stringlengths 157
| code_prompt
stringlengths 7
⌀ |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def license_loader(lic_dir=LIC_DIR):
"""Loads licenses from the given directory.""" |
lics = []
for ln in os.listdir(lic_dir):
lp = os.path.join(lic_dir, ln)
with open(lp) as lf:
txt = lf.read()
lic = License(txt)
return lics |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_vector(self, max_choice=3):
"""Return pseudo-choice vectors.""" |
vec = {}
for dim in ['forbidden', 'required', 'permitted']:
if self.meta[dim] is None:
dim_vec = map(lambda x: (x, max_choice), self.meta[dim])
vec[dim] = dict(dim_vec)
return vec |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def import_app(files, category, overwrite, id, name):
""" Upload application from file. By default, file name will be used as application name, with "-vXX.YYY" suffix stripped. Application is looked up by one of these classifiers, in order of priority: app-id, app-name, filename. If app-id is provided, looks up existing application and updates its manifest. If app-id is NOT specified, looks up by name, or creates new application. """ |
platform = _get_platform()
org = platform.get_organization(QUBELL["organization"])
if category:
category = org.categories[category]
regex = re.compile(r"^(.*?)(-v(\d+)|)\.[^.]+$")
if (id or name) and len(files) > 1:
raise Exception("--id and --name are supported only for single-file mode")
for filename in files:
click.echo("Importing " + filename, nl=False)
if not name:
match = regex.match(basename(filename))
if not match:
click.echo(_color("RED", "FAIL") + " unknown filename format")
name = regex.match(basename(filename)).group(1)
click.echo(" => ", nl=False)
app = None
app = org.get_application(id=id, name=name)
if app and not overwrite:
click.echo("%s %s already exists %s" % (
app.id, _color("BLUE", app and app.name or name), _color("RED", "FAIL")))
except NotFoundError:
if id:
click.echo("%s %s not found %s" % (
id or "", _color("BLUE", app and app.name or name), _color("RED", "FAIL")))
click.echo(_color("BLUE", app and app.name or name) + " ", nl=False)
with file(filename, "r") as f:
if app:
category=category and category.id or app.category,
app = org.application(id=id, name=name, manifest=Manifest(content=f.read()))
if category:
click.echo(app.id + _color("GREEN", " OK"))
except IOError as e:
click.echo(_color("RED", " FAIL") + " " + e.message)
break |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def import_transformer(name):
'''If needed, import a transformer, and adds it to the globally known dict
The code inside a module where a transformer is defined should be
standard Python code, which does not need any transformation.
So, we disable the import hook, and let the normal module import
do its job - which is faster and likely more reliable than our
custom method.
if name in transformers:
return transformers[name]
# We are adding a transformer built from normal/standard Python code.
# As we are not performing transformations, we temporarily disable
# our import hook, both to avoid potential problems AND because we
# found that this resulted in much faster code.
hook = sys.meta_path[0]
sys.meta_path = sys.meta_path[1:]
transformers[name] = __import__(name)
# Some transformers are not allowed in the console.
# If an attempt is made to activate one of them in the console,
# we replace it by a transformer that does nothing and print a
# message specific to that transformer as written in its module.
if hasattr(transformers[name], "NO_CONSOLE"):
transformers[name] = NullTransformer()
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: Import Error in add_transformers: %s not found\n" % name)
transformers[name] = NullTransformer()
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Unexpected exception in transforms.import_transformer%s\n " %
sys.meta_path.insert(0, hook) # restore import hook
return transformers[name] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def remove_not_allowed_in_console():
'''This function should be called from the console, when it starts.
Some transformers are not allowed in the console and they could have
been loaded prior to the console being activated. We effectively remove them
and print an information message specific to that transformer
as written in the transformer module.
not_allowed_in_console = []
for name in transformers:
tr_module = import_transformer(name)
if hasattr(tr_module, "NO_CONSOLE"):
not_allowed_in_console.append((name, tr_module))
for name, tr_module in not_allowed_in_console:
# Note: we do not remove them, so as to avoid seeing the
# information message displayed again if an attempt is
# made to re-import them from a console instruction.
transformers[name] = NullTransformer() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def transform(source):
'''Used to convert the source code, making use of known transformers.
"transformers" are modules which must contain a function
which returns a tranformed source.
Some transformers (for example, those found in the standard library
module lib2to3) cannot cope with non-standard syntax; as a result, they
may fail during a first attempt. We keep track of all failing
transformers and keep retrying them until either they all succeeded
or a fixed set of them fails twice in a row.
source = extract_transformers_from_source(source)
# Some transformer fail when multiple non-Python constructs
# are present. So, we loop multiple times keeping track of
# which transformations have been unsuccessfully performed.
not_done = transformers
while True:
failed = {}
for name in not_done:
tr_module = import_transformer(name)
source = tr_module.transform_source(source)
except Exception as e:
failed[name] = tr_module
# from traceback import print_exc
# print("Unexpected exception in transforms.transform",
# e.__class__.__name__)
# print_exc()
if not failed:
# Insanity is doing the same Tting over and overaAgain and
# expecting different results ...
# If the exact same set of transformations are not performed
# twice in a row, there is no point in trying out a third time.
if failed == not_done:
print("Warning: the following transforms could not be done:")
for key in failed:
not_done = failed # attempt another pass
return source |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _chosen_css(self):
"""Read the minified CSS file including STATIC_URL in the references to the sprite images.""" |
css = render_to_string(self.css_template, {})
for sprite in self.chosen_sprites: # rewrite path to sprites in the css
css = css.replace(sprite, settings.STATIC_URL + "img/" + sprite)
return css |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _embed(self, request, response):
"""Embed Chosen.js directly in html of the response.""" |
if self._match(request, response):
