stringclasses 69
values | question
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books | How many books were published in Japanese? | published in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese' | SELECT COUNT(T2.book_id) FROM book_language AS T1 INNER JOIN book AS T2 ON T1.language_id = T2.language_id WHERE T1.language_name = 'Japanese' | 6,100 | simple |
mondial_geo | Which religion is most prevalent in Asia? | Most prevalent religion refers to the religion with the most population percentage | SELECT T4.Name FROM continent AS T1 INNER JOIN encompasses AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.Continent INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN religion AS T4 ON T4.Country = T3.Code WHERE T1.Name = 'Asia' GROUP BY T4.Name ORDER BY SUM(T4.Percentage) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,101 | simple |
disney | Give the name of the director of the movie in which Verna Felton was the voice actor for its character "Aunt Sarah". | FALSE; | SELECT T1.director FROM director AS T1 INNER JOIN `voice-actors` AS T2 ON T2.movie = T1.name WHERE T2.character = 'Aunt Sarah' AND T2.`voice-actor` = 'Verna Felton' | 6,102 | moderate |
works_cycles | What is the average age of employee in Adventure Works? | average age = AVG(subtract(year(now), year(HireDate))) | SELECT AVG(STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', BirthDate)) FROM Employee | 6,103 | simple |
shipping | How much more pounds in total were transported to New York than to Chicago? | "New York" and "Chicago" are both city_name; more pounds in total refers to Subtract (Sum(weight where city_name = 'New York'), Sum(weight where city_name = 'Chicago')) | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.city_name = 'New York' THEN T1.weight ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN T2.city_name = 'Chicago' THEN T1.weight ELSE 0 END) FROM shipment AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.city_id = T2.city_id | 6,104 | simple |
movie_3 | List the top 5 most-rented films. | film refers to title; most rented refers to MAX(inventory_id) | SELECT T.title FROM ( SELECT T3.title, COUNT(T2.inventory_id) AS num FROM rental AS T1 INNER JOIN inventory AS T2 ON T1.inventory_id = T2.inventory_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id GROUP BY T3.title ) AS T ORDER BY T.num DESC LIMIT 5 | 6,105 | moderate |
retail_world | How many territories are there? | SELECT COUNT(TerritoryID) FROM Territories | 6,106 | simple |
cars | How many times was Ford Maverick introduced to the market? | Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'; | SELECT COUNT(T2.model_year) FROM data AS T1 INNER JOIN production AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.car_name = 'ford maverick' | 6,107 | simple |
superstore | Among the products under the office supplies category, what is the product that made the highest sales in the Central region? | made the highest sales refers to MAX(Sales) | SELECT T2.`Product Name` FROM central_superstore AS T1 INNER JOIN product AS T2 ON T1.`Product ID` = T2.`Product ID` WHERE T2.Category = 'Office Supplies' AND T2.Region = 'Central' ORDER BY T1.Sales DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,108 | moderate |
movie_3 | Find the full name and email address of inactive customers whose record was created in 2006. | full name refers to first_name, last_name; record created in 2006 refers to create_date = 2006; inactive customers refers to active = 0 | SELECT first_name, last_name, email FROM customer WHERE STRFTIME('%Y',create_date) = '2006' AND active = 0 | 6,109 | simple |
food_inspection_2 | What is the average number of inspections carried out in the year 2010 by a sanitarian whose salary is over 70000? | in the year 2010 refers to inspection_date like '2010%'; salary is over 70000 refers to salary > 70000; average number = divide(sum(inspection where inspection_date like '2010%'), sum(employee_id where salary > 70000)) | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.inspection_date LIKE '2010%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN T1.salary > 70000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM employee AS T1 INNER JOIN inspection AS T2 ON T1.employee_id = T2.employee_id | 6,110 | moderate |
works_cycles | For the document Control Assistant who was hired on 2009/1/22, what is the percentage of private documents did he/she have? | Document Control Assistant refers to the JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant'; hired on 2009/1/22 means the person's hiring date is HireDate = '2009-01-22'; private documents indicate that DocumentSummary is null; DIVIDE(COUNT(DocumentSummary is null), COUNT(DocumentSummary))*100 | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.DocumentSummary IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / COUNT(T1.DocumentSummary) FROM Document AS T1 INNER JOIN Employee AS T2 ON T1.Owner = T2.BusinessEntityID WHERE T2.JobTitle = 'Document Control Assistant' AND T2.HireDate = '2009-01-22' | 6,111 | challenging |
