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https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3719 | Есімдік | Pronouns are a class of words that do not represent the name, object, number of things, but are used instead of them (nouns, adjectives, numerals). Nouns refer to a specific concept or idea by defining it in a general way. The specific meanings of nouns are determined by the sentence that precedes them or the general speech.
## Meanings of pronouns
Depending on their meaning, pronouns are divided into the following groups:
* Classification pronouns;
* Reference pronouns;
* Interrogative pronouns;
* Personal pronouns;
* Indefinite pronouns;
* Negative pronouns;
* Generalizing pronouns;
### Classifying pronouns
Classifying pronouns include the words I, you, you, he, we, you, you, they.
Classificatory pronouns are always associated with the concept of object. That is why they are always used in connection with a person, and therefore with the concepts of speaker, listener and outsider.
Although the declension system of nouns is basically the same as that of other nouns, there are some features specific to each group of them. For example: singular forms of classificatory pronouns are inflected as follows:
From this pattern, it can be seen that classificatory pronouns are inflected differently than other nouns. But this feature is not found in their plural forms and the pronouns you, the last ones (you, we, you, you) are similar to other nouns in terms of declension.
### Demonstrative pronouns
Means to indicate and indicate.
Reference pronouns include the words this, this, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, this. ? which one attributive words that answer the questions.
### Interrogative pronouns
Questions that are asked for the purpose of answering. Interrogative pronouns are: who? what? how many which one what is how much how when?
There are several interrogative pronouns besides these, but they are pronouns formed in certain ways from the basic interrogative pronouns shown above.
### Personal pronoun
In the Kazakh language, a personal pronoun includes only the word itself. This pronoun is often used alone and codependently, such as myself, yourself, yourself, himself, ourselves, yourselves.
### Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns are words that do not express things and phenomena concretely in terms of their meaning, but are assumed and spoken in an uncertain sense.
Indeterminate pronouns are formed by three words, one, each, or, and indefinite pronouns are formed by combining these words with some other pronouns. For example:
* Someone, some, some, any, each, several, something.
* Everyone, each, each, different.
* Aldekim, aldekim, aldekamin, aldekas, aldekas, aldekas, aldekasane.
### Negative Pronouns
Negative is a type of pronoun that expresses meaning. Negation is formed by combining some pronouns with the word no on the basis of pronouns. For example: none, nobody, none, nothing, nothing, never, none, none. Negation is used in a sentence in connection with the words "no" and the negative form of the verb (no one said; no one said; no one said, etc.).
### Generalizing pronouns
By generalizing pronouns, we mean the words that are used to name at least two or more objects and phenomena in general terms.
Generalizing pronouns include only the words all, all, all, bar (any person), kully, whole, whole, whole, smooth.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2590 | Түркия | Turkey (trans. Türkiye), officially the Republic of Turkey (trans. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) is a country located on the continents of Asia and Europe. It ranks 37th in terms of land area (783,562 km²). The population is 82,003,882 people. Gained independence in 1923, the capital is Ankara. It appeared as a result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Located on the Asia Minor peninsula, it is surrounded by the Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara seas. It borders Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Armenia in the east, Bulgaria, Greece in the west, Iraq and Syria in the south.
## Geography
Geographical location, natural conditions. Turkey is a country located in two parts of the world. 97% of its land is in Asia, and 3% is in Europe. The west and east stretches 1600 km, north and south 550 km. The coast is washed by the Black Sea in the north, the Aegean Sea in the west, and the Mediterranean Sea in the south. The peculiarity of the geographical location is that it is located at the junction of the European and Asian continents. The bridge built over the Bosphorus strait connects the continents of Asia and Europe. The bridge was opened on October 30, 1973 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. Its length is 1074 m, its height is 64 m. Along with the Turks, Englishmen, Germans, and Japanese worked in its construction. Now this bridge is like a symbol of new Turkey.
Bosphorus, Dardanelles Straits and Sea of Marmara are waterways of international importance. The Bosphorus and Dardanelles are not only the border between Asia and Europe, but also a waterway system connecting the Black Sea with the World Ocean. The part of Turkey called "Anatolia" is located on the Asia Minor Peninsula, and the rest is located on the Balkan Peninsula of Europe. Turkey's largest port city, Istanbul, is located on the rocky shores of the Bosphorus.
The length of the land border of Turkey is 618 km, it borders Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran in the east, Iraq, Syria in the south, Greece, Bulgaria in the west, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian Federation in the north through the Black Sea.
## Terrain
The part of Turkey called Eastern Thrace or Rumesley in Europe is a hilly plateau with a height of about 1000 m. The entire Asian part (Asia Minor or Anatolia) is occupied by the Asia Minor highlands. There are few lowlands in the country, only small areas on sea coasts and river deltas. Along the coast of the Black Sea are the Ponti Mountains, which are 1000 km long. The average height of the Ponti mountains is 2500 m, and the height of Kachkar mountain in the east is 3931 m. the lack of mountain valleys crossing the branches of the rocky alpine gorges complicates the communication of settlements.
In the south of Turkey, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, there is a complex Taurus mountain range. The Taurus Mountains are divided into Western, Central and Eastern Taurus Ranges.
Western Taurus Mountains. Antalya strait surrounds the bay like an arc. The highest point is Mount Bedag (3086 m.). Between the mountain ranges there are fresh lakes Beyshehir, Egridir, Sugla, and salt lakes Ajigol and Aksheker.
The topography of the Central Taurus Mountains is more alpine and higher than the Western Taurus Mountains. Most of the mountain ranges are more than 3000 m high and fall into the Mediterranean Sea in the west. Adana alluvial plain is located in the south of Mersin mountain.
Eastern Taurus. The mountain range stretches from the Murat River and Lake Van to the Eastern border. In this interval, the height of the mountain junction of Jilo is 4168 m. The mountain ranges are cut by the valleys of the rivers Firat and Gile. Diyarbakir cauldron occupies a wide valley to the south of East Tavr. The nature of Eastern Anatolia is beautiful, Lake Van is located at an altitude of 1720 m above sea level.
In the north-east of the country, in the region bordering the Republic of Armenia, the highest peak of the Republic of Turkey, the Big Agra Mountain, is located. It is an extinct volcano, its height is 5165 m. Another extinct volcano near Big Agry Mountain is Kishi Argy 3925 m. is located. Most of the territory of Turkey belongs to the seismic zone. Earthquakes are frequent in the Aegean Sea and in the east of the country.
The maximum length of Turkish territory is 1600 km from west to east, 600 km from north to south. It is washed by seas from three sides: the Black Sea in the north, the Aegean Sea in the west, and the Mediterranean Sea in the south. The European and Asian parts of Turkey are separated from each other by a water system that forms the sea route from the Black Sea to the Aegean and includes the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. On the southern part of the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn (Sea of Marmara) lies one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the most populous city in Turkey - Istanbul (formerly Constantinople).
## Minerals
More than 100 different minerals are found in Turkey. They are: chromium, oil, hard coal, etc. The country has a lot of iron, lead, zinc and mercury deposits. A lot of salt is produced in the salt lake.
25 percent of the world's mercury reserves belong to Turkey.
## Climate
Turkey is a mountainous country located in the continental climate zone. In the center of the country, the climate is continental. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. Only on the sea coast the climate is subtropical. The weather is very hot in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. This area is covered by the Mediterranean climate zone. The average summer temperature is + 29-31 C°. It rains a lot in winter. The air temperature is +15 C°. There will be no clear day. The weather can be cold. It rarely snows. The average temperature on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea is +18 C°. The weather in the Aegean Sea is cold only in the winter months. It is very hot in summer. Average humidity is 60%. The climate in the Black Sea is temperate-maritime. It rains a lot here. In summer there are many clear days, and in winter it often rains. The tropical climate zone occupies the south-east. There is very little rainfall here and it is hot all year round.
## Inland waters
Due to the different topography of Turkey, the inland waters are also distributed differently.
Inland waters on the territory of the Republic are divided into several types. They are: rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers and dams and canals.
### Rivers
There are many large and small rivers on the territory of Turkey. Among them, only one river (Kyzylyrmakuzyn is more than 1000 km long. Other rivers: Euphrates, Sakarya, Murat, Karasu, Tigris).
All rivers of the republic flow into the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea.
## Lakes and dams
There are many lakes and dams in Turkey. 11% of the country's territory is occupied by lakes and swamps. Most of these lakes are located in the Marmara and Mediterranean seas, Central and Eastern Anatolia regions. Large lakes Van (length 119 km, area 3755 sq.m.), Tuz (80km, 1665 sq.m.), Egridir (50km, 482 sq.m.), Beyshehir (45km, 650 sq.m.), etc. . b.
## Plants and animals
There are 6,700 species of plants in Turkey. Two out of three species grow only here. A thick forest grows on the shores of the Black Sea. Armenian oak, luxurious maple and shamshat grow here. On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea there are many bushes and Mediterranean pines. Walnut, almond and oak are rare. Evergreen trees grow along the coast of the Aegean Sea. In the center are drought-tolerant shrubs and trees.
There are many types of animals in the country. Deer, reindeer, roe deer, wild boar, leopard and bears can be found in the mountain forests. Reptiles live in the field.
## History
At the end of the 11th century, nomadic Seljuk tribes spread from Oghuz from Central Asia entered the Asia Minor peninsula. Even the large and powerful Byzantine Empire at that time could not repel them. In 1071, the Seljuks defeated the Byzantines in a battle near Manzikert (Manazkert in Turkish). As a result, the Seljuks seized their possessions in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine.
However, the Seljuk Empire, which included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Asia Minor, was divided into several parts after a while. Its part in Asia Minor declared itself Konya Sultanate, its capital was in Konya (former Iconium). The Konya Sultanate, which was able to resist the Crusades, the kingdoms of Asia Minor and the Far East (Antioch, Armenia Minor, etc.), was overthrown by the Hulagu Khanate in 1318. .
Before that, at the beginning of the 12th century, the Kai tribe, which escaped from the attacks of Genghis Khan and his descendants, spread from Khorasan, from the shores of the Syrdarya, under the leadership of Suleiman Shah, from the Oghuz, moved to Armenia, and then, during the reign of his son Ertugyril Bey, to Asia Minor, and Konya Sultan Ala -ad-din Keykubat helped in the war with Byzantium, so he gave lands between the cities of Angora (Ankara) and Brussa (Bursa) to the Oghuz ships.
Osman Bey, the son of Ertuğuril, seized many of his lands in Asia Minor in the fight against Byzantium. Then, in 1299, Osman declared independence from Konya Sultanate and established the Ottoman Empire.
The bridge built over the Bosphorus strait connects the continents of Asia and Europe. The bridge was opened on October 30, 1973 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. Its length is 1074 m, its height is 64 m. Along with the Turks, Englishmen, Germans, and Japanese worked in its construction.
Turkey's largest port city, Istanbul, is located on the rocky shores of the Bosphorus. In ancient times, Istanbul was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium). The city was called Constantinople at that time, in 1453 the city was captured by the Turks and renamed Istanbul. On October 29, 1923, the Republic of Turkey was established as a result of the national liberation uprising of the Turkish people under the leadership of General Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1918-1923), and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was elected as the first president of the Republic of Turkey.
## Administrative division of Turkey
* Aegean region
* Black Sea region
* Central Anatolia region
* East Anatolia Region
* Marmar Region
* Mediterranean Region
* Southeast Anatolia Region
### Major Cities
## Politics
Between 1923 and 2018, Turkey was a parliamentary democratic country. The presidential system was adopted in a referendum in 2017; the new system came into effect starting with the 2018 presidential election and gives the president full control over the executive branch, including issuing decrees, appointing his cabinet, creating the budget, dissolving Parliament, calling early elections, and appointing officials and courts. The position of the Prime Minister was abolished and his powers (along with those of the Cabinet of Ministers) were transferred to the President, who is the head of state and is elected by direct election for five years. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the first president to be elected directly. The Constitution of Turkey regulates the legal framework of the country. It describes the main principles of public administration and declares Turkey as a unified centralized state.
The executive power is exercised by the president, and the legislative power is vested in the unicameral parliament known as the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The judiciary is nominally independent of the executive and legislature, but constitutional changes enacted after referendums in 2007, 2010 and 2017 gave the President and the ruling party broad powers to appoint or dismiss judges and prosecutors. The Constitutional Court was tasked with making a decision on the compliance of laws and decrees with the Constitution. The Council of State is the tribunal of last resort for administrative cases and the Supreme Court of Appeal for others.
Universal suffrage for both sexes has been practiced throughout Turkey since 1933 and before many countries, and every Turkish citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote. There are 600 members of parliament who are elected for four years by the proportional representation system from 85 constituencies based on the party list. The Constitutional Court can deprive political parties deemed anti-secular or separatist from state funding or ban them altogether. The electoral threshold is ten percent of votes.
Proponents of Atatürk's reforms are known as Kemalists, as distinguished from Islamists, who express two different views on the role of religion in lawmaking, education, and public life. The Kemalist approach supports a form of democracy with a secular constitution and Western culture, while maintaining the need for state intervention in the economy, education, and other public services. Since its establishment as a republic in 1923, Turkey has developed a strong tradition of secularism. However, since the 1980s, issues such as income inequality and class differences have led to the emergence of Islamism, a movement that advocates a greater role for religion in government policy and theoretically supports the duties of authority, community solidarity, and social justice; however, what actually happened is often disputed. Turkey under Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP is increasingly characterized as an authoritarian country.
### Law
Turkish judicial system is fully integrated with the continental European system. For example, the Turkish Civil Code has been largely modified by incorporating elements of the Swiss Civil Code and Code of Obligations and the German Commercial Code. The Administrative Code has similarities with its French counterpart, and the Criminal Code with its Italian counterpart.
Turkey adopted the principle of separation of powers. According to this principle, judicial power is exercised by independent courts on behalf of the Turkish nation. Independence and organization of courts, security of tenure of judges and prosecutors, profession of judges and prosecutors, supervision of judges and state prosecutors, military courts and their organizations, powers and duties of high courts are regulated by the Constitution of Turkey.
According to Article 142 of the Constitution of Turkey, the organization, duties and jurisdiction of courts, their functions and court procedures are regulated by law. According to the aforementioned Turkish constitution and related laws, the judicial system in Turkey can be classified into three main categories: court, administrative court and military court. Each category includes courts of first instance and high courts. In addition, the Court of Jurisdiction Disputes makes decisions on cases that cannot be classified under the jurisdiction of a single court system.
Law enforcement in Turkey is carried out by several departments (such as the General Security Directorate and Gendarmerie General Command) and institutions, all of which operate under the direction of the Turkish President or, in most cases, the Minister of the Interior. According to figures released by the Ministry of Justice, there were 100,000 people in Turkish prisons in November 2008, more than doubling from 2000.
During the years of AKP and Erdoğan rule, especially since 2013, institutions, parliamentarians and journalists in Turkey and abroad have questioned the independence and integrity of the Turkish judiciary due to the promotion of judges and prosecutors and political interference in their performance of public duties. A 2015 report by the European Commission of Turkey stated that "respect for the independence of the judiciary and the principle of separation of powers has been violated, and judges and prosecutors have been subjected to severe political pressure."
### Foreign relations
Turkey United Nations (1945), OECD (1961), OIE (1969), OSCE (1973), ECO (1985), CSTO ( 1992), D-8 (1997) and is a founding member of the G20 (1999). Turkey was a member of the UN Security Council in 1951–1952, 1954–1955, 1961 and 2009–2010. In 2012, Turkey became a dialogue partner of the SCO, and in 2013, it became a member of the SCO.
Relations with Europe have always been a central part of Turkish foreign policy, in line with its traditional Western orientation. Turkey became one of the first members of the Council of Europe in 1950, applied for membership of the EEC Community (the founding member of the European Union) in 1959, and became an associate member in 1963. After decades of political negotiations, Turkey applied for full membership in the EEC in 1987 and became an associate member of the Western European Union in 1992. The EU joined the Customs Union and entered into an agreement with the EU in 2005. started negotiations on the official accession. Turkey's support for Northern Cyprus in the Cyprus dispute complicates Turkey's relationship with the EU and remains a major obstacle to the country's bid to join the EU.
Another defining aspect of Turkey's foreign policy has been the country's longstanding strategic alliance with the United States. The Truman Doctrine of 1947 articulated America's intention to guarantee the security of Turkey and Greece during the Cold War, resulting in extensive US military and economic support. In 1948, both countries were included in the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of the European economy and in the OECD. The common threat posed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War led to Turkey's membership in NATO in 1952, and close bilateral relations with the United States. Subsequently, Turkey benefited from the political, economic, and diplomatic support of the United States, including important issues such as accession to the European Union. After the end of the Cold War, Turkey's geostrategic importance was focused on being close to the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans.
In 1991, the independence of the Turkic states of the Soviet Union, with which Turkey shares a common cultural and linguistic heritage, allowed Turkey to deepen its economic and political ties to Central Asia, allowing it to complete the construction of a multibillion-dollar oil and natural gas pipeline from Baku, Azerbaijan, to the port of Ceyhan, Turkey. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline is part of Turkey's foreign policy strategy to become an energy pipeline from the Caspian Sea basin to Europe. However, in 1993, Turkey closed its land border with Armenia in support of Azerbaijan (a Turkic state in the Caucasus) during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War, and it remains closed. Armenia, in turn, imposed trade sanctions on Turkey in 2020 after the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Since December 31, 2020, imports from Turkey have been banned due to Turkey's support for Azerbaijan in the conflict.
Under the AKP government, Turkey's influence in the former Ottoman territories of the Middle East and the Balkans was based on the doctrine of "strategic depth" (terminology proposed by Ahmet Davutoğlu to define Turkey's greater involvement in regional foreign policy issues), also known as neo-Ottomanism. After the December 2010 Arab Spring, the AKP government's choice to support some political opposition groups in affected countries led to tensions with some Arab states, such as Turkey's neighbor Syria since the start of the Syrian civil war and Egypt after the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi.
In 2021, Turkey does not have an ambassador in either Syria or Egypt. Diplomatic relations with Israel were severed after a flotilla attack in Gaza in 2010, but normalized after an agreement was reached in June 2016. These political divisions have left Turkey with few allies in the Eastern Mediterranean, where rich natural gas deposits have recently been discovered; a stark contrast to former foreign minister (later prime minister) Ahmet Davutoğlu's initial goals set in his "zero problems with neighbors" foreign policy doctrine. In 2015, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar formed a "strategic alliance" against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. However, after rapprochement with Russia in 2016, Turkey revised its position on the resolution of the conflict in Syria. In January 2018, the Turkish military and Turkish-backed forces, including the Free Syrian Army and Ahrar al-Sham, launched an intervention in Syria aimed at ousting the US-backed YPG from the Afrin enclave. In 2020, Turkey openly intervened in Libya at the request of the GNA. Turkey has disputes with Greece and Cyprus over maritime borders and drilling rights in the eastern Mediterranean. Turkey recognizes and supports the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya, which has been embroiled in civil war since 2014.
## Armed Forces
Full article: Turkish Armed Forces
See also: Defense Industry of Turkey
Turkish Armed Forces are ground, military consisting of the Navy and the Air Force. The Gendarmerie and Coast Guard function in peacetime as part of the Interior, although in wartime they are under the command of the Army and Navy, respectively, when they have domestic law enforcement and military functions. The Chief of the General Staff is appointed by the President. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Parliament for the issues of national security and adequate preparation of the armed forces for the defense of the country. However, declaring war and deploying Turkish armed forces abroad or allowing foreign armed forces to be stationed in Turkey is only up to the parliament.
An annual male citizen of Turkey, otherwise ineligible for military service, is required to serve in the armed forces for a period of three weeks to one year, depending on education and employment. Turkey does not recognize conscientious objection and does not offer a civilian alternative to military service.
Turkey is the second largest military force in NATO after the United States Armed Forces, with a deployment force of approximately 495,000 according to NATO's 2011 estimate. Turkey is one of five NATO member states, along with Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, that are part of the alliance's nuclear sharing policy. In total, Incirlik Air Base has 90 B61 nuclear bombs, 40 of which are earmarked for use by the Turkish Air Force in the event of a nuclear conflict, but their use requires NATO approval.
After the Korean War, Turkey has maintained its forces in international missions under the UN and NATO, including peacekeeping missions in Somalia, Yugoslavia and the Horn of Africa. Turkey supported coalition forces in the First Persian Gulf War. The Turkish Armed Forces provide military personnel to the International Security Forces, Kosovo Force, Eurocorps and EU military groups. Since 1974, 36,000 Turkish troops have been stationed in Northern Cyprus. In recent years, Turkey has assisted the Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq and the Somali Armed Forces with security and training. The Turkish Armed Forces have military bases abroad in Albania, Iraq, Qatar and Somalia.
## Economy
Turkey is a newly industrialized country with an above-average income economy, ranked twentieth in the world by nominal GDP and eleventh by ICT. According to World Bank estimates, Turkey's GDP per capita by ICT in 2021 will be $32,278, and in 2018, approximately 14.4% of Turks lived below the national poverty line. According to the World Bank, unemployment in Turkey was 13.6% in 2019, and the middle class population in Turkey increased from 18% to 41% between 1993 and 2010. As of January 2021, Turkey's foreign reserves are $51 billion. In 1995, the EU-Turkey Customs Union led to extensive liberalization of tariff rates and formed one of the important pillars of Turkey's foreign trade policy.
The automotive industry in Turkey is quite large and produced more than 1.3 million motor vehicles in 2015, making it the 14th largest producer in the world. In addition to producing chemical and oil tankers up to 10,000 dwt, Turkish shipyards are also famous for their mega yachts. Turkish brands such as Beko and Vestel are among the largest manufacturers of consumer electronics and household appliances in Europe and invest heavily in research and development of new technologies related to these industries.
Other important sectors of the Turkish economy are banking, construction, household appliances, electronics, textiles, oil refining, petrochemical products, food, mining, iron and steel, engineering. However, agriculture accounted for a quarter of the employed. In 2004, 46 percent of total disposable income was estimated to be received by 20 percent of income earners, while the bottom 20 percent received only 6 percent.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) totaled $8.3 billion in 2012 and is expected to grow to $15 billion in 2013. In the economic crisis of 2016, the huge loans raised for investment since 2002 under the AKP government were mostly spent on construction rather than on sustainable economic growth. Turkey's total external debt reached 453.2 billion dollars at the end of December 2017. Turkey's annual current account deficit stood at $47.3 billion at the end of December 2017, up from $33.1 billion a year earlier. According to Carbon Tracker, money was wasted on building coal-fired power plants in Turkey in 2020. The head of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, said that fossil fuel subsidies should be directed to, for example, the health care system. Fossil fuel subsidies accounted for about 0.2% of GDP in the first two decades of the 21st century and exceeded clean energy subsidies. In 2018, the external costs of fossil fuel consumption were estimated at 1.5% of GDP. In 2020, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development proposed to support a just transition from coal.
### Tourism
In the 21st century, tourism in Turkey has increased every year and is an important part of the economy. Currently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey promotes Turkish tourism within the Turkey Home project. In recent years, Turkey ranks among the top ten in the world with the highest percentage of foreign tourists coming from Europe, especially Germany and Russia. In 2019, Turkey ranked sixth in the world in terms of international tourist arrivals, with 51.2 million foreign tourists visiting the country. Turkey has 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 51 World Heritage Monuments.
Tourism service is very well developed in Turkey. There are many seaside resorts and attractions in the country. The most famous places. They are:
* Istanbul — (type. Istanbul) - heritage of Islamic and Byzantine culture.
* Cappadocia — (type. Kappadokya) - the most amazing place in Turkey. Cappadocia is a region rich in natural heritage.
* Aegean Sea — (typ. Ege denizi) - ancient heritage and ruined ancient Greek and Roman cities.
* Mediterranean Sea — (type. Ak deniz) - Sea resorts on the southern coast of Turkey.
and others
## Demographics
According to Turkey's address-based population registration system, the country's population in 2011 was 74.7 million people, of which a quarter three parts lived in large and small cities. According to the 2011 report, the population is growing by 1.35 percent every year. There are 97 people per square meter in Turkey. People aged 15-64 make up 67.4 percent of the total population; 0–14 age group corresponds to 25.3 percent; Elderly people over 65 make up 7.3 percent.
Article 66 of the Turkish Constitution defines the word "Turk" as "any person associated with the Turkish state"; therefore, the legal use of the term "Turkish" as a citizen of Turkey is different from the ethnic definition. However, about 70-80 percent of the country's citizens are ethnic Turks. It is estimated that at least 47 ethnic groups are represented in Turkey. There are no reliable data on the ethnic composition of the population, as the census figures of the Turks do not include ethnic statistics.
Kurds are the largest non-Turkish ethnic group, accounting for between 12-25 percent of the population. The exact number remains a matter of dispute; According to Servet Mutlu, "mostly these assessments reflect Kurdish or pro-Turkic sympathies and biases rather than scientific facts and erudition." In Mutlu's 1990 study, Kurds made up about 12 percent of the population, while Mehrdad Izadi put the figure at 25 percent. In the provinces of Agra, Batman, Bingol, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, Elazygh, Hakkari, Igdir, Mardin, Mush, Siirt, Shyrnak, Tunjeli and Van, Kurds form the majority; Majority in Şanlıurfa province (47%); and a large minority in Kars province (20%). In addition, Kurdish diaspora communities due to internal migration exist in all major cities in central and western Turkey. There are approximately three million Kurds in Istanbul, making it the city with the largest Kurdish population in the world. Non-Kurdish minorities are believed to make up about 7–12 percent of the population.
The three "non-Muslim" minority groups recognized in the Treaty of Lausanne were Armenians, Greeks, and Jews. Other ethnic groups include Albanians, Arabs, Assyrians, Bosnians, Circassians, Georgians, Laz, Pomaks and Gypsies. Also, Turkey is the homeland of the Meglino-Romanian Muslim community.
Before the start of the civil war in Syria in 2011, the number of Arabs in Turkey was more than 1 million to 2 million. As of April 2020, there are 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, mostly Arabs, including Syrian Kurds, Syrian Turkmen and other Syrian ethnic groups. Most of them live in Turkey with temporary residence permits. The Turkish government granted Turkish citizenship to refugees who joined the Syrian National Army.
## Interesting facts
* Historical places of Istanbul, Safranbolu city, Hattusash Hat capital, Mount Nemrut, Xanthos Leton, Divrigi Grand Mosque have been included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage by the initiative of Turkey since 1982 and hospital, the ancient city of Troy, Pamukkale Hierapolis, Goreme National Park and Cappadocia were taken.
* Istanbul is the only city located between two continents, Europe and Asia. For thousands of years, Istanbul was the capital of three empires in history. They are: Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. Many archaeologists and evangelists believe that Noah's ark rested on Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey. Turkey produces 70% of all hazelnuts in the world. Hazrat Maria spent the last years of her life in Turkey.
## Gallery
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## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5238 | Бәйсейітова | Kulyash Zhasynkyna Baiseyitova (1912-1957) is a famous Kazakh singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), one of the founders of the Kazakh opera art, public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1936). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1948-1949).
## Biography
The Argyn tribe came from the Dadan branch of the Tobykty clan.
Place of birth - Aktogai district of Karaganda region. The place where the soil is ordered is the city of Almaty. However, the historian-local historian Kulyash Sardarbaek says that "the birthplace of Kulyash is now called Narmanbet village of Aktogay district of Karaganda region. At the beginning of the 20th century, this region was called Kotanbulak bolys, Karkara district, Semipalatinsk province. There is also the following information about Kulyash Bayseyitova's birthday. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the great singer, his daughters Karlygash and Raushan Bayseyitova denied the data in official documents in an interview with the press. They said: "The main birthday is January 12. At that time, he did not receive the document immediately. And since that day was the birthday of Dimash Akhmetovich Konaev, our mother changed his birthday to May 2.
### The path to art
Gulbahram's inclination towards singing and natural musical talent were noticed from a young age. The fact that his father was a very good singer in his youth and traveled around the country was probably the main reason for this. About this, Kanabek Bayseyitov wrote in his book: "Father Jasyn was a great singer, a kind man. At one time, he traveled with the famous Aset, the wrestler Sholak. One brother Manarbek (identified by M.A. Erzhanov) was a singer, and other brothers were not without talent either, they just did not have a profession. Aitbek (his brother) used to sing beautifully, and he would make your period bleed when he joined the trumpet. "Kulyash, who grew up and was educated in such an environment, should not be close to art," he says. A smart girl who grew up listening to the songs sung by her father and listening to the stories he sang with interest, grew up with an excellent musical memory and an impressive mind. Although Kulyash was known for his outstanding singing skills in his childhood, he studied at a seven-year school, and after entering the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, he regularly participated in the circle of budding artists. At first, Kulyash appeared on the stage with small supporting roles in many performances, but within a year or two, he appeared as a singer-artist and became one of the famous artists of the theater. Kulyash had a desire to achieve rapid creative success in the theater, and to perform central roles in existing and newly performed works in the repertoire. He did not give up all the work of the theater at that time, but by "entering with the fire of the theater and leaving with its ashes" he worked hard to learn the secrets of the new profession. Previous generation brothers like S. Kozhamkulov, K. Kuanyshbaev, K. Zhandarbekov and others. does not get tired of learning from performing arts experience. At the same time, when it was his turn, he did not get tired of performing on the stage and creative search. In his memoirs about Kulyash, K. Bayseyitov focuses on his special passion for the stage. "He loved to go on stage so much - if his role was over and his hand was a little loose, he would ask himself to go on stage with the crowd... Kulyash knew how to stand out from others even when he was involved in public scenes, he would dress according to the content of the performance. Often he pretended to be a boy and dressed like one. Sometimes he pretended to be a lazy child, sometimes he put on a cap and pretended to be a thief, sometimes bullies would vomit and squint their eyes. "There were times when he deliberately tripped and fell down, trying to impress the audience even at the slightest moment," he says. Then in 1930 he was accepted into the troupe of the first Kazakh drama theater. Kulyash pays attention to the intricacies of stage art and soon begins to appear among the famous actors of the theater. Roles performed on stage:
* Zeynep in Zh. Shanin's play "Shakhta";
* In the drama "Revenge" by I. Zhansugirov, the rich man is Karys;
* Pulish in the play "Maidan" by B. Mailin; "In Shuga" - the image of Shuga;
* One of the khan's daughters in the play "Isatai-Mahambet":
* Kalmak's daughter in "Arkalyk batyr";
* Enlik is the protagonist of M. Auezov's tragedy "Enlik - Kebek";
* A. Zhubanov and L. Hamidi's opera "Abai" - image of Azhar;
* M. Tolebaev's opera "Birzhan - Sara" - the image of Sara.
In addition, K. Baiseyitova is one of the art masters who made a great contribution to this field both with her performance skills and her artistic work. He sang the parts of Butterfly in G. Puccini's opera "Chio-Chio-san" and Tatiana in P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" for the first time in Kazakh.
Kulyash was admitted to the newly opened music studio in 1933. When the curtain of the Kazakh Music Theater opened for the first time in 1934 with the musical comedy "Aiman-Sholpan" (M. [Auezov, I.V. Kotsykh), Kulyash played the main role with great skill, and through the image of Ayman, he personified with inspiration the reasonable nature of Kazakh girls, born of honor. Further, Kulyash's amazing ability and talent shines brightly during the performance of Shuga in "Shugas" by B. Mailin and I.V. Kotsykh, and Silk in E. Brusilovsky's opera "Girl Silk". Through these roles, the wonderful possibilities of her singing and artistic abilities are fully manifested, and she receives the attention of the public as a great success of Kazakh stage art. He has become a real pillar of Kazakh stage art. Within a short period of time, E. Brusilovsky's "Zhalbyr", "Er Targyn", "Altyn astyk", "Gvardia alga", A.A. Zilber's "Beket", I.N. "Teren Kol" by Nadirov, "Abai" by A. Zhubanov and L. Hamidi, M. He played the main roles and performed the main vocal parts in operas such as "Birzhan-Sara" by Tolebaev, "Chio-Chio-San" by D. J. Puccini, "Eugene Onegin" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Demon" by A. Rubinstein, with unique skill. recognized. Due to Kulyash's multi-faceted and mysterious talent, the unique contrasting images and various vocal parts shine like a diamond, and a gallery of images with aesthetic and emotional power has been created.
## Singing art
Kulyash Bayseyitova is a widely recognized master performer as a concert singer. As part of various official delegations, he is recognized for his performance on various stages in a private concert program accompanied by the Kurmangazy National Instrument Orchestra. His songs captivate the audience with their simplicity, clarity, and warmth from the heart. His repertoire included many folk songs, various works of other nations and contemporary composers. The singer's concert program includes songs from popular Kazakh folk songs, romances, arias from well-known operas, etc. introduced abundantly. In addition to the main repertoire in the theater, the singer paid special attention to the work of creating programs in the chamber plan on concert stages. At the same time, he is one of the best singers who performed the songs of the peoples of the Soviet Union, songs of Kazakh composers.
## Songs
There are 30-40 songs-romances in the singer's regular repertoire, which are popular with many viewers and listeners. "Sarah's Aria", "Azhar's Aria", "Ugly Moon", "Gakku", "Double Swallow", "Nightingale", "Kazakh Waltz", "Swallow", "Shla Devitsa", "Kolokolchik" performed by Kulyash. Thin mountain ash", etc. The songs of many peoples reached their listeners with a special feeling and touching the heart. The folk singer, carrying a heavy burden of responsibility, fulfilled his duties at a level that was pleasing to the people, lived up to the name of the nightingale melodious singer of the masses, and was always able to be found among the people.
Kulyash Baiseyitova was able to become the owner of a unique talent that was recognized around the world as a concert singer.
## Sources
## References
* Asafyev B. Three articles about Kazakh music. //Musical culture of Kazakhstan. - Alma-Ata, 1955, Kazgosizdat, p. 5-10.
* Akhmetova M., Erzakovich B.G., Zhubanova A. Soviet Kazakh music. - Almaty: Science. 1975, 318 p.
* Akhmetova M.M. Songwriting and time. - Almaty: Art, 1993, 110 p.
* Auezova M.O. Like different years. - Alma-Ata. : Kazgoshudlit, 1961, 544 p.
* Bayseyitov K. Happy mood. - Almaty: Writer, 1977. - 224
* Brusilovsky E.G. Buttons are deaf. - Almaty: Ana tili, 1995.
* Mukan A., Latieva S., Begimbetova G. KULASH: - Almaty: "World of Literature", 2014, - 364+16 pages. ISBN 978-601-7414-49-8
## Links
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20160305082007/http://www.zhasalash.kz /ruhaniyat/6779.html Archived March 5, 2016. "In January 1912, two giants were born: one of them - Kulyash, the other - Dimash"] |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3401 | Ақтау | Aktau is a city in southwestern Kazakhstan, the center of Mangistau region. The city is a sea and air port.
From 1964 to 1991, "Shevchenko" was named after the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.
## Geography
The city is located on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. 40 kilometers south-east of the city is the famous Karakiya depression. The topography is flat, it was mainly formed by corrosive and deflationary actions.
According to the Soviet science, the border of Europe and Asia started from Mughalzhar, to the beginning of the Embi River, and from there along the Embi to the Caspian Sea. Until the 1950s, the border of Europe in the Kazakhstan region ran along the Zhayik River.
In April-May 2010, the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society came to the conclusion that the European border should be crossed through Mughalzhar, and from there through the Caspian Basin (the place where the Eastern European Plain ends and the western part of the Ustirt Plateau passes). In such a case, the border of Europe will move further south than it is now. Currently, the opinion of the group of scientists of the Russian Geographical Society was not supported by the International Geographical Union. Therefore, if the International Geographical Union supports the conclusion of the Russian Geographical Society, a part of Mangistau region will be located in Europe.
## Administrative structure
The city of Aktau began to be built on the model of the city of Leningrad. The administrative structure of the city of Aktau includes the village of Umirzak. The city has two street names. One is First President Street, the other is Independence Avenue. The city is divided into sub-districts. Since the city is divided into small districts, it is easy to find the right place. When mentioning the address, it is mentioned in the order of district, house and apartment. For example 13-6-72. There are currently 31 compressions. Each small district has about 50-70 houses, and each house has an average of 60 apartments. Currently, Aktau City is being built in the north of Aktau. This project was implemented in 2007 thanks to the support of the United Arab Emirates.
## Economy
Industrial city, oil and gas are produced.
There is no railway station in the city. Trains stop at Mangistau station. Bus #105 and taxis run between the city and the station, the price of buses is 80 tenge, the price of taxis is about 300 tenge, the distance is 20 km.
Aktau port is located on the east coast of the Caspian Sea. Aktau is the only port in Kazakhstan for transportation of various international dry cargoes, oil raw materials and oil products.
## History
Aktau is the center of Mangystau region (old name Mangyshilak region). 1961-1964 Aktau settlement was called Aktau city. In 1964-1991, it was named the city of Shevchenko in honor of the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, who was exiled to Kazakhstan in the middle of the 19th century. It is an industrial city. It was created with the participation of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering of the Soviet Union in the middle of the 20th century and the then minister Slavsky E.P. influenced by the country's decision to create a nuclear shield. As a result, a special complex was created that can perform operations such as mining, processing and enrichment of uranium ore.
The network of enterprises in the complex produced chemical reagents (nitrogen-tuc and sulfuric acid plant), provided heat and electricity, water (TPP, BN-350). In the situation of water scarcity, the necessary infrastructure for living has been created, and conditions have been created for people to live in the city. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Aktau became a processing center for oil and gas fields such as Zhetibay, Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Atambay-Sarytobe, Oimasha, Komsomol, North Bozashi, Karakudyk, Tolkyn, Arman and Dungan, which were discovered and newly explored in the 20th century.
The master plan of the city was approved in 1968. Design and construction architect A.V. It was conducted under the leadership of Korotkov. The group of architects, designers and builders who created the architectural ensemble of Aktau, whose seaside is suitable for people's recreation and the development of a water port, received the Lenin (1966) USSR State (1977) prizes, the gold medal of the International Union of Architects and Patrick Akbercombe for providing water for the beautiful landscaping of the parking lot in the harsh environment. Award named after (1975).
## Culture
In Aktau, there is a palace of culture named after Abai, a drama theater named after N. Zhantorin, many cinemas (Ardager, Astana, Yunost, etc.), night clubs (Laguna , Diskay, Elico, etc.). There are enough entertainment centers, sports and cultural complexes, and recreation places on the seashore. For example, Aktau, Ardager, Baiterek, and other small complexes are suitable for organizing entertainment and entertainment complexes for young people and families, or organizing weddings and banquets. In summer, there are beaches specially privatized for local residents and guests: "Dostar", "Nur Plaza", "Manila". In addition, recreational camps and places outside the city, which are considered as private property, have their own influence on people's recreation and good time.
## Nature
Climate - immediate continental, summer hot, desert, average temperature: -4 °C in January (school classes are suspended during minus 15 degree temperature and strong wind), +30 °C in July. In summer, the air temperature reaches +45 °C (plus 38 at night). The surface of the earth heats up to +70° when the sun sets. The city is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea. MAEK operates a water desalination plant for water supply. Industrial distillate of sea water and strongly mineralized underground water from "Kuylys" source are prepared and mixed there. There is no natural source of drinking water near the city.
## Population
In addition to Kazakhs, many ethnic groups also live there. National composition — Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians.
## Sister Cities
* Gorgan, Iran
* Karamai, People's Republic of China
* Sumgait, Azerbaijan
* Changwon, Republic of Korea
* Samsun, Turkey
* Makhachkala, Russia
## Gallery
# # Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4745 | Abai Bolekbayuly Tasbolatov | Abai Bolekbayuly Tasbolatov (September 21, 1951, Akzhar district) is the commander of the Republican Army of the Republic of Kazakhstan, lieutenant general. Candidate of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.
## Brief biography
* Graduated from Almaty Higher General Military Command School.
* F.E. in Moscow. He graduated from the Frunze Military Academy.
* 1969 since — in the ranks of the Armed Forces.
* 1973-97 He was promoted from the cadet platoon commander to the head of the school at the Almaty Higher General Military Command School. Worked as a department head of the State Defense Committee.
* Appointed as the head of the Military Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
* 2002 From January, he served as the Deputy Minister of Defense
* 2006. On January 21, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Abai Tasbolatov was appointed to the position of the Commander of the Republican Army of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
* Member of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan since 2012.
* Since September 11, 2015 - the first deputy chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.
## Awards
* Order of Glory II degree
* Order of III degree "For Service in the Armed Forces of the USSR"
* Medal "For Combat Courage"
* Honored sports figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
## External links
* Republic of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6188 | Нихонго | Japanese (japan. 日本語 [ɲihoŋgo] ) is the language of the Japanese people. The official language of Japan. More than 130 million people speak this language.
Japanese is the official language of Japan, which is distinguished among other languages by controversial system conditions. The number of fluent speakers of this language is more than 140 million, and it is the mother tongue of 125 million people. (in the 9th place in the world). Japanese is used in both titles. In particular, in the contexts of other countries of the world, when teaching Japanese to foreigners, the name "nihango" is used, which literally means "Japanese language". However, as a part of the national culture, as a medium of instruction in Japan, as well as the state and mother tongue, it is usually called "kokugo", which means "state language" or "national language".
## Distribution in the world
The majority of Japanese speakers live on the Japanese islands. This language is also used in some regions conquered by the Japanese state (Korea, Taiwan, some parts of China). It is also the language used by Japanese immigrants in North and South American countries and some US states (California, Hawaii, Brazil, Peru).
## Classification
The genetic affinities of the Japanese language have not yet been fully determined. Japanese is considered an isolated language. There are various hypotheses that attribute the Japanese language to the group of languages in the Altaic language family (which includes Korean languages, ancient and modern Korean languages), as well as to the group of Austronesian languages. The grammatical structure of the Japanese language is close to the grammatical structure of the Korean language. Many words of the Koguryeo language (the ancient principality on the territory of North Korea) and some words of the Pueski language were reflected in the old Japanese language.
The vocabulary of the Japanese language is similar to the vocabulary of the Austrolesian and Altaic languages. Such a similarity is especially noticeable in the Puesco group of the Altai language family. Japanese, like Korean, has been heavily influenced by Chinese vocabulary. However, although it greatly influenced the vocabulary, it did not affect the grammar. Therefore, we do not classify the Japanese language into the Sino-Tibetan group.
## History
The history of the origin of the Japanese language is one of the controversial questions. The most common hypothesis is that it originated as a language after the conquest of the Japanese islands by the Altai (Pueski tribes), who came from the Asian continent and whose language was influenced by the Austroasiatic people (related to the aborigines of Taiwan). According to archaeologists, at this time the culture of Yayon (3rd century BC) gradually replaced the old local culture - Jomon culture. However, it is difficult to say the exact date of origin of the Japanese nation. This is because the Japanese had no writing before the introduction of Chinese hieroglyphs, so there are no records of their historical development. The emergence of the Japanese nation in B.C. It is said that the origin of the Japanese tribes began in the 3rd century, when they were subordinate to the Yamato tribes, while Chinese sources attribute the history of the origin of the Japanese nation to a later period. Around B.C. As a result of the active introduction of Chinese culture in the 6th century, as a result of the diplomatic relations of the Japanese leaders with China and the ancient Korean state of Paekche, Japan became the center of exports. With the advent of state structure, culture, art, and Buddhism, writing appeared in Japan. Kojiki and Nihon Seki were the first major works of Japanese literature. At this time, many Chinese words entered the Japanese language. Today, 40% of Japanese vocabulary is Chinese words. However, the introduction of Chinese writing will lead to some unpleasant problems. That is, here, differences in accent, differences in the use of tones in the morphology and syntax of the two languages, and many other similar things caused problems. Since the 7th century, Chinese hieroglyphs were created based on the format of the Japanese language, that is, based on the morphological and syntactic features of the Japanese language. At first, selected Chinese hieroglyphs, which served as the syllabary alphabet, were used. As a result of the creation of the Japanese alphabet, the Japanese syllabary alphabet named katakana and hiragana (based on the alphabet of European countries) was created. Based on Chinese characters, a Buddhist monk created the prototype of modern katakana. And in the 8th century, a lady named Heian, who came from a noble family of Kyoto, invented the second generation alphabet - hiragana - for writing poems, novels, and diaries. Modified forms of these two alphabets are also used in modern Japanese. In the 12th century, a Japanese script was created based on the epic "Heike Monogotari" written in katakana, hiragana and hieroglyphs.
Japanese oral literature consists of the following periods: ancient (8th century BC), classical Japanese (9th-11th centuries), medieval (13th-16th centuries) and modern (17th century to the present day ). Phonetics has undergone continuous changes, that is, from the first 8 vowels, 5 vowels remain in modern Japanese. Changes were also observed in the field of vocabulary and morphology. And the syntactic features remained the same.
## Dialects of the Japanese language
There have been many dialects in Japan since ancient times. One of the main dialects in the 6th century was the Heian Kyo (Kyoto) dialect, and the main dialect in the 12th century was the Kamakura dialect. At that time, military power was established in the country. Since then, this dialect has been the main dialect of the Japanese language. Currently, due to the features of Japan's geographical location (the presence of high mountains, isolated islands), there are more than ten types of dialects. They were distinguished by the use of vocabulary, morphology, simple, slang, and superlative words, as well as their pronunciation features. Among the widely used dialects are Kansai-ben (関西弁), Tohoku-ben[en] (東北弁) and Kanto-ben[en] (関東弁). Although people living in remote areas are of the same nationality, they often do not understand each other's dialects. Especially, the differences in linguistic characteristics between the southern regions of Japan (Ryukyu Islands) and the northern regions of Japan are very noticeable. In general, the territory is divided into western and eastern regions. "common language" was created on the basis of the Tokyo dialect. Since 1886, the standardized dialect was included in the curriculum as a subject.
## Linguistics in Japan
Japan is the only country that has preserved its national character, despite the influence of Chinese, Indian, and European linguistics in various periods of history. There are 2 eras in the history of Japanese linguistics: before the first half of the 19th century and since the second half of the 19th century. In the first era, linguistics was part of poetics and philology and was influenced by Indian and Chinese linguistics. European influence began in the second era.
There are three periods of the 1st era.
* In the 1st period (VIII-XIII centuries), there was no language change in the early period of Japanese writing. Linguistic ideas of India and China began to penetrate.
* The 3rd period starts from the end of the 10th century and covers the period until the end of the 17th century. During this period: 1) the language was studied to comment on ancient Japanese written monuments, 2) lexicon was considered in a semantic and etymological manner, 3) commentators were engaged in historical orthography, 4) poetics for the purpose of analyzing the structure of poems, for which the classification of linguistic units was undertaken for the first time.
The first Japanese monuments "Kojiki", "Nihon-seki" were written in Japanese in Chinese characters at the beginning of the 8th century. He called the writing "kambun". Since the structure of the Chinese and Japanese languages does not match, there is a need to make changes to the writing as well. That's why additional types of hiragana (plain only) and katakana (wall only) were added to the "Kana" ("temporary name") script. In the 8th-19th centuries, Japanese syllable (syllabic) writing was formed.
The monument named Fudoki of the 8th century is the first etymological research, because it contains the origins of more than 100 geographical names. kambuns) meanings and pronunciation in Japanese are explained. It was the end of the first period and the beginning of a new period. Commentary literature, phonetic tables (gyujuon) were compiled. In the 10th-11th centuries, commentators faced the task of explaining the language and vocabulary of the "Manieschu" and "Kokin-shu" monuments. Basically, 3 methods were used:
* The meaning of the word is determined by the context;
* As "traces" of lost words were searched for in dialects, interest in dialectal phenomena increased;
* Searched for the connection of the vocabulary of the language at that time with the ancient literature of the language.
During this period, Japanese linguists studied the laws of the process of sound transition, that is, the historical transition of vowels and consonants. The scientist who studied the first orthographic norms of the Japanese literary language was Fujiwar Tei (1162-1291).
The separation of words into lexical-thematic groups begins in the 60s of the 13th century. Its author - Fujiwar Ik. 16th - 17th centuries for Japanese language education, according to researchers, were stagnant and repeated the old ones. In return, at the beginning of the 12th century, the Portuguese missionary to Japan J. Rodriguez wrote the first general grammar of the Japanese language. Fujitani Nariakira (17th century) distinguished the verb from the adjective and divided the verb into 9 forms. The first grammar of the Japanese language written by a Japanese, "Gogana-shinse", was written in 1883 by Tsurumine Shingenobu.
Basic categories of polite conversation in Japanese. A polite word. Izet word, Ibaly word. The meaning of politeness in Japanese culture. Japanese studies is a set of sciences that study Japan, Japanese linguistics deals with the study of the Japanese language. In Japan, the understanding of the concept of language begins with the study of ancient monuments written in Chinese hieroglyphs in the 8th century. Since the 9th century, the national system of syllabary writing - kana - was formed, and in the 11th century, under the influence of Indians, the alphabet representing the phonetic system of kana - gojuon appeared. 11-12 centuries. interpretation of ancient texts was carried out.
17th century. Keichu created a historical orthography based on the phonetic system of the 8th century. 18th century 2nd half of 19th century. In the 1st half, the Japanese language tradition developed rapidly. N. Motoori, N. Fujitani, G. Todze et al. b. continued the study of ancient writings and phonetics, created the classification of word classes.
19th century. European linguistics began to influence Japanese studies. 20th century In the 1st half of the year, some theoretical works were published in Japan. E. Yamada developed the idea of a psychological school; D. Matsushita proposed the concept of grammar; F. S. who developed the ideas of de Saussure. Hashimoto's works greatly influenced Japanese studies. b. Acquaintance of Europeans with the Japanese language in the 16th century. finally started. Representative of the American descriptive method B. Blok ushered in a new era in Japanese studies, abandoning the traditional study of the phonology and grammar of the Japanese language and using a descriptive method.
## Comments |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2883 | Gnuhoo | Open Directory Project (eng. Open Directory Project). Other names: ODP, DMoz (D — English directory, Moz — Mozilla) is an open directory of multilingual Internet links owned by Netscape. The founders and supporters are considered to be an association of voluntary processors.
List of 1998. started working. Current 2006 As of June 1, more than 4,769,732 sites were described in more than 708,584 sub-sections of the public part of the inventory, 78 language sections were created and supplemented, another 99 are in the preparation phase, 72,729 editors participated during the entire period of the project's existence, including 7,495 editors engaged in active editing. stand 2006 June 12, 2007, in the public part of the inventory, the Kazakh site section. Archived from the original on January 15, 2007. placed.
## External links
* Open List Project Archived 14 May 2016.
* Public Board Archived June 21, 2008. — Open List Project Public Board Kazakh section Archived February 7, 2007. — Open List Project
* Kazakh section of the Public Board Archived February 7, 2007. — Open Enumeration Project
* Census(link unavailable) — Open Enumeration Project
* Paper Archived 19 January 2007. — Open List Project |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4001 | 2006 | 2006 begins on Sunday, the last day of the week according to the Gregorian calendar. Not a leap year.
This is 2006 of our era, 6th year of the 3rd millennium, 6th year of the 21st century, 6th year of the 1st decade of the 21st century, 7th year of 2000 years.
## Events
### January
* January - Dollar exchange rate was at the level of 133.68 tenge.
* January 7 - the new anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted.
* January 11 - "Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to enter the 50 most competitive countries in the world" was published.
* January 31 - "Samruk" national holding company issued a decree "On creation of JSC". The President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev himself initiated its creation. Sawat Mynbayev was appointed acting chairman of the holding.
### February
* February 13 - at 11:40 AM Altynbek Sarsenbayuly, his driver and bodies of the guard were found.
### March
### April
* April - an employee of the US embassy in Kazakhstan almost crashed into the motorcade of the country's president in Astana. Only 10 days later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan sent a note to the American side asking to take action against the diplomat who disobeyed the commands of the traffic police.
* April 6 - a farm house named after Kosheney Rustembekuly was opened in Karmakshi district of Kyzylorda region.
* April 12 - Egov electronic government was launched in Kazakhstan.
### May
### June
* June 18 - at 4 hours and 44 minutes, the Proton-K rocket launcher from the 200th space station of the space station was launched, the first space satellite of Kazakhstan was on board.
### July
* July 4 - an extraordinary congress of the "Asar" party was held, where a decision was made to merge with the "Otan" republican political party.
* July 14 - Mass riots in Shanyrak district.
### August
### September
* September - the salary of the head of "Kazakhtelecom" Kairat Karibzhanov was 365 thousand dollars per month. And according to the results of 2005, together with bonuses, 1.7 million dollars came to his account. Then Nursultan Nazarbayev ordered to dismiss the official and obliged him to return the illegally obtained money to the treasury.
* September 12-13 - the second congress of leaders of world and traditional religions was held in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is how the theme of the II Congress "Religion, Society and International Security" was announced.
### October
* October 3--4 - III forum of border regions of Kazakhstan and Russia was held.
* October 25 - the first shopping and entertainment center "MEGA Alma-Ata" was opened in Almaty.
### November
* November 15 - New design banknotes with denominations from 200 to 10,000 tenge were put into circulation.
### December
* December - Dollar exchange rate was 126.92 tenge.
* December 1 - The volume of state budget income was 2 trillion 92.8 billion tenge or 16.7 billion dollars.
* December 12 - Nursultan Nazarbayev opened a state standard of time and frequency worth 2.3 billion tenge in Astana.
## Births
See also: Category: Births in 2006
## Deaths
See also: Category: Deaths in 2006
## See also \ <>
## Comments |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5272" | State of nomadic Uzbeks | Abulkhair Horda or Khanate of Nomadic Uzbeks - 15th century. appeared in the north-western and central regions of Kazakhstan in the first quarter.
In the central, western and northwestern part of Kazakhstan, several independent feudal estates were established, and the struggle for power between them continued. It led to the emergence of the Nogai Horde and the Abulkhair Khanate.
In such a situation, Abilkhair, the son of Daulet Shaykh, a descendant of Shayban in the Joshi family, entered the political scene. In 1428, with the support of the ruling groups of Central and North Kazakhstan tribes. He was declared Khan in the Tura region (Western Siberia).
His khanate included Kiyat, Mangit, Shinbay, Naiman, Karluk, Uysin, etc. tribes entered.
The "nomadic Uzbek state", that is, the Abilkhair khanate, which united the fragmented feudal lands of Eastern Deshti-Kipchak, has a significant place in the history of Kazakhstan. His possession included the eastern side of the Nogai Horde, the lands of Zhayik in the west, the lands of Balkhash in the east, the Aral Sea and the lower reaches of the Syr in the south, and the middle reaches of Tobyl and Irtys in the north.
There was no stability and peace in the country's political situation during the 40 years of Abulkhair's leadership. He had to fight with various groups who fought to take power from him. Among them, Orda Ezhen Khan, descendants of Orys Khan, Janibek and Kerey Abulkhair, of the Zhochi family, constantly opposed him.
1446 one of the strong shonjars opposing him defeated the army of Mustafa Khan. In the same year, Abulkhair Khan captured the cities of Sozak, Syganak, Akkorgan, Uzkent on the Syrdarya and Karatau rivers and made Syganak the capital of his khanate.
1450 Abulkhair gets involved in the internal strife of Temir's descendants in Mauranakhr and marches to Samarkand and Bukhara.
1456-57 Abulkhair, who was defeated in the battles with the Oirats, could not ensure the unity of the country.
A part of the population, led by sultans Kerei and Zhanibek, who were dissatisfied with him, migrated to the territory of Mongolia and settled along the Shu and Kozybasy (Talas) rivers.
1468 Abulkhair died during one of his many campaigns, and the "Nomadic Uzbek State" fell apart.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1042 | Kazakh (special) | The word Kazakh can have the following meanings:
* Kazakhs are an ethnic community.
* Kazakh (ethnonym) is the name of the local population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
* Kazakhs (ethnogenesis)
* Kazakh diaspora
* Kazakh is a village in Zhaksy district of Akmola region.
* Kazakh is a village in Turar Ryskulov district of Zhambyl region.
* Kazakh (city) is a city in Azerbaijan.
* Kazakh district (Azerbaijan) is a district of Azerbaijan.
Other meanings:
* Kazakh newspaper is a social, political and literary newspaper.
* Kazakh Bay is a bay on the coast of the Mangistau Peninsula in the Caspian Sea.
* Kazakh radio is a radio network owned by Kazakh Radiolary LLP, broadcasting to the residents of Kazakhstan, Kazakh listeners living in the CIS countries and abroad.
* Kazakh-Russians
* Kazakh (river) |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4848 | October | Kazan (lat. October) is the Kazakh name for the 10th month of October in the current Gregorian calendar.
8th month of the ancient Kazakh calendar. With the current number, October 19 - November 17.
## Comments
## See also
* Kazakh calendar
* Gregorian calendar |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6642" | North america | North America (English. North America, fr. Amérique du Nord, is. América del Norte, Norteamérica, Model: Lang-nah) is a continent in the Western Hemisphere. The land area is 20.36 million. km² (including islands, 24.25 million km2). The population is 476 million. Man (2000). It is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay, which penetrates deep into the land), the Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico) and the Pacific Ocean (Gulf of California). Large islands: Greenland in the north, Arctic Islands of Canada, Aleutian Islands, Alexander Islands, Vancouver, Queen Charlotte on the west coast; in the east, the West Indies, Newfoundland, etc. there are islands. Large peninsulas: Butia, Melville (in the north), Labrador, Florida (in the east), Yucatan (in the south), Alaska, California (in the west).
The extreme points of North America:
* Cape Murchison in the north (71°51' N),,
* Cape Maryato in the south (7°12' N)
* Cape Prince of Wales (168°W) in the west,
* Cape St. Charles (55°40') in the east.
## Terrain
The surface structure of the continent is different: the Cordillera mountain system in the west, wide plains in the east and mountains of medium height. The average height of the western part. 1700 m, 200-300 m in the east, 720 m on land. S. The highest point of A is McKinley peak (6193 m), the lowest point above sea level is Death Valley (-85 m). Solt. and in the south-east is the Lavrentiy plateau (300-600 m), and to the south is the Central plain (200-500 m). The Great Plain (500–1500 m) in Bat continues to the Mackenzie Basin in Salt. Avg. The plain rests on the Appalachian mountains in the east. The Cordillera mountain system consists of several arc-shaped mountain ranges extending from the north-west to the south-east. The Eastern Arch connects the Brooks, Mackenzie, Elbert, and Eastern Sierra Madre mountain ranges. To the west, these ranges are the Coast Ranges, Yukon, Columbia, Colorado, Great Basin, etc. It continues to the plateaus and the Mexican highlands in the south. They are separated from each other by mountain ranges and potholes.
## Geology
Geol. the base is Solt. American platform. This oldest structure is surrounded by Caledonian (Southeast of the continent, Greenland, Newfoundland Islands, South Appalachians), Hercynian (Southern Appalachians, Washito Range, Canadian Arctic), Meso-Cenozoic (Cordillera) structures. The plates of these platforms are the depressions covered by thick Meso-Cenozoic sediments along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. In the Pleistocene, the entire Solt. America's solt. 14 million from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. km2 of land covered by glaciers. The most stable part of the platform - the Canadian shield (7 million km2) consists of pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks (granite, gneiss). The sediment surface layer of the platform is covered with Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic continental rocks. There are several antechlises and syneclises in the foundation aum. Mineral resources. The main part of mineral wealth is concentrated in the Canadian Shield and the Cordillera mountain system. No. Lake and Labrador have large iron ores, the sedimentary rocks of the platform contain abundant deposits of oil, gas, and hard coal. Gold, silver, zinc, lead, molybdenum, tungsten in the Cordillera, uranium in the Colorado Plateau, coal and iron ore in the Appalachian Mountains, phosphorite in the Paleozoic sediments of the Sengyr Mountains. there are uranium deposits in the Mesozoic. On the Gulf Coast of California, Ont. Large deposits of oil and gas are concentrated in Alaska, in the salt of the Great Plains.
## Climate
С. A. It is located between the arctic belt in the far south and the subequatorial belt in the south. The climate of the western and eastern coasts is oceanic, and in the interior regions it is continental. Arctic. to the climatic zone of Solt. Includes an area surrounded by icy ocean water; The climate of this region is harsh and rainy. Subarctic. The western part of the climatic zone has abundant rainfall, warm winters and cool summers. The temperate climate zone (from 40° N to S) is mild, very humid (in the west), temperate continental (in the east). The subtropical climate zone belongs to the mild Mediterranean type. The middle of the California peninsula and the Mexican highlands. part lies in the tropical climate zone. Ort, belonging to the subequatorial climate zone. America's right. The climate of the region is hot, summer is humid, and winter is dry. The annual average temperature in January increases from -36°C (in the south) to 20°C (in the east). The lowest. temperature - 64°C (in Alaska and south-west of Canada) and -70°C (in Greenland) were observed. The annual average temperature of July is from 4°C (North) to 32°C (East). The most absent. temperature - 56.7°С was observed in the Death Valley (the lowest indicator in the Western Hemisphere). Amount of annual precipitation. 2000-3000 mm on the west coast of Alaska and Canada and the north-west of the USA, 1000-1500 mm on the south-east of the continent, 400-1200 mm on the central plains, 100 mm on the interior plateaus, 100-150 mm on the California peninsula does not exceed
## Inland waters
North America is rich in surface water. The North American continent is divided by hundreds of rivers and tributaries. Inland waterways are very well developed in North America. The main rivers of this continent are the Arkansas, Brazos, Churchill, Colorado, Columbia, Fraser, McKenzie, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Red River, St. John, Rio Grande, St. Lawrence and Yukon rivers. It is home to the longest river system in the world (Mississippi and Missouri) and the most concentrated area of fresh water (Great Lakes). The length of the Mississippi is 3765 km. Mississippi is an important water transport route in the United States. When the Mississippi is combined with its two main tributaries, the Missouri and the Ohio, it becomes the third largest river system in the world. Mackenzie, the longest river in Canada, is the second longest river in North America. Missouri begins in southern Montana in the Rocky Mountains, first flows north, then turns southeast and joins the Mississippi River, the longest river in North America. Rio Grande is one of the longest rivers. The average annual flow of rivers here is 8200 km3. The river network is unevenly distributed on land. Most of the rivers (Mississippi, Rio Grande, St. Lawrence, etc.) belong to the Atlantic basin. Rivers in the Pacific basin (Yukon, Columbia, Colorado, etc.) are short and full of water. Solt. River networks in the glacial ocean basin are not fully developed, there are many lakes and swamps. Major River System – Finlay – Peace River – The Willows – Mackenzie. The land is covered with ice. part is glacial-tectonic. rich in lakes: Great Lakes, Winnipeg, Winnipegosis, Manitoba, Big Willy Lake, Big Bear Lake, Deer Lake, etc. avg. Major tectonics in America (Nicaragua basin). The lakes are located in Nicaragua and Managua. On the Great Basin Plateau there is a Great Salt Lake from the Wet Pleistocene. There are lagoonal lakes in the coastal plains, and volcanic lakes in the Cordillera.
### Rivers
* Mississippi
* Missouri
* Mackenzie
* Columbia
* Saskatchewan
* Yukon
* Colorado
### Interesting facts
* • Many rivers, including the Amazon and Pilcamayo, originate in the Andes.
* • Paraguay is the main river in the center of South America. It flows dividing the country of Paraguay into two parts - west and east.
* • Essequuibo is the longest river of Gawaina. It is also the widest river between the Orinoco and the Amazon.
* • The vast majority of black water rivers flow in the Amazon river system and the southern United States. A black water river is a river with black or coffee colored water.
### Lakes
* Great Lakes
* Michigan
* Winnipeg
* Manitoba
* Great Lakes
* Great Bear Lake \< > * Deer Lake
## Soil
Arctic. and all types of soil between the tropical zones are found. Canadian Arctic. tundra arctic arctic. and tundra-gley soil is typical. Volcanic ash of the Aleutian Islands, west of Alaska, was covered by peaty subpolar soil. In the south of the Labrador Peninsula, illuvian - ferruginous purple soil is spread, in the southwest of the Laurentian plateau and in the south of the Great Plain, peat-purple soil is spread. Right of the temperate zone. and in the subtropics, uniform soil is distributed in the submeridian direction or in the form of accumulated massifs. Great Lakes and Salt. In the Appalachian regions brown forest soil is common. Avg. In the south-west of the plain, the black soil-like soil of the prairie is less acidic and rich in humus, and on the border of the Great Plains, it alternates with black soil. On the Great Plains and the Columbia Plateau, red-brown soils cover a wide area. In the Greater Alap region, the gray soil of the desert mixed with salt, fertile red and yellow soil dominates over the clayey and sandy sediments of the sea in the humid south-eastern part of the continent. On the Mississippi River, the subtropical prairies are pinkish-black, the gray soil of the shrub steppe, the gray subtropical desert in the Mexican highlands, and the tropical desert soils are distributed in the California peninsula. The slopes of the Cordillera are covered with different types of mountain soil, the wet part is covered with gray mountain soil, and the dry part is covered with brown mountain soil.
## Plant
C. Most of A. Holarctic., right. part belongs to the Neotropical floral world. Canadian Arctic. Solt. and Arctic in Greenland with mosses and lichens. desert, arctic. tundra prevails; Toparal is occupied by a tundra belt. From Labrador to Mount Mackenzie, a 100-200 km wide forest tundra natural belt passes. In Bat, the forest tundra alternates with the meadows of the ocean coast. The forest belt covers 1/3 of the land area. The forest of the temperate zone is divided into: taiga, coniferous forest of the Pacific coast, mixed and broad-leaved forest. Taiga mainly consists of black and white spruce, American larch, balsam larch. Forests along the Pacific coast of the Cordillera Mountains are dominated by tall trees: sithin fir, Douglas fir, western hemlock, and several species of pine. Coniferous forest continues to subtropical forests to the south of 40 N: evergreen mixed forest in the east and evergreen coniferous forest in the west. Uly lake district and Solt. In the Appalachian region, a mixed forest (yellow birch, sugar maple, hemlock, sycamore, white and red pine) grows. Broadleaf forest to the right of the Appalachians. and includes the eastern part of the Great Plain. American species of oak, sycamore, white maple, sycamore, sycamore, tulip tree grow here. On the slopes of the mountains, the forest area (800-2000 m) continues into the mountain-taiga spruce-fir forest, and at the top subalpine and alpine meadows. The land's average areas are covered by forest steppe, steppe, desert and desert. The forest-steppe belt lies east of the Cordillera in the Canadian part of the Great Plains and west of the Central Plains; meadows with tall grasses alternate with sparse oak forests. The steppe belt includes the Great Plains, the Columbia Plateau, and the California Valley. The Great Plains of the United States consists of gray meadow and wheatgrass, the rest is bison grass, sedge, etc. Cereal family consists of low grass dry steppe. Deserts and deserts cover the Great Basin, the eastern part of the Colorado Plateau, and the southwest of the Gulf of Mexico (subtropical deserts). Succulents (tree-like cactus, aloe, yucca, etc.) grow mainly along with wormwood plants of the grain family. In the highlands of Mexico and southern Florida, Ort. America and the West Indies are covered by tropical forests. Moist evergreen forests of giant trees and bamboo with lianas, oaks, mosses, magnolias, etc. passes into a deciduous deciduous forest. Tropical savanna grows on the windward slopes of the mountain ranges, and mangrove forests grow in the coastal area.
## Animals
C. A. and geol. of the Eurasian continents. Due to the common history of development, there are many similarities in the animal world. Solt in the tundra belt. deer (caribou), polar bear, white fox, lemming, white rabbit, white sable, white fox, etc. lives. Canadian Arctic. Toparaly and Kudrikodas are found in Greenland. Taiga moose, wapiti deer, American marten, brown bear, Canadian lynx, beaver, red squirrel, etc. lives. Virgin deer, gray fox, red lynx, gray squirrel, skunk in mixed and broad-leaved forest; Fall from the birds, the wild turkey is on the verge of extinction. Among forest steppe and steppe animals, bison, pronghorn antelope, deer, coyote, prairie fox are preserved only in reserves. Alligator, caiman turtle, flamingo, birkazan, Carolina parrot live in the subtropics. In the Cordillera, snow sheep, grizzly bear, snow goat; desert-desert mountain plateaus have many types of reptiles - poisonous snakes and lizards. Avg. Lives with tropical animals in America, West Indies, Mexican highlands. American armadillos, monkeys, bats, hummingbirds, parrots, turtles, crocodiles, and lizards live here. S. About 100 national parks and reserves (24 in Canada, 50 in the USA, 12 in Mexico, and the rest in the West Indies) have been established in A. Major: Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Banff, Jasper, Sequoia, Everglades.
## History of geographic research
Before the Europeans came to America, there were natives at different stages of development inhabited by Indian peoples. The main part of the population is Right. The culture and handicrafts of the mountainous regions of Mexico are concentrated in the highly developed civilizations of the Mayan and Aztec states. They were engaged in hunting, fishing and agriculture (corn, beans, potatoes, cotton, ruby, sunflower, pumpkin, tobacco). Several groups of peoples (Mayan, Aztec, Quechua, Aymaro, etc.) are ethnic. preserved its territory and culture. Small tribes of Indians later S. Displaced to the forest belt of A. Solt of the continent. Eskimos live on the coast and in Greenland. The Normans, who began to settle in Greenland in the Middle Ages, discovered the island of Newfoundland, the Labrador Peninsula and Baffin Island in the 11th - 13th centuries. 1492 - 1503 H. Columbus discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, the islands of Jamaica, the west coast of the Caribbean, and the neck of Panama. 1497 - 98 J. and S. Cabot S. He explored the east coast of A. 1504 French sailors captured the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1513. Spanish V. Núñez de Balboa Gulf of Panama, 1519 - 24 E. Cortes crossed the Mexican highlands to the Pacific Ocean. 1648 Russian travelers F. Popov and S. Dezhnev crossed from Chukchi to the Pacific Ocean, S. He proved that A is separated from Asia by a narrow strait (Bering Strait). 1778 English D. Cook C. He conducted research along the western coast of A to high latitudes. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, J. Powell, J. Dawson, A. Brooks, et al. American and Canadian geologists have completed the discovery of the Sengyr Mountains, the Lawrence Plateau, and the Alaska Range (with McKinley Peak, the highest point in S. A).
## Political division
С. The current political map of A has 23 sovereign countries. The main part of the continent is occupied by the USA and Canada. Avg. The American part includes Mexico and Cuba. Also on land are the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico; British possessions of Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands; French possessions of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon; Greenland Island owned by Denmark; Dutch possessions include Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles.
### Sovereign countries of North America:
* United States of America
* Antigua and Barbuda
* Bahamas
* Barbados
* Belize
* Haiti
* Guatemala
* Honduras
* Grenada
* Dominica
* Dominican Republic
* Canada
* Costa Rica
* Cuba \< > * Mexico
* Nicaragua
* Panama
* El Salvador
* Saint Lucia
* Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
* Saint Kitts and Nevis
* Trinidad and Tobago
* Jamaica
## Big cities of North America
* \< > *
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4924 | Shaken Onlasynuly Niyazbekov | Shaken Onlasynuly Niyazbekov is an artist, author of the National Flag of Kazakhstan.
## Biography
He was born in the ancient land of Taraz, on his mother's side he is a relative of Baurzhan Momyshuly, a colonel and Hero of the Soviet Union. His grandfather is a wise Tole bi. When he was ten years old, his parents died within a year and he suddenly became an orphan.
After graduating from secondary school, Shaken Niyazbekov entered the famous "Mukhinka" (Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after V.I. Mukhin). As a student, he participated in the restoration of the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral, and Petrodvorets. Shaken Niyazbekov names Abilkhan Kasteev as his main teacher.
Over the past thirty years, the artist has participated in many competitions and won many times. Some milestones in his life: 1961 — gold medal awarded in Czechoslovakia for the design of "Globus" television, 1964 — "We support peace!" held in Leningrad. 1st place in the poster competition, 1982 - the first place in the competition for artistic decoration of Republic Square in Almaty. He was also the first Kazakh citizen to invent the remote control. In the 1960s, he surprised the public with his invention while studying at the Leningrad Art Academy. In addition, Sh. Niyazbekov won the first prize at the international competition of inventors held in Czechoslovakia in 1964. Later, it was put on display in Leningrad, but unfortunately, it was stolen by thieves. That's why it seems that even the people of the State Security Committee were involved in the case. Soon, the theft is revealed and it is proved that the soul of Japan took it. So, the Japanese paid Shaken Niyazbekov 20,000 rubles to pay for the crime.
"Kurmangazy", "Kobik Shashkan", "Isatai Taimanov", "Abai", "Shokan Ualikhanov", "Mukhtar Auezov", "Syrym Datuly", "Zhambyl", "Soldier from Kazakhstan", " "Mother" works occupy a significant place in the catalogs of the artist's personal exhibitions. The tombstone placed at the cemetery of the patriot Baurzhan Momyshuly and the coat of arms of the city of Almaty can also be attributed to his achievements.
Shaken Niyazbekov is the author of the national flag of Kazakhstan. In 1992, he won the competition in which about 1200 artists from Kazakhstan, CIS, Turkey, Germany, Mongolia participated.
## Creative works
* Complex design of the cinema named after Sh. Valikhanov in Taraz (1979, together with A. Simonov, V. Kuzmin)
* "In the direction of Volokolam. Monument to Major-General I. Panfilov and commander B. Momyshuly" (1985),
* "Zhambyl",
* "Motherhood is happiness",
* "Shokan Ualikhanov", etc. artistic canvases.
* Author of the coat of arms of the city of Almaty.
* Author of the National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
## Awards
* Won the gold medal of the International Competition held in Czechoslovakia (1961) and
* the first prize of the poster competition held in Leningrad (1982).
* Honored figure of Kazakhstan in 1981
* Awarded "Order of Reason" and "Order of Honor".
* "Astana" medal in 1998;
* 2001 medal "10 years of independence of Kazakhstan";
* In 2005, he was awarded the medal "10 years to the Constitution of Kazakhstan" and other state awards.
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7473" | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; August 28, 1749, Frankfurt - March 22, 1832, Weimar) was a German poet, thinker, naturalist.
## Biography
From a young age, he received a special comprehensive education at home, from the age of seven to eight he learned several ancient and European languages, was well acquainted with French culture. Graduated from Leipzig and Strasbourg universities. Winckelmann, Herder and Schiller greatly influenced Goethe's spiritual formation. In his drama "Goetz von Berlichingen" (1773), he developed the image of a rebellious knight during the reformation period. This work was influenced by romanticism.
In 1774, Goethe presented his novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther" to the school community. In this novel, Goethe nods more to the established images than to the doubts of his youth and the relentless search for truth. He is fascinated by Spinoza's pantheism, and looks at the images of Prometheus, who is personified by his true love for man, Christ who consistently enjoys the high morality of virtue, the Eternal Jew who is in constant search, and Faust. Goethe shows great interest in ancient classical culture. Ancient art and beauty, according to Goethe, is a manifestation of the harmony between the individual and society in the advanced state, which was possible in Ancient Greece. Only in this case can a person be a person. Such an ideal in the civil sphere is balanced and harmoniously resolved by social conflicts. From the point of view of compatibility, any political force is a limitation to comprehensive development of a person. That is why Goethe did not accept the French revolution and wrote satirical plays against it. It is not selfishness to win, on the contrary, searching for the truth in all possible ways and means, fighting for the truth - this showed Goethe's versatility. Goethe in his opinion about poetry: "How great and rich the world is, how multifaceted life is." All my poems are born from the situation. "They are inspired by the truth, based on it, and passionate about it," he said. His appeal to various genres of literature and scientific disciplines is closely related to his desire to find a solution to the questions that have always bothered him: how should a person live, focusing only on the highest goal? "Getting into a relationship with the infinite, silent speaking nature", passionately understanding its "open secrets", Goethe also sought to solve the "mystery" of the historical life of mankind.
Goethe, who wanted to be the "last Homerid", began to write "Achillea" in imitation of the Iliad, but did not finish it.
Goethe served as the first minister in Weimar. In addition to management, he was also engaged in education and health care. During this period, Goethe made important discoveries in the fields of comparative morphology (the term he introduced himself), physics (optics and acoustics), mineralogy, geology and meteorology as a natural scientist.
Goethe's ideas about structural unity in plant and animal systems paved the way for Darwinism. The tragedy "Faust" is Goethe's work, which belongs to the concept of the whole European enlightened thought.
Later, F. Nietzsche called the general western cultural type Faustian man. In the image of Faust, a persistent seeker of the truth, a fighter for freedom, a high-spirited, truly creative character is depicted.
Mephistopheles expresses Goethe's own doubts.
Goethe is a historical and cultural person who was able to raise the European modern culture to a high level.
## Descendants
Johann Wolfgang Goethe and his wife Christiana had five children. The children born after Augusta, the eldest son, died soon after birth: one child was stillborn, and the others died a few days later. Three children were born to August: Walter Wolfgang, Wolfgang Maximilian and Alma.
## Interesting facts
Johann Wolfgang Goethe did not like ordinary smoke, he even fired his cook for making his kitchen smoke. The angry cook smoked a cigarette to take revenge.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3363 | Uzbek language | The Uzbek language (proper name — Uzbek tili, Uzbek tili or Ozbekcha, Uzbekcha) is the national language of the Uzbeks and the state language of Uzbekistan, the second most spoken Turkic language after Turkish. More than 45 million speakers worldwide (2022).
The ancient written literary language was formed in the XIV-XVI centuries. Modern literary language developed on the basis of the Tashkent-Fergana dialect after the Kazan revolution.
Uzbek language uses the sound "y" at the beginning of a word (yol - zol, yip - thread), the sounds "г", "г" in the middle and at the end of a word (tagh - mountain, aqiz - mouth) from other related Turkic languages. , as well as from the morphological point of view, the plural form is only "-s" (you, daftars), "-ning" of the stem participle, "-ni" of the accusative participle, "-da" of the genitive participle, and "-dan" of the eastern participle. only phonet. differs in its use in the version. The letter A in Uzbek language gives the sound А-. And a in Turkic languages is given the letter o in Uzbek. The sound is a sound between a and o. In the Uzbek language, the pronunciation of the letter "а" is well preserved.
The Uzbek language is not characterized by the law of harmony (synharmonism, for example, the division of vowels into thick and thin), lexically, there are many words transferred from Arabic and Persian languages, and in terms of grammatical structure, it belongs to the agglutinative language.
## History
## Dialects
The Uzbek language consists of 3 dialects based on 3 ethnic groups: Karluk, Kypchak, Oguz dialects.
The Karluk dialect is located near Tashkent, Bukhara, and is based on the standard Uzbek language.
Kipchak dialect is found in western Uzbekistan. This dialect is close to the Karakalpak and Kazakh languages.
The Oghiz dialect arose due to the linguistic features of the Oghz tribe, which inhabited the south-west.
In terms of phonetic features, these mentioned dialects are divided into two: speakers with "o" and speakers with "a" (okshom-akhsham).
## Alphabet
Arabic until 1927, Latin (1927–1938) based on Neoglyph in the next ten years, Cyrillic alphabet was used from 1939, then the current script moved to the updated Latin alphabet. (1994).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1723 | Грузия | Georgia, Georgia or Georgia, Republic of Georgia (Georgian: გარი [sɑkʰɑrtʰvɛlɔ], Sakartvelo) is a country located in the south-east of the European continent, in the southern part of the Caucasus Mountains. It is divided into 66 administrative districts. It includes the republics of Abkhazia (1931) and Adjara (1921). It borders Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia.
Land area — 69.7 thousand km². Population — 3.9 million. 70.1% of the population are Georgians. In addition, Armenians (8.1%), Russians (6.3%), Azerbaijanis (5.7%), Ossetians (3%), Abkhazians (1.8%), Greeks, Ukrainians, etc. lives. The capital is the city of Tbilisi (1.2 million). The majority of the population adheres to the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the rest are Muslims and Catholics. The official language is Georgian. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is a unicameral parliament. Constitution of 1995 Received on August 24. The national currency is lari. 1995 put into circulation since September. The national holiday is the day of restored independence of the state (May 26, 1918).
## Nature
87% of its land is covered by mountain ranges, 36.7% is forest. In the north there is a layered mountain system of the Greater Caucasus. The coast of Black Mountain is occupied by the Colchis basin. The geographical structure of the land is complex. Main mineral resources: manganese, hard coal, oil, polymetals. Rich in mineral water sources (Borjomi, etc.). Rapid rivers with abundant water (Kura, Rioni, Inguri, Sunsa, etc.) originating from mountain glaciers are common. The climate is warm and humid subtropical. The average temperature in January is 4-7 °С, and in July it is 22-24 °С. The amount of annual precipitation is 1500 mm.
## History
People began to settle on the land of Georgia in early times. BC From the beginning of the 2nd millennium, the first meml. associations have emerged. BC In the 8th century, the territory of present-day Georgia was first occupied by the Kemerites and then by the Sakas. For a long time, the entire Caucasus region was owned by the Median kingdom (7th century BC) and the Achaemenid dynasty (6th century BC). BC In the 6th century, the trade relations between the Greek settlements and the Caucasian peoples, which were engaged in trade on the eastern side of the Black Sea, increased. BC Bat in the 6th century. The Kingdom of Colchis in Georgia, and in the 4th century BC. The Kingdom of Iberia was established in Georgia. Cities appeared, trade and relations with other countries developed. BC In the 1st century, the territory of modern Georgia was occupied by the Roman Empire, but in From the 2nd century, his power weakened, and the power of local governors increased. Christianity began to spread in the country in the 3rd and 4th centuries. Since the 4th century, Georgia was repeatedly attacked by the Persians ruled by the Sasanian dynasty, and in 523 AD. completely conquered the country. In the 7th and 9th centuries, the majority of G was joined to the Arab caliphate. Since the 10th century, Georgia has been united as a single state. The country was ruled by kings from the Bagration dynasty, who conquered Northern Armenia in the 11th century. During the reigns of David I (1073-1125), George III (1156-84), and Tamara (1184-1213), Georgia was one of the most powerful states in the Caucasus. During this period, the power of the kings of Georgia was controlled by Solt. Caucasus, Solt. Iran, Azerbaijan, the countries of the south-west coast of the Black Sea (the Kingdom of Trebizond, etc.) recognized it. At this time, the cities were beautified and culture flourished. Philosophy, history, literature, architecture are well developed. Sh. Rustaveli's work "The Hero in Tiger Skin" was written at this time.
Georgia was owned by Genghis Khan's descendants from the 2nd quarter of the 13th century, and by Amir Temir state in the 2nd half of the 14th century. In the 15th century, it was divided into several small states (the kingdoms of Kartli, Kakheti, Imereti, and the principalities of Megrel, Guri, and Abkhazia), and in the 16th and 18th centuries, it became a battleground between Iran and the Ottoman Sultanate. In the 17th century, Abbas I of Iran organized several campaigns to Georgia. From the 18th century, Georgia began to unite again. During the reign of King Vakhtang VI (1703-24), the power of the central government was strengthened and extensive construction works were carried out. In the second half of the 18th century, the kingdoms of Kartli (Iberia) and Kakheti were united during the reign of King Irakli II. He crushed the resistance of the separatist princes and tried to revive the economy and trade. Cities began to revive. During this period, another Georgian kingdom was strengthened in Imereti under the leadership of Solomon I (1754-84), and the king's personal power was strengthened. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Georgian culture flourished again, and book publishing flourished.
1783 According to the treaty of George, the Kartli-Kakheti kingdom accepted the protectorate of Russia. This situation strained Georgia's relations with Iran and Turkey. In 1795, Aga Muhammed Khan Kajari of Iran, who took advantage of the throne struggle that spread throughout the country after the death of King Irakli II. Tbilisi was burned. 1801 The kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti ceased to exist, and Eastern Georgia was completely annexed to Russia. After that, the Russian-Iranian (1804-13, 1826-28) and Russian-Turkish (1806-12, 1828-29) wars took place for Western Georgia. So, 1803-64. Western Georgia also completely surrendered to Russia.
