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Produce a sentence which contains the following words: months, later, came. | About five months later I came home. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "after a number". | After a number of failures and design issues, I triumphantly showed off my rigging job to Jonesy, who was busy sending some emails off to Pat. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: let. | Let yourself go. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: declaration, new, asian. | The declaration on a new Asian African Strategic Partnership outlines guiding principles for joint action to achieve our goals in a changed global environment. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: carries, value, word. | For me, an author is anyone who has published a book, while the word "writer" carries a value judgment. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: county, centennial, dry, dust. | Done for the county centennial, and dry as dust. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: neuburg, frightened, intense. | Neuburg was extremely frightened by this intense change in his usually amicable master, and was glad that Crowley was bound inside a consecrated circle. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: medical, research, laboratory, years. | Medical research has become more laboratory oriented in the last fifty years. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "fortunately for redbrigade". | Fortunately for RedBrigade and his pals, the frills included elementary security systems. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "i still remember". | I still remember her standing bemused in front of the scores of journalists and television reporters who had traveled to her remote laboratory to question her after she was awarded the Nobel Prize. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: commercials, color, yellow. | Joe's vehicles became yellow because marketing ordained that was the best color for commercials, a trait that endures today. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: writing. | You can even have it in writing. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: unhappy, depressed, war. | He was very unhappy and depressed at first over the war's loss. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: eruptions, end, major. | Despite its eruptions since the end of the last major glaciation, the production of new lava and pumice has not kept pace with the piecemeal destruction of the volcano by repeated mudflows, landslides, and glacial erosion. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "after a lifetime". | After a lifetime of volume and craziness, I enjoy peace and quiet just as much now. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: impending, nightmare. | It telegraphs an impending nightmare. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: great, artist, giorgione. | Then he worked with the great artist Giorgione. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "if you think". | If you think having position gives you the authority to ride over people, it's not true anymore. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "individuals saw themselves". | Individuals saw themselves not only as X, son of Y, or A, daughter of B and granddaughter of C and D, they also identified themselves by their clan, by their tribe, and by the spirits they served. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: aid, program, east. | And there was no AID program in East Timor. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: friends, family, shadows. | He or she tries to hide it from friends and family and slinks about in the shadows, terrified that someone might find out. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: temperature, low, week. | But the temperature's been too low in there for the last week. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: counter, briefest, moments. | She comes to stand in front of the counter again, only looking at me for the briefest of moments. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: washington, london, lesser, enthusiasm, capitals. | In Washington and apparently in London, though with lesser enthusiasm in other capitals participating in the coalition, such as Islamabad, Riyadh, Paris, Berlin or Rome, it was expected that thousands of fighters would defect from Taliban ranks. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: love, nail, green, tree. | Love pierced me
like a nail
driven into a green tree. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "you ca n't". | You can't be sure that any surface water is free of harmful bacteria, even when it is crystal clear and there are no signs of human habitation. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "these coverings were". | These coverings were a man's idea and it's men who keep the 'tradition' alive. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "transfer the beets". | Transfer the beets to a serving platter and scatter the avocado and the scallions over the top. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: chinese, parents. | "My Chinese parents are gone. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: attendant, worry, flight. | "Don't worry," the flight attendant said. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "here laws and". | Here laws and everyday practice were presented as appropriate extensions of the older Vedic system. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "he could n't". | He couldn't. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: knew, escape, cease. | Eventually, one day, one would escape them and all life as they knew it would cease. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "for england is". | For England is at her most vulnerable in her colonies. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: combination, normative, abstractions. | Like the combination of normative abstractions and Civilisation, the umbrella of a populist empty signifier exists and acts as an invisible tailor, sewing together, cutting away, creating shapes and tight clothes within which to contain human lives. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: silent. | I was struck silent. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: political, change, easier. | Thus, political change may also be easier to understand if we approach it having already explored the economic, social, and cultural processes taking place simultaneously. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "i never forgot". | I never forgot that unexpected boom, though, or the deathly silence which followed it. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: brown, ideas, weeks, months, time. | Brown carried ideas around with him for weeks, months even, until he felt the time was right. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: text, sure, computer, original. | Thus, every text has to be very carefully manually processed to make sure that the computer text matches the original. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: result, napoleon, escapade. | As a result of Napoleon's escapade all this was jeopardized or undone. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: premier, deputy, police. | His deputy premier, Arthur Rylah, who looked after the police, had no comment. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: create, particular, understanding. | Students need to demonstrate an understanding of how language can be used to create meaning and achieve a particular tone. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "whether you are". | Whether you are male or female, a hard stylist or soft, you need to train for strength. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "there was the". | There was the wound in his side. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: sink, window, washing, line, yard. | I walk to the sink and look out of the window to the washing line hanging in the back yard. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: buddha, concrete, objects, symbols, icons. | Concrete objects and symbols such as icons and representations of Buddha could symbolize the state of Buddhahood insofar as the phenomenal world was potentially a reflection of "ultimacy," that is, Buddha. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: fans. | The fans love them. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: . | She was flustered. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: class, ii, grade. | This was a Class II, Grade III route and once again we were hoisting Roadie over boulders when we could hardly drag our own bodies over. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: looks, dangerous. | He looks dangerous. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: wo, thwart, wish. | Well, I won't thwart a wish that your inexperience in these matters excuses. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: technical, merit, feature. | Technical merit does not really feature in this type of discussion. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "very busy .". | Very busy. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: greater, freedom. | The greater freedom it gave them was not enough for many. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: shock, attack, freeze. | If you go into shock while under attack, you will freeze and not do anything. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: local, unimportant, backwater, eyes, national. | Local remains an unimportant backwater in the eyes of national politicians instead of a powerhouse for social and economic change. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: care, happened. | I didn't care what happened to me. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: week, overweight, girl, car, weeks. | In the first week, an overweight girl explained she'd been living in her car for six weeks because her family had been evicted from their house thanks to her dreadful singing. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: gaels, notion, significant, originates, language. | I wonder how many Gaels would respond well to the notion that everything culturally significant originates in a language they cannot understand without effectively going back to school. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: argonauts, boreas. | The Argonauts punished him when they sailed by with Boreas. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: andy, couple, state, troopers, little. | "Andy said if a couple of State Troopers couldn't get away with a little vehicular arson, they ought to turn in their badges. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "we peel off". | We peel off into a clearing with beer tents and televisions. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: ring, years. | Each ring seemed to last for about a thousand years. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: harem, epic, institution, reason, high. | But the harem, too, is in the Epic an institution taken for granted, for the reason first of all that those of high standing often had many wives. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: head. | My head was spinning. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "he looked up". | He looked up at the high wall and formidable gatehouse. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: characteristics, hysterical, symptom, bizarre, unreal. | One of the characteristics of a hysterical symptom is its bizarre, unreal quality, demonstrated classically in this young woman. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "thus , although". | Thus, although the Galili Paper left unchanged the political and legal status of the territories and that of its inhabitants, it marked a considerable weakening of Israel's position that all was negotiable. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "here their inability". | Here their inability to obey their own strict regulations serves to reinforce a central sixties advertising lesson of the final demise of hyperorganized puritanism. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "the jcs were". | The JCS were also mollified by an understanding that reciprocal assistance from the beneficiaries would be expected. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: year, high, school. | I took a year off after high school, and I wanted to travel. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: virginia, season. | I think that was why Virginia managed to stagger through the season. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "meanwhile the airline". | Meanwhile the airline only had one card to play and that was their ability to bully the passenger and refuse them the right to travel. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: tony, peart, dedicated, amateur, referee. | Tony Peart is another dedicated amateur referee destined for the top. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: intuition, truth, frightened. | Perhaps his intuition was beginning to try to tell him the truth; certainly, as he confessed to Beaumont, he was occasionally frightened. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "while crystalline intrusive". | While crystalline intrusive and metamorphic rocks are widespread in the North Cascades, they are overlain by lavas south of Snoqualmie Pass. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "but two forces". | But two forces prevented them. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: secret, way, bound. | 'Russia will be bound to get the secret one day,' he said, suggesting that it would be best to 'approach them in a conciliatory way' now. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: yuletide. | Everywhere you look it's yuletide this and festive that. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "and when a". | And when a really good player did drop down the league to work at that level, you appreciated it. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: hours, cycling, rough. | After three hours cycling along the rough hydro road with only a family of deer for company, I was getting used to having the place to myself. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: women, practice, fear. | But not all women put it into practice, because some are restrained by fear or reason. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "in the share". | In the Share dialog box, in the designated text box, enter names, email addresses, or the word "Everyone". |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "henry the eighth". | Henry the Eighth did not attend the Pope's audience. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: heinous, hulbert, said. | If Hulbert was right, he said, there had been a heinous effort to smear an innocent man and subvert the Constitution for political gain. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: example, relationship, moved. | For example, I had a client once and our relationship moved towards that of manager and managerial association representative. |
Produce a sentence which contains keywords: race. | I fancied something else in the race. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: bracts. | They are covered by several bracts. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: importance, wind, pollen, dispersal. | The importance of wind for pollen dispersal was emphasized and reported. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: reason, structures, brain. | The reason for this is that such structures are associated with brain arousal, an example being the Reticular Activating System, which regulates waking and sleep. |
Generate a sentence that starts with: "john was nonetheless". | John was nonetheless skittish about his wife's decision to lend out her money, for he had seen wartime inflation devastate his prerevolutionary savings. |
Generate a sentence with keywords: different, high, school, debate, crap. | "This is different and we both know it, so you can quit the high school debate crap. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: black, leaders, cruel. | Black "leaders" who are shamelessly promoting this cruel hoax on the black community are the only ones who will end up profiting from the mischief they create. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: flanked, groupies, come. | He was flanked by groupies as if he hadn't even come with a date. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: escarpment, bounds, main. | An escarpment bounds the main complex on the W, while the eastern flank is quite dissected and largely modified by glaciation. |
Generate a sentence with the following words: rescue, new, york. | A massive salvage and rescue effort began almost at once in New York and Washington. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "one can traverse". | One can traverse the high W slope of the connecting ridge to the South Peak. |
Produce a sentence that starts with: "they told me". | They told me that they had. |
Produce a sentence which contains the following words: gone, released, learn. | Twenty minutes had gone by, and it would be another twenty before they released her, so she'd learn from her mistake. |
Subsets and Splits