National Defense Authorization Act
Report on technologies for neutralizing or defeating threats to military rotary-wing aircraft from portable air defense systems and rocket-propelled grenades (a)Report requiredNot later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on technologies for neutralizing or defeating threats to military rotary-wing aircraft posed by portable air defense systems and rocket-propelled grenades that are being researched, developed, employed, or considered by the United States Government or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (b)ContentThe report under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1)An assessment of the expected value and utility of the technologies referred to in subsection (a), particularly with respect to— (A)the saving of lives; (B)the ability to reduce the vulnerability of aircraft;
Fiscal Year 2001 National Defense Authorization Act
and (C)the enhancement of the ability of aircraft and their crews to accomplish assigned missions. (2)An assessment of the potential costs of developing and deploying such technologies. (3)A description of efforts undertaken to develop such technologies, including— (A)nonlethal countermeasures; (B)lasers and other systems designed to dazzle, impede, or obscure threatening weapons or their users; (C)direct fire response systems; (D)directed energy weapons; and (E)passive and active systems. (4)A description of any impediment to the development of such technologies, such as legal restrictions under the law of war, treaty restrictions under the Protocol on Blinding Lasers, and political obstacles such as the reluctance of other allied countries to pursue such technologies. 1044.
Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001
and (C)the enhancement of the ability of aircraft and their crews to accomplish assigned missions. (2)An assessment of the potential costs of developing and deploying such technologies. (3)A description of efforts undertaken to develop such technologies, including— (A)nonlethal countermeasures; (B)lasers and other systems designed to dazzle, impede, or obscure threatening weapons or their users; (C)direct fire response systems; (D)directed energy weapons; and (E)passive and active systems. (4)A description of any impediment to the development of such technologies, such as legal restrictions under the law of war, treaty restrictions under the Protocol on Blinding Lasers, and political obstacles such as the reluctance of other allied countries to pursue such technologies. 1044.
National Defense Authorization Act
and (C)the enhancement of the ability of aircraft and their crews to accomplish assigned missions. (2)An assessment of the potential costs of developing and deploying such technologies. (3)A description of efforts undertaken to develop such technologies, including— (A)nonlethal countermeasures; (B)lasers and other systems designed to dazzle, impede, or obscure threatening weapons or their users; (C)direct fire response systems; (D)directed energy weapons; and (E)passive and active systems. (4)A description of any impediment to the development of such technologies, such as legal restrictions under the law of war, treaty restrictions under the Protocol on Blinding Lasers, and political obstacles such as the reluctance of other allied countries to pursue such technologies. 1044.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000
and (C)the enhancement of the ability of aircraft and their crews to accomplish assigned missions. (2)An assessment of the potential costs of developing and deploying such technologies. (3)A description of efforts undertaken to develop such technologies, including— (A)nonlethal countermeasures; (B)lasers and other systems designed to dazzle, impede, or obscure threatening weapons or their users; (C)direct fire response systems; (D)directed energy weapons; and (E)passive and active systems. (4)A description of any impediment to the development of such technologies, such as legal restrictions under the law of war, treaty restrictions under the Protocol on Blinding Lasers, and political obstacles such as the reluctance of other allied countries to pursue such technologies. 1044.
National Defense Authorization Act
Reports on expanded use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the National Airspace System (a)FindingsCongress makes the following findings: (1)Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) serve Department of Defense intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and combat missions. (2)Operational reliability of unmanned aerial systems continues to improve, and development and fielding of so-called sense-and-avoid technology should continue in order to provide unmanned aerial systems with an appropriate level of safety. (3)Unmanned aerial vehicles have the potential to support the Nation’s homeland defense mission, border security mission, and natural disaster recovery efforts.
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004
Requirement for identification of recently enacted recurring reporting requirements applicable to the Department of Defense (a)Identification and submittal to congressional committees (1)In generalNot later than March 1, 2007, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a listing of each provision of law specified in paragraph (2). (2)Covered provisions of lawParagraph (1) applies with respect to any provision of law enacted on or after November 24, 2003 (the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108–136)), and before February 1, 2007, that requires the submission by the Secretary of Defense or any other official of the Department of Defense of annual, semiannual, or other periodic reports to one or more of the congressional defense committees.
Inspector General Act of 1978
Requirement for identification of recently enacted recurring reporting requirements applicable to the Department of Defense (a)Identification and submittal to congressional committees (1)In generalNot later than March 1, 2007, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a listing of each provision of law specified in paragraph (2). (2)Covered provisions of lawParagraph (1) applies with respect to any provision of law enacted on or after November 24, 2003 (the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108–136)), and before February 1, 2007, that requires the submission by the Secretary of Defense or any other official of the Department of Defense of annual, semiannual, or other periodic reports to one or more of the congressional defense committees.
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004
(b)Additional matter To be submittedThe Secretary of Defense shall include with the listing submitted under subsection (a) the following: (1)With respect to each provision of law covered by that subsection, a description of the report requirement under that provision. (2)For each such report requirement— (A)an assessment by the Secretary— (i)of the burden imposed on the Department of Defense by the preparation of the report; and (ii)of the utility of such report from the perspective of the Department of Defense; and (B)a recommendation on the advisability of repealing or modifying the requirement for the submittal of such report. (c)DefinitionIn this section, the term report has the meaning given that term in section 480(c) of title 10, United States Code. FMiscellaneous Authorities and Limitations on Availability and Use of Funds 1051.
Inspector General Act of 1978
(b)Additional matter To be submittedThe Secretary of Defense shall include with the listing submitted under subsection (a) the following: (1)With respect to each provision of law covered by that subsection, a description of the report requirement under that provision. (2)For each such report requirement— (A)an assessment by the Secretary— (i)of the burden imposed on the Department of Defense by the preparation of the report; and (ii)of the utility of such report from the perspective of the Department of Defense; and (B)a recommendation on the advisability of repealing or modifying the requirement for the submittal of such report. (c)DefinitionIn this section, the term report has the meaning given that term in section 480(c) of title 10, United States Code. FMiscellaneous Authorities and Limitations on Availability and Use of Funds 1051.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
Acceptance and retention of reimbursement from non-Federal sources to defray Department of Defense costs of conferences (a)In GeneralSubchapter II of chapter 134 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 2262. Department of Defense conferences: collection of fees to cover Department of Defense costs (a)Authority to collect fees (1)The Secretary of Defense may collect fees from any individual or commercial participant in a conference, seminar, exhibition, symposium, or similar meeting conducted by the Department of Defense (in this section referred to collectively as a conference). (2)The Secretary may provide for the collection of fees under this section directly or by contract. The fees may be collected in advance of a conference.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(d)Annual Reports (1)Not later than 45 days after the President submits to Congress the budget for a fiscal year under section 1105 of title 31, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a budget justification document summarizing the use of the fee-collection authority provided by this section. (2)Each report shall include the following: (A)A list of all conferences conducted during the preceding two calendar years for which fees were collected under this section. (B)For each conference included on the list under subparagraph (A): (i)The estimated costs of the Department for the conference. (ii)The actual costs of the Department for the conference, including a separate statement of the amount of any conference coordinator fees associated with the conference. (iii)The amount of fees collected under this section for the conference.
Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act
(d)Annual Reports (1)Not later than 45 days after the President submits to Congress the budget for a fiscal year under section 1105 of title 31, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a budget justification document summarizing the use of the fee-collection authority provided by this section. (2)Each report shall include the following: (A)A list of all conferences conducted during the preceding two calendar years for which fees were collected under this section. (B)For each conference included on the list under subparagraph (A): (i)The estimated costs of the Department for the conference. (ii)The actual costs of the Department for the conference, including a separate statement of the amount of any conference coordinator fees associated with the conference. (iii)The amount of fees collected under this section for the conference.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
penalties (a)ProhibitionAn officer or employee of the Department of Defense may not direct the designation of funds for a particular purpose in the budget of the President, as submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1105 of title 31, or the supporting documents of the Department of Defense component of such budget, with the knowledge or intent that such funds, if made available to the Department, will not be used for the purpose for which they are designated. (b)PenaltiesThe direction of the designation of funds in violation of the prohibition in subsection (a) shall be treated for purposes of chapter 13 of title 31 as a violation of section 1341(a)(1)(A) of such title. . (2)Clerical amendmentThe table of sections at the beginning of chapter 165 of such title is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2773a the following new item: 2773b. Parking of funds: prohibition; penalties. .
To preserve the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego, California, by providing for the immediate acquisition of the memorial by the United States.
(6)Section 1217(a) is amended by striking the date of and all that follows and inserting October 28, 2004. . (7)Section 1406(i)(3)(B)(vi) is amended by striking Advisor for and inserting Advisor to. (8)Section 1448(d)(6)(A) is amended by striking the second comma after November 23, 2003. (9)Section 2006(b)(1) is amended— (A)by inserting of this title after and 1607; and (B)by striking of this title before the period at the end. (10)Section 2103a(b) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Eligibilty and inserting Eligibility. (11)Section 2105 is amended by adding a period at the end of the last sentence. (12)The item relating to section 2152 in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 107 is amended to read as follows: 2152. Joint professional military education: general requirements. .
National Defense Authorization Act
(6)Section 1217(a) is amended by striking the date of and all that follows and inserting October 28, 2004. . (7)Section 1406(i)(3)(B)(vi) is amended by striking Advisor for and inserting Advisor to. (8)Section 1448(d)(6)(A) is amended by striking the second comma after November 23, 2003. (9)Section 2006(b)(1) is amended— (A)by inserting of this title after and 1607; and (B)by striking of this title before the period at the end. (10)Section 2103a(b) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Eligibilty and inserting Eligibility. (11)Section 2105 is amended by adding a period at the end of the last sentence. (12)The item relating to section 2152 in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 107 is amended to read as follows: 2152. Joint professional military education: general requirements. .
(13)The heading for section 2155, and the item relating to that section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 107, are amended by capitalizing the first letter of the fifth word. (14)Section 2155(a) is amended in the subsection heading by inserting Phase after Education. (15)Section 2157 is amended by striking phase II in paragraph (1) and inserting Phase II. (16)Section 2216(b)(1) is amended by striking subsections and inserting subsection. (17)The heading for section 2440 is amended so that the first letter of each word after the first is lower case. (18)The item relating to section 2481 in the table of sections at the beginning of subchapter I of chapter 147 is amended by adding a period at the end. (19) (A)The second section 2613 (added by section 1051(a) of Public Law 108–375 (118 Stat. 2053)) is redesignated as section 2614 and is amended by redesignating the second subsection (c) as subsection (d).
National Defense Authorization Act
(B)The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 155 is revised to reflect the redesignation of such section by subparagraph (A). (20)Section 2613(b) is amended by striking In the and inserting In this. (21)Section 2692(b)(9) is amended by striking materiel and inserting material. (22)Section 2694a(c) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Revisionary and inserting Reversionary. (23)Section 2703(h) is amended by striking subsection in the first sentence and inserting section. (24)Section 2722(c)(2) is amended by striking section 921 and inserting section 921(a). (25)Section 2784a(a)(2) is amended by striking care and inserting card. (26)Section 2831(f)(2) is amended by striking enviromental and inserting environmental. (27)Section 3911(b) is amended— (A)in paragraph (1), by striking the second comma after paragraph (2);
(B)The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 155 is revised to reflect the redesignation of such section by subparagraph (A). (20)Section 2613(b) is amended by striking In the and inserting In this. (21)Section 2692(b)(9) is amended by striking materiel and inserting material. (22)Section 2694a(c) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Revisionary and inserting Reversionary. (23)Section 2703(h) is amended by striking subsection in the first sentence and inserting section. (24)Section 2722(c)(2) is amended by striking section 921 and inserting section 921(a). (25)Section 2784a(a)(2) is amended by striking care and inserting card. (26)Section 2831(f)(2) is amended by striking enviromental and inserting environmental. (27)Section 3911(b) is amended— (A)in paragraph (1), by striking the second comma after paragraph (2);
National Defense Authorization Act
(B)The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 155 is revised to reflect the redesignation of such section by subparagraph (A). (20)Section 2613(b) is amended by striking In the and inserting In this. (21)Section 2692(b)(9) is amended by striking materiel and inserting material. (22)Section 2694a(c) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Revisionary and inserting Reversionary. (23)Section 2703(h) is amended by striking subsection in the first sentence and inserting section. (24)Section 2722(c)(2) is amended by striking section 921 and inserting section 921(a). (25)Section 2784a(a)(2) is amended by striking care and inserting card. (26)Section 2831(f)(2) is amended by striking enviromental and inserting environmental. (27)Section 3911(b) is amended— (A)in paragraph (1), by striking the second comma after paragraph (2);
(B)The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 155 is revised to reflect the redesignation of such section by subparagraph (A). (20)Section 2613(b) is amended by striking In the and inserting In this. (21)Section 2692(b)(9) is amended by striking materiel and inserting material. (22)Section 2694a(c) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Revisionary and inserting Reversionary. (23)Section 2703(h) is amended by striking subsection in the first sentence and inserting section. (24)Section 2722(c)(2) is amended by striking section 921 and inserting section 921(a). (25)Section 2784a(a)(2) is amended by striking care and inserting card. (26)Section 2831(f)(2) is amended by striking enviromental and inserting environmental. (27)Section 3911(b) is amended— (A)in paragraph (1), by striking the second comma after paragraph (2);