Despite the attack from the outside and the revival of trade within the country, the policy of Russification of Georgians began and the exploitation of peasants intensified. People's uprisings were violently suppressed by government troops. 1864 — 71 years. after the peasants' independence was destroyed, the way was opened for the development of production and trade in the country. A national intelligentsia was formed. After the February revolution in Russia in 1917 On March 7, a special city outside the Caucasus was established. 1917 On November 17, this party was dissolved, and the Menshevik party came to the head of the government. 1918 Georgia was declared an independent republic on May 26. In 1920, due to the tension of the internal and external situation, this government On May 1, he was forced to sign a contract with the RKFSR. On the basis of this contract, the Bolsheviks were included in the government. 1921 Red Army units overthrew the Menshevik government and established the Soviet government. Georgia 1922-36. Soviet Federative Society outside the Caucasus. was part of the republic, 1936-91. It was an allied republic within the USSR. 1991 According to the results of the national referendum held on April 9, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted the act on the restoration of the independence of the country in 1918 and the constitution of 1921. In May of the same year, Z. Gamsakhurdia won the presidential election. But due to the escalation of the situation in the country, the Military Council removed the president from the country, dissolved the parliament and took all the power in their hands. 1992 In March, the Military Council was dissolved and replaced by Meml headed by Eduard Shevardnadze. Council was formed. On October 11 of the same year, a new parliament and its chairman were elected. 1995 a new constitution was adopted, on the basis of which E. Shevardnadze won the presidential election (November 5, 1995). In 2000, the people appreciated his work in the process of peaceful settlement of internal political conflicts, relations with the Republic of Abkhazia, and the reform of the country's economy. was elected president for a new term.
Georgia is an agrarian-industrial country. Main branches of the economy: food industry (production of tea, tobacco, mineral drinks, wine, cognac), light industry, engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry. In agriculture, tea, tobacco, fruit growing, livestock etc. developed. Tourism is well established in resort towns on the Black Sea coast. National income per capita — 1060 dollars. approx. Georgia UN, CIS, etc. member of international organizations. The main trade partners are Russia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. Georgia has established diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan since 1992 (July 23). Economic and cultural relations between the two countries are developing directly and within the framework of the CIS. In the future, both sides will transport the oil produced from the Kazakhstani part of the Caspian Sea along the Baku-Ceyhan route to Bat. Interested in exporting to European countries.
## Culture
Georgian culture was formed as a result of interaction with eastern peoples and Greco-Roman cultures. The ancient written culture of the country has been preserved. In Georgia, in the first half of the 4th century, a high school of eloquence, the Colchis Academy, was established. In the 5th century, the first schools were opened near the churches. In the 10th and 12th centuries, the first higher educational institutions, the Galat Academy and the Ikaltoi Academy, were born. Between the 13th and 17th centuries, Georgian culture stagnated due to internal disunity and the struggle against foreign invaders. At the end of this century, the work of teaching and education increased rapidly, seminaries in Tbilisi (1755), Telav (1782), in 1851. Tbilisi Opera Theater was opened. Modern Georgia is a country with perfected culture and art. There are 19 member states in the country. higher educational institutions (including Tbilisi and Sukhumi universities), 32 theaters, 110 museums work.
Georgia, without exaggeration, can be called the country where some of the most delicious wines in the world are produced. Historically, the entire history of this region is closely related to wine production. Local artisans of the 8th century AD. is known for producing strong drinks using special technology.
Georgian alcohol still lives up to its reputation and maintains the unchanging love of consumers. Georgian cognacs are especially appreciated.
## Literature
Georgian literature has its origins in ancient times. The works of the ancient Greek poet Apollo of Rhodes (3rd century BC) mention the Georgians. Between the 5th and 11th centuries, church religious literature developed. In the 12th century, epic poems were written during the reign of Georgia ("The Hero in Tiger Skin", "Abdul-Messia", "Tamariani", etc.). Georgian literature revived again in the 16th century. King of Kakheti Teimuraz I (1589 - 1663) wrote poems on lyrical, philosophical and historical topics, re-sung the works of many Eastern poets ("Layli - Majnun", etc.). The second Georgian king Archil II (1647 - 1713) wrote poems and poems on national and historical topics. 1830 — 40 years. Romantic trend developed in Georgian literature. Its major representatives are A.G. Chavchavadze (1786 — 1846), G.D. Orbeliani (1804 — 1883), A.M. Baratashvili (1815-1845). Since 1860, Georgian literature has risen to a new classical level. Classics of Georgian literature: I.G. Chavchavadze (1837 — 1907), A.R. Tsereteli (1840 — 1915), N.Ya. Nikoladze (1843 — 1928). Even in Soviet times, world-famous works of art were written in Georgian literature. Prominent poets-writers of this period: I.V. Abashidze, K.S. Gamsakhurdia, V. Sh. Avaliani, O.R. Chkheidze, N. Dumbadze, etc. was.
## See also
* Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic
* List of Georgian cities
## Sources
# # Useful links
* News of Georgia
* Parliament
* President
* Supreme Court
* Newspaper "Svobodnaya Georgia" |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5289 | Karlyk Khanate | Karluk Khaganate (756-940 AD or 8-10 AD) is an ancient state in Zhetysu region.
In the middle of the 8th century, the Karluks became a significant military and political power, played an important role in the destruction of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate (745), and installed the Ton-yabgu Khagan on the Orkhon throne together with nine oghuzs. In 736, the Karluks became stronger than before. Competing with their former ally, the Uyghurs, they migrated to Zhetysu, "in the native land of ten-tribe khagan (land of ten arrows)". The cities of Suyab and Talas became permanent residences of the Karluk commanders. Karluk nobles ruled in Zhetysu in 766-940. At that time, their commanders were not called Khagan, but Jabgu, but he was conditionally K. was called the period of the city. Jabgu ruled over Tarim in the East, Ferghana in the West, and reached Tokharstan (from the Surhab-Vakhsh watershed to the northern border of Afghanistan). In the 8th century, neither the Turks, who dominated the Zhetysu region, nor the Karluks, who ruled after that, made significant changes to the ethnic composition of the country. Chroniclers and travelers in the 8th-9th centuries described the land of Zhetysu as Chumuk, Ulyg-Ak, Jabshid, Turkesh-Kalash, Turgesh, Azgyr, Kashu, Barskhan, etc. tribes live there. In the political and military life of Altai and Zhetysu, along with the Karluks, the Khanly tribe also played a significant role. They grazed mainly in Altai (Irtys basin), then Issykkol, Shu banks, Talas region. In the Issykkol basin, there were also estates of the Shigils. In the 10th - 11th century, Yagmas were located in the middle reaches of the Ile. Yagma wintered near the city of Taraz. The main tribes in the Karluk city are nomadic Turks, engaged in cattle breeding. The plateau inhabited by the Karluks had more cultivated cities and settlements than the places where other peoples lived. Atlakh, Hamuket, Shelji, Sus, Kul, and Takabetsiyak cities existed in the Talas Valley in the 8th-9th centuries. The vast majority of the local settled population was engaged in the production of non-ferrous and precious metals (gold, silver, copper). The cities of Kungut and Talhir (Talgar) were located in the Ile Valley. The cities of Taraz, Kulan (address near the Kulan creek), Mirki (Merki), Ashpara (place of a ruined address along the river of the same name near Shaldavar) became more famous. In the 8th-10th century, the cities of Zhetysu differed from the cities of Central Asia in terms of construction and location of houses. On the one hand, they were a fortress that protected against nomads. Sogdy cities played a big role in the economic life of the Khanate, their people mainly came from Samarkand, Bukhara, and other cities of Central Asia. Large and rich Sogdian settlements had great trade and economic power and strong diplomatic potential. Trading cities were located along ancient caravan routes between East and West. One of those roads passed through Bukhara, Samarkand, Shash (Tashkent), Taraz, Kulan, Suyab (today's vicinity of Tokmak), crossed Karkara, Tekes through the Issykkol valley, and continued towards East Turkestan. The settled people were in close contact with the nomads, trading and exchanging goods. Relations with neighboring countries created conditions for the introduction of other religions from outside, along with the growth of urban culture. The vast majority of the population followed the religion of their ancestors (deity, shaman). In 940, "Magju Turks" from the East overthrew the Khaganate. During the period of the Karluk Khanate, a solid foundation of socio-economic, ethnographic and political unity was laid among the peoples of Zhetysu.
## Creation of the state
The desire for independence of the Karluks led to their separation from the Uighur Khaganate. In 746, the Karluks moved to Zhetysu, where the political situation was too complicated. In the internecine struggle, the Turgesh khans lost their power, the home of their former Karluk tribes. As a result, the scattered Turgesh tribes could not put up a proper resistance to the Karluks. These events are recorded in the Terkhin records of the early Turks: "In the year of the dog, three or three people betrayed and ran away. They came to the country of the Ten Bulls people in the west." Chinese representatives in East Turkestan took advantage of the weakening of the political power of the Turgesh dynastic clans. The Tan army captured Suyab and reached Shash (Tashkent), but here the interests of China, who had a strong foothold, collided with the interests of the Arabs, who were advancing from the west with the aim of expanding their sphere of influence. The conflict was resolved in 751 in a decisive battle between the two imperial forces, which resulted in heavy losses for the Tan army. According to the information of the Arab historian Ibn al-Asir, 50 thousand Chinese were killed and 20 of them were captured at the foot of the city of Atlah. Craftsmen were among the prisoners. The battle on the Talas River had a great historical significance in the destinies of the Zhetysu and Mauarannakhr peoples. Chinese troops left not only Zhetysu, but also East Turkestan under the pressure of Uyghurs and Tibetans. The Arabs could not stay in Talas Valley and retreated to Shash. As a result, the Karluks strengthened their position. In 766, the whole of Zhetysu, including the hordes of the two khagans of Turgesh - Taraz and Suyab, passed into the hands of the Karluks. Thus, the transfer of political and social power to the hands of the Karluk leaders led to the permanent formation of the Karluk state in Zhetysu. The Karluks continued to expand the borders of the lands subject to them. In 766-775, a branch of the Karluks occupied Kashgaria, and at the end of the 8th century, another group of them spread their influence to Fergana. Depicting these events, al-Marwazi bshay writes: the Karluks "used to live on Tulis Mountain and were slaves to the Nine-Oghuzs. After that, they rebelled against their rulers, conquered the land of the Turks, and moved from there to the Muslim lands"
## Territory
The main habitat of the Karluk tribes is from the Altai Mountains to Lake Balkash. VIII century Karluks migrated to Zhetysu. Thanks to the Karluks in 751 the Arabs win the battle with the Turks along Talas. From that time, the Karluk tribes became stronger, and their king established his power in Altai. 755 The Karluks defeat the Turks in Zhetysu. Half of the Turgesh are subject to the Karluks, and the rest were forced to move to the east.
VIII-X centuries. Karluk tribes inhabit the expanding territory from Dzungar Alatau of Kazakhstan to the middle reaches of the Syr. It migrates between Balkhash and Issykkol, along Shu, Ile, Talas rivers, to Otyrar. Their ruler, Jabgu, received the title of Kagan from 840. The ruling aristocracy of nomadic tribes owned not only pastures and fertile land, but also urban centers. There were 25 towns and villages in the land of the Karluks. Among them are Taraz, Kulan, Merke, Atlalyk, Tuzyn, Balyk, Baryskan and others. Karluk cities were located along the Great Silk Road.
## Ethnic and tribal composition
The first stages of the formation of Karluk tribes and the formation of early Karluk ethnic groups took place in the territory of Inner Asia surrounded by Turkic and Tele (Oguz) tribes. The subsequent stage of development of the ethnic process was connected with the creation of the three-tribal Karluk confederation, which later, in terms of quantity and quality, was followed by the stage of formation of the Karluk people within Zhetysu. However, this process did not end in the Middle Ages. The first reports about the Karluks in written sources can be found in the chronicles of the Chinese Sui dynasty (581-618) and belong to the middle of the 5th century. There, the Karluks were called Bulak after the name of their main clan as inhabitants of the slopes of Altai (Aktag). According to the "Tanshu" dynastic chronicle (618-907), the Karluks (Gelolu, Gelu) came from the Turks and were a branch of them. Data on the genetic connection of the Karluks with the Turks is also collected in the Muslim historiography of the Middle Ages. "They (Karluks) are ancient Turks," says Ibn al-Fakih (10th century)47. Karluks are mentioned as "three karluks" in the runic inscriptions of the ancient Turks. It was a powerful union of nomadic tribes occupying the territory between the Mongolian Altai and Lake Balkash. The earliest information about the Karluks in terms of time can be found in the historical and geographical literature of the Arabic-Persian language - Tabari (737). He talks about the Karluks located in Tokarstan. The Karluk confederation included various Turkic-speaking nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes: Zhikils, Bulaks, Khalajs, Turgeshes, Azkishis, Tukshis, Sharuks, Argus, Barskhans. In addition to these, it included some groups that remained in the territory of Zhetisu after the majority of Oghuzs moved to the middle and lower reaches of the Syrdarya, as well as Zhetisu Sogdys, who became Turks. Mahmud Kashgari reports that many Sogdians adopted the customs of the Turks. Later, a part of the Karluks who assimilated with the settled peoples of the south of Kazakhstan and Zhetysu and adopted Islam, as well as the corresponding groups of the Oghuzs, were called Turkmen. Arab traveler Abu Dulaf reports that he had to travel through the land of the Karluks for 25 days; and according to Ibn Haukal's data, "it was even necessary to travel 30 days to cross the land of the Karluqs from west to east." Data about the Karluks date back to the 5th century. It is known as "spring". In the Turkic runic monuments, the name "ush karluk" is mentioned for the community of nomadic tribes that settled between the Altai Mountains and the eastern shore of Lake Balkash. VII century in the middle, the karluk association included bulak, chigil and tashlyk. The leaders were called Eltabar. In 766, the whole of Zhetysu, including Taraz and Suyab, the two hordes of the Turgesh khagans, passed under the control of the Karluk dynasty. They formed an early feudal state. Araf geographer Al-Marwazi (XII century) says that there were 9 tribes in the Karluks. Tukhsi, Shigils, Azkish, Khalajs, Charuks, Baryskhans, etc. of Zhetysu and South Kazakhstan joined the Karluk confederation. Turkic-speaking tribes entered.
## Foreign policy
The annexation of Karluk led the struggle against the Arabs, who conducted an active policy of occupying the lands north of Mauarannahr near South Kazakhstan. The Karluks actively supported various campaigns against the Arabs many times. The attempts of the Karluks to compete with the Uyghur Khaganate in the east ended in failure. In 791, the Uighurs defeated the armies of the Karluks and Tibetans at the foot of Besbalik. In 812 they completely defeated the Karluks. Pursuing the Karluks, the Uighur khagan reached Fergana and Syrdarya, captured their people and cattle, and returned to Central Asia. After the defeat of this kata, the Karluk clan was forced to recognize the supreme authority of the Uyghur khanate, whose center was Otyuken in Mongolia.
Yenisei Kyrgyz stubbornly resisted the rule of the Uyghurs. The possessions of the Kyrgyz spread to the region of the hooligan people living near Baikal in the east; in the west, the border of their habitats extended to the Altai Mountains, and in the southeast to the Sayan ridge. The neighbors of the Kyrgyz were the Kimaks in the west, the Boma people in the north, and the Uyghurs in the southeast. Kyrgyz lived in the Minusa valley as compactly as possible. The Kyrgyz were a group of 80,000 soldiers with a large population. In 840, the Kyrgyz defeated the Uyghurs as a result of a twenty-year long struggle. This important event in the steppes of Inner Asia is reflected in Muslim historiography. For example, Gardizi reports the following about this: "Turkistan people (Kyrgyz) attacked the Khakan people; they killed twelve prominent leaders of this people, cut them with swords and massacred all the khakans. The whole kingdom of the Khakans remained in the hands of Chun-pan and Hallukhs (Karluks). Some of the Uyghurs fled to the karluks in the north-western edge of Dzongaria-Tarbagatai. The majority of Uyghurs settled in Eastern Turkestan and the western part of Gansu, where they established an independent state centered in the Turfan Valley (847-1369) and Gansu (847-1036).
It was used by the Karluk clan, which was said to have descended from the Ashina clan, which had become stronger at that time. The leader of the Karluks, Bilge Kul Kadyr-Khan, the ruler of Ispijab (according to Gardizi, Ilmalmys — jabgu) abandoned his previous title of jabgu, took the title of Khagan, and openly declared that he had the right to take power. However, the rule of the Karluks was not strong, because it did not spread to the Turkic tribes of Central Asia.
## Nomadic and sedentary culture
The Great Silk Road in Kazakhstan. BC In the middle of the 1st millennium, the Field Road began to work, going from the Black Sea region to the Don, from there to the Savromats in the South Ural region, to the Irtys, and further to the Altai, to the land of the Argives, who lived in the valley of the Upper Etis and Lake Zaisan. In this way, silk, skins, Iranian carpets, articles made of precious metals were distributed through trade.
B.C. II century in the middle, the Silk Road began to function as a permanent network of embassies and trade. B.C. II-V centuries. If we start from the East, the Silk Road will leave the ancient capital of China, Chang'an, go to the Huanghe Pass near Lanzhou, and continue along the northern spurs of the Nai Shan to the western edge of the Great Citadel of China, at the line of the Jasper Gate. From here, the road splits into two, bypassing the Takla Makan desert from the north and south. The negative road reached the Ile Valley through the Khami, Turfan, Besbalyk, Shikho grasslands; the middle road would go from Chaochan to Karashar, Aksu and then through the Bedel Pass, leaving the southern bank of Issykkol, crossing Dunhuang, Khotan, Yarkend, Bactria, and heading towards India and the Mediterranean region; it was called the south road. And the northern route went from Kashgar to Fergana, and then through Samarkand, Bukhara, Merv to Hamadan, Syria. XI-XII centuries. The road from China to the west through Zhetysu and southern Kazakhstan will be revived. This deviation of the path can be explained by several reasons. First, there were hordes of Turkish khagans who controlled trade routes with Central Asia in Zhetysu. Secondly, the road through Ferghana dates back to the 7th century. became dangerous due to internal strife; thirdly, very rich Turkish khagans around them consumed a lot of goods from across the sea.
VII-XIV centuries. Embassy and trade caravans traveled along the Silk Road. The road has been constantly changing for centuries. The Silk Road was a trade route through Central Asia to southern Kazakhstan and Zhetysu in the 14th century. It worked until the internal conflicts and wars destroyed the culture of the city, until the sea route to China was developed, and the star of the ancient road was extinguished.
## Disintegration of the Karluks
940 (942) the capital of the Karluk state - Balasagun - is captured by the Turks from East Turkestan - the Chigil and Yagma tribes who migrated from the Tien-Shian side. After that, the power in Zhetysu passed to the Karakhanids. So, in 940, the Karluk state ceased to exist. After the fall of the Karluk Khaganate, a part of the Karluks settled along the Ile River in the north and created a new state, the Karluk Khanate
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6776 | The Beatles | The Beatles - individual members "beatle", also the group is called "Fabulous Four" and "Liverpool Four") was a British-English rock group formed in Liverpool (England) in 1960. One of the most successful and critically acclaimed groups in the history of music.
Since 1962, the Beatles have consisted of John Lennon (guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (solo guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (percussion, vocals). And Pete Best, Stuart Sutcliffe and Jimmy Nicol performed here at various times. Starting with skiffle and rock'n'roll, they later tried different genres.
The fame and status of the Beatles was widely imitated as the phenomenon of "Beatlomania". The Beatles compositions were born from the joint pens of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Members of the group have developed their poetry skills to a very high level during their lifetime. Their repertoire includes 13 albums, 211 songs published in 1963-1970. The influence of the Beatles was felt all over the world and in our Kazakhstan during the Soviet period.
## Early stages
The group's history begins in the middle of the 1950s, when rock and roll began to roar. Elvis Presley's song "Heartbreak Hotel", which John Lennon first heard in 1956, changed his life forever. At that time, he learned to play the guitar and formed a band with his friends, Quarrimen. They play skiffle like teddy boys. In the summer of 1957, he met Paul McCartney at one of his first concerts, Paul impressed him with his guitar playing and his knowledge of lyrics. In 1958, Paul's friend George Harrison joins them. Over time, they became the basis of the future Beatles, and the rest of the group left the group.
Playing with Quarry at various parties, weddings, there was no opportunity for real concerts and recordings (however, in 1958, for fun, they recorded two songs with their own money on a kuitabak); several times the group breaks up. Lennon and McCartney begin writing songs together, as do Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran, and they also decide to give their songs dual credit. In late 1959, the band included an up-and-coming artist named Stuart Sutcliffe, whom Lennon knew from his art college.
Sutcliffe's playing was not remarkable, and of course the demanding McCartney did not like it. With this lineup, the team was assembled, only the lack of a batsman hindered them.
## Name
At that time, the group entered the concert and club life of Liverpool. Participates in various competitions, but the group is not lucky. At that time, the name of the group changed several times.
The original Quarrimen name no longer applies to them. In December 1959, the group appeared on a local television contest under the name Johnny and the Moondogs, but changed several times.
The name "The Beatles" appeared in April 1960, but the dispute over who is its author is still going on. According to the memory of the group members, the authors of the neologism were Lennon and McCartney, who were looking for a word with different meanings. An example is Buddy Holly's The Crickets (another equivalent in English is 'cricket'). According to Lennon, the horse came to him in a dream: "I saw a boy in a flying pie, and he said, 'Beetles.'" But simply because the word Beetles ("beetles") has no other meaning, it brings a new band name to the world by changing its third letter.
"Weat" means beat music. The band's promoters criticized the band's name as short and unintelligible, so in the early stages the band's name was Long John and The Silver Beetles. Demand for the group continued to grow, and they began to perform mostly in pubs and small clubs.
In April 1960, Johnny Gentle made his first small tour of Scotland as a support group. Their skills continued to grow, but they remained a largely unknown group.
## Hamburg (1960-1962)
In the summer of 1960, The Beatles were invited to play in Hamburg, where club owners were interested in true English rock and roll ensembles; Hamburg has already been affected by Liverpool's bands.
However, this situation made them urgently look for a professional percussionist under contract. Thus, Pete Best, the drummer of the Liverpool rock band The Blackjacks, who played at the Kasbah Club, joined the group. On August 16, The Beatles left England, and the next day they played their first concert at Hamburg's Indra club, where the group would play until October. From October to the end of November, The Beatles played at the Kaiserkeller club.
The performance schedule was very tight: usually, for 12 hours, one band played in the club for one hour, and the next band played for the next hour. The group members lived in a small room in the building of the cinema.
On stage, musicians had to play a lot of material, therefore, in addition to rock and roll, they played blues, rhythm and blues, folk songs, old pop and jazz numbers adapted to rock and roll. Sometimes ordinary songs were played for half an hour, set to rock and roll; In addition, the group noticed that Germans liked loud and aggressive music. The Beatles did not play their own songs because, according to themselves, there was a lot of harmonic material in the environment at that time. Such daily work and the ability to play in any genre made them
## Beatlemania
In August 1963, The Beatles' fourth song "She Loves You / I'll Get You" was released. saw Most historians associate this event with the worldwide recognition of the group. The group's popularity has shifted from the spheres of culture and music to social and political spheres. This phenomenon is now known as "Beatlemania".
Before the album "She Loves You / I'll Get You" was released, fans ordered more than half a million copies. Please Please Me took first place, followed by Twist and Shout and She Loves You / I'll Get You.
The music group eventually found success, but the results were far better than Brian Epstein expected. On October 13, 1963, the UK's most popular program aired the Palladium Concert Hall live. Fans surrounded nearby buildings and blocked traffic. The program was watched by more than 13 million viewers. Local news about The Beatles began to spread not only in the music press, but also on the front pages of central newspapers.
The first foreign tours were held between October 24 and 29, 1963. In Sweden, The Beatles were treated to a real celebration, their visit was described in detail in the central press pages of both countries. The muzakants felt the extent of Beatlemania only when they met the fans who greeted them standing in the rain at the airport. Since then, endless queues and disorder began at all concerts.
Beatles-style costumes and hairstyles became popular among teenagers. Another concert was held at the London Theater on November 4. Most of the audience were wealthy people, and the income from the concert was spent on charity. Before playing the last song, John made the headlines:
After the party, the band members were treated to a private reception by the Queen. In November, The Beatles released their fifth single, "I Want to Hold Your Hand / This Boy", which immediately became took the first place in the hit list. In addition, the second album With The Beatles was released in November. It received more than 270,000 pre-orders.
## Discography
* 1963 — Please Please Me
* 1963 — With The Beatles
* 1964 — A Hard Day's Night
* 1964 — Beatles For Sale
* 1965 — Help!
* 1965 — Rubber Soul
* 1966 — Revolver
* 1967 — Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
* 1967 — Magical Mystery Tour
* 1968 — The Beatles (White Album)
* 1969 — Yellow Submarine
* 1969 — Abbey Road
* 1970 — Let It Be
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5004 | Janibek Khan | Janibek Khan (جاونیبہك هان; Abu Said) (1428 - 1480) is the founder of the Kazakh Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate dynasty, the son of Barak Khan, the great-grandson of Urs Khan. He lived in the 15th century. There are no specific data about his life and activities before 1450.
## Sons
* Erenshi (1442-1492) - ruler of Sauran in 1470-1492. According to medieval sources, he successfully repelled Uzbek Khan Muhammad Sheibani's attempts to capture Sauran and other cities of Turkestan.
* Mahmud (1443-1476) was the ruler of Sozak in 1470-1476. Like Erenshi, he took part in the protection of the Syrdarya region from Uzbek troops.
* Kasym (1445-1521) - Khan of the Kazakh Khanate in 1511-1521, during his reign the state reached the peak of power.
* Adik (after 1445-1503) - the ruler of Ulytau in 1497-1503. He, like his brothers, fought against the Shaibani family.
* Zhanish (1453-unknown) - Zhanish was a commander in campaigns and influenced the Kazakh Khanate.
* Kanbar (the year of his death is unknown in 1453) - Information about Kanbar has not been preserved.
* Tynysh (after 1453-1513) - known for his great defeat at the hands of Muhammad Shaibani's troops.
* Osek (years of birth and death are unknown) is the ruler of Turkestan.
* Jadik (year of birth unknown-1520) ruler of Sarayshik. He died fighting with the lords of the Nogai Horde.
## Note
The earliest note is in the 15th century manuscript "Tawarih Guzida Nusrat Name": "And Barak Khan had three sons. Their names were Mir Said, Mir Qasim, Abu Said Khan.
## Management
In 1456, after Abulkhair Khan of Pucka took power in Deshti-Kipchak, a part of the nomadic population, led by Zhanibek and Kerei, migrated to Mongolia and settled in the valley of the Shu and Kozybasy rivers. . Mogolstan Khan allied himself with the Kazakh leaders with the expectation that they would help him in the fight against his opponents. About 200,000 nomads, who suffered from mutual conflicts and wars, gathered near Zhanibek Khan and Kerey Khan, and the strengthening of their power made them think that Abulkhair, who was about to make a military campaign to Mongolia in 1468, but died suddenly on the way, might be threatened by them.
Zhanibek Khan settled in Khantau on the north-eastern side of the present Shu station.
After the death of Abulkhair Khan, the quarrels for the throne of the Khan escalated in Deshti-Kypchak, and Zhanibek Khan and Kerei Khan, who wanted to return to their homeland, got involved. They got into a fierce battle with Sheikh-Khaidar Khan, the successor of Abulkhair. Sheikh Haidar, who could not get any help from his rulers, was defeated in the struggle for power. After that, the power in Deshti-Kipchak passed to the descendants of Orys Khan - Zhanibek Khan and Kerei Khan. For another thirty years, they fought hand to hand with the Puckaban people.
The transfer of power into the hands of Russian khans did not change the political situation in the "Nomadic Uzbek State". However, this event contributed to the change of the name of the "State of Nomadic Uzbeks" to Deshti-Kipchak. At one time, the people who migrated to Mongolia began to be called "Kazakhs" in the Uzbek dynasty, and this name began to spread throughout the Khanate. Struggle for power Zhanibek Khan and his allies contributed to the unification of Kazakhs and the establishment of the Kazakh Khanate.
In the middle of the 15th century, the Turkic tribes that inhabited the Zhetysu region from time immemorial united into one ethnic group and formed the Kazakh people. Zhanibek Khan and Kerei Khan contributed a lot to the reunification of the Kazakhs living along the Zhetisu region, along the Shu and Talas rivers. With this goal, they suppressed mutual conflicts and gathered large feudal lords in their neighborhood.
There is no data about Janibek Khan's strengthening of power after returning to Deshti-Kipchak, his last years of life and his death. His name appears in historical records for the last time in 1473. In subsequent years only Kerey Khan was mentioned. It can be assumed that Janibek Khan was killed in one of the frequent battles. In the preserved folk legends and poems, Khan Zhanibek was called Az Zhanibek.
## Sources
## References
* West Kazakhstan region. Encyclopedia. — Almaty: "Arys" publishing house, 2002 ISBN 9965-607-02-8
* Political explanatory dictionary. - Almaty, 2007. ISBN 9965-32-491-3 |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7540 | Georg Simmel | Georg Simmel (1858-1918) is a German philosopher and sociologist.
Simmel considered the problems of the philosophy of culture as a representative of the current of the philosophy of life. According to Simmel's knowledge, the concept of "life" is the process of creative formation, which can be achieved by using internal impulses, emotional energy and rational means.
The complex waves of life are often found in different forms of culture. Simmel's views on life and the role of individuals were often found in his works on Goethe, Rembrandt, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and many essays on the history and philosophy of other cultures. Simmel recognizes culture as the result of spiritual and practical work, as a conscious, subtle expression of the form of life.
For Simmel, culture is a form of living. There is a contradiction between culture and life, influencing various political and cultural movements. According to Simmel, the source of creativity is the person and his cognitive power. According to that knowledge, creative vision, a "world" of various cultures is formed: religion, philosophical sciences, art, etc. All of them, with their uniqueness, find a lot in cultural studies.
Simmel's concerns about cultural studies, based on "Concepts and tragedy of cultural studies" (1911-1912), "Problem of conflict in modern culture", "Concept of cultural tragedy", etc. found many in his works.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5313 | Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions | Conference of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, as the head of state and a politician fully aware of the growing role of religion in society, proposed to hold the world and traditional religions forum in Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As organizers of such events, such a proposal would come only from representatives of leading religions and confessions. One such event aimed at establishing interfaith dialogue was the meeting of representatives of world religions and denominations in Assisi, Italy in October 1986 and January 2002.
According to the President of Kazakhstan, the dialogue between the leaders of the world and traditional religions, based on general aspects and accurate information about each other, will pave the way for a wide future for mutual cooperation and help prevent negative manifestations of our time, such as violence, fanaticism, extremism and terrorism.
## 1st Congress
Conceptual thought of the 1st Congress and dialogue between religions as a means of resolving disputes was opposed to the methods of violence and terrorism in inter-confessional and inter-ethnic relations. The purpose of the 1st Congress was based on the search for common human figures in world and traditional religious forms, the creation of an international inter-confessional institute that is constantly active for the realization of religious dialogue and the adoption of agreed decisions. Among the participants of the forum, an open discussion about the role of religion in the modern world and the general humanity of the basic moral values of any religion was achieved. Problems related to determining the causes of disputes on religious grounds, the need to improve inter-religious harmony, mutual respect for each other, and learning based on the traditions of other nations were raised. At the 1st Congress, a bold step was taken in the direction of strengthening structural agreement and establishing negotiations between civilizations, confessions, countries and peoples. It was emphasized that interreligious dialogue is one of the main keys to social development and improving the well-being of all people. According to the results of the congress, the delegates came to the opinion that interfaith dialogue should be deepened and the ability to conduct debates should be established. Problems related to determining the causes of disputes on religious grounds, the need to improve inter-religious harmony, mutual respect for each other, and learning based on the traditions of other nations were raised. As a special and memorable event, the forum once again showed the relevance of the idea of cooperation and unity of representatives of different religions and the need to implement it for the peaceful and proper living of the people of the whole world. The idea of the congress was supported by K. Annan, J. Bush, M. Thatcher, Jiang Zemin, N. Mandela, J. d'Estaing, M. Gorbachev and other prominent politicians of the world. At the conclusion of the forum, a Declaration was adopted, in which the spiritual leaders spoke about the joint actions to ensure peace and progress for humanity and stability in society as a basis for peace in the future. The victory of the previous event was confirmed in the Decision of the 1st Congress to hold an inter-religious forum once every 3 years. In this decision, Kazakhstan was given the status of organizing the 2nd Congress of world and traditional religious leaders in Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was instructed to develop all aspects related to the creation of the Congress Secretariat.
## II Congress
On September 12-13, 2006 in Astana, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. The 2nd Congress of world and traditional religious leaders was held under the chairmanship of Nazarbayev. The congress was held in the "Palace of Peace and Reconciliation", which was built to hold a new, special forum. The congress was held under the general theme of "Religion, society and international security", "Freedom of religious belief and respect for representatives of other religions" and "The role of religious leaders in ensuring international security". On the first day of the Forum, the "Principles of Interreligious Dialogue" were adopted, which reflected the main components that the Forum participants were guided by during the work of the Congress. Speeches at the congress expressed gratitude to the Republic of Kazakhstan and its President for organizing the Religion Forum, where interfaith dialogue was used as a means of resolving disputes against the methods of violence and terror in inter-confessional and inter-ethnic relations. At the conclusion of the congress, the participants adopted a joint declaration calling on representatives of all religious and ethnic groups not to create conflicts on the basis of cultural and religious differences. This document reflected the global need to replace the "ideology of conflicts" with "world culture". According to the unanimous agreement of the participants of the forum, it was decided to hold the next III Congress of world and traditional religious leaders in Astana in 2009. After the end of the forum, all religious leaders and honored guests, led by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, went up to the hall on the upper floor of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation and left a commemorative inscription under their portraits. In the future, these notes were published as a separate book with portraits of the II Congress delegates and excerpts from their speeches. 43 delegations from more than 20 countries representing all world traditional religions and confessions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism and others took part in the work of the forum. Famous political and public figures, including UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura, UN Deputy Secretary General Sergey Ordzhonikidze, former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohammad Mahathir, as well as representatives of legislative bodies and non-governmental organizations of various countries were invited as honored guests.
## III Congress
III Congress of world and traditional religious leaders was held on July 1-2, 2009 in Astana (Kazakhstan). More than 60 delegations of world religious denominations took part in it. Representatives of the UN, OSCE, UNESCO and other international organizations were part of the delegations that participated in the congress. During the congress, the Supreme Imam of Al-Azhar University Sheikh Muhammad Saeed Tantawi, Secretary General of the World Islamic League from Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, UAE, Kuwait, China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, USA, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan Sheikh Abdallah Ben Abdel Muhsin Al-Turki and the General Secretary of the World Association for the Preaching of Islam Muhammad Ahmad al-Sharif participated. From the Christian confessions, representatives of the Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox, Anglican, Constantinople Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic Church, World Lutheran Federation expressed their intention to participate. Delegations led by Cardinal Jean-Louis Toran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue from the Vatican, Bishop Nicholas Baynes from the Church of England, Emmanuel, Metropolitan of France from the Church of Constantinople, Dr. Ishmael Noko, Secretary General of the Lutheran World Union from the Lutheran Federation will participate. The Jewish delegations were led by Israel's Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger and Israel's Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar. In addition, representatives of the Buddhist religion from the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, Japan, Thailand and South Korea took part in the work of the Congress.
The delegations were represented by the vice president of the Japanese Shinto Church Association, Tsunekie Tanaka, the vice president of the Japanese Shinto Church Association, Shantilal Somaya, the chairman of the Institute for the Study of Indology and Interreligious Dialogue, the chairman of the Chinese Taoist Association, and the president of the Zoroastrian World Zoroastrian Cultural Heritage Council represented the delegations. Homi Burjor Dhalla led the meeting. Well-known politicians and public figures were invited as guests of honor. Among them are Israeli President Shimon Peres, UN Deputy Secretary General, Director General of the UN European Department Sergey Ordzhonikidze, OSCE Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambault, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos, former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Bondevik, Director of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Secretariat Mark Shoyer and other officials were there.
On the first day of the congress, a general session entitled "The role of religious leaders in creating a world based on mutual respect, cooperation and tolerance" was held. And the next day, the event continued in three parts: "Moral and religious values", "Interview and cooperation", "Discussion, especially in times of crisis". According to the results of the forum, the appeal of the participants of the III Congress was accepted.
## IV Congress
On May 30-31, 2012, the IV Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions took place in Astana. The main theme of the forum was "Peace and harmony is the choice of humanity", and 85 delegations from 40 countries participated in it. The first meeting of the Council of Religious Leaders was held during the IV congress, where it was decided to define priorities and mechanisms of dialogue and to promote cultural and economic cooperation with other forums and international organizations. aimed at providing.
According to the results of the congress, the appeal of the participants was accepted. This document contains deep spiritual appeals. The religious leaders called all humanity to cooperation, peace and harmony, justice and creativity for the future of this planet.
## V Congress
On June 10-11, 2015, the V Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions was held in Astana. This event was attended by more than 80 delegations from 42 countries, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, King Abdullah II of Jordan, President of Finland Sauli Niinistler. The work of the Forum was given special urgency due to the growing ethnic and religious conflicts in different parts of the world at that time and the increase in geopolitical pressure in the world.
The main theme of the congress was "Dialogue for peace and development", because the main step to establishing peace and harmony in the world is the willingness to compromise. According to the results of the congress, a joint declaration was adopted by the participants and all political and religious figures of different countries 21 An appeal was made about the need to stand together against the criticisms and threats of the century.
## External links
* Official website of the Congress Secretariat |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6279 | United States | The United States of America (English: United States of America [ði juˌnaɪtɪd ˌsteɪts əv əˈmerɪkə]), commonly used form USA (English. USA) or United States (English. United States, US, US, colloquially - America) is a country in North America . The area is 9.5 million km² (4th place in the world).
Population — 329 million people (2019 census, 3rd place in the world). The capital is Washington. Largest cities by population: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, Houston, Washington, Dallas, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Seattle. 66% of the population are Protestants, about 26% are Catholics. The head of government and state is the president. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament (congress) consisting of representatives of the House and the Senate.
## Geography
A large country in the Western Hemisphere. Almost all of its territory is in North America. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. It is bordered by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.
The vast majority of the US territory is located in the temperate and subtropical zone, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The state of Alaska is subarctic and arctic, and the state of Hawaii is in the tropical zone of the Pacific Ocean. 1/2 of the terrain (in the west of the country) is occupied by high mountain ranges and mountainous plateaus. The country's interior plains (Central Great Plains) lie between the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains. Along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean lie the Atlantic and Mexican lowlands. The highest mountain in the USA is McKinley (6193 m) on the Alaska Peninsula. The subsoil is very rich in minerals and mineral resources. It ranks first in the world in terms of iron, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, and uranium reserves. Coal (Appalachian Mountains), oil and gas (Mexican Plains, Great Plains) have been found. And the Cordillera mountains are rich in raw materials of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.
The average temperature in January in Alaska is -18°С, in the north of the Central Plains -24.8°С. In the south-west of the country, the average temperature in January reaches 12°С, on the Florida peninsula it reaches 20°С. The average temperature in July ranges from 14 to 22°С on the west coast, from 16 to 22°С in the east, and rises to 32°С in the central plains. The highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere was observed in Azhal Valley (56.7°С). The amount of precipitation is 3000-4000 mm on the windward slopes of Alaska and the Pacific coast; 1000 - 2000 mm in the eastern and coastal zone; 600-900 mm in the Central Plains, 400-600 mm in the Great Plains, and less than 100 mm in the Mojave Desert (Death Valley). The largest amount of precipitation is in the Hawaiian Islands (10,000 mm). The largest rivers: Mississippi (6420 km along with the Missouri tributary), Ohio, Colorado, Columbia, Rio Grande, Yukon. Most belong to the Atlantic and Pacific basins. The Great Lakes in the northeast of the country (Lake Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario) make up the world-famous lake system. All of them are interconnected and occupy an area of 245 thousand km². Niagara Falls, which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario, is located here. There are about 270 natural areas under state protection (national parks, natural monuments, nature reserves) in the USA. The largest of them: Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia, Grand Canyon, etc.
The climate of the United States is uniformly temperate and subtropical. And in the northern state of Alaska, arctic cold is noticeable in winter.
## History
Indians have lived on the land of the present USA since ancient times. After Christopher Columbus discovered America (1492-1503), in the 16th century, England, Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Sweden began to colonize North America. By the 1860s, England had conquered almost all of North America. At the beginning of the 17th century, slaves from Africa were brought to America for hard labor. The intensification of colonial exploitation caused the war for independence (1775-83).
1776 On July 4, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, which announced the creation of the United States. 13 English colonies united and became an independent state, England was defeated in the war of independence called the 1st American-bourgeois revolution. 1783 according to the peace treaty, England recognized the independence of the USA. 1787 The US Constitution was adopted and George Washington was elected as the country's first president. 1776 Thomas Jefferson, the author of the draft of the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Intercontinental Congress, who made a great contribution to the democratization of society in 1800, 1804. He was elected president of the United States. He pursued a policy of compromise between different social groups. He abolished some reactionary laws, reduced the army, navy, and state apparatus. Established diplomatic relations with Russia. In the first half of the 19th century, the territory of the USA increased considerably. 1803 US West Louisiana, 1819. Florida, 1867 Alaska was added. 1823 The Monroe Doctrine was announced, where America and Europe should not interfere in each other's internal affairs. 1809 it was forbidden to bring slaves into the country. However, this case continued in secret. 1790 If there are 760 thousand black slaves in the USA, in 1860 they reached 4 million. Slaves who couldn't bear the severe oppression and humiliation rebelled and fled to the north. In the North, slavery was abolished in a number of states.
In World War I, the US was on the side of the Entente. The reforms of the Franklin Roosevelt administration between the two world wars have a special place in the history of the United States. These reforms, called "New Direction", brought the country out of a severe economic crisis and created a democratic model of society. Roosevelt also made changes in foreign policy. He pursued a policy of "friendly neighborhood" in Latin America, "isolation" in Europe, and "open doors" in Asia.
During World War II, the United States took an active part in creating the Union of States Against Fascism and conducted military operations in the Pacific Ocean, Europe, and Africa. To the war in 1941. Started on December 7, 1945. Finished on September 2. After the war, the USA and the USSR created separate military and political alliances, dividing the world into two camps. This "Cold War" lasted until the mid-80s.
### Brief Chronological Table
16th century — Europeans began to migrate to North America after Christopher Columbus discovered America. They mercilessly massacred the main population of this continent - Indians. The surviving Indians were pushed to barren places - reservations.
The 17th century - mainly immigrants from Great Britain settled on the Atlantic coast - was called the colony. 18th century in the end, 13 colonies were freed from British rule and an independent state - the United States of America - was formed. The 50 white stars in the blue square in the upper left corner of the American flag correspond to the number of states in the United States today.
1776 - The US declaration of independence is published
1812-1815 - Anglo-American war
1819 - The US annexes the state of Florida for 5 million people. buys for dollars.
1846-1849 — US-Mexican War
1861-1865 — American Civil War
1867 — buys the state of Alaska from Russia
1917 — USA First enters the World War and joins the Entente Union
1941 — Pearl Harbor incident. USA enters the Second World War
1945 - Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic attack
1950-1953 - Korean War
1962 - Caribbean crisis.
1964-1973 — Vietnam War
1969 — Astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong lands on the moon
1991 — First Iraq War
2001 — September 11 tragedy \< >
2003 — The Second Iraq War
Diplomatic relations with the USA were established after Kazakhstan gained independence.
## State structure
According to the US constitution adopted in 1787, certain powers of state power are given to the US federal government. State powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution are exercised by the states of the United States.
The US constitution has the principle of separation of powers, whereby the federal government consists of legislative, executive, and judicial branches that act independently of each other.
* The highest legislative body is the US bicameral Congress: the lower house is the House of Representatives; the upper house is the Senate.
* lower house — House of Representatives;
* upper chamber — Senate.
* The highest executive authority is the President of the United States. The president is the head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (see the list of US presidents). There is also a position of vice president.
* The supreme body of judicial power is the US Supreme Court.
There are two main parties in the USA: Republican and Democratic. There are many other smaller parties.
## Foreign Policy
US foreign policy is aimed at achieving two main goals — ensuring the security of the state and its citizens and ensuring the well-being of the country's citizens.
## Administrative structure
Administratively, it is made up of 50 states (the state of Hawaii formed from the 48 contiguous states and Alaska in the northwest of the continent, the Hawaiian Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean) and the federal state of Colombia consists of the region. States are divided into 3133 regions (or corresponding administrative divisions).
## Economy
According to the International Monetary Fund, the US $22.7 trillion GDP is 24% of GDP at market exchange rates and 24% of GDP at purchasing power parity was more than 16%. In October 2021, the US national debt was $28.2 trillion.
The United States is the largest importer of goods and the second largest exporter, but has a low per capita export rate. The largest import-export partners of the USA are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and the European Union.
The subsoil of the states contains fuel and energy raw materials, iron, non-ferrous minerals, natural sulfur, uranium raw materials, phosphorites, potassium salts, etc. rich in useful minerals.
US industry is the leading sector of the entire economy. Oil and gas play an important role in its energy balance, heavy and light industry is flourishing. The machine-building industry produces various equipment for the automotive, aviation and electrical engineering industries. Nuclear industry, textile and sewing industry are particularly developed.
Mechanized farms play a leading role in US agriculture. The main crops grown there are wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beets, and cotton. Cattle, pigs, and sheep are raised in animal husbandry, and chicken and turkey breeding is widely developed.
## Population
USA is the 4th most populous country in the world (after China, India, Russia). The main nationality of Americans is the result of a mixture of people who migrated to America from various European countries (from the 1st half of the 17th century, mainly Englishmen, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, etc.). From the middle of the 19th century, the vast majority of immigrants came from Ireland, Germany, Scandinavian countries, and from the 80s of the 19th century, from Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and other countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. In total, 64 million immigrants from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa moved to the USA in 1790-1994. That is why the USA is sometimes called the nation of immigrants.
August 1 According to the first census conducted on August 1, 1790, 3.9 million people live in the United States.
In 1915, this indicator was equal to 100 million.
In 1967, the population exceeded 200 million.
On October 17, 2006, the 300 millionth person was born in the USA at 7:46 a.m. according to the census.
According to the last population census conducted in April 2010, 308 million 745 thousand 538 people live in the USA. This indicator has increased by 9.7% compared to the previous census of 2000.
Americans speak English, but there are differences in speech and vocabulary.
## Medical and sanitary conditions
Medical care is mainly provided by private doctors. Although the number of medicines and hospital beds is considerable, medical care is expensive for the working masses. In the 1950s, the average annual out-of-pocket cost of medical care was $10.2 billion. And local and federal authorities spent 1.8 billion dollars. Municipalities and philanthropic organizations that provide medical care free of charge are found in small numbers. There is no state social security at all. Voluntary bereavement society works only at the expense of contributions from people who bereaved themselves. In 1957, 10 million people were provided with all types of medical care.
## Music
US music was born and formed on the basis of the fusion of cultures of different nations in the second half of the 18th century. The first settlers to America brought the centuries-old tradition of European music. The actions of the new land owners took place in the midst of the struggle with the African-Americans and the musical folklore of the Indians. Especially African-American works, church hymns and lyrical songs of the Mississippi coast were widespread. However, the broad lords and judges of the Church of England demanded that the psalms be performed instead. But it did not last long. In the 18th century, the number of Europeans increased here, world music and European musical instruments became popular. During the war of independence in 1775-1783, the musical genre developed rapidly. The creative work of the first American composers, F. Hopkinson and W. Billings, begins in this period. The "theater of minstrelsy" played a big role in the formation of the American style. USA is home to many famous people. Among them, prominent political figures include Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Fulton, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, and others. there is
## Holidays
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5199 | Нұрпейісова | Dina Kenzhekyny Nurpeyisova (1861, Beketai kum, Zhanakala district, West Kazakhstan region - January 31, 1955, Almaty) is a famous Kazakh music composer, People's Artist of Kazakhstan.
## Biography
Born from Tolengit tribe. At the age of 75, Dina took part in the republican competition of folk artists in 1937, at the first All-Union competition of artists playing folk instruments held in Moscow, and then in 1944, at the age of 83, at the ten-day festival in Tashkent, where artists from five Central Asian republics participated.
Even when Dina grew up in her parents' house, she used to emulate the status of the musicians such as Ak Dauletkerey, Musirali, Alikey, Turkesh, Uzak, Eszhan, Baijuma, Balamaisang, and was called "drummer girl". The famous Kurmangazy came looking for her after hearing about the fame of Karshadayi girl. He admired Dina's drumming, had high hopes for her future, and blessed her. After that, without taking a look at Dina, he always goes round and round, joins the discussions and teaches the deep secrets of playing the dombra. From the age of nine to the age of nineteen, Dina will be under the care of Kurmangazy. It was not only Dina who was lucky to have such a fighting musician as Kurmangazy as her teacher, but it was also the happiness of Kazakh music.
According to her granddaughter Balzhan Nurpeyisova, our sister Dina married Makat's son Nurpeyis at the age of 18-19. In those years, her last name was registered as Nurpeyisova in the documents. Nurpeyis Makatuly died early, and they left descendants named Jamal, Kairat, Zhurynbay. In 1885, widowed at a young age, Dina married her brother-in-law Nuraly.
## Works
Dina's beautiful and lovely compositions were born in the years when she saw the love of her husband and was blessed with the happiness of a child. In the Uzatys, the tune "Karakaska at" composed for the Karakas horse that his father had ridden as his offspring, tunes such as "Bulbul", "Dzhiger", "Baijuma", which he composed in imitation of his famous musicians Dauletkerey and Turkesh, "Kerbez" dedicated to his smart and intelligent, beautiful and secretive brother. " state, "Sixteenth Year" ("Nabor"), which was drawn by the eldest son Zhurymbai when he was drafted into the army according to the "June decree" of 1916, "Kosalka" state born out of admiration for his esteemed contemporaries, "Asem konur" dedicated to his son Konyr, as sweet as honey and as close as liver meat. mood, these are the unique moods that clearly show Dina's own signature. Through these tunes, Dina extended the field of Kazakh tunes and raised the height, and she herself equalized her window with the great tunes.
Even in Soviet times, Dina devoted her dreams and hopes to the path of her people. Despite his advanced age, he released tunes such as "Toibastar" on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan, "Mother's Order" and "Victory" during the Patriotic War. It's true that the bad politics and flamboyant ideology caused by the repressive harshness of the society blocked Dina's talent. They tried to deprive him of his back (inspiration) and make him a slave of extreme sloganeering. He named the tunes "Enbek er", "Milkman", "Stalin", "Delegate", "Vegetable" and turned them into slogans of official celebrations.
## Last days
Dina Kenzhekovna died on January 31, 1955 at the age of 94 in Almaty. Balzhan Nurpeyisova says about her grandmother's last days: "She was not mistaken in her words until her death. The holy black dombra was his companion from childhood and he had such a powerful habit that five to ten minutes before his death, he removed the dombra that was hanging by his bed, caressed it, tapped it gently, and played Kurmangazy's "Kairan Checham". Although his weak fingers could not bend, he passed away while reproducing the mood in his chest.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7061 | Mercury (planet) | Bolpan or Mercury or Cholpan, Tansholpan, Kishi Cholpan is the closest to the Sun and the 1st smallest planet of the Solar System. It revolves around the sun in 88 days. And it goes around its waist for a long time in 59 days, one day of Bolpan corresponds to 176 days of the Earth. Bolpan is very difficult to control. If the surface temperature is +400 degrees during the day, it drops to -200 degrees at night. That is, it snows at night. There are no clouds above the planet, and the planet does not have a thick atmosphere. The sky is dark, the stars are bright from Bolpan, the sun looks like a ball with a big crown. The surface of Mercury is covered with craters formed by falling meteorites. Cholpan is called "Mercury" in the world, this name is given in honor of the ancient Greek god Hermes. Average distance from the sun. 0.387 a.b. (58 million km), the period of rotation of the Sun is 88 days, the period of rotation about its axis is 58.6 days, the average diam. 4878 km, mass 3.3×1023 kg; A very rare atmosphere contains Ar, Ne, He. M. face out. Mercury was the god of the ancient Romans.
Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it is very difficult to observe. However, according to the latest radio observations, it was found that Mercury rotates very slowly, which means that a day on this planet is about 176 days on Earth. But because it is closer to the sun, its orbit is smaller than that of the earth. Since Mercury is small in size and mass, it cannot maintain a stable atmosphere around it.
Mercury has no companion.
A detailed map of Mercury was determined based on the data collected by experts of the US National Space Administration using interplanetary probes. Since then, as the metal core has cooled, it can be seen that the diameter of the planet has decreased by 14 kilometers over the last 4 billion years. As a result of this process, mountain ranges appear on the surface of the earth, some of them are 3 km high.
Despite its high temperature, Mercury is not the hottest planet in the solar system. Its location is closest to the sun, but Venus has a higher temperature. Venus is 2nd from the sun, the total distance is about 107-108 million km. The air temperature here is 460-462 degrees Celsius. This process is due to the fact that Venus, unlike Mercury, has an atmosphere beneath a dense ball of carbon dioxide that traps the heat generated.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5070 | Yusupbek Aimauytov | Zhusipbek Aymauytov (1889–1931) is an outstanding Kazakh writer, playwright, publicist, one of the founders of Kazakh literature.
In 1917-1919, he joined the Alash party, and on December 1, 1919, when the Soviet government was established in Semey and Gubrevkom was formed, he became a member together with many Kazakh youth (Semei regional state archive, 72- fund, 19-list-1, bundle 7 -3).
In 1920, Zhusipbek Aimauytuly participated as a delegate to the Constituent Congress of Kazakhstan Soviets, in 1921 he worked as the head of Semey gubernia educational department, editor of "Kazakh tili" newspaper and secretary of journalists' bureau. In 1922-24, he worked as a school teacher in Karkaraly, and in 1924-26, he worked as a department head in "Ak Zhol" newspaper. He studied at the Kazakh Institute (Tashkent), in 1926-29 he was a teacher and director of the Shymkent Pedagogical Technical College.
Shortly before this, that is, on the eve of the famine, sympathizers of the nation created an organization called "Zhanar" in Semipalatinsk with the aim of helping the depressed country. The main goal of the organization was to help ordinary people, take care of young people on the path of national freedom, and involve them in education and politics. Zhusipbek Aimauytuly, along with his co-operatives, lends a helping hand during the terrible famine that brought misery to the people. He supports and helps from a cultural and spiritual point of view, socially. During the 1930s, when the great male talent fell under the bloody clutches of the USSR Central Intelligence Agency (Russian: NKVD USSR), he was shot on April 21, 1930 in the Butyrka prison in Moscow.
## Life
He was born and raised in the former "Kyzyl tu" (now Zhusipbek Aimautov) village of Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region. The Argyn tribe originated from the Suyindyk clan of Kulboldy.
Although his father Aimauyt was poor, his great-grandfathers Dandebay and Kuan were famous, rich, and skilled people.
Jusupbek learned to read and recognize Arabic letters from an early age. 1907 Since then, he has been studying at the Russian-Kazakh two-class school in Bayanaul, at the Kaziny agricultural school in Kereku (Pavlodar), and at the Russian-Kazakh two-class school in Kereku. On the one hand, he educates children and earns money.
1911–1914 works as a teacher in the village.
In 1914, he was admitted to the teachers' seminary in Semipalatinsk. It was completed in 1918.
After that, he got involved in the affairs of the Alashordans, published the magazine "Abay" in Semey, and K. With Satbaev, M. Meets Auezov.
Later, he separated from Alashorda and joined the Communist Party (1919).
Participated as a delegate to the Constituent Congress of the Soviets of Kazakhstan and was appointed deputy commissar of the People's Education Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR (1920).
After that, he became the head of Semey gubernia educational department (1921), editor of "Kazakh tili" newspaper.
Worked as a school teacher in Karkaraly (1922–1924), head of the section of the newspaper "Ak Zhol" published in Tashkent (1924–1926), director of the Shymkent Pedagogical Technical College (1926–1929).
1929 During the beginning of the Soviet persecution, he was arrested on suspicion of having connections with a nationalist organization in Kazakhstan, and after a long investigation, he was sentenced to death in absentia in 1931. The directorship of the technical school of pedagogy in Shymkent - all this shows the path of Aimautov's struggle to establish a new life, milestones in his life. 1929 Jhusipbek, who was hanged on a hook during the beginning of the war, 1931. shot.
## Works
The rich legacy born from the pen of Yusupbek M.O. The scientists of the Auezov Institute of Literature and Art collected it, conducted a scientific analysis, and published it in five volumes in 1996-1999. Thus, the Kazakh reader is successfully reacquainted with the works of the famous artist after more than 60 years have passed.
He was the first to introduce lyricism in artistic prose in Kazakh literature, as well as a subtle stylistic artist who accurately touched the best example of the landscape, the deep twists of psychology. 1918-19 Together with M. Auezov, he published the magazine "Abay" in Semipalatinsk, under the pseudonym "Ekeu", together with Auezov, he published "Abai's life and activities" (1918, No. 2), "Poets after Abay" ("Abay", 1918, No. 3). wrote articles. A's artistic works are esthete. with the range of color, artistic power, stylistic individuality, he formed a direction in Kazakh literature. A. ped. While working in educational institutions, he wrote works and educational materials aimed at the comprehensive education of the young generation. His ped., psych. and major works written in the field of methodology played a significant role in their time.
Zh. Aimayutuli worked hard in various fields of national speech art. Born from his pen, especially the world of poetry ("Saryarka's greeting", "Moving", "Light state", etc.), perfect prose ("Singer", "Ghost", "On the road", "Black witch" - stories), "Kunikey's Plain", "Old Man", "Akbilek" (novels), well-known dramas ("Sylan Kyz", "Mansapkhorlar", "Rabiga", "El Kurguny", "Kanapiya - Sharbanu", "Sherniyaz") , famous translations ("The Miser", "The Stone Guest" (A.S. Pushkin), "The Observer" (N.V. Gogol), "The Poor" (V. Hugo), "Dameli", (F. Duchene) , "A Story in the Mountain Country" (S. Chuikov), his critical criticism - "On Magzhan's Poetry", "On Translation", "Song of the Falcon", that he is a qualified connoisseur of the soul system - "Guide to Education", "Psychology", "Ways of Complex Teaching" ", "New Village", etc., showed his natural talent in all aspects. Tales for children, "Bad Boy", "Shal and Old Woman", "Three Girls" The most important thing is that these works are meaningful even today with their spiritual and educational aspects.
Any of the legacies born from the pen of Zhusipbek Aimautov is a vivid testimony of his great talent, humanist artistry, and unwavering patriotism. His works are intended to meet the needs of the time he lived in, the society he was involved in, and to improve its white and black. At the same time, the power of the artistic wheel, the clarity of his ideological positions, and his skill in using words will guarantee the viability of Zhusipbek's works.
## New discoveries
A dozen unpublished stories and more than fifty articles and essays of Alash's moon-like personality, master of Kazakh black speech, Zhusipbek Aimautov, have been found. Nurzhan Kuantayuly, a talented poet, literary scholar, researcher of the heritage of Zhuseken, who rummaged through dark warehouses and dusty archives in a cage and found treasures, and now offers these pearls to the public. We would like to mention that these works of Zhusipbek Aimauytuly were not included in his 5-volume complete collection published by "Gylym" publishing house, and were not published anywhere for the second time.
The story "Insignificant Men" was published in the 6th issue of November 1924 of the literary magazine "Saule", a supplement of the "Ak Zhol" newspaper published in Tashkent in the 1920s. We remind you again that Nurzhan KUANTAYULY, candidate of philological sciences, is presenting the story from Arabic into modern font.
## Films
* 1994 — "A word about Alash" Director: K. Umarov
Genre: "Documentary" Production: "Kazakhtelefilm"
\< > * 2009 — "Alashorda" Director: K. Umarov
Genre: "Documentary" Production: "Kazakhfilm" named after Shaken Aymanov
## Sources
## Links
* Aimauytov Zhusipbek
* Site of Zh. Aimauytov Archived on October 28, 2020.
* D. Iskaguly. Multifaceted talent
* A. Demchenko. Zhusipbek Aimauytov, who did not count on time
* Zhusipbek Aimauytov |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6138 | Йемен | Yemen (Arabic: اليمن), the official name is the Republic of Yemen (Arabic: الحموريّة اليمنية) is a country located in the Southern and Southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It was formed on May 22, 1990 as a result of the voluntary merger of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. The land area is about 532 thousand km2. Population - 17 million. (1999). The inhabitants are mainly Arabs, besides Indians, Pakistanis, Ethiopians, Somalis, Jews. More than 100 thousand nomadic tribes live in the east and north-east of the country. The official language is Arabic. The state religion is Islam (Shiite, Sunni, and Ismaili sects are developed simultaneously).
The capital is Sanaa (1 million), Aden is considered the economic capital. According to the constitution adopted in 1991, the head of state, president and vice-president are elected every 5 years in general elections (since 1994 - A.A. Saleh). These two positions are headed by the Presidential Council. The supreme legislative body is a unicameral parliament (with 801 deputies). The country is administratively divided into 16 provinces. National holiday May 22 - National Day, that is, the day of unity of the Yemeni people. The currency is the Yemeni rial.
## Geography
Yemen is located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Red and Arabian seas of the Indian Ocean.
It borders Oman (to the east) and Saudi Arabia (to the north) by land.
In the northeast of Yemen lie hot, rocky deserts that haven't seen rain in years. The mountains of Yemen that separate this desert from the coastal plain receive heavy rainfall each winter.
## Etymology
One etymology is from Yemen, from "ymnt" meaning "south".
Other sources say that Yemen is related to yamn or yumn, which means "happiness" or "blessing", because much of the country is fertile.
The Romans called it Arabia Felix ("fertile Arabia"), in contrast to Arabia Deserta ("desert Arabia").
Latin and Greek writers referred to ancient Yemen as "India", which originated from the Persians, who named the Abyssinians, who came into contact with them in South Arabia, by the name of the black people who lived next to them.
## Nature
2/3 of its land is a mountainous plateau. The highest point is En-Nabi-Shaib mountain (3600 m). The eastern part is occupied by the Rub al-Khali desert, and the western part by the Tihama valley. There are many extinct volcanoes. The climate is tropical, mostly dry. The average temperature in January is 23.1°C, in June it is 31°C. Annual amount of precipitation. From 100 mm (in the west) to 500 mm (near Sana). There are few rivers. The largest ones are Mur, Siham, Rema, Zabid, etc. The land is red-brown, salty soil; The plateau side is arid steppe, mountain valleys are sparsely forested. A palm tree grows in pleasant places. Animals: antelope, wild donkey - onager, wolf, fox, leopard, monkey, etc. occurs.
## History
Yemen is one of the centers of ancient civilization, although its history is little studied.
### The ancient state of
Yemen has long existed at the crossroads of cultures with a strategic trading position in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. Large-scale settlements of that time existed in the mountains of northern Yemen as early as 5000 BC. e. In the territory of the country in ancient times there were states of Saba, Ausan and Main.
The kingdom of Saba at least B.C. It appeared in the XI century. The four main tribal confederations are Saba, Hadramaut, Qataban and Main. The rulers of Saba adopted the title of Muqarrib, which usually means unifier or priest-king or head of a confederation of southern Arabian kingdoms, possibly meaning "king of kings".
Mukarrib's role was to subjugate the various tribes to the kingdom and preside over them all.
940 AD e. The Sabeans built the Marib Dam, and the dam was built to control the seasonal floods that poured into the valley.
### Middle Ages
In the 4th century, the Himyarite kingdom was established, which united these 2 states and other small states.
In the 6th century, the Himyarite state was conquered by the Ethiopians, in 570 by the Sassanid dynasty, and in 629-630 it was included in the Arab caliphate. At this time Arab-Muslim culture flourished.
Yemen was conquered by the Ottoman Sultanate in the 16th century, but their rule did not last long. As a result of popular uprisings, Turkish troops were forced to leave the country in 1633, and the power of the Imams of the Zeid family was established in the country.
### New Age
The imams tried to create a centralized state, but the leaders of large tribes sought individual power. Taking advantage of this conflict, the Europeans (the Dutch, the English, the French, the Portuguese) tried to establish themselves in the country from the 17th century and exerted various pressures. As a result, in 1872, the Imamate collapsed and the country returned to the control of the Ottoman Sultanate.
The Imams intensified their armed struggle against the Ottoman Sultanate, and in 1911 the Turkish government recognized the autonomy of North Yemen. In 1918, the country declared its independence. The people who rose up under the leadership of imams in 1926 in Hodeida, Tihama, etc. freed the lands from the British. In 1947, Yemen became a member of the UN. In 1962, after a popular uprising in the south of the country, the Imam's government was overthrown and the Yemen Arab Republic was declared. Civil war started in the country. In 1967, South Yemen was established as an independent state, and since 1970, it has been called the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. YAR - develops with market relations, YNDR social. entered the path of development. The intensification of internal political conflicts within the country, armed conflicts with neighboring states (1972, 1979, 1986-87, 1994) forced the two countries to unite, and in 1990, the Yemeni people were reunited. In 1994, armed conflicts broke out between the military forces of North and South Yemen, ending with the victory of the North. Currently, the government of Yemen is working to centralize the country and preserve its integrity.
### Armed conflict (2014)
Since 2014, Yemen has been fighting a military conflict between Houthi rebels and a coalition led by Saudi Arabia.
As a result, this country is experiencing a humanitarian disaster, thousands of civilians are dying of hunger; Using a UN database, Save the Children estimates that between 2015 and 2018, 85,000 children under the age of 5 died from severe acute malnutrition. The United Nations estimates that in 2018, nearly 14 million people are at risk of starvation after nearly four years of bloodshed.
## Economy
Yemen is one of the poorest Arab countries. In 2009, the GDP per capita was 2.5 thousand US dollars (only Sudan and Mauritania are lower in the Arab countries, and it is in 173rd place in the world).
Yemen's economic well-being depends on oil production and export (70% of the state budget income), its reserves are decreasing. Foreign aid is important—Yemen received $3.25 billion from Saudi Arabia in 2012 alone. In 2006, the country's authorities began implementing economic reforms (attracting foreign investors) in order to diversify the economy.
In 2009, Yemen's proven natural gas reserves were 490 billion cubic meters. At the end of 2009, the first line of the liquefied gas plant, located near the port of Balhaf in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, was commissioned and began to be exported. The main customers are South Korea and the USA.
Agriculture (10% of GDP, 75% of workers) - grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, coffee, cotton; dairy products, livestock (sheep, goat, cow, camel), poultry; fishing. Farmers grow cotton, fruits, and vegetables in valleys and terraced mountain slopes. Other Yemenis make a living by fishing; many make handicrafts and sell their products in markets.
Industry (51% of GDP) - oil production and processing (25% of GDP); small textile and leather enterprises; Food industry; handicrafts; a small aluminum smelter; cement production; repair of small ships.
The service industry makes up 39% of the gross domestic product.
### Foreign trade
Exports in 2017 - 501.2 million dollars - crude oil, coffee, dried and salted fish.
The main buyers are Egypt - 29.4%, Thailand - 16.7%, Belarus - 13.5%, Oman - 10.5%, UAE - 6.5%, Saudi Arabia - 5%.
Imports in 2017 - 4.573 billion dollars - food and livestock, industrial and chemical products.
Main suppliers - UAE - 12.2%, China - 12.1%, Turkey - 8.7%, Brazil - 7.3%, Saudi Arabia - 6.5%, Argentina - 5.5 %, India - 4.7%.
Foreign debt - 7.252 billion dollars (as of December 2017).
## Administrative division
Yemen is divided into 22 governorates, which are divided into 333 districts (muderiah), which are divided into 2,210 sub-districts, and then into 38,284 villages (as of 2001).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7342 | Қосалқа | Kosalka is Dauletkerey Shygayuly's musical work dedicated to the tinkling sound of earrings.
## Origin history
Kosalka state is one of the most popular states of Dauletkerey. The history of its origin is still unknown, but according to some sources, Dauletkerey was written when Kurmangazy visited him. After waiting for Kurmangazy and eating meat together, the two composers go out into the field. At the end, Kurmangazy says: "We hear your secretive and sensitive moods. Sarzhan, please make your daughter-in-law's behavior, her clinking earrings and necklace a mood." At that moment, the author sat down and drew a mood. This condition spread throughout the country and it was called Kosalka.
## Mood analysis
* Key: C - major (but sometimes played in G - major)
* Accent: Middle
* Type of performance: Chorus
* Genre: Custom tune
* Musical character: Fun
* Type: П V П V; P V P; VV
* Volume:p; pp ff; mf;
* Additional symbol: league
## Additional information
1944 - the dance "Kos Alka" from the Kosalka tune was performed for the first time at the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abay.
## Sources
Iskakov, R. (nd). The history of the origin of the secondary state. Zharar.kz https://zharar.kz/id/48916
## Links
* Kos Alka
* Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai
* https: //zharar.kz/id/48916 |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7159 | Baurzhan Momyshuly | Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (December 24, 1910, Kolbastau - June 10, 1982, Almaty) is a famous Kazakh military commander, a famous strategist and tactician in the Great Patriotic War, writer, Hero of the Soviet Union. 8th Guards Infantry Division since November 1941) 1073rd Infantry Regiment (19th Guards Regiment since November 1941) and battalion commander. In the Great Patriotic War, Major General I.V. From September 1941, he participated in the famous division headed by Panfilov. As a battalion commander, senior lieutenant Baurzhan Momyshuly participated in 27 battles in the battle for Moscow. On November 16-18, 1941, during the second campaign of the Wehrmacht in the direction of Moscow, the battalion led by senior lieutenant Momyshuly bravely fought on the Volokolamsk highway, near the village of Matronino. Thanks to the leadership of a skilled combatant, the battalion repulsed the fascist attack for 3 days and left the encirclement in a combat-ready condition without major losses.
Baurzhan Momyshuly is an individual who left an invaluable legacy enriching military pedagogy and military psychology. His fame, glory and heroism were described in the book "Volokolamsk Highway" by A. Bek. The book is in German, Czech, Hebrew, English, French, etc. translated into foreign languages. After the war, Baurzhan Momyshuly graduated from the Higher Military Academy of the General Staff of the Soviet Army. He works as a military teacher and teaches at the Military Academy of the Soviet Army.
After the country gained independence, he was awarded the title of "People's Hero" by the decree of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev.
## Biography
### Childhood
Baurzhan Momyshuly was born on December 24, 1910 in Kolbastau village, Zhualy district, Zhambyl region. From the Shmyr clan of the Dulat tribe.
Imash's grandfather died in 1911 at the age of 92. His father, Momysh, was one of the brightest people of that period who was literate in the old fashioned way on his own and learned to read the Cyrillic alphabet. He was a carpenter and shoemaker, known for his jewelry. In his old age, grandfather Imash handed over all the farm to his son Momysh. His grandmother's name is Kyztumas, in his old age he was called "yellow old lady" by his relatives. His mother, Razia, passed away early, and Baurzhan was raised by his grandmother Kyztumas from the age of 3.
In 1921, he entered Asa boarding school to study primary class. Since 1924, he studied at a seven-year school in the city of Shymkent. It was the first seven-year school in that region, opened in 1924. Abdilda Tazhibaev and Kurmanbek Sagindykov study in the same class as Baurzhan. In 1928, he graduated from school with honors and entered the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in Orinbor. The director of the institute was a man named Tokhtibaev. Seeing that the young boy was walking in thin clothes in the cold, he invited him to his office. He writes a note to the accounting office in the child's hand and says that he will receive money on this note and return to the village with that money. Due to such a living situation, he leaves school.
### Life before the war
* In 1928-1930 he was a teacher in an elementary school. For some time he works as the executive secretary of the district executive committee. He has been working in the district militia for about 6 months.
* Between 1932 and 1934 he served in the ranks of the Red Army. He graduated from the regimental school in 1933.
He returned to his native village and worked in a financial institution for several years.
* With the support of Timofey Dubovik, Baurzhan, who stood out for his work in the executive committee, will become the economist of Shymkent Industrial Bank. While working in this position, in 1936 he completed a one-year course at the Financial Academy in Leningrad with the referral of B. M. Barkhan, the head of the Republican Bank. Having assessed his qualifications, the management appoints him as a senior consultant to the republican management of the Industrial Bank of the USSR.
* In 1936, he was invited to the platoon command of the newly formed unit. At this time, he will be the company commander, the assistant to the chief of the regimental staff.
* In 1939, his father Momysh died.
### During the Second World War
* In 1941, he worked as an instructor of the Kazakh military commissariat. He participated in the Great Patriotic War from September 1941. He took an active part in the formation of the 316th infantry division and went to the front as part of that division.
* On November 26, 1941, Marshal Rokossovsky appointed him as the regimental commander.
* In 1941-1945, he was the commander of the battalion and regiment of the 8th Guards Division named after Panfilov, and in the last years of the war he was the commander of the said division.
* On June 6, 1942, he was awarded the "Red Star" Order.
* In 1944, due to his health, he was sent to the Almaty hospital.
* Baurzhan, who came to Almaty on January 16, 1945, was invited by scientists to give a lecture on the war and organized a meeting. The transcript of this lecture was later published as a book under the name "Psychology of War". At first, this work was published only in Russian, but in 2010, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, it was also published in Kazakh.
During the war, he stands out for his personal heroism and military skill in fighting. Several times he safely took out his soldiers from the enemy's encirclement. His bravery in the battle near Moscow already became a legend throughout the Union. Based on this, the well-known Russian writer A. Bek wrote the story "Volokolamskoe Shosse" (Kazakh "Arpalys"). This work will later be translated into several languages.
The inclusion of methods of withdrawal and retreat related to combat actions into a special chapter in the military statute, the formation of the concepts of "focal" and "flexible defense" in tactics are a set of such experiences of Baurzhan Momyshuly. Baurzhan Momyshuly was one of the first to use and develop the theory of infiltrating enemy lines in war practice.
Battle for Moscow
The battle at the bottom of Moscow was a special period in the life of Baurzhan Momyshuly. Young commander, battalion commander of the 1073rd infantry regiment, senior lieutenant Baurzhan Momyshuly, walked with his soldiers in the deep snow of the Moscow region, breached the fence five times, went into battle a total of 27 times, performed tactical maneuvers unprecedented in the history of war, and introduced innovations in military art. Commander Momyshuly was a perfect strategist, a great tactician, and a psychologist.
From November 16 to 18, 1941, during the Wehrmacht's second attack on Moscow, the battalion led by B. Momyshuly fought bravely on the Volokolamsk highway, far from his division, near the village of Matronino. Thanks to the talented leadership of Kombat, the German army hesitated in this area for 3 days. After this feat, the young combatant led his soldiers out of the siege in a fighting condition.
However, in times of chaos, some regiments, which are in a difficult situation, lose contact with their battalions and companies, and it becomes difficult to know where and in what condition the soldiers are. Baurzhan's first battalion was one of those who faced such a situation. Bauken now makes a concrete plan of retreat. A scout consisting of 15 people who walk in front of the battalion (reconnaissing the front) decides to move separately from platoon to platoon, following each other. Scouts in front of the battalion are led by senior lieutenant Rakhimov and political leader Mukhametkul Slamkulov.
He orders his soldiers to walk at night so as not to be seen by the enemy during the day. During the day, breathing in the dense forest, and at night, the soldiers, who are walking carefully along the route determined by the scouts, show perseverance and endurance, walking through the thick snow in the thick pine forest, after two days they will leave the distance between the villages of Novlyansk and Ivanovsk. According to scouts, the first battalion of the 1075th Panfilov regiment lives in this village of Ivanovsk. These are fresh because they haven't fought yet.
Methodical, experienced commander I.V. Panfilov is keeping this regiment in temporary reserve on purpose. Hearing the nickname "the entire battalion led by B.Momyshuly was killed by the enemy and destroyed", they greeted the soldiers who returned alive with great joy. I. V. Panfilov burst into tears of joy when he saw the soldiers of the battalion led by Baurzhan. Ivan Vasilyevich took Bauyrzhan in his arms as if he had met a long-lost brother, kissed him on the cheek and said: "Well done, my hawk!" he patted him on the back.
As the commander of the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment, on November 26-30, 1941, Guards Captain Momyshuly successfully fought back the attack of the German army for 4 days near the village of Sokolovo, Moscow Region. On December 5, 1941, he was wounded by a bullet in the spine. In the book "Truth and Legend" by Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, Baurzhan says that when Baurzhan brought him to the sanbat, the doctors decided to take him to the hospital immediately, but he threatened the doctor with a pistol and ordered him to take out the bullet there. After removing the bullet and dressing the wound, Captain Baurzhan Momyshuly returns to the battlefield.
The soldiers of the regiment led by Baurzhan Momyshuly of the 8th Guards Division stood out in the battles of the Soviet troops in January-February 1942. Within two months, the division advanced 500-600 kilometers to the west, demobilized thousands of Nazi soldiers and officers, and destroyed many enemy vehicles.
In 1944, when he was a Comdiv, he was wounded again during the battle near the village of Dubrovka. According to him, he fell on a piece of metal sticking out of the ground. For some time he could not sit on a horse and could not lie on his back, but he did not go to the hospital.
From that time until March 1944, he was in the hospital. In the same year, he graduated from the training courses for officers at the Military Academy of the General Staff.
Since January 21, 1945, Guards Colonel Baurzhan Momyshuly commanded the 9th Guards Rifle Division of the Second Baltic Front, 6th Guards Army, 2nd Guards Rifle Regiment. In February-March 1945, the division led by Baurzhan Momyshuly broke through three fortifications of the German army located on the northwestern side of the Priekule station. As a result of the division's attack, 15 settlements were liberated, and the enemy army suffered great damage.
Our people remember the proverbial words of Baurzhan Momyshuly about ordinary soldiers. The famous commander was able to appreciate the soldier's behavior, intelligence, bravery to sacrifice his life for his country. Thanks to that, he led them to heroic victories and encouraged them.
Baurzhan Momyshuly was not only a skilled and strict military leader during the war years, but also a wise leader of the soldiers and officers under his command, intelligent and knowledgeable, serious and kind educator.
On the 80th anniversary of his birth on December 12, 1990, Guards colonel Baurzhan Momyshuly was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. B. Momyshuly's words "Justice always wins, even if it comes late" became true and the nation's wish was fulfilled.
### In the post-war years
* In 1946-1948, he was a trainee at the Voroshilov Military Academy.
* In 1948-1950, he served as the deputy commander of the 49th Infantry Brigade.
* In 1952, he graduated from the Higher Military Academy at the General Staff of the Soviet Army.
* In 1953, he meets the Chinese delegation led by academician Wang-Chong-Hu.
* After the war, in 1950-1955, he taught at the Military Academy of the Soviet Army.
* At the end of December 1955 (when he turned 45), he retired with the rank of colonel and returned to the country. There will be no work in the country for some time. Umirbek Zholdasbek will be employed at the military department of the Kazakh National University. However, it seems that there was also opposition to it. The hero is now fully engaged in creativity. He writes both in the Kazakh and Russian languages and uses what he has seen in his life in his works. His wonderful novels, stories, and short stories based on the reality of life from his pen have become sought-after works by many students. They were reprinted several times.
Visit to Cuba
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly visited Cuba in 1963 at the invitation of Fidel Castro. During the trip, he did not have the opportunity to meet with the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, but he met with his younger brother Raul Castro and made a great impression on him. He gave a lecture to the Cuban military (mostly to a diverse audience) ("Cuba Meetings" ("Кубинские встречи"; a report prepared in Russian, with information from the records of November 11-21, 1963, to the second volume of a two-volume collection of works in Russian, published in 1986 by the Almaty publishing house "Zhazuchy"). It was included as a 13-page text; it was first published in the same year)). "Impressions of Cuba" about his trip to Cuba (in 1975, three stories ("On the road", "They are in my memory", "He and I") were included in the collection "The Flying Nest" together with the story "The Flying Nest", including the volume of the travelogue - 130 pages) writes a travel book. Baurzhan Momyshuly was a role model for Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara.
In November 1963 (November 11-21), he went on a 10-day visit due to repeated invitations from the Cuban government.
He died in Almaty on June 10, 1982 at the age of 71. He was buried in the Kensai cemetery.
100th anniversary of the hero
On September 14, 2010, the documentary film "Kazakh's Baurjan" was presented to the public in Almaty. The film was commissioned by the government and directed by Kalila Omarov for the 100th anniversary of Baurzhan Momyshuly.
On December 10, 2010, a monument to the hero of the Soviet-German war, writer Baurzhan Momyshuly was opened in a solemn ceremony in the park of 28 Panfilovshirs in Almaty. The base of the 6-meter-high monument is made of granite, and the statue of the hero is made of bronze.
In 2010, celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Baurzhan Momyshuly were held across the Republic.
In September 2010, Baurzhan Momyshuly's 30-volume collection of works was published (published by "Oner" publishing house in Almaty).
## Literary work of Baurzhan Momyshuly
Baurzhan Momyshuly wrote love songs and poems dedicated to his friends and compatriots in his youth. Articles and poems written by him from the front lines, translations were published in front-line newspapers, "Socialist Kazakhstan", "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", "Kazakh Literature" and other publications.
On the front, he wrote a diary and wrote down what he saw and experienced on the battlefield. He recorded under all conditions, in snow, rain, and even under siege. Thus, he wrote 38 combat notebooks. It tells about the course of the war, the thoughts and actions of the soldiers. His main literary works amaze the reader with their honesty. "The Story of One Night" was his first work that announced that he was a talented writer.
During the war, Baurzhan wrote "Comrade", "To the writer", "Aga Kalybek", "To others", "To Omarbek", "Sadness of my husband", "To G", "Respect your mother tongue", "To my friend". , wrote poems called "Tolgau".
In 1952-1956, his first books "Officer's Diary", "The Story of One Night", "Our Family" were published.
### Works
## Family
* Bibizhamal Mukankyna Momyshkelini is two years younger than Baurzhan, fair-skinned, beautiful person. Bakytzhan Momyshuly, the first child, was born to Bibijamal Mukankyny.
* Korkina Klavdiya Grigorievna is an opera theater artist, a gypsy girl. Elena Bauyrzhanovna was born from this man (September 16, 1947)
* Bakytzhamal Kalibekovna is a postgraduate student of the Institute of Foreign Languages, they have been together for 13 years.
* Bakytzhan Momyshuly is the son of Baurzhan Momyshuly.
* Zeynep Akhmetova Bauyrzhankelini (born January 18, 1945) is daughter-in-law, wife of Bakytzhan Momyshuly, writer, promoter of Kazakh traditions. He writes memoirs and articles about his father-in-law.
## Objects named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly
In Kazakhstan, Almaty, Taraz, Atyrau, Semey cities and a street in Asa village of Zhambyl region were named after the batyr:
# ## In Astana
* Avenue named after Baurzhan Momyshuly
### In Almaty
* Street named after Baurzhan Momyshuly
* Metro station named after Baurzhan Momyshuly
* School-lyceum No. 131 and military school "Young Ulan"
### in Shymkent
* Avenue named after Baurzhan Momyshuly
* Schools No. 44 and No. 120
### In Zhambyl region
* Former Burnoe village of Zhambyl region was changed to Baurzhan Momyshuly village.
