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Culture-specific delusions. Sense and nonsense in cultural context.
It can be said that a definition of delusions requires the invocation of cultural understandings, standards of acceptability, as well as conceptions of reality and the forces that animate it. For these reasons, the determination of delusional or normative ideation can only be effected properly within particular cultural contexts. The cross-cultural record suggests that it is difficult to separate the delusional from the cultural; a belief that is patterened and culturally specific is, by definition a cultural, not a delusional belief. One must rely upon particular, relevant local cultural understandings to ascertain when the bounds of culture have been transgressed and meaning has given way to unshareable nonsense. |
[Androgen receptors in the fetus of a primate (Macaca fascicularis) : preliminary results].
Skin fibroblasts raised from Macaca fascicularis skin samples were tested for specific androgen receptors. By the 100th day of gestation male and female skin fibroblasts androgen receptors were detected. Higher levels of androgen receptors were found in sex skin fibroblasts. These preliminary results suggest that this primate could be used as a good model for the study of androgen receptors ontogenesis and regulation. |
Polymorphism of beta-lactoglobulin gene in Indian goats and its effect on milk yield.
Polymorphism in the beta-LG gene in the Indian goat was investigated by the SDS-PAGE and PCR-RFLP method. SDS-PAGE was carried out in 1098 samples belonging to 8 different breeds of Indian goats. The electrophoretic pattern in the beta-LG locus showed the presence of AA and AB genotypes with frequencies of 0.81 and 0.19, 0.89 and 0.11, 0.50 and 0.50, 0.80 and 0.20, 0.84 and 0.16, 1.00 and 0.00, 0.98 and 0.02 and 0.950 and 0.050 in Jamunapari, Barbari, Marwari, Sirohi, Jakhrana, Beetal, Local UP and Local MP goats, respectively. A total of 358 individuals belonging to 13 different genetic groups were analyzed by the PCR-RFLP method. The amplified product was observed as 426 bp and the restriction digestion with SacII revealed three genotypes, namely S1S1, S1S2 and S2S2 at the beta-LG locus. The frequency of the S2S2 genotype ranged from 0.42 to 1.00 in the population. An analysis was carried out in Jamunapari and Barbari goats to observe the effect of the beta-LG genotype on 90-day milk yield. Least squares analysis of data showed that beta-LG AA animals had higher milk yield than the beta-LG AB genotype in both breeds (P < 0.01). |
Automated echocardiographic analysis of systemic ventricular performance in hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
In patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the right ventricle is positioned as the systemic ventricle. Monitoring its function is important but difficult because of its unusual position and geometry. The purposes of this study were to determine the feasibility of applying automatic echocardiographic measurements to the evaluation of right ventricular function in patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and to compare their function with that of normal subjects. Eleven patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (mean age 1.6 years) were evaluated with automatic border detection. Images were adequate if greater than 85% of the endocardium was being tracked. Systolic indexes were fractional area change and peak emptying rate; diastolic indexes were peak filling rate and the proportion of filling that occurred during rapid filling, diastasis, and atrial contraction. These data were compared with those in 18 normal control subjects. Three patients had completed stage 1 (aortic reconstruction, surgical shunt, and atrial septectomy), three patients had completed stage 2 (hemi-Fontan), and five patients had completed stage 3 (Fontan). Images were adequate in all cases. Fractional area change and peak emptying rate were significantly lower in the patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome compared with control subjects (38% +/- 6% versus 61% +/- 10% and 3.5 +/- 0.9 versus 5.3 +/- 1.3 sec-1, respectively). Peak filling rate was significantly lower (4.1 +/- 1.3 versus 6.6 +/- 2.3 sec-1) and atrial contribution was significantly higher (18% +/- 7% versus 12% +/- 4%) in the patients. Automated echocardiographic analysis is feasible in assessing systemic ventricular function in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. These patients have abnormal systolic and diastolic function. Automatic border detection may be useful in detecting and monitoring systemic ventricular dysfunction as these patients progress through the surgical stages of repair. |
Social learning of food types in zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata) is directed by demonstrator sex and feeding activity.
In this study we examined how social learning of feeding preferences by zebra finches was affected by the identity of different demonstrators. We presented adult zebra finches with two demonstrators, one male and one female, that exhibited different food choices, and we recorded their subsequent preference when given a choice between the two food types. Previously it was found that young zebra finches' patterns of social learning are affected by the sex of the individual demonstrating a feeding behaviour. This result could be explained by the lack of exposure these animals had to the opposite sex, or by their mating status. Therefore, we investigated the social learning preferences of adult mated zebra finches. We found the same pattern of directed social learning of a different type of feeding behaviour (food colour): female zebra finches preferred the colour of food eaten by male demonstrators, whereas male zebra finches showed little evidence of any preference for the colour of food eaten by female demonstrators. Furthermore, we found that female observers' preferences were biased by demonstrators' relative feeding activity: the female demonstrator was only ever preferred if it ate less than its male counterpart. |
[A change in the dendrite apparatus of the central nervous system under the influence of several extreme factors].
Electron-microscopy studies of the lateral dendrite processes of the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex hemispheres in rabbits exposed to thermal effects, total irradiation, and to combination of these two factors, were carried out. Destructive changes in the lateral dendrite processes, consisting in their smoothing, translocation of the dendrite apparatus into the dendrite trunk, desorganization of the dendrite apparatus, were noted. The above mentioned changes in the dendrites were not accompanied by any marked impairment of the axodendrite synapses, which testified to a relative stability of the axodendrite synapses in the cerebral cortex hemispheres. |
Strategies for successfully consolidating revenue operations.
Beginning a large revenue cycle consolidation project with a highly disciplined pilot project can support the goal of a predictable and efficient rollout systemwide. A commitment to consistent metrics pays off in continuous improvement, transparency, and accountability. Detailed staffing plans are essential to meeting milestone targets during the transition. The right technology is key to achieving standardization and to measuring progress. |
Disciplinary perspectives on evidence-based practice: the more the merrier.
A Google search on June 14, 2007, produced 59,700,000 hits for the term evidence-based practice. While this is a popular term today in health care, it is most interesting that the use of this term crosses disciplinary boundaries. With the current trend toward interdisciplinary approaches to our work, the question arises: What does evidence-based practice mean and how is it defined and used by various disciplines? |
Exacerbation of prothrombin time-international normalized ratio before second polymyxin B cartridge hemoperfusion predicts poor outcome of patients with severe sepsis and/or septic shock.
Although polymyxin B cartridge hemoperfusion (PMX) has an important place in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and/or septic shock (SS), there are few rigid indications for performing PMX a second time.The objective of the study was to investigate the clinicolaboratory characteristics (CCs) showing the most significant change from the first to the second PMX and associated with 28-d mortality in patients with SS. Between April 2006 and March 2008, 78 patients with SS who had received two sessions of PMX in a prospectively collected multicenter collaboration study were enrolled. Univariate and multivariate analyses using the differences in the values of individual CCs (Δ-CCs) were performed to assess the CCs showing the most significant change in value associated with 28-d mortality. The Δ-CC was defined as: Δ2nd-1st-CC = value of the CC just before the second PMX - value of the CC just before the first PMX. Among 28 Δ2nd-1st-CCs, 10 Δ2nd-1st-CCs were selected by using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses. The results of multivariate analysis using adequate 8 Δ2nd-1st-CCs that had been selected by univariate analyses revealed that only Δ2nd-1st-prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) (≤0.16/>0.16; hazard ratio = 6.562; 95% CI = 1.525-28.23; P = 0.012) was associated with 28-d mortality. Survival curve analysis demonstrated a significant difference in 28-d mortality between patients with a lower (≤0.16) and a higher (>0.16) Δ2nd-1st-PT-INR (P < 0.001). Patients with exacerbation of PT-INR (>0.16) after initial PMX are unlikely to benefit clinically from a second PMX for treatment of SS. |
Precapillary control of the splanchnic vascular bed.
The accessibility of the mesenteric vasculature of the rat permits it to be used for intravital microscopy. Venous-arteriolar response and autoregulation are localized in the precapillary and terminal arterioles. Responses to intravasal application of noradrenaline are not influenced by arteriolar tone, induced by a venous-arteriolar response. This indicates a strong regulatory influence on the precapillary vessels originating from the venous side. Arteriolar and venous-arteriolar autoregulations are differentially effective in the individual organ circulations. Noradrenaline dose-response curves and frequency-response curves in the saline-perfused mesenteric vascular bed were analyzed with respect to the reactivity of the different groups of precapillary vessels. The sensitivity to noradrenaline, quantified by the ED50, was significantly smaller in the arterioles than in small precapillary arterioles or in larger arteries. Autoregulatory escape was recognized as a typical mechanism of flow redistribution consisting partially of vascular adjustment. Escape from vasoconstrictor influences was more pronounced during electrical stimulation than during responses to noradrenaline. The data suggest that distribution of splanchnic blood flow to individual organs is governed by venous-arteriolar and arteriolar autoregulation, whereas the sympathetic nerves and autoregulatory escape are major factors in controlling the redistribution of blood flow within the tissue or tissue layers. |
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte dysregulation during the systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Altered polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) function is thought to contribute to organ dysfunction during the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). To test this hypothesis, we evaluated whole blood PMN function adherent to fibronectin or laminin in patients with mild or severe acute pancreatitis as a paradigm for sirs. Whole-blood PMN intracellular H2O2 production, expression of CD32w (Fc gamma R II), CD16 (Fc gamma R III), and phagocytosis were performed using dichlorofluorescein diacetate, fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled anti-CD32w, CD16, and serum-opsonized fluorescent microspheres. Group I (n x 7) represents normal control individuals; group II (n x 11) represents patients with mild acute pancreatitis. Group III (n x 15) represents critically ill patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Adherence of PMN from groups I and II to matrix proteins resulted in a 5% to 20% increase in each PMN function assayed whereas adherence of PMN from group III to matrix proteins resulted in 50% to 75% increases in each PMN function assayed. Pertussis toxin, pentoxifylline, and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) each reduced group I-II H2O2 production and phagocytosis. Pentoxifylline and dibutyryl cAMP but not pertussis toxin reduced group III H2O2 production. Both intracellular H2O2 and phagocytosis assays from group III but not groups I-II showed exaggerated upregulation when exposed to NaF (4 mmol/L). Anti-interleukin-6 reduced the increase in intracellular H2O2 production in group III patients and significantly altered the exaggerated oxidative response to NaF. Longitudinal studies of group III whole-blood PMN showed persistent upregulation of intracellular H2O2 production in those patients whose hospital courses were complicated by multiple system organ failure. These results demonstrate abnormal whole blood PMN function during the systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the presence of fibronectin, or laminin and that this is mediated in part via a pertussis toxin insensitive altered guanosine triphosphate-binding protein. |
Suppression of the secretion of luteinizing hormone due to isolation/restraint stress in gonadectomised rams and ewes is influenced by sex steroids.
In this study we used an isolation/restraint stress to test the hypothesis that stress will affect the secretion of LH differently in gonadectomised rams and ewes treated with different combinations of sex steroids. Romney Marsh sheep were gonadectomised two weeks prior to these experiments. In the first experiment male and female sheep were treated with vehicle or different sex steroids for 7 days prior to the application of the isolation/restraint stress. Male sheep received either i.m. oil (control rams) or 6 mg testosterone propionate injections every 12 h. Female sheep were given empty s.c. implants (control ewes), or 2x1 cm s.c. implants containing oestradiol, or an intravaginal controlled internal drug release device containing 0.3 g progesterone, or the combination of oestradiol and progesterone. There were four animals in each group. On the day of application of the isolation/restraint stress, blood samples were collected every 10 min for 16 h for the subsequent measurement of plasma LH and cortisol concentrations. After 8 h the stress was applied for 4 h. Two weeks later, blood samples were collected for a further 16 h from the control rams and ewes, but on this day no stress was imposed. In the second experiment, separate control gonadectomised rams and ewes (n=4/group) were studied for 7 h on 3 consecutive days, when separate treatments were applied. On day 1, the animals received no treatment; on day 2, isolation/restraint stress was applied after 3 h; and on day 3, an i. v. injection of 2 microg/kg ACTH1-24 was given after 3 h. On each day, blood samples were collected every 10 min and the LH response to the i.v. injection of 500 ng GnRH administered after 5 h of sampling was measured. In Experiment 1, the secretion of LH was suppressed during isolation/restraint in all groups but the parameters of LH secretion (LH pulse frequency and amplitude) that were affected varied between groups. In control rams, LH pulse amplitude, and not frequency, was decreased during isolation/restraint whereas in rams treated with testosterone propionate the stressor reduced pulse frequency and not amplitude. In control ewes, isolation/restraint decreased LH pulse frequency but not amplitude. Isolation/restraint reduced both LH pulse frequency and amplitude in ewes treated with oestradiol, LH pulse frequency in ewes treated with progesterone and only LH pulse amplitude in ewes treated with both oestradiol and progesterone. There was no change in LH secretion during the day of no stress. Plasma concentrations of cortisol were higher during isolation/restraint than on the day of no stress. On the day of isolation/restraint maximal concentrations of cortisol were observed during the application of the stressor but there were no differences between groups in the magnitude of this response. In Experiment 2, isolation/restraint reduced the LH response to GnRH in rams but not ewes and ACTH reduced the LH response to GnRH both in rams and ewes. Our results show that the mechanism(s) by which isolation/restraint stress suppresses LH secretion in sheep is influenced by sex steroids. The predominance of particular sex steroids in the circulation may affect the extent to which stress inhibits the secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus and/or the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to the actions of GnRH. There are also differences between the sexes in the effects of stress on LH secretion that are independent of the sex steroids. |
DNA Modifications: Naturally More Error Prone?
