stringlengths 11
DATE the seventeenth of march twenty fourteen 17.03.2014 1 |
DATE the seventeenth of march twenty fourteen the seventeenth of march twenty fourteen 1 |
MONEY twenty seven thousand one hundred eighty eight dollars $27,188 120 |
MONEY twenty seven thousand one hundred eighty eight dollars twenty seven thousand one hundred eighty eight dollars 1 |
MONEY thirty six thousand two hundred fifty dollars $36,250 602 |
MONEY thirty six thousand two hundred fifty dollars us$36,250 1 |
MONEY thirty six thousand two hundred fifty dollars thirty six thousand two hundred fifty dollars 1 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29 may 2014 3066 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 2014-05-29 126 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29.05.2014 3 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29-05-2014 1 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen the 29 may 2014 3 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29 may, 2014 1 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29-may-2014 1 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 29th may 2014 1 |
DATE the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen the twenty ninth of may twenty fourteen 1 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26 april 2014 2449 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26th april 2014 2 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 2014-04-26 87 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26 apr. 2014 12 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26 apr 2014 8 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26 april, 2014 3 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 26.04.2014 3 |
DATE the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen the twenty sixth of april twenty fourteen 1 |
LETTERS m r n a mrna 4439 |
LETTERS m r n a m r n a 1 |
LETTERS m h mh 4082 |
LETTERS m h m.h. 1309 |
LETTERS m h mh- 368 |
LETTERS m h m. h. 1726 |
LETTERS m h mh' 1 |
LETTERS m h m h 1 |
DATE june two thousand four june 2004 3211 |
DATE june two thousand four jun 2004 245 |
DATE june two thousand four june 2004, 6 |
DATE june two thousand four jun. 2004 1 |
DATE june two thousand four june two thousand four 1 |
LETTERS s f sf 8058 |
LETTERS s f s. f. 657 |
LETTERS s f s.f. 1534 |
LETTERS s f sf- 296 |
LETTERS s f 'sf 4 |
LETTERS s f sf, 2 |
LETTERS s f s f 1 |
DATE two thousand two 2002 286880 |
DATE two thousand two 2002, 200 |
DATE two thousand two 2002/ 31 |
DATE two thousand two two thousand two 1 |
CARDINAL fifty 50 109348 |
CARDINAL fifty 50, 165 |
CARDINAL fifty 50: 15 |
CARDINAL fifty 50- 14 |
CARDINAL fifty fifty 1 |
DATE april twenty eleven april 2011 6069 |
DATE april twenty eleven apr 2011 150 |
DATE april twenty eleven apr. 2011 11 |
DATE april twenty eleven april twenty eleven 1 |
PLAIN theater theatre 104575 |
PLAIN theater theater 1 |
DATE nineteen ninety six 1996 194459 |
DATE nineteen ninety six 1996/ 66 |
DATE nineteen ninety six 1996, 1 |
DATE nineteen ninety six nineteen ninety six 1 |
PLAIN color colour 26959 |
PLAIN color color 1 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth 25th 9150 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth xxv 100 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth xxvth 20 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth 25º 5 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth 25 th 2 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth 25th, 1 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth 25ª 1 |
ORDINAL twenty fifth twenty fifth 1 |
DATE nineteen eighty three 1983 101944 |
DATE nineteen eighty three 1983, 1 |
DATE nineteen eighty three 1983/ 25 |
DATE nineteen eighty three nineteen eighty three 1 |
DATE nineteen eleven 1911 35465 |
DATE nineteen eleven 1911/ 10 |
DATE nineteen eleven 1911, 1 |
DATE nineteen eleven nineteen eleven 1 |
DATE thirteen seventy one 1371 516 |
DATE thirteen seventy one 1371/ 3 |
DATE thirteen seventy one thirteen seventy one 1 |
CARDINAL two ii 208926 |
CARDINAL two 2 677169 |
CARDINAL two 2: 762 |
CARDINAL two 2, 1964 |
CARDINAL two 02 1347 |
CARDINAL two 20 915 |
CARDINAL two 2- 107 |
CARDINAL two ii, 6 |
CARDINAL two 002 2 |
CARDINAL two ii m 4 |
CARDINAL two ii b 4 |
CARDINAL two ii i 2 |
CARDINAL two ii a 1 |
CARDINAL two two 1 |
LETTERS y p g ypg- 25 |
LETTERS y p g ypg 493 |
Subsets and Splits