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| English
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| Faroese
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0 | 1 | BBC writes that it is also the relatives' right to come out to the route where the plane is believed to have crashed, to lay flowers. | BBC skrivar, at tað stendur eisini teimum avvarðandi at koma út á leiðina, har hildið verður, at flogfarið datt niður, at leggja blómur. |
1 | 3 | The sports teacher team says that more of the students who previously showed little interest in sports classes are now enthusiastic and active in the classes. | Ítróttarlærara toymið vísur á, at fleiri av næmingunum, sum fyrr vístu ítróttartímunum lítlan áhuga, nú eru ágrýtin og virkin í tímunum. |
2 | 4 | The eight players were divided into two groups A and B, and four players played in each group. | Teir átta leikararnir blivu deildir upp í tveir bólkar A og B, og fýra leikarar spældu í hvørjum bólki. |
3 | 5 | He doesn't think it's right that it should be forbidden to smoke in the aircraft, when it is allowed to smoke in the ferries around the country. | Hann heldur tað ikki verða rætt, at tað skal vera bannað at roykja í flogførunum, tá tað eitt nú er loyvt at roykja í ferjunum kring landið. |
4 | 6 | I of course answer that I get the papers, and that I talked to my brother last week, but nothing of importance happens at home. | Eg svari sjálvandi, at eg fái bløðini, og at eg tosaði við bróður í farnu viku, men har hendir einki av tydningi heima. |
5 | 8 | They love to tie the Faroese down in debt and make the tax burdens so heavy that no one can stand up to them. | Teir elska at niðurbinda føroyingar í skuld og gera skattabyrðarnar so tungar, at eingin skal knógva undir teimum. |
6 | 9 | The second largest ferry will in 5-10 years be a new ferry the size of Dúgvan but with stabilizers, so the comfort will not be much different than with Smyril today. | Næststørsta ferjan vil um 5-10 ár verða ein nýggj ferja til støddar sum Dúgvan men við stabilisatorum, so komforturin verður ikki nógv øðrvísi enn við Smyrli í dag. |
7 | 10 | Many Faroese people are studying creative subjects abroad, but there is still no opportunity to study these subjects in the Faroe Islands. | Nógvir føroyingar eru undir hægri útbúgving innan skapandi greinar uttanlands, men enn er eingin møguleiki at nema sær hesar útbúgvingar í Føroyum. |
8 | 14 | Always remember to ask for written "information" about the courses you are interested in. | Minst altíð til at biða um skrivliga "informatión" um tær útbúgvingarnar, tú hevur hug á. |
9 | 15 | In the close-quarter battles they seemed to be much more aggressive, and the fact that Birgir was put in the attack meant that the home team got better control of the airspace. | Í nærdystunum tóktust teir nú nógv grammari, og tað at Birgir varð settur í álopið viðførdi, at heimaliðið fekk betri tak á luftrúminum. |
10 | 16 | Now Páll Vang was so happy about the move by the Social Democratic Party that he offered to be a candidate for you next year. | Nú var Páll Vang so fegin um útspælið hjá Javnaðarflokkinum, at hann bjóðaði sær til at verða stillari hjá tær komandi ár. |
11 | 17 | What special skills did the Prime Minister/Members of the Cabinet have to support them when dealing with individual cases and in connection with the resolution of political issues? The people in the administration. | Hvønn serkunnleika høvdu løgmaður/landsstýrismenn at stuðla sær, tá teir viðgjørdu einkultmál og í sambandi við loysn av politiskum spurningum? Fólkini í umsitingini. |
12 | 18 | Christian Kettel Thomsen says that he did not interfere with the computer communication with the Ministry of Justice, because the Prime Minister's Office knew nothing about the case. | Christian Kettel Thomsen sigur, at hann legði seg ikki út í teldusamskiftið við løgmálaráðið, tí forsætismálaráðið visti einki um málið. |
