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Josephine Crewe. A novel
272 JOSEPHINE CREWE moved from the valley, and the sunshine also left it, and only gilded the trees high on the hillside, where they stretched their branches against the pale blue of the autumn sky. Then we rose and walked slowly down the valley. Humphrey's arm was round me, and we lingered as we went, and talked brokenly, and laughed low. We were going together to tell Uncle Crewe our news. " God bless you, dear ; you have made me very happy," he said, as he took me in his arms and kissed me fondly. If he suffered a pang of sorrow, he concealed it, aud there was nothing to indicate that he felt it was Pete's bride I should have been. It may have been for my sake he hid it, but I fancy it was rather that his mind had so far aged that it had become incapable of dwelling constantly on any one subject, and now our pleasure and the pleasure of the moment were sufficient for the time. Late that evening I went to the drawing-room and found only Aunt Eliza there. Her cap had fallen back and left visible the fast-increasing bald ness of her head, and her expression was anxious and perturbed. Her conduct that afternoon had altogether surprised me, for on hearing of our engagement, she had kissed both Humphrey and me, and had burst into tears; a display of feeling on which I had by no means calculated. "Sit down, Josephine, and let us talk about it," she said. " It makes me all of a tremble when I
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
273 JOSEPHINE CREWE think of Amelia and Jo, and then of you. It is like a whirligig, and makes me almost ill. All round and round. I remember a child falling off one at the fair, and they buried it in the new cemetery. And that is just what I want to talk about — it's my death." " But you don't feel ill, Aunt Eliza ? " " Oh no, my dear, only you know I always am what you may call ill, and I always say it is those that are well that die fastest. There is a terrible lot of death nowadays. I did say you were none of mine, and that you should not call me aunt to your uncle who is so, but now it was all ordered for the best, for the Wyldes are a high family. As for Mrs. Holland, I can't abide that woman, and you did well to say no to that moon-faced son that is for ever casting sheep's-eyes at you. I am glad about it, Josephine, seeing that I never had a girl of my own to have Humphrey. And as for Giles Holland, he shan't bury me, and you have heard me say it. No, I'll lie in the new cemetery in W ." " But there is the family vault in the churchyard here." " I know that, but I won't lie there, for it is my belief it can't be wholesome. It can't, you know, with so many, and some so old, and dead of one thing and another. A new cemetery is healthier, and on the top of the hill, too, and with such a fine prospect." T
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
274 JOSEPHINE CREWE "Very well, Aunt Eliza, I will remember your wishes." " I am your uncle's wife, Josephine, so I sup pose you will wear black for me, even if you arc married ? " " Certainly, if you wish it." " And your husband now ? " Her eager glance betrayed her wish ; I understood her whole perturbation, and solemnly promised that Humphrey should wear black. " But about the following, Josephine ? " " Humphrey shall follow you, Aunt Eliza." " The Squire ! Well, that is pleasant ! It is a pleasure I never expected ; no, I never thought I should live to see it, I didn't really now ! " She fairly cried for joy, while she added — " Well, I am very glad about this wedding, and you won't forget, will you ? How proud my poor father would have been if he could have seen my funeral ! " For many months before that day I had not dreamt of my mother, but now night after night she visited my dreams in varied guise, and never once did I fall asleep without the feeling that she stood by my bedside. Sometimes Pete was with her. It awoke a vague uneasiness, and I told Humphrey of it, but he made light of the matter, and tried to laugh such thoughts away. " Yet I wish that Pete and I had never met," I told him, and then I tried to think no more of Pete.
