during the progress of the assault our little group on cheeves's mill hardly breathed but no sooner did we see our flags on the parapet than i exclaimed in the language of the poor negro at cobb's plantation this nigger will have no sleep this night
[ "during", "the", "progress", "of", "the", "assault", "our", "little", "group", "on", "cheeves's", "mill", "hardly", "breathed", "but", "no", "sooner", "did", "we", "see", "our", "flags", "on", "the", "parapet", "than", "i", "exclaimed", "in", "the", "language", "of", "the", "poor", "negro", "at", "cobb's", "plantation", "this", "nigger", "will", "have", "no", "sleep", "this", "night" ]
[ "during", "the", "progress", "of", "the", "assault", "our", "little", "group", "on", "cheeves's", "mill", "hardly", "breathed", "but", "no", "sooner", "did", "we", "see", "our", "flags", "on", "the", "parapet", "than", "i", "exclaimed", "in", "the", "language", "of", "the", "poor", "negro", "at", "cobb's", "plantation", "this", "nigger", "will", "have", "no", "sleep", "this", "night" ]
[ "d u r i n g", "t h e", "p r o g r e s s", "o f", "t h e", "a s s a u l t", "o u r", "l i t t l e", "g r o u p", "o n", "c h e e v e s ' s", "m i l l", "h a r d l y", "b r e a t h e d", "b u t", "n o", "s o o n e r", "d i d", "w e", "s e e", "o u r", "f l a g s", "o n", "t h e", "p a r a p e t", "t h a n", "i", "e x c l a i m e d", "i n", "t h e", "l a n g u a g e", "o f", "t h e", "p o o r", "n e g r o", "a t", "c o b b ' s", "p l a n t a t i o n", "t h i s", "n i g g e r", "w i l l", "h a v e", "n o", "s l e e p", "t h i s", "n i g h t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 4720, 4720, 524, 3861, 75, 4321, 2001, 2001, 1787, 5, 2389, 1283, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 470, 123, 4358, 2932, 2932, 473, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 1414, 165, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 2261, 3170, 4660, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 2694, 982, 3457, 3879, 126, 406, 406, 4457, 4457, 4457, 4209, 159, 1031, 121, 2213, 606, 2446, 2446, 1512, 1512, 2997, 3315, 199, 721, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 210, 2443, 2443, 4840, 4840, 1723, 1109, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 3219, 3219, 3219, 1115, 1062, 1062, 1062, 1062, 2239, 1725, 1725, 3472, 1365, 4756, 4756, 220, 2789, 2789, 794, 1570, 1570, 4909, 3924, 3924, 172, 172, 1170, 4052, 1430, 1791, 1791, 4536, 4536, 456, 456, 1068, 3447, 3447, 1187, 1177, 4753, 777, 41, 126, 4622, 406, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4256, 44, 4345, 2462, 2462, 595, 2559, 1721, 161, 1557, 3201, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 105, 105, 2177, 4768, 685, 4895, 4291, 1902, 1564, 4522, 736, 728, 1232, 1232, 1350, 1350, 4196, 4406, 3094, 301, 4400, 4400, 4400, 500, 3797, 3797, 2267, 3385, 4050, 4969, 3863, 3930, 4208, 3807, 3807, 202, 308, 939, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 4808, 1873, 1873, 3485, 758, 3896, 1792, 4774, 4774, 369, 369, 3341, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 207, 2121, 2121, 2014, 1113, 1113, 2731, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 4101, 182, 1591, 3327, 739, 1498, 1498, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 998, 998, 998, 4301, 4301, 3362, 142, 2967, 4276, 586, 1252, 1943, 72, 1245, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 4420, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 4300, 4300, 4300, 1315, 2142, 1299, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 3408, 1417, 4876, 158, 3914, 79, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2348, 69, 3613, 431, 3840, 1975, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1367, 3522, 2389, 1537, 1537, 3120, 1972, 2190, 2190, 4014, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2622, 1417, 1564, 1010, 552, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 4850, 4317, 4317, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 172, 3232, 1815, 623, 2832, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 676, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 2317, 2317, 2317, 2317, 3499, 3223, 2985, 296, 2906, 752, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 662, 424, 3102, 10, 4730, 2261, 2607, 2933, 2973, 1644, 1730, 4836, 4836, 4836, 4836, 1660, 123, 3558, 4395, 4395, 4606, 4907, 595, 628, 1059, 2609, 2609, 215, 215, 4542, 3817, 131, 894, 743, 1806, 936, 936, 1792, 1795, 3163, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 366, 3398, 2707, 3246, 2137, 2137, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 3168, 2443, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 158, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 1322, 3701, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 4271, 529, 2887, 3999, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4497, 154, 142, 2933, 586, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 193, 14, 3125, 287, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 1430, 2336, 486, 4539, 4539, 4539, 4539, 4539, 4539, 1624, 1624, 1290, 3455, 3957, 928, 928, 928, 928, 4136, 2582, 2060, 3638, 1722, 3079, 3079, 2446, 1512, 1512, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 1210, 2812, 2607, 2973, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 1871, 908, 2310, 2956, 1927, 2008, 411, 25, 25, 3512, 3512, 3512, 1350, 4196, 3879, 4124, 126, 4622, 406, 4201, 629, 629, 2766, 2766, 4363, 401, 1628, 3607, 3607, 2127, 898, 898, 3018, 2969, 4587, 581, 2933, 560, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3873, 2163, 2163, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1246, 3747, 3747, 3499, 4421, 2267, 1899, 3411, 3411, 2821, 4241, 2607, 4932, 263, 3342, 676, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 913, 913, 463, 4108, 1447, 628, 270, 136, 181, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 72, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 852, 3268, 2725, 2001, 2001, 4182, 4055, 753, 2592, 3759, 4631, 4631, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 462, 480, 2022, 1693, 1315, 4480, 411, 411, 25, 4444, 4030, 2370, 2370, 3879, 3879, 428, 2106, 2106, 86, 1782, 3941, 2769, 2117, 45, 894, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 2062, 3299, 1566, 3261, 13, 3805, 395, 3939, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 3166, 3466, 4567, 2020, 1315, 411, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 4888, 4888, 1193, 4495, 2542, 1417, 1564, 382, 3708, 1196, 2711, 4993, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 3209, 3209, 3737, 3945, 3945, 3945, 1795, 4024, 165, 138, 4490, 4490, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 4433, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 2016, 2122, 2122, 290, 421, 131, 894, 377, 97, 2500, 555, 555, 4420, 1496, 255, 255, 1496, 4006, 2250, 4006, 4420, 4006, 4006, 1387, 255, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5803670886075948, 0.7004430379746835, 1.180746835443038, 1.3008227848101264, 1.4609240506329113, 2.1013291139240504, 2.3414810126582273, 2.621658227848101, 2.961873417721519, 3.1619999999999995, 3.7223544303797467, 4.1626329113924045, 4.662949367088607, 5.363392405063291, 5.703607594936709, 5.863708860759493, 6.243949367088606, 6.42406329113924, 6.564151898734177, 6.784291139240506, 6.94439240506329, 7.424696202531646, 7.544772151898734, 7.6648481012658225, 8.245215189873417, 8.52539240506329, 8.665481012658226, 9.405949367088608, 9.626088607594937, 9.746164556962025, 10.246481012658228, 10.346544303797467, 10.466620253164557, 10.726784810126581, 11.16706329113924, 11.367189873417722, 11.767443037974683, 12.748063291139239, 13.248379746835443, 13.628620253164556, 13.848759493670885, 14.148949367088607, 14.30905063291139, 14.689291139240506, 14.94945569620253 ]
[ 0.5803670886075948, 0.7004430379746835, 1.180746835443038, 1.3008227848101264, 1.4609240506329113, 2.1013291139240504, 2.3414810126582273, 2.621658227848101, 2.961873417721519, 3.1619999999999995, 3.7223544303797467, 4.1626329113924045, 4.662949367088607, 5.363392405063291, 5.703607594936709, 5.863708860759493, 6.243949367088606, 6.42406329113924, 6.564151898734177, 6.784291139240506, 6.94439240506329, 7.424696202531646, 7.544772151898734, 7.6648481012658225, 8.245215189873417, 8.52539240506329, 8.665481012658226, 9.405949367088608, 9.626088607594937, 9.746164556962025, 10.246481012658228, 10.346544303797467, 10.466620253164557, 10.726784810126581, 11.16706329113924, 11.367189873417722, 11.767443037974683, 12.748063291139239, 13.248379746835443, 13.628620253164556, 13.848759493670885, 14.148949367088607, 14.30905063291139, 14.689291139240506, 14.94945569620253, 15.78998734177215 ]
answered all his questions frankly and revealed the truth that there was nothing in columbia except hampton's cavalry the fact was that general hardee in charleston took it for granted that we were after charleston
[ "answered", "all", "his", "questions", "frankly", "and", "revealed", "the", "truth", "that", "there", "was", "nothing", "in", "columbia", "except", "hampton's", "cavalry", "the", "fact", "was", "that", "general", "hardee", "in", "charleston", "took", "it", "for", "granted", "that", "we", "were", "after", "charleston" ]
[ "answered", "all", "his", "questions", "frankly", "and", "revealed", "the", "truth", "that", "there", "was", "nothing", "in", "columbia", "except", "hampton's", "cavalry", "the", "fact", "was", "that", "general", "hardee", "in", "charleston", "took", "it", "for", "granted", "that", "we", "were", "after", "charleston" ]
[ "a n s w e r e d", "a l l", "h i s", "q u e s t i o n s", "f r a n k l y", "a n d", "r e v e a l e d", "t h e", "t r u t h", "t h a t", "t h e r e", "w a s", "n o t h i n g", "i n", "c o l u m b i a", "e x c e p t", "h a m p t o n ' s", "c a v a l r y", "t h e", "f a c t", "w a s", "t h a t", "g e n e r a l", "h a r d e e", "i n", "c h a r l e s t o n", "t o o k", "i t", "f o r", "g r a n t e d", "t h a t", "w e", "w e r e", "a f t e r", "c h a r l e s t o n" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 4420, 1910, 4826, 1510, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1585, 1164, 3149, 3149, 4351, 121, 655, 4372, 4897, 4419, 4419, 4419, 1863, 2671, 754, 2740, 2271, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2851, 3261, 1832, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 4473, 3976, 4969, 2019, 213, 1829, 310, 2902, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 93, 4708, 603, 1564, 4270, 4270, 894, 2751, 4632, 1411, 1411, 4532, 1055, 4655, 4192, 3545, 875, 4983, 2400, 1615, 3953, 3785, 557, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3756, 2489, 4886, 383, 3945, 2933, 2770, 2770, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 4117, 3031, 3031, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 952, 2811, 3612, 3609, 3788, 3788, 3788, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 1636, 1636, 2477, 1414, 721, 1844, 1448, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3336, 270, 3237, 3237, 4374, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 44, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3942, 3942, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 2428, 2712, 2566, 1655, 379, 780, 780, 780, 4585, 8, 2117, 2117, 45, 1346, 2102, 1613, 1909, 373, 2713, 3976, 1564, 4247, 480, 1693, 3770, 1299, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2463, 212, 964, 964, 349, 349, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 422, 284, 4856, 712, 3832, 2659, 2659, 4591, 628, 560, 3718, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3818, 1607, 4588, 1430, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 4055, 1632, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 979, 979, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 981, 2834, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2559, 2701, 2279, 158, 3914, 552, 1608, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 4385, 1761, 3737, 2559, 1108, 3972, 4571, 936, 4774, 4774, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3101, 3101, 3101, 913, 2057, 4001, 4001, 4001, 2842, 2842, 2607, 1163, 1356, 4206, 4206, 4206, 54, 3687, 2267, 1899, 1899, 1564, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 3094, 4055, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 3325, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 1418, 153, 153, 1248, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4420, 2760, 3993, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 453, 1572, 1572, 72, 3673, 2154, 2677, 2725, 4321, 1504, 1448, 492, 2690, 1815, 2400, 671, 4155, 3469, 3469, 3469, 3469, 3469, 96, 2547, 2802, 2359, 2607, 4454, 3972, 3629, 3355, 1345, 1851, 4144, 335, 335, 335, 335, 335, 335, 4847, 4847, 4847, 4847, 4847, 2456, 2456, 2456, 3578, 296, 4969, 65, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1531, 2969, 1129, 1129, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 3072, 369, 369, 3341, 4829, 4829, 4829, 207, 207, 2914, 2121, 2121, 4736, 2171, 2073, 357, 357, 1848, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 311, 884, 884, 884, 587, 1247, 80, 197, 2666, 287, 3867, 4856, 4856, 1949, 3832, 685, 3249, 4291, 1902, 4522, 1317, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 4942, 2879, 3324, 3324, 2901, 1187, 683, 683, 4440, 4433, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4846, 1546, 1546, 2559, 1781, 136, 4094, 4048, 861, 861, 1743, 3238, 2313, 4156, 4156, 2969, 4587, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2481, 4753, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 913, 1585, 4116, 1447, 192, 1830, 341, 4901, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 4102, 154, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 72, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 1504, 1504, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 2969, 168, 168, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 2863, 1766, 579, 45, 179, 763, 763, 763, 3417, 2325, 2165, 1291, 2411, 3907, 806, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 1841, 2405, 4339, 4154, 1163, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 4018, 3336, 381, 4291, 1902, 4522, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 4942, 2879, 2749, 3324, 2901, 2901, 1187, 683, 683, 4440, 462, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 931, 588, 1496, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5608080808080808, 0.7610966810966809, 0.9613852813852813, 1.482135642135642, 2.183145743145743, 2.5236363636363635, 2.964271284271284, 3.1245021645021644, 3.4850216450216447, 3.6452525252525247, 3.8655699855699854, 4.065858585858586, 4.426378066378066, 4.566580086580086, 5.327676767676768, 5.948571428571428, 6.5494372294372285, 7.4307070707070695, 7.8913708513708505, 8.231861471861471, 8.672496392496392, 8.912842712842712, 9.313419913419914, 9.854199134199133, 10.094545454545454, 10.775526695526695, 10.995844155844155, 11.075959595959596, 11.236190476190476, 11.897142857142857, 12.217604617604616, 12.357806637806636, 12.578124098124096, 12.918614718614718 ]
[ 0.5608080808080808, 0.7610966810966809, 0.9613852813852813, 1.482135642135642, 2.183145743145743, 2.5236363636363635, 2.964271284271284, 3.1245021645021644, 3.4850216450216447, 3.6452525252525247, 3.8655699855699854, 4.065858585858586, 4.426378066378066, 4.566580086580086, 5.327676767676768, 5.948571428571428, 6.5494372294372285, 7.4307070707070695, 7.8913708513708505, 8.231861471861471, 8.672496392496392, 8.912842712842712, 9.313419913419914, 9.854199134199133, 10.094545454545454, 10.775526695526695, 10.995844155844155, 11.075959595959596, 11.236190476190476, 11.897142857142857, 12.217604617604616, 12.357806637806636, 12.578124098124096, 12.918614718614718, 13.85997113997114 ]
away off in the distance on the mcdonough road was the rear of howard's column the gun-barrels glistening in the sun the white-topped wagons stretching away to the south
[ "away", "off", "in", "the", "distance", "on", "the", "mcdonough", "road", "was", "the", "rear", "of", "howard's", "column", "the", "gun-barrels", "glistening", "in", "the", "sun", "the", "white-topped", "wagons", "stretching", "away", "to", "the", "south" ]
[ "away", "off", "in", "the", "distance", "on", "the", "mcdonough", "road", "was", "the", "rear", "of", "howard's", "column", "the", "gun-barrels", "glistening", "in", "the", "sun", "the", "white-topped", "wagons", "stretching", "away", "to", "the", "south" ]
[ "a w a y", "o f f", "i n", "t h e", "d i s t a n c e", "o n", "t h e", "m c d o n o u g h", "r o a d", "w a s", "t h e", "r e a r", "o f", "h o w a r d ' s", "c o l u m n", "t h e", "g u n b a r r e l s", "g l i s t e n i n g", "i n", "t h e", "s u n", "t h e", "w h i t e t o p p e d", "w a g o n s", "s t r e t c h i n g", "a w a y", "t o", "t h e", "s o u t h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 75, 3958, 4420, 2788, 1249, 4575, 1594, 2323, 4725, 1345, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 3168, 3168, 4317, 822, 4947, 4947, 4947, 2225, 2225, 2225, 451, 2405, 3279, 1966, 1966, 422, 284, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 10, 1469, 1617, 4055, 433, 2231, 4779, 4779, 4779, 4779, 3016, 237, 1564, 2187, 242, 2751, 2751, 4294, 4294, 2072, 624, 3234, 1834, 4266, 4260, 752, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 662, 40, 3291, 3102, 177, 2816, 3948, 2990, 1584, 1584, 1584, 3829, 3176, 2664, 2664, 2933, 433, 2231, 902, 3107, 3107, 3107, 4862, 4862, 105, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 2597, 1975, 3941, 3941, 172, 1449, 2888, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 154, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 4243, 3134, 72, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 924, 842, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 4847, 2456, 3578, 3578, 4050, 4969, 3994, 2938, 1795, 2268, 1844, 1448, 3513, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 3548, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 3417, 3417, 966, 1971, 1971, 1776, 169, 169, 2997, 2184, 3713, 1149, 1007, 4307, 4307, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4419, 2730, 2488, 1899, 1899, 3411, 2019, 213, 2559, 560, 1579, 3387, 3387, 3873, 3873, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 1197, 1197, 2583, 1590, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 1482, 1482, 3422, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 1795, 2268, 489, 1448, 492, 124, 1710, 2559, 2272, 3070, 2399, 2399, 2399, 2399, 1942, 4768, 3918, 522, 830, 4819, 5, 1373, 3574, 3932, 3932, 4040, 4040, 1660, 123, 2749, 3324, 3324, 2901, 900, 900, 4289, 1764, 1216, 4247, 2019, 213, 1829, 3899, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4135, 4135, 4686, 4435, 237, 1564, 121, 655, 4646, 953, 953, 1794, 3613, 3169, 1605, 1182, 501, 2610, 4976, 4200, 435, 422, 284, 1446, 1270, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1564, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 2210, 4401, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 492, 492, 2059, 2620, 2620, 2620, 1851, 882, 1671, 1671, 1671, 1671, 495, 1173, 246, 3795, 1588, 4397, 4397, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 2287, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 59, 4385, 1761, 3737, 1108, 2607, 3972, 3972, 3545, 3355, 1569, 1345, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 2559, 428, 4439, 4439, 2626, 1379, 4532, 2649, 809, 4655, 2292, 1807, 1807, 4037, 382, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 4513, 1974, 358, 3197, 3845, 3097, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 2323, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4714, 4714, 104, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 3910, 4202, 381, 1058, 63, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 158, 3914, 2704, 1608, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 2709, 2709, 2709, 4061, 4061, 2226, 3891, 3891, 1581, 2962, 588, 4420, 3808, 1081, 1081, 329, 72, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4804606525911709, 0.7206909788867563, 0.840806142034549, 0.9409021113243762, 1.421362763915547, 1.5414779270633399, 1.641573896353167, 2.2421497120921305, 2.7426295585412666, 3.1830518234165064, 3.3432053742802306, 3.6434932821497124, 3.8036468330134356, 4.264088291746641, 4.8846833013435695, 5.084875239923225, 5.76552783109405, 6.3060460652591175, 6.406142034548944, 6.586314779270634, 7.1268330134357, 7.467159309021113, 8.167831094049903, 8.688330134357006, 9.128752399232246, 9.449059500959693, 9.589193857965451, 9.729328214971208 ]
[ 0.4804606525911709, 0.7206909788867563, 0.840806142034549, 0.9409021113243762, 1.421362763915547, 1.5414779270633399, 1.641573896353167, 2.2421497120921305, 2.7426295585412666, 3.1830518234165064, 3.3432053742802306, 3.6434932821497124, 3.8036468330134356, 4.264088291746641, 4.8846833013435695, 5.084875239923225, 5.76552783109405, 6.3060460652591175, 6.406142034548944, 6.586314779270634, 7.1268330134357, 7.467159309021113, 8.167831094049903, 8.688330134357006, 9.128752399232246, 9.449059500959693, 9.589193857965451, 9.729328214971208, 10.409980806142036 ]
and i was strongly inspired with the feeling that the movement on our part was a direct attack upon the rebel army and the rebel capital at richmond though a full thousand miles of hostile country intervened and that for better or worse it would end the war
[ "and", "i", "was", "strongly", "inspired", "with", "the", "feeling", "that", "the", "movement", "on", "our", "part", "was", "a", "direct", "attack", "upon", "the", "rebel", "army", "and", "the", "rebel", "capital", "at", "richmond", "though", "a", "full", "thousand", "miles", "of", "hostile", "country", "intervened", "and", "that", "for", "better", "or", "worse", "it", "would", "end", "the", "war" ]
[ "and", "i", "was", "strongly", "inspired", "with", "the", "feeling", "that", "the", "movement", "on", "our", "part", "was", "a", "direct", "attack", "upon", "the", "rebel", "army", "and", "the", "rebel", "capital", "at", "richmond", "though", "a", "full", "thousand", "miles", "of", "hostile", "country", "intervened", "and", "that", "for", "better", "or", "worse", "it", "would", "end", "the", "war" ]
[ "a n d", "i", "w a s", "s t r o n g l y", "i n s p i r e d", "w i t h", "t h e", "f e e l i n g", "t h a t", "t h e", "m o v e m e n t", "o n", "o u r", "p a r t", "w a s", "a", "d i r e c t", "a t t a c k", "u p o n", "t h e", "r e b e l", "a r m y", "a n d", "t h e", "r e b e l", "c a p i t a l", "a t", "r i c h m o n d", "t h o u g h", "a", "f u l l", "t h o u s a n d", "m i l e s", "o f", "h o s t i l e", "c o u n t r y", "i n t e r v e n e d", "a n d", "t h a t", "f o r", "b e t t e r", "o r", "w o r s e", "i t", "w o u l d", "e n d", "t h e", "w a r" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 914, 914, 524, 3268, 312, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 1634, 4571, 2330, 534, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2719, 579, 45, 2833, 2833, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 206, 158, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 4092, 347, 609, 919, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 1598, 3682, 1490, 1490, 3529, 3529, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4850, 2443, 2409, 2378, 2378, 661, 735, 2527, 760, 3374, 1564, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 1049, 3303, 1754, 1754, 1754, 259, 259, 259, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 4419, 1863, 1863, 2014, 2190, 3355, 2833, 1284, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 1564, 3942, 4141, 10, 2131, 4730, 563, 1815, 4433, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 1184, 1184, 4960, 4960, 3514, 3514, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 2210, 4401, 20, 586, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1286, 2030, 2677, 4420, 2594, 2594, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1165, 2428, 628, 2047, 4035, 1448, 3513, 4730, 2816, 436, 3948, 1134, 1589, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 880, 880, 1407, 2184, 2020, 2020, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 2355, 2355, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 293, 2707, 822, 1570, 1570, 4272, 3924, 3924, 2914, 172, 2009, 2096, 2096, 1206, 102, 452, 116, 778, 778, 244, 244, 244, 244, 207, 2914, 4387, 4387, 290, 290, 3492, 743, 3545, 3355, 1569, 2833, 4477, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2335, 4318, 4433, 3886, 4607, 546, 95, 1617, 1367, 2212, 572, 572, 4470, 4470, 3836, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 2933, 4454, 4576, 1008, 1008, 3165, 3165, 3336, 2933, 114, 1359, 2657, 2374, 2374, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 823, 823, 815, 1206, 935, 3213, 20, 1915, 586, 3134, 3134, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 2391, 4641, 4575, 1594, 1594, 1961, 2096, 381, 1724, 452, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 105, 2177, 4768, 3918, 3918, 2352, 4820, 2158, 4035, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 3476, 1988, 2710, 2710, 4283, 90, 4175, 732, 2759, 1632, 2715, 646, 1463, 36, 36, 471, 2165, 2875, 2933, 534, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 3231, 697, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1848, 3843, 3843, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 2391, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2781, 2781, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 3350, 4035, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2710, 4283, 4283, 4175, 732, 2283, 1632, 4264, 3325, 36, 36, 1177, 1694, 3326, 559, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 2467, 2467, 2820, 2820, 4900, 4900, 4900, 1090, 1686, 1686, 4952, 2645, 183, 2053, 668, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4333, 2127, 2127, 3018, 1686, 1145, 1626, 1626, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4513, 1657, 1206, 3646, 733, 2103, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 3694, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 3034, 4394, 412, 2781, 154, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 140, 140, 1245, 3913, 1357, 532, 828, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 1162, 2594, 4461, 1769, 1769, 2125, 2125, 2125, 2621, 2621, 401, 401, 4298, 1492, 2939, 4575, 4945, 4945, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 1096, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 3763, 967, 3456, 1187, 1177, 380, 2463, 1206, 2574, 2619, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4032, 1360, 4433, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 3687, 2513, 2781, 4192, 2800, 2612, 1014, 1134, 995, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 597, 597, 2312, 2901, 2901, 900, 4289, 1216, 706, 706, 4260, 606, 2464, 169, 384, 2744, 3713, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 4307, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 1564, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 776, 776, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1694, 581, 628, 559, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 496, 2854, 2373, 2373, 2559, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 4601, 4850, 3590, 4028, 459, 1917, 2218, 4116, 1686, 4097, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1288, 1677, 1928, 1928, 479, 3609, 3788, 3788, 3788, 3788, 35, 35, 35, 35, 1953, 1953, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 37, 412, 2781, 154, 20, 610, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 234, 234, 72, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 2933, 2391, 2754, 1406, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 2352, 2352, 3326, 3196, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 804, 1930, 1930, 290, 421, 131, 3326, 743, 3190, 1203, 936, 4756, 1792, 1792, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2009, 1591, 3327, 3537, 3574, 394, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4515, 2355, 3177, 3840, 1975, 1975, 3941, 3417, 2325, 2325, 4355, 4326, 113, 113, 113, 113, 3511, 172, 172, 2117, 2117, 4714, 3204, 4477, 4477, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 2237, 2848, 2848, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 1252, 1639, 1286, 1286, 23, 2030, 2030, 2725, 1910, 4321, 4826, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 2601, 1686, 1145, 2190, 1569, 4807, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 2355, 4571, 4355, 1630, 187, 4967, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 1986, 1986, 2549, 2549, 2549, 3034, 4210, 4394, 37, 2781, 2781, 1806, 455, 936, 936, 1795, 1795, 3350, 4141, 1448, 3513, 2059, 4725, 4725, 4714, 4477, 4477, 144, 1851, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 178, 2787, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 1753, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 930, 272, 272, 555, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 4420, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 863, 4420, 863, 3993, 863, 863, 863, 4420, 863, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4002171552660152, 0.5603040173724213, 0.7203908794788273, 1.2206623235613463, 1.8810206297502714, 2.0411074918566774, 2.161172638436482, 2.741487513572204, 3.001628664495114, 3.1417046688382193, 3.6219652551574373, 3.7820521172638437, 3.982160694896851, 4.402388707926167, 4.6625298588490764, 4.72256243213898, 5.182812160694896, 5.783137893593919, 6.303420195439739, 6.483517915309446, 6.883735070575462, 7.4240282301845815, 7.884277958740499, 8.044364820846905, 8.364538545059716, 8.924842562432138, 9.064918566775244, 9.805320304017371, 10.245559174809989, 10.365624321389792, 10.665787187839305, 11.266112920738328, 11.686340933767644, 11.82641693811075, 12.326688382193268, 12.746916395222584, 13.68742671009772, 14.027611292073832, 14.447839305103148, 14.707980456026059, 15.088186753528772, 15.28829533116178, 15.888621064060802, 16.168773072747012, 16.428914223669924, 16.809120521172638, 17.009229098805644 ]
[ 0.4002171552660152, 0.5603040173724213, 0.7203908794788273, 1.2206623235613463, 1.8810206297502714, 2.0411074918566774, 2.161172638436482, 2.741487513572204, 3.001628664495114, 3.1417046688382193, 3.6219652551574373, 3.7820521172638437, 3.982160694896851, 4.402388707926167, 4.6625298588490764, 4.72256243213898, 5.182812160694896, 5.783137893593919, 6.303420195439739, 6.483517915309446, 6.883735070575462, 7.4240282301845815, 7.884277958740499, 8.044364820846905, 8.364538545059716, 8.924842562432138, 9.064918566775244, 9.805320304017371, 10.245559174809989, 10.365624321389792, 10.665787187839305, 11.266112920738328, 11.686340933767644, 11.82641693811075, 12.326688382193268, 12.746916395222584, 13.68742671009772, 14.027611292073832, 14.447839305103148, 14.707980456026059, 15.088186753528772, 15.28829533116178, 15.888621064060802, 16.168773072747012, 16.428914223669924, 16.809120521172638, 17.009229098805644, 18.4099891422367 ]
he can better threaten the state of georgia than from the direction of port royal besides i would much prefer not to detach from my regular corps any of its veteran divisions and would even prefer that other less valuable troops should be sent to reenforce foster from some other quarter
[ "he", "can", "better", "threaten", "the", "state", "of", "georgia", "than", "from", "the", "direction", "of", "port", "royal", "besides", "i", "would", "much", "prefer", "not", "to", "detach", "from", "my", "regular", "corps", "any", "of", "its", "veteran", "divisions", "and", "would", "even", "prefer", "that", "other", "less", "valuable", "troops", "should", "be", "sent", "to", "reenforce", "foster", "from", "some", "other", "quarter" ]
[ "he", "can", "better", "threaten", "the", "state", "of", "georgia", "than", "from", "the", "direction", "of", "port", "royal", "besides", "i", "would", "much", "prefer", "not", "to", "detach", "from", "my", "regular", "corps", "any", "of", "its", "veteran", "divisions", "and", "would", "even", "prefer", "that", "other", "less", "valuable", "troops", "should", "be", "sent", "to", "reenforce", "foster", "from", "some", "other", "quarter" ]
[ "h e", "c a n", "b e t t e r", "t h r e a t e n", "t h e", "s t a t e", "o f", "g e o r g i a", "t h a n", "f r o m", "t h e", "d i r e c t i o n", "o f", "p o r t", "r o y a l", "b e s i d e s", "i", "w o u l d", "m u c h", "p r e f e r", "n o t", "t o", "d e t a c h", "f r o m", "m y", "r e g u l a r", "c o r p s", "a n y", "o f", "i t s", "v e t e r a n", "d i v i s i o n s", "a n d", "w o u l d", "e v e n", "p r e f e r", "t h a t", "o t h e r", "l e s s", "v a l u a b l e", "t r o o p s", "s h o u l d", "b e", "s e n t", "t o", "r e e n f o r c e", "f o s t e r", "f r o m", "s o m e", "o t h e r", "q u a r t e r" ]
[ 1101, 1143, 914, 524, 524, 312, 4420, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1999, 4305, 3326, 559, 1539, 1539, 4729, 2891, 2891, 3790, 3790, 463, 2298, 1185, 830, 3925, 2158, 53, 3574, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4515, 2140, 2140, 3840, 1975, 3941, 1288, 3408, 380, 2463, 1206, 499, 2034, 2034, 2570, 4649, 4649, 4649, 4649, 4649, 4556, 4031, 4031, 711, 711, 1175, 3000, 3000, 522, 4846, 2352, 2047, 4035, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 1564, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 246, 518, 3373, 1206, 1686, 4952, 2723, 2446, 4526, 169, 384, 965, 3652, 917, 1568, 381, 1967, 286, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2121, 514, 4843, 3326, 1722, 1722, 3536, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 740, 740, 3013, 3040, 2933, 586, 4665, 3134, 72, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 2594, 2594, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 4418, 4418, 1368, 1206, 3106, 1399, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 4255, 2052, 2052, 4820, 2047, 4035, 3102, 10, 1469, 1617, 2212, 572, 4470, 4470, 4470, 593, 593, 3476, 4191, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 1328, 628, 556, 556, 556, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 3122, 366, 293, 2707, 1971, 4526, 169, 384, 2184, 917, 55, 2607, 1724, 452, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 1871, 2310, 2121, 3795, 2408, 1752, 1752, 3476, 3476, 52, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 4875, 4875, 4992, 3903, 3903, 597, 1789, 2312, 2312, 668, 195, 195, 391, 391, 931, 931, 555, 1704, 1375, 4420, 1375, 4, 599, 238, 238, 2250, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 3740, 3740, 88, 2925, 2925, 2085, 4420, 2234, 2001, 3537, 1908, 3060, 2343, 2622, 3374, 4433, 313, 1892, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 167, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 2488, 2985, 706, 706, 872, 1365, 4944, 332, 794, 109, 109, 857, 857, 2719, 579, 2833, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 1686, 2800, 2612, 3807, 1134, 148, 751, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 3646, 4797, 2103, 1217, 2821, 4241, 2933, 1724, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 1096, 1096, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 2237, 2237, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 1927, 2008, 1471, 1471, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 2068, 1588, 1200, 628, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1617, 2212, 572, 572, 1353, 1353, 324, 3336, 3326, 114, 2657, 2374, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 509, 4513, 4818, 381, 3646, 4797, 1217, 2396, 4635, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 74, 1134, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 1736, 1074, 135, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3457, 3879, 1206, 189, 844, 844, 844, 3386, 3386, 1078, 4960, 4930, 4930, 1975, 1288, 1288, 2009, 1694, 581, 2933, 340, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 532, 23, 23, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 4826, 2666, 4364, 3406, 297, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 4601, 4850, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4778, 4778, 4778, 3869, 2744, 701, 4226, 4226, 726, 3444, 3668, 706, 2940, 607, 607, 479, 479, 3372, 510, 4041, 90, 90, 4556, 1206, 2140, 2476, 2439, 652, 652, 4358, 2626, 4741, 54, 3687, 2410, 3925, 2212, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 1928, 479, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4221, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 1985, 32, 706, 3294, 1311, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 140, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 3268, 193, 2391, 2391, 2754, 108, 108, 108, 68, 4418, 954, 2833, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 2355, 4571, 2330, 3441, 3441, 2552, 1369, 1369, 2351, 2351, 2351, 3073, 3266, 3266, 2037, 2037, 4741, 1006, 4418, 4508, 4591, 1724, 3407, 3167, 3167, 3167, 285, 2690, 563, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 2237, 2237, 1343, 1343, 414, 414, 414, 1854, 1854, 1414, 1414, 42, 1655, 1696, 133, 2926, 2926, 2926, 804, 2743, 1686, 4571, 2330, 1630, 1630, 561, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 3941, 3941, 414, 4234, 1170, 1607, 275, 275, 486, 3014, 3014, 3014, 3014, 1281, 3626, 1564, 2940, 607, 607, 607, 479, 2868, 3372, 4096, 4096, 4096, 4096, 2961, 2961, 2064, 2064, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3606, 4798, 727, 727, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 3758, 2183, 55, 1206, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 1667, 1667, 1028, 1028, 1028, 4345, 4345, 4345, 2462, 2808, 4250, 4421, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 936, 4756, 1792, 4941, 2878, 1212, 4507, 920, 920, 4225, 4225, 4225, 4951, 2014, 3883, 2800, 1206, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 1166, 2622, 3374, 1564, 1069, 313, 1892, 1091, 1091, 3233, 3233, 3233, 1331, 1331, 2549, 1374, 1709, 1206, 743, 3190, 142, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 72, 3913, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 2725, 1784, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 2006, 1074, 1449, 1449, 3476, 1988, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4251, 4850, 2443, 2409, 2378, 661, 2298, 2435, 50, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 3630, 3626, 1564, 3411, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2043, 1104, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 4440, 462, 2187, 2187, 2187, 242, 4092, 653, 653, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 414, 4234, 3232, 4635, 4635, 2832, 1096, 2943, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 4255, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 3905, 4846, 782, 2404, 3374, 158, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 3905, 3216, 3284, 758, 80, 1630, 1630, 561, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 3941, 1288, 2009, 1694, 581, 55, 2902, 2902, 3696, 1649, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4736, 1061, 1061, 2140, 3840, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 2112, 930, 931, 588, 555, 1704, 1496, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 329, 72, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.26013238289205703, 0.540274949083503, 0.8804480651731161, 1.3206720977596742, 1.480753564154786, 1.8609470468431772, 2.021028513238289, 2.6413441955193484, 2.9815173116089615, 3.20162932790224, 3.3417006109979632, 3.9019857433808554, 4.042057026476578, 4.342209775967413, 5.02255600814664, 5.963034623217923, 6.083095723014257, 6.303207739307536, 6.563340122199593, 7.083604887983707, 7.363747454175153, 7.503818737270876, 8.004073319755602, 8.22418533604888, 8.424287169042769, 8.924541751527494, 9.564867617107943, 9.965071283095723, 10.145162932790225, 10.325254582484726, 10.745468431771895, 11.565885947046842, 11.846028513238288, 12.06614052953157, 12.366293279022404, 12.886558044806517, 13.22673116089613, 13.586914460285133, 13.84704684317719, 14.44735234215886, 14.967617107942973, 15.287780040733198, 15.42785132382892, 15.928105906313645, 16.22825865580448, 16.988645621181263, 17.62897148676171, 18.02917515274949, 18.44938900203666, 18.769551934826882 ]
[ 0.26013238289205703, 0.540274949083503, 0.8804480651731161, 1.3206720977596742, 1.480753564154786, 1.8609470468431772, 2.021028513238289, 2.6413441955193484, 2.9815173116089615, 3.20162932790224, 3.3417006109979632, 3.9019857433808554, 4.042057026476578, 4.342209775967413, 5.02255600814664, 5.963034623217923, 6.083095723014257, 6.303207739307536, 6.563340122199593, 7.083604887983707, 7.363747454175153, 7.503818737270876, 8.004073319755602, 8.22418533604888, 8.424287169042769, 8.924541751527494, 9.564867617107943, 9.965071283095723, 10.145162932790225, 10.325254582484726, 10.745468431771895, 11.565885947046842, 11.846028513238288, 12.06614052953157, 12.366293279022404, 12.886558044806517, 13.22673116089613, 13.586914460285133, 13.84704684317719, 14.44735234215886, 14.967617107942973, 15.287780040733198, 15.42785132382892, 15.928105906313645, 16.22825865580448, 16.988645621181263, 17.62897148676171, 18.02917515274949, 18.44938900203666, 18.769551934826882, 19.62998981670061 ]
on the fourteenth the head of the fifteenth corps charles r woods's division approached the little congaree a broad deep stream tributary to the main congaree six or eight miles below
[ "on", "the", "fourteenth", "the", "head", "of", "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "charles", "r", "woods's", "division", "approached", "the", "little", "congaree", "a", "broad", "deep", "stream", "tributary", "to", "the", "main", "congaree", "six", "or", "eight", "miles", "below" ]
[ "on", "the", "fourteenth", "the", "head", "of", "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "charles", "r", "woods's", "division", "approached", "the", "little", "congaree", "a", "broad", "deep", "stream", "tributary", "to", "the", "main", "congaree", "six", "or", "eight", "miles", "below" ]
[ "o n", "t h e", "f o u r t e e n t h", "t h e", "h e a d", "o f", "t h e", "f i f t e e n t h", "c o r p s", "c h a r l e s", "r", "w o o d s ' s", "d i v i s i o n", "a p p r o a c h e d", "t h e", "l i t t l e", "c o n g a r e e", "a", "b r o a d", "d e e p", "s t r e a m", "t r i b u t a r y", "t o", "t h e", "m a i n", "c o n g a r e e", "s i x", "o r", "e i g h t", "m i l e s", "b e l o w" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 72, 4720, 524, 524, 28, 2933, 981, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 3777, 4189, 3364, 40, 3291, 3513, 2690, 563, 2400, 2400, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2121, 1923, 1129, 1200, 2607, 270, 136, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 1953, 1953, 262, 1374, 1374, 2226, 4966, 3891, 2035, 455, 936, 936, 1795, 1795, 3163, 1448, 492, 4816, 2367, 2367, 3805, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 2930, 1708, 883, 2723, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 721, 424, 3102, 3513, 2131, 2690, 1815, 1564, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4953, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2217, 2405, 4339, 4154, 917, 2933, 2933, 433, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 35, 3089, 2489, 4886, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2019, 213, 2933, 3766, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 3485, 3485, 1472, 1472, 388, 372, 1435, 1435, 4420, 1784, 4291, 720, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 2176, 2176, 3324, 3324, 2901, 2901, 900, 4289, 1764, 1216, 2906, 752, 822, 822, 3816, 3816, 3816, 3924, 1653, 385, 172, 2009, 2117, 3649, 4714, 3204, 2158, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 4951, 2014, 1737, 1899, 1899, 4433, 6, 1139, 84, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 4922, 4221, 4221, 18, 4221, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4681, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 234, 72, 3913, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 312, 981, 14, 4575, 1594, 3165, 1210, 628, 3170, 4660, 654, 2149, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 644, 644, 4513, 4797, 4433, 4762, 2103, 3994, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 3513, 2059, 4828, 4588, 1430, 1791, 4536, 4536, 456, 456, 1068, 3447, 3447, 1187, 1177, 91, 894, 560, 3387, 3873, 256, 4996, 4862, 4862, 3682, 3682, 1290, 3455, 3455, 2098, 2098, 4723, 4723, 3561, 593, 593, 4469, 3828, 4502, 4502, 4502, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 587, 587, 455, 758, 1492, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4945, 432, 4187, 3327, 3327, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1246, 1246, 1246, 1246, 616, 1296, 1110, 754, 4102, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 4340, 2089, 2089, 894, 2231, 3853, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 1761, 3737, 2607, 4903, 4523, 4523, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1953, 1953, 529, 262, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 3159, 936, 936, 1792, 1792, 2933, 1784, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3733, 3733, 3733, 2283, 1632, 1632, 3358, 3358, 3358, 1090, 1577, 894, 944, 136, 2374, 4915, 4915, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1034, 4601, 438, 2183, 628, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 10, 177, 4730, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3171, 2168, 522, 2659, 2099, 381, 560, 805, 805, 1104, 4862, 4996, 4862, 4862, 3682, 3682, 1290, 3455, 3455, 3455, 2098, 4723, 4723, 4723, 1466, 4731, 593, 4469, 3828, 4502, 4502, 4502, 1232, 1232, 2416, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 4409, 931, 588, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 72, 3, 453, 3673, 2154, 2030, 710, 2725, 252, 1332, 2110, 4433, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 1328, 2543, 3223, 649, 4266, 3954, 65, 872, 245, 197, 4326, 2363, 2363, 2363, 3511, 2325, 3050, 1889, 1291, 187, 2083, 2083, 2083, 2083, 333, 246, 421, 894, 743, 3545, 2612, 1014, 4011, 148, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 1896, 597, 2312, 2901, 2901, 4289, 1764, 4050, 1564, 3930, 2821, 4241, 1908, 1257, 1257, 1257, 3818, 3818, 227, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 201, 1193, 2768, 1694, 2607, 3766, 560, 3718, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3818, 3818, 227, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 271, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 1244, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 1773, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 255, 1496, 1496, 255, 4420, 255, 1618, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.32023952095808383, 0.42031437125748505, 1.1408532934131739, 1.3009730538922155, 1.5211377245508984, 1.6212125748502995, 1.7613173652694614, 2.3817814371257486, 2.922185628742515, 3.5426497005988025, 3.7027694610778443, 4.023008982035929, 4.7835778443113774, 5.464086826347306, 5.584176646706587, 5.864386227544911, 6.604940119760479, 6.8050898203592824, 7.305464071856288, 7.685748502994013, 8.226152694610779, 9.006736526946108, 9.166856287425151, 9.306961077844313, 9.587170658682634, 10.547889221556886, 11.148338323353295, 11.388517964071857, 11.628697604790421, 12.049011976047904 ]
[ 0.32023952095808383, 0.42031437125748505, 1.1408532934131739, 1.3009730538922155, 1.5211377245508984, 1.6212125748502995, 1.7613173652694614, 2.3817814371257486, 2.922185628742515, 3.5426497005988025, 3.7027694610778443, 4.023008982035929, 4.7835778443113774, 5.464086826347306, 5.584176646706587, 5.864386227544911, 6.604940119760479, 6.8050898203592824, 7.305464071856288, 7.685748502994013, 8.226152694610779, 9.006736526946108, 9.166856287425151, 9.306961077844313, 9.587170658682634, 10.547889221556886, 11.148338323353295, 11.388517964071857, 11.628697604790421, 12.049011976047904, 13.34998502994012 ]
this force aggregated about thirty thousand men was therefore inferior to the enemy and general schofield was instructed in case the enemy made a general advance to fall back slowly toward nashville fighting till he should be reenforced by general thomas in person
[ "this", "force", "aggregated", "about", "thirty", "thousand", "men", "was", "therefore", "inferior", "to", "the", "enemy", "and", "general", "schofield", "was", "instructed", "in", "case", "the", "enemy", "made", "a", "general", "advance", "to", "fall", "back", "slowly", "toward", "nashville", "fighting", "till", "he", "should", "be", "reenforced", "by", "general", "thomas", "in", "person" ]
[ "this", "force", "aggregated", "about", "thirty", "thousand", "men", "was", "therefore", "inferior", "to", "the", "enemy", "and", "general", "schofield", "was", "instructed", "in", "case", "the", "enemy", "made", "a", "general", "advance", "to", "fall", "back", "slowly", "toward", "nashville", "fighting", "till", "he", "should", "be", "reenforced", "by", "general", "thomas", "in", "person" ]
[ "t h i s", "f o r c e", "a g g r e g a t e d", "a b o u t", "t h i r t y", "t h o u s a n d", "m e n", "w a s", "t h e r e f o r e", "i n f e r i o r", "t o", "t h e", "e n e m y", "a n d", "g e n e r a l", "s c h o f i e l d", "w a s", "i n s t r u c t e d", "i n", "c a s e", "t h e", "e n e m y", "m a d e", "a", "g e n e r a l", "a d v a n c e", "t o", "f a l l", "b a c k", "s l o w l y", "t o w a r d", "n a s h v i l l e", "f i g h t i n g", "t i l l", "h e", "s h o u l d", "b e", "r e e n f o r c e d", "b y", "g e n e r a l", "t h o m a s", "i n", "p e r s o n" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 524, 28, 4420, 2234, 2001, 4182, 2594, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 647, 1599, 3626, 462, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 1096, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2848, 4853, 3626, 706, 65, 3404, 4355, 1291, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 3457, 3879, 4124, 3957, 406, 2305, 2305, 2305, 3006, 1710, 4186, 1057, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 921, 1313, 1313, 883, 175, 3566, 430, 1961, 1961, 42, 53, 3110, 2189, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 2075, 2075, 2068, 571, 1588, 2463, 2774, 2774, 4466, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 425, 2121, 2355, 4390, 2979, 3685, 3685, 4101, 1227, 2463, 1096, 2574, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 2709, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4032, 706, 4433, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 54, 3687, 2298, 704, 704, 74, 1134, 939, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 1206, 781, 4112, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 2838, 604, 4192, 3355, 2833, 2102, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 4318, 706, 4247, 2938, 3196, 1655, 1038, 1038, 1038, 1038, 1038, 8, 172, 3232, 563, 1096, 1096, 2595, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 1772, 1772, 385, 385, 2325, 3050, 1630, 3963, 4967, 1405, 2378, 661, 735, 2435, 1368, 623, 1206, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4668, 4668, 4668, 4668, 2161, 2161, 123, 870, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 1757, 1757, 1757, 2950, 1975, 1288, 4018, 2183, 2559, 114, 665, 3419, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 4035, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 839, 293, 3023, 3023, 3023, 3023, 4134, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 153, 884, 2377, 20, 1915, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 72, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 23, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 2410, 42, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 4905, 2542, 3374, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2809, 4337, 4337, 4337, 4678, 2797, 4892, 4892, 3232, 563, 1815, 1096, 3446, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 2312, 2901, 1636, 4771, 851, 3355, 2833, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 855, 4318, 706, 2905, 257, 4028, 2378, 661, 735, 4834, 3374, 9, 120, 120, 2607, 347, 609, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 2547, 1328, 1328, 2359, 2842, 193, 2933, 1163, 341, 2381, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 1558, 3198, 3198, 1110, 1110, 3326, 4102, 455, 1365, 197, 1630, 287, 4856, 4856, 253, 253, 2099, 4591, 628, 559, 678, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3630, 3530, 1564, 3954, 3954, 4067, 4067, 3994, 2938, 1795, 1795, 4035, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1206, 1291, 187, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 293, 293, 3023, 3023, 3023, 3023, 436, 42, 4178, 4178, 4178, 4564, 1418, 1418, 311, 3910, 3910, 3846, 436, 1134, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 4540, 4540, 42, 883, 175, 859, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 3910, 4202, 3049, 3326, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1566, 4333, 4333, 4379, 4379, 4448, 4448, 4448, 3883, 3878, 3878, 479, 479, 3372, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 200, 200, 4489, 4489, 1374, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3989, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 4420, 1162, 114, 1954, 885, 1292, 1292, 3293, 563, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 3456, 3456, 3456, 1177, 1177, 3327, 2158, 53, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 3176, 628, 4186, 1616, 4523, 4433, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 2711, 2711, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 1193, 2393, 2393, 4809, 4809, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 4324, 438, 2183, 1623, 1206, 114, 2657, 3968, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 908, 2310, 1863, 2014, 2199, 1895, 1315, 1315, 1471, 3041, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 4817, 4817, 3967, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 2103, 2103, 875, 875, 4983, 497, 3259, 4264, 4264, 2053, 1463, 668, 668, 3477, 195, 195, 4450, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1639, 72, 1357, 828, 828, 828, 710, 2725, 2725, 4420, 4658, 785, 3446, 671, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 1236, 1173, 246, 1878, 2559, 1686, 2140, 2402, 1182, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 3660, 150, 150, 775, 775, 1546, 974, 55, 114, 136, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1874, 1874, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 2851, 2851, 2851, 3261, 1832, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1166, 2622, 2878, 1564, 3586, 3586, 920, 4225, 3330, 4951, 843, 843, 3326, 3537, 2958, 2958, 566, 3686, 3686, 3910, 1074, 1449, 3476, 3476, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4850, 2443, 2409, 2409, 2378, 661, 2298, 1185, 2435, 1368, 4120, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 908, 2310, 2848, 2848, 356, 2227, 1564, 4301, 3362, 368, 1659, 3895, 4894, 276, 3537, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 4202, 3049, 3326, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 3758, 1623, 2607, 114, 114, 2657, 2287, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2273, 3231, 697, 4134, 2618, 1561, 1561, 660, 4209, 159, 3626, 1564, 3954, 872, 1365, 245, 1630, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 712, 2298, 1185, 830, 4591, 2933, 1724, 102, 654, 996, 996, 996, 996, 996, 2848, 2848, 4853, 2963, 2963, 121, 655, 4372, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4420, 4006, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5002723311546841, 0.8804793028322438, 1.6408932461873638, 1.9810784313725487, 2.3012527233115465, 2.841546840958605, 3.3618300653594764, 3.7020152505446617, 4.24230936819172, 4.902668845315903, 5.042745098039215, 5.182821350762527, 5.743126361655772, 6.123333333333333, 6.483529411764706, 7.083856209150326, 7.2839651416121995, 8.104411764705882, 8.284509803921567, 8.724749455337689, 8.924858387799562, 9.365098039215685, 9.725294117647058, 9.845359477124182, 10.285599128540303, 11.005991285403049, 11.286143790849671, 11.626328976034856, 11.986525054466231, 12.526819172113289, 12.867004357298475, 13.64742919389978, 14.367821350762526, 14.70800653594771, 14.868093681917209, 15.108224400871459, 15.268311546840955, 16.108769063180826, 16.328888888888887, 16.729106753812633, 17.229379084967317, 17.409477124183006 ]
[ 0.5002723311546841, 0.8804793028322438, 1.6408932461873638, 1.9810784313725487, 2.3012527233115465, 2.841546840958605, 3.3618300653594764, 3.7020152505446617, 4.24230936819172, 4.902668845315903, 5.042745098039215, 5.182821350762527, 5.743126361655772, 6.123333333333333, 6.483529411764706, 7.083856209150326, 7.2839651416121995, 8.104411764705882, 8.284509803921567, 8.724749455337689, 8.924858387799562, 9.365098039215685, 9.725294117647058, 9.845359477124182, 10.285599128540303, 11.005991285403049, 11.286143790849671, 11.626328976034856, 11.986525054466231, 12.526819172113289, 12.867004357298475, 13.64742919389978, 14.367821350762526, 14.70800653594771, 14.868093681917209, 15.108224400871459, 15.268311546840955, 16.108769063180826, 16.328888888888887, 16.729106753812633, 17.229379084967317, 17.409477124183006, 18.349989106753814 ]
headquarters military division of the mississippi savannah georgia december twenty fourth eighteen sixty four lieutenant general u s grant city point virginia
[ "headquarters", "military", "division", "of", "the", "mississippi", "savannah", "georgia", "december", "twenty", "fourth", "eighteen", "sixty", "four", "lieutenant", "general", "u", "s", "grant", "city", "point", "virginia" ]
[ "headquarters", "military", "division", "of", "the", "mississippi", "savannah", "georgia", "december", "twenty", "fourth", "eighteen", "sixty", "four", "lieutenant", "general", "u", "s", "grant", "city", "point", "virginia" ]
[ "h e a d q u a r t e r s", "m i l i t a r y", "d i v i s i o n", "o f", "t h e", "m i s s i s s i p p i", "s a v a n n a h", "g e o r g i a", "d e c e m b e r", "t w e n t y", "f o u r t h", "e i g h t e e n", "s i x t y", "f o u r", "l i e u t e n a n t", "g e n e r a l", "u", "s", "g r a n t", "c i t y", "p o i n t", "v i r g i n i a" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 2203, 2203, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1161, 17, 1913, 4420, 4491, 4491, 4491, 774, 2085, 2085, 4321, 2933, 3117, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 2930, 2014, 5, 3883, 4485, 1829, 310, 2902, 2902, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 3403, 3403, 4736, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3840, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 525, 1764, 4050, 4969, 4599, 4208, 1204, 4011, 2990, 2123, 2123, 2123, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 1090, 270, 944, 2657, 4915, 4915, 4915, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1983, 1041, 438, 1367, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 4922, 4221, 4221, 4433, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 2707, 1971, 1971, 1512, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 3513, 2575, 2816, 4493, 202, 2990, 2522, 2522, 2505, 3016, 1564, 121, 2874, 1487, 1487, 4962, 4214, 237, 4876, 1010, 1069, 552, 620, 464, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3323, 251, 2933, 3249, 2419, 301, 4400, 4400, 1418, 3843, 3843, 311, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 3485, 2404, 2404, 101, 2110, 3914, 4721, 947, 4456, 4572, 3497, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 1545, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 979, 3520, 223, 4018, 3049, 894, 1967, 286, 2097, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 1871, 2310, 2121, 2121, 514, 4843, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 740, 740, 740, 4234, 3485, 2852, 628, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 237, 1564, 3914, 2704, 3250, 3250, 3250, 3250, 516, 1695, 4055, 2872, 4769, 1288, 1288, 3336, 270, 4738, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1061, 1061, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3293, 3293, 1815, 2832, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 4420, 981, 4826, 4826, 4253, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 3795, 1129, 2933, 270, 1781, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 2168, 2168, 2527, 4834, 760, 1564, 1010, 3914, 620, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 381, 2701, 649, 2187, 2187, 1641, 2751, 2979, 3685, 3685, 438, 3293, 1815, 2400, 2400, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 610, 610, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 72, 828, 828, 2030, 2677, 2725, 2933, 229, 1688, 3631, 3631, 260, 324, 944, 136, 2374, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 839, 1005, 1005, 2597, 3951, 4542, 2969, 1129, 894, 1967, 286, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 4216, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 1628, 1628, 3607, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 858, 159, 1031, 462, 2940, 213, 1829, 628, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 200, 4489, 4489, 4489, 1374, 1374, 421, 1152, 1725, 743, 798, 936, 1792, 2404, 101, 1564, 3914, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 216, 4390, 357, 1745, 4101, 182, 2753, 1210, 628, 2973, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 4992, 3089, 3089, 421, 743, 3545, 607, 3612, 3612, 3609, 3727, 3727, 324, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 496, 1548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 2070, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 4917, 4917, 931, 627, 555, 555, 2250, 255, 1496, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.301183970856102, 1.8216575591985429, 2.322112932604736, 2.442222222222222, 2.5623315118397088, 3.3430418943533695, 3.923570127504554, 4.48408014571949, 4.984535519125683, 5.324845173041894, 5.905373406193078, 6.465883424408014, 6.886265938069217, 7.4868123861566485, 8.187449908925318, 8.607832422586522, 8.808014571948997, 8.96816029143898, 9.468615664845172, 9.768888888888888, 10.109198542805101 ]
[ 1.301183970856102, 1.8216575591985429, 2.322112932604736, 2.442222222222222, 2.5623315118397088, 3.3430418943533695, 3.923570127504554, 4.48408014571949, 4.984535519125683, 5.324845173041894, 5.905373406193078, 6.465883424408014, 6.886265938069217, 7.4868123861566485, 8.187449908925318, 8.607832422586522, 8.808014571948997, 8.96816029143898, 9.468615664845172, 9.768888888888888, 10.109198542805101, 10.969981785063752 ]
but in view of the change of plan made necessary by your order of the sixth i will maintain things in statu quo till i have got all my transportation to the rear and out of the way
[ "but", "in", "view", "of", "the", "change", "of", "plan", "made", "necessary", "by", "your", "order", "of", "the", "sixth", "i", "will", "maintain", "things", "in", "statu", "quo", "till", "i", "have", "got", "all", "my", "transportation", "to", "the", "rear", "and", "out", "of", "the", "way" ]
[ "but", "in", "view", "of", "the", "change", "of", "plan", "made", "necessary", "by", "your", "order", "of", "the", "sixth", "i", "will", "maintain", "things", "in", "statu", "quo", "till", "i", "have", "got", "all", "my", "transportation", "to", "the", "rear", "and", "out", "of", "the", "way" ]
[ "b u t", "i n", "v i e w", "o f", "t h e", "c h a n g e", "o f", "p l a n", "m a d e", "n e c e s s a r y", "b y", "y o u r", "o r d e r", "o f", "t h e", "s i x t h", "i", "w i l l", "m a i n t a i n", "t h i n g s", "i n", "s t a t u", "q u o", "t i l l", "i", "h a v e", "g o t", "a l l", "m y", "t r a n s p o r t a t i o n", "t o", "t h e", "r e a r", "a n d", "o u t", "o f", "t h e", "w a y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 4720, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 4420, 2933, 1018, 1389, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 2743, 1061, 2140, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 3832, 856, 3878, 3612, 344, 344, 4126, 4126, 4126, 3775, 2801, 1628, 2222, 1971, 1493, 1493, 2997, 199, 721, 424, 3102, 2131, 1469, 3336, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 3214, 3214, 3454, 3454, 2166, 1722, 3079, 3079, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 917, 2933, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 676, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 3675, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 463, 2160, 2160, 704, 74, 202, 308, 185, 4349, 672, 672, 4540, 3058, 1895, 1895, 3770, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 237, 1564, 121, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 158, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 870, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1041, 4101, 182, 1591, 2559, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 2301, 4216, 790, 992, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 172, 172, 2325, 2165, 534, 4918, 3007, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 4736, 1358, 3840, 4106, 4106, 4106, 3417, 966, 966, 1971, 1776, 1776, 1512, 3869, 3315, 2268, 721, 4141, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1564, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 796, 796, 796, 796, 796, 823, 815, 381, 3223, 649, 1458, 1564, 2333, 3891, 3891, 4787, 3141, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 4420, 2819, 4420, 3525, 3525, 562, 3841, 562, 3740, 562, 88, 2982, 4420, 1416, 1886, 2281, 1249, 794, 794, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2719, 2478, 3649, 1346, 1345, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 3299, 4905, 3846, 1125, 202, 308, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 3214, 2168, 685, 4895, 270, 136, 2657, 2374, 2716, 2716, 2716, 2716, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3214, 3171, 2168, 830, 50, 2463, 2574, 4466, 2619, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 3931, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 594, 594, 2292, 32, 4433, 65, 872, 4944, 197, 3963, 287, 4856, 1949, 1949, 3832, 1748, 4834, 760, 158, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1555, 3488, 119, 119, 4322, 4322, 2743, 3965, 3965, 894, 1830, 2476, 3371, 3371, 3371, 3371, 2801, 132, 2768, 1694, 581, 310, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 3666, 3666, 4678, 3066, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 1873, 4450, 20, 4276, 586, 1351, 1639, 72, 3401, 1357, 327, 23, 828, 2827, 710, 2725, 1416, 2670, 1784, 1058, 3076, 1824, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1372, 1874, 2825, 2825, 1796, 2851, 2851, 471, 471, 1492, 332, 794, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 857, 1847, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 889, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 2277, 917, 2559, 2272, 4138, 4138, 1439, 1439, 1439, 3653, 3653, 59, 2743, 2029, 2636, 743, 3545, 2330, 2330, 534, 4918, 4918, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 4905, 1125, 3948, 1456, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 4202, 1623, 104, 3237, 3826, 3826, 3433, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 1164, 3149, 4351, 4440, 4308, 4308, 3987, 2192, 2529, 2303, 2303, 324, 3336, 2559, 944, 2657, 181, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 1564, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 2649, 522, 300, 4895, 381, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 414, 414, 3050, 3050, 1492, 781, 1097, 4112, 4112, 4381, 1226, 4694, 604, 1634, 1634, 2740, 299, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 4515, 1358, 3827, 3827, 3827, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 2158, 1345, 1851, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 92, 329, 329, 72, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.42034035656401936, 0.5404376012965963, 0.7606158833063208, 0.8606969205834683, 0.9807941653160452, 1.3611021069692055, 1.501215559157212, 1.9015397082658019, 2.1617504051863854, 2.7822528363047, 3.042463533225283, 3.3026742301458665, 3.622933549432738, 3.763047001620745, 3.9431928687196103, 4.663776337115072, 5.024068071312803, 5.224230145867098, 5.764667747163694, 6.205024311183143, 6.405186385737438, 6.925607779578605, 7.52609400324149, 8.206645056726092, 8.36677471636953, 8.586952998379253, 8.907212317666124, 9.207455429497568, 9.42763371150729, 10.368395461912478, 10.528525121555914, 10.708670988654779, 11.108995137763369, 11.349189627228522, 11.529335494327388, 11.629416531604537, 11.769529983792543 ]
[ 0.42034035656401936, 0.5404376012965963, 0.7606158833063208, 0.8606969205834683, 0.9807941653160452, 1.3611021069692055, 1.501215559157212, 1.9015397082658019, 2.1617504051863854, 2.7822528363047, 3.042463533225283, 3.3026742301458665, 3.622933549432738, 3.763047001620745, 3.9431928687196103, 4.663776337115072, 5.024068071312803, 5.224230145867098, 5.764667747163694, 6.205024311183143, 6.405186385737438, 6.925607779578605, 7.52609400324149, 8.206645056726092, 8.36677471636953, 8.586952998379253, 8.907212317666124, 9.207455429497568, 9.42763371150729, 10.368395461912478, 10.528525121555914, 10.708670988654779, 11.108995137763369, 11.349189627228522, 11.529335494327388, 11.629416531604537, 11.769529983792543, 12.329983792544569 ]
general you have doubtless observed from your station at rosedew that sea-going vessels now come through ossabaw sound and up the ogeechee to the rear of my army
[ "general", "you", "have", "doubtless", "observed", "from", "your", "station", "at", "rosedew", "that", "sea-going", "vessels", "now", "come", "through", "ossabaw", "sound", "and", "up", "the", "ogeechee", "to", "the", "rear", "of", "my", "army" ]
[ "general", "you", "have", "doubtless", "observed", "from", "your", "station", "at", "rosedew", "that", "sea-going", "vessels", "now", "come", "through", "ossabaw", "sound", "and", "up", "the", "ogeechee", "to", "the", "rear", "of", "my", "army" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "y o u", "h a v e", "d o u b t l e s s", "o b s e r v e d", "f r o m", "y o u r", "s t a t i o n", "a t", "r o s e d e w", "t h a t", "s e a g o i n g", "v e s s e l s", "n o w", "c o m e", "t h r o u g h", "o s s a b a w", "s o u n d", "a n d", "u p", "t h e", "o g e e c h e e", "t o", "t h e", "r e a r", "o f", "m y", "a r m y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 1910, 2850, 4941, 1787, 1787, 5, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 668, 195, 391, 4450, 4917, 931, 627, 555, 1375, 1375, 4420, 3993, 3458, 3458, 1707, 1707, 72, 327, 1254, 3415, 2154, 2154, 28, 4420, 2234, 4122, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 1019, 3261, 3805, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 2184, 2277, 1367, 894, 2231, 902, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 2075, 2068, 2408, 2408, 2278, 4133, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 237, 1564, 121, 2213, 257, 1008, 4373, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 613, 4424, 2345, 2345, 3990, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1534, 3972, 2734, 4635, 4635, 2943, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 4255, 2052, 3216, 2485, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 3596, 8, 2956, 3408, 1417, 1564, 9, 1084, 3194, 1643, 1555, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 1564, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3284, 3284, 455, 758, 197, 781, 2411, 898, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2743, 2743, 3249, 743, 3545, 1626, 1626, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 2797, 1476, 1476, 3742, 3742, 1293, 4050, 3786, 4247, 6, 84, 381, 433, 2389, 3348, 3371, 3208, 2536, 2536, 2536, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 1873, 3040, 20, 586, 586, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 2001, 4182, 3163, 4461, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2743, 2743, 2029, 894, 743, 1806, 936, 4756, 2933, 1792, 4941, 2404, 101, 4433, 3914, 620, 2429, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2081, 182, 4753, 104, 2272, 2531, 2531, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 651, 2308, 2379, 3771, 856, 4055, 2868, 3609, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 1281, 4708, 2963, 4433, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 4050, 4433, 4247, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 4905, 1694, 1694, 628, 3766, 560, 3718, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 3905, 4846, 824, 3251, 1172, 1172, 2321, 2774, 2774, 499, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2536, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 4298, 758, 197, 2939, 561, 118, 118, 118, 118, 644, 3408, 1417, 158, 4876, 3702, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 190, 3728, 3728, 970, 4322, 4322, 4175, 2759, 2759, 1632, 2782, 280, 280, 4678, 4563, 1193, 4495, 3408, 1417, 4876, 1010, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 190, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 4394, 4394, 412, 4102, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 1066, 2933, 981, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 4694, 604, 1634, 4571, 4355, 332, 3090, 1712, 1712, 3560, 3560, 3737, 381, 4903, 721, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 1323, 4317, 118, 118, 118, 4563, 4753, 1710, 777, 894, 1223, 4443, 4502, 4502, 4502, 4502, 1350, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 18, 3311, 3061, 4443, 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400, 3843, 311, 311, 3910, 4202, 2183, 628, 270, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 3513, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1988, 3548, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 3417, 3417, 966, 966, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 2997, 2184, 2020, 46, 4011, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 1687, 1889, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 2914, 3231, 697, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 1848, 1418, 3843, 884, 2377, 20, 4276, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.0008223684210527, 1.3411019736842107, 1.5412664473684212, 2.0016447368421053, 2.542088815789474, 2.7422532894736844, 2.942417763157895, 3.60296052631579, 3.9232236842105266, 4.803947368421054, 5.384424342105263, 6.024950657894737, 6.5854111842105265, 6.8656414473684215, 7.285986842105264, 7.78639802631579, 8.506990131578949, 9.207565789473685, 9.547845394736843, 9.707976973684211, 9.86810855263158, 10.548667763157894, 10.728815789473686, 10.868930921052634, 11.129144736842107, 11.269259868421054, 11.549490131578949 ]
[ 1.0008223684210527, 1.3411019736842107, 1.5412664473684212, 2.0016447368421053, 2.542088815789474, 2.7422532894736844, 2.942417763157895, 3.60296052631579, 3.9232236842105266, 4.803947368421054, 5.384424342105263, 6.024950657894737, 6.5854111842105265, 6.8656414473684215, 7.285986842105264, 7.78639802631579, 8.506990131578949, 9.207565789473685, 9.547845394736843, 9.707976973684211, 9.86810855263158, 10.548667763157894, 10.728815789473686, 10.868930921052634, 11.129144736842107, 11.269259868421054, 11.549490131578949, 12.14998355263158 ]
now the undertaking being a success the honor is all yours for i believe none of us went further than to acquiesce and taking the work of general thomas into account as it should be taken it is indeed a great success not only does it afford the obvious and immediate military advantages
[ "now", "the", "undertaking", "being", "a", "success", "the", "honor", "is", "all", "yours", "for", "i", "believe", "none", "of", "us", "went", "further", "than", "to", "acquiesce", "and", "taking", "the", "work", "of", "general", "thomas", "into", "account", "as", "it", "should", "be", "taken", "it", "is", "indeed", "a", "great", "success", "not", "only", "does", "it", "afford", "the", "obvious", "and", "immediate", "military", "advantages" ]
[ "now", "the", "undertaking", "being", "a", "success", "the", "honor", "is", "all", "yours", "for", "i", "believe", "none", "of", "us", "went", "further", "than", "to", "acquiesce", "and", "taking", "the", "work", "of", "general", "thomas", "into", "account", "as", "it", "should", "be", "taken", "it", "is", "indeed", "a", "great", "success", "not", "only", "does", "it", "afford", "the", "obvious", "and", "immediate", "military", "advantages" ]
[ "n o w", "t h e", "u n d e r t a k i n g", "b e i n g", "a", "s u c c e s s", "t h e", "h o n o r", "i s", "a l l", "y o u r s", "f o r", "i", "b e l i e v e", "n o n e", "o f", "u s", "w e n t", "f u r t h e r", "t h a n", "t o", "a c q u i e s c e", "a n d", "t a k i n g", "t h e", "w o r k", "o f", "g e n e r a l", "t h o m a s", "i n t o", "a c c o u n t", "a s", "i t", "s h o u l d", "b e", "t a k e n", "i t", "i s", "i n d e e d", "a", "g r e a t", "s u c c e s s", "n o t", "o n l y", "d o e s", "i t", "a f f o r d", "t h e", "o b v i o u s", "a n d", "i m m e d i a t e", "m i l i t a r y", "a d v a n t a g e s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 4462, 1143, 72, 1143, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 852, 852, 524, 2677, 4063, 2234, 2001, 2579, 1471, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 1873, 1501, 3896, 3896, 4340, 1795, 2594, 489, 1064, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 1291, 493, 493, 493, 493, 2023, 2469, 42, 1771, 503, 503, 1288, 4018, 3336, 1206, 114, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 418, 2663, 1743, 3326, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2610, 2379, 7, 3086, 3771, 3771, 4819, 1206, 53, 841, 841, 841, 841, 3565, 3565, 1817, 1817, 4976, 4200, 435, 2660, 95, 95, 1723, 1109, 3374, 1564, 313, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 936, 4756, 4941, 4941, 1795, 2594, 489, 1064, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 1889, 534, 2557, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 105, 839, 293, 431, 3840, 1975, 4106, 3941, 414, 2325, 3050, 1492, 1630, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 3077, 2791, 4318, 706, 706, 3404, 4355, 534, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 4905, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 779, 3596, 3596, 3596, 3596, 3596, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 608, 536, 2091, 4433, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 193, 3557, 1252, 1639, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 157, 3415, 828, 710, 2725, 4420, 1162, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 247, 2524, 2325, 2165, 534, 561, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 49, 3431, 3537, 3537, 1908, 2590, 2590, 2590, 3818, 275, 4958, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 4619, 4619, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3654, 1300, 455, 936, 4340, 1858, 1471, 1299, 2291, 2291, 2291, 2291, 2300, 293, 2707, 4833, 4778, 4778, 4778, 2744, 3266, 161, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 159, 3626, 1564, 2940, 2186, 3629, 1569, 2833, 4477, 2668, 2728, 2728, 2728, 496, 1374, 1686, 743, 3545, 2734, 4120, 2832, 3326, 3446, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 425, 1854, 1040, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 568, 4232, 3941, 1288, 1854, 1307, 3350, 3196, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1226, 1226, 4694, 2298, 3918, 300, 4895, 42, 3076, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1551, 1019, 2165, 1630, 1291, 3907, 3907, 1814, 404, 404, 2547, 2547, 1743, 2607, 340, 2902, 3815, 3815, 1649, 4173, 271, 4251, 4251, 1244, 1244, 3418, 1894, 2208, 2208, 93, 93, 3137, 3137, 997, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 621, 1311, 634, 2967, 3808, 3808, 92, 1639, 72, 140, 140, 3305, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 312, 4420, 2391, 14, 2754, 3610, 68, 4249, 685, 114, 136, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2663, 1206, 4186, 454, 454, 2653, 473, 473, 7, 156, 2352, 2047, 4035, 3102, 3513, 2059, 2059, 4725, 4714, 4477, 4477, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 823, 4012, 1743, 383, 2933, 4186, 2723, 2446, 4526, 384, 3652, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 1177, 2096, 1206, 114, 2657, 2287, 2287, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2273, 3231, 4134, 2618, 1561, 1561, 968, 4209, 3626, 1564, 2905, 4260, 257, 1048, 1048, 1048, 1048, 685, 42, 114, 1843, 3595, 3595, 564, 564, 1628, 2222, 2222, 4840, 4840, 3165, 2, 2933, 55, 559, 678, 708, 592, 2067, 2067, 4145, 4145, 2067, 1627, 1627, 975, 975, 771, 4524, 4524, 1709, 628, 377, 3190, 1365, 4756, 193, 983, 1904, 781, 2834, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 176, 4318, 1564, 2906, 257, 886, 886, 886, 2601, 571, 4739, 4414, 1212, 171, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 4225, 3330, 4951, 2199, 1206, 4192, 3545, 3895, 42, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 4202, 55, 114, 136, 4046, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 4299, 2663, 1743, 628, 4186, 2679, 2679, 1540, 1540, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 4681, 4681, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 4321, 2391, 1297, 3357, 3357, 3421, 1686, 3449, 2148, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 1370, 3578, 3886, 3886, 257, 257, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 4108, 2410, 1206, 2212, 2389, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 2416, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1686, 4102, 1365, 245, 1, 1630, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 2481, 777, 1206, 126, 4622, 1362, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 246, 246, 3795, 4739, 4523, 4523, 1010, 313, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 1010, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 3137, 3137, 997, 2640, 3530, 4433, 542, 4100, 4100, 621, 3414, 61, 2967, 4420, 288, 1646, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 4796, 4796, 1357, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 2677, 1162, 4924, 1471, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1529, 1529, 4073, 2740, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 1367, 2212, 3496, 1768, 1768, 1768, 1768, 176, 3578, 3886, 3886, 257, 4378, 4378, 4156, 1529, 2355, 3449, 1008, 3165, 3165, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2787, 908, 4387, 4387, 1296, 2199, 12, 42, 2047, 832, 1064, 1064, 4885, 4885, 1687, 1889, 1, 561, 2557, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2581, 4175, 4373, 3287, 3878, 3878, 479, 3609, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4209, 3626, 1564, 2905, 4260, 752, 3136, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 2513, 2781, 883, 4028, 2762, 4684, 2816, 436, 2990, 2990, 1726, 1726, 1726, 1726, 4196, 2355, 4390, 271, 271, 3897, 3720, 2033, 2033, 2033, 4542, 2969, 2408, 4997, 3807, 1134, 2990, 2123, 2123, 2123, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 1090, 1577, 114, 114, 2657, 4915, 4915, 4915, 2245, 2245, 1660, 870, 4080, 4080, 1034, 1983, 4946, 4850, 2443, 2443, 4379, 4379, 4448, 4448, 843, 3878, 2158, 479, 3372, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 913, 1585, 4116, 1686, 2140, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 1206, 3646, 1722, 1609, 1609, 1609, 650, 650, 650, 650, 70, 4287, 4287, 67, 1011, 3294, 1311, 2967, 193, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 72, 1245, 3913, 3913, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7203610832497492, 0.9604814443329989, 1.7208625877632897, 2.0010030090270807, 2.0810431293881644, 2.8014042126379137, 3.041524573721163, 3.46173520561685, 3.7018555667001, 3.9619859578736203, 4.602306920762286, 5.062537612838515, 5.222617853560681, 5.68284854563691, 5.922968906720159, 6.063039117352056, 6.3031594784353056, 6.563289869608826, 7.003510531594783, 7.283650952858575, 7.503761283851554, 8.464242728184551, 8.784403209628884, 9.14458375125376, 9.304663991975927, 9.62482447342026, 9.724874623871614, 10.085055165496488, 10.525275827482446, 10.785406218655966, 11.405717151454363, 11.685857572718152, 11.845937813440319, 12.146088264794383, 12.286158475426276, 12.966499498495484, 13.32668004012036, 13.506770310932795, 14.007021063189566, 14.127081243731192, 14.467251755265796, 15.347693079237711, 15.787913741223669, 16.02803410230692, 16.2481444332999, 16.368204613841524, 16.82843530591775, 17.00852557673019, 17.5487963891675, 17.768906720160476, 18.28916750250752, 18.869458375125372 ]
[ 0.7203610832497492, 0.9604814443329989, 1.7208625877632897, 2.0010030090270807, 2.0810431293881644, 2.8014042126379137, 3.041524573721163, 3.46173520561685, 3.7018555667001, 3.9619859578736203, 4.602306920762286, 5.062537612838515, 5.222617853560681, 5.68284854563691, 5.922968906720159, 6.063039117352056, 6.3031594784353056, 6.563289869608826, 7.003510531594783, 7.283650952858575, 7.503761283851554, 8.464242728184551, 8.784403209628884, 9.14458375125376, 9.304663991975927, 9.62482447342026, 9.724874623871614, 10.085055165496488, 10.525275827482446, 10.785406218655966, 11.405717151454363, 11.685857572718152, 11.845937813440319, 12.146088264794383, 12.286158475426276, 12.966499498495484, 13.32668004012036, 13.506770310932795, 14.007021063189566, 14.127081243731192, 14.467251755265796, 15.347693079237711, 15.787913741223669, 16.02803410230692, 16.2481444332999, 16.368204613841524, 16.82843530591775, 17.00852557673019, 17.5487963891675, 17.768906720160476, 18.28916750250752, 18.869458375125372, 19.929989969909727 ]
major general w t sherman commanding military division of the mississippi general on reflection since sending my letter by the hands of lieutenant dunn i have concluded that the most important operation toward closing out the rebellion will be to close out lee and his army
[ "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "commanding", "military", "division", "of", "the", "mississippi", "general", "on", "reflection", "since", "sending", "my", "letter", "by", "the", "hands", "of", "lieutenant", "dunn", "i", "have", "concluded", "that", "the", "most", "important", "operation", "toward", "closing", "out", "the", "rebellion", "will", "be", "to", "close", "out", "lee", "and", "his", "army" ]
[ "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "commanding", "military", "division", "of", "the", "mississippi", "general", "on", "reflection", "since", "sending", "my", "letter", "by", "the", "hands", "of", "lieutenant", "dunn", "i", "have", "concluded", "that", "the", "most", "important", "operation", "toward", "closing", "out", "the", "rebellion", "will", "be", "to", "close", "out", "lee", "and", "his", "army" ]
[ "m a j o r", "g e n e r a l", "w", "t", "s h e r m a n", "c o m m a n d i n g", "m i l i t a r y", "d i v i s i o n", "o f", "t h e", "m i s s i s s i p p i", "g e n e r a l", "o n", "r e f l e c t i o n", "s i n c e", "s e n d i n g", "m y", "l e t t e r", "b y", "t h e", "h a n d s", "o f", "l i e u t e n a n t", "d u n n", "i", "h a v e", "c o n c l u d e d", "t h a t", "t h e", "m o s t", "i m p o r t a n t", "o p e r a t i o n", "t o w a r d", "c l o s i n g", "o u t", "t h e", "r e b e l l i o n", "w i l l", "b e", "t o", "c l o s e", "o u t", "l e e", "a n d", "h i s", "a r m y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 1143, 72, 1143, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 4924, 2767, 1134, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 3413, 4196, 514, 3646, 1722, 1775, 4239, 1975, 1288, 1288, 4018, 3049, 3326, 1967, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 1548, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 4905, 3758, 1367, 2212, 3496, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 42, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 260, 2183, 2559, 114, 136, 2260, 3922, 1232, 1232, 2081, 2081, 2622, 2622, 2878, 1564, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 4134, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 1282, 269, 4844, 4681, 775, 3485, 2852, 2933, 559, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 436, 1134, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 913, 1390, 463, 3793, 2682, 2781, 4825, 2402, 1182, 2610, 2610, 7, 3086, 150, 3771, 3771, 74, 1134, 2990, 2123, 2123, 2123, 2123, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 1090, 1206, 114, 136, 4915, 4915, 4915, 2245, 2245, 1660, 870, 4080, 1034, 1041, 438, 1367, 2212, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 2158, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 18, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 293, 1971, 1971, 1776, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 10, 4730, 436, 1134, 2990, 2522, 2522, 2505, 3016, 1564, 121, 655, 1487, 4962, 4962, 4214, 3374, 1564, 1010, 313, 1892, 620, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3323, 251, 595, 628, 2820, 301, 1562, 3684, 1418, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 2427, 4917, 931, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 2760, 4420, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 3993, 3993, 3993, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 2154, 2154, 2677, 4063, 2001, 2001, 42, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 1548, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 195, 391, 391, 4917, 4917, 4917, 730, 403, 403, 4420, 1706, 1706, 3075, 1706, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2982, 1886, 1886, 4321, 2788, 4641, 2789, 3180, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 2177, 4768, 3123, 3031, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 2690, 1815, 4433, 1394, 1394, 3670, 3562, 3562, 3562, 3562, 407, 4076, 2802, 381, 556, 556, 556, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 809, 4846, 2527, 760, 1010, 4433, 313, 1892, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1164, 4883, 4883, 4523, 1807, 1564, 313, 1892, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 496, 2682, 1206, 2219, 3169, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 3771, 74, 1134, 3069, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 1736, 1170, 4052, 275, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4515, 4515, 1358, 3840, 1975, 3941, 2009, 3431, 3537, 3537, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 4816, 4816, 2367, 2367, 3805, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 1390, 463, 809, 4655, 2292, 706, 2906, 606, 2446, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 4567, 426, 275, 3631, 3631, 3631, 324, 55, 114, 136, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 2300, 839, 1005, 2597, 4546, 3951, 4542, 571, 4300, 1129, 1129, 2607, 2212, 2212, 1283, 902, 1451, 1451, 1451, 617, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2549, 209, 269, 269, 4844, 4681, 4401, 20, 1915, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 140, 1245, 1245, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 2391, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 3805, 3805, 889, 3939, 635, 635, 635, 4484, 2573, 2184, 2277, 213, 1206, 559, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 488, 2099, 2099, 1206, 3317, 305, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 4706, 216, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 3198, 12, 12, 2047, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1165, 2428, 2933, 2047, 4141, 3513, 177, 2816, 436, 148, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 356, 3626, 515, 3362, 4092, 4576, 4028, 2378, 820, 3563, 4591, 1724, 102, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4031, 4597, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 339, 834, 4355, 332, 561, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2581, 3672, 2467, 251, 2933, 2820, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 4469, 4469, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 225, 4780, 4433, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2288, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4846, 4846, 1546, 1546, 55, 114, 3076, 2657, 3968, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 908, 908, 4387, 4387, 1296, 1296, 1686, 743, 1806, 455, 936, 1792, 2607, 55, 340, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 2797, 1476, 3742, 4922, 4032, 706, 472, 3845, 3097, 501, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 3284, 3284, 758, 1630, 1630, 2411, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 58, 2869, 1588, 3945, 2933, 2047, 1795, 4141, 10, 729, 4354, 2603, 3476, 1330, 4988, 4988, 713, 1060, 3327, 3326, 53, 3574, 4616, 3901, 3901, 3901, 3901, 2216, 3092, 2064, 2064, 4146, 4146, 1126, 1126, 1148, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 269, 4681, 3159, 4401, 2933, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 1103, 2677, 4420, 1162, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3431, 3537, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3686, 438, 4202, 3326, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 3494, 91, 340, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 2797, 1476, 3742, 4922, 1293, 706, 706, 752, 752, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 1686, 1686, 1806, 1806, 2251, 4913, 738, 275, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 587, 3050, 758, 1630, 781, 1097, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3034, 3980, 2513, 42, 4192, 759, 1422, 390, 390, 1728, 2265, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 752, 752, 822, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 2914, 3231, 697, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1848, 1418, 3843, 153, 1248, 1248, 4917, 931, 610, 588, 1496, 255, 4420, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6203369565217391, 1.1606304347826089, 1.3407282608695652, 1.5208260869565218, 2.1211521739130434, 2.7815108695652175, 3.341815217391304, 3.8220760869565216, 3.942141304347826, 4.062206521739131, 5.082760869565217, 6.143336956521739, 6.523543478260869, 7.183902173913043, 7.484065217391304, 7.82425, 8.004347826086956, 8.2845, 8.444586956521738, 8.58466304347826, 8.904836956521738, 9.024902173913045, 9.50516304347826, 10.1255, 10.445673913043478, 10.66579347826087, 11.246108695652174, 11.42620652173913, 11.546271739130434, 11.786402173913045, 12.306684782608697, 13.167152173913044, 13.64741304347826, 14.26775, 14.507880434782608, 14.667967391304348, 15.448391304347826, 15.808586956521738, 15.908641304347826, 16.048717391304347, 16.448934782608696, 16.749097826086956, 17.12930434782609, 17.449478260869565, 17.70961956521739 ]
[ 0.6203369565217391, 1.1606304347826089, 1.3407282608695652, 1.5208260869565218, 2.1211521739130434, 2.7815108695652175, 3.341815217391304, 3.8220760869565216, 3.942141304347826, 4.062206521739131, 5.082760869565217, 6.143336956521739, 6.523543478260869, 7.183902173913043, 7.484065217391304, 7.82425, 8.004347826086956, 8.2845, 8.444586956521738, 8.58466304347826, 8.904836956521738, 9.024902173913045, 9.50516304347826, 10.1255, 10.445673913043478, 10.66579347826087, 11.246108695652174, 11.42620652173913, 11.546271739130434, 11.786402173913045, 12.306684782608697, 13.167152173913044, 13.64741304347826, 14.26775, 14.507880434782608, 14.667967391304348, 15.448391304347826, 15.788576086956523, 15.908641304347826, 16.048717391304347, 16.448934782608696, 16.749097826086956, 17.12930434782609, 17.449478260869565, 17.70961956521739, 18.38998913043478 ]
near the market-square we found stone's brigade halted with arms stacked and a large detail of his men along with some citizens engaged with an old fire-engine
[ "near", "the", "market-square", "we", "found", "stone's", "brigade", "halted", "with", "arms", "stacked", "and", "a", "large", "detail", "of", "his", "men", "along", "with", "some", "citizens", "engaged", "with", "an", "old", "fire-engine" ]
[ "near", "the", "market-square", "we", "found", "stone's", "brigade", "halted", "with", "arms", "stacked", "and", "a", "large", "detail", "of", "his", "men", "along", "with", "some", "citizens", "engaged", "with", "an", "old", "fire-engine" ]
