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stringlengths 101
A determinant of Stirling cycle numbers counts unlabeled acyclic
single-source automata | We show that a determinant of Stirling cycle numbers counts unlabeled acyclic
single-source automata. The proof involves a bijection from these automata to
certain marked lattice paths and a sign-reversing involution to evaluate the
From dyadic $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ to $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ | In this paper we show how to compute the $\Lambda_{\alpha}$ norm, $\alpha\ge
0$, using the dyadic grid. This result is a consequence of the description of
the Hardy spaces $H^p(R^N)$ in terms of dyadic and special atoms.
Computing genus 2 Hilbert-Siegel modular forms over $\Q(\sqrt{5})$ via
the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence | In this paper we present an algorithm for computing Hecke eigensystems of
Hilbert-Siegel cusp forms over real quadratic fields of narrow class number
one. We give some illustrative examples using the quadratic field
$\Q(\sqrt{5})$. In those examples, we identify Hilbert-Siegel eigenforms that
are possible lifts from Hilbert eigenforms.
The Hardy-Lorentz Spaces $H^{p,q}(R^n)$ | In this paper we consider the Hardy-Lorentz spaces $H^{p,q}(R^n)$, with
$0<p\le 1$, $0<q\le \infty$. We discuss the atomic decomposition of the
elements in these spaces, their interpolation properties, and the behavior of
singular integrals and other operators acting on them.
CP violation in beauty decays | Precision tests of the Kobayashi-Maskawa model of CP violation are discussed,
pointing out possible signatures for other sources of CP violation and for new
flavor-changing operators. The current status of the most accurate tests is
Energy density for chiral lattice fermions with chemical potential | We study a recently proposed formulation of overlap fermions at finite
density. In particular we compute the energy density as a function of the
chemical potential and the temperature. It is shown that overlap fermions with
chemical potential reproduce the correct continuum behavior.
Conformal Field Theory and Operator Algebras | We review recent progress in operator algebraic approach to conformal quantum
field theory. Our emphasis is on use of representation theory in classification
theory. This is based on a series of joint works with R. Longo.
On Equivariant Embedding of Hilbert C^* modules | We prove that an arbitrary (not necessarily countably generated) Hilbert
$G$-$\cla$ module on a G-C^* algebra $\cla$ admits an equivariant embedding
into a trivial $G-\cla$ module, provided G is a compact Lie group and its
action on $\cla$ is ergodic.
Smooth maps with singularities of bounded K-codimensions | We will prove the relative homotopy principle for smooth maps with
singularities of a given {\cal K}-invariant class with a mild condition. We
next study a filtration of the group of homotopy self-equivalences of a given
manifold P by considering singularities of non-negative {\cal K}-codimensions.
Proper J-holomorphic discs in Stein domains of dimension 2 | We prove the existence of global Bishop discs in a strictly pseudoconvex
Stein domain in an almost complex manifold of complex dimension 2.
Anisotropic thermo-elasticity in 2D -- Part I: A unified approach | In this note we develop tools and techniques for the treatment of anisotropic
thermo-elasticity in two space dimensions. We use a diagonalisation technique
to obtain properties of the characteristic roots of the full symbol of the
system in order to prove $L^p$--$L^q$ decay rates for its solutions.
On the total disconnectedness of the quotient Aubry set | In this paper we show that the quotient Aubry set associated to certain
Lagrangians is totally disconnected (i.e., every connected component consists
of a single point). Moreover, we discuss the relation between this problem and
a Morse-Sard type property for (difference of) critical subsolutions of
Hamilton-Jacobi equations.
Towards self-consistent definition of instanton liquid parameters | The possibility of self-consistent determination of instanton liquid
parameters is discussed together with the definition of optimal pseudo-particle
configurations and comparing the various pseudo-particle ensembles. The
weakening of repulsive interactions between pseudo-particles is argued and
Very strong and slowly varying magnetic fields as source of axions | The investigation on the production of particles in slowly varying but
extremely intense magnetic field in extended to the case of axions. The
motivation is, as for some previously considered cases, the possibility that
such kind of magnetic field may exist around very compact astrophysical
Bonding of H in O vacancies of ZnO | We investigate the bonding of H in O vacancies of ZnO using density
functional calculations. We find that H is anionic and does not form
multicenter bonds with Zn in this compound.
