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chest x-ray; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, the monitoring and support devices are unchanged. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and there is no evidence of vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Portable AP upright chest radiograph obtained. Lungs are clear. No focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Heart is top normal. Mediastinal contour is normal. Bony structures are intact. No free air below the right hemidiaphragm.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Comparison to ___. Decrease in extent of the pre-existing pleural effusions. The effusions, however, are still clearly visible. Areas of atelectasis at both the left and the right lung basis. Stable size of the cardiac silhouette. Stable mild bilateral hilar enlargement. No evidence of pneumonia. The left pectoral Port-A-Cath is in stable position.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
ET tube tip is 6.4 cm above the carinal. The NG tube tip is in the stomach. Heart size and mediastinum are stable in appearance. There is progression of the left retrocardiac opacity concerning for interval development of left lower lobe atelectasis. There is also right basal opacity that is concerning for aspiration. Mild vascular congestion is present. There is no change in the evidence of left upper and right upper lung prior granulomatous exposure. Small amount of pleural effusion is present. Calcified pleural plaques are noted in the right lower pleura
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Comparison is made with prior study, ___. Moderate cardiomegaly is stable. Right lower lobe atelectasis has markedly increased. The aorta is tortuous. There is no pneumothorax. If any, there are small bilateral pleural effusions. Interstitial opacities likely reflect mild edema, superimposed on emphysema.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'
In comparison with the study of ___, there again are low lung volumes. Continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with elevated pulmonary venous pressure and layering pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis at the bases. In view of all of these changes, it is difficult to assess for possible superimposed pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Pneumothorax'
Again seen is the small right apical pneumothorax. This is similar in size compared to films from the prior evening. Cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular redistribution, and bilateral pleural effusions are again seen. There are bilateral lower lobe areas of volume loss/infiltrate marrow that are slightly more prominent on the current film. The feeding tube tip is off the film. The right subclavian line with tip at the cavoatrial junction is unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, there has been a right pigtail catheter placed in the pleural space with decrease in the amount of layering effusion and compressive basilar atelectasis. No evidence of post procedure pneumothorax. Little change in the amount of pleural fluid on the left as well as the enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and possible mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Edema'; 'Pneumonia'
AP chest compared to ___, most recently 12:43 p.m.: Previous consolidation in the right upper lung has improved substantially. The rapidity of change is not consistent with pneumonia, but could have been due to massive aspiration or asymmetric edema. Pulmonary hemorrhage would not clear this fast either. There is still substantial consolidation in the right lower lobe. Left lower lobe is partially obscured but may contain a new region of consolidation partially obscuring the hemidiaphragm. Since the pulmonary vasculature and the mediastinal veins are not engorged, I am doubtful that either of these is asymmetric edema and instead favor recurrent massive aspiration. Hyperinflation indicates COPD.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Heart size is mildly enlarged. The aorta is diffusely calcified. Mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged. The lungs are hyperinflated. Pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. Scarring is again noted within the lung apices. Mildly increased interstitial opacities are noted diffusely, which may reflect chronic changes. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present multiple clips are noted at the gastroesophageal junction. Partially seen are screws within the proximal left humerus.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
NG tube tip is in the stomach. ET tube tip is 4 cm above the carinal. Right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid SVC. Bilateral pleural effusions are moderate to large. Vascular congestion is demonstrated, bilateral, borderline with pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax. Overall no substantial change since the prior study demonstrated
chest x-ray;
AP chest compared to ___, ___:23 p.m.: Lung volumes remain low and the vasculature is engorged, but although there may have been mild edema on the earlier study, there is none currently. No pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion is present either. The heart is moderately enlarged but unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
There is interval development of pulmonary edema. There is also progression of the right mid and lower lung consolidation that might be concerning for aspiration/atelectasis. Tubes and lines are in unchanged position. Bilateral effusion is most likely present.
chest x-ray;
Heart size is enlarged but stable. There are no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces.
