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cameron was a social person so he rode together with his friends.
How would Cameron feel afterwards?
friendly to everyone
a great friend
Kendall is being paid to train Alex's dog.
What will Kendall want to do next?
train the dog to walk on hind legs
a dog trainer
train Alex's goldfish
Taylor grabbed Skylar's hands and pressed them together while they talked.
What does Taylor need to do before this?
make sandwiches for Skylar
ask to take Skylar's hands
sing to Skylar
After spending the entire day hiking in the forest, Riley began to hurt all over.
How would Riley feel afterwards?
Kendall raised their arm and their teacher Skylar let them answer the question.
How would Kendall feel afterwards?
Like they got to answer the question
good about giving Kendall an opportunity to answer questions
Like they don't know the answer
Carter was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter.
What did Carter need to do before this?
impressed with her application
happy to give a recommendation
finish the nursing prerequisites
bailey was a nice person so she provided support to members.
Why did Bailey do this?
meet all the members
have dinner with the members
be selfless
Quinn was in a hurry and was quickly driving down the highway.
How would you describe Quinn?
not in a rush
in a hurry
very unhappy
Bailey made Jesse a fortune by giving their business a shot.
What will happen to Bailey?
get thanked by Jesse
work for Jesse's business
he won't fail
Carson made progress on the report that they needed to complete for work.
What does Carson need to do before this?
avoid work
not work on the project
start writing
Addison drove too fast in the parking lot and so she almost hit Remy.
What will Addison want to do next?
confront her about almost hitting him
be angry that Remy was in the way
go over and apologize
Ash couldn't stand it anymore and started to clean their room.
What will Ash want to do next?
get aggravated
For their room to be clean
get mad about his room being dirty
Carson took in Aubrey's sense of style. Aubrey helped Carson to dress properly.
What will Carson want to do next?
become stylish
borrow more clothes
copy them
Cameron was able to sell Sasha's house for a great price.
Why did Cameron do this?
make money
be thanked
Remy saw Bailey's grandma and said hi to them.
Why did Remy do this?
Because the both know Bailey
Tell them it was nice seeing them
both talked to Bailey
Tracy carried a tune while driving home from work.
How would Tracy feel afterwards?
In a good mood
singing in the car
driving back from work
Kendall took a picture of Tracy at the dance.
What will Tracy want to do next?
print the photo
ask why Kendall took the picture
post the photo on social media
Skylar called to visit Remy but Remy's mother was there too visiting Remy also. Skylar could not be bothered entertaining Remy's mother.
How would you describe Skylar?
had felt loved
had felt happy
Skylar carried home the backpack for their friend who was hurt.
How would you describe Skylar?
a bad friend
someone who cares
Ash went home the champion after winning the race in the competition.
What will Ash want to do next?
run another race
Because Ash was a fast racer
Jesse visited their parents for an entire week for Christmas that year.
What will happen to Jesse?
get gifts
be reprimanded
get grounded
Jan came over one night and searched the house because she was scared a robber could their.
Why did Jan do this?
be safe
was afraid of criminals
Jeremiah was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter.
What did Jeremiah need to do before this?
not involved
not there
finish the nursing prerequisites
Tracy left the party exhausted after a long day of work and socializing.
Why did Tracy do this?
did this to get to school
did this because she had a long day
go to sleep
Quinn love the view of the beach from her hotel room.
What does Quinn need to do before this?
Pack her bags
Forget to go
Stay home instead
Ash played the game with Skylar well because they had been practicing their tennis skills for a long time.
How would Ash feel afterwards?
that it was fun
a persistent person
that it was tiring
Alex was simply another player until he made the winning goal.
What will Alex want to do next?
did this to win
quit next
be recognized next
Addison set Carson's phone alarm after Carson was late for work one day.
How would Carson feel as a result?
angry about being on time
annoyed at Addison
Tracy went to Sasha's house and there was a big meal being served.
What will Tracy want to do next?
enjoy the meal
go back to her home
ask Tracy to stay and enjoy the meal
Kai slowly walked the several blocks home from school after the principal suspended him.
What will Kai want to do next?
speak to his family about his suspension
needed to walk off the steam
was afraid of getting home too quickly
Cameron took their chance with the dice and won some money at the casino.
What will Cameron want to do next?
use all the winning money and her money to keep playing
go to a casino
try again
Bailey put his skates on to start playing the game.
How would Bailey feel afterwards?
bring his skates
would be happy to have his skates on/
Skylar drove a car for the very first time after obtaining their driver's license.
How would you describe Skylar?
more mature
a teen who learned to drive
a driver who just got a license
robin played in the mud so she got dirty in the park.
What does Robin need to do before this?
go to the spa
go and take a bath
go to the park
Jordan went to the park and tried to swing on the swing as high as they could.