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
275 XI " The serpent beguiled me." — Genesis iii. 13. Humphrey stood watching us, and laughing, as I knelt on the terrace steps and played with our little son. It was a bright spring day, and no flower opening in the sunshine was half so beautiful as this golden-haired, blue-eyed baby. I looked up in Humphrey's face, and smiled to see how proudly he watched the child, ay, and how fondly he looked at us both ; and then I looked down with a quick sense of fear, for there was a cloud to the brightness of my day. Humphrey noticed it, and inquired what was amiss. I rose with the child clinging to my hand, and looked anxiously, almost fearfully, at my husband, as I turned to walk slowly by his side. " You will be angry with me if I tell you, Humphrey : you will say it is foolish." " But what if I promise to try to curb my scorn and anger ? Don't you think my temper trustworthy ? " " It is no laughing matter to me," I said gravely. ;' It has made me miserable for the last two days." " If that is the case, dear, I will listen in all
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
276 JOSEPHINE CREWE soberness," he said, and he laid his hand on my shoulder, prepared to give me his full attention. I kept my eyes on his face, and saw he frowned slightly as I continued — "Then I will tell you. I have been dreaming again. Yes, I can't help it, Humphrey, I have been dreaming about my mother. For the last three nights I have had dreams about her. Last night I dreamt she used terrible words, and struck me, and then she cried as if her heart would break, and though I tried, I could not go near her to comfort her. You may think it nonsense, but it makes me miserable. All day long the thought of it keeps recurring to me, and it gives me an oppressed, uneasy feeling, as if something were wrong." " But, Josephine, nothing is wrong ; everything is just as usual." " No, something is wrong ; something must be wrong," I answered unreasoningly. " Now this is nonsense," he said, " and I cannot believe you can be so foolish as to give any credence to a dream. When we first married, and before then, too, you told me you had dreams about your mother, and what misfortune have they foretold ? Has not our life ever since flowed as smoothly as any man and woman's life can flow ? Have not we had every blessing and happiness, Josephine ? At least I can answer for myself that I have." And he smiled at me and the child. " Now put these silly thoughts out of your head, and come with me
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 277 to the Old Farm. I shall be out all to-morrow, and there is something there that I must see to first." I took the child in my arms to carry him in, and as I listened to his baby laughter and prattle, and felt the touch of his soft little hands as he patted my cheek, I felt the truth of Humphrey's words, and knew that no evil, but much good, had followed the old dreams that had distressed me. In truth no woman could wish for a happier life than mine had been since I married. Humphrey was the best of husbands, and if he was stricter and firmer than any one with whom I had ever had to do, he was yet just, and kind, and considerate, and I could not wish for a truer love than his. I had not lost my old home and those there who were dear to me ; I loved my husband and my child, and I was rich in every worldly prosperity. As I rubbed my cheek softly against my baby's curls, and looked round at all the beauty of my home, I tried to feel happy and content as usual, — yet I wished I had not dreamed those dreams. It was very warm, so that when Humphrey and I started, we walked on the shady side of the road, and turned into the fields as soon as we were able. The Old Farm lay on the Rookery side of the estate, and not far from the mill-stream. We walked by the stream, and enjoyed the coolness of its moist and shady banks. We had had much rain recently, so that the stream brimmed more fully than usual and rushed, strong and cold, over its rocky bed.
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
278 JOSEPHINE CREWE I noticed as we passed the pine-wood on the farther bank that it would have been difficult and dangerous to attempt to reach the little natural bridge of rock that had been so favourite a resort of mine and of the lonely hern. It was long since I had sat there now, for my life was no longer wild and free as at the Rookery. A very proper decorum made Hum phrey object to a wandering wife who roamed the country at all hours of the night or day, and I had yielded at once to the restraint imposed, though from want of thought I had been unprepared for it. We walked slowly, and talked much as we went. Humphrey was now in Parliament, and had much to say on political subjects, besides the gossip of a politician's life; but often, as we talked, we paused to notice the lights and shadows in the clear brown water, to watch the course of a water-rat up the stream, to see the fish rise, or to listen to the note of a bird and make sure we recognized it. Thus almost before we thought of it, we came to where the path turned off across two sunny fields to the Old Farm. At Humphrey's suggestion, I agreed to await his return in the shade by the water-side. He would not be ten minutes, he said, but we kissed at parting like lovers, and I watched him start across the fields, and waved my hand to him as he passed behind a hedge. When he was gone I went a little farther by the water to where a rotting wooden bridge led across from the ivy-clad ruins of a mill to the roofless and
