Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
15 values
answer = sum [1..100] ^ 2 - foldl (\x y -> y^2 + x) 0 [1..100]
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module DirectoryAPI.API ( directoryAPIProxy , DirectoryAPI ) where import Servant import AuthAPI.API (AuthToken) import Models (File, Node, NodeId) type DirectoryAPI = "ls" :> -- List all files AuthToken :> Get '[JSON] [File] -- Listing of all files :<|> "whereis" :> -- Lookup the node for a given file path AuthToken :> ReqBody '[JSON] FilePath :> -- Path of file being looked up Post '[JSON] Node -- Node where the file is kept :<|> "roundRobinNode" :> -- Next node to use as a file primary AuthToken :> ReqBody '[JSON] FilePath :> -- Path of file that will be written Get '[JSON] Node -- Primary node of the file being stored :<|> "registerFileServer" :> -- Register a node with the directory service ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> -- Port file server node is running on Post '[JSON] NodeId -- Id of the newly created node record directoryAPIProxy :: Proxy DirectoryAPI directoryAPIProxy = Proxy
module BlocVoting.Tally.Resolution where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS data Resolution = Resolution { rCategories :: Int , rEndTimestamp :: Int , rName :: BS.ByteString , rUrl :: BS.ByteString , rVotesFor :: Integer , rVotesTotal :: Integer , rResolved :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq) updateResolution :: Resolution -> Integer -> Integer -> Resolution updateResolution (Resolution cats endT name url for total resolved) newForVotes newTotalVotes = Resolution cats endT name url (for + newForVotes) (total + newTotalVotes) resolved
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Database.Orville.PostgreSQL.Plan.Explanation ( Explanation , noExplanation , explainStep , explanationSteps ) where newtype Explanation = Explanation ([String] -> [String]) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) instance Semigroup Explanation where (<>) = appendExplanation #endif instance Monoid Explanation where mempty = noExplanation mappend = appendExplanation appendExplanation :: Explanation -> Explanation -> Explanation appendExplanation (Explanation front) (Explanation back) = Explanation (front . back) noExplanation :: Explanation noExplanation = Explanation id explainStep :: String -> Explanation explainStep str = Explanation (str:) explanationSteps :: Explanation -> [String] explanationSteps (Explanation prependTo) = prependTo []
import Data.List (permutations, sort) solve :: String solve = (sort $ permutations "0123456789") !! 999999 main = putStrLn $ solve
module Lesson08 where -- Now let's have some real fun: a two player, online five card stud game, -- with a full betting system. The betting system is actually the biggest -- addition versus what we've done previously, so most of our attention -- will be focused on that. Most of the other code will be very similar -- to what we had in lesson 7. import Helper import Helper.Multiplayer import Helper.Pretty import Helper.Winning import System.Random.Shuffle import Data.List import Safe -- We're going to want to keep track of multiple information per player. -- A common way to do that is to create a record data type, where each -- piece of data has its own name. We'll want to have the player and -- how much money he/she has. data PokerPlayer = PokerPlayer { player :: Player , chips :: Int , cards :: [Card] , hand :: PokerHand } data Action = Call | Raise Int | Fold askAction p allowedRaise = do str <- askPlayer (player p) "call, raise, or fold?" case str of "call" -> return Call "raise" -> askRaise p allowedRaise "fold" -> return Fold _ -> do tellPlayer (player p) "That was not a valid answer" askAction p allowedRaise askRaise p allowedRaise = do str <- askPlayer (player p) ("Enter amount to raise, up to " ++ show allowedRaise) case readMay str of Nothing -> do tellPlayer (player p) "That was an invalid raise amount" askRaise p allowedRaise Just amount | amount < 0 -> do tellPlayer (player p) "You cannot raise by a negative value" askRaise p allowedRaise | otherwise -> return (Raise amount) wager p1 p2 pot owed = do tellAllPlayers $ show (player p1) ++ " has " ++ show (chips p1) ++ " chips" tellAllPlayers $ show (player p2) ++ " has " ++ show (chips p2) ++ " chips" tellAllPlayers $ "The pot currently has " ++ show pot ++ " chips" tellAllPlayers $ "Betting is to " ++ show (player p1) ++ ", who owes " ++ show owed let allowedRaise = min (chips p2) (chips p1 - owed) action <- askAction p1 allowedRaise case action of Call -> do tellAllPlayers $ show (player p1) ++ " calls" let p1' = p1 { chips = chips p1 - owed } pot' = pot + owed finishHand p1' p2 pot' Fold -> do tellAllPlayers $ show (player p1) ++ " folds" startGame (player p1) (chips p1) (player p2) (chips p2 + pot) Raise raise -> do tellAllPlayers $ show (player p1) ++ " raises " ++ show raise let p1' = p1 { chips = chips p1 - owed - raise } wager p2 p1' (pot + owed + raise) raise finishHand p1 p2 pot = do tellAllPlayers ("All bets are in, the pot is at: " ++ show pot) tellAllPlayers (show (player p1) ++ " has " ++ prettyHand (cards p1) ++ ", " ++ show (hand p1)) tellAllPlayers (show (player p2) ++ " has " ++ prettyHand (cards p2) ++ ", " ++ show (hand p2)) (winnings1, winnings2) <- case compare (hand p1) (hand p2) of LT -> do tellAllPlayers (show (player p2) ++ " wins!") return (0, pot) EQ -> do tellAllPlayers "Tied game" let winnings1 = pot `div` 2 winnings2 = pot - winnings1 return (winnings1, winnings2) GT -> do tellAllPlayers (show (player p1) ++ " wins!") return (pot, 0) startGame (player p1) (chips p1 + winnings1) (player p2) (chips p2 + winnings2) startGame player1 0 player2 chips2 = do tellAllPlayers (show player1 ++ " is out of chips") tellAllPlayers (show player2 ++ " wins with a total of: " ++ show chips2) startGame player1 chips1 player2 0 = do tellAllPlayers (show player2 ++ " is out of chips") tellAllPlayers (show player1 ++ " wins with a total of: " ++ show chips1) startGame player1 chips1 player2 chips2 = do tellAllPlayers "Dealing..." shuffled <- shuffleM deck let (cards1, rest) = splitAt 5 shuffled hand1 = pokerHand cards1 cards2 = take 5 rest hand2 = pokerHand cards2 p1 = PokerPlayer { player = player1 , chips = chips1 , cards = cards1 , hand = hand1 } -- Always start with a 1 chip ante from player 2 pot = 1 owed = 1 p2 = PokerPlayer { player = player2 , chips = chips2 - 1 , cards = cards2 , hand = hand2 } tellPlayer player1 ("You have " ++ prettyHand cards1 ++ ", " ++ show hand1) tellPlayer player2 ("You have " ++ prettyHand cards2 ++ ", " ++ show hand2) wager p1 p2 pot owed main = playMultiplayerGame "two player five card stud" 2 $ do tellAllPlayers "Welcome to two player five card stud!" [player1, player2] <- getPlayers startGame player1 20 player2 20 -- Let's talk about the betting phase. We'll be alternating between each -- player. At each player's betting turn, he/she will be allowed to: -- -- 1. Call, which would be to match whatever bet is on the table. -- 2. Raise, which would match the current bet and add a little more. -- 3. Fold
{- hpodder component Copyright (C) 2006 John Goerzen <[email protected]> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : FeedParser Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006 John Goerzen License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John Goerzen <[email protected]> Stability : provisional Portability: portable Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\ -} module FeedParser where import Types import Text.XML.HaXml import Text.XML.HaXml.Parse import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn import Utils import Data.Maybe.Utils import Data.Char import Data.Either.Utils import Data.List import System.IO data Item = Item {itemtitle :: String, itemguid :: Maybe String, enclosureurl :: String, enclosuretype :: String, enclosurelength :: String } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) data Feed = Feed {channeltitle :: String, items :: [Item]} deriving (Eq, Show, Read) item2ep pc item = Episode {podcast = pc, epid = 0, eptitle = sanitize_basic (itemtitle item), epurl = sanitize_basic (enclosureurl item), epguid = fmap sanitize_basic (itemguid item), eptype = sanitize_basic (enclosuretype item), epstatus = Pending, eplength = case reads . sanitize_basic . enclosurelength $ item of [] -> 0 [(x, [])] -> x _ -> 0, epfirstattempt = Nothing, eplastattempt = Nothing, epfailedattempts = 0} parse :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Either String Feed) parse fp name = do h <- openBinaryFile fp ReadMode c <- hGetContents h case xmlParse' name (unifrob c) of Left x -> return (Left x) Right y -> do let doc = getContent y let title = getTitle doc let feeditems = getEnclosures doc return $ Right $ (Feed {channeltitle = title, items = feeditems}) where getContent (Document _ _ e _) = CElem e noPos unifrob ('\xfeff':x) = x -- Strip off unicode BOM unifrob x = x unesc = xmlUnEscape stdXmlEscaper getTitle doc = forceEither $ strofm "title" (channel doc) getEnclosures doc = concat . map procitem $ item doc where procitem i = map (procenclosure title guid) enclosure where title = case strofm "title" [i] of Left x -> "Untitled" Right x -> x guid = case strofm "guid" [i] of Left _ -> Nothing Right x -> Just x enclosure = tag "enclosure" `o` children $ i procenclosure title guid e = Item {itemtitle = title, itemguid = guid, enclosureurl = head0 $ forceMaybe $ stratt "url" e, enclosuretype = head0 $ case stratt "type" e of Nothing -> ["application/octet-stream"] Just x -> x, enclosurelength = head $ case stratt "length" e of Nothing -> ["0"] Just [] -> ["0"] Just x -> x } head0 [] = "" head0 (x:xs) = x item = tag "item" `o` children `o` channel channel = tag "channel" `o` children `o` tag "rss" -------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities -------------------------------------------------- attrofelem :: String -> Content Posn -> Maybe AttValue attrofelem attrname (CElem inelem _) = case unesc inelem of Elem name al _ -> lookup attrname al attrofelem _ _ = error "attrofelem: called on something other than a CElem" stratt :: String -> Content Posn -> Maybe [String] stratt attrname content = case attrofelem attrname content of Just (AttValue x) -> Just (concat . map mapfunc $ x) Nothing -> Nothing where mapfunc (Left x) = [x] mapfunc (Right _) = [] -- Finds the literal children of the named tag, and returns it/them tagof :: String -> CFilter Posn tagof x = keep /> tag x -- /> txt -- Retruns the literal string that tagof would find strof :: String -> Content Posn -> String strof x y = forceEither $ strof_either x y strof_either :: String -> Content Posn -> Either String String strof_either x y = case tagof x $ y of [CElem elem pos] -> Right $ verbatim $ tag x /> txt $ CElem (unesc elem) pos z -> Left $ "strof: expecting CElem in " ++ x ++ ", got " ++ verbatim z ++ " at " ++ verbatim y strofm x y = if length errors /= 0 then Left errors else Right (concat plainlist) where mapped = map (strof_either x) $ y (errors, plainlist) = conveithers mapped isright (Left _) = False isright (Right _) = True conveithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b]) conveithers inp = worker inp ([], []) where worker [] y = y worker (Left x:xs) (lefts, rights) = worker xs (x:lefts, rights) worker (Right x:xs) (lefts, rights) = worker xs (lefts, x:rights)
{- | Module : $EmptyHeader$ Description : <optional short description entry> Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations> License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : <email> Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>) <optional description> -} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GMP -- Copyright 2007, Lutz Schroeder and Georgel Calin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import System.Environment import IO import GMP.GMPAS import GMP.GMPSAT import GMP.GMPParser import GMP.ModalLogic import GMP.ModalK() import GMP.ModalKD() import GMP.GradedML() import GMP.CoalitionL() import GMP.MajorityL() import GMP.GenericML() import GMP.Lexer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Funtion to run parser & print ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- runLex :: (Ord a, Show a, ModalLogic a b) => Parser (Formula a) -> String -> IO () runLex p input = run (do whiteSpace ; x <- p ; eof ; return x ) input run :: (Ord a, Show a, ModalLogic a b) => Parser (Formula a) -> String -> IO () run p input = case (parse p "" input) of Left err -> do putStr "parse error at " print err Right x -> do putStrLn ("Input Formula: "{- ++ show x ++ " ..."-}) let sat = checkSAT x if sat then putStrLn "x ... is Satisfiable" else putStrLn "x ... is not Satisfiable" let nsat = checkSAT $ Neg x if nsat then putStrLn "~x ... is Satisfiable" else putStrLn "~x ... is not Satisfiable" let prov = not $ checkSAT $ Neg x if prov then putStrLn "x ... is Provable" else putStrLn "x ... is not Provable" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- runTest :: Int -> FilePath -> IO () runTest ml p = do input <- readFile (p) case ml of 1 -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula ModalK)) input 2 -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula ModalKD)) input 3 -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula CL)) input 4 -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula GML)) input 5 -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula ML)) input _ -> runLex ((par5er parseIndex) :: Parser (Formula Kars)) input return () help :: IO() help = do putStrLn ( "Usage:\n" ++ " ./main <ML> <path>\n\n" ++ "<ML>: 1 for K ML\n" ++ " 2 for KD ML\n" ++ " 3 for Coalition L\n" ++ " 4 for Graded ML\n" ++ " 5 for Majority L\n" ++ " _ for Generic ML\n" ++ "<path>: path to input file\n" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO() main = do args <- getArgs if (args == [])||(head args == "--help")||(length args < 2) then help else let ml = head args p = head (tail args) in runTest (read ml) p
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Bench import Bench.Triangulations main = print (qVertexSolBench trs)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Response.Export (pdfResponse) where import Happstack.Server import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as BEnc import ImageConversion import TimetableImageCreator (renderTable) import System.Random import Latex -- | Returns a PDF containing the image of the timetable -- requested by the user. pdfResponse :: String -> String -> ServerPart Response pdfResponse courses session = liftIO $ getPdf courses session getPdf :: String -> String -> IO Response getPdf courses session = do gen <- newStdGen let (rand, _) = next gen svgFilename = (show rand ++ ".svg") imageFilename = (show rand ++ ".png") texFilename = (show rand ++ ".tex") pdfFilename = (drop 4 texFilename) ++ ".pdf" renderTable svgFilename courses session returnPdfData svgFilename imageFilename pdfFilename texFilename returnPdfData :: String -> String -> String -> String -> IO Response returnPdfData svgFilename imageFilename pdfFilename texFilename = do createImageFile svgFilename imageFilename compileTex texFilename imageFilename _ <- compileTexToPdf texFilename pdfData <- BS.readFile texFilename _ <- removeImage svgFilename _ <- removeImage imageFilename _ <- removeImage pdfFilename _ <- removeImage texFilename let encodedData = BEnc.encode pdfData return $ toResponse encodedData
module Hazel.StringWriter where import Control.Monad.State ------------- StringState ------------- type StringState = State String (Maybe Bool) eval :: StringState -> String eval s = execState s "" newLine :: StringState append :: String -> StringState apply :: (String -> String) -> StringState newLine = append "\n" append s = apply (++s) apply f = get >>= put.(f$) >> return (Just True) --newLine :: StringState --newLine = do -- t <- get -- put $ t++"\n" -- return True -- get >>= put.(++"\n") >>= return True --append :: String -> StringState --append s = do -- t <- get -- put $ t++s -- return True -- get >>= put.(++s) >>= return True --modify :: (String -> String) -> StringState --modify f = do -- t <- get -- put $ f t -- return True