Why did Jordan do this?
buy a boat
head to the park before this
get on the swing
Taylor ate right because she wanted to fit into a new bikini.
Why did Taylor do this?
satisfy her hunger
lose some weight
eat delicious food
Jordan was pleased that the winter weather had turned to spring.
What will Jordan want to do next?
not be cold anymore
do some gardening
have warmer weather
There was a fire, Sasha grabbed the extinguisher and saved the home from destruction.
How would you describe Sasha?
This typical design from a patent by Brooks
anxious but happy
sad to save the home
Bailey asked Casey's neighbor if she had seen Casey recently.
What will happen to Casey?
be lost forever
be found
yell for Casey
Austin got home safely after making a 12 hour drive across state lines.
What does Austin need to do before this?
take a nap while driving
stay awake while driving
go to bed
Casey urged Bailey to accept the grade against her direct wishes against it.
How would Casey feel afterwards?
like she did a bad thing
adamant in her task
like backing off
Austin was angry with Quinn so they cut Quinn's hand.
What will Austin want to do next?
be mean
be selfish
stop hurting Quinn
Sydney dropped to Carson's knees and asked her to marry him.
Why did Sydney do this?
hug Sydney close
fake her out
get married
Skylar was very angry and decided he wanted to mounted Kai's response.
What will happen to Skylar?
be mad at Skylar
need to calm down
mad at her
Quinn recovered the papers back after the wind blew them into the street.
Why did Quinn recover the papers?
store them in a locked briefcase
prevent car accidents
eat the paper
Jesse selected the thing that was best for you even tho Jesse knew you hated spinach with a passion.
How would you describe Jesse?
a success in his counseling endeavors
insensitive to people's real needs
a smart man worthy of being followed
Jesse got a ride to school with their friend in the morning.
What will Jesse want to do next?
go to class
Be waiting for friend to arrive
stay after school
Skylar made Addison do the science experiment to teach them the science.
How would Skylar feel afterwards?
an enthusiastic teacher
a good teacher
Good to help them learn
Sydney was a volunteer at a soup kitchen where Sydney provided food to people.
What will Others want to do next?
give back to others
appreciate Sydney for volunteering
discourage Sydney from volunteering
Jordan grew his own olives and when they were ready he put them in a jar.
How would Jordan feel afterwards?
a gardener
like a green thumb
a diligent worker
Riley walked around alex to get to the ordering counter first and get food.
What will Riley want to do next?
sell food
satiate their hunger
walk faster
Addison provided Kendall the correct answer on the math examination.
What does Addison need to do before this?
wanted to help Kendall
wanted to teach Kendall
Find the correct answer
Ash and Remy are in the campus library together studying for an upcoming exam which they both will have to take for the semester.
Why did Ash do this?
go to the library
send Remy a secret message or warning
get Remy's attention
Carson had been wanting to spend time with Taylor for a while, and finally got the courage to ask, so Carson invited Taylor to her house.
What will Carson want to do next?
leave early
hang out with Taylor
Ask him
Jan gave birth to a daughter yesterday.
Why did Jan do this?
was induced to give birth
didn't mean to
prepare to deliver a baby
Aubrey became separated from the group, yet was still with them.
What does Aubrey need to do before this?
take a break
party a lot
be loud
Austin gave the man a cold drink and some clean socks to wear.
What will Others want to do next?
get mad
be happy
be angry
Skylar decided to hire Tracy for a position at their company.
How would you describe Skylar?
a good addition to the company
pleased with their hiring choice
Alex saw a school play he liked and he really wanted to be in it.
What does Alex need to do before this?
audition for the school play
go to the auditions without practice
Audition for the play
Austin opened the closet door during a game of hide-and-go-seek, but did not find anyone.
Why did Austin do this?
Find a pair of socks
Find his little sister
call out that they can't find anyone
Lee flipped his lid when he found out that they had been gone all day long.
What will Lee want to do next?
punish them
Tracy was hereby obligated to drew attention to the fact that the class for that dai in question was cancelled.
Why did Tracy do this?
spread a rumor
spread information
make an announcement
Robin tilted Riley's head up to apply eye shadow and mascara before the wedding.
What will happen to Robin?
dance down the aisle
walk down the aisle
be Riley's flower girl
Kendall went to the store and bought some flour for cookies she was making.
How would Kendall feel afterwards?
bored and angry
angry and sad
happy about the cookies
Bailey gave the finger to the world after getting fed up from what happened.
What will Bailey want to do next?
go their own way
show them she was upset
show them she didn't care
Jan got a ticket in the mail. Jan wanted to go to court and fight it.
What does Jan need to do before this?
Take care of the problem
needed to break the car
needed to get a ticket
Jordan threw the door open adn ran outside.
Why did Jordan do this?
run around the block
embrace the cool, fresh air
jordan wanted to leave the house
Bailey was poor and didn't have anywhere to live. Bailey happily accepted the house they were given.