* Bauyrzhan Momyshuly rural district
* Kazakh classical gymnasium No. 45 was named after Baurzhan Momyshuly and a bust of Baurzhan Momyshuly was placed in front of the school.
There is a Victory Park named after Baurzhan Momyshuly in Taraz.
### Monuments
## Awards
During War
\ <> * June 6, 1942 with the Order of the "Red Flag";
* on June 6, 1944 with the medal "For the defense of Moscow";
* In July 1945, he was awarded the 1st degree "War of the Fatherland", "Badge of Honor" orders, and the "Red Star" order 2 times
After the war
* In 1970, he was awarded the "Red Banner of Labor" order, " With the Order of the Badge of Honor
* 1990 of the President of the USSR. By the decree of December 11, B. In 1941-1945, Momyshulyna was awarded the "Hero of the Soviet Union" (medal No. 11637) for his bravery and heroism in the war against the German-fascist aggressors.
* Recognized as "Man of the Century" in 2000
## Interesting facts
Only two Kazakhs led divisions during the Great Patriotic War. The first one is Baurzhan Momyshuly, the second one is Abulkhair Baymoldin.
Baurzhan Momyshuly was born after three daughters, when his father was 53 years old.
## About Bauyrzhan Momyshuly
* 1967 "Za nami Moskva", Director: Majit Begalin, played by Baurzhan Momyshuly: Kauken Kenzhetaev
* 2010 - Kazakh's Bauyrzhan (Documentary ) Kazakhfilm. Kalila Nematuly Omarov
* 2013 - Baurzhan Momyshuly (TV series) Director: Akan Sataev.
* Truth and legend - author Azilkhan Nurshaiykov
* Volokolamsk Highway - author Alexander Bek
* Voschodje k ottsu - author Bakytzhan Momyshuly
* Vo imya otsa - author Bakytzhan Momyshuly
* Synovya viliogo volka - author Bakytzhan Momyshuly
* Sunny days - author Zeynep Akhmetova
## Winged words of Baurzhan Momyshuly
## See more
* Sabyr Omaruly Rakhimov
* Rakymzhan Koshkarbayev
* Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov
* Panfilovshir Division
* Alexander Alfredovich Bek
## Sources
## Links
* Baurzhan Momyshuly. Opinion about the Kazakh language
* 13 facts about Baurzhan Momyshuly
* He was born with honor
* "There is no need to test the same person twice" Archived on April 19, 2017. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5091 | Zhambyl Zhabayuly | Zhambyl Zhabayuly (February 28, 1846, Mount Zhambyl - June 22, 1945, Almaty) is a famous figure of Kazakh folk poetry, the Homer of the 20th century, a poet, a poet, a poet.
## Biography
Place of birth - the foot of Zhambyl mountain in Zhambyl region. The place where the soil was ordered is the present Almaty region, Zhambyl district, Zhambyl village. The origin is the Ekey clan of the Ulyhuz Shapyrasht tribe.
Zhambyl's poetic talent was recognized from a young age. Even in his childhood, he enriched his environment with songs and poems, and his fame even spread to the neighboring Kyrgyz country. At this time, the young Zhambyl Zhetisu, who was burning like a fire, met the deaf poet of Zhetisu, and received his blessing for his art. After that, Zhambyl, whose mane and tail were thinned like a strained runner, and who entered into debate with the smiling runners of poets such as Aikumis, Bakhtibay, Sary, Sarbas, Dosmaganbet, Shashubay, Kulanayan Kulmanbet, was always exceeding the crowd. Not only these, they also compete with Kyrgyz poets and storytellers such as Balyk, Tynybek, Kaligul, Naimanbay, Katagan, Arystanbek, and Sagymbek, learn from Kyrgyz lake poetry, and improve their poetic skills. Zhambyl now, in addition to his poetic art, began to show his poetic art by singing epics such as "Korguly" and "Shahmardan" for weeks and months.
The time when Zhambyl began to take shape as a poet was the time when the Russian colonialists - on the one hand, the Kokan Khanate - on the other hand, and local people - on the third hand, oppressed the Kazakh people socially and politically. Zhambyl, who has a lively soul and a strong mind, in his poems such as "Complaint", "Zylkyshi", "Shabdenge", "Sat Eleklarda", "Ustepke", "Patsha Amiri Tarylud", "Zildi Baiyal" emblazons the social and political life of the country with poetic honesty and civic responsibility. Zhambyl reacts with great hope to the historical changes in the political and social life of the country after the Kazan revolution. His poem "Tugan Elim" was published in 1936, and then its translation into Russian was published in "Pravda" newspaper, and the fame of the old poet spread all over the world. Zhambyl, who has increased in value and fame to his people, like Alatau's white-shouldered eagle perched on the pedestal of inspiration, shakes the rain of songs. His poems published between 1936 and 1945 have more than 13 thousand verses. He sings about success and revivals, victories and heroic deeds in the country's life with special inspiration. Not only small poems, but also epic works like "Otegen batyr" and "Suransky batyr" are resounding from his old heart.
Zhambyl is both an epic and a story poet; A priest and a warrior singer. He is a highly intelligent artist in the true sense of the word, a creator of civic political poetry. The greatness of Zhambyl is measured not only by his poetic skills, but also by the fact that he is a new branch of folk poetry, in other words, by the individuality of folk poets, who started a new great path in the creative spirit. His words became slogans and he was called the father of folk poetry. He turned the vast epic tradition of zhyraus, the amazing improvisation process in the Kazakh word art into a completely new channel and gave it new content. Zhambyl is a truly internationalist poet who does not divide a liberating citizen on the path of virtue by race or nationality. "Zhambyl songs are like coral scattered at the bottom of the sea. It is the civic duty of each of us to collect it and give it to the people," said Saken Seifullin. Zhambyl is an inexhaustible source of poetry, an indelible moral, an indestructible noble. He will continue to create with the creative generation forever.
Zhambyl's works, which were born with winged inspiration, were translated into dozens of languages and spread all over the world. During Zhambyl's lifetime, he received the title of laureate of the State Prize of the White USSR, and immediately showed the glory of himself and his people to the world. The image of Zhambyl was inspired in all forms and genres of Kazakh art, and it was proclaimed that he was a great person with a high spirit of the nation.
Zhambyl died on June 22, 1945.
In February 1946, the public of Kazakhstan solemnly celebrated the centenary of the famous poet. By the anniversary, an academic collection of selected works of the poet was published in Russian and Kazakh languages.
## Chronology by years
* In 1937, the seventy-fifth anniversary of Zhambyl's creative activity was celebrated at the national level. These days, the people's poet has received congratulatory letters from many outstanding figures of the world. Even the famous French writer Romain Rolland himself sent a telegram on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Zhambyl's poetry: "From the heart of the Western Alps, I send a kinship greeting to Zhambyl, the herald of the Kazakh people and new humanity."
* In 1941, Zhambyl was awarded a state award. During the Great Patriotic War, Zhambyl in his poems called the people of the Soviet Socialist Republics to protect the Motherland, to be brave in work. He sang the heroism of the Soviet people and the unshakable friendship of the peoples of the USSR.
* In 1943, Zhambyl's son Algadai died on the front. When the news reached the poet about this, he sat in silence for a while and responded to the sad news with a poem.
* Zhambyl's last song was sung on May 9, 1945. It was a song dedicated to the heroic victory of our people against the German fascists.
* Zhambyl died on June 22, 1945, just a few months before his 100th birthday.
* In February 1946, the public of Kazakhstan solemnly celebrated the centenary of the famous poet. On the occasion of his anniversary, an academic collection of selected works of the poet was published in Russian and Kazakh languages.
## Works
### Poems
* Grandpa's Aldi
* To the Children
* Letter to the Alternative
* Lullaby \< > * Youth song
* New Year
* New Year's greetings
* Sing the song of victory
* From the heart that made a hundred
* Lenin
* Leningrad tradition
* To the students \< > * October labor
* Greetings to you, Komsomol
* Gift
* Kindred country
* Chapai
* People's kinship
* The growth of art is a door song
### Sayings
* Zhambyl and Aikumis
* Zhambyl and Kulmanbet
* Zhambyl and Shashubai
* Zhambyl and Dosmaganbet
### Tales
* Otegen batyr
* Suranshi batyr
* Beautiful
* Garden, wealth, mind
## Unique personality
Zhambyl Zhabaev is a great poet, poet, singer. Ulyu came from two clans of the Shapyrashti tribe. The present Zhambyl region was founded in 1846 at the foot of the Zhambyl mountain. He was born on February 28 in the family of a respectable person in the country of Japa. He grew up full of poems and songs from a young age and received education from the avenue of poetry like Suyinbai Aronuly. At the same time, Zhambyl mastered the speech art of the Kyrgyz country, and participated in art contests with deaf people such as Toktogul, Murataly, Alimkul, Balyk, Tynybek, and Katagan. He spent eighty-five of his hundred years of life in poetry. Zhambyl's creative life began in the 70s of the 19th century. This was a very difficult period for the Kazakh people. During these years, the Russian Empire colonized the entire Kazakh country. As a result, the lives of people who lost their land and livestock became depressed. As if it were not enough, in the 20s of the 20th century, such events as the war between the whites and the reds, commoditization and collectivization had a negative impact on the fate of the people, and changed the psychology of both ordinary people and intellectuals. Zhambyl, who was a witness of such a situation, told the truth, described the reality of the times without concealing it, sang his regrets and sorrows in a bitter voice, and spoke in sorrow and pain. The art that introduced Zhambyl as a real poet to the vast country is his speeches. In these ayths there are kayim ayths of girls and boys, ture ayths, and surah ayths. In each of these, Zhambyl shows that he is a real skillful, a master of elaborate words, and a quick-thinking, witty orator.
The poet Zhambyl took an active part in the national liberation movement of 1916. He marched in the crowd of people who rebelled against the king's decree. He published his fervent appeal poems dedicated to that movement. During the years of the Soviet era, Zhambyl sang about public life and the interests of the country. He re-educated the traditions of the great indigenous tribes and brought them to our era in a new quality, enriched with content. In his songs addressed to the heads of state and party leaders, he raised general state issues. During the Second World War, there was no poet of a higher rank and status than Zhambyl in the entire Soviet Union. It was during this period that the name Zhambyl became known around the world. Poet's poems reached the hearts of all soldiers of different nationalities on the front and strengthened their courage. On June 22, 1945, Zhambyl died in Almaty at the age of one hundred. Zhambyl is also a great master of singing. His best works have been translated into more than forty foreign languages. Famous artists such as Romain Rolland, Martin Andersen Nexe, Katarina Susanna Pritchard highly appreciated Zhambyl's poetry. Hundreds of poems were written about Zhambyl. Zhambyl had a great influence on folk poets of the 20th century. These include Kenen Azirbaev, Umbetali Karibaev, Nartai Bekejanov, Doskey Alimbaev, etc. There are well-known poets.
## Commemoration
Named after Zhambyl:
* One region of Kazakhstan - Zhambyl region
* Zhambyl city (now Taraz city)
* Zhambyl district (Almaty region)
* Zhambyl district (Zhambyl region)
* Zhambyl district (North Kazakhstan region)
39 localities: Zhambyl - a village in Zaysan district. Zhambyl - a village in Katonkaragai district. Zhambyl - a village in Tarbagatai district. Zhambyl - a village in Baidibek district. Zhambyl - a village in Zhetysai district, Kazybek bi rural district. Zhambyl - Zhetysai district, in Shablan Dildabekov rural district. Zhambyl - village in Keles district. Zhambyl - Maktaaral district, village in Zhambyl rural district. Zhambyl - Maktaaral district, village in Ayazkhan Kalybekov rural district. Zhambyl - village in Ordabasy district. Zhambyl - village in Tolebi district. Zhambyl - village in Zhambyl district .Zhambyl - village in Esil district. Zhambyl - village in Ualikhanov district. Zhambyl - village in Akkuly district. Zhambyl - village in Aktogai district. Zhambyl - village in Zhelezin district. Zhambyl - village in Karabalik district. Zhambyl - village in Karasu district. Zhambyl - village in Kostanay district. Zhambyl Zhambyl – a village in Nauryzym district. A village in Akzhayik district. Zhambyl - a village in Baiterek district. Zhambyl - a village in Syrym district. Zhambyl - a village in Kurmangazy district. Zhambyl - a village in Zhambyl district. Zhambyl - a village in Karasai district. Zhambyl - a village in Raiymbek district. Zhambyl - village in Temir district. Zhambyl - village in Astrakhan district. Zhambyl - village in Zerendi district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zaisan district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Katonkaragai district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Tarbagatai district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Baidibek district.
* Zhambyl is a village belonging to Zhetysai District, Kazybek Bi Rural District.
* Zhambyl is a village belonging to Zhetysai district, Shablan Dildabekov rural district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Keles district.
* Zhambyl is a village belonging to Zhambyl rural district, Maktaaral district.
* Zhambyl is a village belonging to Ayazkhan Kalybekov rural district, Maktaaral district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Ordabasy district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Tolebi district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zhambyl district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Esil district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Ualikhanov district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Akkuly district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Aktogai district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zhelezin district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Karabalik district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Karasu district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Kostanay district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Nauyrzym district.
* Zhambyl is a dispersed settlement in Shet district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Alakol district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Koksu district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zhambyl district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Kordai district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Merki district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Moyinkum district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Akzhayik district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Baiterek district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Syrym district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Kurmangazy district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zhambyl district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Karasai district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Rayymbek district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Aiteke bi district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Mughalzhar district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Temir district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Astrakhan district.
* Zhambyl is a village in Zerendi district.
Zhambyl is a mountain in the northwestern part of Shu-Ile mountains.
* Zhambyl is a valley glacier on the northern slope of Zhetysu (Dzungar) Alatau.
* Zhambyl is a peak in Ile Alatau.
* Zhambyl Museum is a historical and cultural institution located in Zhambyl village, Zhambyl district, Almaty region.
* Zhambyl football club is a football club of Kazakhstan in the city of Taraz.
* There is Zhambyl Zhabayev street in Almaty.
* There are 11 streets named after Zhambyl in Russia.
* There are 3 streets in Ukraine.
* Philharmonic named after Zhambyl.
* One type of Bozkaragan produced by hand in 1921 was named after Zhambyl.
Films produced for Zhambyl:
* Zhambyl is a full-length feature film (1952);
* Zhambyl. New Age is a full-length feature film.
For Zhambyl:
* Monument on Zhambyl street in Almaty;
* Bust near the Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abay;
* Monument in the city of Esik;
* Monument in a village in Atyrau region;
* Monument in Kyiv;
* Monument in Taraz;
The Kazakh people solemnly celebrated the 100th, 125th, and 150th anniversary of Zhambyl at the international level.
Also, it was given to a number of settlements, institutions and educational institutions, art centers.
## Awards
* The Order of Lenin is the highest state award of the USSR.
* Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
* "Sign of Honor" order.
* Stalin Prize (1941).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3708 | Үстеу | An adverb is a word class denoting various critical, figurative, locative, temporal, conditional, quantitative states and signs of criticism of various actions and deeds (verbs).
## Morphological characteristics
Adverbs are divided into two according to their morphological personality: basic adverbs and derived adverbs. According to its composition, it is divided into single and complex adverbs.
### Basic adverbs
By basic adverbs we mean words that cannot be divided into morphemes, but formed only in a certain form.
The main adverbs include the following words: barely, azar (azer), deliberately, horta, deliberately, constantly, constantly, immediately, quickly, column, now, now, forward, upper, lower, further, since, back , Armenian, Bermen, early, yesterday, exact, exact, real, a little, only, only, always, always, always, even m), extraordinary, special, huge, etc. b.
Main adverbs have the following three different features:
* Most of the main adverbs are made into a category of adverbs. Therefore, the suffixes -rak, -rek, -lau, -leu are added to them, intensifying words such as very, asa, and even kabagat are used to create a feeling in front of (before). For example:
* Some of the main adverbs are used even if they are doubled or overlapped by pleonism. For example: empty, just empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty, empty empty etc. b.
* Derived adverbs can be formed from basic adverbs through additions, additions, and combinations with other words. For example: hardly, hardly, little by little, little by little, little by little, on purpose, continuously, ever and ever, ever and ever, up and down, up and down, now and now, later, later and now . b.
### Derived adverbs
Derived adverbs are derived from other word classes through various additions, through the ways of combining and doubling words, as well as through the stabilization of some phrases (or turned into adverbs ) we say adverbs.
In terms of construction and composition, derived adverbs are divided into two groups: simple derived adverbs and complex derived adverbs.
Simple derivational adverbs
Adverbs formed by various additions are called simple derivational adverbs. The additions attached to mere derivational adverbs are of two kinds: some are formed by means of suffixes, and some become adverbs by the obsolescence of various affixes.
Simple adverbs formed by suffixes
These are formed by special suffixes. Such adverbial suffixes are:
* -sha, -she suffix. An adverb formed with this suffix basically means an image of how or how an action is done. This suffix is used for personal nouns and common nouns (for example: Omarovsha, Amankeldishe, kussha, adamsha), their singular form, plural form (for example: batyrsha, batyrlarsha) and dependent form (gozmishke, ogishche, ogmyshche, ogishne t . b.) creates an adverb. Using this suffix, an adverb is created from some basic adjectives (old, new, different, etc.) and derived adjectives (before, as before); adverbs are formed from classification pronouns (like me, like me, like you), from personal pronouns (like myself, like themselves), and from some indefinite pronouns (like maybe, like some people).
Using this suffix, an adverb is formed from some basic adjectives (old, new, different, etc.) and derived adjectives (previously, still); adverbs are formed from classification pronouns (like me, like me, like you), from personal pronouns (like myself, like themselves), and from some indefinite pronouns (like maybe, like some people).
* suffixes -lay, -lei (-day, -dey, -tai, -tei). For example: like this, secondary, young, silky, autumn, winter, etc. b.
* -dayyn, -dayin, (-dayin, -tein) suffixes. These suffixes are Qur'anic suffixes consisting of -day and -yn additions. For example: The night freezes like a fox, and the road leads like a wolf (Mahambet).
* Suffixes -shalyk (-sha+lyk), -shama (-sha+ma) form adverbs from referential pronouns. For example: so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, etc. b.
* Not all words with the preposition -lap, -lep (-dap, -dep, -tap, -tep) forms are the same, of course, not adverbs. Only adverbialized forms are adverbs. For example: Forty, thirty, walking, iron, etc. b.
* -shilap (-shilep) suffix. This suffix is formed from the initial -sha and -lap additions.
* The suffix -kari (-keri) is added to a few words to form an adverb. For example: inside, outside, outside, outside, etc. b.
* The additions -yn, -yn, -syn, -syn are added to only some words to form adverbs. For example: winter, summer, secret, underground, superficial, tomorrow, evening, etc. b.
Bare adverbs born through obsolete forms
They include words that are completely formed in a certain adverbial form of a variety of words and become obsolete so that they cannot be separated from each other. Such obsolete "supplements" are derived from adverbial endings, so they look similar to the endings of those adverbials.
Adverbs born from the obsolescence of the Barys declension: зорга, бозг, тек, затър, бекер, гаренсь, forward, back, as(t), ус(т), together, in the evening, tomorrow, for now, for now, for the day, etc. b.
* Adverbs born from the obsolescence of the genitive case: before, behind, below, above, sometimes, there, now, long ago, day, night, unconsciously, carelessly, in the past, in the past, in the past, in the past, in the moment, in the past . b.
* Adverbs born from the aging of the Eastern declension: from back, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, to, from, from, from, to, from, from, from, to, from b.
* Adverbs born from the obsolescence of the auxiliary participle: in turn, really, in a manner, in a manner, in order, in a way, in a knot, etc. b.
### Complex derived adverbs
Complex derived adverbs are adverbs formed from two words either united or double, or stabilized by a combination of at least two or more words. Accordingly, complex derivational adverbs are formed in three different ways.
* Words belonging to other word classes become adverbs as a result of combination. Such adverbs are: today, this year, in the morning, in the summer, in the winter, always, always, twice, now, tonight, once, never, more, a number of times, more, more, more, somehow, so on. b.
* Adverbs born by doubling words are as follows: hardly-barely, now-now, zorga-zorga; hand-to-hand, word-for-word, face-to-face; face to face, in groups, in groups; over and over, back and forth, hand in hand; in vain; from generation to generation, directly; day after day, year after year; talk and talk, see and see, tell and tell; lying down; wear and tear, laugh and play, roll and have fun; one by one, dozens, thousands; gradually, little by little; from time to time, every now and then; japa-tarmagai, tyrim-tiragai etc. b.
* Grammaticalized and idiomatic regular phrases, marked separately in writing and used as one word in terms of meaning - they can be divided into two branches. to read, to read, to write, in advance, to finish, to study, to book, etc. b. Idiomized regular expressions: between the eyebrows and the eyes, under the feet, in the night, without blood, alien from the country, closed to the book, clean ears, etc. b.
* Grammatical simple phrases: yesterday, today, the day before, early in the summer, one day in days, early in the evening, early in the evening, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning, early in the morning book, etc. b.
Idiomized regular expressions: between the eyebrows and the eyes, under the feet, in the night, without blood, alien from the country, closed to the book, clean ears, etc. b.
## Meanings of adverbs
Adverbs are divided into the following eight groups according to their meaning.
* Adverbs of time
* Adverbs of address
* Adverbs of measure
* Adverbs of criticism (or image)
* Adverbs of amplification (or increase)
* Adverbs of purpose
* Adverbs of cause and effect
* Adverbs of grouping (or division)
### Adverbs of time
When is an adverb of time? since when answers the question, and means the time, period, time of the movement, action. A tense adverb is used in combination with a verb. For example: Not since yesterday (since when?); The summer day (when?) came; He worked like a summer (when?); He studied day and night (when?). b. Where? where from how about answers the questions. For example: climb to the mountain (how?), moved forward (where?), moved back and forth (where?), descended from above (where?), etc. b.
### Criticism (or image) adverbs
Criticism (image) adverb means the method, manner, and image of action, movement. Questions: back? how how Who is it? For example: He ran slowly (how?), the goose (how?) crowed, do not sit idle (how?), the child (who?) had fun, flew like an eagle (how?), hand in hand (how?) ) contacted, t. b.
### Adverbs of measure
How much is an adverb of measure? how much how much how much answers the questions. Adverb of measure means volume degree, size, magnitude of criticism or movement. The adverb of measure when combined with a verb means the magnitude of the action. For example: he was so (how much?) tired, he was a little (how much?) late, how (how?) he grew up. And so (how much?) high, somewhat (how much?) far, how long (how?) long, adverbs of quantity are combined with adjectives to express the size and scope of criticism.
### Intensifying (or increasing) adverbs
Intensifying adverbs either weaken or strengthen the quality, sign of action, action, criticism. Question: how? For example: he was very fast, he danced very well, he could not move at all. At the same time, the intensifying adverbs include the words ves (tall), very (heavy), asa (deep), tym (deep), kilen (fast), which make the intensified form of the adjective.
### Adverbs of purpose
What is the purpose of adverbs of purpose? how answers the question and expresses the purpose of the action. For example: he said on purpose, he left on purpose, he didn't know, he invited on purpose.
### Adverbs of cause and effect
Why are adverbs of cause and effect? how why answers the questions. Adverbs of cause and effect mean the reason for an action. Adverbs of cause and effect include the following words: in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain. These words are used in combination with verbs. For example, he was angry in vain, he agreed out of spite, etc. b.
### Adverbs of grouping
Adverbs of grouping mean that action and other relations are made by combining or, as indicated, done individually. How many are these adverbs? how much how many how? responds to requests such as For example: by twos, by tens, by many, by groups, in order, house by house, etc.
## Literature
* A. Iskakov, Modern Kazakh language, 1974.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2573 | Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko | Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko (Russian: Тарас Григориевич Шевченко; March 9, 1814, Morintsy village, present-day Cherkassk region - March 10, 1861, St. Petersburg) is a famous Ukrainian Cossack poet, prose writer, thinker, artist, graphic artist, ethnographer, public figure. . National hero and symbol of Ukraine. Participant of the Ukrainian national movement, member of the Kirill-Mefodius brotherhood. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1860).
Literary heritage, which plays a central role in Shevchenko's poetry, in particular, the collection "Kobzar", is considered the basis of modern Ukrainian literature and, in many ways, the literary Ukrainian language.
He also went down in history as an artist. also contributed to Russian literature. But the most important thing is, of course, that he was a "star of light" of Ukrainian literature, a national symbol of awakening the consciousness of the Ukrainian people.
## Biography
* In 1838, he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg.
* In 1845, he came to Kyiv and was employed as an artist in the archaeological commission.
* In 1846, he became a member of the Cyril and Methodius Society in Kiev.
* Arrested in 1847.
* In 1848, under the leadership of A.I. Butakov, he participated in an expedition to explore the Aral Sea and painted more than 350 landscapes and portraits. For example, "Kazakh on horseback", "Kazakh yurts on the shores of the Aral Sea", "Kazakh winter villages in Kosaral", etc.
* In 1950, he was arrested for the second time and exiled to Novopetrov Castle (later Fort Shevchenko) in Mangystau. His paintings "Kazakhs sitting in a yurt", "Kazakh boy lighting a fire", "In a yurt", "Kazakh girl with a knotted bride", "Kazakh girl Katya" were painted during this period.
* Shevchenko stayed in Mangystau for 7 years and was released in 1857.
* Arrives in St. Petersburg in 1857.
* In 1860, he was elected an academician in the field of engraving.
* He died in St. Petersburg on March 10, 1861, the same year when serfdom was abolished. Since he was a serf farmer, he fought for the freedom of the Ukrainian people against serf rights and the tsarist oppression of the Russian Empire. During the Soviet government, he was evaluated as a supporter of ideas close to the revolutionary Bolsheviks. Now in the independent Ukraine, he is considered as a hero who fought for the independence of the Ukrainian people and national development. Being a people's poet, he was called "the great Kobzar". For opposing the tsar's government, he was first imprisoned in the Or castle of the Orynbor region, and then driven to the Kazakh steppe - Mangystau, overlooking that region. Idauda writes letters of complaint to Gogol and Zhukovsky. After driving, he often meets with Turgenev.
## Remember
In Kazakhstan, cities, settlements and streets are named after him. In Almaty, a street named after Shevchenko and a monument were erected on that street.
## Images
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1645 | Republic of Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan ( Казахстан [qɑzɑqˈstɑn]), full name Republic of Kazakhstan ( Republic of Kazakhstan) is a country located in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It stretches for 3,000 km from the lower reaches of the Volga River in the west, to the Altai Mountains in the east, from the West Siberian plain in the north, to the Kyzylkum desert and the Tien-Shan mountain system in the south for 1,600 km. Kazakhstan has access to the countries of Azerbaijan and Iran through the Caspian Lake, to the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea through the Volga River and the Volga-Don Canal. Kazakhstan is the largest among the states that do not have direct access to the ocean.
Kazakhstan shares borders with five countries, including the world's longest land border with Russia in the north and west — 7,591 km. To the south: Turkmenistan — 426 km, Uzbekistan — 2354 km and Kyrgyzstan — 1241 km, and to the east: China — 1782 km. The total length of the land border is 13394 km. It is washed by the Caspian Lake (2000 km) in the west, and the Aral Sea in the southwest.
The population of the country on March 1, 2024 is 20,075,271, which is the 64th place in the world. In terms of land area, it ranks 9th among the countries of the world (2,724,902 km²).
The capital of the country is the city of Astana. The state language is Kazakh. The official language is Russian.
The national composition of Kazakhstan is diverse. The majority of the population consists of resident Kazakhs, percentage share — 70.18%, Russians — 18.42%, Uzbeks — 3.29%, Ukrainians — 1.36%, Uighurs — 1.48%, Tatars — 1.06%. , other nations 5.38%. More than 75% of the population are Muslims, 21% are Orthodox Christians, and the rest are representatives of other religions.
It is considered as a developing economy according to its economic indicators. Gross domestic product of the country GDP (nominal) = $205.539 billion (2018). The main direction of the economy is production of raw materials in the field of fuel and energy, agriculture (farming). The main currency of the country is tenge.
on December 16, 1991, due to the collapse of the USSR, it declared its independence and was recognized as an independent state by the international community. Full member of the UN since March 2, 1992. It is also a member of several other international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Community.
## Etymology
The word Kazakhstan is composed of the words Kazakh and Stan, meaning Kazakh country. Recently, the names Kazakh country, Great Steppe country and Kazakhiya have been used among the people.
## History
### Ancient Kazakhstan
The land of modern Kazakhstan was inhabited by the ancient human race about 1 million years ago. In the Bronze Age, the vast steppes of Siberia, the Zhaiyk region, Kazakhstan and Central Asia were inhabited by tribes related in terms of origin and historical destinies. These tribes have left a bright culture of their own. In science, this is called the Andron culture. During the Early Iron Age (the middle of the 1st millennium BC), tribal unions were formed in Kazakhstan. The tribes living in the southern, eastern and central regions of Kazakhstan are united in the Saka tribal union, and the tribes in the western and northern regions are united in the Sauromatian tribal union. In the 3rd century before our era, some tribes established their own state on the territory of Kazakhstan and entered into political relations with far and near countries. The first of them were Xiongnu (Huns). Researchers believe that the Huns are the ancestors of the Turks. When this union was led by Müde, the Huns became known to the whole world. The march of the Huns to the west triggered the "Great Migration of Peoples". Usuns (houses) who inherited the land of Sakas in ancient Tigrahauda in Zhetysu in 160 BC. created his own state in the Ile Valley. They bordered the state of Kanly. The states formed by these tribes established political, economic and cultural ties with countries such as China, Parthia, Rome and the Kushan Empire.
### Early Middle Ages Kazakhstan (Turkic era)
Early Middle Ages states on the territory of Kazakhstan (VI-IX centuries)
At the beginning of the VI century in today's Kazakh land There were very difficult turns. In the lands of Altai-Siberia, Mongolia, representatives of the dominant class of Turkic tribes united and formed an early feudal state called the Turkic Khaganate, which relied on military power. Their territory includes the territory of Central Asia, starting from East Korea. Kazakhstan was also part of this khanate.
Written information about this state is known from the inscriptions of the Turkic tribes written in their own language on the tombstones of "Ulken kültegin", "Tonykok". Many valuable data can be obtained from the historical writings of Mahmud Kashkari and Rashid al-Din. Byzantine and Chinese historians also provide a lot of information. In the history of Kazakhstan, this period is known as the "Turkish era" (VI-XIII centuries). Several feudal states exercised their political-administrative power in the Kazakh territory during the specified period.
Feudal relations began to be established in Kazakhstan from the 5th century after the first communal structure (German word feod- "land", al- "owner", i.e. gives the concept of the owner of the land). Among the medieval tribes, two main classes were formed: the feudal class and the peasant class. Feudals are the main owners of cattle and land. The establishment of feudal relations was faster in the south of Kazakhstan than in other regions. One of the main features of the history of Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages was the establishment of these feudal-patriarchal relations.
See also: Turkic Khaganate, West Turkic Khaganate, Turgesh Khaganate and Karluk Khaganate
### Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages (Oghiz Era)
Modern Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages Karakhan, Karakytai, Oghiz, and Kimak states lived on its land.
### Kazakhstan within the Russian Empire
Russian colonization of Kazakhstan began in 1731 with the accession of Abulkhair the Younger Khan to Russia. This process lasted more than 130 years and was fully implemented by the middle of the 60s of the 19th century. In 1731-1860, Kazakhstan was subject to Russia, mostly verbally, but in practice, clan and tribal rulers conducted an independent policy. Although the tsarist government ruthlessly suppressed popular uprisings, it did not interfere in the country's internal affairs (judiciary system, inter-tribal issues). He strengthened his power by appointing salaries and various titles to influential people in the country, clan heads, and on the other hand, he made administrative reforms and punished those who did not obey.
* 1822 "Charter about Siberian Kazakhs", 1824. The procedure for managing the Kazakh land was established by the documents "Charter on Orynbor Kazakhs". According to these laws, the Middle Hundred and Small Hundred Khanates were abolished. Instead of the khanate, a system of administrative management, like in Russia, was formed in the small hundred. And in Orta Hundred, the administrative position of "elder sultan" was introduced. Internal districts were created. Districts were divided into bolys, bolys into villages.
* At the beginning of the 19th century, Khiva and Kokan khans established their control over South Kazakhstan. Kazakhs often rebelled against the rulers of Kokan and Khiva. The intensification of colonial oppression, seizing desirable lands and building fortresses led to the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people (1837–47) led by Kenesary Kasymuli.
* In the 60s of the 19th century, the period of Kazakhstan's accession to Russia ended.
* 1914 Russia's involvement in the First World War on August 1 was a severe blow to the people of Kazakhstan.
* As a result of mass protests, there was an uprising in 1916. The beginning of the uprising was prompted by the Tsar's decree of June 25, 1916, to call men of the Kazakh and Turkestan regions, and partly of Siberia, between the ages of 19 and 43, to work at the front. The major foci of the uprising were in Zhetysu and Torgai.
* 1917 The events of the February revolution, which overthrew the tsar, soon reached Kazakhstan.
* 1917 On July 21-28, the 1st All-Kazakh Congress was held in Orinbor. Delegates are interested in national autonomy, land and water, etc. b. focused on solving problems, preparing for the Constituent Assembly and creating a Kazakh political party. Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Mukhamedzhan Tynyshbaev, Mirzhakip Dulatov, Akhmet Baitursynuly, Zhansha Dosmukhameduly, Khalel Dosmukhameduly, Magzhan Zhumabaev, etc. b. the figures created the Alash party against colonialism. They gathered around the slogan of liberating the Kazakh people from colonial oppression and began to create an independent, independent Kazakh democratic state in Alashorda. But soon Soviet power was established in the Kazakh lands as well as in the whole of Russia.
### Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic
In 1917, Soviet power was established in Kazakhstan after the Bolshevik revolution. The First World War and the Civil War destroyed the entire country's economy. 1920-1921 almost half of the cattle were killed due to winter frostbite. In 1921, the summer was barren and famine broke out. Kazakhstan recovered only by the end of the 20s. Kazakhstan became an autonomous republic in 1920, and a union republic within the USSR in 1936.
Taking into account the economic weakness of the region, the union government put forward the intensive development of Kazakhstan's economy, and in 1941, the volume of industrial production increased eight times compared to 1913. Thanks to the capabilities of the planned system of grouping resources for the implementation of large economic projects, Kazakhstan turned from a nomadic region into a large and industrial, agricultural and animal husbandry developed region with a high cultural level in the 1930s.
Thousands of large industrial enterprises were established on the territory of Kazakhstan, tens of thousands of kilometers of railroads and highways were built. Kazakhstan was a major producer of various non-ferrous and ferrous metals, coal, oil, wheat, livestock products. In 1991, Kazakhstan accounted for 70 percent of the Union production of lead, zinc, titanium, magnesium, and tin, 90 percent of the production of phosphorus and chromium, and more than 60 percent of silver and molybdenum. Kazakhstan was a major producer of cereals.
However, the Kazakh people will pay the price for the achievements in economic development. The method of "socialist industrialization" led to a tragic situation. As a result, the collectivization movement led to famine in the 1930s. A group of Kazakhs left for China and neighboring Central Asian countries. In 1931-1934, one and a half million people died from hunger and disease, which was 40 percent of the ethnic group.
Kazakhstan was a unique republic with the smallest share of the main population on the territory of the former USSR; such a situation was not due to the loss of a large part of the population in the 30s, but hundreds of thousands of people from other regions of the USSR to the territory of Kazakhstan during the ineffective Bolshevik regime in 1937-1938. It was caused by resettlement by organization of concentration camps for victims of terror.
In the period from 1935 to 1940, there was a lot of deportation of Poles from Western Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania (about 120 thousand people). During the Second World War, Volga Germans, Chechens, Ingush and other nationalities from the Caucasus were forcibly relocated to Kazakhstan, and in the 50-60s. Millions of people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus immigrated to our country due to development. As a result, in 1926, the share of all citizens in the republic was 57.1%, in 1939, this indicator decreased to 38%, and in 1959, it was equal to only 30%. Only in recent years, the specific weight of Kazakhs has reached 50%.
On the eve of the 70-80s, the crisis in the economic and social-political life of the USSR also affected Kazakhstan. The strict planning system has stalled the country's economic development and social sphere. That is why the reconstruction policy received wide support from the people of Kazakhstan, who believe in transparency and democracy. However, the suppression of the democratic uprising of the youth in Almaty, which took place on December 17, 1986, once again showed the invalidity of the "social" system.
### Republic of Kazakhstan
In the 1990s, on December 8, 1991, the heads of the RKFSR, Ukraine, and Belarus met in Minsk (Belovezh Agreement). The main issues discussed are the cancellation of the 1922 treaty on the creation of the USSR, the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Documents on these issues were signed at the meeting. The President of Kazakhstan N. A. Neither Nazarbayev nor the heads of other Central Asian republics were invited.
On December 13, 1991, the leaders of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan met in Ashgabat. The leaders of the Central Asian states expressed their support for the decision of Minsk (Belovezh Agreement). On December 20, 1991, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, RKFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, and Moldova met in Almaty. Georgia participated in it only in the observer report.
On December 21, 1991, the leaders of these 11 republics signed an agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.
The republics freed from the grip of the Soviet system began to abandon the names "Soviet", "socialist". On December 10, 1991, at the session of the Supreme Council of the Republic, the name of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was changed to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
One of the most important issues agreed upon during the Almaty meeting was the negotiation on joint measures related to nuclear weapons. It was signed by the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine in the report of the state with nuclear weapons. According to the agreement of the states, the participants were supposed to jointly develop a policy on the nuclear issue and ensure the collective security of all republics that are part of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The August 1991 uprising, which accelerated the process of disintegration of the USSR, contributed to the declaration of independence by many republics by October 1991. On December 16, 1991, at the seventh session of the Supreme Council of the Republic, the Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was adopted. Kazakhstan declared its independence on this day. So, December 16, 1991 is the day of independence of the Republic.
In the second millennium
In the 10 years of the second millennium
## Geography
The land area of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 2.7 million square kilometers. It is one of the largest states in the world in terms of land area. According to this indicator, it ranks 9th after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil, Australia, India and Argentina.
The republic is located in the center of the Eurasian continent, equidistant from all oceans. The republic stretches up to 3,000 km from the Volga River basin in the west to the peaks of the Altai Mountains in the east, and from the West Siberian plain (Northern Kazakhstan plain) in the north to the Kyzylkum desert and the Tien-Shan mountain system in the south, up to 1,600 km. The far northern point (55 26 N) corresponds to the central part of the Eastern European plain and the south of the British Isles, and the southern point (40 56 N) corresponds to the latitude of the countries outside the Caucasus and the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. Kazakhstan is located in the middle and southern latitudes of the temperate zone. Depending on the geographical location, forest steppe, steppe, desert and desert zones are formed. The western edge of the country (46 27 latitude) is near the Yelton and Baskyngchak lakes, and the eastern point (87 20 latitude) is close to the source of the Buktyrma River.
10% of its territory is high mountain regions, the rest is lowlands, plains, plateaus, plateaus. The highest place in Kazakhstan is the Khantangiri peak (6995 m, 7010 m including the snow ring). It is located in the Tien-Shan mountain system. On the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea, the lowest place in the country, the Karakiya depression, is located 132 m below sea level.
## Administrative division
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state. According to the administrative structure, it includes 17 regions, 89 cities, including 3 cities of republican importance (Astana, Almaty, Shymkent), 186 districts, 174 rural districts.
### Major cities
* Cities of Kazakhstan
* Districts of Kazakhstan
## Population
## State structure
According to the Constitution adopted in the republican referendum on August 30, 1995, Kazakhstan established itself as a democratic, secular, legal and social state. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government. The highest representative body of the republic is the Parliament. He exercises the legislative power of the republic.
The Parliament consists of two permanent Chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis. To the Senate from each region and resp. two people are elected from 2 important cities. 15 deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic for the term of office of the Parliament. Mazhilis consists of sixty-seven deputies elected by one-mandate territorial constituencies with an approximately equal number of voters, and 10 deputies elected by party lists, created taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the republic.
The President forms the Government in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution. Within ten days after the appointment, the Prime Minister submits a proposal to the President of the Republic on the structure and composition of the Government. The Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of seven members, whose mandate lasts for six years. The chairman of the Constitutional Council is appointed by the President of the Republic.
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, justice is exercised only by the court. It is established by law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Court and local courts of the republic. Local state management is carried out by local representation (maslikhat) and executive bodies (akimtik) responsible for the state of affairs in the respective territory.
## Nature
The modern topography of Kazakhstan is formed after many long periods of paleogeographical development, due to the alternation of marine and continental conditions, constant changes in climate changes and tectonics. formed as a result of movements. Average of the Republic. There are no Varian (Hercynian) mountain systems in the part. As a result of intense continental deformation since the Paleozoic, the residual ridge turned into denudation plains and low mountains. Only Torgai Kolat and the south-eastern part of the republic were occupied by individual bays of Cenozoic moraine basins, and the entire southwestern part was occupied by the Cretaceous and Neogene sea. Mangistau Peninsula only in the Quaternary period Archived September 8, 2013. and the areas adjacent to it, the climate has turned into a dry plain. The formation process of the high mountain region formed in the Neogene-Quaternary period in the south-east of Kazakhstan continues to this day. It is evidenced by the movements and tremors of the earth's crust in this region. The mountainous region has been covered by ice 3 times in its natural history, as a result of which snow, glacial valleys and moraine rocks are exposed here.
Kazakhstan occupies the south-eastern edge of the East European platform (Caspian Syneclise) and the western part of the Ural-Mongolian folded belt. The layered belt continues to the south-west of the Turan basin (plateau).
* Paleozoic structures of Mughalzhar and Karatau (Mangistau) are exposed under the Mesocenezoic outcrop of the plate. In the mountainous part of Kazakhstan to the east of them, Ort. Paleozoic Massif of Kazakhstan — Saryarka, several fold systems and regions (Kazakhstan parts of Chinggis — Tarbagatai, Ob — Zaisan and Altai — Sayan fold regions), Solt. It is possible to distinguish the alpine belts of Tien-Shan and Zhetysu Alatau near the latitudinal direction. The Caspian Syneclise (basin) consists of sediments classified into three parts. Low. part is thick. Up to 13 km of ridges and valleys. and avg. from Paleozoic sandy-slate, clayey, carbonate-terrigenous layers, avg. part is from the salt series of the Kungur layer (about 5 km thick), there is no surface. It is composed of Permian-Mesozoic marine, continental sediments (4-6 km)...
The climate of Kazakhstan is very continental. The continentality of the climate is reflected in its peculiarities. They include: a large difference between winter and summer temperatures, dryness of the air, uneven rainfall in many parts of the republic, long and frosty winter in the north, and short and mild winter in the south.
According to the geographic latitude where Kazakhstan is located, the climate corresponds to the humid subtropical Mediterranean countries and the temperate continental central Europe. But because our country is located in the middle of the huge Eurasian continent, its climate is unique. Because they are thousands of kilometers away from the world's oceans, their climate mitigation effect is very small.
Kazakhstan is located in the south of the temperate climate zone, so four seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring) are clearly defined. Siberia gets very cold in winter. In summer, the effect of the warm and even hot air of Central Asia is noticeable. Temperature differences between seasons increase the continentality of the climate.
Due to its geographical location (that is, its location too far from the oceans, the main source of atmospheric moisture) and topography, a dry continental climate has developed in the vast territory of Kazakhstan. Like any other territorial regions, the climate of the republic is influenced by a complex of radiation and circulation factors.
Radiation Archived February 4, 2017. Over the territory of Kazakhstan, a high-pressure air circulation system (anticyclone) dominates throughout the winter, and a low-pressure (cyclone) atmospheric circulation system often forms in the summer. Anticyclonic weather prevails in most parts of the territory of the republic.
Therefore, the duration of sunlight increases from 2000 to 3000 hours a year from north to south. 120 days a year in the north and 260 days in the south are continuously cloudless, and the number of cloudy days decreases from 60 days to 10 days (Balkash region). As a result of these, the amount of total radiation gradually increases from 4200 to 5500 MJ/m2 from left to right. In the same way, the amount of radiation absorbed due to the reflectivity of the surface (surface of the earth) increases steadily towards the south. In winter, when a permanent snow cover forms, the maximum level of reflectivity reaches 70-80%, and in summer it decreases to 20-30% in many places. The annual effective value of radiation varies from 1500 in the north to 2100 MJ/m2 in the south. Seasonal duration of negative radiation balance. 3.5 — 4.5 months in the south (November — March), 1 month in the south.
The average annual volume of surface water resources of Kazakhstan is 100.5 km³; of which only 56.5 km³ is formed on the territory of the republic, the remaining volume consists of river waters coming from Central Asian states, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. In terms of river water flow, Kazakhstan is one of the countries with the least amount of water on the planet. Necessary water consumption lake. It is 54.5 km³, the possibility of using it for agriculture at the average annual rate of water content does not exceed 46.0 km3. In the years of water scarcity, the lake is a source of water resources. Up to 58 km³, and the used water decreases to 26 km³, respectively. Fresh underground water reserves are 15.1 km³, with a utilization rate of 11.3% or 1.7 km³. A lake of returning waters. 4 km³, water returned to water sources does not exceed 2 km³, the rest of the flow content is dissipated or seeps into the ground. Runoff is the main source of pollution of natural waters and environment.
Soil is one of the components of nature. The first soil in the earth's geological history. According to paleogeographical research, the first thin soil layer appeared 500 million years ago in the Cambrian era. At this time, vegetation has not yet formed.
The science of soil science, which studies the soil cover, is a young science. It was founded in the 80s of the XIX century by the Russian scientist V. V. Dokuchaev - determined that the soil is a natural and historical body.
Almost all soil types found in other countries are spread in Kazakhstan. There are taiga and tundra soil here, but there is no soil characteristic of the humid subtropical belt.
### Vegetation
There are approximately 6,025 plant species in Kazakhstan, excluding introduced, cultivated and accidentally introduced species. 18 species of wild plants are cosmopolitan (grows on continents other than Antarctica), 285 are holarctic (grows in Eurasia and North America). Among them, 535 (about 11%) are found only in Kazakhstan (endemics). There are several botanical zones here. Mountain plants form their own altitude zones. Rivers, lakes, swamps, floodplains, meadows, ponds do not belong to any zone.
Species of aquatic plants are few (63 hydrophilic species). They include half of all cosmopolitans (9 species, including grasses and rupias), 24 holarctic species (salvinia, tupunk, etc.). These are 52% of aquatic plants, that is, the oldest plants. It is the same from the paleobotanical point of view; The sedge family (with 21 species) existed 70-100 million years ago (in the Cretaceous period), salvinia, gerbera, and telorez 40-70 million years ago. Aquatic plants, belonging to the group of tropical, hydrophilic plants, flourished in Kazakhstan 25-40 million years ago (in the Oligocene).
There are more than 450 types of swamp, river flood and pond plants. In meadows and sometimes swampy areas, there are more forage grasses such as wheatgrass, sedge, yarrow, meadow horsetail, meadow clover, meadow chickpea, common beechmania, reed, sedge, sedge. From their grouping, a meadow with different productivity is formed.
Plant of the desert zone
* Tree-shrubs occupying gray soil flat lands (South Kazakhstan) include pistachio and (the fruit is ordinary pistachio) Regel pear, mountain, tobyl, Karatau lepidolofa, prickly pear There are almonds (most of which are rare). The slopes of Talas Alatau, Karzhantau and Karatau are densely forested, dominated by yellow hawthorn and juniper. The barren thickets of sexeuil mainly consist of low (2-8m) leafless "undergrowth" - black sexeuil. Other edible plants (wort, sedge, ysen, sedge) are not few.
* White wormwood, black wormwood, Turan wormwood are more common among the undergrown shrub plants in the desert with brown and gray-brown soil, and bayalish is more common in gypsum brown soil. There are also various ephemeroids (especially cypress and thick-stemmed sedge) and ephemerals.
* Among the shrub plants in the sandy soil desert, there is a predominance of sedge, sand sedge, sedge, brush species, leafless sedge and hairy sedge. There are a lot of low shrub-like plants (wort, ysen) and perennial grasses (kaumerka).
* In the desert where the undergrowth grows on brown soil, sarsazan, or b. vegetation dominates.
* Field zone
In the field zone, quail grass, red sedge, gray, fescue, Kyrgyz fescue, sedge fescue, sedge, and sedge grow. Relict plants are Siberian fescue, shiitake and many-rooted sedge.
* Mountain vegetation
The vegetation of Southern Altai, Sauyr, Dzhungar Alatau, Northern and Western Tien-Shan is divided into steppe, forest and alpine zones.
The steppe belt in Southern Altai and Tarbagatai continues with the steppe zone, but the vegetation here is mixed with almond, larch, and alder. In the Dzungar Alatau and Tien-Shan (desert zone) fescue, gray meadow, wheat (hairy wheat), barley (barley with stubble) are grown here, rose hips, red cherry, etc. b. there are many plants.
There are several types of forests in the mountains of Kazakhstan
* spruce and pine forests (in Altai);
* leafy (February);
* larch (Altai and Dzungar Alatau);
* spruce (Siberian spruce in Altai, Shrenk spruce in Dzungar Alatau and Tien-Shan);
* apple tree (Dzungar Alatau and Tien-Shan);
* apricot (North Tien-Shan);
* foreign (Tian-Shan);
* white birch (Tian-Shan).
Due to the location of mountain forests in such a wide area, the presence of oak and elm forests in the west of the republic, and birch and pine forests in the north, the vegetation of forests and forest meadows exceeds 40% of all vegetation in Kazakhstan. Among them, there is 1 cosmopolitan (common oleander), more than 30 holarctic species - forest fern, feather fern, bearded fern, hops, sedge, and sedge. They are relics from the forests of ancient times. Such forest plants are characterized by rare relicts such as walnut, Semenov maple, Lepsi tape, Tien-Shan cycerbita, Semenov heather, as well as endemic species such as Kyrgyz birch, Bekara poplar, Musketov camel, thousand-horse razor-eared sedge, included in the "Red Book of Kazakhstan". .
Alpine belts
* Alpine meadows and small grass meadows are characteristic. The first of these is spread from the hairy hogweed, and in Altai from the Bellardi hogweed. The small grassy meadow contains krylov's fescue, Mongolian ptilagrostis, and alpine maralot, taran, yellow sedge, etc. among other grasses. b. there is
* Subalpine meadows are formed in border areas with mountain ranges. In Tien-Shan, these are meadows made up of sedge, rock sedge, common sedge. There are also meadows consisting only of cat's tail. Usually, all these are fertile summer pastures, meadows.
### Animal world
There are 172 species of mammals, 485 birds, 52 reptiles, 12 amphibians, and about 150 fish species in the vast land of Kazakhstan. There are even more invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, snails, worms, etc.). There are more than 30,000 species of insects alone. Such a large number of animal species depends on the geographical location of the republic, the development of the terrain and the long and complex history of the formation of animal species.
Habitat of animals according to natural zones
* Forest steppe zone. Elk, roe deer, white hare, gray mouse, water rat, wood vole, ptarmigan, white partridge, lake waterfowl - swan, goose, duck, seagull, starling, grebe inhabited the forest steppe zone in the north of Kazakhstan. From the Volga coast to the Altai mountain slopes, which stretches to the south, there are grasses and wormwood of the grain family, fescue-grown field shrew, field shrew, gray mouse, common gray mouse, field mouse, sarshunak (large, small, shrew), and birds - duadak, bezgeldek , kestrel, falcon, field trikushka, gray sparrows, eagle owls, field owls and meadow owls live here. Herds of antelope graze in these areas from spring to autumn, and they move to the desert region in winter.
* Field zone. The eastern part of the forest in the valley of the Zhayik river is occupied by the western part of the steppe zone, moose and roe deer graze, European black mink, vole, and forest marten are also found here. Zhayik t. from amphibians. b. In the valleys of the rivers, there are frogs and wood frogs. There are a lot of buzzards, gray partridges, cranes, and gray grouse. In the middle part of the steppe zone with mountain ridges (Kokshe kryat) with dense pine trees, there are forest dwellers such as moose, roe deer, lynx, red woodpecker, white woodpecker, white woodpecker (in the thick forest along the Irtysh), ruffed grouse, black woodpecker, common woodpecker. In the east of the steppe zone, along with marmot, field mouse, and other animals such as field shrews, lynx, roe deer, and deer lived.
* Desert zone. In the desert zone with different vegetation, there are several species of shrews (small, medium, yellow) and bipeds, gerbils and hares. White antelope and gazelle can be found here in abundance. In this zone, there are birds such as bower, shrike, ruffed grouse, grouse, etc. b. there is
* Desert zone. In the desert zone, which covers the south of the republic up to the mountain slopes, there are several species of animals that live only here, and they go beyond the borders of the republic in the south. The plateau mouflon, which is found between Ustirt and Mangychilak rocks, where snow stops in winter and snow water collects in spring, feeds on succulent plants and is satisfied with brackish water. On the plateau there is a porcupine with a long needle, a lynx, a desert lynx - a karakal. Among the animals of the clay and gravel deserts, a representative of a special family, which is not found anywhere else in Kazakhstan, lives. It was found only in Betpakdala, in some areas on the northern shore of Lake Balkash, in Alakol and Zaisan potholes. The five-headed dwarf bison, found only in a few places near Northern Balkhash, is a unique animal. Among large animals, white antelope and gazelle winter in this desert. Among the birds, there are wagtails, wagtails, cranes, and plovers. Bare-footed raccoon, three-headed dwarf raccoon, sand mouse, thin-headed sardine, spotted ground squirrel, sand cat, etc. b. Adapted to live in sand. In the sands of Southern Balkhash, the typical species of this bee, the sparrow sparrow, the desert warbler live. In the Kumayt Desert, a number of species of lizards (white-headed, goats), snakes (bullet snakes, dragons, black rattlesnakes, etc.) and field turtles are distributed. Roe deer, wild boar, hare, pheasant etc. b. occurs. Balkhash, Sasykkol and others. Among the thick reeds on the shores of the lakes there are terns, plovers, egrets, coots, black herons, and seagulls. A very rare relic seagull, included in the "Kazakhstan Red Book", lives in the Alakol basin.
* The animal world of the mountains surrounding the east and south of Kazakhstan is diverse. In the coniferous Altai forests, moose, deer, kudir, Siberian ptarmigan, arkar, Altai skunk, brown bear, sable, skunk, mink, leopard, squirrel, borscht, Altai marmot, black grouse, tundra partridge, white partridge, Altai elk, There are sparrows and sparrows. In the mountains extending south from the Zaisan pothole (Sauyr, Tarbagatai, Dzungar Alatauy) deer, roe deer, arka, Siberian ptarmigan, brown bear, lynx, leopard, long-tailed deer live. In Dzungar, Ile Alatau and Talas Alatau, instead of the blue marten, the red marten and the very rare Menabir marten have been introduced. In the south-eastern mountains of Kazakhstan, among the birds of prey, the osprey, tazkara, and eagle live. These places are also characterized by the Himalayan woodpecker, partridge, long-legged crow, common crow, red-tailed sparrow, juniper woodpecker, mountain sparrow, and bluebird. In the small rivers of Dzungar Alatau, the newt lives.
### Specially protected natural territories
Specially protected natural territory is the land, water bodies and airspace sections above them with natural complexes and objects of the state nature reserve fund, which have a special protection regime.
Specially protected territory - areas with valuable natural or man-made (valuable ecosystems, geysers, park monuments, engineering structures, etc.) territories, water areas. Such areas are protected not only by law, but also by special control and people.
### Natural resources
Kazakhstan is one of the richest regions in the world in terms of mineral wealth reserves and diversity. Mineral reserves are an important guarantee of stable development and security of the national economy of Kazakhstan. The current state of the powerful mineral raw material base completely frees the republic from dependence on mineral resources of foreign countries, and it is the world of Kazakhstan. allowed the market to produce mineral resources and its processed products. Mineral resources are one of the main factors that determine the country's development strategy. In terms of importance, they are divided into three groups. The first group includes strategic mineral resources that provide the main financial income and have economic and political significance: oil, gas, coal, uranium, chromite deposits. The second group consists of important mineral resources that provide financial income and are the basis of Kazakhstan's industrial image: iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, aluminum and gold deposits. The third group includes deposits of tin, silver, phosphorus, barite, which are in high demand in domestic and foreign markets. Dozens of oil-gas and ore-producing enterprises operate on the basis of the explored reserves of mineral resources, which produce and process more than 70 different types of mineral raw materials.
## Political situation
Kazakhstan - according to the Constitution adopted in the republican referendum on August 30, 1995 - establishes itself as a democratic, secular, legal and social state. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government. The highest representative body of the republic is the Parliament. It carries out the legislative activity of the republic. The Parliament consists of two permanent Chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis.
The Senate consists of two people from each region, city of republican significance and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputies elected at the joint meeting of the region, city of republican significance and the capital of the Republic, respectively. 15 deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic for the term of office of the Parliament.
Mazhilis consists of 98 deputies elected on the basis of the party list on the basis of the degree of authority and the territory of a unified nationwide electoral district, and 9 deputies are elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
The President forms the Government with the proposal of the party that received the majority in the Majlis. Within ten days after the appointment of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the Prime Minister submits a proposal to the President of the Republic on the structure and composition of the Government. The Prime Minister issues orders that are binding on the entire territory of the Republic.
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of eleven members, whose mandate lasts for eight years. The Chairman of the Constitutional Council is appointed by the President of the Republic.
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, justice is exercised only by the court. The Supreme Court of the Republic and the local courts of the Republic established by law are the courts of the Republic.
### Local state administration and self-administration
Local state administration is carried out by the local representation (maslikhat) and executive bodies (akimtik) responsible for the state of affairs in the respective territory.
### Foreign policy
The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is distinguished by its activity, striving to maintain balance, pragmatism, efforts to conduct constructive dialogue and orientation to multilateral cooperation. In the international arena, our country, due to its historical, geopolitical and economic factors, has been conducting its foreign policy for many centuries based on the principle of international cooperation, reconciliation with neighboring states and respect for their regional unity.
The fact that Kazakhstan is eager to establish equal and mutually beneficial relations with other countries is proven by the large number of foreign countries with which it has established diplomatic relations today. Since gaining independence in 1991, our republic has established diplomatic relations with 130 countries of the world.
### Concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030
On March 6, 2020, the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030 was published. The document is based on the following priorities: - an open, predictable and consistent foreign policy of the country, which is progressive and maintains its continuity with the continuation of the foreign policy of the First President - the Head of State in the new stage of the country's development; - protection of human rights, development of humanitarian diplomacy and protection of the environment; - international promotion of economic interests in the arena, including implementation of state policy on attracting investments; - maintenance of international peace and security; - first of all, the main partners are Russia, China, the USA, Central Asian states and the countries of the European Union, and in terms of multilateral structures - the United Nations Development of regional and multilateral diplomacy, which means strengthening mutually beneficial relations with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other organizations.
### Political reforms in Kazakhstan
In June 2019, the National Council of Public Trust was established at the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Its main purpose is to develop proposals and recommendations on current issues of state policy based on discussions with the participation of the public, political parties, and representatives of civil society.
In July 2019, the President of Kazakhstan announced the concept of "A state that listens to the voice of the people", which responds promptly and effectively to the constructive requests of citizens.
At the same time, Kazakhstan will pass a law that will allow representatives of other parties to chair some parliamentary committees in order to encourage alternative views and opinions. The registration barrier for creating political parties will be reduced from 40 thousand to 20 thousand people.
A new law on peaceful assemblies was adopted in Kazakhstan. The law provides for the introduction of a conceptual apparatus that allows for the formation of basic concepts and forms of peaceful assembly, such as a picket, demonstration, march, rally. The law regulates the status, rights and duties of organizers, participants of peaceful assemblies and journalists.
In order to strengthen public security, President KK Tokayev also increased the punishment for crimes committed against a person.
### Society
Kazakh technical specialists united in the Kazakh Engineers Association.
## Holidays and weekends
## Economy
During the period of independence, 330 billion dollars of foreign investment was attracted to Kazakhstan from more than 120 countries of the world.
In the World Bank's "Doing business in 2020" report, Kazakhstan took the 25th place in the world and was named the best country in the world for protecting the rights of minority investors. The GDP of Kazakhstan is 179.332 billion. is USD and the annual growth rate is equal to 4.5%. Kazakhstan's GDP per capita is 9,686 US dollars.
After China and Qatar, Kazakhstan ranks third among the 25 most dynamic economies of the first decade of the 21st century. Kazakhstan's role in world trade and its central location on the new Silk Road allowed the country to open its markets to billions of people. Kazakhstan became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2015.
The main indicator for determining the share of Kazakhstan's economy in the world economy is the country's share in international trade. Kazakhstan's foreign trade turnover is increasing year by year: in 1995 it was $9 billion, and in 2008 it was $109 billion. The main growth belongs to the oil production and metallurgy industry. Export is connected with the increase in the volume of manufactured products and the increase in prices.
And the growth of imports increased as a result of the purchase of machines and equipment necessary for the production of products.
In 2009, foreign trade turnover decreased by 34%, the main cause of which was the drop in oil and metal prices. However, since 2010, a rapid development was observed due to the re-increase in prices, as a result, the volume of export-import transactions reached $137 billion. formed. Export ($92 billion) was twice as much as import ($45 billion).
75% of exports are mineral resources, the largest part of which belongs to minerals such as oil, gas, coal, and uranium. The remaining 13% are metals and 3.4% are agricultural products (mainly wheat), 4.2% are products of the chemical industry. The main product is unprocessed natural minerals. Kazakhstan serves as a provider of natural resources in the world trade market.
Kazakhstan joined the World Trade Organization in 2015. Became a member on June 22.
### External economy of Kazakhstan
External economy of Kazakhstan includes economic, trade, currency, scientific-technical, cultural and other relations with the countries of the world sit down Subjects of this industry are legal entities or individuals of Kazakhstan or foreign countries registered in an independent country by type of ownership related to foreign economic activities. The main and important place in the field of foreign economy is trade. In recent years, the share of goods exported from Kazakhstan has tripled. It is caused by several factors. Favorable investment conditions have led to the direct inflow of significant foreign investments, the main part of which is spent on the country's oil production sector. Firstly, this, in turn, rapidly developed the production of oil and gas condensate. Secondly, the favorable conditions for the sale of hydrocarbon raw materials in the global commodity market created conditions for the growth of export potential. In the same way, the mining and metallurgy industry is connected with the increase in the share of Kazakhstan's total exports and services in the last positive year, its rapid development and volume compared to the development of world trade.
The increase in the level of the dynamics of export of goods from Kazakhstan indicates its high and rapid development. On average, during ten years, the export of goods increased by four times, while the import increased by three and a half times. Compared to the world level, the macroeconomic size of our country is not high. Despite this, there is a huge potential for the future development of Kazakhstan's foreign economic sector. In particular, more than 500 deposits have been explored and all 1220 types of mineral raw materials have been identified. Of most of these, our country is in the first place in the world. Thus, Kazakhstan ranks first in the world in zinc, tungsten and barite reserves, second in silver lead and chromite reserves, third in copper, manganese, fluorite reserves, fourth in molybdenum reserves, and among the top ten countries in terms of gold reserves.
In our country, iron ore is 8 percent of the world reserves, and uranium is 25 percent by design. Kazakhstan is among the ten countries in the world in terms of exploration of oil reserves.
The global financial and economic stagnation had a negative impact on the foreign economic sphere of our republic.
## Energy
### Culture and society
### Education system
\< > ### Mass media
### Social sphere
### Armed forces
The military structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes military management bodies, Armed Types of forces, special forces, rear, military educational institutions and gil. includes institutions. During the war, in addition to the types of troops belonging to the Ministry of Defense, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the border service of the National Security Agency and other troops, respectively. It includes "Ulan", civil and territorial defense management and creation bodies. The main goal of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to protect the country's sovereignty, territorial integrity, economy, state. to protect citizens and citizens from the threat of war, to prevent hostilities or military conflicts, to create favorable conditions for the stable development of Kazakhstan.
The Armed Forces of the Republic are entrusted with the following main tasks in peacetime
* providing military strength, combat training, control of governing bodies and troops in conflicts within the country,
* Meml. of the Republic of Kazakhstan. to keep at a level capable of suppressing and repelling any illegal armed force within its borders or borders;
* airspace security, as well as, meml. operative-strategist of the border. closure of important regions;
* guarding important military facilities;
* readiness for bold action to stabilize the situation in any region of the country;
* participation in peacekeeping and other operations in accordance with international obligations.
The Armed Forces carry out these tasks in close cooperation with other armies and military structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the border service of the National Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan on land, sea, lakes and other water bodies. border guarding and protection, as well as participation in the fight against terrorism (terror), arms and drug trafficking. 2000 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the resolution of November 23, 1579, the country's Eastern, Western, Eastern, Middle. military districts were established. Ont. The territory protected by the military district includes: Almaty, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda regions. Average of the district. headquarters in Taraz. To the territory protected by the Eastern Military District: East. Includes Kazakhstan, Pavlodar regions. Average of the district. Headquarters in Semipalatinsk. Protected territory of the Western Military District: Aktobe, Atyrau, Bat. Includes Kazakhstan, Mangistau regions. Average of the district. headquarters in Aktobe. Other regions of Kazakhstan Avg. looks after the military district. Avg. The headquarters is in Karaganda.
The geopolitical situation of Kazakhstan is undergoing major changes (extremism, escalation of military conflicts near the border, emergence of new nuclear states, etc.). In this regard, the military doctrine of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed for the medium-term period (1999-2005), has only a defensive character. It is a comprehensive assessment of the military-political situation in the world and the region, the economy of the state. based on the possibilities of existence and material resources. The doctrine clarifies the main provisions of Kazakhstan's national security strategy and is aimed at organizing the country's defense in case of an attack, coordinating joint efforts with allied states to ensure collective military security.
## Interesting facts
* More than 19 million people, approximately more than 130 ethnic groups, live in Kazakhstan. 48.71% of them are men, 51.29% are women. Kazakhstan ranks 64th in the world in terms of population.
* The territory of Kazakhstan is located in Asia and Europe. The land area is 2.7 million square kilometers. It ranks 9th in the world. 3 Turkey, 5 France or 7 Japan would urinate on the territory of Kazakhstan.
* Kazakhstan has two time zones, the climate is sharply continental. Air temperature ranges from -45 to +45 degrees.
* Kazakhstan is one of the countries rich in natural resources. 99 out of 105 elements in Mendeleev's table were found in Kazakhstan. In terms of oil reserves, Kazakhstan is among the 20 leading countries in the world. It ranks 30th in terms of gas reserves, 15th in the world in terms of gold reserves, second after uranium.
* Kazakhstan voluntarily gave up the world's fourth most powerful weapon and closed the world's largest nuclear test site. On August 29, 1991, the Semey nuclear test site was closed.
* Astana is considered to be the youngest capital of the world. In 1998, UNESCO recognized the capital city as "City of Peace" and awarded it with a medal. At the world competition held in Brazil, Astana won the highest honor among 12 young cities around the world. And in 2012, the capital was awarded the status of "Cultural Capital of the CIS and the Turkic World". Since March 2019, the name of the city has been changed to Astana in honor of the First President.
* The tallest chimney in the world is located in Kazakhstan (in the city of Ekibastuz). Its height is 420 meters. It is 100 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower.
* Baikonur is the first and largest spaceport in the world. "Baikonur" cosmodrome was the first man to fly into space. It is located in the territory of Kazakhstan near the village of Toretam. Its size is 6717 square kilometers.
* Medeu is the highest artificial ice rink in the world. 170 world records are set here. The name "Medeu" was given in honor of Medeu Pusyrmanuly, a public figure who lived at the end of the 19th century.
* 3.8 million passenger cars are registered in Kazakhstan (as of October 1, 2021).
* The largest theater in Central Asia is located in Kazakhstan. "Astana Opera" theater was built by experts from 33 countries in three years.
* Kazakhstan is the homeland of tulips and apples. And the horse was domesticated for the first time (in the 4th millennium BC) in Kazakhstan.
The native currency of Kazakhstan was recognized as the best paper money in the world three times in a row in 2011, 2012 and 2013. The first Kazakhstan coins were issued in London.
* Since independence, more than 120 countries of the world have invested more than 370 billion dollars in Kazakhstan (according to 2022 data).
* The longest land border in the world is the border between Kazakhstan and Russia (7591 kilometers).
* Two monuments of Kazakhstan are among the world cultural heritage of UNESCO. They are Khoja Ahmet Yasawi mausoleum and Tambaly petroglyphs.
## Sources
## External links
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Archived September 29, 2011.
* Official website of the President
* Official website of the Parliament Archived June 1, 2019.
* Electronic Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Official website of the Government Archived on August 7, 2019.
* Kazakhstan Archived March 9, 2017. Open Directory Project (ODP)
* Online legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Official statistics of Kazakhstan Archived 13 November 2013.
* The first information portal of Kazakhstan |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5237 | Мақатаев | Mukaghali Suleymenuly Makataev (February 9, 1931, Karasaz, Rayymbek district, Almaty region - March 27, 1976, Almaty), real name Muhammedkali, is a Kazakh lyric poet, a poet of ice cream, who, although he did not get the appreciation he deserved in his time, was a poet of high status for those who came after him.
## Biography
He was born on February 9, 1931 in the village of Karasaz of the current Rayymbek (former Narynkol) district of Almaty region. Descendants of Shogan Abyz of the Great Hundred Albanian tribe came from the Alzhan clan. There are two types of information about the poet's birthday. However, according to the documents, the poet's birthday is celebrated on February 9. Second information: the poet's mother Nagiman said: "Mukagalim was born on March 8, 1931. I can't be wrong. Because my son, after some time after opening the doors of this store, we were expecting the Nauryz wedding, and we were expecting to make March soup. Orazakyn Askar, the laureate of the Mukagali Makataev literary prize, says the following about the poet's second birthday: "According to the document, Mukagali was born on February 9. When the poet regained consciousness, he wrote this testimony in connection with the election campaign at that time." The name of the adhan is Muhammadkali. His father was a simple farmer: he worked as a waterman and a farmer in the collective farm. Mukaghali was the firstborn of the family, after whom one daughter and three sons were born. The poet's sister and first brother died early. The names of the latter are Toktarbay and Korpesh. According to the Kazakh tradition, the first child of the family should be brought up by his grandparents, so Mukaghali grew up in the arms of his grandmother Tiyn and accepted his mother as a sister-in-law. Since his childhood was spent together with the war, the poet tasted the bitter taste of fate early ("What do I long for you, my child?"). Mukaghali's father was killed on the Kaliningrad front in 1941.
He came from the Albanian tribe of the Great Hundred.
* 1948–1949 student of the Faculty of Philology of KazMU;
* 1948 - dropped out of school and became the secretary of the village council in the village of Shibut;
* 1949 - married his wife Lashin in the spring;
* 1949 - the newspaper "Sovettik gyzman" published the poems of the poet "At the threshing floor", "Shepherd boy - Akitay";
* 1950 - enrolled in the German language faculty of the Institute of Foreign Languages in Almaty, soon dropped out due to his family situation;
* 1954 - appointed as a Russian language teacher in Karasaz elementary school, this year three poems of the poet were published in "Literature and Art" magazine;
* 1957 - works as an announcer of the Republican Radio;
* 1960–1962 - Head of the department of the newspaper "Soviet Border";
* 1963–1965 - works in the magazine "Culture and Life";
He moved to Almaty in 1962 and began to get involved in the literary environment. He studied German at the Almaty Institute of Foreign Languages, studied at the philology faculties of the Kazakh State University, and studied M. in Moscow. He studied at the Institute of World Literature named after Gorky.
After that, in the editorial office of the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" (now "Egemen Kazakhstan") (1962-1963), "Culture and Life" (now "Parasat") (1963-1965), and "Zhuldyz" (1965-1972). , works in the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan (in 1972-1973). During the few years he spent in the environment where the cream of Kazakh literature and art were concentrated in Almaty, Mukaghali showed his unique voice and unique artistic talent and was able to work productively. During his lifetime, he published the collections of poems "Ilyich" (1964), "Armysyst friends" (1966), "Karlygashym keldin be?", "Mavr" (1970), "Akkkular khuliyalanda" (1973), "Shuagym myn" (1975). succeeded.
The source and source of inspiration for Mukaghali's poetry is the country of his birth, the place where he grew up, the fate of the Motherland, the breath of the times, the dreams of his contemporaries. All this was created by Mukaghali with the unique skill characteristic of a young talent, perfect poetic harmony as if poured from the palate of God, mysterious and sincere feeling that resonates with every heart, with figurative images unique to real poetry, at the level of immortal art.
## The first steps in poetry
The poet's first poems were published in the newspaper "Sovettik Gzhanas" in "Kyryman bala - Akitai" district (1949). Poems "My brother's thought", "Master" were included in the collection "Song of Youth" (1951). A. Tazhibaev, who first appreciated Mukaghali's talent, said: "When a young teenager reaches the age of being more energetic than yourself, can't you not be proud? !" ("Kazakh literature", 18.3.1960).
### Works and translations
Mukaghali's "Karlyghashim, keldin be?", "Dariga Khurt" (in 1972), "Akkkular khuliyani", "Shuagym My" (1975 year), "Beating Heart", "Sholpan", "Singing Heart", "Life-River", "Life-Epic" and others. collections of poems, as well as "Goodbye, love!" (in 1988) also has a prose book. A song was written for Birsha's poems. Having tried himself as a translator, Mukaghali translated the Tamuk section of Dante's "Almighty Comedy" (in 1971), Shakespeare's "Sonnets" (in 1970), Walt Whitman's poems (in 1969) into the Kazakh language.
translated books during the lifetime of the poet, W. Whitman, "Leaves of Grass" (1969); W. Shakespeare, "Sonnets" (1970); D. Aligeri, "Tamuk" section of "Kudretti Comedy" (1971), collection of 8 poems "Ilyich" (1964), "Armysyst, friends" (1966), "Karlygashim, have you come?" (1968), "Mavr" (1970), "Dariga-zhurek" (1972), "Akkular zhurikanda" (1974), "Shuagym my" (1975), "Omirdastan" (1976) were published. U. Whitman, W. Shakespeare, N. Tikhonov, R. Burns, F. Ansari, A. Hakobyan, A. Isaakyan, E. Yevtushenko, F. He translated several poems of Morgun. Yu.A. Alexandrov, M.M. The poet's poems translated by Kurgantsev were published in Russian under the name "Zov dushi" "Moor", "When Swans Sleep", "Kyrandas, Goodbye", "My Chili Sun", "On the Border", "Bolsheviks", "Omirdastan", "Dream", "Cholpan", "Letter to a Friend", "Altai" -Atyrau", "My motherland, I will tell you", "Raimbek! Raimbek!", "The fugitive", "Report on the ground", "Mozart. There are poems and essays entitled "Zhan azasy". In his more than 650 lyrical poems, he deeply thought about the meaning of human life, elegance and beauty, purity, bravery, country, homeland. "Mozart" written by the poet in the last period of his life. Requiem "Zhan Asasy" is a work with a different philosophical content and psychological structure. In each part of the 4-part work called "Sound of the Coffin", "Sound of the People", "Sound of the Widows", "Cradle Song", philosophical thoughts about life and death are expressed on behalf of the coffin, the widow-Mother, and the Earth-Cradle. The poet Mozart, putting his fate into words, conveys the optimistic spirit of his soul about life, the dream-song of every person. No matter what topic the poet wrote about, he was not fond of false feelings and shiny words, about him: "I don't sing, I flirt." The secret is that I grieve with a contemporary. He says, "I don't want to write a poem, I don't want to write a poem" or "It's not even me, I mean "I"... I prefer to study myself in order to understand the soul and secrets of others." The fabric of Mukaghali's creativity consists of "self" research. A lyricist in Mukaghali's meditative lyrics. I am the self-searching, life and death, man and society, the universe looking for harmony, I am a philosopher in constant search. Mukaghali's works are dominated by philosophical depth, description of human psychological distress, and meditation. In his collective story "Omirdastan" through the image of a widowed woman (Dariga), the incessant struggle between the life of the people in the rear and humanity, citizenship, loyalty, honor, spirit and self is psychological. skillfully conveyed through tension. Mukaghali's skill lies in deeply reflecting what he has seen and learned from life. About faith, Islam, "Ya, Creator Allah", "The oak that sold", "Mother of religion and science", "Ya, Allah", "A letter to the Muslims of the whole world", "Where did man come from", "Complaint of the heart", "The sun" It's late, it's getting late", "What does a man need", etc. wrote poems. "I sell my religion, I don't sell it", "I am a Muslim from the Ummah of Muhammad", "Why did I drink the honey and poison of Satan and the sinless angel?" "I didn't share the angel's sorrow, I didn't agree even with Satan", the struggle according to human nature and the mysterious conflicts in the human soul are reflected in the lyrics. He especially sings a lot about the mountains and the Kazakh village ("I grew up in the mountains", "The mountain is a legend", etc.). "He gave me the mountain so I wouldn't die. When I moaned, the mountain sighed and cried." He transformed Kazakh poetry in terms of content and form. "Kazakh's dark poem is my power, it contains a terrible secret," says the poet. Mukaghali is a traditionalist poet, he introduced innovations in terms of intonation, inversion, content. Mukaghali's poetry is distinguished by its national character and personality: "If I asked for water, she gave me milk, she gave me kefir, You are getting old, dear sister-in-law." The poet looked at the poem as something special and worshiped the Muse: "Oh, Muse, give me your far-off shelf, come from home and let me breathe." Mukaghali goes deeply into the dialectics of the human soul and truly depicts its essence ("Leaf is a heart-young birch"). He said, "A real poet must first be a thinker, a philosopher. Being a philosopher in poetry meant understanding the world around him, knowing the meaning of each thing, and "remaining an engineer of the human soul" until the end (Kundelik, 10.2.1976). The poet's skill is to see himself in life and life in himself. "My whole writing is just one complete poem. "A poem about human life and death, suffering and joy," says the poet. Mukaghali's lyrics, which sang the secrets of human life and the world, have become a significant heritage of Kazakh literature. Mukaghali wrote not only in the genre of poetry, but also in the field of prose, drama, and criticism. The writer's collection "Goodbye, love" (1988) includes "Kulpytas", "Mountain of Marusya", "Uzgermepti", "Grandma", short stories, "Birds of the Year" and the play "Goodbye". included several critical works. O. Suleymenov, M. Alimbaev, K. Myrzaliev, Zh. Nazhimedenov, S. Maulenov, etc. in literary criticism works "Spirit and Feeling", "Sezim Lightning", "Kazakh Poetry of 1969". analyzes his works and thinks about art and poetry.
### Excerpt of the poem
Mukaghali not only continued the national schools and traditions of the Kazakh people in poetry weaving and singing before him, but also comprehensively developed and deepened it, Kazakh poetry- One of the few openings of the 20th century that raised his words to new jurists and took them to new spaces, in the poet's own words: The creator of the heroic poem, "I will return it to myself", Great personality, Great poet. Poetry! Were you a twin with me? Do you feel me, why did I look for you? I looked for you in painful mornings, I looked for you in dark mountains. , from fires, flags, I looked for you from lost times... I looked for you. Do you have time to search? Did you make me a twin?"
When you read these verses, you feel as if you recognize the nature of a giant poem, a new aspect and character... The poet believed in himself in his short life. Ary is pure, his soul is clear, his heart is fiery, his poems and beautiful epics are the result of his faith. The poet freely opens the gate of the new century and enters the field of the new millennium.
### Although the poet's substance dies, his name does not die
He passed away in Almaty. He published the main collections of poems during his lifetime ("Mavr", "Dariga-zhurek", "Akkkular zhulivanga", "Shuagym menyi"). Before his death, he wrote a long poem called "Requiem".
Works in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, etc. translated into languages. K. Seytova "Mukaghali's poetic heritage" (1991), K. Khamidullaev "Mukaghali's poetic skill" (1993), Z. Kazanbaeva "M. Grammatical features of Makataev's lyrics" (1999)], about 700 works (articles, memoir-essays, novels, poems, poems, etc.) were written about his work. After Mukaghali's death, the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded a literary prize named after Mukaghali (1985), he was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999), the title "Poet of the Century". On the eve of the 60th anniversary, the poet's museum was opened in his hometown. In Almaty, there is a school named after the poet, a street and a monument dedicated to Mukaghali along the same street. Mukagali poems by N. Tylendiev, D. Rakyshev, Sh. Kaldayakov, I. Zhakanov, A. Altynbek Korazbayuly Korazbaev, T. Rakhimov, M. Rustemov, T. Mukhamedzhanov, A. Tinaliyev, B. Oraluly, T. Dosymov, etc. b. musicians wrote songs. In 1985, at the initiative of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, M. Award named after Makataev. And in 2008, a new award named after M. Makataev was appointed.
In 1999, Mukaghali's book "Amanat" won the State Prize (State Prize named after Abay). In 2011, the 80th anniversary of Mukaghali Makataev will be celebrated at various levels. On the occasion of this holiday "Poet, happy birthday!" Askarov Alimzhan dedicated a poem.
## Sources
## External links
* Mukaghali Makataev on Adebiportal.kz
* Biography of the symbol of Kazakh poetry Mukaghali Makataev |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4737" | Salimzhan Zhumashuly Nakpaev | Salimzhan Zhumashuly Nakpaev (March 3, 1966, Miyaly village, Kyzylkoga district, Atyrau region) — mayor of Atyrau city (2006-2009).
## Biography
* In 1991, he graduated from Almaty Institute of People's Agriculture, specialty is economist.
* 1983 He started working as a compressor technology machinist in the line passenger department in the Makat district of Atyrau region.
* He served in the Soviet Army for more than four years in his previous position.
* 1989-1992 Worked as a specialist, senior economist of the economy committee of the Makat district executive committee.
* 1992-2000 — Chairman of "Maksat" small industry.
* Deputy akim of Makat district of Atyrau region — chairman of the economy committee.
* 2000-2003 Akim of Makat district of Atyrau region.
* 2003 since March - head of the Akim's office of Atyrau region.
* 2005 Since January - akim of Zhylyoi district of Atyrau region.
* 2006 since February - deputy governor of Atyrau region.
* 2006 October - 2009 from December - Akim of Atyrau city.
* December 2009 - June 17, 2010 - deputy akim of Atyrau region.
* From the season of 2010 to March 2012 - manager of relations with local authorities of "Ajip KKO".
* From March to September 2012, he was innocently prosecuted and acquitted by the Supreme Court.
* Since February 19, 2013 - deputy governor of Atyrau region.
## Awards
* Order of "Honor"
* Medal "10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6186 | Dominican republic | Not to be confused with Dominica.
Not to be confused with Dominica.
The Dominican Republic (Is. República Dominicana [reˈpuβlika ðominiˈkana]) is a country in the eastern part of the island of Haiti (Caribbean Sea) and the islands off the coast. The western third of the island is occupied by the Republic of Haiti. The island is part of the Greater Antilles.
The capital is Santo Domingo.
The population of the state is about 10.7 million people (2017).
For most of its history (before independence), the colony was known as "Santo Domingo" in honor of its patron saint, Saint Dominic. The inhabitants were called "Dominicanos" (Dominicans), the adjective version is "Domingo", and the revolutionaries called their independent country "La República Dominicana".