Epigenetic DNA modifications are essential for normal cell function in vertebrates, but they can also be hotspots of mutagenesis. Methylcytosine in particular has long been known to be less stable than other nucleotides and spontaneously deaminates to thymine. Beyond this well-established phenomenon, however, the influence of epigenetic marks on mutagenesis has recently become an active field of investigation. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of the interactions between different DNA modifications and other mutagenic processes. External mutagens, such as UV light or smoking carcinogens, affect modified cytosines differently from unmodified ones, and modified cytosine can in some cases be protective rather than mutagenic. Notably, cell-intrinsic processes, such as DNA replication, also appear to influence the mutagenesis of modified cytosines. Altogether, evidence is accumulating to show that epigenetic changes have a profound influence on tissue-specific mutation accumulation. |
Towards a simple marker of hepato-visceral adiposity and insulin resistance: The Z-score change from weight-at-birth to BMI-in-childhood.
Insulin resistance and hepato-visceral (central) fat excess are thought to contribute to an earlier timing of adrenarche/pubarche and puberty/menarche; this earlier timing in turn relates often to a mismatch between prenatal and postnatal weight gain, which can be estimated by calculating the Z-score change from birth weight (BW) to body mass index (BMI) in childhood. We tested the hypothesis that this calculation may serve as a proxy of insulin resistance and hepato-visceral adiposity in prepuberty by reappraising a cohort of children (mean age, 8.5 years), born appropriate- (AGA, n = 41) or small-for-gestational age (SGA, n = 45), followed since birth (n = 76) or since the age of 3 years (n = 10). Assessments included anthropometry; fasting glucose and insulin; liver volume; and hepatic fat, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat in the abdominal region (by magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). Z-score change BW-BMI closely associated to central fat (R = 0.74; P < .0001) and insulin resistance (R = 0.71; P < .0001). These results suggest that Z-score change BW-BMI could be viewed as a simple candidate-marker for hepato-visceral adiposity and insulin resistance in prepubertal children. |
[Leukocoria (white pupil) among children--mother is always right].
Leucocoria is a rare, but serious symptom in early childhood. It may be present at birth or develop during infancy. As in adults, infants usually display a black pupil, and upon shining a bright light into the pupil with the ophthalmoscope, an orange or red reflex emerges. The first person to see that something is wrong, is often the mother, but she cannot give a precise description. When the infant is crying it can be difficult to examine the red reflex, and the necessity of admitting the infant to an ophthalmologist, when the mother is worried, is discussed. In this paper we discuss two cases of retinoblastoma and one case of congenital cataract where the treatment was delayed due to late diagnosis of the leucocoria. The main conclusion is always to listen to the relatives when they are worried about the infant's eye, and to make sure that the infant is properly examined. |
Structure-based optics of centric diatom frustules: modulation of the in vivo light field for efficient diatom photosynthesis.
The optical properties of diatom silicate frustules inspire photonics and nanotechnology research. Whether light interaction with the nano-structure of the frustule also affects diatom photosynthesis has remained unclear due to lack of information on frustule optical properties under more natural conditions. Here we demonstrate that the optical properties of the frustule valves in water affect light harvesting and photosynthesis in live cells of centric diatoms (Coscinodiscus granii). Microscale cellular mapping of photosynthesis around localized spot illumination demonstrated optical coupling of chloroplasts to the valve wall. Photonic structures of the three-layered C. granii valve facilitated light redistribution and efficient photosynthesis in cell regions distant from the directly illuminated area. The different porous structure of the two sides of the valve exhibited photon trapping and forward scattering of blue light enhancing photosynthetic active radiation inside the cell. Photonic structures of diatom frustules thus alter the cellular light field with implications on diatom photobiology. |
Carbonate dehydratase (carbonic anhydrase) in a spider. Association with the hemolymph lipoprotein.
Carbonate dehydratase was detected dissolved in the hemolymph of the tarantula, Eurypelma californicum. The enzyme was purified 31-fold by gel filtration, anion-exchange chromatography, a second gel filtration, and finally, preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Zinc content increased during purification to up to 2.4 mol Zn/100 000 g of protein (= 1.58 mg Zn/g protein). In the polyacrylamide electrophoresis of tarantula hemolymph under non-denaturing conditions three major protein bands were observed: hemocyanin, a 16 S lipoprotein and the active band which migrated closely behind the 16 S lipoprotein. After treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate both the carbonate dehydratase-active protein and the lipoprotein revealed bands corresponding to Mr = 95 000 and 110 000, respectively, but the enzymatically active protein revealed an additional third band with Mr = 40 000. The latter band is though to represent the 'true' carbonate dehydratase protein. Upon isoelectric focusing of material containing carbonate dehydratase activity and lipoprotein, bands were obtained at pH 5.45, 5.6 and 5.7. The band at pH 5.6 contained the peak of enzyme activity, and upon dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed the highest proportion of the 40-kDa polypeptide. It is concluded that tarantula carbonate dehydratase, instead of forming a high molecular mass aggregate, is associated with the 16 S lipoprotein, the latter serving as a carrier for the enzyme. The lipoprotein is probably also involved in other transport processes. It is present in great excess and may therefore occur in two forms, charged with carbonate dehydratase or uncharged. Tarantula carbonate dehydratase is inhibited by acetazolamide and by dansylamide, but not by a number of other known inhibitors, most notably not by 4-(aminomethyl)benzenesulfonamide. Treatment with 1M urea does not affect specific enzyme activity, while 2M urea inhibits by 50%. 2-Mercaptoethanol inhibits activity by 50% at 0.1M. Like other carbonate dehydratases, the tarantula enzyme shows esterase activity. The Km for 4-nitrophenyl acetate is 5mM. |
The 35-nucleotide spliced leader sequence is common to all trypanosome messenger RNA's.
In Trypanosomatidae the messenger RNA's (mRNA's) that code for the variant surface glycoproteins (VSG's), tubulins, calmodulin, and at least a subset of other proteins contain a common 35-nucleotide leader sequence at their 5' ends. Hybrid-arrested in vitro translation has been used to show that all mRNA's in both African and South American trypanosomes contain this 35-nucleotide sequence. Oligonucleotides complementary to this sequence blocked translation of all trypanosome mRNA's in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system, but did not inhibit translation of mRNA's from other organisms lacking this sequence. An oligonucleotide complementary to the VSG mRNA downstream from the spliced leader sequence arrested only VSG synthesis. Thus, the 35-nucleotide leader sequence is a general feature of all trypanosome mRNA's. The high specificity of oligonucleotides complementary to the spliced leader for their target sequence suggests that analogues permeable to the cell membrane may be useful in the treatment of trypanosomal infections. |
Differential metallothionein induction patterns in three freshwater fish during sublethal copper exposure.
We assessed whether fish that tolerate higher levels of Cu exposure have a higher capacity to induce metallothionein (MT) synthesis than other, more sensitive, fish species. Furthermore, we examined if a correlation could be found between tissue Cu accumulation and MT levels. Cu accumulation and MT concentrations in gill, liver, kidney and muscle of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) were measured during a 1 week exposure to a sublethal Cu (1 microM). Different patterns were observed for the three species regarding Cu accumulation as well as MT induction. Virtually no Cu accumulation was seen in rainbow trout gill, while in both cyprinid species gill Cu levels increased three- to four-fold. Cu accumulated fast in common carp (within the first day), but slow in gibel carp (1 week). Gill MT induction was obvious in gibel carp only, with an increase of 156% after 1 week of exposure. Liver accumulated most Cu in rainbow trout (235% increase) and common carp (144% increase), with Cu levels in liver being significantly higher in rainbow trout compared to the carp species from the start. MT induction was pronounced in common carp liver only (138% increase). In gibel carp liver, there was no clear Cu accumulation or MT induction. In contrast, gibel carp was the only species to show Cu accumulation in kidney after 3 days of exposure (83% increase), after which levels returned to normal. Concomitantly, gibel carp kidney was also the only kidney tissue to show MT induction (192-195% increase after 3 and 7 days). In common carp, a significant decrease of kidney MT levels was observed from day 1 onwards. In muscle, Cu accumulation was clear for the two cyprinid species (three- to four-fold increase) but not for rainbow trout. Of the species studied, gibel carp is the most resistant to copper polluted environments, and showed a positive significant relationship between tissue copper concentrations and MT levels in gill, liver and muscle tissues. Common carp showed an intermediate response, with significant correlations in liver and muscle tissue. In contrast, we found low MT induction in rainbow trout, the most sensitive species, and no correlation at all between MT concentrations and tissue copper contents. Possibly, the regulatory capacity for copper homeostasis was exceeded in rainbow trout, and MT synthesis inhibited. |
Long-standing bidirectional tachycardia in a patient with hypokalemic periodic paralysis.
Bidirectional tachycardia is an uncommon arrhythmia that usually occurs in aged persons with severe myocardial disease or digitalis intoxication, and carries a poor prognosis. This is a report of a young woman with familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis, who has a 13-year history of asymptomatic bidirectional tachycardia in the absence of organic heart disease or digitalis intoxication. Association of periodic paralysis and bidirectional tachycardia in this case and four previously reported cases suggests a strong relationship between this arrhythmia and potassium. |
Assessment of some clinical and laboratory variables for early diagnosis of cumulative copper poisoning in sheep.
Sixteen male Suffolk lambs fed a 8 ppm Cu basal diet were randomly assigned to 2 groups: 12 copper-loaded (CL) and 4 controls (C). The CL sheep were drenched initially with 3 mg Cu/kg bw daily for a week. Every week an additional dose of 3 mg Cu/kg bw was included in the drench until signs of copper poisoning appeared; the control sheep were drenched with saline solution. The onset of copper poisoning occurred between 42 and 55 d. Food intake and body weight were recorded daily. Blood samples were collected weekly to measure the activity of the liver enzymes gamma-glutamyltransferase (gammaGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), sorbitoll dehydrogenase (SDH) and acid phosphatase (AF). The following changes were significantly recorded in the CL sheep in the weeks or days previous to the hemolytic crisis: higher levels of gammaGT were found on the -28th d increasing slowly but continuously until the hemolytic crisis; SDH fluctuated during the period presenting higher levels on the -28th, -14th and -7th d; AST and AF activities increased from the -14th and -7th d respectively; sharp decreases in the activities of SDH and AF at the hemolytic crisis; lower feed intake and body weight gain from the -7th d; and sheep ceased eating concentrates from the -9th d and became anoretic the day before the hemolytic crisis. Plasma copper concentration increased only the day before the hemolytic crisis. There were no changes in respiratory and heart rates, rectal temperature or rumen movements throughout the pre-hemolytic phase. The higher the amount of cumulative copper drenched, the higher was the gammaGT and AST activities. It was concluded that gammaGT followed by AST are the best enzymes to assess copper-load in sheep during the pre-hemolytic phase. Sheep fed copper-rich diets with high plasma activity of these enzymes, decreased feed consumption and subtle loss of body weight are most likely to present with a hemolytic crisis in a few days. |
Is There a Long-Term Risk for Donors With Heterozygous MEFV Mutation After Kidney Donation?
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal-recessive autoinflammatory disorder manifested severely by systemic amyloidosis. It has been hypothesized that heterozygous carriers may also have susceptibility to certain symptoms or even diseases. Because the living kidney donors of patients with FMF are generally relatives of the kidney recipients, there is a high possibility that the donors will have a heterozygous mutation of the FMF gene. The goal of this study was to investigate the long-term kidney function of donors who are carriers of the Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene. The medium- to long-term outcomes of 12 asymptomatic donors were compared with MEFV gene carriers and 24 non-FMF recipients' donors. Heterozygous carriers and the control group were similar with respect to age, sex, and follow-up period. The preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate and 24-hour urine proteinuria levels were similar in the MEFV carrier and control groups. Four years after the donation, both groups had similar estimated glomerular filtration rates, but the change in 24-hour urine protein was statistically higher in the MEFV carrier group, and no significant change was observed in the control group (P = .004). At the end of the follow-up period, neither overt proteinuria nor kidney failure was seen in either group. This study showed that the medium- to long-term results of the kidney donors who are carriers of the MEFV gene seem to be safe. However, there was more of a tendency for an increase in proteinuria in the MEFV gene carriers compared with control subjects, which necessitated further long-term care for these donors. |
Photoperiodic responsiveness in house mice.
House mice (Mus musculus) and laboratory strains of rats (Rattus norvegicus) have been traditionally considered nonphotoperiodic because their reproductive systems are unaffected by day length (photoperiod). In rats, however, at least three experimental manipulations, perinatal testosterone injection, chronic peripubertal testosterone exposure, or peripubertal olfactory bulbectomy, have revealed latent reproductive photoperiodism. The effectiveness of these experimental treatments may be unique to albino rats. Alternatively, these experimental manipulations may unmask the ability to discriminate short from long days in several "nonphotoperiodic" species and, thus, reveal clues to common physiological mechanisms underlying reproductive responsiveness to photoperiod. In the present study, male house mice were 1) subjected to olfactory bulbectomy or a sham operation at 23 days of age, 2) injected with testosterone or the oil vehicle at 3 days of age, or 3) implanted subcutaneously with an empty Silastic capsule or one filled with testosterone at 22 days of age. All mice were subsequently housed either in LD 16:8 or LD 4:20 photoperiods. The physiological mechanisms necessary to discriminate long from short day lengths are extant in house mice. Testicular mass was significantly reduced in short-day bulbectomized males when assessed 6 weeks postoperatively, but not when measured 10 weeks after surgery. Similarly, mice injected with testosterone when 3 days old and reared in short days had smaller testes as compared to testosterone-treated males housed in long days. Mice implanted with testosterone capsules regressed their reproductive systems regardless of photoperiod. Other reproductive organ weights followed the same general pattern of results as for testicular mass.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) |
[Analysis of labour and perinatal complications in case of foetus weight over 4000 g].
