abo_listings / README.md
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Amazon Berkeley Objects (c) by Amazon.com


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. To obtain a copy of the full license, see LICENSE-CC-BY-NC-4.0.txt, visit CreativeCommons.org or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


Credit for the data, including all images and 3d models, must be given to:


Credit for building the dataset, archives and benchmark sets must be given to:

Matthieu Guillaumin (Amazon.com), Thomas Dideriksen (Amazon.com), Kenan Deng (Amazon.com), Himanshu Arora (Amazon.com), Jasmine Collins (UC Berkeley) and Jitendra Malik (UC Berkeley)


Amazon Berkeley Objects is a collection of 147,702 product listings with multilingual metadata and 398,212 unique catalog images. 8,222 listings come with turntable photography (also referred as spin or 360º-View images), as sequences of 24 or 72 images, for a total of 586,584 images in 8,209 unique sequences. For 7,953 products, the collection also provides high-quality 3d models, as glTF 2.0 files.

The collection is made of the following files:

  • README.md - The present file.

  • LICENSE-CC-BY-NC-4.0.txt - The License file. You must read, agree and comply to the License before using the Amazon Berkeley Objects data.

  • listings/metadata/listings_<i>.json.gz - Product description and metadata. Each of the 16 files is encoded with UTF-8 and gzip-compressed. Each line of the decompressed files corresponds to one product as a JSON object (see http://ndjson.org/ or https://jsonlines.org/ ). Each product JSON object (a.k.a dictionary) has any number of the following keys:

    • brand
      • Content: Brand name
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • bullet_point
      • Content: Important features of the products
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • color
      • Content: Color of the product as text
      • Format: [{"language_tag": <str>, "standardized_values": [<str>], "value": <str>}, ...]
    • color_code
      • Content: Color of the product as HTML color code
      • Format: [<str>, ...]
    • country
    • domain_name
      • Content: Domain name of the marketplace where the product is found. A product listing in this collection is uniquely identified by (item_id, domain_name)
      • Format: <str>
    • fabric_type
      • Content: Description of product fabric
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • finish_type
      • Content: Description of product finish
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • item_dimensions
      • Content: Dimensions of the product (height, width, length)
      • Format: {"height": {"normalized_value": {"unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "length": {"normalized_value": {"unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "width": {"normalized_value": {"unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "unit": <str>, "value": <float>}}}
    • item_id
      • Content: The product reference id. A product listing in this collection is uniquely identified by (item_id, domain_name). A corresponding product page may exist at https://www.<domain_name>/dp/<item_id>
      • Format: <str>
    • item_keywords
      • Content: Keywords for the product
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • item_name
      • Content: The product name
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • item_shape
      • Content: Description of the product shape
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • item_weight
      • Content: The product weight
      • Format: [{"normalized_value": {"unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, "unit": <str>, "value": <float>}, ...]
    • main_image_id
      • Content: The main product image, provided as an image_id. See the descripton of images/metadata/images.csv.gz below
      • Format: <str>
    • marketplace
      • Content: Retail website name (Amazon, AmazonFresh, AmazonGo, ...)
      • Format: <str>
    • material
      • Content: Description of the product material
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • model_name
      • Content: Model name
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • model_number
      • Content: Model number
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <str> }, ...]
    • model_year
      • Content: Model year
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <int> }, ...]
    • node
      • Content: Location of the product in the category tree. A node page may exist at https://www.<domain_name>/b/?node=<node_id> for browsing
      • Format: [{ "node_id": <int>, "path": <str>}, ...]
    • other_image_id
      • Content: Other available images for the product, provided as image_id. See the description of images/metadata/images.csv.gz below
      • Format: [<str>, ...]
    • pattern
      • Content: Product pattern
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <int> }, ...]
    • product_description
      • Content: Product description as HTML
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <int> }, ...]
    • product_type
      • Content: Product type (category)
      • Format: <str>
    • spin_id
      • Content: Reference to the 360º View image sequence. See the description of spins/metadata/spins.csv.gz below
      • Format: <str>
    • style
      • Content: Style of the product
      • Format: [{ "language_tag": <str>, "value": <int> }, ...]
    • 3dmodel_id
      • Content: Reference to the 3d model of the product. See the description of 3dmodels/metadata/3models.csv.gz
      • Format: <str>
  • images/metadata/images.csv.gz - Image metadata. This file is a gzip-compressed comma-separated value (CSV) file with the following columns: image_id, height, width, and path.