[ "n e a r", "t h e", "m a r k e t s q u a r e", "w e", "f o u n d", "s t o n e ' s", "b r i g a d e", "h a l t e d", "w i t h", "a r m s", "s t a c k e d", "a n d", "a", "l a r g e", "d e t a i l", "o f", "h i s", "m e n", "a l o n g", "w i t h", "s o m e", "c i t i z e n s", "e n g a g e d", "w i t h", "a n", "o l d", "f i r e e n g i n e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 1436, 2677, 4420, 4924, 2579, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 8, 2956, 1854, 1307, 424, 4141, 3513, 177, 2816, 2816, 3948, 148, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 4661, 2914, 2547, 4012, 1743, 3249, 1733, 2714, 2714, 215, 4542, 4739, 4739, 4876, 4876, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 2809, 3696, 3666, 3666, 3940, 3940, 3940, 700, 4861, 4861, 4203, 414, 2117, 45, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 3293, 1815, 623, 104, 43, 671, 2238, 2238, 2238, 3890, 3890, 3890, 3890, 217, 975, 975, 975, 3067, 3764, 314, 37, 37, 4728, 4497, 2404, 4523, 158, 382, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 2815, 2815, 2815, 2815, 605, 605, 3755, 3755, 3764, 809, 4655, 1899, 1216, 4599, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2741, 1498, 323, 4331, 4456, 2481, 1710, 628, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 1296, 894, 4102, 2800, 1149, 1149, 3072, 369, 392, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2417, 3219, 3219, 1062, 2239, 2239, 860, 860, 2559, 1830, 513, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 1110, 4102, 142, 4420, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 924, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 4355, 4355, 534, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4935, 4788, 4788, 1030, 1670, 978, 978, 760, 1807, 158, 9, 1084, 3194, 104, 1643, 1555, 1555, 4595, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 96, 96, 1930, 823, 823, 823, 2359, 1108, 2933, 1152, 3972, 3190, 4944, 197, 3143, 1097, 108, 3610, 68, 1634, 1634, 2660, 546, 546, 4828, 1607, 1430, 2336, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 207, 2914, 2121, 2060, 2060, 3442, 2103, 2103, 1139, 84, 628, 433, 3853, 3853, 1232, 1013, 1013, 1350, 4202, 104, 944, 136, 2532, 2532, 2532, 2532, 3866, 1789, 2312, 1566, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 1776, 1512, 2997, 2744, 701, 2341, 2341, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 3786, 4433, 3930, 4208, 1204, 4011, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 983, 1, 2939, 4575, 1594, 1324, 1324, 1607, 4588, 2336, 188, 3784, 3784, 3784, 3784, 3784, 2426, 1301, 1490, 1490, 3771, 4014, 4014, 1284, 318, 4562, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 4523, 1010, 1010, 552, 4029, 4029, 4029, 1800, 1295, 258, 782, 760, 1564, 3914, 2704, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 1708, 4219, 1025, 1025, 1025, 4214, 237, 4433, 121, 655, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1521, 1379, 4532, 2649, 809, 809, 809, 3226, 1985, 1985, 2292, 2091, 4433, 3294, 3414, 1311, 2967, 4420, 1915, 92, 1252, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 4826, 3125, 1405, 1405, 2378, 253, 488, 2647, 5, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3442, 4762, 1564, 1631, 1631, 1659, 1806, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 29, 29, 1284, 318, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 3632, 4944, 197, 781, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2687, 834, 3284, 4990, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 104, 4192, 3545, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1975, 4106, 3417, 966, 3618, 4197, 4028, 387, 387, 1986, 496, 2854, 4108, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1722, 4632, 4632, 4632, 2626, 1379, 2288, 2288, 2160, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1081, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.46040636042402827, 0.600530035335689, 1.4012367491166078, 1.5413604240282686, 2.02178445229682, 2.502208480565371, 3.062703180212014, 3.783339222614841, 4.143657243816254, 4.483957597173145, 5.004416961130742, 5.184575971731449, 5.244628975265018, 5.624964664310954, 6.085371024734982, 6.20547703180212, 6.405653710247351, 6.785989399293286, 7.2463957597173145, 7.446572438162544, 7.646749116607774, 8.547544169611307, 9.428321554770319, 9.728586572438163, 9.948780918727914, 10.289081272084806 ]
[ 0.46040636042402827, 0.600530035335689, 1.4012367491166078, 1.5413604240282686, 2.02178445229682, 2.502208480565371, 3.062703180212014, 3.783339222614841, 4.143657243816254, 4.483957597173145, 5.004416961130742, 5.184575971731449, 5.244628975265018, 5.624964664310954, 6.085371024734982, 6.20547703180212, 6.405653710247351, 6.785989399293286, 7.2463957597173145, 7.446572438162544, 7.646749116607774, 8.547544169611307, 9.428321554770319, 9.728586572438163, 9.948780918727914, 10.289081272084806, 11.309982332155478 ]
here terminated the march to the sea and i only add a few letters selected out of many to illustrate the general feeling of rejoicing throughout the country at the time
[ "here", "terminated", "the", "march", "to", "the", "sea", "and", "i", "only", "add", "a", "few", "letters", "selected", "out", "of", "many", "to", "illustrate", "the", "general", "feeling", "of", "rejoicing", "throughout", "the", "country", "at", "the", "time" ]
[ "here", "terminated", "the", "march", "to", "the", "sea", "and", "i", "only", "add", "a", "few", "letters", "selected", "out", "of", "many", "to", "illustrate", "the", "general", "feeling", "of", "rejoicing", "throughout", "the", "country", "at", "the", "time" ]
[ "h e r e", "t e r m i n a t e d", "t h e", "m a r c h", "t o", "t h e", "s e a", "a n d", "i", "o n l y", "a d d", "a", "f e w", "l e t t e r s", "s e l e c t e d", "o u t", "o f", "m a n y", "t o", "i l l u s t r a t e", "t h e", "g e n e r a l", "f e e l i n g", "o f", "r e j o i c i n g", "t h r o u g h o u t", "t h e", "c o u n t r y", "a t", "t h e", "t i m e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 2455, 2455, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 4420, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 214, 4420, 2925, 2925, 75, 3227, 4063, 3117, 4319, 1087, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 8, 8, 4018, 4018, 1623, 104, 136, 2657, 2374, 505, 505, 505, 505, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1794, 1559, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 1558, 3198, 1110, 5, 4102, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 1792, 1795, 489, 1448, 3513, 177, 4730, 2816, 3948, 148, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 4513, 2461, 1974, 4797, 2103, 2103, 2103, 1139, 628, 1954, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1564, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 884, 587, 455, 455, 758, 983, 2607, 2558, 2558, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 604, 2781, 4192, 1365, 4944, 332, 794, 2137, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 3050, 1889, 534, 4918, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 4850, 1687, 4355, 1291, 2411, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 509, 1930, 2930, 2671, 1708, 883, 2660, 546, 432, 2690, 1815, 623, 2400, 43, 1093, 4369, 4369, 4369, 4369, 2801, 2801, 132, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2336, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4515, 3249, 2140, 3177, 3840, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4433, 3954, 4067, 2324, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 4243, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4063, 4494, 101, 158, 1069, 3914, 4721, 947, 4572, 4572, 4572, 3818, 1430, 227, 1739, 407, 407, 407, 549, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 2933, 1163, 341, 4901, 2381, 4434, 1558, 1558, 3198, 3198, 1523, 1110, 381, 4713, 455, 1365, 245, 197, 332, 2411, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 2075, 58, 4736, 1708, 4073, 2723, 3827, 1493, 384, 965, 3652, 2020, 46, 4011, 308, 939, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2300, 3613, 2501, 506, 3722, 1848, 1418, 3843, 884, 884, 2377, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 72, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 1058, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1019, 1889, 1291, 4967, 2258, 2258, 1437, 317, 1197, 4610, 4610, 4610, 4214, 237, 4433, 2187, 120, 347, 347, 4550, 4550, 4550, 871, 871, 934, 246, 2428, 2559, 2566, 2566, 1448, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1177, 563, 1815, 4433, 2400, 2923, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 1184, 1184, 3243, 4960, 3514, 3514, 4687, 2308, 4976, 4200, 435, 1971, 1971, 4526, 169, 384, 1601, 4567, 4567, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 3049, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 4992, 1037, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 655, 4372, 3845, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 4914, 3086, 3771, 50, 2463, 499, 499, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1628, 3607, 299, 4791, 4791, 4791, 4791, 2075, 58, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2566, 2566, 3102, 10, 124, 91, 2933, 104, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 496, 2373, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 4946, 4850, 2443, 2127, 2127, 2127, 4131, 2428, 628, 2566, 4141, 10, 2131, 3336, 1623, 628, 1781, 136, 2374, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 588, 588, 1496, 255, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9215807560137457, 1.6828865979381444, 1.8631958762886598, 2.2238144329896907, 2.3640549828178696, 2.564398625429553, 3.0652577319587633, 3.526048109965636, 3.7063573883161514, 4.046941580756013, 4.327422680412371, 4.407560137457044, 4.668006872852234, 5.289072164948454, 6.190618556701031, 6.45106529209622, 6.591305841924399, 7.07213058419244, 7.412714776632303, 7.9736769759450175, 8.073848797250859, 8.494570446735395, 8.895257731958763, 9.035498281786943, 9.716666666666667, 10.117353951890035, 10.237560137457045, 10.638247422680411, 10.77848797250859, 10.91872852233677 ]
[ 0.9215807560137457, 1.6828865979381444, 1.8631958762886598, 2.2238144329896907, 2.3640549828178696, 2.564398625429553, 3.0652577319587633, 3.526048109965636, 3.7063573883161514, 4.046941580756013, 4.327422680412371, 4.407560137457044, 4.668006872852234, 5.289072164948454, 6.190618556701031, 6.45106529209622, 6.591305841924399, 7.07213058419244, 7.412714776632303, 7.9736769759450175, 8.073848797250859, 8.494570446735395, 8.895257731958763, 9.035498281786943, 9.716666666666667, 10.117353951890035, 10.237560137457045, 10.638247422680411, 10.77848797250859, 10.91872852233677, 11.639965635738832 ]
general howard and i then walked up to the mcallister house where we found general hazen and his officers asleep on the floor of one of the rooms lying down on the floor i was soon fast asleep but shortly became conscious that some one in the room was inquiring for me among the sleepers
[ "general", "howard", "and", "i", "then", "walked", "up", "to", "the", "mcallister", "house", "where", "we", "found", "general", "hazen", "and", "his", "officers", "asleep", "on", "the", "floor", "of", "one", "of", "the", "rooms", "lying", "down", "on", "the", "floor", "i", "was", "soon", "fast", "asleep", "but", "shortly", "became", "conscious", "that", "some", "one", "in", "the", "room", "was", "inquiring", "for", "me", "among", "the", "sleepers" ]
[ "general", "howard", "and", "i", "then", "walked", "up", "to", "the", "mcallister", "house", "where", "we", "found", "general", "hazen", "and", "his", "officers", "asleep", "on", "the", "floor", "of", "one", "of", "the", "rooms", "lying", "down", "on", "the", "floor", "i", "was", "soon", "fast", "asleep", "but", "shortly", "became", "conscious", "that", "some", "one", "in", "the", "room", "was", "inquiring", "for", "me", "among", "the", "sleepers" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "h o w a r d", "a n d", "i", "t h e n", "w a l k e d", "u p", "t o", "t h e", "m c a l l i s t e r", "h o u s e", "w h e r e", "w e", "f o u n d", "g e n e r a l", "h a z e n", "a n d", "h i s", "o f f i c e r s", "a s l e e p", "o n", "t h e", "f l o o r", "o f", "o n e", "o f", "t h e", "r o o m s", "l y i n g", "d o w n", "o n", "t h e", "f l o o r", "i", "w a s", "s o o n", "f a s t", "a s l e e p", "b u t", "s h o r t l y", "b e c a m e", "c o n s c i o u s", "t h a t", "s o m e", "o n e", "i n", "t h e", "r o o m", "w a s", "i n q u i r i n g", "f o r", "m e", "a m o n g", "t h e", "s l e e p e r s" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 4544, 4420, 3861, 75, 2001, 2001, 1787, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4419, 2730, 1863, 2355, 883, 3564, 3564, 2479, 2687, 293, 293, 2740, 3246, 1029, 1029, 1029, 1029, 1029, 1029, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 532, 2030, 710, 2677, 348, 4420, 1206, 2594, 2483, 899, 899, 899, 3917, 1282, 2298, 3123, 3284, 3284, 3896, 3896, 1683, 29, 4477, 1851, 882, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 4827, 2547, 1328, 2359, 1108, 628, 3972, 4576, 175, 3090, 567, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 3737, 2607, 4903, 55, 114, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 2655, 1307, 3350, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2816, 1134, 1584, 1584, 1584, 1584, 91, 628, 559, 678, 708, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4214, 3626, 4433, 2187, 242, 4092, 653, 3184, 1975, 1288, 1288, 2367, 13, 3805, 1007, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 771, 1869, 1869, 3530, 542, 542, 3294, 1311, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 3134, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1162, 2620, 3331, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 8, 2117, 2117, 2833, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 3293, 1815, 3326, 3446, 671, 2238, 2238, 2238, 2238, 3890, 3890, 975, 3067, 3067, 314, 2410, 42, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 36, 3261, 13, 13, 1007, 3934, 1470, 1470, 2502, 2502, 3413, 3413, 565, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 472, 1272, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2649, 4844, 3159, 3159, 455, 758, 1630, 1206, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 2513, 3326, 2781, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 3886, 752, 822, 822, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3290, 3290, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 3626, 1564, 121, 2905, 4372, 3184, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2401, 525, 2038, 4499, 4287, 67, 67, 706, 2324, 455, 455, 245, 983, 983, 4641, 2746, 1594, 4945, 4945, 1723, 1109, 3374, 1564, 3702, 9, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 4993, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 2981, 1013, 4269, 3209, 3209, 1761, 4675, 1721, 2436, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 2933, 2391, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 662, 662, 40, 3102, 10, 2690, 563, 1096, 1096, 1615, 1394, 1394, 3670, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 178, 178, 2787, 1753, 3417, 3417, 966, 1971, 1776, 1512, 3869, 1601, 4567, 396, 4477, 2031, 4860, 4860, 4860, 4860, 839, 293, 4833, 4778, 4778, 3315, 2047, 4035, 4141, 10, 4354, 4354, 1449, 3476, 52, 52, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3634, 3226, 978, 1985, 32, 2091, 2898, 3294, 3414, 634, 2967, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 4823, 140, 140, 574, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 453, 3673, 3673, 852, 1436, 3268, 2725, 2001, 229, 738, 275, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4082, 4082, 4082, 2438, 1817, 1817, 156, 3771, 2158, 2212, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 975, 3067, 293, 2707, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 2690, 563, 623, 1096, 1615, 1394, 1394, 3670, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 1484, 3485, 758, 534, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2478, 579, 45, 179, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 206, 1807, 4037, 1069, 313, 1892, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 3755, 3764, 522, 4846, 2435, 1368, 623, 1096, 3446, 671, 11, 11, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 2881, 4708, 3626, 1564, 515, 3362, 4092, 4092, 4576, 1008, 829, 1723, 1109, 3374, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 2981, 1013, 3209, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 1252, 1943, 140, 1245, 3913, 1357, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 2933, 3537, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 4300, 4739, 4414, 1212, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 1871, 2310, 2121, 3998, 2278, 2278, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 182, 3537, 1908, 3060, 3060, 848, 1999, 3326, 559, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 1030, 1670, 258, 2099, 55, 559, 3718, 3387, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1585, 1585, 2373, 3646, 614, 3311, 1364, 1364, 1364, 1364, 968, 1238, 159, 3626, 462, 3994, 2938, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 2969, 4739, 4523, 4433, 1010, 313, 1892, 4887, 4887, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 2031, 2991, 2991, 2991, 33, 293, 293, 422, 284, 1270, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 3476, 3476, 52, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3905, 2139, 4401, 20, 586, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 924, 2833, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 4318, 706, 3886, 257, 4028, 2378, 2378, 253, 2099, 4591, 340, 2902, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1649, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 259, 2908, 2908, 2908, 1342, 1342, 652, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 1368, 1368, 1096, 838, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 247, 2310, 172, 3846, 436, 436, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 4850, 4850, 2443, 3566, 430, 430, 1961, 436, 1134, 3889, 3889, 980, 980, 980, 3682, 1490, 3771, 2352, 3326, 4035, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 3374, 4433, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 1350, 3209, 4093, 595, 2820, 2820, 4769, 2950, 2950, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 608, 536, 2091, 2898, 3294, 3414, 634, 362, 362, 1496, 4420, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 72, 2209, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5603030303030304, 0.9204978354978357, 1.160627705627706, 1.4407792207792212, 1.8409956709956714, 2.2412121212121217, 2.401298701298702, 2.5813961038961044, 2.7014610389610394, 3.381829004329005, 3.922121212121213, 4.2422943722943725, 4.362359307359308, 4.682532467532468, 5.042727272727274, 5.6030303030303035, 5.903192640692641, 6.1033008658008665, 6.8437012987012995, 7.624123376623378, 7.924285714285715, 8.044350649350651, 8.404545454545456, 8.564632034632035, 8.744729437229438, 8.804761904761907, 8.92482683982684, 9.605194805194808, 10.18550865800866, 10.44564935064935, 10.545703463203465, 10.6657683982684, 11.14602813852814, 11.366147186147188, 11.54624458874459, 11.846406926406928, 12.246623376623377, 12.846948051948054, 13.187132034632038, 13.587348484848487, 13.967554112554115, 14.4878354978355, 14.687943722943727, 14.948084415584418, 15.088160173160174, 15.188214285714288, 15.328290043290046, 15.728506493506497, 16.048679653679656, 16.7090367965368, 16.96917748917749, 17.10925324675325, 17.449437229437233, 17.589512987012988 ]
[ 0.5603030303030304, 0.9204978354978357, 1.160627705627706, 1.4407792207792212, 1.8409956709956714, 2.2412121212121217, 2.401298701298702, 2.5813961038961044, 2.7014610389610394, 3.381829004329005, 3.922121212121213, 4.2422943722943725, 4.362359307359308, 4.682532467532468, 5.042727272727274, 5.6030303030303035, 5.903192640692641, 6.1033008658008665, 6.8437012987012995, 7.624123376623378, 7.924285714285715, 8.044350649350651, 8.404545454545456, 8.564632034632035, 8.744729437229438, 8.804761904761907, 8.92482683982684, 9.605194805194808, 10.18550865800866, 10.44564935064935, 10.545703463203465, 10.6657683982684, 11.14602813852814, 11.366147186147188, 11.54624458874459, 11.846406926406928, 12.246623376623377, 12.846948051948054, 13.187132034632038, 13.587348484848487, 13.967554112554115, 14.4878354978355, 14.687943722943727, 14.948084415584418, 15.088160173160174, 15.188214285714288, 15.328290043290046, 15.728506493506497, 16.048679653679656, 16.7090367965368, 16.96917748917749, 17.10925324675325, 17.449437229437233, 17.589512987012988, 18.46998917748918 ]
a brigade of rebel cavalry was deployed before the town and was driven in and through it by our skirmish-line i myself saw the rebel cavalry apply fire to stacks of fodder standing in the fields at sandersville and gave orders to burn some unoccupied dwellings close by
[ "a", "brigade", "of", "rebel", "cavalry", "was", "deployed", "before", "the", "town", "and", "was", "driven", "in", "and", "through", "it", "by", "our", "skirmish-line", "i", "myself", "saw", "the", "rebel", "cavalry", "apply", "fire", "to", "stacks", "of", "fodder", "standing", "in", "the", "fields", "at", "sandersville", "and", "gave", "orders", "to", "burn", "some", "unoccupied", "dwellings", "close", "by" ]
[ "a", "brigade", "of", "rebel", "cavalry", "was", "deployed", "before", "the", "town", "and", "was", "driven", "in", "and", "through", "it", "by", "our", "skirmish-line", "i", "myself", "saw", "the", "rebel", "cavalry", "apply", "fire", "to", "stacks", "of", "fodder", "standing", "in", "the", "fields", "at", "sandersville", "and", "gave", "orders", "to", "burn", "some", "unoccupied", "dwellings", "close", "by" ]
[ "a", "b r i g a d e", "o f", "r e b e l", "c a v a l r y", "w a s", "d e p l o y e d", "b e f o r e", "t h e", "t o w n", "a n d", "w a s", "d r i v e n", "i n", "a n d", "t h r o u g h", "i t", "b y", "o u r", "s k i r m i s h l i n e", "i", "m y s e l f", "s a w", "t h e", "r e b e l", "c a v a l r y", "a p p l y", "f i r e", "t o", "s t a c k s", "o f", "f o d d e r", "s t a n d i n g", "i n", "t h e", "f i e l d s", "a t", "s a n d e r s v i l l e", "a n d", "g a v e", "o r d e r s", "t o", "b u r n", "s o m e", "u n o c c u p i e d", "d w e l l i n g s", "c l o s e", "b y" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3861, 4321, 4755, 4755, 4755, 4623, 4623, 1510, 859, 859, 859, 1513, 1591, 3327, 42, 53, 4879, 4331, 4331, 2481, 1710, 777, 3326, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 528, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 4540, 2671, 883, 2723, 2464, 4526, 169, 965, 1601, 4567, 1626, 1626, 3476, 1988, 2710, 4283, 4283, 90, 4175, 2283, 1632, 2715, 646, 2053, 36, 36, 4808, 1187, 1187, 3758, 4336, 2852, 4281, 2933, 340, 3718, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3266, 4264, 4264, 2053, 2053, 36, 1187, 3427, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 311, 3910, 2478, 3649, 45, 2833, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 4847, 2456, 2456, 3578, 67, 706, 3411, 6, 84, 4092, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 2261, 2933, 1724, 102, 4932, 263, 4075, 2050, 2050, 2050, 2050, 1269, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3463, 2671, 1686, 3545, 3895, 42, 3537, 1908, 2343, 2343, 2343, 3293, 3290, 1096, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 2864, 2864, 1307, 3350, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 3336, 2559, 114, 136, 2374, 2374, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 3764, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 4321, 2391, 14, 4112, 108, 108, 68, 4249, 604, 2190, 551, 179, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 4318, 6, 1139, 55, 1352, 1320, 1320, 4223, 4223, 4223, 4223, 1274, 3266, 3266, 2873, 1540, 1540, 54, 3687, 834, 4990, 2330, 3441, 3441, 2666, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3284, 758, 1630, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 2298, 604, 2781, 4192, 2800, 798, 2321, 2463, 3326, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 1628, 4087, 1993, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 1686, 743, 3895, 4241, 2933, 3537, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 3168, 3168, 4317, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2956, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1564, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2809, 4337, 4337, 2589, 425, 425, 3231, 697, 2618, 4128, 3329, 2564, 1527, 1984, 1984, 2103, 2103, 1217, 1836, 426, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 269, 2911, 443, 2039, 931, 588, 4420, 1375, 4420, 3993, 3458, 3993, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 72, 157, 3673, 3673, 3844, 1103, 312, 4321, 2391, 30, 794, 2376, 1029, 1029, 857, 1847, 2301, 3144, 436, 436, 3069, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 2719, 4246, 1914, 3374, 4876, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 3328, 3328, 1271, 1300, 316, 101, 2110, 2110, 313, 1608, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 1854, 1414, 3350, 4035, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 3476, 1988, 4191, 4283, 4283, 90, 732, 2283, 1632, 4264, 3325, 36, 1177, 1694, 628, 559, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3266, 4264, 4264, 4264, 3325, 3620, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 4850, 4850, 2443, 3566, 1594, 4187, 2096, 628, 1724, 4932, 263, 3342, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 167, 282, 282, 2301, 3293, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 2908, 3903, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1975, 1288, 4018, 2183, 381, 114, 63, 665, 3857, 3857, 260, 2542, 3374, 1564, 1084, 3271, 4092, 1643, 1555, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 2547, 2802, 1328, 3223, 2354, 2354, 4266, 2905, 4260, 606, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 3275, 3275, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2043, 1104, 1104, 705, 705, 4244, 4407, 4407, 4515, 2355, 3177, 3177, 3840, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1484, 3040, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 252, 1332, 101, 1084, 3194, 4092, 1643, 590, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 913, 463, 3793, 2682, 2781, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 422, 284, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 177, 2690, 563, 623, 1564, 212, 2923, 4953, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 900, 900, 4289, 1216, 3886, 2906, 752, 898, 898, 3018, 3464, 4739, 4523, 1564, 1010, 313, 1892, 190, 4595, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 1585, 2854, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4897, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 2267, 1216, 706, 4433, 3838, 875, 4983, 479, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 3477, 3477, 2851, 4450, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 488, 2647, 5, 1223, 1057, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 565, 2248, 4406, 3266, 161, 822, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 3403, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3840, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 706, 1564, 1139, 4092, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 4696, 3327, 1206, 53, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 2298, 522, 4846, 2527, 760, 1010, 1010, 313, 1892, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 304, 1295, 3905, 3216, 2002, 2330, 1630, 332, 561, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 2298, 4990, 2330, 1630, 561, 2557, 2581, 2581, 2581, 3457, 4012, 1743, 2933, 4186, 189, 844, 844, 4606, 750, 2096, 3326, 102, 116, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 167, 282, 2301, 3463, 112, 112, 42, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 4227, 4227, 1543, 1543, 1437, 1437, 317, 1197, 3514, 3514, 1182, 1697, 2308, 7, 594, 594, 2292, 706, 706, 2019, 213, 2933, 340, 3317, 3701, 3701, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 644, 356, 2227, 3626, 462, 2940, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3537, 53, 4943, 4943, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 1248, 2427, 4917, 4917, 555, 1496, 4420, 1496, 255, 255, 3103, 255, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.32017167381974254, 0.880472103004292, 1.0005364806866954, 1.4207618025751074, 2.0811158798283262, 2.4413090128755366, 2.981598712446352, 3.3417918454935625, 3.461856223175966, 4.062178111587983, 4.362339055793992, 4.542435622317598, 4.942650214592275, 5.282832618025751, 5.58299356223176, 5.883154506437768, 6.023229613733906, 6.2833690987124475, 6.463465665236051, 7.624087982832619, 7.9842811158798295, 8.624624463519314, 8.90477467811159, 9.044849785407727, 9.345010729613735, 9.88530042918455, 10.305525751072963, 10.725751072961375, 10.90584763948498, 11.306062231759658, 11.446137339055795, 12.006437768240344, 12.606759656652363, 12.706813304721033, 12.846888412017169, 13.287124463519314, 13.427199570815452, 14.407725321888414, 14.707886266094421, 15.028057939914165, 15.348229613733908, 15.46829399141631, 15.808476394849787, 16.188680257510732, 17.00912017167382, 17.529399141630904, 17.889592274678115 ]
[ 0.32017167381974254, 0.880472103004292, 1.0005364806866954, 1.4207618025751074, 2.0811158798283262, 2.4413090128755366, 2.981598712446352, 3.3417918454935625, 3.461856223175966, 4.062178111587983, 4.362339055793992, 4.542435622317598, 4.942650214592275, 5.282832618025751, 5.58299356223176, 5.883154506437768, 6.023229613733906, 6.2833690987124475, 6.463465665236051, 7.624087982832619, 7.9842811158798295, 8.624624463519314, 8.90477467811159, 9.044849785407727, 9.345010729613735, 9.88530042918455, 10.305525751072963, 10.725751072961375, 10.90584763948498, 11.306062231759658, 11.446137339055795, 12.006437768240344, 12.606759656652363, 12.706813304721033, 12.846888412017169, 13.287124463519314, 13.427199570815452, 14.407725321888414, 14.707886266094421, 15.028057939914165, 15.348229613733908, 15.46829399141631, 15.808476394849787, 16.188680257510732, 17.00912017167382, 17.529399141630904, 17.889592274678115, 18.629989270386268 ]
and added you remember when you were at our house on cooper river in eighteen forty five you gave me a book and she handed me the book in question on the fly leaf of which was written to miss poyas with the compliments of w t sherman first-lieutenant third artillery
[ "and", "added", "you", "remember", "when", "you", "were", "at", "our", "house", "on", "cooper", "river", "in", "eighteen", "forty", "five", "you", "gave", "me", "a", "book", "and", "she", "handed", "me", "the", "book", "in", "question", "on", "the", "fly", "leaf", "of", "which", "was", "written", "to", "miss", "poyas", "with", "the", "compliments", "of", "w", "t", "sherman", "first-lieutenant", "third", "artillery" ]
[ "and", "added", "you", "remember", "when", "you", "were", "at", "our", "house", "on", "cooper", "river", "in", "eighteen", "forty", "five", "you", "gave", "me", "a", "book", "and", "she", "handed", "me", "the", "book", "in", "question", "on", "the", "fly", "leaf", "of", "which", "was", "written", "to", "miss", "poyas", "with", "the", "compliments", "of", "w", "t", "sherman", "first-lieutenant", "third", "artillery" ]
[ "a n d", "a d d e d", "y o u", "r e m e m b e r", "w h e n", "y o u", "w e r e", "a t", "o u r", "h o u s e", "o n", "c o o p e r", "r i v e r", "i n", "e i g h t e e n", "f o r t y", "f i v e", "y o u", "g a v e", "m e", "a", "b o o k", "a n d", "s h e", "h a n d e d", "m e", "t h e", "b o o k", "i n", "q u e s t i o n", "o n", "t h e", "f l y", "l e a f", "o f", "w h i c h", "w a s", "w r i t t e n", "t o", "m i s s", "p o y a s", "w i t h", "t h e", "c o m p l i m e n t s", "o f", "w", "t", "s h e r m a n", "f i r s t l i e u t e n a n t", "t h i r d", "a r t i l l e r y" ]
[ 4079, 234, 1400, 4720, 3844, 3268, 2933, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 834, 4990, 2330, 1291, 2411, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 509, 4515, 2171, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 4102, 2205, 1481, 2607, 586, 586, 1639, 72, 140, 140, 1357, 3913, 1357, 532, 3673, 852, 3268, 2725, 2234, 4122, 4423, 512, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 3161, 132, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 4245, 4245, 436, 1134, 939, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 2057, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4769, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 3485, 3896, 2697, 2697, 4807, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 1548, 2485, 2485, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 3161, 579, 45, 179, 763, 763, 763, 2325, 2325, 2165, 1291, 2411, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 1529, 4073, 2740, 3487, 1570, 1570, 4272, 3924, 3924, 172, 3261, 13, 13, 1007, 395, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 1869, 2963, 4433, 121, 2213, 752, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 253, 488, 2099, 2559, 560, 1579, 3371, 3371, 3371, 44, 4093, 251, 2933, 2820, 2419, 4769, 1975, 3941, 3836, 1449, 2603, 1827, 1988, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1274, 3094, 3094, 484, 4769, 4769, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 414, 4234, 4234, 3050, 758, 80, 894, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1949, 1949, 4694, 1282, 2160, 4844, 3284, 758, 1492, 1630, 187, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 3795, 1200, 2933, 270, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 2168, 522, 2435, 50, 1368, 2400, 3106, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 4736, 4736, 4390, 2979, 3685, 3685, 438, 563, 1815, 381, 2400, 43, 2043, 2043, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 2248, 2248, 3654, 142, 20, 71, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4281, 4122, 4122, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 260, 4753, 2811, 1223, 1057, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 3761, 2248, 2248, 2184, 2020, 2020, 1014, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 4850, 2443, 2660, 546, 546, 432, 1060, 3133, 739, 739, 4427, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2185, 2185, 815, 815, 1152, 935, 935, 3213, 1481, 2962, 588, 599, 4420, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 2827, 2827, 527, 1416, 1066, 4420, 2788, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4249, 4834, 4414, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 913, 463, 2682, 1742, 106, 4901, 810, 921, 921, 843, 2800, 1014, 3768, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 438, 2924, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 177, 4730, 3327, 2741, 4427, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2185, 4012, 1743, 628, 2903, 2313, 422, 4856, 4856, 3832, 2659, 2659, 581, 340, 2902, 2902, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 93, 4708, 4440, 1564, 2187, 4270, 4270, 4270, 381, 4270, 4632, 4632, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 1282, 834, 2707, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 2690, 1815, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1394, 3670, 3670, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 167, 282, 282, 2301, 1912, 1170, 4588, 1230, 4958, 770, 770, 1013, 1350, 2217, 1271, 1966, 1966, 4263, 4263, 1512, 3869, 965, 2184, 4567, 396, 396, 3700, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 2954, 4513, 1974, 4797, 358, 1217, 3629, 551, 4807, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 2713, 3786, 4599, 658, 1626, 3476, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4031, 4031, 711, 711, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 1784, 3076, 4375, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 260, 3846, 436, 308, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 1542, 1031, 4433, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3170, 452, 2758, 3704, 3704, 3704, 3704, 4875, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3903, 1244, 1244, 1276, 3728, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 997, 1238, 3530, 542, 1564, 3294, 2324, 3629, 551, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3942, 4141, 3513, 177, 124, 91, 628, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 1157, 1157, 1059, 1059, 3698, 3150, 3150, 3150, 2944, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 2765, 1146, 1146, 624, 3234, 3711, 4505, 4266, 1564, 2213, 606, 2446, 4526, 169, 965, 3652, 1742, 2212, 1283, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 2283, 1632, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 2518, 2801, 4495, 4018, 1623, 381, 114, 136, 2260, 3922, 1232, 1232, 2081, 438, 2622, 2878, 18, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3765, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2649, 2160, 3159, 3159, 3040, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 2725, 4321, 4658, 785, 2400, 43, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 2848, 2848, 2227, 2227, 1564, 515, 3362, 1836, 426, 1688, 3631, 3631, 3631, 324, 894, 944, 2657, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 3379, 596, 596, 4609, 1374, 1374, 2869, 2869, 3849, 4756, 193, 1792, 2404, 2774, 2774, 4466, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 4387, 1296, 1110, 4102, 4571, 758, 332, 332, 2557, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2956, 4018, 1623, 2607, 270, 1359, 136, 2260, 4220, 4220, 4220, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 3620, 3620, 1466, 4731, 4469, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 3843, 3843, 153, 2689, 1248, 1248, 4917, 931, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4420, 255, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3203707995365006, 0.9210660486674394, 1.2814831981460024, 1.8421320973348787, 2.082410196987254, 2.222572421784473, 2.4228041714947857, 2.5829895712630364, 2.783221320973349, 3.1636616454229434, 3.323847045191194, 3.6842641946697574, 4.104750869061414, 4.405098493626883, 4.845608342989571, 5.1860023174971035, 5.7866975666280425, 6.067022016222481, 6.36736964078795, 6.4875086906141375, 6.5876245654692935, 7.108227114716107, 7.468644264194671, 7.60880648899189, 8.029293163383548, 8.149432213209733, 8.289594438006954, 8.54989571263036, 8.670034762456547, 9.270730011587485, 9.410892236384704, 9.531031286210894, 9.851402085747393, 10.091680185399769, 10.231842410196988, 10.512166859791426, 10.692375434530708, 11.273047508690615, 11.633464658169178, 11.873742757821553, 12.454414831981461, 12.634623406720742, 12.7347392815759, 13.39550405561993, 13.655805330243338, 13.896083429895715, 14.076292004634995, 14.73705677867903, 15.798285052143687, 16.238794901506374 ]
[ 0.3203707995365006, 0.9210660486674394, 1.2814831981460024, 1.8421320973348787, 2.082410196987254, 2.222572421784473, 2.4228041714947857, 2.5829895712630364, 2.783221320973349, 3.1636616454229434, 3.323847045191194, 3.6842641946697574, 4.104750869061414, 4.405098493626883, 4.845608342989571, 5.1860023174971035, 5.7866975666280425, 6.067022016222481, 6.36736964078795, 6.4875086906141375, 6.5876245654692935, 7.108227114716107, 7.468644264194671, 7.60880648899189, 8.029293163383548, 8.149432213209733, 8.289594438006954, 8.54989571263036, 8.670034762456547, 9.270730011587485, 9.410892236384704, 9.531031286210894, 9.851402085747393, 10.091680185399769, 10.231842410196988, 10.512166859791426, 10.692375434530708, 11.273047508690615, 11.633464658169178, 11.873742757821553, 12.454414831981461, 12.634623406720742, 12.7347392815759, 13.39550405561993, 13.655805330243338, 13.896083429895715, 14.076292004634995, 14.73705677867903, 15.798285052143687, 16.238794901506374, 17.25997682502897 ]
the cavalry brigadier-general kilpatrick commanding will receive special orders from the commander in chief three there will be no general train of supplies but each corps will have its ammunition train and provision-train
[ "the", "cavalry", "brigadier-general", "kilpatrick", "commanding", "will", "receive", "special", "orders", "from", "the", "commander", "in", "chief", "three", "there", "will", "be", "no", "general", "train", "of", "supplies", "but", "each", "corps", "will", "have", "its", "ammunition", "train", "and", "provision-train" ]
[ "the", "cavalry", "brigadier-general", "kilpatrick", "commanding", "will", "receive", "special", "orders", "from", "the", "commander", "in", "chief", "three", "there", "will", "be", "no", "general", "train", "of", "supplies", "but", "each", "corps", "will", "have", "its", "ammunition", "train", "and", "provision-train" ]
[ "t h e", "c a v a l r y", "b r i g a d i e r g e n e r a l", "k i l p a t r i c k", "c o m m a n d i n g", "w i l l", "r e c e i v e", "s p e c i a l", "o r d e r s", "f r o m", "t h e", "c o m m a n d e r", "i n", "c h i e f", "t h r e e", "t h e r e", "w i l l", "b e", "n o", "g e n e r a l", "t r a i n", "o f", "s u p p l i e s", "b u t", "e a c h", "c o r p s", "w i l l", "h a v e", "i t s", "a m m u n i t i o n", "t r a i n", "a n d", "p r o v i s i o n t r a i n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2725, 4420, 4321, 1504, 489, 492, 124, 2, 91, 3766, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4175, 1274, 3094, 4264, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 2013, 3427, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 311, 3910, 3910, 182, 3327, 2559, 739, 1498, 4331, 1700, 1700, 3879, 4124, 428, 428, 2406, 4777, 364, 3665, 1313, 289, 2095, 3941, 1288, 4018, 3049, 894, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 1694, 581, 2933, 560, 678, 708, 708, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 3092, 1187, 1177, 1210, 628, 2973, 1644, 1730, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 509, 509, 4513, 1657, 628, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3045, 3450, 3450, 1391, 4648, 4587, 2933, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 1404, 1404, 308, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 913, 1390, 463, 3793, 2682, 2682, 2219, 4825, 1605, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 598, 150, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 1252, 1252, 4243, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 1103, 2677, 2725, 2933, 1683, 842, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 3299, 4905, 1074, 1449, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 1417, 1010, 1010, 3914, 620, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 2248, 1407, 316, 316, 1564, 4876, 382, 4019, 3987, 2927, 3303, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3967, 2504, 603, 3061, 3061, 1273, 1273, 4357, 3325, 36, 1566, 4333, 822, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 3403, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3840, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 1564, 875, 2396, 526, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 3539, 4255, 304, 3905, 3905, 824, 824, 4881, 3896, 3896, 3896, 4941, 1795, 1795, 2268, 165, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 438, 4305, 2933, 894, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 913, 463, 463, 3793, 2682, 2158, 4825, 4897, 3184, 1975, 3941, 3941, 2325, 3050, 1492, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 4856, 4856, 712, 3832, 685, 685, 4291, 4291, 1902, 18, 720, 720, 736, 736, 444, 444, 444, 444, 1013, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3680, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 61, 588, 1375, 1704, 4222, 4420, 4, 4, 4222, 2756, 3993, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 3164, 87, 3164, 803, 803, 803, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 570, 2154, 214, 527, 3227, 3227, 4658, 4658, 499, 499, 2034, 1319, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 584, 584, 2416, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 931, 931, 555, 1375, 1646, 2250, 1375, 599, 4420, 599, 3993, 3993, 3993, 3811, 3811, 1254, 570, 570, 2154, 2154, 2154, 2725, 4321, 2001, 2001, 4182, 4461, 379, 780, 780, 780, 4585, 579, 179, 1952, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3431, 4055, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1658, 2008, 411, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 1193, 1193, 4495, 4495, 3049, 2089, 2089, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 3758, 2183, 1623, 894, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 529, 262, 262, 1882, 366, 2707, 1842, 1971, 4526, 169, 384, 316, 4876, 1564, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2261, 2607, 3170, 4932, 263, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 536, 2091, 1564, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 3557, 1639, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1018, 1389, 1389, 125, 4242, 4242, 1708, 3449, 4197, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1056, 1974, 4797, 1217, 1217, 213, 1829, 560, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 2117, 2117, 45, 4807, 1952, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3261, 3261, 3805, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 2573, 3466, 3466, 701, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 4433, 65, 3404, 4355, 1291, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 913, 1947, 1404, 2618, 3909, 1378, 3507, 1452, 1794, 1794, 4519, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 4433, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 54, 3687, 522, 830, 4895, 3237, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 2160, 834, 2002, 758, 197, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1226, 1226, 2838, 1185, 4591, 2933, 104, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1840, 4392, 4392, 3534, 60, 54, 3687, 522, 830, 685, 3237, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 2706, 2706, 2706, 262, 1882, 1882, 4681, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.2803748326639893, 0.8611512717536813, 1.7223025435073627, 2.4833199464524762, 3.2243105756358768, 3.6048192771084335, 4.005354752342704, 4.485997322623829, 4.8665060240963856, 5.186934404283802, 5.4673092369477905, 6.08813922356091, 6.288406961178046, 7.1095046854083, 8.090816599732262, 8.571459170013387, 8.711646586345381, 8.831807228915663, 9.092155287817938, 9.672931726907631, 10.053440428380187, 10.213654618473896, 11.014725568942437, 11.31512717536814, 11.535421686746988, 11.875876840696117, 12.056117804551539, 12.296439089692102, 12.476680053547524, 13.097510040160643, 13.53809906291834, 13.75839357429719 ]
[ 0.2803748326639893, 0.8611512717536813, 1.7223025435073627, 2.463293172690763, 3.2243105756358768, 3.6048192771084335, 4.005354752342704, 4.485997322623829, 4.8665060240963856, 5.186934404283802, 5.4673092369477905, 6.08813922356091, 6.288406961178046, 7.1095046854083, 8.090816599732262, 8.571459170013387, 8.711646586345381, 8.831807228915663, 9.092155287817938, 9.672931726907631, 10.053440428380187, 10.213654618473896, 11.014725568942437, 11.31512717536814, 11.535421686746988, 11.875876840696117, 12.056117804551539, 12.296439089692102, 12.476680053547524, 13.097510040160643, 13.53809906291834, 13.75839357429719, 14.939973226238285 ]
fort mcallister was taken and the good news was instantly sent by the signal-officer to our navy friends on the approaching gunboat for a point of timber had shut out fort mcallister from their view and they had not seen the action at all but must have heard the cannonading
[ "fort", "mcallister", "was", "taken", "and", "the", "good", "news", "was", "instantly", "sent", "by", "the", "signal-officer", "to", "our", "navy", "friends", "on", "the", "approaching", "gunboat", "for", "a", "point", "of", "timber", "had", "shut", "out", "fort", "mcallister", "from", "their", "view", "and", "they", "had", "not", "seen", "the", "action", "at", "all", "but", "must", "have", "heard", "the", "cannonading" ]
[ "fort", "mcallister", "was", "taken", "and", "the", "good", "news", "was", "instantly", "sent", "by", "the", "signal-officer", "to", "our", "navy", "friends", "on", "the", "approaching", "gunboat", "for", "a", "point", "of", "timber", "had", "shut", "out", "fort", "mcallister", "from", "their", "view", "and", "they", "had", "not", "seen", "the", "action", "at", "all", "but", "must", "have", "heard", "the", "cannonading" ]
[ "f o r t", "m c a l l i s t e r", "w a s", "t a k e n", "a n d", "t h e", "g o o d", "n e w s", "w a s", "i n s t a n t l y", "s e n t", "b y", "t h e", "s i g n a l o f f i c e r", "t o", "o u r", "n a v y", "f r i e n d s", "o n", "t h e", "a p p r o a c h i n g", "g u n b o a t", "f o r", "a", "p o i n t", "o f", "t i m b e r", "h a d", "s h u t", "o u t", "f o r t", "m c a l l i s t e r", "f r o m", "t h e i r", "v i e w", "a n d", "t h e y", "h a d", "n o t", "s e e n", "t h e", "a c t i o n", "a t", "a l l", "b u t", "m u s t", "h a v e", "h e a r d", "t h e", "c a n n o n a d i n g" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1457, 524, 524, 4321, 3958, 4658, 785, 3106, 2595, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2121, 2408, 4997, 4997, 2990, 1584, 1584, 1584, 91, 1206, 559, 678, 592, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4214, 3626, 4440, 2187, 242, 653, 653, 3184, 1975, 3941, 2117, 2117, 45, 4807, 2102, 1909, 373, 2713, 706, 1564, 1139, 4229, 114, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 3413, 2430, 1743, 628, 4186, 903, 2679, 1540, 1540, 1379, 2288, 2288, 269, 2911, 4681, 3159, 1482, 455, 758, 2933, 1630, 1097, 4112, 108, 108, 68, 4249, 2316, 4820, 2047, 4141, 3513, 177, 124, 2481, 3326, 559, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4951, 2014, 2199, 1895, 1315, 1315, 1471, 2362, 2512, 2512, 2512, 2512, 2538, 3952, 3952, 3559, 1293, 706, 4433, 2186, 3629, 2833, 2102, 1613, 373, 373, 855, 3578, 706, 158, 65, 3404, 2875, 2933, 2666, 4967, 459, 1917, 1917, 2614, 277, 1926, 3989, 4433, 2187, 242, 4092, 2751, 4294, 4294, 3951, 2072, 3998, 3998, 2278, 4119, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 438, 2622, 3374, 1564, 1069, 313, 1892, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1331, 1374, 4116, 1686, 743, 3545, 3895, 4241, 2607, 3537, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 1564, 313, 1892, 620, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2370, 1412, 1412, 1412, 268, 1419, 1419, 1419, 36, 1566, 4333, 4333, 822, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 451, 1111, 3290, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 237, 121, 121, 121, 4372, 4372, 3184, 3184, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 1484, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 2030, 710, 4420, 4658, 2670, 1784, 114, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 3857, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 401, 4298, 758, 983, 2933, 4641, 2789, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 342, 3924, 385, 385, 172, 1927, 2008, 152, 3326, 25, 3041, 4841, 4841, 4841, 3413, 3413, 3413, 4406, 3266, 3266, 301, 1562, 1745, 4601, 4101, 438, 3293, 1815, 1096, 2832, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 4776, 2549, 2549, 3034, 3034, 809, 4655, 2292, 706, 2906, 752, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 4820, 4035, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 2443, 4840, 3165, 2261, 628, 1724, 4660, 654, 654, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 644, 1657, 1657, 2933, 3646, 614, 3197, 3845, 3097, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 2647, 55, 559, 2272, 3070, 2399, 2399, 2399, 2399, 1942, 2177, 4768, 3918, 830, 4819, 3925, 42, 53, 4427, 3225, 3225, 3225, 2797, 2797, 2797, 771, 4524, 421, 4102, 142, 4276, 3046, 3141, 3141, 72, 1286, 3415, 828, 710, 2725, 4420, 1162, 785, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 247, 2524, 2524, 3877, 546, 546, 4187, 2096, 2096, 1724, 102, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 421, 3326, 1686, 4952, 2723, 2464, 4526, 169, 965, 2184, 917, 2933, 114, 114, 2657, 541, 3498, 3498, 3498, 3923, 2057, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 4234, 3261, 3261, 3805, 1007, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 3369, 3333, 1523, 1110, 4102, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 2404, 171, 4433, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 4315, 4315, 4315, 4556, 1529, 2355, 4571, 4355, 1630, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2075, 58, 2869, 1588, 2734, 4120, 4635, 1096, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 908, 2068, 2408, 2933, 4997, 1134, 1584, 1584, 1584, 891, 91, 628, 559, 3112, 592, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4606, 4214, 3626, 4440, 242, 4092, 653, 3184, 3184, 1975, 1288, 2009, 3232, 4635, 3106, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 258, 199, 2047, 3196, 2546, 677, 677, 677, 8, 8, 2956, 1677, 1928, 1928, 479, 3609, 344, 344, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4669, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 92, 1252, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 72, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 312, 2933, 2391, 2754, 1406, 108, 68, 4249, 3364, 42, 3196, 3256, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1007, 395, 1450, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 1895, 1315, 42, 2142, 1021, 2895, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4739, 4523, 4876, 1010, 313, 1892, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1953, 3171, 2168, 522, 2352, 1206, 4035, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 1630, 1291, 3907, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 2547, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 293, 2707, 175, 2127, 2127, 3018, 4131, 1686, 2140, 2740, 2271, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 3477, 195, 4450, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 1252, 72, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1162, 1389, 125, 125, 125, 4242, 2969, 4997, 4997, 1134, 148, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4708, 3626, 4440, 515, 4092, 4576, 889, 2211, 2211, 2211, 3267, 2184, 3713, 3713, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 1863, 1863, 12, 12, 2047, 4035, 3102, 3513, 124, 2, 91, 3326, 4633, 708, 592, 3978, 3978, 3978, 3978, 913, 913, 839, 3613, 1005, 2597, 2626, 4741, 1794, 2146, 2158, 4519, 1470, 1470, 1470, 2502, 3413, 3413, 4196, 4196, 42, 2355, 3169, 1182, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 598, 1638, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 4787, 3141, 2209, 2209, 2209, 72, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4204740406320541, 1.081218961625282, 1.2814446952595935, 1.7820090293453723, 2.0222799097065463, 2.142415349887133, 2.402708803611738, 2.7030474040632053, 2.9633408577878098, 3.5640180586907446, 3.904401805869074, 4.124650112866817, 4.264808126410835, 5.386072234762979, 5.846591422121896, 6.206997742663656, 6.6074492099322795, 7.108013544018059, 7.268194130925507, 7.408352144469525, 8.029051918735892, 8.70981941309255, 9.010158013544018, 9.090248306997742, 9.43063205417607, 9.570790067720088, 10.071354401805868, 10.45178329571106, 10.812189616252821, 11.072483069977427, 11.33277652370203, 12.01354401805869, 12.213769751693002, 12.454040632054175, 12.974627539503384, 13.355056433408578, 13.515237020316027, 13.775530474040632, 14.015801354401805, 14.316139954853272, 14.516365688487584, 14.936839729119638, 15.117042889390516, 15.557539503386003, 15.877900677200902, 16.138194130925505, 16.298374717832957, 16.53864559819413, 16.67880361173815 ]
[ 0.4204740406320541, 1.081218961625282, 1.2814446952595935, 1.7820090293453723, 2.0222799097065463, 2.142415349887133, 2.402708803611738, 2.7030474040632053, 2.9633408577878098, 3.5640180586907446, 3.904401805869074, 4.124650112866817, 4.264808126410835, 5.386072234762979, 5.846591422121896, 6.206997742663656, 6.6074492099322795, 7.108013544018059, 7.268194130925507, 7.408352144469525, 8.029051918735892, 8.70981941309255, 9.010158013544018, 9.090248306997742, 9.43063205417607, 9.570790067720088, 10.071354401805868, 10.45178329571106, 10.812189616252821, 11.072483069977427, 11.33277652370203, 12.01354401805869, 12.213769751693002, 12.454040632054175, 12.974627539503384, 13.355056433408578, 13.515237020316027, 13.775530474040632, 14.015801354401805, 14.316139954853272, 14.516365688487584, 14.936839729119638, 15.117042889390516, 15.557539503386003, 15.877900677200902, 16.138194130925505, 16.298374717832957, 16.53864559819413, 16.67880361173815, 17.719977426636568 ]
i was resolved to communicate with our fleet that night which happened to be a beautiful moonlight one at the wharf belonging to cheeves's mill was a small skiff that had been used by our men in fishing or in gathering oysters
[ "i", "was", "resolved", "to", "communicate", "with", "our", "fleet", "that", "night", "which", "happened", "to", "be", "a", "beautiful", "moonlight", "one", "at", "the", "wharf", "belonging", "to", "cheeves's", "mill", "was", "a", "small", "skiff", "that", "had", "been", "used", "by", "our", "men", "in", "fishing", "or", "in", "gathering", "oysters" ]
[ "i", "was", "resolved", "to", "communicate", "with", "our", "fleet", "that", "night", "which", "happened", "to", "be", "a", "beautiful", "moonlight", "one", "at", "the", "wharf", "belonging", "to", "cheeves's", "mill", "was", "a", "small", "skiff", "that", "had", "been", "used", "by", "our", "men", "in", "fishing", "or", "in", "gathering", "oysters" ]
[ "i", "w a s", "r e s o l v e d", "t o", "c o m m u n i c a t e", "w i t h", "o u r", "f l e e t", "t h a t", "n i g h t", "w h i c h", "h a p p e n e d", "t o", "b e", "a", "b e a u t i f u l", "m o o n l i g h t", "o n e", "a t", "t h e", "w h a r f", "b e l o n g i n g", "t o", "c h e e v e s ' s", "m i l l", "w a s", "a", "s m a l l", "s k i f f", "t h a t", "h a d", "b e e n", "u s e d", "b y", "o u r", "m e n", "i n", "f i s h i n g", "o r", "i n", "g a t h e r i n g", "o y s t e r s" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 4462, 4462, 4462, 1143, 294, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 2677, 193, 1910, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 857, 2719, 579, 45, 45, 1345, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 855, 3578, 3786, 4599, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 127, 613, 4424, 4433, 2345, 3990, 3990, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 795, 1115, 4478, 4478, 4478, 1407, 1200, 2607, 1058, 1401, 885, 885, 1292, 1999, 91, 628, 560, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 1404, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 839, 1005, 3479, 3096, 4606, 3006, 91, 2559, 4633, 3112, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 246, 3373, 421, 3883, 2190, 551, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 3833, 161, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 3924, 172, 3232, 563, 623, 2832, 2832, 2832, 1394, 1394, 3670, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1013, 246, 3373, 421, 2712, 3945, 2933, 2566, 1655, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2068, 2408, 2408, 4300, 4997, 1315, 411, 3041, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 2122, 518, 421, 131, 1152, 2636, 3849, 3849, 936, 936, 1792, 1792, 4941, 4774, 2620, 842, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 1056, 894, 358, 1217, 1217, 936, 4756, 2933, 1792, 4774, 1149, 1007, 1077, 1077, 1077, 1077, 1077, 2467, 251, 595, 628, 2419, 2306, 2306, 2306, 818, 4210, 4210, 37, 2513, 2781, 4792, 4792, 2508, 2508, 4229, 1954, 4906, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 3327, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 4850, 2443, 546, 546, 546, 432, 1060, 2164, 894, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4706, 216, 1358, 960, 960, 960, 2472, 497, 4433, 3259, 413, 413, 1463, 36, 1187, 1177, 1125, 1125, 1130, 1456, 1456, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 3755, 3764, 2168, 85, 85, 85, 4133, 227, 4335, 4335, 4335, 2656, 3817, 421, 3249, 743, 3545, 3355, 1569, 1345, 1851, 130, 2686, 2686, 2686, 2686, 2686, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4681, 2210, 4787, 3027, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 599, 4420, 238, 3525, 4420, 3841, 3841, 3215, 3841, 3740, 562, 3740, 322, 1714, 2925, 1886, 1886, 4420, 4321, 1249, 2411, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2743, 2029, 3492, 743, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1795, 2158, 489, 492, 492, 2059, 4725, 4714, 4714, 144, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1962, 1962, 908, 2310, 2310, 2217, 1271, 1300, 2821, 4894, 276, 1908, 1257, 2590, 3818, 1607, 1430, 188, 188, 188, 188, 188, 188, 2426, 1598, 1490, 4200, 4200, 454, 2653, 2653, 473, 2379, 156, 300, 4895, 894, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 4202, 1623, 4291, 1902, 720, 736, 736, 1232, 1232, 3757, 1350, 4406, 4406, 1788, 301, 4400, 4400, 4400, 3797, 3797, 2267, 4050, 1564, 4969, 3930, 4208, 1014, 202, 308, 939, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 4808, 1873, 1873, 3485, 3485, 2697, 1683, 29, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 3578, 3578, 4969, 296, 872, 4944, 197, 2746, 4945, 4945, 1723, 1109, 4876, 1564, 9, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 4338, 4338, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 2141, 317, 1197, 4930, 4930, 3313, 1288, 3408, 2542, 1417, 158, 3702, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2927, 2809, 1057, 4451, 4451, 2703, 2703, 2703, 3137, 3137, 3137, 3137, 2217, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1300, 936, 1792, 2933, 1795, 165, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1531, 1529, 2676, 2676, 3805, 395, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 2930, 4055, 4192, 2800, 2800, 276, 2741, 221, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3687, 3832, 2485, 2485, 992, 992, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 3952, 3952, 3559, 4594, 4301, 4301, 3362, 1659, 3545, 3895, 2741, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 3168, 4317, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 2956, 3846, 1593, 4493, 202, 939, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 2160, 2160, 4681, 3159, 4401, 193, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 193, 981, 4826, 3867, 4856, 1949, 712, 2435, 2435, 1368, 4120, 623, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4953, 4664, 4664, 4664, 4664, 2986, 603, 18, 3405, 3061, 3061, 3845, 1182, 1182, 1182, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 4914, 598, 3660, 150, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 534, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 2787, 2787, 385, 385, 2325, 3050, 758, 197, 1, 3963, 287, 4856, 1949, 3832, 1185, 2659, 104, 41, 1223, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3375, 509, 509, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 652, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 822, 3704, 3318, 3318, 3318, 4875, 4992, 1037, 4853, 2227, 1564, 4440, 2187, 242, 104, 653, 653, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 2038, 608, 536, 2091, 1011, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 92, 1081, 1081, 329, 72, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6003861003861003, 0.8205276705276705, 1.3208494208494208, 1.4409266409266406, 2.141377091377091, 2.321492921492921, 2.5216216216216214, 2.841827541827542, 3.1220077220077216, 3.622329472329472, 4.0025740025740015, 4.522908622908623, 4.683011583011583, 4.843114543114543, 4.943178893178892, 5.463513513513512, 6.043886743886743, 6.644272844272843, 7.184620334620334, 7.404761904761903, 7.704954954954954, 8.245302445302444, 8.385392535392535, 8.885714285714284, 9.285971685971685, 9.626190476190475, 9.746267696267694, 10.166537966537966, 10.686872586872585, 10.947039897039897, 11.227220077220077, 11.507400257400255, 11.847619047619046, 12.067760617760616, 12.267889317889315, 12.728185328185328, 13.048391248391246, 13.688803088803086, 14.029021879021878, 14.189124839124837, 14.709459459459458 ]
[ 0.6003861003861003, 0.8205276705276705, 1.3208494208494208, 1.4409266409266406, 2.141377091377091, 2.321492921492921, 2.5216216216216214, 2.841827541827542, 3.1220077220077216, 3.622329472329472, 4.0025740025740015, 4.522908622908623, 4.683011583011583, 4.843114543114543, 4.943178893178892, 5.463513513513512, 6.043886743886743, 6.644272844272843, 7.184620334620334, 7.404761904761903, 7.704954954954954, 8.245302445302444, 8.385392535392535, 8.885714285714284, 9.285971685971685, 9.626190476190475, 9.746267696267694, 10.166537966537966, 10.686872586872585, 10.947039897039897, 11.227220077220077, 11.507400257400255, 11.847619047619046, 12.067760617760616, 12.267889317889315, 12.728185328185328, 13.048391248391246, 13.688803088803086, 14.029021879021878, 14.189124839124837, 14.709459459459458, 15.529987129987129 ]
and right before us the fourteenth corps marching steadily and rapidly with a cheery look and swinging pace that made light of the thousand miles that lay between us and richmond
[ "and", "right", "before", "us", "the", "fourteenth", "corps", "marching", "steadily", "and", "rapidly", "with", "a", "cheery", "look", "and", "swinging", "pace", "that", "made", "light", "of", "the", "thousand", "miles", "that", "lay", "between", "us", "and", "richmond" ]
[ "and", "right", "before", "us", "the", "fourteenth", "corps", "marching", "steadily", "and", "rapidly", "with", "a", "cheery", "look", "and", "swinging", "pace", "that", "made", "light", "of", "the", "thousand", "miles", "that", "lay", "between", "us", "and", "richmond" ]
[ "a n d", "r i g h t", "b e f o r e", "u s", "t h e", "f o u r t e e n t h", "c o r p s", "m a r c h i n g", "s t e a d i l y", "a n d", "r a p i d l y", "w i t h", "a", "c h e e r y", "l o o k", "a n d", "s w i n g i n g", "p a c e", "t h a t", "m a d e", "l i g h t", "o f", "t h e", "t h o u s a n d", "m i l e s", "t h a t", "l a y", "b e t w e e n", "u s", "a n d", "r i c h m o n d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 4720, 524, 312, 4420, 981, 1510, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 3031, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 3795, 4587, 4587, 2741, 1908, 3060, 2343, 2343, 563, 1815, 381, 2400, 2595, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 2524, 2524, 3618, 3618, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 1238, 159, 1031, 1564, 3994, 2938, 2938, 1844, 1448, 3513, 4730, 2690, 1815, 104, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2121, 4818, 4397, 4397, 2933, 270, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3089, 1374, 4994, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2019, 1829, 2933, 3766, 560, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 3422, 936, 936, 1792, 1792, 4340, 2767, 1934, 148, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 4513, 1657, 2559, 1974, 614, 3197, 3845, 3097, 501, 2379, 7, 2605, 782, 760, 4876, 4433, 1084, 3271, 2559, 47, 1555, 1825, 1825, 1825, 1825, 4515, 3249, 2073, 4219, 2866, 2866, 2866, 224, 4809, 494, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 311, 4850, 2443, 1842, 3136, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 4192, 4590, 1626, 1827, 1988, 2710, 2296, 2296, 2296, 2296, 509, 2467, 251, 628, 1059, 2419, 2937, 2937, 2937, 1822, 1113, 1113, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 2677, 4420, 924, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 3540, 95, 95, 1469, 3336, 4291, 1902, 1902, 720, 4522, 736, 736, 2452, 2452, 2161, 2161, 123, 870, 4080, 1034, 1745, 1745, 4101, 1170, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 2185, 2185, 2185, 3780, 2933, 381, 935, 3213, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4694, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 1564, 9, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 4227, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4976, 4200, 454, 2653, 2653, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 3771, 1546, 4591, 381, 3170, 1644, 1730, 1119, 2803, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 4433, 542, 3294, 1311, 2967, 2607, 586, 1252, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 2933, 1504, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2969, 2408, 4997, 3807, 4011, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 4540, 2014, 104, 1113, 2251, 426, 1430, 2420, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 3628, 1236, 2122, 3373, 3249, 2140, 2723, 2723, 1493, 1493, 2997, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 2131, 3368, 380, 2463, 2574, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 3687, 37, 2781, 4192, 2800, 2612, 1204, 1456, 995, 995, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 1896, 597, 597, 597, 2312, 2901, 900, 4289, 4289, 1216, 4433, 4761, 4761, 949, 612, 612, 2965, 2969, 2408, 2278, 426, 1430, 486, 2105, 2105, 2105, 2105, 3413, 3910, 3431, 5, 1908, 3060, 2343, 848, 3336, 270, 4738, 4738, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3188, 35, 3171, 366, 3398, 2707, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 2640, 3530, 4433, 121, 2213, 4260, 3376, 3136, 4381, 1461, 1123, 4117, 3123, 1626, 1626, 2888, 1827, 4191, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 2103, 1217, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1379, 1379, 2288, 4394, 4394, 412, 4497, 4497, 154, 2962, 2250, 1496, 255, 1496, 255, 255, 4420, 1387, 1387, 1387, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.32057657657657657, 0.561009009009009, 0.9617297297297296, 1.202162162162162, 1.3223783783783782, 1.9234594594594592, 2.464432432432432, 2.965333333333333, 3.506306306306306, 3.706666666666666, 4.427963963963964, 4.74854054054054, 4.828684684684684, 5.209369369369369, 5.570018018018017, 5.810450450450451, 6.291315315315314, 6.87236036036036, 7.1929369369369365, 7.493477477477477, 7.83409009009009, 7.914234234234233, 8.03445045045045, 8.595459459459459, 9.056288288288288, 9.216576576576575, 9.416936936936937, 9.837693693693693, 10.078126126126124, 10.25845045045045 ]
[ 0.32057657657657657, 0.561009009009009, 0.9617297297297296, 1.202162162162162, 1.3223783783783782, 1.9234594594594592, 2.464432432432432, 2.965333333333333, 3.506306306306306, 3.706666666666666, 4.427963963963964, 4.74854054054054, 4.828684684684684, 5.209369369369369, 5.570018018018017, 5.810450450450451, 6.291315315315314, 6.87236036036036, 7.1929369369369365, 7.493477477477477, 7.83409009009009, 7.914234234234233, 8.03445045045045, 8.595459459459459, 9.056288288288288, 9.216576576576575, 9.416936936936937, 9.837693693693693, 10.078126126126124, 10.25845045045045, 11.099963963963962 ]
trying to put out the fire in a long pile of burning cotton-bales which i was told had been fired by the rebel cavalry on withdrawing from the city that morning
[ "trying", "to", "put", "out", "the", "fire", "in", "a", "long", "pile", "of", "burning", "cotton-bales", "which", "i", "was", "told", "had", "been", "fired", "by", "the", "rebel", "cavalry", "on", "withdrawing", "from", "the", "city", "that", "morning" ]
[ "trying", "to", "put", "out", "the", "fire", "in", "a", "long", "pile", "of", "burning", "cotton-bales", "which", "i", "was", "told", "had", "been", "fired", "by", "the", "rebel", "cavalry", "on", "withdrawing", "from", "the", "city", "that", "morning" ]
[ "t r y i n g", "t o", "p u t", "o u t", "t h e", "f i r e", "i n", "a", "l o n g", "p i l e", "o f", "b u r n i n g", "c o t t o n b a l e s", "w h i c h", "i", "w a s", "t o l d", "h a d", "b e e n", "f i r e d", "b y", "t h e", "r e b e l", "c a v a l r y", "o n", "w i t h d r a w i n g", "f r o m", "t h e", "c i t y", "t h a t", "m o r n i n g" ]
[ 4079, 4720, 3409, 3409, 912, 520, 1352, 1320, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 4082, 4082, 4082, 4082, 2438, 2438, 1817, 1817, 7, 2605, 300, 4895, 104, 3026, 219, 3490, 3494, 2261, 628, 3170, 452, 2466, 2466, 1918, 1918, 1708, 4073, 2740, 299, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 58, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2566, 4141, 3102, 177, 4730, 2690, 623, 2400, 2400, 43, 2043, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 2908, 2908, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1342, 1782, 1782, 3417, 414, 414, 2325, 3050, 758, 983, 3803, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 366, 3398, 1790, 2660, 546, 1324, 1324, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 3771, 830, 4591, 2812, 2933, 2973, 1663, 116, 3819, 3819, 3819, 3819, 3819, 3819, 1896, 1896, 1896, 597, 597, 597, 2312, 2312, 2901, 1566, 1566, 5, 4333, 1971, 2464, 4526, 169, 965, 3652, 4894, 276, 2741, 1373, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 2121, 839, 3613, 3169, 1605, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 830, 4591, 381, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 3873, 705, 705, 705, 705, 4244, 4407, 4031, 4031, 2933, 711, 1175, 3000, 3000, 522, 522, 830, 830, 3925, 894, 3574, 394, 4376, 4376, 4376, 3866, 3866, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2312, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 4433, 2898, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 1302, 403, 1706, 4420, 2071, 2071, 1416, 4420, 761, 3117, 2620, 56, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 1974, 1974, 358, 3197, 1217, 1365, 4944, 332, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2719, 579, 45, 2102, 1909, 1909, 855, 2713, 4969, 1564, 6, 1139, 1641, 136, 2657, 2287, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 674, 3220, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 851, 759, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 2920, 2920, 4569, 3431, 4055, 2741, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3832, 2435, 50, 1368, 2832, 104, 43, 671, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 259, 2908, 2908, 1342, 1342, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1863, 843, 2970, 381, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1307, 1307, 4416, 4141, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2710, 4283, 4283, 4283, 4175, 2283, 1632, 1632, 4264, 2053, 36, 36, 1187, 1177, 581, 2933, 560, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3094, 3094, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 3620, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 193, 981, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 3777, 4189, 4768, 3123, 954, 3691, 4014, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 1139, 2559, 1352, 1320, 3253, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 4732, 4082, 4082, 1887, 651, 651, 473, 2379, 156, 50, 1368, 4635, 3106, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 3252, 721, 424, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1564, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 4070, 4390, 4390, 357, 1848, 2540, 4601, 2924, 2924, 4055, 1655, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 2743, 2969, 2408, 4997, 3948, 1456, 995, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 2688, 2121, 69, 3613, 3613, 3263, 3263, 3263, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 598, 1638, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 255, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 72, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.500936329588015, 0.6211610486891386, 0.8415730337078652, 1.0619850187265918, 1.202247191011236, 1.7632958801498129, 1.9436329588014982, 2.0438202247191013, 2.404494382022472, 2.8853932584269666, 3.025655430711611, 3.4063670411985023, 4.508426966292135, 5.00936329588015, 5.149625468164794, 5.35, 5.690636704119851, 5.870973782771536, 6.051310861423222, 6.472097378277154, 6.632397003745319, 6.792696629213484, 7.153370786516854, 7.914794007490637, 8.255430711610488, 8.876591760299627, 9.076966292134832, 9.237265917602997, 9.577902621722847, 9.838389513108616 ]
[ 0.500936329588015, 0.6211610486891386, 0.8415730337078652, 1.0619850187265918, 1.202247191011236, 1.7632958801498129, 1.9436329588014982, 2.0438202247191013, 2.404494382022472, 2.8853932584269666, 3.025655430711611, 3.4063670411985023, 4.508426966292135, 5.00936329588015, 5.149625468164794, 5.35, 5.690636704119851, 5.870973782771536, 6.051310861423222, 6.472097378277154, 6.632397003745319, 6.792696629213484, 7.153370786516854, 7.914794007490637, 8.255430711610488, 8.876591760299627, 9.076966292134832, 9.237265917602997, 9.577902621722847, 9.838389513108616, 10.67996254681648 ]
but on the supposition that he was her old acquaintance when wade hampton's cavalry drew out of the city calling out that the yankees were coming she armed herself with this book and awaited the crisis soon the shouts about the markethouse announced that the yankees had come
[ "but", "on", "the", "supposition", "that", "he", "was", "her", "old", "acquaintance", "when", "wade", "hampton's", "cavalry", "drew", "out", "of", "the", "city", "calling", "out", "that", "the", "yankees", "were", "coming", "she", "armed", "herself", "with", "this", "book", "and", "awaited", "the", "crisis", "soon", "the", "shouts", "about", "the", "markethouse", "announced", "that", "the", "yankees", "had", "come" ]
[ "but", "on", "the", "supposition", "that", "he", "was", "her", "old", "acquaintance", "when", "wade", "hampton's", "cavalry", "drew", "out", "of", "the", "city", "calling", "out", "that", "the", "yankees", "were", "coming", "she", "armed", "herself", "with", "this", "book", "and", "awaited", "the", "crisis", "soon", "the", "shouts", "about", "the", "markethouse", "announced", "that", "the", "yankees", "had", "come" ]
[ "b u t", "o n", "t h e", "s u p p o s i t i o n", "t h a t", "h e", "w a s", "h e r", "o l d", "a c q u a i n t a n c e", "w h e n", "w a d e", "h a m p t o n ' s", "c a v a l r y", "d r e w", "o u t", "o f", "t h e", "c i t y", "c a l l i n g", "o u t", "t h a t", "t h e", "y a n k e e s", "w e r e", "c o m i n g", "s h e", "a r m e d", "h e r s e l f", "w i t h", "t h i s", "b o o k", "a n d", "a w a i t e d", "t h e", "c r i s i s", "s o o n", "t h e", "s h o u t s", "a b o u t", "t h e", "m a r k e t h o u s e", "a n n o u n c e d", "t h a t", "t h e", "y a n k e e s", "h a d", "c o m e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 2677, 2933, 3537, 1389, 125, 4242, 1529, 4073, 2740, 822, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 105, 105, 2177, 4768, 2160, 834, 3284, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1795, 2047, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 313, 1892, 1608, 3091, 3091, 3091, 3091, 251, 628, 2820, 2419, 1758, 1758, 1758, 613, 4424, 3886, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2986, 603, 1564, 419, 1840, 4392, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4846, 2352, 1206, 3196, 1696, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1531, 2676, 2676, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 3649, 2833, 4477, 1851, 4144, 335, 335, 335, 2335, 4847, 2456, 3578, 706, 706, 1785, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 3417, 2524, 3618, 3618, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 1636, 2486, 1686, 883, 1008, 3165, 3165, 91, 2607, 340, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3089, 3089, 4116, 55, 1686, 1830, 1356, 4971, 596, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 1374, 624, 3234, 3234, 1834, 1011, 3294, 1311, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 924, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 2298, 954, 3691, 2833, 4477, 2668, 3651, 1470, 1470, 2807, 565, 565, 4540, 3058, 2676, 2676, 1149, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3101, 3101, 3101, 913, 2057, 4001, 4001, 1157, 2842, 3326, 1163, 4206, 4206, 4206, 4532, 1055, 2267, 1899, 706, 2019, 213, 55, 559, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 3266, 3266, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 3910, 3910, 3049, 2089, 3326, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3749, 3749, 3749, 3749, 2801, 2801, 1628, 3607, 299, 3734, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 4515, 2355, 3827, 3827, 3827, 3315, 3350, 3350, 4035, 10, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 1564, 1069, 313, 313, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 216, 4390, 357, 1848, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 20, 586, 1252, 1639, 1128, 1286, 1286, 532, 828, 2030, 2725, 4420, 1162, 340, 1579, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 2141, 317, 1197, 3514, 3514, 501, 473, 473, 4976, 4200, 3284, 758, 42, 2558, 2558, 2411, 2411, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 131, 131, 55, 377, 3472, 1340, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4340, 1795, 1795, 3196, 1696, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2743, 2743, 2307, 1686, 977, 3849, 936, 1795, 1795, 3196, 1448, 492, 2131, 1445, 4216, 790, 992, 2025, 3206, 3206, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 1624, 3756, 4886, 4886, 3326, 4186, 2903, 4443, 4443, 4400, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 3979, 4499, 1764, 706, 4599, 2186, 551, 4807, 763, 763, 763, 763, 172, 1694, 91, 2607, 559, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 1947, 4134, 3637, 3637, 1182, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 1638, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 72, 1245, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4494, 1212, 1212, 1872, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1687, 1889, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 4788, 1030, 1670, 4224, 4224, 2781, 759, 759, 1453, 1453, 1453, 1453, 3408, 2542, 3374, 4433, 313, 1892, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 3328, 3328, 1271, 1300, 396, 396, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3942, 3942, 3196, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1599, 1564, 462, 2940, 3930, 4894, 276, 3537, 53, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2185, 2185, 815, 4186, 935, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1128, 1357, 23, 23, 828, 2030, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2933, 4641, 1510, 4112, 4105, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4571, 758, 1630, 1630, 2746, 1594, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4714, 4714, 2158, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4237, 3413, 4196, 1206, 1686, 2140, 341, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 2014, 12, 12, 42, 4035, 1448, 3513, 2131, 2, 91, 628, 340, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 4699, 4699, 4699, 4699, 1765, 1765, 1173, 1037, 4853, 2963, 158, 121, 655, 4372, 901, 901, 901, 901, 968, 968, 1238, 1238, 3530, 3530, 542, 4100, 621, 3414, 634, 2967, 362, 1704, 1646, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 4321, 252, 4494, 1332, 2110, 2110, 313, 1892, 1608, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 3755, 3755, 2487, 3764, 269, 4681, 3159, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 3350, 489, 1448, 492, 2131, 1109, 2878, 4433, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 3714, 3714, 3714, 3714, 2075, 2075, 771, 58, 445, 3711, 4505, 4433, 2905, 4260, 430, 430, 1961, 3327, 3537, 3110, 3110, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 2075, 58, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2047, 4141, 10, 177, 4730, 436, 3948, 1134, 995, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 4661, 2914, 2121, 4012, 4012, 1743, 4186, 903, 2714, 2714, 215, 215, 4542, 4542, 3817, 3326, 743, 743, 1149, 1149, 1007, 395, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 771, 1869, 1869, 1869, 3530, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1172, 4881, 4881, 4944, 2746, 1594, 1594, 4217, 4959, 1471, 4519, 3095, 4110, 4110, 4110, 4110, 1627, 3067, 1164, 3149, 4691, 3989, 4433, 3994, 3994, 2938, 2047, 949, 133, 133, 133, 1531, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2047, 4141, 10, 1445, 4216, 790, 790, 39, 2025, 2025, 3206, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 1624, 3756, 2489, 4886, 383, 4186, 2903, 4443, 4400, 4400, 500, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1216, 706, 706, 4260, 4770, 3699, 3699, 3127, 2920, 2920, 4569, 2014, 1206, 2959, 4485, 2933, 1206, 559, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 4401, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 72, 532, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.38041304347826094, 0.6406956521739131, 0.840913043478261, 1.581717391304348, 1.8019565217391307, 1.9220869565217396, 2.2023913043478265, 2.3825869565217395, 2.5828043478260874, 3.443739130434783, 3.7640869565217394, 4.044391304347826, 4.524913043478261, 5.125565217391305, 5.425891304347827, 5.586065217391305, 5.666152173913044, 5.806304347826088, 6.306847826086957, 6.9675652173913045, 7.388021739130436, 7.768434782608697, 7.9486304347826096, 8.529260869565219, 8.729478260869566, 9.33013043478261, 9.690521739130435, 9.990847826086958, 10.491391304347827, 10.691608695652176, 10.931869565217392, 11.412391304347828, 11.852869565217391, 12.433500000000002, 12.573652173913045, 13.51467391304348, 14.195413043478261, 14.35558695652174, 14.756021739130436, 15.056347826086958, 15.196500000000002, 16.197586956521743, 16.698130434782612, 16.85830434782609, 16.978434782608694, 17.519021739130437, 17.73926086956522 ]
[ 0.38041304347826094, 0.6406956521739131, 0.840913043478261, 1.581717391304348, 1.8019565217391307, 1.9220869565217396, 2.2023913043478265, 2.3825869565217395, 2.5828043478260874, 3.443739130434783, 3.7640869565217394, 4.044391304347826, 4.524913043478261, 5.125565217391305, 5.425891304347827, 5.586065217391305, 5.666152173913044, 5.806304347826088, 6.306847826086957, 6.9675652173913045, 7.388021739130436, 7.768434782608697, 7.9486304347826096, 8.529260869565219, 8.729478260869566, 9.33013043478261, 9.690521739130435, 9.990847826086958, 10.491391304347827, 10.691608695652176, 10.931869565217392, 11.412391304347828, 11.852869565217391, 12.433500000000002, 12.573652173913045, 13.51467391304348, 14.195413043478261, 14.35558695652174, 14.756021739130436, 15.056347826086958, 15.196500000000002, 16.197586956521743, 16.698130434782612, 16.85830434782609, 16.978434782608694, 17.519021739130437, 17.73926086956522, 18.399978260869567 ]
the country was sparsely settled with no magistrates or civil authorities who could respond to requisitions as is done in all the wars of europe so that this system of foraging was simply indispensable to our success
[ "the", "country", "was", "sparsely", "settled", "with", "no", "magistrates", "or", "civil", "authorities", "who", "could", "respond", "to", "requisitions", "as", "is", "done", "in", "all", "the", "wars", "of", "europe", "so", "that", "this", "system", "of", "foraging", "was", "simply", "indispensable", "to", "our", "success" ]
[ "the", "country", "was", "sparsely", "settled", "with", "no", "magistrates", "or", "civil", "authorities", "who", "could", "respond", "to", "requisitions", "as", "is", "done", "in", "all", "the", "wars", "of", "europe", "so", "that", "this", "system", "of", "foraging", "was", "simply", "indispensable", "to", "our", "success" ]
[ "t h e", "c o u n t r y", "w a s", "s p a r s e l y", "s e t t l e d", "w i t h", "n o", "m a g i s t r a t e s", "o r", "c i v i l", "a u t h o r i t i e s", "w h o", "c o u l d", "r e s p o n d", "t o", "r e q u i s i t i o n s", "a s", "i s", "d o n e", "i n", "a l l", "t h e", "w a r s", "o f", "e u r o p e", "s o", "t h a t", "t h i s", "s y s t e m", "o f", "f o r a g i n g", "w a s", "s i m p l y", "i n d i s p e n s a b l e", "t o", "o u r", "s u c c e s s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 4420, 4321, 1504, 489, 492, 492, 2, 91, 894, 560, 3718, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2373, 2373, 1742, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 4601, 2478, 579, 45, 2102, 2102, 1613, 373, 2713, 1807, 4433, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 1754, 1754, 180, 4661, 207, 2121, 2848, 4853, 2227, 4440, 462, 1987, 1987, 2731, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 2622, 1914, 1010, 1010, 552, 2704, 190, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 4515, 1061, 2457, 2457, 3447, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 402, 4497, 2205, 1806, 798, 3355, 2697, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2800, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1299, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 2768, 1125, 202, 308, 2993, 2993, 789, 789, 509, 600, 600, 4843, 104, 1722, 3536, 2580, 2580, 2580, 4214, 237, 4433, 120, 3249, 347, 347, 3045, 3045, 2033, 2033, 215, 3817, 3817, 445, 4505, 4505, 3773, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 2939, 4326, 113, 113, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 2956, 3408, 2542, 4876, 1564, 1069, 552, 620, 2718, 2718, 2718, 2718, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 371, 36, 1566, 1566, 4333, 3566, 3566, 4840, 3165, 380, 2463, 2463, 2774, 1186, 2619, 2619, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 4942, 2879, 3558, 2907, 2907, 2907, 2322, 2322, 1090, 1577, 2559, 3538, 2017, 1408, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 3294, 634, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 193, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 1694, 91, 3766, 560, 2080, 2080, 4868, 2398, 2398, 2398, 4951, 2930, 2014, 104, 754, 4192, 455, 455, 936, 3896, 4941, 3547, 3547, 2888, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 1001, 1417, 158, 382, 4019, 521, 2173, 3987, 2933, 2192, 3303, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 4862, 105, 105, 105, 105, 209, 209, 3034, 37, 2513, 4192, 1806, 2508, 2508, 974, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 1074, 1449, 2603, 2729, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 831, 2802, 383, 628, 310, 3815, 3815, 3815, 1758, 1758, 1758, 4922, 613, 613, 4424, 2345, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 3122, 4532, 4532, 3034, 809, 3226, 1985, 2292, 2091, 4433, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 1252, 1252, 1245, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 261, 261, 659, 176, 3976, 296, 2906, 257, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4969, 4969, 1139, 84, 381, 2231, 1283, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 758, 758, 197, 197, 3963, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 712, 834, 4990, 534, 534, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 2477, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4725, 4714, 4714, 144, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 908, 2310, 3850, 525, 4499, 1216, 296, 296, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 169, 2997, 1601, 4567, 2867, 992, 992, 2775, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 3648, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1137, 2808, 4675, 142, 142, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 140, 140, 1245, 4796, 72, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 252, 1332, 2110, 2110, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 201, 1193, 1854, 1307, 4416, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 2926, 1531, 2068, 571, 1129, 1186, 2566, 1655, 138, 4490, 647, 647, 1599, 1807, 4433, 4037, 3914, 552, 464, 853, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 4440, 2187, 242, 2751, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 2641, 786, 4263, 4263, 4526, 169, 965, 3275, 3275, 2832, 2400, 43, 2595, 2043, 2108, 746, 746, 746, 746, 4942, 2879, 2879, 3558, 4395, 4136, 4136, 2582, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3845, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 7, 3086, 150, 4014, 4014, 2102, 1613, 1613, 373, 2713, 1807, 1564, 4037, 3914, 552, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2057, 4001, 1157, 2559, 2770, 2770, 4119, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 1687, 3441, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 2218, 3832, 4108, 2410, 3925, 4055, 3522, 837, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 2933, 2192, 3303, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1331, 1164, 3149, 3149, 4351, 1564, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 727, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 1187, 2183, 628, 1058, 63, 3419, 3419, 3857, 564, 1628, 3607, 3487, 1570, 1570, 4272, 3924, 3924, 385, 2956, 3408, 2542, 1417, 1010, 3914, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 3137, 997, 1238, 2640, 3530, 542, 302, 145, 621, 3414, 61, 362, 1704, 1704, 4420, 2699, 1081, 3103, 1081, 2209, 329, 72, 329, 329, 329, 72, 3, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.32021024967148487, 0.7204730617608409, 0.9005913272010512, 1.4209329829172141, 2.0013140604467803, 2.2414717477003943, 2.381563731931669, 3.202102496714849, 3.46227332457293, 3.802496714848883, 4.743114323258869, 5.003285151116951, 5.363521681997371, 6.164047306176083, 6.344165571616294, 7.544954007884362, 7.905190538764782, 8.085308804204994, 8.545611038107753, 8.785768725361367, 9.005913272010512, 9.146005256241786, 9.486228646517738, 9.646333771353483, 10.206701708278581, 10.566938239159, 10.807095926412615, 11.02724047306176, 11.407490144546648, 11.547582128777924, 12.167989487516424, 12.348107752956636, 12.768383705650457, 13.74902759526938, 13.909132720105124, 14.129277266754269 ]
[ 0.32021024967148487, 0.7204730617608409, 0.9005913272010512, 1.4209329829172141, 2.0013140604467803, 2.2414717477003943, 2.381563731931669, 3.202102496714849, 3.46227332457293, 3.802496714848883, 4.743114323258869, 5.003285151116951, 5.363521681997371, 6.164047306176083, 6.344165571616294, 7.544954007884362, 7.905190538764782, 8.085308804204994, 8.545611038107753, 8.785768725361367, 9.005913272010512, 9.146005256241786, 9.486228646517738, 9.646333771353483, 10.206701708278581, 10.566938239159, 10.807095926412615, 11.02724047306176, 11.407490144546648, 11.547582128777924, 12.167989487516424, 12.348107752956636, 12.768383705650457, 13.74902759526938, 13.909132720105124, 14.129277266754269, 15.209986859395531 ]
at first i felt strongly disinclined to make use of any private dwelling lest complaints should arise of damage and lose of furniture and so expressed myself to mr green
[ "at", "first", "i", "felt", "strongly", "disinclined", "to", "make", "use", "of", "any", "private", "dwelling", "lest", "complaints", "should", "arise", "of", "damage", "and", "lose", "of", "furniture", "and", "so", "expressed", "myself", "to", "mr", "green" ]
[ "at", "first", "i", "felt", "strongly", "disinclined", "to", "make", "use", "of", "any", "private", "dwelling", "lest", "complaints", "should", "arise", "of", "damage", "and", "lose", "of", "furniture", "and", "so", "expressed", "myself", "to", "mr", "green" ]
[ "a t", "f i r s t", "i", "f e l t", "s t r o n g l y", "d i s i n c l i n e d", "t o", "m a k e", "u s e", "o f", "a n y", "p r i v a t e", "d w e l l i n g", "l e s t", "c o m p l a i n t s", "s h o u l d", "a r i s e", "o f", "d a m a g e", "a n d", "l o s e", "o f", "f u r n i t u r e", "a n d", "s o", "e x p r e s s e d", "m y s e l f", "t o", "m r", "g r e e n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 312, 981, 14, 2834, 898, 898, 3018, 577, 3883, 2734, 623, 2158, 43, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 2848, 2848, 356, 4440, 4433, 515, 4995, 4576, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 3293, 1815, 623, 2400, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 2216, 3092, 1062, 571, 4739, 4739, 4523, 101, 382, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 919, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 3529, 3529, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4202, 1367, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 3016, 1031, 121, 2213, 257, 4028, 2378, 661, 253, 488, 2099, 310, 3317, 3701, 3701, 2662, 2662, 2662, 2662, 2662, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 314, 300, 894, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 2816, 202, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 3176, 628, 2903, 2867, 2867, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4345, 356, 2227, 1564, 121, 4260, 606, 2446, 1493, 1493, 2997, 701, 161, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 3722, 4101, 2753, 1210, 2559, 1673, 654, 1215, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 282, 1912, 4406, 4406, 1788, 306, 2609, 4542, 4542, 571, 1129, 104, 2231, 4738, 2839, 3650, 4227, 4227, 1543, 1543, 709, 1437, 317, 317, 3514, 3514, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 2210, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 331, 229, 2336, 486, 3014, 3014, 3014, 93, 858, 3717, 4440, 515, 3362, 1659, 3545, 213, 2933, 3766, 1000, 4560, 1277, 1277, 1802, 3563, 4508, 104, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 3108, 3108, 3108, 3108, 4271, 2706, 3089, 3089, 1374, 4883, 3711, 4414, 18, 1212, 3586, 920, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1529, 4073, 2660, 2323, 3836, 3836, 1449, 2888, 1827, 926, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3559, 4594, 4050, 1564, 2906, 4260, 606, 1493, 384, 965, 3652, 2089, 2559, 433, 1283, 3025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 913, 3231, 1947, 2618, 3229, 3229, 3229, 4136, 2582, 2432, 1722, 3197, 3079, 3136, 295, 295, 1234, 85, 85, 1430, 2420, 2919, 2919, 2919, 2919, 2919, 1051, 2881, 4708, 2963, 121, 2213, 4260, 606, 2464, 4526, 965, 3652, 3275, 623, 43, 2923, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 425, 2121, 839, 3479, 3479, 2406, 2406, 1090, 1657, 1657, 3249, 614, 614, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4239, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 3808, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 2827, 3075, 4755, 4420, 2788, 1249, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 1748, 760, 1010, 3914, 79, 3001, 788, 788, 788, 201, 1628, 3607, 801, 265, 265, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2192, 4802, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 93, 858, 4708, 4440, 515, 4995, 1659, 2612, 1014, 148, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 4246, 1914, 1010, 1564, 3914, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 1032, 1032, 3328, 2405, 4339, 2607, 1058, 1954, 665, 3179, 1720, 2816, 202, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 237, 2187, 242, 2683, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 2481, 1710, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 511, 511, 511, 511, 35, 35, 35, 1953, 1953, 262, 262, 1882, 269, 2911, 443, 2039, 610, 588, 4420, 1081, 1486, 1486, 1486, 329, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.34065637065637067, 0.7213899613899614, 0.8215830115830115, 1.1021235521235522, 1.603088803088803, 2.3244787644787643, 2.4246718146718145, 2.7052123552123555, 2.9456756756756755, 3.065907335907336, 3.266293436293436, 3.707142857142857, 4.288262548262548, 4.729111969111969, 5.29019305019305, 5.49057915057915, 5.9915444015444015, 6.1117760617760615, 6.572664092664092, 6.6728571428571435, 6.953397683397683, 7.073629343629343, 7.855135135135135, 8.155714285714286, 8.316023166023166, 8.837027027027027, 9.297915057915057, 9.398108108108108, 9.718725868725869 ]
