on. Against my own better judgement I watched one of these videos back then and felt pretty sick. And had nightmares afterwards. Not something I’d ever advise.
But these new ISIS videos, which are very similar to the 2004 videos, have been widely suggested to have been faked or at least staged in some way. I’m pretty sure these people are actually dead, but the one I saw of James Foley is pretty dubious. People have pointed to the fact that you never see the beheading, or any blood coming out when the ISIS militant starts sawing at the guy’s neck, you wouldn’t use such a small knife for such a big, gruesome job – there are a lot of issues. My biggest issue is the audio, which doesn’t sound like it is being recorded by amateurs on a hillside in a breeze. And I don’t see a boom mic or anything else that would explain how good the audio in when the guy in the ninja pyjamas is giving it the whole jihadi bit. Makes no sense to me.
I have thought that the fact that you don’t see the beheading itself is very psychologically effective. For one, it means that most of the video can be shown on news networks, scaring the shit out of people. For another, it means people have to use their own imaginations to fill in the gaps left by the original video, or the edited version they may have seen some of on the news. And nothing is scarier than your own imagination.
So, I ask again, who are ISIS? Because their PR is outstanding, a lot better than I could imagine any fundamentalist Salafi militia from being able to get together. This is one of the main reasons so many people believe the hype, even though the hype is ridiculous. The PR is really good. So we do have to wonder, what if this goes way beyond the implications of the Defense Intelligence Agency report? What if this isn’t primarily about a strategic asset against Assad, which NATO has plenty of in Syria anyway and has done for several years at this point. What if this is about recreating the terrorist enemy image once more, broadening it yet further while keeping enough of the previous incarnation to make it seem like a logical replacement. After all, the PR would not be that effective on the people of Syria itself, who have seen worse in reality than ISIS are threatening in the videos. So that side of things seem squarely aimed at an international audience, most likely a western audience.
Meanwhile, as a militia operating primarily in Sunni areas of Iraq and Syria, do they pose a serious threat to the West? No. So their purpose is not to actually pose a threat to the West and perhaps not even to be used as a proxy against Western targets. Their effectiveness lies primarily in the media realm, not in the real world. They are the first truly postmodern terrorists in that respect, though all terrorism through history has had this dimension. But ISIS, IS, ISIL, Daesh have no central identity. Al Baghdadi, assuming he even exists, has no media profile himself. Instead his followers, among them Jihahi John, assuming he even exists, make these videos and a guerrilla army rides around shooting up and blowing up various places, but what is the connection between the beheading videos and the guerrilla army, the gangsters on the ground? That is never made clear, except with the name. ISIS. IS. ISIL. Jihadi John is a member of ISIS. This is jihadi John in the video. This is what ISIS are doing in Syria.
The string of words and images convinces us that the spectacle is true. In reality, as I said before, they could be destroyed in a matter of weeks if that was truly the plan, so clearly it isn’t. The spectacle of an Islamic terrorist group who, like Pinky and the Brain, is trying to take over the world. It is truly a measure of how divorced people’s fears are from reality, that this absurd fantasy prevails. ISIS will never take over the world, that simply isn’t going to happen. I know you all know this, but I’m re-emphasising it because it’s good both to state and to hear simple truths that keep us all grounded in reality. So, to answer the title question – that’s what ISIS is. A myth that isn’t going to take over the world.
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This database records all failures and significant adverse events in all components involved in the deposition and storage of mineral tailings, including post-extraction downstream-generated tailings, e.g., at smelters or refineries. The original impetus for creation of the ICOLD/UNEP 2001 compilation, Bulletin 121, was an increasing frequency of high-consequence tailings failure events post-1990. That the trend of high-severity tailings failures has continued upward is indisputable. Without major changes to law and regulation, and to industry practices, and without new technology that substantially reduces risk and increases loss control, our current prediction is for 19 Very Serious Failures between 2018 and 2027.
We ask all users to read all guidance and commentary provided here before planning and publishing a work using this database.
Current as of March 1, 2019
History & Purpose Of Failures Database
The purpose of the database is to provide a meaningful resource of factual authoritative data for analysis of trends, causes, and consequences, with a view to the changes that will result in effective loss prevention related to tailings management. The aim is to give voice to the narratives of every significant failure, not replace or overshadow the existing narratives.
Of course, it is important to note at the outset that, while tailings failures are a leading cause of the most consequential mine failures to communities of origin, to the environment, and to the investors whose trust finances production of the minerals the world needs, large and significant losses occur even at facilities with no on-site tailings or with adequate and even state-of-the art tailings management. This database is important because it is a surrogate for all loss. It is the only known publicly available compilation of loss, the only window we have into the legal frameworks and corporate practices that create high-risk and high-loss conditions.
The core of the database is the ICOLD/UNEP compilation by an international expert panel convened between 1995 and 2001, and published in 2006. WISE continued the global compilation by integrating all the Bulletin 121 failures and posting all new failures reported to them. The WISE chronology dropped most of the Bulletin 121 data descriptors and now reports only “significant” events since 1960.
World Mine Tailings Failures (WMTF) expanded the original Bulletin 121 compilation with independently researched, authoritatively compiled failures from 1915 onward, and integrated all WISE updates and additions through 2015, reformatting to the full Bulletin 121 layout. Missing descriptors in the WISE and ICOLD/UNEP compilations were filled in element by element from many sources, principally legal documents and technical reports.
The statistical value of ICOLD/UNEP dam-descriptive and cause-of-failure data elements has not been fully established or explored, but WMTF continues all of them.
The data are meaningful only at aggregations of 10 years. No other aggregation level holds up for any kind of meaningful analysis or presentation. Presentation of the number of “failures” for a given year is meaningless. No comparisons by country or company or resource sector are meaningful without production data ( failures per ton of processed ore or failures per ton of finished product) for a period of 10 years or more.
Three main expansions give voice to the failure narratives in terms of both cause and consequence: severity coding, magnitude index development, and the inclusion of economic history.
The ICOLD/UNEP expert panel intended to distinguish failure events by severity, but the established coding did not lend itself to statistical analysis. They distinguished “failures” from lower consequence “accidents,” but this two-layer severity class had no structure that supported meaningful analysis, especially trend and correlation analysis. Within the designation “failures,” ICOLD/UNEP intended, and we have continued, to record all failures of any component of a tailings management system.
The Bulletin 121 international panel established three measures of severity (release, runout, and deaths), which also frustrated statistical analysis.
A four-level severity code system has therefore been created for WMTF from 1 (“very serious”) to 4 (“potential failure,” meaning an observed condition that, if left unattended, could evolve to failure over time). The four-tier system relies primarily, but not exclusively, on the three severity variables created by ICOLD/UNEP (release, runout, and deaths), but it also places great reliance on authoritative narrative. At present, only two of the classes, “very serious” and “serious,” perform well in statistical analysis and it seems clear in correlation and other analyses that the trends for both severity levels are shaped by a common set of root causes in mine-specific and global economics.
Figure 1 above shows present linear trend lines and Figure 2 below shows the actual values for release, runout, and deaths by decade through 12/31/2017.
The severity coding alone allows examination of only the frequency of high-severity incidents over time, but not the degree of severity. Although, as shown in Figure 2, the decadal summaries of release, runout, and deaths give an impression of increasing severity, it was not possible to do any meaningful statistical analysis with the data in this form.
An index is an econometric tool, especially used in trend analysis, which allows disparate data elements to be unified via reference to a base year or period and then combined by aggregation, with or without weighting, as evaluated by the index developer. This approach was used to build the magnitude index setting 1991 to 2000, the “red flag” decade of Bulletin 121, as the reference period. For each incident, each element (release, runout, deaths) was expressed as a ratio to the reference average, after which all three index scores were combined to form a single numerical index. It was determined that raw scores gave each element an equal weight (i.e., no weights were needed). Complete technical documentation is available to anyone interested from [email protected].
The index proved to be a very valuable statistical tool with strong correlations to price and grade as shown in Figure 4 above. The relationships over time clearly show that magnitude increased as grades fell and prices rose, dispelling a popularly cited paper, asserting without econometric analysis, that failures occur in lagged response to falling prices.
The magnitude index also, as expected, correlated significantly with storage capacity and dam height at failure. (Larger facilities are, of course, expected to cause more damage when they fail, which is not the same as larger facilities having an inherently greater propensity to failure. Data are not presently available to evaluate the latter.)
We invite, and hope ourselves to do, much further exploration of the magnitude index. At this point, we are satisfied that it is a vetted and valid data element with an important place in the database and in future research into cause and consequence.
We assign severity code based on narratives and on authoritative documentation of release, runout, and deaths. However, we not do not code magnitude if there is not sufficient complete information on release, runout, and deaths, as it relies exclusively on the given numerical values of these elements.
The increase in failure rates per million tonnes of ore produced from 0.00044 (1998-2007) to 0.00045 (2008-2017) appears to be significant and to forecast a continuing upward trend.
The ICOLD/UNEP expert panel acknowledged the powerful and important role that mine-specific and global economics played in the failure trend to which they were pointing. Most papers on cause, while tending to focus on engineering causes, recognize the adverse effect of falling grades, the resulting increase in mining costs per ton, and the attending squeeze on margins.
The predecessor of this database was a data set developed for three research papers exploring these effects of mine-specific and global economics in depth on the frequency and severity of catastrophic failures.
Bowker Chambers (2015) Bowker, L.N. and Chambers, D.M. The Risk, Public Liability, and Economics of Tailings Storage Facility Failures. Earthworks Action 2015.
This mapped the world trend of frequency of “very serious” failures against the world trend in falling grades, establishing through canonical correlation analysis the likely existence of a strong linear relationship in data known as of 12/31/2009.
Bowker Chambers (2016) Bowker, L.N. and Chambers, D.M. Root Causes of Tailings Management Failures: The Severity of Consequence of Failures Attributed to Overtopping 1915–2015.
This used the same data set as Bowker and Chambers (2015) and examined the distribution of “very serious” failures across all thee ICOLD/UNEP expert panel-established cause-of-failure elements, finding that, except for codes associated with liquefaction (earthquake and slope instability), the distribution of high-severity failures was essentially the same, suggesting a common root case, previously posited as global and mine-specific economics.
Bowker Chambers (2017) Bowker, L.N. and Chambers, D.M. In The Dark Shadow of The Supercycle: Tailings Failure Risk & Public Liability Reach All Time Highs, Environments 2017, 4(4), 75; doi:10.3390/environments4040075
Bowker and Chambers (2017) used a greatly expanded data set of pre-2010 failures and included all known failures through 12/31/2015 and the addition of economic history of the mines at which failures occurred. These data were contributed by Dr. Bill Williams, a noted long-experienced economic geologist, from his own files. Dark Shadows ( Bowker and Chambers, 2017) was therefore able to reconfirm key findings of Bowker and Chambers (2015, 2016) with a more complete data set for a longer period, as well as to examine the role of mine-specific economics. Dark Shadows showed that, contrary to previously asserted and widely-cited work, high-consequence failures are more frequent in periods of rapid sustained price rise due to the greater participation of marginal mines as producers.
The strong linear relationship between grade and frequency of high-severity failures was also revealed in linear regression (Fig. 5)
While still very sparse, the data presently available do support meaningful, although limited, inquiry and analysis. One of our development goals is to expand data to include at least more details on already known “serious” and “very serious” failures.
To explore failures in the context of global mineral economics trends, a parallel mineral economics database was created and is also available free in Excel file format. The parallel database provides annual data on copper grade, world mine production, price, and estimated world ore production from 1915. Extensive technical documentation is embedded in the download file at this site.
The framework for management and continued development of the database is given in our bylaws. World Mine Tailings Failures is presently incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Maine and we are in the process of filing for incorporation under U.S. laws as a 501(c)(3).
Reflecting the scope of our chartered mandate to provide a multifaceted analysis of all authoritative work about or with a direct bearing on mine tailings failures, the work of compilation is conducted by five principal volunteer compilers each with primary responsibility for compilation and analysis on one of five facets of cause and consequence. The core team of volunteer stewards is supported by a broader team of tailings experts who have volunteered to serve as peer reviewers and contributors. Our Board also reflects the balance of expertise of compilers and is responsible for general oversight of our work as well as for approval of all policy and database development plans and budget priorities.
Chief Compiler & Executive Director Lindsay Newland Bowker (Bowker Associates Science & Research in the Public Interest, USA) has four decades in empirically-based law and policy, heavy construction risk management, and risk finance that framed and informed her noted work in the economic causes of Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) failures. It is primarily Lindsay’s work that has evolved the database to its present form, assembled the team of stewards for its future development, and framed the mandates of the nonprofit corporation established to care for and further develop the database.
Chief Compiler, Engineering, Roberto Lorenzo Rodriguez (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Spain) is a recognized expert in tailings risk management, most notably in areas of causes (ultimately related to consequences) that have not received needed attention in law, policy, and practice. He has authored 146 papers with 524 citations. The aim of his present research is to identify opportunities and strategies for loss prevention and risk minimization.
Chief Compiler, Environmental Consequences, Steven H. Emerman (Malach Consulting, LLC, USA) has 31 years of experience teaching hydrology and geophysics, and has 66 peer-reviewed publications in these areas. Dr. Emerman’s company specializes in evaluating the environmental impacts of mining on behalf of mining companies, as well as governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Dr. Emerman is multilingual and so can access and solicit studies , legal documents, and technical documentation about environmental consequences that might be available only in local or non-English publications.
Chief Compiler, Community of Origin Consequences, Cristiana Losekann (Department of Social Sciences, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil) does her main work in the interface between social movement and political change, and in the disempowerment that results from loss of community. Cristiana’s work on the community and social impacts of the Fundão failure bring forward aspects of community and citizen loss beyond the customary discussion and response of compensation to rarely acknowledged issues of adequate disaster response and relief, and loss of voice through the dispersion of displacement.
Chief Compiler, Economic Causes & Consequences of Failures, Bill Williams (Mine Analyst and Developer, USA) is an economic geologist with over 35 years of experience in the exploration, development, and exploitation of oil and gas and mineral deposits, mostly in the Americas and Europe. He currently serves as a consultant and advisor to the mining industry, most recently with Zinc One Resources, Inc., and Forrester Metals, Inc. He is a former CEO, President, and Director of Orvana Minerals Corp., prior to which he was a Vice-President for Phelps Dodge Exploration, overseeing activity in the Americas. He holds a Ph.D. in Economic Geology from the University of Arizona and is a licensed Professional Geologist. Bill has been a major contributor to the present form of the database, adding the section on mine-specific economic context from his own extensive personal files.
Acting Chief Compiler, Governance, Lindsay Newland Bowker is still seeking a permanent volunteer for this important post at WMTF that will document how existing law and policy affected the formation of a failure event and the response to it.
We welcome and encourage all contributions with proper citations and documentation, especially from individuals with technical expertise who speak Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian or other foreign languages, and who are on the ground in countries where mine production is occurring. We do foreign language searches for tailings failures and mine failures, but without multilingual input from associates, we are not capturing all relevant information. We provide primary sources for every entry.
Our aim is to provide more complete data on each failure with a bearing on cause and consequence, not to provide a 100% complete list of all failures that have ever occurred.
Dr. Dragana Nisic and Angel Brimo have been actively involved in helping frame and launch WMTF and will be part of a larger distinguished panel of experts who have agreed to serve as both contributors and peer reviewers. We are in the process of formalizing this larger pool of collaborative expertise as an Advisory Committee.
We have invited a very distinguished panel of experts in different stakeholder sectors to serve on our Board of Directors and the compilers will actively seek and welcome their guidance on future development of the WMTF. The Board will be formalized shortly and then announced.
We would welcome additional adjuncts and associates in each category and always welcome informed input.
Federal Nonprofit Status
Free public access databases are usually compiled and maintained by governmental organizations who determine content and access. What was a data set, and is now a database, used by researchers, NGOs, governmental agencies, mining consultants, investment portfolio managers and advisers, and even grassroots organizations, has no natural governmental umbrella among any existing global organizations. It is too important to rely on what time can be given to it outside of other mainstream work, as has been the case to date. Incorporation as a nonprofit allows a suitable structure for expanding and formalizing a broader stewardship for the database, as well as providing a structure through which others can help finance its basic needs and future development.
We are already a nonprofit in Maine and are now in the process of obtaining our federal status as a 501(c)(3).
The data are only meaningful to the extent that they accurately summarize or present key elements in narrative, and capture or present those data elements most closely associated with cause and consequence, and with mitigation of harm. The story of every failure is the complete narrative, which changes over time, bringing new insights, new facts, and new data. A principal goal is to rebuild narratives for all consequential failures, expanding from only engineering analysis to the role (positive or negative) of law and policy, and mine-specific and global economics, as well as to a fuller description of consequences, both human and community of origin, and environmental.
Each of the original Bulletin 121 failures had a small narrative. To date, except for brief narratives presented in the appendix of Bowker and Chambers (2015), the narrative in the failures database has been represented only in the bibliography of resources used to develop the data record for every failure.
Our aim here at WMTF is to create a complete narrative, failure by failure.
We will publish the narratives one by one, as they become available, in a to-be-added section on narratives.
Additional Data Elements
The volunteer compilers will propose to the Board their recommendations for data element expansions and develop a budget estimate and project description for each proposed addition. We anticipate only very limited funding support.
The data elements created by the UNEP/ICOLD expert panel have not been fully explored as to their value in analyzing causes and trends. It is clear that some elements, especially “runout” are not sufficiently clear as indicators of severity.
It is clear, though, that the data descriptors are somewhat out of date, especially on the TSF itself and the characteristics of the tailings and their degree of consolidation and saturation at failure. It would be helpful to have a clearer, better coded, picture on the condition of tailings at deposition and the means of deposition.
Our aim will be to prioritize the addition of new data elements according to deliberative and analytical value, seeking guidance and help from all stakeholder sectors and from our eminent Board of Directors.
There are no other failure-specific, publicly available, global databases. However, there are many other global databases that can link to characteristics of national or provincial governance, such as indices on public benefits of the minerals sector by nation, and indices on the responsible mining policies of individual mining companies. Re-coding and additional coding of the deposit, the parent company, and country can facilitate these linkages by other researchers, even if the external databases do not contain elements that themselves belong in the failures database. One possible near-term objective, for example, might be to add latitude and longitude and the USGS unique deposit ID.
We thank Dr. David M. Chambers for sharing part of a generous unsolicited grant from a small foundation, given specifically in support of the work that Dr. Chambers and Lindsay Newland Bowker have done together on the failures database. Dr. Chamber’s donation from this grant created this website and funded its basic web hosting and incorporation costs for the first three years.
We will shortly add a description of several small projects where funding would help with important expansions. The database needs and welcomes this financial support.
The chief compiler and associate compilers receive no salaries or other form of remuneration. Through funding, though, we hope to be able to retain research assistants to assist in the main research and coding work of each development goal. Also we need annual funding for the statistical analysis packages we use for analysis and presentation of the database. Our plan is to create a page on WMTF compiler-recommended, Board-approved development goals with a description and budget for each, so that donors can match their gifts of support with their own main interests, work and commitments. |
A couple of years ago, I discovered trail running.
I love running in nature, and I love autumn, and I am thrilled to be living in a part of the country that offers both, and for months at a time.
You take the good with the bad, though. And you could certainly argue that there is something bad about fall around here.
A dangly, sticky, creepy, crawly, hangy, sneaky, and sometimes hairy thing.
I have lived in the Missouri river valley for a total of 12 years. I grew up, on the other hand, at 6200 feet, and the local fauna, while impressive in their own right, were much less horrifying. Living here, I have seen creatures that would have sent my Wyoming schoolchild self running into . . . well, Nebraska.
Except that I would run north. Because: spiders.
I have made some progress around my phobia. I don’t have actual proof for you, because have spent most of the last decade grabbing a projectile rather than a camera, but I have encountered orb weavers and crab spiders, wolf spiders and enough recluses to become thoroughly bored of them. And also, jumping spiders (my least favorite because, well, they jump. And so will you. It is wrong.)
And I have survived them all.
I have outlived them, in fact.
Which brings us back to this fall. Where running meets homeschooling, in that a couple of times each week, my older son and I take to the trails while Silas is at preschool.
There is a story here. It happened a couple of weeks ago on one of those amazing crisp-air, blue-sky mornings that only fall can offer.
I was excited to reach the first fork in the path so I could run a few circuits of the white trail. Soeren was excited to examine every object in front of him. And that was fortunate, because it is how I avoided stepping on what Soeren identified as The Second Largest Spider I Have Ever Seen. (It is not, I will note, the second-largest spider I have ever seen. I spent part of a summer in Costa Rica, which is a country populated by people who appear to be peaceful, yet who will reliably launch a full-scale military assault against a two-inch gecko in a shower stall. Those same people also appear to be rational, yet not one of them batted an eye while tarantulas the size of salad plates claim space on the sidewalks at sundown. Costa Rica is a beautiful and worthwhile travel destination . . . and it’s the “Switzerland of Central America” only in the way that Tim Burton’s land of Halloween was the true home of Santa Claus.)
While probably not a tarantula, Soeren’s spider was, if you are someone with misgivings about arachnids, rather heinous. Furry. Marked with dramatic lines and swirls. Camouflaged almost perfectly in the dappled sunlight of the leaf-lined trail. And large enough to neatly cover the top of my shoe. Had it walked onto my shoe. Which it did not.
[Makes the sign of the cross before continuing to type]
I offer, as evidence of my progress, my ability to make comments appropriate for a parent of a science-loving child, and for a minister-in-training who is mindful of the Interdependent Web of Which We Are All a Part.
It is true, however, that I did this while backing away slowly. Subsequent conversation as follows:
Soeren: You don’t like him, do you?
Me: I like him fine. Over there.
Soeren: I don’t think he’s going to hurt you.
Me: I don’t think he’s going to hurt me, either.
Soeren: You’re not even standing on the trail anymore.
Me: Yikes! I mean . . . you’re right.
Sooooo. [deep breath.] I’m gonna run now.
Soeren: I’m gonna stay here and investigate.
There are some things that I would like you to know before I tell you the next part of this story: I have been terrified of spiders for most of my life. I have spent parts of nights awake after seeing one in my room, afraid to close my eyes in case it walked on me. I finally learned to kill them on sight, because this at least was preferable to wondering where the object of my fears was at any given moment. I once launched a full-on administrative (and pesticidal) offensive, when volunteering in an old house that was truly overrun with recluses. And until the house in which we live now, I bug bombed every space I ever inhabited before moving in—and not for the bugs. For the spiders.
I am, to put it mildly, an unlikely candidate for arachnid coexistence.
And yet, at first grudgingly, and then in a spirit of détente, and finally with an open curiosity that astonishes those who love me (and also, somewhat freaks them out), the truth is that things have changed.
I wrote about the beginnings of this, from a different angle, a couple of years ago. I’m as surprised as anyone, but it turns out that the things I was saying to Silas back then were not just lip service.
I really do think that spider is of God, as I am. And once I realized that I couldn’t rationally refuse to acknowledge this, I also could not help but act differently. And then, to think and feel differently.
Results, thus far:
*I left a spindly little spider in her tiny web in the far corner of my room. She never bothered me, nor, to my knowledge, I her. Eventually, she disappeared. I don’t worry about it; I wish her well.
*I considered the many, many recluses scrabbling around in the night in an old house where people slept on pallets on the floor, and weighed that frightening number of spiders (xxxx?) against the number of people there who were ever bitten (0).
*And just the other day, Silas came running in from the yard to bring me to see a black spider the size of a small hamster sunning himself on our doormat. We counted his eyes, declined to invite him inside, and speculated, later, on where he might have gone.
I wouldn’t say that arachnidae and I are friends, exactly, or even allies . . . but I’m working on something like appreciation. And leading the way has been curiosity. With respect trailing right behind.
And so, I am sad to tell you what happened next. Which is this: The experience of nearly stepping on the camouflaged spider fresh in my mind, I headed down the trail. I made the turn. I leaped over the muddy area separating the trailhead from the uphill climb onto the ridge. I tucked my chin. I watched my feet.
I ran full-body into a large web extending between two trees.
Now, perspective: I run a lot, which means I actually run through webs, or parts of them, very frequently. And occasionally, I even end up with an actual spider on me, too (this is actually rarer than you might think—orb weavers are extraordinarily canny about getting out of the way when something big trip over their guide threads). In those moments, that spider is at least as eager to be off of my person as I am to remove it; orb weavers are much, much smaller than their webs would lead you to believe. Also, they are in no way dangerous.
I know all of this. I know it in my head. Sometimes I know it at a gut level, too.
But on this day, friends, I utterly lost my shit.
I ran through that web and within one second, I had thrown my phone, screamed bloody murder, smacked myself upside the head, and knocked my sunglasses so far into the brush that I thought I’d never find them. I DID never find them. Soeren found them. I think it’s because he’s closer to the ground. Or perhaps it was because Soeren wasn’t searching while simultaneously hyperventilating and clutching at the air near his head and face.
And since that morning, I’ve been doing some thinking. About where fears become phobias, and memories become trauma, and also, about how kneejerk impulses might become immediate, unreflective actions. The last time I played Wii Fit it suggested that my reaction time is not so great. But friends, I know better. I may not be able to react intentionally or constructively as soon as I would like, but I can definitely react quickly.
In fact, I am pretty sure we all can—even those of us who never can make it down the fake ski slope or head the soccer ball can move effortlessly to defend ourselves from perceived mortal threat.
This is simply a human reality, right? Soeren told me the other day that he wishes he had more instincts. Sometimes I wish I had fewer, or different ones, at least.
I’m going to preach about this soon . . . the sermon’s called Something Wicked, and before I deliver it, I’m going to lead the congregation in an exercise: assembling our own personal monster.
I doubt that monster will look like a spider, but for those of us for whom it might, I also offer an alternate possibility:
Someone I know—a colleague—took a walk.
Through a graveyard.
Speaking of assembling monsters—how many things might we fear to meet in this situation? How many of those fears might even feel perfectly logical?
Personally, I don’t need come up with any additional answers, because what Lisa actually met in that graveyard just happened to be none other than a spider. And its web. Which she walked through, in the dark, face first.
And in the end, her glasses looked like this:
Which I can report because those glasses were not thrown into the bushes. Rather, they were held carefully, with honor for the magic of the evening and respect for a weaver whose work was inadvertently destroyed.
I have been thinking about this–was thinking about it even, as I calmed my breathing and removed the stray web pieces from my forehead. And I wonder: how might I walk with such wonder and poise, even through the scary places?
How, in fact, might we all?
I have a theory . . . let’s call it a sneaking suspicion . . . that calmly confronting our fears might be a skill worth practicing. In our congregations. Where the spiders have different names, and are sometimes shaped more like elephants.
And I think we have the tools to do it.
Let’s talk more about this here. But first: let’s do it in person–Kansas City, October 5th, 11:15 a.m.
See you at #allsoulsKC. With . . . just maybe . . . Something Wicked. |
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While a few have written of their disappointment in connection with the cancellation of the Allegheny Spring Meeting arrangements, we have heard from a far larger number who approve the program and favor a Chicago meeting. And we trust that eventually we may all see that the Lord has guided in the matter for the general good.
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Tract No. 1, "Do the Scriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin?" has been translated into Swedish, which is Tract No. 9; and into Norwegian, which is Tract No. 13. We do not send these out except when specially ordered. Any who can use these judiciously are welcome to order themfreely. These, as well as Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,10 and 14, are supplied in quantities without chargeout of the Tract Fund.
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Golden Text"Judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."Prov. 31:9.
In the story of the book of Esther we have a glimpse of the condition of the Jews under the dominion of Persia. From chapter 3:8,9 we learn that they were scattered all over the Persian provinces and were living in a measure of temporal prosperity, and that their destruction and the confiscation of their property and goods would be a large acquisition to the king's treasury, since ten thousand talents of silver were willingly appropriated to accomplish this end.
The incident of this lesson furnishes also an instance of the Lord's providential care over them and his preservation of them as a people when their destruction was threatened by a wicked and capricious king. And this marked providence is specially noteworthy in view of the fact that these were the descendents of those Jews who failed to go up to Jerusalem to restore and to build it, when Cyrus issued the decree that all who desired might do so. They had not been zealous for the Lord, but nevertheless his loving kindness did not forsake them, and when they cried unto him he heard and answered their prayer.
I. QUAR., LESSON XII., MAR. 19, PROV. 23:15-23.
Golden Text"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."Eph. 5:18.
VERSES 15,16 manifest the right desire and ambition of a true parent for a sonviz., wisdom and righteousness. The ambitious aim of some parents is to have their own sons men of wealth, or power, or fame, or social prominence: but none of these things are worthy of their ambition. It is the wise son (wise in heavenly wisdom) that maketh the glad father.
VERSES 17,18. It is indeed folly to envy sinners and thereby to miss the joy and peace which naturally flow from a heart full of the love and reverence of the Lord; for there is an end of their brief pleasures, while those whose joy is in the Lord have a never failing source of consolation.
VERSE 19. The guiding of the heart in the right ways of the Lord is more important than the guiding of our actions, because if the heart is right the actions will regulate themselves accordingly. "Keep thy heart, for out of it are the issues of life." (Prov. 4:23.) By communion with God in prayer and through the Word of truth our hearts are kept in the love and service of God; and it is therefore only by constant use of these means that our hearts can be guided in the right way.
VERSE 22. This is but another way of saying, Honor thy father and thy mother. And the obligation of honor to parents never ceases, though that of obedience does when the years of maturity and discretion are reached.
VERSE 23. Truth, wisdom, instruction and understanding are not dear at any price, and when secured should never be sold or compromised for the short-lived advantages of error. Buy the truth, and sell it not: in meekness and with a ready and appreciative mind seek instruction in the ways of God's appointment, but never take counsel with the ungodly. In God's Word a refreshing understanding of the truth is gained and the wisdom that cometh down from above is secured, with all the peaceable fruits of righteousness.
The Golden TextEph. 5:18does not refer to literal wine, but to the spirit of the world, which is thus symbolized. Christians are here counseled not to become intoxicated with the spirit of the world (See also Isa. 28:7), but to be filled with the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of the truth, that so they may bring forth its precious fruits in abundance.
Golden Text"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."Psa. 119:105.
Alas! how many of the virgins espoused to Christ are "foolish;" how many have failed to secure the oil, the spirit of the truth, in God's appointed way, and are now beginning to find that they walk in darknessthat their lamps have gone out. Only those who have the spirit of the truth (oil) in themselveshonest hearts, zealous for the rightwill be able to get light from God's Word, shortly. But to such humble, honest ones God provides a light, a lamp, which shines now and will continue to shine in the dark places until the day dawn.2 Pet. 1:19.r1502 "OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT."
r1504 VOL. XIV. MARCH 15, 1893. NO. 6.
II. QUAR., LESSON I., APR. 2, MATT. 28:1-10.
Golden Text"Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruit of them that slept."1 Cor. 15:20.
The familiar account of the Lord's resurrection is before us, and the brief record calls up a train of reflections worthy of our deepest reverence and profoundest gratitude. In the resurrection of Christ we have the assurance that death shall not always have dominion over us. His death satisfied the claims of justice against us, and his resurrection is the proof to us of the Father's acceptance of his sacrificeour corresponding pricefor the cancellation of our debt.
So important was this feature of the divine plan that the Apostle says that if Christ be not risen our faith is vain and there is no evidence that our sins are forgiven. (1 Cor. 15:14-18.) "But," he adds, "now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruit [R1505 : page 90] of them that slept." (Verse 20.) And if the resurrection of Christ was but a first fruit, then the after fruits must in due time also appear. And so we read, "Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming when all that are in their graves shall hear his voice [the voice of the Son of God], and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment" [krisis, trial].John 5:28,29. And again we read that "God hath appointed a day [the Millennial age] in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained"Jesus Christ.Acts 17:31.
Thus in the resurrection of Christ we have assurance of a resurrection of all menboth of the Church and the world. The former are to have part in "his resurrection""the first resurrection"and are to be joint-heirs with him in his Millennial kingdom; they are to be kings and priests unto God, and of the "Seed" of promise through whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Rev. 20:6; Phil. 3:21; Rom. 8:17; Rev. 1:6; Gal. 3:29; Gen. 28:14), while the latter, through this risen and exalted body of which Christ Jesus is the head, are to be granted (offered) the blessings of full restitution to the former estate of human perfection lost in Eden,a full resurrection or lifting up to human perfection.Acts 3:19-21.
It is only the long deferment of the "appointed day" of resurrection or restitution that makes this hope and promise seem like an idle tale, but now the time draws very near, as all may see who study the evidences presented in MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vols. II. and III., "The Time is at Hand" and "Thy Kingdom Come."
In this lesson we have also a beautiful example of the loving devotion of some of the Lord's followersthe Marys who improved the very earliest opportunity to honor him whom they so loved. And their devotion was richly rewarded in being the very first to see the Lord and receive from him the message to bear to the other disciples.
For a particular account of our Lord's doings during the forty days after his resurrection, and the character of his change from natural to spiritual conditions, etc., see MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. II., pages 107-172.
The Book of Job is credited with being the finest piece of literature in the Hebrew language. It is a poem: and all scholars admit that no translation yet given does it justice. Martin Luther, after reviewing his last effort to translate it into the German, said, "Job is suffering more from my version than from the taunts of his friends, and would prefer his dunghill to my translation of his lamentation." The Book of Job "is admitted, with hardly a dissenting voice, to be the most sublime religious poem in the literature of the world," said Samuel Cox. "I call that one of the grandest things ever written with pen....There is nothing written, in the Bible and out of it, of equal literary merit," said Thomas Carlisle.
Whoever was used of God as the penman, his name is not given. The book is introduced with a prose narrative of Job's losses and sufferings, and of his patient endurance, then follow the poetic colloquies between Job and his three friends, then Elihu's argument, then the Almighty's address, then Job's confession. The conclusion, relating Job's return to favor and blessing, and his death, is in prose.
Some have assumed that the Book of Job is merely a parable and Job himself, therefore, merely an imaginary character. But if this were the case, the teachings of the book would not be different. However, we see no cause to doubt that such a person did live and pass through the experiences related. In Ezek. 14:14 and James 5:11, Job is classed with other holy men, which would not be the case were [R1505 : page 91] this narrative merely a parable. Besides, there are particular details given (respecting Job, his family and friends, and especially Elihu's genealogy), such as are not common to parables.
The fact that Job lived one hundred and forty years after his adversities, or in all probably over two hundred years, together with the fact that neither he nor his friends make any allusion to Israel or Moses or the Law, nor to Abraham and God's covenant made with him, seems to indicate beyond doubt that he belonged to the Patriarchal age; possibly living about the same time as Abraham. His home was evidently in Arabia and probably not far from Palestine.
Job is introduced as a man of great learning and influence; as a man of great piety who knew and reverenced God and appreciated justice; as a man of great generosity, who considered the widow and the orphaned; and as a merchant-prince of great wealth, who, by his numerous servants and three hundred camels, carried on an extended and very prosperous traffic. Suddenly disaster came upon him and he was bereft of his children, his wealth, his influence and his health. He sought in vain for an explanation as to why God should permit such evils to befall him, yet still trusted in God, saying, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,"while his wife urged that it had been without divine appreciation that he had sought to do justice and mercy all his life, and exclaimed, "Curse God and die!"
His three friends came to visit him, and, taking much the same view, told him in lengthy argument that he must have been a great sinner and a hypocrite. But, conscious of his own heart-honesty toward God, Job defends himself and goes to too great an extreme in declaring his innocence, but silences his critics. He seems to realize his need of some one to represent his cause before the Lord, and cries out that he is as righteous as he knows how to be; that he cannot reason the matter with God, being so much beneath him in knowledge and power; that the wilfully wicked are not so troubled, while he who has pursued righteousness is so afflicted that life has no further pleasure and he wishes he had never been born. (Chapters 9, 10 and 16.) Feeling his own insufficiency [R1506 : page 91] to state his case before the great Jehovah he desires "a days-man [i.e., a mediator] betwixt" God and himself.Chapters 9:33; 16:21.
Job's masterly reply to the false reasonings of his friends (which many improperly quote as inspired), and his expressions of confidence in God and of his ultimate deliverance, are clearly presented in Chapter 13:1-16. And then with prophetic wisdom, in Chapter 14, he presents a most wonderful statement of the course of God's dealing with mankind.
The question which perplexed Job and confused his reasonings was the same that for centuries has confused others of God's people; namely, Why does God permit evil (calamities, afflictions, etc.) to come upon his faithful servants? and why are the wicked permitted to flourish? But not until the Gospel dispensation was it possible for any to know the mind of God on this subject; for it is one of the "deep things" which could only be revealed by the Spirit of God, and only to those begotten of that spirit as Paul explains. (1 Cor. 2:10-14.) And the Holy Spirit was not thus given, as a guide and teacher, until after Christ had redeemed us and ascended up on high, there to present his sacrifice as the price of our return to divine favor, peace and communion.
Although many are still in the dark on this subject, it is now open and clear to all the earnest ones to whom "it is granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven," to understand "the deep things of God." (Matt. 13:11; 1 Cor. 2:10.) These see that the reign of evil, the reign of sin and death, under Satan, the prince of this world, is permitted for two reasons: first, that all men may gain a full experience of the exceeding sinfulness of sin and the bitterness of its legitimate fruit; and secondly, that God's people may be fully tried and tested as to their loyalty to God in the shadow of affliction and trial, as well as in the sunshine of health and prosperity. Thus, while God did not directly cause the evil state of things which surrounds us in nature and among men, but let it come upon men as the legitimate result [R1506 : page 92] or fruit of disobedience, sin, yet he does make use of even the wrath of man and the sins of men and the animosity of Satan to work out grand designs which they do not comprehend, and of which his children know only by faith in his Word of revelation. For instance, how little did Satan and those malicious Jewish priests and Pharisees and those heartless Roman soldiers know that they were assisting in the working out of the divine plan when tempting, mocking, insulting and crucifying the Lamb of God! And so it is with the many afflictions of God's peopleespecially those of the "little flock," "the bride of Christ,"they are designed to fit and polish them for the greater usefulness and honor in the future developments of God's great plan; and thus, regardless of the wilfulness or the ignorance of the persecutors, these trials of faith and patience are working out for such a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glorypreparing the called ones to be heirs of glory, by cultivating (in those who are properly exercised by such experiences), patience, experience, brotherly sympathy and lovewhich is God-like-ness. Such, and such only, can rejoice in tribulation and realize that all things (bad, as well as good, unfavorable, as well as favorable) will be overruled in God's providence for their ultimate benefit.
But, returning to our consideration of Job, let us note in Chapter 14 some of his prophetic wisdom. The first four verses graphically picture what all of experience realizethat human life under present conditions is full of trial and sorrow, from the cradle to the tomb. And Job shows that he realizes that as a son of fallen parentage he could not be perfect, free from sin, "clean," in the full sense of that word.
In verses 5,6, he tells the Lord that he recognizes the fact that the authority and power to limit man's days are in his hands, but urges (not seeing the ministry of trouble), Why not let me and all men live out our short time in peaceeven as we would not afflict a hireling who already has a heavy, burdensome task!
Verses 7-10 are close reasonings respecting the utter hopelessness of man in death, so far as any powers of his own are concerned. A tree may die and yet its root retain life, which, under favorable conditions may spring up into another tree. But when man dies there is no root left, no spark of life remainshe giveth up the spirit of life, and where is he?
Having confessed that there is no ground for hope inherent in man, Job begins to express the only, the real hope of our racea resurrectionsee verses 12,13. Man lies down in death and loses all power to arouse himselfnor can he be resuscitated from the sleep of death by anyone, until God's due timethe resurrection morning, the Millennial daywhen the present symbolic "heavens" shall have passed away, and the "new heavens" or new spiritual ruling powerChrist's Kingdomshall have come into control of the world. In this Job fully agrees with the teachings of our Lord and the apostles.
The more he thinks of that blessed time when evil shall no more have dominion, but when a King shall reign in righteousness and princes execute judgment, the more he wishes that he might die and be at rest, and exclaims (verse 13), "Oh, that thou would'st hide me in the grave [sheol]; that thou would'st keep me secret [hidden] until thy wrath be past; that thou would'st appoint me a set time and remember me." Job had faith in a resurrection, else he would never have uttered this prayer for death,for hiding in the grave. But he preferred death, and desired to "sleep" (verse 12) until the "morning," for one reason onlythat he might have no further experience with sin and with God's wrathevil.
While a short period in the end of the Gospel age is specially called "the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God," because it will be "A time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation," yet the entire period from the time when Adam fell is called a time of divine wrath, and properly so, because in all this long period "the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness," in a variety of ways. While love is a controlling principle in the divine government, it can operate only in harmony with justice and wisdom; and it was both just and wise to let man feel the real weight of condemnation to death [R1506 : page 93] incurred by wilful transgression, in order that when love should in due time provide a ransom and a resurrection, the culprit might the more gladly avail himself of the provided favors of restitution and everlasting life. Thus, death and all the evils now permitted to come upon the culprit race (in which also the "new creatures in Christ" are given a share, for their development in grace) are manifestations of God's wrath which will be yet further shown in the great time of trouble; to be followed by full and clear manifestations of divine love and favor in Christ and the glorified Church during the Millennial age.Rom. 1:18.
Job desired to be hidden in the grave until the reign of sin and death should be ended;until in due time the light of the goodness of God, shining in the face of Jesus Christ, our Lord, shall bless all nations;until, as the Sun of Righteousness, Christ shall shine upon humanity with healing beams. It was for this culmination that Job longed and prayed and waited.
In verses 14 and 15, he puts the question pointedly, as though to determine and settle his faith; but he immediately answers affirmatively. "Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee [and awake out of the sleep of Adamic death. Compare John 5:28,29]: Thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands"for his people are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.Eph. 2:10.
When Job had refuted the arguments of his three friends, Elihu (whose name signifies, God himself) spoke from a different standpoint, reproving the three friends as well as Job himself. Elihu shows Job that he had been reasoning in part from a wrong premisethat he must not expect to fully comprehend all the ways of one so far above him, but must trust in God's justice and in his wisdom. And in Chapter 33:23,24 he shows the one thing needful to man's recovery from the power of death and his restoration to divine favor, saying, "If there be with him a messenger as defender, one of a thousand [i.e., a rare one] to declare his own righteousness for man, then will God be gracious unto him [man] and say, Release him from going down to the grave: I have found a ransom."
This is indeed the case with man. God's wisdom and justice cannot be impugnedthe sentence of death is justly upon all men through father Adam (Rom. 5:12), but God has provided us "a days-man," an advocate, Christ Jesus our Lord; and he, in harmony with the Father's plan, became a man, and then gave himself a ransom-price for all by paying the death-penalty that was upon Adam. And as soon as "the bride," otherwise called "his body" and "the temple," is complete, this great Mediator will stand forward to declare his righteousness as for or applicable to every one who will accept it when brought to a full knowledge of God's provision.
Then will follow restitution, as pictured in verses 25 and 26. Physically these for whom the Mediator stands shall be restored to a perennial youth, in which death and decay will find no place: they shall find acceptance and communion with God in joy and peace; and he will restore to them the original perfection lost through sin in Eden. But an acknowledgment of God's justice and that the restitution was unmerited will be required as is indicated by verses 27,28: "He will chant it before men, and say: I have sinned and perverted the right; and it was not requited me. He has redeemed my soul from going into the pit and [R1507 : page 93] my life that it may be brought to the light."
In conclusion Jehovah addresses Job, reproving his temerity in attempting, with his little knowledge, to judge God. This Job acknowledges, and finds peace in trusting God. Job's three friends, however, are severely reproved by God; but when their sacrifice is offered for them by Job they are restored to divine favor, while at once Job's prosperity returnshis friends and influence, the same number of children as before, and his wealth exactly doubled,for he had twice as many flocks and herds and camels.
This ending of Job's career with a general restitution, is incomprehensible to those who have never seen that the plan of God in Christ provides for a time of restitution of all things lost in Adam, to all of his race who will accept them under the terms of the New Covenant. (Acts 3:19-21.) But those who do see this plan of God can readily see, too, that Job's experience [R1507 : page 94] was not only actual, but also typical. He seems to represent mankind. Man was at first in divine likeness and favor with all things made subject to him. (Psa. 8:4-8.) Because of Adam's sin Satan* obtained an influence in human affairs which has resulted in degradation, sickness and death; but God has never really forsaken his creatures, and is even now waiting to be gracious unto all in and through Christ Jesus our Lord.
II. QUAR., LESSON II., APRIL 9, JOB 5:17-27.
Golden Text"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth."Heb. 12:6.
This lesson is from the words of Eliphaz, whom God reproved for speaking unadvisedly according to human philosophy. It was his own wisdom as expressed in verse 27. The same false impressions prevail in many minds, dark respecting God's dealings with his children. The Golden Text expresses the true view.
II. QUAR., LESSON III., APRIL 16, JOB 23:1-10.
Golden Text"What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter."John 13:7.
II. QUAR., LESSON IV., APRIL 23, JOB 42:1-10.
Golden Text"Ye have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord: that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy."James 5:11.r1507 ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM EARNEST WORKERS. |
Opioids and experiences that simulate the deadening effects of narcotics are mechanisms to keep us submissive and depoliticized. Desperate citizens in Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel “Brave New World” ingested the pleasure drug soma to check out of reality. Our own versions of soma allow tens of millions of Americans to retreat daily into addictive mousetraps that generate a self-induced autism.
The United States consumes 80 percent of opioids used worldwide, and more than 33,000 died in this country in 2015 from opioid overdoses. There are 300 million prescriptions written and $24 billion spent annually in the U.S. for painkillers. Americans supplement this mostly legal addiction with over $100 billion a year in illicit marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin. And nearly 14 million U.S. adults, one in every 13, regularly abuse alcohol.
But these monetary figures are far less than what we spend on gambling. Americans in 2013 lost $119 billion gambling, with an additional $70 billion—or $300 for every adult in the country—spent on lottery tickets.
Federal and state governments, reliant on tax revenues from legal gambling and on lottery ticket sales, will do nothing to halt the expansion of the industry or the economic and psychological toll it exacts on those in financial distress. State-run lottery games had sales of $73.9 billion in 2015, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. This revenue is vital to budgets beset by declining incomes, deindustrialization and austerity. “State lotteries provided more revenue than state corporate-income taxes in 11 of the 43 states where they were legal, including Delaware, Rhode Island, and South Dakota,” Derek Thompson wrote in The Atlantic. “The poorest third of households buy half of all lotto tickets,” he noted. Gambling is a stealth tax on poor people hoping to beat the nearly impossible odds. Governmental income from gambling is an effort to make up for the taxes the rich and corporations no longer pay.
Slot machines and other electronic gambling devices are engineered to draw us into an Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit hole. They, like our personal computers and hand-held devices, cater to the longing to flee from the oppressive world of dead-end jobs, crippling debt and social stagnation and a dysfunctional political system. We become rats in a Skinner box, frantically pulling levers until we are addicted and finally entranced by our compulsion to achieve fleeting, intermittent and adrenaline-driven rewards. Much like what happens to people using slot machines, the pigeons or rats in Skinner’s experiments that did not know when they would get a reward, or how much they would get, became the most heavily addicted to operating the levers or pedals. Indeed, Skinner used slot machines as a metaphor for his experiments.
The engineers of America’s gambling industry are as skillful at forming addiction as the country’s top five opioid producers—Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson, Insys Therapeutics, Mylan and Depomed. There are 460 commercial casinos, 486 tribal casinos, 350 card rooms, 55 racetracks and hundreds of thousands of gaming devices, many located in convenience stores, gas stations, bars, airports and even supermarkets.
The rush of anticipation, available in 20-second bursts, over hours, days, weeks and months creates an addictive psychological “zone” that the industry calls “continuous gaming productivity.” Heart rates and blood pressure rise. Time, space, the value of money and human relationships hypnotically dissolve. A state of extreme social isolation occurs.
Gambling addicts, like many addicts, are often driven to crime, bankruptcy and eventual imprisonment. Many lose everything—their marriages, their families, their jobs, their emotional health and sometimes their lives. Gambling addicts have the highest rate of suicide attempts among addicts of any kind—1 in 5, or 20 percent—according to the National Council on Problem Gambling.
Donald Trump is in large part a product of gambling culture. His career has not been about making products but about selling intangible and fleeting experiences. He preys on the desperate by offering them escapist fantasies. This world is about glitter, noise and hype—Trump called the Trump Taj Mahal, his now-closed casino, “the eighth wonder of the world.” The more money you spent, the greater your “value,” the more you were pampered, given free hotel rooms and gifts, handed passes to special “clubs” with lavish buffets. Scantily clad hostesses hovered around you serving complimentary drinks. If you spent big, you were invited to exclusive parties attended by supermodels and famous athletes. Decorated chips—some featuring a photo of Donald Trump—turned cash into a species of Monopoly money. But in the end, when you were broke, when there was no more money in your bank account and your credit cards were maxed out, you were thrown back, in even greater financial distress, into the dreary universe you tried to obliterate.
Roger Caillois, the French sociologist, wrote that the pathologies of a culture are captured in the games the culture venerates. Old forms of gambling such as blackjack and poker allowed the gambler to take risks, make decisions and even, in his or her mind, achieve a kind of individualism or heroism at the gambling table. They provided a way, it can be argued, to assert an alternative identity for a brief moment. But the newer form, machine gambling, is an erasure of the self. Slot machines, which produce 85 percent of the profits at casinos, are, as the sociologist Henry Lesieur wrote, an “addiction delivery device.” They are “electronic morphine,” “the crack cocaine of gambling.” They are not about risk or about making decisions, but about creating somnambulism, putting a player into a trancelike state that can last for hours. It is a pathway, as sociologist Natasha Dow Schüll points out, to becoming the walking dead. This yearning for a state of nonbeing is what Sigmund Freud called “the death instinct.” It is the overpowering drive by a depressed and traumatized person to seek pleasure in a self-destructive activity that ultimately kills the organism.
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“It is not the chance of winning to which they become addicted,” Schüll writes in “Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas,” “rather, what addicts them is the world-dissolving state of subjective suspension and affective calm they derive from machine play.”
Gamblers are closely tracked by the casino industry. The length of time gamblers spend on machines increases the profits for the casino. The science of keeping people in front of slot machines—called “time on device” within the industry—has led to the creation of ergonomic consoles, the appealing, warm screens on slot machines, seductive video graphics and surround-sound acoustics.
The industry also invests heavily in surveillance. Gamblers carry player or loyalty cards. They insert these cards into the slot machines when they play. These cards, linked to a central database, are used by the industry to build profiles of gamblers. The value and frequency of bets are captured, along with wins and losses. The industry knows when the players take breaks, where and what they eat in the casinos, what they drink and what hotel rooms they select. Slowly the traits and the habits of the gambler, triangulated with demographic data, are pieced together to allow the industry to build a personal profile. With the profile, the casino determines at what point a player will accumulate too many losses and too much pain and is about to walk away from a machine. A few moments before that pain level is reached, a hostess will magically appear with a free drink, a voucher for a meal or tickets to a show. Casinos can also use profiles to project how much a player will spend gambling during his or her lifetime.
The industry was the human laboratory for refinements now incorporated into the security and surveillance organs of the state. “Many surveillance and marketing innovations first used in casinos were only later adapted to other domains,” Schüll writes, “including airports, financial trading floors, consumer shopping malls, insurance agencies, banks, and government programs like Homeland Security.”
“They have an algorithm that senses your pain points, your sweet spots,” Schüll told me. “The zone is a term that I kept hearing over and over again as I went to gamblers’ anonymous meetings and spoke to gambling addicts. This really describes a state of flow where time, space, monetary value and other people fall away. You might say a state of flow, or the zone, sounds very different from the thrills and suspense of gambling. But what the casinos have hit upon is that [they] actually make more money when [they] design a flow space into these machines. People don’t even know that they’re losing. They just sit there. Again, it’s time on machines.”
“When you look at contemporary slot machines, they don’t operate on volatility,” she continued. “One designer of the mathematics and algorithm of these games said we want an algorithm that makes you feel like you are reclining on a couch. The curves, architecture and the softly pixelated lights, they want you to sit back and go with the flow. I just couldn’t make sense of that for the longest time in my research. Gamblers would say, ‘It’s so weird, but sometimes when I win a big jackpot I feel angry and frustrated.’ What they’re playing for is not to win, but to stay in the zone. Winning disrupts that because suddenly the machine is frozen, it’s not letting you keep going. What are you going to do with that winning anyway? You’re just going to feed it back into the machines. This is more about mood modulation. Affect modulation. Using technologies to dampen anxieties and exit the world. We don’t just see it in Las Vegas. We see it in the subways every morning. The rise of all of these screen-based technologies and the little games that we’ve all become so absorbed in. What gamblers articulate is a desire to really lose a sense of self. They lose time, space, money value, and a sense of being in the world. What is that about? What does that say? How do we diagnose that?”
“It’s the flip side to the incredible pressure, which is experienced as a burden, to self-manage, to make choices, to always be maximizing as you’re living life in this entrepreneurial mode,” she said. “We talk about this as the subjective side of the neoliberal agenda, where pressure is put on individuals to regulate themselves. In this case, they are regulating themselves, but they are regulating themselves away from that. This really is a mode of escape. It’s not action gambling. This is escape gambling. You can see it on their faces. The consequences and ethics are distasteful. It’s predatory. It’s predation on a type of escape where people are driven to exit the world. They’re not trying to win. The casinos are trying to win. They are trying to make revenue. They’re kind of in a partnership with the gamblers, but it’s a very asymmetrical partnership. The gamblers don’t want to win. They want to just keep going. Some people have likened gamblers to factory workers who are alienated by the machine. I don’t see it that way. This is more about machines designed to synchronize with what you want—in this case escape—and [to] profit from that.”
Trump understands this longing for escape and the art of creating an updated version of P.T. Barnum’s “Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan & Hippodrome.” Trump used his skills as a con artist to pull in hundreds of millions of dollars and then to achieve the presidency.
“People have called it a mode of ludo-capitalism,” Schüll said. “In a way, you can connect that to the ludo-politics that we see. Pleasure. To get what you want. What you want is to escape into a flow, to be taken away. We see this in the political domain a lot—in the rallies, in the surging of feelings, the distraction. If you look at the way a casino is designed, and you remember that Trump is a designer of many casinos, including his non-casino properties, they follow the same design logic of disorientation and trying to sweep people away from themselves, away from rationality, away from a position where they have clear lines of sight and can act as decision-making subjects. You see that on the floors of casinos, you see that in political rhetoric today.”
The corporate state will expand our access to a variety of opioids and numbing situations to temporarily alleviate our stress, financial dislocations, depression and anxiety. Aided by state and local governments, it will build new pleasure palaces. It will lure millions into its glittering and seductive Venus’ flytraps. It will make sure we have tempting retreats within easy reach to achieve a death-in-life experience. Much of the society will be put to sleep. Those who refuse to become zombies, who rise up to resist, who seek at all costs to remain distinct individuals, will be silenced with the corporate state’s cruder tool for submission: force. |
Pretty much every business has manual procedures. They are wasteful, inclined to blunders and lead to representative fulfillments. RPA is one of the main computerization arrangements of today.
Contingent upon your involvement with RPA, you may have distinctive inquiries, we have every one of the appropriate responses. The most well-known demand we get is the rundown of all RPA instruments and sellers.
Other regular inquiries are about:
What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? [Separate article]
For what reason is RPA so important today?
What are the advantages of RPA? [Separate article]
Comprehend and contrast RPA instruments with recognize the apparatus you require
Setting up a RPA merchant waitlist:
Comprehend RPA merchant scene
Pick the procedure to be robotized so you can set up your necessities
Utilize our agenda for target RPA seller appraisal
Utilize our merchant rundown to set up a short rundown inside minutes
Assess whether to procure RPA experts. On the off chance that you procure them, think about 150+ best RPA specialists
Pursue these tips to transform your next computerization venture into an example of overcoming adversity
Dodge these RPA traps [Separate article]
Adapting progressively about RPA:
Find RPA meetings where you can take in more [Separate article]
For a total guide on RPA:
For what reason is RPA so applicable today?
Nobody needs manual procedures. During the 2000s, pretty much every Fortune 500 put resources into minimal effort nations or worked with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firms to redistribute their manual procedures. Be that as it may, while this virtual work source was a lot less expensive than the nearby ability, it was still exorbitant and inclined to blunders.
Most organizations today wipe out manual procedures on account of advances in computerized reasoning and machine learning. So at whatever point your organization has a manual procedure, it is a decent chance to ask yourself: How would we be able to computerize this procedure? As should be obvious in our far reaching guide on Robotic Process Automation (RPA), mechanical process computerization programming, additionally called automated mechanization, can help robotize most manual procedures. Be that as it may, however RPAs benefits are various, despite everything you have to pick the privilege RPA stage to boost how your business’ advantages from RPA.
To begin with, you can peruse our guide, it’s extraordinary, it’s extensive yet there’s an alternate route: We can pick the correct merchants for you dependent on the business, size, area and necessities of your business:
In the event that you need to find out about seller determination, if it’s not too much trouble perused on.
Comprehend and contrast RPA apparatuses with recognize the instrument you require
Basically RPA bots are programming robots that entire explicit automatable exercises. There are 4 sorts of mechanical process mechanization apparatuses available.
Indeed, even before RPA programming, undertakings were utilizing robotization apparatuses. Workers were computerizing straightforward procedures with exceed expectations robotization, macros and basic hacks. These arrangements were not adaptable or economical but rather they expanded profitability of individual representatives.
Original RPA devices were programmable bots that required explicit data sources.
Intellectual or insightful computerization bots enlarge programmable bots with cutting edge usefulness like Natural Language Processing, picture acknowledgment or machine learning. These bots have expanded capacities in connecting with unstructured information and can be viable in basic leadership. To accomplish this usefulness, arrangement suppliers for the most part unite administrations from a few organizations, for example, NLP API suppliers and RPA suppliers. Peruse our article on psychological RPA for more information.
Self-learning apparatuses are being produced. These instruments watch representatives in real life, comprehend forms, assume control forms when they achieve certainty and request human info in the event that they get totally new information. Be that as it may, they are for the most part restricted to PoCs and are not typical yet.
Look at our article on RPA apparatuses for more data on RPA devices.
Comprehend RPA seller scene in 2 minutes
To pick a RPA programming seller, you should comprehend the RPA merchant scene and contrast merchants with pick the most appropriate seller for your business. Assessing merchants and influencing the correct seller appraisal to can be a tedious exertion.
These are the principle sorts of RPA sellers:
Built up innovation suppliers
Organizations like Pegasystems or Kofax were propelled in 1990s to help with different digitization needs of organizations.
For instance, Kofax at first settled itself as a computerized change seller offering administrations like report digitization, e-marks. Utilizing their associations with organizations, process learning and comprehension of progress the executives in organizations, they propelled RPA items.
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first wave RPA centered sellers
Established in 2000s, these sellers are centered around giving RPA arrangements and right now achieved huge scale. At first they gave and later consummated programmable bot arrangements. At present, they are centered around enhancing propelled capacities of their bots, offering intellectual robotization abilities. A few models in this gathering are:
Blue Prism previously opened up to the world and works about various Fortune 500 clients
UiPath, established in 2005, works for 6 of Fortune 10, 8 of world’s best 20 money related administrations associations
second wave RPA centered merchants
Established in 2010s, these merchants are centered around giving most recent age RPA arrangements like psychological or smart mechanization. They are scaling up as endeavors understand the estimation of subjective computerization.
They were established when rule based, programmable RPA arrangements were picking up ubiquity. Their attention has been on taking care of increasingly complex issues. Such issues would require a huge programming exertion for guideline based bots to settle. So their answers consolidate psychological or taking in bots that gain from representatives’ activities.
A few sellers are adding new capacities to their offering past RPA. For instance WorkFusion is putting forth chatbots coordinated to its RPA bots. These organizations will go out on a limb for market disturbance. For instance, WorkFusion’s putting forth of free-as-in-lager RPA arrangement was one of the free first free offers on business sectors and will draw in consideration.
These organizations likewise will in general have a solid foundation in science: For instance, Max Yankelevich, CEO of WorkFusion, functioned as a specialist in MIT and utilized a few his examination in building psychological bots that learn by watching representatives.
Up and coming RPA merchants had some expertise in imaginative RPA arrangements
As of late, extent of RPA has developed essentially as we shrouded in our segment on various kinds of RPA. Therefore, specific RPA organizations are on the ascent. As we shrouded in our eventual fate of RPA article, we see these as the territories of center for new RPA organizations:
No code RPA: Companies create RPA arrangements that don’t require coding. This encourages and accelerates RPA improvement. A model is Argos Labs. For additional, you can peruse our article on no code RPA.
Self-learning RPA: Companies work to create RPA arrangements that learn forms dependent on screen catch recordings and other framework log information. A model is FortressIQ
Psychological RPA: Though this is an energizing territory of advancement for RPA arrangements, RPA sellers will in general re-appropriate this to the engineers in their commercial centers, as opposed to handle it all alone.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) suppliers
Organizations like Infosys from India previously run various procedures for huge organizations. It is just intelligent that these organizations are endeavoring to mechanize the procedures they assumed control from different organizations. Therefore, they have collected huge skill in RPA.