# Render the <link> and the <script> tags to include Chosen.
head = render_to_string(
{"chosen_css": self._chosen_css()}
body = render_to_string(
{"chosen_js": self._chosen_js()}
# Re-write the Response's content to include our new html
content = response.rendered_content
content = content.replace('</head>', head)
content = content.replace('</body>', body)
response.content = content
return response |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def clean_up(self):
""" Close the I2C bus """ |
self.log.debug("Closing I2C bus for address: 0x%02X" % self.address)
self.bus.close() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_byte(self, cmd, value):
""" Writes an 8-bit byte to the specified command register """ |
self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, cmd, value)
"write_byte: Wrote 0x%02X to command register 0x%02X" % (
value, cmd
) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_word(self, cmd, value):
""" Writes a 16-bit word to the specified command register """ |
self.bus.write_word_data(self.address, cmd, value)
"write_word: Wrote 0x%04X to command register 0x%02X" % (
value, cmd
) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_raw_byte(self, value):
""" Writes an 8-bit byte directly to the bus """ |
self.bus.write_byte(self.address, value)
self.log.debug("write_raw_byte: Wrote 0x%02X" % value) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_block_data(self, cmd, block):
""" Writes a block of bytes to the bus using I2C format to the specified command register """ |
self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, cmd, block)
"write_block_data: Wrote [%s] to command register 0x%02X" % (
', '.join(['0x%02X' % x for x in block]),
) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def read_raw_byte(self):
""" Read an 8-bit byte directly from the bus """ |
result = self.bus.read_byte(self.address)
self.log.debug("read_raw_byte: Read 0x%02X from the bus" % result)
return result |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def read_block_data(self, cmd, length):
""" Read a block of bytes from the bus from the specified command register Amount of bytes read in is defined by length """ |
results = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, cmd, length)
"read_block_data: Read [%s] from command register 0x%02X" % (
', '.join(['0x%02X' % x for x in results]),
return results |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def read_unsigned_byte(self, cmd):
""" Read an unsigned byte from the specified command register """ |
result = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, cmd)
"read_unsigned_byte: Read 0x%02X from command register 0x%02X" % (
result, cmd
return result |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def read_unsigned_word(self, cmd, little_endian=True):
""" Read an unsigned word from the specified command register We assume the data is in little endian mode, if it is in big endian mode then set little_endian to False """ |
result = self.bus.read_word_data(self.address, cmd)
if not little_endian:
result = ((result << 8) & 0xFF00) + (result >> 8)
"read_unsigned_word: Read 0x%04X from command register 0x%02X" % (
result, cmd
return result |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def __connect_to_bus(self, bus):
""" Attempt to connect to an I2C bus """ |
def connect(bus_num):
self.log.debug("Attempting to connect to bus %s..." % bus_num)
self.bus = smbus.SMBus(bus_num)
except IOError:
# If the bus is not explicitly stated, try 0 and then try 1 if that
# fails
if bus is None:
except IOError:
except IOError:
except IOError:
raise |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_formset(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
""" Default user to the current version owner. """ |
data = super().get_formset(request, obj, **kwargs)
if obj:
data.form.base_fields['user'].initial = request.user.id
return data |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def reload(self):
""" Function reload Reload the full object to ensure sync """ |
realData = self.load()
self.update(realData) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def process_actions(action_ids=None):
""" Process actions in the publishing schedule. Returns the number of actions processed. """ |
actions_taken = 0
action_list = PublishAction.objects.prefetch_related(
if action_ids is not None:
action_list = action_list.filter(id__in=action_ids)
for action in action_list:
actions_taken += 1
return actions_taken |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def celery_enabled():
""" Return a boolean if Celery tasks are enabled for this app. If the ``GLITTER_PUBLISHER_CELERY`` setting is ``True`` or ``False`` - then that value will be used. However if the setting isn't defined, then this will be enabled automatically if Celery is installed. """ |
enabled = getattr(settings, 'GLITTER_PUBLISHER_CELERY', None)
if enabled is None:
import celery # noqa
enabled = True
except ImportError:
enabled = False
return enabled |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def find(self, item, description='', event_type=''):
""" Find regexp in activitylog find record as if type are in description. """ |
# TODO: should be refactored, dumb logic
if ': ' in item:
splited = item.split(': ', 1)
if splited[0] in self.TYPES:
description = item.split(': ')[1]
event_type = item.split(': ')[0]
description = item
if not description:
description = item
if event_type:
found = [x['time'] for x in self.log if re.search(description, x['description'])
and x['eventTypeText'] == event_type]
found = [x['time'] for x in self.log if re.search(description, x['description'])]
if len(found):
return found
raise exceptions.NotFoundError("Item '{}' is not found with (description='{}', event_type='{}')".
format(item, description, event_type)) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def do_command_line(infile: typing.IO[str]) -> int: """ Currently a small stub to create an instance of Checker for the passed ``infile`` and run its test functions through linting. Args: infile Returns: int: Number of flake8 errors raised. """ |
lines = infile.readlines()
tree = ast.parse(''.join(lines))
checker = Checker(tree, lines, infile.name)
errors = [] # type: typing.List[AAAError]
for func in checker.all_funcs(skip_noqa=True):
errors = list(func.check_all())
except ValidationError as error:
errors = [error.to_aaa()]
print(func.__str__(errors), end='')
return len(errors) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def exec_module(self, module):
'''import the source code, transforma it before executing it so that
it is known to Python.'''
if module.__name__ == MAIN_MODULE_NAME:
module.__name__ = "__main__"
with open(self.filename) as f:
source = f.read()
if transforms.transformers:
source = transforms.transform(source)
for line in source.split('\n'):
if transforms.FROM_EXPERIMENTAL.match(line):
## transforms.transform will extract all such relevant
## lines and add them all relevant transformers
source = transforms.transform(source)
exec(source, vars(module)) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _izip(*iterables):
""" Iterate through multiple lists or arrays of equal size """ |
# This izip routine is from itertools
# izip('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax By
iterators = map(iter, iterables)
while iterators:
yield tuple(map(next, iterators)) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _checkinput(zi, Mi, z=False, verbose=None):
""" Check and convert any input scalar or array to numpy array """ |
# How many halo redshifts provided?
zi = np.array(zi, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
# How many halo masses provided?
Mi = np.array(Mi, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
# Check the input sizes for zi and Mi make sense, if not then exit unless
# one axis is length one, then replicate values to the size of the other
if (zi.size > 1) and (Mi.size > 1):