[ 0.34065637065637067, 0.7213899613899614, 0.8215830115830115, 1.1021235521235522, 1.603088803088803, 2.3244787644787643, 2.4246718146718145, 2.7052123552123555, 2.9456756756756755, 3.065907335907336, 3.266293436293436, 3.707142857142857, 4.288262548262548, 4.729111969111969, 5.29019305019305, 5.49057915057915, 5.9915444015444015, 6.1117760617760615, 6.572664092664092, 6.6728571428571435, 6.953397683397683, 7.073629343629343, 7.855135135135135, 8.155714285714286, 8.316023166023166, 8.837027027027027, 9.297915057915057, 9.398108108108108, 9.718725868725869, 10.359961389961391 ]
some band by accident struck up the anthem of john brown's soul goes marching on the men caught up the strain and never before or since have i heard the chorus of glory glory hallelujah done with more spirit or in better harmony of time and place
[ "some", "band", "by", "accident", "struck", "up", "the", "anthem", "of", "john", "brown's", "soul", "goes", "marching", "on", "the", "men", "caught", "up", "the", "strain", "and", "never", "before", "or", "since", "have", "i", "heard", "the", "chorus", "of", "glory", "glory", "hallelujah", "done", "with", "more", "spirit", "or", "in", "better", "harmony", "of", "time", "and", "place" ]
[ "some", "band", "by", "accident", "struck", "up", "the", "anthem", "of", "john", "brown's", "soul", "goes", "marching", "on", "the", "men", "caught", "up", "the", "strain", "and", "never", "before", "or", "since", "have", "i", "heard", "the", "chorus", "of", "glory", "glory", "hallelujah", "done", "with", "more", "spirit", "or", "in", "better", "harmony", "of", "time", "and", "place" ]
[ "s o m e", "b a n d", "b y", "a c c i d e n t", "s t r u c k", "u p", "t h e", "a n t h e m", "o f", "j o h n", "b r o w n ' s", "s o u l", "g o e s", "m a r c h i n g", "o n", "t h e", "m e n", "c a u g h t", "u p", "t h e", "s t r a i n", "a n d", "n e v e r", "b e f o r e", "o r", "s i n c e", "h a v e", "i", "h e a r d", "t h e", "c h o r u s", "o f", "g l o r y", "g l o r y", "h a l l e l u j a h", "d o n e", "w i t h", "m o r e", "s p i r i t", "o r", "i n", "b e t t e r", "h a r m o n y", "o f", "t i m e", "a n d", "p l a c e" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 502, 3339, 645, 645, 322, 645, 645, 3740, 2925, 3861, 75, 4281, 252, 1332, 1332, 2110, 2110, 313, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 304, 1295, 3905, 4846, 4819, 4819, 3537, 3574, 394, 394, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 4210, 37, 2781, 2781, 2800, 3895, 276, 1206, 53, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 553, 2301, 1889, 1630, 1291, 3907, 3907, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 55, 2543, 649, 4433, 2905, 2874, 4177, 4177, 4177, 4177, 2171, 2355, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3493, 3493, 2072, 1374, 1374, 1709, 1686, 743, 455, 936, 936, 4756, 1792, 4941, 2404, 101, 101, 382, 120, 2314, 2933, 347, 609, 609, 3158, 3158, 3158, 3158, 2547, 4012, 2933, 4186, 2313, 2740, 3090, 3090, 567, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 4250, 4250, 4903, 4903, 2268, 4377, 3196, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 587, 1889, 1630, 1291, 2411, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 913, 1585, 1164, 2854, 4116, 1447, 628, 2574, 2574, 2619, 1590, 1590, 990, 375, 2641, 4134, 786, 4263, 4263, 1776, 169, 2997, 1601, 3652, 917, 114, 3138, 286, 2097, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 4862, 4862, 105, 105, 2177, 2177, 2298, 830, 4819, 1206, 53, 1498, 323, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 217, 217, 975, 975, 3067, 3764, 1748, 1899, 1899, 1807, 1564, 4037, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 967, 4808, 4808, 2851, 1177, 4753, 3326, 559, 2531, 2531, 896, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1476, 3742, 4213, 1216, 706, 706, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1134, 148, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2121, 4513, 1657, 3646, 3646, 3197, 3197, 3845, 3097, 501, 2308, 4976, 4200, 435, 2740, 822, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 105, 105, 209, 209, 269, 269, 269, 2911, 4681, 4401, 20, 610, 4276, 3808, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 2725, 4420, 2594, 2594, 1448, 492, 492, 2816, 436, 1134, 939, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 2160, 4846, 2659, 2659, 4591, 559, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3964, 3964, 3964, 3964, 4407, 4515, 2355, 4073, 3090, 567, 567, 3560, 1761, 4250, 3737, 4903, 2607, 2047, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 4336, 2933, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3553, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 1320, 609, 609, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 2706, 2706, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 269, 293, 3159, 4612, 758, 1492, 1630, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 3980, 2513, 42, 2781, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 1858, 1471, 1471, 4543, 4543, 4543, 1505, 1505, 3266, 484, 1403, 1403, 2009, 3431, 3537, 1908, 2343, 2343, 2343, 3293, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 178, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 2325, 3050, 1492, 4326, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2956, 3408, 2542, 3374, 158, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 2549, 1374, 3234, 1834, 1834, 1011, 3294, 1311, 2967, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 3117, 3692, 395, 635, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 2744, 3266, 161, 3246, 2137, 2137, 1065, 1847, 2719, 4911, 3805, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2730, 1863, 2014, 12, 2047, 4035, 3513, 177, 124, 91, 628, 559, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 4942, 4942, 2879, 3558, 4395, 4565, 4565, 4209, 159, 3626, 1564, 2905, 4260, 606, 606, 2446, 4526, 169, 2997, 1601, 2184, 2277, 917, 3899, 1322, 1322, 4549, 957, 957, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4942, 4942, 4942, 470, 870, 3884, 1034, 1983, 1983, 4601, 438, 4753, 55, 559, 1322, 1322, 4549, 957, 957, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4942, 4942, 470, 870, 4080, 1034, 1983, 4601, 4601, 4911, 3805, 3805, 3934, 1656, 1656, 1656, 684, 684, 317, 1940, 1197, 2583, 4610, 3794, 1107, 143, 143, 2158, 1688, 4179, 4179, 4179, 4179, 44, 4706, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 39, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 348, 1787, 1784, 2212, 2212, 1283, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 2160, 4844, 954, 3691, 4014, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 2612, 1014, 1134, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1205, 1205, 2956, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1564, 382, 382, 4019, 4019, 2173, 2607, 1049, 3303, 2736, 2736, 2736, 2736, 2736, 123, 123, 3558, 215, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 421, 3326, 1686, 3190, 1365, 4756, 4756, 2933, 1630, 2789, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 385, 2325, 2165, 1630, 1630, 287, 3867, 4856, 1949, 2298, 1185, 4819, 3326, 3537, 3574, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4515, 1358, 3177, 3840, 1975, 3941, 3941, 2325, 3261, 13, 369, 369, 3341, 3678, 3678, 3678, 3678, 3678, 2914, 3231, 697, 4134, 4134, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1794, 293, 293, 4564, 4564, 2540, 2540, 4850, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4526, 4526, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 2933, 3326, 114, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3905, 3216, 3159, 758, 1, 1630, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2298, 1185, 830, 4591, 2812, 1724, 102, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 61, 362, 362, 2250, 1704, 4222, 255, 4006, 4420, 255, 4006, 4006, 2414, 255, 1486, 1486, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 72, 3736, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6403539823008849, 1.100608407079646, 1.380763274336283, 2.0811504424778757, 2.5213938053097347, 2.721504424778761, 2.981648230088495, 3.461913716814159, 3.6220022123893805, 3.942179203539823, 4.382422566371681, 4.762632743362831, 5.0828097345132734, 5.583086283185841, 6.143396017699115, 6.503595132743362, 6.8237721238938045, 7.103926991150442, 7.264015486725663, 7.444115044247788, 8.084469026548673, 8.544723451327432, 8.864900442477875, 9.365176991150442, 9.56528761061947, 10.10558628318584, 10.465785398230087, 10.5658407079646, 10.765951327433628, 10.886017699115044, 11.326261061946902, 11.506360619469026, 11.966615044247787, 12.386847345132743, 13.327367256637167, 13.847654867256637, 14.047765486725662, 14.307909292035397, 14.86821902654867, 15.148373893805308, 15.308462389380532, 15.628639380530972, 16.148926991150443, 16.309015486725663, 16.80929203539823, 17.04942477876106 ]
[ 0.6403539823008849, 1.100608407079646, 1.380763274336283, 2.0811504424778757, 2.5213938053097347, 2.721504424778761, 2.981648230088495, 3.461913716814159, 3.6220022123893805, 3.942179203539823, 4.382422566371681, 4.762632743362831, 5.0828097345132734, 5.583086283185841, 6.143396017699115, 6.503595132743362, 6.8237721238938045, 7.103926991150442, 7.264015486725663, 7.444115044247788, 8.084469026548673, 8.544723451327432, 8.864900442477875, 9.365176991150442, 9.56528761061947, 10.10558628318584, 10.465785398230087, 10.5658407079646, 10.765951327433628, 10.886017699115044, 11.326261061946902, 11.506360619469026, 11.966615044247787, 12.386847345132743, 13.327367256637167, 13.847654867256637, 14.047765486725662, 14.307909292035397, 14.86821902654867, 15.148373893805308, 15.308462389380532, 15.628639380530972, 16.148926991150443, 16.309015486725663, 16.80929203539823, 17.04942477876106, 18.069988938053093 ]
she then explained that as our army approached columbia there was a doubt in her mind whether the terrible sherman who was devastating the land were w t sherman or t w sherman both known to be generals in the northern army
[ "she", "then", "explained", "that", "as", "our", "army", "approached", "columbia", "there", "was", "a", "doubt", "in", "her", "mind", "whether", "the", "terrible", "sherman", "who", "was", "devastating", "the", "land", "were", "w", "t", "sherman", "or", "t", "w", "sherman", "both", "known", "to", "be", "generals", "in", "the", "northern", "army" ]
[ "she", "then", "explained", "that", "as", "our", "army", "approached", "columbia", "there", "was", "a", "doubt", "in", "her", "mind", "whether", "the", "terrible", "sherman", "who", "was", "devastating", "the", "land", "were", "w", "t", "sherman", "or", "t", "w", "sherman", "both", "known", "to", "be", "generals", "in", "the", "northern", "army" ]
[ "s h e", "t h e n", "e x p l a i n e d", "t h a t", "a s", "o u r", "a r m y", "a p p r o a c h e d", "c o l u m b i a", "t h e r e", "w a s", "a", "d o u b t", "i n", "h e r", "m i n d", "w h e t h e r", "t h e", "t e r r i b l e", "s h e r m a n", "w h o", "w a s", "d e v a s t a t i n g", "t h e", "l a n d", "w e r e", "w", "t", "s h e r m a n", "o r", "t", "w", "s h e r m a n", "b o t h", "k n o w n", "t o", "b e", "g e n e r a l s", "i n", "t h e", "n o r t h e r n", "a r m y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 2677, 4281, 4494, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1166, 2924, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 3917, 839, 1790, 801, 801, 265, 265, 2701, 2701, 2279, 9, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 2534, 2980, 3342, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 37, 37, 894, 4497, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 4055, 165, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1930, 2743, 2869, 2676, 4571, 4944, 2834, 4950, 2482, 2482, 1525, 659, 176, 296, 296, 2906, 752, 1570, 1570, 4272, 3924, 172, 2325, 2165, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 3231, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 1848, 4946, 4850, 2443, 4840, 4840, 4187, 1210, 2933, 2559, 4660, 654, 2149, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 644, 4513, 1388, 381, 4797, 4762, 4433, 1631, 1631, 1659, 3545, 213, 2933, 560, 714, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3818, 4588, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 516, 1695, 741, 1632, 301, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 1244, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 1252, 1252, 3046, 3141, 4420, 327, 1254, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 4420, 2933, 1504, 4461, 379, 780, 4585, 579, 45, 179, 4144, 1613, 4425, 855, 2713, 296, 2906, 4607, 546, 95, 1469, 1367, 433, 1283, 902, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 2075, 2075, 58, 1061, 4073, 422, 422, 284, 1270, 712, 366, 2824, 4044, 1255, 3911, 3911, 4199, 3971, 3971, 3846, 1593, 3948, 1456, 995, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1882, 37, 2513, 4192, 3355, 1569, 4055, 2668, 3331, 4386, 4386, 4386, 4386, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 568, 2864, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1469, 1623, 104, 136, 2657, 541, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 1660, 123, 3558, 3558, 4306, 4306, 727, 1820, 336, 894, 2715, 646, 36, 36, 3758, 2542, 2878, 1564, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3765, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 4267, 697, 1404, 1404, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 4844, 3159, 4044, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 3111, 3111, 45, 104, 4144, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2713, 3786, 4247, 480, 4894, 4055, 2231, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 1274, 3094, 1788, 3727, 3727, 3727, 4214, 237, 1564, 2187, 1191, 1643, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 216, 1708, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 156, 2352, 2352, 2268, 165, 4141, 10, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 2158, 2336, 486, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 4394, 4394, 4497, 2205, 154, 1481, 2933, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 1103, 2725, 193, 1683, 29, 842, 763, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 385, 414, 414, 1501, 1501, 3896, 3896, 1787, 4055, 433, 1283, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 1632, 1632, 3606, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 2518, 132, 4495, 2183, 1623, 2559, 1781, 136, 2260, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2081, 2081, 2622, 1914, 1564, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 2157, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 2288, 2160, 3398, 2707, 2740, 2363, 113, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 385, 385, 2956, 4234, 2183, 1623, 2607, 270, 1781, 2260, 2260, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2081, 438, 4202, 4055, 2231, 1283, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 1632, 1632, 4146, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 2518, 132, 4495, 3408, 4414, 2878, 18, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 697, 697, 1404, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2160, 4844, 3159, 4612, 3040, 2607, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 1400, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 193, 1018, 739, 4427, 4327, 1935, 1935, 1935, 2797, 644, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 1693, 3770, 2142, 3041, 2289, 2289, 2289, 2289, 605, 3755, 3755, 3764, 300, 4895, 1058, 3026, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 3686, 438, 3049, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4768, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 296, 296, 4260, 1842, 422, 284, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 662, 4820, 3291, 10, 2131, 4959, 2146, 2142, 3041, 4506, 4506, 4506, 4874, 4874, 4874, 2121, 1854, 1040, 2844, 4078, 4078, 4078, 4078, 547, 547, 3764, 522, 834, 4990, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 2914, 2121, 3231, 697, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1848, 1418, 3843, 153, 1248, 1248, 4409, 931, 610, 588, 1496, 4420, 1496, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44029769959404597, 0.6404330175913396, 1.3609201623815967, 1.7011502029769958, 1.9012855209742896, 2.1014208389715834, 2.4216373477672533, 2.941989174560217, 3.6824898511502027, 4.042733423545331, 4.182828146143438, 4.262882273342355, 4.563085250338295, 4.683166441136671, 4.863288227334236, 5.223531799729364, 5.523734776725304, 5.66382949932341, 6.184181326116374, 6.684519621109607, 6.844627875507443, 7.0447631935047355, 7.745236806495265, 7.905345060893099, 8.48573748308525, 9.086143437077132, 9.346319350473614, 9.546454668470906, 10.146860622462787, 10.38702300405954, 10.707239512855208, 11.00744248985115, 11.687902571041949, 12.128200270635995, 12.408389715832206, 12.508457374830853, 12.668565629228688, 13.288985115020298, 13.449093369418133, 13.569174560216508, 14.049499323410013 ]
[ 0.44029769959404597, 0.6404330175913396, 1.3609201623815967, 1.7011502029769958, 1.9012855209742896, 2.1014208389715834, 2.4216373477672533, 2.941989174560217, 3.6824898511502027, 4.042733423545331, 4.182828146143438, 4.262882273342355, 4.563085250338295, 4.683166441136671, 4.863288227334236, 5.223531799729364, 5.523734776725304, 5.66382949932341, 6.184181326116374, 6.684519621109607, 6.844627875507443, 7.0447631935047355, 7.745236806495265, 7.905345060893099, 8.48573748308525, 9.086143437077132, 9.346319350473614, 9.546454668470906, 10.146860622462787, 10.38702300405954, 10.707239512855208, 11.00744248985115, 11.687902571041949, 12.128200270635995, 12.408389715832206, 12.508457374830853, 12.668565629228688, 13.288985115020298, 13.449093369418133, 13.569174560216508, 14.049499323410013, 14.769986468200269 ]
at pulaski directly in front of florence with the three brigades of cavalry hatch croxton and capron commanded by major-general wilson watching closely for hood's initiative
[ "at", "pulaski", "directly", "in", "front", "of", "florence", "with", "the", "three", "brigades", "of", "cavalry", "hatch", "croxton", "and", "capron", "commanded", "by", "major-general", "wilson", "watching", "closely", "for", "hood's", "initiative" ]
[ "at", "pulaski", "directly", "in", "front", "of", "florence", "with", "the", "three", "brigades", "of", "cavalry", "hatch", "croxton", "and", "capron", "commanded", "by", "major-general", "wilson", "watching", "closely", "for", "hood's", "initiative" ]
[ "a t", "p u l a s k i", "d i r e c t l y", "i n", "f r o n t", "o f", "f l o r e n c e", "w i t h", "t h e", "t h r e e", "b r i g a d e s", "o f", "c a v a l r y", "h a t c h", "c r o x t o n", "a n d", "c a p r o n", "c o m m a n d e d", "b y", "m a j o r g e n e r a l", "w i l s o n", "w a t c h i n g", "c l o s e l y", "f o r", "h o o d ' s", "i n i t i a t i v e" ]
[ 4079, 1335, 4720, 524, 2677, 4321, 1910, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 1510, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 898, 898, 2743, 2029, 131, 1725, 743, 1806, 936, 1792, 1792, 2607, 3170, 452, 2862, 2862, 2862, 4456, 1107, 143, 1230, 227, 3728, 3728, 3488, 3488, 3488, 4322, 1303, 2881, 4708, 4440, 1564, 462, 462, 1396, 1396, 4043, 205, 381, 2809, 4443, 4443, 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400, 3843, 311, 311, 311, 884, 884, 3485, 4202, 1568, 433, 3522, 572, 4470, 4470, 4470, 593, 593, 1827, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2933, 2770, 3509, 4119, 4541, 663, 2628, 4946, 2443, 2409, 4856, 4856, 712, 2435, 50, 1368, 623, 104, 3953, 3785, 4931, 4931, 4931, 4931, 4931, 4515, 1061, 2140, 2723, 3827, 4526, 965, 3275, 3275, 2832, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 746, 4942, 4942, 2879, 3558, 2639, 2639, 3285, 3285, 2072, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3989, 4433, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 4243, 1943, 234, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 193, 924, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3942, 3942, 4141, 3102, 3513, 2131, 380, 2463, 2463, 499, 2034, 1319, 1319, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 2081, 182, 182, 3327, 2741, 3407, 4331, 4456, 2481, 1710, 2559, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 4433, 65, 872, 1365, 245, 2939, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3202, 3202, 3202, 1601, 2184, 2277, 917, 628, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4175, 1274, 3094, 4264, 4264, 4264, 3325, 3620, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 3040, 610, 586, 4665, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 2725, 3117, 3692, 3934, 3934, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 509, 4513, 4513, 2461, 381, 3235, 4797, 4433, 1217, 1217, 936, 936, 1792, 1435, 4321, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1104, 3012, 4244, 4244, 4827, 2547, 1328, 383, 383, 381, 3223, 649, 4440, 462, 2187, 242, 2607, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 54, 2649, 2160, 834, 3284, 3284, 1492, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4190, 2659, 4485, 1635, 62, 193, 2607, 714, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 3488, 3488, 509, 2467, 251, 595, 595, 628, 1059, 2439, 4879, 323, 4274, 2496, 2496, 2496, 4862, 4862, 105, 105, 105, 209, 1282, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 1915, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1245, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2725, 4420, 2933, 560, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 3948, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 913, 463, 463, 3793, 2682, 2158, 4825, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 2014, 754, 3545, 3895, 2741, 2741, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 3846, 1593, 202, 308, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4196, 514, 104, 1722, 1775, 1775, 1975, 1288, 1288, 1617, 4055, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 22, 4714, 1346, 1346, 1851, 2910, 1035, 1035, 1035, 3092, 3092, 2385, 683, 2963, 158, 121, 121, 655, 4372, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 2288, 269, 2160, 4681, 4401, 20, 610, 1915, 1252, 1639, 1943, 31, 31, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 710, 4321, 2234, 1683, 29, 1851, 882, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 59, 4513, 1056, 1974, 614, 3197, 3197, 3845, 3097, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 488, 2099, 4591, 310, 3317, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 644, 644, 4853, 2227, 158, 462, 462, 1987, 1987, 1987, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 3910, 3293, 563, 4120, 146, 146, 2832, 3106, 2595, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 1753, 385, 385, 385, 4234, 3485, 3261, 13, 3072, 369, 392, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 267, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 1737, 1899, 273, 1564, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 197, 197, 2666, 4967, 2762, 4217, 4959, 2146, 1559, 4519, 702, 1124, 1124, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 3061, 3061, 1121, 1121, 1121, 1090, 1577, 894, 1268, 513, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 1581, 555, 1496, 1496, 4420, 255, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4803587443946189, 1.3209865470852018, 1.9614648729446937, 2.1015695067264577, 2.361763826606876, 2.461838565022422, 3.162361733931241, 3.4826008968609874, 3.602690582959642, 3.8828998505231693, 4.463333333333334, 4.703512705530643, 5.424050822122572, 5.9644544095665175, 6.7050074738415555, 6.965201793721975, 7.765799701046339, 8.526367713004486, 8.726517189835576, 9.467070254110615, 10.147578475336324, 10.788056801195816, 11.38850523168909, 11.788804185351271, 12.30919282511211 ]
[ 0.4803587443946189, 1.3209865470852018, 1.9614648729446937, 2.1015695067264577, 2.361763826606876, 2.461838565022422, 3.162361733931241, 3.4826008968609874, 3.602690582959642, 3.8828998505231693, 4.463333333333334, 4.703512705530643, 5.424050822122572, 5.9644544095665175, 6.7050074738415555, 6.965201793721975, 7.765799701046339, 8.526367713004486, 8.726517189835576, 9.467070254110615, 10.147578475336324, 10.788056801195816, 11.38850523168909, 11.788804185351271, 12.30919282511211, 13.369985052316894 ]
the next morning november twenty third we rode into milledgeville the capital of the state whither the twentieth corps had preceded us and during that day the left wing was all united in and around milledgeville
[ "the", "next", "morning", "november", "twenty", "third", "we", "rode", "into", "milledgeville", "the", "capital", "of", "the", "state", "whither", "the", "twentieth", "corps", "had", "preceded", "us", "and", "during", "that", "day", "the", "left", "wing", "was", "all", "united", "in", "and", "around", "milledgeville" ]
[ "the", "next", "morning", "november", "twenty", "third", "we", "rode", "into", "milledgeville", "the", "capital", "of", "the", "state", "whither", "the", "twentieth", "corps", "had", "preceded", "us", "and", "during", "that", "day", "the", "left", "wing", "was", "all", "united", "in", "and", "around", "milledgeville" ]
[ "t h e", "n e x t", "m o r n i n g", "n o v e m b e r", "t w e n t y", "t h i r d", "w e", "r o d e", "i n t o", "m i l l e d g e v i l l e", "t h e", "c a p i t a l", "o f", "t h e", "s t a t e", "w h i t h e r", "t h e", "t w e n t i e t h", "c o r p s", "h a d", "p r e c e d e d", "u s", "a n d", "d u r i n g", "t h a t", "d a y", "t h e", "l e f t", "w i n g", "w a s", "a l l", "u n i t e d", "i n", "a n d", "a r o u n d", "m i l l e d g e v i l l e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1913, 1913, 75, 75, 3227, 4420, 331, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 4959, 411, 3041, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2802, 2543, 649, 649, 515, 515, 4995, 1659, 3545, 1014, 3948, 1456, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 2688, 2121, 69, 3263, 3263, 3263, 3263, 1697, 4914, 598, 3771, 3771, 3770, 3041, 3286, 3286, 3798, 3497, 952, 2868, 3609, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 741, 2872, 4769, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1623, 944, 4738, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 4515, 1708, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3685, 1227, 2463, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 455, 3485, 3896, 2607, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2478, 1074, 135, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 2797, 1863, 2671, 1708, 883, 422, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 3026, 1843, 4057, 198, 1720, 2816, 4493, 202, 939, 2123, 2123, 1437, 1437, 4960, 4960, 2583, 2597, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 2432, 3235, 4797, 1217, 1217, 607, 607, 3612, 2868, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 4808, 4808, 2851, 1873, 3485, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 489, 1448, 3513, 124, 2, 628, 4633, 678, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 2467, 251, 2933, 1059, 4900, 4900, 4900, 1061, 2140, 776, 776, 2053, 2053, 668, 1566, 4333, 4333, 1971, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 199, 721, 424, 3102, 10, 3368, 3368, 1417, 4433, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 47, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 421, 628, 1725, 3190, 1481, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 72, 234, 3913, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 2620, 2620, 3331, 3331, 4386, 4386, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 568, 4232, 1854, 1307, 1414, 4416, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3336, 381, 1781, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 4515, 1061, 2140, 2979, 2979, 3685, 4946, 3720, 2841, 2841, 2841, 4061, 4966, 2035, 2035, 213, 1829, 2607, 310, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 414, 3261, 3261, 3805, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 4569, 2014, 2199, 4192, 2800, 1897, 2933, 3170, 1673, 3407, 3776, 4483, 3776, 3776, 1914, 4876, 1564, 3914, 552, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 4196, 216, 106, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 104, 1708, 2740, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 1238, 1238, 3530, 542, 1564, 4100, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 1704, 1351, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4796, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1400, 1400, 3844, 1436, 312, 4321, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 4249, 2410, 3925, 433, 2389, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 870, 2932, 2932, 2932, 473, 7, 3771, 2352, 4055, 1655, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2743, 571, 1129, 1129, 894, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 2924, 1414, 165, 1448, 492, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1430, 486, 3783, 3783, 3783, 3783, 3783, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4154, 104, 1659, 3355, 3355, 1569, 1345, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 3660, 150, 3771, 3691, 4014, 2102, 4144, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 296, 296, 2906, 752, 2271, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2064, 790, 790, 992, 4403, 4403, 4384, 4384, 260, 4959, 411, 2142, 895, 895, 895, 895, 895, 495, 1173, 246, 1878, 192, 2415, 341, 4901, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 3198, 3198, 1523, 1110, 894, 743, 1806, 455, 1365, 245, 3441, 2666, 4364, 3867, 21, 21, 21, 21, 2549, 2549, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3284, 758, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 2479, 1461, 366, 1790, 2660, 430, 3836, 3836, 1449, 1827, 1988, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 3067, 3067, 314, 3123, 2800, 2612, 3807, 5, 2990, 2123, 2123, 2123, 1437, 1437, 4960, 4960, 2583, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 2432, 3235, 733, 1217, 1217, 4983, 2400, 2868, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 4620, 555, 588, 4420, 1496, 255, 255, 3103, 1486, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.46034690799396677, 0.7805882352941177, 1.160874811463047, 1.5611764705882354, 1.8814177978883861, 2.341764705882353, 2.5018853695324283, 2.8021116138763196, 3.002262443438914, 3.8629110105580695, 4.043046757164404, 4.56343891402715, 4.723559577677224, 4.863665158371041, 5.444102564102565, 5.884434389140272, 6.024539969834087, 6.564947209653091, 6.925218702865762, 7.165399698340875, 7.805882352941176, 8.286244343891404, 8.666530920060332, 8.966757164404223, 9.226953242835595, 9.507164404223227, 9.667285067873303, 9.967511312217194, 10.267737556561086, 10.48790346907994, 10.708069381598792, 11.428612368024133, 11.748853695324284, 11.928989441930618, 12.289260935143288 ]
[ 0.46034690799396677, 0.7805882352941177, 1.160874811463047, 1.5611764705882354, 1.8814177978883861, 2.341764705882353, 2.5018853695324283, 2.8021116138763196, 3.002262443438914, 3.8629110105580695, 4.043046757164404, 4.56343891402715, 4.723559577677224, 4.863665158371041, 5.444102564102565, 5.884434389140272, 6.024539969834087, 6.564947209653091, 6.925218702865762, 7.165399698340875, 7.805882352941176, 8.286244343891404, 8.666530920060332, 8.966757164404223, 9.226953242835595, 9.507164404223227, 9.667285067873303, 9.967511312217194, 10.267737556561086, 10.48790346907994, 10.708069381598792, 11.428612368024133, 11.748853695324284, 11.928989441930618, 12.289260935143288, 13.249984917043742 ]
i accordingly made a camp or bivouac near the louisville road about five miles from savannah and proceeded to invest the place closely pushing forward reconnoissances at every available point
[ "i", "accordingly", "made", "a", "camp", "or", "bivouac", "near", "the", "louisville", "road", "about", "five", "miles", "from", "savannah", "and", "proceeded", "to", "invest", "the", "place", "closely", "pushing", "forward", "reconnoissances", "at", "every", "available", "point" ]
[ "i", "accordingly", "made", "a", "camp", "or", "bivouac", "near", "the", "louisville", "road", "about", "five", "miles", "from", "savannah", "and", "proceeded", "to", "invest", "the", "place", "closely", "pushing", "forward", "reconnoissances", "at", "every", "available", "point" ]
[ "i", "a c c o r d i n g l y", "m a d e", "a", "c a m p", "o r", "b i v o u a c", "n e a r", "t h e", "l o u i s v i l l e", "r o a d", "a b o u t", "f i v e", "m i l e s", "f r o m", "s a v a n n a h", "a n d", "p r o c e e d e d", "t o", "i n v e s t", "t h e", "p l a c e", "c l o s e l y", "p u s h i n g", "f o r w a r d", "r e c o n n o i s s a n c e s", "a t", "e v e r y", "a v a i l a b l e", "p o i n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 312, 981, 30, 30, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 1847, 3168, 3168, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3165, 91, 2559, 3766, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 2310, 4736, 216, 3169, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3529, 3529, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4101, 182, 3846, 4493, 202, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 2671, 1708, 2660, 546, 95, 432, 91, 2933, 104, 4633, 678, 708, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 4489, 4489, 1585, 4385, 1761, 4675, 1721, 1721, 2419, 1842, 113, 113, 113, 113, 3511, 172, 2009, 1591, 2164, 3133, 5, 3574, 3574, 510, 510, 2992, 1318, 1318, 3466, 3466, 3654, 4567, 396, 396, 396, 144, 1851, 3666, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 823, 823, 3176, 383, 628, 1616, 798, 1693, 1315, 4188, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 8, 2956, 2864, 1414, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1688, 3631, 3631, 3631, 3631, 4087, 4087, 4902, 1745, 4101, 438, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3609, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 2901, 1187, 1187, 1177, 1074, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 869, 1110, 4102, 4102, 142, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 14, 4575, 1594, 1961, 1961, 2741, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 2075, 58, 2068, 4300, 1588, 4120, 623, 2832, 43, 2043, 2043, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 167, 282, 282, 2248, 3466, 3466, 2020, 46, 4011, 1456, 995, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 1896, 597, 2312, 2312, 2901, 900, 4289, 1764, 4050, 4433, 875, 2396, 3106, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 782, 760, 1010, 1010, 79, 4721, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 431, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 1915, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 312, 1910, 4281, 2788, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2781, 4192, 3545, 3895, 2933, 3170, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 3210, 1417, 1564, 3914, 552, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 4196, 216, 106, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 2014, 112, 2933, 270, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 564, 2222, 2222, 2409, 2378, 661, 661, 856, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 858, 4708, 3717, 4433, 462, 515, 3994, 2938, 1844, 1844, 4141, 10, 177, 2261, 1210, 104, 2973, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 3630, 1031, 1564, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 310, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2797, 644, 644, 4853, 2963, 2963, 462, 462, 3863, 1987, 1987, 1987, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 2055, 814, 814, 153, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 72, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2933, 1784, 2973, 2758, 927, 927, 927, 2986, 2504, 603, 3061, 3197, 3097, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 50, 1815, 623, 2400, 43, 2595, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2145, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2730, 1296, 1110, 754, 3883, 4590, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 91, 581, 2559, 560, 3387, 256, 256, 4996, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 2300, 839, 1005, 3096, 3096, 4214, 4214, 237, 4433, 655, 4372, 596, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 3264, 3234, 3919, 3989, 1564, 121, 3715, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 70, 4287, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 67, 1011, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 245, 197, 781, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2743, 2743, 131, 894, 743, 4571, 1365, 197, 197, 187, 187, 4630, 1092, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 4946, 4850, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3165, 952, 4055, 2868, 3609, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 3866, 1184, 3243, 4960, 4960, 4798, 727, 727, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 3325, 36, 1177, 1478, 2812, 381, 2973, 1082, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 518, 1374, 498, 1152, 2205, 2500, 2962, 555, 1375, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4420, 4006, 4006, 4420, 4006, 2414, 2414, 3103, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3602597402597403, 0.9807070707070707, 1.260909090909091, 1.3209523809523809, 1.7412554112554115, 1.9413997113997117, 2.601875901875902, 2.822034632034632, 2.9621356421356424, 3.5025252525252526, 4.022900432900433, 4.543275613275613, 4.923549783549784, 5.3438528138528145, 5.543997113997114, 6.324559884559886, 6.724848484848485, 7.325281385281386, 7.465382395382396, 7.985757575757576, 8.105844155844157, 8.506132756132756, 9.306709956709957, 9.887128427128427, 10.447532467532469, 11.6684126984127, 12.008658008658008, 12.34890331890332, 12.94933621933622 ]
[ 0.3602597402597403, 0.9807070707070707, 1.260909090909091, 1.3209523809523809, 1.7412554112554115, 1.9413997113997117, 2.601875901875902, 2.822034632034632, 2.9621356421356424, 3.5025252525252526, 4.022900432900433, 4.543275613275613, 4.923549783549784, 5.3438528138528145, 5.543997113997114, 6.324559884559886, 6.724848484848485, 7.325281385281386, 7.465382395382396, 7.985757575757576, 8.105844155844157, 8.506132756132756, 9.306709956709957, 9.887128427128427, 10.447532467532469, 11.6684126984127, 12.008658008658008, 12.34890331890332, 12.94933621933622, 13.84998556998557 ]
general your very interesting letter of the twenty second instant brought by major grey of general foster's staff is fast at hand as the major starts back at once i can do no more at present than simply acknowledge its receipt
[ "general", "your", "very", "interesting", "letter", "of", "the", "twenty", "second", "instant", "brought", "by", "major", "grey", "of", "general", "foster's", "staff", "is", "fast", "at", "hand", "as", "the", "major", "starts", "back", "at", "once", "i", "can", "do", "no", "more", "at", "present", "than", "simply", "acknowledge", "its", "receipt" ]
[ "general", "your", "very", "interesting", "letter", "of", "the", "twenty", "second", "instant", "brought", "by", "major", "grey", "of", "general", "foster's", "staff", "is", "fast", "at", "hand", "as", "the", "major", "starts", "back", "at", "once", "i", "can", "do", "no", "more", "at", "present", "than", "simply", "acknowledge", "its", "receipt" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "y o u r", "v e r y", "i n t e r e s t i n g", "l e t t e r", "o f", "t h e", "t w e n t y", "s e c o n d", "i n s t a n t", "b r o u g h t", "b y", "m a j o r", "g r e y", "o f", "g e n e r a l", "f o s t e r ' s", "s t a f f", "i s", "f a s t", "a t", "h a n d", "a s", "t h e", "m a j o r", "s t a r t s", "b a c k", "a t", "o n c e", "i", "c a n", "d o", "n o", "m o r e", "a t", "p r e s e n t", "t h a n", "s i m p l y", "a c k n o w l e d g e", "i t s", "r e c e i p t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 4321, 3227, 2001, 1787, 1787, 1967, 3138, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4768, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 668, 3477, 195, 391, 4450, 4620, 2358, 931, 588, 4420, 3808, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1707, 3401, 327, 327, 3415, 2154, 710, 4420, 331, 4122, 512, 779, 4476, 4476, 3596, 172, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4850, 1323, 4028, 459, 1917, 1917, 4116, 104, 4097, 4097, 2015, 2015, 1850, 4214, 237, 4440, 242, 2751, 2402, 2402, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3771, 85, 426, 2336, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 4515, 1358, 3177, 3840, 4106, 4106, 3417, 966, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 721, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 944, 4738, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 4515, 1708, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3685, 1914, 4876, 1564, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 722, 722, 722, 722, 722, 2802, 1743, 2559, 903, 2679, 3951, 3951, 54, 4744, 4571, 4571, 3441, 3441, 4967, 459, 1917, 1917, 2614, 2614, 277, 3149, 3989, 4433, 462, 2187, 2187, 242, 4049, 1641, 2751, 4294, 4294, 596, 596, 2072, 1374, 1374, 1709, 894, 743, 1806, 455, 936, 4941, 1787, 276, 739, 1498, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 2913, 2913, 59, 2743, 2029, 3492, 743, 3545, 3895, 2933, 2741, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 3846, 4493, 308, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 3413, 4196, 514, 4843, 1722, 1775, 1775, 4239, 1975, 1288, 1288, 4753, 4753, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 1073, 1073, 1073, 1073, 550, 550, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 4850, 2443, 1971, 1971, 4526, 169, 384, 1601, 3652, 3049, 104, 1967, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1177, 563, 623, 104, 43, 2043, 2043, 1104, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 653, 653, 1975, 1288, 1288, 3408, 1417, 4876, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1555, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 1303, 1303, 1930, 1930, 451, 451, 1271, 1271, 142, 20, 4420, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 3268, 312, 981, 4826, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 1289, 4969, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 2400, 671, 2043, 11, 11, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 4440, 1564, 515, 3362, 4995, 4576, 175, 2127, 2127, 3018, 2307, 2676, 2676, 1149, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 3034, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 154, 20, 588, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 72, 3305, 3305, 453, 23, 23, 852, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 2456, 3578, 3578, 4050, 65, 2324, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1795, 4416, 489, 1448, 492, 177, 4730, 2816, 104, 308, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 3413, 565, 4196, 514, 104, 1722, 1722, 1775, 1775, 4239, 4239, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 414, 4234, 2542, 1417, 1564, 382, 1084, 3194, 47, 1643, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1678, 207, 2914, 2121, 4818, 445, 2027, 2027, 3411, 3930, 4894, 276, 2741, 1373, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 2547, 1743, 628, 2313, 2313, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 3249, 1145, 1145, 1569, 1569, 2783, 2031, 2031, 2243, 2243, 2243, 2243, 3623, 3623, 3623, 1374, 1374, 3264, 3234, 1834, 1834, 1011, 3294, 2324, 1365, 2365, 3803, 4125, 4125, 4420, 1249, 794, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 1847, 49, 4305, 628, 104, 4633, 1539, 4729, 4729, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3832, 1185, 4846, 2410, 2158, 433, 2389, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2801, 2801, 132, 1927, 2008, 152, 104, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 230, 4888, 4888, 1193, 2768, 1125, 3948, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1413, 1205, 1205, 385, 3417, 3618, 3618, 4197, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 2307, 3249, 743, 3545, 3895, 4241, 974, 2607, 4660, 4660, 4038, 4038, 2673, 2673, 2673, 2673, 3900, 2562, 4032, 1360, 1272, 2813, 2813, 2813, 2813, 2072, 624, 3264, 2215, 2215, 1709, 1725, 377, 4891, 97, 97, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 3004, 4823, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2933, 1504, 4461, 1980, 1980, 1980, 3917, 4117, 4834, 760, 158, 1010, 3914, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2057, 1157, 1157, 2770, 2731, 3100, 4541, 663, 2628, 4946, 4850, 2443, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 3249, 2138, 1412, 268, 3770, 3041, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 317, 1197, 3719, 3719, 3719, 2582, 2060, 4843, 1722, 3079, 3079, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 273, 3411, 658, 658, 1626, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 3210, 1417, 1564, 1069, 1069, 552, 620, 2757, 2757, 2757, 2757, 1013, 1013, 518, 518, 518, 518, 1136, 3974, 1152, 1725, 377, 3190, 1481, 2967, 4420, 3808, 1081, 329, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9806171284634762, 1.3408438287153654, 1.6610453400503782, 2.141347607052897, 2.4415365239294715, 2.5415994962216626, 2.6616750629722925, 2.961863979848867, 3.4221536523929474, 4.022531486146096, 4.382758186397986, 4.602896725440807, 5.023161209068011, 5.3833879093199, 5.5434886649874064, 5.903715365239296, 6.44405541561713, 7.044433249370278, 7.384647355163729, 7.804911838790933, 7.945000000000001, 8.66545340050378, 9.205793450881615, 9.425931989924434, 9.906234256926954, 10.366523929471034, 10.686725440806047, 10.906863979848868, 11.407178841309825, 11.58729219143577, 11.827443324937029, 12.04758186397985, 12.307745591939549, 12.647959697732999, 12.86809823677582, 13.628576826196475, 14.008816120906802, 14.38905541561713, 14.949408060453402, 15.129521410579347 ]
[ 0.9806171284634762, 1.3408438287153654, 1.6610453400503782, 2.141347607052897, 2.4415365239294715, 2.5415994962216626, 2.6616750629722925, 2.961863979848867, 3.4221536523929474, 4.022531486146096, 4.382758186397986, 4.602896725440807, 5.023161209068011, 5.3833879093199, 5.5434886649874064, 5.903715365239296, 6.44405541561713, 7.044433249370278, 7.384647355163729, 7.804911838790933, 7.945000000000001, 8.66545340050378, 9.205793450881615, 9.425931989924434, 9.906234256926954, 10.366523929471034, 10.686725440806047, 10.906863979848868, 11.407178841309825, 11.58729219143577, 11.827443324937029, 12.04758186397985, 12.307745591939549, 12.647959697732999, 12.86809823677582, 13.628576826196475, 14.008816120906802, 14.38905541561713, 14.949408060453402, 15.129521410579347, 15.869987405541563 ]
you have now destroyed the roads of the south so that it will probably take them three months without interruption to reestablish a through line from east to west in that time i think the job here will be effectually completed
[ "you", "have", "now", "destroyed", "the", "roads", "of", "the", "south", "so", "that", "it", "will", "probably", "take", "them", "three", "months", "without", "interruption", "to", "reestablish", "a", "through", "line", "from", "east", "to", "west", "in", "that", "time", "i", "think", "the", "job", "here", "will", "be", "effectually", "completed" ]
[ "you", "have", "now", "destroyed", "the", "roads", "of", "the", "south", "so", "that", "it", "will", "probably", "take", "them", "three", "months", "without", "interruption", "to", "reestablish", "a", "through", "line", "from", "east", "to", "west", "in", "that", "time", "i", "think", "the", "job", "here", "will", "be", "effectually", "completed" ]
[ "y o u", "h a v e", "n o w", "d e s t r o y e d", "t h e", "r o a d s", "o f", "t h e", "s o u t h", "s o", "t h a t", "i t", "w i l l", "p r o b a b l y", "t a k e", "t h e m", "t h r e e", "m o n t h s", "w i t h o u t", "i n t e r r u p t i o n", "t o", "r e e s t a b l i s h", "a", "t h r o u g h", "l i n e", "f r o m", "e a s t", "t o", "w e s t", "i n", "t h a t", "t i m e", "i", "t h i n k", "t h e", "j o b", "h e r e", "w i l l", "b e", "e f f e c t u a l l y", "c o m p l e t e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 72, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2725, 4420, 4122, 4122, 512, 512, 4312, 3161, 3161, 3261, 3805, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 2020, 1315, 411, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 3211, 3211, 4495, 1367, 433, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 1564, 1084, 120, 894, 347, 609, 609, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3463, 3058, 12, 2268, 2566, 4141, 3513, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 3742, 2488, 1737, 2985, 296, 2906, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4433, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1062, 4061, 4061, 2226, 3891, 2035, 798, 2404, 101, 2110, 3914, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 1193, 1307, 104, 949, 1696, 4521, 133, 1531, 1529, 4073, 3449, 886, 886, 3880, 3880, 168, 168, 4807, 1952, 1099, 1099, 3299, 2753, 1210, 2933, 3170, 4660, 1215, 797, 797, 797, 797, 797, 2283, 3532, 3532, 3532, 3532, 3532, 1820, 2158, 1925, 4119, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 438, 4202, 1623, 628, 270, 136, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 418, 2430, 3176, 628, 2664, 2664, 3942, 165, 1655, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 304, 2876, 3905, 4846, 50, 2463, 2774, 2774, 499, 2034, 1319, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 4101, 3144, 1593, 3948, 148, 4999, 4999, 4999, 4999, 4999, 3623, 1164, 3264, 3149, 4505, 273, 1564, 3411, 2940, 2186, 551, 551, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 58, 1529, 1708, 883, 4028, 459, 1917, 2218, 685, 89, 4097, 1740, 1740, 1740, 3836, 593, 593, 1827, 1988, 2602, 2602, 2602, 2602, 3323, 1761, 3737, 2607, 3821, 556, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 269, 4844, 4681, 3159, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 3958, 1784, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 2801, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 3896, 3896, 3896, 3547, 1827, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4850, 2443, 3566, 4840, 829, 1723, 1544, 4433, 9, 3194, 47, 1643, 1555, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1632, 1925, 2473, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1564, 3197, 3079, 3079, 546, 546, 432, 380, 380, 2463, 499, 499, 2034, 2034, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 2801, 2801, 132, 1170, 1170, 4588, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 522, 830, 1368, 4635, 4635, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 3216, 4990, 3441, 1, 3441, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 1037, 3717, 4433, 4440, 2333, 368, 4995, 4792, 4792, 2508, 2508, 2852, 2607, 270, 3076, 63, 3419, 3857, 3857, 2006, 2006, 4714, 4714, 1345, 2668, 2910, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 858, 997, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 1481, 2967, 4420, 3808, 1704, 2760, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 1245, 72, 3913, 23, 23, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 4826, 3867, 3867, 1949, 4249, 3364, 4820, 1655, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 2743, 2068, 4587, 628, 270, 136, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 3634, 3905, 2139, 3159, 758, 758, 534, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 1847, 1847, 49, 1227, 2463, 2400, 2574, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 4579, 4886, 2664, 2664, 3942, 1844, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 2559, 1967, 286, 286, 2097, 1526, 1526, 1526, 1526, 4244, 4244, 1246, 1246, 3747, 3747, 3499, 1721, 3713, 1149, 3349, 1606, 1087, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 173, 4203, 4203, 3850, 1426, 414, 2117, 2117, 45, 1346, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1177, 3431, 104, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 587, 587, 1492, 1492, 2746, 1594, 3165, 3165, 563, 623, 2400, 2400, 671, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 2559, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 3311, 925, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1218, 1218, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 438, 1999, 2933, 560, 1000, 4560, 1277, 1277, 1802, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2607, 4932, 263, 1410, 1410, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1350, 1878, 104, 192, 2140, 341, 2381, 4434, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 2500, 4276, 3141, 3141, 3141, 2209, 2209, 4420, 3103, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4406128133704735, 0.6408913649025069, 0.881225626740947, 1.3819220055710304, 1.522116991643454, 1.8625905292479106, 1.9627298050139272, 2.1229526462395545, 2.583593314763231, 2.7438161559888576, 2.964122562674094, 3.0642618384401112, 3.2445125348189414, 3.7452089136490243, 4.085682451253481, 4.326016713091922, 4.606406685236768, 4.946880222841225, 5.347437325905291, 6.2687186629526455, 6.669275766016713, 7.6306128133704725, 7.710724233983287, 8.051197771587743, 8.371643454038997, 8.632005571030641, 9.012534818941504, 9.212813370473537, 9.89376044568245, 10.214206128133704, 10.454540389972145, 11.035348189415041, 11.195571030640668, 11.435905292479108, 11.57610027855153, 11.936601671309191, 12.277075208913647, 12.497381615598885, 12.65760445682451, 13.438690807799441 ]
[ 0.4406128133704735, 0.6408913649025069, 0.881225626740947, 1.3819220055710304, 1.522116991643454, 1.8625905292479106, 1.9627298050139272, 2.1229526462395545, 2.583593314763231, 2.7438161559888576, 2.964122562674094, 3.0642618384401112, 3.2445125348189414, 3.7452089136490243, 4.085682451253481, 4.326016713091922, 4.606406685236768, 4.946880222841225, 5.347437325905291, 6.2687186629526455, 6.669275766016713, 7.6306128133704725, 7.710724233983287, 8.051197771587743, 8.371643454038997, 8.632005571030641, 9.012534818941504, 9.212813370473537, 9.89376044568245, 10.214206128133704, 10.454540389972145, 11.035348189415041, 11.195571030640668, 11.435905292479108, 11.57610027855153, 11.936601671309191, 12.277075208913647, 12.497381615598885, 12.65760445682451, 13.438690807799441, 14.359972144846795 ]
on the opposite side of this stream was a newly-constructed fort and on our side-a wide extent of old cotton-fields which had been overflowed and was covered with a deep slime
[ "on", "the", "opposite", "side", "of", "this", "stream", "was", "a", "newly-constructed", "fort", "and", "on", "our", "side-a", "wide", "extent", "of", "old", "cotton-fields", "which", "had", "been", "overflowed", "and", "was", "covered", "with", "a", "deep", "slime" ]
[ "on", "the", "opposite", "side", "of", "this", "stream", "was", "a", "newly-constructed", "fort", "and", "on", "our", "side-a", "wide", "extent", "of", "old", "cotton-fields", "which", "had", "been", "overflowed", "and", "was", "covered", "with", "a", "deep", "slime" ]
[ "o n", "t h e", "o p p o s i t e", "s i d e", "o f", "t h i s", "s t r e a m", "w a s", "a", "n e w l y c o n s t r u c t e d", "f o r t", "a n d", "o n", "o u r", "s i d e a", "w i d e", "e x t e n t", "o f", "o l d", "c o t t o n f i e l d s", "w h i c h", "h a d", "b e e n", "o v e r f l o w e d", "a n d", "w a s", "c o v e r e d", "w i t h", "a", "d e e p", "s l i m e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 1910, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 40, 832, 1064, 210, 1323, 4317, 822, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2467, 251, 1059, 1059, 1758, 1758, 1758, 3976, 1564, 472, 2874, 2033, 2033, 4542, 571, 4739, 4523, 1010, 158, 3914, 2704, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 167, 282, 3463, 3463, 1708, 2723, 3827, 3827, 3869, 2997, 199, 721, 721, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 206, 1564, 1807, 4037, 382, 120, 120, 1641, 347, 347, 609, 609, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 35, 1953, 529, 2887, 3999, 1030, 1670, 3905, 1155, 4014, 2102, 1613, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 296, 2906, 4607, 4607, 546, 432, 4959, 2146, 411, 2362, 1046, 1046, 2538, 2393, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4101, 4305, 2559, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 194, 760, 158, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2933, 1163, 341, 4901, 4434, 1822, 2014, 2199, 3883, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1871, 908, 2310, 4387, 290, 421, 131, 1152, 2205, 1481, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 72, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 312, 4420, 1910, 14, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 4055, 4192, 4571, 4355, 332, 2263, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 2177, 834, 4990, 4355, 534, 1, 2557, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 904, 4475, 385, 2956, 2956, 3408, 1417, 158, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4540, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 455, 4153, 4756, 220, 220, 2933, 2939, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4945, 4725, 4714, 2158, 1851, 882, 744, 744, 744, 744, 744, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 2671, 1708, 883, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 9, 1084, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1331, 2549, 1374, 4116, 894, 743, 4952, 2723, 2446, 4526, 169, 384, 1601, 3632, 3632, 2330, 534, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 967, 1636, 4771, 4771, 3545, 3895, 1829, 3766, 560, 3718, 2497, 705, 705, 705, 705, 4407, 4407, 4031, 711, 711, 1175, 3000, 3000, 2435, 2435, 1368, 623, 104, 43, 4953, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 508, 1789, 2312, 2901, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 2985, 1011, 3294, 634, 2967, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 331, 2620, 56, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 381, 1974, 358, 1217, 3849, 4756, 2933, 4774, 4774, 1007, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 2930, 2199, 2199, 2800, 2970, 276, 2741, 221, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3687, 834, 4990, 4355, 534, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 1403, 1403, 3941, 172, 2009, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3670, 4051, 4051, 3003, 3066, 3066, 3066, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 2030, 312, 4420, 981, 14, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 2190, 3355, 4807, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 2713, 4969, 4433, 2019, 213, 381, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 2530, 2530, 2530, 2530, 2530, 1274, 1274, 3094, 1788, 484, 4419, 4419, 4419, 2730, 2730, 2730, 1863, 1296, 1110, 4497, 2205, 455, 936, 936, 3896, 1683, 1683, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 4433, 2035, 1365, 245, 2607, 197, 2939, 4945, 4945, 4945, 432, 1617, 3049, 2089, 1568, 2559, 433, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 1721, 4903, 4523, 4523, 4876, 3702, 9, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3999, 3634, 1225, 1225, 2039, 2039, 1393, 588, 588, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.46036507936507937, 0.5804603174603175, 1.0208095238095238, 1.341063492063492, 1.421126984126984, 1.6212857142857142, 2.0816507936507938, 2.2617936507936505, 2.361873015873016, 3.2826031746031745, 3.863063492063492, 4.303412698412699, 4.543603174603175, 4.84384126984127, 5.564412698412699, 5.90468253968254, 6.365047619047619, 6.545190476190476, 6.825412698412698, 7.7861746031746035, 8.206507936507936, 8.506746031746031, 8.746936507936507, 9.68768253968254, 10.027952380952382, 10.228111111111112, 10.80857142857143, 11.14884126984127, 11.308968253968255, 11.68926984126984 ]
[ 0.46036507936507937, 0.5804603174603175, 1.0208095238095238, 1.341063492063492, 1.421126984126984, 1.6212857142857142, 2.0816507936507938, 2.2617936507936505, 2.361873015873016, 3.2826031746031745, 3.863063492063492, 4.303412698412699, 4.543603174603175, 4.84384126984127, 5.564412698412699, 5.90468253968254, 6.365047619047619, 6.545190476190476, 6.825412698412698, 7.7861746031746035, 8.206507936507936, 8.506746031746031, 8.746936507936507, 9.68768253968254, 10.027952380952382, 10.228111111111112, 10.80857142857143, 11.14884126984127, 11.308968253968255, 11.68926984126984, 12.589984126984127 ]
i owe it to you general she answered not at all i did not know you were here till a few minutes ago she reiterated that she was indebted to me for the perfect safety of her house and property
[ "i", "owe", "it", "to", "you", "general", "she", "answered", "not", "at", "all", "i", "did", "not", "know", "you", "were", "here", "till", "a", "few", "minutes", "ago", "she", "reiterated", "that", "she", "was", "indebted", "to", "me", "for", "the", "perfect", "safety", "of", "her", "house", "and", "property" ]
[ "i", "owe", "it", "to", "you", "general", "she", "answered", "not", "at", "all", "i", "did", "not", "know", "you", "were", "here", "till", "a", "few", "minutes", "ago", "she", "reiterated", "that", "she", "was", "indebted", "to", "me", "for", "the", "perfect", "safety", "of", "her", "house", "and", "property" ]
[ "i", "o w e", "i t", "t o", "y o u", "g e n e r a l", "s h e", "a n s w e r e d", "n o t", "a t", "a l l", "i", "d i d", "n o t", "k n o w", "y o u", "w e r e", "h e r e", "t i l l", "a", "f e w", "m i n u t e s", "a g o", "s h e", "r e i t e r a t e d", "t h a t", "s h e", "w a s", "i n d e b t e d", "t o", "m e", "f o r", "t h e", "p e r f e c t", "s a f e t y", "o f", "h e r", "h o u s e", "a n d", "p r o p e r t y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 28, 4321, 4420, 2788, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 3168, 4317, 118, 118, 118, 1628, 1628, 4087, 1993, 4156, 4156, 2307, 1200, 2559, 1058, 63, 665, 3179, 3179, 4216, 4216, 790, 3591, 3591, 2191, 988, 988, 4669, 2801, 132, 4495, 4202, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 4808, 1873, 1873, 4450, 3485, 1472, 3800, 1792, 1792, 2404, 1212, 1212, 1872, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 4850, 1323, 4317, 4197, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1585, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 1564, 121, 4372, 4372, 4419, 4419, 4419, 4419, 2730, 2730, 1296, 1110, 4497, 977, 2205, 1340, 936, 4756, 4756, 1792, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 4420, 1792, 1792, 1858, 2579, 2579, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 1061, 2140, 4952, 2127, 2127, 2127, 4131, 3249, 4152, 2740, 2271, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 1873, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 1436, 3268, 312, 30, 30, 794, 109, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 1367, 2559, 433, 2389, 1537, 1537, 3120, 3120, 1972, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4300, 1315, 411, 2142, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 201, 4495, 4216, 790, 790, 512, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 579, 579, 45, 763, 763, 763, 3361, 2956, 3261, 2818, 3349, 1606, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 8, 2956, 4018, 2183, 3249, 944, 136, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1874, 2825, 1566, 1566, 4333, 546, 546, 2690, 1815, 104, 2923, 1093, 4369, 4369, 4369, 2801, 3846, 3948, 308, 4396, 4396, 4396, 4396, 1005, 1005, 3379, 3379, 4542, 445, 538, 4505, 4266, 2213, 4260, 1008, 1008, 2471, 2481, 41, 2272, 1253, 1253, 1253, 1253, 1253, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 391, 391, 4917, 4917, 931, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 3993, 3993, 3993, 4823, 3811, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 3415, 2154, 2154, 2725, 4321, 4494, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1166, 2478, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4251, 1323, 1244, 1244, 3099, 3099, 4070, 216, 1358, 4166, 3620, 3620, 3620, 652, 4469, 3521, 3521, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 5, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 1558, 3198, 2014, 2014, 3470, 381, 165, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1531, 571, 4739, 1212, 1564, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1766, 579, 45, 1345, 4144, 4144, 335, 335, 2335, 2335, 2456, 3976, 296, 2906, 257, 191, 2378, 661, 735, 2410, 2410, 894, 2231, 3025, 3025, 4348, 4348, 90, 4556, 4515, 1708, 106, 4901, 4434, 921, 2014, 112, 270, 1058, 63, 665, 3179, 3179, 3179, 1720, 2816, 4493, 3768, 2170, 2170, 878, 2315, 2315, 311, 3910, 3910, 3293, 4635, 1564, 838, 1883, 1883, 2441, 2864, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 177, 4187, 1210, 2812, 2933, 2973, 3407, 996, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 4267, 2472, 2400, 2437, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1391, 3176, 3249, 4739, 4523, 158, 1069, 552, 2704, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 3413, 2217, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2607, 1163, 2751, 1036, 1036, 2540, 4946, 4850, 2443, 4317, 1971, 1776, 1776, 1776, 169, 2997, 1601, 745, 3713, 3713, 3911, 3911, 4199, 3971, 3971, 2325, 3261, 3261, 13, 1347, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 644, 356, 2227, 1564, 121, 2213, 3376, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1123, 4418, 4508, 2607, 3170, 1673, 654, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 2694, 982, 2467, 251, 628, 1059, 2419, 2303, 2303, 2303, 1090, 1577, 1577, 3538, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3843, 3843, 153, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 193, 1915, 1252, 1252, 234, 234, 72, 234, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.40065573770491814, 0.5408852459016394, 0.641049180327869, 0.7812786885245903, 1.0016393442622953, 1.5625573770491805, 1.8029508196721316, 2.504098360655738, 2.88472131147541, 3.044983606557378, 3.545803278688525, 3.8062295081967217, 4.006557377049181, 4.20688524590164, 4.427245901639345, 4.607540983606558, 4.787836065573772, 5.0282295081967225, 5.228557377049181, 5.288655737704919, 5.4689508196721315, 5.809508196721313, 6.41049180327869, 6.971409836065575, 7.792754098360657, 7.993081967213116, 8.153344262295084, 8.433803278688526, 8.89455737704918, 9.034786885245904, 9.215081967213116, 9.43544262295082, 9.575672131147543, 10.016393442622952, 10.457114754098361, 10.657442622950821, 10.837737704918034, 11.198327868852461, 11.338557377049183 ]
[ 0.40065573770491814, 0.5408852459016394, 0.641049180327869, 0.7812786885245903, 1.0016393442622953, 1.5625573770491805, 1.8029508196721316, 2.504098360655738, 2.88472131147541, 3.044983606557378, 3.545803278688525, 3.8062295081967217, 4.006557377049181, 4.20688524590164, 4.427245901639345, 4.607540983606558, 4.787836065573772, 5.0282295081967225, 5.228557377049181, 5.288655737704919, 5.4689508196721315, 5.809508196721313, 6.41049180327869, 6.971409836065575, 7.792754098360657, 7.993081967213116, 8.153344262295084, 8.433803278688526, 8.89455737704918, 9.034786885245904, 9.215081967213116, 9.43544262295082, 9.575672131147543, 10.016393442622952, 10.457114754098361, 10.657442622950821, 10.837737704918034, 11.198327868852461, 11.338557377049183, 12.199967213114757 ]
but in showing to the world that your army could be divided putting the stronger part to an important new service and yet leaving enough to vanquish the old opposing force of the whole hood's army it brings those who sat in darkness to see a great light
[ "but", "in", "showing", "to", "the", "world", "that", "your", "army", "could", "be", "divided", "putting", "the", "stronger", "part", "to", "an", "important", "new", "service", "and", "yet", "leaving", "enough", "to", "vanquish", "the", "old", "opposing", "force", "of", "the", "whole", "hood's", "army", "it", "brings", "those", "who", "sat", "in", "darkness", "to", "see", "a", "great", "light" ]
[ "but", "in", "showing", "to", "the", "world", "that", "your", "army", "could", "be", "divided", "putting", "the", "stronger", "part", "to", "an", "important", "new", "service", "and", "yet", "leaving", "enough", "to", "vanquish", "the", "old", "opposing", "force", "of", "the", "whole", "hood's", "army", "it", "brings", "those", "who", "sat", "in", "darkness", "to", "see", "a", "great", "light" ]
[ "b u t", "i n", "s h o w i n g", "t o", "t h e", "w o r l d", "t h a t", "y o u r", "a r m y", "c o u l d", "b e", "d i v i d e d", "p u t t i n g", "t h e", "s t r o n g e r", "p a r t", "t o", "a n", "i m p o r t a n t", "n e w", "s e r v i c e", "a n d", "y e t", "l e a v i n g", "e n o u g h", "t o", "v a n q u i s h", "t h e", "o l d", "o p p o s i n g", "f o r c e", "o f", "t h e", "w h o l e", "h o o d ' s", "a r m y", "i t", "b r i n g s", "t h o s e", "w h o", "s a t", "i n", "d a r k n e s s", "t o", "s e e", "a", "g r e a t", "l i g h t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 4420, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 3854, 3854, 2743, 2307, 743, 4571, 1, 197, 3963, 3867, 3867, 4856, 1949, 3832, 1748, 4414, 1212, 4433, 4783, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 201, 1628, 4087, 1887, 651, 501, 473, 156, 300, 4895, 3026, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 10, 177, 4725, 4725, 4714, 144, 144, 1851, 1851, 1214, 1214, 1214, 1214, 1214, 1214, 3324, 3324, 3324, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 851, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1531, 2969, 2969, 338, 338, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 8, 172, 2325, 2165, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 3231, 697, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 2540, 4101, 1999, 91, 104, 1000, 2080, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 1972, 843, 276, 2559, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 438, 4202, 894, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 282, 1173, 3463, 2171, 628, 2073, 341, 4901, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 1110, 4497, 2205, 455, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 1792, 974, 4643, 2973, 2466, 2466, 2466, 1918, 1529, 1708, 3169, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 4055, 2566, 4141, 3102, 3513, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4433, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 609, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 2426, 3682, 3682, 3455, 3455, 2098, 2106, 3313, 3313, 1288, 2753, 1210, 628, 3170, 1082, 116, 778, 778, 778, 244, 244, 244, 207, 2914, 2121, 290, 2869, 131, 743, 142, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 2933, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 1551, 401, 4298, 1492, 197, 2411, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4694, 2160, 834, 4990, 1492, 3963, 4967, 2378, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 4643, 2973, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4031, 4597, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 2722, 3839, 339, 4994, 1709, 1152, 743, 1806, 2508, 2508, 1858, 2579, 411, 2362, 1046, 1046, 2538, 2538, 2801, 4495, 2542, 1417, 4876, 1069, 3914, 552, 309, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 425, 425, 4267, 4406, 3094, 306, 306, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 1238, 3530, 1564, 3294, 1311, 634, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 3046, 3141, 1286, 3415, 2827, 2030, 28, 1066, 4420, 1249, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 604, 1634, 2867, 992, 3611, 2018, 2018, 2018, 1727, 1727, 2743, 2969, 2408, 4913, 1430, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4196, 4406, 1788, 3637, 501, 501, 473, 4976, 4200, 435, 3566, 4217, 4217, 4959, 1559, 1559, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 451, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2933, 104, 1954, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 1677, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3372, 802, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 1624, 3756, 4886, 4886, 2533, 2902, 3815, 3815, 928, 928, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1564, 1217, 1217, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 534, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 967, 1636, 2486, 851, 851, 175, 4840, 3165, 4187, 1210, 2973, 1082, 1663, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 1476, 644, 3742, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 3845, 3097, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3771, 50, 1368, 623, 1615, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 2213, 4260, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 4816, 4816, 2412, 13, 3072, 392, 392, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3220, 3220, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 195, 195, 195, 1873, 4450, 4450, 931, 627, 403, 4420, 3388, 1706, 1706, 3388, 1706, 1151, 1151, 372, 520, 4774, 1347, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 2488, 1737, 1737, 1899, 4969, 65, 3404, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 2914, 3231, 3231, 1404, 2618, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 3843, 153, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 610, 588, 4276, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 72, 140, 140, 4796, 72, 4796, 803, 3, 3, 3, 453, 23, 23, 852, 3268, 1066, 4321, 2933, 4826, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 679, 2307, 104, 743, 1806, 936, 4941, 4340, 1787, 2158, 1498, 323, 323, 716, 716, 716, 1294, 4848, 4848, 3660, 594, 2197, 2197, 1216, 3786, 3994, 2938, 2938, 165, 1655, 4592, 1363, 1363, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 4499, 1764, 4050, 3411, 1785, 1785, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 3111, 260, 2542, 4876, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3602, 3602, 3602, 3602, 3602, 509, 2743, 2743, 1061, 883, 422, 4856, 4856, 1949, 3832, 4108, 2410, 628, 433, 2231, 902, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 2914, 2121, 2121, 4012, 1328, 381, 2138, 1412, 268, 268, 268, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 159, 1031, 6, 1139, 628, 1954, 1401, 885, 3490, 3494, 3210, 1417, 1564, 3914, 552, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 2081, 4850, 2443, 2443, 546, 432, 432, 1710, 894, 126, 4622, 1801, 1362, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 246, 246, 3795, 4300, 2278, 4913, 1430, 2336, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 3628, 1236, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 421, 3974, 2933, 1725, 3190, 1481, 2962, 588, 4420, 1496, 2250, 1496, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1901, 1901, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.36021556886227546, 0.5403233532934132, 0.9005389221556886, 1.0005988023952095, 1.160694610778443, 1.5809461077844311, 1.8210898203592816, 2.0412215568862275, 2.3814251497005987, 2.601556886227545, 2.741640718562874, 3.542119760479042, 3.9023353293413177, 4.022407185628742, 4.502694610778443, 4.962970059880239, 5.283161676646706, 5.563329341317365, 6.223724550898203, 6.483880239520958, 7.1642874251497, 7.484479041916167, 7.704610778443113, 8.024802395209582, 8.344994011976048, 8.465065868263473, 9.085437125748504, 9.30556886227545, 9.585736526946109, 10.16608383233533, 10.546311377245509, 10.666383233532933, 10.806467065868263, 11.426838323353293, 11.907125748502995, 12.587532934131735, 13.12785628742515, 13.528095808383235, 13.908323353293413, 14.068419161676648, 14.368598802395208, 14.50868263473054, 15.109041916167666, 15.269137724550898, 15.489269461077843, 15.56931736526946, 15.909520958083833 ]
[ 0.36021556886227546, 0.5403233532934132, 0.9005389221556886, 1.0005988023952095, 1.160694610778443, 1.5809461077844311, 1.8210898203592816, 2.0412215568862275, 2.3814251497005987, 2.601556886227545, 2.741640718562874, 3.542119760479042, 3.9023353293413177, 4.022407185628742, 4.502694610778443, 4.962970059880239, 5.283161676646706, 5.563329341317365, 6.223724550898203, 6.483880239520958, 7.1642874251497, 7.484479041916167, 7.704610778443113, 8.024802395209582, 8.344994011976048, 8.465065868263473, 9.085437125748504, 9.30556886227545, 9.585736526946109, 10.16608383233533, 10.546311377245509, 10.666383233532933, 10.806467065868263, 11.426838323353293, 11.907125748502995, 12.587532934131735, 13.12785628742515, 13.528095808383235, 13.908323353293413, 14.068419161676648, 14.368598802395208, 14.50868263473054, 15.109041916167666, 15.269137724550898, 15.489269461077843, 15.56931736526946, 15.909520958083833, 16.689988023952097 ]
indeed when we reached savannah the trains were pronounced by experts to be the finest in flesh and appearance ever seen with any army habitually each corps followed some main road and the foragers being kept out on the exposed flank served all the military uses of flankers
[ "indeed", "when", "we", "reached", "savannah", "the", "trains", "were", "pronounced", "by", "experts", "to", "be", "the", "finest", "in", "flesh", "and", "appearance", "ever", "seen", "with", "any", "army", "habitually", "each", "corps", "followed", "some", "main", "road", "and", "the", "foragers", "being", "kept", "out", "on", "the", "exposed", "flank", "served", "all", "the", "military", "uses", "of", "flankers" ]
[ "indeed", "when", "we", "reached", "savannah", "the", "trains", "were", "pronounced", "by", "experts", "to", "be", "the", "finest", "in", "flesh", "and", "appearance", "ever", "seen", "with", "any", "army", "habitually", "each", "corps", "followed", "some", "main", "road", "and", "the", "foragers", "being", "kept", "out", "on", "the", "exposed", "flank", "served", "all", "the", "military", "uses", "of", "flankers" ]
[ "i n d e e d", "w h e n", "w e", "r e a c h e d", "s a v a n n a h", "t h e", "t r a i n s", "w e r e", "p r o n o u n c e d", "b y", "e x p e r t s", "t o", "b e", "t h e", "f i n e s t", "i n", "f l e s h", "a n d", "a p p e a r a n c e", "e v e r", "s e e n", "w i t h", "a n y", "a r m y", "h a b i t u a l l y", "e a c h", "c o r p s", "f o l l o w e d", "s o m e", "m a i n", "r o a d", "a n d", "t h e", "f o r a g e r s", "b e i n g", "k e p t", "o u t", "o n", "t h e", "e x p o s e d", "f l a n k", "s e r v e d", "a l l", "t h e", "m i l i t a r y", "u s e s", "o f", "f l a n k e r s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1457, 524, 1066, 4321, 1886, 2933, 4826, 3867, 1405, 2378, 1949, 661, 4117, 1185, 2410, 2410, 2158, 2212, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 1686, 4102, 936, 936, 1792, 1683, 2620, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 3123, 954, 1155, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2478, 1074, 1449, 3476, 1988, 656, 656, 656, 1350, 4513, 1206, 3646, 3553, 3553, 3553, 313, 1892, 947, 947, 4456, 3497, 952, 1206, 479, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 293, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 1484, 20, 610, 1915, 1252, 1639, 1639, 140, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 710, 2725, 2933, 2594, 489, 492, 2131, 1469, 55, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 529, 3171, 3171, 809, 4655, 2292, 706, 4599, 3629, 551, 4807, 763, 763, 763, 172, 2753, 2096, 3326, 102, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 293, 1471, 3041, 4110, 4110, 4110, 4110, 1627, 1627, 3067, 683, 4691, 4301, 4433, 1631, 1659, 3895, 4241, 3537, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1687, 1889, 1630, 1291, 187, 4679, 4679, 4679, 4679, 2802, 2543, 2701, 2279, 4433, 462, 4308, 2173, 3987, 1049, 2529, 2529, 4127, 425, 425, 2121, 1923, 3711, 273, 3411, 1139, 4229, 1954, 4906, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 3537, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3686, 2924, 3350, 3350, 4141, 3513, 3513, 4730, 2690, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1341, 1341, 69, 293, 293, 4534, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 3626, 1564, 1458, 2333, 368, 42, 1659, 4944, 1630, 287, 4856, 4856, 1949, 2298, 2298, 2435, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1096, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 2829, 2829, 2829, 2829, 2829, 3967, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1217, 1365, 245, 1630, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 3326, 1634, 1008, 3165, 3165, 2261, 2096, 628, 1724, 452, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 748, 2161, 2161, 123, 4469, 2639, 2639, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 1834, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 3268, 4420, 1162, 4826, 187, 3600, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 351, 3266, 484, 1403, 1403, 3941, 1288, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1564, 1069, 313, 1892, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1953, 262, 262, 1882, 2168, 2160, 954, 3691, 4014, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 3833, 3833, 4197, 21, 297, 297, 3426, 3426, 293, 506, 506, 3722, 3722, 4601, 4850, 4317, 4317, 822, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 2914, 4788, 3231, 697, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 1418, 3843, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 931, 730, 555, 4420, 1375, 1375, 4, 2250, 4, 4222, 3071, 4, 3071, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 863, 863, 3215, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 4420, 863, 973, 863, 973, 973, 973, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1922, 1578, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1280, 570, 2822, 214, 214, 214, 774, 2982, 4420, 4063, 1162, 3692, 1656, 1656, 1656, 4456, 764, 3327, 3326, 53, 3574, 3961, 3961, 3961, 3961, 4513, 3326, 3646, 614, 614, 3311, 925, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1218, 1218, 4809, 4809, 3100, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 311, 884, 587, 1247, 80, 628, 2666, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1056, 3646, 4797, 2103, 1217, 1217, 213, 55, 559, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 414, 4234, 3232, 1815, 623, 1206, 3446, 2043, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 317, 317, 2847, 2847, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1476, 1863, 1296, 1110, 1686, 455, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 4941, 2404, 101, 2110, 313, 1892, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 3905, 3905, 3905, 74, 74, 1134, 308, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 4271, 2706, 262, 3171, 3171, 2298, 3123, 3031, 3031, 3476, 3476, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 154, 1365, 245, 1630, 781, 1097, 4112, 108, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 2352, 42, 4035, 3102, 177, 4730, 563, 1815, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2108, 746, 746, 746, 4942, 4942, 470, 2879, 3558, 4395, 4395, 4395, 4136, 2582, 514, 2432, 3646, 1722, 3536, 1775, 3184, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 2038, 4499, 1764, 706, 706, 3930, 4894, 2933, 3537, 221, 841, 841, 841, 3565, 3565, 1817, 1817, 7, 488, 2099, 3326, 559, 678, 708, 708, 3831, 3831, 3831, 3831, 3323, 1761, 3737, 1108, 1108, 4454, 3972, 4571, 4355, 1291, 2411, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2075, 771, 58, 1061, 1061, 4571, 2740, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 662, 4820, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 801, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2933, 1049, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 2797, 1476, 3742, 3742, 4594, 3626, 4301, 3362, 3362, 1659, 1659, 4983, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3970, 3756, 3756, 4886, 1206, 142, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 72, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 252, 4494, 101, 2110, 313, 1892, 1892, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2237, 2237, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 3972, 4571, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2477, 3350, 4035, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 436, 1134, 2990, 939, 2123, 2123, 2123, 1437, 317, 317, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4610, 1090, 1577, 114, 136, 2374, 4915, 4915, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 4080, 1034, 1983, 1041, 4216, 790, 790, 2775, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4706, 4706, 4853, 3626, 1564, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 70, 70, 1216, 706, 3886, 4260, 2446, 4526, 169, 965, 3275, 3275, 1096, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 1624, 3756, 4886, 1206, 4186, 903, 903, 2106, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 2038, 608, 536, 2091, 1011, 2898, 3294, 634, 2967, 2967, 1704, 2760, 1618, 1039, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7403771661569828, 0.980499490316004, 1.1405810397553517, 1.4207237512742101, 2.081060142711519, 2.3612028542303776, 2.761406727828746, 2.9414984709480123, 3.401732925586137, 3.6218450560652395, 4.1421100917431195, 4.26217125382263, 4.402242609582059, 4.582334352701325, 5.142619775739042, 5.322711518858308, 5.802956167176351, 6.0230682976554535, 6.783455657492356, 7.223679918450561, 7.623883792048931, 7.843995922528032, 8.104128440366972, 9.18467889908257, 10.665433231396536, 11.005606523955148, 11.365790010193681, 11.946085626911316, 12.326279306829766, 12.66645259938838, 13.146697247706422, 13.386819571865445, 13.506880733944953, 14.287278287461776, 14.587431192660551, 14.927604485219165, 15.22775739041794, 15.38783893985729, 15.507900101936801, 16.048175331294598, 16.608460754332313, 17.228776758409786, 17.44888888888889, 17.58896024464832, 18.20927624872579, 18.629490316004077, 18.72954128440367 ]
[ 0.7403771661569828, 0.980499490316004, 1.1405810397553517, 1.4207237512742101, 2.081060142711519, 2.3612028542303776, 2.761406727828746, 2.9414984709480123, 3.401732925586137, 3.6218450560652395, 4.1421100917431195, 4.26217125382263, 4.402242609582059, 4.582334352701325, 5.142619775739042, 5.322711518858308, 5.802956167176351, 6.0230682976554535, 6.783455657492356, 7.223679918450561, 7.623883792048931, 7.843995922528032, 8.104128440366972, 9.18467889908257, 10.665433231396536, 11.005606523955148, 11.365790010193681, 11.946085626911316, 12.326279306829766, 12.66645259938838, 13.146697247706422, 13.386819571865445, 13.506880733944953, 14.287278287461776, 14.587431192660551, 14.927604485219165, 15.22775739041794, 15.38783893985729, 15.507900101936801, 16.048175331294598, 16.608460754332313, 17.228776758409786, 17.44888888888889, 17.58896024464832, 18.20927624872579, 18.629490316004077, 18.72954128440367, 19.609989806320083 ]
i attach more importance to these deep incisions into the enemy's country because this war differs from european wars in this particular we are not only fighting hostile armies but a hostile people and must make old and young rich and poor
[ "i", "attach", "more", "importance", "to", "these", "deep", "incisions", "into", "the", "enemy's", "country", "because", "this", "war", "differs", "from", "european", "wars", "in", "this", "particular", "we", "are", "not", "only", "fighting", "hostile", "armies", "but", "a", "hostile", "people", "and", "must", "make", "old", "and", "young", "rich", "and", "poor" ]
[ "i", "attach", "more", "importance", "to", "these", "deep", "incisions", "into", "the", "enemy's", "country", "because", "this", "war", "differs", "from", "european", "wars", "in", "this", "particular", "we", "are", "not", "only", "fighting", "hostile", "armies", "but", "a", "hostile", "people", "and", "must", "make", "old", "and", "young", "rich", "and", "poor" ]
[ "i", "a t t a c h", "m o r e", "i m p o r t a n c e", "t o", "t h e s e", "d e e p", "i n c i s i o n s", "i n t o", "t h e", "e n e m y ' s", "c o u n t r y", "b e c a u s e", "t h i s", "w a r", "d i f f e r s", "f r o m", "e u r o p e a n", "w a r s", "i n", "t h i s", "p a r t i c u l a r", "w e", "a r e", "n o t", "o n l y", "f i g h t i n g", "h o s t i l e", "a r m i e s", "b u t", "a", "h o s t i l e", "p e o p l e", "a n d", "m u s t", "m a k e", "o l d", "a n d", "y o u n g", "r i c h", "a n d", "p o o r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 3154, 139, 4720, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 4321, 1910, 1910, 30, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 2443, 3566, 4840, 3165, 3165, 1623, 894, 1781, 2657, 2374, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 1930, 1930, 4513, 1056, 1974, 4797, 733, 1217, 1217, 2612, 1204, 3948, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 2524, 3877, 2409, 2378, 820, 3563, 4591, 628, 2973, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4031, 4031, 711, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 2722, 3839, 624, 3234, 1834, 991, 3411, 6, 6, 4229, 1058, 63, 3419, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 1307, 1414, 165, 1655, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 1293, 4050, 4969, 6, 84, 84, 2089, 433, 2231, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 4093, 595, 1721, 2419, 1842, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 735, 1748, 4834, 4876, 1564, 1069, 3505, 552, 620, 3365, 3365, 3365, 3365, 2986, 4221, 4221, 18, 4221, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 2292, 296, 2906, 1842, 422, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 894, 1843, 1843, 3595, 3595, 3857, 2655, 437, 424, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 1291, 187, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 839, 1005, 3023, 3023, 3023, 3023, 2944, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 500, 500, 2267, 2267, 4050, 4433, 2019, 213, 1829, 2607, 714, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 496, 2854, 2373, 2373, 2373, 628, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 153, 884, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2677, 4420, 2933, 1018, 1908, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 2533, 3718, 3603, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 4438, 4438, 2456, 3578, 4050, 4969, 4247, 2938, 2938, 165, 1655, 138, 3759, 647, 647, 1599, 1031, 4433, 2940, 2186, 3629, 551, 144, 144, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 908, 908, 2956, 4018, 3049, 1568, 4055, 2231, 3695, 3695, 3695, 1195, 2472, 3279, 3535, 3319, 3319, 2401, 2401, 525, 4213, 4050, 1564, 3838, 2396, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3216, 2485, 992, 992, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 2222, 2222, 1853, 3593, 583, 583, 1210, 2933, 3170, 439, 439, 784, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 1244, 916, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 54, 3687, 3123, 954, 3691, 3691, 144, 144, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 1753, 1753, 3850, 3850, 2038, 4499, 4499, 1764, 296, 4433, 2213, 257, 422, 284, 1446, 1949, 2838, 2316, 4820, 4820, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 1031, 3930, 2821, 2927, 2559, 3407, 2828, 2828, 3336, 2607, 270, 1781, 2260, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1665, 1665, 383, 2533, 189, 844, 844, 2179, 3386, 3386, 3386, 4960, 4930, 4930, 4930, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 20, 1915, 3808, 92, 1252, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 2234, 924, 842, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 2443, 3921, 3876, 3876, 2956, 1927, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 1183, 1529, 1061, 883, 2740, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 3293, 563, 623, 2832, 43, 671, 2043, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 1173, 246, 1878, 2140, 2402, 2402, 501, 473, 473, 7, 3086, 933, 1149, 13, 369, 369, 4307, 4307, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 2751, 776, 776, 3325, 36, 1566, 4333, 4355, 2557, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 1404, 5, 4178, 4178, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1216, 4969, 2940, 2821, 4241, 1389, 4296, 4296, 4296, 4242, 4073, 2660, 546, 546, 2412, 2412, 13, 369, 369, 4307, 4307, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 1051, 4708, 4440, 4433, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 2751, 776, 4357, 3325, 1187, 1177, 2753, 1210, 193, 4643, 2973, 1154, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 2933, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 668, 195, 1873, 4450, 20, 71, 586, 1252, 1252, 140, 140, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 4249, 704, 74, 202, 148, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4708, 4440, 1564, 515, 368, 1659, 3545, 2612, 4011, 308, 185, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2430, 2663, 3176, 3249, 1616, 3632, 2330, 534, 4918, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 851, 4571, 4944, 1492, 3143, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2485, 2485, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1301, 1490, 3660, 150, 3159, 3159, 936, 936, 4941, 3547, 3547, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4513, 1056, 2461, 2559, 3235, 733, 733, 1217, 1365, 245, 983, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 4192, 3895, 62, 2812, 2607, 3170, 1082, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 2112, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.440552070263488, 0.9612045169385194, 1.2015056461731493, 1.8423086574654954, 1.9824843161856962, 2.3429360100376413, 2.6032622333751565, 3.3241656210790462, 3.584491844416562, 3.7446925972396485, 4.225294855708908, 4.866097867001255, 5.4868757841907145, 5.747202007528231, 6.027553324968632, 6.408030112923462, 6.608281053952321, 7.289134253450438, 7.729686323713927, 7.869861982434128, 8.070112923462986, 8.931191969887076, 9.25159347553325, 9.411794228356335, 9.612045169385194, 9.892396486825595, 10.352973651191968, 10.853601003764114, 11.294153074027603, 11.454353826850689, 11.534454203262232, 12.035081555834378, 12.675884567126724, 12.996286072772897, 13.31668757841907, 13.65711417816813, 14.017565872020073, 14.237841907151818, 14.678393977415306, 15.09892095357591, 15.37927227101631 ]
[ 0.440552070263488, 0.9612045169385194, 1.2015056461731493, 1.8423086574654954, 1.9824843161856962, 2.3429360100376413, 2.6032622333751565, 3.3241656210790462, 3.584491844416562, 3.7446925972396485, 4.225294855708908, 4.866097867001255, 5.4868757841907145, 5.747202007528231, 6.027553324968632, 6.408030112923462, 6.608281053952321, 7.289134253450438, 7.729686323713927, 7.869861982434128, 8.070112923462986, 8.931191969887076, 9.25159347553325, 9.39176913425345, 9.612045169385194, 9.892396486825595, 10.352973651191968, 10.853601003764114, 11.294153074027603, 11.454353826850689, 11.534454203262232, 12.035081555834378, 12.675884567126724, 12.996286072772897, 13.31668757841907, 13.65711417816813, 14.017565872020073, 14.237841907151818, 14.678393977415306, 15.09892095357591, 15.37927227101631, 15.939974905897111 ]
but before determining on this i must see general foster and may arrange to shift his force now over above the charleston railroad at the head of broad river to the ogeeohee where in cooperation with kilpatrick's cavalry
[ "but", "before", "determining", "on", "this", "i", "must", "see", "general", "foster", "and", "may", "arrange", "to", "shift", "his", "force", "now", "over", "above", "the", "charleston", "railroad", "at", "the", "head", "of", "broad", "river", "to", "the", "ogeeohee", "where", "in", "cooperation", "with", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry" ]
[ "but", "before", "determining", "on", "this", "i", "must", "see", "general", "foster", "and", "may", "arrange", "to", "shift", "his", "force", "now", "over", "above", "the", "charleston", "railroad", "at", "the", "head", "of", "broad", "river", "to", "the", "ogeeohee", "where", "in", "cooperation", "with", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry" ]