The fetal macrosomia occurs in 3-15% pregnancies. It is recognized when foetus weight exceeds 4000 g in any period of pregnancy. Macrosomia can also be determined in case of foetus weight over 90 percentyl for the appropriate pregnancy period. The most detrimental foetal complications of macrosomia are: shoulder dystocia with Erb's brachial palsy, facial nerve palsy, clavicular and humeral bone fracture. The attempts in order to eliminate these complications lead to increase in the number of caesarean sections and labour inductions. Clinical examination and assessment of risk factors as well as ultrasonographic examination cannot exclude or confirm the possibility of macrosomia with sufficient specificity and sensitivity. On the other hand it is well known that delivery of macrosomic foetus is not always associated with perinatal complications. The aim of the study was to assess the risk of perinatal complication in foetuses with large birth weight. In case-control study the data from medical records of 652 newborns with birth weight over 4000 g were analysed. Only single born at term foetuses in cephalic presentation were included into the analysis. The Erb's brachial palsy, clavicular bone fracture, shoulder dystocia and convulsions in newborn were significantly associated with excessive fetal weight. Shoulder dystocia, clavicular bone fracture and brachial palsy were more frequent in group of newborns with birth weight over 4500 g. The frequency of brachial dystocia and its complications (clavicular bone fracture and Erb's brachial palsy) were significantly connected with the use of VE. Significant increase in the frequency of perinatal complications in foetuses with birth weight over 4500 g indicates the necessity of considering caesarean section as a favourable mode of delivery. |
Chemical composition of the epicuticular wax from the fruits of Eucalyptus globulus.
The chemical composition of the epicuticular wax from the fruits of Eucalyptus globulus was studied by GC-MS before and after alkaline hydrolysis. The wax had two main components, ursolic acid and tritriacontan-16,18-dione, together with several other triterpenic acids. After alkaline hydrolysis, a large increase in the amounts of triterpenic acids and fatty acids (particularly in hexadecanoic acid) was observed, suggesting that these components were present predominantly in esterified forms in the fruit wax. Six compounds were isolated from the fruits by preparative chromatography, and were identified as 8-desmethyleucalyptin, sesamin, tritriacontan-16,18-dione, ursolic acid, 3beta-hydroxyurs-11-en-13beta(28)-olide (ursolic acid lactone) and 3beta,11alpha-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, the latter of which was identified for the first time. |
Predictive factors for nocturia in elderly men: a cross-sectional study in 21 general practices.
To measure the prevalence of nocturia in general practice and to determine which factors are associated with nocturia. Data were collected from 3048 elderly men, who completed a questionnaire that was sent to every man aged 55-75 years in 21 general practices in Maastricht (the Netherlands). The symptom of nocturia was defined as two or more nocturnal voids. We investigated the prevalence of nocturia and the predictive relationships with the following factors: cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus/insipidus (DMI), Parkinson's diseases, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, bladder/prostate cancer, kidney diseases, urinary bladder inflammation, congenital diseases (kidneys or prostate), using medical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms, other treatment, psychological depression, symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and alcohol intake. Data from 2934 respondents were analysed; the prevalence of nocturia (two or more nocturnal voids) was 32.9% (965 men). The frequency of the number of nocturnal voids was: zero in 588 (20.0%), one in 1344 (45.8%), two in 611 (20.8%), three in 208 (7.1%), four in 70 (2.4%), and five or more in 76 (2.6%), with 37 values missing. A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that nocturia in elderly men was significantly related to bladder/prostate cancer, cerebrovascular disease, treatment of voiding disorders, and moderate alcohol consumption. Next to these, BPH had a significant relationship with nocturia, especially in respondents with DMI and hypertension. Cardiovascular disease or hypertension was significantly related to nocturia, mutually replacing each other as a risk factor. Nocturia in elderly men is be related to many sources of potential risk factors: earlier urological diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, BPH, DMI and behavioural habits. Some of these sources may interact and generate especially high risk in some groups for nocturia. |
Preschoolers' social dominance, moral cognition, and moral behavior: an evolutionary perspective.
Various aspects of moral functioning, aggression, and positive peer regard were assessed in 153 preschool children. Our hypotheses were inspired by an evolutionary approach to morality that construes moral norms as tools of the social elite. Accordingly, children were also rated for social dominance and strategies for its attainment. We predicted that aspects of moral functioning would be only loosely related to each other and that moral cognitions about rules (unlike emotion attributions and moral internalization) would demonstrate patterns suggestive of instrumentality. Results showed that cognitions about moral rules and internalized conscience were unrelated and that sociomoral behavior was more strongly related to the latter than to the former. In addition, promoting group norms (Selective Moral Engagement) positively predicted social dominance, whereas internalized conscience negatively predicted social dominance. Children who controlled resources via both prosocial and coercive means (i.e., bistrategic) showed enhanced moral cognitions about rules (despite high levels of aggression) but had deficits in emotional aspects of moral functioning in the eyes of teachers. Patterns of Selective Moral Engagement invite comparisons to tattling and impression management. The findings are contrasted with alternative hypotheses that are advanced from traditional yet prevailing approaches. |
Decreased production of nitric oxide by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with peripheral vascular disease.
Although prior studies have implicated nitric oxide (NO), a molecular messenger, in the development and progression of atherosclerosis, most of these studies have centered on atherosclerotic plaques. The current investigation determines whether a correlation exists between the presence of altered levels of NO production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and atherosclerotic disease. Venous blood was collected from 8 surgical patients having severe peripheral vascular disease and 8 healthy controls. PBMCs were separated by gradient centrifugation, diluted to 10(5) cells per mL, and cultured. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), at doses of 10, 25, and 50 ng/mL, was used to stimulate NO production. Total nitric oxide assay was performed to determine the levels of NO produced by PBMCs at 24 and 48 hours. When stimulated by LPS there was an increase in NO production in the PBMCs cultured from control as well as patient samples, as compared to basal NO levels. However, the data demonstrate a significant decrease in the nitric oxide production in the patients with atherosclerosis as compared to that in the control group (p < 0.05). The differential production of nitric oxide by PBMCs of patients with atherosclerotic disease and healthy controls not only suggests that it has a role in the pathogenesis of this disease but also underlines its systemic nature. Blood cells circulating in the body with altered levels of NO production could have profound effects in the microvascular environment mediating molecular pathways and signaling cascades that activate and augment atherosclerosis. |
Accidents in children do not happen at random: predictable time-of-day incidence of childhood trauma.
In a prospective study, 15,110 childhood traumas were recorded by the Pediatric Surgery Service (CHUV, Lausanne) between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1997. The exact clock hour when the injury occurred and other germane data were obtained. Time series thus obtained were analyzed by several statistical (ANOVA, cosinor, chi2, Table Curve, etc.) methods. High statistically significant circadian patterns were detected with a trough at night--almost no traumas/hour (t/h), and a peak in the afternoon (approximately 16:00h)--9.3 +/- 0.4 (SD) t/h. Such 24h variation was validated for the whole sample for the entire 8 yr study span as well as the data of each year. Neither gender- nor age-related differences in the 24h pattern were detected between children under 5 yr of age, who have not yet attended school and children from 5 to 16 yr of age, who attend school. Small but statistically significant differences in the 24h patterns were observed when categorized by the type of activity associated with the trauma and the place of trauma occurrence. The great stability of the 24h pattern in childhood trauma over the 8 yr study span suggests an endogenous origin in addition to the role presumably played by environmental factors. Periods of 12 and 8h were also detected in the time series. The afternoon peak time of childhood traumas differs from that of adults, which is located approximately 04:00h in rotating shift workers and automobile drivers and 06:00-08:00h in adult day-workers. The validation of a circadian pattern in childhood traumas with an afternoon peak should be taken into account in the design of children's preventative injury programs. |
Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the murine cDNA for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.
We have cloned the mouse homolog of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) using clones isolated from a mouse lung cDNA library and using amplification of cDNA to isolate specific regions. The cDNA was 6304 bp in length and encoded a polypeptide of 1476 amino acids. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence showed that the mouse protein has high homology to the human protein; overall identity was 78.3%. The amino acid identity was high for both transmembrane domains (first transmembrane domain, 86.7%; second transmembrane domain, 81.1%) and for both ATP-binding folds (first ATP-binding fold, 80.5%; second ATP-binding fold, 83.9%), suggesting the functional importance of these regions. On the other hand, the R domain was less well conserved (68.9% identity). All of the published missense mutation sites and the site of the common delta F508 mutation were conserved between human and mouse. |
The unique chemistry of platina-beta-diketones.
This review presents syntheses, structures and the reactivity of platina-beta-diketones [Pt2{(COR)2H}2(mu-Cl)2] (R = alkyl, omega-phenylalkyl), being the first electronically unsaturated (16 ve; ve-valence electrons) and kinetically labile metalla-beta-diketones. They were found to react with amines, yielding platina-beta-diketonates of platina-beta-diketones having Pt(4) zigzag chains analogous to platinum blue complexes. Reactions of platina-beta-diketones with monodentate and bidentate N-, P-, As-, O-, and S-donor ligands are described resulting in the formation of acyl(hydrido)platinum(IV) complexes, acyl(chloro)platinum(II) complexes, platinum complexes having enamine-amide type ligands, and of platinum(II) complexes with cyclic aminocarbene ligands, respectively. These reactions are discussed in terms of oxidative addition and reductive elimination reactions showing that platina-beta-diketones react as hydroxycarbene complexes whose OH groups are intramolecularly hydrogen-bridged to acyl ligands. Furthermore, the synthesis and structures of dinuclear platinum(II) complexes with bridging mu-acyl(hydroxycarbene) ligands are presented. |
Arrhythmia-specific settings for automated high-density mapping: A multicenter experience.
Advancements in electrophysiology 3-D mapping systems facilitate the broadening scope of electrophysiology study and catheter ablation to treat complex arrhythmias. While electroanatomical mapping systems have default settings available for a variety of mapping parameters, significant operator customization driven by arrhythmia type and experience can occur. However, multicenter comprehensive reporting of customized mapping settings is lacking. In this prospective, multicenter observational registry, subjects with cardiac arrhythmias underwent electrophysiology study and ablation procedure using the EnSite Precision™ electroanatomical mapping system per standard of care, and associated automated mapping thresholds and procedural characteristics were observed. Cardiac mapping and ablation was performed in 503 patients (64.4% male, 59.6 ± 13.2 years) for a variety of indications including atrial fibrillation (N = 277), atrial flutter (N = 67), other supraventricular tachycardias (N = 96), and ventricular tachycardia (N = 56). Automated electroanatomical mapping was used to generate 88.2% of all maps, and arrhythmia-specific adjustments of mapping thresholds were utilized to collect electrophysiologically relevant data. The most commonly used thresholds for mapping in AF were Distance (average 2.7 ± 3.5 mm) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (5.2 ± 1.1), while mapping in VT commonly used Score (88.5 ± 6.5%) and Distance (0.6 ± 0.5 mm). Automated mapping collected and utilized 8.8 times more data than manual mapping without increasing mapping time. This registry revealed arrhythmia-specific automated mapping settings used to generate electroanatomical maps of multiple cardiac rhythms with higher point density than manual mapping without increasing mapping time. Commonly used mapping threshold settings could serve as an important reference for new automated electroanatomical mapping users or those expanding their usage to new indications and arrhythmias. |
The gene for human apolipoprotein CI is located 4.3 kilobases away from the apolipoprotein E gene on chromosome 19.
We have isolated a cDNA clone for apolipoprotein CI and a genomic clone for apolipoprotein E, and by hybridisation and mapping experiments found the gene for apoCI to be located on the genomic apoE clone. The distance between the loci was 4.3 kb. |
Activation of the prostaglandin EP4-receptor subtype is highly coupled to inhibition of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-stimulated rat neutrophil aggregation.
The inhibitory activity of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on rat neutrophil aggregation has been studied using the EP4-receptor antagonist AH23848B. While AH23848B antagonized the ability of PGE2 to inhibit neutrophil aggregation stimulated by platelet-activating factor (PAF), AH23848B showed agonist activity when neutrophils were stimulated by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP). In addition, AH23848B showed weak stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity and inhibited PGE2-stimulated [3H]cyclic AMP production by rat neutrophils, therefore AH23848B appears to be a partial agonist at EP4-receptors. These results suggest that rat neutrophils possess both inhibitory EP2- and EP4-receptors, and that FMLP-stimulated neutrophil aggregation is more highly coupled to inhibition by EP4-receptor activation than is PAF-stimulated neutrophil aggregation. |
Differentially expressed genes in HIV-1 tat-expressing CD4(+) T-cell line.
Several studies have indicated that human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) transactivating Tat protein is essential for proviral DNA transcription and virus replication. In addition, it is actively released from acutely HIV-1-infected cells and interacts either with the same virus-infected and virus producing cell, or with bystander uninfected cells, influencing the expression of several genes and related cellular functions. The main goal of this paper was to determine the Tat-related expression of basic cellular genes in a permanently tat transfected CD4+ cell line, to identify the cellular genes influenced by the presence of endogenous-exogenous Tat protein. For this purpose, we analyzed, by a cDNA-membrane-array assay, cellular mRNAs expressed in serum-free cultures of lymphoblastoid CD4(+) Jurkat cells, stably transfected with a plasmid constitutively expressing tat gene, in comparison with Jurkat cells transfected with the backbone plasmid only, and parental Jurkat cells. The expression of mRNAs in permanently tat-transfected Jurkat cells showed significant differences in 24 out of 1176 analyzed genes in comparison with parental or backbone plasmid transfected cells. Most of the genes overexpressed in permanently tat-transfected Jurkat cells, belong to transcription factors, or to receptors, adaptors, and mediators of signal transduction pathways, and to factors involved in response to oxidative stress, suggesting a complex regulation of CD4(+) T-lymphoid cell survival and proliferation by HIV-1 Tat protein. |
Activation and peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids and bile acid intermediates in liver from Bombina orientalis and from the rat.
1. Bombina orientalis excretes mainly C27 bile acids: trihydroxycoprostanic and varanic acids. More than 90% of the trihydroxycoprostanic acid (THCA) present in the bile, was conjugated with taurine; varanic acid was present in the unconjugated form. 2. Trihydroxycoprostanoyl-CoA (THC-CoA) synthetase activity, required for the formation of the taurine conjugate, was present in the liver of Bombina orientalis. 3. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation, which catalyzes the oxidation of fatty acids as well as the conversion of C27 bile acids into C24 bile acids in rat and human liver, could be detected in liver of Bombina orientalis when palmitoyl-CoA was used as substrate, but not when trihydroxycoprostanoyl-CoA (THC-CoA) was used. |
Risk communication and prostate cancer: identifying which summary statistics are best understood by men.
