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Autonomous vehicles require road information for their operation, usually in form of HD maps. Since offline maps eventually become outdated or may only be partially available, online HD map construction methods have been proposed to infer map information from live sensor data. A key issue remains how to exploit such partial or outdated map information as a prior. We introduce M3TR (Multi-Masking Map Transformer), a generalist approach for HD map construction both with and without map priors. We address shortcomings in ground truth generation for Argoverse 2 and nuScenes and propose the first realistic scenarios with semantically diverse map priors. Examining various query designs, we use an improved method for integrating prior map elements into a HD map construction model, increasing performance by +4.3 mAP. Finally, we show that training across all prior scenarios yields a single Generalist model, whose performance is on par with previous Expert models that can handle only one specific type of map prior. M3TR thus is the first model capable of leveraging variable map priors, making it suitable for real-world deployment. Code is available at https://github.com/immel-f/m3tr
In this work, we propose novel offline and online Inverse Differential Game (IDG) methods for nonlinear Differential Games (DG), which identify the cost functions of all players from control and state trajectories constituting a feedback Nash equilibrium. The offline approach computes the sets of all equivalent cost function parameters that yield the observed trajectories. Our online method is guaranteed to converge to cost function parameters of the offline calculated sets. For both methods, we additionally analyze the case where the cost and value functions are not given by known parameterized structures and approximation structures, like polynomial basis functions, need to be chosen. Here, we found that for guaranteeing a bounded error between the trajectories resulting from the offline and online IDG solutions and the observed trajectories an appropriate selection of the cost function structures is required. They must be aligned to assumed value function structures such that the coupled Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations can be fulfilled. Finally, the theoretical results and the effectiveness of our new methods are illustrated with a numerical example.
In this paper, we investigate the parking process on a uniform random rooted binary tree with $n$ vertices. Viewing each vertex as a single parking space, a random number of cars independently arrive at and attempt to park on each vertex one at a time. If a car attempts to park on an occupied vertex, it traverses the unique path on the tree towards the root, parking at the first empty vertex it encounters. If this is not possible, the car exits the tree at the root. We shall investigate the limit of the probability of the event that all cars can park when $\lfloor \alpha n \rfloor$ cars arrive, with $\alpha > 0$. We find that there is a phase transition at $\alpha_c = 2 - \sqrt{2}$, with this event having positive limiting probability when $\alpha < \alpha_c$, and the probability tending to 0 as $n \rightarrow \infty$ for $\alpha > \alpha_c$. This is analogous to the work done by Goldschmidt and Przykucki (arXiv:1610.08786) and Goldschmidt and Chen (arXiv:1911.03816), while agreeing with the general result proven by Curien and H\'enard (arXiv:2205.15932).
We study the problem of clock synchronization in a networked system with arbitrary starts for all nodes. We consider a synchronous network of $n$ nodes, where each node has a local clock that is an integer counter. Eventually, clocks must be all equal and increase by one in each round modulo some period $P$. The purpose of this paper is to study whether clock synchronization can be achieved with bounded memory, that is every node maintains a number of states that does not depend on the network size. In particular, we are interested in clock synchronization algorithms which work in dynamic networks, i.e., tolerate that communication links continuously fail and come-up. We first focus on self-stabilizing solutions for clock synchronization, and prove that there is no such algorithm that is bounded memory, even in the case of static networks. More precisely, we show a lower bound of $n+1$ states at each node required to achieve clock synchronization in static strongly connected networks with at most $n$ nodes, and derive a lower bound of $n-2$ rounds on synchronization time, in the worst case. We then prove that, when the self-stabilizing requirement is removed, the impossibility of clock synchronization with bounded memory still holds in the dynamic setting: every solution for the clock synchronization problem in dynamic networks with at most $n$ nodes requires each node to have $\Omega(\log n)$ states.
We consider the Hospital/Residents (HR) problem in the presence of ties in preference lists. Among the three notions of stability, viz. weak, strong, and super stability, we focus on the notion of strong stability. Strong stability has many desirable properties both theoretically and practically; however, its existence is not guaranteed. In this paper, our objective is to optimally increase the quotas of hospitals to ensure that a strongly stable matching exists in the modified instance. First, we show that if ties are allowed in residents' preference lists, it may not be possible to augment the hospital quotas to obtain an instance that admits a strongly stable matching. When residents' preference lists are strict, we explore two natural optimization criteria: (i) minimizing the maximum capacity increase for any hospital (MINMAX), and (ii) minimizing the total capacity increase across all hospitals (MINSUM). We show that the MINMAX problem is NP-hard in general. When hospital preference lists can have ties of length at most $\ell+1$, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that increases each hospital's quota by at most $\ell$, ensuring the resulting instance admits a strongly stable matching. We show that the MINSUM problem admits a polynomial-time algorithm. However, when each hospital incurs a cost for each capacity increase, the problem becomes NP-hard, even if the costs are 0 or 1. This also implies that the problem cannot be approximated to any multiplicative factor. We also consider a related problem under the MINSUM objective. Given an HR instance and a forced pair $(r^*,h^*)$, the goal is to decide if it is possible to increase hospital quotas (if necessary) to obtain a strongly stable matching that matches the pair $(r^*,h^*)$. We show a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem.
We produce twisted derived equivalences between torsors under abelian varieties and their moduli spaces of simple semi-homogeneous sheaves. We also establish the natural converse to this result and show that a large class of twisted derived equivalences, including all derived equivalences, between torsors arise in this way. As corollaries, we obtain partial extensions of the usual derived equivalence criterion for abelian varieties established by Orlov and Polishchuk.
We consider $\mathbb{Z}_q$-valued clock models on a regular tree, for general classes of ferromagnetic nearest neighbor interactions which have a discrete rotational symmetry. It has been proved recently that, at strong enough coupling, families of homogeneous Markov chain Gibbs states $\mu_A$ coexist whose single-site marginals concentrate on $A\subset \mathbb{Z}_q$, and which are not convex combinations of each other [AbHeKuMa24]. In this note, we aim at a description of the extremal decomposition of $\mu_A$ for $|A|\geq 2$ into all extremal Gibbs measures, which may be spatially inhomogeneous. First, we show that in regimes of very strong coupling, $\mu_A$ is not extremal. Moreover, $\mu_A$ possesses a single-site reconstruction property which holds for spin values sent from the origin to infinity, when these initial values are chosen from $A$. As our main result, we show that $\mu_A$ decomposes into uncountably many extremal inhomogeneous states. The proof is based on multi-site reconstruction which allows to derive concentration properties of branch overlaps. Our method is based on a new good site/bad site decomposition adapted to the $A$-localization property, together with a coarse graining argument in local state space.
Many magnetic white dwarfs exhibit a polarised spectrum that periodically varies as the star rotates because the magnetic field is not symmetric about the rotation axis. In this work, we report the discovery that while weakly magnetic white dwarfs of all ages with M < 1Mo show polarimetric variability with a period between hours and several days, the large majority of magnetic white dwarfs in the same mass range with cooling ages older than 2 Gyr and field strengths > 10 MG show little or no polarimetric variability. This could be interpreted as extremely slow rotation, but a lack of known white dwarfs with measured periods longer than two weeks means that we do not see white dwarfs slowing their rotation. We therefore suggest a different interpretation: old strongly magnetic white dwarfs do not vary because their fields are roughly symmetric about the rotation axes. Symmetry may either be a consequence of field evolution or a physical characteristic intrinsic to the way strong fields are generated in older stars. Specifically, a strong magnetic field could distort the shape of a star, forcing the principal axis of maximum inertia away from the spin axis. Eventually, as a result of energy dissipation, the magnetic axis will align with the angular momentum axis. We also find that the higher-mass strongly magnetised white dwarfs, which are likely the products of the merging of two white dwarfs, may appear as either polarimetrically variable or constant. This may be the symptom of two different formation channels or the consequence of the fact that a dynamo operating during a merger may produce diverse magnetic configurations. Alternatively, the massive white dwarfs with constant polarisation may be rotating with periods much shorter than the typical exposure times of the observations.
Super $L_\infty$-algebras unify extended super-symmetry with rational classifying spaces for higher flux densities: The super-invariant super-fluxes which control super $p$-branes and their supergravity target super-spaces are, together with their (non-linear) Bianchi identities, neatly encoded in (non-abelian) super-$L_\infty$ cocycles. These are the rational shadows of flux-quantization laws (in ordinary cohomology, K-theory, Cohomotopy, iterated K-theory, etc). We first review, in streamlined form while filling some previous gaps, double-dimensional reduction/oxidation and 10D superspace T-duality along higher-dimensional super-tori. We do so tangent super-space wise, by viewing it as an instance of adjunctions (dualities) between super-$L_\infty$-extensions and -cyclifications, applied to the avatar super-flux densities of 10D supergravity. In particular, this yields a derivation, at the rational level, of the traditional laws of "topological T-duality" from the super-$L_\infty$ structure of type II superspace. At this level, we also discuss a higher categorical analog of T-duality involving M-branes. Then, by considering super-space T-duality along all 1+9 spacetime dimensions while retaining the 11th dimension as in F-theory, we find the M-algebra appearing as the complete brane-charge extension of the fully T-doubled/correspondence super-spacetime. On this backdrop, we recognize the "decomposed" M-theory 3-form on the "hidden M-algebra" as an M-theoretic lift of the Poincar\'e super 2-form that controls superspace T-duality as the integral kernel of the super Fourier-Mukai transform. This provides the super-space structure of an M-theory lift of the doubled/correspondence space geometry, which controls T-duality.
A well-known result of Shalom says that lattices in SO$(n,1)$ are $L^p$ measure equivalent for all $p<n-1$. His proof actually yields the following stronger statement: the natural coupling resulting from a suitable choice of fundamental domains from a uniform lattice $\Lambda$ to a uniform one $\Gamma$ is $(L^{\infty},L^p)$. Moreover, the fundamental domain of $\Gamma$ is contained in a union of finitely many translates of the fundamental domain of $\Lambda$. The purpose of this note is to prove a converse statement. More generally, it is proved that if a ME-coupling from a non-hyperbolic group $\Lambda$ to a hyperbolic group $\Gamma$ is $(L^{\infty},L^p)$ and the fundamental domain of $\Gamma$ is contained in a union of finitely many translates of the fundamental domain of $\Lambda$, then $p$ must be less than some $p_0$ only depending on $\Gamma$.
A central computational task in database theory, finite model theory, and computer science at large is the evaluation of a first-order sentence on a finite structure. In the context of this task, the \emph{width} of a sentence, defined as the maximum number of free variables over all subformulas, has been established as a crucial measure, where minimizing width of a sentence (while retaining logical equivalence) is considered highly desirable. An undecidability result rules out the possibility of an algorithm that, given a first-order sentence, returns a logically equivalent sentence of minimum width; this result motivates the study of width minimization via syntactic rewriting rules, which is this article's focus. For a number of common rewriting rules (which are known to preserve logical equivalence), including rules that allow for the movement of quantifiers, we present an algorithm that, given a positive first-order sentence $\phi$, outputs the minimum-width sentence obtainable from $\phi$ via application of these rules. We thus obtain a complete algorithmic understanding of width minimization up to the studied rules; this result is the first one -- of which we are aware -- that establishes this type of understanding in such a general setting. Our result builds on the theory of term rewriting and establishes an interface among this theory, query evaluation, and structural decomposition theory.
We evaluate the consistency of hadronic interaction models in the CORSIKA simulation package with publicly available fluorescence telescope data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. By comparing the first few central moments of the extended air shower depth maximum distributions, as extracted from measured events, to those predicted by the best-fit inferred compositions, we derive a statistical measure of the consistency of a given hadronic model with data. To mitigate possible systematic biases, we include all primaries up to iron, compensate for the differences between the measured and simulated energy spectra of cosmic rays and account for other known systematic effects. Additionally, we study the effects of including higher central moments in the fit and project our results to larger statistics.
An angular analysis of the $B_s^0 \rightarrow \phi e^+e^-$ decay is performed using the proton-proton collision dataset collected between 2011 and 2018 by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $9\,{\rm fb}^{-1}$ at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and $13\,{\rm TeV}$. The analysis is performed in the very low dielectron invariant mass-squared region between $0.0009$ and $0.2615\,{\rm GeV}^2\!/c^4$. The longitudinal polarisation fraction of the $\phi$ meson is measured to be less than $11.5\%$ at $90\%$ confidence level. The $A_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathcal{R}e C\!P}$ observable, which is related to the lepton forward-backward asymmetry, is measured to be $0.116 \pm 0.155 \pm 0.006$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The transverse asymmetries, $A_{\mathrm{T}}^{(2)}$ and $A_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathcal{I}m C\!P}$ , which are sensitive to the virtual photon polarisation, are found to be $-0.045 \pm 0.235 \pm 0.014$ and $0.002 \pm 0.247 \pm 0.016$, respectively. The results are consistent with Standard Model predictions.