chest x-ray; 'Support Devices'
Right PICC ends in the mid SVC. Nasoenteric tube ends in the distal esophagus just above the GE junction. There is volume loss at both bases.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, the monitoring and support devices are essentially unchanged. Again there is substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacification consistent with significant pulmonary edema that has improved since the prior study. No evidence of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the patient has received a second and a third left-sided chest tube. There is a minimal post-procedural left pneumothorax without evidence of tension. Moreover, a small air inclusion is seen at the site of tube insertion. There is mild left basal atelectasis and a substantial air inclusion in the soft tissues at the site of tube insertion. The patient has been intubated. The endotracheal tube projects 3 cm above the carina. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema. Unchanged appearance of the right lung.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'
Low lung volumes are similar to prior. The pulmonary vasculature appears slightly engorged and there is at least moderate interstitial edema. There is no focal consolidation, significant effusion, or pneumothorax. Mild cardiomegaly is similar to prior. Imaged osseous structures are intact. No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen. Aortic calcification is not significantly changed.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, the patient has taken a much better inspiration. There is persistent enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary vascular congestion. Right pleural effusion with compressive atelectasis at the base. Left hemidiaphragm is now quite sharp. Endotracheal tube tip lies approximately 4 cm above the carina. Nasogastric tube extends well into the stomach.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Frontal radiograph of the chest shows interval left pleural catheter placement with substantial improvement in left-sided pleural effusion. There is no change in the small right pleural effusion. Monitoring and support devices are unchanged. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
One AP semi-upright portable chest x-ray. An endotracheal tube ends 4.6 cm from the carina. Right internal jugular catheter tip is difficult to appreciate but likely ends near the cavoatrial junction. There are bilateral pleural effusions. Basilar opacities either representing atelectasis or pneumonia are increased compared to ___ but similar to yesterday. The pulmonary edema has improved slightly compared to ___, however, is similar compared to study yesterday.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is massive progression of the bilateral diffuse parenchymal pre-existing opacities. In addition, there is likely recurrence of bilateral moderate pleural effusions. The monitoring and support devices continue to be in correct position. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Single AP upright chest radiograph was obtained. In comparison to the prior study, left-sided PICC line is no longer visualized. Cardiomediastinal contours are unremarkable. Lungs are clear without focal consolidation. There is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
1. Interval appearance of bibasilar airspace disease which may reflect pneumonia or aspiration. There has been interval placement of a left subclavian PICC line with its tip in the mid superior vena cava. Overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely unchanged. No large effusions. No evidence of pneumothorax. No acute bony abnormality.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is a substantial increase in extent of the right pleural effusion with subsequent areas of atelectasis in the right lung. On the left, the atelectatic areas in the retrocardiac space are of unchanged extent. The appearance of the left hilus suggests moderate pulmonary edema. Given the right effusion, the size of the cardiac silhouette cannot be exactly determined. The monitoring and support devices are now in correct position, with the Swan-Ganz catheter pulled back by approximately 2 to 3 cm.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Lung volumes are slightly low leading to crowding of the bronchovascular structures. There is no evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Exclusion of the left costophrenic angle is noted and the exam could be repeated to include this region no additional charge if warranted clinically. The
chest x-ray; 'Lung Lesion'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'
AP chest compared to ___: Moderate bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right, have both increased. Lung bases are obscured, but there appears to be opacification in both lower lungs, whether atelectasis or pneumonia is radiographically indeterminate and a more discrete mass-like 22 mm wide lesion at the upper pole of the left hilus, which could be a metastasis, less likely, infection. Cardiac silhouette is obscured. There is no pneumothorax. Right supraclavicular central venous infusion pump ends in the right atrium. Dr. ___ paged today at 8:20 a.m. as soon as the findings were recognized.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the right internal jugular vein catheter has been removed. The clips projecting over the right axilla are unchanged in appearance. The heart is borderline in size, as are the diameters of the pulmonary vessels. However, no signs of overt pulmonary edema are seen. No pleural effusions. No evidence of pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
AP chest compared to ___ at 10:04 a.m.: Dobbhoff tube ends at the very upper margin of the stomach. Right PIC line ends in the upper to mid SVC. Lungs are grossly clear, heart size is normal and there is no pleural abnormality.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
