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0.813 | - Incorporate kindness into who you are. Don't just be kind one day and not the other; otherwise, people will start to think you are putting on an act. Thanks Helpful 36 Not Helpful 1
- Being nice also means telling the truth—but if the truth could be hurtful, say it in a tactful manner. Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 1
- It doesn't make you a bad person if you lose your temper every now and then, especially if someone behaves in cruel manner toward you. Forgive yourself and remember you're only human. That being said, don't take your anger out on other people for no reason. | - 不要嘲笑别人的错误,也不要太直接地指出别人的错误。开玩笑没关系,但是要注意分寸。三思而后行,有时候自己没觉得什么,但是别人会在意。
- 脏话、八卦、牢骚、自私和贪婪都不应该是一个好人的品质。
- 对人友善,别人也会对你友好。
- 如果发现有人在哭泣或受到伤害,请不要吝啬伸出援助之手。
- 凡事都往好的方面想,如果内心阳光,那么事情也会朝着好的方面发展。
- 每天都做一些小的好事,匿名与否都行。这样会让你很开心,也会给别人带来快乐。
- 如果你很难做到友好对待一个你不喜欢的人,想象他是那个真正受到伤害的哭泣的人。如果你觉得他活该,你应该再好好想想。尝试安慰或帮助他们,让憎恶变成关爱。 |
0.855 | - Don't let others take advantage of your nice actions and friendly, submissive manner. It can hurt you, and cause regrets for other people. By politely standing up for yourself you may save yourself and many others a lot of trouble. Thanks Helpful 29 Not Helpful 4
- While being nice, do not be a total pushover. Compromise is good, but expect to be treated fairly. Don't be afraid to stand up for what is right and do not hesitate to defend someone. If you find that you're being considerate of someone's time but they are not being considerate of yours, bow out as respectfully as you can and make yourself scarce.
- Be careful smiling or saying hi to someone who you have a bad background with. It can backfire and they may think you're being sly and they may reply with a not very nice comment. Thanks Helpful 57 Not Helpful 14
- You may have heard that "It doesn't matter what someone looks like, it's what's on the inside that counts". This is partially true, but you only have one chance at meeting someone. If you are barbarous the first time, that could be how you'll be known. If you are friendly the first impression, people will know you as nice and sincere. | - 你可能常常听人说,一个人外表看起来怎样并不重要,重要的是他的内心。这话只说对了一半,和人相识的机会只有一次。如果第一次给人留下不好的印象,那多半人们就那样看待你了;而如果你第一次见面就很友好,那别人以后也会对你友好。
- 对人好并不意味着一味的妥协。适度的退让是好的,但是要让自己也受到公平对待。勇敢捍卫正义的事,维护正当利益。当你很尊重别人的时间,而别人却不把你当回事时,礼貌地退出这尴尬的局面吧。
- 小心一点,对有旧仇的人打招呼可能不被待见,甚至会被认为使诡计,并得不到对方的友好回应。 |
0.833 | 3 Ways to Be Productive | 3种方法来高效工作 |
0.839 | We've all been there: lots of things to do, but finding ourselves distracted, floundering, procrastinating, and unable to get things done. Are you tired of wasting time? If so, then it's time for you to get productive! | 我们都有这种情况:有很多事情要做,但是总是不能集中注意力完成,分心,拖延,就是无法完成任务。你已经厌倦了这种浪费时间的状态吗?如果你的答案是肯定的,就来跟我们一起学习如何提高效率吧! |
0.853 | Showing up late to every meeting and event can stress you out and leave others questioning how reliable you are. You'd probably love to be on time whenever and wherever you go, but punctuality doesn't come naturally to everyone. The good news is you can train yourself to be on time, every time, by changing your habits and your views about punctuality. See Step 1 and beyond to learn quick tricks and long-term strategies for being more punctual. | 如果你每次开会或出席活动都迟到,不但自己会感到压力大,他人也会质疑你的可靠程度。你或许希望自己不管去哪里都能准时,但守时并非每个人与生俱来的本性。好在只要改变习惯和你对守时的态度,就可以训练自己随时随地严守时间。赶快来学习一些快速和长远的改善方法,做个守时的人。 |
0.898 | - Kids are really good at making their parents late. Follow all the above tips, not just for yourself but also for your kids. Have their clothes ready (including coats and mittens), make sure they get baths the night before, etc. Take a few minutes the night before to make sure their books and homework are in their backpack, then place it by the door. Check for any permission slips that need signing. If your child is very young, make sure their diaper bag is always fully stocked. But some organized twelve year olds can definitely help you out!
- If you take your lunch to work, pack it the night before. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
- Old military adage: If you're not 5 minutes early, you're 10 minutes late! Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1 | - 有一句古老的军事格言说:“如果你没有提早5分钟,你将会迟到10分钟!”
- 父母总是因为小孩而迟到。你不仅为了自己,也要为小孩的事遵循上述所有诀窍。准备好他们要穿的衣服(包括外套和手套),确保他们前一晚已经洗过澡等。每晚花数分钟检查书包,确认书本和作业都在里面,然后把书包放在门边。检查是否有需要家长签名的同意书。如果你的孩子还很小,记得在尿布袋装满尿布。有些12岁的小孩做事十分有条理,绝对能帮你的忙。
- 记住,如果你提早5分钟出门,你将准时到达。如果你准时出门,你将会迟到。如果你迟出门,那么你将需要费尽心思向他人解释你迟到的原因。
- 如果你想自带午餐上班,可以在前一晚将它打包好。 |
0.866 | - Don’t fool yourself into thinking nobody notices the latecomer. If you think you are more than occasionally late to work, school, church, appointments, etc., you can be sure others have noticed too. Thanks Helpful 170 Not Helpful 25
- Lateness is corrosive to good relations with friends, colleagues and of professional standing. Having a strong personality and being able to smooth over individual instances of lateness still leaves a building resentment. Holding people up who have planned and prepared work, journeys, meals, entertainment etc. generates a cumulative irritation and devaluing of you personally.
- Remember your reputation is on the line. The power of showing up is limitless. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0 | - 迟到会破坏你和朋友、同事的良好关系,以及你的专业地位。即使你的个性刚强,能够掩饰自己迟到的事实,他人对你的怨恨仍然会逐渐积累。别人已经做好计划,并且将工作、行程、食物、娱乐等准备妥当,却被你耽搁了,他们对你的愤怒与日俱增,你在他们心中的地位也会下降。
- 不要欺骗自己,以为没有人会发现你迟到。无论是上班、上学、出席宗教仪式或赴约,如果你发现自己经常迟到,其他人肯定也会注意到这点。
- 记住,你正在拿自己的名声来冒险。准时出现带来的影响是无限的。 |
0.879 | 3 Ways to Be Respectful | 3种方法来尊重别人 |
0.859 | When you want to be respectful, try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and behave in a way that shows you care. At its heart, being respectful means showing that you value other people's perspectives, time, and space. | 如果想要尊重他人,你可以试着设身处地为别人着想,并表现出你的关心。尊重他人的核心就是重视他人的观点、时间和空间。 |
0.867 | - Being respectful tells people you not only care about others, but you care about yourself. The most important part of being respectful is respecting yourself; if you don't, people won't respect you. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 0
- A great technique for giving respect is to empathize or relate to the other person. Listening and responding intelligently, seriously, and beneficially shows a great amount of respect. Everyone wants what they say to be heard and taken into consideration.