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 279 half-fallen miller's house on the other bank. I stood on the little bridge and looked dreamily at the water that rushed and boiled beneath me between the wet, black rocks on which the bridge rested. On my left was the silent mill with its motionless wheel, beneath which the water dripped and trickled dankly, where once, leaping and foam ing, it had set the great wheel turning. On my right stood the little ruined house. There were a few spring flowers among the grass in the over grown garden, and the cherry trees were white with blossom in the neglected orchard. The orchard lay on a narrow strip of ground between the stream and the high wall of rock from which the mill and the cottage had long ago been quarried. Overhead the sky was a glorious blue ; the trees that looked down from the summit of the rock were a tender spring green, and the blossoms of the cherry trees were white and dazzling against the red sandstone of the cliff behind them. Ten minutes was the time that Humphrey had named, but it seemed a long ten minutes that I stood there, as I believed, utterly alone, and watched the swallows that had not long come, as they twittered round the eaves of the old mill or skimmed the surface of the water. I saw no other living creature save a sheep, who, with her two lambs, had strayed across the bridge and was feeding in the little orchard. It was drowsily pleasant standing above the water listening to its endless splash, but
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
280 JOSEPHINE CREWE at length I tired of the dazzling light that gilded the stream here and there, and turning from the bridge, I went to gather the cherry blossom in the orchard. There was a cherry tree whose flowers were more abundant than those of any other, but it grew close to the rock above the stream, and the long, white branches hung out over the water. I gathered what I could reach till my hands were half full of the trails of fairy whiteness, but there was one branch on which I had set my heart, and it hung far out, and was just beyond my grasp. Then a strange thing happened. Silently, — for I had heard no movement, no step on the grass, — a hand was reached from behind me, and the white branch snapped, and was held out towards me. I let it fall to my feet, and loosed those I held, as, with a startled cry, I turned and found myself face to face with Pete. His dark face was glad at the sight of me, his dark eyes shone, and when he held out his arms towards me, I clasped mine about his neck and kissed him. Yes, I kissed him, Pete my brother, my playfellow, the friend of my childhood, my love, my Pete come back to me ! In that overpowering moment I forgot his sins, I forgot Humphrey, I forgot everything but Pete ; there was no time, no room, for any other thought ; I was conscious of Pete, and of Pete only. " Pete ! " I cried, and " Josephine," he whispered tenderly, " my Josephine." Then I held back from
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
281 JOSEPHINE CREWE him and looked in his face, and I saw that he was changed. Yes, his face was sad despite the smile that lighted eyes and lips at the sight of me, and he looked worn and thin and ill, terribly ill. In an instant I felt it all, felt all the sadness and sickness and terrible loneliness from which he had suffered, and it swept away the thought of self. All troubles and pleasures, all bitterness and joys were forgotten, and I thought of nothing but him. "Oh, Pete," I cried; "Pete, my dearest." My eyes were brimming with tears as he took my hands and kissed them, and kissed my face and my hair with a rapturous happiness. Together we sat on the fallen stones of the orchard wall, hand clasped in hand, and eyes that met with a world to ask and tell. But again the tears came, for all too fast I read an awful truth as I looked in the face that I had loved so fondly. Across it now rested the shadow of Death, and I had seen on the face of the dying the look that Pete's wore. My heart grew cold, and colder still, as I met the strange, wistful expression of his great dark eyes. " Pete, you are ill," I whispered, and I drew close to him, and held his hands tightly. "Yes, but you shall cure me, Josephine. Oh, how I have longed for you, and sickened to know you were far away ! How I have dreamed of your beau tiful face and your golden hair, and hungered for the sound of your voice ! Dearest, I have dreamed you were there, and I have sobbed like a child to
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
282 JOSEPHINE CREWE wake and find it a dream. Yes, I have cried like a woman or a child for you." " Oh, Pete, and I watched and waited for you, but you never came. Why did you never come and never write ? " " It is a long tale, and I am too tired to tell you now. It is enough to see you and be with you again." " Does Uncle Crewe know you have come home ? " " No, it was you I wanted, and you I came to look for first. I thought jrou might be in the pine-wood or one of your old haunts, but from the pine-wood I saw you on the bridge and followed you here." I looked at him, and I saw how worn he was, and that there was something wistful and hungry in the way he watched me, as if his love had been starved so long that he could not believe in his present satisfaction, could not drink in his happiness fast enough. As we sat there time stepped back for me, and all the present and the near past were blotted out. Pete was once more my god, and my heart yearned towards him. His very sickness touched me and drew me to him, and no shadow lay between us as I kissed his lips and raised his hands and kissed those, too. Yet while I still held his hands my eyes strayed across the water, and I saw Humphrey come loitering by the stream. For one moment I watched indifferently, then I sprang from Pete's side and stood before him, as cold as death, and well-nigh beside myself. " Pete ! " I cried, in wild entreaty ; " Pete, my
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
