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evelynn | Catching an enemy out while they go to ward or move from one lane to another is a great way for evelynn to get ahead. Focus on securing objectives when possible in the mid-game, preferably alone or with her team. |
rumble | And of course, if you do have ultimate, you can start with this before going in. And he can struggle against champions who can easily get onto him and shut him down. |
veigar | You're already still, and anyone with a dash or spelling shield can kill you. Stay with your team and work with them to enemies at once. |
ezreal | Slowly whittle the enemy down with your Q will increase your chances of winning a followup fight. Back early once you have enough gold for your first item. |
varus | In neutral objective combat, you should be able to disrupt a fight because of your ultimate R, especially if the enemy is tainted. Make sure you show up. |
lissandra | It's really good for his team. Lissandra will have several elements during this phase of the game. |
karma | Her poke damage will be a force to reckon with. She can also set up ganks and provide utility with her d and d. |
fiddlesticks | In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together because his Ultimate R is an AOE tool. |
camille | Camille has a sharp learning curve, making it challenging to play effectively. If you make a mistake while playing Camille, the enemy can easily capitalise on it and gain a lead. |
teemo | Alternatively, Teemo can divide the thrust until the enemy responds. Teemo will place tons of mushrooms around targets and in areas of great circulation. |
nautilus | Staying healthy is key when playing Nautilus. If you get poked down, you’ll never be able to engage. When you’re waiting on your cooldowns, play safe and out of auto-attack range. |
morgana | Capacity E was considered as a tool for all stakeholders. The R (Ultimate) would allow domination over the enemy when it was acquired. |
yasuo | It improves its damage R poke, allowing it to look for all the ins once it reaches level 6. The best time to go for an all-in-one is when the primary form of the enemy's CC is declining. |
qiyana | Unless you have a clear advantage, be cautious when heading into 1v1. They are going to gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too. |
zeri | Avoid being within reach to reduce all-in. Poke when it is outside the early minion wave but hit it with abilities when you have the first element. |
warwick | Use your *Q* ability regularly to maintain a strong presence on the map. Your Ultimate R can change the game in team fights, use it wisely to avoid getting caught. |
sivir | Kite and automatic attack the nearest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. |
orianna | Orianna is a mechanically difficult champion to master. It will take a lot of practice to play her to her full potential. |
skarner | The choices of baron or dragon can help to get an advance in the game. Skarner's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. |
sion | Focus on the nearest enemy champion to avoid being an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. If you focus only on the rear line, you will survive longer and keep your portages alive. |
yasuo | Avoid pushing the wave as much as you can because Yasuo has an incredibly strong all-in and can get you down if you're pushing. |
quinn | When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight. Quinn's early game is incredibly strong. |
tryndamere | Your ability to get out of a Smite constantly due to your Ultimate e should allow your team to benefit a lot. Do not forget to grow in the game as it will be your main source of income. |
ornn | When Ornn completes his first component item, he can make more aggressive plays and win more trades with the enemy bottom lane. You should not engage in fights after your Ultimate R is no longer available. |
tryndamere | You can use the digital advantage to force goals or look for favorable fights to win an advantage. If Tryndamere is divided by pushing down in the middle of the game, avoid sending a lot of people to stop him when the Baron goes up. |
zyra | It is crucial to avoid moving to unretired areas, as Zyra has great capture potential with its E and Ultimate R. Staying away from high traffic areas nonwarded is necessary if you don't know where Zyra is. |
caitlyn | After Cait’s first back, she will pick up her first component item. This will increase her poke and trading potential in lane. |
darius | Ganking your allies will help you gain an upper hand against Darius. If you can, try to take out Darius while he is in the process of ganking. |
reksai | If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead. The goal is to take down enemy carries. |
seraphine | You don't need to spend so much time learning it compared to someone like Akali or Camille. Seraphine has a lot of crowd control thanks to her passive, E and Ultimate R. |
kaisa | She will be better at skirmishing and trading with the enemy too. At level nine, kaisa's Q was completely maxed out and dealt a lot of damage to her enemies. |
lux | Always make sure that you are standing behind at least 2 minions so that she is unable to root you with her g. |
cassiopeia | At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R. It will deal a lot of damage. |
zeri | Unlocking its first component element allows Zeri to go for more favorable exchanges with the enemy laner. Zeri's next power peak is generally at level 6. |