Domain Wall Dynamics near a Quantum Critical Point | We study the real-time domain-wall dynamics near a quantum critical point of
the one-dimensional anisotropic ferromagnetic spin 1/2 chain. By numerical
simulation, we find the domain wall is dynamically stable in the
Heisenberg-Ising model. Near the quantum critical point, the width of the
domain wall diverges as $(\Delta -1) ^{-1/2}$.
Remarks on N_c dependence of decays of exotic baryons | We calculate the N_c dependence of the decay widths of exotic eikosiheptaplet
within the framework of Chral Quark Soliton Model. We also discuss
generalizations of regular baryon representations for arbitrary N_c.
Interpolating and sampling sequences in finite Riemann surfaces | We provide a description of the interpolating and sampling sequences on a
space of holomorphic functions with a uniform growth restriction defined on
finite Riemann surfaces.
Comments on ``Are Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts consistent with the Ghirlanda
relation?", by Campana et al.(astro--ph/0703676) | In their recent paper, Campana et al. (2007) found that 5 bursts, among those
detected by Swift, are outliers with respect to the E_peak-E_gamma
("Ghirlanda") correlation. We instead argue that they are not.
Curvature flows in semi-Riemannian manifolds | We prove that the limit hypersurfaces of converging curvature flows are
stable, if the initial velocity has a weak sign, and give a survey of the
existence and regularity results.
Gluon Radiation of an Expanding Color Skyrmion in the Quark-Gluon Plasma | The density of states and energy spectrum of the gluon radiation are
calculated for the color current of an expanding hydrodynamic skyrmion in the
quark gluon plasma with a semiclassical method. Results are compared with those
in literatures.
Mathematics of thermoacoustic tomography | The paper presents a survey of mathematical problems, techniques, and
challenges arising in the Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography.
QED x QCD Resummation and Shower/ME Matching for LHC Physics | We present the theory of QED x QCD resummation and its interplay with
shower/matrix element matching in precision LHC physics scenarios. We
illustrate the theory using single heavy gauge boson production at hadron
The small deviations of many-dimensional diffusion processes and
rarefaction by boundaries | We lead the algorithm of expansion of sojourn probability of many-dimensional
diffusion processes in small domain. The principal member of this expansion
defines normalizing coefficient for special limit theorems.
Symmetries by base substitutions in the genetic code predict 2' or 3'
aminoacylation of tRNAs | This letter reports complete sets of two-fold symmetries between partitions
of the universal genetic code. By substituting bases at each position of the
codons according to a fixed rule, it happens that properties of the degeneracy
pattern or of tRNA aminoacylation specificity are exchanged.
Infrared Evolution Equations: Method and Applications | It is a brief review on composing and solving Infrared Evolution Equations.
They can be used in order to calculate amplitudes of high-energy reactions in
different kinematic regions in the double-logarithmic approximation.
What can emission lines tell us? | 1 Generalities
2 Empirical diagnostics based on emission lines
3 Photoionization modelling
4 Pending questions
5 Appendix: Lists of useful lines and how to deal with them
Some properties of the complex Monge-Ampere operator in Cegrell's
classes and applications | In this article we will first prove a result about convergence in capacity.
Using the achieved result we will obtain a general decompositon theorem for
complex Monge-Ampere measues which will be used to prove a comparison principle
for the complex Monge-Ampere operator.
B --> rho K* decays and other rare vector-vector modes | The recent analyses of the following rare vector-vector decays of the B meson
are presented: rho K*, omega K*, omega rho, omega omega, and omega phi
charmless final states. The latest results indicate that the fraction of
longitudinal polarization is about 0.5 in penguin-dominated modes and close to
1 for tree-dominated modes.
