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The CMB field is known to possess a Gaussian distribution of anisotropies [CIT], and is characterized primarily through its angular power spectra. They have been reconstructed with great accuracy over the full sky, for the total intensity ($T$) and $E$-mode polarization, by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) [CIT] and Planck [CIT] satellites. An intense and global effort is currently ongoing towards the measurement of the $B$-mode polarization. Lensing $B$-modes have been detected for the first time by the South Pole Telescope [SPTpol, see [CIT] and references therein] through cross-correlation, and directly by POLARBEAR [CIT]. Moreover, they have been observed by the Planck satellite [CIT], the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization 2 (BICEP2) [CIT], the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) [CIT]. On the other hand, only upper limits exist so far for the amplitude of the cosmological GWs, corresponding to $r < 0.06$ (at 95% confidence level) [CIT]. | 990 | 2003.02278 | 17,781,490 | 2,020 | 3 | 4 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
In the broadest terms, we can understand the arbitrary-$\varpi_\text{r}$ solution to as a positive or negative dark radiation component in the early universe. A crude translation into the nomenclature of CDM mentioned in [1] is simply to absorb this dark radiation into the effective post-standard model relativistic degrees of freedom $\Delta N_\text{dr,eff}$ as follows FORMULA This heuristic formula is the basis of the $\Delta N_\text{dr,eff}$ values referenced in REF and REF, given the Planck 2018 estimate of $N_{\nu,\text{eff}}=2.99\pm0.17$ [CIT]. This estimate may fall foul of circularity arguments due to the GR interpretation of the Planck data, and direct [CIT] $\Delta N_{\nu,\text{eff}}$ estimations based on Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) may be more appropriate. Finally we emphasise that the dark radiation approximation *remains* an approximation: since the general arbitrary-$\varpi_\text{r}$ solution predicts a complicated dark sector with a dynamical equation of state. | 992 | 2003.02690 | 17,784,778 | 2,020 | 3 | 5 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
The Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as part of its Exoplanet Exploration Program. The LBT is an international collaboration among institutions in the United States, Italy, and Germany. LBT Corporation partners are: The University of Arizona on behalf of the Arizona university system; Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy; LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft, Germany, representing the Max-Planck Society, the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, and Heidelberg University; The Ohio State University, and The Research Corporation, on behalf of The University of Notre Dame, University of Minnesota and University of Virginia. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. GMK is supported by the Royal Society as a Royal Society University Research Fellow. KMM's work is supported by the NASA Exoplanets Research Program (XRP) by cooperative agreement NNX16AD44G. This research has made extensive use of the SIMBAD database [CIT] and the VizieR catalogue access tool [CIT], both operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, of Python, including the NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib [CIT], and Astropy [CIT] libraries, and of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services. | 1,365 | 2003.03499 | 17,790,984 | 2,020 | 3 | 7 | true | false | 1 | MPS |
Fig. REF shows the marginalized posterior distributions together with the corresponding marginalized [14, 86] percentiles of the average EoR and 21-cm redshift evolutions. We also identify the timing when $\delta T_{\rm b}$ reaches its minimum as well as the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of $\delta T_{\rm b}-$frequency, and show their PDFs in the right-hand subpanels. The red curves and shaded areas correspond to constraints using all of the above observations, *except* EDGES (*noEDGES*). Even without EDGES, we see a strong degeneracy between the allowed SFR and the ionizing escape fractions in MCGs -- high values of either $f_{*,7}^{\rm mol}$ or $f_{\rm esc}^{\rm mol}$ are excluded, as they would reionize the Universe too early to be consistent with Planck observations (see also, e.g. [CIT].453.4456V). On the other hand, an escape fraction of ionizing photons in ACGs of $f_{\rm esc}^{\rm atom}{\sim}3 {-}15$% is required to ensure a sufficiently ionized universe at $z{\sim}6$. As expected, without any information of 21cm, the X-ray properties cannot be constrained by any of these measurements. | 1,114 | 2003.04442 | 17,797,015 | 2,020 | 3 | 9 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
- The Planck $2018$ temperature and polarization CMB angular power spectra. In this paper we use the reference likelihood from the Planck 2018 release that is given by the multiplication of the `Commander`, `SimALL`, and `PlikTT,TE,EE` likelihoods (see page $3$ of [CIT]). This corresponds to the reference dataset used in the Planck papers. We refer to this data simply as Planck. | 381 | 2003.04935 | 17,800,560 | 2,020 | 3 | 10 | true | true | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We begin with some elementary remarks. When $\hbar$ is present, gravitational theory (retaining $G$ but setting $c=1$) acquires a length scale of its own, the Planck scale FORMULA Quantum effects on black holes of radius $r_0$ are then governed by the dimensionless ratio $r_0/L_\text{Planck}$. We may keep it fixed as $D$ grows, or instead change it with $D$ at a specified rate.[^35] The choice sets the size in Planck units of the black holes we are considering, and selects which quantum properties remain non-zero and finite in the large $D$ limit. For instance, it turns out to be impossible to take $D\to\infty$ in such a way that both the entropy and the temperature of the black hole are finite. These are[^36] FORMULA and FORMULA where FORMULA We see that the entropy stays finite when $D\to\infty$ if the black hole radius is $r_0\sim \sqrt{D}L_\text{Planck}(1+\alpha/D)$ (with constant $\alpha$), while finite temperature requires much larger sizes, $r_0\sim DL_\text{Planck}$. The latter is the condition that the size of the near-horizon region is Planckian parametrically in $D$, i.e., it could still be much larger than $L_\text{Planck}$ but in a $D$-independent manner. | 1,186 | 2003.11394 | 17,844,303 | 2,020 | 3 | 25 | false | true | 6 | UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS |
Before ending, let us comment on an interesting issue related to the Swampland criteria [CIT] in the context of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory. This was developed in Ref. [CIT], and as it was shown, the Swampland criteria can hold true, if the scalar Gauss-Bonnet coupling is chosen as, FORMULA however in our case, where we take the GW170817 constraints into account, the coupling function $\xi (\phi)$ of Eq. (REF) does not satisfy the differential equation (REF), unless the potential has a very specific form, which is the following, FORMULA where $A$ and $B$ are integration constants. As it can be shown, the above potential does not yield a viable phenomenology though. In addition, if we assume that the additional condition (REF) holds true, then it can be shown that the coupling function $\xi (\phi)$ of Eq. (REF) can satisfy the corresponding differential equation (REF) only if $C=\frac{3}{4 \kappa ^4}$, however in this scenario too the model is not a viable inflationary model, as we showed earlier in this section (see Eq. (REF)), since it leads to incompatible observational indices with the observational data of Planck. Nevertheless, in Ref. [CIT], we shall demonstrate that the Swampland criteria are naturally satisfied in the context of the GW170817 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory, for general choices of the scalar coupling function $\xi (\phi)$ and of the potential $V(\phi)$. | 1,396 | 2003.13724 | 17,859,957 | 2,020 | 3 | 30 | true | true | 1 | MISSION |
The advantage of the Guillot profile is that the shape is physically motivated by the assumption of radiative equilibrium, whilst still being a fairly simple parameterisation. It does however contain a bias in that it produces isothermal profiles at low pressures, which may not be an accurate reflection of a real atmosphere. This isothermal behavior is a subtle artefact of using mean opacities, where "mean\" in this case is ill-defined. Specifically, in order for the solution to be analytically tractable, the derivation assumes that the absorption, flux and Planck mean opacities are equal. The Madhusudhan profile allows more flexibility of shape, particularly with regards to resolving temperature inversions, at the expense of an additional free parameter. [CIT] investigate the ability of such 1D temperature parameterisations to recover the temperature structure from synthetic eclipse spectra generated from 3D atmospheric circulation models. They find that the Madhusudhan profile provides a better match to the temperature structure in the middle atmosphere as it is more capable of producing an inversion; however, it does not match the deep temperature structure. We discuss the reliability of fitting a 1D temperature model to a dataset generated from a 3D circulation model in Section [5.1]. | 1,309 | 2003.14311 | 17,862,832 | 2,020 | 3 | 31 | true | false | 1 | OPACITY |
One of the fundamental probes for understanding our Cosmos and specifically early universe is Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) as a remnant of the early stage of the universe. CMB analysis is crucial to comprehend high energy physics after Big Bang and estimate cosmological parameters [CIT]. Moreover, CMB photons leaving from the epoch of recombination, travel in the universe to arrive at our detectors on the Earth, therefore CMB photons carry the information of many structures by passing through them and give us a lot of information about position and evolution of Large Scale Structures (LSS). Observing CMB faces many challenges including removing galactic and extragalactic point sources which have been one of the concerns for high precision CMB experiments. The Planck satellite in [CIT] presented a complete catalog of galactic and extragalactic compact sources that contaminate CMB observations. | 910 | 2004.04177 | 17,893,492 | 2,020 | 4 | 8 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
This publication made use of data products from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, funded by NASA; the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA; and the NASA Astrophysical Data System for bibliographic information. This project also made use of SDSS data. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS web site is www.sdss.org. SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 2,192 | 2004.06105 | 17,905,545 | 2,020 | 4 | 13 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
In a series of tables, we show the constraints on the cosmological parameters (including the DWDM abundance and lifetime), utilizing the Planck data (Table REF), the Planck and BAO data (Table REF), and the Planck, BAO and local $H_0$ data (Table REF). In Appendix. [7], we present a similar set of tables, containing results for $\Lambda$CDM(Table REF), and an extension of $\Lambda$CDM with simple dark radiation parametrized by $N_\mathrm{eff}$ (Table REF). From these tables, we see that Planck and BAO are consistent with a modest abundance of DWDM but do not exhibit a strong preference for any particular mass or lifetime. This is illustrated in Fig. REF, where we show the posterior distribution in the $N_{\mathrm{eff},,x}- \tau_x$ plane for the Planck + BAO data set, and for three different choices of the DWDM masses, $m_x$. We note that larger DWDM masses are constrained to have shorter lifetimes and smaller abundances. This is the natural expectation since a larger mass implies an earlier non-relativistic transition and a longer period of growth for DWDM density relative to that of radiation, resulting in a larger injection of dark radiation. A similar argument holds for longer lifetimes. | 1,209 | 2004.06114 | 17,905,781 | 2,020 | 4 | 13 | true | true | 5 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