Large language models (LLMs) and LLM-based Agents have been applied to fix bugs automatically, demonstrating the capability in addressing software defects by engaging in development environment interaction, iterative validation and code modification. However, systematic analysis of these agent and non-agent systems remain limited, particularly regarding performance variations among top-performing ones. In this paper, we examine seven proprietary and open-source systems on the SWE-bench Lite benchmark for automated bug fixing. We first assess each system's overall performance, noting instances solvable by all or none of these sytems, and explore why some instances are uniquely solved by specific system types. We also compare fault localization accuracy at file and line levels and evaluate bug reproduction capabilities, identifying instances solvable only through dynamic reproduction. Through analysis, we concluded that further optimization is needed in both the LLM itself and the design of Agentic flow to improve the effectiveness of the Agent in bug fixing.
Can outreach inspire and lead to research and vice versa? In this work, we introduce our approach to the gamification of research in mathematics and computer science through three illustrative examples. We discuss our primary motivations and provide insights into what makes our proposed gamification effective for three research topics in discrete and computational geometry and topology: (1) DominatriX, an art gallery problem involving polyominoes with rooks and queens; (2) Cubical Sliding Puzzles, an exploration of the discrete configuration spaces of sliding puzzles on the $d$-cube with topological obstructions; and (3) The Fence Challenge, a participatory isoperimetric problem based on polyforms. Additionally, we report on the collaborative development of the game Le Carr\'e du Diable, inspired by The Fence Challenge and created during the workshop Let's talk about outreach!, held in October 2022 in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. All of our outreach encounters and creations are designed and curated with an inclusive culture and a strong commitment to welcoming the most diverse audience possible.
The symmetrized Asymptotic Mean Value Laplacian $\tilde{\Delta}$, obtained as limit of approximating operators $\tilde{\Delta}_r$, is an extension of the classical Euclidean Laplace operator to the realm of metric measure spaces. We show that, as $r \downarrow 0$, the operators $\tilde{\Delta}_r$ eventually admit isolated eigenvalues defined via min-max procedure on any compact locally Ahlfors regular metric measure space. Then we prove $L^2$ and spectral convergence of $\tilde{\Delta}_r$ to the Laplace--Beltrami operator of a compact Riemannian manifold, imposing Neumann conditions when the manifold has a non-empty boundary.
Spatio-Temporal predictive Learning is a self-supervised learning paradigm that enables models to identify spatial and temporal patterns by predicting future frames based on past frames. Traditional methods, which use recurrent neural networks to capture temporal patterns, have proven their effectiveness but come with high system complexity and computational demand. Convolutions could offer a more efficient alternative but are limited by their characteristic of treating all previous frames equally, resulting in poor temporal characterization, and by their local receptive field, limiting the capacity to capture distant correlations among frames. In this paper, we propose STLight, a novel method for spatio-temporal learning that relies solely on channel-wise and depth-wise convolutions as learnable layers. STLight overcomes the limitations of traditional convolutional approaches by rearranging spatial and temporal dimensions together, using a single convolution to mix both types of features into a comprehensive spatio-temporal patch representation. This representation is then processed in a purely convolutional framework, capable of focusing simultaneously on the interaction among near and distant patches, and subsequently allowing for efficient reconstruction of the predicted frames. Our architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance on STL benchmarks across different datasets and settings, while significantly improving computational efficiency in terms of parameters and computational FLOPs. The code is publicly available
In many situations humans have to reason with inconsistent knowledge. These inconsistencies may occur due to not fully reliable sources of information. In order to reason with inconsistent knowledge, it is not possible to view a set of premisses as absolute truths as is done in predicate logic. Viewing the set of premisses as a set of assumptions, however, it is possible to deduce useful conclusions from an inconsistent set of premisses. In this paper a logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge is described. This logic is a generalization of the work of N. Rescher [15]. In the logic a reliability relation is used to choose between incompatible assumptions. These choices are only made when a contradiction is derived. As long as no contradiction is derived, the knowledge is assumed to be consistent. This makes it possible to define an argumentation-based deduction process for the logic. For the logic a semantics based on the ideas of Y. Shoham [22, 23], is defined. It turns out that the semantics for the logic is a preferential semantics according to the definition S. Kraus, D. Lehmann and M. Magidor [12]. Therefore the logic is a logic of system P and possesses all the properties of an ideal non-monotonic logic.
The obtention of quantum-grade rare-earth doped oxide thin films that can be integrated with optical cavities and microwave resonators is of great interest for the development of scalable quantum devices. Among the different growth methods, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) offers high flexibility and has demonstrated the ability to produce oxide films hosting rare-earth ions with narrow linewidths. However, growing epitaxial films directly on silicon is challenging by CVD due to a native amorphous oxide layer formation at the interface. In this manuscript, we investigate the CVD growth of erbium-doped yttrium oxide (Er:Y2O3) thin films on different substrates, including silicon, sapphire, quartz or yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ). Alternatively, growth was also attempted on an epitaxial Y2O3 template layer on Si (111) prepared by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in order to circumvent the issue of the amorphous interlayer. We found that the substrate impacts the film morphology and the crystalline orientations, with different textures observed for the CVD film on the MBE-oxide/Si template (111) and epitaxial growth on YSZ (001). In terms of optical properties, Er3+ ions exhibit visible and IR emission features that are comparable for all samples, indicating a high-quality local crystalline environment regardless of the substrate. Our approach opens interesting prospects to integrate such films into scalable devices for optical quantum technologies.
Top-quark pair production is observed in lead-lead (Pb+Pb) collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector. The data sample was recorded in 2015 and 2018, amounting to an integrated luminosity of 1.9 nb$^{-1}$. Events with exactly one electron and one muon and at least two jets are selected. Top-quark pair production is measured with an observed (expected) significance of 5.0 (4.1) standard deviations. The measured top-quark pair production cross-section is $\sigma_{t\bar{t}} = 3.6\;^{+1.0}_{-0.9}\;\mathrm{(stat.)}\;^{+0.8}_{-0.5}\;\mathrm{(syst.)} ~\mathrm{\mu b}$, with a total relative uncertainty of 31%, and is consistent with theoretical predictions using a range of different nuclear parton distribution functions. The observation of this process consolidates the evidence of the existence of all quark flavors in the pre-equilibrium stage of the quark-gluon plasma at very high energy densities, similar to the conditions present in the early universe.
Text-to-image generation and text-guided image manipulation have received considerable attention in the field of image generation tasks. However, the mainstream evaluation methods for these tasks have difficulty in evaluating whether all the information from the input text is accurately reflected in the generated images, and they mainly focus on evaluating the overall alignment between the input text and the generated images. This paper proposes new evaluation metrics that assess the alignment between input text and generated images for every individual object. Firstly, according to the input text, chatGPT is utilized to produce questions for the generated images. After that, we use Visual Question Answering(VQA) to measure the relevance of the generated images to the input text, which allows for a more detailed evaluation of the alignment compared to existing methods. In addition, we use Non-Reference Image Quality Assessment(NR-IQA) to evaluate not only the text-image alignment but also the quality of the generated images. Experimental results show that our proposed evaluation approach is the superior metric that can simultaneously assess finer text-image alignment and image quality while allowing for the adjustment of these ratios.
We construct a holographic model to study the striped superconductor on ionic lattices. This model features a phase diagram with three distinct phases, namely the charge density wave (CDW) phase, ordinary superconducting phase (SC) and the striped superconducting phase (SSC). The effect of the ionic lattices on the phase diagram is investigated in detail. First, due to the periodic nature of the background, different types of CDW solutions can be found below the critical temperature. Furthermore, with the increase of the lattice amplitude these solutions are locked in different commensurate states. Second, we find that the critical temperature of CDW phase decreases with the increase of the lattice amplitude, while that of the SC phase increases. Additionally, the background solutions are obtained for different phases, and it is verified that the SSC phase has the lowest free energy among all three phases.
During the past decade, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) proved their value on a large variety of subjects. However despite their high value and public accessibility, the protection of the intellectual property of DNNs is still an issue and an emerging research field. Recent works have successfully extracted fully-connected DNNs using cryptanalytic methods in hard-label settings, proving that it was possible to copy a DNN with high fidelity, i.e., high similitude in the output predictions. However, the current cryptanalytic attacks cannot target complex, i.e., not fully connected, DNNs and are limited to special cases of neurons present in deep networks. In this work, we introduce a new end-to-end attack framework designed for model extraction of embedded DNNs with high fidelity. We describe a new black-box side-channel attack which splits the DNN in several linear parts for which we can perform cryptanalytic extraction and retrieve the weights in hard-label settings. With this method, we are able to adapt cryptanalytic extraction, for the first time, to non-fully connected DNNs, while maintaining a high fidelity. We validate our contributions by targeting several architectures implemented on a microcontroller unit, including a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) of 1.7 million parameters and a shortened MobileNetv1. Our framework successfully extracts all of these DNNs with high fidelity (88.4% for the MobileNetv1 and 93.2% for the MLP). Furthermore, we use the stolen model to generate adversarial examples and achieve close to white-box performance on the victim's model (95.8% and 96.7% transfer rate).
Let $\overline X$ be a smooth rigid variety over $C=\mathbb C_p$ admitting a lift $X$ over $B_{dR}^+$. In this paper, we use the stacky language to prove a nilpotent $p$-adic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. After introducing the moduli stack of $\mathbb B^+_{dR}$-local systems and $t$-connections, we prove that there is an equivalence of the nilpotent locus of the two stacks: $RH^0:LS^0_X \to tMIC^0_X$, where $LS^0_X$ is the stack of nilpotent $\mathbb B^+_{dR}$-local systems on $\overline X_{1,v}$ and $tMIC^0_X$ is the stack of $\mathcal{O}_X$-bundles with integrable $t$-connection on $X_{et}$.
Multimodal learning, which involves integrating information from various modalities such as text, images, audio, and video, is pivotal for numerous complex tasks like visual question answering, cross-modal retrieval, and caption generation. Traditional approaches rely on modality-specific encoders and late fusion techniques, which can hinder scalability and flexibility when adapting to new tasks or modalities. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel framework that extends the concept of task reformulation beyond natural language processing (NLP) to multimodal learning. We propose to reformulate diverse multimodal tasks into a unified next-frame prediction problem, allowing a single model to handle different modalities without modality-specific components. This method treats all inputs and outputs as sequential frames in a video, enabling seamless integration of modalities and effective knowledge transfer across tasks. Our approach is evaluated on a range of tasks, including text-to-text, image-to-text, video-to-video, video-to-text, and audio-to-text, demonstrating the model's ability to generalize across modalities with minimal adaptation. We show that task reformulation can significantly simplify multimodal model design across various tasks, laying the groundwork for more generalized multimodal foundation models.
Various technologies, including computer vision models, are employed for the automatic monitoring of manual assembly processes in production. These models detect and classify events such as the presence of components in an assembly area or the connection of components. A major challenge with detection and classification algorithms is their susceptibility to variations in environmental conditions and unpredictable behavior when processing objects that are not included in the training dataset. As it is impractical to add all possible subjects in the training sample, an alternative solution is necessary. This study proposes a model that simultaneously performs classification and anomaly detection, employing metric learning to generate vector representations of images in a multidimensional space, followed by classification using cross-entropy. For experimentation, a dataset of over 327,000 images was prepared. Experiments were conducted with various computer vision model architectures, and the outcomes of each approach were compared.
