Many people have car where they live. The thing they don't know is that when you use a car alot of thing can happen like you can get in accidet or the smoke that the car has is bad to breath on if someone is walk but in VAUBAN,Germany they dont have that proble because 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars,and 57 percent sold a car to move there. Street parkig ,driveways and home garages are forbidden on the outskirts of freiburd that near the French and Swiss borders. You probaly won't see a car in Vauban's streets because they are completely "car free" but If some that lives in VAUBAN that owns a car ownership is allowed,but there are only two places that you can park a large garages at the edge of the development,where a car owner buys a space but it not cheap to buy one they sell the space for you car for $40,000 along with a home. The vauban people completed this in 2006 ,they said that this an example of a growing trend in Europe,The untile states and some where else are suburban life from auto use this is called "smart planning". The current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailes the passengee cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive in the United States. I honeslty think that good idea that they did that is Vaudan because that makes cities denser and better for walking and in VAUBAN there are 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile. In the artical David Gold berg said that "All of our development since World war 2 has been centered on the cars,and that will have to change" and i think that was very true what David Gold said because alot thing we need cars to do we can go anyway were with out cars beacuse some people are a very lazy to walk to place thats why they alot of people use car and i think that it was a good idea that that they did that in VAUBAN so people can see how we really don't need car to go to place from place because we can walk from were we need to go or we can ride bycles with out the use of a car. It good that they are doing that if you thik about your help the earth in way and thats a very good thing to. In the United states ,the Environmental protection Agency is promoting what is called "car reduced"communtunties,and the legislators are starting to act,if cautiously. Maany experts expect pubic transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six years federal transportation bill to approved this year. In previous bill,80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transports. There many good reason why they should do this.
I am a scientist at NASA that is discussing the "face" on mars. I will be explaining how the "face" is a land form. By sharing my information about this isue i will tell you just that. First off, how could it be a martions drawing. There is no plant life on mars as of rite now that we know of, which means so far as we know it is not possible for any type of life. That explains how it could not be made by martians. Also why and how would a martion build a face so big. It just does not make any since that a martian did this. Next, why it is a landform. There are many landforms that are weird here in America, and there is also landforms all around the whole Earth. Many of them look like something we can relate to like a snake a turtle a human... So if there are landforms on earth dont you think landforms are on mars to? Of course! why not? It's just unique that the landform on Mars looks like a human face. Also if there was martians and they were trying to get our attention dont you think we would have saw one by now? Finaly, why you should listen to me. You should listen to me because i am a member of NASA and i've been dealing with all of this stuff that were talking about and people who say martians did this have no relation with NASA and have never worked with anything to relate to this landform. One last thing is that everyone working at NASA says the same thing i say, that the "face" is just a landform. To sum all this up the "face" on mars is a landform but others would like to beleive it's a martian sculpture. Which every one that works at NASA says it's a landform and they are all the ones working on the planet and taking pictures.
People always wish they had the same technology that they have seen in movies, or the best new piece of technology that is all over social media. However, nobody seems to think of the risks that these kinds of new technologies may have. Cars have been around for many decades, and now manufacturers are starting to get on the bandwagon and come up with the new and improved technology that they hope will appeal to everyone. As of right now, it seems as though the negative characteristics of these cars consume the positive idea that these manufacturers have tried to convey. Currently, this new technology in cars has a very long way to go before being completely "driverless". Drivers still need to be on alert when they are driving, as well as control the car near any accidents or complicated traffic situations. This seems to totally defeat the purpose of the "driverless" car. Eventually the technology may improve, but nobody can be certain that the driverless car will eventually become completely "driverless". This idea just seems like a lot of hard work and money for something that is not very neccessary. If someone does not want to drive their car they can just take a city bus or a subway. There are so many options of transportation that can already solve this problem. Even if masnufacturers are trying to make driving more "fun", driving is not meant to be "fun" it is meant to get people where they need to go. Playing around in a car just to have "fun" is just a recipe for disaster. The idea of the driverless car also raises many questions about who will be liable when someone gets into an accident in one of these new cars. Many states do not even let people drive semi-automatic cars because there are not even laws that pertain to the liability of anyone who get into an accident while driving these type of cars. If these cars become more popular, states may pass new laws. However, this topic also raises questions about who is able to dictate whether or not it was the car or the human's fault for an accident. Since this technology is so new, there could be many problems with the car's system that nobody has even discovered since they have not drove the car themselves. If someone test drives this kind of car or even purchases one and they get into a crash not knowing what could possibly happen to them, they will want to sue the car manufacturer since they were not aware of any bugs in the car's system. These lawsuits can add up and eventually the manufactuers will be in a bunch of debt, which could cost them their whole idea of the driverless car. The technology car manufacturers are trying to develope may just be a diasaster in the making. There are many alternative options of transportations if you do not feel like driving yourself, and these options are way less expensive than buying a brand new car. Although this technology is relatively new, we can not be certain that this new idea will even pay off in the end, it may just be a waste of money and time. Sometimes the newest technology is not the most benefical.
We all heard about Venus, the planet without almost oxygen with earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit but what if scientist project the futur into this planet ? Through this article, the author uses evidences appealing to reason and concession to make us realize why we should care about studying this planet so that people must give a chance to Venus. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms density and size but has a really different climate. As it is evoked by the author: ( 3) "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere. On the planet’s surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit....Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." The author uses of concession tell us what is the actual climate of Venus. He tell us the truth, he support the fact that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit but he also recognize that there's a danger present continuously. And because he support the idea of studying Venus, he proposes ways to study the planet and find a solution at a reasonable distance. Venus is an inhospitable planet that can almost be considered as an impossible dwelling for humans. But for the author, that can't keep scientist to do their job (studying Venus) : (5) "NASA’s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." Through this evidence, appealing to reasonning, the author talk about the NASA's possible solution to raise his credibility. But also, to convince the audience that we can only find a solution by studying the planet. In conclusion, despite of Venus hostility put in advance by the concession, the author makes the audience realize that there's a solution but that we can find it only if we study the planet. He make us find out that challenge and curiosity is part of human life. But also that danger and fear should not stop us from discovering new things. After all, we are Humans.
Dear, State Senator This is a letter to argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College."There are many reasons to keep the Electoral College" one reason is because it is widely regarded as an anachronism, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible, but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote, and the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virue of the mal apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College because,it is widely regarded as an anachronism. A non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the canaditdate who receives the most populare votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a method sense.It is the electors who elect the the president ,not the people. But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed). Another, reason I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College is because, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible. But it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. But it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning canadate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. Last but not least, I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College is because, the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virue of the mal apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. A larger state gets more attintion from presidential canadidates in a campaign than a small state does. It can be argued that Electoral College methods of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canadidates who has no hope of carrying their state. But of course no voter's vote swings a national election, and in spite of that, about 1/2 the eligible American population did vote in the [2012's] election. From, PROPER_NAME
If I were to choose between keeping the electoral college or abolishing it, I would chose for abolishing it. The electoral college has a system that can be considered confusing to most americans. This system indirectly transfers citizen's votes to congress. This allows for loopholes and sabaotage to be commited during the process of electing a president. I propose abolishing the electoral college and replacing it with a simpler system that appeals to all united states citizens instead of just certain citizens. Based on phrases in the passage, there is evidence that the electoral college system is corrupt. An example would be: Back in 1960. segregationalists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in relpacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) -source 2, second paragraph. This is stating that in 1960 people who opposed Kennedy nearly became his electors. So if they succeeded in becoming his electors his votes would have gone to another opposing candidate. This could not happen with a system of voting that directly conected everyones votes with congress. This was a clear case of sabotage in the election of 1960. Votes in larger states and smaller states are balanced out so the number of votes would not be based on the number of people in the states. This can be seen as a way to make sure that state votes did not compare to the population of said states. In reality it is limiting the votes of citizens. If people ignored how larger states had more people than smaller states and just thought of everyone as individuals everyone would have a say. The system I am proposing does not view states as the voters, but every american citizen as one. After everyone passed their votes, they would all be tallied and which ever candidate had the most votes would win. You may think that the votes could be sabotaged, and that politicians could put in fake votes and get rid of real ones. This problem could be dealt with by maximized security. There would be videocameras wherever the votes could be swaped. I propose this system to ensure that every citizen has a vote, and that corruption while transitioning the votes would be eliminated. This would be a less confusing system that could make voting more efficient.  
The posibilty of a face reconizing computer would be very helpful for children or even adults. Its would be helpful in a ways of satifying our needs and why showing us thing that would make going on the internet better. I think that the face reconizing computer would be very reliable; because in the text its says " A class room computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored". And if the students is "confused and bored" then the students is not really learning anything, beacuse all children can't be taught the same way. Some children have trouble learning or its harder for those children to learn; in a result of failing grades and low participation happening in the classroom. In my conclusion I think that face reconizing computers would the best thing for students. In way if a students were to not understand what her/she is learning in class the face reconizing computer could realize that the child doesn't understand is and give more instructions on what to do for the topic or assingment the're doing.
What is the Seagoing Cowboys progam? It was to help many countries that had been scarred by World War II. These people helped with cattle and other animals that were shipped to Europe to help them. People were asked to help by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, or UNRRA. People should join the Seagoing Cowboys progam because, you get to help other countries and people, you get to see many parts of the world, and you have fun. If you are in the Seagoing Cowboys progam, you can help other countries by giving them animals for food and work. It makes you feel good about yourself. The article says, " It made me more aware other countries and their needs." That would make someone feel good about themselves for helping other countries. Wouldn't that make you feel good? In the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can see many parts of the world depending on where you are going. You could see Italy and other countries. The article states, "Besides helping people, I had the benefit of seeing Europe and China." That would be very exciting. How would you like to see a bunch of different countries while working? You wouldn't have to pay for travel While working for this program, you would also have fun. The people aboard the ship would play games on the way back to get more animals. The cowboys would also play baseball and other games in empty ship holds where the animals were on the way there. Also the article even states that they played games. Even though you are working, you will still have fun. So, if you are in the Seagoing Cowboys program, you will have fun, you will feel good about yourself, and you will also get to tour and visit many different parts of the world. Many people helped with the Seagoing Cowboys program. They helped many countries in Europe. The cowboys still got to do what they always did, help with animals. So, do you think that you would want to become a Seagoing Cowboy? Or at least be in the program.
The challenge of exploring Venus This storie is about the challeng of exploring Venus. The auhor talked how venus is closest planet in earth. The author support the idea by showing us how studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. in the story the author talked about how studying venus is worthy. In the story the said "venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our scholar system. The value of returning to venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe scientifically productive. This quotes revals that venus is worthy because people use for a lot things such as going to missions. In the article the author taked about how venus is pursuit. in the article the the author said NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions o the surface of venus would allow scientitis to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. Ths quotes means thta venus is pursuit because is halping people wiht the electronic such as vehicule. In the story the author talked abouth how Venus is despite in danger. In the storis the author said" Beyond high presure and heat, venusian geogoly and weather presentadditional impedimants like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lihgtning strikes to probes seeking to lead on its surface. By comparing, system that use mechenical parts can be made more resistant to pressure,heat,and other foces". This quotes mean that Venus is despite in danger because it barley causes dager like other planet. the author support the idea by showing us how Venus is a worthy pursuit despite in danger. In this storie the author talked how venus plante is different from the other planet in the earth surface. The author also talked about hoe Venus don't cause volcanoes and earthquakes.
There are many reasons why you should join seagoing cowboys program. You would be helping your country. You'd be traveling around the world. Last you'd have lots of fun over seas. You'd be helping our country because when Luke was in seagoing cowboy program it was 1945 and world war 2 was happening in Europe and he had to those countries recover. Luke had to help the horses when the war was over to get people places and to work. If you were 18 or up you might be lucky and be drafted into the military service. The UNRRA would hire seagoing Cowboys to feed the horses cows and mules that were shipped overseas. You'd be traveling around they world like Luke did. It took Luke 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast. You'd be traveling to China, Europe, Greece, and many more places. The only way you'd be good at this job is if you wouldn't get sea sick because if you are a seagoing cowboy told travel overseas a lot. You'd have fun overseas if you don't get seasick. You'd have many adventures. You'd have many stories to tell your friends and family. You'd been in countries you'd didn't think you'd be in. You'd be able to play games in the countries you visit in the seagoing Cowboys program. If you join the seagoing Cowboys program you'd love it. You'd be traveling. You'd be having fun. You'd be helping our country. So why don't you join our seagoing cowboy program. I bet you'd love to be in this program with all our helpful friends and family that want to try to help our country.
I do not think that driverless cars are a good idea, i believe this because there could be a lot of hazard and danger behind this action. First how would these computers like programs know when to go or turn at a stop light? This could create many dangers and conflicts on the road. Next how could these computers detect humans? If the car doesn't know a person is j walking it could run over the person and possibly kill them, and yes j walking is illegal but it still happens. Finally i don't think these computers are a good idea because of malfunction. If something goes wrong in the car or the brakes go out it can lead to death for the passenger. I just think these vehicles are a little way to risky and not safe. In the article it says these cars need to be proven more safe. So this means these cars are not safe at the moment. As you can see i believe these cars are not safe and i am against it.
"It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," stated in Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Using means of transportation other than cars, such as walking or biking can release stress and help lower air pollution. In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars states ""When i had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked the verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor." This walk allowed her to release stress- versus driving a car could make her more stressed and causes air pollution. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city;" from Paris bans driving due to smog. If less cars are being used, then there will be less air pollution and cleaner air. By using other ways of transportation or limiting our use of cars, we can release stress and lower air pollution. Walking, biking, or carpooling are good ways to do so.    