AP upright portable chest radiograph is obtained. There is a poorly defined opacity at the left lung base, which could reflect crowding of bronchovasculature and underpenetrated technique, though the possibility of an early pneumonia cannot be excluded. Consider dedicated PA and lateral view to better assess. No large effusions or pneumothorax is seen. The heart size appears grossly stable. No mediastinal contour abnormalities are seen. Bony structures are intact.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with study of ___, there is an placement of a left IJ catheter that extends to the brachiocephalic vein, close to the junction with the superior vena cava. No evidence of pneumothorax. Low lung volumes with mild atelectatic streaks at the left base. Otherwise little change.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is a substantial improvement. The previous opacity in the right upper lobe has completely resolved. The right pleural effusion has decreased in extent. The left lung is unchanged. Moderate cardiomegaly with mild fluid overload persists. The monitoring and support devices are unchanged, except for a newly introduced nasogastric tube that appears to be in correct position.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Single supine portable view of the chest. No prior. Lung volumes are low though lungs are clear. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable.
chest x-ray; 'Fracture'; 'Pneumothorax'
A single supine AP radiograph of the chest was acquired. The lungs are clear. The heart size is normal. The mediastinal contours are normal. There are no pleural effusions. Right apical pleural thickening likely relates to known rib trauma. There is no definite pneumothorax seen on this single supine radiograph, although a small pneumothorax was seen on the accompanying CT cervical spine from ___. There is a displaced fracture through the distal aspect of the right clavicle. A known fracture through the posterior aspect of the right first rib was better seen on the accompanying CT cervical spine from ___. No definite additional rib fractures are identified.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There are no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
In comparison with the study of ___, allowing for differences in the supine and erect position, there is little change. No evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
CHEST, SINGLE AP PORTABLE VIEW. Compared with ___ at 9:59 a.m., a small left pneumothorax is again seen, overall similar. A left-sided catheter is present. Patchy opacity at the left base with a small left effusion appears stable. Scattered small opacities in the left mid zone are unchanged. Effusion and opacity at the right base is also unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'
Comparison 2 ___. Stable left pneumothorax. Mild left pleural effusion. Moderate cardiomegaly persists. The appearance of the right lung, with signs of mild fluid overload, is stable.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'
No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen. Heart size is enlarged. No pneumopericardium is evident. Aortic tortuosity is seen. There is mild vascular cephalization without evidence for pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is a further minimal increase in severity of the preexisting known pulmonary edema. The lung volumes remain low. The size of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged. No pleural effusions. No other changes.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
A radiograph centered at the thoracoabdominal junction region was obtained for assessment of a nasogastric tube, which terminates within the fundus of the stomach. Within the imaged portion of the chest, crowding of bronchovascular structures is present at the lung bases with otherwise clear lungs.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, the right subclavian PICC line has been pulled back, though the tip still remains in the left brachiocephalic vein. Other monitoring and support devices are unchanged. The bilateral pulmonary opacifications have decreased, especially on the right. Nevertheless, in the appropriate clinical setting, aspiration pneumonia at the left base would have to be seriously considered.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
The heart is severely enlarged. There is pulmonary vascular redistribution and patchy areas of alveolar infiltrate. There small bilateral effusions. The right IJ line has been removed. Compared to the prior study, the fluid status appears worse.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
No focal consolidations to suggest pneumonia. No pulmonary edema. Stable appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette with atherosclerotic calcifications of the aortic knob. No pleural effusion. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Other'; 'Support Devices'
Compared to chest radiographs since ___, most recently ___. New trans subclavian right ventricular pacer lead has been inserted, tip projecting normally floor of the right ventricle. Indwelling right ventricular and right atrial leads unchanged in their positions. No pneumothorax, mediastinal widening, or new pleural effusion. Left pleural scarring stable. Heart size top-normal. No pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray;
There are low lung volumes. The right hemidiaphragm is elevated. There is mild vascular congestion. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Cardiac size is top normal accentuated by the projection.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Diffuse ground-glass opacity throughout the left upper lung zone is thought to reflect changes from recent ablation. There is no pneumothorax. Chain sutures are seen in the left upper lung. There is no pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal contours are unchanged. There is a moderate size hiatal hernia.
