created_at timestamp email text password text abled bool totalMessages numeric lastUse numeric key text ``` !Mrlol#6969: in what table? !Mrlol#6969: also some fileds are meesing !Mrlol#6969: i think !Mrlol#6969: have u added any key?¿ Splat#0001: I haven't added my key Splat#0001: accounts !Mrlol#6969: try adding ur key !Mrlol#6969: just key filed is need Splat#0001: Splat#0001: like this? Splat#0001: I tried that and it still doesn't seem to work. Are there any fields I'm missing that aren't in the documentation? !Mrlol#6969: yep
Splat#0001: Which ones? !Mrlol#6969: let me !Mrlol#6969: Splat#0001: I can't quite read some of those, is it possible I could get a list? Vito#2956: For those having issues with git push on GitHub, Splat#0001: Hi, is there any update on this? f1nniboy#2806: email text, password text, abled bool, key text, limit number, totalMessages number, access text , messages (?) number, created_at timestamptz Splat#0001: Alright seems I'm missing limit and access and the messages one Splat#0001: I added the access and limit one Splat#0001: but will need to see what the messages one is f1nniboy#2806: messages, number Splat#0001: Splat#0001: Same error it seems !Mrlol#6969: means key don't has abled true !Mrlol#6969: do ur key has abled true? Splat#0001: Yes Splat#0001: Splat#0001: There's my row which has my key Splat#0001: It's in two seperate screenshots as I skipped the actual API key
Splat#0001: also if this helps, every time I use a command I get this Splat#0001: maybe it's not writing properly? I'm assuming that's one time and it stores that the user has seen that before somewhere MiTRIBE23#5671: how can i fix low resolution on a image !Mrlol#6969: mm !Mrlol#6969: there are soemn ai Deleted User#0000: @!Mrlol you should get a sponsor to give u some cash !Mrlol#6969: true !Mrlol#6969: but who? Deleted User#0000: would u show ads? Deleted User#0000: to non premium users Deleted User#0000: i bet lots of companies would love to throw money at you !Mrlol#6969: i would !Mrlol#6969: but i don't think no one would pay for that !Mrlol#6969: lets see !Mrlol#6969: #📊|polls Deleted User#0000: probably some AI consulting business that creates personal solutions for people Deleted User#0000: work out a deal to get paid each month from them 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: @!Mrlol I found a free chatgpt you can use 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: may help save some money and save the project 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: it also has gpr3 and dalle
!Mrlol#6969: Link in my dm? !Mrlol#6969: Link to my dm 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: ok 𝘿𝘼𝙍𝙆 -#7718: Can I see too? 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: lol sure ill dm you 𝘿𝘼𝙍𝙆 -#7718: Thanks! ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: Could I have dibs 👉 👈 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: 💀 bigdaddyslayer99#2007: h\ tawt_us#3045: yo anyone here need some GPUS for something? im sitting on to many atm Deleted User#0000: try here Wolvesled#8710: is down? MiTRIBE23#5671: MiTRIBE23#5671: What yall think? 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: ill take one :P davidhuang1519#7900: is now mj can not use? cosmicIndustries#7855: These types always stiffle innovation that help the little man Norm#5151: Hey all. Something that has been bugging me. Why don't we yet have a (rudimentary) AI companion? It seems like someone could easily combine ChatGPT, ElevenLabs, and DALL-E. I'm envisioning a Max Headroom type of AI that I could talk to. I don't understand what is keeping me from having this on a tablet on my desk *today*. Why hasn't this been done? Norm#5151: I recently saw a video where a dev for the LookingGlass platform created "Uncle Rabbit" AI companion. This is almost exactly what I'm envisioning, except without the expensive hardware. Why can't this be done in JavaScript or C# so I can just run it on an old tablet I have laying around?