I agree that driverless cars are a developing idea. I do like the fact that these cars should be used by the public. They could lead us to a whole other revolutionary idea with the way the human race lives our lives. It could help us all out with our neccessaties. Also it could help us with other sciences in our lives such as medical assisstants and drivers. Next, the ability to drive without a driver could help us alll in the aspect of the way on how we live our lives. First, for example in the text paragraph 7 it says how the company of BMW has made the "Trafiic Jam Assisstant" which could help us drive up to 25 mph without the need to do anything at all. Driverless cars dont just help us at drving it helps us at being smarter. The science put into these cars to drive without any work is fascinating. If we could put that same science in other fields justy as medical, then the possibilites are endless. We could have assisstant doctors getting us tools that we need,when we need them, and alarming us when something is wrong. Next, these cars are fantastic for elderly people who are unable to drive by themselves. They offer a sugnificant amount of assisstants for them so they dont have to rely on anyone else. Next, it could help keep us safe in our cars. For example, in the article in paragraph 7 it also states that these new cars have developed a drivers seat that "vibrates" when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. These cars can reduce the amount of vehicle incidents very much. Not only can they stop us from backing in to something but they can also stop us from being killed. After that, they have video cameras also in every corner of the car to help the driver sense any danger around them. For Instance, in parapraph 4 they tell of how they have a "spinning sensor on the roof that uses laser beams to form a constantly updated 3-d model of the car and it's surrounding. They need all of these so it could act as if a human being was in the driver's seat. Further more, these "newer cars" dont just give us new abilities, but also the new knowledge. They show us what needs improvement and what doesn't. Also, they help us guide our way to safety if we are lost. To inculde, these cars could also lead us to anywhere we need. This is very important in case someone gets lost. For example, if someone is lost on a camping trip and is in the wrong spot there and needs assisstance, then there car could lead then to safety and tell them exactly where they are located. It could also serve as a discovery unit. For instance, if someone is in a new town or city then they need to know where the gas station, hotel, restaurant, etc are and there car would take them there. They would help them navigate to whereever there destination might be. In conclusion, the need for cars that do not need a driver is very important to our everyday lives. They would help navigate, save, and make our lives easier. They would help our economy out tremendoulsy by reducing accidents and the death rate. Next, they would help with people who need it such as elderly and disabled people. Last, these cars are getting closer and closer to becoming a part of our daily lives already, because we have the science that helped us develop these types of cars now.
The election should be by popular vote of the citizens not by government hired official with some group name to make them sound important. The electoral colledge is just a way for the people running for president to get votes that they do not deserve. There are 538 electors in the electoral colledge and that means that that is 538 votes that may or may not have gone in favor of the person that the people wanted for president. Out of the 538 elecors they only need 270 votes to elect a president. Why not let the people (who go through tougher times than government officials) get the votes to elect the president. Each candidate that is running for president has their own group of electors who would rather vote for their candidate so they can get a big fat paycheck, instead of actually sitting down and trying to decide who is the most qualified to run this country. There are others who think like me too, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election instead of having suck up electors who don't even think about the people of the country. They do what they do best. Do you wnt to know what it is? They are suck ups for the candidate from their state (or to whomever has the most money). There are some people who are going to say that the electoral colledge is a good way to elect our president and I understand that. The electoral colledge might be a good thing because it consists of qualified government hired officials instead of everyday commoners like us. The electoral colledge was put into the Constitution so it must be worth something. Every state has their own candidate and with him are his electors, the best politicians that the government could hire for this job from that state. A majority of 270 votes is required to elect the president and some people might be like HEY!, that is 270 votes that we dont have to do. The electoral colledge might also be a good thing for people who don't care about who runs the country. If this country was founded on freedom, don't we have the freedom, no, don't we have the right to vote for who runs this country. Not suck up politicians. We should vote for our President! 
Driverless cars should not exsist it can cause many accidents and possibly can result into death. I believe that driverless cars should not exsist because it can be dangerous to not just one person but for everyone. Lets say you have a driverless car and sensors stopped working and you didn't know that, right there can cause a huge accident, just because the sensors stopped working.Or lets say you do get into an accident driving a driverless car who's fault would it be? We don't know. The text states in paragraph 9, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the driver or the manufacture?" People need to know who's fault it would be if they are driving a driverless car and get into an accident and possibly get injured. There is no point of having a driverless car if it is not completely driverless. In paragraph 7 it states that, "None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." It also states that, "All are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." What if the person using the driverless car isn't paying attention to the notification sign, or what if a person falls asleep and didn't hear the notification sign then what? In paragraph 9 it states, "Presently traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." I completely agree with that statement because with a driverless car what if it loses control you won't be able to do anything about it because you are not in control of it, but with a person driving, that person has100% control of what ever happens.
My position on driveless cars are bad because i don't trust them. I have a couple reasons why i don't trust them. My first reason is accidents. Driveless cars could have a sytem malfunction and drive off course and something breaks and crash into somthing. This could happen to anyone such as police, buses, and simple pedestrians. My second reason is too many driveless cars. If there were to make way too many drivless cars then it would alot of traffic because there are alot of cars who need a driver to drive. Such as if they were to go to the junk yard the junk yards would overflow and they would have to make more and more and less places to build houses or less crops for farmers. My last reason is pollution. If aot of people bought all these driveless cars then so much pollution would comeup and take over the sky and people would get sick and die from breathing in the air. If they were to change gas into something else and something went wrong with the gas or something to run the cars, they would either blow up or cause to much pollution that they would have to refund all the people and people would stop buying these because they wouldn't trust them. That's why i say no to driveless cars.
What if we could tell how all of the people us were without even asking. Most people can tell when someone is sad, happy, or mad just by looking at them, but what happens when that person is hiding how they are truely feeling. What then? Well new techonlogy can allow us to see exctly how someone, who is trying to hide there emotions, is feeling. This is unfair for many reasons. The technology may be cool but people have a right to keep how they are feeling a secert. The computer software works by making a 3-D computer model of the face; the computer watches the different muscles in the face move to identify how the person is feeling. The technolgy delevopted by Dr. Huang can even calculate mixed emotions with the exact percent of how strong the emotions are. Dr. Huang obseres that "facial expressions for each emotion are universal" I htought people expressed emotions in different ways though? Dr Hoang also states that "even though individuals often show verying degrees of expression." People have a right to not tell people how they are feeling. Did we really need to know the Mona Lisa was 9 percent disgusted? Now that raises the question of why? Was Leonardo de Vinci's hair messed up? Or did she think he needed to take a shower? What is the point in knowing someone is feelings without knowing why? We do not need technology to ask someone how they are feeling. or even why the are feeling the way they are feeling that way. There are really no benfits to knowing how someone is feeling without knowing why. The technology is very cool. It is crazy how Dr Huang was able to develope a computer that uses muscle movment to idenitfy emotions. The technology is useless though unless you are prepare and willing to ask why?
Have you ever seen Europe? What about China, or the Acropolis in Greece? Have you seen Venice, Italy, or the Panama Canal? If you've ever wanted to do those things, and help a lot of people while doing it, you're Seagoing Cowboy material. You should become a Seagoing Cowboy because of the hard work it teaches, the experience, and because you're supporting other countries, as well as your own! First of all, we have the grueling hard work to speak of. Some may say that grueling hard work is not a reason to volunteer for something, but I disagree. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is nothing like a normal, boring life. Yes, you have hard work, but you get the greatest sense of satisfaction once you're done. You get to know that all your hard work has gone to helping people in need, and that you've really made a mark on this world. I think hard work is also the path to knowledge, and you may just learn some life lessons along the way. Secondly, the fantastic experience is what we will cover. Some people may argue that the experience isn't worth risking your life over, but in reality, it's quite the contrary. If you're a Seagoing Cowboy, you get to travel the world, like I mentioned. You can see places like Greece, Italy, and China. Also, don't forget their unforgetable landmarks that you will see! Not only do you get to travel the world, but this is a once in a lifetime experience! We won't be around forever! Plus, I bet it will make one heck of a story to tell your grandchildren, am I right? Finally, we have the service you are providing. Some may say you are better off in the military. This may be so, but would you rather be taking lives, or saving them? Plus, us Seagoing Cowboys were only created because of World War II to clean up the mess. Wouldn't it be counterproductive to start a World War III? Here, you get to help people, improve lives, and do good for your country, and the country you're in. I think that with more of us Seagoing Cowboys, we can make the world a better place. Us Seagoing Cowboys know how to work hard, experienced a once in a lifetime chance, and supported our and many other countries. We've seen Europe, China, Greece, Italy, and even Panama! We've traveled the world, crossing oceans to and fro, for the good of mankind. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Imagine a world without garages, gastations, or parkinglots. The problem with today's world is our lives revovle around cars to get us where we want to be and they have become a status symbol for many.  The thought of being without a car scares most people, but limiting car usage is becoming more popular in cities, and has shown many advantages in the enviorment and in the communities.  For example, the residents of Vauban, Germany have given up their cars compltely (Rosenthal).  On the otherhand, Paris, France banded driving due to smog-only odd license plates could drive one day and even numbered plates could drive the next day (Duffer).  Many advantages came with limiting driving in these cities such as, less air poplution from tailpipes, congestion lessened, and indroduced alternative ways of transportaion into differnet communities. "Passenger cars are 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the Unites States" (Rosenthal).  This means if car usauge was limited than we could cut back on almost 50 percent of our polution in the United States.  "Transportation is the second largest source for America's emissions" (Rosenthal).  The limiting of car usage would also help and knock down cars as being the second biggest emissions source in the U.S.  Without so much air polution in the United States we could live healthier and better lives.  We would be able to ruduce global warmimg if we reduce the amount of driving we do. Another advantage with limiting car usage would be the decrease in congestion around our city and towns.  "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog" (Duffer). This means that traffic would die down as well, there would be no more rush hour after work, and the roads would be safer because there would be less people driving on them. Lastly, limiting car usage would bring people to find alternative and healthier ways to get to where they need to be.  In Bogota, Colombia every year for one day millions of people bike, skateboard, or take public transport to get where they want to be (Selsky).  With people using alternative ways to get to work it would not only  benefit the enviorment as well as benefiting their health. The answer is clear, we need to limit the usage of cars in America.  Other countries are doing it and now is our time to jump on board with the movement of less car movement.  So the next time you get in the car and buckle your seatbelt think about the advantages that could come from not driving today.  
I don't like the idea of driveless cars. I feel like if a human can do it we should. Especially when it comes to things like that. like the idea of robots, would you really want something cleaning for you and taking care of older folks and children. I do think they are a good idea for the blind and people not going to far. Like since i live in Indiana, they would be a good idea for people in Indianapolis to get from the mall to like a resturant or something. Nothing major or far like driving from Indiana to California, not a good idea. I just don't trust things like that. Driveless cars are sort of a good idea. they're are many pros and cons about the whole thing. I feel like they are dangerous because they could malfuncting and blow up or something. Or they will drive right into a buliding at full speed or something. No car is really safe in general, but letting a robot like thing drive your car is kinda a crazy idea. Another con is that they can't really drive by itself, it still needs you to hold the steering wheel and take control when around accident ot people working on roads. I feel like if they want to have driving cars they should just bulid a car that can drive people instead of a car that half does it. Another con is that they are basically illlegal in most states except a couple. Would we have to visit somewhere else to expericence what crazy technology the world has for us now. I also think they are a bad idea because driving are probably going to be directly on their phone, no hand on the steering wheel or anything. And like it says, when the car needs you to take over it will tell you to take over. But i feel like people will just ignore it and get into accidents they could have prevented. Pros are that you can half drive. You wouldn't have to really pay attention to anything around you and you could just relax while driving.
In the text the author uses facts that people should know. Like how close Venus is to us and what could be possibly on it. Also whats possibly on Also whats possibly on Mars, how each planet orbits at different speeds. NASA has sent many people into space to see what its like. Too see if we could have life on Venus and how each planet orbits at different speeds. Venus is unlikely to live on because it has 97% carbon dioixde blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in acid in Venu's atmosphere. Even though we would like to put people on Venus its just to likely that someone could die from the atmosphere. Venus has looked like Earth in the past but thats when Venus had wildlife and oceans. so they could live, but now the atmosphere would just wipe everything off the planet from the heat.
This is right because the use of this technology put smiles on people face and make people 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The main point is that the person feel more happy than sad, and also this gave human a better way to communicate with computers like it says in the article, "Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." I am gald that scientist found a way for us to communicate with the workd around us. This should'nt be hard for us because us human pefrom this in our daily life, like the article proclaim. This is awesome beacuse the world will feel beter with a lot of smily faces and every feeling happy about themself and every body else around them, and there will be no violence, there will be no argument, and the world will be a better and peaceful place, a place where dreams come true, and place where everyone is happy, a place where we can xepress our feelings to each other and work things out. work cited D'Alto, Nick, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," Carus Publishing Company, November 2006.
i think that having self driving cars would help alot. there are so many wreacks in the states because some people just dont know how to drive right. so if we was to invent and sell computerized cars it could stop us from having so many wreaks plus it would also cause us to drive way safer. for instance if your drunk and you have to get home you just sit in the car and it will drive for you since you cant do it yourself because your not in the right stae of mind. there is also the thought of making better roads but when you think about it that would cost more then a fortune to do. one other reason im all for this invention is because you know that the people making these cars are gonna earn a tone of money so that means more people will be switching to the new car instead of their old one. before you know it there will be somthing new and even better in technology since we just keep getting smarter over the years. who knows we might be driving hover craft later on in a few years because alot can be learned. although we would also have to make some new laws or change a few of them. like in the text it states that what if somone gets in a wreak in a smart car should the driver be blamed or the companies that sold the the car to that person beheld responcibale. there also still some improvements that have to be made before they can even start selling those cars . those are the main reasons that i think making smarter cars is a great idea.
A Seagoing Cowboy is someone who helped take animals to the countries that were devestated by World War ll. I, Luke Bomberger, am a Seagoing Cowboy. I not only got to help others who were in need, but I also got to expirience the sights and hisoric landmarks in other countries. I highly encourage you to join the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) and be a Seagoing Cowboy. Think of how sad you would be if you were devestated by the war and had barely anything left. Wouldn't you want someone to help bring you supplies such as animals? Well you can be one of the few people to contibute. The families over seas are all very kind and appriciative. Though they are still very much in need. So, you would just be helping the cause by joining. Over the past year, me and my friend, Don Reist, have had the opportunity to see historical landmarks. The chance to just see Europe and China would have been special. But Don and I got to expirience so much more than that. We got to see the Acropolis in Greece. Also, taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water, was a treat. I have also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Come on. Don't tell me you wouldn't love to have the opportunity to see the Panama Canal! All you have to do is join the Seagoing Cowboys. As you can clearly tell, being a Seagoing Cowboy is truly a great expirience. We get to help those in need, and also have the chance to see historic landmarks around the world. I hope that soon, you will decide to be like Don and I and join the UNRRA and become a Seagoing Cowboy.
What exactly is the facial action coding system? Well it enables computers to identify human emotions and expressions. This is an interesting way to understand a indivuals emotional expressions. Children in this mordern day have a tendency of hiding some deep emotions and expressional feelings from their peers,friends,and family. Being able to figure out some of their emotions could save a lot of problems long term. The worst thing a person can do is hide their emotions from people. This can really lead to a bad depression or other sad emotional syndromes. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto it stated that "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy,worried, etc." This shows that a person understanding someone emotions is very diffucult. People can hide their feelings really well especially students when even they are having their worst day. Facial action coding system can really help adults to understand the true emotions of a student. The story says that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human insturctor." This by far is an excellent idea. In the US in today's world a lot of students homework is online. Not even just homework at school but in everyday life it has something to do with technology. By being said the students that can't comprehend the lesson, there can be an alternative assignment that they can to so at least they are learning something. Doing something that you kind of know and bettering yourself at that is way more benefical then doing something you have no knowledge of. A lot of students don't ask for help when they are struggling with a assignment. Most of the time they either skip it or copy down answer without getting the full structure of the material. If the students are not understanding something in a lesson the material is only going to get way harder for them without any help. In the end, the facial coding system is a great creation and will be very benefical toward students. Teachers a very educated and have the Knowledge to help the students. If they don't know who is struggling though at all times they can't help every student.