    • image_id (string): this id uniquely refers to a product image. This id can be used to retrieve the image data from Amazon's Content Delivery Network (CDN) using the template: https://m.media-amazon.com/image/I/<image_id>.<extension> [^1], where <extension> is composed of the characters following the dot in the path field. Any value occurring in the main_image and other_images attributes of product metadata is an image_id present in this file.
    • height (int) and width (int): respectively, the height and width of the original image.
    • path: the location of the image file relative to the images/original/ or images/small/ directories. A path is composed of lowercase hex characters (0-9a-f) that also uniquely identifies images. The first two characters are used to build a file hierarchy and reduce the number of images in a single directory. The extension is jpg except for few png files.

    Below are are first 10 lines of images/metadata/images.csv.gz:

  • images/original/<path> - Original image data. This directory contains the original high-resolution version of the images. See images/metadata/images.csv.gz for details of image naming.

  • images/small/<path> - Downscaled image data. This directory contains the version of the images, where they have been downscaled such that their largest axis (height or width) is a maximum of 256 pixels. See images/metadata/images.csv.gz for details of image naming.

  • spins/metadata/spins.csv.gz - Spin / 360º-View image metadata. This file is a gzip-compressed comma-separated value (CSV) file with the following fields: spin_id, azimuth, image_id, height, width, and path.

    • spin_id: a unique identifier for the image sequence.
    • azimuth: an integer between 0 and 71, representing the index in the spin sequence and the azimuth of the camera (in steps of 5º).
    • image_id: this id uniquely refers to an image. This is can be used to retrieve the image data using the template: https://m.media-amazon.com/image/I/<image_id>.jpg [^1].
    • height and width: respectively, the height and width of the image.
    • path: the location of the image file relative to the spins/original/ directory. The extension is jpg for all the images. The path is build from the spin_id and azimuth using the template <spin_id>_<azimuth:02d>.jpg and the first two characters of spin_id are used to build a file hierarchy and reduce the number of files in a single directory.

    Below are are first 10 lines of spins/metadata/spins.csv.gz:

  • spins/original/<path> - Spin / 360º-View image files. Each file corresponds to one row in spins/metadata/spins.csv.gz, named by the value of the path column.

  • 3dmodels/metadata/3dmodels.csv.gz - 3d model metadata. This file is a gzip-compressed comma-separated value (CSV) file with the following fields: 3dmodel_id, path, meshes, materials, textures, images, image_height_max, image_height_min, image_width_max, image_width_min, vertices, faces, extent_x, extent_y, extent_z.

    • 3dmodel_id: Reference for the 3d model, as provided in the 3dmodel_id field of the listings metadata
    • path: Location of the 3d model, relative to 3dmodels/original/
    • meshes: Number of meshes in the geometry
    • materials: Number of materials in the 3d model
    • textures: Number of textures in the 3d model
    • images: Number of image resources in the 3d model
    • image_{heigh,width}_{min,max}: Minimal and maximal dimensions of the image resources in the 3d model
    • vertices: Number of vertices in the geometry
    • faces: Number of faces in the geometry
    • extent_{x,y,z}: Extent of the geometry in each dimension

    Below are are first 10 lines of 3dmodels/metadata/3dmodels.csv.gz:

  • 3dmodels/original/<path> - 3d model files. The 3d models are provided in the glTF-2.0 format (GLB/binary representation). All models adhere to the following conventions:

    1. Positive Y direction is up.
    2. Positive Z direction is pointing to the natural front-side of the product, wherever applicable.
    3. Products that are designed to stand on a surface (i.e. a floor) are centered on the origin, but translated up (towards positive Y) such that they stand on the Y=0 plane.
    4. Products that are designed to hang from a surface (i.e. a ceiling) are centered on the origin, but translated down (towards negative Y) such that they hang from the Y=0 plane.
    5. Products that are designed to hang on a wall are centered on the origin, but translated forward (towards positive Z) such that their backside aligns with the Z=0 plane.
  • archives/abo-listings.tar - Contains all the files in listings/ as a tar archive.

  • archives/abo-images-original.tar - Contains the metadata and original images from images/original/ as a tar archive.

  • archives/abo-images-small.tar - Contains the metadata and downscaled images from images/small/ as a tar archive.

  • archives/abo-spins.tar - Contains the metadata and images from spins/ as a tar archive.

  • archives/abo-3dmodels.tar - Contains the metadata and images from 3dmodels/ as a tar archive.


[^1]: Importantly, there is no guarantee that those URLs will remain unchanged and available on the long term, we thus recommend using the images provided in this archive instead.