retail_world | What is the difference in the number of employees from the UK and the USA who work as sales representatives? | SUBTRACT(COUNT(EmployeeID where Country = 'UK' and Title = 'sales representative'), COUNT(EmployeeID where Country = 'USA' and Title = 'sales representative')); | SELECT ( SELECT COUNT(Title) FROM Employees WHERE Country = 'UK' AND Title = 'Sales Representative' ) - ( SELECT COUNT(Title) FROM Employees WHERE Country = 'USA' AND Title = 'Sales Representative' ) AS DIFFERENCE | 6,112 | moderate |
authors | State the title of papers published in the Ibm Journal of Research and Development. | Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName
'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper | SELECT T2.Title FROM Journal AS T1 INNER JOIN Paper AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.JournalId WHERE T1.FullName = 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' | 6,113 | simple |
retail_world | How many territories are there in the Eastern region? | "Eastern" is the RegionDescription | SELECT COUNT(T1.RegionID) FROM Territories AS T1 INNER JOIN Region AS T2 ON T1.RegionID = T2.RegionID WHERE T2.RegionDescription = 'Eastern' | 6,114 | simple |
language_corpus | Please list the Catalan words with an occurrence of over 200000. | occurrence of over 200000 refers to occurrences > 200000; | SELECT word FROM words WHERE occurrences > 200000 | 6,115 | simple |
sales_in_weather | How many units of item no.5 were sold in store no.3 on the day the temperature range was the biggest? | item no. 5 refers to item_nbr = 5; store no.3 refers to store_nbr = 3; when the temperature range was the biggest refers to Max(Subtract(tmax, tmin)) | SELECT t2.units FROM relation AS T1 INNER JOIN sales_in_weather AS T2 ON T1.store_nbr = T2.store_nbr INNER JOIN weather AS T3 ON T1.station_nbr = T3.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 3 AND T2.item_nbr = 5 ORDER BY t3.tmax - t3.tmin DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,116 | moderate |
movies_4 | Which production company produced the movie that made the most money at the box office? | Which production company refers to company_name; most money at the box office refers to max(revenue) | SELECT T1.company_name FROM production_company AS T1 INNER JOIN movie_company AS T2 ON T1.company_id = T2.company_id INNER JOIN movie AS T3 ON T2.movie_id = T3.movie_id GROUP BY T1.company_id ORDER BY SUM(T3.revenue) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,117 | moderate |
books | How many customers have an address that is located in the city of Villeneuve-la-Garenne? | "Villeneuve-la-Garenne" is the city | SELECT COUNT(address_id) FROM address WHERE city = 'Villeneuve-la-Garenne' | 6,118 | simple |
codebase_comments | Which repository has the longest amount of processed time of downloading? Indicate whether the solution paths in the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation. | longest amount of processed time refers to max(ProcessedTime); the repository can be implemented without needs of compilation refers to WasCompiled = 1; | SELECT DISTINCT T1.id, T2.WasCompiled FROM Repo AS T1 INNER JOIN Solution AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.RepoId WHERE T1.ProcessedTime = ( SELECT MAX(ProcessedTime) FROM Repo ) | 6,119 | moderate |
student_loan | Please provide a gender breakdown for each organization. | gender breakdown refers to the number of male and female; male are mentioned in male.name; female refers to enlist.name who are NOT in male.name; organization refers to organ; | SELECT IIF(T2.name IS NULL, 'female', 'male') AS gender FROM enlist AS T1 LEFT JOIN male AS T2 ON T2.name = T1.name GROUP BY T1.organ | 6,120 | simple |
ice_hockey_draft | How many teams did the heaviest player drafted by Arizona Coyotes have played for? | heaviest player refers to MAX(weight_in_lb); drafted by Arizona Coyotes refers to overallby = 'Arizona Coyotes'; | SELECT COUNT(T2.TEAM) FROM PlayerInfo AS T1 INNER JOIN SeasonStatus AS T2 ON T1.ELITEID = T2.ELITEID INNER JOIN weight_info AS T3 ON T1.weight = T3.weight_id WHERE T1.overallby = 'Arizona Coyotes' ORDER BY T3.weight_in_lbs DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,121 | moderate |
language_corpus | How many Catalan language wikipedia pages have between 1000 to 2000 number of different words? | between 1000 to 2000 number of different words refers to words BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 | SELECT COUNT(pid) FROM pages WHERE words BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 | 6,122 | simple |
retail_world | Which 3 products are produced in greater quantity? | 3 products produced in greater quantity refer to MAX(SUM(UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder)) Limit 3; | SELECT ProductName FROM Products ORDER BY UnitsInStock + UnitsOnOrder DESC LIMIT 3 | 6,123 | simple |
student_loan | State the number of disabled students who have payment due. | have payment due refers to bool = 'pos'; | SELECT COUNT(T1.name) FROM no_payment_due AS T1 INNER JOIN disabled AS T2 ON T1.name = T2.name WHERE T1.bool = 'neg' | 6,124 | simple |