13 | 19 | When he called for elections in 1990, the reason was that he could not gather a majority for the budget and a planned change in the tax law. | Tá hann útskrivaði val í 1990, var orsøkin, at hann ikki kundi savna meiriluta fyri fíggjarlógini og einari ætlaðari broyting í skattalógini. |
14 | 21 | The general manager and the accounting staff have been sacked, and the board of the orphanage is now investigating what happened and where the money went. | Dagligi leiðarin og roknskaparfólkið hava fingið sekkin, og nevndin fyri gentuheimið kannar nú, hvat er hent og hvar peningurin er farin. |
15 | 23 | Magni Arge thinks that the threat of a case ending up in the Competence Committee can make the Danes take Faroese requests for changes more seriously. | Magni Arge heldur, at bara hóttanin um, at eitt mál endar í kompetansunevndini, kann fáa danir til at taka føroysk ynski um broytingar í størri álvara. |
16 | 25 | The wish is that the system with the 000 kroner will simply fall away, while one decides for oneself whether to save up or not. | Ynskið er, at skipanin við teimum 000 krónunum snøgt sagt fall burtur, meðan ein sjálvur ger av, um hann vil spara upp ella ikki. |
17 | 26 | Teacher is Luisa Sofía Eliasen, who has danced since she was very little, and who is a multiple Danish children and junior champion in sports dance. | Undirvísari er Luisa Sofía Eliasen, sum hevur dansað síðani hon var heilt lítið, og sum er fleirfaldaður barna og junior Danmarksmeistari í sportdansi. |
18 | 30 | So he will turn his face against the islands and take many; but the chief of the army will put an end to his pride, and his pride will come back to him. | So skal hann venda sær móti oyggjunum og taka nógvar; men herhøvdingi skal gera enda á háði hansara, ja, lata háð hansara falla aftur á hann sjálvan. |
19 | 31 | The two men who have been arrested for murder and the third who has been arrested in connection with hashish are Greenlanders, writes the Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation, KNR. | Teir báðir menninir, sum eru tiknir fyri morð og tann triðji, sum er tikin í samband við hassj eru grønlendingar, skrivar grønlendska kringvarpið, KNR. |
20 | 33 | He admits that despite the vote of no confidence, Jørgen Niclasen has received a vote of confidence from the highest political authority. | Hann viðgongur, at hóast misálitið fall við teprum meiriluta, hevur Jørgen Niclasen fingið álitisváttan frá hægsta politiska myndugleika. |
21 | 34 | This was done with full knowledge that it was not true that the average house in Tórshavn had a value of half a million kroner. | Hetta varð gjørt við fullari vitan um, at tað als ikki passaði, at hús í Havn í miðal høvdu eitt virði uppá eina hálva millión krónur. |
22 | 35 | To put it simply, all our welfare will be moved back half a century. | Fyri at siga tað stutt, fer øll okkara vælferð við einum pennastroki at verða flutt hálva øld aftur í tíðina. |
23 | 38 | According to the newspaper, EU leaders will meet on Thursday, and then they can sign the agreement or prepare for a result with no agreement. | Sambært blaðnum hittast ES leiðarar hósdagin, og tá kunnu teir skriva undir avtaluna ella gera klárt til eitt úrslit við ongari avtalu. |
24 | 39 | Achilles and/or 1stPoint assessment are obvious data sources for an operator when he needs services from a supplier. | Achilles og/ella 1stPoint assessment eru sjálvsagdir dátagrunnar har ein operatørur leitar, tá ið honum nýtist tænastur frá einum veitara. |
25 | 40 | If we are to make an impact in the competition, it is necessary to strengthen the team with players from outside, says Jógvan Højgaard. | Um vit skulu gera okkum galdandi í kappingini, er neyðugt at styrkja liðið við spælarum útifrá, sigur Jógvan Højgaard. |