if(zi.size != Mi.size):
print("Error ambiguous request")
print("Need individual redshifts for all haloes provided ")
print("Or have all haloes at same redshift ")
elif (zi.size == 1) and (Mi.size > 1):
if verbose:
print("Assume zi is the same for all Mi halo masses provided")
# Replicate redshift for all halo masses
zi = np.ones_like(Mi)*zi[0]
elif (Mi.size == 1) and (zi.size > 1):
if verbose:
print("Assume Mi halo masses are the same for all zi provided")
# Replicate redshift for all halo masses
Mi = np.ones_like(zi)*Mi[0]
if verbose:
print("A single Mi and zi provided")
# Very simple test for size / type of incoming array
# just in case numpy / list given
if z is False:
# Didn't pass anything, set zi = z
lenzout = 1
# If something was passed, convert to 1D NumPy array
z = np.array(z, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
lenzout = z.size
return(zi, Mi, z, zi.size, Mi.size, lenzout) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def getcosmo(cosmology):
""" Find cosmological parameters for named cosmo in cosmology.py list """ |
defaultcosmologies = {'dragons': cg.DRAGONS(), 'wmap1': cg.WMAP1_Mill(),
'wmap3': cg.WMAP3_ML(), 'wmap5': cg.WMAP5_mean(),
'wmap7': cg.WMAP7_ML(), 'wmap9': cg.WMAP9_ML(),
'wmap1_lss': cg.WMAP1_2dF_mean(),
'wmap3_mean': cg.WMAP3_mean(),
'wmap5_ml': cg.WMAP5_ML(),
'wmap5_lss': cg.WMAP5_BAO_SN_mean(),
'wmap7_lss': cg.WMAP7_BAO_H0_mean(),
'planck13': cg.Planck_2013(),
'planck15': cg.Planck_2015()}
if isinstance(cosmology, dict):
# User providing their own variables
cosmo = cosmology
if 'A_scaling' not in cosmology.keys():
A_scaling = getAscaling(cosmology, newcosmo=True)
cosmo.update({'A_scaling': A_scaling})
# Add extra variables by hand that cosmolopy requires
# note that they aren't used (set to zero)
for paramnames in cg.WMAP5_mean().keys():
if paramnames not in cosmology.keys():
cosmo.update({paramnames: 0})
elif cosmology.lower() in defaultcosmologies.keys():
# Load by name of cosmology instead
cosmo = defaultcosmologies[cosmology.lower()]
A_scaling = getAscaling(cosmology)
cosmo.update({'A_scaling': A_scaling})
print("You haven't passed a dict of cosmological parameters ")
print("OR a recognised cosmology, you gave %s" % (cosmology))
# No idea why this has to be done by hand but should be O_k = 0
cosmo = cp.distance.set_omega_k_0(cosmo)
# Use the cosmology as **cosmo passed to cosmolopy routines
return(cosmo) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _getcosmoheader(cosmo):
""" Output the cosmology to a string for writing to file """ |
cosmoheader = ("# Cosmology (flat) Om:{0:.3f}, Ol:{1:.3f}, h:{2:.2f}, "
"sigma8:{3:.3f}, ns:{4:.2f}".format(
cosmo['omega_M_0'], cosmo['omega_lambda_0'], cosmo['h'],
cosmo['sigma_8'], cosmo['n']))
return(cosmoheader) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def cduffy(z, M, vir='200crit', relaxed=True):
""" NFW conc from Duffy 08 Table 1 for halo mass and redshift""" |
if(vir == '200crit'):
if relaxed:
params = [6.71, -0.091, -0.44]
params = [5.71, -0.084, -0.47]
elif(vir == 'tophat'):
if relaxed:
params = [9.23, -0.090, -0.69]
params = [7.85, -0.081, -0.71]
elif(vir == '200mean'):
if relaxed:
params = [11.93, -0.090, -0.99]
params = [10.14, -0.081, -1.01]
print("Didn't recognise the halo boundary definition provided %s"
% (vir))
return(params[0] * ((M/(2e12/0.72))**params[1]) * ((1+z)**params[2])) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _int_growth(z, **cosmo):
""" Returns integral of the linear growth factor from z=200 to z=z """ |
zmax = 200
if hasattr(z, "__len__"):
for zval in z:
assert(zval < zmax)
assert(z < zmax)
y, yerr = scipy.integrate.quad(
lambda z: (1 + z)/(cosmo['omega_M_0']*(1 + z)**3 +
z, zmax)
return(y) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def growthfactor(z, norm=True, **cosmo):
""" Returns linear growth factor at a given redshift, normalised to z=0 by default, for a given cosmology Parameters z : float or numpy array The redshift at which the growth factor should be calculated norm : boolean, optional If true then normalise the growth factor to z=0 case defaults True cosmo : dict Dictionary of cosmological parameters, similar in format to: {'N_nu': 0,'Y_He': 0.24, 'h': 0.702, 'n': 0.963,'omega_M_0': 0.275, 'omega_b_0': 0.0458,'omega_lambda_0': 0.725,'omega_n_0': 0.0, 'sigma_8': 0.816, 't_0': 13.76, 'tau': 0.088,'z_reion': 10.6} Returns ------- float or numpy array The growth factor at a range of redshifts 'z' Raises ------ """ |
H = np.sqrt(cosmo['omega_M_0'] * (1 + z)**3 +
growthval = H * _int_growth(z, **cosmo)
if norm:
growthval /= _int_growth(0, **cosmo)
return(growthval) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def calc_ab(zi, Mi, **cosmo):
""" Calculate growth rate indices a_tilde and b_tilde Parameters zi : float Redshift Mi : float Halo mass at redshift 'zi' cosmo : dict Dictionary of cosmological parameters, similar in format to: {'N_nu': 0,'Y_He': 0.24, 'h': 0.702, 'n': 0.963,'omega_M_0': 0.275, 'omega_b_0': 0.0458,'omega_lambda_0': 0.725,'omega_n_0': 0.0, 'sigma_8': 0.816, 't_0': 13.76, 'tau': 0.088,'z_reion': 10.6} Returns ------- (a_tilde, b_tilde) : float """ |
# When zi = 0, the a_tilde becomes alpha and b_tilde becomes beta
# Eqn 23 of Correa et al 2015a (analytically solve from Eqn 16 and 17)
# Arbitray formation redshift, z_-2 in COM is more physically motivated
zf = -0.0064 * (np.log10(Mi))**2 + 0.0237 * (np.log10(Mi)) + 1.8837
# Eqn 22 of Correa et al 2015a
q = 4.137 * zf**(-0.9476)
# Radius of a mass Mi
R_Mass = cp.perturbation.mass_to_radius(Mi, **cosmo) # [Mpc]
# Radius of a mass Mi/q
Rq_Mass = cp.perturbation.mass_to_radius(Mi/q, **cosmo) # [Mpc]
# Mass variance 'sigma' evaluate at z=0 to a good approximation
sig, err_sig = cp.perturbation.sigma_r(R_Mass, 0, **cosmo) # [Mpc]
sigq, err_sigq = cp.perturbation.sigma_r(Rq_Mass, 0, **cosmo) # [Mpc]
f = (sigq**2 - sig**2)**(-0.5)
# Eqn 9 and 10 from Correa et al 2015c
# (generalised to zi from Correa et al 2015a's z=0 special case)
# a_tilde is power law growth rate
a_tilde = (np.sqrt(2/np.pi) * 1.686 * _deriv_growth(zi, **cosmo) /
growthfactor(zi, norm=True, **cosmo)**2 + 1)*f
# b_tilde is exponential growth rate
b_tilde = -f
return(a_tilde, b_tilde) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def acc_rate(z, zi, Mi, **cosmo):
""" Calculate accretion rate and mass history of a halo at any redshift 'z' with mass 'Mi' at a lower redshift 'z' Parameters z : float Redshift to solve acc_rate / mass history. Note zi<z zi : float Redshift Mi : float Halo mass at redshift 'zi' cosmo : dict Dictionary of cosmological parameters, similar in format to: {'N_nu': 0,'Y_He': 0.24, 'h': 0.702, 'n': 0.963,'omega_M_0': 0.275, 'omega_b_0': 0.0458,'omega_lambda_0': 0.725,'omega_n_0': 0.0, 'sigma_8': 0.816, 't_0': 13.76, 'tau': 0.088,'z_reion': 10.6} Returns ------- (dMdt, Mz) : float Accretion rate [Msol/yr], halo mass [Msol] at redshift 'z' """ |
# Find parameters a_tilde and b_tilde for initial redshift
# use Eqn 9 and 10 of Correa et al. (2015c)
a_tilde, b_tilde = calc_ab(zi, Mi, **cosmo)
# Halo mass at z, in Msol
# use Eqn 8 in Correa et al. (2015c)
Mz = Mi * ((1 + z - zi)**a_tilde) * (np.exp(b_tilde * (z - zi)))
# Accretion rate at z, Msol yr^-1
# use Eqn 11 from Correa et al. (2015c)
dMdt = 71.6 * (Mz/1e12) * (cosmo['h']/0.7) *\
(-a_tilde / (1 + z - zi) - b_tilde) * (1 + z) *\
np.sqrt(cosmo['omega_M_0']*(1 + z)**3+cosmo['omega_lambda_0'])
return(dMdt, Mz) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def MAH(z, zi, Mi, **cosmo):
""" Calculate mass accretion history by looping function acc_rate over redshift steps 'z' for halo of mass 'Mi' at redshift 'zi' Parameters z : float / numpy array Redshift to output MAH over. Note zi<z always zi : float Redshift Mi : float Halo mass at redshift 'zi' cosmo : dict Dictionary of cosmological parameters, similar in format to: {'N_nu': 0,'Y_He': 0.24, 'h': 0.702, 'n': 0.963,'omega_M_0': 0.275, 'omega_b_0': 0.0458,'omega_lambda_0': 0.725,'omega_n_0': 0.0, 'sigma_8': 0.816, 't_0': 13.76, 'tau': 0.088,'z_reion': 10.6} Returns ------- (dMdt, Mz) : float / numpy arrays of equivalent size to 'z' Accretion rate [Msol/yr], halo mass [Msol] at redshift 'z' """ |