The data sets we investigate in Sec. [4] include Planck2018 lensing [CIT], SPTpollensing [CIT], BAO from SDSS DR12 BAO consensus sample [DR12, [CIT] :2016hwk], Main Galaxy Sample [MGS, [CIT]], and the 6dF Galaxy Survey [6dF, [CIT]], and baryon density prior motivated by [CIT] using $D/H$ measurements. In Sec. [5] we compare BAO constraints with parameter constraints from the Plancktemperature and polarization power spectra [CIT] and from the Pantheon supernova sample [CIT]. | 478 | 2004.10207 | 17,935,966 | 2,020 | 4 | 21 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
[^3]: The analysis in Ref. [CIT] takes account of the neutrino mass-squared splittings, which results in a more conservative bound than that set by the Planck experiment, $\sum_i m_i < 0.12,\mathrm{eV}(95\% \text{C.L.})$ [CIT], obtained on the assumption of degenerate neutrino masses. See also Ref. [CIT], where a similar conclusion is drawn with a more relaxed bound: $\sum_i m_i < 0.16,\mathrm{eV}(95\% \text{C.L.})$. | 420 | 2005.01039 | 17,977,979 | 2,020 | 5 | 3 | false | true | 1 | MISSION |
One may however speculate that, as long as the field is heavy, it remains unexcited, and that it starts sourcing the shear only when $H$ becomes larger than $m$. From that point on, since the field is light, our results may apply, which means that, in practice, one might simply have to set the initial value of the Hubble parameter $H_\uin$ to $m$. If this is correct, the bound we have obtained on $H_\uin$ for soft equations of state, see the discussion around, translates into a lower bound on $m$, which is of the order of the Planck mass. The conclusion would therefore be that fields with masses substantially below the Planck mass make isotropic contracting cosmologies with soft equations of state unstable. However, one would have to check that quickly after the time when the field becomes light, sub-Hubble fluctuations relax to the Bunch-Davies state, which is a priori not guaranteed (this is similar to the trans-Planckian problem [CIT] in the inflationary context). We plan to address these questions in the future. | 1,031 | 2005.04222 | 18,004,586 | 2,020 | 5 | 10 | true | true | 2 | UNITS, UNITS |
We can see that releasing $T_0$ in the fit introduces a strong degeneracy direction $T_0-H_0$, in line with our theoretical arguments. The resulting posterior for $T_0$ is very non-Gaussian and peaks at $T_0\approx 3.3$ K, which corresponds to the region of the parameter space with $\Omega_\Lambda \approx 0$. It is worth mentioning that we have explicitly imposed a physical prior $\Omega_\Lambda \geq 0$ in our MCMC chains, translating[^12] to a prior $T_0\lesssim 3.3$ K. The skewed shape of the $T_0$ posterior reflects this prior. The preference for $\Omega_\Lambda=0$ can be traced back to the anomalies of the Planck data, i.e. the low-$\ell$ deficit and the lensing anomaly. Remarkably, releasing $T_0$ allows one to fit both these anomalies simultaneously. Indeed, increasing $T_0$ suppresses the large-scale ISW contribution, which is preferred by the low-$\ell$ data. Moreover, it enhances the late-time matter clustering and the CMB lensing effect, which is preferred by the observed smoothing of the CMB peaks in the Planck TT spectra[^13] We analyze the impact of these anomalies on the eventual Planck-only constraints in Appendix [7]. | 1,151 | 2005.10656 | 18,048,475 | 2,020 | 5 | 21 | true | false | 3 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
The article is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe the Poly-reion model in the form used in this work. In section 3 we present the results for the standard cosmological model with different combination of Planck 2018 likelihoods and the more recent reprocessing of Planck HFI large scale polarization data from Planck [CIT]. In section 4 we present the results of the Planck 2018 baseline for the main extensions to the standard cosmological model. We conclude in Section 5. | 485 | 2005.12222 | 18,059,638 | 2,020 | 5 | 25 | true | false | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
[CIT] considers an alternative to the classical Dyson spheres -- enshrouding the entire galaxies with artificial dust that would turn them effectively into black boxes, bright only in the microwave spectral region. He searched the Planck Catalog of Compact Sources [CIT], with negative result. | 294 | 2005.13221 | 18,070,981 | 2,020 | 5 | 27 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
We show the evolution of the atmosphere and line formation for the f10 model in Fig. REF. Before flare heating (see the top panels of Fig. REF), this line shows an emission peak and a wide absorption trough. We choose two wavenumber points, one at the line center (811.575 cm$^{-1}$), and the other at the absorption trough in the blue wing (811.635 cm$^{-1}$). The contribution function to the emergent intensity, defined as $C_I\equiv dI/dz$, shows that both the line center and the absorption trough are formed mainly in the photosphere. The chromosphere, above the temperature minimum region at about 500 km in our model, has a very small contribution to the intensity at the line center. The height where $\tau=1$ is about 360 km for the line center, and 200 km for the absorption trough. The formation height of the absorption trough is somehow similar to that of the 6173 Åline center [CIT]. The line source function is defined as FORMULA where the departure coefficients $b_l$ and $b_u$ denote how much the populations of the lower and upper levels deviate from the values under local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). One can see clearly that, at this time, the ratio of $b_u/b_l$ is larger than unity, so the line source function is also larger than the Planck function. Even if including the continuum, the total source function at the line center still has a large departure from the local Planck function, which contributes to the emission of the line. Our results of the line before flare heating are in good agreement with the previous observations [CIT] and simulations [CIT]. | 1,591 | 2006.06108 | 18,127,490 | 2,020 | 6 | 10 | true | false | 2 | LAW, LAW |
The gravitational kinetic term is radiatively corrected by the quantum loop effect of the massive matters [CIT]. Thus, when matter fields are localized on a 3-brane in a higher-dimensional gravitational theory, the four-dimensional (4D) Einstein-Hilbert term is induced on the brane. If the induced 4D Planck mass $M_4$ is much larger than the higher dimensional one $M_*$, the gravity that acts between two sources on the brane behaves like the 4D one for shorter distances than the crossover length scale $r_{\rm c}$, which is defined by [CIT] FORMULA where $D$ is the dimension of the spacetime, while behaves like the higher-dimensional one for longer distances than $r_{\rm c}$. This is called the DGP mechanism [CIT]. The crossover scale $r_{\rm c}$ must be larger than the present Hubble size $\sim 10^{26}$m from the consistency with the observational data. | 865 | 2006.06247 | 18,128,272 | 2,020 | 6 | 11 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
where $\eta$ is the Summerfield parameter, $Z_{1,2}$ the proton charge of each particle, $e$ is the electric charge, $\hbar$ is the reduced Planck's constant. The $\exp^{2\pi\eta}$ term accounts for (approximately) the influence of the Coulomb barrier on the cross-section. As the S-factor depends on energy, we quote it at the typical energy for a reaction. For $^{12}\rm{C}\left(\alpha,\gamma\right)^{16}\!\rm{O}$ the typical energy is $E=300,\mathrm{keV}$. | 459 | 2006.06678 | 18,130,783 | 2,020 | 6 | 11 | true | false | 1 | CONSTANT |
In Figure REF, we present the distributions of reduce scattering transform in the noiseless case together with the power spectrum. In the first row, we show the values for a fiducial cosmology that has the Planck cosmology of $\Omega_\text{m}$ = 0.309 and $\sigma_8$ = 0.816 [CIT]. The expected values of these descriptors are estimated by averaging over different realizations of a given cosmology. Error bars, which are the sample standard deviations of realizations, represent the cosmic variance in this noiseless case. We can see the similarity between the power spectrum and $s_1$ coefficients, as they have similar physical meanings (Section [2.4]). We can also see the different behaviours of $s_2$ coefficients for $j_2<j_1$ and $j_2>j_1$, as discussed in Section [3.3]. | 779 | 2006.08561 | 18,144,603 | 2,020 | 6 | 15 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
In order for our scenario to work, inflationary fluctuations necessarily distribute axion bubbles as rare objects in our universe. It depends on the Hubble parameter during inflation, and the initial axion field value (the mean value in the observable patch of the Universe). The evolution of the probability density function is governed by the Fokker-Planck equation FORMULA where $N$ is the e-folding number and $H_{\rm inf}$ is the Hubble parameter during inflation. Since the classical dynamics of the axion is negligible during inflation, the evolution is determined only by the diffusion term i.e. the second term in the square bracket in the Fokker-Planck equation. If the inflation was long enough before the CMB-scale fluctuations exited the horizon, we expect that all values of the initial angle between $-\pi$ and $\pi$ are equally likely. Since what we can observe is the dynamics after the current horizon scale exited the horizon during inflation, if we average the distribution of the angles over the scale corresponding to the current horizon and neglect scales larger than that, we can approximate the distribution at that point $(N=0)$ as the Dirac $\delta$-function, $P(0,\phi) = \delta(\phi-\phi_i)$. Then, the solution is simply given by the Gaussian distribution function, FORMULA | 1,304 | 2006.13137 | 18,182,127 | 2,020 | 6 | 23 | true | true | 2 | FOKKER, FOKKER |
SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,317 | 2006.13803 | 18,187,268 | 2,020 | 6 | 24 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
In order to determine whether the Planck and *Herschel* data can be reconciled within our model, we performed some tests, the results of which are provided in the following tables. Instead of fitting the Planck and *Herschel* data together with our model, we only fit for the Planck data and present the best-fit values in Tab. REF. In this case, instead of assuming a fixed perfect calibration for the Planck experiment, we let the calibration factors at all the frequencies vary with a Gaussian prior centred at 1.00 with 1$\sigma$ error of 0.05. The Planck $\chi^2$ value improves compared to when we fit for both the Planck and *Herschel* data together. The posterior values of calibration parameters are very close to one, and it is therefore a justified assumption to keep the Planck calibration fixed while fitting for both the data together. | 849 | 2006.16329 | 18,211,569 | 2,020 | 6 | 29 | true | false | 7 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We measure the expansion rate of the recent Universe and the calibration scale of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) from low-redshift data. BAO relies on the calibration scale, i.e., the sound horizon at the end of drag epoch $r_d$, which often imposes a prior of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurement from the Planck satellite. In order to make really independent measurements of $H_0$, we leave $r_d$ completely free and use the BAO data sets combined with the 31 observational $H(z)$ data, GW170817 and Pantheon sample of Type Ia supernovae. In $\Lambda$CDM model, we get $H_0=68.63^{+1.75}_{-1.77}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $r_d=146.85^{+3.29}_{-3.77}$ Mpc. For the two model-independent reconstructions of $H(z)$, we obtain $H_0=68.02\pm1.82$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $r_d=148.18^{+3.36}_{-3.78}$ Mpc in the cubic expansion, and $H_0=68.58\pm1.76$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $r_d=148.02^{+3.63}_{-3.60}$ Mpc in the polynomial expansion. The values of Hubble constant $H_0$ and sound horizon $r_d$ are consistent with the estimate derived from the Planck CMB data assuming a flat $\Lambda$CDM model, but $H_0$ is in $2.4\sim2.6$ $\sigma$ tension with SH0ES 2019, respectively. | 1,191 | 2006.16692 | 18,212,044 | 2,020 | 6 | 30 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