Dual billiards, Fagnano orbits and regular polygons | We study the notion of Fagnano orbits for dual polygonal billiards. We used
them to characterize regular polygons and we study the iteration of the
developing map.
The S-Matrix of AdS/CFT and Yangian Symmetry | We review the algebraic construction of the S-matrix of AdS/CFT. We also
present its symmetry algebra which turns out to be a Yangian of the centrally
extended su(2|2) superalgebra.
On the over-barrier reflection in quantum mechanics with multiple
degrees of freedom | We present an analytic example of two dimensional quantum mechanical system,
where the exponential suppression of the probability of over-barrier reflection
changes non-monotonically with energy. The suppression is minimal at certain
"optimal" energies where reflection occurs with exponentially larger
probability than at other energies.
Unit groups of integral finite group rings with no noncyclic abelian
finite subgroups | It is shown that in the units of augmentation one of an integral group ring
$\mathbb{Z} G$ of a finite group $G$, a noncyclic subgroup of order $p^{2}$,
for some odd prime $p$, exists only if such a subgroup exists in $G$. The
corresponding statement for $p=2$ holds by the Brauer--Suzuki theorem, as
recently observed by W. Kimmerle.
Thermodynamic Stability - A note on a footnote in Ruelle's book | Thermodynamic stable interaction pair potentials which are not of the form
``positive function + real continuous function of positive type'' are presented
in dimension one. Construction of such a potential in dimension two is
sketched. These constructions use only elementary calculations. The
mathematical background is discussed separately.
Protein and ionic surfactants - promoters and inhibitors of contact line
pinning | We report a new effect of surfactants in pinning a drop contact line,
specifically that lysozyme promotes while lauryl sulfate inhibits pinning. We
explain the pinning disparity assuming difference in wetting: the protein-laden
drop wets a "clean" surface and the surfactant-laden drop wets an
auto-precursored surface.
Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein
condensate | We discuss dynamics of a slow quantum phase transition in a spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensate. We determine analytically the scaling properties of
the system magnetization and verify them with numerical simulations in a one
dimensional model.
Neutron-neutron scattering length from the reaction gamma d --> pi^+ nn
employing chiral perturbation theory | We discuss the possibility to extract the neutron-neutron scattering length
a_{nn} from experimental spectra on the reaction gamma d --> pi^+ nn. The
transition operator is calculated to high accuracy from chiral perturbation
theory. We argue that for properly chosen kinematics, the theoretical
uncertainty of the method can be as low as 0.1 fm.
The classification of surfaces with p_g=q=1 isogenous to a product of
curves | A projective surface S is said to be isogenous to a product if there exist
two smooth curves C, F and a finite group G acting freely on C \times F so that
S=(C \times F)/G. In this paper we classify all surfaces with p_g=q=1 which are
isogenous to a product.
Manipulating the rotational properties of a two-component Bose gas | A rotating, two-component Bose-Einstein condensate is shown to exhibit
vortices of multiple quantization, which are possible due to the interatomic
interactions between the two species. Also, persistent currents are absent in
this system. Finally, the order parameter has a very simple structure for a
range of angular momenta.
Contrasting Two Transformation-Based Methods for Obtaining Absolute
Extrema | In this note we contrast two transformation-based methods to deduce absolute
extrema and the corresponding extremizers. Unlike variation-based methods, the
transformation-based ones of Carlson and Leitmann and the recent one of Silva
and Torres are direct in that they permit obtaining solutions by inspection.
The affine part of the Picard scheme | We describe the maximal torus and maximal unipotent subgroup of the Picard
variety of a proper scheme over a perfect field.
Penalization approach for mixed hyperbolic systems with constant
coefficients satisfying a Uniform Lopatinski Condition | In this paper, we describe a new, systematic and explicit way of
approximating solutions of mixed hyperbolic systems with constant coefficients
satisfying a Uniform Lopatinski Condition via different Penalization
On the polynomial automorphisms of a group | We prove that if a group is nilpotent (resp. metabelian), then so is the
subgroup of its automorphism group generated by all polynomial automorphisms.