citeseer | How many papers were cited by schmidt99advanced cited word3555? | paper cited by refers to citing_paper_id; citing_paper_id = 'schmidt99advanced'; | SELECT COUNT(T2.paper_id) FROM cites AS T1 INNER JOIN content AS T2 ON T1.cited_paper_id = T2.paper_id WHERE T1.citing_paper_id = 'schmidt99advanced' AND T2.word_cited_id = 'word3555' | 6,125 | simple |
authors | How many publications were published by author named 'Howard F. Lipson'? | 'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author | SELECT COUNT(PaperId) FROM PaperAuthor WHERE Name = 'Howard F. Lipson' | 6,126 | simple |
donor | Calculate the sum of all the total amount donated to the essay project titled 'Lets Share Ideas' which were paid through paypal and indicate the city and poverty level. | paypal refer to payment method; Lets Share Ideas refer to title; city refer to school_city; total amount donated refer to SUM(donation_total of paypal where payment_method = ’paypal’) | SELECT SUM(T3.donation_total), school_city, poverty_level FROM essays AS T1 INNER JOIN projects AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid INNER JOIN donations AS T3 ON T2.projectid = T3.projectid WHERE T1.title = 'Lets Share Ideas' AND T3.payment_method = 'paypal' | 6,127 | moderate |
software_company | How many female customers have an education level of over 11? | education level of 11 refers to EDUCATIONNUM = 11; SEX = 'Female'; | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM Customers WHERE EDUCATIONNUM > 11 AND SEX = 'Female' | 6,128 | simple |
movielens | What are the ID of actors that had worked together with director 22397? What was the genre of that movie? | SELECT T2.actorid, T4.genre FROM movies AS T1 INNER JOIN movies2actors AS T2 ON T1.movieid = T2.movieid INNER JOIN actors AS T3 ON T2.actorid = T3.actorid INNER JOIN movies2directors AS T4 ON T1.movieid = T4.movieid WHERE T4.directorid = 22397 | 6,129 | moderate |
shakespeare | What are the work numbers that are related to King Henry? | work numbers refers to works.id; related to King Henry refers to Title = '%Henry%' | SELECT id FROM works WHERE Title LIKE '%Henry%' | 6,130 | simple |
hockey | What is the average BMI of all the coaches who have gotten in the Hall of Fame? | average BMI = divide(sum(divide(weight, multiply(height, height))), count(coachID)) | SELECT SUM(T1.weight / (T1.height * T1.height)) / COUNT(T1.coachID) FROM Master AS T1 INNER JOIN HOF AS T2 ON T1.hofID = T2.hofID | 6,131 | simple |
regional_sales | What sales channels are used the most in the 3 places with the highest median income? | highest median income refers to Max(Median Income) | SELECT `Sales Channel` FROM ( SELECT T1.`Sales Channel` FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN `Store Locations` AS T2 ON T2.StoreID = T1._StoreID ORDER BY T2.`Median Income` DESC LIMIT 3 ) GROUP BY `Sales Channel` ORDER BY COUNT(`Sales Channel`) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,132 | moderate |
college_completion | In total, how many Hispanic male students graduated from Amridge University? | Hispanic refers to race = 'H'; male refers to gender = 'M'; Amridge University refers to chronname = 'Amridge University'; | SELECT SUM(T2.grad_cohort) FROM institution_details AS T1 INNER JOIN institution_grads AS T2 ON T1.unitid = T2.unitid WHERE T1.chronname = 'Amridge University' AND T2.gender = 'M' AND T2.race = 'H' | 6,133 | simple |
regional_sales | Which sales team has the other with the highest unit price? | highest unit price refers to Max(Unit Price) | SELECT T2.`Sales Team` FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN `Sales Team` AS T2 ON T2.SalesTeamID = T1._SalesTeamID WHERE REPLACE(T1.`Unit Price`, ',', '') = ( SELECT REPLACE(T1.`Unit Price`, ',', '') FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN `Sales Team` AS T2 ON T2.SalesTeamID = T1._SalesTeamID ORDER BY REPLACE(T1.`Unit Price`, ',', '') DESC LIMIT 1 ) ORDER BY REPLACE(T1.`Unit Price`, ',', '') DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,134 | challenging |
disney | How much is the total gross of the movie with a song titled "Little Wonders"? | song = 'Little Wonders' | SELECT T1.total_gross FROM movies_total_gross AS T1 INNER JOIN characters AS T2 ON T2.movie_title = T1.movie_title WHERE T2.song = 'Little Wonders' | 6,135 | simple |
restaurant | Which street has the most restaurants? | street refers to street_name; the most restaurants refers to max(count(street_name)) | SELECT street_name FROM location GROUP BY street_name ORDER BY COUNT(street_name) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,136 | simple |
professional_basketball | What is the average BMI of an All-star player? | average BMI refers to AVG (Multiply(Divide(weight, Multiply(height, height)), 703)) | SELECT AVG(CAST(T1.weight AS REAL) / (T1.height * T1.height)) FROM players AS T1 INNER JOIN player_allstar AS T2 ON T1.playerID = T2.playerID | 6,137 | simple |
car_retails | List out full name of employees who are working in Tokyo? | Tokyo is a city; full name = firstName+lastName; | SELECT T1.firstName, T1.lastName FROM employees AS T1 INNER JOIN offices AS T2 ON T1.officeCode = T2.officeCode WHERE T2.city = 'Tokyo' | 6,138 | simple |