26 | 41 | According to the same article, discrimination on the basis of place of establishment between legal persons of the Contracting Parties shall also be prohibited. | Sambært somu grein er eisini bannað at gera nakran mismun orsakað av virkisstað millum løgfrøðiligar persónar, heimahoyrandi í umveldi sáttmálans. |
27 | 42 | Otherwise, the best player on the court once again was the Yugoslav Borko, who is the playing coach of Mjølnir. | Annars var besti leikari á vøllinum enn einaferð jugoslavin Borko, sum er leikandi venjari hjá Mjølnir. |
28 | 43 | It was very rewarding to be a part of and I have gained a lot by helping me further in my career as a hairdresser, says Ásla Danielsen. | Tað var sera gevandi at vera við og eg havi fingið nógv heimaftur við at hjálpa mær víðari í starvinum sum hárfríðkanarkvinna, sigur Ásla Danielsen. |
29 | 44 | But all the Egyptians dug along the Nile for water to drink; for the water of the river was unfit to drink. | Men allir Egyptar gróvu fram við Nilá eftir drekkivatni; tí vatnið í ánni var ikki drekkandi. |
30 | 46 | The Faroese public transport company Strandfaraskip Landsins is now taking the consequences of the situation with the coronavirus, and Bygdaleiðir will stop driving temporarily from today until March. | Strandfaraskip Landsins taka nú avleiðingarnar av støðuni við coronasmituni, og Bygdaleiðir gevast at koyra fyribils frá í dag til mars. |
31 | 47 | Carl Herup Olsen retired as CEO a few years ago, but he remains chairman of the board and is in the office every day. | Carl Herup Olsen legði fyri nøkrum árum síðani frá sær sum stjóri fyri aldur, men hann er framvegis nevndarformaður og er inni á gólvinum hvønn dag. |
32 | 48 | When the investigation is completed, it is unclear, and the Office of the Prime Minister has said that the Prime Minister does not comment on the matter until the investigation is completed. | Nær kanningin er liðug er ógreitt, og Løgmansskrivstovan hevur sagt, at løgmaður ikki úttalar seg um málið, fyrr enn kanningin er liðug. |
33 | 50 | The results of the work are not directly visible, but the serious traffic accidents have decreased in recent years, and that is the only way to see that the work with traffic information helps. | Úrslitið av arbeiðinum sæst ikki beinleiðis, men álvarsomu ferðsluóhappini eru minkað seinnu árini, og tað er einasti máti at síggja, at arbeiðið við ferðslukunning hjálpir. |
34 | 51 | In the days leading up to March, the Icelandic Export Council and Eimskip will host the TORREYK exhibition, where Icelandic food and industrial companies will be represented. | Í døgunum til mars skipa Útflutningsráð Íslands og Eimskip fyri framsýningini TORREYK, har íslendskar mat og ídnaðarfyritøkur fara at vera við. |
35 | 52 | When the home turned 25 years old, a big public celebration was organized, but it will not be done now, it is said in a letter from the home. | Tá heimið fylti 25 ár, varð skipað fyri stórum almennum hátíðarhaldi, men tað verður ikki gjørt nú, verður sagt í skrivi frá heiminum. |
36 | 53 | In the program I just watched on TV, several people stepped forward who are in the most dire need because they can't get their elderly into a home where they can be cared for all day long. | Í sendingini Eg siti bara og bíði í sjónvarpinum í gjár, trinu fleiri fólk fram, sum eru í dýrastu neyð, tí tey fáa ikki síni eldru á heim, har tey fáa umsorgan alt samdøgrið. |
37 | 54 | It is our hope that the report can be a good contribution to the work of moving the Faroe Islands from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. | Tað er okkara vón, at frágreiðingin kann verða eitt gott íkast til arbeiðið at flyta Føroyar frá fossilum til varandi orkukeldur. |