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6106 | Судан | Sudan (Arabic: السودان), the full name of which is the Republic of Sudan (Arabic: جمهورية السودان Jumhuriyat al-Sudan) is a country located in northeastern Africa. In terms of land area (2.5 million km²), it ranks 1st in Africa and 10th in the world. Population - 40.2 million. (2004) man. About half of the population are Arabs, the rest are Nubians, Beys, Dinkas, Nuers, Shilluks, etc. peoples make up. The official language is Arabic. 70% of the population are Muslims, 10% are Christians, and others adhere to local religious beliefs. The capital is the city of Khartoum (2.9 million). Divided into 25 provinces, Khartoum city. personal administrator. is considered a unit. National holiday - Independence Day - January 1 (1956). The currency is the Sudanese dinar. UN (1956), African Union (1963), League of Arab States (1956), Organization of the Islamic Conference, etc. member of international organizations. The head of state is the president, the legislative body is the 1-chamber parliament (National Assembly), the executive power is the Council of Ministers.
The land is mostly flat (300-1000 m). The central part is a flat plain and gradually rises towards the Kordofan and Darfur highlands in the western direction. The eastern part of the country is covered by Ethiopia, and the southern part is covered by the mountain range of Central Africa. The highest point is Kinyeti peak (3187 m). Minerals - iron, copper, chrome ores, gold, marble, etc. The northern tropics, central and southern parts of the country are located in the sub-equatorial zones. North-Sahara and Nubian tropical deserts, and equatorial monsoon climate occupies the south - savanna nature zone. Average air temperature is 15-35°C. Amount of annual precipitation. in the north it is almost 100 mm, in the southern part it exceeds 1400 mm. The Nile River crosses the territory from south to north. Its main tributaries are Atbara, Sobat, Bahr al-Jebel, White Nile and Blue Nile rivers. In the desert and desert regions in the north of the gray soil, there is little vegetation, mainly black wormwood, sorgon, ephemeral and cereal plants and thorny bushes grow. To the south, in the savannahs with reddish-brown and red ferralitic soil - baobab tree, palm, acacia, black, milky, etc. plants are found. Mountainous plateaus and river valleys in the east and south are covered with tropical forests. Antelope, monkey, giraffe, lion, leopard, elephant, cheetah, crocodile, etc. species of birds and reptiles are found. In order to protect them, Dinder, Southern, Nimuls, Erkovit national parks and reserves were organized.
Sudan has been inhabited by people since the ancient Stone Age. According to ancient Egyptian data, BC. In the 4th - 3rd millennium, this region was called the land of Kush, and later (since the 10th century) it was called Nubia. At that time, a significant part of the modern Sudan was inhabited by Semitic-Hamitic and Kushite tribes related to the ancient Egyptians. BC In the 2nd millennium they were joined by negroids from the east. BC S. in the 16th - 12th centuries. Egypt turned its land over to itself and built large cities and fortresses. BC 8th century a separate kingdom was formed around It was in Napata. BC In the second half of the 6th century, the capital moved to Meroe. The first alphabet writing in Africa appeared here (the Meroe language). BC At the beginning of the 4th century, a significant part of Suda was captured by the kingdom of Aksum. Christianity spread to Sudan in the 6th century, and several Christian states were established in the 7th century. 639 - 642 Arabs who conquered Egypt began to settle in Sudan. Due to this, Islamic religion and Arabic culture, writing and language spread to Sudan. In the 14th - 16th centuries, several Muslim states were established here. In the 16th century, the northern auds of Suda became part of the Ottoman Sultanate. 1820 - 22 years Most of the land of Sudan was occupied by the ruler of Egypt, Muhammad Ali. In the second half of the 19th century, the British influence in Sudan increased. 1899 Sudan was declared a joint British-Egyptian territory (condominium), and thus received the name Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. In fact, Sudan became a British colony and adapted mainly to cotton production. 1st world. After the war, several political and social organizations were created in the country, and the national liberation movement was revived. 2nd world. Sudan was one of Britain's most important military bases in Africa during the war. 1953 On February 12, England and Egypt came to an agreement and the condominium order in Sudan was abolished. 1955 In December 1956, the Sudanese parliament It was decided to declare the country an independent state from January 1. 1958 On November 17, a military coup took place in the country, and the democratic forces were persecuted. 1964 As a result of the people's movement that started, the people in power changed frequently, and the people's life deteriorated sharply. 1986 Civil war started in Sudan in 1987-88. the people suffered from famine. 1989 The political groups that came to power as a result of another military coup on June 30 adopted a new constitution in the summer of 1998, paving the way for political parties. 2002 internal autonomy was granted to the southern region by the decision of the central government. Civil war only in 2005. finished in the spring. As a result of internal conflicts, about 4 million Sudanese refugees are abroad.
Sudan is an agrarian country. The main branch of agriculture is farming. Sugar cane, date palm, corn, etc. is grown. The main food crops are sorghum, millet, wheat. Animal husbandry is developed in a nomadic and semi-nomadic nature. Mainly, cattle, camels, sheep and goats (there are more than 70 million head of cattle in the country) are bred. A very large oil reserve has been discovered in the country. Exports include oil, sesame, cotton, peanuts, gum arabic, livestock, livestock products, and gold. Machinery and production equipment, food, products of the chemical industry, industrial consumer goods are purchased from other countries. The transport complex is poorly developed. River and sea relations are developed. The largest seaport of the country is Port Sudan. National income per capita. 1360 USD. The main trade partners are Arab states, African and Asian countries.
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2880" | Open Directory | Open Directory Project (eng. Open Directory Project). Other names: ODP, DMoz (D — English directory, Moz — Mozilla) is an open directory of multilingual Internet links owned by Netscape. The founders and supporters are considered to be an association of voluntary processors.
List of 1998. started working. Current 2006 As of June 1, more than 4,769,732 sites were described in more than 708,584 sub-sections of the public part of the inventory, 78 language sections were created and supplemented, another 99 are in the preparation phase, 72,729 editors participated during the entire period of the project's existence, including 7,495 editors engaged in active editing. stand 2006 June 12, 2007, in the public part of the inventory, the Kazakh site section. Archived from the original on January 15, 2007. placed.
## External links
* Open List Project Archived 14 May 2016.
* Public Board Archived June 21, 2008. — Open List Project Public Board Kazakh section Archived February 7, 2007. — Open List Project
* Kazakh section of the Public Board Archived February 7, 2007. — Open Enumeration Project
* Census(link unavailable) — Open Enumeration Project
* Paper Archived 19 January 2007. — Open List Project |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3998 | Исландия | Iceland (Isl. Ísland [ˈislant]) is an island country located in Northern Europe. It is located in the east of the island of Greenland and in the west of Norway and the Norwegian Sea. The capital Reykjavík is located in the southwest of the island.
## Vocabulary
The translation of the name of the island is the land of ice.
## Geography
One of the two island countries located in the great ocean between North America and Europe, Iceland is geologically one of the youngest countries in the world. According to scientists, Iceland was formed by the eruption of underwater (Atlantic) volcanoes in the Quaternary period of the Earth's history, and became an island during the global glaciation.
The coastal border of Iceland is about 5 thousand km. The northern and northwestern regions of the country are mountainous, while the southern part is occupied by sandy plains. Ice cover covers almost the entire land of Iceland. 11,900 km² of land across the country is covered with ice. Such frosts are abundant in the northern part of the country. Its largest are Vatnajekudl, Hofsiekudl and Laungiekudl. And the highest point of the country is Hvannadalshnukur (2119 m).
In addition to the fact that the ocean surrounds all four borders of the country, Iceland has a large system of rivers and lakes. The country's largest lakes are Thingvadlavatn and Tourisvatn. However, compared to its neighbor Britain, which is the lowest in the world compared to sea level, Iceland has settled much higher.
### Climate
Like its island neighbor, the British Isles, Iceland is characterized by high rainfall.
However, if we think that Iceland is an arctic country, we will make a big mistake, based on the name of the island and the number of glaciers. Because the warm winds brought by the North Atlantic Current (Gulf Stream) keep Iceland's weather stable. The average January temperature in this region is only −1 °C, while the average July temperature is +11 °C. In other words, the summer of the country is not hot, and the winter is not freezing. It is true that the mild climate is a comfort for tourists, but it is a disadvantage for agriculture. Because of this, Iceland belongs to the category of countries that are lagging behind in terms of agricultural development.
### Vegetation
Only ¼ of the country is covered with vegetation. A large part of it is occupied by mosses and low grasses. And woody plants occupy only 1% of the habitat. True, the abundance of precipitation must have a different effect on plant growth. That is, people here may think that Iceland is a country of green fields and gravel. But the ice caps and extreme humidity, some areas becoming swampy or barren soil contribute to the thinness of Iceland's vegetation.
### Animal world
Fauna of the country is not rich either. The white fox (pesets) is considered the most resident animal of the region. And in the 18th century Since then, several species of mice and about 80 species of birds, reindeer and reindeer are new inhabitants of the region. But all these are a minority compared to other countries. Only on the ocean coast of Iceland there are many species of fish. Iceland is not a mine of marine animals. Even two species of seals and several species of whales live on the coast.
## Administrative division
## People
## History
Iceland was inhabited around 870 years ago . Settlers were mainly Norwegians, as well as Irish, Scots, and other Scandinavian peoples. Settlers called the island "Ice Country". 980 Icelanders discovered the island of Greenland and reached America in 1000 years. 10th century The first states began to be established on the island from 1000. adopted Christianity. 1262-64 the country was taken over by the Norwegian aristocracy. 1380 Iceland formed a union with Denmark. The country was ravaged by disease and the population decreased. In the 16th century, the country was subordinated to the Danish state. Since 1830, small industrial enterprises have been established in the country. In 1857, a National Constituent Assembly was established in Iceland and demanded autonomy. Denmark made a number of concessions. Thus, a century passed and the state of Iceland was fully established. Iceland is one of the very young countries from the geological point of view. However, like other European states, it gained independence early. History of Iceland 1387-1390. It is known that he was subject to Denmark.
## Sources
## Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan
## Political environment
Iceland is a republic. Constitution of 1944 accepted. The head of the country — the president — is elected every four years as a result of nationwide open and closed elections. However, the executive power has not been transferred to the hands of the president. According to the law, the executive power is in the hands of the government and its head - the Prime Minister.
Deputies of the Parliament (alting in the local language) (total number — 63) are elected for 4 years as a result of national elections.
And the most prominent party in the country is "Independence Party". 2003 In the last Alting deputies' election, the candidates who competed on behalf of this party won 22 seats (33.7%). Other parties in Iceland include the Progressive Party and the Socialist-Democratic Alliance. For example, in 1996-2001, the annual economic growth of the country was 3-5%, in 2002 this number dropped sharply to barely 0.2%. And GDP did not exceed 0.6%. However, a year later, that is, in 2003. economic growth picked up again and inflation in the country decreased from 5% to 2%. Iceland in the chain of advanced countries in 2005. If it is in 16th place, in 2006 according to information, it was found that it has increased two more levels. Only as a result of this rise, Iceland found itself among the giant six.
### Industry
Mining is almost non-existent in the country, except for a small amount of gray coal production. Instead, after the Second World War, the manufacturing industry began to be taken up. 1960 since 2010, imported raw aluminum has been processed and finished aluminum products needed for construction have been exported. In Iceland, the light industry has also been promoted in recent years. Footwear, metal products, construction materials, electrical tools and various consumer goods began to be produced.
### Energy
Iceland is advanced in the field of energy. The water source of energy is characteristic of the republic. Hydropower capacity of the state is 80 billion kW-h per year. is evaluated. Currently, there are 6 energy-producing water sources in the republic.
### Transportation
Although Iceland has well-developed roads and waterways, there are no railways. However, the length of the highway is 12,955 km. Because the number of vehicles in the republic is too high. According to unofficial data, there is 1 car per capita in Iceland. And the total cargo capacity of the country's merchant ships is 192 thousand tons. There are 3 companies engaged in transportation in the country.
### Fisheries
The mainstay of Iceland's economy is fishing. This industry employs 12% of the total population, and also accounts for 70% of the country's exports. The main freshwater fish in it are cod and herring. However, due to the decrease in fish yield in recent years, the so-called moiva and saira fish have also been caught and exported in Iceland.
In addition, Icelanders are also engaged in whaling. True, in 1989. Although a moratorium on whaling was announced in the country with the intervention of international animal protection associations, in 1990. By the middle of the year, the country's leadership lifted the moratorium again.
### Agriculture
Only 5 percent of the country's population works in agriculture. The total number of agricultural farms in the republic is 6 thousand, 80 percent of which are private farms. The main object of Iceland's animal husbandry is sheep farming. The main reason is that lamb is the main meat dish in Iceland.
### Trade
Also, the place after fish products in foreign trade is occupied by underground minerals. Among them, Iceland exports aluminum, diatomite, ferrosilicon.
The main countries of contact in foreign trade: Germany — 18%, the United Kingdom — 17.5%, the Netherlands — 11%, the USA — 11%, Spain — 5%, Denmark — 5%, Portugal — 4% , Norway — 4%.
As for imports, Iceland transports petroleum products, food, and machinery. Countries with import contacts and their percentages are as follows: USA - 11%, Germany - 11%, Denmark - 8.5%, Norway - 8.5%, United Kingdom - 7.5%, Netherlands - 6%, Iceland - 6% .
## General
The Republic of Iceland is a country located on the island of Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean in Northern Europe. The land area is 103,000 km². The population is 272,000 people (according to the 1999 census). 99% of the population are Icelanders. The official language is Icelandic. Most of the inhabitants adhere to the Protestant-Lutheran branch of Christianity. The capital is the city of Reykjavik. The territory of the country is administratively divided into 8 regions and 23 districts (sisla). Iceland is a parliamentary republic. 1944 According to the adopted Constitution, the head of state is elected by open elections for 4 years (since 1996 - O.R. Grimsson). Legislative power is exercised by the president and the unicameral parliament (Alting). National holiday June 17 - Independence Day (1944). National currency.
## Culture and society
## Social sphere
## Armed forces
# # Comments
## Sources
## National Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan
## See more
## Sources
## External links
* Ice-covered land or what is the secret of Iceland's economy? Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5271 | Abulkhair Khanate | In the 14th century, the nobles and tribes owned by the descendants of Orda-Ezhen and Shaibani were part of the White Horde state. Khans from the Orda-Ezhen and Toka-Temir dynasties ruled here. Despite this, the descendants of Shaibani retained their power.
By the end of the 20s of the 15th century, as a result of the fierce struggle between the descendants of Chinggis and the nomadic Turkish shonjars, power was transferred from the successors of Orda-Ezhen and Toka-Temir to the descendants of Shaiban. It was caused by the weakening and decline of the White Horde, the death of its last khan, Barak, in 1428. At this time, two independent political associations were strengthened in the territory of the White Horde. The first of them is the Nogai Horde, which covers the lands from Zhaiyk and westward to the Volga. On the eastern side of Zhaiyk, descendants of Shaybani managed their estates along Yrgyz, Elek, Torgai, Sarysu, and in the upper streams of Tobyl and Esil. They are: To the north of the island, the Shaibani family is the son of Zhumadyk Khan, the second branch of the Shaibani family is Mustafa Khan Atbasar, and the third branch is Mahmud-Khoja Tobyl. Mangit Kepek bi and Adabek Burkit ruled in the Tura region of Western Siberia. In written historical records, these feudal estates were also called the Khanate of Nomadic Uzbeks. There were constant violent fights between these tribes for land and power. In the course of this dispute, 17-year-old Abilkhair, the son of Daulet-Shaikhogly, who descended from the Shayban generation of Joshi, won. He was proclaimed Khan in 1428 in the city of Tura (Tumen) in Western Siberia. He was supported by about 200 representatives of clans and tribes belonging to the Shaibani dynasty.
The population consisted of Turkish and Turkicized Turko-Mongol tribes that were part of the White Horde. The main ones are: Kypchak, Naiman, Kyyat, Mangit, Karluk, Kunurat, Kanly, Uylin, Shinbai, Kurleuit and others. These tribes are related tribes in terms of language, economy, culture and lifestyle. That's why they are called "Uzbek" politically together. His possession included the eastern side of the Nogai Horde, in the west - to Zhaiyk, in the east - up to Balkhash, in the south - to the Aral Sea and the lower reaches of the Syrdarya, in the north - to the middle reaches of the Tobyl and Irtys rivers. There was no stability and peace in the political situation.
The Joshi family - including Ibak Khan, Bereke Sultan, descendants of Urs Khan Janibek and Kerei and others - constantly opposed Abulkhair. Abulkhair Khan began his conquests in the 30s of the 15th century. First of all, he defeated Mahmud-Khoja Khan, a descendant of Shayban, along the Tobyl River. In the 40s of the 15th century, the Negev of the Balkhash region annexed the western part of its territory. In 1431, a battle against the descendants of Toka-Temir took place in Ekiretup, and Abulkhair Khan won. Khan acquires a lot of wealth. After that, he conquered Orda-Bazar, which was the capital of Baty Khan, and taking advantage of the weakness of the Golden Horde, captured many lands along the Volga River and moved his center from Tura to Orda-Bazar. In 1430, he captured Khorezm for a short time and looted the city of Urgenish. In 1446, Abulkhair defeated the army of Mustafa Khan, one of the strong shonjars opposing him. In the same year, Abulkhair Khan captured the cities of Sozak, Syganak, Arkok, Akkorgan, Uzkent on the slopes of the Syrdarya River and Karatau and made Syganak the capital of his khanate. and became more tense.
In the 50s of the 15th century, Abulkhair intervened in the internal conflict of Temir's descendants in Mauerenahr, and led raids to Samarkand and Bukhara. No matter how many lands Abulkhair annexed during the wars, there was no solid political unity within the khanate, and socio-economic conflicts intensified. Large feudal groups, clan heads, sultans did not support it, they opposed it. The internal weakness of the state of Abulkhair, incessant quarrels between the Genghis dynasty, and the desire of the sultans of nomadic clans and tribes to separate themselves led to the crushing defeat of Abulkhair in the battle near Syganak with the Oirats led by Uz-Temir Taisy in 1456-1457. He was forced to leave his plundered cities in Turkestan and go to Deshti-Kipchak steppe. Only at the beginning of the 60s, Abulkhair returned to the previously conquered cities along the Syr Darya. From here, Abulkhair suddenly died in 1468 in Akhkystau, near Almaty, while going on a campaign against Mongols. The tension of internal and external conflicts, endless feudal wars shook the state and led to the disintegration of the Abulkhair khanate. Thus, the power of the Shayban dynasty in Kypchak of Eastern Desh came to an end. Part of the nomadic Uzbek tribes moved to Mauerenahr at the beginning of the 16th century. The tribes that remained on the land of Kazakhstan came under the control of the Kazakh khans. Taking advantage of the weakening of the Iron Generation government, the Shaibani seized government power in Central Asia. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4847 | September | September (lat. September) is the Kazakh name for the 9th month of September in the current Gregorian calendar.
7th month of the ancient Kazakh calendar. With the current number, September 19 - October 18.
## Comments
## See also
* Kazakh calendar
* Gregorian calendar |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6641" | Eurasia | Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth.
## Geographical description
Area 53.3 mln. km² (37% of all continents), of which 2.75 million km² of islands. Eurasia consists of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia (hence the name). The conventional border between them is the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains, the Zhem River, the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, along the valleys of the Kuma and Manych rivers to the mouth of the Don. The further border is the Azov and Black Seas, the Bosphorus Strait. The Sea of Marmara flows into the Mediterranean Sea through the Dardanelles Strait. The division of the single continent into European and Asian world parts is a historical and traditional concept formed in ancient times. The extreme ends of the continent: in the north — Cape Chelyuskin (77º43' N), in the south — Cape Piai (1º16' N), in the west Cape Roka (9º34' N), in the east — Cape Dezhnev (169º40' N .p.) It stretches 8 thousand km from north to south, 16 thousand km from west to east. A number of islands belonging to Eurasia are located quite far from the mainland. Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land and the North Earth islands are 80º s. exceeds e. The Malay toparals pass to the southern hemisphere and go up to 11º E. The Azores are located in the Atlantic Ocean at 28º N. Eurasia borders all oceans (Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, Pacific) and their peripheral seas. Oceans and seas penetrated the land, especially its western and southern edges. But due to its huge territory, the interior parts of the continent are thousands of kilometers away from the seas and oceans.
## Geological description
The base of the continent is the Eurasian plate. At the junction of the plate with other lithospheric plates, strong mountain-building activities have taken place in the past and continue to this day. Very high mountain systems were formed in such places, strong earthquakes and volcanic phenomena took place. Earth structures of Eurasia - the intervals of ancient platforms (Eastern Europe, Siberia, China, India, Arabia) are separated by young platforms. The current topography of the continent was mainly formed as a result of tectonic movements during the Neogene and Anthropogenic periods. New tectonic movements are especially intense in the Alpine-Himalayan and East Asian geosynclinal belts. These belts are covered by extensive mountain systems. At the same time, as a result of uplifts in the Neogene and Anthropogenic periods, the topography of the mountains stretching from the Hissar-Alai mountain system to the Chukcha Peninsula was reshaped. Strong earthquakes are characteristic of young fold belts and young mountain structures. The phenomenon of volcanoes is also related to the formation of the earth's topography. (Islands of Iceland, Armenian plateau, Mediterranean region, Kamchatka Peninsula, East and Southeast Asian islands). In the northern and some mountainous areas of Eurasia, the ancient glaciation had a great impact on the topography. In those areas, moraines and ice water deposits cover a very wide area.
The main element of the structure of Eurasia is five platforms:
East European platform with Baltic and Ukrainian shields. Siberian platform with Aldan shield. Sino-Korean platform. South China platform. Indian platform and Nubia- Part of the Arabian Shield.
## Hydrological characteristics
Eurasia is rich in inland water. In terms of water resources, it is in second place after South America. Eurasian rivers belong to four ocean basins. The largest: Yangtze, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur, Yellow River, Mekong, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus, Tigris, Euphrates, Volga, Danube. In the central part of the continent there is the world's largest inland flow zone (the basin of the Caspian and Aral seas, Balkhash and Lobnor lakes). 1/5 of fresh water on Earth is concentrated in the deepest Lake Baikal. Large and deep lakes were formed tectonically (Baikal, Issykkol, Sevan, Uli, etc.). Glaciers (Ladoga, Onega) and many small moraine lakes are distributed in the areas covered with ice of the Quaternary period. Volcanic lakes are characteristic of the regions of the Quaternary (anthropogenic) and current volcanic phenomena. There are many karst lakes in limestone areas (Crimean Peninsula, Caucasus Mountains, Zagros Mountains, Tien-Shan and Yunnan Highlands, Balkan Peninsula).
## Terrain
Eurasia is the highest continent after Antarctica (average height 840 m). 2/3 of its land is mountains and mountainous plateaus. The highest peak in the world - Jomolungma (8848 m) is located on this Eurasian continent. The absolute height of 14 peaks in the Eurasian mountains is higher than 8000 m. Main mountain systems: Himalayas, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Hindu Kush, Karakoram, Pamir, Tien-Shan, Kunlun, Altai, Sayan, Ural, North-East Siberian Mountains, Front Asian and Tibetan plateaus, Deccan and Middle Siberian mountain plateaus. Plains and valleys stretch for thousands of km. The largest plains: Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Turan, Great China, Indo-Ganges.
Important mountain systems of Eurasia:
* Himalayas, Jomolungma (Everest) - a mountain system with the largest mountain on earth
* Alps
* Caucasus
* Hindu Kush \< > * Karakorum
* Tien-Shan
* Kunlun
* Altai
* Mountains of South Siberia
* Mountains of North-East Siberia
* Mountains of Ancient Asia
* Pamir
* Tibetan Plateau
* Sayan-Tuva ridges
* Deccan ridge
* Central Siberian ridge
Main plains and depressions of Eurasia:
* East European Plain
* Western Siberia plain
* Turan basin
* Great Chinese plain
* Indo-Gangetic plain
## Climatic zones
All climatic zones from the Arctic to the equator are spread in Eurasia. Due to the unity and large area of the continent, continental types of climate prevail. Oceanic (monsoon in the east and south) climate occurs in the outer regions. Atmospheric pressure centers are of great importance for the formation of climate features, permanent (Azore and Hawaiian anticyclones, Icelandic and Aleutian lows) and seasonal (Asian anticyclone in winter and South Asian low in summer). The influence of the ocean on the climate is especially evident in Western Europe. To the east of it, the Atlantic air gradually dries up and turns into continental air. Air from the Pacific and Indian oceans enters the interior of the continent only in certain seasons of the year in the form of monsoons and cyclones. Arctic air coming from the north in winter spreads freely until it reaches the mountains at the far end of the continent. Continental air masses are formed in the central regions of Eurasia. Sometimes there are adverse climatic conditions. In the north-east of the continent, in the Oymyakon highlands, the cold pole of the northern hemisphere is located (absolute minimum -70ºС). The Arabian Peninsula is one of the hottest regions on Earth. (absolute maximum 53ºС). Eastern India receives the most rainfall. (in Cherrapunji, 12000 mm per year).
## Natural zones
Most of Eurasia belongs to the Holarctic region in terms of its flora and fauna. The southern Paleotropics are included in the floral and Indo-Malayan faunal regions. The soil-vegetation cover and fauna change mainly in 2 directions - along the latitude and from the ocean coast to the interior of the land, in the mountains they are distributed according to the height. The arctic belt consists of the arctic desert belt. In the subarctic belt, tundra and forest tundra belts pass. In the continental part of the temperate zone, the belts are located along the latitude. They are: taiga, mixed forest, broad-leaved forest, forest steppe, steppe, desert belts. In the part close to the oceans, their boundaries deviate somewhat from the latitude. At the southern edge of the temperate zone, flat belts alternate from west to east. There are forests near the Atlantic Ocean, forest steppes near the Carpathian Mountains, steppes and deserts in the south of the East European Plain, steppes and deserts in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, steppes and forest steppes in Mongolia, and forest belts in the north of Manchuria and Japan. Belts also change from west to east in the subtropical zone (Mediterranean hardwood forests and shrubs, subtropical steppes and deserts of the outer Caucasus and Asia Minor, the highlands of Iran and subtropical deserts of southern Central Asia). In the inner part of the continent in this belt, there is a desert, and high mountain desert is spread in the Pamir and Tibetan plateaus. Tropical deserts and deserts occur in the Arabian Peninsula, Mesopotamia, and the Indus River Basin. The northern subequatorial belt passes from the tropical latitudes in the east (alternating humid subequatorial forests and savannah belts). The equatorial belt includes the Malacca Peninsula and the south of the Philippine Islands, the south-west of Ceylon, the Greater Sunda Islands (where humid equatorial forest - gilea is widespread). The small Sunda Islands are covered by forests and savannahs of the southern equatorial belt. Mountains make serious changes to soil and plant cover, distribution of animals. In the mountain systems that cover a large part of the interior of the temperate zone of Eurasia, the latitudinal belt is part of the altitudinal belt. The natural conditions of individual parts of the continent have changed to different degrees as a result of human economic activity. On the one hand, the areas where cities and industry are concentrated (Western Europe), and on the other hand, areas that have been used for agriculture for a long time and are densely populated by rural people (East, South and Southeast Asia) have completely lost their natural state. Anthropogenic landscape has formed in such places. On the contrary, the nature of the desert mountain plateaus of Central Asia and Tibet, some islands covered with moist forests near the equator has not changed from its original state. Morphotectonics. Eurasia can be divided into the following large natural territorial complexes based on the unity of the structure, the similarity of new tectonic movements, climate-forming factors and climate features, and the set of natural zones: the part of the Arctic belonging to Eurasia - Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Asia, the Mediterranean Sea and the Pre-Asian highlands , Southwest Asia, Central Asia, High Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
## Population
Eurasia is the most densely populated continent on Earth (3/4 of the entire population). Especially in Western Europe, East and Southeast Asia, the population is densely populated. In some areas of monsoon Asia (East Bengal and the island of Java) 1000-1500 people come to 1 km² of land. In the far North Asia, in swampy lowlands occupied by tropical forests, in the desert areas of Central Asia and Western Asia, the population is very rare. There is no permanent population in the inner regions of the Arabian Peninsula, the Iranian highlands, and some parts of Central Asia. Eurasia is the center of ancient culture in the world. In particular, the Mesozoic region in the Middle East (Tigris, Euphrates), the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the ancient cultures of China and India, Greco-Roman civilization, etc. The world of nomads dominated the great steppe stretching from the Great Wall of China to Central Europe and connected Western and Eastern civilizations. Even now, Eurasia is considered a supercontinent. More than 4 billion people of the world live here, and all the leading countries in the world (except the USA and Canada) are located on this continent. There are republican and monarchical states. Republican states are divided into socialist, capitalist and developing countries. And monarchical states are divided into absolute and constitutional. In the 90s, socialist states decreased sharply. The reason for this is the disintegration of the USSR, the transition of Eastern European states to another direction.
The Eurasian continent is home to nations of various religions
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1032 | Шымкент | Shymkent is a city of republican significance in Kazakhstan, until June 19, 2018 it was the center of the South Kazakhstan region.
1,236,900 people live in the city (2024). Compared to other cities of Kazakhstan, it ranks 3rd in terms of population. In addition, Shymkent is one of the main industrial, trade and cultural centers of Kazakhstan. The city of Shymkent received the status of the cultural capital of the CIS in 2020.
## Etymology
Scholars, citing various historical data found about Shymkent, interpret the meaning of the name of the city as "garden city", "green city", "city surrounded by grass" - explains. For example, the name of the city related to Shymk is explained as follows: Shymkent is composed of the Turkic word "Shym" and the Persian word "Kent" - city, place. And in another interpretation, the name of the city means "chimin-chemen" from Sogd (Iranian), i.e. a green, blooming valley, and with the addition of the word "Kent" it means "green (blooming) city".
## History
Until now, most scientists assumed that the settlements in the territory of the modern city of Shymkent existed in the XI-XII centuries. In addition, there is an assumption that Shymkent appeared even earlier. This is evidenced by the burial of graves found in the course of archaeological excavations and construction, according to experts' estimates, typical of the 5th-6th centuries BC.
The bodies of a man and a woman were recently found on the site of a city fortress at the beginning of the last century, and it was determined that they were buried in the Zoroastrian way, so this body is 1500 years old. According to the opinion of a number of archaeologists, there was a large cemetery here, and if this is confirmed, the date of the city's origin may be revised. Shymkent was first mentioned as a settlement in written records that have come down to our time, written by the Persian historian Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi (1425) about the military campaigns of Amir Temir in 1365-1366 according to our era, called "Zafar Name" ("Book of Victory" ) found in the book.
In any case, the city has been a suitable place for people to live since ancient times. It can be evidenced by cultural heritage found during archaeological excavations in ancient settlements. At the foot of the mountains, agriculture and vineyards are developed in the valleys along the river, and animal husbandry is developed in the grassy mountain pastures.
### Ancient Shymkent
Shymkent city region witnessed many historical events for hundreds of years. The city was repeatedly attacked by invaders. Chinggis Khan passed through the city with his troops on campaigns, and eventually Shymkent came under the control of the descendants of Chinggis Khan. As a result of the wars waged by the Khans of the White Horde and the Golden Horde, the city came under the control of Amir Temir. From the beginning of the 15th century to the middle of the 18th century, Shymkent was plundered by Dzungar invaders. Although countless wars and conflicts have brought misery to the lives of the local people, the Sairam oasis has remained a flourishing area of agriculture, horticulture, and handicrafts.
In the 17th century and the first half of the 19th century, the Kokan and Bukhara khanates fought for the control of Shymkent. 1810-1864 Shymkent came under the authority of the Kokan Khanate and became the residence of the Khan's representative. large garrison of Kokan troops was stationed here, and the city was mainly used as a military fortress. In 1864, the city was taken by direct attack of Russian troops. After the joining of Kazakhstan and Central Asia to Russia, Shymkent became a part of the Zhanakokan region, then it became a district city of Turkestan province, and from 1867, it became a district city of Syrdarya region under the Turkestan General Governorate. Since then, Shymkent has become an important transit point connecting European Russia and Western Siberia with Central Asia. At the end of the 19th century, trade was developed in the city: 19 factories, 70 small shops, 50 teahouses, 10 caravansary, 9 catering establishments, 27 flour shops, and at the beginning of the 20th century - 3 butter churns, 5 leather kneaders, 15 brick factories. , a big industry with 26 mills, 4 cotton gins, small industries, 15 blacksmiths and 15 soap factories has become a town.
In the development of the city economy in 1883. Santonin plant (later Khimfarm JSC chemical-pharmaceutical plant) was opened, and its products were exported. The quality of Shymkent santonino was very high, so it was in great demand in the domestic market. The natural climate of South Kazakhstan is suitable for the growth of dermene, and the production of dermene santonino is very rare. That's why the first and current symbol of Shymkent depicts a branch of dermena.
In 1914, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the accession of Kazakhstan to the Russian Empire, the city was named after the Russian general Chernyaev, but in 1921 the city was renamed Shymkent. A new period of the city's history began in the 20th century. The people of the city began to achieve new achievements as a result of the great changes in the country. New production facilities were built in the city, educational institutions and centers of science and culture were opened. The appearance of the city became brighter with new residential buildings, flower gardens, streets, and parks. In the 1930s, a lead factory was built in Shymkent. This giant production facility supplied 70% of the lead produced in the USSR. An oil factory, hosiery and mirror factories were launched in the city. In 1932, an agricultural aviation base was established, which laid the foundations of the Shymkent airport.
During the Second World War, the city of Shymkent became one of the most important cities in the USSR. A number of production facilities, 17 plants and factories of the country were moved here from the war zones. The city produced spare parts, shells, metal, lead, optical instruments and other products needed for tanks. Plant Research Institute and Kharkiv Aviation School were moved to Shymkent. During the Second World War, tens of thousands of people from Shymkent fought with the enemy on the battlefield, and 7 of our compatriots were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In the 50s and 80s after the war, the economy began to develop. New large enterprises were established in the city. Among them are the cotton and paper mill, Karakol, cement, hydrolysis plants, "Voskhod" garment factory, the enterprise producing materials necessary for metal construction and housing construction, the "Elektroapparat" plant, and the food industry, which produces meat, milk, beer, and chilled drinks. enterprises can be named. The chemical industry developed rapidly. In Shymkent, giant factories such as phosphorus, tire and oil processing were built, and the Omby-Pavlodar-Shymkent oil pipeline was built. Housing construction was in full swing. New multi-districts, streets, avenues, parks, squares appeared. The number of educational, medical and cultural institutions increased, sports and recreation complexes were built. The newly built recreation complex includes an arboretum, a zoo, an artificial lake and a hippodrome.
## City emblem
## Population
Shymkent city population:
## Administrative-territorial division
The division of the city into districts was introduced for the first time in 1945. At that time, Central, Zheleznodorozhny and Zavodskoy administrative districts were created..
According to the data of the 1989 All-Union census, the city consisted of 3 districts: Abay, Enbekshi, Dzerzhinsky (later changed to Al-Farabi).
Currently, Shymkent consists of 5 administrative districts: Abai, Enbekshi district, Al-Farabi district, Karatau district and Turan district.
## Economy and business
Shymkent is one of the leading industrial and economic centers of Kazakhstan with a well-developed infrastructure. The city has 69 industrial enterprises developing non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, chemistry, oil refining and food industries.
Large enterprises such as "Petro Kazakhstan Oil Products" JSC (oil processing), "Interkomshina" (wheel processing), "Khimpharm" (medicine injection) work in the oil, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. In metallurgy, JSC "Yuzhpolimetall" (lead and other products), in engineering "Kardanval" (production of spare parts for cars and tractors), "Yuzhmash" (production of press machines, spare parts and equipment), " There are enterprises of "Elektroparat" (production of power switches and other products).
Leading enterprises in the light industry are "Voshod" factory (wool suits, coats, jackets), "Adal" (textile industry), "Elastic" (sock knitting). There are "Shymkentsement" JSC (cement production) and "Building materials" (production of bricks for construction) and other enterprises in the production of building materials.
Among the large enterprises producing the food industry are "Shymkentmai" and "Kainar" (producing products from cotton wool, sunflower flax, soybean oil, etc.), "Shymkentpivo" (beer production), "Visit" ( cold drinks) joint stock companies can be mentioned. At the same time, companies in various fields, which stand out with their developed business and quality products, are working in the city economy. Communal service system: urban and intercity transport is under development.
According to the results of 2002, residents of the South Kazakhstan region were second only to Astana in building houses with their own funds (17% of the republic). In addition to the construction of housing, the construction of new enterprises is going on intensively. Some companies are building architectural and luxury residences instead of old buildings that have fallen into disrepair.
Guests who have been in the city since 2000 are surprised and admired that Shymkent is becoming more beautiful. "The appearance of the city is brightened up with parks, squares, recreational facilities and luxurious buildings. Here, visitors on a business trip can not only successfully solve business-related problems, but also spend their free time interestingly.
The industrial output of Shymkent increased by 15 percent compared to 2018. Agricultural production increased by 6.3 percent, housing construction by 19.2 percent, and retail trade by 7.1 percent.
Within the framework of the industrial-innovative development program, 24 enterprises were opened in Shymkent in 3 years and 1300 permanent jobs were created.
2 industrial zones work effectively in the city. Currently, 64 billion tenge investments have been attracted, 72 projects have been launched, and more than 4,000 people have been employed.
## Investment potential
At the end of 2019, the economy of Shymkent will receive 194.5 bln. Tenge was invested. In 2019, 10 investment projects with a total cost of 25.6 billion tenge were implemented in the city, and 420 new jobs were opened. The city has 2 industrial zones (South - 337 ha and Tassay - 89 ha). The total area of land divided into industrial zones is 426 hectares.
Total cost in Shymkent is 33 bln. The project of creating a transport and logistics zone with six investment projects amounting to tenge is being implemented. The total land area is 92 ha.
In order to attract investors to the city, a new industrial zone called "Zhuldyz" with an area of 306 hectares is being created. In the first stage, 76 hectares (2020–2021), and in the second stage - 230 hectares (2021–2022) are planned to be developed.
In addition, in order to further encourage potential investors, the process of creating the Shymkent agro-industrial zone with an area of 136 hectares has begun, where wholesale and retail warehouses and agricultural enterprises will be located. The cost is 8 billion. It is planned to implement 6 investment projects worth tenge.
Also, in the city, on the territory of 427 hectares, work is being done to create a special economic zone "Shymkent City" for urban planning. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to involve the companies "Highvill" (South Korea), "Kinder World" (Singapore), "Eryapi" (Turkey). 1.5 billion to the city economy within the framework of the project. Foreign investment in the amount of US dollars will be attracted. The project aims to provide housing for 50,000 residents of the city.
## Media of the city
* "South Kazakhstan" is also published in Russian and Uzbek languages Newspaper site
* "Shymkent Kelbet" is a city socio-political newspaper , Archive of the newspaper on the Shymkent business portal Archived February 4, 2010.
* "Rabat" regional weekly public newspaper, Newspaper website
* "Zamana" newspaper Newspaper website Archived on April 21, 2010.
* Weekly advertising newspaper "Shara-Bara" Newspaper site Archived March 5, 2010.
## Art and culture
The cultural policy implemented in the city is aimed at revitalizing the established culture, traditions, friendship, and reconciliation of national cultural and polyethnic societies in South Kazakhstan. There are 16 Kazakh, Slavic, Uzbek, Bashkir, Tatar, German, Jewish, Korean, Azerbaijani and other national cultural centers in Shymkala. With their active participation and support, issues of national policy and rational organization of free time of residents are being positively resolved.
"Veterans Alley" was revived in Shymkent in 2002. There are 8 parks and squares in the city. The basis of three of them is XIX century. middle and 20th century laid in the beginning. The regional philharmonic named after Shamshi Kaldayakov is working fruitfully. Halls of 3 palaces of culture are never empty. You can watch modern films in three cinemas. Unique exhibits of the era of the Bloodless State are displayed in the regional museum of local history. There are 28 libraries in the city.
A notable event in the cultural life of the region is the construction of the Kazakh and Russian drama theaters in 1967. People's artists of the KazKSR Aisha Abdullina, Zhumabike Serikbaeva worked there. In the 60s and 80s, poet Omarbai Malkarov, folk poets Kopbay Omarov, Aselkhan Kalybekova, writers Abzhapar Zylkyshiev, Namet Suleymenov, Valikhan Suleymenov, Khanbibi Yesenkaraeva, Oleg Postnikov, Yuriy Kungurtsev, and Markhabat Baigut were at their creative peak. The founders of Kazakh theater art are folk artists Khadisha Bukeeva, Gaini Khairullina, Kurmanbek Zhandarbekov, poet and public figure Mukhtar Shakhanov, composer Shamshi Kaldayakov, writers Fyodor Chirva and Zhumabek Edilbaev are our compatriots.
Culture and recreation park named after Abay, aqua park, technopark, ethnographic park "Ken-baba", entertainment centers "Nimex Land" and "Bamzik" have become favorite places of recreation for children and adults. Of course, the 6-kilometer-long children's railway connecting the northern part of the city with the arboretum, zoo, and hippodrome has a special place.
Archaeological excavations are being carried out in the ancient town and castles on the territory of the city, and the creation of a complex on the history of the city is under way. Monuments to outstanding scientists, culture, sports and national heroes have been erected in the city. The region and the city are proud of their compatriots. Linguist, member-correspondent M. Balakaev, Doctor of Geological Sciences P. Tazhibayeva, Turkic scholar, academician S. Chesenbaev, doctors of philological sciences K. Bektaev and A. Baitanaev, Academician T. Tazhibayev was born.
## Tourism and recreation
Shymkent has attracted the attention of travelers and scientists since ancient times. Since the city is located on the territory of Turkestan region, all tourist routes leading to the far corners of the territory legally start from here. Twenty specialized firms and institutions are engaged in providing tourist services in the city.
Tourist destinations include such fields as visiting historical places and exotic areas, hunting for game and birds, mountain tourism. We would not be mistaken if we say that there are enough holy places and architectural structures of the Islamic religion in the Turkestan region.
The first step in visiting the country's historical values and places of pilgrimage begins with historical Turkestan, known as the second Mecca. There is an opportunity to visit the holy city, which is the spiritual capital of the Turkic peoples, one of the centers of civilization of the ancient times, which is included in the list of UNESCO, which has a lot of historical and cultural monuments known to the world. Otyrar town, which was the main trade and handicraft center along the Great Silk Road, was the ancient city of Sayram, which contributed to the creation of Shymkent. Khoja Ahmet Yassaui, Arystan-bab mausoleums and other valuables leave a deep impression on the hearts of tourists.
The unique territorial situation of Southern Kazakhstan, located between the Tien-Shan mountain ranges and the Kyzylkum desert, makes it possible to go from a snow-covered mountain to heated sand in one day. Therefore, one region is divided into several natural and climatic zones: mountainous, steppe, sandy, and semi-sandy, where you can meet a variety of animals and plants. On the territory of 100,000 square kilometers, meeting snow leopards, bears, steppe foxes, mountain goats, wild gazelles, badgers, Himalayan deer and deer is a rare thing in the world.
One of the unique pearls of nature in this area is Aksu-Zhabagily, an indigenous reserve in Central Asia. Located in the Western Tien-Shan Ranges, its height reaches from 1,000 to 4,280 meters above sea level, and its area covers 75,043 hectares. The landscape of the reserve is beautiful, extensive and of inestimable value for science and art. Here, many species of plants and animals typical of ancient times have been preserved in their original state. It is clear that the ancient pictures and images left by our ancestors on the stone folds of Kaskabulak Mountain are of particular interest to scientists and tourists.
Among the exotic places rich in recreational resources in the mentioned territory are Kyzylkol located near the Karatau foothills, "Kyrykkyz" tourist base in the "Badam" gorge with a wonderful nature, and "Akmeshit" and "Birkolik" recreation areas in the Western Tien-Shan ranges, "Sairam- sports complex "Altex" in the "water" gorge, the gorge on the Mashat river, the Shardara reservoir, the resort area of Saryagash district with healing mineral spring water, etc. we attribute.
Entertainment, cultural and bowling centers, billiard clubs, high-class hotel services, trendy cafes and restaurants, wonderful urban recreation area, ready to provide perfect service to tourists and vacationers. Add to this the kind, bright faces and hospitality of the residents of Shymkala, both old and young.
## Sports and health
About 100 gyms, 7 stadiums, 5 swimming pools, 3 sports complexes, and athletic fields are serving the public. Many world-famous champions came from us. We have no doubt that in the future, specialized sports schools and private sports sections and clubs for children and youths preparing 4 Olympic reserves will train and produce many champions. A children's equestrian school works at the city hippodrome.
Being a resident of the city of Shymkent, the famous Kazakh athlete, multiple European and world champion, gymnast Nelly Kim won five Olympic medals and became a legend of world sports.
In Shymkent, there are a number of disease prevention institutions under regional and municipal authority. 21 stationary hospital institutions (15 hospitals and 6 dispensaries), 19 independent hospital-clinic institutions, 2 paramedic-midwifery centers, and an emergency medical station provide services to residents.
To this can be added Mother and child health restoration, healthy life, medicine and accident, blood transfusion, diagnostics and cardiology centers, orphanage, "Karlygash" sanatorium, disinfection station, other public and private medical institutions . The Academy of Medicine and the Medical College are staffed by highly qualified teachers, including healthcare workers who have earned merit in the field of medicine.
## Pictures of Shymkent city
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## Sister cities
* Izmir (Turkey)
* Grosseto (Italy)
* Mogilev (Belarus)
* Pattaya (Thailand)
* Khojent (Tajikistan)
* Stevenage (England)
* Baiyin (China)
* Aharnon (Greece)
* Eskisehir (Turkey)
## Sources
## Sources of information
* Official website of Shymkent city administration [1] Archived on August 6, 2012.
* Official website of Turkestan Oblast Administration [2] Archived July 4, 2012.
* "Shymkent regional portal"
* Podushkin N. P. When was Shymkent born? // Shymkent. Historical and information guide. Shymkent.
* Virtual Shymkent |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4920 | Zhandarbek Malibekov | Zhandarbek Malibekuly (March 24, 1942, Ekpindi village, Kyzylorda region) is an architect, author of the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor of the Eurasian National University, recipient of the Order of the Leopard.
## Biography
He was born in 1942 in the village of Ekpindi, Zhanakorgan district, Kyzylorda region, in a family of railway workers. When Zhandarbek was four years old, his mother passed away. When he turned 15, he lost his father. The Naiman tribe originated from the Sadyr clan of the Ton division.
Graduated from school in 1959. In the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", which is distributed to the union, he read about the provision of scholarships, food and accommodation by the art school named after P. Benkov, and prepared to study at that school. Since there were no necessary funds for the road, he collected the necessary funds by preparing 10,000 bricks for one person in the village. When I was preparing to submit the document, the document acceptance had already ended. According to the guys he met on the way to Tashkent, he submitted documents to the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute and was accepted into the Russian group of the institute.
While studying in the 3rd year, under the guidance of V. Arkhangelsky, he writes a work on urban planning. This work won the 1st place in Uzbekistan and the 1st place in the international competition of urban planning concept "Gold found" held in Cuba.
Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. For forty years, he rose from a rank-and-file employee in the State Construction of Uzbekistan to the position of chief architect of the project, head of the urban planning workshop of the Industrial Research Institute of Uzbekistan.
He was the head of the city planning workshop of the research and design institute in Tashkent, the chief architect for projects. He was the first to build a tall building in Samarkand that could withstand a 9-point earthquake. About 100 facilities were built in cities and other regions of Uzbekistan. Among them are residential complexes, hostels, shopping centers, and an airport. The construction of the musical drama theater in Samarkand is the original work of Zhanbarbek Malibekov.
## Coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
At the beginning of 1992, a resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was issued on the creation of a working group for the preparation of new state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the announcement of a competition for the designs of the coat of arms, flag, and anthem. Many talented poets, musicians, artists and architects took part in this competition, including Zh. Malybekov.
At that time, I was participating in the competition announced for the Amir Temir Citadel project of the international foundation in Samarkand. "Leninshil Jaz" newspaper came into my hands. It says that a contest for the symbols of Kazakhstan has been announced. At that time, I was reading historical archeology books and was in deep thought. Then I gathered all the additional projects and began to draw a sketch of the coat of arms. His idea came to me within a month. In fact, my filial duty to my holy motherland and my native land led me forward. So I looked and studied the coats of arms of other countries. In our seal, I intended to show the history and culture of our people, which is more than a thousand years old, originating from the ancestors of the Sakas, Huns, Turks, and Kipchaks. This goal took place in a corner of my brain and when it didn't come out, the Kazakhs used to say in everyday life "May your hill be high, your threshold strong, and your roof wide!" Wishes resounded in my mind. In this way, I firmly decided to depict the most sacred concept of our people, family, in the coat of arms of our country. In addition to my main work at the Uzbek state urban planning institution, I made a model of the coat of arms in accordance with the requirements of the competition and took it to the office of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the end of April 1992. I spent my work as the 173rd. 293 projects were submitted to the competition. The judges, headed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, consisting of public figures and deputies of the 12th convocation, strictly reviewed the work."
At the end of April 1992, he submitted his project to the office of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Zh. Malibekov's project won.
The coat of arms with a diameter of 2 meters did not fit on the plane or the train. Therefore, we had to hire a truck from Shymkent and deliver the Emblem to Almaty with "KamAZ". After several meetings of the commission, more precisely, on June 4, 1992, a historic moment came. First, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the discussion of the National Emblem began. After 5-6 hours of intense discussion, around 17.00, 10 projects were selected out of 293 projects. That's why my project was individualized.
The seven rings on the horn of the eagle in the coat of arms represent the nobility of the Kazakh people who knew their seven ancestors. And the three big and three small wings of the eagle indicate the continuity of the people of the ancient three hundred people and the present generation. According to the author, before it was approved, the star on the Coat of Arms was replaced by the Sun and the Moon. The star symbol was proposed by the first president N. Nazarbayev with the intention of making it the bright star of an independent state.
If you notice, the horse has not only horns, but also wings. It is well known how sacred and sacred the horse is for Kazakhs who say "a man's wing is a horse". And the horse on the coat of arms is the image of tireless courage and indomitable courage, the desire for independence and freedom. The winged horse is widespread in Kazakh mythology and folklore. This is a sign of a fleeting dream, soaring creativity, progress, inexhaustible demand and a noble ideal. Winged horses were found in the "Esik" mound and were depicted on the headdress of the Saka prince - "Golden Man" 2.5 thousand years ago. And where did the horn come from? In 1969, on the right bank of Bilikol in Zhambyl region, a carved image of a man wearing a three-horned headdress was found. According to the myths of the Turkic world, the horn is a symbol of heroism, wealth, pride, wealth, growth, as well as a manifestation of power, leadership and courage. In fact, everything started with history. All I wanted to do was to show the existence, deep history, lineage of the Kazakhs since the yurt was created. When I depicted what I thought with art, it turned out to be the statue of a noble horse, which surrounds November, holds the past, present, and future of the Kazakh people in its wings, and clings to its mane as a symbol of stability. The horse on the coat of arms has 7 rings on its horn. It does not separate the horn, but unites it. Those 7 rings are a sign of nobility. Kazakhs are ethnic people who have known 7 grandfathers and never married before 7 grandfathers. According to ethnographers, there is no other nation on earth that follows this good tradition. The small, medium and large feathers under the giant wing of the horse represent the big face, middle face and small face. Among them, the "sign of milestones" is the master, the priest, the judges. Although they did not belong to the tribe, they joined the ranks of the Kazakhs. And now all this goes and unites into a spine like a ridge on a horse. This is the meaning of one Kazakh. With a ram's horn, I fixed the desire on both sides of the threshold, "May your threshold be strong!" that's it.
The first sample of the coat of arms was made of foam plastic. The project was approved on June 4, 1992, 5 years later, during the historic decision, the 32-kilo model was cast in bronze and delivered to the new capital - the Capital by honorable guards. In 2004, the coat of arms was made of gypsum in Astana. But this model was not technologically developed. In 2006, I devoted myself to assigning scientific names to the elements of the coat of arms. I determined the dimensions of each part, gave a historical description, and explained 41 names. In 2007-2014, I made computer drawing measurements in the CorelDRAW program. And the compilation of its 3D model dimensions took two years. During that time, with my author's instructions, the electronic system was recreated according to the mold, and its models were made of plaster and silicone.
In 2015, I completed the important work that I started back in 2008 and created a new standard model together with the specialists of the Kazakhstan State Standardization and Metrology Committee and the production team of "Meken KZ" company. For the first time, as a result of the new digital computer technology, the method of automatic production of proportional measurements was introduced to the State Emblem. My copyright requirements, as well as the legislation adopted by the Parliament, were fully respected. As a result of this 7-year work, from January 1, 2016, the standard model of the state emblem was put into production according to the new standard on the technical conditions of the State Emblem (KR. ST 989-2014). This standard was an obstacle to the work of institutions engaged in preparation and sales with various deviations and other scandals. Because now the creators of the Coat of Arms have to perform the design electronically. Also, such production facilities should be able to include a methodological guide for the creation of the National Emblem.
From November 1, 2019, Eltamba became the leader of another historic decision in the country. We are back to our alphabet. In accordance with the President's Decree "On the transfer of the Kazakh language alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin script", a change was made to the Coat of Arms. The name of the country is written in Latin letters.
## Main creative works
* Airport in Andijan,
* Government Hotel in Tashkent,
* Regional Post Office in Ferghana,
* Regional Administrative House in Samarkand ,
* Participated in the design of drama theater and
* Central library buildings,
* construction of a number of residential areas in the cities of Angren, Fergana and Samarkand.
* Author of the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
## Awards
* Winner of the "Kurmet" Order
* Architect of merit to Uzbekistan.
* Order "Barys" I degree (2022)
## Sources
## External links
* Interview by Zhandarbek Malibekuly Archived 5 June 2007. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7472 | Buffering (Computer Science) | Buffering (informatics) (English buffering) is a method of using an output-input buffer in computers.
Use of buffering:
* use of a special area of the main memory (buffers) to temporarily store data during the process of information exchange between the main memory and an external device;
* method of programming operations. This method is used to compensate for the low or unstable speed of the remote device transmitting (receiving) data. If the device can directly exchange data with the program, then the program should work synchronously with this device.
* data is cached when processed on the network adapter. The buffer allows the adapter to access the entire stack. Therefore, the size of the buffer memory should be large enough to hold the data of the entire batch. The use of buffer memory is necessary to match the information processing speeds of various components of local computing networks;
* organization of the memory area of a computer or device for storing image or output data up to one block size. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3337 | Turkestan (city) | Turkestan is a city in Kazakhstan, the administrative center of Turkestan region. . One of the oldest cities of Kazakhstan, its foundation was laid in V-VI centuries.
## Description
The city of Turkestan is located 170 kilometers from the city of Shymkent. The east of the city borders with historical Otyrar, the north with Kentau city and Sozak district, and the west with Zhanakorgan district of Kyzylorda region. The administrative territory reaches 9.4 thousand square kilometers.
## Population
As of January 1, 2008, the population of the city was 198,813 people, including 12 rural administrations and 5 independent districts. Representatives of 46 nationalities live in the city.
## History
Esim Khan was the capital of the Kazakh Khanate in the 14th-18th centuries. It is located in South Kazakhstan region. There is a mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, who laid the foundations of Aksak Temir in the 14th century. Khoja Ahmet Yasawi carried out his preaching activities in this city. On the territory of the mausoleum, Kazybek Bi, Abylai Khan, Esim Khan, Khaqnazar Khan, Tauke Khan, Bogenbai Batyr, the old Kanzhigali, and others are buried. The foundation of the city was laid at the beginning of the 1st millennium of our era. Archaeologists prove that the history of the city of Turkestan is deep. In the region around the city of Turkestan, the Stone Age monuments - Shoktas, Koshkorgan show that the first man lived in this region at least 550 thousand years ago. From the 1st millennium BC, the people of Andronov culture lived around the city of Turkestan, as in other regions of Kazakhstan. The ancient name of Turkestan is Yasy. Archaeologists prove that the place of ancient Yasy corresponds to modern Kultobe. In the 7th-12th centuries, the region around Turkestan was called the Shaugar region. This region belonged to the Turkic Khaganate. In the 9th century it was under the rule of the Karluks and Oghuzs. In the period of 809-819, Khorasan ruler al-Manun, and at the end of the 10th century, Samani ruler Nasr made conquest campaigns in this region. In the 1st quarter of the 12th century, after the fall of Shaugar from the attack of the Qidans, Yasi became the center of the region. Khoja Ahmet Yasawi became famous when he came and settled here. After the death of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, a mausoleum was built over his grave. It was called a special place. The location of the city along the Great Silk Road, between Deshti Kipchak and Central Asia, the favorable geographical situation, as well as the pilgrimage of people to the graves, the lively trade contributed to the development of the settlement. Information about the city of Yasi can be found in the work "History of Armenia" by Kirakos Gandzakentsi, published in the 13th century. In this work, the city of Yasi is named Ason. The name Yasi often appeared on the pages of historical works from the 14th century. According to the reports of Sharaf al-Din Ali Yezdi, in 1388, the troops of Yasyn Tokhtamys destroyed and looted the tomb of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, which became the sacred place of Turkish tribes. After the defeat of Amir Temir Tokhtamys, he spends a part of the booty to build the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi. In the middle ages, Yasi developed according to the trend of Central Asian buildings: kamal, shahristan, rabad were formed. In the first half of the 15th century, Sharaf al-Din Ali Yezdi pointed out that Yasi was a small settlement, and in the 16th century, Ruzbehan Isfakhani in his work "Mihmanname-i Bukhari" Yasyny is described as follows: "The city of Yasy, where the estuary of the noble Khoja is located, is a wide and fertile land, the center of the Turkestan region. Goods and valuables are delivered to Yasy, and their sale begins there. Therefore, he unloads the goods of the merchants and gathers a group of travelers. It was a place to travel to the country." In the 15th-17th centuries, aristocratic domes were built around the cemetery, among which the domes of Rabiga Sultan Begim (15th century) and Yesimkhan (17th century) were especially important. In 1579, the city of Yasi became the property of Akhnazar Khan. Turkestan has been the center of the Kazakh Khanate since Esim Khan. Since then, the city of Yasi has been called Turkestan. In the 18th century, Dzungar invasions brought the city into decline. In 1819-64, Turkestan came under the control of the Kokan Khanate. At that time, the territory of the city of Turkestan was about 10 hectares. A mud fort surrounded it. The wall had 12 towers and 4 gates. In the 60s of the 19th century, there were about 20 mosques, 2 madrasahs, markets, 22 water mills, and about 5 thousand inhabitants in Turkestan. On June 11, 1864, Turkestan was conquered by Russian troops. Since 1872, it has been called a district town. At the beginning of the 20th century, Turkestan occupied about 1400 hectares of land. In 1903, a railway station was built in Turkestan. In 1908, there were 3,616 houses, 41 mosques, a 2-class city school, a girls' school, 1 madrasah, 23 schools, and 2 churches. The population of the city in 1910 was 15,236 people. In 1912, there were 10 cotton mills, 10 oil mills, 8 soap mills, brick factories, and 15 water mills. In 1918, between January 6 and 9, a congress of Kazakhs of the Syrdarya region was held in Turkestan. The issue of Syrdarya region's accession to Alash autonomy was considered at the congress. There it was decided that the city of Turkestan will become the capital of Alash in case the Syrdarya Kazakhs join the Alash autonomy. The city of Turkestan has been the administrative center of the Turkestan district since 1928. In the city, there are repair-mechanics, cotton ginning, fodder, brick factories, iron and concrete products, factories that cover household needs, etc. enterprises work. Sattar Yerubayev Museum is in service. In 1991, "His Holiness Sultan Reserve-Museum" was opened. In Turkestan, there are special educational institutions other than secondary schools.
* In 1991, the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmet Yasawi was founded in Turkestan, and now it has become the leading educational institution in the country.
* By the decision of UNESCO, the 1500th anniversary of the city of Turkestan was celebrated at the world level (2000).
* In his poem "At the age of twenty-seven...", Abay talks about how his beloved son Abdirahman got to know the Turkestan region while searching for science and improving his education.
## About the city
Turkestan is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The first data about it are in the Arabic writings of the II-IX centuries. from 1990 onwards, it is known as Shavgar. Arab historian-geographer Al-Istakhri ibn Kordaubeh al-Tanrazi in his writings: "Ancient Shavgar lived until the 11th century, and in the 11th century. "The city center has moved to Yasi," he says. These data are confirmed by modern archaeologists.
And according to the research of the scientific staff of the reserve, according to the data in the Chinese Sanekrit inscriptions, the city of Turkestan dates back to the 2nd-3rd centuries BC. there are speculations that it lived and was a large cultural and spiritual center even then. To give an example, it is clear that the Karakhanid rulers of that time were brought and buried here, in particular, the burial of the ruler of Otyrar, Iliyas Khan, and even Ahmet Yasawi, who was born and raised in Sayram, lived in Turkestan and was buried here..
In the 19th century, that is, after the construction of the mausoleum of A. Yasawi, Turkestan became the religious center of all Turkic-speaking peoples and was called "Hazrat Turkestan" or "Little Mecca". This assumption is also supported by Oriental researcher academician V.V. Bartold.
In the 10th century, Turkestan became the political and economic center of the Syrdarya region, and in 1598 it became the center of the Kazakh Khanate. Evidence of this is the burial of Kazakh khans near the mausoleum of A. Yasawi.
It is known that the city of Turkestan was also a major educational center even in the Middle Ages. The works of Daruish poets and preachers of Islam occupy a great place in his cultural life.
Among them are Ahmet Yasawi, his students Süleymen Bakyrgani, Ahmet Zhugneki, and Jhusip Balasagundar.
Turkestan, with a history of more than one and a half thousand years, is a brave city. The city saw the Mongol-Tatar, Dzungar invasion, the hostilities of the states and khanates that lived in modern Central Asia and Kazakhstan at that time. This is the city that reached our century from the big cities like Syganak, Sunak, Sauran along the Syr in the Middle Ages.
From the beginning of the 12th century, Turkestan was the capital of the Kazakh Khanate, that is, the Kazakh state. In order to regulate relations between Kazakhstan and Russia, embassies went from Turkestan to Russia, and from Russia to Turkestan.
In order to prove that Turkestan was the great capital of the entire Kazakh people, the sons of the Kazakh people such as Shygay, Esim, Dzhangir, Tauke, Abylay, Kazybek, Aiteke and the castles of heroes such as Kanzhigaly Bogenbay, Tobikyti, Mamai, Konyrat Syrgak, Niyaz, Dulat. Is it not enough to say that it is located in the Yasawi estuary? !
One of the buildings that has accumulated most of the successes achieved in the field of construction in the past eras is the well-preserved mausoleum in the city of Turkestan. - It is known that a small mausoleum was installed on Ahmet's grave as early as the 12th century. Later, this mausoleum became a place of mass penance for Muslims. The revival of the city of Turkestan, which was badly destroyed by the Mongol invasion in the 30s of the 18th century, had a special influence on the fame of Ahmet Yasawi mausoleum as a holy place. Temir, who destroyed the tyranny of the Golden Horde and burned the capital Saray Berke, decided to build a new, huge complex in honor of this victory. In this context, it is difficult to say that Temir had only religious goals. It was necessary to show that he idealized general creativity, to raise his reputation, and to show that his dominance was unshakable. Temir entrusted the construction to Maulen Sadyr. According to many written data, it seems that Temir directly participated in the design of the future building and determined the main rooms himself. From January 1, 1991, the Republican Museum was reorganized into the "State Historical and Cultural Museum of His Highness Sultan". The total area of the reserve is 88.7 hectares. It includes several medieval monuments:
* Cemeteries of Kazakh khans (Esim, Tauke khans);
* Tomb of Rabia Sultan Begim, daughter of the great astronomer and scientist Ulykbek;
* Medieval "Oriental Bath";
* Underground mosque (according to legend, after reaching the age of 63, Ahmet spent the remaining years of his life under this ground, thinking it was a sin to live longer than Muhammad. Sitting here, he wrote his "Wisdom" known to the entire Muslim world);
Shildekhana, unknown mausoleum, Gauhar Ana, Alkoja Ata mausoleums, etc. monuments. The architecture-building is a huge domed structure. Its width is 46.5 m, length is 65 m. 35 rooms for various purposes were built around the central room. During the time of Temir, the entire structure was not finished, only a version was left. Its construction was completed by Abdullah Khan, who ruled Bukhar. (1583-1598). During the reign of Kokan, the towers and portals were surrounded by a wall and the mausoleum was turned into a castle. In the following centuries, the rulers of Turkestan tried to complete the construction of the mausoleum in accordance with their period, but none of them could achieve certain results. Currently, this huge construction is 700 years old. It is a very valuable data in the study of the language, religion, culture and history of the ancient Turkic tribes that lived 800 years ago and later formed the basis of the Kazakh people.
## Education system
By 2020, 39 day schools, 5 out-of-school institutions, and 108 kindergartens were operating in the city of Turkestan.
1. Among 39 schools:
* general high school - 25;
* school-lyceum - 1;
* school-gymnasium - 5;
* regional boarding school for gifted children - 1;
* elementary school-kindergarten complex - 1;
* private school - 6.
2. Out-of-school institutions:
* "Children and Adolescent Center";
* "Clay School";
* "School of Art";
* "Station of young tourists";
* "Craft School"
3. Among 108 kindergartens:
* state kindergarten - 21;
* private kindergarten - 87.
There is an International Kazakh-Turkish University established in 1992 in the city. More than 22 thousand students study there. There are branches in Almaty, Taraz, Shymkent, Kentau and Ankara. More than 500 students from 26 countries study at the university. Among them: Turkey, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Sakha Republic, Mongolia, China and others. from countries. The university has 14 faculties, 63 departments and 74 specialties. 92 doctors of science, 220 candidates, more than 600 teachers provide education. Since 1997, the satellite system connecting the city of Turkestan and the city of Ankara has been operating.
## Geography
### Climate
## Pictures of the city
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## Sources \< >
## See more
* Khoja Ahmet Yasawi mausoleum
Sample: Settlements of Turkestan City Administration |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1722 | Беларуссия | Belarus (Belar. Belarus bʲɛlaˈrusʲ), official name — Republic of Belarus (Belar. Respublika Belarus, abbreviated — BR) is a country in Eastern Europe. The land area is 207.6 thousand km2. The population is 9 million 451 thousand people. The main population is Belarusians (80%), in addition, Russians (13.6%), Poles (4.1%). The capital is Minsk (1.6 million). The largest cities are Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel. From the point of view of administration, it is divided into 6 regions. The official languages are Belarusian and Russian. Religion is Orthodoxy (70%). The currency is the Belarusian ruble. National holiday — Republic Day on July 3. The head of state is the president. The supreme legislative body is the bicameral parliament (National Assembly). It consists of lower (Council of Representatives) and upper (Council of the Republic) chambers.
## Administrative division
## History
People settled in the territory of modern Belarus since the Bronze Age.
* In the 2nd-5th centuries, Slavs began to come to the region from the Dnieper River.
* In the 9th century, local tribes assimilated into them. During these times, 3 large Slavic tribes were formed: Dragovichs settled in the Polesie and Central regions, Radimichs settled in the Sozh river basin, Krivichs settled along the Western Dvina and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper. Due to the creation of Kievan Rus' in the 9th century, Belarus gradually became part of it.
* In the 9th-11th centuries, agriculture spread widely, animal husbandry developed, and crafts flourished. As a result of the disintegration of Kievan Rus, several small principalities appeared. In the 2nd half of the 13th century, they were completely annexed by the Great Lithuanian Principality.
* Since the beginning of the 14th century, some cities (Brest, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev) have the right to self-rule. Belarusian merchants began to conduct large-scale intermediary trade between Russia and Western Europe. At the end of the 14th century, due to the increasing attack of the Teutonic Order, in 1385, the Union of Krewo was created between Poland and Lithuania. After the defeat of the Order's army (the Black Battle of Grunwald), in 1413, a new union (Horodelsk) was created between Poles and Lithuanians. According to this agreement, the independence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania will be preserved, but the Polish king will look over it. The defeat of the Principality of Lithuania in the Livonian War (1558-1583) by Russia forced it to unite with Poland.
* In 1569, according to the Union of Lublin, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland merged to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Since then, the Polish language replaced the Belarusian language in schools and churches, and the Catholic religion began to be introduced.
* The national liberation movement in Ukraine, which began in 1648, also included Belarus.
* From the 18th century, the national liberation movement against the Poles continues to grow stronger. As a result of dividing the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth three times (1772, 1793, 1795), Belarusian lands were transferred to Russia. Economic development of Belarus has accelerated since the 19th century. Railways were built, factories and plants increased. During World War I (1914-18), Belarus was devastated by hostilities.
After the February Revolution in 1917, the Belarusian Rada, established in July 1917, is fighting to become an independent state.
On the night of February 19-20, 1918, they united with the corps of Polish legions, captured the city of Minsk and formed the People's Republic of Belarus. In January 1919, this government was overthrown by the troops of the Red Army. Instead, on January 1, 1919, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR) was established, and on December 30, 1922, it became part of the USSR. According to the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, in November 1939, the BCSR joined Western Belarus and its territory increased.
During the Second World War, the territory of Belarus was once again under the control of the German troops and suffered great hardships. After the war, reconstruction of the destroyed economy is carried out, new branches of industry (car, ship, tractor manufacturing, etc.) are created. The economy will develop. Agricultural products also increased. Woodworking and papermaking enterprises were opened.
* In 1990, the Supreme Council of Belarus declared the country's independence.
* After the Belovezh Agreement on December 8, 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved and Belarus gained full independence.
* On July 10, 1994, A.G. became the first president. Lukashenko will be elected. Belarus recognized the independence of Kazakhstan in 1991. Economic, customs and cultural agreements have been concluded between the two countries and friendly relations have been established. Belarus is a member of the Customs Union, the UN, and the CIS. According to the treaty signed between the Russian Federation and Belarus (1999, December), a new union agreement was concluded. In Belarus, the chemical industry, automobile and tractor manufacturing, defense industrial complexes, production of electrical products, meat and milk, agriculture, etc. production industries are developed. The republic has deposits of potassium, salt, coal, oil, iron, phosphorite.
* In the 90s of the 20th century, the country's economy was in crisis, and the gross domestic product decreased by 12% within 10 years. The share of non-state sectors in the economic structure of the economy is 34% (1998), and the amount of foreign investment is 6.5% (1997). Mainly cargo cars, tractors, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. to the countries of the Customs Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan). exports electrical products, chemicals and meat and dairy products. Due to the lack of heat and electricity resources (oil, natural gas, hard coal) in the country, fuel raw materials have to be imported from abroad, including more than 60% from Russia. In addition, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, consumer goods, wood products, and cement are imported. The breakdown of economic ties, the increase in the price of heat and electricity resources left the country's economy in a very difficult situation. However, 900 foreign and more than 2,000 joint ventures (mainly Polish, German, and American companies) operate in small manufacturing industries. Main trading partners: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany.
## Geography
The Republic of Belarus borders Lithuania and Latvia in the northwest, Russia in the east, Ukraine in the south, and Poland in the west. Belarus occupies the valleys of the Dnieper, Western Dvina and Neman rivers in the Eastern European Plain. Most of its land is only 100-200 m above sea level. The climate is temperate continental. Winter is not very cold, but wet; summer is cold and rainy. The annual amount of precipitation is 600 — 700 mm. Swamps are common. Main rivers: Dnieper (tributaries Pripyat, Sozh, Berezina), Western Dvina, Neman (tributary — Vilia). 33% of its land is forest. Deforested areas - meadows, pastures. Animals include bison, deer, squirrel, fox, rabbit, etc. lives. Berezina Nature Reserve and Belovezh River contribute to the increase of rare animals.
## Politics
Officially, Belarus is an independent state in the presidential republic system. The president since 1994 is Alexander Lukashenko and the prime minister since 2020 is Roman Golovchenko. The parliament of the country, the National Assembly of Belarus, is divided into two chambers: the upper Council of the Republic and the lower House of Representatives. The political party with the majority of mandates in both houses of parliament is the pro-presidential Belaya Rus party.
Lukashenka received the title of "the last dictator of Europe" because of his authoritarian rule, cult of personality, pressure on the opposition. Elections in the country are not considered democratic.
## Nature and natural resources
The territory of Belarus is occupied by plains formed on the basis of the Ancient Russian platform. The largest of the swampy lowlands is located in the south - the Belarusian Polesie. The system of relatively high ridges and ridges crossing the territory of the country from west to east is commonly called the Belarusian ridge. The Minsk plateau (345m), which is the highest part of the country, is located from north to west. Although the flat topography increases the possibility of using the territory of Belarus for agricultural purposes, the abundance of marshes requires additional melioration measures. The fact that it lies within the limits of the ancient platform also affected the mineral raw materials content. Near Soligorsk is located one of the world's largest deposits of potassium salts (explored reserves of 42 billion tonnes). Mozyr and Davydov deposits have a large amount of table salt. There is also a lot of construction materials (clay and sand, gravel, building stones, cement and glass raw materials) on the territory of the country.
Belarus is characterized by a temperate continental climate. Climate indicators do not make a big difference in the territory of the country. Sudden weather changes are often observed during winter. The average temperature in January varies from -5 to -8 degrees. Summer is cold and rainy, usually the average July temperature is above +15 degrees. Cloudy, cloudy, the number of days prevails, the annual amount of precipitation is about 500-700 mm. Although the amount of moisture is sufficient for agriculture, there is not enough heat to grow some crops.
Dnieper and its tributaries: Pripyat, Berezina and Neman, Western Dvina, Western Bug rivers flow through Belarus. These rivers, which flow slowly because they flow from the plains, come with that water. There are more than 4,000 large and small lakes in the country. Lakes are especially abundant in the north, this part of the country is called Poozerje. The largest lake in the country is Lake Naroch, its area is 80 sq. km., its depth is 25 m. Internal waters mainly supply water to settlements. Swamps cover 20 percent of the land of Belarus. In the north of the country, spruce forests grow on the soddy purple soil, and pine trees grow on the sandy soil in the central part of the country. In general, forests occupy one third of the country's territory. Belovezh river stretches along the country's border with Poland. Giant pines over a hundred years old grow here and many animals of the forest zone live here.
Belovezh National Park, Berezin, Pripyat and Polesye Nature Reserves were organized in order to preserve the unique nature of Belarus. The Polesye Radiation Ecological Reserve was created after the devastating accident at the Chernobyl NPP in neighboring Ukraine, specifically for the purpose of studying how radioactive contamination affects the natural environment. In general, thousands of hectares of agricultural land in Belarus are radiologically dangerous areas.
## Foreign economic relations
Due to its geographical location, European countries and Russia occupy the main place in the foreign economic relations of the Republic of Belarus. Especially in recent years, the establishment of an alliance with Russia and the removal of customs barriers have strengthened relations between the two countries. Belarus buys artificial rubber, oil and gas, coal-fired power, ferrous metallurgy products, and vegetable oil from Russia. Germany and Poland also have a large share in Belarusian exports. Belarus exports machinery and chemical industry products, transport equipment, light and food industry products. The share of export in foreign trade in 2008 was 33 billion, and the share of import was 39.2 billion US dollars. There are about 1.5 thousand joint ventures, about 500 foreign enterprises working in the country. Companies from Poland, Germany, Italy and the USA were especially active in this business. The economy of Belarus attracts investments from 66 countries of the world, the USA and Germany are in the leading position in terms of financial volume. In 2012, the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Belarus reached 760 million US dollars.
## Population
By the end of 2004, the population of Belarus reached 9.8 million people. The Republic of Belarus is one of the countries of the CIS whose population is growing very slowly. Natural growth in 2000 was 0.5%, that is, the average birth rate for the country was 9‰, and the death rate was about 14‰. Currently, there is a big difference between rural and urban demographics. In the city, the birth rate is 12‰, while in rural areas, this indicator is 8‰. Mortality was 9‰ and 18‰, respectively. The life expectancy of Belarusians is 68 years. Migration also has a significant impact on population change. In general, the number of emigrants from Belarus is much higher than the number of emigrants.
### Literature
The history of Belarusian written literature begins with the period of Kievan Rus.
* In the 14th - 16th centuries, when Belarus was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Belarusian language was the state language, used in diplomatic relations, in court and administrative offices, and in Belarusian were written records such as "Litvanmetrikasy" (Statute of the Duchy of Great Lithuania) copied.
* In the 16th century, the humanist and educator Francisk Skorina started publishing books for the first time in Belarus.
1696 The Polish Sejm banned the use of the Belarusian language in institutions and schools, and the publication of books in this language was stopped. After that, authorless poems, interludes, and dramas for school theaters, longing for the freedom of the people of Belarus, began to appear, but they were dominated by folklore.
* The annexation of Belarus to Russia at the end of the 18th century created favorable conditions for the development of new literature.
* In the first half of the 19th century, works such as "The Secret of the Aeneid" and "Taras Rising to Parnassus" were published. However, the colonial policy of the Russian tsar significantly hindered the development of Belarusian culture. People who spoke Belarusian and wrote works were persecuted, so poets and writers had to distribute their works in manuscript form. Most of these have disappeared. Only P. Bagrim's only poem "Play, play, youth" (1829) has been preserved.
* At the end of the 19th century, works in the direction of critical realism began to appear. Development of Belarusian literature in these periods V.I. Dunin-Martsinkevich (1807 — 1884) made a significant contribution. Later F. Bogushevich (1840 — 1900), Ya. Luchina (I. Neslukhovsky, 1851 — 1897), A. Gurinovich (1869 — 1894), A. Abukhovich's (1840-1905) poems were published and played a major role in the development of literature.
* The democratic movement of 1905 created favorable conditions for the development of Belarusian literature at a new pace. People's aspiration for freedom, growth of consciousness was evident in the works of Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Tetka (A. Pashkevich, 1876 — 1916). In particular, Pashkevich's collections "March to Freedom" and "Belarusian Violin" (1906) are works in the spirit of freedom. Yanka Kupala and Kolas, as real folk poets, described the people's sadness and desire for freedom in their many poems and books.
After the October Revolution, Belarusian literature developed rapidly despite ideological pressure.
* 1939 M. as a result of joining the western and eastern parts of the country. Tank, F. Pestrak, A. Kuleshov, P. Panchenko, E. Such talents as Ognetsvet and A. Rusak became major representatives of national literature.
In the era after the Great Patriotic War, Belarusian literature developed at a new pace. I. Shamyakin, I. Melezh, Ya. Bryl, V. Bykov, R. Borodulin, etc. novels and short stories, poems and poems of many poets-writers raised Belarusian literature to new heights. A. from the field of literary studies and literary criticism. Adamovich, S. Aleksandrovich, V. Borysenko, etc. his works became popular. B. the works of writers and poets were translated into the languages of the peoples of the former USSR and foreign languages, and took a firm place in the world literature fund. Kazakh readers are familiar with the works of such talented poets and writers as Kupala, Kolas, Brovka, Tank, Shamyakin, Melezh, Bryl, Bykov.
### Art
Monuments of Belarusian architecture from the period of Kievan Rus - Sophia Cathedral, Spass-Evfrosinyevskaya Church in Polotsk, Blagoveshchensk in Vitebsk and Kolozhsk Church in Grodno. In the 17th century, the method of Belarusian artists known as "Belarusian pattern" became widespread in Russia. Belarusian fine art developed in a single religious character until the 18th century. The first work based on real-life material in this field is the work "Portrait of Prince Olelkovich of Slutsk" by an unknown author (end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century). Since joining Russia (18th century). Belarusian art and culture developed in a new direction. Belarusian artists who studied at St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts and Moscow Art School I.T. Khrutskyi, S.K. Zaryanko, sculptor A.A. Vasyutinsky, etc. Belarus has raised the visual arts to new heights. After the October Revolution, the culture and art of Belarus underwent radical changes, and the way for the rapid development of professional art and folk creativity was laid.
* 1918 Vitebsk art school was opened in 1923. It was reorganized as a technical school of art.
* 1925 after the first art exhibition, the Association of Belarusian Artists was organized. 1935 Union of Architects,
* 1938. Union of artists was established.
* 1939 The State Art Gallery was opened. The genre of portrait bust developed. During this period, artists I.O. Ahremchin, K.M. Kosmachev, M.A. Kerzin, etc. worked fruitfully. During the Soviet Union, painter V.K. Tsvirno, A.P. Sukhoverhov, A.D. Shibnev; graphs S.I. Selikhanov, L.N. Gumilevsky; theater artists E.G. Chemodurov, P.V. Maslenikov, etc. names became popular. The traditional songs of Belarusians also have a lyrical melody. Revolutionary and partisan songs are widely used in the musical folklore of the people. Funny songs and dance tunes ("Lyavonikha", "Yurogka", "Bulba", "Kryzhachok") are distinguished by their sharp sarcasm. Folk clay instruments: cymbals, jhaleika, tambourine, violin, dudna, etc. Puppet theater games and folk dramas are performed with musical accompaniment. Belarusian professional music was born and formed during the Soviet Union.
* 1924 Music technical school in Minsk,
* 1932. conservatory,
* 1933 Belarusian Opera and Ballet Theater,
* 1937 Belarus Philharmonic opened.
* 1940 G.R. A Belarusian song and dance ensemble was organized under the leadership of Shirma. Based on this ensemble, in 1955 A state choir chapel was established. Composers who created the national opera repertoire: N.I. Aladov, E.K. Tykotskyi, A.V. Bogatyrev, etc. Singers who made a great contribution to the development of Belarusian opera art — L.P. Aleksandrovskaya, T.N. Nizhnikovka, L.F. Alekseevka, etc. The ancient customs and entertainments of the people of Belarus had a positive effect on the development and growth of the folk drama and the birth of the theater.
Since the 16th century, folk puppet theater - batleyka has gained wide popularity. In the 17th century, school theaters were organized near religious educational institutions, and entertainment was shown. By the end of the 18th century, privately owned theaters, amateur theaters began to be created in the middle of the 19th century. One such amateur theater was led by Dunin-Martsinkevich, the first playwright of the Belarusian people.
1905 actor and director I.P. Under the leadership of Buynitsky, a professional traveling theater was created. Plays of Kupala and Kolas played a major role in the formation and growth of the national theater of Belarus. Drama Theater named after Ya. Kupala (1920, Minsk), Ya. Drama Theater named after Kolas (1926, Vitebsk), 3rd Belarusian Drama Theater (1932), etc. After the establishment of theaters, G.P. Glebov, P.S. Molchanov, etc. E.A., written by well-known actors and directors based on historical themes and national folklore. Mirovich, E.S. He staged the plays of Romanov, etc. From the 40s and 50s of the 20th century, classical works were performed on their stages. Modern Belarus is a country with a highly developed cinematography and national television, science and education system.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5288 | Turgesh Khaganate | Turgesh Khaganate (Turkish: 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰏𐰾 - Türügesh) is an early medieval Turkic state that ruled in 704-756 and was formed as a result of the collapse of the Western Turkic Khaganate. It continued the state-administrative, military and cultural traditions of the Western Turkic Khaganate and was assigned to the left wing of that country at the time. Dulu belongs to the tribal structure, it is known that the Turks themselves are divided into black and yellow Turks. (According to some historical data, the "yellow" and "black" tribes should be considered politically, not ethnically. Therefore, when Sakal became the Khagan, the Turgesh Khaganate split into two. In one, Sakal was the Khagan, and in the other, Sulu, who ruled the people. He was subordinate to Sakal. the people were called "yellow turgesh", and the people subjugated to Sulu - "black turgesh". In the genealogical data it is called "yellow house". Turgesh were migrating in the region between Ile and Shu rivers, from Ile Alatau to the south of Lake Balkash. This region was suitable for cattle breeding, a fertile field-settlement. At the same time, it was a center of sedentary agriculture and a rich region with some beautiful cities. The main part of the east-west trade caravan route passing through this region was under the control of the Turks. This situation increased the military, political and economic power of the Turks.
