# Programming in Nu |
This chapter goes into more detail of Nushell as a programming language. |
Each major language feature has its own section. |
Just like most programming languages allow you to define functions, Nushell uses [custom commands](custom_commands.md) for this purpose. |
From other shells you might be used to [aliases](aliases.md). |
Nushell's aliases work in a similar way and are a part of the programming language, not just a shell feature. |
Common operations can, such as addition or regex search, be done with [operators](operators.md). |
Not all operations are supported for all data types and Nushell will make sure to let you know. |
You can store intermediate results to [variables](variables_and_subexpressions.md) and immediately evaluate subroutines with [subexpressions](variables_and_subexpressions.html#subexpressions). |
The last three sections are aimed at organizing your code: |
[Scripts](scripts.md) are the simplest form of code organization: You just put the code into a file and source it. |
However, you can also run scripts as standalone programs with command line signatures using the "special" `main` command. |
With [modules](modules.md), just like in many other programming languages, it is possible to compose your code from smaller pieces. |
Modules let you define a public interface vs. private commands and you can import custom commands, aliases, and environment variables from them. |
[Overlays](overlays.md) build on top of modules. |
By defining an overlay, you bring in module's definitions into its own swappable "layer" that gets applied on top of other overlays. |
This enables features like activating virtual environments or overriding sets of default commands with custom variants. |
The help message of some built-in commands shows a [signature](command_signature.md). You can take a look at it to get general rules how the command can be used. |
The standard library also has a [testing framework](testing.md) if you want to prove your reusable code works perfectly. |