We have developed techniques to measure and compare the total light from samples of galaxy clusters over a large wavelength range. Our initial application of this technique is presented in this work for a large sample of clusters in the Boötes field, uniformly selected based on photometric over-densities of galaxies. This sample represents an excellent test case given the well studied nature of this cluster sample, including an existing census of the massive dust-obscured galaxies [CIT]. Galaxy cluster surveys have long sought to understand the selection effects of various cluster samples from SZ, X-ray, and optical selections, and how a cluster's halo mass is related to its evolutionary state. Our total light stacking technique can be applied to samples of clusters selected in different ways and with different masses to determine if the galaxy populations $-$ including low mass components $-$ have similar radial distributions and obscured star formation properties (see discussions in §[5.1]-[5.3]). Specifically, we plan to apply our technique to the large samples of clusters from the SPT [CIT] and MaDCoWS [CIT] surveys. These samples will greatly increase the dynamic range in halo mass analyzed, reducing systematics when tracing the effects of halo mass on total stellar mass and concentration (see discussions in §[5.4]-[5.5]). Furthermore, as was done in [CIT], this technique can extend the wavelength baseline into the near-IR for higher redshift proto-cluster samples such as those selected from the Planck survey [CIT]. The results of these additional analyses will be presented in future papers. | 1,623 | 2007.01880 | 18,233,078 | 2,020 | 7 | 3 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
To gauge the impact of a different background cosmology we plot the predictions for model run on top of the unscaled, fiducial MR simulation. We see in Fig. REF that the predictions are slightly lower by about $\sim 10,\%$ than for the Planck cosmology but not sufficient to explain the observational difference. This suppression has a flat radial evolution for the highest mass bins which are central-galaxy dominated, whereas there is a radial difference for the satellite population which dominates the lowest mass bins. The largest effect is recorded around the knee of the SMF, which is to be expected since it is most subject to calibration. A fairer comparison from the perspective of the galaxy formation model, would be to retune a few model parameters to account for this change, which leads us to conclude that the results in Fig. REF are upper conservative estimates of the cosmological impact. In [CIT].456.2301W, predictions from the model were compared across three different cosmologies (WMAP1, WMAP7 and Planck 2014) for LBG profiles and the WMAP1 curves were notably higher for the two most massive bins w.r.t. the other cosmologies, which means that one cannot draw a general conclusion on the sign of the impact as a function of background cosmology for all formation models. | 1,295 | 2007.01889 | 18,233,298 | 2,020 | 7 | 3 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
The contamination of the tSZ can also be estimated quantitatively by applying our stacking analysis to the Planckall-sky $y$ maps provided in the Planck2015 data release[^5] [CIT]. We used the $y$ map from the modified internal linear combination algorithm (MILCA) [CIT], but the result is consistent using the $y$ map from needlet independent linear combination (NILC) [CIT]. The Compton $y$ parameter in the PlanckHFI 217 GHz map can be calculated with its frequency dependence, given by FORMULA where $g(\nu) = x \coth(x/2)-4$ with $x = h \nu/(k_{\rm B}, T_{\rm CMB})$, where $h$ is the Planck constant, $k_{\rm B}$ is the Boltzmann constant, and $T_{\rm CMB}$ is the temperature of the CMB. At 217 GHz, $T_{\rm CMB}, g(\nu) = 0.187$ K$_{\rm CMB}$ is given in [CIT] for the conversion from the Compton $y$ parameter to CMB temperature. The result of stacking the $y$ map shows that the tSZ contamination is $\sim$ 1% of the amplitude of our measured kSZ signal and is thus negligible. | 987 | 2007.02952 | 18,238,981 | 2,020 | 7 | 6 | true | false | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, CONSTANT |
The minimal system of couplings consists of 8 independent parameters, []{#S3_par label="S3_par"} g_Y,,g_2,,g_3,,y_t,,y_b,,\^L\_22,,\^L\_32,,V\_33, where, respectively, $g_Y$, $g_2$ and $g_3$ are the gauge couplings of U(1)$_Y$, SU(2)$_L$ and SU(3)$_c$, and $y_t$ and $y_b$ denote the Yukawa couplings of top and bottom quarks. Note that the Yukawa coupling $\hat{Y}^L_{12}$ does not enter the fixed-point analysis in our approximation. We do make sure, however, that if it is assumed to be zero at the Planck scale, it does not get renormalized at the low scale into values in tension with the experimental bounds. Finally, we point out that we limit our analysis to real couplings only. The relevant RGEs for the $S_3$ plus SM system coupled to gravity are given in Appendix REF.[^5] | 784 | 2007.03567 | 18,243,589 | 2,020 | 7 | 7 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
- CMB: As pointed out in previous work, the cosmological $\phi$ density redshifts as nonrelativistic matter, and thus the amplitude of modulation of $\phi$ is expected to be much larger at early times. This could lead to an increase in the sum of neutrino masses in the early universe, which would be constrained by observations of the Planck satellite [CIT]. The constraint on the amplitude of $\phi$ is found to be $\eta\lesssim 9\times 10^{-3}$ if the atmospheric mass splitting modulates or $\eta \lesssim0.1$ if only the solar splitting modulates [CIT]. Note however that this constraint is model dependent. For example, if neutrino masses arrive from a seesaw mechanism and $\phi$ couples to, e.g., right-handed neutrinos, a large mass of the latter would actually imply a smaller mass of active neutrinos in the early universe. | 834 | 2007.03590 | 18,243,736 | 2,020 | 7 | 7 | false | true | 1 | MISSION |
Associated with each of these maps is a noise floor inverse variance map, which has the same shape and contains an estimate of the non-atmospheric inverse variance in K$^{-2}$ per pixel. This does not include the contribution from Planckdue to Planck's limited multipole range. These files are labeled, e.g.. | 308 | 2007.07290 | 18,274,341 | 2,020 | 7 | 14 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
It is useful to think of General Relativity is as a *low-energy effective field theory*: it gives a description of gravity that makes sense only at sufficiently low energies $E \ll M_\text{Planck}$. Within this regime of validity it is, as we know well, a highly successful theory of gravitational phenomena. At energies above the Planck scale, it needs a UV completion in order to make sense. String theory is a theoretical framework that, among many other properties, is the most promising candidate for a theory of quantum gravity that gives a UV completion of General Relativity. | 584 | 2007.08436 | 18,283,328 | 2,020 | 7 | 16 | false | true | 2 | UNITS, UNITS |
Given the fact that it is not possible to justify the closure scheme as a physical limit (and therefore it is not guaranteed to provide an accurate description of reality), we can understand its appearance in the multifluid theory as a byproduct of applying the principles of information theory in the context of Carter's formalism. In fact, one is required to provide a limited set of macroscopic parameters (the radiation particle total current $\upgamma^\nu$ and the rest-frame energy density $\varepsilon$, both appearing in the Lagrangian density REF(#LLambDDaaAqwerty){reference-type="eqref" reference="LLambDDaaAqwerty"}) and all the remaining properties of the radiation field need to be written in terms of this limited (local) information. Then, following the philosophy of information theory, well summarised by [CIT], we have to assume that the system is in the microstate that maximizes the entropy (or, equivalently, minimizes the information) compatibly with the values of the macroscopic parameters which are known. Thus, denoting the microscopic single-particle-state occupation numbers by $N(\mathbf{{p}})$, the Shannon entropy $s_\upgamma$, which for an ideal gas is the opposite of Boltzmann's H-function, is given in the radiation rest-frame by FORMULA where $j=-1$ for Bosonic radiation and $+1$ for Fermionic radiation, $g$ is the spin degeneracy and $h_p$ is Planck's constant. The particle and energy density are FORMULA | 1,446 | 2007.09481 | 18,292,889 | 2,020 | 7 | 18 | true | false | 1 | CONSTANT |
Let us start with Minkowski vacuum state. In this case, the amplitude of the quantum noise in frequency domain can be computed as FORMULA where the reduced Planck mass is $M_{\rm pl}\sim 10^{18}$ GeV. Corresponding effective strain is then FORMULA For instance, the characteristic frequency of LIGO is around $100$ Hz. Then the amplitude of quantum noise becomes $h_{\rm eff}(f)|_{f\sim100,{\rm Hz}}\sim 10^{-41},{\rm Hz}^{-1/2}$. The strain sensitivity of LIGO is about $10^{-23},{\rm Hz}^{-1/2}$ for $f\sim 100$ Hz, so the amplitude of quantum noise is too small to be detected. | 580 | 2007.09838 | 18,294,733 | 2,020 | 7 | 20 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
While the Bekenstein bound was originally "derived" through a gedanken experiment including a strongly gravitating system, i.e. a black hole, the bound itself does not depend on the gravitational constant and holds in nearly flat spacetimes, irrespectively of the nature of gravity. In strongly curved spacetimes, on the other hand, it is not obvious how to define $E$ and $R$. It is nonetheless interesting to speculate how to extend the bound to curved spacetimes. In general relativity (GR), $2\pi ER$ for a spherically symmetric system is bounded from above by $A/4$ in the Planck unit, where $A$ is the area enclosing the system, and thus the Bekenstein bound would imply FORMULA This inequality itself is not well-defined in curved spacetimes: for example, the area $A$ depends on the time slicing and can be made arbitrarily small by taking an almost lightlike slice. The speculated inequality (REF) is nonetheless suggestive as it would state that the entropy of a system surrounded by the area $A$ would be bounded from above by the entropy of a black hole with the same area $A$, i.e. that the state with maximal entropy is a black hole.This is consistent with the fact that gravitational collapse leads to a formation of a black hole and the expectation that the entropy of a system (with or without a black hole) should not decrease. | 1,345 | 2007.14015 | 18,328,604 | 2,020 | 7 | 28 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
In Parametrization V, only $n_s$ is allowed to vary. The $n_s$ is severely constrained by the Planck. Thus, we can obtain best fit astrophysical parameters without PPS uncertainty. The constraints on the astrophysical parameters are fairly consistent with the values shown in [CIT]. The full result is shown in Fig. REF of Appendix REF. | 336 | 2007.14695 | 18,334,309 | 2,020 | 7 | 29 | true | true | 1 | MISSION |
