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The Camping Trip
Lucas stared at the TV screen. He was playing his favorite video game. He steered steered a race car with his controls controls. The car zoomed along a mountain road. It was very hot outside. But the air conditioner in Lucas’s room kept it nice and cool. The microwave oven in the kitchen beeped. Lucas paused his game. He ran and got a pocket pizza out of the oven. Then he took it back to his room. He munched as he played the game. “Lucas! Come on! It’s time to leave!” His dad called out. “Okay!” Lucas called back. He walked outside, where his dad had the car packed for a camping trip. “This is going to be a great trip,” said Mr. Torres. “Just you, me, and the stars.” “Sure,” Lucas said. But he wasn’t exactly paying attention. He climbed into the car. Then he turned on his portable video game. Lucas played the game while his father drove drove. Two hours later, his father stopped the car. “Here we are, son,” he said. Lucas looked out of the car. They were in the middle of the woods. The car was parked in a small clearing. Lucas got out of the car, confused. Tall trees grew all around them. Small plants grew under his feet. It was very hot, even in the shade. “What is this?” Lucas asked. “It’s our campsite,” Mr. Torres said. “No TV. No air conditioning. Just peace and quiet. Isn’t that great?” Lucas didn’t know what to say. It didn’t sound great at all!
The passage begins
A. at the campsite. B. in the car. C. at Lucas's house. D. none of the above.
The passage ends
A. in the car. B. in a mythical land. C. in the woods. D. in a tent.
Mr. Torres seems to
A. be a good father. B. love adventure. C. enjoy nature. D. all of the above.
This passage is
A. science fiction. B. realistic fiction. C. historical fiction. D. a tall tale.
A Day to Celebrate Earth
Each year, Earth Day is celebrated in April. On Earth Day, millions of people will think of ways to stop pollution. They will talk about recycling recycling and planting trees. People will look for ways to save energy and water. People have been celebrating Earth Day since 1970. Earth Day was started by a man named Gaylord Nelson. Nelson was a United States senator from Wisconsin. He was worried about the damage being done to the planet. To celebrate Earth Day, people get together once a year to think about ways to protect protect Earth. But many people think that every day should be Earth Day. They say people should always work to stop and clean up the land and water. Here are a few ways that you can help make every day Earth Day! Don't litter! Be a good example for other kids. If you see litter, pick it up and put it in trash cans or recycling recycling bins. Cans, bottles, and newspapers can be recycled recycled. That means these objects are put through a special process so they can be used again. Start a can recycling recycling program at your school. Use the money you earn from returning the cans to buy new playground equipment or to have an Earth Day party. Paper is made from trees. You can save a tree by not wasting paper. Use both sides. Celebrate National Arbor Day by planting a tree. This holiday encourages people to plant and care for trees. You can easily conserve conserve, or save, water. Turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth and washing your face. Save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room. Do not leave a radio or TV on if you aren't using it.
Someone would read this passage to
A. learn about the Earth. B. learn about trees. C. learn about the life of Gaylord Nelson. D. get information on how to best take care of the earth.
The author mentions Gaylord Nelson in this passage, because
A. Nelson started Earth Day. B. Nelson started Arbor Day. C. Nelson was a senator. D. Nelson was from Wisconsin.
In the sentence, “If you see litter, pick it up and put it in trash cans or recycling bins,” the word litter can be replaced with the word or words
A. milk cartons B. paper. C. trash. D. trees.
The author includes the part called, “Save a Tree, Plant a Tree,”
A. to encourage people to save paper. B. to encourage people to plant trees. C. to teach people about Arbor Day. D. all of the above.
When Trees Get Thirsty
More than 60% of the human body is made of water. We have to drink every day to keep water in our bodies. Trees are similar. They are made of about 50% water, and, like us, they need to drink each day. But how do they do it? Trees are plants and have roots roots, stems, branches, and leaves. The parts you can see are the stem (called a trunk trunk), the branches, and the leaves. Trees also have roots roots below the ground that we can’t see unless we dig up the soil. Even though we can’t see them, the roots roots are very important. Tree roots roots spread out all through the soil. They are busy doing two things down there. First of all, the roots roots hold onto the soil and keep the tree from falling over. Secondly, a tree’s roots roots are like its mouth. They take in water, air, and nutrients from the soil to feed the entire tree, up to its very top. There are a few trees that can take water in through their leaves, but most trees cannot. Scientists don’t know exactly how trees pump water from below the ground up to their branches and leaves. They had a few different ideas, or hypotheses. These hypotheses were tested, and there was a lot of evidence that supported one of the hypotheses. A tree trunk trunk is made of tiny tubes tubes, kind of like drinking straws. Water can actually move upward in these tubes tubes if it is pulled. Scientists think that the sun pulls it up. When the sun shines on leaves, the leaves dry out. This process is called transpiration. It is water moving from the leaf to the air. The water moving out of the leaf needs to be replaced by more water, which comes from down farther in the trunk trunk of the tree. This way, water is constantly going out of the leaves and coming in through the roots roots and up the trunk trunk. The next time you see a tree, think about the water that is inside of it and moving up toward its leaves. It’s amazing!
What is about 50% of a tree made of?
A. air B. water C. soil D. leaves
What does the author explain in the third paragraph?
A. why people have to drink every day B. why a tree has leaves C. what tree roots do D. an hypothesis scientists have about trees
Read these sentences from the text. "More than 60% of the human body is made of water. We have to drink every day to keep water in our bodies. Trees are similar. They are made of about 50% water, and, like us, they need to drink each day." Based on this evidence, why might trees need to drink each day?
A. to keep water inside themselves B. to become more similar to humans C. to spread their roots through the soil D. to get rid of their leaves
In what order does water probably move through the parts of a tree?
A. Water enters through the roots, then moves to the branches, then the trunk, and finally the leaves. B. Water enters through the roots, then moves to the branches, then the leaves, and finally the trunk. C. Water enters through the leaves, then moves to the roots, then the branches, and finally the trunk. D. Water enters through the roots, then moves to the trunk, then the branches, and finally the leaves.
What is the main idea of this text?
A. About 50% of a tree is made of water, while more than 60% of the human body is made of water. B. A tree's roots hold onto the soil and keep the tree from falling over. C. Trees are plants that take in water through their roots and pump it up to their branches and leaves. D. Scientists have different hypotheses about how trees pump water from below the ground and up to their branches and leaves.
Read these sentences from the text: "More than 60% of the human body is made of water. We have to drink every day to keep water in our bodies. Trees are similar. They are made of about 50% water, and, like us, they need to drink each day. But how do they do it?" Why might the author have asked the question, "But how do they do it?"
A. to prepare readers for an answer to the question later on B. to express surprise that trees are made of about 50% water C. to call attention to how similar trees and humans are D. to contrast the amount of water in a tree with the amount of water in the human body
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. We can’t see a tree’s roots below the ground. ___________, they are very important.
A. Therefore B. Soon C. Certainly D. However
Buying a New Car
“Our car is falling apart,” Aaron Roberts heard his dad say. “We need a new car.” “I know,” Aaron’s mom agreed. “Do we have enough money to pay for one?” “I am not sure,” said Mr. Roberts. “I will stop at the bank tomorrow to see what we can do.” “Dad, why are you going to the bank bank?” Aaron asked. “Well,” Mr. Roberts said, “we need a new car, but it costs a lot. Every month your mom and I save some money in the bank bank. I am going to check how much money we have saved.” “Is it easy to save money for a new car?” Aaron asked. “Our family has to pay for food, clothing, and our home. That makes it hard to save enough for a new car.” “If we do not have enough money, what can we do?” Aaron wondered. “ Banks Banks sometimes give people loans loans to help them buy expensive things such as a car or a house. Then you pay the bank bank back a little at a time.” “Would the loan loan help us get a good car?” Aaron asked. “Yes,” said his dad. “But we will have to repay the loan loan by sending the bank bank extra money every month. There will be fewer dollars for other things.” Aaron thought about what his dad said. “Dad, I will help. I will be careful about spending spending my allowance.” Mr. Roberts smiled and said, “That’s my boy!”
What does the Roberts family need to buy?
A. a new house B. new clothes C. a new car
Mr. Roberts lists things that the family needs to pay for, aside from the car. What are these three things?
A. food, water, and toys B. food, clothing, and their home C. clothing, toys, and their TV
Read these sentences from the text. “'Well,' Mr. Roberts said, 'we need a new car, but it costs a lot. Our family has to pay for food, clothing, and our home. That makes it hard to save enough for a new car.'” What conclusion can you draw based on this evidence?
A. It costs a lot to pay for food, clothing, and a home. B. Food, clothing, and a home are less important than new cars. C. A new car costs more than a new home.
Based on the information in this story, what do banks help people with?
A. finding new houses B. choosing new cars C. keeping track of money
What is the main idea of this story?
A. A family discusses how they can pay for a new car. B. A family goes to a car salesperson to buy a new car. C. A family decides the kind of new car they want.
Read these sentences from the text. "Banks sometimes give people loans to help them buy expensive things such as a car or a house. Then you pay the bank back a little at a time." Based on these sentences, what does the word “loan” mean?
A. money that people can borrow B. money that people can keep without paying back C. an expensive thing like a car or house
Read these sentences from the text. “But we will have to repay the loan by sending the bank extra money every month. There will be fewer dollars for other things.” How can these sentences best be combined?
A. But we will have to repay the loan by sending the bank extra money every month, but there will be fewer dollars for other things. B. But we will have to repay the loan by sending the bank extra money every month, so there will be fewer dollars for other things. C. But we will have to repay the loan by sending the bank extra money every month, because there will be fewer dollars for other things.
Learning New Things
"But I don't want to go there!" insisted Billy. He kicked at the ground with his foot, twisted his body around, and looked up at his mother with tears in his eyes. Billy was angry. His mother was a nurse, and she had a new job at a senior center center. "Old-folks home," Billy called it. "Senior Center Center," his mother corrected. Billy didn't like the seniors. He didn't like the senior center center. He thought it was boring. Billy's mother wanted Billy to come to the senior center center every day after school. Billy wanted to go to see his friends or play video games at home. Billy's mother wouldn't let him. "I don't have a babysitter for you," she said. "And you can't go to a friend's house unsupervised every day." The senior center was across the street from Billy's school. "Come meet me at the center center at 3pm," his mother directed. "You can stay here until my shift ends at 4:30." So it was decided. Every day after school Billy said good-bye to his friends and walked over to the senior center center. "Hello, Billy. How was school today?" asked Curtis, when Billy came in. Curtis was the building's security guard. "Hello, Curtis. School was okay," Billy said. Every day at the senior center center started like that. Billy would then go to the nurse's station where there was a quiet room. He would do his homework, then sit and stare at the walls. Billy would try to look as bored and as miserable as possible, in the hope someone would notice and convince his mother to let him go home. He would sit and think of his friends, home playing video games. He thought of the worlds he could be creating and the monsters he could be slaying. If only he were playing video games, too. Billy's mother didn't appreciate any of this. "You're being ridiculous," she said. "Why are you acting this way? The senior center center isn't torture. There's a lot you could do here. I don't understand why you're being so dramatic dramatic," said Billy's mother, exasperated. "Why don't you help me or Curtis?" "No, thanks," said Billy, who would go right back to looking miserable. After a few days of this routine Billy did start to get bored. His plan wasn't working. His mother wasn't giving in. Billy was going to have to get to like the senior center center. The next day after school Billy went to the senior center center. He said hello to Curtis and went to the nurse's station. He did his homework. This time, for a change, when Billy finished his homework, he decided to go exploring. Billy left the nurse's station and turned right down the hallway. He had never seen the rest of the facility. The building was huge. Every hallway looked the same. Billy followed the hallway until it came to another hallway. After a while, Billy was lost. Billy sat down in the hallway and tried to remember the way back. He didn't want to ask directions. He wasn't supposed to be there. He didn't want to get in trouble. So he sat and tried to remember the way out. He heard something coming from the door nearest him. "Oh, for goodness' sake, Henry," said a woman. "You don't look anything like a Knight of the Realm. You look more like an elephant." "An elephant! If I look like an elephant, you look like a peacock," a man's voice replied. "They must be residents," thought Billy. Curious, he crawled over and peeked inside the room. He saw something he had not expected. The woman who was speaking had on a pink track suit and an even pinker feather boa around her shoulders. The man she was speaking to was sitting in a wheel chair, holding a shield and sword, and wearing a helmet. The shield, sword, and helmet were made of paper and glue. They had begun to droop a little. Billy supposed this was why he looked like an elephant. Billy was starting to laugh when he saw the woman in pink looking at him. "Well, don't just sit there spying. Come on in," said another man. This man was speaking to Billy. He walked in. "Who are you?" they asked. Billy explained that he was waiting for his mother, the nurse. The seniors introduced themselves. The woman in pink was named Mildred. The man with the shield was Harold. "Pleased to meet you," said Billy. He asked them what they were doing. "We're rehearsing for the talent show," said Mildred. "You have a talent show here?" asked Billy. "Of course," said Mildred. "We're the Senior Center Center Dramatic Dramatic Society. We always perform in the talent show, and we rehearse even when there isn't a show coming up. Sometimes we make up our own plays." "It's important to be creative creative," said Harold. "It keeps you young." "Would you like to help us?" asked Mildred. "We need an impartial critic." "My mother told me I'm dramatic dramatic," said Billy. "Great," said Mildred. "You'll fit right in." Billy agreed to help. He helped them read their lines and fix their costumes. Afterwards, they took Billy back to the nurse's station where his mother was waiting. "Did you have fun?" his mother asked Billy. "Yes, I did," Billy answered. From that day on Billy spent his afternoons at the center center with the Dramatic Dramatic Society. The seniors weren't boring at all.
Where does Billy go after school?
A. a senior center B. a friend’s house C. a movie theater
When in the story does Billy have fun at the senior center?
A. in the beginning of the story B. in the beginning and middle of the story C. at the end of the story
Billy does not want to go to the senior center. What information from the story supports this statement?