The majority of these organizations don’t have their own RPA arrangements nonetheless, they shaped associations with RPA arrangement suppliers and offer turn-key answers for organizations. This model enables organizations to concentrate on business while BPO supplier robotizes the procedure so it is an intriguing option for organizations that have issues overseeing everyday business with their present headcount.
BPOs can likewise utilize RPA arrangements in-house to offer modest process re-appropriating answers for automatable procedures. They comprehend the procedure and robotize it while redistributing it. In this model, their work force likewise handles edge cases that can interfere with bot tasks. This is a fairly bother free and viable model for business process redistributing for organizations that would prefer not to manage the complexities of robotization.
Since you realize the business scene, the time has come to set up your short rundown of sellers.
Pick the procedure to be computerized so you can be explicit in your prerequisites
To distinguish the vital RPA choice criteria for your business, it is great to comprehend what are great applicant forms for RPA computerization at your organization. We have a complete guide on prevalent procedures for RPA mechanization and a RPA control that incorporates ventures to figure out which forms in your organization are great possibility for RPA robotization.
In the event that you don’t have the bandwith to pick the correct procedures, there are various organizations including framework integrators and Big 4 offering RPA counseling administrations. You can peruse progressively about this in our RPA counseling guide.
Since you realize the procedures to be robotized, you can comprehend which properties of RPA merchants are increasingly applicable for your business. For instance, you ought to consider computerizing some portion of your competitor forms with RPA to perceive how simple to-utilize the RPA device is. |
If you wish to acquire Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Highland Dunes , look for top quality timber joinery. In case a item is glued together or maybe if fingernails or toenails and screws are used to maintain the furniture piece with each other, it does not final lengthy. It is recommended to spend more money to get a Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Highland Dunes with a few superb wooden joinery focus on it. Really glance at the legs for any Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Highland Dunes you are interested in purchasing. Individuals hip and legs need to have to not only assistance excess weight, they'll even be in touch with your flooring. Once they look like they'll do injury to your flooring as a result of components employed (like steel), then you might want to select a different fashion. When choosing Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Highland Dunes for your living area, choose simple colors. It is possible to change the colours and also other furnishings of your area by shifting highlights, fresh paint and other stuff. Because of this, you can actually change up the design of your living room without spending lots of money.
Top Best Patio Cushions Reviews
When there is any one factor that you can switch to make spending eight hours each day in an workplace simpler, its your seat. There is no lack of evidence showing that becoming stuck in a seat for too much time can improve the chance of coronary disease and worsen lower back pain. Actually, sitting too much is even known as worse than smoking. Many those who have workplace work develop problems like pins and needles, spinal misalignment, pain, neck discomfort, and herniated dvds generally from sitting too long on a low quality chair with out assistance. While you probably don't want to spend a lot of money on a chair, a high-quality ergonomic chair is definitely an investment in your health, comfort and productivity. Two separate research, published in 1990 and 2003, found productivity rises greater than 17% when individuals work in an ergonomic desk environment by having an flexible chair. The right chair combined with ergonomic desk instruction may also decrease workplace accidents. Even though you may not curently have wrist or back again problems, an chair can help you maintain the right position to avoid stress, carpel tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, and spine disc injuries. The Nation's Start of Health recommends choosing a chair with all of the required alterations in assistance correct position. This includes a chair with casters along with a five-point base a seat skillet with thick, small-cell foam cushioning or circles a back rest that's possibly bent or small enough to fit the small of the back soft armrests by having an flexible peak and thickness a gas chair warmth adjustment feature along with a tilt adjustment to transfer some body fat towards the seats back rest.
1.Barbados 12 Piece Outdoor Cushion Set By TK Classics
Read more about Barbados 12 Piece Outdoor Cushion Set By TK Classics
The Lawson might be known as quintessential United states sofa style. It is comfy and straightforward: The boxy shape is generous and characteristically has three back cushions in addition to 3 chair cushions. The classic Lawson also offers A taller back again and box-formed soft cushions which have welts in the edges, just like the rear cushions. Ideal for snuggling and napping, this couch style was created for Jones Lawson, a united states copper mineral magnate in the change from the century. He desired a sofa that was quite different from the fussy Victorian designs which were typical at that time. Current versions of the Lawson can also incorporate metal or wood contained in the arms. Most significantly, this sofa style is the one that will change its feel using the textile you choose for that furniture. The form is so flexible that it may be glamorous, magnificent, industrial, informal or official depending on your material choice.
2.Indoor/Outdoor Sunbrella Bench Cushion By Mozaic Company
Read more about Indoor/Outdoor Sunbrella Bench Cushion By Mozaic Company
With nearly 100 5-celebrity evaluations, this reclining loveseat is recommended for its comfort, sturdiness, look and ease of set up. Along with gentle, but encouraging cushions, it provides a sliding system, so that you can put your feet up and rock (though, not at the same time.) Padded with extremely-long lasting bonded leather, this reclining loveseat will resist tears, releases and stainswhich is a great thing, because it also includes a storage space compartment console (where you can conceal your snacks, of course) and a two-cup holder. Regardless of whether youre deciding in for a Netflix excessive or watching soccer together with your crew, this reclining loveseat provides the comfort and durability with out breaking the bank.
3.Plain Indoor/Outdoor Sunbrella Lounge Chair Cushion By Ivy Bronx
Read more about Plain Indoor/Outdoor Sunbrella Lounge Chair Cushion By Ivy Bronx
When the Chesterfield is the elegant man amongst sofas, the Cabriole may be the grande dame. Noted for its exposed wooden and stylish legs, similar to the Louis XV period, the cabriole also has a distinctive outline. It was also a popular form within the function of Plain Indoor/Outdoor Sunbrella Lounge Chair Cushion producer Thomas Chippendale. Typically, the back is one constant item with out soft cushions and it has a stylish curving line. This particular cabriole version consists of gems in the tufts for additional glamour. It is a couch style that may be as basic or opulent as you wish. Upholstered having a luxury materials like purple velvet yields a significantly different style feeling than whether it were upholstered inside a much more moderate, textural neutral. The main aura of elegance derives from its overall form and lithe thighs meaning it will always give a processed air to a space.
4.Nivala Indoor/Outdoor Seat Cushion (Set of 2) By Pillow Perfect
Read more about Nivala Indoor/Outdoor Seat Cushion (Set of 2) By Pillow Perfect
This established includes a 1 remaining arm sofa set, two armless couch sets, and one part couch established. This gives enough space to accommodate your family and friends. The material is 100% polyester for enough comfort and durability. The good thing about this couch established is the mixing and matching of seats in the available space within the room for any ideal form. And also enables fitting even in small areas. It requires just light assembling.It also functions drive cushions for optimum comfort. You might want to try this established. It does the job nicely.
5.Coast Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Cover By TK Classics
Read more about Coast Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Cover By TK Classics
This sofa is appreciated for its unique style and comfort. Its striking pazazz-arm couch with seats provides you with maximum room for stretching out and using your room. So usually the modern sofa chaise adds to the great thing about this set. The set also includes cushion leading hands cushioned back again and seats for maximum comfort and ease. The sofa includes a corner-blocked wood body that gives the couch sufficient toughness. The sofa measures 89 inches wide x 62 in . in depth by 4 in . tall which makes it suitable for moderate dimension rooms. You may want to do small putting together for example of the legs.
6.Indoor/Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Alcott Hill
Read more about Indoor/Outdoor Chaise Lounge Cushion By Alcott Hill
Although this lying loveseat has a heftier cost, its classic design, options for customization and automated reclining program allow it to be well worth the money. Its hand made wood frame is padded with lower mix cushions for any softer really feel than youd get from higher-denseness foam soft cushions, and also the furniture is available in an astonishing 72 color and material combinations. The availability of a lot of options causes it to be extra easy to pair this lying loveseat with various designs, materials, highlights and dcor styles. In addition, if you have children or animals (or both!), you can select a stronger, spot-proof material. 1 client discussed that the Sunbrella fabric material has held up nicely against her children and pets. This lying loveseat may have a classic, aged-college look, but its constructed-in technology is anything but. It doesn't only have an automated lying program (that will give you a full recline, with your foot rest completely parallel towards the chair), but it features a USB interface for using or just charging your apple ipad, iPhone, Kindle or laptop computer.
7.Seapoint Indoor/Outdoor Lounge Chair Cushion By Pillow Perfect
Read more about Seapoint Indoor/Outdoor Lounge Chair Cushion By Pillow Perfect
British folded equip sofas are extra comfy thanks to the large, soft cushions at the back and for the chairs. Reduced hands are comfy for lying down and also the exposed legs bare this couch style from feeling overweight or impacting. It actually came from at the change of the hundred years and could be related to something typical of the English countryside. Distinguishing qualities generally consist of low uncovered thighs, gentle, generous soft cushions, a good back again and recessed hands. Though it may be regarded as a classic style, it is also a perfect addition to a contemporary space because of its comfy and versatile look.
8.Manhattan Outdoor 4 Piece Lounge Chair Cushion Set By TK Classics
Read more about Manhattan Outdoor 4 Piece Lounge Chair Cushion Set By TK Classics
This is the subsequent sofa on our checklist. It's extra comfortable and incredibly well suited for little rooms or loft residing. It is upholstered in rayon fabric, prospects inset control keys that provide a stylish gemstone-tufted design. It is made from durable supplies and the thighs are made of long lasting wooden to increase its sturdiness. The loveseat has an espresso stained wood thighs and non-marking feet caps. It includes a comfortable foam padding and polyester fabric furniture which makes it very luxurious. It has a longue place that gives an exceptional space for relaxing.
9.Zelda Indoor/Outdoor Lounge Chair Cushion By Latitude Run
Read more about Zelda Indoor/Outdoor Lounge Chair Cushion By Latitude Run
Typically now used in homes with a living room or open up floor plan, they are often large configurations that chair plenty of guests. In smaller sized areas, they can be useful for seating within an area that has a strange part or any other room restriction. The ability to combine corner models, finish models and reclining areas based on room and individual choice makes this couch design super versatile. Sofa sofas are also available in a multitude of designs, from ultra modern or extremely luxe, to much more family-pleasant modern designs.
10.Coast Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Cover By TK Classics
Read more about Coast Indoor/Outdoor Cushion Cover By TK Classics
Does your living space show space needs? Are you currently willing to throw a slumber celebration within the mild of the absence of room to rest? This DHP Futon could be ideal for you in cases like this. This Futon mattress sofa by DHP includes the performance of the couch mattress having a contemporary and stylish appearance. Put it inside your living room to attain an extra sleepy mattress during the night. A microfiber ground that became popular in the centre would be a perfect combination. This amazing couch accompanies a tapestry with shiny chrome locks and thighs. Bringing together these results with each other inside a comfortable well-liked design couch. You may choose to get it in Faux Leather, Velvet or Linen. An element that is really worth specifying is its back design. In light of the different seats, DHP encourages the alteration from the sofa to your comfort levels. You can level up to have an computer animated babble, or for quiet moving image evening. |
Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University (officially Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, commonly referred to as LSU) is a public research university in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The university was founded in 1853 in what is now known as Pineville, Louisiana, under the name Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy. The current LSU main campus was dedicated in 1926, consists of more than 250 buildings constructed in the style of Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio, and the main campus historic district occupies a 650-acre (2.6 km²) plateau on the banks of the Mississippi River.
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
|Endowment||$845 million (2017 total for LSU System)|
|President||F. King Alexander|
|Students||30,863 (Fall 2017)|
|Campus||Urban 4,925 acres (19.93 km2)|
|Colors||Purple and Gold|
|Nickname||Tigers & Lady Tigers|
|Division I FBS – SEC|
|Mascot||Mike the Tiger|
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
|Location||Highland Road, Baton Rouge|
|Area||95 acres (38 ha)|
|Built by||Works Progress Administration|
|Architect||Theodore C. Link; Wogan & Bernard; Weiss, Dreyfous & Seiferth; Neild, Somdal & Neild|
|Architectural style||Italian Renaissance|
|NRHP reference #||88001586|
|Added to NRHP||September 15, 1988|
LSU is the flagship school of the state of Louisiana, as well the flagship institution of the Louisiana State University System, and is the most comprehensive university in Louisiana. In 2017, the university enrolled over 25,000 undergraduate and over 5,000 graduate students in 14 schools and colleges. Several of LSU's graduate schools, such as the E. J. Ourso College of Business and the Paul M. Hebert Law Center, have received national recognition in their respective fields of study. Designated as a land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant institution, LSU is also noted for its extensive research facilities, operating some 800 sponsored research projects funded by agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
LSU's athletics department fields teams in 21 varsity sports (9 men's, 12 women's), and is a member of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) and the SEC (Southeastern Conference). The university is represented by its mascot, Mike the Tiger.
Louisiana State University Agricultural & Mechanical College had its origin in several land grants made by the United States government in 1806, 1811, and 1827 for use as a seminary of learning. It was founded as a military academy and is still today steeped in military tradition, giving rise to the school's nickname "The Ole War Skule." In 1853, the Louisiana General Assembly established the Seminary of Learning of the State of Louisiana near Pineville in Rapides Parish in Central Louisiana. Modeled initially after Virginia Military Institute, the institution opened with five professors and nineteen cadets on January 2, 1860, with Colonel William Tecumseh Sherman as superintendent. The original location of the Old LSU Site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. On January 26, 1861, after only a year at the helm, Sherman resigned his position because Louisiana became the sixth state to secede from the Union. The school closed on June 30, 1861, with the start of the American Civil War.
During the course of the war, the university reopened briefly in April 1863, but was closed once again with the invasion of the Red River Valley by the Union Army. The losses sustained by the institution during the Union occupation were heavy, and after 1863 the seminary remained closed for the remainder of the Civil War. Following the surrender of the Confederates at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, General Sherman donated two cannons to the institution. These cannons had been captured from Confederate forces after the close of the war and had been used during the initial firing upon Fort Sumter in April 1861. The cannons are still displayed in front of LSU's Military Science/Aerospace Studies Building.
The seminary officially reopened its doors on October 2, 1865, only to be burned October 15, 1869. On November 1, 1869, the institution resumed its exercises in Baton Rouge, where it has since remained. In 1870, the name of the institution was officially changed to Louisiana State University.
Louisiana State University Agricultural & Mechanical College was established by an act of the legislature, approved April 7, 1874, to carry out the United States Morrill Act of 1862, granting lands for this purpose. It temporarily opened in New Orleans, June 1, 1874, where it remained until it merged with Louisiana State University in 1877. This prompted the final name change for the university to the Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College.
In 1905, LSU admitted its first female student, Miss R. O. Davis. She was admitted into a program to pursue a master's degree. The following year, 1906, LSU admitted sixteen female students to its freshman class as part of an experimental program. Prior to this, LSU's student body was all-male. In 1907, LSU's first female graduate, Miss Martha McC. Read, was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree. After this two year experimental program, the university fully opened its doors to female applicants in 1908, and thus coeducation was born at LSU.
On April 30, 1926, the present LSU campus was formally dedicated, following the school's history at the federal garrison grounds (now the site of the state capitol) where it had been located since 1886. Prior to this, LSU utilized the quarters of the Institute for the Deaf, Mute, and Blind. Land for the present campus was purchased in 1918, construction started in 1922, and the move began in 1925; however, it was not until 1932 that the move was finally completed. The campus was originally designed for 3000 students, but was cut back due to budget problems. After some years of enrollment fluctuation, student numbers began a steady increase, new programs were added, curricula and faculty expanded, and a true state university emerged.
In 1928, LSU was a small-time country school that generated little interest or attention in the state. Labeled a "third-rate" institution by the Association of State Universities, the school had only 1800 students, 168 faculty members, and an annual operating budget of $800,000. In 1930, Huey Pierce Long, Jr., the governor, initiated a massive building program to expand the physical plant and add departments.
By 1936, LSU had the finest facilities in the South, a top-notch faculty of 394 professors, a new medical school, more than 6,000 students, and a winning football team. In only eight years, it had risen in size from 88th in the nation to 20th, and it was the 11th largest state university in the nation. Long financed these improvements by arranging for the state to purchase acreage from the old LSU campus, which adjoined the grounds of the new State Capitol building in downtown Baton Rouge. To the consternation of his critics, Long essentially diverted $9 million for LSU's expansion and increased the annual operating budget to $2.8 million.
LSU was hit by scandal in 1939 when James Monroe Smith, appointed by Huey Long as president of LSU, was charged with embezzling a half-million dollars. In the ensuing investigation, at least twenty state officials were indicted. Two committed suicide as the scandal enveloped Governor Richard W. Leche, who received a 10-year federal prison sentence as a result of a kickback scheme. Paul M. Hebert, Dean of LSU's law school at the time, then assumed interim presidency in Smith's place.
Although some African-Americans students tried to enroll in LSU in 1946, the university did not admit African-Americans until the 1950s. In 1953 A. P. Tureaud, Jr. enrolled under court order, but his enrollment was cancelled when a higher court overturned the ruling. His case was ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Tureaud returned to LSU in 1956. A classroom building on the LSU campus is named for his father, the late A. P. Tureaud, Sr., a noted Civil Rights leader. The federal courts mandated full integration for LSU in 1964. The first African-American graduate of the LSU Law School was New Orleans's first African-American mayor, the late Ernest N. "Dutch" Morial.
In 1969, mandatory ROTC for freshmen and sophomores was abolished; however, LSU continues to maintain Air Force and Army ROTC. In 1978, LSU was named a sea-grant college, the 13th university in the nation to be so designated. In 1992, the LSU Board of Supervisors approved the creation of the LSU Honors College.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, LSU accepted an additional 2,300 displaced students from the greater New Orleans area, such as Tulane University, Loyola University New Orleans, Xavier University of Louisiana, and University of New Orleans. In addition to accepting displaced students, university officials also took on the challenge of housing and managing many hurricane victims, converting the Pete Maravich Assembly Center into a fully functional field hospital. Around 3,000 LSU students volunteered during the months after Katrina, assisting with the administration of medical treatment to some 5,000 evacuees and screening another 45,000 for various diseases.
In 2013, F. King Alexander was named President of Louisiana State University.
The current LSU campus is located on 1,000 acres (8.1 km²) just south of downtown Baton Rouge. A majority of the university's 250 buildings, most of which were built between 1925 and 1940, occupy a 650-acre (2.6 km²) plateau on the banks of the Mississippi River.
The Olmsted Brothers Firm of Brookline, Massachusetts, designed the current campus around 1921 when LSU was planning to move its campus from downtown Baton Rouge. The Olmsted firm originally designed the campus for up to 3,000 students, but state officials asked the firm to scale the plan back due to budgetary constraints; subsequently, the new plan presented to the state by the Olmsted Brothers centered the campus around a cruciform quadrangle similar to the one that exists on campus today.
For unknown reasons, the Olmsted Brothers firm was dropped from the project, and an architect named Theodore Link, who was well known for designing Union Station in St. Louis, Missouri, took over the campus master plan. Link collaborated with Wilbur Tyson Trueblood on the project, but remained faithful to the campus that the Olmsted firm had designed. Unfortunately, Link died in 1923 before the plan was completed. New Orleans architects Wogan and Bernard completed Link's work and the campus was dedicated on April 30, 1926.
The first building actually constructed on the present campus was the Swine Palace, the former livestock barn that is now the Reilly Theater. Most of the current buildings that occupy the university's Quad were completed between 1922 and 1925.
Under Huey Long, the governor from 1928 to 1932, LSU "more than doubled its enrollment despite the Great Depression; its standing had risen to Grade A; dormitories and buildings for departments of music, dramatic arts, and physical education had been completed; other buildings were soon to start, and costs of attendance had been lowered within the reach of many."
Because the original campus was designed to accommodate 1,500 students, space is now at a premium at LSU. During the 1990s, LSU officials created a set of design guidelines that call for all newly- constructed buildings to have an Italian Renaissance flavor.
Architecture and landscapeEdit
Although the Olmsted firm had originally envisioned a Spanish or Mexican style design for the university, Link designed the campus with tan stucco walls, red-tiled rooftops, and extensive porticoes in an attempt to emulate the architecture of Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. The design of Hill Memorial Library was loosely based on that of the Boston Public Library, which was the first public library in the U.S. The flanking academic buildings that formed the rest of the Quad represented the major disciplines at the university, and their placement was modeled after that of buildings on the University of Virginia's campus, which was designed by Thomas Jefferson.
Nine LSU buildings, including the library and the academic buildings for dairying and physics, were constructed by George A. Caldwell, a native of Abbeville. Caldwell designed twenty-six public buildings in Louisiana.
The campus is known for the 1,200 live oak trees that shade the ground of the university. During the 1930s, landscape artist Steele Burden planted many of live oaks and magnolia trees, which are now valued at over $50 million. Many of the azaleas, crepe myrtles, ligustrum, and camellias planted in the quadrangle were added to the campus in the 1970s. Through the LSU Foundation's "Endow an Oak" program, individuals and groups are able to endow live oaks across the university's campus.
Fifty-seven resources on the LSU campus were listed in the 95 acres (38 ha) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge historic district on the National Register of Historic Places on September 15, 1988. Forty-six of the enlisted resources were considered contributing buildings and structures.
The campus is protected by the State Capital Historic District Legislation.
The LSU Campus Mounds, which are part of a larger mound group spread throughout the state, are located near the northwestern corner of the campus and were built an estimated 5,000 years ago. They were individually enlisted in the National Register of Historic Places on March 1, 1999.
The 46 contributing properties of the historic district are:
On-campus housing options include on-campus apartments (East Campus Apartments, West Campus Apartments, Edward Gay and Nicholson Apartments), Annie Boyd Hall, Evangeline Hall, the Agricultural Residence College, the Engineering Residential College, the Business Residential College, Broussard, Acadian, Beauregard, Blake, Cypress, Louise Garig, Herget, Highland, Jackson, Kirby Smith (temporary), LeJeune, McVoy, Miller, Taylor, East Laville, and West Laville.
Other Louisiana State University campuses include the LSU Agricultural Center, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU of Alexandria, LSU Shreveport, LSU Eunice, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans and LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport.
The University of New Orleans was a member of Louisiana State University from 1958 until 1963 as LSUNO and under its own name 1963 until 2011 when it was transferred to the University of Louisiana System by the Louisiana Legislature.
Colleges and schoolsEdit
|U.S. News & World Report||140|
|U.S. News & World Report||373|
Louisiana State University is ranked 140th in the national universities category and 70th among public universities by the 2019 U.S. News & World Report ranking of U.S. colleges. LSU is also ranked as the 192nd best overall university in the nation by Forbes magazine in 2019. Additionally, U.S. News & World Report ranked LSU as the 16th most popular university in the nation. LSU was listed for academic censure by the national Association of University Professors for its alleged mistreatment of faculty on June 16, 2012. It was also featured as one of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education's 2016 "10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech" due to its firing of a professor.
Programs that have received recognition within LSU include the following:
- The E. J. Ourso College of Business has two professional programs ranked by U.S. News & World Report: in 2015, the Public Administration Institute ranked 73rd nationally according to the magazine, and the Flores MBA program was ranked 65th nationally. Additionally,
- LSU students have won the International Student High Achievement Award, an accolade given to students who score the highest possible score on the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam, seventeen times during the last twenty-one years.
- In 2007, the Flores MBA Program was ranked seventh in the nation "for attracting corporate MBA recruiters who recruit regionally" by The Wall Street Journal.
- The LSU College of Engineering undergraduate program was ranked 91st by U.S. News & World Report while the graduate program was ranked 94th.
- The Paul M. Hebert Law Center is ranked as the 75th best law school in the nation by the 2010 U.S. News Rankings of Best Law Schools.
- In 2009, Entrepreneur magazine ranked LSU among the top 12 Entrepreneurial Colleges and Universities in the nation.
- The University's Robert S. Reich School of Landscape Architecture was ranked No. 1 nationally in undergraduate and No. 2 in graduate programs by DesignIntelligence in its 2011 and 2012 editions of "America's Best Architecture & Design Schools". The journal has ranked the school in the top five since 2004.
- The LSU College of Education graduate program was ranked 86th in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.
- The LSU French program, comprising the Department of French Studies and the Center for French and Francophone Studies, is recognized by the Cultural Services office of the French Ambassador to the United States as a centre d'excellence, an honor given to only 15 university French programs in the United States, and is ranked as one of the top 20 undergraduate French programs in the nation.
- The LSU graduate program in fine arts is ranked 62nd in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.
- The LSU graduate program in library and information studies is ranked 27th in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.
- The LSU School of Social Work is ranked 79th in the nation by the 2015 U.S. News & World Report.
LSU's main library collection, numbering almost three million volumes, is housed in Troy H. Middleton Library on the main quadrangle of the university. It is both a general use library and a U.S. Regional Depository Library, housing publications from the federal government, United Nations, and United States Patent and Trademark Office. The LSU Libraries belong to the Association of Research Libraries, which includes the top 113 academic libraries in the U.S. and Canada; the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL); LYRASIS, which is a merger of the Southeastern Library Network SOLINET with PALINET; and the Louisiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium (LALINC). LSU was among the founding members of the Louisiana Online University Information System (LOUIS) network which provides access to most academic library catalogs in the state. The LSU Libraries' subject strengths include Louisiana materials, sugar culture and technology, Southern history, agriculture, petroleum engineering, plant pathology, natural history, and various aspects of aquaculture including crawfish, wetlands research, and marine biology.
LSU Libraries' U.S. Regional Depository Library and the U.S. Patent Depository Library collections are housed in Middleton Library. The Library has been a depository for federal government publications since 1907 and has a substantial number of U.S. documents issued before and after that time. The Library became a Regional Depository Library in 1964. The Library was designated an official depository for U.S. Patents in 1981. The patent collection includes all patents issued from 1871 to the present.
The LSU Libraries Special Collections in Hill Memorial Library provides a center for research in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts. The primary strength of Special Collections resides in the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, an outstanding integrated collection that consists of materials documenting the history and culture of the region. It provides rare and early imprints pertaining to the exploration and colonization of the region; books on Louisiana subjects; books by Louisiana authors; Louisiana state documents; extensive manuscript collections, which include the personal papers of important individuals in the history of the region, including the Long family; records of business, professions, and organizations; and extensive photographic collections. Its collections of rare books, dating back to the fifteenth century, number more than 80,000 volumes and include the E. A. McIlhenny Natural History Collection, which contains many important works in the history of ornithological and botanical illustration, including John James Audubon's Birds of America, Margaret Stones's Flora of Louisiana, and books by Edward Lear, John Gould, Mark Catesby, and Sir Joseph Banks.
The LSU campus houses eight museums that feature original works by students as well as traveling exhibits by local, national, and international artisans. In addition to the campus museums, LSU currently runs four museums in the greater Baton Rouge area: The LSU Museum of Art, The LSU Museum of Natural History, The LSU Museum of Natural Science, and the LSU Rural Life Museum.
LSU Museum of ArtEdit
The LSU Museum of Art (LSU MOA), located in the Shaw Center for the Arts in downtown Baton Rouge, opened in March 2005. The museum manifests a decade-long vision to offer LSU and the Baton Rouge community greater access to its diverse art collection, changing exhibitions, education programs, and special events. The LSU MOA shares the Shaw Center for the Arts with many cultural partners including the LSU School of Art Gallery, LSU's Laboratory for Creative Arts and Technology, the Manship Theatre, and the Community School for the Arts of the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge.
LSU MOA first opened in 1962 under the name of The Anglo-American Art Museum in the Memorial Tower on LSU's Baton Rouge campus. The museum and its collection were established through a generous gift to LSU in 1959 from an anonymous donor who wished to support an institution that would illustrate British and continental influences on early American art and culture in the South. The museum's significant collection of American and British portraiture, furniture, and decorative arts grew from this foundation.
LSU Museum of Natural ScienceEdit
The LSU Museum of Natural Science was founded in 1936, when its first director, George H. Lowery, Jr., assembled a few study specimens of birds in a classroom in Audubon Hall. Since its move to Murphy J. Foster Hall in 1950, the museum has continued to expand and is currently one of the nation's largest natural history museums, with holdings of over 2.5 million specimens. As the only comprehensive research museum in the south-central United States, the LSU Museum of Natural Science fulfills a variety of scientific and educational roles at the university, including: the generation of new knowledge in the fields of zoology, archaeology, and paleontology through scholarly research based primarily on natural history collections; collection and preservation of research specimens as a resource for study of the Earth's natural history; education of graduate and undergraduate students in academic areas that are most effectively taught in the museum setting; education of the public by means of exhibits and lecture programs; and assistance to local citizens, wildlife officials, and forensic specialists through identification and consultation services.
LSU Rural Life MuseumEdit
The LSU Rural Life Museum has been listed as one of the top outdoor museums in the country. The variety of people who settled in Louisiana made significant and lasting contributions to the state's unique culture and heritage. It is one of the few museums that celebrates the day-to-day lives of early Americans, including Native Americans, French and Spanish settlers, Anglo-Americans, Germans, Africans, and Acadians. The Rural Life Museum features several displays and exhibits on the pre-industrial residents of Louisiana. The permanent collection includes tools, utensils, furniture, and farming equipment. The recreated "working plantation" consists of a complex of buildings authentically furnished to reconstruct all the major activities of life on a typical 19th century plantation. The museum also serves as a research facility for LSU students engaged in heritage conservation studies.
Louisiana Museum of Natural HistoryEdit
In 1999, the sixteen natural history collections at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge were designated by the state legislature as the Louisiana Museum of Natural History. Together, these collections hold a total of more than 2.8 million specimens, objects, and artifacts that document the rich natural history of Louisiana. These collections are dispersed among six independently administered units on campus, and include the Vascular Plant Herbarium, the Mycological Herbarium, the Lichen Herbarium, the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, the Palynology Collection, the Mineralogy and Petrology Collections, the Textile and Costume Museum, the Louisiana Geological Survey Log Library and Core Repository, and, within the LSU Museum of Natural Science, the Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles, the Collection of Birds, the Collection of Fishes, the Collection of Genetic Resources, the Collection of Mammals, the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection, the Collection of Microfossils and Invertebrates, and the Anthropological and Ethnological Collections.
There are over 350 student organizations currently active at LSU, including a student government and a total of 36 fraternities and sororities. LSU Student Government, sometimes referred to as LSU SG, is the official student government association of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. It is the voice of the LSU student body on matters ranging from university administration to parking and transportation. In addition to the roles of advising and advocating, SG controls approximately $5.5 million of student and state funding each year to support student initiatives such as the LSU Student Technology Fee, student organization support through PSIF, ORF, and other funding programs, the Coca-Cola fund for new initiatives, and the SG Newspaper Initiative that provides free copies of The Advocate, Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. LSU also has an active Society of American Archivists student chapter.
Much like the United States Government, LSU Student Government is divided into three major branches; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. LSU SG is headed by the Student Body President and the Student Body Vice President, elected to office during the spring semester of each academic year. A College Council system is also established to designate members of SG to the duties of representing specific academic colleges. Additionally, a Student Union Board representative is elected each spring to represent student interests and oversee programs, events, and regulations of the LSU Student Union.
The Daily Reveille, the university's student newspaper, has been keeping students informed for more than a century. It publishes five days a week during the fall and spring semesters and twice a week during the summer semester. The paper has a circulation of 11,000 or more. The Daily Reveille, which is funded by advertising and student fees, employs more than 80 students each semester in jobs ranging from writing and editing to design and illustration. The Daily Reveille was recognized for its outstanding coverage in the 2002–2003 school year with a Pacemaker Award from the Associated Collegiate Press and the Newspaper Association of America Foundation, the highest award granted to student publications in the United States. Princeton Review named The Daily Reveille as the 12th best college newspaper in the nation in its 2008 edition of The Best 361 Colleges.The Daily Reveille won the Editor & Publisher award, or EPpy, in 2008 for best college newspaper Web site. The Society of Professional Journalists named The Reveille "Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper" in its 2012 Mark of Excellence awards.
KLSU is an FCC-licensed non-commercial educational (NCE) college radio station, public broadcasting with 5,000 watts of power at 91.1 on the FM dial. Radio on the LSU campus began in 1915 when Dr. David Guthrie, a physics professor, patched together a radio transmitter from spare parts. Call letters KFGC were assigned in the early 1920s. In 1924 the station covered the first football game played in Tiger Stadium and thus provided the first broadcast of a football game in the South. In the 1950s, it switched to FM and became the first educational station in the country to broadcast a college opera. And in the 1990s, it was the first college station to stream audio on the Net. The station is on the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a format of college alternative music and specialty programming. All programming and operations are managed by the student staff.
Broadcasting on campus cable channel 75, Tiger TV reaches approximately 6500 students who live and congregate in common areas on campus, such as residence halls and sorority and fraternity houses. It employs approximately 100 people each semester giving students the opportunity to be station manager, camera operators, news reporters, programmers, on-air personality, even work with clients to help create TV commercials. In its short on-air history, Tiger TV has grown to include an almost $1-million state of the art television studio and provide more than 8 hours of original programming each day. The station mixes news and sports programming with local and national entertainment shows. Tiger TV shares its production equipment and facilities with the Manship School of Mass Communication and is one of the most modern Student television stations in the country.
The Greek community at Louisiana State University is composed of 36 organizations, governed by three councils. These groups work together with University, local, and national affiliates to help achieve the goals and ideals their organizations were founded upon. In the 2006–2007 academic year, Greek organizations at LSU contributed over 50,000 hours and $250,000 to community and philanthropic efforts. Students in the LSU Greek community are also active in many areas on campus, outside of their fraternity or sorority. Greek students are active in over 80 student organizations, including Student Government and various honor societies. In celebration of Greek Week during 2008, the LSU Greek community raised over $117,000 and built two houses for Habitat for Humanity.
|Fraternities||National Pan-Hellenic Council||Pan-Hellenic Council|
- LSU Press is a nonprofit book publisher dedicated to the publication of scholarly, general interest, and regional books. It publishes approximately 80 titles per year and continues to garner national and international accolades, including four Pulitzer Prizes. John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces is among its best-known publications.
- Southern Review is a literary journal published by LSU. It was co-founded in 1935 by three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Robert Penn Warren, who served as U.S. Poet Laureate and wrote the classic novel All the King's Men, and renowned literary critic of the New Criticism school, Cleanth Brooks. It publishes fiction, poetry, and essays, with an emphasis on southern culture and history.
- Legacy is a student-run magazine that publishes a variety of feature-length stories. In both 2001 and 2005, it was named the best student magazine in the nation by the Society of Professional Journalists.
- LSU RESEARCH magazine informs readers about university research programs.
- Apollo's Lyre is a poetry and fiction magazine published each semester by the Honors College.
- LSU Alumni Magazine is a quarterly which focuses on Alumni success and current University news sent out to alumni everywhere.
- Gumbo is the university's yearbook, which may be purchased.
- LSU Today magazine keeps faculty and staff updated with university news.
- New Delta Review is a literary quarterly funded by LSU that publishes a wide range of fiction, poetry, and interviews from new, up-and-coming, and established writers.
The 9 men's teams compete in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, swimming and diving, tennis, indoor track and field, and outdoor track and field. The 12 women's teams compete in basketball, beach volleyball, cross country, golf, gymnastics, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, indoor track and field, outdoor track and field, and volleyball.
The athletics department official nickname is Fighting Tigers, Tigers, or Lady Tigers.
LSU has won 47 team national championships, 44 of which were bestowed by the NCAA, tying for 6th all-time in total NCAA team national championships. The three football titles were not conferred by the NCAA, as it does not award college football national championships at the Division I-FBS level.
- Baseball – (6): 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2009
- Men's Basketball – (1): 1935 (pre-NCAA; defeated Pittsburgh in an arranged game)
- Boxing – (1): 1949
- Football – (3): 1958, 2003, 2007
- Men's golf – (5): 1940, 1942, 1947, 1955, 2015
- Men's indoor track and field – (2): 2001, 2004
- Women's indoor track and field – (11): 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004
- Men's outdoor track and field – (4): 1933, 1989, 1990, 2002
- Women's outdoor track and field – (14): 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012 (vacated)
LSU's stadiums, arenas and courses include Tiger Stadium ("Death Valley") (football), Alex Box Stadium, Skip Bertman Field (baseball), Bernie Moore Track Stadium (outdoor track), Carl Maddox Field House (indoor track), Highland Road Park (cross country), LSU Natatorium (swimming and diving), LSU Soccer Stadium (soccer), LSU Tennis Complex (tennis), Pete Maravich Assembly Center (PMAC) (basketball, gymnastics, volleyball), Tiger Park (softball) and University Club of Baton Rouge (golf).
LSU's academic center and practice facilities include the LSU Academic Center for Student-Athletes, Charles McClendon Practice Facility (football), LSU Football Operations Center (football), LSU Indoor Practice Facility (football), LSU Basketball Practice Facility (basketball) and LSU Gymnastics Training Facility (gymnastics).
Although originally nicknamed "Deaf Valley" for its excruciating levels of sound, the nickname "Death Valley" caught on instead. It is legendary for the crowd noise generated by fans. It is the sixth-largest college football stadium in the nation and third-largest stadium in the SEC, holding 102,321 fans after its latest expansion in 2014. The Tiger Stadium atmosphere is generally considered one of the loudest and most electrifying college football experiences in the country. During a nationally televised game against Auburn in 2003, ESPN recorded a noise level of 117 decibels at certain points in the game. In 2007 when the No. 1 ranked Tigers played the No. 9 ranked Florida Gators, the noise level registered at 122 decibels when the Tigers made a come-from-behind win in the final minutes of the game.
A similar sound level resulted in the legendary "Earthquake Game" against Auburn in 1988. LSU won 7–6 when quarterback Tommy Hodson completed a game-winning touchdown pass to running back Eddie Fuller in the waning seconds of the game. The crowd's roar registered on a seismograph, shaking the ground as much as a small earthquake. This reached a magnitude of 4.7
Rivals include the traditional intra-SEC West rivals the Alabama Crimson Tide, Arkansas Razorbacks, Auburn Tigers, Mississippi State Bulldogs, Ole Miss Rebels, Texas A&M Aggies, and the SEC East rival Florida Gators (designated under the SEC's inter-division "designated rival" format). LSU and Arkansas play annually in football, alternating sites between Baton Rouge and Fayetteville (Little Rock from 1994 through 2010). The winner of the game is awarded the "Golden Boot", a gold-plated trophy that is formed in the shape of the two states. The game was previously played the Friday after Thanksgiving in 1992, and every year between 1996 and 2013, except 2009, but starting in 2014, the SEC separated LSU and Arkansas on the final weekend of the regular season. The Tigers now play Texas A&M on the final weekend of the regular season, while Arkansas plays Missouri.
The LSU-Auburn rivalry has become more important in recent years as, since the advent of the SEC's divisional format, the winner has usually ended up winning the West Division as well. The LSU-Ole Miss game, known as the Magnolia Bowl (a name selected by the student bodies of both schools) has become more formalized over the years, with a large trophy and a large traveling fanbase for both teams present each year. The LSU-Florida rivalry also has major importance as the two schools won three football national championships between 2006-2008 (Florida in 2006 and 2008; LSU in 2007). The LSU-Alabama rivalry has become very important in recent years due to the Nick Saban becoming the Coach of Alabama and the two teams' dominance of the SEC's West Division and their matchup in the 2012 BCS National Championship Game (the only time the standalone game featured two teams from the same conference).
LSU Athletics is represented by its mascot, a live Bengal tiger named Mike the Tiger. LSU is only one of two institutions of higher education in the United States to have a live tiger as their mascot; the other is the University of Memphis. The tiger was named after Mike Chambers, LSU's athletic trainer in 1936, and was bought for $750 from the Little Rock Arkansas Zoo. Mike V reigned from 1990–2007 and remained housed in his on-campus habitat until his death due to kidney failure on May 18, 2007 at age 17. Mike VI was an 11-year-old, 500-pound (230 kg) tiger acquired from an Indiana big cat sanctuary. Previously known as Roscoe, "Mike VI" is a Bengal-Siberian mix and was officially named Mike on September 8, 2007. He was introduced to fans at the home game against Florida on October 6, 2007. In 2017, LSU officially introduced Mike VII, formerly named "Harvey".
In 2005, a new $3 million Mike the Tiger Habitat was created for Mike between Tiger Stadium and the Pete Maravich Assembly Center. Its amenities include lush plantings, a waterfall, a flowing stream that empties into a wading pond, and rocky plateaus. The habitat has, as a backdrop, an Italianate tower – a campanile – that creates a visual link to the Italianate architectural vernacular of LSU's campus.
The "LSU Alma Mater" was written in 1929 by Lloyd Funchess and Harris Downey, two students who developed the original song and music because LSU's first alma mater was sung to the tune of "Far Above Cayuga's Waters" and was used by Cornell University. The band plays the "Alma Mater" during pregame and at the end of each home football game.
"Fight for LSU" is LSU's official fight song. During LSU football games, it is played when the team runs onto the field, after the field goal or extra point is attempted/scored and at the end of each half (though at the end of the first half a recording is played since the band is already on the sidelines and unable to perform it live). Contrary to popular belief, the song "Hey Fightin' Tigers" is not LSU's fight song, however it is a staple at pep rallies and is often sung by fans before games and after wins.
Louisiana State University Lab SchoolEdit
The university operates the Louisiana State University Laboratory School, a Kindergarten through 12 public school. The School was established by the College of Education of Louisiana State University and has operated under its auspices for over eighty years. This coeducational school exists as an independent system to provide training opportunities for pre- and in-service teachers and to serve as a demonstration and educational research center. Since the school is part of LSU, students are required to pay tuition. The school is located on the main campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. LSU Laboratory School was the first International Baccalaureate Diploma Program school in the state of Louisiana and is adopting the complete K-12 program. IB is a model curriculum that stresses creativity, inquiry, service, and internationalism.
Hill Farm established in 1927 by the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station in order to carry out research horticultural crops as part of Louisiana State University's mission as a land-grant university.
During the 1960s a large part of the Farm's land was reallocated for the construction of sorority houses, as a result many of the fruit breeding programs had to be moved to other parts of the state. In the 1990s a new student recreation center and playing fields were created on the site of most of the remaining land, the remaining research programs were moved to the Burden Research Plantation. Today five acres of the original Hill Farm remain and used primarily as an agriculture teaching facility and community garden. Individual garden plots are nine by five feet (9' X 5') and may be rented by students, faculty, and the community at large. The price per lot has been deliberately kept low in order to support the Farm's mission to "provide access to gardening space, education, and resources necessary for the community to grow food in environmentally sustainable ways as a means of creating a food system where locally produced, affordable and nutritious food is available to all, and where the community can come together to share, play, and inspire one another." Although the gardeners are not required to plant certified organic seeds and plants, the Farm does require that gardeners use organic farming methods.
LSU athletes have gone on to recognition for their prominence in their respective sports. "Pistol" Pete Maravich played basketball for LSU and was three-time consensus first team All-American and 1970 National 'Player of the Year'. Shaquille O'Neal ("Shaq") also played basketball for LSU and received many honors, including being named twice as a first team Men's Basketball All-American and twice as the SEC Player Of The Year. Billy Cannon played Halfback for LSU and is the only LSU player to win the Heisman Trophy (in 1959). Cannon was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2009. JaMarcus Russell, Oakland Raiders quarterback number 1 draft pick of 2007. Professional golfer Johnny Pott, five-time winner on the PGA Tour, was a member of the 1955 NCAA winning golf team. Teammates Alex Bregman and Aaron Nola were both 2018 Major League Baseball All Stars.
LSU alumni have also been active on both the national and international stage in the fields of politics, academia, and the arts. Such notables include James Carville, who was the senior political adviser to Bill Clinton, and Donna Brazile, the campaign manager of the 2000 presidential campaign of Vice-President Al Gore. Hubert Humphrey, the 38th Vice President of the United States, earned a master's degree in political science before becoming the junior United States Senator from Minnesota. Randy Moffett, president of the University of Louisiana System (ULS) and formerly president of Southeastern Louisiana University received his Ed.D. from Louisiana State University in 1980. Academy Award-winning actress Joanne Woodward majored in drama during her enrollment at LSU. Author and screenwriter Nic Pizzolatto, creator of True Detective, graduated from LSU with a BA English & Philosophy. Another peculiar writer that graduated from LSU was Marcelo Ramos Motta, a noted author on the subject of Thelema. The rock band Better Than Ezra also are LSU graduates.
America's early Space Program benefited from the services of two LSU Graduates. NASA Engineer Maxime Faget was a Naval Reserve Officer and the NASA Engineer responsible for the design of the Mercury Capsule, Apollo Command Module, Capsule Escape Tower System, Mach Meter, and the STS Space Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle and System (STS=Space Transportation System). NASA Pioneer/Founder Walter C. Williams established what is now known as NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, previously known as Muroc Army Station. Dr. Williams was directly involved with the Bell X-1 program, "Glamorous Glennis", research flights which led to the first manned flight exceeding the speed of sound in level flight. Dr. Williams was on the Aeronautical Board of NACA, and was responsible for hiring many of the "pioneers" of what has now become America's Space Program, NASA. Michael I. Jordan, Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley is also an LSU alumnus.
Maxime Faget, designer of the Mercury space capsule
- American Student Dental Association
- Grok (Knowledge Base)
- Highland Road Park Observatory
- Hill Farm Community Garden
- List of forestry universities and colleges
- Louisiana Business Technology Center
- LSU Hilltop Arboretum
- LSU Tiger Trails
- Stephenson Disaster Management Institute
- National Register of Historic Places listings in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
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Just look at what moms around the Internet are saying about the importance of quiet time:
Leave me alone for one hour, I beg you sweet darling.
My little one is healthy and happy but drops everything now to watch TV. I let her because I need down time.
And my personal favorite:
My mom enforced naptime til I was in... middle school, perhaps? We'd come home on the bus, and she'd send us upstairs for "naptime." When we realized that was ridiculous, she started calling it “homework time.” Same duration, still had to be in our rooms.
Sound familiar? There’s a lot going on here. Exhaustion, guilt, love, and ninja-level expertise in the last example. They all point to the same big idea: quiet time is essential, not just for the little ones in your home, but for your own mental well-being, too.
If you live with a seven-year-old that could talk for 24 hours straight, then you know the importance of quiet time. Of course, you love the sound of her sweet little voice, but eventually everyone needs a break - especially if you're home all day with kids.
What can you do to get a break?
Maybe you retreat for a bath - the one moment to get some alone time and actually clean yourself - but are soon disrupted by cries from downstairs (or the cat popping his head in). Perhaps you retreat to the laundry room because it’s the only place that’s quiet (and it has your secret chocolate stash). Or maybe you allow your little one to sit in front of the tv because you are just the type of person that needs some down time for yourself and it feels like the only way to make it work.
The reasons for moms and dads to make sure children get daily quiet time is easy to see: parents can have a few minutes to themselves to finally curl up with a good book or just catch up with streaming favorite shows.
Without understanding the benefits of quiet time for kids, though, it’s easy for guilt to creep in. You may feel you’re putting your kids away for an hour because you need some silence. Of course, you may feel even more guilty if your child is resistant to quiet time.
But after you take a look at all the reasons why quiet time is important for children (and even teens), it becomes clear that establishing the right routine for quiet time at home is a WIN-WIN.
Why quiet time is important (today more than ever)
When it comes to the research-backed benefits of quiet time and solitude, the results are fairly clear. As long as children are not consistently alone (as in, going without proper care or attention) or lonely (as in, lacking proper social relationships), quiet time has benefits across the child development stages:
- For all humans, our brains solidify what we’ve learned when we are awake but resting, according to NYU researchers. Who needs this more than our youngsters?
- Adolescents in one study felt more alertness and other positive states after periods of being alone.
- Even seven-year-olds in the same study could explain to researchers that being alone was time for peace, quiet, relaxation, problem-solving, planning-ahead, daydreaming, and concentration. (I imagine they used other words.)
And not only does research point to broad benefits of being alone, but more studies point to the increasing need to gain these benefits. I’m referring to the uptick in anxiety observed over the past one to two decades.
A Washington Post article explained that the National Survey of Children’s Health found a 20 percent increase in anxiety for children ages 6 to 17 between 2007 and 2012.
Does anything stand out to you in the quote I cited above? Notice that the age range is 6 to 17. It is surprising that six-year-olds would even fall into the range of kids studied by the researchers. It's even more concerning to consider that this group of youngsters is experiencing an increasing amount of anxiety.
So the benefits of quiet time are clear, and the need for quiet time is growing - but what about the challenges of actually spending time alone?
Being alone is hard - for everybody
Consider this recent study, which showed that people would prefer to receive an electrical shock than to be alone with our thoughts. Part of this, is the constant connection experienced in daily life because of increased smartphone usage.
But if being alone is important for our health and it’s very hard to do - that means it’s important for parents to cultivate opportunities for their children to have quiet time in solitude from a young age. And, ideally, they could sustain that habit throughout childhood and even into adolescence.
Remember this: solitude and neglect are not synonymous. - Jennifer Paterson
Not to mention, there is the issue of how to get a kid to do alone time, so everyone has the time to unwind that they need. Is putting on a TV show a good way to do alone time? Is giving the kid an iPad for an hour the way to do it? Should they use these screens in bed? Should parents just make sure that everybody gets alone time no matter what? Lots of questions.
Then there are the social pressures, either imagined or heard, from other parents or family members. In her article “The Benefits of Solitude for Kids and Parents Alike” Jennifer Paterson empathizes with free-range parents everywhere: “if you leave your children alone — to ride their bikes around town, or to play games in their own bedrooms — there’s a good chance you’ll be judged for ‘neglecting’ them. Remember this: solitude and neglect are not synonymous.”
In our era of mom-shaming and constant comparisons, this is wise advice to remember.
The best way to start quiet time is to never stop
Like with many aspects of parenting, instituting a habit of quiet time is going to come down to your family’s schedule and your child’s personality and needs. For my older son, age 4, he still takes a nap most days, but the routine of bringing him up for a nap is consistent. This results in him having “quiet time” every day even if he doesn’t actually fall asleep.
Like with any other habit you want to build with kids, consistency is key.
If you’re trying to institute a quiet time routine after naps have already stopped, Leigh Anderson offers several helpful tips in her Lifehacker article, including:
- Use a visual timer so kids know how much time is left
- Use the “gentle returns” technique (like with sleep training) to quietly bring kids back to their room if necessary
- Give kids choices about where they have quiet time and how they spend their time
- Make sure the kids know that quiet time is for everybody (parent needs it too)
But what about for older kids? Earlier, I mentioned how the need and benefits for solitude spans the stages of child development. Teens need solitude as well. We all know the stereotypes of angsty teens wanting to be left alone. But that might be more fiction than fact today. Almost half of teens today report being online “almost constantly,” meaning there’s not so much high quality solitude happening.
Quiet time for older kids: meditation for teens
Although parents might be acutely aware of their own need for quiet time when children are younger, some of the biggest benefits of high quality quiet time is for adolescents. The good thing is that these sessions of quiet time need not be long to provide real value.
Researchers have found that “momentary solitude” or short sessions of quiet time, offered great value to adolescents. These benefits include feeling free from social restrictions and demands, emotional renewal, creativity, improved concentration, and increased sense of control.
Notice how important this is. So many of the positive behaviors parents hope to cultivate in teenagers - emotional renewal (being in a good mood), creativity, concentration - can all be improved through taking time to be alone.
While sending a teen up to his room for a nap might be out of the question for some parents, there are other healthy behaviors parents can introduce to a teen’s routine to mimic the benefits of quiet time. One of these is meditation.
A program called Quiet Time, organized by the David Lynch Foundation (yes, the eccentric filmmaker), has helped thousands of children from low income schools reduce their stress and anxiety while improving concentration. This program uses a specific type of meditation called Transcendental Meditation. While this is a specific program led by instructors, there are many meditations apps available (mostly with free versions offered) teens can use for as little as 10, 5, or even 2 minutes a time).
Some meditation resources to suggest to your teen:
“I need some peace and quiet”
The good news is that research clearly shows that everyone needs a break - parents and kids alike. Instead of feeling guilty about the desire to be apart from children, it’s important to remember the real benefits of making sure that both parents and children consistently get time for peaceful solitude. Of course, this is easier said than done. I’m a dad with two boys, ages four and one, so I know that theory and practice can sometimes clash.
Either way, here’s a recap of everything we’ve covered:
- There are tremendous benefits to positive solitude experiences for kids of all ages.
- Because of increasing anxiety amongst children and teens, a quiet time habit may be more important to develop today than ever.
- There are challenges, both logistical and physiological, with being alone (even for adults).
- Following a routine while maintaining flexibility can help to start a quiet time habit or transition a nap to quiet time.
- Teens are constantly connected to devices and might need short quiet time sessions more than anyone - meditation is an option.
If you're a parent making intentional choices about your child's wellness and learning, then you'll love the small, affordable, live online classes at Outschool. You can sign up for a free Outschool account today. |
– An interview with Guilherme and Rafael Mendes
Submission Control recently had the opportunity to cover and participate in a rare east coast seminar at Joseph Capizzi’s NYC BJJ with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu revolutionaries, Guilherme and Rafael Mendes.
In the last five years, these siblings have amassed a total of twenty four major titles. These two BJJ phenomenon’s have fought and beaten legions of world champions black belts such as Samuel Braga and Rubens “Cobrinha” Charles Maciel; and at the young age of 23 and 22 respectively, these two highly skilled competitors have years and years of heart stopping sensational battles ahead of them.
Enjoy the interview.
Submission Control: What drove you guys to start jiu jitsu?
Rafael Mendes: We had our first contact with jiu jitsu through cousin Thiago Mendes, who at that time was a blue belt in a small academy in Rio Claro, a town inside Sao Paulo state. This was where we were born and raised. Guilherme was 12 years old, while I was 11 years old when we started training jiu jitsu under the supervision of our cousin in a social program for children.
SubCon: Who was your toughest opponent at this past mundial?
Guilherme Mendes: First, myself; because I had to do a really hard diet to arrive in the weight feeling good, I had to prove myself how much I wanted to win, because it is hard to train in Atos, the training is really hard so it was harder to train on the diet. I need to thanks my nutritionist for the good work! In the tournament, my toughest opponent was Samuel Braga.
RM: The workout! Hahaha! My cousin made a circuit program that we did for three months, every week was harder! It was really good because it made me confident, I know that gas will not be a question for sure! Hahah! In the tournament my toughest fight was my final match.
SubCon: Who was your toughest opponent ever?
GM: I don’t know… I think I don’t have a rival, I never fought against the same guy more than three times. I think it is Rafael when training haha!
SubCon: If given a chance, who would you want to fight against… Anyone ever.
RM: We don’t have the wish to face some special opponent, we want to win titles. If any person is in our way to get the title we want to face to reach our goal.
SubCon: The approach to bjj has changed so much in the past 5 years, what do you think started this revolution?
RM: I think the new generation is coming really strong and smart. They are training more than ever. Then we can create techniques to innovate the sport. If you watch the tournament today, we have much more blue and purple belts “professionals” than before. The tournaments are harder than ever. To win, you need to surprise your opponent, you need to have a different thing to do, so everybody is training more than ever, creating more than ever, and improving really fast.
SubCon: Where do you see Jiu Jitsu in the next 10 years?
GM: We would like to see BJJ in the Olympics, but we don’t know if is possible. We like the work that IBJJF has been doing, they are more professional each year, the event is more serious and beautiful each year. We expect this evolution to continue and achieve the best possible way! We also see that the U.S will have great champions in a few years, we can already see some champions in purple and brown belts, and a lot of tough fighters in the black belt.
SubCon: What are the key points to your guard passing-game.
RM: We have been working a lot the “leg drag” style, that is a position that you can do where ever you are. The key to our passing style is always kill the opponent’s hips… always blocking the hips to take the back. Our main goal is to take the back, we think it is the easier way to finish the fight.
SubCon: You guys have won so many major titles in you BJJ careers, what is the secret to your success?
GM: We believe that only training hard is not enough nowadays, most people who want to be champions train hard, today it’s easy, it’s cool. So you need to go beyond, you need to do more of what people have been doing, you need to make a lot of sacrifices, like eating a really healthy diet, you can’t have a nightlife, no drugs, finally… live like a real athlete.
SubCon: In your mind, what does it mean to be a champion?
GM: To be a champion is to live like a champion, everything that I said in the last answer. You can’t be champion in the tournaments and be a loser in the life, you have to be an example of healthy life, you can’t be a mad man doing crazy things, be an athlete, a champion is to be an example for the children, for the people who like you.
SubCon: Both of you have similar games, but with some slightly different approaches. For example, Rafa does not believe in using the Brabo choke, but Gui does. Why is that?
RM: We always train the same positions in the academy, but everybody is different, everyone has their own characteristics, own quality, no one can be fully equal to the other, I think that’s why this sport is so nice, there are no “clones”, the fact of fighting in different categories makes the game different too.
SubCon: Rafa, why do put the supporting hand on top of the head instead of behind the head when you do a mata leao (RNC)?
RM: Sometimes I just cannot get the hand behind the opponent’s head, because he supports his head on my chest and left me with no space to enter the hand. So I developed a technique and I put my hand on top of the head and turn his head. It’s really good!
SubCon: Yeah! You choked me silly with that! HAHAHA
SubCon: Roger Gracie once said that competition is about proving yourself and as a Black Belt at the world championship level he feels that he has a responsibility to put on a show for his fan. This is why he is very against closing out brackets with his teammates; he would fight Braulio if he had the chance. What are your thoughts on this?
RM: When you start to live and train with someone, you get to know his dreams, challenges, and fears. This causes the person to be your friend, your partner, and teammate. Being on the same team, we train together, help each other every day to win and to help each other to achieve our dreams of people. How can I face someone with whom I train with every day, as I try to destroy his dream? It does not move us forward; we cannot fight without the feeling of “challenge”, the desire to outdo the other. Maybe Roger can, that is a personal feeling, he said he only trains with students and sometimes trains with Braulio, so I think it is easier. It’s harder when you live with them. But Roger is really an example, the right way is to fight, for there is only one champion, but for us it is still difficult.
SubCon: What are your thoughts on steroids in the sport, do you think it’s as rampant as what Caio Terra says it is?
GM: I think they can do the test but it will stop steroids in the sport, everybody knows that. But I think it is good if they did the testing because it will look more “professional” for the people who are outside. We agree with Caio, but we knows that it will not change anything.
SubCon: Can you tell us a little about the new website?
RM: Our website is an easy way people can meet, learn a little bit about our thoughts by reading our posts, watching videos and looking photos of our career. But the main goal is our virtual academy, which will launch soon. We will have a restricted area where people can watch our techniques in detail, our thoughts and strategies and also see rolls with several athletes. We are having great ideas and working very hard to conclude it as fast as possible. We promise you’ll like it too!
SubCon: Any final thoughts?
RM: Trust in God, go to church and always try to be a better person, we know that nobody can change the world, but you can change yourself. You can do your part be a good person and follow Jesus, he will surely make you the happiest person in the world, because when we are walking with him all things go perfectly, you can live in peace in a world of war. Trust in God and never give up, work as hard you can to reach your goals, do today, and never leave to do tomorrow. Everything is possible when we are on the path of truth. |
#GURPS: Interface Zeroversion 0.03
August 20, 2018 - January 6, 2019
Band-Aid Makes It All Better
Friday, August 4, 2090
Where's Phil? You're Not Phil!
First Friday of the month. Time for John to restock the supply closet. Not his favorite part of the job, but it had to be done. There were people out there that needed help and he was gonna need more than spray bandage and anti-inflammatories. The grocery cart that he pushed made all sorts of noise as he made his way to the secondary service dock of South Seattle Medical Center. It was a third rate hospital, but definitely the best one in the area. They were always busy, turning folks away left and right, mostly because they didn't have the credits. Just leaving them to die.
He pulls the hood of his jacket up over his head as he rounds the corner. He's supposed to look like some sprawler or junkie or something, pushing his cart around. He hates this part, but it's the only way it'll work. If he drove a van up here, security would be all over him. Plus he doesn't drive. Hasn't been behind the wheel is years.
John approaches the loading dock and sees the steel barrel that's been turned into a makeshift grill. Smoke lazily wafts out of its top. The “go-ahead” signal. John pushes the cart up to the dock and climbs up, looking for his guy. A tall fellow, Russian by the look of him, steps out of a nearby doorway. He's holding a gun, though it's not pointed at John or anything.
“Phil isz biszy,” he says in a thick Russian accent. “You're John, the patch man, yes? Come inside,” he motions to the open doorway with his gun.
John moves through the doorway into the semi-lit hallway he has travelled many times. Having someone he’s not familiar with makes him very uneasy. He is glad he can feel “Betty,” his 9mm holdout, against his back. He prays he doesn’t need to use it but just having it gives a certain level of comfort. John glances back the mob muscle, and laughingly says, “How ‘bout them Cubs?” The Russian just stares straight ahead with his gun out.
“Fuck the Cubs,” the gangster spits out and shoves John further into the hallway. This part of the hospital is not frequently used and its been much longer since it’s been cleaned. Debris and dead leaves crunch underfoot as the Russian leads him inward. Finally, he stops John and directs him to another doorway to the left. “In there,” he says and gently shoves John into the room.