To generate the initial conditions for each simulation, we used the parallel [2LPTic]{.smallcaps} code[^5] adopting second-order Lagrangian perturbation theory [CIT]. We calculated the matter transfer function using the online version of [Camb]{.smallcaps}[^6] [CIT]. Throughout, the latest cosmological parameters measured by the Planck Satellite [CIT] were adopted: $\Omega_0=0.3089$, $\Omega_{\rm b}=0.0486$, $\lambda_0=0.6911$, $h=0.6774$, $n_{\rm s}=0.9667$, and $\sigma_8=0.8159$. The initial redshift for all simulations was 127. The gravitational evolution of each dark matter particle was calculated using the massively parallel TreePM code, [GreeM]{.smallcaps}[^7] [CIT]. This was run on the Aterui II supercomputer at the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CfCA), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the K computer at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science. The evaluation of the tree forces was accelerated by the [Phantom-grape]{.smallcaps}[^8] software [CIT]. 50 particle snapshots covering $z=14$ to 0 were written to disk. | 1,070 | 2007.14720 | 18,334,800 | 2,020 | 7 | 29 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
We also use the Planck data to derive a column density map, to address the gravitational stability in Sect. [4.2]. We first calculated the color temperature map on the basis of the Planck 857, 545, and 353 GHz bands and the IRIS 3 THz band, convolved to the same angular resolution ($7\arcmin$). The spectral energy distribution for each pixel is fitted by the modified black-body law $B_{\nu}(T) \nu^{\beta}$ using a spectral index $\beta=2$, which corresponds to the value adopted for the Planck Cold Clumps in [CIT]. The column density map is then calculated using the Planck 857 GHz channel flux density and FORMULA where the dust opacity $\kappa_{\nu}$ is taken to be $0.1,(\nu/1,\rm{THz})^{\beta}, \rm{cm^{2}g^{-1}}$ according to [CIT], and $\mu=2.8$ amu is the mean molecular weight per H$_2$ molecule. | 809 | 2007.15344 | 18,341,015 | 2,020 | 7 | 30 | true | false | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
Using this property of Reissner-Nordström spacetimes, Ref. [CIT] demonstrated the existence of a firewall ECO schematically illustrated in Fig. REF. The ECO has the same exterior metric as the Schwarzschild solution all the way to a distance that is a Planck length from the horizon $r^+_{\rm out}$ of the Schwarzschild BH. A shell at Planck density is located a Planck length $\epsilon r^+_{\rm out}$ away from the horizon, and the interior of this shell is also an object that is at Planck density. Since the entire interior is at Planck density, this object can conceivably form due to the fact that its evolution is no longer controlled by GR. | 647 | 2007.15525 | 18,342,368 | 2,020 | 7 | 30 | false | true | 5 | UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS |
The new particles come along with new couplings, as quartic couplings for the triplet or a cubic coupling $\gamma$ between the triplet and the Higgs doublet, as well as a Yukawa coupling $Y_\Delta$ between the triplet and the leptons, or a Yukawa coupling $Y_\Phi$ involving the Higgs doublet and the right-and left-handed neutrinos. While the initial values of the quartic couplings near the Planck scale are fixed to be almost zero by asymptotic safety, the unknown values of $Y_\Delta$, $Y_\Phi$ and $\gamma$ induce new sources of uncertainties. | 548 | 2008.04310 | 18,380,665 | 2,020 | 8 | 10 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
The discover of Hawking effect [CIT] unveiled a deep connection between black holes, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics. In particular it made manifest that, when quantum effects are taken into account, black holes can be seen as real thermodynamic systems with temperature FORMULA and entropy FORMULA where $\kappa$ is the surface gravity of the black hole [CIT], $A_{\rm BH}$ is the area of its event horizon, and $k_{\rm B}$, $c$, $G$, and $\hbar$ are the Boltzmann constant, speed of light, Newton constant, and Planck constant, respectively. | 549 | 2008.04951 | 18,387,163 | 2,020 | 8 | 11 | false | true | 1 | CONSTANT |
We thank the referee for his/her positive and constructive review of the manuscript. The simulations were run on the CfCA Calculation Server at NAOJ. A.A.T. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 17F17764 and 17H06360. A.A.T. also thanks the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics at Northwestern University for its hospitality. A.S.H. thanks the Max Planck Society for support through a Max Planck Research Group. | 459 | 2008.13778 | 18,462,867 | 2,020 | 8 | 31 | true | false | 2 | MPS, MPS |
- This result offers an explicit cosmological correction to the usually considered models, which assume, as the leading power for the correction to the light speed, the expression $v_{ph} \sim c(1 - \frac{E_{ph}}{E_{LV}})$ [CIT]. It is actually interesting to estimate the fractional variation REF(#vphc){reference-type="eqref" reference="vphc"} of the speed of light, that in terms of the redshift reads FORMULA For example, the most energetic photons detected by Fermi-LAT from GRB 080916C have measured energy $E_{ph}=13.2 GeV$ (cf. eg. [8]). Assuming that $\kappa$ is the Planck mass, the Lorentz deformation scale corresponds to the Planck energy scale $E_{LV} = 1.22 \times 10^{19} GeV$ and we obtain the fractional decrease in velocity $\delta v/c=2.15\times 10^{-18}$ for these energetic photons at time of detection ($z=0$, $tH=t_0H_0=13.29 Gyr\times 73 \frac{km/s}{Mpc}$, according to $\Lambda$CDM model). These same photons at time of emission, i.e., at redshift $z=4.35$, had energy $(1+z)\times 13.2 GeV$ and fractional decrease in velocity $\delta v/c=41.6\times 10^{-18}$. | 1,087 | 2009.01051 | 18,472,569 | 2,020 | 9 | 2 | true | true | 2 | UNITS, UNITS |
We checked whether large-scale hot/cold spots, or anisotropies on scales of $\sim 1^\circ$ ($\ell \sim 100$), dominate the apparent correlation. We filtered the Planck 2015 SMICA map to remove large angular scales ($\ell < 10$, $\ell < 50$, and $\ell < 100$) and repeated the OLS linear regression and Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient analyses. In all cases there was no significant correlation evident (e.g., $\ell < 50$, $\rho_s = 0.1$, p-value $= 0.1$). The large angular scales are dominating, as expected, indicating that the CMB map pixels at SNe locations contribute no more than any other pixels within these scales. | 637 | 2009.01637 | 18,479,038 | 2,020 | 9 | 3 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
We also use `NaMaster` to estimate the covariance matrix of the power spectra following [CIT]. This is calculated as the so-called *Gaussian covariance*, which approximates both $\kappa$ and $\delta_g$ as Gaussian random fields. The covariance matrix estimator implemented in `NaMaster` accurately accounts for the correlation between different $\ell$ bins induced by the incomplete sky coverage. Since the estimator requires a best-guess estimate of the underlying power spectra ($C_\ell^{gg}$, $C_\ell^{g\kappa}$ and $C_\ell^{\kappa\kappa}$), the covariance is estimated in two steps: first, we compute theoretical power spectra for cosmological parameters fixed to the best-fit values found by Planck [CIT] and a constant galaxy bias $b_g=1.3$ assuming the LoTSS redshift distribution, which provides a good visual fit to the data. The resulting covariance is then used in the likelihood described in Section [4.3] to find the best-fit parameters. These are used to estimate new theory power spectra that are then used by `NaMaster` to estimate our final covariance matrix. Note that the auto-spectra $C^{gg}_\ell$ and $C^{\kappa\kappa}_\ell$ should contain both the signal and noise contributions. For $C^{gg}_\ell$ we use the shot noise component described above, while for $C^{\kappa\kappa}_\ell$ we use the noise curves provided in the Planck data release. | 1,363 | 2009.01817 | 18,480,162 | 2,020 | 9 | 3 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
We provide a complete list of the capabilities included in the first release of [CosmoBit]{.sans-serif}, including the module functions available to use them, dependencies and backend requirements. These include general cosmological quantities (Table REF), quantities related to energy injection (Table REF), CMB power spectra (Table REF), Planck likelihoods (Tables REF and REF), inflation (Table REF), BBN (Table REF), and the interfaces to [MontePython]{.sans-serif}(Table REF) and [classy]{.sans-serif}(Table REF). | 518 | 2009.03286 | 18,493,078 | 2,020 | 9 | 7 | true | true | 1 | MISSION |
We have recently proposed a Lagrangian in trace dynamics at the Planck scale, for unification of gravitation, Yang-Mills fields, and fermions. Dynamical variables are described by odd-grade (fermionic) and even-grade (bosonic) Grassmann matrices. Evolution takes place in Connes time. At energies much lower than Planck scale, trace dynamics reduces to quantum field theory. In the present paper we explain that the correct understanding of spin requires us to formulate the theory in 8-D octonionic space. The automorphisms of the octonion algebra, which belong to the smallest exceptional Lie group $G_2$, replace space-time diffeomorphisms and internal gauge transformations, bringing them under a common unified fold. Building on earlier work by other researchers on division algebras, we propose the Lorentz-weak unification at the Planck scale, the symmetry group being the stabiliser group of the quaternions inside the octonions. This is one of the two maximal subgroups of $G_2$, the other one being $SU(3)$, the element preserver group of octonions. This latter group, coupled with $U(1)_{em}$, describes the electro-colour symmetry, as shown earlier by Furey. We predict a new massless spin one boson [the Lorentz boson] which should be looked for in experiments. Our Lagrangian correctly describes three fermion generations, through three copies of the group $G_2$, embedded in the exceptional Lie group $F_4$. This is the unification group for the four fundamental interactions, and it also happens to be the automorphism group of the exceptional Jordan algebra. Gravitation is shown to be an emergent classical phenomenon. Whereas at the Planck scale, there is present a quantised version of the Lorentz symmetry, mediated by the Lorentz boson. We argue that at sub-Planck scales, the self-adjoint part of the octonionic trace dynamics bears a relationship with string theory in eleven dimensions. | 1,911 | 2009.05574 | 18,506,969 | 2,020 | 9 | 10 | false | true | 5 | UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, UNITS |
In the theory of trace dynamics, at energies below Planck scale, quantum theory (without a background spacetime) emerges. This is achieved by coarse-graining the theory over many Planck time scales, and by applying the methods of statistical thermodynamics to arrive at the emergent quantum theory. This happens provided the self-adjoint part of the Adler-Millard charge can be neglected, and the anti-self-adjoint part of the Hamiltonian can be neglected. When that happens, the Adler-Millard charge gets equipartitioned over the four degrees of freedom, the equipartitioned value is identified with Planck's constant, and quantum commutation relations emerge, for the statistically averaged dynamical variables at statistical equilibrium: FORMULA The averaged dynamical variables obey Heisenberg equations of motion. An equivalent Schrödinger picture can also be constructed. Working in this framework, we have demonstrated the existence of a ground state [CIT] in this emergent theory, which we call spontaneous quantum gravity. This ground state possibly has significant implications for the issue of singularity avoidance in quantum cosmology. The analysis reported there could also assist in working out the running of the coupling constant $\alpha$ as a function of the coarse-graining scale. | 1,299 | 2009.05574 | 18,511,863 | 2,020 | 9 | 10 | false | true | 3 | UNITS, UNITS, CONSTANT |