A. “Billy didn’t like the seniors. He didn’t like the senior center. He thought it was boring.” B. “The next day after school Billy went to the senior center. He said hello to Curtis and went to the nurse’s station.” C. “Billy sat down in the hallway and tried to remember the way back. He didn’t want to ask directions.”
What is Billy’s opinion of the seniors at the end of the story?
A. He thinks they are mean. B. He thinks they are interesting. C. He thinks they are boring.
What is the main idea of this story?
A. Something that seems good can turn out to be bad. B. Something that seems bad can turn out to be good. C. Something that seems bad can turn out to be even worse.
Read these sentences from the passage: “‘It’s important to be creative,’ said Harold. ‘ It keeps you young .’” What does Harold mean when he says, “It keeps you young”?
A. He means that being creative makes people feel young. B. He means that being creative makes people feel old. C. He means that only young people can be creative.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Billy does not like the seniors at the beginning of the story, _______ he likes them by the end.
A. because B. so C. but
Earth Rocks!
Earth is made of rocks. They can be small enough to fit in your hand or as big as a house. Rocks have different colors and textures. You know a rock when you see one—but can you identify the three basic groups of rocks? Earth is a giant rock-making machine. Rocks form, break apart, and then form again. Read about the three groups of rocks, and look at examples of each. Sedimentary rocks begin as sediment at the bottom of rivers, lakes, and oceans. Sediment is made of small pieces of sand, clay, and shells. The weight of water presses down on the sediment until it becomes hard. Igneous rocks are created by heat. They start off as magma, which is hot, melted rock deep within a volcano volcano. When magma cools and hardens, igneous rock forms. Igneous rock also forms when lava lava cools. Lava Lava is magma that erupts erupts from a volcano volcano. Metamorphic rocks start as igneous or sedimentary rocks. Heat and heavy pressure cause the rock to undergo a metamorphosis, or a change. The new rock often has a different color.
How many groups of rocks does the passage name?
A. one B. three C. two
What does the author describe in the passage?
A. why there are only three different rock groups B. which group of rocks is the most common on Earth C. how different groups of rocks are made
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that were previously a different type of rock. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion?
A. Metamorphic rocks start as igneous or sedimentary rocks. B. A metamorphosis is a kind of change that something undergoes. C. Examples of metamorphic rocks are slate and marble.
Read the following sentences: “Sedimentary rocks begin as sediment at the bot tom of rivers, lakes, and oceans. Sediment is made of small pieces of sand, clay, and shells. The weight of water presses down on the sediment until it becomes hard.” Based on this information, what can you conclude about sedimentary rocks?
A. Some sedimentary rocks have shells in them. B. All sedimentary rocks are found far from water. C. Sedimentary rocks are harder than igneous rocks.
What is this passage mostly about?
A. sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks B. rocks that are created from lava or magma C. rocks that are created from sediment
Read the following sentences: “When magma cools and hardens, igneous rock forms. Igneous rock also forms when lava cools. Lava is magma that erupts from a volcano.” As used in this sentence, what does the word “erupts” mean?
A. slowly drips B. comes out C. buries something
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Metamorphic rocks form ___________ heat and heavy pressure cause igneous or sedimentary rocks to undergo metamorphosis.
A. but B. because C. so
Presidents' Day Is Here!
George Washington was our first president president. He was born in Virginia on February 22, 1732. He was president president from 1789 to 1797. Abraham Lincoln was our 16th president president. He was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. He was president president from 1861 to 1865.
When is Presidents’ Day?
A. the second Monday of February B. the first Monday of February C. the third Monday of February
The passage lists facts about which two presidents?
A. George Washington and Barack Obama B. Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama C. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
George Washington never lived in the White House because the White House wasn’t finished until 1800. Abraham Lincoln was president from 1861 to 1865. What can be concluded about whether Abraham Lincoln lived in the White House based on this information?
A. Abraham Lincoln lived in the White House for only a few months. B. Abraham Lincoln probably did not live in the White House. C. Abraham Lincoln most likely lived in the White House.
What is “Presidents’ Day is Here!” mostly about?
A. George Washington’s childhood B. Abraham Lincoln’s presidency C. facts about two U.S. presidents
Making Piano Fun
“Come on, Angie. It’s time to go.” “I’m not going,” said Angela. “Please,” said her father. “We’re going to be late.” “Good. I hope we are late. I hope we’re a million years late, and by the time we get to the music school, piano piano doesn’t even exist anymore. The people of the future will be smart. They’ll understand that mankind is better off without the piano piano. They’ll understand me.” “Okay, sweetheart. That’s great. Please get in the car.” “No. On no account. This is America, Dad. Didn’t you hear? Nobody can make anybody play piano piano against her will. It’s called democracy.” “Angela? If you don’t get in the car right now, your mother is going to be very angry at me. And if she’s angry at me, I’m going to forbid you from using the computer.” “For how long?” “Until Christmas.” Dad wasn’t joking. Angela got in the car. As they drove, beads of sweat formed on the back of her neck, and her stomach started to feel like she had just swallowed a hockey puck. Practicing piano piano scared her to death. Her teacher, Mr. Poliakoff, was a hairy old man who talked with a lisp that made him nearly impossible to understand. She could never tell if he was saying, “I see” or calling for a “high C.” Uncertainty made Angela nervous nervous, and nerves made it impossible for her to play. Not that Angela wanted to play anyway. She thought that there was no music on Earth more boring than Mr. Poliakoff’s sheet music. For three months, she had gone once a week to learn famous compositions like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” and “Three Blind Mice.” As boring as those songs were, they were apparently impossible to play. Each time Angela picked up her fingers she was seized by fear. What if she played the wrong note? Would Mr. Poliakoff shout at her? Or, worse, would he simply shake his head in disappointment? “Fear is the enemy of success,” he would tell her—except that when he said it, it sounded more like “sushshesh.” But when it came to the piano piano, fear was all Angela had. “Timbuktu,” she said. Her dad looked away from the road to give her a funny look. She went on. “Antarctica. The Yukon. Kazakhstan. Borneo. Tasmania.” “Yes?” asked her father, finally. “I’m trying to think of places I’d like less than piano piano class.” “Did you come up with anything?” “Nope. Even the middle of the Amazon rainforest would be more fun.” “Well, I’m glad you’ve been studying your geography at least.” When her father looked away, Angela stuck out her tongue. That would show him. As usual, Mr. Poliakoff’s music school smelled like cabbage. Angela did not know where he might be cooking the foul vegetable, but she was certain she didn’t want to find out. She trudged down the darkened hallway like her feet were made of rocks, glad her father wasn’t there to tell her she was going to be late. “Not that he cares anyway,” she thought. “He’s done his job, dropping me off at the building. He doesn’t even care if I actually make it to the class.” Angela’s eyes went wide. She had an idea. She pressed her back against the wall and slinked away from Mr. Poliakoff’s classroom. She would have to spend an hour in the music school, but that didn’t mean she had to learn any music. She tip-toed down the dark corridor, fearful that her piano piano teacher might burst out at any moment and bellow, “You! Come here and practice ‘Ring Around the Rosie’!” But the door did not open. Mr. Poliakoff did not catch her. Angela was free. She was sneaking her way to the front door of the music school, planning on passing the hour in the sun, beneath a tree or on a bench, when she had heard a funny sound. It sounded like someone playing the piano piano—scales—but it sounded different than what she was used to. It sounded like the person playing was having fun. She followed the sound. It was coming from one of the classrooms. She peered through the glass window and saw that the piano piano bench was empty. Feeling sneaky, she turned the handle and padded into the empty classroom. The music was coming from a computer in the corner. She walked towards it, dying to find out what it was, when she learned the room wasn’t as empty as she had thought. “Hello?” said a voice that stopped Angela’s heart. It came from a woman with long, gray hair and a mouth that twisted up a little bit at the sides. “Can I help you?” “No,” stammered Angela. “I, uh, I just heard the music, and—” “Do you like the piano piano?” “I hate the piano piano,” said Angela. The woman started to laugh. “Well!” she said. “That’s too bad for you, since you’re in a music school.” “No kidding.” “I’m Mrs. O’Hara.” “That’s nice. I should be going.” “Hold on, hold on. You wanted to know about this music?” Angela was silent. “Come on. It’s okay to be curious. Do you know anything about jazz jazz?” “No.” “Well, here it is.” She turned up the volume. The man playing piano piano tapped at the keys like a baby hitting something with a hammer. He sang like a clown, making strange noises and putting on all sorts of funny voices. The words he sang were even stranger: Oh your pedal extremities are colossal To me you look just like a fossil You got me walkin', talkin' and squawkin' 'Cause your feet's too big, yeah “It sounds so silly!” “Well, that’s Fats,” said Mrs. O’Hara. “Who’s Fats?” “Fats Waller. The piano piano player. He’s the one who wrote the song.” “A grown-up wrote this song?” “A very talented grown-up. Listen to the piano piano. What does it sound like?” “It sounds crazy.” “It’s all over the place, isn’t it?” Mrs. O’Hara was right. None of his notes were where Angela was taught they were supposed to be. He played fast when he should have played slowly; he played slowly when he should have played fast. In between lines, he would shout nonsense like, “Oh, I've never heard of such walkin'!” Crazy was the only word for it. “Huh. Well, I guess I should get going,” Angela said. “You’re supposed to be in class, aren’t you? With Mr. Poliakoff?” Angela made a face. “You’re going to make me go back to class, aren’t you?” “I’m going to make you learn a little piano piano,” said Mrs. O’Hara. “Because that’s what your parents paid for.” “Can I play a song like this?” “Not quite yet. Fats Waller spent a lot of time learning to play normal piano piano before he could start playing it crazy.” “He played ‘Ring Around the Rosie’?” “And ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,’ and ‘Three Blind Mice,’ and all of Mr. Poliakoff’s favorites.” “But if I learn to play those…eventually I can play this?” “You got it,” said Mrs. O’Hara, as she sat down beside the bench. Angela put her fingers on the keys and prepared to play. Her fingers weren’t afraid any more.
What does Angela play?
A. Angela plays the guitar. B. Angela plays the drums. C. Angela plays the piano.
What event in the story helps to change the way Angela feels about playing the piano?
A. Angela’s dad drives her to the music school. B. Angela tip-toes down a corridor at the music school. C. Angela hears a song by Fats Waller.
Read this sentence: “‘I hate the piano,’ said Angela.” What information from the story supports this statement?
A. Mr. Poliakoff says that fear is the enemy of success. B. Angela does not want to go to piano class. C. Angela hears a song by Fats Waller.
What is an effect that hearing the Fats Waller song has on Angela?
A. The song makes Angela less afraid of playing the piano. B. The song makes Angela less excited about playing the piano. C. The song makes Angela less interested in playing the piano.
What is the main idea of this story?
A. A father takes his daughter to her piano class. B. A girl who hates playing the piano realizes that it can be fun. C. A piano teacher who smells like cabbage thinks that fear is the enemy of success.
Read these sentences from the story: “Angela put her fingers on the keys and prepared to play. Her fingers weren’t afraid any more .” What does the author mean by writing that Angela’s “fingers weren’t afraid any more”?
A. Angela will never stop hating the piano. B. Angela will never be good at playing the piano. C. Angela is no longer afraid to play the piano.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Angela is not afraid to play the piano _______ she hears a song by Fats Waller.
A. after B. before C. then
Is It Time For a New Toothbrush?
A new toothbrush can mean a healthier you. Did you know that old toothbrushes can be harmful harmful? Germs can build up on old toothbrushes. If you have been sick, germs germs can hide in your toothbrush and be passed back to you. Dentists say you should get a new toothbrush every three months. They also say a new toothbrush will help you get your teeth cleaner. Dentists say you should brush for two to three minutes at least two times a day. 1. Put a pea-sized bit of toothpaste on your toothbrush. Place your brush near your gum. 2. Gently move your brush in small circles over one tooth at a time. 3. Move your brush across the tops of your teeth. Be sure to get into the grooves. 4. Brush your tongue lightly. Then rinse your mouth with water. 5. Floss your teeth. Slide the floss between teeth slowly. If you need help, ask a grown-up.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. You should replace your toothbrush every three months _______ germs can build up on it over time.
A. because B. but C. so
Happy New Year!
A big party is held in New York. Millions of people watch the party on television. People count down the final seconds of the old year. At midnight, a bright crystal ball drops. People cheer for the start of the new year. Many people go to parties on the beach. People wear white clothes. They watch a fireworks show. Some people put flowers into the ocean and make a wish. It is believed to be good luck if the waves take the flowers out to sea. People celebrate celebrate with their families. They each have 12 grapes ready. At midnight, they eat the grapes for good luck. Each grape stands for one month of the new year. People dress in colorful clothes. They go to parades parades. Marching bands play. Many people dance in the streets to the beat of the drums. Chinese New Year is a long celebration. Each year it starts sometime between January 21 and February 20. It lasts for 15 days. Parades Parades are held on the last day. Many people wear new red clothes. Kids carry lanterns. Some people wear dragon costumes and dance through the streets. The dragon is a symbol of good luck. A big fireworks show is held at midnight. It takes place over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. A harbor is a part of a body of water where ships can stay safe from storms. People also watch a parade parade of boats on the water. The boats are decorated decorated with lights.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Many people in Spain eat exactly 12 grapes to celebrate the new year _______ there are 12 months in a year.
A. so B. but C. because
Telephones Now and Then
Telephones help people speak to one another when they are apart. For more than a hundred years, nearly every telephone was a landline. A landline telephone is one that needs to be connected by a wire wire to a network network of other telephones. Because of the wires wires, people could not take those telephones with them when they left their homes or offices. What if you had to make a call while you were away from home? You had to find a pay phone. Pay phones are landlines found in public places. Many pay phones are on the street. You can make a call from inside a glass or metal space called a phone booth. Once you are inside the booth, you put coins into a slot in the phone to make a call. Telephones have seen a lot of progress progress. Today, many people carry cell phones. Cell phones do not need to be connected with wires wires. They can be used almost anywhere and can fit in an adult’s hand. Many cell phones sold today are smartphones. A smartphone is a cell phone that has lots of computer-style features. For example, people use smartphones to check e-mail and go on the Internet. And all that can be done using something small enough to carry in a pocket!