In the past few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based weather forecasting methods have widely demonstrated strong competitiveness among the weather forecasting systems. However, these methods are insufficient for high-spatial-resolution short-term nowcasting within 6 hours, which is crucial for warning short-duration, mesoscale and small-scale weather events. Geostationary satellite remote sensing provides detailed, high spatio-temporal and all-day observations, which can address the above limitations of existing methods. Therefore, this paper proposed an advanced data-driven thermal infrared cloud images forecasting model, "DaYu." Unlike existing data-driven weather forecasting models, DaYu is specifically designed for geostationary satellite observations, with a temporal resolution of 0.5 hours and a spatial resolution of ${0.05}^\circ$ $\times$ ${0.05}^\circ$. DaYu is based on a large-scale transformer architecture, which enables it to capture fine-grained cloud structures and learn fast-changing spatio-temporal evolution features effectively. Moreover, its attention mechanism design achieves a balance in computational complexity, making it practical for applications. DaYu not only achieves accurate forecasts up to 3 hours with a correlation coefficient higher than 0.9, 6 hours higher than 0.8, and 12 hours higher than 0.7, but also detects short-duration, mesoscale, and small-scale weather events with enhanced detail, effectively addressing the shortcomings of existing methods in providing detailed short-term nowcasting within 6 hours. Furthermore, DaYu has significant potential in short-term climate disaster prevention and mitigation.
Blazars are a subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with relativistic jets pointing toward the observer. They are notable for their flux variability at all observed wavelengths and timescales. Together with simultaneous measurements at lower energies, the very-high-energy (VHE) emission observed during blazar flares may be used to probe the population of accelerated particles. However, optimally triggering observations of blazar high states can be challenging. Notable examples include identifying a flaring episode in real time and predicting VHE flaring activity based on lower energy observables. For this purpose, we have developed a novel deep learning analysis framework, based on data-driven anomaly detection techniques. It is capable of detecting various types of anomalies in real-world, multiwavelength light curves, ranging from clear high states to subtle correlations across bands. Based on unsupervised anomaly detection and clustering methods, we differentiate source variability from noisy background activity, without the need for a labeled training dataset of flaring states. The framework incorporates measurement uncertainties and is robust given data quality challenges, such as varying cadences and observational gaps. We evaluate our approach using both historical data and simulations of blazar light curves in two energy bands, corresponding to sources observable with the Fermi Large Area Telescope, and the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). In a statistical analysis, we show that our framework can reliably detect known historical flares.
In this paper, we analyse an extension of the children's higher-or-lower number guessing game with two guessing players, where players alternate guessing a secret integer between 1 and n, and it is revealed whether these guesses are higher or lower than the secret number, with the first player to guess the number being the loser. We describe and prove the solution when both players are rational, which involves different guessing strategies dependent on the value of n modulo 4. We then consider the case where one player is not rational but instead makes all their guesses uniformly at random, while the other player plays to exploit this. We show that, in this case, the probability that the exploitative player wins approaches a constant (approximately 0.599) as n increases, and that the numbers 2 and n-1 are always optimal guesses for them.
Important advances have recently been made in the search for materials with complex multi-phase landscapes that host photoinduced metastable collective states with exotic functionalities. In almost all cases so far, the desired phases are accessed by exploiting light-matter interactions via the imaginary part of the dielectric function through above-bandgap or resonant mode excitation. Nonresonant Raman excitation of coherent modes has been experimentally observed and proposed for dynamic material control, but the resulting atomic excursion has been limited to perturbative levels. Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to overcome this challenge by employing nonresonant ultrashort pulses with low photon energies well below the bandgap. Using mid-infrared pulses, we induce ferroelectric reversal in lithium niobate and phase switching in tin selenide and characterize the large-amplitude mode displacements through femtosecond Raman scattering, second harmonic generation, and x-ray diffraction. This approach, validated by first-principle calculations, defines a novel method for synthesizing hidden phases with unique functional properties and manipulating complex energy landscapes at reduced energy consumption and ultrafast speeds.
Longitudinal analyses are increasingly used in clinical studies as they allow the study of subtle changes over time within the same subjects. In most of these studies, it is necessary to align all the images studied to a common reference by registering them to a template. In the study of white matter using the recently developed fixel-based analysis (FBA) method, this registration is important, in particular because the fiber bundle cross-section metric is a direct measure of this registration. In the vast majority of longitudinal FBA studies described in the literature, sessions acquired for a same subject are directly independently registered to the template. However, it has been shown in T1-based morphometry that a 2-step registration through an intra-subject average can be advantageous in longitudinal analyses. In this work, we propose an implementation of this 2-step registration method in a typical longitudinal FBA aimed at investigating the evolution of white matter changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We compared at the fixel level the mean absolute effect and standard deviation yielded by this registration method and by a direct registration, as well as the results obtained with each registration method for the study of AD in both fixelwise and tract-based analyses. We found that the 2-step method reduced the variability of the measurements and thus enhanced statistical power in both types of analyses.
We study internal diffusion limited aggregation on $\mathbb{Z}$, where a cluster is grown by sequentially adding the first site outside the cluster visited by each random walk dispatched from the origin. We assume that the increment distribution $X$ of the driving random walks has $\mathbb{E} X =0$, but may be neither simple nor symmetric, and can have $\mathbb{E} (X^2) = \infty$, for example. For the case where $\mathbb{E} (X^2) < \infty$, we prove that after $m$ walks have been dispatched, all but $o(m)$ sites in the cluster form an approximately symmetric contiguous block around the origin. This extends known results for simple random walk. On the other hand, if~$X$ is in the domain of attraction of a symmetric $\alpha$-stable law, $1 < \alpha <2$, we prove that the cluster contains a contiguous block of $\delta m +o(m)$ sites, where $0 < \delta < 1$, but, unlike the finite-variance case, one may not take $\delta=1$.
We study functions $f : [0, 1]^d \rightarrow [0, 1]^d$ that are both monotone and contracting, and we consider the problem of finding an $\varepsilon$-approximate fixed point of $f$. We show that the problem lies in the complexity class UEOPL. We give an algorithm that finds an $\varepsilon$-approximate fixed point of a three-dimensional monotone contraction using $O(\log (1/\varepsilon))$ queries to $f$. We also give a decomposition theorem that allows us to use this result to obtain an algorithm that finds an $\varepsilon$-approximate fixed point of a $d$-dimensional monotone contraction using $O((c \cdot \log (1/\varepsilon))^{\lceil d / 3 \rceil})$ queries to $f$ for some constant $c$. Moreover, each step of both of our algorithms takes time that is polynomial in the representation of $f$. These results are strictly better than the best-known results for functions that are only monotone, or only contracting. All of our results also apply to Shapley stochastic games, which are known to be reducible to the monotone contraction problem. Thus we put Shapley games in UEOPL, and we give a faster algorithm for approximating the value of a Shapley game.
We evaluate the Green's function for the insertion of the second moment of the twist-$2$ flavour nonsinglet Wilson operator in a quark $2$-point function in all three different single scale external momentum configurations at four loops in the MSbar scheme and the chiral limit. One configuration is where the operator is inserted at zero momentum while the other two are where a non-zero momentum flows out through the operator itself with one external quark momentum nullified. In the latter two configurations mixing of the operator with a total derivative twist-$2$ operator is included for renormalization group consistency. In addition we compute the correlation functions of both gauge invariant operators to four loops in the same scheme.
Although image-based virtual try-on has made considerable progress, emerging approaches still encounter challenges in producing high-fidelity and robust fitting images across diverse scenarios. These methods often struggle with issues such as texture-aware maintenance and size-aware fitting, which hinder their overall effectiveness. To address these limitations, we propose a novel garment perception enhancement technique, termed FitDiT, designed for high-fidelity virtual try-on using Diffusion Transformers (DiT) allocating more parameters and attention to high-resolution features. First, to further improve texture-aware maintenance, we introduce a garment texture extractor that incorporates garment priors evolution to fine-tune garment feature, facilitating to better capture rich details such as stripes, patterns, and text. Additionally, we introduce frequency-domain learning by customizing a frequency distance loss to enhance high-frequency garment details. To tackle the size-aware fitting issue, we employ a dilated-relaxed mask strategy that adapts to the correct length of garments, preventing the generation of garments that fill the entire mask area during cross-category try-on. Equipped with the above design, FitDiT surpasses all baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. It excels in producing well-fitting garments with photorealistic and intricate details, while also achieving competitive inference times of 4.57 seconds for a single 1024x768 image after DiT structure slimming, outperforming existing methods.
Jointly optimizing power allocation and device association is crucial in Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks to ensure devices achieve their data throughput requirements. Device association, which assigns IoT devices to specific access points (APs), critically impacts resource allocation. Many existing works often assume all data throughput requirements are satisfied, which is impractical given resource limitations and diverse demands. When requirements cannot be met, the system becomes infeasible, causing congestion and degraded performance. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework to enhance IoT system robustness by solving two problems, comprising maximizing the number of satisfied IoT devices and jointly maximizing both the number of satisfied devices and total network throughput. These objectives often conflict under infeasible circumstances, necessitating a careful balance. We thus propose a modified branch-and-bound (BB)-based method to solve the first problem. An iterative algorithm is proposed for the second problem that gradually increases the number of satisfied IoT devices and improves the total network throughput. We employ a logarithmic approximation for a lower bound on data throughput and design a fixed-point algorithm for power allocation, followed by a coalition game-based method for device association. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, serving fewer devices than the BB-based method but with faster running time and higher total throughput.
Multi-view learning often faces challenges in effectively leveraging images captured from different angles and locations. This challenge is particularly pronounced when addressing inconsistencies and uncertainties between views. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-View Uncertainty-Weighted Mutual Distillation (MV-UWMD) method. Our method enhances prediction consistency by performing hierarchical mutual distillation across all possible view combinations, including single-view, partial multi-view, and full multi-view predictions. This introduces an uncertainty-based weighting mechanism through mutual distillation, allowing effective exploitation of unique information from each view while mitigating the impact of uncertain predictions. We extend a CNN-Transformer hybrid architecture to facilitate robust feature learning and integration across multiple view combinations. We conducted extensive experiments using a large, unstructured dataset captured from diverse, non-fixed viewpoints. The results demonstrate that MV-UWMD improves prediction accuracy and consistency compared to existing multi-view learning approaches.
We introduce FedEvPrompt, a federated learning approach that integrates principles of evidential deep learning, prompt tuning, and knowledge distillation for distributed skin lesion classification. FedEvPrompt leverages two sets of prompts: b-prompts (for low-level basic visual knowledge) and t-prompts (for task-specific knowledge) prepended to frozen pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) models trained in an evidential learning framework to maximize class evidences. Crucially, knowledge sharing across federation clients is achieved only through knowledge distillation on attention maps generated by the local ViT models, ensuring enhanced privacy preservation compared to traditional parameter or synthetic image sharing methodologies. FedEvPrompt is optimized within a round-based learning paradigm, where each round involves training local models followed by attention maps sharing with all federation clients. Experimental validation conducted in a real distributed setting, on the ISIC2019 dataset, demonstrates the superior performance of FedEvPrompt against baseline federated learning algorithms and knowledge distillation methods, without sharing model parameters. In conclusion, FedEvPrompt offers a promising approach for federated learning, effectively addressing challenges such as data heterogeneity, imbalance, privacy preservation, and knowledge sharing.
Federated domain generalization (FedDG) aims to improve the global model generalization in unseen domains by addressing data heterogeneity under privacy-preserving constraints. A common strategy in existing FedDG studies involves sharing domain-specific knowledge among clients, such as spectrum information, class prototypes, and data styles. However, this knowledge is extracted directly from local client samples, and sharing such sensitive information poses a potential risk of data leakage, which might not fully meet the requirements of FedDG. In this paper, we introduce prompt learning to adapt pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) in the FedDG scenario, and leverage locally learned prompts as a more secure bridge to facilitate knowledge transfer among clients. Specifically, we propose a novel FedDG framework through Prompt Learning and AggregatioN (PLAN), which comprises two training stages to collaboratively generate local prompts and global prompts at each federated round. First, each client performs both text and visual prompt learning using their own data, with local prompts indirectly synchronized by regarding the global prompts as a common reference. Second, all domain-specific local prompts are exchanged among clients and selectively aggregated into the global prompts using lightweight attention-based aggregators. The global prompts are finally applied to adapt VLMs to unseen target domains. As our PLAN framework requires training only a limited number of prompts and lightweight aggregators, it offers notable advantages in computational and communication efficiency for FedDG. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior generalization ability of PLAN across four benchmark datasets.