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, CPP, JavaScriptFFI #-} module Carnap.GHCJS.Action.TreeDeductionCheck (treeDeductionCheckAction) where import Lib hiding (content) import Data.Tree import Data.Either import Data.Map as M (lookup,Map, toList) import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, newIORef, writeIORef) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Text (pack) import qualified Text.Parsec as P (parse) import Control.Monad.State (modify,get,execState,State) import Control.Lens import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad (mplus, (>=>)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Carnap.Core.Unification.Unification (MonadVar,FirstOrder, applySub) import Carnap.Core.Unification.ACUI (ACUI) import Carnap.Core.Data.Types import Carnap.Core.Data.Classes import Carnap.Core.Data.Optics import Carnap.Languages.ClassicalSequent.Syntax import Carnap.Languages.ClassicalSequent.Parser import Carnap.Languages.PurePropositional.Syntax import Carnap.Languages.Util.LanguageClasses import Carnap.Calculi.Util import Carnap.Calculi.NaturalDeduction.Syntax import Carnap.Calculi.NaturalDeduction.Checker import Carnap.Calculi.Tableau.Data import Carnap.Languages.PurePropositional.Logic (ofPropTreeSys) import Carnap.Languages.PureFirstOrder.Logic (ofFOLTreeSys) import Carnap.GHCJS.Util.ProofJS import Carnap.GHCJS.SharedTypes import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement (getInnerText, castToHTMLElement) import GHCJS.DOM.Element (setInnerHTML, click, keyDown, input, setAttribute ) import GHCJS.DOM.Node (appendChild, removeChild, getParentNode, insertBefore, getParentElement) import GHCJS.DOM.Types (Element, Document, IsElement) import GHCJS.DOM.Document (createElement, getActiveElement) import GHCJS.DOM.KeyboardEvent import GHCJS.DOM.EventM import GHCJS.DOM import GHCJS.Types treeDeductionCheckAction :: IO () treeDeductionCheckAction = do initializeCallback "checkProofTreeInfo" njCheck initElements getCheckers activateChecker return () where njCheck = maybe (error "can't find PropNJ") id $ (\calc -> checkProofTree calc Nothing >=> return . fst) `ofPropTreeSys` "PropNJ" getCheckers :: IsElement self => Document -> self -> IO [Maybe (Element, Element, Map String String)] getCheckers w = genInOutElts w "div" "div" "treedeductionchecker" activateChecker :: Document -> Maybe (Element, Element, Map String String) -> IO () activateChecker _ Nothing = return () activateChecker w (Just (i, o, opts)) = case (setupWith `ofPropTreeSys` sys) `mplus` (setupWith `ofFOLTreeSys` sys) of Just io -> io Nothing -> error $ "couldn't parse tree system: " ++ sys where sys = case M.lookup "system" opts of Just s -> s Nothing -> "propNK" setupWith calc = do mgoal <- parseGoal calc let content = M.lookup "content" opts root <- case (content >>= decodeJSON, mgoal) of (Just val,_) -> let Just c = content in initRoot c o (_, Just seq) | "prepopulate" `inOpts` opts -> initRoot ("{\"label\": \"" ++ show (view rhs seq) ++ "\", \"rule\":\"\", \"forest\": []}") o _ -> initRoot "{\"label\": \"\", \"rule\":\"\", \"forest\": []}" o memo <- newIORef mempty threadRef <- newIORef (Nothing :: Maybe ThreadId) bw <- createButtonWrapper w o let submit = submitTree w memo opts calc root mgoal btStatus <- createSubmitButton w bw submit opts if "displayJSON" `inOpts` opts then do Just displayDiv <- createElement w (Just "div") setAttribute displayDiv "class" "jsonDisplay" setAttribute displayDiv "contenteditable" "true" val <- toCleanVal root setInnerHTML displayDiv . Just $ toJSONString val toggleDisplay <- newListener $ do kbe <- event isCtrl <- getCtrlKey kbe code <- liftIO $ keyString kbe liftIO $ print code if isCtrl && code == "?" then do preventDefault mparent <- getParentNode displayDiv case mparent of Just p -> removeChild o (Just displayDiv) _ -> appendChild o (Just displayDiv) return () else return () addListener o keyDown toggleDisplay False updateRoot <- newListener $ liftIO $ do Just json <- getInnerText (castToHTMLElement displayDiv) replaceRoot root json addListener displayDiv input updateRoot False root `onChange` (\_ -> do mfocus <- getActiveElement w --don't update when the display is --focussed, to avoid cursor jumping if Just displayDiv /= mfocus then do val <- toCleanVal root setInnerHTML displayDiv . Just $ toJSONString val else return ()) return () else return () initialCheck <- newListener $ liftIO $ do forkIO $ do threadDelay 500000 mr <- toCleanVal root case mr of Just r -> do (info,mseq) <- checkProofTree calc (Just memo) r decorate root info Just wrap <- getParentElement i updateInfo calc mgoal mseq wrap Nothing -> return () return () addListener i initialize initialCheck False --initial check in case we preload a tableau doOnce i mutate False $ liftIO $ btStatus Edited case M.lookup "init" opts of Just "now" -> dispatchCustom w i "initialize"; _ -> return () root `onChange` (\_ -> dispatchCustom w i "mutate") root `onChange` (\_ -> checkOnChange memo threadRef calc mgoal i root) parseGoal calc = do let seqParse = parseSeqOver $ tbParseForm calc case M.lookup "goal" opts of Just s -> case P.parse seqParse "" s of Left e -> do setInnerHTML i (Just $ "Couldn't Parse This Goal:" ++ s) error "couldn't parse goal" Right seq -> do setInnerHTML i (Just . tbNotation calc . show $ seq) return $ Just seq Nothing -> do setInnerHTML i (Just "Awaiting a proof") return Nothing updateInfo _ (Just goal) (Just seq) wrap | seq `seqSubsetUnify` goal = setAttribute wrap "class" "success" updateInfo _ (Just goal) (Just seq) wrap = setAttribute wrap "class" "failure" updateInfo calc Nothing (Just seq) wrap = setInnerHTML wrap (Just . tbNotation calc . show $ seq) updateInfo _ Nothing Nothing wrap = setInnerHTML wrap (Just "Awaiting a proof") updateInfo _ _ _ wrap = setAttribute wrap "class" "" submitTree w memo opts calc root (Just seq) l = do Just val <- liftIO $ toCleanVal root case parse parseTreeJSON val of Error s -> message $ "Something has gone wrong. Here's the error:" ++ s Success tree -> case toProofTree calc tree of Left _ | "exam" `inOpts` opts -> trySubmit w DeductionTree opts l (DeductionTreeData (pack (show seq)) tree (toList opts)) False Left _ -> message "Something is wrong with the proof... Try again?" Right prooftree -> do validation <- liftIO $ hoReduceProofTreeMemo memo (structuralRestriction prooftree) prooftree case validation of Right seq' | "exam" `inOpts` opts || (seq' `seqSubsetUnify` seq) -> trySubmit w DeductionTree opts l (DeductionTreeData (pack (show seq)) tree (toList opts)) (seq' `seqSubsetUnify` seq) _ -> message "Something is wrong with the proof... Try again?" checkOnChange :: ( ReLex lex , Sequentable lex , Inference rule lex sem , FirstOrder (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , ACUI (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , MonadVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) (State Int) , StaticVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Schematizable (lex (ClassicalSequentOver lex)) , CopulaSchema (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Typeable sem , Show rule , PrismSubstitutionalVariable lex , FirstOrderLex (lex (ClassicalSequentOver lex)) , StructuralOverride rule (ProofTree rule lex sem) , StructuralInference rule lex (ProofTree rule lex sem) ) => ProofMemoRef lex sem rule -> IORef (Maybe ThreadId) -> TableauCalc lex sem rule -> Maybe (ClassicalSequentOver lex (Sequent sem)) -> Element -> JSVal -> IO () checkOnChange memo threadRef calc mgoal i root = do mt <- readIORef threadRef case mt of Just t -> killThread t Nothing -> return () t' <- forkIO $ do threadDelay 500000 Just changedVal <- toCleanVal root (theInfo, mseq) <- checkProofTree calc (Just memo) changedVal decorate root theInfo Just wrap <- getParentElement i updateInfo calc mgoal mseq wrap writeIORef threadRef (Just t') toProofTree :: ( Typeable sem , ReLex lex , Sequentable lex , StructuralOverride rule (ProofTree rule lex sem) , Inference rule lex sem ) => TableauCalc lex sem rule -> Tree (String,String) -> Either (TreeFeedback lex) (ProofTree rule lex sem) toProofTree calc (Node (l,r) f) | all isRight parsedForest && isRight newNode = handleOverride <$> (Node <$> newNode <*> sequence parsedForest) | isRight newNode = Left $ Node Waiting (map cleanTree parsedForest) | Left n <- newNode = Left n where parsedLabel = (SS . liftToSequent) <$> P.parse (tbParseForm calc) "" l parsedRules = P.parse (tbParseRule calc) "" r parsedForest = map (toProofTree calc) f cleanTree (Left fs) = fs cleanTree (Right fs) = fmap (const Waiting) fs newNode = case ProofLine 0 <$> parsedLabel <*> parsedRules of Right l -> Right l Left e -> Left (Node (ProofError $ NoParse e 0) (map cleanTree parsedForest)) handleOverride f@(Node l fs) = case structuralOverride f (head (rule l)) of Nothing -> f Just rs -> Node (l {rule = rs}) fs checkProofTree :: ( ReLex lex , Sequentable lex , Inference rule lex sem , FirstOrder (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , ACUI (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , MonadVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) (State Int) , StaticVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Schematizable (lex (ClassicalSequentOver lex)) , CopulaSchema (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Typeable sem , Show rule , StructuralOverride rule (ProofTree rule lex sem) , StructuralInference rule lex (ProofTree rule lex sem) ) => TableauCalc lex sem rule -> Maybe (ProofMemoRef lex sem rule) -> Value -> IO (Value, Maybe (ClassicalSequentOver lex (Sequent sem))) checkProofTree calc mmemo v = case parse parseTreeJSON v of Success t -> case toProofTree calc t of Left feedback -> return (toInfo feedback, Nothing) Right tree -> do (val,mseq) <- validateProofTree calc mmemo tree return (toInfo val, mseq) Error s -> do print (show v) error s validateProofTree :: ( ReLex lex , Sequentable lex , Inference rule lex sem , FirstOrder (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , ACUI (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , MonadVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) (State Int) , StaticVar (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Schematizable (lex (ClassicalSequentOver lex)) , CopulaSchema (ClassicalSequentOver lex) , Typeable sem , Show rule , StructuralInference rule lex (ProofTree rule lex sem) ) => TableauCalc lex sem rule -> Maybe (ProofMemoRef lex sem rule) -> ProofTree rule lex sem -> IO (TreeFeedback lex, Maybe (ClassicalSequentOver lex (Sequent sem))) validateProofTree calc mmemo t@(Node _ fs) = do rslt <- case mmemo of Nothing -> return $ hoReduceProofTree (structuralRestriction t) t Just memo -> hoReduceProofTreeMemo memo (structuralRestriction t) t case rslt of Left msg -> (,) <$> (Node <$> pure (ProofError msg) <*> mapM (validateProofTree calc mmemo >=> return . fst) fs) <*> pure Nothing Right seq -> (,) <$> (Node <$> pure (ProofData (tbNotation calc . show $ seq)) <*> mapM (validateProofTree calc mmemo >=> return . fst) fs) <*> pure (Just seq)
-- Move generator logic module Kurt.GoEngine ( genMove , simulatePlayout , EngineState(..) , newEngineState , updateEngineState , newUctTree ) where import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimState) import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST, stToIO) import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rdeepseq) import Data.List ((\\)) import qualified Data.Map as M (map) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime, picosecondsToDiffTime) import Data.Tree (rootLabel) import Data.Tree.Zipper (findChild, fromTree, hasChildren, tree) import System.Random.MWC (Gen, Seed, restore, save, uniform, withSystemRandom) import Data.Goban.GameState import Data.Goban.Types (Color (..), Move (..), Score, Stone (..), Vertex) import Data.Goban.Utils (rateScore, winningScore) import Kurt.Config import Data.Tree.UCT import Data.Tree.UCT.GameTree (MoveNode (..), RaveMap, UCTTreeLoc, newMoveNode, newRaveMap) import Debug.TraceOrId (trace) -- import Data.Tree (drawTree) data EngineState = EngineState { getGameState :: !GameState , getUctTree :: !(UCTTreeLoc Move) , getRaveMap :: !(RaveMap Move) , boardSize :: !Int , getKomi :: !Score , getConfig :: !KurtConfig } type LoopState = (UCTTreeLoc Move, RaveMap Move) -- result from playout: score, playedMoves, path to startnode in tree type Result = (Score, [Move], [Move]) -- request for playout: gamestate, path to startnode in tree, seed type Request = (GameState, [Move], Seed) newEngineState :: KurtConfig -> EngineState newEngineState config = EngineState { getGameState = newGameState (initialBoardsize config) (initialKomi config) , getUctTree = newUctTree , getRaveMap = newRaveMap , boardSize = initialBoardsize config , getKomi = initialKomi config , getConfig = config } newUctTree :: UCTTreeLoc Move newUctTree = fromTree $ newMoveNode (trace "UCT tree root move accessed" (Move (Stone (25,25) White))) (0.5, 1) updateEngineState :: EngineState -> Move -> EngineState updateEngineState eState move = eState { getGameState = gState', getUctTree = loc' } where gState' = updateGameState gState move gState = getGameState eState loc' = case move of (Resign _) -> loc _otherwise -> if hasChildren loc then selectSubtree loc move else newUctTree loc = getUctTree eState selectSubtree :: UCTTreeLoc Move -> Move -> UCTTreeLoc Move selectSubtree loc move = loc'' where loc'' = fromTree $ tree loc' loc' = fromMaybe newUctTree $ findChild ((move ==) . nodeMove . rootLabel) loc genMove :: EngineState -> Color -> IO (Move, EngineState) genMove eState color = do now <- getCurrentTime let deadline = UTCTime { utctDay = utctDay now , utctDayTime = thinkPicosecs + utctDayTime now } let moves = nextMoves gState color let score = scoreGameState gState (if null moves then if winningScore color score then return (Pass color, eState) else return (Resign color, eState) else (do seed <- withSystemRandom (save :: Gen (PrimState IO) -> IO Seed) (loc', raveMap') <- runUCT loc gState raveMap config deadline seed let eState' = eState { getUctTree = loc', getRaveMap = raveMap' } return (bestMoveFromLoc loc' (getState gState) score, eState'))) where config = getConfig eState gState = getGameState eState loc = getUctTree eState raveMap = (second ((1 +) . (`div` 2))) $ getRaveMap eState thinkPicosecs = picosecondsToDiffTime $ fromIntegral (maxTime config) * 1000000000 bestMoveFromLoc :: UCTTreeLoc Move -> GameStateStuff -> Score -> Move bestMoveFromLoc loc state score = case principalVariation loc of [] -> error "bestMoveFromLoc: principalVariation is empty" (node : _) -> if value < 0.1 then if winningScore color score then trace ("bestMoveFromLoc pass " ++ show node) Pass color else trace ("bestMoveFromLoc resign " ++ show node) Resign color else trace ("total sims: " ++ show (nodeVisits$rootLabel$tree$loc) ++ " best: " ++ show node ++ "\n") -- ++ (drawTree $ fmap show $ tree loc) move where move = nodeMove node value = nodeValue node color = nextMoveColor state runUCT :: UCTTreeLoc Move -> GameState -> RaveMap Move -> KurtConfig -> UTCTime -> Seed -> IO LoopState runUCT initLoc rootGameState initRaveMap config deadline seed00 = do uctLoop stateStream0 0 where uctLoop :: [LoopState] -> Int -> IO LoopState uctLoop [] _ = return (initLoc, initRaveMap) uctLoop (st : stateStream) !n = do _ <- return $! st let maxRuns = n >= (maxPlayouts config) now <- getCurrentTime let timeIsUp = (now > deadline) (if maxRuns || timeIsUp then return st else uctLoop stateStream (n + 1)) stateStream0 = loop0 seed00 (initLoc, initRaveMap) loop0 :: Seed -> LoopState -> [LoopState] loop0 seed0 st0 = map (\(_, st, _) -> st) $ iterate loop (seed0, st0, []) where loop (seed, st, results0) = (seed', st'', results) where st'' = updater st' r r : results = results0 ++ (parMap rdeepseq runOne requests) (st', seed', requests) = requestor st seed reqNeeded reqNeeded = max 2 $ maxThreads config - length results0 updater :: LoopState -> Result -> LoopState updater !st !res = updateTreeResult st res requestor :: LoopState -> Seed -> Int -> (LoopState, Seed, [Request]) requestor !st0 seed0 !n = last $ take n $ iterate r (st0, seed0, []) where r :: (LoopState, Seed, [Request]) -> (LoopState, Seed, [Request]) r (!st, seed, rs) = (st', seed', request : rs) where seed' = incrSeed seed st' = (loc, raveMap) (_, raveMap) = st request = (leafGameState, path, seed) (loc, (leafGameState, path)) = nextNode st nextNode :: LoopState -> (UCTTreeLoc Move, (GameState, [Move])) nextNode (!loc, !raveMap) = (loc'', (leafGameState, path)) where loc'' = backpropagate (\_x -> 0) updateNodeVisits $ expandNode loc' slHeu moves moves = nextMoves leafGameState $ nextMoveColor $ getState leafGameState leafGameState = getLeafGameState rootGameState path (loc', path) = selectLeafPath policy loc policy = policyRaveUCB1 (uctExplorationPercent config) (raveWeight config) raveMap slHeu = makeStonesAndLibertyHeuristic leafGameState config updateTreeResult :: LoopState -> Result -> LoopState updateTreeResult (!loc, !raveMap) (!score, !playedMoves, !path) = (loc', raveMap') where raveMap' = updateRaveMap raveMap (rateScore score) $ drop (length playedMoves `div` 3) playedMoves loc' = backpropagate (rateScore score) updateNodeValue $ getLeaf loc path simulatePlayout :: GameState -> IO [Move] simulatePlayout gState = do seed <- withSystemRandom (save :: Gen (PrimState IO) -> IO Seed) let gState' = getLeafGameState gState [] (oneState, playedMoves) <- stToIO $ runOneRandom gState' seed let score = scoreGameState oneState trace ("simulatePlayout " ++ show score) $ return () return $ reverse playedMoves runOne :: Request -> Result runOne (gameState, path, seed) = (score, playedMoves, path) where score = scoreGameState endState (endState, playedMoves) = runST $ runOneRandom gameState seed runOneRandom :: GameState -> Seed -> ST s (GameState, [Move]) runOneRandom initState seed = do rGen <- restore seed run initState 0 rGen [] where run :: GameState -> Int -> Gen s -> [Move] -> ST s (GameState, [Move]) run state 1000 _ moves = return (trace ("runOneRandom not done after 1000 moves " ++ show moves) state, []) run state runCount rGen moves = do move <- genMoveRand state rGen let state' = updateGameState state move case move of (Pass passColor) -> do move' <- genMoveRand state' rGen let state'' = updateGameState state' move' case move' of (Pass _) -> return (state'', moves) sm@(Move _) -> run state'' (runCount + 1) rGen (sm : Pass passColor : moves) (Resign _) -> error "runOneRandom encountered Resign" sm@(Move _) -> run state' (runCount + 1) rGen (sm : moves) (Resign _) -> error "runOneRandom encountered Resign" genMoveRand :: GameState -> Gen s -> ST s Move genMoveRand state rGen = pickSane $ freeVertices $ getState state where pickSane [] = return $ Pass color pickSane [p] = do let stone = Stone p color let sane = isSaneMove state stone return (if sane then Move stone else Pass color) pickSane ps = do p <- pick ps rGen let stone = Stone p color let sane = isSaneMove state stone (if sane then return $ Move stone else pickSane (ps \\ [p])) color = nextMoveColor $ getState state pick :: [Vertex] -> Gen s -> ST s Vertex pick as rGen = do i <- liftM (`mod` length as) $ uniform rGen return $ as !! i incrSeed :: Seed -> Seed incrSeed !seed = runST $ do gen <- restore seed x <- uniform gen _ <- return $ x + (1 :: Int) seed' <- save gen return $! seed'