What is a landline telephone?
A. a telephone that needs to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones B. a telephone that can be carried around in your pocket and used anywhere C. a telephone that can be found in a public place
The article describes an example of a landline. What is one example of a landline?
A. a cell phone B. a pay phone C. a smart phone
Pay phones are probably not used as much today as they were in the past. What piece of evidence supports this conclusion?
A. People could not take landlines with them when they left their homes. B. Pay phones are landlines that can be found in public places. C. Many people today carry cell phones, which can be used almost anywhere.
What might be a reason that cell phones were invented?
A. People wanted to be able to speak to one another when they were apart. B. People wanted to be able to make calls from their homes or offices. C. People wanted to be able to make calls away from home without finding a pay phone.
What is the main idea of this article?
A. Cell phones are much less useful than landlines and pay phones. B. Telephones have been used for many years, and they have changed a lot over time. C. Telephones are used to keep people apart as much as possible.
Read these sentences from the text. "What if you had to make a call while you were away from home? You had to find a pay phone. Pay phones are landlines found in public places." Why does the author ask a question at the beginning of this paragraph?
A. to hint to the reader that the author will answer that question B. to show that the author does not know the answer to that question C. to tell readers to give their own answer to that question
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. Landline telephones were used for many years ______ people began using cell phones.
A. before B. after C. while
Macy the Elephant
Macy and her parents are elephants that live in the jungle jungle. They roam around the plants and trees all day, every day, looking for food. Macy’s favorite food is bananas. She is always looking for banana plants. When she finds one, she uses her trunk trunk to pick a lot of bananas. Usually, it gets really hot in the jungle jungle. One day, the sun is very strong, and the temperature temperature is very high. Macy and her mom and dad use their big ears to cool themselves off. They flap their ears back and forth, trying to push away the heat. But it isn’t enough—they are still too hot. The family of elephants walks around to look for a way to cool down. Macy sees a group of orangutans lazily lying on the branches of a big tree. They don’t even move as the elephants walk past, too hot to do anything. A family of parrots flies by, but all Macy sees is a blur of red, green, and blue. The colorful birds land on a branch nearby, and Macy admires their bright feathers. Then, all of a sudden, Macy spots a loris sleeping on the tree that sits right next to the parrots. Macy gets excited—she never sees loris because they are only awake at night. The small elephant stops to look at the small animal. It looks like a little monkey, only fluffier with a tiny, round face and big, black eyes. Macy is about to take a step closer when her mom and dad pull her along with their strong trunks trunks, not wanting to wait any longer to cool down. Finally, the three elephants find a big pool of water. They run into it and splash the cool water on each other. Macy feels so much better. She lies down and rolls around. She covers her body in mud. Elephants love to take mud baths. It cools their skin and protects them from bug bites. They all play in the water for a while, and other elephants come to enjoy the mud, too. Then Macy and her parents step out of the water and decide to go and find food. Macy spots a banana plant in the distance. She runs toward the bright yellow fruit. She grabs a bunch with her trunk trunk and munches on the soft bananas. It’s been a good day for Macy—bananas and a mud bath. What more could she ask for?
What kind of animal is Macy?
A. an orangutan B. a parrot C. an elephant
What main problem do Macy and her parents face?
A. They are too tired and must find a place to rest. B. They are too hot and must find a way to cool down. C. They are too hungry and must find something to eat.
Mud baths are good for elephants. What evidence from the passage best supports this conclusion?
A. Mud cools their skin and protects them from bug bites. B. Other elephants join Macy and her parents to take a mud bath. C. After splashing in the water, Macy covers her skin in mud.
Read these sentences from the text. Macy spots a loris sleeping on the tree that sits right next to the parrots. Macy gets excited—she never sees loris because they are only awake at night. Based on this information, what conclusion can you make about Macy?
A. Macy is not interested in the loris. B. Macy is not usually awake at night. C. Macy is often awake at night.
What is this text mostly about?
A. how a family of elephants cools down B. how Macy the elephant picks bananas C. why the loris is only awake at night
Read these sentences from the text. Macy sees a group of orangutans lazily lying on the branches of a big tree. They don’t even move as the elephants walk past, too hot to do anything. As used in the sentence, what does the word “lazily” mean?
A. done quickly and energetically B. done with purpose and determination C. done with little or no effort
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. ________ Macy and her parents cool off, they go to look for food.
A. So B. After C. Yet
What Is the United Nations?
The United Nations (U.N.) is an organization organization that works to solve problems around the world. More than 190 countries belong to the U.N. The United Nations was created to try to prevent wars. The U.N. sometimes sends special soldiers, called peacekeepers, to countries that are having problems. The peacekeepers work to keep things calm while the countries work out their differences. The U.N. also helps people who live in places that do not have enough food, clean water, or medicine. For example, if a country has been harmed by a storm, United Nations workers may bring medicine and food to that area. The leader of the United Nations is the secretary-general. Members of the U.N. elect the secretary-general. The secretary-general speaks for the organization organization. The secretary-general also directs all the departments of the U.N. All member nations belong to a group called the General Assembly Assembly. Countries can bring their disagreements disagreements to the General Assembly Assembly. Sometimes, General Assembly Assembly members vote on what the U.N. should do to try to resolve disagreements disagreements. The U.N. headquarters is in New York City. Outside the headquarters, flags from all of the members’ countries stand tall. They represent the United Nations’ goal: Build cooperation among countries for a safer, more peaceful world.
According to the article, what does the United Nations do?
A. The U.N. runs the government of New York City. B. The U.N. fights wars in parts of the world that are having problems. C. The U.N. works to solve problems around the world.
What does the article explain?
A. The article explains why the U.N. headquarters is in New York City. B. The article explains what the secretary-general of the U.N. does. C. The article explains why some countries go to war with each other.
The U.N. tries to make the world a safer, more peaceful place. What evidence from the article supports this statement?
A. "The U.N. sometimes sends special soldiers, called peacekeepers, to countries that are having problems. The peacekeepers work to keep things calm while the countries work out their differences." B. "The leader of the United Nations is the secretary-general. Members of the U.N. elect the secretary-general. The secretary-general speaks for the organization." C. "The U.N. headquarters is in New York City. Outside the headquarters, flags from all of the members’ countries stand tall."
Based on the information in the article, what is a problem in the world that the U.N. is trying to solve?
A. unfair treatment of women B. hunger C. theft
What is the main idea of this article?
A. The U.N. is an organization that works to make the world a safer place by solving problems. B. The U.N. helps people who live in places that do not have enough food or clean water. C. The flags that stand outside the U.N. headquarters represent the goal of the U.N.
Read this paragraph from the article. "The United Nations (U.N.) is an organization that works to solve problems around the world. More than 190 countries belong to the U.N." Why does the author use parentheses here?
A. to suggest that more countries are likely to join the U.N. in the future B. to give readers more information about the kinds of problems that the U.N. solves C. to tell readers that "U.N." is an abbreviation for "United Nations"
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. The U.N. wants to prevent wars, _______ it sends peacekeepers to countries that are having problems.
A. so B. because C. but
Time To Fly!
The orange-and-black butterflies are on the move. It's time for monarch monarch butterflies to take a trip. Each fall, they migrate migrate south for the winter. The word migrate migrate means "to move from one place to another." Many monarchs monarchs leave Canada and the United States to travel to Mexico. Others go to California, Texas, or Florida. In the winter, monarchs monarchs stay close together on trees. That helps protect protect them from wind, rain, and cold. The trees look bright orange because they are covered with millions of butterflies! In the spring, monarchs monarchs migrate migrate north. On the way, female monarchs monarchs stop to lay eggs. A baby caterpillar hatches from each egg. Many of the new monarch monarch butterflies finish the trip north. Second graders at Arlington Elementary School in Indiana are ready for a monarch visit. That school has a garden full of milkweed plants. Monarchs Monarchs can rest, eat, and lay eggs there. Milkweed is the only type of plant where female monarchs monarchs lay their eggs. "If the milkweed disappears, so do the monarchs monarchs!" says teacher Edie McDonnel. The garden also has plants with nectar for the monarchs monarchs to eat. Nectar is a sweet liquid. " Monarchs Monarchs have to stop and eat along the way," McDonnel says.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Without milkweed, monarch butterflies would disappear _______ they use only this type of plant to lay their eggs.
A. but B. because C. so
The Time Machine
“So you’re telling me this is a time machine?” Eric asked. “Yes,” his Uncle Joseph replied. “I’ve been working on it for years here in my lab.” Eric looked around the lab. A bank of computers lined one of the walls. Metal shelves held bottles and jars filled with strange liquids. There was a big metal table in the middle of the room. There were wires and tiny machine parts scattered all over it. In the middle of the table was a silver box. The box had a small computer screen and keyboard on its face. “All you do is type in the time you want to go to,” Uncle Joseph said. “The box will transport transport anyone within ten feet to that location location.” “So you mean if you typed in January 3rd, 2033, it would send us back to yesterday?” Eric asked. Uncle Joseph nodded. “Yes. But it can do better than that. I could type in 150 million years BC, for example.” He typed in the date on the keyboard. “Cool,” Eric said. “And then you just press this button?” Eric put his finger on the button. “Eric, no!” Uncle Joseph cried. But he was too late. Eric pressed the button. The room began to spin. When everything settled settled, they were no longer in the lab. Tall, green plants grew all around them. A volcano rose up in the distance. Then the ground began to rumble. A huge dinosaur stomped toward them! “Hey, a Brontosaurus!” Eric said. “Your time machine really works!”
This passage is an example of
A. historical fiction. B. science fiction. C. a poem. D. a fairy tale.
Which of the following does not describe Uncle Joseph’s lab?
A. There are many computers. B. There are jars of strange liquids. C. There are wires and tiny machines parts on a table. D. There are tall, green plants all around.
At the end of the passage, the characters are
A. in Uncle Joseph's lab. B. near a volcano. C. in the sea. D. in outer space.
This passage takes place
A. in the past. B. both in the present and the past. C. both in the future and the past. D. in the present.
Princess Lily
Princess Lily lived with her mother and father in a big castle. Life in the castle was very quiet. Lily liked to go outside whenever she could. She liked to ride the horses in the stable. She liked to dig for worms and fish in the stream. On other days Princess Lily liked to line up pumpkins on the fence. She’d throw a ball and knock them down one by one. She had very good aim. The king and queen did not think this was how a princess should act. “Lily, you are sweet and delicate delicate, like a flower,” Queen Rose would say. “A princess should not be riding horses.” “A princess should not be digging for worms,” King Elvis would say. “A princess should not get her hands dirty.” “But I like doing those things!” Lily would say back. “You are a princess,” her mother would always say next. “You will soon learn to like doing things a princess should do.” But Lily never learned. She kept fishing and riding and knocking down pumpkins. One morning she went downstairs to do some early fishing. But the king and queen blocked the door. “Lily, we have had enough,” said King Elvis. “From now on, you will learn to be a real princess.” “Yes,” said Queen Rose. “You will learn how to wear fancy fancy clothes. You will learn how to serve serve tea. You will learn how to paint pictures of flowers.” Lily groaned. All of those things sounded terrible!
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Lily’s parents don’t like their daughter digging for worms and riding horses, ______ they think a princess should not do such things.
A. because B. but C. so
The Wishing Tree
Deep in the woods is a secret tree. Only one boy knows about it. It’s a wishing tree. One day, the boy followed his dog into the woods. They stopped at the tree. “I wish wish I could climb this tree!” the boy said. POOF! His wish was granted granted. He was in the tree! The leaves began to giggle. “Hello!” they said. “Pleased to meet you!” “My name is Noah,” the boy said. “What’s yours?” All the leaves started to talk at once. “We are the Wishing Tree,” the leaves said. “We see good children and give them gifts. “I wish wish I had one million dollars!” said Noah. But nothing happened. “I said I wish wish I had a million dollars!” Noah said, louder. “We heard you the first time,” said the leaves. “What good are you, anyway?” “Very good,” said the leaves. “This is a very good tree.” “Then give me money!” Noah demanded. “We can only give you good things. Things that will make you a better person.” Well, that didn’t sound like much fun. He thought of a new wish. “I wish wish I could fight a dragon!” he said. “Do you honestly think we would conjure a dragon?” asked the leaves. “I guess not,” said Noah. “Well, then, I wish wish I were brave brave enough to fight a dragon!” Suddenly, Noah was standing at the bottom of the tree. “Wish granted granted!” said the leaves. “Arooo!” said Peanuts the dog. “Let’s go!” said Noah. He and Peanuts ran out of the woods. But Noah didn’t feel very brave brave. “Some wishing tree that was! No money! No dragons! What a waste!” Crack! Suddenly, something hit him in the back of his head. “Hey, No-Brains!” someone was shouting. “Oh no!” Noah said to Peanuts. “It’s Mitch the bully!” Mitch was throwing peanuts at Noah. “Here are some peanuts for your dumb dog!” Mitch said. That was the last straw! Noah couldn’t take it any more. “Go away, bully!” he yelled. “You never hurt dogs!” “Aroo!” howled Peanuts the dog. “Whatever!” said Mitch. “You’re not worth my time.” Mitch left. “Yay! He left!” Noah said. “Thank you, wishing tree!” Noah had never told Mitch to go away before. But on that day, he was very brave brave. Being brave brave was just like fighting a dragon. Being brave brave was better than having a million dollars. You see, Noah thought his bravery came from the wishing tree. But the truth is, the tree didn’t grant grant any wishes. Noah did it all himself. Being brave brave came from inside. If you could make a wish like Noah, what would you wish for?
What does Noah find in the woods?
A. a wishing tree B. his dog, Peanuts C. Mitch the bully
Mitch throws peanuts at Noah. How does Noah deal with this problem?
A. Noah runs away from Mitch. B. Noah tells him to go away. C. Noah tells his dog to attack Mitch.
Noah thinks that the wishing tree made him brave. What evidence from the story supports this conclusion?