# Ensure that z is a 1D NumPy array
z = np.array(z, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
# Create a full array
dMdt_array = np.empty_like(z)
Mz_array = np.empty_like(z)
for i_ind, zval in enumerate(z):
# Solve the accretion rate and halo mass at each redshift step
dMdt, Mz = acc_rate(zval, zi, Mi, **cosmo)
dMdt_array[i_ind] = dMdt
Mz_array[i_ind] = Mz
return(dMdt_array, Mz_array) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def COM(z, M, **cosmo):
""" Calculate concentration for halo of mass 'M' at redshift 'z' Parameters z : float / numpy array Redshift to find concentration of halo M : float / numpy array Halo mass at redshift 'z'. Must be same size as 'z' cosmo : dict Dictionary of cosmological parameters, similar in format to: {'N_nu': 0,'Y_He': 0.24, 'h': 0.702, 'n': 0.963,'omega_M_0': 0.275, 'omega_b_0': 0.0458,'omega_lambda_0': 0.725,'omega_n_0': 0.0, 'sigma_8': 0.816, 't_0': 13.76, 'tau': 0.088,'z_reion': 10.6} Returns ------- (c_array, sig_array, nu_array, zf_array) : float / numpy arrays of equivalent size to 'z' and 'M'. Variables are Concentration, Mass Variance 'sigma' this corresponds too, the dimnesionless fluctuation this represents and formation redshift """ |
# Check that z and M are arrays
z = np.array(z, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
M = np.array(M, ndmin=1, dtype=float)
# Create array
c_array = np.empty_like(z)
sig_array = np.empty_like(z)
nu_array = np.empty_like(z)
zf_array = np.empty_like(z)
for i_ind, (zval, Mval) in enumerate(_izip(z, M)):
# Evaluate the indices at each redshift and mass combination
# that you want a concentration for, different to MAH which
# uses one a_tilde and b_tilde at the starting redshift only
a_tilde, b_tilde = calc_ab(zval, Mval, **cosmo)
# Minimize equation to solve for 1 unknown, 'c'
c = scipy.optimize.brentq(_minimize_c, 2, 1000,
args=(zval, a_tilde, b_tilde,
cosmo['A_scaling'], cosmo['omega_M_0'],
if np.isclose(c, 0):
print("Error solving for concentration with given redshift and "
"(probably) too small a mass")
c = -1
sig = -1
nu = -1
zf = -1
# Calculate formation redshift for this concentration,
# redshift at which the scale radius = virial radius: z_-2
zf = formationz(c, zval, Ascaling=cosmo['A_scaling'],
R_Mass = cp.perturbation.mass_to_radius(Mval, **cosmo)
sig, err_sig = cp.perturbation.sigma_r(R_Mass, 0, **cosmo)
nu = 1.686/(sig*growthfactor(zval, norm=True, **cosmo))
c_array[i_ind] = c
sig_array[i_ind] = sig
nu_array[i_ind] = nu
zf_array[i_ind] = zf
return(c_array, sig_array, nu_array, zf_array) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def load(config_path: str):
""" Load a configuration and keep it alive for the given context :param config_path: path to a configuration file """ |
# we bind the config to _ to keep it alive
if os.path.splitext(config_path)[1] in ('.yaml', '.yml'):
_ = load_yaml_configuration(config_path, translator=PipelineTranslator())
elif os.path.splitext(config_path)[1] == '.py':
_ = load_python_configuration(config_path)
raise ValueError('Unknown configuration extension: %r' % os.path.splitext(config_path)[1])
yield |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def get_unique_variable_names(text, nb):
'''returns a list of possible variables names that
are not found in the original text.'''
base_name = '__VAR_'
var_names = []
i = 0
j = 0
while j < nb:
tentative_name = base_name + str(i)
if text.count(tentative_name) == 0 and tentative_name not in ALL_NAMES:
j += 1
i += 1
return var_names |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def tag(self, tag):
"""Get a release by tag """ |
url = '%s/tags/%s' % (self, tag)
response = self.http.get(url, auth=self.auth)
return response.json() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def release_assets(self, release):
"""Assets for a given release """ |
release = self.as_id(release)
return self.get_list(url='%s/%s/assets' % (self, release)) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def upload(self, release, filename, content_type=None):
"""Upload a file to a release :param filename: filename to upload :param content_type: optional content type :return: json object from github """ |
release = self.as_id(release)
name = os.path.basename(filename)
if not content_type:
content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(name)
if not content_type:
raise ValueError('content_type not known')
inputs = {'name': name}
url = '%s%s/%s/assets' % (self.uploads_url,
info = os.stat(filename)
size = info[stat.ST_SIZE]
response = self.http.post(
url, data=stream_upload(filename), auth=self.auth,
headers={'content-type': content_type,
'content-length': str(size)})
return response.json() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def validate_tag(self, tag_name, prefix=None):
"""Validate ``tag_name`` with the latest tag from github If ``tag_name`` is a valid candidate, return the latest tag from github """ |
new_version = semantic_version(tag_name)
current = self.latest()
if current:
tag_name = current['tag_name']
if prefix:
tag_name = tag_name[len(prefix):]
tag_name = semantic_version(tag_name)
if tag_name >= new_version:
what = 'equal to' if tag_name == new_version else 'older than'
raise GithubException(
'Your local version "%s" is %s '
'the current github version "%s".\n'
'Bump the local version to '
'continue.' %
return current |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def full_url(self):
"""Return the full reddit URL associated with the usernote. Arguments: subreddit: the subreddit name for the note (PRAW Subreddit object) """ |
if self.link == '':
return None
return Note._expand_url(self.link, self.subreddit) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _compress_url(link):
"""Convert a reddit URL into the short-hand used by usernotes. Arguments: link: a link to a comment, submission, or message (str) Returns a String of the shorthand URL """ |
comment_re = re.compile(r'/comments/([A-Za-z\d]{2,})(?:/[^\s]+/([A-Za-z\d]+))?')
message_re = re.compile(r'/message/messages/([A-Za-z\d]+)')
matches = re.findall(comment_re, link)
if len(matches) == 0:
matches = re.findall(message_re, link)
if len(matches) == 0:
return None
return 'm,' + matches[0]
if matches[0][1] == '':
return 'l,' + matches[0][0]
return 'l,' + matches[0][0] + ',' + matches[0][1] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _expand_url(short_link, subreddit=None):
"""Convert a usernote's URL short-hand into a full reddit URL. Arguments: subreddit: the subreddit the URL is for (PRAW Subreddit object or str) short_link: the compressed link from a usernote (str) Returns a String of the full URL. """ |
# Some URL structures for notes
message_scheme = 'https://reddit.com/message/messages/{}'
comment_scheme = 'https://reddit.com/r/{}/comments/{}/-/{}'
post_scheme = 'https://reddit.com/r/{}/comments/{}/'
if short_link == '':
return None
parts = short_link.split(',')
if parts[0] == 'm':
return message_scheme.format(parts[1])
if parts[0] == 'l' and subreddit:
if len(parts) > 2:
return comment_scheme.format(subreddit, parts[1], parts[2])
return post_scheme.format(subreddit, parts[1])
elif not subreddit:
raise ValueError('Subreddit name must be provided')
return None |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_json(self):
"""Get the JSON stored on the usernotes wiki page. Returns a dict representation of the usernotes (with the notes BLOB decoded). Raises: RuntimeError if the usernotes version is incompatible with this version of puni. """ |
usernotes = self.subreddit.wiki[self.page_name].content_md
notes = json.loads(usernotes)
except NotFound:
if notes['ver'] != self.schema:
raise RuntimeError(
'Usernotes schema is v{0}, puni requires v{1}'.