283 JOSEPHINE CREWE darling, go away ! Never look at me again ; never think of me ! Pete, I would to God you had never come home ! Oh, Pete, my darling, go away ; if you love me go away, go away ! Our lives are spoilt, Pete ; our hearts are broken. Go away ! " I took him roughly by the arm as if to drive him from me, but he stood up with a face pale with fear, and laid a hand on my shoulder. " Josephine, what have you done ? Tell me quickly." " Oh, Pete, they persuaded me," I cried in despair, like Eve of old. " Uncle Crewe said it was the greatest happiness I could give him, and Humphrey was good and had loved me for years, and I was fond of him. I thought you were dead, Pete ; but, oh, my God, it is you I love, you I love ! " " Josephine, what have you done ? ' " I have married Humphrey, but it is you I love," I cried, and scarcely knowing what I did or said, I tried to throw myself into his arms ; but he repulsed me, and looked at me with a stunned, help less expression on his white face. Then above the rush of the water came the sound of a merry whistle and snatches of song sung in a pleasant voice, and, all unsuspecting, Humphrey crossed the little bridge aud came to join me in the orchard. With wide frightened eyes I watched him come through the trees. I saw him strike carelessly at a dead branch, and put aside a budding bough of apple blossom that crossed his path ; then, as he
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
284 JOSEPHINE CREWE looked round, his eye caught the light dress I wore, and he came towards me with a smile. " Are you cross with me, Jo, for having kept yon so long ? It was unavoidable, for Why, Pete ! What, is it really you ? Welcome home, old fellow ! Why, I am gladder to see you back than I can say ! " He spoke warmly, and shook Pete by the hand with the ready and deep affection of their boyhood ; but Pete met his proffered hand mechanically, and answered never a word. I, too, was silent, and Humphrey looked from one to the other, and his handsome face crimsoned. Old scenes had been painful, and changes had been wrought since Pete had left, changes old to us, but new to him. Pete turned his ghastly, haggard face towards me, and Humphrey murmured, almost apologetically — " I forgot that you did not know we were married." " Had I known it, I would never again have set foot here," he answered, and he stumbled as he sat down on the broken wall, and leaned his bent head between his hands. I watched him, all forgetful that it was he who had divided us, and wrought such sore mischief; f only felt that my Pete was brought low, and that it was my hand that had struck him down. I forgot old revolting scenes, a man made despicable, a char acter devoid of strength, a mind bereft of clearness : I had gone back beyond that time to the love of my childhood and early girlhood, and my heart yearned passionately over this wreck of rny idol. He was
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 285 broken-hearted, and it was for my sake ; and ah ! it was spring-time, and the world was bright and fair and full of promise, but Pete's life was dark and shattered, and the long night was coming fast to wards him. While Humphrey stood and watched us, I knelt down by the side of Pete's bent figure, and put my arms round his neck, and leaning my cheek against his bowed head, I whispered what foolish, loving words rose to my lips. " Humphrey, how could you take her from me?" he asked. "You love her; then how could you think I could love her and afterwards forget her? She was mine, and you took her away." " Nonsense, Pete ! Your engagement was at an end, and you had left her, and been silent till we thought you dead. Then I was free to win her if I could. There was no reason why your shadow should darken my life, ay, and hers, too." I drew back and looked at Pete, and I saw a fire was kindled in his eyes, and that he was rousing himself from under the dead weight of the blow that had fallen on him. I trembled, for shattered though his strength might be, there was power still in that great frame, and the old wild passion was in his eyes. It was a lonely place where we were, cut off from the world by the high rocks on the one hand, and the deep, dark mill-stream on the other ; and I was afraid, for Pete knew how to speak a cruel, taunting word, and deal a heavy blow, and Humphrey would go all lengths for my sake.
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
286 JOSEPHINE CREWE The sunlight fell on the white cherry boughs, and the swallows flew and twittered; but Pete's thin face was dark and sunless as he rose, and clutched at the branch of an apple tree, making it creak in his grip, and scattering the pink blossoms on the ground. "You have made my life black, and your own shall not be bright, so help me God ! " he said, lowering fiercely at Humphrey. " You have done an ill day's work, and you shall receive meet wages. You free to win Josephine ! She free to marry you ! I tell you that my life and Josephine's are so bound up together that death alone can sever them." " Silence ! " cried Humphrey ; " you forget she is my wife." And he laid a firm hand on my impassive arm. Then Pete sprang forward with a terrible oath and uplifted hand, and Humphrey fronted him. I saw the dark mill-stream was but a few yards from them, and I felt they must not meet. Sick and terrified, I threw myself upon Pete, and the blows were perforce arrested, or it was upon me they would have fallen. " Stand aside, Josephine ! " cried Pete. " Stand aside ! " cried Humphrey ; for the blood of both men was aroused. But I wound my arms about Pete's neck, and hampered him as I clung to him with desperate strength. And then came the old, hoarse, mocking laugh I knew so well; and instead of putting me from him, Pete threw his arm round me, and held me closely to him.