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.CloudWatchLogs.PutLogEvents -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | Uploads a batch of log events to the specified log stream. -- -- Every PutLogEvents request must include the 'sequenceToken' obtained from the -- response of the previous request. An upload in a newly created log stream -- does not require a 'sequenceToken'. -- -- The batch of events must satisfy the following constraints: The maximum -- batch size is 32,768 bytes, and this size is calculated as the sum of all -- event messages in UTF-8, plus 26 bytes for each log event. None of the log -- events in the batch can be more than 2 hours in the future. None of the log -- events in the batch can be older than 14 days or the retention period of the -- log group. The log events in the batch must be in chronological ordered by -- their 'timestamp'. The maximum number of log events in a batch is 1,000. -- -- <> module Network.AWS.CloudWatchLogs.PutLogEvents ( -- * Request PutLogEvents -- ** Request constructor , putLogEvents -- ** Request lenses , pleLogEvents , pleLogGroupName , pleLogStreamName , pleSequenceToken -- * Response , PutLogEventsResponse -- ** Response constructor , putLogEventsResponse -- ** Response lenses , plerNextSequenceToken ) where import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request.JSON import Network.AWS.CloudWatchLogs.Types import qualified GHC.Exts data PutLogEvents = PutLogEvents { _pleLogEvents :: List1 "logEvents" InputLogEvent , _pleLogGroupName :: Text , _pleLogStreamName :: Text , _pleSequenceToken :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show) -- | 'PutLogEvents' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pleLogEvents' @::@ 'NonEmpty' 'InputLogEvent' -- -- * 'pleLogGroupName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'pleLogStreamName' @::@ 'Text' -- -- * 'pleSequenceToken' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- putLogEvents :: Text -- ^ 'pleLogGroupName' -> Text -- ^ 'pleLogStreamName' -> NonEmpty InputLogEvent -- ^ 'pleLogEvents' -> PutLogEvents putLogEvents p1 p2 p3 = PutLogEvents { _pleLogGroupName = p1 , _pleLogStreamName = p2 , _pleLogEvents = withIso _List1 (const id) p3 , _pleSequenceToken = Nothing } pleLogEvents :: Lens' PutLogEvents (NonEmpty InputLogEvent) pleLogEvents = lens _pleLogEvents (\s a -> s { _pleLogEvents = a }) . _List1 pleLogGroupName :: Lens' PutLogEvents Text pleLogGroupName = lens _pleLogGroupName (\s a -> s { _pleLogGroupName = a }) pleLogStreamName :: Lens' PutLogEvents Text pleLogStreamName = lens _pleLogStreamName (\s a -> s { _pleLogStreamName = a }) -- | A string token that must be obtained from the response of the previous 'PutLogEvents' request. pleSequenceToken :: Lens' PutLogEvents (Maybe Text) pleSequenceToken = lens _pleSequenceToken (\s a -> s { _pleSequenceToken = a }) newtype PutLogEventsResponse = PutLogEventsResponse { _plerNextSequenceToken :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Monoid) -- | 'PutLogEventsResponse' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'plerNextSequenceToken' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- putLogEventsResponse :: PutLogEventsResponse putLogEventsResponse = PutLogEventsResponse { _plerNextSequenceToken = Nothing } plerNextSequenceToken :: Lens' PutLogEventsResponse (Maybe Text) plerNextSequenceToken = lens _plerNextSequenceToken (\s a -> s { _plerNextSequenceToken = a }) instance ToPath PutLogEvents where toPath = const "/" instance ToQuery PutLogEvents where toQuery = const mempty instance ToHeaders PutLogEvents instance ToJSON PutLogEvents where toJSON PutLogEvents{..} = object [ "logGroupName" .= _pleLogGroupName , "logStreamName" .= _pleLogStreamName , "logEvents" .= _pleLogEvents , "sequenceToken" .= _pleSequenceToken ] instance AWSRequest PutLogEvents where type Sv PutLogEvents = CloudWatchLogs type Rs PutLogEvents = PutLogEventsResponse request = post "PutLogEvents" response = jsonResponse instance FromJSON PutLogEventsResponse where parseJSON = withObject "PutLogEventsResponse" $ \o -> PutLogEventsResponse <$> o .:? "nextSequenceToken"
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.GamesConfiguration.AchievementConfigurations.Get -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Retrieves the metadata of the achievement configuration with the given -- ID. -- -- /See:/ < Google Play Game Services Publishing API Reference> for @gamesConfiguration.achievementConfigurations.get@. module Network.Google.Resource.GamesConfiguration.AchievementConfigurations.Get ( -- * REST Resource AchievementConfigurationsGetResource -- * Creating a Request , achievementConfigurationsGet , AchievementConfigurationsGet -- * Request Lenses , acgXgafv , acgUploadProtocol , acgAchievementId , acgAccessToken , acgUploadType , acgCallback ) where import Network.Google.GamesConfiguration.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @gamesConfiguration.achievementConfigurations.get@ method which the -- 'AchievementConfigurationsGet' request conforms to. type AchievementConfigurationsGetResource = "games" :> "v1configuration" :> "achievements" :> Capture "achievementId" Text :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] AchievementConfiguration -- | Retrieves the metadata of the achievement configuration with the given -- ID. -- -- /See:/ 'achievementConfigurationsGet' smart constructor. data AchievementConfigurationsGet = AchievementConfigurationsGet' { _acgXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _acgUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _acgAchievementId :: !Text , _acgAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _acgUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _acgCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'AchievementConfigurationsGet' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'acgXgafv' -- -- * 'acgUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'acgAchievementId' -- -- * 'acgAccessToken' -- -- * 'acgUploadType' -- -- * 'acgCallback' achievementConfigurationsGet :: Text -- ^ 'acgAchievementId' -> AchievementConfigurationsGet achievementConfigurationsGet pAcgAchievementId_ = AchievementConfigurationsGet' { _acgXgafv = Nothing , _acgUploadProtocol = Nothing , _acgAchievementId = pAcgAchievementId_ , _acgAccessToken = Nothing , _acgUploadType = Nothing , _acgCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. acgXgafv :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet (Maybe Xgafv) acgXgafv = lens _acgXgafv (\ s a -> s{_acgXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). acgUploadProtocol :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet (Maybe Text) acgUploadProtocol = lens _acgUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_acgUploadProtocol = a}) -- | The ID of the achievement used by this method. acgAchievementId :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet Text acgAchievementId = lens _acgAchievementId (\ s a -> s{_acgAchievementId = a}) -- | OAuth access token. acgAccessToken :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet (Maybe Text) acgAccessToken = lens _acgAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_acgAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). acgUploadType :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet (Maybe Text) acgUploadType = lens _acgUploadType (\ s a -> s{_acgUploadType = a}) -- | JSONP acgCallback :: Lens' AchievementConfigurationsGet (Maybe Text) acgCallback = lens _acgCallback (\ s a -> s{_acgCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest AchievementConfigurationsGet where type Rs AchievementConfigurationsGet = AchievementConfiguration type Scopes AchievementConfigurationsGet = '[""] requestClient AchievementConfigurationsGet'{..} = go _acgAchievementId _acgXgafv _acgUploadProtocol _acgAccessToken _acgUploadType _acgCallback (Just AltJSON) gamesConfigurationService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy AchievementConfigurationsGetResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Update -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Updates an object\'s metadata. -- -- /See:/ < Cloud Storage JSON API Reference> for @storage.objects.update@. module Network.Google.Resource.Storage.Objects.Update ( -- * REST Resource ObjectsUpdateResource -- * Creating a Request , objectsUpdate , ObjectsUpdate -- * Request Lenses , ouIfMetagenerationMatch , ouIfGenerationNotMatch , ouIfGenerationMatch , ouPredefinedACL , ouBucket , ouPayload , ouUserProject , ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch , ouObject , ouProjection , ouProvisionalUserProject , ouGeneration ) where import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.Storage.Types -- | A resource alias for @storage.objects.update@ method which the -- 'ObjectsUpdate' request conforms to. type ObjectsUpdateResource = "storage" :> "v1" :> "b" :> Capture "bucket" Text :> "o" :> Capture "object" Text :> QueryParam "ifMetagenerationMatch" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "ifGenerationNotMatch" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "ifGenerationMatch" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "predefinedAcl" ObjectsUpdatePredefinedACL :> QueryParam "userProject" Text :> QueryParam "ifMetagenerationNotMatch" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "projection" ObjectsUpdateProjection :> QueryParam "provisionalUserProject" Text :> QueryParam "generation" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] Object :> Put '[JSON] Object -- | Updates an object\'s metadata. -- -- /See:/ 'objectsUpdate' smart constructor. data ObjectsUpdate = ObjectsUpdate' { _ouIfMetagenerationMatch :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _ouIfGenerationNotMatch :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _ouIfGenerationMatch :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _ouPredefinedACL :: !(Maybe ObjectsUpdatePredefinedACL) , _ouBucket :: !Text , _ouPayload :: !Object , _ouUserProject :: !(Maybe Text) , _ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) , _ouObject :: !Text , _ouProjection :: !(Maybe ObjectsUpdateProjection) , _ouProvisionalUserProject :: !(Maybe Text) , _ouGeneration :: !(Maybe (Textual Int64)) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ObjectsUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ouIfMetagenerationMatch' -- -- * 'ouIfGenerationNotMatch' -- -- * 'ouIfGenerationMatch' -- -- * 'ouPredefinedACL' -- -- * 'ouBucket' -- -- * 'ouPayload' -- -- * 'ouUserProject' -- -- * 'ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch' -- -- * 'ouObject' -- -- * 'ouProjection' -- -- * 'ouProvisionalUserProject' -- -- * 'ouGeneration' objectsUpdate :: Text -- ^ 'ouBucket' -> Object -- ^ 'ouPayload' -> Text -- ^ 'ouObject' -> ObjectsUpdate objectsUpdate pOuBucket_ pOuPayload_ pOuObject_ = ObjectsUpdate' { _ouIfMetagenerationMatch = Nothing , _ouIfGenerationNotMatch = Nothing , _ouIfGenerationMatch = Nothing , _ouPredefinedACL = Nothing , _ouBucket = pOuBucket_ , _ouPayload = pOuPayload_ , _ouUserProject = Nothing , _ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch = Nothing , _ouObject = pOuObject_ , _ouProjection = Nothing , _ouProvisionalUserProject = Nothing , _ouGeneration = Nothing } -- | Makes the operation conditional on whether the object\'s current -- metageneration matches the given value. ouIfMetagenerationMatch :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Int64) ouIfMetagenerationMatch = lens _ouIfMetagenerationMatch (\ s a -> s{_ouIfMetagenerationMatch = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Makes the operation conditional on whether the object\'s current -- generation does not match the given value. If no live object exists, the -- precondition fails. Setting to 0 makes the operation succeed only if -- there is a live version of the object. ouIfGenerationNotMatch :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Int64) ouIfGenerationNotMatch = lens _ouIfGenerationNotMatch (\ s a -> s{_ouIfGenerationNotMatch = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Makes the operation conditional on whether the object\'s current -- generation matches the given value. Setting to 0 makes the operation -- succeed only if there are no live versions of the object. ouIfGenerationMatch :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Int64) ouIfGenerationMatch = lens _ouIfGenerationMatch (\ s a -> s{_ouIfGenerationMatch = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Apply a predefined set of access controls to this object. ouPredefinedACL :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe ObjectsUpdatePredefinedACL) ouPredefinedACL = lens _ouPredefinedACL (\ s a -> s{_ouPredefinedACL = a}) -- | Name of the bucket in which the object resides. ouBucket :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate Text ouBucket = lens _ouBucket (\ s a -> s{_ouBucket = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. ouPayload :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate Object ouPayload = lens _ouPayload (\ s a -> s{_ouPayload = a}) -- | The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays -- buckets. ouUserProject :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Text) ouUserProject = lens _ouUserProject (\ s a -> s{_ouUserProject = a}) -- | Makes the operation conditional on whether the object\'s current -- metageneration does not match the given value. ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Int64) ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch = lens _ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch (\ s a -> s{_ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch = a}) . mapping _Coerce -- | Name of the object. For information about how to URL encode object names -- to be path safe, see Encoding URI Path Parts. ouObject :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate Text ouObject = lens _ouObject (\ s a -> s{_ouObject = a}) -- | Set of properties to return. Defaults to full. ouProjection :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe ObjectsUpdateProjection) ouProjection = lens _ouProjection (\ s a -> s{_ouProjection = a}) -- | The project to be billed for this request if the target bucket is -- requester-pays bucket. ouProvisionalUserProject :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Text) ouProvisionalUserProject = lens _ouProvisionalUserProject (\ s a -> s{_ouProvisionalUserProject = a}) -- | If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to -- the latest version, the default). ouGeneration :: Lens' ObjectsUpdate (Maybe Int64) ouGeneration = lens _ouGeneration (\ s a -> s{_ouGeneration = a}) . mapping _Coerce instance GoogleRequest ObjectsUpdate where type Rs ObjectsUpdate = Object type Scopes ObjectsUpdate = '["", ""] requestClient ObjectsUpdate'{..} = go _ouBucket _ouObject _ouIfMetagenerationMatch _ouIfGenerationNotMatch _ouIfGenerationMatch _ouPredefinedACL _ouUserProject _ouIfMetagenerationNotMatch _ouProjection _ouProvisionalUserProject _ouGeneration (Just AltJSON) _ouPayload storageService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ObjectsUpdateResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Analytics.Management.WebProperties.Update -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Updates an existing web property. -- -- /See:/ < Google Analytics API Reference> for module Network.Google.Resource.Analytics.Management.WebProperties.Update ( -- * REST Resource ManagementWebPropertiesUpdateResource -- * Creating a Request , managementWebPropertiesUpdate , ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate -- * Request Lenses , mwpuWebPropertyId , mwpuPayload , mwpuAccountId ) where import Network.Google.Analytics.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for method which the -- 'ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate' request conforms to. type ManagementWebPropertiesUpdateResource = "analytics" :> "v3" :> "management" :> "accounts" :> Capture "accountId" Text :> "webproperties" :> Capture "webPropertyId" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] WebProperty :> Put '[JSON] WebProperty -- | Updates an existing web property. -- -- /See:/ 'managementWebPropertiesUpdate' smart constructor. data ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate = ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate' { _mwpuWebPropertyId :: !Text , _mwpuPayload :: !WebProperty , _mwpuAccountId :: !Text } deriving (Eq,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'mwpuWebPropertyId' -- -- * 'mwpuPayload' -- -- * 'mwpuAccountId' managementWebPropertiesUpdate :: Text -- ^ 'mwpuWebPropertyId' -> WebProperty -- ^ 'mwpuPayload' -> Text -- ^ 'mwpuAccountId' -> ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate managementWebPropertiesUpdate pMwpuWebPropertyId_ pMwpuPayload_ pMwpuAccountId_ = ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate' { _mwpuWebPropertyId = pMwpuWebPropertyId_ , _mwpuPayload = pMwpuPayload_ , _mwpuAccountId = pMwpuAccountId_ } -- | Web property ID mwpuWebPropertyId :: Lens' ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate Text mwpuWebPropertyId = lens _mwpuWebPropertyId (\ s a -> s{_mwpuWebPropertyId = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. mwpuPayload :: Lens' ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate WebProperty mwpuPayload = lens _mwpuPayload (\ s a -> s{_mwpuPayload = a}) -- | Account ID to which the web property belongs mwpuAccountId :: Lens' ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate Text mwpuAccountId = lens _mwpuAccountId (\ s a -> s{_mwpuAccountId = a}) instance GoogleRequest ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate where type Rs ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate = WebProperty type Scopes ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate = '[""] requestClient ManagementWebPropertiesUpdate'{..