38 | 55 | There are also examples of the Ministry of Fisheries asking for proof that the applicant has the funds to do what he says he intends to do. | Eisini eru dømi um, at Fiskimálaráðið biður um skjalprógv fyri, at eginpeningur er til staðar til tað, sum umsøkjari sigur seg ætla. |
39 | 56 | The payments in this group increased by a total of 14 million last year and came to 203 million. | Løngjaldingarnar í hesum bólki hækkaðu við heili 14 milliónum krónum í fjør og komu upp á 203 milliónir krónur. |
40 | 58 | But if they cannot be abstinent, let them marry! Better to marry than to burn with lust. | Men kunnu tey ikki vera fráhaldandi, so giftist tey! Betri er at giftast enn at brenna av girnd. |
41 | 59 | For it befitted Him, in Whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and by Whom all things were made, to perfect the author of their salvation by His passion. | Tí tað sømdi Honum, fyri hvørs skuld alt er til, og við hvørjum alt er til, táið Hann førdi mong børn til dýrd, at fullkoma upphavsmann frelsu teirra við líðingum. |
42 | 60 | It is like leaven, which a woman took and put into three measures of flour until it was leavened all through. | Tað er líkt súrdeiggi, sum kvinna tók og legði í trý mál av mjøli, inntil tað var súrgað alt samalt. |
43 | 61 | The Union Party was hard pressed, because if the Danes had denied it, there would have been no Union Party after the election. | Sambandsflokkurin varð hart kroystur, tí høvdu danir hóast alt noktað, hevði eingin Sambandsflokkur verið eftir valið. |
44 | 62 | The population of Leirvík has grown steadily since It decreased slightly in the mid-1990s, but grew again, and especially in the last four years many people have moved to the village. | Fólkatalið í Leirvík er vaksið støðugt síðani Tað minkaði eitt sindur mitt í 1990 unum, men vaks aftur, og serliga seinastu fýra árini eru nógv fólk flutt til bygdina. |
45 | 63 | Exciting to know if people choose to sit down to listen to summer songs from Vágakórið, or they rather go out to enjoy nature and the music there is, says Hans Jørgensen. | Spennandi verður at vita, um fólk velja at seta seg inn at lurta eftir summarsangum frá Vágakórinum, ella tey heldur fara út at njóta náttúruna og tann tónleik har er, sigur Hans Jørgensen. |
46 | 65 | Helena Dam á Neystabø says that when the new council was set up shortly after the town and village councils had made their recommendations, she thought it would be the most orderly thing for that council to make the recommendations. | Helena Dam á Neystabø sigur, at tá nýggja ráðið var sett kortini, stutt eftir at bý- og bygdaráðini høvdu gjørt sína innstilling, helt hon tað verða ruddiligast, at tað ráðið slapp at gera innstillingina. |
47 | 68 | The man told the Faroese court yesterday that he was beaten once and kicked once when he tried to stop the other violence. | Maðurin greiddi Føroya rætti frá í gjár, at hann varð sligin eina ferð og sparkaður eina ferð, tá hann royndi at steðga hinum harðskapinum. |
48 | 69 | At the parliamentary meeting in October 1998 it was agreed without a vote that the question should be answered. | Á tingfundi oktober 1998 varð samtykt uttan atkvøðugreiðslu, at fyrispurningurin skal svarast. |
49 | 70 | Norway also plans a new fisheries agreement with the UK if the British make good on their referendum and leave the EU. | Eisini Norra ætlar sær eina nýggja fiskivinnuavtalu við Bretland, um bretar gera álvara av fólkaatkvøðuni og taka seg burtur úr ES. |
50 | 74 | Danish authorities have also proposed to change the Danish law on financial activities so that the National Bank can collect information directly from the Faroese financial institutions. | Danskir myndugleikar hava eisini skotið upp at broyta donsku lógina um fíggjarligt virksemi soleiðis, at landsbankin kann heinta upplýsingar beinleiðis frá føroysku peningastovnunum. |
