- "Why do you want an iPhone"<br><br>- "I don't know, it looks cool."
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I've read many books on Apple/Steve and have never heard of many of these stories including the Rokr. Great video!!! |
Just watched this again after having watched it multiple times before. Great video! Thank you a lot! :) |
I had one of those! |
Please leave out the needless intrusive music |
What about the T-mobile AMEO? Was that not before the I-phone and had all of the I-Phone functions and much, much more?<br><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryqGG9uHbKg&t=19s">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryqGG9uHbKg&t=19s</a><br>I am interested, after watching the entire video, why the Ameo is not even mentioned?<br>The T-Mobile Ameo even had 2 cameras, wifi, bluetooth, VGA out , GPS, a Pen, flow screen and so much more.<br>This video suggests that there was nothing before the I-phone. The T-Mobile Ameo was a complete Windows computer as well.<br><br>George Orwell: 1984? |
i can imagine all the caos all those people that work so hard and not even got mention |
🥰🥰🥰🥰 |
Jobs is inspiring. |
iPhone, that product changed my view of Steve Jobs, from a guy who just stole the fame from Wozniak, and who were just along for the Mac, to a real great product visionary. |
Was steve jobs gay or a macho like moi who loves masturbating |
It's not the most influential product of all time. The model T Ford has a lot bigger impact on day to day life than the iPhone. The invention of the light bulb was more impactful than the iPhone. The invention of the internal combustion engine was more impactful than the iPhone. And the list goes on & on. |
Great documentary. Captured a really good balance of information, innovation and human impact. |
These people shouldn't have given up their marriages for a phone. There were plenty of jobs available out there. They all screwed up. I bought the first iPhone for $600 or $700 and they decided en-Mass that it was $100 too much and gave everyone $100 Apple gift cards back as a rebate. Mine ended up falling in my above ground pool when I was filling it and cost me another $300 to get it warrantied. I have only skipped over the iPhone 6, 8 and 10 phones in the last 16 years. I have tried new Android phones but they break within a year and are never updated and their is no one to call about problems. |
Btw, anyone know where you can contact Apple if you got an idea for them? Like, for real, legit? |
Bill Burr was right about Steve Jobs. |
I had a phone back then with buttons but i never thought of phone without them |
You know, I've wondered: Why didn't anyone create a phone that had a mouse and physical keyboard before the iPhone. Like maybe a physical rolling ball that is the cursor controller, and buttons buttons below cursor controller for clicking, and a scrolling wheel to the right of the phone for scrolling. This way, you could be able to use the internet and stuff. It definatly wouldn't be as easy to use as the iPhone, but at the time, it would have been a start. Why didn't anyone think of that before the iPhone? It seems kind of weird to me. |
I mean, was the iPhone THE most influential invention of all times? What about cars, planes, and the lightbulb? |
The thing about this channel… he reports rumors as fact. Don’t believe all of it. |
I was an android user ever since there was android but almost a year ago I switched to iPhone because I was curious about all the hype, I get it now. I’m an Apple fangirl for life now |
After all this innovation you drop your phone on the floor and the screen breaks!...I would not call the apple phone a Revolution? |
Those years apple news meant excitement. I remember my first video ipod. |
Very cool that jobs had one team competing with another |
Kind of funny how Apple never thought their innovation would lead to so much porn lol |
Thumb up for Chien-ming Wang and Taiwan @<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24O00Jz8R04&t=0m44s">0:44</a> |
I had the iPhone 3G 💪 |
And Steve got all the credit for the revolutionary iphone, when he's only the presenter of the product. That's just sad I feel sorry for the engineers. |
This only proves that jobs was a piece of shit. |
He stole the Atari ST GEM operating system. |
"Today it's just so easy to forget how much of a revolution the original iPhone was" no - not easy to forget - I am daily amazed by this wonderful and lovely device. I am on 14 now and still in love. |
One would think that all Creative-types at Apple loved Steve Jobs because he endorses art, design, innovation… but “creative differences” are some of the worst and most opinionated contentions alongside forward development.<br><br>Especially when developing privately, in secret, nobody can say, “15% of the representative potential market voted in favor of rectangles, whereas , 45% like circles, 10% like squares, and 30% like rounded squares.”<br><br>Instead, Steve says, “I like the rounded squares, and that’s that. It gets frustrating to have design politics, and you just have to know that’s the way it is.<br><br>In less creative and more scientific endeavors, something that is 15% more efficient and 15% lower in costs wins decisively. |
This is so true to reality: Steve Jobs wanted to kill the “iPhone” project, and did, at one time cease development. But, he also later supported it.<br><br>The same person who gets credit for green-lighting a project that succeeds also stopped (red-lighted) it multiple times. That’s the schizophrenic nature of people credited for things: they disappointed people, created burnout, etc., altogether known as the “human cost” of new technology. |
Apple probably claimed to invent the mouse (Doug Englebart), desktop metaphor and Ethernet (Xerox Parc). I wish Steve Jobs would say that Apple improved Multi-Touch for introduction into the iPhone, rather than inventing it, but that’s simply not Steve Jobs’ style. Never was. |