[ "b u t", "b e f o r e", "d e t e r m i n i n g", "o n", "t h i s", "i", "m u s t", "s e e", "g e n e r a l", "f o s t e r", "a n d", "m a y", "a r r a n g e", "t o", "s h i f t", "h i s", "f o r c e", "n o w", "o v e r", "a b o v e", "t h e", "c h a r l e s t o n", "r a i l r o a d", "a t", "t h e", "h e a d", "o f", "b r o a d", "r i v e r", "t o", "t h e", "o g e e o h e e", "w h e r e", "i n", "c o o p e r a t i o n", "w i t h", "k i l p a t r i c k ' s", "c a v a l r y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 2677, 2725, 193, 1018, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 3854, 3854, 2743, 2029, 3492, 743, 1806, 455, 936, 1792, 1795, 1908, 1908, 2343, 2343, 2343, 563, 1815, 2400, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 2310, 2956, 1367, 3522, 572, 572, 1353, 618, 3336, 628, 270, 136, 2374, 505, 505, 505, 505, 505, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1794, 3613, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 4200, 435, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 2177, 3364, 2352, 4820, 4055, 1655, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 1238, 2640, 1031, 1564, 3954, 162, 872, 1365, 1, 332, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 1736, 3846, 1593, 3948, 148, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4708, 4440, 515, 515, 368, 2607, 1659, 1659, 4523, 2110, 1069, 3914, 2429, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 3910, 3910, 4202, 3049, 628, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 36, 1187, 3232, 1815, 623, 2400, 43, 2595, 2043, 1104, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 2963, 4433, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 653, 653, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 3610, 68, 4249, 704, 74, 104, 4295, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 4850, 2443, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3836, 3836, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1549, 4464, 4464, 4464, 4464, 578, 529, 3171, 3454, 3442, 3442, 4762, 2103, 1139, 4229, 1058, 1401, 219, 1292, 1292, 260, 2542, 2878, 1564, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 3351, 3351, 3351, 2703, 2217, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2607, 3972, 759, 1422, 390, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 4433, 3838, 875, 4983, 2832, 2400, 2595, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 908, 908, 2310, 2848, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 542, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 4787, 3141, 1357, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 2725, 4924, 2579, 411, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 1873, 3485, 758, 3800, 3800, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 4420, 4420, 4125, 2788, 2789, 4918, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 695, 147, 1403, 1403, 3941, 3941, 414, 3050, 1492, 1492, 2939, 2746, 1594, 1594, 1961, 1060, 3327, 4055, 1373, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 3855, 721, 721, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 628, 1902, 4522, 1317, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 3324, 3324, 2901, 2901, 1187, 683, 683, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 824, 3123, 3031, 3031, 2888, 1827, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 2901, 2769, 3427, 1449, 135, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 142, 193, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 193, 981, 14, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 4131, 2428, 2712, 628, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4816, 2367, 13, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 2930, 754, 883, 2723, 3827, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 3652, 276, 2158, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1246, 1246, 616, 2014, 3883, 1626, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1274, 3094, 484, 484, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4281, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 4416, 4416, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 1323, 4317, 280, 118, 118, 4563, 4753, 777, 894, 1223, 1057, 4502, 4502, 4502, 4502, 1350, 1350, 1657, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 614, 3311, 3197, 4443, 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400, 3843, 311, 1906, 1906, 569, 884, 587, 1247, 3896, 3896, 3896, 4941, 4941, 29, 2620, 2620, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 423, 4861, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 4234, 3050, 758, 197, 3963, 287, 3867, 4856, 1949, 712, 2659, 2099, 2559, 560, 1579, 805, 4293, 4293, 4293, 4293, 4293, 1628, 3607, 3302, 3302, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2467, 251, 2933, 1059, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 4469, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4433, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2160, 4844, 3284, 954, 3691, 3691, 4014, 1284, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 4485, 1829, 2607, 4633, 678, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 3092, 4905, 2753, 1210, 2607, 2973, 452, 2803, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 509, 509, 1657, 2373, 2933, 3237, 2952, 3045, 3045, 3450, 1391, 1190, 2543, 1899, 273, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 4633, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 3094, 3094, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 2607, 586, 1252, 4243, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.40025380710659897, 0.8205203045685279, 1.480939086294416, 1.6610532994923857, 2.0813197969543142, 2.261434010152284, 2.621662436548223, 2.9018401015228426, 3.362131979695431, 4.08258883248731, 4.382779187817258, 4.562893401015228, 5.0231852791878175, 5.163274111675126, 5.503489847715736, 5.723629441624365, 6.324010152284263, 6.984428934010151, 7.56479695431472, 7.985063451776649, 8.105139593908628, 8.725532994923856, 9.526040609137056, 9.806218274111673, 9.946307106598985, 10.186459390862943, 10.326548223350253, 10.626738578680202, 11.14706852791878, 11.46727157360406, 11.60736040609137, 12.407868020304567, 12.848147208121826, 13.028261421319796, 14.028895939086294, 14.269048223350254, 15.009517766497462 ]
[ 0.40025380710659897, 0.8205203045685279, 1.480939086294416, 1.6610532994923857, 2.0813197969543142, 2.261434010152284, 2.621662436548223, 2.9018401015228426, 3.362131979695431, 4.08258883248731, 4.382779187817258, 4.562893401015228, 5.0231852791878175, 5.163274111675126, 5.503489847715736, 5.723629441624365, 6.324010152284263, 6.984428934010151, 7.56479695431472, 7.985063451776649, 8.105139593908628, 8.725532994923856, 9.526040609137056, 9.806218274111673, 9.946307106598985, 10.186459390862943, 10.326548223350253, 10.626738578680202, 11.14706852791878, 11.46727157360406, 11.60736040609137, 12.407868020304567, 12.848147208121826, 13.028261421319796, 14.028895939086294, 14.269048223350254, 15.009517766497462, 15.749987309644668 ]
then we turned our horses heads to the east atlanta was soon lost behind the screen of trees and became a thing of the past around it clings many a thought of desperate battle of hope and fear that now seem like the memory of a dream and i have never seen the place since
[ "then", "we", "turned", "our", "horses", "heads", "to", "the", "east", "atlanta", "was", "soon", "lost", "behind", "the", "screen", "of", "trees", "and", "became", "a", "thing", "of", "the", "past", "around", "it", "clings", "many", "a", "thought", "of", "desperate", "battle", "of", "hope", "and", "fear", "that", "now", "seem", "like", "the", "memory", "of", "a", "dream", "and", "i", "have", "never", "seen", "the", "place", "since" ]
[ "then", "we", "turned", "our", "horses", "heads", "to", "the", "east", "atlanta", "was", "soon", "lost", "behind", "the", "screen", "of", "trees", "and", "became", "a", "thing", "of", "the", "past", "around", "it", "clings", "many", "a", "thought", "of", "desperate", "battle", "of", "hope", "and", "fear", "that", "now", "seem", "like", "the", "memory", "of", "a", "dream", "and", "i", "have", "never", "seen", "the", "place", "since" ]
[ "t h e n", "w e", "t u r n e d", "o u r", "h o r s e s", "h e a d s", "t o", "t h e", "e a s t", "a t l a n t a", "w a s", "s o o n", "l o s t", "b e h i n d", "t h e", "s c r e e n", "o f", "t r e e s", "a n d", "b e c a m e", "a", "t h i n g", "o f", "t h e", "p a s t", "a r o u n d", "i t", "c l i n g s", "m a n y", "a", "t h o u g h t", "o f", "d e s p e r a t e", "b a t t l e", "o f", "h o p e", "a n d", "f e a r", "t h a t", "n o w", "s e e m", "l i k e", "t h e", "m e m o r y", "o f", "a", "d r e a m", "a n d", "i", "h a v e", "n e v e r", "s e e n", "t h e", "p l a c e", "s i n c e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 1143, 1143, 1143, 4462, 72, 1143, 914, 1457, 852, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 3227, 4182, 5, 2594, 4461, 2483, 899, 899, 899, 989, 989, 3917, 2549, 2549, 1282, 4844, 4844, 3159, 455, 936, 4941, 4941, 2833, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 1166, 3336, 114, 136, 2657, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3664, 314, 37, 2513, 2781, 4571, 4355, 332, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 172, 3261, 13, 369, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 2310, 2848, 4853, 3626, 4433, 121, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 70, 2267, 4318, 706, 706, 1785, 1785, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 1750, 3333, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 1564, 65, 2324, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 55, 114, 63, 665, 3419, 698, 3857, 2655, 1307, 3350, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 4885, 1889, 3441, 3441, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 346, 1481, 2967, 588, 1646, 599, 4420, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 3458, 3458, 2827, 2827, 28, 4321, 1886, 2788, 4641, 2834, 4379, 4448, 2307, 1113, 426, 275, 2336, 486, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 913, 1585, 1585, 4116, 42, 1830, 2476, 979, 3520, 223, 2769, 2117, 45, 2833, 2833, 2102, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 1807, 1564, 4037, 1069, 313, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 3755, 3755, 2168, 522, 85, 85, 275, 2336, 2420, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 515, 3362, 1659, 3895, 2607, 3537, 1908, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4593, 2367, 13, 369, 369, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 314, 4210, 37, 37, 2781, 4192, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 2047, 4035, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 4622, 406, 3882, 3882, 3882, 35, 35, 3171, 293, 293, 1971, 2464, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 628, 114, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1483, 1483, 1483, 1483, 584, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3979, 4499, 1764, 706, 3886, 4260, 3376, 3136, 295, 4418, 4418, 3537, 1908, 3060, 848, 848, 1999, 1206, 559, 4633, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 2887, 1030, 4134, 786, 546, 546, 432, 380, 2463, 2574, 4466, 964, 749, 749, 3931, 3931, 4976, 4200, 435, 1971, 1512, 3869, 3315, 3350, 4035, 3102, 10, 177, 4730, 2261, 2096, 2933, 1724, 1644, 4455, 4455, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1427, 1303, 1303, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 1564, 1458, 2333, 368, 1206, 346, 634, 2967, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1357, 157, 3673, 3673, 2154, 3268, 312, 2391, 30, 4575, 1594, 1594, 3836, 1449, 3476, 1988, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 217, 3067, 3067, 314, 37, 2513, 2781, 1993, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 3326, 1686, 3545, 213, 1829, 3326, 3317, 3701, 826, 826, 4341, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 3086, 594, 2197, 2197, 1564, 706, 4208, 2612, 1134, 308, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 4946, 4850, 2443, 4884, 4884, 546, 1723, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2774, 1096, 2619, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 2913, 2913, 59, 59, 290, 421, 131, 3326, 743, 1806, 1365, 245, 1630, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 169, 3202, 1601, 1601, 1601, 3251, 3251, 936, 2933, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 1617, 3049, 42, 2212, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 4348, 1281, 3626, 3626, 4308, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2607, 2529, 2529, 4879, 2033, 2033, 2033, 4542, 1686, 743, 3545, 4894, 42, 53, 3574, 394, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 1228, 509, 4407, 4515, 55, 2457, 2457, 3447, 2053, 2053, 668, 668, 4808, 2851, 4333, 4333, 1842, 1971, 1776, 169, 169, 3202, 3166, 1601, 3654, 137, 1300, 3849, 1792, 4774, 4774, 369, 392, 392, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 4892, 4892, 2462, 2462, 2808, 4675, 2933, 1721, 1721, 1842, 1842, 3136, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2298, 604, 4192, 3545, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 3446, 4953, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 1162, 2594, 949, 612, 2965, 1531, 2969, 4300, 1315, 1471, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 3408, 2542, 3374, 158, 313, 1892, 620, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 1953, 2887, 1030, 1670, 3905, 3905, 85, 85, 275, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 1173, 2663, 2664, 2664, 2047, 4035, 3102, 3513, 4730, 2816, 436, 1134, 939, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 1947, 4134, 2104, 1466, 1466, 3884, 27, 1983, 4946, 4850, 2443, 1971, 1512, 1512, 2997, 2744, 701, 1567, 546, 432, 1469, 1617, 2559, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 262, 262, 3999, 3999, 3634, 1225, 2139, 2210, 4401, 20, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 72, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 1357, 157, 23, 828, 828, 1436, 312, 4420, 2391, 4641, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 604, 1634, 883, 3246, 2137, 2137, 2137, 857, 857, 1847, 4911, 3805, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 2020, 1315, 1471, 1471, 4543, 4543, 4543, 1505, 1505, 3266, 3266, 484, 1403, 1403, 1288, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1564, 1069, 313, 1892, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 3171, 2168, 2298, 2352, 2352, 2047, 4035, 3102, 3513, 4730, 2261, 2096, 1724, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 4269, 1037, 3630, 1807, 4433, 4037, 4037, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 2549, 1374, 1374, 498, 4883, 1834, 1834, 3773, 542, 4100, 621, 621, 881, 61, 362, 4276, 1704, 1496, 4420, 2760, 2760, 1618, 3458, 3458, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7003771551724137, 0.8804741379310345, 1.2606788793103447, 1.4607866379310344, 1.9210344827586205, 2.361271551724138, 2.5613793103448272, 2.781497844827586, 3.421842672413793, 4.142230603448275, 4.362349137931035, 4.622489224137931, 4.962672413793103, 5.562995689655172, 5.763103448275862, 6.103286637931034, 6.223351293103448, 6.643577586206896, 6.763642241379309, 7.14384698275862, 7.203879310344827, 7.423997844827586, 7.52405172413793, 7.644116379310344, 8.404525862068965, 9.044870689655172, 9.224967672413793, 9.605172413793102, 9.8653125, 10.005387931034482, 10.485646551724138, 10.805818965517242, 11.42615301724138, 11.906411637931035, 12.146540948275861, 12.56676724137931, 12.78688577586207, 13.327176724137932, 13.667359913793103, 13.9275, 14.267683189655171, 14.527823275862069, 14.627877155172413, 14.988071120689654, 15.108135775862069, 15.188178879310344, 15.868545258620689, 16.308782327586208, 16.408836206896552, 16.58893318965517, 16.909105603448275, 17.229278017241377, 17.349342672413794, 17.749558189655172 ]
[ 0.7003771551724137, 0.8804741379310345, 1.2606788793103447, 1.4607866379310344, 1.9210344827586205, 2.361271551724138, 2.5613793103448272, 2.781497844827586, 3.421842672413793, 4.142230603448275, 4.362349137931035, 4.622489224137931, 4.962672413793103, 5.562995689655172, 5.763103448275862, 6.103286637931034, 6.223351293103448, 6.643577586206896, 6.763642241379309, 7.14384698275862, 7.203879310344827, 7.423997844827586, 7.52405172413793, 7.644116379310344, 8.404525862068965, 9.044870689655172, 9.224967672413793, 9.605172413793102, 9.8653125, 10.005387931034482, 10.485646551724138, 10.805818965517242, 11.42615301724138, 11.906411637931035, 12.146540948275861, 12.56676724137931, 12.78688577586207, 13.327176724137932, 13.667359913793103, 13.9275, 14.267683189655171, 14.527823275862069, 14.627877155172413, 14.988071120689654, 15.108135775862069, 15.188178879310344, 15.868545258620689, 16.308782327586208, 16.408836206896552, 16.58893318965517, 16.909105603448275, 17.229278017241377, 17.349342672413794, 17.749558189655172, 18.54998922413793 ]
i subscribe myself more than ever if possible your friend u s grant lieutenant-general headquarters of the army city point virginia december twenty sixth eighteen sixty four major general w t sherman savannah georgia
[ "i", "subscribe", "myself", "more", "than", "ever", "if", "possible", "your", "friend", "u", "s", "grant", "lieutenant-general", "headquarters", "of", "the", "army", "city", "point", "virginia", "december", "twenty", "sixth", "eighteen", "sixty", "four", "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "savannah", "georgia" ]
[ "i", "subscribe", "myself", "more", "than", "ever", "if", "possible", "your", "friend", "u", "s", "grant", "lieutenant-general", "headquarters", "of", "the", "army", "city", "point", "virginia", "december", "twenty", "sixth", "eighteen", "sixty", "four", "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "savannah", "georgia" ]
[ "i", "s u b s c r i b e", "m y s e l f", "m o r e", "t h a n", "e v e r", "i f", "p o s s i b l e", "y o u r", "f r i e n d", "u", "s", "g r a n t", "l i e u t e n a n t g e n e r a l", "h e a d q u a r t e r s", "o f", "t h e", "a r m y", "c i t y", "p o i n t", "v i r g i n i a", "d e c e m b e r", "t w e n t y", "s i x t h", "e i g h t e e n", "s i x t y", "f o u r", "m a j o r", "g e n e r a l", "w", "t", "s h e r m a n", "s a v a n n a h", "g e o r g i a" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 312, 1910, 30, 2933, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2301, 4246, 1914, 1417, 1564, 1010, 79, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 4373, 3287, 3821, 316, 4876, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 4622, 406, 2475, 2475, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 167, 3172, 2016, 282, 1473, 3747, 3747, 1186, 1721, 455, 455, 455, 3896, 4011, 1456, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 49, 4246, 1914, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 1032, 1062, 3328, 3328, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1300, 798, 4340, 2767, 2767, 1456, 203, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 908, 1854, 1307, 1414, 4416, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 410, 3398, 2707, 4197, 3600, 4854, 4854, 4854, 835, 351, 3094, 1186, 484, 1403, 1403, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3040, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1128, 72, 1286, 23, 828, 2030, 312, 4321, 981, 4826, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 2184, 2277, 917, 2933, 3170, 1082, 1663, 116, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 1051, 4708, 2963, 121, 121, 2874, 2480, 2480, 2480, 2480, 1820, 4055, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 668, 4808, 4808, 2851, 3485, 4216, 790, 992, 512, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 908, 172, 172, 3232, 563, 623, 1564, 2832, 2832, 2400, 3953, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 4171, 2549, 2549, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 412, 4102, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 3134, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 2725, 193, 4122, 4122, 4423, 4423, 512, 4384, 4384, 4384, 2801, 1628, 1628, 3607, 4197, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 93, 858, 1031, 1564, 462, 2940, 2019, 213, 1829, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 200, 200, 4489, 4489, 1374, 1374, 498, 1136, 3974, 381, 377, 3472, 1340, 936, 4276, 4756, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1604, 4420, 2933, 1792, 229, 229, 1688, 3631, 3631, 3631, 324, 1623, 2559, 1781, 2657, 2374, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 1948, 839, 3613, 431, 2597, 596, 3951, 4542, 1374, 131, 1725, 743, 1806, 798, 2508, 4340, 974, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 2854, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 195, 195, 391, 391, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3416, 2578, 3993, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 2490, 3215, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4420, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2085, 2085, 4420, 331, 3692, 942, 942, 942, 2930, 2014, 3883, 4485, 1829, 310, 2902, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 3403, 4736, 4736, 3177, 3840, 2401, 525, 4499, 1216, 296, 2906, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 3315, 721, 424, 832, 1064, 100, 1323, 4317, 4317, 822, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 3231, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 3910, 2542, 101, 4433, 1010, 3914, 552, 620, 4230, 4230, 4070, 216, 4390, 357, 1745, 4101, 182, 2753, 1210, 2559, 2973, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 4994, 3883, 607, 607, 3612, 2868, 3727, 3727, 4456, 324, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 496, 1548, 1548, 2485, 2070, 2070, 2070, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 740, 4234, 1367, 894, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 618, 237, 4433, 3914, 2704, 1091, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 1695, 741, 2872, 1403, 1288, 4018, 3336, 944, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 4515, 1061, 4390, 2979, 3685, 3685, 2622, 1914, 1010, 1010, 3914, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 3249, 2543, 649, 273, 4266, 4260, 4197, 4197, 4253, 333, 333, 333, 333, 3795, 1588, 2933, 270, 944, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 2168, 522, 1748, 2527, 760, 4876, 1564, 1010, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 2543, 2701, 649, 2187, 242, 2751, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3293, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 2112, 3040, 20, 610, 586, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 140, 1245, 72, 4796, 4796, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 3844, 1436, 2677, 4321, 4924, 2767, 1934, 2990, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 565, 514, 212, 1722, 1775, 4239, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 1187, 1367, 4055, 3496, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 732, 2283, 1632, 3606, 3606, 3606, 3775, 260, 4202, 2183, 270, 136, 2260, 2260, 3922, 1232, 1232, 2081, 438, 2622, 2878, 4433, 4507, 4507, 897, 897, 3765, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4846, 2527, 760, 4876, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4456, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 979, 3520, 223, 1992, 1617, 1568, 2811, 3138, 286, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 1871, 2310, 2121, 514, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 4917, 4917, 931, 627, 588, 255, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.38022222222222224, 1.1606783625730996, 1.921122807017544, 2.201286549707602, 2.3813918128654974, 2.861672514619883, 3.1818596491228073, 3.882269005847953, 4.162432748538012, 4.802807017543859, 5.183029239766082, 5.363134502923977, 5.96348538011696, 8.024690058479532, 9.365473684210526, 9.46553216374269, 9.625625730994152, 10.005847953216374, 10.326035087719298, 10.646222222222223, 11.226561403508773, 11.686830409356725, 12.027029239766081, 12.36722807017544, 12.80748538011696, 13.227730994152047, 13.848093567251462, 14.40842105263158, 14.868690058479533, 15.048795321637426, 15.20888888888889, 15.769216374269007, 16.30953216374269 ]
[ 0.38022222222222224, 1.1606783625730996, 1.921122807017544, 2.201286549707602, 2.3813918128654974, 2.861672514619883, 3.1818596491228073, 3.882269005847953, 4.162432748538012, 4.802807017543859, 5.183029239766082, 5.363134502923977, 5.96348538011696, 8.024690058479532, 9.365473684210526, 9.46553216374269, 9.625625730994152, 10.005847953216374, 10.326035087719298, 10.646222222222223, 11.226561403508773, 11.686830409356725, 12.027029239766081, 12.36722807017544, 12.80748538011696, 13.227730994152047, 13.848093567251462, 14.40842105263158, 14.868690058479533, 15.048795321637426, 15.20888888888889, 15.769216374269007, 16.30953216374269, 17.089988304093566 ]
general thomas was in nashville tennessee quietly engaged in reorganizing his army out of the somewhat broken forces at his disposal he had posted his only two regular corps the fourth and twenty-third under the general command of major-general j m schofield
[ "general", "thomas", "was", "in", "nashville", "tennessee", "quietly", "engaged", "in", "reorganizing", "his", "army", "out", "of", "the", "somewhat", "broken", "forces", "at", "his", "disposal", "he", "had", "posted", "his", "only", "two", "regular", "corps", "the", "fourth", "and", "twenty-third", "under", "the", "general", "command", "of", "major-general", "j", "m", "schofield" ]
[ "general", "thomas", "was", "in", "nashville", "tennessee", "quietly", "engaged", "in", "reorganizing", "his", "army", "out", "of", "the", "somewhat", "broken", "forces", "at", "his", "disposal", "he", "had", "posted", "his", "only", "two", "regular", "corps", "the", "fourth", "and", "twenty-third", "under", "the", "general", "command", "of", "major-general", "j", "m", "schofield" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "t h o m a s", "w a s", "i n", "n a s h v i l l e", "t e n n e s s e e", "q u i e t l y", "e n g a g e d", "i n", "r e o r g a n i z i n g", "h i s", "a r m y", "o u t", "o f", "t h e", "s o m e w h a t", "b r o k e n", "f o r c e s", "a t", "h i s", "d i s p o s a l", "h e", "h a d", "p o s t e d", "h i s", "o n l y", "t w o", "r e g u l a r", "c o r p s", "t h e", "f o u r t h", "a n d", "t w e n t y t h i r d", "u n d e r", "t h e", "g e n e r a l", "c o m m a n d", "o f", "m a j o r g e n e r a l", "j", "m", "s c h o f i e l d" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 72, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 2725, 2001, 2001, 1787, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 1177, 2183, 114, 136, 2657, 2287, 2287, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2273, 3231, 697, 4134, 2618, 1561, 1561, 660, 660, 968, 159, 3626, 4433, 2940, 2186, 3629, 4807, 2102, 1613, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 706, 2906, 257, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 3832, 4608, 4608, 1471, 3041, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 509, 3967, 3967, 1984, 603, 2103, 1217, 875, 2396, 497, 4264, 4357, 3325, 36, 3758, 2183, 381, 114, 136, 2374, 1948, 1948, 1948, 2300, 839, 1005, 3479, 3096, 3096, 4606, 4214, 3374, 4433, 1010, 1069, 552, 620, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 1252, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 828, 710, 710, 2725, 4420, 1784, 340, 2902, 3696, 1649, 756, 756, 756, 756, 756, 2908, 3903, 3599, 3599, 3599, 4542, 3998, 3998, 2278, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4850, 2409, 2409, 2378, 2378, 253, 488, 2647, 2158, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 3322, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3442, 4762, 4762, 1631, 1631, 42, 4576, 175, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 2298, 3123, 3031, 135, 3476, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4251, 1323, 4317, 822, 1231, 1231, 1231, 1231, 2121, 3879, 1206, 428, 428, 2748, 2748, 1794, 293, 293, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 1192, 3314, 4922, 4032, 3886, 472, 3845, 3097, 501, 473, 4976, 933, 933, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 3404, 2330, 534, 534, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 2391, 30, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 4736, 1358, 4073, 3827, 3827, 2864, 437, 4035, 4141, 10, 2131, 1109, 3374, 1564, 1010, 313, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 1155, 2620, 2620, 4654, 4654, 4654, 4654, 4654, 2743, 2029, 3326, 743, 3545, 3895, 4894, 276, 3537, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1680, 1680, 4892, 3399, 1743, 628, 4186, 2679, 4439, 1540, 54, 3687, 522, 50, 1368, 623, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2848, 4853, 4853, 2963, 121, 3715, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 70, 1764, 296, 2906, 752, 175, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2307, 2676, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4473, 4969, 4969, 1139, 4229, 4092, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 3374, 4433, 4019, 2173, 3987, 1049, 3303, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1476, 644, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 776, 776, 776, 2053, 668, 195, 195, 391, 391, 931, 588, 4420, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2760, 3458, 3458, 3993, 4823, 574, 574, 803, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 2154, 710, 2725, 4420, 3117, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 3805, 4770, 3699, 2920, 2920, 2920, 4569, 843, 1897, 628, 1724, 102, 1663, 1530, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 644, 644, 4853, 3626, 1564, 2187, 242, 4092, 341, 810, 4434, 4434, 3198, 754, 2676, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 2265, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 752, 752, 822, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 438, 2183, 2933, 55, 3076, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 2801, 132, 1074, 3476, 3476, 1988, 4191, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3457, 3879, 3326, 428, 844, 844, 844, 3386, 3386, 3243, 4960, 4930, 4930, 4930, 1288, 2009, 1694, 581, 2933, 340, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 1484, 1484, 3485, 936, 3896, 4941, 1795, 165, 1448, 3513, 177, 2690, 563, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 908, 2310, 2848, 4061, 4966, 4966, 3891, 2035, 1365, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 685, 4895, 114, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1447, 2140, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 4101, 3293, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 142, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 4243, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 981, 4321, 4641, 794, 493, 493, 493, 2023, 2469, 2682, 1771, 1771, 4704, 4704, 1288, 2864, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1177, 91, 2559, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 436, 1134, 308, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 1390, 463, 37, 2513, 3326, 883, 2723, 4526, 169, 2997, 3652, 2020, 1014, 1134, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 565, 4196, 514, 381, 3646, 1775, 1775, 4239, 1288, 1288, 1617, 1206, 1967, 286, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 3758, 3758, 3049, 1967, 1967, 3138, 2097, 4053, 4053, 4053, 550, 550, 83, 83, 4850, 2443, 2443, 1894, 1590, 375, 2876, 258, 1748, 782, 760, 4433, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 3070, 4337, 4678, 4678, 4678, 4892, 1193, 2768, 3232, 1815, 4433, 1096, 2923, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 508, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4102, 142, 4276, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6203571428571429, 1.1206451612903225, 1.3207603686635943, 1.4808525345622119, 1.9611290322580643, 2.741578341013825, 3.4219700460829494, 4.022315668202765, 4.162396313364056, 5.002880184331797, 5.243018433179723, 5.76331797235023, 6.083502304147465, 6.163548387096774, 6.303629032258065, 6.823928571428572, 7.244170506912442, 7.7844815668202765, 7.944573732718894, 8.144688940092166, 9.125253456221198, 9.545495391705069, 9.765622119815667, 10.225887096774192, 10.446013824884792, 10.766198156682027, 11.006336405529954, 11.52663594470046, 12.02692396313364, 12.187016129032257, 12.567235023041475, 12.727327188940091, 13.66786866359447, 14.108122119815667, 14.24820276497696, 14.628421658986175, 15.068675115207373, 15.188744239631337, 15.989205069124424, 16.189320276497696, 16.409447004608293 ]
[ 0.6203571428571429, 1.1206451612903225, 1.3207603686635943, 1.4808525345622119, 1.9611290322580643, 2.741578341013825, 3.4219700460829494, 4.022315668202765, 4.162396313364056, 5.002880184331797, 5.243018433179723, 5.76331797235023, 6.083502304147465, 6.163548387096774, 6.303629032258065, 6.823928571428572, 7.244170506912442, 7.7844815668202765, 7.944573732718894, 8.144688940092166, 9.125253456221198, 9.545495391705069, 9.765622119815667, 10.225887096774192, 10.446013824884792, 10.766198156682027, 11.006336405529954, 11.52663594470046, 12.02692396313364, 12.187016129032257, 12.567235023041475, 12.727327188940091, 13.66786866359447, 14.108122119815667, 14.24820276497696, 14.628421658986175, 15.068675115207373, 15.188744239631337, 15.989205069124424, 16.189320276497696, 16.409447004608293, 17.349988479262674 ]
thousands who had been deceived by their lying newspapers to believe that we were being whipped all the time now realize the truth and have no appetite for a repetition of the same experience to be sure jeff davis has his people under pretty good discipline
[ "thousands", "who", "had", "been", "deceived", "by", "their", "lying", "newspapers", "to", "believe", "that", "we", "were", "being", "whipped", "all", "the", "time", "now", "realize", "the", "truth", "and", "have", "no", "appetite", "for", "a", "repetition", "of", "the", "same", "experience", "to", "be", "sure", "jeff", "davis", "has", "his", "people", "under", "pretty", "good", "discipline" ]
[ "thousands", "who", "had", "been", "deceived", "by", "their", "lying", "newspapers", "to", "believe", "that", "we", "were", "being", "whipped", "all", "the", "time", "now", "realize", "the", "truth", "and", "have", "no", "appetite", "for", "a", "repetition", "of", "the", "same", "experience", "to", "be", "sure", "jeff", "davis", "has", "his", "people", "under", "pretty", "good", "discipline" ]
[ "t h o u s a n d s", "w h o", "h a d", "b e e n", "d e c e i v e d", "b y", "t h e i r", "l y i n g", "n e w s p a p e r s", "t o", "b e l i e v e", "t h a t", "w e", "w e r e", "b e i n g", "w h i p p e d", "a l l", "t h e", "t i m e", "n o w", "r e a l i z e", "t h e", "t r u t h", "a n d", "h a v e", "n o", "a p p e t i t e", "f o r", "a", "r e p e t i t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "s a m e", "e x p e r i e n c e", "t o", "b e", "s u r e", "j e f f", "d a v i s", "h a s", "h i s", "p e o p l e", "u n d e r", "p r e t t y", "g o o d", "d i s c i p l i n e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3409, 4420, 4420, 75, 75, 3227, 3227, 4658, 2774, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 296, 3411, 1785, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 3261, 1832, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 2014, 843, 2970, 104, 221, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3917, 3687, 4108, 2410, 2158, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 1564, 1069, 3914, 552, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4619, 4619, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 1534, 3972, 3545, 3895, 276, 2741, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2924, 1414, 4416, 2546, 2546, 677, 677, 8, 172, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2420, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 1654, 1654, 4082, 4082, 2438, 2438, 1817, 1817, 7, 2605, 3771, 4608, 411, 2142, 2362, 2512, 2512, 2512, 2512, 4706, 4922, 1293, 4050, 3411, 2940, 2821, 4241, 628, 2973, 1119, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450, 3413, 4093, 251, 595, 2933, 1059, 4769, 4769, 4769, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 4499, 4287, 536, 2091, 1311, 634, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 828, 710, 2725, 4420, 348, 381, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 3431, 2741, 1908, 2590, 2590, 2590, 1607, 4588, 4958, 4958, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 4619, 4619, 3322, 2248, 1407, 1407, 3855, 721, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1531, 2969, 168, 1346, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1766, 579, 579, 763, 763, 763, 763, 3361, 2009, 182, 3327, 4055, 221, 2958, 841, 841, 841, 3565, 3565, 3565, 2438, 1817, 1817, 7, 3086, 3771, 3691, 2620, 2620, 2620, 2668, 2910, 3778, 3088, 3088, 3088, 1761, 3737, 3737, 1108, 1108, 4454, 3972, 2740, 2271, 2271, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2477, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 3336, 381, 944, 136, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 4401, 20, 193, 3808, 3796, 1639, 140, 72, 140, 31, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 2234, 2579, 411, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 4905, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 3874, 3510, 1072, 1072, 3818, 4588, 227, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 282, 282, 3314, 4594, 4594, 4050, 1564, 3994, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 2933, 270, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4061, 4061, 2226, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1365, 1365, 4756, 220, 193, 1904, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 4249, 604, 4044, 1149, 3805, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 3166, 3466, 3466, 1300, 2800, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 401, 2165, 1889, 1291, 3907, 404, 404, 404, 404, 2467, 381, 1059, 1059, 2882, 2882, 324, 3336, 894, 944, 2657, 2287, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 495, 495, 1173, 3463, 3795, 2734, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2524, 2524, 3877, 546, 546, 3836, 3836, 1449, 2888, 1827, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 2467, 4907, 2933, 1059, 2882, 2882, 2882, 324, 1623, 104, 1781, 2260, 3245, 3245, 3245, 3767, 2986, 603, 1564, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 2707, 1971, 1971, 1776, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1564, 3914, 2704, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 2887, 1030, 2641, 2641, 786, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2279, 382, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2607, 3303, 3303, 476, 476, 476, 476, 2161, 123, 870, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 1329, 1329, 3285, 3285, 2072, 1374, 3234, 1834, 1834, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 4276, 3808, 3557, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 23, 2154, 710, 3958, 348, 1784, 1954, 4906, 4906, 2130, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 3686, 2622, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 3621, 3621, 3621, 3621, 3621, 2792, 2792, 2792, 2792, 2787, 1753, 1753, 1753, 1426, 1426, 414, 4234, 4234, 4234, 3485, 3049, 1568, 1967, 286, 2097, 2097, 4053, 4053, 4053, 1756, 451, 1111, 2405, 2405, 1300, 4397, 2933, 433, 1283, 3025, 1470, 1470, 1470, 3413, 3413, 4406, 4406, 3094, 306, 306, 4565, 660, 968, 1238, 159, 1031, 1564, 65, 1785, 1785, 395, 395, 1450, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 2456, 3578, 4050, 1564, 1785, 1785, 1422, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4050, 4969, 2821, 4241, 2933, 2973, 452, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 251, 2607, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4808, 1566, 471, 4355, 1842, 493, 493, 493, 2023, 2469, 2682, 894, 1771, 4704, 4704, 1975, 3941, 172, 2009, 1478, 2812, 2933, 3170, 4660, 2149, 2149, 1700, 4070, 216, 2140, 2979, 3685, 4101, 1999, 1710, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 267, 2014, 112, 112, 2089, 4055, 433, 1283, 837, 837, 618, 4435, 237, 4433, 121, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4962, 4231, 1210, 3170, 4932, 3342, 4075, 676, 2061, 2626, 1379, 2288, 1282, 269, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4787, 3141, 3141, 72, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7404452466907341, 0.860517448856799, 1.1006618531889292, 1.3007821901323706, 1.8811311672683515, 2.1012635379061373, 2.301383874849579, 2.7216365824308064, 3.682214199759326, 3.9423706377858005, 4.402647412755717, 4.56274368231047, 4.702827918170879, 4.922960288808665, 5.223140794223827, 5.583357400722022, 5.743453670276775, 5.883537906137184, 6.543935018050542, 7.004211793020458, 7.624584837545127, 7.78468110709988, 8.284981949458485, 8.525126353790615, 8.825306859205778, 9.045439229843563, 9.665812274368232, 9.865932611311672, 9.94598074608905, 10.646401925391096, 10.746462093862815, 10.866534296028881, 11.146702767749701, 12.187328519855598, 12.507521058965104, 12.667617328519857, 13.187930204572805, 13.508122743682312, 13.988411552346571, 14.288592057761734, 14.50872442839952, 14.928977135980748, 15.249169675090254, 15.529338146811073, 15.789494584837547 ]
[ 0.7204332129963898, 0.860517448856799, 1.1006618531889292, 1.3007821901323706, 1.8811311672683515, 2.1012635379061373, 2.301383874849579, 2.7216365824308064, 3.682214199759326, 3.9423706377858005, 4.402647412755717, 4.56274368231047, 4.702827918170879, 4.922960288808665, 5.223140794223827, 5.583357400722022, 5.743453670276775, 5.883537906137184, 6.543935018050542, 7.004211793020458, 7.624584837545127, 7.78468110709988, 8.284981949458485, 8.525126353790615, 8.825306859205778, 9.045439229843563, 9.665812274368232, 9.865932611311672, 9.94598074608905, 10.646401925391096, 10.746462093862815, 10.866534296028881, 11.146702767749701, 12.187328519855598, 12.507521058965104, 12.667617328519857, 13.187930204572805, 13.508122743682312, 13.988411552346571, 14.288592057761734, 14.50872442839952, 14.928977135980748, 15.249169675090254, 15.529338146811073, 15.789494584837547, 16.609987966305656 ]
he had however brought with him no troops but relied on his influence with the georgians of whose state he was a native to arouse the people and with them to annihilate sherman's army
[ "he", "had", "however", "brought", "with", "him", "no", "troops", "but", "relied", "on", "his", "influence", "with", "the", "georgians", "of", "whose", "state", "he", "was", "a", "native", "to", "arouse", "the", "people", "and", "with", "them", "to", "annihilate", "sherman's", "army" ]
[ "he", "had", "however", "brought", "with", "him", "no", "troops", "but", "relied", "on", "his", "influence", "with", "the", "georgians", "of", "whose", "state", "he", "was", "a", "native", "to", "arouse", "the", "people", "and", "with", "them", "to", "annihilate", "sherman's", "army" ]
[ "h e", "h a d", "h o w e v e r", "b r o u g h t", "w i t h", "h i m", "n o", "t r o o p s", "b u t", "r e l i e d", "o n", "h i s", "i n f l u e n c e", "w i t h", "t h e", "g e o r g i a n s", "o f", "w h o s e", "s t a t e", "h e", "w a s", "a", "n a t i v e", "t o", "a r o u s e", "t h e", "p e o p l e", "a n d", "w i t h", "t h e m", "t o", "a n n i h i l a t e", "s h e r m a n ' s", "a r m y" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4420, 4544, 4544, 1714, 1922, 1913, 3861, 75, 4420, 4063, 3117, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 754, 2676, 1149, 1007, 395, 611, 611, 611, 611, 1628, 1628, 4759, 4759, 4533, 4533, 4533, 835, 351, 484, 484, 1403, 3941, 172, 2009, 3327, 894, 1498, 1498, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 2913, 59, 2068, 4300, 2190, 1569, 5, 2668, 318, 4562, 4562, 4562, 2450, 540, 381, 2035, 3713, 1422, 2293, 3467, 3467, 3467, 353, 304, 2876, 3905, 4608, 4608, 411, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 4495, 2183, 1623, 2933, 104, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1028, 1028, 1028, 4345, 4345, 2462, 2808, 2808, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 2933, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 3854, 2969, 2969, 2408, 1752, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 1324, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 3463, 2671, 883, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4768, 2824, 4044, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 296, 2906, 257, 4197, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 4109, 2435, 50, 1368, 1615, 1394, 1394, 4091, 4091, 4091, 4091, 4091, 4937, 4937, 4937, 4937, 3285, 3285, 624, 3234, 1834, 4266, 3411, 2186, 3629, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3942, 4141, 10, 2131, 1617, 3049, 2559, 1967, 286, 2097, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 1871, 908, 2310, 2121, 514, 514, 4843, 1722, 1722, 3536, 4632, 2626, 2626, 1379, 4532, 4532, 3034, 809, 1985, 1985, 32, 4433, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 1776, 1776, 1493, 2968, 1601, 2184, 3713, 1422, 4637, 1377, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3742, 1293, 1807, 158, 1807, 9, 1084, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 421, 3249, 743, 759, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 579, 45, 1346, 4144, 1613, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2713, 296, 1564, 2906, 4607, 95, 95, 4959, 2146, 411, 25, 3041, 4841, 4841, 4841, 3413, 3413, 4196, 104, 1061, 2140, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 4281, 381, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 564, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 2323, 3836, 1449, 1449, 1827, 1988, 2710, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 2423, 2709, 2709, 3742, 3742, 4594, 4050, 4050, 1564, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 2131, 4730, 1210, 628, 3170, 1082, 1119, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 2933, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 668, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 471, 758, 197, 781, 4112, 4112, 108, 1226, 4694, 2838, 604, 4192, 4192, 3355, 1569, 1345, 2668, 318, 4562, 4562, 2450, 2450, 540, 4433, 3942, 3942, 3942, 165, 1655, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 723, 2846, 2846, 2876, 3905, 258, 300, 4895, 104, 3026, 885, 885, 1292, 564, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 4217, 4959, 2146, 411, 4519, 3041, 4636, 4636, 4636, 2069, 4417, 2908, 3903, 3510, 3510, 3510, 3243, 4960, 4960, 227, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 934, 246, 3795, 3249, 4739, 4414, 1212, 18, 4783, 897, 897, 3765, 2589, 2157, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 1404, 1438, 1260, 4741, 54, 2267, 2267, 1899, 296, 752, 752, 822, 822, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 2121, 3231, 697, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 4917, 4917, 931, 555, 555, 4420, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 255, 3103, 4420, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3606174957118354, 0.6210634648370498, 1.081852487135506, 1.3623327615780447, 1.5827101200686107, 1.7830531732418526, 1.9633619210977702, 2.564391080617496, 2.884939965694683, 3.3657632933104633, 3.5060034305317327, 3.7063464837049747, 4.3073756432247, 4.467650085763293, 4.567821612349914, 5.369193825042882, 5.649674099485421, 5.890085763293311, 6.27073756432247, 6.390943396226415, 6.611320754716981, 6.691457975986278, 7.352590051457976, 7.65310463121784, 8.153962264150945, 8.294202401372212, 8.85516295025729, 9.09557461406518, 9.33598627787307, 9.61646655231561, 9.776740994854203, 10.437873070325901, 10.918696397941682 ]
[ 0.3606174957118354, 0.6210634648370498, 1.081852487135506, 1.3623327615780447, 1.5827101200686107, 1.7830531732418526, 1.9633619210977702, 2.564391080617496, 2.884939965694683, 3.3657632933104633, 3.5060034305317327, 3.7063464837049747, 4.3073756432247, 4.467650085763293, 4.567821612349914, 5.369193825042882, 5.649674099485421, 5.890085763293311, 6.27073756432247, 6.390943396226415, 6.611320754716981, 6.691457975986278, 7.352590051457976, 7.65310463121784, 8.153962264150945, 8.294202401372212, 8.85516295025729, 9.09557461406518, 9.33598627787307, 9.61646655231561, 9.776740994854203, 10.437873070325901, 10.918696397941682, 11.659965694682676 ]
i was extremely weary from the incessant labor of the day and night before but got up and again walked down the sandy road to mcallister where i found a boat awaiting us which carried us some three miles down the river to the steamer w w coit i think
[ "i", "was", "extremely", "weary", "from", "the", "incessant", "labor", "of", "the", "day", "and", "night", "before", "but", "got", "up", "and", "again", "walked", "down", "the", "sandy", "road", "to", "mcallister", "where", "i", "found", "a", "boat", "awaiting", "us", "which", "carried", "us", "some", "three", "miles", "down", "the", "river", "to", "the", "steamer", "w", "w", "coit", "i", "think" ]
[ "i", "was", "extremely", "weary", "from", "the", "incessant", "labor", "of", "the", "day", "and", "night", "before", "but", "got", "up", "and", "again", "walked", "down", "the", "sandy", "road", "to", "mcallister", "where", "i", "found", "a", "boat", "awaiting", "us", "which", "carried", "us", "some", "three", "miles", "down", "the", "river", "to", "the", "steamer", "w", "w", "coit", "i", "think" ]
[ "i", "w a s", "e x t r e m e l y", "w e a r y", "f r o m", "t h e", "i n c e s s a n t", "l a b o r", "o f", "t h e", "d a y", "a n d", "n i g h t", "b e f o r e", "b u t", "g o t", "u p", "a n d", "a g a i n", "w a l k e d", "d o w n", "t h e", "s a n d y", "r o a d", "t o", "m c a l l i s t e r", "w h e r e", "i", "f o u n d", "a", "b o a t", "a w a i t i n g", "u s", "w h i c h", "c a r r i e d", "u s", "s o m e", "t h r e e", "m i l e s", "d o w n", "t h e", "r i v e r", "t o", "t h e", "s t e a m e r", "w", "w", "c o i t", "i", "t h i n k" ]
[ 1101, 2114, 361, 72, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 3268, 4321, 2391, 30, 794, 109, 4193, 2719, 579, 45, 42, 4144, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2713, 4318, 3886, 2906, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 158, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3214, 2887, 1670, 1670, 3529, 3529, 4119, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 2478, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2783, 2668, 4010, 4010, 4010, 4010, 748, 2392, 123, 470, 870, 3884, 1034, 1034, 1034, 1418, 311, 311, 3910, 4234, 4881, 3485, 4120, 4635, 4635, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 3252, 4035, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 2409, 2378, 2378, 661, 1748, 4834, 4876, 1564, 1010, 552, 1608, 190, 491, 491, 491, 93, 1281, 2963, 1564, 121, 2874, 4707, 3951, 3951, 2072, 3998, 2408, 2278, 275, 2336, 486, 486, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 3413, 732, 2759, 3326, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4106, 3417, 3417, 966, 966, 1971, 1776, 1512, 1512, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 199, 165, 4141, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 2559, 2212, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1997, 4545, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 4850, 2443, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1461, 2838, 3832, 4608, 4608, 411, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 1236, 246, 421, 3326, 743, 3545, 4241, 2933, 2741, 1908, 1257, 1257, 1257, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 1096, 2595, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 178, 178, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 2112, 1484, 20, 20, 586, 92, 1252, 72, 140, 72, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 852, 3268, 2725, 2725, 4420, 1787, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 3854, 4242, 2743, 2869, 350, 350, 936, 4941, 4941, 1787, 777, 42, 2272, 4138, 1439, 1439, 1439, 1439, 3653, 4407, 4515, 1529, 4073, 4073, 3090, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 4385, 1761, 4675, 2933, 1721, 2436, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 1097, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 293, 1790, 2660, 430, 2471, 2471, 1710, 2559, 1223, 1057, 2252, 2252, 2252, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 2160, 3123, 3284, 3691, 1569, 3204, 144, 1851, 882, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 4827, 4827, 4012, 1108, 3972, 3972, 4792, 2508, 2508, 2607, 2212, 1283, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 975, 3067, 3764, 2352, 2352, 3326, 4035, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 3374, 1564, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 913, 463, 3793, 2682, 2219, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 2478, 1074, 3476, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 1476, 644, 1296, 112, 112, 628, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 1720, 436, 3948, 1584, 1584, 1584, 1584, 91, 581, 1339, 4633, 708, 592, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4606, 4214, 237, 4440, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 653, 3184, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 842, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 2524, 3618, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 2719, 563, 1815, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2238, 2238, 2238, 3890, 3890, 3890, 975, 3067, 3067, 37, 2513, 2781, 4571, 758, 1492, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 1060, 3327, 1206, 1373, 4427, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 2797, 2797, 771, 4524, 2869, 350, 350, 245, 2939, 2746, 1594, 1594, 2323, 4725, 4714, 1206, 4477, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4237, 3413, 4196, 1061, 2140, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 435, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4433, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 56, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 358, 358, 1217, 2019, 1829, 2559, 4633, 708, 359, 4365, 4365, 4365, 1489, 1489, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1034, 1041, 1863, 2671, 2355, 883, 175, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 159, 1807, 1564, 4037, 4037, 313, 1892, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 3905, 3905, 3905, 824, 4846, 50, 1368, 2463, 2774, 499, 2034, 1319, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 2081, 3144, 3846, 436, 1134, 995, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 1896, 1896, 597, 2312, 2312, 2901, 900, 4289, 4289, 32, 4050, 4433, 6, 84, 974, 2212, 1283, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 975, 3067, 3067, 3364, 662, 4035, 3102, 10, 4354, 4354, 1449, 3476, 1988, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 3094, 3266, 484, 4769, 1782, 1782, 3941, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 532, 2030, 710, 4321, 4321, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 1206, 1643, 1555, 682, 682, 682, 682, 35, 2887, 3231, 4134, 2005, 2005, 2950, 2950, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 3485, 936, 936, 4941, 4340, 1787, 42, 2231, 1283, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 1632, 1632, 4146, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 2518, 260, 1367, 2212, 3496, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 1632, 1632, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 4172, 132, 2768, 1694, 581, 581, 2933, 340, 1579, 1371, 1371, 3704, 3704, 3704, 3704, 4875, 4992, 4992, 2122, 2122, 518, 518, 421, 1152, 1725, 377, 3472, 3472, 1340, 3849, 4756, 220, 220, 220, 2281, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 4246, 1227, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2158, 4466, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 4579, 3756, 3756, 3756, 3756, 815, 3780, 2933, 935, 3213, 1481, 588, 4420, 1081, 1081, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4004555808656036, 0.6006833712984054, 1.221389521640091, 1.661890660592255, 1.9422095671981776, 2.082369020501139, 2.6430068337129837, 3.0234396355353073, 3.203644646924829, 3.3638268792710706, 3.6841913439635534, 3.8643963553530747, 4.164738041002278, 4.885558086560364, 5.3260592255125285, 5.666446469248291, 5.946765375854214, 6.167015945330296, 6.62753986332574, 7.027995444191343, 7.368382687927107, 7.508542141230068, 7.9089977220956715, 8.189316628701594, 8.329476082004556, 9.270546697038725, 9.671002277904329, 9.751093394077449, 10.13152619589977, 10.251662870159453, 10.572027334851935, 11.1126423690205, 11.493075170842824, 11.853485193621868, 12.253940774487472, 12.434145785876991, 12.774533029612757, 13.074874715261958, 13.535398633257403, 13.795694760820044, 13.935854214123006, 14.376355353075171, 14.636651480637813, 14.776810933940773, 15.47760820045558, 15.918109339407744, 16.178405466970386, 16.75906605922551, 16.999339407744873 ]
[ 0.4004555808656036, 0.6006833712984054, 1.221389521640091, 1.661890660592255, 1.9422095671981776, 2.082369020501139, 2.6430068337129837, 3.0234396355353073, 3.203644646924829, 3.3638268792710706, 3.6841913439635534, 3.8643963553530747, 4.164738041002278, 4.885558086560364, 5.3260592255125285, 5.666446469248291, 5.946765375854214, 6.167015945330296, 6.62753986332574, 7.027995444191343, 7.368382687927107, 7.508542141230068, 7.9089977220956715, 8.189316628701594, 8.329476082004556, 9.270546697038725, 9.671002277904329, 9.751093394077449, 10.13152619589977, 10.251662870159453, 10.572027334851935, 11.1126423690205, 11.493075170842824, 11.853485193621868, 12.253940774487472, 12.434145785876991, 12.774533029612757, 13.074874715261958, 13.535398633257403, 13.795694760820044, 13.935854214123006, 14.376355353075171, 14.636651480637813, 14.776810933940773, 15.47760820045558, 15.918109339407744, 16.178405466970386, 16.75906605922551, 16.999339407744873, 17.55997722095672 ]
i only regarded the march from atlanta to savannah as a shift of base as the transfer of a strong army which had no opponent and had finished its then work from the interior to a point on the sea-coast from which it could achieve other important results
[ "i", "only", "regarded", "the", "march", "from", "atlanta", "to", "savannah", "as", "a", "shift", "of", "base", "as", "the", "transfer", "of", "a", "strong", "army", "which", "had", "no", "opponent", "and", "had", "finished", "its", "then", "work", "from", "the", "interior", "to", "a", "point", "on", "the", "sea-coast", "from", "which", "it", "could", "achieve", "other", "important", "results" ]
[ "i", "only", "regarded", "the", "march", "from", "atlanta", "to", "savannah", "as", "a", "shift", "of", "base", "as", "the", "transfer", "of", "a", "strong", "army", "which", "had", "no", "opponent", "and", "had", "finished", "its", "then", "work", "from", "the", "interior", "to", "a", "point", "on", "the", "sea-coast", "from", "which", "it", "could", "achieve", "other", "important", "results" ]
[ "i", "o n l y", "r e g a r d e d", "t h e", "m a r c h", "f r o m", "a t l a n t a", "t o", "s a v a n n a h", "a s", "a", "s h i f t", "o f", "b a s e", "a s", "t h e", "t r a n s f e r", "o f", "a", "s t r o n g", "a r m y", "w h i c h", "h a d", "n o", "o p p o n e n t", "a n d", "h a d", "f i n i s h e d", "i t s", "t h e n", "w o r k", "f r o m", "t h e", "i n t e r i o r", "t o", "a", "p o i n t", "o n", "t h e", "s e a c o a s t", "f r o m", "w h i c h", "i t", "c o u l d", "a c h i e v e", "o t h e r", "i m p o r t a n t", "r e s u l t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 72, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 312, 1910, 30, 794, 794, 2376, 109, 857, 1847, 1847, 2301, 1687, 1889, 534, 4918, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 104, 2272, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 207, 2121, 2121, 4736, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 12, 12, 894, 2566, 1448, 3513, 177, 4730, 2816, 3948, 148, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 2121, 2060, 1974, 3235, 4797, 1217, 2396, 4635, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2641, 786, 786, 4379, 4379, 4448, 4448, 1113, 1113, 2251, 1430, 2336, 486, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 200, 913, 1585, 4116, 1447, 1830, 2476, 979, 3520, 223, 4018, 2183, 944, 63, 665, 3857, 3857, 3857, 3210, 1417, 4876, 1010, 552, 4721, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 1928, 3612, 3372, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 1545, 913, 2300, 839, 3212, 431, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 740, 740, 3050, 1492, 197, 781, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 3578, 296, 1564, 65, 872, 4944, 197, 781, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 49, 2622, 2878, 2878, 18, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 3351, 3351, 2703, 2217, 2405, 2405, 4339, 4339, 4154, 2933, 4576, 2723, 2723, 2464, 4526, 384, 965, 1601, 4567, 2277, 4894, 1440, 2933, 739, 3574, 394, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 1564, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 1510, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 2456, 2456, 2456, 3578, 4050, 4969, 3994, 2938, 936, 1795, 1795, 1844, 1448, 3513, 2131, 3336, 628, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1717, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 1585, 4883, 3149, 3989, 3411, 3838, 875, 2396, 838, 3319, 4123, 4123, 4123, 3417, 3417, 966, 1971, 1971, 1776, 1512, 3869, 2744, 701, 1567, 95, 1723, 1109, 4433, 1084, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 150, 2002, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 1418, 3843, 884, 2377, 3040, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 358, 358, 1217, 1149, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2199, 1895, 1895, 3770, 2142, 1299, 1838, 230, 230, 201, 1628, 3607, 3566, 4840, 3165, 4187, 1210, 2933, 3170, 1082, 1663, 2871, 2871, 2871, 2871, 2871, 605, 3755, 69, 3613, 431, 596, 596, 596, 1146, 1374, 1709, 754, 4571, 1365, 245, 197, 197, 781, 1097, 4112, 108, 108, 1461, 2838, 2824, 4044, 3805, 395, 1450, 3127, 3127, 3127, 2920, 4569, 2014, 3883, 2734, 623, 2400, 2400, 2923, 2634, 2634, 2634, 2634, 2300, 1005, 3479, 3329, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1984, 4762, 1631, 1631, 3249, 4576, 175, 1993, 4226, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3249, 3668, 273, 1564, 3411, 3994, 4894, 1795, 4377, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 2549, 1282, 4768, 522, 3123, 954, 3691, 1346, 5, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 4387, 823, 823, 815, 935, 142, 193, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 785, 785, 2943, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 4255, 2052, 2052, 2352, 4820, 2566, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 210, 1323, 2409, 2378, 2378, 661, 735, 685, 1546, 1623, 270, 1781, 2657, 2260, 4064, 4064, 4064, 4064, 748, 2161, 2161, 123, 123, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 1757, 1757, 1757, 2950, 1782, 3941, 3941, 414, 4234, 4018, 2183, 894, 3076, 665, 3419, 3419, 564, 564, 2222, 2222, 546, 546, 432, 2261, 1210, 2933, 3170, 452, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 894, 2140, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 2316, 4820, 3291, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 158, 1069, 3914, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2081, 1999, 4305, 581, 2933, 560, 3718, 2497, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2797, 644, 1869, 356, 2227, 4433, 1458, 2333, 368, 1659, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 785, 3106, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 4255, 2052, 1155, 2620, 2620, 2620, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 2461, 2461, 1974, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1365, 245, 245, 197, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 679, 2307, 894, 743, 3545, 213, 1829, 2933, 560, 1579, 2080, 2080, 4868, 2398, 2398, 2398, 267, 1523, 754, 4102, 4571, 758, 197, 2746, 2746, 1594, 3165, 3165, 3336, 4291, 1902, 1902, 720, 720, 736, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 3654, 3654, 3632, 2330, 534, 332, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 3941, 3417, 966, 966, 4028, 2378, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 3170, 1082, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4031, 711, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 339, 1709, 4497, 4192, 4590, 1626, 1626, 1330, 937, 4988, 127, 127, 613, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1062, 1062, 1062, 4524, 1136, 538, 1152, 4505, 3773, 3294, 3414, 881, 2967, 362, 1496, 1496, 255, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.46026713124274093, 0.7804529616724739, 1.3007549361207895, 1.440836236933798, 1.7610220673635306, 1.9411265969802554, 2.4614285714285713, 2.6215214866434375, 3.2618931475029034, 3.5620673635307782, 3.7221602787456445, 4.102380952380952, 4.282485481997677, 4.902845528455284, 5.323089430894309, 5.503193960511033, 6.063519163763066, 6.183588850174216, 6.263635307781648, 6.7038908246225315, 7.204181184668989, 7.584401858304297, 7.824541231126596, 7.984634146341463, 8.604994192799069, 8.825121951219511, 9.025238095238095, 9.485505226480836, 9.725644599303136, 10.045830429732868, 10.50609756097561, 10.866306620209057, 11.026399535423925, 11.726806039488965, 11.90691056910569, 12.006968641114982, 12.367177700348432, 12.50725900116144, 12.647340301974447, 13.467816492450638, 13.80801393728223, 14.208246225319396, 14.428373983739837, 14.74855981416957, 15.388931475029034, 15.689105691056909, 16.24943089430894 ]
[ 0.46026713124274093, 0.7804529616724739, 1.3007549361207895, 1.440836236933798, 1.7610220673635306, 1.9411265969802554, 2.4614285714285713, 2.6215214866434375, 3.2618931475029034, 3.5620673635307782, 3.7221602787456445, 4.102380952380952, 4.282485481997677, 4.902845528455284, 5.323089430894309, 5.503193960511033, 6.063519163763066, 6.183588850174216, 6.263635307781648, 6.7038908246225315, 7.204181184668989, 7.584401858304297, 7.824541231126596, 7.984634146341463, 8.604994192799069, 8.825121951219511, 9.025238095238095, 9.485505226480836, 9.725644599303136, 10.045830429732868, 10.50609756097561, 10.866306620209057, 11.026399535423925, 11.726806039488965, 11.90691056910569, 12.006968641114982, 12.367177700348432, 12.50725900116144, 12.647340301974447, 13.467816492450638, 13.80801393728223, 14.208246225319396, 14.428373983739837, 14.74855981416957, 15.388931475029034, 15.689105691056909, 16.24943089430894, 17.209988385598137 ]
dr goodwin quite a respectable old gentleman who was extremely anxious to protect the interests of the citizens he was on foot and i on horseback and it is probable i told him then not to be uneasy
[ "dr", "goodwin", "quite", "a", "respectable", "old", "gentleman", "who", "was", "extremely", "anxious", "to", "protect", "the", "interests", "of", "the", "citizens", "he", "was", "on", "foot", "and", "i", "on", "horseback", "and", "it", "is", "probable", "i", "told", "him", "then", "not", "to", "be", "uneasy" ]
[ "dr", "goodwin", "quite", "a", "respectable", "old", "gentleman", "who", "was", "extremely", "anxious", "to", "protect", "the", "interests", "of", "the", "citizens", "he", "was", "on", "foot", "and", "i", "on", "horseback", "and", "it", "is", "probable", "i", "told", "him", "then", "not", "to", "be", "uneasy" ]
[ "d r", "g o o d w i n", "q u i t e", "a", "r e s p e c t a b l e", "o l d", "g e n t l e m a n", "w h o", "w a s", "e x t r e m e l y", "a n x i o u s", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "t h e", "i n t e r e s t s", "o f", "t h e", "c i t i z e n s", "h e", "w a s", "o n", "f o o t", "a n d", "i", "o n", "h o r s e b a c k", "a n d", "i t", "i s", "p r o b a b l e", "i", "t o l d", "h i m", "t h e n", "n o t", "t o", "b e", "u n e a s y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 3409, 4321, 1910, 348, 1784, 2231, 1283, 902, 2353, 2353, 2353, 2353, 2547, 1328, 2842, 2842, 1163, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 4753, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 692, 692, 4835, 267, 4951, 2199, 3883, 1145, 3355, 551, 1346, 3700, 3666, 3666, 2626, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2549, 2549, 2288, 1282, 4844, 4844, 3159, 4612, 4612, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1792, 2933, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 495, 1236, 1173, 246, 421, 743, 4571, 4944, 197, 187, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 2478, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1001, 4876, 158, 4019, 2173, 2192, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 628, 1163, 4798, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 1566, 2851, 471, 1492, 534, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 1636, 402, 4771, 4397, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 3394, 3394, 3394, 3679, 3679, 4116, 1061, 2457, 469, 469, 469, 469, 2944, 1125, 1404, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 2288, 2649, 4681, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 45, 1346, 1851, 4144, 335, 335, 335, 2335, 4847, 3578, 296, 296, 257, 257, 801, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1084, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 35, 2887, 1030, 1670, 3529, 3529, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 1687, 1889, 1291, 187, 3502, 3502, 3502, 3502, 3502, 1624, 1624, 2489, 4886, 556, 556, 4433, 3061, 1364, 1364, 1364, 1364, 4899, 4209, 159, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 182, 1210, 4643, 3407, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 1623, 944, 136, 2657, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2664, 3942, 1844, 4141, 832, 1064, 4885, 4885, 1889, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 4109, 4116, 2373, 2559, 3237, 2952, 2952, 2015, 2015, 1850, 1850, 1850, 4209, 159, 4440, 4440, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 273, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 4055, 721, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1564, 3914, 2704, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 216, 4219, 1025, 1025, 1025, 1025, 4214, 1360, 1564, 655, 1272, 1521, 1521, 1521, 1379, 4532, 4532, 1979, 3226, 3226, 1985, 2292, 4284, 4433, 3294, 3414, 634, 2967, 4276, 1704, 2699, 4420, 2760, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 72, 3, 3, 3, 23, 23, 23, 2030, 2725, 4420, 3117, 2198, 51, 2150, 1766, 579, 45, 1345, 4144, 4144, 335, 335, 335, 4847, 4847, 3578, 296, 296, 752, 752, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4768, 1185, 50, 1368, 623, 104, 2400, 43, 2595, 4516, 461, 461, 461, 461, 461, 267, 267, 290, 290, 104, 743, 4952, 1842, 3136, 295, 1123, 366, 1559, 2707, 3246, 1029, 1029, 1029, 1029, 1029, 282, 3168, 3168, 4317, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4768, 2824, 4044, 13, 369, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 4433, 462, 462, 3930, 2821, 4241, 381, 1373, 3574, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 1930, 823, 823, 815, 935, 3213, 20, 4420, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 1066, 4321, 4420, 2281, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 3980, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4571, 758, 197, 3963, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 3421, 1708, 350, 3963, 2148, 94, 94, 3077, 2791, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2933, 3170, 654, 1215, 797, 797, 797, 797, 982, 2283, 1632, 3532, 3532, 3532, 3532, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4333, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4246, 1623, 2559, 1781, 2657, 2287, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 674, 674, 1636, 1636, 2486, 4771, 977, 759, 759, 2293, 2293, 3467, 3467, 3467, 353, 353, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 3159, 455, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 2158, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 989, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4681, 4681, 775, 3896, 3896, 1792, 4340, 1858, 3770, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2068, 2068, 1200, 1200, 1058, 63, 1401, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 3327, 2741, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3686, 2081, 587, 587, 3050, 1492, 332, 561, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 3832, 834, 3284, 2330, 3441, 3441, 2552, 2552, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 4922, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 472, 1562, 1562, 1562, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5207242339832868, 1.1415877437325903, 1.6022284122562673, 1.7223955431754874, 2.5034818941504176, 2.7438161559888576, 3.424763231197771, 3.705153203342618, 3.945487465181058, 4.546323119777158, 5.026991643454038, 5.167186629526462, 5.607799442896935, 5.747994428969358, 6.308774373259053, 6.408913649025069, 6.549108635097492, 7.470389972144846, 7.830891364902506, 8.111281337047354, 8.311559888579387, 8.672061281337045, 8.87233983286908, 9.012534818941504, 9.192785515320333, 10.053983286908077, 10.534651810584958, 10.714902506963787, 10.875125348189414, 11.455933147632312, 11.556072423398327, 11.896545961002785, 12.237019498607241, 12.71768802228412, 13.038133704735376, 13.178328690807797, 13.37860724233983 ]
[ 0.5207242339832868, 1.1415877437325903, 1.6022284122562673, 1.7223955431754874, 2.5034818941504176, 2.7438161559888576, 3.424763231197771, 3.705153203342618, 3.945487465181058, 4.546323119777158, 5.026991643454038, 5.167186629526462, 5.607799442896935, 5.747994428969358, 6.308774373259053, 6.408913649025069, 6.549108635097492, 7.470389972144846, 7.830891364902506, 8.111281337047354, 8.311559888579387, 8.672061281337045, 8.87233983286908, 9.012534818941504, 9.192785515320333, 10.053983286908077, 10.534651810584958, 10.714902506963787, 10.875125348189414, 11.455933147632312, 11.556072423398327, 11.896545961002785, 12.237019498607241, 12.71768802228412, 13.038133704735376, 13.178328690807797, 13.37860724233983, 14.359972144846795 ]
distributed habitually as follows behind each regiment should follow one wagon and one ambulance behind each brigade should follow a due proportion of ammunition-wagons provision-wagons and ambulances
[ "distributed", "habitually", "as", "follows", "behind", "each", "regiment", "should", "follow", "one", "wagon", "and", "one", "ambulance", "behind", "each", "brigade", "should", "follow", "a", "due", "proportion", "of", "ammunition-wagons", "provision-wagons", "and", "ambulances" ]
[ "distributed", "habitually", "as", "follows", "behind", "each", "regiment", "should", "follow", "one", "wagon", "and", "one", "ambulance", "behind", "each", "brigade", "should", "follow", "a", "due", "proportion", "of", "ammunition-wagons", "provision-wagons", "and", "ambulances" ]
[ "d i s t r i b u t e d", "h a b i t u a l l y", "a s", "f o l l o w s", "b e h i n d", "e a c h", "r e g i m e n t", "s h o u l d", "f o l l o w", "o n e", "w a g o n", "a n d", "o n e", "a m b u l a n c e", "b e h i n d", "e a c h", "b r i g a d e", "s h o u l d", "f o l l o w", "a", "d u e", "p r o p o r t i o n", "o f", "a m m u n i t i o n w a g o n s", "p r o v i s i o n w a g o n s", "a n d", "a m b u l a n c e s" ]
[ 4079, 1335, 4720, 4720, 2677, 2677, 1784, 1784, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 1564, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 3733, 3733, 3733, 3733, 2283, 4055, 1632, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 1090, 1577, 192, 2415, 341, 2381, 2381, 4434, 1558, 3198, 3198, 364, 894, 743, 4571, 936, 936, 4774, 4774, 1347, 1656, 1656, 4456, 764, 3327, 2158, 1373, 3574, 3961, 3961, 3961, 4513, 1657, 2933, 1974, 614, 3311, 925, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1218, 1218, 4809, 1112, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 4850, 4850, 2443, 4890, 1525, 1525, 2752, 659, 1289, 4969, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 2400, 2595, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 2141, 317, 317, 2847, 2847, 1142, 1142, 1142, 4363, 1476, 3689, 3689, 608, 536, 2091, 1564, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 193, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 72, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1357, 23, 3415, 2154, 710, 2677, 4420, 331, 1018, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4593, 13, 13, 1347, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 1538, 1538, 3171, 37, 2513, 2781, 4571, 2330, 3441, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1974, 1974, 358, 1217, 658, 1626, 2888, 1827, 4191, 4191, 4235, 4235, 600, 600, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 4632, 573, 2944, 2944, 1404, 1067, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 1374, 1374, 1709, 1725, 743, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 2404, 1212, 4433, 3586, 920, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 3330, 1296, 754, 4192, 2800, 2734, 1815, 2400, 43, 2043, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 317, 317, 2847, 1142, 1142, 1142, 1193, 22, 22, 4714, 1346, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 3123, 954, 3691, 1346, 1345, 2668, 2910, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 3879, 628, 428, 4439, 4439, 1379, 1379, 54, 2160, 834, 3159, 758, 1492, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 954, 3691, 3691, 1346, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 834, 3284, 4355, 2330, 1291, 2411, 3907, 3907, 4086, 4086, 3101, 913, 4175, 2283, 3327, 1632, 3909, 3865, 844, 1691, 1691, 1072, 3243, 4960, 4960, 956, 956, 3285, 3285, 2072, 2072, 1374, 498, 1834, 1834, 3773, 2898, 4100, 621, 621, 881, 61, 362, 4276, 1375, 1704, 4, 1646, 2250, 2760, 3993, 4621, 4420, 4621, 3811, 3736, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 710, 2725, 2933, 1018, 1908, 3060, 4486, 4593, 2367, 13, 1347, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 3171, 314, 37, 2513, 2781, 4192, 4571, 2330, 3441, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 104, 4797, 1217, 3930, 4241, 276, 1498, 323, 4331, 4331, 4456, 2481, 1710, 628, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 754, 1806, 455, 2404, 2878, 1212, 3586, 920, 920, 4225, 3330, 1972, 3883, 2734, 4120, 381, 43, 671, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 317, 1197, 2847, 2847, 1142, 1142, 201, 401, 4298, 4298, 80, 2558, 2558, 2558, 4881, 2558, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2395, 859, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 569, 569, 569, 3910, 4202, 1568, 2607, 104, 2389, 3348, 4793, 4793, 307, 2801, 2801, 132, 2753, 1210, 104, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 750, 1210, 4643, 452, 2758, 400, 400, 400, 400, 1871, 2310, 2121, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 2933, 30, 64, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3202, 3202, 1601, 1601, 3632, 2330, 197, 1045, 187, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 913, 3231, 1947, 1404, 3909, 1378, 3507, 1452, 2348, 1794, 1559, 4519, 3767, 3245, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 18, 1840, 222, 821, 821, 54, 3687, 3123, 954, 3691, 1345, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 628, 428, 428, 4439, 4439, 2626, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 3411, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2933, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 18, 222, 4392, 821, 60, 3687, 522, 3123, 954, 3691, 1345, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 428, 4439, 2626, 1379, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 1216, 1564, 872, 1365, 4944, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 4192, 4571, 2330, 1291, 187, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 4086, 913, 2057, 516, 1695, 104, 1632, 3865, 844, 844, 1691, 3243, 4960, 4960, 956, 956, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 3149, 3919, 3989, 121, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 4287, 536, 2091, 1011, 2898, 3294, 881, 61, 362, 362, 255, 1704, 2250, 255, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.921212121212121, 1.6822134387351775, 1.9025032938076414, 2.683530961791831, 3.384453227931488, 3.624769433465085, 4.265612648221343, 4.586034255599472, 5.0266139657444, 5.246903820816863, 5.74756258234519, 5.987878787878787, 6.248221343873517, 7.209486166007904, 8.010540184453227, 8.250856389986824, 8.831620553359683, 9.051910408432146, 9.512516469038205, 9.79288537549407, 10.113306982872198, 10.954413702239789, 11.334914361001315, 12.556521739130432, 13.677997364953884, 13.918313570487483 ]
[ 0.921212121212121, 1.6822134387351775, 1.9025032938076414, 2.683530961791831, 3.384453227931488, 3.624769433465085, 4.265612648221343, 4.586034255599472, 5.0266139657444, 5.246903820816863, 5.74756258234519, 5.987878787878787, 6.248221343873517, 7.209486166007904, 8.010540184453227, 8.250856389986824, 8.831620553359683, 9.051910408432146, 9.512516469038205, 9.79288537549407, 10.113306982872198, 10.954413702239789, 11.334914361001315, 12.556521739130432, 13.677997364953884, 13.918313570487483, 15.179973649538864 ]
came and said that he had a fine house completely furnished for which he had no use and offered it as headquarters he explained moreover that general howard had informed him the day before that i would want his house for headquarters
[ "came", "and", "said", "that", "he", "had", "a", "fine", "house", "completely", "furnished", "for", "which", "he", "had", "no", "use", "and", "offered", "it", "as", "headquarters", "he", "explained", "moreover", "that", "general", "howard", "had", "informed", "him", "the", "day", "before", "that", "i", "would", "want", "his", "house", "for", "headquarters" ]
[ "came", "and", "said", "that", "he", "had", "a", "fine", "house", "completely", "furnished", "for", "which", "he", "had", "no", "use", "and", "offered", "it", "as", "headquarters", "he", "explained", "moreover", "that", "general", "howard", "had", "informed", "him", "the", "day", "before", "that", "i", "would", "want", "his", "house", "for", "headquarters" ]
[ "c a m e", "a n d", "s a i d", "t h a t", "h e", "h a d", "a", "f i n e", "h o u s e", "c o m p l e t e l y", "f u r n i s h e d", "f o r", "w h i c h", "h e", "h a d", "n o", "u s e", "a n d", "o f f e r e d", "i t", "a s", "h e a d q u a r t e r s", "h e", "e x p l a i n e d", "m o r e o v e r", "t h a t", "g e n e r a l", "h o w a r d", "h a d", "i n f o r m e d", "h i m", "t h e", "d a y", "b e f o r e", "t h a t", "i", "w o u l d", "w a n t", "h i s", "h o u s e", "f o r", "h e a d q u a r t e r s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 524, 2725, 4321, 2670, 2933, 4633, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 529, 529, 2887, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3905, 2139, 3159, 758, 758, 104, 781, 1097, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 4834, 760, 1010, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 2930, 12, 12, 2566, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 2676, 2676, 3519, 3519, 1797, 2652, 4911, 4770, 4770, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 1708, 2660, 546, 546, 432, 2690, 563, 146, 2832, 2832, 2400, 43, 2043, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 2168, 2824, 4044, 4044, 13, 1007, 1007, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 771, 1869, 1869, 2227, 542, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 1000, 1277, 1277, 1277, 3563, 4508, 2559, 2973, 4932, 1410, 1410, 1982, 1982, 1982, 1982, 246, 3998, 3998, 2278, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 438, 3293, 1815, 2400, 2400, 43, 671, 4123, 4123, 4123, 425, 425, 2121, 3613, 3479, 3329, 3329, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1984, 4762, 1564, 1631, 1631, 368, 2967, 142, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 710, 2725, 193, 785, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 247, 247, 172, 2117, 2620, 2620, 2620, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 3249, 1974, 358, 4433, 3197, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 3805, 3805, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 2199, 1895, 1315, 411, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 4888, 1193, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4345, 4345, 4345, 1869, 1869, 3530, 542, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 140, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 4990, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3279, 104, 3535, 3319, 4419, 4419, 1863, 1863, 754, 883, 1993, 4378, 4378, 1266, 2424, 3817, 1708, 883, 175, 4890, 1525, 1525, 659, 176, 1289, 4433, 4969, 1785, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 2930, 2199, 3883, 4485, 1829, 2933, 310, 2902, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 3403, 3403, 4736, 4736, 3177, 3177, 3840, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 881, 881, 61, 1302, 2250, 73, 2250, 4, 2250, 238, 4420, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 4420, 1864, 3740, 88, 3215, 1714, 1714, 4755, 761, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 2081, 587, 1687, 1492, 1291, 187, 801, 265, 265, 265, 104, 2701, 2701, 2279, 9, 4019, 4019, 2173, 2607, 2192, 2534, 2980, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 4271, 529, 3171, 314, 37, 2513, 4192, 2800, 2612, 1014, 1456, 203, 203, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 2524, 3445, 3618, 3618, 822, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 695, 484, 4769, 1403, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 1501, 936, 1792, 2933, 4941, 1795, 2811, 949, 1696, 133, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2743, 3249, 743, 1806, 936, 4941, 1787, 1787, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 1007, 1007, 4307, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4419, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1296, 754, 2676, 1149, 395, 3699, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3369, 1529, 4073, 3449, 4028, 2378, 661, 3832, 1185, 2435, 1368, 1368, 2400, 43, 2595, 3501, 3484, 3484, 378, 378, 2235, 4788, 4788, 1670, 1670, 258, 4224, 4224, 4454, 3972, 759, 1682, 2293, 3467, 3467, 3467, 353, 375, 2876, 258, 2352, 4820, 424, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1617, 894, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1997, 1997, 83, 3910, 182, 3431, 2741, 1908, 1257, 1257, 1257, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 43, 2595, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 2112, 3040, 20, 610, 71, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 4420, 2933, 1504, 949, 4521, 4521, 1165, 4073, 2740, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1766, 45, 179, 1952, 3381, 3381, 482, 3883, 3355, 1569, 1346, 1851, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 1585, 1585, 1061, 759, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4969, 4433, 1785, 1785, 1007, 3934, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 356, 2227, 4433, 3838, 875, 2396, 2396, 838, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2367, 1832, 4770, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 2930, 2014, 894, 2959, 4485, 381, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 3403, 3403, 2121, 4736, 1061, 3177, 3177, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 4499, 536, 2091, 1564, 1011, 3294, 1311, 2967, 2967, 3808, 92, 1081, 72, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6003947368421053, 0.8205394736842105, 1.0606973684210528, 1.2208026315789473, 1.3208684210526316, 1.5009868421052632, 1.6010526315789475, 2.0613552631578944, 2.4616184210526315, 3.0019736842105265, 3.662407894736842, 3.982618421052632, 4.242789473684211, 4.362868421052632, 4.62303947368421, 4.843184210526315, 5.403552631578948, 5.683736842105263, 6.043973684210527, 6.204078947368421, 6.364184210526316, 7.424881578947368, 7.905197368421052, 8.585644736842106, 9.266092105263159, 9.626328947368421, 10.066618421052631, 10.526921052631579, 10.70703947368421, 11.247394736842105, 11.447526315789473, 11.567605263157896, 11.78775, 12.54825, 12.9285, 13.028565789473685, 13.18867105263158, 13.448842105263159, 13.62896052631579, 13.969184210526317, 14.109276315789474 ]
[ 0.6003947368421053, 0.8205394736842105, 1.0606973684210528, 1.2208026315789473, 1.3208684210526316, 1.5009868421052632, 1.6010526315789475, 2.0613552631578944, 2.4616184210526315, 3.0019736842105265, 3.662407894736842, 3.982618421052632, 4.242789473684211, 4.362868421052632, 4.62303947368421, 4.843184210526315, 5.403552631578948, 5.683736842105263, 6.043973684210527, 6.204078947368421, 6.364184210526316, 7.424881578947368, 7.905197368421052, 8.585644736842106, 9.266092105263159, 9.626328947368421, 10.066618421052631, 10.526921052631579, 10.70703947368421, 11.247394736842105, 11.447526315789473, 11.567605263157896, 11.78775, 12.54825, 12.9285, 13.028565789473685, 13.18867105263158, 13.448842105263159, 13.62896052631579, 13.969184210526317, 14.109276315789474, 15.189986842105263 ]
the rebel troops in augusta supposed they were our objective so they abandoned poor columbia to the care of hampton's cavalry which was confused by the rumors that poured in on it so that both beauregard and wade hampton who were in columbia seem to have lost their heads
[ "the", "rebel", "troops", "in", "augusta", "supposed", "they", "were", "our", "objective", "so", "they", "abandoned", "poor", "columbia", "to", "the", "care", "of", "hampton's", "cavalry", "which", "was", "confused", "by", "the", "rumors", "that", "poured", "in", "on", "it", "so", "that", "both", "beauregard", "and", "wade", "hampton", "who", "were", "in", "columbia", "seem", "to", "have", "lost", "their", "heads" ]
[ "the", "rebel", "troops", "in", "augusta", "supposed", "they", "were", "our", "objective", "so", "they", "abandoned", "poor", "columbia", "to", "the", "care", "of", "hampton's", "cavalry", "which", "was", "confused", "by", "the", "rumors", "that", "poured", "in", "on", "it", "so", "that", "both", "beauregard", "and", "wade", "hampton", "who", "were", "in", "columbia", "seem", "to", "have", "lost", "their", "heads" ]
[ "t h e", "r e b e l", "t r o o p s", "i n", "a u g u s t a", "s u p p o s e d", "t h e y", "w e r e", "o u r", "o b j e c t i v e", "s o", "t h e y", "a b a n d o n e d", "p o o r", "c o l u m b i a", "t o", "t h e", "c a r e", "o f", "h a m p t o n ' s", "c a v a l r y", "w h i c h", "w a s", "c o n f u s e d", "b y", "t h e", "r u m o r s", "t h a t", "p o u r e d", "i n", "o n", "i t", "s o", "t h a t", "b o t h", "b e a u r e g a r d", "a n d", "w a d e", "h a m p t o n", "w h o", "w e r e", "i n", "c o l u m b i a", "s e e m", "t o", "h a v e", "l o s t", "t h e i r", "h e a d s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 1162, 2594, 1448, 492, 4354, 1449, 3476, 1988, 4191, 4283, 4283, 4283, 4175, 2283, 1632, 4264, 2053, 36, 36, 3758, 2183, 114, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 1667, 1667, 4256, 1028, 44, 4345, 2462, 1761, 4421, 4421, 273, 273, 4260, 422, 284, 4856, 1949, 366, 293, 1790, 2660, 4851, 3165, 2481, 777, 559, 2272, 3070, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1051, 4708, 3626, 4433, 2187, 2187, 242, 4092, 2751, 979, 979, 223, 223, 4446, 1417, 1564, 1010, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 750, 2096, 1724, 102, 452, 1530, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3742, 3742, 3742, 3742, 3559, 4594, 67, 4301, 1011, 4067, 4301, 3362, 4995, 1659, 455, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 3196, 2546, 3256, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 83, 2478, 2478, 3649, 45, 42, 763, 763, 4870, 4870, 3417, 2325, 2325, 4881, 4881, 4881, 80, 2558, 381, 2789, 3017, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 904, 4475, 4475, 385, 2325, 3050, 2165, 1630, 1630, 2746, 4373, 4373, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 3287, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2830, 2830, 2830, 2830, 2830, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2842, 2933, 1163, 4825, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 3166, 3166, 3466, 718, 142, 1915, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 72, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 252, 1332, 2110, 313, 79, 446, 446, 446, 2864, 3350, 3196, 2546, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4850, 3168, 2443, 3566, 4840, 3165, 4187, 3327, 1206, 53, 3574, 394, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 913, 1390, 463, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2682, 2219, 4825, 4206, 4206, 2282, 1379, 54, 3687, 37, 2513, 3326, 4792, 4792, 3545, 3895, 2933, 55, 102, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 1871, 908, 172, 2009, 1694, 581, 2933, 559, 3718, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3818, 4588, 275, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 516, 1695, 741, 3537, 301, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 3720, 979, 979, 223, 4234, 2183, 55, 3326, 114, 665, 698, 698, 437, 3350, 4035, 3102, 10, 124, 2, 581, 2933, 559, 678, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 700, 700, 4861, 4861, 4203, 3417, 966, 1971, 1971, 4526, 169, 2997, 2184, 3713, 1149, 3934, 3934, 3101, 3101, 3101, 913, 1585, 4001, 1157, 2842, 2842, 2842, 1163, 4206, 4206, 4206, 4741, 3687, 2267, 1899, 1899, 1564, 2019, 213, 1829, 55, 4633, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3266, 4264, 4264, 4264, 3325, 1466, 1466, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 153, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 3913, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 1162, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 358, 1217, 1217, 3629, 2833, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 4847, 3578, 706, 1564, 2019, 213, 55, 559, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 3389, 735, 2435, 1368, 623, 1206, 3446, 1093, 1093, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 307, 307, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3559, 4594, 4301, 4301, 3362, 1659, 3895, 4241, 3537, 53, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 553, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 3476, 52, 52, 1028, 1028, 1028, 2805, 2805, 3231, 697, 4134, 2005, 4769, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 1564, 3994, 2938, 3196, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2969, 2969, 4587, 2933, 1724, 102, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 4343, 1871, 908, 2310, 1863, 1296, 2355, 4571, 758, 2875, 1206, 2666, 4967, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 2549, 2549, 1282, 2298, 293, 3284, 4355, 332, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 293, 293, 1790, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 1136, 628, 4102, 1481, 193, 1915, 92, 1252, 1943, 140, 1245, 1245, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 252, 1332, 2110, 313, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 201, 1854, 1307, 3350, 1696, 1696, 133, 2926, 1531, 1531, 2969, 4587, 1129, 3326, 53, 4427, 1935, 1935, 1935, 1935, 1935, 644, 4061, 4966, 2035, 917, 4241, 276, 53, 4427, 3582, 3582, 3582, 3582, 201, 1193, 22, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 2481, 1710, 42, 2272, 3070, 3070, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 1653, 1653, 2914, 4387, 4387, 869, 869, 1296, 4102, 4571, 4355, 1630, 3143, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2298, 954, 3691, 2833, 4477, 4477, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 1086, 565, 565, 4540, 2671, 1686, 2676, 1149, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3101, 3101, 3101, 3101, 1585, 2057, 4001, 1157, 2842, 2842, 2842, 628, 114, 1356, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2288, 2160, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3284, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 579, 45, 179, 763, 763, 763, 2325, 2325, 2165, 3441, 3963, 287, 3867, 4856, 1949, 712, 2298, 2659, 2659, 2099, 4591, 559, 1000, 805, 3432, 3432, 3818, 4960, 227, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 741, 271, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 979, 979, 979, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 710, 2725, 252, 4494, 101, 1010, 313, 1892, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 2887, 1670, 258, 300, 2158, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 564, 1019, 1832, 4770, 889, 2211, 2211, 2211, 2573, 3267, 2744, 4567, 4913, 275, 275, 2420, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 4440, 515, 515, 3362, 4092, 1659, 2938, 3196, 3196, 2546, 677, 677, 677, 677, 8, 3261, 13, 13, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3333, 2488, 1737, 1737, 1737, 1737, 4505, 4284, 4433, 2898, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 1302, 1302, 1496, 255, 4420, 255, 4006, 4006, 4006, 1387, 1387, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.24013303769401328, 0.54029933481153, 0.9004988913525499, 1.0405764966740576, 1.5608647450110866, 2.361308203991131, 2.6414634146341465, 2.961640798226164, 3.281818181818182, 4.182317073170731, 4.482483370288249, 4.6825942350332594, 5.4029933481153, 5.663137472283814, 6.263470066518847, 6.423558758314856, 6.563636363636364, 6.863802660753881, 6.983869179600887, 7.484146341463415, 8.184534368070954, 8.584756097560977, 8.84490022172949, 9.525277161862528, 9.72538802660754, 9.865465631929046, 10.28569844789357, 10.485809312638581, 10.8460088691796, 11.146175166297118, 11.34628603104213, 11.706485587583149, 12.04667405764967, 12.286807095343681, 12.566962305986698, 13.34739467849224, 13.52749445676275, 13.827660753880266, 14.387971175166298, 14.568070953436807, 14.768181818181818, 14.948281596452329, 15.728713968957873, 16.188968957871396, 16.329046563192904, 16.569179600886915, 16.94939024390244, 17.169512195121953 ]