51 | 77 | But when the first reading had been in the parliament, the Minister was told by the Committee on Industry, Fisheries and Trade that the scheme would cost four million kroner. | Men tá fyrsta viðgerð hevði verið í løgtinginum fekk landsstýrismaðurin at vita frá Vinnunevndini, at skipanin kostar fýra milliónir krónur. |
52 | 79 | No, I didn't give my mouth permission to sin, so I cursed him and wished him dead! | Nei, eg gav ikki munni mínum loyvi at synda, so eg bannaði honum og ynskti honum deyðan! |
53 | 80 | This demand the Green Party will probably have to drop, because the Liberal and Christian Democrats would rather protect the industry and jobs. | Hetta kravið noyðist Grøni flokkurin helst at sleppa, tí Liberalu og Kristindemokratarnir vilja heldur verja vinnuna og arbeiðsplássini. |
54 | 81 | A large crowd of people followed Him, and many women who were mourning and lamenting Him. | Stórur skari av fólkinum fylgdi Honum, og nógvar kvinnur, ið venaðu seg og grótu um Hann. |
55 | 82 | Although many ordinary taxpayers might think it would be appropriate to reduce taxes when there is enough money in the country already, that is not the case. | Hóast nógvir vanligir skattaborgarar so kundu hildið, at passandi var at minka um skattin, tá nóg mikið av pengum eru í landinum frammanundan, so er tað ikki so. |
56 | 85 | Yet we see Faroese opposition leaders and editorials in our biggest newspapers, which call the government undemocratic and accuse individuals and parties of running away from decisions. | Kortini síggja vit føroyskar andstøðuleiðarar og oddagreinar í okkara størstu bløðum, sum skíra landsstýrið at vera ódemokratiskt og leggja persónar og flokkar undir at leypa frá samtyktum. |
57 | 86 | Here's a similar clip from EuroNews, which recently captured aerial footage of a mountain village in Italy. | Her er eitt líknandi brot frá EuroNews, sum nýliga hevur fangað bilupptøkur úr tyrlu í eini fjallabygd í Italia. |
58 | 87 | Karl Heri also mentions the exhibition by Helgi Joensen, which will be in the Old Sailhouse from Thursday December at 17:00. You can hear the interview with Karl Heri Joensen here. | Karl Heri nevnir eisini framsýningina hjá Helga Joesen, sum verður í Gamla Seglhúsinum frá hósdegnum desember klokkan Tú kanst hoyra samrøðuna við Karl Hera Joensen her. |
59 | 88 | That Útvarp Føroya does not make use of the works and opportunities that a communication with authors can throw off, becomes more and more depleted and incomprehensible. | At Útvarp Føroya ikki ger brúk av teimum verkum og teimum møguleikum, sum eitt samskifti við høvundar kann kasta av, gerst meiri og meiri avlagað og óforstáiligt. |
60 | 91 | The country should also set a certain percentage of the construction costs to be spent on art, and it is important that art is considered in the project from the beginning. | Landið átti somuleiðis at ásett, at ávíst prosenttal av byggikostnaðinum skal fara til listprýðing, og tað er týdningarmikið, at listin verður hugsað inn í verkætlanina frá byrjan. |
61 | 92 | The Argentinian Senate has agreed that about 000 of the richest people in the country will help pay the bill for the coronavirus measures with additional tax. | Argentinska senatið hevur samtykt, at umleið 000 av ríkastu fólkunum í landinum skulu hjálpa til at rinda rokningina fyri koronutiltøk við eykaskatti. |
62 | 93 | Equipment, pipelines and other equipment for the wellhead shall be secured or bolted with sleeves, flanges, bent or otherwise strengthened. | Útbúnaður, rørleiðingar og onnur útgerð til tangan skal festast ella skoytast við muffum, flansum, bendum ella styrkjast á annan hátt. |