Children are using iPhones before they can speak language, reminds me of the mouse. |
To create a new technology, you MUST create a new language (nomenclature). If you’re working on ‘new’ technology platform without a unique and fitting design language, sorry, it’s not new at all, not ‘new’ enough, and probably not revolutionary. |
Blackberry (Research in Motion) had an iris-sized trackball on the phones. 🖲️ |
iOS was iPhoneOS & iPadOS, until Apple licensed IOS/iOS from Cisco Systems Networking (Internet OS) |
Unfortunately, the telephone technology is very quiet about the effects of radiation from these “smart phones.“ Studies with conclusions occurred in 1971 warning about the radiation, but Steve Jobs and others ignored the information and did nothing to protect customers. Holding a phone next to your head for 15 minutes is more than likely to be frying your brain literally. At least, use speakerphone as much as possible and keep the phone as far away from your face as you can at all times. |
While the iphone was in it's very early r&d stages, Steve Jobs said that the smartphone "would only be good for reading something on a toilet". Truly, a visionary! 🤣 |
One thing missing from this Story is that Jobs was secretly developing the ipad, which was eventually scaled down and became the iphone. Jobs actually mentioned this a few times... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24O00Jz8R04&t=26m00s">26:00</a> - Some knew Jobs had lied and stopped using / buying Apple products. |
First iPhone as a device was mid-average: camera, no multitasking, poor apps, sometimes crashing - it was almost a public prototype.<br>Now as a product, iPhone is a shrewd, bold UX-revolutionary product which paved a way for Apple to pull money out of many pockets.<br><br>Apple has not been very original or groundbreaking in design over the years (and they certainly didn't "invent" multitouch. Now with M1 and M2 new chapter begins. |
The iPhone did NOT create the modern smart phone. It is always behind, even the 8525 launched nearly a year before it had more features. |
How much of a jerk do you have to be to incorporate someone's imminent firing into your demonstration by deleting their phone number? |
This is the best content in the history of YouTube... haha it shows that we can create innovation case we listen to our guts. |
Kings are all who are remebered, not the soldiers... |
I hate touchscreens and dont like phones either. |
Tony Faddell deserved better |
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24O00Jz8R04&t=20m45s">20:45</a> - The on-screen keyboard and predictive text made my life a living hell during my first few years of using a phone without a physical keyboard. Not necessarily related but combined was a not any pleasure for me. |
Steve Jobs was a notorious current disavowed paternity of his very own daughter for a decade because he was mad at the mom. Let his daughter live in Barefoot poverty. |
You can never control what happens to us. But we can always control how we react. |
The PDA was first. |
Apple is the brand that never creates something, always steals others ideas and call it their own. Built in slave labor camps in China. Turns out Steve wasn’t this genius that we thought he was. |
Apple... they exploited people then and are still exploiting people now. That device would cost magnitudes more than it does if it weren't for labor exploitation in manufacturing. Basically slave and child labor. Changing lives that's for sure. |
It took thousands of hours and countless brilliant minds working to the brink is insanity to launch the first iPhone… and mere nano-seconds for the first d**k pic to be sent… Steve Jobs- we salute you. 🫡 |
Just shows how dedicated Apple engineers are. They want to change an industry - they WILL change an industry |
A couple of things about this: 1) It was never called iOS to start off with. It was always iPhone OS. The name was only changed with the introduction of iOS 4 - three years after the introduction of the iPhone. 2) Apple didn't start off designing the iPhone first. It was originally the tablet that was being worked on. Steve even said that the tablet came first and then they shelved it to work on the phone. Once the phone was done, they then started work on the tablet. Aside from that, great documentary. |
All that work only to have Samsung come in and steal it. |
I appreciate every moment with my iPhone and detest all others. |
The iPhone changed the world and my life forever. Life before the iPhone and for me even the Mac seems like a blur at times. This shaped me in a big way made me who I am. My parents worked so hard so I could get these products they payed the way towards my amazing experience that I call life. |
I don't like iPhone I'm not a iPhone user. |
Neonode was years prior to apple in creating the smartphone... swipe to unlock and more was more or less stolen. |
"We've become totally connected all the time". The opposite is true: We've become totally disconnected, from the world around us. <br>Smartphones = end of humanity |
I have the Story of the Iphone. As Bill Burr put it, What the F did that guy ever do? Told his workers I want my entire music collection on that phone, GET ON IT. Then comes strolling around the office eating a pretentious fruit like a pear and shouting, I don't want to hear any thinking going on in there. With a bunch of his people in the back going, How are we going to do this? What does this guy think we are Buck Rodgers? |
I read a lot on the toilet! |
Thank you for the great information..! |
Their first computer sold for $666.66 and there's a bite taken out of the apple logo.<br>I wonder what that's supposed to mean and if it has any bearing on the company's success.<br>The world may never know. |
I remember living in Egypt at the time. The first iPhone wasn’t available in our region for a while. I had a friend from the US ship me one. It was locked in with AT&T if I remember correctly. I had to try and figure out how to jailbreak it. I managed to get it done. I was 16 at the time. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Good times! |