- When talking to someone, look them in the eye in a steady, but friendly way, if possible. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1 | - 给予尊重的一个很好的方法是与他人产生共鸣或者建立联系。聪明、认真、有益地倾听和回应能够表现出极大的尊重。每个人都希望自己说的话被别人听取和考虑。
- 尊重意味着你不仅要关心别人,也要关心自己。尊重最重要的部分就是尊重自己。如果你不尊重自己,人们就不会尊重你。
- 如果可能的话,和别人说话时,你可以稳妥而友好地看着他们的眼睛。
- 要记住一件很重要的事情是,你的言辞会影响周围其他人。试着想象一下别人在说你所说的话,把自己想象成你面前的那个人。 |
0.905 | - Respecting differences doesn't mean tolerating people who advocate harming others. For example, if your neighbor is a Nazi who believes that certain types of people should die, this is not a belief that deserves to be respected or tolerated. Respecting and protecting other people's safety is more important than respecting a violent person's beliefs. | - 尊重差异并不意味着容忍鼓吹伤害他人的人。比如,如果你的邻居是一名纳粹分子,他觉得某些人该死,这种信仰就不值得被尊重和容忍。尊重和保护他人的安全比尊重暴力分子的信仰更重要。 |
0.81 | Being self-motivated means being ready for driven, focused discussion and behavior. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be manipulated and to be open to positive learning. Being in this state of mind is the challenge! Luckily, you have every tool at your disposal to get started
*right now*. Here we go! | 自我激励就是准备好开始鞭策自己,目标明确,言行一致。自我激励也是让自己变得足够锋利灵敏,不是懒惰被动,而是积极学习。这样的状态就是一种对自己的挑战,你很幸运,能搞定一切,所以,“立即”开始行动吧。我们出发! |
0.87 | - Speak as though you are already the way you want to be. Do not say "I am becoming positive"; "I am positive" is much better. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- Positive affirmations repeated often will help you become strong. Choose one that fits with your problem. If you are scared, "I am safe." If you are shy, "I am a confident person." Avoid using negative words to stay focused. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- The journey of unleashing your potential is truly a worthy one. During this journey, knowingly or unknowingly you will have helped many unleash their respective potential. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 释放潜力的过程是很值的。在此过程中,你还会有意无意的帮助别人释放他们的潜力。
- 说话时要像是你已经成功了。别说“我正在变得积极”;要说“我很积极”,这么说最好。
- 会有阻碍,但你仍要前进。走错一步,前功尽弃,同样,走对一步,成功一半。这就是人生。
- 不断积极的宣告会使你强大起来。选择能解决你问题的话语。如果你害怕了,就说,“我很安全”如果你很害羞,就说“我很自信。”要专注在积极的一面,就不要使用消极的言语。 |
0.821 | - Do NOT worry about the dumb things, because negative thoughts become negative habits, just as positive thoughts become positive habits. Thanks Helpful 196 Not Helpful 13
- Being self-motivated does not mean forcefully smiling and trying to please everyone. Thanks Helpful 176 Not Helpful 28
- Have courage to confront hurdles if you think you are right. Thanks Helpful 108 Not Helpful 15
- Be soft on yourself. Thanks Helpful 144 Not Helpful 42
- Do not beat yourself up if you suffer a lapse in your newfound pattern of self-motivation. You will get back on track. Be self-forgiving. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 1 | - 如果刚开始的自我激励机制失败了一次,你也不要自责。你还会重回正轨,要原谅自己。
- 不用担心那些没用的事情,因为消极思想会成为消极的习惯,就像积极思想成为积极的习惯。
- 勇敢面对挫折,只要你认定自己是正确的路上。
- 对自己温柔一点。
- 自我激励不是勉强微笑,也不是取悦所有人。 |
0.869 | - Learn something new every year. Whether it’s learning how to weave baskets or how to administer an IV to your dog; learning a completely new skill will add to your bag of tricks. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Meet people from all backgrounds and disciplines. You can learn a tremendous amount from others so seek out genuine, good people from various backgrounds and skill sets. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Maintain an emergency kit at home that includes enough bottled water for everyone in your family for two to three days, non-perishable food, flashlights, a radio and a first aid kit. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 每年都学一点新东西。不管是学习如何编织篮子,还是学习如何训练自己的狗,学习一项全新的技能能够给你大大加分。
- 认识各种社会背景和学科背景的人。你能够从别人身上学到很多东西,所以请尽量与拥有各种技能,不同身份背景的佼佼者为伍。
- 在家里准备一个急救包,在包里存储足够全家人维生两到三天的饮用水、不易腐烂的食品、手电筒、无线电和急救箱。
- 对自己坦诚。不要试图去改变自己的天性去迎合他人,要做到不忘初心,勇往直前。 |
0.852 | - Although an independent lifestyle can build confidence and overall inner peace, never be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, especially in an emergency situation, you may need to request assistance or have a professional take over if you are not fully equipped. | - 尽管独立自主的生活方式让人感到自信和平静,但也不要害怕向他人寻求帮助。有时候,尤其是在紧急情况下,如果你一人势单力薄,就有必要寻求专业人士的帮助。 |
0.933 | 4 Ways to Be Successful | 4种方法来成功 |
0.888 | Success can mean different things to everyone. If you have an ambition, dream, or purpose that you want to achieve, all you need is the right mindset and a strong set of goals. Stay focused and motivated throughout the process. When you encounter failure, remember to pick yourself back up and keep going. With time and effort, you may find that you have achieved your own definition of success. | 每个人对成功的定义都不同。如果你有想实现的目的、抱负或梦想,那就要摆正心态,设定具体的目标。在努力的过程中保持专注和积极的态度。就算遭遇失败,也要振作起来,继续前进。只要付出一些时间和精力,或许你就能收获自己所定义的成功。 |
0.877 | - Not everyone will be supportive of your goals. Some people are cynical or insecure. Be prepared for them, and look past them until you find the people who are happy for you and who support you in all that you do. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
- Success does not come through willpower alone. It takes consistency and determination. Doing something once won't make a huge difference; it's when you do that one thing many times over that you can achieve success. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
- Always follow your own definition of success. Try not to get wrapped up in what other people want for your life. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0 | - 不是每个人都会支持你的目标。有些人愤世嫉俗或缺乏安全感。做好应对这些人的准备,尽量忽视他们的冷嘲热讽,寻找真心为你感到开心,不管你做什么都全力支持你的人。
- 想获得成功,除了要有强大的意志力,还需要有毅力和决心。做一次不会带来太大的改变,做很多次才能获得成功。
- 遵循自己对成功的定义,不要被他人左右。 |
0.826 | Isaac Newton once said, "Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy." Being tactful is just that — having the ability to clearly communicate your message while being sensitive to those around you and not unintentionally offending anyone. Being tactful does
*not* mean hiding what you really feel; it just means presenting your ideas in a way that would make them the most appealing and inoffensive. If you want to know how to be tactful, then you should see Step 1 to get started. | 牛顿曾经说过,“处世圆滑是一门艺术,你可以发表自己的观点之余,还不会周围树敌。”其实,所谓圆滑不过是——清晰地表达自己的观点,同时对周围环境保持敏感,不要无意攻击到他人。圆滑不代表隐藏自己的真实感受;只是要用一种恰当的方式表达,让听者觉得你的观点非常有说服力且不冒犯。如果你想学会如何圆滑处世,请从步骤一开始往下阅读。 |
0.916 | Think before you speak.
Allow yourself a pause to consider how your words could be perceived, and to prevent yourself from making hasty comments. You may have an immediate gut reaction to something your boss or friend is saying, but take a moment to gather your thoughts before you come right out and say what you want to say. Ask yourself if it's the best time to present your ideas, if you should spend some time finding a better way to say what you want to say, and if people will be receptive to your comments right then.
- Though speaking with your gut can lead to a lot of interesting ideas, it can also help to take a few minutes to formulate your thoughts first. If you instantly disagree with something your boss says, for example, you're better off thinking of concrete examples for why you disagree instead of just blurting out that you think it's a bad idea.
- Notice the people around you. You may want to make a comment about how excited you are for your wedding, when one of the people there is going through a bitter divorce. Though you don't have to hide your enthusiasm forever, you may be better off finding a better time to make your comment. | 脑比口快。
- 脱口而出的话有时可以引发很多有趣的思考,但三思而后说,花几分钟时间组织语言也是很有好处的。比如说,如果你不同意老板所说的话,你最好是找几个具体的例子来支撑你的观点,而不是纯粹大喊“我觉得这个主意不好”。
- 留意身边的人。即将走入婚姻的殿堂,你大概希望与身边的人一同分享这份喜悦,但要是身边有人正在办离婚,你就该想想到底要不要说出口了。虽然不用一辈子都隐藏自己,但你最好还是另外找一个合适的时间再表达真实的心情。 |
0.892 | Deflect negative comments.
If people are making negative comments around you, you should avoid getting wrapped up in them if you want to be tactful. This is especially true if you're in the workplace and don't want to be part of the office politics. There are several ways in which you can deflect negative comments and take the high road in testy situations. Here are some ways to do it:
- Gently correct gossip. Example: "I'm sorry you heard that about Jane Doe. When I spoke to her, she said that it was just a rumor about her getting fired."
- Say something non-committal. Example: "I've never met John Doe, so I wouldn't have a clue about his drinking habits."
- Say something positive. "Mary Sue may be late a lot, but she does really good work." Or, "Bill Jones has always been civil to me personally."
- Change the subject. "You know, your comment about the boss reminds me of something. There's an office party coming up, right? Are you bringing anyone?"
- Remove yourself from the situation. If people keep being negative and the situation isn't letting up, then you can excuse yourself and say you need to get back to class or work. You should make it seem unrelated to the conversation at hand.
- Ask the person nicely to stop. Say "I'm really not interested in gossiping about our neighbor," or "I'd prefer not talk about that in the office." | 不说他人坏话。
- 巧妙回应传闻。例如:“很抱歉你听到了关于小珍的传闻。我有跟她聊过,她说她要被辞退的消息只是一个谣言。”
- 不表示立场。例如:“我不认识小珍,所以我也不知道她爱不爱喝酒。”
- 替他人圆场。例如:“小丽的确是经常迟到,但她工作还是很认真的。”或者“小强对我就很有礼貌啊。”
- 转变话题。“你知道吗,你刚刚说老板的话让我想起了另外一件事。过几天好像有一个办公室派对,是吗?你会带朋友来吗?”
- 迅速逃离。如果周围的人一直在发放负能量,而你也没能阻止这个场面,那你应该找个借口迅速逃离,就说你要回去学习或工作什么的。至少要看上去你和这个对话没有关系。
- 婉转地让说话者停止该话题。例如:“我真的没有兴趣听你说你邻居的坏话”或是“我觉得在办公室说这些不太好”。 |
0.865 | Start with a positive comment before giving negative feedback.
If you have to give negative feedback to someone, whether it's a coworker or your best friend, you should couch it in a way that makes the person the most receptive. This doesn't mean you should lie to the person if things aren't going well, but that you should start off with something positive so the person sees that you care about him or her.
- If you want to give negative feedback to a friend, you can say something like, "I think it's so sweet of you to always want to set me up with the single guys you know. But when you try to do it every time we go out, it kind of makes me feel pathetic."
- If you want to give negative feedback to a co-worker, you can say something like, "I really appreciate how hard you've been working on the new project. However, I think the project can be even better if you let Mary help you out a bit more." | 先君子后小人。
- 如果你想对朋友给予负面反馈,你可以说“你总想撮合我和你的男性单身朋友,我认为这样做真的很窝心。但我们每次一起出去,你都这样做,我觉得自己很可悲。”
- 如果你想对同事给予负面反馈,你可以说“我很欣赏你一直努力完成新项目的干劲,但是我觉得如果能让小丽帮你一下,效果可能会更好。” |
0.906 | Choose your words carefully.
When it comes to being tactful, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you should be aware of the words you use to express your ideas. You can still say what you want to say without offending people or coming off mean or like a know-it-all. When you're getting ready to state an opinion, ask yourself if the words you're using are biased, hurtful, patronizing, or just all wrong for the occasion. Then, find the words that will help further your ideas without offending anyone.
- For example, if you want to talk to a coworker about how she needs to get her work done faster, don't tell her she's "slow"; instead, ask her if she can think of ways to be "more efficient."
- For example, if you're telling your boss you're leaving your job, you don't have to say something like, "I am just way too smart for these people"; instead, you can say something like, "This company isn't the best fit for me." | 口必择言。
- 例如说,如果你希望你的同事加速完成工作,最好不要说她“慢”;相反,你可以问一下她是否愿意找一个“更有效率”的方法做事。
- 又例如,如果你正要向老板请辞,你最好不要说“公司同事都太笨了,跟不上我步伐”之类的话;相反,你可以说“我觉得我的做事风格不太符合公司的要求。” |
0.919 | Choose your timing carefully.
When it comes to being tactful, having great timing is half the battle. You may have something perfectly nice to say, which can ruin a social situation if you say it at the wrong time, and can lead to hurt feelings without you meaning to do any harm. Before you make a comment, ask yourself if this is the best time to make the comment, and if everyone there will be receptive to it. Ask yourself if it would be better to wait to get a more positive response, even if you're dying to say what you want to say.