As long as a process' memory is finite, i.,e., only a finite number of its previous realizations affect the next value, it can be reformulated as a coupled system of multiple Markov processes through the introduction of additional variables [CIT]. This has been used in Refs., [CIT] to formulate relativistic phase-space diffusion processes based on a generalized Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process for the Brownian particle's momentum. These processes are Markovian in phase space but lose the Markov property when expressed solely in spacetime coordinates. The authors also deduced associated relativistic Kramers and Fokker--Planck equations for the particles' phase-space and momentum distribution functions, and derived fluctuation--dissipation relations suitable for an isotropic thermal background. | 798 | 2009.08913 | 18,539,854 | 2,020 | 9 | 18 | false | true | 1 | FOKKER |
In Fig. REF we highlight the Planck 2018 data residuals and ML cADE:All model residuals, both relative to ML $\Lambda$CDM:All model. Notice again the oscillatory residuals in TE and the features in cADE that respond to these residuals as well as the features in EE at $\ell \lesssim 600$. | 288 | 2009.08974 | 18,540,189 | 2,020 | 9 | 18 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
Furthermore, because of the ability to adjust Planck foregrounds, the overall amplitude of the TT data residuals, which have foregrounds fixed to the best fit to Planck 18 alone for visualization in Fig. REF, are low compared with the models. To better isolate the regions of the data that impact the models the most, we also show the cumulative $\Delta \chi^2_{\rm P}$ contributed by the Planck TT+lowl+lowE data in Fig. REF for the ML cADE:All relative to ML $\Lambda$CDM:All model. While the ML cADE:All model successfully minimizes differences with $\Lambda$CDM, there are notable regions where the $\Delta\chi^2_P$ changes rapidly: $\ell \sim 500$, $800$, $1400$. Note that the latter two regions are near the 3rd and 5th TT acoustic peaks and are related to the oscillatory TT residuals. We shall next see that these areas reflect the trade-off between fitting the high $\ell$ power spectra of Planck and ACT and the intermediate scale polarization spectra of Planck. | 973 | 2009.08974 | 18,540,190 | 2,020 | 9 | 18 | true | false | 5 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,349 | 2009.10083 | 18,546,481 | 2,020 | 9 | 21 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
Second, we have also identified the origin of the additional constraining power provided by the EFT+BAO likelihood to a joint analysis. It is the small tension between Planck and EFT+BAO inferred values of $A_s$ (the latter favoring a lower value), together with the positive correlation between $f_{\rm ede}$ and $A_s$, which places stronger constraints on $f_{\rm ede}$. We have demonstrated this by performing a 'parameter split' test, allowing $A_s$ for the LSS data to vary independently of $A_s$ for the CMB power spectra and lensing. Given the tension between EFT+BAO and Planck data, even when analyzed using the $\Lambda$CDM model (see Fig. REF), one should be cautious when interpreting constraints to models beyond LCDM using a joint analysis. | 754 | 2009.10740 | 18,553,318 | 2,020 | 9 | 22 | true | true | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
[^5]: In our BAO data analyses in this paper the sound horizon computation assumes a value for the current baryonic matter physical density parameter $\Omega_{\rm b_0} h^2$, appropriate for the model under study, computed from Planck CMB anisotropy data. | 254 | 2009.12953 | 18,573,504 | 2,020 | 9 | 27 | true | true | 1 | MISSION |
The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions. The Participating Institutions are the American Museum of Natural History, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, University of Basel, University of Cambridge, Case Western Reserve University, University of Chicago, Drexel University, Fermilab, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, the Korean Scientist Group, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LAMOST), Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Portsmouth, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the University of Washington. | 928 | 2010.00905 | 18,596,202 | 2,020 | 10 | 2 | true | false | 2 | MPS, MPS |
Moving to CMB data coming from experiments other than Planck, it is also worth remarking that, after combining their latest DR4 results with WMAP data and adopting the usual flat prior on $\Omega_K$, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) collaboration finds a 68% probability region of $-0.011 \leq \Omega_K \leq 0.013$, remarkably consistent with $\Omega_K=0$ [CIT]. Similar results are obtained with ACT data alone, whereas combining ACT with Planck leads to a 68% probability region of $-0.028<\Omega_K<-0.005$, with the corresponding 95% probability region instead encompassing $\Omega_K=0$. However, the combination of Planck and ACT should be viewed with some caution, due to tensions at the $2.5\sigma$ level between the two, discussed both in the main ACT paper [CIT] and in [CIT]. In any case, the ACT results confirm that, by measuring the lensing of the CMB to very high accuracy, it is possible to break the $\Omega_K$-$\Omega_m$ geometrical degeneracy, a finding which is consistent with the Planck simulations performed in [CIT]. We will return to the geometrical degeneracy, and its implications for spatial curvature, later in the paper. | 1,153 | 2010.02230 | 18,604,804 | 2,020 | 10 | 5 | true | false | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
First of all, we check by how much the best-fit $\chi^2$ increases when adding either the *BAO* or *FS* dataset to Planck within either the $\Lambda$CDM or the $K\Lambda$CDM model. Notice from Table REF that within the $\Lambda$CDM picture, adding *BAO* to Planck leads to an increase of $\Delta \chi^2=+6.1$, whereas adding *FS* to Planck leads to an increase of $\Delta \chi^2=+22.0$, consistent with the 20 *FS* datapoints we have considered. These figures suggest no significant tension between either Planck and *BAO* or Planck and *FS* within the $\Lambda$CDM model, with the former result agreeing with earlier findings in H19 and dV19. | 643 | 2010.02230 | 18,604,839 | 2,020 | 10 | 5 | true | false | 5 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We have considered a NED model where a singularity of the electric field in the center of charges is absent similar to BI electrodynamics. The principles of causality, the classical stability and unitarity were investigated. The interval of electromagnetic fields when causality, the classical stability and unitarity take place, were obtained. The dual symmetry is violated in this model because of dimensional parameters $\beta$ and $\gamma$. It was shown that corrections to Coulomb's law are in the order of ${\cal O}(r^{-6})$. The magnetic universe with a stochastic background $\langle B^2\rangle \neq 0$ was studied and we demonstrated that the model with homogeneous and isotropic cosmology explains the universe inflation. There are no singularities of the energy density, pressure, the Ricci scalar, the Ricci tensor squared, and the Kretschmann scalar in our model. A stochastic magnetic field is the source of the inflation of the universe. At $B< 1/\sqrt{2\beta}$ the universe decelerates leading to the radiation era. The spectral index, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and the running of the spectral index calculated are roughly in accord with the PLANCK and WMAP data. The attractive feature in our model of inflation that there is the graceful exit. There are similarities and differences of the current model with [CIT]. The general behaviour of the evolution of the universe inflation in these models are similar. The values of the background magnetic field when the principles of causality, the classical stability and unitarity hold, the corrections to Coulomb law, the ending point of inflation, when the the PLANCK experiment and WMAP data in agreement with the model prediction, are different. Also, this model avoids the super-inflationary behavior as in [CIT]. | 1,783 | 2010.03632 | 18,617,467 | 2,020 | 10 | 7 | false | true | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
Fig. REF displays the time evolution of eight distinct solutions, which are shown in different colors and styles from the initial time to the reheating phase. Since the initial maximum energy density is determined by the initial volume (fixed to $v_0=100$), the solutions in the figure start from the same density and hence the same solid black circle but differ in the initial value of the scalar field and its time derivative. There are trajectories originating from a potential energy dominated bounce/recollapse, such as the green dot-dashed and blue solid curves, and trajectories originating from a kinetic-dominated bounce, such as the brown dashed and yellow dotted curves. Other trajectories such as the dot-dash-dashed red and dot-dash-dash-dashed purple curves start from a bounce where the potential energy and the kinetic energy are comparable in magnitude. All these trajectories have qualitatively similar behavior in the sense that after a few bounces and recollapses, the curves starting from each half of the circle merge into horizontal lines (these are almost parallel to the x axis and are known as inflationary separatrices). Subsequently, the two horizontal lines merge in a spiral at the center of the portrait. The spiral structure corresponds to the reheating phase where all the trajectories overlap with one another as shown in the right panel of Fig. REF. In this regime, the scalar field behaves like a damped harmonic oscillator, and solutions starting from different initial conditions in the Planck regime result in the same classical evolution. The origin $(X_0=0, Y_0=0)$ is a fixed point of the system as it is a static solution of the dynamical equations (REF)-(REF). | 1,704 | 2010.04738 | 18,625,454 | 2,020 | 10 | 9 | true | false | 1 | UNITS |
To check whether $\phi$ particle production can render the model consistent with the swampland conjectures, we start the evolution with the largest field value consistent with the distance conjecture, namely $\phi_0 = 1$ (in Planck units). Fixing $\mu$ and $\Lambda$, we find that the parameter $f$ influences the fate of $\phi_0$, as shown in Figure REF. If the period $f$ of the oscillations of the potential is small, then there is a big back-reaction effect and $\phi_0$ gets trapped almost immediately, leading to a graceful exit problem. On the other hand, if the local minima of the potential are well separated, then the effect of particle production is negligible, and no inflation can occur. As shown in the graph, the transition in the behavior of the solution as a function of $f$ is very sharp. | 807 | 2010.04999 | 18,626,585 | 2,020 | 10 | 10 | true | true | 1 | UNITS |
We find that in our split parameterization, the constraints on $h\equiv H_0/(100, \text{km},\text{s}^{-1},\text{Mpc}^{-1})$ do not significantly change relative to what they are in $\Lambda\text{CDM}$. The Planck likelihood provides nearly all the information on $h$, with its $\ensuremath{\Omega_m} h^2$ constraint manifesting as a tight ellipse in the $\Omega_m^{\rm geo}$-$h$ planes of both Fig. REF and REF. This suggests that non-standard structure growth will have little impact on the value of the Hubble constant inferred from the data we consider, and therefore is a poor candidate for resolving the $H_0$ tension. | 623 | 2010.05924 | 18,633,103 | 2,020 | 10 | 12 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
Planck measurements of the microwave sky are already sensitive to the measurement of the $y$-distortions and have therefore successfully delivered maps of the Compton $y$ parameter [CIT]. The CNC analysis was carried out by the Planck collaboration and the resultant catalogue of clusters detected using a few different analysis pipelines are also available[^11]. | 363 | 2010.07797 | 18,648,157 | 2,020 | 10 | 15 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