[ 0.24013303769401328, 0.54029933481153, 0.9004988913525499, 1.0405764966740576, 1.5608647450110866, 2.361308203991131, 2.6414634146341465, 2.961640798226164, 3.281818181818182, 4.182317073170731, 4.482483370288249, 4.6825942350332594, 5.4029933481153, 5.663137472283814, 6.263470066518847, 6.423558758314856, 6.563636363636364, 6.863802660753881, 6.983869179600887, 7.484146341463415, 8.184534368070954, 8.584756097560977, 8.84490022172949, 9.525277161862528, 9.72538802660754, 9.865465631929046, 10.28569844789357, 10.485809312638581, 10.8460088691796, 11.146175166297118, 11.34628603104213, 11.706485587583149, 12.04667405764967, 12.286807095343681, 12.566962305986698, 13.34739467849224, 13.52749445676275, 13.827660753880266, 14.387971175166298, 14.568070953436807, 14.768181818181818, 14.948281596452329, 15.728713968957873, 16.188968957871396, 16.329046563192904, 16.569179600886915, 16.94939024390244, 17.169512195121953, 18.0299889135255 ]
from this point blair's corps the seventeenth took up the work of destroying the railroad the fifteenth corps following another road leading eastward farther to the south of the railroad
[ "from", "this", "point", "blair's", "corps", "the", "seventeenth", "took", "up", "the", "work", "of", "destroying", "the", "railroad", "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "following", "another", "road", "leading", "eastward", "farther", "to", "the", "south", "of", "the", "railroad" ]
[ "from", "this", "point", "blair's", "corps", "the", "seventeenth", "took", "up", "the", "work", "of", "destroying", "the", "railroad", "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "following", "another", "road", "leading", "eastward", "farther", "to", "the", "south", "of", "the", "railroad" ]
[ "f r o m", "t h i s", "p o i n t", "b l a i r ' s", "c o r p s", "t h e", "s e v e n t e e n t h", "t o o k", "u p", "t h e", "w o r k", "o f", "d e s t r o y i n g", "t h e", "r a i l r o a d", "t h e", "f i f t e e n t h", "c o r p s", "f o l l o w i n g", "a n o t h e r", "r o a d", "l e a d i n g", "e a s t w a r d", "f a r t h e r", "t o", "t h e", "s o u t h", "o f", "t h e", "r a i l r o a d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 1741, 4462, 4462, 72, 4462, 4462, 72, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 527, 4321, 3227, 785, 785, 3106, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 2352, 4820, 1655, 138, 3759, 647, 647, 1542, 1031, 4433, 2940, 2821, 4241, 2927, 2973, 452, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 3373, 131, 894, 743, 3545, 3895, 1897, 2933, 739, 2534, 2980, 957, 676, 676, 4663, 700, 700, 700, 4861, 4203, 3850, 3850, 525, 2267, 2267, 4050, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 1579, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 414, 1854, 1307, 4416, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4433, 3914, 2704, 190, 638, 638, 638, 638, 1274, 3094, 2873, 2873, 818, 818, 735, 4108, 685, 4895, 270, 1781, 2657, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 1953, 1953, 3756, 3756, 1374, 4886, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 798, 2852, 2933, 1058, 1954, 4094, 861, 861, 861, 2559, 1733, 2313, 3090, 3090, 567, 567, 567, 3560, 1761, 3737, 3945, 4903, 2268, 2566, 4141, 3513, 177, 4725, 4714, 4714, 104, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2121, 3399, 4012, 383, 628, 1733, 2313, 2446, 4526, 2997, 3315, 1367, 5, 572, 837, 837, 618, 237, 1564, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 1269, 4875, 1887, 651, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 4820, 4141, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4905, 3427, 3427, 135, 2888, 52, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 3134, 3134, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 492, 492, 2690, 1815, 104, 43, 2923, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2217, 2405, 4339, 4154, 1524, 2933, 894, 2751, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3171, 2489, 4966, 4966, 2035, 213, 974, 3766, 560, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 414, 4234, 3232, 1815, 1564, 2832, 43, 2595, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 317, 317, 1197, 2077, 2077, 2077, 2077, 1628, 4087, 1887, 651, 473, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 435, 546, 4217, 4217, 2146, 1559, 1559, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 2844, 2844, 568, 568, 4232, 1288, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 1296, 104, 4102, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 4340, 229, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 4196, 216, 3169, 1605, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 150, 2002, 2330, 3441, 3441, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 1037, 3630, 4440, 1564, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 3629, 551, 1569, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 4387, 869, 1296, 1110, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4321, 785, 785, 2595, 2043, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2914, 2121, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 1288, 4018, 3249, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 3368, 3368, 1109, 1010, 1010, 552, 2704, 190, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 2709, 2709, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3891, 2035, 2723, 2446, 2446, 1512, 3869, 199, 4055, 424, 3102, 10, 4354, 1449, 1449, 1827, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4905, 22, 1074, 2888, 52, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 154, 2962, 588, 4420, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6005395683453238, 0.8207374100719425, 1.241115107913669, 1.7015287769784173, 2.121906474820144, 2.221996402877698, 3.0026978417266186, 3.242913669064748, 3.4030575539568346, 3.563201438848921, 3.843453237410072, 3.943543165467626, 4.443992805755396, 4.584118705035971, 5.284748201438849, 5.524964028776979, 6.0654496402877704, 6.405755395683453, 6.926223021582734, 7.306564748201439, 7.7069244604316545, 8.147320143884892, 8.908003597122303, 9.428471223021583, 9.548579136690647, 9.708723021582735, 10.089064748201439, 10.189154676258994, 10.329280575539569 ]
[ 0.6005395683453238, 0.8207374100719425, 1.241115107913669, 1.7015287769784173, 2.101888489208633, 2.221996402877698, 3.0026978417266186, 3.242913669064748, 3.4030575539568346, 3.563201438848921, 3.843453237410072, 3.943543165467626, 4.443992805755396, 4.584118705035971, 5.284748201438849, 5.524964028776979, 6.0654496402877704, 6.405755395683453, 6.926223021582734, 7.306564748201439, 7.7069244604316545, 8.147320143884892, 8.908003597122303, 9.428471223021583, 9.548579136690647, 9.708723021582735, 10.089064748201439, 10.189154676258994, 10.329280575539569, 11.109982014388489 ]
the day was extremely beautiful clear sunlight with bracing air and an unusual feeling of exhilaration seemed to pervade all minds-a feeling of something to come vague and undefined still full of venture and intense interest
[ "the", "day", "was", "extremely", "beautiful", "clear", "sunlight", "with", "bracing", "air", "and", "an", "unusual", "feeling", "of", "exhilaration", "seemed", "to", "pervade", "all", "minds-a", "feeling", "of", "something", "to", "come", "vague", "and", "undefined", "still", "full", "of", "venture", "and", "intense", "interest" ]
[ "the", "day", "was", "extremely", "beautiful", "clear", "sunlight", "with", "bracing", "air", "and", "an", "unusual", "feeling", "of", "exhilaration", "seemed", "to", "pervade", "all", "minds-a", "feeling", "of", "something", "to", "come", "vague", "and", "undefined", "still", "full", "of", "venture", "and", "intense", "interest" ]
[ "t h e", "d a y", "w a s", "e x t r e m e l y", "b e a u t i f u l", "c l e a r", "s u n l i g h t", "w i t h", "b r a c i n g", "a i r", "a n d", "a n", "u n u s u a l", "f e e l i n g", "o f", "e x h i l a r a t i o n", "s e e m e d", "t o", "p e r v a d e", "a l l", "m i n d s a", "f e e l i n g", "o f", "s o m e t h i n g", "t o", "c o m e", "v a g u e", "a n d", "u n d e f i n e d", "s t i l l", "f u l l", "o f", "v e n t u r e", "a n d", "i n t e n s e", "i n t e r e s t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 3409, 2677, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 1469, 4055, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1997, 1997, 83, 3910, 2478, 45, 179, 2102, 1909, 373, 2713, 296, 2906, 257, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 9, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 35, 2887, 1030, 1670, 3529, 3529, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 182, 1591, 3133, 739, 3865, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4706, 4736, 1061, 960, 960, 960, 960, 2472, 497, 497, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 1463, 1463, 668, 195, 1873, 4450, 4450, 1472, 1472, 3388, 4420, 3388, 1151, 1706, 1151, 2670, 4321, 2933, 310, 3317, 305, 3701, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 3658, 173, 8, 2956, 3408, 2542, 1417, 1564, 3914, 552, 2704, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2065, 1942, 4768, 3918, 3918, 85, 85, 4913, 1430, 2336, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 3628, 1236, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 3373, 421, 894, 743, 1806, 798, 551, 2697, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2035, 4894, 276, 381, 1498, 1498, 323, 3258, 3258, 3258, 1816, 4269, 1037, 4853, 1564, 121, 4372, 3845, 3097, 4687, 2308, 2308, 3086, 3086, 933, 2002, 1889, 1291, 187, 2692, 2692, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1436, 312, 4420, 981, 1510, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 1634, 4571, 4944, 197, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2687, 3398, 3398, 289, 3487, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 2485, 2485, 992, 2775, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4706, 4922, 4221, 4221, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1535, 3325, 36, 1187, 3232, 563, 623, 2400, 2400, 2923, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 1184, 3243, 4960, 3514, 3514, 651, 1697, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 1971, 2464, 4526, 384, 2744, 701, 801, 801, 265, 1160, 1160, 1312, 1312, 4433, 4424, 2345, 3990, 4220, 4220, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 3620, 3620, 3620, 593, 4469, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 1482, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 72, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 4494, 1332, 2110, 552, 620, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 2887, 2887, 1670, 1670, 300, 300, 4895, 104, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 2006, 1210, 2933, 104, 3407, 3949, 3949, 3949, 285, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 4540, 2671, 894, 4102, 4571, 4355, 534, 534, 1259, 1259, 1354, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 4905, 1177, 1125, 1125, 3948, 1456, 995, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 3226, 1985, 2292, 991, 4433, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 4281, 981, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 563, 623, 623, 2158, 2923, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 1184, 3243, 4960, 3514, 3514, 4687, 1697, 2379, 4976, 435, 1971, 1971, 4526, 169, 965, 316, 316, 158, 1010, 3914, 552, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 156, 300, 4895, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 2, 581, 628, 3766, 3718, 3387, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 601, 2846, 2846, 2846, 304, 893, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 2139, 2039, 775, 3382, 372, 372, 1604, 1792, 1792, 4340, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2868, 3372, 3975, 3975, 3975, 3975, 3975, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 2317, 2317, 2317, 2317, 4055, 428, 1842, 3136, 3136, 2479, 2479, 1123, 3832, 834, 4990, 534, 561, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 4108, 2410, 104, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 618, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 671, 1547, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 412, 3249, 4102, 142, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 252, 4494, 101, 3702, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 3232, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 2393, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 2464, 2464, 2464, 169, 3202, 1601, 3654, 137, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 1331, 496, 4116, 2373, 1974, 614, 3311, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4239, 3941, 3417, 414, 3417, 3417, 966, 1842, 1842, 3136, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4571, 4944, 197, 3963, 4967, 1405, 2378, 661, 735, 685, 1546, 974, 628, 1781, 2657, 2374, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 1495, 496, 1164, 277, 1834, 3989, 1564, 65, 3404, 4944, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 2218, 4109, 2373, 2373, 628, 3237, 3237, 2952, 2952, 2015, 2015, 2015, 1850, 1850, 968, 1238, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 2607, 346, 346, 61, 362, 255, 1704, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.24029520295202952, 0.4405412054120541, 0.6207626076260763, 1.1614268142681425, 1.8422632226322264, 2.2828044280442805, 3.0237146371463712, 3.2840344403444037, 3.8046740467404674, 4.305289052890529, 4.765854858548586, 4.946076260762608, 5.566838868388684, 5.967330873308733, 6.107503075030751, 7.128757687576877, 7.609348093480935, 7.709471094710947, 8.31020910209102, 8.55050430504305, 9.491660516605167, 9.892152521525215, 10.032324723247234, 10.412792127921279, 10.532939729397294, 11.07360393603936, 11.63429274292743, 11.794489544895448, 12.77569495694957, 13.376432964329645, 13.696826568265683, 13.91709717097171, 14.537859778597788, 14.79817958179582, 15.37889298892989 ]
[ 0.24029520295202952, 0.4405412054120541, 0.6207626076260763, 1.1614268142681425, 1.8422632226322264, 2.2828044280442805, 3.0237146371463712, 3.2840344403444037, 3.8046740467404674, 4.305289052890529, 4.765854858548586, 4.946076260762608, 5.566838868388684, 5.967330873308733, 6.107503075030751, 7.128757687576877, 7.609348093480935, 7.709471094710947, 8.31020910209102, 8.55050430504305, 9.491660516605167, 9.892152521525215, 10.032324723247234, 10.412792127921279, 10.532939729397294, 11.07360393603936, 11.63429274292743, 11.794489544895448, 12.77569495694957, 13.376432964329645, 13.696826568265683, 13.91709717097171, 14.537859778597788, 14.79817958179582, 15.37889298892989, 16.259975399753998 ]
i considered this march as a means to an end and not as an essential act of war still then as now the march to the sea was generally regarded as something extraordinary something anomalous
[ "i", "considered", "this", "march", "as", "a", "means", "to", "an", "end", "and", "not", "as", "an", "essential", "act", "of", "war", "still", "then", "as", "now", "the", "march", "to", "the", "sea", "was", "generally", "regarded", "as", "something", "extraordinary", "something", "anomalous" ]
[ "i", "considered", "this", "march", "as", "a", "means", "to", "an", "end", "and", "not", "as", "an", "essential", "act", "of", "war", "still", "then", "as", "now", "the", "march", "to", "the", "sea", "was", "generally", "regarded", "as", "something", "extraordinary", "something", "anomalous" ]
[ "i", "c o n s i d e r e d", "t h i s", "m a r c h", "a s", "a", "m e a n s", "t o", "a n", "e n d", "a n d", "n o t", "a s", "a n", "e s s e n t i a l", "a c t", "o f", "w a r", "s t i l l", "t h e n", "a s", "n o w", "t h e", "m a r c h", "t o", "t h e", "s e a", "w a s", "g e n e r a l l y", "r e g a r d e d", "a s", "s o m e t h i n g", "e x t r a o r d i n a r y", "s o m e t h i n g", "a n o m a l o u s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 4420, 1910, 30, 794, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 49, 4305, 2559, 3766, 1000, 909, 909, 3389, 3389, 4834, 760, 1010, 1010, 552, 4517, 1541, 1541, 1541, 1541, 4166, 4166, 4419, 4419, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1863, 12, 12, 2566, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 1564, 2940, 3930, 4208, 1014, 4011, 148, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2914, 2121, 1810, 2060, 1974, 4797, 3197, 3079, 1365, 4944, 781, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 176, 3976, 296, 2906, 4607, 546, 95, 4684, 2816, 4493, 2990, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 3171, 2168, 4655, 2292, 991, 3411, 6, 1139, 381, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 1628, 2222, 2222, 1812, 1812, 589, 2687, 2707, 4197, 4197, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 1986, 1986, 2549, 2549, 3034, 4210, 4394, 412, 894, 2205, 1481, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 3134, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 3268, 4420, 981, 14, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 4608, 4608, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 59, 2743, 2029, 3492, 743, 4571, 4944, 197, 2834, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 296, 296, 257, 1812, 1812, 4718, 2687, 366, 1790, 2660, 829, 829, 1109, 1544, 1564, 3505, 2704, 1091, 2799, 2799, 2799, 1331, 496, 277, 3155, 3155, 3155, 614, 3311, 1273, 1273, 1273, 4357, 3325, 36, 4808, 471, 471, 1492, 2411, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 2547, 2547, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2933, 1163, 4576, 2723, 4526, 4526, 384, 965, 4567, 4567, 4567, 396, 144, 144, 1552, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 178, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 2112, 2112, 930, 2358, 931, 555, 555, 4420, 4420, 2760, 3458, 3458, 4787, 2819, 238, 238, 238, 238, 4420, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 1981, 1864, 1714, 1714, 3740, 1714, 2982, 2982, 4420, 4063, 252, 252, 4494, 101, 101, 3702, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 4808, 195, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 3485, 3485, 3896, 3896, 3896, 4340, 4340, 4340, 1795, 4182, 2158, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 989, 989, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 758, 1492, 781, 2411, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 3578, 4969, 4433, 480, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 2358, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1639, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 72, 157, 532, 852, 852, 2030, 2725, 4321, 2850, 2850, 2001, 4182, 165, 4461, 1448, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 3896, 3896, 3896, 2767, 1934, 148, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 207, 2121, 4513, 4513, 1974, 4797, 2103, 2103, 1139, 4229, 894, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 1417, 1564, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 3910, 2478, 3649, 45, 4807, 2102, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 3786, 1139, 84, 2089, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 1218, 1218, 1218, 4809, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 1074, 135, 135, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 2481, 777, 2559, 2272, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 207, 2914, 2121, 4736, 2171, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 921, 2671, 104, 883, 175, 1525, 1525, 1525, 659, 206, 1807, 1564, 3914, 552, 4887, 4887, 250, 250, 2904, 2904, 1157, 1157, 1157, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 4976, 4200, 435, 801, 801, 265, 265, 3938, 1172, 1666, 2279, 120, 2314, 381, 347, 609, 609, 3059, 3059, 3059, 3059, 3059, 3059, 616, 4736, 2171, 4597, 2073, 641, 641, 1794, 3212, 1559, 4519, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1418, 153, 4409, 20, 2933, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2677, 4321, 4494, 101, 2110, 2704, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 4001, 1157, 1157, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 4976, 435, 435, 4840, 4217, 4217, 2146, 1559, 3041, 3041, 1104, 3992, 3992, 4862, 2273, 2273, 3231, 697, 2618, 1777, 1072, 1072, 3818, 4960, 4960, 3619, 3619, 3619, 4899, 1238, 159, 3530, 4433, 3294, 634, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.30043604651162786, 0.841220930232558, 1.0815697674418603, 1.4821511627906976, 1.702470930232558, 1.7825872093023254, 2.103052325581395, 2.26328488372093, 2.4235174418604646, 2.8841860465116276, 3.1846220930232554, 3.545145348837209, 3.785494186046511, 3.9056686046511624, 4.506540697674418, 4.8270058139534875, 4.96720930232558, 5.708284883720929, 6.68970930232558, 7.230494186046511, 7.55095930232558, 8.151831395348836, 8.632529069767441, 9.093197674418603, 9.213372093023255, 9.37360465116279, 9.654011627906975, 9.874331395348836, 10.415116279069766, 10.99595930232558, 11.136162790697671, 11.51671511627907, 12.51816860465116, 12.998866279069766 ]
[ 0.30043604651162786, 0.841220930232558, 1.0815697674418603, 1.4821511627906976, 1.702470930232558, 1.7825872093023254, 2.103052325581395, 2.26328488372093, 2.4235174418604646, 2.8841860465116276, 3.1846220930232554, 3.545145348837209, 3.785494186046511, 3.9056686046511624, 4.506540697674418, 4.8270058139534875, 4.96720930232558, 5.708284883720929, 6.68970930232558, 7.230494186046511, 7.55095930232558, 8.151831395348836, 8.632529069767441, 9.093197674418603, 9.213372093023255, 9.37360465116279, 9.654011627906975, 9.874331395348836, 10.415116279069766, 10.99595930232558, 11.136162790697671, 11.51671511627907, 12.51816860465116, 12.998866279069766, 13.759970930232555 ]
he had the two corps of stanley and cox fourth and twenty-third with wilson's cavalry on his flanks and sent his trains behind the harpeth general hood closed upon him the same day and assaulted his position with vehemence at one time breaking the line and wounding general stanley seriously
[ "he", "had", "the", "two", "corps", "of", "stanley", "and", "cox", "fourth", "and", "twenty-third", "with", "wilson's", "cavalry", "on", "his", "flanks", "and", "sent", "his", "trains", "behind", "the", "harpeth", "general", "hood", "closed", "upon", "him", "the", "same", "day", "and", "assaulted", "his", "position", "with", "vehemence", "at", "one", "time", "breaking", "the", "line", "and", "wounding", "general", "stanley", "seriously" ]
[ "he", "had", "the", "two", "corps", "of", "stanley", "and", "cox", "fourth", "and", "twenty-third", "with", "wilson's", "cavalry", "on", "his", "flanks", "and", "sent", "his", "trains", "behind", "the", "harpeth", "general", "hood", "closed", "upon", "him", "the", "same", "day", "and", "assaulted", "his", "position", "with", "vehemence", "at", "one", "time", "breaking", "the", "line", "and", "wounding", "general", "stanley", "seriously" ]
[ "h e", "h a d", "t h e", "t w o", "c o r p s", "o f", "s t a n l e y", "a n d", "c o x", "f o u r t h", "a n d", "t w e n t y t h i r d", "w i t h", "w i l s o n ' s", "c a v a l r y", "o n", "h i s", "f l a n k s", "a n d", "s e n t", "h i s", "t r a i n s", "b e h i n d", "t h e", "h a r p e t h", "g e n e r a l", "h o o d", "c l o s e d", "u p o n", "h i m", "t h e", "s a m e", "d a y", "a n d", "a s s a u l t e d", "h i s", "p o s i t i o n", "w i t h", "v e h e m e n c e", "a t", "o n e", "t i m e", "b r e a k i n g", "t h e", "l i n e", "a n d", "w o u n d i n g", "g e n e r a l", "s t a n l e y", "s e r i o u s l y" ]
[ 361, 1143, 72, 1457, 524, 524, 527, 75, 4063, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 12, 3326, 2047, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3336, 3326, 114, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 2801, 132, 1694, 581, 340, 340, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 2787, 1753, 3417, 2524, 966, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 316, 3374, 9, 1084, 1084, 3271, 4092, 1643, 590, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 1390, 463, 3529, 3529, 3529, 3100, 3533, 3533, 2628, 4946, 4850, 2443, 3564, 295, 1123, 2298, 2659, 4591, 628, 559, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3873, 3873, 3012, 3012, 3012, 3012, 4244, 4244, 59, 59, 823, 823, 823, 815, 815, 3223, 3223, 2354, 3773, 4433, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1792, 4658, 785, 785, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2310, 4061, 4061, 4966, 4966, 3891, 3833, 1842, 3136, 4381, 4381, 2479, 1123, 2298, 685, 1546, 1206, 4738, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1061, 2140, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 1227, 1227, 2463, 2574, 2574, 2619, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 869, 869, 1110, 1110, 4102, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 2933, 924, 842, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 798, 936, 3896, 1683, 2833, 4477, 2668, 1035, 1035, 1035, 1035, 3092, 3092, 683, 3928, 3626, 2905, 4372, 4646, 1521, 1521, 4532, 3687, 2267, 1899, 706, 1564, 2019, 213, 1829, 3326, 559, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 1274, 3266, 3266, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 4731, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 311, 4850, 4850, 4317, 4317, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 2824, 4044, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3756, 3756, 2489, 815, 3223, 2354, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 312, 2933, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 4834, 760, 1010, 1010, 313, 1892, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1331, 1374, 4116, 1686, 759, 759, 1422, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 1564, 6, 1139, 84, 1206, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 529, 262, 1882, 2168, 809, 2292, 991, 706, 2940, 2821, 4241, 3537, 1908, 1257, 4593, 4593, 4593, 2412, 13, 369, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 1538, 1538, 314, 37, 2352, 1206, 2047, 4141, 3102, 4816, 4816, 2412, 13, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 3678, 4661, 207, 2914, 2914, 4267, 2467, 251, 595, 2820, 2419, 2597, 2841, 2841, 2841, 968, 1238, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 61, 73, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4, 4, 4222, 4222, 254, 2250, 254, 4420, 3993, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 3, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 2677, 2725, 3227, 2933, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 369, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 1523, 4102, 4102, 455, 455, 2852, 2933, 55, 340, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 1476, 1476, 3742, 3742, 4594, 4301, 4301, 3362, 4092, 4576, 430, 430, 1961, 2096, 2559, 102, 849, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 105, 2177, 4768, 2824, 4044, 2818, 2818, 2293, 2293, 2293, 3467, 3467, 353, 353, 2846, 304, 3905, 258, 2352, 2047, 4035, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 3374, 1564, 313, 313, 1892, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 2887, 2887, 1030, 1670, 258, 2410, 2410, 42, 2212, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 884, 2377, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 72, 3913, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 312, 4420, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 68, 293, 293, 2660, 4840, 3165, 1723, 3374, 158, 1010, 313, 1892, 1608, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 3219, 3092, 3092, 2239, 2239, 1206, 1830, 341, 341, 4434, 4434, 921, 2355, 1686, 759, 1422, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 3930, 2821, 628, 1724, 3407, 2828, 2828, 2828, 613, 613, 4424, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 4433, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2298, 954, 4014, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 2035, 607, 607, 2870, 479, 3609, 3788, 3788, 3788, 3788, 4251, 1244, 1244, 3510, 3510, 3510, 2944, 2944, 4134, 4134, 1067, 596, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 1374, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 532, 828, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 2391, 1510, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2969, 168, 168, 2833, 4477, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 3918, 4108, 685, 114, 114, 136, 625, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 1670, 4819, 4819, 42, 1498, 323, 3258, 3258, 3258, 3258, 418, 2663, 1206, 2903, 454, 2653, 473, 473, 7, 156, 3771, 2352, 42, 4035, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 275, 275, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 269, 3159, 758, 758, 1630, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2298, 954, 3691, 1155, 2833, 4477, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 2805, 3755, 314, 3793, 2682, 2158, 2219, 2402, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 2410, 1206, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 3758, 3374, 3374, 9, 1084, 3194, 4092, 1643, 590, 590, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 1390, 463, 2298, 3529, 3529, 3529, 3100, 3533, 3533, 4324, 438, 2622, 1914, 3374, 1010, 313, 1892, 620, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2739, 748, 2161, 123, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3619, 3619, 3619, 1798, 1798, 3626, 4433, 462, 3863, 1987, 1987, 2731, 494, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 153, 153, 153, 1248, 4917, 931, 588, 588, 4420, 3103, 1486, 1486, 1486, 329, 329, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3001518218623481, 0.5602834008097166, 0.6803441295546558, 0.9004554655870445, 1.2406275303643723, 1.3206680161943318, 1.800910931174089, 1.960991902834008, 2.5412854251012145, 3.101568825910931, 3.26164979757085, 4.142095141700405, 4.542297570850201, 5.0625607287449395, 5.642854251012145, 5.862965587044534, 6.083076923076923, 6.703390688259109, 7.003542510121457, 7.283684210526315, 7.483785425101214, 7.944018218623482, 8.424261133603238, 8.564331983805667, 9.444777327935222, 10.205161943319837, 10.525323886639676, 10.985556680161942, 11.34573886639676, 11.605870445344127, 11.785961538461537, 12.126133603238866, 12.626386639676113, 12.96655870445344, 13.546852226720647, 13.766963562753036, 14.34725708502024, 14.52734817813765, 15.287732793522265, 15.607894736842104, 15.807995951417002, 16.2081983805668, 16.588390688259107, 16.728461538461534, 17.16868421052631, 17.368785425101215, 17.809008097165993, 18.229220647773275, 18.72947368421052 ]
[ 0.3001518218623481, 0.5602834008097166, 0.6803441295546558, 0.9004554655870445, 1.2206174089068824, 1.3206680161943318, 1.800910931174089, 1.960991902834008, 2.5412854251012145, 3.101568825910931, 3.26164979757085, 4.142095141700405, 4.542297570850201, 5.0625607287449395, 5.642854251012145, 5.862965587044534, 6.083076923076923, 6.703390688259109, 7.003542510121457, 7.283684210526315, 7.483785425101214, 7.944018218623482, 8.424261133603238, 8.564331983805667, 9.444777327935222, 10.205161943319837, 10.525323886639676, 10.985556680161942, 11.34573886639676, 11.605870445344127, 11.785961538461537, 12.126133603238866, 12.626386639676113, 12.96655870445344, 13.546852226720647, 13.766963562753036, 14.34725708502024, 14.52734817813765, 15.287732793522265, 15.607894736842104, 15.807995951417002, 16.2081983805668, 16.588390688259107, 16.728461538461534, 17.16868421052631, 17.368785425101215, 17.809008097165993, 18.229220647773275, 18.72947368421052, 19.74998987854251 ]
one of these small blockade-runners came into savannah after we were in full possession and the master did not discover his mistake till he came ashore to visit the custom-house of coarse his vessel fell a prize to the navy
[ "one", "of", "these", "small", "blockade-runners", "came", "into", "savannah", "after", "we", "were", "in", "full", "possession", "and", "the", "master", "did", "not", "discover", "his", "mistake", "till", "he", "came", "ashore", "to", "visit", "the", "custom-house", "of", "coarse", "his", "vessel", "fell", "a", "prize", "to", "the", "navy" ]
[ "one", "of", "these", "small", "blockade-runners", "came", "into", "savannah", "after", "we", "were", "in", "full", "possession", "and", "the", "master", "did", "not", "discover", "his", "mistake", "till", "he", "came", "ashore", "to", "visit", "the", "custom-house", "of", "coarse", "his", "vessel", "fell", "a", "prize", "to", "the", "navy" ]
[ "o n e", "o f", "t h e s e", "s m a l l", "b l o c k a d e r u n n e r s", "c a m e", "i n t o", "s a v a n n a h", "a f t e r", "w e", "w e r e", "i n", "f u l l", "p o s s e s s i o n", "a n d", "t h e", "m a s t e r", "d i d", "n o t", "d i s c o v e r", "h i s", "m i s t a k e", "t i l l", "h e", "c a m e", "a s h o r e", "t o", "v i s i t", "t h e", "c u s t o m h o u s e", "o f", "c o a r s e", "h i s", "v e s s e l", "f e l l", "a", "p r i z e", "t o", "t h e", "n a v y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 4462, 4462, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 527, 75, 4420, 2001, 1683, 29, 29, 2783, 130, 130, 4860, 4860, 4860, 33, 839, 3398, 2707, 4833, 4778, 4778, 4778, 3315, 199, 4055, 165, 4463, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 3910, 206, 1807, 1564, 4037, 382, 4382, 4382, 1429, 1456, 4338, 4338, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 2755, 1115, 3456, 3456, 1177, 1591, 2741, 2534, 2980, 957, 4313, 4313, 4313, 4313, 4244, 4827, 4012, 2933, 104, 3112, 3112, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 528, 3413, 565, 4540, 3058, 2199, 3883, 4590, 1626, 2729, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 2300, 3613, 431, 2950, 2950, 2401, 2401, 2038, 4499, 4499, 4050, 4969, 65, 2019, 2933, 3766, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 2887, 2641, 2641, 786, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 4055, 3481, 4057, 4057, 3210, 1109, 4876, 1010, 552, 4721, 947, 4456, 4456, 3497, 952, 4055, 1373, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 740, 740, 3050, 1492, 1291, 2411, 806, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2933, 1163, 2683, 3175, 3175, 3941, 172, 2117, 45, 104, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1766, 579, 45, 1345, 1851, 763, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 3417, 3417, 966, 3877, 284, 4856, 4856, 712, 1185, 2435, 1368, 623, 2400, 43, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 36, 1187, 1177, 1478, 628, 2973, 3407, 2828, 2828, 2828, 2828, 613, 4424, 4433, 2345, 2345, 2233, 2233, 2233, 2233, 2233, 93, 3967, 2504, 603, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 3808, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 1943, 1245, 1245, 72, 3913, 532, 23, 3844, 3268, 4281, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 591, 4694, 4249, 3364, 4820, 4820, 1448, 3513, 177, 4730, 2816, 202, 308, 2993, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 1303, 2881, 4708, 4440, 2187, 242, 1641, 653, 653, 3184, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1367, 433, 2389, 1537, 1537, 1537, 3120, 1972, 1895, 1315, 3770, 1021, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 2408, 1129, 1129, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 1544, 158, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 3070, 2530, 2530, 2530, 2530, 1274, 3094, 484, 1403, 1403, 3941, 3941, 3261, 2367, 1832, 415, 390, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 2990, 1584, 1584, 1584, 82, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 381, 47, 1555, 2949, 2949, 2949, 2949, 2949, 1086, 1086, 2430, 2430, 2663, 3176, 935, 142, 2933, 586, 4243, 4243, 3134, 3913, 23, 2030, 710, 2725, 2725, 2933, 1058, 136, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1874, 1437, 1566, 4333, 3519, 3519, 3519, 1166, 1999, 894, 4633, 708, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 1030, 2641, 786, 786, 546, 3165, 1723, 2878, 171, 1564, 4507, 4507, 897, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2796, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 4018, 2183, 3249, 3026, 1401, 885, 1292, 630, 1677, 952, 3612, 3609, 3230, 3230, 3230, 3230, 2562, 472, 472, 2609, 4542, 4131, 2428, 381, 2566, 4141, 10, 124, 2, 381, 560, 3718, 2497, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4433, 2187, 242, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 2641, 3216, 4044, 1347, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 2898, 4100, 621, 621, 881, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 1375, 1646, 2760, 4787, 2819, 238, 4420, 238, 4621, 2200, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 2154, 3268, 2933, 30, 30, 4575, 1776, 1493, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 2277, 917, 628, 310, 1579, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2848, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 3294, 2324, 1365, 936, 4774, 4774, 3349, 3349, 812, 812, 812, 2265, 2265, 4473, 3578, 298, 923, 923, 4067, 4067, 2324, 455, 936, 936, 4756, 4756, 1792, 1604, 2933, 4340, 1787, 2870, 2870, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 1281, 4708, 2963, 121, 121, 655, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 2053, 668, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 3485, 3232, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2158, 43, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 1796, 1796, 1566, 1566, 4333, 546, 546, 4187, 2261, 1210, 4643, 1673, 4660, 654, 3706, 3706, 1921, 1921, 4111, 4111, 4111, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3559, 4594, 4050, 6, 1139, 4229, 63, 665, 3419, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 4141, 10, 10, 1469, 4959, 411, 2142, 3041, 4841, 4841, 4841, 4841, 3413, 3413, 3413, 4406, 4406, 3094, 1788, 301, 1562, 1848, 1848, 3843, 3843, 153, 1248, 1248, 4409, 610, 588, 4276, 255, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6604477611940298, 0.7605156037991859, 1.0206919945725914, 1.3409090909090908, 2.32157394843962, 2.5617367706919945, 2.7418588873812757, 3.3422659430122117, 3.7025101763907733, 3.8626187245590233, 4.122795115332428, 4.262890094979647, 4.503052917232021, 5.343622795115333, 5.703867028493894, 5.80393487109905, 6.244233378561737, 6.444369063772048, 6.664518317503392, 7.184871099050203, 7.425033921302578, 8.10549525101764, 8.385685210312076, 8.48575305291723, 8.745929443690637, 9.186227951153324, 9.326322930800544, 9.62652645861601, 9.746607869742197, 10.887381275440978, 11.347693351424693, 11.828018995929444, 12.2483039348711, 12.888738127544096, 13.228968792401627, 13.309023066485752, 13.76933514246947, 13.889416553595659, 14.029511533242875 ]
[ 0.6604477611940298, 0.7605156037991859, 1.0206919945725914, 1.3409090909090908, 2.32157394843962, 2.5617367706919945, 2.7418588873812757, 3.3422659430122117, 3.7025101763907733, 3.8626187245590233, 4.122795115332428, 4.262890094979647, 4.503052917232021, 5.343622795115333, 5.703867028493894, 5.80393487109905, 6.244233378561737, 6.444369063772048, 6.664518317503392, 7.184871099050203, 7.425033921302578, 8.10549525101764, 8.385685210312076, 8.48575305291723, 8.745929443690637, 9.186227951153324, 9.326322930800544, 9.62652645861601, 9.746607869742197, 10.887381275440978, 11.347693351424693, 11.828018995929444, 12.2483039348711, 12.888738127544096, 13.228968792401627, 13.309023066485752, 13.76933514246947, 13.889416553595659, 14.029511533242875, 14.729986431478968 ]
of course i congratulated hazen most heartily on his brilliant success and praised its execution very highly as it deserved and he explained to me more in detail the exact results
[ "of", "course", "i", "congratulated", "hazen", "most", "heartily", "on", "his", "brilliant", "success", "and", "praised", "its", "execution", "very", "highly", "as", "it", "deserved", "and", "he", "explained", "to", "me", "more", "in", "detail", "the", "exact", "results" ]
[ "of", "course", "i", "congratulated", "hazen", "most", "heartily", "on", "his", "brilliant", "success", "and", "praised", "its", "execution", "very", "highly", "as", "it", "deserved", "and", "he", "explained", "to", "me", "more", "in", "detail", "the", "exact", "results" ]
[ "o f", "c o u r s e", "i", "c o n g r a t u l a t e d", "h a z e n", "m o s t", "h e a r t i l y", "o n", "h i s", "b r i l l i a n t", "s u c c e s s", "a n d", "p r a i s e d", "i t s", "e x e c u t i o n", "v e r y", "h i g h l y", "a s", "i t", "d e s e r v e d", "a n d", "h e", "e x p l a i n e d", "t o", "m e", "m o r e", "i n", "d e t a i l", "t h e", "e x a c t", "r e s u l t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 312, 981, 30, 4575, 1493, 965, 2184, 2277, 1829, 3766, 1579, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 1871, 2310, 2848, 356, 2963, 4433, 2213, 752, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1999, 4305, 2533, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 253, 488, 2647, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4457, 4457, 4457, 4457, 509, 509, 4513, 3249, 614, 614, 3536, 460, 1691, 1691, 1072, 4960, 4960, 3521, 871, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 4055, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 754, 2676, 1149, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 2502, 2502, 2502, 2502, 3413, 565, 565, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 54, 2160, 704, 74, 202, 148, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 356, 2227, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 1149, 369, 3341, 3341, 4829, 4829, 207, 207, 2121, 4736, 1061, 2140, 2866, 2866, 2866, 2866, 4809, 494, 494, 2055, 98, 4946, 4850, 4317, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 2824, 4044, 415, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4599, 3930, 4894, 276, 276, 1498, 323, 1700, 1700, 1700, 2295, 2064, 2064, 4146, 1126, 1126, 1329, 3951, 3951, 2072, 4994, 4739, 4523, 4433, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 858, 1238, 2640, 3530, 1564, 542, 3294, 1311, 2967, 193, 3557, 3557, 1252, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 1357, 72, 3844, 3268, 312, 2933, 14, 1406, 3610, 68, 4418, 4508, 4055, 3170, 4660, 654, 2149, 4399, 2076, 2076, 2076, 528, 528, 4583, 565, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4301, 1564, 4301, 4576, 175, 175, 4226, 726, 726, 3938, 4740, 4740, 4067, 4266, 3404, 4944, 197, 2411, 3907, 4679, 4679, 4679, 3241, 628, 2543, 649, 2279, 655, 2874, 343, 343, 3006, 91, 628, 4633, 189, 189, 4004, 4004, 4004, 307, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 2649, 522, 4846, 856, 4055, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 4911, 13, 3072, 369, 4307, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 4417, 282, 282, 2301, 1912, 4391, 224, 4809, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 311, 587, 587, 3050, 1291, 2834, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 296, 1564, 2906, 257, 1993, 886, 886, 886, 2601, 2869, 1588, 3251, 4397, 2089, 2933, 433, 572, 572, 837, 618, 613, 613, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 3990, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2237, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 4387, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 1534, 3972, 142, 4276, 4420, 586, 1252, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 312, 981, 14, 1406, 3610, 68, 1634, 2676, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4850, 2443, 801, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 2980, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 3214, 3171, 300, 5, 1058, 3026, 665, 3179, 3179, 3179, 1720, 202, 3768, 2170, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 3910, 3846, 1593, 3948, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1413, 1205, 908, 2524, 3877, 3564, 4856, 4856, 4856, 1234, 2410, 3925, 894, 2231, 3853, 3853, 1232, 1013, 1013, 1350, 4202, 2183, 2559, 944, 136, 2657, 2532, 2532, 2532, 2532, 2532, 3866, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 4808, 4905, 2477, 1742, 165, 832, 1064, 1064, 210, 210, 1323, 801, 265, 265, 1160, 1160, 1312, 1312, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 3990, 3469, 3469, 3469, 96, 96, 2547, 2547, 1328, 2359, 2933, 3972, 3545, 4590, 1626, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 127, 613, 613, 4433, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 3219, 1062, 1062, 1062, 4524, 1136, 1152, 538, 4505, 3773, 2898, 621, 3414, 61, 362, 362, 1496, 4420, 2760, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 329, 329, 329, 329, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3803135313531354, 0.7205940594059407, 0.8206765676567658, 1.6813861386138615, 2.1817986798679874, 2.4620297029702973, 2.9424257425742577, 3.1025577557755777, 3.302722772277228, 3.7230693069306935, 4.443663366336634, 4.743910891089109, 5.14424092409241, 5.38443894389439, 6.165082508250825, 6.485346534653466, 7.025792079207921, 7.306023102310231, 7.506188118811882, 8.386914191419143, 8.687161716171618, 8.787244224422444, 9.28765676567657, 9.407755775577558, 9.56788778877888, 9.84811881188119, 9.968217821782178, 10.508663366336636, 10.668795379537954, 11.16920792079208 ]
[ 0.3803135313531354, 0.7205940594059407, 0.8206765676567658, 1.6813861386138615, 2.1817986798679874, 2.4620297029702973, 2.9424257425742577, 3.1025577557755777, 3.302722772277228, 3.7230693069306935, 4.443663366336634, 4.743910891089109, 5.14424092409241, 5.38443894389439, 6.165082508250825, 6.485346534653466, 7.025792079207921, 7.306023102310231, 7.506188118811882, 8.386914191419143, 8.687161716171618, 8.787244224422444, 9.28765676567657, 9.407755775577558, 9.56788778877888, 9.84811881188119, 9.968217821782178, 10.508663366336636, 10.668795379537954, 11.16920792079208, 12.109983498349838 ]
the train-guard by a lever had raised the whole side of the crib a foot or two the wagons drove close alongside and the men in the cribs lying on their backs kicked out a wagon-load of corn in the time i have taken to describe it
[ "the", "train-guard", "by", "a", "lever", "had", "raised", "the", "whole", "side", "of", "the", "crib", "a", "foot", "or", "two", "the", "wagons", "drove", "close", "alongside", "and", "the", "men", "in", "the", "cribs", "lying", "on", "their", "backs", "kicked", "out", "a", "wagon-load", "of", "corn", "in", "the", "time", "i", "have", "taken", "to", "describe", "it" ]
[ "the", "train-guard", "by", "a", "lever", "had", "raised", "the", "whole", "side", "of", "the", "crib", "a", "foot", "or", "two", "the", "wagons", "drove", "close", "alongside", "and", "the", "men", "in", "the", "cribs", "lying", "on", "their", "backs", "kicked", "out", "a", "wagon-load", "of", "corn", "in", "the", "time", "i", "have", "taken", "to", "describe", "it" ]
[ "t h e", "t r a i n g u a r d", "b y", "a", "l e v e r", "h a d", "r a i s e d", "t h e", "w h o l e", "s i d e", "o f", "t h e", "c r i b", "a", "f o o t", "o r", "t w o", "t h e", "w a g o n s", "d r o v e", "c l o s e", "a l o n g s i d e", "a n d", "t h e", "m e n", "i n", "t h e", "c r i b s", "l y i n g", "o n", "t h e i r", "b a c k s", "k i c k e d", "o u t", "a", "w a g o n l o a d", "o f", "c o r n", "i n", "t h e", "t i m e", "i", "h a v e", "t a k e n", "t o", "d e s c r i b e", "i t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 72, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 3958, 193, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 1469, 3336, 270, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 3214, 3171, 2168, 488, 2647, 2647, 41, 2272, 3070, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 207, 2914, 4387, 2488, 2488, 1737, 2985, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2741, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2301, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4945, 4945, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1430, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 1350, 4406, 4406, 3094, 1788, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 4234, 4234, 3261, 3805, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 2920, 3369, 2014, 754, 1145, 1626, 1626, 1827, 1988, 1549, 1549, 528, 528, 528, 1816, 565, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4050, 1564, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 4816, 2412, 2412, 13, 3072, 392, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 967, 967, 3456, 1187, 3758, 760, 1564, 1010, 552, 1608, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 167, 167, 282, 3463, 1708, 2723, 3827, 1512, 3869, 721, 721, 3102, 10, 124, 2, 581, 2933, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 1122, 3088, 3088, 3088, 267, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3747, 701, 161, 546, 546, 432, 2690, 1815, 4433, 2400, 43, 4516, 4516, 461, 461, 461, 267, 4736, 1061, 3177, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2363, 1288, 2183, 1623, 2933, 270, 3076, 4375, 985, 3820, 3820, 3820, 3820, 2536, 2536, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 1873, 2358, 20, 1915, 92, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 72, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 331, 1504, 1448, 492, 2059, 4725, 4714, 2158, 2668, 2910, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 104, 428, 4439, 4439, 2626, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 3411, 4433, 6, 84, 1641, 1352, 1320, 3253, 4223, 4223, 4223, 4223, 2797, 880, 1407, 3466, 2277, 917, 381, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2797, 644, 356, 2963, 1564, 2213, 4260, 1008, 430, 1324, 1607, 4588, 1430, 188, 188, 3784, 3784, 3784, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 782, 782, 760, 158, 1010, 3914, 2704, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4540, 1110, 754, 4102, 1481, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 72, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 3268, 4420, 981, 14, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 2816, 4493, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 3917, 3917, 3398, 1790, 1270, 1270, 1625, 3364, 40, 3291, 10, 124, 2, 91, 2559, 310, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 1122, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3499, 3636, 4072, 32, 1011, 65, 2324, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 229, 738, 1430, 2336, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4082, 4082, 4082, 2438, 1817, 1817, 4976, 4200, 435, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 2316, 4820, 2546, 677, 677, 677, 8, 172, 2009, 1591, 3133, 739, 1373, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 4656, 96, 1930, 823, 823, 815, 3249, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3294, 2324, 2324, 936, 1792, 1435, 2607, 1784, 4633, 708, 4719, 4719, 4719, 3829, 1328, 2359, 1108, 894, 3972, 4576, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2075, 58, 1529, 4073, 2660, 546, 546, 4725, 4714, 4714, 1345, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 428, 428, 4439, 4741, 54, 3687, 85, 85, 227, 3003, 3003, 3003, 3003, 2797, 644, 4736, 1708, 2723, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 2933, 2933, 560, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2688, 2688, 2688, 2688, 2688, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 2160, 834, 3284, 1842, 287, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 2131, 3336, 1623, 628, 1781, 136, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3905, 2139, 4401, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 312, 1910, 30, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 4911, 3805, 4770, 889, 889, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 2184, 917, 628, 1781, 136, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2430, 2663, 3249, 1733, 2679, 1540, 1540, 1540, 54, 3687, 300, 4895, 270, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 260, 4202, 4055, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 4622, 406, 2475, 2475, 4981, 4981, 4981, 167, 167, 282, 1912, 732, 2759, 1632, 1632, 1993, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 3240, 1725, 2205, 1481, 2962, 588, 1375, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4420, 4006, 1486, 1486, 1486, 1901, 1901, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3002060439560439, 0.9606593406593407, 1.2808791208791208, 1.4209752747252746, 1.9013049450549449, 2.1814972527472527, 2.5417445054945054, 2.661826923076923, 2.962032967032967, 3.2622390109890107, 3.3422939560439557, 3.442362637362637, 3.8026098901098897, 3.882664835164835, 4.142843406593406, 4.28293956043956, 4.783282967032966, 5.143530219780219, 5.623859890109889, 5.904052197802198, 6.224271978021978, 7.224958791208791, 7.485137362637363, 7.585206043956044, 7.76532967032967, 7.845384615384615, 7.965467032967033, 8.445796703296702, 8.8860989010989, 9.006181318681318, 9.186304945054944, 9.666634615384615, 10.006868131868131, 10.22701923076923, 10.307074175824175, 10.887472527472529, 11.02756868131868, 11.427843406593405, 11.547925824175824, 11.688021978021977, 12.3084478021978, 12.58864010989011, 12.808791208791208, 13.189052197802196, 13.349162087912088, 13.949574175824175 ]
[ 0.3002060439560439, 0.9606593406593407, 1.2808791208791208, 1.4209752747252746, 1.9013049450549449, 2.1814972527472527, 2.5417445054945054, 2.661826923076923, 2.962032967032967, 3.2622390109890107, 3.32228021978022, 3.442362637362637, 3.8026098901098897, 3.882664835164835, 4.142843406593406, 4.28293956043956, 4.783282967032966, 5.143530219780219, 5.623859890109889, 5.904052197802198, 6.224271978021978, 7.224958791208791, 7.485137362637363, 7.585206043956044, 7.76532967032967, 7.845384615384615, 7.965467032967033, 8.445796703296702, 8.8860989010989, 9.006181318681318, 9.186304945054944, 9.666634615384615, 10.006868131868131, 10.22701923076923, 10.307074175824175, 10.887472527472529, 11.02756868131868, 11.427843406593405, 11.547925824175824, 11.688021978021977, 12.3084478021978, 12.58864010989011, 12.808791208791208, 13.189052197802196, 13.349162087912088, 13.949574175824175, 14.549986263736264 ]
general woods had deployed his leading brigade which was skirmishing forward but he reported that the bridge was gone and that a considerable force of the enemy was on the other side
[ "general", "woods", "had", "deployed", "his", "leading", "brigade", "which", "was", "skirmishing", "forward", "but", "he", "reported", "that", "the", "bridge", "was", "gone", "and", "that", "a", "considerable", "force", "of", "the", "enemy", "was", "on", "the", "other", "side" ]
[ "general", "woods", "had", "deployed", "his", "leading", "brigade", "which", "was", "skirmishing", "forward", "but", "he", "reported", "that", "the", "bridge", "was", "gone", "and", "that", "a", "considerable", "force", "of", "the", "enemy", "was", "on", "the", "other", "side" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "w o o d s", "h a d", "d e p l o y e d", "h i s", "l e a d i n g", "b r i g a d e", "w h i c h", "w a s", "s k i r m i s h i n g", "f o r w a r d", "b u t", "h e", "r e p o r t e d", "t h a t", "t h e", "b r i d g e", "w a s", "g o n e", "a n d", "t h a t", "a", "c o n s i d e r a b l e", "f o r c e", "o f", "t h e", "e n e m y", "w a s", "o n", "t h e", "o t h e r", "s i d e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 3958, 2234, 2001, 1787, 1787, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 22, 22, 1346, 1346, 2783, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 273, 4266, 65, 2324, 455, 4774, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 3369, 2014, 112, 112, 433, 572, 572, 1353, 750, 2261, 2559, 3170, 1082, 4932, 263, 4075, 2050, 2050, 2050, 2050, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3463, 3463, 2671, 754, 2676, 1149, 2818, 1422, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 2265, 2456, 3578, 3786, 3786, 4247, 1836, 1836, 426, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4196, 4055, 3169, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3771, 4819, 3925, 2741, 1498, 4331, 4331, 4456, 2481, 1710, 777, 1223, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 4102, 154, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 1974, 358, 1217, 1217, 798, 3896, 2697, 4807, 2102, 1613, 373, 855, 206, 1807, 1564, 382, 521, 521, 381, 2809, 3070, 4337, 2589, 425, 425, 697, 697, 2618, 4128, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1527, 603, 4433, 3061, 3845, 3097, 3097, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 50, 1368, 623, 2832, 2400, 2595, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 1346, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 142, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2677, 2725, 2933, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2676, 759, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 1766, 1074, 135, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 2261, 1210, 628, 2973, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4736, 1061, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 921, 12, 104, 2566, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1531, 1531, 2428, 628, 2566, 2566, 3102, 177, 4354, 1060, 3327, 4055, 1498, 1498, 323, 1700, 1700, 1700, 1700, 2582, 2060, 2060, 3235, 1722, 1217, 3629, 551, 2102, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 2713, 3786, 4247, 2019, 1829, 41, 2272, 3070, 4138, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 105, 105, 105, 209, 209, 1282, 2160, 4681, 3159, 3422, 758, 983, 2933, 781, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 4820, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 2926, 1531, 1529, 4073, 3449, 859, 1513, 1513, 4305, 628, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 909, 3389, 1748, 4834, 4876, 1564, 3914, 552, 4517, 1541, 1541, 1541, 1541, 4736, 4166, 4166, 4734, 652, 4306, 4306, 4306, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 36, 1187, 1177, 563, 1815, 4433, 1615, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 2213, 606, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 199, 2268, 721, 832, 1064, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 3441, 1045, 187, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 839, 1005, 3023, 3023, 3023, 3023, 1404, 2158, 4178, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 1418, 3843, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 381, 4807, 2102, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 296, 2906, 752, 822, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 4768, 662, 4820, 3347, 1064, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 4711, 4711, 4711, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 1288, 3408, 2542, 1417, 158, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 869, 1110, 104, 4102, 154, 2962, 588, 588, 4420, 1496, 4420, 1081, 3103, 3103, 3103, 2209, 3215, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6811805555555556, 1.1019097222222223, 1.342326388888889, 1.8632291666666665, 2.143715277777778, 2.4843055555555558, 3.185520833333333, 3.546145833333333, 3.726458333333333, 4.347534722222222, 5.008680555555555, 5.289166666666666, 5.429409722222221, 5.990381944444445, 6.170694444444444, 6.3109375, 6.631493055555556, 6.831840277777777, 7.272604166666666, 7.472951388888888, 7.653263888888889, 7.733402777777777, 8.454652777777778, 8.8353125, 8.955520833333333, 9.155868055555555, 9.716840277777777, 10.137569444444443, 10.317881944444444, 10.458125, 10.738611111111112 ]
[ 0.6811805555555556, 1.1019097222222223, 1.342326388888889, 1.8632291666666665, 2.143715277777778, 2.4843055555555558, 3.185520833333333, 3.546145833333333, 3.726458333333333, 4.347534722222222, 5.008680555555555, 5.289166666666666, 5.429409722222221, 5.990381944444445, 6.170694444444444, 6.3109375, 6.631493055555556, 6.831840277777777, 7.272604166666666, 7.472951388888888, 7.653263888888889, 7.733402777777777, 8.454652777777778, 8.8353125, 8.955520833333333, 9.155868055555555, 9.716840277777777, 10.137569444444443, 10.317881944444444, 10.458125, 10.738611111111112, 11.519965277777777 ]
general schofield reached franklin on the morning of november thirtieth and posted his army in front of the town where some rifle intrenchments had been constructed in advance
[ "general", "schofield", "reached", "franklin", "on", "the", "morning", "of", "november", "thirtieth", "and", "posted", "his", "army", "in", "front", "of", "the", "town", "where", "some", "rifle", "intrenchments", "had", "been", "constructed", "in", "advance" ]
[ "general", "schofield", "reached", "franklin", "on", "the", "morning", "of", "november", "thirtieth", "and", "posted", "his", "army", "in", "front", "of", "the", "town", "where", "some", "rifle", "intrenchments", "had", "been", "constructed", "in", "advance" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "s c h o f i e l d", "r e a c h e d", "f r a n k l i n", "o n", "t h e", "m o r n i n g", "o f", "n o v e m b e r", "t h i r t i e t h", "a n d", "p o s t e d", "h i s", "a r m y", "i n", "f r o n t", "o f", "t h e", "t o w n", "w h e r e", "s o m e", "r i f l e", "i n t r e n c h m e n t s", "h a d", "b e e n", "c o n s t r u c t e d", "i n", "a d v a n c e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 2001, 2001, 1787, 5, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 4446, 1417, 1564, 9, 4019, 521, 381, 2809, 3070, 4337, 4337, 4678, 2797, 4892, 1193, 3232, 563, 1815, 2400, 43, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 2901, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 3883, 2800, 1626, 1626, 1132, 2888, 1827, 3548, 656, 656, 656, 656, 1350, 4513, 3249, 1974, 4762, 1564, 1631, 368, 2607, 1659, 1806, 798, 4120, 2832, 1615, 3953, 3785, 557, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3756, 2489, 4886, 628, 1733, 2770, 2770, 1855, 4133, 4133, 2369, 2369, 2369, 1379, 2288, 2288, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4055, 3159, 3284, 758, 758, 332, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 4730, 2816, 3948, 1456, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 2688, 2121, 3613, 3169, 3263, 3263, 2308, 4976, 4200, 435, 1971, 1971, 1776, 1776, 169, 2997, 1601, 2184, 2020, 3770, 2142, 3286, 3286, 3798, 952, 3612, 2868, 3609, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 3941, 1288, 1288, 380, 2463, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 425, 2121, 4736, 216, 4390, 2979, 271, 3720, 3720, 2841, 2841, 2841, 2841, 4061, 4966, 142, 20, 2607, 4665, 4243, 4243, 72, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 193, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4508, 4591, 3170, 1082, 1663, 116, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 644, 644, 356, 4440, 2187, 242, 2751, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 4055, 2676, 759, 415, 390, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 296, 296, 752, 752, 822, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 1848, 2540, 4850, 2443, 2443, 4856, 4856, 1234, 50, 1368, 104, 1615, 3953, 4931, 4931, 4931, 4931, 4515, 1358, 4073, 3827, 3827, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 10, 1469, 3336, 2933, 270, 1781, 2657, 541, 2374, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 2487, 3764, 4681, 2210, 4401, 4276, 3046, 3046, 1286, 828, 1103, 710, 2725, 3958, 4420, 2620, 2620, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 423, 8, 414, 2956, 3408, 1417, 158, 1010, 3914, 79, 4887, 4029, 4029, 4029, 1800, 1295, 258, 3031, 3031, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 1173, 3680, 2472, 3279, 104, 3259, 413, 2053, 2053, 36, 2851, 2851, 471, 1492, 3963, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 735, 685, 894, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3282, 3282, 3282, 1331, 496, 2854, 4116, 3155, 3155, 614, 2103, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 3694, 2539, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 1374, 3234, 4505, 4433, 65, 1785, 3699, 3699, 2920, 2920, 4569, 2014, 843, 4055, 2741, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 253, 488, 2099, 4591, 2559, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 194, 4834, 4740, 120, 120, 2607, 347, 609, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 2933, 1163, 341, 2381, 4434, 4434, 2671, 1708, 883, 422, 284, 4856, 4856, 712, 366, 1790, 1790, 4379, 4448, 4448, 4448, 3883, 3878, 4055, 2868, 3372, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 4282, 200, 200, 4489, 4489, 4489, 1374, 1374, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3773, 1564, 3294, 1311, 2967, 2967, 3808, 1081, 1081, 72, 1081, 1081, 329, 2209, 72, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6606145251396648, 1.3812849162011174, 1.8016759776536313, 2.482309124767225, 2.6824953445065174, 2.802607076350093, 3.1629422718808193, 3.323091247672253, 3.7835195530726256, 4.4241154562383604, 4.664338919925512, 5.104748603351956, 5.3249534450651765, 5.665270018621974, 5.785381750465549, 6.0256052141527, 6.105679702048416, 6.245810055865921, 6.80633147113594, 7.166666666666666, 7.426908752327747, 7.867318435754189, 8.66806331471136, 8.808193668528864, 8.988361266294227, 9.648975791433891, 9.789106145251397 ]
[ 0.6606145251396648, 1.3812849162011174, 1.8016759776536313, 2.482309124767225, 2.6824953445065174, 2.802607076350093, 3.1629422718808193, 3.323091247672253, 3.7835195530726256, 4.4241154562383604, 4.664338919925512, 5.104748603351956, 5.3249534450651765, 5.665270018621974, 5.785381750465549, 6.0256052141527, 6.105679702048416, 6.245810055865921, 6.80633147113594, 7.166666666666666, 7.426908752327747, 7.867318435754189, 8.66806331471136, 8.808193668528864, 8.988361266294227, 9.648975791433891, 9.789106145251397, 10.72998137802607 ]
a heavy force was at once set to work to remove the torpedoes and obstructions in the main channel of the river and from that time forth savannah became the great depot of supply for the troops operating in that quarter
[ "a", "heavy", "force", "was", "at", "once", "set", "to", "work", "to", "remove", "the", "torpedoes", "and", "obstructions", "in", "the", "main", "channel", "of", "the", "river", "and", "from", "that", "time", "forth", "savannah", "became", "the", "great", "depot", "of", "supply", "for", "the", "troops", "operating", "in", "that", "quarter" ]
[ "a", "heavy", "force", "was", "at", "once", "set", "to", "work", "to", "remove", "the", "torpedoes", "and", "obstructions", "in", "the", "main", "channel", "of", "the", "river", "and", "from", "that", "time", "forth", "savannah", "became", "the", "great", "depot", "of", "supply", "for", "the", "troops", "operating", "in", "that", "quarter" ]
[ "a", "h e a v y", "f o r c e", "w a s", "a t", "o n c e", "s e t", "t o", "w o r k", "t o", "r e m o v e", "t h e", "t o r p e d o e s", "a n d", "o b s t r u c t i o n s", "i n", "t h e", "m a i n", "c h a n n e l", "o f", "t h e", "r i v e r", "a n d", "f r o m", "t h a t", "t i m e", "f o r t h", "s a v a n n a h", "b e c a m e", "t h e", "g r e a t", "d e p o t", "o f", "s u p p l y", "f o r", "t h e", "t r o o p s", "o p e r a t i n g", "i n", "t h a t", "q u a r t e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 4420, 981, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 2412, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1562, 1745, 4101, 438, 3293, 1815, 104, 2400, 43, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2848, 1869, 2227, 1031, 462, 2940, 3629, 551, 2102, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2713, 296, 296, 2906, 175, 2127, 2127, 3018, 2307, 1145, 3629, 551, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2243, 2243, 2243, 2243, 3623, 3623, 1374, 4883, 1834, 1834, 1807, 158, 4037, 4037, 1069, 552, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 2068, 1588, 1200, 2933, 104, 3026, 1401, 198, 198, 2006, 4725, 4714, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2121, 823, 3399, 3176, 2664, 4397, 2607, 1058, 63, 885, 885, 1292, 2006, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 4245, 2816, 202, 148, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 880, 880, 1407, 3855, 3855, 721, 1844, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 894, 1781, 2877, 3968, 2371, 2371, 2371, 1871, 172, 2009, 2753, 2812, 2933, 2973, 1119, 4964, 4964, 4964, 4964, 1350, 4196, 216, 1708, 4219, 783, 783, 783, 783, 4363, 4363, 1476, 3689, 3689, 4499, 1216, 296, 296, 4260, 3376, 3136, 4381, 1461, 1461, 1634, 883, 175, 4373, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 316, 4876, 382, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 1328, 1328, 383, 556, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 3226, 1985, 1985, 32, 1011, 1311, 634, 1915, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 1066, 981, 4826, 3125, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 177, 4730, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 4271, 529, 3171, 2168, 522, 830, 685, 1902, 1902, 18, 4522, 1317, 3151, 3151, 3151, 3151, 3151, 3151, 913, 913, 839, 3613, 431, 1419, 2053, 2053, 668, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4333, 1971, 1776, 1512, 3869, 2997, 199, 199, 721, 3102, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1274, 3094, 484, 484, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1484, 2358, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4418, 1368, 4635, 1564, 2943, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 3539, 4255, 1295, 258, 2352, 4055, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 320, 804, 2068, 2068, 4587, 270, 270, 136, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 1030, 1670, 258, 50, 1368, 623, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 908, 908, 2310, 4387, 4061, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3891, 798, 936, 936, 4941, 2404, 101, 1564, 2110, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 979, 223, 223, 3431, 4055, 1908, 3060, 3060, 848, 1999, 91, 894, 4633, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 2887, 2887, 1030, 1670, 258, 2352, 4820, 2566, 4141, 3513, 124, 2481, 894, 126, 4622, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 246, 246, 3795, 1129, 1129, 2089, 2933, 433, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1350, 3209, 251, 595, 2607, 3170, 2973, 116, 170, 170, 3066, 3066, 3066, 3066, 401, 401, 3607, 3607, 1971, 4526, 169, 965, 316, 1564, 4433, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 750, 1210, 2933, 3170, 4932, 4932, 263, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 3958, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2864, 1307, 4416, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 894, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1667, 1667, 1028, 1028, 44, 2462, 1761, 628, 4421, 2354, 273, 65, 872, 1365, 245, 534, 561, 2557, 2581, 2581, 2581, 2581, 3672, 251, 595, 628, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 3521, 3521, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 216, 216, 3169, 1605, 501, 2610, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 422, 284, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 2352, 2158, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2068, 4587, 4587, 2607, 310, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 3403, 2121, 4736, 1061, 2140, 3177, 3840, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 4917, 730, 555, 1496, 1496, 2250, 1496, 255, 4006, 4006, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3204513399153738, 0.6409026798307476, 1.0414668547249646, 1.2217207334273623, 1.422002820874471, 1.722425952045134, 1.962764456981664, 2.10296191819464, 2.3833568406205923, 2.523554301833568, 2.9441466854724965, 3.0643159379407616, 3.825387870239774, 3.9655853314527505, 5.007052186177715, 5.307475317348378, 5.427644569816643, 5.728067700987306, 6.188716502115655, 6.328913963328631, 6.469111424541607, 6.969816643159379, 7.290267983074753, 7.510578279266572, 7.750916784203103, 8.111424541607898, 8.592101551480958, 9.112834978843441, 9.573483779971792, 9.693653032440055, 9.994076163610718, 10.49478138222849, 10.634978843441466, 11.335966149506346, 11.63638928067701, 11.776586741889986, 12.197179125528914, 12.878138222849081, 12.998307475317349, 13.25867418899859 ]
[ 0.3204513399153738, 0.6409026798307476, 1.0414668547249646, 1.2217207334273623, 1.422002820874471, 1.722425952045134, 1.962764456981664, 2.10296191819464, 2.3833568406205923, 2.523554301833568, 2.9441466854724965, 3.0643159379407616, 3.825387870239774, 3.9655853314527505, 5.007052186177715, 5.307475317348378, 5.427644569816643, 5.728067700987306, 6.188716502115655, 6.328913963328631, 6.469111424541607, 6.969816643159379, 7.290267983074753, 7.510578279266572, 7.750916784203103, 8.111424541607898, 8.592101551480958, 9.112834978843441, 9.573483779971792, 9.693653032440055, 9.994076163610718, 10.49478138222849, 10.634978843441466, 11.335966149506346, 11.63638928067701, 11.776586741889986, 12.197179125528914, 12.878138222849081, 12.998307475317349, 13.25867418899859, 14.179971791255287 ]
and will naturally divide his forces i will then move either on branchville or colombia by any curved line that gives us the best supplies breaking up in our course as much railroad as possible then ignoring charleston and augusta both
[ "and", "will", "naturally", "divide", "his", "forces", "i", "will", "then", "move", "either", "on", "branchville", "or", "colombia", "by", "any", "curved", "line", "that", "gives", "us", "the", "best", "supplies", "breaking", "up", "in", "our", "course", "as", "much", "railroad", "as", "possible", "then", "ignoring", "charleston", "and", "augusta", "both" ]
[ "and", "will", "naturally", "divide", "his", "forces", "i", "will", "then", "move", "either", "on", "branchville", "or", "colombia", "by", "any", "curved", "line", "that", "gives", "us", "the", "best", "supplies", "breaking", "up", "in", "our", "course", "as", "much", "railroad", "as", "possible", "then", "ignoring", "charleston", "and", "augusta", "both" ]
[ "a n d", "w i l l", "n a t u r a l l y", "d i v i d e", "h i s", "f o r c e s", "i", "w i l l", "t h e n", "m o v e", "e i t h e r", "o n", "b r a n c h v i l l e", "o r", "c o l o m b i a", "b y", "a n y", "c u r v e d", "l i n e", "t h a t", "g i v e s", "u s", "t h e", "b e s t", "s u p p l i e s", "b r e a k i n g", "u p", "i n", "o u r", "c o u r s e", "a s", "m u c h", "r a i l r o a d", "a s", "p o s s i b l e", "t h e n", "i g n o r i n g", "c h a r l e s t o n", "a n d", "a u g u s t a", "b o t h" ]
[ 4079, 4720, 3409, 312, 981, 14, 1510, 4112, 4112, 108, 591, 1226, 4694, 3980, 604, 4192, 455, 3896, 2697, 1683, 4807, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1927, 2008, 411, 2142, 3041, 2772, 2772, 2772, 2772, 2772, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 925, 925, 925, 1218, 1218, 1218, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 438, 1367, 4055, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3372, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 3463, 754, 754, 759, 1422, 390, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 4433, 121, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 608, 4287, 2091, 2091, 2898, 145, 3414, 881, 2967, 362, 193, 3808, 2699, 1016, 4823, 3401, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 4796, 4796, 453, 453, 3673, 852, 3268, 312, 981, 30, 794, 109, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 1766, 579, 179, 1952, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3299, 2477, 1414, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 3917, 3917, 4768, 704, 74, 74, 202, 1589, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 880, 880, 880, 880, 1407, 3654, 3654, 3632, 1365, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1040, 1040, 4055, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 3941, 2325, 3050, 1492, 332, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 3777, 4189, 4768, 830, 4819, 3925, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 1645, 1645, 1645, 200, 200, 913, 1585, 1585, 4116, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 875, 607, 607, 3612, 2868, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 1796, 1796, 2851, 2851, 2851, 471, 1492, 4326, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 172, 2009, 1694, 581, 3766, 560, 805, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3818, 4588, 1430, 227, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 2158, 2872, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 1484, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 72, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 4420, 381, 1018, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 49, 1687, 3441, 3441, 4967, 3406, 297, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 3722, 4601, 4101, 1999, 4305, 581, 2933, 310, 1579, 3387, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 4454, 3972, 3545, 2800, 2251, 426, 1430, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2168, 2352, 4055, 949, 1696, 612, 2965, 2965, 2969, 4587, 777, 894, 1223, 3281, 3281, 2553, 2553, 3056, 1318, 4578, 4578, 4578, 296, 296, 2906, 752, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 159, 1031, 1564, 3994, 2938, 2938, 1844, 3102, 3513, 4730, 1060, 3327, 739, 3574, 4750, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 858, 4708, 1031, 1564, 1807, 4037, 4037, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 2261, 2559, 3170, 4932, 263, 4075, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 4287, 2091, 4433, 1311, 634, 193, 586, 1252, 1252, 4243, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 2725, 4420, 193, 4924, 1498, 323, 3258, 3258, 3258, 3258, 418, 2663, 2533, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 473, 473, 4976, 4200, 435, 435, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 3737, 2933, 1721, 2419, 422, 284, 1446, 1949, 366, 3398, 2740, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 2009, 1694, 581, 3766, 310, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2848, 2848, 1869, 3630, 3530, 4433, 3954, 872, 1365, 4944, 197, 2834, 3292, 3292, 3541, 3541, 3976, 4969, 3930, 4208, 1014, 4011, 751, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 104, 358, 1217, 1217, 1626, 1626, 135, 1827, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 1789, 2769, 3427, 1449, 135, 1681, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 2797, 1476, 1296, 2671, 883, 175, 1189, 1189, 2752, 176, 4969, 4969, 3930, 4241, 2927, 2973, 1663, 116, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 2881, 2963, 2963, 121, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 668, 195, 391, 4450, 20, 1915, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 72, 1245, 3913, 23, 23, 3844, 1436, 3268, 2725, 2001, 4182, 4182, 3163, 2483, 2483, 899, 899, 989, 989, 2549, 3917, 1282, 2160, 3159, 2002, 1492, 3963, 3963, 801, 265, 1160, 1160, 1412, 1412, 3770, 3041, 3885, 3885, 3885, 3885, 1871, 4942, 2879, 2879, 4358, 651, 1875, 1875, 1875, 2942, 824, 824, 824, 1546, 1546, 628, 4291, 4522, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 3324, 3324, 3324, 2901, 3092, 4905, 683, 237, 4433, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 54, 366, 2707, 1842, 3136, 4381, 2479, 1461, 366, 3398, 2660, 4840, 3165, 2481, 1710, 894, 2272, 3070, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 242, 4995, 2751, 979, 979, 223, 4187, 1591, 3327, 739, 1373, 4427, 4327, 4327, 1935, 1935, 1935, 2797, 2797, 4345, 4345, 4061, 4061, 2226, 3891, 1311, 634, 193, 586, 1252, 72, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3404287515762926, 0.5406809583858765, 1.0413114754098363, 1.5219167717528372, 1.7021437578814629, 2.6032786885245907, 2.9637326607818415, 3.1239344262295083, 3.364237074401009, 3.7647414880201766, 4.145220680958386, 4.34547288776797, 5.066380832282472, 5.246607818411097, 6.027591424968475, 6.428095838587642, 6.70844892812106, 7.2090794451450195, 7.6095838587641875, 7.769785624211854, 8.090189155107188, 8.290441361916772, 8.410592686002524, 8.69094577553594, 9.491954602774276, 10.05266078184111, 10.252912988650694, 10.393089533417404, 10.573316519546028, 11.03389659520807, 11.234148802017655, 11.494476670870114, 12.035157629255991, 12.195359394703658, 13.016393442622952, 13.496998738965953, 14.077730138713747, 14.698511979823458, 14.858713745271123, 15.339319041614123 ]
[ 0.3404287515762926, 0.5406809583858765, 1.0413114754098363, 1.5219167717528372, 1.7021437578814629, 2.6032786885245907, 2.9637326607818415, 3.1239344262295083, 3.364237074401009, 3.7647414880201766, 4.145220680958386, 4.34547288776797, 5.066380832282472, 5.246607818411097, 6.027591424968475, 6.428095838587642, 6.70844892812106, 7.2090794451450195, 7.6095838587641875, 7.769785624211854, 8.090189155107188, 8.290441361916772, 8.410592686002524, 8.69094577553594, 9.491954602774276, 10.05266078184111, 10.252912988650694, 10.393089533417404, 10.573316519546028, 11.03389659520807, 11.234148802017655, 11.494476670870114, 12.035157629255991, 12.195359394703658, 13.016393442622952, 13.496998738965953, 14.077730138713747, 14.698511979823458, 14.858713745271123, 15.339319041614123, 15.859974779319044 ]
general howard had some nights previously sent one of his best scouts captain duncan with two men in a canoe to drift past fort mcallister and to convey to the fleet a knowledge of our approach
[ "general", "howard", "had", "some", "nights", "previously", "sent", "one", "of", "his", "best", "scouts", "captain", "duncan", "with", "two", "men", "in", "a", "canoe", "to", "drift", "past", "fort", "mcallister", "and", "to", "convey", "to", "the", "fleet", "a", "knowledge", "of", "our", "approach" ]
[ "general", "howard", "had", "some", "nights", "previously", "sent", "one", "of", "his", "best", "scouts", "captain", "duncan", "with", "two", "men", "in", "a", "canoe", "to", "drift", "past", "fort", "mcallister", "and", "to", "convey", "to", "the", "fleet", "a", "knowledge", "of", "our", "approach" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "h o w a r d", "h a d", "s o m e", "n i g h t s", "p r e v i o u s l y", "s e n t", "o n e", "o f", "h i s", "b e s t", "s c o u t s", "c a p t a i n", "d u n c a n", "w i t h", "t w o", "m e n", "i n", "a", "c a n o e", "t o", "d r i f t", "p a s t", "f o r t", "m c a l l i s t e r", "a n d", "t o", "c o n v e y", "t o", "t h e", "f l e e t", "a", "k n o w l e d g e", "o f", "o u r", "a p p r o a c h" ]
[ 38, 4598, 467, 467, 4544, 139, 4125, 3861, 4063, 2001, 2001, 5, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 1007, 1007, 3934, 4307, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4419, 2730, 1863, 754, 2676, 1149, 1007, 1007, 1450, 1450, 3127, 3127, 3127, 1718, 1718, 3369, 1930, 1930, 3333, 1523, 1110, 4102, 4612, 4612, 2395, 455, 4941, 2404, 101, 1564, 552, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1295, 258, 4608, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 1173, 3373, 445, 3711, 273, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 4241, 381, 4660, 654, 4483, 4483, 4483, 4483, 4483, 1350, 4406, 4406, 1788, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 3619, 3619, 1798, 1798, 237, 1564, 462, 1987, 1987, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 884, 4409, 3040, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 710, 4321, 252, 1332, 2110, 2110, 552, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 3917, 2029, 4192, 4571, 3355, 1569, 1345, 2031, 4860, 4860, 4860, 4860, 839, 3398, 4833, 4833, 4778, 4778, 2997, 3713, 1422, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 3786, 3930, 4894, 4894, 3133, 739, 3574, 4750, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 858, 4708, 3717, 1564, 462, 515, 3362, 368, 2022, 4454, 1659, 2404, 4523, 101, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 2809, 4337, 4337, 4337, 3714, 3714, 3714, 3714, 2075, 2075, 2709, 771, 771, 4524, 4524, 445, 4505, 273, 3411, 2324, 213, 1829, 3766, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 3323, 1761, 3737, 2933, 2842, 1163, 1356, 4206, 4206, 4741, 3687, 522, 1185, 2410, 2410, 1568, 381, 2231, 1283, 902, 4920, 4920, 4920, 4920, 3682, 2489, 4886, 4886, 2559, 1733, 903, 4439, 4439, 4439, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1282, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 4807, 842, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2035, 455, 936, 4941, 2852, 2933, 270, 3076, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 132, 3846, 1125, 202, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 4153, 4153, 220, 2933, 2666, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 3398, 1790, 2660, 546, 432, 2, 2559, 3766, 3718, 4560, 4530, 434, 4959, 4959, 2146, 1559, 345, 345, 345, 345, 2538, 2536, 2536, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 1873, 4450, 20, 4420, 586, 1351, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4321, 4281, 1058, 63, 1401, 1292, 1292, 260, 1617, 1568, 4055, 1352, 1320, 3253, 4527, 4527, 4527, 4527, 2703, 858, 2405, 4339, 4154, 4454, 1659, 3545, 3895, 4241, 2933, 2973, 452, 4455, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1303, 1303, 997, 4708, 3717, 4440, 3362, 4995, 1659, 2734, 4983, 526, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2310, 2121, 4031, 2408, 4997, 1014, 148, 1584, 1584, 1584, 91, 381, 4633, 3112, 708, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4214, 237, 4440, 4433, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 653, 3184, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1484, 2358, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 685, 4895, 270, 3076, 1401, 1292, 1292, 1292, 2801, 1999, 91, 894, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 4418, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 550, 83, 83, 3910, 4202, 2183, 270, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 2690, 563, 623, 1564, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1013, 1013, 518, 518, 421, 131, 1725, 743, 1365, 4944, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 4959, 2146, 411, 3041, 3041, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 317, 2583, 3719, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 3249, 1722, 3079, 2723, 2446, 1512, 2997, 2744, 701, 161, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2524, 2524, 3877, 3566, 4840, 3165, 2261, 1210, 381, 3170, 4660, 654, 654, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 4345, 771, 4524, 2461, 2461, 3249, 3235, 733, 1117, 3414, 1481, 2967, 4276, 3808, 3808, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 72, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5804302670623146, 0.9807270029673592, 1.3810237388724036, 1.6612314540059347, 1.9814688427299705, 2.842106824925816, 3.3024480712166175, 3.5025964391691398, 3.5826557863501485, 3.7828041543026707, 4.183100890207715, 4.763531157270029, 5.2438872403560834, 5.904376854599406, 6.344703264094956, 6.584881305637982, 7.045222551928783, 7.265385756676558, 7.345445103857567, 7.965905044510386, 8.26612759643917, 8.646409495548962, 9.08673590504451, 9.326913946587538, 10.24759643916914, 10.52780415430267, 10.687922848664687, 11.088219584569734, 11.228323442136498, 11.388442136498515, 11.76872403560831, 11.868798219584571, 12.32913946587537, 12.449228486646884, 12.609347181008902 ]
[ 0.5804302670623146, 0.9807270029673592, 1.3810237388724036, 1.6612314540059347, 1.9814688427299705, 2.842106824925816, 3.3024480712166175, 3.5025964391691398, 3.5826557863501485, 3.7828041543026707, 4.183100890207715, 4.763531157270029, 5.2438872403560834, 5.904376854599406, 6.344703264094956, 6.584881305637982, 7.045222551928783, 7.265385756676558, 7.345445103857567, 7.965905044510386, 8.26612759643917, 8.646409495548962, 9.08673590504451, 9.326913946587538, 10.24759643916914, 10.52780415430267, 10.687922848664687, 11.088219584569734, 11.228323442136498, 11.388442136498515, 11.76872403560831, 11.868798219584571, 12.32913946587537, 12.449228486646884, 12.609347181008902, 13.469985163204749 ]
but after riding about the city and finding his house so spacious so convenient with large yard and stabling i accepted his offer and occupied that house during our stay in savannah
[ "but", "after", "riding", "about", "the", "city", "and", "finding", "his", "house", "so", "spacious", "so", "convenient", "with", "large", "yard", "and", "stabling", "i", "accepted", "his", "offer", "and", "occupied", "that", "house", "during", "our", "stay", "in", "savannah" ]
[ "but", "after", "riding", "about", "the", "city", "and", "finding", "his", "house", "so", "spacious", "so", "convenient", "with", "large", "yard", "and", "stabling", "i", "accepted", "his", "offer", "and", "occupied", "that", "house", "during", "our", "stay", "in", "savannah" ]
[ "b u t", "a f t e r", "r i d i n g", "a b o u t", "t h e", "c i t y", "a n d", "f i n d i n g", "h i s", "h o u s e", "s o", "s p a c i o u s", "s o", "c o n v e n i e n t", "w i t h", "l a r g e", "y a r d", "a n d", "s t a b l i n g", "i", "a c c e p t e d", "h i s", "o f f e r", "a n d", "o c c u p i e d", "t h a t", "h o u s e", "d u r i n g", "o u r", "s t a y", "i n", "s a v a n n a h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 2677, 4420, 4321, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 1529, 2740, 4197, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 1841, 4339, 4154, 2683, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1988, 926, 4981, 4981, 3518, 495, 1173, 3463, 3169, 1605, 501, 2379, 4976, 435, 435, 430, 1961, 1060, 4055, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 2075, 58, 58, 2428, 2712, 2268, 2566, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1417, 158, 1069, 1069, 552, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 216, 4390, 357, 1848, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 2377, 1472, 1472, 388, 388, 3388, 1706, 220, 220, 2933, 1249, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 50, 1368, 2400, 43, 2043, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 1341, 1341, 314, 3169, 3169, 501, 473, 473, 4976, 933, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 65, 1785, 1149, 1347, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 771, 1869, 2227, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 3914, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 3408, 2542, 1417, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2933, 3303, 3303, 483, 483, 483, 483, 3413, 3430, 1037, 225, 603, 3405, 3405, 3061, 1364, 1364, 1364, 1364, 4899, 968, 1238, 159, 1031, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 2404, 2404, 2110, 2110, 79, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 1193, 2768, 1694, 2559, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 3389, 856, 856, 3878, 4055, 3609, 3788, 3788, 3788, 3788, 3788, 35, 3214, 1548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 2070, 1148, 3951, 3951, 3951, 3951, 1374, 1374, 1709, 4102, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 331, 924, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 2800, 4913, 4913, 1430, 5, 2420, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 207, 2914, 4387, 4387, 1810, 2060, 2060, 4797, 2103, 1217, 2867, 2867, 992, 2775, 2025, 3206, 3206, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 1653, 1653, 1653, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 754, 883, 3136, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 1748, 4834, 760, 4433, 1084, 3271, 104, 1643, 1555, 4910, 4529, 4529, 3413, 3413, 3413, 732, 732, 2759, 894, 1925, 1855, 4133, 4133, 3514, 3514, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 2210, 4401, 20, 610, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3075, 3075, 1151, 1151, 4321, 1904, 1249, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 587, 1247, 1492, 1291, 187, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 2467, 3737, 2933, 2842, 1163, 341, 810, 4434, 4434, 921, 754, 2676, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 296, 2906, 752, 822, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 451, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3535, 3319, 3319, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 2607, 4665, 1252, 1943, 1943, 3913, 3913, 72, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 14, 2754, 1406, 68, 604, 1634, 2740, 4355, 2557, 2581, 2581, 2581, 4827, 2547, 1743, 3249, 189, 844, 844, 1691, 750, 1210, 4643, 2973, 452, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 167, 282, 3463, 3058, 12, 2559, 2566, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2743, 1529, 2676, 1149, 1149, 1007, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 356, 2227, 1564, 6, 1139, 4894, 4055, 2389, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2879, 2932, 2932, 2932, 2932, 4976, 4200, 1557, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 2956, 3408, 2542, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1555, 688, 688, 688, 688, 550, 83, 83, 4850, 2443, 422, 4856, 1270, 712, 1748, 4834, 760, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4456, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 2300, 2300, 839, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 4917, 4917, 931, 4276, 1496, 1496, 4420, 255, 1486, 3103, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4006644518272425, 0.6811295681063123, 1.0016611295681064, 1.3021594684385382, 1.4624252491694352, 1.9231893687707642, 2.2236877076411963, 2.6043189368770765, 2.8046511627906976, 3.1251827242524914, 3.2654152823920266, 3.9665780730897007, 4.186943521594684, 5.048372093023255, 5.408970099667774, 5.849700996677741, 6.210299003322259, 6.370564784053156, 7.191926910299003, 7.512458471760797, 8.093421926910299, 8.313787375415282, 8.874717607973421, 9.175215946843853, 9.736146179401992, 9.976544850498337, 10.317109634551494, 10.637641196013288, 10.797906976744185, 11.098405315614619, 11.238637873754152 ]
[ 0.4006644518272425, 0.6811295681063123, 1.0016611295681064, 1.3021594684385382, 1.4624252491694352, 1.9231893687707642, 2.2236877076411963, 2.6043189368770765, 2.8046511627906976, 3.1251827242524914, 3.2654152823920266, 3.9665780730897007, 4.186943521594684, 5.048372093023255, 5.408970099667774, 5.849700996677741, 6.210299003322259, 6.370564784053156, 7.191926910299003, 7.512458471760797, 8.093421926910299, 8.313787375415282, 8.874717607973421, 9.175215946843853, 9.736146179401992, 9.976544850498337, 10.317109634551494, 10.637641196013288, 10.797906976744185, 11.098405315614619, 11.238637873754152, 12.039966777408637 ]
and generally that one engaged in destroying railroads this work of destruction was performed better than usual because i had an engineer regiment provided with claws to twist the bars after being heated
[ "and", "generally", "that", "one", "engaged", "in", "destroying", "railroads", "this", "work", "of", "destruction", "was", "performed", "better", "than", "usual", "because", "i", "had", "an", "engineer", "regiment", "provided", "with", "claws", "to", "twist", "the", "bars", "after", "being", "heated" ]
[ "and", "generally", "that", "one", "engaged", "in", "destroying", "railroads", "this", "work", "of", "destruction", "was", "performed", "better", "than", "usual", "because", "i", "had", "an", "engineer", "regiment", "provided", "with", "claws", "to", "twist", "the", "bars", "after", "being", "heated" ]
[ "a n d", "g e n e r a l l y", "t h a t", "o n e", "e n g a g e d", "i n", "d e s t r o y i n g", "r a i l r o a d s", "t h i s", "w o r k", "o f", "d e s t r u c t i o n", "w a s", "p e r f o r m e d", "b e t t e r", "t h a n", "u s u a l", "b e c a u s e", "i", "h a d", "a n", "e n g i n e e r", "r e g i m e n t", "p r o v i d e d", "w i t h", "c l a w s", "t o", "t w i s t", "t h e", "b a r s", "a f t e r", "b e i n g", "h e a t e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 3268, 312, 2933, 1510, 2754, 1406, 108, 68, 2838, 4117, 2410, 2410, 104, 1967, 286, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 1218, 1218, 1218, 4809, 4809, 3100, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 2924, 2924, 1414, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 804, 2068, 2408, 2408, 168, 1569, 1345, 2031, 130, 2686, 2686, 2686, 2686, 33, 33, 2549, 1282, 2160, 834, 3159, 758, 1492, 197, 3963, 4967, 1405, 1405, 2378, 661, 3832, 2659, 2647, 2647, 104, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3442, 4762, 4762, 1631, 1631, 4576, 4576, 422, 284, 4856, 1949, 712, 4108, 2410, 104, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 9, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 1269, 4875, 4082, 4082, 651, 651, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 3031, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4905, 1074, 1449, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 2797, 1476, 869, 869, 2488, 1737, 538, 4284, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3808, 92, 92, 4823, 140, 574, 140, 322, 322, 2135, 3458, 3993, 3164, 1849, 1849, 1849, 72, 453, 453, 453, 2154, 2154, 527, 3958, 3227, 4420, 2001, 1504, 4461, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 2940, 2186, 3355, 1569, 1345, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 2121, 4012, 4012, 1733, 2313, 2723, 2464, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 3049, 894, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 618, 82, 4433, 9, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 1564, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2649, 3123, 954, 4014, 4014, 2102, 1613, 1613, 373, 2713, 4050, 4433, 3930, 4241, 2933, 3170, 3407, 3949, 3949, 285, 2690, 1815, 2400, 43, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 378, 2235, 4788, 4788, 1670, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4224, 3972, 4192, 2800, 2800, 4894, 276, 1373, 394, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4515, 1358, 3840, 1975, 3941, 1854, 1307, 4416, 4416, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 3917, 3832, 2485, 2485, 992, 2775, 2775, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4624, 4706, 4922, 4221, 4221, 4221, 925, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1535, 1463, 1463, 1463, 668, 2851, 4450, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 1943, 1245, 72, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 4420, 2933, 1018, 3060, 3060, 848, 1999, 2533, 1000, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 4438, 3578, 3976, 296, 2906, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 4193, 2719, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 3333, 1523, 4055, 4102, 4571, 4944, 3143, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2687, 2687, 4990, 4990, 3441, 4967, 4967, 459, 387, 1917, 2218, 4109, 4108, 2158, 1722, 3536, 3536, 4805, 641, 1794, 366, 4519, 681, 681, 681, 173, 8, 172, 172, 1449, 135, 2888, 1988, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 600, 600, 514, 104, 1722, 3536, 3536, 3794, 3794, 2944, 2944, 1404, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 249, 1146, 1374, 1374, 1374, 2215, 1709, 2933, 1725, 743, 1806, 936, 1792, 1792, 2933, 3170, 3407, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 952, 952, 2868, 3372, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 282, 3463, 216, 106, 4901, 4434, 921, 2014, 754, 3883, 3355, 1569, 1346, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2019, 213, 381, 310, 3317, 305, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 2953, 2953, 2953, 2953, 2953, 2953, 2953, 3787, 3787, 3787, 3787, 1246, 1246, 3689, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4433, 6, 6, 4229, 381, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 260, 3336, 628, 270, 4738, 2839, 2839, 2839, 3650, 3650, 3743, 3743, 3743, 4435, 3016, 4440, 1564, 462, 515, 3362, 4995, 1806, 1806, 2938, 2938, 1795, 4377, 1844, 4141, 10, 177, 4730, 1060, 739, 1373, 4427, 1104, 180, 180, 180, 3816, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1753, 3850, 3850, 2038, 4499, 4499, 4050, 1564, 296, 872, 4944, 197, 2411, 806, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 1841, 4339, 4154, 628, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 2009, 3431, 2741, 221, 841, 841, 841, 3565, 3565, 2438, 1817, 7, 3086, 933, 933, 2818, 1606, 1606, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 1350, 4196, 894, 2140, 341, 4901, 2381, 4434, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 1110, 4102, 142, 610, 4420, 3808, 92, 1081, 72, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.30043859649122806, 0.8612573099415205, 1.2017543859649122, 1.5222222222222221, 2.163157894736842, 2.2833333333333337, 2.8842105263157896, 3.8456140350877193, 4.3463450292397665, 4.586695906432748, 4.726900584795322, 5.407894736842106, 5.628216374269006, 6.20906432748538, 6.5095029239766085, 6.769883040935673, 7.4108187134502925, 7.931578947368422, 8.011695906432749, 8.33216374269006, 8.512426900584796, 9.013157894736842, 9.73421052631579, 10.335087719298246, 10.575438596491228, 11.116228070175438, 11.276461988304094, 11.717105263157896, 11.897368421052631, 12.358040935672516, 12.678508771929824, 12.958918128654972 ]
