10 values
This country's city of Manaus is located at the confluence of the Solimoes [sue-lee-moish] and Negro [naygrow] rivers. Its capital city was designed by Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer. One city in this nation is home to the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
Federative Republic of {Brazil}
The rest type of this concept is described in special relativity.
{mass} [prompt on {m;} accept {energy} before "inertia"]
This planet was mapped by the Magellan probe.
In one of this artist's paintings, Mercury wears a red sash as he reaches up to an orange in an orange grove; that painting, whose central figure stands next to the Three Graces, is La Primavera.
Sandro Botticelli [or Alessandro (di Mariano di Vanni) Filipepi]
Fine Arts
Among this poet's famous lines are "Tis better to have loved and lost / Than never to have loved at all" and "Theirs not to reason why, / Theirs but to do and die". In addition to "In Memoriam A.H.H.," this Poet Laureate under Queen Victoria also wrote "The Lady of Shalott."
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
This book's main character pays a debt to his landlord by rescuing the seamstress Constance. Earlier in this book, set in the time of Louis XIII (13), the same character challenges his friends to duels but later helps them fend off the troops of Cardinal Richelieu (REE-shee-loo).
The Three Musketeers [or Les Trois Mousquetaires]
In one of his paintings, this man included a self-portrait as the flayed skin held by St. Bartholomew; the nudity in that painting was censored by the Catholic Church. This man sculpted a horned Moses and worked on the tomb of Pope (*) Julius II.
Michelangelo (di Lodovico) Buonarroti (Simoni) [accept either underlined name]
Fine Arts
In one work, this character is almost forced to marry Marcellina until it is revealed she is his long-lost mother. In another work, he advises a former employer to dress as a drunken soldier to get into Rosina's house. This former servant of Count Almaviva sings his name over and over again in "Largo al Factotum," an aria from a Rossini opera.
{Figaro} [prompt on The Barber of Seville before mentioned; accept The Marriage of Figaro until "employer"]
Fine Arts
This artist did not finish his Cars series, which showed various Mercedes-Benz models. This artist created a six-hour film of a man sleeping. Fifty copies of the same image from the movie Niagara were varyingly colored in one of his works, and his studio was known as "The Factory."
Andy {Warhol} [or Andrew {Warhola}]
An alpha particle is a nucleus of this element, which has a filled 1s (ONE S) orbital but no p orbitals at ground state. After the Hindenburg disaster, this gas replaced hydrogen in zeppelins and blimps.
helium [accept He before it is read]
Franz Schubert's three symphonies in this key are nicknamed Tragic, Little, and Great. Mozart's Jupiter Symphony and Bach's first Prelude from The Well Tempered Clavier are in this major key, whose relative minor is A minor. Instruments pitched in this key include the bassoon, oboe, and flute. A scale in this key played on piano only hits (*) white keys. For 10 points, name this musical key that contains no sharps or flats.
{C major} [prompt on \"C\" before \"major key\" is mentioned; do not prompt on or accept \"c minor\"]
Fine Arts
One superstition concerning certain winners of this election is known as Tecumseh's (“teh-CUM- seh's”) Curse. Third party candidates in previous elections of this type include Ross Perot and Teddy Roosevelt. Its most recent iteration concentrated on the economy, the war in Iraq, and people associated with Barack Obama.
{Presidential general} election [accept either]
One character in this book deliberately pours syrup all over his lunch.
To Kill a Mockingbird
The U.S. Naval Observatory is the official residence for holders of this office, which Spiro Agnew resigned when he was charged with tax fraud.
{Vice President} of the United States [do not accept or prompt on {\"President\"}]
The third game in this series saw its first set of dual worlds and the first use of the Spin Attack technique.
The {Legend} of {Zelda} [prompt on {Zelda}]
This geographical feature has its lowest point at Bentley Trench. A lake here lies under Vostok Station.
Landmarks on this island include the El Yunque (“YOON-kay”) rainforest and Fort San Felipe del Moro. Humacao (“HOO-muh-COW”), Caguas (“CAW-gwahs”), Bayamon (“BYE-uh-moan”), and Ponce (“PAWN-say”) are some of its municipalities.
Puerto Rico
This city's northeast is home to Mount Scopus (“SCOPE-us”), often used as a point of attack by forces attempting to invade it. Landmarks in this city include the Dome of the Rock, revered by many Muslims who consider this city their third holiest, and the western wall of the former Temple Mount, which is now a major site for followers of Judaism.