Manifolds admitting a $\tilde G_2$-structure | We find a necessary and sufficient condition for a compact 7-manifold to
admit a $\tilde G_2$-structure. As a result we find a sufficient condition for
an open 7-manifold to admit a closed 3-form of $\tilde G_2$-type.
A unified approach to SIC-POVMs and MUBs | A unified approach to (symmetric informationally complete) positive operator
valued measures and mutually unbiased bases is developed in this article. The
approach is based on the use of operator equivalents expanded in the enveloping
algebra of SU(2). Emphasis is put on similarities and differences between
Effect of transition-metal elements on the electronic properties of
quasicrystals and complex aluminides | In this paper, we briefly present our work on the role of transition-metal
element in electronic structure and transport properties of quasicrystals and
related complex phases. Several Parts of these works have been done or
initiated in collaboration with Prof. T. Fujiwara.
Spectral action on noncommutative torus | The spectral action on noncommutative torus is obtained, using a
Chamseddine--Connes formula via computations of zeta functions. The importance
of a Diophantine condition is outlined. Several results on holomorphic
continuation of series of holomorphic functions are obtained in this context.
A non-perturbative proof of Bertrand's theorem | We discuss an alternative non-perturbative proof of Bertrand's theorem that
leads in a concise way directly to the two allowed fields: the newtonian and
the isotropic harmonic oscillator central fields.
Membrane in M5-branes Background | In this paper, we investigate the properties of a membrane in the M5-brane
background. Through solving the classical equations of motion of the membrane,
we can understand the classical dynamics of the membrane in this background.
Effective interactions from q-deformed inspired transformations | From the mass term for the transformed quark fields, we obtain effective
contact interactions of the NJL type. The parameters of the model that maps a
system of non-interacting transformed fields into quarks interacting via NJL
contact terms are discussed.
Magnetospectroscopy of epitaxial few-layer graphene | The inter-Landau level transitions observed in far-infrared transmission
experiments on few-layer graphene samples show a behaviour characteristic of
the linear dispersion expected in graphene. This behaviour persists in
relatively thick samples, and is qualitatively different from that of thin
samples of bulk graphite.
Proper holomorphic mappings of the spectral unit ball | We prove an Alexander type theorem for the spectral unit ball $\Omega_n$
showing that there are no non-trivial proper holomorphic mappings in
$\Omega_n$, $n\geq 2$.
Renormgroup origin and analysis of Split Higgsino scenario | We present a renormalization group motivation of scale hierarchies in SUSY
SU(5) model. The Split Higgsino scanrio with a high scale of the SUSY breaking
is considered in detail. Its manifestations in experiments are discussed.
Measurement of the Decay Constant $f_D{_S^+}$ using $D_S^+ --> ell^+ nu | We measure the decay constant fDs using the Ds -> l+ nu channel, where the l+
designates either a mu+ or a tau+, when the tau+ -> pi+ nu. Using both
measurements we find fDs = 274 +-13 +- 7 MeV. Combining with our previous
determination of fD+, we compute the ratio fDs/fD+ = 1.23 +- 0.11 +- 0.04. We
compare with theoretical estimates.
Orthogonality criterion for banishing hydrino states from standard
quantum mechanics | Orthogonality criterion is used to shown in a very simple and general way
that anomalous bound-state solutions for the Coulomb potential (hydrino states)
do not exist as bona fide solutions of the Schr\"{o}dinger, Klein-Gordon and
Dirac equations.
Skew-Hadamard matrices of orders 188 and 388 exist | We construct several difference families on cyclic groups of orders 47 and
97, and use them to construct skew-Hadamard matrices of orders 188 and 388.
Such difference families and matrices are constructed here for the first time.
The matrices are constructed by using the Goethals-Seidel array.
Bounds for Multiplicities of Unitary Representations of Cohomological
Type in Spaces of Cusp Forms | Let $\Goo$ be a semisimple real Lie group with unitary dual $\Ghat$. The goal
of this note is to produce new upper bounds for the multiplicities with which
representations $\pi \in \Ghat$ of cohomological type appear in certain spaces
of cusp forms on $\Goo$.