63 | 94 | Their conclusion is that the Danish government has cleverly turned the eyes of the Danish people away from the real problem, namely the stock exchange deal itself. | Niðurstøðan hjá teimum er, at danska stjórnin snildisliga hevur vent eyguni hjá donsku fjøldini burtur frá tí veruliga trupulleikanum nevniliga sjálvum partabrævabýtinum. |
64 | 96 | He was anything but satisfied, and thus failed to live up to the Norwegian hopes, which were high after he won two silver medals the same day last week. | Hann var alt annað enn nøgdur, og kláraði sostatt ikki at liva upp til norsku vónirnar, sum vóru stórar eftir at hann í síðstu viku vann tvey silvurmerki sama dag. |
65 | 98 | The Neisti and StÍF finished the regular season with sixteen points, and nothing has yet been decided about which of these two teams will play against Kyndil in the final. | Neistin og StÍF endaðu saman við Kyndli grundspælið í landskappingini við sekstan stigum, og einki er enn avgjørt um, hvør av hesum báðum skal spæla móti Kyndli í finaluni. |
66 | 99 | This is what happens to the one who stole from the barren, who did not give birth, and who never did the widow good. | Soleiðis gongst honum, ið rændi frá hini ófruktbøru, ið ikki føddi, og sum aldri gjørdi einkjuni gott. |
67 | 100 | The management of Suðuroyar Hospital believes that women who did not want to go to the capital to give birth could be offered home birth at Suðuroyar Hospital. | Leiðslan á Suðuroyar Sjúkrahúsi heldur, at kvinnur, ið ikki vildu til Havnar at eiga, kundu fáa tilboð um heimaføðing á Suðuroyar Sjúkrahúsi. |
68 | 102 | When the government doesn't take the safety of those traveling on the Mykines route seriously, the Løgting must take action, so that the conditions in Mykines are updated and made safe. | Tá landsstýrið ikki tekur trygdina hjá teimum, sum ferðast á Mykinesleiðini í álvara, má Løgtingið taka sær um reiggj, so umstøðurnar í Mykinesi verða dagførdar og gjørdar tryggar. |
69 | 103 | Poul Hansen has the largest and best selection of ordinary groceries, frozen food, refrigerated food and fruit. | Poul Hansen heilsøla hevur størsta og besta úrvalið innanfyri vanligar kolonialvørur, frost, køl og frukt. |
70 | 104 | The talk is about the overhaul of the factory, trawl gear and freezing equipment, as well as many other things that the Ship Inspection also required. | Talan er um yvirháling av fabrikkini, trolspølum og frystiútgerðini, umframt mangt annað, sum Skipasýnið eisini kravdi. |
71 | 106 | He also welcomed the fact that the law takes into account that it will be Faroese labour that will be used as much as possible. | Hann fegnaðist eisini um, at tað í lógini verður tikin hædd fyri, at tað í mest møguligan mun verður føroysk arbeiðsmegi, ið talan verður um. |
72 | 108 | The detainees were brought to a preliminary hearing in the Nuuk City Court later today, expected behind closed doors, police said, who would not make any further comments on the case at this time. | Tey handtiknu kom til grundlógaravhoyring í býarrættinum í Nuuk seinni í dag , væntandi fyri læstum hurðum, sigur politiið, sum ikki vil gera fleiri viðmerkingar til málið nú. |
73 | 109 | But still Anfinn Kallsberg thinks it's best that we continue to have a currency union with Denmark. | Men kortini heldur Anfinn Kallsberg tað vera rættast, at vit framhaldandi halda okkum til eitt gjaldoyrasamstarv við Danmark. |
74 | 110 | But it's wrong to point to any particular coalition before the election, because then you've also excluded some possibilities. | Men tað er skeivt at vísa á nakra ávísa samgongu áðrenn valið, tí so hevur tú eisini útilokað nakrar møguleikar. |
75 | 112 | What do I care about judging those outside! Don't you judge those inside? | Hvat kemur mær við at døma tey, sum uttanfyri eru! Døma tit ikki tey, sum innanfyri eru? |