What will Bailey want to do afterwards?
thank everyone
ignore everyone
get the house furnished
Kendal helped ease the pain when she gave her friend some medicine.
How would Kendall feel afterwards?
worried about them
Sydney had Jordan over for a study date in their room. Sydney picked Jordan's favorite music.
How would Jordan feel as a result of it?
bad about it
disgusted by it
cool with it
Alex saw a lion at the zoo after it had escaped from the cage.
How would Alex feel afterwards?
Remy took her friend to school every day for the last 3 years.
What will Remy want to do next?
show gratitude
care for her friend
assist her friend
Taylor presented another movie even though the class was already bored of these types of movies.
How would you describe Taylor?
tired while watching the movie
irritated at watching another movie of this genre
Tracy read about politics online and participated in heated debate with their peers.
Why did Tracy do this?
become a well rounded individual
vote in an election
foment rebellion
Liam was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter.
What did Liam need to do before this?
say nice things about Liam to Lee
do good work for Lee to impress them
finish going to medical school
Remy got a new car for her birthday so she took her friend to school in it.
What does Remy need to do before taking her friend?
needed to make certain the car had gas
learn how to drive her new car
clean the new car to take her friend to school
Casey was thirsty, so they poured themselves a glass of water and took a sip.
How would Casey feel afterwards?
like drinking more
Jan focused Remy's attention on the assignment before them.
What does Jan need to do before this?
avoid Remy
quit school
be with Remy
Jan's dog was not potty trained, so Jan taught their dog how to go potty outside.
What does Jan need to do before this?
get a dog
lock the back gate
adopt a cat
Bailey asked Casey's neighbor if they wanted to go to the movies but Casey, Bailey's best friend, wasn't invited.
How would Casey feel as a result?
confused that they weren't invited
Robin wanted their friends to leave and the others were forced out.
What will Others want to do next?
leave Robin
be happy
force their friends to leave
Kai made them meet halfway and carpooled the rest of the way to work.
What will Kai want to do next?
drive to work
wanted to go to work with friends
do their best at work
Addison had been trying to keep their apartment clean but Casey kept refusing to pick up stuff.
What will Addison want to do next?
redesign the home
get annoyed with Casey
clean it up
Kai tested the student's scores. She wasn't happy with the work of the students.
What will Kai want to do next?
Just give up on them
Show them what they're doing wrong
Look at the scored further
Sasha and others noticed Bob didnt have money for lunch. Sasha gave Bob some french fries.
What will Others want to do next?
offer to take Bob's money
ask Bob for food
share their fries
Sasha was a hoarder but Lee quickly solved Sasha's problem.
What will happen to Sasha?
be hired by others
be thanked by Sasha
be cured
Taylor needed an answer to her problems and asked another person.
What will happen to Others?
hear Taylor out
know Taylor
find the answer
After getting a promotion at work, Skylar realized they had their wits about them.
How would you describe Skylar?
a deep sleeper
likes working hard
likes taking breaks
Alex went to the dog pound with Addison.
How would Alex feel afterwards?
didn't want to see animals
was proud of Addison for picking a nice puppy
was mad at Addison
Tracy caught the mouse that was hanging around in the living room.
What will Tracy want to do next?
set a trap
be patient
get read of it
By the time Aubrey had realized the mistake, they had painted themselves into a corner.
How would you describe Aubrey?
foolish about the error
Bailey had a big garden and the grasshoppers completely destroyed it.
How would Bailey feel afterwards?
felt defeated
Fed up about it
Very mad about it
Lee talked to many people and made Carson a good wife.
What will Lee want to do next?
hug and hold her hand daily
meet a lot of new people
be a good conversationalist
Remy prevented the pancakes from sticking. Remy was a good cook.
How would you describe Remy?
a terrible cook
not a fan of breakfast
a fan of breakfast
Alex would eventually find peace by retiring a little early and going camping.
Why did Alex do this?
Sasha sang at work when it came to a guests' birthday.
Why did Sasha do this?
wanted to pester the guest
wanted to earn money singing
Addison got into an unfamiliar and busted up car and almost hit Remy.
What will Remy want to do next?
take the car to a good mechanic
be somewhat upset with Addison
Slam on the brakes
Jesse thanked her roommate Sasha for playing no tricks on her in their daily life, even though Sasha was a known prankster.
What will Sasha want to do next?
Apologize for pranking Jesse so many times
Cancel the prank she planned on her friend
Brag about all the pranks she's done on Jesse
Ash made a mistake at work and Riley gave Ash another chance.
What will Riley want to do next?
try harder than ever to improve
wants Ash to do well
knows about people
Cameron had trouble paying her bills after she was doing poorly at work and got fired.
What does Cameron need to do before this?
be without friends
be without house
be doing bad at work
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