Inside the room, what looks to have been some sort of administrative office now being used as a storage area, John sees his contact, Phil, tied to a chair.
There is a red patch on the side of the man’s head where he had obviously been hit recently. When Phil sees John, he starts to struggle and make whimpering noises. He refuses to look in John’s direction at all, and after just a moment of struggling, he sits still again. Also in the room is another Russian. This one is clearly the boss. He is well dressed and clean shaven, his dark hair combed back nicely. High end suit, fancy tie. Definitely the boss. He motions to a chair, “Come in, please, Mr. O’Brien. Sorry for all this, but I couldn’t find your number in my book.” He speaks with smooth, nearly perfect English, only a hint of Eastern European.
John looks the Eastern European man in the eye, assesses the situation, then states, “Ok, let’s cut the bullshit. First, I’m not that hard to find so I know this is a meeting was set up to put me in a position where I couldn’t say no to “whatever” you need me to do. That’s cool, but you do know that you could have of just asked and I probably would have said yes. Second, I know that there’s not much I could do anyway but say yes now. I also realize that you need an off the book doctor for something so you aren’t going to shoot me right now. I must be very nervous and angry enough ‘cause you got me talking too much. So here is what I ask. Just tell me what you want, no bullshit. We can discuss it. I might ask a few questions. But I have to do it regardless. Also, I need to look at my friend, Phil. No negotiation on that. He’s hurt and I fix. It is in my nature. It is what I do. Plus you let him go with no strings attached. You could just kill him. Yea, you could. Nothin’ I can do to stop you but I wouldn’t take it well. So, if I live through your request or through this encounter, I may have to patch you up sometime and you may not get, ummm…., let’s say, my best. Just something to think about. Now I’m done, what do you want?”
The boss sits down, he smiles and leans back in his chair, “I like you, um, hmm, no, no I don’t like you at all, but that doesn’t matter. You seem like what other folk might call ‘a nice guy,’ but whatever, I don’t give a fuck.” He pauses and lights a cigarette. It is long and black and smells expensive. He blows a few smoke rings into the air. His henchman smiles and watches them float up to the dirty ceiling. “Anyway, I think you got the right of it. I need a doc off the books, but I need that doc to be good. Not too good, nobody working at the hospital or urgent care or anything like that. Need a street doc. You fit that bill, but I also need someone I can leverage, and from what I can tell, you don’t got nobody that I can use to leverage. Not really anyway. You are an enigma, an island. But anyway, I know your story is out there, and maybe someday I’ll get a peek at it, but for now, I think I have another way. You seem to like helping people, almost like it’s your job or something,” he laughs at his own joke then gives his man a harsh look when he realizes that he isn’t laughing. The Russian goon quickly joins in with an uncomfortable laugh. “You run a clinic out of your apartment, down in Five Corners, near First South and 168th, right? Above that cheesy pseudo Asian Fusion restaurant and gaming center. Total shithole, but I got the right place, right?” John closes his eyes and nods ever so slightly, knowing that this guy is already certain that he is right.
“So, here’s the deal, someone’s gonna come into your clinic today, gunshot wound, ehh, lets say wounds, that's probably gonna be more like it.” He turns and smiles at his man, who is now drawing shapes in the dirt on the floor with his shoe. The boss shakes his head and turns back to John. “So, this guy, let’s call him, oh, I don’t know, let’s just call him Guy, he ends up on your table today. You’re gonna fix him up, you’re gonna fix ‘em up real good. Nice and tidy, right? You take care of him real nice like, and that’s a good idea cause his friends probably won’t like it if he don’t make it. But here’s the twist. Before you’re done, you’re gonna leave this tucked away inside of him.” He opens his hands to reveal a folded up piece of gauze. He unwraps the gauze to reveal a small, fleshy little nub no more than a few millimeters across. A few hairs or something seem to be sticking off the side of it. “Organic tracker. Just need to keep track of a friend, but he don’t need to know. Actually, if you wanna tell him, I guess you can, but they’ll probably kill ya for it. You do this, and I’ll have all your supplies that Phil here had ready for ya delivered first thing tomorrow morning. You DON’T do this, and I’ll have something else delivered tomorrow, understand?” He folds the gauze up and sets it on a countertop. He closes his eyes for a moment, nods his head ever so slightly then makes a flicking motion toward John. An image of a man flashes up on his HR display. “That’s him. That’s Guy. We good?”
John puts on his vinyl gloves. And picks up the device. He searches through his kit for a plastic bag and puts the organic tracker in it. John glances over at the Boss, and proceeds over to Phil to check him out. John does an analysis and realizes that Phil is just banged up a bit. He grabs a bandage and antibiotic spray to put on Phil contusion on his head. He then applies the bandage with antibiotic, turns and says to the Boss, “Ok, now we are good. You do know there is another form of leverage you could have used. It is called money. I do respond well to cold hard cash. Yes, I’m a nice guy but that also includes being an honorable guy. A contract is a contract. You see, Phil here is my friend not because we are particularly close. We don’t go have beers and talk the current sports games. He is my friend because he assists in honoring a deal we made. So, you see I don’t like you now either. I will do what you ask. Keep in mind, the more you pull shit like this, I may not be so cooperative. Because, like you said, you don’t know my story. And part of me, may not be a nice guy.”
The Russian mobster looks at John with a sneer. It almost seems as if he is reaching for a gun under his jacket then stops. “Shut the fuck up, asshole. I’m not playing games with you. Put that tracker into that guy, got it. Don’t fuck around.” He turns around to leave, “Zem, let Mr. O’Brien know that I’m serious.” Before John can even turn to look at the other guy, the slugs John in the stomach, hard. John lets out an ooofh and doubles over. He sees the thug with his gun in his hand. “He means it, trust me,” then follows his boss out the door, watching over his shoulder as he leaves.
After John recovers, John goes over to Phil and unties him. “You okay? That guy is kind of overly dramatic. Seen too many gangster movies.” John then grabs his physicians backpack and heads back to his home/office. John is not sure if he will have enough supply to last but hopefully when he puts the tracker in the guy, this asshole honors his end of the deal. As he rubs his stomach, he REALLY hopes honors his end of deal ‘cause he remembers how good of a soldier he truly was.
A Drink at uNLuckys
On the way back to his place, his route takes him past Lucky’s, a favored watering hole of John's. He laughs to himself reading the sign where someone had painted the letters “uN" in front of the name, spelling uNLucky’s. It had been like that for several months.
John then diverts into Lucky’s and looks around the bar. He pull up his favorite stool, and orders a double whiskey. He is hoping that a few of these will calm his nerves.
“Hey, good to see ya, John,” the android bartender calls out in his cold, metallic voice. “Your usual?”
Mac sets John up with a cheap whiskey and slides it down the bar to him. He fills a small bowl with what John assumes are stale pretzels and puts them in front of him. “So, whaddya think about all them simulacra jumpers? There was another one this morning, somewhere in the Heights. I think that makes 5 now.” He motions over his shoulder to the large screen showing, among other things, a news-cast regarding a string of jumping “suicides” involving simulacra instead of Humans. The report stated that there had been 5 incidents in the last several days and that the authorities were attempting to determine if there was a connection between the sims and why they jumped. Each one had been damaged so thoroughly in the fall that a digital investigation of each unit was not turning up many clues. John finishes his drink and places the empty glass back on the bar.
John shakes his glass to get another. “Simulacra jumpers, you say?”, John replies. He continues, “I haven’t given it much thought. Of course, I never really studied the psychology of simulacrums. But you say no clues, so the police believe it may be evidence of foul play.” John grabs a handful of stale pretzels as he ponders the puzzle. “What do you think Mac? Any theories?”, John asks.
Mac refills his glass and says, “Who, me? Oh, I don't know. Either they were emancipated and did it on their own accord or someone made them do it. But even that's tricky. Take me. I'm an android. I was built and programmed. I'm owned. A piece of property. The boss can tell me to do any number of things, all of which I'd do, no problem, but ya know what the owner can't make me do? Climb up to the top of a building and jump off. Self preservation coding. I got it. Most of us do. I mean yea, some of them military fighting units can be commanded it do some really dangerous stuff and all, but most anything with autonomous programming won't destroy itself like that. That just doesn't compute to me. Boss tells me to stand on the edge of a high roof and then pushes me himself, well that's another story I guess and then you'd have some newer, more efficient model in here making your drinks for you next time.” The android laughs his pre-programmed laugh, and for some reason John believes it to be sincere.
As they talk, John sees a woman enter the bar. She smiles at John and Mac at the bar and heads to a booth in the back near the virtual pool table. She sits down with a man that was already sitting there. John does a double take at the booth because he didn't think there was anyone else in the place when he came in. He sucks down the remainder of his drink and chews on one of the half melted ice cubes.
John thinks for a moment. Something is sending that this situation is a little off. He pops one of his stim tabs. Asks Mac for one of those synthohol beers (don’t really taste like beer but at least it doesn’t have the alcohol in it). He casually moves to a booth where he can watch the room. He quietly removes his gun from it’s holdout holster and sets it on the seat next to him hidden from most eyes. He begins to watch to see what events are about to happen.
The two at the booth do not seem to notice John get closer, they appear to be focused on whatever they are talking about. Mac busies himself behind the bar since there are no other customers in the place. John sips his synthohol and tries to listen to what is going on between the two in the other booth, but he can’t hear them at all. After a few minutes, John starts to think that he was wrong and that nothing is it happens. The man, John now sees as an Asian man, with long hair and goatee, yells out, “What the hell!” and quickly jumps up from the table. “You bitch!” he screams at the woman and flips the table over on her. He turns and bolts toward the front of the bar, coming right past John.
John grabs his gun as he stands up and attempts to bump the man as he rushes by. As the man regains his balance, John looks him straight in eye, trying to assess the man. John then proceeds over to the woman, with his gun in hand, to see if she is ok.
The man climbs back to his feet as John stares him down. The man looks absolutely terrified as he scrambles around on the dirty tile floor of the bar. As he approaches the booth, the woman leaps from the bench, coming at John with a flying kick. “Who the fuck are you?” she demands.
John frustrated, drops, and tersely states, “I’m John, and all I was doing was trying to see if your ok. I guess you are!” As the woman flies over him, John starts to realize what a shit day this has become.
“Dammit,” the woman curses, still worried about the man on the ground with the gun. She whips out a pistol and fires three shots at the prone John.
John yells, “Stop shooting! I’m not going to harm you!” He rolls toward the bar away from the barrage of bullets. Not sure if he got hit, he hopes to gain some cover behind the bar.
Mac starts waving a dish towel and yelling from behind the bar, “No discharging of firearms within the bar. Violators will be shot!” He leans over, getting something from beneath the bar. The woman curses and looks at the other man, climbing to his feet and moving toward the door.
John scrambles toward the bar and gentle puts his piece on the floor. He then puts his hands up as he attempts to stand up.
Mac produces a shotgun from under the bar as the woman and man both exit the building at about the same time, one from the front and one from the rear of the bar. “What just happened?” Mac asks John excitedly. “And just so you know, I don’t think I would have shot you, though my programming does direct me to fire upon violators of our rule. It seems that you were trying to help, so thank you.”
“Mac don’t worry. I would’ve tried my hardest not to violate that rule. If I would, I just try to wound, at least something I can patch up later quickly. What just happened? I don’t know. Deal gone sour? Maybe. Anyway, I better go home before my day gets any worse. Put things on my tab?” John leaves through the front door pointing his feet toward home.
As John makes it outside, he hears several gunshots. Hearing gunshots in this area of Seattle is not that uncommon, but these were close by, around the corner somewhere.
John debates following the direction that shots came from. After a few minutes he realizes that he isn’t near his home but around where he thinks the shots came from.
Shot in the Empty Lot
John finds himself in an empty lot somewhere beyond Lucky’s. About 20 yards away, he sees a body on the ground, three kids are hunched over it, fighting over it's belongings. John cautiously approaches the group hovering the body. As soon as John gets within 10 yards, John shouts, “Hey guys, how it hanging?” As moves forward even slower, he pulls his gun out of his holster and tries to conceal next to his leg. As John approaches, the kids scatter, running off and yelling obscenities in his direction. He notes that they don’t run too far and all three remain nearby, watching. Quickly, John sees that the body belongs to the Asian man he saw in the bar recently. He has several gunshot wounds, on to his neck, that is bleeding profusely. He is alive, but probably only barely so. John holsters his weapon, and rushes over to the man. He puts med backpack down and reaches in to receive some bandages and antibiotic. He quickly does everything he can to stabilize this man and checks to see if he has any spinal issues. John believes this man is able to be transported. He yells at the youth, “Any one want some free stims, or money? I need help moving this guy back to my place.” One of the kids flips John off, then steps up a bit and calls out, “Yea, old man, I’ll help ya. 300 creds and some stims! Cash up front, and I get his jacket!” John sees a Credit Request icon from the kid pop up on his TAP display. It shows a request for 500 credits, not the 300 that the kid asked for. A moment later another one for 300 pops up from one of the other kids. Then a third one, from the last kid pops up, but for 3000 credits. John hears the kid curse then the request disappears and a new one pops up for 30 credits. The kid curses again and yells, “300! 300 muthafucker!” the Request icon disappears again then reappears for 3000. It disappears again then finally appears for 300. All the of the kids watch John as he considers their offers. John sighs. He hits his TAP and orders a ZoooM. John then declines all the offers. “Sorry guys, you all are way TOO expensive.”, he yells. He dons his backpack, grabs the man in an attempt to do a fireman’s carry. John gets the balance wrong but is able to semi-gently lower the man down but ends losing his balance falls over on him. He quickly checks the wounds to make sure everything is ok and attempts again. On John’s second attempt, he knew he didn’t quite get the hand placement right. He readjusts and gets the man off the ground to finally make his way to his rendezvous point. On his way, John realizes he hasn’t done this in years and must be a little rusty. Maybe he can talk Kirby or Angela into being his practice dummies for this maneuver. The kids curse and continue to flip John off as he drags the wounded man away. They break out in raucous laughter at one point when John drops the man and nearly falls himself. Finally, John makes it to the corner and the ride is there waiting on him. The driver leans out the window. “Aww, shit, is that dude bleeding out? I don't’ want no blood all over my ride, man! Come on! You look like a big, strong dude, can’tcha carry him? South ain’t that far. Aww, dude, he is bleeding. It’s all over you! You’re not getting into my ride like that!” he proclaims loudly. As John looks at the back seat of the used Nissan, he sees the remains of what appears many young people's mispent adventures. He looks at the driver, and says sarcastically, “You are correct. Blood in your car would ruin it’s pristine and sanitary nature.” John sends the driver on. He deeply sighs as he contemplates the journey ahead. In his army days, he remembers carrying wounded comrades miles to aid stations but he was much younger and much better shape. He looks at the wounded man and says, “You better be worth this.” The Asian man groans, as John starts to put one foot in front of the other to head home.
Second Mob Of The Day
John starts the walk home, carrying this unconscious and wounded Asian man. He is much heavier than he looks and John assumes he has some cybernetic upgrades somewhere in there. About two blocks into his trek, John hears tires squeal loudly around a corner. He turns and sees a blacked out luxury car skid around the corner. Three motorcycles with black suited riders follow the car. Finally, a highly modified JUMP bike comes flying over the rest, landing on the street just past where John is. The car screeches to a stop and the JUMP bike spins and stops at the far end of the street. The motorcycles rev their engines and zoom up and down the street, doing wheelies and burning out left and right. Two of the riders wave machine pistols and the third rider brandishes a wickedly curved katana. John disgustedly sighs and states, “Fuck this.” He lowers the man’s body gently to the ground and casually draws his gun from it’s holster. He desperately tries to hide the exposed gun against his leg as he positions himself between the car and the wounded man. John knows that if there is a fight he on the losing end of the stick but the way his day has been going he doesn’t give a fuck. Maybe this is the day he finally gets back with his unit. Three Asian men in suits get out of the dark car while the bike riders continue to zoom back and forth down the street. The three men from the car all raise assault rifles, pointing them at John. The driver of the car calls out for him to drop the gun and step away from the man’s body. John is pretty sure this must be the Yakuza. “Did you do this to Kanzo?” he shouts out to John. John gently puts his gun down on the ground and takes two side steps away from Kanzo. He shouts back, “NO! I found him likes this and was taking him back to my surgical suite to get back to a working condition. I’m a street doc! I’m John O’Brien!” Still not to sure about the trigger fingers on the hired muscle, John takes two more steps to the side. The Asian mobster takes a step forward and lowers his weapon. He reaches up and pulls the dark sunglasses from his face and cocks his head, looking more closely at John. “You’re a doctor? Surgeon? Can you help him?” he calls out. John nods, affirmative. The man calls out to his companions in Chinese or Japanese or some other language that John doesn’t understand. Several of the men move forward and pick up the injured man, Kenzo, and take him to the car. The man that spoke to John beckons him over, “Come on. We go to your place. You fix him up. You can get your gun. I trust you.” John smiles a little as picks up his gun and puts in its holster. He heads toward the car. He gets to the luxury sedan and says, “I can fix him and I will keep alive on the ride over there.” He gives the driver his address and concentrates on keeping his patient stable on the bumpy ride home. The car, escorted by the bikes, makes is way through traffic to John's place. The parking lot of Lo Pan’s Den - Fine Pan Asian Fusion and Gaming Center is beginning to get crowded. The large HyperObject that is the wizard Lo Pan glides around the lot, just over the tops of the tallest vehicles. He waves and beckons to passing vehicles and people, occasionally throwing a pair of flaming dice that always comes up snake-eyes. As the Yakuza vehicle enters the lot, John notices the HR Lo Pan turn and look in their direction. The smiling face turns sour and the giant wizard shakes his head and holds out his hand as if to say “no.” A notification pops up on John's TAP reminding him that residents of the building are not allowed to park in the restaurant lot even if they are coming in as patrons but instead must use the off-street or alley parking in the back. John signals to park around back. He says to the mob boss, “It has better access to my surgical suite plus you won’t have the hassle of your limo being towed away.” The mob boss signals to driver to go ahead and park around back. John says to the muscle as they haul Kinzo out of the back, “It is the 3rd floor, the apartment all the way at the end of the hallway. Hey, gently. He still isn’t out of the woods yet” He shows them where to place their hands to get a more secure grip. The group takes the elevator up to the 3rd floor. The hallway is dimly lit. John reaches up and touches his TAP and a door unlocks at the end of the hallway. “In there guys,” John states and gestures toward a well lit surgical suite. He puts his pack down in his apartment. He returns to the suite and begins to work on Kanzo. It takes several hours, but John is able to stabilize the seriously wounded man. If it had been much longer before they got here, it would have been too late, John thinks. It’s a good thing that the Yakuza showed up when it did. John then wondered if he would ever think that specific thought again. Then he thought about having another drink, all this surgery was really wearing him down. Normally his clinic was filled with folks with broken bones, small contusions, coughing, STDs, cyber rejection, things like that. Not serious gunshot wounds and all this mafia business. He finishes up with the Yakuza and the gangster in the suit pays him well. “You don't know us, right?” he says as they help Kanzo to his feet and leave. John is quite sure Kanzo recognizes him from Lucky's and gives him a weak sneer before leaving. John thinks he really needs to find another way to make money. John also thinks he needs another drink. He spies a bottle of whiskey on a nearby shelf then remembers he has a couple of free drink credits downstairs at Lo Pan’s. John heads down to Lo Pan’s. He sees his favorite waitress here, Lucy. He attracts her attention and she signals which is her section. He finds a quiet booth in her section and starts checking the news on his TAP. At first it seems the same old crap. Some congressman making a bad decision on something that is being opposed by another congressman from the other side. He sees a vid on how crime is up in Seattle. John thinks to himself, “No, shit.” Then a blog on simulacra jumpers catches his eye. He just started getting into the blogger’s theories when Lucy brings his Scotch. He gives her a free drink credit, and smiles. She doesn’t say much but she always seems to make him smile. He then finds his way over to the subreddit on medical procedures. He posts a couple of questions. Then finishes his drink. Lucy anticipated him and had another Scotch as soon as he finished the first one. He happily gave the other free drink credit plus a few credits extra as a tip.
As John sips his drink, thinking about the events of the day, a call pops up on his TAP through one of the call routers he uses for the clinic. The OOL ID says Grim. John doesn't know anyone named Grim and he wishes he didn't have to use these call routers because since they give him some anonymity for the clinic, it likewise allows callers to use easily spoofed IDs as well. The life of a street doc, he muses. Saving lives and breaking the law. The call continues to flash in his peripheral. He takes another sip of his drink. John sighs heavily, and says “Hello” to answer his TAP call. As the image starts to appear, he states “Watcha need?” John is met with a young, raspy voice speaking quite frantically, “Aww, man. Hey, you the doc? I need a doc! I got three people here. Bee's been shot, the other two are banged up. Can you help? We're in the parking lot of some place called Lo Pan's. Karh tried to stop the bleeding but, um, I'm thinking it didn't work. There's a lot of blood here. Karh went in to look for you but this didn't really seem to be the right place.” The voice pauses for a moment, breathing heavily and John thinks he can get a few words in. John looks at his drink, and sighs heavily into the TAP, “Ok, I will be right out.” He grabs his backpack as he stands up. He scans the bar to see if anyone unusual in the place. He thinks he sees someone by the door, they don’t look like they looking for anyone just drinking. Realizing his TAP line is still open, John asks, “What does Karh look like?” “Ha, like a punk-ass.. um, sorry. I mean he looks like a guy. Bout 20, dark hair. Frowns a lot. Big but eyes,” the voice on the line chuckles again briefly then continues. “Not quite 6 foot, wearing a dark hoodie. I think he was wearing it anyway. Hold on,” the voice asks. After a moment, John gets an image over his TAP. “There, that's him.” Now with a picture to work with, John rescans the room as he makes his way to the door. Almost immediately he sees the fellow, Karh, talking to one of the Lo Pan waiters near the entrance. John makes his way across the crowded bar toward Karh. Upon his arrival, he leans in and says, “Hey Karh, I think you are looking for me. Now, let’s go to your friend before he dies.” The young man looks at John with a bit of a shocked look on his face. John now sees that the front of Karh’s clothes are covered with blood. Karh shakes his head and mutters, “Yea. Parking lot,” and turns and heads back out of the building. He leads John to an old model Tesla. Very old model, John thinks, totally an antique. He notices that the side of the car has some recent damage and several people can be seen inside the vehicle. Karh approaches it and waves his hand, “I got the doc,” he says. John sees an older man slumped over in the front seat and then a young, dark haired man climbs out of the back seat, he is covered in blood. John also notes that he has a sheathed katana in his hand. Two more people, a man and a woman are in the back seat as well. They both appear to be injured. “I’m Grim,” the dark haired man says, “We just talked.” John feels this man quickly sizing him up. He then turns and does a 360 scan of the area, clearly checking it out for danger zones. John thinks this kid, he can’t be more than 20 or so, has had some sort of training, military or private sector security, at least. He looks inexperienced but seems to have a good eye for things. “Where do you want them?” he asks John as he lights up a cigarette. John assesses the situation and states, “Do you think it would be safe to move them outside the car?” He then looks at the man in the front seat and begins to move him onto the tarmac of the parking lot. Karh shrugs and Grim responds, “I dunno. You're the doc right? Bee, in the back. She was shot. Dickhead and the old man were both smashed by a door and run over by a, umm, well, by a rhino. A hybrid, ya know?” John gets the man in the front seat carefully to the ground. As he does a triage of the patients, he states, “You know a little help moving the others would be helpful.” Grim and Karh help John with the injured bodies. As they do so, several people passing in the parking lot shoot glances at what is going on. Some smart ass shouts out, “Let ‘em bleed! Blood in the gutters!” Grim shouts back and flips the bird. Once again, the giant HR Lo Pan ambles over to where they are. It leans over and shakes its head and waves a finger in John’s direction. Another TAP message comes in, this time a direct message from the manager of Lo Pan’s, an older guy named Harko. “Second time tonight, O’Brien. Come on, get it out of the parking lot. You know the rules. I gotta report it to the owner this time.” The giant Lo Pan turns and stands directly over where John and the others are looking over the patients. John cusses as he realizes yet again that he is not to be performing business in the parking lot of his landlord’s business. The owner of Lo Pan allows him to use his apartment for his practice as long as he keeps it out of public view. John considers that Lo Pan’s could probably be shut down, or worse, if the wrong people found out he was running a clinic out of the building. A quick assessment show that the girl, Bee, is in the worst condition. She is suffering from a gunshot wound that has been horribly bandaged. The other two appear to have suffered from some blunt force trauma and may or may not be suffering from concussions, not that that isn’t dangerous, but they’re not bleeding out in the parking lot of a shitty casino and restaurant. Karh glances up as Lo Pan settles in above them then turns to John and says, “Might be best to get them off the street ya know? We are drawing a bit more attention here than either of us are looking for. Where should we go?” John snaps at Karh, “Yes, I know. I live here.” He quickly stabilizes Bee’s gunshot wound. When John finishes he looks at Grim, and says, “Dark One, she should be stable enough to move. Grab her. “ Pointing at Karh, he says, “You and me help the others.” John helps the closest one to him up and escorts them to a back alley behind Lo Pan’s. The alley is dark, and full of garbage. John spies a few of his recent patients on his way to the door. He thinks, “I guess they’ll be back.” When he opens the backdoor, there is a hallway to a rickety, unclean elevator. He looks at the group and states, “We are going to the elevator. It smells like stale piss but hey, it is better than the stairs.” When the creaking elevator gets to the third floor, the doors open to make-shift surgical suite. John motions toward a surgical table and says, “Put the girl there.” He motions his patient to a chair nearby and turns to Bee. He grabs a mask and instruments. He stops suddenly and looks at Karh, “You are going to be my nurse. Not hard. Just hand things to me when I ask. Oh, here is a mask. Put it on.” When he has everything in place he begins.
Cast of Characters:
Doc John O'Brien: a washed out combat medic turned street doc; played by Dan E
and Jason GURPS as the GM |
In which the Q begins to go tour and meet with as many schools in the nabe as possible within the next year or so. Explore's up first, and here's why...happenstance.
The pesky thing about being a curious blogger who writes about things he's curious about is that every time said blogger learns about something, he wants to know more about it, but given the limited hours in the day he starts to feel like he's only skimming the surface of every issue, and maybe that's just how it is - only PhD's ever get the opportunity to truly understand something, and even then, they end up kickin' up more questions than they answer. And so it is with education, and in particular, the schools situation in the immediate vicinity. Lots to learn. Lots of questions. And a lot of counter-intuitive surprises.
When the Q wrote about the recently relocated Explore Charter School on Parkside Avenue and how it was taking applications for its upcoming lottery after moving from its old digs on Snyder, I got more and more curiouser about the school and its leader Morty Ballen, since he's the sort of rip-up-the-playbooks kinda guy that folks in the reform movement seem to be looking for. Then, out of the blue, Morty shoots me a note and says hi. Guess he saw the post. And we made a date to meet...at the school. So I got a tour and a talk with the founder and head of the Explore Network - all for writing a silly blog post. How awesome is that? And I thought I was just keeping a stupid journal...
didn't exactly welcome him. You can thank the teacher's union for that. Charters rub the union the wrong way, since most charter schools are non-union, and they often compete with other public schools for space. I'll expound more on unions in a bit, but let's just say that Morty and Explore's current principal Trace Rebe have created a very comfortable medium-sized K-8 school that's teeming with smiles and good vibes. They favor co-teaching with classes of 30 so they can split up by level or have one teacher up front and the other supporting. The "office" is small too; just a couple of stern-but-sweet women who know all the kids names and probably all the parents to boot. I'm betting if you matriculated at the school you'd know everybody's name in a week-and-a-half. There's about 60 kids per grade; there's a music teacher and an art teacher. They share a decent gym and cafeteria with their co-habitater school. Some complain about how much testing kids do these days, but on the day I visited kids were happily taking individualized computer tests that had cool graphics tracked how far they'd gotten and it looked pretty much like standard in-class work to me, with a digital flair. The staff was fairly young, idealistic like the charter network itself, and Ballen stresses things like balance in teacher's lives. Probably not a bad place to work, though work they clearly do.
So what's going on here? Is it a "revolution" in education? Far from it, says Ballen. It was refreshing to hear him say that there aren't a lot of BIG new ideas in teaching. I've heard it said that great ideas get co-opted and used immediately across a spectrum of teachers, schools and leaders - it's hard to keep secrets; when something works, it gets used. Is the population at Explore different than the other public schools around here? No, not really, though you do have to have the wherewithal to sign up for the District 17-favored lottery (which happens next week) so you might end up with a slightly more motivated parent body. Students are predominantly children of children of the islands, much like the neighborhood around it. I didn't see any Asian or white kids, if that's the sort of thing that matters to you. Actually, you know who it DID matter to? There was a writer, Sonny "N.R." Kleinfeld of the NY Times who was doing a piece on the school, and he and I chatted for awhile and all he wanted to talk about was how segregated the school system was, far worse than the South pre-busing. I was shocked that someone from the Old Gray Lady would actually find this to be "news," but he seemed honestly outraged that most schools are all minority when the neighborhoods around them have been fully or partly gentrified. (I guess he's never heard of private schools? Or lying about where you live? Or hypocrisy? Or rather, he must not have kids methinks...nice guy though.)
No, no revolution happening at Explore or its sister charters. Unless by revolution you mean giving smart committed teachers the tools and support they need to succeed. During Morty's teaching days, he saw and resented the apathy and bloat that clogs the system. He was even naive enough to think that if he could start a school un-tethered to the Union's perverse systems he could just hire great teachers and press go. But in fact, a school is like a business, and it needs leadership, incentives, love (tough and soft) and even professional support in order to thrive. That's why all of the back office functions of Explore and its sister schools are handled centrally, outside the school buildings. Teachers therefore have resources - need supplies or new curriculum tools? Call headquarters. Got some cool new ideas you want to try out? Share them with the network. Need money for a new program? Call the fundraisers. Etc. Teamwork. Incentives. Flexibility. A school system WITHIN a school system.
Bottom line...go check it out for yourself. Don't rely on the Q, or Insideschools.com, or word of mouth. There's simply too much bad or parroted information out there about schools, and I for one would LOVE to have people write in to the Q with their personal experiences with schools so we can really share honestly, rather than the grab bag of quotes one hears again and again about schools, principals, teachers and the cultures that may or not still apply. Personally, I think competition is great for the massive NYC educational boondoggle. But I will say that using a lottery rather than simple neighborhood zones for the Charters has created a perverse luck element that runs counter to the idea of creating quality schools close to home, especially in troubled nabes. Districts are big! And if you want your kid to go to a school within walking distance, with his/her friends from the neighborhood, you can't count on getting in to this charter or any other, and if you do you may have to take a bus past a number of closer schools to get to your "lucky" charter. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that charters should accept locals first, perhaps from a smaller "zone", no lottery, then open it up. Not like anyone's asking me, but...the luck thing bugs me.
Then of course there are many arguments pro and con about Charter Schools, but the one argument I buy hook line and sinker is that the unions - for all the good they may provide for teachers as workers - have not been particularly good at helping make schools better for the kids. The Q's a good union-loving liberal like the rest of you, but after years of hearing teachers I trust say they too are super-frustrated with the union, you gotta wonder. When rank and file thinks the union protects bad teachers and stifles innovation, I'm thinking the union is actually working at cross-purposes. Where it gets tricky is that teachers unions, unlike, say, the Teamsters, are charged with serving a very intense deeply intimate interpersonal function in the lives of our future citizens. And they're asked to be truly creative and flexible and compassionate at every step of the way. All day every day they're helping mold the next generation, and interacting with families, sometimes in a very intense manner. So while the Teamsters Union has made life easier and more humane for the Teamsters themselves, most people don't care about the stuff of the trade - the trucks, dollies, log sheets and equipment - the way they do their own kids, who are the "stuff" of the union. Am I making any sense? I hope so, because I've been looking at this problem from a lot of angles now for quite a while, even sitting on an unsuccessful charter school board and learning the ins and outs of school budgets, curricula and work rules. I'm no expert, but I'm starting to see things a bit clearer.
What teachers need is SUPPORT, and not just like those back-saving belts that go around a UPS guy's waist. Ballen et al seem to have their focus on all the right things. The school's not too rigid, nor is it too loosey-goosey. It puts a huge emphasis on parental involvement, and it rewards teachers who show great skill and creativity. It's small enough to feel like a community, and it's facilities are reasonably sufficient to the task. Check it out. The Q is curious (as always) to hear what you think. And if you or someone you know attends the school - please share your experiences. Night, night...
The Q at Parkside
News and Nonsense from the Brooklyn neighborhood of Lefferts and environs, or more specifically a neighborhood once known as Melrose Park. Sometimes called Lefferts Gardens. Or Prospect-Lefferts Gardens. Or PLG. Or North Flatbush. Or Caledonia (west of Ocean). Or West Pigtown. Across From Park Slope. Under Crown Heights. Near Drummer's Grove. The Side of the Park With the McDonalds. Jackie Robinson Town. Home of Lefferts Manor. West Wingate. Near Kings County Hospital. Or if you're coming from the airport in taxi, maybe just Flatbush is best. |
Telling the kids you’re separating is one of the most gut wrenching moments of a parent’s life. Easily and by far.
But, with a bit of forethought, some well-planned timing and a few deep breaths you WILL be able to do it. The key is to take things slowly and go in with an open mind and a warm heart.
You may wonder what makes me qualified to talk about this subject… fair enough. Professionally I am a qualified Counsellor but something you may not know about me personally is that I have been on both ends of this conversation – as a 17 year old child when my parents separated and as a 32 year old woman when I chose to end my marriage. I get it. I understand how having this conversation is so VASTLY different for each and every family.
What is said will depend on so many factors
These may include the reason for the separation, the age of the children, the circumstances going forward, the relationship between the parents, the communication skills and emotional intelligence of the parent facilitating the conversation and of course, the reaction of the child or children involved.
In reading this information it’s vital that you take into account the personal circumstances of YOUR family. This is not a case of one size fits all. YOU are the expert on your family. It’s up to you to consider how best to deliver the conversation based on your own abilities, resources and parental perspective. Remember also that this is a broad sweeping list of considerations to help you through. However you plan to manage the conversation be sure that it is ‘age and stage’ appropriate.
First things first…
Choose the timing as best you can
I’m talking not at 830 at night when the kids are exhausted and wanting to sleep, not at 345 in the afternoon when soccer is on at 430, not at 730 in the morning when breakfast is on the table.
To give yourself the best chance at getting this right you must allocate a time which suits all parties involved. If necessary, schedule it in. Diarise it. Plan around it. But whatever you do DON’T expect the kids to jump up and go about their day like nothing has been said. They will generally need time to process what they’ve been told. Remember, you’ve likely known about the separation for some time. If this is the first they’ve heard of it you need to give them thinking space.
Find a ‘non-threatening’ space or place
Myth: telling the kids you're separating should be done in a child’s bedroom, their ‘happy place’. I’d have to say that, in my opinion, this is a no-goer. The child’s bedroom MUST remain a safe haven where there is NO association to trauma (yes, this conversation WILL be traumatic). Their bedroom should be a sanctuary where they can go to feel safe, secure and happy. Other options to consider are somewhere out in the fresh air like a park or a quiet picnic spot somewhere. The sunshine will do everyone good. You could also consider a lounge room where they can snuggle up to their favourite blanket or sit with their favourite pet. If you feel up to it you could also have the conversation over a milkshake or beer etc depending on the level of privacy available (and the age of the children of course!).
Use loose questioning
Don’t like it when you’re hit with 20 questions?! Neither will your child! Remember, GO SLOWLY. Ask where necessary but otherwise just remain open and patient. Give them permission to ask you questions whenever they need to. Don’t feel that silence needs to be filled with talk. Allow them to sit and think. They may have questions, they may not. But using your questioning as a way to make yourself feel less nervous or uncomfortable will only make THEM nervous and uncomfortable. And also, never use leading questioning. Let them think and speak for themselves. No one likes people assuming what they were going to say or, worse still, putting words into their mouth.
Stick to the facts as much as possible
This can be hard under emotional distress but it’s so important when it comes to an upset, unsettled child. When telling the kids you're separating, only talk about what you know for sure. If you don’t know, tell them that. Honesty is key. Tell them that some things may take time to work out. Tell them if you simply don’t know. Never make things up or sugar coat things. Older kids will hold you to what you say, quite often in fact, so be careful. You may wish to tell the child that you are still working through some things so you can make the best decisions. That shows them that you aren’t rushing things, that you are doing what is required to make this as smooth a transition as possible for them.
Remind them that it’s not their fault
This one will be an issue for MANY kids, of all ages. It’s heartbreaking so be prepared for it to come up either directly in conversation or later on in behaviour changes. So many children take separation as a reflection of THEM..that they did something wrong, that they were too naughty, that they didn’t love someone enough or, worse, that someone doesn’t love THEM enough so they are leaving. Children will imagine all sorts of scenarios so make sure you reassure them that it’s nothing to do with them and that it is a decision that adults make some times, for their own reasons.
Focus on what remains the same
Amidst the emotional chaos, one way to settle and ground kids is to remind them of what WON’T be changing. Think about school, what house they’ll live in, the friends they have. Whatever you KNOW will be staying the same should be given adequate conversation time. This will eliminate more worry for the kids as they naturally start to nit-pick the situation and create endings to stories which haven’t even been written. When telling the kids you're separating, eliminating those factors which don’t need to come into play will provide huge comfort for them.
Ease their worries
“But Mummy where is Spot going to live?”… “Who fill feed Banjo?” … “What will happen to Lizzy?” Be prepared for the practicality ‘stuff’ because your kids will likely go there. Yes we adults are caught up in the emotion, stress and confusion of it all but kids will often go straight to practicalities. Consider family pets as soon as possible and try to have answers for them as best you can. Where things haven’t been finalised as yet, tell them that, but reassure them that no pet will be left behind or forgotten about. They will need to hear that their pets are being included.
Use books, drawings or real life examples
Depending on the age and emotional development of the child you may like to use some other resources to get your message across. In this day and age where divorce is rampant and families come in all shapes and sizes there are countless story books available to simplify a separation. You could pop into your local library or even do some shopping online for something you can keep and refer back to in future. Another good way to communicate the change to young ones is to use drawings. You could draw two houses or Mummy and Daddy doing different things in life. It’s hard to provide specific ideas as so much will depend on your family circumstances. Remember, you can always ask the kids to draw as well. Quite often children will find pictures for words they just can’t find.
Wherever possible try to maintain a normal routine for the kids. Routine provides stability and familiarity for children, more so when there is so much change going on around them. If possible stick to the same wake and bed times, school runs, after school activities, dinner time routines and bed time wind down activities.
Watch for behaviour changes
After you’ve had the conversation it’s important to keep an eye on their mental health. What you’ve told the kids is life changing and whilst you are able to cope and rationalise things as an adult kids just aren’t developed and experienced enough in life to do the same. It’s likely that you may see irritability, withdrawal, fear, sadness or moodiness but remember, these are normal responses. Give your kids space to feel what they feel, and validate them, often. It’s a good idea to actually TELL THEM that you’re there for them and that you are happy to answer any questions or let them vent. If you start noticing serious changes it may be time to look at getting some support on board. It may also be time to have a discussion with school teachers if you feel this is necessary.
Offer them professional support
This one I can NOT emphasise enough. Suggest a Counsellor, Psychologist, Youth Worker, Doctor… ANYONE. Tell them they can speak to someone else if they can’t speak to you. Encourage them to air their thoughts and give them healthy outlets for any anger that comes up. When you’re a kid this stuff is HARD but the right skilled ‘helpers’ can significantly reduce the trauma associated with a family breakup. What’s more, a therapist or support worker can offer them hope and a realisation that they are in fact not alone… that families all around the world experience separation.
...where to from here?
I hope these ideas give you some sort of confidence and peace as you push on through what is undoubtedly an extremely challenging and emotional time. Whatever you do, however you do it… BELIEVE that no matter how hard it gets you CAN handle it. When telling the kids you're separating, remember to act from a place of love… for yourself and for your kids. Take each day as it comes and look after yourself as you look after others. You may also be interested in reading my article 7 must do's to survive your divorce.
If you need a listening ear, some strategies or just some support, I’m here for you. My services are available Australia wide… during business hours and after hours. I’ve been where you are, I will understand you and your unique situation.
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Erica has a passion for Women’s Health. She works with women who want to be heard, supported and empowered! Erica is a survivor of many life experiences. A Mum. A travel lover. A green thumb in training and an eternal optimist! |
“Sometimes I think that this could be a fairy tale. Not the happily ever after type we tell each other to make ourselves feel better — but one of those strange, dark tales where monsters eat little children.”
These are the first lines spoken by an unnamed screenwriter in Tonya & Nancy: The Inside Story, a 1994 made-for-TV movie about the infamous skating scandal between Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan that became an international phenomenon just three months prior to its release.
The film was met with lackluster reviews, and the real life story it depicted would only get more convoluted in the months following. But while Tonya & Nancy was the first film that chronicled this moment in history — it was far from the last. Harding’s messy life and controversial decisions would become the inspiration for a countless number of reinterpretations in the 21st century — and Harding would evolve from being the most hated woman in America to a sympathetic, complicated muse.
But let’s start at the beginning.
Harding grew up in East Portland, Oregon in the 1970s. She was raised by her mother LaVona Golden, a waitress trying to make ends meet, and her father Albert Gordon Harding who took on odd jobs or was unemployed due to poor health. Money was tight and tensions were high for most of Harding’s childhood.
Harding started skating lessons at the Lloyd Center Mall at age three. When Harding started showing promise, Golden took on the role of a Kris Jenner-esque “momager.” Harding’s success was her success — so Golden paid for her lessons and hand-sewed her costumes in the hopes that she could become something bigger than their circumstance.
In retrospect, Harding describes her mother as abusive. By the age of seven, emotional and physical abuse from Golden was just something she normalized. Golden has since stated she once hit Harding on the rink out of anger, but she mostly refutes any allegations of abuse.
Harding was no stranger to abuse. In her 2008 autobiography The Tonya Tapes, Harding claims that her half brother Chris Davison routinely molested her as a child and later called the police on him after harassing her when she was 15, which led to his arrest. In an interview with Rolanda Watts, Harding said that Davison was “the only person I’ve ever hated.”
When Harding was 16, Golden and Albert Harding filed for divorce. Shortly after, Harding dropped out of high school and focused on skating full time.
Throughout the 1980s, Harding started making a name for herself in the competitive skating scene. She placed in U.S. Figure Skating Championships from 1987 to 1989, competed in the 1989 and 1990 Nationals Championships and won the 1989 Skate America competition.
And on February 16, 1991, Harding became the first American woman to land a triple axel. She won the 1991 U.S. Ladies’ Singles title with a rare 6.0 technical merit score — the first time since Janet Lynn in 1973.
Things were going great for Harding. She was winning and on a clear path to a future of success. Her talent had shone brighter than her unappealing demeanor and less than prestigious background that judges ridiculed her for. She was in control of her life and her narrative for once.
And then she wasn’t.
At around this time, Harding married Jeff Gillooly (who has since changed his name to Jeff Stone) and she found herself trapped in another web of abuse. When Harding’s career was doing well, they were happy. When it wasn’t, Stone turned possessive, entitled and violent.
“I was afraid of him, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” wrote Harding in The Tonya Tapes.
As she did with her mother, Harding normalized her husband’s abuse and stayed with him through potentially dangerous circumstances. She felt she had no other options, but in some way, violence was all that she knew.
“He hit me, but [my mother] hit me, but they loved me,” said Harding in 30 for 30: The Price of Gold.
Just like her mother, Stone was invested in Harding’s success. Harding was able to feed into his dream of a better life with her success but it ultimately tore them apart after she failed to medal at the 1992 Winter Olympics. Harding left Stone in 1993, but they still remained in each others lives because of the systems of abuse that consumed their relationship.
If Harding won at the 1994 U.S. Figure Skating Championship, she would garter a spot on the the Winter Olympic team and potentially $1 million in appearance fees and endorsements if she were to get the gold, which would be life changing for both Harding and Stone.
But Harding’s talent wasn’t enough — Stone wanted to ensure her win by any means necessary so that he could get the money and Harding for good. Her biggest competition at the time was Nancy Kerrigan, the previous year’s champion. Kerrigan started just as young as Harding but had every advantage Harding lacked. She was wealthy and grew up in a healthy, loving home and was much more palatable to judges and the audience at home than the brashy, rude Harding.
This juxtaposition of character was heavily used in the media. Kerrigan became the princess and Harding the trashy redneck — they were easy to categorize and thus easy to pit against one another.
And even if Harding’s technical skills were good, she would still be penalized by the judges for her homemade costumes, use of metal music in her routines and bad behavior that contrasted the image of a distinguished figure skater — an image that Kerrigan fit to a T.
So Stone paid two of his friends and Harding’s bodyguard — Derrick Smith, Shane Stant and Shawn Eckardt, respectively — $6,500 each to ensure a Harding win.
On January 6, 1994, Stant swung a 21-inch baton over Kerrigan’s right knee. Later dubbed “the whack heard ‘round the world,” the impact forced Kerrigan to withdraw from the championship and her title.
Two days later, Harding won the Ladies Championship title and a spot on the Winter Olympic team. Kerrigan, even though she was unable to compete, was also selected for the team.
The following week, the FBI began an investigation on Kerrigan’s attack. Eckardt confessed to the FBI and implicated Harding, Stone, Stant and Smith. Eckardt and Smith were then arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit second-degree assault. Stant, who went to his home in Phoenix, Arizona to flee, was caught and he surrendered to the FBI.
Throughout all this, Harding was still training for the Olympics like nothing had happened. Everyone thought she did it, or helped orchestrated it, or at least knew about the plan at some capacity. Trashy Tonya tried to ruin sweet, precious Nancy’s career. It perfectly fell in line with what the public already believed about each of them.
“I’m for Tonya. What about you?” Katha Pollitt wrote in her 1994 column for The Nation. “You have to like a woman who gets reamed out by prissy sports-writers because she smokes, peroxides, wears loud nail polish and teeny tank tops, and says she wants to win a gold medal at the Olympics for the money.”
Because of the controversy, Harding was unlikely to receive any of the lavish endorsement deals she expected. But she still skated. She didn’t want the money anymore, she was there to prove herself to everyone who doubted her. She wanted to win.
On January 31, 1994, Stone stated that Harding approved the Kerrigan plan. He later pleaded guilty to racketeering for a 24-month sentence. Gillooly’s attorney accused Harding of conspiracy after a restaurant owner found Stone and Harding’s trash and gave it to the FBI. The trash revealed incriminating notes allegedly in Harding’s handwriting, which included the phone number of Kerrigan’s practice arena along with her training times.
Harding sued the U.S. Olympic Committee in attempts to stop a planned hearing to decide whether or not she should participate in the Olympics. Harding ultimately dropped the lawsuit and the committee canceled the hearing — Harding was allowed to skate in the Olympics.
Kerrigan won the silver medal at the 1994 Olympics and Harding, still under investigation, placed eighth after one of her laces breaks. It was the third highest rated sports event in television history at that time.
In March, Harding went back to Portland and plead guilty to conspiracy to avoid further prosecution. She was sentenced three years probation, paid $160,000 in fines and resigned from the U.S. Figure Skating Association. In June, Harding was banned for life from the U.S. Figure Skating Association and was stripped of her 1994 national figure skating title.
Harding remained in the limelight for better or for worse. She managed wrestlers Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr and even became one herself, returned to skating while angry audience members booed and threw batons on the ice, did various high profile (and paying) interviews and even placed third on season 26 of Dancing With the Stars.
But what is truly remarkable is how this story of someone so publicly hated and villainized has become the inspiration of several contemporary works, most of which see Harding as a sympathetic, misunderstood heroine.
In 2008, Tonya and Nancy: The Rock Opera premiered in Portland and later toured in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. The show is a dark comedy based on the events of the Harding story. “The story is in a sense beyond satire, since the level of absurdity and melodrama in the real events is already so high,” according to the show’s website. Harding even went to a performance. “She got onstage and said everyone here deserves a big applause,” Elizabeth Searle told The New York Times.
In 2014, the Harding story was turned into a full comedy in the form of Tonya Harding: The Musical written by Jesse Esparza and Manny Hagopian. The United Citizens Brigade Theater hit characterized Harding as a woman sick of her lousy husband and being forced to share the spotlight with goodie-two-shoes Kerrigan.
Also in 2014 was The Price of Gold, part of ESPN’s 30 for 30 series which focused on Harding’s issues with class in a sport that reeked of the elite.
In 2017, Dan Aibel’s play T. told the Harding story without Kerrigan at all. Kerrigan was referred to as “Horseface” by the characters but was never on stage — further feeding into the narrative of Harding being a misunderstood dark horse.
The most notable fictionalization of Harding’s life was the 2017 film I, Tonya which similarly saw Harding as an unlikely and unlikable hero attempting to overcome her circumstance tooth and nail. The film is based on “irony free, wildly contradictory, totally true interviews” with the story’s key players — and Harding (Margot Robbie) never lets the audience put the blame solely on her.
The film garnered Allison Janney acclaim for her portrayal of Golden at the Oscars, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild Awards, BAFTAs, Critics’ Choice Awards and the Independent Spirit Awards. Margot Robbie was also recognized for her portrayal of Harding at the Critics’ Choice Awards and AACTAs.
“America…you know they want someone to love, but [they] want someone to hate,” said Harding at the final scene of I, Tonya. “And they want it easy. What’s easy?”
And there is something so uniquely American about Harding’s story. Regardless of how one feels about Harding or whether or not one believes she had something to do with the attack, Harding couldn’t care less. She wanted to make a name for herself and she did so in a way that was truly her own. She was known not just for her skating prowess, but for her very persona — one that was entangled in the various complexities and contradictions that made up her life. Everyone has an opinion on Harding, but when it comes to a lasting image — Harding has the gold.
Header image by Andrew Parodi, CC 2.0. |
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Cancer and Depression: Everything You Need to Know + Treatment Tips
According to the American Cancer Society, depression is a reality for 1 in 4 cancer patients. On top of doctor visits, chemotherapy, radiation, prescription drugs and other worries, depression can really take a toll on mental health and make things even more difficult.
Whether you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another type of cancer, you and your family are likely grappling with a variety of emotions and challenges. It’s important to understand the link between mental health and cancer so that you can be prepared to get the help you need.
Read on to learn more about how depression affects cancer patients or skip to our infographic for statistics and treatment tips.
Risk Factors and Symptoms of Depression
To understand cancer-related depression, we need to take a look at the various factors that put patients at a higher risk for depression. Once you understand your level of risk, you’ll need to learn about the symptoms of clinical depression and when normal sadness crosses the line into clinical depression.
Who Is at Risk?
Anyone can develop clinical depression as young as their teenage years. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, having a chronic illness such as cancer puts you at a higher risk of developing depression, along with the following factors:
Experiencing a traumatic event such as abuse or the death of a loved one
Abusing alcohol or recreational drugs
Having a history of other mental health disorders or eating disorders
Being directly related to someone with depression or another mental health disorder
If any of these risk factors apply to you or a loved one, take note of whether or not you begin to experience any symptoms of depression.
Symptoms of Clinical Depression
Clinical depression encompasses more than the normal emotional sadness that comes with a cancer diagnosis or other difficult life event. It’s important to be able to distinguish clinical depression from normal sadness. To do so, ask yourself if you’ve experienced any of the following symptoms that you know aren’t directly related to your cancer:
Changes in normal sleeping patterns, like insomnia or hypersomnia
Extreme tiredness or lack of energy
Frequent thoughts of death or suicide
Intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness and worthlessness
Loss of interest in enjoyable activities like hobbies or sports
Random outbursts of tears, anger or irritability, even over small issues
Trouble focusing, concentrating, thinking or making decisions
Unexplained appetite increase or decrease resulting in weight gain or loss
Distinguishing Cancer Symptoms from Depression Symptoms
It’s sometimes difficult to ascertain whether a symptom’s underlying cause is related to clinical depression or cancer treatment, as there is a lot of overlap in symptoms. For example, side effects caused by chemotherapy — similar to those caused by depression — include sudden changes in mood and appetite.
If you’ve experienced any of the above symptoms for longer than two weeks, or if these symptoms are causing you to be unable to perform daily functions, talk to your doctor. They’ll rule out the possibility of your symptoms being related to your cancer treatment, hormonal changes or vitamin deficiencies. If your symptoms aren’t related to these issues, you may want to seek treatment to help you cope with your cancer-related depression.
Treating and Coping with Cancer-Related Depression
When dealing with depression that comes with a cancer diagnosis, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Your team of oncologists and psychiatrists are here to work with you to find treatment options to improve your quality of life.
Common Antidepressant Medication
Cancer-related depression can be successfully treated via prescribed medication — however, most cancer patients with depression go untreated. According to the National Cancer Institute, only 16% of cancer patients who experience depression take medication for it.
After visiting your primary care physician and determining your symptoms aren’t related to your cancer, you’ll want to talk to a mental health professional. A psychiatrist may diagnose you and determine the nature of your depression — and discuss the possibility of prescription antidepressants.
In general, antidepressants can be categorized into selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). These are similar in that they both help balance neurotransmitters in your brain, which affect your mood and emotions.
Your doctor may suggest a combination of two different medications, or recommend another medication to enhance the effects of your antidepressant. Always consult your doctor before trying any new medication.
SSRIs typically come with minimal side effects and are not likely to cause other unwanted problems. Common SSRIs include:
SNRIs may help treat chronic pain in addition to depression. Common SNRIs include:
Support Groups and Counseling
When combined with doctor-prescribed medication, support groups and counseling may help ease depression symptoms in cancer patients. Many support programs are even offered to cancer patients and their families for free. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America can help you find a support group near you.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another effective form of mental health support. CBT is a form of counseling that helps cancer patients become more aware of their depression and address the inaccuracies in their negative thinking in an objective way. This helps patients better manage difficult situations as a result.
Considerations for Caregivers
Caregivers are also more likely to develop depression. This is because they are often tasked with difficult duties and may develop feelings of hopelessness for a loved one’s future. If you’re a caregiver for a cancer patient with depression, remember to take care of your own mental health first. Then, consider the following tips:
Express that you are there for them. Tell them you love them and that you are concerned for their health and well-being.
Encourage them to get out of the house. Even though it may be difficult, offer to accompany them to doctor appointments and other activities.
Understand that depression is a clinical disorder. Telling someone to simply cheer up is unhelpful and may make things worse.
Whether you’re a caregiver or patient looking to better manage your symptoms, the visual below provides a quick look at statistics, symptoms and science-based treatment tips for cancer-related depression.
No one is ever prepared for a cancer diagnosis, and depression can easily make a tough situation even more painful. With consistent communication with health care professionals and the support of your community, you don’t have to let depression get in the way of maximizing your quality of life.
If you’re ever facing mental health or substance abuse challenges and don’t know where to turn, call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for 24-hour confidential support.
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Last Modified April 22, 2020
9 Cited Article Sources
The sources on all content featured in The Mesothelioma Center at Asbestos.com include medical and scientific studies, peer-reviewed studies and other research documents from reputable organizations.
American Society of Clinical Oncology. (2019, August). Depression.
Retrieved from: https://www.cancer.net/coping-with-cancer/managing-emotions/depression
Drugs.com. (2019, July 23). SSRI’s vs SNRI’s — What's the difference between them?
Retrieved from: https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/difference-between-ssris-snris-3504539/
National Cancer Institute. (2019, July 9). Depression (PDQ®) — Patient Version.
Retrieved from: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/coping/feelings/depression-pdq
Mayo Clinic. (2019, March 16). Cognitive behavioral therapy.
Retrieved from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/cognitive-behavioral-therapy/about/pac-20384610
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Retrieved from: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-and-depression-2018022213309
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Retrieved from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007
Smith, H.R. (2015). Depression in cancer patients: Pathogenesis, implications and treatment (Review). Oncology Letters, 9(4), 1509-1514. doi:10.3892/ol.2015.2944
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Retrieved from: https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/cancerwise/depression-in-cancer-patients-what-you-should-know.h00-158833590.html
- American Cancer Society. (n.d.). Emotional, Mental Health, and Mood Changes. Retrieved from: https://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/physical-side-effects/emotional-mood-changes.html |
Updated July 30, 2015
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10 Tips to Help You Get a Super Long-Lasting MakeupHere are the tips to keep your makeup looking fresh and sharp throughout the day.
Cherie is an online community of beauty lovers sharing their stories; whether that's their favorite products, makeup tutorials, or skincare routines. Download the app today to be a part of #BeautyWithoutBarriers and show the world what beauty means to you!Have you ever spent an hour putting on perfect makeup in the morning but ended up with faded, smudged, or horrible-looking makeup halfway during the day? Well, you’re not alone. It happens to the best of us. Lucky for you, Cherie is always there with the best and useful tips and tricks to solve all your problems, no matter health, beauty, fitness, or anything else bugging you.Why You Need Super Long Lasting Makeup?We understand that you have a lot on your plate to worry about on a daily basis, and we don’t want makeup to be one of your worries. Sometimes, just knowing how to apply your makeup beautifully isn’t enough. You need to know the important details and methods to make sure you apply a super long-lasting makeup that can stay the entire day. Below are some tips to keep your makeup looking fresh and sharp throughout the day. Many celebrity makeup artists, licensed estheticians, Instagram beauty influencers, beauty enthusiasts, and Cherie swear by. So, let’s get to the chase without further due!1. Spend Time Prepping Your SkinSetting the base for your makeup is the most crucial factor in ensuring the smooth application and longevity of your makeup. So, don’t hustle! Take your time to look after your skin and keep it in its best condition. Start by cleansing your skin with a nourishing and hydrating cleanser to draw out sebum, grime, bacteria, and any other impurities. The next step is exfoliating away the dead, dry outer layer of the skin. Finally, deeply hydrate and moisturize your skin. Viola! You’re all set to proceed with your makeup routine. Pro tip: Always use skincare products specifically formulated for your individual skin type and concerns. The wrong products might lead to problematic skin and, ultimately, disastrous makeup.2. Prime for Perfect Foundation Face and eye primers are a great way of making sure your makeup doesn’t slip or move around, and everything glides smoothly on top. If you have oily skin, go for a mattifying, oil-free, ad water-based face primer to avoid melty and shiny mess during the hot days. For those of you with enlarged pores, a primer that fills your pores and fine lines is the best option. For dry and dehydrated skin, apply a nourishing and moisturizing primer to provide your skin the much-needed hydration throughout the day and avoid patchy foundation. A moisturizing primer is also great if you want a luminous glow on your face. Similarly, an eye primer helps with the flawless application of eyeshadow and prevents smudging or creasing. It’s ideal to try a few different formulas and find the primer that works best for you. A good primer can be a game-changer.3. Use a Long Wear Foundation and Concealer It’s needless to say that a long-wear foundation that suits your specific skin type and blurs or hides your skin’s imperfections is essential for long-lasting makeup. Liquid foundations, in particular, offer versatility and flawless application. An oil-free formula lasts longer and there are lesser chances of it sliding off your face during the day. There are many brands that offer long-lasting versions of liquid foundations that claim to stay for as long as up to 24 hours. Once you’re done with your foundation, follow with a long-lasting concealer. Applying the concealer before foundation may drag it around as you apply the rest of the makeup on top and diminish its purpose.4. Apply Your Makeup in Layers Another way of making your makeup stays all day is by applying the foundation and concealer in light layers instead of a single thick layer. Heavier and thicker layers are more likely to set in your pores and fine lines, giving a cake-face appearance. Also, if you want a smooth and texture-free application, use a good quality brush or beauty sponge to layer your foundation. It will give a more natural look, prevent creasing or caking, and your foundation will last a lot longer. 5. Set Your Liquid or Cream Makeup with Loose Powder Your liquid or cream products can move around during the day, making your makeup fade, crease, or smudge. Make sure to set them with a lightweight loose powder that matched the shade of your foundation and concealer or use a transparent formula. Pressed powders often contain oil and provide a heavier application, while loose powder makes it feel like you’re not wearing anything excessive on your face. Simply use a soft powder brush and dust a small amount of loose powder on top of your foundation, focusing on the areas that tend to get greasy. This can make your face look shine-free and fresh throughout the whole day along with allowing the makeup to hold beautifully.6. Use Waterproof Eye ProductsWhat can be a better way to boost your look than flawless eye makeup that accentuates the natural beauty of your eyes? For this reason, it’s crucial to choose a waterproof eyeliner and mascara that can stand through all your daily activities other than making your eyes look dazzling. Believe us, the last thing you’d want is smudgy eyeliner or mascara. Never neglect what you put on your eyebrows as they are one of the most prominent features on your face that people notice. To achieve well-sculpted and thick eyebrows, use a waterproof pomade or eyebrow pencil followed by a colored eyebrow gel to hold your brows in place all day long. Additionally, spritz your eyeshadow brush with a priming spray to ensure smooth and pigmented eye makeup. This tip is particularly useful while applying shimmery eyeshadows.7. Apply Your Lipstick the Right Way It’s super important to exfoliate and moisturize your lips if you’re looking for giving a lasting and smooth finish to your lipstick. Dry, chapped, and dehydrated lips may cause flaking and cracking of your lipstick. Moreover, avoid oil-based lip products as they are usually not very long-lasting. Start by applying a lip pencil to outline the lips and prevent your lipstick from moving around. Preferably, choose a matt lipstick because they are prolonged wear and don’t smudge. But if you’re more into satin finish lipsticks, find a long-lasting formula and apply it in layers. Apply one layer of lipstick, blot with a tissue, and dust a thin layer of translucent powder. Repeat until you achieve the opacity you desire. 8. Seal with a Makeup Setting Spray This essential step that ensures long-lasting makeup during the day is often overlooked. Makeup setting spray is makeup professionals’ favorite product to ensure the longevity of their makeup, especially if the client has to attend an all-day event. Other than locking your makeup in place, makeup setting spray refreshes the makeup and gives an illuminating appearance to your skin. Also, it can provide an airbrushed effect, leading to smooth and spotless makeup that lasts all day long. You can choose from mattifying, hydrating, and illuminating formulas, depending on your specific needs and skin type.9. Blot Your Face with a Sponge of Blotting Paper It’s quite common to get shiny and greasy T-zone area during the day, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, especially if you have very oily skin. So, always keep a beauty sponge or blotting papers with you. Both these products work effectively to soak up excess oil and make your complexion products look as good as they were at the start of the day. However, use gentle pressing motions to cut the shine without ruining or swiping off the makeup from your face.10. Keep Your Hands Off Your Face No matter how trivial it may seem, but the fact is that this simple tip works magic to make your makeup stay throughout the day. For starters, touching your face repeatedly may cause your makeup to smudge or come off. Besides, you might have bacteria and toxins collected on your hands through your exposure to various factors during the day. These bacteria can transfer to your skin by touching and lead to blemishes and acne breakouts.Cherie understands that it can be annoying to spend all the time applying your makeup only to find it disappear a few hours later. We believe that choosing the right products and using the best makeup tricks and techniques can take your makeup game up a notch. So, pay close attention to all the nitty-gritty details mentioned above when you’re in front of the mirror doing your makeup next time. We hope this article will help you rock a seamless makeup look throughout the day.