## Formation of the Turgesh Khaganate
Mutual conflicts in the Western Turkic Khaganate, the military and political actions of the Chinese imperial family, which sought to establish its supremacy in Zhetysu, led to the weakening of the Khaganate power, which gradually left it only in name. was often the cause. The tribes that were part of "On Ok Budun" are no longer acting on behalf of the Khagan, but raising their own flag. In 694, when Ashina Tuiji, who ascended the throne, tried to organize a resistance to the Chinese army in the east, in alliance with the Tibetans, the tribes led by Nuzuk-Irkin, the tyrant Nuzuk-Irkin, the Turgesh Chikan, and the leader of the Uluk-ok tribe organized a siege of the Suyab fortress, but according to the chroniclers, they did not succeed. . This is probably not compatible with the truth. The words of the chronicler about the failure of the attack on the city are based only on the statements of the representatives. As usual, there is no accurate description of how the battle happened, the chronicler only says "lost". Be that as it may, it is said that immediately after this, a camp was organized under the leadership of the Turk Huselo (they must have been made up of Turks) to pacify the people of the region. But even when preparations are being made for the campaign, a new force appears in the Khaganate, and it is so powerful that Khuselo hastily retreats instead of marching to the west.
This force was the turgekhs led by Three, known as Baga Tarkhan. The rise of the turgekhs was not an unexpected event in the midst of disunity and Khuselo Khagan's escape. The Turgesh, a large tribe belonging to the left wing of the Kaganate, occupied a large area between the Shu-Ile two rivers as early as the 6th century, and most of the caravan routes in Zhetysu were under their control. The influence of the Turks gradually increased, and the number of tribes subordinated to them increased. The trio divided their territory into 20 regions, each with 7,000 soldiers. He moved his horde, which had previously been on the northwestern side of Shu, to Suyab, and called it the Great Horde; He had a Small Horde in the city of Kungit. Kungit and the so-called tribe are located in the valley of the Ile River (they lived here in the 11th century, as Mahmud Kashgari pointed out). According to the chronicle, the western Turkish lands "bordered on the northern Tuzyuys (i.e. the Eastern Turkic Khaganate) on the east, the Khuls (Sogdian principalities) on the west, and occupied the land directly up to the regions of Sizhou (Turfan) and Tingzhou (Besbalik) in the east". the fever was getting worse. In the course of the struggle for supremacy, the Turks of Ile formed a military alliance with the Eastern Turks led by Kapagan Khagan. One of the scenes of the fight between them is the battle along the Belu Shu River, one night from Irtys. Shu Turgesh (in other words, yellow Turgesh) suffered a heavy defeat, as a result of which the supremacy shifted to their competitors (black Turgesh, who moved their horde to Talas). They put Sulu, a representative of the Shapish (Chebishi) tribe of Black Turks, on the throne of the Khagan.
The documents show that there were social changes in the Turgesh Kaganate at that time. It is said in "Zhangakhin": "Expenses (of the nobility) were increasing every day, and there was no such thing as a fund. In recent years, he (the khagan) began to feel the shortage, so he kept the loot in his hands instead of distributing it gradually. At this time, subordinates also began to separate from him. Disputes escalated into a struggle between the ruling groups of the Black Turks and the Yellow Turks. Since the death of Sulu Khagan in 738, this struggle became very intense. According to the genealogy, in the Turgesh Kaganate, "Sakal's descendants are called the yellow clans (sary turgesh), and the descendants of Sulu are called the black clans (kara turgesh). They are at war with each other and do not trust each other." This is also mentioned in the letter of Bekan-Kulug-shora (Fu-Yan-Tsuelyu-cho), a Turgesh shonjary Shumeken: "We were born in the field, in a country where there is excitement, we attack each other and quarrel..."
When the Arab invasion of Central Asia began, Kazakhstan and most of Central Asia were under the Western Turkic Khanate. In the fight against the Arabs, there were Turks who came to power in Zhetysu. It was founded by Ushlik Khan (704-706). His seat was the city of Suyab on the Shu. The second (smaller) horde is located in the city of Kungit on the banks of the Ile River.
In the Turgesh Kaganate, after Ushlik, his son Sakal Kagan (706-711) became his successor. At that time, there was no internal unity in the Turgesh state, and the Khaganate was constantly fighting with Arabs and Chinese. Turgesh Khaganate became stronger during the reign of Sulu Khagan (715-738). During his reign, the Turks fought on three fronts. The Arabs came from the west, the Tang Dynasty from the east, and the Eastern Turkic Khaganate from the north. By diplomatic means (marriage) and military measures, Sulu avoided the threat from the east. This situation created an opportunity for the Turks to be active in the West. In 723, together with the Garluqs of Fergana and the inhabitants of Shash, the Turks defeated the Arabs. Sulu Kagan
Arabs call him Abu Muzahim (Süzegen). 737 Khylulu people are killed by their commander B ga-Tarkhan.
## The collapse of the Kaganate
After his death, the struggle for power began between the "yellow" Turgesh and the "black" Turgesh. In 746, Karluks from Altai and Tarbagatai settled in Zhetysu. The Turks, weakened by the Arabs and mutual conflicts, cannot actively resist the Karluks. This was used by the Chinese Empire. In 748, his guardians in East Turkestan sent their army to the city of Suyab and captured it. The owner of the hair is hanged. His son is asking the Arabs for help. 751 A battle takes place between the Arabs and the Chinese army near the city of Atlakh near Taraz. The battle lasts for five days. At the decisive moment, the Karluks outside the Chinese flag rebelled and sided with the Arabs. The Chinese will be completely defeated. The Tang army leaves Zhetisu, East Turkestan and then retreats. The Arabs go to Shash. But the internal strife made the Turgesh state completely unstable. In 756, the Turgesh state fell due to the actions of Turkic-speaking Karluk tribes.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6775 | Marilyn Monroe | Marilyn Monroe or Marilyn Monroe (English. Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jeane Mortenson, English. Norma Jeane Mortenson, baptized Norma Jeane Baker, English. Norma Jeane Baker (Norma Jeane Baker); June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962) — was an American artist, singer and popular model of the 20th century.
## Youth
Norma Jean Mortenson was born in 1926 in a Los Angeles hospital around 9:30 am. He was the third child of film editor Gladys Pearl Baker. His maternal grandmother, Della Monroe, was from Ireland, his grandfather, Otis Monroe, was from Scotland, and his mother was born in Mexico. The girl's biological father is unknown, but the birth certificate lists Martin Edward Mortenson and the girl is also listed as Norma Jean Mortenson. Later, when the girl was six months old, when she was baptized at the Evangelical Church, her mother changed her last name to Baker.
For unknown reasons, the father's last name was spelled incorrectly in the documents. In fact, the Norwegian immigrant Martin Edward (1897-1981), whom Gladys married on October 11, 1924, was not Mortensen, but Mortensen. It was because of this mistake that there were many misunderstandings about the identity of the biological father of the actress at that time. Gladys separated from Mortensen on May 26, 1925 (completely divorced in 1928) In late 1925, Gladys noticed that her legs were hurting. In addition, some of Monroe's biographers believe that Gladys used Mortensen's name to avoid being a single mother. Monroe always denied that Mortensen was her father. She said her mother once showed her a picture of Charles Stanley Gifford and introduced him as Monroe's father. According to the actress, Charles had a mustache similar to Clark Gable's, so he was often mistaken for Gable.
## Career in Hollywood
In August 1946, he signed a contract with 20th Century Studios as an extra. The studio suggested that she change her name to Carol Lind, Claire Norman, or Marilyn Miller. And finally changed to Marilyn Monroe. Monroe is her mother's last name.
After her first marriage, Monroe thought about her career and divorced her husband in late 1946.
In October 1848, the film "Choristky" was released at the Columbia Pictures film studio. This was Monroe's first film in which she acted and sang. After this film, he signed a seven-year contract with 20th Century Studios and got a role in the film "Asphalt Jungle".
In February 1954, she married baseball player Joe DiMaggio. But DiMaggio envied the actress more than any other man, and that's why he was so mean to her. Because of jealousy, they divorced in October 1954. However, Joe loves Marilyn for the rest of his life and is the only one of Marilyn's lovers to attend her funeral. After Monroe married DiMaggio, 20th Century Studios invited her to star in the musical "No Better Business Than Show Business".
In March 1954, Marilyn wins the "Most Popular Actress" award. In January 1954, she announced the opening of her own corporation, Marilyn Monroe Productions. And he is the owner of that corporation and the owner of the stock package.
On March 8, 1960, Marilyn became the owner of the Hollywood "Walk of Fame". On January 20, 1961, Marilyn divorced Arthur Miller. In February of the same year, he was admitted to a psychiatric clinic in New York and was released from there on March 5, 1961.
## Personal life
Marilyn met the playwright Arthur Miller in 1950, but broke up with him, then got back together in 1955. Arthur had two children from his ex-wife. They were legally married on June 29, 1956. And two days later, a Jewish wedding will be held (Arthur was Jewish). This marriage lasted the longest because Marilyn wanted to marry a smart man who could be her life teacher and enhance her education. This marriage was not very happy: they lived together for four and a half years and divorced on January 20, 1961. It is later revealed that Arthur wrote in his diary after the wedding: "He's like a little boy, I hate him!" Seeing this, Marilyn gets angry and they fight. Marilyn always wanted to have children, although she tried to get pregnant in each marriage, nothing came of it. Although pregnant with Arthur, this pregnancy turned out to be ectopic.
### Political views
According to Marilyn Monroe's friend and secretary Patricia Newcomb, Marilyn asked the reporter who was interviewing her: "Please end the interview with what I believe," and the article "The most important thing in life is a real sense of kinship. Everyone: stars, workers, blacks, Arabs, Jews - we are all brothers," but his request went unanswered.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5003 | Risk khan | Tauekel Khan (full name Abilgazy Muhammed Tauekel Bahadur Khan, Tukay, Tavakkul, Tevekkel in written records, Tevkel tsar, Tefkel tsar in Russian embassy documents, 1562 - 1598) was the ruler of the Kazakh Khanate who ruled in 1582-1598. Son of Shigai Khan. Between 1582 and 1594, he spent some time fighting for the Khan throne with other sultans. Finally he got the khanate. In order to make him a military ally in the fight against the Uzbek Khan, he established relations with Moscow. So, in 1598, he made a new campaign to Central Asia. During the battles on the way to recapture the cities along the Syrdarya River, Tavekel Khan was seriously wounded and died in Tashkent.
The history of the Kazakh khanate from the 90s of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century, the passing of Shygai to Abdallah, the withdrawal of Tawaekel from him, the Tashkent uprising of 1588 with the participation of the Kazakh sultans, the period of 1594-1595 when Tawaekel conquered Turkestan, Tashkent, Fergana, Samarkand known for such data as war events. The inclusion of these regions into the Kazakh Khanate was of great historical importance, it showed the exchange of one historical period with another. These events had a significant impact not only on the Kazakh Khanate, but also on the Puckanian states, because the change of dynasties in Central Asia had a direct connection with them. After the death of Shigai Khan in 1582, he became Tavekel Khan. The vassal dependence on Abdullah remained during his time. But at the beginning of 1582, there is also a document that says that "while returning from the campaign to Andijan and Fergana, Tavekel suspected the khan's bad intentions, left him and went to his Deshti Kypshak".
## Tashkent uprising
Risk starts a struggle for the cities of the Syr region and tries to take Tashkent in 1586. Knowing that Abdallah Khan's forces are concentrated in the south, Tawakel attacks the northern regions of Maurannahr. His attack destroyed cities like Turkestan, Tashkent, and even Samarkand. Risky did not fight and retreated hastily. Thus, the first attempt of Tawaekel to take Tashkent failed. The uprising of 1588 in the Tashkent region is one of the most important events in the history of the Kazakh people at that time. There are interesting details and situations about it in the works of Hafiz Tynysh "Sharaf-name - iy shahi" and "Zafar - name" of Mukimi. Researchers have not paid attention to the Tashkent uprising until now, and it had a significant influence on the development of history in the Central Asia-Kazakhstan region. At that time, the Kazakh sultans, knowing that the Sauran ruler Ishankeldi Autarshi and Nauryz Bi Kusshi were preparing to attack them, marched against the Uzbek army. However, Ishankel was defeated in this struggle, and the Kazakh sultans and rebel emirs were defeated. This is how the uprising, which lasted for almost three months and was in the nature of a military rebellion, ended. Along with rebel emirs and Kazakh sultans, nomadic tribes also took part in the uprising. The events of 1588 were a prerequisite for the subsequent events of 1598-1599, namely, the replacement of the Shaibani dynasty by the Ashtarkhani dynasty. Tavekel, who independently opposed Abdallah in 1585, did not participate in this rebellion. Although he would have benefited greatly if he won, he did not join the struggle conducted by other Kazakh sultans. After risk left Abdallah at the end of 1582, he had to fight for the supreme power for a long time. In 1596, although he had the title of khan, he did not take this law as a basis. Describing the invasion of Tashkent by Tavekel in the same year, Eskendir Munshi himself reports that "Kazakh Sultan Tavekel, who received the title of Khan, approached Tashkent with an innumerable army."
## Relations with Moscow
It becomes clear that Tavekel won the status of khan as a result of a long and persistent struggle between 1586 and 1594, and then he acted as a real khan in relations with Moscow. .Kazakh ambassadors brought to the Russian king a number of interesting information about the state of the Kazakh Khanate. For example, Kul-Mohamed reported: "Now we have a temporary peace with the king of Bukhara, and we are at peace with the Nogays as brothers, we are not at odds with the children of Tinekhmat, nor with the clans of war." In the case of this embassy, Tavekel Khan was also called the "Kazakh and Kalmyk king", from which we can conclude that some Dzonghar clans migrating close to the Kazakhs living in Central and North Kazakhstan were subject to him. tasks were set to obtain the promise of Moscow's help in the counter-struggle. In March 1595, the ambassador received a letter of the king's reply, in which he informed Tavekel that he would take the Kazakh khanate "under his royal hand" and promised to send "weapons to fire at the king and princes", and further expressed the following wish: Tavekel "because our kingdom is under our hands and According to our royal order, you will fight with the king of Bukhara and the king of Siberia, who betrayed us, Kushim, and make way for our great king. The request of the ambassadors was fulfilled. In response to the embassy of Kulmuhammed, in March 1595, interpreter Velyamin Stepanov was sent from Moscow to Tavekel Khan.
## Trade relations
Although it was impossible to reach an agreement on the issue of guardianship, diplomatic relations as well as trade relations continued in the later years of the 16th century. The development of Kazakh-Russian diplomatic relations created conditions for further expansion of caravan trade. Kazakhs brought their goods to the market: livestock, livestock products. The road leading from Russia to Central Asia and Siberia passed through the territory of the Kazakh Khanate. The trade route from the city of Tobyl to Central Asia would pass through the Irtys River to the headwaters of the Yesil River, and from there bypass Ulytau, through Sarysu to Turkestan, and then through the Syrdarya River to Bukhara.
## New Invasion
In 1598, Risk makes a new invasion of the state of the descendants of Shaibani. Abdallah Khan did not consider Tawekel to be a worthy opponent and sent against him the armies of the sultans and emirs of the bordering regions and part of his own army. There was a battle somewhere between Tashkent and Samarkand. Abdullah's army suffers a heavy defeat. After Abdallah's death, the khanate entered a period of political crisis. Thus, Tawaekel took over Turkestan, Tashkent, and Ferghana in a short time. In March 1598, Abdolla Khan died, and Abdylhumin became Khan. Shah Abbas of Iran was hostile to him. Taking advantage of this, Tavaekel Khan launched a war of aggression, invaded Mauarannakhr with more than a hundred thousand Kazakh troops, captured the cities of Akhsi, Andijan, Tashkent, and Samarkand. Tavekel Khan left his half-brother Yesim Sultan in Samarkand with about 20,000 troops, and he went to take Bukhara with 70-80,000 troops. Kazakh troops besieged Bukhara for 20 days. In one of the battles at the foot of the city fortress, Tavekel Khan was seriously wounded and died on his way back to Tashkent.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7538 | Аномия | Anomie (Gr. an- - absence and Gr. nomos - law) is a concept that indicates fundamental crises in the value system of society.
Anomie is defined by the following signs:
* disorderly regulatory vacuum caused by the loss of the meaning of established values;
* loss of social harmony, loss of reputation of individuals who have become a collective image of values in society;
* people's loss of high ideals, life desires;
* instability in behavior, increase in suicides, etc.
The French scientist who introduced the term anomie into scientific practice is E. Durkheim (1858-1917).
In the book "Social Division of Labor", he concludes that anomie appears as a result of the distortion of the division of labor, and sees the reason for this in the loss of cooperation and harmony between people during specialization.
In his work "Suicide", Durkheim mentions the types of egoistic, altruistic and anomic suicides. The latter is said to arise from involuntary passion when traditional restraint norms are shaken. If unlimited wishes are not fulfilled, people have dead-end crises without a solution.
American scientist R., who further developed the concept of anomie in modern sociology. Merton (1910). He considers the problem of anomie in connection with deviant behavior. Such an action is formed in situations where one cannot achieve the great goals by legal means. Interests arising in a specific cultural system may conflict with the prevailing governing and regulatory mechanisms. Anomie is especially common in transitional societies. Old habits are not quickly replaced by values that meet new requirements. Such contradictions can cause deviations in the minds of individuals.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5311 | Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan | The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is a consultative and advisory body under the Head of State established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 1, 1995. The President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev announced the idea of creating the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan for the first time in 1992 at the First Forum of the People of Kazakhstan dedicated to the first year of independence. The need to create such an institution arose from a political point of view, as well as from the point of view of the sustainable development of a newly created, independent, polyethnic, polyconfessional state. It was found to be a new direction in the world experience, which lays the foundation for a new period of strengthening and allows solving the problems of developing inter-ethnic relations at a high level. In its twenty-year history, the Assembly has developed rapidly and experienced significant changes. In the course of its development, N.Nazarbayev's Kazakh model of inter-ethnic tolerance and social harmony was formed. During these years, the institutional structure of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was strengthened, its capacity to organize society was filled, and it became an important battleground of people's diplomacy. Today, the Assembly is a constitutional body chaired by the President of the country. This determines its special status.
## Activities of the Assembly
This unique institution, organizing representatives of all ethnic groups in the country for a common goal, makes a significant contribution to the goal of maintaining stability in the republic and the development of the country.
Thanks to the activities of the Assembly, a unique model of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional agreement was formed in Kazakhstan, in which the civil rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of every citizen, regardless of ethnic or religious characteristics, are fully applied. A pattern of trust, agreement and mutual understanding has been established in the rich multi-ethnic space of Kazakhstan.
Today, all necessary conditions for the development of cultures, languages, and traditions of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan have been created in the republic. The number of ethno-cultural associations is constantly growing, now they exceed 800, including 28 republican ones. Newspapers and magazines are published in 15 languages, radio programs in 8 languages and TV programs in 7 languages. There are 88 schools where education is conducted entirely in Uzbek, Tajik, Uyghur and Ukrainian languages. The language of 22 ethnic groups is taught as a separate subject in 108 schools. In addition, 195 ethno-educational complexes, Sunday and linguistic schools were opened where, in addition to children, adults also had the opportunity to learn the languages of 30 ethnic groups. In addition to the Kazakh and Russian theaters, there are four more national theaters in the country - Uzbek, Uyghur, Korean and German. Every year several dozen new books are published in the languages of Kazakh ethnic groups. Annual public holidays Nauryz, May 1 - holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan, Maslenitsa, Sabantoy have become traditions. If the main task during the formation of the state was to organize the society on the basis of inter-ethnic tolerance and social harmony, in the new stage of the country's development, as a strategic priority, the common goal recognized by all citizens of the society is to achieve National Unity based on a system of values and principles. Therefore, in April 2010, the Doctrine of National Unity of Kazakhstan, which collected the constructive proposals of civil society, state institutions, and citizens, was adopted. This is a way to understand what force unites and unites us. This is the impulse to strive for the future together.
The President of the country pays special attention to the language problem in the country. In the system of inter-ethnic relations, the state language is recognized as an important factor in the formation of national unity. Therefore, expanding the scope of use of the state language in the activities of the Assembly has an important place.
The activity of the Assembly contributes to the growth of the international reputation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a country that effectively solves the problems of inter-ethnic relations. Today, N. Nazarbayev's model of inter-ethnic tolerance and social harmony is drawing the world's attention.
The Kazakh model was presented at the United Nations, OSCE participating countries, international forums held in Copenhagen, Vienna, Geneva, New York and received positive reviews, it was translated into the languages of 56 OSCE participating countries.
During his visit to our country, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon got acquainted with the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and noted that the principle of the Assembly is fully consistent with the working principle of the UN.
The Kazakh model has become one of the main directions of interaction between the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and the High Commissioner for National Minorities of the OSCE. The number of states and international organizations interested in the model of public agreement in Kazakhstan is increasing day by day.
## Law on the Assembly
On October 20, 2008, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" was signed. This law, defining the main principles in the field of inter-ethnic relations, confirmed the status of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and its structures at the legal level. Formed a new system of work of subjects of inter-ethnic relations in harmony with the current political direction in the country.
The law defines the procedure for organizing the work of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan aimed at implementing the state national policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring socio-political stability, and increasing the effectiveness of the interaction of state and civil institutions of society in the field of inter-ethnic relations.
According to the law, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is not a legal entity, but an institution established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which influences the development and implementation of state national policy.
The purpose of the Assembly is to ensure inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the process of formation of Kazakh civil identity and a competitive nation based on Kazakh patriotism, civil and spiritual-cultural unity of the Kazakh people, relying on the unifying role of the Kazakh people.
### The main tasks of the Assembly
* to ensure effective interaction with state bodies and civil society institutions in the field of inter-ethnic relations, favorable conditions for further strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance in society make;
* strengthening of people's unity, support and development of social agreement on the fundamental values of Kazakhstani society;
* assistance to state bodies in resisting manifestations of extremism and radicalism in society and actions aimed at oppressing the rights and freedoms of people and citizens;
* formation of political and legal culture of citizens based on democratic norms;
* To ensure the integration of efforts of ethno-cultural and other public associations to achieve the goals and objectives of the Assembly;
* It is to promote, preserve and develop the national culture, languages and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan.
## Structure of the Assembly
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan creates and reorganizes the Assembly, determines the directions of the Assembly's activities, appoints the officials of the Assembly's leadership.
The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Head of State has the right to manage the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan throughout his life. The structure of the Assembly consists of the Assembly Session, the Assembly Council, the Assembly Secretariat, assemblies of regions (city, capital of republican importance).
Assembly Session - a meeting of Assembly members is the highest governing body of the Assembly. The session is convened by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as needed, but at least once a year. The decree on convening the Regular Session shall be issued no later than thirty days before the start of the Regular Session, indicating the date, place and agenda of the Regular Session, which shall be announced in the official mass media. An extraordinary session is convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Assembly, the Council of the Assembly or at the request of at least one third of the total number of members of the Assembly and is held within one month from the date of the decision to hold it.
In the history of the Assembly, 18 sessions were held, where important issues of public life and the main directions of state development were discussed. During the period between the sessions, the Assembly Council, established by the decision of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carries out the management of the Assembly. The composition of the Council is approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The working body of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, its Secretariat is part of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent structural unit. and they are formed from the ranks of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account their reputation in society. Currently, there are 390 members of the Assembly. Candidates for membership in the Assembly are submitted based on the proposals of ethno-cultural and other public associations of the regions, based on the decision of the sessions of the assemblies of the regions (city of republican significance, the capital), as well as by the decision of the higher bodies of the republican, regional ethno-cultural and other public associations. Scientific-expert council has been established and is working to provide scientific support for the activities of the assembly. The scientific-expert council includes deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, scientific and educational organizations, as well as scientists, independent experts and specialists. with this in mind, the Club of Journalists and Experts was established under the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. The main direction of the club's work is the formation of a suitable tradition of publishing inter-ethnic topics for journalists and experts, as well as deepening the relationship between the Assembly and the media. Friendship Houses are performing their work effectively in all regions, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation was built in the city of Astana by the order of the Head of State. Sessions of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, congresses of world traditional religions, and other important events are held here every year.
The working body of the Assembly, the Secretariat of the Assembly is an independent structural department in the structure of the Presidential Administration. The Secretariat is headed by the Head of the Secretariat, who is also the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly. These mechanisms are the basis of real action and efficiency of the Assembly in public administration and public relations.
The composition of the assembly and the assemblies of regions, cities of republican significance and the capital includes citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan - representatives of ethno-cultural and other public associations, representatives of state bodies and persons with their own place and dignity in society.
Currently, the Assembly has 394 members.
One of the main features of the Assembly is that it ensures guaranteed representation of the interests of ethnic groups in the highest legislative body of the country - the Parliament.
9 deputies elected from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan to the Majilis of the Parliament represent all ethnic groups of the country. In addition, representatives of the Kazakh ethnic community are represented in the Parliament on the basis of direct participation in elections to representative bodies through political parties.
Since its establishment, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan has gone through a long path of development, accumulating enormous unifying and intellectual potential and adapting to the model of the People's Diplomacy Institute. The unique structure that unites the heads of more than 100 ethnic groups in our country has maintained stability and played an important role in the progressive development of the republic. The People's Assembly of Kazakhstan has been demonstrating to the whole world the success of Kazakhstan's policy in the field of inter-ethnic relations.
In general, mainly thanks to the work of the Assembly, a unique model of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional agreement, a special atmosphere of trust, solidarity, and mutual understanding was formed in our country, so that every citizen can fully enjoy the civil rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, regardless of ethnic and religious characteristics.
All necessary conditions for the development of culture, language and traditions of all ethnic groups of Kazakhstan have been created in the republic. The activity of the Assembly contributes to increasing the international reputation of Kazakhstan as a country that effectively solves the problems of inter-ethnic relations.
## Parliamentary representation of the Assembly
One of the main features of the Assembly is the representation of the interests of representatives of the ethnic group in the highest legislative body - the Parliament of the country. According to the changes made to the Constitution in 2007, 9 deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan are elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. 9 deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan represent the interests of all ethnic groups in the country. Deputies elected from the Assembly actively participate in the legislative process and often use the right of legislative initiative. All draft laws on inter-ethnic relations are subject to appropriate scrutiny by deputies.
## External links
* Assembly official site Archived 27 May 2008.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6278 | United States of America | The United States of America (English: United States of America [ði juˌnaɪtɪd ˌsteɪts əv əˈmerɪkə]), commonly used form USA (English. USA) or United States (English. United States, US, US, colloquially - America) is a country in North America . The area is 9.5 million km² (4th place in the world).
Population — 329 million people (2019 census, 3rd place in the world). The capital is Washington. Largest cities by population: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Detroit, Boston, Houston, Washington, Dallas, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Seattle. 66% of the population are Protestants, about 26% are Catholics. The head of government and state is the president. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament (congress) consisting of representatives of the House and the Senate.
## Geography
A large country in the Western Hemisphere. Almost all of its territory is in North America. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. It is bordered by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.
The vast majority of the US territory is located in the temperate and subtropical zone, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The state of Alaska is subarctic and arctic, and the state of Hawaii is in the tropical zone of the Pacific Ocean. 1/2 of the terrain (in the west of the country) is occupied by high mountain ranges and mountainous plateaus. The country's interior plains (Central Great Plains) lie between the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains. Along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean lie the Atlantic and Mexican lowlands. The highest mountain in the USA is McKinley (6193 m) on the Alaska Peninsula. The subsoil is very rich in minerals and mineral resources. It ranks first in the world in terms of iron, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, and uranium reserves. Coal (Appalachian Mountains), oil and gas (Mexican Plains, Great Plains) have been found. And the Cordillera mountains are rich in raw materials of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.
The average temperature in January in Alaska is -18°С, in the north of the Central Plains -24.8°С. In the south-west of the country, the average temperature in January reaches 12°С, on the Florida peninsula it reaches 20°С. The average temperature in July ranges from 14 to 22°С on the west coast, from 16 to 22°С in the east, and rises to 32°С in the central plains. The highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere was observed in Azhal Valley (56.7°С). The amount of precipitation is 3000-4000 mm on the windward slopes of Alaska and the Pacific coast; 1000 - 2000 mm in the eastern and coastal zone; 600-900 mm in the Central Plains, 400-600 mm in the Great Plains, and less than 100 mm in the Mojave Desert (Death Valley). The largest amount of precipitation is in the Hawaiian Islands (10,000 mm). The largest rivers: Mississippi (6420 km along with the Missouri tributary), Ohio, Colorado, Columbia, Rio Grande, Yukon. Most belong to the Atlantic and Pacific basins. The Great Lakes in the northeast of the country (Lake Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario) make up the world-famous lake system. All of them are interconnected and occupy an area of 245 thousand km². Niagara Falls, which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario, is located here. There are about 270 natural areas under state protection (national parks, natural monuments, nature reserves) in the USA. The largest of them: Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia, Grand Canyon, etc.
The climate of the United States is uniformly temperate and subtropical. And in the northern state of Alaska, arctic cold is noticeable in winter.
## History
Indians have lived on the land of the present USA since ancient times. After Christopher Columbus discovered America (1492-1503), in the 16th century, England, Spain, the Netherlands, France, and Sweden began to colonize North America. By the 1860s, England had conquered almost all of North America. At the beginning of the 17th century, slaves from Africa were brought to America for hard labor. The intensification of colonial exploitation caused the war for independence (1775-83).
1776 On July 4, the Declaration of Independence was adopted, which announced the creation of the United States. 13 English colonies united and became an independent state, England was defeated in the war of independence called the 1st American-bourgeois revolution. 1783 according to the peace treaty, England recognized the independence of the USA. 1787 The US Constitution was adopted and George Washington was elected as the country's first president. 1776 Thomas Jefferson, the author of the draft of the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Intercontinental Congress, who made a great contribution to the democratization of society in 1800, 1804. He was elected president of the United States. He pursued a policy of compromise between different social groups. He abolished some reactionary laws, reduced the army, navy, and state apparatus. Established diplomatic relations with Russia. In the first half of the 19th century, the territory of the USA increased considerably. 1803 US West Louisiana, 1819. Florida, 1867 Alaska was added. 1823 The Monroe Doctrine was announced, where America and Europe should not interfere in each other's internal affairs. 1809 it was forbidden to bring slaves into the country. However, this case continued in secret. 1790 If there are 760 thousand black slaves in the USA, in 1860 they reached 4 million. Slaves who couldn't bear the severe oppression and humiliation rebelled and fled to the north. In the North, slavery was abolished in a number of states.
In World War I, the US was on the side of the Entente. The reforms of the Franklin Roosevelt administration between the two world wars have a special place in the history of the United States. These reforms, called "New Direction", brought the country out of a severe economic crisis and created a democratic model of society. Roosevelt also made changes in foreign policy. He pursued a policy of "friendly neighborhood" in Latin America, "isolation" in Europe, and "open doors" in Asia.
During World War II, the United States took an active part in creating the Union of States Against Fascism and conducted military operations in the Pacific Ocean, Europe, and Africa. To the war in 1941. Started on December 7, 1945. Finished on September 2. After the war, the USA and the USSR created separate military and political alliances, dividing the world into two camps. This "Cold War" lasted until the mid-80s.
### Brief Chronological Table
16th century — Europeans began to migrate to North America after Christopher Columbus discovered America. They mercilessly massacred the main population of this continent - Indians. The surviving Indians were pushed to barren places - reservations.
The 17th century - mainly immigrants from Great Britain settled on the Atlantic coast - was called the colony. 18th century in the end, 13 colonies were freed from British rule and an independent state - the United States of America - was formed. The 50 white stars in the blue square in the upper left corner of the American flag correspond to the number of states in the United States today.
1776 - The US declaration of independence is published
1812-1815 - Anglo-American war
1819 - The US annexes the state of Florida for 5 million people. buys for dollars.
1846-1849 — US-Mexican War
1861-1865 — American Civil War
1867 — buys the state of Alaska from Russia
1917 — USA First enters the World War and joins the Entente Union
1941 — Pearl Harbor incident. USA enters the Second World War
1945 - Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic attack
1950-1953 - Korean War
1962 - Caribbean crisis.
1964-1973 — Vietnam War
1969 — Astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong lands on the moon
1991 — First Iraq War
2001 — September 11 tragedy \< >
2003 — The Second Iraq War
Diplomatic relations with the USA were established after Kazakhstan gained independence.
## State structure
According to the US constitution adopted in 1787, certain powers of state power are given to the US federal government. State powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution are exercised by the states of the United States.
The US constitution has the principle of separation of powers, whereby the federal government consists of legislative, executive, and judicial branches that act independently of each other.
* The highest legislative body is the US bicameral Congress: the lower house is the House of Representatives; the upper house is the Senate.
* lower house — House of Representatives;
* upper chamber — Senate.
* The highest executive authority is the President of the United States. The president is the head of state, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (see the list of US presidents). There is also a position of vice president.
* The supreme body of judicial power is the US Supreme Court.
There are two main parties in the USA: Republican and Democratic. There are many other smaller parties.
## Foreign Policy
US foreign policy is aimed at achieving two main goals — ensuring the security of the state and its citizens and ensuring the well-being of the country's citizens.
## Administrative structure
Administratively, it is made up of 50 states (the state of Hawaii formed from the 48 contiguous states and Alaska in the northwest of the continent, the Hawaiian Islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean) and the federal state of Colombia consists of the region. States are divided into 3133 regions (or corresponding administrative divisions).
## Economy
According to the International Monetary Fund, the US $22.7 trillion GDP is 24% of GDP at market exchange rates and 24% of GDP at purchasing power parity was more than 16%. In October 2021, the US national debt was $28.2 trillion.
The United States is the largest importer of goods and the second largest exporter, but has a low per capita export rate. The largest import-export partners of the USA are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and the European Union.
The subsoil of the states contains fuel and energy raw materials, iron, non-ferrous minerals, natural sulfur, uranium raw materials, phosphorites, potassium salts, etc. rich in useful minerals.
US industry is the leading sector of the entire economy. Oil and gas play an important role in its energy balance, heavy and light industry is flourishing. The machine-building industry produces various equipment for the automotive, aviation and electrical engineering industries. Nuclear industry, textile and sewing industry are particularly developed.
Mechanized farms play a leading role in US agriculture. The main crops grown there are wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beets, and cotton. Cattle, pigs, and sheep are raised in animal husbandry, and chicken and turkey breeding is widely developed.
## Population
USA is the 4th most populous country in the world (after China, India, Russia). The main nationality of Americans is the result of a mixture of people who migrated to America from various European countries (from the 1st half of the 17th century, mainly Englishmen, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, etc.). From the middle of the 19th century, the vast majority of immigrants came from Ireland, Germany, Scandinavian countries, and from the 80s of the 19th century, from Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and other countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. In total, 64 million immigrants from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa moved to the USA in 1790-1994. That is why the USA is sometimes called the nation of immigrants.
August 1 According to the first census conducted on August 1, 1790, 3.9 million people live in the United States.
In 1915, this indicator was equal to 100 million.
In 1967, the population exceeded 200 million.
On October 17, 2006, the 300 millionth person was born in the USA at 7:46 a.m. according to the census.
According to the last population census conducted in April 2010, 308 million 745 thousand 538 people live in the USA. This indicator has increased by 9.7% compared to the previous census of 2000.
Americans speak English, but there are differences in speech and vocabulary.
## Medical and sanitary conditions
Medical care is mainly provided by private doctors. Although the number of medicines and hospital beds is considerable, medical care is expensive for the working masses. In the 1950s, the average annual out-of-pocket cost of medical care was $10.2 billion. And local and federal authorities spent 1.8 billion dollars. Municipalities and philanthropic organizations that provide medical care free of charge are found in small numbers. There is no state social security at all. Voluntary bereavement society works only at the expense of contributions from people who bereaved themselves. In 1957, 10 million people were provided with all types of medical care.
## Music
US music was born and formed on the basis of the fusion of cultures of different nations in the second half of the 18th century. The first settlers to America brought the centuries-old tradition of European music. The actions of the new land owners took place in the midst of the struggle with the African-Americans and the musical folklore of the Indians. Especially African-American works, church hymns and lyrical songs of the Mississippi coast were widespread. However, the broad lords and judges of the Church of England demanded that the psalms be performed instead. But it did not last long. In the 18th century, the number of Europeans increased here, world music and European musical instruments became popular. During the war of independence in 1775-1783, the musical genre developed rapidly. The creative work of the first American composers, F. Hopkinson and W. Billings, begins in this period. The "theater of minstrelsy" played a big role in the formation of the American style. USA is home to many famous people. Among them, prominent political figures include Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Fulton, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, and others. there is
## Holidays
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5198 | Аймауытов | Zhusipbek Aymauytov (1889–1931) is an outstanding Kazakh writer, playwright, publicist, one of the founders of Kazakh literature.
In 1917-1919, he joined the Alash party, and on December 1, 1919, when the Soviet government was established in Semey and Gubrevkom was formed, he became a member together with many Kazakh youth (Semei regional state archive, 72- fund, 19-list-1, bundle 7 -3).
In 1920, Zhusipbek Aimauytuly participated as a delegate to the Constituent Congress of Kazakhstan Soviets, in 1921 he worked as the head of Semey gubernia educational department, editor of "Kazakh tili" newspaper and secretary of journalists' bureau. In 1922-24, he worked as a school teacher in Karkaraly, and in 1924-26, he worked as a department head in "Ak Zhol" newspaper. He studied at the Kazakh Institute (Tashkent), in 1926-29 he was a teacher and director of the Shymkent Pedagogical Technical College.
Shortly before this, that is, on the eve of the famine, sympathizers of the nation created an organization called "Zhanar" in Semipalatinsk with the aim of helping the depressed country. The main goal of the organization was to help ordinary people, take care of young people on the path of national freedom, and involve them in education and politics. Zhusipbek Aimauytuly, along with his co-operatives, lends a helping hand during the terrible famine that brought misery to the people. He supports and helps from a cultural and spiritual point of view, socially. During the 1930s, when the great male talent fell under the bloody clutches of the USSR Central Intelligence Agency (Russian: NKVD USSR), he was shot on April 21, 1930 in the Butyrka prison in Moscow.
## Life
He was born and raised in the former "Kyzyl tu" (now Zhusipbek Aimautov) village of Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region. The Argyn tribe originated from the Suyindyk clan of Kulboldy.
Although his father Aimauyt was poor, his great-grandfathers Dandebay and Kuan were famous, rich, and skilled people.
Jusupbek learned to read and recognize Arabic letters from an early age. 1907 Since then, he has been studying at the Russian-Kazakh two-class school in Bayanaul, at the Kaziny agricultural school in Kereku (Pavlodar), and at the Russian-Kazakh two-class school in Kereku. On the one hand, he educates children and earns money.
1911–1914 works as a teacher in the village.
In 1914, he was admitted to the teachers' seminary in Semipalatinsk. It was completed in 1918.
After that, he got involved in the affairs of the Alashordans, published the magazine "Abay" in Semey, and K. With Satbaev, M. Meets Auezov.
Later, he separated from Alashorda and joined the Communist Party (1919).
Participated as a delegate to the Constituent Congress of the Soviets of Kazakhstan and was appointed deputy commissar of the People's Education Commissariat of the Kazakh SSR (1920).
After that, he became the head of Semey gubernia educational department (1921), editor of "Kazakh tili" newspaper.
Worked as a school teacher in Karkaraly (1922–1924), head of the section of the newspaper "Ak Zhol" published in Tashkent (1924–1926), director of the Shymkent Pedagogical Technical College (1926–1929).
1929 During the beginning of the Soviet persecution, he was arrested on suspicion of having connections with a nationalist organization in Kazakhstan, and after a long investigation, he was sentenced to death in absentia in 1931. The directorship of the technical school of pedagogy in Shymkent - all this shows the path of Aimautov's struggle to establish a new life, milestones in his life. 1929 Jhusipbek, who was hanged on a hook during the beginning of the war, 1931. shot.
## Works
The rich legacy born from the pen of Yusupbek M.O. The scientists of the Auezov Institute of Literature and Art collected it, conducted a scientific analysis, and published it in five volumes in 1996-1999. Thus, the Kazakh reader is successfully reacquainted with the works of the famous artist after more than 60 years have passed.
He was the first to introduce lyricism in artistic prose in Kazakh literature, as well as a subtle stylistic artist who accurately touched the best example of the landscape, the deep twists of psychology. 1918-19 Together with M. Auezov, he published the magazine "Abay" in Semipalatinsk, under the pseudonym "Ekeu", together with Auezov, he published "Abai's life and activities" (1918, No. 2), "Poets after Abay" ("Abay", 1918, No. 3). wrote articles. A's artistic works are esthete. with the range of color, artistic power, stylistic individuality, he formed a direction in Kazakh literature. A. ped. While working in educational institutions, he wrote works and educational materials aimed at the comprehensive education of the young generation. His ped., psych. and major works written in the field of methodology played a significant role in their time.
Zh. Aimayutuli worked hard in various fields of national speech art. Born from his pen, especially the world of poetry ("Saryarka's greeting", "Moving", "Light state", etc.), perfect prose ("Singer", "Ghost", "On the road", "Black witch" - stories), "Kunikey's Plain", "Old Man", "Akbilek" (novels), well-known dramas ("Sylan Kyz", "Mansapkhorlar", "Rabiga", "El Kurguny", "Kanapiya - Sharbanu", "Sherniyaz") , famous translations ("The Miser", "The Stone Guest" (A.S. Pushkin), "The Observer" (N.V. Gogol), "The Poor" (V. Hugo), "Dameli", (F. Duchene) , "A Story in the Mountain Country" (S. Chuikov), his critical criticism - "On Magzhan's Poetry", "On Translation", "Song of the Falcon", that he is a qualified connoisseur of the soul system - "Guide to Education", "Psychology", "Ways of Complex Teaching" ", "New Village", etc., showed his natural talent in all aspects. Tales for children, "Bad Boy", "Shal and Old Woman", "Three Girls" The most important thing is that these works are meaningful even today with their spiritual and educational aspects.
Any of the legacies born from the pen of Zhusipbek Aimautov is a vivid testimony of his great talent, humanist artistry, and unwavering patriotism. His works are intended to meet the needs of the time he lived in, the society he was involved in, and to improve its white and black. At the same time, the power of the artistic wheel, the clarity of his ideological positions, and his skill in using words will guarantee the viability of Zhusipbek's works.
## New discoveries
A dozen unpublished stories and more than fifty articles and essays of Alash's moon-like personality, master of Kazakh black speech, Zhusipbek Aimautov, have been found. Nurzhan Kuantayuly, a talented poet, literary scholar, researcher of the heritage of Zhuseken, who rummaged through dark warehouses and dusty archives in a cage and found treasures, and now offers these pearls to the public. We would like to mention that these works of Zhusipbek Aimauytuly were not included in his 5-volume complete collection published by "Gylym" publishing house, and were not published anywhere for the second time.
The story "Insignificant Men" was published in the 6th issue of November 1924 of the literary magazine "Saule", a supplement of the "Ak Zhol" newspaper published in Tashkent in the 1920s. We remind you again that Nurzhan KUANTAYULY, candidate of philological sciences, is presenting the story from Arabic into modern font.
## Films
* 1994 — "A word about Alash" Director: K. Umarov
Genre: "Documentary" Production: "Kazakhtelefilm"
\< > * 2009 — "Alashorda" Director: K. Umarov
Genre: "Documentary" Production: "Kazakhfilm" named after Shaken Aymanov
## Sources
## Links
* Aimauytov Zhusipbek
* Site of Zh. Aimauytov Archived on October 28, 2020.
* D. Iskaguly. Multifaceted talent
* A. Demchenko. Zhusipbek Aimauytov, who did not count on time
* Zhusipbek Aimauytov |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7056 | Bravery | Erulik is a vivid example of a traditional folk ritual. Neighbors who have lived in the village for a long time give hospitality to a family that has just moved in and settled in close proximity. By giving erulik, the villagers aim to bring their new neighbors closer to them and not to alienate them. Erulik is cooked from the dead parts of the winter harvest (kazy-karta, jal-jaya, etc.) or it is called by slaughtering a sheep.
## Sources
Kazakh Encyclopedia Volume III Chapter 12 |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5066" | Beimbet Zharmagambetovich Mylin | Beyimbet Zharmagambetuly Maily (November 15, 1894 (1894-1115), Kostanay region, Beyimbet Maylin district - February 26, 1938, Almaty) is an outstanding Kazakh writer, poet, dramatist, one of the founders of Kazakh literature.
put forward the slogan of complete eradication of illiteracy. "A textbook for the illiterate" (1929); "Kush" - a textbook for the illiterate (1930); "New Read and Write" tool (1931) and Gabit Musirep and A. Together with Sitdykov, he wrote "The Alphabet for the Illiterate" (1935-1936).
## Biography
He came from the Karabalik clan of the Kypchak tribe..
* He was born and raised in Beimbet Mailin district of the present Kostanay region. He lost his father before he was one year old, and his mother when he was six years old. Suffering from the effects of orphanhood, he is hired by the rich. He first studied at the village mullah and became literate.
* Between 1911 and 1915, he studied at Uazifa madrasa in Troitsk, the Russian-Kazakh school in Kostanay, Madrasa Galiya in Ufa.
* In 1916-1919, he became a teacher and started writing. He writes for "Kazakh", "Aul" newspapers and magazines "Aykap", "Sadaq" (Sadaq magazine).
Beimbet Mylin started participating in "Enbekshil Kazakh" when it was "Enbek Tuy". He participated with his first articles, was a literary worker, head of department, secretary, and rose to become an editor. But he didn't do much.
* It is known that in 1920-1922, the publication was led by seven or eight people, such as Beimbet Mailin, when the board of editors was the first to guide the creation of the newspaper, and then individual people started to come. After that, he worked in the newspaper "Enbekshi Kazakh" (now "Egemen Kazakhstan") (1922-1923) and published it in the provincial newspaper "Aul" in Kostanay (1925).
* In 1925-1928, he again worked in the newspaper "Enbekshi Kazakh" and participated in the organization of the Association of Kazakh Proletarian Writers (KazAPP) (1928-1932). After that, in the 30s, he worked as a department head, deputy editor in the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" (now "Egemen Kazakhstan"), editor-in-chief of "Aul tili" and "Kazakh literature" publications.
* In 1938, he was innocently arrested and became a victim of the Red Massacre political repression.
## Works
Beimbet is a writer who worked equally productively in the fields of poetry, prose, and drama. He focuses on his first poems published in the manuscript magazine "Sadak" (1913), magazine "Aykap" (1914), newspaper "Kazakh" (1915). It speaks to the sad needs and dreams of the people of Sahara, especially the topic of freedom and equality. A summary image of Myrkymbai rising to the level of a typical character in Beyimbet's poetic works. Through the image of Myrkymbai, Beimbet was able to depict the lifestyle of the Kazakh poor at that time, the breath of life within the context of time and society with artistic honesty.
Beimbet made a significant contribution to expanding the field of the poem genre in Kazakh poetry and raising its level. His poems "The rich man's daughter", "Raziya's daughter", "Runaway bride", "Zaykul", "Marzhan", "Competition for lies", "Khan's husband", "The old woman's tale", "Bolis", "Myrkymbay" with a variety of themes, is one of the outstanding examples of Kazakh poetry with its event appeal and unique language style.
Beimbet Mayly's talent was especially bright in his prose works. Especially in Kazakh prose, the story genre was perfected through the works of Beimbet. His stories are distinguished by their realism, high artistic quality, and variety of topics, which emphasize the reality of life. He is a great artist who was able to depict the spirit of the times and the life of the society in which he lived with encyclopedic perfection through his artistic stories.
Beimbet is a writer who wrote about fifteen short stories and a novel called "Azamat Azamatovich". His novels "Red Flag" and "Neighbors" are unfinished. In addition, he is the author of 25 large and small plays, librettos, scripts. Together with Gabit Musirepov, he wrote the script of the film "Amangeldi".
Beimbet Maylin's works will forever be with the people as a spiritual precious treasure that enriches Kazakh literature in all fields.
## Sources
## Links
* Beimbet Mailin on the Literature Portal
* Interesting facts about the writer on Sputnik.kz \< > * Razia Mailina: My father used to call me "Kalkam" — "Mother Tongue", 29.05.2014 |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6137 | Куба | Cuba (Cuba), the official name of which is the Republic of Cuba (República de Cuba [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkuβa]) is a country located in the Caribbean Sea, on the island of Cuba, since 1959. Between the continents of South and North America, Cuba, Juventud (Pinos) and the nearby Greater Antilles are located in the group of islands.
Most of the islands are uninhabited, their number is about 1600. Land area on land — 110.86 thousand km2. Population — 11.3 million. man. In terms of ethnic composition, 65% are descendants of those who came from Spain, the rest are Negroes, mestizos, and mulattoes. The official language is Spanish, the religion is Catholic. The capital is the city of Havana (2.3 million). 1976 According to the adopted constitution, the power of the state is in the hands of the people's government (National Assembly). It elects the State Council from among its deputies and approves the members of the Council of Ministers. National holidays: January 1 — Liberation Day (1959), July 26 — National Revolt Day (1953), October 10 — the day Cuba began its struggle for independence from Spain (1868). The currency is the Cuban peso.
## Geography
One third of Cuba is mountainous, the rest is plain. In the central and western regions of the country, the Cordillera de Guaniganico, Havana - Matanzas, Bejucal - Madruga, Santa Clara, Guamuaya ridges, in the east the Sierra de Cubitas, Sierra de Najasa ridges, in the southeast the Sierra Maestra mountain (the highest area 1974 m). Minerals include copper, manganese, chromite, nickel, kaolin. The climate is tropical. The average temperature in January is 22.5°С, in August 27.8°С. The annual amount of precipitation is 1000 — 1200 mm in plains, up to 2200 mm in mountainous regions. The rivers are short and have little water. Forest covers 10% of its territory. Lizard, crocodile, turtle, etc. there are animals, there are about 300 species of birds.
## Administrative divisions
Cuba belongs to unitary states. The territory is divided into 14 provinces and the municipality of Juventud Island. From January 2011, the decision to divide Havana into the provinces of Artemis and Mayabec will come into force. Thus, the number of provinces reaches 15.
## History
The first inhabitants of Cuba were Indian tribes. Before the arrival of the Europeans (end of the 15th century), more than two hundred thousand Indians lived here. Islands in 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered in October. He mistook it for a part of India, so later the new land was distinguished from eastern India (Ost-India) and was called western India (West-India).
* Since 1510, the Spaniards began to conquer the country. Although the Indians strongly resisted the colonists, the Spaniards massacred them. In 1537, Indians died en masse due to hard work, hunger, and disease. Only about 5,000 people remained.
* 1812 there was a slave-negro rebellion on the island. Terrified by this, the local slave owners secretly agreed with the Spanish government and turned the islands into a naval base for Spain.
* 1868 On October 10, the uprising of Cuban patriots began, and in 1869 In April, the independent Republic of Cuba was declared. But the Spaniards took advantage of the fight between the leaders of the rebellion in 1878. On February 10, he re-established his authority.
* 1886 slavery was abolished.
* 1897 On November 25, Spain granted autonomy to Cuba.
* 1898 The US declared war on Spain and expelled them from Cuba. 1899 The US invaded Cuba. People's unrest in the country intensified again.
* 1902 In May, the Republic of Cuba was officially declared. However, the USA established full control over the country's economy. A group of young people against the dictatorship in 1953. On July 26, the Moncada barracks were attacked. In response, the government increased punishment. Fidel Castro, who went to Mexico, gathered a small army and in 1956 On December 2, he returned to Cuba and started an uprising. The rebels won, and in 1959 On January 1, the Batista regime collapsed. F. Castro became the head of the government. Several attempts by the US government to organize a coup d'état in Cuba have failed. Currently, Cuba is one of the remaining countries in the socialist system.
## Economy
Cuba's economy is currently experiencing a crisis due to the US embargo policy. The gross national income is $3,520 per person. Sugar, mineral raw materials, tobacco, citrus fruits and fish products are exported. Fuel, cars, tools, food, drinks are imported. Lands suitable for agriculture make up 34.2% of the country's territory. Main trade partners: Spain, Russian Federation, Canada, China, Mexico, Bulgaria, etc. Cuba is one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty of Kazakhstan.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7341 | Flash (status) | Bylkyldak is the state of Tattimbet. This state was created for a land with marshland called Bylkyldak. The mood is mainly based on the rhythm of the dance. You will be able to hear the sound of a spring flowing out of its clay, the rustle of grass swaying in the wind, the voice of birds singing in the grove.
## Links
* Performed by Magauiya Khamzin (from the project "Noble Heritage") - Bylkyldak Archived September 27, 2007. (in MP3 format)
* Flash status on YouTube |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1654" | Aktobe region | Aktobe region is a region located in the northwestern region of Kazakhstan. The largest region in terms of territory.
It borders the Orinbor region of the Russian Federation in the north, Karakalpakstan in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the south, Mangistau, Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions in the west, Kostanay region in the east, and Ulytau and Kyzylorda regions in the southeast.
The region is located on the territory of 300 thousand square kilometers, 700 km from north to south, 800 km from east to west. The region is divided into 12 administrative districts. There are 6 cities and 3 villages in the territory. The administrative center is the city of Aktobe.
## Population
According to the results of the 1999 census, 682,558 people live in the region. Among them, 383.7 thousand people live in cities, 298.9 thousand live in villages. There are representatives of 91 nationalities and ethnic groups in the region. According to the 2006 census, 280 thousand people lived in the region, and in 2009 it exceeded 300 thousand.
Population of Aktobe Oblast
## Transport infrastructure
Aktobe Oblast, which is geographically conveniently located, has a well-developed transport network. More than 1,000 kilometers of important railways to Ural and Mangystau, Central Asia and Europe. The Shymkent-Samara transcontinental highway passes through the territory of the region. Aktobe International Airport is equipped with a modern automated air traffic control system in the western region of Kazakhstan.
### Industry
Aktobe region has an unparalleled mineral and raw material base. In its territory, 10% of the explored reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil, gas and gas condensate) in the territory of Kazakhstan and 30% of estimated resources, as well as all reserves of domestic chromium from the general reserve of the republic, nickel - 55%, titanium - 40%, phosphorus - 34 %, zinc — 4.7%, copper — 3.6%, aluminum — 2%, coal 1.4%. The region has 400 million tons of chrome ore reserves in the world. the first place in Kazakhstan, from copper ore — 100 million tons (including pure copper — 1.5 million tons) and production oil reserves — 900 million tons. It occupies the third place in terms of tons, and the fourth place in the Republic in terms of gas reserves. [source?]
The region is considered one of the largest industrially developed regions in Kazakhstan. The largest export-oriented enterprises in the region are CNPC-Aktobemunaigaz JSC, part of Kazchrom TUK JSC. The products of Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant and Don Mineral Processing Plant, JSC Aktobe Chromium Compounds Plant, №406 GA Aircraft Repair Plant, Aktoberentgen JSC are widely known in the near and far foreign markets.
The region is considered a powerful base of mining and metallurgy, chemistry, oil industry and instrumental equipment. Production of all chromium ore, chromium salts, X-ray equipment and 45% of ferroalloys produced in the republic has been consolidated.
There are about 686 enterprises of different ownership in industrial production, 545 of which are located in Aktobe. In 2002, their production amounted to 139.3 billion tenge.
### Agriculture
Aktobe region is the largest agricultural region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktobe wheat is characterized by a high content of protein and tissue. The total income of agricultural products in 2002 was 21.5 billion tenge. The volume of milk produced in one year is 225.5 thousand tons, eggs - 83.8 million pieces, meat - 70.5 thousand tons. formed.
## Culture
The city of Aktobe is considered the largest cultural, educational and scientific center of the western region of the country. There are 11 higher and 16 special educational institutions in the city. K. Aktobe University named after Zhubanov, M. West Kazakhstan Medical Academy named after Ospanov, Aktobe Higher Military Aviation School, etc. there are educational institutions that are famous not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. In the city there is a drama theater with Kazakh and Russian troupes, a puppet theater, a regional historical and local history museum, a museum named after the hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova.
## Features of the soil
### Black soil
Black soil areas are in the north of the region. Here, the soil has little humus, mainly gravelly sand. The soil is densely clayey, and the steeper areas are made of clay. In low-drained areas with low drainage, stratification increases in particularly dense soil layers.
## Individuals from Aktobe
* Aktan Kereyuly is a Kazakh folk poet, poet, singer.
* Ahmet Zhubanov is a musician, conductor, folk artist.
* Abilkhair Khan - Khan of Kishi Yuz
* Aiteke Bi - Bi of Kishi Yuz, Aiteke Bi District
* Baitak Maksym is a religious man, born son of Taimas Ishan, religious position is "maksym", his birthplace is modern Baiganin district.
* Kenzhegali Kenzhebayev is a professor, academician, a great Kazakh mathematician who contributed to the science of physics and mathematics.
* Koben bi is a hostage dance of a small face, a dance that judged the country of scholars and the country of Aday.
* Kotibar batyr is a Kazakh batyr, the son of Suyingar batyr
* Turkpenbay wrestler is a wrestler who did not touch the ground with a small blade.
* Taimas Ishan is a saint famous for his divination, his birthplace is the modern Baiganin district.
* Monke bi is a great Kazakh dancer, his birthplace is the city of Shalkar
* Mynbai batyr is a hero of the small face, a dancer and a brave person, who became famous for his special command against the Russian government in the "Adai Uprising".
* Eset Kotibaruly is a great Kazakh hero, Abilkair batyr, who opposed Kokan Khan
* Kazangap Tilepbergenuly is a great Kazakh musician and poet. Shalkar city
* Kudaibergen Zhubanov - the first researcher of the Kazakh language, philologist
* Koblandy batyr - the great Kazakh batyr, Abilkayr batyr, Kobda district, his great-grandfathers lived along the Torgai river
* Shyganak Bersiev - millet during the Second World War , wheat cultivation record holder, Oyil district
* Nurpeyis Baiganin - Kazakh farmer, Kazakh folk poet
* Zhaugashti Nabiev - meritorious politician of the Republic of Kazakhstan, founder and head of the Kazakh commercial bank, a person who made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakhstan market.
* Jaras batyr — Hero of the Soviet Union, M. The main character of Gabdulin's work "Maidanda".
Zhubanova Gaziza — famous composer, People's Artist of the Soviet Union, laureate of the State Prize, Professor Gaziza Akhmetkyny Zhubanova was born on December 2, 1927 in the family of modern jurist composer, academician Zhubanov Akhmet Kuanuly - she was educated in Moscow.
* Aliya Moldagulova is a hero of the Second World War, a sniper, a corporal. His birthplace is Kobda district
* Marat Ospanov is a politician, speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Oral Baisengirov is a famous poet, journalist, singer.
* Lidiya Kadenova - Kazakh and USSR artist, Shalkar
* Zhanar Aizhanova - Kazakh pop singer, Shalkar
* Ghalib Zhaparov - world boxing champion, Kandyagash
* Marat Mukhanbetkazyuly Tazhin - politician, Alga city of
* Elshibayeva Aigul — laureate of the "Daryn" award, singer-songwriter, Shalkar district
* Tahaui Akhtanov — the great Kazakh writer, playwright — (1923-1994) was born on October 25 in the village of Chetyrgyz, Shalkar district of Aktobe region \< > * Viktor Patsaev is a pilot, cosmonaut, hero of the Soviet Union
* Kelimberdiev Saubet is a meritorious surgeon, chief physician, and a leader who has made significant achievements.
* Elena Ksenofontova is a Russian theater and film artist
* Karauly Bokenbay Batyr is a hero of the Young Hundred who took part in the fight against the Dzungars.
* Esen Eleuken is a former radio presenter, the current president of Zhaidarman, a citizen who makes a special contribution to the Kazakh KVN, his birthplace is Shalkar district.
* Marat Zhaksylykuly Abiev is a Kazakh businessman, the author of the book "Kazakhstanyk Arman", is the youngest millionaire, according to Forbes Kazakhstan magazine, in November 2013, Abiev Marat's wealth was estimated at 11 million US dollars.
* Salzhanov Islambek Toleubayuly is a Kazakh entrepreneur and philanthropist. President of "Altyn Kyran" international charity fund.
## Administrative structure
There are 12 districts and 1 city of regional importance in the region:
## External links
* Aktobe regional administration Archived August 24, 2013.
* Aktobe region Archived March 9, 2017. — Open Listing Project (ODP)
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7158 | Baimyrzauly Baluan Sholak | Nurmaganbet Baimyrzauly, Baluan Sholak (1864-1919) is a Kazakh folk composer, an artist who has mastered various ways of equestrianism, an athlete who demonstrated the art of strength, a wrestler who never touched the ground.
## Biography
His name was also fondly called "Baluan Sholak" due to the fact that the people admired his last art, and because of the fact that he had a finger burn in his youth, otherwise his real name was Nurmaganbet. . His origin is from the Sambet clan of the Dulat tribe of Uly Yuz within Shmyr. But since his grandfathers migrated to Arka at an early age, he grew up in the Kokshetau region, among the Atigai and Kargil clans.
Father Baimyrza was a carpenter. Unlike his father, it is said that his mother Kalampyr was an armed person. It is said that "a giant comes from the mother", the wrestler Sholak was also the owner of the incomparable giant strength, attracted by this mother.
From the age of 14, he was involved in wrestling, was an athlete who played on a horse's ears, skillfully performed various complex exercises on a galloping horse. For example: standing on a galloping horse or standing on its head, crossing the horse's shoulder, pressing one leg to the stirrup, riding on its back, it shows that the master can master the destructive power and dexterity, laying the foundation of the Kazakh field circus art. At large gatherings in Kokshetau, he lifted 51 feet (about 830 kg) of dirt and surprised everyone. 1899 Wrestler Sholak was 35 years old when he fought with Russian wrestler Ivan Koren and broke his ribs.
In addition, Baluan Sholak has been passionate about music since he was young. Later, during his youth, Baluan Sholak developed these two arts simultaneously. After the death of his parents, the wrestler Sholak, who married a girl named Ganikei, traveled around the country, formed a raft, and instead of traveling alone, he gathered around him singers, wrestlers, and artistic young people. Forming a group and creating entertainment as an "ensemble" has become a tradition for Baluan Sholak.
Birzhan Sal, who was his teacher, will be an excellent performer and propagandist of Akan Seri songs. Adhering to their singer-composer tradition, he also produces songs himself. From this point of view, Baluan Sholak is a composer who made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh singing art. He visited all the countries along Kokshetau, Karkaraly, Karaotkel, Sarysu. Wrestler Sholak will be in Bayan-aul, Semipalatinsk, and will deliver Arka's songs to Zhetysu. During this trip, Kenen Azirbayev learned many songs of Baluan Sholak and distributed them to the people.
Baluan Sholak's "Ashchyly-ayryk", "Baluan Sholak", "Zeldirme", "Dikildek", "Kokshetau", "Kosalka", "Double drum", "Double key", "Kulan kishines", There are songs like "Kenje Kanur". His popular songs are "Galia" and "September". If "Galiya" is a love lyric that skillfully sings the world of tender feelings and transparent love in a mysterious melody, the songs of Baluan Sholak are performed by Zh. Elebekov, M. Koshkimbaev, M. Tyrbaev, Zh. Karmenov, K. Baibosynov, etc. was.
The well-known music researcher A. V. Zataevich recorded several songs of Baluan Sholak from around the country and included them in the collections "1000 songs of the Kazakh people" and "500 Kazakh songs and tunes".
Baluan Sholak Baimyrzauly, who pleased the people with his art of singing, swayed his Saryarka with his saz music, and was one of the notable figures of his time, died in 1916 in his hometown of Ozektisay.
## Works
* "Achchyly-ayryk"
* "Baluan Sholak"
* "Dikildek"
* "Kokshetau"
* "Kosalka"
* "Double Drum"
* "Double Key"
* "Kulan Kisines"
* "Galia"
* "Kenje Kanur"
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5090 | Ulbike Zhankeldyovna | Ulbike Zhankeldyovna (1825, Syrdaria district, Kyzylorda region - 1849, Zhambyl region, Talas district, Usharal) is a famous Kazakh poetess, a talented speaker, a brass singer, and a talented drummer. A beauty with a wide variety of arts.
The origin of the origin is the Oshak clan within the Great Hundred, Taszhurek.
## Creativity
Father Zhankeldy and mother Zhanyldyk had a special influence on Ulbike's innate poetic talent. Ulbike himself says about this:
Already at the age of 12-13, Ulbike began to express his thoughts in powerful poems, his moving words impressed the people around him, and his fame began to spread from the village. It seems that the girl who grew up as a child in her father's house has mastered the education of her environment and has a Kazakh soul. According to what he says in his poem, his poetic talent must have been sharpened by written heritage: started a dance family and moved to the vicinity of Auliyata. Since then, Ulbike's poetry has gained a special momentum, and he starts to compete with street poets recognized by the public. Like the poet Kuderikozha, Maylykozha, Madelikozha, Taspakozha, Seralikozha, Zhankent, many of those who spoke at that time, the mountain will be reflected in the debate with Ulbike. No one can stand Ulbike's poetry and wit. The famous Zhusip Kopeev, who wrote about this, says:
Do you know what the ancients used to hold a drum and say? would say. It is said that two poets argued about "Kayim". Then Kuderi Khoja and Ulbike argued about the beginning of the poem "Kayim". Before these two, there is no poem or saying. The ancient ones are proverbs and fables... When Kuderi Khoja said that he would quarrel with Ulbike on the day of the first birthday, Kuderi's father (Kudoshek Khoja is a poet, he speaks songs) said: "Child, if you want to quarrel with Ulbike, go to Bukhara and study for three years. Otherwise, you are not fit to argue with him."
This data shows that Kopeev is not only a deaf poet who does not look down on Ulbike, but at the same time, he is identified as a poet who established the foundation of poetic speech in the Kazakh art of speech.
## Mily Khoja
Ulbike is a poet with a sharp mind, beautiful poetry, and a strong personality. Once Mayly Khoja joked to the poet Ulbike and said: "In my dream, you are pouring kumyz on a golden grain." Then Ulbike said without hesitating:
## Researches
Ulbike scattered some wonderful examples of moving motives like this like pearls in his places. A thousand stanzas of poetry have passed down from Solmol's heritage to today's generation. These are about twenty arguments and only a few emotions. M-Zh to collect the precious heritage of Ulbike. Kopeev, A. Divaev, V.V. Famous folklore collectors such as Radlov took special care. "About 120 years ago, a girl named Ulbike emerged from Kazakhstan as a poet who did not show her soul," writes A. Divaev. Ulbike's works were written by V.V. Radlov published it in St. Petersburg and later translated it into Russian and German. M. Auezov, S. Mukanov, M. Qualified scholars such as Zholdasbekov highly appreciated Ulbike's poetry.
Ulbike's life was like a tulip. God created her as beautiful as a choir girl in addition to her poetic talent. Poets included it in the poem as "fluffy feather of a swan", "eloquent language, beautiful face". However, Ulbike's husband, Baitan, met as a thief, a jealous person who did not know the art of art. Ulbike was killed by her mischievous husband at the time when she reached her true maturity and began to impress people around her as a poet.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3705 | Numerical noun | Numerical noun is a word group that expresses the number, size, sequence, magnitude of an object. Since the number noun is the name of abstract numerical concepts when spoken individually, their real meaning is determined when interacting with other words, in the process of defining them numerically. Numerical noun comes before the word it defines and is in the nominative person, when it is substantivized (materialized) it is multiplied, classified, dependent, and determined. Noun morphol. according to its composition, it is classified into basic and derivative, it has individual and complex types. Semantics.-morphol. from the point of view, it is divided into groups called calculation, sequential, approximate, cumulative, group, partial.
Counting Numeral nouns are the basis for creating other Numeral noun groups (eg, one, two). Ordinal Numerals for counting numbers -th, -th (first, second), collective Numerals from one to seven Counting Numerals -au, -eu affixes (one, six), collective Numerals -dan, -dan, -tan, - It is made by connecting ten suffixes (from six, hundred-hundred). Estimated Numerals do not indicate the exact number of things, but roughly (hundredths), fractional Numerals are often used in mathematics (two tenths). Numeral-like nouns such as half, single, similar, kadak, kilometer, kozy kosh zer, et asym, etc. Although the words are used as measures of time and weight, the number is not a noun, it is a numerical word.
## Morphological characteristics
Since the main function of a noun is definition, it is always used before the words it determines, but does not undergo any morphological change. Therefore, when numerical nouns are used in their natural and main function, they are used only in the nominal form and do not change in any way.
Numerical nouns are divided into basic nouns and derivative nouns according to their morphological structure.
### Basic numerical nouns
Basic numerical nouns include only counting numbers. For example: one, two, three etc. b.
### Derived numerals
Derived numerals are created by adding suffixes -ınşı, -au, -er, -tai to the basic names of counting numbers. For example: one - first, ten - tenth; two - two, six - six; one - one, forty - forty, fifty - fifty, etc.
Numerals are internally divided into single number and complex number.
### Singular numbers
A singular noun consists of only one root (base, derivative). The names of odd numbers are not too many zero- (0) one-(1), two-(2), three-(3), four-(4), five-(5), six-(6), seven-( 7), eight-(8), nine-(9), ten-(10), twenty-(20), thirty-(30), forty-(40), fifty-(50), sixty-(60) , seventy-(70), eighty-(80), ninety-(90), hundred-(100), thousand-(1000), million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, andillion , dubdecillion, gradedecillion, quargtordecillion, quindecillion, seacdecillion, sendendecillion, octodecillion, novemdecillion, vigintilion
### Complex numbers
Complex numbers are combinations of the above single number names in various ways is made by use and double pronunciation, that is, a complex noun consists of at least 2 words. Therefore, complex numerical nouns are internally, firstly, the main names (eighteen, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five, etc.), and secondly, complex numbers formed by double pronunciation of the main number names (one-two, three-four, five-six etc. b.) is divided into two areas.
## Syntactic function
The main function of numerals in a sentence is to be a modifier. Because when nouns perform their basic function of expressing quantity, order of numbers, magnitude, they are always determinative and are used before (before) the word they determine. Only collective numbers do not obey this order of numerals in connection with other words.
## Semantic-morphological groups of numerals
Numerals are divided into 6 types according to their meaning:
* Computational numeral;
* Ordinal number noun;
* Predictive noun;
* Collective noun;
* Group noun;
* Fractional noun;
### Numerical nouns
Numerical nouns are used to express the exact quantity of a general object, a critical sign of a noun, or an action, action. They are similar to adjectives in terms of their semantic meaning and morphological features, as well as their syntactic function. Question: How much? how many
Counting numbers include natural numbers that are the basis for creating other groups of numbers (one, two, three, etc.).
Numerals do not undergo any morphological changes when used directly to express the corresponding quantity. For example: seven hundred cows, one thousand four hundred sheep and goats. They accept word-modifying affixes only if they are substantivized. Computational nouns are substative only when they express the concepts of both number and substance in the same way, absorbing a specific material concept, and only when the numerical name of a specific number is used in a calculation. For example: January 1 to 5; If you add two to three, it will be five.
### Ordinal number nouns
Ordinal number nouns are formed by adding the suffix -th (-th) to the counting numbers and are used to express the numerical order of certain objects and events. Question: so what? For example: I have an only daughter named Tamara, who is studying in the seventh grade (Sabit Mukanuly Mukanov)
Ordinal nouns are also unique and complex in terms of their morphological structure, and in complex nouns the suffix -inth (-inth) is added to the last number in the phrase. is connected. For example: The best among them are the sixteenth and seventeenth numbers (Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov).
### Cumulative nouns
Cumulative nouns are formed by adding the suffixes -au /-eu to counting nouns from one to seven. Question: How many? Since the main meaning of such words means an abstract quantity, they are always used separately as a substantive. For example: How much property do you have to give? One camel, two horses, five wolves (I. Zhansugirov)
### Group number nouns
Group number nouns are characteristic of countable, cumulative, predictive number nouns, currently in the eastern declension It is formed by adding the affix -dan (-den, -tan, -ten), which has completely lost its grammatical meaning, and indicates the grouping of the number of uniform objects and events. Question: how much? For example: One night he gathered the people of the country in groups of four or five and assigned them all a different task (Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov) Words that do not name the exact amount of objects and phenomena, but only give a hint. Question: how much? how many which one is smaller? For example: About three hundred guests are expected to attend the ceremony; Five or six people remained near Bazarali (Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov).
### Fractional nouns
Fractional nouns are words based on purely mathematical concepts. They represent the numerical part of certain objects and phenomena. Question: How much? How many? For example: According to the results of a public survey, two-thirds of the people are against the new law. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2564 | Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic | The Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic is one of the allied republics that were part of the former USSR; he was born in 1920 It was founded on August 26 and was initially called the Kyrgyz AKSR and became part of the RKFSR in 1936. On December 5, it became an allied republic. It is located in the south-west of the Asian part of the USSR, it borders the RKFSR to the north, the Turkmen SSR to the south, the Uzbek SSR and the Kyrgyz SSR, China to the east, and the Caspian Sea to the west. The Kazakh SSR was the second allied republic after the RKFSR in terms of land area, and the third allied republic after the RKFSR and Ukraine in terms of population. The area is 2724.9 thousand km². The capital is the city of Almaty. Administratively, it was divided into 19 regions, 210 districts, and had 82 cities.
## State structure
The Kazakh SSR is a socialist state of workers and peasants, an allied Soviet socialist republic that is part of the USSR. The Constitution was adopted at the Extraordinary 10th Congress of Soviets of the Kazakh SSR in 1937. Approved on March 26. The supreme body of the state government is the unicameral Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, elected by the people for 4 years with one deputy per 27,000 inhabitants. During the sessions of the Supreme Council, the highest body of the state government is the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR. The Supreme Council established the government of the Republic - the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, adopted the laws of the Kazakh SSR. In regions and districts, cities, villages, the relevant councils of workers' deputies are local bodies of government. People elected them for 2 years. The Kazakh SSR sent 32 deputies to the Council of Nations of the Supreme Council of the USSR. The Supreme Court is the Supreme Court elected by the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR for 5 years. It includes 2 judicial panels (for civil and criminal cases) and a Plenum. At the same time, the Presidium of the Supreme Court was formed. The prosecutor of the Kazakh SSR was appointed by the General Prosecutor of the USSR for 5 years.
### Leaders of the country
Secretaries of the Kyrgyz Regional Committee of the Communist Party:
## Population
Local people of the Kazakh SSR Its population was Kazakhs (according to the 1970 census, 4234 thousand). Other peoples also lived in the republic: Russians (5,522 thousand), Ukrainians (933 thousand, who lived mainly in the developed virgin and fallow lands in the northern regions, as well as in cities), Tatars (288 thousand), Uzbeks (216 thousand), Belarusians (198 thousand ), Uighurs (121 thousand, living along the upper reaches of the Ile River), Koreans (82 thousand, mostly in Almaty region and Kyzylorda region), Dungyns (17 thousand), etc. b. nations. Compared to 1913, the population of the Kazakh SSR increased by 2.5 times until 1974.
The population of the republic grew at the expense of the people who immigrated from other republics due to natural growth and the rapid development of industry, as well as the development of virgin and fallow lands. In terms of natural population growth (in 1972, it increased by 17.2 people per thousand people), the Kazakh SSR was ahead of most of the other allied republics (9.6 people on average in the USSR).
The average population density in the republic is 5.1 people per 1 km². However, the location of the population was uneven. In the southern part of the Kazakh SSR, in some places where irrigated agriculture is developed, the population density exceeds 100 people per 1 km; It was also somewhat higher in the north: 20 people per 1 km² in the black-soil forest steppe and steppe region. The population was densely settled in cities and districts with strong industrial development. And the west, center of the Kazakh SSR; in the southern parts of the vast expanses of desert and wilderness, on the contrary, it is sparsely populated; the average population density in these regions did not exceed 1.4-1.8 people per 1 km².
1972 4,971,000 people (5.4 times more than in 1940) worked in the republic, including 1,095,000 in industry, 568,000 in construction, 1,002,000 in agriculture, and 588,000 in transport and communications. 48% of workers and employees in all sectors of the economy were women. During the construction of the social society under the Soviet government, the relationship between the urban and rural population changed. More than 200 new cities and towns in the Kazakh SSR. etc. a settlement appeared. Before the October Revolution, there was no city with a population of more than 50,000. the number of such cities reached 27, there were 16 cities with a population of more than 100 thousand, including 2 cities with a population of more than 500 thousand (Almaty 813 thousand. Karaganda 559 thousand). Karaganda, Temirtau (192 thousand), Balkash (80 thousand), Zhezkazgan (74 thousand) in the Central Kazakh SSR, Shevnenko (89 thousand) in Mangistau, Rudny (105 thousand), Yermak, Arkalyk, Ekibastuz in the North Kazakh SSR , large industrial centers such as Karatau, Kentau, Tekeli were established in the South Kazakh SSR. The population of old cities also increased: in Almaty in 1926. In 1974, the population was 45.4 thousand, but in 1974 it was 813 thousand, 284 thousand in Shymkent, 265 thousand in Semey, 252 thousand in Ust-Kamenogorsk, 228 thousand in Pavlodar, 228 thousand in Taraz, 170 thousand in Aktobe.
## Economic system of the Kazakh SSR
The basis of the economic system of the Kazakh SSR was the socialist ownership of production equipment in the form of state and collective farm-cooperative ownership. Also, the property necessary for the implementation of the statutory duties of the trade union and other public organizations was found to be socialist property. The basis of self-property of the citizens of the Kazakh SSR was the hard-earned income. The state protected the private property of citizens and their inheritance.
Production equipment and other property necessary for the implementation of the statutory duties of collective farms and other cooperative organizations, their associations, were found to be the property of that organization. The land occupied by collective farms is approved for their free and indefinite use. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5236 | Айманов | Shaken Kenzhetayuly Aymanov (February 15, 1914 - December 23, 1970) is a famous Kazakh actor and director. People's Artist of the USSR since 1964. Place of birth is Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region. The place where the soil is ordered is the city of Almaty.
## Biography
Shaken (Shakhkerim) Aymanov is an actor, director. The future actor was born in 1914. He was born on February 15 in the Bayanaul district of the present Pavlodar region. Argyn came from the Idabol section of the Suyindik clan of the Argyn tribe. He grew up listening to the songs of his brother-in-law Kali Baizhanov. He graduated from the village school and (1928) entered the pedagogical technical school in Semey. In 1932, while studying at the Semipalatinsk Teachers College. Invited to the Kazakh Drama Theater in Almaty.
Aymanov was employed in the theater from the season of 1932-33. At first he played a number of roles. Soon, he caught the attention of the public with his skillful performance of the main roles in performances based on classical plays. Especially the roles of Akan Seri, Kobylany, Satin, Petruchio, Othello performed by him left an indelible mark in the history of the national theater. Along with acting, Aimanov is also engaged in directorial creativity and performs.
1947-51 He was the chief director of the modern Kazakh Academic Drama Theater. He played complex screen roles in the feature films "Songs of Abai" (1945), "Zhambyl" (1947). 1953 - 70 He managed the artistic side of the Kazakhfilm studio and made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakh film industry. His feature films are: "The Legend of Love" (1953), "Aldar Kose" (1965), "Atameken" (1966), "On the Slope of Naizatas" (1968). The films "Our Favorite Doctor" (1958) and "Takiyaly Perishte" (1969) from the imagination of the audience were distinguished by their efforts to develop the comedy genre in the national film industry. His last film "The End of Ataman" (1970) became the peak of director Aymanov's creativity.
Aymanov took part in the organization of the Kazakhstan Cinematographers Union and served as the first secretary of the union board (1958-70). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1952) and the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1968). 1970 On December 24, he tragically died in a car accident in Moscow; He was buried in Almaty.
## Theater
Being interested in theater art, in 1933 It was included in the Kazakh drama theater. He worked on the stage of this theater for twenty years and improved his acting skills. He became the chief director of the theater (1951).
On the stage of the State Drama Theater named after M. Auezov, he performed Akan Seri, Kobylandy, Kodar, Kerim ("Abay"), Aldar Kose, Isatai (Zhansugirov, "Isatai - Makhambet") from Kazakh drama, Cassio and Othello from world drama (Shakespeare, "Asauga presentation"), Valikhanuly and Tikhon (Ostrovsky, "Talents and Worshipers", "Lightning"), Satin (Gorky, "In the Deep"), Shadrin (Pogodin, "The Man with a Gun"), Kidd (Lavrenov, "Voice of America"), Bett (J. Gow and A. Dussault, "Deep Roots"), Khlestakov (Gogol, "The Inspector"), Krivenko (Chirskov, "The Winners"), Gelpak (F. Wolf, "Professor Mamlok") acted. Sh. 1952 to the play "Abai" directed by Aimanov. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. In 1968, he became the recipient of the State Prize of Kazakhstan.
Sh. Aymanov as an actor is distinguished by his ability to first reveal the soul of his character and create appropriate rational actions, and as a director, he has a special importance to enrich the work with artistic and ideological content, to saturate the colors of national peculiarities, to create philosophical thoughts about the times and society. a talented artist who knows how to give.
Shaken, as a very talented artist, actor, thinker director, has a special influence on the formation and strengthening of Kazakh stage art and film art, and has left an indelible mark.
## Movie
1953 From the beginning until the end of his life, he worked productively in the field of Kazakh cinematography. People's artist of the USSR and KazSSR. One of the founders of Kazakh film art. Aymanov directed "Our favorite doctor", "Atameken", "Aldar kose", "The end of Ataman" and other films. F. Pogodin's "Man with a gun", "Talents and devotees", M. Auezov's "Abay" performances were brought to the theater stage. As an actor, "Abay Ani", "Zhambyl" etc. b. acted in films. In the film "Abai's Song", he played the role of Sharip, the student of Abay, the rival of the young poet Aydar. He is a laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and KazSSR.
Shaken skillfully used these positions in the field of cinema. His "The Legend of Love" (1953), "Field Girl" (1954), "Our Favorite Doctor" (1958), "Aldar Kose" (1965), "Homeland" (1967), "The End of Ataman" (1970) the films are viable works that have given artistic quality to the Kazakh cinematography.
## Filmography
### As an actor
* 1940 - Raikhan - Sarsen
* 1943 - White Rose - Zhakpan \< > * 1945 - Songs of Abay - Sharip
* 1948 - Golden trumpet - Zhakan Dasanov
* 1952 - Zhambyl - Zhambyl
* 1956 - We live here - Beyisov
* 1957 - Our favorite doctor - drama actor
1960 - In one district - Sabyr Bayanov
* 1964 - Aldar kose - Aldarkose
* 1968 - Turbaned angel - episode
* 1969 - On the slopes of Naizatas - Beysembay
### As a sound engineer \ <>
* 1968 - Lame donkey - text author
### As a director
* 1954 - Field girl
* 1954 - Legend of love
* 1956 - We live here
* 1957 - Our beloved doctor
* 1960 - In one district
* 1961 - Song is calling
* 1962 - Junction
* 1964 - Aldar kose
* 1966 - Home of the Ancestors
* 1968 - The Turbaned Angel
* 1970 - The End of Ataman
### As a Screenwriter
* 1960 - In One District
* 1961 - Singing
* 1964 - Aldar kose
* 1968 - Turbaned angel
* 1969 - On the slopes of Naizatas - Beysembai
## Awards
* People's artist of Kazakhstan;
* laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1968);
* People's Artist of the USSR (1964);
* Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1952).