[^1]: Asymptotic Bethe ansatz here refers to the leading order of Bethe ansatz equations with respect to the effective Planck constant. It is not related to the Bethe--Yang equation in integrable field theories which is usually denoted as thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. | 266 | 2010.10160 | 18,663,182 | 2,020 | 10 | 20 | false | true | 1 | CONSTANT |
The gas gravitational potential is a crucial parameter in a gas mass dominated system, such as L1482, because it sets the overall dynamics of the system [e.g., [CIT]]. Hence, it forms the basis for any study addressing gas (and stellar) kinematics. In this framework, after presenting the data (§[2]), the first parameter that we must determine is the distance to the system using *Gaia*(§ [3]). We then estimate the gas gravitational potential and field based on the *Herschel* and Planck mass map (§[4]). This sets the stage to analyze the gas motions (§[5]) with the goal of characterizing the physical state, specifically highlighting the detection of filament rotation of L1482-South (§[6]). We discuss these results in §[7] and conclude in §[8]. | 751 | 2010.11211 | 18,671,895 | 2,020 | 10 | 21 | true | false | 1 | UNITS |
SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,349 | 2010.11324 | 18,673,644 | 2,020 | 10 | 21 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
Recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Anisotropies power spectra measured by the Planck satellite show a preference for a closed universe at more than $99 \%$ Confidence Level. Such a scenario is however in disagreement with several low redshift observables, including luminosity distances of Type Ia Supernovae. Here we show that Interacting Dark Energy (IDE) models can ease the discrepancies between Planck and Supernovae Ia data in a closed Universe. Therefore IDE cosmologies remain as very appealing scenarios, as they can provide the solution to a number of observational tensions in different fiducial cosmologies. The results presented here strongly favour broader analyses of cosmological data, and suggest that relaxing the usual flatness and vacuum energy assumptions can lead to a much better agreement among theory and observations. | 852 | 2011.00283 | 18,713,282 | 2,020 | 10 | 31 | true | true | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
- *Step 1: Data*. For our main analysis, we make use of the Planck 2018 \"Odd-Even\" ring half-mission temperature anisotropy maps (OE maps) obtained with the SMICA foreground separation method, along with the Galactic mask given by the so-called \"common mask\" in combination with the half-mission Odd-Even missing pixels (i.e, missing rings of data), which leaves about $76\%$ of the sky available for the cosmological analysis. All the data used in the analysis has been downloaded from the Planck Legacy Archive[^2]. Fig.REF shows one of the two half-mission Odd-Even (OE) temperature anisotropy maps used in our main analysis, smoothed with a 1 deg. FWHM Gaussian beam for better visualization, with the Galactic mask overlaid | 732 | 2011.00910 | 18,715,488 | 2,020 | 11 | 2 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
We note that at first it might seem somewhat counter-intuitive that the constraint on $f_{\rm dcdm}$ is actually loosened by the inclusion of more data, rather than strengthened. The reason for this shift is, however, easy to understand from figure REF. Given the strong correlation between $f_{\rm dcdm}$ and $\Gamma_{\rm dcdm}$, the shift towards higher values of $\Gamma_{\rm dcdm}$ enforced by the Planck-2018 (and BAO) data removes a large fraction of the low $f_{\rm dcdm}$ parameter space allowed by the Planck-2015 data. This automatically shifts the preferred range of $f_{\rm dcdm}$ upwards and leads to a less restrictive upper bound on this parameter. | 663 | 2011.01632 | 18,721,109 | 2,020 | 11 | 3 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
Determining the distances to the Planck Galactic cold clumps (PGCCs) is crucial for the measurement of their physical parameters and the study of their Galactic distribution. Based on two large catalogues of stars with robust distances and reddening estimates from the literature, we have estimated accurate distances to 61 PGCCs in the second Galactic quadrant. For this purpose, we have selected stars along the sightlines overlapping with the cores of the sample clumps and fitted the reddening profiles with a simple reddening model. The typical uncertainties of the resultant distances of these PGCCs are less than 8 per cent. The new estimates differ significantly from the kinematic values, well known to suffer from large errors. With the new distances, we have updated the physical properties including the radii, masses and virial parameters of the cores of the PGCCs. | 878 | 2011.02636 | 18,731,869 | 2,020 | 11 | 5 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
We find no evidence for non-zero $f_{\rm EDE}$ in the CMB data only analysis. We report an upper bound $f_{\rm EDE}<0.104,(2\sigma)$ which is compatible with the amount of EDE required to alleviate the Hubble tension. Thus, the EDE model yields substantially higher values of the Hubble parameter, $H_0=70.79\pm1.41\rm,,km,s^{-1}Mpc^{-1}$, being in $1.6\sigma$ agreement with the SH0ES measurements. We emphasize that the $\rm Planck\text{-}low\ell\!+\!SPT$ data allow for somewhat larger values of $f_{\rm EDE}$ as compared to that from the full Planck likelihood, namely $f_{\rm EDE}<0.087,(2\sigma)$ [CIT]. At the same time, the EDE scenario supplies substantially low values of the late-time amplitude, $S_8=0.766\pm 0.024$, being in perfect agreement with the multiple probes of LSS. This effect is attributed to the fact that the large-angular scale Planck temperature power spectrum and SPTPol data both accommodate a low $S_8$ [CIT]. On the contrary, the full Planck likelihood favours substantially higher values of $\sigma_8$ and $S_8$ which are primarily driven by overly enhanced lensing smoothing of the CMB peaks in the Planck temperature spectrum. The upward shift of these parameters makes the EDE prediction incompatible with the current LSS data as reported in Ref. [CIT]. The $\rm Planck\text{-}low\ell\!+\!SPT$ data allows one to alleviate this issue making the region of appreciably high $f_{\rm EDE}\sim0.1$ compatible with cosmological data. | 1,464 | 2011.04682 | 18,748,685 | 2,020 | 11 | 9 | true | true | 6 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
The epoch of EDE is constrained to $\mathrm{log}_{10}(z_c)=3.75^{+0.55}_{-0.17}$. It reliably supports only a lower bound on $z_c$, whereas the upper tail of $\mathrm{log}_{10}(z_c)$ remains largely unconstrained. The posterior distribution for $\mathrm{log}_{10}(z_c)$ clearly indicates one single maximum, whereas the previous EDE studies hint at a weakly bimodal distribution for that [CIT]. As discussed in Ref. [CIT], this ambiguous behaviour is driven by the Planck polarization measurements at high-$\ell$ and could simply be a noise fluctuation. We also find a much flatter distribution for the initial field displacement, namely $\theta_i=1.60^{+1.13}_{-0.88}$. The previous EDE analyses which adopted the full Planck likelihood [CIT] reveal, on the contrary, a strong preference for a large initial field displacement. This large $\theta_i$ preference comes from a oscillatory pattern in the residuals of the TE and EE Planck spectra in the multipole range $\ell\sim30-500$ [CIT] which is disfavored by the $\rm Planck\text{-}low\ell\!+\!SPT$ data [^8]. Thus, our result validates the monomial expansion of the field potential when one employs the optimally constructed $\rm Planck\text{-}low\ell\!+\!SPT$ likelihood. | 1,227 | 2011.04682 | 18,748,686 | 2,020 | 11 | 9 | true | true | 5 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
The use of the BAO likelihood defined in Eq. (REF) requires the introduction of the comoving sound horizon at baryon drag $r_s^\mathrm{drag}$ as an extra parameter in our model. There is enough constraining power in the late-Universe data from Pantheon+SH0ES+TDCOSMO to determine the value of this parameter. However a different possibility is to use early-Universe data from Planck's observations of the CMB anisotropies [CIT], which yield $r_s^\mathrm{drag,obs} = 147.09 \pm 0.26$ for TT,TE,EE+low-E+lensing measurements. The likelihood we use is then simply given by: FORMULA In the next section we describe how we deal with the so-called Hubble crisis and the discrepancies between SH0ES, TDCOSMO, and Planck. | 713 | 2011.05993 | 18,759,744 | 2,020 | 11 | 11 | true | true | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
However note that for AdS space-times of radius $R$ (see REF(#ads2){reference-type="eqref" reference="ads2"} for the metric) many of the curvature invariants do not vanish, for instance: FORMULA So demanding that the curvature stays less than the Planck mass, i.e. ${\cal R}^2\lesssim M_P^4$, implies $R\gtrsim D$. | 314 | 2011.06610 | 18,766,613 | 2,020 | 11 | 12 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,349 | 2011.07070 | 18,770,305 | 2,020 | 11 | 13 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
The standard model of cosmology, aka $\Lambda$CDM, got well established during the golden era of cosmology, thanks to the high precision data, in particular the fluctuations in the temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) [CIT]. Recently, however, several recent independent observations have put the vanilla $\Lambda$CDM model under tension. The most significant is the $H_0$ tension which emerged with the precise local measurements of the Hubble constant, $H_0=74.03\pm 1.42$ km/s/Mpc [CIT]. This value is in more than $4\sigma$ tension with the $\Lambda$CDM prediction of Planck, $H_0=67.36 \pm 0.54$ [CIT]. The tension is supported by other independent local measurements [CIT]. A milder $2\sigma-3\sigma$ tension is also reported between late measurements of the current matter distribution, as inferred from Planck, $S_8=\sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3}=0.834\pm0.016$, and the measurements by DES $S_8=0.792 \pm 0.024$ [CIT] and by KiDS $S_8=0.766^{+0.020}_{-0.014}$ from weak gravitational lensing and redshift space distortion [CIT]. | 1,077 | 2011.08050 | 18,776,303 | 2,020 | 11 | 16 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
We now discuss the implications of our results on the determination of cosmological parameters. At this aim, we compare our theoretical results with the Deuterium astrophysical measurement of [CIT] FORMULA For the $^4$He mass fraction we will consider the four determinations already mentioned in the Introduction [CIT], FORMULA We use the latest Planck result for the baryon density [CIT] with (Planck+BAO) and without (Planck) combination with BAO data, see Section 1, Eq.s REF and REF. | 488 | 2011.11537 | 18,805,727 | 2,020 | 11 | 23 | true | true | 3 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We first perform the single-parameter fit, constraining the amplitude $A$ of the cross-spectrum relative to a fiducial cosmology (and detailed in the second column of Table REF). We ignore the uncertainty on redshift and shape calibration for the moment. If the data are consistent with the model, we expect to find $A=1$ within the uncertainties of our measurement. We consider an intrinsic alignment amplitude of $A_{\rm IA}=0.54$ as our fiducial value in Eq. (REF), as motivated by [CIT], and find $A^{\rm N}_{\it Planck}=0.56 \pm 0.19$ for the northern region from ACT$\times$KiDS-N, and $A^{\rm S}_{Planck}=0.84\pm0.19$ in the south from Planck$\times$KiDS-S. The amplitude fits from these to patches differ by $\sim 1.5\sigma$ which is consistent with the previous results that use data from different parts of the sky such as the CFHTLenS/RCSLenS analysis [CIT]. Performing a combined fit we find $A_{\it Planck}=0.69 \pm 0.14$. Including zero contribution from intrinsic alignment, $A_{\rm IA}=0$, we find a lower value as expected of $A_{\it Planck}^{{\rm noIA}}=0.64 \pm 0.13$ which is consistent with earlier works that did not include the impact of intrinsic alignment [CIT]. Considering an upper value of $A_{\rm IA}=1$, we find $A_{\it Planck}^{{\rm IA}=1}=0.73 \pm 0.14$. The three values of $A_{\rm IA}$ considered span the expected range from data and simulations. Even with this higher value for the intrinsic alignment we still find a cross-spectrum amplitude that is lower than predicted by a Planck cosmology, by nearly $2\sigma$. | 1,551 | 2011.11613 | 18,806,326 | 2,020 | 11 | 23 | true | false | 7 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