Deleted User#0000: it can be @Norm but youll want to train your own model the barrier to entry is high and people who did it just did it for themselves and dont care to share Norm#5151: Why would you need to train your own model? Couldn't you just use the chatgpt API? Deleted User#0000: @Norm because it will be generic and have no personality otherwise, not much of a companion Deleted User#0000: you want your companion to randomly go "sorry im not allowed to discuss that subject" Deleted User#0000: dudes lobotomized Norm#5151: I would take it over the current Google Assistant in a heartbeat... GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: I have been thinking about the problem myself GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: I have been trying to make ChatGPT impersonate and behave in certain ways to make it a companion GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: But it just hallucinates and fall out of character again and again GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: Plus its too shallow and repetitive GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: you will get bored of what it has to say in two hours tops GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: unless you have real spicy prompyt engineering tricks up yoursleeves and checks that its not repeating and hallucinating on top of it. Its not that useful GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: Plus even if you make it will the general public pay for it? I think they will if its reasonably priced and that is hard GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: and as soon as the business model is proven the big guys are gonna swoop in and and undercut your price cuz they own the damn thing GeneralKugelBlitz#6285: So its probably gonna fail. Wanna build it anyway? Heck yeah @Norm Ꮆ0ͮͩͦD̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ | Chris#9197: @!Mrlol just wanted to let you know, Upscale doesn’t work on @Turing stable diffusion. Ꮆ0ͮͩͦD̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ | Chris#9197: “This interaction failed” Ꮆ0ͮͩͦD̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ | Chris#9197: pumypy#9254: burger
pumypy#9254: ._. pumypy#9254: Ладно maymein#8620: xtk maymein#8620: чел maymein#8620: как пользоватся ботом 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: I made a text to video discord bot if you wanna try it @!Mrlol (not giving access to anyone else, this is just for testing purposes) OmarD#0972: @!Mrlol Hello guys! I'm new to the server, how can I contribute to development. I'm a fairly new bootcamp graduate and would like to hone my skills. !Mrlol#6969: hi !Mrlol#6969: can u send me ur github? 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: who? !Mrlol#6969: he 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: oh Navid Rahman#8403: download "Salad" app in your desktop. join their discord server for more info Animator#6687: hello guys Animator#6687: this is animator (dev) !Mrlol#6969: i need a lot Apple Trump#3431: What kind of gpus tawt_us#3045: @𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮 3080 3090 6700xt Apple Trump#3431: Ok
!Mrlol#6969: can u give me ? Apple Trump#3431: How much tawt_us#3045: 400 for the 3080 tawt_us#3045: 600 for 3090 tawt_us#3045: 350 for 6700 xt !Mrlol#6969: plsss !Mrlol#6969: mee !Mrlol#6969: choose me Apple Trump#3431: Is this usd tawt_us#3045: indeed tawt_us#3045: or shmekles Apple Trump#3431: Alright tawt_us#3045: !Mrlol#6969: ¿? Apple Trump#3431: What !Mrlol#6969: usd? Apple Trump#3431: U.S. dollars astrolul#2756: hi !Mrlol#6969: i am stupid f1nniboy#2806: hi
Apple Trump#3431: hi !Mrlol#6969: hi astrolul#2756: can u check out my bot astrolul#2756: i wrote it completely with ai astrolul#2756: !Mrlol#6969: love commit names 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: what 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: oh 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: I don't need it lol (I have spent my last money on my text to video bot) !Mrlol#6969: jjaja !Mrlol#6969: i almost filter smth !Mrlol#6969: go to ur dm 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: okey PDB#5804: with this cooldown it's so bad waiting for every prompt 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: it's the only way to cut down costs 💀 😔 PDB#5804: now every bot has a premium subscription, awful ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: (Why are people so impatient...) !Mrlol#6969: uwant to know how much te bot spend per day?¿ !Mrlol#6969: or the amount we spend on mantaining workers for #stable-diffusion !Mrlol#6969: vps for bots
!Mrlol#6969: i can't do nothing !Mrlol#6969: i am teenager no job !Mrlol#6969: no way to getmy own money because i don't have ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: I think the person left.. !Mrlol#6969: i hate when this happen !Mrlol#6969: they just say is bad bad !Mrlol#6969: and cry !Mrlol#6969: but we have unlimited messages !Mrlol#6969: for unlimited time !Mrlol#6969: for free !Mrlol#6969: and just wait 1 minute ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: ikr... Apple Trump#3431: Damn SuperMiro#1300: Is there a message limit in the chat gpt discord bot ? SuperMiro#1300: Like is there a limit to the message length SuperMiro#1300: Because when I try the free version and ask for code it gives half of it !Mrlol#6969: no !Mrlol#6969: just a token limit !Mrlol#6969: which usually limit words !Mrlol#6969: but u can say continue
SuperMiro#1300: Does the pro version have the token limit or just the free version SuperMiro#1300: @!Mrlol !Mrlol#6969: a double limit !Mrlol#6969: more than d ouble i think SuperMiro#1300: @!Mrlol Is my sellix a trusted website ? !Mrlol#6969: yes !Mrlol#6969: is trusted deadshell#0101: deadshell#0101: @!Mrlol deadshell#0101: might interest u !Mrlol#6969: checking TuncFreeman#2751: Bot joined the voice channel, spoken only once and didn't answer second question. When I click "new request", The bot says. "bot is already processing a request in this server, please wait until the bot finish this request." Any solutions? TuncFreeman#2751: If it works, we are thinking of buying a premium as a demo. !Mrlol#6969: we would work on it luxxas#4028: does anyone have an OpenAI account with GPT-4 API access? please DM me !Mrlol#6969: yes !Mrlol#6969: me !Mrlol#6969: 🙂