His opposition to harsh retaliation after the sinking of the Lusitania caused this politician to resign as Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State. This man argued against Clarence Darrow in the Scopes Monkey Trial. He proclaimed that "you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns" in his (*) "Cross of Gold" speech. For 10 points, name this three-time Democratic presidential nominee, known as The Great Commoner.
William Jennings Bryan
Observers of this holiday often eat jelly-filled doughnuts called sufganiyot (soof-GAH-nee-yoat) and potato pancakes called latkes. They may play a game with a spinning top whose sides are marked nun, gimel, hey, and shin on this holiday; that object is called a dreidel (DRAY-duhl). It commemorates the successful revolt against Antiochus (an-tee-OH-kuss) led by Judah Maccabee. For 10 points, name this wintertime Jewish holiday that includes the lighting of a Menorah.
Chanukah [or {Hanukkah}]
The Ghawar (gah-WAHR) oil field is located in this nation, whose flag contains an image of a white sword on a green field. During Operation Desert Shield, American troops defended this country, angering radical Muslims like Osama bin Laden, who was born in this country. A desert called the Empty Quarter covers its borders with Oman and the UAE. For 10 points, what kingdom occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula?
Saudi Arabia
In 1994, thieves that stole this painting left a note reading “Thanks for the poor security.”
The {Scream} [or {Skrik}; accept The {Cry}]
Fine Arts
The “law of” these objects states that the torque (“tork”) on one side is equal to the torque on the other side. These objects can be classified as first class, second class, or third class depending on the location of the fulcrum. For 10 points, name these simple machines, familiar examples of which include a wheelbarrow and see-saw.
Temples dedicated to this god include the Trimbakeshwar and Ramanaswathamy. Five is a sacred number to this god, which is reflected in his namesake "Five Mantras".
Shiva [accept Shiva the Destroyer, Shiva the Transformer]
This man was killed by a crossbow bolt while besieging the castle Charlus-Chabrol. After the departure of Philip Augustus of France, this man led the Christian armies in the Third Crusade, during which he achieved peace with Saladin. He was succeeded by his brother John. For 10 points, name this 12th-century King of England known by an epithet signifying his bravery.
Richard I of England [or Richard the Lionhearted; or Richard Coeur de Lion; prompt on Richard]
This figure met his demise when he was struck by a piece of wood from his own vessel.
This ruler was forced to wait eight months to begin a campaign for the throne he contested with the King of Norway, Harald Hardrada (hard-RAH-dah), whose own campaign ended unsuccessfully at Stamford Bridge. This man feigned his death in order to trick Harold Godwinson into defeat at the Battle of Hastings. For 10 points, name this Norman ruler whose achievements were chronicled on the Bayeux Tapestry.
{William I} of England [or {William} the {Conqueror;} or {William} the {Bastard;} or {William II} of {Normandy;} or {Guillaume} le {Conquérant;} prompt on {William} of {Normandy}]
Cherenkov (“CHAIR-en-kov”) radiation exists when this value is exceeded. The ratio of this quantity in a vacuum to this quantity in a material is that material's index of refraction. It is squared and multiplied by mass to give energy in an equation derived by Einstein, E equals m c squared.
speed of {light} [accept {c} before mentioned]
The carrack Mary Rose sank during the reign of this ruler, who ordered Thomas Cromwell to dissolve the monasteries.
{Henry VIII} [prompt on Henry or {Henry} Tudor]
Before this event, a three-year winter will end almost all life. During this event, one deity's son will use a giant shoe to take revenge for his father's death. At its start, Heimdall will blow the Gjallarhorn and Loki will break free from his imprisonment.
Ragnarök [prompt on Gotterdammerung; prompt on end of the world]
This river divides Minneapolis and St. Paul. In 1927, this river's flood was the worst in US history, causing a system of levees to be built that was the world's longest. Nicknamed the "Big Muddy", this river serves as part of the border between (*) Louisiana and its namesake state.
{Mississippi} River
This geographical feature has its lowest point at Bentley Trench. A lake here lies under Vostok Station. Mt. Erebus is found on Ross Island off itscoast, between Marie Byrd and Victoria lands. The Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains contains its highest peak, Vinson Massif, located on the Ronne (*) Ice Shelf. Getting only 5-10 inches of precipitation a year, it is considered a desert.
The third game in this series saw its first set of dual worlds and the first use of the Spin Attack technique. A common theme in this game is the protagonist's attempts to rescue the title princess and reunite the Triforce. This series includes games subtitled A Link to the Past and The Ocarina of Time.