The format in which risk is communicated influences how patients make health care decisions. The same statistical information may be summarized differently according to relative risk reduction, absolute risk reduction, number needed to treat, or odds ratio. A total of 76 men participated in focus groups exploring their understanding of information about prostate cancer treatments when framed across these different formats. Using thematic analysis, it was identified that the study participant best understood information when outcomes were framed as an absolute risk reduction and in a positive frame. Patient education materials about prostate cancer treatment options should be reported as an increase in probability of survivorship rather than decrease in risk of mortality and incorporate impact of treatment on patient-centered quality-of-life outcomes. |
Relapse to cocaine seeking in an invertebrate.
Addiction is characterised by cycles of compulsive drug taking, periods of abstinence and episodes of relapse. The extinction/reinstatement paradigm has been extensively used in rodents to model human relapse and explore underlying mechanisms and therapeutics. However, relapse to drug seeking behaviour has not been previously demonstrated in invertebrates. Here, we used a cocaine conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm in the flatworm, planarian, followed by extinction and reinstatement of drug seeking. Once baseline preference was established for one of two distinctly textured environments (i.e. compartments with a coarse or smooth surface), planarian received pairings of cocaine (5μM) in the non-preferred, and vehicle in the most preferred, environment, and were tested for conditioning thereafter. Cocaine produced robust CPP, measured as a significant increase in the time spent in the cocaine-paired compartment. Subsequently, planarian underwent extinction training, reverting back to their original preference within three sessions. Brief exposure to cocaine (5μM) or methamphetamine (5μM) reinstated cocaine-seeking behaviour. By contrast, the high affinity dopamine transporter inhibitor, (N-(n-butyl)-3α-[bis (4-fluorophenyl) methoxy]-tropane) (JHW007), which in rodents exhibits a neurochemical and behavioural profile distinct from cocaine, was ineffective. The present findings demonstrate for the first time reinstatement of extinguished cocaine seeking in an invertebrate model and suggest that the long-term adaptations underlying drug conditioning and relapse are highly conserved through evolution. |
Nanoindentation of surfactant aggregates.
Surfactants are important for a wide range of applications dealing with one-dimensional nanoscale materials, including dispersion of carbon nanotubes, as organic templates in mesoporous silica thin films, and for the fabrication of silica nanowires. There is therefore great interest in better understanding the structure and properties of surfactant aggregates at the solid-liquid interface. Here, classical molecular dynamics simulations with empirical potentials are used to compare the structures and mechanical properties of cationic surfactant micelles that are being indented with carbon nanotubes and silica nanowires at the silica-water interface. The findings are compared to the results of bulk indentation with graphite and silica surfaces, and the influence of nanometer-scale curvature on the results is described. |
MicroRNA-338-3p inhibits colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and migration by targeting smoothened.
To investigate the regulative effect of microRNA-338-3p on colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and migration. The microRNA-338-3p expression pattern of colorectal carcinoma tissues and cell lines was detected by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The protein level of smoothened was detected by western blot analysis. Furthermore, colorectal carcinoma cells were pretreated with or without anti-smoothened-small interfering ribonucleic acid prior to the addition of pre-microRNA-338-3p or anti-microRNA-338-3p. The status of colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and that of migration were detected by transwell assay and wound healing assay, respectively. The expression of microRNA-338-3p was significantly down-regulated in colorectal carcinoma tissues in comparison with those in the adjacent non-tumorous tissues, and the value was negatively related to advanced tumor, node, metastasis stage and local invasion. The expression of microRNA-338-3p in colorectal carcinoma cells transfected with pre-microRNA-338-3p p was significantly increased. Furthermore, over-expression of microRNA-338-3p inhibited the expression of smoothened protein in colorectal carcinoma cells, which showed obviously suppressed invasion and migration ability. The expression of microRNA-338-3p in colorectal carcinoma cells transfected with anti-microRNA-338-3p was significantly decreased. Moreover, the down-regulated expression of microRNA-338-3p caused the up-regulated expression of smoothened protein in colorectal carcinoma cells, which showed significantly enhanced invasion and migration ability. However, anti-smoothened-small interfering ribonucleic acid largely, but not completely, reversed the effects induced by blockage of microRNA-338-3p, suggesting that the regulative effect of microRNA-338-3p on colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and migration was indeed mediated by smoothened. Additionally, smoothened was identified as a direct target of microRNA-338-3p by luciferase assay. MicroRNA-338-3p could inhibit colorectal carcinoma cell invasion and migration by inhibiting smoothened expression. |
Frequency of recovery of pathogens from the nasopharynx of children with acute maxillary sinusitis before and after the introduction of vaccination with the 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine.
To compare the proportion of recovery of pathogens in the nasopharynx of children with acute maxillary sinusitis in the 5 years period before to the 5 years period following the introduction of vaccination with the 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7). Nasopharyngeal cultures were obtained from 428 children with acute maxillary sinusitis, 208 between 1996 and 2000, and 220 between 2001 and 2005. The PCV7 was administered to 174 (79%) of the 220 children seen between 2001 and 2005. One hundred and thirty eight potentially pathogenic organisms were isolated from 208 children between 1996 and 2000. Organisms were isolated in 114 patients (55%). The predominant organisms were Streptococcus pneumoniae (59 or 43% of all isolates), Haemophilus influenzae non-type b (46 or 33%), Moraxella catarrhalis (18 or 13%), Streptococcus pyogenes (9 or 7%), and Staphylococcus aureus (6 or 4%). One hundred and sixty five potentially pathogenic organisms were isolated from 220 patients between 2001 and 2005. Organisms were isolated in 121 patients (55%). The predominant organisms were H. influenzae non-type b (68 or 41% of all isolates), Streptococcus pneumoniae (41 or 25%), M. catarrhalis (23 or 14%), Streptococcus pyogenes (20 or 12%), and Staphylococcus aureus (13 or 8%). Significant statistical differences were noted in the rates of recovery of Streptococcus pneumoniae (p<0.05). A decrease occurred in the recovery of Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to penicillin from 44% between 1997 and 2000 to 27% between 2000 and 2005. An increase was noted in the isolation of beta-lactamase producing H. influenzae from 37% between 1997 and 2000 to 44%. However, neither of these changes was statistically significant. This data illustrates that a significant shift occurred in the causative pathogens of acute maxillary sinusitis in children in the 5 years after the introduction of vaccination of children with the PCV7 as compared to the previous 5 years. While the proportion of Streptococcus pneumoniae declined by 18%, the proportion of H. influenzae increased by 8%. |
Synthetic Covalent and Non-Covalent 2D Materials.
The creation of synthetic 2D materials represents an attractive challenge that is ultimately driven by their prospective uses in, for example, electronics, biomedicine, catalysis, sensing, and as membranes for separation and filtration. This Review illustrates some recent advances in this diverse field with a focus on covalent and non-covalent 2D polymers and frameworks, and self-assembled 2D materials derived from nanoparticles, homopolymers, and block copolymers. |
Oviposition behavior of female Anopheles gambiae in western Kenya inferred from microsatellite markers.
Anopheles gambiae females in a relatively isolated hut and all larvae from larval habitats within 100 m of the hut were collected in August 2001 in western Kenya. Among 42 aquatic habitats, 16 had A. gambiae larvae. Two hundred fifty larvae and 58 adults were genotyped using nine microsatellite markers to infer sibling relationship between the larvae and maternity between the females and larvae. The pairwise genetic relatedness of A. gambiae larvae per habitat ranged from -0.4112 to 0.9375, indicating that full siblings, half siblings, and genetically unrelated individuals presented at those habitats with multiple larvae. From a likelihood analysis, it was estimated that 56.6% of females had larvae in multiple habitats. These results substantiate that one A. gambiae female uses multiple breeding sites for oviposition, and thus, average genetic relatedness for breeding sites with high larval populations tends to be low. |
The genetics of disorders with synuclein pathology and parkinsonism.
Despite being considered the archetypal non-genetic neurological disorder, genetic analysis of Parkinson's disease has shown that there are at least three genetic loci. Furthermore, these analyses have suggested that the phenotype of the pathogenic loci is wider than simple Parkinson's disease and may include Lewy body dementia and some forms of essential tremor. Identification of alpha-synuclein as the first of the loci involved in Parkinson's disease and the identification of this protein in pathological deposits in other disorders has led to the suggestion that it may share pathogenic mechanisms with multiple system atrophy, Alzheimer's disease and prion disease and that these mechanisms are related to a synuclein pathway to cell death. Finally, genetic analysis of the synuclein diseases and the tau diseases may indicate that this synuclein pathway is an alternative to the tau pathway to cell death. |
5-Nonyloxytryptamine oxalate-embedded collagen-laminin scaffolds augment functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice.
Polysialic acid (PSA) is crucial for the induction and maintenance of nervous system plasticity and repair after injury. In order to exploit the immense therapeutic potential of PSA, previous studies have focused on the identification and development of peptide-based or synthetic PSA mimetics. 5-Nonyloxytryptamine (5-NOT) has been previously reported as a PSA-mimicking compound for promoting functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice. In order to explore the neuroregeneration potential of 5-NOT, the current study was based on a biomaterial approach using collagen-laminin (C/L) scaffolds. In in vitro studies, 5-NOT was observed to promote neurite outgrowth, migration, and fasciculation in cerebellar neuronal cells, whereas in 3D cell cultures it showed more ramification and complex Sholl profiles. 5-NOT promoted the survival and neurite length of cortical neurons when cocultured with glutamate-challenged astrocytes. In in vivo studies, spinal cord compression injury mice were used with immediate application of C/L hydrogels impregnated with 5-NOT. C/L + 5-NOT-treated mice demonstrated ∼75% of motor recovery 14 days after injury. Furthermore, this effect was shown to be dependent on the ERK-MAPK pathway and augmentation of cell survival. Thus, based on a biomaterial approach, our current study provides new insight for 5-NOT-containing hydrogels as a promising candidate to speed up recovery after central nervous system injuries. |
Study of the interaction polybutadiene/fillers using inverse gas chromatography.
In this study, the coupling of IGC-ID analysis and carbon blacks impregnation with increasing ratios of polymer allow us to highlight the affinity of the polymer to the solid surface. The variations of the dispersive component of the surface energy and of the nanomorphology index are monitored versus the degree of carbon black impregnation. A clear correlation between the decrease in the dispersive component of the surface energy and the increase in the nanomorphological index is observed. The PBu macromolecules shield progressively the slot shaped sites on the carbon blacks surface. IGC reveals clear differences in surface properties between CB of different grades. |
Relation of adult height with stroke mortality in Japan: NIPPON DATA80.
The age-adjusted stroke mortality rate in Japan was the highest in the world from 1950 to the 1970s, but it started to dramatically decrease after 1965. In addition to improved management of high blood pressure, the increase in average height might also contribute to this reduction. The present study investigates whether height is an independent risk for stroke mortality in Japan. Among participants of the National Survey on Cardiovascular Diseases in 1980 who were randomly selected from the Japanese population, we followed up 3969 and 4955 Japanese men and women without prior cardiovascular disease for a maximum of 19 years and observed 158 and 132 stroke deaths. Height was inversely correlated with age and with crude stroke mortality. The relationship was attenuated in men when we adjusted for age or other possible confounders (multivariate adjusted relative hazards of a 5-cm increase of height for stroke mortality: 0.92, 95% CI: 0.79 to 1.08). For women, the inverse relationship (relative hazard: 0.77: 95% CI: 0.64 to 0.91) remained after multivariate adjustment. These relationships persisted when we stratified participants by age. Height is inversely related to stroke mortality and the relationship is statistically significant among Japanese women. |
Occult medullary carcinoma of thyroid with lymph node metastases: a case report.
Occult thyroid malignancies presenting with secondary neck masses as the first clinical manifestation is well known. Although rare, medullary carcinoma serves a potential source for lymph node metastases. The characteristic cytomorphology of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) should clinch the diagnosis. Further, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the ultrasonography-detected occult nodules in thyroid serves as a useful preoperative diagnostic tool. A 22-year-old man presented with left-sided neck masses of 1 year duration. FNAC smears of the neck masses revealed cytomorphology characteristic of MTC. Ultrasonography of the thyroid led to ruling out the presence of an occult nodule and detected an 8-mm nodule in the left thyroid lobe. Ultrasound-guided FNAC of the nodule showed features similar to those with FNAC of the neck masses. Surgical resection of thyroid and neck masses further confirmed the diagnosis of a primary occult MTC with lymph node metastases. FNAC smears of lymph node masses showing the distinct cytomorphology of MTC should prompt suspicion for occult primary in thyroid. Ultrasound-guided FNAC of these occult nodules, if detected, further serves a diagnostic tool for accurate preoperative diagnosis when metastasis presents as the first clinical manifestation of an occult primary. |
Another option of perforator flap in the lateral thoracic area: lateral thoracic perforator flap.
The lateral thoracic donor site provides two types of perforator flap; the latissimus dorsi perforator flap based on the musculocutaneous perforator, and the thoracodorsal perforator flap based on the septocutaneous perforators from the thoracodorsal artery. In this article, we introduce a direct cutaneous perforator derived from the lateral thoracic artery, which provides another option for harvesting a perforator flap from the lateral thoracic region. Overall 17 patients underwent reconstructions using the lateral thoracic perforator flap for defects resulting from tumor-ablative surgery in the head and neck region, chronic osteomyelitis, and trauma or chronic wounds of the lower extremities. All flaps survived without major complications and six of the flaps were harvested in a chimeric pattern. When the latissimus dorsi and thoracodorsal perforator flaps are not suitable, the lateral thoracic perforator flap provides another option from the lateral thoracic region that is useful for a variety of reconstructions. However, anatomic variation and the shorter and smaller pedicle compared with the thoracodorsal vessels are drawbacks of the lateral thoracic perforator flap that make it difficult to approach. The combination of the versatility of the previous two perforator flaps based on the thoracodorsal system and this additional type of lateral thoracic perforator flap makes the lateral thoracic region a universal donor site. |
MicroRNA-196b Inhibits Cell Growth and Metastasis of Lung Cancer Cells by Targeting Runx2.
Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer related deaths worldwide. The role of several microRNAs (miRNAs) including miR-196b in different cancers has already been established. The study was aimed to explore the role of miR-196b in lung cancer and its possible underlying mechanism. Human lung cancer cell line A549 was transfected with miR-196b mimic, miR-196b inhibitor and corresponding controls. Then cell viability, migration, invasion, and apoptosis of A549 lung cancer cells either with overexpression or with suppression of miR-196b were estimated sequentially. Next, dual luciferase activity assay was performed to clarify whether Runx2 was a direct target of miR-196b. Finally, the expressions of main factors associated with epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), PI3K/AKT/GSK3β, Smad, and JNK pathways were detected by western blot. MiR-196b expression was significantly decreased in A549, H1650 and H1299 cell lines compared with in WI-38 and HEL-1 cell lines. Overexpression of miR-196b suppressed cell viability, migration, invasion, and induced apoptosis as well as inhibited TGF-β induced EMT process in A549 cells. In addition, Runx2 was a putative target of miR-196b, and Runx2 silence remarkably increased cell apoptosis and abolished the promotive effects of miR-196b suppression on cell viability, migration and invasion. Finally, miR-196b also mediated its action by inactivation of PI3K/AKT/GSK3β, Smad, and JNK pathways by down-regulation of Runx2. MiR-196b functions as a tumor suppressor that inhibited cell growth and metastasis of lung cancer cells by targeting Runx2. These findings provided further evidences for treatment of lung cancer. |
[Physician from Constance doctor of medicine Georg Vogelin (1508-1542), an early follower of Copernicus].
Georg Vogelin was born in Constance as the son of the town clerk. He studied the artes liberales and medicine at Wittenberg (since 1523) and Montpellier (since 1527). From 1531 onwards he practiced as a medical doctor in Constance. In 1542 Vogelin died of the plague in Constance. Vogelin was very close friends with the medical doctor Achilles Pirmin Gasser (1505-1577) and Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1574), a well known pupil of Copernicus. He was amongst the first supporters of the teachings of Copernicus. Gasser, who published the second edition of Rheticus' "Narratio prima" (Basle 1541), dedicated this edition to Georg Vogelin. In this book Vogelin published a poem in Latin. In the poem he described the teachings of Copernicus ("Terraque iam currit, credita stare prius") and recommended the academic community to approve Copernicus' theory. |
The role of Doppler evaluation of the uterine artery in girls around puberty.
Presently, the only sonographic parameters used to follow puberty in girls are size and morphology of the uterus and ovaries. Doppler of the uterine artery appears a useful complementary parameter to follow puberty. To determine the potential contribution of Doppler evaluation of the uterine artery in girls around puberty. We investigated 61 healthy female volunteers aged 2-15 years (mean 10.3 years). In each girl we performed a standard pelvic transabdominal US examination, including measurement of the uterus and ovaries. Uterine arteries were visualized by colour Doppler and a pulsed signal was obtained in each patient. The blood flow velocity waveform was analysed and the pulsatility index (PI) was calculated. Growth of the uterus and ovaries was plotted against age, and the PI was compared to each of the other studied variables (age, size of uterus, volume of ovaries). We observed a strong negative correlation between the PI of the uterine artery and the usually studied variables. We also observed a progressive modification of the Doppler signal pattern of the uterine artery during the establishment of puberty: the narrow systolic flow waves found in prepubertal girls were progressively replaced by a systolic-diastolic flow wave. The demonstration of diastolic flow can confirm the onset of puberty. |
Clopidogrel High On-Treatment Platelet Reactivity in Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis Undergoing Endarterectomy. A Pilot Study.
A considerable number of patients do not achieve an adequate response to clopidogrel. Our study aimed to evaluate genetic and non-genetic factors as possible risks for clopidogrel high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HTPR) in patients (n=112) with carotid artery stenosis undergoing endarterectomy (CEA). Using multiple-electrode impedance aggregometry (MEA) the antiplatelet effectiveness of clopidogrel was measured after 24 h, 7 and 30 days of clopidogrel treatment, which was introduced after elective CEA at a dose of 75 mg daily, for at least 30 days. HTPR was observed among 25% patients after clopidogrel therapy for 30 days. Further analysis showed that 53.3% of patients carrying the CYP2C19*2 gene variant had clopidogrel-HTPR, while in the wild type group there were 14.6% (p<0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified the CYP2C19*2 variant allele (OR 4.384; 95% CI 1.296-14.833, p=0.017) and high total cholesterol level (OR 2.090; 95% CI 1.263-3.459, p=0.004) as the only independent risk factors for clopidogrel-HTPR. The CYP2C19*2 gene variant and high total cholesterol level were major factors for clopidogrel- HTPR in patients with carotid artery stenosis undergoing CEA. |
Effect of transverse magnetic fields on a simulated in-line 6 MV linac.
The effects of a transverse magnetic field on an in-line side-coupled 6 MV linear accelerator are given. The results are directly applicable to a linac-MR system used for real-time image guided adaptive radiotherapy. Our previously designed end-to-end linac simulation incorporated the results from the axisymmetric 2D electron gun program EGN2w. However, since the magnetic fields being investigated are non-axisymmetric in nature for the work presented here, the electron gun simulation was performed using OPERA-3d/SCALA. The simulation results from OPERA-3d/SCALA showed excellent agreement with previous results. Upon the addition of external magnetic fields to our fully 3D linac simulation, it was found that a transverse magnetic field of 6 G resulted in a 45 +/- 1% beam loss, and by 14 G, no electrons were incident on the target. Transverse magnetic fields on the linac simulation produced a highly asymmetric focal spot at the target, which translated into a 13% profile asymmetry at 6 G. Upon translating the focal spot with respect to the target coordinates, profile symmetry was regained at the expense of a lateral shift in the dose profiles. It was found that all points in the penumbra failed a 1%/1 mm acceptance criterion for fields between 4 and 6 G. However, it was also found that the lateral profile shifts were corrected by adjusting the jaw positions asymmetrically. |
[Bilateral cerebral mycotic aneurysm in a child. Report of a case and review of the literature].
The case of a 6 year-old boy, who was hospitalized with the diagnosis of purlent meningits is reported. The CSF examination disclosed pleocytosis and the antibioticotherapy was instituded. The bilateral carotid angiography demonstrated an arterial aneurysm of the frontal ascendent artery with hematoma in the left side and another in the posterior temporal artery, in the right side. The patient was operated on because of the hematoma, in the left side. The condition of the patient in the post-operatory period deteriorated and the death ocurred. The post-mortem examination disclosed a sub-arachnoidal hemorrhage, fronto-temporal hematoma in the left side and a para-capsular hematoma in the right side. The histological examination of the central part of the right side. The histological examination of the central part of the hematoma revealed a dilated arterial walls with a supurative inflammatory process. |
Case of hemorrhagic shock due to hypermenorrhea during anticoagulant therapy.
We report the case of a patient with uterine myoma who developed uncontrollable massive hemorrhage from the uterus during anticoagulant therapy after cardiac valve replacement and required hysterectomy. There was a discrepancy between the laboratory findings regarding the blood coagulation system and the clinical manifestations, suggesting a combination of multiple factors, such as a hormonal imbalance. This was a case that demanded strict attention to the management of the uterine lesions during the conduct of anticoagulant treatment. |
Making sense of mild cognitive impairment: a qualitative exploration of the patient's experience.
The proposed dementia precursor state of mild cognitive impairment is emerging as a primary target of aging research. Yet, little is known about the subjective experience of living with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. This study examines, from the patient's perspective, the experience of living with and making sense of the diagnosis. We recruited 12 older adults with amnestic or nonamnestic mild cognitive impairment from a university-based memory disorders clinic. We conducted in-home, semistructured interviews in order to elicit rich descriptions of the personal experience of having mild cognitive impairment. We used the qualitative method of grounded theory to analyze narrative data. Understanding and coming to terms with the syndrome, or assigning meaning, constituted a fundamental aspect of living with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. This process comprised interrelated emotional and cognitive dimensions. Participants employed a range of positive, neutral, and negative phrasing in order to depict their emotional reactions to receiving a diagnosis. Cognitive representations of mild cognitive impairment included both prognosis-focused and face-value appraisals. Expectations of normal aging, personal experience with dementia, and concurrent health problems were key contextual factors that provided the backdrop against which participants assigned meaning to a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Clinicians who disclose diagnoses of mild cognitive impairment need to be mindful of the potential for varying interpretations of the information that is conveyed. Future research needs to include systematic, longitudinal investigations of illness representation and its impact on health behaviors among individuals with mild cognitive impairment. |
A qualitative and a quantitative analysis of an auto-segmentation module for prostate cancer.
This work describes the clinical validation of an automatic segmentation algorithm in CT-based radiotherapy planning for prostate cancer patients. The validated auto-segmentation algorithm (Smart Segmentation, version 1.0.05) is a rule-based algorithm using anatomical reference points and organ-specific segmentation methods, developed by Varian Medical Systems (Varian Medical Systems iLab, Baden, Switzerland). For the qualitative analysis, 39 prostate patients are analysed by six clinicians. Clinicians are asked to rate the auto-segmented organs (prostate, bladder, rectum and femoral heads) and to indicate the number of slices to correct. For the quantitative analysis, seven radiation oncologists are asked to contour seven prostate patients. The individual clinician contour variations are compared to the automatic contours by means of surface and volume statistics, calculating the relative volume errors and both the volume and slice-by-slice degree of support, a statistical metric developed for the purposes of this validation. The mean time needed for the automatic module to contour the four structures is about one minute on a standard computer. The qualitative evaluation using a score with four levels ("not acceptable", "acceptable", "good" and "excellent") shows that the mean score for the automatically contoured prostate is "good"; the bladder scores between "excellent" and "good"; the rectum scores between "acceptable" and "not acceptable". Using the concept of surface and volume degree of support, the degree of support given to the automatic module is comparable to the relative agreement among the clinicians for prostate and bladder. The slice-by-slice analysis of the surface degree of support pinpointed the areas of disagreement among the clinicians as well as between the clinicians and the automatic module. The efficiency and the limits of the automatic module are investigated with both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. In general, with efficient correction tools at hand, the use of this auto-segmentation module will lead to a time gain for the prostate and the bladder; with the present version of the algorithm, modelling of the rectum still needs improvement. For the quantitative validation, the concept of relative volume error and degree of support proved very useful. |
Transrectal contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, transrectal ultrasonography and retrograde cystography for the detection of vesicourethral anastomosis leakage after radical retropubic prostatectomy: a prospective comparative evaluation.
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of cystography (CG), transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) and transrectal contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) for the detection of vesicourethral extravasation (VE) after radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP). In 80 consecutive patients who underwent RRP, the strength of the vesicourethral anastomosis (VUA) was assessed by CG, TRUS and transrectal CEUS. The investigation started with a conventional CG evaluated by an experienced uroradiologist. Following this, patients underwent TRUS which was performed by an experienced urologist who was blinded to the CG findings. The examination started with a conventional B-scan and, subsequently, a CEUS was performed by emptying and refilling the bladder with 90 ml of NaCl 0.9% + 10 ml suspension of 1:10 SonoVue and NaCl 0.9%. 26 patients (32.5%) presented urinary VE and 54 (67.5%) a watertight VUA. In 16 patients (61%) we observed a small leakage, 9 patients (35%) presented a moderate VE, and a large VE was detected in 1 patient (4%). No statistically significant difference in detection of VE was found among the three tests (p = 0.472). TRUS and CEUS are able to provide information about the integrity of the VUA that is comparable with that of CG. |
Salts Influence Cathechins and Flavonoids Encapsulation in Liposomes: A Molecular Dynamics Investigation.
Cathechins and flavonoids are responsible of numerous health benefits. Two of the most representatives' compounds for their antioxidant and therapeutic effects are Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate (EGCG), from green tea extracts, and morelloflavone (MF), from Garcinia dulcis. Here we explore, by atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations, how EGCG and MF interact with lipid bilayers and we show the salts' influence on their encapsulation degree in neutral liposomes. As a result, we found out that EGCGs naturally bind to the hydrophilic regions of phospholipids, positioning themselves mostly at the interface between water and lipid phases. The presence of a salt clearly influences the EGCG molecules' absorption and the total effect depends strongly on the salt nature and concentration. Beside, for MF, we observed a high stability of the intermolecular MFs aggregates in water that strongly penalizes the flavonoid's interaction with the lipid polar heads. However, salts can influence MF's liposomal penetration, even if they are not able to promote completely its absorption inside the bilayer. For both compounds, the increase of penetration is more marked in presence of magnesium chloride, whilst calcium chloride showed the opposite effect. |
Time- and spatial-resolved XAFS spectroscopy in a single shot: new analytical possibilities for in situ material characterization.
A new concept that comprises both time- and lateral-resolved X-ray absorption fine-structure information simultaneously in a single shot is presented. This uncomplicated set-up was tested at the BAMline at BESSY-II (Berlin, Germany). The primary broadband beam was generated by a double multilayer monochromator. The transmitted beam through the sample is diffracted by a convexly bent Si (111) crystal, producing a divergent beam. This, in turn, is collected by either an energy-sensitive area detector, the so-called color X-ray camera, or by an area-sensitive detector based on a CCD camera, in θ-2θ geometry. The first tests were performed with thin metal foils and some iron oxide mixtures. A time resolution of lower than 1 s together with a spatial resolution in one dimension of at least 50 µm is achieved. |
Lytic effect of heparin on liposomes: possible mechanism of lysis of red blood cells by heparin.
Heparin causes lysis of the multilamellar liposomes of all three charges, positive, neutral, and negative, and thus releases the entrapped [3H]glucose or chromate. The lytic effect of heparin is also observed in liposomes prepared from the lipids extracted from human red blood cells. Heparin is found to interact with the phospholipid bilayers, which suggests that the reported lytic effect of heparin on the red blood cells may be mediated through the membrane phospholipid components of these cells. |
Early diagnosis of complex diseases by molecular biomarkers, network biomarkers, and dynamical network biomarkers.