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(B)The item relating to such section in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 155 is revised to reflect the redesignation of such section by subparagraph (A). (20)Section 2613(b) is amended by striking In the and inserting In this. (21)Section 2692(b)(9) is amended by striking materiel and inserting material. (22)Section 2694a(c) is amended in the subsection heading by striking Revisionary and inserting Reversionary. (23)Section 2703(h) is amended by striking subsection in the first sentence and inserting section. (24)Section 2722(c)(2) is amended by striking section 921 and inserting section 921(a). (25)Section 2784a(a)(2) is amended by striking care and inserting card. (26)Section 2831(f)(2) is amended by striking enviromental and inserting environmental. (27)Section 3911(b) is amended— (A)in paragraph (1), by striking the second comma after paragraph (2);
National Defense Authorization Act
(38)Section 9342(a)(9) is amended by striking cadet and inserting cadets. (39)Section 9355(c)(1) is amended by striking board and inserting Board. (40)Section 12731(a)(3) is amended by striking before the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 and inserting before April 25, 2005. (41)Section 12741 is amended by striking under subsection (b) in subsections (c) and (d) and inserting under subsection (a). (42)Section 18233(f)(2) is amended by striking the comma after purchase. (b)Title 32, United States CodeTitle 32, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1)Section 902 is amended by striking (a) before The Secretary . (2)Section 908(b)(1) is amended by striking subsection (i) and inserting subsection (i)(13). (c)Title 37, United States CodeTitle 37, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1)Section 210(c)(6) is amended by striking Advisor for and inserting Advisor to.
Fiscal Year 2001 National Defense Authorization Act
(38)Section 9342(a)(9) is amended by striking cadet and inserting cadets. (39)Section 9355(c)(1) is amended by striking board and inserting Board. (40)Section 12731(a)(3) is amended by striking before the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 and inserting before April 25, 2005. (41)Section 12741 is amended by striking under subsection (b) in subsections (c) and (d) and inserting under subsection (a). (42)Section 18233(f)(2) is amended by striking the comma after purchase. (b)Title 32, United States CodeTitle 32, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1)Section 902 is amended by striking (a) before The Secretary . (2)Section 908(b)(1) is amended by striking subsection (i) and inserting subsection (i)(13). (c)Title 37, United States CodeTitle 37, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1)Section 210(c)(6) is amended by striking Advisor for and inserting Advisor to.
National Defense Authorization Act
(2)Section 301(f)(2)(C) is amended by striking the comma after the term. (3)Section 308g(f) is amended by striking the second period at the end. (4)Section 308j is amended by striking subsection (g) and inserting the following new subsection: (g)RepaymentA person who enters into an agreement under this section and receives all or part of the bonus under the agreement, but who does not accept a commission or an appointment as an officer or does not commence to participate or does not satisfactorily participate in the Selected Reserve for the total period of service specified in the agreement, shall be subject to the repayment provisions of section 303a(e) of this title. . (5)The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 7 is amended— (A)by striking the item relating to section 407 and inserting the following: 407. Travel and transportation allowances: dislocation allowance. ; and (B)by striking the item relating to section 425 and inserting the following: 425.
Immigration and Nationality Act
(2)Section 301(f)(2)(C) is amended by striking the comma after the term. (3)Section 308g(f) is amended by striking the second period at the end. (4)Section 308j is amended by striking subsection (g) and inserting the following new subsection: (g)RepaymentA person who enters into an agreement under this section and receives all or part of the bonus under the agreement, but who does not accept a commission or an appointment as an officer or does not commence to participate or does not satisfactorily participate in the Selected Reserve for the total period of service specified in the agreement, shall be subject to the repayment provisions of section 303a(e) of this title. . (5)The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 7 is amended— (A)by striking the item relating to section 407 and inserting the following: 407. Travel and transportation allowances: dislocation allowance. ; and (B)by striking the item relating to section 425 and inserting the following: 425.
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005
(2)Section 301(f)(2)(C) is amended by striking the comma after the term. (3)Section 308g(f) is amended by striking the second period at the end. (4)Section 308j is amended by striking subsection (g) and inserting the following new subsection: (g)RepaymentA person who enters into an agreement under this section and receives all or part of the bonus under the agreement, but who does not accept a commission or an appointment as an officer or does not commence to participate or does not satisfactorily participate in the Selected Reserve for the total period of service specified in the agreement, shall be subject to the repayment provisions of section 303a(e) of this title. . (5)The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 7 is amended— (A)by striking the item relating to section 407 and inserting the following: 407. Travel and transportation allowances: dislocation allowance. ; and (B)by striking the item relating to section 425 and inserting the following: 425.
National Defense Authorization Act
(2)A condition described in this paragraph is a condition that— (A)so hinders the execution of the laws of a State or possession, as applicable, and of the United States within that State or possession, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State or possession are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or (B)opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws. (3)In any situation covered by paragraph (1)(B), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995
(b)Notice to congressThe President shall notify Congress of the determination to exercise the authority in subsection (a)(1)(A) as soon as practicable after the determination and every 14 days thereafter during the duration of the exercise of that authority. . (2)Proclamation to disperseSection 334 of such title is amended by inserting or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws after insurgents. (3)Heading amendmentThe heading of chapter 15 of such title is amended to read as follows: 15ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS TO RESTORE PUBLIC ORDER. (4)Clerical amendments (A)The tables of chapters at the beginning of subtitle A of title 10, United States Code, and at the beginning of part I of such subtitle, are each amended by striking the item relating to chapter 15 and inserting the following new item: 15Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order331.