[ 0.30043859649122806, 0.8612573099415205, 1.2017543859649122, 1.5222222222222221, 2.163157894736842, 2.2833333333333337, 2.8842105263157896, 3.8456140350877193, 4.3463450292397665, 4.586695906432748, 4.726900584795322, 5.407894736842106, 5.628216374269006, 6.20906432748538, 6.5095029239766085, 6.769883040935673, 7.4108187134502925, 7.931578947368422, 8.011695906432749, 8.33216374269006, 8.512426900584796, 9.013157894736842, 9.73421052631579, 10.335087719298246, 10.575438596491228, 11.116228070175438, 11.276461988304094, 11.717105263157896, 11.897368421052631, 12.358040935672516, 12.678508771929824, 12.958918128654972, 13.67997076023392 ]
with the balance of your command come here by water with all dispatch select yourself the officer to leave in command but you i want in person unless you see objections to this plan which i cannot see use every vessel going to you for purposes of transportation
[ "with", "the", "balance", "of", "your", "command", "come", "here", "by", "water", "with", "all", "dispatch", "select", "yourself", "the", "officer", "to", "leave", "in", "command", "but", "you", "i", "want", "in", "person", "unless", "you", "see", "objections", "to", "this", "plan", "which", "i", "cannot", "see", "use", "every", "vessel", "going", "to", "you", "for", "purposes", "of", "transportation" ]
[ "with", "the", "balance", "of", "your", "command", "come", "here", "by", "water", "with", "all", "dispatch", "select", "yourself", "the", "officer", "to", "leave", "in", "command", "but", "you", "i", "want", "in", "person", "unless", "you", "see", "objections", "to", "this", "plan", "which", "i", "cannot", "see", "use", "every", "vessel", "going", "to", "you", "for", "purposes", "of", "transportation" ]
[ "w i t h", "t h e", "b a l a n c e", "o f", "y o u r", "c o m m a n d", "c o m e", "h e r e", "b y", "w a t e r", "w i t h", "a l l", "d i s p a t c h", "s e l e c t", "y o u r s e l f", "t h e", "o f f i c e r", "t o", "l e a v e", "i n", "c o m m a n d", "b u t", "y o u", "i", "w a n t", "i n", "p e r s o n", "u n l e s s", "y o u", "s e e", "o b j e c t i o n s", "t o", "t h i s", "p l a n", "w h i c h", "i", "c a n n o t", "s e e", "u s e", "e v e r y", "v e s s e l", "g o i n g", "t o", "y o u", "f o r", "p u r p o s e s", "o f", "t r a n s p o r t a t i o n" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2725, 2933, 924, 842, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3942, 4141, 3513, 3513, 4730, 1060, 3327, 42, 3574, 394, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 317, 1197, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1564, 2905, 4260, 606, 2446, 1512, 2997, 2744, 2867, 2867, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 8, 2009, 1694, 55, 559, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 2733, 436, 1134, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 412, 2781, 2781, 455, 936, 2852, 2933, 559, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 1295, 3905, 3216, 4044, 4044, 2818, 1087, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 4203, 4203, 414, 172, 2009, 1591, 3537, 3537, 53, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1206, 144, 2158, 1851, 376, 376, 376, 376, 2153, 2153, 4515, 2355, 1061, 3177, 3840, 1782, 1782, 3941, 1426, 414, 2117, 2117, 2833, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 3833, 3632, 4355, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 3758, 1367, 1206, 2212, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 3374, 158, 9, 4019, 2173, 2927, 1049, 3303, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 1930, 1930, 1930, 2585, 2461, 2461, 3235, 3235, 733, 1117, 1311, 634, 2967, 193, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 72, 4796, 1357, 453, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 4063, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 313, 1892, 947, 947, 4572, 4572, 3818, 275, 275, 486, 1739, 407, 407, 407, 549, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 1108, 3972, 1806, 1806, 798, 4941, 338, 4423, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 4476, 2956, 3408, 3374, 3374, 4433, 313, 1892, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 1032, 3328, 3328, 3328, 1271, 4903, 986, 2047, 3196, 1064, 1064, 4885, 1687, 1889, 534, 561, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3290, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 1554, 3626, 2905, 4372, 653, 3184, 3184, 1975, 1288, 4018, 55, 114, 63, 219, 3490, 630, 630, 1607, 275, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 2248, 4406, 3266, 161, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 2298, 2659, 2099, 3326, 559, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 436, 436, 1134, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 412, 2781, 4102, 142, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 2725, 4420, 1162, 3537, 1389, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 4242, 2969, 2969, 338, 338, 4423, 512, 512, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 2801, 1846, 401, 1628, 3607, 3607, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1736, 3649, 4714, 1346, 4477, 2031, 2031, 2111, 2111, 787, 787, 787, 2111, 105, 1585, 1374, 1709, 1686, 743, 4571, 4944, 3963, 287, 3867, 4856, 1949, 3832, 1185, 830, 4591, 1724, 1724, 1082, 1644, 996, 996, 996, 996, 996, 996, 2848, 4853, 4853, 2963, 121, 121, 4372, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1521, 1379, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 931, 1704, 588, 4420, 1646, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3401, 3401, 140, 3305, 3305, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 1162, 2391, 2754, 2978, 2978, 4249, 85, 275, 2336, 486, 3014, 3014, 3014, 3014, 858, 4708, 3626, 462, 2858, 2858, 2867, 4312, 4312, 4312, 3161, 2622, 1914, 3374, 313, 1892, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 4850, 2443, 2443, 4840, 4373, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 1967, 3138, 286, 2830, 2830, 2830, 2830, 2830, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 18, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 706, 3411, 1139, 4092, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 3196, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 3626, 4433, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2933, 102, 263, 3342, 3342, 676, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 1282, 2298, 3123, 954, 3691, 2620, 842, 56, 1876, 1876, 1876, 3009, 1056, 3326, 358, 3197, 872, 4944, 1630, 332, 2137, 1065, 1065, 857, 1847, 49, 1999, 4305, 581, 628, 559, 678, 708, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2300, 293, 293, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4739, 4739, 4523, 158, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1128, 140, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 2391, 4122, 4122, 512, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4706, 1293, 1293, 706, 706, 752, 752, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3266, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 4101, 1677, 1928, 42, 479, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 4708, 3626, 1564, 2905, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 36, 36, 1177, 4753, 42, 559, 2272, 2531, 1809, 1809, 1809, 1809, 4670, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 651, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 4895, 1206, 114, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 4216, 790, 790, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 2801, 132, 132, 3232, 4635, 1206, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 172, 2009, 2753, 2096, 3326, 1724, 452, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 4267, 251, 2933, 2820, 2419, 4565, 4565, 4565, 4214, 1554, 1564, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 70, 1764, 1216, 706, 706, 4260, 606, 2446, 1776, 169, 384, 965, 3652, 2933, 114, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 3812, 1164, 3149, 4351, 3626, 4308, 2821, 3987, 55, 2529, 2529, 2303, 2882, 324, 1623, 3326, 114, 2877, 181, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4433, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 1979, 1979, 443, 443, 443, 1393, 730, 1496, 255, 1496, 4006, 4420, 4006, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 72, 2209, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3401874310915105, 0.4402425578831312, 0.9205071664829108, 1.0205622932745315, 1.2006615214994487, 1.8009922822491733, 2.141179713340684, 2.4013230429988974, 2.641455347298787, 3.0816979051819184, 3.3218302094818086, 3.541951488423374, 4.442447629547961, 5.182855567805953, 5.803197353914003, 5.9832965821389195, 6.443550165380376, 6.5836273428886445, 6.843770672546859, 6.963836824696803, 7.704244762954797, 8.10446527012128, 8.384619625137818, 8.544707828004412, 8.904906284454245, 9.085005512679164, 9.84542447629548, 10.425744211686881, 10.585832414553474, 10.80595369349504, 11.446306504961413, 11.566372657111357, 11.786493936052922, 12.20672546857773, 12.566923925027565, 12.707001102535834, 13.227287761852262, 13.807607497243662, 14.267861080485117, 14.52800441014333, 14.948235942668138, 15.328445424476296, 15.488533627342889, 15.688643880926131, 15.908765159867697, 16.569128996692395, 16.709206174200663 ]
[ 0.3401874310915105, 0.4402425578831312, 0.9205071664829108, 1.0205622932745315, 1.2006615214994487, 1.8009922822491733, 2.141179713340684, 2.4013230429988974, 2.641455347298787, 3.0816979051819184, 3.3218302094818086, 3.541951488423374, 4.442447629547961, 5.182855567805953, 5.803197353914003, 5.9832965821389195, 6.443550165380376, 6.5836273428886445, 6.843770672546859, 6.963836824696803, 7.704244762954797, 8.10446527012128, 8.384619625137818, 8.544707828004412, 8.904906284454245, 9.085005512679164, 9.84542447629548, 10.425744211686881, 10.585832414553474, 10.80595369349504, 11.446306504961413, 11.566372657111357, 11.786493936052922, 12.20672546857773, 12.566923925027565, 12.707001102535834, 13.227287761852262, 13.807607497243662, 14.267861080485117, 14.52800441014333, 14.948235942668138, 15.328445424476296, 15.488533627342889, 15.688643880926131, 15.908765159867697, 16.569128996692395, 16.709206174200663, 18.129988974641677 ]
kilpatrick had already felt the fort and had gone farther down the coast to kilkenny bluff or st catharine's sound where on the same day he had communication with a vessel belonging to the blockading fleet
[ "kilpatrick", "had", "already", "felt", "the", "fort", "and", "had", "gone", "farther", "down", "the", "coast", "to", "kilkenny", "bluff", "or", "st", "catharine's", "sound", "where", "on", "the", "same", "day", "he", "had", "communication", "with", "a", "vessel", "belonging", "to", "the", "blockading", "fleet" ]
[ "kilpatrick", "had", "already", "felt", "the", "fort", "and", "had", "gone", "farther", "down", "the", "coast", "to", "kilkenny", "bluff", "or", "st", "catharine's", "sound", "where", "on", "the", "same", "day", "he", "had", "communication", "with", "a", "vessel", "belonging", "to", "the", "blockading", "fleet" ]
[ "k i l p a t r i c k", "h a d", "a l r e a d y", "f e l t", "t h e", "f o r t", "a n d", "h a d", "g o n e", "f a r t h e r", "d o w n", "t h e", "c o a s t", "t o", "k i l k e n n y", "b l u f f", "o r", "s t", "c a t h a r i n e ' s", "s o u n d", "w h e r e", "o n", "t h e", "s a m e", "d a y", "h e", "h a d", "c o m m u n i c a t i o n", "w i t h", "a", "v e s s e l", "b e l o n g i n g", "t o", "t h e", "b l o c k a d i n g", "f l e e t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4420, 3154, 1620, 1620, 1913, 3861, 75, 4321, 4063, 1784, 4633, 4633, 708, 420, 420, 2825, 3092, 4905, 2753, 1210, 2973, 1082, 1730, 2803, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 509, 509, 2547, 1657, 383, 383, 3249, 2952, 2952, 3045, 3045, 3450, 3450, 3450, 1391, 1391, 381, 935, 759, 1149, 395, 3699, 3699, 3127, 3127, 2920, 3369, 2930, 754, 4192, 4571, 2330, 534, 4918, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 241, 1449, 2603, 1988, 2598, 2598, 2598, 2598, 4390, 357, 1745, 4101, 4101, 3293, 1815, 381, 5, 43, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 2216, 2216, 3092, 3092, 2239, 2239, 2712, 2712, 2268, 2566, 1448, 10, 4730, 2690, 1815, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2787, 908, 908, 2310, 290, 421, 3492, 743, 455, 245, 381, 781, 1097, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 604, 2676, 3805, 4770, 3699, 2920, 2920, 2920, 4569, 3883, 4485, 894, 2272, 3070, 4138, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 105, 105, 2177, 4768, 522, 2435, 50, 4120, 4433, 2832, 43, 2043, 2043, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2045, 2914, 2121, 1040, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 1288, 4018, 1367, 104, 2231, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 3067, 3067, 3364, 4820, 4820, 4141, 10, 124, 2, 581, 2933, 560, 1579, 2497, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2797, 644, 644, 356, 2227, 4433, 6, 4229, 4995, 665, 3419, 3857, 2090, 2222, 3011, 2768, 91, 2559, 4633, 678, 708, 2992, 420, 2825, 2825, 3092, 4905, 1694, 1743, 3766, 1733, 4439, 3794, 3794, 1794, 366, 3613, 4564, 4400, 1745, 4101, 182, 1591, 3133, 739, 2534, 2980, 957, 957, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 3137, 3137, 451, 1271, 1271, 1300, 142, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 1103, 312, 4281, 30, 4326, 4326, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 385, 385, 2956, 4234, 2542, 1417, 1564, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3089, 4994, 104, 743, 4485, 1829, 2933, 560, 678, 592, 4963, 4963, 4963, 4963, 4963, 509, 2998, 4966, 4966, 2035, 499, 2342, 3045, 652, 652, 4469, 2626, 2626, 4741, 3687, 522, 1748, 2527, 760, 4876, 1010, 1069, 552, 1608, 190, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 3034, 4394, 412, 4497, 154, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 2933, 2620, 842, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 423, 4861, 4861, 4203, 414, 414, 2325, 3050, 1492, 2263, 2263, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 662, 4820, 3291, 10, 2131, 1109, 1544, 1564, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 2887, 2887, 1030, 1670, 258, 2410, 2410, 433, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1997, 4545, 4545, 83, 3173, 83, 83, 884, 884, 2377, 2818, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 4911, 4770, 1450, 1450, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2199, 2959, 4485, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 2733, 2733, 1404, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1005, 1005, 3096, 4606, 3006, 91, 2933, 104, 3112, 3112, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 4780, 4780, 1564, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 3122, 2649, 3123, 4014, 4014, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3833, 3540, 546, 432, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 4708, 2963, 1564, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 2053, 668, 4808, 4808, 4881, 4336, 4336, 4336, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 72, 1400, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 1018, 1018, 1908, 2590, 2590, 3818, 4588, 2336, 188, 188, 188, 188, 188, 2426, 2426, 3682, 1490, 4200, 4200, 3637, 2653, 2653, 473, 2379, 3086, 300, 4895, 894, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 177, 4730, 3327, 2741, 2534, 2980, 957, 4313, 4313, 4313, 4313, 4244, 4827, 2547, 1743, 383, 1733, 3112, 3112, 1470, 1470, 1470, 2502, 3413, 565, 4196, 216, 3169, 1605, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 2605, 2605, 50, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1013, 1013, 518, 518, 518, 421, 1152, 377, 1481, 2962, 588, 4420, 1081, 1704, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9807390648567119, 1.2209200603318249, 1.6212217194570135, 1.9414630467571645, 2.0815686274509804, 2.481870286576169, 2.6820211161387633, 2.8621568627450977, 3.1623831070889894, 3.602714932126697, 3.8629110105580695, 3.9830015082956263, 4.303242835595777, 4.443348416289593, 4.983755656108597, 5.524162895927602, 5.904449472096531, 6.224690799396681, 6.845158371040724, 7.4456108597285064, 7.945987933634992, 8.106108597285068, 8.226199095022624, 8.566455505279034, 8.906711915535444, 9.06683257918552, 9.307013574660633, 10.10761689291101, 10.287752639517345, 10.347797888386124, 10.928235294117647, 11.628763197586727, 11.748853695324284, 11.8889592760181, 12.609502262443439 ]
[ 0.9807390648567119, 1.2209200603318249, 1.6212217194570135, 1.9414630467571645, 2.0815686274509804, 2.481870286576169, 2.6820211161387633, 2.8621568627450977, 3.1623831070889894, 3.602714932126697, 3.8629110105580695, 3.9830015082956263, 4.303242835595777, 4.443348416289593, 4.983755656108597, 5.524162895927602, 5.904449472096531, 6.224690799396681, 6.845158371040724, 7.4456108597285064, 7.945987933634992, 8.106108597285068, 8.226199095022624, 8.566455505279034, 8.906711915535444, 9.06683257918552, 9.307013574660633, 10.10761689291101, 10.287752639517345, 10.347797888386124, 10.928235294117647, 11.628763197586727, 11.748853695324284, 11.8889592760181, 12.609502262443439, 13.249984917043742 ]
in like manner that same evening i found in mrs simons another acquaintance the wife of the brother of hon james simons of charleston who had been miss wragg
[ "in", "like", "manner", "that", "same", "evening", "i", "found", "in", "mrs", "simons", "another", "acquaintance", "the", "wife", "of", "the", "brother", "of", "hon", "james", "simons", "of", "charleston", "who", "had", "been", "miss", "wragg" ]
[ "in", "like", "manner", "that", "same", "evening", "i", "found", "in", "mrs", "simons", "another", "acquaintance", "the", "wife", "of", "the", "brother", "of", "hon", "james", "simons", "of", "charleston", "who", "had", "been", "miss", "wragg" ]
[ "i n", "l i k e", "m a n n e r", "t h a t", "s a m e", "e v e n i n g", "i", "f o u n d", "i n", "m r s", "s i m o n s", "a n o t h e r", "a c q u a i n t a n c e", "t h e", "w i f e", "o f", "t h e", "b r o t h e r", "o f", "h o n", "j a m e s", "s i m o n s", "o f", "c h a r l e s t o n", "w h o", "h a d", "b e e n", "m i s s", "w r a g g" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 1066, 4420, 4321, 1249, 3125, 3867, 1446, 1949, 712, 85, 85, 4588, 1430, 2420, 1596, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 4164, 1173, 2663, 3176, 2559, 1616, 1616, 1204, 1014, 308, 939, 3130, 3130, 3130, 3130, 3130, 3130, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 3840, 3840, 1782, 3941, 3941, 1288, 1854, 1414, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 571, 4739, 4523, 1564, 1010, 552, 1608, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 2887, 1030, 2641, 786, 1557, 4197, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 4406, 3466, 1702, 1702, 1702, 1702, 3263, 3263, 3263, 3263, 3263, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 150, 150, 3159, 758, 758, 332, 794, 109, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 2719, 3293, 563, 623, 104, 2400, 671, 2043, 2238, 2238, 2238, 3890, 3890, 3890, 3890, 975, 975, 975, 3067, 3067, 37, 4055, 4713, 883, 422, 422, 284, 1270, 712, 3832, 704, 202, 2990, 943, 2505, 2505, 3016, 237, 4433, 121, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4209, 206, 1807, 158, 3914, 2704, 1608, 190, 3104, 3104, 3104, 232, 1654, 4417, 1912, 1912, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1260, 1260, 2626, 1379, 4532, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 4433, 65, 872, 4944, 4614, 4217, 4217, 1559, 1559, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 2844, 2844, 568, 568, 4232, 3417, 966, 3877, 4840, 3165, 3165, 91, 2607, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1649, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3089, 3089, 4116, 3249, 1830, 1356, 4971, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1564, 3954, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 2677, 4321, 331, 1504, 489, 1448, 3513, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 1345, 882, 882, 2884, 2884, 2884, 2884, 2884, 1236, 2122, 3680, 3680, 2217, 1271, 1147, 1300, 3632, 1365, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 1060, 3327, 4055, 1498, 323, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1237, 1040, 2844, 2844, 568, 568, 4232, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 414, 414, 3050, 3050, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3202, 3202, 1601, 1601, 3632, 3632, 2330, 2875, 2933, 2789, 2557, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 1474, 4189, 839, 1005, 4734, 4734, 4306, 4306, 727, 1820, 894, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 1187, 3758, 3049, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 4053, 4053, 4053, 4053, 4053, 4271, 529, 2887, 2887, 1670, 1670, 978, 782, 1807, 1564, 1010, 552, 2704, 190, 2403, 3104, 3104, 3104, 1654, 1654, 1654, 1912, 1912, 697, 1404, 1404, 4867, 1260, 1379, 4532, 4532, 4655, 2292, 296, 296, 4260, 606, 4526, 169, 965, 3652, 917, 2933, 104, 1902, 4522, 1317, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 3324, 3324, 3324, 2901, 4905, 683, 683, 4440, 462, 2187, 2187, 242, 104, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2160, 4681, 3159, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 3117, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 401, 1832, 4770, 3699, 3699, 2920, 2920, 4569, 843, 843, 2559, 2741, 221, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3917, 2549, 1282, 2160, 2160, 834, 3159, 455, 455, 936, 936, 936, 1792, 4340, 2767, 4011, 2990, 2990, 943, 2522, 2522, 2505, 858, 1599, 4740, 3411, 2940, 658, 658, 1626, 1626, 1827, 1988, 1988, 2710, 2710, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 2317, 2317, 2317, 2317, 3499, 3499, 2158, 935, 154, 2459, 2962, 588, 588, 4420, 1496, 1081, 3103, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1618, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4207460035523979, 0.7413143872113677, 1.1420248667850799, 1.3824511545293074, 1.7030195381882773, 2.2640142095914744, 2.424298401420959, 2.865079928952043, 2.9852930728241565, 3.3058614564831266, 3.9069271758436948, 4.287602131438722, 5.109058614564831, 5.409591474245116, 5.810301953818828, 5.950550621669628, 6.090799289520427, 6.571651865008881, 6.872184724689165, 7.272895204262878, 7.8138543516873895, 8.334777975133214, 8.475026642984014, 9.276447602131439, 9.597015985790408, 9.777335701598581, 10.13797513321492, 10.49861456483126 ]
[ 0.4207460035523979, 0.7413143872113677, 1.1420248667850799, 1.3824511545293074, 1.7030195381882773, 2.2640142095914744, 2.424298401420959, 2.865079928952043, 2.9852930728241565, 3.3058614564831266, 3.9069271758436948, 4.287602131438722, 5.109058614564831, 5.409591474245116, 5.810301953818828, 5.950550621669628, 6.090799289520427, 6.571651865008881, 6.872184724689165, 7.272895204262878, 7.8138543516873895, 8.334777975133214, 8.475026642984014, 9.276447602131439, 9.597015985790408, 9.777335701598581, 10.13797513321492, 10.49861456483126, 11.259964476021315 ]
my aide colonel audenried who had ridden forward came back somewhat hurt and bruised for observing this charge of cavalry he had turned for us and his horse fell with him in attempting to leap a ditch
[ "my", "aide", "colonel", "audenried", "who", "had", "ridden", "forward", "came", "back", "somewhat", "hurt", "and", "bruised", "for", "observing", "this", "charge", "of", "cavalry", "he", "had", "turned", "for", "us", "and", "his", "horse", "fell", "with", "him", "in", "attempting", "to", "leap", "a", "ditch" ]
[ "my", "aide", "colonel", "audenried", "who", "had", "ridden", "forward", "came", "back", "somewhat", "hurt", "and", "bruised", "for", "observing", "this", "charge", "of", "cavalry", "he", "had", "turned", "for", "us", "and", "his", "horse", "fell", "with", "him", "in", "attempting", "to", "leap", "a", "ditch" ]
[ "m y", "a i d e", "c o l o n e l", "a u d e n r i e d", "w h o", "h a d", "r i d d e n", "f o r w a r d", "c a m e", "b a c k", "s o m e w h a t", "h u r t", "a n d", "b r u i s e d", "f o r", "o b s e r v i n g", "t h i s", "c h a r g e", "o f", "c a v a l r y", "h e", "h a d", "t u r n e d", "f o r", "u s", "a n d", "h i s", "h o r s e", "f e l l", "w i t h", "h i m", "i n", "a t t e m p t i n g", "t o", "l e a p", "a", "d i t c h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 4720, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 193, 4924, 1934, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 429, 2301, 1687, 1889, 1, 187, 4253, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 1296, 754, 3545, 4485, 1829, 3766, 714, 805, 1621, 1621, 1621, 425, 2309, 2309, 1419, 3447, 36, 471, 4355, 1291, 2411, 3017, 3017, 3017, 2361, 2216, 3092, 3142, 825, 4597, 4597, 1175, 2942, 2942, 2942, 3938, 3938, 522, 824, 3031, 3031, 1827, 2729, 3828, 4268, 4268, 4268, 4268, 1013, 2416, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 754, 4102, 455, 455, 936, 1792, 4941, 4774, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 401, 1019, 3261, 3805, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 2920, 3369, 2930, 1523, 104, 4192, 3545, 1626, 1626, 1827, 1988, 1467, 2440, 2440, 4070, 2014, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 1055, 2435, 2435, 1368, 623, 4433, 2400, 43, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2013, 2013, 2013, 4055, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 2730, 869, 1110, 4102, 154, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 72, 3913, 3913, 23, 2030, 2030, 2725, 1416, 4321, 2670, 1784, 4633, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 2887, 2887, 1030, 1670, 4819, 4819, 1373, 3574, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 96, 96, 823, 823, 3176, 3176, 381, 1616, 798, 2404, 101, 158, 3914, 552, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 1155, 3700, 4654, 4654, 4654, 4654, 4654, 2743, 2743, 2676, 2676, 1149, 1149, 3072, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 425, 2121, 290, 421, 131, 1725, 743, 4571, 4944, 3143, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2838, 1185, 830, 4819, 3925, 5, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1028, 1028, 1028, 307, 2536, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3689, 3689, 3559, 4594, 4301, 1564, 4301, 368, 368, 346, 634, 4276, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 4321, 785, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 1753, 385, 2325, 3050, 1492, 2939, 2746, 1594, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 425, 4267, 4406, 3094, 1788, 3637, 3097, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 3771, 2352, 4055, 165, 1655, 138, 4490, 1507, 1507, 1599, 4440, 6, 1139, 84, 104, 720, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 207, 2914, 2121, 1810, 2060, 4843, 1722, 3079, 2464, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 2933, 3766, 678, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 4264, 3325, 1466, 1466, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 23, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 2933, 4319, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 112, 112, 628, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 37, 37, 37, 2513, 4192, 1806, 3545, 4120, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 172, 2325, 2165, 534, 561, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 4433, 542, 3954, 162, 872, 1365, 245, 1, 781, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 1634, 4192, 759, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 1564, 3838, 1785, 1785, 3072, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 1871, 2310, 2848, 356, 2227, 4433, 462, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 2400, 43, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 2216, 1796, 1796, 3456, 3456, 22, 22, 45, 4055, 1284, 318, 4562, 4562, 2450, 2450, 540, 4433, 2035, 1422, 1422, 2293, 2293, 2293, 3467, 3467, 353, 353, 353, 353, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 1482, 4401, 20, 2607, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 312, 981, 4826, 287, 3867, 3867, 1949, 1949, 3917, 2160, 834, 3284, 1492, 2746, 2746, 1594, 3165, 324, 3249, 270, 136, 2657, 2374, 3585, 3585, 3585, 3585, 2057, 4001, 1157, 2842, 2842, 1163, 2402, 2402, 1182, 501, 2610, 2379, 3086, 300, 4895, 2559, 1058, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 1013, 3209, 4093, 628, 1059, 2419, 1567, 546, 95, 432, 1617, 1568, 433, 2231, 3853, 3853, 4444, 3575, 3575, 4513, 4513, 4513, 2461, 2461, 2559, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 1496, 1496, 4420, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4803389830508474, 0.7605367231638417, 1.0807627118644065, 1.8613135593220336, 2.1214971751412426, 2.4417231638418073, 2.7619491525423725, 3.462443502824858, 3.9227683615819204, 4.283022598870056, 4.783375706214689, 5.143629943502824, 5.343771186440677, 6.024251412429377, 6.44454802259887, 7.044971751412429, 7.265127118644068, 7.625381355932203, 7.7254519774011285, 8.385918079096044, 8.686129943502824, 8.946313559322032, 9.406638418079096, 9.686836158192088, 10.06710451977401, 10.327288135593218, 10.547443502824857, 10.947725988700563, 11.267951977401127, 11.508121468926552, 12.008474576271185, 12.36872881355932, 12.949138418079094, 13.109251412429378, 13.349420903954801, 13.429477401129942 ]
[ 0.4803389830508474, 0.7605367231638417, 1.0807627118644065, 1.8613135593220336, 2.1214971751412426, 2.4417231638418073, 2.7619491525423725, 3.462443502824858, 3.9227683615819204, 4.283022598870056, 4.783375706214689, 5.143629943502824, 5.343771186440677, 6.024251412429377, 6.44454802259887, 7.044971751412429, 7.265127118644068, 7.625381355932203, 7.7254519774011285, 8.385918079096044, 8.686129943502824, 8.946313559322032, 9.406638418079096, 9.686836158192088, 10.06710451977401, 10.327288135593218, 10.547443502824857, 10.947725988700563, 11.267951977401127, 11.508121468926552, 12.008474576271185, 12.36872881355932, 12.949138418079094, 13.109251412429378, 13.349420903954801, 13.429477401129942, 14.149985875706212 ]
we accordingly turned back to the market-square and en route noticed that several of the men were evidently in liquor when i called general howard's attention to it he left me and rode toward general woods's head of column which was defiling through the town
[ "we", "accordingly", "turned", "back", "to", "the", "market-square", "and", "en", "route", "noticed", "that", "several", "of", "the", "men", "were", "evidently", "in", "liquor", "when", "i", "called", "general", "howard's", "attention", "to", "it", "he", "left", "me", "and", "rode", "toward", "general", "woods's", "head", "of", "column", "which", "was", "defiling", "through", "the", "town" ]
[ "we", "accordingly", "turned", "back", "to", "the", "market-square", "and", "en", "route", "noticed", "that", "several", "of", "the", "men", "were", "evidently", "in", "liquor", "when", "i", "called", "general", "howard's", "attention", "to", "it", "he", "left", "me", "and", "rode", "toward", "general", "woods's", "head", "of", "column", "which", "was", "defiling", "through", "the", "town" ]
[ "w e", "a c c o r d i n g l y", "t u r n e d", "b a c k", "t o", "t h e", "m a r k e t s q u a r e", "a n d", "e n", "r o u t e", "n o t i c e d", "t h a t", "s e v e r a l", "o f", "t h e", "m e n", "w e r e", "e v i d e n t l y", "i n", "l i q u o r", "w h e n", "i", "c a l l e d", "g e n e r a l", "h o w a r d ' s", "a t t e n t i o n", "t o", "i t", "h e", "l e f t", "m e", "a n d", "r o d e", "t o w a r d", "g e n e r a l", "w o o d s ' s", "h e a d", "o f", "c o l u m n", "w h i c h", "w a s", "d e f i l i n g", "t h r o u g h", "t h e", "t o w n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 72, 139, 4720, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 4420, 2234, 29, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 4850, 4850, 2443, 3566, 4840, 3165, 2, 91, 628, 310, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4736, 3169, 1605, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3529, 3529, 4119, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 3910, 3910, 2183, 2559, 1781, 136, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3764, 37, 37, 4055, 4192, 2800, 2800, 1591, 104, 1373, 3574, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 2802, 2664, 2933, 3249, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 177, 4730, 2816, 3948, 148, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 4661, 2914, 4267, 4012, 1743, 383, 1733, 2714, 2714, 2714, 4542, 4542, 2951, 2951, 4523, 1564, 9, 4019, 521, 521, 205, 2809, 3696, 3696, 3666, 3666, 3940, 3940, 3940, 700, 700, 700, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 3050, 1492, 381, 781, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 4694, 604, 1634, 1634, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 105, 2177, 2177, 4768, 3123, 3031, 2888, 1827, 52, 52, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4524, 421, 131, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1128, 1357, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 4321, 2234, 4924, 2579, 411, 3041, 4554, 4554, 4554, 4554, 4554, 644, 4736, 1358, 4219, 477, 477, 477, 968, 159, 3717, 4433, 1458, 2333, 3362, 368, 4995, 1806, 936, 936, 4756, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 1696, 133, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2068, 4739, 4523, 4876, 1564, 3914, 552, 1608, 3732, 3732, 3732, 3732, 3732, 1274, 3094, 2439, 2439, 4357, 4357, 36, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4833, 4778, 4778, 4778, 2997, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 177, 4730, 2816, 4493, 202, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2549, 2549, 1282, 2160, 3123, 954, 954, 3691, 1569, 4807, 763, 763, 763, 4870, 4870, 2956, 2325, 3050, 1492, 1291, 187, 4577, 4577, 4577, 1274, 4055, 1788, 4165, 4165, 4165, 3665, 3665, 3496, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3951, 1331, 496, 3998, 3998, 2278, 2278, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4324, 587, 587, 1247, 3441, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 85, 85, 4913, 1430, 1430, 4514, 4444, 4444, 3829, 3829, 1743, 3249, 3249, 903, 2106, 2106, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 610, 1915, 1252, 1252, 1943, 140, 31, 1245, 72, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 710, 4321, 3958, 331, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 3398, 2707, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4305, 91, 628, 560, 3387, 3873, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1636, 402, 4771, 754, 4792, 1806, 936, 4941, 1787, 1967, 286, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 1347, 4307, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4419, 1863, 2267, 1899, 296, 2906, 1008, 1008, 3165, 3336, 628, 944, 136, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 496, 4116, 3155, 3155, 614, 1564, 222, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 3687, 300, 300, 104, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 564, 1628, 4087, 1993, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 2424, 2585, 1152, 1725, 377, 1481, 2962, 588, 4420, 1646, 2699, 2699, 2699, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3305, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 23, 2154, 710, 2725, 2933, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 1166, 1170, 4052, 1430, 2336, 486, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4154, 894, 3972, 1806, 3545, 2612, 1014, 3768, 3768, 2170, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 311, 4850, 2443, 3564, 295, 295, 1123, 4117, 3031, 3031, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1193, 1863, 3058, 112, 3249, 1058, 136, 2657, 3968, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 908, 2310, 1863, 112, 112, 3249, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 22, 4714, 4714, 1346, 144, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 2488, 1737, 2985, 2985, 296, 472, 1519, 4832, 4908, 650, 70, 70, 279, 67, 4433, 1564, 4067, 4067, 4067, 2324, 936, 936, 4774, 4774, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 2930, 1529, 4073, 2723, 4526, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 581, 2607, 560, 3387, 3873, 3873, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 2158, 1197, 2583, 1590, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 893, 2139, 4401, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 331, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 1974, 358, 358, 1217, 3629, 3629, 4807, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 3578, 4050, 4969, 6, 84, 1641, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 2690, 563, 623, 894, 43, 2043, 2043, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 1896, 1896, 1896, 597, 597, 3243, 4960, 4960, 3514, 3514, 651, 501, 2610, 4914, 3086, 3771, 50, 2463, 2574, 499, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2864, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 1469, 3336, 2607, 270, 136, 2657, 2374, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 2487, 269, 269, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 555, 1496, 1496, 255, 4420, 4420, 1618, 1618, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.40024360535931797, 1.1006699147381243, 1.4809013398294761, 1.7810840438489648, 1.8811449451887943, 2.0212302070645554, 2.9618026796589523, 3.221961023142509, 3.422082825822168, 3.882362971985384, 4.582789281364191, 4.882971985383679, 5.303227771010962, 5.403288672350792, 5.543373934226554, 5.863568818514007, 6.1237271619975635, 6.764116930572473, 6.984250913520097, 7.564604141291108, 7.964847746650427, 8.064908647990256, 8.48516443361754, 8.845383678440925, 9.225615103532279, 9.745931790499391, 9.946053593179052, 10.426345919610233, 10.826589524969549, 11.166796589524969, 11.366918392204628, 11.547028014616322, 11.807186358099878, 12.067344701583435, 12.467588306942753, 13.027929354445797, 13.308099878197321, 13.44818514007308, 14.068562728380025, 14.468806333739343, 14.708952496954932, 15.389366626065774, 15.609500609013399, 15.709561510353227 ]
[ 0.40024360535931797, 1.1006699147381243, 1.4809013398294761, 1.7810840438489648, 1.8811449451887943, 2.0212302070645554, 2.9618026796589523, 3.221961023142509, 3.422082825822168, 3.882362971985384, 4.582789281364191, 4.882971985383679, 5.303227771010962, 5.403288672350792, 5.543373934226554, 5.863568818514007, 6.1237271619975635, 6.764116930572473, 6.984250913520097, 7.564604141291108, 7.964847746650427, 8.064908647990256, 8.48516443361754, 8.845383678440925, 9.225615103532279, 9.745931790499391, 9.946053593179052, 10.426345919610233, 10.826589524969549, 11.166796589524969, 11.366918392204628, 11.547028014616322, 11.807186358099878, 12.067344701583435, 12.467588306942753, 13.027929354445797, 13.308099878197321, 13.44818514007308, 14.068562728380025, 14.468806333739343, 14.708952496954932, 15.389366626065774, 15.589488428745433, 15.709561510353227, 16.409987819732034 ]
i was there in a minute called for a volunteer crew when several young officers nichols and merritt among the number said they were good oarsmen and volunteered to pull the boat down to fort mcallister
[ "i", "was", "there", "in", "a", "minute", "called", "for", "a", "volunteer", "crew", "when", "several", "young", "officers", "nichols", "and", "merritt", "among", "the", "number", "said", "they", "were", "good", "oarsmen", "and", "volunteered", "to", "pull", "the", "boat", "down", "to", "fort", "mcallister" ]
[ "i", "was", "there", "in", "a", "minute", "called", "for", "a", "volunteer", "crew", "when", "several", "young", "officers", "nichols", "and", "merritt", "among", "the", "number", "said", "they", "were", "good", "oarsmen", "and", "volunteered", "to", "pull", "the", "boat", "down", "to", "fort", "mcallister" ]
[ "i", "w a s", "t h e r e", "i n", "a", "m i n u t e", "c a l l e d", "f o r", "a", "v o l u n t e e r", "c r e w", "w h e n", "s e v e r a l", "y o u n g", "o f f i c e r s", "n i c h o l s", "a n d", "m e r r i t t", "a m o n g", "t h e", "n u m b e r", "s a i d", "t h e y", "w e r e", "g o o d", "o a r s m e n", "a n d", "v o l u n t e e r e d", "t o", "p u l l", "t h e", "b o a t", "d o w n", "t o", "f o r t", "m c a l l i s t e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 524, 524, 4321, 981, 30, 794, 109, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 1847, 2478, 579, 45, 1346, 2102, 1909, 1909, 855, 2713, 4969, 4433, 3994, 2938, 1655, 2483, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 4861, 8, 3445, 966, 3877, 1270, 1270, 366, 3398, 1790, 2660, 546, 4684, 2816, 4493, 308, 939, 4396, 4396, 4396, 4396, 839, 1005, 3379, 3379, 3379, 215, 215, 3817, 3817, 131, 2559, 743, 3190, 1203, 4756, 1792, 372, 1435, 193, 1784, 560, 3387, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 2755, 1115, 3456, 1636, 4771, 4192, 2734, 4433, 4635, 840, 1883, 1883, 2441, 2441, 2524, 3877, 546, 546, 432, 1677, 3612, 2868, 3372, 1647, 1647, 1647, 1647, 2141, 317, 317, 1197, 2845, 2845, 2845, 818, 685, 4895, 944, 1359, 2260, 681, 681, 681, 681, 173, 8, 1288, 2009, 1694, 91, 2933, 310, 2000, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2536, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 1873, 1873, 3485, 3485, 3896, 3896, 1683, 4807, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 4117, 1748, 760, 4876, 1564, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 3732, 3732, 3732, 3732, 3732, 3228, 3094, 2439, 4357, 4357, 4357, 36, 36, 2064, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 3682, 1490, 4200, 435, 822, 2557, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 237, 237, 121, 655, 4372, 4372, 3184, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 2038, 4287, 32, 67, 1564, 2324, 4398, 1668, 388, 388, 1151, 4420, 1792, 1858, 2579, 2142, 4444, 4444, 4444, 3829, 1743, 2559, 517, 517, 2053, 2053, 900, 900, 4289, 1764, 1216, 296, 4260, 3376, 3136, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 704, 74, 4055, 308, 939, 3360, 4743, 4743, 4743, 1660, 123, 3558, 3558, 4395, 215, 4542, 754, 2140, 883, 430, 430, 4684, 1593, 3948, 148, 3889, 980, 980, 980, 980, 3682, 1490, 3771, 2352, 894, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 4959, 2146, 411, 3041, 3041, 1911, 1911, 1911, 1911, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2358, 610, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2030, 2725, 252, 1332, 2110, 1010, 552, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 2930, 1523, 1110, 4102, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 894, 3163, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 1766, 579, 45, 179, 763, 763, 763, 172, 4753, 777, 381, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 267, 2930, 754, 883, 2740, 822, 3007, 3007, 3007, 2787, 2787, 908, 2310, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 1564, 2940, 2843, 4775, 3694, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 2288, 1282, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1943, 140, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 3123, 856, 3612, 2868, 3372, 1647, 1647, 1647, 1647, 2141, 317, 317, 2583, 2845, 2845, 2845, 818, 4108, 685, 270, 944, 2260, 2260, 681, 681, 681, 681, 173, 173, 3850, 2730, 1863, 112, 3249, 1058, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 2261, 1210, 2933, 2973, 452, 1735, 1735, 1735, 1735, 1735, 3456, 3456, 2477, 4873, 424, 3102, 3513, 177, 1060, 3327, 739, 4427, 4427, 3225, 3225, 3225, 2797, 2797, 771, 771, 4524, 1129, 1129, 2933, 433, 1283, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 314, 300, 2158, 3026, 665, 198, 198, 2690, 1815, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1871, 2310, 4031, 2408, 4997, 1014, 1584, 1584, 1584, 91, 2559, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 684, 317, 2583, 2583, 4610, 4606, 4214, 237, 4433, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 653, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 4917, 627, 555, 1496, 255, 4420, 3103, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4206896551724138, 0.6210180623973728, 0.8614121510673234, 0.961576354679803, 1.0417077175697866, 1.502463054187192, 1.9031198686371098, 2.063382594417077, 2.1435139573070607, 2.7444991789819375, 3.225287356321839, 3.5257799671592776, 3.966502463054187, 4.226929392446634, 4.968144499178982, 5.468965517241379, 5.60919540229885, 5.9697865353037765, 6.270279146141215, 6.39047619047619, 7.011494252873563, 7.5323481116584565, 7.752709359605912, 7.933004926108374, 8.173399014778326, 8.814449917898193, 9.094909688013136, 9.7559934318555, 9.85615763546798, 10.096551724137932, 10.236781609195402, 10.517241379310343, 10.797701149425288, 10.917898193760262, 11.178325123152709 ]
[ 0.4206896551724138, 0.6210180623973728, 0.8614121510673234, 0.961576354679803, 1.0417077175697866, 1.502463054187192, 1.9031198686371098, 2.063382594417077, 2.1435139573070607, 2.7444991789819375, 3.225287356321839, 3.5257799671592776, 3.966502463054187, 4.226929392446634, 4.968144499178982, 5.468965517241379, 5.60919540229885, 5.9697865353037765, 6.270279146141215, 6.39047619047619, 7.011494252873563, 7.5323481116584565, 7.752709359605912, 7.933004926108374, 8.173399014778326, 8.814449917898193, 9.094909688013136, 9.7559934318555, 9.85615763546798, 10.096551724137932, 10.236781609195402, 10.517241379310343, 10.797701149425288, 10.917898193760262, 11.178325123152709, 12.179967159277503 ]
but what next i suppose it will be safer if i leave general grant and yourself to decide a lincoln of course this judgment made after the event was extremely flattering and was all i ever expected a recognition of the truth and of its importance
[ "but", "what", "next", "i", "suppose", "it", "will", "be", "safer", "if", "i", "leave", "general", "grant", "and", "yourself", "to", "decide", "a", "lincoln", "of", "course", "this", "judgment", "made", "after", "the", "event", "was", "extremely", "flattering", "and", "was", "all", "i", "ever", "expected", "a", "recognition", "of", "the", "truth", "and", "of", "its", "importance" ]
[ "but", "what", "next", "i", "suppose", "it", "will", "be", "safer", "if", "i", "leave", "general", "grant", "and", "yourself", "to", "decide", "a", "lincoln", "of", "course", "this", "judgment", "made", "after", "the", "event", "was", "extremely", "flattering", "and", "was", "all", "i", "ever", "expected", "a", "recognition", "of", "the", "truth", "and", "of", "its", "importance" ]
[ "b u t", "w h a t", "n e x t", "i", "s u p p o s e", "i t", "w i l l", "b e", "s a f e r", "i f", "i", "l e a v e", "g e n e r a l", "g r a n t", "a n d", "y o u r s e l f", "t o", "d e c i d e", "a", "l i n c o l n", "o f", "c o u r s e", "t h i s", "j u d g m e n t", "m a d e", "a f t e r", "t h e", "e v e n t", "w a s", "e x t r e m e l y", "f l a t t e r i n g", "a n d", "w a s", "a l l", "i", "e v e r", "e x p e c t e d", "a", "r e c o g n i t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "t r u t h", "a n d", "o f", "i t s", "i m p o r t a n c e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 214, 3861, 4420, 3861, 2925, 75, 1886, 4321, 2001, 2001, 4182, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2969, 2408, 168, 2620, 2620, 2620, 1751, 3858, 3858, 3858, 393, 393, 2743, 4300, 4300, 1315, 3770, 411, 3041, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 823, 823, 823, 3249, 3249, 3223, 649, 649, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 346, 1203, 1668, 3388, 1706, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1886, 4281, 2788, 2789, 794, 2376, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 2719, 1914, 3374, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2261, 1206, 1082, 1530, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3742, 1293, 1216, 296, 2906, 257, 886, 886, 3880, 168, 168, 1952, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1099, 3299, 1177, 3431, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 438, 1914, 1417, 1564, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 3413, 3680, 2217, 3279, 2400, 3535, 1966, 303, 303, 3313, 3313, 3417, 3417, 966, 1842, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 2400, 1966, 161, 3246, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 2719, 49, 4052, 4588, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 4619, 2248, 3466, 3652, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 1177, 4753, 777, 104, 126, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 200, 913, 4489, 1374, 421, 131, 4571, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 710, 312, 1910, 2933, 1904, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 3980, 2513, 4192, 455, 936, 936, 1792, 4941, 4423, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 3596, 3596, 2956, 3408, 2542, 4876, 1564, 3914, 552, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 3328, 3328, 1271, 1271, 1300, 917, 2607, 1058, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 4202, 1367, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 1544, 4433, 1069, 3914, 2704, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 869, 869, 1110, 628, 4102, 154, 2459, 2500, 588, 1375, 1375, 1375, 2699, 2699, 4420, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1849, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 2925, 2925, 2982, 1886, 1886, 4420, 1249, 1510, 4364, 550, 550, 550, 550, 2502, 83, 83, 83, 569, 3910, 1170, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1430, 2336, 4514, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 3756, 4886, 4886, 383, 3249, 903, 2679, 4439, 2626, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 730, 730, 730, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4420, 4420, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3754, 863, 863, 2490, 4420, 3004, 322, 1849, 1849, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2154, 2154, 3268, 981, 30, 4575, 4575, 1493, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 104, 1579, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2848, 2848, 1869, 2227, 1031, 542, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 936, 4756, 4756, 1792, 4941, 4941, 1795, 212, 165, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 4433, 6, 1139, 84, 84, 1967, 286, 2097, 3902, 3902, 3468, 3468, 3468, 3468, 600, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 1722, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 249, 1146, 1374, 1374, 1374, 2215, 1709, 1725, 377, 3472, 1340, 455, 936, 936, 4756, 1792, 2933, 4340, 2767, 2767, 202, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 4540, 2671, 754, 4571, 4571, 4355, 1291, 2411, 806, 806, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 2405, 4339, 4154, 104, 2683, 2683, 3175, 3175, 2864, 437, 4416, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 210, 1323, 2443, 4840, 4840, 4840, 3497, 1928, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 1331, 2549, 1374, 1374, 2215, 1709, 894, 743, 3190, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1683, 4807, 4807, 1613, 1613, 373, 855, 3976, 296, 2906, 257, 801, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 120, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 2887, 1030, 1670, 3529, 3529, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 3293, 563, 623, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 4445, 4445, 119, 119, 509, 509, 1061, 1061, 4166, 3620, 652, 652, 652, 4358, 651, 651, 1697, 1697, 4914, 3660, 150, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 68, 4249, 3123, 4014, 179, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 3976, 296, 752, 752, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 3456, 1566, 1566, 4333, 3246, 2137, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 2301, 1687, 1889, 1291, 3600, 3600, 1823, 1823, 1823, 1823, 351, 484, 484, 1403, 1403, 3417, 966, 3877, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 4433, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 3119, 4076, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2842, 2933, 1163, 341, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1523, 1110, 5, 4102, 154, 455, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 4420, 981, 14, 859, 859, 1513, 2478, 1074, 1449, 1827, 1988, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 1665, 2559, 1733, 903, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 3879, 1412, 1412, 268, 1321, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 18, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 2707, 1971, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 628, 3237, 3237, 4374, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4061, 2226, 2226, 1564, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1365, 4756, 983, 1, 781, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3034, 3980, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4571, 4944, 1492, 64, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 2997, 2744, 2744, 161, 4226, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 3668, 4266, 2213, 257, 4028, 2378, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 1206, 2973, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 1871, 2121, 2121, 4031, 4031, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 2722, 3839, 624, 3234, 3234, 1834, 4284, 1011, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 92, 92, 3796, 3587, 329, 72, 329, 329, 329, 72, 329, 157, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.48025, 0.7403854166666668, 1.4207395833333334, 1.6608645833333335, 2.1811354166666668, 2.2811875, 2.46128125, 2.58134375, 3.081604166666667, 3.30171875, 3.42178125, 3.621885416666667, 4.022093750000001, 4.542364583333334, 5.042625, 5.6429375, 5.803020833333334, 6.863572916666667, 7.343822916666667, 8.364354166666669, 8.984677083333334, 9.4849375, 9.805104166666668, 10.585510416666668, 11.04575, 11.365916666666667, 11.505989583333333, 12.026260416666668, 12.266385416666667, 12.826677083333333, 13.587072916666667, 13.907239583333334, 14.087333333333333, 14.34746875, 14.507552083333334, 14.787697916666668, 15.648145833333334, 15.888270833333333, 16.58863541666667, 16.6886875, 16.828760416666668, 17.369041666666668, 17.749239583333335, 17.94934375, 18.169458333333335 ]
[ 0.48025, 0.7403854166666668, 1.4207395833333334, 1.6608645833333335, 2.1811354166666668, 2.2811875, 2.46128125, 2.58134375, 3.081604166666667, 3.30171875, 3.42178125, 3.621885416666667, 4.022093750000001, 4.542364583333334, 5.042625, 5.6429375, 5.803020833333334, 6.863572916666667, 7.343822916666667, 8.364354166666669, 8.984677083333334, 9.4849375, 9.805104166666668, 10.585510416666668, 11.04575, 11.365916666666667, 11.505989583333333, 12.026260416666668, 12.266385416666667, 12.826677083333333, 13.587072916666667, 13.907239583333334, 14.087333333333333, 14.34746875, 14.507552083333334, 14.787697916666668, 15.648145833333334, 15.888270833333333, 16.58863541666667, 16.6886875, 16.828760416666668, 17.369041666666668, 17.749239583333335, 17.94934375, 18.169458333333335, 19.189989583333336 ]
i did not suppose that general hood though rash would venture to attack fortified places like allatoona resaca decatur and nashville but he did so and in so doing he played into our hands perfectly
[ "i", "did", "not", "suppose", "that", "general", "hood", "though", "rash", "would", "venture", "to", "attack", "fortified", "places", "like", "allatoona", "resaca", "decatur", "and", "nashville", "but", "he", "did", "so", "and", "in", "so", "doing", "he", "played", "into", "our", "hands", "perfectly" ]
[ "i", "did", "not", "suppose", "that", "general", "hood", "though", "rash", "would", "venture", "to", "attack", "fortified", "places", "like", "allatoona", "resaca", "decatur", "and", "nashville", "but", "he", "did", "so", "and", "in", "so", "doing", "he", "played", "into", "our", "hands", "perfectly" ]
[ "i", "d i d", "n o t", "s u p p o s e", "t h a t", "g e n e r a l", "h o o d", "t h o u g h", "r a s h", "w o u l d", "v e n t u r e", "t o", "a t t a c k", "f o r t i f i e d", "p l a c e s", "l i k e", "a l l a t o o n a", "r e s a c a", "d e c a t u r", "a n d", "n a s h v i l l e", "b u t", "h e", "d i d", "s o", "a n d", "i n", "s o", "d o i n g", "h e", "p l a y e d", "i n t o", "o u r", "h a n d s", "p e r f e c t l y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 312, 4281, 30, 30, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 2719, 1367, 894, 2389, 1537, 1537, 1537, 3120, 3120, 1972, 1895, 1315, 411, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4739, 4876, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 2261, 1210, 104, 2973, 1530, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3742, 3559, 4594, 4050, 296, 2938, 1844, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 571, 1129, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3261, 13, 3072, 3072, 369, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 3333, 1523, 1110, 1110, 4497, 2205, 1806, 455, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 1655, 1769, 1769, 2125, 2125, 201, 201, 1193, 1193, 2768, 22, 135, 135, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2710, 2710, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 1303, 1930, 1930, 3967, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1564, 1117, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 1103, 2725, 4321, 1683, 1683, 29, 29, 2783, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 3381, 4951, 1523, 1110, 754, 455, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4340, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 496, 4116, 3155, 614, 18, 1783, 1783, 4239, 1975, 1288, 4018, 3249, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 564, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 3165, 3336, 894, 944, 2657, 2374, 2374, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 2547, 2802, 3176, 1616, 2734, 4120, 4635, 43, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2121, 4736, 4219, 4606, 4606, 4606, 2472, 104, 2400, 671, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 3058, 743, 3545, 3895, 4241, 2933, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 1037, 2963, 1564, 121, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 67, 67, 4969, 1836, 1836, 426, 426, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 4164, 1173, 2122, 2430, 3176, 383, 2559, 935, 2313, 4355, 332, 2411, 3017, 3017, 3017, 4322, 684, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 3794, 3794, 324, 3336, 1623, 2933, 104, 1781, 4375, 3371, 3371, 3371, 3371, 44, 44, 2348, 69, 3613, 431, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1128, 1128, 140, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 312, 2234, 3547, 3547, 1827, 1988, 4968, 4456, 4456, 1001, 1544, 1564, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3728, 3728, 970, 970, 970, 4322, 4322, 2547, 2547, 1743, 383, 2559, 1733, 903, 1515, 1515, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3032, 740, 3013, 3013, 3485, 3896, 1435, 1435, 2933, 433, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 891, 91, 628, 104, 4633, 3112, 708, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1086, 3413, 3413, 4196, 216, 2140, 2140, 3840, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 740, 3050, 3050, 1492, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 2838, 4608, 4608, 4608, 2158, 2142, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 4817, 4817, 3967, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 3405, 2103, 2103, 875, 607, 607, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4357, 183, 668, 668, 668, 195, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 931, 588, 588, 2250, 1646, 2699, 2250, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 2677, 193, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 1529, 3449, 3519, 3519, 2150, 1367, 894, 2389, 3853, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3120, 2014, 2199, 2951, 2951, 4523, 1010, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 401, 1873, 1873, 3485, 758, 983, 2607, 781, 1510, 4112, 4105, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 2513, 4192, 4571, 4944, 3963, 287, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 1748, 760, 1010, 1564, 552, 79, 3001, 788, 788, 788, 788, 201, 1193, 4495, 1367, 894, 433, 3348, 3348, 3208, 3208, 951, 951, 1628, 4087, 4087, 1887, 651, 651, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 150, 4401, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 72, 3134, 23, 23, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 1166, 2753, 2607, 3170, 4932, 4932, 263, 3342, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2105, 2807, 565, 4540, 2671, 883, 4197, 422, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 1058, 1843, 3595, 3595, 3857, 564, 564, 3607, 3607, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 3261, 3261, 13, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 809, 4655, 2985, 3411, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3170, 452, 996, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 2472, 3279, 2400, 3535, 2437, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1190, 2359, 2607, 2770, 3509, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 4917, 730, 555, 1496, 4420, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4420, 1486, 1486, 3103, 2209, 2209, 72, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3204166666666667, 0.5206770833333334, 0.7609895833333333, 1.32171875, 1.4819270833333336, 1.9024739583333334, 2.403125, 2.76359375, 3.424453125, 3.925104166666667, 4.345651041666667, 4.505859375, 4.92640625, 5.567239583333334, 6.168020833333334, 6.568541666666667, 7.469713541666667, 8.4109375, 9.191953125, 9.452291666666667, 10.313411458333334, 10.69390625, 10.774010416666668, 11.014322916666668, 11.394817708333333, 11.815364583333334, 11.975572916666668, 12.195859375, 12.756588541666668, 12.996901041666668, 13.317317708333334, 13.597682291666668, 13.837994791666668, 14.29859375 ]
[ 0.3204166666666667, 0.5206770833333334, 0.7609895833333333, 1.32171875, 1.4819270833333336, 1.9024739583333334, 2.403125, 2.76359375, 3.424453125, 3.925104166666667, 4.345651041666667, 4.505859375, 4.92640625, 5.567239583333334, 6.168020833333334, 6.568541666666667, 7.469713541666667, 8.4109375, 9.191953125, 9.452291666666667, 10.313411458333334, 10.69390625, 10.774010416666668, 11.014322916666668, 11.394817708333333, 11.815364583333334, 11.975572916666668, 12.195859375, 12.756588541666668, 12.996901041666668, 13.317317708333334, 13.597682291666668, 13.837994791666668, 14.29859375, 15.359973958333335 ]
meat of any kind vegetables corn-meal or whatever is needed by the command aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days provisions for his command and three days forage
[ "meat", "of", "any", "kind", "vegetables", "corn-meal", "or", "whatever", "is", "needed", "by", "the", "command", "aiming", "at", "all", "times", "to", "keep", "in", "the", "wagons", "at", "least", "ten", "days", "provisions", "for", "his", "command", "and", "three", "days", "forage" ]
[ "meat", "of", "any", "kind", "vegetables", "corn-meal", "or", "whatever", "is", "needed", "by", "the", "command", "aiming", "at", "all", "times", "to", "keep", "in", "the", "wagons", "at", "least", "ten", "days", "provisions", "for", "his", "command", "and", "three", "days", "forage" ]
[ "m e a t", "o f", "a n y", "k i n d", "v e g e t a b l e s", "c o r n m e a l", "o r", "w h a t e v e r", "i s", "n e e d e d", "b y", "t h e", "c o m m a n d", "a i m i n g", "a t", "a l l", "t i m e s", "t o", "k e e p", "i n", "t h e", "w a g o n s", "a t", "l e a s t", "t e n", "d a y s", "p r o v i s i o n s", "f o r", "h i s", "c o m m a n d", "a n d", "t h r e e", "d a y s", "f o r a g e" ]
[ 4079, 1335, 4720, 524, 524, 2725, 3958, 193, 2001, 2767, 2767, 202, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 1013, 1350, 246, 3373, 421, 3492, 743, 4571, 245, 381, 2939, 64, 1776, 1493, 169, 2997, 2744, 701, 4197, 3406, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 506, 506, 506, 2537, 2537, 4101, 1999, 4305, 628, 560, 3718, 3387, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 314, 37, 412, 4497, 2205, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 4941, 4340, 2870, 3612, 2868, 3372, 2147, 2147, 2147, 2147, 600, 514, 1974, 4797, 2103, 2103, 1631, 1641, 2751, 4798, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 2715, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 668, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 2091, 1011, 3294, 2324, 1668, 4756, 1792, 1435, 4321, 2607, 714, 805, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2688, 2688, 2688, 2310, 3764, 4768, 522, 704, 704, 202, 308, 2990, 3512, 3512, 508, 508, 508, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2312, 3477, 2851, 4450, 20, 2607, 586, 1252, 1128, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 312, 4420, 981, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2117, 2117, 45, 1345, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 1529, 4073, 3449, 4956, 4956, 4956, 4956, 351, 3094, 484, 1403, 3941, 3941, 3050, 1492, 3441, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4433, 480, 1693, 1315, 411, 25, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 4196, 216, 2073, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 1558, 3198, 2014, 843, 2970, 2741, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 124, 91, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 4394, 412, 2205, 154, 20, 193, 3046, 3141, 3141, 72, 327, 327, 570, 2827, 2827, 527, 2925, 1886, 1886, 4420, 2281, 1249, 187, 4215, 4215, 4773, 4773, 4773, 3214, 2887, 697, 1404, 3637, 3637, 501, 501, 2610, 2610, 4976, 4200, 3284, 758, 197, 781, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 381, 743, 743, 4355, 4355, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 4905, 3758, 2183, 944, 136, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 1670, 978, 2292, 32, 3411, 4433, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 91, 2559, 4633, 678, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 3209, 4093, 251, 1059, 2419, 422, 422, 1270, 1270, 1625, 3364, 4820, 424, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3457, 3879, 2559, 428, 4439, 4439, 1379, 4532, 809, 809, 1985, 32, 296, 296, 872, 1365, 4944, 197, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3464, 2408, 4300, 4913, 3969, 1430, 4958, 2332, 2332, 2332, 2332, 2332, 4269, 1037, 2227, 1564, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 1806, 2508, 2508, 2852, 2852, 270, 1781, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 3917, 4768, 3918, 4108, 2410, 2158, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 3797, 3979, 1293, 4050, 4433, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2933, 3170, 3407, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 18, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 3411, 3838, 875, 2396, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 172, 1832, 1832, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4433, 4969, 2019, 1829, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 2733, 2733, 1404, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 412, 4497, 142, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 981, 1910, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 4192, 4192, 936, 936, 4941, 2463, 2774, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 2081, 4202, 1367, 433, 2231, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 565, 3979, 1293, 4050, 1564, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 746, 746, 1772, 4942, 470, 470, 4469, 3558, 4136, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 2432, 381, 3235, 733, 1117, 881, 61, 362, 588, 1496, 4420, 1496, 1081, 1081, 2209, 72, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5003765060240963, 0.6805120481927711, 0.9407078313253012, 1.501129518072289, 2.3817921686746986, 3.1823945783132532, 3.462605421686747, 3.9029367469879515, 4.083072289156626, 4.483373493975903, 4.6835240963855425, 4.803614457831325, 5.564186746987952, 6.164638554216867, 6.424834337349397, 6.645, 7.165391566265059, 7.305496987951807, 7.585707831325301, 7.705798192771084, 7.845903614457831, 8.406325301204818, 8.626490963855423, 9.006777108433734, 9.286987951807228, 9.627243975903616, 10.307756024096385, 10.507906626506024, 10.728072289156625, 11.408584337349398, 11.848915662650603, 12.129126506024097, 12.429352409638554 ]
[ 0.5003765060240963, 0.6805120481927711, 0.9407078313253012, 1.501129518072289, 2.3817921686746986, 3.1823945783132532, 3.462605421686747, 3.9029367469879515, 4.083072289156626, 4.483373493975903, 4.6835240963855425, 4.803614457831325, 5.564186746987952, 6.164638554216867, 6.424834337349397, 6.645, 7.165391566265059, 7.305496987951807, 7.585707831325301, 7.705798192771084, 7.845903614457831, 8.406325301204818, 8.626490963855423, 9.006777108433734, 9.286987951807228, 9.627243975903616, 10.307756024096385, 10.507906626506024, 10.728072289156625, 11.408584337349398, 11.848915662650603, 12.129126506024097, 12.429352409638554, 13.269984939759036 ]
the soldiers had broken up the pump heaved in the steps and lining and set fire to the mass of lumber in the bottom of the well which corroborated the negro's description
[ "the", "soldiers", "had", "broken", "up", "the", "pump", "heaved", "in", "the", "steps", "and", "lining", "and", "set", "fire", "to", "the", "mass", "of", "lumber", "in", "the", "bottom", "of", "the", "well", "which", "corroborated", "the", "negro's", "description" ]
[ "the", "soldiers", "had", "broken", "up", "the", "pump", "heaved", "in", "the", "steps", "and", "lining", "and", "set", "fire", "to", "the", "mass", "of", "lumber", "in", "the", "bottom", "of", "the", "well", "which", "corroborated", "the", "negro's", "description" ]
[ "t h e", "s o l d i e r s", "h a d", "b r o k e n", "u p", "t h e", "p u m p", "h e a v e d", "i n", "t h e", "s t e p s", "a n d", "l i n i n g", "a n d", "s e t", "f i r e", "t o", "t h e", "m a s s", "o f", "l u m b e r", "i n", "t h e", "b o t t o m", "o f", "t h e", "w e l l", "w h i c h", "c o r r o b o r a t e d", "t h e", "n e g r o ' s", "d e s c r i p t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 2725, 2933, 1504, 1504, 1448, 492, 3368, 1109, 4876, 158, 1069, 552, 1608, 190, 4685, 4685, 4685, 4685, 4685, 674, 2393, 4405, 4405, 4843, 2166, 1775, 1775, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 296, 1785, 4770, 3699, 3699, 2920, 2920, 4569, 2014, 843, 3327, 894, 1498, 323, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 3399, 894, 1733, 2679, 1540, 1540, 366, 3398, 2707, 3090, 567, 567, 3560, 1761, 3737, 4903, 628, 2566, 4141, 10, 4730, 2261, 1210, 381, 2973, 1644, 116, 116, 3062, 3062, 3062, 3062, 3062, 2846, 1374, 1374, 4001, 2808, 4675, 2933, 1721, 2436, 4756, 4756, 1792, 1792, 4774, 4319, 3349, 1606, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 4619, 4619, 4619, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 4454, 3972, 4576, 1993, 4378, 21, 21, 21, 3938, 3938, 3938, 824, 824, 824, 824, 3938, 3938, 2575, 2575, 729, 2575, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1564, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 4385, 4385, 4385, 1761, 3737, 628, 4421, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3954, 4266, 872, 4944, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2838, 1185, 85, 85, 4913, 1430, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 232, 1341, 1341, 1538, 69, 3613, 3169, 1605, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 150, 3159, 4401, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 312, 4281, 981, 1406, 3610, 68, 4834, 760, 1010, 1010, 3914, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 2307, 3883, 2734, 623, 623, 2400, 43, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 259, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1975, 3941, 4018, 2183, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 2816, 202, 308, 2993, 2993, 789, 789, 4939, 4939, 1303, 2881, 2881, 4697, 1031, 4433, 121, 2213, 606, 606, 2464, 384, 384, 1601, 4567, 2251, 4913, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4106, 3417, 3417, 966, 422, 1270, 1270, 1625, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 177, 1060, 3327, 1373, 4427, 4346, 4346, 4346, 4346, 4346, 4407, 4515, 1358, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 2641, 786, 4263, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 424, 3102, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 2783, 1851, 4553, 4553, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 2851, 4450, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 72, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 2620, 56, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 358, 1217, 2019, 1829, 3766, 1000, 805, 4293, 4293, 4293, 1628, 1628, 3607, 822, 3966, 3966, 4244, 4407, 4175, 2283, 1632, 1632, 1380, 1380, 1380, 652, 4469, 3521, 3521, 871, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 3249, 106, 4901, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 364, 1313, 3938, 455, 455, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 5, 165, 1448, 3513, 2131, 4959, 2146, 4188, 25, 3512, 3512, 3512, 3512, 1350, 3879, 4124, 126, 4622, 406, 406, 4201, 629, 2766, 2766, 4363, 1193, 2267, 2267, 4050, 4433, 1139, 84, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 158, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 406, 2475, 2475, 2475, 2475, 3323, 3737, 381, 3821, 556, 556, 419, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 1393, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 255, 255, 2250, 4006, 4006, 4420, 255, 1618, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3206072106261859, 0.8415939278937381, 1.0219354838709676, 1.3425426944971535, 1.4828083491461097, 1.6230740037950662, 2.043870967741935, 2.484705882352941, 2.685085388994307, 2.865426944971537, 3.406451612903225, 3.6268690702087283, 4.228007590132826, 4.488500948766603, 4.708918406072105, 5.089639468690701, 5.189829222011385, 5.310056925996204, 5.650702087286527, 5.811005692599619, 6.211764705882352, 6.311954459203035, 6.432182163187854, 6.752789373814041, 6.873017077798861, 7.013282732447816, 7.474155597722959, 7.874914611005692, 8.756584440227703, 8.956963946869068, 9.477950664136621 ]
[ 0.3206072106261859, 0.8415939278937381, 1.0219354838709676, 1.3425426944971535, 1.4828083491461097, 1.6230740037950662, 2.043870967741935, 2.484705882352941, 2.685085388994307, 2.865426944971537, 3.406451612903225, 3.6268690702087283, 4.228007590132826, 4.488500948766603, 4.708918406072105, 5.089639468690701, 5.189829222011385, 5.310056925996204, 5.650702087286527, 5.811005692599619, 6.211764705882352, 6.311954459203035, 6.432182163187854, 6.752789373814041, 6.873017077798861, 7.013282732447816, 7.474155597722959, 7.874914611005692, 8.756584440227703, 8.956963946869068, 9.477950664136621, 10.53996204933586 ]
indeed i do not approve of his evacuating decatur but think he should have assumed the offensive against hood from pulaski in the direction of waynesburg i know full well that general thomas is slow in mind and in action but he is judicious and brave and the troops feel great confidence in him
[ "indeed", "i", "do", "not", "approve", "of", "his", "evacuating", "decatur", "but", "think", "he", "should", "have", "assumed", "the", "offensive", "against", "hood", "from", "pulaski", "in", "the", "direction", "of", "waynesburg", "i", "know", "full", "well", "that", "general", "thomas", "is", "slow", "in", "mind", "and", "in", "action", "but", "he", "is", "judicious", "and", "brave", "and", "the", "troops", "feel", "great", "confidence", "in", "him" ]
[ "indeed", "i", "do", "not", "approve", "of", "his", "evacuating", "decatur", "but", "think", "he", "should", "have", "assumed", "the", "offensive", "against", "hood", "from", "pulaski", "in", "the", "direction", "of", "waynesburg", "i", "know", "full", "well", "that", "general", "thomas", "is", "slow", "in", "mind", "and", "in", "action", "but", "he", "is", "judicious", "and", "brave", "and", "the", "troops", "feel", "great", "confidence", "in", "him" ]
[ "i n d e e d", "i", "d o", "n o t", "a p p r o v e", "o f", "h i s", "e v a c u a t i n g", "d e c a t u r", "b u t", "t h i n k", "h e", "s h o u l d", "h a v e", "a s s u m e d", "t h e", "o f f e n s i v e", "a g a i n s t", "h o o d", "f r o m", "p u l a s k i", "i n", "t h e", "d i r e c t i o n", "o f", "w a y n e s b u r g", "i", "k n o w", "f u l l", "w e l l", "t h a t", "g e n e r a l", "t h o m a s", "i s", "s l o w", "i n", "m i n d", "a n d", "i n", "a c t i o n", "b u t", "h e", "i s", "j u d i c i o u s", "a n d", "b r a v e", "a n d", "t h e", "t r o o p s", "f e e l", "g r e a t", "c o n f i d e n c e", "i n", "h i m" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 1143, 914, 524, 312, 312, 2391, 4826, 3867, 1405, 2378, 661, 4117, 2410, 2410, 4024, 2212, 3853, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 2416, 3322, 3322, 4540, 3058, 1686, 4102, 4571, 758, 1630, 794, 109, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 49, 1367, 1568, 3326, 2212, 3348, 1587, 1587, 1587, 1587, 1927, 1471, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 4515, 2355, 4073, 4840, 3165, 3165, 2261, 2096, 2933, 1724, 4660, 4660, 2149, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 880, 880, 1407, 3654, 1966, 161, 4263, 1493, 1493, 1493, 2997, 1601, 3713, 3713, 1422, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 2456, 3578, 4318, 1564, 2906, 257, 1008, 2762, 3497, 952, 479, 3609, 3372, 802, 802, 3671, 509, 2547, 2802, 1743, 3326, 2903, 844, 844, 3870, 3870, 3810, 3810, 3521, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 2355, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 3925, 2212, 572, 572, 1353, 1353, 2, 581, 2933, 1206, 4633, 708, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1470, 1086, 3413, 4196, 4196, 1206, 2140, 3177, 3840, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 4420, 4321, 3537, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 571, 4300, 2951, 2463, 2574, 2574, 4466, 971, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 4579, 2489, 4886, 3326, 935, 759, 4774, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 1166, 2878, 2878, 1564, 3586, 920, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 4951, 2355, 2676, 4770, 889, 889, 2211, 2211, 2211, 2573, 2744, 701, 1567, 4840, 829, 1723, 3374, 4433, 1010, 313, 1892, 620, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2805, 2805, 1030, 1670, 1670, 4846, 2352, 2047, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 1323, 4317, 4840, 3798, 3165, 563, 1815, 1096, 2158, 3446, 4447, 3185, 3185, 3185, 1331, 1164, 3149, 4351, 3989, 2905, 2874, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 2744, 701, 1567, 430, 2471, 2471, 1710, 559, 1057, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 4883, 4691, 4691, 1564, 515, 3362, 4092, 1659, 759, 1347, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 3333, 1523, 1110, 1686, 3883, 2734, 4635, 4635, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 3539, 4255, 4255, 2052, 3563, 4591, 4591, 1724, 102, 2862, 2862, 2862, 2862, 2128, 1107, 1230, 227, 1276, 3728, 3488, 3488, 3488, 3488, 4322, 2881, 4708, 4697, 4433, 542, 462, 462, 1396, 521, 4043, 2927, 2360, 4443, 4443, 4400, 4400, 4400, 3843, 3843, 2689, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 4420, 981, 4826, 3125, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 662, 4820, 4035, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1617, 3326, 2212, 572, 4470, 4470, 4470, 593, 593, 3476, 1988, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 3122, 366, 293, 1971, 2446, 4526, 169, 965, 2184, 396, 396, 4477, 1851, 2668, 3651, 4970, 4970, 4970, 4271, 3214, 3214, 3171, 2168, 809, 4655, 1899, 706, 706, 2940, 2821, 4241, 3537, 53, 2207, 2207, 2207, 2207, 2207, 2207, 2237, 4387, 2317, 2317, 3499, 3499, 935, 4980, 2500, 588, 1704, 1704, 4420, 2760, 2760, 2760, 3458, 3458, 3458, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 3268, 4321, 2391, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 1658, 1471, 1471, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 201, 201, 1193, 1193, 3232, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 3763, 3456, 3456, 1187, 22, 22, 4477, 4477, 2668, 4553, 1543, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 4808, 4905, 2477, 1414, 3196, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 571, 1129, 1206, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 3325, 36, 1177, 1623, 1206, 114, 2657, 2287, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2273, 3231, 4134, 2618, 1561, 1561, 660, 4209, 3626, 3626, 4433, 2905, 4260, 257, 580, 580, 3077, 3077, 206, 206, 158, 1807, 4037, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 2711, 2711, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 201, 201, 1628, 3607, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 2298, 704, 704, 1134, 1134, 995, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 314, 37, 2513, 2781, 4571, 4944, 1630, 781, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 2513, 2781, 2781, 4571, 4944, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 1949, 3832, 2298, 4990, 4990, 1291, 1291, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 2547, 2802, 1328, 628, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 4844, 4844, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 3537, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 4242, 2676, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4850, 2148, 94, 94, 94, 1370, 2791, 4318, 706, 6, 1139, 3326, 3138, 286, 4805, 4805, 4805, 260, 1617, 42, 2212, 2389, 3224, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 2986, 603, 1564, 3061, 3061, 1364, 1364, 1364, 4899, 4899, 4209, 3626, 4433, 462, 65, 872, 4944, 3143, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2298, 830, 4819, 42, 3537, 1498, 323, 323, 323, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 2248, 2248, 2248, 3654, 718, 142, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 3134, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 2391, 2391, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 42, 3196, 1448, 492, 2131, 2575, 3938, 4336, 1623, 628, 114, 4374, 4374, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1028, 1028, 44, 4345, 4345, 2462, 4250, 4421, 4421, 2354, 273, 3411, 2324, 798, 875, 4983, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4808, 1187, 1187, 4753, 777, 340, 126, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 246, 3795, 4587, 2933, 559, 559, 3387, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 4001, 1157, 3290, 3535, 1075, 4165, 4165, 4165, 2355, 1221, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 3989, 1564, 2905, 4260, 422, 284, 1270, 1270, 712, 2298, 2824, 4044, 2818, 2818, 2293, 2293, 3467, 3467, 3467, 353, 353, 353, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 1225, 1225, 1225, 2039, 588, 4420, 255, 1486, 1486, 1081, 329, 329, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7207399794450154, 0.8608838643371018, 1.021048304213772, 1.2412744090441934, 1.7217677286742037, 1.8819321685508739, 2.122178828365879, 2.8829599177800618, 3.6237204522096613, 3.9640698869475854, 4.244357656731758, 4.384501541623845, 4.644768756423433, 4.824953751284688, 5.245385405960946, 5.365508735868449, 5.926084275436794, 6.326495375128469, 6.586762589928059, 6.847029804727647, 7.787995889003085, 8.18840698869476, 8.308530318602262, 8.869105858170608, 9.029270298047278, 10.010277492291882, 10.370647482014391, 10.63091469681398, 10.95124357656732, 11.251551901336075, 11.451757451181914, 11.792106885919837, 12.272600205549848, 12.432764645426518, 12.773114080164442, 12.913257965056527, 13.373730729701954, 13.674039054470711, 13.894265159301133, 14.57496402877698, 14.93533401849949, 15.055457348406991, 15.235642343268244, 15.916341212744094, 16.096526207605347, 16.697142857142858, 16.957410071942448, 17.097553956834535, 17.558026721479962, 17.898376156217886, 18.158643371017476, 18.77928057553957, 18.91942446043166 ]
[ 0.7207399794450154, 0.8608838643371018, 1.021048304213772, 1.2412744090441934, 1.7217677286742037, 1.8819321685508739, 2.122178828365879, 2.8829599177800618, 3.6237204522096613, 3.9640698869475854, 4.244357656731758, 4.384501541623845, 4.644768756423433, 4.824953751284688, 5.245385405960946, 5.365508735868449, 5.926084275436794, 6.326495375128469, 6.586762589928059, 6.847029804727647, 7.787995889003085, 8.18840698869476, 8.308530318602262, 8.869105858170608, 9.029270298047278, 10.010277492291882, 10.370647482014391, 10.63091469681398, 10.95124357656732, 11.251551901336075, 11.451757451181914, 11.792106885919837, 12.272600205549848, 12.432764645426518, 12.773114080164442, 12.913257965056527, 13.373730729701954, 13.674039054470711, 13.894265159301133, 14.57496402877698, 14.93533401849949, 15.055457348406991, 15.235642343268244, 15.916341212744094, 16.096526207605347, 16.697142857142858, 16.957410071942448, 17.097553956834535, 17.558026721479962, 17.898376156217886, 18.158643371017476, 18.77928057553957, 18.91942446043166, 19.459979445015417 ]
then i was perfectly convinced and had no longer a shadow of doubt the only possible question was as to thomas's strength and ability to meet hood in the open field
[ "then", "i", "was", "perfectly", "convinced", "and", "had", "no", "longer", "a", "shadow", "of", "doubt", "the", "only", "possible", "question", "was", "as", "to", "thomas's", "strength", "and", "ability", "to", "meet", "hood", "in", "the", "open", "field" ]
[ "then", "i", "was", "perfectly", "convinced", "and", "had", "no", "longer", "a", "shadow", "of", "doubt", "the", "only", "possible", "question", "was", "as", "to", "thomas's", "strength", "and", "ability", "to", "meet", "hood", "in", "the", "open", "field" ]
[ "t h e n", "i", "w a s", "p e r f e c t l y", "c o n v i n c e d", "a n d", "h a d", "n o", "l o n g e r", "a", "s h a d o w", "o f", "d o u b t", "t h e", "o n l y", "p o s s i b l e", "q u e s t i o n", "w a s", "a s", "t o", "t h o m a s ' s", "s t r e n g t h", "a n d", "a b i l i t y", "t o", "m e e t", "h o o d", "i n", "t h e", "o p e n", "f i e l d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 2001, 1504, 165, 4461, 2483, 899, 899, 989, 989, 989, 3917, 1282, 3398, 2707, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 579, 179, 179, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 4969, 3930, 2821, 2607, 3170, 452, 996, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 4267, 3279, 3535, 2698, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1190, 3249, 2770, 2731, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 1999, 2559, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 735, 856, 856, 3878, 3612, 3609, 3372, 4799, 3788, 4799, 4799, 4776, 4776, 2549, 1374, 3264, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1564, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 1406, 1406, 3610, 2838, 2824, 4044, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 1895, 1315, 104, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 4888, 1193, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 4099, 4099, 4099, 4099, 4099, 4099, 1598, 3682, 3455, 3455, 3455, 2098, 2106, 2106, 4106, 4106, 3417, 966, 3877, 546, 95, 1723, 1109, 2878, 1564, 4507, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 509, 4515, 1358, 4219, 783, 2766, 2766, 1628, 1628, 3607, 1971, 2464, 4526, 384, 965, 2184, 917, 2933, 433, 1283, 902, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 2075, 2075, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 4524, 3974, 2933, 377, 4891, 1481, 2967, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 4823, 72, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 23, 23, 2154, 710, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 832, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 4541, 2628, 4101, 182, 2261, 381, 2973, 1663, 116, 767, 767, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 2881, 2963, 121, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 36, 1187, 1694, 91, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 827, 1281, 4708, 4433, 4270, 4270, 2607, 4270, 4632, 4632, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3284, 3485, 3896, 3896, 3896, 1683, 29, 2783, 4144, 4144, 335, 335, 335, 2335, 4847, 4847, 2456, 3578, 67, 4969, 4433, 3411, 6, 1139, 4229, 270, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 3336, 381, 1781, 136, 541, 2287, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2468, 2273, 1947, 1404, 2618, 1561, 1561, 4209, 4214, 2963, 4433, 121, 655, 1519, 1519, 4908, 4908, 4472, 279, 206, 1807, 158, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 609, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428, 1428, 2120, 3756, 3756, 2489, 4886, 2359, 2664, 4966, 3891, 2035, 1842, 1842, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 2513, 5, 883, 175, 1008, 3165, 764, 3327, 381, 739, 3574, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1437, 317, 1197, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 381, 1268, 3538, 1036, 1036, 1036, 3843, 311, 311, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2677, 2725, 2933, 1058, 63, 1401, 1292, 1292, 630, 1720, 4493, 202, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 1350, 3373, 754, 743, 759, 1149, 3072, 1347, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 1523, 894, 4713, 1842, 422, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 3291, 1064, 1064, 210, 1323, 4317, 822, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 251, 595, 3249, 2419, 2306, 2306, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 2435, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4497, 154, 2962, 588, 4420, 3808, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 72, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5805253623188406, 0.6806159420289855, 0.8407608695652173, 1.341213768115942, 2.0418478260869564, 2.2019927536231885, 2.442210144927536, 2.582336956521739, 3.0827898550724635, 3.1628623188405793, 3.563224637681159, 3.703351449275362, 4.34393115942029, 4.72427536231884, 4.944474637681159, 5.464945652173913, 6.065489130434782, 6.425815217391304, 6.50588768115942, 6.666032608695652, 7.266576086956521, 7.787047101449275, 8.007246376811594, 8.68786231884058, 8.988134057971013, 9.26838768115942, 9.608695652173912, 9.728804347826086, 9.84891304347826, 10.209239130434781 ]
[ 0.5805253623188406, 0.6806159420289855, 0.8407608695652173, 1.341213768115942, 2.0418478260869564, 2.2019927536231885, 2.442210144927536, 2.582336956521739, 3.0827898550724635, 3.1628623188405793, 3.563224637681159, 3.703351449275362, 4.34393115942029, 4.72427536231884, 4.944474637681159, 5.464945652173913, 6.065489130434782, 6.425815217391304, 6.50588768115942, 6.666032608695652, 7.266576086956521, 7.787047101449275, 8.007246376811594, 8.68786231884058, 8.988134057971013, 9.26838768115942, 9.608695652173912, 9.728804347826086, 9.84891304347826, 10.209239130434781, 11.02998188405797 ]
general your letter of december eighteenth is just received i feel very much gratified at receiving the handsome commendation you pay my army i will in general orders convey to the officers and men the substance of your note
[ "general", "your", "letter", "of", "december", "eighteenth", "is", "just", "received", "i", "feel", "very", "much", "gratified", "at", "receiving", "the", "handsome", "commendation", "you", "pay", "my", "army", "i", "will", "in", "general", "orders", "convey", "to", "the", "officers", "and", "men", "the", "substance", "of", "your", "note" ]
