- a fact or an opinion
- according to whom
- additional citation needed
- ambiguous
- anachronism
- as of
- attribution needed
- author missing
- bare url
- better source needed
- broken citation
- broken footnote
- buzzword
- by how much
- by whom
- check issn
- check quotation syntax
- chronology citation needed
- circular definition
- circular reference
- citation needed
- citation not found
- clarification needed
- colloquialism
- compared to
- conflicted source
- contentious label
- context needed
- contradictory
- coordinates
- copyright violation
- date mismatch
- date missing
- dead link
- definition needed
- disambiguation needed
- discuss
- disputed
- dubious
- editorializing
- emphasis added
- episode needed
- example needed
- example's importance
- excessive citations
- excessive detail
- expand acronym
- failed verification
- from whom
- full citation needed