## Memory
Almaty city street (1972) and "Kazakhfilm" studio (1984) are named after Aymanov. A memorial plaque was installed in the house where he lived and in the building of the film studio.
## Sources
## External links
* Aymanov Shaken Kenzhetayuly Archived June 1, 2012. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4736 | Bergey Saulebayuly Ryskaliev | Bergey Saulebayuly Ryskaliev (January 21, 1967, Atyrau region, Makat district) is a statesman of Kazakhstan, former mayor of Atyrau region (2006 - 15.08.2012) and Atyrau city. Candidate of technical sciences (2008).
## Education
* Almaty Institute of Architecture and Construction (1991) as a civil engineer;
* Graduated from the Kazakh State University of Law (2000) with the specialty of lawyer.
## Biography
Born from the Sherkesh clan of the Bayuly tribe.
* Since 1991 - foreman of the construction section of KMB "Batkazenergo" JSC, work producer.
* Since 1992 - deputy director of administrative and economic department of "Odyssey" LLP (Aktobe).
* Since 1995 - deputy director for construction issues of "Aspan" LLP (Aktobe).
* Since 1998 - Director of "Shat" oil company (Aktobe).
* Since 2001 - Director of the Kazakh-Chinese JV "Batys-Munay", member of the Board of Directors of "CNPC-Aktobe Munaygaz", member of the Aktobe Regional Disciplinary Council.
* Since 2002 - director of the Atyrau regional branch of "Kazsyrtmash".
* Since 2003 - secretary of the 3rd convened maslikhat of Atyrau region.
* Since 2005 - deputy akim of Atyrau region.
* Since 2006 - Akim of Atyrau.
* From 2006 to 15.08.2012 - Akim of Atyrau region.
* In 2013, he was caught and arrested on charges of involvement in corruption.
## Public service
Deputy of the 3rd convened maslikhat of Atyrau region (2003-2005).
## Awards
* Patron with the Golden Order (2008);
* "10 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan" (2005);
* "Honored guest of Russia" (2007);
* "10th anniversary of Astana" (2008);
* "15 years of Kazakhstan police" (2007);
* "10 years to the State Service Affairs Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
* "Parasat" (2008);
* "For meritorious service to Astrakhan region" (2008);
* Awarded with "First National Agricultural Census" medals (2008).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6184 | Бразилия | Brazil (full official name — Federative Republic of Brazil, port. Listen to Brasil, República Federativa do Brasil — is the largest country in the eastern and central parts of South America. The land area is 8,515,767 km² (3,287,956 mi²). The population is 214.4 million people ( 2021).Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world with 26 states and the sixth largest population. The ethnic composition of the population is 54.7% mulatto %, blues - 5.89%. In addition, there are more than 3 million immigrants (Japanese, German, French, etc.). The capital is Brasilia, the largest city. The majority of the population is Christian The national holiday is Independence Day on September 7. The state structure of Brazil is a federal republic. The head of the armed forces is the president. The National Congress consists of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Administratively, it is divided into twenty-five states and one federal (capital) district. Each governor-ruled state follows its own constitution.
## Origin of the name
According to some sources, the name Brazil is believed to be derived from the name of a tree that grows in Brazil. This tree came to Europe in the 12th century. used for painting, furniture and musical instruments. The tree pau is called Brazil (port. Brazil tree). In other sources, according to Irish myths, all the islands in the Atlantic Ocean were called Brazil (for example, High-Brazil, or O'Brazil)
## Climate
Brazil is located in equatorial (northern part), subequatorial, tropical (central and southern part), subtropical (far southeast) latitudes. Most of its land is covered by the Brazilian highlands. The climate is mostly hot, the amount of precipitation varies. The western side is humid equatorial, and the eastern side is in dry equatorial latitude. There are many rivers with abundant water and energy sources, the largest of which are: Amazona, San Francisco, Parnamba, Parana. There are niobium, uranium, thorium ores. In addition, there are abundant reserves of iron, manganese, copper, oil, gas, and coal.
## Inland waters
There are many rivers. In the south of the Brazilian plateau are the Uruguay and Parana rivers, in the east belong to the San Francisco basin, in the northeast there are short rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean (for example, Parniaba). Iguazú Castle near the Parana River. is located.
## History
Brazil was inhabited by man in the Neolithic period. Until the beginning of the 16th century, the land of Brazil was occupied by Tupi-Guarani, Tupinambas, Botocud Tamoyos, Corrados, etc. inhabited by Indian tribes. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, farming, tobacco, cocoa, etc. crops were grown. In 1500, the Portuguese sailor Pedro Cabral arrived on the coast of Brazil and declared the land he found to be the property of Portugal. He transported a valuable mahogany called paubrazil from Brazil to Portugal; the name of the country also comes from this tree. In 1549, the General Governorate was established, and the capital was the city of Bahia (Salvador). From 1517, slaves began to be imported, and as a result of slave labor, large land holdings appeared, where sugar cane, cotton, rice, and corn were grown. Later, due to gold and diamond production, Brazil became the richest colony of Portugal. In 1763, the capital was moved from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. In 1815, Brazil was granted royal status and became part of the "United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve". In January 1822, Brazil's independence was declared. In March 1824, the first constitution of the country was adopted and a constitutional monarchy was established. The following year, Portugal recognized Brazil's independence. In 1850, it was forbidden to import slaves into the country, and in 1888, slave ownership was completely abolished. In World War 1, under pressure from Great Britain and the United States, Brazil declared war on Germany and sent several military brigades to Europe in 1918. During World War II, the influence of the United States in Brazil increased, and in August 1942, it declared war against Germany and Italy, and in June 1945, against Japan. In 1944, he sent his fifty thousand military corps to the Italian front. In the 1950s and 1960s, Brazil turned from an agrarian country into an agrarian-industrial country. Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, etc. industrial centers grew, agrarian, financial, educational reforms were carried out. On April 21, 1960, he moved to Brasilia, the capital of the country. After that, the country was ruled by military generals for about twenty years (1964-85). Brazil ranks eighth in the world in terms of economic power. Brazil plays a key role in the countries of Latin America. Main trade partners: USA (22%), Western European countries, Latin American countries, Asian countries. Diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan were established in 1992.
## Fauna
Brazil is believed to have more species of vertebrates and invertebrates than any other country. There are 77 species of monkeys, 3000 species of freshwater fish. Brazil ranks 2nd in the world for amphibians, 3rd for birds and 5th for reptiles.
## The most interesting facts about Brazil and its people
Traditionally, no one is ever on time in Brazil. In this respect, it is similar to the Kazakhs. For example, if you invited guests at five o'clock, you can wait for 7-8. This habit is not limited to guests, in Brazil, TV shows and news start 15 minutes late.
Brazilians do not use cash, they pay the bill with credit cards. If you want to pay in cash, you should be very careful.
Residents of São Paulo spend 3-4 hours traveling from home to work. It is normal for them to stay in traffic for so long.
All Brazilians love to wear Havaianas. They even go to the restaurant in these shoes.
The most popular drinks in Brazil are Coca-Cola and a carbonated drink made from guarana berries. And the most popular alcoholic drinks are beer and cachasu (made from sugar cane).
Traditionally, Brazilians do not complain about their lives, even when they are in a bad mood, they say "How are you?" To the question (Tudo bem), the answer is "Everything is wonderful" (Tudo).
Many people think that monkeys walk the streets of Brazil. In fact, this is not true, you will never meet a monkey in Brazil.
Walking alone on the street in Brazil is very dangerous, especially at night, we would not advise you to take risks. Even during the day, children are not allowed to go outside alone.
The main holiday of Brazil is Christmas. New Year is not given much importance.
Not all Brazilians are black, in the south there are blondes with blue eyes.
Series and football are never shown at the same time. Because both are very important for them.
Since the price of goods in the supermarket is very expensive, many people take out loans. Therefore, next to the price of the product, the price per loan is also written.
English is not important in Brazil. You can't get anything done there with this language.
Brazilian people are very patriotic. T-shirts with the national flag must be on their shelves.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2877 | A rich country | Bayan-Olgey region (Mongolian Bayan-Olgii Aimag, Kazakh alternative name — Bai-Olke, Baibesik) is the westernmost mountainous region of Mongolia's 21 regions. 1940 created. The center of the region is the city of Ulke. The region consists of 13 sums and 90 gardens.
Governor - Darmen Kuzykeyuly.
The population of Bayan-Olgey region is 91 thousand 470, 93% of the population are Kazakhs, and the rest are representatives of the Urankai small tribe of Mongolia and the Tiva nation.
## Geography
Bayan Ulgiy region is located from the north to the south of the Mongolian Altai Mountains. In the west, it is bordered by the Mongolian Altai Mountains for 450 km with the Republic of China, in the north with the Siylham ridge, with the Altai Republic of the Russian Federation for 225 km, in the east with the Uvs region for 165 km, and in the southeast with the Khovda region for 450 km. The closest border line to Kazakhstan is located 27 km from the north of the region. The region is located at an average height of 1301-4374 m above sea level, 95.3% of the land area is higher than 1600 m. There are 80 freshwater lakes, about 100 rivers, and 200 springs in the territory of the region, such as Achit, Dayan, Khoton, Khorgon, Tolbo. There are big rivers such as Kobda, Aksu, Sogoog, Yolt, Sagsay, Bulgan, Lone Tree, Buyant, Bukhmoron. The length of the Kobda river is 506 km. There is fish farming in Lake Tolbo and Lake Achit.
## Kazakhs of Mongolia and the history of the region
## Population of the region
The population of the city of Ulgey is 34,000. The population of Bayan-Olgey region is approx. There are 91 thousand 470 people. About 93 percent of the population are Kazakhs. Mongolia is the region with the largest concentration of Kazakhs. Other nationalities include the Tuva, the four ethnic groups of Mongolia, and the Urankai and Khalkha Mongols.
Musical drama theater, libraries are working. The circulation of the newspapers "New Era", "Mongol Zaman", "Bilim" is around 3-4 thousand. Along with Mongolian TV channels, with the support of the government of Kazakhstan, the people of the region currently watch Kazakhstan, "Khabar", "Astana", KTK, Seventh channel, Balapan "Madeniet", "Zhetisu", Qazsport, Asyl channel and channel 31. A one-hour Kazakh language program of the regional branch of the Mongolian National Radio is also broadcast. 4 FM radio stations, "Derbes", "Naz", "MNV Bayan-Olgii" television channels, KAZNEWS, BAIOLKE web portals are operating in the center of the region.
## Economy of the region
The main economy of Bayan Ulgey region is cattle breeding. There are about 11,000 farms in the region. Despite this, livestock breeding in Mongolia cannot be included among the advanced regions. The number of livestock in the Bayan-Olgey region is 1,670,300. Among them, goats - 712,400, sheep - 603,000, cattle - 88,800, horses - 61,300, camels - 4,300. Annually, 200 thousand tons of meat are supplied to the domestic and foreign markets. , animal husbandry with up to 900 tons of wool, up to 300 thousand skins of various animals can satisfy the demand of the population of the region. In the region, there are Red House checkpoints leading to Russia and Dayan checkpoints leading to China.
In 1993, West Mongolia was connected to the Siberian BEZ of Russia through the "Khandgayty-Ulaangom" part of the electric grid. At present, work is underway to deliver this power line to Sumy. Dorgan HPP is operating in the neighboring Kobda region. A food processing plant, raw material processing shops, building materials processing shops are operating in the region. There is an international airport in Ulgiy. The city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and the capital city of Ulaanbaatar are regularly served by airplanes. In the region, there are operators of mobile communication according to the GSM standard, Mobicom, Unitel, Skytel according to the G-mobil CDMA standard. Khotgor provides coal to the people of the vast coal region. In the Bayan-Olgii region, there are ores of tungsten, polymetal, copper, gold, silver, ferrous metal.
## Education
There are 43 educational schools in the region. 38 of them teach in the Kazakh language, two teach in the Mongolian and Tyva languages. There are five 12-year high schools in Ulgey, Daryn, Bilge Free High School, Bastama School, Zayd School, Mongolian-Turkish Lyceum, a branch of Kobda University and a branch of East Kazakhstan State University named after Sarsen Amanzholov.
## Territorial Administrative Division
* Altai Sum
* Altansogts Sum
* Bayannuur Sum
* Bugat Sum
* Bulgan Sum
* Buyant Sum
* Delghun Sum
* Höznnuur Sum
* Sagsai Sum
* Tsagaannuur Sum
* Tolbo Sum
* Ulaankhus Sum
* Tsengel Sum
\< > ## Leaders
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3948 | Рамазан | Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان - ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar) is the ninth month of the Hijra calendar. In this month, Muslims fast for a whole month. That is, from morning until sunset, he abstains from eating and drinking, having sexual intercourse, and abstaining from various vices, and stops committing sins. The word Ramadan means "to burn, very hot", that is, to burn and erase past sins.
## Actions in the month of Ramadan
### Fasting
Fasting is considered the most important religious action performed in this month. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five duties of Islam and is performed annually by Muslims around the world. This obligation is so important that sometimes it is called Ramadan. But if Ramadan is the name of the month, fasting is called fasting in Kazakh (Arabic saum).
A fasting person refrains from eating, drinking or smoking from dawn to sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims should follow the principles of Islam more thoroughly, refrain from sexual intercourse, refrain from violence, avoid feelings of anger, jealousy, materialism, dissatisfaction, lust, and avoid angry or sarcastic responses and gossip. People are expected to live in harmony with each other more than usual. All mischief must be avoided by sound and sight. Purity of both thought and action is considered important. Fasting is a personal act of worship for every Muslim who seeks to get closer to God. The purpose of fasting is to remove the heart from worldly life and cleanse the inner world of a person from damage.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is not the same obligation for all people. It is not obligatory for minors to fast, but some do. However, in the case of delayed puberty, fasting is obligatory for both men and women after a certain age. According to the Qur'an, if fasting has the potential to harm someone's health, such as a sick person, then this person may not fast. For example, a person with diabetes or a breastfeeding woman usually does not fast. However, such a person is invited to feed a needy person instead. According to the hadith, it is forbidden for a woman during menstruation to fast. Another condition, though not usually sealed, is considered to be a person at war and a traveler intending to spend less than five days away from home. If the condition of a person causing difficulty in fixing his mouth is a temporary phenomenon, he should make up for the missed days in the period after the month of Ramadan until the next Ramadan. If such condition lasts for a long time, it is possible to feed a needy person instead of every day of incontinence.
If a person who does not belong to any of the above mentioned categories forgetfully commits an act that breaks his fast, his fast will not be broken. However, if someone intentionally breaks his fast, he should keep his fast until sunset and then complete the entire day. If you have sexual intercourse knowingly, you must fulfill the duty of that day by fasting for the next sixty days.
### Night of Qadr
Night of Qadr (Laylat-ul-Qadr) is considered to be the night when the first verse of the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Although the exact night of the month is not known, it is considered to be one of the last ten nights of Ramadan.
### Tarawiq
An additional prayer that is read from eight to twenty rakats every night of Ramadan is called tarawiq.
### Eid holiday
Eid holiday (Arabic: عيد الفتر) marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of the next month.
## See also
* Islam
* Ramadan (ru)
## External links
* A blog related to the month of Ramadan Archived from the original on September 9, 2012.
* Aykyn newspaper, Kenje Myrzaly, interview with the chief imam of the "Aksay" mosque. Archived on April 8, 2014.
* Religion and Spirituality Archived March 9, 2017. — Open Listing Project (ODP)
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5268 | Abulkhayr Horde | Abulkhair Horda or Khanate of Nomadic Uzbeks - 15th century. appeared in the north-western and central regions of Kazakhstan in the first quarter.
In the central, western and northwestern part of Kazakhstan, several independent feudal estates were established, and the struggle for power between them continued. It led to the emergence of the Nogai Horde and the Abulkhair Khanate.
In such a situation, Abilkhair, the son of Daulet Shaykh, a descendant of Shayban in the Joshi family, entered the political scene. In 1428, with the support of the ruling groups of Central and North Kazakhstan tribes. He was declared Khan in the Tura region (Western Siberia).
His khanate included Kiyat, Mangit, Shinbay, Naiman, Karluk, Uysin, etc. tribes entered.
The "nomadic Uzbek state", that is, the Abilkhair khanate, which united the fragmented feudal lands of Eastern Deshti-Kipchak, has a significant place in the history of Kazakhstan. His possession included the eastern side of the Nogai Horde, the lands of Zhayik in the west, the lands of Balkhash in the east, the Aral Sea and the lower reaches of the Syr in the south, and the middle reaches of Tobyl and Irtys in the north.
There was no stability and peace in the country's political situation during the 40 years of Abulkhair's leadership. He had to fight with various groups who fought to take power from him. Among them, Orda Ezhen Khan, descendants of Orys Khan, Janibek and Kerey Abulkhair, of the Zhochi family, constantly opposed him.
1446 one of the strong shonjars opposing him defeated the army of Mustafa Khan. In the same year, Abulkhair Khan captured the cities of Sozak, Syganak, Akkorgan, Uzkent on the Syrdarya and Karatau rivers and made Syganak the capital of his khanate.
1450 Abulkhair gets involved in the internal strife of Temir's descendants in Mauranakhr and marches to Samarkand and Bukhara.
1456-57 Abulkhair, who was defeated in the battles with the Oirats, could not ensure the unity of the country.
A part of the population, led by sultans Kerei and Zhanibek, who were dissatisfied with him, migrated to the territory of Mongolia and settled along the Shu and Kozybasy (Talas) rivers.
1468 Abulkhair died during one of his many campaigns, and the "Nomadic Uzbek State" fell apart.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4846 | August | August is the Kazakh name for the 8th month of August in the modern Gregorian calendar.
6th month of the ancient Kazakh calendar. With the current number, August 19 is September 18.
## Comments
## See more
* Kazakh calendar
* Gregorian calendar |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6640" | Africa | Africa is a continent and part of the world after Eurasia in terms of area.
## Brief information
The land area is 29.2 mln. km2 (30.3 million km2 with islands). The population is 887.9 million. person (2010 data). It stretches 8000 km from north to south, 7500 km from west to east (in the Sahara), and is 810 km wide in the south. The total length of the coast is 30,500 km. Africa is crossed by the equator line in the middle. The continent is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the north, the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea in the east. In the northeast, it is connected with Asia through the narrow Suez Strait (112 km). It is separated from Europe's Iberian Peninsula by the Strait of Gibraltar. Large bays of Guinea, Sidra. The largest peninsula is Somalia, in the east of the continent - Madagascar, Zanzibar, Socotra, Mafia, Pemba, Comoros, Mascarene, Amirante and Seychelles, in the west - Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Annabon, Sao Tome, Principe, Fernando Po in the Gulf of Guinea. islands are located.
## Terrain
Lowlands and low plains are mostly located on the coast (Senegal, Guinea coast, Somalia, Mozambique, Mediterranean coast). North of the equator, most of Africa is covered by the plains and plateaus of the Sahara and Sudan. The Atlas Mountains (Toubkal, 4165 m) stretch to the northwest of the Sahara, and the Etbay Range (Asoteriba, 2216 m) stretches along the Red Sea to the east. It continues to the Ethiopian highlands (Ras-Dashan, 4623 m) in the south. Afar, the deepest depression in Africa, lies between this mountain range. It is surrounded by the Cameroon volcano (4070 m) in the northwest, Azande in the north, the Southern Guinea plateau in the west, the Lunda-Katanga plateau in the south, and the East African highlands in the east. They include extinct and still-extinct volcanic cones, namely Ruwenzori (5109 m), Karisomba (4507 m), Rungwe (3175 m) in the west, Elgon (4322 m), Kenya (5199 m), Meru (4567 m), Kilimanjaro (5895 m) in the east. m) continues to the mountains. As you go south, the topography gradually decreases and continues through the Kalahari depression to the Kap and Idahar (Dragon) mountains.
## Minerals
Africa is very rich in mineral resources, especially mineral deposits. Large deposits of oil and gas are found in Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, and large deposits of hard coal are found in the Republic of South Africa. The largest reserves of cobalt and copper are concentrated in Zambia and the Congo, diamond, platinum, gold ores are concentrated in the Republic of South Africa, and uranium is concentrated in Nigeria and Namibia.
## Soil
In the subtropical areas of Africa, the soil is formed by the laterite process. Its moist, lush green forests are the equatorial part of the fertile red-yellow laterite soil. The soil of the western part of the Congo depression is laterite-clay soil and tropical swampy soil. Red soil appeared in deciduous green mixed forests and wet savannas, and reddish brown and carbonate pink soil appeared in dry savanna deserts. The potholes of Sudan and East and South Africa are mainly hydromorphic black soil and tropical swamp soils. South East Africa and South Africa have fairly red-brown soils. Oases are characterized by grassland and gray soil. Carbonate, gypsum brown soil in the Mediterranean climate, subtropical belt of Africa, and gray brown soil in deserts and deserts in more arid regions.
## Climate
Since Africa is located between tropical zones, it gets very hot. The average temperature in the summer months is higher than 200C in almost all parts of the continent, and reaches 350-380C in the north of the Sahara and Sudan. The highest temperature on the globe +580С was recorded in 1933 on the Mediterranean coast of the Sahara (al-Azizia). The highest annual rainfall is recorded on the slopes of Mount Cameroon on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea (10470 mm, Debunja), and the lowest rainfall is recorded in the Sahara (0.5 mm, Aswan). According to geographical features, the territory of Africa is divided into hot, humid equatorial, alternating humid (monsoon), subequatorial, hot and dry, continental, tropical desert, hot humid tropical and subtropical Mediterranean climate zones.
## Inland waters
Africa is a continent of large rivers. It ranks second only to Eurasia and South America in terms of the amount of annual inflow of inland waters (5400 km3). Rivers are frequent around the equator and on the southeast coast of the continent. In desert areas, especially in the Sahara, there are many dry riverbeds (wadis), which indicate that the climate was humid in the past. Major rivers are Nile (6671 km, the longest river in the world), Congo, Zambezi, Niger, Orange. The water basin of the Nile is so wide. it covers one-tenth of the entire African continent. The Nile originates in the highlands of Rwanda and Ethiopia and flows from south to north. The lower reaches of the Orange River flow through the Kalahari and Namibian deserts. At the mouth of the river there is a very rich diamond mine. The Upper Niger River is a source of food and water for the population of five West African countries. More than twenty tribes of Africa depend on this river for their livelihood. Zaire (Congo) is the fifth longest river in the world. It is second only to the Nile in northeast Africa. The Zambezi is the fourth river system in Africa after the Nile, Zaire and Niger rivers. It flows through six countries from Central Africa to the Indian Ocean. The Limpopo River originates in Botswana. In the river channels, there are a lot of boulders and waterfalls. Along the Zambezi River there is the famous Victoria Falls (height 120 m, width 1800 m). The hydropower potential of inland rivers is very high. Large artesian basins are located in the Sahara and Kalahari. Large African lakes: Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Rudolph, Chad.
## Plant world
Africa has more than 40,000 species of flowering plants, of which about 9,000 are endemic to this continent. 8% of the land area is covered by humid tropical forest (Gilea), about 35% by savannah and rare forest, and 40% by continental desert and desert belt. There are more than 300 species of trees in the moist equatorial forest on the coast of Guinea and the Congo Basin. They grow in several layers, the tallest growing trees are palm trees (height reaches 60-70 m). They have species such as giant ficus, oil and wine palm, seiba, and bronze trees. In the lower parts, there are banana, ferns, Liberian coffee tree, and woody liana, landolphia, and rattan palms that yield rubber. The main tree of the savannah is the baobab. Between them grow elephant grass, dum palm, and oil palm with a height of 2-3 m, sometimes reaching 5 m. Among the drought-resistant plants in the deserts of the Sahara and Kalahari are wormwood, acacia, date palm, and in the deserts of the Namib and Karru, among succulent plants, welwichia is widespread. Africa is home to coffee and drought-resistant wheat.
## Animal world
Animals in Africa are very numerous and diverse. The land is rich in mammals, especially ungulates. 1/4 of the 51 genera of mammals on Earth are concentrated here. African elephants, cheetahs, zebras, chimpanzees and gorillas, dog-like monkeys baboons and mandrills, as well as hippos and lemurs from Madagascar can be named from animals unique to Africa. The animal world of the land has decreased sharply in the 19th century, especially in the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of merciless extermination. Now more than 150 national parks, nature reserves, and preserves have been established on the continent. Major national parks include Ruwenzori, Kenya, Serengeti, Virunga, Tsavo, Kafue, Kalahari-Hemsbok, Kruger, Namib.
## History
Information about Africa has been known since very early times, especially about the large states on its Mediterranean coast. The Phoenicians, who were in the service of the Pharaoh of Egypt, sailed around the entire continent around 600 BC. In the 14th century, the Moroccan Arab Abu Abdallah ibn Battuta traveled and explored the region of present-day Somalia, later Mali and Timbuktu. For the first time in our time, the Portuguese expedition led by Vasco da Gama (1497-1498) circumnavigated the continent in order to find a short way to India, but no one penetrated deep into the interior of the continent. Only during the colonial campaign of the 19th century, many researches were conducted. Among them, the researches of the English traveler David Livingston in 1840-1870 and the Russian traveler Vasily Junker in 1876-1896 can be mentioned.
## State situation
There are 55 countries on the current political map of Africa. Three of them have a constitutional monarchy (Morocco, Lesotho, Eswatini), a federal republic in Namibia, and a republican state structure in the rest. In most African countries, one-sided specialization of the economy, that is, the production of raw materials or food for export, has been preserved.
## African tribes
Africa was the homeland of the first humans 8-5 million years ago. Currently, this land is mainly inhabited by local people. However, it is difficult to compare one country in Africa with another. They speak different languages, have different religious beliefs and customs.
## African masks
If we delve into the history of African masks, we will see that they appeared in the ancient stone age. Africans made masks from leather, cloth and other types of wood. African masks occupy a special place among art historians in the world. Professionals who collect works of art value a beautiful mask very dearly. The tradition of making a mask has a special historical and cultural significance in the life of Africans.
## Deserts of Africa
Africa is home to the largest desert on Earth - the Sahara Desert. There are mainly three deserts on the continent: Sahara, Namib and Kalahari. Vast plains covered by vast expanses of Africa, with year-round sunlight. The desert is crossed by its dry estuaries, where only drought-tolerant clouds take root. Small mountain ranges such as Karas and Khun are also encountered.
## Sahara desert
Sahara desert is one of the hottest places on earth. This region receives only about 8 cm of rain per year. Even in the rainiest region, it may rain twice a week and not drop a drop for several years. The Sahara desert covers 9,400,000 square kilometers of North Africa. Only narcissus and goats can tolerate the desert.
## Sources
## External links
* Malimetter.kz Africa abstract (Kazakh)
* Malimetter.kz Geology of African territory research abstract (Kazakh) |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4917 | Shota Valikhanov | Shot-Aman (Shota) Idyrisuly Valikhan (April 26, 1932, North Kazakhstan Region, Ayrtau District, Syrymbet Village - March 31, 2021) - architect, Honored Architect of the Kazakh SSR (1978), professor, International Academy of Architects of Eastern Countries Academician (2001).
## Short biography
He was born on April 26, 1932 in the village of Syrymbet, Ayrtau district of Kokshetau region (now North Kazakhstan region).
Shot-Aman Valikhan is a descendant of the brother of the famous Kazakh and Russian scientist Shokan Valikhanov. Cousin of Kazakh poet Bakytzhan Kanapiyanov.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
was an employee of the "Kazakhstan City Planning Designing" Institute, Deputy Chief Architect of Almaty,
Chairman of the Board of the Kazakhstan Union of Architects.
Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Republican Historical and Cultural Monuments.
## Achievements
Shot-Aman Ualikhanov is the author of several large buildings, 20 monuments and monuments (along with others). Among them: "Dynamo" stadium (1958), "Universam" store (1979), buildings of "Kazgiprozem" house (1983) in Almaty city; Monument to Ualikhanov (1969; State Award of the Kazakh SSR, 1970), Alibi Tokzhanuly Zhangeldin, Tokash Bokin (both 1975), Ghani Muratbaev (1984), East Kazakhstan region, Karaul village Abai (1970), Kokshetau city Talgat Bigeldinov (1998), Akhmet Baitursynuly of Kostanay (1999), Kenesary Kasymuly of Astana (2001), etc. monuments; Bust of Dinmuhamed Konaev (in 1985), Monument of Independence (in 1996, project author and leader), etc. In 1996, Ualikhanov received a gold medal and a diploma of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the competition for the new state coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author of the coat of arms. Also, he published many scientific articles on the relevant issues of Kazakhstan's architecture and fine arts; also the author of a number of dramatic works ("Shokan", first staged in 1962; "Agnur", 1982; "Tagdyr", 1984; "Terror", 2000); a number of his plays were performed on the stage of republican (Almaty) and regional (Kokshetau, Karaganda, Shymkent) theaters. Participated in the 12th-13th and 20th World Congresses of the International Union of Architects (Madrid, 1975; Mexico City, 1978; Beijing, 1999).
### Main creative works
* Shokan Ualikhanov in Almaty (1969);
* Alibi Jankeldin (1975);
* Tokash Bokin (1975) monuments;
* projects of the "Dynamo" stadium structure (as part of the creative team);
* Head of the group of authors of the Almaty Independence Monument (1998);
* Coat of arms of Kazakhstan.
## Awards
### Titles
* Honored Worker of Kazakhstan
### Awards
* State Prize of the Kazakh SSR
* State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1990)
### Awards
* Order of Wisdom
* Order of Honor
* Medal for 10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Medal for 20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Medal for 25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
* Medal for 20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7471" | Abstractionism | Abstractionism (eng. abstractio — abstractness, separation, isolation) is a current in modern art that does not take into account a clear line in the depiction of the environment. The trend that appeared in the world art of words at the beginning of the 20th century is an advanced form of a uniform uniform form. Because abstract art does not directly reflect reality, it is sometimes said to be "dematerialized". Abstraction is abstraction, generalization, uncertainty. According to abstractionists, art is not a reflection of life, but a reflection of the mind, not objective, but subjective; not material, not abstract; not concrete, without sculpture; therefore, whatever comes to mind, it should be shown without an image. Thus, he moves away from the concept of content in art and pursues bare form. American writers Steward Davis, Charles Howard, Crawford, Ratner, Morris are typical representatives of abstractionism. However, it should not be said that the creative path of Pablo Picasso, the master of the brush art of our century, while belonging to the mentioned current, improved and even legitimized the logic and principles of abstractionism in the true sense.
For him, the artistic arrangement of the depicted objects (forms in space, area, color, etc.) is not important, the subjective mood of the artist-personality comes first.
Abstractionism 1910 It was formed in Munich, Amsterdam, and Moscow at about the same time, and in 1930. He studied extensively in Paris and New York. The aesthetic program of abstractionism was established in 1910. V. Kandinsky clarified in his work "On spirituality in art".
Abstractionism developed in two directions: striving to harmonize the intersection of bright colors and images and creating geometric abstractions.
The first one was rooted in movements such as expressionism and fauvism and wanted to completely separate hair from material reality.
In this direction, a movement called Op-Art appeared, based on the idea of synesthesia, arising from musical and other associations that imagine the sloppiness of color. Although this type of abstractionism has a common origin with Cubism, it also has differences. There are several branches of this direction of abstractionism: M. Larionov's radiance, K. Malevich's Suprematism, L. Popova's style group.
In 1917, Holland presented the idea of a new plasticism: the clarity, clarity and simplicity of geometric forms are higher than the chaos of nature. Some aspects of abstractionism can be seen in some works of representatives of Dadaism and Surrealism. Between the two worldviews, there were groups of abstractionism in France that united representatives of different nationalities and directions: "Real Art", "Circle and Square", "Abstraction and Creativity".
Schools called "abstract expressionism" (M. Rothko, L. Gorky, J. Pollock, etc.) appeared in the USA in the 1950s, declaring their methods as "pure psychological automatism".
Abstractionist painters have created their own methods and approaches that represent the dynamics of the time, which are widely used today in design, theater, cinema and television, and in the decoration of interior rooms and service offices. painting) the first examples of abstract art that were rejected by V.V. Kandinsky in Germany, R. Depone in France, F. Picabia, F. Kupha in Spain, K.S. Malevich, M.F. Larionov, N.S. Goncharova in Russia, the new representatives of plastic arts P. Mondarian, T. van Dusbuer] et al. did. After the 1st World War, the manifestations of Abstract art were observed in individual works of representatives of Dadaism and Surrealism. At the same time, in architecture and art of decoration, there was a tendency to attack non-image, to build structures subject to mathematical and engineering requirements (experience of the "Style", "Bauhaus" groups). At the beginning of the 1930s, mainly in France, there were abstract art groups that united artists of different nationalities and directions ("Real Art", 1930; "Circle and Square" 1930; "Abstraction and Creativity" in 1931). But abstract art could not spread its wings at that time, and in the mid-30s, these groups disintegrated. In the years of the 2nd World War, schools called "abstract expressionism" (painters J. Pollock, M. Toby, etc.) appeared in the USA, declaring their methods as "pure psychological automatism", glorifying bright colors and the intersection of images. In the 1950s, abstract art became one of the main forms of art. Until the end of the 60s, Abstract art was not officially recognized, but only appreciated. Despite the strict ideological pressure, various directions of abstract art appeared.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3334 | Semey University of Medicine | Semipalatinsk Medical University (SMU) is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, founded in 1953, with a 65-year history. The University is one of the largest medical higher education institutions in Kazakhstan with its clinical base (University Hospital) and branches in the cities of Pavlodar and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Since October 2018, the Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology (R&E Research Institute) became part of SSU through merger. [1] Archived June 22, 2020.
The university provides educational services for higher, postgraduate and further education. Training is conducted in the state, Russian and English languages. The student contingent is more than five thousand people. Form of education - full-time. Foreign students study at the university, their share is 18.3% of the total contingent. The share of accredited educational programs is 87.5%.
Currently, Semipalatinsk Medical University is the largest higher education institution in the North-East region of Kazakhstan and the main supplier of medical personnel for East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions. Every year, the university takes leading positions in the national ranking of Kazakhstan's universities. In 2019 - "Leader in the development of science and innovation" and "Leader in student learning outcomes" in the rating of the best medical universities of Kazakhstan.
The university is a leader among medical universities in Kazakhstan in terms of employment of graduates. In 2015-2018, according to the rating of "Labor Development Center" JSC compiled by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the People, the university took the 14th place among the higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and the 1st place among the medical universities in terms of the level of demand for graduates. In general, during the years of the university's existence, 35,000 students successfully worked in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad (Pakistan, India, Palestine, Sudan, Morocco, Jordan, Israel, Syria, Russia, Norway, Germany, Canada, etc.). has trained more than 100,000 specialists, which indicates a high level of qualification of the trained specialists.
More than 1500 professors, teachers, employees and doctors are working in the university to achieve high goals. Every year more than 600 applicants become university students, the total number of students exceeds 5000 people.
## History
The history of Semey University of Medicine began on September 1, 1953 with the opening of the Faculty of Medicine, which admitted the first 320 students. In the first years of its opening, the institute had only 10 departments: fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism, biology, anatomy, histology, inorganic chemistry, physics, foreign languages, Latin, physical education, biochemistry and organic chemistry.
In 1957, by the decision of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the institute was classified as a II-category higher education institution.
1959 - the first graduates graduated. 275 graduates received medical diplomas.
1960 - T.K. Raisov, B. Zhumabayev, J.B. Bazarbekov, A. Korpeshov, G. Kanafyanov and other students created the youth theater "Zhasdauren" under the leadership of Beken Zhumanov.
1963 - Professor Nazarova Tamara Aleksandrovna, a meritorious figure of Kazakh SRO science, was appointed as the rector of the institute.
1963 - the faculty of pediatrics was opened at the institute. I.M. Turetsky became the first dean of the faculty.
1964 - the main building of the institute began its work. Along with the main building, 400-bed dormitory No. 4 was commissioned.
1971 - after completing the 6th course, the first specialization of graduates began (internship).
1974 - associate professor Usov Dmitry Vasilyevich was appointed as the rector of the institute.
1976 - in connection with the expansion of the scope of scientific works, an interdepartmental experimental laboratory was organized and opened, E.N. Shatsky was its first leader.
1976 - vice-rector for scientific work, professor B.Kh. A patent department was opened on the initiative of Khabizhanov.
1976 - professor Nikolay Arkhipovich Khlopov, a distinguished figure of Kazakh SRO science, was appointed as the rector of the institute.
1982 - M. under the guidance of Anna Lukyanovna Ptushchenko, docent of the history department of SOKP. A museum named after Mametova was opened.
1984 - the faculty of improving the qualifications of doctors was opened in Pavlodar.
1985 - professor Yevgeny Stepanovich Belozerov was appointed as the rector of the institute.
1986 - the first veterans' organization was established at the State Medical University.
1987 - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, distinguished figure of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Raisov Tolegen Kazezuly was appointed as the rector of the institute.
1993 - a 156-apartment building for university employees was built. Computerization was carried out in departments, services and departments. 4 computer classrooms were opened and equipped. Among them, 33 computers were connected to the Internet in one class.
1993 - for the first time "Ecology. Radiation. "Health" international scientific conference was held. The main topic of this conference is the health of residents of radiation zones.
1998 - for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign students were taught in English. Students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan came to Semipalatinsk. He had the opportunity to study in English at the State Medical University.
1998 - the regional hospital became part of the university. Its clinical base includes a hospital with 510 seats, a dental clinic, a training family clinic serving 10,000 people; The opportunity to practically strengthen the acquired theoretical knowledge of the students of the Academy has increased.
1999 - republican magazine "Family Doctor" and newspaper "Medicina dlya veshch" began to be published.
2001 - doctor of medical sciences, professor Teleuov Murat Koyshibayuly was appointed as the rector of the academy.
2001 - the first biology Olympiad was held at the university for city and district students.
2003 - University received a teaching license.
2005 - University SGS (Kazakhstan) passed the first certification of the quality management system by the certification body "Medeu Consulting".
2007 - Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of medical sciences, professor Rakhypbekov Tolebay Kosiyabekuly was appointed as the rector.
2007 - new specialties "Nursing", "Public health care", "General medicine" were introduced.
2007 - registrar's office, training-methodical center, training-clinical center were opened.
2008 - work on the international registration of the journal "Science and Health" began.
2009 – The certification body confirmed the conformity of the management system of the higher education institution to comply with all the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008 "Total Quality Certification Services International" (KAZAKHSTAN).
2009 - 10 teachers studied abroad under the "Development of higher education through the use of innovative technologies" program at the request of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During these years, 3 simulation rooms were opened at the base of each clinic (medical center, emergency hospital, maternity hospital No. 2) for the purpose of confirmation and verification of practical skills.
2009 – a robot simulator developing complex practical skills was purchased; Such a robot was purchased for the first time among the CIS countries.
2009 - the university took 1st place in the rating of the concept of development and reform of science in the republic.
2010 - university rector Tolebay Kosiyabekuly Rakhypbekov signed the Bologna Declaration.
2011 - Semey among 85 higher educational institutions of our country in 15 sports at the 6th Summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The State Medical University was among the top ten teams in the overall team report, and the 1st place in the overall team report among higher medical schools.
2011 - the university introduced the European Foundation for Quality Management Improvement Model (EFQM) and carried out work on the transition to the "Striving for Improvement" level of the European Foundation for Quality Management.
2011 - Yu.V. to the department of "Pathological anatomy and forensic medicine". Pruglo's name was given. An annual scholarship was awarded to the best student of the department. Doctor of medical sciences, professor K.N. Mukanov is a scholarship sponsor.
2012 - the university received a certificate for the "Strive for improvement" level of the European Foundation for Quality Management. According to the results of validation, the university received a certificate of conformity to the level of "Striving for improvement".
2012 - the first batch of graduates of the general medical faculty graduated - 349 graduates received diplomas. "Public health care" - 48 graduates. English groups of the specialty "Public health care" were opened.
2012 - "Veteran" club was established next to the veterans' organization. Members of the "Veteran" club organize meetings of students with the participants of the Great Patriotic War, well-known public and cultural figures of the city, provide social assistance to poor families, give advice to students, and participate in public work of the university.
2012 - monographs were published for the first time in foreign publications: "Financial management in health care" (T.K. Rakhypbekov), "Adreno-thyroid system and low-dose radiation to the affected body" (S.O. Tapbergenov), "Ethnic features of cerebral stroke" (T.N. Khaibullin), "Medical education and professional development" (Special issue, Journal of the Russian Medical Educators' Communities).
2012 - within the framework of the 10th Congress of the Asian System of Quality (ANQ), for the first time among Kazakhstani universities, the University was recognized as the winner in the nomination.
2012 - marked the 30th anniversary of the opening of the museum "Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova" (1982-1912)
2012 - after introducing the European Foundation for Quality Management Improvement Model (EFQM), the university integrated with the existing quality management system.
2012 - Award from the Association of Asian Education leadership awards in the nomination "The best educational institution in the field of health care", Dubai, UAE.
2012 - visit of the "Mayors for Peace" delegation to the educational and clinical center.
2013 - "Certification Center Inter Cert" LLP conducted an inspection audit, according to its results No. KZ.7500207.07.03.00077 25.06.2013 received a certificate.
2013- after the analysis of the validation report, the next step in the development of the university's quality management system was the university's achievement of the 4-star level. European Foundation for Quality Management Improvement Models (EFQM).
2013 - Semey city. For the first time in its history, the Cardiosurgery Department and Endovascular Laboratory were opened on the basis of the University Medical Center, the first open heart surgeries, coronary angiography, stenting were performed. Astana A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center.
2013 - a branch of the university was opened in the city of Uskemen.
2013 - the First Republican student debate was held under the leadership of "Zyrdaua" school.
2013 - Semey among 139 higher educational institutions of our country in 15 sports at the VII summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan. the state medical university is among the top five teams in the overall team report, leaving 135 students from the podium, and they have 35 departments of physical education; took 1st place in the overall team report among higher medical schools; According to the results of the 7th Summer Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Semipalatinsk. MSU was awarded with a diploma, a medal and a cup of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2013 - Semey city. celebrated the 60th anniversary of the State Medical University.
2013 - awarding the leaders of the industries of the economy of Kazakhstan according to the All-State Republican rating program "Leader of Kazakhstan 2013" in the nominations "Indicators of Assets and Liabilities", "Indicators of Productivity" and "Indicators of Efficiency" 2011-2012
\< > according to the results of Semey city. MSU took the 3rd place among all universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 1st place among medical universities of the country.
2013-2014 - wrestlers of Abai region won for the second year in a row, in the Republican tournament "Kazakh Barysy - 2013" - Aibek Nugymarov, "Kazakhstan Barysy - 2014" - Tursynov Mukhit.
2013-2014 - Evaluation of the quality of education in Semey city in the Republican rating of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency. MSU took second place in undergraduate programs.
2014 - Semipalatinsk State Medical University inaugurated Tursynov Mukhit, the winner of the II-Republican tournament "Kazakhstan Barysy", teacher of the physical education department.
2014 – full participant of IREG Observatory, Semey city was included in the list of best medicine of the CIS countries. the certificate of entry of the state medical university, "RA expert" received by the university from the International rating agency is an indicator of the successful and efficient management of the university.
2014 - the university was accredited for a period of 5 years with Institutional National Accreditation by the National Accreditation and Rating Agency.
2014 - Semey State Medical University was accredited for 5 years.
2014 – national accreditation of the institution at the National Agency for Accreditation and Rating (ANRA).
2014 – the University entered the "Republican International Electronic Library". http://lib.kazrena.kz. The agreement of "NCNTI" JSC on the creation of a single electronic library with the full-text resource of "Springer Link" and Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) databases was approved.
2015 - 2015-2017 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are 5 grants, the total amount of which is more than 87 million tenge.
2015 - the project "Promotion of the journal "Science and health care" to the ranking global citation databases, including "Scopus", is being implemented. The journal "Science and Health" was included in the Russian index of scientific citations and international databases E-library, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Global Health, CAB Abstracts.
2015 - India joined the Community of Universities.
2015 – Specialized national accreditation of 5 undergraduate educational programs, 7 residency programs, 4 master's degrees, 2 doctoral programs at the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (NKAOKO).
2015 - International scientific and practical conference "20th anniversary of the formation of family medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
2016 - to the chair of pharmacology and evidence-based medicine, professor M.N. Musin's name was given.
2016 - the Astana department with modern interactive tables for teachers and students was opened.
2016 – Semey city. A Sipiarlen mannequin for CPR and a training robotic mannequin for cardiopulmonary resuscitation were purchased at MSU OKO.
2016 - Seminar of FRCS, MRCGP, DLS Vijay Kumar (UK) as part of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Science and Health".
2016 – signed a partnership agreement with Saint Louis University.
2016 – educational programs in 9 specialties International accreditation.
2016 - "Diagnostics and innovative technologies of treatment in traumatology-orthopaedics" by Prof. D.M. Kuldzhanov's master class.
2016 – Semey city. Visit of a group of experts from Saint Louis University (USA), a strategic partner of MSU.
2016 - the visit of Canadian Ambassador to Kazakhstan Mr. Sean Steele.
2016 - flash mob "We are for a world without nuclear weapons".
2016 - A.K. The First International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Kulnazarov.
2016 - the visit of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Kazakhstan, Christian Kamil.
2016 - 2nd place in the Kazakh wrestling championship.
2016 - for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the meeting of parents of Semipalatinsk University of Medicine was held.
2016 – foreign academic mobility to Barcelona was organized for the first time.
2017 - signing of a tripartite agreement between Semey State Medical University, Regional Oncological Dispensary and Emergency Medical Care Hospital.
2017 - Semey city for students of cities and districts. First Chemistry Olympiad at the State Medical University.
2017 - M.Sc. Zhunisov Yersin Tursynkhanuly, Semey city. Appointment to the post of MSU rector.
2017 - first voluntary admission of applicants from India.
2017 - visit of the UN delegation on the disarmament program.
2017 - naming the chair of biochemistry and chemical subjects after Professor Tapbergenov Salavat Orazuly.
2017 - the election of university students among the deputies of the Youth Council of the city.
2017 - a branch of Semey State Medical University and a university hospital were organized in Uskemen.
2017 – Saint Louis University hospital, Semey city. A partnership agreement was signed between Pavlodar branch of MSU and DSB of Pavlodar region.
2017 - for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the "Health" state program for the development of the health care sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, multidisciplinary teams were organized in the districts of Tarbagatai, Borodulikha, Abay, Beskaragai, Urzhar, Kokpekti and the cities of Ridder and Kurchatov.
2017 – academic mobility of students to Vilnius University.
2017 - signing of the partnership agreement with Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University.
2017 - signing of the partnership agreement with Karaganda State Medical University.
2017 - within the framework of strategic cooperation, Saint Louis University Hospital in Semey. Academic mobility of MSU teaching staff.
2017 - new structural departments were opened: internal audit service, public relations service, public procurement department, strategic development department, international cooperation and academic mobility department, PR technologies and marketing department, accounting and reporting, planning and economic analysis department.
2017 - "Medical Foundation" preparatory department was opened. As part of the preparatory department, courses in English, biology, and chemistry were organized for university entrants.
2017 - a foreign internship visit was organized for 39 members of the teaching staff.
2018 - Memorandums of cooperation were signed with the branch of JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physical and Mathematical Direction of Semey" and Kazakh Humanitarian-Law Innovative University.
2018 – Semey city. A memorandum on strategic partnership between MSU and Bashkent University (Turkey) was signed.
2018 – Semey city. The experience of implementing the anti-corruption policy of the state medical university was recognized as the best in the country.
2018 - within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" program, the Parks March action was held, and 200 Christmas trees were planted in the alley.
2018 - entered the top 3 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the version of the independent agency of accreditation and rating.
2018 - entered the top 20 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the version of the independent agency of accreditation and rating.
2018 - according to the results of the rating of the independent agency, it took the II place in terms of ensuring the quality of education.
2018 - 1st place winner in the nomination "Leader on student training results" of the independent agency for ensuring the quality of education.
2018 - Semey State Medical University celebrated its 65th anniversary. Within the framework of the anniversary, a scientific-practical conference was organized with international participation entitled "Modern innovative methods of modernizing medical knowledge, science and practice".
2019 - on February 5, the university became a non-profit joint-stock company "Semei Medical University".
2019 - development of an educational program in the specialty "General Medicine" within the framework of a strategic partnership with Bashkent University.
2019 - Professor Fazil Serdar Gurel was appointed to the position of the first deputy chairman of the Board (Provost).
2019 - a memorandum of cooperation was signed between KeJSC "Semei Medical University" and the mayor's office of Semey, Abay region.
2020 - "The Best Medical University" according to the national rating of the best universities of Kazakhstan in 2020.
## Rectors of the university
1953 Vasiliy Sergeevich Bobov, Honored Doctor of the Kazakh SSR, was appointed director of the institute.
1956 Docent Chuvakov Kozakhmet Chuvakovich was appointed the rector of the institute.
1963 Professor Nazarova Tamara Aleksandrovna, Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR, was appointed Rector of the Institute.
1974 - associate professor Usov Dmitry Vasilyevich was appointed rector of the institute.
1976 - Honored scientist of the Kazakh SSR, professor Nikolay Arkhipovich Khlopov was appointed rector of the institute.
1985 - Professor Yevgeny Stepanovich Belozerov was appointed rector of the institute.
1987 - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Raisov Tolegen Kazezuly was appointed rector of the institute.
2001 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Teleuov Murat Koyshibayuly was appointed rector of the Academy.
2007 - Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of medical sciences, professor Tolebay Rakhypbekov was appointed the rector of the university.
2017 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Yersin Tursynkhanuly Zhunisov was appointed as the rector of the university.
2021 Until now, the rector of the university is a doctor of medical sciences, Professor Dysupov Altai Akhmetkalievich.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1721 | Әзербайжан | Azerbaijan (Азербайжан, az. Azərbaycan), the official name of which is the Republic of Azerbaijan (a.z. Azerbaijan Republic), is an independent state located between Asia and Europe, in the South-Eastern Caucasus. It borders the Russian Republic of Dagestan in the north, Iran in the south, and Armenia in the west. Its exclave, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, borders Iran in the south, Armenia in the east and north, and Turkey in the west. The area is 86.6 thousand km², the population is 10.067 million. human (2020).
## Terrain
Two-thirds of Azerbaijan's terrain is covered by the Greater and Lesser Caucasus Mountains, the Karabakh Volcanic Plateau, and the Talysh Mountains. The highest point is Bazarduzi (4466 m). The climate forms a subtropical zone (Lenkoran basin) with a temperate zone (in the Kura-Araks basin). The average temperature of January in lowland areas is from 00C to 30C, the average temperature of July is 25-270C. The average amount of precipitation reaches 200 mm in the foothills, 1400 mm in the mountain slopes, and 1700 mm in the Lenkoran basin. The major rivers are Kura and Araks. The largest lakes are Kazhikabul and Buyukshor. Desert, desert and dry steppe vegetation grows in the lowlands, broad-leaved forest prevails in the highlands.
People began to settle in Azerbaijan in the Paleolithic era. The first state union was formed on the basis of the tribal unions of the Manaks who lived in South Azerbaijan, and the Lydians, who later partially settled here. In the 1st millennium BC, the Kadusians, Caspians, Albanians, etc. lived on the territory of Azerbaijan. settles down. In the 9th century before our era, an early slave-owning state was established in Manna, and in the 70s of the 7th century before our era, the Median state was established, which included the regions of Southern (Iranian) Azerbaijan, and later the Lesser Median region, which was called Anthropothena. This state existed for 150 years. Later, the name of modern Azerbaijan (in Greek, literally translated "land of fire keepers") came from the word Anthropothena.
Azerbaijan borders Russia in the north, Georgia in the northwest, Armenia and Turkey in the southwest, Iran in the south, and the Caspian Sea in the east.
## History
In the III-II centuries BC, the state of Albania appeared in the northern part of Azerbaijan and Dagestan.
As a result of the war between the Roman Empire and Iran in the 4th century AD, Albania came under the control of Iran. At the beginning of the 8th century, the Arabs conquered all of Azerbaijan and spread Islam. At the beginning of the 9th century, the war led by Babek against the Arabs and local rulers in Azerbaijan and Iran lasted for 20 years. In the middle of the 11th century, Azerbaijan was conquered by the Saljuks.
The population of Azerbaijan was mainly formed on the basis of Turkic tribes in the XI-XIII centuries. In the 1230s, Azerbaijan and its neighboring countries were conquered by the Mongols and a state ruled by the Khulagu dynasty was established. At the beginning of the 11th century, the Safavi dynasty state was established on the territory of Azerbaijan. By the end of the 11th century, the Turks conquered considerable land in the north and south of Azerbaijan. In the late 1630s, Azerbaijan came under the control of Iran. In 1723-1735, Russia conquered the Caspian coast regions of Azerbaijan.
During the Russo-Iranian wars of 1805–1813 and 1826–1828, Northern Azerbaijan joined Russia. In November 1917, Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan. On December 30, 1922, Azerbaijan became part of the Caucasian Federal Soviet Republic (FSR), in 1936 it became part of the USSR. Despite some social conflicts, economic and cultural development of Azerbaijan took place during the period when it was part of the Soviet Union.
On August 30, 1991, the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan adopted the Declaration on the restoration of state independence based on the Treaty of 1918, and on October 18, 1991, the Constitutional Treaty "On the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan" was adopted.
## Agriculture
Azerbaijan is an industrial and agricultural country. The land is rich in oil and natural gas. There are high-quality iron ores, aluminum raw materials, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, gold, sulfur pyrite and various construction materials, polymetallic ores and healing mineral water sources. Oil and gas, engineering and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries play a significant role. In Azerbaijan, light industry enterprises produce various fabrics, sewing and leather products, and shoes. In agriculture, cotton, tobacco, horticultural products and livestock farms are of great importance. Food industry enterprises produce various wine and cognac, canned goods, flour, tobacco, and fish products.
## Political culture
The main law is the Constitution adopted on November 12, 1995. The head of state is the president. The supreme legislative body is the permanent parliament (National Majilis). The highest body of the executive government is the Cabinet of Ministers, which is headed by the Prime Minister. The capital is the city of Baku.
The state of Azerbaijan is administratively divided into 59 districts, and it also includes the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. The Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan does not have a common border with the main territory of the country, it is located between Armenia and Iran. The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast, which was part of the country during the Soviet era, was officially dissolved on the basis of national enmity lasting several years (87% of the population was Armenian). Currently, leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh consider their territory to be an independent republic. In 2010, 9.0 million people lived on the territory of Azerbaijan, the share of urban population was 52%.
The average population density is 99 people, especially in the Lenkoran valley and Absheron peninsula, where the natural conditions are favorable, the population is densely populated. High mountain areas and desert parts of the Kura plain have low population density. The state language is Azerbaijani.
## Population
Azerbaijan is a multi-ethnic country, but due to ethnic enmity that occurred in the last decade, representatives of non-local ethnic groups were forced to migrate from the territory of the country. At the same time, many Azerbaijanis returned to their historical homeland during the conflict with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. That is why the share of Azerbaijanis in the national composition of the country's population is increasing. They make up 94% of the population, Russians 1%, Lezgins more than 1%. Caucasian peoples (Talysh, Georgian, Avar) and representatives of Turkish, Kurdish, Tatar, and Ukrainian nationalities also live in the country. By 2023, when the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was dissolved and all Armenians fled, Armenians made up more than 1% of the population. Mainly, Azerbaijani (state language), Russian and Turkish languages are prevalent. Muslims predominate among believers, as well as representatives of the Orthodox branch of Christianity.
## Climate
Two-thirds of Azerbaijan's terrain is covered by the Greater and Lesser Caucasus Mountains, the Karabakh volcanic plateau, and the Talysh Mountains. The highest point is Bazarduzi (4,466 m). The climate forms a subtropical zone (Lenkoran basin) with a temperate zone (in the Kura-Aras basin). The average temperature of January in the lowland areas is from 0°С to 3°С, the average temperature of July is 25–27°С. The average amount of precipitation reaches 200 mm in the foothills, 1400 mm in the mountain slopes, and 1700 mm in the Lenkoran basin. The major rivers are Kura and Araks. The largest lakes are Kazhikabul and Buyukshor. Desert, desert and dry steppe vegetation grows in the lowlands, broad-leaved forest prevails in the highlands.
## Agriculture
Azerbaijan is a multi-branch industrial and agricultural country. The land is rich in oil and natural gas. There are high-quality iron ores, aluminum raw materials, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, gold, sulfur pyrite and various construction materials, polymetallic ores and healing mineral water sources. Oil and gas, engineering and metalworking, chemical and petrochemical industries play a significant role. In Azerbaijan, light industrial enterprises produce various fabrics, sewing and leather products, and shoes. In agriculture, cotton, tobacco, horticultural products and livestock farms are of great importance. Food industry enterprises produce various wine and cognac, canned goods, flour, tobacco, and fish products.
### Machine building
The nature of specialization of the machine building industry is, first of all, of the fuel and energy complex; determined by development. Machine-building enterprises of the country have been producing equipment for oil and gas production (first of all, drilling rigs) since Soviet times. The once intensively developed instrument making, electrical equipment and radio equipment production is now experiencing a deep crisis.
### Transport system
The share of railways in the transport system is high. The total length of railways in the country is 1800 km, and the density per 1000 km2 is 24.5 km. An international railway connecting Russia with Iran passes through the territory of Azerbaijan. In terms of cargo turnover, the 2nd place is taken by a sea ship. Communication with Central Asian countries is carried out by ferry between Baku and Turkmenbashi (formerly Krasnovodsk). Highways also have a significant share in cargo and passenger transportation. The density of highways per 1000 km2 in the country is 264 km, according to this indicator, Azerbaijan ranks 3rd among the post-Soviet countries, after Georgia and Moldova. The importance of pipeline transport is also increasing.
## Foreign economy
For many years, Russia has been a leader in the foreign economic relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 1995, Iran's share has increased dramatically. The volume of foreign trade with Turkmenistan and Ukraine is also increasing. Food products (65%) take the main place in Azerbaijan's imports, and energy raw materials dominate its exports. In general, the volume of imports (US$ 1,007 million) exceeds exports (US$ 606 million). The total volume of foreign trade of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan amounted to 303 million US dollars. 34 joint ventures with the Republic of Azerbaijan operate in Kazakhstan.
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5286" | Turkic Khaganate | The Turkic Khaganate ( ) is a large state in Asia ruled by a tribal union of the Blue Turks in the Middle Ages (552 - 603 AD). One of the largest states in history.
At the time of the rise of the Turkish khanate, it owned the territories of North-Eastern China (Manchuria), Mongolia, Altai, East Turkestan, Western Turkestan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus.
## Turkish ethnonym
The first mention of the ethnonym "Turk" is found in Chinese annals and dates back to 542. The Chinese considered the Turks to be the descendants of the Huns. In the chronicles, it is reported that at this time, the northern regions of the Chinese Wei region were invaded and destroyed by Turks from the northwest every year. The following information about them is related to the events that have been central to the development of the history of the whole continent for many centuries. The Chinese called the Turks Sunni-Huns. The Turkic ethnonym is characteristic of the ancient Blue Turks. It should not be confused with Turkish Turks. They should be called Ottoman Turks. And today's widely used Turkish word is an artificial word. Russian scientists invented the word "Turk" in order not to confuse the Blue Turks with the Ottoman Turks. Later, Kazakh scientists, following their Russian colleagues, translated the word Turk as Turki.
## History
### Formation
Era of Great Migration (II-V centuries) ethnic and ethnic groups of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Eastern Europe changed his political age to a great extent. In the 5th century, numerous groups of Turkic-speaking Tele (Tyrek) tribes settled in the steppe region from Northern Mongolia to Eastern Europe, and in the south, their migration lands reached the upper reaches of the Amudarya.
In the 6th century, the lands of Kazakhstan came under the rule of the Turkic Khaganate, a powerful power whose rulers came from the Ashina dynasty of the Turkic tribe. The Turkic ethnos itself was formed in stages from the 3rd to the 6th century in the regions of Gansu, East Turkestan and Altai before the establishment of the Khaganate.
Zhetysu is believed to be the seat of the Turkic Khaganate as a political-military union. Zhetysu and East Kazakhstan were the outskirts of the Zhuzhan state. The tribes located in these regions - tele - 492 y. opposed the Zhujans and formed an independent state. However, in 516 The Zhujans once again subdue the newly formed state. 545 The Ashina clan of the Tele tribe leads the fight against the Zhujans. 551 The hero Boomin unites with the Western Wei kingdom in China and destroys the Zhuzhan state.
### Turkic Khaganate
Early Turkic state - Turkic Khaganate was founded in 552. Its founder - Bumin Khagan died in 553. After the death of Bumin, his younger brother Kara-Eske ascended the throne, and under his leadership, the Turks defeated the Avars for the second time in the mountains of Bukrat (Mula) in the upper part of the country. As the successor of Kara-Eske, the chronicler calls his younger brother Irkin (Yijin), who sits on the throne of the Kagan under the name of Mukan Kagan, his nickname was Yantu. During the reign of Mukan Khan (553-572), the Turkic Khanate gained political dominance in Central Asia. They subjugate the Kydans in Manchuria, the Kyrgyz on the Yenisei, and force North China to pay tribute. 563-567 conquers the Hephthalite kingdom. After that, their land stretched from the Caspian Sea to North India and East Turkestan.
In these years, the military campaigns of the Turks in the west became stronger than these. Another brother of Bumyn, Ishtemi, starts them. In one of the campaigns to the west in 552 or 553, Ishtemi was with Bumin, "led ten great leaders (or heads of the community), had an army of ten tumens; He set out to appease the Hu people (the Sogdians) and declared himself the ruler of the Ten Tribes.
After conquering Central Asia, the Turks took possession of the Silk Road leading to the Mediterranean Sea. They allied themselves with Byzantium against Iran in their conquest campaigns, in 571 Turkish military commander Ieshtemi conquered the North Caucasus and reached the Kerch Peninsula (Bosphorus). His son Turksanf captured Kerch and attacked the Crimea in 576. But after Ishtemi's death in 582-593, a struggle for power began. Mutual strife and social conflicts weakened the Khaganate. Strengthened Iran in 588. He will defeat the Turks at the bottom of Herat. Byzantium conquers the Bosporus again in 590. Mutual feuds and social contradictions weakened the Khaganate and led to its division into Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates in 603. The land from East Turkestan to Amu Darya, the Volga region and Teristik Caucasus steppes will be transferred to the Kaganate.
At the head of the Turkic state was the Khagan, whose right-hand man (assistant) was called "Yagbu". 568 Turkic Khaganate was divided into 4 regions. Kagan's horde was in Altai. The population is divided into 3 social groups - Beks, Black Buduns (general population), Tats (slaves). All the tribes subject to the Turks are called Oguz.
581 After the Sui dynasty succeeded the Zhou dynasty in China, the new king severed all trade relations with the Turks. Now that silk fabrics from China did not come to Central Asia, the role of the Turkish khagans in the Great Silk Road began to decrease. After the death of Tobo Khan, the Turkish Khaganate began to fight among themselves. The kings of the Sui dynasty felt these internal changes and tried to disintegrate and weaken the Turkic Khaganate. As a result of this policy, in 602-603 later, the Turkish Kaganate will split into two.
604 Tardush (Dato) was elected as the Khagan of West Turkic Khaganate. And he was elected as the Khagan of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate.
## Foreign policy
The desire to acquire the wealth of residential areas was the basis of the Turks' policy in the West and Central Asia. It was at this time that they met the western branch of the Hephthalites, and the possessions of the Hephthalites covered the land from the Caspian Sea to Northern India and Eastern Turkestan. Despite the enormous and flexible composition of their army, the Turks could not defeat such a force alone. For them, the war became successful only after establishing a military alliance with Sassanid Iran. As a vassal dependency of the Hephthalites, Iran had for a long time paid them an annual tribute in silver, as evidenced by coins with Hephthalite inscriptions, along with Pahlavi inscriptions specially minted for this purpose. Therefore, the oppression of the Turks against the Hephthalites was favorable to the Sasanian rulers of Iran. According to the agreement with the Turkish Khagan, Khusrau I Anushirvan Shah sent his army to Tokarstan and took it from the Hephthalites in 564, thus the Hephthalites temporarily lost their strong and careless rear. This alone allowed the Turkish Khagan Silzibul to destroy the Hephthalite kingdom in 563-567. As soon as the Turkish-Hephthalite war ended, enmity began between the allies when it came to dividing the lands along the caravan routes between the East and the West. Possession of these lands led to extensive use of road crossings, silk, sweets, decorative items, etc. would allow to control trade, to actively participate in the exchange of goods between the East and the West. The main intermediaries in this trade throughout Central and Central Asia were Sogdian merchants, who were more interested in maintaining favorable conditions for themselves. Therefore, when the Turkish khan Khusrau I Anushirwanga, who was at loggerheads with his former allies, decided to send an embassy to Byzantium asking for permission to sell silk and other goods through Persia, it is not surprising that the Sogdian merchant Mannah led this embassy. However, the embassy failed. Khusrau I Anushirvan did not dare to sever relations with the Khaganate once and for all, he ordered to buy all the silk he had brought, and then burned it in front of Maniakh. The second embassy was similarly unsuccessful.
In this case, the Turks were right to appeal directly to Constantinople, to Byzantine Emperor Justin II. Again, the embassy led by Maniakh had to go through the Caucasus. Maniach's negotiations in Constantinople were successful, and on his return he brought with him the Byzantine ambassador Zemarchus, the representative of the Turks' new ally. Zemarch's embassy crossed the Caucasus, crossed the Caspian Sea, and reached Syrdarya via Khorezm. The description of this embassy is preserved in Menander. He tells how the ambassadors had to pass between two fires and perform a purification ceremony, describes the interior furniture of the Khagan's tent, the golden throne with wheels. In the negotiation of the Byzantine ambassador with the Turkish Khagan, there is talk of direct trade in silk between the Turks and Byzantium and the joint action of their armies against Sassanid Iran. However, the two sides cannot come to an agreement on the first point, because at that time Byzantium had already learned how to grow silkworms, so it was from outside. it was not necessary to bring silk. The Byzantines expected only military assistance from the Turks against Iran. Although it was clear that the Kagan Palace would agree to this, no concrete decision was made on this issue either. This was probably a diplomatic calculation aimed at weakening Iran and Byzantium. It turned out that way. Iran and Byzantium could not influence the affairs of the Khaganate, which were unable to free themselves from determining the relations between them through war.
But in 575 the situation changed. Byzantium and Iran made a temporary peace. Even Byzantium tried to penetrate beyond the Caucasus and into the Caucasus to involve their rebellious vassals, the Warhun (Varchonite) Turks, in the fight against the Turks. In response, the Turkish cavalry made a devastating campaign to the Cimmerian Bosporus, then to the Crimea and the Western Caucasus.
## Religion of the Turkic tribes
Beliefs and religion of the Turks - in general, the religious beliefs of the settled and nomadic people have been borrowed from previous eras. Intermediate tasks in the "relationship" of people with divine forces were in the hands of a special group in society - shamans, and shamans were called kam in early Turkish texts. There were shamans, fortune tellers, healers, announcers of "God's will". The basis of the religion of the ancient Turks was the worship of the Sky (God) and the Earth-Water (Yer-Sub). The main of this dual power, which was considered to be the power, was the Sky. The Kagans ruled by the will of this Sky, and they were called "Blue relatives and those born in the Sky".
## Turkic culture
Turkic culture is the general name of the culture formed on the basis of the Turkic tribes that have been living since ancient times As a result of the "great migration", the Turks, who are widely distributed in the territories of modern Kazakhstan, Central and Eastern Asia, and Eastern Europe, are the substrate of all modern Turkic-speaking peoples. The term "Tele" is mentioned for the first time in 542. "Tele" means Turk. At first, the ethnonym "Turk" meant coming from a certain aristocracy (the use of the term "Turk" related to ethnos was established in science, we rely on it). Turkic writing was also there. From those ancient Turkish writings, you can get a lot of information about the world view and beliefs of the Turks. The ancient Turks were able to determine the weather and seasons in advance by looking at the movements of celestial bodies. The ancient Turks had some knowledge of geometry and mathematics, which they used to build water systems, build complex buildings, watchtowers, etc. used. They knew the methods of melting metal, various minerals, medicinal properties of herbs. He is well versed in various methods of treatment. Ancient Turks mainly worshiped two forces - Heaven and Earth. The khagans who ruled the country with the grace of the Blue God were called "born in the sky and decorated with the sun and the moon." The ancient Turks worshiped Umai, the powerful female goddess after the sky and earth-water. In the culture of the Turkic peoples, there are data indicating that in addition to the unpersonalized, infinite celestial world, sky lamps, blessed abode, and otsu bowed.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1034 | Қытай | China (official - People's Republic of China, abbreviated - PRC; traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國, simplified: 中华人民和和国, pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó, Pall.: Zhonghua Renmin Gònghéguó) is a large socialist country located on the Asian continent. The 1st country in the world in terms of population (more than 1.4 billion, the majority of the population is ethnic Chinese); in terms of land area, it is in 3rd place after Russia and Canada. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the country has been ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. Although officially there are eight parties, the PRC is classified as a one-party, authoritarian country.
borders 14 countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, DPRK, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam.
## History
Chinese history is distinguished by the abundance and diversity of written sources, which, in addition to archaeological data, allow the study of political life and social movements since ancient times. Canonized ancient Chinese texts with religious-philosophical and historical content, especially those written by Confucius, influenced the development of Chinese civilization and the outlook of the Chinese people.
Since the time of Confucius, Chinese civilization has been characterized by high socio-political activity aimed at the happiness and well-being of every person in his life on earth - the fate of a person is not determined by God, but by his own work. This is the essence of the great social nomadism characteristic of China, the great popular movements in the history of China. Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, it is almost five thousand years old, and written sources cover a period of 3500 years. The existence of the ancient administrative management, which went through different stages of development as the dynasties changed, and the existence of a developed economy in the field of agriculture was a clear advantage compared to the nomadic neighbors and mountain peoples who were left behind by other civilizations. Chinese civilization was further strengthened by Confucianism (1st century BC) and the introduction of a unique writing system.
Politically, China has gone through cyclical periods of political unity and disunity for thousands of years. Chinese territory was often attacked by invaders, but most of the invaders sooner or later became Chinese and mingled with the Chinese ethnic group. The modern Chinese state and society is the result of many centuries of cultural and political interaction with the surrounding Asian peoples. It cannot be denied that the huge demographic potential of the Chinese ethnic group has an impact on the neighboring nations.
### Chronology of Chinese history
Short chronological table adopted in Chinese history
### PRC (history and modern)
1949-1956 with the help of the USSR, the main branches of production were built, nationalization of production and collectivization of agriculture were carried out, mass socialist construction began.
In 1956, at the 8th Congress of the CCP, a new direction was announced, which ended with the victory of Mao Zedong's ideas, the policy of "great strides", and "communization". After that, the "cultural revolution" was declared due to the confrontation between the two sides, the main slogan of which was the strengthening of the class struggle during the creation of socialism and China's "special way" of building the state and society (rejection of commodity-money relations, lack of non-state privatization, avoidance of foreign economic relations, dishonest politicians public trial, hongbeibing, etc.)
This policy was later exposed by Deng Xiaoping, who came to power after overthrowing the "Four Gangs". The 3rd Plenum of the 11th Convocation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (December 1978): planned distribution and introduction of all foreign investment, allowing the organization to engage in wider economic activities, introducing family order in villages, reducing the percentage of the public sector in the economy, opening an open economic area, fighting poverty A course towards a socialist market economy was declared through the integration of two market systems, such as the struggle, the development of science and technology.
It was Deng Xiaoping who took China out of chaos, backwardness and poverty and put it on the path of normal socio-economic development. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, China completely solved the problem of feeding the population, the development of rapid increase in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and production, and the problem of raising the standard of living of the people.
These radical reforms were continued by his successors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jingtao.
In 2002-2005, Hu Jintao (Chinese: 胡锦涛) took high party, state and military positions (Supreme Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Commander-in-Chief of the Communist Party of China).
The average GDP growth was 10.3% in 1990-1999, 10% in 1998-2001, and 9% in 2002-2005.
In terms of GDP, China ranks second after the United States. Foreign exchange reserves grew rapidly. By 2004, the volume of foreign trade exceeded 850 billion dollars.
But China's tremendous economic growth has been met with growing political and social instability. If the reforms have benefited only the eastern coastal provinces of the country, the population situation in other regions is very low, and the difference in the economic status of each region is increasing.
The Chinese leadership was suspicious of the "color revolutions" that took place on the territory of the former USSR, and in order to prevent social anger from coming to China, they began to work hard to strengthen state control and limit foreign influence.
In October 2005, a campaign for state control of the largest mobile operators was launched. Trials of party and state leaders have begun in Guangdong province, which is often on trial for massive corruption.
In October 2005, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the 11th Five-Year Plan "Strategically Aiming to Build a Harmonious Society in China".
On March 5, 2006, Wen Jiabao came out with a policy report at the regular meeting of the National People's Congress and proposed to slow down the country's economic growth, and to use the freed money to raise the standard of living of the peasants and increase the military expenses.
The government plans to curb China's GDP by 7.5% from the current 10%. Freed funds will be used to close the gap in living standards between city dwellers and peasants (the number of peasants in the country is about 900 million, or 75% of the population). In order to prevent the "color revolution" in PRC, it is planned to spend about 340 billion yuan in the agricultural sector in 2006 (14 percent more than in 2005).
Military expenses will also increase. Official military spending increased by 14.7% to 284 billion yuan ($35.5 billion) in 2006. Planned increases in spending on agriculture and the military benefit wealthy coastal provinces.
Therefore, the implementation of this policy may face opposition from the Shanghai tribe from which former ruler Jiang Zemin hails.
### Muslim uprising in China
## Political situation
In December 1949, four constitutions were adopted in the PRC (1954, 1975, 1978 and 1982). According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (December 1982), the PRC is a socialist state with the democratic rule of the people.
The highest body of state power is the unicameral National People's Congress (NPC), consisting of 2,979 deputies elected by local assemblies for 5 years. The session of the PSCSC is convened annually.
Due to the large number of deputies, the standing committee elected from the delegates (about 150 people) performs the functions of the Central Committee between the sessions.
Only the Chinese Communist Party and eight democratic parties included in the People's Political Consultative Conference will take part in the election.
Hong Kong and Macau have their own legislative systems.
All deputies of the CPSU consist of communists and democrats.
### Relations between China and Kazakhstan
## Economy
Economic relations between China and the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, foreign trade and aid is carried out depending on the fields. In those countries with Chinese influential minorities in economic relations (primarily Southeast Asian countries), Beijing seeks to politically support the expeditionary elements of these minorities and use their entrepreneurial capabilities to expand China's economic and political presence and its exploitative revenues in these countries.
One of the results of special relations between the PRC and part of the foreign Chinese bourgeoisie was commodity and financial transfers, which have no economic base in China and do not compensate for the economy of developing countries. China's "theoretical" establishment of leadership in the field of economic relations with developing countries.
The Chinese leadership allocates an important place to the economic subjugation of developing countries in its foreign policy plans. For these purposes, Beijing tries to connect them with its economic development and the concept of foreign economic relations. Despite this, the propaganda of the modified concept of "relying on one's neighbor" gives priority to China's attempts to play the role of a developing socialist country and its economic cooperation with developing countries arising from this special character.
Maoism rejects the relevance of the goal of participation in the international division of labor embodied in the concept of "self-reliance" from national perspectives and relying on interpositional assistance from socialist countries for the Chinese economy. This concept will greatly harm China's economic development. The world economy is in a scientific and technical revolution. In the growth of the socialist economic potential and on the basis of socialist ideas, China is the world's 3rd economy.
The slowdown in international efforts is an anachronism for developing countries. Countries with sufficient scientific and technical potential and careful to mobilize external resources for the needs of economic development can raise the national economic level according to the current requirements, first of all, under the condition of economic relations with socialist countries and foreign countries. The weakness of the Maoist doctrine comes from linking the theory of "self-reliance" to developing countries, and the Maoists themselves are excluded from its rules in the practice of China's foreign economic relations. China gradually opens its economic doors to the Western monopoly during the implementation of the "grid" modernization program.
Now Beijing is proposing to launch joint ventures on Chinese territory, witnessing the bankruptcy of the Maoist doctrine of "relying on one's own strength". On April 1, 1974, the Chinese representative gave a slightly revised report on "self-reliance" at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly. He also said that "relying on one's own strength" does not mean a foreigner's sudden rejection or "stubbornness". I believe that economic and technological exchange based on complementarity, mutual benefit and respect for state sovereignty is useful and necessary for the development of the national economy of various countries.
Beijing tries to present China's foreign economic relations with developing countries as a new model in relations, which has no principles and morals in the practice of international economic relations. Over the past 20-25 years, China's economy has developed at a high rate. Foreign trade accounts for more than 45% of the country's economy. The main trade partner is Japan, followed by the USA and South Korea.
In attracting foreign investment, China is in 2nd place after the USA. On July 1, 1997, the island of Xianggan (Hong Kong), which was formerly a British colony, was returned to the PRC. It was given the status of a special administrative district. The annexation of Xiangyang accelerated the development of China's economy. This area is the largest trade and financial center in the world. There are branches of 85 of the 100 largest banks in the world.
## Administrative division
### Chinese regions
### PRC autonomous regions
\< > ### Central Cities
### Special Administrative Regions
### Island and Republic of Taiwan
See also: Taiwan (China Republic of)
Taiwan is an island in the East China Sea. The land area is 35961 square kilometers. Population - 22 million (1998). The administrative center is Taipei (over 2.7 million). 97% of the population are Chinese. (like "Chinese" means "Kazakhstan", and such a nation does not exist, so "CHINESE" will be)
In 1949, the Chiang Kai-shek government, defeated by the CCP, moved to the island of Taiwan. In 1950, by mutual agreement, the US 7th Fleet entered the island and an alliance treaty was signed. China considers the island of Taiwan to be part of it and proposes to unite with it on the principle of "one country, two systems". And Taiwan wants to unite on the principle of "one country, two governments". In general, most countries of the world (including Kazakhstan) consider Taiwan to be a part of China, not a separate state. And he does not establish diplomatic relations with him.
Taiwan, as an independent state, lives only thanks to the military aid of the United States. Their union is supported by Japan. After the Second World War, Taiwan developed at a very high rate and became one of the most developed countries in East Asia, such as South Korea and Singapore. In 1997, according to the report, the domestic product of the country was more than 290 billion dollars, per capita - 13.3 thousand dollars. Computers, electronic household goods, clothes, and chemical products are imported in large quantities.
## Population
### Chinese
### Language and writing
Chinese writing morpheme– is considered logographic writing. In ancient Chinese, words were written with one syllable, i.e. with only one hieroglyph, then the number of polysyllabic - several hieroglyphic words increased, and monosyllabic words became the root morphemes of polysyllabic words. Chinese writing begins with the first writing (writing on pottery) found in Dauinkou region, and has a history of five thousand years. Archaeological studies have shown that writing appeared in the Yin-Shang period of China (2140 - 1711 BC). During the Han period, hieroglyphs, which were written in different ways, became consistent. Chinese writing has experienced three different periods of development:
* the era from armor-bone writing to bronze, Dachuan, and Shiau Zhuan writings;
* From Shiau Zhuang to Lingshu model;
* Jie shu, Sau shu, Xing shu period from Linshu script and the era since writing.
The study of hieroglyphs began a long time ago, but until now it has not been determined exactly how many hieroglyphs there are in Chinese writing. B.C. "Shuo wyn jie zi" dictionary created by Shui-Xin in 100 - 121 AD contains 9353 hieroglyphs, "Kang Shi" dictionary compiled by Zhang Shu during the Qin Dynasty (1644 - 1911) contains 47035 hieroglyphs. There are 48,902 characters in the Chinese-Japanese dictionary, and 49,905 characters in the "Big Dictionary of the Chinese Language" (Taiwan, 1968). Scientists now estimate that the number of hieroglyphs is about 60,000.
## Culture
BC In the 6th - 3rd centuries, Chinese philosophy emerged as a result of the formation of schools of Confucianism, Moism, and Legism. The Chinese people made a significant contribution to the development of natural and technical sciences. Many important scientific and technical innovations appeared in China several hundred years earlier than other countries (including European countries) (compass, seismoscope, speedometer, paper, ammunition production, book publishing, etc.). Mathematics began to develop in China during the Han Dynasty.
The oldest star catalog (807 stars) is dated to 1000 BC. Built by Shi-Sheng in the 4th century. The earliest information about a solar eclipse dates back to China in BC. It was written in 720. BC Zhang Qian's travels to Central Asia in 138-126 AD allowed the Chinese to explore the peoples of the western side of the country and opened the way for caravans and trade along the Great Silk Road.
During the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), China increased its sea trade with the Arab countries, Korea, Indo-China and the southern islands. Due to this, shipbuilding and maritime transport began to develop in China. The history of medicine in China stretches back 3000 years. Neijing, the oldest medical book, played a major role in the development of Chinese medicine. The first "pharmacology" book was written in China.
The method of needle treatment is found in Chinese medical literature from the Song era. China was the first in the world to use saltpeter to make ammunition. In the 16th century, ammunition began to be produced in China. In the 3rd - 5th centuries, porcelain production was mastered. BC In the 6th century, the construction of the world's largest canal began, and in the 13th century it connected Beijing and Hangzhou by waterway. The second big building is the Chinese fortress. The greatest contribution of the Chinese people to world civilization is paper making (2nd century).
The history of book publishing in China dates back to the 5th - 6th centuries. In China, 2-color slow printing of books was implemented in 1340. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the education system in China was classical. Confucianism was based on the teaching of religious books. In 1902-03, the first reform of the educational system was carried out and a European-style school system was formed. Since 1953, one of the main scientific directions has been research in the field of nuclear physics and energy. In October 1964, the first nuclear device was tested (on Earth) in China. And in June 1967, a thermonuclear device was tested for the first time.
In 1966, during the next nuclear test, a guided missile was used, which flew several hundred kilometers away. In 1970, China launched its first artificial Earth satellite (ISS), and in 1971, the 2nd ISS.
### Literature
The first major poetic work of Chinese literature with a history of 3 thousand years is "Shijing" ("Book of Songs", 11th - 6th centuries BC ) a collection of folk songs. From fiction prose "Goui" ("History of Kingdoms"), "Chunqiu" ("Chronicle"), from philosophical treatises "Zhuang-tzu", "Xun-tzu" and other works can be mentioned. Poetry and the novel developed during the Tang Dynasty.
During the Yuan Dynasty (1289 - 1368), Chinese drama flourished. The founder of New Chinese literature was Lu Xin (1881-1936). Realist and romantic in 1921-22. literary groups were formed. A number of his works were translated into Kazakh and published as a separate book. (Lu Xin, "Stories", 1951, 1958; Guo Mojo "Stories", 1958; Lao Sheng "Rickshaw", 1960; "City of Cats", 1972, and others).
### Art
Ancient monuments of Chinese art BC. It appeared in the 3rd millennium. Ceramic products made in the Neolithic period have been preserved. During the Yin state, walled cities appeared. During the Qin State (221 - 207 BC), the main parts of the Great Wall of China began to be built. During the period of the Tang (618 - 907) and Song (960 - 1279) states, Chinese culture flourished. Chinese music is considered one of the oldest cultural heritages in the world. BC The word "yue" (music) found in the writings of the 11th - 6th centuries also includes the concepts of poetry, dance, and visual arts.