} = go _mwpuAccountId _mwpuWebPropertyId (Just AltJSON) _mwpuPayload analyticsService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ManagementWebPropertiesUpdateResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module PontariusService.Types where import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Reader import DBus import DBus.Signal import DBus.Types import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time import Data.Typeable import Data.UUID (UUID) import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import Data.Word import qualified Network.Xmpp as Xmpp type SSID = ByteString data BatchLink = BatchLinkIgnore | BatchLinkExisting UUID | BatchLinkNewContact Text instance Representable BatchLink where type RepType BatchLink = 'TypeStruct '[ 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeByte , 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeString] toRep BatchLinkIgnore = DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 0) (StructSingleton (DBVString ""))) toRep (BatchLinkExisting uuid) = DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 1) (StructSingleton (toRep uuid))) toRep (BatchLinkNewContact name) = DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 2) (StructSingleton (toRep name))) fromRep (DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 0) (StructSingleton _))) = Just BatchLinkIgnore fromRep (DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 1) (StructSingleton uuid))) = BatchLinkExisting <$> (fromRep uuid) fromRep (DBVStruct (StructCons (DBVByte 2) (StructSingleton (DBVString name)))) = Just $ BatchLinkNewContact name data PontariusState = CredentialsUnset | IdentityNotFound | IdentitiesAvailable | CreatingIdentity | Disabled | Authenticating | Authenticated | AuthenticationDenied deriving (Show, Eq) data AccountState = AccountEnabled | AccountDisabled deriving (Show, Eq) data PeerStatus = Unavailable | Available deriving (Show, Eq) instance Representable UTCTime where type RepType UTCTime = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeUInt32 toRep = DBVUInt32 . round . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds fromRep (DBVUInt32 x) = Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime $ fromIntegral x instance DBus.Representable Xmpp.Jid where type RepType Xmpp.Jid = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeString toRep = DBus.DBVString . Xmpp.jidToText fromRep (DBus.DBVString s) = Xmpp.jidFromText s instance (Ord a, DBus.Representable a) => DBus.Representable (Set a) where type RepType (Set a) = RepType [a] toRep = toRep . Set.toList fromRep = fmap Set.fromList . fromRep instance Representable (Maybe KeyID) where type RepType (Maybe KeyID) = RepType KeyID toRep Nothing = toRep Text.empty toRep (Just k) = toRep k fromRep v = case fromRep v of Nothing -> Nothing Just v' | Text.null v' -> Just Nothing | otherwise -> Just (Just v') instance Representable (Maybe UTCTime) where type RepType (Maybe UTCTime) = RepType UTCTime toRep Nothing = toRep (0 :: Word32) toRep (Just t) = toRep t fromRep v = case fromRep v of Nothing -> Nothing Just t' | t' == (0 :: Word32) -> Just Nothing | otherwise -> Just . Just $ posixSecondsToUTCTime $ fromIntegral t' type KeyID = Text type SessionID = ByteString data ConnectionStatus = Connected | Disconnected deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data InitResponse = KeyOK | SelectKey data Ent = Ent { entityJid :: Xmpp.Jid , entityDisplayName :: Text , entityDescription :: Text } deriving (Show, Typeable) data AkeEvent = AkeEvent { akeEventStart :: UTCTime , akeEventSuccessfull :: Bool , akeEventPeerJid :: Xmpp.Jid , akeEventOurJid :: Xmpp.Jid , akeEventPeerkeyID :: KeyID , akeEventOurkeyID :: KeyID } deriving (Show, Eq) data ChallengeEvent = ChallengeEvent { challengeEventChallengeOutgoing :: Bool , challengeEventStarted :: UTCTime , challengeEventCompleted :: UTCTime , challengeEventQuestion :: Text , challengeEventResult :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data RevocationEvent = RevocationEvent { revocationEventKeyID :: KeyID , revocationEventTime :: UTCTime } data RevocationSignalEvent = RevocationlEvent { revocationSignalEventKeyID :: KeyID , revocationSignalEventTime :: UTCTime } makePrisms ''PontariusState makeRepresentable ''PontariusState makePrisms ''AccountState makeRepresentable ''AccountState makeRepresentable ''RevocationSignalEvent makeRepresentable ''ConnectionStatus makeRepresentable ''InitResponse makeRepresentable ''Ent makeRepresentable ''AkeEvent makeRepresentable ''ChallengeEvent makeRepresentable ''RevocationEvent makeRepresentable ''PeerStatus instance DBus.Representable UUID where type RepType UUID = RepType Text toRep = toRep . Text.pack . UUID.toString fromRep = UUID.fromString . Text.unpack <=< fromRep data AddPeerFailed = AddPeerFailed { addPeerFailedPeer :: !Xmpp.Jid , addPeerFailedReason :: !Text } deriving (Show) makeRepresentable ''AddPeerFailed makeLensesWith camelCaseFields ''AddPeerFailed data RemovePeerFailed = RemovePeerFailed { removePeerFailedPeer :: !Xmpp.Jid , removePeerFailedReason :: !Text } deriving (Show) makeRepresentable ''RemovePeerFailed makeLensesWith camelCaseFields ''RemovePeerFailed
-- | This module provides the data type and parser for a trait file module Trait ( Trait(..) , defaultTrait , trait ) where import Maker import Modifier import Scoped(Label) data Trait = Trait { trait_name :: Label , agnatic :: Bool , birth :: Double -- ^ Chance of being assigned on birth. Default 0 , cached :: Bool , cannot_inherit :: Bool , cannot_marry :: Bool , caste_tier :: Maybe Int -- ^ The trait is a caste trait, and this -- defines the order of the castes. , customizer :: Bool -- ^ Blocks the trait from being available in the Designer , education :: Bool , immortal :: Bool , in_hiding :: Bool , inbred :: Bool , incapacitating :: Bool , inherit_chance :: Double , is_epidemic :: Bool , is_health :: Bool , is_illness :: Bool , leader :: Bool , leadership_traits :: Maybe Int , lifestyle :: Bool , opposites :: [Label] , personality :: Bool , prevent_decadence :: Bool , priest :: Bool , pilgrimage :: Bool , random :: Bool , rebel_inherited :: Bool -- ^ Unknown purpose , religious :: Bool , religious_branch :: Maybe Label , ruler_designer_cost :: Maybe Int -- ^ The postive cost in the Ruler Designer , tolerates :: [Label] -- ^ A list of the religion groups tolerated by this character , modifiers :: [Modifier] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) trait :: Maker Trait trait = Trait <$> label key <*> boolProp "agnatic" <*> ((number ~@ "birth") `defaultingTo` 0) <*> boolProp "cached" <*> boolProp "cannot_inherit" <*> boolProp "cannot_marry" <*> intProp "caste_tier" <*> boolProp "customizer" <*> boolProp "education" <*> boolProp "immortal" <*> boolProp "in_hiding" <*> boolProp "inbred" <*> boolProp "incapacitating" <*> (number ~@ "inherit_chance") `defaultingTo` 0 <*> boolProp "is_epidemic" <*> boolProp "is_health" <*> boolProp "is_illness" <*> boolProp "leader" <*> intProp "leadership_traits" <*> boolProp "lifestyle" <*> (opposites @@ "opposites") `defaultingTo` [] <*> boolProp "personality" <*> boolProp "prevent_decadence" <*> boolProp "priest" <*> boolProp "pilgrimage" <*> boolProp "random" <*> boolProp "rebel_inherited" <*> boolProp "religious" <*> fetchString @? "religious_branch" <*> intProp "ruler_designer_cost" <*> tolerations <*> tryMap modifier where boolProp key = ((fetchBool @@ key) `defaultingTo` False) <?> key intProp :: Label → Maker (Maybe Int) intProp key = fmap round <$> number ~? key <?> key opposites = error "opposite traits are not implemented" tolerations = return [] defaultTrait :: Trait defaultTrait = Trait { trait_name = undefined, agnatic = False, birth = 0, cached = False , cannot_inherit = False, cannot_marry = False, caste_tier = Nothing , customizer = False, education = False, immortal = False , in_hiding = False, inbred = False, incapacitating = False , inherit_chance = 0, is_epidemic = False, is_health = False , is_illness = False, leader = False, leadership_traits = Nothing , lifestyle = False, opposites = [], personality = False , prevent_decadence = False, priest = False, pilgrimage = False , random = False, rebel_inherited = False, religious = False , religious_branch = Nothing, ruler_designer_cost = Nothing , tolerates = [], modifiers = [] }
-- Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Red Hat, Inc. -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, see <>. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BDCS.RPM.Sources(mkSource) where import Database.Esqueleto(Key) import qualified Data.Text as T import BDCS.DB(Projects, Sources(..)) import BDCS.Exceptions(DBException(..), throwIfNothing) import RPM.Tags(Tag, findStringTag) mkSource :: [Tag] -> Key Projects -> Sources mkSource tags projectId = let license = T.pack $ findStringTag "License" tags `throwIfNothing` MissingRPMTag "License" version = T.pack $ findStringTag "Version" tags `throwIfNothing` MissingRPMTag "Version" -- FIXME: Where to get this from? source_ref = "SOURCE_REF" in Sources projectId license version source_ref
{-| Module : Main-nowx Description : Модуль с точкой входа для консольной версии приложения License : LGPLv3 -} module Main where import Kernel import PlayerConsole import DrawingConsole import Controller import AIPlayer -- | Точка входа для консольной версии программы main :: IO () main = do winner <- run cfg player1 player2 [drawing] case winner of Winner color -> putStrLn $ (show color) ++ " player wins!" DrawBy color -> putStrLn $ "It's a trap for " ++ (show color) ++ " player!" return () where cfg = russianConfig game = createGame cfg player1 = createAIPlayer 1 2 player2 = createPlayerConsole drawing = createDrawingConsole
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Mdb.Status ( doStatus ) where import Control.Monad ( when ) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO ) import Control.Monad.Logger ( logWarnN, logDebugN, logInfoN ) import Control.Monad.Reader ( ask ) import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL import Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) import qualified Data.Text as T import System.IO.Error ( tryIOError ) import System.Posix.Files ( getFileStatus, modificationTimeHiRes ) import Mdb.CmdLine ( OptStatus(..) ) import Mdb.Database ( MDB, dbExecute, runMDB', withConnection ) import Mdb.Types ( FileId ) doStatus :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => OptStatus -> MDB m () doStatus = withFilesSeq . checkFile type FileInfo = (FileId, FilePath) withFilesSeq :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (FileInfo -> MDB IO ()) -> MDB m () withFilesSeq f = withConnection $ \c -> do mdb <- ask liftIO $ SQL.withStatement c "SELECT file_id, file_name FROM file ORDER BY file_id" $ \stmt -> let go = SQL.nextRow stmt >>= \mfi -> case mfi of Nothing -> return () Just fi -> (runMDB' mdb $ f fi) >> go in go checkFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => OptStatus -> FileInfo -> MDB m () checkFile op (fid, fp) = do efs <- liftIO $ tryIOError $ getFileStatus fp case efs of Left ioe -> do logWarnN $ T.pack ( show ioe ) when (removeMissing op) $ do logInfoN $ "removing file with ID " <> (T.pack $ show fid) dbExecute "DELETE FROM file WHERE file_id = ?" (SQL.Only fid) Right fs -> logDebugN $ T.pack (show $ modificationTimeHiRes fs)
module Serf.Event where import Serf.Member import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import Text.Parsec type SerfError = String data SerfEvent = MemberJoin Member | MemberLeave Member | MemberFailed Member | MemberUpdate Member | MemberReap Member | User | Query | Unknown String getSerfEvent :: IO (Either SerfError SerfEvent) getSerfEvent = getEnv "SERF_EVENT" >>= fromString where fromString :: String -> IO (Either SerfError SerfEvent) fromString "member-join" = readMemberEvent MemberJoin fromString "member-leave" = readMemberEvent MemberLeave fromString "member-failed" = readMemberEvent MemberFailed fromString "member-update" = readMemberEvent MemberUpdate fromString "member-reap" = readMemberEvent MemberReap fromString "user" = return $ Right User fromString "query" = return $ Right Query fromString unk = return . Right $ Unknown unk readMemberEvent :: (Member -> SerfEvent) -> IO (Either SerfError SerfEvent) readMemberEvent f = addMember f <$> readMember addMember :: (Member -> SerfEvent) -> Either ParseError Member -> Either SerfError SerfEvent addMember _ (Left err) = Left $ show err addMember f (Right m) = Right $ f m readMember :: IO (Either ParseError Member) readMember = memberFromString <$> getLine isMemberEvent :: SerfEvent -> Bool isMemberEvent (MemberJoin _) = True isMemberEvent (MemberLeave _) = True isMemberEvent (MemberFailed _) = True isMemberEvent (MemberUpdate _) = True isMemberEvent (MemberReap _) = True isMemberEvent _ = False type EventHandler m = SerfEvent -> m () handleEventWith :: MonadIO m => EventHandler m -> m () handleEventWith hdlr = do evt <- liftIO getSerfEvent case evt of Left err -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr err >> exitFailure Right ev -> hdlr ev
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll, Rank2Types #-} -- | An implementation of Reagents ( -- NOTE: currently this is just a very tiny core of the Reagent design. Needs -- lots of work. module Data.Concurrent.Internal.Reagent where import Data.IORef import Data.Atomics import Prelude hiding (succ, fail) type Reagent a = forall b. (a -> IO b) -> IO b -> IO b -- | Execute a Reagent. {-# INLINE react #-} react :: Reagent a -> IO a react r = try where try = r finish try finish x = return x -- | Like atomicModifyIORef, but uses CAS and permits the update action to force -- a retry by returning Nothing {-# INLINE atomicUpdate #-} atomicUpdate :: IORef a -> (a -> Maybe (a, b)) -> Reagent b atomicUpdate r f succ fail = do curTicket <- readForCAS r let cur = peekTicket curTicket case f cur of Just (new, out) -> do (done, _) <- casIORef r curTicket new if done then succ out else fail Nothing -> fail atomicUpdate_ :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> Reagent () atomicUpdate_ r f = atomicUpdate r (\x -> Just (f x, ())) postCommit :: Reagent a -> (a -> IO b) -> Reagent b postCommit r f succ fail = r (\x -> f x >>= succ) fail choice :: Reagent a -> Reagent a -> Reagent a choice _ _ = error "TODO"
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- Copyright (C) 2010-2012 John Millikin <[email protected]> -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. module DBusTests.Signature (test_Signature) where import Test.Chell import Test.Chell.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.), property) import DBus import DBusTests.Util test_Signature :: Suite test_Signature = suite "Signature" [ test_BuildSignature , test_ParseSignature , test_ParseInvalid , test_FormatSignature , test_IsAtom , test_ShowType ] test_BuildSignature :: Test test_BuildSignature = property "signature" prop where prop = forAll gen_SignatureTypes check check types = case signature types of Nothing -> False Just sig -> signatureTypes sig == types test_ParseSignature :: Test test_ParseSignature = property "parseSignature" prop where prop = forAll gen_SignatureString check check (s, types) = case parseSignature s of Nothing -> False Just sig -> signatureTypes sig == types test_ParseInvalid :: Test test_ParseInvalid = assertions "parse-invalid" $ do -- at most 255 characters $expect (just (parseSignature (replicate 254 'y'))) $expect (just (parseSignature (replicate 255 'y'))) $expect (nothing (parseSignature (replicate 256 'y'))) -- length also enforced by 'signature' $expect (just (signature (replicate 255 TypeWord8))) $expect (nothing (signature (replicate 256 TypeWord8))) -- struct code $expect (nothing (parseSignature "r")) -- empty struct $expect (nothing (parseSignature "()")) $expect (nothing (signature [TypeStructure []])) -- dict code $expect (nothing (parseSignature "e")) -- non-atomic dict key $expect (nothing (parseSignature "a{vy}")) $expect (nothing (signature [TypeDictionary TypeVariant TypeVariant])) test_FormatSignature :: Test test_FormatSignature = property "formatSignature" prop where prop = forAll gen_SignatureString check check (s, _) = let Just sig = parseSignature s in formatSignature sig == s test_IsAtom :: Test test_IsAtom = assertions "IsAtom" $ do let Just sig = signature [] assertAtom TypeSignature sig test_ShowType :: Test test_ShowType = assertions "show-type" $ do $expect (equal "Bool" (show TypeBoolean)) $expect (equal "Bool" (show TypeBoolean)) $expect (equal "Word8" (show TypeWord8)) $expect (equal "Word16" (show TypeWord16)) $expect (equal "Word32" (show TypeWord32)) $expect (equal "Word64" (show TypeWord64)) $expect (equal "Int16" (show TypeInt16)) $expect (equal "Int32" (show TypeInt32)) $expect (equal "Int64" (show TypeInt64)) $expect (equal "Double" (show TypeDouble)) $expect (equal "UnixFd" (show TypeUnixFd)) $expect (equal "String" (show TypeString)) $expect (equal "Signature" (show TypeSignature)) $expect (equal "ObjectPath" (show TypeObjectPath)) $expect (equal "Variant" (show TypeVariant)) $expect (equal "[Word8]" (show (TypeArray TypeWord8))) $expect (equal "Dict Word8 (Dict Word8 Word8)" (show (TypeDictionary TypeWord8 (TypeDictionary TypeWord8 TypeWord8)))) $expect (equal "(Word8, Word16)" (show (TypeStructure [TypeWord8, TypeWord16]))) gen_SignatureTypes :: Gen [Type] gen_SignatureTypes = do (_, ts) <- gen_SignatureString return ts gen_SignatureString :: Gen (String, [Type]) gen_SignatureString = gen where anyType = oneof [atom, container] atom = elements [ ("b", TypeBoolean) , ("y", TypeWord8) , ("q", TypeWord16) , ("u", TypeWord32) , ("t", TypeWord64) , ("n", TypeInt16) , ("i", TypeInt32) , ("x", TypeInt64) , ("d", TypeDouble) , ("h", TypeUnixFd) , ("s", TypeString) , ("o", TypeObjectPath) , ("g", TypeSignature) ] container = oneof [ return ("v", TypeVariant) , array , dict , struct ] array = do (tCode, tEnum) <- anyType return ('a':tCode, TypeArray tEnum) dict = do (kCode, kEnum) <- atom (vCode, vEnum) <- anyType return (concat ["a{", kCode, vCode, "}"], TypeDictionary kEnum vEnum) struct = do ts <- listOf1 (halfSized anyType) let (codes, enums) = unzip ts return ("(" ++ concat codes ++ ")", TypeStructure enums) gen = do types <- listOf anyType let (codes, enums) = unzip types let chars = concat codes if length chars > 255 then halfSized gen else return (chars, enums) instance Arbitrary Signature where arbitrary = do ts <- gen_SignatureTypes let Just sig = signature ts return sig
