# Guideline to run the DemoApp using Streamlit |
Using Anaconda or create an environment to run streamlit |
* Create env: |
```python3 -m venv env``` |
```source ./env/bin/activate``` |
* Using Anaconda: |
```conda create -n maple python=3.11.5``` |
```conda activate maple``` |
In the file "app.py" in "demoapp" folder: |
* ```pip install streamlit``` |
* Install all imported libraries: ```pip install pandas langchain openai chromadb tiktoken``` or you can refer to the requirement.txt |
* ```streamlit run demoapp/app2.py``` |
(The "app2.py" is our work on the most popular 12 bills. It is our latest code with RAG, vectara.) |
# Additional Pointers (Source:Research Paper) |
In the demo app itself we have included evaluation metrics that help gauge the quality of the generated summaries in our use-case |
* The metrics we have used are : ROUGE-L, ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, Cosine Similarity, and Factual Consistency Score. |
* ROUGE-1 is the the overlap of unigrams (each word) between the original bill and generated summaries. |
* ROUGE-2 is the overlap of bigrams between the original bill and generated summaries. |
* ROUGE-L tell us about the Longest common subsequence, taking into account sentence-level structure similarity naturally and helps identify longest co-occurring in sequence n-grams. |
* Cosine Similarity in this case tells us about the text similarity of two documents. |
* Factual Consistency Score: We used Vectara that trained transformer model to output probability from 0 to 1 by comparing the source and summary. 0 being hallucination, 1 being factually consistent. |
# Understand this folder |
extracted_mgl.txt is the relevant mgl content for the 12 bills that MAPLE team wanted. Extracted from the column using the csv files <b> 12billswithmgl.csv </b> |