Many studies have been carried out for early diagnosis of complex diseases by finding accurate and robust biomarkers specific to respective diseases. In particular, recent rapid advance of high-throughput technologies provides unprecedented rich information to characterize various disease genotypes and phenotypes in a global and also dynamical manner, which significantly accelerates the study of biomarkers from both theoretical and clinical perspectives. Traditionally, molecular biomarkers that distinguish disease samples from normal samples are widely adopted in clinical practices due to their ease of data measurement. However, many of them suffer from low coverage and high false-positive rates or high false-negative rates, which seriously limit their further clinical applications. To overcome those difficulties, network biomarkers (or module biomarkers) attract much attention and also achieve better performance because a network (or subnetwork) is considered to be a more robust form to characterize diseases than individual molecules. But, both molecular biomarkers and network biomarkers mainly distinguish disease samples from normal samples, and they generally cannot ensure to identify predisease samples due to their static nature, thereby lacking ability to early diagnosis. Based on nonlinear dynamical theory and complex network theory, a new concept of dynamical network biomarkers (DNBs, or a dynamical network of biomarkers) has been developed, which is different from traditional static approaches, and the DNB is able to distinguish a predisease state from normal and disease states by even a small number of samples, and therefore has great potential to achieve "real" early diagnosis of complex diseases. In this paper, we comprehensively review the recent advances and developments on molecular biomarkers, network biomarkers, and DNBs in particular, focusing on the biomarkers for early diagnosis of complex diseases considering a small number of samples and high-throughput data (or big data). Detailed comparisons of various types of biomarkers as well as their applications are also discussed. |
[Schizophrenia and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy].
To distinguish between different approaches of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for schizophrenia depending on the goals, objectives and methods of these approaches, then to discuss efficacy studies. A summary of information collected through electronic (MEDLINE, PSYchlit) and bibliographic research. CBTs all broadly attempt to bring a better cognitive, behavioural and emotional adjustment to the psychotic experience by suggesting to the patient a new explanatory model of psychosis: the vulnerability-stress model. These approaches involve different levels and goals. Some focus on correcting basic cognitive deficits or modifying the psychotic symptoms and the related distress. At the other end of the spectrum, metacognitive therapies aim to modify and restructure dysfunctional self and environment schemas to enable the development of better-adjusted and generally applied cognitive strategies. A few studies with limited power and methods have shown the efficiency of those therapies. CBTs prove to be a promising additive treatment. They have been shown to improve social adjustment and quality of life, and to diminish psychotic symptoms and the related distress. They address all positive, negative, cognitive, behavioural, and emotional symptoms while considering the stage of the disease and the patient's special needs. Further research is needed to establish the duration, the best provision frequency, and the specificity of these approaches. |
Metal-binding proteins in eggs of various sea urchin species.
Metallothionein presence and amount were determined in the unfertilized eggs of six sea urchin species by silver saturation assay and gel-chromatography of cell extracts. The results showed high levels of metallothionein in the egg cytoplasm of the two Mediterranean species Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis. No metallothionein was found either in the eggs of Arbacia lixula, or in those of the three Eastern species Strongylocentrotus intermedius, Temnopleurus hardwickii and Clypeaster japonicus. However, the extracts of the latter three species revealed the presence of zinc bound in a macromolecular form, thus suggesting the existence of metal-binding proteins distinct from metallothioneins. |
A huge earthquake hardened arterial stiffness monitored with cardio-ankle vascular index.
The incidence of cardiovascular events increases after a large earthquake, but the mechanism is not fully understood. The cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) reflects the stiffness of the artery from the origin of the aorta to the ankles and is independent of blood pressure. To determine the effect of a major earthquake on CAVI in healthy volunteers and in patients with cardiovascular risks. Our hospital is situated about 300 km from the epicenter of the earthquake that occurred in Japan in 2011. In study 1, healthy volunteers were included. In study 2, patients with cardiovascular factors were included. In study 1, the mean CAVI was 7.3±1.0 just after the earthquake. After 7-14 days, the mean CAVI had decreased to 6.8±1.1 (compared to firstt measurement, p<0.05). Furthermore, the CAVI value 30 days after the earthquake was 7.0±1.1. The blood pressure did not change during these 30 days. In study 2, the mean CAVI 12 and 6 months before the earthquake were 8.95±0.76 and 8.99±0.83, respectively. The CAVI was 9.34±1.0 just after the earthquake and had decreased to 8.83±0.76 6 months later (compared to after the earthquake, p< 0.05). The blood pressure increased slightly at the time of earthquake, but was not significantly different from before the earthquake. CAVI increased in healthy people and also in patients with cardiovascular risks just after the earthquake, even far from the epicenter. |
Electron transport pathways for the oxidation of endogenous substrate(s) in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans.
Oxidation of endogenous substrate(s) of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans with O2 or Fe3+ as electron acceptor was studied in the presence of uncouplers and electron transport inhibitors. Endogenous substrate was oxidized with a respiratory quotient (CO2 produced/O2 consumed) of 1.0, indicating its carbohydrate nature. The oxidation was inhibited by complex I inhibitors (rotenone, amytal, and piericidin A) only partially, but piericidin A inhibited the oxidation with Fe3+ nearly completely. The oxidation was stimulated by uncouplers, and the stimulated activity was more sensitive to inhibition by complex I inhibitors. HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide) also stimulated the oxidation, and the stimulated respiration was more sensitive to KCN inhibition than uncoupler stimulated respiration. Fructose, among 20 sugars and sugar alcohols including glucose and mannose, was oxidized with a CO2/O2 ratio of 1.0 by the organism. Iron chelators in general stimulated endogenous respiration, but some of them reduced Fe3+ chemically, introducing complications. The results are discussed in view of a branched electron transport system of the organism and its possible control. |
Superoxide dismutase does not prevent delayed hypoperfusion after incomplete cerebral ischaemia in the rat.
Local cerebral blood flow (1CBF) was measured autoradiographically 60 minutes after 15 minutes of forebrain ischaemia in rats treated with superoxide dismutase (SOD) before (50 mg.kg-1 body weight) or at the end of the ischaemia period (4 mg.kg-1 body weight). Incomplete forebrain ischaemia was produced by a combination of common carotid artery occlusion and bleeding to a mean arterial blood pressure of 50 mmHg. During ischaemia the 1CBF values in cortical areas were less than 3% of the preischaemic values and treatment with SOD prior to ischaemia did not influence 1CBF during ischaemia. Sixty minutes after termination of cerebral ischaemia the 1CBF values were decreased to between 40 and 60% of values found in control animals. Neither form of treatment improved the postischaemic cerebral blood flows. The results imply that postischaemic flow disturbances in the brain may not be due to extracellular superoxide production. |
Correlation of the antimicrobial activity of ME1036 with its binding affinities to the penicillin-binding proteins from Streptococcus pneumoniae strains.
We have correlated the binding affinities of ME1036, a carbapenem, to the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) from Streptococcus pneumoniae strains, with its bactericidal potency against those same strains. Certain mutations in the PBPs from S. pneumonaie strains decrease the binding affinities of β-lactams for PBPs, which gives rise to clinical resistance to those β-lactams. ME1036 has been shown to be strongly active against genotypic penicillin-intermediate S. pneumoniae (gPISP) strains and genotypic penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae (gPRSP) strains that contain more than one mutation in their PBPs, owing to its strong affinity for those PBPs. |
Immunohistological evaluation of feline herpesvirus-1 infection in feline eosinophilic dermatoses or stomatitis.
This study used immunohistochemistry (IHC) and histopathology to evaluate the presence of feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) in feline cases of 'eosinophilic granuloma complex' (EGC) or other eosinophilic dermatoses or stomatitis, diagnosed at the Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Service, University of Sydney between January 1996 and June 2008. Two of the 30 cases (6.6%) examined showed positive immunoreactivity to FHV-1 using IHC. Intranuclear inclusion bodies were also detected on histopathological examination of haematoxylin and eosin stained sections of both cases but were very difficult to find. Therefore, FHV-1 is uncommonly associated with EGC or other eosinophilic dermatoses or stomatitis in Sydney. However, misdiagnosis as an EGC lesion or other eosinophilic dermatoses may occur if inclusion bodies are overlooked or absent on histopathology and this may significantly decrease the chance of a favourable treatment outcome. FHV-1 should be considered in cats with severe ulcerative cutaneous or oral lesions, unresponsive to corticosteroid treatment, with or without concurrent or historical signs of upper respiratory tract or ocular disease more typical of FHV-1. IHC may be helpful in differentiating FHV-1 dermatitis or stomatitis from other eosinophilic lesions, which is of vital clinical and therapeutic importance. |
[Impedance plethysmography: measurements of volume changes of human limbs caused by capillary filtration (author's transl)].
The idea of this paper is to examine, after a discussion of the theoretical foundations, to what extent impedance plethysmography enables us to measure changes in the volume of the human extremities caused by capillary fluid filtration. Possibilities of error shown up in this paper - e. g., resistance of the skin, phase shift between current and voltage, the influence of specific resistance, dependence on temperature - partially confine the applicability of impedance plethysmography to comparative relative measurements. In these cases and in full view of the possibilities of error this method offers the advantage of absolutely pressureless measurement and the opportunity to extend this procedure to days. |
Ultra-high pressure LC for astaxanthin determination in shrimp by-products and active food packaging.
Nowadays, there is increasing interest in natural antioxidants from food by-products. Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant and one of the major carotenoids in crustaceans and salmonids. An ultra-high pressure liquid chromatographic method was developed and validated for the determination of astaxanthin in shrimp by-products, and its migration from new packaging materials to food simulants was also studied. The method uses an UPLC® BEH guard-column (2.1 × 5 mm, 1.7 µm particle size) and an UPLC® BEH analytical column (2.1 × 50 mm, 1.7 µm particle size). Chromatographic separation was achieved using a programmed gradient mobile phase consisting of (A) acetonitrile-methanol (containing 0.05 m ammonium acetate)-dichloromethane (75:20:5, v/v/v) and (B) ultrapure water. This method was evaluated with respect to validation parameters such as linearity, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantification and recovery. Low-density polyethylene films were prepared with different amounts of the lipid fraction of fermented shrimp waste by extrusion, and migration was evaluated into food simulants (isooctane and ethanol 95%, v/v). Migration was not detected under the tested conditions. |
Metal-free enantioselective hydroxyamination of aldehydes with nitrosocarbonyl compounds catalyzed by an axially chiral amine.
The first example of a highly regio- and enantioselective hydroxyamination of aldehydes with in situ generated nitrosocarbonyl compounds from hydroxamic acid derivatives was realized by combined use of TEMPO and BPO as the oxidant in the presence of a binaphthyl-modified amine catalyst. |
Vertebrate evolution: something fishy about Hox genes.
The complete Hox gene complement of the Japanese pufferfish has now been determined, together with the genomic organisation of all four Hox gene clusters. One of the many surprises is that this strange fish has lost an unusually large number of Hox genes. |
Concussions in amateur rugby union identified with the use of a rapid visual screening tool.
To use the King-Devick (KD) test and Sports Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2) in amateur rugby union players to identify witnessed and unrecognised episodes of concussion that occurred from match participation. A prospective observational cohort study was conducted on a premier club level amateur rugby union team during the 2012 competition in New Zealand. Every player completed a pre-competition questionnaire on concussion history, a baseline PCSS and two trials of the KD before they participated in any match activities. For players reporting a concussion in the previous three years there was an average of 4.0±2.8 concussions per player. There were 22 concussive incidents recorded over the duration of the competition (46 per 1000 match hours). Five concussive incidents were witnessed (11 per 1000 match hours) and 17 unrecognised concussive incidents were identified with the KD (37 per 1000 match hours). Witnessed concussions recorded, on average, a longer KD on the day of injury (5.5±2.4s) than unrecognised concussions (4.4±0.9s) when compared with their baseline KD. The KD was able to identify players that had not shown, or reported, any signs or symptoms of a concussion but who had meaningful head injury. The current rate of concussion reported was a ten-fold increase in previously reported concussion injury rates. This makes the KD suitable for rapid assessment in a limited time frame on the sideline such as a five-minute window to assess and review suspected concussed players in rugby union. |
Lack of association between IL-10 -1082G/A polymorphism and chronic periodontal disease in adults.
Because of the complex interaction between periodontal pathogens and the host defense system, periodontitis is considered an inflammatory disorder of bacterial etiology that results in periodontal tissue damage. Genetic mechanisms may interfere with the gene expression of important inflammation mediators, modulating the immunologic response of an individual. In this study, we evaluated the single nucleotide polymorphism -1082G/A in the promoter region of interleukin-10 gene and its relationship with periodontal disease in Central Brazil. We included 36 cases classified according to disease severity (mild, moderate, or severe) and 30 controls. The allelic distribution of the cases was 16 (44%) AG, followed by 13 (36%) GG and 7 (20%) with the genotype AA. In the control group, 13 (43%) presented the genotype AG, 12 (40%) GG and 5 (17%) were classified as AA. The populations examined were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Analysis of allelic and genotypic frequencies revealed no casual relationship with the presence of genotype G or A and the development of periodontal disease in adults. The single nucleotide polymorphism -1082G/A of the interleukin-10 gene was not predictive of periodontal disease. |
Curcumin attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced renal inflammation.