Quantitative Information Flow (QIF) provides a robust information-theoretical framework for designing secure systems with minimal information leakage. While previous research has addressed the design of such systems under hard constraints (e.g. application limitations) and soft constraints (e.g. utility), scenarios often arise where the core system's behavior is considered fixed. In such cases, the challenge is to design a new component for the existing system that minimizes leakage without altering the original system. In this work we address this problem by proposing optimal solutions for constructing a new row, in a known and unmodifiable information-theoretic channel, aiming at minimizing the leakage. We first model two types of adversaries: an exact-guessing adversary, aiming to guess the secret in one try, and a s-distinguishing one, which tries to distinguish the secret s from all the other secrets.Then, we discuss design strategies for both fixed and unknown priors by offering, for each adversary, an optimal solution under linear constraints, using Linear Programming.We apply our approach to the problem of website fingerprinting defense, considering a scenario where a site administrator can modify their own site but not others. We experimentally evaluate our proposed solutions against other natural approaches. First, we sample real-world news websites and then, for both adversaries, we demonstrate that the proposed solutions are effective in achieving the least leakage. Finally, we simulate an actual attack by training an ML classifier for the s-distinguishing adversary and show that our approach decreases the accuracy of the attacker.
Having a better understanding of how locational marginal prices (LMPs) change helps in price forecasting and market strategy making. This paper investigates the fundamental distribution of the congestion part of LMPs in high-dimensional Euclidean space using an unsupervised approach. LMP models based on the lossless and lossy DC optimal power flow (DC-OPF) are analyzed to show the overlapping subspace property of the LMP data. The congestion part of LMPs is spanned by certain row vectors of the power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) matrix, and the subspace attributes of an LMP vector uniquely are found to reflect the instantaneous congestion status of all the transmission lines. The proposed method searches for the basis vectors that span the subspaces of congestion LMP data in hierarchical ways. In the bottom-up search, the data belonging to 1-dimensional subspaces are detected, and other data are projected on the orthogonal subspaces. This procedure is repeated until all the basis vectors are found or the basis gap appears. Top-down searching is used to address the basis gap by hyperplane detection with outliers. Once all the basis vectors are detected, the congestion status can be identified. Numerical experiments based on the IEEE 30-bus system, IEEE 118-bus system, Illinois 200-bus system, and Southwest Power Pool are conducted to show the performance of the proposed method.
In 2009, Calegari constructed smooth homotopy 4-spheres from monodromies of fibered knots. We prove that all these are diffeomorphic to the standard 4-sphere. Our method uses 5-dimensional handlebody techniques and results on mapping class groups of 3-dimensional handlebodies. As an application, we present potential counterexamples to the smooth 4-dimensional Schoenflies conjecture which are related to the work of Casson and Gordon on fibered ribbon knots.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have emerged as an influential technology, merging the swift and automated capabilities of machine learning with the precision and dependability of simulations grounded in theoretical physics. PINNs are often employed to solve algebraic or differential equations to replace some or even all steps of multi-stage computational workflows, leading to their significant speed-up. However, wide adoption of PINNs is still hindered by reliability issues, particularly at extreme ends of the input parameter ranges. In this study, we demonstrate this in the context of a system of coupled non-linear differential reaction-diffusion and heat transfer equations related to Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, which are solved by a finite-difference method with a PINN used in evaluating their source terms. It is shown that the testing strategies traditionally used to assess the accuracy of neural networks as function approximators can overlook the peculiarities which ultimately cause instabilities of the finite-difference solver. We propose a domain knowledge-based modifications to the PINN architecture ensuring its correct asymptotic behavior. When combined with an improved numerical scheme employed as an initial guess generator, the proposed modifications are shown to recover the overall stability of the simulations, while preserving the speed-up brought by PINN as the workflow component. We discuss the possible applications of the proposed hybrid transport equation solver in context of chemical reactors simulations.
We report the discovery of a rare isolated group of five dwarf galaxies located at z = 0.0086 ($D$ = 36 Mpc). All member galaxies are star-forming, blue, and gas-rich with $g-r$ indices ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mag, and two of them show signs of ongoing mutual interaction. The most massive member of the group has a stellar mass that is half of the Small Magellanic Cloud stellar mass, and the median stellar mass of the group members is 7.87 $\times$ 10$^{7}$ M$_{\odot}$. The derived total dynamical mass of the group is $M_{\rm dyn}$ = 6.02$\times$10$^{10}$ M$_{\odot}$, whereas its total baryonic mass (stellar + HI) is 2.6$\times$10$^{9}$ M$_{\odot}$, which gives us the dynamical to baryonic mass ratio of 23. Interestingly, all galaxies found in the group are aligned along a straight line in the plane of the sky. The observed spatial extent of the member galaxies is 154 kpc, and their relative line-of-sight velocity span is within 75 km s$^{-1}$. Using the spatially resolved optical spectra provided by DESI EDR, we find that three group members share a common rotational direction. With these unique properties of the group and its member galaxies, we discuss the possible importance of such a system in the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxy groups and in testing the theory of large-scale structure formation.
Determining the creep compliances of orthotropic composite materials requires experiments in at least three different uniaxial and biaxial loading directions. Up to date, data respecting multiple climates and all anatomical directions are sparse for hygro-responsive materials like Norway spruce. Consequently, simulation models of wood frequently over-simplify creep, e.g., by proportionally scaling missing components or neglecting climatic influences. To overcome such simplifications, an automated computer-controlled climatized creep rack was developed, that experimentally assesses moisture-dependent viscoelasticity and mechanosorption in all anatomical directions. The device simultaneously measures the creep strains of three dogbone tension samples, three flat compression samples, and six Arcan shear samples via Digital Image Correlation. This allows for ascertaining the complete orthotropic compliance tensors while accounting for loading direction asymmetries. This paper explains the creep rack's structure and demonstrates its use by determining all nine independent creep compliance components of Norway spruce at 65% relative humidity. The data shows that loading asymmetry effects amount up to 16%. Furthermore, the found creep compliance tensor is not proportional to the elastic compliance tensor. By clustering the compliance components, we identify four necessary components to represent the full orthotropy of the compliance tensor, obtainable from not less than two experiments.
The constant workspace algorithms use a constant number of words in addition to the read-only input to the algorithm stored in an array. In this paper, we devise algorithms to efficiently compute relative hulls in the plane using a constant workspace. Specifically, we devise algorithms for the following three problems: \newline (i) Given two simple polygons $P$ and $Q$ with $P \subseteq Q$, compute a simple polygon $P'$ with a perimeter of minimum length such that $P \subseteq P' \subseteq Q$. \newline (ii) Given two simple polygons $P$ and $Q$ such that $Q$ does not intersect the interior of $P$ but it does intersects with the interior of the convex hull of $P$, compute a weakly simple polygon $P'$ contained in the convex hull of $P$ such that the perimeter of $P'$ is of minimum length. \newline (iii) Given a set $S$ of points located in a simple polygon $P$, compute a weakly simple polygon $P' \subseteq P$ with a perimeter of minimum length such that $P'$ contains all the points in $S$. \newline To our knowledge, no prior works devised algorithms to compute relative hulls using a constant workspace and this work is the first such attempt.
Effective usage of approximate circuits for various performance trade-offs requires accurate computation of error. Several average and worst case error metrics have been proposed in the literature. We propose a framework for exact computation of these error metrics, including the error rate (ER), mean absolute error (MAE), mean squared error (MSE) and the worst-case error (WCE). We use a combination of SAT and message-passing algorithms. Our algorithm takes as input the CNF formula for the exact and approximate circuits followed by a subtractor that finds the difference of the two outputs. This is converted into a tree, with each vertex of the tree associated with a sub-formulas and all satisfying solutions to it. Once this is done, any probability can be computed by setting appropriate error bits and using a message passing algorithm on the tree. Since message-passing is fast, besides ER and MAE, computation of metrics like MSE is also very efficient. In fact, it is possible to get the entire probability distribution of the error. Besides standard benchmarks, we could compute the error metrics exactly for approximate Gaussian and Sobel filters, which has not been done previously.
The goal of multi-object tracking (MOT) is to detect and track all objects in a scene across frames, while maintaining a unique identity for each object. Most existing methods rely on the spatial motion features and appearance embedding features of the detected objects in consecutive frames. Effectively and robustly representing the spatial and appearance features of long trajectories has become a critical factor affecting the performance of MOT. We propose a novel approach for appearance and spatial feature representation, improving upon the clustering association method MOT\_FCG. For spatial motion features, we propose Diagonal Modulated GIoU, which more accurately represents the relationship between the position and shape of the objects. For appearance features, we utilize a dynamic appearance representation that incorporates confidence information, enabling the trajectory appearance features to be more robust and global. Based on the baseline model MOT\_FCG, we achieved 76.1 HOTA, 80.4 MOTA and 81.3 IDF1 on the MOT17 validation set, and also achieved competitive performance on the MOT20 and DanceTrack validation sets.
The NSGA-II is the most prominent multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (cited more than 50,000 times). Very recently, a mathematical runtime analysis has proven that this algorithm can have enormous difficulties when the number of objectives is larger than two (Zheng, Doerr. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (2024)). However, this result was shown only for the OneMinMax benchmark problem, which has the particularity that all solutions are on the Pareto front, a fact heavily exploited in the proof of this result. In this work, we show a comparable result for the LeadingOnesTrailingZeroes benchmark. This popular benchmark problem appears more natural in that most of its solutions are not on the Pareto front. With a careful analysis of the population dynamics of the NGSA-II optimizing this benchmark, we manage to show that when the population grows on the Pareto front, then it does so much faster by creating known Pareto optima than by spreading out on the Pareto front. Consequently, already when still a constant fraction of the Pareto front is unexplored, the crowding distance becomes the crucial selection mechanism, and thus the same problems arise as in the optimization of OneMinMax. With these and some further arguments, we show that the NSGA-II, with a population size by at most a constant factor larger than the Pareto front, cannot compute the Pareto front in less than exponential time.
We aim to provide more insights into the applicability to solar coronal seismology of the much-studied discrete leaky modes (DLMs) in classic analyses. Under linear ideal pressureless MHD, we examine two-dimensional (2D) axial fundamental kink motions that arise when localized velocity exciters impact some symmetric slab equilibria. Continuous structuring is allowed for. A 1D initial value problem (IVP) is formulated in conjunction with an eigenvalue problem (EVP) for laterally open systems, with no strict boundary conditions (BCs) at infinity. The IVP is solved by eigenfunction expansion, allowing a clear distinction between the contributions from proper eigenmodes and improper continuum eigenmodes. Example solutions are offered for parameters typical of active region loops. Our solutions show that the system evolves towards long periodicities due to proper eigenmodes (of order the axial Alfven time), whereas the interference of the improper continuum may lead to short periodicities initially (of order the lateral Alfven time). Specializing to the slab axis, we demonstrate that the proper contribution strengthens with the density contrast, but may occasionally be stronger for less steep density profiles. Short periodicities are not guaranteed in the improper contribution, the details of the initial exciter being key. When identifiable, these periodicities tend to agree with the oscillation frequencies expected for DLMs, despite the differences in the BCs between our EVP and classic analyses. The eigenfunction expansion approach enables all qualitative features to be interpreted as the interplay between the initial exciter and some response function, the latter solely determined by the equilibria. Classic theories for DLMs can find seismological applications, with time-dependent studies offering additional ways for constraining initial exciters.
We present analytical and numerical calculations for the photon polarization tensor at finite temperature and density in a constant magnetic field. We first discuss the tensor decomposition in the presence of the magnetic field which breaks rotational symmetry. Then, we analytically perform all the momentum integrations and numerically take the Landau level sum. We present the real and imaginary parts of the photon polarization tensor as functions of the momenta, the chemical potential, and the finite temperature. As an application, we consider the real photon limit and estimate the photon decay rate in the hot and dense medium. We specifically quantify the difference between the X-mode and the O-mode with the polarization orthogonal and parallel to the magnetic field. As long as the magnetic field is weak, the decay rate of the X-mode photon is larger than that of the O-mode photon, while the O-mode becomes dominant due to the Landau level suppression of the X-mode at strong magnetic field.
The installation of high-capacity fast chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) is posing a significant risk to the distribution grid as the increased demand from widespread residential EV charging could exceed the technical limits of the distribution system. Addressing this issue is critical, given that current infrastructure upgrades to enhance EV hosting capacity are both costly and time-consuming. Moreover, the inherent uncertainties associated with EV charging parameters make it challenging for power utilities to accurately assess the impact of EVs added to specific locations. To address these knowledge gaps, this study (a) introduces an algorithm to coordinate residential EV charging, and (b) proposes a comprehensive framework that evaluates all transformers within a feeder. The proposed method is applied to a real-world feeder, which includes 120 transformers of varying capacities. The results demonstrate that this approach effectively manages a substantial number of EVs without overloading any of the transformers, while also pinpointing locations that must be prioritized for future upgrades. This framework can serve as a valuable reference for utilities when conducting distribution system evaluations for supporting the growing EV penetration.