The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius concluded that perfect music should have a special structural character because it has a good effect on the state structure. About 100 musical instruments are used in a traditional Chinese orchestra. The main ones are: finite - se, qin, pipa, hu (erhu, syhu, banhu); wind - xiao, paixiao, sheng; Percussion - drums, jingling bells, etc. Chinese theater art appeared in the form of "baisi" ("hundred entertainment"). BC The terms "chan-yu" ("singer-actor"), "pai-yu" ("comedian", "comedian") are found in written monuments of the 2nd - 1st millennium. In the Tang era (7th - 10th centuries), a new stage form of song and dance - datsui - appeared. In the middle of the 8th century, a theater school named "Pear Garden" ("Liyuan") was established near the palace of Emperor Xuanzun of Tang, where musicians, dancers, and singers were trained. In the 17th - 19th centuries, many local theaters were created: bantzu, qin-qiang, yueju, and others.
in the middle of the 19th century, based on these theaters, Beijing music. drama (jingsi) theater was born. The main characteristics of Chinese theater are fully covered in this jingsi.
### Cultural Heritage
* Chinese Fort
* Gugun Museum
## Medicine
## More see
* Sinology
* Oriental Calendar
* Xinhai Revolution
* Chinese Philosophy
## Sources
## External links \ <>
* PRC Central Government Site (Eng.)
* China Information Center (Eng.)
* Directory of Chinese Sites Archived 23 April 2012.
* Chinese Art / Picture Gallery Archived 13 April 2011.
* China map / Google Map |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6690 | Mountain rock | Rocks are mineral rocks, solidified or unsolidified aggregates of minerals or organic matter in the Earth's crust. Rocks are divided into three large groups according to their origin:
* igneous rocks
* sedimentary rocks
* metamorphic rocks
All minerals are divided into "monomineral" and "polymineral" . A monomineral is a mineral consisting of only one chemical compound (for example, quartz, pyrite), and a polymineral is a mineral consisting of several chemical compounds (the vast majority of minerals). There are several ways to create a set of minerals:
* The growth or separation of grains that make up sedimentary rocks during surface processes;
* Crystallization of magma forming igneous rocks; and
* Recrystallization of a metamorphic rock material in a solid state as a result of changes in external conditions (for example, pressure and temperature).
These three types of rock differ from each other in the relationship (texture) between their grains.
Sedimentary rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics:
* Coarse or faceted grains holding intergranular silt or fine intergranular mud;
* Small aggregates of clay minerals showing the main direction of their long shafts;
* A crystalline set of minerals showing straight edges and triple junctions between grains (for example, calcite);
* Coarse deposit of calcite or aggregate of fossil fragments holding fine coarse silt;
* A collection of organic matter (for example, lignite or coal).
All igneous rocks are characterized by a set of minerals that show a cohesive texture.
Metamorphic rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics:
* Sets of crystalline minerals showing the main direction of their long shafts;
* A crystalline set of balanced and freely oriented non-equilibrium minerals;
* Very fine-grained set of compact, anhedral, sometimes sory minerals. Igneous and metamorphic rocks make up about 90% of the earth's crust, but their distribution areas are relatively small on the present surface of the continents. The remaining 10% belongs to sedimentary rocks, which occupy 75% of the earth's surface. However, sedimentary rocks are often found in the sphere of influence of human activity. Igneous rocks are divided into effusive and intrusive. Effusive (volcanic) rocks are formed when magma flows to the earth's surface. Intrusive rocks, on the other hand, form when magma solidifies deep within the Earth's crust. The division of rocks into igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks is not always clear. In sedimentary rocks, in the process of diagenesis, mineral transformations begin at very low (geologically speaking) temperatures, but rocks are considered metamorphic when newly formed granite forms in them. At medium pressure, the onset of metamorphism corresponds to a temperature of 300 °C. At high levels of metamorphism, the line between metamorphic and igneous rocks becomes blurred. Melting of rocks begins, mixing of newly formed melts with external melts. Gradual transitions from clearly metamorphic, banded rocks to typical granites are often observed. Such processes belong to ultrametamorphism. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5002 | Kenesary Khan | Kenesary Khan or Kenesary Kasymuli (1802, Kokshetau region - 1847, Kyrgyzstan, Kekilyk-Sengir valley) - statesman, military commander, leader of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people in 1837-1847, the last khan of the Kazakh Khanate (1841-1847). Kenesary is the 27th generation of Genghis Khan, grandson of Abylai Khan.
## Abylay Khan, who planted his army in Kokshetau during his childhood, had thirty sons. Kenesary (six brothers - Sarzhan, Esengeldi, Koshek, Agatai, Bopai) was born from the godmother of Kassym sultan, Kasym sultan's godmother, born from the daughter of Kaldan Seren, a Kalmyk farmer. Kenesary, like his other brothers, was brought up as a rider from a young age in accordance with the tradition of the nomadic military aristocracy, accustomed to the harsh nature of the endless steppe, and resistant to difficulties. His personal heroic qualities, single-mindedness, determination to achieve his goals and great efforts made his leadership ability recognized early on.
The formation of Kenesari's political views in the Russian Empire was closely connected with the nature of relations between Russia and the Kazakh Khanate, which began during the reign of Peter I. The Russian Empire considered the bordering Kazakh Khanate to be the gateway to all Asian countries and regions, so it attached special importance to the need to annex it to Russia. The forced annexation of the territory of the Kazakh Khanate to the empire was accompanied by its colonization. The peculiarity of Russian colonialism was that "a Russian soldier is followed by a Russian muzhik, thus trying to turn the conquered land into a Russian land" (M. Shokai). This process, which has been accelerating since the time of his grandfather Abylai Khan, made the young Sultan Kenesary deeply aware of the threat to the independence of the nation. The 1822 "Charter on Siberian Kazakhs" of the tsar's government intended to destroy the established khanate structure, traditional models of power, and integrate the Kazakh country into the all-Russian system of governance. For that purpose, Russian peasants flocked to the Kazakh steppe and began to settle. Wali Khan (1781-1821), who came to power after Abylai Khan, agreed to start construction of the city in the Kokshetau valley by the royal administration. After Wali's death, the Russian government disapproved of his chosen son, Gubaydolla, and abolished the khanate in the middle century. Gubaidolla, who showed resistance, was arrested and exiled to Siberia. In this regard, Kenesary protested the violation of the written contract between Russia and Abylai Khan. His opinion that "God willing, we will unite the heads of the Kazakhs and again reach the same level as during the reign of Abylai Khan" was supported by his father Kassym Sultan, his brothers, and many Kazakh heroes. They tried to fight against Russia in alliance with Lady Kokan, but their hopes were not fulfilled. On the contrary, in 1836, Kenesari's brother Sarzhan was killed on the instructions of the Kokan ruler. In 1840, his father, Kassym, died. Kenesary intended to restore the territorial integrity of the Kazakh Khanate under Abylai Khan, to preserve the independence of regions that were not part of Russia. Before starting the war against the colonialists, Kenesary took several diplomatic steps: to Tsar Nicholas I, Orynbor General-Governors V.A. To Perovsky, V.A. Obruchevke, Governor General of Siberia P.D. sent a letter to Gorchakov. As a smart politician and military commander, Kenesary well understood that the enemy had a strong armed force, so he carefully prepared for the war. This can be seen from his policy of uniting the three faces of the Kazakh people towards one goal, and his involvement of Russian and other masters for the forging of weapons, including cannon casting. About 20,000 soldiers gathered under Kenesari. Among them, in addition to the Middle Hundred clans, the Small Hundred clans include the Shket, Tama, Herd, Alshin, Chumekei, Jappas, Jagalbayli, etc. clans, the house of the Great Hundred, dulat, etc. were soldiers of the clans. In Kenesari's campaign against the enemy, Agybay, Iman, Basygara, Angal, Zhanaidar, Jeke, Suranshi, Bayseyit, Zholaman, Bukarbay, Mynjasar, etc. heroes fought tirelessly. Military operations began in 1838 with the attack on the fortresses of Akmola and Aktau. The rebels burned the forts. Kenesary expanded the scope of the war through Torgai to the Kishi Hundred region. In September 1841, Kenesary was elected Khan of the Kazakh people at a meeting of three hundred representatives. In this year, Kenesari's army took Sozak, Zhanakorgan, and Akmeshit castles belonging to the Kokan Khanate. In 1843, the Russian government organized a large-scale military campaign against Kenesary. Kenesari's army defeated the Russian army and the Kazakh sultans fighting on the side of Russia several times. However, the enemy with much superior military power forced the Kenesary soldiers to retreat to Zhetisu. In the battle for freedom, Kenesary demanded that the Kyrgyz manaps submit to him. However, the manaps, who were in secret contact with the royal governors, did not obey him. Kenesary attacked the Kyrgyz who refused to surrender. Kenesary and his younger brother Nauryzbai fell into the hands of their enemies due to the disloyalty of their supporters. Kenesary is brutally killed. His enemies cut off his head and sent it to the Russian administration. Prince Gorchakov orders to keep Kenesary's head in the West Siberian General Administration "About the Kenesary Rebellion".
## Uprising
Since 1827, Abylai's descendants have been active in the struggle to liberate the Kazakh Khanate from the oppression of Tsarist Russia. Troops led by Kenesari's father Kassym and elder brother Sarzhan were attacking Russian villages and caravans, liberating Kazakh villages from colonial shackles.
Kenesary Kasymuli, who continued their path, also did a lot of work to impress upon the people that the independence of the state is a very important matter. He fully understood that skillful management of the people helps a lot to defeat the enemy and achieve independence in the way of protecting the interests of the state. Kenesary Kasymuli was able to gather around him the most loyal advisers and heroes, the most influential and active citizens against colonial oppression. In 1838, it began with an attack on the fortresses of Akmola and Aktau. The rebels burned the forts. Kenesary expanded the scope of the war through Torgai to the Kishi Hundred region. In September 1841, Kenesary was elected Khan of the Kazakh people at a meeting of three hundred representatives. In this year, Kenesari's army took Sozak, Zhanakorgan, and Akmeshit fortresses belonging to the Kokan Khanate. In 1843, the Russian government organized a large-scale military campaign against Kenesary. Kenesari's army defeated the Russian army and the Kazakh sultans fighting on the side of Russia several times. First of all, Sultan Kenesary crushed the army of Khorunzhii Rytov, who was guarding the caravan of 1837 merchants. On May 26, 1838, the Kenesary army began its first large-scale operation by surrounding and burning the Akmola fortress. The commander of the fortress, the military sergeant Karbyshev, and the senior sultan of the Akmola region, Konyrkulja Kudaimendin, escaped death. Kenesary now turned to Torgai. In his letters to the Tsar's representatives, Kenesary Kasymuli explained that this action was an attempt to bring Russia closer to the borders, thereby facilitating the negotiation process. In fact, the main goal of the hero in 1836-38. The national liberation uprising led by Isatai Taimanuly was to join Kishi Yuz to the national uprising. Kenesari's idea of marching to Tashkent in 1840 had to be abandoned. The reason was that an infectious disease had spread among the soldiers. In the night battle of July 21, 1844, the Kenesary hand crushed the army of Akhmet Zhantoreuly. 44 sultans who supported the royal government died on the battlefield. And Dunikovsky, who came to help Zhantoreuly, could not do anything because he was afraid to approach Kenesari's army. In 1845, the army of Kenesary Khan captured the Merke fortress. It was in this year that the embassy of Dolgov and Hern came to the village of Kenesary by the order of the king. Both parties could not come to an agreement. Kenesary refused to fulfill all the demands of the king because the tsar's government made unreasonable demands that negated the previous results of the rebellion.
## Rise to the White Felt
In 1841, Kenesary Khan was elected, the main goal of his policy was to restore the Kazakh Khanate. Kenesary introduced the main rules of Sharia in the administration of the state, and at the same time, he restored the court of judges. The khan, who knew well how to strengthen the state and its army, approved the rules of Muslim law. Tax policy was also aimed at collecting it in an efficient way.
After the accession of Kenesary Khan to the throne in 1841, the participants of the uprising intensified their military operations, they besieged the fortresses of Zhulek, Akmeshit, Zhanakorgan, Sozak, where significant forces of the Kokans were fortified.
Kenesary realized that his main goal was to fight against a common enemy for three hundred people to join forces to achieve freedom. However, even in the period when the pace of the national liberation struggle accelerated in 1844-45, the Kazakhs were not fully united. At the very beginning of the uprising, the Kazakhs were divided into two opposing groups: one sided with Kenesary, the other supported the tsar's policy.
In 1846, Russian troops and the military formations of the Kazakh sultans, who surrendered to colonialism, displaced him from the territory of the Small and Middle Faces.
Kenesary Kasymuli Khan, as a politician, diplomat, managed to unite a significant part of three hundred Kazakh clans under his banner. The total number of his army sometimes reached 20,000 people. Many sultans and princes of Orta Yuz joined the uprising of the people.
The scope of the popular uprising led by Kenesary was wide, it differs from other liberation movements of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century in that it covered the main areas with a large population of Kazakh clans.
Kenesary paid a lot of attention to the structure of the state, introduced new structures and rules in the administration of the country, and at the same time restored the broken structures. He established strict discipline in the ranks of the army. In order to adapt the army to long field wars, he created a command structure divided into thousands and hundreds. He also relied on his spies, who provided the necessary information, and used effective methods of political struggle and diplomacy. The khan himself strictly controlled the internal politics of the state and prevented inter-tribal conflicts.
## Decline of the Khanate
The united national-liberation movement of the Three Hundred Kazakhs greatly worried Russia. On July 27, 1843, Nicholas I signed a document stating that there should be no other state within the empire that would allow the largest military movements against the Kazakh Khanate.
At one stage, Kenesary, who fought against the royal troops and uncompromising sultans, had to retreat, although he achieved some victories in 1843-44. Having reached the border, Kenesary settled in the territory of Uly Yuz bordering Kyrgyz land. Khan's next direction was to raise the Kyrgyz people to a common struggle against Russian colonialism, but he faced strong resistance from the Manaps.
Kenesary was killed in a battle near Tokmak where both sides were unequal in strength. The historical merit of Kenesary is that he mobilized the Kazakh people to fight for freedom and independence while preserving the traditions of the Kazakh people. Kenesary Khan's politics and ideology were directed to solving the urgent problems in the development of the nation.
## Foreign policy
In foreign policy, Kenesary established alliances and military relations with Central Asian khanates. His father, Kasym, maintained relations with the Kokan Khanate during his rule. But the Kokanites killed his father and brother, and later he was arrested. Khan of Kokan Muhammad Alikhan freed him from captivity and returned his family and property. Kenesary started his way to Khiva Khanate. Khiva Khan Allakuli received him with respect and offered to form an alliance against Bukara. But while accepting this proposal, he did not forget the side of the masses. The emir of Bukhara proposed an alliance against Nasrullah Khan Khiva. Kenesary Khan offered him an alliance against Kokan. So, Kenesary tried to get help from both Khans. Relations with the Russian Empire were difficult, after the dissolution of the khanate, the tsarist government did not recognize him as a khan. Kenesary negotiated peace with the empire. In 1841-1843, Kenesary and the Russian Empire reached a peace agreement. But Obruchev arrived as the governor of Orinbor, peace agreements were broken, and a punitive action against Kenesary began. In 1844, Baimukhanbet Zhamanchy, a member of the border commission, came as an ambassador on behalf of the governor of Orinbor and gave Obruchev's letter to the khan. An embassy of the tsarist government, led by Hern and Dolgov, arrived. The purpose of the embassy: to subjugate Kenesary to Russia and fulfill its demands. Kenesary also expressed his demands. Since both sides did not recognize each other's demands, this negotiation did not work. Kenesary did not forget the Kyrgyz. He sent his men to Orman Khan, but he did not want to form an alliance with Kenesary, the advisers of the Khan. Then Kenesary chose China. He sent an embassy to the Emperor of Daoguang. Daoguanu promised to restore relations during the time of Abylai Khan.
## Death
After returning from Kokan, Kenesary came to Orta Yuz. But before that, Russia planned decisive actions, and it was impossible to continue the struggle in the Middle Hundred. Then Kenesary decided to go to the Great Hundred. He sent a hundred young men to Nauryzbai, his younger brother, to distribute the nomadic land to them. Sultan Rustem accepted Nauryzbai and promised to support Kenesary and land distribution. In 1846, the Khan left Orta Hundred. Arriving in the territory of the Great Hundred, he started negotiations with the Kyrgyz manaps. They had promised to support the khan, based on which they had pursued a double policy. The peace between the two sides was broken by the killing of Saurik Batyr by the Kyrgyz. In April 1847, in response to their actions, Kenesary invaded Kyrgyzstan with an army of 15,000. This attack was very severe, and the Kyrgyz began to prepare for war. In the city of Maitobe, a battle took place with the Kyrgyz manapa under the leadership of Orman in Keklik-Senghir. But during the battle, Sultan Rustem and Sipatai betrayed Kenesary and took away most of his army. The battle lasted for several days. Kenesary was captured and held captive for three months, because the Kyrgyz did not know what to do with him. Then it was decided to kill him. Before dying, Kenesary asked for permission to pray. He lost his head. Kyrgyz manab Orman presented his head to Gorchakov, the governor-general of Western Siberia, in a letter written with a wax seal, and wanted to show the loyalty of the Kyrgyz to the Russian Empire.
## Works of poets and writers about Kenesary
Kenesary is a dream of restoration of independent statehood of the Kazakh people, rescue of the people from slavery, reunification, achieving freedom and independence, becoming an independent country. He was remembered by the country as a politician, a figure, a great businessman, and a talented military commander. Kenesari's life and struggle for freedom inspired the works of many poets and writers. "Kenesary - Nauryzbai" epic (19th century) by the poet Nysanbai was published in Russian in 1875 with the translation of Sultan Zhantorin in "Records of the Orynbor Branch of the Russian Geographical Society". In the 30s of the 20th century M. Auezov wrote the play "Khan Kene" (it was banned after several performances), in the 60s I. Esenberlin wrote the novel "Rage". Among the first studies, the book of N. Sereda published in several issues of "Vestnik Evropy" magazine in 1870 with the title "Rebellion of Kazakh Sultan Kenesary Kasymov" is of great importance as a source. 1888 The collection of memoirs of Sultan Ahmet Kenesarin, the son of Kenesary, published in Tashkent under the name "Kenesary and Sadyk", is also a valuable work. Historian-scientist E. Bekmakhanov ("Kazakhstan in the 20s - 40s of the 19th century", 1947) was subjected to political persecution. The task of looking at Kenesary's personality in a new way and giving his true assessment was undertaken only after Kazakhstan became an independent state. Historians (Zh. Kasimbaev, etc.) published their research. In 2002, an international scientific conference was held on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Kenesari's birth. In the city of Astana, there is a monument to Kenesary Khan and a street named after him.
## Sources
## Links
* The day when the spirit of Khan Kena was exalted |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7537 | Анимизм | Animism (lat. anima - spirit, soul) is a term that indicates the vitality of material world phenomena.
English ethnographer and cultural anthropologist EB Taylor (1832-1917) introduced the term animism into scientific use. Analyzing the ancient culture, he mentions animism among foreign beliefs such as magic, totemism, and fetishism. According to his opinion, animism is a stepping stone to the later developed religions and enters their mental world.
According to this belief, everything in the world is alive, there is no difference between the dead and the living, man and nature. Man of the first community did not separate himself from nature and animals, that is, the law of "equality of man and nature" was established. A person believed that everything in his environment is a living thing like a person, they live like a human, so a person can directly interact with them, easily change to each other, change and take on the appearance of each other, and communicate with them. Such animism is often found in folklore, especially in myths and fairy tales: a person easily takes the form of an animal or something else; or else the animal can change into human form, and it speaks like a human; or a man and an animal married and lived together.
Like the worldview and beliefs of other nations, animism is deeply embedded in the traditional Kazakh spiritual culture. For example, Sh. Valikhanov says that in the Kazakh understanding there are three types of soul: flesh soul, fly soul, spiritual soul.
Animism includes "sacred" and "sacred" landmarks and names in the Kazakh worldview. The environment for culture within nature is sacred mountains, blessed rivers and lakes, trees and bushes, etc. Natural phenomena also have a sacred meaning, they are said to have a spirit and an owner.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5308 | Golden man of the door | In the early 1970s, the grave of the young leader of the Saq tribe was discovered in Esik Kurgan, "Golden Man". To be more precise: the corpse of a gold-clad Saka warrior found in a Saka village preserved from the Iron Age on the left bank of the Esik River, north of the city of Esik, Almaty region. In 1969-1970, archaeologist K.A. Akyshev found.
## Description of the grave
The cemetery, combined with earth mounds, occupies 3 square km of land from north to south. Two graves were opened under a mound 6 m high and 60 m in diameter at the southern end of the cemetery, which consisted of more than 40 graves.
One was robbed earlier. The body of a 17-18-year-old Saka soldier was discovered in the second. The grave is made of spruce logs, the size is 3.3x1.9 m, the height is 1.5 m, the head of the Saka soldier is placed in the left part and lies facing west. On the southern and western edges of the grave, metal, pottery, wooden vessels and jewelry are placed.
The grave was covered with a wooden lid, fastened with iron hoops, the floor was covered with planks, and the place where the person was laid was covered with a mat decorated with gold labels.
## Description of the Golden Man
The Golden Man's clothes are decorated with about 4,000 gold ornaments. Ornaments are made in "animal motifs" depicting leopards, mooses, deers, horses, and various birds. A gold earring decorated with jade stones was found on the left side of the skull. The headdress is similar to later models of Kazakh clothing, high, with a pig's head, about 70 cm long. A gold necklace like a round ring around the neck, the undershirt, the chest, the sleeves are decorated with gold buckles, two gold rings on the finger, and the camisole is tied with a heavy built-in belt. The belt is decorated with animal-like images, 16 buckles, a long sword with a red scabbard on the right side, an iron dagger in a scabbard with golden plates on the left side, and the trouser legs are also decorated with golden buckles.
Mound excavations of Kazakhstan in the 5th century. ZB provided valuable information about the culture, art, and religion of the ancient tribes that lived there.
The pattern of clothing, the funeral ceremony clearly indicate that the Golden Man was the son of a prominent leader of the Sakhs who inhabited the Zhetysu region, or a young leader, a military commander. Ancient material culture, art, mythology, etc. The Golden Man, which provides a wealth of information from various fields, proves that the state civilization was formed in the Sakas at that time. The golden man has become a symbol of freedom of Kazakhstan. His face was installed on the main square of Almaty, and the image of winged horses on the roof became part of our coat of arms.
## Symbol of Kazakhstan
The treasures of the Esik fortress, including an exact copy, are exhibited in the Museum of Kazakh Archeology located in Almaty, now in the State Museum of Gold and Precious Metals of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana.
"Golden Man" on the winged leopard has become one of the state symbols of Kazakhstan. Copies of the Sakh warrior are installed in many cities of Kazakhstan, one of them crowns the Independence Monument in the main square of Almaty.
In general, as a result of archaeological excavations carried out in the territory of Kazakhstan, five burials of the so-called "golden man" were found: the second "golden man" was found in the Araltobe mound, the third was found in Baigetobe in the Shilik mound, the fourth was found near Astana, and the fifth "golden man" was found in Karkaraly It was found in the Taldy cemetery in the region.
## Gallery
## See More
* Door Plague
* Door Note Reminder
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6274" | Bermuda | Bermuda is located in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, about 900 km southeast of the coast of the Florida peninsula of North America.
There are about 150 islands in total. The land area is 53.3 km2, the population is 61 thousand people (1993). The islands are owned by Great Britain. The climate is tropical and humid. The average temperature of the coldest month (March) is 16.70C, the warmest month is August (26°C). Average annual amount of precipitation is 1350 mm. Islands in 1522 discovered by the Spanish explorer Juan Bermudez.
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=1662" | Karaganda region | Karaganda region is a region located in the center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was founded on March 10, 1932. The land area is 239.0 thousand km². The population is 1,134,753 people, the average density is 4.7 people per 1 km2 (2023). It is bordered by Akmola and Pavlodar in the north, Abai region in the east, Ulytau in the west, Zhambyl in the south, Almaty and Zhetysu in the southeast, and Kostanay in the northwest. There are 7 districts and 6 cities of regional significance in the region. The administrative center is the city of Karaganda.
## History
The history of Karaganda region begins in 1932. In the same year, the Karaganda region was established, the center of which was the city of Petropavlovsk. Four years later, it split into two. One of them was called North Kazakhstan, and the other became a new region with the city of Karaganda and 14 districts.
Abdolla Asylbekov was the chairman of the Organizational Committee of the Karaganda Region of the National People's Congress, a member of the Organizational Bureau of the Regional Party Committee.
Abdolla Abdirahmanuly Asylbekov, a native of this region, the instigator of social events and changes at that time, a prominent representative of the national leadership, was elected the first chairman of the executive committee of the regional council. But he was subjected to the turmoil of 1937 and was sentenced to severe punishment.
In September 1938, a two-year teachers' institute was established in Karaganda. It was the first higher educational institution in the region, which later founded the pedagogical institute, and then the present state university named after E. A. Boketov. At this time, the number of city residents increased to 162 thousand people, and the construction of buildings and houses in the central part of today began.
In 1939, Akmola region was separated from its composition, and the administrative-territorial structure was systematized.
In 1943, in Karaganda, the famous poets' festival was held for the first time among the regions. Famous folk poets Doskei Alimbaev, Shashubai Koshkarbaev, Kayip Ainabekov, Zholdikei Nurmagambetov, Nartai Bekejanov, Gabdiman Igensartov, Nurlybek Baimuratov, and Kushen Yeleuov performed poetry at this speech, which was broadcasted to all cities, district centers, and large enterprises of the region.
On December 31, 1944, the first marten furnace of the Kazakh metallurgical processing plant in Temirtau was put into operation, and the first Kazakh steel was produced.
In 1947, 12 million 565 thousand tons of coal were produced, and Karaganda was recognized as the third fuel center in the Union. At the Kazakh metallurgical plant, the second marten furnace was put into operation, and the economy began to strengthen.
In the period from June 16 to 21, 1949, the field session of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR on "Problems of research and development of the productive forces of Central Kazakhstan" was held in the city, giving a fresh impetus to the development of regional science. The Department of Geology was established, and a large-scale search for new ore sources was launched.
On August 29, 1949, the testing of the first atomic bomb at the Semey test site became a black mark in the history of the region. Four years later, a hydrogen weapon exploded near Mount Degelen, causing serious damage to the residents of Egindibulak region. In 1949-1962, 266 explosions of explosive weapons were made in the open sky of the once beautiful region. After that, the tests did not stop, and the field was shaken by huge explosions 300 times.
On October 17, 1950, the second higher educational institution in the region - Karaganda Medical Institute was opened. The region had the opportunity to train a large number of its qualified doctors.
In the fifties, the region was distinguished not only by the development of industry, but also developed agriculture. In 1956-1957, the number of cattle in the region reached 36.5 thousand, and sheep and goats reached 358.7 thousand. At the same time, housing construction spread widely during this period. In the region, in 1958 compared to 1957, the amount of money spent for this purpose increased by 13 percent, and the commissioning of residential buildings increased by 28 percent.
In September 1953, the third higher educational institution in the region, the Karaganda Mining Institute (now the State Technical University) received students for the first time. This year, the novels "Karagandy" by Gabiden Mustafin and "Oyangan olke" by Gabit Musirepov reached Karagandy readers.
Gabiden Mustafin, who was born and raised in the foothills of Zhaurtau in the foothills of Karaganda, later wrote the books "After the storm" and "Eyewitness" which told about the past of the region.
### Virgin
In the middle of the fifties, the beginning of the virgin development campaign in the fertile parts of the region was one of the significant events. This business has spread widely in the areas of Nura and Osakarov, which are suitable for growing crops. The first virgin farms were "Donskoy", "Rodnikovsky", "Kievskiy", "Enthusiast", "Miner", "Industrialny", "Sherbakovsky", "Kyrgyziya", etc. was created.
In 1954, Zhezkazgan was granted the status of a city. On December 3, 1957, the foundation of the first blast furnace was laid at Kazakhstan Magnitka, the largest metallurgical plant in the Soviet Union.
In October 1958, the region was awarded the Order of Lenin. It was awarded for great achievements in the production of grain and other agricultural products.
### Settlement
The history of the creation and development of the ethnic structure of Central Kazakhstan is long. Settlement of the country was carried out at different times and in different ways. It is known that human beings have lived in the territory of Central Kazakhstan since ancient times, but the process of settlement and development of the region lasted until the 20th century.
This period is characterized by the revitalization of the Russian Empire's activities in the region, which fought to strengthen its position on the territory of Kazakhstan. According to the "Charter on Siberian Kyrgyz" of 1822, the territory of the present Karaganda region was included in Bayanaul, Akmola, Karkaraly districts. In order to strengthen the power of its influence and create the necessary conditions for the development of the territory, the royal government organized fortified lines along the border. Karkaraly (1824), Ulytau (1841), Aktau (1837) and many other settlements appeared along these lines.
It is known that the main mass of the Argyns, one of the largest clans of the Middle Ages, is concentrated in Central Kazakhstan. According to documentary data, their number was as follows: in Karkaraly uezd - 87,381 households, in Akmola - about 100 thousand, in Atbasar - 32,207. In addition, Kazakhs from the Naiman clan also migrated to these places. There were 38,375 households in Atbasar district.
## Political, socio-economic development
Central Kazakhstan ranks first among the regions of the republic in terms of the level of industrial development. Two powerful industrial centers have been established there. One is the Karaganda-Temirtau coal-metallurgical complex, which includes many enterprises of the electric power, engineering, metalworking, chemical, light, food industries in the cities of Karaganda, Temirtau, Saran, Abay, Shakhtinsk, Aktau, Zhezkazgan, and the other is the Balkash non-ferrous metallurgy industrial complex. complex, which mainly specializes in the production and processing of copper ores, unrefined and refined copper, non-ferrous products, as well as manganese, lead, zinc and other polymetallic concentrates. This business center combines the mines of the cities of Zhezkazgan, Balkash, Satpaev, Karazhal, Zhairem, Zhezdi, Konyrat, Sayak, Akshatau, mole mines, concentrators, copper smelters, chemical, food and other industries.
The current state of the region's economy is characterized by significant changes in economic and social structures. The share of the region in the total volume of industrial production in the republic exceeds 15%. Today, more than 300 joint and foreign enterprises work in the region. The largest of them are: "Kazakhmys" Corporation JSC, which is a multi-faceted, complete-cycle mining and metallurgical enterprise, which combines a number of factories, mines and energy facilities; "Arcelor Mittal" JSC, which is a complete metallurgical cycle enterprise, is the beginning of the production infrastructure of the coal mines of the Karaganda basin, providing CHP, auxiliary and other services.
JSC "Jairem KBK" is the largest producer of manganese. The leading enterprises in machine-building and metalworking are Parkhomenko Machine-Building Plant, "Karagandykenmash" NTEK" JSC, "Karagandy Foundry-Machine-Building Plant" JSC, "Techol" ZPH JSC, "Kazkarmetavtomatika" JSC and other enterprises. The main industrial enterprises producing rubber and plastic products include "Karagandy rezenke tehnika" LLP, "Saranrezenketehnika" JSC, "Voskhod" LLP.
"Temirtau Chemical-Metallurgical Plant", "Moneta Detergents Detergent Plant" LLP works in the chemical industry. "Central Asia Cement" JSC and "Karagandy asbestos-cement products" LLP are engaged in the production of construction materials.
"Gulden" LLP and "Tomiris" LLP are the largest enterprises of light industry, "Tulpar" firm is considered in food production.
In order to solve industrial problems and meet the needs of the population, as well as to introduce new technologies, new production facilities and facilities are being launched, the production of spare parts for various machines and technical equipment of the mining and processing industries, and the production of consumer goods is increasing. .
## National-cultural centers
There are 55 national-cultural centers in Karaganda region. Evening schools work in 20 centers. The number of students in each school is on average 25 people.
Karaganda city, Zhezkazgan city, Satpaev, Temirtau, Bukhar-Zhyrau districts are very active national and cultural centers.
Karaganda region is an administrative-territorial part located in the center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was founded on March 10, 1932. The land area is 428.0 thousand km². The population is 1333, 6 thousand people. It borders Akmola, Pavlodar in the north, East Kazakhstan in the east, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl in the south, Aktobe, Kostanay in the west. The region is divided into 9 rural, 2 urban, administrative districts. There are 11 cities, 39 villages, 168 rural administrative districts. The administrative center is the city of Karagandy.
Karaganda region is located in the southern half of Saryarka. The far west is occupied by the east of the Torgai mountain range and the southeast of the Turan basin, the north by the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression, the Esil plain, Ereymentau, Kyzyltau and other small mountains, the east by the valleys of the Ashchysu and Daganbay rivers, and the south by the Betpakdala mud desert and Lake Balkash. The topography is mostly small hilly, hilly. Among them, there are a lot of granite massifs, the remnants of very high layered mountains of early times.
The chain of mountains forming the Balkash-Irtys watershed, rising to the east of Karaganda region - Karkaraly (Zhirensakal mountain, 1403 m), Kent mountain, Ku, Karakuys mountain, Kyzyltas mountain, Kyzylarai mountain, etc. covered by many mountains.
Among the rivers of the Karaganda region, the most important for the economy are the Nura, which starts from the Balkash-Irtys watershed and flows into the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake, and its tributaries are the Sherubaynura and Kulanotpes and Kön rivers. The south-east of the region is Moynty, Zhamshi, Tokrauun, Kusak, etc. rivers irrigate.
Karaganda region - coal mining, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, engineering and metal processing, construction industry, light and food industries are developed on the basis of large industrial ore resources and agricultural raw materials of Kazakhstan, a major center of the region's economy. .
The population is 1 million 381.6 thousand people, of which 1 million 138.5 thousand people live in cities. 9% of the population of the republic lives in the region. The average population density is 3.2 people per 1 km².
Cities: Karaganda, Abay, Balkash, Zhezkazgan, Karazhal, Karkaraly, Priozersk, Saran, Satbaev, Temirtau, Shakhtinsk.
In addition to Kazakhs (37.6%), representatives of many nationalities live in Karaganda region: Russians (43.6%), Ukrainians (5%), Belarusians (4.0%), Germans. (0.2%), others (7.5%).
The region has 100 percent of the balance reserves of manganese, 80 percent of tungsten, 64 percent of molybdenum, 54 percent of lead, 40 percent of zinc, 36 percent of copper, 32 percent of coal, including 100 percent of coking coal, and 70 percent of barium.
In the years of Soviet rule, coal mining, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, engineering and metal processing, construction industry, light and food industries developed in the region on the basis of local mineral resources and agricultural raw materials. turned into fields.
In 2001, Karaganda region provided 10.1% (290.6 billion tenge) of the total domestic product of the republic.
The energy of the region is based on local coal. Large district and thermal power plants are located in Karaganda, Temirtau, Zhezkazgan, Balkash, Tentek, Topar, Karazhal settlements, small ones are located in Karsakbay, Atasu, Zhambyl, Moyint, Saryshagan. One of the main branches of industry is coal production and coke production. Non-ferrous metallurgy consists of mining and smelting of copper ores, extraction and beneficiation of polymetallic and rare metal ores. The copper industry is developed in two centers in the region. The first of them is in Zhezkazgan Ore and Metallurgical Combine under the Kazakh Copper Corporation. It includes about 10 mechanized mines, two quarries, two concentrators, and a copper smelter in the village of Zhezkazgan, the city of Satbaev. The second is "Balkashmys" mining and metallurgical combine. It includes Konyrat, Sayak, Shatyrkol quarries, concentrator, copper smelting, and sintering plants. Zhezkazgan, Balkash mining and metallurgical plants, in addition to copper smelting, produce pure gold, silver, etc. engages in the extraction of rare metals.
Polymetallic and rare metal mining industry is developing. Its major centers are Akzhol (lead, zinc), Akshtau, Zhambyl (tungsten, molybdenum), Karagaily, Upper Kairakty (polymetals, rare metals). The chemical industry is developing in the region on the basis of gas, limestone, and mineral deposits from the Balkash, Zhezkazgan, and Temirtau plants. Among the chemical enterprises, there is a chemical-metallurgical plant in Temirtau, LLP "Karagandy chemical industry", and two machine repair plants in Saran. Machine-building and metalworking enterprises are mainly located in Karaganda. There is a foundry-engineering factory, "Karagandy ken-machine-ITEKS" JSC, Energy, trade-technical combine, turbo-mechanical, machine-building named after Parkhomenko, coal machine-building, machine-building No. 1, household appliances, in Temirtau "East Energy Repair-SEE ", "Energy repair-T" LLP, "Energopribor" production cooperative, and "Inter-industry production-production firm" production cooperative work in Zhezkazgan. In the cities of the region and in some large settlements, in the district centers, there are factories and printing houses working for the payment of daily necessities. Fish is caught in Lake Balkhash. It is processed in a fish factory in Shashubai village (on the coast of Balkhash city).
There were 95 hospitals, 359 outpatient clinics and clinics in Karaganda region. 5777 doctors and 10866 secondary medical specialists worked in them. 298 libraries, Kazakh and Russian drama theaters, philharmonic hall, musical comedy theater. There are 33 clubs and cultural centers, 8 museums, and a circus. Since 1931, 2 regional newspapers ("Ortalyk Kazakhstan", "Industrialnaya Karaganda") and one city newspaper (Temirtausky rabochy) have been published. .
## Administrative division
The structure of the region consists of 7 districts and 6 regional subordinate cities:
## Nature
Karaganda region Located in the southern half of Saryarka. The far west is occupied by the east of the Torgai mountain range and the northeast of the Turan basin, the north by the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression, the Esil plain, Ereymentau, Kyzyltau and other small mountains, the east by the valleys of the Ashchysu and Dagandeli rivers, and the south by the Betpakdala mud desert and Lake Balkash. The topography is mostly small hilly, hilly. Among them, there are a lot of granite massifs, the remnants of very high layered mountains of the past. Such low mountains are separated by wide plains, river valleys, lake depressions. The western part of the region is covered by Ulytau (1131 m), Arganaty, Zeldiadyr, etc. mountains, small, medium Absolute height 300-500 m Sarysu hilly plain occupies. The chain of mountains that form the Balkash-Irtys watershed, rising to the east of Karaganda region - Karkaraly (Zhirensakal mountain, 1403 m), Kent mountain (1469 m), Ku (1356 m), Karakuys mountain (1342 m), Kyzyltas mountain (Kushoky, 1283 m). , Mount Kyzylarai (Aksorang, 1565 m, the highest point of Saryarka), Keshubai (Saryobaly, 1320 m), Mount Konyrtemirshi (Karasorang, 1368 m), etc. covered by many mountains. The eastern part is distinguished by its height (the average absolute height is 500-1000 m) and the fact that the earth's surface is sharply divided. This part of the region gradually decreases from north to south. Large and small depressions and potholes alternate with each other. Relative height of low mountain massifs. 500 - 600 m, between them there is a ridge or many scattered small hills, convex ridges, hills. In the north of the region are the southern spurs of Ereymentau - Akdyn (899 m), Niyaz (833 m), Ayrtau (814 m), Zheltau, etc. mountains, Karasor lake depression. Sand massifs such as Karakum, Moyinkum, Zhetikonur, Karakoyin, Sarykum near Aral are located in the south-west and south of the region.
## Geological structure and minerals
The territory of the region is located in the middle part of the Paleozoic of Central Kazakhstan, which includes the Caledonian and Hercynian structures. The Caledonian fold includes the Chinggis-Tarbagatai megaanticlinorium and the Chingisaldi synclinorium and the Semizbugi synclinorium, the Karaganda synclinorium located in the middle of the Caledonide and the Hercynide, the Hercynian Tengiz depression, and the Sarysu-Tengiz uplift, which continues from the western part to the Karagandy synclinorium. It includes Spassk anticlinorium, Karasor and Uspen synclinorium, soj of Dzungar-Balkash fold system. The Hercynian structure, which includes the arc, is located south of the Karaganda syncline. These structures are made of different compositions of sandstone, limestone, quartzite, shale, and volcanics. Intrusions with explosions and fractures in different directions crushed and cut the rocks into folds. Among the geological formations, the Karaganda synclinorium, which stretches close to latitude, was studied in detail. The middle part of the synclinorium is occupied by the Karaganda coal basin. The western part of the Karaganda synclinorium is characterized by alternating bends and uplifts formed from the graben-synclinal Devonian and Lower Paleozoic volcanogenic-terrigenous layers. Samar and Zavyalovka hard coal deposits are located here. Graben-synclines are bounded by meridional faults from the east and west. To the north of the basin, it is observed that it alternates with carbonate rocks of the Famennian and Tournei strata, as well as elevated areas of brachysynclines and muldas formed from coal beds of the Lower Carboniferous. The layers of the Kushok and Borili deposits with high ash content in the tuska coal correspond to this. On the southern edge of the Karaganda coal basin, lead-zinc ore deposits and Zhalayr barite deposit are known. Several deposits of limestone suitable for metallurgical, chemical and cement industries have been identified in different parts of the basin. Among them are Astakhov, Saryapan, Volyn, South Topar limestone deposits that have been explored and put into use. The main studied part of sandstone-gravel deposits is concentrated in river valleys. The clay collected on top of Jurassic sediments is used to make frost-resistant building bricks, ceramic products, fire-resistant materials. Aktas, Sasykkarasu clay mine is being used. Stone ore suitable for construction from Devonian effusions is being comprehensively explored and developed. To the south of the Karaganda synclinorium, to the north of the Tekturmas anticlinorium, there is a 250 km long, 5-15 km wide Spassk crush zone in the east-northeast direction. In this zone, the rocks of the Devonian volcanic belt of Central Kazakhstan are stretched in the north-east direction. About 20 volcanic-sedimentary copper deposits (Zhalgiztobe, Zhetymshok, Kyzylshok, Kozhakongan, Kyzylogiz, Koktal, Koktaszhal, Saryadyr, Altyntobe, etc.) and more than 250 copper signs and several geochemical anomalies were discovered here. Pyrophyllite and marble deposits were also discovered and explored (Spassk). To the south of the zone passes the Nura synclinorium, which is formed from terrigenous rocks of the Silurian close to latitude, and is connected with small granodiorite intrusions. In the northern massifs of granodiorite with granite and upper Famennian tuff, tuffogenic sandstone, deposits of silicon pyrite-magnetite-hematite (Kentobe iron deposit) are combined. The Sarysu-Tengiz uplift, which surrounds the territory of the region from the west, is formed from volcanic sedimentary and intrusive rocks, which are frequently damaged by folds and explosions forming graben-syncline and horst-anticline. The Shubarkol graben-syncline, occupying the central part of the uplift, has a low ash content (2-10%), the Jurassic depression, where the Shubarkol coal mine has a reserve of 2 billion tons, and the Barshin liparite and brick clay deposits correspond to the Kyzylzhar horst anticline. It is formed from Paleozoic rocks that cover the entire western part of Chingisal synclinorium and Chingis-Tarbagatai megaanticlinorium. Copper-porphyry type plutogenic-hydrothermal mineralization associated with small intrusions of Carboniferous porphyry granitoids (Koktaszhal deposit) and small copper deposits approaching kolchedan type are identified here. The geological structure of the Ulytau-Zhezkazgan region consists of three different complexes of rocks: 1st pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks subjected to complex dislocations; Volcanic sediment layered rocks of the 2nd Paleozoic; 3-Mesozoic and Cenozoic sandstone-clay platform structures. Within the Ulytau-Zhezkazgan region, there are very large deposits of copper, large deposits of manganese, lead and zinc, medium and small deposits of construction and flux raw materials of iron, nickel, cobalt, coal, asbestos, formation of gold, chrome, nickel, copper, platinum ore. signs, mineral resources — magnesite, talc, barite, quartz, fluorite, asbestos are concentrated in Bairu. Silver, rhenium, cadmium, thallium, germanium, etc. are found in ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores. valuable mixtures of dispersed elements are found. Large outcrops of iron ore extend for 40 km in the area of the Karsakbai plant. Keregetas, Balbyraun, Karatas, Karashok and Saztobe deposits are located here. Keregetas and Balbyrauin deposits have 5-7 horizons of ferruginous quartzite from 10 m to 220 m thick. The reserves of iron along the entire 400-km line are estimated at one billion tons. The Ulytau-Zhezkazgan region is one of the main regions in Kazakhstan in terms of manganese ore reserves. In the region of the copper deposit, the Balazhal, Emelyanovskoe, Western Keregetas, and Zhaman Kergetas deposits with signs of iron-manganese ore are known. In the mid-80s of the 20th century, new manganese deposits (Bogach, Tur 1, Tur II, etc.) were discovered in the Aydarly faben syncline south of Kaptiadyr mountain. The Zhezkazgan ore formation is the most industrially important of the current copper ore formations. Zhezkazgan, Zhylandy group (Itauyz, Saryoba, Karashochak, Kypchakbay, Aralbay, Zhamanaibat, etc.) small deposits of this formation were formed due to terrigenous sediments of the Lower, Middle and Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian. Nickel and cobalt deposits Shaitantas, Eshkiolmes, Taldysay The deposits of bauxite are concentrated on the basis of the wind-eroded hyperbasites, and the surface is covered by the Miocene sediments About 100 million tons of coal reserves were discovered 170 km south of the Shubarkol mine abundant structures were discovered and the Pridorozhnoye gas field was discovered from the Shu uplift. At the end of the Paleozoic era, the period of continental formation began. The highlands formed as a result of long-term flattening gradually turned into plateaus during the Mesozoic era. The terrain of the region is mainly composed of Paleozoic metamorphosed shales, quartzites, sandstones, limestones and conglomerates. Along with them, intrusive (granite, diorite, gabbro, etc.) and effusive rocks are widespread. Ancient rocks are covered by thick layers of yellowish sediments of the Neogene and Quaternary periods. The region is very rich in mineral resources. There are abundant reserves of coal, copper, lead, iron, zinc, manganese, and tungsten ores. Copper, cobalt, nickel, and rare metals are also found. Beykentas raw materials - building stone, limestone, cement raw materials, fire-resistant clay, pyrophyllite, sand are abundant resources.
## Climate
The climate is too continental and very dry. One of the main climate-forming factors is the duration of sunlight, which is 2300-2500 hours per year; the highest average monthly value comes in July. Annual total radiation amount is 110-120 kcal/cm2, scattered radiation is 45-50 kcal/cm2. The area of the region is under the influence of three main air masses: arctic, polar (temperate zone air), tropical. The western branch of the Asian anticyclone has a great influence on the formation of weather in the cold season of the year. Clear weather prevails in winter. The coldest month is the average blood temperature in the North — 18°C, in the South — 14°C. The absolute minimum varies between 52°-44°C. In the spring, the anticyclonic weather regime is maintained, dry and windy weather is formed: it is very warm during the day, and frost is observed at night. In general, spring weather is characterized by instability. In summer, the air masses near the steppe region of Central Kazakhstan become very hot, cloudless, clear and hot weather prevails. The warmest month, July, has an average temperature of +18°С in the North and +22°С in the South. The highest temperature is +40-43°С. High temperature (30°C and above) in July lasts from about 7-8 days, up to 10-15 days. The average annual air temperature is between 1.2-3.5°C. The duration of the warm period varies from 198 days to 207-220 days (Ulytau, Zhanaarka, Shet districts) in the mountainous parts of the region (Karkaraly, Aktogai mountainous regions). The duration of the frost-free period is close to 90-100 and 110-135 days, respectively. The highest values of relative air humidity are observed in winter. In the region from November to March, its average monthly amount is 78-82%. In the warm season, relative humidity decreases from the North to the South. In June-July, the lowest average monthly amount is 53-58%. Average annual precipitation is 200-300 mm in most places, 330 mm in the eastern part. The highest monthly average is 40-47 mm in July, the lowest is 8-18 mm in January. 25% of annual precipitation falls in spring. The amount of rain in summer (June-August) is 120 mm, that is, 40% of the annual norm, and it is rainy. It rains 23 mm in September and 27 mm in October. The first snowfall is observed in the first decade of September. The average annual wind speed is 5.5 m/sec. The highest monthly average is in March — 6.8 m/s, slightly lower in February and December (6.5 and 6.1 m/s). The lowest wind speed is in August — 4.3 m/sec. The formation of the wind regime in the warm period is associated with an unclear low pressure baric field. From November to March, the average monthly wind speed increases; Its highest rate in Karaganda is 37 m/sec. and repeats approximately every 20 years. Strong winds (15 m/s and above) do not exceed three days in most of the region. And in Karaganda, the number of such days lasts 5-6 days in March. In winter, there are often blizzards, the number of blizzard days reaches 21-38, sometimes up to 50 days. A drought in the warm season, and a dust storm in windy conditions. The average number of such days per year varies from 1 (Karkaraly) to 12-17 days (in steppe regions). In arid and desert regions, the number of dust storm days reaches 20-38 days a year. In summer, sometimes in spring and autumn, lightning is observed in the territory of the region, and it overlaps with storms, torrential rain, and hail. The number of thunderstorm days per year is 20-24 days, and 28 days in Karkaraly. The most frequently observed period is summer, including July (6-8 days). The average duration of a thunderstorm is 1.8 hours. Beans are rarely observed in the warm period; and it is not uniform, it is covered with strips several kilometers long and wide. On average, the number of days with hail during the year is 2-3, sometimes 4-8. In the autumn and spring months, the surface of the earth cools down and fog forms in anticyclonic weather conditions. The number of foggy days per year in the region ranges from 16 to 28 days, in Karaganda it is about 37 days, and the highest monthly average is in March. One of the obvious features of the region's climate is drought. A severe drought is repeated every 10-12 years on average. From April to September, the number of days with the legendary wind is 60-100 days. Legendary, dry winds are formed in summer from arctic air masses coming from the North. It brings great losses to agriculture. Winter in the region is too severe in some years and lasts 5-5.5 months. Permanent snow cover usually forms in mid-November and lasts for 110-150 days. In January, the frost becomes stronger, the number of days with a temperature of -25°С and lower varies from 40-50 days (in the North), 10-15 days (in the South) during the winter, and in some years it reaches 20-25 days per month. The average thickness of the snow cover varies from 20-26 cm to 10-15 cm from North to South. In snowy years, its thickness reaches 40-50 cm in mountainous regions. Spring begins in the second half of March and lasts 1.5-2 months. An increase in average daily air temperature of 0°С is usually observed on April 4-10. Early melting of snow cover — on March 16-28, late melting — on April 20-25. Night frost will end on May 23-28. Summer lasts 3-4 months and is hot and dry. Autumn lasts from the beginning of September to the end of October and is drier than summer. The average temperature of this month varies between 10°-14°C from North to South. As a rule, in the first decade of the month, permanent frost begins at night. Depending on the distribution of heat and moisture, the region is divided into 4 climatic regions: temperate-cool arid small hilly; temperate-warm, dry, small gravel; Very happy in the summer. The first one includes the mountainous region (Karkaraly, Aktogai), which is rather wet, but not enough for the free growth of wet plants. Hydrothermal coefficient (GTK) — 0.7-0.8; the set of effective temperatures (that is, average daily temperature +10°С) is about 2000°С. The duration of the growing season of plants is about 130 days. Agro-climatic conditions for early sowing of spring cereals, buckwheat, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, etc. suitable for cultivation. Due to the topography, most farms are engaged in animal husbandry and, in addition, agriculture. Konyrzhai warm arid small hilly area includes the most lowland region of the region. It includes Bukar Zhyrau, Abai, Nura, North-East of Osakarov District, North-East of Karkaraly District. GTK - 0.7-0.8. The range of effective temperatures is 2000-2200°С. The length of the growing season of plants is 130-135 days. Most of the Osakarov district, the North of Zhanaarka district, and the South-East of Karkaraly district belong to the temperate and very dry area. GTC — 0.5-0.7. The range of effective temperatures (+10°С) is 2000-2600°С. Agriculture is widely developed in Osakarov district. The warm, very dry area covers the entire Western and Southern regions (desert, desert) of the region. GTC — 0.5-0.7. The range of effective temperatures is 2200-2800°С. Sheep farming is mainly developed here.
## Rivers and lakes
Among the rivers of the Karaganda region, the most important for the economy are the Nura, which starts from the Balkash-Irtys watershed and flows into the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake, and its tributaries are the Sherubaynura and the Kulanotpes and Kon rivers. In addition, the rivers of the Karasor Lake basin - Zharly, Karkaraly, Taldy and Esil, Ulenty, Shiderty, Tundik rivers belonging to the Irtys basin are also very important. The upper reaches of Sarysu, Terisakkan, Torgai, Uly Zylanshik rivers and Baikonur, Kalmakkyrlan, etc. are used to irrigate the western part of the region. many small rivers are very important. The south-east of the region is Moynty, Zhamshi, Tokraun, Kusak, etc. rivers irrigate. The water in the rivers is low, only in the spring when the snow melts, the water is abundant and it flows for a few days. In the middle of summer, small rivers become shallow, their water hardens, they divide into streams, and small rivers become narrow.
Karaganda region has 1910 lakes with a total area of 926 km2 (excluding the former Tengiz district). 90% of them are concentrated in the northern regions of the region. There are only 108 lakes south of the 48th parallel that divides the region. Only 131 of all lakes have an area of more than 1 km2. They collect 576 million m3 of water. Most of the lakes are filled with water in the spring, dry up in the summer, and turn into silt in the fall. Large ones: Balkhash, Karasor, Kypchak, Kerey, Karakoyin, Kyyakti, Shoshkakol, Balikkol, Shybindy, Tassuat, Ashkysu. There are 460 ponds and dams in the region. The largest of them are: Samarkan, Sherubaynura, Zhartas, Samar, Kengir in Kengir, Zhezdi, Kylysh in Atasu, Aktasty in Sarysaz, Polivnoe, Karsakpai in Kumola on the Nura River. Irtys - Karaganda - Zhezkazgan canals were built up to Atasu village. It has 6 dams. Groundwater is widely used.
### Lakes
There are about 1,600 lakes in the region, of which more than 200 have an area of more than 1 square km. In the south-eastern part of the territory of the region, the third largest lake in Kazakhstan in terms of water basin is the Balkhash coast. The lake is located from west to east (614 km). The area is 18.2 thousand km2, the volume of water is 106 km3, the height of the water basin is 342 m above sea level. The depth ranges from 6-12 m (West), up to 15 m (East), the deepest part is 26 m. The salinity is unevenly distributed, the Western part is desalinated by the water of the Ile River, and the salinity in the East increases to 5 g/l. Due to anthropogenic influence, the level of Lake Balkhash has decreased by 2 m, and the quality of its water has also deteriorated. Compared to low-mountainous and high-altitude watersheds and large, closed-flow basin lakes, the type of angaric-channel lakes is more common. Aydin small lakes with an area of 0.5-1.5 m2 dry up in the summer in dry years. The average minerality of lake water ranges from 1 to 10 g/l. The basins of the lakes in the low-mountainous and steep East and South-East regions of the region are small, shallow, with low banks. In dry years, they dry up. The water of deeper lakes is stored throughout the year (Ulkenkol). Lakes in large closed depressions are considered to be beige and the basis of underground water flows. One of them is the Karasor hilly-plain dead-end depression located in the Karkaraly district. There are about 50 lakes in that region (Karasor, Saumalkol, Balikkol, etc.). The average depth is 1 m, in some places 4-5 m, the average salinity is 35-41 g/l. At the bottom of the lake there is hydrogen sulphide healing mud, which is used for treatment purposes. The following lakes are located in the North-West of the region - Shoshkakol, Barakkol, Saumalkol, Kunakay, Azhibeksor, Tassuat, etc., in the North - Shybindy, Karakol, in the South-West - Donsary, Alakol, in the central region - Koktynkol, etc. Due to their salinity, their water is not used much. Reservoirs and canals are of great importance in the constant supply of water to the region. Reservoirs: Samarkan (Nura River), Sherubai-Nura (Sherubai-Nura River), Kengir (Kengir River), Zhezdi (Zhezdi River), etc., and many ponds have been built on smaller rivers. The Irtys-Karagandy canal has been operating in the region since 1973. The length of this giant hydraulic structure (transports water from lower to higher levels) is 458 km. The medium transports about 75 m3/s of water and supplies water to large and small cities such as Karaganda and Temirtau. About 20 pumping stations have been activated for water transportation. Due to insufficient surface water resources in the region, underground water is of great importance. There are a lot of spring water sources at different depths, i.e. between 10-100 m. But in most regions (arid, desert) their minerality, including hardness, is a bit difficult to use as drinking water. In the region, underground waters with their source deep in the 200-600 m layers of the earth's crust are widespread. Their widespread use in the economy has not yet been resolved from a technical point of view. There are many wells in the region that have been in use for centuries (in livestock farming). Their depth is about 4-10 m, and they can give about 300-500 l of water per hour.
## Soils
In the steppe zone in the north of the Karaganda region, carbonate black and dark brown, brown soils are formed. Karkarali, Kent, Bakhti, Ku, etc. black mountain soil is spread in the mountains. The desert zone occupying the central region of the region is dominated by saline carbonate brown, light brown soil. In the southern desert belt of the region, gray and grayish brown soil is spread. Meadow brown soils are found in river valleys.
## Population
Population of Karaganda region
Currently, the main feature of the demographic development of the region is characterized by dynamic changes in the absolute number of residents. In 1989-1992, the average annual growth rate of the population of the republic reached 0.7%, in 1999 the average annual rate of decrease was 0.9%. In the following years, the rate of decrease in the number of inhabitants decreased rapidly. 2005 For the first time, a stable growth rate was registered.
This period is characterized by an unfavorable demographic situation, which led to a decrease in the population. According to the registration of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1999. The number of inhabitants of Central Kazakhstan was 1,410,218 people, that is, 19.1% compared to 1989, and in the following years it decreased by 5.6%, and at the beginning of 2006 it was 1,331,702 people. The trend of concentration in the city continues in the region. The share of urban residents in the population of the region is constantly increasing, while the share of rural residents is decreasing. For example, if in 1989 the ratio of urban and rural population was 82.1% and 17.9%, while at the beginning of 2006 it was 83.8% and 16.2%. In the national structure, the trend of changing the absolute and relative indicators of the components of the region, which began at the end of 1980, continues. If 1989 - 2005 The absolute number of Kazakhs increased by 18.4% and reached 551,536 people, and the share of the population of the region was 41.4%. It was 25.8%. The number of Russians decreased to 553,058 people or about 48%, and their share was equal to 41.5%, this figure was the same as in 1989. It was 46.9%. The absolute number of many other ethnic groups of the region also decreased: Germans 4 times (in 1899 - 159,208 people; at the beginning of 2005 - 40,135 people); Belarusians — almost 2 times (from 35,331 to 18,229); Ukrainians - 2 times (from 128,547 to 67,496); Tatars - 1.5 times (from 52769 to 35640); Koreans decreased by 1.1 times (from 14,672 to 13,519).
The share of the following nationalities in the national composition of the region also changed: Germans from 9.1% in 1989 to 3% at the beginning of 2005; Belarusians — from 2% to 1.4%; Ukrainians — from 7.4% to 5.1%; Tatars - from 3% to 2.7%; Koreans — changed from 0.8% to 1%. The peculiarity of the natural movement of the inhabitants of Central Kazakhstan is due to the peculiarity of the high proportion of the Russian population in the national composition of the said region. Natural growth is at a rather high level among Kazakhs (13.5 per thousand) and Uzbeks (22.0 per thousand); Russians (-4.9 per thousand), Ukrainians and Belarusians (-8.6 per thousand) are decreasing in number every year. In the second half of the 90s, the coefficient of natural growth had a single negative value, that is, the death rate in the region was higher than the number of births. Since 2002, these indicators began to show positive dynamics, but the growth rate was low — 1.44 ppm (per 1000 inhabitants).
The process of migration throughout the republic was included in the industry of Central Kazakhstan. Between 1991 and 2003, the balance of internal migration was -313,838 people.
Population distribution is uneven across the region. The average population density of the region is 3.1 people per 1 square km. In the region of Karaganda-Temirtau industrial district, this figure exceeded 80 people. In the northern and central part of the region, the population density is 5-6 people per 1 square km. The population of Bukar Zhyrau, Osakarov and Abai districts is denser than other districts — 4.4; 3.5; 8.9 people per 1 square km. In the Irtys - Karaganda canal region, the population density has increased somewhat in the suburbs; in the western part of the region, the average number of people per 1 square km is less than 0.4 people, in some places in the west of Ulytau, Nura district, the density indicator is less than 1 person - 0.1 people. In the eastern part of Karkaraly district, which mainly specializes in agriculture, the population density is 1.3 people per 1 square km. People settled more often in Karkarali forest.
Population density is very low in the northwest of Zhezkazgan region and in rural areas. For example, in 1966 1.36 people per square kilometer, this figure is higher than in 1976. 1.48, and in 1988 There were 1.58 people. There are 5 cities, 4 districts, 22 towns, and 53 rural areas in Zhezkazgan-Balkash region. 1998 There were 256 settlements with more than 20 inhabitants. Most of the population is concentrated in the cities of Zhezkazgan, Balkash, Satbaev, Karazhal and their surroundings. There are 18.8 people per square kilometer. In Ulytau district, there is only 0.1 person per square kilometer, and in the south of it, one person per square kilometer. The population density is 0.7 people per square kilometer in Shet district, 0.4 people in Aktogai district, 0.5 people in Zhanaarka district.
There are 11 cities, 39 towns and 171 rural districts (3 large cities - Karaganda, Temirtau and Zhezkazgan, 4 medium-sized cities in terms of area - Balkash, Saran, Shakhtinsk, Abay and 4 small cities - Karkaraly, Karazhal, Satbaev, Priozersk) are located. The largest Karaganda-Temirtau urban agglomeration in the region was formed and developed in the post-war years. 42% of the entire region's population and 70.5% of the city's population live in Karaganda and Temirtau (2005). This alone describes the concentration of population in these cities. Around them are the cities of Saran (48.2 thousand people), Shakhtinsk (59.9 thousand people) and settlements such as Karabas, NovoDolinka, Topar, Yuzhny, Aktas, Dolinka, Shahan, Aktau, Mustafin, Kushok. All these appeared due to the intensive development of coal deposits, the construction of mines, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, machine-building enterprises.
There are 558 rural settlements in the region (2004). The dispersal of farms, the establishment of farms, production cooperatives, joint-stock companies, the difficult implementation of market relations in the countryside had an impact on the closure of private farms. Currently, the reconstruction of the historically formed village-rural location system is being implemented.
## Flora
In the field belt of the region, mainly sagebrush, fescue, sedge and thin sedge, sedge, yellow clover, sedge, sedge, loose grass, etc. in the plains, cypress, rose, rose, juniper, honeysuckle, stonecrop, etc. bushes grow. The floodplains of the intertidal regions and river valleys with close groundwater are covered with plants such as meadow sedge and foxtail. Karkaraly, Kent, Ku, Bakhti, Kyzylarai, etc. pine trees grow in the granite mountains, and birches, aspens grow in their valleys, various willows and willows grow along the rivers. In the desert belt of the region, fescue, sedge, etc. various grasses and ephemerals grow. Wormwood dominates the stony slopes of the hills. Various shrubs can be found in the depressions between the slopes. In the mountains of Ulytau, Karaagash, Bektauata, birch, blue poplar, bloodwood, sagebrush and various types of grasses are spread in the southern desert.
## Fauna
The region is inhabited by deer, roe deer, antelope, gazelle, wolf, fox, skunk, badger, skunk, skunk, mink, white squirrel, rabbit, sable, marmot, bison, wild boar in lake reeds, muskrat; birds, cranes, blackbirds, shrews, eagles, vultures, blackbirds, buzzards, owls, coots, geese, ducks, seagulls, etc. inhabited by waterfowl. In the lakes and rivers there are pike, pike, pike, perch, torta, pike, white bream, and blue bass. In Lake Balkhash, white carp, white carp, sole, carp, carp, pikeperch, carp, pilmai are introduced.
## Production
In the years of Soviet rule, coal mining, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, engineering and metal processing, construction were based on local mineral resources and agricultural raw materials in the region. industry, light and food industries developed and became the main branches of the region's economy. The land of Karaganda region suitable for agricultural use is 34257.1 thousand ha, including 1062.2 thousand ha of arable land, 389.6 thousand ha of grassland, and 31724.9 thousand ha of pasture land. The main branches of agriculture are summer grain cultivation, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, and horse breeding. Near the industrial centers, agriculture typical of the suburbs is developed (dairy cows, poultry, pigs, potatoes, vegetables). 2002 the cultivated area (thousand ha) was 1316.7. The length of Saryarka railway covering the region is 1827 km. Saryarka airport connects the residents of the region with many foreign countries and other cities of the republic. Pavlodar - Shymkent oil pipeline passes through the territory of the region.
## List of mayors
* Ideal Galiuli Musalimov (1990—1991)
* Pyotr Petrovich Nefyodov (1992—1997)
* Mazhit Toleubekuly Yesenbaev (July 1997 — October 1999)
* Kamaltin Eskendurily Mukhamedzhanov (October 1999 — January 19, 2006)
* Nurlan Zairollauly Nigmatulin (January 19, 2006 — November 19, 2009)
* Serik Nigmetovich Akhmetov (November 19, 2009 — January 2012) \ <> * Abilgazy Kaliakparuly Kusayinov (January 20, 2012 — January 28, 2013)
* Baurzhan Tuyteuly Abdyshev (January 29, 2013 — June 20, 2014)
* Nurmukhambet Kanapiyauly Abdibekov (June 20, 2014 — March 14, 2017)
Yerlan Zhakanuly Koshanov (March 14, 2017 - September 18, 2019)
* Zhenis Makhmuduly Kasymbek (September 18, 2019 - December 8, 2022)
* Ermaganbet Kabdulauly Bolekpaev (from December 8, 2022)
# # Sources
## See also
* State archive of Karaganda region
* Place names of Karaganda region
* Culture of Karaganda region
* Communication in Karaganda region
* Agriculture of Karaganda region
* History of radio broadcasting in Karaganda region
* Space industry of Karaganda region
* Participants of the Great Patriotic War from Karaganda region
## External link
* Patterns of production area
* Karagandy junction (Russian)
* Karaganda region Archived March 9, 2017. c Open Directory Project (ODP) |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5197 | Auezov | The phrase Auezov can have the following meanings:
* Erbolat Kuduriuly Auezov is a historian.
* Mukhanbetzhan Tanatarovich Auezov - doctor of technical sciences, professor.
* Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov is a writer.
* Murat Mukhtaruly Auezov is a public figure |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7055" | Let's talk | Oral ritual. "Ker gave the horse and said: - Don't say anything, let's talk." (From the book "From the mouth of the country"). When you knock someone down with words and sing a poem or make a sharp joke (or do something shameful) so that the winner won't get up, the loser gives a "mouthpiece" in order not to spread that word to another person. It is a plea, a request for forgiveness, not to tell anyone this word. A person who received "Ayuzbastyryk" should not tell anyone that word. Then "oral" is also a type of cert.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5065 | Ilyas Zhansugirov | Ilyas Zhansugirov (May 5, 1894, Aksu district, Almaty region - February 26, 1938, Almaty) was a Kazakh poet, playwright, prose writer, feuilletonist, satirist, journalist, translator and public figure. The first chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
## Brief biography
* At first, he was educated by his father and village mullahs. He graduated from elementary school in the village of Karagash. The Naiman tribe of Orta Yuzh came from the Matai clan.
* In 1919, he entered a two-year teaching course in Tashkent.
* After graduation, he became a teacher in his village, and then worked in the newspaper "Tilshi".
* In 1922, he was appointed the head of the Institute of Kazakh Education in Almaty.
* In 1925, he entered the Institute of Journalism in Moscow.
* After graduating from the institute in 1928, he was sent to work in the "Enbekshi Kazakh" newspaper. Along with his creative work, Zhansugirov actively participated in the organization of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan.
* In 1932, after the dissolution of the former KazAPP (1926), he was elected as the chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Union of Writers.
* At the 1st congress held in 1934, he was elected the first chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.
* In 1934-1937 he worked as an editor of the Kazakh political publishing house.
* In 1933-1936, he was a member of the OAK of the Kazakh AKSR. * Arrested by the NKVD in 1937.
* In 1938 he was sentenced to be shot.
* In 1958, by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Kazakh SSR, he was acquitted due to the lack of criminal composition.
## Works
Zhansugirov started writing poems in 1912. His notebooks of poems "Baldyrgan", "Kyzyl Zalau" were later found in the National Library in 1957. The poems "Saryarkaga" and "Tilek" were the first published works of Zhansugirov. They were published in "Saryarka" newspaper in Semey in 1917. In 1923, the story "Sniper Antelope" was published in "Sana" magazine. After that, Zhansugirov's poems were often published in "Tilshi", "Akzhol", "Kedey erki" newspapers. Later, Zhansugirov became known to the people as a talented poet with a sharp pen, deep thoughts.
Zhansugirov's works originate from the rich oral literature of the Kazakh people, Abai's poetry, advanced examples of Russian and world literature. His works are diverse and multifaceted.
Zhansugirov made a great contribution to collecting the rich folklore of the people, turning its advanced examples into the benefit of the people, and publishing them as books. He included their advanced models in the school textbooks and anthologies he wrote, and focused on making schoolchildren aware of folk history and past life. Zhansugirov also got involved in literary criticism and participated in the development of the genre of literary and artistic criticism.
He translated the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.A. Nekrasov, Maxim Gorky, Heinrich Heine and Victor Hugo, G. Tokay, K. Lakhuti into the Kazakh language and established the relationship between Kazakh literature and world literature. expanded. In 1936, on the 100th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, Ilyas Zhansugirov translated the novel "Eugene Onegin" and included it in his book. But during the war, that novel was published under the name of another person. After the acquittal of Ilyas Zhansugirov, his relatives proved that Ilyas Zhansugirov had translated the same novel.
### Bibliography
* In 1917 - poems "Saryarka" and "Tilek".
* In 1923 - "Baishubar".
* In 1926 - "Attraction to children".
* In 1928 - the first collection of works called "Saganak".
* In 1929 - the poem "Kui".
* In 1931 - the play "Kek" and "Turksib".
* In 1934 - the poem "Kuichi".
* In 1936 - the play "Isatai - Mahambet".
* In 1936 - the poem "Listener".
His satires and satirical stories "Word to Kamysbayev!", "Izet" ("Kurmet"), "Shalgybay" and others. Published in "Izet" collection.
* "Kulager" - was published in November 1936 in several editions of the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan".
* "Kui" - written in 1929.
* "Kuichi" - written in 1934.
* "Field" - written in 1930. At first, it was published in several editions of "Enbekshi Kazakh" newspaper, and it was published as a book in 1933 in Semipalatinsk and in 1936 in Almaty.
* "Rustem Massacre" - although it was written in 1926, it was not published during the lifetime of the poet. In 1960, the second volume of his works was published.
* "Isatai" - published in the 2nd volume of the poet's 5-volume collection of works published in 1960-1964.
* "Makhpal" - written in the beginning of 1920.
* "Baikal" - written in 1937.
* "Kanpeske" - published in 1920 in "Enbekshi Kazakh" newspaper.
* "Kolbala" - was published in 1964 in Almaty region, Aksu district "Omir Nury" newspaper.
* "Kuat" - published in 1932 in "Literary Front" magazine, in 1933 in Collective Collection.
* "Lighthouse" - written in 1929 and published as a book in 1931.
* "Happy Jamal" - written in 1930.
* "Zhoryk" - written in 1935.
Lyrical poems
- "Singer sister" (1909)
- "Autumn flower" (1912)
- "Wish" (1912)
\ <> * Poems published in 1915-1920
"The Dream of a Blind Boy" (1915–1916), "Zhybrlak" (1915–1916), "Our Condition" (1915–1916), "I Was Wrong" (1915–1916), "The Sad Bird" (1915–1916), " Connection" (1915–1916), "Igilyk" (1915–1916), "My belly melts" (1915–1916), "Living word" (1915–1916), "Talgamalar" (1915–1916), "Contemporary" ( 1915–1916), "Bubulga" (1915–1916), "Aldymda" (1915–1916), "Summer God" (1915–1916), "Manym" (1915–1916), "Shym-chityryk" (1915 -1916), "What's the situation" (1919), "Arynym" (1920), "Beysembek "Bolys" (1920), "To the Common Party" (1920),
* Poems published in 1921-1924
"Mother's Tongue" (1921), "To Young Nightingales" (1921), "Seven of the Organization of the Poor" (1921), "Orphan" (1921), "Agyndy my Aksuym" (1921), "To a Common Age" (1921), " Kazakh summary" (1921), () "Married" (1921), "A mother is closer to a child than a father" (1921), "Pistol" (1922), "Cloud" (1922), "Volcano" (1922), "Youth slogan" (1922), "Summer Dawn" (1922), "Summer Residence" (1922), "Summer July" (1922), "Sowing" (1922), "Autumn" (1922), "Winter" (1922), "Aksaban" (1923), "Zhavinda" (1923), "Time Pictures" (1923), "I think" (1923), "The Wind" (1923), "Bolek-Salak Oydan" (1923), "Young Hireling" (1923), "The Stone" (1923), "Zhailau" (1923), "In the Spring" (1923), "The Kyrgyz Kazakh in the Printing House" (1923), "The Poor Man's Wedding" (1923), "The Shepherd's Thought" (1923), "Great Day" (1923), "May Festival" (1923), "On a Trip" (1923), "No" (1923), "The First Meeting" (1923), "Connection" (1923), "What is Boranbai thinking?" " (1923), "Ikshylbay" (1923), "Trader's Miracle" (1924), "It-Ai" (1923), "Zharkynbay, Berkinbay" (1923), "Kyrman" (1924), "October Day" ( 1924), "The Harvest Campaign" (1924), "Those Who Raised the Nation's Family" (1924), "Bullet, Blue Ox" (1924), "Windy Day" (1924), "By the Spring" (1924), "Thinking" ( 1924), "To Conscious Youth" (1924), "To the Lake" (1924), "Our Autumn" (1924), "Lenin is Dead" (1924), "Night" (1924), "At the Breakup" (1924), "Lermontov" " (1924).
* Poems published in 1925-1930
"Lenin is alive" (1925), "Betashar" (1925), "Windy Pine" (1925), "Soap" (1925), "Saptyayak" (1925), "Migration" (1925), "Commune" ( 1925), "Question" (1925), "Pictures of Success" (1925), "I'm Reading" (1925), "Sau's Madness" (1925), "Request" (1925), "Kosh-Zonekei" (1925), " Tas Chechey" (1925), "Bobek Boleu" (1926), "War" (1926), "Zaman" (1926), "Maidan" (1926), "Village Front" (1926), "Quick Heart" (1926 ), "When the Sun Rises" (1926), "Sunday" (1926), "Land of Russia" (1927), "Shal and Keini" (1928), "Kazakh Girl" (1928), "Trap" (1928), " Today's field" (1928), "Mausoleum" (1929), "Alatau" (1929), "Dombira" (1929), "Kazakhstan" (1929), "Shokparga" (1929), "Come on, which front will you endure?" (1929), "Himalaya" (1929), "Sert" (1930), "Golden October" (1930), "Akyn and Makym" (1930), "Tus" (1930), "Apyrym-ay, zhann tsysildi- au" (1930), "Zhur me konk Saule" (1930), "My soul cry" (1930),
* Poems published in 1931-1937
"To the tractor" (1931), "October accent" (1931), "New life" (1931), "Ekpindyler and progulshchik" (1932), "Social assistance" (1932), "Men of five years" (1932), "Happy" (1932), "Caucasus" ( 1932), "I'm Coming Home" (1934), "To Hope" (1934), "Moscow-Kazakhstan" (1934), "To Tulpar" (1936), "To the People of Belarus" (1936).
"Akym and Makym" (1930), "Rich Girl" (1927), "The Garden's Method" (1923), "From a Different Language" (1935), "What is Bornabay Thinking About" (1923), "Concert, Not Gas" " (1929), "Dog-Moon" (1923), "Doll" (1929), "Tailed Market" (1927), "Right" (1928), "Bullet, Blue Bull!" (1924), "The Will of the Dead Mullah" (1923), "Political Rams" (1922), "Surpakpai Suganak" (1928), "Synchy-ak" (1915), "So, I'm Leaving..." (1929) , "Word to Kamysbayev" (1929), "Types of Arbitration" (1929), "Pig" (1931), "The Nest of the Nest" (1928).
## Objects bearing the name of Zhansugirov
The village where Ilyas Zhansugirov was born in the Aksu district of Zhetisu region is named after him (Zhansugirov village). In several cities, schools and streets are named in honor of Ilyas Zhansukirov. Zhetisu State University in Taldykorgan is named after Zhansugirov. In addition, there is a literary-memorial museum dedicated to the poet's life and work in Taldykorgan.
## Family
He was married 4 times.
* The first wife (1912-1914) - Jamila, the widow of his uncle (the daughter of a local rich man)
* The second wife (1922-1925) - Amansha Berentaeva, she died due to severe leg and poor health. He could not cope with the diseases in Bosanar. At that time, Zhansukirov went to study at the Institute of Communist Journalism in Moscow.
* Third wife (1929-1931) - Fatima (Batima) Torebaeva. Batima Torebayeva has a son Sayat and a daughter Saira. When Batima went to study in Moscow, Ilyas Zhansukirov began to establish a relationship with Fatima Gabitova, the wife of the famous teacher Bilal Suleyev. In 1931, Zhansugirov divorced Fatima Torebayeva, and in 1943, Fatima died of tuberculosis.
* Fourth wife (1932-1938) - Gabitova Fatima Zainullinovna (1903-1961). Fatima was the daughter of a Tatar merchant in Kapal. After Bilal Suleyev was arrested, Fatima married Ilyas. Ilyas was given three children named Umit, Ilfa and Bolat. After the death of Ilyas in 1938, Mukhtar Auezov, a close friend of Zhansukirov, took the widowed Fatima under his care.
### Children born to Fatima Gabitova:
* Daughter - Umit Zhansugirova (1933), doctor.
* Daughter - Ilfa Zhansugirova-Zhandosova (1935) - teacher, teacher of the German language, former president of the fund named after Ilyas Zhansugirov.
* Uly - Bolat Iliyasuly Gabitov-Zhansugirov (1937-2004) is a famous Kazakh screenwriter and dramatist.
### Children born to Fatima Torebayeva:
* Sayat Zhansukirov (1930–2021) - miner, candidate of technical sciences.
### Adopted children:
Ilyas Zhansukirov adopted two children of Fatima Gabitova's first husband and his close friend Bilal Suleyev.
* Grandfather - Zhanibek Suleyev (1923-1943) - died near Smolensk during the Great Patriotic War.
* Grandson - Azat Suleyev (1930-1997) - Turkologist.
## His place in Kazakh literature
Ilyas Zhansukirov is a universal talent who penned in all genres of Kazakh literature and produced significant works. In particular, he showed his powerful artistic talent in the genre of poetry and produced works that became the pride of all Kazakh literature.
Ilyas came to literature from the tradition of folk folklore, with little education and rather late - in the early 20s. But even at that time, he was a boy who knew the life of the people well and mastered the richness of the Kazakh language. Thanks to his ability and inquisitiveness, enthusiasm, and warm attitude towards the learning and education of a demanding young person from the rough environment of the newly formed society, he quickly matured and progressed in a relatively short time. He was educated in educational institutions in Almaty, Tashkent, and Moscow with the best meaning, studied a lot on his own, studied Russian and world classical literature, and translated his best works from Russian into Kazakh. In the meantime, he also devoted himself to writing and actively participated in public works and literature. Ilyas, whose first collection was published in 1928 at the age of 34, became the most outstanding poet of the era after Abay, and within 5-6 years, he became the most prominent poet. Not to mention prose and dramaturgical pieces, he created classic works such as "Kui", "Kuyshi", "Kulager". Ilyas's poetry is a never-aging, eternally young poetry that gives wings to thoughts and feelings.
Ilyas Zhansugirov, the most talented and elegant Kazakh poet of the post-Abai period, is usually compared to the Kulager of Akan ser, who sang with great inspiration and great passion. Whether it is said or not, the two have similarities not only in their deafness, but also in their many fates and tragic deaths. Kula pyrak, who is breast-feeding Koktuygyn, who is flying with all his life, with a pride characteristic only of brave runners who do not stop the race, is going to the destination - Zhylandsayi on a slope, it is sad that the boy on top of him loosens the reins and slightly loosens his harness, like a star. At that moment, the robber, who had been caught in the dark, ran over his head with a fright, and the black horse fell with a thud as if the ground had been torn apart. At the time when he reached maturity and came out ahead in the poetry competition, Ilyas also became a victim of the totalitarian system and died. However, in 10 years, his universal talent gave remarkable works in prose and drama, especially in poetry, which belong to the golden fund of our literature, and left behind him a rich artistic heritage.
## Sources
## External links
* Ilyas Zhansugirov
* Ilyas Zhansugirov |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6133 | Үрімжі | Urumqi (Kaz. ءوریمجى, Uyg. ورومکی, Ürümchi, Chinese: 乌鲁木齐 pin-yin: Wūlǔmùqí) is the center of China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, its political, economic, and cultural centers.
## Geographical location
Urumzhi is located on the navel of the Asia-Europe continent, on the northern slopes of the middle part of the Tien-Shan (Tangir Mountains), south of the Dzungar basin. Urumqi is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and in the north it is a raised sedimentary sector-shaped plain, approximately 680-920 m above sea level. tall. Urumqi is the city farthest from the sea in the world. History dates back to 1755. The Qing (清代) government built a fortress and built an army in the ancient Ming city of Yujiayuan, Urimji, and named it Urimji.
1763 changed the name of the city to "Dihua". In 1884, Xinjiang was established as a region, and Urumqi was designated as the regional center.
Urumqi is considered to be the largest city farthest from the ocean.
## Population
Total population exceeds 2 million. Among them there are representatives of 47 nationalities, including Chinese, Uyghur, Dungen, Kazakh, Mongolian, and Kyrgyz. It is one of the most ethnically populated cities in China. The total population of the city is 1 million. 643,760 people (2000). Among them, 210,546 Uighurs, 1 million Chinese. 199783, Kazakh 49904, Dungen 151898, Kyrgyz 1148, Mongolian 6747, the rest are representatives of other nations.
## Farming
Urumqi is an important gateway of China to the west and a window of economic and cultural changes with the outside world. At this time, Urumqi Airport has opened 61 international and domestic air routes, and 17 pairs of two-way trains run within and outside the country. Urumzhi is the post-telegraph communication hub of Xinjiang. It has Eurasia communication optical cables, GSM digital mobile communication.
Urumqi is Xinjiang's industrial base, with petroleum refining, metallurgy, electric power, coal, textile, building materials, mechanical support, chemical industry, leather processing, printing, food, plastic consumer goods, furniture making There is a unified industrial system for the likes. Agriculture of the city of Urumzhi belongs to the sub-urban agriculture channel, which combines various types of agriculture, such as vegetables, fruits, forestry, herbs, and flowers.