I turned myself into Neytiri from Avatar👽😊
For this year's Halloween look, I opted for this one. For a detailed tutorial visit my Youtube channel Nita's Glam World. 😊❤️
2 more days to WIN this 🏷 New Beauty Buys
The prizes are packed, we just need the winners 👀 ✨ Make sure you enter our LIVE GIVEAWAY that ends on 10/18/2020 at 11:59 PM PST! All you have to do is 1) Cheer our giveaway announcement post from Monday 🌈 2) Create a post and tag 🏷 New Beauty Buys before the giveaway ends See our post from Monday to learn more. 5 Winners will be announced here on Monday 10/19/2020. Good luck!💕
I know so many people haven’t had the chance to really dress up during covid and wear any makeup at all even with all the releases😭 Sometimes there are so many releases that it gets hard to keep track of everything and to really know where to spend your money so I’m here to tell you, this is where you really should 💸 Ived followed Vesca Beauty on IG since another influencer mentioned the bronzer like they originally released and the inclusivity with the shades really was the hype! Not only that but the inclusion and the quality of the products were amazing too so it’s a win win!🥳 After getting my hands on the two launches they had, I knew I needed more so I went out and bought their new highlighters and their latest release with their lip oils! 👏🏽 so here are some initial thoughts When it came to the lip oils, I really didn’t think much, I thought they maybe too slippery but that brown shade was calllllling my name and I knew I needed it and honestly it looked so beautiful on their model, I decided to go for it! ✊🏽 and I have to say, this is my new GO TO lip product! I’ve been obsessed with the fenty gloss bombs for years now but this has kind of replaced it for the time being VESCA - Lush Glow Creamy Lip Oil they are legging luscious like the name and super moisturizing and hydrating and pack a punch with colour but you can wear it sheer as well! I mean they are so soft and velvety without feeling like their is a ton of product on the lips! I’m thoroughly surprised As for the their highlighters, I really like the shade but just haven’t been able to play with them as much but they do have a a very buttery formula when using your fingers so as a eyeshadow, this will be gorgeous VESCA - Stargaze Luminous Glow I didn’t expect anything less from such an amazing brand and the size of these are just right as well! Not too big yet not tiny either cause really, who actually finishes an entire highlighter?🤭😉 #cheriepartner
A Satisfying Texture | Foundation for Dry Skin❤️
Look at this awesome close up of the AMOREPACIFIC - Color Control Cushion Compact Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 50 😍 I have this thing called Trypophobia (fear of small holes) but for some reason this close up just fascinates me. You can really see the luminescence of the foundation within the sponge! For those of you who aren’t familiar with CC formulas/cushion foundation, they are typically a smoother, more liquid-like formula than your average foundation that is made to even out skintone. Most true CC formulations focus more on skincare elements and a wee bit less on color/color ranges, especially those from Korean brands. Western brands definite amp up the diversity of their skintone range, as well as overall pigmentation in their formulas. This means you’ll find more full-coverage CC cream/foundation from “western” brands like IT Cosmetic’s it Cosmetics - it Cosmetics CC+ Cream SPF 50+ . (Not my favorite for dry skin. I felt like the Sahara Desert all over again when I used their formula 🙄) Therefore, it might be difficult to find a shade that fits you if you have a deeper skintone. Side note: I consider IT cosmetics to be a western brand because upon a bit of research, the company was bought by L’Oréal and the products are mostly manufactured in China. I love this foundation for super dry skin because of how moisturizing it is. It’s awesome for creating that second-skin finish with a natural, dewy glow. If you have light-medium with slight neutral-gold undertones and struggle with a bit of texture, this foundation line could work well for you! Every time I try something new or I’m stuck in a rut, I always go back to this foundation. I love the ease of use and blendability. The size is great for travel and I find that it doesn’t bother my dry, sensitive, acne-prone skin. You can get a medium to slightly buildable full coverage without “erasing” the dimension/shadows in your face. Even though it has SPF it doesn’t wash my face out completely and doesn’t create a white cast. If there is any, it’s only slightly noticeable. You would have to look reeeaaally close to see it. Layering on powder/cream products are a breeze. I found the best way to use this product is with a slightly damp beauty blender. Start by placing a little bit onto the skin and then proceed to layer more as needed. There is something to be mindful of when you are using this product. If you live in a more humid/moist climate, I would add a little powder after your face primer and then proceed to add this foundation to help keep this in place throughout the day. You could also carry a powder puff with you throughout the day for touch-ups. Because the foundation has high moisture and provides a dewy finish, it can impact the longevity if you live in an moist/humid area 😊 Yay to a healthy glow! ❤️😄
A Cherie Member Wanted A Video Tutorial❤️
WOOOT! FIRST CHERIE VIDEO EYE TUTORIAL! Uploads have been coming in a little later in the day because videos take a WEEEEEE longer to make. 😊 This video has a lot of information packed into one minute! Be sure to pause, rewatch and pay close attention! I didn’t expose my camera correctly so the skin tones might look off but I promise that it won’t compromise the final results of what the shadow will look like in person! It will still look like the photo I previously posted of this look! The more pigment you place on your eye, the more it’ll show. This video shows the basic steps of what I did to create this look 😄 Feel free to ask me any extra questions if you get confused!! Used: ANASTASIA Beverly Hills - Norvina Eyeshadow Palette VISEART - Grande Pro 3 HUDA BEAUTY - Matte & Metal Melted Double Ended Liquid Eyeshadows in shade faux fur Too Faced - Shadow Insurance Anti-Crease Eyeshadow Primer
Self-Expression, Beauty Rituals, and Uplifting The Trans Community With Mariana MarroquinLearn about LA's Trans Wellness Center and how to become a better ally for the trans community.Jun. 24
How Cherie's Skin Report Can Help Users Get Advice from their PeersCherie's beauty community offers solutions to all of your skincare questions!Jun. 18
CONCEALER ROUND UP! The Best Product For Every Skin ToneCherie's guide to help you choose the best concealer for you based on undertones.Oct. 5 |
Before it could even get started, round two of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) ran into problems with the SBA website failing to handle the deluge of applications from banks both big and small. The blame game intensifies, with private schools joining public companies on Sec. Mnuchin's naughty list. Meanwhile, the Justice Department is launching an investigation of possible PPP application fraud, and the IRS decided that PPP loan-related expenses will NOT qualify for tax deductions. Finally, the AICPA urges PPP loan forgiveness guidance and makes recommendations, and we've got a survey of small businesses showing how the PPP is working out for them.
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Wouldn't it be great if your small business clients could offer big company benefits to their employees, plus automated payroll, compliance support and HR tools? By using Justworks, you can offer these four essential services to your clients via one simple platform. Stay tuned to hear more from our sponsor, Justworks, later in the episode.
PPP, how can I explain it?
I hope you will obtain it.
If you listen, I will show you how to claim it.
It's a program that they made for a virus called Corona.
They give you free money 'cause you gotta stay at homa.
The first P's for Paycheck.
You may think you know what that is.
Boss gives you moolah, shekels, lettuce, scratch, or cabbage.
That part is true, but what if you are self-employed?
Profit counts as payroll, so your biz don’t get destroyed.
The other P’s Protection, as in fiscal preservation.
You can’t pay no taxes if you’re in liquidation.
They’re thinkin’ two months, so remember 2.5, so when the curve flattens, we’re all gonna thrive.
There’s one more P that we gotta talk about.
If you don’t get with the Program, son, you’re gonna be without.
All the savvy players have friends at the bank to put them first in line, when the program starts to crank.
Grab your accountant and do your calculation to get the figures right for your loan application.
If you use the proceeds for paying your team, your loan will be forgiven, and you’re gonna scream: "Get down with PPP! Get down with PPP. Get down with PPP. Get down with PPP. Get down with PPP ..."
David Leary: [00:01:23] It's amazing.
Blake Oliver: [00:01:25] Get down with PPP. Yeah, isn't it? [crosstalk]
David Leary: [00:01:25] He captured the whole history of everything. The whole month, he just captured in one rap song.
Blake Oliver: [00:01:34] I love that so much. That was Steven Zelin. He's a CPA. He uploaded this video to his YouTube channel. That was just a part of it, go watch the whole thing. He's got almost 6,000 views in four days. We're recording on May 1, but we're gonna be talking about the month of PPP. I was looking at our past episodes, and three titles are all PPP, and this one's gonna be it, too, because it just keeps on going.
David Leary: [00:02:00] Should we do our introduction?
Blake Oliver: [00:02:03] Oh, yeah, yeah.
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[00:03:59] Welcome to The Cloud Accounting Podcast. I'm Blake Oliver.
David Leary: [00:04:03] And I'm David Leary. Blake, we have something to celebrate before you jump into PPP.
Blake Oliver: [00:04:08] Okay, let's do it.
David Leary: [00:04:09] We hit 200,000 downloads.
Blake Oliver: [00:04:11] Awesome!
David Leary: [00:04:13] So, thank you, listeners. Thank all of you for the support the last- we're almost two years, right? Getting very close?
Blake Oliver: [00:04:19] Yeah. Yeah.
David Leary: [00:04:22] It's been an amazing run. 200,000 downloads is not anything to a squint about, right [crosstalk]
Blake Oliver: [00:04:27] I thought you were gonna say $200,000, and we definitely haven't made that much money.
David Leary: [00:04:33] No, no, no, it's not that. It's just downloads.
Blake Oliver: [00:04:35] It's just downloads.
David Leary: [00:04:35] In this day and age, you might be able to use those to buy things. I don't know.
Blake Oliver: [00:04:39] Yeah. I know we have some reviews that we need to get to because we have ... We had a bug, and we weren't getting the reviews.
David Leary: [00:04:45] Yes. So, we've had two reviews.
Blake Oliver: [00:04:52] This is from Dwight Dettloff. He says - five stars - "Love this podcast. There's a few that I listen to regularly and this is one of them. As a solo practitioner, it's like having lunch or happy hour with other colleagues." Well, cheers to you, Dwight.
David Leary: [00:05:08] This one is also on Podchaser. It's five stars. It's from Lizgolightly. "Love hearing from you guys in Australia. We have fast changing government deadlines here to and legislation which was introduced so fast, there was no consultation and included some and excluded others. Thanks for the updates look forward to hearing more. Take care at this difficult time."
Blake Oliver: [00:05:28] So, it sounds like government is the same everywhere.
David Leary: [00:05:31] Yes, I've been watching on the sideline of what's happening - a little bit in Canada, a little bit in the UK, and Australia. Their programs are causing just as much stress and pain for accountants as the PPP program is, here in The States. It's good to hear we're all in the same boat, worldwide.
Blake Oliver: [00:05:49] Well, let's get straight into it, because there was a ton of news, a ton of drama when it comes to the PPP. There's a lot of blame going around now that people are starting to get really, really frustrated. Where do we even start with this? Well, where did we leave off last week? When we were recording, the program was set to open up again on Monday.
David Leary: [00:06:10] At 7:30 Pacific, yeah. So, it was about 10:30 a.m., Eastern.
Blake Oliver: [00:06:15] We predicted the crash, which then followed.
David Leary: [00:06:18] We predicted the crash, when we recorded on Saturday, and then, Monday, it crashed, I think, within 30 seconds.
Blake Oliver: [00:06:24] Yeah, no surprise there. Just too many applications trying to come in all at once, and the SBA's computer systems are terribly antiquated. Some bankers were online, live tweeting, throughout the night, their frustrations with trying to enter a single piece of information and then getting kicked out and having to go back in and information getting lost and having to reenter it. It just went on and on and on. I think it's still a problem, I don't even know if it has been fixed at this point. I think people are just not even really talking about it anymore, but it's just still going on. They had to-
David Leary: [00:06:54] That's because they keep giving us gifts to talk about, but we'll talk about that more ... Apparently, that first day, though, they had 100,000 loans submitted in one day, the very first day.
Blake Oliver: [00:07:06] Yeah, but we're talking, there's gonna be another 1 to 2 million loans; actually, way more than that, because it should be smaller dollar numbers.
David Leary: [00:07:13] Yep.
Blake Oliver: [00:07:13] So, 100,000 loans, when you're probably gonna have, what, 3 million of them? It's not that good. It's gonna take a whole month to get through. So, what they tried doing is rate-limiting, so banks could only submit so many loans per hour, or per day, or whatever. That didn't work, and people were really frustrated. Some of the smaller banks were really frustrated that the big banks were allowed to submit loans in batch files. Originally, it was 15,000. So, if you had 15,000 loans to submit, you could just dump them all into an XML file and submit that all at once, and you didn't have to go through this horrific process of entering them one by one. Then, when the banks protested, the Treasury, or SBA lowered that to 5,000. That still made a lot of small banks have to sit there just manually entering loan applications because they're only doing a few hundred.
David Leary: [00:08:03] You have to manually enter. Did you see the article in the Journal of Accountancy from Jeff Drew?
Blake Oliver: [00:08:08] No, no.
David Leary: [00:08:08] So, they banned the use of RPA programs. If you were smart, and you had a keyboard-automation tool that would fill out the online application for you, which you would do if you were smart, once you typed things in ... They banned the use of those. They basically said you have to manually type the data into the website.
Blake Oliver: [00:08:28] Unless you're a bigger bank, in which case you can just submit XML files. Then, in order to, I guess, address some of that, they temporarily, for a day, stopped the big banks from being able to submit and only the small banks could do it. But then that isn't exactly fair, because a lot of the people who are at big banks, the small businesses who got neglected by the big banks, Chase, and Wells Fargo, and Citi, and Bank of America, they're like, "My loan still hasn't been processed, and you're giving preference now to small banks?" Where that was clearly a success story for the first round. None of it makes any sense.
[00:09:03] I think the signal that maybe Treasury is starting to figure out that this is not going so smoothly is that Treasury Secretary Mnuchin deployed his top deputy to the SBA to fix this thing. I'm sitting here thinking to myself, "This is 27 days after this program started, and anyone who was paying attention could see this was gonna be an issue." He sent Deputy Secretary Justin Muzinich. So, we have Mnuchin sending Muzinich to the SBA to sort this thing out. So, we'll see. Hopefully, he can get things moving.
David Leary: [00:09:37] Well, he's also announced, I saw earlier this week, about they're gonna investigate now, or audit anybody that's done $2 million or more.
Blake Oliver: [00:09:46] Well, yeah. Now, we're getting into the blame game. Small business owners are really frustrated; accountants are really frustrated, but mostly those small business owners who don't have accountants, who aren't even fortunate to have accountants advocating for them, they're really mad. So, who are they gonna blame? Two weeks ago, we were blaming who? We were blaming the big banks, the big or small businesses who got these loans, like Shake Shack and was it Ruth Chris.
[00:10:13] Now, Mnuchin tweeted today, "It has come to our attention that some private schools with significant endowments have taken PPP loans. They should return them." He even went on TV and called for these big businesses, the public companies who have taken PPP loans, to not just return the money, but also apologize for even taking the money in the first place. This comes after the revised guidance. Was that even last week? Did we talk about that last week, the revised guidance-
David Leary: [00:10:41] No. The Revised guidance, as far as ...?
Blake Oliver: [00:10:44] The loans; like what qualifies as needing the loan?
David Leary: [00:10:48] Oh, yeah, they revised that.
Blake Oliver: [00:10:49] Yeah.
David Leary: [00:10:49] We didn't talk about that last week. I think that was new this week.
Blake Oliver: [00:10:53] Oh, God, that was this week?
David Leary: [00:10:54] So, this week, we had the revised guidance.
Blake Oliver: [00:10:56] Right. So, everybody's getting upset. They're all getting mad because these big businesses, these public companies are getting these loans. So, then, Treasury comes out with the FAQ, and revises the guidance, and says, "Well, even though we excluded the requirement that you don't have access to outside capital, we actually meant that we wanted you to consider that." Because normally, with SBA loans, you can't get them if you have access to other capital; if you have a way to raise money outside of the SBA. But they exempted all the businesses from that, specifically. They did that on purpose in the legislation to speed things up, but now that they're seeing, "Oh, these big businesses, businesses that may not need it, are getting the money. Let's go back and change the rules."
David Leary: [00:11:38] Well, that's been a lot of the big problem with this, is the guidance keeps coming out after the fact, after the fact, after the fact.
Blake Oliver: [00:11:46] Yes.
David Leary: [00:11:46] But I think he also, yesterday, or maybe it was this morning, he said that they're going to now not just audit and look at loans that are above $2 million, they're gonna start looking at every single loan. You're gonna have to prove that you had some economic need.
Blake Oliver: [00:12:00] Yeah. I got an email from my old firm, from Armanino, and they talked about this, and I couldn't believe it. But now that you're confirming that, I guess it must be true. So, basically, the Treasury is saying they're gonna audit ... Well, they said on April 28, they're gonna audit all loans over $2 million to see if the certification was correct; if they actually certified properly to this need or this necessity, I suppose. As we've talked about in the past, the certification is super-super-broad. All you have to say is that current economic uncertainty makes the loan necessary to support ongoing operations. That could be anybody, right?
David Leary: [00:12:40] Yeah.
Blake Oliver: [00:12:40] So, then, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says they're gonna audit all loans greater than $2 million for compliance with the eligibility and calculation rules and the forgiveness and whatnot. Then, the next day - that was April 29 - apparently, there's reports that he has now extended the audit threat to all borrowers, regardless of the loan amount. So, all these accounting firms are now emailing their clients, "Better make sure that you are comfortable with what you did and what we helped you do because they might audit you." To incentivize people to give back the money, the SBA is offering a limited safe harbor window. So, if you return the money by May 17 to the bank, then there will not be any ramifications. What could that be? That could be criminal penalties. I don't know about you, David, but this just seems insane to me. They gave out all this money with hardly any strings attached, and now, after the fact, they're saying, "Give it back or else ..."?
David Leary: [00:13:40] This all started, what was it, April 3, right, was the beginning of this-
Blake Oliver: [00:13:43] Yes. Yes.
David Leary: [00:13:44] -when it got flipped on? So, basically, the entire month of April. Then, the cherry on top, though, was late yesterday ... Did you see the guidance announced late yesterday [crosstalk]
Blake Oliver: [00:13:54] The IRS guidance?
David Leary: [00:13:56] The IRS guidance [crosstalk] that any money you spend the PPP loan on, you can't expense it for your taxes.
Blake Oliver: [00:14:03] Right, it's not deductible.
David Leary: [00:14:04] Not deductible.
Blake Oliver: [00:14:06] I actually have never seen our community get so furious. This is the thing that actually set everyone off.
David Leary: [00:14:15] The whole month ... It couldn't have got ... This just was the top of the cherry. It's unbelievable how insane this month has been and the ridiculousness. Then they just topped it off with that. Last night, you could see all the Slack channels are in ... People just quit working yesterday. They just shut their laptops, they shut their computers. They just walked away and poured drinks. It was an unbelievable month and for them to top it off with that ruling last night is just amazing.
Blake Oliver: [00:14:41] Now, I know I haven't been following all the tax implications of all this stuff, but my understanding is that the loan forgiveness that is going to happen is supposed to be tax-free, and it is going to be tax-free. They're not gonna tax us. Because normally when you get a loan forgiven, it's income; it's taxable, right? So, this income is not going to be taxable, but then the IRS comes out and says, "Oh, but the deductions, or the expenses associated with this income is not deductible," which is basically the same thing. If they had just made the loan forgiveness taxable, and the expenses deductible, it's the same thing. It ends up making the money taxable.
David Leary: [00:15:28] Yeah, and when it's all said and done, your loan that you got is probably really- you have to, in your brain, almost think it's really a loan for 75 percent of that, when it's all said and done. So, if you got a $100,000 loan, you really, probably got a $75,000 loan for free, because you're paying taxes on the rest.
Blake Oliver: [00:15:45] Yeah, but you can't use the loan to pay your taxes.
David Leary: [00:15:47] No ... From the IRS's standpoint, this stimulus is just ... They really didn't give out a trillion dollars; they only gave out $750 billion.
Blake Oliver: [00:15:58] Yeah. It's just- it's a very backhanded way to reduce the amount of ... It's gonna create a lot of horrible conversations that now accountants have to have with their clients because we told them, "Oh, the money is tax-free," and now we have to tell them actually it isn't.
David Leary: [00:16:16] And you have to also tell them it may not get forgiven now, either. Remember, two weeks ago, I said, watch. They keep using this word "potentially forgivable." Now, every week, every day, they chip away at that forgiveness. Two weeks from now, is it gonna be, "Sorry, you can't forgive any of the loan anymore. We changed our mind ..."?
Blake Oliver: [00:16:32] Yeah.
David Leary: [00:16:34] Is it starting- it feels like this. It really feels like this.
Blake Oliver: [00:16:36] Just to put things in perspective, I don't think they can do that legally. I don't even think that this guidance that they've issued would stand if this went to court. You can't just go back and change the terms after the fact. So, if a company took the money, and certified, and is willing to stand up to that, there's no case. The Treasury, and the SBA don't have a case. But the problem it does create is the PR problem. Secretary Mnuchin going after individual businesses, that's terrible. That could destroy your business if the public turns against you. Rubio even tweeted about how they're gonna release the full list of PPP recipients. Did you see that?
David Leary: [00:17:19] I did not see the tweet, but I think they should release who's been taking these loans. It's public information. It's public money. We should see this. I can agree [crosstalk] I think it's gonna be done; very politically driven, right? I can see-
Blake Oliver: [00:17:32] Right. First of all, that would be a terrible idea because it would ... Talk about a witch hunt. Then, it would also create problems for a lot of people who are, I think, supporters of the administration. So, then it provides fuel on both sides of the political debate. There's plenty of folks who donate to the Trump campaign who got this money. We've already seen evidence of that in The New York Times. There was a story here about a conservative Texas hotel owner, who owns a ton of hospitality businesses. He used the loophole in the law - which is that each location just has to have fewer than 500 employees - to get a ton of money. It's crazy. $126 million.
[00:18:23] So, this is Monty Bennett. He applied through a network of entities for $126 million in forgivable loans from the Paycheck Protection Program. According to company filings, he's received $70 million of that, as of May 1. For comparison, Ruth Chris Steakhouse, which is the second-largest recipient, got just one-sixth that much and returned the money. Monty Bennett is saying he's not gonna give the money back, and he's saying he's likely not going to use the money in the eight-week period for payroll. He's gonna hold onto it, and keep it as a non-forgivable one-percent working-capital loan, which you and I have talked about as being a strategy that many small business owners will likely take. The money isn't going to go to payroll. It's gonna go to helping them open up again when the economy improves.
David Leary: [00:19:14] That's if you do get the money, right? That's your worst-case scenario is you have a loan for one percent, which is pretty good-
Blake Oliver: [00:19:19] Yeah, you can pay it back in two years, and you don't have to pay for six months. So, you could hunker down for six months, and then start up again, and use that money to help you start up again, which makes total sense as a business owner.
David Leary: [00:19:31] Well, maybe there's a hidden gem in this, right? I know we were upset; I was upset ... The fact that these big, huge companies are taking this money because, ultimately, their one loan could help 2,000 small businesses, in a way. Now that this ruling came out with the tax deduction, if it's not deductible, essentially ... You're saying somebody'd have to fight this; fight it, right?
Blake Oliver: [00:19:55] Right.
David Leary: [00:19:56] And go to court over this. Well, maybe we need some of these huge companies that have lawyers and have taken massive amounts of money to fight that.
Blake Oliver: [00:20:05] Yeah.
David Leary: [00:20:05] The average small business owner's probably not gonna be able to fight this, on the whole.
Blake Oliver: [00:20:08] Maybe somebody will, but I don't think they're gonna go after Monty Bennett because he's a big donor. He's a conservative donor and has donated like $150,000 to the Trump campaign. So, I think this puts Mnuchin in kind of an awkward position because here's the number-one example of somebody who benefited from this program who should not have, according to the intent of the rules. Apparently, he was lobbying in Washington for these exemptions.
[00:20:36] This makes like total sense. Business owners who are kind of on the big side of small hear about all this money that's gonna come out; these billions and billions of dollars, and they wanna get a piece of it, and they have interests in Washington. So, they're working behind the scenes to change the legislation - this is lobbying, right? This is how it always works - to make sure they qualify. They got this exemption put in place. I'm not saying it was this guy in particular, but it was probably bunch of them all lobbying for exemptions together. While this law is being drafted, they get that put in there so that they can qualify, even though, in aggregate, they have more than 500 employees, they can still get the money.
[00:21:11] I think this was a political miscalculation by whoever was drafting the law. They figured, okay, well, some big businesses are gonna get the money, but there's gonna be so much of it, and everybody's gonna get money; nobody'll care. Then, we had the computer problems, and the slow roll-out of the program, and the money not getting out. Then, people are getting really, really mad, and they have to blame somebody. So who do you blame? Treasury is not gonna blame itself. Who do people love to get mad at? They love to get mad at big banks, and they love to get mad at big businesses, so that's who's become the target of all of these attacks.
[00:21:47] Honestly, if you're out there attacking them, which, there's a lot of people doing that ... Gene Marks, he's the number one influencer CPA; he's all over the news; probably the most visible CPA in the world. He's writing all these articles. I'll read the headlines for two of them. "Shake Shack handed back its $10m loan. But that's no reason to applaud," going after basically Shake Shack for even taking the money in the first place. Then he wrote another article, "America's big banks should be ashamed of themselves." Just going after the big banks. I know it's fun to do that-
David Leary: [00:22:24] We've taken part in some of this, right?
Blake Oliver: [00:22:25] Yeah.
David Leary: [00:22:27] I get that, but I'm less mad at the people who got money as much is the over-celebration by the Treasury, and the SBA about how great this program is, even though there's just flaws everywhere. Just stop trying to celebrate this as a victory. It's not a victory. It's just not.
Blake Oliver: [00:22:45] Yeah. I guess what I'm trying to say is that all of this blame game on the businesses that took the money and the banks, it's all just a distraction. It's a distraction from the real problem with the program, which we have talked about since the very beginning of all of this. It's the way it was structured in the first place, and the way it was rolled out through the SBA and the banks, who just don't have the computer systems in place, the technology, to deal with this kind of volume. Nobody's talking about that. You don't have people like writing articles. That's what I would love to see - a guy like Gene Marks, with his platform, exposed the real problem here.
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[00:24:46] Speaking of platforms, there's news that just broke after we started recording. So, I'm gonna jump on this article right now, which is really [crosstalk] I'm gonna rewind to news from about two hours ago, first. Obviously, with this program, there's constant confusion. Now, the latest confusion I don't know if you've seen is when do we start counting our eight weeks? Do we start counting it on the day of our next payroll? Do we start counting it when we get the money? Do we start counting when our city or town has lifted the stay-at-home orders? When do we start the eight-week count?
[00:25:17] The AICPA came out with their guidance, which they say [inaudible] with the beginning of the pay period, not the date of the loan proceeds are received. They also say it should not even start- it should be flexible to when the business chooses to open again. Finally, because I felt like the AICPA has been a little not swinging their sword; they've been a little soft with a lot of recommendations. Now, they're changing to urging. They're not recommending things anymore. Well, 33 minutes ago, after we pressed the record button, the AICPA has taken a position on the tax deduction.
Blake Oliver: [00:25:52] Oh, what are they saying?
David Leary: [00:25:53] I'm gonna read the quote here. "The AICPA believes strongly that the IRS's interpretation denying deductions of expenses forgiven under the PPP program is contrary to Congress's intent." This is a Chris Hessey, CPA chair of the AICPA Tax Executive Committee.
Blake Oliver: [00:26:09] Yes, good! Take a stand because that is just ... What has happened here is ridiculous.
David Leary: [00:26:15] The AICPA plans to seek legislative clarification. So, cheers to the AICPA, who I really have felt they've been too soft along this whole path on this ... I think last night, it hit- it finally hit the peak for everybody, and even the AICPA, it finally hit. They're like, "This is complete shit. We have to do something now."
Blake Oliver: [00:26:38] When it becomes an actual tax issue, that's when CPAs get really mad, right? Oh, man.
David Leary: [00:26:44] With that said, I got approved for my PPP loan.
Blake Oliver: [00:26:48] Hey, congratulations, David.
David Leary: [00:26:50] I filled out the website with a small local lender, what, April 4? That was a Saturday. Heard nothing the whole first round. Nothing. Then the day before the second round basically got turned on, I heard back. I filled stuff out. Didn't hear anything. Then, yesterday ... Because they made that window, and they turned it off for all the big banks, I got approved like that. Then, I've talked to some another accountant this morning, and she said, yeah, everybody that she knows, the small ones, it's finally going through. So, things are starting to go through. But it was funny, even last night before I got the email, I was just like ... I kinda just wanna stop even worrying about it now, and then it went through as soon as I was about ready to be done with it.
Blake Oliver: [00:27:31] You've been waiting almost a whole month. You applied as soon as it started.
David Leary: [00:27:35] Yeah, it was the first- it was one of the few websites I found that was working [crosstalk] that I could apply.
Blake Oliver: [00:27:40] Wow. I wonder how much money has actually gotten out to small businesses. We were really all over that, at the beginning, but then, I kind of gave up because SBA doesn't track it, and they aren't releasing information on it. So, we still- we have anecdotal evidence that money is getting out finally, but we still don't know just how much has been approved versus how much has been disbursed. There is no data [crosstalk] on that, a month after the program started.
David Leary: [00:28:05] Payments.com did have a survey of 1,200 small businesses. They're looking at about how many SMB owners have applied for PPP loans and the different stages. 35 percent have been approved but have yet to receive the funds. 'My application's been filed but has not been approved' is 31 percent. 'I've applied, and I received funds' is about 30 percent. Then, 2.5 percent or almost three percent were 'Application was denied.' So about, at best, a third of the money has been put into somebody's bank account.
Blake Oliver: [00:28:40] Oh, wow, that's worse than I thought it would be. I was hoping it would be at least half. So, a month later, a third of the money is in the accounts, and we're probably gonna need more. I think you talked about an estimate, on the last episode, that we're gonna need $900 billion to actually fund all these applications.
David Leary: [00:28:58] Yeah. Somebody from Bank of America was talking about that.
Blake Oliver: [00:29:00] So, here's the question I have. I've been thinking about this, David, when it comes to the PPP money actually not just getting to businesses, but actually helping people stay on payroll. I want to kind of give you a hypothetical situation. Pretend I'm a business owner and I don't really care. I'm gonna act in my own self-interest, right? Let's take that as an example. So, I get this PPP money. Let's say I get $100,000, and I'm gonna use 75 percent of that on payroll.
[00:29:25] Now I have a choice. I was gonna lay off maybe 10-20 percent of my workforce because my revenue's down 10-20 percent. I could keep them, and I could pay them using that money, or I could do what I was gonna do before and lay them off. Let's say I lay them off, even though I got the money. What that means is that ... Now, let's say I lay off 20 percent of my workforce, so $80,000 can get forgiven still, though, because I'm still paying 80 percent of my employees, and 80 percent the payroll.
[00:29:55] Then, in that case, the other 20 percent, the $20,000 just turns into a loan at one percent, and I can just pay that money back. So, in that case, did the program actually do anything? There's no disincentive to not lay people off, I guess. You can always just take the money as a small loan. Does this makes sense?
David Leary: [00:30:15] Yeah, and I think the same thing- the surveys from PYMNTS addressed some of that, too. Some people were just taking it as a cash cushion, like 25 percent, just in case.
Blake Oliver: [00:30:25] Oh, really?
David Leary: [00:30:25] Yeah.
Blake Oliver: [00:30:26] I gotta look at this survey. Wow.
David Leary: [00:30:28] Generally, 25-30 percent said if they don't get it, they won't survive at all. About half, close to 40 to 50 percent are in that range area, are pushing, like if they don't have it, they wouldn't be able to keep their employees until they're ready to reopen. So, I think it is helping some small businesses keep employees until they're able to reopen for X=eight weeks, but we're already five weeks in, six weeks in. By the time people get this, it's just so late, and it just took so long.
Blake Oliver: [00:31:03] Well, and as a reminder, the name of the program is Paycheck Protection Program. That's what it's supposed to be doing. So, is it actually doing that is my question.
David Leary: [00:31:13] Some part of this, I've been feeling, is that Congress is out of touch. The fact that they think restaurants have 500 employees; they write these things in. Some part of me questions do they even care about small business? I'm gonna reinforce this. You're aware of the Main Street Lending Program, right?
Blake Oliver: [00:31:30] Yes. That's the next one for the larger businesses.
David Leary: [00:31:34] Yes, but where do you normally ... When people talk about Main Street USA, what size businesses are you usually talking about on Main Street USA?
Blake Oliver: [00:31:41] Well, normally, I'm thinking about like the mom-and-pop retail stores, like the hardware store, or something.
David Leary: [00:31:46] Small businesses.
Blake Oliver: [00:31:48] Yeah.
David Leary: [00:31:48] So, they create a program for businesses that have up to 10,000 employees. This is the 500 to 10,000 employee bracket of businesses that have revenues up to $2.5 billion in sales, and they call it the Main Street Lending Program. How out of touch are they? This should be called Almost Fortune 500 Lending Program.
Blake Oliver: [00:32:05] It should be called the Big Box Lending Program. Then, they should've called the Paycheck Protection Program the Main Street Lending Program.
David Leary: [00:32:14] They're just completely out of touch with what's out there in the world. It's so shocking to me. It's not just Republicans. It's also Democrats.
Blake Oliver: [00:32:24] Oh, yeah. Let's not forget, like, we've gotten some criticism lately for being skewed politically, which I think is funny because I would not consider myself to be a liberal, in the slightest. I just hate waste. I hate inefficiency. I hate programs that don't work. The Democrats bear just as much of the blame for this legislation as the Republicans, given that it passed unanimously. All it would have taken is one person to stand up and say, "Hey, guys, maybe this isn't such a good idea," and nobody did. So, I think there's equal blame to go around. Both the Democrats, and the administration, and the Republicans in Congress and the Senate. Actually, you know who I feel the worst for in all this is the poor people that are working at the SBA. I mean, it must suck to work there right now. Can you imagine?
David Leary: [00:33:12] Or even people that are processing bank loans and manually typing these into the SBA website [crosstalk]
Blake Oliver: [00:33:16] Oh, my God.
David Leary: [00:33:19] Obviously, we've talked about accountants and bookkeepers that are suffering across the board. Then, the IRS, as well, right? People at the Treasury ... This is definitely being politicized at the highest levels, and it's gonna continue to be. There's no end in sight to this.
Blake Oliver: [00:33:37] Yeah, and that's the problem is that ... If we could just avoid politicizing it and just deal with the actual fundamental issue, which is that they wrote the law wrong, then we could get around this better, but the fact that nobody wants to own up to it and just wants to point fingers at other people, that's the big problem here.
David Leary: [00:33:55] It just keeps going. One thing that drives me nuts about this is it's bad enough we have this virus that there's no end in sight. Everybody has to just ... They have this unknown in their life. But then, the stimulus package, to some extent, it's created just as much unknown. It's actually worse because it gave everybody a bunch of hope, like, hey, there's gonna be these loans, and they're gonna be tax-free, and you're gonna be able to ... We're gonna get them out within 10 days, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
[00:34:23] Then, even people's stimulus checks ... Last week, we talked about half the people still have not received their stimulus money. So, people just have all these non-predictable things happening in their life. You'd think, if anything, the financial part could be stabilized by just being consistent and being smart in how we do this, but it's not. There's no end in sight to this. We'll have a cure for COVID before this gets figured out.
Blake Oliver: [00:34:48] It's possible. It is unlikely, but possible. Oh, man ...
David Leary: [00:34:53] Any other PPP news?
Blake Oliver: [00:34:55] No, and honestly, I have no energy to talk about anything else [crosstalk] today.
David Leary: [00:35:00] -Windows update making QuickBooks Desktop crash.
Blake Oliver: [00:35:04] Well, why the hell are people still on QuickBooks Desktop?
David Leary: [00:35:07] I knew that was gonna be your response, so I didn't really talk about that one.
Blake Oliver: [00:35:09] Just do it.
David Leary: [00:35:10] There's an air show in Phoenix, so we've gotta get off because we're not gonna be able to record anymore.
Blake Oliver: [00:35:15] There are some jets that are gonna be flying over the city in about 20 minutes. My five-year-old son really is gonna enjoy watching that, so I gotta do that. But also, yeah, it's gonna be incredibly loud.
David Leary: [00:35:27] Are they gonna be throwing out billions of dollars of stimulus money out the window of the jets, so that way ...?
Blake Oliver: [00:35:30] That would be really cool-
David Leary: [00:35:32] The efficient way to distribute it.
Blake Oliver: [00:35:33] No, it's in support of our first responders. They're not gonna be throwing out money. They're gonna be throwing out hope. So, I'm gonna go watch that and have a nice rest of my Friday. I hope you do, too, David.
David Leary: [00:35:47] Yeah, so if people want to get a hold of you, what's the best way?
Blake Oliver: [00:35:50] I am @BlakeTOliver on Twitter. How about you, David?
David Leary: [00:35:54] I'm @DavidLeary. You can also follow The Cloud Accounting Podcast on Twitter. @CloudAcctPod, or just search for Cloud Accounting Podcast. I did create a survey - Was this the worst April in the history of accounting? So, I'd love if you went to that survey and said yes or no.
Blake Oliver: [00:36:10] Hey, I realized I forgot to read some listener mail before we stopped recording last week. So, I want to get this on the record. Is that all right?
David Leary: [00:36:17] That's a good way to close this out. Perfect.
Blake Oliver: [00:36:19] All right. This is from Greg Bayramian; subject - value pricing. "Hi, Blake. I've been listening to the podcast for approximately six months. You and David are awesome speakers, and I learn so much in every podcast. We applied for the PPP program on April 7 with Chase and never heard anything and just found out the funds are exhausted. Question for you regarding value pricing. I started my practice 26 years ago and was a solo most of the time just doing tax prep, and some tax planning, and consulting in the off season. I am an EA, and specialize in tax only. I learned from my first job at H&R Block to charge by the form. I have done that for 26 years. I am hearing a lot about value pricing, but I don't think it would apply to a tax-only business.
[00:37:01] In our firm, we don't have many high net worth clients and most of our clients only want to see us once a year, or if they have a job change, or increase income and need planning. They just come in for a consult visit, where we charge hourly. We do work year round, and we are trying to grow the tax-resolution side of the business, as I love standing up to the IRS. Just curious about your thoughts with a value-pricing model for a business that only does tax. Thank you and looking forward to the next podcast. Stay safe and be healthy."
[00:37:30] So, if any of you have any advice for Greg, feel free to tweet at us. Here's what I think, Greg. I think that there's an opportunity here to bundle the tax prep with audit support. This is what TurboTax has done forever, right, David? H&R Block, you pay an extra fee and then, they'll defend you.
David Leary: [00:37:51] Oh, yeah. At the end, you get to ... It's almost like buying a little insurance policy.
Blake Oliver: [00:37:54] Exactly. Honestly, that's what value pricing is, right, if you listen to Ron Baker, Ed Kless talk about value pricing. It really is, in a way, an insurance policy against future work that you might have to pay for. So, try bundling in all that unpredictable stuff - the tax planning, the audit prep - into the tax prep and then, maybe spread that out over the year. You could charge people in two installments, instead of at the end; or you could charge them quarterly, or even every month, if you wanted. That way, they know, "Hey, if I have a question, I just call. I pay a little extra, but I'm not gonna get hit by an hourly bill."
[00:38:31] You have to model that out and make sure you're not gonna get too overwhelmed with the work that comes in, and you're not billing for it. There's ways to protect yourself with limits. You could set a limit and say this will not exceed so much, or different things, which is ... That's what the software guys do on that audit defense stuff. This is just my take.
[00:38:52] Thanks for writing in. Anyone else, if you want to leave us a message, you can email us. I'm [email protected], or what's even better is you could call us because we love to hear our listeners' voices. You can call us at (202) 695-1040. That's (202) 695-1040. It's a Google Voice number that we set up that goes straight to voicemail. Just leave a voicemail, and let us know what you're thinking; let us know your opinion; let us know a question. We will listen to it and maybe we'll play it on the air.
David Leary: [00:39:27] Good luck to another four weeks probably of PPP madness.
Blake Oliver: [00:39:32] Talk to you soon, David.
David Leary: [00:39:32] All right, bye.
Blake Oliver: [00:39:32] Bye.
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W HITOOWEEK, the woodcock, the strangest hermit in all the woods, is a bird of mystery. Only the hunters know anything about him, and they know him chiefly as a glorious bird that flashes up to the alder tops with a surprised twitter before their dogs, and poises there a moment on whirring wings to get his bearings, and then from his vantage-point at the moment of his exultation he either falls down dead at the bang of their guns and the rip of shot through the screen of leaves, or else happily he slants swiftly down to another hiding-place among the alders. To the hunters, who are practically his only human acquaintances, he is a game bird pure and simple, and their interest is chiefly in his death. The details of his daily life he hides from them, and from all others, in the dark woods, where he spends all the sunny hours, and in the soft twilight when he stirs abroad, like an owl, after his long day's rest. Of a hundred farmers on whose lands I have found Whitooweek or the signs of his recent feeding, scarcely five knew from observation that such a bird existed, so well does he play the hermit under our very noses.
The reasons for this are many. By day he rests on the ground in some dark bit of cover, by a brown stump that exactly matches his feathers, or in a tangle of dead leaves and brakes where it is almost impossible to see him. At such times his strange fearlessness of man helps to hide him, for he will let you pass within a few feet of him without stirring. That is partly because he sees poorly by day and perhaps does not realize how near you are, and partly because he knows that his soft colors hide him so well amidst his surroundings that you cannot see him, however near you come. This confidence of his is well placed, for once I saw a man step over a brooding woodcock on her nest in the roots of an old stump without seeing her, and she never moved so much as the tip of her long bill as he passed. In the late twilight when woodcock first stir abroad you see only a shadow passing swiftly across a bit of clear sky as Whitooweek goes off to the meadow brook to feed, or hear a rustle in the alders as he turns the dead leaves over, and a faint peeunk, like the voice of a distant night-hawk, and then you catch a glimpse of a shadow that flits along the ground, or a weaving, batlike flutter of wings as you draw near to investigate. No wonder, under such circumstances, that Whitooweek passes all his summers and raises brood upon brood of downy invisible chicks in a farmer's wood lot without ever being found out or recognized.
My own acquaintance with Whitooweek began when I was a child, when I had no name to give the strange bird that I watched day after day, and when those whom I asked for information laughed at my description and said no such bird existed. It was just beyond the upland pasture where the famous Old Beech Partridge lived. On the northern slopes were some dark, wet maple woods, and beyond that the ground slanted away through scrub and alders to a little wild meadow where cowslips grew beside the brook. One April day, in stealing through the maple woods, I stopped suddenly at seeing something shining like a jewel almost at my feet. It was an eye, a bird's eye; but it was some moments before I could realize that it was really a bird sitting there on her nest between the broken ends of an old stub that had fallen years ago.
I backed away quietly and knelt down to watch the queer find. Her bill was enormously long and straight, and her eyes were 'way up at the back of her head—that was the first observation. Some wandering horse had put his hoof down and made a hollow in the dry rotten wood of the fallen stub. Into this hollow a few leaves and brown grass stems had been gathered,—a careless kind of nest, yet serving its purpose wonderfully, for it hid the brooding mother so well that one might step on her without ever knowing that bird or nest was near. This was the second wondering observation, as I made out the soft outlines of the bird sitting there, apparently without a thought of fear, within ten feet of my face.
I went away quietly that day and left her undisturbed; and I remember perfectly that I took with me something of the wonder, and something too of the fear, with which a child naturally meets the wild things for the first time. That she should be so still and fearless before me was a perfect argument to a child that she had some hidden means of defense—the long bill, perhaps, or a hidden sting—with which it was not well to trifle. All that seems very strange and far away to me now; but it was real enough then to a very small boy, alone in the dark woods, who met for the first time a large bird with an enormously long bill and eyes 'way up on the back of her head where they plainly did not belong, a bird moreover that had no fear and seemed perfectly well able to take care of herself. So I went away softly and wondered about it.
Next day I came back again. The strange bird was there on her nest as before, her long bill resting over the edge of the hollow and looking like a twig at the first glance. She showed no fear whatever, and encouraged at her quietness and assurance I crept nearer and nearer till I touched her bill with my finger and turned it gently aside. At this she wiggled it impatiently, and my first child's observation was one that has only recently been noticed by naturalists, namely, that the tip of the upper bill is flexible and can be moved about almost like the tip of a finger in order to find the food that lies deep in the mud, and seize it and drag it out of its hiding. At the same time she uttered a curious hissing sound that frightened me again and made me think of snakes and hidden stings; so I drew back and watched her from a safe distance. She sat for the most part perfectly motionless, the only movement being an occasional turning of the long bill; and once when she had been still a very long time, I turned her head aside again, and to my astonishment and delight she made no objection, but left her head as I had turned it, and presently she let me twist it back again. After her first warning she seemed to understand the situation perfectly, and had no concern for the wondering child that watched her and that had no intention whatever of harming her on her nest.
Others had laughed at my description of a brown bird with a long bill and eyes at the back of her head that let you touch her on her nest, so I said no more to them; but at the first opportunity I hunted up Natty Dingle and told him all about it. Natty was a gentle, harmless, improvident little man, who would never do any hard word for pay,—it gave him cricks in his back, he said,—but would cheerfully half kill himself to go fishing through the ice, or to oblige a neighbor. So far as he earned a living he did it by shooting and fishing and trapping and picking berries in their several seasons, and by gathering dandelions and cowslips (kewslops he called them) in the spring and peddling them good-naturedly from door to door. Most of his time in pleasant weather he spent in roaming about the woods, or lying on his back by the pond shore where the woods were thickest, fishing lazily and catching fish where no one else could ever get them, or watching an otter's den on a stream where no one else had seen an otter for forty years. He knew all about the woods, knew every bird and beast and plant, and one boy at least, to my knowledge, would rather go with him for a day's fishing than see the president's train or go to a circus.
Unlike the others, Natty did not laugh at my description, but listened patiently and told me I had found a woodcock's nest,—a rare thing, he said, for though he had roamed the woods so much, and shot hundreds of the birds in season, he had never yet chanced upon a nest. Next day he went with me, to see the eggs, he said; but, as I think of it now, it was probably with a view of locating the brood accurately for the August shooting. As we rounded the end of the fallen stub the woodcock's confidence deserted her at sight of the stranger, and she slipped away noiselessly into the leafy shadows. Then we saw her four eggs, very big at one end, very little at the other, and beautifully colored and spotted.
Natty, who was wise in his way, merely glanced at the nest and then drew me aside into hiding, and before we knew it, or had even seen her approach, Mother Woodcock was brooding her eggs again. Then Natty, who had doubted one part of my story, whispered to me to go out; and the bird never stirred as I crept near on hands and knees and touched her as before.
A few minutes later we crept away softly, and Natty took me to the swamp to show me the borings, telling me on the way of the woodcock's habits as he had seen them in the fall hunting. The borings we found in plenty wherever the earth was soft,—numerous holes, as if made with a pencil, where the woodcock had probed the earth with her long bill. She was hunting for earthworms, Natty told me,—a queer mistake of his, and of all the bird books as well, for in the primitive alder woods and swamps where the borings are so often seen, there are no earthworms, but only slugs and soft beetles and delicate white grubs. Woodcock hunt by scent and feeling, and also by listening for the slight sounds made by the worms underground, he told me, and that is why the eyes are far back on the head, to be out of the way, and also to watch for danger above and behind while the bird's bill is deep in the mud. And that also explains why the tip of the bill is flexible, so that when the bird bores in the earth and has failed to locate the game accurately by hearing, the sensitive tip of the bill feels around, like a finger, until it finds and seizes the morsel. All this and many things more he told me as we searched through the swamp for the signs of Mother Woodcock's hunting and made our way home together in the twilight. Some things were true, some erroneous; and some were a curious blending of accurate traditions and imaginative folk-lore from some unknown source, such as is still held as knowledge of birds and beasts in all country places; and these were the most interesting of all to a child. And the boy listened, as a devotee listens to a great sacred concert, and remembered all these things and afterwards sifted them and found out for himself what things were true.
When I went back to the spot, a few days later, the nest was deserted. A few bits of shell scattered about told me the story, and that I must now hunt for the little woodcocks, which are almost impossible to find unless the mother herself show you where they are. A week later, as I prowled along the edge of the swamp, a sudden little brown whirlwind seemed to roll up the leaves at my feet. In the midst of it I made out the woodcock fluttering away, clucking, and trailing now a wing and now a leg, as if desperately hurt. Of course I followed her to see what was the matter, forgetting the partridge that had once played me the same pretty trick to decoy me away from her chicks. When she had led me to a safe distance all her injuries vanished as at the touch of magic. She sprang up on strong wings, whirled across the swamp and circled swiftly back to where I had first started her. But I did not find one of the little woodcocks, though I hunted for them half an hour, and there were four of them, probably, hiding among the leaves and grass stems under my very eyes.
The wonderful knowledge gleaned from Natty Dingle's store and from the borings in the swamp brought me into trouble and conflict a few weeks later. Not far from me lived a neighbor's boy, a budding naturalist, who had a big yellow cat named Blink at his house. A queer old cat was Blink, and the greatest hunter I ever saw. He knew, for instance, where a mole could be found in his long tunnel,—and that is something that still puzzles me,—and caught scores of them; but, like most cats, he could never be induced to taste one. When he caught a mole and was hungry, he would hide it and go off to catch a mouse or a bird; and these he would eat, leaving the mole to be brought home as game. He would hunt by himself for hours at a time, and came meowing home, bringing everything he caught,—rats, squirrels, rabbits, quail, grouse, and even grasshoppers when no bigger game was afoot. At a distance we would hear his call, a peculiar yeow-yow that he gave only when he had caught something, and the boy would run out to meet him and take his game, while Blink purred and rubbed against his legs to show his pride and satisfaction. When no one met him he would go meowing round the house once or twice and then put his game under the door-step, where our noses must speedily call it to our attention, for Blink would never touch it again.
One day the boy found a strange bird under the door-step, a beautiful brown creature, as large as a pigeon, with a long, straight bill, and eyes at the top of its head. He took it to his father, a dogmatic man, who gave him a queer mixture of truth and nonsense as his portion of natural history. It was a blind snipe, he said; and there was some truth in that. It couldn't see because its eyes were out of place; it was a very scarce bird that appeared occasionally in the fall, and that burrowed in the mud for the winter instead of migrating,—and all this was chiefly nonsense.
When the boy took me to see his queer find I called it a woodcock and began to tell about it eagerly, but was stopped short and called a liar for my pains. A wordy war followed, in which Natty Dingle's authority was invoked in vain; and the boy, being bigger than I and in his own yard, drove me away at last for daring to tell him about a bird that his own cat had caught and that his own father had called a blind snipe. He pegged one extra stone after me for saying that there were plenty of them about, only they fed by night like owls, and another stone for shouting back that they did not burrow in the mud like turtles in dry weather, as his oracle had declared. And this untempered zeal is very much like what one generally encounters when he runs up against the prejudices of naturalists anywhere. Hear all they say,—that the earth is flat, that swallows spend the winter in the mud, that animals are governed wholly by instinct,—but don't quote any facts you may have seen until the world is ready for them. For it is better to call a thing a blind snipe, and know better, than to raise a family row and be his on the head with a stone for calling it a woodcock.
The little woodcocks, though scarcely bigger than bumblebees, run about hardily, like young partridges, the moment they chip the shell, and begin at once to learn from the mother where to look for food. In the early twilight, when they are less wild and the mother is not so quick to flutter away and draw you after her, I have sometimes surprised a brood of them,—wee, downy, invisible things, each with a comically long bill and a stripe down his back that seems to divide the little fellow and hide one half of him even after you have discovered the other. The mother is with them, and leads them swiftly among the bogs and ferns and alder stems, where they go about turning over the dead leaves and twigs and shreds of wet bark with their bills for the grubs that hide beneath, like a family of rag-pickers each with a little stick to turn things over. Mother and chicks have a contented little twitter at such times that I have never heard under any other circumstances, which is probably intended to encourage each other and keep all the family within hearing as they run about in the twilight.
When the feeding-grounds are far away from the nest, as is often the case, Whitooweek has two habits that are not found, I think, in any other game birds—except perhaps the plover; and I have never been able to watch the young of these birds, though every new observation of the old ones serves to convince me that they are the most remarkable birds that visit us, and the least understood. When food must be hunted for at a long distance, the mother will leave her brood in hiding and go herself to fetch it. When she returns she feeds the chicks, like a mother dove, by putting her bill in their throats and giving each his portion, going and coming until they are satisfied, when she leaves them in hiding again and feeds for herself during the rest of the night. Like most other young birds and animals when left thus by their mothers, they never leave the spot where they have been told to stay, and can hardly be driven away from it until the mother returns. And generally, when you find a brood of young woodcock without the mother, they will let you pick them up and will lie as if dead in your hand, playing possum, until you put them down again.
When there is a good feeding-ground near at hand, yet too far for the little chicks to travel, the mother will take them there, one by one, and hide them in a secret spot until she has brought the whole family. Two or three times I have seen woodcock fly away with their young; and once I saw a mother return to the spot from which, a few moments before, she had flown away with a chick and take another from under a leaf where I had not seen him. This curious method is used by the mothers not only to take the young to favorable feeding-grounds, but also to get them quickly out of the way when sudden danger threatens, like fire or flood, from which it is impossible to hide.
So far as I can judge the process, which is always quickly done and extremely difficult to follow, the mother lights or walks directly over the chick and holds him between her knees as she flies. This is the way it seems to me after seeing it several times. There are those—and they are hunters and keen observers—who claim that the mother carries them in her bill, as a cat carries a kitten; but how that is possible without choking the little fellows is to me incomprehensible. The bill is not strong enough at the tip, I think, to hold them by a wing; and to grasp them by the neck, as in a pair of shears, and so to carry them, would, it seems to me, most certainly suffocate or injure them in any prolonged flight; and that is not the way in which wild mothers generally handle their little ones.
There is another possible way in which Whitooweek may carry her young, though I have never seen it. An old hunter and keen observer of wild life, with whom I sometimes roam the woods, once stumbled upon a mother woodcock and her brood by a little brook at the foot of a wild hillside. One of the chicks was resting upon the mother's back, just as one often sees a domestic chicken. At my friend's sudden approach the mother rose, taking the chick with her on her back, and vanished among the thick leaves. The rest of the brood, three of them disappeared instantly; and the man, after finding one of them, went on his way without waiting to see whether the mother returned for the rest. I give the incident for what it is worth as a possible suggestion as to the way in which young woodcock are carried to and fro; but I am quite sure that those that have come under my own observation were carried by an entirely different method.
The young woodcock begin to use their tiny wings within a few days of leaving the eggs, earlier even than young quail, and fly in a remarkably short time. They grow with astonishing rapidity, thanks to their good feeding, so that often by early summer the family scatters, each one to take care of himself, leaving the mother free to raise another brood. At such times they travel widely in search of favorite food and come often into the farm-yards, spending half the night about the drains and stables while the house is still, and vanishing quickly at the first alarm; so that Whitooweek is frequently a regular visitor in places where he is never seen or suspected.
In his fondness for earthworms Whitooweek long ago learned some things that a man goes all his life without discovering, namely, that it is much easier and simpler to pick up worms than to dig for them. When a boy has to dig bait, as the price of going fishing with his elders, he will often spend half a day, in dry weather, working hard with very small results; for the worms are deep in the earth at such times and can be found only in favored places. Meanwhile the father, who has sent his boy out to dig, will spend a pleasant hour after supper in watering his green lawn. The worms begin to work their way up to the surface at the first patter of water-drops, and by midnight are crawling about the lawn by hundreds, big, firm-bodied fellows, just right for trout fishing. They stay on the surface most of the night; and that is why the early bird catches the worm, instead of digging him out, as the sleepy fellows must do. Midnight is the best time to go out with your lantern and get all the bait you want without trouble or worry. That is also the time when you are most likely to find Whitooweek at the same occupation. Last summer I flushed two woodcock from my neighbor's lawn in the late evening; and hardly a summer goes by that you do not read with wonder of their being found within the limits of a great city like New York, whither they have come from a distance by night to hunt the rich lawns over. For the same fare of earthworms they visit the gardens as well; and often in a locality where no woodcock are supposed to exist you will find, under the cabbage leaves, or in the cool shade of the thick corn-field, the round holes where Whitooweek has been probing the soft earth for grubs and worms while you slept.
When midsummer arrives a curious change comes over Whitooweek; the slight family ties are broken, and the bird becomes a hermit indeed for the rest of the year. He lives entirely alone, and not even in the migrating season does he join with his fellows in any large numbers, as most other birds do; and no one, so far as I know, has ever seen anything that might be appropriately called a flock of woodcock. The only exception to this rule that I know is when, on rare occasions, you surprise a male woodcock strutting on a log, like a grouse, spreading wings and tail, and hissing and sputtering queerly as he moves up and down. Then, if you creep near, you will flush two or three other birds that are watching beside the log, or in the underbrush close at hand. One hunter told me recently that his setter once pointed a bird on a fallen log, that ceased his strutting as soon as he was discovered and slipped down into the ferns. When the dog drew nearer, five woodcock flushed at the same moment, the greatest number that I have ever known being found together.
When I asked the unlearned hunter—who was yet wise in the ways of the woods—the reason for Whitooweek's strutting at this season, after the families have scattered, he had no theory or explanation. "Just a queer streak, same's most birds have, on'y queerer," he said, and let it go at that. I have seen the habit but once, and then imperfectly, for I blundered upon two or three birds and flushed them before I could watch the performance. It is certainly not to win his mate, for the season for that is long past; and unless it be a suggestion of the grouse habit of gathering in small bands for a kind of rude dance, I am at a loss to account for it. Possibly play may appeal even to Whitooweek, as it certainly appeals to all other birds; and it is play alone that can make him forget he is a hermit.
With the beginning of the molt the birds desert the
woods and swamps where they were reared and disappear
Whither they go at this time is a profound mystery. In
places where there were a dozen birds yesterday there
Occasionally at this season you may find a solitary bird on a dry southern hillside, or on the sunny edge of the big woods. He is pitiful now to behold, having scarcely any feathers left to cover him, and can only flutter or run away at your approach. If you have the rare fortune to surprise him now when he does not see you, you will note a curious thing. He stands beside a stump or brake where the sun can strike his bare back fairly, as if he were warming himself at nature's fireplace. His long bill rests its tip on the ground, as if it were a prop supporting his head. He is asleep; but if you crawl near and bring your glasses to bear, you will find that he sleeps with half an eye open. The lower lid seems to be raised till it covers half the eye; but the upper half is clear, so that as he sleeps he can watch above and behind for his enemies. He gives out very little scent at such times, and you keen-nosed dog, that would wind him at a stone's throw in the autumn, will now pass close by without noticing him, and must almost run over the bird before he draws to a point or shows any signs that game is near.