76 | 113 | The digitization will generally modernize and rationalize the administration and services in the community and make the Faroe Islands competitive when it comes to digital infrastructure. | Talgildingin fer sum heild at nútíðargera og rationalisera umsiting og tænastur í samfelagnum og gera Føroyar kappingarførar, tá ið umræður talgilt undirstøðukervi. |
77 | 114 | The Shipmaster and Navigator Association first sent a message to the mediation office, and a few days later the Engineers' Association also decided to send a message to the mediation office. | Skipara og Navigatørfelagið boðsendi fyrst semingsstovninum, og nakrar dagar seinni avgjørdi Maskinmeistarafelagið eisini at boðsenda semingsstovninum. |
78 | 115 | Then he came back to Judah and said, I didn't find her; and the men of the place said, There has been no prostitute here. | Síðan kom hann aftur til Júda og segði:Eg fann hana ikki; og menn har um leið søgdu, at har hevði eingin skøkja verið. |
79 | 116 | It's not so easy today, now that so much has been broken down by the trust between Denmark and the Faroe Islands, to get back with demands. | Tað er ikki so lætt í dag, nú so nógv er niðurbrotið av álitinum millum Danmark og Føroyar, at koma afturumaftur við krøvum. |
80 | 117 | I am now 54 years old and have four children, whom I feel I have a duty to be more at home with. | Eg eri nú 54 ára gamal og eigi fýra børn, sum eg haldi meg hava skyldu til at vera meira heima hjá. |
81 | 118 | Bergur Poulsen says that when the Government has accepted that the industrial vessels will receive compensation for losing their fishing licenses, the companies on land must also receive it. | Bergur Poulsen sigur, at táið Landsstýrið hevur góðtikið, at ídnaðarskipini skulu fáa endurgjald fyri at tey mistu veiðiloyvi, mugu virkini á landi, eisini fáa tað. |
82 | 119 | And if you have anything to claim in any other way, it must be decided at a legal assembly! | Og hava tit nakað at krevja í nøkrum øðrum, má tað verða avgjørt á lógligum tingfundi! |
83 | 121 | The defense attorney said that all the red flags were flying high, because Nikolas Cruz on Youtube announced that he was going to be a professional school shooter, as he put it. | Verjin segði, at øll reyð fløgg veittraðu í fullari stong, tí Nikolas Cruz á Youtube boðaði frá, at hann ætlaði at vera professionellur skúla skotmaður, sum hann tók til. |
84 | 122 | The mast of Sornfelli also suffered so much damage in the storm at Christmas that it must be taken down this summer, otherwise there is a risk that it will topple over. | Masturin á Sornfelli fekk eisini so stóran skaða í ódnini um jóltíðir, at hon má takast niður í summar, tí annars er vandi fyri, at hon koppar. |
85 | 123 | The conditions for the greatest possible value creation are created when the land is managed by those who exploit the land so that it generates the most economic value. | Umstøðurnar fyri størst møguligu virðisøkingin verða skaptar, tá iðjørðin verður umsitin av teimum, ið gagnnýta jørðina, so hon búskaparliga kastar sum mest av sær. |
86 | 124 | Tróndur has told me that you are now preparing a new journey. Where is the route this time? | Tróndur hevur sagt mær, at tú nú fyrireikar eina nýggja ferð. Hvagar gongur leiðin hesaferð? |
87 | 125 | We have not yet checked whether the specified shelf life is accurate and what tests the company has done to determine shelf life. | Vit hava ikki kannað enn, um tann ásetta haldgóðskutíðin er eftirfarandi, og hvørjar kanningar virkið hevur gjørt fyri at áseta haldgóðskuna. |
88 | 128 | The morning show met the mayor of Nes Municipality for a chat about the upcoming elections, about building lots and about the challenges that come with the Eysturoy tunnel, which is knocking on the door. | Morgunsendingin hitti borgarstjóran í Nes Kommunu til eitt prát um nýval, um grundstykki og um avbjóðingar, ið fylgja við Eysturoyartunlinum, sum bankar á dyrnar. |