''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' is a informative text, Venus called the ''Evening Star''is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky,In the solar systen Venus is the secont from our sun; Earth's twin Venus is teh close planet to Earth, and occasionally the closest in distance too Earth, Venus, and Mars. First, Venus is a hot planet, Venus has somre persent of carbon dioxide,Venus is so closer to the sumfor that reason Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in iur solar system. The temoperature is the over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosphere presure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet, people can't survive. Secondly, The scientifict However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can povide only limited insight on ground conditions because about However the light cannot penetrate th eatmosphere and it's from photography an dvideography ineffective. Lastly, The NASA is working about proyects electronics made silicon and this proyects they can send this things to visit Venus and this things starts doo do about 1800's and played a important role in the 1940's during World War ll, they can move this things fon computer. in conclution, ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' is a lot investigation fron interestings scientificts, showing to the people interestings things in the space,, the scientuifics lookk Venus interesting.
Many people in todays society tend to travel by car, but there is advantages to limiting car usage. Limiting car usage can stop pollution, and puts people in general in a more active environment. So, there are many other ways of transportation. In the article, 'Car-Free Cities' it talks a lot about the advantanges of not driving a car. For example, according to the passage "Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occaional distant motor." This being said, you can conclude that more people are being more active. Furthermore, the passage says "Passenger cars are respondible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States." This meaning that some places in the United states gases are half of the areas pollution. There are many more advantages to limiting car usages, and if other people do it so will the world. For example, according to the passage "Vauban, home to 5,500 residents within a rectangle square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life." Moreover, in the passage it also says "But its basic precepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking." Furthermore, "In this new approach, store are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distance highway." This meaning the world has a solution to solve the usage of cars. By making suburbs you will be walking distance away from your destination. This also saves so much money, if you were to drive you would have to waste gas. It is also more of a benefit for one who walks, rides their bike, or runs by giving them the benefit of exercise. By limiting the usage of cars, bike trails, parks, and sports centers have been a big hit. For example, according to the passage, "The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s." Moreover, "It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicylce paths." This being said, the need to make such a long bike path means that more people are joining in on the limiting usage of cars, which is a benefit for us humans, and the fresh air that we breathe. People are also becoming more active, for example according to the passage "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic;" Since the parks and sports centers have been blooming people are being more active. New side walks are being replaced so people can actually walk on them, the cut of traffic means less people are driving. In big cities, it just might be faster to get to your destination by riding a bike. In conclusion, there are so many advantages to limiting car usage. It helps by lowering the percent of pollution, on top of that it also helps save money. By walking or riding your bike to your destination can benefit you in many ways. It also helps by making the world a better place. People seem to be happier when they see other being active, so the next time one thinks to drive a walking distance, rethink your decision.
The challege of exploring Venus is not a great idea. Studying Venus is a worthy because it's closes to our planet to earth in terms of density and size. While Venus is simple see from the distant but safe vantage poin of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is not a great planet to explore. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun". This shows that Venus is not a safe planet to explore. The scientists are been send to study Venus. The conditions on surface Venus allow scientists to float above the roiling Venusian landscape. The temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit,but the air pressure would be close to that of the sea level on Earth."However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering atandard forms of photography and videography ineffective.
Using technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it could help students learn in ways that suit them, prevent students from getting angry or stressed, and make them feel valued. The article says that the computer would be able to tailor lessons to suit each students needs based on what emotions they're showing. This could greatly improve a student's education. A lot of students don't seek help if they get behind or don't understand something, the Facial Action Coding System could help them out by recognizing their confusion and changing the lesson to best suit them. Speaking of emotions, the Facial Action Coding System would be able to prevent students from getting too angry or too stressed. If a student is showing strong negative emotions, the FACS could notify someone or tell the student to take a break. Many students hide their negative emotions in a classroom, for fear of looking bad amongst their peers. The FACS could help students, by acknowleding their emotions and change the lesson or the atmosphere. Overall this could boost both grades and school attendence, by making students feel valued, like someone cares about their feelings. Using the Facial Action Coding System in schools could be a valuable asset to education. It could help students improve, keep them from getting too upset, and make them feel valued.
As the author tells in the article, Venus is very dangerous due to thick atmosphere of about ninety-seven percent carbon dioxide that covers venus. Not only is the atmosphere high, but the temperature and atmosphere pressure as well. The temperatures average is over eight-hundred degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is ninety times more than what humans experience on earth. Althrough, the conditions are extreme. The author gives reasons to visit and research more about Venus. As stated, " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author states that they are very amazed how Venus could have been the most similar to Earth. The author continues by describing Venus with similar Earth features, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar fetures such as valley, mountains, ans craters." Next, the author states that Nasa is already working on making a spacecraft to last long on Venus. As said, " For example, some simplifield electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Nasa is already planning to visit Venus for research. Overall, the author supported his idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by giving reasons and telling how Venus could be very similar to a Earth-like planet.
Do you ever have a yearning to have an experience where you help people, and see new places? I had one of those eye-opening trips myself when I took part in being a Seagoing Cowboy. All citizens should participate in this program. In this essay, I will explain why this program should include you in the next trip overseas. When having deep affection for men and women who have served in wars such as World War Two, you long to give help back to them in repayment. That is why it feels so amazing to sail overseas with vital needs for discouraged people, such as animals or food. I have served for nine trips(the longest contributed by any Seagoing Cowboy), because it gives yourself satisfaction to keep youself busy with activities that lift people's spirits. If you join this program, you can feel like a warrior in different ways. On these trips overseas, you can also live through rewarding and beautiful sites. With our free time in other countries, we had the opprotunities to see the Acropolis in Greece, and parts of China. We also got to experience what a gondola ride in Italy felt like through streets of water. Visualizing these historic places really make you want to see more of the world, and keep helping our world's health. People opposed to the UNRRA may have many doubts why you would risk the danger and time. It is true that you sail where destructive and gruesome battles have taken place, but you can visualize the importance of why you need to help those citizens who have lost so much. Even though some may also state that it is too much scrificed time away from home, the time goes by fast while playing fun and relaxing games such as:fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and tennis tournaments. There are many reasons why you can make up for risks and sacrifices on this trip to pass time or feel more connected to your service. Becuase of the ways this trip is so benificial to participants, it is a great program to take part in. Seeing beautiful sites and repaying soldiers help you analyze so much more about other places and war. For many people, it concludes as an opprotunity of a lifetime, that will never be forgotten. For these reasons, all citizens should participate in the UNRRA program overseas.
Limiting car use is a great way clean up greenhouse gases. In some car intensive areas in the united states passenger cars are responsible for 50% of greenhouse gases. Not ownly limiting car use help redouse greenhouse gases it benfits people personly by saving them money on gas and other expensis brought on by owning a car. It aslo would make it safer since car accidents are one of the leading causes of death. I dont think people shouldn't own a car i just dont think we should use them for everything. In some cases cars are anasetiy so there's aways gonna be car use we should just limit it. Greenhouse gases are bad so by limiting car use we could redouse greenhouses in some areas up to 50%. Limiting car use will aslo save people money not ownly in gas but expensives as well. There are sevrale expensise that come with owning a car just in get a car would require paying to get your permit/lisnes. Then buying  the car itself witch no car is cheap. Then once you get the car the expesise just keep coming. Such as payments on the car asoming you didn't pay it all off when you got it there's also gas, changing tires, check ups, inter stuff, repairs, etc... Nothings cheap about a car. Limiting car use would also make the streets a safer place. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death. Anything from fender benders to full on collishens are dangours. There's also sevral cases where people are hit just walking down the street. Cars are dangours plus limiting car use or restricting it in some cases may aslo bring down the drunk driving incadents. Im not saying we should get rid of cars. I just
This system could be very benificial in classrooms for many reasons. One reason being this system can literally tell what all of your emotions are an what percent each of them are. How a student feel about school or a class can effect how they do in school or the class big time. If a student hates the class and dreads going there every single day then that will effect how they do in the class and usaully for the worse, this does not mean they will fail the class but alot of the time there grade will not be as good as it should be. If a student loves the class and loves going to school then obviously they will be more ingaged and do better in the class most of the time. Schools could use this system to see what they could change in the school to make kids enjoy class and school more. Them doing this would hopefully improve grades and attitudes toward school which could always lead to more students wanting to go to college. There are alot of long term very benifical plans that could come with this.
I think the idea of "driverless"'cars might not actually be such a bad idea. I mean what could be any better? A car you get into and it will take you wherever you desire? Driverless cars could have less accidents, save gas, and maybe even get people where they need to be quicker. Theoretically thinking, a driverless vehicle could potentially cause a lot less trouble than a vehicle with a human driver. Sometimes, humans don't tend to make the best choices ever. Every year many people die because of drunk drivers alone. Many people also die just because some idiot decided they didn't need to pay attention, that text was just too important or than phone call may have been too important. More important than someones life of course. With driverless cars they would not have to worry about any of that, as long as they knew where they were going the car would get them there and back safely. What's even better than a car you don't have to worry about driving? A car you don't have to worry about driving, while saving gas. According to the text, Mr Sergey Brin forsees cars that would use half the fuel that taxis use in todays world. Even if it wasnt much, if you add up everyone that rides taxis it accumulates and eventually everyones contributing to the problem. So a car that could use only half of the gas we use today, like is there any reason to say no to these cars? Many people almost never get anywhere on time, some may have too much going on some might just not care. Whatever the case may be, what if these driverless cars could get you wherever you needed to be in the quickest way possible while not breaking the law. The driverless car could get you where you need to get by taking the quickest route possible. With all the advanced technology being promised the car could know whats ahead of it and if it will slow your trip down. For example if the car knows that up ahead is construction zone where you would have to slow down and waste time, it could just take a more efficient way and eventually save you time. Driverless cars, hopefully soon, will no longer be a thing of the past. With technology just advancing without stopping i think soon driverless cars would just be another normal vehicle you see on the road. To me driverless cars would be an astounding idea.
Did you know that Venus was maybe once like earth? And also maybe know that "Mechanical Computers" were used back in World War II that NASA may get ther idea for a invention to study Venus ? Sounds shocking right, well let me tell how and why these two questions may sound odd, but intresting. NASA has been working on finding ways to study Venus. They have simplified electronicsthat are made of "silicon carbide" that have been tested in a chamber that is like Venus's surface, and has lasted for about 3 weeks in the comditons as Venus's surface. They still are working on other inventions that will allow the machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully knowledge of Venus. NASA has also wanted a ship to orbit and hover safely far above the planet so that it can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of photography and videography of Venus. Astronomers have wanted to return to Venus but they wasnt a mission safe and scientifically productive. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because they believe in the solar sytem long ago Venus was like was just like Earth at one point. They also believe that Venus once had the features like eath like an ocean, mountains, valleys, and craters. In Venusian geology and weather present erupting volcanoes and frquent lighting , and maybe even strikes on the land surfaces. Venus atomosphere is about 97 percent of carbon dioxide and has a highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Its temaptures are an average over 800 degrees , its atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather that we experience on our own planet. Each pervious mission was unmanned and maybe thats a good reason no spacecraft survived the landing, or ecplains why not a single spaceship hs touched down on Venus in more than three decases. And is why Astonomers have also wanted a safe mission to go to Venus. And it is also why its a challenging planet for humans to study,which is like is said before why NASA has been wantiing to find good ways to study Venus. Another project taking us back to old technology us "Mechanical Computers". These computures were used in World War II,and these devices were used to make calculations andby using gears and levers and it did not require elctronic at al. Modern computers are enormosly powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicate when it came to physical conditons. systens that use nechanical parts can be made mire resistabt to pressure, heat a and other forces. So Venus is a worthy, despite of the dangers and earth abd beyind should not be limited by daners abd doubts because uou shoild be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginatio and innovation. Meeting the challenge to study Venus has value but not because its interesting but because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimitdating endevaours.
Through out the world a lot of people are excited about the driverless cars that are being developed. However some of them fail to realize the negativities that come with this package. Not having to drive 24/7 would be nice, but at what price? Vehicles are not exactly the most reliable resource. While your car is in driverless mode what are you doing? You could be texting, eating, writing something down, or for heavens sake you could be sleeping! Drivers will become extremely wreckless, more so than they are now. They will go about thinking that the technology has everything under control. Forgetting that cars that require drivers have difficulties. Yet they will trust a car to drive itself and have no problem? The car you are driving could have miscalculations and make a turn where there is a building! When in a vehicle the driver makes commands whether to turn or to signal a turn signal. Now give the vehicle control and you are giving it control of your life and whatever passengers you have with you. The car is not perfected. It will most likely make countless mistakes. Technology failure being a main one. While you are texting or turned around the engine could die out or the brakes could go haywire. Your instincts will tell you to take the wheel and try to get it under control, what if the commands are inconclussive and won't respond. Who is to blame, the vehicle for shorting out or the driver for becoming too un-alert. Everyone has their own opinions, everyone has their own brain that allowes them to make the wrong or the right decission based on what they believe. Will you allow yourself to fall victim to awe or amazement and wonder at these new inventions. Or will you go over teh pro's and cons of becoming too reliant on the driverless vehicle and less aware of your actions while on the road?
Exploration is key to a humans curiosity.Many people will indeed be anxious to explore something that is said to be impossible or dangerous because of curiosity."The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a prime example. In this article the author states different reasons why it is worth stuying Venus depite the extreme dangers it brings. One reason why the author of this article supports his ideas well is because he used statistics or in other words he used pathos.In paragraph five, he said"...a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way."He mentioned the idea of NASA creating a "blimp-like" vehicle to fly over the Venusian landscape.Then he went on and entered his counterclaim by saying"...far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground condition...,"therefore Venus would only be visible but not accesible and NASA would not be able to take samples of the planet. Secondly,he states some facts about Venus itself.He added that "...Venus is the closests planet to Earth in terms of density and size."This is a good fact to add in to give the idea as to why NASA would choose to attempt studying Venus.Also he siad that"...humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world."This gives the idea that the study of Venus has already been attempted before and has unfortunately failed every single time. Last but not least,in his conclusion he built a strong conclusion by mentionding in his opinion that"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginataion and innovation." This can be used for both life and NASA continuing on trying and trying until they succesfully study Venus. In conclusion, the author supported his ideas well in the article. He supported his idead with statistics from NASA theirselves and he gave facts about Venus. He also included his counterclaims. Over all he gave a well informend and structures article.