Reduced and Extended Weak Coupling Limit | We give an extended review of recent work on the extended weak coupling
limit. Background material on completely positive semigroups and their unitary
dilations is given, as well as a particularly easy construction of `quadratic
A generalization of Chebyshev polynomials and non rooted posets | In this paper we give a generalization of Chebyshev polynomials and using
this we describe the M\"obius function of the generalized subword order from a
poset {a1,,c |ai<c}, which contains an affirmative answer for the
conjecture by Bj\"orner, Sagan, Vatter.[5,10]
Photoproduction of pi0 omega off protons for E(gamma) < 3 GeV | Differential and total cross-sections for photoproduction of gamma proton to
proton pi0 omega and gamma proton to Delta+ omega were determined from
measurements of the CB-ELSA experiment, performed at the electron accelerator
ELSA in Bonn. The measurements covered the photon energy range from the
production threshold up to 3GeV.
Neel order in the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg Model | The existence of Neel order in the S=1/2 Heisenberg model on the square
lattice at T=0 is shown using inequalities set up by Kennedy, Lieb and Shastry
in combination with high precision Quantum Monte Carlo data.
Zero bias anomaly out of equilibrium | The non-equilibrium zero bias anomaly (ZBA) in the tunneling density of
states of a diffusive metallic film is studied. An effective action describing
virtual fluctuations out-of-equilibrium is derived. The singular behavior of
the equilibrium ZBA is smoothed out by real processes of inelastic scattering.
Acceleration and localization of matter in a ring trap | A toroidal trap combined with external time-dependent electric field can be
used for implementing different dynamical regimes of matter waves. In
particular, we show that dynamical and stochastic acceleration, localization
and implementation of the Kapitza pendulum can be originated by means of proper
choice of the external force.
Computation of Power Loss in Likelihood Ratio Tests for Probability
Densities Extended by Lehmann Alternatives | We compute the loss of power in likelihood ratio tests when we test the
original parameter of a probability density extended by the first Lehmann
A note on higher-order differential operations | In this paper we consider successive iterations of the first-order
differential operations in space ${\bf R}^3.$
Some combinatorial aspects of differential operation compositions on
space $R^n$ | In this paper we present a recurrent relation for counting meaningful
compositions of the higher-order differential operations on the space $R^{n}$
(n=3,4,...) and extract the non-trivial compositions of order higher than two.
Hyperbolicity in unbounded convex domains | We provide several equivalent characterizations of Kobayashi hyperbolicity in
unbounded convex domains in terms of peak and anti-peak functions at infinity,
affine lines, Bergman metric and iteration theory.
A procedure for finding the k-th power of a matrix | We give a new procedure in Maple for finding the k-th power of a martix. The
algorithm is based on the article [1].
Fundamental solutions for a class of non-elliptic homogeneous
differential operators | We compute temperate fundamental solutions of homogeneous differential
operators with real-principal type symbols. Via analytic continuation of
meromorphic distributions, fundamental solutions for these non-elliptic
operators can be constructed in terms of radial averages and invariant
distributions on the unit sphere.
Nuclear forces from chiral effective field theory | In this lecture series, I present the recent progress in our understanding of
nuclear forces in terms of chiral effective field theory.
An S_3-symmetric Littlewood-Richardson rule | The classical Littlewood-Richardson coefficients C(lambda,mu,nu) carry a
natural $S_3$ symmetry via permutation of the indices. Our "carton rule" for
computing these numbers transparently and uniformly explains these six
symmetries; previously formulated Littlewood-Richardson rules manifest at most
three of the six.
On the (3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation | Deformations of the 3-differential of 3-differential graded algebras are
controlled by the (3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation. We find explicit formulae for
the coefficients appearing in that equation, introduce new geometric examples
of N-differential graded algebras, and use these results to study N Lie
Local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation
spaces | By using tools of time-frequency analysis, we obtain some improved local
well-posedness results for the NLS, NLW and NLKG equations with Cauchy data in
modulation spaces $M{p, 1}_{0,s}$.