A. “Being brave came from inside.” B. “POOF! His wish was granted. He was in the tree!” C. “‘Yay! He left!’ Noah said. ‘Thank you, wishing tree!’”
When Noah asks for money, the wishing tree says it can only give good things that will make you a better person. Based on this information, what does the wishing tree think about money?
A. Having money will not make you a better person. B. Having money will make you a better person. C. Money is good for some people.
What is the main message of the story?
A. Bravery comes from the inside. B. Money will make you a bad person. C. You should always make wishes on trees.
Read the following sentences: “Some wishing tree that was! No money! No dragons! What a waste !” What does Noah mean by the phrase, “what a waste”?
A. Noah does not think the wishing tree grants good wishes. B. Noah thinks that you shouldn’t waste money or dragons. C. Noah thinks that money and dragons are not good wishes.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Noah believed that the wishing tree made him brave, _____ the tree did not really grant him that wish. Noah stood up to the bully all on his own.
A. but B. so C. and
Get Ready for Winter
Dormice are getting ready for a long winter sleep. They eat a lot of food. The food helps them survive survive, or live, through the winter. The dormouse can sleep for six months during the winter. That long sleep is called hibernation (high-ber-NAY-shun). During hibernation, an animal’s body temperature drops, and its heart rate slows. Some animals go into such a deep sleep that they cannot be wakened. Others wake for a short time to look for food. Then they quickly fall back to sleep. Hibernating animals wake in the spring, when the weather is warm. They look for food. Eats a Lot: It stores food so it can survive survive without eating. Gets Ready for Bed: It gathers gathers grass and leaves to make a nest. Hibernates: It curls up and sleeps in its nest. When will it wake? Some animals get ready for the winter in other ways, ways that help them survive survive the cold. Arctic Fox— Adapt Adapt: Some animals adapt to the cold. Their fur changes color to blend in with the snow. Frog—Hide: Some animals hide under rocks, leaves, or mud. Sometimes they stay inside logs to keep warm. Ladybugs—Diapause: Some insects hibernate. When insects hibernate, it is called diapause. During that time, they do not grow.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Dormice eat a lot of food before winter, _______ they can hibernate for up to six months.
A. but B. because C. so
Flip It
“You’re like the kitten in the litter that wakes up before all the others.” Dad opened one eye and looked at me. I leaned in and licked his nose. “Argh! I thought you were going to give me a kiss on the cheek!” he said. I wiggled under the sheets. “No, Dad! I’m a kitten, remember remember? You just said.” “That isn’t quite what I meant,” Dad said. He hugged me under the covers and asked what I wanted for breakfast, “Since you’re up so early, may as well eat!” “I want pancakes,” I told Dad, as he lifted me onto the floor. “Pancakes, eh? That’s a big job for just one dad to take on,” he said, spreading the quilt flat over the bed. “I am going to need some help.” At that, I stood still in my red pajamas with the train cars on them. Help Dad cook? Use the stove? I had gotten burned burned on the stove before, yanking the handle on a pan of bacon and splashing some grease onto my fingers. Suddenly I couldn’t move. I wiggled my toes just to make sure I hadn’t turned to stone. “Meow,” I said. Dad seemed to notice that I was scared. “It’s okay, Jack. I’ll help you, you know! But I can’t do it all alone if we’re going to make pancakes enough for a hungry kitten and his Dad, too!” He took my hand and we walked downstairs together. In the kitchen, Dad took out ingredients from the pantry: flour, sugar, baking powder, oil. I opened the fridge and handed him milk and two eggs; the recipe only called for one, but I dropped one onto the floor. “Never mind, kiddo, no big deal,” Dad said, and handed me a rag to wipe up the yolk. I cracked the other egg into the mixing bowl, and helped whisk the batter together while Dad heated up some oil in a skillet. I stood on my little footstool when he poured the first ladleful of pancake into the pan. “Ready to flip it, Champ?” “Dad! No! That’s the scariest part! I got burned burned the last time I touched a pan!” “Well, you won’t ever get over it if you don’t try again, will you? And this happens to be the part of the pancake-making process where I need the most help.” Little bubbles began to pop in the middle of the pancake on the stove. The edges of it were turning brown. Dad handed me a spatula, and I squeezed the handle while I stared at my breakfast, about to burn unless unless I acted fast. My stomach felt like it was full of little birds flapping about, and I remembered remembered for a second the blister I got from the bacon grease burn burn. And then, with one hand, I gripped the handle of the skillet. “I’m a chef!” I said, and flipped my pancake over with a slap and a sizzle as the uncooked side hit the pan. “You did it!” Dad gave me a high-five. “You want to do the rest of them?” “No,” I said. I hopped from my stool and ran to set the table.
What do Jack and his dad make for breakfast?
A. eggs B. pancakes C. bacon
What is Jack’s main fear in the story?
A. turning into a kitten while playing B. making pancakes that his dad won’t like C. being burned while making pancakes
Read the following sentences: “Help Dad cook? Use the stove? I had gotten burned on the stove before, yanking the handle on a pan of bacon and splashing some grease onto my fingers. Suddenly I couldn’t move.” Based on this evidence, what conclusion can you make?
A. Jack wants to help his dad cook. B. Jack is scared to use the stove. C. Jack wants to cook more bacon.
How does Jack most likely feel about cooking with the stove by the end of the story?
A. Jack doesn’t feel scared. B. Jack still feels a bit scared. C. Jack is excited.
What is this story mostly about?
A. A boy flips a pancake even though he is afraid. B. A boy gets burned while cooking pancakes. C. A boy and his dad cook bacon and eggs.
Read the following sentences: “ My stomach felt like it was full of little birds flapping around , and I remembered for a second the blister I got from the bacon grease burn. And then, with one hand, I gripped the handle of the skillet.” When Jack says that his stomach “felt like it was full of little birds flapping around,” what does he mean?
A. Jack means that he has real birds in him. B. Jack means that he feels nervous. C. Jack means that he is bored.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Jack is scared to touch the pan and flip the pancake, ____ he does it anyway.
A. so B. but C. after
Comparing Solids
Solids Solids are a kind of matter. They are things that have their own shape. They do not flow like liquids do. You can see and touch solids solids. You can describe a solid solid by its properties properties. Some of those properties properties are color, shape, size, and texture texture. Bowling balls and tennis balls are both solids solids. Each has its own shape. You can see and touch both of them. Are they different? Let’s compare. Most tennis balls are yellow or green, but they also come in many other colors. Most bowling balls are black, but they come in many colors, too. Both kinds of balls are round. They do, however, have very different sizes. Tennis balls are small. You can hold a tennis ball in one hand. A bowling ball is much bigger. It is also much heavier than a tennis ball. Bowling balls and tennis balls have different textures textures. A bowling ball is smooth. A tennis ball has a soft and fuzzy texture texture. What can a tennis ball do that a bowling ball cannot? Bounce! Tennis balls are made to bounce. Bowling balls do not bounce. Both bowling balls and tennis balls are solids solids. But they are also very different from each other!
What are solids?
A. things that have their own shape B. things that you can see, but can’t touch C. things that flow like liquids do
What two examples of solids does the author compare and contrast?
A. a tennis ball and a bowling ball B. a baseball and a basketball C. a yellow ball and a green ball
Read these sentences from the text. "Solids are a kind of matter. They are things that have their own shape. They do not flow like liquids do. You can see and touch solids. You can describe a solid by its properties. Some of those properties are color, shape, size, and texture. "Bowling balls and tennis balls are both solids." Based on this evidence, what conclusion can you draw about bowling balls and tennis balls?
A. They have the same color, shape, and size. B. They cannot be described by their properties. C. They do not flow like liquids do.
Which property of bowling balls and tennis balls would help you most in telling them apart?
A. shape B. kind of matter C. size
What is the main idea of this article?
A. Bowling balls and tennis balls are both round, but have different sizes. B. Bowling balls and tennis balls are both solids, but they are different in many ways. C. Solids are different from liquids because they have their own shape.
Read these sentences from the text. "You can describe a solid by its properties. Some of those properties are color, shape, size, and texture." Based on these sentences, what are “properties?”
A. important characteristics of a thing B. the ways in which something is used C. the places where something can be found
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. Tennis balls and bowling balls are both round, ____ bowling balls are much bigger.
A. so B. because C. but
A Time of Dust Storms
A long time ago, wind and dust caused big problems in the United States. Giant clouds of dust harmed people, animals, and crops crops in the central part of the country. The area became known as the Dust Bowl. The problem started when farmers planted planted more crops crops than they could sell. The next year, those farmers decided to leave some land empty. The farmers let their cattle graze graze there, and the cattle ate the grass. Soon, nothing grew on that land. Then came a drought (DROWT). A drought is a long period without rain. Land became very dry. Grass and crops crops barely grew. Very little was left to hold the soil in place. At the same time, strong winds started blowing. The winds blew layers of soil into the air. Dust covered everything. People had to protect themselves from the dust. Children wore masks and goggles when they walked to school. They used the masks so they would not breathe in dust and get sick. People hung wet sheets over their windows to prevent dust from blowing into their homes. Finally, the rains returned. Farmers could plant plant crops crops again. The farmers learned to plant plant in different places to protect the soil. They also planted planted grasses to keep the soil in place.
What caused big problems a long time ago in the United States?
A. masks and goggles B. wet sheets C. wind and dust
What was one effect that dust had on people, animals, and crops in the United States?
A. Dust made it easier for people, animals, and crops to stay warm. B. Dust helped people, animals, and crops live longer. C. Dust harmed people, animals, and crops.
Read this paragraph from the article. "Then came a drought (DROWT). A drought is a long period without rain. Land became very dry. Grass and crops barely grew. Very little was left to hold the soil in place." What can be concluded from this paragraph about grass, crops, and soil?
A. Grass and crops help hold soil in place. B. Grass and crops grow best in dry soil. C. Grass holds soil in place better than crops do.
Read these sentences from the article. "The next year, those farmers decided to leave some land empty. The farmers let their cattle graze there, and the cattle ate the grass. Soon, nothing grew on that land." What would probably have happened if there had still been grass growing on that land when the strong winds started blowing?
A. More soil would have blown into the air. B. Less soil would have blown into the air. C. The rains would have returned sooner.
What is the main idea of this article?
A. There was a time when part of the United States was harmed by a lot of wind and dust. B. Once people in the United States hung wet sheets over their windows to keep dust out of their homes. C. A drought is a long period of time without any rain.
Read these sentences from the article. "The next year, those farmers decided to leave some land empty. The farmers let their cattle graze there, and the cattle ate the grass. Soon, nothing grew on that land." Based on these sentences, what does the word “graze” mean?
A. to drink lots of water B. to run around a field C. to feed on grass
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. People hung wet sheets over their windows ________ they did not want dust to get into their homes.
A. so B. because C. but
Heading West: Learn About a Pioneer's Life
Long ago, people traveled west across the United States to settle settle in places unfamiliar to them. Those people were called pioneers. Most pioneers moved west to start a new life. Read on to learn more about life as a pioneer. Many pioneers built log cabins. Log cabins are houses made from logs and mud. Pioneers Pioneers stacked stacked logs on top of one another. Then they put mud in between the logs to keep out the wind and rain. Most log cabins were small because it took pioneers so long to build them. Many log cabins had only one room. Most pioneers burned a fire to keep their log cabins warm. Most pioneers pioneers made their own clothing. It was usually made of leather, cotton, or wool. Pioneers Pioneers dried animal skins to make leather. They used the leather to make shoes and belts. Pioneers Pioneers spun wool or cotton into yarn and wove it into cloth. Women would make wool yarn with a special tool called a spinning wheel. At first, pioneer children learned math, reading, and writing at home. Pioneer parents taught their children. As more people came to town, workers built a schoolhouse. Then the pioneers pioneers hired a teacher for the children. At first, pioneers pioneers had to get their own food. They picked berries and nuts. Pioneers also hunted hunted and fished. They planted crops such as corn and squash. When towns formed, the pioneers built small stores called general stores. People could buy supplies such as flour, coffee, and salt there. Pioneer children helped their families by doing chores around their house. Chores are small jobs. The list shows some chores for pioneer girls and boys.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Early pioneers couldn’t buy food at a grocery store, _______ they picked berries, planted crops, and hunted.
A. so B. but C. because
Smile! Show Off Those Pearly Whites
Like people, animals have different teeth with special jobs. Some animals have sharp sharp teeth, some have curved curved teeth, and some have round teeth. Open wide, and look inside to learn about different ways teeth are helpful. Teeth are important for many reasons. They help animals chew food. Many animals need their teeth for survival. A hippopotamus has 42 to 44 teeth. It likes to eat plants. A hippo has round, flat back teeth to grind grind its food. When a hippo is angry, it opens its mouth and shows its big teeth. A beaver has about 20 teeth. It uses its four strong, curved curved front teeth for gnawing trees and wood. It uses its back teeth for chewing food. A beaver’s front teeth never stop growing. Gnawing on wood helps keep its teeth trimmed. Some sharks have nearly 5,000 razor- sharp sharp teeth. They lose thousands of teeth during their lifetime and grow new sets of teeth every two weeks. A lion has 30 teeth, which are not made for chewing. It has four large, pointed teeth that are used to capture and hold its food. Once the lion catches its food, it tears the meat and swallows it whole. You will have 32 teeth by the time you are an adult. There are four different types of teeth. Each has a special job. Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly will help keep your teeth healthy. It is also important to visit a dentist twice a year. A dentist is a doctor who cares for teeth.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. A beaver’s front teeth never stop growing, ________ gnawing on wood helps keep its teeth trimmed.
