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quinn | Use her E very carefully as it can easily get her killed if used improperly. Watch out for ganks and ward up properly. |
singed | In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. |
heimerdinger | Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on. Heimerdinger will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. |
aurelionsol | The enemy will be unable to roam or help their allies if they are under constant pressure in the tower. When there is no team fight occurring, the player should move themselves to a side lane and push the minion wave. |
camille | The mid-game for Camille should focus on picking off enemy laners and champions who are squandering about the map. Camille's potential to duel and pick off enemies should be capitalized on by her. |
zed | Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal. Post 6, avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily. |
irelia | When this is fully stacked, look for any of your combos to engage. So if you get more pressure, split push and that, but if your team needs you push out your lane then group up. |
leesin | He is an exceptionally skillful early game ganker due to his remarkable ability and aggressive style of play. It will be very effective in the early stages of the game due to its ganking abilities. |
lucian | At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R. He can help him massively in neutral and objective battles and duels because of the amount of damage he takes. |
leesin | Lee Sin's damage production increases considerably after completing its first component. Watch your positioning so Lee Sin can't easily get you off after finishing his first component. |
sylas | He will also help him with his Jungle camps and his overall survival in the game. When the game is in its mid-game phase, players should launch a split thrust to secure secondary goals. |
zyra | At level 9, Zyra would have maximized his Q or E. Whatever you've reached first, you should be able to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy's lantern during the middle of the game or later parts of the laning phase. |
vayne | If Vayne uses her e, she should use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill the opponent. Vayne's pretty vulnerable when she's dead. |
quinn | The player should keep an eye on the map as they may still not be able to achieve a 1v3 ratio yet. Quinn has strong dueling potential in the mid-game, which can be used to fight against opponents who try to stop their split pushing. |
jinx | You shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage like an engage Support. After getting a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. |
quinn | Leaving the team may allow the enemy to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight. To increase survival time and keep carries alive, focus on the nearest enemy champion to your carries. |
teemo | Split's thrust puts Teemo's team in a disadvantageous state. Tension builds up in Teemo's team when he splits up. |
lulu | Putting enemies in the dive with your Q can secure killed quickly. Lulu's early damage is significant. |
teemo | Teemo may not join the team fights because it is not very good in them. Instead, Teemo can be divided by pushing and trying to take targets in the side lanes. |
urgot | It's really good when you're trying to deal with tanks. The first element will benefit Urgot. |
anivia | You need to utilize your Passive wisely in team fights to increase your chances of winning. The enemy teams' push and siege attempts can be countered by using your Ultimate m carefully. |
ezreal | Ezreal will have incredibly low cooldowns on all of his abilities when completing his build. This will allow Ezreal to continue to poke and harass the enemy before a team fight occurs. |
tryndamere | If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well. In team fighting, focus on the most squishiest and easiest targets in the backline. |
mordekaiser | Seriously early injuries can significantly reduce the damage caused by Mordekaiser. The reduced W damage from the first grievous injuries will help his enemies even out of duels during the early match. |
malphite | So come in for the murder with your Ultimate h. Participate in as many team fights as you can. |
twitch | However, he can struggle against hard lane bullies early due to his early game weakness. Blade and pot into Bork are common build orders for Twitch. |
karma | If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away, If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health. |
pantheon | Be careful after the laning phase because Pantheon will try to kill you with Grand Starfall R When Pantheon tries to kill you, it means a 5 vs 4 teamfight may occur |
yasuo | Yasuo excels in team fighting when he is chosen by a team with multiple knock-ups. However, avoid regrouping too closely with Yasuo, as it can easily get an ultimate R of 5 people. |
xinzhao | Investing in reducing healing will increase your chances of surviving against Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao tends to have a lot of support in the way and throughout the game. |
akshan | Versus poke or champions with lots of clear wave, it will be almost impossible for you to travel and help your allies The enemy will keep you pushed in. |
akshan | Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he kills the enemy who killed them. Akshan's E is particularly useful in the last stages of the game where the chronometers of death are long. |
gwen | Her W allows her to mitigate a lot of damage, and her E lets her reposition quite quickly. Gwen does deceptively high amounts of damage during this phase of the game due to her items. |