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 287 " Look ! " he cried jeeringly, " was it to you or to me she came ? I tell you she turns to me naturally, as a bird to a thicket for shelter, as a child to its mother. We won't fight, Humphrey ; no, if it had come to that, you should have drowned down there in the stream, for even now I could do it for her sake ; but there shall be no rape ; no, she shall speak for herself; she shall choose between us. Josephine, you shall choose which of us you send to hell." " Agreed," said Humphrey ; " she shall choose." He folded his arms and smiled scornfully, but as I looked at him for an instant, I understood his perfect confidence in my honour, his absolute trust in me. He did not even speak to me, but Pete allowed me no time to answer. Looking into my face with passionate, hungry devotion, he spoke fast — " Choose, Josephine, choose between us. As close a bond unites you and me as can ever unite you and him ; then choose between us as man and man. I love you ; yes, I love you absolutely, Josephine, and no shadow of any other love ever has, or ever shall darken mine for you. I offer you myself, my very soul, and everything I have; ay, I would give my honour and my life for you. Think of the years that are past, Josephine, and what we have been to each other. Think of the time when we were boy and girl together, and the love that grew between us till we were all the world to one another and what was outside our love was nothing. And in the future no harsh word of mine shall ever sadden you.
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
288 JOSEPHINE CREWE Oh, I will love and guard you tenderly, dearest. Choose me, Josephine, choose me ! Oh, my darling, choose me ! Josephine, Josephine, my darling ! " I stood between them, Humphrey silent and motionless in his confidence, Pete with burning words of love, and arms stretched out to receive me. Ah, I was weak and wicked, and surely Humphrey was cold, and it was Pete I loved, yes, Pete I loved ! There was a man's heart to be broken, and how should I weigh between them ? Yet dimly I felt in the moments I stood there between those men, with their happiness resting in my hands, that the good things of the world were all for Humphrey, while Pete was an outcast, with name and fame darkened, his very birthright lost, and sickness and death creeping upon him. I could not turn from Pete ; I must give up all for him. Yes, temptation had come in that most insidious form of self-sacrifice to conquer me like many another. I would love him and cheer him tenderly through the dark days that were before him. He was dying, and at the last I would be beside him, I would hold his hands in mine, and it was on my face his eyes should rest then ; he should not be lonely, my Pete ! And afterwards ? What recked I of an afterwards ? There would be no Pete then ! Honour, goodness, child, husband — all were hidden from me by that thin, dark, eager face. I was reckless, and ready to die, ay, or harder still, to live for Pete's sake. All was a blank beside him; it was Pete,
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 289 only Pete ! Standing there, still and as cold as ice, I chose, and I chose Pete ! Slowly I turned towards him, as he stood with outstretched hands and head bent eagerly forward, but as I looked, I started with an awful horror. For there on the wall of red sandstone behind him, between the white cherry boughs and among the swaying shadows of the apple branches, where the outline was drawn for a moment of the passing swallows, the sun, now low and red, threw another shadow, the great, black shadow of a thin man with outstretched neck and disordered hair. In an instant the dirty walls of a low-roofed attic closed me round ; I breathed again its stifling, sickly air; I saw its misery and squalor, the dirty floor, the tattered curtain by the little window, the cob webs on the rafters ; I saw the men and women drinking there ; I saw the great black shadow of a man against the wall, as it were the shadow of Pete on the sandstone, and I saw the revolting, pitiable figure of my mother like a degraded self. Pete's shadow had sent me back for an instant to the old life, and shown me what it meant to choose him. My mother's sin had tempted me, and my mother's sin saved me, for my eyes were opened so that my heart sickened, my womanhood revolted, and I could not do this evil thing. As I looked at Pete, the truth came to me, and I felt how low and base he was to ask it of me. I turned from him towards Humphrey, and mutely held out my hand. He u