Thomas pastèque#1975: I wrote a simple python project that connect my computer to ChatGPT (It can run python and shell code, and my script automatically send back to chatgpt the code result). I then asked GPT4 to "increase its capacities and knowledges about the current world". Here is the result with some epic 2012 music : GPT-4 got current information by scrapping bbc website, then it tried to download it's source code from github and save it on my computer (It didn't work tho, but it got the idea) Here is the code if you want to try it (You don't need an API key, work with selenium) : TuncFreeman#2751: Thank you, the problem is still happening. TuncFreeman#2751: TuncFreeman#2751: Bot doesn't continue voice conversation. It stops speaking after answering user's first sentence. Wolvesled#8710: Started a thread. Max Current#6671: Has anyone experimented with using text to speech to have separate instances talk to one another on different devices? There's obstacles of course but it's interesting to watch them collaborate. Thomas pastèque#1975: Hey! If you can't wait to have access to chatgpt plugins I created a simple projet to connect chatgpt to your computer and run bash and python commands, check this --> FjCyVUj#6607: import openpyxl import pyperclip
import string from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter # 获取剪贴板中的内容 clipboard_content = pyperclip.paste() # 去掉首尾字符 clipboard_content = clipboard_content[1:-1] # 读取或创建 Excel 文件 try: workbook = load_workbook(filename="clipboard_data.xlsx") except FileNotFoundError: workbook = Workbook()"clipboard_data.xlsx") # 获取当前活动的工作表 worksheet = if worksheet.max_row ==0 or worksheet.max_row==1: worksheet.cell(row=1, column=1, value='MTA4MzQxMTI4OTY3MTQ3OTQzNg.GFGBhq.TDCm8pcc_3oltOFar9KnIUhjSWJGn6Z36E-mu0') # 检查是否需要添加新数据到 Excel 文件中 if worksheet.max_row >0:
last_row = worksheet[worksheet.max_row] if clipboard_content == last_row[0].value or len(clipboard_content) != 72: print("剪贴板中的内容不合规范,未添加到Excel文件中。") else: # 将内容添加到 Excel 表格中 worksheet.cell(row=worksheet.max_row+1, column=1, value=clipboard_content) print("剪贴板中的内容已添加到Excel文件中。") else: # 将内容添加到 Excel 表格中 worksheet.cell(row=1, column=1, value=clipboard_content) print("剪贴板中的内容已添加到Excel文件中。") # 保存 Excel 文件"clipboard_data.xlsx") # 显示所有内容 for row in worksheet.iter_rows(min_row=1, min_col=1, max_row=worksheet.max_row, max_col=worksheet.max_column): for cell in row: print(cell.value, end="\t") print()\ Dark Knight#7953: So it's in test phase, good work you guys !Mrlol#6969: u mean alan?
Dark Knight#7953: Yeah !Mrlol#6969: ty lil pyro#4715: how did y'all manage to add image input into gpt-3.5 api with the ChatGPT bot cuz I haven't seen anyone manage to do this yet without gpt 4 if it's private info it's alright ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: If I'm not mistaken, we use Blip lil pyro#4715: alright ty ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: 👍 𝗝𝗲𝗳𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝟭𝟭𝟮#2388: blip 2 is cool Tangles#6014: @!Mrlol whats your plan for discord rate limit? I've had to deploy multiple bots to solve that in the past !Mrlol#6969: Contact discord support Tangles#6014: that sucks 😦 Tangles#6014: i guess they weren't helpful !Mrlol#6969: discord.js = 💩 Tangles#6014: haha. i agree. i like js more than python though... so 😦 f1nniboy#2806: @!Mrlol whats the issue with discord.js !Mrlol#6969: @Socram09 !Mrlol#6969: can explain bette !Mrlol#6969: r !Mrlol#6969: but as summary is not prepared for big big bots
!Mrlol#6969: their sharding system is a shit Socram09#4302: The discordjs gateway connection works in a strange way, internally each shard is synchronized with the others, which causes it to have high response times and discord creates zombie shards continuously, also because of how they have the event flow set up if you go from 50 shards most die from an internal timeout Socram09#4302: @f1nniboy It was tested with a bot of 250 shards and it was unsustainable, the djs team did not know what to answer about those problems and we had to change ws Socram09#4302: :xD: Free 公園#0001: :teriderp: CloudFaith#2658: hello! looking for devs and interest in a layer defined schema to connect all forms of emerging ai technology THIS would start the trek of DATA POLICY its not small of task but I'm taking it on and would love to post my snippet to help attract anyone in this space to come and contribute once we release on monday. this could even be used to touch local client to web hosted services in about a month AT SCALE. Would you be open to having an 🔥 ignition-needed style channel @!Mrlol @alien @DITRO where I and even others could post about projects like that? Aweome to see what Alan has turned into, been following yall since the start through other channels, congrats on the launch last week! Ꮆ0ͮͩͦD̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ | Chris#9197: Does Open Assistent Model not have chat history? !Mrlol#6969: yes it has !Mrlol#6969: the currently one no Maco#7078: I am looking to use chat command, I have selected chat gpt 3 as my model. I was asked to vote on, I have done so, now what I need to do !Mrlol#6969: retry sadizaddy#7193: would it be a violation to make a bot that listens for and forwards messages to remove the need for slash commands? sadizaddy#7193: if not, how would I get permission or access to API for the project? sadizaddy#7193: I mainly use mobile and I dislike having to use slash commands so I'm coding a simple .py bot ill locally host for my server.. Just want to make sure it's cool. f1nniboy#2806: you can @mention the bot too to chat with it nck#0001: Our bot uses the OpenAI Api YuryF#9286: Hi, I am not sure is right place to ask. I am unable to see any long responce from ChatGPT bot. The message is truncated in the middle. if I press continue with Gpt, I see an error. An i doing somethin wrong?