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- TODO: Complex Numbers {-| Embeds Fortran's type system in Haskell via the 'D' GADT. == Note: Phantom Types and GADTs Lots of the data types in this module are parameterised by phantom types. These are types which appear at the type-level, but not at the value level. They are there to make things more type-safe. In addition, a lot of the data types are GADTs. In a phantom-type-indexed GADT, the phantom type often restricts which GADT constructors a particular value may be an instance of. This is very useful for restricting value-level terms based on type-level information. -} module Language.Fortran.Model.Types where import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Monoid (Endo (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Singletons.TypeLits import Data.Vinyl hiding (Field) import Data.Vinyl.Functor import Language.Expression.Pretty import Language.Fortran.Model.Singletons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Fortran Types {-| This is the main embedding of Fortran types. A value of type @D a@ represents the Fortran type which corresponds to the Haskell type @a@. @a@ is a phantom type parameter. There is at most one instance of @D a@ for each @a@. This means that a value of type @D a@ acts as a kind of proof that it possible to have a Fortran type corresponding to the Haskell type @a@ -- and that when you match on @D a@ knowing the particular @a@ you have, you know which constructor you will get. This is a nice property because it means that GHC (with @-fwarn-incomplete-patterns@) will not warn when you match on an impossible case. It eliminates situations where you'd otherwise write @error "impossible: ..."@. * @'DPrim' p :: D ('PrimS' a)@ is for primitive types. It contains a value @p@ of type @'Prim' p k a@ for some @p@, @k@, @a@. When matching on something of type @D ('PrimS' a)@, you know it can only contain a primitive type. * @'DArray' i v :: D ('Array' i v)@ is for arrays. It contains instances of @'Index' i@ and @'ArrValue' a@. @'Index' i@ is a proof that @i@ can be used as an index, and @'ArrValue' a@ is a proof that @a@ can be stored in arrays. * @'DData' s xs :: D ('Record' name fs)@ is for user-defined data types. The type has a name, represented at the type level by the type parameter @name@ of kind 'Symbol'. The constructor contains @s :: 'SSymbol' name@, which acts as a sort of value-level representation of the name. 'SSymbol' is from the @singletons@ library. It also contains @xs :: 'Rec' ('Field' D) fs@. @fs@ is a type-level list of pairs, pairing field names with field types. @'Field' D '(fname, b)@ is a value-level pair of @'SSymbol' fname@ and @D b@. The vinyl record is a list of fields, one for each pair in @fs@. -} data D a where DPrim :: Prim p k a -> D (PrimS a) DArray :: Index i -> ArrValue a -> D (Array i a) DData :: SSymbol name -> Rec (Field D) fs -> D (Record name fs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Semantic Types newtype Bool8 = Bool8 { getBool8 :: Int8 } deriving (Show, Num, Eq, Typeable) newtype Bool16 = Bool16 { getBool16 :: Int16 } deriving (Show, Num, Eq, Typeable) newtype Bool32 = Bool32 { getBool32 :: Int32 } deriving (Show, Num, Eq, Typeable) newtype Bool64 = Bool64 { getBool64 :: Int64 } deriving (Show, Num, Eq, Typeable) newtype Char8 = Char8 { getChar8 :: Word8 } deriving (Show, Num, Eq, Typeable) {-| This newtype wrapper is used in 'DPrim' for semantic primitive types. This means that when matching on something of type @'D' ('PrimS' a)@, we know it can't be an array or a record. -} newtype PrimS a = PrimS { getPrimS :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Primitive Types {-| Lists the allowed primitive Fortran types. For example, @'PInt8' :: 'Prim' 'P8 ''BTInt' 'Int8'@ represents 8-bit integers. 'Prim' has three phantom type parameters: precision, base type and semantic Haskell type. Precision is the number of bits used to store values of that type. The base type represents the corresponding Fortran base type, e.g. @integer@ or @real@. Constructors are only provided for those Fortran types which are semantically valid, so for example no constructor is provided for a 16-bit real. A value of type @'Prim' p k a@ can be seen as a proof that there is some Fortran primitive type with those parameters. -} data Prim p k a where PInt8 :: Prim 'P8 'BTInt Int8 PInt16 :: Prim 'P16 'BTInt Int16 PInt32 :: Prim 'P32 'BTInt Int32 PInt64 :: Prim 'P64 'BTInt Int64 PBool8 :: Prim 'P8 'BTLogical Bool8 PBool16 :: Prim 'P16 'BTLogical Bool16 PBool32 :: Prim 'P32 'BTLogical Bool32 PBool64 :: Prim 'P64 'BTLogical Bool64 PFloat :: Prim 'P32 'BTReal Float PDouble :: Prim 'P64 'BTReal Double PChar :: Prim 'P8 'BTChar Char8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Arrays -- | Specifies which types can be used as array indices. data Index a where Index :: Prim p 'BTInt a -> Index (PrimS a) -- | Specifies which types can be stored in arrays. Currently arrays of arrays -- are not supported. data ArrValue a where ArrPrim :: Prim p k a -> ArrValue (PrimS a) ArrData :: SSymbol name -> Rec (Field ArrValue) fs -> ArrValue (Record name fs) -- | An array with a phantom index type. Mostly used at the type-level to -- constrain instances of @'D' (Array i a)@ etc. newtype Array i a = Array [a] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Records -- | A field over a pair of name and value type. data Field f field where Field :: SSymbol name -> f a -> Field f '(name, a) -- | A type of records with the given @name@ and @fields@. Mostly used at the -- type level to constrain instances of @'D' (Record name fields)@ etc. data Record name fields where Record :: SSymbol name -> Rec (Field Identity) fields -> Record name fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Combinators -- | Any Fortran index type is a valid Fortran type. dIndex :: Index i -> D i dIndex (Index p) = DPrim p -- | Anything that can be stored in Fortran arrays is a valid Fortran type. dArrValue :: ArrValue a -> D a dArrValue (ArrPrim p) = DPrim p dArrValue (ArrData nameSym fieldArrValues) = DData nameSym (rmap (overField' dArrValue) fieldArrValues) -- | Given a field with known contents, we can change the functor and value -- type. overField :: (f a -> g b) -> Field f '(name, a) -> Field g '(name, b) overField f (Field n x) = Field n (f x) -- | Given a field with unknown contents, we can change the functor but not the -- value type. overField' :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Field f nv -> Field g nv overField' f (Field n x) = Field n (f x) traverseField' :: (Functor t) => (forall a. f a -> t (g a)) -> Field f nv -> t (Field g nv) traverseField' f (Field n x) = Field n <$> f x -- | Combine two fields over the same name-value pair but (potentially) -- different functors. zipFieldsWith :: (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a) -> Field f nv -> Field g nv -> Field h nv zipFieldsWith f (Field _ x) (Field n y) = Field n (f x y) zip3FieldsWith :: (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> i a) -> Field f nv -> Field g nv -> Field h nv -> Field i nv zip3FieldsWith f (Field _ x) (Field _ y) (Field n z) = Field n (f x y z) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty Printing instance Pretty1 (Prim p k) where prettys1Prec p = \case PInt8 -> showString "integer8" PInt16 -> showString "integer16" PInt32 -> showString "integer32" PInt64 -> showString "integer64" PFloat -> showString "real" PDouble -> showParen (p > 8) $ showString "double precision" PBool8 -> showString "logical8" PBool16 -> showString "logical16" PBool32 -> showString "logical32" PBool64 -> showString "logical64" PChar -> showString "character" instance Pretty1 ArrValue where prettys1Prec p = prettys1Prec p . dArrValue instance (Pretty1 f) => Pretty1 (Field f) where prettys1Prec _ = \case Field fname x -> prettys1Prec 0 x . showString " " . withKnownSymbol fname (showString (symbolVal fname)) -- | e.g. "type custom_type { character a, integer array b }" instance Pretty1 D where prettys1Prec p = \case DPrim px -> prettys1Prec p px DArray _ pv -> prettys1Prec p pv . showString " array" DData rname fields -> showParen (p > 8) $ showString "type " . withKnownSymbol rname (showString (symbolVal rname)) . showString "{ " . appEndo ( mconcat . intersperse (Endo $ showString ", ") . recordToList . rmap (Const . Endo . prettys1Prec 0) $ fields) . showString " }"
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Arbitrary.TestModule where import Data.Integrated.TestModule import Test.QuickCheck import Data.ModulePath import Control.Applicative import Arbitrary.Properties import Test.Util import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import qualified Arbitrary.ModulePath as MP import qualified Data.Set as S testModulePath :: Gen Char -> S.Set ModulePath -> Gen ModulePath testModulePath subpath avoided = suchThat (fromModPath <$> MP.toModulePath subpath) (not . flip S.member avoided) where fromModPath :: ModulePath -> ModulePath fromModPath (ModulePath pth) = ModulePath $ take (length pth - 1) pth ++ [testFormat $ last pth] toTestModule :: ModulePath -> Gen TestModule toTestModule mp = do props <- arbitrary :: Gen Properties return $ TestModule mp (list props) -- Generate a random test file, care must be taken to avoid generating -- the same path twice toGenerated :: Gen Char -> S.Set ModulePath -> Gen (FilePath, TestModule) toGenerated subpath avoided = do mp <- testModulePath subpath avoided (relPath mp,) <$> toTestModule mp
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-} module Handler.Root where import Foundation -- This is a handler function for the GET request method on the RootR -- resource pattern. All of your resource patterns are defined in -- config/routes -- -- The majority of the code you will write in Yesod lives in these handler -- functions. You can spread them across multiple files if you are so -- inclined, or create a single monolithic file. getRootR :: Handler RepHtml getRootR = do defaultLayout $ do h2id <- lift newIdent setTitle "TierList homepage" $(widgetFile "homepage")
{-- Copyright (c) 2014-2020, Clockwork Dev Studio All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Arguments where import Prelude hiding (catch) import LexerData import Common import Options import Data.Char import System.FilePath.Posix import System.Directory import System.IO import Control.Exception import System.Exit import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Identity import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq data ConfigFile = ConfigFile { configFileVariableList :: [ConfigFileVariable] } deriving (Show,Eq) data ConfigFileVariable = ConfigFileVariable { configFileVariableName :: String, configFileVariableValue :: String } deriving (Show, Eq) loadConfigFile :: Handle -> ConfigFile -> IO ConfigFile loadConfigFile handle (ConfigFile variables) = do let endOfFile :: IOError -> IO String endOfFile e = do return "EOF" line <- catch (hGetLine handle) endOfFile if line == "EOF" then return (ConfigFile variables) else do let (variable,rest) = span (isAlpha) line if variable == [] || rest == [] || head rest /= '=' then loadConfigFile handle (ConfigFile variables) else do loadConfigFile handle (ConfigFile (variables ++ [(ConfigFileVariable variable (tail rest))])) adjustOptionsBasedOnConfigFile :: Options -> [ConfigFileVariable] -> Options adjustOptionsBasedOnConfigFile originalOptions (configFileVariable:rest) = case configFileVariableName configFileVariable of "backend" -> adjustOptionsBasedOnConfigFile (originalOptions {optionAssembler = configFileVariableValue configFileVariable}) rest adjustOptionsBasedOnConfigFile originalOptions _ = originalOptions processArguments :: CodeTransformation () processArguments = do homeDirectory <- liftIO $ getHomeDirectory let writeDefaultConfigFile :: IOError -> IO Handle writeDefaultConfigFile _ = do newConfHandle <- openFile (homeDirectory ++ "/.idlewild-lang.conf") WriteMode hPutStrLn newConfHandle "backend=nasm" hClose newConfHandle newConfHandle <- openFile (homeDirectory ++ "/.idlewild-lang.conf") ReadMode return newConfHandle confHandle <- liftIO $ (catch (openFile (homeDirectory ++ "/.idlewild-lang.conf") ReadMode) writeDefaultConfigFile) configFile <- liftIO $ loadConfigFile confHandle (ConfigFile []) let customisedOptions = adjustOptionsBasedOnConfigFile defaultOptions (configFileVariableList configFile) liftIO $ hClose confHandle arguments <- gets argumentStateArguments (options, nonOptions) <- liftIO $ processOptions customisedOptions arguments if optionShowVersion options == True then do liftIO $ putStrLn "Idlewild-Lang version 0.0.5." liftIO $ exitSuccess else return () if length nonOptions /= 1 then do liftIO $ putStrLn "Please specify one (and only one) source file name." liftIO $ exitSuccess else return () let sourceFileName = head nonOptions asmFileName = replaceExtension sourceFileName ".asm" #if LINUX==1 || MAC_OS==1 objectFileName = replaceExtension sourceFileName ".o" #elif WINDOWS==1 objectFileName = replaceExtension sourceFileName ".obj" #endif verbose = optionVerbose options fromHandle <- liftIO $ openFile sourceFileName ReadMode toHandle <- liftIO $ openFile asmFileName WriteMode code <- liftIO $ hGetContents fromHandle put LexState {lexStateID = LEX_PENDING, lexStateIncludeFileDepth = 0, lexStateIncludeFileNameStack = [sourceFileName], lexStateIncludeFileNames = [], lexStateCurrentToken = emptyToken, lexStatePendingTokens = Seq.empty, lexStateTokens = Seq.singleton (createBOFToken sourceFileName), lexStateLineNumber = 1, lexStateLineOffset = 0, lexStateCharacters = code, lexStateCompoundTokens = allCompoundTokens, lexStateConfig = Config {configInputFile = fromHandle, configOutputFile = toHandle, configSourceFileName = sourceFileName, configAsmFileName = asmFileName, configObjectFileName = objectFileName, configOptions = options}} verboseCommentary ("Program arguments okay...\n") verbose verboseCommentary ("Source file '" ++ sourceFileName ++ "'...\n") verbose
module Convert.LRChirotope where -- standard modules import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set -- local modules import Basics import Calculus.FlipFlop import Helpful.General --import Debug.Trace {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - FlipFlop to Chirotope ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} flipflopsToChirotope :: Network [String] (ARel FlipFlop) -> Maybe (Network [Int] Int) flipflopsToChirotope net | isNothing net5 || isNothing net3 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ (fromJust net3) { nCons = fst $ Map.foldlWithKey collectOneCon (Map.empty, Map.empty) cons } where collectOneCon (consAcc, mapAcc) nodes rel = let (newMap, convertedNodes) = mapAccumL (\ m node -> let mappedNode = Map.lookup node m in case mappedNode of Nothing -> let n = (Map.size m) + 1 in (Map.insert node n m, n) otherwise -> (m, fromJust mappedNode) ) mapAcc nodes newRel = case aRel rel of R -> (-1) I -> 0 L -> 1 in ( foldl (flip $ uncurry Map.insert) consAcc $ [(x, newRel * y) | (x,y) <- kPermutationsWithParity 3 convertedNodes ] , newMap ) net5 = ffsToFF5s net net3 = ff5sToFF3s $ fromJust net5 cons = nCons $ fromJust net3
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module BRC.Solver.Error where import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..), MonadError(..)) -- | Solver errors, really just a container for a possibly useful error message. data SolverError = SolverError String deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show (SolverError) where show (SolverError msg) = "Solver error: " ++ msg instance Error SolverError where strMsg = SolverError -- | Throws an error with a given message in a solver error monad. solverError :: MonadError SolverError m => String -> m a solverError = throwError . strMsg
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module NW.Monster where import NW.Stats data MonsterClass = MCFighter | MCMage deriving (Eq, Show) data Monster = Monster { mClass :: MonsterClass , mName :: String , mStatsBase :: [Stat] , mLootBonus :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) type MonsterDB = [Monster]