As shown in Figs.REF and REF, for all PBH distributions we considered, significantly improved $f_{\rm{PBH}}$ constraints are expected from future CMB observations. For monochromatic and extended mass functions, there are still regions in parameter space allowed by current data where PBH can serve as the dominant ($f_{\rm{PBH}} \sim 1$) DM component. For example, monochromatic PBHs heavier than $3.8 \times 10^{16} {\rm{g}}$ can still account for all DM in the universe according to Planck. Future missions are capable of testing all these possibilities. The Simons Array [CIT], which has already started taking data, along with proposed missions such as PICO [CIT] and CMB-S4 [CIT], can constrain monochromatic PBH abundance down to $F_{\rm{PBH}} \sim 10^{-53}$, improved by about two orders of magnitudes compared with ${\it{Planck}}$, and about one order of magnitude more stringent than the EBG bounds [CIT]. We also find that our monochromatic Planck bound is in good agreement with that in [CIT]. | 1,004 | 2011.12244 | 18,811,282 | 2,020 | 11 | 24 | true | true | 3 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We would like to thank Joshua Davies, Go Mishima and Matthias Steinhauser for the comparison of results prior to publication. We also would like to thank Tom Zirke for conversation about the large mass expansion and Ramona Gröber for useful discussions. This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under grant 396021762 - TRR 257, by the COST Action CA16201 ('Particleface') of the European Union and by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) under grant number 200020-175595. MK acknowledges support by the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich, grant no. FK-19-102. The research of JS was supported by the European Union through the ERC Advanced Grant MC@NNLO (340983). SJ is supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (Grant URF/R1/201268). We gratefully acknowledge resources provided by the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF). Some of the calculations were performed with computing resources granted by RWTH Aachen University under project rwth0541. | 1,052 | 2011.12325 | 18,813,285 | 2,020 | 11 | 24 | false | true | 1 | MPS |
We investigate collider signatures of standard model extensions featuring vector-like leptons and a flavorful scalar sector. Such a framework arises naturally within asymptotically safe model building, which tames the UV behavior of the standard model towards the Planck scale and beyond. We focus on values of Yukawa couplings and masses which allow to explain the present data on the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments. Using a CMS search based on $77.4 \, \rm{fb}^{-1}$ at the $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV LHC we find that flavorful vector-like leptons are excluded for masses below around $300$ GeV if they are singlets under $SU(2)_L$, and around $800$ GeV if they are doublets. Exploiting the flavor-violating-like decays of the scalars, we design novel null test observables based on opposite sign opposite flavor invariant masses. These multi-lepton distributions allow to signal new physics and to extract mass hierarchies in reach of near-future searches at the LHC and the HL-LHC. | 990 | 2011.12964 | 18,814,095 | 2,020 | 11 | 25 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS Web Site is <http://www.sdss.org/>. | 384 | 2011.13930 | 18,825,747 | 2,020 | 11 | 27 | true | false | 1 | MPS |
In order to elucidate the IR logarithmic effects nonperturbatively, we formulate a Fokker Planck equation for the conformal zero modes of the metric. We obtain the $\beta$ function for dimension-less gravitational coupling $g=G_NH^2/\pi$ in a Gaussian approximation. $G_N$ is the Newton's coupling and $H$ is the Hubble parameter. It is valid for a small coupling $g$ in quantum gravity except at the beginning of the Universe. We first sum up the $O(\log ^na)$ terms to all orders to identify the one-loop running coupling $g=2/\log N$. We next resum the $1/(\log ^nN)$ type corrections to take account of the quantum back-reaction on $g$. Since the $\beta$ function turns out to be negative, it implies asymptotic freedom for $g$ toward the future [CIT]. Furthermore, the $\beta$ function possesses the ultraviolet (UV) fixed point in the past with the critical coupling $g=1/2$. This fact indicates that our Universe begun with the dS expansion near the Planck scale with a minimal entropy. | 993 | 2011.14640 | 18,831,892 | 2,020 | 11 | 30 | false | true | 2 | FOKKER, UNITS |
Along with B-modes polarization, primordial tensor fluctuations may have imprinted also the stochastic background of gravitational waves, the analogous of CMB for gravitational waves [CIT]. If higher-curvature corrections are translated into blue tensors, the stochastic background $\Omega_{\rm GW}(k)$ can be strongly amplified on the small scales (high $k$) probed by the gravitational detectors and we can use data by Gravitational Waves experiments to derive constraints on the inflationary parameters [CIT]. In this section we first derive constraints on higher-curvature corrections using the small scale data on the stochastic background of GWs and then we combine such information with the current CMB data performing a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) analysis. We compute the theoretical model using the latest version of the Boltzmann code `CAMB` [CIT] while we use the python sampler `Cobaya` [CIT] to extract cosmological constraints. The posteriors of our parameter space have been explored using the MCMC sampler developed for `CosmoMC` [CIT] and tailored for parameter spaces with a speed hierarchy which also implements the \"fast dragging\" procedure described in [CIT]. The convergence of the chains obtained with this procedure is tested using the Gelman-Rubin criterium [CIT] and we choose as a threshold for chain convergence $R-1 \lesssim 0.01$. To compare current data with the theoretical model, we employ the Planck's 2018 temperature and polarization likelihood which also includes low multipoles data ($\ell < 30$) [CIT] combined with the lensing likelihood of Planck's 2018 data release based on temperature and polarization lensing reconstruction [CIT] and the CMB power spectrum likelihood of BICEP2/Keck Array (BK15) [CIT]. | 1,754 | 2012.00527 | 18,840,475 | 2,020 | 12 | 1 | true | false | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
In the last two decades, surveys in the far-infrared and sub-millimeter wavebands have opened up a new window for our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies, revealing a population of massive, dust-enshrouded galaxies forming stars at enormous rates in the early Universe [see, e.g., [CIT] -Walter2013; [CIT]]. In particular, the extragalactic imaging surveys done with the *Herschel Space Observatory* [CIT], such as Herschel-ATLAS [CIT], HerMES [CIT], and PEP [CIT], have increased the number of dust-obscured star-forming galaxies from hundreds to several hundred thousand. Together with other large-area surveys, like the all-sky *Planck-HFI* [CIT], the South Pole Telescope [SPT [CIT]] cosmological survey [CIT] and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) [CIT], we have today vast samples of luminous dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) that are amongst the brightest galaxies in the Universe, including numerous examples of strongly lensed systems [e.g., [CIT]] and rare cases of galaxies with intrinsic infrared luminosities, $L_{\rm FIR} \gtrapprox 10^{13}, {\hbox {$L_\odot$}}$, and star formation rates (SFRs) in excess of $\rm 1000, {\hbox {$M_\odot$}}, yr^{-1}$, known as Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies [HyLIRGs, see, e.g., [CIT]]. | 1,262 | 2012.01448 | 18,849,109 | 2,020 | 12 | 2 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
Funding for the SDSS IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS website is www.sdss.org. SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Astrophysics \| Harvard & Smithsonian, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatário Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,667 | 2012.01785 | 18,852,188 | 2,020 | 12 | 3 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
To further reveal the CR density distribution without pre-defined spatial template, we split the Planck template into segments as defined in Fig. REF. We model each segment with a power-law spectrum by fixing the spectral index to be 2.56 (2.64) in the CMZ (off-CMZ) region, i.e., the values derived from the previous fittings with CMZ and off-CMZ division. We fix all the parameters of the point sources outside the CMZ to their best-fitting values as well. The CR densities ($w_{\rm CR}$ in eV/cm$^3$) in those segments can thus be estimated from the normalizations (and hence luminosities) of the $\gamma$-ray emission as FORMULA where $E_{\rm CR} \approx 10 E_{\gamma}$ is the corresponding energy of CRs giving $\gamma$-ray energy of $E_{\gamma}$, $\eta_{\rm N}$ accounts for the correction from nuclei heavier than protons and is taken as 1.5 in this work, $L_\gamma(E_\gamma)$ is the $\gamma$-ray luminosity, and $M$ is the total mass of the gas in the segment which is estimated using the relation between the dust opacity and the column density [CIT]. | 1,060 | 2012.05524 | 18,882,493 | 2,020 | 12 | 10 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
- **Planck 18 + BAO**: Planck 2018 high-$\ell$ and low-$\ell$ TT, TE, EE and lensing data [CIT], plus BAO measurements from 6dFGS at $z = 0.106$ [CIT], from the MGS galaxy sample of SDSS at $z = 0.15$ [CIT], and from the CMASS and LOWZ galaxy samples of BOSS DR12 at $z = 0.38$, $0.51$, and $0.61$ [CIT]. | 304 | 2012.06566 | 18,890,367 | 2,020 | 12 | 11 | true | true | 2 | MISSION, MISSION |
We have discussed the particle physics implications of the cosmological data-fitting on the Coleman-Weinberg type effective potential, based on the recent MCMC analysis made in [CIT]. We focused on the particular inflationary scenario based on the $U(1)_X$-extended Standard Model, and analyzed the RG flow from the inflationary (Planck) scale. By the RG analysis we identified the parameter region for which the $U(1)_X$ symmetry breaking due to the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism is operative. Moreover, we found the parameter region that is already excluded by the LHC Run-2, and the region that is covered by the future HL-LHC. | 627 | 2012.06637 | 18,891,744 | 2,020 | 12 | 11 | true | true | 1 | UNITS |
Even if one ignores these hints, some unsolved puzzles can be identified already within the Standard Model. One of them is the fine-tuning problem associated with the weak scale [CIT]. Naively it is expected that the squared mass parameter of a scalar particle should be of the order of the cutoff of the theory. In the Standard Model, the cutoff can be assumed as the Planck scale $\Lambda_{p}$, the scale where Quantum Gravity becomes relevant: FORMULA This expectation happens because there is no symmetry to protect the theory from receiving large contributions to the squared mass term. The story is different from a fermion particle, where the presence of chiral symmetry in the $m_{f} \rightarrow 0$ limit shields the fermions from being quadratically sensitive to the Ultra-Violet (UV). This does not occur for the scalar particle without any additional symmetry. Thus, it is surprising that the measured Higgs mass $m_{h}\approx 125$ GeV [CIT] and the absence of other states or signs of new physics, indicates the presence of a scalar much lighter than a cutoff. That means the occurrence of a fine-tuning of the contribution from BSM physics in such a way that the Higgs mass is small. The theory has large numbers that conspire to give a small physical contribution: FORMULA There are a few potential solutions to the fine-tuning problem. The most famous are Supersymmetry [CIT] and Composite Higgs [CIT]. | 1,417 | 2012.09028 | 18,903,354 | 2,020 | 12 | 14 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
