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Working with lists

Creating lists

A list is an ordered collection of values. You can create a list with square brackets, surrounded values separated by spaces and/or commas (for readability). For example, [foo bar baz] or [foo, bar, baz].

Updating lists

You can update and insert values into lists as they flow through the pipeline, for example let's insert the value 10 into the middle of a list:

> [1, 2, 3, 4] | insert 2 10
# [1, 2, 10, 3, 4]

We can also use update to replace the 2nd element with the value 10.

> [1, 2, 3, 4] | update 1 10
# [1, 10, 3, 4]

Removing or adding items from list

In addition to insert and update, we also have prepend and append. These let you insert to the beginning of a list or at the end of the list, respectively.

For example:

let colors = [yellow green]
let colors = ($colors | prepend red)
let colors = ($colors | append purple)
let colors = ($colors ++ "blue")
let colors = ("black" ++ $colors)
$colors # [black red yellow green purple blue]

In case you want to remove items from list, there are many ways. skip allows you skip first rows from input, while drop allows you to skip specific numbered rows from end of list.

let colors = [red yellow green purple]
let colors = ($colors | skip 1)
let colors = ($colors | drop 2)
$colors # [yellow]

We also have last and first which allow you to take from the end or beginning of the list, respectively.

let colors = [red yellow green purple black magenta]
let colors = ($colors | last 3)
$colors # [purple black magenta]

And from the beginning of a list,

let colors = [yellow green purple]
let colors = ($colors | first 2)
$colors # [yellow green]

Iterating over lists

To iterate over the items in a list, use the each command with a block of Nu code that specifies what to do to each item. The block parameter (e.g. |it| in { |it| print $it }) is the current list item, but the enumerate filter can be used to provide index and item values if needed. For example:

let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
$names | each { |it| $"Hello, ($it)!" }
# Outputs "Hello, Mark!" and three more similar lines.

$names | enumerate | each { |it| $"($it.index + 1) - ($it.item)" }
# Outputs "1 - Mark", "2 - Tami", etc.

The where command can be used to create a subset of a list, effectively filtering the list based on a condition.

The following example gets all the colors whose names end in "e".

let colors = [red orange yellow green blue purple]
$colors | where ($it | str ends-with 'e')
# The block passed to `where` must evaluate to a boolean.
# This outputs the list [orange blue purple].

In this example, we keep only values higher than 7.

let scores = [7 10 8 6 7]
$scores | where $it > 7 # [10 8]

The reduce command computes a single value from a list. It uses a block which takes 2 parameters: the current item (conventionally named it) and an accumulator (conventionally named acc). To specify an initial value for the accumulator, use the --fold (-f) flag. To change it to have index and item values, use the enumerate filter. For example:

let scores = [3 8 4]
$"total = ($scores | reduce { |it, acc| $acc + $it })" # total = 15

$"total = ($scores | math sum)" # easier approach, same result

$"product = ($scores | reduce --fold 1 { |it, acc| $acc * $it })" # product = 96

$scores | enumerate | reduce --fold 0 { |it, acc| $acc + $it.index * $it.item } # 0*3 + 1*8 + 2*4 = 16

Accessing the list

To access a list item at a given index, use the $name.index form where $name is a variable that holds a list.

For example, the second element in the list below can be accessed with $names.1.

let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
$names.1 # gives Tami

If the index is in some variable $index we can use the get command to extract the item from the list.

let names = [Mark Tami Amanda Jeremy]
let index = 1
$names | get $index # gives Tami

The length command returns the number of items in a list. For example, [red green blue] | length outputs 3.

The is-empty command determines whether a string, list, or table is empty. It can be used with lists as follows:

let colors = [red green blue]
$colors | is-empty # false

let colors = []
$colors | is-empty # true

The in and not-in operators are used to test whether a value is in a list. For example:

let colors = [red green blue]
'blue' in $colors # true
'yellow' in $colors # false
'gold' not-in $colors # true

The any command determines if any item in a list matches a given condition. For example:

let colors = [red green blue]
# Do any color names end with "e"?
$colors | any {|it| $it | str ends-with "e" } # true

# Is the length of any color name less than 3?
$colors | any {|it| ($it | str length) < 3 } # false

let scores = [3 8 4]
# Are any scores greater than 7?
$scores | any {|it| $it > 7 } # true

# Are any scores odd?
$scores | any {|it| $it mod 2 == 1 } # true

The all command determines if every item in a list matches a given condition. For example:

let colors = [red green blue]
# Do all color names end with "e"?
$colors | all {|it| $it | str ends-with "e" } # false

# Is the length of all color names greater than or equal to 3?
$colors | all {|it| ($it | str length) >= 3 } # true

let scores = [3 8 4]
# Are all scores greater than 7?
$scores | all {|it| $it > 7 } # false

# Are all scores even?
$scores | all {|it| $it mod 2 == 0 } # false

Converting the list

The flatten command creates a new list from an existing list by adding items in nested lists to the top-level list. This can be called multiple times to flatten lists nested at any depth. For example:

[1 [2 3] 4 [5 6]] | flatten # [1 2 3 4 5 6]

[[1 2] [3 [4 5 [6 7 8]]]] | flatten | flatten | flatten # [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]

The wrap command converts a list to a table. Each list value will be converted to a separate row with a single column:

let zones = [UTC CET Europe/Moscow Asia/Yekaterinburg]

# Show world clock for selected time zones
$zones | wrap 'Zone' | upsert Time {|it| (date now | date to-timezone $it.Zone | format date '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M')}