car_retails | Calculate the total price of shipped orders belonging to Land of Toys Inc. under the classic car line of products. | SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc'; | SELECT SUM(t3.priceEach * t3.quantityOrdered) FROM customers AS t1 INNER JOIN orders AS t2 ON t1.customerNumber = t2.customerNumber INNER JOIN orderdetails AS t3 ON t2.orderNumber = t3.orderNumber INNER JOIN products AS t4 ON t3.productCode = t4.productCode WHERE t4.productLine = 'Classic Cars' AND t1.customerName = 'Land of Toys Inc.' AND t2.status = 'Shipped' | 6,139 | moderate |
works_cycles | How many days did it take to end the work order "425"? | days to end a work order = SUBTRACT(ActualEndDate, ActualStartDate); | SELECT 365 * (STRFTIME('%Y', ActualEndDate) - STRFTIME('%Y', ActualStartDate)) + 30 * (STRFTIME('%m', ActualEndDate) - STRFTIME('%m', ActualStartDate)) + STRFTIME('%d', ActualEndDate) - STRFTIME('%d', ActualStartDate) FROM WorkOrderRouting WHERE WorkOrderID = 425 | 6,140 | challenging |
retail_complains | Give me the full birthdate, email and phone number of the youngest client in Indianapolis . | full birthdate = year, month, day; youngest refers to max(year, month, day); in Indianapolis refers to city = 'Indianapolis' | SELECT T1.year, T1.month, T1.day, T1.email, T1.phone FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.city = 'Indianapolis' ORDER BY T1.year DESC, T1.month DESC, T1.day DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,141 | simple |
regional_sales | Calculate the average net profit for bakeware product. | net profit can be computed as SUBTRACT(Unit Price, Unit Cost); AVG(net profit) where Product Name = 'Bakeware'; | SELECT AVG(REPLACE(T1.`Unit Price`, ',', '') - REPLACE(T1.`Unit Cost`, ',', '')) FROM `Sales Orders` AS T1 INNER JOIN Products AS T2 ON T2.ProductID = T1._ProductID WHERE T2.`Product Name` = 'Bakeware' | 6,142 | moderate |
superstore | What is the name of the product that has the highest original price? | has the highest original price refers to MAX(DIVIDE(Sales, SUTRACT(1, discount))); name of the product refers to "Product Name" | SELECT T2.`Product Name` FROM east_superstore AS T1 INNER JOIN product AS T2 ON T1.`Product ID` = T2.`Product ID` ORDER BY (T1.Sales / (1 - T1.Discount)) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,143 | simple |
retail_world | Calculate the total payment of orders for Vegie-spread product. | Vegie-spread product refers to ProductName = 'Vegie-spread';total payment = MULTIPLY(UnitPrice, Quantity, (1-Discount)) | SELECT SUM(T2.UnitPrice * T2.Quantity * (1 - T2.Discount)) AS sum FROM Products AS T1 INNER JOIN `Order Details` AS T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID WHERE T1.ProductName = 'Vegie-spread' | 6,144 | simple |
food_inspection | Among the businesses within the postal code 94117, what is total number of businesses with a high risk category? | businesses with a high risk category refer to business_id where risk_category = 'High Risk'; | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T2.business_id) FROM violations AS T1 INNER JOIN businesses AS T2 ON T1.business_id = T2.business_id WHERE T2.postal_code = 94117 AND T1.risk_category = 'High Risk' | 6,145 | moderate |
books | List the ISBN of the books that cost 7.5 dollars. | ISBN refers to isbn13; books cost 7.5 dollars refers to price = 7.5 | SELECT T1.isbn13 FROM book AS T1 INNER JOIN order_line AS T2 ON T1.book_id = T2.book_id WHERE T2.price = 7.5 | 6,146 | simple |
bike_share_1 | What is the longest trip duration according? Convert the it to number of days. | longest trip duration refers to MAX(duration); days conversion = DIVIDE(duration, 86400); | SELECT MAX(duration), CAST(MAX(duration) AS REAL) / 86400 FROM trip | 6,147 | simple |
legislator | What is the ratio between male and female legislators? | ratio = DIVIDE(SUM(gender_bio = 'M'), SUM(gender_bio = 'F')); male refers to gender_bio = 'M'; female refers to gender_bio = 'F' | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN gender_bio = 'M' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN gender_bio = 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM historical | 6,148 | simple |
car_retails | What is the amount of customers of 1957 Chevy Pickup by customers in a month? | SELECT COUNT(T2.customerNumber) FROM orderdetails AS T1 INNER JOIN orders AS T2 ON T1.orderNumber = T2.orderNumber WHERE T1.productCode IN ( SELECT productCode FROM products WHERE productName = '1957 Chevy Pickup' ) | 6,149 | simple |
airline | What is the percentage of flights from Los Angeles International airport that were cancelled due to a type C cancellation code? | percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'), COUNT(Code)), 100); flights from refers to ORIGIN; Los Angeles International airport refers to Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International'; cancelled refers to Cancelled = 1; cancelled due to a type C cancellation code refers to CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C'; | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.CANCELLATION_CODE = 'C' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM Airports AS T1 INNER JOIN Airlines AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.ORIGIN WHERE T2.FL_DATE = '2018/8/15' AND T2.CANCELLATION_CODE IS NOT NULL AND T1.Description = 'Los Angeles, CA: Los Angeles International' | 6,150 | moderate |
