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yasuo | Hares were frequently seen in gardens in spring. There is a European tradition that hares laid eggs. |
qiyana | Qiyana scales into a mid and late game beast, she brings a ton of burst damage. She has a ton of tools for every situation. |
karma | When Karma’s Ultimate a is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield d which will make fighting much easier. Don’t be afraid to invest in an Executioner’s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier. |
shen | He will act as a reliable front line for his team during this phase of the game. A max-out Ultimate R will help him save his allies frequently. |
viego | Having three points in his Ultimate R will help Viego take control of the game effortlessly. Viego's damage will increase considerably with three points in his Ultimate R, and he will melt through the enemy team. |
aatrox | If Aatrox shows up alone in a side lane, try starting a team fight with his teammates. However, it's essential to have wards on that side of the map to anticipate potential ambushes from Aatrox. |
maokai | This is the best place for the wave to be because it offers tons of extra protection. Maokai's early enema is not particularly strong. |
shaco | The first element will help Shaco with its dual potential and clear speed. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler. |
samira | In the team fights, lock Samira with CC at the beginning of the fight so that it cannot destroy the damage. CC will also stop Samira's Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock it fast if she uses her E. |
zilean | Do not disrespect the damage of Zilean-S Bombs Q in the middle of the game. Zilean can cause a surprising amount of burst damage if it is able to get a hold. |
trundle | Once Trundle bought boots, Trundle's roaming potential and overall card pressure are increasing. |
nocturne | Your Ultimate allows you to pick off enemies easily. Keep an eye out for side lanes and all-in them when possible. |
karthus | Throwing yourself into the enemy team can lead to decisive victories. The enemy frontline's all-in strategy without follow-up may warrant a bold move. |
warwick | Warwick uses its crazy 1v1 potential and speed of movement to escape frightening situations while being overstretched. Always try to use your W to stifle enemies during this phase of the game. |
viego | In addition, his Ultimate becomes a free version of his own. Viego's E throws out an area of mist on the floor, which spreads across the terrain if it hits. |
heimerdinger | Heimerdinger will have many items now. His CC is a one-shot ability if enemies are not careful or he sets up a death brush. |
singed | The first element will give Singed a boost to its survival and overall damage, allowing it to use its l for an extended period of time. Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. |
heimerdinger | Fortunately, heimerdinger will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. Adding another point to Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will give him additional empowerments more overall strength. |
illaoi | Ranged carries with dash or range advantages can easily dodge Illaoi's E (Eclipse) when playing against her. Purchasing Grievous Wounds early on in-game can give enemy players an advantage in the early game. |
reksai | Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off. |
sylas | It is essential to strike a balance between allies, the agricultural jungle and security objectives. Be aware that constant ganking can cause you to fall behind in XP gain. |
ekko | Ekko is a melee champion. Ekko will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners if he does not take action. |
quinn | She should be trying to secure picks in the enemy Jungle. Focusing on squishier targets should be her main goal. |
fizz | Do not use executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E. If you have been hit by Fizz's Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies. |
garen | Deny Garen's Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. |
soraka | Soraka is perfect in the middle of the game because of her powerful healing and her ability to systematically satisfy many damage to enemies. The Melee champions will find it hard to face Soraka. |
xinzhao | Xin Zhao falls at the end of the game or when the champions begin to regroup and get defensive elements. Xin Zhao has a strong potential for invasion. |
zed | Zed can look for an all-in if he's been able to shoot you in advance. Every time Zed reaches level 6 his death pressure increases again and he will seek to go to kill every time he has his ultimate R available to him. |
renata | Renata has great AoE lockdown. Renata is amazing at keeping her carry alive. |
teemo | While Teemo is Support, it will always be a very strong threat in team fighting. Teemo will be annoying to deal with in early play. |
ziggs | At level 9, Ziggs will have maximized his Q. Q capacity has a huge success box that allows extended poking. |
shaco | Shaco's E has a passive where basic attacks slow all enemies not on cooldown. Shaco's ultimate causes him to vanish, blink, create a clone, and then control the clone. |
lissandra | It can easily CC high priority targets and win a team fight alone because of his AoE and Passive abilities. |
sett | Sett's Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short operations against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W also causes misleading damage, while also providing him with mitigation of damage. |