format(notes['ver'], self.schema)
self.cached_json = self._expand_json(notes)
return self.cached_json |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _init_notes(self):
"""Set up the UserNotes page with the initial JSON schema.""" |
self.cached_json = {
'ver': self.schema,
'users': {},
'constants': {
'users': [x.name for x in self.subreddit.moderator()],
'warnings': Note.warnings
self.set_json('Initializing JSON via puni', True) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def set_json(self, reason='', new_page=False):
"""Send the JSON from the cache to the usernotes wiki page. Arguments: reason: the change reason that will be posted to the wiki changelog (str) Raises: OverflowError if the new JSON data is greater than max_page_size """ |
compressed_json = json.dumps(self._compress_json(self.cached_json))
if len(compressed_json) > self.max_page_size:
raise OverflowError(
'Usernotes page is too large (>{0} characters)'.
if new_page:
# Set the page as hidden and available to moderators only
self.subreddit.wiki[self.page_name].mod.update(False, permlevel=2)
) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_notes(self, user):
"""Return a list of Note objects for the given user. Return an empty list if no notes are found. Arguments: user: the user to search for in the usernotes (str) """ |
# Try to search for all notes on a user, return an empty list if none
# are found.
users_notes = []
for note in self.cached_json['users'][user]['ns']:
return users_notes
except KeyError:
# User not found
return [] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _expand_json(self, j):
"""Decompress the BLOB portion of the usernotes. Arguments: j: the JSON returned from the wiki page (dict) Returns a Dict with the 'blob' key removed and a 'users' key added """ |
decompressed_json = copy.copy(j)
decompressed_json.pop('blob', None) # Remove BLOB portion of JSON
# Decode and decompress JSON
compressed_data = base64.b64decode(j['blob'])
original_json = zlib.decompress(compressed_data).decode('utf-8')
decompressed_json['users'] = json.loads(original_json) # Insert users
return decompressed_json |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _compress_json(self, j):
"""Compress the BLOB data portion of the usernotes. Arguments: j: the JSON in Schema v5 format (dict) Returns a dict with the 'users' key removed and 'blob' key added """ |
compressed_json = copy.copy(j)
compressed_json.pop('users', None)
compressed_data = zlib.compress(
b64_data = base64.b64encode(compressed_data).decode('utf-8')
compressed_json['blob'] = b64_data
return compressed_json |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def add_note(self, note):
"""Add a note to the usernotes wiki page. Arguments: note: the note to be added (Note) Returns the update message for the usernotes wiki Raises: ValueError when the warning type of the note can not be found in the stored list of warnings. """ |
notes = self.cached_json
if not note.moderator:
note.moderator = self.r.user.me().name
# Get index of moderator in mod list from usernotes
# Add moderator to list if not already there
mod_index = notes['constants']['users'].index(note.moderator)
except ValueError:
mod_index = notes['constants']['users'].index(note.moderator)
# Get index of warning type from warnings list
# Add warning type to list if not already there
warn_index = notes['constants']['warnings'].index(note.warning)
except ValueError:
if note.warning in Note.warnings:
warn_index = notes['constants']['warnings'].index(note.warning)
raise ValueError('Warning type not valid: ' + note.warning)
new_note = {
'n': note.note,
't': note.time,
'm': mod_index,
'l': note.link,
'w': warn_index
notes['users'][note.username]['ns'].insert(0, new_note)
except KeyError:
notes['users'][note.username] = {'ns': [new_note]}
return '"create new note on user {}" via puni'.format(note.username) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def remove_note(self, username, index):
"""Remove a single usernote from the usernotes. Arguments: username: the user that for whom you're removing a note (str) index: the index of the note which is to be removed (int) Returns the update message for the usernotes wiki """ |
# Go ahead and remove the user's entry if they have no more notes left
if len(self.cached_json['users'][username]['ns']) == 0:
del self.cached_json['users'][username]
return '"delete note #{} on user {}" via puni'.format(index, username) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_related_targetApplication(vR, app_id, app_ver):
"""Return the first matching target application in this version range. Returns None if there are no target applications or no matching ones.""" |
targetApplication = vR.get('targetApplication')
if not targetApplication:
return None
for tA in targetApplication:
guid = tA.get('guid')
if not guid or guid == app_id:
if not app_ver:
return tA
# We purposefully use maxVersion only, so that the blocklist contains items
# whose minimum version is ahead of the version we get passed. This means
# the blocklist we serve is "future-proof" for app upgrades.
if between(version_int(app_ver), '0', tA.get('maxVersion', '*')):
return tA
return None |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_addons_items(xml_tree, records, app_id, api_ver=3, app_ver=None):
"""Generate the addons blocklists. <emItem blockID="i372" id="[email protected]"> <versionRange minVersion="0" maxVersion="*" severity="3"> <targetApplication id="{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"> <versionRange minVersion="39.0a1" maxVersion="*"/> </targetApplication> </versionRange> <prefs> <pref>browser.startup.homepage</pref> <pref>browser.search.defaultenginename</pref> </prefs> </emItem> """ |
if not records:
emItems = etree.SubElement(xml_tree, 'emItems')
groupby = {}
for item in records:
if is_related_to(item, app_id, app_ver):
if item['guid'] in groupby:
emItem = groupby[item['guid']]
# When creating new records from the Kinto Admin we don't have proper blockID.
if 'blockID' in item:
# Remove the first caracter which is the letter i to
# compare the numeric value i45 < i356.
current_blockID = int(item['blockID'][1:])
previous_blockID = int(emItem.attrib['blockID'][1:])
# Group by and keep the biggest blockID in the XML file.
if current_blockID > previous_blockID:
emItem.attrib['blockID'] = item['blockID']
# If the latest entry does not have any blockID attribute, its
# ID should be used. (the list of records is sorted by ascending
# last_modified).
# See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1473194
emItem.attrib['blockID'] = item['id']
emItem = etree.SubElement(emItems, 'emItem',
blockID=item.get('blockID', item['id']))
groupby[item['guid']] = emItem
prefs = etree.SubElement(emItem, 'prefs')
for p in item['prefs']:
pref = etree.SubElement(prefs, 'pref')
pref.text = p
# Set the add-on ID
emItem.set('id', item['guid'])
for field in ['name', 'os']:
if field in item:
emItem.set(field, item[field])
build_version_range(emItem, item, app_id) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_plugin_items(xml_tree, records, app_id, api_ver=3, app_ver=None):
"""Generate the plugin blocklists. <pluginItem blockID="p422"> <match name="filename" exp="JavaAppletPlugin\\.plugin"/> <versionRange minVersion="Java 7 Update 16" maxVersion="Java 7 Update 24" severity="0" vulnerabilitystatus="1"> <targetApplication id="{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"> <versionRange minVersion="17.0" maxVersion="*"/> </targetApplication> </versionRange> </pluginItem> """ |
if not records:
pluginItems = etree.SubElement(xml_tree, 'pluginItems')
for item in records:
for versionRange in item.get('versionRange', []):
if not versionRange.get('targetApplication'):
add_plugin_item(pluginItems, item, versionRange,
app_id=app_id, api_ver=api_ver,
targetApplication = get_related_targetApplication(versionRange, app_id, app_ver)
if targetApplication is not None:
add_plugin_item(pluginItems, item, versionRange, targetApplication,
app_id=app_id, api_ver=api_ver,
app_ver=app_ver) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write_cert_items(xml_tree, records, api_ver=3, app_id=None, app_ver=None):
"""Generate the certificate blocklists. <serialNumber>UoRGnb96CUDTxIqVry6LBg==</serialNumber> </certItem> or <certItem subject='MCIxIDAeBgNVBAMMF0Fub3RoZXIgVGVzdCBFbmQtZW50aXR5' pubKeyHash='VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8='> </certItem> """ |
if not records or not should_include_certs(app_id, app_ver):
certItems = etree.SubElement(xml_tree, 'certItems')
for item in records:
if item.get('subject') and item.get('pubKeyHash'):
cert = etree.SubElement(certItems, 'certItem',
cert = etree.SubElement(certItems, 'certItem',
serialNumber = etree.SubElement(cert, 'serialNumber')
serialNumber.text = item['serialNumber'] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def label(self, name, color, update=True):
"""Create or update a label """ |
url = '%s/labels' % self
data = dict(name=name, color=color)
response = self.http.post(
url, json=data, auth=self.auth, headers=self.headers
if response.status_code == 201:
return True
elif response.status_code == 422 and update:
url = '%s/%s' % (url, name)
response = self.http.patch(
url, json=data, auth=self.auth, headers=self.headers
return False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def translate(source, dictionary):
'''A dictionary with a one-to-one translation of keywords is used
to provide the transformation.