Hunters say that these scattered birds are those that have lost the most feathers, and that they keep to the sunny open spots for the sake of getting warm. Perhaps they are right; but one must still ask the question, what do these same birds do at night when the air is colder than by day? And, as if to contradict the theory, when you have found one bird on a sunny open hillside, you will find the next one a mile away asleep in the heart of a big corn-field, where the sun barely touches him the whole day long.
Whatever the reason for their action, these birds that you discover in July are rare, incomprehensible individuals. The bulk of the birds disappear, and you cannot find them. Whether they scatter widely to dense hiding-places and by sitting close escape discovery, or whether, like some of the snipe, they make a short northern migration in the molting season in search of solitude and a change of food, is yet to be discovered. For it is astonishing how very little we know of a bird that nests in our cow pasture and that often visits our yards and lawns nightly, but whose acquaintance we make only when he is dead and served as a delicious morsel, hot on toast, on our dining-tables.
In the spring, while winning his mate, Whitooweek has one habit which, when seen at the edge of the alder patch, reminds you instantly of the grass-plovers of the open moors and uplands, and of their wilder namesakes of the Labrador barrens. Indeed, in his fondness for burned plains, where he can hide in plain sight and catch no end of grasshoppers and crickets without trouble to vary his diet, and in a swift changeableness and fearlessness of man, Whitooweek has many points in common with the almost unknown plovers. In the dusk of the evening, as you steal along the edge of the woods, you will hear a faint peenk, peenk close beside you, and as you turn to listen and locate the sound a woodcock slants swiftly up over your head and begins to whirl in a spiral towards the heavens, clucking and twittering ecstatically. It is a poor kind of song, not to be compared with that of the oven-bird or grass-plover, who do the same thing at twilight, and Whitooweek must help his voice by the clicking of his wings and by the humming of air through them, like the sharp voice of a reed in windy weather; but it sounds sweet enough, no doubt, to the little brown mate who is standing perfectly still near you, watching and listening to the performance. At an enormous height, for him, Whitooweek whirls about madly for a few moments and then retraces his spiral downwards, clucking and twittering the while, until he reaches the tree-tops, where he folds his wings directly over his mate and drops like a plummet at her head. Still she does not move, knowing well what is coming, and when within a few feet of the ground Whitooweek spreads his wings wide to break his fall and drops quietly close beside her. There he remains quite still for a moment, as if exhausted; but the next moment he is strutting about her, spreading wings and tail like a wild turkey-gobbler, showing all his good points to the best advantage, and vain of all his performances as a peacock in the spring sunshine. Again he is quiet; a faint peent, peent sounds, as if it were a mile away; and again Whitooweek slants up on swift wings to repeat his ecstatic evolutions.
Both birds are strangely fearless of men at such times; and if you keep still, or move very softly if you move at all, they pay no more attention to you than if you were one of the cattle cropping the first bits of grass close at hand. Like the golden plover, whose life is spent mostly in the vast solitudes of Labrador and Patagonia, and whose nature is a curious mixture of extreme wildness and dense stupidity, they seem to have no instinctive fear of any large animal; and whatever fear Whitooweek has learned is the result of persistent hunting. Even in this he is slower to learn than any other game bird, and when let alone for a little season promptly returns to his native confidence.
When the autumn comes you will notice another suggestion of the unknown plover in Whitooweek. Just as you look confidently for the plover's arrival in the first heavy northeaster after August 20, so the first autumn moon that is obscured by heavy fog will surely bring the woodcock back to his accustomed haunts again. But why he should wait for a full moon, and then for a chill mist to cover it, before beginning his southern flight is one of the mysteries. Unlike the plovers that come by hundreds, and whose eerie cry, shrilling above the roar of the storm and the rush of rain, brings you out of your bed at midnight to thrill and listen and thrill again, Whitooweek slips in silent and solitary; and you go out in the morning, as to an appointment, and find him sleeping quietly just where you expected him to be.
With the first autumn flight another curious habit comes out, namely, that Whitooweek has a fondness for certain spots, not for any food or protection they give him, but evidently from long association, as a child loves certain unkempt corners of an upland pasture above twenty other more beautiful spots that one would expect him to like better. Moreover, the scattered birds, in some unknown way, seem to keep account of the place, as if it were an inn, and so long as they remain in the neighborhood will often keep this one particular spot filled to its full complement.
Some three miles north of where I write there is a
certain small patch of tall open woods that a few
hunters have known and tended for years, while others
passed by carelessly, for it is the least likely
looking spot for game in the whole region. Yet if
there is but a single woodcock in all Fairfield County,
in these days of many hunters and few birds, the
chances are that he will be there; and if you do not
find one there on the first morning after a promising
spell of weather, you may be almost certain that the
flight is not yet on, or has passed you by. Several
times after flushing a solitary woodcock in
this spot I have gone over the whole place to find some
reason for Whitooweek's strange fancy; but all in vain.
The ground is open and stony, with hardly a fern or
root or grass tuft to shelter even a woodcock; and look
as closely as you will you can find no boring or sign
of Whitooweek's feeding. From all external appearances
it is the last spot where you would expect to find such
a bird, and there are excellent covers close at hand;
yet here is where Whitooweek loves to lie during the
day, and to this spot he will return as long as there
are any woodcock left. Hunters may harry the spot
today and kill the few rare birds that still visit it;
I have questioned old gunners about this spot,—which I discovered by flushing two woodcock at a time when none were to be found, though they were searched for by a score of young hunters and dogs,—and find that it has been just so as long as they can remember. Years ago, when the birds were plenty and little known, five or six might be found here on a half-acre at any time during the flight. If these were killed off, others took their places, and the supply seemed to be almost a constant quantity as long as there were birds enough in the surrounding coverts to draw upon; but why they haunt this spot more than others, and why the vacant places are so quickly filled, are two questions that no man can answer.
One hunter suggests to me, doubtfully, that possibly this may be accounted for by the migrating birds that are moving southward during the flight, and that drop into the best unoccupied places; and the same explanation will occur to others. The objection to this is that the birds migrate by night, and by night this spot is always unoccupied. The woodcock use it for a resting-place only by day, and by night they scatter widely to the feeding-grounds, whither also the migrating birds first make their way; for Whitooweek must feed often, his food being easily digested, and can probably make no sustained flights. He seems to move southward by easy stages, feeding as he goes; and so the new-comers would meet the birds that lately occupied the spot on the feeding-grounds, if indeed they met them at all, and from there would come with them at daylight to the resting-places they had selected. But how do the new-comers, who come by night, learn that the favored spots are already engaged by day, or that some of the birds that occupied them yesterday are now dead and their places vacant?
The only possible explanation is either to say that it is a matter of chance—which is no explanation at all, and foolish also; for chance, if indeed there be any such blind unreasonable thing in a reasonable world, does not repeat itself regularly—or to say frankly that there is some definite understanding and communication among the birds as they flit to and fro in the night; which is probably true, but obviously impossible to prove with our present limited knowledge.
This fondness for certain spots shows itself in another way when you are on the trail of the hermit. When flushed from a favorite resting-place and not shot at, he makes but a short flight, up to the brush tops and back again, and then goes quietly back to the spot from which he rose as soon as you are gone away. He has also the hare trick of returning in a circle to his starting-point; and occasionally, when you flush a bird and watch sharply, you may see him slant down on silent wings behind you and light almost at your heels. Once my old dog Don started a woodcock and remained stanchly pointing at the spot where he had been. I remained where I was, a few yards in the rear, and in a moment Whitooweek whirled in from behind and dropped silently into some brakes between me and the dog and not ten feet from the old setter's tail. The ruse succeeded perfectly, for as the scent faded away from Don's nose he went forward, and so missed the bird that was watching him close behind. This curious habit may be simply the result of Whitooweek's fondness for certain places, or it may be that by night he carefully selects the spot where he can rest and hide during the day, and returns to it because he cannot find another so good while the sun dazzles his eyes; or it may be a trick pure and simple to deceive the animal that disturbs him, by lighting close behind where neither dog nor man will ever think of looking for him.
By night, when he sees perfectly and moves about rapidly from one feeding-ground to another, Whitooweek is easily dazzled by a light of any kind, and he is one of the many creatures that come and go within the circle of your jack. Because he is silent at such times, and moves swiftly, he is generally unnamed—just a night bird, you think, and let him pass without another thought. Several times when jacking, to see what birds and animals I might surprise and watch by night, I have recognized Whitooweek whirling wildly about my circle of light. Once, deep in the New Brunswick wilderness, I surprised two poachers spearing salmon at midnight with a fire-basket hung over the bow of their canoe. Spite of its bad name it is a magnificent performance, skillful and daring beyond measure; so instead of driving them off I asked for a seat in their long dugout to see how it was done. As we swept up and down the dangerous river, with pitch-pine blazing and cracking and the black shadows jumping about us, two woodcock sprang up from the shore and whirled madly around the pirogue. One brushed my face with his wings, and was driven away only when Sandy in the bow gave a mighty lunge of his spear and with a howl of exultation flung a twenty-pound, kicking salmon back into my lap. But several times that night I saw the flash of their wings, or heard their low surprised twitter above the crackle of the fire and the rush and roar of the rapids.
When he finds good feeding grounds on his southern migrations Whitooweek will stay with us, if undisturbed, until a sharp frost seals up his store-house by making the ground too hard for his sensitive bill to penetrate. Then he slips away southward to the next open spring or alder run. Not far away, on Shippan Point, is a little spring that rarely freezes and whose waters overflow and make a green spot even in midwinter. The point is well covered with houses now, but formerly it was good woodcock ground, and the little spring always welcomed a few of the birds with the welcome that only a spring can give. Last year, at Christmas time, I found a woodcock there quite at home, within a stone's throw of two or three houses and with snow lying deep all around him. He had lingered there weeks after all other birds had gone, either held by old associations and memories of a time when only the woodcock knew the place; or else, wounded and unable to fly, he had sought out the one spot in all the region where he might live and be fed until his wing should heal. Nature, whom men call cruel, had cared for him tenderly, healing his wounds that man had given, and giving him food and a safe refuge at a time when all other feeding-grounds were held fast in the grip of winter; but men, who can be kind and reasonable, saw no deep meaning in it all. The day after I found him a hunter passed that way, and was proud of having killed the very last woodcock of the season. |
Notably, it was Westphalia who introduced the young Marx to the ideas of the early French socialist Saint- As a student in Bonn and Berlin, Marx was greatly influenced by Simon. The philosophy of Hegel. While Marx was impressed with the Hegelian professors under whom he studied, he ultimately found himself attracted to a group of students known as the “Young Hegelian. ” This group of young iconoclasts, including David Strauss, Bruno Bauer, and Max Steiner, were inspired by Hegel but were determined to champion the more radical aspects of the old master’s system.
In particular, these Left Hegelian called into question the conservatism they saw in Hedge’s avowed political and religious philosophies. Although Marx desired a career as an academic at the time, his political sympathies prevented him from receiving an position in the state- controlled university system. Instead, Marx turned to journalism where his radical politics attracted the attention of Prussian censors. The publication for which he worked was shut down for its politically incorrect commentary, and the frustrated Marx traveled to Paris.
Paris in 1843 was an international center of social, political, and artistic activity and the gathering place of decals and revolutionaries from all over Europe. In Paris Marx became involved with socialists and revolutionaries such as Prudhoe and Baking. Most significantly, though, it was in Paris that Marx met Frederica Engel’s, the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer in England who had become a socialist after observing the deplorable condition of workers in his father’s factories.
Together, Marx and Engel’s began to develop the ideas which became Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism, or, as it is better known, Communism. Eventually, Marx was exiled from France in 1 845 at the behest of the Prussian overspent for naturalists writings. After leaving Paris, Marx traveled to Belgium where he became involved with a group of artisans calling themselves the Communist League. In 1847 the Communist League commissioned Marx and Engel’s to pen a statement of their beliefs and aims. This statement became the Communist Manifesto, which Marx zealously composed in anticipation the revolutions of 1848.
When revolution did begin in Germany in 1848, Marx traveled to the Rangeland to encourage its progress. When the revolution failed, Marx returned to Paris but soon left for London where he would remain for the rest of his life. Marx waited in London for the fires of revolution to ignite again. In preparation for this, he spent his time in correspondence with revolutionary leaders on the Continent, ignoring the English Chartists and Trade Unionists whom he thought simpleminded and ineffectual.
Eventually, Marx realized that the revolution was not imminent, and he withdrew from his associations, burying himself in the British Museum to research the history of class conflict. The fruit of this research was Mar’s great Ads Capital, the first volume of which was published in 1867. Things began to turn around for Marx in 1 863 hen French workers traveled to England in order to establish a federation of working men pledged to overthrow the economic status quo- Although Marx disagreed with many of the ideological factions in the group, he recognized the significance of this event and left his self-imposed exile to join them.
Marx successfully insinuated himself into the leadership of the group, now known as the International, and delivered his famous Inaugural Address to the First International as a triumphant proclamation of his principles. At last Marx had what he had desired since 1847; he had provided the intellectual foundation or a socialist movement over which he exercised full organizational control Mar’s satisfaction Soon ended, however, as the Paris Commune of 1 871 , the first true instance of workers achieving power for themselves, turned into a bloody disaster.
The more pacifistic English workers became frightened and the French movement fell to infighting. The anarchist supporters of Baking tried to wrest control of the International from Marx, and the struggle between Marx and the anarchists finally lead to the dissolution of the group In the few remaining years of his life, Marx wrote almost no in 1876. Significant works. His stature as the former leader of the International, though, did make him a sought after resource for new revolutionary groups throughout Europe and, in particular, in Russia.
Although Marx helped these new leaders as he could, he did not take on any leadership roles in any movement again. Marx died in London in 1 883, still awaiting the inevitable revolution which he had predicted. About the Communist Manifesto In 1846 Karl Marx was exiled from Paris on account of his radical politics. He moved to Belgium where he attempted to assemble a ragtag group of exiled German artisans into an unified political organization, the German Working Men’s Association. Marx, aware of the presence of similar organizations in England, called these groups together for a meeting in the winter of 1847.
Under Mar’s influence this assemblage of working-class parties took the name “The Communist League,” discussing their grievances with capitalism and potential methods of response. While most of the delegates to this conference advocated universal brotherhood as a solution to their economic problems, Marx preached the fiery rhetoric of class warfare, explaining to the mesmerism’s workers that revolution was not only the sole answer to their difficulties but was indeed inevitable. The League, completely taken with Marx, commissioned him to write a statement of their collective principles, a statement which became The Communist Manifesto.
After the conference, Marx returned to Brussels, carrying with him a declaration of socialism penned by two delegates, the lone copy of The Communist Journal, the publication of the London branch of the Communist ague, and a statement of principles written by Engel’s. Although Marx followed Engel’s principles very closely, the Manifesto is entirely of his own hand. Marx wrote furiously, but just barely made the deadline the League had et for him. The Manifesto was published in February 1 848 and quickly published so as to fan the flames of revolution which smoldered on the Continent.
When revolution broke out in Germany in March 1 848, Marx traveled to the Rangeland to put his theory into practice. When this revolution was suppressed, Marx fled to London and the Communist League disbanded, the Manifesto its only legacy to the world. The Manifesto has lived a long and illustrious life. While it was hardly noticed amongst the crowded field of pamphlets and treatises published in 1848, it has had a more profound effect n the intellectual and political history of the world than any single work in the past 1 50 years.
It has inspired the communist political systems which ruled nearly half the world’s population at its height and defined the chief ideological conflict of the second half of the twentieth century, altering even those countries which stood firmly against communism, e. G. Western European and American Welfare States. Intellectually, Mar’s work has profoundly influenced nearly every field of study from the human ties to the social sciences to the natural sciences. It is hard to imagine an area of serious unman inquiry which Marxism has not touched. But even in the enormous body of work related to Marxism, The Manifesto is undoubtedly unique.
Even at its short length (only 23 pages at its first printing), it is the only full exposition of his program that Marx wrote. And while Marx developed his views throughout his career, he never departed far from the original principles outlined therein. The Manifesto is, without a doubt, Mar’s most enduring literary legacy, setting in motion a movement which has, although not in exactly the way Marx predicted, radically changed the world. As Marx famously asserted in his Theses on Breach, “The philosophers have interpreted the world in many ways. What matters is changing it. ” No one has epitomized this as much as he.
INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCES AND CORE IDEAS Influences on Karl Marx are generally thought to have been derived from three sources: German idealist philosophy, French socialism, and English and Scottish political economy. German philosophy Emmanuel Kant Emmanuel Kant is believed to have had the greatest influence of any philosopher Of modern times. Kantian philosophy was the basis on which the truce of Marxism was built – particularly as it was developed by Hegel. Hedge’s dialectical method, which was taken up by Karl Marx, was an extension of the method of reasoning by “antinomian” that Kant used.
G. W. F. Hegel G. W. F. Hegel, by the time of his death, was the most prominent philosopher in Germany. His views were widely taught, and his students were highly regarded. His followers soon divided into right-wing and left-wing Hegelian. Theologically and politically the right-wing Hegelian offered a conservative interpretation of his work. They emphasized the compatibility between Hedge’s philosophy and Christianity. Politically, they were orthodox. The left- wing Hegelian eventually moved to an atheistic position. In politics, many of them became revolutionaries.
This historically important left-wing group included Ludwig Breach, Bruno Bauer, Frederica Engel’s, and Marx. They were often referred to as the Young Hegelian. Mar’s view of history, which came to be called historical materialism, is certainly influenced by Hedge’s claim that reality (and history) should be viewed dialectically. Hegel believed that the direction of human history is characterized in the movement from he fragmentary toward the complete and the real (which was also a movement towards greater and greater rationality).
Sometimes, Hegel explained, this progressive unfolding of the Absolute involves gradual, evolutionary accretion but at other times requires discontinuous, revolutionary leaps -? episodes upheavals against the existing status quo. For example, Hegel strongly opposed slavery in the United States during his lifetime, and he envisioned a time when Christian nations would radically eliminate it from their civilization. While Marx accepted this broad conception f history, Hegel was an idealist, and Marx sought to rewrite dialectics in materialist terms.
He summarized the materialistic aspect of his theory of history in the 1 859 preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy: In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations Of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which rises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.
The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. In this brief popularization of his ideas, Marx emphasized that social development sprang from the inherent contradictions within material life and the socialsuperstructure. This notion is often understood as a simple historical narrative: primitive unionism had developed into slave states.
Slave states had developed into feudal societies. Those societies in turn became capitalist States, and those states would be overthrown by the self-conscious portion of their working- class, or proletariat, creating the conditions for socialism and, ultimately, a higher form of communism than that with which the whole process began. Marx illustrated his ideas most prominently by the development of capitalism from feudalism, and by the prediction of the development of socialism proclamations. Ludwig Breach Ludwig Breach was a German philosopher and anthropologist.
Breach proposed that people should interpret social and political thought as their foundation and their material needs. He held that an individual is the product of their environment, that the whole consciousness of a person is the result of the interaction of sensory organs and the external world. Marx (and Engel’s) saw in Breach’s emphasis on people and human needs a movement toward a materialistic interpretation of society. In The Essence of Christianity, Breach argued that God is really a creation of man and that the qualities people attribute to God are really qualities of humanity.
Accordingly, Marx argued that it is the material world that is real and that our ideas of it are consequences, not causes, of the world. Thus, like Hegel and other philosophers, Marx distinguished between appearances and reality. However he did not believe that the material world hides from us the “real” world of the ideal; on the contrary, he thought that historically and socially specific ideology prevented people from seeing the material conditions of their lives clearly.
What distinguished Marx from F-reproach was his view of Breach’s humanism as excessively abstract, and so no less statistical and idealist than what it purported to replace, namely the reified notion of God found in institutional Christianity that legitimated the repressive power of the Prussian state. Instead, Marx aspired to give ontological priority to what he called the “real life process” of real human beings, as he and Engel’s said in The German Ideology (1846): In direct contrast to German philosophy, which descends from heaven to earth, here we ascend from earth to heaven.
That is to say, we do not set out from what men say, imagine, conceive, nor from men as narrated, thought of, imagined, conceived, in order to arrive at en in the flesh. We set out from real, active men, and on the basis of their real life process we demonstrate the development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this life process. The phantoms formed in the human brain are also, necessarily, sublimates of their material life process, which is empirically verifiable and bound to material premises.
Morality, religion, metaphysics, all the rest of ideology and their corresponding forms of consciousness, thus no longer retain the semblance of independence. They have no history, no development; but men, developing their material production and their eternal intercourse, alter, along with this, their real existence, their thinking, and the products of their thinking. Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life. Also, in his Theses on Breach (1844), he writes that “the philosophers have only described the world, in various ways, the point is to change it”.
This opposition between, firstly, various subjective interpretations given by philosophers, which may be, in a sense, compared with Hallucinating designed to legitimate the current state of affairs, and, secondly, the effective transformation of the world through praxis, which imbibes theory and practice in a materialist way, is what distinguishes “Marxist philosophers” from the rest of philosophers. Indeed, Mar’s break with German Idealism involves a new definition of philosophy; Louis Altruists, founder of “Structural Marxism” in the sass, would define it as “class struggle in theory”.
Mar’s movement away from university philosophy and towards the workers’ movement is thus inextricably linked to his rupture with his earlier writings, which pushed Marxist commentators to speak of a “young Marx” and a “mature Marx”, although the nature of this cut poses problems. A year before the Revolutions of 1848, Marx and Engel’s thus wrote The Communist Manifesto, which was prepared to an imminent revolution, and ended with the famous cry: “Proletarians of all countries, unite! – However, Mar’s thought changed again following Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte December 2, 1851 coup, which put an end to the French Second Republic and created the Second Empire which would last until the 1870 Franco-Prussian War. Marx thereby modified his theory of alienation exposed in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 and would latter arrive to his theory of commodity fetishism, exposed in the first chapter f the first book of Ads Capital (1867). This abandonment of the early theory of alienation would be amply discussed, several Marxist theorists, including Marxist humanists such as the Praxis School, would return to it.
Others, such as Altruists, would claim that the “epistemological break” between the “young Marx” and the “mature Marx” was such that no comparisons could be done between both works, marking a shift to a “scientific theory” of society. The rupture with German Idealism and the Young Hegelian Marx did not study directly with Hegel, but after Hegel died Marx studied ender one of Hedge’s pupils, Bruno Bauer, a leader of the circle of Young Hegelian to whom Marx attached himself. However, Marx and Engel’s came to disagree with Bruno Bauer and the rest of the Young Hegelian about socialism and also about the usage of Hedge’s dialectic.
From 1841 , the young Marx progressively broke away from German idealism and the Young Hegelian. Along with Engel’s, who observed atheistic movement in the United Kingdom, he cut away with the environment in which he grew up and encountered the proletariat in France and Germany. He then wrote a scathing criticism of the Young Hegelian in two books, “The Holy Family” 1845), and The German Ideology (1 845), in which he criticized not only Bauer but also Max Steiner’s The Ego and Its Own (1 844), considered as one of the founding book of individualist anarchism.
Max Steiner claimed that all ideals were inherently alienating, and that replacing God by the Humanity, as did Ludwig Breach in The Essence of Christianity (1841), was not sufficient. According to Steiner, any ideals, God, Humanity, the Nation, or even the Revolution alienated the “Ego”. Marx also criticized Prudhoe, who had become famous with his cry “Property is theft! “, in The Poverty of Philosophy (1845). Mar’s early writings are thus a response towards Hegel, German Idealism and a break with the rest of the Young Hegelian.
Marx, “stood Hegel on his head,” in his own view of his role, by turning the idealistic dialectic into a materialistic one, in proposing that material circumstances shape ideas, instead of the other way around. In this, Marx was following the lead of Breach. His theory of alienation, developed in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1 844(published in 1 932), inspired itself from Breach’s critique of the alienation of Man in God through he objectification of all his inherent characteristics (thus man projected on God all qualities which are in fact man’s oven quality which defines the “human nature”).
But Marx also criticized Breach for being insufficiently materialistic, as Steiner himself had point out, and explained that the alienation described by the Young Hegelian was in fact the result of the structure of the economy itself. Furthermore, he criticized Breach’s conception Of human nature in his sixth thesis on Breach as an abstract “kind” which incarnated itself in each singular individual: “Breach resolves he essence of religion into the essence of man (Michelin Wises, human nature).
But the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations. ” Thereupon, instead of founding itself on the singular, concrete individual subject, as did classic philosophy, including contractual (Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau) but also political economy, Marx began with the totality of social relations: labor, language and all which constitute our human existence. He claimed that individualism was an essence the result of commodity fetishism or alienation.
Although some critics have claimed that meant that Marx enforced a strict social determinism which destroyed the possibility Of free will, Mar’s philosophy in no way can be reduced to such determinism, as his own personal trajectory makes clear. In 1844-5, when Marx was starting to settle his account with Hegel and the Young Hegelian in his writings, he critiqued the Young Hegelian for limiting the horizon of their critique to religion and not taking up the critique of the state and civil society as paramount.
Indeed in 1844, by the look of Mar’s writings in that period (most famous of which is he “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1 844”, a text that most explicitly elaborated his theory of alienation), Mar’s thinking could have taken at least three possible courses: the study of law, religion, and the state; the study of natural philosophy; and the study political economy.
He chose the last as the predominant focus of his studies for the rest of his life, largely on account of his previous experience as the editor of the newspaper Reminisce Getting on whose pages he fought for freedom Of expression against Prussian censorship and made a rather idealist, legal offense for the Moslem peasants’ customary right of collecting wood in the forest (this right was at the point of being criminality and privatized by the state).
It was Mar’s inability to penetrate beneath the legal and polemical surface of the latter issue to its materialist, economic, and social roots that prompted him to critically study political economy. English and Scottish political economy Political economy predates the 20th century division of the two disciplines of politics and economics, treating social relations and economic relations as interwoven. Marx built on and critiqued the most well-known political economists of his day, the British classical political economists. Adam Smith and David Richard From Adam Smith came the idea that the grounds of property is labor.
Marx critiqued Smith and Richard for not realizing that their economic concepts reflected specifically capitalist institutions, not innate natural properties of human society, and could not be applied unchanged to all societies. He proposed a systematic correlation between labor-values and money prices. He claimed that the source of profits under capitalism is value added by workers not paid out in wages. This mechanism operated through the extinction between “labor power”, which workers freely exchanged for their wages, and “labor”, over which asset-holding capitalists thereby gained control.
This practical and theoretical distinction was Mar’s primary insight, and allowed him to develop the concept of “surplus value”, which distinguished his works from that of Adam Smith and David Richard. Workers create enough value during a short period of the working day to pay their wages for that day (necessary labor); however, they continue to work for several more hours and continue to create value (surplus labor). This value s not returned to them but appropriated by the capitalists.
Thus, it is not the capitalist ruling class that creates wealth, but the workers, the capitalists then appropriating this wealth to themselves. (Some of Mar’s insights were seen in a rudimentary form by the “Arcadian socialist” school. He developed this theory of exploitation in Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, a “dialectical” investigation into the forms value relations take. Mar’s theory of business cycles; of economic growth and development, especially in two sector models; and of the declining rate of profit, or crisis theory, are other important elements of Mar’s political economy.
Marx later made tentative movements towards econometric investigations of his Ideas, but the uncharacteristically techniques of national accounting only emerged in the following century. In any case, it has proved difficult to adapt Mar’s economic concepts, which refer to social relations, to measurable aggregated stocks and flows. In recent decades, however, a loose “quantitative” school of Marxist economists has emerged. While it may be impossible to find exact measures of Mar’s variables from price data, approximations of basic trends are possible.
French socialism Jean-Jacques Rousseau Rousseau was one of the first modern writers to seriously attack the institution of private property, and therefore is sometimes considered a forebear of internationalism and communism, though Marx rarely mentions Rousseau in his writings. He argued that the goal of government should be to secure freedom, equality, and justice for all within the state, regardless of the will of the majority. From Jean-Jacques Rousseau came the idea of egalitarian democracy.
Charles Fourier and Henry De Saint-Simon In 1 833 France was experiencing a number of social problems arising out of the Industrial Revolution. A number of sweeping plans of reform were developed by thinkers on the left. Among the more grandiose were the plans of Charles Fourier and the followers of Saint-Simon. Fourier wanted to replace modern cities with utopian communities, while the Saint-Simians advocated directing the economy by manipulating credit. Although these programs didn’t have much support, they did expand the political and social imagination of their contemporaries, Including Marx.
Louis Blank Louis Blank is perhaps best known for originating the social principle, later adopted by Marx, of how labor and income should be distributed: “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. ” Pierre-Joseph Prudhoe Pierre-Joseph Prudhoe participated in the February 1848 uprising and the composition of what he termed “the first republican proclamation” of the new republic. But he had misgivings about the new government because it was pursuing political reform at the expense of the socio-economic reform, which Prudhoe considered basic.
Prudhoe published his own perspective for reform, Solution du probeme social, in which he laid out a program of mutual financial cooperation among workers. He believed this would transfer control f economic relations from capitalists and financiers to workers. It was Pronghorn’s book What is Property? That convinced the young Karl Marx that private property should be abolished. In one of his first works, The Holy Family, Marx said, “Not only does Prudhoe write in the interest of the proletarians, he is himself a proletarian, an Fourier.
His work is a scientific manifesto of the French proletariat. ” Marx, however, disagreed with Pronghorn’s anarchism and later published vicious criticisms of Prudhoe. Marx wrote The Poverty of Philosophy as a refutation of Pronghorn’s The Philosophy of Poverty. In his socialism, Prudhoe was followed Bingham Baking. After Baking’s death, his libertarian socialism diverged into anarchist communism and collectivist anarchism, with notable proponents such aspirer Corruption and Joseph DJacques.
Other influences Engel’s Mar’s revision of Hegelianism was also influenced by Engel’s’ book, “The Condition of the Working Class” in England in 1844, which led Marx to conceive of the historical dialectic in terms of class conflict and to see the modern working class as the most progressive force for revolution. Thereafter Engel’s and Marx worked together for the rest of Mar’s life, so that the collected works of Marx and Engel’s are generally published together, almost as if the output of one person.
Important publications, such as the German Ideology and the Communist Manifesto, were joint efforts. Engel’s says “l cannot deny that both before and during my 40 years’ collaboration with Marx I had a certain independent share in laying the foundation of the theory, and more particularly in its elaboration. ” But he adds But the greater part of its leading basic principles, especially in the realm of economics and story, and, above all, their final trenchant formulation, belong to Marx.
What contributed -? at any rate with the exception of my work in a few special fields -? Marx could very well have done without me. What Marx accomplished I would not have achieved. Marx stood higher, saw further, and took a wider and quicker view than all the rest of us. Marx was a genius; we others were at best talented. Without him the theory would not be by far what it is today. It therefore rightly bears his name. (Frederick Engel’s, Ludwig Breach and the End of Classical German Philosophy Part 4: Marx) Antique materialism
Marx was influenced by Antique materialism, especially Epicures (to whom Marx dedicated his thesis, “Difference of natural philosophy between Democratic and Epicures”, 1841 ) for his materialism and theory of cyclamen which opened up a realm of liberty. Lewis Morgan Marx drew on Lewis H. Morgan and his social evolution theory. He wrote a collection of notebooks from his reading of Lewis Morgan but they are regarded as being quite obscure and only available in scholarly editions. Charles Darwin Marx read Darning’s The Origin of Species and recognized its value in supporting his theory of class struggle. |
A powerful yoga-style exercise that effectively calms the nervous system
To begin, sit with your back straight and completely exhale through the mouth.
Close your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose from your diaphragm to a count of 4. Your stomach should rise as you inhale.
Hold your breath for a count of 7. (This may take practice).
Exhale completely and audibly through your mouth to a count of 8. Your stomach should fall as you exhale.
Repeat 3 or 4 times.
In the words of Thich Nhai Haln, when breathing in, imagine that, “I calm my body.” When breathing out, “I smile.”
The Relaxation Response can be coupled with the Relaxing Breathe to quickly promote tranquil feelings.
Visualize an image of a peaceful setting such as a beach. Look at the sun’s beautiful rays; feel their warmth. Watch the waves wash across the shoreline. Feel their coolness. Feel the calm.
As intrusive thoughts come to mind, simply let them pass through like a breeze.
In your mind, pick up the stress, place it in a box, close the box and put the box on a shelf. Watch the box become smaller and smaller. Return to the image of the beach until you feel relaxed.
You may write down a more detailed description of the beach or another setting that has a peaceful significance and refer to it as needed. Maximum benefit will be derived by practicing this technique twice a day. Practice will allow you to easily transcend to that calm place when most needed.
EXERCISEStudies have shown that more than 80% of individuals prone to anxiety and stress experience both less severe and less frequent symptoms when exercise becomes part of their daily routine.
Exercise is a natural stimulator of many important wellness hormones, including serotonin, GABA and dopamine. 15 to 20 minutes of exercise every day will naturally release these feel-good hormones that are so vital to feeling happy and calm.
Propel yourself into action and let exercise keep you in the moment. When you feel inner tension begin to build, engage in any form of aerobic exercise. Take a brisk 10-minute walk as you become mindful of your stride and your environment (e.g. wind against your face, warmth of the sun). Your body’s release of powerful neurotransmitters will boost your mood and minimize feelings of anxiety.
Incorporating adequate structure within your daily routine can be invaluable when coping with stress. It may be helpful to plan your day the night before by making a simple list of things you want to accomplish the next day. Limit the list to 3 to 5 items if possible depending on the time each task will require. Then prioritize the list in order of importance. Prior to sleep, perform breathing exercises and other relaxation or meditation techniques.
Upon awaking, start the morning with breathing exercises and meditation to positively frame your day. Eat a nutritious, high protein breakfast. Try to accomplish the 2 most important items on your list in the morning. Perform breathing exercises and the relaxation response between tasks or as needed. Try to finish each task one at a time rather than multi-tasking. Focus on the task at hand so you become as mindfully involved as possible. If it is an enjoyable task, focus so as to loose yourself in the experience. If it’s a mundane task, focus on the benefits of having it completed. This simple means of structuring and focused immersion will promote a sense of calm throughout your day.
Mindfulness is the art of living in the moment. It is defined as a state of active, open, and intentional attention on the present such that you are immersed in the moment. When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts; rather you become an observer of your thoughts without judging or identifying with them. You come to accept that your thoughts do not define who you are or who you will become. Mindfulness embraces acceptance, kindness, and forgiveness towards oneself. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the joys and pleasures in life as they occur, helping you to become fully engaged in activities, and creating a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.
By living in the present, we are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past. We are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, we perceive adverse situations as less threatening, and we are better able to form deep connections with others.
Mindfulness allows us to cultivate an awareness of the time-limited nature of existence and a willingness and openness to let this awareness inspire our everyday lives. Whenever you find yourself worrying or obsessing about something, simply ask yourself, if this were my last day upon the earth, would I choose to worry or to find and embrace the joys of this moment?
While none of us can live life to the fullest all the time, we do have the ability in most cases to significantly increase our joy and happiness each day by reminding ourselves that we only get this incredible opportunity to live today but once. When we acknowledge our desire to make each moment count, we change our focus to live in the present and live to our fullest.
How does mindfulness work? Neuroscientist Daniel Siegel, postulates that one of the benefits of practicing mindfulness is that the process creates new neural networks for self-observation, optimism, and well-being. Through mindfulness practice, a build up or thickening of the left-prefrontal cortex occurs. It is this part of the brain that is associated with optimism, self-observation, and compassion. These changes allow us to cease being dominated by the right-prefrontal cortex, which is associated with fear, depression, anxiety, and pessimism. As a result, our self-awareness and mood stability increase as our judgments of others and ourselves decrease (Siegel, 2007).
Tai Chi offers a low-impact, slow-motion exercise, or “meditation in motion” where a person continually moves without pausing through a series of motions. As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention on sensations within the body. Medical science has demonstrated that the sustained practice of Tai Chi promotes vigor and flexibility, balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports its healthful impacts on the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and mind. There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice has value in treating or preventing many health concerns including stress, anxiety, and depression.
Tai Chi movements are typically circular without force such that the muscles are relaxed and joints are not fully extended. It can be easily adapted for anyone, from those who are very fit to persons who are immobile, confined to wheelchairs, or recovering from surgery. Tai Chi only requires a few minutes each day.
Dr. Peter M. Wayne, a longtime Tai Chi instructor and a researcher at Harvard Medical School, developed a simplified program he presents in “The Harvard Medical Guide to Tai Chi” which includes basic instruction, discussion of health benefits and how it can enhance productivity, creativity, and sports performance.
The Transcendental Meditation™ technique allows the mind to effortlessly settle inward and to arrive at the source of thought — pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness. It literally means to go beyond thought. The Transcendental Meditation movement was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India in the 1950s. Transcendental consciousness is described as a quiet silence and peaceful level of consciousness attributed to your innermost self. In the TM state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significant coherence and your body benefits from deep rest. TM is typically practiced for 20 minutes twice a day with the eyes closed.
Numerous scientific studies have found that transcendental meditation positively enhances cognitive function, self-actualization, realization of one’s potential, and mental and physical health.
Vacay, mini-retreats, and time with loved ones!
Mini retreats, a change of scenery, or special outings can do wonders for our well-being especially when spent with close friends or family members. These special times build connection and happy memories and invoke prior memories that reinforce connection, calm our bodies, and soothe the soul. Oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone” is released when we feel love, trust, and comfort. It can be even more powerful than serotonin. If you need a lift, remember the power of simply spending time with your significant other or family members and friends. Even a fun filled or quiet afternoon reminiscing about good times with our loved ones can replenish the spirit. Make time and stay close to your special peeps.
Soak Up The Sun!
Get your healthy dose of 15 to 20 minutes of sunlight each day as often as possible. Sunlight holds distinct advantages over other forms of light. The ultraviolet (UV) light contained within the spectrum of sunlight is much brighter than standard man-made light and occurs at the appropriate time and in balance with our circadian rhythms. UV always gets a bad rap, because too much of it can lead to skin cancer. However, small amounts of UV are important because UV light absorbed through your skin produces Vitamin D and promotes serotonin production. Sunshine, (approximately 100 times brighter than office light) received through your eyes also increases serotonin levels.
Treat Yourself to A Massage
Ahhh, the joy of massage therapy! Studies show that getting a massage twice a week can boost serotonin levels by more than 30%. That’s an incredible return for an already pleasurable experience. In Psychology Today, UCLA researcher, Alex Korb reported that young infants of depressed mothers massaged twice a week for 15 minutes over a 6-week period elevated their serotonin levels by 34%.
Choosing to develop the habit of laughter can add bliss to a mundane day and even propel us through rough times. Laughing releases powerful neurotransmitters and endorphins to promote calm and feelings of well-being. All laughter is good, but shared laughter deepens our connection to others and strengthens the bonds of our relationships.
We’ve all heard the expression, ”All things in moderation.” This does not apply to laughter. More is always better.
Think my hair is too matchy matchy with my outfit?Sometimes we just have to go with the flow and laugh at ourselves.
Good nutrition is essential for physical, mental, and emotional health. Make sure your fridge and pantry are packed with healthy proteins and fats containing omega-3 fatty acids and nutritious fruits and vegetables containing abundant vitamins and minerals. Eliminate high glycemic carbohydrates that rapidly increase blood glucose levels and reduce the amount of processed foods you consume to a minimum.
Artichokes, Asparagus, Bamboo Shoots, Bean sprouts, Beets, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Eggplant, Greens (mustard, collards, turnip, others), Green beans, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Okra, Peppers, Radishes, Salad greens (arugula, bok choy, endive, chicory, escarole, iceberg, radicchio, romaine, spinach, watercress, others), Squash, Sugar peas, Swiss chard, Turnips, Water chestnuts, Zucchini
High Glycemic – Carrots, Sweet potatoes – eat in moderation.
Avocado Oil, Butter (pastured), Coconut Oil (good for cooking), Macadamia Oil, Olive Oil, Olive Oil Mayo
(Pastured sources have the best omega 3:6 ratios)
Butter, Cheese, Cottage cheese, Cream, Greek yogurt, Sour cream
(Pastured sources have the best omega 3:6 ratios)
Fish & Seafood: Cod, Crabs, Escargot, Halibut, Herring, Lobster, Mackerel, Mussels, Oysters, Prawns, Salmon, Sardines, Scallops, Shrimp, Squid, Tuna
Poultry & Fowl: Chicken, Dove, Duck, Goose, Quail, Pheasant, Turkey
Livestock: Beef, Bison, Lamb, Goat, Pork
Game: Elk, Rabbit, Squirrel, Venison, other
Legumes: Adzuki beans, fava beans, calico beans, cannellini beans (white kidney beans), black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, great northern beans, lima beans, lentils, and black-eyed peas
Nuts: Macadamias contain the healthiest fats
Low Glycemic – Apples, Avocado, Berries (all), Cherries, Grapefruit, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes
Medium Glycemic –Apricot, Banana (small), Grapes, Kiwi, Mangos, Nectarines, Peaches, Oranges (Highly restrict or avoid high glycemic tropical fruits & melons)
Coconut, Macadamia, Legume
Herbal teas, Water, Coconut milk Coffee and Red Wine in moderation
Click on one of the tiles below to continue exploring. |
Do you feel like your family members, your kid’s teachers, and even counselors blame you for your child’s acting out behavior? You’re not alone. As James Lehman says, there are countless parents out there “living in little prisons”—feeling trapped, isolated, and ashamed of their child’s defiant or out of control behavior. If you’re in this situation, James has a message for you: you aren’t your child’s problem—you are the solution.
Q: James, in a recent article in EP, you said “I don’t think parents are the problem—I think they’re the solution.” That really resonated with a lot of our readers. Can you explain what you mean by that a bit more?
J: Parents of acting-out kids are often perceived as being the problem—or that they’ve created their “problem child”. I think when parents are labeled this way, it becomes extremely discouraging for them. They’re out there trying their best and looking for answers, but they’re being told that their child’s behavior is their entire fault. The attitude of many professionals today is also that parents are the reason children behave inappropriately—and that the parents aren’t committed to helping their kids change. In my experience, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
By the way, while it can’t be denied that some parents out there are abusive or neglectful, I’m focusing on the “good enough” parents in this article. “Good enough” parents provide for their children and try their best to keep their kids safe. They are trying to raise their children the best they can, even if their methods aren’t always effective. I personally think parents who are trying their best should not be blamed for their child’s acting-out behavior—they need training, not blame. And it’s not only that they need help, they need the right kind of help. If we put half the resources into training parents that we do into family therapy, I think we’d see some real change.
Q: So you don’t think it’s the parents’ fault that their children behave the way they do?
J: Let’s face it, blaming people never gets anybody anywhere. Of course we influence our children, but personally I think there is every reason to believe that our kids also shape our behavior.
Let me break it down for you. If you have an acting-out child, you might react to him in a variety of ways. Let’s say you try to reason with your child, but he throws a tantrum—and doesn’t learn more appropriate ways of behaving as he develops. Or maybe when you go to hug him he pushes you away. Later, when you attempt to set limits on him, he calls you foul names. As he gets older, if a given situation isn’t going the way he likes, he breaks things or hits his siblings—or you. And when he’s asked to account for himself he usually blames you or some other person, place or thing. Remember, blame is infectious.
Make no mistake, a family in that situation is going to treat this child in a certain way. And while to outsiders it may look like the parents are triggering the inappropriate behavior, it’s actually the child who has shaped theirs.
By the way, I’ve talked in other articles in Empowering Parents about how children blackmail their parents into giving in. Often, for example, you’ll see families with parents who appear to be too tolerant or passive. But sometimes their child has trained them through years of acting out and aggressive behavior. And what he’s taught them is not to demand or expect a lot from him. The inherent threat is “if you try to set limits on me, I’ll act out—and you’ll be sorry.”
Q: Why do you think other people, and especially professionals, tend to blame the parents?
J: I think it’s often easy for them—and other people outside the family—to paint with too broad a brush. People look at the family of an acting-out, defiant child and tend to criticize the parents. And frankly, I think it’s easier to blame parents who use ineffective strategies with their children instead of taking the time to educate them about more effective ways to manage their child.
It’s a lot easier to blame parents than it is to change children. In my opinion, it’s important to understand that there are ineffective parenting strategies, but there are also effective ones that can be learned. Unfortunately, most parents are referred to family therapy before they’re ever referred to parent training. When they show up, they’re often treated as if they are “guilty until proven innocent” instead of the other way around. This is because many therapists are trained to validate that there’s something wrong with the family.
Q: What happens when the parents are blamed for their child’s behavior?
J: When you’re a parent in that situation, it’s very easy to feel attacked. You feel like there’s a suspicion that you’ve done something wrong, and that your mistakes are causing your child to have problems. Compounding that, many parents feel somewhat guilty about their kid’s behavior because they don’t know what went wrong. It’s easy for them to fall into the trap of blaming themselves.
Parents also tend to get discouraged and distrustful. And in addition to professionals, families are often told by other family members, teachers and people in their community that they’re not doing right by their kids.
If you’re a parent stuck in this situation, it’s easy to look out your window and see your neighbors’ kids playing nicely with each other while your child can’t play with other kids. It’s very easy to get the sense that people think you’re the problem. Many parents of acting-out kids carry a lot of guilt around with them—they immediately assume their child’s behavior is their fault. Then when they try to get help for it, what they often get is more blame. Or sometimes, just as bad, parents might assume their child’s behavior is the fault of someone else. I try to tell them that blame does no one any good. Rather, the important questions to ask are, “Who is taking responsibility for this child?” and “What are you willing to change in order to accomplish that?”
The first place they go for help is usually to their own families. Sadly, if they get blamed there, they will often try to keep their problem a secret; they won’t ask for help in other arenas. Many parents experience a certain amount of shame over their acting-out child.
Q: Parents do experience shame over this, but why is that?
J: The ideal in our society is children who behave. The formula is the following: if you’re the right kind of parent, your child will be well-behaved. Of course, I think that there’s another formula for parenting which I mentioned earlier called the “good enough” parent. They’re not being abusive or neglectful, they provide for their children, but they may not be using effective techniques to solve their kid’s problems. They might be doing things they learned from their own parents or that they saw on a talk show.
Sometimes parents might simply be following their own instincts, but that information can be ineffective with certain kids. Why is that? This is because we’re talking about a 21st century child with 21st century problems. It’s simply a different time, and it’s also a much more difficult time to be a parent as well as a child. Let’s look at the demands that parents are under. First of all, they’re under a lot more economic stress and anxiety. In most families today, both parents have to work to stay above water, and sometimes each parent has more than one job. And this stress affects a parent’s ability to function and to act. Children and adolescents are also under more stress, and they have more ways of rebelling than ever before. Many parents are simply overwhelmed.
I think helping parents find solutions and teaching them problem-solving skills is the most effective thing we can do. I believe that parents who feel like they are under suspicion of being “bad parents” are often going to be very defensive. They won’t be open to new ideas or to learning new things. They feel like they have something to prove—what they’re trying to prove is that they’re not bad parents.
Q: James, how would you help parents in this situation?
J: I try to distinguish the difference between blame and responsibility. Blame is not helpful, ever. And the people who are showing up and trying to find ways to help their child are taking responsibility.
In my own life, I grew up with three brothers. We all had the same parents, but I was out of control. My siblings were pretty well-behaved kids all the way through high school and into adult life. Even though we had the same parents, there were very different outcomes in terms of our behavior. My parents were “good enough” parents, and it showed. Unfortunately I had special needs and there was no one around to show them how to manage me.
I also understand that parents of acting-out kids have a more challenging time of raising their children. Everybody knows how to handle a child who doesn’t have behavior problems. So I think if ineffective parenting contributed to the behavior problems that a child has, it just makes sense to me that effective parent training will contribute to positive change: not blaming, pointing the finger, or arm-chair diagnosing.
Q: So why are parents the solution, in your opinion?
J: I think parents are the solution because they spend the most time with their children; they create the environment their children live in. They are the primary role models because their children spend the most time with them. The family is the center of a child’s life. I believe that if parents get the proper training on how to be more effective, and they’re willing to use those techniques, then they’re going to have children who can solve their developmental life problems effectively.
I also think parents are the solution because they love their kids. They have the most invested in their children because they are going to be related to them for the rest of their lives. So they are the most motivated to help their child change his behavior. I used to tell parents, “If we do these things now, maybe your child can avoid getting into further trouble. But if he continues the way he’s going, you’re going to be the ones visiting him in prison, lending him money because he won’t get a job, or raising his kids because he’s either too irresponsible or addicted to raise them himself.”
The good news is that once parents have techniques to use in their home, they can use them all the time. And I absolutely believe if parents work on having a more effective parenting role in their child’s life—to not be a Martyr, an Excuse-maker, or an Over-negotiator—it’s more likely that things will change for the better in their family.
If you’re the parent of an acting-out child, ask yourself, “What do I want to see change and how can I make that change occur?” And then be honest with yourself when you look for answers. I believe that’s the first step toward creating positive change in your child’s—and your family’s—life.
James Lehman, who dedicated his life to behaviorally troubled youth, created The Total Transformation®, The Complete Guide to Consequences™, Getting Through To Your Child™, and Two Parents One Plan™, from a place of professional and personal experience. Having had severe behavioral problems himself as a child, he was inspired to focus on behavioral management professionally. Together with his wife, Janet Lehman, he developed an approach to managing children and teens that challenges them to solve their own problems without hiding behind disrespectful, obnoxious or abusive behavior. Empowering Parents now brings this insightful and impactful program directly to homes around the globe. |
- What do I need to know about the covid-19 test that’s required before I return to the US?
We’ve compiled some helpful info about the requirement as well as places to get the test on the island. Click here for more info.
- Is it safe to bike ride in Cozumel? Cozumel is a safe place to ride, though you have to use the same common sense and precautions you’d use when riding anywhere. For example use a helmet, signal when you’re turning, use lights at night, and never assume that drivers can see you. Once you are outside of town you can find a designated bike path along the coast (one goes north; the other goes south and all the way around the eastern side of the island, then looping back into town). On the bike paths you will see scooters and cars that can use the path to access beach clubs and hotels, so you need to ride with caution at all times. There are some marked bike lanes in parts of downtown as well.
- Do you rent bikes for athletic events? Yes, absolutely! We have a range of beautiful road bikes and TT bikes. Special prices apply for races like the GFNY and Ironman, so when you reserve your bike online you need to be sure to select the category ATHLETIC EVENT.
- Where is your shop located? We do not have a storefront location. Our service includes delivery and pick up your hotel or private address, or a meeting point if you’re arriving on a ferry or a cruise ship. When your booking is confirmed we’ll send you an email with more details about where and when we’ll meet you with the bikes.
- Can I go to see your bikes?
While we don’t have a brick-and-mortar shop, our site has photos of all our bikes with descriptions including suggested heights for the riders and other details. If you check out the photos and descriptions and still aren’t sure which bike is for you, no worries — in the “comments” section of your online reservation make sure to note your riders’ heights and tell us a bit about what kind of biking you’d like to do (easy riding around town? long ride around the island?). We’ll help you pick the right bikes for your needs!
- Where do I get my bike? Our service includes bike delivery and pick up. Just tell us where you’re staying and we’ll bring the bike to you. If you’re arriving on a ferry or cruise ship, we’ll explain how to get to a meeting point within walking distance of your pier (less than a 5 minute walk for the ferry pier or Punta Langosta; a 20-minute walk for Puerta Maya or TMM Int’l).
- What are your hours of operation?
When you book your bikes, we’ll work with you to find delivery and pick up times that work for everyone. Please bear in mind that we’ve got families at home that need our love and attention: so if you make a last-minute reservation request we’ll do our best to respond promptly, and if you’re contacting us after 7 PM, we may not be available to respond until the following morning.
- Do I need to book in advance or can I reserve the same day? We are an online-booking company and we deal almost exclusively with advance reservations. We highly recommend making your reservation ahead of time. It’s easy, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that a bike in your size is waiting for you upon your arrival — one less thing to stress about when you’re on vacation! If you wait until the last minute we may not be able to accommodate your needs, though you are most welcome to contact us last minute and see what we’ve got available. If you make a last minute request, please read this first.
You can reserve your bikes (or even just get a quote) here.
- I’m coming on a ferry (or cruise) for the day. Are you going to meet me at the docking pier? We can’t park and unload bikes right at the pier, but we have designated meeting points within walking distance of each pier. For the ferry pier the meeting point is less than a 5 minute walk, from Punta Langosta it’s a 5 minute walk, and from Puerta Maya or TMM Int’l it’s approximately 20 minutes. When we confirm your reservation we’ll send an email explaining exactly where to meet us!
In Cozumel we have 3 different Cruise ship piers, so it’s really important that you know where your ship docks, what time it arrives, and when it departs. If you’re taking the ferry, I’ve found that the best and most up-to-date information on the crossing schedule is on the ferry companies’ Facebook pages.
Please take a moment to read this if you will be visiting on a Cruise Ship!
- What time zone do you use? Please note that in Cozumel we don’t do Daylight Savings Time. Half the year we’re in Central and half the year we’re in Eastern. When we agree on a time for delivery, we always use COZUMEL TIME, never “Cruise Ship Time.” Every Cruise ship has different times (and that would make things very confusing!). If you don’t show up, we consider it a “no show.”
- What if I’m late for our scheduled meeting time? We have many deliveries scheduled each day, and we’re often on a tight schedule. Should we need to make a second trip to your location because you were not present at our scheduled meeting time, we will charge a fee (15 usd). If you anticipate being more than 10 minutes late, please contact us via text or email to let us know. We may not be able accommodate last-minute schedule changes, but we’ll do our best.
- What’s your refund/cancellation policy?
Our refund policy depends on how much notice you give when you cancel your reservation. If you CANCEL your reservation:
– at least 3 weeks before your scheduled bike delivery we will refund 100% of your total rental price*
– up to one week before your scheduled bike delivery we will refund 50% of your total rental price*
– up to 48 hours before your scheduled bike delivery we will refund 15% of your total rental price*
We DO NOT give refunds for cancellations within 48 hours of the start of the rental, during the rental, or if you don’t show up.
* Refunds do NOT include the small online processing fee, and the refund amount will be calculated based on the usd/mxn exchange rate on the day we process the refund.
- Do you rent scooters, e-bikes or tandems? Nope.
- What do you consider a full day and a half day?
When we calculate the length of your rental we don’t use 24-hour rental days. Instead, we divide the day in two halves; before noon and after noon. Any portion of a day (up until noon) is considered a half day, and any portion of a day from noon on is also considered a half day.
This would be a ONE DAY RENTAL: We deliver your bike on Monday morning at 9 am and we pick it up the same day at 5 pm
This would be a 1.5 – DAY RENTAL: We deliver your bike on Monday at 10 am and we pick it up on Tuesday at 10 AM. Monday is a full day, and Tuesday is a partial day.
- Can I rent for just part of a day? Of course! Whether it’s 3 hours, 8 hours, or 23 hours, we consider it a full day in terms of the price.
- Can you help me if I get a flat tire?
If you plan on making the loop around the island we always recommend that you rent an Emergency Kit that comes with what you need for basic maintenance issues. If you don’t feel comfortable making repairs on your own, we have road assistance service available for an additional charge.
We can fix the bikes so that you can keep riding (a 15-25 usd fee applies for roadside assistance, depending on your location, plus materials)
We can pick up your bikes* if you change your plan and you just want to be done riding (a 15-30 usd fee applies depending on your location).
*We are NOT permitted to transport customers in our delivery truck. Seriously, it’s not legal. Don’t ask us for a ride. We’ll be glad to give you tips on contacting a taxi.
If you contact us for roadside assistance, please keep in mind that getting to the other side of the island can take some time, and we have deliveries and pickups scheduled throughout the day all over the island. We are not always immediately available to provide road assistance. We will assist you as soon as we are able.
- Why do I have to pay up front? Why can’t I just pay you when you deliver my bike? We ask for full payment in advance for security reasons and because, unfortunately, we’ve had one too many instances in which we reserve bikes for Customer A who hasn’t paid, turn down Customer B who wants those same bikes and is ready to pay, load the bikes on our truck, drive to meet Customer A and… Customer simply doesn’t show up. Not fun.
- How will I know if you’re going to charge me for something at the end of my rental? When you first start your rental you will have a chance to document if you see any damage on the bike when you first receive it. We like to meet you in person when we pick up your bike at the end of the rental to make sure we are all on the same page about any damage or missing items. On very rare occasions we notice damage later on when we are cleaning and servicing bikes — in those cases we will document the damage and contact you to let you know what we’re charging you and why. You can see a list of replacement costs and charges here.
- I want to ride the loop around the island. What do I need to know? The island loop is about 64 kilometers or 40 miles. The ride can take anywhere from 2.5 hours to 5 hours — depending of course on your level of experience and whether or not you make stops. If you plan on making the loop, we recommend that you:
– rent an emergency toolkit in case you need to do any basic maintenance
– bring drinking water, gatorade or coconut water
– bring some money. There are several restaurants/bars where you can get a bite to eat or a cool drink
– start early in the day. Much of your ride will be without shade and it can get really hot here.
– start by going south and coming up the eastern side
– be prepared for little to no cell coverage for much of the route
- Is it mandatory that I use a helmet? Helmets are not mandatory, though we highly recommend using them and always offer them when we deliver your bike. One helmet per bike is included in your rental price.
- Do you have children’s bikes, baby seats or chariots? We have a limited selection of children’s bikes, baby seats and chariots, as well as some adult bikes with small frames. For baby seats we adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s suggested weight limit, so when you reserve your bikes please specify in the “comments” section the child’s age, height, and weight so we can ensure that our baby seat is appropriate and safe.
- I’m going to participate in an athletic event. Can you do a bike fit?
We do NOT do bike fits. When we deliver your bike we will be more than happy to help make really basic adjustments to your stem and seat height, and we’ll install your pedals if you’ve got your own.
- Can you put on my pedals? Yes!
- Can I install my own pedals? Nope!
- Do you rent pedals? Yes, we have Look Keo, Delta, Shimano SPD and Shimano SPD-SL. We also have toe-cage pedals. Any of those cost 3 usd/day.
- Do you have bike shoes? No, you’ll need to bring your own cycling shoes or use regular tennis shoes. |
TiffanyDance & Healing sessions | Transcendental Embodiment
Are you seeking life guidance through art, movement, and dance for emotional, psychological, and physical well-being? Welcome to the Transcendental Embodiment. I am here to support and guide you in your own process of discovering your inner healing power through: - chakras alignment, guided meditation, breathing exercises - self-expression & subjective experience through dance - expanding your heart space, emotional awareness, and healing in movement and dance - release of stress, judgment, and trapped emotions - grounding, self-care, resilience - and more... The sessions are tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of each individual. *Dance can be a practice of introspection, transformation, and transcendence of one’s subjective experiences into a worldwide journey." - Tiffany * As a professional dancer, teacher, and performance maker I am introspectively processing each working day in consciousness, listening to my upcoming emotions, triggers, or anxiety when it comes to be physically and mentally performative in a team, or as a freelance artist. Instead of suppressing these emotions and creating energetical and mental blockages (that can end up into somatic pains or burn-out): we should pay more attention to these inner warning messages and strengthen our emotional intelligence to be able to cope with the infinitesimal external stimulus and daily-stress of our very fast lives. It can be challenging to sense with clarity what is the origin of some feelings of frustration, unsatisfaction, discomfort, or grief, and it can be intimidating or discouraging to walk alone on that path. This class helps you to commit to your better-being, presence to oneself countering wellness procrastination. * What do you need to feel lighter, brighter, or happier in your everyday life? * * What is your self-achievement potentiality? * - For who? : For anyone who enjoys movement and dance, and desires a better connection and understanding with their moving bodies. / One-to-one or group sessions. - Where? : Online via SKYPE or at the student's location. Values: Integrity, Transparency, Respect, Cooperation * About TTE : The Transcendental Embodiment (TTE) is the result of three years of research and development. Merging from a movement philosophy research entitled Behind & Beyond, to its phenomenological understanding. The metaphysical unity of the tangible and intangibles bodies expounds the undeniable relationships between those in the physical realm. The tangible body (the material vehicle), the intangibles bodies (psychological, emotional, energetical, and spiritual). As a dance healing practice, guiding the practitioner to conscious corporeality, and subjective emotional understanding, this methodology can also be a useful tool to improve artistry and technical skills on a deeper level, widening mindful creativity, awareness, empathy, and sensitivity. (TTE) movement and dance methodology combines a meditative approach in stillness and through movement, awakening the mind, spreading the awareness into different body parts; put a specific emphasis on improvisation skills, and musicality, following energy impulses and intuitive movement, increasing the flow of energy. Inviting the practitioners to practice resilience, non-self definition, non-judgment, self-care and self-love, integrity, and acceptance to overcome technical, physical, and mental limits holding the practitioner from his self-achievement potentiality. This approach builds itself crescendo on subjective movement reflexivity and introspective journey through the following process: * The four steps: Being | Investigation | Exploration | Dedication Unconscious - Subconscious - Conscious - Transcendental Consciousness Feel free to contact me for any inquiries. Tiffany
NatashaOnline Ballet Private Lessons. Beginner to Advanced
I am a professional performer with training in Chechetti as well as Imperial Ballet(ISTD). I have been teaching for over 10 years, with over 5 years of professional experience in Performing Arts Industry. Ballet can be used as a great tool to understand the basic elements of dance, while creating a strong foundation for all other styles of dance. As challenging as it may be on the body, ballet can one of the most rewarding art forms of dance. I can offer Syllabus classes(Examinable), as well as open classes, with a more flexible structure. Classes are all on a private Lesson basis(one on one) Looking forward to hearing from you.