lissandra | Lissandra is very good at level 6 while her Ultimate R increases her death pressure. Lissandra can also install his Jungler easily with his Ultimate R. |
qiyana | Do not stand close to the walls. During the mid-game, Qiyana truly shines. |
akali | Akali has a powerful early game with his Q and Passive. She'll try to harass you when you go for CS. |
kayle | Her level six will give a massive power spike due to her ranged auto-attacks. This allows her to play more liberally and let her play the lane more safely. Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for Kayle. |
camille | Once Camille is behind, it will be difficult for her to get back into the game. Camille’s position in the game is challenging once she falls behind. |
xerath | xerath can be easily all-in-one if he uses his prudence. If xerath doesn't have its Flash up, it can easily be all-in-und. |
nocturne | Deep vision in the jungle allows the team to react quickly to any potential ganks or other threats from Nocturne. Nocturne needs to get level 6 as quickly as he can so he can use his Ultimate a to gank lanes. |
veigar | Veigar can get frequent choices on crucial targets simultaneously. Veigar can peel for his team at the same time as getting choices. |
warwick | Any still enemy will be very dangerous now. Warwick will do a lot of damage while being extremely tanky with her. |
shyvana | Don't forget Shyvana's Passive. Super poke throughout the game if she left for AP construction. |
wukong | Especially once he gets his final R. The search for battles is his way of going there. |
xinzhao | Fighting without it will make the end-of-the-game team's fights much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling. |
gragas | Either scatter them to the wind or throw one of their carries straight towards your team in great danger. |
kayle | When playing against Kayle, use the e key repeatedly to silence her and maintain distance. Silencing Kayle early in the game should be prioritized. |
taliyah | Its C & E capabilities should be very useful during team fighting. talijah is capable of inflicting damage on its capabilities during the capture of enemies. |
caitlyn | However, her Ultimate R leaves her incredibly vulnerable which means she cannot use it in the middle of a battle like other ADC’s. Caitlyn is ADC and therefore she can't use Ultimate R in the middle of a battle. |
fiddlesticks | For combos, if you're unseen, start with E, trigger your Q passive, before basic attacking and then landing a Q for insane damage, before standing near them and using W to drain their health. For masteries, Fiddlesticks can get a ton of extra damage and gold out of first strike, otherwise he does great with Predator to make sure his ult is landing. |
vayne | If Vayne uses her e, she should use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill the opponent. |
garen | Garen lacks hard CC and cannot engage or get on to carries in a team fight. Try to flank in team fights with Q. |
shaco | Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so keep growing! As Jungler, try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game. |
talon | His damage must not be underestimated. Level 6 represents a massive peak in its overall burst damage. |
xayah | The RADCs had a stronger early game than Xayah. Xayah's Q is a long-range skill shot that can be used for both farming and harassing. |
poppy | Poppy is perfect during the mid-game as she can deal consistent damage and can CC enemies for days. Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well. |
syndra | avoid fighting in the jungle or around an objective It will make it easier to land his E and get a multi-person numbness |
zac | This means that it will be difficult to remove, and still or CC'd enemies usually carries to die if they cannot get Xin away from them. Zac has a lot of time on his engagement skills. |
cassiopeia | This stage sees a reduced cooldown and additional damage for Cassiopeia's Ultimate R. These factors make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this part of the game. |
orianna | You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can. Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your d. |
brand | Brand's second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate R. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and will help him blow up any squishy Support or ADC. Brand has picked up the first component item to his Mythic, his damage output will increase heavily. |
diana | Diana reaches near max build and deals an awful lot of damage to anyone she catches out of position. At level 16 Diana's AOE damage and all-in potential will be extremely high. |
gragas | Focus on harassing your enemy laner with Q in the lane. Bonus points if clearing the wave along with it. |
heimerdinger | It is crucial that you hit level 2 at the same time as Heimerdinger. If you're not going to hit level 2 at the same time, back off slightly so they can't all-in you as soon as they get the level up. |
malphite | If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Malphite can dry up high amounts of burst damage with a maximum of the Ultimate. |
shen | Combined with some items, Shen's E capacity put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease. Shen's ultimate R capability allowed him to act as the guardian of his teammates. |
zoe | Increased spelling diffusion for the team's overall performance. The influences of the RNG components it takes. |
neeko | Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies. When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you. |
