1.57/C60.4 cc (range 0.6 –2.0 cc) of injectate was used
average duration of follow-up was 3.6 /C61.8 months.
Nine patients (75.0%) completed all four PRP injections,while two patients completed three injections and onepatient received only one injection as part of the ongoingtrial
At the one-month timepoint, one patient requestedto receive the PRP injection in the operating room tobetter tolerate treatment
All other injections were per-formed in the outpatient clinic setting
No signi ficant
inflammatory reactions or adverse events were seen
to date.
Patient-reported outcome measures using the VHI-
10 and VFI questionnaire scores taken at every studyevaluation timepoint are reported in Table
The VHI-
10 and VFI scores re flect study participant baseline
values, 1 week after initial PRP treatment, and everysubsequent treatment timepoint in the trial
The averageVHI-10 and VFI scores at baseline were 29.7 /C69 and
45.9/C616.8, respectively
At 1 week after the first PRP
injection the average VHI-10 and VFI scores began todowntrend to 27.5 /C610.2 and 42.9 /C616.4
At the one-
month timepoint, the average VHI-10 score of 24.1 /C610.6
(median ΔVHI-10 =4.4,p=0.02) and average VFI score
was 32.1 /C6185 (mean ΔVFI=12.8, p=0.04) re flected
Clinical vvaluation and study calendar
This calendar sequentially
outlines every evaluation and intervention performed along variousstudy timepoints
Initial, designates the first clinic visit during which
patients are enrolled in the study
Day 0, designates the day patients
receive the first vocal fold injection with PRP, which may be the same
day as Initial for some
Subsequent day, week, and month designationsare relative to Day 0 of injection
H&P =History and Physical;
Mo=Month; PRP =Platelet-Rich Plasma.
Laryngoscope 133: March 2023 van der Woerd et al.: Serial PRP Injections for Vocal Fold Atrophy and Scar
15314995, 2023, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.30288 by Mcmaster University Library Collections L307, Wiley Online Library on [07/09/2023]
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the earliest signi ficantly signi ficant decrease in both
This signi ficant downtrend persisted
through the two-month (VHI-10 score 19.9 /C611.3; VFI
31.1/C614.9) and three-month (VHI-10 18.9 /C612.4; VFI
25.1/C616.2) timepoints
At the four-month timepoint, one
month after the fourth injection, the VHI-10 score was16.4/C614.8 (median ΔVHI-10 =8.4,p=0.03) and the
VFI score was 14.4 /C611.8 (mean ΔVFI=23.8, p=0.08).
All patients self-reported tolerating the procedure
without dif ficulty or immediate complications
patients described discomfort associated with thelaryngotracheal anesthetic and mild discomfort was noted
In-of fice Laryngoscopy photos
(A) Pre-injection (B) Post-PRP injection (C) 1 month post-injection.
Study Participant Demographic and Pathology Overview.
Case Age Sex Pathology Prior TreatmentSide of
InjectionNumber of
InjectionsAverage Injectate
(Range cc)Average Follow-up
Time (Months)
1 74 M Vocal fold scar and
atrophyThyroplasty revision, voice
therapyLeft 4 1.6 (1.5 –2.0) 6
2 50 M Vocal fold scar Steroid, injectable filler,
voice therapyRight 4 1.8 (1.5 –2.0) 6
3 49 F Vocal fold scar Voice therapy Right 4 1.8 (1.5 –2.0) 3
81 F Vocal fold scar Injectable filler, Fat
ImplantationRight 4 1.8 (1.5 –2.0) 5
5 62 M Vocal fold scar Thyroplasty Revision,
Voice TherapyLeft 4 2.0 (2.0) 6
6 66 M Vocal fold atrophy Voice therapy Left 4 1.0 (1.0) 4
7 61 M Vocal fold scar Thyroplasty revision, voice
therapyLeft 3 2.0 (2.0) 2
8 64 M Vocal fold scar Dupixent, di flucan, voice
therapyLeft 3 1.5 (1.5) 1
9 63 M Vocal fold scar Autologous stem cell
transplantLeft 4 1.5 (1.0 –2.0) 3
10 79 F Bilateral vocal fold
scarInjectable filler, voice
ft 4 1.3 (1.0 –2.0) 3
11 44 M Bilateral Vocal fold
scarSteroid and injectable filler Left 4 1.0 (0.6 –1.5) 3
12 45 M Bilateral vocal fold
scarInjectable filler, voice
therapyRight 1 1.2 (1.2) 1
F=Female; M =Male.
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures after Serial Vocal fold PRP Injections.
Parameter Baseline 1 Week After 1st Injection 1 Month (2nd injection) 2 Month (3rd Injection) 3 Month (4th Injection) 4 Month
Patients ( n)1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 9 5
VHI-10 29.7 /C69 27.5 /C610.2 (0.12) 24.1 /C610.67 (0.02)
* 19.9/C611.3 (0.005) * 18.9/C612.4 (<0.001) * 16.4/C614.8 (0.03) *
VFI 45.9 /C616.8 42.9 /C616.4 (0.9) 32.1 /C618.5 (0.04) * 31.1/C614.9 (0.04) * 25.1/C616.2 (0.01) * 14.4/C611.8 (0.08)
VFI=voice fatigue index; VHI-10 =voice handicap index-10.