Fiscal Year 2001 National Defense Authorization Act
(b)Notice to congressThe President shall notify Congress of the determination to exercise the authority in subsection (a)(1)(A) as soon as practicable after the determination and every 14 days thereafter during the duration of the exercise of that authority. . (2)Proclamation to disperseSection 334 of such title is amended by inserting or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws after insurgents. (3)Heading amendmentThe heading of chapter 15 of such title is amended to read as follows: 15ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS TO RESTORE PUBLIC ORDER. (4)Clerical amendments (A)The tables of chapters at the beginning of subtitle A of title 10, United States Code, and at the beginning of part I of such subtitle, are each amended by striking the item relating to chapter 15 and inserting the following new item: 15Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order331.
Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999
(b)Notice to congressThe President shall notify Congress of the determination to exercise the authority in subsection (a)(1)(A) as soon as practicable after the determination and every 14 days thereafter during the duration of the exercise of that authority. . (2)Proclamation to disperseSection 334 of such title is amended by inserting or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws after insurgents. (3)Heading amendmentThe heading of chapter 15 of such title is amended to read as follows: 15ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS TO RESTORE PUBLIC ORDER. (4)Clerical amendments (A)The tables of chapters at the beginning of subtitle A of title 10, United States Code, and at the beginning of part I of such subtitle, are each amended by striking the item relating to chapter 15 and inserting the following new item: 15Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order331.
Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999
(c)Conforming amendmentSection 12304(c)(1) of such title is amended by striking No unit and all that follows through subsection (b), and inserting Except to perform any of the functions authorized by chapter 15 or section 12406 of this title or by subsection (b), no unit or member of a reserve component may be ordered to active duty under this section. 1077. Increased hunting and fishing opportunities for members of the Armed Forces, retired members, and disabled veterans (a)Access for members, retired members, and disabled veteransConsistent with section 2671 of title 10, United States Code, and using such funds as are made available for this purpose, the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that members of the Armed Forces, retired members, disabled veterans, and persons assisting disabled veterans are able to utilize lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense that are available for hunting or fishing.
National Defense Authorization Act
Strategy for improving the senior management, functional, and technical workforce of the Department of Defense (a)Inclusion in 2007 strategic human capital planThe Secretary of Defense shall include in the March 1, 2007, strategic human capital plan required by section 1122(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3453; 10 U. S. C. prec. 1580 note) a strategic plan to shape and improve the senior management, functional, and technical workforce (including scientists and engineers) of the Department of Defense. (b)Scope of planThe strategic plan required by subsection (a) shall cover, at a minimum, the following categories of Department of Defense civilian personnel: (1)Appointees in the Senior Executive Service under section 3131 of title 5, United States Code. (2)Persons serving in positions described in section 5376(a) of title 5, United States Code.
National Defense Authorization Act
Enhancements to Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program (a)Authorized purposesSubsection (a) of section 2249c of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking associated with and all that follows and inserting: associated with the education and training of foreign military officers, ministry of defense officials, or security officials at military or civilian educational institutions, regional centers, conferences, seminars, or other training programs conducted under the Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program. Costs for which payment may be made under this section include the costs of transportation and travel and subsistence costs. . (b)Annual limitation on amount obligatedSubsection (b) of such section is amended by striking $20,000,000 and inserting $25,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997
(C)the demobilization and reintegration of armed militias (D)the inducement of the armed opposition to lay down their arms and join the political process, and (E)the building of a renewed international partnership with Iraq aimed at encouraging the economic recovery and reconstruction of Iraq. (b)Summit participantsA summit convened for the purpose stated in subsection (a) should include the following participants (as well as other appropriate participants): (1)Representatives of Iraq's neighbors. (2)Representatives of the Arab League. (3)The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (4)Representatives of the European Union. (5)Leaders of the governments of each permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. 1230.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997
(C)the demobilization and reintegration of armed militias (D)the inducement of the armed opposition to lay down their arms and join the political process, and (E)the building of a renewed international partnership with Iraq aimed at encouraging the economic recovery and reconstruction of Iraq. (b)Summit participantsA summit convened for the purpose stated in subsection (a) should include the following participants (as well as other appropriate participants): (1)Representatives of Iraq's neighbors. (2)Representatives of the Arab League. (3)The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (4)Representatives of the European Union. (5)Leaders of the governments of each permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. 1230.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(13)The members of the United States Armed Forces, the intelligence community, and other Federal agencies, along with coalition partners and the Iraqi Security Forces, should be commended for their courage and extraordinary efforts to track down the most wanted terrorist in Iraq and to secure a free and prosperous future for the people of Iraq. (b)Sense of CongressIt is the sense of Congress that Congress— could the above line just read The Congress—? (1)commends the United States Armed Forces, the intelligence community, and other Federal agencies, along with coalition partners, for the actions taken through June 7, 2006, that resulted in the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist organization and the most wanted terrorist in Iraq;
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(13)The members of the United States Armed Forces, the intelligence community, and other Federal agencies, along with coalition partners and the Iraqi Security Forces, should be commended for their courage and extraordinary efforts to track down the most wanted terrorist in Iraq and to secure a free and prosperous future for the people of Iraq. (b)Sense of CongressIt is the sense of Congress that Congress— could the above line just read The Congress—? (1)commends the United States Armed Forces, the intelligence community, and other Federal agencies, along with coalition partners, for the actions taken through June 7, 2006, that resulted in the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist organization and the most wanted terrorist in Iraq;
Homeland Security Act of 2002
 Report on assessment process of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff relating to Global War on Terrorism. Sec.  1405.  Treatment under Freedom of Information Act of certain confidential information shared with State and local personnel. Sec.  1406.  Database of emergency response capabilities. 1401. Enhancement to authority to pay rewards for assistance in combating terrorism (a)Increase in delegation limitationParagraph (2) of section 127b(c) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking $2,500 and inserting $10,000. (b)Expansion of senior officers to whom combatant commander authority may be delegatedSuch paragraph is further amended— (1)by inserting after deputy commander the following: , or to the commander of a command directly subordinate to that commander,;
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
Army procurementFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2007 for procurement accounts of the Army in amounts as follows: (1)For aircraft procurement, $1,524,300,000 (2)For ammunition procurement, $48,591,000. (3)For weapons and tracked combat vehicles procurement, $3,022,836,000. (4)For other procurement, $4,636,810,000. (5)For missile procurement, $3,200,000. 1503. Navy and Marine Corps procurement (a)NavyFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2007 for procurement accounts for the Navy in amounts as follows: (1)For aircraft procurement, $389,465,000 (2)For weapons procurement, $109,400,000. (3)For other procurement, $14,600,000. (b)Marine corpsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2007 for the procurement account for the Marine Corps in the amount of $4,397,926,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
Iraq Security Forces Fund (a)Authorization of appropriationsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2007 for the Iraq Security Forces Fund in the amount of $1,734,000,000. (b)Use of funds (1)In generalFunds appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) shall be available to the Secretary of Defense for the purpose of allowing the Commander, Multi-National Security Transition Command—Iraq, to provide assistance to the security forces of Iraq. (2)Types of assistance authorizedAssistance provided under this section may include the provision of equipment, supplies, services, training, facility and infrastructure repair, renovation, construction, and funding. (3)Secretary of state concurrenceAssistance may be provided under this section only with the concurrence of the Secretary of State. (c)Authority in addition to other authoritiesThe authority to provide assistance under this section is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations.