[ "general", "your", "letter", "of", "december", "eighteenth", "is", "just", "received", "i", "feel", "very", "much", "gratified", "at", "receiving", "the", "handsome", "commendation", "you", "pay", "my", "army", "i", "will", "in", "general", "orders", "convey", "to", "the", "officers", "and", "men", "the", "substance", "of", "your", "note" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "y o u r", "l e t t e r", "o f", "d e c e m b e r", "e i g h t e e n t h", "i s", "j u s t", "r e c e i v e d", "i", "f e e l", "v e r y", "m u c h", "g r a t i f i e d", "a t", "r e c e i v i n g", "t h e", "h a n d s o m e", "c o m m e n d a t i o n", "y o u", "p a y", "m y", "a r m y", "i", "w i l l", "i n", "g e n e r a l", "o r d e r s", "c o n v e y", "t o", "t h e", "o f f i c e r s", "a n d", "m e n", "t h e", "s u b s t a n c e", "o f", "y o u r", "n o t e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3409, 3409, 4420, 4491, 75, 3861, 1792, 2001, 1787, 1787, 894, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 668, 195, 391, 4450, 4620, 931, 627, 588, 2933, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 3305, 4796, 4796, 1357, 453, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 4122, 4122, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 908, 1170, 4052, 1430, 2336, 2971, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 1061, 2140, 3177, 3840, 1975, 4106, 3417, 3417, 966, 1971, 1971, 1776, 169, 169, 1601, 3652, 4055, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 237, 1564, 3914, 2704, 3250, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 3941, 1288, 3050, 1889, 1291, 187, 4253, 4253, 333, 333, 333, 333, 3795, 1588, 4397, 4397, 2933, 270, 136, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 35, 3171, 1374, 4886, 1709, 4966, 4966, 2035, 3833, 2148, 580, 3077, 3077, 1289, 4050, 6, 1139, 4055, 4831, 817, 2658, 2658, 4168, 862, 862, 4708, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 4590, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1001, 4876, 158, 3914, 552, 620, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 1534, 3972, 1481, 2967, 4420, 92, 3796, 1639, 140, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 4420, 981, 14, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 3293, 1815, 623, 2400, 2923, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 1789, 2901, 3456, 4905, 1177, 1928, 3612, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 274, 274, 1041, 3144, 3846, 1593, 3948, 148, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 2448, 1056, 2559, 4797, 2103, 1217, 213, 1829, 381, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4457, 4457, 1462, 509, 4515, 1358, 4219, 4606, 4606, 4606, 2472, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2595, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 533, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 3463, 2671, 754, 4713, 175, 898, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2307, 1145, 1145, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1001, 4876, 1564, 3914, 620, 218, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4406, 4406, 1788, 3637, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 2352, 165, 4141, 3102, 4816, 4816, 2367, 2412, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 1425, 1425, 1425, 913, 1164, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 121, 4372, 4646, 990, 990, 375, 258, 2659, 2099, 3766, 560, 2497, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 3231, 1947, 1404, 4867, 773, 2484, 818, 4108, 2410, 894, 3496, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4844, 3159, 3159, 3040, 2933, 586, 4665, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 193, 4122, 4122, 512, 4312, 3161, 3161, 2768, 1210, 2559, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 3144, 1593, 3948, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 2301, 3050, 1889, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 1404, 2618, 4178, 4178, 1848, 1418, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 4409, 20, 610, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 31, 72, 4796, 3913, 72, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 30, 794, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 2478, 3649, 1346, 1345, 2668, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 1279, 2825, 1796, 1796, 2851, 2851, 2851, 471, 471, 1492, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 712, 3832, 2410, 104, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4768, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 2851, 471, 2165, 534, 4918, 4918, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 3403, 4736, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3840, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 4499, 4287, 4050, 1011, 3411, 2324, 213, 1829, 560, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 4418, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 550, 550, 2807, 83, 565, 3910, 2183, 628, 270, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 437, 4416, 424, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 4317, 4317, 822, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 1111, 3279, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 237, 4433, 655, 4372, 3184, 3184, 3184, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 296, 2906, 3376, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1123, 1234, 704, 704, 74, 2158, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4681, 4401, 20, 1915, 1915, 1252, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 1448, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1544, 4433, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3821, 649, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 4294, 4294, 4294, 3285, 2072, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1564, 2213, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 1776, 1512, 2997, 1601, 2184, 2867, 2867, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 3596, 3596, 172, 2956, 1927, 152, 411, 2142, 3041, 2617, 2617, 2617, 2617, 2617, 2797, 2797, 771, 771, 4524, 4524, 1136, 2933, 377, 3190, 2500, 588, 4420, 1496, 4787, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1387, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9206020942408376, 1.3408769633507853, 1.6610863874345547, 1.8011780104712038, 2.301505235602094, 2.881884816753926, 3.041989528795811, 3.342185863874345, 4.122696335078533, 4.382866492146596, 4.663049738219895, 4.923219895287957, 5.203403141361256, 5.963900523560209, 6.124005235602093, 6.624332460732983, 6.764424083769632, 7.224725130890051, 8.165340314136126, 8.465536649214659, 8.725706806282721, 9.025903141361256, 9.666321989528795, 10.0065445026178, 10.326753926701569, 10.50687172774869, 10.947159685863873, 11.447486910994764, 11.887774869109945, 12.04787958115183, 12.187971204188479, 12.748337696335076, 12.908442408376962, 13.32871727748691, 13.628913612565444, 14.249319371727747, 14.40942408376963, 14.629568062827223 ]
[ 0.9206020942408376, 1.3408769633507853, 1.6610863874345547, 1.8011780104712038, 2.301505235602094, 2.881884816753926, 3.041989528795811, 3.342185863874345, 4.122696335078533, 4.382866492146596, 4.663049738219895, 4.923219895287957, 5.203403141361256, 5.963900523560209, 6.124005235602093, 6.624332460732983, 6.764424083769632, 7.224725130890051, 8.165340314136126, 8.465536649214659, 8.725706806282721, 9.025903141361256, 9.666321989528795, 10.0065445026178, 10.326753926701569, 10.50687172774869, 10.947159685863873, 11.447486910994764, 11.887774869109945, 12.04787958115183, 12.187971204188479, 12.748337696335076, 12.908442408376962, 13.32871727748691, 13.628913612565444, 14.249319371727747, 14.40942408376963, 14.629568062827223, 15.269986910994763 ]
as i am anxious to explain clearly not only the reasons for every step but the amount of execution done and this i cannot do until i get the subordinate reports for we marched the whole distance in four or more columns and of course i could only be present with one
[ "as", "i", "am", "anxious", "to", "explain", "clearly", "not", "only", "the", "reasons", "for", "every", "step", "but", "the", "amount", "of", "execution", "done", "and", "this", "i", "cannot", "do", "until", "i", "get", "the", "subordinate", "reports", "for", "we", "marched", "the", "whole", "distance", "in", "four", "or", "more", "columns", "and", "of", "course", "i", "could", "only", "be", "present", "with", "one" ]
[ "as", "i", "am", "anxious", "to", "explain", "clearly", "not", "only", "the", "reasons", "for", "every", "step", "but", "the", "amount", "of", "execution", "done", "and", "this", "i", "cannot", "do", "until", "i", "get", "the", "subordinate", "reports", "for", "we", "marched", "the", "whole", "distance", "in", "four", "or", "more", "columns", "and", "of", "course", "i", "could", "only", "be", "present", "with", "one" ]
[ "a s", "i", "a m", "a n x i o u s", "t o", "e x p l a i n", "c l e a r l y", "n o t", "o n l y", "t h e", "r e a s o n s", "f o r", "e v e r y", "s t e p", "b u t", "t h e", "a m o u n t", "o f", "e x e c u t i o n", "d o n e", "a n d", "t h i s", "i", "c a n n o t", "d o", "u n t i l", "i", "g e t", "t h e", "s u b o r d i n a t e", "r e p o r t s", "f o r", "w e", "m a r c h e d", "t h e", "w h o l e", "d i s t a n c e", "i n", "f o u r", "o r", "m o r e", "c o l u m n s", "a n d", "o f", "c o u r s e", "i", "c o u l d", "o n l y", "b e", "p r e s e n t", "w i t h", "o n e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 4720, 3409, 524, 75, 4420, 3958, 1886, 2933, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 659, 2456, 3578, 706, 65, 872, 4944, 332, 794, 2137, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 1687, 1492, 1291, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1174, 3905, 3216, 4990, 2330, 1291, 1291, 187, 3907, 3502, 3502, 3502, 3502, 1624, 1624, 2489, 4886, 3155, 556, 556, 18, 3061, 1364, 1364, 1364, 1364, 4899, 4209, 159, 3626, 1564, 6, 1139, 4229, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 564, 2222, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 4019, 2173, 3987, 1049, 2534, 2980, 3342, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 2706, 3171, 2168, 2168, 2099, 4591, 581, 55, 3317, 305, 3701, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 3658, 2161, 4391, 4391, 4391, 224, 4809, 3100, 494, 2055, 98, 4324, 1658, 3471, 1471, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 4515, 1529, 4073, 2740, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 2924, 3350, 4035, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1449, 3476, 1827, 3548, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1350, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1564, 1360, 1272, 1521, 1521, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 3411, 3838, 2396, 2396, 838, 840, 1883, 1344, 2441, 2524, 3618, 4197, 4630, 1092, 1092, 1092, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 438, 2622, 1417, 4876, 9, 382, 1084, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1555, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 4385, 4385, 1761, 3737, 4675, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1128, 72, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 2677, 4420, 2933, 1018, 1389, 125, 4296, 4296, 4242, 577, 2428, 2559, 2047, 3196, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 2443, 4840, 4840, 4684, 2816, 436, 148, 995, 3095, 4110, 4110, 4110, 1627, 1627, 3067, 58, 1447, 1686, 2723, 2464, 4526, 384, 2997, 2744, 161, 4197, 4679, 4679, 4679, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 121, 2905, 2874, 343, 343, 3006, 91, 381, 189, 189, 4004, 4004, 4004, 4004, 3835, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 4433, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 3687, 522, 4846, 2410, 2410, 1568, 1206, 2231, 1283, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2549, 2549, 269, 269, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 4401, 588, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 72, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4249, 2352, 2158, 3196, 1655, 3759, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 1599, 1031, 1564, 2213, 4260, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 2719, 1999, 4305, 628, 4633, 708, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 839, 293, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 1129, 1129, 1568, 1206, 2389, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 401, 3607, 3564, 2978, 2978, 2978, 4109, 4895, 114, 136, 1824, 1372, 1874, 1874, 1437, 1566, 4333, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 2481, 42, 1223, 3024, 3725, 3725, 1024, 4556, 2428, 2933, 2047, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 4433, 313, 4721, 947, 947, 1746, 764, 3327, 104, 53, 4427, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1871, 908, 2121, 4736, 4597, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 1794, 3212, 4519, 4546, 4546, 4546, 4542, 2307, 3883, 1145, 4590, 1626, 1330, 937, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 2607, 1724, 452, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 2310, 2310, 4387, 290, 290, 445, 445, 538, 4505, 2898, 2898, 621, 1311, 2967, 1915, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 3844, 710, 2725, 2725, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 247, 172, 2117, 2117, 45, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 1166, 3846, 3948, 1456, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 4513, 1056, 2461, 3646, 4797, 2103, 2103, 3994, 2938, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 3513, 4816, 2412, 13, 369, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 674, 967, 1187, 3758, 3049, 1568, 3326, 2212, 3853, 4779, 4779, 4779, 4779, 3016, 3626, 4440, 2187, 242, 2559, 4092, 4294, 4294, 4294, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1564, 4266, 872, 4944, 197, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 1949, 3832, 2435, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2832, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 2325, 3050, 1492, 1492, 4326, 113, 113, 2363, 3511, 3511, 172, 3846, 3948, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 385, 172, 2009, 1694, 581, 2933, 340, 1579, 3873, 3873, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 317, 1197, 2583, 1590, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 3226, 978, 2292, 2091, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 23, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 2391, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4249, 1634, 883, 1493, 1493, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 1829, 340, 1579, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2848, 1869, 2227, 1031, 4266, 872, 1365, 4944, 332, 794, 109, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4305, 581, 628, 1000, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 2355, 4571, 4355, 534, 561, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 182, 3431, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 438, 2753, 2096, 2933, 102, 4660, 654, 4038, 2673, 2673, 2673, 2673, 3900, 2562, 1360, 1360, 2813, 2813, 2813, 3951, 2072, 2215, 1206, 743, 3629, 551, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 3355, 1569, 1569, 144, 144, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 905, 905, 1600, 33, 1942, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4681, 4401, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 329, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.540628637951106, 0.70081490104773, 0.941094295692666, 1.481722933643772, 1.621885913853318, 2.10244470314319, 2.562980209545984, 2.7832363213038422, 3.0034924330617, 3.1436554132712464, 3.644237485448196, 3.8444703143189765, 4.124796274738068, 4.625378346915019, 4.965774155995343, 5.105937136204891, 5.486379511059372, 5.60651920838184, 6.3674039580908035, 6.988125727590223, 7.348544819557627, 7.648894062863796, 7.749010477299186, 8.169499417927824, 8.389755529685683, 8.790221187427242, 8.890337601862631, 9.050523864959256, 9.190686845168802, 9.891501746216532, 10.672409778812575, 11.072875436554133, 11.21303841676368, 11.63352735739232, 11.753667054714786, 12.054016298020956, 12.61466821885914, 12.794877764842843, 13.21536670547148, 13.395576251455182, 13.655878928987196, 14.336670547147849, 14.637019790454017, 14.757159487776486, 15.157625145518047, 15.277764842840513, 15.498020954598372, 15.798370197904541, 15.958556461001166, 16.41909196740396, 16.699417927823053 ]
[ 0.540628637951106, 0.70081490104773, 0.941094295692666, 1.481722933643772, 1.621885913853318, 2.10244470314319, 2.562980209545984, 2.7832363213038422, 3.0034924330617, 3.1436554132712464, 3.644237485448196, 3.8444703143189765, 4.124796274738068, 4.625378346915019, 4.965774155995343, 5.105937136204891, 5.486379511059372, 5.60651920838184, 6.3674039580908035, 6.988125727590223, 7.348544819557627, 7.648894062863796, 7.749010477299186, 8.169499417927824, 8.389755529685683, 8.790221187427242, 8.890337601862631, 9.050523864959256, 9.190686845168802, 9.891501746216532, 10.672409778812575, 11.072875436554133, 11.21303841676368, 11.63352735739232, 11.753667054714786, 12.054016298020956, 12.61466821885914, 12.794877764842843, 13.21536670547148, 13.395576251455182, 13.655878928987196, 14.336670547147849, 14.637019790454017, 14.757159487776486, 15.157625145518047, 15.277764842840513, 15.498020954598372, 15.798370197904541, 15.958556461001166, 16.41909196740396, 16.699417927823053, 17.179976717112925 ]
i judged fort mcallister to be the best place for the purpose and sent my chief-engineer colonel poe to that fort to reconnoitre the ground and to prepare it so as to make a fortified camp large enough to accommodate the vast herd of mules and horses that would thus be left behind
[ "i", "judged", "fort", "mcallister", "to", "be", "the", "best", "place", "for", "the", "purpose", "and", "sent", "my", "chief-engineer", "colonel", "poe", "to", "that", "fort", "to", "reconnoitre", "the", "ground", "and", "to", "prepare", "it", "so", "as", "to", "make", "a", "fortified", "camp", "large", "enough", "to", "accommodate", "the", "vast", "herd", "of", "mules", "and", "horses", "that", "would", "thus", "be", "left", "behind" ]
[ "i", "judged", "fort", "mcallister", "to", "be", "the", "best", "place", "for", "the", "purpose", "and", "sent", "my", "chief-engineer", "colonel", "poe", "to", "that", "fort", "to", "reconnoitre", "the", "ground", "and", "to", "prepare", "it", "so", "as", "to", "make", "a", "fortified", "camp", "large", "enough", "to", "accommodate", "the", "vast", "herd", "of", "mules", "and", "horses", "that", "would", "thus", "be", "left", "behind" ]
[ "i", "j u d g e d", "f o r t", "m c a l l i s t e r", "t o", "b e", "t h e", "b e s t", "p l a c e", "f o r", "t h e", "p u r p o s e", "a n d", "s e n t", "m y", "c h i e f e n g i n e e r", "c o l o n e l", "p o e", "t o", "t h a t", "f o r t", "t o", "r e c o n n o i t r e", "t h e", "g r o u n d", "a n d", "t o", "p r e p a r e", "i t", "s o", "a s", "t o", "m a k e", "a", "f o r t i f i e d", "c a m p", "l a r g e", "e n o u g h", "t o", "a c c o m m o d a t e", "t h e", "v a s t", "h e r d", "o f", "m u l e s", "a n d", "h o r s e s", "t h a t", "w o u l d", "t h u s", "b e", "l e f t", "b e h i n d" ]
[ 1101, 361, 2327, 3913, 914, 914, 524, 524, 312, 312, 30, 30, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2301, 4202, 3049, 3326, 3138, 286, 2097, 3902, 3902, 3468, 3468, 3468, 3468, 2930, 1810, 2060, 2060, 3442, 4762, 4433, 1631, 1659, 3545, 2396, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 908, 2121, 2408, 2408, 4997, 1134, 1584, 1584, 1584, 2, 628, 559, 678, 708, 592, 592, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 4214, 3626, 4433, 2187, 242, 4092, 653, 653, 3184, 1975, 3941, 1288, 4018, 2183, 1206, 3026, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 221, 2958, 3697, 566, 3686, 2924, 3350, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 3327, 3326, 53, 4750, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 3397, 858, 4708, 3626, 515, 515, 3362, 1659, 1659, 3895, 4241, 1724, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3626, 1564, 3838, 875, 2396, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 2864, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 177, 4730, 2261, 2607, 1724, 102, 1644, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 4267, 4093, 251, 595, 2607, 1059, 4565, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 159, 3626, 4433, 3294, 1311, 2967, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 3913, 72, 3844, 3268, 312, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 1748, 4834, 4876, 1564, 1010, 313, 1892, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 496, 1374, 1686, 743, 3545, 3895, 1204, 1014, 3069, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 49, 4202, 1623, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 736, 444, 444, 444, 444, 1350, 2217, 2217, 3290, 1966, 161, 4197, 4028, 387, 1917, 2218, 4109, 4108, 2166, 2166, 1722, 3536, 4632, 4805, 641, 1794, 2146, 293, 681, 681, 681, 681, 681, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 3485, 2852, 1435, 4420, 1784, 340, 1579, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 425, 69, 293, 1419, 1419, 2053, 36, 1187, 1177, 2753, 2096, 2933, 1724, 102, 1663, 116, 4677, 4677, 3066, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 3134, 1286, 828, 2827, 4321, 1416, 4420, 2670, 4321, 1784, 3076, 4375, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 2801, 2924, 1414, 3350, 1655, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 804, 2068, 2408, 1588, 4587, 623, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 908, 908, 2310, 290, 290, 131, 1686, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 1784, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1074, 2603, 3476, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 2081, 1999, 2559, 559, 1000, 3718, 4530, 4530, 4456, 4959, 4959, 1471, 4519, 4766, 4013, 3704, 3760, 1269, 4992, 1173, 1878, 1686, 2140, 4897, 1975, 1975, 2864, 1307, 3350, 4035, 3102, 3513, 177, 124, 1710, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 3034, 4394, 412, 2781, 4571, 758, 197, 1630, 781, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 4117, 4895, 3326, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 260, 2753, 2096, 2559, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 2261, 2096, 628, 102, 1644, 3851, 3851, 3851, 3851, 700, 4861, 1660, 123, 870, 3558, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 421, 4102, 142, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 252, 1332, 2110, 313, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 201, 1628, 3607, 4890, 1525, 659, 176, 3626, 6, 1139, 4092, 1401, 885, 1292, 630, 1720, 436, 1134, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2430, 2663, 381, 4186, 2313, 546, 546, 432, 563, 1815, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 4736, 2355, 4219, 4606, 4606, 4606, 563, 1096, 3326, 3446, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 4540, 2199, 1686, 3545, 4485, 1829, 2933, 559, 678, 708, 708, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 913, 4489, 4489, 1585, 4001, 4250, 2933, 1721, 1616, 2251, 4913, 275, 275, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 207, 2121, 1810, 2060, 2060, 1722, 1722, 3079, 3079, 4217, 4217, 4959, 2146, 1471, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 451, 451, 1271, 1271, 1300, 20, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 72, 3913, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 4321, 114, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 3165, 91, 381, 559, 3718, 3387, 256, 1199, 4347, 4347, 4347, 1778, 1947, 4134, 2618, 1777, 2406, 2406, 3543, 2355, 3496, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 246, 3373, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2047, 4141, 3513, 3513, 4730, 1677, 1928, 479, 479, 3372, 11, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 858, 4708, 3626, 1564, 515, 3362, 4092, 1659, 1785, 1347, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 4387, 1296, 42, 883, 2723, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 2184, 2020, 46, 1134, 3909, 3909, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 717, 717, 717, 967, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 1216, 706, 4260, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1123, 2298, 2824, 4044, 1149, 13, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 121, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 536, 706, 3294, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3268, 2725, 4321, 2933, 2594, 4461, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2969, 2969, 168, 168, 2158, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 12, 12, 2047, 3196, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 858, 858, 3626, 3626, 462, 2940, 2821, 4241, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1170, 4052, 275, 2336, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2217, 4339, 4339, 3972, 3545, 3895, 3895, 2933, 3537, 1908, 1257, 4593, 4593, 4593, 2412, 13, 369, 369, 4307, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 4394, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 154, 1481, 588, 4420, 3808, 1081, 1081, 1081, 72, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4204525862068966, 0.8409051724137931, 1.1011853448275863, 1.781918103448276, 1.9020474137931034, 2.0221767241379314, 2.1623275862068967, 2.5026939655172415, 2.8831034482758624, 3.0432758620689655, 3.1634051724137935, 3.824116379310345, 4.124439655172414, 4.404741379310345, 4.624978448275862, 5.586012931034483, 6.026487068965517, 6.527025862068966, 6.827349137931035, 7.127672413793104, 7.628211206896553, 7.888491379310345, 8.589245689655172, 8.709375, 9.249956896551724, 9.450172413793103, 9.57030172413793, 10.050818965517243, 10.331120689655174, 10.631443965517242, 10.811637931034484, 10.931767241379312, 11.212068965517243, 11.272133620689656, 11.992909482758622, 12.413362068965519, 12.77375, 13.214224137931037, 13.45448275862069, 14.155237068965517, 14.275366379310347, 14.695818965517242, 14.956099137931036, 15.096250000000001, 15.496681034482759, 15.656853448275863, 16.297543103448277, 16.65793103448276, 16.858146551724136, 17.138448275862068, 17.298620689655174, 17.61896551724138 ]
[ 0.4204525862068966, 0.8409051724137931, 1.1011853448275863, 1.781918103448276, 1.9020474137931034, 2.0221767241379314, 2.1623275862068967, 2.5026939655172415, 2.8831034482758624, 3.0432758620689655, 3.1634051724137935, 3.824116379310345, 4.124439655172414, 4.404741379310345, 4.624978448275862, 5.586012931034483, 6.026487068965517, 6.527025862068966, 6.827349137931035, 7.127672413793104, 7.628211206896553, 7.888491379310345, 8.589245689655172, 8.709375, 9.249956896551724, 9.450172413793103, 9.57030172413793, 10.050818965517243, 10.331120689655174, 10.631443965517242, 10.811637931034484, 10.931767241379312, 11.212068965517243, 11.272133620689656, 11.992909482758622, 12.413362068965519, 12.77375, 13.214224137931037, 13.45448275862069, 14.155237068965517, 14.275366379310347, 14.695818965517242, 14.956099137931036, 15.096250000000001, 15.496681034482759, 15.656853448275863, 16.297543103448277, 16.65793103448276, 16.858146551724136, 17.138448275862068, 17.298620689655174, 17.61896551724138, 18.559978448275864 ]
i knew it to be strong in heavy artillery as against an approach from the sea but believed it open and weak to the rear i explained to general hazen fully that on his action depended the safety of the whole army and the success of the campaign
[ "i", "knew", "it", "to", "be", "strong", "in", "heavy", "artillery", "as", "against", "an", "approach", "from", "the", "sea", "but", "believed", "it", "open", "and", "weak", "to", "the", "rear", "i", "explained", "to", "general", "hazen", "fully", "that", "on", "his", "action", "depended", "the", "safety", "of", "the", "whole", "army", "and", "the", "success", "of", "the", "campaign" ]
[ "i", "knew", "it", "to", "be", "strong", "in", "heavy", "artillery", "as", "against", "an", "approach", "from", "the", "sea", "but", "believed", "it", "open", "and", "weak", "to", "the", "rear", "i", "explained", "to", "general", "hazen", "fully", "that", "on", "his", "action", "depended", "the", "safety", "of", "the", "whole", "army", "and", "the", "success", "of", "the", "campaign" ]
[ "i", "k n e w", "i t", "t o", "b e", "s t r o n g", "i n", "h e a v y", "a r t i l l e r y", "a s", "a g a i n s t", "a n", "a p p r o a c h", "f r o m", "t h e", "s e a", "b u t", "b e l i e v e d", "i t", "o p e n", "a n d", "w e a k", "t o", "t h e", "r e a r", "i", "e x p l a i n e d", "t o", "g e n e r a l", "h a z e n", "f u l l y", "t h a t", "o n", "h i s", "a c t i o n", "d e p e n d e d", "t h e", "s a f e t y", "o f", "t h e", "w h o l e", "a r m y", "a n d", "t h e", "s u c c e s s", "o f", "t h e", "c a m p a i g n" ]
[ 4079, 1335, 1335, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 524, 1066, 1066, 2933, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 1658, 152, 411, 2362, 2362, 1046, 1046, 1046, 2538, 1628, 4087, 1993, 4156, 4156, 2601, 1200, 2559, 1058, 1401, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 569, 569, 569, 2622, 1914, 1417, 158, 382, 120, 2314, 4049, 347, 609, 609, 609, 919, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1301, 3660, 1638, 150, 3159, 4612, 455, 758, 758, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2666, 287, 3867, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1949, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 4844, 834, 3159, 3284, 936, 936, 4774, 4774, 1007, 3934, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1274, 4055, 1788, 1788, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4601, 587, 3050, 4355, 332, 561, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 3983, 2956, 4018, 1623, 270, 270, 1359, 2657, 2260, 4220, 4220, 4220, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 2583, 3620, 3620, 1466, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2834, 4950, 261, 261, 659, 176, 3976, 296, 2906, 4607, 1008, 2471, 2471, 1710, 894, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 1164, 4691, 4691, 4433, 515, 3362, 4995, 4576, 175, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2687, 3398, 1790, 4840, 4840, 3165, 750, 1210, 628, 3170, 4660, 654, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 644, 4513, 1388, 1974, 3235, 1217, 1217, 2396, 4635, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 424, 4141, 10, 10, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1564, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 884, 2377, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4321, 2933, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2969, 4587, 104, 1908, 2590, 2590, 2590, 3818, 4588, 4958, 4958, 2021, 2021, 2021, 4619, 4619, 2248, 1407, 1534, 1534, 4576, 1993, 4156, 4156, 4156, 1529, 350, 2330, 534, 534, 561, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2462, 595, 2559, 1059, 2419, 2306, 2306, 1379, 1379, 2649, 2160, 834, 3159, 758, 1492, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 4694, 4117, 1185, 3123, 3355, 1569, 3204, 2783, 2783, 2910, 1970, 2814, 2814, 2814, 1013, 2430, 2430, 2430, 815, 628, 935, 1616, 2852, 270, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1549, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 4917, 931, 627, 555, 4420, 1375, 599, 1646, 599, 2250, 3993, 3993, 562, 562, 2071, 2925, 2982, 4420, 1910, 2788, 30, 794, 109, 109, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 2443, 801, 265, 265, 2701, 2701, 158, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 3303, 2980, 3342, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4393, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3171, 300, 4895, 1058, 665, 3419, 3179, 3494, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 3261, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 2502, 2502, 2502, 2502, 3413, 565, 4922, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1564, 1360, 1272, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 3485, 1792, 974, 4658, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 2393, 4809, 4809, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 2677, 4281, 331, 1504, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 1529, 4073, 2740, 3201, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 2177, 4768, 2824, 4044, 2818, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 296, 65, 3404, 2330, 1291, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2547, 2802, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4846, 2410, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 750, 1210, 894, 2973, 4605, 4605, 4605, 4605, 1331, 496, 2682, 2219, 4901, 810, 4434, 921, 12, 5, 2566, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1109, 1544, 4433, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 3413, 3680, 2217, 2405, 4339, 4154, 1163, 2751, 1036, 1036, 2540, 4946, 2443, 1971, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 4816, 2412, 2412, 392, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 967, 3456, 1566, 1566, 471, 534, 534, 561, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 3231, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 153, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 4321, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3364, 4820, 4820, 4141, 3513, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1010, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2701, 2279, 1010, 3914, 2704, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 858, 4708, 1031, 1564, 121, 4260, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 3102, 10, 124, 2, 581, 2559, 4633, 708, 592, 592, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 913, 913, 463, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2933, 3170, 2973, 1119, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 2764, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1387, 1387, 4420, 1486, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.36042654028436016, 0.5606635071090047, 0.6808056872037914, 0.8009478672985781, 1.021208530805687, 1.802132701421801, 2.242654028436019, 2.6231042654028434, 3.5041469194312795, 3.86457345971564, 4.305094786729858, 4.425236966824644, 4.865758293838862, 5.065995260663507, 5.246208530805687, 5.766824644549763, 6.1272511848341225, 6.5477488151658765, 6.687914691943128, 7.088388625592417, 7.388744075829384, 7.72914691943128, 7.86931279620853, 8.009478672985782, 8.650236966824645, 8.99063981042654, 9.511255924170614, 9.611374407582938, 9.991824644549762, 10.572511848341232, 11.213270142180093, 11.613744075829384, 11.793957345971563, 12.074289099526066, 12.514810426540283, 12.975355450236966, 13.095497630331753, 13.53601895734597, 13.676184834123221, 13.796327014218008, 14.096682464454975, 14.65734597156398, 15.01777251184834, 15.137914691943127, 15.638507109004738, 15.758649289099525, 15.878791469194312 ]
[ 0.36042654028436016, 0.5606635071090047, 0.6808056872037914, 0.8009478672985781, 1.021208530805687, 1.802132701421801, 2.242654028436019, 2.6231042654028434, 3.5041469194312795, 3.86457345971564, 4.305094786729858, 4.425236966824644, 4.865758293838862, 5.065995260663507, 5.246208530805687, 5.766824644549763, 6.1272511848341225, 6.5477488151658765, 6.687914691943128, 7.088388625592417, 7.388744075829384, 7.72914691943128, 7.86931279620853, 8.009478672985782, 8.650236966824645, 8.99063981042654, 9.511255924170614, 9.611374407582938, 9.991824644549762, 10.572511848341232, 11.213270142180093, 11.613744075829384, 11.793957345971563, 12.074289099526066, 12.514810426540283, 12.975355450236966, 13.095497630331753, 13.53601895734597, 13.676184834123221, 13.796327014218008, 14.096682464454975, 14.65734597156398, 15.01777251184834, 15.137914691943127, 15.638507109004738, 15.758649289099525, 15.878791469194312, 16.879976303317534 ]
my four corps full of experience and full of ardor coming to you en masse equal to sixty thousand fighting men will be a reenforcement that lee cannot disregard
[ "my", "four", "corps", "full", "of", "experience", "and", "full", "of", "ardor", "coming", "to", "you", "en", "masse", "equal", "to", "sixty", "thousand", "fighting", "men", "will", "be", "a", "reenforcement", "that", "lee", "cannot", "disregard" ]
[ "my", "four", "corps", "full", "of", "experience", "and", "full", "of", "ardor", "coming", "to", "you", "en", "masse", "equal", "to", "sixty", "thousand", "fighting", "men", "will", "be", "a", "reenforcement", "that", "lee", "cannot", "disregard" ]
[ "m y", "f o u r", "c o r p s", "f u l l", "o f", "e x p e r i e n c e", "a n d", "f u l l", "o f", "a r d o r", "c o m i n g", "t o", "y o u", "e n", "m a s s e", "e q u a l", "t o", "s i x t y", "t h o u s a n d", "f i g h t i n g", "m e n", "w i l l", "b e", "a", "r e e n f o r c e m e n t", "t h a t", "l e e", "c a n n o t", "d i s r e g a r d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 28, 4321, 3227, 2001, 2001, 2767, 1934, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 2301, 2301, 3293, 563, 623, 2400, 2832, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1772, 1772, 908, 385, 2009, 1694, 91, 894, 310, 1579, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 1753, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 2038, 4499, 4287, 32, 67, 2324, 455, 936, 4756, 1792, 1792, 4941, 4658, 785, 2832, 43, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1437, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 2464, 4526, 384, 2997, 701, 801, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2933, 3303, 476, 476, 476, 476, 476, 2161, 123, 123, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 1329, 1329, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 1834, 1564, 4266, 4260, 3376, 4181, 4181, 2435, 50, 1368, 4635, 43, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1566, 1566, 1566, 4333, 2464, 2464, 384, 2997, 2184, 3632, 2330, 534, 534, 2557, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 3983, 207, 2914, 2121, 2121, 4736, 2171, 4055, 3177, 3177, 3840, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 1484, 20, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 72, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 348, 1784, 560, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 2641, 2618, 3637, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 2605, 300, 4895, 894, 1058, 63, 665, 3179, 3179, 3179, 4216, 4216, 790, 790, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 401, 401, 4298, 4298, 1492, 894, 2789, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 458, 105, 2177, 4768, 4768, 704, 704, 74, 2158, 308, 2993, 2993, 3488, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 1303, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 1564, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 23, 3844, 3268, 2725, 4420, 4321, 4826, 2552, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1665, 1665, 2533, 3815, 3815, 3815, 3815, 3815, 1463, 36, 3758, 2183, 381, 1058, 665, 3419, 3857, 630, 3210, 1417, 1564, 3914, 552, 620, 796, 796, 3829, 2543, 2701, 649, 2187, 242, 2751, 2979, 3685, 3685, 438, 1227, 2463, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1564, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 54, 3687, 2435, 50, 1368, 623, 43, 671, 2043, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 1236, 1173, 1878, 1061, 2140, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 3771, 74, 202, 308, 939, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 140, 1245, 72, 1357, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 710, 2725, 4420, 924, 4807, 3570, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1177, 3431, 894, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 569, 569, 569, 587, 587, 1247, 1501, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 3800, 1604, 220, 220, 4420, 2281, 2558, 2558, 4559, 3608, 2558, 2558, 187, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 859, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 83, 569, 587, 587, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 3547, 1132, 2888, 1827, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4850, 2443, 2409, 2378, 2378, 661, 735, 2435, 50, 1368, 623, 2400, 43, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2227, 4433, 462, 462, 3863, 2843, 4775, 3694, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1374, 1709, 2559, 743, 1806, 936, 1795, 1795, 3163, 949, 1696, 133, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2969, 2408, 2408, 4913, 1430, 1688, 4958, 770, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2081, 2081, 3910, 4305, 2933, 3766, 4633, 678, 708, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2300, 1559, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 1129, 1129, 433, 3522, 837, 837, 837, 618, 1599, 1031, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 1710, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 2675, 2675, 1653, 1653, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 869, 1523, 1110, 4102, 154, 610, 193, 3808, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 72, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.580919175911252, 0.9014263074484944, 1.6225673534072897, 1.9230427892234547, 2.0632646592709984, 2.8244690966719492, 2.9246275752773374, 3.1249445324881138, 3.3052297939778126, 3.8861489698890646, 4.406973058637084, 4.587258320126782, 4.927797147385103, 5.20824088748019, 5.80919175911252, 6.289952456418383, 6.430174326465927, 6.8107765451664015, 7.311568938193344, 7.7522662440570524, 8.233026941362915, 8.61362916006339, 9.014263074484944, 9.535087163232964, 10.696925515055467, 10.9373058637084, 11.17768621236133, 11.578320126782884 ]
[ 0.580919175911252, 0.9014263074484944, 1.6225673534072897, 1.9230427892234547, 2.0632646592709984, 2.8244690966719492, 2.9246275752773374, 3.1249445324881138, 3.3052297939778126, 3.8861489698890646, 4.406973058637084, 4.587258320126782, 4.927797147385103, 5.20824088748019, 5.80919175911252, 6.289952456418383, 6.430174326465927, 6.8107765451664015, 7.311568938193344, 7.7522662440570524, 8.233026941362915, 8.61362916006339, 9.014263074484944, 9.535087163232964, 10.696925515055467, 10.9373058637084, 11.17768621236133, 11.578320126782884, 12.619968304278922 ]
general woods's skirmish-line met this charge of cavalry and drove it back into the woods and beyond we remained on that ground during the night of the fifteenth and i camped on the nearest dry ground behind
[ "general", "woods's", "skirmish-line", "met", "this", "charge", "of", "cavalry", "and", "drove", "it", "back", "into", "the", "woods", "and", "beyond", "we", "remained", "on", "that", "ground", "during", "the", "night", "of", "the", "fifteenth", "and", "i", "camped", "on", "the", "nearest", "dry", "ground", "behind" ]
[ "general", "woods's", "skirmish-line", "met", "this", "charge", "of", "cavalry", "and", "drove", "it", "back", "into", "the", "woods", "and", "beyond", "we", "remained", "on", "that", "ground", "during", "the", "night", "of", "the", "fifteenth", "and", "i", "camped", "on", "the", "nearest", "dry", "ground", "behind" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "w o o d s ' s", "s k i r m i s h l i n e", "m e t", "t h i s", "c h a r g e", "o f", "c a v a l r y", "a n d", "d r o v e", "i t", "b a c k", "i n t o", "t h e", "w o o d s", "a n d", "b e y o n d", "w e", "r e m a i n e d", "o n", "t h a t", "g r o u n d", "d u r i n g", "t h e", "n i g h t", "o f", "t h e", "f i f t e e n t h", "a n d", "i", "c a m p e d", "o n", "t h e", "n e a r e s t", "d r y", "g r o u n d", "b e h i n d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 2001, 1787, 1186, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 2300, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3325, 22, 22, 4714, 1346, 2783, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 2488, 2199, 1737, 1899, 1807, 4433, 4037, 3553, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 3070, 4337, 2589, 2589, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 2618, 1777, 4128, 2564, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1564, 1217, 1836, 2251, 426, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2160, 2160, 3284, 4612, 4612, 455, 3896, 4997, 2767, 202, 308, 4370, 4370, 4370, 4370, 4556, 2743, 2029, 3054, 3945, 3945, 3470, 1795, 165, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 1564, 1139, 84, 1641, 720, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 207, 2914, 2121, 1810, 2060, 4843, 1722, 3079, 2723, 2464, 4526, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 2607, 4633, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4175, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 4264, 3325, 2769, 2013, 1074, 2603, 3884, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 4850, 4850, 2443, 3564, 295, 295, 1123, 1185, 2410, 894, 1352, 1320, 3253, 4223, 4223, 4223, 4223, 2797, 880, 3094, 1788, 1993, 4156, 4156, 4156, 4300, 1129, 276, 4055, 1373, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 4012, 383, 628, 2903, 2313, 422, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 894, 1843, 1843, 4057, 4057, 2655, 437, 4416, 4141, 3102, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 1346, 1851, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 267, 267, 2488, 2488, 1737, 2985, 2985, 65, 752, 1842, 1097, 4112, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 463, 3918, 1185, 4819, 894, 1908, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4251, 1323, 4317, 822, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 105, 105, 105, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 4394, 412, 4497, 2205, 154, 2962, 588, 4420, 1646, 2699, 2699, 2250, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3736, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 3, 3, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 3844, 1103, 2677, 4420, 2234, 1683, 842, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1766, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 4245, 2816, 202, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 529, 3171, 314, 37, 1634, 883, 2740, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 3777, 4189, 2352, 4820, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2743, 2969, 4587, 1129, 2607, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 3764, 37, 2513, 4192, 4792, 2508, 2508, 4894, 4055, 2389, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2932, 2932, 2932, 2932, 2379, 156, 4820, 4820, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 2146, 411, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 495, 282, 3463, 216, 883, 2723, 2446, 1512, 3869, 437, 721, 4141, 10, 177, 2690, 1815, 381, 2400, 2923, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2217, 2405, 4433, 4339, 4154, 2933, 381, 2231, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 1953, 3756, 1374, 1374, 1709, 4966, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1203, 4756, 220, 4420, 220, 781, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 834, 4990, 534, 561, 2557, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 49, 4305, 2933, 381, 4633, 678, 708, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 913, 1585, 4001, 4001, 1108, 1108, 4454, 4576, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 3513, 1469, 2146, 411, 25, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 2161, 123, 470, 3558, 4534, 4534, 3569, 4209, 159, 4433, 462, 1139, 84, 628, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 4163, 4163, 4163, 167, 167, 282, 2301, 49, 4753, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 217, 217, 975, 975, 3067, 314, 37, 4728, 3895, 2933, 2741, 1908, 1257, 4593, 4593, 4593, 2412, 2412, 1347, 4307, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 37, 2513, 4497, 154, 20, 1915, 586, 4665, 234, 234, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6410272873194222, 0.9415088282504013, 1.8629855537720708, 2.16346709470305, 2.403852327447833, 2.744398073836276, 2.8645906902086677, 3.3854253611556984, 3.545682182985554, 3.806099518459069, 3.926292134831461, 4.246805778491171, 4.467158908507223, 4.627415730337079, 5.028057784911717, 5.228378812199037, 6.109791332263242, 6.610593900481541, 7.071332263242376, 7.191524879614767, 7.451942215088283, 7.932712680577849, 8.253226324237561, 8.373418940609952, 8.6538683788122, 8.733996789727128, 8.854189406099518, 9.555313001605136, 9.875826645264848, 10.036083467094702, 10.436725521669342, 10.556918138041734, 10.677110754414125, 11.077752808988764, 11.378234349919744, 11.778876404494381 ]
[ 0.6410272873194222, 0.9415088282504013, 1.8629855537720708, 2.16346709470305, 2.403852327447833, 2.744398073836276, 2.8645906902086677, 3.3854253611556984, 3.545682182985554, 3.806099518459069, 3.926292134831461, 4.246805778491171, 4.467158908507223, 4.627415730337079, 5.028057784911717, 5.228378812199037, 6.109791332263242, 6.610593900481541, 7.071332263242376, 7.191524879614767, 7.451942215088283, 7.932712680577849, 8.253226324237561, 8.373418940609952, 8.6538683788122, 8.733996789727128, 8.854189406099518, 9.555313001605136, 9.875826645264848, 10.036083467094702, 10.436725521669342, 10.556918138041734, 10.677110754414125, 11.077752808988764, 11.378234349919744, 11.778876404494381, 12.459967897271268 ]
so as to reach savannah in splendid flesh and condition i also add a few of the more important letters that passed between generals grant halleck and myself which illustrate our opinions at that stage of the war
[ "so", "as", "to", "reach", "savannah", "in", "splendid", "flesh", "and", "condition", "i", "also", "add", "a", "few", "of", "the", "more", "important", "letters", "that", "passed", "between", "generals", "grant", "halleck", "and", "myself", "which", "illustrate", "our", "opinions", "at", "that", "stage", "of", "the", "war" ]
[ "so", "as", "to", "reach", "savannah", "in", "splendid", "flesh", "and", "condition", "i", "also", "add", "a", "few", "of", "the", "more", "important", "letters", "that", "passed", "between", "generals", "grant", "halleck", "and", "myself", "which", "illustrate", "our", "opinions", "at", "that", "stage", "of", "the", "war" ]
[ "s o", "a s", "t o", "r e a c h", "s a v a n n a h", "i n", "s p l e n d i d", "f l e s h", "a n d", "c o n d i t i o n", "i", "a l s o", "a d d", "a", "f e w", "o f", "t h e", "m o r e", "i m p o r t a n t", "l e t t e r s", "t h a t", "p a s s e d", "b e t w e e n", "g e n e r a l s", "g r a n t", "h a l l e c k", "a n d", "m y s e l f", "w h i c h", "i l l u s t r a t e", "o u r", "o p i n i o n s", "a t", "t h a t", "s t a g e", "o f", "t h e", "w a r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 710, 4321, 252, 1332, 2110, 2110, 79, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 201, 201, 401, 401, 4298, 1492, 197, 2834, 4950, 4950, 2482, 2482, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 4050, 6, 1139, 4229, 270, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1074, 1074, 1449, 1827, 3548, 656, 656, 656, 656, 1350, 1056, 4797, 3553, 3553, 4037, 3914, 552, 4721, 947, 4456, 4572, 3497, 952, 2868, 3372, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 2300, 3613, 431, 431, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 740, 3050, 1492, 3963, 287, 3867, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 1748, 760, 4876, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 2534, 2980, 957, 957, 2896, 2896, 2896, 2896, 496, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 4901, 4434, 1822, 2014, 754, 3883, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 2829, 2829, 2829, 2829, 2829, 3967, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1217, 1365, 245, 2607, 1904, 781, 1097, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3832, 1185, 2659, 4485, 581, 2559, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 4108, 2410, 3925, 433, 2389, 3853, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 2986, 603, 18, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 555, 555, 4420, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2760, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 4796, 4796, 4796, 453, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 1103, 312, 2933, 30, 30, 794, 2376, 2376, 109, 857, 1847, 1847, 3168, 2165, 1889, 534, 4918, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 3928, 121, 655, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 201, 401, 4298, 3050, 1889, 1291, 187, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1930, 1930, 3333, 3333, 1523, 754, 883, 175, 546, 95, 432, 563, 623, 104, 43, 1093, 4369, 4369, 4369, 4369, 4369, 2536, 2801, 401, 401, 3607, 1971, 4778, 4778, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3513, 177, 2816, 3948, 3948, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 2524, 966, 3877, 2378, 2378, 820, 4508, 4591, 104, 1082, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4031, 711, 711, 2722, 2722, 2722, 3839, 339, 85, 85, 4913, 4588, 5, 486, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4515, 4515, 1358, 3177, 3840, 3840, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 4499, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4433, 3994, 2938, 949, 612, 612, 2965, 1165, 2307, 1897, 1897, 2933, 3170, 452, 4455, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1303, 2881, 3717, 4440, 515, 3362, 1659, 3545, 4241, 2741, 1908, 3060, 2343, 848, 3336, 944, 4738, 2839, 2196, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3188, 35, 1953, 3171, 1882, 2160, 4681, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 2670, 2607, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 900, 4289, 1764, 4050, 4433, 2019, 213, 1829, 381, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 200, 4489, 4489, 1390, 1374, 2869, 1709, 743, 3190, 3849, 936, 936, 1792, 4774, 4774, 3692, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 684, 317, 1940, 1197, 2583, 3450, 3450, 1391, 1391, 3176, 628, 1733, 2313, 1842, 3136, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 704, 704, 74, 1456, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 429, 4246, 4246, 1417, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4975, 4975, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 969, 1032, 1032, 1062, 3328, 1271, 1271, 1581, 142, 610, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 331, 924, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 894, 358, 1217, 3404, 3441, 4967, 2258, 2258, 2258, 1437, 317, 1197, 4610, 4610, 4610, 4214, 237, 4440, 1084, 120, 104, 347, 609, 4550, 4550, 871, 871, 934, 246, 3373, 743, 4571, 2330, 332, 332, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 3924, 2524, 966, 3877, 4840, 3165, 4187, 1210, 2607, 2559, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1880, 1880, 1880, 4982, 496, 1548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 2070, 1148, 1148, 2626, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 2288, 4532, 809, 809, 1985, 2292, 991, 1564, 65, 872, 245, 197, 781, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2566, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2743, 2068, 2951, 4523, 1564, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1690, 4910, 4910, 4910, 4910, 4910, 4583, 4583, 3322, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3235, 1722, 3197, 3079, 2723, 2446, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 721, 4141, 10, 2059, 4725, 4725, 4714, 144, 144, 144, 1552, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 4449, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 930, 272, 730, 555, 1375, 1496, 255, 1496, 4, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4420, 254, 2414, 2414, 3215, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 3215, 2414, 4859, 4420, 1387, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.38049608355091386, 0.68088772845953, 0.8410966057441254, 1.1214621409921672, 1.7022193211488252, 1.8824543080939948, 2.423159268929504, 2.9238120104438643, 3.204177545691906, 4.245535248041776, 4.726161879895561, 5.186762402088774, 5.567258485639687, 5.6473629242819845, 5.907702349869451, 6.027859007832898, 6.148015665796344, 6.368302872062664, 6.888981723237598, 7.329556135770235, 7.529817232375979, 7.9303394255874675, 8.511096605744125, 9.151932114882507, 9.632558746736294, 10.113185378590078, 10.313446475195821, 11.074438642297649, 11.454934725848565, 12.035691906005223, 12.215926892950392, 12.97691906005222, 13.177180156657963, 13.417493472584857, 13.878093994778068, 13.998250652741515, 14.15845953002611 ]
[ 0.38049608355091386, 0.68088772845953, 0.8410966057441254, 1.1214621409921672, 1.7022193211488252, 1.8824543080939948, 2.423159268929504, 2.9238120104438643, 3.204177545691906, 4.245535248041776, 4.726161879895561, 5.186762402088774, 5.567258485639687, 5.6473629242819845, 5.907702349869451, 6.027859007832898, 6.148015665796344, 6.368302872062664, 6.888981723237598, 7.329556135770235, 7.529817232375979, 7.9303394255874675, 8.511096605744125, 9.151932114882507, 9.632558746736294, 10.113185378590078, 10.313446475195821, 11.074438642297649, 11.454934725848565, 12.035691906005223, 12.215926892950392, 12.97691906005222, 13.177180156657963, 13.417493472584857, 13.878093994778068, 13.998250652741515, 14.15845953002611, 15.319973890339426 ]
from the inhabitants we learned that some of kilpatrick's cavalry had preceded us by a couple of days and that all of the right wing was at and near gordon twelve miles off viz the place where the branch railroad came to milledgeville from the mason savannah road
[ "from", "the", "inhabitants", "we", "learned", "that", "some", "of", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry", "had", "preceded", "us", "by", "a", "couple", "of", "days", "and", "that", "all", "of", "the", "right", "wing", "was", "at", "and", "near", "gordon", "twelve", "miles", "off", "viz", "the", "place", "where", "the", "branch", "railroad", "came", "to", "milledgeville", "from", "the", "mason", "savannah", "road" ]
[ "from", "the", "inhabitants", "we", "learned", "that", "some", "of", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry", "had", "preceded", "us", "by", "a", "couple", "of", "days", "and", "that", "all", "of", "the", "right", "wing", "was", "at", "and", "near", "gordon", "twelve", "miles", "off", "viz", "the", "place", "where", "the", "branch", "railroad", "came", "to", "milledgeville", "from", "the", "mason", "savannah", "road" ]
[ "f r o m", "t h e", "i n h a b i t a n t s", "w e", "l e a r n e d", "t h a t", "s o m e", "o f", "k i l p a t r i c k ' s", "c a v a l r y", "h a d", "p r e c e d e d", "u s", "b y", "a", "c o u p l e", "o f", "d a y s", "a n d", "t h a t", "a l l", "o f", "t h e", "r i g h t", "w i n g", "w a s", "a t", "a n d", "n e a r", "g o r d o n", "t w e l v e", "m i l e s", "o f f", "v i z", "t h e", "p l a c e", "w h e r e", "t h e", "b r a n c h", "r a i l r o a d", "c a m e", "t o", "m i l l e d g e v i l l e", "f r o m", "t h e", "m a s o n", "s a v a n n a h", "r o a d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 2725, 4281, 785, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 3539, 4255, 2052, 2052, 3252, 4820, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 2409, 2378, 661, 2824, 4044, 3805, 1007, 3934, 2836, 2836, 2836, 2836, 2836, 4175, 2283, 1632, 306, 2882, 4777, 1090, 3249, 4152, 1356, 4971, 596, 3285, 2072, 2072, 624, 3234, 991, 3411, 2940, 2186, 551, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1170, 1170, 4588, 1430, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 314, 37, 2513, 2781, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 2969, 4739, 4523, 1564, 1010, 552, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 2641, 786, 4833, 4778, 4778, 965, 2184, 2277, 628, 4633, 4633, 678, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1187, 1177, 1210, 2933, 2973, 452, 1730, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 509, 509, 4513, 1657, 860, 628, 3237, 2952, 3045, 3045, 3450, 3450, 1391, 3176, 3223, 1899, 273, 3411, 2019, 1829, 3766, 4633, 708, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 3094, 3094, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 1466, 1466, 4731, 4731, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 3843, 884, 884, 4409, 20, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 312, 4420, 3117, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 2014, 894, 4192, 1806, 936, 4941, 1897, 2933, 3170, 3407, 3167, 3776, 3776, 3776, 1914, 4876, 4433, 3914, 620, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 810, 4434, 921, 921, 1313, 883, 2740, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 1238, 159, 1031, 2940, 3930, 4241, 2927, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 553, 3168, 2443, 546, 546, 432, 91, 3766, 3718, 2497, 2434, 2434, 2434, 2434, 2467, 251, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 1566, 1566, 1566, 1971, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 2184, 3652, 1568, 894, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 1436, 312, 4321, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 3364, 4820, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1165, 1529, 4571, 2330, 2330, 534, 4918, 1259, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 1115, 3456, 3456, 2851, 471, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2997, 3315, 721, 721, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 246, 246, 3249, 743, 3545, 3355, 1569, 144, 144, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 598, 3660, 150, 150, 3691, 3691, 1569, 4807, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 373, 2335, 855, 3976, 296, 296, 872, 3404, 197, 1291, 2411, 3907, 898, 898, 898, 898, 898, 1930, 1930, 2743, 421, 381, 1725, 743, 1365, 983, 2933, 781, 1097, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4694, 4768, 4608, 4608, 2158, 25, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 4203, 4203, 3850, 414, 2009, 2009, 4753, 3899, 3899, 104, 2272, 3070, 1747, 1747, 1747, 1747, 1871, 908, 2310, 2121, 4736, 2171, 4597, 4597, 1175, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4846, 4846, 1546, 3249, 1058, 4738, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 4005, 4005, 4005, 4005, 4005, 2216, 4478, 4478, 4478, 2184, 2020, 2020, 1014, 1456, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 3129, 1896, 1896, 2312, 2901, 2901, 4289, 1764, 1216, 4433, 2906, 752, 822, 4947, 4947, 4947, 4947, 4947, 2225, 2225, 2225, 2225, 451, 451, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1581, 2962, 4420, 3808, 92, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 72, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2030, 2725, 2001, 2001, 2870, 2870, 3609, 3609, 510, 510, 510, 867, 1370, 1370, 2456, 2456, 2456, 2456, 2456, 3578, 67, 1564, 65, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 2268, 489, 1448, 3513, 4730, 2261, 381, 2973, 4932, 263, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 2648, 3630, 2227, 1564, 2940, 2940, 2186, 3629, 2620, 3331, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2864, 1307, 4416, 4416, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 1060, 381, 739, 1498, 323, 4331, 1645, 1645, 1645, 1645, 200, 913, 1585, 2060, 1974, 4797, 1217, 1217, 658, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 639, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 1184, 1074, 1074, 135, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 2797, 869, 1296, 754, 4192, 4485, 1829, 104, 4633, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 2887, 1670, 258, 300, 4895, 1058, 63, 665, 198, 3857, 1720, 1593, 202, 308, 939, 2123, 2123, 1437, 317, 4960, 2583, 2583, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 3235, 2103, 4433, 607, 607, 3612, 3609, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 1796, 1796, 3477, 2851, 1873, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4321, 2933, 785, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 824, 824, 3251, 3251, 3251, 1792, 1795, 3163, 489, 3102, 177, 4730, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 4672, 4672, 4672, 1816, 4269, 1037, 4853, 4433, 121, 655, 4646, 4646, 1521, 1379, 54, 2649, 2160, 834, 2002, 758, 197, 781, 1097, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4768, 3918, 1748, 4834, 4876, 1564, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 4055, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 979, 1287, 223, 223, 3836, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 869, 869, 1110, 3240, 4102, 154, 2962, 4276, 588, 3808, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 72, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44050574712643675, 0.5606436781609195, 1.2414252873563218, 1.3815862068965516, 1.7820459770114943, 2.0022988505747126, 2.2025287356321837, 2.3026436781609196, 3.0835402298850574, 3.804367816091954, 4.24487356321839, 4.885609195402298, 5.08583908045977, 5.3261149425287355, 5.406206896551724, 5.746597701149425, 5.886758620689655, 6.40735632183908, 6.68767816091954, 6.9079310344827585, 7.2282988505747126, 7.368459770114942, 7.508620689655172, 7.849011494252873, 8.189402298850576, 8.48974712643678, 8.85016091954023, 9.070413793103448, 9.350735632183907, 9.951425287356322, 10.351885057471263, 10.73232183908046, 11.232896551724137, 11.83358620689655, 12.013793103448275, 12.394229885057472, 12.594459770114941, 12.694574712643679, 13.075011494252873, 13.595609195402298, 13.875931034482758, 13.99606896551724, 14.796988505747125, 15.157402298850576, 15.337609195402298, 15.95832183908046, 16.65912643678161 ]
[ 0.44050574712643675, 0.5606436781609195, 1.2414252873563218, 1.3815862068965516, 1.7820459770114943, 2.0022988505747126, 2.2025287356321837, 2.3026436781609196, 3.0835402298850574, 3.804367816091954, 4.24487356321839, 4.885609195402298, 5.08583908045977, 5.3261149425287355, 5.406206896551724, 5.746597701149425, 5.886758620689655, 6.40735632183908, 6.68767816091954, 6.9079310344827585, 7.2282988505747126, 7.368459770114942, 7.508620689655172, 7.849011494252873, 8.189402298850576, 8.48974712643678, 8.85016091954023, 9.070413793103448, 9.350735632183907, 9.951425287356322, 10.351885057471263, 10.73232183908046, 11.232896551724137, 11.83358620689655, 12.013793103448275, 12.394229885057472, 12.574436781609194, 12.694574712643679, 13.075011494252873, 13.595609195402298, 13.875931034482758, 13.99606896551724, 14.796988505747125, 15.157402298850576, 15.337609195402298, 15.95832183908046, 16.65912643678161, 17.39997701149425 ]
on reaching the market-square i again met dr goodwin and inquired where he proposed to quarter me and he said that he had selected the house of blanton duncan
[ "on", "reaching", "the", "market-square", "i", "again", "met", "dr", "goodwin", "and", "inquired", "where", "he", "proposed", "to", "quarter", "me", "and", "he", "said", "that", "he", "had", "selected", "the", "house", "of", "blanton", "duncan" ]
[ "on", "reaching", "the", "market-square", "i", "again", "met", "dr", "goodwin", "and", "inquired", "where", "he", "proposed", "to", "quarter", "me", "and", "he", "said", "that", "he", "had", "selected", "the", "house", "of", "blanton", "duncan" ]
[ "o n", "r e a c h i n g", "t h e", "m a r k e t s q u a r e", "i", "a g a i n", "m e t", "d r", "g o o d w i n", "a n d", "i n q u i r e d", "w h e r e", "h e", "p r o p o s e d", "t o", "q u a r t e r", "m e", "a n d", "h e", "s a i d", "t h a t", "h e", "h a d", "s e l e c t e d", "t h e", "h o u s e", "o f", "b l a n t o n", "d u n c a n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3409, 3215, 3409, 75, 75, 4420, 2281, 2789, 3180, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4117, 3031, 3031, 1827, 1988, 656, 656, 656, 1350, 1657, 1974, 614, 3197, 3845, 3097, 473, 473, 156, 3771, 4820, 424, 3102, 3513, 4730, 2816, 3948, 1456, 995, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 2914, 2121, 2547, 4012, 1743, 3249, 903, 2714, 2714, 4542, 4542, 2951, 4523, 4433, 4876, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 2809, 3696, 1649, 3666, 3666, 3940, 3940, 700, 700, 4861, 4203, 4203, 1426, 2112, 1484, 20, 20, 1915, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 193, 981, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 3168, 2443, 2443, 4840, 2471, 2471, 1710, 104, 1223, 1057, 2252, 2252, 1224, 1224, 1224, 1224, 4776, 2549, 2177, 1282, 704, 704, 74, 202, 939, 4370, 4370, 4370, 4370, 4556, 571, 4300, 1129, 4055, 433, 1283, 902, 2353, 2353, 2353, 2353, 2547, 1328, 2842, 2607, 1163, 2683, 3175, 3175, 1288, 2481, 1710, 777, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4951, 2014, 3883, 2800, 3355, 3355, 1345, 3700, 3666, 2626, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3284, 3284, 1842, 3143, 1097, 4112, 108, 108, 1461, 463, 366, 3398, 1790, 4028, 2378, 2378, 2378, 253, 2099, 2099, 3766, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2908, 2908, 3903, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1342, 4419, 2730, 2730, 1863, 1863, 1296, 1110, 894, 977, 1806, 1340, 936, 1792, 4321, 4340, 1683, 2620, 2620, 2620, 1851, 3331, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 423, 4861, 4203, 3850, 414, 4234, 3261, 2818, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1166, 2753, 1210, 2933, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 750, 1210, 2607, 3170, 452, 1530, 1530, 847, 1118, 1118, 847, 1476, 1476, 3742, 3559, 4594, 4050, 4433, 6, 4229, 104, 1954, 219, 3490, 3494, 91, 581, 4420, 2902, 3696, 3696, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 3403, 3403, 4736, 216, 3177, 3840, 1975, 3941, 1288, 3846, 1404, 202, 3768, 2170, 2170, 3504, 2315, 2315, 153, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 234, 72, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 193, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 68, 604, 759, 1422, 51, 1797, 1797, 1166, 2622, 1914, 158, 3914, 552, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 3333, 1523, 12, 381, 2566, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1529, 2676, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 2920, 3369, 2930, 2199, 2951, 4834, 1010, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 4572, 4572, 3818, 4588, 1430, 227, 1739, 407, 407, 549, 4076, 1328, 2359, 2842, 628, 1163, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 2014, 12, 2268, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4816, 4816, 2412, 13, 13, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 2227, 2963, 4433, 2213, 4260, 606, 2446, 4526, 169, 965, 3652, 3652, 276, 276, 2534, 2534, 2980, 957, 676, 676, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 1585, 1585, 4116, 1447, 2811, 1830, 1356, 4206, 4206, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 4846, 2410, 2089, 2933, 1742, 2231, 1283, 902, 617, 4920, 4920, 4920, 3682, 2489, 4886, 4886, 383, 1733, 903, 903, 4439, 4439, 4439, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 2160, 834, 2002, 2330, 104, 1291, 187, 1169, 1169, 1169, 829, 1281, 3016, 1031, 1564, 462, 4308, 521, 521, 205, 2809, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 259, 1654, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 1342, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.340299823633157, 0.680599647266314, 0.8007054673721341, 1.821604938271605, 2.1018518518518516, 2.502204585537919, 2.742416225749559, 3.1027336860670194, 3.64320987654321, 3.8634038800705466, 4.644091710758377, 5.064462081128748, 5.204585537918872, 5.8051146384479715, 5.885185185185185, 6.265520282186949, 6.6458553791887125, 7.026190476190476, 7.146296296296296, 7.46657848324515, 7.6267195767195775, 7.7668430335097, 8.00705467372134, 8.567548500881834, 8.707671957671957, 9.067989417989418, 9.188095238095238, 9.72857142857143 ]
[ 0.340299823633157, 0.680599647266314, 0.8007054673721341, 1.821604938271605, 2.1018518518518516, 2.502204585537919, 2.742416225749559, 3.1027336860670194, 3.64320987654321, 3.8634038800705466, 4.644091710758377, 5.064462081128748, 5.204585537918872, 5.8051146384479715, 5.885185185185185, 6.265520282186949, 6.6458553791887125, 7.026190476190476, 7.146296296296296, 7.46657848324515, 7.6267195767195775, 7.7668430335097, 8.00705467372134, 8.567548500881834, 8.707671957671957, 9.067989417989418, 9.188095238095238, 9.72857142857143, 11.329982363315697 ]
the fifteenth corps tore up the railroad-track eastward from griswold leaving charles r wood's division behind as a rear guard one brigade of which was intrenched across the road with some of kilpatrick's cavalry on the flanks
[ "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "tore", "up", "the", "railroad-track", "eastward", "from", "griswold", "leaving", "charles", "r", "wood's", "division", "behind", "as", "a", "rear", "guard", "one", "brigade", "of", "which", "was", "intrenched", "across", "the", "road", "with", "some", "of", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry", "on", "the", "flanks" ]
[ "the", "fifteenth", "corps", "tore", "up", "the", "railroad-track", "eastward", "from", "griswold", "leaving", "charles", "r", "wood's", "division", "behind", "as", "a", "rear", "guard", "one", "brigade", "of", "which", "was", "intrenched", "across", "the", "road", "with", "some", "of", "kilpatrick's", "cavalry", "on", "the", "flanks" ]
[ "t h e", "f i f t e e n t h", "c o r p s", "t o r e", "u p", "t h e", "r a i l r o a d t r a c k", "e a s t w a r d", "f r o m", "g r i s w o l d", "l e a v i n g", "c h a r l e s", "r", "w o o d ' s", "d i v i s i o n", "b e h i n d", "a s", "a", "r e a r", "g u a r d", "o n e", "b r i g a d e", "o f", "w h i c h", "w a s", "i n t r e n c h e d", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "r o a d", "w i t h", "s o m e", "o f", "k i l p a t r i c k ' s", "c a v a l r y", "o n", "t h e", "f l a n k s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 72, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 2725, 2933, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 2690, 1815, 2400, 2923, 4953, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2405, 4339, 4339, 4154, 2607, 104, 1781, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3171, 1164, 4883, 4966, 2035, 2035, 213, 1829, 2607, 560, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 178, 178, 2787, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 4234, 4018, 2183, 1623, 270, 136, 2657, 2287, 2371, 2371, 2371, 2371, 4942, 4942, 2524, 3618, 3618, 3090, 567, 567, 3560, 3737, 4903, 2268, 2566, 4141, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1549, 639, 639, 639, 639, 3866, 1184, 2769, 2013, 3011, 2603, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 4495, 112, 112, 2933, 270, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3459, 3459, 3459, 3459, 96, 96, 96, 2547, 823, 3176, 935, 935, 798, 1365, 245, 1, 2666, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 1037, 3630, 4440, 4440, 515, 3362, 1659, 3629, 551, 4807, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2014, 3883, 2734, 4635, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 2659, 2647, 2647, 3899, 41, 126, 4622, 406, 3828, 2992, 867, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 4050, 4433, 4969, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1569, 144, 1851, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 807, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 4497, 142, 1915, 1915, 1252, 3046, 3141, 3141, 3141, 3415, 3415, 852, 2030, 527, 4420, 4321, 4321, 229, 1430, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4196, 4406, 3094, 3637, 3637, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 3771, 1546, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1653, 3324, 3324, 3324, 2901, 2901, 4289, 4289, 1216, 4433, 65, 872, 3404, 4944, 332, 2557, 3816, 3816, 3816, 3816, 1653, 385, 385, 172, 2117, 2117, 4714, 4714, 1346, 2783, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 2488, 1737, 1737, 1899, 1899, 3411, 3411, 2324, 2324, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1787, 2158, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 1928, 3612, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 602, 4922, 4221, 4221, 4221, 222, 4392, 821, 3122, 54, 3687, 830, 4819, 2741, 1908, 1257, 4593, 4593, 4593, 2412, 13, 369, 369, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 37, 2513, 1634, 883, 1842, 4950, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 176, 296, 4433, 2906, 4607, 546, 546, 3836, 3836, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1827, 4191, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 4203, 8, 172, 2009, 2009, 4753, 3899, 894, 2272, 3070, 3070, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 2675, 1653, 1653, 4387, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 2962, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 1245, 140, 1245, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 3844, 1103, 1103, 2725, 2234, 1683, 1683, 29, 2783, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 3918, 830, 4819, 4055, 1498, 323, 4331, 1700, 2481, 1710, 104, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 1086, 565, 565, 4540, 2671, 883, 2723, 1493, 1493, 384, 2997, 2184, 4567, 2620, 2620, 2620, 56, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 2954, 2954, 4513, 4513, 3249, 1974, 4797, 733, 1217, 1217, 3629, 551, 4807, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 4847, 3578, 296, 296, 2906, 257, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 1185, 685, 894, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3282, 3282, 3282, 1331, 1331, 496, 1374, 1374, 3442, 4797, 4762, 1564, 1631, 1631, 4995, 4576, 1008, 430, 2471, 91, 3766, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 4244, 1051, 2881, 2227, 4440, 4433, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 1296, 1110, 142, 20, 2933, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 2677, 4321, 2933, 924, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 206, 1564, 1010, 3914, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 2641, 786, 4833, 4778, 4778, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 894, 4633, 678, 708, 420, 2825, 2825, 3092, 2753, 1210, 381, 2973, 452, 2803, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 509, 509, 4513, 1657, 2607, 2559, 2952, 2952, 3045, 3450, 3450, 1391, 1190, 2543, 2354, 1899, 1564, 3411, 2019, 213, 3766, 4633, 678, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 4264, 2053, 36, 3427, 4731, 4731, 3884, 27, 27, 1418, 4946, 4850, 4317, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 10, 4730, 563, 623, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3970, 3756, 3756, 2489, 815, 381, 3223, 2354, 2354, 3773, 2898, 621, 3414, 61, 362, 1704, 1704, 1496, 2250, 3103, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 72, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3402294197031039, 0.9006072874493927, 1.300877192982456, 1.5610526315789472, 1.7011470985155195, 1.8212280701754384, 2.701821862348178, 3.2021592442645073, 3.442321187584345, 4.322914979757084, 4.823252361673414, 5.383630229419703, 5.603778677462888, 6.024062078272604, 6.584439946018893, 7.184844804318488, 7.364966261808367, 7.465033738191632, 7.785249662618083, 8.485721997300946, 8.926018893387313, 9.386329284750337, 9.506410256410255, 9.866653171390013, 10.126828609986504, 10.7272334682861, 11.107489878542511, 11.247584345479082, 11.747921727395411, 12.048124156545208, 12.248259109311741, 12.36834008097166, 13.128852901484478, 13.669217273954114, 13.809311740890687, 13.929392712550607 ]
[ 0.3402294197031039, 0.9006072874493927, 1.300877192982456, 1.5610526315789472, 1.7011470985155195, 1.8212280701754384, 2.701821862348178, 3.2021592442645073, 3.442321187584345, 4.322914979757084, 4.823252361673414, 5.383630229419703, 5.603778677462888, 6.024062078272604, 6.584439946018893, 7.184844804318488, 7.364966261808367, 7.465033738191632, 7.785249662618083, 8.485721997300946, 8.926018893387313, 9.386329284750337, 9.506410256410255, 9.866653171390013, 10.126828609986504, 10.7272334682861, 11.107489878542511, 11.247584345479082, 11.747921727395411, 12.048124156545208, 12.248259109311741, 12.36834008097166, 13.128852901484478, 13.669217273954114, 13.809311740890687, 13.929392712550607, 14.809986504723344 ]
friendly foraging parties may also take mules or horses to replace the jaded animals of their trains or to serve as pack-mules for the regiments or brigades
[ "friendly", "foraging", "parties", "may", "also", "take", "mules", "or", "horses", "to", "replace", "the", "jaded", "animals", "of", "their", "trains", "or", "to", "serve", "as", "pack-mules", "for", "the", "regiments", "or", "brigades" ]
[ "friendly", "foraging", "parties", "may", "also", "take", "mules", "or", "horses", "to", "replace", "the", "jaded", "animals", "of", "their", "trains", "or", "to", "serve", "as", "pack-mules", "for", "the", "regiments", "or", "brigades" ]
[ "f r i e n d l y", "f o r a g i n g", "p a r t i e s", "m a y", "a l s o", "t a k e", "m u l e s", "o r", "h o r s e s", "t o", "r e p l a c e", "t h e", "j a d e d", "a n i m a l s", "o f", "t h e i r", "t r a i n s", "o r", "t o", "s e r v e", "a s", "p a c k m u l e s", "f o r", "t h e", "r e g i m e n t s", "o r", "b r i g a d e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 75, 4321, 4658, 785, 785, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 746, 4942, 4942, 470, 3558, 3558, 4136, 4136, 2582, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3845, 3097, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3771, 830, 4591, 3170, 1082, 116, 1258, 1258, 1258, 1258, 1258, 207, 2121, 2121, 4736, 4390, 357, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4433, 3411, 2324, 936, 4340, 1014, 308, 4295, 734, 734, 734, 2382, 4850, 1687, 1889, 534, 561, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 4433, 121, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 3128, 1193, 4495, 2183, 1623, 894, 1781, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2430, 2663, 3176, 2933, 1616, 2612, 2612, 1014, 4011, 3909, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 717, 717, 717, 717, 717, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1216, 296, 2906, 752, 113, 113, 113, 3511, 172, 172, 3261, 13, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 4853, 4433, 2963, 121, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 4050, 4433, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 4420, 4321, 1058, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 2801, 132, 1074, 135, 2888, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 3170, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 2983, 2983, 2983, 2983, 1816, 4269, 1037, 3630, 2227, 1564, 462, 3994, 2938, 986, 1844, 4141, 3513, 2131, 2131, 1469, 3049, 2559, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 4053, 4053, 1470, 1086, 3413, 3413, 4196, 4055, 106, 4901, 1256, 1822, 1822, 2014, 754, 883, 4197, 4197, 4086, 4086, 4086, 4086, 4086, 2300, 839, 1005, 465, 465, 465, 465, 1404, 2618, 4264, 2053, 2053, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 296, 2906, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 1655, 2546, 677, 677, 677, 8, 8, 2956, 4018, 1623, 2933, 270, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 2706, 529, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 809, 3226, 1985, 2292, 32, 1011, 1311, 634, 2967, 193, 3557, 1252, 4243, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 2677, 4420, 981, 4326, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 2956, 4018, 1061, 3026, 219, 3490, 3490, 3210, 1109, 4876, 4433, 3914, 2704, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2237, 4387, 2248, 2248, 3466, 3466, 3632, 758, 245, 2607, 1045, 2411, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 2456, 2456, 3578, 4050, 1564, 2940, 3930, 3895, 4241, 2933, 2973, 1730, 2803, 2356, 2356, 2356, 2356, 96, 96, 2547, 2547, 3176, 383, 2559, 1616, 1616, 2612, 1014, 4011, 3909, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 3507, 717, 717, 717, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 1764, 4050, 3838, 875, 2396, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2864, 1307, 4416, 4141, 10, 4354, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1988, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 600, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3536, 3794, 3794, 2944, 1404, 1404, 1067, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 1374, 1374, 3234, 538, 4505, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 4665, 3134, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4321, 981, 4326, 4326, 113, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 385, 385, 2009, 1591, 3327, 5, 1498, 1498, 4331, 4331, 4456, 2481, 1710, 381, 1223, 3938, 3938, 1057, 1470, 1470, 1470, 528, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 2488, 1737, 538, 4505, 2091, 3294, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 1704, 1704, 1496, 4420, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.48087431693989074, 0.8214936247723132, 1.3825136612021858, 1.6029143897996356, 1.9836065573770494, 2.3442622950819674, 2.785063752276867, 2.925318761384335, 3.586520947176685, 3.887067395264117, 4.428051001821494, 4.5883424408014575, 5.049180327868852, 5.550091074681239, 5.6903460837887065, 5.890710382513661, 6.612021857923497, 6.892531876138433, 7.032786885245901, 7.453551912568306, 7.754098360655737, 8.535519125683061, 8.71584699453552, 8.856102003642988, 9.617486338797814, 9.918032786885245 ]
[ 0.4608378870673953, 0.8214936247723132, 1.3825136612021858, 1.6029143897996356, 1.9836065573770494, 2.3442622950819674, 2.785063752276867, 2.925318761384335, 3.586520947176685, 3.887067395264117, 4.428051001821494, 4.5883424408014575, 5.049180327868852, 5.550091074681239, 5.6903460837887065, 5.890710382513661, 6.612021857923497, 6.892531876138433, 7.032786885245901, 7.453551912568306, 7.754098360655737, 8.535519125683061, 8.71584699453552, 8.856102003642988, 9.617486338797814, 9.918032786885245, 10.979963570127506 ]
very soon men were seen running up and down the streets a parcel of them poured over the fence began to chase the chickens and ducks and to enter her house she observed one large man with full beard who exercised some authority and to him she appealed in the name of his general
[ "very", "soon", "men", "were", "seen", "running", "up", "and", "down", "the", "streets", "a", "parcel", "of", "them", "poured", "over", "the", "fence", "began", "to", "chase", "the", "chickens", "and", "ducks", "and", "to", "enter", "her", "house", "she", "observed", "one", "large", "man", "with", "full", "beard", "who", "exercised", "some", "authority", "and", "to", "him", "she", "appealed", "in", "the", "name", "of", "his", "general" ]
[ "very", "soon", "men", "were", "seen", "running", "up", "and", "down", "the", "streets", "a", "parcel", "of", "them", "poured", "over", "the", "fence", "began", "to", "chase", "the", "chickens", "and", "ducks", "and", "to", "enter", "her", "house", "she", "observed", "one", "large", "man", "with", "full", "beard", "who", "exercised", "some", "authority", "and", "to", "him", "she", "appealed", "in", "the", "name", "of", "his", "general" ]
[ "v e r y", "s o o n", "m e n", "w e r e", "s e e n", "r u n n i n g", "u p", "a n d", "d o w n", "t h e", "s t r e e t s", "a", "p a r c e l", "o f", "t h e m", "p o u r e d", "o v e r", "t h e", "f e n c e", "b e g a n", "t o", "c h a s e", "t h e", "c h i c k e n s", "a n d", "d u c k s", "a n d", "t o", "e n t e r", "h e r", "h o u s e", "s h e", "o b s e r v e d", "o n e", "l a r g e", "m a n", "w i t h", "f u l l", "b e a r d", "w h o", "e x e r c i s e d", "s o m e", "a u t h o r i t y", "a n d", "t o", "h i m", "s h e", "a p p e a l e d", "i n", "t h e", "n a m e", "o f", "h i s", "g e n e r a l" ]
[ 1101, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 75, 4321, 3227, 4420, 4924, 479, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 4101, 2622, 1914, 4876, 1010, 313, 1892, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 3755, 3755, 3764, 2160, 2160, 2800, 74, 1134, 308, 939, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 3917, 3917, 1282, 2160, 3123, 954, 4014, 4807, 763, 763, 763, 2956, 3408, 1914, 3374, 1564, 313, 2429, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1953, 3171, 2168, 3123, 3031, 3031, 3476, 3476, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 2300, 1005, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 4200, 933, 4355, 1630, 332, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 595, 2559, 2820, 2306, 295, 295, 1123, 4108, 3925, 2212, 1283, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 3067, 3364, 2352, 42, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 4433, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 1206, 347, 609, 609, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1013, 1013, 518, 518, 518, 421, 445, 538, 4505, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 162, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 3557, 3796, 1639, 140, 72, 31, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 2391, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4187, 2096, 628, 1724, 1082, 1663, 116, 778, 244, 244, 207, 2914, 2848, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 36, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 1493, 1493, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 3196, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 723, 2846, 304, 3905, 4846, 4591, 1724, 1082, 1082, 2758, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 178, 2787, 908, 908, 4387, 1863, 2671, 883, 4355, 1492, 332, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 1403, 2864, 2864, 3350, 4141, 10, 177, 4730, 563, 623, 2158, 1096, 671, 4447, 4447, 3185, 3185, 3185, 3185, 4776, 2549, 1374, 1374, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1011, 3954, 162, 2324, 798, 4241, 276, 3537, 1908, 3060, 848, 848, 1206, 1223, 1057, 3321, 3321, 3321, 3321, 3887, 3887, 3887, 1390, 463, 300, 3326, 3026, 219, 3490, 3490, 3494, 3336, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 3181, 3523, 1816, 1816, 1816, 1037, 3630, 3626, 462, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3102, 2131, 1469, 3336, 3326, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 3575, 3575, 3829, 1743, 628, 4186, 2679, 4439, 4439, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 296, 296, 3376, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1123, 3832, 1185, 2410, 2410, 42, 42, 2231, 902, 902, 3158, 3158, 3158, 3158, 3158, 823, 823, 815, 2607, 3223, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 4420, 2933, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4117, 300, 4895, 114, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 1019, 1889, 42, 187, 387, 387, 387, 387, 4116, 1686, 4097, 4897, 4897, 1975, 3941, 172, 3261, 1832, 1255, 1337, 3911, 4199, 4199, 3971, 172, 3261, 3261, 13, 1007, 3934, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 771, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 4100, 4100, 621, 3414, 634, 362, 1704, 4420, 2250, 2760, 2760, 2760, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 72, 3305, 453, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 4420, 4063, 4494, 4494, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1027, 4850, 2443, 4840, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 2237, 2237, 4387, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 3972, 3545, 3355, 1569, 1569, 4477, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 1600, 33, 4768, 3918, 85, 85, 275, 2336, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 207, 207, 2121, 1810, 2060, 381, 3235, 733, 1217, 2843, 4208, 1014, 1134, 939, 235, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3448, 3448, 4489, 1390, 209, 1282, 3123, 954, 3691, 2833, 1284, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1096, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 3763, 967, 1187, 1187, 1177, 1591, 3327, 1206, 53, 3574, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 1686, 4102, 759, 4637, 1377, 186, 3111, 3111, 1019, 1889, 1291, 187, 4679, 4679, 4679, 4679, 1328, 2543, 649, 2279, 2905, 2874, 1487, 1487, 2303, 1288, 4214, 3374, 1564, 313, 1892, 1608, 4806, 4806, 4806, 4806, 4806, 1192, 1192, 282, 3314, 3559, 4594, 206, 1807, 4037, 4037, 313, 4887, 4887, 3239, 1310, 1800, 2641, 4134, 786, 4840, 4840, 3165, 380, 2463, 2774, 1206, 2619, 2619, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 4942, 4942, 2879, 2907, 2907, 2907, 2322, 3543, 3326, 4390, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 3843, 153, 884, 4409, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 2391, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 463, 300, 4895, 114, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 1019, 1832, 1832, 1422, 2293, 4413, 4413, 4413, 4413, 353, 2846, 2846, 2876, 3905, 782, 4414, 2878, 4433, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 4850, 4850, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3165, 2261, 2096, 628, 1724, 1644, 1119, 1576, 1576, 1576, 508, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 2901, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 851, 422, 422, 1270, 1270, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 2131, 4959, 293, 4519, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 4271, 2887, 1030, 1030, 2641, 786, 1557, 4263, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3202, 1601, 2184, 3713, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4318, 4247, 6, 84, 84, 2933, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 1548, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 668, 195, 195, 391, 4450, 931, 610, 588, 193, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 4420, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.48027272727272724, 0.8404772727272728, 1.100625, 1.32075, 1.5808977272727271, 1.9411022727272726, 2.1212045454545456, 2.2612840909090908, 2.521431818181818, 2.6615113636363636, 3.421943181818182, 3.7021022727272728, 4.182375, 4.302443181818182, 4.542579545454546, 4.942806818181818, 5.182943181818182, 5.303011363636364, 5.763272727272727, 6.143488636363636, 6.263556818181818, 6.623761363636364, 6.723818181818182, 7.164068181818182, 7.324159090909091, 7.904488636363637, 8.244681818181817, 8.404772727272729, 8.704943181818182, 8.905056818181817, 9.645477272727272, 10.06571590909091, 10.586011363636365, 10.806136363636364, 11.16634090909091, 11.486522727272728, 11.726659090909092, 11.986806818181819, 12.367022727272728, 12.527113636363636, 13.267534090909091, 13.447636363636365, 14.24809090909091, 14.668329545454545, 14.808409090909091, 15.108579545454546, 15.288681818181818, 15.828988636363636, 15.929045454545454, 16.029102272727275, 16.309261363636363, 16.46935227272727, 16.689477272727274 ]
[ 0.48027272727272724, 0.8404772727272728, 1.100625, 1.32075, 1.5808977272727271, 1.9411022727272726, 2.1212045454545456, 2.2612840909090908, 2.521431818181818, 2.6615113636363636, 3.421943181818182, 3.7021022727272728, 4.182375, 4.302443181818182, 4.542579545454546, 4.942806818181818, 5.182943181818182, 5.303011363636364, 5.763272727272727, 6.143488636363636, 6.263556818181818, 6.623761363636364, 6.723818181818182, 7.164068181818182, 7.324159090909091, 7.904488636363637, 8.244681818181817, 8.404772727272729, 8.704943181818182, 8.905056818181817, 9.645477272727272, 10.06571590909091, 10.586011363636365, 10.806136363636364, 11.16634090909091, 11.486522727272728, 11.726659090909092, 11.986806818181819, 12.367022727272728, 12.527113636363636, 13.267534090909091, 13.447636363636365, 14.24809090909091, 14.668329545454545, 14.808409090909091, 15.108579545454546, 15.288681818181818, 15.828988636363636, 15.929045454545454, 16.029102272727275, 16.309261363636363, 16.46935227272727, 16.689477272727274, 17.589988636363636 ]
the first night out we camped by the road-side near lithonia stone mountain a mass of granite was in plain view cut out in clear outline against the blue sky
[ "the", "first", "night", "out", "we", "camped", "by", "the", "road-side", "near", "lithonia", "stone", "mountain", "a", "mass", "of", "granite", "was", "in", "plain", "view", "cut", "out", "in", "clear", "outline", "against", "the", "blue", "sky" ]
[ "the", "first", "night", "out", "we", "camped", "by", "the", "road-side", "near", "lithonia", "stone", "mountain", "a", "mass", "of", "granite", "was", "in", "plain", "view", "cut", "out", "in", "clear", "outline", "against", "the", "blue", "sky" ]
[ "t h e", "f i r s t", "n i g h t", "o u t", "w e", "c a m p e d", "b y", "t h e", "r o a d s i d e", "n e a r", "l i t h o n i a", "s t o n e", "m o u n t a i n", "a", "m a s s", "o f", "g r a n i t e", "w a s", "i n", "p l a i n", "v i e w", "c u t", "o u t", "i n", "c l e a r", "o u t l i n e", "a g a i n s t", "t h e", "b l u e", "s k y" ]
[ 38, 4598, 2250, 715, 3057, 941, 4544, 502, 3993, 1922, 2203, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 2154, 527, 527, 3227, 2933, 4321, 489, 1448, 492, 2690, 563, 2400, 43, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 425, 2848, 356, 2227, 1564, 462, 515, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 495, 1173, 2671, 1708, 2740, 2740, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2075, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 421, 3249, 743, 3545, 3629, 1569, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1999, 4305, 2933, 3766, 678, 708, 708, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 1585, 4001, 4001, 1108, 1108, 628, 3972, 3545, 3895, 4241, 2741, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 2797, 1863, 2199, 2199, 2951, 4523, 1010, 158, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 167, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3463, 3058, 754, 1895, 1315, 1315, 411, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 8, 8, 414, 414, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1688, 4514, 2606, 2606, 2606, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2574, 2619, 2619, 3460, 2871, 2871, 2871, 605, 3755, 69, 3613, 3613, 357, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 1244, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 4917, 4917, 610, 588, 588, 4420, 92, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 527, 4281, 252, 1332, 101, 101, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1555, 2815, 2815, 2815, 2815, 605, 605, 3755, 3764, 522, 704, 74, 202, 939, 3095, 791, 791, 791, 791, 791, 1627, 3067, 3067, 4031, 4031, 711, 711, 1175, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4844, 4844, 834, 3284, 3284, 758, 1492, 2939, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 2816, 1593, 202, 308, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 4939, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 2963, 1564, 121, 4372, 606, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 2184, 917, 777, 894, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 913, 913, 839, 3613, 431, 3379, 215, 215, 4542, 3817, 754, 743, 1145, 3355, 4807, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2713, 296, 2906, 257, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 3832, 830, 4591, 2559, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 676, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 3214, 3171, 2168, 522, 2435, 856, 2158, 2158, 3609, 344, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 307, 4669, 4669, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 4401, 20, 1915, 3808, 1351, 1286, 2827, 2827, 1151, 1416, 4420, 1784, 560, 3718, 2497, 4315, 4315, 4315, 4515, 1529, 4073, 2740, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 58, 1442, 104, 4952, 4952, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 488, 2099, 2099, 3317, 3317, 305, 3701, 907, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 173, 8, 8, 2325, 3050, 1889, 104, 1045, 2411, 4815, 4815, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 771, 3795, 2408, 2408, 2278, 4913, 426, 2336, 958, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1882, 366, 2707, 430, 430, 2471, 2471, 4055, 41, 1223, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 277, 4691, 4691, 4433, 462, 3994, 3994, 986, 1844, 4141, 10, 177, 4730, 3327, 2741, 2534, 2534, 1454, 1811, 1811, 1811, 1811, 2801, 2801, 4495, 2542, 1417, 158, 9, 9, 521, 205, 205, 2809, 3070, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 4409, 610, 588, 4420, 3808, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.8007220216606499, 1.1210108303249098, 1.4012635379061371, 1.721552346570397, 1.861678700361011, 2.302075812274368, 2.4822382671480145, 2.622364620938628, 3.302978339350181, 3.5431949458483754, 4.504061371841155, 5.1446389891696755, 5.665108303249098, 5.805234657039711, 6.145541516245488, 6.285667870036101, 6.786119133574008, 6.98629963898917, 7.126425992779784, 7.446714801444044, 7.9071299638989165, 8.287472924187725, 8.547707581227437, 8.667815884476536, 9.00812274368231, 9.588646209386281, 9.96898916967509, 10.109115523465704, 10.369350180505414 ]