In the passage "The Challenge if Exploring Venus" the author suggests that the studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents by explaining the fact that scientist can not of study if that Venus is like Earth because it is studied from a far distance and that they need to get closer and get rock samples. For example the passage states ," More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientits seeking to conduct a thorough mission to nderstand Venus would need to get close up and pesonal dispite the risks." This piece of evidence proves that they would have to go through with a mission to Venus to get rock, gas, and other samples for scientists to study to compare Venus to earth. Therfore, in the passage " The Challenge of Eploring Venus" the authors suggestion to study Venus should entirely be accepted with the evidence they provided but also dispite the risks so that we have stand point on how close Venus is to the Earth comparing rocks,gases, and other pieces of evidence.
Space travel is something we people of Earth have just only begun to tinker with. Even after our many launches of aircrafts into the atmosphere, we know very little of what it truly out in the endless void of space. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus specifically is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author would be correct in this statement as we humans know very little about the planet because of numerous factors making it a difficult planet to study, but solving those problems would lead into advancement. Including that becuase the planet is closely related to earth, that could mean it supported life long ago. Lastly that striving to meet the challenge presented, despite the roadblocks, would lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. The planet in space we call Venus has a reputation for how troubling it is to study because of numerous factors. As included in the article, Venus has "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets...clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid...planet's surface tempurature average of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit...Atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater..." Venus is an extremely difficult planet to study which is why it would be such an amazing goal to study it fully. If NASA and the people of Earth fight to overpower these issues, we would advance as a species, developing more solutions to fight these problems. By facing the problems presented by Venus, we would finally be able to study it and even find out is there is, or was life on Venus. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author stated that "Astromoners are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Shortly after this, they also stated that "Long ago, Venusm was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." The search for life in space has been one outrageously demanded by the public and Venus may very well be the place to look, after we can penetrate the bounderies it has in store. It was even stated in the article that Venus even has features extremely similar to some found on Earth, furthering the support that Venus could have or does support life. Regardless if Venus supports life or not, if we as a species can get past the barriers of Venus, would lead us into many equaly intimidating endeavors that we can surpass. The author sugests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports that when they say, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equaly intimidating endeavors." They also say in the next sentence "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." By surpassing the challenge of Venus, we will have the technology an wisdom to surpass other difficult challenges we may encounter, overall gaining the knowledge and power to gain more knowledge and power. The exploration of Venus is indeed a difficult and dangerous task, but in the end would be worth while. By advancing our technologies we can bypass the dangers of Venus and pave the road to move onto even more dangerous and difficult tasks, both on out planet and outside our planet. We could gain the knowledge of how similar Earth and Venus are, finalizing if it could have or did support life at one point in time. And the factors making Venus so dangerous, would be minimalized and surpassed.
Imagine a system that can actually help you stay focused and determined with your learning. No more kids dozing off because of boredom, or becoming uninterested with a subject. This advancment in computer software that can recognize human emotions and change the way we learn for the better . Now take the software mentioned into a class room where it can make "calculations" about human emotion just as any other human does. The author, Nick D'Alto, says this "if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow." he also quotes a Dr. Huang saying "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming bored or confused or bored." Take these two quotes and you imagine a super computer that can learn what you take interest in and modify it's self to your liking. This would allow students to take charge in how they learn a concept. This could be the next big things in learning since computers were first introduced in a classroom. That's not even the limit. This technology could be implimented in home schooled children and online classes as well. The reason being as Dr. Huang puts it "it could modify the and effective human instructor." This means it would have the power to change lessons if you were not following or just confused. This ability can amplify the process of students learning online or at home. In coclussion the technology being able to recognize human emotions will only improve the educational system. Being able to tell if a student is bored or confused on a concept will help improve many aspects in schooling. Being able to modify lessons on the spot just like a human insturctor is valuable.
To the senator of florida, I believe that the electoral college should be abolished. The system is unjust and prevents we, the people to have our individual voices heard. When americans vote they're supposebly voting for the next president, when indeed they're votes only sway the opinion of the elector. Think back to a little over a decade ago, to the 2000 presidential elections. Al gore received the popular vote, meaning that he was the one that us, the americans had wanted. Due to the fact that George W. Bush, his rival, received more electoral votes, Bush won, leaving an unfavored president running the country. According to source 2, a gallup poll was taken shortly after Gore had lost the presidency, an entire 60 percent of voters would prefer to have a direct vote, rather than go through the electoral process. Granted, that the electoral college does give a certainty of outcome and that no region on its own can vote for a president, it does give an equal chance for everybody to have their mostly preffered president (according to source 3), there is however some flaws to these so called "pros". Faithless electors exist. These electors totally ignore what the people have to say and cast their own vote. This occured in the 1960's with hawaii and louisiana, and when vice president nixon validated only his opponents electors, he made sure to do so without "establishing a president", though it can happen again. We should all agree with Nixon, carter, and dole on the fact that this system isn't fair. Our voices as individuals aren't heard, and we just vote for the state of electors. We, the people of the united states of America wish to do away with the electoral college.
Well in my favor I would have the Electoral College reason why is because it keeps all the votes for the presidential election and etc. And each or any electors in your state has his or her own group of electors. And the electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party , but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what is their responsibilities are. But the Electoral College it consists or has 538 electors but the majority is to have 270 s that you can vote for the president. By the way once you have voted for the president or senate or governer etc. The system will count how many popular votes or from a vote from Congress and the qualified citizens. But my reason for the electoral college to stay is that once you have voted you can count from the system or it does it for you but if you dont want the electoral college then it will take alot longer for the votes to be process and be accumilated. Well so there's people or citizen that want the electoral college to keep going but some don't reason to that is in the story this is what it says, "The electoral college  is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostky assertins withoout much basis in reality". And its unfair cause it has the winner take all system in each state. And they sometimes have problems getting the votes from some states and they couldn't see the candidates at all including Rhode Island and South Carolina and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. And the story says from someones opinion "And the arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality." And once a state has voten it  counts as 1 vote. And some people and the people from the government or like congress,senators,representatives, and more hope that one day while they are voting that the score or number of votes is not a tie. But some citizens arn't into the technology of the electoral vote or how it works. But in that case I would like to not want the electoral collge to keep going mostly due to unfairness, outdated,irrational. Since the electoral college is still working the method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state-- Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. But of course no voter's vote swings a national elction, and in spite of that, about one-half the eligible  American popluation did vote in 2012's election.      
I think that the author is right about the idea of studying venus is worthly pursuit despite of the dangers NASA is working on studying venus. Why not study it it use to be like earth. and also it a star you see at night. Venus is one of the most intresting planets near earth I think it would be intresting to study and so does NASA the text says, "NASA is working on othe approaches to study Venus for example, some simplified electronics mode of silicon carbide have bee tested in a chamber simualting the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted 3 weeks in such conditions". See we could try and study Venus we could be on there for a 2 weeks and leave. Venus is called the sister planet because of how close it is and like family Venus has the same looks aswhille the text says, "Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". See if Venus is like earth we could look at what happened to it and make sure that doesn't happened to us. Venus is a star we see at night have you ever wonder what it was? Or how it's like earth and has no life that is what NASA and so many more space programs are trying to find out. I think that the author is right that we should go study Venus even if it dangerus it's worthy of that risk. it a star and planet in our solar system. Venus is our sister planet and looks like us too, and NASA is finding ways for us to be able to walk on Venus and study it aswhile.
Pollution is one of the most dangerous causes in the world. However, people need the things that pollutes the air. Such as cars, body sprays,etc. I agree that the citizens should limit car usage. Fuel is one of the causes that pollutes the air. According to the passage,"Diesel fuel was blamed, since france has... a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline." In addition to that, diesel make up 67 percent of vehicles in france. Compared to a 53.3 percent average engines in the rest of western europe. Robert Duffer states that, "After days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partical driving ban to clear the air of global city." Motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). Moreover, the same goes for odd-numbered plates. With that, the smog cleared enough for the ruling french party. All the countries should try a car-free day. Andrew Selsky said, "In a program that set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during the car-free day." Some of the advantages of having a car-free day can help make people see that its not about cars or bikes. Even so, Those things are just damaging the air and making it harder to live and breathe. Also stated in the article was that, " It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. Uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by board, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. Futhermore, it would help so people can see the world without cars and not pollute the air. By giving some of the dangerous stuff that we use daily a break. We will see great turn outs and good things happen. Like, less traffic which means less accidents, less fuel used which means less pollution. Lets all help keep our country safe and clean. STOP POLLUTION! I firmly agree that citizens should limit car usage.
Using the Facial Action Coding System is not necessary whatsoever. This will just be taking up space in already crowded schools, and having schools waste money on a emotion coding system. These Facial Action Coding Systems will be even more of a distraction. Phones are already enough of a distraction this will be even worse. Kids will just make face expressions to find out what emotion a certain face tells. "Empathy (feeling somone else's emotional state..." Most kids like to just have their space and not be bothered. This is also spending money on things that are not mandantory so money will just be wasted. At the end of the day like who is really interested in what a face expression tells about you? This computer can be a problem too some kids. Other kids knowing about their emotions they can be bullied and mistreated for how they feel. Every "positive" always has a negative. This can bring hatred upon someone a kid who is always sad and has hatred can be bullied and make the kid even more depressed. "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." This Facial Coding system can ruin some kids this is not for everyone, your emotions are not for everyone. Why is determining what your facial expression says about you instead of learning? Why are we not focused on teaching out kids great education and personal finance? We are so caught up in technology our kids are getting distracted and in trouble over it. The Facial Action Coding System doesn't belong in schools and shouldn't be allowed too.
A car is considered by many a nessecity for everyday life; however, limited usage of our cars has many positive advantages. Emissions from cars create greenhouse gasses, which are detrimental to our enviroment, and limiting the use of our cars can greatly cut down these emissions. Also, many people say that using alternant modes of transportation cut down on the stress they expireinced whilst using a car. In fact, many people are no longer conserned with cars, and young people are begining to stop getting liscenses. The smog, which is caused by car emissions, in Paris, France was so intense that the city had to place a partial ban on drivers. Those with even number plates faced a fine if they drove on Monday; and, on Tuesday those ith odd number plates would face the same fine if they drove. The ban was so successful in cutting down the smog that the ban was lifted in time for those with odd number plates to drive unrestricted on Tuesday.( source 2) Paris isn't the only city to place bans on driving, in Bogota, Columbia one day a year the city celebrates the 'Day Without Cars'. The idea of this day is to help reduce smog and has even caught on in Cali and Valledupar, also in Columbia.( source 3) Vauban, Germany makes owning a car unappealing to residents by only allowing two places to park and creating a city plan that facilitates alternative modes of transportation. Many of the residents as a result dont own cars and are happier this way! "When I had a car I was always tense. Im much happier this way," said resident Heidrun Walter. Cities like Vauban are result of a growing trend in Europe called smart planning, which seprates auto use from suburban life.(source 1) People all around the world also feel positive after limited car use. During the Day Without Cars in Columbia Carlos Arturo Plaza states that the day is " A good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." (source 3) In 2013 the average miles driven per American was down 9% from the peak of car usage. This may because the Internet allow people to feel connected or possibly because many center cities renewal have made the suburbs less appealing. Whatever the reason, one things for sure, there has been a substancial drop in the amount of 16- to 39-year- olds getting a liscence. (source 4) America isnt the only place to expierence a drop in car usage. Vauban, Germany makes owning a car impractical and 57% of families sold their cars to live there, while 70% dont own cars. (source 1) Limiting car usage has positive effects on the enviroment and has shown effective at lowering stress in people. Globally many are already starting to realize adavantages of cutting back on car usage. So while a car may seem like a nessecity, keep the advantages in mind.  
The author suggets that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers if presnts because if something happens to earth if we study venus we will know some stuff to do. Like all the needs to stay alive keep breathing and is it even possible. Because if a war happens with the usa and the blow up america we will need somwhere to go. So in order for us to know all of these things we will have to study abot other planets to survive at. Venus also looks the sefest out of all the other planets. Its shaped like earth close to earth so its in the same atmosphere so it gets the same oxygen. the shape and size is pretty similar so there should be enough romm for people. its close to the sun so we dont know if its safe . it could be safe if the un rotates away from it so people can actually live their. Since venus is so close to the sun we will have to send someone their to se if it liveable. if we ever decided to move to venus we will have to bring so much stuff and it would take a while. so i dont think everybody will make it before us is destroyed.
In this ariticle the authour provides details on why Venus is worthy to be research eventhough it provide a great risk. The authour talks in details about how Venus is very alike to earth in the sense of density and size. How it was it could have been the most similar planet to Earth in our solar system. And that many research are triying to make machines that would stand the exttreme temperatuers of Venus. Researcher discoberd how Venus is very similiar to Earth. The author states " Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally distance too."(paragraph 2).The statement that the autghar made makes a good point because if Venus is the closest planet to been earth like than researching it would help us discover new thing. We can get resorces that we use in earth in this planet. Also the author states" Long ago, Venus was probably covered with oceans and could have supported forms of life, just like Earth. The author talks in detail how reserchers are already trying to make machines that could sustain the pressure and the heat that Venus produces. The author states " Many reserchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contrinutes meaningfully to our knowlege of Venus." The author claim also that " Nasa is working on other approches to studying Venus. At the end of the day the author have very good details in his claim. How persuing to research Venus can be beneficial. That Venus is very similar to Earth and been similar to Earth can help us understand Venus better. That reserching Venus we could fine rescorses that we may need in the Future because on Earth we are running out of resorces. Venus could have been at one point very alike to Earth so we can fine resorces we need in Venus.