KanikaLearn, groove and Dance fun in the world of Bollywood!
* Bollywood dance is the most popular and fun form of dancing originating from India. * This dance is inspired from various traditional Indian classical dances like kathak, Bharatnatyam, bhangra, garba etc which are adapted to the music currently used in the Hindi film industry also known as Bollywood. * My class will be developed based on your personal level , comfort and style in preference with your choice of music to learn , grow and build the basics of this dance . To me dancing is all about expressing yourself so while learning it’s important that you have lots of fun at the same time. Hence, I combine a variant of different easy , quick, slow dance moves , music , styles and sometimes even (jokes) while dancing. No experience in dance before ? You think you like it but can’t do it ? You like to watch others do it ? Well, it doesn’t matter if you have any experience in any kind of dancing or not , one thing is for sure you will learn and grove and dance for sure! So, why wait contact me and let’s set rolling in the world of music and Dance 🎶 💃💃💃💃👯♂️🕺🏼👯👯♀️
MelloveBollywood Fusion Virtual Class. Students from all level can Join and explore themselves.
After a lot of requests from the students, here I am bringing back my Bollywood Fusion Classes for you all. So for the one who is new to this workshop! What is Bollywood Fusion??? Bollywood Fusion is a mixture of all the groovy moves, style, attitude, and Paparazzi. A Fusion of Hip-hop very well blend in the thumkas of Bollywood, A fusion of Jazz in the blend of filmy masala. a fun-loving yet simple choreography to uplift your mood and energy levels.
ReminaClassical Ballet Class for beginners / intermediate / advanced (barre & center)
I teach pure classical ballet class, based on Russian Vaganova method. Optionally, I also teach point class for girls. I am a professional ballet dancer in Miami. I started classical ballet training at the age of 3, then later I trained at Princess Grace Academy in Monaco, and graduated from San Francisco Ballet School.
Narthana ViharOnline Bharatanatyam Indian Classical Dance Classes
Narthana Vihar aims at developing completely professional bharatanatyam dancers. The course starts from the scratch. Classes commence during the weekends. Students across all countries are welcome and timings will be fixed according to their respective time zones. Our teachers have 13+ years of experiences and are direct disciples of Padmabhushan Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam. The curriculum consists of complete Natya Sastra (2000 year old scripture) content taught in a very easy and understandable manner. Course completion certification will be provided after each level.
EspaceIntensive private Latin dance lessons (Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Chacha, West Indian Zouk, Kuduru-African dance, Brazilian Zouk)
Private lessons / intensive training in Latin Dances (Cuban Salsa, Salsa Porto / LA, Bachata, Merengue, Chacha, West Indian Zouk, Kuduru-African dance, Brazilian Zouk*) (* = it's THE dance of the moment that paradoxically has nothing zouk or anything Brazilian - today it's pop music for two, mixing creativity, sensuality, air fluidity that plays a lot with the movements of bust, head and body undulations.) METHODOLOGY Learn dance and let talk about your body / emotions, make the difference in the evening ("social dancing") or prepare an event (wedding for example): Focused on pedagogy, technique and pleasure, the dance space offers personalized and individualized courses of Salsa (porto on 1, Cuban), Bachata, Merengue, Kuduru-African dance, Zouk Antillais, Zouk Brazilian (pop music) (...) according to your desires. Objective: to adapt to your request and your desire. In the eyes of many neophytes, a couple who dance well performs spectacular figures. To dance is to tell / live together a story, to produce beauty in movement and to make the steps, the attitudes and the connections between the various actions aesthetic / harmonious. This fluidity is born of emotion, felt and transmitted. Simplicity, communication, listening, sharing, emotion, valorization of the other: it is, in addition to technical knowledge (body expression, rhythmic, visual), what you will improve during this training at evolutive levels. In a friendly atmosphere, you will be taken in hand whatever your initial level. Objective: a combination between on the one hand, intuition / feeling / improvisation and on the other hand, technique. It is possible to take the course in couple or solo. According to your desire, it is possible to propose 70% of a 1st dance, 30% of another complementary dance, the bases of the one influencing the other. Whether you're preparing "choreography" for a special event (wedding, birthday, work, etc.), a show, or just looking to improve your skills to impress on the dance floor, the end learning of these classes is to : * perform a beautiful interpretation of the music with appropriate movements, in addition to performing a dynamic work that involves a footwork and body movements adapted * execute an appropriate technique that will allow you to shine quickly on the dance floor, relying on the strong point of private lessons * Set up style, movement, footwork, and adjusted body coordination, allowing for rapid dance progression, while taking advanced base steps and a variety of movements, allowing you to not only acquire a sensual style but also to improve his own improvisational abilities, focusing on the characteristics of modern dance. * work on your balance, your musicality, your body strength (...), while having fun, while you train and radically improve your body coordination. In summary, these courses are at the beginner level (basic steps with some general variations), intermediate (faster speed and more concentration on technique, body mechanics, control, footwork, posture, balance and more complex movements) or advanced (for slightly more experienced dancers). Statistically, the progression following these private sessions is quickly noticeable, from 2 or 3 sessions *. (* study 2020) To respond to requests received, it is indeed possible to offer this course (birthday, party, christmas, event ...) to the person of your choice. TEACHER / TRAINER Trained at the Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League University in the United States, our teacher trainer has specialized and worked for more than 15 years, in Europe and North America, in the field, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly participating in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and meticulous methodology as the watchwords. PLACES, LANGUAGES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context, in the continuity of the national recommendations on the Covid and in accordance with the general request which wants to be unanimous on this subject. ✓ Apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain the same. In addition, the entire exchange is immediately transcribed by the coach on the dedicated chat. ✓ Languages: French / English. ✓ Progress following these private sessions is noticeable from 1 to 2 sessions (*study 2021). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round.
SamaMiniature Persian Dancing; a combination of smooth, beautiful, and calm movements for everyone interested in the historical persian culture.
The word "miniature" means small and delicate nature. And it is called a style of Iranian painting ; A style that is in fact the same smallness and elegance as stated in It has its own. Miniature movements take their form in three parts of the miniature paintings: A. From the body figures in these paintings, B. From the twist of lines and colours in these paintings C. From the elegance in these paintings ... General techniques and main features of miniature dance can be divided into several general categories: • Wave When performing the Iranian miniature form, the hands have many wavy movements. • Curves In this style, many curves can be created with the whole body, especially the hands. • Rotation Rotation and rotation movements are widely used in miniature dance. Rotations that show the circularity of this form (but not as much as hearing!) • figure In the form of Iranian miniatures, creating different figures by hand has a special effect and creates a vivid miniature painting. • Softness and elegance This form is performed in perfect softness and delicacy and rough or dry movements have no place in it. • Being current When performing a miniature, the body floats in space, as if moving like water. Carefully considering the above, we realise that all these features are exactly reflected in Iranian architecture and painting and miniature painting. Spiritual characteristics of the miniature form In miniature form, these spiritual characteristics are felt: calmness, liberation, tenderness, originality, sobriety.
KarlaPrivate dance lessons (salsa, samba, sexy dance, bachata, kizomba, etc.). Learn to dance.
Do you want to learn to dance salsa, bachata, reggaeton, merengue, sexy dance, samba, kizomba, twist, tango, among others? I put at your disposal my knowledge, my patience and my pedagogy at your service so that you can enjoy the music and demonstrate it with your body. I adapt 100% to your requirements because the important thing here is to achieve your dance goals. In no time at all, the results will amaze you. Travel costs included (up to 30km). In case of transfers for distances greater than 30 km, supplement to be discussed.
PriyankaBollywood and Bharatanatyam dance class in London (group and private)
Bharatnatyam is structured according to the examinations conducted by the University. It typically takes about 6-7 years to complete the examinations. You can learn it for fun as well without actually wanting to go through exams. It has immense health benefits and good cardio workout. Bollywood, on the other hand, is energetic and fun-filled and can be learnt one song at a time. I usually assess the ability of the student to grasp the movements and teach accordingly. It can take anywhere between 2 weeks to 4 months to learn a complete Bollywood dance item.
SaraStretching Circus - learn the balancing act! Private lessons & more
Do you want to learn the balancing act, do you need more flexibility for your sport or do you want to become more flexible in general? Did your sports club's standard stretching methods and YouTube videos not help? Unlike children, most adults find it much more difficult to improve their mobility. Therefore, they must proceed with particularly sophisticated techniques and with caution, because nothing throws back further than an injury. I use a combination of different methods that combine stretching with training: My exercises stretch and strengthen the muscles at the same time and thus have a positive effect on the central nervous system, which in turn controls the stretching. Therefore this course is very exhausting! ● Breathing and relaxation techniques ● Fascia training and nerve mobilization for improved signal transmission -> nervous system ● alternating tension and relaxation of the muscle or its agonist ● Strengthening the muscle in the stretched state and at the same time improving balance (loaded progressive stretching) ● Using lever techniques to create more room for deeper stretching; isolated stretching of individual muscles (kinesiological stretching) With the classic approach, you passively wait in the respective position until you automatically dive deeper into the stretch due to muscle fatigue. The muscle is not sufficiently activated, so the nervous system is not affected to the same extent and progress is significantly slower. If you want to move faster and are not afraid of a little exertion, you should definitely try this method! About me: I'm inherently inflexible and I started stretching when I was over 20 to become a professional artist. Therefore, I know the difficulties from my own experience, have dealt intensively with stretching and keep myself constantly up to date. Private lessons at your home, at work or on Skype! Can also be combined with training plans on request.
EleonoraPrivate belly dance webcam lesson (Skype, Zoom or Google Meets)
Oriental dance is a dance of Egyptian origin, which includes many styles. Originally, it was a spontaneous and improvised dance, but today it is taught academically all over the world. It is traditionally practiced by women, who express by this art their femininity, their vitality, but also their feelings, joys and sorrows. In general, this dance is characterized by the dissociation of the parts of the body (isolations) that can move independently of one another. Oriental dance is as good with jerky rhythms as slow and fluid. Bellydance is not limited to movements of the pelvis: it solicits flexibility and tonicity of the bust, shoulders, arms, hands, pelvis and belly. It helps tone the thighs, relax the joints, develop the abdominals and maintain the back. Most of the work resides in the muscular contraction, this dance can be practiced at any age, in the respect of the limits of each dancer or dancer. The course begins with a joint and muscle warm-up, followed by technical work. The basic movements are then integrated into sequences that allow you to move in space and experience the pleasure of dancing, before ending with a session of relaxation.
SilviaTango, Milonga, Vals Lessen / Single, couple and small group
Would you like to learn how to dance the tango? To swing across the dance floor with ease and stand there confidently with your (dance) partner? Idea Tango offers you the opportunity to learn tango at your own pace from professional dance teachers. Whether you are a single, a couple or a small group, book your appointment on a day and time that suits you best. Classes taught online and live.
GeorgeHip Hop & Hip Hip Fitness with a Celebrity Teacher
Dance is an art that allows people freedom in movement. Hip Hop is a culture not just a word. George has been immersed in the culture for over 20 years now and teaches all levels of dancer. Whether you want to learn choreography, work on your fundamentals or technique, or just get an amazing workout and break a sweat. George has the experience and the personality to make you work hard, while enjoying every moment of dance.
Dr. ReenaDance to Smile with Reena: Bhangra, Bollywood :)
This is a time to be happy and healthy, and dance is the ultimate source of joy. In my class, I will teach basic Bhangra and Bollywood dance. I want to spread happiness and let people enjoy the essence of dance the way I do. So let's dance for laughter, dance for health, dance for madness, dance away fears & dance for hopes. Reena |
Apply Now for Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania Loan and Get Money Same Day!
Do you know how it feels to experience lack of money? It may happen to everyone, even if you have a good and stable income, no one is impervious to unexpected situations. Sometimes cash is needed right away. Due to the convenient forms of EasyLoans and a fast approval, and one may receive payday loans in a hurry in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania.
Are you looking for a rapid loan in Conneaut Lake? You will have your money in 24 hours, you should just fill out a safe and simple application form. Do it right now!
A payday loan has a broad definition. But the main idea of a payday loan is an opportunity to get a loan from lenders for a short period until you get the next payday. There are various sums you may take: from $30 to $2500. It depends on a state. Every state has different laws controlling the payday loans. You may easily get the loan: online or from a lender. This is the essential information about a rapid loan in Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania.
Why to Choose Payday Loan in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania?
Now the payday loans are very popular. Of course, it has both positive and negative reviews but this way of getting money is still very convenient and a good idea to solve some budget issues. Sometimes a constant want of money may be stressful compared to one-time urgent money situations. In any case, fast payday loans will help you to solve your financial problems right away.
Top 5 Reasons to Take Payday Loan in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
The reasons why you need cash are different, and it depends on a situation. If you experience one of these financial issues, EasyLoansUSA is what you need.
1. A bank does not give you a loan. A financial crisis is a common thing. However, it is not easy to get a bank loan, or even a mortgage loan. Moreover, this process is time-consuming, it may take 30 days, or even a year. You have to persuade a lender. In this case, a payday loan is a good solution of your financial issues within a short period.
2. Problems to pay for bills, rent, or groceries. This reason is probably commonly met in order to have a quick loan. According to the statistics, about 70% of the Americans use payday loans to cover the everyday needs. Credits, groceries, or bills are not cheap, and so people go to a lender. To avoid the money shortage, this service really helps people to cover their needs.
3. A card debt payment. Payments and debts are collected by companies. The bill collectors call your six times a day and may even send you threatening letter. All they want is your money. So if you have had enough of this, and it really bothers you, EasyLoans located in Conneaut Lake will solve this issue. There are situations when you can max out your card. So again, a payday loan will be a good idea to cover your extra payments.
4. Unwillingness to borrow from friends and relatives. It is sometimes inappropriate to ask friends for money, or some people just experience embarrassment to ask for some money. If you now face such situation, you should use online loans in Conneaut Lake. You now can avoid the awkward situations with your family, and do not even tell them about your financial problems.
5. Skipping a debt satisfaction will cost a lot. There are different types of the agreement with a lender. Some of them suggest penalties or arresting some of your possessions, if you do not pay for the debt in time. You do not want to lose your car, do you? In this case, the interest loan is going to be the smallest problem comparing to the main debt.
Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania Payday Loan Benefits
Using EasyLoansUSA offers you many advantages.
• Fast approval. Using our service gives you a guarantee to deposit your money to bank account within one business day. It does not matter where you live. We quickly process all your data and bank account information. When you have signed the loan agreement, the cash may be expected in 24 hours at your bank account. Of course, nobody can give you money the same day.
• Convenient and quick forms. Some lenders ask to fill out blanks, and these blanks take much time. But time is money especially when you have financial problems. Our forms do not take much time. They are simple and clear.
• The loan to go. If you still do not know where to get the quick loan, you should go to the internet. Online payday loans are very convenient and take minimum efforts. Use your smartphone, apply for online loan in Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania. We will transfer your money after the approval of your applications.
• A transparent agreement. Our policy is to provide clear transactions and agreements. We want you to make sure that every interest you pay is fair. We provide the smallest rates, and so you will be satisfied with our service.
If you experience troubles with your family budget, or you constantly try to save on some things in order to pay for the bill, just use EasyLoans in Conneaut Lake and enjoy your life. We will take all your financial problems. We will not ask awkward questions, and we will not check your credit history.
Important Information About Payday Loans in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
The government laws and state regulations control the payday loan. And Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania is not an exception. To be more informed, you may read the laws and find out how this system works. Using this information, you will protect your money from unfair interests and fees.
Why to Select Payday Loan in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania?
A fast money withdrawal is guaranteed. Some lenders take some time in order to formally establish a payday loan, and there are situations when waiting is not the option. You need money right now? So Conneaut Lake lenders provide you with rapid application process and a fast approval. Due to this, you will have money in a day. Payday loan online is flying.
Spend your money on things you need. You are one who controls and divides money. We do not recommend you to take two or three loans at once because you may face troubles with paying it out. You can take another loan next month when you have paid for the previous one. Of course, if you are in any urgent need of money.
A credit history is not checked. If you cannot boast a good credit history, you will still have a loan in Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania. You should just be confident that you can repay the loan, and that what lenders will ask you.
A direct lender will always support you. If you have a tough financial situation, and you are really tired to look for options to solve this situation, you should try to use a payday loan online. It is simple to get a loan. As we have mentioned, you do not have to have a good credit history. Every American who is of full age and meets the lender requirements, is competent to take a fast loan.
Pennsylvania Payday Loan Regulations
You should be aware of fees while taking online loan in Conneaut Lake. An interest rate depends on a sum you take. If you are going to take not more than $30, a lender is not able to charge more than a dollar per $5 you take. If you take $100 loan and is going to pay it out within 14 days, the annual percentage would be 309%.
If you want a loan in the sum between $40 and $100, a legit acquisition is charged: one-tenth of the amount. If you take more than $100, this fee is not more than $10. By the way, the maximal amount of loan is not indicated in Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania.
A duration of the payday loan varies from a week to 31 days.
Requirements for the Application for a Loan in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
There are certain requirements for getting a payday loan in Conneaut Lake. So you should know these terms, if you are going to use this service.
A person should be full of age because it is illegal to lend money teenagers in the USA. If you are an adult, you may not worry about this issue.
Another requirement is a legal residence in Conneaut Lake Pennsylvania. A person should confirm a legal resident and indicate a contact address. Then taking a loan is guaranteed. If you worry about your poor credit history, do not be. It is not a problem. However, you should be financially reliable, and have a stable income at least $1 000 per month. At this stage, we are confident that we can provide you with a loan.
Other contact data should be provided such as email, and a phone number. Otherwise we will not contact you.
And the most important requirement is that you are not a debtor in bankruptcy.
As you see, we just need some information: your name, social security number, address, and phone number. Then we want to know what sum you are going to borrow. Then we collect this information and process it, when it is confirmed, we will contact you.
A quick payday loan may be very useful but do not abuse this opportunity. Do not take several loans in different companies and lenders. It will not give you any profit. This way, you will just have more financial problems. And your life does not deserve it.
Nearest Locations to Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania are:
- Adamsville, Pennsylvania
- Atlantic, Pennsylvania
- Harmonsburg, Pennsylvania
- Hartstown, Pennsylvania
- Linesville, Pennsylvania
- Meadville, Pennsylvania |
At our company, diversity drives progress. It strengthens our ability to innovate and contributes to our success in science and technology. We encourage employees, patients and customers to be their individual, curious and unique selves. The more diverse our people, the better we can succeed in business while making a difference in people’s lives.
Our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion
In 2021, we strengthened and expanded our commitment to diversity. While we have always been a diverse organization – today spanning 66 countries, with more than 60,000 employees – we recognize that the success of our organization depends on our ability to foster an environment that promotes equity and cultivates inclusion.
Together, we are building one culture in which we care about one another and are solidifying a sense of belonging for all so that our different voices are heard to drive better business outcomes. Ultimately, we are creating opportunity and enabling advancement for employees around the globe.
To reflect our expanded DE&I commitment, we are focused on three critical priority areas:
We are aiming for gender parity in leadership positions by 2030. In 2021, we increased the share of women in leadership roles to 36% (2020: 35%) and maintained a stable 43% proportion of women in the global workforce.
Culture and ethnicity
By 2030, we plan to increase the proportion of colleagues in our United States leadership teams who are members of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups from 21% to 30%. We continue to pursue self-identification efforts to help us further understand our organizational structure as regards culture and ethnic representation.
With 23% of our employees based in the United States, it is crucial that we become an employer of choice among racial and ethnic minorities in this market. We continually listen and learn from our colleagues in the market to ensure our workforce reflects the talent currently available in the marketplace.
Additionally, due to our current performance and future growth in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa (MEA), accounting for 40% of our Group sales, we aim to increase the global share of nationals from Asia, Latin America, and MEA in leadership positions from 16% to 30% by 2030.
For us, inclusion means creating a culture and environment where everyone can reach their full potential and is able to add value. Our leaders are key to achieving this. In 2021, we began rolling out a Group-wide program to help leaders reflect on how they can lead more inclusively. All leaders, including new ones, are required to actively participate. In the reporting period, 37% of our leaders participated in this inclusion training. We also monitor progress using our Employee Engagement Survey inclusion score. Additionally, countries and sectors can focus on further diversity dimensions such as LGBTQI+, different abilities, age diversity, or veteran/military status.
A cornerstone of our DE&I strategy is to foster an inclusive culture in partnership with over 40 employee resource groups (ERGs) across the globe. With nearly 4,500 employees involved in one or more ERGs, we are able to build awareness of matters impacting our diverse workforce through programs and open dialogue. Our ERGs range from Women in Leadership to our Black Leaders Network and our Leaders of Ethnicity Allies and Faith.
We take action against all forms of discrimination, aspire to build teams with a balanced age structure, diverse educational backgrounds and experience and create an international working environment. As part of our DE&I strategy, we also encourage our managers to actively build diverse teams by considering training opportunities to raise awareness and working to have diverse candidates in the selection process when interviewing for roles. Diversity figures are part of compensation-related corporate goals. In 2021, we developed a prediction algorithm to support the modeling and tracking of our DE&I KPIs.
We integrate our inclusion concept into all Human Resources programs, training offerings and processes. The inclusion concept is embedded in our Merck behaviors and explicitly calls for open and supportive collaboration.
We advocate for openness and diversity. For this purpose, we work on recognizing unconscious bias and its impact on everyday work. We use training courses to raise awareness among managers and employees and show how these biases can be actively addressed, both in interpersonal relations and decision-making processes.
Roles and responsibilities
Our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer is responsible for our global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy and steering related activities. In this role, she reports directly to the Chair of the Executive Board, whose responsibilities include Group Human Resources.
In addition, we have a centralized Diversity Council that consists of high-ranking executives from all our business sectors and select Group functions. The Diversity Council members:
- Visibly and actively support equity and inclusion across a corporate strategy and related activities.
- Act as ambassadors and advisors to the Executive Board and managing directors in country organizations.
- Propose strategic goals, initiating measures and ensuring within their respective units that line managers meet their responsibilities.
- Exchange information, discuss the latest challenges, share best practices, and align on next steps.
- Act as role models within their business units and among our workforce.
- Work across businesses, functions and countries to integrate DE&I within our daily work for the benefit of our employees and customers.
In addition, all business sectors and major Group functions have various working groups at management level that implement the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy in their area of responsibility.
Our commitment: Industry-wide initiatives and regulations
Our Social and Labor Standards Policy spells out that we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, physical or verbal harassment or intolerance. To underscore our commitment to equality, fairness, inclusion, and tolerance in the workplace, we also participate in industry-wide initiatives.
- The “Women’s Empowerment Principles”, an initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact network, help to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace. In 2021, we joined the “UN Target Gender Equality Programme”, which supports companies in achieving gender balance in business.
- The “Inclusion Action Plan” of the German Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE) defines concrete measures to create a more inclusive workforce for employees with disabilities. In endorsing this plan, we are meeting the requirements of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- The “Equal Opportunity Charter”, through which we promise to do everything in our power to achieve gender equality within our company.
- The German “Diversity Charter” a corporate initiative with over 4,500 signatories to promote diversity in companies and institutions; we signed their Charter back in 2013 and became a full member of the association Charta der Vielfalt e. V.
Moreover, we are a signatory to the Business Coalition for the Equality Act, an alliance of leading companies in the United States. Additionally, we participate in various causes near our sites. Thereby, our employees can support our efforts towards an inclusive workplace and community. In 2021, we partnered with Disability:IN to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities.
Meeting statutory requirements
The German Law for the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Public and Private Sector has been in effect in Germany since 2015. Owing to our legal form as a KGaA (corporation with general partners), this law also applies in part to us.
With a 37.5% share of women (six out of 16 members), our Supervisory Board already meets the stipulations of German gender quota legislation. As a KGaA, we are not required to set targets for our Executive Board. Our Executive Board currently has a 20% share of women (1 out of 5). Detailed information can be found in the Statement on Corporate Governance in our Annual Report.
Rooting out unconscious bias
We seek to raise awareness of unconscious bias among our managers and employees, also through Group-wide training courses on this topic. Since 2021, we have been using new technologies in the context of recruitment in order to support the use of gender-neutral language, for example when creating job advertisements. This is intended to reduce unconscious bias in the hiring process and ensures that our job advertisements are attractive to diverse talent.
Pay Equity Analysis
Our commitment to pay equity is an important aspect of our DE&I strategy. In order to create transparency on unexplained pay gaps and their underlying root causes, we conducted a pay equity analysis in 2021. In this first step, we analyzed our top ten countries covering roughly 80% of our employees. The focus of the analysis was on pay gaps based on gender. The detailed data analysis had not yet been completed at the end of 2021. Based on the initial findings, we continue to create a detailed action plan and work on business alignment to ensure fair pay for all our employees.
We provide a framework for DE&I education and empowerment to support inclusive leadership strategies and tactics. To maximize the impact of our leaders in building diverse and inclusive teams, our Executive Board approved the launch of the Inclusive Leadership Program (ILP) as part of our global inclusion KPI. The ILP combines global leadership interactions, peer coaching, continuous self-reflection, and leadership accountability. It is mandatory for all our leaders, including new leaders. In 2021, 37% of our leaders took part in the course.
Fostering diverse talent
HR supports our business units in fostering talent of various origins and increasing the proportion of women in leadership roles. At the end of 2021, 36% of leadership roles were held by women and we are on track to achieve gender parity by 2030.
We continue to create a strong internal female talent pipeline and promote women into leadership positions while also actively sourcing female talent externally. We focus on internal development and external sourcing of international and underrepresented ethnic talent. In an effort to improve balance referrals, in the reporting year we piloted a 25% increase in bonuses for employees in the United States for successful referrals of qualified diverse candidates. We monitor diversity in succession planning, particularly for senior positions. To help understand demographics, we conducted self-identification campaigns in certain regions to encourage employees to voluntarily provide information on ethnicity, different ability or veteran status in 2021. To help promote diversity in hiring for internal roles, we also offered numerous mentoring, sponsoring and talent programs for women and other target groups, such as underrepresented ethnic groups.
We are convinced that our talent programs and open discussions about unconscious bias contribute to further increasing inclusivity and sense of belonging among our workforce.
Our employees have the option to flexibly calibrate their working time and to work remotely, which also contributes to greater professional and personal opportunities for more colleagues. Additionally, we offer our employees information on remote working and mental health, for example, in order to support their lifestyles, well-being and personal circumstances.
Integrating international employees
Our company is becoming increasingly international. We currently employ people from 142 nations. Our leadership includes representatives of 79 nationalities. As of the end of 2021, 10% of our workforce worked outside their home countries.
To best facilitate this international collaboration, we offer intercultural training for all employees along with appropriate digital tools. For instance, our Cultural Navigator helps prepare our staff for international projects and business trips abroad. To help employees transferred abroad to adjust more quickly, we offer language training and international networks. For instance, more than 700 expatriate employees are members of the International Community, which meets regularly in Darmstadt.
Networks strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion
We support more than 40 local and global employee resource groups (ERGs) and action networks, including our internal women’s networks and networks that advocate for the LGBTQI+ community, employees of various ethnic origins, international employees, and employees with care responsibilities. In 2021, we created new networks for people with different abilities and veterans. In collaboration with our networks in North America, we established 24 Site Inclusion Teams across our locations, focusing on driving inclusion at our manufacturing sites.
Involvement in area-specific or interdisciplinary networks is an opportunity for all employees to acquire leadership competencies. At the same time, these employees bring their experience and perspectives to our company. We therefore ensure frequent touch points and communication with these groups.
Tapping into external networks
For more than ten years, our company has been a corporate partner of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA). We are represented both in global and European advisory boards. The HBA advocates for women in the healthcare industry almost exclusively through volunteer work. We explicitly support employees who want to volunteer for the HBA and sponsor various events. In 2021, employees in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom volunteered for the HBA – some as members of the European Regional Council, some as chairpersons or chapter president and some as leaders or committee members of regional or local HBA teams.
Taking action against discrimination
We do not tolerate any kind of discrimination in our company. This is stipulated with binding effect in our Code of Conduct and our Social and Labor Standards Policy. Should employees experience harassment or discrimination in the workplace, they can report the issue via various channels. Their first points of contact are either their supervisor or our Human Resources (HR) or Compliance teams. Alternatively, employees throughout the Group have the possibility to call our Compliance hotline anonymously. As part of our “Group Compliance Case Committee”, HR coordinates suspected cases relating to human resources topics. In 2021, seven suspected cases of discrimination were reported via the compliance hotline and other channels. Of these reports, six incidents were confirmed.
Solid ranking in diversity, equity and inclusion indices
We continue to make progress on integrating diversity, equity and inclusion within our business.
The American Human Rights Campaign Foundation rated our LGBTQI+ activities. We scored 100% in the “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) 2022, which measured the equality and inclusion of LGBTQI+ employees.
We ranked seventh in the “World’s Top Female Friendly Companies 21” list by Forbes, which identifies the companies leading the way when it comes to supporting women inside and outside their workforces.
In the Financial Times ranking, we were selected as one of the leading 150 (out of over 15,000) companies on diversity.
We scored sixth in the “German Diversity Index” published in June 2021 by BeyondGenderAgenda. The index reflects the transparency of the diversity commitment of the DAX 30 (as of September 2021: DAX 40) companies in their annual and sustainability reports of 2020.
We ranked eighth in the 2021 “BCG Gender Diversity Study” by the Boston Consulting Group and the Technical University of Munich. This study rated management board and supervisory board gender diversity among Germany’s largest publicly listed companies. |
How Much Does A Bathroom Renovation Cost?
Updated: Sep 28, 2021
Have you ever had the luck of getting a blocked drain? At night? On a holiday?
How about replacing that rotting deck out back? Or the sketchy steps out front? Perhaps overhauling the "retro-vintage" grandma-pink guest bathroom?
If so, you might be familiar with the cost of renovations.
If you haven't dealt with this yet, you might be in the market for a renovation project. Or, you might be curious how much to budget as you dream of a new home. As you shop around for prices, you realize that they're a little bit all-over-the-place. And none of it is cheap.
You've asked around, and found wildly varying prices. Google gave you a few sites, one told you "a bathroom renovation can cost $1,500-$50,000" (gee, thanks for narrowing it down!)
Another site said the average is $25,000.
Your friend Janice told you she paid $45K for her en-suite (don't blame her, she's the product of her C-Suite Executive lifestyle). Meanwhile, your buddy "knows a guy" and got his bathroom renovation for "$7K but I bought all my own material" (he didn't mention that the caulking around the tub looks like it was installed by my 3 year old niece... while wearing a blindfold).
The more you look into it, the less you understand the discrepancies. Let's break it down.
How Much Should A Renovation Cost?
The real answer? It depends. (I know, cue the eye-roll, right?)
A variety of factors come into play when pricing your renovation. There is a long list of products that go into your bathroom renovation. These are physical items like the pipes that end up under your floor, to the studs in the walls, the tiles in the shower and even the protective paper that your contractor lays down in the hallway to make sure your floor stays clean and damage-free.
There is an even longer list of tasks. These are all the individual steps your contractor will need to take to get your bathroom from drab to fab, and make sure it lasts for years to come.
How Do Contractors Calculate Cost?
Before delivering a price, your contractor will need to meticulously calculate every single item that will go into your renovation project. Every screw, every fitting, every tile. All of it.
Then, they'll need to rely on experience to calculate how long it will take. As if that wasn't enough, they'll also need to use their x-ray vision.
Ok, you got me on the last one. Contractors don't have x-ray vision. At least, not that we're allowed to discuss publicly. (We're sworn to secrecy pursuant article X2.3.2-a in the building code.)
We rely on years of experience to make educated guesses and extrapolations about what we might find behind the walls and under the floors. Sketchy plumbing, canceled vents, water leaks, missing insulation, insufficient support, hidden electrical junctions. It's all par for the course.
"But My Contractor Said There Shouldn't Be Any Issues!"
Often, the guy who comes in with the lowest quote will usually do one of two things:
1-Be shocked and surprised when he finds these issues, and require you pay him more money to fix them. (He's in your home, you've paid him a deposit, and he's already ripped open your walls... you're basically a hostage in your own home!)
or, the (arguably worse) second option:
2- He pretends he never saw them and buries them; covers them up. (This exposes you to real liability down the road!)
I've been working in residential renovations for almost 20 years. I have never participated in a renovation project where we didn't uncover a hidden problem behind a wall, ceiling or floor. Sometimes, it's hiding in plain sight. Like improper wiring in your 3-way light switch, or an overloaded junction box behind your ceiling light with sketchy connections in it. Maybe even that retro-looking Federal Pioneer electrical panel lurking threateningly in your garage.
What Affects The Price?
Get ready to cue the eyeroll again. Want to know what affects your price? Everything. Literally everything.
Do you have a driveway for the dumpster? If you need to place the dumpster on the street, you'll have to pull a permit for parking it on a public roadway. And the city isn't shy when it comes to racking up fees for this.
When was your house built? Is your house built before 1990? Before 1940? Different eras
used different methods and materials.
Typically, the older it is, the more challenging it will be to demolish or deconstruct (especially if you will be doing targeted or "tactical" deconstruction).
Is the project on the ground floor?
Third floor? Is there enough space for all the tools and material to be stored safely adjacent to where the work will take place? If your contractor needs to walk down two flights of stairs, exit the front door and walk to your garage to get the materials, it will add time.
Will you be living in the home? If so, the contractor will need to take extra precautions to ensure that there's no dust getting into your living space, and no dangers for you and your family throughout the project.
Renovating or reinventing? Hate the layout of your kitchen and want to put the sink on the other side of the room under the window? It can be done! But it will represent an increase in cost versus putting a new sink where the old one was.
UGH! What About Materials?
By this point I'm sure you've already guessed that different materials will affect the cost of labour.
For example, a small 3"x6" subway tile can have many factors that will affect the installation cost. Ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone, glass accent tiles, they all have different requirements. From how they're handled and applied, to how they're cut and installed, and even how they're grouted. For example, some natural stone tiles will need to be sealed before grouting.
A smaller tile might cost less at a store but require more labour to install, and require more grout (which means more labour).
I've installed $100 toilets that take an hour to assemble, $300 toilets that come assembled and get installed in about 30 minutes, and $3000 toilets that required a dedicated circuit to be run from the 3rd floor on one end of the house to the basement at the other end of the house. (But it warms your butt cheeks and gives you a rinse... and a dry!)
So How Will I Know?
I wish I could give you a ballpark. A price per square foot. A range. I wish I could tell you that a bathroom gut starts at $13,000. The reality of it, unfortunately, is that all the nuances from location to materials to access to age of the home affect the price.
In my particular market, the average cost to renovate a 3-piece bathroom without moving anything around is around $20-25,000. That said, I've done some for less than $20K, and I've done bathrooms of the same size for over $25K. The variables, like access, age of the construction, permits, design and finishes can generate a broad spectrum of price variances.
Seeing as there are so many variables involved in any renovation, your best bet is to contact a licensed contractor.
The internet can be misleading with pricing. It depends on when the site was published, where the author is from, and what the intention of the author is. If someone is trying to sell you a referral service, it's in their interest to rope you in with low prices.
If their intent is to sell you an alternative to renovations, then it may be in their interest to inflate the prices. Think: companies that put an acrylic tub over your old tub "in one day!" The issue here, is no one is addressing the plumbing behind the wall that's likely due to be changed. And if they make "adjustments" on the plumbing, chances are the work isn't being carried out by a licensed plumber (which means liability for you.)
All told, the only way to get a price for your renovation is to really get a price for YOUR renovation.
How Do I Get A Price?
Ask trusted friends and family, ask your neighbors, and reach out to a few licensed contractors, or general contractors. After gathering some information about your home and what you would like to do, they should be able to either provide you with a ballpark estimate, or price range.
If you have a budget and are ready to move forward with your project, they'd gladly provide a proper estimate to let you know how much it would cost to make your dreams a reality.
If you're ever unsure about how to go about it, please feel free to reach out to us and we'd be happy to help you out!
Montreal Contractors is a qualified company, holding an active bonded license as a General Contractor and Specialized Contractor with the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ License: 5767-5480-01), ASP Health & Safety Certification and a $2M liability policy. Our employees have all passed background checks, are registered with CNESST and have their ASP Health and Safety certification. |
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When its finally time to deal with gutter cleaning the courteous professionals at Corkd have you covered. Eventually leaves, weather and normal build up forces everyone to look for low cost gutter cleaning services. When that time arrives for you rest assured that with the Corkd Ballpark estimator you can quickly compare prices on gutter cleaning for both homes and businesses. Get started now and in a few hours your gutters will be clean as new.
You probably don't give your gutters much thought as you enter and exit your house. They become part of your home's architecture. However, neglecting to clean and maintain your gutters could lead to problems for your home and wallet. Discover how often and why you should clean your gutters, whether you should hire a professional or do it yourself, and how much professional gutter cleaning costs in this complete guide to cleaning your gutters.
How much does gutter cleaning cost?
Your final bill for gutter cleaning will depend on your home's size and the gutter system's complexity. Your quote should include the gutter cleaning itself as well as cleaning up the area around your home, bagging the debris, and hauling away the waste:
- Expect to pay between $70 and $200 if you own a 1,500-square-foot, single-story house.
- If your home is a single story and 2,000 square feet in dimension, the cost will rise to between $90 and $225.
- Second-story homes with 2,500 square feet of space will typically result in a charge between $100 and $250.
Prices will vary depending on where you live and the professional's experience and ability. Additionally, some homes have complicated roof lines, trees that overhang the house, nearby power lines, and other complications that can add to the price.
If you have a larger home, your price will increase because you'll have to pay two or more people to complete the job. You'll also pay more if you have significant blockages in your downspouts or if the company has to repair or replace any section of the gutters.
Gutter cleaning doesn't have to become arduous or stressful. The process can be mentally and physically exhausting if you try it on your own, however, so consider searching for an experienced, reputable gutter cleaning service that will complete the project quickly and inexpensively.
Why you should clean your gutters
Your gutters direct rainwater away from your roof and your home's foundation to prevent moisture problems. Over time, your gutters collect leaves, dirt, and other debris that create clogs. Failing to clean your gutters can cause some of the following problems:
- Poor water flow: Clogged gutters disrupt water as it flows through the gutter system, which means your gutters become ineffective. You might notice that water pools around your foundation, which can foster mold and other moisture issues.
- Extra weight: As your gutters fill up with material, they put more weight on your home's fascia. You might have to replace the fascia boards when they get exposed to too much moisture or when the weight begins to pry the boards away from the house.
- Unwanted growth: Leaves and other organic materials break down in your gutters and become fertilizer for plants. You might even see tiny trees growing inside your gutters if you haven't cleaned them recently.
- Pest infestation: Clogged gutters offer the perfect nests for rodents, birds, and other small creatures that need a safe place to live and care for their young. Insects also often find homes in clogged gutters.
- Roof leaks: A leaky roof can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair or replace. Clogged gutters allow more rain water to come into contact with the roof, which often leads to moisture damage and leaks.
- Wear and tear: The excess weight on clogged gutters often causes them to break down faster. Cleaning them regularly extends their lifespan, which ultimately saves you money.
Some people use gutter covers, guards, or screens to prevent debris from entering the gutters' canals. However, while these screens can stop full-size leaves and branches from entering your gutters, they can't keep out smaller particles such as pollen, seeds, dirt, and portions of leaves. Even with gutter guards or screens, you must still clean your gutters, albeit less often.
If you have holes or other gutter damage, you might want to replace your gutters. However, if your gutters stay in good condition, cleaning them can save you money and prevent problems with the rest of your house.
How often should I get them cleaned?
According to a National Center for Healthy Housing report, homeowners should clean their gutters every spring and fall. During these seasons, leaves fall from trees and pollen begins to make its presence known, both of which cause your gutters to fill up more quickly. Twice-a-year cleaning will keep the typical gutter installation sound and working.
However, gutter cleaning frequency can depend on where you live. For instance, if you live in a desert climate and you don't have any trees near your home, you might need to clean out your gutters only once every year. Conversely, homeowners who live near dense trees might have to clean their gutters every season to prevent clogs and backups.
During the winter, you might notice that ice dams have formed on your roof. These dams can cause severe moisture damage because they allow water to leak into your ceiling through the roof. If you have ice dams, remove them immediately and clean out the gutters. Unless you're a professional, hiring an expert for this job will prove prudent because working in the ice and snow can become dangerous.
Should I clean my own gutters?
You have the following two options when you need to clean your gutters:
- DIY: The do-it-yourself option works well for handy homeowners who like to save money and enjoy working outdoors.
- Professional: You might hire a pro if you're not comfortable working on ladders, if you lack upper body strength, or if you don't have the time and energy to devote to this project.
Many people clean their own gutters because, with enough experience and knowledge, a homeowner can complete the task in fewer than three hours. However, cleaning your gutters incorrectly could result in worse damage to your home or damage the gutters themselves.
Gutter Cleaning Tools
You'll need a ladder to clean your gutters unless you can climb onto your roof and work from that vantage point. You can also choose from several different types of gutter cleaning tools. Experiment with different options to see which ones you prefer:
- Wet-dry vacuum: You can use your wet-dry vacuum's hose to either blow the leaves and debris out of your gutters or to suck the material into the vacuum's canister.
- Trowel: This simple garden tool allows you to scoop out your gutters and toss material onto the ground below for cleanup later.
- Water hose: You can also spray leaves and other materials out of your gutters with a garden hose. This method often proves to be a time-consuming chore because you have to continually redirect the water and apply enough force to remove even the heaviest debris.
- Pole device: Several pole-mounted devices exist on the market to help you clean your gutters. Some have tongs attached to the end so you can manually pick up leaves and dirt while you're on the ground. Others feature broom-like bristles. Unfortunately, with these methods, you can't see inside the gutters to know whether you're completing the job successfully.
- Hands: Cover your hands with gardening or work gloves and manually clean out your gutters. This strategy might take more time and prove messier than the others.
Your goal is to remove all debris from your gutters after you clean them. Whether you're working with a tool from the ground, standing on a ladder, or perching on your roof, you'll work systematically around your home until you've addressed every gutter.
You can also use a garden hose to spray a heavy stream through each downspout. You'll remove any clogs that might lurk beyond your line of sight.
Questions to ask a professional gutter cleaning company
If you're not comfortable cleaning your own gutters, plan to hire a professional. An expert can clean your gutters faster and more efficiently, and you don't have to worry about accidentally damaging your home because you lack experience. Before you hire a professional, however, prepare a list of questions to ask each candidate, such as the following:
- How much experience do you have? More experience can mean better results.
- Are you bonded and insured? Insurance and bonding protect you against contractor mistakes and home damage.
- What approach do you take to gutter cleaning? Ask about the equipment used and the process for carrying out the project.
- How much do you charge? Ask for a firm quote based on your home's square footage and the length of your gutter system.
- Will you offer a written estimate or quote? Never rely on a verbal estimate. Instead, ask for a formal quote on paper.
- How soon can you complete the project? Find out when the contractor can fit you into the schedule and how long the project will take.
- Can I call a few of your previous customers to ask about their experiences? Getting references can help you feel more comfortable with the professional's qualifications.
The answers to these questions will help you choose the right company.
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Holger Czukay vs. Dr. Walker: Clash (Tone Casualties) Basically, the editing of spontaneity marks the separating point of the new way of making music from the old, and Clash’s shaped explosions of freestyle electronics and beats are absolutely state of the art; each and every note counts, as in the greatest symphony. Ho and Doc make Gagaku pipes collide with rhythmic dogs, discover sampled kinships between Tibetan monks, Hollywood actors and sub-bass frequencies. And when it’s none of the above, it’s exhilarating: Ho’s shortwave radio and Dictaphone-sampler make for the subtlest, most intuitive multiplicity, hairy peaks of sound triggering memories of a lifetime yet to be experienced. The continuous juxtaposition is profound within goofy, music-as-religion proselytizing humor as the greatest wisdom. Alternately cinematic, oblique and hubristic, this music celebrates not metaphor but the energy of the thing (life, music) itself.
Rhys Chatham, Jonathan Kane, DJ Elated System: Septile EP (N Tone/Ninja Tune) Three moderns, live in Italy. Chatham’s low-key, mute trumpet, Elated’s ambiguous drones and turntables, and Kane’s machine drums shape a “Domestik Life,” and a “Septile,” the interaction of harmonizer-delay trumpet with jungly-rapid sequenced rhythms — not “pretty,” very interesting. On another cut, slabs of sound from drum ’n’ bass
setups plus an exciting theme-melody on doubled trumpet = action. “Rotate,” conventional funky-tribal drums, parade horns (harmonizer), turntable samples (“Wizard of Oz”) = cultural comment of sorts. They deal in spaciality mixes, too, while abstraction reigns in their painterly splatters and rhythms. Not entirely fathomless, and soothing somehow.
Bruford, Levin: Bruford Levin Upper Extremities (Papa Bear) Here’s a warmly sculptural approach, with the ferocious interplay of drummer Bill Bruford, bassist and Stick man Tony Levin, guitarist David Torn and trumpeter Chris Botti. Neither prog nor jazz, just four grown men looking for something new, and finding it in metrical devilishness, guitar as hair shirt and low-end ecstasy via bass and Drumbass (built from a huge drum — orgasmic resonations). It is indeed a kind of brainy machismo, but more than cock-of-the-walk: sheer joy in creation.
Add N to X: On the Wires of Our Nerves (Satellite) True wit mixed with true incompetence can produce great music, as we saw with the first Roxy Music album — you know, purposefully off, and anyway it couldn’t be helped. Here we have electronics in the creaky analog-synth sense, actually hard to take on headphones for the purity of the oscillations. But these jokey clanks and roboticisms revel in thrillingly perverse matchings of real (jazz) drums with Dr. Who sample & hold effects; note the classic bad-taste cover, surgical category. The music only makes reference to rhythm, like blues-rock swagger with electronics and cyborg-voice on one cut. Endearing; they do things that just aren’t done.
Kerosene: Teenage Secret (Caipirinha) Did I mention electronica? German kids like this one dig theirs as much as funky jazz and aerified Euro strings. They bury lyrics in digital mutilation, and hear new sonorities in mismatched samples — bypassing players’ instinctive musical biases is where it’s at. Eccentric, broken-wheel beat-loops anarchy, often too much jazzy-swing wankishness, cliché mysterious piano tinkling and brush beats, or hyperspeed drum rolls. So, each cut goes on way past its welcome, but none of it fits any style or camp because: It’s accidentally adventurous. In 1998, it has to be this way.
Hughscore: Highspotparadox (Tim/Kerr) Former Soft Machine bassist Hugh Hopper, with e-bassist Fred Chalenor and accordion-vocals-piano from Elaine di Falco; Wayne Horvitz, Pigpen’s brain, produced, engineered and plays ring-modulator keyboards on one cut, as he likes to do sometimes. Hopper’s fuzz-bass-into-Lowrey-rinkydink-overdrive-organ sound is abundant, hallelujah, in these so quirky-but-cool songs laid out like mazes. All spiky-smooth, easy dissonance — the mellow Rhodes makes it easy on the ear; swingin’ art-drums, no defensive big “jazz” soloing; it’s jazz-informed, you could say, but broader harmonically (more Euro), emphasis on interplay and unison lines of succinct parts. Sentimental though good-humored, inquisitive, disciplined music — very satisfying. Hear also Pigpen’s Daylight.
Armstrong: The Space
Between Us (Melankolic) Scottish,
ex-Texas (the band), he did the string arrangements for Massive Attack’s Protection, wrote the soundtrack for Baz Luhrmann’s film Romeo and Juliet (and wrecked it, as film composers usually do). These lush orchestral pieces, with some electronic programming, are all about emotions, passions; he wanted high art, but pop-informed art. As usual, it doesn’t quite take — simple harmonies played by orchestras invariably come off simplistic, and melodramatic, like the background music for Marcus Welby, M.D. It’s plenty lovely, just not
that original; his emotional monochromes veer from portentous to sad and back again. Liz Fraser of Cocteau Twins guests, as does Paul Buchanan of Blue Nile. They are “soulful.” The New Wistfulness — [sigh].
Sonic Youth/Jim O’Rourke: “Invito al Cielo”/”Hungara Vivo”/”Radio-Amatoroj” (SYR) The N.Y. beat combo has recently discovered that it was a new-music ensemble all along, so it’s back into sound for its own sake. Along with guest Gastr del Sol man O’Rourke, they make with the fuzz and distortion, tapes, radio, delays, trumpet toots, cheapo electronics, jamming things into strings of re-tuned guitars, tumbling oblique caveman drums. These are long improvs, intuitive and not about grooves, more juxtapositions of scrap-sounds, with terrible singing by Kim Gordon on the first cut, flat on purpose I guess. Discontinuity, ’cept for the flow of feedback, amp hum and general clank, scritch and whir. Thumps, mallets, distant guitar sobs can feel ghostly, blurry black and white, like the unconscious. Emotion? Tiny, hyperlinear, unrecognizable bits of it rub against others, especially in quieter moments. An invitation is extended.
Uzeda: Different Section Wires (Touch and Go) Sicilian four-piece, bassdrums guitarvoice, not rock, exactly, more harsh free expression. Limited color palette, splayed open in jagged rhythms, splintery guitar typhoons. Menace thru economy. Giovanna, the singer, is all screech and determined catharsis; the band is Gang of Four–ish — disciplined, dissonant barbed-wire caterwaul. Steve Albini produced it, and he is an absolutely boring producer, so it’s redundant, yet it will clean you out.
Dimitri From Paris: Sacrebleu (Atlantic) and Air: Moon
Direct/Caroline) There will always be French people and their love of color. Dimitri is kitsch-into-beauty, movie samples, pseudo spy-surf themes, a Bacharach cover, clichés of Frenchness (“Une Very Stylish Fille”), set to supremely well-crafted house/electro/cocktail jazz grooves. Sounds good because his jokes don’t swamp the ambrosial niceness. Funny, funky and pretty all at once, très uplifting. Air: Versailles duo offers a structured approach to electro (they play their instruments, don’t sample), have strong songs with haunting, moving themes. A bit of who-cares Francophilia: Air’s hit “Sexy Boy” turns Magma’s “Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh” evilness riff inside-out and makes it jaunty. Elsewhere, multiple references to Canterbury bands (Caravan, Hatfields, Softs) and, lest we forget, the British duo Ultramarine, in tersely arranged film-pop of shrewd economy and harmonic flair. Pretty stuff like this shows the guilty link between “important” music and our collective MOR memories; it pulls away the mask.
Marilyn Crispell, Gary Peacock, Paul Motian: Nothing Ever Was, Anyway. Music of Annette Peacock (ECM) Annette Peacock was and presumably is the gifted songwriter-lyricist who made two lovely and piquant jazz-rock-pop
albums in the mid-’70s and then disappeared into the ether. Her words and voice were nocturnal sighs and cool feminist proclamations (“I’m a woman/my destiny is not to serve/my destiny is to create”). Her songs are
ideal vehicles for the crisp, modern
piano lines of Marilyn Crispell, ex-husband Gary Peacock’s fluent double-bass and drummer Paul Motian’s imagistic blasts. Great loads of speedy jazz skronk and tweedle, but mainly lots of dolorous space, pedal tones like wisps of something bittersweet, and smoldering.
Annette sing-talks on “Dreams (If Time Weren’t),” for you and only you.
Electric Company: Studio City (Supreme/Island) Brad Laner is a one-man “electronic” band (with a coupla friends on guitar and keyboards), though he has good reasons for non-aligning with any techno, etc. camps — I don’t think he gives a toss about making people dance. While he’s using new tools similar to the drum ’n’ bass herd (interlaced sequences, intuitive self-sampling, implied beats, blah blah), savor his peerless ears for an actually different set of sounds. His are jarring combinations, distant-relative filters of electric screech and howl and yap, nervous-breakdown rhythms, big bowls of bass woolly, tearing cracks for terrifying beauty (not cloying) to surge through. It never reeks Art, but that’s what it is. Fantastic.
Los Amigos Invisibles: The New Sound of the Venezuelan Gozadera (Luaka Bop) Funky cheese whipped out by six wise guys in white shirts and shades. Func en español: Kool and the Gang rides again, add congas and chicken-fat Hammond comps. Several choice disco au internationale cuts, very nice harmony vocals. Pat Metheny, Wes
Montgomery, Club 54 and scratchy
hip-hop all get reconciled, so Los Amigos must be the new
Attileo Mineo: Man in Space With Sounds (Subliminal Sounds) “As you listen to this album you are quietly lifted into . . . Sounds of Space.” Ayy-men. Exceptionally outasite kitsch: Mineo composed this music for the Bubbleator in Washington state’s “World of Tomorrow” exhibit at the 1962 World’s Fair. Eerie strings saw, vibes intone, bells chime, electronic boxes burp esoteric burps, in evocative mono. Your narrator explains how modern inventions will make life in the future much, much easier . . .
Une Very Stylish Musique:
Aube: Pages From the Book (E + J)
Big Muff: Music From the Aural Exciter (Snapt)
Boodlers: Counter Fit (Tim/Kerr)
Buckfunk 3000: First Class Ticket to
Telos (Crammed Discs)
The Four Blazes: Mary Jo (Delmark)
Freaky Chakra: Blacklight Fantasy
Hayley Mills: Let’s Get Together With Hayley Mills (Buena Vista)
Kismet: Wake Up Gods (Tone Casualties)
Little Caesar and the Romans: Toga! Toga! Toga! (Del-Fi)
Nels Cline & Devin Sarno: Rise Pumpkin Rise LP (Volvolo)
Sapho Chante Oum Kalsoum: El Atlal (Gorgone)
Solex: Solex vs. the Hitmeister (Matador)
Tube (Frank Heiss): Alive (Liquid Sky)
Ulf Langheinrich: Degrees of Amnesia (Sombient/Asphodel)
Various Artists: Ruckus Juice & Chitlins — The Great Jug Bands (Yazoo)
Various Artists: Secret Broadcast —
Pirate Radio USA (Pander Bros.) |
9. Repentance (Al-Tauba)
Revealed after the Hijrah. This chapter has 129 verses.
1. A (declaration) of immunity from Allah and His Messenger, to those of the Pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances:-
2. Go ye, then, for four months (backwards and forwards, as ye will), throughout the land, but know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah (by your falsehood) but that Allah will cover with shame those who reject Him.
3. And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate Allah. And proclaim a grievous chastisement to those who reject Faith.
4. (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term: for Allah loveth the righteous.
5. But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and pay Zakat, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful.
6. If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the Word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
7. How can there be a covenant, before Allah and His Messenger, with the Pagans, except those with whom ye made a treaty near the Sacred Mosque? As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for Allah doth love the righteous.
8. How (can there be such a covenant), seeing that if they get an advantage over you, they respect not in you the ties either of kinship or of covenant? With (fair words from) their mouths they please you, but their hearts are averse from you; and most of them are rebellious and wicked.
9. The Words of Allah have they sold for a miserable price, and (many) have they hindered from His Way: evil indeed are the deeds they have done.
10. In a Believer they respect not the ties either of kinship or of covenant! It is they who have transgressed all bounds.
11. But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and pay Zakat,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand.
12. But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and attack you for your Faith,- fight ye the chiefs of Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to them: that thus they may be restrained.
13. Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and attacked you first? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe!
14. Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,
15. And still the indignation of their hearts. For Allah will turn (in mercy) to whom He will; and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
16. Do you think that you would be left alone while Allah has not yet known those among you who strive with might and main, and take none for friends and protectors except Allah, His Messenger, and the (community of) Believers? And Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do.
17. It is not for such as join gods with Allah, to maintain the mosques of Allah while they witness against their own souls to infidelity. The works of such bear no fruit: In Fire shall they dwell.
18. The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and pay Zakat, and fear none (at all) except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance.
19. Do ye consider the giving of drink to pilgrims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque, equal to (the pious service of) those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and strive with might and main in the Cause of Allah. They are not equal in the sight of Allah. and Allah guides not those who do wrong.
20. Those who believe, and emigrate and strive with might and main, in Allah's Cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah. they are the people who will achieve (salvation).
21. Their Lord doth give them Glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of Gardens for them, wherein are delights that endure:
22. They will dwell therein for ever. Verily with Allah is a reward, the greatest (of all).
23. O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.
24. Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His Decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious.
25. Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! your great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat.
26. But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus doth He reward those without Faith.
27. Again will Allah, after this, turn (in mercy) to whom He will: for Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful.
28. O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
29. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
30. The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!
31. They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords beside Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One God. there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him).
32. Fain would they extinguish Allah's Light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His Light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).
33. It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to cause it to prevail over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it).
34. O ye who believe! there are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in falsehood devour the wealth of men and hinder (them) from the Way of Allah. And there are those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the Way of Allah: announce unto them a most grievous chastisement-
35. On the Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs.- "This is the (treasure) which ye hoarded for yourselves: taste ye, then, the (treasures) ye buried!"
36. The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year)- so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred: that is the right religion. So wrong not yourselves therein. And fight the Pagans all together as they fight you all together. But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
37. Verily the transposing (of a prohibited month) is an addition to Unbelief: the Unbelievers are led to wrong thereby: for they make it lawful one year, and forbidden another year, in order to agree with the number of months forbidden by Allah and make such forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems pleasing to them. But Allah guideth not those who reject Faith.
38. O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the Cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.
39. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things.
40. If ye help not (your Prophet), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: being the second of the two; they two were in the Cave, and he said to his companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us": then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the Word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.
41. Go ye forth, (whether equipped) lightly or heavily, and strive and struggle, with your goods and your persons, in the Cause of Allah. That is best for you, if ye (but) knew.
42. If there had been immediate gain (in sight), and the journey easy, they would (all) without doubt have followed thee, but the distance was long, (and weighed) on them. They would indeed swear by Allah, "If we only could, we should certainly have come out with you": They would destroy their own souls; for Allah doth know that they are certainly lying.
43. Allah give thee grace! Why didst thou grant them exemption until those who told the truth were seen by thee in a clear light, and thou hadst proved the liars?
44. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day ask thee for no exemption from fighting with their goods and persons. And Allah knoweth well those who do their duty.
45. Only those ask thee for exemption who believe not in Allah and the Last Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so that they are tossed in their doubts to and fro.
46. If they had intended to come out, they would certainly have made some preparation therefor; but Allah was averse to their being sent forth; so He made them lag behind, and they were told, "Sit ye among those who sit (inactive)."
47. If they had come out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder, hurrying to and fro in your midst and sowing sedition among you, and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. But Allah knoweth well those who do wrong.
48. Indeed they had plotted sedition before, and upset matters for thee, until,- the Truth arrived, and the Decree of Allah became manifest much to their disgust.
49. Among them is (many) a man who says: "Grant me exemption and draw me not into trial." Have they not fallen into trial already? and indeed Hell surrounds the Unbelievers (on all sides).
50. If good befalls thee, it grieves them; but if a misfortune befalls thee, they say, "We took indeed our precautions beforehand," and they turn away rejoicing.
51. Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our Protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.
52. Say: "Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things- (martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you either that Allah will send His punishment from Him, or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you."
53. Say: "Spend (for the Cause) willingly or unwillingly: not from you will it be accepted: for ye are indeed a people rebellious and wicked."
54. The only reasons why their contributions are not accepted are: that they reject Allah and His Messenger; that they come to prayer save lazily; and that they offer contributions unwillingly.
55. Let not their wealth nor their children dazzle thee: in reality Allah's wish is to punish them with these things in this life, and that their souls may perish in their (very) denial of Allah.
56. They swear by Allah that they are indeed of you; but they are not of you: yet they are afraid (of you).
57. If they could find a place to flee to, or caves, or a place of concealment, they would turn straightway thereto, with an obstinate rush.
58. And among them are men who slander thee in the matter of (the distribution of) the alms: if they are given part thereof, they are pleased, but if not, behold! they are indignant!
59. If only they had been content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them, and had said, "Sufficient unto us is Allah. Allah and His Messenger will soon give us of His bounty: to Allah do we turn our hopes!" (that would have been the right course).
60. Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the Cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
61. Among them are men who molest the Prophet and say, "He is (all) ear." Say, "He listens to what is best for you: he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers, and is a Mercy to those of you who believe." But those who molest the Messenger will have a grievous chastisement.
62. To you they swear by Allah in order to please you: But it is more fitting that they should please Allah and His Messenger, if they are Believers.
63. Know they not that for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, is the Fire of Hell?- wherein they shall dwell. That is the supreme disgrace.
64. The Hypocrites are afraid lest a Surah should be sent down about them, showing them what is (really passing) in their hearts. Say: "Mock ye! But verily Allah will bring to light all that ye fear (should be revealed).
65. If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis): "We were only talking idly and in play." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His Signs, and His Messenger, that ye were mocking?"
66. Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are sinners.
67. The Hypocrites, men and women, are alike with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and tighten their purse's strings. They have forgotten Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.
