[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nיסדל\naflere\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "aflere", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "delatumeit", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "D-E-L-A-T-U-M-E-I-T", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "lnufs", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "L-N-U-F-S", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "illuítriffimos", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "I-L-L-U-Í-T-R-I-F-F-I-M-O-S", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Eryrteireyr\ncpvxotg\nEtiauuninc", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "cpvxotg", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "hånda", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "5", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "bisher", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "B-I-S-H-E-R", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "propofui", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "P-R-O-P-O-F-U-I", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "sbaffenfhoftanb", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "SBAFFENFHOFTANB", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "rologitcheskich", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "R-O-L-O-G-I-T-C-H-E-S-K-I-C-H", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Fackelzug\nfingerebe", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Fackelzug", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "тгаоссиро", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "9", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "لعهوضرم", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "7", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Edifeirwch\nVerfonen\ntárgyalási", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Edifeirwch", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "לעפיסי", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ל-ע-פ-י-ס-י", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "akokidvek", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "9", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "בקרבי", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ב-ק-ר-ב-י", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "irrégulier", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "I-R-R-É-G-U-L-I-E-R", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "croesi", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "CROESI", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "LEFTIAREGNA", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "leftiaregna", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nheimstiure\ninali\nndádež\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "inali", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "altalod\nipfislaqueo\nJicito", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "altalod", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "الامر", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "الامر", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "թաւչնոց", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Թ-Ա-Ւ-Չ-Ն-Ո-Ց", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "cangrenano", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "C-A-N-G-R-E-N-A-N-O", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nklappern\nfeimento\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "klappern", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "הסונס", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "5", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "огідте", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "6", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ZERKRALZEN", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "zerkralzen", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "subochraceâ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "11", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "باصدیرمق", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ب-ا-ص-د-ی-ر-م-ق", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "דאתימניה", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ד-א-ת-י-מ-נ-י-ה", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "trennenden", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "TRENNENDEN", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "GISCHEK", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "gischek", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "paradiesapfels", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "PARADIESAPFELS", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "estendere", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ESTENDERE", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "függő", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "FÜGGŐ", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "لالحمد", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "لالحمد", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "המורא", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "5", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\ndesatados\nبمضهر\nначала\nAoyovras\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Aoyovras", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "غاسردازی", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "غاسردازی", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "cbüreu", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "C-B-Ü-R-E-U", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nmatematiske\ninhonoroa\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "inhonoroa", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "πιότις", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Π-Ι-Ό-Τ-Ι-Σ", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "lacessiti", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "9", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "recenjin", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "RECENJIN", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "sivées\nmlvolat", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "sivées", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "SPROGFORSKNINGEN", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "sprogforskningen", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "gleð", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "G-L-E-Ð", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Spathellam\nfiBre\nbőrmfivek", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "fiBre", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "TETTOR", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "tettor", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "запвиіпігіо", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "11", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nirgalmamot\ntakettí\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "takettí", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "totvar", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "6", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "autresfois", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "A-U-T-R-E-S-F-O-I-S", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "pobídne", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "POBÍDNE", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Prideauxiana\nbonyolultságára\ngeachte\ndoviek", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "doviek", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "thed", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "THED", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ἆθεαά", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Ἆ-Θ-Ε-Α-Ά", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "sebnega", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "S-E-B-N-E-G-A", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "اممتلی", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "6", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "AMABILITÉ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "amabilité", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "Blindhcit\nbantnt", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Blindhcit", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "τνχΗν\njussus\neserine\nSUeranbcr", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "SUeranbcr", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ῥατγ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "4", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nעלייהו\nzuglelch\nttletovaaig\nbteleud\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "עלייהו", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "tciot", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "5", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "يأورففيها", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ي-أ-و-ر-ف-ف-ي-ه-ا", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "HIHETEM", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "hihetem", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "τυφλῷ\nOpbub", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "τυφλῷ", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "cyllell", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "C-Y-L-L-E-L-L", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "lalnnungsartige", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "L-A-L-N-N-U-N-G-S-A-R-T-I-G-E", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "confervce", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "C-O-N-F-E-R-V-C-E", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ЗЬГАПІГДЕ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "зьгапігде", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ESZITÉS", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "eszités", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "genieinschaftlicbe", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "G-E-N-I-E-I-N-S-C-H-A-F-T-L-I-C-B-E", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\ngravido\nדכנסס\nosramotili\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "gravido", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "fwgam", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "5", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "längſtens\nOdopdyos\nfällbom", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "fällbom", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "انسنان\nWafr\nfuardiis\nЖЕБЕНІ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ЖЕБЕНІ", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "exurov", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "E-X-U-R-O-V", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "verzihen", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "VERZIHEN", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "EDOVS", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "edovs", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\nsALICIFOLIA\ntemenza\nkxzos\nLoprestym\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "sALICIFOLIA", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "atbrodjdd", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "9", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "császártól", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "10", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "ΜΕΓΆΛΗΙ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "μεγάλῃ", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "phcutt", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "P-H-C-U-T-T", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "czadosoknak", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "11", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "respectueux\nالرقا\nacracli", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "الرقا", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "rüeffen", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "R-Ü-E-F-F-E-N", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "NOVEMBRL\nsanft\nnttem", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "sanft", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "feodo", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "F-E-O-D-O", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a list of words and the assistant will pick one word at random and write it.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "reformacijsko\nvyxeivwv\nmitteldeutsches\nלההואדרוככ", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "reformacijsko", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "טסככיל", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "ט-ס-כ-כ-י-ל", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word and the assistant will write the length of the word.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "moluccensis", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "11", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "Given the following list of words:\n\npanovníky\nműkifejezéseket\nWalterja\npropenfio\n\nPick one at random and write it.", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Walterja", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a lowercase word and the assistant will write the spelling of word using uppercase characters separated with hyphens.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "žalibog", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "Ž-A-L-I-B-O-G", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "MĚCHÝF", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "měchýf", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]
[ { "content": "The user will provide a word in either all-uppercase or all-lowercase. The assistant will write the word using the opposite case.", "role": "system", "training": null }, { "content": "NEULACH", "role": "user", "training": null }, { "content": "neulach", "role": "assistant", "training": null } ]