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
290 JOSEPHINE CREWE took it with a proud smile, for he had never doubted what my choice would be. Then on the still evening air there rang out an awful cry that chilled my very heart, an exceeding bitter cry, the terrible cry of a strong man in agony, the hopeless, desperate cry of a broken heart, and it was Pete who uttered that awful cry, Pete who had been my darling, and it was I who had broken his heart ! He did not speak to me, did not look at me, but with bowed head he strode away across the little bridge, and passed up the stream on the other side. When he was hidden from me, my heart seemed turned to stone, for all his misery weighed upon me, and I turned and spoke cruelly to Humphrey. " Oh, I have done wrong," I said, " I have done wrong ! If I had to choose again it should be Pete." There came a rush of scalding tears wrung from me by a wild remorse, and I started to run after Pete, but Humphrey held me back. His face was full of tenderness and pity, but there was never a doubt there. " Not now, Josephine, not now ! Oh, I am sorry for you, dearest, for I know what you once were to one another. I would have done anything to save you this." Respect and confidence went with Humphrey's love; it could not exist without them, and he could not think evil of me. He saw in me the good woman on whom his love was fixed, and in my misery he read a deep compassion for the old friend and lover whom I had so grievously wounded. He
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
291 JOSEPHINE CREWE led me across the little bridge, and by a path other than that which Pete had taken, and I went blindly, and moaned often in my distress. All evening I sat dazed and silent, with folded hands and slowly-falling tears, but as night advanced a change came over me. I threw aside my apathy, my cheeks burned, my brain grew active, and thoughts came rushing fast upon me till my head ached and I could not rest. Humphrey slept peacefully, but I rose and sat by the open window in the moonlight, and grasping my head between my hands, I tried to think calmly. It was useless, for Pete's cry of despair rang in my ears, and maddened and distracted me. One moment I knew I had chosen rightly, that to have chosen otherwise would have been an evil deed, how awful an evil the remembrance of my childhood told me. It would have been a great sin, that must have dragged us very low. But the next moment the sound of Pete's despair rang out again on the silence, and I rocked myself to and fro, and moaned as I tried to think. To have turned to him then would have been to sin against my husband, my womanhood, and every sister woman ; but again there echoed that terrible cry, and all my reasoning seemed poor and mean, for was not I sacrificing another for my own good ? What did it matter if I did evil, and lost my own soul, when it was for Pete's sake, yes, for dying Pete's sake ! If I had left Humphrey, the sin would have killed his love for me, it would have driven me from his heart for ever, and darkened his life, but
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
292 JOSEPHINE CREWE it would have goaded him to no excess. He would have had his work and his child — our child — and though his life would have been cheerless, it would have been upright and honourable as ever. While Pete — what would now become of Pete ? I leaned my- head against the window, and covered my face with my hands, and then again I looker 1 drearily at the silver moon and the white light sleeping on the wide, silent woods. Had I sacrificed Pete to the mere name of goodness ? Yet I must have sinned to save him, and sinned against a better man. Was it a sin ? And so I argued to and fro, and round and round in an endless circle of question ing, till my head was dazed, and I rose feverishly and crept to my child's nursery. Twice that night I went to look at my baby, and his nurse started in her sleep, and stared at me as though I had been a ghost. The child never moved, and the second time I went back quieted to sit again at the window. The moon set, the stars faded, and the dark blue of the sky brightened under the white light of morning, and so dawned another day. Slowly the sun melted the soft mist from the woods, and left their great sweeps calm and beautiful in the early sunshine. On the breeze that swept past were borne the tender coo of the ring-dove and the songs of waking birds. Then a great calm settled down on heart and brain, a cold, dull calm that was half despair. I turned and looked with trembling on the sleeping
Boulton, Helen M.
