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Nu map from functional languages

The idea behind this table is to help you understand how Nu builtins and plugins relate to functional languages. We've tried to produce a map of relevant Nu commands and what their equivalents are in other languages. Contributions are welcome.

Note: this table assumes Nu 0.43 or later.

Nushell Clojure Tablecloth (Ocaml / Elm) Haskell
append conj, into, concat append, (++), concat, concatMap (++)
into binary Integer/toHexString showHex
count count length, size length, size
date java.time.LocalDate/now
each map, mapv, iterate map, forEach map, mapM
exit System/exit
first first head head
format format Text.Printf.printf
group-by group-by group, groupBy
help doc
is-empty empty? isEmpty
last last, peek, take-last last last
lines lines, words, split-with
match match (Ocaml), case (Elm) case
nth nth Array.get lookup
open with-open
transpose (apply mapv vector matrix) transpose
prepend cons cons, :: ::
print println putStrLn, print
range, 1..10 range range 1..10, 'a'..'f'
reduce reduce, reduce-kv foldr foldr
reverse reverse, rseq reverse, reverseInPlace reverse
select select-keys
shuffle shuffle
size count size, length
skip rest tail tail
skip until drop-while
skip while drop-while dropWhile dropWhile, dropWhileEnd
sort-by sort, sort-by, sorted-set-by sort, sortBy, sortWith sort, sortBy
split row split, split-{at,with,lines} split, words, lines split, words, lines
str clojure.string functions String functions
str join join concat intercalate
str trim trim, triml, trimr trim, trimLeft, trimRight strip
sum apply + sum sum
take take, drop-last, pop take, init take, init
take until take-while takeWhile takeWhile
take while take-while takeWhile takeWhile
uniq set Set.empty Data.Set
where filter, filterv, select filter, filterMap filter