Just Straight FACS Anybody can read a room. Whether it's at a party, an important meeting, a funeral, or a Pre-Calculus lesson at 8 a.m., it's easy to look around and see how the people around you are feeling due to body language and facial expression. Others don't think so, though. Prof. Thomas Huang and his team of experts have come up with new tech that can recognize all 44 muscles in the human face, and create a diagnostic on how a person is feeling. This is interesting, yes, but some may think that this technology could be used in classrooms to get a general feel on what each student is feeling about a lesson. I believe that using the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) in a classroom setting would have no merit and would just be a waste of time and money in public schools across America, because of how weak the technology in the FACS actually is. In the text, Dr. Huang says that "facial expressions for each emotion are universal," and that "varying degrees of expression" can still be used to recognize the feelings and emotions of any human being. When applying this to a classroom enviroment, this can't be correct. That is due to many natural factors in humans. For example, the world has progressed a lot, and more children with mental disabilities and special needs are being allowed to be involved in regular classes. For a student with a form of autism, it may be hard for them to convey certain emotions on a regular basis. The technology wouldn't be able to read their face correctly. Another example is for a student with a physical disability whose face couldn't be read properly by the FACS. There are too many outliers for the technology to be accurate, unless you had a room of children who all express their emotions like an open book. The text also says that "most human communications are nonverbal." I agree with this statement, actually. It proves that one can never tell what a person is thinking just by what they say, or their facial expressions. The only true place you can know how somebody really feels is in their mind. I, for one, never really say or express how I feel about school infront of any sort of teacher or staff. It's a general rule among students at my school to onlt talk about teachers or lessons outside of the classroom. Now, this may not be how it is in other public school settings. If it happened to, though, then the FACS technology would be obsolete in its purpose. Lastly, in paragraph 9, the text says that according to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, "putting on a face", or a poker face, actually trains your body to be in a better mood. This means that literally anyone could trick the FACS into thinking that they were in a happy mood when need be. Students could easily "beat the system" by manipulating the FACS into giving off a false diagnostic every time, and therefore ruining the FACS's credability. Until the FACS can tell when a group of teenagers are faking their emotions, it can't perform its main task. In conclusion, Dr.Huang's FACS technology cannot work due to how baseless it's ethics are, how difficult it really is to understand emtions just by facial expression, and how easy it is to manipulate it's process.
In my ophion, technology reading students emotional expressions is the dumbest thing ever and here is why. First, the apps they are using just changes the student indivaully like you can not make someone be happy on a computer you can make them look happy they should not change someone for who they want them to be vs what they are. Second, you should not change a photo or use any edits because thats changing you and you should just be you if you dont smile thats okay dont let people judge you on how you look you should impress your self not somebody eles. Third, People today need to realize that changing someone in any type of way could hurt them even worse. Yes, messing with peoples emotion or sometimes trying to figure it out whats wrong with them can set off alot of things. Instead of making someone look happy people should talk to the person that is upset, trying to be there for them maybe thats all they need or tell them soemthing postive to brighten there day. In Conclusion, I think changing someones pictures to make them look like they are happy is the wose idea ever because deep down they know they are, but do you just because someone makes and upset face dosnt always mean they are.
The Face that is on Mars, is just a natural landform. I am here to prove that it is just a natural landform. All of my reasons will come from the passage named "Unmasking the Face on Mars." I know that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform because, in the passage it is stated that when the spacecraft Viking 1 was circling it was snapping photos when it spotted a shawdowy figure like a human face on a region on the planet named Cydonia. After that though, scientisits figured out it was just another Martian mesa common around Cydonia. Next, on April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor Camera snapped pictures better than the ones that Viking took. Thousands of peole waited for when the image would first appear on a JPL web site. The website revealed that it was just a natural landform after all. Finally, in the very last paragraph it said, what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. They are similar to landforms common around the American West. A scientist named Jim Garvin said "it reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Gavin also stated "that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa around the same height as the Face on Mars. So therefore, all of the reasons stated above prove that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. It formed a long time ago and that is something to figure out in the future.
Lately there has been a lot of contreversy with ways to elect and which way is more effective and what is preferred by the majority of people. The problem with that is that many people are very biased when it comes to elections. Many poeple are raised with a certain way that their parents might have thought them was correct and that was how they were taught to elect. Although there is not a wrong way to elect, there are more effective and quicker ways to do it. I personally think that the best way to vote would be through popularity. Electoral College is a "compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.". Many people think that Electoral College is rubbish and complicated and I agree. According to paragraph ten in the passage the first sentence says " Under the electoral college, voters vote not for the President, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." which means that it is more of a process to vote through this system. Instead of you inputing your opinion on who you would like to be President you are basically saying that you believe that this slate of electors have a better idea of who would be a better President. The electoral college is known to be extremely unfair to voters. In paragraph thirteen the second sentence states "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." which is true because the slate of electors are obviously teams of people who root for the same candidate which gives independent voters close to no chance if they are not voting for the same candidate. Overall I think that the electoral college way of voting is old and worn out and maybe its time that it went out of business and the popular vote takes its place. With the popularity vote not only do you get to have a chance of choosing the president without the electoral vote canceling out your vote but you also get to go around saying that you're part of the reason why your candidate won. Many people may disagree with me and say that my opinion is not a good opinion but from all of the statements that I have heard, I will still continue to believe that the popularity vote is the best way to vote.
With conditions far harsher than on Earth and anything humans have expirenced, one the closes planet to Earth, Venus is increadibly inhosbitable. Dispite those facts scientists are still fascinated by the planet do to it's increadible similarity to Earth, but the conditions have prevented scientists from investigating throughly. With all spacecraft sent to Venus being destroyed it is a suprise that we are still trying to study this planet, and the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" gives very little insight into why scientists are still attempting to study the planet. To start off Venus is our sister planet with very similar density and size to Earth with similar features with mountains, valleys, and other rocky structures. The author states that many scientists think that Venus could have supported life long ago and may have been covered in ocean and if this is true we may get much insight as to why Venus would change to become an exteremly inhospitable planet. Though the author gives us very little as to what we will be able to do with this information or what other information we may get. The author also mentions space travel but states only that, "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crusial consideration given the long time frames of space travel" ("The Challenge of Exploring Venus" 4). Other than that small mention the author does not go into depth on this idea. Though the thought of being able to explore and study one of the closes planets to us is great the author of "The Challenges of Exploring Venus" does not do to good of a job of informing us as to why we would attempt to weather such harsh conditions. With the temperature going over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure that could liquify metal its hard to reason why we should attempt to send probes to Venus let alone travaling there personaly and the author does not do a very good job covincing us that this is a good idea. They give us very little information as to what they will get from this and give us information that makes this sound crazy to attempt.
The authors sugestion that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and how he supported his claim shows his enthusiasm in the topic of exploring venus.This is supported in how he says its a worthy pursuit, how human curitostity will lead to equally dangerous endeavors, and the fascination astronomers have with venus. When the author's how human curiosity lead to dangerous endeavors is shown in paragraph 3 stating that the atmosphere is covered in highly corrosive sulfuric acid clouds. Another example is how exploration in venus is a worthy pursuit is in paragraph 2 stating "... contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite it's proximity to us." shows the challenge in studying venus. Lastly the astronimers fascination with venus is stemed from the fact venus has features simalor to earth.The author states that "The planet has a suface of rocky sediment...features such as valleys, mountains, and crators." show the simalaritis are still there. In conclusion his idea has a multitued of support in his artical.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom is valuable because it can help students learn the material the instructor is teaching that day much faster allowing the students to have a fun yet educational experience in the classroom. The Facial Action Coding System will make the classroom more entertaining to all grade levels even in college, and the system will identify the emotions the user is feeling and will adjust the lesson plan to the students' liking. The emotions are one of the only ways we can tell what each other are feeling but also thinking at the moment. These days the only way that communicate mainly is through texting and most people don't like to call each other because people are becoming too caught up in technology to actually talk to the person they are trying to communicate with. Also the people are becoming too lazy to actually call the person or actually go to the person in person and have their conversation with them. In the education department of the government they are coming up with all these standardized test to prove that the student is eligiable to go to the next level of education, but in most of the schools in the United States who use these standardized tests most of the students fail the test and have to retake the test again the next year or semester. With Professor Huang's creation of this tecnology the education system will be getting better and better tests results if this system is implemented into the schools all around the United States. The Facial Action Coding System should be implemented into the school systems all around the world because every child deserves a good education even if they are poor or don't have money to pay for the schooling. The reason the Facial Action Coding System should be implemented into the school systems all around the world because the software will help students all grade levels succeed in the real world and have a good education and will help the student find good jobs once they graduate high school or college. The Facial Action Coding System could actually help therapy patients and patients with PTSD and help the therapists, doctors, and counselors figure out what the patients are thinking or feeling at the moment.
It would be dangerous to go to venus it would take courage to go somewhere you never seen or been there before. Nasa wants to send humans to study venus it will be dangerous to go to venus but its worth the try to see if its good like weather and to see if there oxygen. venus is like Earth twin they are really close to each other but venus density and size are occasionally bigger. Venus has over ninety seven percent of carbon dioxide. Whats more challening is that there are more clouds than earth. the temperatures can also be very dangerous up to 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 greater then normal earth averrage. Nasa is working on aproaches to studying venus. Nasa tested some electronics made of silicon carbide and only lasted about three weeks they want to improve that and make better electronics or even better so the heat of any kind of phone or tablet resist the pressure of heat and other forces.
The face on Mars was not made by aliens, and it only looked like a face because of the shadows. Michael Malin even took a better picture twenty two years later that showed it wasn't a face, but some people weren't satisfied. Three years later they took an even better one, showing that it wasn't a face at all. This is not a face becasue the author says in paragraph two, "Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows" Some people didn't agree because "it was winter in April '98--a cloudy time of the year" and to disprove this they took a better picture in the summer. In paragraph ten, it says "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001--a cloudless summer day in Cydonia" the picture that he took was even clearer and it can be seen that nothing alien related is in the photo. It is all just a mesa.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the debate of the exploration of Venus is exposed for discussion. The article brings up many contriversal topics discussing whether or not Venus is worth exploring. Though most of the article talks about the dangers and overall negativities Venus has to offer when it comes of exploring it, the author takes this information and turns it into postives. The author demonstrates that although Venus is dangerous and almost impossible to explore, attempting to do just that willl be well worth it in the long run. Due to this, the readers can say that the author supported the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very well. In the article, the author first brings up the fact that Venus has a very toxic and dangerous atmosphere. They go on to say that because of this, the conditions in Venus are far to extreme for any human to survive in. Then, the author even posses the question of: Why are scientists trying to explore Venus more if it's so inhospitable? The author uses this question to transition into how they support the exploration of Venus, by saying how despite the inhospitable environment, Venus has many Earth-like qualities which intrigues many astronomers. In the article the author states, "... Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This shows that learning more about Venus could potentially be a great advantage to Earth since it's the most similar planet to Earth in the entire solar system. A second problem the author states about exploring Venus is that every attempt to explore the planet has failed. One reason being is how the extreme heat has prevented each spacecraft to survive for more than a couple of hours on Venus's surface. In the article the author states, "... no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spacecraft has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." The author contradicts this later in the article by explaining the technological advacements that NASA has accomplished to help prevent having another failed mission to Venus. The author states, "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This demonstrates how even though Venus is about impossible to explore, technology can help create smarter alternatives for exploring the planet's surface. Throughout the article, the author demonstrates that the postives of exploring Venus outweigh the negatives by giving strong evidence as to why the positives eliminate the problems when it comes to exploring Venus's surface. Although there are many major issues with exploring Venus, the author shows the readers that there are solutions that can help fix these problems. Not only does the author do this, but they show how Earth can discover and learn many valuable things about Venus that can help in the long run. So through very strong evidence about the positve that was able to outweigh the negative, the author was able to support the idea of studying Venus very well.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy let Luke see all over the world and help people in need. He had the most fun on his home with the other Seagoing Cowboys. They would play Base baseball and volleyball in the empty hold of the animals been housed. They would aslo play table-tennis touranments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games. When he turned 18 he wsa his way to Greece (as a Seagoing Cowboy) and he got draft. When they found out he was a Seagoing Cowboy they said he could do his service as a Seagoing Cowboy. It opend up the world to him. He got to see the Acropolis in Greece and he rode up in Venic, Italy were the streets are water. Helping out on his Aunt's farm helped him for the hard work as a Seagoign Cowboy but it didn't help for the danger of the sea. It made him more awar of peole in other countries that need help and that stayed with him for life and he shared that wiht his family. He always said it was more than just an adventure. Being a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun at times but can be realy hard at some parts. It helps for life like school does. I think that more peole sould get a try to become a Seagoing Cowboy just to learn soem of the same thing Luck did or see the things he might have seen. So give it a try it can be fun!
The Face was dicovered on May 24, 2001. It was discovered by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft. "NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." But the Face is just a natural landform discovered on Mars by NASA. On April 5, 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture of the face. It was discovered that there was no alien monument. On paragraph seven, the text states, "snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos....There was no alien monument after all." This proves that they found out the Face was not an alien monument. But many people were still not satisfied so, on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Surveyor went to Mars for a second look. On paragraph ten, the text states, "Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." On paragraph twelve, the text states, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West." So, the Face that they found on Mars was just a natural landform after all. Using evidences from the texts, we learned that the Face was discovered on May 24, 2001. We learned that many people believed it to be an alien monument, but it was not. The Face got looked a second time, on April 8, 2001, but with the camera's absolute "maximum resolution." In the end, they found out that the Face was just a natural landform and not an alien monument.
Luke Bomberger is a who had started working in a grocery story and a bank, just when he got out of high school. Once he went on this trip to Europe with his friend Don Reist. Luke started enjoying going to oversea trips, even though he knew it would take a long time. Have you ever wanted to take an oversea trip? If your answer is yes we would like you to come and sign up for The United Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstration. Its for SEagoing Cowboys that are willing to take care of horses, youngcows, and mules that are shipped overseas. When you go through the proccess of going on the trip, don't get nervous. Luke Bomberger was a confident man to go on his journey with his best friend and was never really afraid. Every time you ride on that boat you feel more a live, which is a good thing. All you have to do is believe in yourself and you can do anything! Taking care of animals is another thing to, if you absolutely love animals than of course you might want to join. Especially if you are a farmer boy. Going on the journey made Luke feel alive, and it should make you feel alive if you think you are going to join the club that takes you overseas. I know all the men loved to go on that trip to take care of many farm animals, especially if you do that your everyday life. When Luke was on that trip he loved it, he first(1st) went to New Orleans for the trip. They got there the day the Pacific war ended , on August 14th. On his first (1st) trip the crew he was with ended up with 335 horses on the cargo, and had enough to feed everyone including the men on the ship. The story of Luke Bomberger is probably not urging you yet, but when Luke was official 18 he knew that he could join military. Then he thought I still love seagoing trips, so I'm going to stick with it so he did. Do you see how motivated Luke was to join the Club of UNRRA. Luke already taken a total of nine(9) trips and he was proud of it. Luke couldnt imagine his life without the trips he wouldn't have gone on so he stayed on going with it and he was confident in his choice. Not just that but Luke got to visit other countries such as China and European countries, such as Venice, Italy. He also got to help people all over the world. He was so proud of what he did and so full of joy. Luke oncer got hurt on one (1) of his journeys. While Luke was checking on the anoimals on a very rainy night he slipped and fell but luckly there was a small piece of metal that protected Luke from flying off the deck into the Atlantic Ocean, but thanks to that small piece of metal he was saved. So ask yourself do you want to join the UNRRA club(united Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstration). If you do make sure on your descions that you want to do it. Anything is possible for anyone! If it was possible for Luke Bomberger than its possible for you! So sign up now if you want to be a success like Luke Bomberger! Keep in mind that you can see animals , help people, and you can also visit places you have never visited in your whole life.