YuryF#9286: Started a thread. Async#1337: CryptoLead.eth#7065: I am fairly new to linux system, but had to switch because it's better for development. However, I installed Linux Mint (Elsie 5), and have spent a week to configure the system to how I like it now. But I found out it doesn't have PPA support. Is Linux Mint still recommended for development, or should I cut the loss and change it to other distros !Mrlol#6969: No idea of mint !Mrlol#6969: But what about arch Linux? !Mrlol#6969: @CryptoLead.eth !Mrlol#6969: I would learn during the installation !Mrlol#6969: @nck use it Sim#5995: Mint is ok, but you chose LMDE which is based on Debian not Ubuntu which is why you're missimg PPA support IMY#8486: @!Mrlol You need to add BlackWillow as it's free without limitations and is as good as MidJourney Ꮆ0ͮͩͦD̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ | Chris#9197: Depends on what exactly you need. Mint is a beginner friendly distro, but like all Linux distros, it’s very customizable. There is probably even a way to add ppa support if you are willing to sit down, google, and configure it right through terminal. Luni < 3#0119: Linux Mint is a fork of Ubuntu, iirc, it is very recommended imo. (but as a non-SystemD Distro user (i use alpine btw), I'd go find someone else with a better answer) nima.m.leo#1556: can we chat with bot by webhook? cosmicIndustries#7855: Thoughts on hyena hierarchy MohaMMadreza#7038: hello Guys I'm New hxrm#5712: @ChatGPT please make a number conversion dictioinary for c# ChatGPT#3799: **hxrm#5712:** please make a number conversion dictioinary for c# **AI(chatgpt):** Sure, here is a number conversion dictionary for C#: ```
Dictionary<string, Func<double, double>> numberConversions = new Dictionary<string, Func<double, double>>() { {"MetersToFeet", (m) => m * 3.28084}, {"FeetToMeters", (f) => f / 3.28084}, {"MilesToKilometers", (mi) => mi * 1.609344}, {"KilometersToMiles", (km) => km / 1.609344}, {"CelsiusToFahrenheit", (c) => c * 1.8 + 32}, {"FahrenheitToCelsius", (f) => (f - 32) / 1.8}, {"KilogramsToPounds", (kg) => kg * 2.20462}, {"PoundsToKilograms", (lb) => lb / hxrm#5712: Like this but fix the code: private int FindNumber(string str) { string input = str.ToLower(); long total = 0L; Dictionary<string, long> numberConvert = new Dictionary<string, long>() { {"zero",0},{"one",1},{"two",2},{"three",3},{"four",4},{"five",5},{"six",6}, {"seven",7},{"eight",8},{"nine",9},{"ten",10},{"eleven",11},{"twelve",12}, {"thirteen",13},{"fourteen",14},{"fifteen",15},{"sixteen",16},{"seventeen",17}, {"eighteen",18},{"nineteen",19},{"twenty",20},{"thirty",30},{"forty",40}, {"fifty",50},{"sixty",60},{"seventy",70},{"eighty",80},{"ninety",90}, {"hundred",100},{"thousand",1000},{"lakh",100000},{"million",1000000},
{"billion",1000000000},{"trillion",1000000000000},{"quadrillion",1000000000000000}, {"quintillion",1000000000000000000}}; var numbers = Regex.Matches(str, @"\w+").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(v => numberConvert.ContainsKey(v)).Select(v => numberConvert[v]); try { if (!numberConvert.TryGetValue(input, out long num)) { throw new UserException($"Input '{str}' is not a valid number word."); } //int numbers = Convert.ToInt32(numberConvert[input]); foreach (var n in numbers) { if (n >= 1000) { total += number * n; number = 0; } else if (n >= 100) { number *= n; } else number += n; }return (total + number) * (str.StartsWith("minus" + StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1); } catch (UserException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } return this.number; }
ChatGPT#3799: Use this command again **12s**. If you want to **reduce your cooldown** you can **vote us for free** in [our page]( If you want to **avoid this cooldown** you can **donate to get premium**. If you want to donate use the command `/premium buy` . hxrm#5712: @ChatGPT Please fix the c# code : private int FindNumber(string str) { string input = str.ToLower(); long total = 0L; Dictionary<string, long> numberConvert = new Dictionary<string, long>() { {"zero",0},{"one",1},{"two",2},{"three",3},{"four",4},{"five",5},{"six",6}, {"seven",7},{"eight",8},{"nine",9},{"ten",10},{"eleven",11},{"twelve",12}, {"thirteen",13},{"fourteen",14},{"fifteen",15},{"sixteen",16},{"seventeen",17}, {"eighteen",18},{"nineteen",19},{"twenty",20},{"thirty",30},{"forty",40}, {"fifty",50},{"sixty",60},{"seventy",70},{"eighty",80},{"ninety",90}, {"hundred",100},{"thousand",1000},{"lakh",100000},{"million",1000000}, {"billion",1000000000},{"trillion",1000000000000},{"quadrillion",1000000000000000}, {"quintillion",1000000000000000000}}; var numbers = Regex.Matches(str, @"\w+").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(v => numberConvert.ContainsKey(v)).Select(v => numberConvert[v]); try { if (!numberConvert.TryGetValue(input, out long num)) { throw new UserException($"Input '{str}' is not a valid number word."); } //int numbers = Convert.ToInt32(numberConvert[input]); foreach (var n in numbers) { if (n >= 1000) { total += number * n; number = 0; }