Boulton, Helen M. [person]
300 pages (8°)
Josephine Crewe. A novel
JOSEPHINE CREWE 293 face of my husband, and I saw things truly as they were, I saw the hideousness of my temptation, and I shuddered to think how far I had yielded. Had there been nothing but that impalpable shadow between me and ruin ? If there had been no blessed sunlight to cast that warning, should I have fallen ? None can say, but as I sat there I sought for no excuse, nothing to soften my sin. Sin — yes, black, awful sin, for I had yielded in thought, and I had kissed Pete, and spoken words to him that were a treachery to Humphrey. I bowed my head low, and dared not think of my child, dared hardly think of my husband, for when Pete had tempted me like a devil, the devil within me had been ready to yield. I saw Pete as he really was, a drunkard, a ruined man, and an evil man, and I shuddered, and then I shuddered at myself as I looked fearfully at Humphrey and felt the awful gulf that lay between us. Never could I tell him how deep and broad that gulf was, never show him all. Surely God could never require that expiation of me; surely He would help me rather to grow more like what Humphrey thought me. I tried to pray, and then I dared not, for my sin weighed heavy upon me and I was ashamed. Yes, I was ashamed even to look a good man in the face, and I dreaded Humphrey's awakening. How could I face again my daily life, how bear to meet my husband's respect and love, the love of my child, the goodwill of my servants and those about me, the
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294 JOSEPHINE CREWE affection of Uncle Crewe and Mark and Marian, the silly respect of Aunt Eliza, the foolish adoration that Giles still bore me ? I had stood between right and wrong, and I had chosen the wrong at which any one of them would have shuddered. My cheeks burned and then paled when Humphrey awoke and talked to me. He referred, nothing doubting, and with all consideration for me, to the occurrences of the previous afternoon. He wondered how they had received Pete at the Rookery, and, as he would be out all day, he asked me for a promise that I would not go there till he returned. I knew he only asked it out of thought for me. In the morning he left me, and as I stood on the terrace from which I had watched him go, a sense of loneliness and unreasoning discomfort oppressed me. It was not the remorse that was weighing so heavily upon me, but a restless uneasiness. I remembered my dreams of my mother. Truly evil had followed these dreams, and it seemed to me that it was not yet at an end. Overhead the sky was a cloudless blue, the air was still and warm, and the whole land lay in a dreamy silence. The stillness oppressed me, and I found that my heart beat thickly, while a strange fear crept upon me. All was sleeping peacefully in the sunshine, and all was very fair, but I looked beyond the rich stretches of motionless woods to where, above all, a few storm-beaten pines raised their heads and spoke to me of the Rookery. I
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Boulton, Helen M. [person]
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295 JOSEPHINE CREWE wished I had not said I would not go there, for the thought of Pete haunted me and frightened me strangely. I moved quickly to and fro in the warm sunshine on the terrace, but I shivered and my heart beat fast as again and again I fancied I could trace an unaccountable movement here and there among the trees, and I felt as if Pete were there watching me. I knew it was only a fancy; I had no fear of Pete, but I could not bear my solitude, and if I might not go to the Rookery, I would go to its borderland, and see if something could not be learnt. Blindly, as if led by fate, I went through the woods and down that little valley where I had promised to be Humphrey's wife. The tree on which we had sat still lay there, and I bowed my head in shame as I passed it, and felt bitterly how I had been unfaithful to him in thought, and in my words to Pete. I went on to where rough, uncared-for ground showed the commencement of Rookery lands, and there I turned aside and followed a path to the mill-stream. The old, wild, turbulent stream greeted me with friendly face, and I was glad I had gone there. I had sought its companionship in many a mood, but never in a sadder one than now, when I walked oppressed by a miserable fear of an unknown ill, and weighted with a terrible remorse for a sin of thought and word against a good man to whom I owed allegiance. I passed the deserted mill with its darkly dripping
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296 JOSEPHINE CREWE wheel, and I trembled as I looked across to the orchard. The cherry blossom lay fading on the grass just as I had thrown it, and at that sight, I turned hastily away, and started when a swallow skimmed past me. Often I looked up at tbe steep rocky bank on the other side, but nothing moved, and there was no one to tell me how things sped at the Rookery. Still I slowly went my way by the side of the water, and I saw how it had fallen since the day before, and how the long grass by the side lay flattened as the current had swept it. I went on, listening for the sound of a human voice and watching for some one who might bring me news, but none came, and I felt lonely as I had never felt by the stream before. Anxious and heavy-hearted, I trembled at the skirr of a blackbird through the trees, I started at the sharp sudden note of a thrush, and my heart beat fast as a water-rat splashed from under the bank at my feet. I was alone, and I felt I was alone, and feared my loneliness. Looking up the stream, the water was dancing gleefully in the sunshine ; but I felt it was too glad and bright, it jarred upon me, and I could not bear it. Yet as I turned with a shiver from it, I was conscious of shadows on the banks where the bushes were thickest, of dark rocks where ivy clung, and spots where trees cast a deep shade, and I wished the place was not so lonely, not so far from any beaten path. Between me and that bright stretch of water lay a dark shadow where the high rock and the pine-wood