68. Allah hath promised the Hypocrites men and women, and the rejecters of Faith, the fire of Hell: Therein shall they dwell: Sufficient is it for them: for them is the curse of Allah, and an enduring punishment,-
69. As in the case of those before you: they were mightier than you in power, and more flourishing in wealth and children. They had their enjoyment of their portion: and ye have of yours, as did those before you; and ye indulge in idle talk as they did. They!- their work are fruitless in this world and in the Hereafter, and they are the losers.
70. Hath not the story reached them of those before them?- the People of Noah, and Ad, and Thamud; the People of Abraham, the men of Midian, and the Cities overthrown. To them came their messengers with Clear Signs. It is not Allah Who wrongs them, but they wrong their own souls.
71. The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, pay Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise.
72. Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting stay. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah. that is the supreme felicity.
73. O Prophet! strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed.
74. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they uttered it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which Allah and His Messenger had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them with a grievous chastisement in this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth to protect or help them.
75. Amongst them are men who made a covenant with Allah, that if He bestowed on them of His bounty, they would give (largely) in charity, and be truly amongst those who are righteous.
76. But when He did bestow of His bounty, they became misers, and turned back (from their covenant), averse (from its fulfillment).
77. So He hath put as a consequence hypocrisy into their hearts, (to last) till the Day whereon they shall meet Him: because they broke their covenant with Allah, and because they lied (again and again).
78. Know they not that Allah doth know their secret (thoughts) and their secret counsels, and that Allah knoweth well all things unseen?
79. Those who slander such of the believers as give themselves freely to (deeds of) charity, as well as such as can find nothing to give except the fruits of their labor,- and throw ridicule on them,- Allah will throw back their ridicule on them: and they shall have a grievous chastisement.
80. Whether thou ask for their forgiveness, or not, (their sin is unforgivable): if thou ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them: because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger. and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious.
81. Those who were left behind (in the Tabuk expedition) rejoiced in their inaction behind the Messenger of Allah: they hated to strive and fight, with their goods and their persons, in the Cause of Allah. they said, "Go not forth in the heat." Say, "The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat." If only they could understand!
82. Let them laugh a little: much will they weep: a recompense for the (evil) that they do.
83. If, then, Allah bring thee back to any of them, and they ask thy permission to come out (with thee), say: "Never shall ye come out with me, nor fight an enemy with me: for ye preferred to sit inactive on the first occasion: Then sit ye (now) with those who lag behind."
84. Nor do thou ever pray for any of them that dies, nor stand at his grave; for they rejected Allah and His Messenger, and died in a state of perverse rebellion.
85. Nor let their wealth nor their children dazzle thee: Allah's wish is to punish them with these things in this world, and that their souls may depart while they are unbelievers.
86. When a Surah comes down, enjoining them to believe in Allah and to strive and fight along with His Messenger, those with wealth and influence among them ask thee for exemption, and say: "Leave us (behind): we would be with those who sit (at home)."
87. They prefer to be with (the women), who remain behind (at home): their hearts are sealed and so they understand not.
88. But the Messenger, and those who believe with him, strive and fight with their wealth and their persons: for them are (all) good things: and it is they who will prosper.
89. Allah hath prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein: that is the supreme triumph.
90. And there were, among the desert Arabs (also), men who made excuses and came to claim exemption; and those who were false to Allah and His Messenger (merely) sat behind. Soon will a grievous chastisement seize the Unbelievers among them.
91. There is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or who find no resources to spend (on the cause), if they are sincere (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger: no ground (of complaint) can there be against such as do right: and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
92. Nor (is there blame) on those who came to thee to be provided with mounts, and when thou saidst, "I can find no mounts for you," they turned back, their eyes streaming with tears of grief that they had no resources wherewith to provide the expenses.
93. The ground (of complaint) is against such as claim exemption while they are rich. They prefer to stay with the (women) who remain behind: Allah hath sealed their hearts; so they know not.
94. They will present their excuses to you when ye return to them. Say thou: "Present no excuses: we shall not believe you: Allah hath already informed us of the true state of matters concerning you: It is your actions that Allah and His Messenger will observe: in the end will ye be brought back to Him Who knoweth what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."
95. They will swear to you by Allah, when ye return to them, that ye may leave them alone. So leave them alone: For they are an abomination, and Hell is their dwelling-place,-a fitting recompense for the (evil) that they did.
96. They will swear unto you, that ye may be pleased with them, but if ye are pleased with them, Allah is not pleased with those who disobey.
97. The Bedouin Arabs are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. But Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
98. Some of the Bedouin Arabs look upon their payments as a fine, and watch for disasters for you: on them be the disaster of evil: for Allah is He That heareth and knoweth (all things).
99. But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the Last Day, and look on their payments as pious gifts bringing them nearer to Allah and obtaining the prayers of the Messenger. Aye, indeed they bring them nearer (to Him): soon will Allah admit them to His Mercy: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
100. The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds,- well- pleased is Allah with them, as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever: that is the supreme triumph.
101. Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hypocrites, as well as among the Madinah folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy: thou knowest them not: We know them: twice shall We punish them: and in addition shall they be sent to a grievous chastisement.
102. Others (there are who) have acknowledged their wrong-doings: they have mixed an act that was good with another that was evil. Perhaps Allah will turn unto them (in Mercy): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
103. Of their wealth, take alms, that so thou mightest purify and sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: And Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth.
104. Know they not that Allah doth accept repentance from His votaries and receives their gifts of charity, and that Allah is verily He, the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful?
105. And say: "Work (righteousness): Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the Knower of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show you the truth of all that ye did."
106. There are (yet) others, held in suspense for the command of Allah, whether He will punish them, or turn in mercy to them: and Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
107. And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity - to disunite the Believers - and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; but Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars.
108. Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure.
109. Which then is best? - he that layeth his foundation on piety to Allah and His Good Pleasure? - or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces? and it doth crumble to pieces with him, into the fire of Hell. And Allah guideth not people that do wrong.
110. The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicion and shakiness in their hearts, until their hearts are cut to pieces. And Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
111. Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in Truth, through the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his Covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.
112. Those that turn (to Allah) in repentance; that serve Him, and praise Him; that wander in devotion to the Cause of Allah,: that bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer; that enjoin good and forbid evil; and observe the limit set by Allah.- (these do rejoice). So proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers.
113. It is not fitting, for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for forgiveness for Pagans, even though they be of kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of the Fire.
114. And Abraham prayed for his father's forgiveness only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became clear to him that he was an enemy to Allah, he dissociated himself from him: for Abraham was most tender-hearted, forbearing.
115. And Allah will not mislead a people after He hath guided them, until He makes clear to them as to what they should avoid, for Allah hath knowledge of all things.
116. Unto Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He giveth life and He taketh it. Except for Him ye have no protector nor helper.
117. Allah turned with favor to the Prophet, the Muhajirs, and the Ansar,- who followed him in a time of distress, after that the hearts of a part of them had nearly swerved (from duty); but He turned to them (also): for He is unto them Most Kind, Most Merciful.
118. (He turned in mercy also) to the three who were left behind; (they felt guilty) to such a degree that the earth seemed constrained to them, for all its spaciousness, and their (very) souls seemed straitened to them,- and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah (and no refuge) but to Himself. Then He turned to them, that they might repent: for Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.
119. O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are truthful.
120. It was not fitting for the people of Madinah and the Bedouin Arabs of the neighborhood, to stay behind (and not follow) Allah's Messenger, nor to prefer their own lives to his: because nothing could they suffer or do, but was reckoned to their credit as a deed of righteousness,- whether they suffered thirst, or fatigue, or hunger, in the Cause of Allah, or trod paths to raise the ire of the Unbelievers, or gain any gain from an enemy: for Allah suffereth not the reward to be lost of those who do good;-
121. Nor could they spend anything (for the Cause) - small or great- nor cut across a valley, but the deed is inscribed to their credit: that Allah may requite them with the best (possible reward).
122. It is not for the Believers to go forth (all) together: if a contingent from every expedition go forth to devote themselves to studies in religion, and admonish the people when they return to them,- that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil).
123. O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
124. Whenever there cometh down a Surah, some of them say: "Which of you has had His faith increased by it?" Yea, those who believe,- their faith is increased and they do rejoice.
125. But those in whose hearts is a disease,- it will add doubt to their doubt, and they will die in a state of Unbelief.
126. See they not that they are tried every year once or twice? Yet they turn not in repentance, and they take no heed.
127. Whenever there cometh down a Surah, they look at each other, (saying), "Doth anyone see you?" Then they turn away: Allah hath turned their hearts (from the light); for they are a people that understand not.
128. Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should suffer, ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.
129. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne Supreme!" |
StaggerLee Scrapple Level: 159 Posts: 5322/7105 EXP: 50713250 For next: 1097620 Since: 3.10.02 From: Right side of the tracks Since last post: 261 days Last activity: 261 days # 281 Posted on 20.2.11 2116.53 Reposted on: 20.2.18 2117.03 I am already over that McDonalds commercial with the couple drumming on the table with their coffee.
drjayphd Scrapple Moderator Level: 125 Posts: 3725/4035 EXP: 21950913 For next: 503314 Since: 22.4.02 From: New Hampshire Since last post: 90 days Last activity: 4 days
Y!: # 282 Posted on 21.2.11 1903.44 Reposted on: 21.2.18 1907.20 Originally posted by StaggerLee I am already over that McDonalds commercial with the couple drumming on the table with their coffee. Probably because they broke character. The original video (set to "We No Speak Americano") was far superior for that.
supersalvadoran Sujuk Level: 65 Posts: 725/996 EXP: 2276712 For next: 58928 Since: 10.1.08 From: westbury, new york Since last post: 2074 days Last activity: 1040 days # 283 Posted on 22.2.11 1046.47 Reposted on: 22.2.18 1046.55 Originally posted by Dexley's Midnight Jogger The animal abuse commercials with Sarah McLachlan singing. I change the channel or leave the room. You may enjoy this (warmingglow.uproxx.com).
ekedolphin Scrapple Level: 145 Posts: 4453/5744 EXP: 37537483 For next: 66689 Since: 12.1.02 From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA Since last post: 15 days Last activity: 4 days # 284 Posted on 26.4.11 1936.28 Reposted on: 26.4.18 1936.43 "I touched the ball, coach. I touched it; it's their ball." Yeah, and if instant-replay happened in high school games, or people were allowed to be both the official and a player in the same game, that would make a damn bit of difference.
ekedolphin Scrapple Level: 145 Posts: 4459/5744 EXP: 37537483 For next: 66689 Since: 12.1.02 From: Indianapolis, IN; now residing in Suffolk, VA Since last post: 15 days Last activity: 4 days # 285 Posted on 28.4.11 2330.02 Reposted on: 28.4.18 2330.16 That omnipresent Toyota Highlander commercial. "Just call me angel of the morning, angel!"
StaggerLee Scrapple Level: 159 Posts: 5383/7105 EXP: 50713250 For next: 1097620 Since: 3.10.02 From: Right side of the tracks Since last post: 261 days Last activity: 261 days # 286 Posted on 29.4.11 1803.47 Reposted on: 29.4.18 1803.50 I can't believe nobody's mentioned the NFL Play 60 commercials with the Falcons on the bus with that annoying ass, incomprehensible "song".
StaggerLee Scrapple Level: 159 Posts: 5399/7105 EXP: 50713250 For next: 1097620 Since: 3.10.02 From: Right side of the tracks Since last post: 261 days Last activity: 261 days # 287 Posted on 10.5.11 1958.51 Reposted on: 10.5.18 1959.01 I seem to notice a trend here. I am now hating the Heinekin commercial with the douchey hipster showing up at a party, doing karate with Bruce Lee Wanna Be and of course, it has some chick singing a crappy song.
Gerald Pinkelwurst Level: 14 Posts: 18/30 EXP: 13012 For next: 59 Since: 20.3.05 From: Chicago, Illinois Since last post: 311 days Last activity: 14 days # 288 Posted on 15.5.11 1616.43 Reposted on: 15.5.18 1617.39 Any and every of the Popeye's ads with "Annie."
supersalvadoran Sujuk Level: 65 Posts: 767/996 EXP: 2276712 For next: 58928 Since: 10.1.08 From: westbury, new york Since last post: 2074 days Last activity: 1040 days # 289 Posted on 23.6.11 0310.59 Reposted on: 23.6.18 0311.57 I've been torn with this for some time recently. I can't decide between the Edge shave gel (youtube.com) one with the guy that rips off Isaiah Mustafa's bit without any charisma to it or the Hot Pockets Sideshots (youtube.com) one where they look like, uh, trying to find a way to say this without grossing out people, uh, ah hell, there's no easy way to say this, they look like butt holes crowning. And then one of them gets abducted and screams in horror as it realizes it's about to die. Somehow they think from that commercial that I'll want to buy their product. So with that being said, I guess the 'honor' of being the worst goes to Hot Pockets. The Edge commercial is irritating and uncreative but the sideshots one is creepy, disgusting, and stupid all at the same time. At least the one good thing out of this will be all the new material Jim Gaffigan will have to work with now.
Reverend J Shaft Toulouse Level: 74 Posts: 978/1235 EXP: 3606676 For next: 46885 Since: 25.6.03 From: Home of The Big House Since last post: 762 days Last activity: 24 days # 290 Posted on 23.6.11 0821.29 Reposted on: 23.6.18 0822.14 Makes me vomit even chunkier....
dwaters Bierwurst Level: 89 Posts: 1122/1848 EXP: 6721054 For next: 194874 Since: 16.10.02 From: Connecticut Since last post: 723 days Last activity: 703 days # 291 Posted on 2.8.11 2042.43 Reposted on: 2.8.18 2044.22 The 5 Hour Energy ad, where the guy drinks it to wake up and work out with his girlfriend. She is so bitchy and pissed at him for (gasp!) wanting to work out with her. "Uh, what are you doing?" http://www.5hourenergy.com/commercials.asp (third one from the left) I want to yell at the guy. "You can do better!" Another of those "Guy tries, but is still in the doghouse with his girl/wife" commercials.
John Orquiola Scrapple Level: 131 Posts: 2434/4479 EXP: 25764982 For next: 659708 Since: 28.2.02 From: Boston Since last post: 2884 days Last activity: 2884 days # 292 Posted on 17.8.11 0758.36 Reposted on: 17.8.18 0759.01 THIS. I HATE THIS. God, in Heaven, I hate this. It's not just that I hate Glee or I hate Lea Michelle or I hate that song or I hate how she sings that song - IT'S ALL OF THAT COMBINED. However, I still sort of want an HP TouchPad.
drjayphd Scrapple Moderator Level: 125 Posts: 3772/4035 EXP: 21950913 For next: 503314 Since: 22.4.02 From: New Hampshire Since last post: 90 days Last activity: 4 days
Y!: # 293 Posted on 17.8.11 1028.34 Reposted on: 17.8.18 1028.54 Originally posted by John Orquiola THIS. I HATE THIS. God, in Heaven, I hate this. It's not just that I hate Glee or I hate Lea Michelle or I hate that song or I hate how she sings that song - IT'S ALL OF THAT COMBINED. However, I still sort of want an HP TouchPad. ...oh, THAT'S why I'm supposed to know who that is. Yup, still don't care. (Needs more Miranda Cosgrove, or (even better) Jerry Trainor, in character.) (edited by CRZ on 17.8.11 1137)
Zeruel Thirty Millionth Hit Moderator Level: 140 Posts: 4729/5284 EXP: 33140885 For next: 145602 Since: 2.1.02 From: The Silver Spring in the Land of Mary. Since last post: 999 days Last activity: 999 days # 294 Posted on 17.8.11 1157.16 Reposted on: 17.8.18 1157.17 I think she's hot and I love watching the commercial, but skip to 18 seconds in. On our left, her right hand, look at that green blob on her wrist. I don't know why, but it creeps me out every time but I can't stop focusing on it.
Zeruel Thirty Millionth Hit Moderator Level: 140 Posts: 4731/5284 EXP: 33140885 For next: 145602 Since: 2.1.02 From: The Silver Spring in the Land of Mary. Since last post: 999 days Last activity: 999 days # 295 Posted on 18.8.11 1240.50 Reposted on: 18.8.18 1241.55 Those mylife.com commercials. No woman is that excited to pay for a membership to find out she has so many stalkers.
dunkndollaz Banger Level: 104 Posts: 2328/2658 EXP: 11822977 For next: 39188 Since: 3.1.02 From: Northern NJ Since last post: 972 days Last activity: 428 days # 296 Posted on 19.8.11 0754.08 Reposted on: 19.8.18 0755.27 Pajama Jeans. Why ?
thefraserman Goetta Level: 41 Posts: 297/302 EXP: 446826 For next: 33323 Since: 17.7.02 From: Nanaimo, British Columbia Since last post: 3581 days Last activity: 2210 days # 297 Posted on 25.8.11 1820.05 Reposted on: 25.8.18 1820.36 New hated commercial: The McDonald's advertisement promoting their chicken mushroom swiss sandwiches. I'm sure they're tasty, but. "Whats' that?" "It's new" Meanwhile he's being stalked by everyone in his office. They play it twice in every commercial break.
JustinShapiro Scrapple Moderator Level: 143 Posts: 3978/5537 EXP: 35598717 For next: 233178 Since: 12.12.01 Since last post: 1088 days Last activity: 740 days # 298 Posted on 11.9.11 1648.24 Reposted on: 11.9.18 1649.15 (image removed)
spf Scrapple Level: 142 Posts: 5182/5410 EXP: 34332800 For next: 635715 Since: 2.1.02 From: The Las Vegas of Canada Since last post: 2393 days Last activity: 786 days # 299 Posted on 12.9.11 1200.11 Reposted on: 12.9.18 1203.43 Did the Budweiser commercial make you this angry when they first did it in 2002, or is your anger like a fine wine, growing richer and more complex with age? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddlaE5a-SI4
Mr Heel II Lap cheong Level: 83 Posts: 1282/1559 EXP: 5291732 For next: 140512 Since: 25.2.02 Since last post: 1215 days Last activity: 951 days # 300 Posted on 12.9.11 1246.46 Reposted on: 12.9.18 1249.07
I went back through this thread and was surprised to see how many commercials are listed that I can't remember at all...even one I commented on. My latest addition would be the AT&T commercial where the guy prematurely flash mobs. First off, who would reschedule a flash mob minutes before it was supposed to happen? Second, the data speed point they're trying to make (which, in their case, is completely false anyway), doesn't apply to simple messages. |
n October 2015, the American novelist Jonathan Franzen gave a talk in London in which he expressed pleasure that Jeremy Corbyn had just been elected leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party. To his evident surprise, Franzen’s endorsement was met with only scattered applause and then an embarrassed silence.
Most of Franzen’s audience were the same sort of people likely to attend a Franzen talk in New York: Upper-middle-class bien pensant Guardian readers who revile the name Thatcher the way a New York Times home-delivery subscriber reviles the name Reagan. For them, as for most Labour members of Parliament, the elevation of Jeremy Corbyn offers little to celebrate. Indeed, it looks a lot like a disaster—a bizarre and potentially devastating epilogue to the shocking rout of the Labour Party at the May 2015 general election.
Franzen probably imagined Corbyn to be a kind of British Bernie Sanders, a supposedly lovable old coot-crank leftie willing to speak truth to power—and so assumed that any British metropolitan liberal audience would be packed with his fans. In fact, for all the obvious parallels between the two men, Corbyn is a very different kind of politician working in a very different system and for very different goals. Sanders may call himself a socialist, but he is relatively mainstream next to Corbyn, an oddball and an extremist even in the eyes of many British socialists.
It may seem extraordinary that a party most observers and pollsters were sure would be brought back to power in 2015—and that has long enjoyed the unofficial support of the UK’s media, marketing, and arts establishments—now looks to be on the verge of disintegration. But even if no one a year ago could have predicted the takeover of the party by an uncharismatic extreme-left backbencher with a fondness for terrorists and anti-Semites, the Labour Party might well be collapsing due to economic and social changes that have exposed its own glaring internal contradictions.
The first stage of Labour’s meltdown was its unexpected defeat at the general election in May 2015. The experts and the polls had all predicted a hung Parliament and the formation of a coalition government led by Labour’s then-leader, Ed Milliband. But Labour lost 26 seats, was wiped out by nationalists in its former heartland of Scotland, and won less than 30 percent of the popular vote. The Liberal Democrats, the third party with whom Milliband had hoped to form a coalition, did far worse. Meanwhile the populist, anti-EU, anti-mass immigration, UK Independence Party (UKIP) won only one seat in the House of Commons but scored votes from some 3 million people—and took many more voters from Labour than from the Tories.
Milliband’s complacency about and ignorance of the concerns of ordinary working-class people played a major role in the defeat. So did his failure to contest the charge that Labour’s spendthrift ways under Tony Blair had made the 2008 financial crisis and recession much worse. Perhaps even more devastating was the widespread fear in England that Milliband would make a deal with Scottish nationalists that would require concessions such as getting rid of Britain’s nuclear deterrent. He had promised that he would never do this, but much of the public seemed to doubt the word of a man so ambitious to be prime minister that he had stabbed his own brother in the back. (David Milliband was set to take over the leadership of the party in 2010 when his younger brother, Ed, decided to challenge him from the left with the help of the party’s trade unionists.)
In the old industrial heartlands of the North and Midlands, Labour seemed at last to be paying a price for policies on immigration and social issues anathematic to many in the old British working class. As a workers’ party as well as a socialist party, and one that draws on a Methodist as well as a Marxist tradition, Labour has always had to accommodate some relatively conservative, traditional, and even reactionary social and political attitudes prevalent among the working classes (among them affection for the monarchy). Today the cultural divisions within the party between middle-class activists, chattering-class liberals, ethnic minority leaders, and the old working class can no longer be papered over.
With the ascension of Tony Blair to the leadership of the party in 1994, Labour began to pursue certain policies practically designed to alienate and drive out traditional working-class Labour voters and replace them not only with ordinary Britons who had grown tired of the nearly two-decade rule of the Tories but also with upper-middle-class opinion leaders attracted to multiculturalism and other fashionable enthusiasms.
Corbyn is a bitter enemy of U.S. “imperialism,” a longtime champion of Third World revolutionary movements, and a sympathizer with any regime or organization, no matter how brutal or tyrannical, that claims to be battling American and Western hegemony.
In the 2015 general election, many classic working-class Labour voters apparently couldn’t bring themselves to betray their tribe and vote Tory—but were comfortable voting for UKIP. This proved disastrous for Labour, which had once been able to count on the support of some two-thirds of working-class voters. But these cultural changes made it impossible for Labour to hold on to its old base in the same numbers. And its new base—the “ethnic” (read: Muslim) vote, a unionized public sector that is no longer expanding, and the middle-class liberals and leftists who populate the creative industries and the universities—is simply not large enough.
Labour should have won the election in 2015; it lost because of its own internal contradictions. Out of the recriminations and chaos that followed the defeat, there emerged Jeremy Corbyn.
o understand who Corbyn is and what he stands for, it helps to be familiar with the fictional character Dave Spart, a signature creation of the satirical magazine Private Eye. Spart is a parody of a left-wing activist with a beard and staring eyes and a predilection for hyperbole, clueless self-pity, and Marxist jargon, which spews forth from his column, “The Alternative Eye.” (He’s like a far-left version of Ed Anger, the fictional right-wing lunatic whose column graced the pages of the Weekly World News supermarket tabloid for decades.) A typical Spart column starts with a line like “The right-wing press have utterly, totally, and predictably unleashed a barrage of sickening hypocrisy and deliberate smears against the activities of a totally peaceful group of anarchists, i.e., myself and my colleagues.”
The column has given birth to the term spartist—which is used in the UK to refer to a type of humorless person or argument from the extreme left. There are thousands of real-life spartists to be found in the lesser reaches of academia, in Britain’s much-reduced trade-union movement, and in the public sector. For such activists, demonstrations and protests are a kind of super hobby, almost a way of life.
The 66-year-old Corbyn is the Ur-spartist. He has always preferred marches and protests and speeches to more practical forms of politics. He was a member of Parliament for 32 years without ever holding any sort of post that would have moved him from the backbenches of the House of Commons to the front. During those three-plus decades, he has voted against his own party more than 500 times. Corbyn only escaped being “deselected” by Tony Blair—the process by which a person in Parliament can be removed from standing for his seat by his own party—because he was deemed harmless.
Many of Corbyn’s obsessions concern foreign policy. He is a bitter enemy of U.S. “imperialism,” a longtime champion of Third World revolutionary movements, and a sympathizer with any regime or organization, no matter how brutal or tyrannical, that claims to be battling American and Western hegemony. Corbyn was first elected to Parliament in 1983, and many of his critics in the Labour Party say he has never modified the views he picked up from his friends in the Trotskyite left as a young activist.
This is not entirely true, because Corbyn, like so much of the British left, has adapted to the post–Cold War world by embracing new enemies of the West and its values—in particular, those whom Christopher Hitchens labeled “Islamofascists.”
One of the qualities that sets spartists like Corbyn apart from their American counterparts is an almost erotic attraction to Islamism. They are fascinated rather than repelled by its call to violent jihad against the West. This is more than anti-Americanism or a desire to win support in Britain’s ghettoized Muslim communities. It is the newest expression of the cultural and national self-loathing that is such a strong characteristic of much progressive opinion in Anglo-Saxon countries—and which underlies much of the multiculturalist ideology that governs this body of opinion.
Many on the British left today have an astonishing ability to overlook, excuse, or even celebrate reactionary and atavistic beliefs and practices ranging from the murder of blaspheming authors to female genital mutilation. Corbyn has long been at the forefront of this tendency, not least in his capacity as longtime chair of Britain’s Stop the War Coalition. STWC is a pressure group that was founded to oppose not the war in Iraq but the war in Afghanistan. It was set up on September 21, 2001, by the Socialist Workers’ Party, with the Communist Party of Great Britain and the Muslim Association of Britain as junior partners. STWC supported the “legitimate struggle” of the Iraqi resistance to the U.S.-led coalition; declines to condemn Russian intervention in Syria and Ukraine; actively opposed the efforts of democrats, liberals, and civil-society activists against the Hussein, Assad, Gaddafi, and Iranian regimes; and has a soft spot for the Taliban.
Corbyn’s career-long anti-militarism goes well beyond the enthusiasm for unilateral nuclear disarmament that was widespread in and so damaging to the Labour Party in the 1980s, and which he still advocates today. He has called for the United Kingdom to leave NATO, argued against the admission to the alliance of Poland and the former Czechoslovakia, and more recently blamed the Ukrainian crisis on NATO provocation. In 2012, he apparently endorsed the scrapping of Britain’s armed forces in the manner of Costa Rica (which has a police force but no military).
As so often with the anti-Western left, however, Corbyn’s dislike of violence and military solutions mostly applies only to America and its allies. His pacifism—and his progressive beliefs in general—tend to evaporate when he considers a particular corner of the Middle East.
Indeed, Corbyn is an enthusiastic backer of some of the most violent, oppressive, and bigoted regimes and movements in the world. Only three weeks after an IRA bombing at the Conservative Party conference in Brighton in 1984 came close to killing Prime Minister Thatcher and wiping out her entire cabinet, Corbyn invited IRA leader Gerry Adams and two convicted terrorist bombers to the House of Commons. Neil Kinnock, then the leader of Labour and himself very much a man of the left, was appalled.
Corbyn is also an ardent supporter of the Chavistas who have wrecked Venezuela and thrown dissidents in prison. It goes almost without saying that he sees no evil in the Castro-family dictatorship in Cuba, and for a progressive he seems oddly untroubled by the reactionary attitudes of Vladimir Putin’s repressive, militarist kleptocracy in Russia.
Then we come to his relationship with Palestinian extremists and terrorists. A longtime patron of Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Committee, Corbyn described it as his “honor and pleasure” to host “our friends” from Hamas and Hezbollah in the House of Commons. If that weren’t enough, he also invited Raed Salah to tea at the House of Commons, even though the Palestinian activist whom Corbyn called “an honored citizen…who represents his people very well” has promoted the blood libel that Jews drink the blood of non-Jewish children. These events prompted a condemnation by Sadiq Khan MP, the Labour candidate for London’s mayoralty and a Muslim of Pakistani origin, who said that Corbyn’s support for Arab extremists could fuel anti-Semitic attacks in the UK.
That was no unrepresentative error. As Britain’s Jewish Chronicle also pointed out this year, Corbyn attended meetings of a pro-Palestinian organization called Deir Yassin Remembered. The group is run by the notorious Holocaust denier Paul Eisen. He is also a public supporter of the Reverend Stephen Sizer, a Church of England vicar notorious for promoting material on social media suggesting 9/11 was a Jewish plot.
Corbyn’s defense has been to say that he meets a lot of people who are concerned about the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean he agrees with their views. The obvious flaw of this dishonest argument is that Corbyn doesn’t make a habit of meeting either pro-Zionists or the Arab dissidents or Muslim liberals who are fighting against tyranny, terrorism, misogyny, and cruelty. And it was all too telling when, in an effort to clear the air, Corbyn addressed the Labour Friends of Israel without ever using the word Israel. It may not be the case that Corbyn himself is an anti-Semite—of course he denies being one—but he is certainly comfortable spending lots of quality time with them.
How could such a person become the leader of one of the world’s most august political parties? It took a set of peculiar circumstances. In the first place, he only received the requisite number of nominations from his fellow MPs to make it possible for him to stand for leader after the resignation of Ed Milliband because some foolish centrists thought his inclusion in the contest would “broaden the debate” and make it more interesting. They had not thought through the implications of a new election system that Milliband had put in place. An experiment in direct democracy, the new system shifted power from the MPs to the members in the country.
The party’s membership had shrunk over the years (as has that of the Tory Party), and so to boost its numbers, Milliband and his people decided to shift to a system in which new members could obtain a temporary membership in the party and take part in the vote for only £3 ($5). More than 100,000 did so. They included thousands of hard-left radicals who regard the Labour Party as a pro-capitalist sell-out. (They also included some Tories, encouraged by columnists like the Telegraph’s Toby Young, who urged his readers to vote for Corbyn in order to make Labour unelectable.) The result was a landslide for Corbyn.
Labour’s leadership was outplayed. The failure was in part generational. There is hardly anyone left in Labour who took part in or even remembers the bitter internal struggle in the late ’40s to find and exclude Communist and pro-Soviet infiltrators—one of the last great Labour anti-Communists, Denis Healey, died this October. (This was so successful that the British Trotskyite movement largely abandoned any attempt to gain power in Westminster, choosing instead to focus on infiltrating the education system in order to change the entire culture.) By the time Corbyn took over, most of Labour’s “modernizers”—those who had participated in the takeover of the party leadership by Tony Blair and his rival and successor Gordon Brown—had never encountered real Stalinists or Trotskyists and lacked the fortitude and ruthless skill to do battle with them.
Unfortunately for the centrists and modernizers, many of Corbyn’s people received their political education in extreme-left political circles, so brutal internal politics and fondness for purges and excommunications are (as Eliza Doolittle said) “mother’s milk” to them. For example: Corbyn’s right-hand men, John McDonnell and Ken Livingstone, were closely linked to a Trotskyite group called the Workers Revolutionary Party. The WRP was a deeply sinister political cult that included among its promoters not only the radical actors Vanessa and Corin Redgrave but also the directors of Britain’s National Theatre. Its creepy leader Gerry Healy was notorious for beating and raping female members of his party and took money from Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
Corbyn’s own front bench has been on the verge of rebellion. And any notion that he would moderate his views quickly dissipated once he began recruiting his team.
Another reason for the seemingly irresistible rise of Corbyn and his comrades is what you might call Blair Derangement Syndrome. It is hard for Americans and other foreigners to understand what a toxic figure the former prime minister has become in his own country. Not only is he execrated in the UK more than George W. Bush is in the U.S., Blair is especially hated by his own party and on the left generally. It is a hatred that is unreasoning and fervid in almost exact proportion to the adoration he once enjoyed, and it feels like the kind of loathing that grows out of betrayed love. Those in the Labour Party who can’t stand Blair have accordingly rejected many if not all of the changes he wrought and the positions he took. And so, having eschewed Blairism, they were surprised when they lost two elections in a row to David Cameron—who, though a Tory, is basically Blair’s heir.
Blair is detested not because he has used his time after leaving office to pursue wealth and glamour and has become a kind of fixer for corrupt Central Asian tyrants and other unsavory characters. Rather, it is because he managed to win three general elections in a row by moving his party to the center. Those victories and 12 years in office forced the left to embrace the compromises of governance without having much to show for it. This, more than Blair’s enthusiasm for liberal interventionism or his role in the Iraq war or even his unwavering support of Israel during the 2008 Gaza war, drove the party first to select the more leftist of the two Milliband brothers and now hand the reins to Corbyn.
s I write, Corbyn has been Leader of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition (a position with no equivalent in the United States) for a mere 10 weeks—and those 10 weeks have been disastrous both in terms of the polls and party unity. Corbyn’s own front bench has been on the verge of rebellion. Before the vote on the UK’s joining the air campaign in Syria, some senior members apparently threatened to resign from their shadow cabinet positions unless Corbyn moderated his staunch opposition to any British military action against ISIS in Syria. (It worked: Rather than face open revolt, Corbyn allowed a free vote instead of a “whipped” one, and 66 Labour MPs proceeded to vote for air strikes). Any notion that Corbyn’s elevation would prompt him to moderate his views quickly dissipated once he began recruiting his team. His shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, is one of the only people in Parliament as extreme as he. While serving as a London councillor in the 1980s, McDonnell lambasted Neil Kinnock, the relatively hard-left Labour leader defeated by Margaret Thatcher, as a “scab.” A fervent supporter of the IRA during the Northern Ireland troubles, McDonnell endorsed “the ballot, the bullet, and the bomb” and once half-joked that any MP who refused to meet with the “provisionals” running the terror war against Great Britain should be “kneecapped” (the traditional provo punishment involving the shattering of someone’s knee with a shotgun blast). Recently he made the headlines by waving a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book at George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. As Nick Cohen has written of Corbyn and his circle: “These are not decent, well-meaning men who want to take Labour back to its roots…they are genuine extremists from a foul tradition, which has never before played a significant role in Labour Party history.”
During Corbyn’s first week as leader, he refused to sing the national anthem at a service commemorating the Battle of Britain, presumably because as a diehard anti-monarchist, he disagrees with the lyric “God save our Queen.” Soon after he declared that as a staunch opponent of Britain’s nuclear arsenal, he would not push the button even if the country were attacked.
He expressed unease at the assassination by drone strike of the infamous British ISIS terrorist “Jihadi John.” Corbyn said it would have been “far better” had the beheader been arrested and tried in court. (He did not say how he envisaged Jihadi John ever being subject to arrest, let alone concede that such a thing could happen only due to military action against ISIS, which he opposes).
Corbyn’s reaction to the Paris attacks prompted fury from the right and despair in his own party. He seemed oddly unmoved and certainly not provoked to any sort of anger by the horror. Indeed, he lost his chance to score some easy points against Prime Minister Cameron’s posturing. Cameron, trying to play tough in the wake of military and policing cuts, announced that British security forces would now “shoot to kill” in the event of a terrorist attack in the UK—as if the normal procedure would be to shoot to wound. Any normal Labour leader of the last seven decades would have taken the prime minister to task for empty rhetoric while reminding the public of Labour’s traditional hard stance against terrorism in Northern Ireland and elsewhere. Instead, Corbyn bleated that he was “not happy” with a shoot-to-kill policy. It was “quite dangerous,” he declared. “And I think can often be counterproductive.”
hile there is no question that Labour has suffered a titanic meltdown, and that Corbyn’s triumph may mean the end of Labour as we know it, it’s not yet clear whether Corbyn is truly as electorally toxic as the mainstream media and political class believe him to be. What some observers within Labour fear is that Corbyn could indeed become prime minister after having transformed the party into a very different organization and having shifted the balance of British politics far to the left.
They concede that there is little chance of Corbyn’s ever winning over the 2–3 million swing voters of “middle England” who have decided recent elections. But they worry that in a rerun of the leadership election, Corbyn might be able to recruit a million or more new, young voters who have no memory of the Cold War, let alone Labour’s failures in the 1970s, and who think that he is offering something fresh and new.
It might not only be naive young people who would vote for Corbyn despite his apparent lack of parliamentary or leadership skills. In Britain, there is a growing disdain for, and distrust of, slick professional politicians—and for good reason. It’s not hard to seem sincere or refreshingly possessed of genuine political convictions if you’re going up against someone like David Cameron, who even more than Tony Blair can exude cynicism, smugness, and a branding executive’s patronizing contempt for the public. The fact that Corbyn is relatively old and unglamorous might also play in his favor; the British public is tired of glib, photogenic, boyish men. Corbyn and McDonnell are “an authentic alternative to the focus-group-obsessed poll-driven policies of the Blair days,” Cohen writes—but it is an authenticity based in “authentic far-left prejudices and hypocrisies.” Those prejudices and hypocrisies could sound a death knell for Britain’s historic role in advancing the Western idea—an idea that is, in large measure, the most glorious handiwork of its sceptered isles. |
Keeping Humans, Pets, and the Flock Warm Through the Cold and Snowy Season – Part 1
If you’re going to spend time outdoors (or even indoors!) in the winter, proper clothing and equipment is the key to making it more enjoyable for the whole family! For me, enjoying that fresh air makes winter far more tolerable. There are times when it’s cold, or during a big snowstorm, that we don’t venture out, but I can only take so many days of that before it’s not just our Lab mix Luke that gets restless and fidgety.
When we are stuck in the house, having the wood stove to snuggle in front of makes it so much cozier. I also love that our house has a lot of windows, and two sets of glass doors in our living room. I need all the light I can get too! We’ve been so excited lately since we’ve been noticing the days getting just a bit longer. It makes all the difference in the world.
We wanted to share a few things that make life in the northeast more enjoyable in the winter months. Once I started working on our lists, I realized it’s a lot! Therefore, we’re splitting this into two parts: animals and humans (my list is surprisingly long). *Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links. We may receive a small commission if you order through those links. Thank you!*
Finding the Right Clothing, Gear and Comforts for Cats, Dogs, and Birds Through Our Long New England Winters
Samantha is an indoor cat anyway, though we do take her out for “field trips” in the nice weather. I may even try taking her out some warmer winter day just to see how she likes it. She doesn’t have a lot of needs to get through the cooler days, since she has her own long fur coat which helps. She has her “fort” – her Smiling Paws Pets Cat Cube*, which you’ve seen often here on the blog, since it’s her favorite hangout; but she also loves to sit in her huge windows and feel the sun warm her fur. (You can read our full review of the 2-in-1 bed by clicking here.)
In the morning and evenings, you might also see her lying in front of the heat vent on the floor – I put a bed there for her so she could be comfy. While in the spring and summer, she likes to venture upstairs (especially when we’re raising chicks up there), in the winter we keep it closed off. We had left the door slightly ajar for her, but we noticed she was never going up there anyway (I think because it was so much colder up there) so decided it would save on our heating bill to keep it completely closed. She hasn’t even noticed I don’t think! In the spring and summer, it’s warmer up there and I think that’s part of the reason she loves it.
I think she really enjoys her cozy spaces and knowing exactly where everything is, since her eyesight is very limited. As long as she can find her way from warm spot to warm spot (and to her food of course!), she seems pretty content!
When we had dogs with thick coats, it was much easier! I never had to worry about buying coats or anything to keep our beagles or golden retrievers warm. Labrador retriever mix Luke, however, has a very thin coat of fur, especially underneath, so once the temperatures get below 45- 50 degrees or so, he wears a coat and sometimes sweaters.
We have two favorites that we’ve been using for several winters now: his Hurtta Summit Parka*, and his GoldPaw Series Portland Pullover*. Each has their own uses. Luke wears the parka, which gives a lot of coverage (I call it a snowsuit for dogs), and keeps him quite warm and dry, either when the temperatures are well below freezing, or when we’re out in a hard snowstorm.
If it’s not quite as cold out, the fleece Portland Pullover is a bit lighter, still gives much-needed coverage over his belly, and has a water-resistant panel on the back. We’ll still get that out if it’s just a light snowstorm or chilly rainy day.
Both coats are easy to put on and off, machine washable, and can be worn with a harness. The harness goes over the Portland Pullover, and under the Summit Parka (there’s a convenient hole for the harness loop). You can read our full review of the fleece jacket by clicking here. Also, both coats are holding up quite well, and neither is even close to needing replacement yet. That speaks to their quality.
We use the Portland Pullover more, simply because if it gets much below 20 degrees out, Luke’s paws get too cold when we walk, so we don’t go out as much when it’s that cold. I wish I could get him to wear boots like we used to have for Cricket, but Luke just doesn’t tolerate any paw handling at all (trust me, we’ve tried everything). If you are interested in dog boots, I did write a post about some we tried and had success with for our beagle Cricket – “The Search for All-Weather Durable Dog Boots”.
Another thing we have to think about in the winter is how to keep Luke entertained when we’re stuck indoors. We’ve written about nose works games, setting up our tunnel* in the house, and other treat-dispensing puzzles that we’ve tried. A year ago I wrote a post “Indoor Fun & Games for Dogs” which talks about a few of them. I won’t repeat myself, but I will say that the Paw5 Snuffle Mat* is my favorite indoor game for Luke.
First, he really loves using his nose and getting right down into that mat! Second, it actually takes him longer than some of the easier puzzle games we have; and third, I can just set it up for him and I don’t have to supervise him to make sure he’s not having trouble. I still usually watch him because it’s fun, but if I have work to do, I can just leave him at it.
Winter can be a great time to work on training or tricks, and I just signed us up for a new class at Fenzi Dog Sports Academy. We’ll be telling you more about the class we’re taking once we get started with it. They offer so many different classes there for scent sports, agility, behavior, health & fitness and more. I’m excited about getting back to work with Luke on something since I’ve really slacked on training lately, and we’ve badly needed something more to do with the rough weather we’ve been having lately.
The Flock of Farm Birds
Last winter was our first one with our chickens and guinea hens, and it was a learning process. We did some research and found the best way to keep the coop warmer in the winter is to use the “deep litter” method. Instead of cleaning the coop in the winter, we put a thick layer of straw and dried leaves down, stir it up daily, and add to it every so often. This serves two purposes: the bird droppings added to all this break down along with the straw and leaves, and that process is creating a layer of compost underneath. That process generates heat, and the end result is a whole lot of compost to use in next year’s garden!! We keep a thermometer in the coop and for most of the winter it’s at leas 5 -10 degrees warmer in there than outside. It’s also nice to not have to be out in the cold weather cleaning the coop out completely!
It is not recommended to heat the coop. For one thing, heat lamps are fire hazards (and the way our crazy birds fly around in there? Oh yeah.). The other thing is that if the power suddenly went out and you couldn’t keep the coop warm any longer, it would be too sudden for the birds (that might work if you only have a few, but I don’t think we could bring 28 birds indoors!). By letting them just get used to the cold naturally as the season progresses, they can handle it. They don’t love it, that’s for sure, but they make the best of it!
The other challenge is keeping their water from freezing. In the beginning, we changed their water out twice a day, keeping one waterer in the house to thaw. Wow, that got old quickly. We found out that a heated dog water dish* could work, and it worked great. They did knock it over sometimes though (we had it setting on a bucket so it would be the right height for them), so this year we got a heated metal base* and keep our metal waterer* on it and that also works well. So far they’ve only knocked that over once! We keep the dog dish in the garage so they have water when they’re hanging out in there, without having to walk back to the coop for it. Water is important for egg production, so we want to make it easy for them to drink all they need.
The birds enjoy the warmth of the sun, and letting them free range so they can go to our front porch to sit in it makes them very happy. They also can stay out of the weather, but have more room to roam in the garage and barn. The garage is roomier, and they found the bale of straw we keep in there; they pulled it out and spread it around themselves! It was funny last year when the Dadz asked me if I had spread the straw in the garage! We both thought the other did it, and it was the birds themselves!
I also make them special treats in the winter. A lot of people buy “scratch grains” since giving them extra carbohydrates can help them keep warmer in the winter. I prefer to just make homemade suet, with lots of seeds, herbs, and fats. I also occasionally make them warm oatmeal (with cinnamon), give them a can of organic corn, and we’re now also fermenting their feed once a week or so which is very healthy for them. Just like dogs and cats, they love their treats and it makes them very happy! The Dadz also gets leftover fruits, vegetables, and bread from his work which they enjoy year-round. Stay tuned for my recipe for suet coming soon; this can be used for wild birds as well and it’s pretty simple to make.
It sure seems like a lot of work sometimes staying comfortable while taking care of the farm during our long New England winters! Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series where I’ll share my long list of clothing and gear to keep me warm – and upright – when we’re out in the unavoidable cold, snow, and ice!
What is your favorite product for keeping your pets happy in the winter? |
There’s no denying that we live in a chaotic and unpredictable world. And even though we serve a God who has already conquered death and darkness, we are unfortunately not guaranteed to live a life void of suffering—not until we reach eternity, at least. But unlike those who do not know Christ, we have a hope that can serve as an anchor for our soul (Hebrews 6:19). The comfort of His Word can serve as a healing balm for the pain in our hearts. Not only that, but we can also strengthen the Body of Christ when we speak words of encouragement into the lives of other believers by reminding them of their hope in Christ as they, too, walk through storms of life.
How to Write Words of Encouragement to Downcast Believers
As humans, we often try to avoid as much pain as possible—and yet the Bible reminds us of the importance of suffering along with other believers. No one should need to face the storms of life on their own. Romans 12:15 tells us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” One way we can express our concern for downcast believers is through providing words of comfort and encouragement for them, whether that’s in the form of a letter, text message, or an email.
The Bible makes it clear that our words contain power. Proverbs 14:16 says, “Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” When we see a fellow believer suffering from discouragement or despair, why shouldn’t we want to release words to them that can provide health for their bodies? It’s through the use of our pens that God can minister His healing power of love as we become His vessels to renew the believer’s strength and uplift their spirits.
Before setting out to write, though, I advise to first pray for the downcast believer. Pray that God will lead you to write the words that they need to hear. After all, we may not know exactly what it is that this person is dealing with personally, but we are in touch with our Heavenly Father. And our Heavenly Father is in touch with that person’s heart.
While you write, try to follow the Bible’s example in its approach to pain and suffering. God’s Word never denies the reality of suffering that we may face, but it addresses this through the lens of hope. It encourages our spirits by enabling us to see the bigger picture, the purpose of our suffering. It does this by reminding us that our pain can be transformed into good (Romans 8:28) and that it could be preparing us for “an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
Try to remain sensitive for the downcast believer by recalling a time when you, too, faced trials that drained your strength. Was there a friend or a loved one who spoke words that renewed your vigor for life? How did that person help to draw you out of the deep pit of suffering by renewing your perspective and shedding light on the situation?
We can also follow the example that Psalms provides for us as we write to these downcast believers. Throughout the Psalms, we witness how David acknowledged the heartache he faced—and yet it was through lifting his eyes to Christ that his strength became renewed. As he shifted his gaze to focus on God, he then began to look at his circumstances through an eternal viewpoint. He was reminded that God is still good, faithful, and sovereign, even in the midst of such difficulties. Even more than that: God never leaves His children to bear the weight of life on their own.
Yes, our words contain power; however, they will never measure up to the weight of authority that the Word of God carries. Proverbs 4:22 tells us that His Word brings “life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.” If you would like to offer these life-giving words to the downcast believers in your life—Scriptures that can point them back to the hope they have in Christ—then see below.
Words of Encouragement from the Bible
Whether you’re in need of divine encouragement for yourself, or if you’re hoping to encourage another hurting soul, the Scripture should remain our go-to source. It contains truths that fuel our spirit and replenish our strength. By meditating on the following Scriptures, the Holy Spirit can enable us to see our difficulties through God’s light, remind us of the glory He can display through this suffering, and point us back to the One who is always by our side.
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Philippians 1:6.
“My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8:38-39.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” Isaiah 43:19.
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” Isaiah 40:29.
“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed” Deuteronomy 31:8.
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved” Psalm 55:22.
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31.
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”1 John 4:4.
“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” Romans 8:37.
“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Isaiah 41:10.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” Romans 8:18.
“My God turns my darkness into light.” Psalm 18:28
“My God turns my darkness into light” Psalm 18:28.
“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever” Psalm 23:6.
“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation” 1 Peter 5:10.
“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life” Psalm 119:50.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1.
“The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” Psalm 34:18.
“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you” Isaiah 54:10.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” Romans 8:28.
“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning”Psalm 30:5.
Inspirational Words of Encouragement for the Hurting Soul
God loved His children so much that He couldn’t bear to witness us walking through the darkness of this world without His light. He didn’t necessarily send His Son to shield us from sorrow and despair, but to keep us from being destroyed by its stronghold. How incredible is it to rest in the truth that we have been rescued and redeemed from the curse of sin? God wrapped Himself in flesh, dared to face this harsh world, and voluntarily took on the weight of sin and suffering. Why? So that we would never have to carry that burden on our own. He accepted the persecution that we deserved so that we could be made whole.
Isaiah 53:5 says, “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.”
Whatever it is that you are facing today, I want to remind you that you are not alone. Jesus loved you so much that He chose to walk in your shoes and feel your pain.
We can also be reassured by the mere knowledge that Christ faced the same suffering as us when He walked on this earth. Are you grieving? Have you faced the sting of rejection? Have you tasted the bitter sorrow of loneliness and betrayal? So has Jesus. He understands. This is why, when we feel as though we are too weak to carry on, we can rely on His supernatural strength to carry us through. It’s this power that can be made perfect in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9), and it’s through this strength that Jesus, too, endured suffering on every level and defeated darkness once and for all.
This is our hope in the midst of heartache. It is through the blood that was shed on Calvary that we have access to God’s powerful, cleansing, and healing presence—strong enough to wash away our sins and provide comfort in the midst of despair. And it’s this pleasure of knowing Him—Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with us—that surpasses even the greatest of sorrows.
“No pit is so deep that God is not deeper still.” Corrie Ten Boom
A Prayer for the Encouragement of a Downcast Soul
“Father, thank you for being with the downcast soul in whatever trial that he or she may be facing today. I ask that you, by the power of your Holy Spirit, equip them with the strength they need to endure this heartache. May your Word empower them with your truth, nourish them with your comfort, and strengthen them with your encouragement, enabling them to view their difficulties from your perspective. Allow this suffering to cause this person to draw closer to you so they can receive your healing love. Thank you that you sent your Son so we would never need to experience the harsh pain of life on our own. Instead, when we face difficulties, we can trust that you can transform them into good, according to Romans 8:28. Your light is within us as we walk through this dark world, and you are greater than anything we face. Help us to trust in you always and to hold on to this hope we have in you because there is nothing we will face that could ever remove us from your life-giving presence. It’s in your name that we pray. Amen.” |
Big changes coming soon. I've successfully migrated the BBS to a VM platform - which will make it easier to back up, restore, and it is a faster machine. It is up and running right now - but I'm still working on the fine details to ensure it is as seamless as possible. I'll probably have to rebuild it - because this was kind of the test run while I figured out how to make it do what I wanted. Now that I've figured it out, I can make sure it is configured exactly like this one.
So, not that you'll notice, but there might be some small downtime - although it might be as simple as having them both online, making sure no one is on, and changing the IP addresses to make name resolution point to the other machine instead of this one.
Super cool data-center nearly pro-grade stuff I've got going on here.
The thing comes up way faster for initial login on the new machine. I'm not sure if that has more to do with the faster core (but it only has one core, where this one has all of 'em)... or because the VM is only bound to one nic... I'm leaning toward the latter - there is a lag on this one that seems like it is going through things that are timing out and failing before it finally resolves right. That isn't there on the VM. Hard to describe in laymans terms - but basically the VM has one NIC and it is pretty directly exposed and it is the ONLY way to come in. The production server on bare metal has two doors, a front one and a back one - and I think it has to check both doors every time it hears a knock, basically. The VM knows that any time it hears a knock, there is only one way in.
Yeah... I'm pretty happy with myself figuring out how to get Proxmox running. So much that I'm almost considering just migrating over and taking the loss of the few messages or file uploads that have happened since I did it. Things aren't quite perfect though - I'm using XFCE instead of Gnome because I thought that Gnome had some problems with VNC - but it works fine under Proxmox... and I didn't set up all the same user accounts on the test box as on the production box - so I'd have to fix that.
I could just do it manually - but rebuilding a final VM from scratch is probably the easier way to go. I'm just eager to get things up and running now - but there really isn't any reason to rush.
Especially considering the volume of traffic here.
I've got a roadtrip this weekend - so nothing is going to happen until next week.
But I've definitely got my bases covered on recovery if something goes wrong on this server. We would lose a few days messages at most and recovery time would be very quick and painless. That is awesome - because for the last few years, this site ran without much of a safety net.
I keep forgetting I have a gameplan. I'm going to do a P2V using Clonezilla to basically make this machine an exact VM clone clone. This will require BBS downtime - but it is going to be easy, and what I bring back up will be *exactly* this BBS at the time I took it down.
It is a bummer that Proxmox doesn't have the kind of P2V utilities built into it that commercial Hypervisor programs have - but that is just reflective of this being a Linux product and the Linux philosophy. There are already ways in Linux to do this - so why recreate the wheel and bloat the program when not everyone will want or need that "feature". It isn't invalid reasoning - but it is often less convenient.
I'm more reactive than proactive, so I drop by, look around and leave. Sorry!
Extended downtime today, cloning from the production to the target. Looks like the production server uses UEFI instead of a legacy BIOS... and Proxmox by default uses a legacy BIOS.
So, I've got to figure that out.
Yeah, that is kinda funny. I've been exhausting myself every day so I don't have the energy to hop on here at 2am. I put a screen up in the carport, dug some flower beds, tilled them, built a greenhouse, weedwhacked the pasture so we can eventually mow it (too wild still), and a dozen other things. It's been a big month!
Right now I'm watching my eight-year-old do four-digit subtraction. She's pretty good. More impressive is my eleven-year-old doing algebra better than her 14- and 12-year-old siblings.
Meanwhile I'm supposed to get my new motherboard tomorrow. Can't wait to mount it on a nice piece of oak and plug in the CPU, RAM, and power supply.
Next month supposedly I'll have a career again. Then I'll have breaks in the daytime and a computer that isn't my phone for checking the BBS. W00T.
Whoops, I neglected to hit Reply. What I was calling funny is that the Pi version had better traffic. That should also contextualize the rest of my post neatly.
It does. I've been having trouble getting on, too. And I'm struggling with the motivation to rebuild the Debian install and port the BBS over to the VM. I should do it, I really should... there are a bunch of things I should do...
The navigation said 10 am to 3:30 PM from Vegas to Phoenix.
We did it in 4:43 - with a stop for a newspaper and another for gas.
Plus, all the other Vegas stuff, then work on Monday. Plus waking up at 5:30 AM to drive my wife to the airport.
I'm kinda all tuckered out.
Thu Apr 22 2021 21:04:27 MST from Wangiss <[email protected]>
Whoops, I neglected to hit Reply. What I was calling funny is that the Pi version had better traffic. That should also contextualize the rest of my post neatly.
It has been 3 days since that last post. What has changed? Got the PC mounted to a piece of oak, yet?
We will have lost some messages from today. I migrated the machine. We are now running in a VM on a hypervisor. This creates several advantages for me, and for you as end users.
Otherwise, the change should be transparent, I believe - and may even have some performance benefits. I've thrown 2 processors at it for now. It may run faster. If it doesn't, let me know, and I'll see what I can tweak.
I'm super stoked about getting this migrated over to the VM. I dislike that we lost some messages - that is bad for traffic and conversation - but it'll be a piece of cake to backup and restore the BBS now - to move it to other hardware if there is a hardware failure, and to expand it as necessary. I'll probably explore some of the clustering and high availability possibilities that open up if I put up another Proxmox node and shared storage - I've got built in resource and performance metrics allowing me to see in real time how the VM is doing... I set it up as a 1 CPU system initially, and just added a 2nd CPU... I also have 8GB of memory but I'm pretty sure it is fairly trivial to pop it up to 16GB. These NUCs just use laptop style memory.
I'll have to reboot the VM to get it to use the 2nd CPU, and will probably do that at some point tonight. You can't evidently add resources and have them recognized "on the fly" in Proxmox. I feel like things are running a little choppy in some places with only the 1 CPU allocated.
There isn't a direct path to the BBS for me from the internal network. I can open up a local console, and then connect there locally to the Citadel - but the way Proxmox works I have my management console dedicated and published only on my internal network, not accessible from outside, and the VM/BBS dedicated and published only on the public network, and not accessible internally. Hard to explain - but it seems to be a limitation of the way Proxmox handles networking - and took me a while to figure out. This is different than how other hypervisors handle it.
There is a good Proxmox vs. ESXi review here:
That basically confirms most of my experiences with Proxmox - where it is superior and where it still lags behind. Mostly network configuration. For being a "Networking OS" - Linux as a whole takes some fairly bone-headed approaches to Networking configuration. If there is a hard way to do networking, Linux goes, "hold my beer," and makes it even more convoluted.
But - it has its rewards if you're willing to fight with that.
So, I ate up a 1TB SSD pretty quickly with Proxmox, and I'm at very high utilization on the disk capacity already.
I've bought a cheaper NAS to set up as an NFS or iSCSI device for Proxmox - and I plan to built a second node using one of the other NUCs I have. We'll have pretty good coverage then - and that will allow me to backup and create clone guests on the secondary Proxmox node - and that way if I fuck things up like I did last night, recovery will be quick. I was fortunate to land on my feet this time, and having resources tight made it riskier than it needed to be. I'll have to get another 1TB SSD to cover the second node - I could swing that now but I'd rather wait until my next paycheck. I'm also about to drop about $2k on a new paintjob on my Z3 this weekend - so... I'm trying to be a bit frugal.
Anyhow - yeah. Things are running well - but I'm not at the finish line for this quite yet.
I may also not fully understand the logical volume layout of Proxmox. It looks like I've actually got the disk images for the VMs in a virtual pool of about 900GB and about 400gb of that is used even though the three systems I have VMs for have 750gb of total drive space. The disks are dynamic, I think. Which would make sense. This is part of the hosted Just In Time resource pooling strategy that enterprise VM hypervisors employ so that Cloud providers can promise you "more CPUs, more memory, and more drive storage" at any time.
What you are buying with a hosted server is a fractional timeshare of a much larger computer - and you get a virtualized slice of it.
The whole computer is there, it is shared, and if you only need a bedroom and the kitchen for a few hours a day, that is all of you get of it.
So, today I brought up a NAS as a backup store for the Citadel. I probably could have done it cheaper - but I still have ambitious plans to create a test Proxmox environment and ship VMs between the production and the test device for testing and experiments.
At some point, I guess I'll build out the test environment as more or less a mirror of the production environment, move a copy of this VM over there, get it running, and start playing around with some of the remaining outstanding broken things that bug me and I would like to fix. #1 on that list is getting the redirect to the "Hello" room working before user login and after user logout. I had that working - it broke - I tried to fix it, and it broke things REALLY bad, and that was a nightmare to fix.
But with backups and snapshots - especially in a test environment - I'll be able to figure out how to fix this without risking an extended downtime for the actual BBS - which I am terrified of. The BBS can't handle losing the few remaining semi-regular callers we get.
All told, I'm in about $500 when I originally had it running fine on a $75 Rpi, not including recurring costs like the ISP and the domain name registration. But honestly - when you think of how much the PCs we used to dedicate to Citadel were back in the day, and do the adjustment for inflation - even THAT cost is CHEAP - especially for a BBS that anyone in the world can access, that multiple users can access at any time... technology is incredible. I think the original Sanitarium was about $2500 in equipment in 1987 dollars - and was a single line BBS that one user at a time could access at 2400bps. :D
But beyond that - I'm doing the tech part of it for the challenge and learning and just the satisfaction of *doing it*. It does make me realize that it is ridiculous that I am an out of work IT professional - partly because the profession is afraid of me because of some of my public positions on issues (and white guys who are conservative *are* blacklisted professionally - it IS happening)... and part of it is because I'm not interested in dealing with their bullshit - the social bullshit, the expectations bullshit - all of the bullshit.
But after achieving this - it is clear that not having me in the IT workforce hurts the industry more than not being in the IT industry hurts me. I'm *really* good at this shit in an industry full of people who are mediocre at it.
Because of Proxmox, I can see that we're a little resource starved with multiple users logged in and only 4GB of memory allocated to the VM. We never hit the ceiling that I've seen, but we get up around 3.5GB of 4 GB allocated. That is a pretty close margin.
I'd like to buy 16GB and slap it in there and allocate 8 to 10 GB of that to TSBBS. I think that would make things speed up. It is only $90. But, I just bought the NAS - and dropped $1800 to repaint a 25 year old BMW - not to mention dropped a LOT more than that on a 2020 BMW...
So I'm *kinda* tapped out right now. I'm also carrying a much bigger balance on my cards than I like because my wife paid off the WRONG card last billing cycle.
So... it may be a while before I can bring myself to do this upgrade - but I probably should, once I get to a point where I can.