Moduli spaces of rational tropical curves | This note is devoted to the definition of moduli spaces of rational tropical
curves with n marked points. We show that this space has a structure of a
smooth tropical variety of dimension n-3. We define the Deligne-Mumford
compactification of this space and tropical $\psi$-class divisors.
Structure of Strange Dwarfs with Color Superconducting Core | We study effects of two-flavor color superconductivity on the structure of
strange dwarfs, which are stellar objects with similar masses and radii with
ordinary white dwarfs but stabilized by the strange quark matter core. We find
that unpaired quark matter is a good approximation to the core of strange
Counting on rectangular areas | In the first section of this paper we prove a theorem for the number of
columns of a rectangular area that are identical to the given one. In the next
section we apply this theorem to derive several combinatorial identities by
counting specified subsets of a finite set.
Bose-Einstein correlations of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV | The current status of the analysis of direct photon Bose-Einstein
correlations in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV done by the PHENIX
collaboration is summarized. All possible sources of distortion of the
two-photon correlation function are discussed and methods to control them in
the PHENIX experiment are presented.
Normalized Ricci flow on nonparabolic surfaces | This paper studies normalized Ricci flow on a nonparabolic surface, whose
scalar curvature is asymptotically -1 in an integral sense. By a method
initiated by R. Hamilton, the flow is shown to converge to a metric of constant
scalar curvature -1. A relative estimate of Green's function is proved as a
Non-monotone convergence in the quadratic Wasserstein distance | We give an easy counter-example to Problem 7.20 from C. Villani's book on
mass transport: in general, the quadratic Wasserstein distance between $n$-fold
normalized convolutions of two given measures fails to decrease monotonically.
Extension theorems of Sakai type for separately holomorphic and
meromorphic functions | We first exhibit counterexamples to some open questions related to a theorem
of Sakai.
Then we establish an extension theorem of Sakai type for separately
holomorphic/meromorphic functions.
Reactor Monitoring with Neutrinos | The fundamental knowledge on neutrinos acquired in the recent years open the
possibility of applied neutrino physics. Among it the automatic and non
intrusive monitoring of nuclear reactor by its antineutrino signal could be
very valuable to IAEA in charge of the control of nuclear power plants. Several
efforts worldwide have already started.
Gorenstein locus of minuscule Schubert varieties | In this article, we describe explicitely the Gorenstein locus of all
minuscule Schubert varieties. This proves a special case of a conjecture of A.
Woo and A. Yong (see math.AG/0603273) on the Gorenstein locus of Schubert
Higher spin algebras as higher symmetries | The exhaustive study of the rigid symmetries of arbitrary free field theories
is motivated, along several lines, as a preliminary step in the completion of
the higher-spin interaction problem in full generality. Some results for the
simplest example (a scalar field) are reviewed and commented along these lines.
When the Cramer-Rao Inequality provides no information | We investigate a one-parameter family of probability densities (related to
the Pareto distribution, which describes many natural phenomena) where the
Cramer-Rao inequality provides no information.
Theoretical Status of Pentaquarks | We review the current status of the theoretical pentaquark search from the
direct QCD calculation. The works from the QCD sum rule and the lattice QCD in
the literature are carefully examined. The importance of the framework which
can distinguish the exotic pentaquark state (if any) from the NK scattering
state is emphasized.
The Einstein-Varicak Correspondence on Relativistic Rigid Rotation | The historical significance of the problem of relativistic rigid rotation is
reviewed in light of recently published correspondence between Einstein and the
mathematician Vladimir Varicak from the years 1909 to 1913.
Form factors of the exotic baryons with isospin I=5/2 | The electromagnetic form factors of the exotic baryons are calculated in the
framework of the relativistic quark model at small and intermediate momentum
transfer. The charge radii of the E+++ baryons are determined.