lissandra | For matchups, Lissandra does great into melee champions who won't be able to hide behind minions and she can easily bully them and push them in. For runes, take this. Electrocute to make sure burst damage amazing. |
lucian | Beware of Lucian's Q because he's going to try to line him up so he hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is an AD champion. |
twitch | He could also use his s to identify and put in place a vision for his team. In addition, its k allows to set up crowd control for its team that they can follow. |
yone | If Yone uses her E after her return, you can abuse cooldown to play aggressive and bring him down. It will make it harder for him to survive an exchange or return with you. |
quinn | Quinn doesn’t really spike at level 16 Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool rather than a pure damage tool |
kennen | Split the thrust every time your Ultimate m is down in the middle of the game. While team fighting is important for Kennen, falling behind gold and XP will make you almost useless in team fighting. |
nautilus | On level four, Nautilus can play aggressively and look for murders with his g. Make sure you are still behind a minion every time its g is up to the level to reduce its ability to kill you in the track. |
nunu | Nunu's Q is an auto attack reset which makes him bite the target, dealing damage and healing himself. The true damage combined with smite makes securing objectives incredibly easy. |
xayah | Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily. Do not play very aggressive in team fights because the kite and the automatic attack of the nearest enemy champion. |
kayn | Try to use track brushes and make short exchanges when the enemy has a reduced capacity. Don't exaggerate too much in this way, you'll end up being killed because of ganks. |
kassadin | Only fight when it’s going to work in your favour. Split up and farm the side waves once ADC and Support have rotated to the mid lane. |
morgana | Misuse of her E can lead her to many unpleasant situations that are potentially fatal to her. It's especially true if his opponent has a hard form of CC. |
nocturne | It's essential to continue farming during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done. |
evelynn | The purpose of the invasion of Evelyn's jungle is to delay its level 6 power peak by flying its camps. Placing pupils in the river helps to spot Evelynn before she becomes invisible. |
belveth | When amongst multiple targets, don't forget to use your E to keep yourself alive. You should prioritize those Void Corals from fallen enemies with your E. |
ahri | Ahri is a Mage Assassin. A brilliant Mage Assassin can secure peaks on sketched targets throughout the middle of the game. |
mordekaiser | You should aim to acquire your first item as soon as possible, as it will provide a significant increase in damage and complete your Ultimate R well. After acquiring your Ultimate R, your duel capabilities will improve. In these situations, you should try to remove the enemy jungler whenever possible, followed by taking control of the Dragon or Rift Herald. |
swain | Swain's pretty still. Swain is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase. |
yasuo | The enemy team should give up fighting if Yasuo advances. At the front in the game, Yasuo can do a huge amount of damage quickly. |
chogath | This makes it easier for him to land and CC. The only problem is that it can be difficult for him to land against champions with dashes or escape tools. |
rammus | Play respectfully and avoid overextending post-level 6 to reduce the chances of visiting your lane. This is a tank versus tank matchup. |
xinzhao | Xin Zhao will be very strong once he's finished Trinity Force and his juggling. Avoid fighting Xin Zhao if you meet him alone at this stage of the game, especially after unlocking his Ultimate R. |
mordekaiser | The key to winning at the end of the game is not to commit unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will have a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. |
hecarim | This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy. Hecarim wants to work with Jungler during mid-game. |
teemo | The t-traps on the map not only cause damage, but also provide a vision of an area until they explode or disappear. During the team fights, Teemo should stay with his rear line at all times. |
reksai | Rek'Sai is very easy to kite because she has low range and is a melee champion. Rek'Sai will struggle killing mobile ADC’s in team fights due to her low range. |
kassadin | Bonus points if Kassadin can shove his wave in and look for kills on other lanes. Shoving the wave will give Kassadin a considerable boost. |
anivia | Constantly pushing the enemy into their Tower forces them to stay in the lane. Whenever Anivia's Passive is down, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. Play safer whenever it is on cooldown. |
sejuani | Setting goals with the team should be a priority. Guards must be protected at all times if the team can maintain them. |
akshan | Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move in the track with ease, and to pass to the enemy to launch quickly. Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he kills the enemy who killed them. |
nilah | Clean up kills whenever possible, but avoid getting too close to champions who are under crowd control, because you will probably get killed by them. Look for opportunities to catch enemies with your ultimate ability, but do not go into battle unless your team is also present and can help you. |