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-| Contains TemplateHaskell stuff I don't want to recompile every time I make changes to other files, a pre-compiled header, so to say. Don't know if that even works. -} module FeedGipeda.THGenerated ( benchmarkClosure , stringDict , __remoteTable ) where import Control.Distributed.Process (Closure, Process, Static, liftIO) import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure (SerializableDict, functionTDict, mkClosure, remotable) import FeedGipeda.GitShell (SHA) import FeedGipeda.Repo (Repo) import qualified FeedGipeda.Slave as Slave import FeedGipeda.Types (Timeout) benchmarkProcess :: (String, Repo, SHA, Rational) -> Process String benchmarkProcess (benchmarkScript, repo, sha, timeout) = liftIO (Slave.benchmark benchmarkScript repo sha (fromRational timeout)) remotable ['benchmarkProcess] benchmarkClosure :: String -> Repo -> SHA -> Timeout -> Closure (Process String) benchmarkClosure benchmarkScript repo commit timeout = $(mkClosure 'benchmarkProcess) (benchmarkScript, repo, commit, toRational timeout) stringDict :: Static (SerializableDict String) stringDict = $(functionTDict 'benchmarkProcess)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Test.PGConstant ( TestPGConstant(..) , spec ) where import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Bind.Parser import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), oneof) import Test.Common (PGSql(..)) import Test.Utils (propParsingWorks) import Test.PGString (TestPGString(..)) data TestPGConstant = TPGCString TestPGString | TPGCNumeric Double deriving (Show, Eq) instance Arbitrary TestPGConstant where arbitrary = oneof [ TPGCString <$> arbitrary , TPGCNumeric <$> arbitrary] instance PGSql TestPGConstant where render (TPGCString s) = render s render (TPGCNumeric c) = show c spec :: Spec spec = do describe "pgConstant" $ do propParsingWorks pgConstant (Proxy :: Proxy TestPGConstant)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module WildBind.SeqSpec (main,spec) where import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef) import Test.Hspec import WildBind.Binding ( binds, on, run, as, boundActions, actDescription, boundInputs, Binding, justBefore ) import WildBind.Description (ActionDescription) import WildBind.Seq ( prefix, toSeq, fromSeq, withPrefix, withCancel, reviseSeq ) import WildBind.ForTest ( SampleInput(..), SampleState(..), evalStateEmpty, execAll, boundDescs, curBoundInputs, curBoundDescs, curBoundDesc, checkBoundInputs, checkBoundDescs, checkBoundDesc, withRefChecker ) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do spec_prefix spec_SeqBinding spec_reviseSeq spec_prefix :: Spec spec_prefix = describe "prefix" $ do let base_b = binds $ do on SIa `as` "a" `run` return () on SIb `as` "b" `run` return () specify "no prefix" $ do let b = prefix [] [] base_b boundDescs b (SS "") `shouldMatchList` [ (SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b") ] specify "one prefix" $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ prefix [] [SIc] base_b checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] specify "two prefixes" $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ prefix [] [SIc, SIb] base_b checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIb] execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] specify "cancel binding" $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ prefix [SIa] [SIc, SIb] base_b checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc] -- there is no cancel binding at the top level. checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa, SIb] checkBoundDesc (SS "") SIa "cancel" execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc, SIb] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] -- cancel binding should be weak and overridden. execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc, SIb] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] spec_SeqBinding :: Spec spec_SeqBinding = describe "SeqBinding" $ do let b_a = binds $ on SIa `as` "a" `run` return () b_b = binds $ on SIb `as` "b" `run` return () describe "withPrefix" $ do it "should allow nesting" $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ fromSeq $ withPrefix [SIb] $ withPrefix [SIc] $ withPrefix [SIa] $ toSeq (b_a <> b_b) checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIb] execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a"), (SIb, "b")] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIb] describe "mappend" $ do it "should be able to combine SeqBindings with different prefixes." $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ fromSeq $ withPrefix [SIc] $ ( (withPrefix [SIa, SIc] $ toSeq $ b_a) <> (withPrefix [SIa] $ toSeq $ b_b) ) checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc, SIb] checkBoundDesc (SS "") SIb "b" execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] execAll (SS "") [SIc, SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc, SIb] execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "a")] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIc] describe "withCancel" $ do it "should weakly add 'cancel' binding when at least one prefix is kept in the state." $ evalStateEmpty $ do State.put $ fromSeq $ withPrefix [SIa, SIc] $ withCancel [SIa, SIb, SIc] $ ( toSeq b_a <> (withPrefix [SIc] $ toSeq b_b) ) let checkPrefixOne = do checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa, SIb, SIc] forM_ [SIa, SIb] $ \c -> checkBoundDesc (SS "") c "cancel" checkPrefixOne execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkPrefixOne execAll (SS "") [SIc] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa, SIb, SIc] checkBoundDesc (SS "") SIa "a" checkBoundDesc (SS "") SIb "cancel" execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkPrefixOne execAll (SS "") [SIc, SIb] checkPrefixOne execAll (SS "") [SIc, SIc] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIa, "cancel"), (SIb, "b"), (SIc, "cancel")] execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkPrefixOne spec_reviseSeq :: Spec spec_reviseSeq = describe "reviseSeq" $ do it "should allow access to prefix keys input so far" $ evalStateEmpty $ withRefChecker [] $ \out checkOut -> do act_out <- liftIO $ newIORef ("" :: String) let sb = withCancel [SIa] $ withPrefix [SIa, SIb, SIc] $ toSeq $ base_b base_b = binds $ on SIb `as` "B" `run` modifyIORef act_out (++ "B executed") rev ps _ _ = justBefore $ modifyIORef out (++ [ps]) State.put $ fromSeq $ reviseSeq rev sb execAll (SS "") [SIa, SIa] checkOut [[], [SIa]] execAll (SS "") [SIa, SIb, SIc] checkOut [[], [SIa], [], [SIa], [SIa, SIb]] liftIO $ readIORef act_out `shouldReturn` "" execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkOut [[], [SIa], [], [SIa], [SIa, SIb], [SIa, SIb, SIc]] liftIO $ readIORef act_out `shouldReturn` "B executed" it "should allow unbinding" $ evalStateEmpty $ do let sb = withPrefix [SIa] ( toSeq ba <> (withPrefix [SIb] $ toSeq bab) <> (withPrefix [SIa] $ toSeq baa) ) ba = binds $ on SIc `as` "c on a" `run` return () bab = binds $ on SIc `as` "c on ab" `run` return () baa = binds $ do on SIc `as` "c on aa" `run` return () on SIb `as` "b on aa" `run` return () rev ps _ i act = if (ps == [SIa] && i == SIb) || (ps == [SIa,SIa] && i == SIc) then Nothing else Just act State.put $ fromSeq $ reviseSeq rev sb checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa] execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa, SIc] -- SIb should be canceled execAll (SS "") [SIa] checkBoundDescs (SS "") [(SIb, "b on aa")] -- SIc should be canceled execAll (SS "") [SIb] checkBoundInputs (SS "") [SIa]
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Data.Comp.Trans.DeriveUntrans ( deriveUntrans ) where import Control.Lens ( view ,(^.)) import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Control.Monad.Trans ( lift ) import Data.Comp.Multi ( Alg, cata, (:&:)(..) ) import Language.Haskell.TH import Data.Comp.Trans.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Creates an @untranslate@ function inverting the @translate@ function -- created by @deriveTrans@. -- -- @ -- import qualified Foo as F -- type ArithTerm = Term (Arith :+: Atom :+: Lit) -- deriveUntrans [''F.Arith, ''F.Atom, ''F.Lit] (TH.ConT ''ArithTerm) -- @ -- -- will create -- -- @ -- type family Targ l -- newtype T l = T {t :: Targ l} -- -- class Untrans f where -- untrans :: Alg f t -- -- untranslate :: ArithTerm l -> Targ l -- untranslate = t . cata untrans -- -- type instance Targ ArithL = F.Arith -- instance Untrans Arith where -- untrans (Add x y) = T $ F.Add (t x) (t y) -- -- type instance Targ AtomL = F.Atom -- instance Untrans Atom where -- untrans (Var s) = T $ F.Var s -- untrans (Const x) = T $ F.Const (t x) -- -- type instance Targ LitL = F.Lit -- instance Untrans Lit where -- untrans (Lit n) = T $ F.Lit n -- @ -- -- Note that you will need to manually provide an instance @(Untrans f, Untrans g) => Untrans (f :+: g)@ -- due to phase issues. (Or @(Untrans (f :&: p), Untrans (g :&: p)) => Untrans ((f :+: g) :&: p)@, if you -- are propagating annotations.) -- -- With annotation propagation on, it will instead produce -- `untranslate :: Term (Arith :&: Ann) l -> Targ l Ann` deriveUntrans :: [Name] -> Type -> CompTrans [Dec] deriveUntrans names term = do targDec <- mkTarg targNm wrapperDec <- mkWrapper wrapNm unwrapNm targNm fnDec <- mkFn untranslateNm term targNm unwrapNm fnNm classDec <- mkClass classNm fnNm wrapNm instances <- liftM concat $ mapM (mkInstance classNm fnNm wrapNm unwrapNm targNm) names return $ concat [ targDec , wrapperDec , fnDec , classDec , instances ] where targNm = mkName "Targ" wrapNm = mkName "T" unwrapNm = mkName "t" untranslateNm = mkName "untranslate" classNm = mkName "Untrans" fnNm = mkName "untrans" {- type family Targ l -} mkTarg :: Name -> CompTrans [Dec] mkTarg targNm = do i <- lift $ newName "i" return [FamilyD TypeFam targNm [PlainTV i] Nothing] {- newtype T l = T { t :: Targ l } -} mkWrapper :: Name -> Name -> Name -> CompTrans [Dec] mkWrapper tpNm fNm targNm = do i <- lift $ newName "i" let con = RecC tpNm [(fNm, NotStrict, AppT (ConT targNm) (VarT i))] return [NewtypeD [] tpNm [PlainTV i] con []] {- untranslate :: JavaTerm l -> Targ l untranslate = t . cata untrans -} mkFn :: Name -> Type -> Name -> Name -> Name -> CompTrans [Dec] mkFn fnNm term targNm fldNm untransNm = sequence [sig, def] where sig = do i <- lift $ newName "i" lift $ sigD fnNm (forallT [PlainTV i] (return []) (typ $ varT i)) typ :: Q Type -> Q Type typ i = [t| $term' $i -> $targ $i |] term' = return term targ = conT targNm def = lift $ valD (varP fnNm) (normalB body) [] body = [| $fld . cata $untrans |] fld = varE fldNm untrans = varE untransNm {- class Untrans f where untrans :: Alg f T -} mkClass :: Name -> Name -> Name -> CompTrans [Dec] mkClass classNm funNm newtpNm = do f <- lift $ newName "f" let funDec = SigD funNm (AppT (AppT (ConT ''Alg) (VarT f)) (ConT newtpNm)) return [ClassD [] classNm [PlainTV f] [] [funDec]] {- type instance Targ CompilationUnitL = J.CompilationUnit instance Untrans CompilationUnit where untrans (CompilationUnit x y z) = T $ J.CompilationUnit (t x) (t y) (t z) -} mkInstance :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> Name -> CompTrans [Dec] mkInstance classNm funNm wrap unwrap targNm typNm = do inf <- lift $ reify typNm targTyp <- getFullyAppliedType typNm let nmTyps = simplifyDataInf inf clauses <- mapM (uncurry $ mkClause wrap unwrap) nmTyps let conTyp = ConT (transName typNm) annPropInf <- view annotationProp let instTyp = case annPropInf of Nothing -> conTyp Just api -> foldl AppT (ConT ''(:&:)) [conTyp, api ^. annTyp] return [ famInst targTyp , inst clauses instTyp ] where famInst targTyp = TySynInstD targNm (TySynEqn [ConT $ nameLab typNm] targTyp) inst clauses instTyp = InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT classNm) instTyp) [FunD funNm clauses] mapConditionallyReplacing :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> [b] -> [b] mapConditionallyReplacing src f p reps = go src reps where go [] _ = [] go (x:xs) (y:ys) | p x = y : go xs ys go (x:xs) l | not (p x) = f x : go xs l go (_:_ ) [] = error "mapConditionallyReplacing: Insufficiently many replacements" mkClause :: Name -> Name -> Name -> [Type] -> CompTrans Clause mkClause wrap unwrap con tps = do isAnn <- getIsAnn nms <- mapM (const $ lift $ newName "x") tps nmAnn <- lift $ newName "a" tps' <- applyCurSubstitutions tps let nmTps = zip nms tps' Clause <$> (sequence [pat isAnn nmTps nmAnn]) <*> (body nmTps nmAnn) <*> pure [] where pat :: (Type -> Bool) -> [(Name, Type)] -> Name -> CompTrans Pat pat isAnn nmTps nmAnn = do isProp <- isPropagatingAnns if isProp then return $ ConP '(:&:) [nodeP, VarP nmAnn] else return nodeP where nonAnnNms = map fst $ filter (not.isAnn.snd) nmTps nodeP = ConP (transName con) (map VarP nonAnnNms) body :: [(Name, Type)] -> Name -> CompTrans Body body nmTps nmAnn = do annPropInf <- view annotationProp args <- case annPropInf of Nothing -> return $ map atom nmTps Just api -> do isAnn <- getIsAnn let unProp = api ^. unpropAnn let annVars = filter (isAnn.snd) nmTps let annExps = unProp (VarE nmAnn) (length annVars) return $ mapConditionallyReplacing nmTps atom (isAnn.snd) annExps return $ makeRhs args where makeRhs :: [Exp] -> Body makeRhs args = NormalB $ AppE (ConE wrap) $ foldl AppE (ConE con) args atom :: (Name, Type) -> Exp atom (x, t) | elem t baseTypes = VarE x atom (x, _) = AppE (VarE unwrap) (VarE x)
module Mistral.Schedule.Value ( Env , groupEnv , lookupEnv , bindType , bindValue , bindParam , NodeTags , bindNode , lookupTag, lookupTags , Value(..) , SNetwork(..), mapWhen, modifyNode , SNode(..), addTask , STask(..), hasConstraints , SConstraint(..), target ) where import Mistral.TypeCheck.AST import Mistral.Utils.PP import Mistral.Utils.Panic ( panic ) import Mistral.Utils.SCC ( Group ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Monoid ( Monoid(..) ) import qualified Data.Set as Set sPanic :: [String] -> a sPanic = panic "Mistral.Schedule.Value" -- Environments ---------------------------------------------------------------- data Env = Env { envValues :: Map.Map Name Value , envTypes :: Map.Map TParam Type } instance Monoid Env where mempty = Env { envValues = mempty, envTypes = mempty } mappend l r = mconcat [l,r] -- merge the two environments, preferring things from the left mconcat envs = Env { envValues = Map.unions (map envValues envs) , envTypes = Map.unions (map envTypes envs) } lookupEnv :: Name -> Env -> Value lookupEnv n env = case Map.lookup n (envValues env) of Just v -> v Nothing -> sPanic [ "no value for: " ++ pretty n ] bindType :: TParam -> Type -> Env -> Env bindType p ty env = env { envTypes = Map.insert p ty (envTypes env) } bindValue :: Name -> Value -> Env -> Env bindValue n v env = env { envValues = Map.insert n v (envValues env) } bindParam :: Param -> Value -> Env -> Env bindParam p v env = bindValue (pName p) v env groupEnv :: (a -> Env) -> (Group a -> Env) groupEnv = Fold.foldMap -- Node Tags ------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype NodeTags = NodeTags { getNodeTags :: Map.Map Atom (Set.Set Name) } instance Monoid NodeTags where mempty = NodeTags mempty mappend l r = mconcat [l,r] mconcat nts = NodeTags (Map.unionsWith Set.union (map getNodeTags nts)) bindNode :: SNode -> NodeTags bindNode sn = mempty { getNodeTags = foldl add mempty allTags } where name = snName sn allTags = [ (tag, Set.singleton name) | tag <- snTags sn ] add nodes (tag, s) = Map.insertWith Set.union tag s nodes -- | Try to resolve a single tag to set of Node names. lookupTag :: Atom -> NodeTags -> Set.Set Name lookupTag tag env = case Map.lookup tag (getNodeTags env) of Just nodes -> nodes Nothing -> Set.empty -- | Lookup the nodes that have all of the tags given. lookupTags :: [Atom] -> NodeTags -> [Name] lookupTags tags env | null tags = [] -- XXX maybe all nodes? | otherwise = Set.toList (foldl1 Set.intersection (map (`lookupTag` env) tags)) -- Values ---------------------------------------------------------------------- data Value = VTFun (Type -> Value) -- ^ Type abstractions | VFun (Value -> Value) -- ^ Value abstractions | VCon Name [Value] -- ^ Constructor use | VLit Literal -- ^ Literals | VSched [SNetwork] -- ^ Evaluted schedules | VTopo SNetwork -- ^ Nodes and links | VNode SNode -- ^ Nodes | VLink Link -- ^ Links | VTasks (NodeTags -> [STask]) | VTask STask instance Show Value where show val = case val of VTFun _ -> "<function>" VFun _ -> "<type-function>" VCon n vs -> "(" ++ unwords (pretty n : map show vs) ++ ")" VLit lit -> "(VLit " ++ show lit ++ ")" VSched nets -> show nets VTopo net -> show net VNode n -> show n VLink l -> show l VTasks _ -> "<tasks>" VTask t -> show t -- | Scheduling network. data SNetwork = SNetwork { snNodes :: [SNode] , snLinks :: [Link] } deriving (Show) instance Monoid SNetwork where mempty = SNetwork { snNodes = [] , snLinks = [] } mappend l r = SNetwork { snNodes = Fold.foldMap snNodes [l,r] , snLinks = Fold.foldMap snLinks [l,r] } mapWhen :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] mapWhen p f = go where go as = case as of a:rest | p a -> f a : rest | otherwise -> a : go rest [] -> [] -- | Modify the first occurrence of node n. -- -- INVARIANT: This relies on the assumption that the renamer has given fresh -- names to all nodes. modifyNode :: Name -> (SNode -> SNode) -> (SNetwork -> SNetwork) modifyNode n f net = net { snNodes = mapWhen nameMatches f (snNodes net) } where nameMatches sn = snName sn == n data SNode = SNode { snName :: Name , snSpec :: Expr , snType :: Type , snTags :: [Atom] , snTasks :: [STask] } deriving (Show) addTask :: STask -> (SNode -> SNode) addTask task sn = sn { snTasks = task : snTasks sn } data STask = STask { stName :: Name , stTask :: Task , stTags :: [Atom] , stConstraints :: [SConstraint] } deriving (Show) hasConstraints :: STask -> Bool hasConstraints t = not (null (stConstraints t)) data SConstraint = SCOn Name -- ^ On this node deriving (Show) -- XXX This won't work for constraints that specify relative information like: -- "I need to be able to communicate with X" target :: SConstraint -> Name target (SCOn n) = n