toks = tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(source).readline)
result = []
for toktype, tokvalue, _, _, _ in toks:
if toktype == tokenize.NAME and tokvalue in dictionary:
result.append((toktype, dictionary[tokvalue]))
result.append((toktype, tokvalue))
return tokenize.untokenize(result) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
async def _cancel_payloads(self):
"""Cancel all remaining payloads""" |
for task in self._tasks:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
for task in self._tasks:
while not task.done():
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
task.cancel() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def check_password(password: str, encrypted: str) -> bool: """ Check a plaintext password against a hashed password. """ |
# some old passwords have {crypt} in lower case, and passlib wants it to be
# in upper case.
if encrypted.startswith("{crypt}"):
encrypted = "{CRYPT}" + encrypted[7:]
return pwd_context.verify(password, encrypted) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def validate(ctx, sandbox):
"""Check if version of repository is semantic """ |
m = RepoManager(ctx.obj['agile'])
if not sandbox or m.can_release('sandbox'):
click.echo(m.validate_version()) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def reset(self, force_flush_cache: bool = False) -> None: """ Reset transaction back to original state, discarding all uncompleted transactions. """ |
super(LDAPwrapper, self).reset()
if len(self._transactions) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("reset called outside a transaction.")
self._transactions[-1] = [] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _cache_get_for_dn(self, dn: str) -> Dict[str, bytes]: """ Object state is cached. When an update is required the update will be simulated on this cache, so that rollback information can be correct. This function retrieves the cached data. """ |
# no cached item, retrieve from ldap
lambda obj: obj.search(
attributes=['*', '+']))
results = self._obj.response
if len(results) < 1:
raise NoSuchObject("No results finding current value")
if len(results) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Too many results finding current value")
return results[0]['raw_attributes'] |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def is_dirty(self) -> bool: """ Are there uncommitted changes? """ |
if len(self._transactions) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("is_dirty called outside a transaction.")
if len(self._transactions[-1]) > 0:
return True
return False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def commit(self) -> None: """ Attempt to commit all changes to LDAP database. i.e. forget all rollbacks. However stay inside transaction management. """ |
if len(self._transactions) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("commit called outside transaction")
# If we have nested transactions, we don't actually commit, but push
# rollbacks up to previous transaction.
if len(self._transactions) > 1:
for on_rollback in reversed(self._transactions[-1]):
self._transactions[-2].insert(0, on_rollback)
self.reset() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def rollback(self) -> None: """ Roll back to previous database state. However stay inside transaction management. """ |
if len(self._transactions) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("rollback called outside transaction")
_debug("rollback:", self._transactions[-1])
# if something goes wrong here, nothing we can do about it, leave
# database as is.
# for every rollback action ...
for on_rollback in self._transactions[-1]:
# execute it
_debug("--> rolling back", on_rollback)
except: # noqa: E722
_debug("--> rollback failed")
exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise tldap.exceptions.RollbackError(
"FATAL Unrecoverable rollback error: %r" % exc)
# reset everything to clean state
_debug("--> rollback success")
self.reset() |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def fail(self) -> None: """ for testing purposes only. always fail in commit """ |
# on commit carry out action; on rollback reverse rename
def on_commit(_obj):
def on_rollback(_obj):
return self._process(on_commit, on_rollback) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
| def create_for(line, search_result):
'''Create a new "for loop" line as a replacement for the original code.
return line.format(search_result.group("indented_for"),
except IndexError:
return line.format(search_result.group("indented_for"),
search_result.group("stop")) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_interval_timedelta(self):
""" Spits out the timedelta in days. """ |
now_datetime = timezone.now()
current_month_days = monthrange(now_datetime.year, now_datetime.month)[1]
# Two weeks
if self.interval == reminders_choices.INTERVAL_2_WEEKS:
interval_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=14)
# One month
elif self.interval == reminders_choices.INTERVAL_ONE_MONTH:
interval_timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=current_month_days)
# Three months
elif self.interval == reminders_choices.INTERVAL_THREE_MONTHS:
three_months = now_datetime + relativedelta(months=+3)
interval_timedelta = three_months - now_datetime
# Six months
elif self.interval == reminders_choices.INTERVAL_SIX_MONTHS:
six_months = now_datetime + relativedelta(months=+6)
interval_timedelta = six_months - now_datetime
# One year
elif self.interval == reminders_choices.INTERVAL_ONE_YEAR:
one_year = now_datetime + relativedelta(years=+1)
interval_timedelta = one_year - now_datetime
return interval_timedelta |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
async def awaitable_runner(runner: BaseRunner):
"""Execute a runner without blocking the event loop""" |
runner_thread = CapturingThread(target=runner.run)
delay = 0.0
while not runner_thread.join(timeout=0):
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
delay = min(delay + 0.1, 1.0) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def asyncio_main_run(root_runner: BaseRunner):
""" Create an ``asyncio`` event loop running in the main thread and watching runners Using ``asyncio`` to handle suprocesses requires a specific loop type to run in the main thread. This function sets up and runs the correct loop in a portable way. In addition, it runs a single :py:class:`~.BaseRunner` until completion or failure. .. seealso:: The `issue #8 <https://github.com/MatterMiners/cobald/issues/8>`_ for details. """ |
assert threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(), 'only main thread can accept asyncio subprocesses'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
event_loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()
event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
event_loop.run_until_complete(awaitable_runner(root_runner)) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def dump(node):
""" Dump initialized object structure to yaml """ |
from qubell.api.private.platform import Auth, QubellPlatform
from qubell.api.private.organization import Organization
from qubell.api.private.application import Application
from qubell.api.private.instance import Instance
from qubell.api.private.revision import Revision
from qubell.api.private.environment import Environment
from qubell.api.private.zone import Zone
from qubell.api.private.manifest import Manifest
# Exclude keys from dump
# Format: { 'ClassName': ['fields', 'to', 'exclude']}
exclusion_list = {
Auth: ['cookies'],
QubellPlatform:['auth', ],
Organization: ['auth', 'organizationId', 'zone'],
Application: ['auth', 'applicationId', 'organization'],
Instance: ['auth', 'instanceId', 'application'],
Manifest: ['name', 'content'],
Revision: ['auth', 'revisionId'],
Environment: ['auth', 'environmentId', 'organization'],
Zone: ['auth', 'zoneId', 'organization'],
def obj_presenter(dumper, obj):
for x in exclusion_list.keys():
if isinstance(obj, x): # Find class
fields = obj.__dict__.copy()
for excl_item in exclusion_list[x]:
log.warn('No item %s in object %s' % (excl_item, x))
return dumper.represent_mapping('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', fields)
return dumper.represent_mapping('tag:yaml.org,2002:map', obj.__dict__)
noalias_dumper = yaml.dumper.Dumper
noalias_dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda self, data: True
yaml.add_representer(unicode, lambda dumper, value: dumper.represent_scalar(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value))