The {Legend} of {Zelda} [prompt on {Zelda}]
This term describes a "zone" below the water table in which groundwater is found. This term describes compounds that contain only single bonds.
{saturated} [or word forms, such as {saturation}]
n this state's capital, the Lane Avenue Bridge crosses the Olentangy River. Another of its cities contains historic Italian architecture in its Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, while another city, at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, contains Case Western Reserve University.
One of this deity's possessions is a ring that creates eight copies of itself every nine nights. This deity learned nine songs and eighteen runes after hanging from the world tree for nine days.
He published a then-controversial theory in "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres," whose preface included a dedication to Pope Paul III so as to deflect controversy. In critiquing an opposing theory, he criticized the separate treatment of each planet, as had been done by Ptolemy (TAHL-eh-mee).
Nicolaus Copernicus
The Darien Scheme was an attempt by Scotland to create another structure similar to this entity. The Hay-Bunau Varilla (HAY BOO-now vah-REE-yuh) Treaty allowed the United States to begin constructing this entity.
{Panama} Canal [or {Canal} de {Panama}]
Some of the most important teachings of this religion include the Four Noble Truths and the Middle Way. One of the main branches of this religion is also known as the "School of Elders," while another is known as the "Great Vehicle." Those are the Theravada and Mahayana branches of this religion.
These entities can be found by using the Sieve of Eratosthenes (AIR-uh-TOSS-the-neez). According to Goldbach's conjecture, every integer greater than two can be expressed as a sum of two of them. Every positive integer can be expressed as a factorization of these numbers.
prime numbers [or primes]
In this book, Mr. Wickham goes to Brighton and runs off with Lydia. Another character in this book chooses not to dance with the protagonist or any of her four sisters when he first appears at a ball, though he changes his ways after he is accused of trying to split up Jane and Mr. Bingley. For 10 points, Elizabeth Bennett's relations with Mr. Darcy unfold in what novel by Jane Austen?
{Pride and Prejudice}
During World War II, this country was run by Josef Terboven, though its official Minister President was Vidkun Quisling. It used to be the western part of the Kalmar Union.
Kingdom of {Norway} [accept {Kongeriket Norge}]
One famous work for this instrument is Caprice No. 24 by Paganini (pag-uh-NEE-nee).
Fine Arts
A 2003 restoration of Verrochio's depiction of this figure revealed the sculptor's fingerprint.
Fine Arts
Frederick Muhlenberg was the first person to hold this office. This office is granted appointment power for select and conference committees. It confers the ability to schedule legislation for the floor and the person in this position controls the flow of debate. It is second in the line of presidential succession.
{Speaker of the House} of Representatives
Opposite corners of this constellation are at the start Saiph and Bellatrix.
{Orion} [prompt on the \"Hunter\"]
This nation's men's soccer team was only allowed to play home matches in empty stadiums in 2012 after 74 fans were killed at a league match in Port Said (sah-EED). This nation's government, controlled by the Islamic Brotherhood and headed by Mohamed (*) Morsi, came to power after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak (moo-BAR-ak). For 10 points, name this nation which in 2011 had riots in Tahrir Square in Cairo.
This nation owns the islands of Ushant and Corsica. Ethnic minorities in it include speakers of Alemannic (ah-leh-MAN-ic) German in Alsace, the Celtic-speaking (KELL-tick) Bretons, and, in the northern Pyrenees (PEER-eh-nees), the Basques (BASKS).
France [or French Republic; or République Française]
This conflict saw a battle for Kunduz (“CUN-dooz”), which saw cooperation between U.S. and German forces. The British “Operation Herrick” and American “Operation Enduring Freedom” led to a quick ousting of the Taliban regime, but Stanley McChrystal recently stated an increase of 500,000 troops would be needed to continue this war. For 10 points, name this current war fought in a country bordering Pakistan.
War in {Afghanistan} [accept {War} against the {Taliban} before mentioned; accept other obvious
One theory of this entity's creation states that a Mars-sized body named Theia (“THEE-uh”) collided with its parent planet.
Ribosome subunits pass through pores in this structure's namesake envelope and are produced in one part of it.
Iron-56 dominates the spectra of absorption lines for one class of these phenomena, which are caused by white dwarves exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit. An inert nickel-iron core in a star leads to one on account of a lack of degeneracy pressure. One with official designation 2003fg reached two solar masses before exploding, and was given the nickname "Champagne." For 10 points, name these gigantic stellar explosions.