Have you ever thought there was a possiblity of going to venus? Yeah i didnt either but i completly agree with the autors point of view on this article i agree about going to venus for more information cause it would help us understand what happened to venus and if one point and time it was like earth. The challenge of going to venus with anything is its massive air pressure, solfuric acid rain, and really hot surface temptures and we currently dont have anything to actually be able to survive those condtions for more then maybe three weeks or less so what i say we do is that we look at metals that are restiant to stuff like that and see if we could try combining the atoms to make an alloy. In conclusion in my personal opionion i think yes we should try a little harder to get to know more about venus cause it would explain a kot and tell us if one day it was like earth and what happened to it so we could avoid it so that doesnt happen to earth and on top of that the more we learn about it the more the possiblity of it maybe becoming a hospital planet to go to if we need to ever move off of earth.
In this story the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy to explore despite the dangers it presents. it tells us that Venus was "Once been most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." Also that Venus has "familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters." But despite the belife that life was there, it's also that NASA and others are just curios of what they could find from Venus. First, the author did a good job pointing out and bringing in the reader with Venus "once have been most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago" but he also goes and continues on how it was covered with "oceans" Secondly, the author tell's us that there are "familiar features such as valleys, moutains, and craters" On Venus. This makes us want to pursuit the study on Venus despite the dangers it presents. Even with all the critical coditions Venus has, this example want's us to go and visit Venus. Lastly, " Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because of human curiosity." Human curiosity makes us want to go to Venus and see what we can find and look. Most humans are very curios and when they find out there was once life in Venus, it makes us want to go and see what's out there. The author put this in to give us another reason why we should go out to Venus. He puts in "human cruiosity" to bring us in. Finaly, from all of the eight paragraps I feel as if the author could have done a better job on their part to explain why it's "worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents." Also that the comparison between Earth and Venus was fine. But going to Venus and exploring and pointed out that there was once life in Venus gives a good example of going and exploring Venus.
there are many thing in life people want and need such as money, families and fame. but what people dont understand is that most of what they want is stuff they dont need and they would be better off without it. cars are beginning to be something people dont need. all it is doing is causing more problems then solutions. Major people are starting to notice,presidents and governements, and are  acting apon it. limiting car usage would bring a lot of advavtages such as more pocket money, more excrises and less harm to the earth acorrding to Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota by Andrew Selsky, Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer and the end of car culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal. Cars are defined as a motor vecheil that provides fast transportation for more then one person at a time. thats what most people veiw it as, what that dont know and relize is that it give people a lot more stress to deal with because of either car payments, repairs, or even runing out of gas.  acorrding to Heidrun Walter in the passage in german suburb, life goes on without cars she said that when she had a car she was always tense and now that she doesnt have a car sge is more relaxed and is better off without it. she doesnt have to pay for insurance, car payments, repairs on the car and not even gas. that will leave her with a lot of stress free moments. cars do not only stress out people but they are pulloting the earth. almost all cars run on gas which is put in the car and releases pullotion into the earth. paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of pullotion.... that is how much damage it is doing to the earth. it took five days the smog finally rivaled beijing, china which is know as one of the most pullated cities in the world. this could have made people go to the hostiptal because they could have gotten sick or even die from the pullotion. many countries are banning cars for a couple of days each year because of this global problem. according to car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota in colombia they have a program that bans cars a for a day which leaves people to walk, hike or even bike to where they need to go. its a good way to take away stress and lower air pullotion said carlos arturo plaza. furthermore not only does it help the envirment for limting car usage and gives relief to peopl. it will also make people healther because they would then have to walk, ride or hike to work or any other place thay need to go. this will strength peoples bodies by doing everyday things more often.  it would require more work to walk to a destiantion rather then to sit down in a car and press on the brake and gas pedal with our foot. limting car usage will not only make people helthier but it will make people less lazy. for example if a person was lazy and had no food in his/her house they would just easly get in there car and drive to a local fast food restruant to get food. on ther other hand if they did not have a car they would have to walk all the way to the grocery story burning off lots of caliores and buying lots more food rather then stoping at a fast food place just to get a quick meal. in clonclusion limting car usage would be a more beifical thing to do rather then a problem due to the stress reilf, envimental saftey and healther citzens.
As I know from images and researches that aliens could possibly exist by the looks of it . Not so Postive about it , but why would there be an human face on mars when people aren't on Mars everyday of there lives. Also that by seeing pictures of hwo aliens look there similar too us in a way , but the mouth is weird shping like it's not a human mouth that people think it may be . Makes you have second thoughts and makes you want to investigate more on the " The Face On Mars " . Each year we have something new on this face of mars. So we investigate more on these pictures to see exactly what were trying to find out because it doesn't add up how would I big hu,man face be on mars. doesn't make since too me. Yeah and like " Garvin " says we don't pass over a human face very often so something isn't right here. The scientist put there all into this to figure out what there dealing with. So finally in 2001 we've came to an conclusion and find out from all our investigations that it's really just a ' mesa ' It's an Middle Butte in the Snakwe River Plain of Idaho It's the same height of as " Face on Mars ".
Dear state senator, I think that changing to election by popular vote is the best thing to do. We vote and see which ones most popular and that's who gets to be president. Because more people think he'll be a better president. Another reason is that's what people want. Lastly we wont make the wrong choice. We vote and see who's the best but also theres an election process. We think it would be better with no election process at all. I was imformed that we dont really vote for president, we vote for a slate of 34 democratic pledged to that person. so basicaly were not really voting so and so for president. So it seems like the govenment is fooling us. i just think we the people should vote for president not a slate but the president. and whom ever has the most popular votes wins. The government thinks they know whats best but what happens when people dont go threw with what they say,, we know whats best.    
The so called " Face'' on mars is just a landform that looks like a face. I know this because there are no such thing as aliens, if aliens did exist we would have seen them and known by now, and lastly I know that I is just a landform because it looks like a coincidental landform that looks like an alien. The first reason that I know it is a landform and not an alien is because aliens do not exist. They are some made up characters found in science fiction books and movies, just like monsters, witches, and ghosts. There has never been actual scientific evidence that proved any of those things to be real. Many crazy people think that they have encountered ghost sightings and other things like demons, zombies, or even something as dumb as slenderman. These things are all fantasies that they make up in their heads and then try to get other foolish people to believe them. The second reason that I know that it is not an alien is that if aliens and monsters really did exist we would have all known by know. If they were anything like what they are in movies we would all be dead or abducted. In movies people see UFO's and they suddenly are sucked up into a portal and abducted by aliens and used as slaves. If they existed you would think that many people would probably have gone missing after "UFO" sightings. Like I said before it is just a bunch of nonsence that people have made up in their head and aren't smart enough to know that it isn't true. My last reason that I know it isn't an alien is because I know that landforms can often look like things that they really aren't. For example at my uncles house they have a big rock in their back yard that looks a lot like a ground hog. I know that it is not a ground hog, but if I was like the people that thought it was an alien I could make up a bizare story about how in ancient times the ground hog got cursed and then was turned into a rock because the king demanded it to. See? It just doesn't make much sence. Sure, the landform looks somewhat like a face in the 1976 picture, but so did the rock in my uncle's back yard. All the thoughts of it being an alien is so made up in their heads. The NASA crew said, "Nasa's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous heaad nearly two miles for end to end seemed to be staring at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. First off, the aliens in sci-fi movies aren't nearly two miles long, not even close to that. Secondly where it says that the head seemed to be staring up at them, obviously if you are above it and it's a 2d or 3d shape it's going to appear to be looking at you! In conclusion there is no way that the so called face on mars is an alien. It's not an alien because aliens don't exist, we would have known by now it aliens really existed, and some landforms are shaped like odd things. Like I said earlier, if aliens really existed we would have encountered them before and seen UFO's that would try to abduct us. This is why there are no such things as aliens, which means the face on mars is just a landform that just so happens to look like a face.
Everyone would like to have car that drives them around. But whouldn't people get annoyed with not being in control. Having driverless cars are cool in some way but also can be dangours. There are positive and negative to have the driverless cars. They shouldn't develop driverless cars because drives still have to be alert, nobody wants to wait their turn to drive, and taffic laws say only a safe car is when a human has full control of it at all times. The drivers that are in the car still have to be alert. The driverless car alerts the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways. Also when they are dealing with traffic. Like roadwork, or accidents the driver has to take the wheel at those times. Nobody wants to wait for their turn to drive. Driveless cars only let the drivers drive when they are in traffic or pulling out somewhere. Wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive. Most people wont like the car being in control and not them. Some laws are written with the assumption that the only safe about a car if a human has control of it at all times. Most states it's illegal to even test computer driven cars. There are some countrys that limited use of semi-autonmous cars but the manufactures believe that more states will follow as soon as they know the cars are safe. Driverless cars are good for someone people but most people would like to be in control when they drive. They shouldn't develop the cars if only some of the people like the cars and will use them. They shouldn't develop driverless cars because drivers still have to be alert, nobody wants to wait their turn, and taffic laws say that only a safe car is when a human has full control of it at all times
Venus is one of the planets that have the same density and size and used to have mountains,valleys,craters and it also used to have oceans which means it used to have life but the pressure will kill us because the pressure is 90 times stronger than ours. It is hard to go to venus because sometimes we are farther and sometimes we are closer to venus. All of our space missions to venus have been unmaned because no spacescrafts hasnt survivded the landing longer than a few hours. on the planets surface the atmodspheric pressure is 90 time than on our own planet. venus used to be covered with oceans and had valleys. mountains and craters. NASA want to send people to study venus. a vehicle would be needed to hover across venus surface. systems made by mechanical devices will by crushed by the pressure. So the exploration of venus will be difficult but we will soon need a planet because once we run out of material we wont be able to go anywhere.
Should venus be explored? There are many different aspects, and opinions on the subject, but the author gives us very good reasons why it should be explored and studied. One of the reasons is that belive it or not venuse is the most simalar planet to earth, also the scientist at NASA said they are working on a blimp like vehicle that could go up to 30 miles high. That means if they made this structer they could avoid all of the harsh conditions on ground level at venus such as the armospheric pressure, and the unbarable heat that is a crazy total of 800 degrees. If they would make this vehicle the pressure would drop substantionaly and so would the heat from 800 degrees to around 170 degrees, the solar power and radation would also be very plentiful and wouldn't exceed Earth levels. The conditions would definetly no be easy to deal with, but they would at least be survivable. There is one problem thought people at NASA can not document their finding because of conditions which would make it where cameras could not be used. This is because the most the light cannot penetrate the dense atmospher. But there maybe a solution, the thing is we might just have to go back in time. For example scientists are looking back on older technology, this technology would be mechanical computers, this is good because these computers do not requier any technology, they use gears and levers and would be substainable on venus. That is how the author suggests that the study of venus should be pursued. As it said in the artical dont look at it such as dangers just bigger challenges.
Driverless Cars Driverless cars are coming in the future. In the future, no one will probably need to buy cars because they won't need them. According to Google cofounder Sergey Brin, that will happen. He sees a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public- transport taxi system. The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. There are many great things about driveless cars, but there are some bad things as well. Driverless cars are really beneficial. Driverless cars have way more senors and alerts than regular cars. For example, if the car is about to back up into an object, the driver's seats will vibrate to let you know. Also, within the past 10 years, sensors on the driverless cars have become way more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Driverless cars are also very safe to use. The cars can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mile per hour, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. Even though the word "driverless" may scare you, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. Which means you are still somewhat in control of the car. The cars may be able to steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. The driver must stay alert and be ready to take over when the time comes. The car can quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Basically, while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. (Paragraph 7) Driverless cars are going to become the next big thing. They won't just become beneficial to you, but everyone else as well. The cars would only use half the fuel that today's taxi use. Which is a huge deal because we as a whole, we use a lot of fuel. Also, it will offer more flexibility than a bus. Just imagine that. Google cofounder Sergey Brin believes these such cars would fundamentally change the world, and everyone else should believe that too. (Paragraph 1) Some people may agrue that letting a car be in control is just absurb. You never know what the car might do. It could end up causing you to end up in a wreck, or maybe it won't slow down and the brakes won't work. Even though you are alert, what can you do if something goes wrong? Nothing. If the car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves there is not a whole lot you can do to stop it. You just never know with a driverless car. You are putting yourself ar risk while you are in the car because you are not 100% in control of the car and that is not safe. In conclusion, driverless cars are very safe and have major benefits. Some people may be scared of letting a car be in a control, instead of them being in control of the car. But no one should have nothing to worry about. As long as you stay alert, you should be fine. Even though the car can do many things by itself, it still sends you heads up when it needs your assistance. Driverless cars coming very soon in the near future. Try them and see how they are.
Cars have been a necessity to us for as long as I can remember. Billions of people around the world use cars everyday. Without cars in our lives many people would be lost and not know what to do. Thinking of a world without cars is unreasonable to the people of today, but if they thought of all the good not driving everyday does for the world then it would probably be a different story. Many places are enforcing people to go without there cars transporting them everyday, which could be a good thing. Heidrun Walter a man in source 1 states, "Seventy percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and fifty-seven percent sold a car to move here." By saying this he is showing how many people like living their lives without all the troubles cars can cause. People of this community dont have to worry about being ran over by cars or being stuck in traffic everyday. David Goldberg, another man in source 1 also states, "All of our development since World War two has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." In saying this he portraying that we need to focus on more important things and stop worrying about cars, which hurt us more in the long run than they do helping us. Vauban isn't the only place that has enforced the rule of not using cars. Many other places have done so also. Robert Duffer states, "After days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." By saying this the author is explaining how the use of cars have dramatically polluted a city. Just think, if there were no cars, then there would be less pollution to worry about hurting all the city's. It is not hard to ride a bike to the places you need or want to go. Instead of using cars everyday and hurting our enviroment, people should think of how much good they would be doing and money they would be saving by taking another type of transportation than just cars. Bogota, Colombia has also taken the no car use into affect. They have used many other types of transportion such as hiking, biking, and even skating to there destination. Businessman Carlos Arturo from source 3 says, "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." He and many other citizens of this place agree with saving our enviroment and not using cars. Not using cars is less stressful because your not consistently worring about gas, the car breaking, or getting into an accident with another driver. Just imagine your life without using a car everday. Not using a car isn't that bad and doesnt hurt you or the people around you as much as it does having one. Using a car everyday puts your life at risk, takes your money, and hurts the enviroment. Life without cars would be simpler and less stressful in our world today.              