Renal inflammation is the main pathological change in many acute and chronic kidney diseases. Curcumin, a yellow pigment present in the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa L. Zingiberaceae), was found to be a potential anti-inflammatory agent. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of curcumin on the inflammation of mice kidney and cultured renal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2 cells) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and to explore the mechanism. Curcumin was injected intraperitoneally before LPS administration. Renal inflammation was assessed by evaluating monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) expression and macrophage infiltration in renal tissue using immunohistochemical methods, and also by measuring renal MCP-1 mRNA level using Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). HK-2 cells were cultured to investigate the in vitro effect of curcumin against LPS-induced renal inflammation. The expression of MCP-1 and interleukin-8 (IL-8) mRNA was measured by Real-Time PCR. The expression of MCP-1 and IL-8 protein in supernatant was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The activity of nuclear factor (NF)-κB was detected by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The results demonstrated that curcumin could inhibit LPS-induced renal MCP-1 mRNA expression. Curcumin also significantly inhibited the expression of MCP-1 and IL-2 mRNA in HK-2 cells, and partially inhibited the secretion of MCP-1 and IL-8. Furthermore, curcumin was found to inhibit the DNA-binding activity of NF-κB. The present study demonstrated that curcumin has a protective effect on LPS-induced experimental renal inflammation, and this effect might be attributed to its inhibitory effects on MCP-1 mRNA expression and DNA-binding activity of NF-κB. Hence, curcumin might be potentially useful in some kidney diseases by preventing renal inflammation. |
Undibacterium macrobrachii sp. nov., isolated from a freshwater shrimp culture pond.
A bacterial strain designated CMJ-9(T) was isolated from a freshwater shrimp culture pond in Taiwan and characterized using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Cells of strain CMJ-9(T) were strictly aerobic, Gram-negative, motile by a single polar flagellum, poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-containing and formed light-yellow colonies. Growth occurred at 10-37 °C (optimum, 20-30 °C), with 0-0.8 % NaCl (optimum, 0-0.1 %) and at pH 6.0-9.0 (optimum, pH 6.0-7.0). Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain CMJ-9(T) belonged to the genus Undibacterium, and its closest neighbour was Undibacterium seohonense SHS5-24(T), with 96.7 % sequence similarity. The predominant cellular fatty acids were summed feature 3 (C16 : 1ω7c and/or C16 : 1ω6c) and C16 : 0. The major cellular hydroxy fatty acid was C10 : 0 3-OH. The polar lipid profile consisted of the predominant lipids phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol. The polyamine profile was composed of the major compound putrescine and moderate amounts of 2-hydroxyputrescine. The major respiratory quinone was Q-8 and the DNA G+C content was 47.7 mol%. On the basis of the phylogenetic and phenotypic data, strain CMJ-9(T) should be classified within a novel species, for which the name Undibacterium macrobrachii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CMJ-9(T) ( = BCRC 80406(T) = LMG 26891(T) = KCTC 23916(T)). |
[Sweet bulimia, salty bulimia. Emotional profiles and weight status].
In this study we precise eating and non specific symptomatology of 56 patients with DSM III bulimia syndrome. Results confirm our first hypotheses, particularly the distinction between sweety and salty bulimia and the heterogeneity of patients with this syndrome. We specially studied two types of clinical dimensions: emotional components and weight status. According to emotional profile, bulimics differ from other psychopathologic populations and present some particular features. Impulsivity is a characteristic of sweety bulimics, dysphoria and affective lability characterise salty ones. |
Investigating self-homodyne coherent detection in a 19 channel space-division-multiplexed transmission link.
We investigate the performance of a self-homodyne coherent detection (SHCD) system using a 19 core multi-core fiber (MCF) and 16 wavelength-division-multiplexed channels. We show that SHCD, with the pilot-tone transmitted on a single MCF core and information carrying signals on the remaining cores, is compatible with space-division-multiplexed transmission, potentially relaxing laser linewidth and digital signal processing requirements due to phase noise cancellation. However, inter-core crosstalk can have an impact on performance and core selection. |
P-glycoprotein models of the apo and ATP-bound states based on homology with Sav1866 and MalK.
We exploit the biochemical and sequence similarity between Staphylococcus aureus Sav1866 and P-glycoprotein to develop a homology model of P-glycoprotein representing an ATP-bound state, which captures the major features of the low-resolution EM structure and is consistent with cysteine mutagenesis studies. Using insights from the MalK crystal structures and BtuCD simulations, we model two nucleotide-free conformations. Conformational changes are characterized by pincering rigid-body rotations of the nucleotide-binding domains, inducing transmembrane domain reorganizations which correspond to the two lowest frequency normal modes of the protein. These conformations (see supplementary material) may characterize some of the major steps in the nucleotide catalytic cycle. |
[Research progress of Merlin protein and its signal pathway in tumor].
Hippo signaling pathway was first found in drosophila, and was proved to participate in regulatory of cell proliferation, cell apoptosis and organ size in multicellular animals. Compared with Hippo/Mst to YAP/Yki phosphorylation of the core kinase cascade, upstream the protein interaction of Hippo kinase cascade has rarely been studied. Early studies in drosophila have shown that apical membrane associated FERM domain protein Merlin and its extension may be upstream of the Hippo pathway as a signaling pathway component. Recently, increasing researches showed that Merlin protein has a close relationship with tumor occurrence. As upstream regulatory molecule and the core in Hippo signaling pathway, the mutation or deletion of Merlin can increase oncogene Yap/Yki expression, and then contribute to tumor progression. It ultimately affects the patients' prognosis. To clarify the relationship between Merlin(NF2) and malignant tumor will be helpful for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This article revivewed the latest research progress of Merlin(NF2) protein. |
[Cutaneous Alternaria infection occurring in the course of a treated pemphigus].
Alternaria is a very common fungus. Its pathogenic role in human pathology is mainly expressed by asthma. Cutaneous infection is rare and only about 70 cases have been described. Because of its wide distribution in the environment, cutaneous biopsy is necessary to ensure the diagnosis. We report two cases of dermal alternariosis occurring in the course of pemphigus treated with immunosuppressive therapy. Histological examination revealed a hyperplasic epidermis. The upper dermis showed a mixed inflammatory infiltrate with neutrophils, histiocytes and giant cells. Round intracytoplasmic inclusions staining faintly with PAS wer seen in giant cells. Long intercellular filaments were present in the infiltrate. This histopathological aspect is not specific, and cultures of both cutaneous biopsies were necessary. The association of dermal alternariosis and pemphigus is explained both by the immunosuppressive therapy for pemphigus and by the cutaneous fragility induced by the acantholytic disease permitting direct inoculation of Alternaria. |
Behavioral science teaching in U.S. medical schools: a 1980 national survey.
The teaching of behavioral science in medical school has become increasingly complex in the attempt to integrate biological, social, and psychological knowledge. The authors sent a survey questionnaire to determine actual and preferred organizational structures to 130 medical schools; 90 responded. The most frequent structure--46 schools (51%)--was unidepartmental. Thirty-four schools (38%) were multidepartmental, and 10 (11%) had a matrix organization. Schools with a unidepartmental structure reported a higher degree of satisfaction and more organizational advantages. Multidepartmental and matrix models offered some educational advantages at the cost of administrative efficiency. During the 1980s, funding for unidepartmental schools may prove more cost effective than funding for schools with different organizational structures. |
Intracellular delivery of p53 fused to the basic domain of HIV-1 Tat.
p53 is a potent tumor suppressor inactivated in many cancers. In this study, the membrane permeability of the HIV-1 Tat basic domain was exploited to introduce functional p53 into cancer cells. We expressed and purified a p53 fusion protein with the HIV-1 Tat basic domain at its N terminus (Tat-p53), and examined its transduction profile and biological activity in cancer cells. Tat-p53 was efficiently delivered to both the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells, and was transcriptionally active, as judged by the level of p21/WAF1 protein and of p21 promoter activity. Transduction of cells with Tat-p53 resulted in apoptotic cell death in both p53 positive and negative human tumor cell lines. These results suggest that Tat-p53 could be useful in cancer therapy. |
Immunology of human immunodeficiency virus infection and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. An update.
Recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) stems from the demonstration that the membrane glycoprotein, CD4, is the cellular receptor for HIV. This glycoprotein is found mainly on the surface of a major subpopulation of T lymphocytes and also on macrophages, natural killer cells, some B lymphocytes, and neuronal cells. Cells infected with HIV may be destroyed or have their normal function impaired. Host immune responses to HIV are poor and are not sustained. Neutralizing antibody often is not produced, or HIV may escape from normal immunosuppressive mechanisms through the process of rapid antigenic variation. Factors and markers that may be important in the outcome or that may predict progression of HIV infection are genetic (Gc type), environmental (nutritional status or intercurrent sexually transmitted diseases sustained by the host), and immunologic (rate of decline in number and impairment of function of CD4 lymphocytes and of decline in antibody titers to HIV core protein, p24). A recombinant vaccine will probably be developed for testing in future clinical trials. |
Recognition of the parasite infected cell surface determinants by homologous antiserum raised against infected cell membranes.
Identification of neo-antigenic determinant(s) on parasite infected cell surface is important to control intracellular infections. Such determinant(s) on the surface of intact Plasmodium berghei infected erythrocytes have not been conclusively demonstrated. To generate polyclonal antiserum selectively recognizing the parasite infected cell surface determinant(s), in natural state, we have examined the efficacy of the homologous immunizations, in BALB/c mice, with the membrane rich preparation of: i) erythrocytes in vivo infected with Plasmodium berghei and, ii) macrophages in vitro infected with Leishmania donovani. Anti-infected erythrocyte membrane antiserum specifically recognized, albeit at low level, the infected cell surface as determined by flow cytometry and immunoelectron microscopy. Immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled antigens revealed at least three parasite proteins of > 205 kDa, 160 kDa and 100 kDa specifically present on infected erythrocyte surface. Normal uninfected erythrocytes did not react with the antiserum. Anti-L. donovani-infected macrophage membrane antiserum also recognized only infected macrophage surface and not the normal macrophages. Thus, the approach may find wide application in delineating disease specific determinant(s) on the infected cell surface, particularly to those where animal models are available. |
A ratio test in active control non-inferiority trials with a time-to-event endpoint.
There are essentially two kinds of non-inferiority hypotheses in an active control trial: fixed margin and ratio hypotheses. In a fixed margin hypothesis, the margin is a prespecified constant and the hypothesis is defined in terms of a single parameter that represents the effect of the active treatment relative to the control. The statistical inference for a fixed margin hypothesis is straightforward. The outstanding issue for a fixed margin non-inferiority hypothesis is how to select the margin, a task that may not be as simple as it appears. The selection of a fixed non-inferiority margin has been discussed in a few articles (Chi et al., 2003; Hung et al., 2003; Ng, 1993). In a ratio hypothesis, the control effect is also considered as an unknown parameter, and the noninferiority hypothesis is then formulated as a ratio in terms of these two parameters, the treatment effect and the control effect. This type of non-inferiority hypothesis has also been called the fraction retention hypothesis because the ratio hypothesis can be interpreted as a retention of certain fraction of the control effect. Rothmann et al. (2003) formulated a ratio non-inferiority hypothesis in terms of log hazards in the time-to-event setting. To circumvent the complexity of having to deal with a ratio test statistic, the ratio hypothesis was linearized to an equivalent hypothesis under the assumption that the control effect is positive. An associated test statistic for this linearized hypothesis was developed. However, there are three important issues that are not addressed by this method. First, the retention fraction being defined in terms of log hazard is difficult to interpret. Second, in order to linearize the ratio hypothesis, Rothmann's method has to assume that the true control effect is positive. Third, the test statistic is not powerful and thus requires a huge sample size, which renders the method impractical. In this paper, a ratio hypothesis is defined directly in terms of the hazard. A natural ratio test statistic can be defined and is shown to have the desired asymptotic normality. The demand on sample size is much reduced. In most commonly encountered situations, the sample size required is less than half of those needed by either the fixed margin approach or Rothmann's method. |
The surgical aspects of hyperparathyroidism.
We followed up 250 patients surgically treated for hyperparathyroidism. Selective venous catheterization with radioimmunoassay was an effective method of preoperative localization, but its greatest contribution was in patients needing reexploration of the neck. Because of a 15 percent incidence of multiple gland involvement, we tried to identify all glands, if possible. If more than one gland was abnormal, it also was removed. If three or four glands were abnormal, a subtotal parathyroidectomy was done. Five patients showed persistent hyperparathyroidism because of failure to find or remove all hyperfunction tissue: two patients were successfully treated at a third operation; one has not undergone reexploration, and two have parathyromatosis. Only one patient developed late recurrent hyperparathyroidism. The removal of a single adenoma is adequate providing the remaining glands are grossly and histologically normal. Hypoparathyroidism is a potential, although uncommon, risk following subtotal parathyroidectomy. |
Expression of functional chicken oviduct progesterone receptors in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
The cDNAs encoding full-length chicken oviduct progesterone receptor B (PRB) and a truncated receptor (C1C2) lacking the amino-terminal domain were expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using a ubiquitin fusion system. The expression of the fusion protein is under the control of a copper-responsive yeast metallothionein promoter, and the fusion protein is subsequently cleaved by the yeast host enzyme to produce receptor protein. Western immunoblot analyses of yeast extracts containing full-length PRB revealed a polypeptide co-migrating with authentic chicken oviduct PRB. Using a polyclonal antibody (907) directed against the "hinge" region of the authentic chicken progesterone receptor, a 42-kDa polypeptide was detected by Western analysis in yeast extracts containing C1C2 receptors. Standard hormone binding assays indicated that these receptors produced in yeast cells exhibited steroid binding affinity and specificity characteristic of the authentic chicken progesterone receptor. To test for progesterone receptor-mediated activation of transcription in yeast, reporter plasmids were constructed to transform yeast cells expressing PRB or C1C2 receptors. The reporter gene contained two copies of a progesterone response element upstream of the yeast proximal CYC1 promoter fused to the beta-galactosidase gene of Escherichia coli. The induction of beta-galactosidase activity by PRB and C1C2 was strictly dependent on specific ligand and the presence of a progesterone response element. However, overproduced C1C2 receptors had an adverse effect on the transcription of the lacZ gene. It was found that when overproduced C1C2 was activated by progesterone, an inhibitory effect on normal yeast cell growth was evident. These observations suggest that C1C2 is a potent trans-acting factor in yeast and that the amino-terminal domain of the chicken progesterone receptor may play a role in selective modulation of target gene activation. |
First Report of Grapevine Cankers Caused by Lasiodiplodia crassispora and Neofusicoccum mediterraneum in California.