National Defense Authorization Act
Recognition of Representative Joel Hefley upon his retirement from the House of Representatives (a)FindingsCongress makes the following findings: (1)Representative Joel Hefley was elected to represent Colorado’s 5th Congressional district in 1986 and has served in the House of Representatives since that time with distinction, class, integrity, and honor. (2)Representative Hefley has served on the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives for 18 years, including service as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities from 1995 through 2000 and, since 2001, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Readiness. (3)Representative Hefley’s colleagues know him to be a fair and effective lawmaker who works for the national interest while never forgetting his Western roots.
National Defense Authorization Act
(4)Representative Hefley’s efforts on the Committee on Armed Services have been instrumental to the military value of, and quality of life at, installations in the State of Colorado, including Fort Carson, Cheyenne Mountain, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, Buckley Air Force Base, and the United States Air Force Academy. (5)Representative Hefley was a leader in efforts to retain and expand Fort Carson as an essential part of the national defense system during the Defense Base Closure and Realignment process. (6)Representative Hefley has consistently advocated for providing members of the Armed Forces and their families with quality, safe, and affordable housing and supportive communities. (7)As a primary architect of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, Representative Hefley helped lead congressional efforts to establish this initiative to eliminate inadequate housing on military installations, and the first pilot program was located at Fort Carson.
National Defense Authorization Act
(4)Representative Hefley’s efforts on the Committee on Armed Services have been instrumental to the military value of, and quality of life at, installations in the State of Colorado, including Fort Carson, Cheyenne Mountain, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, Buckley Air Force Base, and the United States Air Force Academy. (5)Representative Hefley was a leader in efforts to retain and expand Fort Carson as an essential part of the national defense system during the Defense Base Closure and Realignment process. (6)Representative Hefley has consistently advocated for providing members of the Armed Forces and their families with quality, safe, and affordable housing and supportive communities. (7)As a primary architect of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, Representative Hefley helped lead congressional efforts to establish this initiative to eliminate inadequate housing on military installations, and the first pilot program was located at Fort Carson.
National Defense Authorization Act
(4)Representative Hefley’s efforts on the Committee on Armed Services have been instrumental to the military value of, and quality of life at, installations in the State of Colorado, including Fort Carson, Cheyenne Mountain, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, Buckley Air Force Base, and the United States Air Force Academy. (5)Representative Hefley was a leader in efforts to retain and expand Fort Carson as an essential part of the national defense system during the Defense Base Closure and Realignment process. (6)Representative Hefley has consistently advocated for providing members of the Armed Forces and their families with quality, safe, and affordable housing and supportive communities. (7)As a primary architect of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, Representative Hefley helped lead congressional efforts to establish this initiative to eliminate inadequate housing on military installations, and the first pilot program was located at Fort Carson.
National Defense Authorization Act
(4)Representative Hefley’s efforts on the Committee on Armed Services have been instrumental to the military value of, and quality of life at, installations in the State of Colorado, including Fort Carson, Cheyenne Mountain, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, Buckley Air Force Base, and the United States Air Force Academy. (5)Representative Hefley was a leader in efforts to retain and expand Fort Carson as an essential part of the national defense system during the Defense Base Closure and Realignment process. (6)Representative Hefley has consistently advocated for providing members of the Armed Forces and their families with quality, safe, and affordable housing and supportive communities. (7)As a primary architect of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, Representative Hefley helped lead congressional efforts to establish this initiative to eliminate inadequate housing on military installations, and the first pilot program was located at Fort Carson.
National Defense Authorization Act
(3)For unspecified minor military construction projects authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, $23,930,000. (4)For architectural and engineering services and construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United States Code, $219,830,000. (5)For military family housing functions: (A)For construction and acquisition, planning and design, and improvement of military family housing and facilities, $578,791,000. (B)For support of military family housing (including the functions described in section 2833 of title 10, United States Code), $675,617,000. (6)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex at Fort Drum, New York, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $16,500,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
(7)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 2nd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $31,000,000. (8)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 3rd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $50,000,000. (9)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for divisional artillery at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $37,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
(7)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 2nd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $31,000,000. (8)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 3rd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $50,000,000. (9)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for divisional artillery at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $37,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
(7)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 2nd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $31,000,000. (8)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for the 3rd Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $50,000,000. (9)For the construction of increment 2 of a barracks complex for divisional artillery at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3485), $37,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
(10)For the construction of increment 2 of a defense access road at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3486), $13,000,000. (b)Limitation on total cost of construction projectsNotwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2101 of this Act may not exceed the sum of the following: (1)The total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). (2)$306,000,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2101(a) for construction of a brigade complex for Fort Lewis, Washington). XXIINavy Sec.  2201.  Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2202.  Family housing. Sec.  2203.  Improvements to military family housing units. Sec.  2204.
National Defense Authorization Act
(10)For the construction of increment 2 of a defense access road at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3486), $13,000,000. (b)Limitation on total cost of construction projectsNotwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2101 of this Act may not exceed the sum of the following: (1)The total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). (2)$306,000,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2101(a) for construction of a brigade complex for Fort Lewis, Washington). XXIINavy Sec.  2201.  Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2202.  Family housing. Sec.  2203.  Improvements to military family housing units. Sec.  2204.
National Defense Authorization Act
(10)For the construction of increment 2 of a defense access road at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3486), $13,000,000. (b)Limitation on total cost of construction projectsNotwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2101 of this Act may not exceed the sum of the following: (1)The total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). (2)$306,000,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2101(a) for construction of a brigade complex for Fort Lewis, Washington). XXIINavy Sec.  2201.  Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2202.  Family housing. Sec.  2203.  Improvements to military family housing units. Sec.  2204.