- For example, if your friend Linda is excited to tell all of her friends about her recent engagement, then you may have to hold off the news that you're pregnant for another week, so Linda can enjoy the spotlight for a bit longer. You don't want her to feel like you trumped her big day.
- For example, if your boss is wrapping up a long presentation at the end of the work day, this may not be the best time to ask your question about an unrelated report. Asking the question now will only lead to confusion and your boss will be focused on the presentation and won't have the energy to address your concerns; if you wait until the next day, your boss will be happier to discuss the issue with you. | 对的时间说对的话。
- 举个例子,如果你的朋友张莉正很兴奋地宣布自己订婚的喜讯,那你最好还是将自己怀孕的消息先保留,到以后的聚会再公布。这样,张莉就能多拥有一阵子万众瞩目的存在感,不会觉得你故意夺其锋芒。
- 又例如,如果你的上司就快结束工作日总结,你最好不要在这时候提起另外一份不相关的报告内的问题。现在提问只会引起大家的疑惑,老板也会一心完成工作总结,没精力去回应你的想法;如果等到第二天再私下提问,老板会很高兴跟你讨论相关事宜。 |
0.882 | Decline invitations politely.
If someone asks you to do something, you should find a way to politely decline it, even if your gut is screaming, "Heck no!" Whether you're being asked to attend the baby shower of a person you barely know or to stay late at work on a Friday night, instead of immediately saying no and looking angry or upset about it, you should take the time to say how much you would like to do it and then give a brief explanation or apology about not being able to do it. This will still get the same message across, but you won't offend anyone in the process.
- For example, if your boss asks you to take on another project and you just don't have any more time on your hands, you can say something like, "Thank you so much for thinking of me for this opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm still wrapping up those two other projects you asked me about and I won't be able to take on the extra work. But I would love to help out on something similar in the future."
- For example, if your friend invites you to go hiking but hiking isn't really your thing, you can say something like, "Your weekend trip to the Redwood forest sounds amazing, but I'm going to take it easy this weekend — I've had a crazy week at work and need to decompress. How about we catch up over drinks next Friday?" | 礼貌回绝邀请。
- 比如说,你的上司希望你能接手另外一个项目,而你现在已经没有多余时间可以处理了,你可以这样说:“非常感谢您给我这个机会。但我现在还在完善上次您交给我的工作,恐怕暂时不能接手其他项目。但我之后还是很乐意参与同类项目的。”
- 又比如,你的朋友邀请你一起去登山,但你又不太喜欢登山,你可以这样说:“你的红树林周末远足计划听起来真不错,但我想这个周末还是留在家里比较好——我整个星期都忙疯了,真想休息一下。不如我们下周五一起喝个东西?” |
0.846 | Don't reveal too much personal information to people you don't know very well.
Another thing that people who lack tact tend to do is to go about announcing their business to every person on the street. If you want to have tact, then you can't go around telling anyone within earshot about your latest breakup, your new rash, or all of your personal problems. Telling people you don't know well all your business will only make them uncomfortable and won't lead to any new friendships; have tact and be aware of when people would like to hear more and when enough is enough.
- This also goes for revealing personal information about other people. If you're with a close friend and a few less-than-close friends, don't pick up on a private conversation you had with that friend in front of the other people; your friend might have been happy to talk about his complicated relationship with his mother with you, but he may not want the world to know about it. | 不要向不熟悉的人透露太多个人信息。
- 这条规则也适用于透露他人个人信息。如果你和一个密友,还有其他相对疏远的朋友一起,不要在其他人面前提起你和这位密友的私密对话;你的朋友也许很乐意跟你分享他和他的母亲之间的复杂关系,但他不一定希望全世界都知道。
确保你的身体语言符合你的表达。口头表达友善礼貌的信息对于建立良好的人际关系十分重要,但如果你的身体语言和你说的话不一致,就很有可能适得其反。比如说,你正严肃地告诉某人一件重要的事,你就应该制造眼神接触,面对此人,并避免驼背姿势以及眼光闪烁。让对方注意到你的态度,并表示你确实很在乎这件事。如果你一边称赞他人办事效率,一边眼光闪躲,别人想相信你都很难。 行动确实胜于雄辩,所以要确保你的身体不要发出与口头相悖的信息。 |
0.84 | Talent tends to refer to that inborn skill that everyone seems to be born with. It's true that having a talent can help you in life, and that it's good to try to identify and practice that skill. However, try to avoid placing too much importance on finding a talent. Plenty of people go through life perfectly happy, and perfectly able to learn skills, without having one specific talent. | 天赋是指每个人与生俱来的出色能力。发现自己的天赋,并善于利用,就能让你的生活更加出彩。但是,没必要把天赋看得太重。很多人虽然没有特殊的天赋,但能在生活中习得技能,他们也活得很开心。 |
0.818 | - Try not to focus only on the monetary aspects of your talent. Yes, in this society, you will need money, but if you're only focused on making money with your talent, then you're not doing it because you're passionate and you will likely start to hate it.
- Avoid thinking that a talent has to be something specific like art or writing or dancing. It can be as vague as "talent for listening to people" or "talent for connecting with people." These are just as good as specific talents and are a lot easier to incorporate into any job.
- Helping others and being kind is a talent in itself. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0 | - 别只关心用天赋来谋利。钱在当今社会的确重要,但当利益成了动机,你就会丧失热情,逐渐厌倦。
- 天赋不一定很具体,比如艺术天赋、写作天赋或舞蹈天赋。也可以是一种没有明确定义的能力,比如:擅长倾听,擅长与人交流。后者和前者一样棒,而且更容易融入到各种工作中。 |
0.863 | 4 Ways to Be Useful and Help Contribute to Society | 4种方法来做一个能贡献社会的有用之人 |
0.913 | Regardless of where you live in the world, you’re a part of a society. As members of a society, we all have a responsibility to help others and improve the state of the community and world that we live in. You can do this on both small and large levels. Pay attention to the people around you, and try to find ways to address their needs. You can also do things that will benefit society in the long run, like investing in your education, supporting charities, giving blood, and protecting the environment. | 不论生活在地球上的哪个地方,你都是社会的一部分。作为社会成员,每个人都有责任帮助其他人,让我们居住的社区和世界变得越来越美好。助人为乐不分大小,都是善举。留意身边人,尽量满足他们的需求。你也可以为自己的教育投资,支持慈善活动,献血,或者保护环境,这些行为从长远看来都对社会有益。 |
0.944 | If you want to be well-read, then, in the words of William Faulkner, you'll have to "Read, read, read. Read everything..." You can start at the very beginning, or just make your way down an eclectic list of books that you'd like to read. What's important is that you pick books that are lively, challenging, and which broaden your horizons. If you want to be well-read, here are some tips and recommendations to get you started. | 如果你想要变得博学,那么用William Faulkner的话说,你必须“阅读、阅读、阅读,阅读所有的东西……”你可以从头开始,或者只是列一张清单,阅读你所喜欢的书籍。重要的是,你选择一些生动的,有挑战性的又能开阔你的眼界的书籍。如果你想变得博学,可以从一下的小贴士和推荐开始。 |
0.829 | Reading the Classics | 阅读经典 |
0.904 | Read the classics before 1600.
Reading the classics is the very first thing you have to do to be well-read. If you want to build a solid foundation for your understanding of the books you read, then you can't avoid some of the earliest plays, poems, and oral tales ever written down. Remember that the novel didn't really get popular until the 18th century, so you won't find novels on this list. Without reading the poetry of Homer or the plays of Sophocles, you won't be able to call yourself well-read. Here's a list to get you started:
- *The Epic of Gilgamesh* (Unknown author) (18th – 17th century BCE)
- *The Iliad* and *The Odyssey* by Homer (850–750 BCE, 8th century BCE)
- "The Oresteia" by Aeschylus (458 BCE)
- *Oedipus the King* by Sophocles (430 BCE)
- *Medea* by Euripides (431 BCE)
- *Aeneid* by Virgil (29–19 BCE)
- *One Thousand and One Nights* (Unknown author) (700–1500)
- *Beowulf* (Unknown author) (975-1025)
- *The Tale of Genji* by Murasaki Shikibu (11th century)
- *The Divine Comedy* by Dante (1265–1321)
- *The Decameron* by Boccaccio (1349–53)
- *The Canterbury Tales* by Chaucer (14th century)
- "The Mahabharata" by Vyasa | 阅读1600年前的经典书籍。
- 《吉尔伽美什史诗》(作者未知)(公元前18-17世纪)
- 《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》 荷马(公元前850 -公元前750年,8世纪)
- 《美狄亚》 欧里庇得斯(公元前431年)
- 《俄狄浦斯王》索福克勒斯(公元前430年)
- 《埃涅伊德》维吉尔(公元前29-19)
- 《一千零一一夜》(作者未知)(700 - 1500)
- 《贝奥武夫》(作者未知)(975 - 1025)
- 《源氏物语》 紫式部(11世纪)
- 《神曲》但丁(1265 - 1321)
- 《十日谈》 薄伽丘(1349 - 53)
- 《坎特伯雷故事集》 乔叟(14世纪) |
0.879 | Read the classics from 1600-1913.