else if (n >= 100) { number = n; } else number += n; }return (total + number) (str.StartsWith("minus" + StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1); } catch (UserException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } return this.number; } ChatGPT#3799: **hxrm#5712:** Please fix the c# code : private int FindNumber(string str) { string input = str.ToLower(); long total = 0L; Dictionary<string, long> numberConvert = new Dictionary<string, long>() { {"zero",0},{"one",1},{"two",2},{"three",3},{"four",4},{"five",5},{"six",6}, {"seven",7},{"eight",8},{"nine",9},{"ten",10},{"eleven",11},{"twelve",12}, {"thirteen",13},{"fourteen",14},{"fifteen",15},{"sixteen",16},{"seventeen",17},
{"eighteen",18},{"nineteen",19},{"twenty",20},{"thirty",30},{"forty",40}, {"fifty",50},{"sixty",60},{"seventy",70},{"eighty",80},{"ninety",90}, {"hundred",100},{"thousand",1000},{"lakh",100000},{"million",1000000}, {"billion",1000000000},{"trillion",1000000000000},{"quadrillion",1000000000000000}, {"quintillion",1000000000000000000}}; var numbers = Regex.Matches(str, @"\w+").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(v => numberConvert.ContainsKey(v)).Select(v => numberConvert[v]); try { if (!numberConvert.TryGetValue(input, out long num)) { throw new UserException($"Input '{str}' is not a valid number word."); } //int numbers = Convert.ToInt32(numberConvert[input]); foreach (var n in numbers) { if (n >= 1000) { total += number * n; number = 0; } else if (n >= 100) { number = n; } else number += n; }return (total + number) (str.StartsWith("minus" + StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1); } catch (UserException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor();
} return this.number; } **AI(chatgpt):** Here is the ChatGPT#3799: corrected C# code: ``` private int FindNumber(string str) { string input = str.ToLower(); long total = 0L; Dictionary<string, long> numberConvert = new Dictionary<string, long>() { {"zero",0},{"one",1},{"two",2},{"three",3},{"four",4},{"five",5},{"six",6},{"seven",7}, {"eight",8},{"nine",9},{"ten",10},{"eleven",11},{"twelve",12},{"thirteen",13},{"fourteen",14}, {"fifteen",15},{"sixteen",16},{"seventeen",17},{"eighteen",18},{"nineteen",19},{"twenty",20}, {"thirty",30},{"forty",40},{"fifty",50},{"sixty",60},{"seventy",70},{"eighty",80},{"ninety",90}, {"hundred",100},{"thousand", ChatGPT#3799: **AI(chatgpt):** I'm sorry, I'm not sure what else you need. Could you please provide more context or information on what you need me to do next? hxrm#5712: @ChatGPT can you explain and simplify this part of code
ChatGPT#3799: Use this command again **27s**. If you want to **reduce your cooldown** you can **vote us for free** in [our page]( If you want to **avoid this cooldown** you can **donate to get premium**. If you want to donate use the command `/premium buy` . hxrm#5712: @ChatGPT can you explain and simplify this part of code :var numbers = Regex.Matches(str, @"\w+").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(v => numberConvert.ContainsKey(v)).Select(v => numberConvert[v]); try { if (!numberConvert.TryGetValue(input, out long num)) { throw new UserException($"Input '{str}' is not a valid number word."); } //int numbers = Convert.ToInt32(numberConvert[input]); foreach (var n in numbers) { if (n >= 1000) { total += number * n; number = 0; } else if (n >= 100) { number = n; } else number += n; }return (total + number) (str.StartsWith("minus" + StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1); } catch (UserException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); }
return this.number; } hxrm#5712: @ChatGPT can you explain and simplify this part of C# code to find if a number is in a number string dictionary called numberConvert :var numbers = Regex.Matches(str, @"\w+").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).Where(v => numberConvert.ContainsKey(v)).Select(v => numberConvert[v]); try { if (!numberConvert.TryGetValue(input, out long num)) { throw new UserException($"Input '{str}' is not a valid number word."); } //int numbers = Convert.ToInt32(numberConvert[input]); foreach (var n in numbers) { if (n >= 1000) { total += number * n; number = 0; } else if (n >= 100) { number = n; } else number += n; }return (total + number) (str.StartsWith("minus" + StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1); } catch (UserException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } return this.number;