I think that the new facial action coding system would be good to read emotions of students because it could help figure out people's emotions t, it could help with mixed emotions, and it can help people with questions. One way that the new new facial action coding system would be good to read emotions of students because it could help figure out people's emotions. One deatil to support my claim is that in the story it says " for instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look on their face , of course most of us would have troube actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy or sad. That means that with the facial scan computer they acn do it with no hassle at all. Another reason that the new facial action coding system could help is because it can tell if people have mixed emotoins. One reason to support is that in the text it says "Dr Huang oberves thata artist such as da vinci studied how human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. That means that if someone is having mixed emotions the computer can detect the emotions that person is having. My third reason that the facial acting coding system would be good is because it can hepl put a smile on people faces. One detain that supports my clain is " According to the facial feedback theory of emotion moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but can also help you produce them (Putting on a happy face). In conclusion the facial action coding system would be good for people because it could tell if people have mixed emotions, it could help figure out people's emotions, and it can help people solve problems they are having
Is venus really worth exploring? in the article " the challenge of exploring Venus" the author suggests that sudying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, because of it's really dangerous and unique athomosphere, and because it may have been the most Earth-like planet once, and because it was probably covered in oceans. Venus is really challenging to explore because of it's harsh environment and a " thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide". in the article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author stated that, " no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours" this quote shows that the environment in Venus is so harsh that not even a space craft made out of metal., could withstand the enormous pressure of it's atmosphere. in addition, scientist are really facinated by Venus because it's the only planet that resembles earth. Scientist believe that Venus was once the most "Earth-like planet" in our solar system. in " the challenge of exploring Venus" the author exlaimed that " astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". this quote shows that, even though Venus posesess a really challenging atmosphere, is worth exploring because it may once have been able to support life. further more, scientist believe that Venus, was probablycovered in oceans. Venus is worth exploring because it was probably covered in oceans a long time ago. in the article the author said, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth". this implies that, since there probably used to be water on Venus, there is a chance that Venus could have supported life at one point. because where there is water, there must be life. in conclusion Venus is worth studying and exploring, despite the dangers it presents. because, of it's unique atmosphere and environment, and because it may have been the most Earth-like planet once, and finally because, it was probably covere in oceans. to wrap this up, Venus should be widely studied and explored because, it's important to unveal the mysteries, the blue planet is hiding underneath that thick atmosphere.
Driveless cars can be a very great enhancement in the future's society. Driveless cars can save fuel, they have very high experience, and they contain many gadgets to hold itself together for a very long time. First reason why driveless cars are a good enhancement to the society is that it would save money and time. "He envisions a future with public transportation system where fleets of drivelss cars form a public-transport taxi system. The cars he forsees would use half of today's taxis and offer more flexibilty than a bus." (Paragraph 1) Integrating a transportation system would save people's money for a bus pass, or even someone's time. Second reason why driveless cars would help society because driveless cars have good experience on the road. "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." (Paragraph 2) Their has been very little accidents with driveless cars than there has been with humans driving cars. Third reason why driveless cars are positive to the society is that the Google cars has many reasonable parts and technology to "hold itself together." "Google modified Toyota Prius using position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, GPS receiver, and a inertial motion sensor. The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof, Dubbed LIDAR." (Paragraph 4) The technology of all the input is great enough to acheive the skill of a human at the wheel. Driveless cars can be very helpful to society. However, traffic laws writes that with a assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Feedback from the Google cars driving before 2009 spectulates that,"So far, they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveway or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." (Paragraph 2) Driveless cars don't have complete control over the car at all times, so drivers must still be focused at all times. Driveless cars can be a great renaissance to the society. It will help save money, save time, and would be a great thing to tell our kids about.
I think that not having cars is a good thing for these small suburban cities cause theyre only like a mile or two so its really not that far. From what i've heard in this passage and from the sources is that its a big stress reliever and it is to help out the earth there will be less traffic jams,less pollution and more interacting with people cause face it people dont interact socailly anymore and if they do its most likely over the internet. Another reason i think we should cut down on car use or at least car pull in vans is cause it will leave less emissions in the air and it'll hopefully help the ozone layer repair itself to its natural state And in conclussion im all for it cause I think that it'll help people get out and get fit and there will be less crashes there be less stress from driving(roadrage/roadragers).
Do you think you would be able to live without your car? It would be less difficult than you think! In fact, there is a whole town named Vauban, Germany, that has given up their cars! According to Source 1, street parking, driveways, and home garages are generally forbidden, unless of course you have the money to buy a parking garage space for a whopping $40,000. A citizen of the car-less town, Heidrum Walter admits, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Passenger cars are resposible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50 percent in some areas of the US, according to Source 1. If only we had more towns like Vauban, maybe our impact on the world would be less destructive. Some towns ban cars for a few days at a time. Paris enforced a partial driving ban after days of near-record pollution. Congestion in Paris went down 60 percent and the smog from the pollution cleared up enough that they rescind the ban. Some people would complain that having little to no cars will be an issue for jobs, delivery companies, or getting children to and from places. There's always a bus, and there's always the option of car pooling! Bogota, Columbia is another town that has done a car free day, except Bogota's is annual. These Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to places during the car-free day, according to Source 3. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza says, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." As a result of this annual car-free day, 118 miles of bicycle paths have been constructed in Bogota. I think more towns should ban cars for just a few days. We could all get a little excersize, help the environment, and improve our mood and lower stress! A recent study found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009, Source 4 says. The number of miles driven in the US was at it's height in 2005 and dropped steadily after. In April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was almost 9 percent below that peak! Some sociologists believe that if this pattern continues, it will have lots of beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, according to Source 4. Some places, such as New York, have car-sharing programs and bike-sharing programs, which is a nice way to get from place to place that's healthy for you and your environment. There's so many reasons why we should use our cars less! Like I explained, it's very healthy for your environment, and if you choose to walk or bike, its healthy for your body, too. Also, pollution rates would go down quite a lot if we would just carpool or walk/bike to places! People have said that they feel so much happier and stress free from not using a car all the time. So why not take the time to help your environment and call somebody up to carpool, get that bike fixed, or hop on that bus!                    
Identifying Human Emotions Imagine being able to figure out exactly how anyone in this world are feeling with just a computer. Now software has developed that could help you do just that. The Fcial Action Coding System has applications that will be extraordinary to modern day technology. Dr. Huang and Dr. Eckman created the the FACS. All which have six emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. These are emotions that are used on a daily basis around the world so they are pretty basic. Video imagery is used that tracks one's facial movements. Therefore it can identify mixed emotions. The video imagery compares each expression with a neutral face in order to figure your emotions. Imagine being at school on your classroom computer learning something boring, and all of a sudden the topic becomes fun. Dr. Huang predicts that your classroom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored. It would be useful to many students in order to make and help them learn better. This same technology could make identifying emotions much easier. The boring lesson for you would modify. This way the computer will know to keep giving you boring lessons or fun ones. Facial muscles are obviously an important item in this. If the technology could not identify the way your facial muscles move, then the technology would not work. Not only do your muscles express emotion, but they also help produce them. The article states that a renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. This clearly would help the actors express themselves better, thanks to our face muscles. People may not notice, but we imitate other people's facial expressions with empathy. Who would have thought that sience and technology could be involved with a big feature of who we are. Sometimes being able to figure how someone is feeling. At times we may even have to bug them in order to figure the emotion. Now with the new technology of FACS, this task will be easier. Even for students in a classroom, this will be valuable.
Driverless cars are not an good idea, it would be absolutely insane. To begin, I strongly disagree with driveless cars, because people love to be in control. For an example, a marriage relationship the husbad and the wife both think their in control or want to be.. Do you actully think that people will let go of their saftey for a car that drives on its own? Can the American citizen trust a car that on its own? Also if the car can drive on its own what the point of a person getting their lisense. Or what about an whole sport create from driving Nascar. This would be an perfect upset for a roit. You have owners of the driving sports losing money for an driveless car that is not really safe. For an example, think about tapes and cds how they drop in production. Since poeple have ipods mp3s,itunes, and phones their no need to keep making production for music. So to bring back the driveless car could evn make the economy at drop. To carry forward, is the nation ready for the change, theirs a prieod of time with everything. Are we sure that us humans are not jumping into things to fast. For an example, the Model -T the nation rode on horses very long time before Ford became the new era. even with the horse they did revole many they had the invention on the light bug with the horse carriage. Putting out the driveless car can really hurt the nation maybe we should all just think about what we all are doing and see if we really do need the change.
Driverless cars are the future! "Google has had cars that could drive idependently since 2009. Thier cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far , Google cars aern't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when dealing with complicated traffic issues.'' Driverless cars have been around for a while now; even though they are not fully developed they are becoming more and more relavent and it's time to imbrace that. Imbrace that they may even help prevent any sort of crash in the future. While also getting people to thier destinations fast and saftely. There are still problems to face even in the light of things. For example. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivier, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states t is illegal even to test computer driven cars." There are still many strides to take in acheving driverless cars on rode but as soon has those obsticles are tackled everyone will be much happier. With saftey has the main concern the laws that will be made for these driverless cars will insure that the utmost care and concern for health take precident. As soon has the laws have been made the states wil also be more open the idea of a drverless car on thier streets. Has stated earlier there are still a few problems with the idea of driverless cars but they are really close to frution. Possibly even on the cusp on perfection. "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completly driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the rode ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." All of that simply means driverless cars are not 100 percent driverless but they very very close. If they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves thats half the battle and the rest will follow in suite with time. "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses postion-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotatng sensor on the roof, a video camera mountedd near the rearview mirrior, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciver, and an inertial motion sensor. The most impportant bit of technology in this system is the spinn sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constanctly uppdating 3-D model of the car's surrondings." The technology is there for the drverless cars to start becoming a real prossiblity in the near future. They may even fully take over and allow for a much more easy going experinces while driving. And also allow for beyond human level control of the ride. " Telsa has prjected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on the autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plam to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. The rode to the truly autonomous car stretches on ahead of us. but we grow closer to the destination everyday." Fully driverless cars really are in the near future. There are small little pushes that still must be made but right around the corner of those is a paradise of safe relaxing transportation for all to use. With driverless cars the future will be a bright one. And saftey while driving will no longer be a concern.
The pursuit of the dangers includethings such as gravity,temperature,air pressure. The gravity because of in paragraph 5 the author made an example to a vehicle probably a space rover hovering above the surface. The text states that "Just like jet airlplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms,a vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions but staying up and out of there way". Bascaily saying that the vehicle would have hard time to stay on the ground. The temperature would be as The text states in paragraph 5 "around 170 degrees fahrenheit". Temperatures would be scoiling hot. Air pressure would be another danger because you can only take so much pressure before you got to back to the surface. As the text states it once again in paragraph 5 " would be close to sea level ". I do agree with the author as he says in the text "Not easy conditions,but survivable for humans. There has been some movies about living on harsh conditions where astronauts had to live on planets with harsh conditions. So I do understand where the author is coming from that it could be possible if earth does die off and we are stuck to move to venus. In conclusion we are humans we have been everything from adam and eve to hilter taking over germany and forming the once all-mighty nazis to people getting mass murders in chicago to trump bulidng a wall. If humans been to that I think we can survive living on venus.
Have you ever thought about what the world would be without cars? You're probably telling yourself how would I get from my house to the stores. Maybe you should try walking because cars tend to cause damage to our environment. We the people should try limiting driving because if we do we won't have pollution,we wouldn't have to deal with smog,and even better protect our environment. Greenhouse gas has reduced since automobiles were limited in the suburbs. Limiting cars could have a great impact on reducing air pollution. Countries such as China are known as one of the most polluted countries due to th amount of gas it uses. A businessman Carlos Arturo said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,"this identifies that people actually care about pollution. Pollution can also be bad for us humans because not only does it affect our breathing but it can also led to death due to the types of chemicals that we take in. Paris is a city who has dealt with smog and took care of the situation really quickly. Smog is a major factor why people all around the world are either limiting driving or even banning cars with in the region. An example of that would be Paris who had were near a record day setting of pure smog. The effect of this led Paris to enforce a partial driving ban to clear air of the global city. Motorist were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer the consequences by getting fined 22-euros. This difference led to a congestion which went down to about 60 percent in the capital of France. Animals have suffered the most since cars started to evolve or became more useful. The environment in which we live in has suffered consequences as well. Organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency are stepping in to help out within the community. They started to propmote car reducing due to the 80 percent of approprations by law have gone to highways and the rest towards other transportations. Now you see why we should start walking instead of driving because its good for our health but the main reason is that it limits driving. It also reuces pollution as well as smog, and keeps the environment clean. Are you willing to sacrifice your driving addiction for the sake of human kind and our animals.  
Driverless cars could be the car of the future. Many companies like GM and Google are working to create the driverless car. They are working on improving the models that were already created, but these new care could lead to bad events. Because of the lack of human attention, computer errors, and new liability questions driverless cars should not be developed. Sitting in the driver's seat of a driverless car, may cause more issues than benefits. According to the article, "the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." In order to drive. the human can not be distracted by phones or food, but with the idea of being in a driverless car, the human will be. In self-driver cars, people are distracted by their phones, even though they must pay attention to road. The distracions will be more dangerous in driverless cars because as the article states, "none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. When people enter the new cars, they will believe that they do not have to pay attention because the car is driverless. When the car malfunctions, the person is the car would be so distracted that even with devices to get the driver's attention, he or she would not be able to react quickly enough. The extreme lack of attention would cause accidents, injuries, and deaths. Driverless cars are run by sensors, hardware, and software. In many cases, these items are known to crash or suddenly stop working. A computer crashing can lead to bad events and having that computer crash while driving a car would make the events twice as worse. The brakes may stop working, the car might steer itself off the road, or it could even steer into another car. If humans have no control over the car, they can not try to steer the car the other way when it crashes. People would believe they are invincible with the new cars, but techhnology is know to fail. When technology fails, the driverless car would get into some crash. With the crash, liabiltiy questions would erupt. The article states that "if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" The person in the driver seat would want to blame the car and the company that created it. The car company would want to blame the person for lack of attention. According the the article, "new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident." This creates more trouble for state governments. Driverless cars seem great innovative with the idea of not having to ever drive again. Although there is real danger that accompanies driverless cars. With the thought of the car being invincible, humans will be less alert. When the system goes down, people would not be able to react in time. The people who do not react in time would cause accidents and blame the car companies. Driverless cars would be more trouble than helpful.