We explore birational geometry of matroids by investigating automorphisms of their coarse Bergman fans. Combinatorial Cremona maps provide such automorphisms of Bergman fans which are not induced by matroid automorphisms. We investigate the structure of matroids allowing combinatorial Cremona maps and prove a realizability criterion in the presence of two different Cremonas. We also prove that for all matroids associated to Coxeter arrangements the group of coarse automorphisms of the Bergman fan is generated by the matroid automorphisms and at most one combinatorial Cremona map.
Purpose: Journal Impact Factors and other citation-based indicators are widely used and abused to help select journals to publish in or to estimate the value of a published article. Nevertheless, citation rates primarily reflect scholarly impact rather than other quality dimensions, including societal impact, originality, and rigour. In contrast, Journal Quality Factors (JQFs) are average quality score estimates given to a journal's articles by ChatGPT. Design: JQFs were compared with Polish, Norwegian and Finnish journal ranks and with journal citation rates for 1,300 journals with 130,000 articles from 2021 in large monodisciplinary journals in the 25 out of 27 Scopus broad fields of research for which it was possible. Outliers were also examined. Findings: JQFs correlated positively and mostly strongly (median correlation: 0.641) with journal ranks in 24 out of the 25 broad fields examined, indicating a nearly science-wide ability for ChatGPT to estimate journal quality. Journal citation rates had similarly high correlations with national journal ranks, however, so JQFs are not a universally better indicator. An examination of journals with JQFs not matching their journal ranks suggested that abstract styles may affect the result, such as whether the societal contexts of research are mentioned. Limitations: Different journal rankings may have given different findings because there is no agreed meaning for journal quality. Implications: The results suggest that JQFs are plausible as journal quality indicators in all fields and may be useful for the (few) research and evaluation contexts where journal quality is an acceptable proxy for article quality, and especially for fields like mathematics for which citations are not strong indicators of quality. Originality: This is the first attempt to estimate academic journal value with a Large Language Model.
A measurement of the $B^{0}$ meson lifetime and related properties using $B^0 \to J/\psi K^{*0}$ decays in data from 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$ recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The measured effective lifetime is $$ \tau = 1.5053 \pm 0.0012 ~\mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.0035 ~\mathrm{(syst.)~ps}. $$ The average decay width extracted from the effective lifetime, using parameters from external sources, is $$ \Gamma_d = 0.6639 \pm 0.0005 ~\mathrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.0016 ~\mathrm{(syst.)}\pm 0.0038 ~\textrm{(ext.)} \textrm{ ps}^{-1}, $$ where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic and from external sources. The earlier ATLAS measurement of $\Gamma_s$ in the $B^0_s \to J/\psi\phi$ decay was used to derive a value for the ratio of the average decay widths $\Gamma_d$ and $\Gamma_s$ for $B^{0}$ and $B_s^{0}$ mesons respectively, of $$ \frac{\Gamma_d }{\Gamma_s } = 0.9905 \pm 0.0022 ~\textrm{(stat.)} \pm 0.0036 ~\textrm{(syst.)} \pm 0.0057 ~\textrm{(ext.)}. $$ The measured lifetime, average decay width and decay width ratio are in agreement with theoretical predictions and with measurements by other experiments. This measurement provides the most precise result of the effective lifetime of the $B^{0}$ meson to date.
Classification in the sense of similarity is an important issue. In this paper, we study similarity classification in Topological Data Analysis. We define a pseudometric $d_{S}^{(p)}$ to measure the distance between barcodes generated by persistent homology groups of topological spaces, and we provide that our pseudometric $d_{S}^{(2)}$ is a similarity invariant. Thereby, we establish a connection between Operator Theory and Topological Data Analysis. We give the calculation formula of the pseudometric $d_{S}^{(2)}$ $(d_{S}^{(1)})$ by arranging all eigenvalues of matrices determined by barcodes in descending order to get the infimum over all matchings. Since conformal linear transformation is one representative type of similarity transformations, we construct comparative experiments on both synthetic datasets and waves from an online platform to demonstrate that our pseudometric $d_{S}^{(2)}$ $(d_{S}^{(1)})$ is stable under conformal linear transformations, whereas the bottleneck and Wasserstein distances are not. In particular, our pseudometric on waves is only related to the waveform but is independent on the frequency and amplitude. Furthermore, the computation time for $d_{S}^{(2)}$ $(d_{S}^{(1)})$ is significantly less than the computation time for bottleneck distance and is comparable to the computation time for accelerated Wasserstein distance between barcodes.
This paper addresses the collision detection problem in population protocols. The network consists of state machines called agents. At each time step, exactly one pair of agents is chosen uniformly at random to have an interaction, changing the states of the two agents. The collision detection problem involves each agent starting with an input integer between $1$ and $n$, where $n$ is the number of agents, and requires those agents to determine whether there are any duplicate input values among all agents. Specifically, the goal is for all agents to output false if all input values are distinct, and true otherwise. In this paper, we present an algorithm that requires a polynomial number of states per agent and solves the collision detection problem with probability one in sub-linear parallel time, both with high probability and in expectation. To the best of our knowledge, this algorithm is the first to solve the collision detection problem using a polynomial number of states within sublinear parallel time, affirmatively answering the question raised by Burman, Chen, Chen, Doty, Nowak, Severson, and Xu [PODC 2021] for the first time.
Autonomous manipulation in everyday tasks requires flexible action generation to handle complex, diverse real-world environments, such as objects with varying hardness and softness. Imitation Learning (IL) enables robots to learn complex tasks from expert demonstrations. However, a lot of existing methods rely on position/unilateral control, leaving challenges in tasks that require force information/control, like carefully grasping fragile or varying-hardness objects. As the need for diverse controls increases, there are demand for low-cost bimanual robots that consider various motor inputs. To address these challenges, we introduce Bilateral Control-Based Imitation Learning via Action Chunking with Transformers(Bi-ACT) and"A" "L"ow-cost "P"hysical "Ha"rdware Considering Diverse Motor Control Modes for Research in Everyday Bimanual Robotic Manipulation (ALPHA-$\alpha$). Bi-ACT leverages bilateral control to utilize both position and force information, enhancing the robot's adaptability to object characteristics such as hardness, shape, and weight. The concept of ALPHA-$\alpha$ is affordability, ease of use, repairability, ease of assembly, and diverse control modes (position, velocity, torque), allowing researchers/developers to freely build control systems using ALPHA-$\alpha$. In our experiments, we conducted a detailed analysis of Bi-ACT in unimanual manipulation tasks, confirming its superior performance and adaptability compared to Bi-ACT without force control. Based on these results, we applied Bi-ACT to bimanual manipulation tasks. Experimental results demonstrated high success rates in coordinated bimanual operations across multiple tasks. The effectiveness of the Bi-ACT and ALPHA-$\alpha$ can be seen through comprehensive real-world experiments. Video available at: https://mertcookimg.github.io/alpha-biact/
This article is concerned with ``up to $C^{2, \alpha}$-regularity results'' about a mixed local-nonlocal nonlinear elliptic equation which is driven by the superposition of Laplacian and fractional Laplacian operators. First of all, an estimate on the $L^\infty$ norm of weak solutions is established for more general cases than the ones present in the literature, including here critical nonlinearities. We then prove the interior $C^{1,\alpha}$-regularity and the $C^{1,\alpha}$-regularity up to the boundary of weak solutions, which extends previous results by the authors [X. Su, E. Valdinoci, Y. Wei and J. Zhang, Math. Z. (2022)], where the nonlinearities considered were of subcritical type. In addition, we establish the interior $C^{2,\alpha}$-regularity of solutions for all $s\in(0,1)$ and the $C^{2,\alpha}$-regularity up to the boundary for all $s\in(0,\frac{1}{2})$, with sharp regularity exponents. For further perusal, we also include a strong maximum principle and some properties about the principal eigenvalue.
Variable Subset Forecasting (VSF) refers to a unique scenario in multivariate time series forecasting, where available variables in the inference phase are only a subset of the variables in the training phase. VSF presents significant challenges as the entire time series may be missing, and neither inter- nor intra-variable correlations persist. Such conditions impede the effectiveness of traditional imputation methods, primarily focusing on filling in individual missing data points. Inspired by the principle of feature engineering that not all variables contribute positively to forecasting, we propose Task-Oriented Imputation for VSF (TOI-VSF), a novel framework shifts the focus from accurate data recovery to directly support the downstream forecasting task. TOI-VSF incorporates a self-supervised imputation module, agnostic to the forecasting model, designed to fill in missing variables while preserving the vital characteristics and temporal patterns of time series data. Additionally, we implement a joint learning strategy for imputation and forecasting, ensuring that the imputation process is directly aligned with and beneficial to the forecasting objective. Extensive experiments across four datasets demonstrate the superiority of TOI-VSF, outperforming baseline methods by $15\%$ on average.
A $k$-star is a complete bipartite graph $K_{1,k}$. A partial $k$-star design of order $n$ is a pair $(V,\mathcal{A})$ where $V$ is a set of $n$ vertices and $\mathcal{A}$ is a set of edge-disjoint $k$-stars whose vertex sets are subsets of $V$. If each edge of the complete graph with vertex set $V$ is in some star in $\mathcal{A}$, then $(V,\mathcal{A})$ is a (complete) $k$-star design. We say that $(V,\mathcal{A})$ is completable if there is a $k$-star design $(V,\mathcal{B})$ such that $\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathcal{B}$. In this paper we determine, for all $k$ and $n$, the minimum number of stars in an uncompletable partial $k$-star design of order $n$.
We present the first HI mass function (HIMF) measurement for the recent FAST All Sky HI (FASHI) survey and the most complete measurements of HIMF in the local universe so far by combining the HI catalogues from HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS), Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) and FASHI surveys at redshift 0 < z < 0.05, covering 76% of the entire sky. We adopt the same methods to estimate distances, calculate sample completeness, and determine the HIMF for all three surveys. The best-fitting Schechter function for the total HIMF has a low-mass slope parameter alpha = -1.30 and a knee mass log(Ms) = 9.86 and a normalization phi_s = 0.00658. This gives the cosmic HI abundance omega_HI= 0.000454. We find that a double Schechter function with the same slope alpha better describes our HIMF, and the two different knee masses are log(Ms1) = 9.96 and log(Ms2) = 9.65. We verify that the measured HIMF is marginally affected by the choice of distance estimates. The effect of cosmic variance is significantly suppressed by combining the three surveys and it provides a unique opportunity to obtain an unbiased estimate of the HIMF in the local universe.
Visual navigation takes inspiration from humans, who navigate in previously unseen environments using vision without detailed environment maps. Inspired by this, we introduce a novel no-RL, no-graph, no-odometry approach to visual navigation using feudal learning to build a three tiered agent. Key to our approach is a memory proxy map (MPM), an intermediate representation of the environment learned in a self-supervised manner by the high-level manager agent that serves as a simplified memory, approximating what the agent has seen. We demonstrate that recording observations in this learned latent space is an effective and efficient memory proxy that can remove the need for graphs and odometry in visual navigation tasks. For the mid-level manager agent, we develop a waypoint network (WayNet) that outputs intermediate subgoals, or waypoints, imitating human waypoint selection during local navigation. For the low-level worker agent, we learn a classifier over a discrete action space that avoids local obstacles and moves the agent towards the WayNet waypoint. The resulting feudal navigation network offers a novel approach with no RL, no graph, no odometry, and no metric map; all while achieving SOTA results on the image goal navigation task.
Today navigation applications (e.g., Waze and Google Maps) enable human users to learn and share the latest traffic observations, yet such information sharing simply aids selfish users to predict and choose the shortest paths to jam each other. Prior routing game studies focus on myopic users in oversimplified one-shot scenarios to regulate selfish routing via information hiding or pricing mechanisms. For practical human-in-the-loop learning (HILL) in repeated routing games, we face non-myopic users of differential past observations and need new mechanisms (preferably non-monetary) to persuade users to adhere to the optimal path recommendations. We model the repeated routing game in a typical parallel transportation network, which generally contains one deterministic path and $N$ stochastic paths. We first prove that no matter under the information sharing mechanism in use or the latest routing literature's hiding mechanism, the resultant price of anarchy (PoA) for measuring the efficiency loss from social optimum can approach infinity, telling arbitrarily poor exploration-exploitation tradeoff over time. Then we propose a novel user-differential probabilistic recommendation (UPR) mechanism to differentiate and randomize path recommendations for users with differential learning histories. We prove that our UPR mechanism ensures interim individual rationality for all users and significantly reduces $\text{PoA}=\infty$ to close-to-optimal $\text{PoA}=1+\frac{1}{4N+3}$, which cannot be further reduced by any other non-monetary mechanism. In addition to theoretical analysis, we conduct extensive experiments using real-world datasets to generalize our routing graphs and validate the close-to-optimal performance of UPR mechanism.