89 | 129 | According to the bill on fisheries, the Minister must present a bill to the parliament every year, if the term of validity should be extended by one year. | Sambært lógaruppskotinum um sjófeingi skal landsstýrismaðurin á hvørjum ári leggja uppskot fyri løgtingið, um gildistíðin skal leingjast við einum ári. |
90 | 130 | Now there is no longer any need to worry about international trade with Iceland, or to have extra supervision and restrictions, says the head of the Icelandic tax authority to RÚV. | Nú er ikki longur neyðugt at stúra fyri altjóða handli við Ísland, ella at hava eyka eftirlit og avmarkingar, sigur stjórin fyri íslendska skattavaldið við RÚV. |
91 | 131 | The village hall has been much talked about in recent years, and perhaps there are those who did not believe that this would become a reality. | Býlingshúsið hevur verið nógv umtalað tey seinastu árini óiva eru tað tey, sum ikki trúðu, at hetta fór at gerast veruleiki. |
92 | 132 | The Municipal Guarantee Fund will be transformed into a municipal loan fund and developed so that it in the future will be able to finance all the loan and financing needs of the municipalities. | Kommunali veðhaldsgrunnurin verður til kommunalan lánigrunn og mentur, so hann í framtíðini verðuyr førir fyri at fíggja allan láni- og fíggjartørv hjá kommununum. |
93 | 133 | Schools can't afford to buy computers for all the students, so they have to ask students to bring their own computers to the exam. | Skúlarnir hava ikki ráð til at keypa øllum næmningunum teldu, og tí noyðast teir at biðja næmingarnir taka sínar egnu teldur við til próvtøku. |
94 | 134 | So, the couple ended up owing half a million, which they have to pay off every month. | Sostatt komu hesi hjúnini at standa eftir við eini skuld uppá hálva millión, sum tey verða noydd at gjalda av, hvønn einasta mánaða. |
95 | 139 | Hans Gammeltoft Hansen says that the former minister did not hide the information intentionally, but it is a case of gross negligence. | Hans Gammeltoft Hansen sigur, at fyrrverandi landsstýrismaðurin duldi ikki upplýsingarnar við vilja, men talan er um grov uagtsomhed. |
96 | 141 | This is very unfortunate for us, because we lose a part of the Christmas sales, and it may cost money, says Jonhard Mikkelsen at the publishing house Sprotin. | Hetta er sera óheppið fyri okkum, tí vit missa ein part av jólasøluni, og tað kann fara at kosta pengar, sigur Jonhard Mikkelsen á forlagnum Sprotanum. |
97 | 143 | Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him; and he gave him this command: You must not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. | Tá rópti Ísakur Jákup og signaði hann; og hann gav honum hetta boð:Tú mást onga av døtrum Kána'ans taka tær til konu! Mós. |
98 | 144 | The slanderer shall not remain in the land; the evil-doer shall be struck one blow before and another after. | Baktalarin skal ikki verða standandi í landinum; óndur yvirgangskroppur skal verða raktur við einum slagnum fyri og øðrum eftir. |
99 | 145 | In addition to teaching, the representatives also got to try out role-playing games and group work. | Umframt undirvísing sluppu álitisfólkini eisini at royna seg í rolluspølum og bólkaarbeiði. |
licence: LICENCE
This is a synthetic dataset created by translating selected sentences from the Faroese BLARK dataset, translated from Faroese to English using GPT-Sw3. When using this dataset, please cite:
Barbara Scalvini and Iben Nyholm Debess. 2024. Evaluating the Potential of Language-family-specific Generative Models for Low-resource Data Augmentation: A Faroese Case Study. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 6496–6503, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.