A. but B. because C. so
African American Leaders
Martin Luther King Jr. was an African American leader leader who lived from 1929 to 1968. He worked to help people be treated fairly and equally equally. We remember him with a national holiday. Read on to learn about other African Americans who have made a difference difference in the history of the United States. Who are some African American leaders who have changed history? Rosa Parks fought for civil rights for African Americans. Civil rights make sure people are treated equally equally under the law. In 1955, she was arrested in Alabama for not giving up her bus seat to a white man. Jackie Robinson batted his way into history. In 1947, he became the first African American to play major-league baseball. George Washington Carver was a famous inventor who found more than 300 uses for peanuts. He discovered that peanuts could be used to make soap, glue, and paint. Oprah Winfrey is a talk show host and an actor. She helps children around the world. She helped build schools and gave supplies to more than 50,000 needy children in South Africa. Condoleezza Rice is the first African American woman to be the U.S. Secretary of State. In this important job, she helped the U.S. President work with the governments of other countries. In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. He spoke in Washington, D.C., in front of the Lincoln Memorial. During the speech, Martin Luther King Jr. shared his hope that all people would be treated equally equally. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. " — Martin Luther King Jr.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Condoleezza Rice served as the U.S. Secretary of State, _______ she helped the President work with the governments of other countries.
A. because B. so C. but
The Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountains are a large group of mountains on the North American continent. The Rockies are found in the western region of North America. They stretch from Canada in the north to the United States in the south. The southern part of the Rockies ends in the state of New Mexico. The Rocky Mountains also go through the states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado. The Rockies are the longest mountain range range in North America. They have many high peaks peaks. The highest is Mount Elbert in Colorado. It is nearly three miles high. Mount Elbert’s peak peak is fourteen thousand feet above sea level. In the summer, the Rockies are warm and dry, though it does rain sometimes. During the winter, the weather is wet and very cold. Heavy winter snow falls in the higher parts of the Rockies. Many people like to visit these mountains. Here they ride bikes, hike on trails, ski, or fish. A special area called Rocky Mountain National Park is in Colorado. The national park is reserved reserved for people to visit. Visitors to Rocky Mountain National Park are excited to see the wild animals that live there. Those animals include elk, moose, mountain goats, and mountain sheep.
Where can the Rocky Mountains be found?
A. in the eastern part of Canada B. only in the southern part of the U.S. C. in the western region of North America
What does the first paragraph of the article list?
A. different types of weather in the Rocky Mountains B. different states the Rocky Mountains go through C. different mountains in North America
Mount Elbert is the highest peak in the Rockies. In the winter, heavy snow falls in the higher parts of the Rockies. Based on this, what can you conclude about the weather on Mount Elbert in the winter?
A. It is probably drier than in other parts of the Rockies. B. It is probably less cold than in other parts of the Rockies. C. It is probably snowier than in other parts of the Rockies.
Who would most likely enjoy a visit to the Rocky Mountains?
A. someone who likes doing things outdoors B. someone who does not like wild animals C. someone who is afraid of heights
What is this article mostly about?
A. why people should visit the Rocky Mountains B. what mountains in North America are like C. what the Rocky Mountains are like
Read these sentences from the text. "The Rockies are the longest mountain range in North America. They have many high peaks. The highest is Mount Elbert in Colorado. It is nearly three miles high. Mount Elbert’s peak is fourteen thousand feet above sea level." Based on these sentences, what does “peak” most likely mean?
A. the width of a mountain B. the top of a mountain C. the bottom of a mountain
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. The Rocky Mountains have many high peaks, ____ Mount Elbert is the highest.
A. so B. because C. but
Barn Sour
Jenny sat on her horse, Jake. They were near their house on the farm. Jenny looked at the paths ahead. One way went toward toward the pond. One way went back to the farm. Jenny wanted wanted to go to the pond. There, she could watch the ducks or read a book. But Jake didn’t want want to watch the ducks. Jake couldn’t read books. Jake just wanted wanted to go home. He walked toward toward the farm. “No, Jake!” Jenny said, and pulled back on the rope around Jake’s neck. Jake’s big brown head came up. He stopped and looked at her. He was not happy. Jenny’s dad, Bill, was walking down the path to the farm. He saw Jake stop. “Aww, poor Jake,” he said. “He’s just barn sour!” “What does barn sour mean?” Jenny asked. “It means he wants wants to go back to the barn. He is hungry and tired. Jake is a sweet horse, but he’ll be sour now until he gets home.” Bill smiled. “So barn sour sour is bad?” Jenny said. “Jake is bad?” “No, Jake is not bad.” Bill said. “We all get tired and hungry sometimes. Maybe you should take him home now.” Bill walked to the barn. Jenny frowned. “But I want want to go to the pond,” she said. She got down from Jake and pulled his rope. Jake’s head came down toward toward Jenny. But his feet did not move. Jenny pulled again, using both hands. She pulled hard. Her small round face turned red. Her hair flopped up and down on her back. Jake took two steps down the path to the pond. But then he stopped again. Now he looked mad. Jenny was mad now, too. She pulled one more time, even harder. Her boots kicked up a cloud of dust from the path. “Come on, Jake!” This time, Jake didn’t go to her. He pulled, too! Jake was a big, strong horse. Jenny was a small girl. Jenny could not stop Jake. And she didn’t just step. She flew! The rope fell. Jenny fell. It hurt. She looked at Jake. Jake looked at Jenny. Then, he put his head down and started eating the grass near the path. Jenny knew she was not going to win. And now, she was tired too. She could hear Bill ringing the dinner bell at her house. Jenny sighed. She got back onto Jake. “Come on, Jake,” she said. “Let’s go home. I’m sorry. I think I am barn sour sour too.” Jake seemed to nod. They walked together toward toward home.
Who is Jake?
A. Jenny’s horse B. Jenny’s dad C. Jenny’s dog
An important part of the story is when Jake stops on the path. Why does Jenny pull on Jake’s rope after he stops?
A. Jenny wants him to go to the barn. B. Jenny wants him to lower his head. C. Jenny wants him to go to the pond.
Jake wants to go back to the farm. What evidence from the story supports this conclusion?
A. “Jake’s big brown head came up. He stopped and looked at her.” B. “Jake just wanted to go home. He walked toward the farm.” C. “Jake’s head came down toward Jenny. But his feet did not move.”
Why doesn’t Jake want to go to the pond?
A. Jake is tired. B. Jake hates ducks. C. Jake is cold.
What is this story mostly about?
A. Jake and Jenny want to go back to the barn. B. Jake and Jenny want to go to the pond. C. Jake and Jenny want to go to different places.
Read the following sentences: “‘Jake is a sweet horse, but he’ll be sour now until he gets home.’ Bill smiled.” As used in this passage, what does “sweet” mean in this sentence?
A. sugary B. nice C. mean
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Jenny pulls on Jake, ____ Jake gets mad.
A. so B. but C. like
Focus On Scientists
Science is the study of different things in the world. Scientists observe, study, and test ideas to discover things that help people. Look inside to discover some facts about scientists. An inventor inventor creates things that help make people’s lives easier. Benjamin Franklin was an inventor inventor. He invented a new kind of stove, the lightning rod, bifocal glasses, and much more. He also created the first library in our country. Benjamin Franklin was born more than 300 years ago on January 17. A forensic (fuh-REHN-sik) scientist helps solve crimes. Dr. Henry Lee is a forensic scientist. He focuses on fingerprint matching. When people touch an object, they leave fingerprints on it. Forensic scientists carefully study fingerprints at a crime scene. An astronomer (uh-STRAH-nuh-mer) studies the universe beyond Earth. Ellen Ochoa is an astronomer who has joined other astronauts in space. Since 1991, she has been on two spaceflights. Ellen Ochoa studies how the sun affects Earth’s atmosphere and climate. A primatologist (prigh-muh-TAH-luh-jist) studies intelligent intelligent animals, such as monkeys, chimpanzees, and apes. Those animals are known as primates. Dr. Jane Goodall has been studying chimpanzees in Africa for almost 40 years. She has learned their habits and earned their trust. Chimps are in danger of dying out. Dr. Goodall works to help to save them and their habitat. A meteorologist (mee-tee-uh-RAH-luh-jist) studies the weather and climate. A paleontologist (pay-lee-ahn-TAH-luh-jist) studies fossils, or ancient plant and animal remains. A volcanologist (vuhl-kuh-NAH-luh-jist) studies volcanoes. A zoologist (zoh-AH-luh-jist) studies animals. An entomologist (en-tuh-MAH-luh-jist) studies insects. A marine biologist biologist (muh-REEN bigh-AH-luh-jist) studies ocean life.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Dr. Jane Goodall studies chimpanzees, ______ she is an example of a primatologist.
A. because B. but C. so
A Clean Park
Tyler ran into the kitchen. “Mom, I’m going to the park!” he said.“Wear your helmet!” his mom called back. The park was just down the street street. Tyler grabbed his bike and rode there. It was pretty much his favorite place to go. The park looked pretty crowded. Some kids were playing. But other kids held garbage bags. They were picking up trash. Tyler stopped his bike. One of the kids was Lauren, a girl from his school. She waved at Tyler. “We’re cleaning up the park today,” she said. “Want to help?” “No thanks,” Tyler said. Today was Saturday, a day off. He came to the park to have fun, not to work! Tyler rode his bike around the path path. He passed the swings and slide. He passed the small pond pond. As he rode, he saw things he never noticed before. There was lots of garbage on the ground. He saw old soda bottles. He saw old food wrappers. It was pretty gross. Tyler rode back to Lauren. He got off his bike. “I’ll help,” he said. Lauren smiled. “Here,” she said. She gave him a bag. Tyler and the kids cleaned for about an hour. When they were done, the park looked great. Tyler rode his bike around the path path again. There were no old soda bottles. There were no old food wrappers. Tyler smiled. Now the park was better than ever!
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Tyler changes his mind about helping Lauren _______ he realizes how gross the park is.
A. because B. so C. but
How Countries Solve Problems
Jamal and his mom were watching TV. The news came on. The reporter described a problem between two countries. The countries’ leaders disagreed about who could have fishing boats in one part of the ocean. “How will they figure this out, Mom?” Jamal asked. “Are they going to have a war?” “I hope not,” Jamal’s mom responded. “There are peaceful peaceful ways countries can work out problems. One way is if a third country that both countries trust helps them come to a fair solution.” “That is like what happens at school,” said Jamal. “Sometimes when kids argue argue, a teacher steps in. She tries to help them work it out.” “That is right,” Jamal’s mom replied. “Another way would be if the countries take their argument to the United Nations. The U.N. The UN was created to help solve these kinds of problems. Countries can present their case. The U.N. hears both sides and decides how to settle settle the dispute.” “That sounds like a trial!” said Jamal. “Yes, it is like that,” his mom answered. “What is important is that both countries talk instead of fight. While it does not always work, talking is a much better way to solve problems!”
Jamal and his mom were watching the news. What did the news reporter describe?
A. a problem between two countries B. the job of the United Nations C. a new way to go fishing in the ocean
Jamal’s mom gives two examples of peaceful ways for countries to do what?
A. work out their problems B. get ready to go to war C. borrow money from each other
“There are peaceful ways countries can work out problems. One way is to have a third country that both countries trust help them come to a fair solution.” What conclusion can you draw from this evidence?
A. The only way to help two fighting countries come to a fair solution is to bring in a third country to help work out their problems. B. It is probably important for the two fighting countries to trust the third country that helps them come to a solution. C. Most fighting countries are able to come to a fair solution easily, without needing outside help.
Based on the information in the text, what are two things that the United Nations most likely works toward?
A. money and fighting B. power and prizes C. peace and fairness
What is the theme of this story?
A. Fighting is always the easiest way to end an argument. B. Talking and fighting are both good ways to solve problems. C. Talking is a better way to settle arguments than fighting.
Read these sentences from the text. “Another way is to have the countries take their argument to the United Nations. The U.N. was created to help solve these kinds of problems. Countries can present their case. The U.N. hears both sides and decides how to settle the dispute.” What does “present their case” most nearly mean here?
A. show off their riches B. give their gifts C. tell their side of the story
Read these sentences from the text. “There are peaceful ways countries can work out problems. One way is to have a third country that both countries trust help them come to a fair solution.” Which of these has the same meaning as the second sentence from the text?
A. For example, a third country that both countries trust can help them come to a fair solution. B. One way is to have a third country that neither countries trust help them come to a fair solution. C. The best way is to have a third country that both countries trust help them come to a fair solution.
The Island of Hope and Tears
Many people have moved to America over the centuries. Some people have ancestors who moved to America long ago. Others have relatives who moved to America more recently. Maybe someone related to you moved to America long ago. That person might have arrived at Ellis Island. It is an island in New York City’s harbor. Long ago, Ellis Island was the first stop in the United States for many newcomers. These newcomers were called immigrants immigrants. From 1892 to 1924, more than twelve million immigrants immigrants came through Ellis Island. Nearly all immigrants immigrants came to America by ship. They were examined examined at Ellis Island before they were allowed to enter the United States. Many people who entered the United States through Ellis Island nicknamed it “The Island of Hope.” But not everyone was allowed into the United States. Some people were turned away. They gave Ellis Island another, sadder nickname: “The Island of Tears.” Today, millions of people come to the United States on airplanes. Ellis Island stopped accepting accepting immigrants immigrants many years ago. The island is now home to a museum. It has a collection that tells the story of immigration. The museum shows immigrants’ photographs, letters, documents, clothing, and much more. At the museum’s American Family Immigration History Center, you can use a computer to see if anyone in your family came through Ellis Island.
Who had to come through Ellis Island before getting to the United States?
A. business people B. immigrants C. New Yorkers
What does the author describe in the last paragraph of the article?
A. things that immigrants used to see at the immigration museum on Ellis Island B. the way that immigrants lived when they first came to the United States C. things that you can see or do at the immigration museum on Ellis Island today
Some immigrants were upset when they were not allowed to enter the United States. What evidence in the article supports this statement?
A. "Many people who entered the United States through Ellis Island nicknamed it 'The Island of Hope.'" B. "Some people were turned away. They gave Ellis Island another, sadder nickname: 'The Island of Tears.'" C. "From 1892 to 1924, more than twelve million immigrants came through Ellis Island."
What is one reason why some people probably called Ellis Island “The Island of Hope?”
A. because they hoped they could live on Ellis Island for a long time B. because they hoped they would be allowed to enter the United States C. because they hoped they would find a way back to their home countries
What is the main idea of this article?