yaml.add_multi_representer(object, obj_presenter)
serialized = yaml.dump(node, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=noalias_dumper)
return serialized |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def log(function):
""" Function log Decorator to log lasts request before sending a new one @return RETURN: None """ |
def _log(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret = function(self, *args, **kwargs)
if len(self.history) > self.maxHistory:
self.history = self.history[1:self.maxHistory]
self.history.append({'errorMsg': self.errorMsg,
'payload': self.payload,
'url': self.url,
'resp': self.resp,
'res': self.res,
'printErrors': self.printErrors,
'method': self.method})
return ret
return _log |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def clearReqVars(self):
""" Function clearHistVars Clear the variables used to get history of all vars @return RETURN: None """ |
self.errorMsg = None
self.payload = None
self.url = None
self.resp = None
self.res = None
self.method = None
self.printErrors = None |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def list(self, obj, filter=False, only_id=False, limit=20):
""" Function list Get the list of an object @param filter: filter for objects @param only_id: boolean to only return dict with name/id @return RETURN: the list of the object """ |
self.url = '{}{}/?per_page={}'.format(self.base_url, obj, limit)
self.method = 'GET'
if filter:
self.url += '&search={}'.format(filter)
self.resp = requests.get(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
headers=self.headers, cert=self.ca_cert)
if only_id:
if self.__process_resp__(obj) is False:
return False
if type(self.res['results']) is list:
return dict((x['name'], x['id']) for x in self.res['results'])
elif type(self.res['results']) is dict:
r = {}
for v in self.res['results'].values():
for vv in v:
r[vv['name']] = vv['id']
return r
return False
return self.__process_resp__(obj) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get(self, obj, id, sub_object=None):
""" Function get Get an object by id @param id: the id of the object (name or id) @return RETURN: the targeted object """ |
self.url = '{}{}/{}'.format(self.base_url, obj, id)
self.method = 'GET'
if sub_object:
self.url += '/' + sub_object
self.resp = requests.get(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
headers=self.headers, cert=self.ca_cert)
if self.__process_resp__(obj):
return self.res
return False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_id_by_name(self, obj, name):
""" Function get_id_by_name Get the id of an object @param id: the id of the object (name or id) @return RETURN: the targeted object """ |
list = self.list(obj, filter='name = "{}"'.format(name),
only_id=True, limit=1)
return list[name] if name in list.keys() else False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def set(self, obj, id, payload, action='', async=False):
""" Function set Set an object by id @param id: the id of the object (name or id) @param payload: the dict of the payload @param async: should this request be async, if true use return.result() to get the response @return RETURN: the server response """ |
self.url = '{}{}/{}'.format(self.base_url, obj, id)
self.method = 'PUT'
if action:
self.url += '/{}'.format(action)
self.payload = json.dumps(payload)
if async:
session = FuturesSession()
return session.put(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
headers=self.headers, data=self.payload,
self.resp = requests.put(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
headers=self.headers, data=self.payload,
if self.__process_resp__(obj):
return self.res
return False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def create(self, obj, payload, async=False):
""" Function create Create an new object @param payload: the dict of the payload @param async: should this request be async, if true use return.result() to get the response @return RETURN: the server response """ |
self.url = self.base_url + obj
self.method = 'POST'
self.payload = json.dumps(payload)
if async:
self.method = 'POST(Async)'
session = FuturesSession()
self.resp = session.post(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
headers=self.headers, data=self.payload,
return self.resp
self.resp = requests.post(url=self.url, auth=self.auth,
data=self.payload, cert=self.ca_cert)
return self.__process_resp__(obj) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def delete(self, obj, id):
""" Function delete Delete an object by id @param id: the id of the object (name or id) @return RETURN: the server response """ |
self.url = '{}{}/{}'.format(self.base_url, obj, id)
self.method = 'DELETE'
self.resp = requests.delete(url=self.url,
headers=self.headers, cert=self.ca_cert)
return self.__process_resp__(obj) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def run(self):
"""Modified ``run`` that captures return value and exceptions from ``target``""" |
if self._target:
return_value = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
if return_value is not None:
self._exception = OrphanedReturn(self, return_value)
except BaseException as err:
self._exception = err
# Avoid a refcycle if the thread is running a function with
# an argument that has a member that points to the thread.
del self._target, self._args, self._kwargs |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def update_cache(func):
"""Decorate functions that modify the internally stored usernotes JSON. Ensures that updates are mirrored onto reddit. Arguments: func: the function being decorated """ |
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""The wrapper function."""
lazy = kwargs.get('lazy', False)
kwargs.pop('lazy', None)
if not lazy:
ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# If returning a string assume it is an update message
if isinstance(ret, str) and not lazy:
return ret
return wrapper |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def get_auth():
"""Return a tuple for authenticating a user If not successful raise ``AgileError``. """ |
auth = get_auth_from_env()
if auth[0] and auth[1]:
return auth
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
config = os.path.join(home, '.gitconfig')
if not os.path.isfile(config):
raise GithubException('No .gitconfig available')
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'user' in parser:
user = parser['user']
if 'username' not in user:
raise GithubException('Specify username in %s user '
'section' % config)
if 'token' not in user:
raise GithubException('Specify token in %s user section'
% config)
return user['username'], user['token']
raise GithubException('No user section in %s' % config) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def checkAndCreate(self, key, payload, osIds):
""" Function checkAndCreate Check if an architectures exists and create it if not @param key: The targeted architectures @param payload: The targeted architectures description @param osIds: The list of os ids liked with this architecture @return RETURN: The id of the object """ |
if key not in self:
self[key] = payload
oid = self[key]['id']
if not oid:
return False
#~ To be sure the OS list is good, we ensure our os are in the list
for os in self[key]['operatingsystems']:
self[key]["operatingsystem_ids"] = list(osIds)
if (len(self[key]['operatingsystems']) is not len(osIds)):
return False
return oid |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def find_common_prefix( paths: Sequence[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] ) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: """ Find the common prefix of two or more paths. :: :: 'foo' :param paths: paths to inspect """ |
counter: collections.Counter = collections.Counter()
for path in paths:
path = pathlib.Path(path)
valid_paths = sorted(
[path for path, count in counter.items() if count >= len(paths)],
key=lambda x: len(x.parts),
if valid_paths:
return valid_paths[-1]
return None |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def find_executable(name: str, flags=os.X_OK) -> List[str]: r"""Finds executable `name`. Similar to Unix ``which`` command. Returns list of zero or more full paths to `name`. """ |
result = []
extensions = [x for x in os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep) if x]
path = os.environ.get("PATH", None)
if path is None:
return []
for path in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep):
path = os.path.join(path, name)
if os.access(path, flags):
for extension in extensions:
path_extension = path + extension
if os.access(path_extension, flags):
return result |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def relative_to( source_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], target_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] ) -> pathlib.Path: """ Generates relative path from ``source_path`` to ``target_path``. Handles the case of paths without a common prefix. :: :: Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 'foo/quux/biz' does not start with 'foo/bar/baz' :: '../../quux/biz' :param source_path: the source path :param target_path: the target path """ |
source_path = pathlib.Path(source_path).absolute()
if source_path.is_file():
source_path = source_path.parent
target_path = pathlib.Path(target_path).absolute()
common_prefix = find_common_prefix([source_path, target_path])
if not common_prefix:
raise ValueError("No common prefix")
source_path = source_path.relative_to(common_prefix)
target_path = target_path.relative_to(common_prefix)
result = pathlib.Path(*[".."] * len(source_path.parts))
return result / target_path |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def walk( root_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], top_down: bool = True ) -> Generator[ Tuple[pathlib.Path, Sequence[pathlib.Path], Sequence[pathlib.Path]], None, None ]: """ Walks a directory tree. Like :py:func:`os.walk` but yielding instances of :py:class:`pathlib.Path` instead of strings. :param root_path: foo :param top_down: bar """ |
root_path = pathlib.Path(root_path)
directory_paths, file_paths = [], []
for path in sorted(root_path.iterdir()):
if path.is_dir():
if top_down:
yield root_path, directory_paths, file_paths
for directory_path in directory_paths:
yield from walk(directory_path, top_down=top_down)
if not top_down:
yield root_path, directory_paths, file_paths |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def write( contents: str, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], verbose: bool = False, logger_func=None, ) -> bool: """ Writes ``contents`` to ``path``. Checks if ``path`` already exists and only write out new contents if the old contents do not match. Creates any intermediate missing directories. :param contents: the file contents to write :param path: the path to write to :param verbose: whether to print output """ |
print_func = logger_func or print
path = pathlib.Path(path)
if path.exists():
with path.open("r") as file_pointer:
old_contents = file_pointer.read()
if old_contents == contents:
if verbose:
print_func("preserved {}".format(path))
return False
with path.open("w") as file_pointer:
if verbose:
print_func("rewrote {}".format(path))
return True
elif not path.exists():
if not path.parent.exists():
with path.open("w") as file_pointer:
if verbose:
print_func("wrote {}".format(path))
return True |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def remote(ctx):
"""Display repo github path """ |
with command():
m = RepoManager(ctx.obj['agile'])
click.echo(m.github_repo().repo_path) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def graph_order(self):
""" Get graph-order tuple for node. :: :: a (0,) outer (1,) inner (1, 0) b (1, 0, 0) c (1, 0, 1) d (1, 1) """ |
parentage = tuple(reversed(self.parentage))
graph_order = []
for i in range(len(parentage) - 1):
parent, child = parentage[i : i + 2]
return tuple(graph_order) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def sendQueryVerify(self, cmd):
""" Send command without return value, wait for completion, verify success. :param cmd: command to send """ |
cmd = cmd.strip()
self.logger.debug("sendQueryVerify(%s)", cmd)
if not self.is_connected():
raise socket.error("sendQueryVerify on a disconnected socket")
resp = self.__sendQueryReply(cmd)
if resp != self.reply_ok:
raise XenaCommandException('Command {} Fail Expected {} Actual {}'.format(cmd, self.reply_ok, resp))
self.logger.debug("SendQueryVerify(%s) Succeed", cmd) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _parse_beam_file(self, file_path, run_input_dir):
"""Scan SH12A BEAM file for references to external files and return them""" |
external_files = []
paths_to_replace = []
with open(file_path, 'r') as beam_f:
for line in beam_f.readlines():
split_line = line.split()
# line length checking to prevent IndexError
if len(split_line) > 2 and split_line[0] == "USEBMOD":
logger.debug("Found reference to external file in BEAM file: {0} {1}".format(
split_line[0], split_line[2]))
elif len(split_line) > 1 and split_line[0] == "USECBEAM":
logger.debug("Found reference to external file in BEAM file: {0} {1}".format(
split_line[0], split_line[1]))
if paths_to_replace:
run_dir_config_file = os.path.join(run_input_dir, os.path.split(file_path)[-1])
logger.debug("Calling rewrite_paths method on file: {0}".format(run_dir_config_file))
self._rewrite_paths_in_file(run_dir_config_file, paths_to_replace)
return external_files |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _parse_mat_file(self, file_path):
"""Scan SH12A MAT file for ICRU+LOADEX pairs and return found ICRU numbers""" |
mat_file_sections = self._extract_mat_sections(file_path)
return self._analyse_mat_sections(mat_file_sections) |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _decrypt_icru_files(numbers):
"""Find matching file names for given ICRU numbers""" |
import json
icru_file = resource_string(__name__, os.path.join('data', 'SH12A_ICRU_table.json'))
ref_dict = json.loads(icru_file.decode('ascii'))
return [ref_dict[e] for e in numbers]
except KeyError as er:
logger.error("There is no ICRU file for id: {0}".format(er))
raise |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def _check_exists(database: Database, table: LdapObjectClass, key: str, value: str):
""" Check if a given LDAP object exists. """ |
get_one(table, Q(**{key: value}), database=database)
return True
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return False |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def save_account(changes: Changeset, table: LdapObjectClass, database: Database) -> Changeset: """ Modify a changes to add an automatically generated uidNumber. """ |
d = {}
settings = database.settings
uid_number = changes.get_value_as_single('uidNumber')
if uid_number is None:
scheme = settings['NUMBER_SCHEME']
first = settings.get('UID_FIRST', 10000)
d['uidNumber'] = Counters.get_and_increment(
scheme, "uidNumber", first,
lambda n: not _check_exists(database, table, 'uidNumber', n)
changes = changes.merge(d)
return changes |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def search(self, base, scope, filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, limit=None) -> Generator[Tuple[str, dict], None, None]: """ Search for entries in LDAP database. """ |
_debug("search", base, scope, filterstr, attrlist, limit)
# first results
if attrlist is None:
attrlist = ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES
elif isinstance(attrlist, set):
attrlist = list(attrlist)
def first_results(obj):
_debug("---> searching ldap", limit)
base, filterstr, scope, attributes=attrlist, paged_size=limit)
return obj.response
# get the 1st result
result_list = self._do_with_retry(first_results)
# Loop over list of search results
for result_item in result_list:
# skip searchResRef for now
if result_item['type'] != "searchResEntry":
dn = result_item['dn']
attributes = result_item['raw_attributes']
# did we already retrieve this from cache?
_debug("---> got ldap result", dn)
_debug("---> yielding", result_item)
yield (dn, attributes)
# we are finished - return results, eat cake
_debug("---> done")
return |
Solve the following problem using Python, implementing the functions described below, one line at a time
def prepare_env(org):
""" Example shows how to configure environment from scratch """ |
# Add services
key_service = org.service(type='builtin:cobalt_secure_store', name='Keystore')
wf_service = org.service(type='builtin:workflow_service', name='Workflow', parameters='{}')
# Add services to environment
env = org.environment(name='default')
{"action": "provisionVms",
"parameter": "publicKeyId",
"value": key_service.regenerate()['id']})
# Add cloud provider account
access = {
"provider": "aws-ec2",
"usedEnvironments": [],
"ec2SecurityGroup": "default",
"providerCopy": "aws-ec2",
"name": "test-provider",
"jcloudsIdentity": KEY,
"jcloudsCredential": SECRET_KEY,
"jcloudsRegions": "us-east-1"
prov = org.provider(access)
return org.organizationId |
Subsets and Splits