Though a large amount of material is covered in these measly 300 years, reading the books from the time period when the novel emerged until the beginning of World War I will give you a sense of the progress that the novel and other works had made throughout the Romantic and Victorian periods, as well as an understanding of the realism that was the traditional mode for novels which was then turned on its head with the advent of Modernism and the disillusionment that came from WWI. Here's a list to get you started:
- *Don Quixote* by Cervantes 1605 (part 1), 1615 (part 2)
- "Taming of the Shrew,"
*Romeo and Juliet,* "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "The Merchant of Venice," "Much Ado About Nothing," "As You Like It," "Julius Caesar," *Hamlet,* "Othello," "King Lear," and "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare (1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1598, 1599, 1599, 1600, 1604, 1605, 1605)
- *Gulliver's Travels* by Jonathan Swift (1726)
- *Pride and Prejudice* by Jane Austen (1813)
- *Faust* by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1832)
- *Le Père Goriot* by Honoré de Balzac (1835)
- *Dead Souls* by Nikolai Gogol (1842)
- *Wuthering Heights* by Emily Brontë (1847)
- *Moby-Dick* by Herman Melville (1851)
- *Madame Bovary* by Gustave Flaubert (1856)
- *Great Expectations* by Charles Dickens (1861)
- *War and Peace* and *Anna Karenina* by Leo Tolstoy (1869, 1877)
- *Heart of Darkness* by Joseph Conrad (1899)
- *Crime and Punishment* and *The Brothers Karamazov* by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1866, 1880)
- *Middlemarch* by George Eliot (1871) | 阅读1600-1913年的经典作品。
- 《堂吉诃德》塞万提斯1605(第1部分),1615(第2部分)
- 《奥赛罗》《李尔王》和《哈姆雷特》威廉•莎士比亚(1609、1608、1603)
- 《格列佛游记》 乔纳森•斯威夫特(1726)
- 《傲慢与偏见》 简•奥斯丁(1813)
- 《浮士德》歌德(1832)
- 《高老头》巴尔扎克(1835)
- 《死灵魂》尼古拉•果戈理(1842)
- 《呼啸山庄》 艾米丽•勃朗特(1847)
- 《白鲸》赫尔曼•梅尔维尔(1851)
- 《包法利夫人》古斯塔夫•福楼拜(1856)
- 《远大前程》查尔斯•狄更斯(1861)
- 《战争与和平》和《安娜卡列尼娜》列夫•托尔斯泰(1869、1877)
- 《黑暗之心》约瑟夫•康拉德(1899)
- 《罪与罚》和《卡拉马佐夫兄弟们》陀思妥耶夫斯基(1866、1880)
- 《适当》乔治•艾略特(1871) |
0.9 | Read the classics from 1914-1995.
This time period spans the advent of Modernism, an experimental form of fiction, as well as a rebellion against traditional narratives. Reading the classics of this time period will help you gain an understanding of the dramatic transformation of literature in the 20th century. Here's a list to get you going:
- *In Search of Lost Time* by Marcel Proust (1913–27)
- *Ulysses* by James Joyce (1922)
- *The Magic Mountain* by Thomas Mann (1924)
- *The Great Gatsby* by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
- *The Trial* by Franz Kafka (1925)
- *Mrs Dalloway* and *To the Lighthouse* by Virginia Woolf (1925, 1927)
- *The Sound and the Fury* by William Faulkner (1929)
- *The Stranger* by Albert Camus (1942)
- *The Fountainhead* by Ayn Rand (1943)
- *Nineteen Eighty-Four* by George Orwell (1949)
- *The Catcher in the Rye* by J.D. Salinger (1951)
- *Invisible Man* by Ralph Ellison (1952)
- *The Sun Also Rises* and *The Old Man and the Sea* by Ernest Hemingway (1926, 1952)
- "The Lord of The Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien (1954, 1955)
- *Lolita* by Vladimir Nabokov (1955)
- *Pedro Páramo* by Juan Rulfo (1955)
- *Things Fall Apart* by Chinua Achebe (1958)
- *Rabbit, Run* by John Updike (1960)
- *To Kill a Mockingbird* by Harper Lee (1960)
- *The Golden Notebook* by Doris Lessing (1962)
- *The Bell Jar* by Sylvia Plath (1963)
- *One Hundred Years of Solitude* by Gabriel García Márquez (1967)
- *Slaughterhouse-Five* by Kurt Vonnegut (1969) | 阅读1914-1995年的经典著作。
- 《寻找失去的时间》马塞尔•普鲁斯特(1913 - 27)
- 《尤利西斯》詹姆斯•乔伊斯(1922)
- 《魔山》托马斯•曼(1924)
- 《了不起的盖茨比》 斯科特•菲茨杰拉德(1925)
- 《审判》卡夫卡(1925)
- 《达罗薇夫人》和《灯塔》弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(1925、1927)
- 《喧嚣与愤怒》威廉•福克纳(1929)
- 《陌生人》阿尔贝•加缪(1942)
- 《源泉》艾茵•兰德(1943)
- 《一千九百八十四》的乔治•奥威尔(1949)
- 《麦田里的守望者》 J.D.塞林格(1951)
- 《隐形人》拉尔夫•埃利森(1952)
- 《太阳照常升起》和《老人与海》欧内斯特•海明威(1926、1952)
- 《洛丽塔》 弗拉基米尔•纳博科夫(1955)
- 《佩德罗似的牧草地》胡安•鲁尔福(1955)
- 《崩溃》奇诺瓦•阿奇比(1958)
- 《兔子》约翰•厄普代克(1960)
- 《杀死一只知更鸟》哈泼•李(1960)
- 《金色笔记》多丽丝•莱辛(1962)
- 《钟形罩》西尔维亚•普拉斯(1963)
- 《百年孤独》马尔克斯(1967)
- 《第五屠宰场》库尔特•冯内古特(1969) |
0.907 | Read more contemporary classics from 1980 to the present.
Though these books haven't stood the test of decades of time, there are still a number of contemporary novels that are so popular that it may feel like everyone has read them. In fact, reading these books may make you feel the most well-read because people will be talking about them the most. Here are some books to get you started:
- *Midnight's Children* by Salman Rushdie (1981)
- *The Handmaid's Tale* by Margaret Atwood (1984)
- *Beloved* by Toni Morrison (1987)
- *The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle* by Haruki Murakami (1997)
- *American Pastoral* by Philip Roth (1997)
- *The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy (1997)*
- *Disgrace* by J. M. Coetzee (1999)
- *White Teeth* by Zadie Smith (2000)
- *Atonement* by Ian McEwan (2001)
- *The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay* by Michael Chabon (2001)
- *Everything is Illuminated by Johnathan Safran Foer (2002)*
- *Middlesex* by Jeffery Eugenides
- *The Kite Runner* by Khaled Hosseini (2003)
- *The Known World* by Edward P. Jones (2003)
- *Gilead* by Marilynne Robinson (2004)
- *The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz (2007)*
- *2666* by Roberto Bolaño (2008)
- *Swamplandia!* by Karen Russell (2011) | 阅读更多1980年至今的当代经典作品。
- 《午夜的孩子》萨尔曼•拉什迪(1981)
- 《婢女的故事》玛格丽特•阿特伍德(1984)
- 《被爱》托妮•莫里森(1987)
- 《奇鸟行状录》村上春树(1997)
- 《美国田园》由菲利普•罗斯(1997)
- 《微物之神》阿兰达蒂•罗伊(1997)
- 《耻辱》科特兹(1999)
- 《白牙》扎迪•史密斯(2000)
- 《赎罪》伊恩•麦克尤恩(2001)
- 《卡瓦勒克雷的神奇冒险》迈克尔•查本(2001)
- 《真相大白》乔纳森•赛福尔(2002)
- 《米德尔塞克斯》尤金尼德斯杰弗瑞
- 《追风筝的人》卡勒德•胡塞尼(2003)
- 《已知世界》爱德华•p•琼斯(2003)
- 《基》玛丽莲•罗宾逊(2004)
- 《奥斯卡华的短暂而奇妙一生》朱诺•迪亚斯(2007)
- 《2666》罗伯特•波拉诺(2008)
- 《也!》卡伦罗素(2011)
- 爱丽丝芒罗的短篇小说 |
0.918 | Read short stories.
Short stories are an incredible genre all their own, and if you really want to be well-read, then you have to read the short stories of classic masters as well as some contemporary short stories. For short stories, it's more important to read the works of a particular author than a collection, so here is a list of classic short story writers as well as more contemporary writers that you have to check out:
- *Classic short story masters (1600-1950)*: Edgar Allan Poe, Anton Chekhov, Ernest Hemingway, Jorge Luis Borges, Kafka, Isaac Babel, John Updike, Katherine Mansfield, Eudora Welty, and Ray Bradbury.
- *Contemporary short story masters*: (1950-Present): Flannery O'Connor, Raymond Carver, Donald Barthelme, Tim 'O Brien, George Saunders, Jhumpa Lahiri, Junot Diaz, Z.Z. Packer, Joyce Carol Oates, and Denis Johnson.
- *Classic Short Story Collections*:
- *In Our Time* by Ernest Hemingway (1925)
- *A Good Man is Hard to Find* by Flannery O'Connor (1953)
- *What We Talk About When We Talk About Love* by Raymond Carver (1981)
- *Jesus' Son* by Denis Johnson (1992)
- *Interpreter of Maladies* by Jhumpa Lahiri (1999) | 阅读短篇故事。
- *经典的短篇故事作家(1600-1950)*:埃德加•爱伦•坡、契诃夫、欧内斯特•海明威、豪尔赫•路易斯•博尔赫斯、卡夫卡、艾萨克巴别塔、约翰•厄普代克、凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德尤•韦尔蒂和雷•布莱伯利。
- *当代短篇故事作家*(1950至今):弗兰纳里•奥康纳、雷蒙德•卡佛蒂姆、唐纳德•巴塞、尔姆•奥博恩、乔治•桑德斯、裘帕•拉希、朱诺•迪亚斯、 Z•Z•帕克、乔伊斯•卡罗尔•欧茨和丹尼斯约翰逊。
- “经典短篇小说集”:
- 《我们的时代》欧内斯特•海明威(1925)
- 《好男人很难找到》弗兰纳里•奥康纳(1953)
- 《恋爱时的话》雷蒙德卡佛(1981)
- “耶稣的儿子”丹尼斯约翰逊(1992)
- 《疾病的解释》裘帕•拉希(1999) |
0.901 | Read plays.