chest x-ray; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with study of ___, little overall change in the small-to-moderate right apical pneumothorax. No definite pneumopericardium is seen. The new pacer device has leads in appropriate position. No definite vascular congestion. Blunting of the left costophrenic angle persists.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Comparison ___. Newly developed bilateral moderate pleural effusion with subsequent areas of atelectasis. Mild fluid overload but no overt pulmonary edema. No evidence of pneumonia. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Lung Opacity'
As compared to ___ radiograph, cardiomediastinal contours are stable. Mild pulmonary vascular congestion is present. Patchy and linear bibasilar opacities likely represent atelectasis and have slightly improved. No new areas of consolidation.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the intra-aortic balloon pump has been pulled back by approximately 3 cm. The tip of the pump now projects approximately halfway between the aortic arch and the aortic hiatus. Otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged, with unchanged appearance of the lung, the heart and the monitoring and support devices.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Pericardial drainage catheter remains in place, with unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette. Pulmonary vascular congestion is accompanied by mild interstitial edema. Moderate left pleural effusion appears slightly larger and is associated with adjacent left lower lobe atelectasis and/or consolidation.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'
AP semi upright portable chest radiograph provided. Cardiomegaly is stable. There is mild improvement in the previously noted pulmonary edema. No large effusion is seen though the left lung base is poorly visualized. No pneumothorax. Bony structures intact.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study ___ ___, there is an endotracheal tube with its tip approximately 3 cm above the carina. The nasogastric tube appears to extend to the esophagogastric junction level, were crosses the lower margin of the image. Cardiac silhouette is enlarged and there again is moderate pulmonary edema with bilateral pleural effusions and compressive atelectasis at the bases.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'
Compared with 1 day earlier and allowing for technical differences, I doubt significant interval change. Probable background hyperinflation. Mild cardiomegaly. Upper zone redistribution, without overt CHF. Minimal bibasilar atelectasis, but no focal consolidation. No gross effusion. On today's examination, the left hemidiaphragm is slightly elevated. Incidental note is made of advanced glenohumeral osteoarthritis on both sides and multiple loose bodies in the left shoulder joint.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
Since the prior study there is no change in widespread opacities involving the entire lungs with relatively uniform distribution and some central lucencies potentially representing interstitial emphysema or cysts, findings that in did might be concerning for pneumo cyst is pneumonia. Correlation with chest CT is recommended. The findings are overall minimally improved as compared to ___ Port-A-Cath catheter tip is in the right atrium.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Lung Opacity'
Patchy retrocardiac opacity and left base atelectasis, new compared with ___. The possibility of an associated pneumonic infiltrate cannot be excluded.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
A new right lower chest tube has been placed which ends as a pigtail within the lower right hemithorax. There is a persistent moderate-to-large right-sided pleural effusion, but substantially reduced. Associated parenchymal opacity suggests persistent partial atelectasis of the right lung. Leftward shift of mediastinal structures has resolved. There is no definite pleural effusion on the left.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'
Single frontal view of the chest demonstrates an ET tube with tip extending to 6 cm above the carina. Prominent cardiac silhouette is likely accentuated by AP technique. Dense retrocardiac opacity is redemonstrated, but somewhat less pronounced as compared to one day prior, which may reflect slight improvement in dependent atelectasis. The upper lungs remain lucent, consistent with moderate-to-severe emphysema correlated with prior CT. There is no pneumothorax. There is no right pleural effusion. A small left pleural effusion is present.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'
Increasing extent. Of bilateral parenchymal opacities that pre existed. The symmetry of the changes would favor pulmonary edema rather than pneumonia. However, no other signs suggesting pulmonary edema are present so that bilateral pneumonia should be considered. Minimal increase in extent of bilateral pre-existing pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. Normal size of the cardiac silhouette.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'