public_review_platform | How many businesses have shopping centers and received high review count? | "Shopping Centers" is the category_name; high review count refers to review_count = 'High' | SELECT COUNT(T2.business_id) FROM Categories AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Categories AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id INNER JOIN Business AS T3 ON T2.business_id = T3.business_id WHERE T1.category_name = 'Shopping Centers' AND T3.review_count = 'High' | 6,151 | simple |
works_cycles | Provide all the transactions whereby the quantiy is more than 10,000 pieces. State the product name and the selling price. | Quantity more than 10,000 pieces refers to Quantity>10000; selling price refers to ListPrice | SELECT DISTINCT T1.Name, T1.ListPrice FROM Product AS T1 INNER JOIN TransactionHistory AS T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID WHERE T2.Quantity > 10000 | 6,152 | simple |
food_inspection | Which business had the most number of high risk violations? Give the name of the business. | the most number of high risk violations refers to MAX(COUNT(business_id)) where risk_category = 'High'; | SELECT T2.name FROM violations AS T1 INNER JOIN businesses AS T2 ON T1.business_id = T2.business_id WHERE T1.risk_category = 'High Risk' GROUP BY T2.name ORDER BY COUNT(T2.name) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,153 | simple |
world_development_indicators | How many annual indicators use the Sum aggregation method from 2001 to 2003? | Annual refers to Periodicity; from 2001 to 2003 implies Year = 'YR2001', Year = 'YR2002' , Year = 'YR2003'; | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T2.SeriesCode) FROM Footnotes AS T1 INNER JOIN Series AS T2 ON T1.Seriescode = T2.SeriesCode WHERE T1.Year IN ('YR2001', 'YR2002', 'YR2003') AND T2.Periodicity = 'Annual' AND T2.AggregationMethod = 'Sum' | 6,154 | moderate |
public_review_platform | What is the average Elitestar rating for a Yelp_Business that closes at 12PM on Sundays? | average Elitestar rating refers to DIVIDE(SUM(stars), COUNT(business_id)); closes at 12PM refers to closing_time = '12PM'; on Sundays refers to day_of_week = 'Sunday' | SELECT CAST(SUM(T3.stars) AS REAL) / COUNT(T1.business_id) AS "average stars" FROM Business_Hours AS T1 INNER JOIN Days AS T2 ON T1.day_id = T2.day_id INNER JOIN Business AS T3 ON T1.business_id = T3.business_id WHERE T2.day_of_week LIKE 'Sunday' AND T1.closing_time LIKE '12PM' | 6,155 | moderate |
genes | How many pairs of positively correlated genes are both non-essential? | If Expression_Corr > 0, it means the expression correlation is positive | SELECT COUNT(T2.GeneID2) FROM Genes AS T1 INNER JOIN Interactions AS T2 ON T1.GeneID = T2.GeneID1 WHERE T2.Expression_Corr > 0 AND T1.Essential = 'Non-Essential' | 6,156 | simple |
shipping | Among the customers having at least one shipment in 2017, how many of them have an annual revenue of over 30000000? | shipment in 2017 refers to Cast(ship_date AS DATE) = 2017; annual revenue of over 30000000 refers to annual_revenue > 30000000 | SELECT COUNT(COUNTCUSID) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(T1.cust_id) AS COUNTCUSID FROM customer AS T1 INNER JOIN shipment AS T2 ON T1.cust_id = T2.cust_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.ship_date) = '2017' AND T1.annual_revenue > 30000000 GROUP BY T1.cust_id HAVING COUNT(T2.ship_id) >= 1 ) T3 | 6,157 | moderate |
retail_world | Calculate the average salary per order for Andrew Fuller. | average salary = AVG(Salary) | SELECT CAST(SUM(T1.Salary) AS REAL) / COUNT(T2.EmployeeID) FROM Employees AS T1 INNER JOIN Orders AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.EmployeeID WHERE T1.FirstName = 'Andrew' AND T1.LastName = 'Fuller' | 6,158 | simple |
public_review_platform | How many users who have joined Yelp since "2005" but have no fans? | joined Yelp since 2005 refers to user_yelping_since_year = 2005; no fans refers to user_fans = 'None'; | SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM Users WHERE user_yelping_since_year = 2005 AND user_fans LIKE 'None' | 6,159 | simple |
movies_4 | List all the unspecified gender characters. | characters refers to character_name; gender = 'Unspecified' | SELECT T1.character_name FROM movie_cast AS T1 INNER JOIN gender AS T2 ON T1.gender_id = T2.gender_id WHERE T2.gender = 'Unspecified' | 6,160 | simple |
mondial_geo | How many people are there in Fareham's mother country? | Mother country refers to home country | SELECT T1.Population FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN province AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.Country INNER JOIN city AS T3 ON T3.Province = T2.Name WHERE T3.Name = 'Fareham' | 6,161 | simple |