kalista | Her r is solid during this phase of the game. A couple of spears can easily chunk an enemy out with kalista's r. |
fiddlesticks | Setting up death brushes whenever you can will help a lot in this game. Your Q Active is really overpowered when bursting people down. |
taric | Taric will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. Having two points in Ultimate R allows Taric to use capacity frequently. |
gwen | Her Ultimate R can be recast multiple times. Her Ultimate R also offers her a heal which helps her in 1v1 fights. |
akshan | If Akshan gets arrested on a marked enemy, he can bring an ally back to life, which could turn the tide of the game. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. |
pantheon | You should expect Pantheon to play aggressively at level 1 or 2. Unlike most aggressive Supports, his level 6 isn’t that good in 2v2 skirmishes in the bottom lane. |
rell | Ezek's and Knight's Fowl are great pickups for matchup. For summoner spells take Flash and Ignite. |
azir | Purchasing a Sweeper will be really good as you will be able to flank and 'Shurima Shuffle' the enemy backline into your team with your Ultimate R. You should be on the lookout for secure picks when inside the enemy Jungle. |
darius | Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Make sure you’re looking to fight constantly to gain a lead. |
darius | Champions with dashes have an advantage over Darius due to his mobility issues. Range advantage or poke makes it difficult for Darius to engage enemies and kill them. |
rengar | Level 16 is a massive power peak for Rengar. Which means he can completely decimate the enemies that are identified. |
fiora | Wait for her to use her W up before looking for an all-in, else she might just CC you and kill you. A good time to look for an all-in will be when her dash is down. |
yasuo | Yasuo becomes really powerful once it reaches level 16. When Yasuo reaches level 16, its Ultimate R will inflict massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. |
kayle | The use of fog of war will aid in identifying enemy positions. Keeping the wave close to your tower allows for regular ganks and kills on Kayle. |
olaf | Massive spike bolsters Olaf's overall damage potential. See if you can get some roams off on overextended enemies in the mid-lane. |
kaisa | Allies immobilizing enemy champions also applies 1 stack if you're nearby. Kai'sa's Q automatically fires 6 missiles at nearby enemies dealing damage. |
rengar | Do not walk in the way unless it is spotted, otherwise it will jump on you from a bush. It is really good after the end of the laning phase as it can get choices with its Ultimate R. |
ashe | She should use her k carefully in this lane. This is because it can help her Jungler a lot when it comes to detecting the enemy Jungler without putting Ashe's life in jeopardy. |
qiyana | Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. |
mordekaiser | If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. |
naafiri | You can start roaming after level 6. Play around your Ultimate and look for killers every time he's upstairs. |
yone | He'll eventually kill him if he stays in the way. He can fight with his E if he enters and misses the duration of the E. |
seraphine | However, Seraphine is still mana-hungry and should be careful about spamming spells. Your goal in the middle of the game is to be clear and get the priority of the track. |
maokai | Once Maokai gets his ultimate R maxid, the enemy won't have a perfect time in the game. But Maokai's team will quickly take advantage of its CC. |
kalista | kalista will be able to take neutral objectives with ease using her r. Kalista is a strong early game champion. |
aatrox | Avoid using your Q unless you’re able to trade. When your Q is on cooldown, you’re quite vulnerable and will lose 1v1 fights. |
ornn | The enemy has no sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Can buff up his team thanks to his Passive which allows him to upgrade his allies items. |
seraphine | If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning the team fight. The laning phase is focused on the descent of the enemy to gain an advantage over health. |
jhin | Do not push too far up the map, or you will become a prime gank target. When you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to deal a lot of damage and get multiple kills around the map. |
twitch | The squishiness and vulnerability of Twitch to CC make its positioning crucial in team fighting. His ability to dominate a team fight relies heavily on his Ultimate or the S. |
xinzhao | Concentrate him when Xin fights as a team. Xin Zhao is a great champion of the skirmish. |
irelia | Irelia uses her E at the start of the fight, and fighting after she does this will increase your chances of engaging her in combat. Using the Ultimate R while fighting should also be avoided as much as possible since it would reduce her chances of getting resets. |
nilah | Look for opportunities to catch enemies with your ultimate ability, but do not go into battle unless your team is also present and can help you. Continue picking up gold and experience in the side lanes when there are no fights happening among the players, but try to spend as little time away from your team as possible. |
akshan | Taking an early armor will protect you from some of its damage. Akshan's first power peak is when it unlocks the 3 basic capabilities. |