Since the prior study there are new interstitial opacities in the mid lung fields bilaterally, right greater than left. Lung volumes are low, as before. Heart size is moderately enlarged, as before. No large pleural effusion.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Heart is upper limits of normal in size. Interval decrease in distention of the neoesophagus. Previously present diffuse bilateral airspace opacities have partially improved in the interval, with residual opacities involving the right lung more than the left, and demonstrating a relative upper lung predominance, particularly in the left hemithorax. Bilateral interstitial opacities, presumably representing interstitial edema have also decreased in extent, and a right pleural effusion has decreased in size with residual small-to-moderate effusion remaining. Probable persistent small left pleural effusion, but no visible pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
1. Left internal jugular central line and right internal jugular large-bore catheter are unchanged in position. Endotracheal tube continues to have its tip at the thoracic inlet. A nasogastric tube is seen coiled within the stomach and likely is coiled within a hiatal hernia. There continues to be moderate layering bilateral effusions with associated airspace disease, which has not significantly changed since the prior study. Overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely stable. No pneumothorax is seen on this semi-upright portable exam.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
Right subclavian PICC line has its tip in the distal SVC. Overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable. Interval improvement in aeration at the right lung base. Residual streaky opacity at the left base most likely reflects atelectasis, although early pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded. No pleural effusions. No pulmonary edema or pneumothorax. Surgical clips in the right upper quadrant suggestive of prior cholecystectomy.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
A left chest wall dual-lead pacemaker remains with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle in unchanged position. Dense opacification of the left lung base with obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm and the left cardiac contour is likely a combination of pleural fluid and atelectasis, although underlying consolidation cannot be excluded. There is no large right pleural effusion. There is no pneumothorax. Increased interstitial markings are consistent with pulmonary edema. Heavy calcification of the aortic knob is again noted. A vascular stent is noted projecting over the right axilla.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
Support lines and devices are in standard position. The cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged with left ventricular configuration. Bilateral confluent areas of airspace opacification are again demonstrated, likely due to multifocal pneumonia. They are located centrally in the left perihilar region, and more diffusely in the right middle and right lower lobes, with interval worsening on right. Additional opacity in left retrocardiac region shows slight improvement from the prior study. Right upper lobe is relatively spared of this process peripherally, but poorly defined central opacities likely reflect coalescing foci of airspace disease. Moderate right pleural effusion has increased in size from the prior study, and small left pleural effusion is unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
A frontal upright chest radiograph demonstrates a normal cardiomediastinal silhouette and well-aerated lungs without focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. The visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable, without evidence of intraperitoneal free air.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'
AP view of the chest provided. Compared to prior study, degree of pulmonary vascular engorgement is unchanged but there is no overt edema. Increased retrocardiac and left base opacity is likely due to atelectasis with overlying pleural effusion. There may be a small right pleural effusion as well. Postoperative cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. Right IJ line terminates in the mid SVC.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'
Compared with the prior study, bilateral basal parenchymal opacities are unchanged. There has been interval worsening of the bilateral pleural effusions, now multiloculated in the bilateral lungs. Moderate cardiomegaly is stable. Constant positioning of the tracheostomy tube and left PICC line.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
The lungs are clear. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No acute osseous abnormalities.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison is made with prior study ___. Mild vascular congestion is new. There are low lung volumes. There is no pneumothorax. If any, there are small bilateral pleural effusions. Cardiomegaly is unchanged but partially obscured by lung abnormalities. Right IJ catheter tip is in the upper-to-mid SVC. Bibasilar atelectases are new. Sternal wires and evidence of CABG are again noted.