National Defense Authorization Act
(10)For the construction of increment 2 of a defense access road at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, authorized by section 2101(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3486), $13,000,000. (b)Limitation on total cost of construction projectsNotwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2101 of this Act may not exceed the sum of the following: (1)The total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). (2)$306,000,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2101(a) for construction of a brigade complex for Fort Lewis, Washington). XXIINavy Sec.  2201.  Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2202.  Family housing. Sec.  2203.  Improvements to military family housing units. Sec.  2204.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(1), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Inside the United States StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$5,966,000 CaliforniaMarine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton$6,412,000  Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar$2,968,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$106,142,000 Marine Corps Base, Twentynine Palms$27,217,000 Naval Air Station, North Island$21,535,000 Naval Support Activity, Monterey$7,380,000 ConnecticutNaval Submarine Base, New London$9,580,000 FloridaCape Canaveral$9,900,000  Naval Air Station, Pensacola$13,486,000 GeorgiaMarine Corps Logistics Base, Albany$70,540,000  Navy/Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay$20,282,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$48,338,000  Naval Magazine, Pearl Harbor$6,010,000 Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor$22,000,000 IndianaNaval Support Activity, Crane$6,730,000 MainePortsmouth Naval Shipyard$9,650,000 MarylandNaval Air Station, Patuxent River$16,316,000  NMIC/Naval Support Activity, Suitland$67,939,000 MississippiNaval Air Station, Meridian$5,870,000 NevadaNaval Air Station, Fallon$7,730,000 North CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point$2,790,000  Marine Corps Air Station, New River$21,500,000 Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$160,904,000 Rhode IslandNaval Station, Newport$3,308,000 South CarolinaMarine Corps Air Station, Beaufort$25,575,000 VirginiaMarine Corps Base, Quantico$30,628,000  Naval Shipyard, Norfolk$34,952,000 Naval Special Weapons Center, Dahlgren$9,850,000  Naval Station, Norfolk$12,062,000  Naval Support Activity, Norfolk$41,712,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$67,303,000  Naval Base, Kitsap$17,617,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(2), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following table: Navy: Outside the United States CountryInstallation or LocationAmount Diego GarciaDiego Garcia$37,473,000 ItalyNaval Air Station, Sigonella$13,051,000 (c)Unspecified WorldwideUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(3), the Secretary of the Navy may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for unspecified installations or locations in the amount set forth in the following table: Navy: Unspecified Worldwide LocationProjectAmount  Helicopter Support Facility$12,185,000 2202.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the installations, in the number of units, and in the amounts set forth in the following table: Navy: Family Housing LocationInstallation UnitsAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Log. Base, Barstow74$27,851,000 Guam Naval Station/Base, Guam176$98,174,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $2,785,000. 2203.
National Defense Authorization Act
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the installations, in the number of units, and in the amounts set forth in the following table: Navy: Family Housing LocationInstallation UnitsAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Log. Base, Barstow74$27,851,000 Guam Naval Station/Base, Guam176$98,174,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $2,785,000. 2203.
National Defense Authorization Act
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the installations, in the number of units, and in the amounts set forth in the following table: Navy: Family Housing LocationInstallation UnitsAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Log. Base, Barstow74$27,851,000 Guam Naval Station/Base, Guam176$98,174,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $2,785,000. 2203.
National Defense Authorization Act
Improvements to military family housing unitsSubject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may improve existing military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $180,146,000. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy (a)Authorization of appropriationsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2006, for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of the Navy in the total amount of $2,109,367,000, as follows: (1)For military construction projects inside the United States authorized by section 2201(a), $832,982,000. (2)For military construction projects outside the United States authorized by section 2201(b), $50,524,000. (3)For military construction projects at unspecified worldwide locations authorized by section 2201(c), $12,185,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
Improvements to military family housing unitsSubject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2204(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Navy may improve existing military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $180,146,000. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy (a)Authorization of appropriationsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2006, for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of the Navy in the total amount of $2,109,367,000, as follows: (1)For military construction projects inside the United States authorized by section 2201(a), $832,982,000. (2)For military construction projects outside the United States authorized by section 2201(b), $50,524,000. (3)For military construction projects at unspecified worldwide locations authorized by section 2201(c), $12,185,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
and (B)by striking outlying landing field facilities, various locations in the continental United States and inserting an outlying landing field in Washington County, North Carolina. (b)Fiscal year 2005 inside the United States project (1)ModificationThe table in section 2201(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005 (division B of Public Law 108–375; 118 Stat. 2105), as amended by section 2206 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3493), is amended— (A)by striking the item relating to Navy Outlying Landing Field, Washington County, North Carolina; and (B)by striking the amount identified as the total in the amount column and inserting $825,479,000. (2)Conforming amendmentsSection 2204 of that Act (118 Stat. 2107), as amended by section 2206 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat.
National Defense Authorization Act
3493), is amended— (A)in subsection (a)— (i)in paragraph (1), by striking $752,927,000 and inserting 722,927,000; and (ii)by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (10)For the construction of increment 2 of the Navy outlying landing field in Washington County, North Carolina, authorized by section 2201(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (division B of Public Law 108–136; 117 Stat. 1704), as amended by section 2205(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, $30,000,000. ; and (B)in subsection (b), by striking paragraph (3). (c)Fiscal year 2006 inside the United States project (1)ModificationThe table in section 2201(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3489) is amended in the item related to Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, by striking $90,437,000 in the amount column and inserting $86,006,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
3493), is amended— (A)in subsection (a)— (i)in paragraph (1), by striking $752,927,000 and inserting 722,927,000; and (ii)by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (10)For the construction of increment 2 of the Navy outlying landing field in Washington County, North Carolina, authorized by section 2201(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (division B of Public Law 108–136; 117 Stat. 1704), as amended by section 2205(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, $30,000,000. ; and (B)in subsection (b), by striking paragraph (3). (c)Fiscal year 2006 inside the United States project (1)ModificationThe table in section 2201(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3489) is amended in the item related to Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, by striking $90,437,000 in the amount column and inserting $86,006,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
(2)Conforming amendmentsSection 2204(b)(2) of that Act (119 Stat. 3492) is amended by striking $37,721,000 and inserting $33,290,000. XXIIIAir Force Sec.  2301.  Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2302.  Family housing. Sec.  2303.  Improvements to military family housing units. Sec.  2304.  Authorization of appropriations, Air Force. Sec.  2305.  Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project. 2301.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
2303. Improvements to military family housing unitsSubject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2304(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Air Force may improve existing military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $403,777,000. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force (a)Authorization of appropriationsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2006, for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of the Air Force in the total amount of $3,231,442,000, as follows: (1)For military construction projects inside the United States authorized by section 2301(a), $962,286,000. (2)For military construction projects outside the United States authorized by section 2301(b), $157,966,000.