If you want to be well-read, then you also have to read the works of classic playwrights. Though Shakespeare is the playwright you should know the best, he has been previously listed. However, there are other contemporary and not-so-contemporary plays that you should read if you want to call yourself well-read. Check these out:
- Everything by Shakespeare, including
*Macbeth,* *Romeo and Juliet,* and *Much Ado About Nothing* (1606, 1597, 1599)
- *Hedda Gabler* and *A Doll's House* by Henrik Ibsen (1890, 1879)
- *The Importance of Being Earnest* by Oscar Wilde (1895)
- *Cyrano de Bergerac* by Edmund Rostand (1897)
- *The Cherry Orchard* and *Uncle Vanya* by Chekhov (1904, 1897)
- *Pygmalion* by George Bernard Shaw (1912)
- *Our Town* by Thornton Wilder (1938)
- *Death of a Salesman* and *The Crucible* by Arthur Miller (1949, 1953)
- *Waiting for Godot* by Samuel Beckett (1949)
- *Twelve Angry Men* by Reginald Rose (1954)
- *A Streetcar Named Desire,* *The Glass Menagerie,* *Cat on a Hot Tin Roof* by Tennessee Williams (1947, 1944, 1955)
- *No Exit* by John-Paul Sartre (1944)
- *Inherit the Wind* by Jerome Lawrence (1955)
- *Long Day's Journey into Night* and *The Iceman Cometh* by Eugene O'Neill (1956, 1946)
- *A Raisin in the Sun* by Lorraine Hansberry (1959)
- *Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?* by Edward Albee (1963)
- *Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead* by Tom Stoppard (1966)
- *Betrayal* by Harold Pinter (1978) | 阅读戏剧。
- 莎士比亚的一切作品,包括《麦克白》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《无事生非》(1606、1597、1599)
- 《海达•高布乐》和《玩偶之家》亨利克•易卜生(1890、1879)
- 《认真的重要性》奥斯卡•王尔德(1895)
- 《大鼻子情圣》埃德蒙•罗斯丹(1897)
- 《樱桃园》和《万尼亚舅舅》契诃夫(1904、1897)
- 《卖花女》乔治•萧伯纳(1912)
- 《我们镇上》桑顿•怀尔德(1938)
- 《推销员之死》和《熔炉》阿瑟•米勒(1949、1953)
- 《等待戈多》塞缪尔•贝克特(1949)
- 《十二怒汉》雷金纳德罗斯(1954)
- 《欲望号街车》《玻璃动物园》《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》田纳西•威廉斯(1947、1944、1955)
- 《此路不通》约翰•保罗•萨特(1944)
- 《继承风》杰罗姆•劳伦斯(1955)
- 《漫长的旅程之夜》和《冰人来》尤金•奥尼尔(1956、1946)
- 《葡萄干的儿子》洛林•汉斯伯里(1959)
- 《谁害怕弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫?》爱德华艾碧(1963)
- 《罗森格兰兹和吉尔登斯登之死》汤姆斯托帕德(1966)
- 《背叛》哈罗德•品特(1978) |
0.873 | Read poetry.
Though the people around you may be less likely to talk about poetry unless you run in well-read circles, it's important to familiarize yourself with both classic and contemporary poets so that you can be part of the conversation. Here are some books to get you started:
- *Shakespeare's Sonnets* by William Shakespeare (1609)
- *Paradise Lost* by John Milton (1667)
- *The Complete Poems* by John Keats (1815)
- *Leaves of Grass* by Walt Whitman (1855)
- *The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes* by Langston Hughes
- *The Poetry of Robert Frost* by Robert Frost
- *The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson* by Emily Dickinson
- *The Waste Land and Other Poems* by T. S. Eliot (1922)
- *Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair* by Pablo Neruda (1924)
- *E. E. Cummings: Complete Poems, 1904 -1962* by E. E. Cummings
- *Howl and Other Poems* by Allen Ginsberg (1956)
- *Ariel* by Sylvia Plath (1965)
- *The Complete Poems, 1927 - 1979* by Elizabeth Bishop
- *Opened Ground: Selected Poems, 1966 - 1996* by Seamus Heaney | 阅读诗集。
- 《莎士比亚的十四行诗》威廉•莎士比亚(1609)
- 《失乐园》约翰•弥尔顿(1667)
- 《完整的诗》约翰•济慈(1815)
- 《草叶集》沃尔特•惠特曼(1855)
- 《蓝斯顿休斯诗歌集》兰斯顿•休斯
- 《罗伯特•弗罗斯特诗歌》罗伯特•弗罗斯特
- 《艾米丽迪金森诗歌集》艾米丽迪金森
- 《旷野和其他诗歌》t•s•艾略特(1922)
- 《二十首情诗与绝望的歌》巴勃罗•聂鲁达(1924)
- 《E•E•卡明斯:完成的诗歌,1904-1962 》E•E•卡明斯
- 《嚎叫和其他诗歌》艾伦•金斯伯格(1956)
- 《沙龙》西尔维亚•普拉斯(1965)
- 《完整的诗歌,1927 - 1979》伊丽莎白主教
- 《打开地面:诗选,1966 - 1996》谢默斯•希尼
阅读非小说。要变得博学,只阅读人们创造出来的东西是不够的。你还必须阅读非小说的作品才能了解这个世界的政治、历史、热门科学和其他任何发生在世界上的事情。以下是你应该关注的: 历史 政治 杂志 回忆录 传记 新闻 圣经 |
0.937 | 3 Ways to Be Wise | 3种方法来变得睿智 |
0.872 | Confucius once said that there were three ways to learn wisdom: "First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." Gaining wisdom, the most prized of virtues across almost all cultures, is an exercise in life learning, careful analysis, and thoughtful action. | 孔子曾说过有三种学习智慧的方法:第一种,是通过反思,这是最高级的方式;第二种是通过模仿,这是最简单的方式;第三种则是通过经历,这是最艰难的方式。增长智慧,这种所有文化中都最为推崇的美德,是需要长久的生活经历,仔细的分析以及三思而后行的行动共同累积起来的。 |
0.863 | How to Be Yourself (with Pictures) | 如何做自己(包含图片) |
0.859 | Ever wonder why women can't seem to resist bad boys? It's not because they're jerks - no one likes someone because they're a jerk. Rather, it's because they're confident and assertive - in other words, sexy and charming. Use these pointers to build your masculine confidence and show the world (and all the women in it) who wears the pants! | 你曾经怀疑过为什么女人都喜欢坏男孩吗?并不是因为他们是混球—没有人会喜欢混球。而是因为他们性格坚定而自信—换一种说法,“性感”。用这几个特点来建立你自己的男子气概吧,让全世界(尤其是女人们)看到你也很性感! |
0.909 | How to Be a Good Citizen (with Pictures) | 如何成为好公民(包含图片) |
0.807 | It doesn't matter whether you're debating from a podium or you're just fighting with your mom at home: a few simple rules apply to arguing like a pro. When you use effective communication, a well-placed argument, and really pay attention to what your opponent is saying, you can make just about any opinion sound like the right one. | 不管是讲坛上的正式辩论还是在家和妈妈争论,都有一些和专业辩手通用的规则。如果你能有效传达自身观念,利用中肯的论据,并关注对手的论词,你就能让自己的论点有说服力。 |
0.839 | - Avoid using profanities or any other offensive words. They will not prove your points. They will only distract and offend the audience. Thanks Helpful 103 Not Helpful 12
- Make sure all of your presented facts are correct. Thanks Helpful 100 Not Helpful 12
- Do not only provoke debates, at all. Your arguments only hold merit if your opponent is willing to debate, and the audience is willing to listen. Which means, you should not go into public debates, and start random debates with strangers. They most likely will not know you are just trying to debate for sport and will take it as a personal attack. If you do wish to debate, join a debate club, it will be a great idea. | - 不说脏话和攻击性言语。这对辩论没有帮助,只会带来负面效果。
- 不要随便挑起辩论。只有在对手愿意辩论,观众愿意听的情况下,辩论才是有意义的。也就是说,不能在公众场合随便和陌生人挑起辩论。因为他人会以为是人身攻击。你要是想练习辩论,就加入辩论俱乐部吧。
- 确保所有论据的正确性。 |
0.913 | How to Be a Good Listener (with Pictures) | 如何成为一个好的倾听者(包含图片) |
0.8 | Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. It also increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills. Good listening skills can provide you with a deeper level of understanding about someone’s situation, and helps to know what words are best to use or which words to avoid. As simple as listening (and acknowledging) may seem, doing it well, particularly when disagreements arise, takes sincere effort and lots of practice. If you want to know how to be a good listener, read on to get started! | 倾听是人际交流中非常重要的一部分,倾听与简单的听到是大不相同的。成为一个好的、有耐心的倾听者可以帮助你解决很多生活中的问题,并且帮助你理解别人眼神中的深意。倾听可以丰富你的理解,开发你的理解能力。倾听可能看起来简单,但是做好它,特别是当分歧出现的时候,需要很多努力和练习。美国印第安人的谚语说:“只倾听自己的声音会让你闭目塞听。” |
0.881 | How to Be a Good Writer (with Pictures) | 如何成为优秀作家(包含图片) |
0.845 | Developing Leadership Qualities | 培养领导素质 |
0.906 | - Surround yourself with good role models, even if they're younger than you are. Who in your life do you think is a good male role model? How do they act? What do they do? Learn from them, but remember that no one is perfect as well--they are still learning, just like you are.
- Being a man and being a woman mean the same thing, when it comes down to it - being a kind, respectful and true to you person. It is not defined by anything else, such as clothing preference, hobbies, or sexual preference. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 5
- You may not want to marry. That is your choice; marriage is not a requirement for being a man. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 3 | - 让你的身边多一些榜样性人物,即使他们比你还年轻。在你的生命中,你认为谁是一个优秀的男性榜样?他们是如何表现的,如何做的?从他们身上学一学,但要记住没人是完美的,和你一样,他们也在学习当中。
- 你可能不想结婚。这是你的选择,作为男人也不是非得结婚。
- 在本质上,做男人和做女人一样,都要对人友善,尊重和诚实。一个真正的男人不是由除以上外其他事情决定的,比如衣着,爱好或性倾向。 |
0.832 | Body | 身体方面 |
0.88 | Love | 爱情方面 |
0.947 | 4 Ways to Be a Mature Teenager | 4种方法来成为一名成熟的青少年 |
0.902 | Teens are often called immature by their parents or older peers. Because of this, you might be on a mission to become more mature. In general, maturity comes with age—you may not be able to truly mature until you go through different life experiences. Still, if you want to come off as more mature to others, there are a few areas you can tweak. Become more mature by improving your behavior, emotional responses, intellectual abilities, and communication style. | 青少年总被父母或比他们年长的同辈说不成熟,所以你可能希望自己能变成熟,完成成长的“使命”。人的成熟度通常会随年龄增长,在你生活经历不够丰富的时候,也许没法真正成熟起来。但如果你想表现得比其他人更成熟,可以在几个方面稍微做一些改变。你可以改善自己的行为举止、情绪反应、心智能力和沟通风格,让自己变得更加成熟。 |
0.906 | Organize all your school materials.
Whether it's two weeks before school or two weeks before school *ends*, organize your materials. This means your folders, your binders, all your papers, and everything you need for every class. Being organized makes the actual work *so much easier.* Here are a few ideas:
- Buy binders for every class. On the inner flap, put the syllabus. Then start organizing your homework and the sheets your teacher gives you in chronological order, if possible.