app_store | What is the total Sentiment polarity score of the most expensive app? | total sentiment polarity score = sum(Sentiment_Polarity); most expensive app refers to MAX(Price); | SELECT SUM(T2.Sentiment_Polarity) FROM playstore AS T1 INNER JOIN user_reviews AS T2 ON T1.App = T2.App WHERE T1.Price = ( SELECT MAX(Price) FROM playstore ) | 6,162 | simple |
cars | What are the miles per gallon of the most expensive car? | miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price) | SELECT T1.mpg FROM data AS T1 INNER JOIN price AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID ORDER BY T2.price DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,163 | simple |
chicago_crime | How many crime against society were reported in Englewood? | "Englewood" is the community_area_name; 'Society' is the crime_against | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T3.community_area_name = 'Englewood' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM FBI_Code AS T1 INNER JOIN Crime AS T2 ON T1.fbi_code_no = T2.fbi_code_no INNER JOIN Community_Area AS T3 ON T2.community_area_no = T3.community_area_no WHERE T1.crime_against = 'Society' | 6,164 | moderate |
cs_semester | Among the students with less than four intelligence, list the full name and phone number of students with a greater than 3 GPA. | intelligence < 4; full name = f_name, l_name; gpa > 3; | SELECT f_name, l_name, phone_number FROM student WHERE gpa > 3 AND intelligence < 4 | 6,165 | simple |
university | In which nation is Harvard University located? | Harvard University refers to university_name = 'Harvard University'; nation refers to country_name | SELECT T2.country_name FROM university AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.id WHERE T1.university_name = 'Harvard University' | 6,166 | simple |
authors | What is the proportion of the papers that have the keyword "cancer"? Please provide a list of authors and their affiliations. | Proportion refer to DIVIDE(COUNT(Keyword = ’cancer’), COUNT(PaperID)) | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Keyword = 'cancer' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / COUNT(T1.Id), T2.Name, T2.Affiliation FROM Paper AS T1 INNER JOIN PaperAuthor AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PaperId | 6,167 | moderate |
soccer_2016 | When and for what role did the youngest player appear in his first match? | When refers to Match_Date; youngest player refers to max(DOB); first match refers to min(Match_Date) | SELECT T1.Match_Date, T4.Role_Desc FROM `Match` AS T1 INNER JOIN Player_Match AS T2 ON T1.Match_Id = T2.Match_Id INNER JOIN Player AS T3 ON T2.Player_Id = T3.Player_Id INNER JOIN Rolee AS T4 ON T2.Role_Id = T4.Role_Id ORDER BY T3.DOB DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,168 | moderate |
public_review_platform | Find out which hotel and travel business having the most review? Calculate the standard deviation of the review star for this business. | "Hotel & Travel" is the category_name; most review refers to Max(Count(category_id)); Average star per user = Divide (Sum (review_stars), Count(user_id)) | SELECT T2.category_id FROM Business_Categories AS T1 INNER JOIN Categories AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id INNER JOIN Reviews AS T3 ON T3.business_id = T1.business_id WHERE T2.category_name = 'Hotels & Travel' GROUP BY T2.category_id ORDER BY COUNT(T2.category_id) DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,169 | moderate |
menu | Among the dishes, how many of them were created between 2011-03-31 at 20:24:46 UTC and 2011-04-15 at 23:09:51 UTC. | created between 2011-03-31 at 20:24:46 UTC and 2011-04-15 at 23:09:51 UTC refers to created_at between '2011-03-31 20:24:46 UTC' AND '2011-04-15 23:09:51 UTC'; | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.created_at BETWEEN '2011-03-31 20:24:46 UTC' AND '2011-04-15 23:09:51 UTC' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Dish AS T1 INNER JOIN MenuItem AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.dish_id | 6,170 | moderate |
works_cycles | What is the pay rate of the employee who has the longest vacation hours? | longest vacation hour refers to max(VacationHours) | SELECT T1.Rate FROM EmployeePayHistory AS T1 INNER JOIN Employee AS T2 ON T1.BusinessEntityID = T2.BusinessEntityID ORDER BY T2.VacationHours DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,171 | simple |
mondial_geo | Give the full names of the countries that are located in more than one continent. | SELECT T3.Name FROM continent AS T1 INNER JOIN encompasses AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.Continent INNER JOIN country AS T3 ON T3.Code = T2.Country GROUP BY T3.Name HAVING COUNT(T3.Name) > 1 | 6,172 | simple |
cs_semester | Among the professors who have more than 3 research assistants, how many of them are male? | research assistant refers to the student who serves for research where the abbreviation is RA; more than 3 research assistant refers to COUNT(student_id) > 3; | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT T2.prof_id FROM RA AS T1 INNER JOIN prof AS T2 ON T1.prof_id = T2.prof_id WHERE T2.gender = 'Male' GROUP BY T1.prof_id HAVING COUNT(T1.student_id) > 3 ) | 6,173 | simple |