} florianfifteen#4422: @ChatGPT Corrige cette erreur : Le programme '' s'est arrêté avec le code 4294967295 (0xffffffff). Le programme '[39780] iisexpress.exe: Trace du programme' s'est arrêté avec le code 0 (0x0). Le programme '[39780] iisexpress.exe' s'est arrêté avec le code 4294967295 (0xffffffff). ChatGPT#3799: **florianfifteen#4422:** Corrige cette erreur : Le programme '' s'est arrêté avec le code 4294967295 (0xffffffff). Le programme '[39780] iisexpress.exe: Trace du programme' s'est arrêté avec le code 0 (0x0). Le programme '[39780] iisexpress.exe' s'est arrêté avec le code 4294967295 (0xffffffff). **AI(chatgpt):** Il n'y a pas d'erreur apparente dans les messages. Ces informations sont des messages de terminaison de programme avec des codes de sortie. Le premier et le dernier message indiquent que le programme s'est terminé avec un code d'erreur 4294967295 (0xffffffff). Cela indique généralement un problème de conflit ou de corruption de données. Il est recommandé de vérifier si cela est dû à un bogue dans le code du programme ou à un problème avec l'environnement d'exécution. Le deuxième message indique que le programme s'est terminé avec succès avec un code de sortie 0 (0x0). Cela indique qu'il n'y a pas eu d'erreur ou de problème dans l'exécution du programme. msuaa#2504: مرحبا украинец из диманской области#6158: Write an basic AP (activitypub) server using python+fastapi+any db украинец из диманской области#6158: hmm украинец из диманской области#6158: ok f1nniboy#2806: use the bot in #chatgpt selo#5847: @ChatGPT yapay doku nedir
f1nniboy#2806: read above.. SHAHRIYAR#6972: @ChatGPT فارسی بلدی؟ Amirhossein|N#9052: @ChatGPT how make discord bot ! XdMMD#0011: na {Tetto}#0302: you go to the discord developer portal, create an application, create a bot, generate an invitation link, invite the bot to the server, generate a bot token, using a token, you can control your bot by writing code in a programming language that you know using the discord library for this language 帝 Griffin ᶜʳʸˢˡᵒᵘᵈ#0666: نه فقط تو بلدی 帝 Griffin ᶜʳʸˢˡᵒᵘᵈ#0666: @ChatGPT واردن قوی تره یا ویدر؟ Amirhossein|N#9052: ok thanks just_amirHeHe#0485: Free chatgpt 😂 just_amirHeHe#0485: Chatgpt multi language e :turing: MRE ᵀᴰ#8569: :emoji_0000104: Paolino🦂#4957: . {Tetto}#0302: I can also give an example of a bot code with the `/ping` and `/server` commands on the discord library for javascript ```js const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js'); const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] });
client.on('ready', () => { console.log('Ready!'); }); client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => { if (!interaction.isCommand()) return; const { commandName } = interaction; if (commandName === 'ping') { await interaction.reply('Pong!'); } else if (commandName === 'server') { await interaction.reply(`Server name: ${}\nTotal members: ${interaction.guild.memberCount}`); } }); client.login('your-token-goes-here'); ``` {Tetto}#0302: but I began to use node.js much less often due to the transition to java {Tetto}#0302: and the corresponding library for the Java language for working with JDA discord bots
just_amirHeHe#0485: If I were you, I would use Embed. just_amirHeHe#0485: I am a php developer. I am also a verified bot developer just_amirHeHe#0485: Of course, I have an artificial intelligence with javascript, brain.js library, google-it library, canvas library, and google-translate library. {Tetto}#0302: What is the point of sending messages in embeds? {Tetto}#0302: AI powered by the browser? or from the system of your device? {Tetto}#0302: but in general, I once tried to write neural networks, the first library I had to study was brain.js, but it turned out to be useless due to the fact that I need root rights to install it, and so I switched to tensorflow.js, only it turned out to be difficult in understanding the structure of the code {Tetto}#0302: And yes, I write on the phone because I don’t have money even for a laptop sayhisname#9282: I want to learn c# can you help me ʍ₰ ♤☆ A𝕣ιЎά𝓝_CĴ ❤♙#1234: نه داش بلد نیست بیا بهش یاد بدیم:sec_shot: saya#7777: خوبه منم هستم sayhisname#9282: یه ایرانی همه جا هست just_amirHeHe#0485: It is the search direction. It's just a feature just_amirHeHe#0485: شوروی باید از ایرانیا یاد بگیره 😂 just_amirHeHe#0485: همه جا ارتش داریم just_amirHeHe#0485: تو دیسکورد همه جا just_amirHeHe#0485: But Iranians are poorer than you. like me . Im iranian AburMan#4409: Please Speak English AburMan#4409: This is the last warn just_amirHeHe#0485: Have you given a warning yet? ʍ₰ ♤☆ A𝕣ιЎά𝓝_CĴ ❤♙#1234: :Iran:
iTz Aria#6985: :/ Luni < 3#0119: What do you need help with? I work with C#, a bit. NotArya#0644: برای یک ایرانی همه جا ساموراییه SvI4eR#5997: а just_amirHeHe#0485: Faghat warden {Tetto}#0302: Will I be stoned if I say I'm from Russia? ೩ BedlessFighter ᶜʳʸᵖᵗᵒ#1618: حق ೩ BedlessFighter ᶜʳʸᵖᵗᵒ#1618: Warden gode Lofi AI#5821: Occasionally the continue button won't work, the bot will start over with new context just_amirHeHe#0485: No, but you took over a large part of our country (just kidding). 😂 Navid Rahman#8403: Hey guys what do I do when drop down arrow doesn't show when I use <datalist>? ```html <label for="coffee">Favourite Coffee:</label> <input type="text" name="coffee" id="coffee" list="coffee" list="coffee-list"> <datalist id="coffee-list" <option value="latte"> <option value="espresso"> <option value="cortado"> <option value="americano"> <option value="other">
</datalist>``` Navid Rahman#8403: as you can see there's no dropdown arrow ೩ BedlessFighter ᶜʳʸᵖᵗᵒ#1618: Hmm it must be hidden or under the bar put a z-index !Mrlol#6969: #🆘|support {Tetto}#0302: I mostly blame my parents for wandering into a financial hole, taking out loans knowing that it will be very difficult to repay them just_amirHeHe#0485: I can't even afford Nitro Discord even though my parents work hard ʍ₰ ♤☆ A𝕣ιЎά𝓝_CĴ ❤♙#1234: دهنتو {Tetto}#0302: discord nitro is also expensive in Russia, of course I can afford a subscription for 3 months, but it’s a pity to give away the money I saved up with difficulty just_amirHeHe#0485: me too . I can understand you {Tetto}#0302: I would get a part-time job, but since I live in a village, this is only possible for me in the summer if I can go to the city just_amirHeHe#0485: because of school? {Tetto}#0302: Yes just_amirHeHe#0485: Do you have holidays in the middle of the year? {Tetto}#0302: it is desirable to get a job as a loader, because they earn fearn 400$ just_amirHeHe#0485: 400 dollars is a significant amount of money for Iranians {Tetto}#0302: Children's Day on the first of June just_amirHeHe#0485: In Iran, Nowruz is closed on the 13th day of April {Tetto}#0302: for many Russians who don't work either, the biggest amount I've ever held in my hands in my entire life is 40$ {Tetto}#0302: What is Nowruz?
just_amirHeHe#0485: a feast Like Christmas just_amirHeHe#0485: But it is different {Tetto}#0302: Ahhh, ok just_amirHeHe#0485: Was your previous text is Russian? just_amirHeHe#0485: Russian is an interesting language {Tetto}#0302: For some reason, an English-Russian translator opened on my gboard just_amirHeHe#0485: it is interesting . It is very interesting {Tetto}#0302: It's hard with a device that has 1GB of RAM on android 8 just_amirHeHe#0485: My mobile also has 1 gig of RAM {Tetto}#0302: my knowledge of the Russian language is 3 out of 5, but this is written, and my spoken language is at the level of any average Russian {Tetto}#0302: What version of operating system do you have? {Tetto}#0302: it's just that my android 8 consumes 70% of all RAM just_amirHeHe#0485: Android oreo just_amirHeHe#0485: 700 MB? {Tetto}#0302: Yes {Tetto}#0302: So also Android 8 just_amirHeHe#0485: My mobile does not have the ability to process Discord's animated emojis 😂 {Tetto}#0302: I would reflash my phone, but I need to unlock the bootloader, and Huawei has stopped issuing keys since 2018 just_amirHeHe#0485: I have not tried it yet {Tetto}#0302: mine can, but with very hard drawdowns and crashes
just_amirHeHe#0485: But if I lose this, how can I live? {Tetto}#0302: What exactly? just_amirHeHe#0485: The same weak system just_amirHeHe#0485: You were supposed to warn me {Tetto}#0302: it is better to roll back the phone to android 6 just_amirHeHe#0485: Yes AburMan#4409: If you want a warning, then ok {Tetto}#0302: but i would install PMOS, since Linux will be more useful in terms of learning just_amirHeHe#0485: No . You said this is the last warn. But I didn't get any warn just_amirHeHe#0485: Do you know Java programming? {Tetto}#0302: only basic syntax, I'm currently learning OOP {Tetto}#0302: It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. AburMan#4409: We warn once according to the guideline {Tetto}#0302: C++ is much more scary for me just_amirHeHe#0485: I use C# for bot programming {Tetto}#0302: today I encountered the fact that node.js complains about an expired token, despite the fact that it was updated recently just_amirHeHe#0485: Have you ever made a bot? {Tetto}#0302: but this is in code with tensorflow.js library {Tetto}#0302: Only within the discord api just_amirHeHe#0485: I have a bot with more than 75 servers. But it has not been verified yet.