- Keep specific materials you need (markers, scissors, etc.) organized by class. Every binder should have a pen and a highlighter, too.
- Throw some stuff out! If your locker looks like a paper hurricane just hit it, clean it out! The less stuff you have to sort through to get to what you want, the more time you save to do other, more important things. | 整理好材料。
- 每一节课都单独买小活页夹。把课表夹在内页夹页里。如果可以的话,按时间顺序整理你的作业和老师发下来的材料。
- 按课程整理需要的特定材料(比如:荧光笔、剪刀等)。每个活页夹都应该配有一支笔和一支荧光笔。
- 扔掉些不用的东西!如果你的柜子里像刚刮过一阵龙卷风一样乱,那你该清理了!你找东西的时间省的越多,你就节约了越多时间做其他更重要的事。 |
0.898 | How to Be a Successful College Student (with Pictures) | 如何成为一个成功的大学生(包含图片) |
0.887 | College can be an overwhelming experience, with so much to do and seemingly little time to do it all. In order to make the most of your time in college, you will need to do well in class, take advantage of extracurricular opportunities, and prepare yourself for life after graduation. Going to college can be a fun and exciting time, especially if you are committed to being successful. | 读大学可能会让人觉得有些吃不消,因为要做的事情好多,然而时间却好像太少了。为了在大学里充分利用时间,你需要好好听课,充分利用课外机会并为毕业之后做好准备。如果你决心要成为一个成功的大学生,大学就会变成令人振奋而又充满乐趣的时光。 |
0.897 | How to Be a Successful Student (with Pictures) | 如何做一个成功的学生(包含图片) |
0.901 | Successful students know how to focus on their studies when it matters while also taking breaks when they need them. They can manage their time wisely, stick to meaningful study schedules, and make the most of their time in the classroom. In the process, successful students also know how to have a good time, and love gaining knowledge as much as they enjoy getting stellar grades. | 成功的学生知道何时该专注学习,何时该适当放松。他们能聪明地管理时间,遵守高效的学习计划,并充分利用课堂时间。同时,他们也会享受,乐于学知识和拿高分。 |
0.865 | Practice.
In Malcolm Gladwell's book, "Outliers," he talks about the 10,000 hour principle. That you don't get really, truly prodigal in something until you've practiced for 10,000 hours. He talks about how the Beatles were mediocre until they hit the 10,000 hour mark playing small German pubs. He talks about how Bill Gates spent nights in the computer lab for years on end before anyone else even thought to. To really be great at something, you got to put in the time.
- This is also a long-winded way of saying "be patient." You're not going to be the next Paul McCartney or Bill Gates overnight. Even they weren't! You're going to spend 1,000 hours being pretty terrible, the next 3,000 hours being okay, the next 4,000 hours being pretty good, and the last 1,999 being super until you finally get so amazing you can barely fathom your own superiority. Then you know -- so no need to time yourself. | 联系。
- 换一种方式来说就是“要有耐心”。你不可能一夜之间就成为下一个保罗•麦卡特尼或比尔•盖茨。就算他们自己也没办法这样。开头的1000个小时是非常艰辛的;之后的3000小时就会好一点;再接下来的4000小时也是不错的;最后的1999小时将变得极好的,直到最终实现这个目标,你才能感受到优越感。然后你就会明白,时间花的太值了。 |
0.836 | Get to know yourself.
The fact of the matter is that you will always be you. Always. When you're someone you're not, eventually that person fades away and you return to you. This is the person you'll be working with, so get to know yourself! You'll be more comfortable in your own skin -- you'll be a better person, a better friend, a better boyfriend/girlfriend, a better employee, a better everything. You'll be less stressed and you'll be more confident.
- Know that you are not your brand or what people think of you. This has nothing to do with anything. You will not be happy if you create an image that caters to the world around you and not to you. If you became the best lyrical soprano this side of Vienna, would that really matter if you truly wanted to the next John Lennon? No. So cater to no one. Find yourself and work with it. | 了解自己。
- 要知道,你不可以随便被贴上标签,你也不是别人所想的那样。这与任何事情都无关。如果你一味地迎合大众(而不是迎合自己),你是不会快乐的。如果你想成为下一个约翰•列侬,那么成为维也纳最出色的抒情高音家还有意义吗?没有。不要去迎合任何人。找到自我,勇敢做自己。
做原本的你。世界上没有第二个你,因此,你就是最棒的。如果你想模仿别人,那就失去了逻辑,因为你仅仅只是二流副本。不管你是谁(或者你认为你是谁),尽管去做。如果不这样做的话,你是不会成功的。 为了成为最棒的人,你不能做无用功。不要去模仿他人。你必须有所创新。如果你想成为计算机科学家,你必须学习生物学知识。你要做你自己,而不变成其他人,明白吗? |
0.852 | 3 Ways to Be the Best Student in Your Class | 3种方法来成为班里最优秀的学生 |
0.864 | Do you want to impress your teacher? Do you want to impress your parents? Do you want to impress your friends? Maybe you just want to get the most out of your school year. Whatever your reason for wanting to be the best student in your class, there are a couple of different ways you're going to want to improve yourself. Being the best student in any class great is about more than just making the grade; it's also being a good person and showing your teacher that you take their class seriously. | 想让老师对你印象深刻吗?想成为学校里的年度最佳学生吗?不管因为什么原因,一旦你想要提升自己,总会找到方法。成为最优秀的学生不仅要成绩优异,而且要学会做一个好人,让老师觉得你在认真地听讲每一节课。 |
0.829 | Get your brain and body ready to learn.
You will learn best and have the easiest time in school if your body is ready to learn! There are lots of things that you can do to get your body ready. Try:
- Get lots of sleep. You'll need to get the right amount of sleep for your body if you want your brain to work at its best.
- Your body can't work right if all you eat is junk like chips, candy, and hamburgers. If you want to be the best student you can be, eat your vegetables (like broccoli), some fruit, and lean proteins (like chicken and fish).
- Drink plenty of water. Your brain needs water in order to work right. In fact, your whole body needs water in order to work right. Drink several glasses of water a day but keep in mind that some people need more water than others. | 让大脑和身体得到充分的休息。
- 充足的睡眠。大脑只有在身体得到充分的休息之后才能最高效地工作。如果休息好了,你一整天都会很清醒。假如中午你觉得累了想休息一会儿,那说明你晚上没睡好。大部分人晚上需要8小时的睡眠时间。
- 如果你老是吃薯片、糖果、汉堡包之类的垃圾食品,大脑也不会很好地工作。如果你想成为最优秀的学生,你就需要摄入均衡的营养,包括蔬菜(如西兰花)、水果和精肉(如鸡肉和鱼肉)。
- 多喝水。大脑需要在身体有充足水分的情况下,才能很好地工作。缺水的状态下,你的效率肯定会受影响。每天喝八杯水,有些人需要的水分比一般人还要更多些。如果你的尿液颜色很深,说明你还需要多喝水。 |
0.89 | How to Become More Talkative (with Pictures) | 如何变得更加健谈(包含图片) |
0.829 | Some people seem like conversational superstars, able to rattle off stories and witty jokes as if it were nothing. But if you're the quiet, or introverted type, it can seem difficult to work up the courage to speak at all. Whatever your tendency, you can learn to talk not just more, but with more substance in your words, making you a better conversationalist. Learn to start conversations and keep them going, whether you're one-on-one, in a group, or in a school setting. | 有些人聊天的本事非常了得,不论是有趣的故事还是诙谐的笑话,全都张嘴就来。而那些安静内向的人却连开口的勇气都没有。任何人都可以通过这篇文章学会充实聊天内容,如何避免说空话,让自己变得更加健谈。不论是和一个人或一群人聊天,还是在课堂上发言,你都有必要学习如何开始对话,以及如何将对话继续下去。 |
0.808 | - Do not talk to people who seem really unfriendly, just to prove to yourself you are talkative; they could be nice but maybe not. Thanks Helpful 104 Not Helpful 21
- If you are an introvert, and enjoy being on your own -- don't try to change yourself much. Just do what fits your nature. Thanks Helpful 92 Not Helpful 79
- Quiet people and introverts shouldn't try to change themselves just based on these suggestions. Thanks Helpful 31 Not Helpful 33 | - 不要为了证实自己很健谈,而和看起来极不友善的人说话。你会碰上亲切的人,也会遇到凶恶的人。
- 如果你个性内向,喜欢独处,不要强迫自己改变。你的行为应该符合自己的性格。
- 上面的建议仅供参考,安静内向的人不应该强迫自己改变。 |
0.869 | Starting Conversations | 开始对话 |
0.851 | Lead with something you know you can both talk about.
The biggest thing that keeps us from starting conversations is the fear that you'll approach someone, open your mouth, and then have absolutely nothing to say. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways that you can always be sure you'll pick something you can both talk about comfortably.
- Assess the situation. If you're in class with someone, you can always start by talking about class. If you're at the same party, talk about the party. It doesn't need to be complicated: "What do you think of this neighborhood?" is even a fine way to start a conversation.
- Never try to approach a stranger and start a conversation with a pick-up line or other lame jokes. While it's not necessarily "rude," asking someone how much a polar bear weighs doesn't give you a chance to make conversation, it just gives you a lame dead-end. | 找个双方都能聊下去的话题。
- 分析现状。如果你和某人在一起上课,谈论课堂上的事情绝对是个不错的开场白。如果你们在参加某个派对,就聊聊这次派对。如果你们正公园里,就聊聊这个公园。开场白不需要太复杂,哪怕一句 “你觉得这个小区怎么样” 也可以作为谈话的开端。
- 接近陌生人时,千万不要使用搭讪的语言或者讲蹩脚的笑话。虽然这么做算不上“粗俗”,但是“北极熊有多重”这样的问题,并不会引起对方聊天的欲望,只会让这场对话还没开始就走入死胡同。 |
0.913 | Remember to use good "FORM."
FORM is an acronym commonly used in some conversation coaching, which helps you to remember topics that are always good for starting conversations and assorted prompts for starting them, whether you know the person well, or you're just meeting someone. It's a good rule of thumb for picking conversation starters: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Motivation.
- **Family**
- "How's your mom these days?" or "How are your parents doing?"
- "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" or "Did you all get along?"