National Defense Authorization Act
2303. Improvements to military family housing unitsSubject to section 2825 of title 10, United States Code, and using amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2304(a)(6)(A), the Secretary of the Air Force may improve existing military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $403,777,000. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force (a)Authorization of appropriationsFunds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2006, for military construction, land acquisition, and military family housing functions of the Department of the Air Force in the total amount of $3,231,442,000, as follows: (1)For military construction projects inside the United States authorized by section 2301(a), $962,286,000. (2)For military construction projects outside the United States authorized by section 2301(b), $157,966,000.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
(3)For military construction projects at unspecified worldwide locations authorized by section 2301(c), $9,677,000. (4)For unspecified minor military construction projects authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, $15,000,000. (5)For architectural and engineering services and construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United States Code, $79,004,000. (6)For military family housing functions: (A)For construction and acquisition, planning and design, and improvement of military family housing and facilities, $1,168,138,000. (B)For support of military family housing (including functions described in section 2833 of title 10, United States Code), $755,071,000. (7)For the construction of increment 2 of the C-17 maintenance complex at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, authorized by section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3494), $30,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
(3)For military construction projects at unspecified worldwide locations authorized by section 2301(c), $9,677,000. (4)For unspecified minor military construction projects authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, $15,000,000. (5)For architectural and engineering services and construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United States Code, $79,004,000. (6)For military family housing functions: (A)For construction and acquisition, planning and design, and improvement of military family housing and facilities, $1,168,138,000. (B)For support of military family housing (including functions described in section 2833 of title 10, United States Code), $755,071,000. (7)For the construction of increment 2 of the C-17 maintenance complex at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, authorized by section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3494), $30,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
(3)For military construction projects at unspecified worldwide locations authorized by section 2301(c), $9,677,000. (4)For unspecified minor military construction projects authorized by section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, $15,000,000. (5)For architectural and engineering services and construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United States Code, $79,004,000. (6)For military family housing functions: (A)For construction and acquisition, planning and design, and improvement of military family housing and facilities, $1,168,138,000. (B)For support of military family housing (including functions described in section 2833 of title 10, United States Code), $755,071,000. (7)For the construction of increment 2 of the C-17 maintenance complex at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, authorized by section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3494), $30,000,000.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project (a)Modification of Inside the United States ProjectThe table in section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3494) is amended in the item relating to MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, by striking $107,200,000 in the amount column and inserting $101,500,000. (b)Conforming AmendmentSection 2304(b)(4) of that Act (119 Stat. 3496) is amended by striking $29,000,000 and inserting $23,300,000. XXIVDefense Agencies Sec.  2401.  Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects. Sec.  2402.  Family housing. Sec.  2403.  Energy conservation projects. Sec.  2404.  Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005. Sec.  2405.  Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies. Sec.  2406.  Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project. 2401.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
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Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
National Defense Authorization Act
Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects (a)Inside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(1), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount KentuckyFort Knox$18,108,000 Defense Logistics Agency StateInstallation or LocationAmount ArizonaMarine Corps Air Station, Yuma$8,715,000 CaliforniaBeale Air Force Base$9,000,000 PennsylvaniaDefense Distribution Depot, New Cumberland$8,900,000 ViginiaFort Belvoir$5,500,000 WashingtonNaval Air Station, Whidbey Island$26,000,000 Special Operations Command StateInstallation or LocationAmount CaliforniaMarine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton$24,400,000 ColoradoFort Carson$26,100,000 FloridaHurlburt Field$14,482,000  MacDill Air Force Base$27,300,000 KentuckyFort Campbell$24,500,000 MississippiStennis Space Center$10,200,000 North CarolinaFort Bragg$51,768,000  Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune$51,600,000 Pope Air Force Base$15,276,000 VirginiaNaval Air Base, Little Creek$22,000,000 TRICARE Management Activity StateInstallation or LocationAmount AlaskaFort Richardson$37,200,000 CaliforniaFort Irwin$6,050,000 FloridaMacDill Air Force Base$92,000,000  Naval Hospital, Jacksonville$16,000,000 HawaiiNaval Base, Pearl Harbor$7,700,000 IllinoisNaval Hospital, Great Lakes$20,000,000 MarylandFort Detrick$550,000,000 New YorkFort Drum$9,700,000 TexasFort Hood$18,000,000 (b)Outside the United StatesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(2), the Secretary of Defense may acquire real property and carry out military construction projects for the installations or locations outside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the following tables: Defense Education Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$47,210,000 KoreaOsan Air Base$4,589,000 SpainNaval Station, Rota$23,048,000 Defense Logistics Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount JapanOkinawa$5,000,000 Wake IslandWake Island$2,600,000 Missile Defense Agency Country or PossessionInstallation or LocationAmount KwajaleinKwajalein Atoll$7,592,000 Special Operations Command CountryInstallation or LocationAmount QatarAl Udeid AB$44,500,000 TRICARE Management Activity CountryInstallation or LocationAmount ItalyVicenza$52,000,000 2402.
National Defense Authorization Act
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the location, in the number of units, and in the amount set forth in the following table: Defense Logistics Agency: Family Housing StateLocationUnitsAmount VirginiaDefense Supply Center, Richmond 25$7,840,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $200,000. 2403.
National Defense Authorization Act
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the location, in the number of units, and in the amount set forth in the following table: Defense Logistics Agency: Family Housing StateLocationUnitsAmount VirginiaDefense Supply Center, Richmond 25$7,840,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $200,000. 2403.
Short Title; FINDINGS
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the location, in the number of units, and in the amount set forth in the following table: Defense Logistics Agency: Family Housing StateLocationUnitsAmount VirginiaDefense Supply Center, Richmond 25$7,840,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $200,000. 2403.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the location, in the number of units, and in the amount set forth in the following table: Defense Logistics Agency: Family Housing StateLocationUnitsAmount VirginiaDefense Supply Center, Richmond 25$7,840,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $200,000. 2403.