chest x-ray;
Comparison with prior the chest x-ray shows a possible increased density in the left lower lobe, which could represent an aspiration pneumonia in this region. Otherwise, there has been no significant change since the prior chest x-ray.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'
There are no prior chest radiographs available for review. Lungs clear. Heart mildly enlarged. Ascending thoracic aorta tortuous or dilated. Pleural effusions small on the left if any. No good evidence for pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Interval insertion of a left-sided pigtail catheter with decrease in the left-sided pleural effusion. No pneumothorax. Left retrocardiac opacity has improved. The right lung remains clear. Right-sided Port-A-Cath with the tip in the right atrium.
chest x-ray; 'Support Devices'
ET tube now is in appropriate position the tip is 2.7 cm above the carina. Moderate vascular congestion has minimally increased. No other interval change from prior study.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'
Heart size is prominent but stable. There is tenting of the left lateral pleural base which may represent pleural fluid versus scarring. There are bibasilar opacities which may represent atelectasis. There is mild prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings suggestive of mild pulmonary edema. No pneumothoraces are seen.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
As compared to ___ radiograph, cardiomegaly is now accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild edema. New patchy bibasilar opacities could be related to clinically suspected aspiration bladder not specific for this process. Small bilateral pleural effusions are also new.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, the monitoring and support devices remain in place. Continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with tortuosity of the aorta. Lower lung volumes with some continued elevation of pulmonary venous pressure. Areas of opacification are again seen in the right mid and lower zones and at the left base, consistent with the clinical diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the lung volumes have decreased, causing basal crowding of the bronchial and vascular structures. However, in a high-risk patient, these changes could also be caused by a developing pneumonia. Therefore, in confirmation of the absence of pathological changes with CT is recommended. No pneumothorax. No pleural effusions. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette. Unchanged position of the right double-lumen catheter. At the time of dictation and observation, the referring physician, ___. ___ was called for notification. However, the office number did not respond and the doctor was not pageable. Therefore, an urgent E-mail was written at 7:57 a.m., on ___, to communicate the findings. The observation was also put on the radiology dashboard.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'
The patient is rotated to the right on this examination. Median sternotomy wires appear intact from prior CABG. Numerous mediastinal clips are again noted. Mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits. Mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly appears unchanged. The lungs are clear. No confluent opacity is identified. There is no pneumothorax. No pulmonary edema or pleural effusions are evident. Surgical clips are again noted below the right hemidiaphragm and likely related to history of cholecystectomy as evidenced by prior CT.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison is made with prior study performed eight hours earlier. NG tube has been advanced, the tip is in the stomach. The ET tube is in standard position. Large left supraclavicular central catheter is in standard position. Cardiac size is top normal. Mediastinal contours are unchanged. Right lower lobe atelectasis has improved. There are low lung volumes.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'
Bibasal areas of atelectasis have slightly progressed and there is slight interval progression of vascular enlargement.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
The patient is status post left VATS. 2 left chest tubes are present. No definitive pneumothorax identified. Persisting retrocardiac opacity which may reflect post procedural changes/atelectasis. Mild atelectasis in the right lower lung zone. No right pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The size of the cardiac silhouette is enlarged but unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
No significant change in the moderate pulmonary edema, cardiomegaly, bilateral pleural effusions and vascular engorgement since yesterday. No pneumothorax. Right PICC line unchanged satisfactory position. Pigtail catheter overlying the left upper abdomen is partially imaged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
AP single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in supine position. Comparison is made with the next preceding similar study obtained 45 minutes earlier. The patient remains intubated, the ETT in unchanged position. No pneumothorax. The previously described left-sided subclavian central venous line in unchanged position terminating in lower third of SVC. The Dobbhoff line apparently has been exchanged. A new line is again well reaching into the stomach. Its final appearance suggests that it is curved in the distal stomach, not reaching the pylorus or duodenum as yet. For followup examination of this line is suggested to perform abdominal films, as the line escapes almost completely from the chest region.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pneumothorax'
As compared to prior chest radiograph from ___, there is improved aeration of the left perihilar region; however, atelectasis at the left lower lung base persists. Left pneumothorax is improving. Right lung is clear. The cardiomediastinal contours are normal. ET tube is in standard position. Left IJ catheter tip terminates in the mid SVC. NG tube remains coiled in the stomach. A left chest tube remains in unchanged position.