A. Ellis Island has a museum that tells people today about immigration. B. Ellis Island was once the first stop for immigrants coming to the United States. C. You can use a computer to see if anyone in your family came through Ellis Island.
Read these sentences from the first part of the article. "Maybe someone related to you moved to America long ago. That person might have arrived at Ellis Island. It is an island in New York City’s harbor. Long ago, Ellis Island was the first stop in the United States for many newcomers." Why might the author have mentioned that someone related to you might have moved to America long ago?
A. to find out how your family came to America B. to give you an idea for an important research project C. to get you interested in learning about how people came to America
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. Many immigrants came through Ellis Island, _____ not everyone was allowed into the United States.
A. so B. because C. but
Arctic Life
Welcome to the Arctic Arctic! That is the cold, windy area around the North Pole. It includes the Arctic Arctic Ocean and the land near it. Snow and ice cover the ground for much of the year. The Arctic Arctic is a habitat, or place in nature where many animals live. The walrus, polar bear, and snowy owl are a few of those animals. They have different ways to survive survive the cold. A walrus spends most of its time in the icy water. This marine marine animal has a thick layer of blubber, or fat, under its skin to keep it warm. When a walrus swims, its body works in a special way to stay warm. Blood flows away from its skin to important organs inside its body. They include the heart and brain. That keeps heat from leaving the walrus’s body, and the animal’s skin turns white. When the walrus is warm again, its skin turns a pink color. A polar bear has special fur to keep it warm. Each hair is shaped like a straw. The shape helps direct sunlight toward the bear’s black skin. The black skin collects and holds in heat. Polar bears also have a layer of blubber under their skin. How does a snowy owl stay warm? It has two layers of feathers. They cover the owl’s entire body, including its legs and feet. The bottom layer of feathers, called down, is soft and fluffy. The outer layer of feathers is thick. In strong wind, the snowy owl may hide on the ground behind a pile of snow or rocks to block the wind.
What is the Arctic?
A. a cold and windy area B. a hot and damp area C. a cool and dry area
What does this text list?
A. different plants that grow in the Arctic B. different animals that live in the Arctic C. different types of weather in the Arctic
Fat is a good way for animals to stay warm in cold weather. What information from the text supports this idea?
A. Polar bears and walruses both have layers of fat to keep them warm. B. Owls have a thick layer of fat under their feathers. C. Owls and polar bears wear coats made out of fat.
What is one thing that all of these animals have in common?
A. They all have a layer of fat that keep them warm. B. They all eat fish that they catch in the ocean. C. Their bodies all keep them warm in the cold weather.
What is this text mostly about?
A. different animals that live in the desert B. different animals that can survive in the Arctic weather C. different plants that animals eat in the Arctic
We're Going to a Powwow!
The sound of drums fills the air. People start to sing and dance. A powwow has begun. In the past, a powwow was a religious ceremony. Today, a powwow is a festival festival. It celebrates celebrates Native American life. Many different Native American tribes have powwows. At powwows, Native Americans sing songs in their tribe’s language language. Some of the songs are old. Other songs are new. People sing to the beat of a drum. Dancers move to the beat. The drum is an important part of the powwow. Dancers wear special clothes at a powwow. This includes something on their head, like a hat or ribbon. The clothes are a mix of traditions from the past and fashion today. The clothes tell about who they are. Some are made by hand. As the dancers get older, they may change or add pieces to their clothes. Some of these pieces are gifts from family and friends. People sell arts and crafts at some powwows. The artists make each item by hand. The arts and crafts often include beadwork, baskets, and pottery. Fry bread is often found at powwows. The bread is sometimes eaten with toppings. People put meat, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and hot peppers on top of the bread. Then they roll it up and eat it. Some tribes call these “Navajo tacos” or “Indian tacos.”
Choose the word that best completes the sentences below. Some of the songs are old. Other songs are _________.
A. hot B. new C. gifts
Great Americans
Oprah Winfrey had her own television talk show and magazine. She uses much of the money she earns to help others. Winfrey had a charity called the Angel Network. People donated, or gave, money to the charity. The money was used to help people throughout the world. She now is building her own television network, OWN. Robert L. Curbeam Jr. was an astronaut. When he was a boy, he wanted to design design rockets. He worked for NASA. That is the U.S. space agency. Curbeam has been on three spaceflights. He has spent more than 900 hours in space! Nikki Giovanni is a writer. She is the author author of books and poems for children and adults. She has won many awards for her poetry. In 2005, she wrote a children's book called Rosa. It is about the life of Rosa Parks. Savion Glover is a tap dancer. He also creates creates new dances. Glover has won many awards. He has been tap dancing since he was a boy. At the age of 10, he starred in The Tap Dance Kid. The show was on a Broadway stage in New York City. Since then, Glover has danced in television shows and in movies. Rosa Parks helped to change a law that was unfair to African American people. That law said that African Americans had to sit in the back of city buses. One day in 1955, Parks was riding on a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama. The driver told her to give her seat to a white person. She refused to move. To refuse means to decide not to do something. Thousands of people heard this story and refused to ride the city buses in Montgomery. One year later, the law was changed.
Who is Nikki Giovanni?
A. a writer B. a tap dancer C. an astronaut
What does the author describe at the end of the passage?
A. how Rosa Parks made history B. Savion Glover’s tap dancing career C. how Robert L. Curbeam Jr. became an astronaut
Oprah Winfrey cares about helping others. What evidence from the passage supports this conclusion?
A. Oprah Winfrey uses much of the money she earns to help others. B. Oprah Winfrey is building her own television network, OWN. C. Oprah Winfrey had her own television talk show and magazine.
Why are all of these people included in the passage?
A. because they are important B. because they are scientists C. because they changed laws
What is this passage mostly about?
A. famous African Americans B. the life of Rosa Parks C. The Tap Dance Kid
Read the following sentences: “ At the age of 10, he starred in The Tap Dance Kid. The show was on a Broadway stage in New York City.” What does the word “starred” most nearly mean?
A. jumped B. performed C. noted
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Savion Glover is a talented tap dancer, _________ he has won many awards.
A. also B. but C. so
It's Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year happens sometime between January 21 and February 20. The Chinese New Year celebration celebration lasts 15 days. People say good-bye to the old year and welcome the new year. A Time for Color: Many people wear red and gold. Those colors are thought to bring happiness and wealth. Family and friends give children small red envelopes filled with money. A Time for Food: During Chinese New Year, people usually eat dishes that have special meanings. For example, one dish is called the longevity noodles. People believe eating these long noodles mean they would live a longer life. A Time for Good Wishes: People decorate decorate their homes with paper decorations and scrolls. They usually show symbols symbols of good luck, wealth, and happiness. A Time for Celebration Celebration: The Chinese lion dance is often part of the Chinese New Year celebration. People believe that the dance brings good luck. The dragon is also a symbol symbol of good luck. A group of people might dress up as a dragon and perform the dragon dance. The Chinese people use an animal to name each year. There are twelve animals. They are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. People born in a certain year are believed to have a specific set of characteristics. For example, people born in the year of the pig are thought to be honest and hardworking and to have good manners.
When does Chinese New Year happen?
A. sometime between January 1 and February 20 B. sometime between January 21 and February 20 C. sometime between January 1 and January 21 D. January 21
What is the main idea of this text?
A. During Chinese New Year, people eat dishes that have special meanings. B. The Chinese lion dance is believed to bring people good luck. C. There are different ways people celebrate Chinese New Year. D. The Chinese people use an animal to name each year.
What do many people wear during Chinese New Year?
A. blue and gold B. red and silver C. blue and silver D. red and gold
What is one characteristic people born in the year of the pig are believed to have?
A. They are energetic. B. They are creative. C. They are lazy. D. They are honest.
Clara and Phillip the Turtle
It’s a hot summer’s day, and Clara is outside on her back porch drinking lemonade. Her mom is in the backyard cutting the grass with a lawn mower. The lawn mower is loud, and Clara wishes her mom would play with her instead. But her mom says because it’s been sunny and then rainy and then sunny again, the grass has had everything it needs to grow. Now it is very long and has to be cut. Suddenly, the lawn mower turns off. Clara’s mom looks upset. Clara wonders what is wrong. Her mom bends over and picks something up out of the grass, and walks over to the porch. Clara’s mom has a turtle in her hand! The turtle is small, and as Clara looks closer, she sees that one leg is at an odd angle. “I think I broke its leg,” Clara’s mom says. “I’m really very sorry. Will you help me nurse it back to health?” Clara feels bad for the little turtle. Turtles move slowly, so it probably could not run away when it saw the lawn mower coming. And Clara’s mom could not see the turtle in the long grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her mom will make it right. Clara names the turtle Phillip. Clara and her mom take Phillip the turtle to the veterinarian. The vet takes an x-ray of Phillip’s leg, and confirms confirms that it is broken. Phillip the turtle gets a little splint and bandage for his broken leg. The vet tells Clara that Phillip needs plants to eat and water to drink, plus a place to live. Clara and her mom buy a small tank at the pet store on the way home for the turtle to recuperate recuperate in. At home, Clara takes good care of Phillip the turtle. She puts water and rocks in the tank. She brings him fruit and leaves to eat, and keeps his water bowl clean. Phillip seems to be in a better mood mood. After eight weeks, Clara and her mom take Phillip back to the vet, who says that his leg is healed. Clara is both happy and sad. Happy because Phillip is better, but sad because she has to let him go. When Clara gets home, she kisses Phillip’s shell, says goodbye, and lets him go in the backyard. Clara will always remember Phillip.
What does Clara take care of?
A. a bird B. a snake C. a turtle
A problem in this story is that Phillip’s leg is broken. What is the solution?
A. Clara’s mom cuts the grass with a lawn mower. B. Clara sits on her back porch and drinks lemonade. C. Clara takes care of Phillip until his leg is healed.
Clara takes good care of Phillip the turtle. What information from the story supports this statement?
A. The vet says that Phillip needs plants to eat and water to drink, plus a place to live. B. Clara brings Phillip fruit and leaves to eat, and keeps his water bowl clean. C. Clara wishes her mom would play with her instead of cutting the grass.
How was Phillip’s leg probably broken?
A. It was caught on a piece of glass in the backyard. B. It was run over by the lawn mower. C. It was hit by a car driving down the street.
What is a theme of this story?
A. A mistake can be fixed. B. Pets are a lot of trouble. C. Children should spend a lot of time outdoors.
Read this sentence from the passage: “Clara’s mom has a turtle in her hand! ” Why does the author use an exclamation point after the word “hand”?
A. to show that Clara does not know what is happening B. to show that what is happening is exciting C. to show that Clara’s mom is asking a question
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Phillip’s leg is healed _______ Clara takes care of him.
A. after B. before C. so
The Perfect Sandcastle
Renee was making sandcastles on the beach with her friends, Divya and Morris. It was fun to shape the wet sand with their hands, like dough. It was sunny outside but not too bright. The ocean waves lapping at Renee’s feet felt nice. As they played, Renee noticed noticed something: none of their sandcastles looked like castles. Renee’s sandcastles looked like upside-down ice cream cones. Divya’s castles looked like wooden blocks, with little dents where she had shaped the blocks with her fingers. And Morris made castles that looked like a lot of snowmen huddled together. “Divya, Morris,” Renee said. “None of our castles look like castles!” Divya and Morris laughed. “You’re right, Renee!” Morris said. “But so what? This is fun!” “But wouldn’t it be more fun if we could make a sandcastle that actually looked like a castle?” Renee said. Divya said, “I know how we could do it! My dad is an architect architect. Before the builders make a building, my dad draws it first.” Morris said, “That gives me an idea.” He got up and kicked everybody’s castles into the ocean. “Hey, what are you doing?” Renee asked, laughing. “Don’t worry,” Morris said. “I’ll be right back!” He ran down the beach until he found a stick, then came back and held it out. “Who wants to draw our castle?” Renee and Divya smiled and looked at each other. “Divya, you’ve seen your dad do this— you should draw it!” Renee said. “But it was your idea, Renee!” Divya said. “You draw it!” “O.K.,” Renee said, and took the stick from Morris. She drew a square in the sand. “That’s the main part of the castle.” She added a small rectangle at the bottom. “And that’s the bridge that leads in, across the moat.” “I can make those!” Divya said. Renee drew four circles at the corners of the big square. “And these can be the towers around the castle.” “Those are called turrets,” Morris said. “I can make those!” So Divya made a big cube cube of sand for the main part of the castle, and then she made a small bridge. Morris made four turrets to go around the castle. It took a couple of minutes. Then they all sat back and looked at what they had made. “It looks a lot more like a castle than before,” Renee said. “But it still doesn’t look quite right.” She looked at the smooth surfaces of the castle, the bridge, and the turrets, and then she tapped her chin with the stick. Then she drew a small door on the front of the castle, and crisscrossed lines to make it look like it was made of bricks. “This looks pretty good!” Divya said. “Yeah!” Morris said. “We made a pretty nice castle.” “Good work, everyone!” Renee said. Then she got up and kicked the castle into the ocean. “Renee, what are you doing?” Divya asked. “This is fun!” Renee said. “But why stop there? I bet we can make an even better one!” They all agreed with her. The sun was still shining, and there was a nice breeze coming off of the ocean. Renee held out the stick. “Who wants to draw the next one?” she asked.
What are Renee, Divya, and Morris making on the beach?
A. mud pies B. deep holes C. sandcastles
One problem in this passage is that the sandcastles Renee and her friends make do not look like castles. How do they solve this problem?
A. They build a new sandcastle, first drawing it in the sand. B. They ask Divya’s dad to help them build a new sandcastle because he is an architect. C. They all build sandcastles that look like upside-down ice cream cones.
The sandcastle built after making a drawing looks more like a real castle than the sandcastles built before making a drawing. What can be concluded from this information?
A. Making a drawing before building a sandcastle results in a sandcastle that looks like a wooden block. B. Making a drawing before building a sandcastle results in a sandcastle that looks like a big snowman. C. Making a drawing before building a sandcastle results in a sandcastle that looks more like a real castle.
Why does Morris kick down everyone’s sandcastles?