{supernovae} [or {supernovas;} prompt on {stellar collapse;} do not accept or prompt on \"nova\"]
One composer from this country depicted a "March to the Scaffold" in a five movement symphony, while another used a snare drum ostinato in a Spanish-inspired piece. A third composer from this country used a Mallarmé (MAL-ar-MAY) poem for his Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.
Republic of France
Fine Arts
The Justice Department suggested using race as a basis for this practice in the 1990's.
This shape is traced out by the set of all points that are equidistant from a focus and a directrix (“dir- ECK-tricks”). It is the only conic section that can be graphed as a function.
This structure is divided into Brodmann areas, and develops from the telencephalon ("TEAL"-en- SEFF-ah-"lawn"). The corpus callosum ("CORE"-puss kuh-LOE-sum) connects the two hemispheres of this structure, which is divided into temporal, parietal, occipital, and frontal lobes.
{cerebrum} [accept {cerebral cortex;} accept {neocortex;} accept {forebrain;} prompt on brain]
In Jainism, this object's central point is Mount Meru. In Chinese mythology, this object is the lower half of a cosmic egg split by Pangu, while in ancient Egypt the original form of this object was the primordial (*) mound. This region will be reborn from a massive flood after Rangarok. For 10 points, name this planet subjected to a massive flood that Noah escaped.
{Earth} [accept equivalents like world or land before \"planet\" is mentioned]
Maria Callas, nicknamed "The Divine," had this vocal range. One aria sung in this voice promises revenge against Tamino and Pamina and is named for its singer, the Queen of the Night. That aria contains several series of high C's, and the lowest notes this voice calls for is the A below the staff. One subtype of this voice is called the coloratura. For 10 points, name this vocal range which is above the alto.
Fine Arts
The first president of this nation, Douglas Hyde, was elected thanks to the founder of the Fianna Fail party, the Taoiseach ["tee-shock"] Eamon de Valera. Earlier, this country's members of Sinn Fein started the Easter Rising, and William Gladstone supported its "Home Rule." Michael Collins led this country's (*) IRA.
Republic of Ireland
The Isthmus of Tehuantepec (teh-WAHN-tuh-peck) is located in this nation, whose capital is overlooked by twin volcanoes called "Izta" and "Popo."
Mexico [or United Mexican States; or Estados Unidos Mexicanos]
Hampstead Heath and Kensington Gardens are parks in this city which is served by the "Jubilee Line," "Piccadilly Line," and "Victoria Line" of its subway system, the Underground. A Norman castle built by William the Conqueror is this city's "Tower." Its other landmarks include Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and the houses of Parliament. For 10 points, name this city on the River Thames, the capital of Britain.
The first Supreme Court case to deal with this doctrine was Regents of the University of California v.
affirmative action
Social Science
When this athlete was the 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year, he became the youngest person ever to win that award.
LeBron Raymone {James}
The D double prime layer lies in the lowest part of this region. The upper part of this region mainly consists of magnesium-iron silicates such as pyroxene (“pie-ROX-een”) and olivine (“olive een”). This layer extends to a depth of 2890 kilometers and contains more than half the Earth's mass. For 10 points, name this molten layer of the Earth that is found between the crust and the core.
These objects contain the zone of plastic flow and the zone of brittle flow. They are formed by compressing firn, and parts of them break off by calving. Till is soil left behind by these objects, which also push material to form moraines. Cirques (SERKS) and fjords (FYORDS) are among the landforms due to erosion by these objects.
In one episode in this work, the narrator tries to convince adults that he is drawing a snake digesting an elephant, which they confuse with a hat. The title character of this novella lived on an asteroid the size of a house before catching a rose in a lie and becoming lonely.
The Little Prince [or Le Petit Prince]
In one work by this composer, the title character slices an anvil in half and kills the dragon Fafner with the sword Nothung (NO-tung); in another opera, Brunnhilde rides into a funeral pyre that burns Valhalla.
Richard {Wagner} (ree-kart VAHG-ner)
Fine Arts
States in this nation include Mato Grosso and Bahia, a center of 17th-century sugar plantations.
Federative Republic of Brazil
This nation's cities include Pleiku in the Central Highlands and the port of Haiphong on the Gulf of Tonkin near the Red River delta. The Mekong River also has its delta in this country, south of Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. For 10 points, what Southeast Asian nation was divided between "North" and "South" governments during a war that saw the commitment of U.S. troops in 1965?