Compatibility of radial, Lorenz and harmonic gauges | We observe that the radial gauge can be consistently imposed \emph{together}
with the Lorenz gauge in Maxwell theory, and with the harmonic traceless gauge
in linearized general relativity. This simple observation has relevance for
some recent developments in quantum gravity where the radial gauge is
implicitly utilized.
Generic character sheaves on disconnected groups and character values | We relate a generic character sheaf on a disconnected reductive group with a
character of a representation of the rational points of the group over a finite
field extending a result known in the connected case.
On the choice of coarse variables for dynamics | Two ideas for the choice of an adequate set of coarse variables allowing
approximate autonomous dynamics for practical applications are presented. The
coarse variables are meant to represent averaged behavior of a fine-scale
autonomous dynamics.
Constructions of Kahler-Einstein metrics with negative scalar curvature | We show that on Kahler manifolds with negative first Chern class, the
sequence of algebraic metrics introduced by H. Tsuji converges uniformly to the
Kahler-Einstein metric. For algebraic surfaces of general type and orbifolds
with isolated singularities, we prove a convergence result for a modified
version of Tsuji's iterative construction.
A Denjoy Theorem for commuting circle diffeomorphisms with mixed Holder
derivatives | We prove that if d is an integer number bigger than 1 and f_1,...,f_d are
commuting circle diffeomorphisms respectively of class C^(1+\tau_k), where
\tau_1 + ... + \tau_k > 1, then these maps are simultaneously conjugate to
rotations provided that their rotation numbers are independent over the
Lectures on derived and triangulated categories | These notes are meant to provide a rapid introduction to triangulated
categories. We start with the definition of an additive category and end with a
glimps of tilting theory. Some exercises are included.
Curvature estimates for Weingarten hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds | We prove curvature estimates for general curvature functions. As an
application we show the existence of closed, strictly convex hypersurfaces with
prescribed curvature $F$, where the defining cone of $F$ is $\C_+$. $F$ is only
assumed to be monotone, symmetric, homogeneous of degree 1, concave and of
class $C^{m,\al}$, $m\ge4$.
Gauge Mediation in String Theory | We show that a large class of phenomenologically viable models for gauge
mediation of supersymmetry breaking based on meta-stable vacua can be realized
in local Calabi-Yau compactifications of string theory.
Spectral analysis for convolution operators on locally compact groups | We consider operators $H_\mu$ of convolution with measures $\mu$ on locally
compact groups. We characterize the spectrum of $H_\mu$ by constructing
auxiliary operators whose kernel contain the pure point and singular subspaces
of $H_\mu$, respectively. The proofs rely on commutator methods.
Analysis of $\Omega_c^*(css)$ and $\Omega_b^*(bss)$ with QCD sum rules | In this article, we calculate the masses and residues of the heavy baryons
$\Omega_c^*(css)$ and $\Omega_b^*(bss)$ with spin-parity ${3/2}^+$ with the QCD
sum rules. The numerical values are compatible with experimental data and other
theoretical estimations.
Spinning Strings, Black Holes and Stable Closed Timelike Geodesics | The existence and stability under linear perturbation of closed timelike
curves in the spacetime associated to Schwarzschild black hole pierced by a
spinning string are studied. Due to the superposition of the black hole, we
find that the spinning string spacetime is deformed in such a way to allow the
existence of closed timelike geodesics.
Non-commutativity and Open Strings Dynamics in Melvin Universes | We compute the Moyal phase factor for open strings ending on D3-branes
wrapping a NSNS Melvin universe in a decoupling limit explicitly using world
sheet formalism in cylindrical coordinates.
Sharp Asymptotics for KPP Pulsating Front Speed-up and Diffusion
Enhancement by Flows | We study KPP pulsating front speed-up and effective diffusivity enhancement
by general periodic incompressible flows. We prove the existence of and
determine the limits $c^*(A)/A$ and $D(A)/A^2$ as $A\to\infty$, where $c^*(A)$
is the minimal front speed and $D(A)$ the effective diffusivity.
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