A. He is mad because their sandcastles are bigger than his. B. He has an idea for making a new sandcastle. C. He is tired of making sandcastles and wants to do something else.
What is a theme of the story?
A. People do a better job at something when they work alone than when they work in a group. B. If people are unhappy, they should keep doing what they are doing. C. Doing something in a new way can make a big difference.
Read these sentences: “Renee’s sandcastles looked like upside-down ice cream cones. Divya’s castles looked like wooden blocks, with little dents where she had shaped the blocks with her fingers. And Morris made castles that looked like a lot of snowmen huddled together. ‘Divya, Morris,’ Renee said. ‘None of our castles look like castles!’” What does Renee mean when she says, “None of our castles look like castles!”
A. Renee means that none of their sandcastles look like real castles. B. Renee means that they will never be able to build a castle with towers. C. Renee means that Divya is better at making sandcastles than Morris is.
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Renee, Divya, and Morris build a sandcastle that looks more like a real castle _______ making a drawing in the sand.
A. after B. before C. because
Celebrations Around the World
Countries around the world take part in different celebrations throughout the year. The world map shows some of those countries. The Festival Festival of the Sun in Peru takes place in June. That is the time of year when the Sun is farthest away from Peru and daylight is shortest. The festival festival honors the Sun. The Rose Harvest Festival Festival in Bulgaria takes place in June. People celebrate with folk music, dances, and traditional costumes. Many roses grow in Bulgaria. Those flowers are used to make products such as perfume and chocolate. The Yam Harvest Festival Festival takes place each August. A yam is a vegetable that grows in some African countries. People in Ghana and Nigeria wear traditional costumes and carry yams to celebrate this holiday. In July, people in some places in Australia celebrate the history of Aborigines (a-buh-RIH-juh-neez). Aborigines are the Native people of Australia. As part of the week-long celebration, people wear traditional costumes, paint their faces, and perform dances. One dance is called, “shake a leg.” The Dragon Boat Festival Festival takes place in China each year in June. People in this country take part in boat races. The boats are decorated to look like dragons, a Chinese symbol symbol of luck. The festival festival celebrates good luck for the next year. Independence Day takes place on July 4. It is the day the United States celebrates its freedom freedom from British rule. People often wear the colors of the American flag, march in parades, and watch fireworks to celebrate this holiday.
What does the Festival of the Sun in Peru honor?
A. Peru B. roses C. the Sun
The Rose Harvest Festival in Bulgaria and the Yam Harvest in Ghana and Nigeria both celebrate something that grows in those countries. According to the text, what is one difference between what they celebrate?
A. The Rose Harvest Festival celebrates an animal and the Yam Harvest celebrates trees. B. The Rose Harvest Festival celebrates a flower and the Yam Harvest celebrates a vegetable. C. The Rose Harvest Festival celebrates a color and the Yam Harvest celebrates a fruit.
Read the following sentences from the text. “In July, people in some places in Australia celebrate the history of Aborigines (a-buh-RIH-juh-neez). Aborigines are the Native people of Australia. As part of the week-long celebration, people wear traditional costumes, paint their faces, and perform dances….The Dragon Boat Festival takes place in China each year in June. People in this country take part in boat races. The boats are decorated to look like dragons, a Chinese symbol of luck. What conclusion can you draw from this evidence?
A. Celebrations often include traditions, like traditional clothing or symbols. B. Celebrations always include boats of different sizes that people can race. C. Celebrations can never include dancing because they are serious events.
According to the text, how might people in the United States come together to celebrate Independence Day?
A. They might march in parades and watch fireworks together. B. They might wear traditional costumes and carry yams together. C. They might perform a dance called “shake a leg” together.
What is the main idea of this text?
A. People in the United states celebrate Independence Day on July 4 each year. B. Places around the world have different celebrations throughout the year. C. Roses are a type of flower that can be used to make perfume and chocolate.
Mommy Bird Feeds Her Chicks
A bunch of chicks chicks hatch to a mommy bird. She knows her young ones are hungry and that they will need to eat. She knows she has to go and get food for them. The mommy bird is big and tall, and she is a capable hunter, especially at catching fish. She is a great blue heron with sharp eyes and fast bill movement. The nest is up high in a towering oak tree. The chicks chicks are hungry. The mommy bird takes off to the bay to find food. She soars through the air. The sun is out. There are no clouds, and the wind is blowing gently. The mommy bird enjoys the free feeling of flying. The bay is close to the nest, so the mommy bird arrives there quickly. She lands and then starts to wait. She stands still in the water and watches. Sometimes she walks very slowly. She waits for fish to swim close. When one fish does, she uses her bill to quickly snatch up the fish and swallow it whole. Now she has food and can feed feed her babies. The mommy bird flies back to the nest. Her chicks chicks are chirping away, ready to be fed. Their feathers are fluffy, and their little bird faces are cute. The mommy bird regurgitates the fish that she swallowed. Regurgitate is another way of saying that she brings the food she swallowed back up to her mouth. The mommy bird opens her mouth and drops the food into the nest. The chicks chicks peck at it, eating away and getting their fill. The mommy bird knows she has done her job. This is how the mommy bird ensures that her young ones will grow up to be big and strong. This is how she helps them survive survive.
What is hatched to the mommy bird?
A. a bunch of chicks B. a bunch of fish C. one chick
What main problem does the mommy bird face?
A. She has lost her chicks. B. She needs to feed her chicks. C. she cannot fly
The mommy bird uses her bill to get food. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion?
A. "The mommy bird takes off to the bay to find food." B. "She stands still in the water and watches. Sometimes she walks very slowly." C. ". . . she uses her bill to quickly snatch up the fish and swallow it whole."
Read these sentences from the text. The bay is close to the nest, so the mommy bird arrives there quickly. She lands and then starts to wait. She stands still in the water and watches. Sometimes she walks very slowly. She waits for fish to swim close. When one fish does, she uses her bill to quickly snatch up the fish and swallow it whole. Based on the text, how can you describe the mommy bird?
A. She is patient. B. She is tired. C. She is scared.
What is the main idea of this text?
A. A mommy bird makes a nest in a tall oak tree, where a bunch of chicks hatch. B. A mommy bird flies through the air on a sunny day, and she loves the feeling of flying. C. A mommy bird helps her chicks survive by finding food and bringing it back for them.
Read these sentences from the text. [The mommy bird] waits for fish to swim close. When one fish does, she uses her bill to quickly snatch up the fish and swallow it whole. Now she has food and can feed her babies. Based on these sentences, what does "swallow" mean?
A. throw B. take in C. hide
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. The mommy bird knows that her chicks are hungry, ____ she has to go and get food for them.
A. so B. but C. also
Super Survival Skills
A porcupine fish is one type of sea creature creature that lives in the oceans. When the porcupine fish is in danger, it swallows water and swells like a balloon. It then becomes too large and prickly for an enemy to eat. How do other sea creatures creatures protect protect themselves? Oceans are home to some of the most colorful animals in the world. Each sea creature creature uses a different skill to survive survive. Angelfish usually swim in schools to protect protect themselves. That makes it hard for enemies to harm one fish in a group. Clown fish live in sea anemones (uh-NEH-muh-neez). Those are poisonous ocean plants. Clown fish have a slimy coating on their bodies that protects protects them from the plants’ poison. Sea horses use camouflage to hide from enemies. Animals that use camouflage change color or shape to blend in with their surroundings. Mimic octopuses take on the color, shape, and behavior of other, more dangerous animals. The amazing task can be done in just seconds. To stay safe, this mimic octopus pretends to be a starfish. Jellyfish are soft, clear sea creatures creatures. Some jellyfish have long, poisonous arms called tentacles. The tentacles sting enemies that attack. Sometimes oil spills onto beaches and into oceans. People help sea birds by scrubbing their feathers clean of the oil. It is important to keep beaches and oceans free of pollution. Pollution can harm animals and humans. Garbage, like plastic rings from soft drink cans, can harm animals. Animals can get trapped in the rings’ holes.
How does living in sea anemones protect clown fish?
A. Clown fish are the same colors as sea anemones. B. Predators stay away from sea anemones because they are poisonous. C. Sea anemones attack other fish. D. Clown fish have poison on their scales that come from the sea anemone.
_______________ stay together in groups for protection.
A. Jelly fish B. Seahorses C. Angelfish D. All of the above
Tentacles are
A. types of poison on jelly fish. B. poisonous stripes on clown fish. C. long arms on jellyfish and sea anemones. D. the arms of a starfish.
Why does mimicking another animal protect the mimic octopus?
A. The mimic octopus looks like a more dangerous animal and scares predators away. B. Predators are scared of animals that change and will leave them alone. C. The mimic octopus changes to look like the predator to confuse it. D. The mimic octopus changes so quickly that the predator cannot see it.
Welcome Aboard!
Ahoy, mates! Welcome aboard aboard the Santa Maria. Put on your sea legs and join Christopher Columbus and his crew on their journey journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbus and his crew started their trip in Spain. They had three ships: The Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus and his crew were looking for a shortcut shortcut to Asia to buy gold and spices. The trip was long. Many of the sailors thought they were lost. They were running out of food. Some of the sailors wanted to turn around and go back home. Columbus said they must be close to land because he saw birds flying in the distance. Birds never fly far from their nests. Many of the sailors were scared and tired. They knew they were lost. Columbus told his crew that they would turn around if they didn't see land soon. Thankfully, one of the crew members spotted land the next day! Columbus did not find a shortcut shortcut to Asia. Instead, he landed on an island near what is now the United States. Columbus called it San Salvador. People called the Taino (TIGH-noh) lived there. The Taino lived in straw huts and fished from canoes.
Which happened first?
A. The sailors thought they were lost. B. The crew started their trip in Spain. C. They were running out of food. D. A crew member spotted land.
Which happened last?
A. They were running out of food. B. The crew started their trip in Spain. C. The sailors thought they were lost. D. A crew member spotted land.
Columbus was looking for a shortcut to
A. Florida. B. Asia. C. Spain. D. the United States.
Money Matters
People use money every day. Have you ever wondered where all of that money has been or where it might go? Read below to find out! Money comes in the form of bills and coins. Here is the path a U.S. dollar bill may take from start to finish. Bills are printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. People check the bills to make sure they are perfect. The new dollars are sent to the Federal Reserve Bank. The bills are kept in a vault vault. A vault vault is a safe place to keep money. Trained guards drive special trucks. They take the bills to local banks, like the banks in your neighborhood. The local bank keeps the bills until people need to use them. People can withdraw withdraw or deposit money by going to an ATM or a teller. A teller is a bank worker. Sometimes people spend money. Other times, people earn and save money. Eventually, paper bills wear out. Local banks put worn-out bills back on the special trucks. The worn-out bills are shredded and replaced replaced with new ones.  A dollar bill lasts almost two years on average before it needs to be shredded.  U.S. bills are printed on paper that is one-quarter linen and three-quarters cotton.  The largest bill ever printed in the United States was the $100,000 bill!  Each day, the government prints 37 million bills worth about $696 million.  About 18 tons of ink per day is used to print those bills. That is equal to the weight of about three elephants!
Where would you most likely find this text?
A. a science magazine. B. a social studies textbook. C. a newspaper’s section about art. D. a magazine about music.
This article was written to
A. inform people about how money is made. B. inform people where money has been and where it goes. C. persuade readers that money is an important part of society. D. help people learn how to save and spend money wisely.
Fun in the Sun
Grab your beach towel, sunglasses, and sunscreen! Summer is just around the corner. It starts on June 21. For most kids, that means more time to play outside and have fun. Experts say that more injuries injuries occur during the summer months. Follow these tips to make sure you stay safe while enjoying the season. Many kids will spend hours playing outside in the summer sun. Be careful, though. The sun’s harmful harmful rays can cause damage damage to your skin and eyes. If you are out in the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen. It should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher, say experts. Make sure you rub it in everywhere your skin is showing. You should also wear a hat and sunglasses that protect against the sun’s harmful harmful rays. Better yet, play in the shade! You can beat the heat by splashing in a pool. Just make sure you follow water-safety rules. Always swim with a grown-up watching you. You should also swim with a buddy. If you don’t know how to swim, you can take lessons. Biking and in-line skating are good ways to exercise. To stay wheel safe, always wear a helmet. It protects your head and brain if you fall. If you are in-line skating, also wear wrist guards, elbow pads, and kneepads.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Wearing sunscreen is important _______ sunlight can damage your skin and eyes.
A. but B. because C. so
The Buzz About Honey
Honeybees are really busy. Using flowers, bees begin to make honey. They visit between 50 and 100 flowers in one trip from the beehive. Follow the buzz to the beehive, and discover how honey is made. Follow the steps honey takes from a flower to a grocery store shelf. 1. Collect the Nectar Honeybees need flowers to make honey. Honeybees collect nectar from the flower. Nectar is a sweet liquid used to make honey. 2. Head to the Hive Honeybees live and make honey in hives. Bees bring the gathered nectar back to the hive. 3. Build the Honeycomb In the hive, bees place the nectar in a group of cells called a honeycomb. Honeycombs are made with beeswax. That is wax bees make from their bodies. 4. Fan the Nectar The worker bees fan the liquid nectar with their wings. That turns the nectar into thick and sticky honey. The honeycombs become bigger as more nectar is brought and honey is made. 5. Collect the Honey Beekeepers collect honey inside the beehive. The honey sold in grocery stores was collected by a beekeeper. A beehive is ruled by one queen bee. The brain of a worker honeybee is about the size of the head of a pin. A honeybee would have to visit 2 million million flowers to make only 1 pound of honey. During its lifetime lifetime, a honeybee makes enough honey to equal the size of a pea. Honeybees flap their wings more than 11,000 times each minute minute. That makes a buzzing sound.
First the bees collect __________ and then they go to the hive.
A. nectar B. pollen C. beeswax D. honeycomb
In a lifetime of work, a honeybee collects
A. enough honey to equal the size of a head of a pin. B. a pound of honey. C. honey from 2 million flowers. D. enough honey to equal the size of a pea.
Before the bees fan the honey, they put the nectar in ___________.