veigar | Always CC the enemy target before entering for an exchange to make sure no one can turn you on. Getting your Ultimate R is a massive power peak in the track and one that will allow you to take the game with ease. |
ziggs | Your Q can easily be spammed by you, so use it regularly. Ziggs excels in team fighting because he can intensively trap the opposition with his Q. |
rammus | Rammus is pretty decent in late-game fights due to his ability to pick enemies off easily. Rammus should focus on making sure that his allies don't get killed by flanks to ensure an easy victory. |
neeko | The first component allows her to spam abilities and not run out of mana. This also lets her deal a lot of damage in the lane. |
sett | His early game ganks are quite decent during this phase of the game. Sett's Q & E should let him reach his enemies quickly. |
pyke | When no team fights are occurring, Pyke will be in a side lane split pushing. Keep an eye on his positioning and fall back if you see him rotating to join the fight. |
lucian | A good start for Lucian can allow him to make a snowball if it is not verified. However, the longer the game lasts, the more Lucian falls and loses momentum. |
aphelios | You are quite immobile which can make you a prime target for chain CC and assassins. Aphelios relies on extended trades, so taking him out quickly will give the enemy team a huge advantage (especially if he has his Infernum W up when he dies). |
gragas | Secure Dragons with your team after ganking the bottom lane. Ward for your allies. |
gwen | Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out, or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown. |
vayne | Flashing Ghost is a suitable summoner spell for Vayne. To play safely in top lane, let your opponent push you while collecting farm and using Q and E to disengage. |
irelia | Irelia is very strong when she has her Passive fully stacked. Avoid fighting with Irelia when she has her Passive fully stacked. |
trundle | At level 14, it will have its 2nd maximum capacity. This will only add to his power and allow him to disrupt enemy fighting and get closer to them very quickly so that he can kill them. |
tryndamere | 3 points in its Ultimate ability will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else. Trendamere will do a lot of damage during the later parts of the game as it will have several articles and will be able to duel anyone. |
illaoi | At level 16 Illaoi will be able to put three points in her Ultimate R. Illaoi is really good in fights as she will deal a lot of damage and peel for her allies. |
kogmaw | Your e should hit like a truck now, so keep your position in mind while inflicting damage. Do not launch a game by flashing before and out of the protection of your team. |
rumble | The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. A champion named "rumble" with an authorized passive R can do a lot of damage to enemy units close to him and act as a disruptor during team fighting. |
seraphine | It makes it more difficult for her to escape from an all-in-one of the enemy. The shield and healing you get from your W is missing enough, especially at the beginning of the game. |
twitch | Twitch's positioning is important in team fighting, and not properly positioning it, it will be flanked by enemy assassins and will be immediately removed. Without its Ultimate or Super Mega Ultra Kill (s), Twitch's ability to dominate a team struggle decreases considerably. |
leesin | Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong. Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody. |
aurelionsol | This will allow you to impact your side lanes with ease after pushing your lane. Thanks to his Q, Aurelion Sol has good poke and good wave clear. |
kassadin | If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him. Kassadin will be split pushing during the mid-game so that he can get to his level 16 power spike. |
urgot | Because of his articles, he will have a respectable amount of support, which will make it really difficult for the enemy to kill him. Team fighting will be Urgot's bread and butter as it can in the front line quite efficiently while allocating tons of damage to the enemy team. |
maokai | The supertank can protect the targets from evil by the people he wears behind him. Its ultimate capacity allows it to establish holds at a considerable distance. |
milio | If Milio gets CC he can't use his Ultimate, so it's important that he never make CC'd. Milio is sensitive enough to the CC. He is quite still and squishy, so positioning is the key. |
diana | Diana's ability to engage in team fights is restricted. Targeted attacks on Diana can hinder her chances of a comeback. |
darius | Darius is really easy to kite because he is immobile. Champions with dashes have an advantage over Darius due to his mobility issues. |
gangplank | Try and abuse Gangplank's weak early game to get ahead. Go for short burst trades with your Q in this matchup. |
heimerdinger | Heimerdinger peels for his team in team fights by using his Q on nearby champions to protect himself and his ADC. Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger. |
syndra | Syndra is strong when she has her first article. It will easily push the wave of the minion with ease and force you under Tower. |
gragas | Gragas's ultimate R is easy to mess up and may knock enemies backwards instead of forwards. Focus on harassing your enemy laner with Q in the lane. |
taliyah | All she has to do is maintain her positioning and land her abilities. Taliyah has good pressure at the beginning of the game. |
taric | If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. |
garen | Garen excels at flanking the enemy team using his Q and E abilities. Garen's W tenacity allows him to escape from the enemy team if they initiate a fight against him. |