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-} module OldHMM (Prob, HMM(..), train, bestSequence, sequenceProb) where import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List (sort, groupBy, maximumBy, foldl') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Function (on) import Control.Monad import Data.Number.LogFloat type Prob = LogFloat -- | The type of Hidden Markov Models. data HMM state observation = HMM [state] [Prob] [[Prob]] (observation -> [Prob]) instance (Show state, Show observation) => Show (HMM state observation) where show (HMM states probs tpm _) = "HMM " ++ show states ++ " " ++ show probs ++ " " ++ show tpm ++ " <func>" -- | Perform a single step in the Viterbi algorithm. -- -- Takes a list of path probabilities, and an observation, and returns the updated -- list of (surviving) paths with probabilities. viterbi :: HMM state observation -> [(Prob, [state])] -> observation -> [(Prob, [state])] viterbi (HMM states _ state_transitions observations) prev x = deepSeq prev `seq` [maximumBy (comparing fst) [(transition_prob * prev_prob * observation_prob, new_state:path) | transition_prob <- transition_probs | (prev_prob, path) <- prev | observation_prob <- observation_probs] | transition_probs <- state_transitions | new_state <- states] where observation_probs = observations x deepSeq ((x, y:ys):xs) = x `seq` y `seq` (deepSeq xs) deepSeq ((x, _):xs) = x `seq` (deepSeq xs) deepSeq [] = [] -- | The initial value for the Viterbi algorithm viterbi_init :: HMM state observation -> [(Prob, [state])] viterbi_init (HMM states state_probs _ _) = zip state_probs (map (:[]) states) -- | Perform a single step of the forward algorithm -- -- Each item in the input and output list is the probability that the system -- ended in the respective state. forward :: HMM state observation -> [Prob] -> observation -> [Prob] forward (HMM _ _ state_transitions observations) prev x = last prev `seq` [sum [transition_prob * prev_prob * observation_prob | transition_prob <- transition_probs | prev_prob <- prev | observation_prob <- observation_probs] | transition_probs <- state_transitions] where observation_probs = observations x -- | The initial value for the forward algorithm forward_init :: HMM state observation -> [Prob] forward_init (HMM _ state_probs _ _) = state_probs learn_states :: (Ord state, Fractional prob) => [(observation, state)] -> M.Map state prob learn_states xs = histogram $ map snd xs learn_transitions :: (Ord state, Fractional prob) => [(observation, state)] -> M.Map (state, state) prob learn_transitions xs = let xs' = map snd xs in histogram $ zip xs' (tail xs') learn_observations :: (Ord state, Ord observation, Fractional prob) => M.Map state prob -> [(observation, state)] -> M.Map (observation, state) prob learn_observations state_prob = M.mapWithKey (\ (observation, state) prob -> prob / (fromJust $ M.lookup state state_prob)) . histogram histogram :: (Ord a, Fractional prob) => [a] -> M.Map a prob histogram xs = let hist = foldl' (flip $ flip (M.insertWith (+)) 1) M.empty xs in (/ M.fold (+) 0 hist) hist -- | Calculate the parameters of an HMM from a list of observations -- and the corresponding states. train :: (Ord observation, Ord state) => [(observation, state)] -> HMM state observation train sample = model where states = learn_states sample state_list = M.keys states transitions = learn_transitions sample trans_prob_mtx = [[fromMaybe 1e-10 $ M.lookup (old_state, new_state) transitions | old_state <- state_list] | new_state <- state_list] observations = learn_observations states sample observation_probs = fromMaybe (fill state_list []) . (flip M.lookup $ M.fromList $ map (\ (e, xs) -> (e, fill state_list xs)) $ map (\ xs -> (fst $ head xs, map snd xs)) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) [(observation, (state, prob)) | ((observation, state), prob) <- M.toAscList observations]) initial = map (\ state -> (fromJust $ M.lookup state states, [state])) state_list model = HMM state_list (fill state_list $ M.toAscList states) trans_prob_mtx observation_probs fill :: Eq state => [state] -> [(state, Prob)] -> [Prob] fill states [] = map (const 1e-10) states fill (s:states) xs@((s', p):xs') = if s /= s' then 1e-10 : fill states xs else p : fill states xs' -- | Calculate the most likely sequence of states for a given sequence of observations -- using Viterbi's algorithm bestSequence :: (Ord observation) => HMM state observation -> [observation] -> [state] bestSequence hmm = (reverse . tail . snd . (maximumBy (comparing fst))) . (foldl' (viterbi hmm) (viterbi_init hmm)) -- | Calculate the probability of a given sequence of observations -- using the forward algorithm. sequenceProb :: (Ord observation) => HMM state observation -> [observation] -> Prob sequenceProb hmm = sum . (foldl' (forward hmm) (forward_init hmm))
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Test.Hspec.Snap ( -- * Running blocks of hspec-snap tests snap , modifySite , modifySite' , afterEval , beforeEval -- * Core data types , TestResponse(..) , SnapHspecM -- * Factory style test data generation , Factory(..) -- * Requests , delete , get , get' , post , postJson , put , put' , params -- * Helpers for dealing with TestResponses , restrictResponse -- * Dealing with session state (EXPERIMENTAL) , recordSession , HasSession(..) , sessionShouldContain , sessionShouldNotContain -- * Evaluating application code , eval -- * Unit test assertions , shouldChange , shouldEqual , shouldNotEqual , shouldBeTrue , shouldNotBeTrue -- * Response assertions , should200 , shouldNot200 , should404 , shouldNot404 , should300 , shouldNot300 , should300To , shouldNot300To , shouldHaveSelector , shouldNotHaveSelector , shouldHaveText , shouldNotHaveText -- * Form tests , FormExpectations(..) , form -- * Internal types and helpers , SnapHspecState(..) , setResult , runRequest , runHandlerSafe , evalHandlerSafe ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, newMVar ,putMVar, readMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.State (StateT (..), runStateT) import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (get, put) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (encode, ToJSON) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Snap.Core (Response (..), getHeader) import qualified Snap.Core as Snap import Snap.Snaplet (Handler, Snaplet, SnapletInit, SnapletLens, with) import Snap.Snaplet.Session (SessionManager, commitSession, sessionToList, setInSession) import Snap.Snaplet.Test (InitializerState, closeSnaplet, evalHandler', getSnaplet, runHandler') import Snap.Test (RequestBuilder, getResponseBody) import qualified Snap.Test as Test import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec import qualified Text.Digestive as DF import qualified Text.HandsomeSoup as HS import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Core as HXT -- | The result of making requests against your application. Most -- assertions act against these types (for example, `should200`, -- `shouldHaveSelector`, etc). data TestResponse = Html Text | Json LBS.ByteString | NotFound | Redirect Int Text | Other Int | Empty deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The main monad that tests run inside of. This allows both access -- to the application (via requests and `eval`) and to running -- assertions (like `should404` or `shouldHaveText`). type SnapHspecM b = StateT (SnapHspecState b) IO -- | Internal state used to share site initialization across tests, and to propogate failures. -- Understanding it is completely unnecessary to use the library. -- -- The fields it contains, in order, are: -- -- > Result -- > Main handler -- > Startup state -- > Startup state -- > Session state -- > Before handler (runs before each eval) -- > After handler (runs after each eval). data SnapHspecState b = SnapHspecState Result (Handler b b ()) (Snaplet b) (InitializerState b) (MVar [(Text, Text)]) (Handler b b ()) (Handler b b ()) instance Example (SnapHspecM b ()) where type Arg (SnapHspecM b ()) = SnapHspecState b evaluateExample s _ cb _ = do mv <- newEmptyMVar cb $ \st -> do ((),SnapHspecState r' _ _ _ _ _ _) <- runStateT s st putMVar mv r' takeMVar mv -- | Factory instances allow you to easily generate test data. -- -- Essentially, you specify a default way of constructing a -- data type, and allow certain parts of it to be modified (via -- the 'fields' data structure). -- -- An example follows: -- -- > data Foo = Foo Int -- > newtype FooFields = FooFields (IO Int) -- > instance Factory App Foo FooFields where -- > fields = FooFields randomIO -- > save f = liftIO f >>= saveFoo . Foo1 -- > -- > main = do create id :: SnapHspecM App Foo -- > create (const $ FooFields (return 1)) :: SnapHspecM App Foo class Factory b a d | a -> b, a -> d, d -> a where fields :: d save :: d -> SnapHspecM b a create :: (d -> d) -> SnapHspecM b a create transform = save $ transform fields reload :: a -> SnapHspecM b a reload = return -- | The way to run a block of `SnapHspecM` tests within an `hspec` -- test suite. This takes both the top level handler (usually `route -- routes`, where `routes` are all the routes for your site) and the -- site initializer (often named `app`), and a block of tests. A test -- suite can have multiple calls to `snap`, though each one will cause -- the site initializer to run, which is often a slow operation (and -- will slow down test suites). snap :: Handler b b () -> SnapletInit b b -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> Spec snap site app spec = do snapinit <- runIO $ getSnaplet (Just "test") app mv <- runIO (newMVar []) case snapinit of Left err -> error $ show err Right (snaplet, initstate) -> afterAll (const $ closeSnaplet initstate) $ before (return (SnapHspecState Success site snaplet initstate mv (return ()) (return ()))) spec -- | This allows you to change the default handler you are running -- requests against within a block. This is most likely useful for -- setting request state (for example, logging a user in). modifySite :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ()) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) modifySite f = beforeWith (\(SnapHspecState r site snaplet initst sess bef aft) -> return (SnapHspecState r (f site) snaplet initst sess bef aft)) -- | This performs a similar operation to `modifySite` but in the context -- of `SnapHspecM` (which is needed if you need to `eval`, produce values, and -- hand them somewhere else (so they can't be created within `f`). modifySite' :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ()) -> SnapHspecM b a -> SnapHspecM b a modifySite' f a = do (SnapHspecState r site s i sess bef aft) <- S.get S.put (SnapHspecState r (f site) s i sess bef aft) a -- | Evaluate a Handler action after each test. afterEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) afterEval h = after (\(SnapHspecState _r _site s i _ _ _) -> do res <- evalHandlerSafe h s i case res of Right _ -> return () Left msg -> liftIO $ print msg) -- | Evaluate a Handler action before each test. beforeEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) beforeEval h = beforeWith (\state@(SnapHspecState _r _site s i _ _ _) -> do void $ evalHandlerSafe h s i return state) class HasSession b where getSessionLens :: SnapletLens b SessionManager recordSession :: HasSession b => SnapHspecM b a -> SnapHspecM b a recordSession a = do (SnapHspecState r site s i mv bef aft) <- S.get S.put (SnapHspecState r site s i mv (do ps <- liftIO $ readMVar mv with getSessionLens $ mapM_ (uncurry setInSession) ps with getSessionLens commitSession) (do ps' <- with getSessionLens sessionToList void . liftIO $ takeMVar mv liftIO $ putMVar mv ps')) res <- a (SnapHspecState r' _ _ _ _ _ _) <- S.get void . liftIO $ takeMVar mv liftIO $ putMVar mv [] S.put (SnapHspecState r' site s i mv bef aft) return res sessContents :: SnapHspecM b Text sessContents = do (SnapHspecState _ _ _ _ mv _ _) <- S.get ps <- liftIO $ readMVar mv return $ T.concat (map (uncurry T.append) ps) sessionShouldContain :: Text -> SnapHspecM b () sessionShouldContain t = do contents <- sessContents if t `T.isInfixOf` contents then setResult Success else setResult (Fail $ "Session did not contain: " ++ T.unpack t ++ "\n\nSession was:\n" ++ T.unpack contents) sessionShouldNotContain :: Text -> SnapHspecM b () sessionShouldNotContain t = do contents <- sessContents if t `T.isInfixOf` contents then setResult (Fail $ "Session should not have contained: " ++ T.unpack t ++ "\n\nSession was:\n" ++ T.unpack contents) else setResult Success -- | Runs a DELETE request delete :: Text -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse delete path = runRequest (Test.delete (T.encodeUtf8 path) M.empty) -- | Runs a GET request. get :: Text -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse get path = get' path M.empty -- | Runs a GET request, with a set of parameters. get' :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse get' path ps = runRequest (Test.get (T.encodeUtf8 path) ps) -- | A helper to construct parameters. params :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ Pairs of parameter and value. -> Snap.Params params = M.fromList . map (\x -> (fst x, [snd x])) -- | Creates a new POST request, with a set of parameters. post :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse post path ps = runRequest (Test.postUrlEncoded (T.encodeUtf8 path) ps) -- | Creates a new POST request with a given JSON value as the request body. postJson :: ToJSON tj => Text -> tj -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse postJson path json = runRequest $ Test.postRaw (T.encodeUtf8 path) "application/json" (toStrict $ encode json) -- | Creates a new PUT request, with a set of parameters, with a default type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" put :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse put path params' = put' path "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" params' -- | Creates a new PUT request with a configurable MIME/type put' :: Text -> Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse put' path mime params' = runRequest $ do Test.put (T.encodeUtf8 path) (T.encodeUtf8 mime) "" Test.setQueryString params' -- | Restricts a response to matches for a given CSS selector. -- Does nothing to non-Html responses. restrictResponse :: Text -> TestResponse -> TestResponse restrictResponse selector (Html body) = case HXT.runLA (HXT.xshow $ HXT.hread HXT.>>> HS.css (T.unpack selector)) (T.unpack body) of [] -> Html "" matches -> Html (T.concat (map T.pack matches)) restrictResponse _ r = r -- | Runs an arbitrary stateful action from your application. eval :: Handler b b a -> SnapHspecM b a eval act = do (SnapHspecState _ _site app is _mv bef aft) <- S.get liftIO $ either (error . T.unpack) id <$> evalHandlerSafe (do bef r <- act aft return r) app is -- | Records a test Success or Fail. Only the first Fail will be -- recorded (and will cause the whole block to Fail). setResult :: Result -> SnapHspecM b () setResult r = do (SnapHspecState r' s a i sess bef aft) <- S.get case r' of Success -> S.put (SnapHspecState r s a i sess bef aft) _ -> return () -- | Asserts that a given stateful action will produce a specific different result after -- an action has been run. shouldChange :: (Show a, Eq a) => (a -> a) -> Handler b b a -> SnapHspecM b c -> SnapHspecM b () shouldChange f v act = do before' <- eval v void act after' <- eval v shouldEqual (f before') after' -- | Asserts that two values are equal. shouldEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> SnapHspecM b () shouldEqual a b = if a == b then setResult Success else setResult (Fail ("Should have held: " ++ show a ++ " == " ++ show b)) -- | Asserts that two values are not equal. shouldNotEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNotEqual a b = if a == b then setResult (Fail ("Should not have held: " ++ show a ++ " == " ++ show b)) else setResult Success -- | Asserts that the value is True. shouldBeTrue :: Bool -> SnapHspecM b () shouldBeTrue True = setResult Success shouldBeTrue False = setResult (Fail "Value should have been True.") -- | Asserts that the value is not True (otherwise known as False). shouldNotBeTrue :: Bool -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNotBeTrue False = setResult Success shouldNotBeTrue True = setResult (Fail "Value should have been True.") -- | Asserts that the response is a success (either Html, or Other with status 200). should200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () should200 (Html _) = setResult Success should200 (Other 200) = setResult Success should200 r = setResult (Fail (show r)) -- | Asserts that the response is not a normal 200. shouldNot200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNot200 (Html _) = setResult (Fail "Got Html back.") shouldNot200 (Other 200) = setResult (Fail "Got Other with 200 back.") shouldNot200 _ = setResult Success -- | Asserts that the response is a NotFound. should404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () should404 NotFound = setResult Success should404 r = setResult (Fail (show r)) -- | Asserts that the response is not a NotFound. shouldNot404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNot404 NotFound = setResult (Fail "Got NotFound back.") shouldNot404 _ = setResult Success -- | Asserts that the response is a redirect. should300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () should300 (Redirect _ _) = setResult Success should300 r = setResult (Fail (show r)) -- | Asserts that the response is not a redirect. shouldNot300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNot300 (Redirect _ _) = setResult (Fail "Got Redirect back.") shouldNot300 _ = setResult Success -- | Asserts that the response is a redirect, and thet the url it -- redirects to starts with the given path. should300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () should300To pth (Redirect _ to) | pth `T.isPrefixOf` to = setResult Success should300To _ r = setResult (Fail (show r)) -- | Asserts that the response is not a redirect to a given path. Note -- that it can still be a redirect for this assertion to succeed, the -- path it redirects to just can't start with the given path. shouldNot300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNot300To pth (Redirect _ to) | pth `T.isPrefixOf` to = setResult (Fail "Got Redirect back.") shouldNot300To _ _ = setResult Success -- | Assert that a response (which should be Html) has a given selector. shouldHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldHaveSelector selector r@(Html body) = setResult $ if haveSelector' selector r then Success else Fail msg where msg = T.unpack $ T.concat ["Html should have contained selector: ", selector, "\n\n", body] shouldHaveSelector match _ = setResult (Fail (T.unpack $ T.concat ["Non-HTML body should have contained css selector: ", match])) -- | Assert that a response (which should be Html) doesn't have a given selector. shouldNotHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNotHaveSelector selector r@(Html body) = setResult $ if haveSelector' selector r then Fail msg else Success where msg = T.unpack $ T.concat ["Html should not have contained selector: ", selector, "\n\n", body] shouldNotHaveSelector _ _ = setResult Success haveSelector' :: Text -> TestResponse -> Bool haveSelector' selector (Html body) = case HXT.runLA (HXT.hread HXT.