A little bouncing tonight. I see a definite improvement in the test environment bumping the VM up to 4 cores and 6GB of memory. I bumped production up to 2 cores and 5 GB of memory - and as expected I feel like there is a little less improvement than if I gave it 4 cores and 6. Once I get a memory upgrade on the prod server we'll go to 8GB of memory... and I think 3 CPU cores - and I think that will create a noticeable improvement in performance.
There is something wrong with production where it is running multiple instances of Webcit and constantly trying to relaunch webcit, finding a port conflict (with itself) and shutting down. That is probably eating up some cycles and hurting performance. I'll be continuing to troubleshoot that. Oddly, it is not happening in my test environment which is built off a copy of the production environment. Not sure what the deal is there.
The main advantages of hosting a VM are management ones. It becomes far easier to backup, take a point in time snapshot. The VM just turns the entire computer into one big file - so, for example - you can have a production server and a test server - and if there is a change, you can try it on the test server first and if it blows up, it is easy to restore the production as a copy to recreate test and try again. It makes catastrophic things way less catastrophic, in general.
You can also add shared storage between two different physical VM nodes, each running a copy of the guest VM - and the VM hypervisor will manage which is attached to the shared storage, and if the production server goes down, it will fail over to the target server - transparently to end users. This is a high level enterprise feature where you've got to have 99.999% uptime... but it is an option once you virtualize.
There are security advantages too. If someone compromises your VM - they still haven't compromised the HOST machine, and that is difficult, and you can sandbox the guest machine and the VM bare metal from your other networks - plus Proxmox has a built in firewall. The VM management console generally has some performance and resource metrics too - you end up with a kind of management console that wraps around the entire machine your Citadel runs on.
You also allocate it portions of the resource of the bare metal. If you're on bare metal, you can't really limit the amount of CPU, RAM or hard drive that is allocated to your Citadel - but you can with a VM. If it needs more, you can assign it more, if it needs less, give it less and you can run something else on another VM. Right now we're running on 2 cores of 4, 5GB of 8, and 250gb of 1TB. The remaining resources on the bare metal are available to other things - like test environments where I run the latest versions of Citadel against my production database and decide if I'm ready to go live with those.
Tue May 04 2021 00:29:20 MST from ASCII ExpressWhat advantage do you have running Citadel in a VM? I've never played with that. I just have it running on a VPS, but could easily port it anywhere. Of course back in the day we ran them on our regular desktop computer, and if someone called your BBS then too bad, you couldn't use your computer until they logged off.
So I wonder if someone could set this up...
As an embedded page in a "bulletin" type room in Citadel...
Running a version of Asgard-86 - set up with classic BBS door games like Tradewars...
And in that manner, you could go to a room on the Citadel, and open a traditional CLASSIC Citadel - and then launch a door in that to play door games.
It would be a kind of end-run on this version of Citadel not having doors. But I'm not sure where I'd start.
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This is a very old "graphic" adventure game which uses textmode / ASCII characters. Despite its simplicity, there is something charming about its gameplay, and it is nostalgically remembered by gamers who played it in the DOS era. Many adventure games back in 1985 were still text based, so having any kind of visual representation would no doubt be welcomed. Anyways, the game itself is rather average, but it does include action and adventure elements, although there is very little plot. It plays sort of like a Kroz-type ASCII game mixed with a text adventure. A modern Windows remake is available hereby Chris Benshoof and is likely a better way to play this game these days!
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The Road To Off-Broadway Starts Now!
Thank You, Thank You…What Happens Now?
It’s been a little over a week since we hit out Kick Starter goal and we are all still on cloud nine [clouds one through eight were taken up by this week’s Noble Peace Prize winners]. We had wanted to give you all a little break from the weekly updates but we just can’t quit you! We just want to let you know where we are at and what the next steps are. As you can see from the frame grab below, our final tally was $68,553! That is not a typo! And once again, the reason that Kick Starter has a lower figure is because of the checks that came in from the cookie people after our deadline. It truly was a humbling experience to see such an outpour of support from friends, family and complete strangers (not to mention the strange family members). So to quote a line from our own show, “What happens now?” The simple answer is LOTS! There are so many things that we have to do between now and April that we thought we’d share some them. It dawned on us the other day that planning an off-Broadway run is a lot like planning a wedding. And in our case if feels a little like the bride is pregnant and there’s a shotgun on the horizon. But we’ve always worked well under pressure (at the expense of our finger nails). So here’s a little glimpse into our preparations and be forewarned, I predict that this whole wedding analogy thing will lose steam after two paragraphs.
The CD & T-Shirts [”The Wedding Favors”]
When planning a wedding, the favor is usually something that doesn’t get much attention. I have a whole basement full of wedding favors gathering dust (and each one has a candy coated almond in a white mesh with ants crawling around it). In our case, we have spent a great deal of time on our “favors”. One of the reasons being that since all of you were kind enough to purchase tickets in advance, we want you to have something to show for your money until the performances. We have been in the studio the past three weeks recording the final tracks for the sound track CD. We have one more afternoon of back up vocals that our multi talented, co-creator Frankie Keane will lay down in a four hour, coffee induced session. Then our magical engineer MP Kuo will master the CD and we will ship it off to Disc Makers in late October. We also just placed the order for our nifty “Hereafter Musical” t-shirts. We expect to ship all of our “wedding favors” in early November. We will confirm via email once they go out. Here’s a glimpse of the CD cover and the T-shirt logo!
The Theater [“The Wedding Hall”]
One of the keys to a fun and memorable wedding is the location. Now depending on all of the other variables (the music, the guests, the food) you can have an awesome wedding just about anywhere. I once went to a wedding at a Benhana’s. What a great time, until one of the guests decided to dance on the table and suffered third degree burns. In our case, we think the location is essential. There are so many little things we would like to do to enhance the production and having the perfect place will help us achieve that. We are almost done compiling a list of possible theaters and will be checking them out in the next few weeks. We’ll keep you posted with that and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. We need a space that can seat between 150-199 people (no more) and has enough room for a small orchestra.
The Orchestra [“The Wedding Band”]
The music at a wedding is the key to its success. Whether it’s a DJ spinning the latest hits or a seven-piece band recreating Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”, you MUST have a great song selection AND a perfect representation of it. In our case we are half way there. We already know that the music and performers are great, now we need to create the perfect orchestra to bring it to life. Our trusted music director, Bill Hindin will be working very closely with us as we begin our search. With the exception of the CD, our music has only been performed live with just piano. Just wait till you hear how great the music will be when we re-create the CD live!
The Cast [“The Bridal Party”]
Here’s where the wedding/off-Broadway analogy starts to wear thin…but we’re almost done so bear with me! In a real wedding, the bridal party rarely has an effect on the success or failure of a wedding (except for the occasional, awkward drunk toast from cousin Kevin). And in a real wedding, the bridal party often has a few people in it that only there because of family politics. I once went to a wedding where one of the bridesmaids didn’t even know the bride! She was only there because of some payback from the old country. In our case, the “bridal party” has been handpicked and with us for a very long time. We do need to cast a new member because one of our original cast members has “another wedding” commitment. So we’ll be casting a net in the upcoming weeks for her replacement.
The Director [“The Wedding Planner”]
As one of the producers of our show, I feel like part of me is the wedding planer. But as one of the authors I’m more like the “father of the bride”. I think that Bill Persky, our director is the true wedding planner here. Frankie and I had our first meeting with Bill last week and it was very exciting. We are currently going over the script and making adjustments and now for the first time, with Bill on board, we are actually talking about the staging of the show. Of course every time we come up with some great new idea, Bill reminds us that we need to know what size our stage will be before we could explore all of these great ideas.
Opening Night [“The Wedding Date”]
Ok, this is the last wedding analogy. If what we’re doing with “Hereafter Musical” is like planning a wedding then you can multiply that. We’ll be doing the show for two weeks (approx. seven shows a week) so it will be like planning fourteen weddings!!! We still haven’t confirmed our “wedding dates” but we could ballpark it to being the last two weeks of April. We’ll be done with both Easter and Passover by then and we can work in some interesting marketing tie-ins to the holidays. You know something like, “It’s Easter, Christ Is Coming Back And So Is Hereafter Musical”. Or how about; “Don’t Get Passed Over For Tickets, Get Yours Now”. I know, it needs work but you get the idea. Anyway, as soon as we lock in our theater, we will coordinate the dates that work best for you all to attend. And we’ll do it before we sell other tickets. Those “Johnny come lately” folks can wait! But if you do know anyone that wants to come see the show, we will be selling tickets starting in December.
The Final Roll Call ["The Thank You Notes"]
In addition to updating you all on the progress of our show, we also need to thank this final batch of ticket pledgers. These folks came in with their ticket orders on the last day and insured that we not only made our goal but eve surpassed it! We are indebted to all of them as well as the rest of you for the amazing success of our campaign.
Muriel, Gil and Gabby Remo – I only just met this special family (pictured above). They are close friends of Frankie. But don’t let the short time we know each other fool you. In that short amount of time, I have had the pleasure of having Muriel’s beautiful voice grace two of the songs on our CD! We spent an unforgettable day in the studio and you all will be blown away by her performance. And if our show has the long run that we hope it will have, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll see Muriel’s daughter Gabby in it one day!
Scott Farley – I just met Scott this past summer. He is one of the best electrician’s I have ever encountered (and I’ve met a lot…I went to a vocational high school!!!). If you need any work done let me know and I’ll hook you up. Thanks Scott.
Ezequiel Gutierrez – I don’t know this person. I’m afraid to even type her/his name again cause it might break my keyboard. It’s another one of those brilliant Scrabble words…two “Z’s”!! But we are so thankful for her/his pledge that I will be signing all of my paperwork with this name for one entire week.
Benji Bronk – We know Benji. You all know Benji. Some people say that there are like fifteen different Benjis. The Benji we know is talented and super sweet. He came to last year’s showcase and now he does this. I can’t wait till he writes a musical so that we could support him.
Jim Mellett - We don’t know Jim Mellett. That is awesome because it means he bought tickets because he likes us…he really, really likes us!
Rachel Miller - Here’s another person we don’t know! How great is that?! Thanks for supporting us Rachel!
Jennifer Lebeau - I met Jennifer through Frankie. They worked together on that great Simon & Garfunkel re-issue from last year. Jennifer and I spent an awesome night together once…relax, there was a cover charge and other people watched (wait that sounds weird). It was at Sugar Bar when we watched our favorite singer (Frankie!) perform.
Maureen Costello – Maureen is a new friend and appropriate for the wedding theme of this update we met at Kerry and Steve’s wedding when were seated at the same table…now that was a GREAT wedding!
Luree - We LOVE Luree! We met her, along with Joe Mooski through the super popular "Stern Superfan Group" on Facebook! Luree came to see our show last August. Thanks Luree for being the nicest person of Facebook!
Johanna Fuentes - Love, love Johanna. She is one of TV’s top publicists so you know what that means right? Well not much because we’re not a TV show. Damn, why couldn’t she be one of Broadway’s top publicists.
Glenda Jinks – Wow. There are two things we love about Glenda…one is that we don’t know who she is and two…how about that last name! I’d say this is the first time we’ve ever been lucky by being “Jinks-ed”…thanks Glenda!
Steve Kingston – The only person that knows more than Steve about radio is Marconi. And since Marconi is now broadcasting from the Hereafter, I nominate Steve as the King Of Radio.
Mwolff – Ok how great is this. You may remember this person (whom we don’t know) from a previous pledge. Well, he/she/canis lupus is back with an upgraded pledge! And with a name that sounds like the title of movie, I say we refer to them as “Mwolff 2…This Time It’s Musical”
Jeffrey Ballabon – Jeff is another pledger who doubled down! Either that or he has short-term memory loss and if that’s the case, we’ll be selling him lots of tickets!
Dolly & Neil – I think it’s pretty ironic that the last person on the honor roll is “Hereafter Musical’s” number one fan…the fabulous Dolly Marting and her husband Neil. We met them when they attended our reading back in June and it was group love at first site. It’s hard to describe but Dolly was so taken with the performance that day that I almost questioned whether we saw two different shows. Frankie and I are too close to it and see all of the problems and things we need to fix, make better or get rid of. And here comes Dolly with this insightful commentary on every aspect of the show. Dolly and Neil were in New York earlier this week and the entire cast came together to enjoy lunch with our patron Saint Dolly!
Thank you (we can't stop saying that) and we’ll update you when the merchandise goes out! |
6 edition of The Doomsday Marshal found in the catalog.
|LC Classifications||PS3558.O3473 D63 1979|
|The Physical Object|
|Pagination||269 p. ;|
|Number of Pages||269|
|LC Control Number||79016663|
The Doomsday Marshal and the mountain man by Hogan, Ray, Publication date Borrow this book to access EPUB and PDF files. IN COLLECTIONS. Books to Borrow. Books for People with Print Disabilities. Internet Archive Books. Scanned in China. Uploaded by lotu.t on Septem SIMILAR ITEMS (based on metadata) Terms of Pages: The Domesday Book - compiled in - is one of the few historical records whose name is familiar to most people in this country. It is our earliest .
Connie Willis has won six Nebula Awards (more than any other science fiction writer), six Hugo Awards, and for her first novel, Lincoln's Dreams, John W. Campbell Memorial novel Doomsday Book won both the Nebula and Hugo Awards, and her first short-story collection, Fire Watch, was a New York Times Notable Book. Her other works include To Brand: Random House Publishing Group. The Domesday Book is one of Medieval England’s greatest treasures. The Domesday Book is closely linked with William the Conqueror’s attempt to dominate Medieval England. Along with a string of castles throughout England, the Domesday Book was to give William huge authority in England. To further extend his grip on England, William I ordered that .
Domesday Book Domesday Book is the oldest government record held in The National Archives. In fact there are two Domesday Books – Little Domesday and about England in the 11th century. In , King William I (the Conqueror) wanted to find out about all the land in his new kingdom: who owned which property, who else lived there, how much the landFile Size: KB. Directed by Pil-sung Yim, Jee-woon Kim. With Doona Bae, Ji-hee Jin, Yun-hie Jo, Bong Joon Ho. The First Chapter of The Anthology Film- In A Brave New World, a mysterious virus brings the city to ruins and zombies flood the streets of Seoul. The Chapter 2, The Heavenly Creature, a robot reaches enlightenment on its own while working at a temple/10(K).
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The Doomsday Marshal and the Commancheros book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Special federal marshal John Rye is a toug /5. Domesday Book, the original record or summary of William I’s survey of England. By contemporaries the whole operation was known as “the description of England,” but the popular name Domesday—i.e., “doomsday,” when men face the record from which there is no appeal—was in general use by the midth.
The Doomsday Marshal and the Hanging Judge book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers/5. Doomsday Book is a science fiction novel by American author Connie novel won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards, and was shortlisted for other awards.
The title of the book refers to the Domesday Book of ; Kivrin Engle, the main character, says that her recording is "a record of life in the Middle Ages, which is what William the Conqueror's survey turned out to Author: Connie Willis.
out of 5 stars The Doomsday Marshal & the Mountain Man - can't The Doomsday Marshal book it down. Reviewed in the United States on Octo This is the first book by Ray Hogan that I have had the pleasure of reading, and it will definitely not be the last.5/5(1).
out of 5 stars The Doomsday Marshal & the Mountain Man - can't put it down. Reviewed in the United States on Octo This is the first book by Ray Hogan that I have had the pleasure of reading, and it will definitely not be the last.5/5(1). Domesday Book encompasses two independent works (in, originally, two physical volumes): "Little Domesday" (covering Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex), and "Great Domesday" (covering much of the remainder of England The Doomsday Marshal book except for lands in the north that later became Westmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland, and the County Palatine of Durham – and parts of Wales Language(s): Medieval Latin.
Get this from a library. The Doomsday Marshal. [Ray Hogan] -- Special U.S. Marshal John Rye had a dangerous assignment transporting a murderer across the wild country to. The Doomsday Marshal by Ray Hogan and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at - The Doomsday Marshal by Hogan, Ray - AbeBooks Passion for books.
Book is in Like New / near Mint Condition. Will include dust jacket if it originally came with one. Text will be unmarked and pages crisp. Satisfaction is guaranteed with every order. DOOMSDAY MARSHAL AND MOUNTAIN MAN, (A DOUBLE D WESTERN) By Ray Hogan. Get this from a library. The Doomsday Marshal and the Comancheros.
[Ray Hogan] -- Rescuing a U.S. Ranger and four female captives from the Comancheros in the Mexican desert is the task facing Marshal John Rye and his companions.
How the Domesday Book was compiled; What information is in the Domesday Book. How many Domesday places exist now. Dorset. The following pages include Domesday place-names and landowners, and beneath some are links to websites containing the local history of that place. The Doomsday Marshal and the Hanging Judge by Ray Hogan and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at - The Doomsday Marshal and the Hanging Judge a Double D Western by Hogan, Ray - AbeBooks.
The marshal, normally a deputy of the constable in military matters, may derive from the same source, the royal 'horse-thegns' first recorded in the reign of Alfred the Great.
Domesday Book records one Anglo-Saxon marshal, Alfred (CON 5,1,3), and three Normans with that title: Geoffrey in Hampshire and Wiltshire, Gilbert in Oxfordshire, and. The Doomsday Marshal and the Hanging Judge by Ray Hogan.
Hardcover $ View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item — Temporarily Out of Stock Online. Buy Online, Pick up in Store is currently unavailable, but this item may be available for in-store purchase. Publish your book with B&: The name Domesday Book - Doomsday in earlier spellings - was first recorded almost a century after An addition to the Domesday manuscript probably made between and calls it the Book of n that date andit.
Buy a cheap copy of The Doomsday Marshal book by Ray Hogan. Free shipping over $ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Western: The Doomsday Marshal and the Mountain Man by Ray Hogan (, Hardcover, Large Type) at the best online prices at eBay. Free shipping for many products.
Directed by Neil Marshall. With Rhona Mitra, Bob Hoskins, Alexander Siddig, Caryn Peterson. A futuristic action thriller where a team of people work to prevent a disaster threatening the future of the human race.6/10(K). The National Archives is the home of Domesday Book, the oldest surviving public record.
Find out how to search for your town or village, and how to access images of Domesday along with an English translation, using our research guide. Learn more about out why and how Domesday was created, and how to interpret it, in ‘Discover Domesday’; discover what life was like in 11th.
The majority of landholders in England at the time of the Domesday Book had accompanied William the Conqueror from France inand were granted areas of land previously held by English natives. The alphabetised list on the following pages contains brief notes on almost of the most well-known landholders at the time.Domesday Book.
Domesday Book - The Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting periods in English History. One of the most important historical events of the Medieval era is the Domesday Book. The novel was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and critics have called it “heartbreaking,” “haunting,” and “emotionally shattering.” The Atlantis Plague.
by A.G. Riddle – An indie (read: self-published) list entry, The Atlantis Plague is actually book two of a series, but its popularity and reviews are strong. |
The cow is, at the least, an animal domesticated by man for help in agricultural activities. Although the mighty machines now used in farming have made these animals irrelevant in agriculture, valiant attempts are being made, at least in India, to preserve the exalted position of the so called ‘second mother’ or even ‘mother of the world’ [3,4].
The stringent agitations to protect the ‘cow-mother’ [4,5] and even riots and murders of dalits for the sake of the cow,[6,7] suggest that the human life is far less important than a dead cow in this part of the world. This extraordinary reverence for the cow has led to the development and marketing of many ‘products’ made from the secretions and excretions of the cow, with claims that these products may be more ‘lucrative’ than even the dairy.
Panchagavya is a blend of five (pancha) products obtained from the cow (gavya = from gau) – the dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd.[9,10] Three preparations of cow’s urine, namely gau-mutra asav (fermented preparation), gau-arka (or distillate) and Ganavati (or tablet) are also used as medicines.[8,11] Two US patents have also been obtained for the gau -arka and this fact has been highlighted over and over again.
Various products from the cow have been suggested as a successful remedy against more than hundred diseases, from fever to cancer.[8,11,12] Panchagavya is most reverentially used as a ‘body and soul cleanser’, following the birth or death of a family member. It has also been suggested as a medicine and more profusely as a pesticidal spray for plants and as a soil enriching manure.
Very recently, panchagavya has been suggested as a remedy for chikungunya as well. Cow’s urine has been used in the preparations of hair oil, shampoo, skin cream etc. Preparations like soap, nasal powder, body powder, body cream, incense sticks, tooth powder etc. have been prepared from the cow dung and recommended for medical use. Probably to add sanctity to the entire gamut of these ‘medications’, it has been claimed that Indian pure breed cows have ‘immunology power’ from 90% to 98% while the cows of mixed breed have less than 40%.
Curious to know about Panchagavya, I asked an Ayurveda physician about its utility. She briefed me about all the virtues of the gau mutra (cow’s urine), gau maya (cow dung) and Panchagavya, quoting the Charaka Samhita. But how can we, living in the 21st century, rely on an ancient text to justify the use of these excreta, I wondered. All these have been well studied by Charaka, she told me. May be, but the concept of biochemical molecules (and the modern biochemical analysers) and of microbes (and the means of isolating them) were non-existent during Charaka’s time, I countered. But the cow’s urine hasn’t changed since Charaka’s time, she averred. I was dumbstruck!
Most articles on the virtues of cow’s excreta extensively quote from scriptures and the Charaka Samhita. Here are some of these arguments:
- The cow is our mother and we are her children. Therefore cow urine is beneficial.[8,11]
- Diseases are caused by imbalance of elements bile, mucous and air and cow urine balances elements.
- Amongst urines, cow urine is best.
- Ganga resides in the cow urine and it contains copper and gold salts, which are elixirs. It does not decay, older the cow urine, the more useful it is.
Recently a lot has been written about the patents for cow urine; one obtained on the basis of laboratory studies (on culture plates and cell lines) on the usefulness of cow urine distillate in enhancing the efficacy of antibiotics and anti cancer drugs, [14,15] and the other patent obtained for cow urine therapy. There are reports of the use of cow’s urine therapy from Myanmar and of a cow’s urine concoction used as a traditional remedy for convulsive seizures in Nigeria. There have also been reports of studies on the cow’s urine distillate in gouty arthritis, lymphocyte and polymorphonuclear cells and carbon tetrachloride poisoning, all done on experimental animals in small numbers.[19-22] These results have been extrapolated freely and wild conclusions have been drawn about the ‘magical powers’ of the cow’s urine in treating almost all the diseases afflicting mankind today.[14,17] Even the Department of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, has published reports that seek to promote the marketing of cow’s urine as a therapeutic agent.
Faced with this blitzkrieg of marketing of cow’s urine and the real danger that cow’s urine and other products of cow’s excreta may be pushed into the throats of hapless patients, with active support from the govt., agencies., it is time we look into the facts.
One need not go far to see the hypocrisy of the ‘cow urine promoters’ than have a look at the ayurveda texts themselves, extensively quoted as the primary source of support for the utility of cow’s urine as a therapeutic agent. All three major ancient texts of ayurveda, by Charaka (1st-2nd century), Susruta (3rd –4th century) and Vagbhata (7th century) mention of the therapeutic uses of beef[24,25] as well, but this fact is no where mentioned by the proponents of cow’s urine. Eating beef is a sin and drinking cow’s urine or eating its dung brings health, if these self-styled guardians of ancient Indian tradition are to be believed.
What about the much touted patents for cow’s urine? A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to an inventor to prevent or exclude others from making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the invention. Nothing more, nothing less. A patent in itself cannot be the proof for the utility of any product. It is hardly surprising that while International patents have been registered for cow’s urine and its products, no such patent has been obtained from the Govt. of India. An Indian patent may not make enough and weighty news, but an international patent, on the other, helps to claim that even ‘foreigners’ have accepted the virtues of cow’s urine!
All the studies available in the literature about the therapeutic efficacy of cow’s excreta are small studiesconducted in the labs and on animals or tissues. There are no reports of any controlled, double blind clinical studies in humans, other than some anecdotal reports and claims by the practitioners of ‘cow therapy’ and all these so called claims of research appear dubious by any scientific standards. Most of these papers contradict their own claims: the claims made about the gold and copper salts in urine, for example, are not supported by the data provided by the protagonists themselves.[8,28]
Urine is urine, the liquid waste that is filtered by the kidneys and excreted through the urinary system. It contains many solutes and biological products that are unnecessary for the living body and hence excreted and also some substances secreted by the urinary tract to facilitate this excretion. Chemical constituents of human and animal urine are almost alike.[28,29] For example, Urokinase is an enzyme secreted into the urine to prevent its clogging; today, it is extracted from human urine and used to dissolve clots in the coronary arteries in patients who suffer a heart attack. Does this justify drinking one’s own urine in case of a heart attack? Far from it.
Is cow’s urine safe for mankind? There are reports of severe adverse effects, even fatal, of drinking cow urine concoctions, further supported by experimental evidence. Cow’s urine can also be a source of infectious diseases, especially leptospirosis, that can spread through oral mucosa. The claim that cow’s urine and cow dung have antiseptic properties is not only baseless, but also dangerously misleading. While cow dung (and all fecal matter) is teeming with bacteria excreted from the intestines, several bacteria have been isolated from Panchagavya too.[33,34] Application of these bacteria-rich excreta onto wounds may lead to life threatening sepsis. Only those who are absolutely ignorant about such facts can daringly market cow’s excreta as antiseptics, but the tragedy is that some practitioners of modern medicine, blinded by their faiths in their ‘spiritual heads’ or ‘Mathadhipathis’ also appear to support such nonsense.
It is clear that cow’s urine and other excreta are only the waste products rejected by the animal’s body and are similar to the excreta of other animals and therefore, there is absolutely no reason why the cow’s urine or other excreta should be venerable over those of humans beings or other animals.
The claims of the efficacy of cow’s excreta (and their products) in the treatment of almost every disease are not supported by any evidence and there are no clinical trials reported on the use of these products in human beings. With reports available about the possible adverse effects of the use of cow’s excreta, it is shocking that such products are being allowed to be not only marketed but also trumpeted, even supported by the agencies of the govt. of India, as the ‘cure-for-all’ wonder drugs.
Propaganda regarding the utility of cow’s excreta largely emanates from the obscurantist and Hindu fundamentalist forces and appears to be designed to condemn the ordinary human beings into ingesting cow’s excreta under the alibi of ‘treatment’ and ‘long life’. This is not surprising at all, given the several instances of the down trodden dalits forced into eating even human excreta by the same fundamentalists.
Eulogising the cow (and not buffalo and other cattle that are equally ‘useful’) as ‘second mother’, ‘God mother’, ‘mother of the world’ etc., largely because it provides milk, (and hopefully not because of its excreta) raises a fundamental question about the concept of motherhood itself: Do we love and respect our own mothers solely because we have been breastfed and is motherhood only about milk?
This entire exercise of marketing the cow’s products and promising huge economic benefits (a claim not supported by any data) of keeping the cows even after they have passed the age of secreting milk is part of the grand design to prevent the slaughtering of the cows so as to deprive the poor sections of the society from quality meat as well as some economic benefits of marketing the beef. But sustaining the livestock is proving to be very costly for the environment, with a large share of global warming attributed to the livestock.[36,37] It is time we take a rational view of all the issues involved.
- Cattle. The Wikipedia Available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle
- Discover how cows have altered human life, human biology, and the geography of the world Availalbe at http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/holycow/
- Subhuman Das. Indian Cows: Blessed Bovines! http://hinduism.about.com/library/weekly/aa101800a.htm
- Cow Protection Available at http://www.vhp.org/protectthecow.php
- Taneja N. Mangalore ‘Riots’. People’s Democracy. October 22, 2006; 30(43) Available at http://pd.cpim.org/2006/1022/10222006_nalini.htm
- Rajalakshmi TK. Slaughter of the Dalits. Frontline November 09 – 22, 2002;19(23) Available at http://www.hinduonnet.com/fline/fl1923/stories/20021122003703800.htm
Cow Urine: Principles & Applications Available at http://www.hkrl.com/cowurine.html
- Panchagavya. Available at http://www.thereligiousproducts.com/panchagavya.html
- Natarajan K. Panchagavya: How to Make. Available at http://www.agricultureinformation.com/forums/organic-farming/15995-panchagavya-how-make.html
- Seminar on mother cow and Panchagavya. Available at http://www.goshala.com/articles/panchagavya.php
- Dhama K, Chauhan RS, Singhal L. Anti-cancer activity of cow urine: Current status and future directions. International Journal of Cow Science 2005;1(2) Available at http://indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijcs&volume=1&issue=2&article=001
- Khanuja SPS et al. Use Of Bioactive Fraction From Cow Urine Distillate (‘Go Mutra’) As A Bio-Enhancer Of Anti-Infective, Anti-Cancer Agents And Nutrients Available at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1330253.html
- Jain VK. Cow Urine Therapy And Herbal Medicinal Composition With Cow Urine And Method Of Manufacturing The Same World Intellectual Property Organisation, International Patent No WO/2002/096440 Available at http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?IA=IN2001000136&WO=2002096440&DISPLAY=DESC
- Awale et al. An amazing cow’s urine therapy in Myanmar. J Trad Med. 2006;23:178-83 Available at http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jtm/23/5/178/_pdf
- Elegbe RA, Oyebola DD. Cow’s urine poisoning in Nigeria: cardiorespiratory effects of cow’s urine in dogs. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1977;71(2):127-32.
- Influence of “Divine Cow Powder” on Peripheral Tissues of Acute Gouty Arthritis Acta Universitatis Traditionis Medicalis Sinensis Pharmacologiaeque Shanghai 2007 http://www.shvoong.com/medicine-and-health/1597348-influence-divine-cow-powder-peripheral/
- Dipanwita Dutta, S Saravana Devi, K Krishnamurthi, T Chakrabarti Anticlastogenic effect of redistilled cow’s urine distillate in human peripheral lymphocytes challenged with manganese dioxide and hexavalent chromium. Biomed Environ Sci. 2006 Dec ;19 (6):487-94 http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:17319276
- K Krishnamurthi, Dipanwita Dutta, S D Sivanesan, T Chakrabarti. Protective effect of distillate and redistillate of cow’s urine in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes challenged with established genotoxic chemicals Available at http://lib.bioinfo.pl/pmid:15602821
- Achliya GS, Kotagale NR, Wadodkar SG, Dorle AK. Hepatoprotective activity of panchagavya ghrita against carbontetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats Indian journal of pharmacology 2003;35(5):308-311 Available at http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=15240774
- Sunil Mansinghka Bi Products Of Cattle – Organic Manure And Cow Urine – Medicines – Draught – Gas – Electricity. Available at http://dahd.nic.in/ch5/chap5.htm
- Jha DN. Paradox of the Indian Cow: Attitudes to Beef Eating in Early India. Available at http://www.indowindow.net/sad/article.php?child=17&article=11
- Cathy Wong Ayurvedic Foods for Your Type: How to Eat for Your Dosha. Available at http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/2/a/ayurveda.htm
- Patent. Available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patent
- Research paper and observation. Dr. Jain’s Cow urine Therapy. Available at http://www.cowurine.com/research-paper.html
- The Main Elements of Cow Urine and Their Functions. Dr. Jain’s Cow urine Therapy. Available at http://www.cowurine.com/main-element-of-cow.html
- Putnam DF. Composition And Concentrative Properties Of Human Urine. Available at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19710023044_1971023044.pdf
- Urokinase. Available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urokinase
- Oyebola DD, Elegbe RA. Cow’s urine poisoning in Nigeria. Experimental observations in mice. Available at Trop Geogr Med. 1975 Jun;27(2):194-202.
- Sharma S, Vijayachari P, Sugunan AP, Sehgal SC. Leptospiral carrier state and seroprevalence among animal population – a cross-sectional sample survey in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Epidemiology and Infection 2003;131:985-989
- Akinde SB, Obire O. Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and petroleum-utilizing bacteria from cow dung and poultry manure World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2008;24(9):1999-2002
- Bhat SS, Vinu AK, Naidu R. Association of Diverse Groups of Bacteria with ‘Panchagavya’ and their Effect on Growth Promotion of Coffee Seedlings. The Association for Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC): Proceedings of ASIC Conferences – 20th Colloquium : Agronomy Available at http://www.asic-cafe.org/pdf/abstract/PA224_2004.pdf
- Siriyavan Anand. India Shining with Hindu Diet: Cow urine and dung for caste hindus, Human shit and piss for dalits Available at http://www.chowk.com/ilogs/65586/48030
- Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars, UN report warns http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=20772&Cr=global&Cr1=warming
- Livestock’s Long Shadow–Environmental Issues and Options http://www.virtualcentre.org/en/library/key_pub/longshad/A0701E00.pdf |
The 2012 session of the Iowa General Assembly will commence Jan. 9. This will be my 10th year as your voice, advocate and senator.
The2011 session was the most partisan, divisive and raucous I've experienced. It's difficult to negotiate with some of my legislative colleagues who believe that compromise is the equivalent of selling out. It's equally difficult to work with a governor who tried to destroy something vital to our children - early childhood education - and shut down Workforce Development offices when 100,000 of our fellow Iowans are unemployed. I was one of five legislators who sued the governor to enjoin him from closing these offices after the Legislature specifically appropriated $3 million to keep them open. The governor line-item vetoed the legislation (SF517), but kept the money earmarked for the offices and used it for kiosks instead. The governor has the right to line-item legislation, but I felt it was unconstitutional for him to disregard legislative intent by keeping the money while closing the offices. The Iowa District Court agreed with me and declared the governor had acted unconstitutionally. That decision was a victory for Iowans.
The Branstad administration also disregarded a legislation directive and appropriation to hire 40 new correctional officers to alleviate the problem of fewer officers at the same time as the record-high inmate population. One of our first actions will be to make a supplemental appropriation to hire correctional officers. These men and women deserve and need our support because they risk their lives and safety every day. They protect us. We must protect them.
In spite of these and other differences, the 2011session was relatively successful. We balanced a $6 billion budget without increasing taxes. The state's revenue is increasing and there is over a billion dollars in the bank. We preserved preschools in spite of the governor's attempts to first "voucherize" them and then starve them. We created a new public-private partnership for economic development. We exempted active duty Iowa National Guard pay from Iowa income tax. We improved transparency and accountability in state government. We banned designer drugs.
We missed several opportunities, which I hope we'll correct during the 2012 session. The Senate proposed a health insurance tax credit to help 60,000 small Iowa businesses. The House didn't take it up. The Senate passed consumer rebates for small solar and wind projects. The House didn't take it up.
The House and Senate passed a bipartisan tax cut for 240,000 Iowa families earning less than $45,000 a year, but the governor vetoed this tax cut because it wasn't packaged with his proposed tax cut for large out-of-state corporations.
The House and Senate in bipartisan cooperation appropriated $10 million for the Community Attraction and Tourism program that supports public-private partnerships for economic development, one of the few tools small communities have. The governor vetoed it.
There were partisan differences between the Republican-controlled House and Democratic-controlled Senate. That's not necessarily bad and in fact may even be healthy. There were legitimate differences between legislative branch and executive branch. These differences are components democracy because voters elected all 150 legislators and the governor. Democracy doesn't mean a lack of differences. But those differences must be dealt with in a civil manner. That civility was often lacking during the 2011 session and sometimes became personal. We must behave with civility. We must not demagogue issues. We must work together because regardless whether a Republican or Democrat, we work for the same bosses - the people of Iowa. I pledge to continue to work in a bipartisan, cooperative, collaborative manner, with civility, behaving as a gentleman and gentle man.
The stakes are too high to do otherwise.
I believe all four caucuses and the governor will work together on several important matters in 2012.
Commercial property tax relief. The House and Senate passed very different legislation in2011. We legislators and the governor all concur that we must fix commercial property tax. I believe the Senate version is preferable to the House version. The Senate bill cuts commercial property tax by $200 million, funds it, and does not transfer it to residential property taxpayers, nor does it harm local governments. I believe we will create a conference committee composed of an equal number of representatives and senators early in the session to work out differences.
Education reform. I commend Gov. Terry Branstad for orchestrating the Education Summit in June. I was one of hundreds of interested people to participate. Speaker after speaker praised early childhood education and I believe the governor now understands the importance of preschool. I don't think we'll have to fight that battle again. I hosted five education town hall meetings and served on a panel with Department of Education Director Jason Glass for community college presidents and trustees.
Frankly, town hall participants identified more concerns and questions than answers. Perhaps the biggest question is this: How will the governor pay for his proposals? Some of the more onerous details, such as a 5 percent cap on master teachers and taking them out of the classroom half-time been postponed by the governor. References to Community colleges, Area Education Agencies, preschools and special education are remarkably void. It's a work in progress. I believe most legislators concur with the governor that we must have high expectations and fair measurements for students and teachers, and more rigor, relevance and accountability in the classroom, while embracing innovation and raising academic standards.
More "desk time," extending hours and/or days in the classroom will be thoroughly debated. Retaining third-graders who are not up to reading standards, as Gov. Branstad proposes, will be met with a lot of legislative opposition, including from me. Retaining a student may be appropriate in some cases, but I will resist a "one-size-fits-all" remedy from the "Big School Board under the Golden Dome." These decisions must be made locally by teachers, parents, guidance counselors and administrators, not by state government. We know nothing about the child's health, family dynamics or social-economic status. Perhaps the student who is lacking reading skills is a stellar math student. And we certainly don't want 12-year-old third-graders.
I support the governor's goals, but I'm cautious because during the 2011 session he proposed the worst state budget ever for local schools and nearly destroyed preschools. He doesn't say how he will fund his reforms. Many legislators will not support transferring funds from existing initiatives such as professional growth opportunities for teachers. The governor will combine his "state of the state" address and his budget message during the first week of the session, so he will presumably tell legislators how he proposes paying for his plans.
Mental health redesign. Consumer needs for mental health services has outgrown counties ability to pay. CPCs (Central Points of Coordination) that serve people with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, brain injuries and developmental disabilities will end in 2013, so the Legislature must create a system to replace them. Six to 15 regional entities have been proposed. I believe the state should pick up more of the cost of services, but counties should have some "skin in the game" too. The existing education foundation formula could serve as a model, equalizing appropriate services regardless if the individual resides in a property tax-rich county or property tax-poor district. It also affords fairness to property taxpayers. I have met with dozens of providers, consumers, county supervisors, CPCs and family members. I believe the best system will include more state assistance, but decision-making and delivery of services at the local level where providers, et al, know the consumers and their needs. There are strongly held views on just how to provide and pay for these services.
Road Use Fund. It's been nearly three decades since Road Use Fund (gas tax) was increased. As a percent of the cost of a gallon of gas, it's about one-third, the same as when gas was a dollar per gallon. If we don't act, there will be no money for new highway construction by 2015. My constituents know the importance of increasing the gas tax (which I view as a users' fee, not a tax) because we all want to complete a four-lane Highway 20 from Dubuque to Sioux City. And why not let out-of-state drivers help pay for the highways they use? There is also the issue of safety.
Past efforts to increase this users' fee were foiled by then-Gov. Chet Culver, a Democrat. Now it seems that Republican Terry Branstad is a reluctant prophet, and has suggested postponing any increase for at least a year. I believe such an increase would pass in the Senate, and with the expert guidance and support of my friend and colleague, Rep. David Tjepkes, R-Gowrie, chair of the House Transportation Committee, we may be able to place it on the governor's desk. The governor has hinted that although he won't lobby for the increase, he might sign it into law. The conventional wisdom is that the gas tax would go up a nickel in 2013 and another nickel increase in 2014.
Veterans assistance. As chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, I am proud of the 40-some laws we've passed to serve Iowa's veterans and their families. I am told that we've passed more comprehensive veterans legislation (with unanimous or near-unanimous bipartisan support) in the last five years than six World War II. But we must do more. It breaks my heart when troops who survived the war come home and commit suicide because of PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - and high unemployment numbers, exacerbated for those with service-connected injuries and disabilities.
I am authorizing legislation that will provide better counseling for returning veterans, including job-interviewing skills, and incentives for civilian employers who hire them. I will work with the governor, adjutant general, the director of the Department of Veterans Affairs and veterans service organizations to frame and pass this important legislation.
Even though state revenues are coming in faster than in the past and we have a surplus of $1 billion, we must refrain from overspending. We will again balance the budget with a tax increase (except for the Road Use Fund users' fee already noted).
Obviously there will be dozens of other bills that will be considered. In a representative democracy like ours, it is essential that constituents communicate with their elected leaders. I sincerely and seriously invite you to share with me your views on matters of interest and issues of importance. I can't tell you how many times a simple e-mail or phone call ("Daryl, this is how this bill affects my ---") has alerted me to another point of view and has often changed the way I would have otherwise voted. I know I speak for my legislative colleagues too, encouraging you to let us know what you think.
Thank you for keeping in touch.
Sen. Daryl Beall, D-Fort Dodge, represents Calhoun, Greene and Webster counties. After the 2012 elections, he will lose Greene County, but will pick up Humboldt and Pocahontas counties. He chairs the Veterans Affairs Committee, is vice chair of the Local Government Committee, and serves on the Commerce, Education and Transportation committees. He is the chair of the joint House-Senate International Relations Committee, and is vice chair of the joint Transportation and Infrastructure Appropriations Subcommittee.
You can contact Beall at [email protected], or at his home phone, 573-7889. Letters can be sent to his home address, 1928 N. 22nd St., Fort Dodge, IA 50501, or during the legislative session to Sen. Daryl Beall, Capitol, Des Moines, IA 50319. |
Latest F1 news in brief - Wednesday
Schumacher manager slams latest retirement reports
- Barrichello denies criticizing Williams team
- Brawn hails F1 hiatus as 'best ever idea'
- Gilles Simon appointment 'not very correct' - Ecclestone
- Ecclestone not ruling out split TV rights in other markets
- Ecclestone confirms November switch for Austin
- Delhi circuit 'not 100pc ready' for F1 - Mallya
Schumacher manager slams latest retirement reports
(GMM) Michael Schumacher's manager has slammed reports the seven time world champion is considering returning to retirement at the end of the season.
Italy's Corriere dello Sport this week quoted the Mercedes driver as admitting that despite his 2012 contract, "I do not know if my mindset is right for this team".
But Bild newspaper quotes the seven time world champion's manager Sabine Kehm as dismissing the quotes as "All nonsense".
"Since he returned to F1, Michael has not spoken to anyone from Corriere dello Sport," she insisted.
Kehm clarified that her 42-year-old boss is not about to quit.
"He is full of passion for the project and regards it as an exciting challenge to build something big together with Mercedes.
"That it is sometimes tough only encourages him more," she said. "Someone who will soon celebrate their 20th anniversary in formula one knows that perseverance is what makes the difference."
Barrichello denies criticizing Williams team
(GMM) Dismissing reports he is frustrated and highly critical of Williams, Rubens Barrichello has likened his current situation to waiting for a marriage proposal.
Despite the sport now being in its August break, the Brazilian veteran has found himself the subject of intense speculation following some comments reported in the German and Italian media.
Specifically, amid rumors Adrian Sutil or Nico Hulkenberg might replace him, Corriere dello Sport quoted the 39-year-old as insisting: "I don't know if I will continue next year in these conditions."
Barrichello told Brazil's Globo Esporte during a karting day in Sao Paulo that the reports are not right.
"I have never spoken ill of the team," he said. "This has stemmed from the opinion of a German journalist who was mistranslated by the Italian press and then it's credited to me.
"My interest is just the opposite -- to continue the work we have been doing," added Barrichello.
He admitted however that he is still yet to ink a new contract for 2012 with the Oxfordshire based team.
Barrichello joked that the situation is like waiting for a marriage proposal.
"If Frank Williams wants to call my father to ask for my hand, he will give him the time, you can be sure," laughed the veteran of 318 grands prix who told his Twitter followers this week that he is ready to sign a new two-year deal.
"I believe that my presence on the team in 2012 will be beneficial to everyone," Barrichello continued. "The team is in a phase of restructuring and my experience can help in this process a lot."
Brawn hails F1 hiatus as 'best ever idea'
(GMM) Ross Brawn has hailed F1's August hiatus.
In the month-long gap between Hungary and Spa, team factories must close for a mandatory two-week period, with even email systems needing to be shut down.
"It was one of the best ideas we (the teams) have ever had," Mercedes' team boss Brawn is quoted by Der Spiegel, "because everyone has worked flat-out with constant stress and almost constantly travelling since the beginning of the year."
Explained Toro Rosso chief Franz Tost: "Only maintenance is allowed, for example in the wind tunnels, but it has to be done by external companies."
Because the shutdown is not an FIA regulation, however, it is not strictly policed, with the teams instead simply promising to abide the gentleman's agreement.
Der Spiegel speculated that the agreed penalty for breaches is a EUR 2 million donation to the FIA.
Gilles Simon appointment 'not very correct' - Ecclestone
(GMM) Bernie Ecclestone has admitted F1 engine makers are right to be concerned about Gilles Simon's appointment by the new 2014 supplier Pure.
Pure, headed by former BAR founder Craig Pollock, announced last month that it has signed Frenchman Simon as technical director.
Former Ferrari engine boss Simon's most recent post has been at the FIA, where he has overseen the early stages of the engine suppliers' new rules for the post-V8 period.
Renault Sport F1's Rob White admitted the appointment is a "concern to all of us (suppliers) that in this close relationship with Gilles ... we've given unprecedented access to him".
Asked about the controversy, F1 chief executive Ecclestone started by insisting that Simon can move "if the contract (with the FIA) says he can".
"Of course, it's not very good that he can leave the FIA and go back to working as an engineer when he has in his hands all the information about all the teams.
"No, it's not very correct," the Briton is quoted as saying by La Gazzetta dello Sport.
Ecclestone not ruling out split TV rights in other markets
(GMM) Bernie Ecclestone has refused to rule out emulating Britain's controversial new split television rights deal in other key F1 markets.
He was asked about the deal - where half of the grands prix from next year will only be shown live in Britain on pay channel Sky - by Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport.
The interviewer wanted to know if the deal could also be rolled out in Italy, despite free-to-air coverage reportedly being guaranteed in key markets by the Concorde Agreement.
"It's true, the races in certain countries should be shown free, but it will be in Britain thanks to the agreement we have reached with the BBC to have the races (shown) at six (o'clock) in the evening."
As for whether it could happen in Italy as well, Ecclestone admitted: "We'll see, but what has happened in Britain is an unique case."
Ecclestone confirms November switch for Austin
(GMM) Bernie Ecclestone has admitted that next year's inaugural US grand prix will not be held in June as originally scheduled.
Ostensibly, the move to November is to avoid the hot Texas summer, but cynics have also suggested it will give race organizers more time to build the bespoke circuit in Austin.
But an unintended side-effect of the move is a clause in Texas legislation that means state funding for the event can only be released one year in advance of the event.
That could mean real construction cannot begin until much later this year.
"While we have heard rumors on the date change ... we really aren't going to speculate on the course of action for each possible situation," a spokesman for the comptroller said last week.
According to F1 chief executive Ecclestone, however, the new calendar doing the rounds in the Hungary paddock recently was real.
"Before that there was a draft," he told La Gazzetta dello Sport. "They (the FIA) were the ones who published it as if it was the final one.
"We have for example moved Austin to November because it's 40 degrees in the summer (there). We don't want to have the experience of Dallas again."
The Briton was referring to the 1984 event when drivers tackled searing heat and a crumbling track surface.
Delhi circuit 'not 100pc ready' for F1 - Mallya
(GMM) Vijay Mallya has admitted the new Buddh circuit in New Delhi might not be completed by the time of October's inaugural Indian grand prix.
But the billionaire, India's FIA representative and also owner and boss of the Force India team, insists the event will go ahead anyway.
It has emerged that the homologation inspection of the venue, originally scheduled for the first week of August, will now take place on September 1.
Indian official Vicky Chandhok insisted the delayed date is for "purely administrative reasons" because Whiting said it made "logical sense" to pair his visit with inspection of the venue in Korea.
Even so, the delay will apparently give the Indian organizers more time to work on the aspects of the circuit that are not complete.
"There is the possibility that the facilities will not be 100 per cent (finished), like the grandstand for the spectators," Mallya is quoted in a Portuguese language report citing ESPN.com.br and Agencia Gazeta Press.
"But the technical areas - the pits, the paddock and of course the track - are practically ready.
"The promoters of the event, who are also the owners of the circuit, are very confident that everything will be ready in time. Charlie, of course, will have the final word," added Mallya.
Referring again to the grandstand, he continued: "They designed a big stand with a suspended ceiling and all this is taking time to erect.
"Some facilities for the spectators may not be complete, but there is no reason the race will not happen." |
Miami University Dining has benefited from a long term vision, a tenured management team and an operational model focused on efficiency, culinary excellence and customer choice.
Tucked away in Oxford, a rural town in southwestern Ohio, is one of the oldest universities in the country and one of its most accomplished public institutions. Miami University, lauded as one of the original “Public Ivies,” is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year, and quite a lot of looking back — and peering forward — has been going on there.
Miami University, Oxford, OH: www.hdg.muohio.edu/EatingAtMiami/
That is true for its dining services as well as its academic departments. With traditions that go back to the days of in-room, coal-fired stoves and meat costing students a penny a pound, Miami Dining over the years was a pioneer in central production, progressive meal plans and computerized food production management.
Today, it operates a state-of-the-art culinary production center that is the envy of many other schools. Campus dining offers a wide range of brand, service and menu choices in refined retail restaurants. Its meal plan gives students a choice of traditional, all-you-care-to-eat dining or a declining balance program with refundable credit at year's end. And both are managed via a universal debit card that can pay for food at every venue on campus, including vending machines, sports concessions and the student center.
With all that choice, it's no wonder two-thirds of Miami's off campus students choose to buy meal plans, or that it boasts 75 percent student participation in them overall.
The school's ability to offer this high level of retail-style sophistication while maintaining pronounced central production efficiency makes its operation one many schools can learn from. But when you get right down to it, the key to the program's success seems to be grounded in the continuity provided by strong leadership, management bench strength and a long-term vision shared by the individuals who have directed development of the program over the last two decades.
Much of the credit for that has to go to Pete Miller, Miami's associate vice president for auxiliaries. Miller came to the school as dining director in 1984 after a ten year stint as assistant director at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Foodservice on the campus was fragmented then. The meal plan was still based on assigned dining halls with buffet-style service. Most students abandoned it as soon as they could move off campus.
There were limited retail options in the Shriver student center, but they were managed and operated separately from residential dining. The on-campus Marcum conference center was also a completely separate entity.
Because Miami's strong academic programs had always given it one of the highest tuition rates among Ohio's state universities, its operating philosophy had focused on keeping meal and board rates low as an offset. At the same time, “the administration realized we needed to re-invest in the foodservices and residence halls, not only to bring them up to contemporary standards, but also to increase our efficiencies,” Miller says.
“The existing program was a good one, but there was a lot of room for improvement given the trends we saw in the future,” Miller recalls today. “Much of the equipment was antiquated and the ratio of student labor was fairly low. We knew we needed to give the students more dining choices.
“They were questioning why they had to eat only at certain times; why they needed permission to bring a guest to dinner; why they had to provide notice if they wanted a takeout meal; why the only retail food was at the Shriver Center, and why meal plans couldn't be used there.”
One main result at the time was a decision to consolidate responsibilities for operating the Shriver student center, the Marcum conference center and dining services under a single department of housing, dining and guest services. The department entered a period in which it spent several years closely evaluating its many dining facilities, programs and strategic needs and seeking to coordinate them.
It was a time of great change, and also a period when several young managers were hired who today make up the backbone of the department's senior management team. Miller was one of these.
So was Bill Moloney. A Miami grad with a degree in accounting, he had worked his way through high school and college as a restaurant manager on the side. After graduation, he'd gone on to work for a franchise company and then came back to Miami as a unit manager. Today he is the senior director for dining and auxiliaries, reporting to Miller.
Another was Marijo Nootz, a dietitian who had performed her internship at the University of Nebraska and had become assistant director of its student union. Looking to move closer to her family in Ohio, she applied for and landed a manager's job at Miami's Shriver Center and today serves as its senior director. Mike Mitroi, associate director for dining and culinary support services, also joined the organization in that era.
Nancy Heidtman, now Miami's director of dining and culinary support services, came to the organization just a few years later. Heidtman had been a regional manager with a full service restaurant chain with centralized commissary operations. That experience was to prove instrumental in the next phase of Miami's dining program.
VISIT MARKET STREET AT McCRACKEN. If you'd like to have a tour of Miami's largest c-store from general manager Diana Byrd, including an overview of its merchandise mix, go to http://food-management.com/video/0609-miami-university-mccracken
VISIT MARKET STREET AT McCRACKEN. If you'd like to have a tour of Miami's largest c-store from general manager Diana Byrd, including an overview of its merchandise mix, go to food-management.com/video/0609-miami-university-mccracken
By the early 1990s, Miller and his team had improved the quality of campus food and its production systems with better standards and “our emphasis began to change,” he recalls.
“Until then, most of our staff had been home-grown and had learned their skills on the job here. We needed people with outside experience to help us develop better restaurant offerings and do so more cost effectively.
“We began hiring chefs from restaurants, managers from commercial chains. We moved away from a model in which facilities basically replicated each other on different parts of the campus and began to replace them with branded and signature concepts.”
Operations at the Shriver Center, which had faced many of the financial challenges common to student unions, had been turned around with limited meal plan equivalency options and tighter management. Purchasing economies had also been gained by consolidating its food purchases with those of residential dining.
Although some a la carte options were now available, Miami's main dining plan was still based on non-refundable “meals-per-week” plans and students were demanding much more flexibility than they could provide.
“Most students wanted a debit-based system that would work at all locations,” Miller says. “At the same time, some didn't want to be forced to that model. We had to find a way to offer both point accounts and meals-per-week plans. There were also concerns that unspent money in a point system would not be returned.”
Dining habits were also changing, with students eating more frequently, at more locations, over the course of a day.
“They'd become much more aware of what they were paying for food and labor at each meal occasion,” Miller adds. “Snacking between meals — the way we all do when we live at home — was seen as more expensive than it should be.
“Lighter eaters complained that they were covering the food and labor costs of heavier eaters. It also could work the other way, with heavier eaters paying more than their share of overhead costs.
“Our traditional way of covering overhead just wasn't working, and small changes weren't going to address it,” he says.
The department devised a dramatically different plan to address these issues in 1993. With it, a meal plan holder paid a flat rate per semester to cover a share of overhead. Remaining dollars, and any additional money put into the plan, could be spent at any dining operation on campus. Plan holders received a 30-60 percent discount on posted prices while those without plans paid full price. A separate “MUlaaa Dollars” account could be added to the ID card for purchases of supplies, laundry and other service options.
“We also took the position that unused points be returned at the end of each year,” Miller says. “We felt if we couldn't provide the quality, value and variety we promised, and students didn't use all their points, they'd get them back.”
That keeps the department focused on giving students what they really want, Miller adds. And even though it means a return of several hundred thousand dollars to students each year, it makes the meal plan much easier to market.
The system was very transparent. Although it required a more complex accounting system behind the scenes, the software investment to do so paid off.
In 1993, almost no meal plans were sold to off-campus students. Today, almost two-thirds of Miami's 8,000 off-campus students buy them, giving the department a much more substantial and predictable financial operating base.
The new plan enabled many operational changes. “It was an exciting time of constant change,” Moloney recalls.
“We replaced sack lunches with to-go windows and ended up opening five of them. We opened our first branded grill and pizza stations and began to convert buffet dining facilities — there were 13 at the time, each one with its own kitchen — to a la carte. The new plan let us offer extended hours at the Shriver Center and we began to develop our own branded concepts.”
Heidtman was involved in helping develop many of these and points to the learning curve they entailed for staff.
200 Years of Dining Tradition
Established in 1809, Miami is the seventholdest university in the country and has dining traditions just as storied as its academic history. Students originally cooked in their rooms. Records show that in 1832, $50 would have paid for a year’s tuition, room and books with prepared meals available locally for one dollar a week. The first dining room was opened in 1849 in Stoddard Hall.
Stoves in the kitchen were coal-fired and refrigeration was supplied by daily deliveries of ice. Many students worked as waiters in the full service dining rooms to subsidize tuition. By 1922, 36-week board fees were $162 for women and $180 for men.
Miami enjoyed steady growth after WWI and new residence and dining halls were built to handle it. Foodservice made a great leap in 1932 when MU constructed the dedicated “Central Food Store” on Elm Street. It provided refrigerated and dry storage and facilities to make ice and ice cream, pasteurize milk and house a central bakery.
The operation was groundbreaking at the time and helped MU keep board costs low. It also established a tradition of central production that presaged the Culinary Support Center operated today.
During WWII,the school’s facilities were used to train over 10,000 cooks and bakers for the Navy. In the 1950s, the school eliminated maid and wait service and introduced buffet-style self-service dining, which remained the primary service model until the late 1980s.
Today, Miami’s dining program includes five buffet-style dining halls and 16 a la carte operations that offer a full range of retail dining service options. It operates five c-stores, including Market Street at McCracken, the largest, which alone does about $2.6 million in annual sales.
The department also manages over a dozen brands, ranging from Uncle Phil’s Express (a takeout line used across campus) to Miami Twister (a pretzel concept) to fully-developed restaurants like La Mia Cucina and Panache. The newest concept, Dividends, will open in the new Farmer Business School this fall.
“Learning to add brand value to our offerings was a completely new frontier on the campus and it required a lot of training and changes in attitudes. As production began to move from the kitchen to front of the house, we began outfitting staff with the kind of uniforms you'd see in commercial restaurants. There was much more focus on the customer and we began to benchmark ourselves not against food at other colleges, but against national brand restaurants.”
At the Shriver Center, Marijo Nootz was intent on establishing a strong campus brand for what had been a modest catering operation (see sidebar, p. 28). “We wanted Carillon Catering to have identity separate from Shriver, to be seen as the place to call no matter what your catering needs were,” Nootz says. “We upgraded menus to make them broader and more flexible and simplified pricing and ordering.”
By the late 1990s, “our emphasis shifted again,” says Miller, and the department began a long term look at how it could achieve better efficiencies in the new enviornment. Attention turned to the 80-year old facility on Elm Street that was then known as the “Central Food Store.”
The four-story food warehouse and production center was inefficient, but still essential. In the late 1990s, Nancy Heidtman had taken on responsibility for it as part of her brand management role.
“It had a bakery on the third floor and still had some meat cutting going on another floor,” she says. “We had just begun to dabble in commissary operations. The warehouse, refrigerated space and receiving and loading facilities were antiquated. Operating from the facility — there is no other way to say it — had become painful.”
After four years of planning, the department opened a new Culinary Support Center in 2001 that addressed these limitations and provided the resources to help it drive the production efficiencies it needed to supply components to its many campus operations (see sidebar on p. 24). As one example, “We previously were cutting salad bar lettuce in ten different kitchens,” says Heidtman. “Today, four people process 3600 pounds of romaine and iceburg lettuce in a four hour period twice a week, and that takes care of the entire campus.”
Under Mike Mitroi, the department took on responsibility for managing its own vending machines, a move that let them be used with the debit card. It also lets the department customize vend machine offerings to particular demographics at different locations on campus.
Technology also began playing a much larger role. Today, customers at the Scoreboard Market in Martin Hall use their ID cards to place to-go food orders on kiosk terminals at the entrance. These are produced in the kitchen and barcoded so they can be scanned at checkout, improving accuracy and speeding up the lines. At La Mia Cucina, customers place orders in a similar way before seating themselves, speeding food production.
All the products made at the Culinary Center are similarly barcoded so that individually-packed items can be scanned at point of sale or, in the case of bulk product, in the date-stamping and inventory tracking process.
Procurement strategy is also an important part of Miami's effort to manage costs. The school uses an aggressive system of competitive bidding, warehousing stock for redistribution on the campus. It buys from more than a half dozen major broadliners, several specialty distributors and, often, directly from manufacturers. Recently, it joined ProVista, an arm of the Novation group purchasing organization, to further leverage its buying clout.
Brand management remains a key part of Miami's strategy, “but while we come up with new ideas all the time, our bar is pretty high in terms of moving forward with them,” says Heidtman. The department is looking to reduce the number of brands it supports, she says, so it can focus on the strongest identities in its portfolio.
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Efforts to improve sustainability and to do more local sourcing are figuring much more prominently as the department looks ahead.
This summer, the department is directing a lot of its energy towards the first floor foodservice in the new Richard T. Farmer School of Business that will open this fall. Called Dividends, it will feature panini, salad, soup and quiche offerings, an upscale dim sum concept, and a bakery and coffee counter.
Given the current climate in higher education, “improvements in efficiency will be at the top of the priority list,” says Heidtman, who believes the Demske center positions the department well to meet that challenge. Facility modernizations at individual dining hall locations will also be critical to that effort, she adds.
As such necessary changes are made, the department will have to stay focused on retaining its longstanding sense of community, Miller says.
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“There is a sense of history here,” he adds. “It is partly the architecture and campus, partly from our location, but a lot of it is from our people.
“I've had the pleasure of working with many senior managers and staff over the years who were always very dedicated to Miami's excellence and its oldest ideals. We have people in campus jobs who are second and third generation employees and will tell you a father or grandmother worked here. It's one of the things that makes the Miami experience unique.” |
Subsets and Splits