A uniformly accelerated detector in dS$_4$ moves along the trajectory FORMULA using the coordinates Eq. REF(#eq:ds-flat){reference-type="eqref" reference="eq:ds-flat"}, where $K$ is a constant, and has a response per unit time [CIT] FORMULA where the temperature [CIT] FORMULA can be recognized from the Planck factor. The magnitude of the 4-acceleration is FORMULA Note that the form of this temperature is suggestive of contributions from both the Unruh effect (the $a^2$ term) and the Gibbons-Hawking effect (the $1/\ell^2$ term). | 533 | 2012.08557 | 18,909,063 | 2,020 | 12 | 15 | false | true | 1 | LAW |
SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Center for Astrophysics \| Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA), the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) / University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatorio Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University. | 1,357 | 2012.08569 | 18,909,790 | 2,020 | 12 | 15 | true | false | 3 | MPS, MPS, MPS |
In CDT, several observables have been formulated for which the expectation value in a classical limit is in agreement with general relativity. Furthermore, some of these observables give non-trivial predictions near the Planck scale. These observables include the spectral and Hausdorff dimensions, the volume profile, and the quantum Ricci curvature [CIT]. However, a better understanding of the geometric properties of CDT requires observables that give more detailed geometric information. Of particular interest are observables that contain directional information. Recent investigations of the quantum Ricci curvature show promising signs that directional properties can be studied [CIT] and it would be beneficial to find independent observables to support these studies. We also need more observables that can determine whether any sensible (semi-)classical behaviour is present in the theory and can probe different scales. An observable that can tell us about the presence of large-scale symmetries can be very valuable with regard to these questions. In this article we develop tools to study approximate symmetries in models of quantum gravity based on a lattice regularisation of space-time. We have investigated the construction of potential observables from $\lambda$-approximate Killing vectors. | 1,310 | 2012.14518 | 18,959,362 | 2,020 | 12 | 28 | false | true | 1 | UNITS |
Two of the three clusters, CHIPS1356-3421 and CHIPS1911+4455, have corresponding Planck cluster candidates at SNR = 5.76 and 4.64, respectively [CIT]. Specifically, the Planck source at the location of CHIPS1356-3421 is among the 1653 SZ detections in the Planck catalog, but it is not a member of the 1203 confirmed detections. [CIT] shows that it is in fact a massive cool core cluster at that location. Meanwhile, CHIPS1911+4455 has a weaker signal with SNR=4.64 but has an additional counterpart in an external dataset, specifically a significant galaxy overdensity in the WISE data. These two examples show that we could potentially further utilize the Planck catalog of unconfirmed SZ sources to help confirm the existence of these hidden clusters with lower richness than what we are able to achieve currently with the *CHiPS* survey. Even though Planck's threshold for cluster detection is higher than what we found with the *CHiPS* survey, the Planck catalog also includes many low-significance candidates. Works similar to the *CHiPS* survey will have the potential to help confirm the existence of galaxy clusters in this lower-significance regime since it is highly unlikely that the two completely different techniques will find a cluster candidate at the same location. | 1,283 | 2101.01730 | 18,981,159 | 2,021 | 1 | 5 | true | false | 6 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
Finally, as already observed with other DE parametrizations, the inclusion of the local measurements of $H_0$ to Planck 2015 and 2018, fixes the Hubble constant values to the R18 and R19 priors respectively. Even in this scenario $w_0$ is in the quintessence regime, completely in agreement with Planck + BAO, but with larger error bars. Regarding instead $w_a$, we have just upper limits at 68% CL and 95% CL, with the negative value preferred at about $2\sigma$ for Planck 2018+R19. | 484 | 2101.02168 | 18,984,803 | 2,021 | 1 | 6 | true | false | 3 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
Our calculation of temperatures and masses in Sect. [3.5], could also be having an effect upon the evolutionary trend. We adopted a value of $\beta=1.8$, based upon the Galactic plane average value, as measured by Planck [CIT], and thereby calculated a value of $\kappa_{260}$. However, the value of $\beta$ has been shown to vary as a function of frequency [e.g. [CIT] :2014], and so we test the impact of a two-valued $\beta$ upon the reported evolutionary trend. Following [CIT] :2014, we adopt a far-infrared value of $\beta_\mathrm{FIR} = 1.88 \pm 0.08$ for our calculation of colour temperatures (as per Eq. REF), and a millimetre value of $\beta_\mathrm{mm} = 1.60 \pm 0.06$, for the determination of $\kappa_\mathrm{260}$ used in the mass calculation (Eq. REF). In panel f) of Fig. REF, it can be seen that the relative evolutionary trends are unaffected by these changes, with the exception that the value of $\log_{10}(M/M_\odot)$ is systematically shifted downwards by $\sim$ 0.1, accompanied by a small reduction in temperature of 0.2--0.4 K. | 1,054 | 2101.08811 | 19,042,537 | 2,021 | 1 | 21 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), a relic radiation emitted when nuclei and electrons first combined to form neutral atoms in the Universe at the "last scattering" epoch, when the Universe was about 380,000 years old, has been instrumental in establishing the standard cosmological scenario, the $\Lambda$CDM model. Small amplitude anisotropies in the temperature of the background, witnesses of the primordial perturbations of the space-time metric that gave rise to present large-scale structures, convey essential information about physical processes at work in the Universe's infancy. The recent results of the Planck mission [CIT] constrain with unprecedented precision and accuracy the main parameters of this cosmological concordance model [CIT]. | 758 | 2101.09608 | 19,047,757 | 2,021 | 1 | 24 | true | false | 1 | MISSION |
The $\Lambda$CDM model has usually been viewed as a standard model of cosmology at the present. In the $\Lambda$CDM model, the expansion history of the universe, described by the Hubble expansion rate, is given by the Friedmann equation, FORMULA where $H$ is the Hubble parameter, $G$ is the gravitational constant, and the densities of matter and radiation evolve with redshift as $\rho_{\rm m,r} = \rho^0_{\rm m,r}(1+z)^{3(1+w_{\rm m,r})}$, with their equations of state $w_{\rm m}= 0$ for non-relativistic particles and $w_{\rm r}= 1/3$ for relativistic particles. The cosmological constant $\Lambda$ describes the vacuum energy density, which serves as dark energy in this model. The vacuum energy density is given by $\rho_{_\Lambda} = \rho^0_{_\Lambda}\equiv \Lambda/(8\pi G_0)$, which has a negative pressure with the equation of state $p_{_\Lambda} = w_{_\Lambda} \rho_{_\Lambda}$, with $w_{_\Lambda} = -1$. Note that here in fact we use $\Lambda$ to denote the "effective" cosmological constant $\Lambda\simeq 4.2\times 10^{-66} {\rm eV}^2=2.8\times 10^{-122} m_{\rm Pl}^2$ with $m_{\rm Pl}$ the Planck mass. Actually, the puzzling problem of why the original vacuum energy density could precisely cancel with the "bare" cosmological constant leading to such a small value of $\Lambda$ is still an open question, also known as the cosmological constant problem, which is usually viewed to be closely relevant to quantum gravity, and we will not deeply discuss this issue in this paper. | 1,494 | 2101.10714 | 19,055,515 | 2,021 | 1 | 26 | true | true | 1 | UNITS |
Given that the results of section [4.1] are only as accurate as the simulations on which they rely, we set out now to validate those findings against Planck data on the scales where the latter has sufficient signal-to-noise. More specifically, we compare the output of our analysis procedure (detailed in section [3.5]) when applied to the VS simulations to the case where the temperature and polarisation maps we use are instead the Planck 2018 full-mission or GNILC products, both at 353,GHz. (The Planck products we use are available on the [Planck Legacy Archive](http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla/#home).) | 604 | 2102.01045 | 19,079,021 | 2,021 | 2 | 1 | true | false | 4 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We repeated this comparison for the four other Planck bands employed here, 70.4, 100, 217 and 353 GHz (Table REF). Again, flux densities from PCCS1 were corrected by the small changes in overall calibration (columns 5 and 6 of Table REF) and the errors include uncertainty in the beam solid angle. With the exception of 217 and 353 GHz measurements, we see that the two Planck catalogs of compact source flux densities are closely compatible, once small, known changes in overall calibration between 2013 and 2018 are accounted for. We have also measured with sub percent precision the small residual differences (e.g., $0.48 \pm 0.33$ % at 143 GHz). These small, additional correction factors are included when we compare Planck flux densities from PCCS1 to those from ground-based instruments in section [6]. | 810 | 2102.05079 | 19,110,028 | 2,021 | 2 | 9 | true | false | 3 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
We can eliminate one step in the bridge, namely the use of the multi-season ACTall data, by comparing the MBAC measurements to both Planck and the later season 2016 PA2 ACT measurements, then comparing the latter to ALMA. Omitting ACTall, we find $S(\text{ALMA})/S(\text{Planck}) = 0.9055\pm0.0331\pm(0.0164)$. The problem here is the long gap between 2008-10 MBAC measurements and season 2016. We may also drop the early MBAC observations and link Planck to ACTall, then ACTall to the season 2016 PA2 measurements and hence to ALMA: $S(\text{ALMA})/S(\text{Planck}) = 1.0076\pm0.0280\pm(0.0117)$. Eliminating season 2016 PA2 instead, by linking ACTall directly to ALMA and through MBAC to Planck, yields marginally consistent results but larger error: $S(\text{ALMA})/S(\text{Planck}) = 0.9519\pm0.0393\pm(0.0139)$. We may also drop both MBAC and season 2016 PA2, and use ACTall as the sole link between Planck and ALMA, yielding $S(\text{ALMA})/S(\text{Planck})= 0.9734\pm0.0355\pm(0.0104)$. Finally, we can simply compare the ACT PA2 measurements made in 2016 with the corrected PCCS2 Planck data to move directly to the equivalent of Eq. REF, after adding the $0.07\%$ uncertainty in the Planck beam solid angle to the error: FORMULA in excellent agreement with the result found earlier. Combining this result with Eq. REF yields FORMULA consistent with Eq. REF. All but one of the ALMA-Planck comparisons are consistent with unity within the error bars. With that same exception, they are internally consistent within the errors as well. | 1,542 | 2102.05079 | 19,110,054 | 2,021 | 2 | 9 | true | false | 11 | MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION, MISSION |
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