## History
In the Middle Ages, a Turkish tribe called Yuylung (Urum) lived in the Urumqi region, and there was a city called Ulntay (Urumtai). There is an opinion that the name Urumzhi comes from the word Urumtai. Some scholars say that Urumqi means "Beautiful pasture" in Mongolian. In the 16th century, the Mongolian Oirat tribe migrated from the east and settled in the Urumqi region. In 1755-57, the Qin Kingdom (清帝国)destroyed the Dzonghar Khanate, and in 1759 conquered all of East Turkestan and established its rule in the Tien-Shan region. In 1763, the Qin Dynasty built a fort near the present-day Hung Shan (Red Mountain) in Urumqi and named it "Di Hua" (open, enlighten, and remember). Since then, the construction of the city has been continuous. In 1758, a special market for Kazakhs was opened in Urumzhi with the consent of Abylai Khan of the Qin government. In the same year, a Kazakh trade delegation led by Kabanbay Batyr drove horses to the Urumqi market for trade. After that, Urumqi gradually became the main trading city in western China. In 1884, after the defeat of the Muslim uprising in Western China. Di Hua is the capital of Xinjiang province. marked as The population of Urumqi has increased and urban development has increased. In 1945, the Kuomintang government granted Urumqi the status of an official city. The city consisted of 5 districts and several rural administrations. In September 1949, the Kuomintang government in Urumqi surrendered peacefully to the Chinese Communist Party. In 1955, the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous District was established in Urumqi. The urban planning and culture of Urumzhi has been developing rapidly since the 1980s. The city has heavy and non-ferrous metallurgy, tractors, car repair, chemistry, cement, light and food industry, water and power plants, universities, pedagogical, oil, a. sh. There are institutes. Coal is produced in Atyrau. Today, Urumqi is an important international trade and economic center in the western part of China. Urumqi is also the cultural center of Kazakhs in China. Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences and Xinjiang University have scholars studying Kazakh history and culture.
Mass media - political, literary and cultural media published in the Kazakh language in China. periodicals such as "Xinjang Gazette", "Unity of Nations", "Shugyla", "Foreign Literature", "Heritage", "Xinjiang Social Science", "Language and Translation" and "Xinjiang People's Press", "Xinjiang Study- Various books published by the Kazakh editorial department of Xinjiang Scientific-Technical Publishing House, Education Publishing House, Xinjiang Youth-Orender Publishing House, etc. The Kazakh section of the Xinjiang People's Radio, the Xinjiang TV channel, broadcasts daily on three channels in the Kazakh language.
## References
"Kazakh Encyclopedia", volume 9 |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7340 | Telkonur | Telkonur is the state of Sugur. The mood is played slowly and calmly. Each rhythm depicts a Kazakh village, a bucking mare, and a manly foal. An orphan foal is bred by a mare with a foal.
## Links
* Played by Tolegen Mombekov (from the project "Noble Heritage") - Telkonur Archived September 27, 2007. (in MP3 format} |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=7147" | Nauryzbai batyr | Shapyrashti Nauryzbai Kuttimbetuly, one of our legendary brave heroes, an outstanding hero of the Kazakh country's national liberation war against the Dzhungars in the 18th century.
Kuttimbetuly Nauryzbai was born in 1706 in Zhetisu region, on the slopes of Alatau. At that time, it was dependent on the Kazakh and Kyrgyz Dzungars between Talas, Alatau and Karatau. When Batyr opened his eyes, he heard songs about heroes and legendary stories, and he grew up in an incomparably rich spiritual environment. On the other hand, the invader who dominated the country also saw the violence and violence of the enemy. This led the young man with fire in his heart to the dream of liberating his homeland from the enemy and encouraged him to become a hero. In today's data on the life of Nauryzbai Batyr, Shapyrashti Nauryzbai, Karakerey Kabanbai, Kanzhigaly Bogenbai are among the main heroes around Abylai Khan. Bukhar Zhyrau names the following great heroes next to these three people: Shakchakuly Zhanibek, Kara Tileuke of Sirgeli, Karakalpak Kylyshbek, Satay and Bolek from Teke, Kaumen, Daulet, Zhapek, Senkibay, Shoibek, Tansykkozha, Mambet, Moldabay, Esenkul and others. Literary-historical data and legends preserved in the country's memory indicate that Nauryzbai Batyr gained the favor and pride of the entire people around the years 1727-1731. It corresponds to this time that the Kazakh people hit the Dzhongar invaders several times in a row and finally won a big victory. In the foothills of Alatau, our grandfather Nauryzbai showed great bravery in fierce battles where famous heroes of the Dzhungars, such as Shamalgan, Kaskeleng, and Boraldai, were killed. Kozybasy takes a big hand and gets the title of the main hero.
## Carl Miller's diary
One moment of Nauryzbai Batyr's life was preserved in the diary of Karl Miller, the ambassador of the Russian kingdom sent to Kaldan Seren by the Dzungar governor in the fall of 1742. On the evening of September 6, 1742, Carl Miller crossed the Karasu River and arrived at the village of the hero of the Great Hundred named Utemis around noon the next day. Next to him will be a group led by Sultan Yeraly, the son of Abulkhair Khan, and two enemies of Dzungar who came to the Kazakhs, Kashka and Burun. On September 16, the Russian ambassador and his group went to the village of Shapyrashti Nauryzbai Batyr.
Batyr asks where the Russian ambassador is coming from, where he is going, what is his purpose, who sent him on the trip, and wants to know the whereabouts of the passengers who came to his village. Carl Miller reports that by order of the Russian king, he brought a letter from Orinbor from General Neplyuev to Kaldan Seren, which contained the White Tsar's demand to stop the Dzungars' attack on the Kazakhs. Nauryzbai demands that the Russian ambassador teach him the letter written by Batyr Neplyuev to Kaldan Seren. Due to this demand, when K. Miller said that the letter was on a sealed paper and that it could not be tampered with, Nauryzbai said: "Should I believe what you said, or should I believe the letter written by your boss?" How can you trust your unwritten word, unread letter?
## Abylai Khan's release from captivity
On September 18 of the same year, Nauryzbai batyr again talked with K. Miller. This time, he brings two dances, Mambetbay and Keldibay, to the story. The conversation about the purpose of the Russian embassy begins again. It was clearly stated in I. Neplyuev's letter to the colonel. There was also information about Kazakhs being subordinate to the Russian Empire. At the same time, there was a demand to release Abylai Khan, a prisoner of Dzhongar, and return him to his country. Nauryzbay Batyr, Mambetbay and Keldibay approve of the content of these stories. At the end of the conversation, Nauryzbai Batyr expressed his satisfaction by telling the Russian ambassador that he was satisfied, that he would not leave him on his way, and that he wished his trip to be successful. On September 24, Nauryzbai Batyr escorted the Russian ambassador to the border of his country.
As a result of the embassy led by K. Miller, the rulers of Dzhongar can see that the interests of Kazakhstan will be protected by Russia. Sary Manzhi, the chief of Dzhungar responsible for relations with the Kazakhs, who traveled through the Kazakh steppes with K. Miller, listened to the news of his men Kashka and Burun, heeded the words of the embassy and reported the matter to the colonel. The proposals, demands, conclusions of the embassy made the head of Dzonghar think. In the end, the lander turned to express their acceptance of Russia's demands. Abylai is released from captivity and returned to his country. After this event, the embassy headed by K.Miller reached an agreement of great political and social importance for Kazakhs within the framework of Russia-Kazakhstan-Dzongaria relations, and the contribution of Shapyrashti Nauryzbai Batyr to Abylay's release from captivity.
## Information about Shadi tyre
In the saga of Shady tyre, there is also information about Shapyrasht Nauryzbai batyr. According to that information, Abylai Khan makes peace with the Kalmyks and sends an ambassador to China. The ambassador was tasked with opening a common market in Shaueshek and reaching an agreement on the establishment of trade relations between the two countries. Shapyrashty Nauryzbai batyr will be one of the main figures in this embassy. Judge Shadi described this situation as follows: Shapyrasht Nauryzbai is one of them, Naimannan Barlybai is the other. The ambassador was joined by Kishizuz, a man named Eset batyr from Tama. The task set before the embassy was fulfilled as planned and the spoils returned. Kabanbai, Bogenbai, Nauryzbai - three of them were the main heroes of Abylai Khan. In the historical knowledge of today's generation, Shapyrashti Nauryzbai batyr is such a hero. , such a man. A monument to Shapyrashti Nauryzbai batyr was erected on Kozybasy mountain in Zhambyl district of Almaty region. Named after one of the main streets of Almaty.
## Kabdesh Zhumadilov's attempt to deny Nauryzbai batyr
Writer Kabdesh Zhumadilov tried several times to deny the existence of Nauryzbai and Karasai batyrs. For example, the reporter of the newspaper "Obshchestvennany Pozniya" Zh. In an interview with Shoke:
- Brother Kabdesh, to write "Daraboz" you searched archives for ten years and read some historical books. Kazakh history mentions such heroes as Karakerey Kabanbay, Kanzhigaly Bogenbay, Alban Kangeldy and Rayymbek. And some historians say that there is no information about Shapyrashti Nauryzbai Batyr in the written history of China or Russia. Have you met?
- No, I didn't meet either. The heroes of the song of Bukhar Valley - Kabanbay, Bogenbay, Batyr Bayan, Barak, Olzhabay, Kazbek with a goose voice, Shakchakuly Zhanibek - they are all mentioned. Kylyshbek batyr from Karakalpak is also sung. "Daraboz" has all this. And I'll be honest: I invented Shapyrasht Nauryzbai for politics. Because the novel has to be published. It's a pity, that's how I added Nauryzbai to the book. project "DAT" No. 22 (150) May 23, 2012.
The above information confirms that this opinion is not true.
Saken Seifullin collected and published in 1931 by the then unique "Kazakhstan" publishing house "Variants of old Kazakh literature" also contains Bukar Zhirau's tolgaws. In that struggle, when Abylai Kalmak Khan defeated Kaldar, what Bukhar Zhyrau said:
— They fought with Kaldar, They clashed for seven days,
Comrades there: Karakerey Kabanbay,
Kanzhigaly Bogenbay, Shakchak son Janibek . At the beginning of his wealth, there are Senkibai and Shoibek,
Tansyk Khoja Mambet, there is Moldabai from Kaskara,
Not leaving well in the ranks, Esenkul Batyr is inside,
Onkei Batyr is gathered, Abylai made the decree.
drove away Kaldar Khan, destroyed the place built by Shep,
heated up the battle. Kasym Khan's wife was taken by
Khan Abylai... Is there a Kalmyk that says ``Zhabi''
\ <> He dug his nails in hard. When he was about to break down,
Onkei Batyr called, Khan Abylai!
Gathered on one hill, The sand piled up like a hill,
Khan Abylai ordered that the booty should be shared.
Therefore, Zhumadilov's argument that Bukhar Zhirau did not mention Nauryzbai is not true, and the text of the labor recorded by Saken Seifullin back in 1931 must be correct, because that person did not take into account the current "politics", he had no interest in including Nauryzbai.
In the regions and districts of Kazakhstan, streets are named after Nauryzbai Batyr, monuments dedicated to Nauryzbai Batyr are erected.
## Links
* Kazakh Khanate
* Dzhungaria
## Sources
## External links \< >
http://catalog.karlib.kz/irbis64r_01/Kraeved/Personalii_kaz/Bukar_zhyrau/Saken_zhigan_Bukhar_zhyrau_tolgaulary.pdf |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5089 | Sagyrbayuly, Kurmangazy | Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly (1823-1896) is a great Kazakh singer-composer. A classic of Kazakh instrumental music.
## Biography
Place of birth Bokei khanate, a place called Zhideli belonging to the Zhanakala district of the modern West Kazakhstan region. The place where the soil is ordered is the former "Shaytani bataga", now "Kurmangazy hill" of the Astrakhan region.
The origin is the Kyzylkurt branch of the Sultansiyk, descended from Kishi hundred, twelve ancestors Baiul. Ershi, the seventh grandfather of Kurmangazy, was a man of fiery tongue, sickly mouth, and eloquent man. And his uncles are the Berish clan. The name of Agatai Batyr, who stood out for his bravery during the Kalmyk invasion, was the motto of Berish. Since then, Otemis bi, Makhambet Otemisuly, Isatai Taimanuly have been the honorable sons of not only the Berish clan, but also of Kazakhs. Kurmangazy's father Sagyrbay (real name is Duysenbay) was a peasant who could not devote himself to art. The fifth grandfather of Kurmangazy was probably an artist who graduated from the Baltabai family. And his seventh grandfather, Ershi, was a man with a fiery tongue, a scythe legend, and a man of words. To this day, there is a saying in the country: "Put the man in the saddle and argue with his wife first." Kurmangazy's uncle is the Berish clan. Kurmangazy's mother, Alka, a daughter of a country that has a tradition of bravery and freedom, flew freely like a manly wind of the field until she became a bride, a man became a bridegroom, and the game brought the atmosphere of a wedding. Later, when Igilyk's daughter married Aues, the Berish clan became Kurmangazy's in-laws.
Since Kurmangazy's childhood, the most eloquent and sensitive language of Kurmangazy was the Kui language coming from the throat of the double-stringed dombra. That's why, as soon as he listens to Sokir Eszhan, the sahara's swashbuckling musician, he understands the language and religion of his dombra and listens to it. That's why he appreciated the state of his contemporaries such as Sherkesh, Baijuma, Balamaysang, and learned the most honest secret of the time from those states. Kurmangazy's teacher was Uzak.
In 1830, Kurmangazy was also involved in the peasant uprising against Zhangir Khan, led by Isatai Taimanuly from Berish and his soul friend, stormy poet, quarrelsome musician Makhambet Otemisuly. In those years, he produced the tune "Kishkentai". In 1857, Kurmangazy was imprisoned. He escapes from the place where he is going to be driven to Siberia. The second time he was imprisoned in Orinbor prison, but he was saved with the support of the Governor-General Perovsky. He sings various tunes on the theme of the prison: "I will break up", "I will leave tomorrow", "Open handcuffs", "Escaped from prison", "Bet by a cart", "Perovsky march", "Neither scream, nor noise", "Machine".
In 1880, he moved to the settlement of Sakmar in the foothills of Astrakhan. Kurmangazy, Dina Kenzhekvyna Nurpeyisova, Yergali Yeszhanov, Mendigali Suleymenov, who are highly respected among the community, will gather their successors. Kokbala, Menetay, Menkara, Sugirali, Torgaybai, Shora, famous masters of dombra playing at that time, were teachers of Kurmangazy.
Kurmangazy saw off Sokyr Eszhan, a quarrelsome coachman of the Sahara, became close friends with a cheerful coachman like Dauletkerey, and learned from the art of musicians like Sherkesh, Baijuma, and Balamaisan.
## History and list of his life
* 1823 - was born in Kurmangazy district, present-day Atyrau region.
* 1836-1840 - animal husbandry is stopped and art comes to an end. Kuishi follows Uzak and travels around the country.
* 1830-1840 - the field of composition opens and gives birth to dozens of tunes.
* 1845-1850 - travels around Zhem, Saqig Bay and Mangistau, Ustirt regions. He lives in the land of his great-uncles Toremurat and Narynbai in Aday.
* 1850 - after coming from Mangystau, he was imprisoned in Orinbor prison. Soon he will run away from him.
* 1857 – on September 26, he was sent to Orda prison.
* 1857 - escapes from prison at the beginning of November.
* 1857-1860 - hides in other villages.
* 1860-1863 - returns to the country.
* 1864 - imprisoned in Orda prison for escaping from prison and "cattle theft" and spent 2 years and 7 months there.
* 1868 - Meets journalist N. Savichev.
* 1868 - enters the Ural prison.
* 1870 - he was summoned from Astrakhan and imprisoned again. There he met a Kalmyk named Saranjap and escaped from prison.
* 1882 – is in Krasnoyar prison.
* 1884 - asked for help from the ruler Makash Bekmukhammedov and received a "White passport".
* 1885-90 - Moves to Sakhma and publishes "Recreation".
* 1890-95 - lived a leisurely life, hunted and shot birds. The disciple educates.
* 1896 - died in Altynzhar, Volodar district, Astrakhan region.
## Works
Kurmangazy's life, especially when he began to recognize right from left and began to actively participate in life, was very complicated. This period was the time when the colonial policy conducted by Tsarist Russia gained momentum, was expensive, and went beyond limits. It is a habit that the weight of the nauvet that comes to the head of the country falls first of all on the shoulders of tall men. Zamana Zobalan also engulfed Kurmangazy with its fire. His works include "Escaped from prison", "Opened the handcuffs", "I will leave tomorrow", "Bozkangyr", "Pabeski", "From the window and the door", "Bozsholak", "Buktym-buktym", "Ne krichi, ne shumi", "Arba" "Struck", "Aman bol, chechem, bol hale!", "Kairan chechem" are like one station of your zobalan, which is different from time. He responded to any discussion of harsh fate with his art and left a mark with his art.
Kurmangazy is a singer in love with life. He can rejoice like a child in the bright moments of life and be filled with emotions. His "Red Birch", "Akjelen", "Aday", "Saryarka", "Balbyraun", "Serper", "Nazym", "Balkaymak", "Nightingale's Dry", "Aksak Kiik", "Toremurat", "Kuanysh" "like the heartbeat of a soul eager for life.
Kurmangazy is a conceptual poet. It is characteristic of the spiritual nature of Kurmangazy to reflect on modern events that affect the fate of not one, not two, but several generations. His tunes such as "Dzhiger", "Kobik shashkan", "Kishkentai", "Akbay" are the assessment of a musical philosopher devoted to the historical and social nature of the time in which he lived.
Similarly, "Aizhan-ay", "Ida nightingale", "Alatau", "Amandasar", "Bas Akjelen", "Remalys", "Laushken", "Oybai, my child", "Saranjap" "Negative" "Kapai", "Uzak Akzhelen" tunes are widely known. Kurmangazy's lofty spirit is not a phenomenon that fits into only one field of music. The existence of such a unique talent can be a testimony to the spiritual existence of a single nation. All the joys and sorrows of the great historical changes in the fate of the nation are always measured by the fate of the firstborn children. On this occasion, Kurmangazy was able to be the brightest witness not only with his unique art, but also with his life to all the qualities of his native people and the state of the people of that turbulent period. With his winged states, like Mahambet in poetry, like Shokan in science, like Kenesary in the battlefield, he lived without losing control of his ambitious spirit and without changing the times.
## History of Kuylyri
"Kishkentai" is one of the first works of Kurmangazy Kushi. This song is dedicated to the leader of the rebellion, Isaiah. In his compositions "Akbay", "Aksak kiik", "Kobik shashkan", "Escape from prison", "Aday", bright future, people's hope, anger towards the ruling class are skillfully described. The poet brings to mind his homeland, the vast steppe through the poem "Saryarka". Kurmangazy's tunes captivate the listener with their rich melody, kerbez pattern, energetic energy, and their quick accent. Kuishi knew how to fully use the methods of performing the dombra, the rich sound and technical capabilities of the instrument. Due to the peculiarities of Kurmangazy tunes - the climax of the tune, i.e., the small mouth and the big mouth, the dombra range is completely mastered, and the original size and rhythm of the tune is kept unchanged throughout the work. "Balbyraun", "Erten zhetem", "Buktym-buktym", "Balkaymak", "Gray Kangyr", "Ne krichi ne shumi", "Aizhan-ay", "Laushken" etc. b. Below are detailed definitions of many states:
* Kairan Chesham
Akbay's messengers were about to tie Kurmangazy to a cart when they saw Akbala, his mother. He regrets that he has not done a good deed to his mother, who brought him up in a pitiful manner, and thinks that he is being driven away again. He comes to his mother with tears in his eyes. "If I say that I have found a son, then I have given birth to something bad and bad. Who are you crying in front of?" - and pulls him to the side with a slap. Kurmangazy realizes his mistake. While he was in the Ural prison, he thought about all of this and wrote a song called "Kairan Checham" dedicated to his mother. The mood begins slowly, as if describing the situation of a poet in a cage, and gradually it is moved and poured out with inspiration.
* Kapy
The dance that Kurmangazy revenged will be by following him. At one gathering, Kurmangazy, who was playing the tambourine and telling the story of Isatai and Makhambet, scolded Kurmangazy saying, "You told the story of Isatai Makhambet." Because of this regret, he released the status "Kapy".
* Goodbye
When Kurmangazy was about to be arrested and sent to the Orda prison, he said "Goodbye, my people, until we see each other again" and took the pose "Goodbye". "
* Massacre of the girl Danai
In 1850, Kurmangazy went with his brothers Toremurat, Oten, and Narymbai along the Zhem river and brought back the girl Danai. Kurmangazy protects the pursuers by knocking them down and preventing them from coming to the wedding. His uncles are pleased with this heroism and give him a gift. The inspired singer sings "Kyz Danai's massacre" for this joy. Kurmangazy describes the clatter of horse hooves and a fierce battle. In between, the girl was able to depict Danai's beauty and ringing smile with clay voices. Due to the emergence of this state, Toremurat gathers the people and makes a big feast with slaughtering of animals.
* Red Birch
It is said that Kurmangazy survived the persecutors by covering himself with a branch of a red birch that grew alone in the field. Later: "My country, my land, and my tree are a refuge. "I took care like a mother and devoted myself to the red birch, which sheltered me with its leaves," he said.
* The foamy
Caspian Sea at certain times rises in level, overflows the shore and overflows. According to scientists, this is a phenomenon that happens every epoch. A similar phenomenon occurred in the second half of the 19th century. Great composer Kurmangazy and poet Kashagan saw this with their own eyes. When Kurmangazy came, he met Kashagan and both of them walked along the shore of the overflowing sea. There is also a picture drawn by an artist about this. Kashagan published a saga called "The Flood" about this flood that caused suffering to the people. The poet connects the tragic phenomenon of nature with the loss of moral and sensual qualities of mankind with a philosophical concept. Kurmangazy saw the sea overflowing, foaming and raging, and felt pain that it had harmed the people. He is also greatly influenced by the Kashagan saga. So, the heart-wrenching clay "Foamed" came out.
* Escaped from prison
According to the book, Kurmangazy writes the poem after escaping from prison, while resting. Kuishi has been fighting for the independence of his country since he was young, and along the way he has been imprisoned many times. At one of those times, the coachman's friend in prison, Lavochkin's mother, secretly brings a steel saw to his throat. Then Kurmangazy escapes from the prison with the help of his supporters. Tired and taking a rest, the singer sings "The Escape from Prison".
## External links
* Descendants of Kurmangaz
* Status power
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3704 | Adjective | Adjective is the type, color, quality, sign, state, weight, volume, smell, etc. of a thing. words that express properties.
Questions of adjectives in Kazakh: what are they? which one
What is said is the semantic side of the adjective.
In terms of personality, adjectives are divided into main and derivative.
* Basic adjectives include root adjectives. A root adjective without a suffix, not combined with other words, not combined, not connected, gives a critical meaning even standing alone. For example, blue, yellow, wide, warm, deep, clean, far.
* Derivatives of adjectives include words created by combining and doubling adjectives, combining nouns and adjectives, and adding various suffixes to adjectives and other word classes. For example, 1. Kokpenbek's lips move. 2. Our roof is made of small stones. 3. White, yellow, black, mottled blue, oral, many children, silk dress.
Singular and complex adjectives
Singular adjectives are words with a critical meaning consisting of only one word: beautiful, good, funny, tall, brown, etc.
Complex adjectives - compound and double adjectives must express a critical sign, that is, they must consist of at least two words and express one critical concept. Example words: maroon red, black speckled, dark gray, white bearded, etc.
Ways to make complex criticism:
* Complex criticism is made by combining quality criticism: red mottled, brown maroon, dark gray, dark blue, blue alate, etc.
* It is formed by the combination of the adjective and relative: thick reeds (lake), white wings (birds), broad-fronted blue dress (girls), etc. b.
* A noun is formed by a combination of a word and a relative adjective: fox-faced (person), double-gutted (dombra), leather-booted (guy), wolf-bellied (citizen), etc.
* A complex adjective is formed by combining the relative clause and the relative clause: Kazakh character (boy), full-bodied (woman), stylishly dressed (girl), sharp-eyed (boy), well-educated (citizen), etc. b.
5. Complex adjectives are formed by doubling adjectives: big-big, good-bad, big-small.
## Morphological characteristics
The natural function of an adjective is to be a defining member of a noun. It does not undergo any change when it is combined with a noun: it is an adjective, regardless of whether the defined noun is used in any of the plural, adverbial, dependent forms. will never be dependent, multiplied or denominated.
At the same time, a variety of adjectives, in addition to defining nouns, also define verbs and perform the functions of adverbs. For example: Speak thin and become fat until you talk fat and get thin (proverb).
## Syntactic function
Adjective, according to its natural nature, often functions as a defining member in a sentence. For example: There are only three things that are the qualities of a person: hot energy, bright mind, warm heart (Abay).
Adjective can be a narrator and can be part of a narrator. For example: A four-room stone house is cool and comfortable (Gabit Makhmutuly Musirepov).
If adjectives stand before (before) members of verbs in a sentence, there is always a modifier. For example: A good student studies well.
Adverbs of strengthening (very, very, too, even, great, huge, enormous, etc.) can be added to adjectives. For example: very good, very tall, very bitter, even lazy, incredibly fast, huge.
If two or more bare qualitative adjectives overlap each other, they are neither defining nor subordinating each other, each in its own way directly related to the noun. For example: Ermek comes along a straight, long, high, wide road like a bullet (Mustafin from Gabi).
## Semantic groups
According to their semantic meaning and grammatical features, adjectives are divided into two areas called qualitative (main) criticism and related (derivative) criticism. What are any of these criticisms? which one (how?) answers questions.
### Qualitative adjectives
"Qualitative adjectives" refer to various characteristics of an object, in particular, its type and color (white, black, gray, etc.). b. ), secret and quality (good, bad, good, bad, etc.), size and area (big, small, heavy, light, etc.), taste and smell (bitter, sweet, sweet, etc. .) and other characteristics of things.
### Relative adjectives
Relative adjectives are words that express the sign of one thing through the relationship of another thing or action.
According to this feature, relative adjectives are formed from other nouns and verbs by means of appropriate suffixes, and are related to the appearance and color of the object, shape and appearance, secret and criticism, internal quality and character, place and time, etc. means critical concepts related to signs. For example: A house with children is a market, a house without children is a grave (proverb); A sharp knife cuts a hand (proverb); This is a comfortable summer residence (Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov).
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2418 | Orkhon-Yenesai records | Old Turkic inscriptions or Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions - c. V century — Inscriptions carved on stone by Turkic tribes from the 10th century.
Orkhon-Yenisei monuments were first found along the Orkhon River (the time of the Second Turkic Khaganate), and then in the upper course of the Yenisei River (Kyrgyz Khaganate). Sometimes it is called a runic script, it has a connection with the German runes (some of the symbols are exactly the same, the phonetic meaning is also close). Asian Turkic runes are based on the Sogdian script of the 8th century. is considered to have been done before. Its alphabet has about 40 graphemes. A feature of the Old Turkic runic script is that it has several pairs of individual letters for basic velar and palatal consonants. The mystery of the ancient Turkic runic script was solved in 1893 by V. Thomsen decided. The first descriptions of Orkhon monuments were made in 1894 by V.V. Made by Radlov.
## Writing method
The alphabet during the "Golden Age" (8th century AD) includes 38 characters and a punctuation mark. The direction of writing is immediate, from right to left. Thin and thick sounds are not separated in writing, some of the silent ones are marked with symbols similar to the thin or thick sound.
A punctuation mark is placed between words, the end of a sentence is not marked. It is not case sensitive.
## The study of ancient Turkic writings
The scientific community knew about the existence of mysterious writings spread over the steppes of Siberia and Mongolia from a long time ago. They were called "Rune inscriptions", i.e. "secret, undisclosed" symbols from the Scandinavian languages. At that time, world scientists believed that these inscriptions were the heritage of the ancient Ugrian tribes (ancestors of the Ural peoples). The expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specially organized for the study of inscriptions, conducted search operations in the Minusinsk basin, and D.G. Messerschmidt and F.I. von Strallenberg collected a lot of materials in 1721-1722. The collected data were analyzed from a scientific point of view, and in 1729 Z. Bayer's "Records of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg" was published and became an object of great interest to all Orientalists in Europe. In 1730, F.I. von Stralenberg himself published the results of his research and copies of the inscriptions. Although various interpretations have been proposed, there is still too little data to draw any definitive conclusions, because these inscriptions found in the Minusinsk region are fragmentary, and accordingly, the copies in the published data are too brief, and the inscriptions themselves are partially erased.
In 1889 N.M. The inscriptions found by Yadrintsev in the steppes of Mongolia brought fully preserved and voluminous samples of ancient inscriptions to the scientific environment. Now, looking at these inscriptions, it was possible to make clear conclusions about its sound structure and grammatical nature. In 1893, the Danish philologist V. Thomsen (Denmark) found the key to reading these inscriptions. The very next year V.V. Radlov read and translated the Orkhon inscriptions, 1895. Readings and translations of the Yenisei inscriptions were also published.
## History of Field Inscriptions
B.C. In the 8th century, Brahmi and Kharoskhi scripts spread to the steppes of the nomads. These are from Ancient India. For example, reading short inscriptions from the Hun period revealed that the word "shanyu" (Mode shanyu) in Chinese writings is pronounced "Senghir" in the Hun language. It means "high", "exalted", "high" and can be found in modern Turkic languages, for example, in the Kazakh language, in phrases such as "Sengir mountains", "Zangar kuk". BC of the ancient Chinese. It is this writing that is called "Hunnu writing" in the ages. Later B.C. From the 3rd century, Sogdy inscriptions spread to the countryside. It was in the ancient state of Kanly BC. 3 and c. It was widely used during the 5th century. For example, the "Kultobe inscriptions" found in the south of modern Kazakhstan date back to BC. It belongs to the 2nd-1st centuries.
Old Turkic scripts were mainly used during the Great Turkic Khaganate, Blue Turkic Khaganate, and Khazar Khaganate between the 6th and 10th centuries. The distribution area is found from the Mongolian-Siberian steppes to Tibet and to the regions of Hungary and Chuvashia in Europe. Old Turkic scripts were replaced by ancient Uyghur scripts. These inscriptions are sometimes called Manichaean inscriptions. Its spread was due to the spread of Manichaeism. Later these writings were replaced by Arabic writings influenced by Islam. Later, instead of these Arabic scripts, modern Turkic peoples use Latin and Cyrillic alphabets.
## General description of Old Turkic scripts
Old Turkic scripts or Old Turkic alphabet is a type of phonetic writing, that is, it records sounds in words. Scientists divide the Old Turkic inscriptions, which were spread over a large area in the 6th-10th centuries, into three groups:
* Yenisei monuments.
* Talas monuments.
* Orkhon monuments.
There is no significant difference between the years of use of these and the use of common writing characters, except for location. However, according to the dates of writing, Turkic writings show that they gradually spread along the Yenisei-Lena, from Siberia, from the Baikal region to the steppes of Mongolia, the Orkhon region, and from there to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Xinjiang. And the process of writing, the use of symbols is similar, the reading is uniform.
* Yenisei monuments include inscriptions found along the Yenisei and in the region of the Tuva, Khakas, Altai republics (all Turkic republics within Russia) and the Zhanasibir (Novosibirsk) region of Russia located in western Siberia and along the Irtysh. It was used and written in the 5th-7th centuries. The total number of ancient Turkic written monuments found in this region is about 150.
* Talas monuments. Inscriptions in this region are spread over the regions of South Kazakhstan, Zhetysu, Syr Bai and Kyrgyzstan, including the most concentrated place in the modern Zhambyl region. The period of use is the 8th century. The total number of monuments is about 20.
* Orkhon monuments. Monuments found along the Orkhon, Seleng, Tola rivers in Mongolia and the Minusinsk basin in Russia are among them. It was used in the 7th-8th centuries. The total number of monuments is about 30. However, the most voluminous, long texts belong to this group. Among them, "Kutlyg Kagan", "Bilge Kagan", "Kultegin", "Tonykok", "Kuli Chor" and "Moyin Chor" monuments have a special place in terms of historical value. That is, it can be concluded that Old Turkic scripts were widely used in Siberia, Mongolia, Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and South Russia between the 5th and 8th centuries. This historical period (5th-8th centuries) and its wide area corresponds to the territory and era of existence of the Great Turkic Khaganate, the Western and Eastern Turkic, Turgesh, Khazar Khaganate and Blue Turkic (Second Turkic Khaganate) states. In addition, modern science knows the versions of the Old Turkic inscriptions in the Tibetan region and in the European steppes.
## Content of Old Turkic scripts
The Danish scientist Wilhelm Thomsen (since 1898) revealed the secret of Old Turkic script. Later, Russian Turkic scholars translated and studied a lot. In the 20th century, scientists from Turkic countries - Tatar, Uzbek, Turkish, Kazakh, Azerbaijani researchers joined it. Sometimes called "rune (runic) inscriptions". The reason for this is that before the secret of the writing was revealed, these writings at first glance resembled the writings of the ancient Scandinavian peoples. However, scientific research has revealed that they are Turkic inscriptions. For the first time, Thomsen read from the words "Turk" and "God".
The total volume of these inscriptions is long. It is a medium-sized book by its current size. There are many historical, cultural, ethnographic and political data, which inform about the life, knowledge, world view and traditions of the people of that time. The series of historical events, the campaigns of the great khagans, are narrated in a beautiful, picturesque language in the style of a military campaign. Therefore, many researchers attribute them to works of art. The writings describe the events of the era of the Old Turks and the Blue Turks, show the Jagirapic names, the names of the tribes at that time, and their location and distribution area. It is a pity that the Turkic written monuments were mercilessly destroyed during the Manichean Uyghur Khaganate.
In the writings, first of all, the historical events of the Great Steppe between the 5th and 8th centuries are narrated in artistic language, they have twists and turns, internal structures, and compositional integrity. Therefore, if we define its genre first of all, these are historical sagas rather than chronicles or chronicles. The nature of the writing gives the sound features of the Turkic languages, including the laws of harmony. The peculiarity of the writing is that it is read from right to left and mostly consonants are marked. They have thick and thin types, which are individually marked separately.
The appearance of ancient Turkic inscriptions has reached us in the form of "printed letters" carved on stone. There is no information about its written form. Because the written letters that could be written on fabrics and treated skins did not reach us due to the intolerance of these materials. At first glance, the person who sees these inscriptions resembles the symbols of Kazakh clans. That is, the inscriptions consist of "arrow symbols", "moon symbols" and "talisman symbols" and "eye symbols", "star symbols", "fish symbols" and then "comb symbols" and "earring symbols". Ancient Turkic inscriptions found along the Enesai River. Among them are the inscriptions on the tombstones of the famous Bilge Kagan, Kultegin, and Tonykok.
## Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions
Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions are historical and cultural monuments of ancient Turkish writing. For a long time, the secret was unknown, in which language it was written. Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions are also called runic inscriptions (in the language of the Scandinavian peoples, the word "rune" means "unrevealed secret", "secret"). Only in 1893. only the Danish scientist Thomsen discovers the key to reading the secret writing. A few years later, the Russian scientist VV Radlov read and translated the inscription on the large stones found along the Orkhon River. Since the largest monuments of runic script were found in the Orkhon and Yenisei river valleys, the script itself was named as such.
The Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions turned out to be poems carved on huge tombstones placed on the graves of Bilge, the Khagan of the Eastern Turkic Khanate, and his younger brother, Kultegin. The main issues underlying the song are the country's independence, prosperity and unity. Eight stories are told in Kultegin poem.
* In the first, the Khagan's address to his people,
* In the second, he describes the vastness of the land of the Turkish Khaganate,
* In the third, the military campaigns of the Turks,
* In the fourth, a story about the conspiracies of the neighboring tribes, \< > * The fifth is about the danger to the Turks of participating with the Tabgash tribe.
Another monument of the Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions is the poems on the tombstone of Tonykok. It also contains fourteen lines that give information about the life of the Turks at that time. The history of the Turkish people becoming dependent on the Tabgash, the unification of the freed Turks, the election of the Khagan, Elteris becoming the Khagan under the influence of Tonykok, the threats of the Turks by the spies of the Oghiz state, the battles with the opponents, the bravery of Tonykok in repulsing the enemy, the conduct of battles, the ways in which the Turks fought with different tribes. It was reported and praise of Tonykok was given.
N.K. Widzen, S.U. Remezov, as well as the Swedish officer I.T. Stralenberg and the well-known German scientist D.G. Messerschmidt, et al. we know from his articles and letters written at the beginning of the 18th century.
On November 25, 1893, at the meeting of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, Wilhelm Thomsen made a statement that shocked the scientific world. The scientist announced that he has discovered the key to reading the secret writing on the monuments found along the Orkhon and Yenisei rivers. The first words the scientist read were "God" and "Turk".
It was at this time that academician V.V. Radlov also searched on his own and identified about fifteen letters of the runic script. Not long after, V.V. Radlov completely read and translated the text on the large stones found along the Orkhon River.
A large study written jointly by qualified scholars M. Zoldasbekov and K. Sartkozhauly, who thoroughly studied the Orkhon written relics for many years, was published.
L.N. Gumilev considers the written monuments of Orkhon to be a chronicle written by "the Blue Turks themselves".
Monuments written on stone mainly talk about the Turkish khaganate, the khagans who ruled it, and their bravery. The songs "Kultegin" and "Tonykok" are historical data intended to provide accurate information from the past era. The main idea of the song "Kultegin" is to show the hero Kultegin as a powerful figure of the Turkish Khaganate. The author of the song "Kultegin" - Yolligtegin, the power of the Turkic Khaganate increased, its territory expanded as much as possible, and the life of the country improved.
The personality of Tonykök occupies a special place in the history of the Turkish Khaganate. He was an adviser to Elteris Khagan, Bugi Khagan and Bilge Khagan. Tonykok is a smart, wise old man who cares about the country. When the Turkish Khaganate was surrounded by enemies from all sides, Tonykök helped the Khaganists with his advice, witty words, and heroic deeds. The song "Tonykok" has a special place among Orkhon written records. The author of this poem is different, it is assumed that it was written by Tonykök himself. The second one recognized these relics in the runic script as an artistic work based on the original literary tradition of the ancient Turks, with all the characteristics of a poetic work.
Until recently, there were two conflicting views about the features of the Orkhon relics. One of them considered the history of Kultegin and Tonykok to be an accurate history of the Turkic Khaganate, which has nothing to do with fiction, including poetry.
Among the written relics of Orkhon, the poems "Kultegin" and "Tonykok" are the first examples of Kazakh heroic poems that sing about heroism and nationhood in terms of their ideological content, compositional structure, and artistic representation.
## Ancient Turkic written monuments
Ancient Turkic script, Turkic runic written monuments - ancient Turkish engraved inscriptions and manuscripts of the 7th-9th centuries, various texts in the ancient Turkic alphabet. The ancient language, history, ethnogenesis, geography, spiritual culture, written tradition, customs and worldview of the modern Turkish people can be learned through ancient Turkish written monuments.
### Areas of discovery
Areas where ancient Turkic inscriptions were found include the valleys of the Yenisei and Lena rivers in Siberia, the valleys of the Orkhon, Ongin, and Selenga rivers in Mongolia, along the Talas and Syr rivers in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. , Irtys and Ile basins. In 1889, the Russian ethnographer-scientist N.M. Yadrintsev found two exceptionally large stones with bilingual inscriptions at the confluence of the Orkhon River in Mongolia. Later, it became known that one was given to Bilge Khagan (735), the other to his younger brother Kultegin (732), and its contents were fully determined. Chinese hieroglyphs are carved on one side of these monuments, and writing symbols carved on three sides are similar to "Siberian runes", mysterious inscriptions found along the Yenisei River (these inscriptions are also called "runic" or "rune-like" because they are somewhat similar in appearance to Scandinavian runes). As a result of special research conducted by Finnish and Russian scientists, atlases were published, which collected versions of the Orkhon and Yenisei monuments (photos, prints). Finally, the Danish linguist V. In 1893, Thomsen determined the phonetic meanings of the Turkic runic (Orkhon-Yenisei) signs, and in January 1894, Academician V.V. Radlov gave the first translation of the runic inscription on the Kultegin monument written in ancient Turkic language. This discovery in science marked the historical comparative direction of linguistics and became a strong pillar in the systematization of the science of Turkic studies. After that, it became clear that the ancient Turkish written monuments were not only engraved on stones, but also engraved on various products made of metal (gold, silver, bronze) and clay. The total number of identified Turkic runic inscriptions in Mongolia, Siberia and Asia is about two hundred. At the beginning of the 20th century, written versions of the Turkic runic script in East Turkestan were identified in shamanic, Manichean, Buddhist religious and legal contexts (8th-10th centuries). In 1932, a mysterious runic inscription carved on a wooden stick was found in the Talas Valley. S. E. Malov, H. N. Orkun, A. M. Shcherbak, etc. showed the similarity of the writing on the sticks with Turkic runic characters and read it in the ancient Turkic language.
Issyk written monument is a written monument from the Saka period (5-4 BC). 1970 A gilded warrior's corpse and various belongings, including a silver bowl with a mysterious inscription, were found in a large burial ground from the Saq period near the city of Esik in the mountains of the Yele region. 26 rune-like symbols are engraved on its outside. The value of the monument is that, firstly, it proves that the language of the Saka tribes who inhabited the land of Kazakhstan in the early days is the ancient Turkic language, and secondly, that 2500 years ago there was an alphabetic writing of tribes of Turkic descent:
Mogoilyan written monument is an ancient Turkic monument found along the Orkhon River (7 the end of the century). The monument is dedicated to Mogilyan, the son of Kutlug (Kabagan) Khagan, the text was written by Iollyg Tegin, and it was discovered by N. M. Yadrintsev, first read by V. V. Radlov. The inscription describes the campaigns of Mogilyan, Kultegin, and Tonykok.
Moyunchur monument - Orkhon-Yenisei with ancient Turkic writing dated 759 AD. inscribed monument. It was discovered in Northern Mongolia in 1909. found by G. I. Ramstedt. In 1913, he translated the text of the monument into German. published by This work was written by N. Orkun to Turkish, S. E. Malov in 1959. translated into Russian and published. The monument is also called "Selenium Stone". Moyunchur was the khan of the Uighur state at that time. In the text of the monument there are names of places, people, tribes, peoples (Uyghur, Oghuz, Togz, Tatar, Kyrgyz, Turkesh, Turk, Sogdy, Kypchak, etc.). On the monument, the story is told on behalf of the representative of the Oguz tribe.
Orkhon carved inscriptions - voluminous literary heritage found along the Orkhon and Selenge rivers of Mongolia, tombstones of the Khan dynasty, 7-8 centuries. are written ancient Turkic runic monuments. It includes Bilge Kagan, Kultegin, Tonykok, Kuli-chur, Moyun-chur, etc. include monuments. The monuments and the written data on them were opened and published by N. M. Yadrintsev, V. Thomsen, V. V. Radlov.
### On the territory of Kazakhstan
During the last thirty years, it was discovered that there are ancient Turkic written monuments in the territory of Kazakhstan. From Talas (Zhambyl region) runic inscriptions engraved on a square stone seal and a half fragment of a round stone, runic inscriptions engraved on rocks from Ile (Almaty region) were found in three places. The runic inscription on the ring was also discovered from this region. Along the Syr River (Turkestan region), a round necklace made of clay, carved like a jar, and runic inscriptions, found on the site of old settlements, were known. One of the two runic inscriptions on bronze mirrors from the Irtysh region (East Kazakhstan region) was published in 1948 by A. N. Bernshtam. Also, in 1985, a runic inscription engraved on a rock was found in East Kazakhstan, and in 1987, a runic inscription engraved on the sole of a seal attached to a cord was found. K. etc. etc. Scientists who studied the language of E and made a great contribution - V. Thomsen, Radlov, P. M. Melioransky, V. Bang, G. I. Ramsted, A. Gaben, S. E. Malov, V. M. Nasilov, I. A. Batmanov, A. N. Kononov, J. Clawson, T. Tekin, et al.
## Table of symbols
## Reading example
— record
T²NGR²I — transliteration
/ teŋri/ — transliteration
teñri — Latin script
## Unicode
Old Turkic script support has been introduced in Segoe UI Symbol font since Windows 8.
## History of writing
The oldest (V-III centuries BC) records were found in Kyrgyzstan (Issyk, Talas, Balykchi, etc.).
The origin of the inscription is unclear. The polynomial indicates the correspondence with the symbols, the meaning of the sound is derived from the acronym. Based on some symbols (edges, direction of writing, corresponding sound meaning), it can be assumed that it is related to early Semitic script: Byblos script and Punic (Phoenician) script.
In the early study of the Orkhon-enesai inscriptions, some speculated that this script was derived from the Sugdak Dogal script, or even from the Chinese script.
Recently, some researchers have speculated that it originated from the Kharoshthi script, or from the same root.
Until the time of the Mongol rule (XIII century), the alphabet was printed with Arabic and other Turkic scripts.
In addition to the ancient Turkic script, there are many runic inscriptions - Bulgar runes, inscriptions on clay urns in the city of Sarkel (Khazar Khaganate), Magyar script, Talas script, etc. The basis of
scientific research is the XIX century. created at the end. On October 25, 1893, the Danish linguist William Thomson solved the problem of writing. The first word he recognized was Tenri (God).
## Area of occurrence
Records are found in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Russia.
## See more
* Orkhon-Yenesai writings
* Kazakh alphabet
* Turkic bitik
* Bitik
## External references
* Türkic script
* Köktürkische Schrift, Türkische Runen
* Orkhon Inscriptions complete text Archived 11 April 2012.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5235 | Әміре | Amire Kashaubaev (1888, Degeleng mountain basin, Kainar village, Abyraly district, East Kazakhstan region - December 6, 1934, Almaty) is a famous singer, actor and musician.
## Biography
* Father Kashaubai comes from the Tarakt tribe of Orta Yuz, mother Toigan comes from Karatai clan of Naiman tribe of Orta Yuz, Amir inherited her singing talent from her parents: mother Toygan has a nightingale voice. a musician, his father Kashaubay delighted the people with his singing and singing.
* When he turned 12 (1900), he became a horse driver for a rich man named Isabek, and he made the young singer sing at parties.
* In 1921 - 24, he became a member of the Kazakh youth educational organization "Es-Zone" established in Semipalatinsk and improved his singing skills.
* In 1924, he took part in the competition of folk artists organized in this city and won the first prize.
* "Wooden leg", "Canapia", "Three friends", "Lone juniper", "Kosbalapan", etc. at the World Fashion Art Exhibition held in Paris in 1925. performed songs and received a silver medal along with the 2nd prize. "Paris Weekly" newspaper and "Le Musical" magazine wrote that he is a rare talent, Sorbonne University professor Pernot recorded several songs performed by Amir on a phonograph.
* In April 1927, by special invitation, he sang Kazakh songs in the hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In the same year, he took part in a concert at the International Music Exhibition held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and presented Kazakh folk songs to the world. His songs were performed by major representatives of world culture, Romain Rolland, Henri Barbus, etc. b. highly appreciated by
Aleksandr Zataevich was impressed by Amir's singing skills, and from him "Balkadisha", "Dudarai", "Bes Karager", "Blue Butterfly", etc. recorded the songs and published them in the collection "500 Kazakh Songs and Moods" (1931). Mukhtar Auezov, Saken Seifullin, Isa Baizakov, Alkei Margulan, Zhusipbek Elebekov, Kurmanbek Zhandarbekov and Ahmet Zhubanov highly appreciated Amir's singing ability.
* He was one of the first actors of the Kazakh Drama Theater (now the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater) opened in Kyzylorda in 1926.
* In 1934, he transferred to the Kazakh Music Theater (now the Kazakh Opera and Ballet Theater).
* On December 6, 1934, the singer was seriously ill and tragically died in an accident in Almaty.
## Additional data
Family name from the Tarakhi clan in the Middle Hundred. Born and raised in a poor peasant family.
From a young age, people were captivated by his singing skills, he sang around the country, got to know famous singers such as Satmagambet from Karaotkel, Gaziz, Zhayau Musa from Bayanaul, Kali Baizhanov, Mayra Valivkyna from Kerikuly, and further strengthened his art. In 1924, together with Kali, he won the main prize at the artist competition held in Semipalatinsk.
Amire plays the role of Zhapal in "Enlik Kebek" and Zharas in "Ayman Sholpan". He often goes to concert performances and makes a special contribution to the promotion of folk art.
Amir's singing skills have been highly appreciated by experts who know the art of art, such as A.V. Lunacharsky, A.V. Zataevich, G. Lyubimov.
Kazakh classical songs such as "Wooden legs", "Three friends", "Double drum", "Kyzyl Baidai", "Smet", "Zalgyz Arsha" were established by the example of Amir and continued in the repertoire of later singers. . At the same time, J. Elebekov, M. Erzhanov, Zh. It is worth noting that brass singers such as Karmenov, K. Baibosynov, M. Eshekeev, B. Tileukhanov were worthy followers who continued Amir's art.
## Complete information about Amire Kashaubaev
### Amir is on stage
He looked around the crowded hall and looked at his drum. Amir heard a couple of screams that were deafening, but it was just the beginning. It should mean observing the sound characteristics of the hall. After a short time, the singer seemed to have forgotten both the hall and the audience, who were listening as if they had been hit on the ears. Amir's voice sometimes thunders down the sky to the ground, sometimes it rustles and whispers like a sheaf of wheat moved by a slow wind, - says an article written on a concert published at the All-Union Soviet Congress held in Moscow in April 1927. Amir's name became famous not only in Kazakhstan, but in the entire Union and Europe. Through Amire, the Kazakh singing art crossed the Memlectic border already in the middle of the twenties and entered the mouths of great cultural figures of Russia and the West. Amire is a great Kazakh artist who can boast, no matter how proud he is.
His father Kashaubai was poor and pursued everyday life. Kashaubai soon moved to Semipalatinsk. It was not easy to do business in the city either. Kashaubai barely supported the household. But Kashaubai, who had lost his appearance due to his age and became hunched over, his body deteriorated, he was tired, and gradually he became unfit for menial work.
And Amire's mother, Toygan, was also unfit for the hard work that she had to do with her wrists if there were no small household chores. All this came and finally it was the beginning of putting a big heavy image yoke on young Amir's neck. Having no other choice, young Amir becomes a driver for a rich man named Isabek, who lives on the side of Zhana Semey. Amir was humming and singing. Gradually, Amir became louder, felt all his vocal abilities, sometimes forgot that he was a horse driver, fell into the fun of the song, and received severe reprimands from his master, in our language. But all of it is not important for Amir, somehow the emptiness of his mouth is also a concern, and he does not turn away from this face.
Although he is not as talented as his father said, the talent of Kashaubai's son for music earned him the title of a boy singer before his horse riding, and since then, a singer boy. Standing on both sides of the street, inside the open gate, women and girls with samovar floats, a group of adults who were chatting in the evening, and an old boy playing, sitting on the phaeton's goat, joined the rhythm of the wheels of the cart, and listened quietly to Amire's song, reproducing the evening Irtis. The whole of Zhana Semey knew Amir well. Meanwhile, the entertainment was not complete without Amir. In addition to his singing, the young man with a beautiful character and good heart always quickly attracted the attention of the people.
Thanks to these two qualities, Amir's fame soon spread across Irtys and reached the city of Semipalatinsk. Kashaubai's son, the former, the former, now, has turned into the face of the whole city. Rich Isabek didn't like all this, he wanted to stop Amire's unacceptable behavior towards this poor man. Therefore, with the aim of pinning him down somewhere, Amir is kept under guard. To cut Amire's path was to deprive the singer of the people who loved him. But Isabek could not achieve his goal. Amir's voice wandered through the streets of Semipalatinsk at night, and singing young people opened their windows and enjoyed listening to the singing of older people. A strong voice from nature seemed to be shaking even more than before with the chill of the night, save me from this bondage, let me be free, spread my wings and sing to the sky, as if Amir's voice was asking him to leave Isabek's smelly skin warehouse before him, as if he wanted to go to the plains of Arka, the free flow of Irtys. means
At this time, Amir wants to get some paid income, give it to his home, and leave Semipalatinsk himself. No matter how difficult it is, kind parents will not cover the forehead of an artistic child. Amire was now free to sing. Settled with Isabek and left for Koyandy, the home of Arka singers. It was a great journey for Ameer. Because until now, Amire, who has been talking only about what he knows, will meet with the singers who are ahead of the group. He saw the elderly singer Zhayau Musa, who, despite his age, is still cheerful and funny, and still sings songs with his old voice.
### In Semipalatinsk
While in Semipalatinsk, he told about his White Sisa, Diamond Girl, Khaulau, and even if he did not see the Walking Musa himself, he was satisfied with the creative face. Now, the old singer himself saw "what the ear hears, the eye sees". It was a great spiritual achievement for the young applicant. And when I heard Bapi's Madi, Gabbas's Aitpai, Baizhan's Kali, which was at its peak at this time, there were many faults in Amire's songs that he had been performing until now. Like a child who broke a world, he listened silently on the floor with his eyes. The market of this song drove Amir away, and he promised himself that he would never return to the smell of Isabek's skin. In any way, Amir decided to dedicate himself to the art of singing from now on. He learned new songs from the above-mentioned singers and enriched his repertoire. He tried to sing each song in his own style. A talented singer, he achieved his goal. He sang from the age of three, became a "singing boy" among the precocious Kazakhs and Tatars of Zhana Semey, came to Kondy when he was only eighteen years old, and apart from opening up the world of music for Amir, he saw other worldly and life-changing news. Amir comes back to Semipalatinsk with his arms full of songs. Now, he is not the old janitor and guard Amir, but an experienced Amir who has been around good people who have seen a heated life. Semey welcomed him more warmly than before. Amir was invited more often.
Meeting with the famous Maira, who is coming to Semey, two giants of music, one with the drum and one with the harmonium, heated up the song market of Semey. Kazakh singers like Amire, who could not raise her chest in the past, and Mayra, who broke through the darkness, lifted their shirts and their voices sounded louder than before. Amir's strong voice rose to the sky as if joining the revolution, and one day it even reached Moscow.
"Is Kazakh singer Amire Kashaubaev going to take part in the ethnographic concert at the world exhibition in Paris?" Please let me know as soon as possible. Travel expenses will be paid. The term is June, July. A telegram arrives from Lunacharsky, the Commissioner of Public Education of the RKFSR, to the regional department of Semipalatinsk. In the department of public education, Amire also stinks. While they are doing this, I ask you to speed up the reply to my telegram about the Kazakh singer Amire Kashaubayev from Moscow. A telegram came from Lunacharsky saying that our concert in Paris is of national importance. There is no time for deliberation. You only need to follow what is in the telegram.
### Abroad
Amir left for Moscow. Amir, who had traveled to Koyandi as long as he had to go to Mecca, now this road seemed interesting. Well-known artists from republics other than Kazakhstan came to Macao to participate in the concert in Paris. The performance of these masters, including Amir's performance at the Bolshoi Theater in preparation for the Paris concert, was a great success. It was written about this in the issue of Pravda dated July 26, 1925. In terms of the artistic stage of their creative work, their wild arts are not inferior to the European masters in terms of performance. wrote. Narrators say that when Amire Kakarten sang the top note of the first leg, a woman sitting in the front row of the parterre said in shock, "What a powerful voice this is."
Amir goes to Paris with an ethnographic ensemble. He wants to correct the mistakes of what he sees and hears with his eyes. At the same time, they hear from the advertisements that this upcoming Soviet country represents only a small part of the population. Soviet artists will give 11 concerts in the halls of Paris. At those concerts, Amir sings his favorite songs: Wooden Legs, Three Friends, Two Jiren, Dudar, Double Drum, Red Wheat and others.
The concert of the ensemble is very popular with the people of Paris, who have never heard such music before. The songs of various nations, their various instruments, colorful clothes, and performance skills make the representatives of the Soviet Union a great success. Friends are happy and enemies are lamenting the fact that the minority nations, whose names have not been mentioned before, have achieved such success in such a short period of time. Amire, who once sang to the accompaniment of the rushing waves of the Irtysh, now added a magical voice to the sound of the Seine river, it was seen that art has become a great spiritual tool not only in the art of singing, but also in strengthening the friendship of nations. Newspapers of Paris were constantly writing about concerts of artists. The Paris Weekly newspaper wrote in its issue of July 31, 1925:
A well-known French musicologist wrote in the magazine Le musicale that Amire is a rare musical sight. Sorbonne University professor Pernot recorded several Kazakh songs performed by Amir on a phonograph. One thing to mention is that we still can't get Amir's songs recorded on that phonograph, no matter how much we ask for them through foreign institutions.
Amir comes to the country from Paris. He will be in Moscow, and from there he will return to his hometown Semey. But he could not stay there for long, so he came to Kyzylorda in autumn, joined the theater group that was about to be opened in the capital of Kazakhstan at that time, and began preparatory work with them. In the following year, 1926, on January 13, with the play "Enlik-Kebek" by Mukhtar Auezov, for the first time in Kazakh history, when the curtain of the entrepreneurial theater opened, Amire played the role of the shepherd Zhapal. People who saw it at that time are still talking about it. Because Amire was not only a singer, but also a good artist. He sings sincerely, convincingly, simply, in any form, without artificial movements on the stage. Even so, the period when Amir's true spirit rose and his heart soared to the sky was at concerts. Concerts advertised by Amire were always full at that time. The master of funny words Kalibek, the young angel of poetry, singer Isa, Elubay, who sings characteristic numbers, and Kurmanbek, who is on fire - when they all appear one after the other, the concert goes on for an unreasonably long time, and the audience does not feel how the time has passed.
In April 1927, Amir was invited to Moscow again. There, as described at the beginning of this story, he will give a concert at the session of the Soviet Union and will have great success. In the summer of the same year, Amir was invited to the World Music Exhibition, which was held in May in Frankfurt, Germany. The All-Union Foreign Relations Society opened a Soviet section of the exhibition there. Representatives of our nationalities performed at the concerts of the room. From July 22 to 31, the Russian Art Music Week took place, and a Soviet ethnographic ensemble led by professor G. Lyubimov, a meritorious artist of the RKFSR, was formed to take part in it. Amire was also in that ensemble. The ensemble gave 9 concerts at the Bolshoi Theater in Frankfurt. The concerts were received with great interest. The newspaper "Frankfurter Zeitung" wrote
. Among the artists who showed the arts of the peoples of the Soviet Union to the song wealth of the second Kazakh nation, Amire was a young man.
Amir came back to the Kazakh theater in Kyzylorda. In 1928, when the theater moved to Almaty, Amire came with him. Amir played several roles in the drama theater. He was the main artist in concerts. In 1933, Amir was the first to leave the "Musical Studio" created by a separate person from the drama theater. The next day, on January 13, 1934, that studio became the "Musical Theater" and opened with the musical play "Ayman-Sholpan" by Mukhtar Auezov. Amire played one of the main roles in "Ayman-Sholpan". But his life did not last long and he died in the fall of the same year.
Although Amir's main official activity was in the theater, he regularly gave concerts. In 1926, together with K. Zhandarbekov, he gave a concert in the cities of Shymkent and Tashkent. The people of the city and students welcomed with great enthusiasm. There was no one left who was not surprised by Amir's bitter voice that darkened the hall and the sound that came out of his ringing throat. Amir was particularly pleased with the Karkara fair. When Amir came out, the crowd clapped and cheered for him to come on stage. He was about to sing a few songs, but the crowd did not stop him from clapping. Amir sang the songs "Zalgyz Arsha", "Syrgakti", "Ismet", "Kanapiya". Shaiky-Islam Zhusipbekuly, who wrote the story of "Kyz Zhibek" with a couple of boyfriends, came, got to know Amir outside the stage and thanked him.
In his Two Memories, Kalibek Kuanyshbaev says that he was at a meeting of artists in Semipalatinsk in February 1924. Karkaraly, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, Bayan are all one region. There will be Mayra from Pavlodar, Amire from Semey, Kali Baizhanov from Karkaraly. After the other singers compete and perform songs in turn, Kali and Amire are left at the end, like racehorses that start to run away when approaching a bandit. At the beginning, each of them sings a different song, accompanied sometimes by a drum, sometimes by a harmonium, and they never leave the stage. Do the old Kazakh customs remain? Karkaraly, Pavlodar, and Bayan people applaud when Kali says it, and most of Semipalatinsk shouts and shouts when Amire says it. As the saying goes, "separating a spotted sheep does not divide the shorn wool", the judging panel, seeing that both singers are talented, combined the first and second races and divided them between Kali and Amir.
- says K. Kuanyshpaev in his memoirs.
The first Kazakh director, folk artist, great artist Zhumat Shanin, and the great writer Mukhtar Auezov said that Amir greatly enriched and enriched Kazakh songs. In September 1934, a large gathering of artists took place in the house of the Commissariat of People's Education of Kazakhstan. It includes singers: Amire Kashaubaev, Temirbolat Argynbaev, Kuan Lekerov, Zhusipbek Elebekov, Garifolla Kurmangaliyev, etc. others will come. Kuan, who sings the song slowly with clay, baritone Temirbolat, who soars and sings like an eagle, Manarbek, whose wide breath of Sahara comes to the stage with every note, Zhusipbek, who caresses the song, sings it and pulls out the snake with his voice, enters the garden of the female soprano with the highest voice. The outgoing Garifulla, the warm-hearted mezzo-soprano Bibi-bari, trying to outdo each other in the competition, is putting all her skills and putting some strong songs in front of the commission.
Although Amire did not have much education, many people took note of knitting. When the author of these lines was working at the music technical school in Almaty, he came to the technical school one day and talked for about two hours. The content of the story was that he couldn't read with his previous tyranny, and now he wants to teach his little girls to music. It was the fall of 1933.
Amir is a great singer and citizen. His life and movements are still being studied. Many books and sagas will be written about it. His name will remain forever in the song school.
## Works written about Amir
* The image of Amirkan in the story "The Singer" by Zhusipbek Aimautov
* The poem "The Singer" by Ilyas Zhansukirov
* "The Singer Citizen" by Kainekey Zharmaganbetov story
* There are poems by Sadu Mashakov and Orazakyn Askar.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, research book "Amire", published in 1977.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, the book "Song Star", published in 1978.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, book "Amre Kashaubaev", published in 1981. In Russian language.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, research book "An askari Amire", published in 1988.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, research book "Amire Kashaubayuly", published in 2006.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, "Wooden leg", "Dudarai", "Beskarager", "Smet", "Zalgyz Arsha", "Balkhadisha" performed by Amire Kashaubaev in 1925 from the Central Archive of Cinematographic Documents and Sound Recordings in Moscow in 1974. ", he found the harmony of the songs "Ush dos" and translated them into kuytabak and published them as an author. Alkei Margulan, Serke Kozhamkulov, Zhusipbek Elebekov, Sapargali Begalin told their memories about Amire in Kuytabak.
* Jarkyn Shakarim, "The truth about Amire", article, "Egemen Kazakhstan" newspaper, published on February 27, 2013.
* Poet Kairbek Shagyr's poem "The Great Tenor" about Amire Kashaubaev was published in 2006.
## Sources |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4734 | Maksut Sultanuly Narikbaev | Narikbaev, Maksut Sultanuly — rector of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, academician of the International Higher School Academy.
## Short biography
1940 He was born on March 30 in Yerkin village, Taldykorgan district, Almaty region. From the Wak tribe.
1958-59 Studied at technical school No. 8 of Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukrainian SSR.
1968 He entered the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov and graduated from the said university in 1974 with the specialty of lawyer.
1992-93 He worked as the head of the department of the state legal department of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the head of the department of law enforcement agencies.
1995 In October, by the decree of the head of state, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in 1996 In June, by the decision of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Supreme Court.
2001 He founded the public association "For Legal Kazakhstan". 2004 In April, he was elected as its chairman at the congress of the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan.
2002 in December, Maksut Sultanuly was appointed as a member of the permanent assembly for the development of proposals for further democratization and development of civil society.
2003 By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 12 "On Changes in the Composition of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan", he was appointed the chairman of the Supreme Court Council.
2004 Since December, he has been a member of the National Commission on Democracy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2008 on February 14, he was relieved of the duties of the chairman of the Supreme Court Council.
He was buried in the National Pantheon, 17 km from Astana.
## Sources
## Awards
Awarded "Parasat" order and 5 medals for his services to the Motherland. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5106 | Kara Kypchak was killed | Toktarbayuly Kobylandy (15th century) is a legendary folk hero. The origin of the surname is Kypchak, including Kara Kypchak. In stories preserved in folk memory, in folk chronicles, he is often called "Kara Kypchak Kobylan".
According to the genealogy, Kara Kypchak Kobylan was a descendant of Shaiban, the son of Joshi Khan, who lived during the reign of Abilkhair Khan (15th century) and was one of the famous commanders of the Khan. It is said that this Kobylan batyr was the reason for the division of the Kazakh Khanate. About this in Shakarim's chronicle: "Dairkoja, the grandfather of the Argyns here, was a favorite judge of Abilkhair Khan. Akzhol became known as a bi due to the fact that he spoke to the authorities fairly. And Kara Kypchak Kobylan was also a favorite of the Khan. One day Kobylandi killed Dairkozha in the field when they were fighting each other. Az-Zhanibek Khan found out about this and asked to kill Kobylandy according to sharia. It is reported that when Abulkhair wanted to give it, it would cost a lot of money, but when he couldn't give it, he asked to pay the price of three people. The historical truth of this story was told by Kotan Zhirau, father of Dayirkozha, while walking around the body of his dead son, grieving and swallowing blood:
"What happened to Black Kypshak Kobylandi, my colt? When I was eighty years old, I turned ninety, My spinal cord broke so that I could not stand up, - "
is also proven. Another source of information about Kobylandy batyr is one of the heroic poems of the Kazakh people. This is a folk work, heroic, which is higher in content than other heroic poems According to the events of this poem, the heroic path of Kobylandi begins with the fight against the Kazakh country's external enemy (the Persians) and their invading khans Orak befriending the hero and fighting with Alshagyr - brings forward the historical period of the Kazakh khanate, when the Nogai Horde, divided internally, supported one and fought with the other. All this proves that Kara Kypchak Kobylany Batyr was not a fictional character based on a legend, but one of the Khas heroes who lived in real life and was recognized and honored by his country for his heroic deeds. And he made a great contribution to the formation of the Kazakh people.
## Sources
* http://referatikz.ru/load/aza_sha_referattar/aza_debieti/to_tarbaj_ly_obylandy/10-1-0-1915 |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6183 | Бруней | Brunei, the full official name of which is the State of Brunei Darussalam (Malay Brunei Darussalam, Javanese: نڬARA برونی دارالسلام, translated as Brunei - Land of Peace) is located on the island of Kalimantan in Southeast Asia and consists of two separate regions separated by a 30-kilometer strip of Malaysian territory. It borders only Malaysia on dry land, and the South China Sea on water. West Brunei is characterized by rugged plains, while East Brunei is characterized by a coastal plain rising to 1,841 meters in the Bukit Pagon district.
## State structure
Supreme power is concentrated in the hands of the hereditary monarch - the Sultan (since October 1967 - Hassanal Bolkiah Muizaddin Waddaulah), and he is considered the religious leader of Brunei Muslims. In addition, the Sultan heads the Council of Ministers. According to the agreement concluded with England in 1971, the Council of Ministers and the Privy Council (a private advisory body under the Sultan) include the British High Commissioner. Its competence includes issues of defense and foreign relations. In addition, there is a Legislative Council consisting of 21 members (eleven are appointed by the Sultan and elected). Given the country's state of emergency since 1961, Brunei is governed by decrees of the Sultan of Adat, or "Common Law", governing many aspects of the country's day-to-day life. In addition, there is a special institution that covers the customs and ceremonies of the state, as well as issues notes on protocol, colors and heraldry. The specially created Ministry of Religious Affairs promotes the spread of Islamic values in all spheres of daily life. However, the current Constitution considers the characteristics of other religions believed in by the people of Brunei and implements the right to freedom of religion. At the end of 1992, the development of the state domestic policy called "Malay Islamic Monarchy" which establishes Brunei as a state based on the values of Malay culture, Muslim conditions and monarchical power system. the final image of the concept was formed. In addition, on September 25, 2004, the Sultan of Brunei signed an amendment to the Constitution on the establishment of a parliamentary election system (the parliamentary institution in Brunei was dissolved in 1984 after independence). According to this amendment, the Brunei Parliament (Legislative Council) consists of 29 members appointed by the Sultan and 15 members elected by the people. The number of appointed members includes the Sultan himself and 9 members of the Council of Ministers. Brunei National Unity is the only political party (head of the party is Yassin Afendi) that completely separates the leadership of the state.
## Population
consists of 388,190 thousand people (July 2009), composition: Malays - 66%, related ethnic communities - Kelayan, Iban, Melanau, Dusun, Murut , Dayaks and others. - 8%, Chinese - 11%, Europeans, Hindus and others - 15%. In addition, there are about 20,000 labor migrants from Southeast Asian countries.
## Religion
Islam is the official religion (Sunniism) and accounts for 67% of the population, 13% - Buddhists, 10% - Christians (Protestants), 10% - different cults belongs to.
## Administrative-territorial structure
Brunei is divided into the following four regions called "daera" - Belait, Brunei-Muara, Temburong and Tutong. The Temburong region is cut off from other regions by the Malaysian border and is a semi-exclave. Regions are divided into small districts called "mukim".
## Armed Forces
The Royal Brunei Armed Forces consists of ground forces (3 infantry battalions and support battalions), air forces (3 helicopter squadrons, 1 transport aircraft squadron, anti-aircraft defense parts, technical and auxiliary parts), and consists of the navy (3 missile boats, 3 guard boats, 2 amphibious boats, 2 amphibious boats, 17 small nuclear boats). In addition, there is a "Gurkha reserve unit" formed from veterans of the British army. It performs the duties of the Sultan's personal guard, as well as the protection of oil industry facilities and is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
## Economy
The basis of the economy of Brunei is the production of oil (more than 10 million tons per year) and natural gas (more than 13 billion cubic meters), and their export is the foreign currency income of the state. 95% do (60% of the Gross National Product). As a rule, the joint venture "Brunei Shell Petroleum" (50% of the shares are divided between "Royal Dutch Shell" and the Sultanate of Brunei) is engaged in oil production. The state-owned company "Brunei Petroleum" is still in its infancy, and in 2007, together with the French company "Total", it started developing the sea shelf. Since 1997, the Government has been implementing five-year industrial development programs aimed at diversifying Brunei's economy. In accordance with these programs, self-sufficiency in food, development of retail trade and construction industries, improvement of transport industry and improvement of financial and banking institutions are being carried out. The main measures of the government are aimed at creating a "new economy" with the help of state scientific centers. Currently, construction of the Sungai Liang Industrial Park is underway in Brunei with the aim of developing chemical industry enterprises. Elastomer and aluminum factories are being built in Muara district. In addition, there are liquefied gas production (Brunei-Japanese-English joint venture), wood sawing and wood processing enterprises. The development of the tourism sector is given a very urgent importance. Various new tourism destinations such as eco-tourism and "Muslim tourism" are developing rapidly in Brunei. In 2007, Brunei successfully entered the regional tourism industry. In particular, in the joint projects of the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC) on the development of the region, Brunei has the goal of providing air traffic to tourist destinations that include Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The Sultanate pays a lot of attention to the development of fishing and animal husbandry. Rice is the main crop of agriculture, its collection reaches 10 thousand tons per year and covers only half of the country's needs. In addition, heveya and sorghum are cultivated. In general, 80% of food is imported goods.
In 2008, the Gross National Product (GNP) of Brunei was 14.5 billion. dollar USA reached (compared to 2007, -1.9%). The composition of GDP is distributed as follows: industrial sector - 75%, service sector - 25%, agricultural sector - 0.7%. In 2008, the country's export revenue was 8 bln. 973 thousand. dollar amounted to 1 bln. 798 thousand. dollar The main items of Brunei's exports in 2008 were oil and petroleum products, as well as natural gas and textiles. The main export partners of the Sultanate in 2008 were: Japan 32.8%, Indonesia 24.4%, Australia 13.4%, South Korea 12.2% and USA 5.5%. In 2008, the following imported goods were in great demand for Brunei: machinery and vehicle equipment, industrial products, food and chemical goods. Main import partners: Great Britain 46.4%, Singapore 19.5%, Malaysia 11.3%. The working population is 188,800 people. Labor force is distributed as follows: industrial sector - 63.1%, service sector - 32.4%, agricultural sector - 4.5%. Unemployment rate reached 3.7% in 2008. Gross Domestic Product per capita is 51.3 thousand. dollar USA (2008). Brunei citizens are not subject to income tax. In addition, sales tax, export and certain other duties are not taken into account. The turnover tax of companies is 30%. Education and health services are provided free of charge. Brunei transport networks are considered to be quite developed. The length of railways is 13 km (in private ownership), the length of highways is 3650 km (asphalt roads - 2819 km). The number of registered cars exceeds 200 thousand. There are two airports. National airline "Royal Brunei Airlines" makes scheduled flights with more than 30 air routes. The most productive air connections are with Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. In addition, Brunei has established a system shipping connection with Singapore.
## Historical overview
In the 16th century, Brunei was found as a fundamental feudal state that occupied half of the island of Kalimantan and some neighboring islands. In 1839, the English officer J. Brook, who was in the service of the Sultan, rebelled and conquered the lands in the north of the island of Sarawak. As a reward for this work, J. Brook was awarded the title of "Raja" by the Sultan. After the rule of the "white rajas", the island of Sarawak became part of Malaysia. Since 1888, the Sultanate has been considered a British protectorate. In 1941-1945, the country was occupied by the Japanese armed forces. In 1959, Brunei adopted its own Constitution. In 1962, the Brunei People's Party (BHP) won the Legislative Council elections. The armed uprising led by the BHP was stopped, and the party was outlawed. Since 1961, the government lives by the decrees of the Sultan within the limits of the Special Situation. According to the Agreement signed between Great Britain and Brunei in 1979, from January 1, 1984, the Sultanate was declared an independent state. In 1984, Brunei became a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In 1992, the concept of the state domestic policy development called "Malay Islamic Monarchy" was adopted. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is pursuing a policy of agile renewal of society.
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=2791" | HTML | HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language for creating web pages containing text and other information for display in a web browser.
HTML (HyperTextMarkupLanguage) is a hypertext markup language used for encoding documents. HTML pages are sent from the browser to the server on the Internet using plain text or hidden symbols (ciphers) using HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
## General understanding
HTML was developed by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1986-1991 at the European Nuclear Research Center in Geneva (Switzerland). HTML was originally developed as a language for the exchange of scientific and technical documents among the public. With HTML, you can easily and quickly create a beautifully designed document. In addition to the changes in content, the ability to read hypertext has been added to HTML. Video features are added later. The programs were created as a means of structuring and formatting documents, reproducing (imaging) them in binders.
## Browsers
are processed by special programs that display text documents in a formatted format with
HTML markup (such documents are usually in .html or .htm format). Such programs are called web browsers or browsers, and they usually provide the user with a user-friendly interface and view them. The most popular web browsers today are: Google Chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari.
## Versions
* HTML 0.9
* RFC 1866 — HTML 2.0, recognized as a standard since September 22, 1995;
* HTML 3.2[1] — January 14, 1997;
* HTML 4.0[2] — December 18, 1997;
* HTML 4.01[3] (major and important changes) - December 24, 1999;
* ISO/IEC 15445:2000[4] (so-called ISO HTML, developed according to version HTML 4.01 Strict) - 15 May 2000.
* HTML 5[5] — 28 October 2014;
* HTML 5.1— December 19, 2012.
## HTML-document structure
HTML-document markup language. Any HTML document represents a set of elements, the beginning and end of each element is marked by a special tag. In addition, elements can have attributes with special properties (for example, font-element color or font size). Attributes are written inside the opening tag. Examples of HTML document fragments:
Text between two tags - open and closed.<a href="http://www.example.com">Here the element has an href attribute, which means a hyperlink.</ a>Empty element example: any HTML document must contain a <!DOCTYPE…> line that corresponds to the HTML version specification, which is expressed as follows:
Version of DOCTYPE in HTML 5
HTML 5 but version is used:
### Notes
* ↑ HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
* ↑ HTML 4.0 Specification
* ↑ Specification HTML 4.01 \< > * ↑ HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development
### Links
* Ed Tittel, Jeff Noble. HTML, XHTML, and CSS For Dummies, 7th Edition. Moscow: Dialectika, 2011, 400 p. ISBN 978-5-8459-1752-2.
* Peter Labbers, Brian Olbers, Frank Saleem. HTML5 for Professionals: Powerful Tools for Developing Modern Web Applications = Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development. Moscow: Williams, 2011, 272 p. ISBN 978-5-8459-1715-7.
* Stephen Shafer. HTML, XHTML, and CSS. The User's Bible, 5th Edition. Moscow: Dialectika, 2010, 656 p. - .978-5-8459-1676-1(kolzhetpeytin silteme)
* Freeman Eric, Freeman Elizabeth. Learning HTML, XHTML and CSS = Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML. — 1st ed. - M.: "Peter", 2010. - P. 656. -978-5-49807-113-8 (kolzhetpeytin silteme).
## Tags
* XML |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=3943 | Word root | The root of the word, the root morpheme is the most fundamental basis of the word that cannot be divided further. This root is considered to be the main reason for the construction and meaning of the word. Because the root morpheme represents the main lexical meaning of the word. If the root morpheme is not involved, one or more additional morphemes cannot express any meaning.
A root morpheme can stand alone and become an independent word both semantically and functionally. In this case, the meaning of the root morpheme and the meaning of the word will be the same. For example, if we take the morphemes head, language, road, come, go, each of them can be both a root morpheme and a separate word. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=5267 | White Horde (state) | The White Horde is a proto-Kazakh nation in the east of the Golden Horde, later an independent state.
## State
In the 14th-15th centuries, Central Asia and Kazakhstan developed within the framework of the history of the Shagatai and Zhoshi kingdoms. The socio-economic situation of this region was based on the development of horse breeding, urban culture and architecture, trade and caravan routes as a community of Turkic tribes. Representatives of individual ruling families, dances and heroes formed the social environment of many uluses. One horde of khans was called the White Horde. It was a place of khans who migrated from the Zhayik River to the Irtys, from the West Siberian Plain to the middle of the Syr. One of the largest cities of the White Horde was the city of Syganak, located along the middle course of the Syrdarya river.
The people of the White Horde were Nogaily-Kipchaks. The Kipchak community consisted of Argyn, Jalayir, Naymans, Kunurats, Kereyts, Uysin, and Karluks. Khans of the White Horde - Orda-Ezhen, Sartak, Bayan, Sasy Buka Khan, Erzen, Mubarak Khoja Khan, Shymtai Khan, Urs Khan, Kuyurshik Khan, Barak, Kerei, Janibek and others.
## The period of strengthening
The period of strengthening of the White Horde in the XIV century. II half. In 1361, Urys Khan, who was the ruler of the White Horde, strengthened his position and now tried to take the throne of the Golden Horde. Thus, in 1374-1375, he went on a campaign along the Volga River and besieged Haji-Tarkhan (Astrakhan), turning Sarai against him. Kama conquered the land of Bulgars. But the rule of Urs Khan did not last long, and the next year he was forced to leave the Volga River and hand over power in the Golden Horde to Mamai. Urs Khan died in 1377.
The ownership of the Ak Horde now passed to Temir Malik, the son of Urs Khan. But at this time, the ruler of the Mangistau Plateau, Tokhtamys, the son of Tuy Khoja Oglan, the son of the Joshi family, relied on Aksak Temir, the ruler of Central Asia, and defeated the army of Temir Malik. He declared himself Khan of the White Horde in 1379. Having the support of the White Horde emirs, in 1380 he captured Sarai, Khazhitarkhan, Crimea and Mamai Horde. This success of Tokhtamys was possible due to the defeat of Mamai, Khan of the Golden Horde, who invaded the Russian territory in 1380, against the Russian troops in the Kulikovo field. Toktamis did not stop there. In particular, Tokhtamys tries to get rid of the care of Lame Iron. However, after three great campaigns of Aksak Temir against Tokhtamys in 1380, 1391, 1395, the Golden Horde was destroyed. As a result of Temir's wars of aggression and internal strife in the 14th century. the end of the 15th century At the beginning, the White Horde also weakened.
## New Era
In 1423-1424, Barak, the grandson of Urs Khan, defeated his rivals and took over the khanate in Ak Horda. However, Syganak, the main city of the White Horde, and the areas in the middle reaches of the Syr were in the hands of the Temir dynasty. In 1425-1426, Barak Aksak embarked on a campaign against Temir's grandson Ulykbek and liberated Syganak and other towns along the Syr. After the death of Barak during the campaign, the power of Kypshak of Eastern Desh was transferred to the Shaibani family. After the death of Barak, they conquered a significant part of the White Horde. Thus, in 1227, when Joshi died and his greatness was divided into two, the White Horde lived for two centuries.
Types of conditional land ownership and private ownership were formed in the settled areas of the White Horde. Animal husbandry also developed. There were types of land ownership such as pearl, milk, soyirgal and tarkhani gifts. The working population of the White Horde paid taxes such as kufshir, zakat, and tagar for the benefit of khans and nobles. The official language of the White Horde was Kypchak.
## Concepts
Auezov in his monograph "History of Literature" (1927) analyzing the historical events during the time of the White Horde, many eras "created great heroes who thought about the unity and country of the Turkic people" comments. Among such works are the poems "Kobylany", "Er Targyn", "Er Sayin", "Shora batyr". The writer made this conclusion: "The beginning of the story of heroes comes from the stories of the time of the old Turkic unity. The oldness of the Kazakh country should be considered not only Kazakh, but the oldness of the Turkish people in general. There are places where "the days of the Golden Horde and the White Horde" were mentioned during the time of the Turkic and Mongol eras.
It tells about the times when Nogai, Crimea, Kipchak, Kyrgyz were one country under one flag. These are the days when the Turkish people were not divided, but saw each other as brothers. The story of heroes in Kazakh is one part that appeared in these times, and the ones that appeared in later times are another part. "The first category is great heroes," he further develops. In 1927-1932 and 1945-1951, he was accused of being a "nationalist - a great Turkicist" and yearning for the khanate at the time of the "Golden Horde" and "White Horde" eras, because he singled out the historical songs longing for the unity of the Turkic-speaking peoples in this work.
## Sources
## External links
* [1] — Kazakhstan during the Ak Horda-Nogaily era. |
https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=4845 | July | July (lat. Julius) is the Kazakh name corresponding to the 7th month of July in the current Gregorian calendar.
5th month of the ancient Kazakh calendar. With the current number, July 20 - August 18.
## See also
* Kazakh calendar
* Gregorian calendar
## Sources |
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://kk.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=6617" | Currency symbol | Tenge symbol — symbol of the national currency (tenge) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006 In November 2007, he announced the nationwide competition "Tenge Nysha". made a final decision on March 20.
The authors of the approved tenge symbol are Sanzhar Amirkhanov and Vadim Davydenko.
## Description of the symbol
The press release of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan states:
The displayed graphic image of the tenge is a symbol of the ancient Turkic alphabet representing the transcription of the sound "t". , the word "penny", ..."sky", which is sacred for all Turkic peoples, ...the word "God" also begins with this letter. This symbol will represent the idea of monetary unit stability, high potential, dynamics of development and growth of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ideogram will represent the movement of modern Kazakhstanis towards development and progress.
## Usage
It is not possible to access the official data yet, but according to established international tradition, the money symbol (including the tenge symbol) is placed in front of the number without any defects. For example: ₸1 234 567 890 = 1 234 567 890 tenge, exchange rate: €1 = ₸164.87.
## Comments
## External links
* Press release No. 12 of the Ministry of Education and Culture: About the results of the contest "Tengeh Shyna" (link not available)
* Works sent to the "Tenge Shnyna" contest Archived November 7, 2007. (Russian)
* Everson, Michael. 2008. Proposal to encode the Kazakh TENGE SIGN in the UCS Archived September 29, 2017. (English)
* Tenge symbol for popular fonts Archived July 17, 2009. |
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