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Boulton, Helen M. [person]
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JOSEPHINE CREWE 297 on the other bank shut out the sunlight and left the stream and the stepping-stones in shade. Black with ever-dripping wet, the wall of rock seemed to frown more darkly than usual, and the arms of the pine trees on its summit waved slowly and sadly, as it seemed to me. I looked at the deep, dark water, and a chill struck to my heart as I recalled the dream I had dreamed of my mother sitting weeping and wringing her hands on those stones. As I thought of it, it seemed that the songs of the birds ceased, that the pine trees no longer swayed their arms, but waited in suspense, that the very stream stole past with dulled, muffled voice, while my heart beat loudly, and my breathing grew painfully audible. Standing thus, I looked nervously round at the scene I knew so well, at rock and stream, sunshine and shadow, green bank and bush, the white curl of the water past the rocks, the still, dark pools, all that I knew and then on what I did not know ! Not many yards before me, where the white dash of the water past the stepping-stones gave place to rippling shallows, or swirling eddies and deep pools, there against the bank, three parts immersed, lay a dark figure, motionless save for a partial motion caused by the flow of the water. A large, dark figure : a man's form lying quietly there. I stole stealthily towards it, and sinking on hands and knees, drew myself to the edge of the bank to look over. It was low there, and as I looked, my face was
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Boulton, Helen M. [person]
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Josephine Crewe. A novel
298 JOSEPHINE CREWE near the face I looked on. For a moment, perhaps many moments, I stooped, and then I raised myself, and cried aloud, a long, miserable, bitter cry. Yet I had known before I looked that it was the dead face of Pete that I should see. Dead ! dead ! dead ! was my bitter cry, and all the unavailing despair of it rushed upon me. Dead, and he could not see me ! Dead, and he could not hear me ! Dead, and he could not forgive me ! I had turned from him, and it had been for ever ; I might not turn again. No cry of tenderness and pity was allowed me ; I had turned from him in silence, and that silence must endure. Yes, aud he could not for give me ! Oh, God was cruel ! He might have let him live a little longer, might have shown him the right, might have given time to raise again a life that had once been so full of promise ! Oh, Pete, Pete, Pete ! And he could not hear me ! He was dead ! Dead, all alone, and with a hard, dark look on his face. Had he passed into eternity with that look, and with bitterness in his heart ? Oh, my Pete ! I knelt beside him as he lay with his face among the grass at the water's edge, and his dark eyes staring sight less at the heavens above him. I put my arms round him, and dragged the heavy form farther on to the bank, and then, sitting down, I took his head on my lap, and wiped the moisture from his hair. And all the while the water passed us with an endless gush and gurgle, and the sun shone, and the birds sang, but Pete lay dead with his head upon my lap.
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299 JOSEPHINE CREWE Dead, with his great mind that had once soared so high ; dead, with his rough, loving heart ; dead, with his wild, untamed passions; dead, with bis weak fallen nature, and his sins and disappointments and despair ; dead, with his love for me. Yes, loving me to the last, loving me wildly and fondly — ay, but loving me wickedly. Oh Pete ! Oh God, was Pete's soul trusted to me ? Was I chosen to show him the right and lead him upwards ? And I had failed, miserably failed, and he had entered eternity with all his sins. How the end had come none shall ever know : whether it had been intentional, or the result of an attempt to cross the stepping-stones in the danger ously high rush of the water the preceding evening. That must ever remain the secret of silent Death ; and all I could learn of my Pete's end was what was told me by his clenched hands and close-shut lips and frowning brow. All day long I sat by the rushing stream with that head upon my lap, and I watched the still, awful face that was stamped with a bitterness that could not change again. I looked at the darkened eyes that might never again lighten for love of me, never look fearless and unashamed in the face of a fellow-man, never be raised in humility to a God above ; and I saw the fast-closed lips that might never open in a prayer for mercy. I thought of past years, and of the love that Pete and I had borne each other, and of his father's love, and the great hopes
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Josephine Crewe. A novel
300 JOSEPHINE CREWE we had entertained, and then I felt the dead, motion less weight of the head that rested on my knee. It was the head of the Pete I had worshipped, and sin as well as sickness had worn that face till there was no greatness in it save the greatness of death. Yet I stooped, and I kissed those hard lips many times, and my tears fell slowly on the white face and the heavy hair. Oh Pete ! Yes, this was all that was left me of Pete, and I had loved him ! Oh God, have mercy upon him ! Oh God, have mercy on Pete's soul ! Evening came, the shadows lengthened, and breezes whispered among the pine trees overhead. Looking up to where my mother had stood among those trees, I thought of her, and of how I had almost become such as she had been. Then I bowed my head sorrowfully, as I sat among the darkening shadows and watched the water flowing past. In the shade the wood-pigeons murmured mournfully, and the dark water lapped sadly at my feet. My sins fronted and shamed me, and with bitter tears I bent over the silent dead. Oh God, life is hard for all of us, and I was born with a stain upon me ! God be merciful to me a sinner ! THE END
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