200 Chanel RTW looks with model image/video and details of the items being worn, split across 3 seasons.
spring-summer 2024
and cruise 2023/24
feature models from diverse backgrounds and has video, spring-summer 2024 pre-collection
has a range of looks for 2 models and has no video. Video is of model on the catwalk. Images show the entire outfit.
Items have a class-like name e.g. "Dress"
, "Rectangle Sunglasses"
and a description "Dress Tweed, Black & Multicolour"
, "Rectangle Sunglasses Acetate, Metal & Calfskin, Black"
, the description relates to materials, color, size etc.
Item images may be a closeup or have a plain background, images from other angles etc can be found at the item's url.