shipping | How many shipments were shipped to the most densely populated city? | most densely populated city refers to Max(Divide(area, population)) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shipment AS T1 INNER JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.city_id = T2.city_id ORDER BY T2.area / T2.population DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,174 | simple |
talkingdata | What is the percentage of users who are in the same behavior category as "Academic Information"? | percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(category = 'Academic Information'), COUNT(app_id)), 1.0); behavior category refers to category; category = 'Academic Information'; | SELECT SUM(IIF(T1.category = 'Academic Information', 1.0, 0)) / COUNT(T2.app_id) AS per FROM label_categories AS T1 INNER JOIN app_labels AS T2 ON T1.label_id = T2.label_id | 6,175 | simple |
olympics | What are the names of the cities where Carl Lewis Borack competed? | name of the cities refers to city_name | SELECT T4.city_name FROM person AS T1 INNER JOIN games_competitor AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.person_id INNER JOIN games_city AS T3 ON T2.games_id = T3.games_id INNER JOIN city AS T4 ON T3.city_id = T4.id WHERE T1.full_name = 'Carl Lewis Borack' | 6,176 | simple |
student_loan | How many students are enlisted in the army? | enlisted in the army refers to organ = 'army'; | SELECT COUNT(name) FROM enlist WHERE organ = 'army' | 6,177 | simple |
book_publishing_company | Show me the employ id of the highest employee who doesn't have a middle name. | highest employee refers to employee with the highest job level; MAX(job_lvl) | SELECT emp_id FROM employee WHERE minit = '' ORDER BY job_lvl DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,178 | simple |
address | Please list the Asian populations of all the residential areas with the bad alias "URB San Joaquin". | "URB San Joaquin" is the bad_alias | SELECT SUM(T1.asian_population) FROM zip_data AS T1 INNER JOIN avoid AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code WHERE T2.bad_alias = 'URB San Joaquin' | 6,179 | simple |
works_cycles | Please list the products that are out of stock and purchased in house. | take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null; manufactured in house refers to MakeFlag = 1 | SELECT T2.Name FROM ProductVendor AS T1 INNER JOIN Product AS T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID WHERE T2.MakeFlag = 0 AND (T1.OnOrderQty IS NULL OR T1.OnOrderQty = 0) | 6,180 | simple |
legislator | State number of legislators who are not the senator among female legislators. | not the senator refers to class IS NULL OR class = ''; female refers to gender_bio = 'F'; | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM current AS T1 INNER JOIN `current-terms` AS T2 ON T1.bioguide_id = T2.bioguide WHERE T1.gender_bio = 'F' AND (T2.class IS NULL OR T2.class = '') | 6,181 | simple |
disney | List all the songs associated with drama movies. | drama refers to genre = 'Drama'; | SELECT song FROM movies_total_gross AS T1 INNER JOIN characters AS T2 ON T1.movie_title = T2.movie_title WHERE T1.genre = 'Drama' GROUP BY song | 6,182 | simple |
food_inspection_2 | Among the establishments that paid a 500 fine, what is the percentage of restaurants? | a 500 fine refers to fine = 500; restaurant refers to facility_type = 'Restaurant'; percentage = divide(count(license_no where facility_type = 'Restaurant'), count(license_no)) * 100% where fine = 500 | SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T1.facility_type = 'Restaurant' THEN T1.license_no END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.facility_type) FROM establishment AS T1 INNER JOIN inspection AS T2 ON T1.license_no = T2.license_no INNER JOIN violation AS T3 ON T2.inspection_id = T3.inspection_id WHERE T3.fine = 500 | 6,183 | moderate |
chicago_crime | Provide the occurrence date and location of the deceptive practice due to the unlawful use of recorded sound. | location refers to latitude, longitude; deceptive practice refers to primary_description = 'DECEPTIVE PRACTICE'; unlawful use of recorded sound refers to secondary_description = 'UNLAWFUL USE OF RECORDED SOUND' | SELECT T2.date, T2.latitude, T2.longitude FROM IUCR AS T1 INNER JOIN Crime AS T2 ON T2.iucr_no = T1.iucr_no WHERE T1.primary_description = 'DECEPTIVE PRACTICE' AND T1.secondary_description = 'UNLAWFUL USE OF RECORDED SOUND' | 6,184 | moderate |
simpson_episodes | How many episodes was Dell Hake not included in the credit list? | "Dell Hake" is the person; not included in the credit list refers to credited = '' | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Credit WHERE person = 'Dell Hake' AND credited = 'false'; | 6,185 | simple |
authors | Enumerate the paper and author ID of authors with affiliation with Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab. | "Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab" is the Affiliation organization | SELECT PaperId, AuthorId FROM PaperAuthor WHERE Affiliation LIKE 'Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab%' | 6,186 | simple |