Compute-and-forward (CF) is a relaying strategy which allows the relay to decode a linear combination of the transmitted messages. This work studies the optimal power allocation problem for the CF scheme in fast fading channels for maximizing the symmetric computation rate, which is a non-convex optimization problem with no simple analytical or numerical solutions. In the first part of the paper, we investigate the problem when there are finitely many channel states (discrete case). We establish several important properties of the optimal solutions and show that if all users share the same power allocation policy (symmetric policy), the optimal solution takes the form of a water-filling type when the power constraint exceeds a certain threshold. However, if asymmetric policies are allowed, the optimal solution does not take this form for any power constraint. We propose a low-complexity order-based algorithm for both scenarios and compare its performance with baseline algorithms. In the second part of the paper, we state relevant results when the channel coefficients are modelled as continuous random variables (continuous case) and propose a similar low-complexity iterative algorithm for the symmetric policy scenario. Numerical results are provided for both discrete and continuous cases. It is shown that in general our proposed algorithm finds good suboptimal solutions with low complexity, and for some examples considered, finds an exact optimal solution.
Mutation testing was proposed to identify weaknesses in test suites by repeatedly generating artificially faulty versions of the software (mutants) and determining if the test suite is sufficient to detect them (kill them). When the tests are insufficient, each surviving mutant provides an opportunity to improve the test suite. We conducted a study and found that many such surviving mutants (up to 84% for the subjects of our study) are detectable by simply augmenting existing tests with additional assertions, or assertion amplification. Moreover, we find that many of these mutants are detectable by multiple existing tests, giving developers options for how to detect them. To help with these challenges, we created a technique that performs memory-state analysis to identify candidate assertions that developers can use to detect the surviving mutants. Additionally, we build upon prior research that identifies ``crossfiring'' opportunities -- tests that coincidentally kill multiple mutants. To this end, we developed a theoretical model that describes the varying granularities that crossfiring can occur in the existing test suite, which provide opportunities and options for how to kill surviving mutants. We operationalize this model to an accompanying technique that optimizes the assertion amplification of the existing tests to crossfire multiple mutants with fewer added assertions, optionally concentrated within fewer tests. Our experiments show that we can kill all surviving mutants that are detectable with existing test data with only 1.1% of the identified assertion candidates, and increasing by a factor of 6x, on average, the number of killed mutants from amplified tests, over tests that do not crossfire.
We study the booklink, a braid-like embedding with local maxima and minima, and the bridge-braid spectrum of a link, which captures the smallest number of braid-strands in a booklink with a prescribed number of critical points. This spectrum spans the gap between the classical bridge and braid indices. We apply a foliation theory argument to provide a formula for the spectra of both split and composite links. We then generate a table for the spectra of all prime knots up to 9 crossings.
Let ${\mathcal M}_g$ be the moduli space of compact connected Riemann surfaces of genus $g\geq 2$ and let $\widehat{{\mathcal M}_g}$ be its Deligne-Mumford compactification, which is stratified by the topological type of the stable Riemann surfaces. We consider the equisymmetric loci in $\mathcal M_g$ corresponding to Riemann surfaces whose automorphism group is abelian and determine the topological type of the maximal dimension strata at their boundary. For the particular cases of the hyperelliptic and the cyclic $p$-gonal actions, we describe all the topological strata at the boundary in terms of trees with a fixed number of edges.
For a hypergraph $\mathbb{H}$ on $[n]$, the hypergraphic poset $P_\mathbb{H}$ is the transitive closure of the oriented skeleton of the hypergraphic polytope $\triangle_\mathbb{H}$ (the Minkowski sum of the standard simplices $\triangle_H$ for all $H \in \mathbb{H}$). Hypergraphic posets include the weak order for the permutahedron (when $\mathbb{H}$ is the complete graph on $[n]$) and the Tamari lattice for the associahedron (when $\mathbb{H}$ is the set of all intervals of $[n]$), which motivates the study of lattice properties of hypergraphic posets. In this paper, we focus on interval hypergraphs, where all hyperedges are intervals of $[n]$. We characterize the interval hypergraphs $\mathbb{I}$ for which $P_\mathbb{I}$ is a lattice, a distributive lattice, a semidistributive lattice, and a lattice quotient of the weak order.
Optimal control theory extending from the calculus of variations has not been used to study the wind turbine power system (WTPS) control problem, which aims at achieving two targets: (i) maximizing power generation in lower wind speed conditions; and (ii) maintaining the output power at the rated level in high wind speed conditions. A lack of an optimal control framework for the WTPS (i.e., no access to actual optimal control trajectories) reduces optimal control design potential and prevents competing control methods of WTPSs to have a reference control solution for comparison. In fact, the WTPS control literature often relies on reduced and linearized models of WTPSs, and avoids the nonsmoothness present in the system during transitions between different conditions of operation. In this paper, we introduce a novel optimal control framework for the WTPS control problem. We use in our formulation a recent accurate, nonlinear differential-algebraic equation (DAE) model of WTPSs, which we then generalize over all wind speed ranges using non-smooth functions. We also use developments in nonsmooth optimal control theory to take into account nonsmoothness present in the system. We implement this new WTPS optimal control approach to solve the problem numerically, including (i) different wind speed profiles for testing the system response; (ii) real-world wind data; and (iii) a comparison with smoothing and naive approaches. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
While deep learning has revolutionized computer-aided drug discovery, the AI community has predominantly focused on model innovation and placed less emphasis on establishing best benchmarking practices. We posit that without a sound model evaluation framework, the AI community's efforts cannot reach their full potential, thereby slowing the progress and transfer of innovation into real-world drug discovery. Thus, in this paper, we seek to establish a new gold standard for small molecule drug discovery benchmarking, WelQrate. Specifically, our contributions are threefold: WelQrate Dataset Collection - we introduce a meticulously curated collection of 9 datasets spanning 5 therapeutic target classes. Our hierarchical curation pipelines, designed by drug discovery experts, go beyond the primary high-throughput screen by leveraging additional confirmatory and counter screens along with rigorous domain-driven preprocessing, such as Pan-Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS) filtering, to ensure the high-quality data in the datasets; WelQrate Evaluation Framework - we propose a standardized model evaluation framework considering high-quality datasets, featurization, 3D conformation generation, evaluation metrics, and data splits, which provides a reliable benchmarking for drug discovery experts conducting real-world virtual screening; Benchmarking - we evaluate model performance through various research questions using the WelQrate dataset collection, exploring the effects of different models, dataset quality, featurization methods, and data splitting strategies on the results. In summary, we recommend adopting our proposed WelQrate as the gold standard in small molecule drug discovery benchmarking. The WelQrate dataset collection, along with the curation codes, and experimental scripts are all publicly available at WelQrate.org.
We computed for the first time the $\tau$ data-driven Euclidean windows for the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2. We showed that $\tau$-based results agree with the available lattice window evaluations and with the full result. On the intermediate window, where all lattice evaluations are rather precise and agree, $\tau$-based results are compatible with them. This is particularly interesting, given that the disagreement of the $e^+e^-$ data-driven result with the lattice values in this window is the main cause for their discrepancy, affecting the interpretation of the $a_\mu$ measurement in terms of possible new physics.
A recent result by Kardo\v{s}, M\'a\v{c}ajov\'a and Zerafa [J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B. 160 (2023) 1--14] related to the famous Berge-Fulkerson conjecture implies that given an arbitrary set of odd pairwise edge-disjoint cycles, say $\mathcal O$, in a bridgeless cubic graph, there exists a $1$-factor intersecting all cycles in $\mathcal O$ in at least one edge. This remarkable result opens up natural generalizations in the case of an $r$-regular graph $G$ and a $t$-factor $F$, with $r$ and $t$ being positive integers. In this paper, we start the study of this problem by proving necessary and sufficient conditions on $G$, $t$ and $r$ to assure the existence of a suitable $F$ for any possible choice of the set $\mathcal O$. First of all, we show that $G$ needs to be $2$-connected. Under this additional assumption, we highlight how the ratio $\frac{t}{r}$ seems to play a crucial role in assuring the existence of a $t$-factor $F$ with the required properties by proving that $\frac{t}{r} \geq \frac{1}{3}$ is a further necessary condition. We suspect that this condition is also sufficient, and we confirm it in the case $\frac{t}{r}=\frac{1}{3}$, generalizing the case $t=1$ and $r=3$ proved by Kardo\v{s}, M\'a\v{c}ajov\'a, Zerafa, and in the case $\frac{t}{r}=\frac{1}{2}$ with $t$ even. Finally, we provide further results in the case of cycles of arbitrary length.
We consider fair resource allocation in sequential decision-making environments modeled as weakly coupled Markov decision processes, where resource constraints couple the action spaces of $N$ sub-Markov decision processes (sub-MDPs) that would otherwise operate independently. We adopt a fairness definition using the generalized Gini function instead of the traditional utilitarian (total-sum) objective. After introducing a general but computationally prohibitive solution scheme based on linear programming, we focus on the homogeneous case where all sub-MDPs are identical. For this case, we show for the first time that the problem reduces to optimizing the utilitarian objective over the class of "permutation invariant" policies. This result is particularly useful as we can exploit Whittle index policies in the restless bandits setting while, for the more general setting, we introduce a count-proportion-based deep reinforcement learning approach. Finally, we validate our theoretical findings with comprehensive experiments, confirming the effectiveness of our proposed method in achieving fairness.
Guessing Codeword Decoding (GCD) is a recently proposed soft-input forward error correction decoder for arbitrary linear forward error correction codes. Inspired by recent proposals that leverage binary linear codebook structure to reduce the number of queries made by Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND), for binary linear codes that include one full single parity-check (SPC) bit, we show that it is possible to reduce the number of queries made by GCD by a factor of up to 2 without impacting decoding precision. The greatest guesswork reduction is realized at lower SNRs, where the decoder output is usually correct but guesswork is most burdensome. Codes without a SPC can be modified to include one by swapping a column of the generator matrix for an all-ones column to obtain a decoding complexity advantage, and we demonstrate that this can often be done without losing decoding precision. To practically avail of the complexity advantage, a noise effect pattern generator capable of producing sequences for given Hamming weights, such as the one underlying ORBGRAND, is necessary.
Self-assembly of nanoscale synthetic subunits is a promising bottom-up strategy for fabrication of functional materials. Here, we introduce a design principle for DNA origami nanoparticles of 50-nm size, exploiting modularity, to make a family of versatile subunits that can target an abundant variety of self-assembled structures. The subunits are based on a core module that remains constant among all the subunits. Variable bond modules and angle modules are added to the exterior of the core to control interaction specificity, strength and structural geometry. A series of subunits with designed bond/angle modules are demonstrated to self-assemble into a rich variety of structures with different Gaussian curvatures, exemplified by sheets, spherical shells, and tubes. The design features flexible joints implemented using single-stranded angle modules between adjacent subunits whose mechanical properties, such as bending elastic moduli, are inferred from cryo-EM. Our findings suggest that incorporating a judicious amount of flexibility in the bond provides error tolerances in design and fabrication while still guaranteeing target fidelity. Lastly, while increasing flexibility could introduce greater variability and potential errors in assembly, these effects can be counterbalanced by increasing the number of distinct bonds, thereby allowing for precise targeting of specific structural binding angles within a broad range of configurations.