Socialist Republic of {Vietnam} (or {Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam})
For any odd number greater than one, there exists one of these types of sets where that number is the smallest of the three elements. By definition, all numbers in these kinds of sets are integers.
{Pythagorean triples} [accept clear-knowledge equivalents; prompt on {Pythagorean theorem}]
In one work, this man depicted five nude prostitutes, two of them in African masks.
Pablo (Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y) {Picasso}
Fine Arts
The uniform probability distribution takes this shape. Rotating this shape using one of its sides as an axis yields a cylinder. This shape is traced out by the x-axis, the y-axis, and the equations x equals two and y equals six. Each diagonal of this kind of quadrilateral divides it into two congruent right triangles. For 10 points, give this shape that has four right angles.
{rectangles} [do not accept or prompt on "square"]
This musician says, after declaring "now I'm gonna make you dance," "girl you know you're my world" in his song "Just Lose It." His film debut came in 8 Mile, which included a song mentioning "vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." That song was "Lose Yourself."
Eminem [or Marshall Bruce Mathers III]
The Panspermia theory holds that life first developed on these objects. These objects contain a coma surrounding a nucleus. They originate in the Oort Cloud and Kuiper (KYE-per) Belt, and their dust tails point away from the Sun. They include Shoemaker-Levy 9, which crashed into Jupiter.
The Bernoulli one approximates the powers of x plus 1 to a linear equation using the power for the slope. The "triangle" one sets a restriction for the possible lengths of the third side of a triangle given the other two. Dividing by a negative number results in a sign change in, for 10 points, what mathematical statement about relative size of two entities, characterized by use of greater-than and less-than signs?
This planet's 700 kilometer-wide impact crater Rembrandt was discovered by the MESSENGER spacecraft orbiting it.
Parts of this continent named for 19th century sailors include Palmer Land and Wilkes Land. Vostok(VAH-stock) is a Russian station on this continent, parts of which are claimed by Norway, Argentina, and New Zealand.
This leader fought with co-emperor Licinius in battles at Cibalae (SEE-ball-AY) and Adrianople. It is said that he had a vision before the Battle of Milvian Bridge. He called for the Council of Nicaea and issued the Edict of Milan. He was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, and he established an eastern capital at Byzantium.
{Constantine I} [or {Constantine} the {Great;} or {Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus;} or Saint {Constantine}]
At one point in this book, two characters recite nursery rhymes and the Gettysburg Address to avoid being hypnotized by a man with red eyes. The main character of this book meets several tentacled creatures, including one called Aunt Beast, while rescuing her father from Camazotz. Its title concept is a tesseract through which Meg Murry visits the fifth dimension. For 10 points, name this novel by Madeleine L'Engle.
A Wrinkle in Time
Combustion reactions produce carbon dioxide, energy, and this substance. Sometimes called the "universal solvent", it has high surface tension because it forms many hydrogen bonds. This compound is unusual in that as it is cooled, it becomes less dense, so its solid form (*) floats on top of its liquid form. For 10 points, name this compound that boils at 100 degrees Celsius, freezes at zero degrees Celsius, and has formula H2O.
{water} [or H2O before it is mentioned]
In this body of water are the Emperor Seamounts and the Chinook Trough. The Ryukyu Trench lies in it, and its islands include Pitcairn Island and Wake Island.
Pacific Ocean [do not accept or prompt on more specific answers]
This university's women's soccer team has won 21 national championships, more than any other school in that sport. Its men's basketball team has featured players such as Ty Lawson and Tyler Hansbrough, behind whom it won the 2009 NCAA Championship. It is currently coached by Roy Williams. For 10 points, name this university located in Chapel Hill and rival of Duke whose mascot is the Tar Heels.
{University} of {North Carolina} – Chapel Hill [or {UNC}]
This event was orchestrated by Isoroku Yamamoto in an attempt to prevent American interference in the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies. The date on which it occurred "will live in infamy," according to a Franklin Roosevelt speech.
the attack on {Pearl Harbor} [accept logical equivalents]
Euler characteristic of platonic solids have this value. This integer times pi gives the number of radians in the unit circle. Truth tables can evaluate to this many outputs. This value expressed in binary is 10 (ONE ZERO). This is the highest degree of a quadratic function as is the number of congruent sides in an isosceles triangle. For 10 points, give this smallest prime number, which divides all even numbers.