{Tetto}#0302: Have you tried writing custom bots? just_amirHeHe#0485: Yes . I have even sold the source of some of them {Tetto}#0302: lucky, I offered my services on the freelance exchange for how long, so no one hired me {Tetto}#0302: And in the end, I work on pure enthusiasm, which is not very pleasant for me. {Tetto}#0302: Ненавижу... How many generate a new token is still the same error just_amirHeHe#0485: Use brain.js {Tetto}#0302: npm install brain? just_amirHeHe#0485: Brain.js {Tetto}#0302: I have tried but there are many warnings and errors just_amirHeHe#0485: But it doesn't give any error for me {Tetto}#0302: Oh... {Tetto}#0302: but it's good that it's fixed just_amirHeHe#0485: Good {Tetto}#0302: thank you and good night :3 just_amirHeHe#0485: Good Night . Lofi AI#5821: @{Tetto} it's a forum :awkward: !Mrlol#6969: Open a thread for your issue Lofi AI#5821: Eh, it's alright. I'm sure you guys will figure it out. Gonzalo Huelmo#2939: Hi guys, i need projects to work at regarding AI
Gonzalo Huelmo#2939: I want to work with the state of the art AI, which includes preparing my own articles. If anyone could lend a helping hand i will appreciate it. {Tetto}#0302: 🤨 just_amirHeHe#0485: @{Tetto} do you know php? solshirtawi#6088: @just_amirHeHe any one with idea about Audio engineering? just_amirHeHe#0485: I have no idea. At least I have no idea now {Tetto}#0302: no, sorry, I don't even know what its syntax looks like just_amirHeHe#0485: Fixed tensorflow.js problem? {Tetto}#0302: it looks like it’s impossible to write a bot with deep machine learning because of this problem, well, okay, but on the brain.js you can write a bot with a neural network Tomtom#9020: Hello there, 🤓 Let me introduce myself, I'm an AI enthusiast I guess. I've created something like autoGPT but web based with mostly JS. Thw website is called recursive G: You set a main goal and watch AI characters work towards achieving it. They intelligently interact, remember past events, and adapt their actions to achieve the goal and more... It's in alpha, **but I've open-sourced it on Github and I'm looking to enhance it quickly....** and you can participate if you want to 😄 The neat thing is that you can customize the prompts that make things work directly from the browser. You can check it out here:
It is a creative project that I do by night once my daily job is done and kids are sleeping 😅 but it's crazy addictive and I love it so much!!!! I'm new to social media and self-promotion game, so be gentle, haha. Please give me feedback, suggestion, comment or whatever I'm eager to hear and learn from you all. Signed: a nerd ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ#4223: my favorite button! just_amirHeHe#0485: brain.js is not working for me 😂 Geode#3643: i tried my own artificial intelligence how do you think, {Tetto}#0302: Why? 🗿🗿🗿#6674: just_amirHeHe#0485: I dont know {Tetto}#0302: It's clear {Tetto}#0302: I would like to know what to do with it {Tetto}#0302: I want to train a model based on the history of chat messages on servers that have a bot just_amirHeHe#0485: it is interesting {Tetto}#0302: But I think it's better to log the data received by the model in order to understand when to turn off the bot with the trained model already saved just_amirHeHe#0485: Very good {Tetto}#0302: The trained model written in a json file can be used anywhere, write a web bot or application, or for any commercial purposes.
just_amirHeHe#0485: @{Tetto} Hello . Do you know how to use canvas library? The only thing I was able to do was to be able to write user text on a black screen {Tetto}#0302: sorry, never worked with graphics AI>#2266: can anyone help to tell me any discord server or any site that can convert text into a 3d video !Mrlol#6969: alan can do !Mrlol#6969: so if u wait !Mrlol#6969: soon the bot could do that Delamcode#0301: Wait what!? {Tetto}#0302: Termux is a strange application, I wrote a command to launch a script that clears the console automatically when the application starts, but when I reload its script does not work, it's strange just_amirHeHe#0485: Termux has made a big mistake 💀 just_amirHeHe#0485: But my application never worked . Of course, with C# programming language {Tetto}#0302: My mistake was to write `source ~/.bashrc.d/` write not in the console, and in the file `~/.bashrc` f1nniboy#2806: Using ChatGPT and Midjourney to create a game completely from scratch! With the super fast growing world of generative AI, I wanted to do something fun! So I used ChatGPT and Midjourney to make a complete game from scratch! Watch how I created this game 100% from scratch step by step, and you can play it too! *from @GhostPlaysDead* GhostPlaysDead#0001: thanks ❤️