National Defense Authorization Act
Family housing (a)Construction and acquisitionUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may construct or acquire family housing units (including land acquisition and supporting facilities) at the location, in the number of units, and in the amount set forth in the following table: Defense Logistics Agency: Family Housing StateLocationUnitsAmount VirginiaDefense Supply Center, Richmond 25$7,840,000 (b)Planning and designUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(9)(A), the Secretary of Defense may carry out architectural and engineering services and construction design activities with respect to the construction or improvement of military family housing units in an amount not to exceed $200,000. 2403.
Short Title; FINDINGS
Energy conservation projectsUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(6), the Secretary of Defense may carry out energy conservation projects under section 2865 of title 10, United States Code, in the amount of $55,000,000. 2404. Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005 (a)Authorized activitiesUsing amounts appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in section 2405(a)(8), the Secretary of Defense may carry out base closure and realignment activities, including real property acquisition and military construction projects, as authorized by the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101–510; 10 U. S. C. 2687 note) and funded through the Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005 established by section 2906A of such Act, in the amount of $5,902,723,000.
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(2)Authorization of appropriations and limitationsSection 2403 of that Act (119 Stat. 3499) is amended— (A)in subsection (a)(7)— (i)by striking as authorized by the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101–510; 10 U. S. C. 2687 note) and inserting authorized by section 2404 of this Act; and (ii)by striking section 2906 of such Act and inserting section 2906A of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (part A of title XXIX of Public Law 101–510; 10 U. S. C. 2687 note); (B)by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (d);
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(12)For the construction of increment 2 of the classified material conversion facility at Fort Meade, Maryland, authorized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3497), $11,151,000. (13)For the construction of increment 2 of an operations building, Royal Air Force Menwith Hill Station, United Kingdom, authorized by section 2401(b) of the Military Construction Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3498), as amended by section 2406 of this Act, $46,386,000. (14)For the construction of the second increment of certain base closure and realignment activities authorized by section 2404 of the Military Construction Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2006 (division B of Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3500), as added by section 2404(b) of this Act, $390,000,000.
Short Title; FINDINGS
(15)For the construction of increment 7 of a munitions demilitarization facility at Blue Grass Army Depot, Kentucky, authorized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public Law 106–65; 113 Stat. 835), as amended by section 2405 of the Military Construction Authorization Act of 2002 (division B of Public Law 107–107; 115 Stat. 1298), and section 2405 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of Public Law 107–314; 116 Stat. 2698), $99,157,000. (16)For the construction of increment 8 of a munitions demilitarization facility at Pueblo Chemical Activity, Colorado, authorized by section 2401(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 (division B of Public Law 104–201; 110 Stat. 2775), as amended by section 2406 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (division B of Public Law 106–65; 113 Stat.
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839), and section 2407 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (division B of Public Law 107–314; 116 Stat. 2698), $41,836,000. (b)Limitation on total cost of construction projectsNotwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2401 of this Act may not exceed the sum of the following: (1)The total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). (2)$46,400,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2401(a) for construction of a health clinic at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida). (3)$521,000,000 (the balance of the amount authorized under section 2401(a) for stage 1 of the replacement of the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland).
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(b)ExceptionSubsection (a) shall not apply to authorizations for military construction projects, land acquisition, family housing projects and facilities, and contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program (and authorizations of appropriations therefor), for which appropriated funds have been obligated before the later of— (1)October 1, 2009; or (2)the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for fiscal year 2010 for military construction projects, land acquisition, family housing projects and facilities, or contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program. 2702. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2004 projects (a)Extension and renewalNotwithstanding section 2701 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (division B of Public Law 108–136; 117 Stat.
Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(b)ExceptionSubsection (a) shall not apply to authorizations for military construction projects, land acquisition, family housing projects and facilities, and contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program (and authorizations of appropriations therefor), for which appropriated funds have been obligated before the later of— (1)October 1, 2009; or (2)the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for fiscal year 2010 for military construction projects, land acquisition, family housing projects and facilities, or contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program. 2702. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2004 projects (a)Extension and renewalNotwithstanding section 2701 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (division B of Public Law 108–136; 117 Stat.
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1716), authorizations set forth in the tables in subsection (b), as provided in section 2101, 2301, 2302, 2401, or 2601 of that Act shall remain in effect until October 1, 2007, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal year 2008, whichever is later.
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 Department of Defense goal regarding use of renewable energy to meet electricity needs. Sec.  2853.  Congressional notification of cancellation ceiling for Department of Defense energy savings performance contracts. Sec.  2854.  Use of energy efficiency products in new construction. Subtitle F—Other Matters Sec.  2861.  Availability of research and technical assistance under Defense Economic Adjustment Program. Sec.  2862.  Availability of community planning assistance relating to encroachment of civilian communities on military facilities used for training by the Armed Forces. Sec.  2863.  Prohibitions against making certain military airfields or facilities available for use by civil aircraft. Sec.  2864.  Modification of certain transportation projects. Sec.  2865.  Availability of funds for South County Commuter Rail project, Providence, Rhode Island. Sec.  2866.  Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, Providence, Rhode Island. Sec.  2867.  Federal funding for fixed guideway projects. Sec.  2868.
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(g)Exception to advance notice requirementIf the Secretary of a military department determines that the use of condemnation, eminent domain, or seizure to acquire an interest in land is required under subsection (a) to satisfy a requirement vital to national security, and that any delay would be detrimental to national security or the protection of health, safety, or the environment, the Secretary may have proceedings brought in the name of the United States to acquire the land in advance of submitting the report required by subsection (f)(1)(B). However, the Secretary shall submit the report not later than seven days after commencement of the legal proceedings with respect to the land. . 2822.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991
(2)in subsection (b), by inserting Limitation on size of easement. — after (b); (3)in subsection (c), by inserting Termination. — after (c); (4)in subsection (d), by inserting Notice to department of the interior. — after (d); and (5)in subsection (e), by inserting Disposition of consideration. — after (e). (c)Conforming repealSection 2669 of such title is repealed. (d)Clerical amendmentThe table of sections at the beginning of chapter 159 of such title is amended by striking the item related to section 2669. 2823. Authority to grant restrictive easements for conservation purposes in connection with land conveyances (a)Restrictive easementsChapter 159 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2668 the following new section: 2668a.