movies_4 | Which keywords belong to the movie titles with the highest popularity? | Which keywords refers to keyword_name; highest popularity refers to max(popularity) | SELECT T3.keyword_name FROM movie AS T1 INNER JOIN movie_keywords AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id INNER JOIN keyword AS T3 ON T2.keyword_id = T3.keyword_id ORDER BY T1.popularity DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,187 | simple |
simpson_episodes | Please list the names of all the awards won by the crew member whose nickname is Doofus. | award won refers to result = 'Winner' | SELECT T2.award FROM Person AS T1 INNER JOIN Award AS T2 ON T1.name = T2.person WHERE T1.nickname = 'Doofus' AND T2.result = 'Winner'; | 6,188 | simple |
cs_semester | Describe the full names and graduated universities of the professors who advised Olia Rabier. | full names of the professors = first_name, last_name; graduated universities of the professors refers to graduate_from; | SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, T1.graduate_from FROM prof AS T1 INNER JOIN RA AS T2 ON T1.prof_id = T2.prof_id INNER JOIN student AS T3 ON T2.student_id = T3.student_id WHERE T3.f_name = 'Olia' AND T3.l_name = 'Rabier' | 6,189 | simple |
software_company | List down the geographic identifier with an number of inhabitants less than 30. | geographic identifier with an number of inhabitants less than 30 refers to GEOID where INHABITANTS_K < 30; | SELECT GEOID FROM Demog WHERE INHABITANTS_K < 30 | 6,190 | simple |
language_corpus | Please list the titles of all the Wikipedia pages on the Catalan language with 10 different words. | lid = 1 means it's Catalan language; 10 different words refers to words = 10; titles refers to title | SELECT title FROM pages WHERE lid = 1 AND words = 10 LIMIT 10 | 6,191 | simple |
world_development_indicators | What is the series code for number of infant deaths in year 1965 for the country whose full name is Islamic State of Afghanistan? | number of infant deaths refers to IndicatorName = 'Number of infant deaths'; in year 1965 refers to Year = '1965'; full name is Islamic State of Afghanistan refers to LongName = 'Islamic State of Afghanistan' | SELECT DISTINCT T3.Seriescode FROM Country AS T1 INNER JOIN Indicators AS T2 ON T1.CountryCode = T2.CountryCode INNER JOIN CountryNotes AS T3 ON T2.CountryCode = T3.Countrycode WHERE T2.IndicatorName = 'Number of infant deaths' AND T1.LongName = 'Islamic State of Afghanistan' AND T2.Year = 1965 | 6,192 | moderate |
beer_factory | How many brands of root beers are available in cans and contain corn syrup and artificial sweeteners? | available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE'; | SELECT COUNT(BrandID) FROM rootbeerbrand WHERE CornSyrup = 'TRUE' AND ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE' AND AvailableInCans = 'TRUE' | 6,193 | simple |
retails | Name of customer whose order is applied with the highest discount. | customer name refers to c_name; the highest discount refers to max(l_discount) | SELECT T3.c_name FROM orders AS T1 INNER JOIN lineitem AS T2 ON T1.o_orderkey = T2.l_orderkey INNER JOIN customer AS T3 ON T1.o_custkey = T3.c_custkey ORDER BY T2.l_discount DESC LIMIT 1 | 6,194 | simple |
works_cycles | Please list the website purchasing links of the vendors from whom the product Hex Nut 5 can be purchased. | website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL | SELECT T3.PurchasingWebServiceURL FROM ProductVendor AS T1 INNER JOIN Product AS T2 ON T1.ProductID = T2.ProductID INNER JOIN Vendor AS T3 ON T1.BusinessEntityID = T3.BusinessEntityID WHERE T2.Name = 'Hex Nut 5' | 6,195 | moderate |
authors | Which journal was the paper "Education, democracy and growth" published on? Give the full name of the journal. | 'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper | SELECT T1.FullName FROM Journal AS T1 INNER JOIN Paper AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.JournalId WHERE T2.Title = 'Education, democracy and growth' | 6,196 | simple |
movielens | How many movies from the USA which user rating is less than 3? | SELECT COUNT(T1.movieid) FROM u2base AS T1 INNER JOIN movies AS T2 ON T1.movieid = T2.movieid WHERE T2.country = 'USA' AND T1.rating < 3 | 6,197 | simple |
works_cycles | Among the sales with a tax applied to retail transaction, how many of them are charged by multiple types of taxes? | tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%'; | SELECT COUNT(SalesTaxRateID) FROM SalesTaxRate WHERE Name LIKE '%+%' | 6,198 | simple |
public_review_platform | Write down the ID, active status and city of the business which are in CA state. | the ID refers to business_id; active status refers to active; active = 'true' means the business is still running; active = 'false' means the business is closed or not running now | SELECT business_id, active, city FROM Business WHERE state = 'CA' AND active = 'true' | 6,199 | simple |
Subsets and Splits