nautilus | A player must use the ultimate ability to eliminate an enemy out of sight. It has a huge tankness, which allows it to absorb both the tricks and the damage. |
syndra | Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q. Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. |
soraka | To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards. |
brand | Brand can be quite squishy and needs protection. A champion like Brand cannot withstand too much damage without being eliminated. |
karthus | As a Jungler, if you die when the Baron is up, the enemy will take it for free. Rush objectives as soon as they spawn because you should be able to take them quickly thanks to your ability. |
ekko | Try to ambush enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone because You can get kills by ambushing enemies with your abilities. |
aatrox | Aatrox reaches level 9. Once Aatrox reaches level 9, its Q-capacity is fully maximized. |
renata | Continue to poke out enemies with your E. See if you can displace enemies with your Q. |
riven | Ward next door by setting a goal to spot her before she has the chance to commit. Riven is good enough to win the champions when they're too forward or alone. |
anivia | Her Ultimate ability will deal tons of consistent damage in the late game. Teams will continue grouping in the late game. |
seraphine | CC represents crowd control, which refers to a mechanic who limits the movement or actions of an enemy champion. His Ultimate R allows him to be a massive threat in a packed battle. |
briar | As teams tend to group, it becomes harder to get picks and make plays in the late game. You are at a bigger threat of dying this stage of the game. |
diana | You may be unable to match Diana's plays, so you need to actively look for plays with your Ultimate that heavily increases your kill pressure. As soon as it is up, try to gank a lane. |
leona | Leona's e and r will be maximized during this game stage. She can look for choices frequently. |
vladimir | Vladimir will compete on the side in the team fights. Watch your flanks so you can find him before he can climb to the top of your team. |
seraphine | The CC (crowd control) of its Ultimate R will allow its team to collapse on the enemy quickly. She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now. |
darius | If he miss-times his Ultimate e, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight. This is why he needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets into health range. |
kayn | Kayn has a problem with effective use when his opponents own CC, long range poke, or similar disengagement tools to other assassins. Try to use track brushes and make short exchanges when the enemy has a reduced capacity. |
nasus | Nasus' commercial potential will be high at level 9. At level 11, Nasus put the second point in his Ultimate R. |
sylas | It'll let him take control of the fights with ease. It will also help him in his Jungle camps, |
rengar | Rengar has a good potential for split thrust in the middle of the game. He has a good potential for assassination on isolated targets. |
xinzhao | Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team. After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon. |
senna | Once Senna unlocks its Ultimate R, contact your team and tell them that it can have an impact on its Ultimate R. Senna has a good poke, harassment and a good disengagement with her E. |
skarner | Make sure you look at gank when your Ultimate is in place. You can get goals much easier than it is. |
hwei | Against hwei should not let him get ahead early because he can be extremely potent in the later stages of the game. |
soraka | You shouldn't move alone. Killing someone is very easy when you're alone. |
riven | Ideally, Riven players should enter the mid game by taking tower as soon as possible, pushing out waves, and looking to flank onto fights or objectives. A good Riven player prioritizes diving the backline while peeling for their team as needed. |
qiyana | and clustered team fights. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. |
nautilus | Nautilus should look for picks whenever their Ultimate ability is up. Nautilus has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure you hit level 2 first and look for an aggressive play. |
ziggs | This means that the enemy can do nothing to defend its turn. Ziggs will try to delay a team struggle as long as possible while he poses with his Q. |
galio | During the mid-game, you should be ready to secure as many picks as you can. You should work with your Jungler and set up death brushes inside the enemy Jungle. |
gnar | Enemy Junglers have a hard time ganking He unless their CC lands on him. He's Ultimate R can change the tide of an entire fight when used with his E. |
mordekaiser | To win a team fight, it is essential to keep your aircraft carriers alive longer. If your allies die quickly, it will be difficult to win the team fight. |
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Dataset description
Dataset summmary
This dataset hase been build in order to train model on natural language understanding specified in league of legends champions. This dataset has been built by scrapping various online sources relative to champions guides and/or coaching. I then used some chunking techniques in order to generate propositions based on the retrieved online knowledge and a data augmentation technique. These techniques will be further detailed.
This dataset provides only data in english
Dataset Structure
Data Fields
- label : name of the champion that the proposition is refering too.
- text : proposition refering to the champion in label
Data Splits
- train : 17833 data points
- validation : 4458 data points
TOTAL : 22292 data points
Dataset Creation
- Downloads last month
- 87