Hmm, it's not as if there was no iphone there wouldn't have been smartphones, that's just nonsense... people all over the world were working on similar concepts at the same time... and other companies has products on the market for many years before the iphone... Apple just did what they did at a good time in the right way... so business smart... but in no way revolutionary...<br><br>Glad that this video highlighted where the ideas and contributions for this particular device came from... but the whole history of handhelds and smartphones is immensely broader and more interesting... |
and then google came along with a way better operating system called android |
Apple was good at selecting new inventions among small companies and buy their ideas and put them in their product. |
This was a neat video. Although I was very sad to hear some of the backstory about health and people getting divorced. As a totally blind person, I never thought I’d be able to use a touchscreen in my life. But thanks to voiceover on the iPhone, which came out with the iPhone 3GS. I am now able to use it just like any other person.<br>In fact, when I first saw the iPhone, I still had quite a bit of usable vision. And I remember going over to Blind services to see this new device. And I was thinking to myself, there’s no way in hell this is gonna be usable by people like me. How wrong I was. <br><br>The disabled community uses smart phones just like every other person. In fact, it is level the playing field for us. I can’t live without my iPhone. I use it for work school and play. |
Steve Jobs . . . he unfortunately died, before his time ! 💀 |
Rather remarkable that none of this seems even slightly impressive after such a short time. Boom! |
Thank you Ken and all the other unnamed geniuses who REALLY brought us this amazing, truly world-changing technology. I am so thankful every day to live in this time and for all the people whos blood sweat and tears allowed us to truly live in the future |
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24O00Jz8R04&t=7m54s">7:54</a>! look |
A superb discourse! 👍👍 |
i will never buy an iphone again |
Watching this on me 13 PM |
Love how every example of "Capitalism working" is just window dressing for some rich dudes buying out a bunch of different ideas |
Steve Jobs was a nobody, 🤓 |
RIP Steve Jobs. |
This will sound ridiculous but I told Joy Mountford, head of R&D at Apple, that Apple should make a cordless and eventually a cellular phone in April 1988 or 1989 (whatever year ACM SIGCHI was in Washington DC) at a hospitality suite event Apple held. I don't know if she ever told anyone else at Apple.<br><br>I don't think I said that going touchscreen in the first version was necessary, but just to get into the business starting with the then prevalent cordless phones. These had obvious linkages to home computers, home theatre, home automation. The cell phone portability wasn't feasible then when cell phones were still pretty huge & battery life for handhelds was very short. |
That’s a fancy pantsy shirt if I’ve ever seen one, cheers from Richard in Australia |
This is scary omfgawwwdd |
NB: whats the name of the closing song? I know it is closer by Ne yo but what version is this one? its really good |
everytime i watch your documentaries I ask myself how you can gather all this information and piece it so neatly and how long it takes you to do a video like this. you are so good at this |
Ooh ooh,the Apple IPhone….pffft…think how many People are Dead because of this Thing…What a Joke |
If a device like iPhone comes as a product of pain and suffering of many humans, i never want it. Iphone aka smart phone didn't bring much value to the day to day life as in the cost of human suffering. |
Unless micro second day trading was invented by Madoff then he could have made money when the market went up or down similarly just like Bitcoin? I wrote a similar program for a client in England. |
all white people like it always been making significant changes of world rules.<br>but now apple its forced to hire black people due to so called diversity 😂 |
Apple locked users out of the device, same Google with android, now... I understand that it is done because of people who don't know or can make damage to the device but we (root users) have to rely on impossible exploits that cost millions, at least there is someone who cares for iPhone but for android is not this way, oems lock users out of their system and do not allow to unlock bootloader, I'm disappointed honestly, if only Steve would have respected people instead of locking them out maybe now both iPhone and android phones would be like computers on our pocket, but it is not unfortunately |
Thanks to Steve Jobs we have to fight for right to repair. Thanks to Steve Jobs, Apple booby traps components in their macbooks so you break them more while trying to fix them. Inside of the a2337s and a2179s, Apple made the touch ID cable so thin that it is very very easy to rip. They also glued it down so it rips easier while trying to remove it. Steve Jobs was an asshole. I do own an iPhone, but I can still say that Apple wasnt there first. They just made it better. |
Now I know to who blame for the terrible keyboard and terrible auto correct |
😁😁😁 |
I know this will never happen, but they should make a movie out of this. What a bittersweet story. All of that stress, anxiety, personal tragedy, obsession, and desperation ultimately lead to arguably the most important innovation of the 21st century. |
damn video footage from the mid 00's aged a lot. almost looks like its from the 90s |
cool and informative video, it definitely gives a new perspective on the iPhone origins. |
Still a very inspirational story to me. |
Can someone tell me the name of the track at the start of the video? |
Subsets and Splits