morgana | Morgana's will use their W to push the minion wave. Stand outside the wave so it can't push and poke at the same time. His death pressure increases to 6. Stand back so he gives you more time to react to his Q so you can avoid it. |
sett | Misuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage. If the enemy is intelligent, they will avoid regrouping during the fighting because Setts Ultimate R cannot be used effectively against them. |
sett | Set's basic attacks alternate between left punches and right punches, where Set's right punch has bonus attack range, attacks faster, and deals additional damage. Set W is a cone skill shot which grants himself a shield that can be upgraded as grit is stored. |
wukong | To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. |
missfortune | As soon as she runs her Ultimate E, disengage immediately. At level 9, Miss Fortunes t (twin) will do tons of damage if she hits you. |
urgot | Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. Focusing on the rear line alone can make it easy for the enemy to target you and kill you quickly. |
irelia | Using the Ultimate R while fighting should also be avoided as much as possible since it would reduce her chances of getting resets. By avoiding these situations, you can limit Irelia's potential for resetting her abilities. |
taliyah | The Ultimate R of talijah allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately. This can provide a lot of utility in choking points. |
orianna | Her Ultimate ability is crowd control. Her dash ability also provides movement speed. |
sion | Sion is weak in the game very early. He needs to have levels behind him before he starts ganking. |
azir | Roam after getting healthy lead in lane. Get Ultimate R and do more in lane. |
gragas | While jungling during the early game, Gragas can be invaded early on when he is busy ganking. Doing so will force Gragas to show himself to lanes in order to soak experience as he won’t have any camps to take due to him being invaded. On the other hand, if he is laning, consistently harassing Gragas will force him to recall abruptly. |
sett | Level 6 is an important power peak, especially when facing an enemy with a tank Support in his team. At level six, Sett can easily bring the Ultimate R enemies back into their team, inflicting significant damage. |
zed | Zed has an effortless time to kill anyone wandering alone in the flaw. Zed can set up lap dives on squishy bots quite frequently. |
morgana | Try to fight Morgana when this capacity is broken. Morgana's survival in team fighting increases when her Blackshield E is not available. |
quinn | Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team. Quinn’s pick potential is high. |
gangplank | Fighting in open spaces reduces the effectiveness of Gangplank as he won’t be able to use his E barrels to the fullest potential. The same thing applies to his Ultimate R. He can’t initiate an all-in without it during the early game. |
gwen | Focus on good wave management and going for favourable trades. If you are constantly pushing, you will not be able to get kills as your W doesn’t protect you against tower shots. |
tryndamere | This can make the team struggle difficult for Trendamere. Hitting level 3 will be quite difficult so make sure to avoid conflicts and use your Q to heal regularly. |
warwick | Keep yourself safe and healthy by attacking anything in front of you and use your ultimate to heal yourself or gap close. |
malphite | Constant damage to the poke can prevent Malphite from regenerating its passive shield. Malphitis is quite susceptible to poke before six years. |
leblanc | Try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal. |
shen | If you can bait this ability, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force Shen to lose a lot of health. Shen's Ultimate R can help another way if used post 6. |
drmundo | Gank overextended enemies and get kills for you and your teammates. Hold off from using Q until close to them to make it easier to get kills. |
yasuo | Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. |
ezreal | ezreal was known to poke the enemy and harass them as much as he could before looking to fight. Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before looking to fight. |
samira | Avoid fighting unless you have your ultimate R available as it deals tons of damage. The Ultimate R that Samira uses is capable of causing significant damage. |
talon | It will be very advantageous for his assassination attempts. In the middle of the game, the player can secure several murders due to enemy rotation. |
olaf | If possible, focus him while he is in his more vulnerable state before he can deal damage. When no team fights are occurring and when no objectives are up, Olaf may stick to a side lane and start to split push. |
karthus | The enemy will be using their abilities on the minion wave to push. Try to stand outside of the minion wave but close to it so they have to choose between pushing and poking. |
karma | Remember that Karma has her Ultimate at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you’re hit by her empowered Q. Stand behind minions at all times if possible. |
shaco | It is essential to keep Shaco under surveillance so that you can spot them before they can secure the lens. Avoid fighting Shaco at any cost if there are 6 or more, as they will be much stronger with their Ultimate. |