Mack, Dora, and Lee Chong try to throw a party for Doc in this author's novel Cannery Row. This author wrote about Kino's encounter with the title object in The Pearl. Two migrant workers, George and Lennie, are the main characters in his Of Mice and Men; another work features the Joad family and other "Okies." For 10 points, name this American author of The Grapes of Wrath.
John {Steinbeck} [accept {Cannery Row} before it is read]
This method of execution was used to kill both Charlotte Corday and Maximilian Robespierre. England's Henry VIII executed his wives Catherine Howard and Anne Boleyn using this method. During the French Revolution, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were both executed by this method.
death/execution by {beheading} [{accept guillotine} and its word forms; accept any other answer that suggests {decapitation}]
This city was founded by Cadmus after following a cow until it sat.
The Sorbonne is the university of this city, which is divided into twenty arrondissements. This city is the site of a monument built to commemorate victory at the Battle of Austerlitz, the Arc de Triomphe. Notre Dame cathedral is located in this city on the Seine River, where tourists may also visit the Eiffel Tower.
This company's chief operating officer, who addressed issues facing working women in her book Lean In, is Sheryl Sandberg. While some people blamed its loss in value last year on Morgan Stanley, others blamed its CFO David Ebersman, who offered a lot of (*) shares at a high price during its May 2012 initial public offering.
One type of this weapon would have been defended against by President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. Another type of these developed by the Soviet Union and used by Iraq was the Scud. Nazi Germany wanted to replace anti-aircraft guns with the (*) surface-to-air type of these weapons. For 10 points, what projected weapons that carry explosive devices name a 1962 crisis in Cuba?
{missiles} [prompt on {\"nuclear bomb\"} until \"surface-to-air\" is mentioned; do not accept or prompt on rocket(s)]
The size of these objects is given by the Schwarzschild (“SHWARTZ child”) radius. According to quantum mechanics, these objects emit Hawking radiation. One of them, Sagittarius A Star, sits at the center of our galaxy and has four million times the mass of our sun. For 10 points, what are these objects in outer space from which supposedly nothing, not even light, can escape?
{black holes}
This text was written down by Sahabas (sah-HAH-bahs) after the death of the leader that received it. The clarification of the meaning and significance of this document is the practice of tafsir (TAHFSEER). Its hundred and fourteen chapters are called suras (soor-AHS).
Qur'an [or Koran]
Friezes removed from this building in 1812 are now housed in the British museum and are known as the Elgin Marbles.
The {Parthenon}
Fine Arts
The Bukit Timah (“boo-KIT tee-MAH”) Nature Reserve is the largest area of rainforest left in this city. The five star Raffles Hotel is named after the city's founder, while the island of Sentosa is home to a new Universal Studios Theme Park. Its Changi (“CHANG-eye”) airport is a regional hub, and the city is connected by bridge to Johor (“JO-hor”), in Malaysia. For 10 points, name this Southeast Asian city-state, the most densely populated country in Asia.
Republic of {Singapore}
William Hale Thompson was mayor of this city where the death of Mathias J. Degan led to the execution of August Spies. In addition to that event near the McCormick factory, an event in this city saw Pigasus the Pig nominated for President by people like Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman. This city was the site of the Haymarket Square Riot and the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
Chicago, Illinois
This man wrote a 1729 satirical essay suggesting that poor people in Ireland should sell their children as food.
Jonathan {Swift}
This leader fought with co-emperor Licinius in battles at Cibalae (SEE-ball-AY) and Adrianople.
{Constantine I} [or {Constantine} the {Great;} or {Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus;} or Saint {Constantine}]
Although he is not Sun Tzu, this man wrote a version of The Art of War. He wrote a critique of Roman history in his Discourses on Livy.
Niccolo {Machiavelli}
This actor appeared with his best-known co-star as Topper Harley in Hot Shots. Kathy Bates won an Emmy in 2012 for her role as the ghost of one of this actor's characters. That character played by this actor died after getting hit by a train and was replaced by (*) Walden Schmidt. This actor stated that he was a "rock star from Mars" with "tiger blood" on a Today Show interview.
{Charlie Sheen} [or {Carlos Irwin Estevez;} prompt on {\"Sheen\"} or {\"Estevez\"}]
This author created a fictional author who wrote the equally fictional book, Venus on the Half-Shell. That fictional author, Kilgore Trout, appears in many of this man's works, including Breakfast of Champions and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. He also wrote about a man who is abducted by (*) Trafalmadorians after surviving the firebombing of Dresden.
Kurt Vonnegut