- "What was your best/worst family vacation?"
- **Occupation**
- "What do you do?" or "How are you enjoying your new job?"
- "What's the toughest thing you've got going on at work?" or "What was the most interesting thing you did there this week?"
- "What are the people you work with like?"
- **Recreation**
- "What do you do for fun?" or "What is there to do around here for fun?"
- "How long have you been doing that?"
- "Do you have a regular group of people you do that with?"
- **Motivation**
- "What do you want to do after school?" or "Do you think you'll be at that job for long? What's your dream job?"
- "What do you want to be doing, down the road?" | 好好运用 “FORM”这一原则。
- **家庭**
- “你妈这几天怎么样了?” ,或者“叔叔阿姨最近还好吧?”
- “你有几个兄弟姐妹?”,或者“你们几个兄弟姐妹之间相处得如何?”
- “哪一次家庭旅行对你来说最美好?哪一次最糟糕?”
- **职业**
- “你是做什么工作的?” ,或者“新工作干得还开心吗?”
- “你工作中遇到最困难的事是什么?” ,或者“你这周处理过最有意思的事是什么?”
- “你的同事都是些怎么样的人?”
- **娱乐**
- “你喜欢做什么?” ,或者“这儿附近有什么好玩的吗?”
- “你的这项爱好已经持续多长时间了?”
- “你有参加什么兴趣小组吗?”
- **动机**
- “放学后你想做什么?” ,或者“那份工作你会一直干下去吗?你梦想中的工作是什么?”
- “一段时间后你想做什么?” |
0.874 | Ask open-ended questions.
It's absolutely critical that you start conversations by giving people the chance to talk, and responding to them in turn. This is what makes you talkative, not the ability to chatter on about yourself. Open-ended questions give other people the opportunity to open up and give you more to respond to, and more to talk about in the conversation.
- Open-ended questions can be used to follow up closed answers. If someone reticent to talk and says, "I'm doing ok, I guess" in response to your "What's up?" Say, "What did you do today?" and follow it up with, "How did it go?" Get them talking.
- Open-ended questions have to do with opinions. You can't answer an open-ended question with yes or no answers. Don't ask closed questions, like "What's your name?" or "Do you come here a lot?" This doesn't give you anything to talk about. | 提出开放性问题。
- 开放性问题可以在紧接着封闭性答案之后提出。如果你问一个沉默寡言的人今天过得怎么样,而他回答说: “我觉得还行” ,你就说:“你今天干什么了?”。接下来问:“事情顺利吗?”,这样就能迫使对方打开话匣子了。
- 开放性问题能引出别人的意见。这种问题是不能用“是”或“不是”回答的。不要问封闭式的问题,比如“你叫什么名字?”,或者“你经常来这儿吗?”。这些问题无法展开对话。
回忆以前的对话。和陌生人交谈相比,有时候和有些熟悉的人交谈其实更难。如果你已经知道对方的家族史和大概情况,就试着回忆你们之前的对话,看看能不能提些后续的问题,从而了解对方的现状: “你今天做了什么?” ,或者“上次见面后你都在忙些什么?” “你学校的那次课业完成得怎么样了?” “你微信空间里的那些旅行照片看起棒极了。这次旅行玩得怎么样?” |
0.818 | Having One-on-One Conversations | 一对一的交谈 |
0.809 | - Be creative! Activism doesn't have to involve large events. Even if you're working out of your garage you can still make a difference. Bloggers can be activists through their writing, teachers can be activists by encouraging students to challenge their beliefs, artists can leave guerrilla activist art around town, computer-savvy folks can arrange an e-zine, and so on.
- When working with others, consider the needs of the group. Be willing to compromise on the details, if not on your core values. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- Dig deep into what you are researching, don't just skim the top. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 要富有创造性!激进主义不一定要参与一些大活动。博主可以发表文章,教师鼓励学生挑战自己的观念,艺术家可以在小镇上宣传激进的艺术,精通电脑的人员可以刊发电子杂志等。
- 当和他人一起工作,要考虑整个团队的需求。如果和你的核心价值观相悖,也要乐于在细节上进行妥协。
- 如果要举办大型的活动,可以考虑采用销售的方式筹集资金。可以做T恤,进行义卖或者卖一些和你所说的事件有关的书籍。
- 自上至下(或自下至上)的组织可以确保各项事宜进展顺利。切记要记录好事情的步骤,随着时间的发展调整你的计划并随时保持沟通。
- 学会筹钱。当然你可以自己出钱开展激进活动,但是激进活动一般都需要他人的资金支持。艺术家需要材料,博客主需要托管计划,抗议者需要抗议牌。如果你懂得如何写提案,某些方式的激进活动也可以吸引大量的资金。 |
0.946 | 4 Ways to Become an Excellent Student | 4种方法来成为一名优秀的学生 |
0.832 | - Do not cheat on tests, homework or projects. The consequences can range from failing the assignment to an expulsion. Thanks Helpful 46 Not Helpful 2
- Don't freak out if you get a bad grade on a paper. Everyone gets bad grades once in a while; even the high-level students don't achieve good marks for everything. It's not the end of the world, just move on and try your best. Thanks Helpful 99 Not Helpful 9
- Stay on top of your grades. If your school has online grades, check them once a week or after big assignments. That way you aren't surprised when you get your progress report, and will know if you forgot to turn something in, if you need to work extra hard to pass the course, or if the grade has been entered incorrectly. | - 如果没考出好成绩,你也不要因此一蹶不振。每个人都有考不好的时候,就算是成绩优异的学生也有发挥失常的时候。这不是世界末日,下次再努力一些就是了。
- 关注自己的成绩。如果你们学校的成绩是发布在网上的,那么你就每天去看一眼。这样拿到成绩单的时候你就不会感到太过惊讶了,你也能知道:1)有没有忘交的作业,2)哪些地方需要继续努力,3)老师是否把你成输错了。
- 最重要的是,不要作弊。作弊教会不了你任何东西。另外,如果你作弊被抓住,那么会有大麻烦的。根本不值得去冒这个险! |
0.936 | Have you ever found yourself wanting to start writing a book, but you were not sure where to start? Have you started a book but feel lost or off-track? Reading the information below will give you some great ideas for organizing, developing, and writing your new book. | 你有没有发现过自己想要写一本书,但是不确定从何开始?你有没有试过开始写了,但没有灵感或偏离主题?阅读下面的资料,你会得到一些很好的点子,知道如何组织、开展和写出你的新书。 |
0.84 | - Make sure that you always have a pen or pencil and notepad or electronic notepad ready so that you can jot down your ideas. Ideas will come to you at very random times and places, always be ready! Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- Don't be afraid to ask other people for help. It is always a good idea to have someone tell you what they think of the book, as sometimes it can be difficult to tell yourself that it isn't really very good. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
- Always get someone to read your book (a chapter at a time might be easier). Their opinions might be different from yours but consider them anyway. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0 | - 在你完成之前不要为你的书取名,因为在你自己读完整本书并审查后,你自然会一个好的书名。
- 不要害怕请求别人帮助。有人告诉你他对书有什么想法总是好的,因为很多时候,跟自己说故事并不是那么好事非常困难的。
- 确保你总是准备有一支钢笔或铅笔、笔记本或电子笔记本在手,随时能记下你的想法。灵感总会在任意的时间任意的地点出现,所以总要有所准备!
- 如果你的书有200~250页,会更有销路! |
0.836 | Choose a structure.
In the beginning stages of writing a book, you will want to organize your plot. It is okay to leave some room for movement when you begin writing, but writing your story without some road map rarely works out. The best place to start is with choosing a structure that works for you. Writing theory teaches that there are several classic structures, which most works fall into, but most are not mutually exclusive and can be combined. The two major structures are:
- Act structure: The act structure, commonly associated with plays and film, can easily be applied to novels as well. This theory of structure states that stories do well when broken up into clearly identifiable sections. The normal number of sections is three though two and four are common. In the classic three-act structure, the first act introduces the main and secondary characters, the setting, the problem to be conquered, and often some background information (this act usually comprises roughly 25% of the story).
- Monomyth or the Hero’s Journey: This theory of story structure was famously put forward by Joseph Campbell. It states that almost every story with a hero can be boiled down into one main series of archetypes. This begins with a hero who is called to adventure though s/he initially refuses the burden. The hero is given some aid before crossing from the world, s/he has always known into the adventure (where the hero feels lost and alone at first). The hero then undergoes a series of trials, during which they will often encounter helpers, at the end of which the hero goes through some significant personal change. The hero then confronts the main antagonist of the story and returns home, enriched with wisdom and treasure. | 选择结构。
- 分幕架构。分幕架构通常与戏剧电影相关,同时也可以轻易用于小说中。这个理论阐明了当故事分成明显的部分陈述时,效果不错。通常是分成三部分,不过二或三部分也很普遍。经典的三幕架构中,第一幕介绍主要和次要的角色、场景、要克服的问题和一些背景知识(这一部分大约占故事的25%)。
- 神话或传奇:这个故事结构理论由著名的约瑟夫.坎贝尔所提出。 |
0.87 | Opening a debate the right way will make your audience more interested and help you win your argument. Before your debate, take the time to prepare a solid opening that will win people over. | 以正确的方式开始一场辩论可以引起听众的兴趣,同时帮你赢得辩论。在辩论之前,你可以花时间准备一段能打动人心的开场白。 |
0.839 | How to Block All Incoming Calls on iPhone or iPad: 10 Steps | 如何在iPhone或iPad上拦截所有来电 |
0.851 | This wikiHow teaches you how to use your iPhone’s Do Not Disturb mode to block all incoming phone calls. | 本指南介绍如何使用iPhone的“勿扰模式”拦截所有来电。 |
0.856 | Telemarketers, political campaigns and other unwelcome callers can disrupt you with ill-timed calls. If you want to get rid of their phone calls altogether, there are several ways you can set up your phone to deny the call. Your options will differ depending upon your handset, wireless provider and application preferences. You can block a number on a cell phone by trying one of these methods. | 电话营销、政治宣传和其他烦人的骚扰电话,会时不时骚扰你。你可以用多种方法设置手机、阻止这些电话打入。你要通过自己设备、无限供应商和程序设置的情况,决定你用哪种方法。你可以通过下列方法,阻止某人打你的电话。 |
0.831 | 8 Ways to Block a Phone Number | 10种方法来阻止一个电话号码 |
0.809 | Learn how to inflate a balloon in this fun science experiment using these common kitchen ingredients! Balloons inflated this way are filled with carbon dioxide produced by the two ingredients reacting. They do not contain helium, so they will not float. | 本文将介绍如何利用常见的烹调辅料——醋和小苏打——“吹”气球。利用这两种原料进行化学反应所生成的二氧化碳使气球充气。由于生成物中没有氦气,因此气球并不能悬于空中。 |
0.804 | Building self-control can be challenging, but it is possible to create change in your life and manage impulsivity. Feeling more in control of yourself and your actions can lead to feeling more in control of life, feeling more empowered about who you are, and helping boost your feelings of self-esteem. | 提高自控力是一件有挑战性的事,但如果你能采取正确的方式,就能做出改变、控制好自己。管控好自己以及自身行为,你会更好地把握人生,更有自信。 |
0.926 | How to Build a DNA Model (with Pictures) | 如何制作DNA模型(包含图片) |
0.928 | 4 Ways to Build a Self Sustaining Ecosystem | 4种方法来建造自维持的生态系统 |
0.899 | Building a self-sustaining ecosystem is a fun and educational activity. You can build an aquatic ecosystem in a fish tank or you can build a terrarium with any plants you choose. The process is quite simple, but striking the balance between organisms can be tricky. With trial and error, time, and persistence, you can develop your very own self-sustaining ecosystem. | 建造自维持的生态系统是一项十分有趣的教育活动。你可以在鱼缸里建造一个水生生态系统,也可以用任何植物制造生态瓶。这个过程很简单,但要实现生物平衡可能有些棘手。反复试验,付出时间并坚持不懈,你就能建造出自己的自维持生态系统。 |
0.881 | Building an Aquatic Ecosystem | 建造水生生态系统 |
0.915 | Choose a size for your ecosystem.