In a recent paper (Gonzalez et al., 2023), we investigated the motion of grains within a granular bed sheared by a viscous fluid, and showed how segregation and hardening occur in the fluid- (bedload) and solid-like (creep) regions. In this paper, we inquire further into the mechanisms leading to grain segregation in a bidisperse bed, and how the forces are distributed. For that, we carried out numerical simulations at the grain scale by using CFD-DEM (computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method), with which we were able to track the positions, velocities, forces, and solid contacts underwent by each grain. We show that during the upward motion of large grains the direct action of fluid forces is significant in the middle and upper parts of the bedload layer, while only contact forces are significant in the creep layer and lower part of the bedload layer. We also show that in all cases the particles experience a moment about a -45 degrees contact point (with respect to the horizontal plane) when migrating upward, whether entrained by other contacts or directly by the fluid. In addition, we show the variations in the average solid-solid contacts, and how forces caused either by solid-solid contacts or directly by the fluid are distributed within the bed. Our results provide the relationship between force propagation and reorganization of grains in sheared beds, explaining mechanisms found, for example, in river beds and landslides.
This study aimed to identify and analyze the characteristics of highly cited publications in the field of artificial intelligence within the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1991 to 2022. The assessment focused on documents that garnered 100 citations or more from the Web of Science Core Collection, spanning from their publication date to the end of 2022. Various aspects of these documents were analyzed, encompassing document types, the distribution of annual production, the average number of citations per publication, Web of Science categories, and journals. Moreover, the publication performance of countries, institutions, and authors underwent evaluation through six publication indicators and associated citation metrics. To facilitate a comprehensive comparison of the authors research performance, the Y-index was employed. The outcomes of the analysis revealed that a majority of the highly cited articles were published within the Web of Science categories of "artificial intelligence computer science" and "electrical and electronic engineering". Notably, the United States exhibited dominance across all six publication indicators. Within the realm of average citations per publication, the United Kingdom emerged as a leader for independent articles, first-author articles, and corresponding-author articles. Exceptionally, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA, contributed significantly. The significant impact of highly cited articles extended to the output of Stanford University in the USA. B.L. Bassler published the most highly cited articles. Upon employing the Y-index analysis, J.E.P. Santos was identified as having the highest potential for publication. In addition to the primary analysis, this study also presented nine classic articles that have left an indelible mark on artificial intelligence research.
Machine learning (ML) defenses protect against various risks to security, privacy, and fairness. Real-life models need simultaneous protection against multiple different risks which necessitates combining multiple defenses. But combining defenses with conflicting interactions in an ML model can be ineffective, incurring a significant drop in the effectiveness of one or more defenses being combined. Practitioners need a way to determine if a given combination can be effective. Experimentally identifying effective combinations can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly when multiple defenses need to be combined. We need an inexpensive, easy-to-use combination technique to identify effective combinations. Ideally, a combination technique should be (a) accurate (correctly identifies whether a combination is effective or not), (b) scalable (allows combining multiple defenses), (c) non-invasive (requires no change to the defenses being combined), and (d) general (is applicable to different types of defenses). Prior works have identified several ad-hoc techniques but none satisfy all the requirements above. We propose a principled combination technique, Def\Con, to identify effective defense combinations. Def\Con meets all requirements, achieving 90% accuracy on eight combinations explored in prior work and 81% in 30 previously unexplored combinations that we empirically evaluate in this paper.
We build and discuss a low energy effective field theory for anisotropic anti-ferromagnets in presence of an external magnetic field. Such an effective theory is simple yet rich, and features a number of phenomena such as the appearance of gapped Goldstones, pseudo-Goldstones and a "spin flop" phase transition, all within the regime of validity of the theory. We also discuss in detail, the quantization procedure of the free theory in the presence of a magnetic field, which is made non-trivial by the presence of a single-time derivative term. This class of materials make a precious test field for exotic phenomena in quantum field theory. Moreover, we explicitly perform the matching of the effective theory to the short distance theory of a specific anti-ferromagnet, namely, nickel oxide. The latter is particularly relevant in light of recent proposals of employing this material towards the hunt for light dark matter. As a byproduct of our study, we also re-evaluate the role played by discrete symmetries in magnetic materials, presenting it in a way that is completely consistent with the proper low energy EFT ideology.
Given a source image of a clothed person (an image subject), AI-based nudification applications can produce nude (undressed) images of that person. Moreover, not only do such applications exist, but there is ample evidence of the use of such applications in the real world and without the consent of an image subject. Still, despite the growing awareness of the existence of such applications and their potential to violate the rights of image subjects and cause downstream harms, there has been no systematic study of the nudification application ecosystem across multiple applications. We conduct such a study here, focusing on 20 popular and easy-to-find nudification websites. We study the positioning of these web applications (e.g., finding that most sites explicitly target the nudification of women, not all people), the features that they advertise (e.g., ranging from undressing-in-place to the rendering of image subjects in sexual positions, as well as differing user-privacy options), and their underlying monetization infrastructure (e.g., credit cards and cryptocurrencies). We believe this work will empower future, data-informed conversations -- within the scientific, technical, and policy communities -- on how to better protect individuals' rights and minimize harm in the face of modern (and future) AI-based nudification applications. Content warning: This paper includes descriptions of web applications that can be used to create synthetic non-consensual explicit AI-created imagery (SNEACI). This paper also includes an artistic rendering of a user interface for such an application.
The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a near-term quantum algorithm aimed at solving combinatorial optimization problems. Since its introduction, various generalizations have emerged, spanning modifications to the initial state, phase unitaries, and mixer unitaries. In this work, we present an analytical study of broad families of QAOA variants. We begin by examining a family of QAOA with product mixers, which includes single-body mixers parametrized by multiple variational angles, and derive exact analytical expressions for the cost expectation on weighted problem graphs in the single-layer ansatz setting. We then analyze a family of QAOA that employs many-body Grover-type mixers, deriving analogous analytical expressions for weighted problem hypergraphs in the setting of arbitrarily many circuit ansatz layers. For both families, we allow individual phase angles for each node and edge (hyperedge) in the problem graph (hypergraph). Our results reveal that, in contrast to product mixers, the Grover mixer is sensitive to contributions from cycles of all lengths in the problem graph, exhibiting a form of non-locality. Our study advances the understanding of QAOA's behavior in general scenarios, providing a foundation for further theoretical exploration.
We present the first set of high-resolution, hydrodynamical cosmological simulations of galaxy formation in a Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM) framework. These simulations were performed with a new version of the GASOLINE2 code, known as FUZZY-GASOLINE, which can simulate quantum FDM effects alongside a comprehensive baryonic model that includes metal cooling, star formation, supernova feedback, and black hole physics, previously used in the NIHAO simulation suite. Using thirty zoom-in simulations of galaxies with halo masses in the range $10^9 \lesssim M_{\text{halo}}/M_{\odot} \lesssim 10^{11}$, we explore how the interplay between FDM quantum potential and baryonic processes influences dark matter distributions and observable galaxy properties. Our findings indicate that both baryons and low-mass FDM contribute to core formation within dark matter profiles, though through distinct mechanisms: FDM-induced cores emerge in all haloes, particularly within low-mass systems at high redshift, while baryon-driven cores form within a specific mass range and at low redshift. Despite these significant differences in dark matter structure, key stellar observables such as star formation histories and velocity dispersion profiles remain remarkably similar to predictions from the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, making it challenging to distinguish between CDM and FDM solely through stellar observations.
The mass of galaxy clusters is a critical quantity for probing cluster cosmology and testing theories of gravity, but its measurement could be biased given assumptions are inevitable. In this paper, we employ and compare two mass proxies for galaxy clusters: thermodynamics of the intracluster medium and kinematics of member galaxies. We select 22 galaxy clusters from the cluster catalog in the first SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey (eRASS1) that have sufficient optical and near-infrared observations. We generate multi-band images in the energy range of (0.3, 7) keV for each cluster, and derive their temperature profiles, gas mass profiles and hydrostatic mass profiles using a parametric approach that does not assume dark matter halo models. With spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies collected from multiple surveys, we numerically solve the spherical Jeans equation for their dynamical mass profiles. Our results quantify the correlation between dynamical mass and line-of-sight velocity dispersion with an rms scatter of 0.14 dex. We find the two mass proxies lead to roughly the same total mass, with no observed systematic bias. As such, the $\sigma_8$ tension is not specific to hydrostatic mass or weak lensing shears, but also appears with galaxy kinematics. We also compare our hydrostatic masses with the latest weak lensing masses inferred with scaling relations. The comparison shows the weak lensing mass is significantly higher than our hydrostatic mass by $\sim$110%. This might explain the significantly larger value of $\sigma_8$ from the latest measurement using eRASS1 clusters than almost all previous estimates in the literature. Finally, we test the radial acceleration relation (RAR) established in disk galaxies. We confirm the missing baryon problem in the inner region of galaxy clusters using three independent mass proxies for the first time.
We propose a model for a finite-size particle detector, which allows us to derive its stress-energy tensor. This tensor is obtained from a covariant Lagrangian that describes not only the quantum field that models the detector, $\phi_{\text{d}}$, but also the systems responsible for its localization: a complex scalar field, $\psi_{\text{c}}$, and a perfect fluid. The local interaction between the detector and the complex field ensures the square integrability of the detector modes, while the fluid serves to define the spatial profile of $\psi_{\text{c}}$, localizing it in space. We then demonstrate that, under very general conditions, the resulting energy tensor -- incorporating all components of the system -- is physically reasonable and satisfies the energy conditions.
Given any positive integer $r$, Nahm's problem is to determine all $r\times r$ rational positive definite matrix $A$, $r$-dimensional rational vector $B$ and rational scalar $C$ such that the rank $r$ Nahm sum associated with $(A,B,C)$ is modular. Around 2007, Zagier conjectured that if the rank $r$ Nahm sum for $(A,B,C)$ is modular, then so is the dual Nahm sum associated with $(A^{-1},A^{-1}B,B^\mathrm{T} A^{-1}B/2-{r}/{24}-C)$. We construct some explicit rank four Nahm sums which are modular while their duals are not modular. This provides counterexamples to Zagier's duality conjecture.
One potential route toward fault-tolerant universal quantum computation is to use non-Abelian topological codes. In this work, we investigate how to achieve this goal with the quantum double model $\mathcal{D}(S_3)$ -- a specific non-Abelian topological code. By embedding each on-site Hilbert space into a qubit-qutrit pair, we give an explicit construction of the circuits for creating, moving, and locally measuring all non-trivial anyons. We also design a specialized anyon interferometer to measure the total charge remotely for well-separated anyons; this avoids fusing them together. These protocols enable the implementation of a universal gate set proposed by Cui et al. and active quantum error correction of the circuit-level noise during the computation process. To further reduce the error rate and facilitate error correction, we encode each physical degree of freedom of $\mathcal{D}(S_3)$ into a novel, quantum, error-correcting code, enabling fault-tolerant realization, at the logical level, of all gates in the anyon manipulation circuits. Our proposal offers a promising path to realize universal topological quantum computation in the NISQ era.
In the high energy limit, $s\gg -t$, amplitudes in planar gauge theories Reggeize, with power law behavior $\big( \frac{s}{-t} \big)^{\alpha(t)}$ governed by the Regge trajectory $\alpha(t)$. Beyond the planar limit this simplicity is violated by "Regge cuts", for which practical organizational principles are still being developed. We use a top-down effective field theory organization based on color projection in the $t$ channel and rapidity evolution equations for collinear impact factors, to sum large $s\gg -t$ logarithms for Regge cut contributions. The results are matrix equations which are closed within a given color channel. To illustrate the method we derive in QCD with $SU(N_c)$ for the first time a closed 6$\times$6 evolution equation for the "decupletons" in the $\text{10}\oplus\overline{\text{10}}$ Regge color channel, a 2$\times$2 evolution equation for the "triantapentons" in the $\text{35}\oplus\overline{\text{35}}$ color channel, and a scalar evolution equation for the "tetrahexaconton" in the 64 color channel. More broadly, our approach allows us to describe generic Reggeization phenomena in non-planar gauge theories, providing valuable data for the all loop structure of amplitudes beyond the planar limit.
In this article, we introduce and analyse some statistical properties of a class of models of random landscapes of the form ${\cal H}({\bf x})=\frac{\mu}{2}{\bf x}^2+\sum_{l=1}^M \phi_l({\bf k}_l\cdot {\bf x}), \, \, {\bf x}\in \mathbb{R}^N,\,\, \mu>0 $ where both the functions $\phi_l(z)$ and vectors ${\bf k}_l$ are random. An important example of such landscape describes superposition of $M$ plane waves with random amplitudes, directions of the wavevectors, and phases, further confined by a parabolic potential of curvature $\mu$. Our main efforts are directed towards analysing the landscape features in the limit $N\to \infty, M\to \infty$ keeping $\alpha=M/N$ finite. In such a limit we find (i) the rates of asymptotic exponential growth with $N$ of the mean number of all critical points and of local minima known as the annealed complexities and (ii) the expression for the mean value of the deepest landscape minimum (the ground-state energy). In particular, for the latter we derive the Parisi-like optimisation functional and analyse conditions for the optimiser to reflect various phases for different values of $\mu$ and $\alpha$: replica-symmetric, one-step and full replica symmetry broken, as well as criteria for continuous, Gardner and random first order transitions between different phases.