>>> HS.css (T.unpack selector)) (T.unpack body) of [] -> False _ -> True haveSelector' _ _ = False -- | Asserts that the response (which should be Html) contains the given text. shouldHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldHaveText match (Html body) = if T.isInfixOf match body then setResult Success else setResult (Fail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [body, "' contains '", match, "'."]) shouldHaveText match _ = setResult (Fail (T.unpack $ T.concat ["Body contains: ", match])) -- | Asserts that the response (which should be Html) does not contain the given text. shouldNotHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b () shouldNotHaveText match (Html body) = if T.isInfixOf match body then setResult (Fail $ T.unpack $ T.concat [body, "' contains '", match, "'."]) else setResult Success shouldNotHaveText _ _ = setResult Success -- | A data type for tests against forms. data FormExpectations a = Value a -- ^ The value the form should take (and should be valid) | Predicate (a -> Bool) | ErrorPaths [Text] -- ^ The error paths that should be populated -- | Tests against digestive-functors forms. form :: (Eq a, Show a) => FormExpectations a -- ^ If the form should succeed, Value a is what it should produce. -- If failing, ErrorPaths should be all the errors that are triggered. -> DF.Form Text (Handler b b) a -- ^ The form to run -> M.Map Text Text -- ^ The parameters to pass -> SnapHspecM b () form expected theForm theParams = do r <- eval $ DF.postForm "form" theForm (const $ return lookupParam) case expected of Value a -> shouldEqual (snd r) (Just a) Predicate f -> case snd r of Nothing -> setResult (Fail $ T.unpack $ T.append "Expected form to validate. Resulted in errors: " (T.pack (show $ DF.viewErrors $ fst r))) Just v -> if f v then setResult Success else setResult (Fail $ T.unpack $ T.append "Expected predicate to pass on value: " (T.pack (show v))) ErrorPaths expectedPaths -> do let viewErrorPaths = map (DF.fromPath . fst) $ DF.viewErrors $ fst r if all (`elem` viewErrorPaths) expectedPaths then if length viewErrorPaths == length expectedPaths then setResult Success else setResult (Fail $ "Number of errors did not match test. Got:\n\n " ++ show viewErrorPaths ++ "\n\nBut expected:\n\n" ++ show expectedPaths) else setResult (Fail $ "Did not have all errors specified. Got:\n\n" ++ show viewErrorPaths ++ "\n\nBut expected:\n\n" ++ show expectedPaths) where lookupParam pth = case M.lookup (DF.fromPath pth) fixedParams of Nothing -> return [] Just v -> return [DF.TextInput v] fixedParams = M.mapKeys (T.append "form.") theParams -- | Runs a request (built with helpers from Snap.Test), resulting in a response. runRequest :: RequestBuilder IO () -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse runRequest req = do (SnapHspecState _ site app is _ bef aft) <- S.get res <- liftIO $ runHandlerSafe req (bef >> site >> aft) app is case res of Left err -> error $ T.unpack err Right response -> case rspStatus response of 404 -> return NotFound 200 -> liftIO $ parse200 response _ -> if rspStatus response >= 300 && rspStatus response < 400 then do let url = fromMaybe "" $ getHeader "Location" response return (Redirect (rspStatus response) (T.decodeUtf8 url)) else return (Other (rspStatus response)) parse200 :: Response -> IO TestResponse parse200 resp = let body = getResponseBody resp contentType = getHeader "content-type" resp in case contentType of Just "application/json" -> Json . fromStrict <$> body _ -> Html . T.decodeUtf8 <$> body -- | Runs a request against a given handler (often the whole site), -- with the given state. Returns any triggered exception, or the response. runHandlerSafe :: RequestBuilder IO () -> Handler b b v -> Snaplet b -> InitializerState b -> IO (Either Text Response) runHandlerSafe req site s is = catch (runHandler' s is req site) (\(e::SomeException) -> return $ Left (T.pack $ show e)) -- | Evaluates a given handler with the given state. Returns any -- triggered exception, or the value produced. evalHandlerSafe :: Handler b b v -> Snaplet b -> InitializerState b -> IO (Either Text v) evalHandlerSafe act s is = catch (evalHandler' s is (Test.get "" M.empty) act) (\(e::SomeException) -> return $ Left (T.pack $ show e)) {-# ANN put ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce"::String) #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies , UndecidableInstances #-} -- For ghc 6.6 compatibility -- {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.FunArr -- Copyright : (c) Conal Elliott 2007-2013 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Conversion between arrow values and wrapped functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.FunArr ( FunArr(..) -- , wapl ) where -- import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Compose infixr 0 $$ -- FunArr application -- | Convert between an arrow value and a \"wrapped function\". The \"arrow\" -- doesn't really have to be an arrow. I'd appreciate ideas for names & -- uses. class FunArr ar w | ar->w , w->ar where -- | Convert a @w@-wrapped function to an arrow value toArr :: w (a->b) -> (a `ar` b) -- | Apply an arrow to a @w@-wrapped value ($$) :: (a `ar` b) -> w a -> w b -- -- | Apply a wrapped function to a wrapped value -- wapl :: FunArr ar w => w (a->b) -> w a -> w b -- wapl f a = toArr f $$ a -- The type of wapl matches <*> from Control.Applicative. What about -- "pure" from the Applicative class, with type a -> w a? -- Function/Id instance instance FunArr (->) Id where toArr (Id f) = f f $$ Id a = Id (f a) -- -- Oops! This instance can't work with the mutual functional -- dependencies. Instead, instantiate it per @h@. -- -- instance FunArr (FunA h) h where -- toArr = error "toArr: undefined for FunArr" -- Add FunArrable class & delegate -- FunA f $$ ha = f ha -- The following instance violates the "coverage condition" and so -- requires -fallow-undecidable-instances. instance (FunArr ar w, FunArr ar' w') => FunArr (ar ::*:: ar') (w :*: w') where toArr (Prod (f,f')) = Prodd (toArr f, toArr f') Prodd (f,f') $$ Prod (w,w') = Prod (f $$ w, f' $$ w')
module Main where import Build_doctests (flags, pkgs, module_sources) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Test.DocTest (doctest) main :: IO () main = do traverse_ putStrLn args doctest args where args = ["-XOverloadedStrings"] ++ flags ++ pkgs ++ module_sources
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.Configure -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005, -- Duncan Coutts 2005 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Portability : portable -- -- High level interface to configuring a package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.Configure ( configure, ) where import Distribution.Client.Dependency import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan) import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils ( getSourcePackages, getInstalledPackages ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( ConfigExFlags(..), configureCommand, filterConfigureFlags ) import Distribution.Client.Types as Source import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper ( setupWrapper, SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions ) import Distribution.Client.Targets ( userToPackageConstraint ) import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( CompilerId(..), Compiler(compilerId) , PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack ) import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramConfiguration ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( ConfigFlags(..), fromFlag, toFlag, flagToMaybe, fromFlagOrDefault ) import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( defaultPackageDesc ) import Distribution.Package ( Package(..), packageName, Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse ( readPackageDescription ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration ( finalizePackageDescription ) import Distribution.Version ( anyVersion, thisVersion ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils ( notice, info, debug, die ) import Distribution.System ( Platform, buildPlatform ) import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity ( Verbosity ) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) -- | Configure the package found in the local directory configure :: Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> [Repo] -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags -> [String] -> IO () configure verbosity packageDBs repos comp conf configFlags configExFlags extraArgs = do installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs conf sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repos progress <- planLocalPackage verbosity comp configFlags configExFlags installedPkgIndex sourcePkgDb notice verbosity "Resolving dependencies..." maybePlan <- foldProgress logMsg (return . Left) (return . Right) progress case maybePlan of Left message -> do info verbosity message setupWrapper verbosity (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex) Nothing configureCommand (const configFlags) extraArgs Right installPlan -> case InstallPlan.ready installPlan of [pkg@(ConfiguredPackage (SourcePackage _ _ (LocalUnpackedPackage _)) _ _ _)] -> configurePackage verbosity (InstallPlan.planPlatform installPlan) (InstallPlan.planCompiler installPlan) (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex) configFlags pkg extraArgs _ -> die $ "internal error: configure install plan should have exactly " ++ "one local ready package." where setupScriptOptions index = SetupScriptOptions { useCabalVersion = maybe anyVersion thisVersion (flagToMaybe (configCabalVersion configExFlags)), useCompiler = Just comp, -- Hack: we typically want to allow the UserPackageDB for finding the -- Cabal lib when compiling any Setup.hs even if we're doing a global -- install. However we also allow looking in a specific package db. usePackageDB = if UserPackageDB `elem` packageDBs then packageDBs else packageDBs ++ [UserPackageDB], usePackageIndex = if UserPackageDB `elem` packageDBs then Just index else Nothing, useProgramConfig = conf, useDistPref = fromFlagOrDefault (useDistPref defaultSetupScriptOptions) (configDistPref configFlags), useLoggingHandle = Nothing, useWorkingDir = Nothing } logMsg message rest = debug verbosity message >> rest -- | Make an 'InstallPlan' for the unpacked package in the current directory, -- and all its dependencies. -- planLocalPackage :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags -> PackageIndex -> SourcePackageDb -> IO (Progress String String InstallPlan) planLocalPackage verbosity comp configFlags configExFlags installedPkgIndex (SourcePackageDb _ packagePrefs) = do pkg <- readPackageDescription verbosity =<< defaultPackageDesc verbosity let -- We create a local package and ask to resolve a dependency on it localPkg = SourcePackage { packageInfoId = packageId pkg, Source.packageDescription = pkg, packageSource = LocalUnpackedPackage "." } solver = fromFlag $ configSolver configExFlags testsEnabled = fromFlagOrDefault False $ configTests configFlags benchmarksEnabled = fromFlagOrDefault False $ configBenchmarks configFlags resolverParams = addPreferences -- preferences from the config file or command line [ PackageVersionPreference name ver | Dependency name ver <- configPreferences configExFlags ] . addConstraints -- version constraints from the config file or command line -- TODO: should warn or error on constraints that are not on direct deps -- or flag constraints not on the package in question. (map userToPackageConstraint (configExConstraints configExFlags)) . addConstraints -- package flags from the config file or command line [ PackageConstraintFlags (packageName pkg) (configConfigurationsFlags configFlags) ] . addConstraints -- '--enable-tests' and '--enable-benchmarks' constraints from -- command line [ PackageConstraintStanzas (packageName pkg) $ concat [ if testsEnabled then [TestStanzas] else [] , if benchmarksEnabled then [BenchStanzas] else [] ] ] $ standardInstallPolicy installedPkgIndex (SourcePackageDb mempty packagePrefs) [SpecificSourcePackage localPkg] return (resolveDependencies buildPlatform (compilerId comp) solver resolverParams) -- | Call an installer for an 'SourcePackage' but override the configure -- flags with the ones given by the 'ConfiguredPackage'. In particular the -- 'ConfiguredPackage' specifies an exact 'FlagAssignment' and exactly -- versioned package dependencies. So we ignore any previous partial flag -- assignment or dependency constraints and use the new ones. -- configurePackage :: Verbosity -> Platform -> CompilerId -> SetupScriptOptions -> ConfigFlags -> ConfiguredPackage -> [String] -> IO () configurePackage verbosity platform comp scriptOptions configFlags (ConfiguredPackage (SourcePackage _ gpkg _) flags stanzas deps) extraArgs = setupWrapper verbosity scriptOptions (Just pkg) configureCommand configureFlags extraArgs where configureFlags = filterConfigureFlags configFlags { configConfigurationsFlags = flags, configConstraints = map thisPackageVersion deps, configVerbosity = toFlag verbosity, configBenchmarks = toFlag (BenchStanzas `elem` stanzas), configTests = toFlag (TestStanzas `elem` stanzas) } pkg = case finalizePackageDescription flags (const True) platform comp [] (enableStanzas stanzas gpkg) of Left _ -> error "finalizePackageDescription ConfiguredPackage failed" Right (desc, _) -> desc
module Text.OpenGL.Xml.ReadRegistry ( readRegistry, parseRegistry, PreProcess ) where import Prelude hiding ((.), id) import Control.Category import Text.OpenGL.Types import Text.OpenGL.Xml.Pickle() import Text.OpenGL.Xml.PreProcess import Text.XML.HXT.Core type PreProcess = Bool -- TODO RelaxNG validation readRegistry :: FilePath -> PreProcess -> IO (Either String Registry) readRegistry fp pp = do results <- runX ( readDocument readOpts fp >>> preProcess pp >>> parseRegistryArrow ) -- TODO: error handling return $ handleResults results where readOpts :: [SysConfig] readOpts = [withValidate no, withPreserveComment no] preProcess :: (ArrowChoice a, ArrowXml a) => PreProcess -> a XmlTree XmlTree preProcess pp = if pp then preProcessRegistry else id -- | TODO: make it work (doesn't work with the <?xml ?> header. parseRegistry :: String -> PreProcess -> Either String Registry parseRegistry str pp = handleResults $ runLA ( xread >>> preProcess pp >>> parseRegistryArrow ) str handleResults :: [Either String Registry] -> Either String Registry handleResults rs = case rs of [] -> Left "No parse" (_:_:_) -> Left "Multiple parse" [rc] -> rc parseRegistryArrow :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree (Either String Registry) parseRegistryArrow = removeAllWhiteSpace >>> -- This processing is needed for the non IO case. removeAllComment >>> arr (unpickleDoc' xpickle)
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} module XMonad.Actions.XHints.Render where import XMonad hiding (drawString) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Foreign.C import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as TF import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display -> Screen -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Window mkUnmanagedWindow d s rw x y w h = do let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen s attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \attributes -> do set_override_redirect attributes True createWindow d rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen s) inputOutput visual attrmask attributes newHintWindow :: Display -> IO (Window,GC) newHintWindow dpy = do let win = defaultRootWindow dpy blk = blackPixel dpy $ defaultScreen dpy wht = whitePixel dpy $ defaultScreen dpy scn = defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy (_,_,_,_,_,x,y,_) <- queryPointer dpy win nw <- createSimpleWindow dpy win (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 2 2 1 blk wht mapWindow dpy nw gc <- createGC dpy nw return (nw,gc)
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