If you are new to building ecosystems, you may want to start small. However, the smaller your container, the harder it is to maintain a self-sustaining environment. Larger containers allow for the inclusion of multiple diverse species and give everything room to grow. All containers must be clear to let in light.
- A small glass bowl is fast to set up and doesn’t take up much space. While smaller bowls can be more difficult to sustain, they are still manageable for beginners.
- Medium aquariums (10–30 gallons (38–114 l)) have more space for growth, but are more expensive and still limited in the size for growth.
- Large aquarium (60–200 gallons (230–760 l)) have ample space for growth and diversity and are most likely to be successful; however, they are very expensive and hard to make room for. | 选择生态系统的大小。
- 小玻璃碗布置起来很快,而且不会占用很大空间。虽然里面的生态环境维持起来难度更大,但初学者也能应付得来。
- 容积在38到114升的中号水族箱有更大的生长空间,但是价格更贵,并且生物的生长仍会受到空间限制。
- 容积在230到760升的大号水族箱,有充足的生长空间,可以容纳种类丰富的生物,成功的可能性最高;但它们的价格十分高昂,需要很大空间。 |
0.898 | Buying and Transporting Dry Ice | 购买与运输干冰 |
0.878 | Buoyancy is the force acting opposite the direction of gravity that affects all objects submerged in a fluid.
**F**, where F b = V s × D × g b is the buoyancy force that is acting on the object, V s is the submerged volume of the object, D is the density of the fluid the object is submerged in, and g is the force of gravity. To learn how to determine an object's buoyancy, see Step 1 below to get started. | 浮力是作用方向与重力相反的力,所有物体在水中都会受到浮力的影响。Fb = Vs × D × g来进行计算,其中Fb是作用于物体的浮力,Vs是物体浸入流体的体积,D是物体浸入的流体的密度,而g是重力。要学习如何确定物体的浮力,请从步骤1开始学起。 |
0.836 | Find the volume
** of the submerged portion of the object.
** The force of buoyancy that acts on an object is directly proportional to the volume of the object that is submerged. In other words, the more of a solid object that is submerged, the greater the force of buoyancy that acts on it. This means that even objects that sink in liquid have a buoyancy force pushing upwards on them.
- For objects that are completely submerged in fluid, the submerged volume will be equal to the volume of the object itself. For objects that are floating on the surface of a fluid, only the volume under the surface of the fluid is considered.
- As an example, let's say that we want to find the buoyancy force acting on a rubber ball floating in water. If the ball is a perfect sphere with a diameter of 1 meter (3.3 ft) and it's floating exactly halfway submerged in the water, we can find the volume of the submerged portion by finding the volume of the entire ball and dividing it in half. Since the volume of a sphere is (4/3)π(radius)
**0.262 meters**. | 算出物体浸入部分的体积。
- 对于完全浸入流体的物体,浸入体积等于物体本身的体积。对于漂浮在流体表面到的物体,则只考虑流体表面以下的体积。
- 例如,假设我们想算出漂浮在水面上的皮球所受到的浮力。如果球是一个直径为1 m的完美球体,漂浮时正好有一半浸入水中,那么我们可以先计算整个皮球的体积,然后除以二,从而算出浸入部分的体积。由于球体的体积等于(4/3)π(radius)
**0.262 m**。
测定流体的密度。要计算浮力,下一步我们需要测定物体浸入的流体的密度,密度值使用的单位是kg/m 本例中,皮球是在水上漂浮。翻查学习资料后,我们知道水的密度大约为1,000 kg/m。 很多参考资料都列出了许多其他常见流体的密度,例如此网站。 |
0.858 | The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of changes in product costs over a specific time period, and it is used as both an indicator of the cost of living and economic growth. In the United States, the official CPI is calculated based upon aggregated data regarding the price of common consumer items in certain urban districts. This article will explain how you can calculate CPI on your own. | 居民消费价格指数(CPI)是用来衡量在一定时间内特定商品的价格变化,涉及到统计数据、消费者调查、根据重要性来给商品排序等。 为了计算简单的CPI,你只需要一个参考期间,一个新的期间和你使用的商品价格。本文会帮你看到通货膨胀是如何影响你的日常花费的。 |
0.889 | - Both t scores and z scores can be calculated manually, as well as by using a graphing calculator or statistical tables, which are frequently found in statistical textbooks. Z scores can also be found using the Normal Distribution Calculator, while t scores can be found using the t Distribution Calculator. Online tools are available as well.
- Your sample population must be normal for your confidence interval to be valid. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- The critical value used to calculate the margin of error is a constant that is expressed as either a t score or a z score. T scores are typically preferred with the population's standard deviation is unknown or when a small sample is used. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - T分数和Z分数都可以手工计算,也可以使用图表计算器或统计表计算,这些在统计学教科书中经常可以找到。Z分数也可以使用正态分布计算器找到,而T分数可以使用T分布计算器找到。在线工具也是可用的。
- 样本总体必须是正态的,置信区间才有效。
- 用于计算误差幅度的临界值是一个常数,表示为T分值或Z分值。当总体标准偏差未知或使用小样本时,T分数通常是首选的。
- 有许多方法可以抽取样本,如简单随机抽样、系统抽样和分层抽样。你可以从中选择一个有代表性的样本来检验你的假设。
- 置信区间不表示特定结果的概率。例如,如果你95%确信你的人口平均值在75到100之间,95%的置信区间并不意味着平均值落入你计算范围内的概率为95%。 |
0.831 | How to Calculate Cube Root by Hand (with Pictures) | 如何手算立方根(包含图片) |
0.895 | With the use of calculators, finding the cube root of any number may be just buttons away. But perhaps you don't have a calculator, or you want to impress your friends with the ability to calculate a cube root by hand. There is a process that appears a bit laborious at first, but with practice it works fairly easily. It is helpful if you remember some basic math skills and some algebra about cube numbers. | 有计算器在手,计算任何数字的立方根可能只用按几下就可以了。但是,如果身边没有计算器,或者你想向朋友展示一下自己手算立方根的能力,这时就不能依赖计算器了。手算立方根的过程一开始看起来有点费力,但只要多加练习,你就会觉得它也很简单。记得一些基本的数学技巧和关于立方数的代数内容,对学习本文介绍的方法会很有帮助。 |
0.863 | Set up the problem.
Solving the cube root of a number is going to look like solving a long division problem, with a few special differences. The first step is to set up the problem in the proper format.
- Write down the number whose cube root you want to find. Write the digits in groups of three, using the decimal point as your starting place. For this example, you will find the cube root of 10. Write this as 10. 000 000. The extra 0s are to allow precision in the solution.
- Draw a cube root radical sign over the number. This serves the same purpose as the long division bar line. The only difference is the shape of the symbol.
- Place a decimal point above the bar line, directly above the decimal point in the original number. | 列出问题算式。计算一个数字的立方根就像算一道长除法问题,只是有一些特殊的区别。第一步是以正确的形式列出问题算式。 写下你要计算立方根的数字。从小数点开始,三位数为一组。在本例题中,你要计算10的立方根。那就将10写成10.
000 000。额外的0是为了保证解的精确度。 在数字上画一个立方根根号。它的作用和长除法的横线相同。唯一不同的地方是符号的形状。 在横线上点一个小数点,它应该位于初始数字小数点的正上方位置。
知道个位数的立方值。计算中你会用到这些数字。个位数的立方值如下: 1 3 = 1 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 = 1 {\displaystyle 1^{3}=1*1*1=1} 2 3 = 2 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 = 8 {\displaystyle 2^{3}=2*2*2=8} 3 3 = 3 ∗ 3 ∗ 3 = 27 {\displaystyle 3^{3}=3*3*3=27} 4 3 = 4 ∗ 4 ∗ 4 = 64 {\displaystyle 4^{3}=4*4*4=64} 5 3 = 5 ∗ 5 ∗ 5 = 125 {\displaystyle 5^{3}=5*5*5=125} 6 3 = 6 ∗ 6 ∗ 6 = 216 {\displaystyle 6^{3}=6*6*6=216} 7 3 = 7 ∗ 7 ∗ 7 = 343 {\displaystyle 7^{3}=7*7*7=343} 8 3 = 8 ∗ 8 ∗ 8 = 512 {\displaystyle 8^{3}=8*8*8=512} 9 3 = 9 ∗ 9 ∗ 9 = 729 {\displaystyle 9^{3}=9*9*9=729} 10 3 = 10 ∗ 10 ∗ 10 = 1000 {\displaystyle 10^{3}=10*10*10=1000} |
Subsets and Splits