Several statistical models for regression of a function $F$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$ without the statistical and computational curse of dimensionality exist, for example by imposing and exploiting geometric assumptions on the distribution of the data (e.g. that its support is low-dimensional), or strong smoothness assumptions on $F$, or a special structure $F$. Among the latter, compositional models assume $F=f\circ g$ with $g$ mapping to $\mathbb{R}^r$ with $r\ll d$, have been studied, and include classical single- and multi-index models and recent works on neural networks. While the case where $g$ is linear is rather well-understood, much less is known when $g$ is nonlinear, and in particular for which $g$'s the curse of dimensionality in estimating $F$, or both $f$ and $g$, may be circumvented. In this paper, we consider a model $F(X):=f(\Pi_\gamma X) $ where $\Pi_\gamma:\mathbb{R}^d\to[0,\rm{len}_\gamma]$ is the closest-point projection onto the parameter of a regular curve $\gamma: [0,\rm{len}_\gamma]\to\mathbb{R}^d$ and $f:[0,\rm{len}_\gamma]\to\mathbb{R}^1$. The input data $X$ is not low-dimensional, far from $\gamma$, conditioned on $\Pi_\gamma(X)$ being well-defined. The distribution of the data, $\gamma$ and $f$ are unknown. This model is a natural nonlinear generalization of the single-index model, which corresponds to $\gamma$ being a line. We propose a nonparametric estimator, based on conditional regression, and show that under suitable assumptions, the strongest of which being that $f$ is coarsely monotone, it can achieve the $one$-$dimensional$ optimal min-max rate for non-parametric regression, up to the level of noise in the observations, and be constructed in time $\mathcal{O}(d^2n\log n)$. All the constants in the learning bounds, in the minimal number of samples required for our bounds to hold, and in the computational complexity are at most low-order polynomials in $d$.
Background: Open-Source Pre-Trained Models (PTMs) and datasets provide extensive resources for various Machine Learning (ML) tasks, yet these resources lack a classification tailored to Software Engineering (SE) needs. Aims: We apply an SE-oriented classification to PTMs and datasets on a popular open-source ML repository, Hugging Face (HF), and analyze the evolution of PTMs over time. Method: We conducted a repository mining study. We started with a systematically gathered database of PTMs and datasets from the HF API. Our selection was refined by analyzing model and dataset cards and metadata, such as tags, and confirming SE relevance using Gemini 1.5 Pro. All analyses are replicable, with a publicly accessible replication package. Results: The most common SE task among PTMs and datasets is code generation, with a primary focus on software development and limited attention to software management. Popular PTMs and datasets mainly target software development. Among ML tasks, text generation is the most common in SE PTMs and datasets. There has been a marked increase in PTMs for SE since 2023 Q2. Conclusions: This study underscores the need for broader task coverage to enhance the integration of ML within SE practices.
In this article, we study the effect of invisible neutrino decay of the third neutrino state for accelerator neutrino experiments at two different baselines, 1300 km with a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) detector (similar to DUNE) and 2588 km with a water Cherenkov detector (similar to P2O). For such baselines, the matter effect starts to become important. Our aim is to ascertain the sensitivity to mass hierarchy and octant of $\theta_{23}$ in these two experiments in the presence of a decaying neutrino state. We compare and contrast the results of the two experimental setups. We find that, in general, hierarchy sensitivity decreases in the presence of decay. However, if we consider decay only in the opposite hierarchy (test scenario), in the 2588 km setup, the hierarchy sensitivity with the true hierarchy as IH is larger than the no decay case. We also study the dependence of hierarchy sensitivity with true $\theta_{23}$. We find that the dominant muon background in P2O plays an important role in how the hierarchy sensitivity depends on $\theta_{23}$. The octant sensitivity for both setups increases in the presence of decay except for the LArTPC setup in case true $\theta_{23}=49^\circ$. To understand the octant sensitivity results in the two setups, we check the synergy in sensitivity between electron and muon channels as a function of test $\theta_{23}$. We also study the degeneracies in the test $\theta_{23}-\delta_{CP}$ plane and find that combined analysis of the two setups removes all the degeneracies in the test $\theta_{23}-\delta_{CP}$ plane at $5\sigma$ significance.
The concept of Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) density is pivotal across various mathematical fields, including model theory, discrete geometry, and probability theory. In this paper, we introduce a topological generalization of VC-density. Let $Y$ be a topological space and $\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Z}^{(0)},\ldots,\mathcal{Z}^{(q-1)}$ be families of subspaces of $Y$. We define a two parameter family of numbers, $\mathrm{vcd}^{p,q}_{\mathcal{X},\overline{\mathcal{Z}}}$, which we refer to as the degree $p$, order $q$, VC-density of the pair \[ (\mathcal{X},\overline{\mathcal{Z}} = (\mathcal{Z}^{(0)},\ldots,\mathcal{Z}^{(q-1)}). \] The classical notion of VC-density within this topological framework can be recovered by setting $p=0, q=1$. For $p=0, q > 0$, we recover Shelah's notion of higher-order VC-density for $q$-dependent families. Our definition introduces a new notion when $p>0$. Our main result establishes that that in any model of these theories \[ \mathrm{vcd}^{p,q}_{\mathcal{X},\overline{\mathcal{Z}}} \leq (p+q) \dim X. \] This result generalizes known VC-density bounds in these structures, extending them in multiple ways, as well as providing a uniform proof paradigm applicable to all of them. We give examples to show that our bounds are optimal. We present combinatorial applications of our higher-degree VC-density bounds, deriving topological analogs of well-known results such as the existence of $\varepsilon$-nets and the fractional Helly theorem. We show that with certain restrictions, these results extend to our higher-degree topological setting.
We holographically study quantum chaos in hyperscaling-violating Lifshitz (HVL) theories (with charge). Particularly, we present a detailed computation of the out-of-time ordered correlator (OTOC) via the shockwave analysis in the bulk HVL geometry with a planar horizon topology. We also compute the butterfly velocity ($v_{B}$) using the entanglement wedge reconstruction and find that the result matches the one obtained from shockwave analysis. Furthermore, we analyze in detail, the behavior of $v_{B}$ with respect to the dynamical critical exponent (z), hyperscaling-violating parameter ($\theta$), charge (Q) and the horizon radius ($r_{h}$). We interestingly find non-monotonic behavior of $v_{B}$ with respect to z (in the allowed region and for certain (not all) fixed, permissible values of $\theta$, Q and $r_{h}$) and $\theta$ (in the allowed region and for certain (not all) fixed, permissible values of z, Q and $r_{h}$). Moreover, $v_{B}$ is found to monotonically decrease with an increase in charge (for all permissible, fixed values of z, $\theta$ and $r_{h}$), whereas it is found to monotonically increase with $r_{h}$ (for all fixed, permissible values of z, $\theta$ and Q). Unpacking these features can offer some valuable insights into the chaotic nature of HVL theories.
The ATLAS collaboration at the LHC has published inclusive cross-section measurements for the single-top and \ttbar production modes at center-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s} = 5.02, 8.16$, $13$, and $13.6$ TeV. Single-top measurements are conducted in the $t$-channel and $tW$ channel. In addition to the nominal cross-section measurements, various measurements of other interesting observables such as the $V_{tb}$ element of the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix, the ratio of the inclusive cross-sections between $tq$ and $t\overline{q}$, the ratio of inclusive cross-sections between $t\overline{t}$ and $Z\rightarrow \ell\ell$, and the nuclear modification factor (defined as the ratio of the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross section in heavy-ion collisions to the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross-section in $pp$ collisions) are also reported. These results are compared to their corresponding SM predictions, calculated at (N)NLO in QCD. All results are in good agreement with SM predictions.
During language model decoding, it is known that using higher temperature sampling gives more creative responses, while lower temperatures are more factually accurate. However, such models are commonly applied to general instruction following, which involves both creative and fact seeking tasks, using a single fixed temperature across all examples and tokens. In this work, we introduce Adaptive Decoding, a layer added to the model to select the sampling temperature dynamically at inference time, at either the token or example level, in order to optimize performance. To learn its parameters we introduce Latent Preference Optimization (LPO) a general approach to train discrete latent variables such as choices of temperature. Our method outperforms all fixed decoding temperatures across a range of tasks that require different temperatures, including UltraFeedback, Creative Story Writing, and GSM8K.
We present complete results for the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment $a_\mu$ in the short- and intermediate-distance window regions, which account for roughly 10% and 35% of the total HVP contribution to $a_\mu$, respectively. In particular, we perform lattice-QCD calculations for the isospin-symmetric connected and disconnected contributions, as well as corrections due to strong isospin-breaking. For the short-distance window observables, we investigate the so-called log-enhancement effects as well as the significant oscillations associated with staggered quarks in this region. For the dominant, isospin-symmetric light-quark connected contribution, we obtain $a^{ll,\,{\mathrm{SD}}}_{\mu}(\mathrm{conn.}) = 48.116(16)(94)[96] \times 10^{-10}$ and $a^{ll,\,{\mathrm{W}}}_{\mu}(\mathrm{conn.}) = 207.06(17)(63)[66] \times 10^{-10}$. We use Bayesian model averaging combined with a global bootstrap to fully estimate the covariance matrix between the individual contributions. Our determinations of the complete window contributions are $a^{{\mathrm{SD}}}_{\mu} = 69.01(2)(21)[21] \times 10^{-10}$ and $a^{{\mathrm{W}}}_{\mu} = 236.57(20)(94)[96] \times 10^{-10}$. This work is part of our ongoing effort to compute all contributions to HVP with an overall uncertainty at the few permille level.
Supersymmetry (SUSY) addresses several problems of the Standard Model, such as the naturalness problem and gauge coupling unification, and can provide cosmologically viable dark matter candidates. SUSY must be broken at high energy scales with mechanisms like gravity, anomaly, gauge mediation, etc. This paper revisits the Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking (GMSB) scenarios in the context of data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment. The ATLAS mono-photon search at 139 inverse femtobarn integrated luminosity at the 13 TeV LHC, in the context of a simplified General Gauge Mediation (GGM) scenario (which is a phenomenological version of GMSB with an agnostic approach to the nature of the hidden sector), relies on assumptions that do not hold across the entire parameter space. We identify a few crucial assumptions regarding the decay widths of SUSY particles into final states with gravitinos that affect the LHC limits on the masses of the SUSY particles. Our study aims to reinterpret the ATLAS constraints on the gluino-NLSP mass plane, considering all possible decay modes of SUSY particles in a realistic GGM model.
We present a polynomial-time reduction from max-average constraints to the feasibility problem for semidefinite programs. This shows that Condon's simple stochastic games, stochastic mean payoff games, and in particular mean payoff games and parity games can all be reduced to semidefinite programming.
Specifying all desirable properties of a language model is challenging, but certain requirements seem essential. Given samples from an unknown language, the trained model should produce valid strings not seen in training and be expressive enough to capture the language's full richness. Otherwise, outputting invalid strings constitutes "hallucination," and failing to capture the full range leads to "mode collapse." We ask if a language model can meet both requirements. We investigate this within a statistical language generation setting building on Gold and Angluin. Here, the model receives random samples from a distribution over an unknown language K, which belongs to a possibly infinite collection of languages. The goal is to generate unseen strings from K. We say the model generates from K with consistency and breadth if, as training size increases, its output converges to all unseen strings in K. Kleinberg and Mullainathan [KM24] asked if consistency and breadth in language generation are possible. We answer this negatively: for a large class of language models, including next-token prediction models, this is impossible for most collections of candidate languages. This contrasts with [KM24]'s result, showing consistent generation without breadth is possible for any countable collection of languages. Our finding highlights that generation with breadth fundamentally differs from generation without breadth. As a byproduct, we establish near-tight bounds on the number of samples needed for generation with or without breadth. Finally, our results offer hope: consistent generation with breadth is achievable for any countable collection of languages when negative examples (strings outside K) are available alongside positive ones. This suggests that post-training feedback, which encodes negative examples, can be crucial in reducing hallucinations while limiting mode collapse.