[ 0.8007220216606499, 1.1210108303249098, 1.4012635379061371, 1.721552346570397, 1.861678700361011, 2.302075812274368, 2.4822382671480145, 2.622364620938628, 3.302978339350181, 3.5431949458483754, 4.504061371841155, 5.1446389891696755, 5.665108303249098, 5.805234657039711, 6.145541516245488, 6.285667870036101, 6.786119133574008, 6.98629963898917, 7.126425992779784, 7.446714801444044, 7.9071299638989165, 8.287472924187725, 8.547707581227437, 8.667815884476536, 9.00812274368231, 9.588646209386281, 9.96898916967509, 10.109115523465704, 10.369350180505414, 11.069981949458484 ]
i had no purpose to march direct for richmond by way of augusta and charlotte but always designed to reach the sea-coast first at savannah or port royal south carolina and even kept in mind the alternative of pensacola
[ "i", "had", "no", "purpose", "to", "march", "direct", "for", "richmond", "by", "way", "of", "augusta", "and", "charlotte", "but", "always", "designed", "to", "reach", "the", "sea-coast", "first", "at", "savannah", "or", "port", "royal", "south", "carolina", "and", "even", "kept", "in", "mind", "the", "alternative", "of", "pensacola" ]
[ "i", "had", "no", "purpose", "to", "march", "direct", "for", "richmond", "by", "way", "of", "augusta", "and", "charlotte", "but", "always", "designed", "to", "reach", "the", "sea-coast", "first", "at", "savannah", "or", "port", "royal", "south", "carolina", "and", "even", "kept", "in", "mind", "the", "alternative", "of", "pensacola" ]
[ "i", "h a d", "n o", "p u r p o s e", "t o", "m a r c h", "d i r e c t", "f o r", "r i c h m o n d", "b y", "w a y", "o f", "a u g u s t a", "a n d", "c h a r l o t t e", "b u t", "a l w a y s", "d e s i g n e d", "t o", "r e a c h", "t h e", "s e a c o a s t", "f i r s t", "a t", "s a v a n n a h", "o r", "p o r t", "r o y a l", "s o u t h", "c a r o l i n a", "a n d", "e v e n", "k e p t", "i n", "m i n d", "t h e", "a l t e r n a t i v e", "o f", "p e n s a c o l a" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 4420, 981, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2014, 1895, 1315, 3770, 4055, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 2753, 1210, 2559, 2973, 452, 996, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 4267, 4093, 251, 2607, 1059, 2419, 4565, 4565, 4209, 4209, 1031, 4433, 6, 1139, 1641, 63, 1401, 1292, 1292, 2006, 3846, 3948, 3948, 148, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 2121, 1056, 1974, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 2508, 2508, 1787, 1568, 433, 1283, 976, 976, 976, 976, 2175, 1736, 1074, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2607, 3972, 3545, 2734, 4635, 3106, 838, 840, 1883, 2441, 172, 172, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4513, 1657, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 1282, 2160, 2160, 2800, 2800, 4819, 4055, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 2117, 45, 5, 1345, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4526, 4526, 2997, 2744, 701, 1567, 3566, 4851, 3165, 2481, 777, 628, 2272, 3070, 3070, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3050, 1492, 1492, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1123, 1185, 1748, 4414, 2878, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 642, 4640, 4640, 4640, 4640, 207, 2914, 4391, 4391, 3243, 4960, 4133, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4542, 3817, 131, 4102, 142, 1915, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 2677, 2725, 2933, 1018, 125, 125, 4242, 1529, 4073, 2740, 2271, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 2013, 2013, 1044, 1044, 3425, 3425, 2565, 4050, 6, 84, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 613, 4424, 4433, 2345, 3990, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 1629, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 37, 2513, 2781, 1806, 455, 455, 2508, 2852, 104, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 2006, 1449, 2603, 1827, 3548, 656, 656, 656, 656, 4513, 1657, 1974, 4797, 2103, 2103, 3994, 2938, 1844, 1844, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 1417, 4433, 1010, 3914, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2081, 438, 1999, 91, 3766, 560, 3718, 2497, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2797, 644, 356, 2227, 2227, 4440, 515, 3362, 1659, 3545, 4983, 4983, 43, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 2237, 2848, 2848, 356, 2227, 1564, 515, 3362, 4995, 4576, 175, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 571, 4739, 4523, 1564, 1010, 4721, 947, 947, 4456, 3497, 952, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 1484, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 312, 2933, 30, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 172, 2753, 1478, 2812, 3170, 1082, 1663, 2758, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2121, 290, 131, 2636, 1145, 4590, 1626, 1626, 1827, 52, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3903, 597, 1789, 2312, 2312, 668, 3477, 4808, 4808, 3485, 2404, 101, 4433, 1010, 552, 2704, 190, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 4061, 4966, 2035, 213, 2933, 3766, 4633, 708, 359, 359, 4040, 1489, 1660, 2879, 4395, 4395, 1072, 1072, 3818, 4588, 227, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 1341, 69, 69, 3613, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 72, 23, 23, 23, 1436, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 604, 1634, 4571, 2330, 3441, 2552, 1369, 1369, 1369, 2351, 2351, 3073, 3073, 3094, 1788, 2037, 2037, 4741, 3687, 2659, 2099, 4591, 894, 4633, 678, 708, 3831, 3831, 3831, 3831, 3323, 1761, 3737, 1108, 1108, 1163, 4576, 422, 284, 4856, 4856, 3687, 3832, 704, 74, 4011, 1456, 995, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 314, 37, 2513, 4497, 4497, 1806, 455, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 1655, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1492, 1492, 332, 2557, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3219, 2239, 2183, 2559, 944, 2657, 4717, 4717, 4717, 4717, 4717, 69, 3613, 1005, 3479, 3005, 2406, 4777, 1090, 1577, 628, 192, 513, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3466, 701, 1842, 1776, 1776, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 2933, 4643, 2973, 1119, 2803, 3721, 3721, 1331, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 121, 655, 2874, 3794, 3794, 2, 91, 381, 560, 1579, 3873, 4678, 4678, 4678, 4678, 4678, 2797, 2393, 2393, 1940, 1940, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 4917, 730, 730, 555, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4, 2250, 4006, 4006, 4420, 4006, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 255, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4420, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4859, 4859, 1387, 4859, 1387, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3001923076923077, 0.5403461538461538, 0.7004487179487179, 1.18075641025641, 1.3208461538461538, 1.681076923076923, 2.1813974358974355, 2.3815256410256405, 2.901858974358974, 3.14201282051282, 3.322128205128205, 3.462217948717948, 4.022576923076923, 4.2427179487179485, 4.923153846153846, 5.243358974358974, 5.543551282051281, 6.103910256410256, 6.2640128205128205, 6.564205128205128, 6.724307692307692, 7.364717948717948, 7.764974358974358, 7.9050641025641015, 8.60551282051282, 8.885692307692306, 9.265935897435897, 9.746243589743589, 10.066448717948717, 10.926999999999998, 11.327256410256409, 11.647461538461537, 11.967666666666666, 12.12776923076923, 12.668115384615383, 12.988320512820511, 13.868884615384614, 14.008974358974358 ]
[ 0.3001923076923077, 0.5403461538461538, 0.7004487179487179, 1.18075641025641, 1.3208461538461538, 1.681076923076923, 2.1813974358974355, 2.3815256410256405, 2.901858974358974, 3.14201282051282, 3.322128205128205, 3.462217948717948, 4.022576923076923, 4.2427179487179485, 4.923153846153846, 5.243358974358974, 5.543551282051281, 6.103910256410256, 6.2640128205128205, 6.564205128205128, 6.724307692307692, 7.364717948717948, 7.764974358974358, 7.9050641025641015, 8.60551282051282, 8.885692307692306, 9.265935897435897, 9.746243589743589, 10.066448717948717, 10.926999999999998, 11.327256410256409, 11.647461538461537, 11.967666666666666, 12.12776923076923, 12.668115384615383, 12.988320512820511, 13.868884615384614, 14.008974358974358, 15.589987179487178 ]
with this exception and one or two minor cases near savannah the people did not destroy food for they saw clearly that it would be ruin to themselves at sandersville i halted the left wing until i heard that the right wing was abreast of us on the railroad
[ "with", "this", "exception", "and", "one", "or", "two", "minor", "cases", "near", "savannah", "the", "people", "did", "not", "destroy", "food", "for", "they", "saw", "clearly", "that", "it", "would", "be", "ruin", "to", "themselves", "at", "sandersville", "i", "halted", "the", "left", "wing", "until", "i", "heard", "that", "the", "right", "wing", "was", "abreast", "of", "us", "on", "the", "railroad" ]
[ "with", "this", "exception", "and", "one", "or", "two", "minor", "cases", "near", "savannah", "the", "people", "did", "not", "destroy", "food", "for", "they", "saw", "clearly", "that", "it", "would", "be", "ruin", "to", "themselves", "at", "sandersville", "i", "halted", "the", "left", "wing", "until", "i", "heard", "that", "the", "right", "wing", "was", "abreast", "of", "us", "on", "the", "railroad" ]
[ "w i t h", "t h i s", "e x c e p t i o n", "a n d", "o n e", "o r", "t w o", "m i n o r", "c a s e s", "n e a r", "s a v a n n a h", "t h e", "p e o p l e", "d i d", "n o t", "d e s t r o y", "f o o d", "f o r", "t h e y", "s a w", "c l e a r l y", "t h a t", "i t", "w o u l d", "b e", "r u i n", "t o", "t h e m s e l v e s", "a t", "s a n d e r s v i l l e", "i", "h a l t e d", "t h e", "l e f t", "w i n g", "u n t i l", "i", "h e a r d", "t h a t", "t h e", "r i g h t", "w i n g", "w a s", "a b r e a s t", "o f", "u s", "o n", "t h e", "r a i l r o a d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 524, 2725, 4321, 924, 842, 318, 3044, 3044, 540, 3942, 3942, 165, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1031, 4433, 2213, 257, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 2467, 3737, 2559, 3821, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3159, 455, 758, 197, 781, 4112, 4112, 591, 108, 1226, 4694, 604, 4192, 4192, 3355, 1569, 1346, 2783, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 1600, 33, 839, 3398, 1790, 2363, 2363, 2363, 4018, 1623, 2559, 1781, 4375, 985, 985, 873, 873, 2801, 2801, 132, 3846, 3948, 1456, 995, 1734, 1734, 1734, 232, 4065, 1341, 69, 1005, 431, 1975, 1975, 1288, 1694, 91, 628, 4633, 678, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1037, 1037, 2963, 1564, 121, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 1764, 1216, 4247, 480, 1693, 3770, 25, 1536, 1536, 173, 8, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4433, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4456, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 2300, 2300, 839, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 234, 234, 1400, 3913, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 4420, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 4730, 2261, 628, 3170, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 595, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 36, 1187, 3758, 1367, 4055, 2389, 1537, 1537, 1537, 3120, 3120, 1972, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 1129, 1129, 433, 3522, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 158, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 609, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 49, 3293, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 2400, 43, 4953, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 2205, 936, 936, 1792, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 2441, 2864, 1307, 4416, 1655, 3256, 3256, 409, 49, 1999, 581, 2933, 2933, 3317, 305, 305, 2445, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 2161, 4391, 4391, 224, 4809, 3100, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 438, 1914, 4876, 4433, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 1854, 1854, 1414, 4416, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 1708, 3449, 886, 886, 886, 3880, 2969, 168, 168, 1346, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 843, 2970, 2933, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 3686, 2478, 1074, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 52, 1028, 1028, 951, 951, 1628, 4087, 4087, 4087, 4795, 2626, 1379, 2288, 2160, 2160, 4846, 300, 1546, 2607, 270, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 1307, 1414, 165, 1655, 1767, 1767, 723, 2633, 375, 258, 258, 782, 760, 4876, 1564, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 1032, 1032, 1032, 4478, 4478, 4478, 4478, 4478, 3636, 608, 536, 2091, 2898, 621, 3414, 881, 362, 362, 1375, 1704, 1375, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 2135, 3993, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 72, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 2154, 2154, 28, 4420, 1910, 1904, 1510, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 571, 571, 4739, 4523, 1564, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4595, 4595, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 463, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4897, 4897, 1975, 2401, 525, 525, 1764, 4050, 4433, 875, 607, 3612, 2868, 3609, 510, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 2851, 2851, 1873, 471, 758, 197, 332, 794, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 1847, 1847, 1736, 13, 13, 369, 392, 2417, 2417, 2417, 3219, 3219, 3092, 2239, 2239, 2933, 192, 2415, 341, 4434, 4434, 921, 12, 12, 212, 3347, 1448, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 3783, 3783, 3783, 3783, 3783, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2559, 3972, 3545, 3629, 1569, 1345, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4200, 4200, 435, 3564, 2978, 2978, 1234, 4895, 104, 1359, 1824, 1824, 1372, 1874, 1874, 1437, 1566, 4333, 3246, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 1847, 2301, 4911, 4911, 13, 1347, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 4387, 1863, 1296, 2199, 12, 212, 2566, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 2428, 2607, 104, 2566, 3102, 3513, 4354, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 246, 3795, 3795, 2408, 168, 1569, 1345, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 3086, 150, 3691, 4014, 4807, 2102, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 296, 2906, 4607, 1008, 95, 3165, 1060, 3327, 894, 1498, 323, 3247, 3247, 3247, 93, 93, 4708, 4440, 1564, 515, 3362, 4995, 4576, 874, 874, 1493, 3869, 2744, 701, 161, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 858, 159, 4433, 4266, 4260, 752, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4189, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 10, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1988, 1549, 639, 639, 639, 639, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 2769, 22, 1074, 2603, 52, 2798, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 2797, 1476, 869, 869, 3240, 3240, 2205, 1481, 588, 4420, 4420, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4605714285714286, 0.6407950310559006, 1.3616894409937887, 1.6820869565217391, 1.8823354037267082, 1.9824596273291926, 2.2027329192546587, 2.5431552795031056, 3.003726708074534, 3.2039751552795033, 3.9048447204968944, 4.185192546583851, 4.5456397515527955, 4.7258633540372665, 4.9661614906832305, 5.466782608695652, 5.907329192546584, 6.107577639751553, 6.267776397515528, 6.347875776397515, 6.888546583850932, 7.248993788819876, 7.369142857142857, 7.589416149068323, 7.729590062111801, 8.170136645962732, 8.350360248447204, 9.571875776397516, 10.132571428571428, 11.09376397515528, 11.273987577639751, 11.67448447204969, 11.814658385093168, 12.135055900621117, 12.395378881987577, 12.755826086956523, 12.875975155279502, 13.15632298136646, 13.336546583850932, 13.496745341614908, 13.79711801242236, 14.037416149068322, 14.217639751552795, 14.63816149068323, 14.758310559006212, 14.978583850931676, 15.138782608695651, 15.27895652173913 ]
[ 0.4605714285714286, 0.6407950310559006, 1.3616894409937887, 1.6820869565217391, 1.8823354037267082, 1.9824596273291926, 2.2027329192546587, 2.5431552795031056, 3.003726708074534, 3.2039751552795033, 3.9048447204968944, 4.185192546583851, 4.5456397515527955, 4.7258633540372665, 4.9661614906832305, 5.466782608695652, 5.907329192546584, 6.107577639751553, 6.267776397515528, 6.327850931677019, 6.888546583850932, 7.248993788819876, 7.369142857142857, 7.589416149068323, 7.729590062111801, 8.170136645962732, 8.350360248447204, 9.571875776397516, 10.132571428571428, 11.09376397515528, 11.273987577639751, 11.67448447204969, 11.814658385093168, 12.135055900621117, 12.395378881987577, 12.755826086956523, 12.875975155279502, 13.15632298136646, 13.336546583850932, 13.496745341614908, 13.79711801242236, 14.037416149068322, 14.217639751552795, 14.63816149068323, 14.758310559006212, 14.978583850931676, 15.138782608695651, 15.27895652173913, 16.099975155279502 ]
i still hope he will out-manoeuvre and destroy hood as to matters in the southeast i think hardee in savannah has good artillerists some five or six thousand good infantry and it may be a mongrel mass of eight to ten thousand militia
[ "i", "still", "hope", "he", "will", "out-manoeuvre", "and", "destroy", "hood", "as", "to", "matters", "in", "the", "southeast", "i", "think", "hardee", "in", "savannah", "has", "good", "artillerists", "some", "five", "or", "six", "thousand", "good", "infantry", "and", "it", "may", "be", "a", "mongrel", "mass", "of", "eight", "to", "ten", "thousand", "militia" ]
[ "i", "still", "hope", "he", "will", "out-manoeuvre", "and", "destroy", "hood", "as", "to", "matters", "in", "the", "southeast", "i", "think", "hardee", "in", "savannah", "has", "good", "artillerists", "some", "five", "or", "six", "thousand", "good", "infantry", "and", "it", "may", "be", "a", "mongrel", "mass", "of", "eight", "to", "ten", "thousand", "militia" ]
[ "i", "s t i l l", "h o p e", "h e", "w i l l", "o u t m a n o e u v r e", "a n d", "d e s t r o y", "h o o d", "a s", "t o", "m a t t e r s", "i n", "t h e", "s o u t h e a s t", "i", "t h i n k", "h a r d e e", "i n", "s a v a n n a h", "h a s", "g o o d", "a r t i l l e r i s t s", "s o m e", "f i v e", "o r", "s i x", "t h o u s a n d", "g o o d", "i n f a n t r y", "a n d", "i t", "m a y", "b e", "a", "m o n g r e l", "m a s s", "o f", "e i g h t", "t o", "t e n", "t h o u s a n d", "m i l i t i a" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 312, 4321, 2391, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 4246, 1914, 3374, 9, 1084, 1084, 3271, 4092, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 1796, 2851, 4905, 3261, 13, 369, 392, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 4892, 4892, 2462, 2462, 2808, 2933, 1721, 2436, 2818, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 2478, 579, 3649, 45, 2833, 1952, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1566, 471, 2165, 2875, 1630, 2411, 4815, 4815, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 771, 2029, 1686, 3545, 3545, 2612, 1014, 1134, 1584, 1584, 1584, 4959, 2146, 1471, 3041, 4179, 468, 468, 44, 44, 880, 4406, 3266, 3266, 4769, 4769, 4769, 1782, 3941, 1426, 414, 3050, 3050, 758, 628, 1630, 781, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4768, 3918, 4108, 2410, 3326, 2212, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 3374, 4433, 382, 120, 2314, 2607, 347, 347, 609, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 3278, 4875, 4875, 4875, 4875, 4992, 2172, 2172, 4911, 4911, 1149, 1149, 1347, 392, 392, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 3333, 1523, 1523, 1110, 2933, 4102, 154, 2459, 2500, 272, 73, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3215, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 3215, 863, 863, 863, 863, 973, 973, 3993, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 214, 214, 527, 527, 1910, 1910, 1904, 4641, 1510, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 3578, 4050, 4969, 6, 4229, 3326, 1954, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3846, 436, 1134, 939, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 789, 509, 509, 4515, 1686, 2140, 3177, 3840, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 2038, 4499, 1764, 67, 1011, 1011, 65, 1365, 245, 197, 3963, 287, 1446, 1446, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 10, 2131, 1109, 3374, 1564, 313, 1892, 1608, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 2709, 4061, 2226, 4966, 2035, 2035, 4197, 4197, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 545, 4269, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3717, 1458, 2333, 368, 4092, 346, 1481, 4756, 4756, 4756, 1716, 3388, 1151, 4420, 2788, 4641, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 49, 1227, 2463, 2463, 2574, 2574, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 4579, 3756, 3756, 4886, 2559, 935, 1616, 936, 4774, 4774, 369, 369, 4307, 3341, 4829, 4829, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 2121, 2121, 2171, 2171, 2073, 357, 1562, 4400, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 311, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 3963, 1446, 1446, 1949, 712, 2298, 2527, 760, 1010, 1564, 313, 4721, 947, 4456, 4456, 3497, 952, 479, 3372, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 3013, 3422, 936, 936, 4774, 4774, 3805, 395, 1450, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2456, 3578, 3578, 706, 4599, 2019, 4894, 3899, 3899, 559, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 267, 267, 1523, 1110, 3326, 743, 1806, 455, 758, 1630, 332, 561, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2956, 4018, 1623, 2933, 114, 136, 2260, 4220, 4220, 4220, 1437, 4147, 1197, 2583, 4930, 3620, 3620, 4731, 4469, 4469, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 968, 1238, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 193, 586, 3557, 1128, 1128, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2933, 4494, 1332, 2110, 313, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 304, 1295, 3905, 3905, 824, 824, 824, 3251, 3251, 1368, 623, 2158, 3446, 2043, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 167, 3172, 282, 1473, 2248, 4406, 3266, 1966, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2542, 3374, 1564, 313, 1892, 796, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 2543, 2543, 649, 2321, 2321, 2321, 2774, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4032, 4032, 4433, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 54, 3687, 522, 2659, 2659, 2647, 3326, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4951, 2014, 2199, 4102, 4571, 2330, 1630, 2666, 4967, 459, 1917, 1917, 1917, 4001, 1157, 1157, 3290, 3535, 1075, 2882, 818, 818, 2854, 685, 2373, 114, 3237, 2952, 352, 352, 352, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 3913, 3913, 532, 23, 3844, 3268, 193, 2391, 2391, 1510, 4112, 4105, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2781, 2781, 4571, 4944, 3963, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 2601, 4300, 4300, 4997, 1134, 4295, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 2382, 49, 182, 3431, 42, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 311, 4850, 4850, 2443, 2443, 546, 4945, 4945, 432, 1125, 3948, 1134, 148, 995, 2380, 2738, 4862, 4862, 4862, 3682, 3682, 1490, 3455, 3455, 3957, 406, 406, 4085, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1177, 1125, 1134, 308, 939, 2993, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 997, 2881, 3530, 3626, 1564, 2905, 2905, 4260, 606, 2446, 1776, 169, 169, 1601, 2744, 3632, 2330, 1630, 1630, 187, 4253, 2083, 2083, 2083, 333, 246, 246, 3795, 1200, 2933, 1206, 1954, 665, 198, 3494, 3336, 628, 114, 136, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 3917, 4768, 3918, 3918, 4846, 1546, 1546, 2574, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1272, 1272, 4218, 4218, 54, 2298, 704, 74, 1134, 148, 1584, 1584, 3818, 3818, 275, 1688, 4514, 2643, 702, 2986, 2504, 603, 4433, 3061, 3061, 979, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3991, 1773, 4917, 610, 610, 588, 3808, 4276, 1618, 1039, 3458, 1486, 1486, 329, 72, 329, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3401872246696035, 0.640352422907489, 1.0005506607929515, 1.1406277533039648, 1.4207819383259912, 2.261244493392071, 2.5213876651982376, 3.141729074889868, 4.3023678414096915, 5.242885462555066, 5.3629515418502205, 5.9432709251101326, 6.123370044052864, 6.283458149779736, 7.203964757709251, 7.4240859030837, 7.764273127753304, 8.304570484581498, 8.504680616740089, 9.125022026431719, 9.525242290748897, 9.88544052863436, 10.94602422907489, 11.426288546255506, 11.866530837004406, 11.98659691629956, 12.206718061674009, 12.787037444933919, 13.067191629955946, 13.867632158590308, 14.387918502202643, 14.548006607929516, 14.768127753303965, 14.968237885462555, 15.08830396475771, 15.568568281938326, 15.968788546255507, 16.168898678414095, 16.409030837004405, 16.52909691629956, 16.789240088105725, 17.289515418502205 ]
[ 0.3401872246696035, 0.640352422907489, 1.0005506607929515, 1.1406277533039648, 1.4207819383259912, 2.261244493392071, 2.5213876651982376, 3.141729074889868, 4.3023678414096915, 5.242885462555066, 5.3629515418502205, 5.9432709251101326, 6.123370044052864, 6.283458149779736, 7.203964757709251, 7.4240859030837, 7.764273127753304, 8.304570484581498, 8.504680616740089, 9.125022026431719, 9.525242290748897, 9.88544052863436, 10.94602422907489, 11.426288546255506, 11.866530837004406, 11.98659691629956, 12.206718061674009, 12.787037444933919, 13.067191629955946, 13.867632158590308, 14.387918502202643, 14.548006607929516, 14.768127753303965, 14.968237885462555, 15.08830396475771, 15.568568281938326, 15.968788546255507, 16.168898678414095, 16.409030837004405, 16.52909691629956, 16.789240088105725, 17.289515418502205, 18.14998898678414 ]
general hazen was there with his staff in the act of getting supper he invited us to join them which we accepted promptly for we were really very hungry
[ "general", "hazen", "was", "there", "with", "his", "staff", "in", "the", "act", "of", "getting", "supper", "he", "invited", "us", "to", "join", "them", "which", "we", "accepted", "promptly", "for", "we", "were", "really", "very", "hungry" ]
[ "general", "hazen", "was", "there", "with", "his", "staff", "in", "the", "act", "of", "getting", "supper", "he", "invited", "us", "to", "join", "them", "which", "we", "accepted", "promptly", "for", "we", "were", "really", "very", "hungry" ]
[ "g e n e r a l", "h a z e n", "w a s", "t h e r e", "w i t h", "h i s", "s t a f f", "i n", "t h e", "a c t", "o f", "g e t t i n g", "s u p p e r", "h e", "i n v i t e d", "u s", "t o", "j o i n", "t h e m", "w h i c h", "w e", "a c c e p t e d", "p r o m p t l y", "f o r", "w e", "w e r e", "r e a l l y", "v e r y", "h u n g r y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 4321, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 36, 3261, 13, 3805, 1007, 3934, 1470, 2502, 2502, 2502, 3413, 3413, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 1521, 1521, 1379, 54, 2649, 2160, 954, 3691, 4014, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 373, 855, 3976, 4969, 1564, 3994, 2938, 1844, 1655, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 4861, 4861, 4203, 414, 2769, 2117, 45, 104, 4807, 318, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 4433, 2035, 1422, 415, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 206, 1807, 1564, 4037, 4037, 1084, 1084, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1555, 1555, 119, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1930, 1930, 451, 451, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1300, 1365, 197, 3963, 287, 1446, 1949, 1625, 662, 40, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 4197, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 1640, 96, 2547, 823, 2802, 2359, 2842, 2933, 4454, 4576, 2723, 4526, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 628, 41, 1223, 3024, 3024, 3725, 3725, 1024, 4556, 216, 1708, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 2605, 782, 760, 760, 4433, 1069, 3914, 2704, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 3091, 2467, 251, 595, 628, 1059, 2419, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 610, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 3913, 72, 3913, 23, 3844, 2030, 2677, 193, 3117, 4319, 51, 1797, 2652, 4850, 2409, 2409, 2378, 661, 735, 856, 3878, 2868, 3372, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 495, 1173, 1173, 1061, 2140, 4901, 810, 921, 921, 1708, 883, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 159, 4440, 6, 1139, 4229, 1401, 219, 3490, 3490, 3494, 3049, 894, 3138, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 4992, 1341, 1538, 3171, 314, 2352, 2352, 4820, 165, 1655, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 2846, 2846, 2846, 2846, 2876, 893, 893, 3159, 1482, 3422, 936, 4941, 1683, 1346, 842, 56, 1876, 1876, 3009, 1056, 358, 358, 1217, 3629, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 2443, 2443, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 158, 1010, 552, 1608, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 3737, 3737, 2607, 2842, 1163, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 2014, 3883, 1897, 2812, 2607, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 2694, 1585, 1585, 4001, 1157, 3737, 3945, 4903, 2770, 2770, 2731, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 884, 4409, 3040, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4420, 2607, 3106, 840, 1883, 247, 247, 172, 2117, 45, 1346, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 2863, 1766, 1766, 579, 179, 763, 763, 763, 763, 4870, 172, 172, 1074, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1132, 2888, 1827, 2894, 2894, 2894, 2894, 3874, 4809, 4960, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 814, 311, 311, 587, 3485, 3485, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2158, 3612, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 274, 1041, 4101, 4911, 13, 1347, 4307, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1290, 3455, 3455, 3455, 3957, 4360, 4360, 4360, 4360, 4360, 1418, 1418, 153, 153, 1248, 2427, 931, 555, 555, 1496, 1496, 2250, 255, 4006, 4420, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6011764705882352, 1.0420392156862746, 1.2825098039215685, 1.5630588235294116, 1.7834901960784313, 1.963843137254902, 2.4447843137254903, 2.605098039215686, 2.7654117647058825, 3.066, 3.186235294117647, 3.5870196078431373, 4.2483137254901955, 4.588980392156863, 5.089960784313726, 5.250274509803921, 5.370509803921568, 5.751254901960784, 6.091921568627451, 6.392509803921568, 6.512745098039216, 7.113921568627451, 7.815294117647059, 8.155960784313725, 8.296235294117647, 8.57678431372549, 8.977568627450982, 9.37835294117647 ]
[ 0.6011764705882352, 1.0420392156862746, 1.2825098039215685, 1.5630588235294116, 1.7834901960784313, 1.963843137254902, 2.4447843137254903, 2.605098039215686, 2.7654117647058825, 3.066, 3.186235294117647, 3.5870196078431373, 4.2483137254901955, 4.588980392156863, 5.089960784313726, 5.250274509803921, 5.370509803921568, 5.751254901960784, 6.091921568627451, 6.392509803921568, 6.512745098039216, 7.113921568627451, 7.815294117647059, 8.155960784313725, 8.296235294117647, 8.57678431372549, 8.977568627450982, 9.37835294117647, 10.199960784313726 ]
giving me abundant supplies of all kinds and more especially heavy ordnance necessary for the reduction of savannah i have already received guns that can cast heavy and destructive shot as far as the heart of your city
[ "giving", "me", "abundant", "supplies", "of", "all", "kinds", "and", "more", "especially", "heavy", "ordnance", "necessary", "for", "the", "reduction", "of", "savannah", "i", "have", "already", "received", "guns", "that", "can", "cast", "heavy", "and", "destructive", "shot", "as", "far", "as", "the", "heart", "of", "your", "city" ]
[ "giving", "me", "abundant", "supplies", "of", "all", "kinds", "and", "more", "especially", "heavy", "ordnance", "necessary", "for", "the", "reduction", "of", "savannah", "i", "have", "already", "received", "guns", "that", "can", "cast", "heavy", "and", "destructive", "shot", "as", "far", "as", "the", "heart", "of", "your", "city" ]
[ "g i v i n g", "m e", "a b u n d a n t", "s u p p l i e s", "o f", "a l l", "k i n d s", "a n d", "m o r e", "e s p e c i a l l y", "h e a v y", "o r d n a n c e", "n e c e s s a r y", "f o r", "t h e", "r e d u c t i o n", "o f", "s a v a n n a h", "i", "h a v e", "a l r e a d y", "r e c e i v e d", "g u n s", "t h a t", "c a n", "c a s t", "h e a v y", "a n d", "d e s t r u c t i v e", "s h o t", "a s", "f a r", "a s", "t h e", "h e a r t", "o f", "y o u r", "c i t y" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 3409, 75, 4420, 2001, 1787, 41, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 3056, 3094, 3637, 3637, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 3768, 2170, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 4850, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3165, 1060, 3327, 894, 1373, 4427, 4715, 4715, 4715, 4715, 496, 2469, 2682, 2811, 4971, 4971, 3951, 3951, 2072, 4994, 4739, 760, 1010, 1010, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2261, 3170, 4932, 263, 4075, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 1473, 4499, 1764, 1216, 4433, 4260, 606, 2446, 1493, 2997, 2744, 161, 2271, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 4905, 1694, 581, 628, 560, 3718, 3387, 3873, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 809, 4655, 2292, 32, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 4276, 586, 1252, 4243, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 3844, 3268, 193, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 1634, 4192, 2612, 1014, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 2524, 3877, 3566, 829, 829, 1001, 4876, 158, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3967, 2504, 603, 4433, 3061, 3061, 4252, 1218, 1218, 1218, 4809, 1112, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 4324, 587, 4911, 4911, 13, 1007, 3934, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1562, 1745, 4101, 2478, 1687, 1889, 534, 4918, 3007, 4016, 4016, 1231, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4736, 4597, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 1559, 4519, 4519, 596, 3285, 3285, 3285, 1374, 624, 1834, 3989, 3411, 3411, 3863, 480, 1693, 1693, 2142, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 4697, 1564, 655, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 1564, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1041, 4101, 3293, 563, 526, 526, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2864, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 1617, 4055, 3496, 3496, 902, 1528, 1528, 1528, 1528, 4076, 1328, 1328, 1152, 3223, 556, 556, 556, 18, 419, 1840, 4392, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 4401, 193, 1915, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 710, 4420, 981, 30, 30, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3202, 3202, 3166, 1601, 2184, 316, 101, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 1773, 4917, 931, 610, 588, 4420, 2699, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 140, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 794, 794, 109, 109, 857, 4770, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 2744, 701, 161, 2271, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 241, 3836, 1449, 2603, 1988, 2598, 2598, 2598, 2598, 216, 4390, 357, 357, 4101, 4101, 1074, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 3210, 1417, 1564, 1010, 3914, 552, 620, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4619, 4619, 2248, 1407, 1407, 1534, 4454, 3972, 3545, 213, 628, 2272, 3070, 3070, 2399, 2399, 2399, 2399, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2177, 3034, 809, 4655, 2292, 1216, 4247, 2938, 2938, 949, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2969, 2969, 4587, 2559, 560, 1539, 4729, 4729, 4729, 3790, 253, 488, 2099, 4591, 894, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 2386, 2386, 2386, 2386, 2386, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 4440, 515, 3362, 894, 1659, 1149, 1007, 3934, 3934, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1274, 1274, 3094, 1788, 301, 1562, 1745, 4946, 4850, 2443, 4317, 3136, 4381, 4381, 2479, 1461, 2838, 2410, 3925, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4433, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 2933, 1163, 1163, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 3466, 316, 316, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 897, 897, 642, 642, 705, 705, 705, 705, 59, 59, 59, 290, 421, 131, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 72, 234, 1400, 72, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2834, 3292, 3292, 3292, 3541, 3976, 4969, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 43, 2595, 1180, 1180, 1180, 1180, 1180, 1180, 1653, 1653, 385, 385, 3050, 3050, 1492, 197, 2834, 1759, 1759, 1759, 659, 176, 4050, 4969, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 4816, 4816, 2412, 13, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 2914, 2914, 2121, 290, 421, 3249, 743, 4571, 4944, 64, 1776, 1776, 1512, 2997, 1601, 4567, 2867, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 3596, 8, 2956, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4876, 1069, 1069, 3505, 620, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 2811, 4390, 357, 357, 1848, 1848, 3843, 3843, 2689, 884, 1248, 4409, 4409, 610, 4276, 1704, 1081, 255, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4402964959568734, 0.5603773584905661, 1.0807277628032346, 1.6411051212938008, 1.7811994609164423, 1.9813342318059302, 2.64177897574124, 2.941981132075472, 3.162129380053909, 3.8425876010781677, 4.182816711590297, 4.80323450134771, 5.483692722371969, 5.703840970350405, 5.843935309973047, 6.724528301886793, 7.124797843665769, 8.005390835579515, 8.325606469002697, 8.505727762803236, 8.926010781671161, 9.506401617250674, 9.886657681940703, 10.08679245283019, 10.286927223719678, 10.707210242587601, 11.027425876010783, 11.207547169811322, 11.867991913746634, 12.368328840970353, 12.708557951482483, 13.048787061994611, 13.248921832884099, 13.409029649595688, 13.729245283018871, 13.90936657681941, 14.109501347708896 ]
[ 0.4402964959568734, 0.5603773584905661, 1.0807277628032346, 1.6411051212938008, 1.7811994609164423, 1.9813342318059302, 2.64177897574124, 2.941981132075472, 3.162129380053909, 3.8425876010781677, 4.182816711590297, 4.80323450134771, 5.483692722371969, 5.703840970350405, 5.843935309973047, 6.724528301886793, 7.124797843665769, 8.005390835579515, 8.325606469002697, 8.505727762803236, 8.926010781671161, 9.506401617250674, 9.886657681940703, 10.08679245283019, 10.286927223719678, 10.707210242587601, 11.027425876010783, 11.207547169811322, 11.867991913746634, 12.368328840970353, 12.708557951482483, 13.048787061994611, 13.248921832884099, 13.409029649595688, 13.729245283018871, 13.90936657681941, 14.109501347708896, 14.829986522911053 ]
i supposed as a matter of course that a fleet of vessels would soon pour in ready to convey the army to virginia and as general grant's orders contemplated my leaving the cavalry trains and artillery behind
[ "i", "supposed", "as", "a", "matter", "of", "course", "that", "a", "fleet", "of", "vessels", "would", "soon", "pour", "in", "ready", "to", "convey", "the", "army", "to", "virginia", "and", "as", "general", "grant's", "orders", "contemplated", "my", "leaving", "the", "cavalry", "trains", "and", "artillery", "behind" ]
[ "i", "supposed", "as", "a", "matter", "of", "course", "that", "a", "fleet", "of", "vessels", "would", "soon", "pour", "in", "ready", "to", "convey", "the", "army", "to", "virginia", "and", "as", "general", "grant's", "orders", "contemplated", "my", "leaving", "the", "cavalry", "trains", "and", "artillery", "behind" ]
[ "i", "s u p p o s e d", "a s", "a", "m a t t e r", "o f", "c o u r s e", "t h a t", "a", "f l e e t", "o f", "v e s s e l s", "w o u l d", "s o o n", "p o u r", "i n", "r e a d y", "t o", "c o n v e y", "t h e", "a r m y", "t o", "v i r g i n i a", "a n d", "a s", "g e n e r a l", "g r a n t ' s", "o r d e r s", "c o n t e m p l a t e d", "m y", "l e a v i n g", "t h e", "c a v a l r y", "t r a i n s", "a n d", "a r t i l l e r y", "b e h i n d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 524, 312, 4321, 30, 794, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 1417, 1564, 1010, 3914, 4721, 1746, 1746, 750, 2261, 4643, 2973, 1082, 1530, 1530, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 847, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3559, 4594, 4301, 4301, 4301, 3362, 4995, 1365, 4944, 2834, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 296, 296, 4607, 4607, 546, 432, 2816, 4493, 308, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 789, 789, 4515, 1358, 3177, 3840, 4106, 4106, 3417, 966, 2464, 4526, 384, 2184, 2277, 2277, 917, 2933, 310, 1579, 1371, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2310, 2848, 1869, 2640, 3530, 1564, 3954, 3294, 2324, 1203, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 1795, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1529, 4073, 2660, 546, 432, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1350, 1878, 3249, 2140, 4952, 2723, 2464, 2464, 384, 3652, 3878, 894, 3612, 3609, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 858, 4708, 2963, 4433, 121, 655, 4372, 776, 776, 2053, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1216, 296, 4599, 2186, 551, 4807, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 2199, 2951, 4523, 1564, 3914, 552, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 3755, 3764, 522, 522, 830, 4591, 381, 3170, 1082, 2758, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2837, 2787, 2787, 908, 385, 3417, 3445, 3618, 3618, 4197, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1357, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 1586, 331, 3547, 2888, 1988, 2598, 2598, 2598, 2598, 2598, 216, 4390, 357, 1848, 4101, 4202, 2183, 2559, 3026, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1999, 2533, 1000, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 4418, 856, 3878, 2158, 3609, 3372, 4198, 4198, 550, 550, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 2924, 1414, 165, 832, 1064, 100, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 534, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4788, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 1745, 4101, 4202, 3249, 270, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 1677, 952, 2868, 3727, 3727, 3727, 1288, 1617, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 4022, 496, 1548, 1548, 2485, 2070, 2070, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 2358, 20, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 72, 140, 140, 4796, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 3844, 1436, 3268, 4321, 2933, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4105, 4105, 4105, 591, 1226, 1226, 4489, 209, 3034, 3980, 2513, 894, 4713, 175, 4890, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 4050, 4969, 1139, 84, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 36, 1187, 4753, 777, 41, 126, 1801, 1801, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3730, 200, 913, 1585, 1585, 445, 3711, 1899, 3411, 2940, 3404, 2330, 534, 4918, 3007, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 2121, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3177, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 525, 1764, 4050, 4433, 2019, 213, 3766, 560, 3718, 256, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 4116, 1447, 1830, 1356, 573, 573, 818, 3563, 4508, 4591, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 3249, 2415, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 2014, 843, 46, 1014, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 429, 49, 1170, 4588, 1430, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4196, 4406, 1788, 3637, 501, 473, 473, 2379, 3771, 4820, 2566, 4141, 3102, 3513, 124, 2, 581, 2933, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 1274, 3094, 3094, 4264, 4264, 2053, 2053, 36, 1187, 3427, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 311, 311, 884, 884, 3485, 2852, 2852, 1435, 1435, 4420, 1784, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 529, 529, 262, 262, 1882, 809, 4655, 2292, 32, 296, 872, 1365, 245, 1, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1226, 1461, 2838, 604, 1634, 4571, 4355, 2557, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2956, 4018, 1623, 1623, 628, 1781, 136, 2260, 3498, 4220, 4220, 4220, 1437, 317, 2583, 4930, 3620, 3620, 4731, 4731, 3884, 3884, 27, 1983, 1418, 4101, 182, 3431, 2741, 1908, 1257, 4593, 4593, 4593, 4593, 2412, 13, 1347, 4307, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 3034, 4210, 4394, 412, 4497, 2205, 142, 588, 4420, 3808, 92, 1252, 329, 329, 234, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.40057471264367817, 1.1216091954022989, 1.3419252873563217, 1.4220402298850574, 1.7424999999999997, 1.8626724137931032, 2.383419540229885, 2.603735632183908, 2.6838505747126433, 3.004310344827586, 3.1244827586206894, 3.665258620689655, 3.865545977011494, 4.1659770114942525, 4.5264942528735626, 4.967126436781609, 5.427787356321838, 5.58801724137931, 6.028649425287355, 6.208908045977011, 6.549396551724137, 6.689597701149425, 7.530804597701149, 8.05155172413793, 8.231810344827585, 8.61235632183908, 9.03295977011494, 9.473591954022988, 10.234683908045977, 10.434971264367816, 10.775459770114942, 10.91566091954023, 11.596637931034483, 12.197499999999998, 12.417816091954021, 13.058735632183907 ]
[ 0.40057471264367817, 1.1216091954022989, 1.3419252873563217, 1.4220402298850574, 1.7424999999999997, 1.8626724137931032, 2.383419540229885, 2.603735632183908, 2.6838505747126433, 3.004310344827586, 3.1244827586206894, 3.665258620689655, 3.865545977011494, 4.1659770114942525, 4.5264942528735626, 4.967126436781609, 5.427787356321838, 5.58801724137931, 6.028649425287355, 6.208908045977011, 6.549396551724137, 6.689597701149425, 7.530804597701149, 8.05155172413793, 8.231810344827585, 8.61235632183908, 9.03295977011494, 9.473591954022988, 10.234683908045977, 10.434971264367816, 10.775459770114942, 10.91566091954023, 11.596637931034483, 12.197499999999998, 12.417816091954021, 13.058735632183907, 13.919971264367813 ]
major general w t sherman commanding federal forces near savannah georgia general i have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you of this date in which you demand the surrender of savannah and its dependent forts
[ "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "commanding", "federal", "forces", "near", "savannah", "georgia", "general", "i", "have", "to", "acknowledge", "the", "receipt", "of", "a", "communication", "from", "you", "of", "this", "date", "in", "which", "you", "demand", "the", "surrender", "of", "savannah", "and", "its", "dependent", "forts" ]
[ "major", "general", "w", "t", "sherman", "commanding", "federal", "forces", "near", "savannah", "georgia", "general", "i", "have", "to", "acknowledge", "the", "receipt", "of", "a", "communication", "from", "you", "of", "this", "date", "in", "which", "you", "demand", "the", "surrender", "of", "savannah", "and", "its", "dependent", "forts" ]
[ "m a j o r", "g e n e r a l", "w", "t", "s h e r m a n", "c o m m a n d i n g", "f e d e r a l", "f o r c e s", "n e a r", "s a v a n n a h", "g e o r g i a", "g e n e r a l", "i", "h a v e", "t o", "a c k n o w l e d g e", "t h e", "r e c e i p t", "o f", "a", "c o m m u n i c a t i o n", "f r o m", "y o u", "o f", "t h i s", "d a t e", "i n", "w h i c h", "y o u", "d e m a n d", "t h e", "s u r r e n d e r", "o f", "s a v a n n a h", "a n d", "i t s", "d e p e n d e n t", "f o r t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2725, 4321, 2001, 2767, 2767, 308, 939, 4089, 4089, 4089, 4089, 3413, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 1775, 4239, 1975, 1288, 4018, 3049, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 1548, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 3758, 3049, 433, 2231, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 2283, 1632, 3606, 3606, 3606, 3775, 260, 2183, 628, 270, 136, 2260, 3922, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2081, 438, 2622, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 425, 4267, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 1438, 1260, 1260, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 3896, 3896, 1435, 193, 2933, 560, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 4493, 308, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 913, 1390, 463, 3793, 2682, 104, 2219, 2402, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 2605, 3771, 50, 4120, 623, 104, 43, 671, 4916, 4916, 4916, 4916, 2930, 2199, 2519, 2519, 3045, 3045, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1177, 3232, 1815, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 2310, 2310, 2848, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 1764, 3786, 4247, 1693, 1693, 3770, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 8, 3408, 2542, 1417, 1564, 3914, 4721, 947, 947, 4572, 3497, 952, 2868, 3372, 3728, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 431, 431, 3520, 223, 223, 4018, 3049, 894, 3138, 286, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2310, 2310, 2121, 514, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 4917, 4917, 610, 627, 555, 588, 1375, 4420, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 4823, 72, 140, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 72, 3, 3, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 852, 1436, 2677, 4321, 2850, 4941, 2001, 1787, 5, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 3679, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 4357, 668, 668, 391, 391, 391, 4917, 4917, 730, 4276, 403, 2250, 3075, 2135, 3458, 3075, 3075, 3075, 4420, 3075, 4125, 4420, 2281, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 4911, 13, 1007, 395, 3939, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 4484, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2559, 1058, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 1628, 2222, 801, 801, 265, 1160, 1412, 1412, 268, 3770, 3041, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 1197, 3719, 3719, 4136, 2582, 2060, 3442, 4797, 2103, 2103, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 3513, 4354, 1449, 1330, 937, 4988, 127, 713, 1417, 1564, 1010, 3914, 552, 620, 2757, 2757, 2757, 1013, 1350, 246, 421, 754, 883, 2723, 1512, 1512, 2997, 701, 1567, 546, 95, 2, 91, 3766, 1000, 434, 434, 2733, 2733, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 839, 1005, 3096, 4606, 3006, 91, 628, 4633, 3112, 181, 181, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4780, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 3122, 2649, 2649, 522, 2435, 50, 1368, 4635, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 3216, 2485, 2867, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4669, 401, 1628, 3607, 1971, 1493, 1493, 3869, 3315, 199, 4055, 165, 138, 4490, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 1031, 1564, 462, 1139, 84, 2607, 2231, 1283, 1690, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 3373, 421, 142, 20, 2933, 4665, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 3867, 1949, 712, 3123, 954, 4014, 56, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 3249, 358, 18, 2858, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 260, 1367, 894, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 4684, 2816, 4493, 202, 939, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 4822, 2451, 4489, 1390, 209, 3034, 37, 2513, 4055, 4192, 455, 455, 2425, 437, 424, 1448, 3513, 3513, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 4572, 3561, 593, 1449, 1827, 1988, 2710, 2510, 2510, 1331, 496, 2469, 2682, 1771, 4897, 4897, 4106, 4106, 3417, 966, 1971, 4526, 4526, 384, 316, 1417, 4433, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 4572, 4572, 3497, 952, 4055, 2868, 3372, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 4404, 913, 913, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 740, 3050, 1492, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 1634, 4226, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3411, 3411, 1139, 2933, 1641, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 750, 628, 2973, 2973, 1119, 4605, 4605, 4605, 4605, 4605, 496, 2854, 3793, 2682, 2682, 4971, 4971, 4971, 3951, 3951, 2072, 4994, 4994, 4587, 1368, 4120, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1871, 908, 2310, 2310, 290, 445, 538, 538, 3773, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 193, 3557, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5603840877914952, 1.0807407407407406, 1.260864197530864, 1.4209739368998628, 2.0413991769547324, 2.761893004115226, 3.1621673525377227, 3.6424965706447185, 3.842633744855967, 4.362990397805213, 5.203566529492455, 6.284307270233196, 6.564499314128943, 6.804663923182441, 6.944759945130315, 7.525157750342935, 7.665253772290809, 8.065528120713306, 8.185610425240055, 8.245651577503429, 9.086227709190672, 9.346406035665293, 9.546543209876543, 9.686639231824417, 9.946817558299038, 10.427146776406035, 10.687325102880656, 10.90747599451303, 11.02755829903978, 11.56792866941015, 11.748052126200273, 12.228381344307268, 12.368477366255144, 12.96888888888889, 13.169026063100137, 13.34914951989026, 13.949561042524005 ]
[ 0.5603840877914952, 1.0807407407407406, 1.260864197530864, 1.4209739368998628, 2.0413991769547324, 2.761893004115226, 3.1621673525377227, 3.6424965706447185, 3.842633744855967, 4.362990397805213, 5.203566529492455, 6.284307270233196, 6.564499314128943, 6.804663923182441, 6.944759945130315, 7.525157750342935, 7.665253772290809, 8.065528120713306, 8.185610425240055, 8.245651577503429, 9.086227709190672, 9.346406035665293, 9.546543209876543, 9.686639231824417, 9.946817558299038, 10.427146776406035, 10.687325102880656, 10.90747599451303, 11.02755829903978, 11.56792866941015, 11.748052126200273, 12.228381344307268, 12.368477366255144, 12.96888888888889, 13.169026063100137, 13.34914951989026, 13.949561042524005, 14.569986282578874 ]
there was nothing in his power he said which he would not do to assist us to make our campaign absolutely successful he undertook at once to find vessels of light draught to carry our supplies from port royal to cheeves's mill
[ "there", "was", "nothing", "in", "his", "power", "he", "said", "which", "he", "would", "not", "do", "to", "assist", "us", "to", "make", "our", "campaign", "absolutely", "successful", "he", "undertook", "at", "once", "to", "find", "vessels", "of", "light", "draught", "to", "carry", "our", "supplies", "from", "port", "royal", "to", "cheeves's", "mill" ]
[ "there", "was", "nothing", "in", "his", "power", "he", "said", "which", "he", "would", "not", "do", "to", "assist", "us", "to", "make", "our", "campaign", "absolutely", "successful", "he", "undertook", "at", "once", "to", "find", "vessels", "of", "light", "draught", "to", "carry", "our", "supplies", "from", "port", "royal", "to", "cheeves's", "mill" ]
[ "t h e r e", "w a s", "n o t h i n g", "i n", "h i s", "p o w e r", "h e", "s a i d", "w h i c h", "h e", "w o u l d", "n o t", "d o", "t o", "a s s i s t", "u s", "t o", "m a k e", "o u r", "c a m p a i g n", "a b s o l u t e l y", "s u c c e s s f u l", "h e", "u n d e r t o o k", "a t", "o n c e", "t o", "f i n d", "v e s s e l s", "o f", "l i g h t", "d r a u g h t", "t o", "c a r r y", "o u r", "s u p p l i e s", "f r o m", "p o r t", "r o y a l", "t o", "c h e e v e s ' s", "m i l l" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 4420, 331, 1504, 4461, 379, 780, 4585, 4585, 579, 45, 179, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 3786, 480, 1693, 3770, 1299, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2574, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 2379, 4976, 435, 422, 284, 1446, 1270, 712, 2824, 2818, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3170, 1082, 1730, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4106, 1288, 3261, 1832, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 1166, 2622, 1914, 1564, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 3333, 1523, 1110, 4102, 2800, 3355, 2620, 2620, 2620, 56, 1876, 1876, 1876, 3009, 3009, 1974, 1974, 358, 1564, 1217, 1422, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 3649, 45, 1345, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 3962, 1895, 1895, 3770, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 4300, 1129, 1129, 2089, 104, 433, 2389, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2536, 2801, 1846, 4495, 2183, 2559, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 564, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 829, 1109, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 464, 3774, 3774, 3774, 4435, 3016, 237, 4440, 462, 2187, 3362, 368, 1641, 4576, 175, 2311, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 1238, 3530, 542, 1011, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 3844, 3844, 710, 2725, 4321, 1058, 1401, 885, 3490, 1720, 202, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 2663, 3249, 2313, 2313, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2956, 2956, 1694, 91, 2559, 4633, 678, 592, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 2629, 913, 1585, 4508, 4591, 2933, 2973, 2973, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 2160, 3159, 3159, 455, 758, 983, 1045, 2411, 2411, 3907, 2124, 2124, 2124, 2124, 4373, 3287, 3287, 3287, 760, 4876, 1010, 3914, 79, 2874, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3818, 3818, 1230, 2572, 2572, 2572, 2572, 2572, 3998, 3998, 2278, 2278, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 438, 1914, 4876, 1010, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 3241, 3241, 2701, 2279, 1010, 1010, 552, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 4708, 4697, 1564, 462, 462, 3838, 875, 2396, 497, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 413, 668, 668, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 4620, 730, 555, 1375, 4420, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 72, 3, 453, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4420, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1687, 1889, 1291, 493, 493, 493, 493, 2023, 2469, 2469, 2158, 1771, 503, 503, 1288, 1288, 4018, 1623, 894, 1781, 136, 4094, 4094, 4048, 4048, 4048, 4048, 2185, 3399, 3176, 381, 2313, 2313, 1842, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 2307, 1145, 3355, 1569, 1569, 2783, 2031, 2031, 2243, 2243, 2243, 2243, 3623, 3623, 3623, 1374, 3234, 1834, 3989, 4433, 3411, 6, 4229, 1058, 1401, 885, 1292, 1395, 3232, 563, 623, 43, 671, 1547, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4065, 1341, 1538, 314, 37, 2781, 3545, 607, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 2881, 4708, 2963, 655, 4372, 776, 776, 2053, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 296, 2906, 4260, 606, 2446, 2464, 169, 384, 1601, 1601, 4567, 4913, 4913, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 1236, 1173, 246, 3795, 1129, 1129, 2933, 1967, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 3253, 2625, 2625, 2625, 4939, 1303, 1303, 1303, 451, 2217, 4339, 4339, 4154, 894, 1659, 1806, 2508, 2508, 2508, 2852, 193, 1058, 1954, 885, 885, 1292, 3494, 91, 2933, 3766, 4633, 359, 359, 4365, 4365, 4365, 1489, 1489, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1034, 3168, 4317, 3487, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2956, 2956, 3408, 1417, 4876, 1010, 3914, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 2261, 1210, 2607, 3170, 4932, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 4499, 1764, 2091, 1564, 3294, 634, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 193, 785, 3106, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 4508, 4591, 894, 2973, 1082, 2758, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 1871, 2310, 2121, 1923, 3883, 1145, 1145, 1626, 1626, 2888, 52, 52, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 4875, 4875, 4992, 597, 597, 597, 2312, 2312, 2901, 36, 4808, 3758, 2183, 1623, 2933, 1058, 3076, 63, 665, 3857, 3857, 3857, 3857, 132, 4495, 2183, 381, 4291, 1902, 720, 736, 728, 1232, 1232, 1350, 1350, 1350, 4406, 3094, 1788, 301, 4400, 4400, 500, 3797, 3797, 2267, 1899, 4969, 4247, 3930, 4208, 1014, 4011, 308, 939, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 4401, 20, 193, 586, 1252, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.48031331592689297, 0.6204046997389034, 0.9606266318537859, 1.0606919060052218, 1.260822454308094, 1.641070496083551, 1.8011749347258486, 2.1614099216710185, 2.4616057441253263, 2.601697127937337, 2.8418537859007835, 3.102023498694517, 3.322167101827676, 3.5423107049608356, 4.062650130548303, 4.422885117493473, 4.683054830287206, 4.94322454308094, 5.103328981723238, 5.823798955613577, 6.624321148825065, 7.725039164490862, 8.185339425587467, 8.805744125326372, 9.045900783289817, 9.3861227154047, 9.506201044386424, 9.88644908616188, 10.366762402088773, 10.52686684073107, 10.867088772845953, 11.347402088772846, 11.527519582245432, 11.8877545691906, 12.087885117493473, 12.888407310704961, 13.208616187989557, 13.54883812010444, 13.989125326370758, 14.229281984334204, 14.749621409921671 ]
[ 0.46030026109660577, 0.6204046997389034, 0.9606266318537859, 1.0606919060052218, 1.260822454308094, 1.641070496083551, 1.8011749347258486, 2.1614099216710185, 2.4616057441253263, 2.601697127937337, 2.8418537859007835, 3.102023498694517, 3.322167101827676, 3.5423107049608356, 4.062650130548303, 4.422885117493473, 4.683054830287206, 4.94322454308094, 5.103328981723238, 5.823798955613577, 6.624321148825065, 7.725039164490862, 8.185339425587467, 8.805744125326372, 9.045900783289817, 9.3861227154047, 9.506201044386424, 9.88644908616188, 10.366762402088773, 10.52686684073107, 10.867088772845953, 11.347402088772846, 11.527519582245432, 11.8877545691906, 12.087885117493473, 12.888407310704961, 13.208616187989557, 13.54883812010444, 13.989125326370758, 14.229281984334204, 14.749621409921671, 15.309986945169712 ]
but i think faith in him is much shaken in georgia and before we have done with her south carolina will not be quite so tempestuous i will bear in mind your hint as to charleston and do not think salt will be necessary
[ "but", "i", "think", "faith", "in", "him", "is", "much", "shaken", "in", "georgia", "and", "before", "we", "have", "done", "with", "her", "south", "carolina", "will", "not", "be", "quite", "so", "tempestuous", "i", "will", "bear", "in", "mind", "your", "hint", "as", "to", "charleston", "and", "do", "not", "think", "salt", "will", "be", "necessary" ]
[ "but", "i", "think", "faith", "in", "him", "is", "much", "shaken", "in", "georgia", "and", "before", "we", "have", "done", "with", "her", "south", "carolina", "will", "not", "be", "quite", "so", "tempestuous", "i", "will", "bear", "in", "mind", "your", "hint", "as", "to", "charleston", "and", "do", "not", "think", "salt", "will", "be", "necessary" ]
[ "b u t", "i", "t h i n k", "f a i t h", "i n", "h i m", "i s", "m u c h", "s h a k e n", "i n", "g e o r g i a", "a n d", "b e f o r e", "w e", "h a v e", "d o n e", "w i t h", "h e r", "s o u t h", "c a r o l i n a", "w i l l", "n o t", "b e", "q u i t e", "s o", "t e m p e s t u o u s", "i", "w i l l", "b e a r", "i n", "m i n d", "y o u r", "h i n t", "a s", "t o", "c h a r l e s t o n", "a n d", "d o", "n o t", "t h i n k", "s a l t", "w i l l", "b e", "n e c e s s a r y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 193, 2933, 1018, 1389, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 2743, 1529, 350, 350, 332, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 1227, 2463, 104, 4466, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 3756, 4886, 3249, 1616, 4120, 3524, 2158, 671, 4953, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 3413, 4269, 246, 2998, 4966, 4433, 3891, 257, 422, 284, 1270, 1949, 3687, 2824, 4044, 2818, 1422, 2293, 2293, 4413, 4413, 4413, 353, 353, 2846, 2846, 2846, 2876, 3905, 3216, 3159, 1492, 3963, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4969, 4599, 4208, 1204, 4011, 148, 751, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 2448, 1056, 3249, 1974, 4797, 1217, 936, 1792, 4941, 2878, 171, 4433, 4507, 4783, 897, 3707, 3707, 3707, 3707, 3413, 2430, 1743, 3249, 1733, 903, 2679, 1540, 1540, 4741, 54, 366, 2707, 422, 422, 4856, 4856, 1949, 3832, 1185, 2410, 3925, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 1871, 2310, 2121, 2121, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 1484, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 140, 3913, 3913, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 312, 193, 981, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 108, 68, 4418, 4819, 1908, 3060, 2343, 2343, 2343, 3293, 1815, 1564, 2400, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 385, 172, 2117, 2117, 45, 45, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 4911, 4911, 4770, 889, 3939, 635, 635, 635, 4484, 2573, 3466, 3652, 2089, 381, 433, 2231, 1283, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 1942, 2177, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3284, 3284, 3691, 3691, 3204, 2783, 1284, 318, 4562, 4562, 2450, 2450, 540, 4433, 2035, 1785, 1149, 1255, 1255, 1337, 4199, 4199, 4199, 4199, 4199, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1426, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 3422, 1472, 388, 388, 3388, 4420, 1151, 1151, 372, 2404, 1332, 2110, 3914, 2704, 190, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 2709, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 213, 2607, 3766, 4633, 708, 359, 359, 1489, 1489, 123, 3558, 2749, 4395, 1072, 1072, 3818, 4588, 227, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 4065, 1341, 69, 3613, 431, 431, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3040, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 2725, 4321, 924, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3299, 2008, 411, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2029, 743, 3895, 1897, 2933, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1999, 581, 581, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 495, 1236, 2122, 3795, 2869, 1152, 2951, 4523, 1564, 2110, 2110, 79, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 4495, 2183, 1623, 628, 1781, 2657, 3498, 3585, 3585, 2057, 3563, 4508, 4591, 628, 3170, 1644, 1119, 2803, 2803, 90, 90, 93, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 4270, 4270, 4270, 614, 3311, 460, 3870, 3870, 3870, 3810, 3810, 4087, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4899, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4433, 2898, 621, 621, 881, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4, 2756, 3993, 3993, 87, 87, 87, 87, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 72, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 453, 3673, 3673, 3673, 3673, 852, 3268, 1066, 4420, 30, 30, 30, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 1847, 2301, 2478, 3649, 45, 1346, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1187, 1591, 3327, 104, 1373, 394, 3932, 3932, 3932, 3932, 4861, 4861, 3417, 966, 3877, 3564, 4856, 4856, 3687, 704, 74, 202, 148, 995, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 4657, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 314, 2485, 2867, 992, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 8, 2956, 3261, 13, 3349, 1007, 3934, 1425, 1425, 1425, 1425, 1331, 2549, 1374, 1374, 1709, 894, 743, 4571, 1842, 2834, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 4050, 1564, 6, 1139, 1641, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 1623, 381, 4291, 720, 4522, 1317, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 1859, 4942, 2879, 3324, 3324, 2901, 2901, 683, 683, 4440, 4440, 2187, 242, 242, 2751, 4206, 4206, 4206, 1379, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 3159, 3284, 758, 1492, 781, 4112, 108, 108, 1461, 2838, 4108, 2410, 433, 2389, 1587, 1587, 1587, 1587, 1927, 1559, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 571, 4587, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 3756, 2489, 4886, 3249, 935, 1616, 455, 2800, 1795, 2268, 1655, 1696, 133, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2743, 2068, 1588, 2951, 4523, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 2568, 3219, 1062, 1062, 1062, 1062, 4524, 2239, 381, 743, 1806, 798, 3355, 4807, 4807, 3570, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3431, 3327, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1658, 3471, 1559, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 3016, 2963, 4433, 655, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 1564, 121, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 123, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1418, 153, 153, 1248, 4409, 931, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 1081, 329, 4787, 2819, 4420, 1387, 1387, 1387, 4420, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4202651515151515, 0.5403409090909091, 0.8005050505050506, 1.140719696969697, 1.2808080808080808, 1.5809974747474749, 1.7811237373737374, 2.1013257575757573, 2.581628787878788, 2.741729797979798, 3.442171717171717, 3.7823863636363635, 4.182638888888889, 4.342739898989899, 4.602904040404041, 4.943118686868687, 5.223295454545455, 5.683585858585858, 6.163888888888889, 6.944381313131314, 7.264583333333333, 7.504734848484849, 7.644823232323232, 8.065088383838384, 8.265214646464647, 9.726136363636364, 10.266477272727272, 10.486616161616162, 10.726767676767677, 10.846843434343434, 11.18705808080808, 11.387184343434344, 11.707386363636363, 11.927525252525253, 12.067613636363635, 12.788068181818183, 12.968181818181819, 13.088257575757575, 13.348421717171718, 13.828724747474748, 14.389078282828283, 14.609217171717171, 14.72929292929293 ]
[ 0.4202651515151515, 0.5403409090909091, 0.8005050505050506, 1.140719696969697, 1.2808080808080808, 1.5809974747474749, 1.7811237373737374, 2.1013257575757573, 2.581628787878788, 2.741729797979798, 3.442171717171717, 3.7823863636363635, 4.182638888888889, 4.342739898989899, 4.602904040404041, 4.943118686868687, 5.223295454545455, 5.683585858585858, 6.163888888888889, 6.944381313131314, 7.264583333333333, 7.504734848484849, 7.644823232323232, 8.065088383838384, 8.265214646464647, 9.726136363636364, 10.266477272727272, 10.486616161616162, 10.726767676767677, 10.846843434343434, 11.18705808080808, 11.387184343434344, 11.707386363636363, 11.927525252525253, 12.067613636363635, 12.788068181818183, 12.968181818181819, 13.088257575757575, 13.348421717171718, 13.828724747474748, 14.389078282828283, 14.609217171717171, 14.72929292929293, 15.829987373737374 ]
the wagon-trains had the right to the road always but each wagon was required to keep closed up so as to leave no gaps in the column if for any purpose any wagon or group of wagons dropped out of place they had to wait for the rear
[ "the", "wagon-trains", "had", "the", "right", "to", "the", "road", "always", "but", "each", "wagon", "was", "required", "to", "keep", "closed", "up", "so", "as", "to", "leave", "no", "gaps", "in", "the", "column", "if", "for", "any", "purpose", "any", "wagon", "or", "group", "of", "wagons", "dropped", "out", "of", "place", "they", "had", "to", "wait", "for", "the", "rear" ]
[ "the", "wagon-trains", "had", "the", "right", "to", "the", "road", "always", "but", "each", "wagon", "was", "required", "to", "keep", "closed", "up", "so", "as", "to", "leave", "no", "gaps", "in", "the", "column", "if", "for", "any", "purpose", "any", "wagon", "or", "group", "of", "wagons", "dropped", "out", "of", "place", "they", "had", "to", "wait", "for", "the", "rear" ]
[ "t h e", "w a g o n t r a i n s", "h a d", "t h e", "r i g h t", "t o", "t h e", "r o a d", "a l w a y s", "b u t", "e a c h", "w a g o n", "w a s", "r e q u i r e d", "t o", "k e e p", "c l o s e d", "u p", "s o", "a s", "t o", "l e a v e", "n o", "g a p s", "i n", "t h e", "c o l u m n", "i f", "f o r", "a n y", "p u r p o s e", "a n y", "w a g o n", "o r", "g r o u p", "o f", "w a g o n s", "d r o p p e d", "o u t", "o f", "p l a c e", "t h e y", "h a d", "t o", "w a i t", "f o r", "t h e", "r e a r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 4420, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 2059, 4725, 1346, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 428, 4439, 4741, 54, 3687, 4108, 1546, 270, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 4271, 529, 3171, 1882, 4655, 2292, 296, 65, 1785, 1149, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2014, 12, 2559, 2566, 4141, 3513, 2059, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 1236, 2122, 518, 421, 2607, 1725, 4792, 4792, 2508, 2508, 1058, 63, 63, 3419, 3419, 3857, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 4194, 1476, 1476, 1476, 869, 1296, 1110, 754, 4571, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 2525, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 241, 3456, 3456, 2013, 2013, 2013, 4714, 2158, 1044, 1044, 3425, 3425, 3425, 3425, 3425, 2565, 3173, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 2091, 1564, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 1252, 1252, 3046, 4787, 3141, 3141, 3141, 3401, 3401, 1254, 72, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 4420, 2933, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 1529, 350, 3441, 3441, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1974, 358, 1217, 1217, 3629, 1569, 1345, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3879, 3879, 428, 428, 4439, 2626, 1379, 54, 2160, 3123, 954, 4014, 1346, 4807, 4144, 1613, 373, 2335, 2713, 3786, 4433, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 91, 581, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 259, 2908, 2908, 1342, 1342, 1342, 4419, 2730, 2730, 3938, 3938, 3938, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1172, 936, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 4941, 974, 1784, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 3494, 91, 581, 894, 4633, 678, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 3209, 3209, 3737, 1721, 4903, 4485, 2852, 974, 310, 3317, 305, 305, 3701, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 2797, 1476, 1476, 3742, 1293, 4594, 4301, 4301, 1631, 3362, 4995, 4576, 3090, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 4385, 4385, 1761, 4675, 1721, 2436, 936, 936, 4941, 2404, 101, 1564, 3914, 79, 446, 446, 446, 3128, 201, 1628, 3607, 3487, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 3578, 4050, 1564, 6, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1170, 1607, 4588, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 2248, 2248, 3466, 2020, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 1193, 2768, 4753, 777, 894, 1223, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3375, 119, 119, 1930, 4385, 1761, 1152, 4421, 2354, 2354, 4266, 2213, 4260, 422, 1270, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 10, 124, 91, 628, 560, 3718, 3873, 3873, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 317, 1197, 1197, 1590, 1590, 990, 990, 2876, 2876, 1225, 1225, 2039, 4401, 931, 588, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 4823, 140, 140, 140, 574, 3305, 72, 4796, 803, 453, 453, 23, 23, 2154, 3268, 2725, 4321, 2788, 4826, 3125, 1202, 474, 474, 474, 4159, 4159, 1271, 1300, 798, 936, 1792, 4658, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 172, 2325, 1889, 3441, 4967, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 2537, 4101, 182, 2753, 1210, 104, 2973, 452, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 4267, 251, 595, 2607, 1059, 2419, 4565, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 1238, 1238, 1031, 4433, 3954, 65, 872, 4944, 197, 3963, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 2537, 4101, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1346, 1851, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3879, 3879, 4124, 428, 4439, 4439, 1379, 54, 54, 2160, 2002, 758, 1492, 4326, 113, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2009, 4753, 4753, 3899, 104, 126, 4622, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4256, 44, 2462, 251, 628, 1059, 2419, 4263, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 4567, 4567, 396, 3700, 2668, 3651, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 428, 4439, 4439, 1379, 4532, 4532, 4655, 2292, 1216, 3411, 6, 1139, 84, 2607, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 2467, 3737, 2933, 1108, 1108, 4576, 299, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4515, 1358, 4073, 3827, 3827, 384, 965, 2277, 2277, 917, 193, 3170, 4932, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 1564, 3294, 1311, 634, 193, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 710, 2725, 2933, 1504, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 112, 1200, 104, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 3490, 2006, 4725, 4714, 1346, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 1086, 246, 3795, 1588, 3883, 2734, 4635, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 2864, 1307, 4416, 4141, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 3548, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 2358, 610, 610, 1915, 1081, 1081, 1081, 4787, 255, 3103, 3103, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3001898734177215, 1.0806835443037974, 1.2808101265822784, 1.4208987341772152, 1.801139240506329, 1.9612405063291136, 2.1213417721518986, 2.5015822784810124, 3.342113924050633, 3.762379746835443, 4.002531645569619, 4.42279746835443, 4.642936708860758, 5.343379746835442, 5.603544303797468, 5.903734177215189, 6.42406329113924, 6.724253164556962, 6.964405063291139, 7.204556962025316, 7.344645569620253, 7.644835443037974, 7.804936708860759, 8.245215189873417, 8.345278481012658, 8.465354430379746, 9.225835443037973, 9.686126582278481, 9.946291139240506, 10.166430379746835, 10.786822784810125, 11.026974683544301, 11.48726582278481, 11.667379746835442, 11.967569620253164, 12.1076582278481, 12.62798734177215, 12.988215189873417, 13.16832911392405, 13.288405063291139, 13.868772151898733, 14.168962025316453, 14.409113924050631, 14.54920253164557, 14.809367088607594, 14.989481012658228, 15.129569620253163 ]
[ 0.3001898734177215, 1.0806835443037974, 1.2808101265822784, 1.4208987341772152, 1.801139240506329, 1.9612405063291136, 2.1213417721518986, 2.5015822784810124, 3.342113924050633, 3.762379746835443, 4.002531645569619, 4.42279746835443, 4.642936708860758, 5.343379746835442, 5.603544303797468, 5.903734177215189, 6.42406329113924, 6.724253164556962, 6.964405063291139, 7.204556962025316, 7.344645569620253, 7.644835443037974, 7.804936708860759, 8.245215189873417, 8.345278481012658, 8.465354430379746, 9.225835443037973, 9.686126582278481, 9.946291139240506, 10.166430379746835, 10.786822784810125, 11.026974683544301, 11.48726582278481, 11.667379746835442, 11.967569620253164, 12.1076582278481, 12.62798734177215, 12.988215189873417, 13.16832911392405, 13.288405063291139, 13.868772151898733, 14.168962025316453, 14.409113924050631, 14.54920253164557, 14.809367088607594, 14.989481012658228, 15.129569620253163, 15.78998734177215 ]
on the twenty second of november general g w smith with a division of troops came out of mason attacked this brigade walcutt's in position and was handsomely repulsed and driven back into mason
[ "on", "the", "twenty", "second", "of", "november", "general", "g", "w", "smith", "with", "a", "division", "of", "troops", "came", "out", "of", "mason", "attacked", "this", "brigade", "walcutt's", "in", "position", "and", "was", "handsomely", "repulsed", "and", "driven", "back", "into", "mason" ]
[ "on", "the", "twenty", "second", "of", "november", "general", "g", "w", "smith", "with", "a", "division", "of", "troops", "came", "out", "of", "mason", "attacked", "this", "brigade", "walcutt's", "in", "position", "and", "was", "handsomely", "repulsed", "and", "driven", "back", "into", "mason" ]
[ "o n", "t h e", "t w e n t y", "s e c o n d", "o f", "n o v e m b e r", "g e n e r a l", "g", "w", "s m i t h", "w i t h", "a", "d i v i s i o n", "o f", "t r o o p s", "c a m e", "o u t", "o f", "m a s o n", "a t t a c k e d", "t h i s", "b r i g a d e", "w a l c u t t ' s", "i n", "p o s i t i o n", "a n d", "w a s", "h a n d s o m e l y", "r e p u l s e d", "a n d", "d r i v e n", "b a c k", "i n t o", "m a s o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 28, 4420, 981, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 4189, 3364, 4820, 3291, 3102, 2131, 3336, 944, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 4515, 1708, 4219, 2979, 3685, 3685, 2622, 1914, 158, 1010, 2704, 1608, 722, 722, 722, 722, 4076, 1743, 381, 1733, 2679, 2679, 3951, 2072, 339, 1709, 4713, 883, 2723, 2446, 4526, 169, 384, 1601, 2020, 1315, 411, 3041, 3286, 3286, 3798, 1193, 1677, 1928, 3612, 3609, 3372, 3250, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 516, 1695, 1695, 5, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 4234, 3049, 3049, 4055, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 2300, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 3758, 3049, 1568, 1967, 286, 728, 728, 728, 1232, 1350, 4202, 3665, 3496, 3496, 4068, 4068, 4068, 764, 2283, 1632, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3606, 3775, 3775, 2518, 260, 3408, 1417, 4876, 158, 9, 9, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 2990, 4338, 2678, 2678, 2678, 3137, 3137, 2226, 4966, 2035, 142, 2933, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4321, 924, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3833, 3540, 95, 1469, 1617, 3522, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 952, 4055, 2868, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 602, 4922, 4221, 4221, 1840, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 3398, 2707, 1971, 2464, 169, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 917, 4420, 974, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 1667, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 4345, 4345, 4345, 2462, 2808, 4675, 1152, 4421, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3954, 162, 2324, 798, 2852, 1829, 3766, 4633, 678, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 1030, 2641, 786, 1557, 299, 3734, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 4515, 1358, 4073, 3827, 3827, 384, 965, 2184, 2020, 2020, 1014, 202, 939, 2285, 4672, 4672, 4672, 3413, 1037, 1037, 2963, 1564, 121, 121, 655, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2649, 4844, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2933, 14, 1594, 1594, 3165, 3336, 628, 1781, 136, 2657, 2374, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 2547, 2547, 1328, 1108, 1108, 3972, 1806, 1806, 1806, 2938, 1795, 1795, 165, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 4433, 2940, 2821, 4241, 276, 2741, 1498, 4331, 4331, 4331, 2481, 1710, 894, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 4055, 4102, 154, 455, 936, 936, 1792, 1792, 4340, 1683, 29, 29, 2783, 1851, 882, 3823, 3823, 3823, 2755, 3092, 3092, 4905, 1694, 581, 2933, 3766, 3718, 2497, 2497, 4315, 4315, 4315, 4315, 1930, 3817, 3817, 445, 381, 538, 3773, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 72, 234, 532, 23, 2030, 710, 4321, 981, 4826, 4826, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 712, 3832, 1185, 830, 4591, 3170, 3407, 2828, 2828, 2828, 613, 613, 4424, 2345, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 1564, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 269, 4844, 3159, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 72, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 4105, 591, 1226, 4694, 604, 1634, 2190, 551, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 2713, 4969, 65, 1785, 1149, 1007, 1007, 3934, 1425, 1425, 1425, 913, 1585, 1164, 3149, 4351, 3989, 121, 4372, 4646, 990, 990, 375, 1295, 3529, 3529, 4119, 3100, 663, 663, 663, 2478, 1074, 135, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 2607, 3170, 1082, 1663, 116, 3935, 3935, 3935, 3935, 3935, 3219, 1062, 1062, 1062, 1062, 683, 3717, 4433, 1458, 2333, 3362, 368, 4995, 4944, 3143, 3136, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 2410, 3925, 1352, 1320, 3253, 4223, 4223, 4223, 3056, 3094, 1788, 2873, 1540, 54, 3687, 3123, 4819, 3925, 4055, 1373, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 96, 2547, 4012, 383, 628, 935, 2313, 422, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 104, 1058, 1843, 3595, 4057, 630, 1720, 1593, 202, 308, 939, 2285, 4672, 4672, 4672, 3413, 4269, 1037, 4853, 2963, 1564, 121, 655, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1521, 1379, 2288, 1979, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 588, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.32047128129602354, 0.44064801178203244, 0.7410898379970545, 1.1617083946980853, 1.3019145802650958, 1.9228276877761414, 2.4035346097201766, 2.6639175257731957, 2.964359351988218, 3.4650957290132545, 3.7855670103092782, 3.845655375552283, 4.326362297496318, 4.48659793814433, 5.02739322533137, 5.3278350515463915, 5.508100147275405, 5.628276877761413, 6.2491899852724595, 6.930191458026509, 7.1705449189985275, 7.871575846833579, 8.752871870397643, 9.053313696612665, 9.834462444771724, 10.17496318114875, 10.355228276877762, 10.936082474226803, 11.577025036818851, 11.71723122238586, 12.037702503681885, 12.398232695139912, 12.678645066273932 ]
[ 0.32047128129602354, 0.44064801178203244, 0.7410898379970545, 1.1617083946980853, 1.3019145802650958, 1.9228276877761414, 2.4035346097201766, 2.6639175257731957, 2.964359351988218, 3.4650957290132545, 3.7855670103092782, 3.845655375552283, 4.326362297496318, 4.48659793814433, 5.02739322533137, 5.3278350515463915, 5.508100147275405, 5.628276877761413, 6.2491899852724595, 6.930191458026509, 7.1705449189985275, 7.871575846833579, 8.752871870397643, 9.053313696612665, 9.834462444771724, 10.17496318114875, 10.355228276877762, 10.936082474226803, 11.577025036818851, 11.71723122238586, 12.037702503681885, 12.398232695139912, 12.678645066273932, 13.579970544918998 ]
in a well-ordered and well-disciplined army these things might be deemed irregular but i am convinced that the ingenuity of these younger officers accomplished many things far better than i could have ordered and the marches were thus made and the distances were accomplished in the most admirable way
[ "in", "a", "well-ordered", "and", "well-disciplined", "army", "these", "things", "might", "be", "deemed", "irregular", "but", "i", "am", "convinced", "that", "the", "ingenuity", "of", "these", "younger", "officers", "accomplished", "many", "things", "far", "better", "than", "i", "could", "have", "ordered", "and", "the", "marches", "were", "thus", "made", "and", "the", "distances", "were", "accomplished", "in", "the", "most", "admirable", "way" ]
[ "in", "a", "well-ordered", "and", "well-disciplined", "army", "these", "things", "might", "be", "deemed", "irregular", "but", "i", "am", "convinced", "that", "the", "ingenuity", "of", "these", "younger", "officers", "accomplished", "many", "things", "far", "better", "than", "i", "could", "have", "ordered", "and", "the", "marches", "were", "thus", "made", "and", "the", "distances", "were", "accomplished", "in", "the", "most", "admirable", "way" ]
[ "i n", "a", "w e l l o r d e r e d", "a n d", "w e l l d i s c i p l i n e d", "a r m y", "t h e s e", "t h i n g s", "m i g h t", "b e", "d e e m e d", "i r r e g u l a r", "b u t", "i", "a m", "c o n v i n c e d", "t h a t", "t h e", "i n g e n u i t y", "o f", "t h e s e", "y o u n g e r", "o f f i c e r s", "a c c o m p l i s h e d", "m a n y", "t h i n g s", "f a r", "b e t t e r", "t h a n", "i", "c o u l d", "h a v e", "o r d e r e d", "a n d", "t h e", "m a r c h e s", "w e r e", "t h u s", "m a d e", "a n d", "t h e", "d i s t a n c e s", "w e r e", "a c c o m p l i s h e d", "i n", "t h e", "m o s t", "a d m i r a b l e", "w a y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 1066, 4420, 2391, 4826, 3867, 1446, 1949, 366, 1790, 2660, 546, 546, 4725, 4714, 3326, 4477, 4553, 4553, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 3092, 3456, 1566, 4333, 4333, 822, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 3403, 4736, 1358, 3177, 4419, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1296, 42, 883, 1842, 3136, 2479, 1461, 1123, 2298, 4192, 3355, 1569, 4477, 1851, 4553, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 3092, 3456, 3758, 1367, 42, 2212, 837, 837, 618, 3016, 3626, 1564, 2905, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4962, 4231, 1724, 4932, 263, 3342, 2061, 2061, 4741, 54, 3687, 37, 2513, 2781, 2740, 822, 822, 2557, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 2914, 4788, 3231, 697, 4134, 4178, 4178, 4178, 1418, 3843, 3843, 153, 884, 2377, 3485, 3485, 3896, 1792, 1795, 4182, 3196, 4463, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 1293, 3626, 4433, 6, 2321, 2321, 2047, 2619, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 3931, 4848, 3660, 594, 594, 2292, 2292, 706, 4599, 4208, 1014, 436, 1134, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1173, 246, 1878, 1686, 3545, 3895, 2933, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 4202, 1367, 3326, 2212, 3853, 682, 682, 682, 682, 682, 1953, 2887, 1030, 1670, 1670, 4224, 4224, 2781, 4713, 175, 2762, 1845, 1845, 1845, 3836, 1449, 3476, 3476, 4191, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 3879, 3326, 189, 844, 844, 844, 3386, 3386, 3386, 4960, 4930, 4930, 4930, 4930, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 20, 2607, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 2725, 193, 1162, 1389, 125, 125, 1529, 4073, 3246, 2137, 2137, 2376, 857, 857, 857, 3168, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1174, 258, 2659, 2099, 55, 559, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 856, 856, 3878, 3326, 479, 3609, 3788, 3788, 3788, 4799, 4799, 1331, 2549, 1374, 3264, 3234, 1834, 3989, 4440, 1458, 2333, 3362, 4995, 1659, 455, 4941, 1795, 3196, 949, 1696, 133, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2068, 4300, 1129, 2933, 2047, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 2218, 4109, 2410, 2166, 3138, 3536, 3536, 4805, 4805, 4959, 4959, 2146, 42, 25, 4468, 4468, 4468, 4468, 2801, 1628, 4087, 3005, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1090, 1206, 1686, 3538, 1036, 1036, 1036, 2540, 4850, 4850, 2443, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 3350, 4463, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1293, 1293, 4221, 4671, 2867, 2775, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 3682, 1290, 3455, 2098, 2098, 2106, 3313, 3941, 2325, 2325, 2165, 534, 561, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 451, 1111, 3290, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 237, 4433, 121, 655, 4372, 4372, 3184, 3184, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 4499, 536, 706, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 72, 72, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 3268, 312, 2391, 30, 1594, 1594, 3165, 2, 628, 559, 3718, 3387, 256, 4996, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2820, 2473, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 4762, 1631, 1631, 4995, 1659, 2800, 2612, 3807, 1134, 2990, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 506, 506, 3722, 4101, 438, 1227, 2463, 1206, 2574, 2619, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 3931, 4848, 4848, 3660, 594, 594, 594, 2292, 706, 1564, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 1096, 3446, 2043, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 1653, 172, 2009, 1591, 3327, 381, 53, 394, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4515, 2355, 3177, 3840, 1975, 3941, 1854, 1307, 3350, 3196, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 293, 293, 2740, 2137, 2137, 2376, 1065, 857, 1847, 2301, 1999, 4305, 628, 559, 2080, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4868, 1529, 4073, 289, 2211, 2211, 2211, 3267, 2744, 701, 161, 822, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 3403, 2121, 2171, 2171, 42, 3177, 4897, 4419, 4419, 4419, 2730, 2730, 1296, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 4420, 2391, 4641, 1510, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2781, 4192, 455, 936, 4941, 1795, 3350, 4035, 492, 177, 4730, 436, 436, 1134, 995, 4842, 4842, 4842, 4842, 2914, 2121, 4513, 1657, 3646, 614, 3311, 3197, 1609, 1609, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 1764, 706, 706, 2186, 3629, 2833, 763, 763, 763, 3361, 2956, 1307, 1414, 3196, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 858, 4708, 3626, 4433, 462, 2940, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1134, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 3326, 4102, 455, 1365, 245, 1206, 781, 1097, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 3364, 4820, 2047, 4141, 10, 2131, 1617, 42, 2212, 3853, 4779, 4779, 4779, 4435, 3626, 1564, 2187, 55, 4092, 2751, 4294, 4294, 2072, 624, 277, 3919, 3989, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 1764, 1216, 706, 4599, 3629, 551, 4807, 763, 763, 763, 4870, 2524, 966, 3877, 4840, 3165, 3165, 91, 2607, 2933, 559, 3387, 256, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 4001, 1157, 595, 595, 2933, 2820, 1925, 263, 2473, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1984, 1984, 4433, 1631, 1631, 368, 142, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 4321, 2391, 4826, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 1282, 3918, 824, 824, 662, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 177, 2816, 436, 1134, 995, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 356, 2227, 3626, 515, 55, 4092, 4571, 2330, 1630, 1630, 2411, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 509, 2930, 2199, 1895, 46, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4306, 4306, 1820, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 1187, 22, 4714, 4714, 5, 1851, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 1248, 4917, 931, 627, 4276, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1496, 3103, 1618, 1618, 1486, 1486, 1486, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4802594594594594, 0.5402918918918919, 1.180637837837838, 1.3407243243243243, 2.141156756756757, 2.541372972972973, 2.941589189189189, 3.2817729729729725, 3.581935135135135, 3.7220108108108105, 4.1222270270270265, 4.922659459459459, 5.262843243243243, 5.382908108108108, 5.502972972972972, 6.18334054054054, 6.42347027027027, 6.583556756756757, 7.363978378378378, 7.504054054054054, 7.724172972972973, 8.084367567567567, 8.884799999999998, 9.685232432432432, 9.945372972972972, 10.38561081081081, 10.665762162162162, 10.965924324324323, 11.226064864864863, 11.34612972972973, 11.56624864864865, 11.726335135135134, 12.326659459459458, 12.786908108108108, 12.967005405405406, 13.487286486486486, 13.687394594594595, 13.947535135135135, 14.407783783783783, 14.607891891891892, 14.727956756756756, 15.32828108108108, 15.52838918918919, 16.428875675675673, 16.74904864864865, 16.909135135135134, 17.249318918918917, 17.82963243243243 ]
[ 0.4802594594594594, 0.5402918918918919, 1.180637837837838, 1.3407243243243243, 2.141156756756757, 2.541372972972973, 2.941589189189189, 3.2817729729729725, 3.581935135135135, 3.7220108108108105, 4.1222270270270265, 4.922659459459459, 5.262843243243243, 5.382908108108108, 5.502972972972972, 6.18334054054054, 6.42347027027027, 6.583556756756757, 7.363978378378378, 7.504054054054054, 7.724172972972973, 8.084367567567567, 8.884799999999998, 9.685232432432432, 9.945372972972972, 10.38561081081081, 10.665762162162162, 10.965924324324323, 11.226064864864863, 11.34612972972973, 11.546237837837838, 11.726335135135134, 12.326659459459458, 12.786908108108108, 12.967005405405406, 13.487286486486486, 13.687394594594595, 13.947535135135135, 14.407783783783783, 14.607891891891892, 14.727956756756756, 15.32828108108108, 15.52838918918919, 16.428875675675673, 16.74904864864865, 16.909135135135134, 17.249318918918917, 17.82963243243243, 18.48998918918919 ]