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Nu map from other shells and domain specific languages

The idea behind this table is to help you understand how Nu builtins and plugins relate to other known shells and domain specific languages. We've tried to produce a map of relevant Nu commands and what their equivalents are in other languages. Contributions are welcome.

Note: this table assumes Nu 0.43 or later.

Nushell SQL .Net LINQ (C#) PowerShell (without external modules) Bash
alias alias alias
append Append -Append
math avg avg Average Measure-Object, measure
calc, <math expression> math operators Aggregate, Average, Count, Max, Min, Sum bc
cd Set-Location, cd cd
clear Clear-Host clear
config $Profile vi .bashrc, .profile
cp Copy-Item, cp, copy cp
date NOW() / getdate() DateTime class Get-Date date
du du
each cursor ForEach-Object, foreach, for
exit exit exit
http HttpClient,WebClient, HttpWebRequest/Response Invoke-WebRequest wget
first top, limit First, FirstOrDefault Select-Object -First head
format String.Format String.Format
from import flatfile, openjson, cast(variable as xml) Import/ConvertFrom-{Csv,Xml,Html,Json}
get Select (cmd).column
group-by group by GroupBy, group Group-Object, group
help sp_help Get-Help, help, man man
history Get-History, history history
is-empty is null String.InNullOrEmpty String.InNullOrEmpty
kill Stop-Process, kill kill
last Last, LastOrDefault Select-Object -Last tail
length count Count Measure-Object, measure wc
lines File.ReadAllLines
ls Get-ChildItem, dir, ls ls
mkdir mkdir, md mkdir
mv Move-Item, mv, move, mi mv
nth limit x offset y, rownumber = ElementAt [x], indexing operator, ElementAt
open Get-Content, gc, cat, type cat
print print, union all Write-Output, write echo
transpose pivot
ps Get-Process, ps, gps ps
pwd Get-Location, pwd pwd
range Range 1..10, 'a'..'f'
reduce Aggregate
rename Rename-Item, ren, rni mv
reverse Reverse [Array]::Reverse($var)
rm Remove-Item, del, erase, rd, ri, rm, rmdir rm
save Write-Output, Out-File > foo.txt
select select Select Select-Object, select
shuffle Random Sort-Object {Get-Random}
size Measure-Object, measure wc
skip where row_number() Skip Select-Object -Skip
skip until SkipWhile
skip while SkipWhile
sort-by order by OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending Sort-Object, sort
split-by Split Split
str string functions String class String class
str join concat_ws Join Join-String
str trim rtrim, ltrim Trim, TrimStart, TrimEnd Trim
sum sum Sum Measure-Object, measure
sys Get-ComputerInfo uname, lshw, lsblk, lscpu, lsusb, hdparam, free
table Format-Table, ft, Format-List, fl
take top, limit Take Select-Object -First head
take until TakeWhile
take while TakeWhile
timeit Measure-Command time
to Export/ConvertTo-{Csv,Xml,Html,Json}
touch Set-Content touch
uniq distinct Distinct Get-Unique, gu uniq
upsert As
version select @@version $PSVersionTable
with-env $env:FOO = 'bar' export foo = "bar"
where where Where Where-Object, where, "?" operator
which which