chest x-ray;
There increased areas of patchy opacity in both lower lungs with ill definition of the left hemidiaphragm compatible with volume loss/ infiltrate/effusion. the appearance of the PICC line is unchanged
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'
AP portable chest radiograph shows decrease in right pleural fluid compared to the study earlier the same day. No pneumothorax is seen. Apparent kinking of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt tubing at the level of the neck on the right may be related to head position.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Compared to chest radiographs ___ through ___. Interval improvement in the previously severe infiltrative pulmonary abnormality is due to decreasing pulmonary edema. What remains could be pneumonia, particular in the right midlung, or noncardiogenic edema. Heart size normal. Pleural effusions small if any. No pneumothorax. ET tube and transesophageal drainage tube in standard placements respectively.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Compared to chest radiographs since ___, most recently ___ through ___. Large right pleural effusion appears smaller, but that could be due just to a change in patient position. Mild pulmonary edema in the left lung however has improved. Mediastinal veins are still engorged. Heart is at most moderately enlarged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
EKG electrodes seen overlying the chest wall. There is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. No acute osseous abnormalities identified.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
Compared to chest radiographs ___ through ___ at 13:51. Small right apical pneumothorax is new. Small right pleural effusion persists. Distension of the neo esophagus has improved but is probably responsible for scratch considerable right lower lobe atelectasis. Small left pneumothorax is smaller. Left thoracostomy tube sharply folded as it projects over the left hemithorax may not be optimally functioning. No appreciable left pleural effusion. Left basal atelectasis is moderate. Severe subcutaneous emphysema has increased in the left chest wall and both sides of the neck, and pneumomediastinum though small has increased. Heart size normal. ET tube, esophageal drainage tube, and left subclavian line are in standard placements.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with study of ___, the Dobbhoff tube tip remains in the lower esophagus, actually more proximal than on the previous study.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
The tip of the feeding tube projects over the body of the stomach. No focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified. The size the cardiac silhouette is within normal limits.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There are no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change. The monitoring and support devices are constant. Minimally increasing atelectasis at the right lung base. Unchanged moderate cardiomegaly. No changes in the left lung.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with study of ___, the monitoring and support devices are essentially unchanged. Patient has taken a much better inspiration. Minimal atelectatic changes are seen above the elevated right hemidiaphragm. No evidence of acute pneumonia or vascular congestion.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'
ET tube tip lies approximately 7.7 cm above the carina, at the lower edge of the medial clavicular heads. NG tube tip overlies the left upper quadrant. A sideport, if present, does not extend beyond the GE junction. Right IJ central line tip overlies the proximal/mid SVC. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is probably unchanged, allowing for technical differences. Again seen is left lower lobe collapse and/or consolidation and obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm, slightly denser. A small left effusion would be difficult to exclude. Minimal patchy at the right low minimal minimal patchy opacity at the right lung base is also again seen, similar prior. No pneumothorax detected. Doubt overt CHF.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
The tracheostomy tube is appropriately positioned. There is a right PICC ending in the low SVC, as before. An enteric catheter passes below the level of the diaphragm, ending within the stomach. There are diffuse bilateral airspace opacities, similar in distribution and severity to the prior radiographs from ___. ___ left retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged. Probable small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged. There is no pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Bibasilar atelectatic changes are noted, but the lungs are without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is at upper limits of normal. No acute fractures are identified.