In this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author states negative and positive things about driverless cars. There are many reasons these cars can be positive or negative. The driverless cars would have a more positive effect on the driving world. There are multiple reasons the driverless cars are a good thing for everybody. The text states, "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." This evidence from the article shows that these driverless cars are safe. There are multiple crashes a day with regualr human driven cars. With these driverless cars humans would be much safer. The text also states, "Google cares aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver..." This shows that the car is not fully driverless, but this may help to keep the driver alert. This helps whoever is driving stay more alert while on the road. According to the text, "For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors." This illustrates how the company will add many sensors to the driverless car. They want to make the car as smart as possible. This text shows that they are trying to copy the skill of a human driving a car. One example from the text is "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves..." This proves that the driverless cars can do many things. It goes to show how many good qualities the driverless car has. There are many more things about this car that are very helpful when it comes to driving. Many people may say that driverless cars are a negative thing. All of this evidence from the text clearly states that they are very positive. They may say they are too expensive or that they are not completley driverless. The company is not done constructing these smart cars. They are hoping to become fully driverless. There are very few negative aspects about the driverless car. There are many positive things about the driverless car. The development of these cars is going to have a positive effect on many people around the world. These cars will help keep people safe. The world is constantley changing with new technology. This car is just another positive change in the world.
Since the beginning of time people have always wanted the next big thing. After watching many movies where cars that don't need drivers are being used, people have wanted to make this a reality. Since 2009 there have been cars that could drive independently under certain conditions (paragraph 2). However, by making these driverless cars legal it makes driving even more dangerous. In paragraph 7 it states ," This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." After drivers get use to this car they will be more relaxed and not as alert as usual. It will be easy for drivers to drift off or get distracted. This is because the car is doing most of the work. This could cause many wrecks that could injure not only the driver, but others on the road too. When driving a driverless car many drivers would not be aware of their surroundings. In paragraph 8 it says , " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over - something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way the in-car system is actually a saftey feature." If drivers are texting while using a Driverless car , then it means they are not paying attention. In an emergency the driver would not have enough time to stop. If a child or animal ran out infront of the car, it would be to late. The driver would not have enough time to react and stop the car. The car would not have enough time to alert the driver. Another con about a driverless car is who to blame when an accident occurs. Paragraph 9 states ," If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" Many car accidents take place each day, which means the odds of a driverless car getting in an accident are probably pretty likely. If this did occur the driver could blame the manufacture saying that the car didn't alert the driver. The manufactures could blame the driver by saying that any driver of a driverless car must always be alert. This now affects not only the driver, but the manufactures and the other people in the accident. Driverless cars would make roads even more dangerous and unsafe. They give drivers an excuse to not pay attention to the road and the things around them. This could cause very serious accidents. It is safest if cars remain where drivers are always in control.
In the article " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggustion that Venus is worth studying has many thoughts in our heads. Is it really worth it? Should we consider it or focus on our planet? Well, the author has many reasons to why we should continue researching it. A supported reason to the author belief is that it could be a back up plan for us if something were to happen to earth. in the text it says," Often referred to as Earth's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest distance too" ( paragraph 2). Venus and Earth are very alike, which is a good things. IT would help us humans alot if the popluation kept on growing. Another reason is it could help us with futuristic things. Better things than what he whave right now. In the article it stated," Venus and Earth are very alike, which is a good things. It would help us humans alot if the popluation kept on growing" ( paragraph 5). We can find and build different tools to help us reach Venus and to study more about what could be our future planet. While i see the authors mindset on this article, there are many con's to the "twin" planet. Its not very survivable land for us to stay and live in. In the text it says," Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to porbes seeking to land on its surface. ( paragraph 3). This can cause alot of damage and lots of fear within people if we were to ever live here The article over had good reasons to back up the authors reasons to why we should continue looking into this planet. We need to consider the pro's and co's to everything. And i think the author is headins a good way bu wanting another planet for us to live in.
Honestly, i feel very in the middle of this subject.It indeed would be nice for teachers to know when and what a stdents emotions are but,at the same time that could also be a pesonal thing. school computers should detect sadness,boredum, and or anger.On the other hand, it could be a good thing.What if the kid is very sad all day everyday?The device could send at message to the teacher so that they can talk.this could prevent a suicide and more things in that nature. The reaon I think this is because like I said before thats not the schools buisness if im sad or happy.I wouldnt mind anyone knowing my emotions,but everyone isint me, people have different opinions and very many peopke wouldnt like that. So I think id give my honest opinion and go with i dont know evryone isin't the same and were all human and have different opinions,characteristics ect..If it were to be in school computers i'd say you should give out a form for the sudent and or psrent to sign.Nothing like that should just be added.If this is added to school computers it Should be strongly suggested if not approved by parents.
Dear State Senator, I am feeling the need to change the Ellectoral College to election by popular votes for the president of the united states. I feel this way for three reasons. The first reason is because over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that we have now. The second reason is because under the Electoral college system, voters vote not for president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The last reason is because the most basic level, the Electoral college is unfair to voters. The first reason why I think that they need to change the Electoral College to election by popular votes,is because over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency. And yet, the Electoral College still has it's defenders. That was the first reason why they should change the Electoral College to election by popular votes. The second reason why I think that they need to change the Electoral College to election by popular votes, is because under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, butr for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. So the Electoral College usually wins since the votes go in to the House of Representatives first, which is really unfair to the other people that are doing the election. That was the second reason why they should change the Electoral College to election by popular votes. The last reason why I think that they need to change the Ellectoral College to election by popular votes, is because at the most basic level, the Electoral College is unfair nto voters. Because of the winner-takes-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. But it's official: The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arrguments in favor of it are mostly asserstions without much basis in reality. That was the last reason why they should change the Electoral College to election by popular votes. State senator i'm writing you this letter so you can hopefully change the Electoral College to election by popular votes. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. so the only last words that I have to say to you are: Abolish the Electoral College!
Fellow Citizens, there are many reasons why limiting car usgage has outstanding oppritunities and advantages. For an example, If there aren't people out there spending their hard earned money that they worked for, for an expensive car that they are just going to use to get to someplace faster when they could just stop being lazy for once and walk or run, ride bikes, hike, or take a bus, instead of spending money after money to fill a car up to just waste gas, and to fill it up again. Running, riding bikes, hiking, etc. gives you a chance to experience reality. Being outside gives people a chance to see the earths real beauty, and to smell the fresh air. Limiting car usage helps people stay in shape and keeps them healthy if their not just sitting in a car for half a hour when they could be running or walking. Residents in Vauban, Germany are permitted car ownership, but there are only two places to park : large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home. About 70 percent of Vauban's families do not iwn cars, an about 57 percent sold a car to move there. Having a car makes peoples tense, and being in a place where there isnt alot of car usgae makes people much happier. People who live in places where cars arent used as oftn as other states, those towns place stores in walking distance, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. An amazing advantage that people can can from limiting the usage of cars is less drunk drivers, or even none. If there's less drunk drivers, there's less car crashes and less deaths. Everyone understands that you have to be 21 or older in most states to drink alcoholic beverages. The big adavntage out of this is, if older people were to get drunk, they would be forced to call a cab, or even walk home. Their not putting noone else's life in danger, and this would lower the crashes and death fatalities per year. As as many cars that there is in the world, all the use of them would probably pollute the world. Paris enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city after days of the near-record pollution. Limiting car usage gives you the oppritunity to be with your family and friends and spend more time with them then you normally would having a car. You can walk and talk with them on the way to work, you can stop by the park and have some fun on your way to the grocery store. The best part about this is, you dont have to worry about the roads being busy. You ca walk, run, hike, and bike without having to hear the noisy streets, the honking, the screeching, etc. What's the point in having a car that your just going to be wasting money on, when running, walking or riding a bike is free and even cheaper and safer than driving a car. What are you gonna do when your car breaks down? Are you gonna keep spending your money on when it keeps breaking? Why do that when you have two perfectly good and healthy legs and you can run or walk somewhere? Just take a moment to think about the fines every single person breathing in the world has received? Alot of money wasted on something idiotic huh? just imagine if every state, continents, islands, and places we dont know about all stopped using cars, or even just limited the car usage. We'd be saving a whole ton of money, we'd basically all be middle classes. This whole situation is a win-win, You get to be with your family 24/7, Running, walking, biking, hiking etc. is all an amazing way to keep people healthy. People dont have to worry about drunk drivers, or car crashes, or car fatalities. People can finally stop spending their hard earned money that they're just going keep spending and wasting on gasoline or to fix your car when its having problems and it breaks. Families can save the money that they would normally be spending on gasoline and start saving for a trip to take their family on to spend more time with them, or to take a trip for yourself. There are plently more reasons and outstanding advantages that limiting car usage gives you, but these are some of the very best! Just remember, The only good advantages a car can give you is getting you somewhere faster, and keeping you comfortable and safe. But they are also the most danagerous, and expensive things out there. They can take your life or someone elses in an instant, and they can put you in debt quicker than you know! Limitng car usage is for you!
I think its wrong to use the Facial Action Coding System on students in their classroom. One of the reason i think this way is becuase teachers should not have to use a machine is read their students emotions by simple just asking a student on how he or she feels can get the same results. Another reason is the money for a machine like this is very costy, and not every school could afford a machine like this. Also the machine is and invination of privites and some students might not want their emotions read Most students are under stress by school work and the could easly be read by anyone and it would be a waste of the schools money to read the emotion of a student. Also the student could be sad, angery, or happy about something totally differant from school work, and that means it could throw the machine off. I think the Facial Action Coding System should not be used in schools and never should be. Machines should never be able to read emotions.
There are many advantages of limiting car usage . There are 3 important sources that tell us why people should limit car usage . Source 1 : In german suburb , life goes on without cars. Source 2 : Paris bans driving due to smog . Source 3 : Car - free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Last but not least ,Source 4 : The end of car culture . To begin with , In sources 1 & 2 you can tie in the two sources to conclude that limiting car usage is going on in Germany and Paris. Most people walk , ride bikes, or catch the train. Car ownership is allowed but there are only 2 places to put them in large garages at the edge of the development , where a car - owner buys a space for 40,000 along with a home ( 1 : In german suburb , life goes on without cars para 2 ). Paris decided to ban driving to clear the air of global cities. ( Source 2 : Paris bans driving due to smog para 10 ). Diesel was blamed , since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline . As well in sources 3 & 4 Car - free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota and cars have come to an end with culture. They feel as though when people ride bikes , and trains it can prevent car jams. ( Source 3 : Car - free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota para 20 ).The goal was to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. In ( Source 3 : Car - free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota para 35 ). shows that for example van services can share services to have less cars and less gasoline . They also have a bike sharing company that you can share bikes and dont even need to use a vehicle. In Conclusion , There are advantages in limiting the use of cars. With 3 helpful Sources Source 1 : In german suburb , life goes on without cars. Source 2 : Paris bans driving due to smog . Source 3 : Car - free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Last but not least ,Source 4 : The end of car culture prove the advanges of limiting cars.
Dear State Senator, After conducting studies on the American voting system ,I noticed many flaws. Deciding on presidency is one of the most vital processes in any countrie,so it should be addresed properly. the fact that voters vote not for president ,but they vote for slate of electors,the electors can be anyone not holding public office,and the fact that 17 states were never visited during 2000 only focusing on swing states  are just some facts we must look at when deciding a nations fate. The fact that voters dont vote for president ,but they are actually voting for electors is should be looked into because the people are not  voting for president .The are voting for people to vote for president .which throughly explains the idea that the majority oppinion of the nation is invaluable to the goverment and our society  .This system is not fair .Nor is this system equal. and nor should this system continue to destroy our beloved countrie . The electors can be anyone not holding public office .This is one of the most gruesome facts about this topic .Bestowing any dreg of society the honor of being an elector is NOT a good idea .This means when one of us votes for an elector trusting him with the fate of the nation. He could mislead us and vote for any canidate making the whole voting system corrupt and misleading. 17 states were unvisited by canidates in 2000. which leads U.S citezens  to ask questions like:Is our oppinion valuable or even considerd valid ? Do the leaders want to run for the benefit of this countrie or do they want POWER?Do our votes even matter or make a diffrence ?Should we just give up on the corrupt system we must live under today? Thinking about the subject from the prepective of our founding fathers .They would NEVER want a voting system like ours today were people's oppinions dont matter,With often and misleading corrupt electors  not letting the majority rule .This system should be put to an end ,So our countrie can live free again.                
Are driverless cars safe? Cars have been around for many decades and more to come. Cars are used in peoples everyday life. Cars are developing in many ways. I think driverless cars are not developed because; it's not completely driverless,It's challenging, and the car isn't advance. Frist, driverless cars are not completely driverless. In the text it says,''this means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires.'' If the car isn't completely driverless there is no point on getting a car like this. This car can only handle driving functions up to 25mph. This mean the driver needs to keep hold of the wheels. Secondly, the driverless car is challenging. It means it's hard to drive. Driverless cars are dangerous. It's not even driverless completely. This type of technology is sometime too advance for people. In the text it says, ''drivers have to steer,accelerate, and brake themselves.'' The driver is doing all the work. Lastly, the driverless car isn't that advanced. In the text it say,''none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless.'' This car tells you bthe simplest thing. In the text it says,'' it notify the driver when there's a work zone and accident.'' This car isn't really that helpful. The driverless car isn't developed. You still should have a hand of the wheel. This is not yet completely driverless. This car tells you the simplest thing and not advanced. Why would anyone want a car that just tells you the simplest things that you can tell form just looking up at the road.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the technology that the author describes called Facial Action Coding System, that lets you make up and show human emotions in pictures. I am for this new use of technology, Only because when taking a picture in the old times alot of people really didn't smile they just looked at the artist, while the artist painted them. I feel as though this is a good thing, not because it creates emotion in the picture, it gives the person looking more understanding of how maybe the person in the picture is feeling. I find it very cool that they can use a 3D scale model of the face and maintiain the muscles in the face that move just like our muscles in or face move today. "The facial expression for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." Also I find it cool how the famous painter "Da VInci could study human anatomy enoough to help him pain the facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions" When I look at the new Mona Lisa painting I do smile and think that maybe she was happy to have taken this picture, I mean we'll never know what she really felt in the painting. All we know is what we see today and thats her smiling. So in conlcusion I do agree and am for the Facial Coding Symstem all the way. It makes the paintings and pictures look nice, and have more emotion. So im all for it.

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