Several species in the Botryosphaeriaceae family cause perennial cankers in the vascular tissue of grapevines and are responsible for the disease known as bot canker in California (3). Tissue from grapevine vascular cankers from samples submitted to our laboratory in the summer of 2009 were plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with 0.01% tetracycline hydrochloride. Lasiodiplodia crassispora (Burgess & Barber) and Neofusicoccum mediterraneum (Crous, M.J. Wingf. & A.J.L. Phillips) were identified based on morphological and cultural characters as well as analyses of nucleotide sequences. L. crassispora isolates were characterized by a fast-growing, white mycelium that turned dark olivaceous with age on PDA. Conidia from pycnidia formed in cultures were thick walled and pigmented with one septum and vertical striations when mature. Conidia measured (25.8-) 27.5 to 30.5 (-33.4) × (12.1) 14.3 to 16.8 (-18.2) μm (n = 60). Pycnidia contained septate paraphyses. N. mediterraneum was characterized as having moderately fast-growing, light green mycelia on PDA. Pycnidia formation was induced with pine needles placed on 2% water agar. Conidia from pycnidia were hyaline, ellipsoidal, thin walled, unicellular, and measured (18.2-) 20.5 to 27.8 (-29) × (5.1) 5.9 to 6.5 (-7.2) μm (n = 60). DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), part of the β-tubulin gene (BT2), and part of the translation elongation factor 1-α gene (EF1-α) from L. crassispora (UCD23Co, UCD24Co, and UCD27Co) and N. mediterraneum (UCD695SJ, UCD719SJ, UCD720SJ, UCD749St, and UCD796St) grapevine isolates from California were amplified and sequenced. Consensus sequences from L. crassispora and N. mediterraneum from California showed 99 to 100% homology with L. crassispora and N. mediterraneum isolates previously identified and deposited in GenBank (1,2). Sequences from the examined DNA regions of all isolates were deposited at GenBank (GU799450 to GU799457 and GU799473 to GU799488). Pathogenicity tests using three isolates per species were conducted on detached dormant canes of cv. Red Globe. Ten canes per isolate were inoculated by placing a 7-day-old 5-mm-diameter agar plug from each fungal culture into a wound made with a drill on the internode (4). Twenty shoots were inoculated with noncolonized PDA plugs for negative controls. Six weeks after inoculations, necrosis was measured from the point of inoculation in both directions. One-way analysis of variance was performed to assess differences in the extent of vascular discoloration and means were compared using Tukey's test. L. crassispora isolates caused an average necrotic length of 21.1 mm, which was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the average necrotic length of 35.6 mm caused by the N. mediterraneum isolates. Reisolation of L. crassispora and N. mediterraneum from necrotic tissue was 100% for each species. The extent of vascular discoloration in infected canes was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than in control inoculations (8 mm) from which no fungi were reisolated from the slightly discolored tissue. To our knowledge, this is the first report of L. crassispora and N. mediterraneum as pathogens of Vitis vinifera and as a cause of grapevine cankers in California. References: (1) T. I. Burgess et al. Mycologia 98:423, 2006. (2) P. W. Crous et al. Fungal Planet. No. 19, 2007. (3) J. R. Úrbez-Torres and W. D. Gubler. Plant Dis. 93:584, 2009. (4) J. R. Úrbez-Torres et al. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 60:497, 2009. |
Evaluation of hematological and hepatorenal functions of methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. root treated mice.
Methanolic extract of M. oleifera root was found to contain some alkaloids (total alkaloid 0.2%). Effects of multiple weekly (35, 46, 70 mg/kg) and daily therapeutic (3.5, 4.6, 7.0 mg/kg) i.p. doses of the crude extract (CE) on liver and kidney functions and hematological parameters in mice were studied. No alteration in hematological and biochemical parameters at low and moderate dose level of daily and low dose level of weekly treatment of the extract was observed. However, the extract at moderate dose level in weekly treatment changed serum aminotransferase and plasma cholesterol levels significantly. High dose in addition to the above parameters changed total bilirubin, non protein nitrogen, blood urea and plasma protein. High dose of daily treatment and moderate and high dose of weekly treatment of CE increased WBC count and decreased clotting time significantly. The results indicate that the weekly moderate and high dose (> 46 mg/kg body wt.) and daily/therapeutic high dose (7 mg/kg) of CE affects liver and kidney functions and hematological parameters whereas the weekly dose (3.5 mg/kg) and low and moderate daily/therapeutic dose (3.5 and 4.6 mg/kg) did not produce adverse effects on liver and kidney functions. |
Management of primary malignant epithelial parotid tumors.
Parotid cancers are infrequently encountered. These tumors carry a prolonged risk of recurrence and metastasis. Controversies surrounding pre-treatment evaluation by imaging and fine needle aspiration, utility of operative frozen section are partly resolved. Though surgery remains the mainstay of treatment, radiation is being recognized as a useful adjuvant. Facial nerve preservation is one of the important goals at surgery. The role of chemotherapy is still investigational. The prognosis and necessity of elective neck treatment are mainly guided by the tumor grade and stage. |
Direct Repair of Iatrogenic Vertebral Artery Injury Associated With Anterior Cervical Corpectomy: 2-Dimensional Operative Video.
Vertebral artery (VA) injury during anterior cervical spine surgery has potentially devastating neurovascular consequences. Our video highlights the operative nuances of exposing and directly repairing the V2 segment of the VA from an anterior approach. A 67-year-old woman undergoing anterior cervical corpectomy at another hospital began briskly bleeding from a suspected VA injury. Upon emergency transfer of the patient to our facility, angiography confirmed a right VA pseudoaneurysm at the level of the C5 corpectomy. The decision was made to repair the VA directly, thus avoiding vessel sacrifice and stenting. The previous anterior exposure was reopened. The longus colli was mobilized laterally on the right side to expose the C4 and C6 anterior tubercles. A plane was developed in the transverse foramina from C4 to C6, and the foramina were unroofed anteriorly using a high-speed drill and Kerrison rongeurs. The injured segment of the VA was exposed, and the platelet plug over the injured VA was identified. The proximal and distal ends of the injured segment were temporarily clipped, and the platelet plug was removed, revealing a small, ovoid-shaped' full-thickness arterial wall defect. The VA injury was repaired with simple running 10-0 nylon sutures. Indocyanine green angiography confirmed rapid filling of the patent lumen. The corpectomy and anterior fixation were completed. The patient was placed on aspirin therapy postoperatively. The patient remained neurologically intact without neurovascular sequelae at the 1-yr follow-up. The patient consented to surgical treatment (Institutional Review Board review was not necessary). Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute. |
Occupational burnout and severe injuries: an eight-year prospective cohort study among Finnish forest industry workers.
Burnout is a psychological consequence of prolonged work stress. Studies have shown that it is related to physical and mental disorders. The safety outcomes of burnout have been studied to a lesser extent and only in the work context. This study explored the effect of burnout on future severe injuries regardless of their context. A total of 10,062 forest industry employees (77% men, 63% manual workers) without previous injuries participated in 1996 or 2000 in the "Still Working" study examining the work-related antecedents of health and mortality. Burnout was assessed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey. Injuries leading to death or hospitalization were regarded as severe. We extracted such injuries from independent national registers. The relationship between burnout and new injuries was analyzed using Cox proportional regression. The analyses were adjusted for age, sex, marital status, and occupational status. There were 788 new injuries over eight years. Injuries were more common among male and manual workers. After adjustments, each one-unit increase in the burnout score was related to a 9% increase in the risk of injury (95% confidence interval: 1.2-1.17). Experiencing symptoms at least monthly was related to a 1.18-fold adjusted injury risk (95% CI: 1.2-1.36). Of the subscales of burnout, exhaustion and cynicism but not lack of professional efficacy predicted injuries after adjustments. In addition to mental and physical disorders, burnout predicts severe injuries. Developing work conditions and optimizing workload may enhance safety and decrease health expenses related to all injuries. |
Incorporation of the elderberry anthocyanins by endothelial cells increases protection against oxidative stress.
The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of endothelial cells (EC) to incorporate anthocyanins and to examine their potential benefits against various oxidative stressors. Endothelial dysfunction has been proposed to play an important role in the initiation and development of vascular disease, with studies having shown that administration of antioxidants improves endothelial function. Elderberry extract contains 4 anthocyanins, which where incorporated into the plasma membrane and cytosol of EC following 4 h incubation at 1 mg.ml(-1). However, incorporation within the cytosol was considerably less than that in the membrane. Uptake within both regions appeared to be structure dependent, with monoglycoside concentrations higher than that of the diglucosides in both compartments. The enrichment of EC with elderberry anthocyanins conferred significant protective effects in EC against the following oxidative stressors: hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)); 2, 2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH); and FeSO(4)/ascorbic acid (AA). These results show for the first time that vascular EC can incorporate anthocyanins into the membrane and cytosol, conferring significant protective effects against oxidative insult. These findings may have important implications on preserving EC function and preventing the initiation of EC changes associated with vascular diseases. |
Spatial Distribution of Organophosphorus and Brominated Flame Retardants in Surface Water, Sediment, Groundwater, and Wild Fish in Chengdu, China.
The occurrence and spatial distribution of 13 organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs), 11 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and eight novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs) were investigated in Jinjiang river water, sediment, crucian carp, and groundwater in Chengdu, China. OPFRs were predominant and ubiquitous contaminants in the Jinjiang river water, sediment, groundwater, fish muscle, fish gills, and viscera with concentrations ranging from 19.1 to 533 ng L-1, 12.5 to 253 ng g-1, 11.7 to 149 ng L-1, 114 to 2108 ng g-1 lipid weight (lw), 220 to 638 ng g-1 lw, and 116 to 1356 ng g-1 lw, respectively. The halogenated OPFRs were the primary pollutant in the Jinjiang river water samples, whereas nonhalogenated OPFRs were the dominant OPFRs in the sediments. Brominated flame retardants were not detected in the groundwater, whereas the NBFRs detected in aquatic environment at low frequency. The ΣPBDEs ranged from n.d. to 23.4 ng L-1 and n.d. to 48.7 ng g-1 in the Jinjiang river water and sediment, respectively. BDE-209 was dominant in the sediment samples with concentrations ranging from n.d. to 47.2 ng g-1. The PBDEs levels in the muscle, gills, and viscera of the crucian carp ranged from 10.6 to 90.6 ng g-1 lw, n.d. to 75.6 ng g-1 lw, and n.d. to 219 ng g-1 lw, respectively. BDE-47, chlorinated, and alkyl OPFRs were the main contaminants in the fish samples. |
Mutational analysis of 4-coumarate:CoA ligase identifies functionally important amino acids and verifies its close relationship to other adenylate-forming enzymes.
4-Coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is a key enzyme of general phenylpropanoid metabolism which provides the precursors for a large variety of important plant secondary products, such as lignin, flavonoids, or phytoalexins. To identify amino acids important for 4CL activity, eight mutations were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana At4CL2. Determination of specific activities and K(m) values for ATP and caffeate of the heterologously expressed and purified proteins identified four distinct classes of mutants: enzymes with little or no catalytic activity; enzymes with greatly reduced activity but wild-type K(m) values; enzymes with drastically altered K(m) values; and enzymes with almost wild-type properties. The latter class includes replacement of a cysteine residue which is strictly conserved in 4CLs and had previously been assumed to be directly involved in catalysis. These results substantiate the close relationship between 4CL and other adenylate-forming enzymes such as luciferases, peptide synthetases, and fatty acyl-CoA synthetases. |
The association between clinical and pathological features in histologically identified chronic endometritis.
Although described originally as the sine qua non for endometriosis, plasma cells have been identified in the endometrium in a variety of other situations. This study of patients who did and did not have plasma cells in their endometrium was carried out to establish the association between the clinical presentations and a variety of pathological characteristics, particularly the presence of inflammatory cells including plasma cells in the endometrium. There was no evidence of an association between any of the presenting clinical conditions and the distribution, intensity or frequency of inflammation, including the component cell types (lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells and neutrophil polymorphs) or stromal pigment, although there was an association between a history of abnormal bleeding and reactive changes in the surface endometrium (P = 0.0259). Thus this study confirms the findings of others that there is no specific clinical syndrome that is associated with the presence of plasma cells in the endometrium. |
High-activity 125I interstitial irradiation in the treatment of pediatric central nervous system tumors: a pilot study.
Malignant pediatric tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) have a poor prognosis, with local failure rates as high as 50%. In an attempt to improve local tumor control, we used stereotactic interstitial therapy with 125I implants in patients with recurrent/secondary or newly diagnosed CNS malignancies. Catheters were placed using computed tomography (CT) guidance; computerized dosimetry was completed with the aid of orthogonal films. Implants delivered 1,000 cGy/day to the tumor periphery (0.5 cm beyond the boundary of enhancement on CT scans), to a total dose of 60 Gy. Hyperfractionated external beam irradiation (HEBI), started 2-4 weeks after removal of implants, delivered total doses of 66-70.4 Gy in 110-cGy fractions twice daily to a 3-cm margin around the implant volume. Eight of the 11 patients with newly diagnosed tumors also received 48.4 Gy HEBI to the craniospinal axis. Tumor regression was noted at 2 months after implantation in the 4 patients treated for recurrent/secondary tumors; local progression was subsequently documented in 2 cases at 6 and 20 months after implantation, while a third patient died 6 months after implantation with no evidence of local recurrence. The remaining recurrent/secondary tumor patient has no evidence of active recurrence 15 months after implantation. Local control was maintained in 9 of the 11 patients treated for primary tumors for a median of 27 months (range 15 to 48+ months). The two local failures occurred at 5 and 7 months after implantation. Six patients are alive without evidence of progressive disease (median = 23 months after implantation). There were no severe acute toxicities, but 7 patients later developed histologically confirmed tumor necrosis. Quality of life assessment (QLA) following initial primary therapy with implantation was evaluated utilizing an established criteria and found to be excellent with only one child showing marked QLA score decrease which was related to neurosurgical intervention for radiation-induced necrosis and dysfunctional family social situation. This small series suggests that stereotactic 125I implantation followed by HEBI merits further evaluation in selected children with supratentorial malignant lesions. |
Subsets and Splits