A. their bellies. B. jars. C. the flower. D. the honeycomb.
The beekeeper collects the honey from the hive and then the honey goes to ______________.
A. a restaurant. B. the flower. C. the grocery store. D. the beeswax.
A Trip to the Immigration Museum
Sara was learning about American history. Today, her class visited the Ellis Island Immigration Immigration Museum. “This museum is in the building where immigrants to the United States arrived a hundred years ago,” Sara’s teacher explained. “You will learn how people came to America back then. Please think about how different things are today.” The class took a ferryboat that chugged past the Statue of Liberty. When they arrived at Ellis Island, Sara noticed that the museum was in a big red-and-white building. Inside, Sara saw old trunks, suitcases, and baskets. “This is where immigrants had to check their baggage,” a guide said. “They had come on long trips aboard very crowded ships. They knew they might never be able to return to their old countries.” The museum was filled with photographs and exhibits exhibits. Sara saw old-time dresses, boots, and other clothing from many countries. She looked at letters and passports and documents. She and her friends watched a few video interviews. The people being interviewed interviewed were proud to have become Americans. Sara also felt proud. Her parents had immigrated to the United States, too. She thought she would like to know more about how her parents came here. “I am going to interview interview them when I get home,” she decided.
What did Sara and her class learn about on their class visit?
A. how people came to America a hundred years ago B. how to drive a ferryboat on a river C. how to interview someone about history
Where does this story mostly take place?
A. at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum B. on a ferryboat near Ellis Island C. at the Statue of Liberty
Read these sentences from the text. "'This is where immigrants had to check their baggage,' a guide said. 'They had come on long trips aboard very crowded ships. They knew they might never be able to return to their old countries.'" Based on this evidence, what conclusion can you draw about where these immigrants came from?
A. They came from nearby towns and villages. B. They came from faraway countries. C. They came from different parts of the U.S.
Immigrants to the United States wanted very much to become Americans. What evidence from the text supports this statement?
A. They arrived at the building that was turned into the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. B. They came to the U.S. knowing that they might never be able to return to their old countries. C. They came to the U.S. wearing old-time dresses, boots, and clothing from their countries.
What is the main idea of this story?
A. Sara visited a museum and learned about immigrants who came to the United States a hundred years ago. B. Sara interviewed her parents to learn more about how they came to the United States. C. Sara saw old trunks, suitcases, and baskets at the immigration museum she went to with her class.
Read these sentences from the text. “'This museum is in the building where immigrants to the United States arrived a hundred years ago,' Sara’s teacher explained. 'You will learn how people came to America back then.'” In these sentences, what does the phrase “immigrants to the United States” mean?
A. people who traveled the world B. people who left America to live somewhere else C. people who came to live in America
Sara wanted to know more about how her parents immigrated to the United States, ____ she decided to interview them.
A. because B. but C. so
Moka the Little Golden Dog
Moka is a little golden dog that speaks English. No one seems to know but me. My job is to feed Moka and take her for walks when her family goes away on vacation. I’ve asked them about Moka before. I’ve said, “Are you aware, Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy, that your little golden dog speaks English?” Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy laugh and tell me to have a nice weekend and not to give little Moka too much to eat. Then they leave for their vacation. Moka comes bouncing down the stairs, wagging her little golden tail and barking with joy joy. “Moka!” I shout. “Would you like me to scratch behind your ears?” “Forevermore!” she yaps. “Would you like me to rub your little golden belly?” “Forevermore! Forevermore!” ‘Forevermore’ is the only word I’ve ever heard Moka say. When I have felt lonely lonely, I have asked her, “How long do you think you will love me?” “Forevermore!” she yaps. When I have felt tired, I’ve told her, “It is so difficult being a writer. How much longer do you think I should keep trying?” “Forevermore! Forevermore!” Although Moka only ever says that one word, she always says just what I need to hear. Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy have a very special granddaughter named Samantha. One day, while her grandma and grandpa were getting ready to leave, Samantha asked me, “Hey Jesse, did you know that the little golden dog speaks English?” “You mean Moka talks to you, too?” I asked, overjoyed to finally find someone else who knew. “But she only ever says one word,” said Samantha. “She says, ‘Nevermore.’” “Nevermore?” I asked. “Yes,” said Samantha. “I ask her, ‘Will I be afraid of the dark tonight?’ And Moka yaps, ‘Nevermore!’ I say, ‘Do you think I’ll get too nervous to raise my hand and answer the questions in class tomorrow?’ And Moka yaps, ‘Nevermore! Nevermore!’ It’s so strange, Jesse. But even though Moka only ever says one word, she always says just what I need to hear.” Just then, Moka came bouncing down the stairs, wagging her little, golden tail and barking with joy joy. “Hey Moka,” said Samantha and I at the same time, “how do you always tell us just what we need to hear?” Moka looked at Samantha and me for a long time. “I don’t know,” she said at last. “I just tell the truth truth.”
Who is Moka?
A. a little golden dog B. the narrator of the story C. the Quimpys’ granddaughter
How does Moka change in the story?
A. At first she can speak English, but then she speaks Spanish. B. At first she only says “forevermore,” but then she only says “nevermore.” C. At first she only says one word at a time, but then she says a sentence.
Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy do not believe that their dog can speak English. What evidence from the story best supports this conclusion?
A. Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy tell the narrator not to feed Moka too much. B. When the narrator tells them that Moka can speak, they laugh. C. Samantha asks the narrator if she knows that Moka can speak.
How do many of Moka’s answers affect the narrator and Samantha?
A. Many of Moka’s answers confuse the narrator and Samantha. B. Many of Moka’s answers discourage the narrator and Samantha and make them feel bad. C. Many of Moka’s answers motivate the narrator and Samantha and make them feel good.
What is this story mostly about?
A. a dog that speaks English B. a dog that only says one word C. a girl who takes care of a dog
Read the following sentences: “Moka is a little golden dog that speaks English. No one seems to know but me. My job is to feed Moka and take her for walks when her family goes away on vacation. I’ve asked them about Moka before. I’ve said, ‘Are you aware , Mr. and Mrs. Quimpy, that your little golden dog speaks English?’” As used in this sentence, what does it mean to be “aware” of something?
A. to be interested in something B. to know about something C. to be happy about something
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Moka only says “forevermore” to the narrator, ____ she only says “nevermore” to Samantha.
A. so B. but C. such as
Objects in Space
So much traffic is zipping around Earth’s orbit. An orbit is the path of one space object object around another. Scientists have to keep an eye on all that traffic to make sure it flows smoothly. People have sent hundreds of satellites into Earth’s orbit. A satellite is an object object that orbits a planet. Some travel as close as 100 miles above Earth. Others are thousands of miles away. The satellites have different jobs. Some track track the weather. Others send signals to radios, televisions, cell phones, and computers. The Hubble Space Telescope is a well-known satellite. It was launched launched into space in 1990. It is in orbit 380 miles above Earth. Hubble takes photos of our solar system and faraway galaxies. A galaxy is a huge group of stars, dust, and gas. Over the years, Hubble has taught scientists a lot about space. The International Space Station is a special type of satellite. It is a giant research lab in space where astronauts live and work. The station is in orbit 220 miles above Earth. Work on the space station began in 1998. It was finished in 2011. It is about the size of a five-bedroom house.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Some satellites are within 100 miles of Earth, _______ others are thousands of miles away.
A. but B. so C. because
A Gold Sheep
Jared and his family are going to the petting zoo. Jared is nervous. What if one of the animals bites him? “The animals won’t bite as long as you are nice to them,” Mom says. “I’m always nice to animals,” says Jared. When they get to the zoo, he sees all kinds of animals. There are chickens and lambs. There is a goat and a cow. Jared puts a nickel in a dispenser. A big handful of animal pellets comes out. They smell like dirty socks. He holds the pellets up to a goat, and the goat grabs them with its tongue. The tongue is soft, and it tickles Jared’s hand. “Ah!” Jared yells and jumps back from the goat. “Bleeeeeeet!” says the goat. It wants more food. Jared doesn’t have any more food to give it. Jared keeps walking backward until he feels something fluffy against the back of his legs. A whole flock of sheep is standing together. “Baaaaaaah!” the sheep say. They are looking for food from Jared, too. One of the sheep is a little different from the others. It’s a gray sheep. Jared walks up to the gray sheep. Suddenly, the sheep’s face turns gold. “Why do you have a gold face?” he asks the sheep. “Why do you have a brown face?” the sheep asks. “Because that’s the color of my skin!” Jared says. Suddenly, he realizes the sheep is talking. “Hey! You can talk!” “Only you can hear me,” says the sheep. “And only you can see my true color.” At this, the whole sheep magically turns bright gold. “Let me introduce myself. I am Gael, the sacred gold sheep. I live in shame.” “Why are you ashamed? You are beautiful!” “I cannot show my true self to the other sheep,” he says. “Why not?” “They won’t accept accept me with my gold face,” says Gael. Jared couldn’t believe this. The other sheep seemed nice—just hungry. He takes a nickel from his pocket. He gets more smelly treats and walks over to the other sheep. “Little boy, have you brought us food?” asks the biggest sheep. “I have,” says Jared. “But first, I have a question.” “You can address it to me,” says the biggest sheep. “I am the leader, Conrad.” “Conrad, are any of you…gold?” All the sheep begin to laugh. “Clearly we are not gold, silly boy,” says Conrad. “You can see our colors.” “What if one of your sheep was secretly gold?” “Secretly gold? We would never accept accept that! That sheep would be different. It'd be an outcast!” Conrad says, laughing. Gael, the gold sheep, is standing alone on the other side of the petting zoo. He hears every word Conrad says. He begins to cry gold tears. As the tears fall to the ground, little gold flowers begin to grow. “Look!” says Jared, pointing. “There is your gold sheep. He is making gold flowers grow!” “Ohhh!” all the other sheep gasp. “They are beautiful.” Jared walks to Gael. He picks a couple of the flowers. Conrad, the leader, eats one flower from Jared’s hand. “This is delicious!” he exclaims. All around Gael, beautiful gold flowers have grown. Gael himself is glowing gold. “Behold!” says Gael. “My true form form!” Conrad stares at Gael for a very long time. “I accept accept you,” Conrad finally says. “I wasn’t right to think there’s something wrong with a gold sheep. You have made the most beautiful flowers with your magic.” “Thank you, Jared,” says Gael. “I have a family again.” “Jared!” Jared’s mother shouts, calling for him. “It’s time to go home!” “I have to go!” Jared says, running back to his mother. “Did you enjoy feeding the animals at the petting zoo today?” Mom asks. “More than you’ll ever know!” says Jared. In his hand is a beautiful gold flower. Jared knows he will always remember this day. He will never forget that being different can also be beautiful.
Where do Jared and his family go in the story?
A. the shopping mall B. the petting zoo C. the aquarium
What problem does Gael, the gold sheep, face?
A. He thinks the other sheep won’t accept his gold face. B. When he cries, gold flowers grow from where his tears fall. C. He does not get enough food because no one feeds gold sheep.
Gael is a magical sheep. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion?
A. Conrad, the leader, thinks the gold flowers are delicious. B. When Gael cries, gold flowers grow from where his tears fall. C. Gael lives in shame, and he cannot show his true self to the other sheep.
Read these sentences from the text. “Secretly gold? We would never accept that! That sheep would be different. It would be an outcast!” Conrad says, laughing. Gael, the gold sheep, is standing alone on the other side of the petting zoo. He hears every word Conrad says. He begins to cry gold tears. Based on this information, how does Gael feel?
A. proud that he is gold and different from the others B. hungry for more animal pellets from Jared C. sad that the sheep would not accept him
What is the main message of this story?
A. Being different can also be beautiful. B. Trips to the petting zoo can teach you things. C. Gold sheep are better than white or gray sheep.
Read these sentences from the text. “Look!” says Jared, pointing. “There is your gold sheep. He is making gold flowers grow!” “Ohhh!” all the other sheep gasp. “They are beautiful.” As used in the sentence, what does the word “gasp” mean?
A. run away in fear from something B. make a noise from being surprised C. make a noise in disgust
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Gael thinks the other sheep would reject him if they knew his true color, ____ he hides his true form from others.
A. but B. like C. so
Weathering and Erosion
Nature is always changing. Those changes are called natural natural events events. Some natural natural events events happen quickly. Think of a fire that starts when lightning strikes a tree. Other events events occur slowly, such as when rocks are worn down over hundreds of years. This happens because of weathering and erosion. Weathering is what happens when a part of a rock is loosened. Parts of rocks are usually loosened by nature. Erosion (ih-ROH-jzun) happens after weathering. It is the process of moving water, moving ice, or wind carrying away a part of a rock. Moving water can cause weathering and erosion. Have you ever seen waves crash against rocks on the shore? The water can chip off small pieces of rock and carry them away. As more waves hit the rocks, more pieces are chipped off and carried away. Because of this, the rocks get smaller and smaller over time. Moving ice can cause weathering and erosion. Some mountains have solid sheets sheets of ice near the top. During warmer weather, a bit of ice melts. Then the sheet sheet of ice may move slowly down the mountain. As the solid ice moves, it scrapes rocks, breaking off pieces. Then the pieces are taken away by the moving ice. Wind also causes weathering and erosion. Wind can blow sand and dirt. It can carry the dirt far away. In some places, strong wind will push sand against rocks. Over a long period of time, the wind wears down those rocks.
What is erosion?
A. the process of moving water, moving ice, or wind carrying away a part of a rock B. the process of a part of a rock loosened usually by nature C. a natural event that happens quickly, such as lightning striking a tree
Weathering and erosion are effects. What can cause weathering and erosion?
A. lightning, fire, or a tree B. moving water, moving ice, or wind C. pieces of rock, sand, or dirt
Weathering and erosion wear down rocks over a long time. What evidence in the text supports this statement?
A. "Moving water can cause weathering and erosion. . . . The water can chip off small pieces of rock and carry them away." B. "Moving ice can cause weathering and erosion. . . . During warmer weather, a bit of ice melts." C. "Wind also causes weathering and erosion. . . . Over a long period of time, the wind wears down those rocks."
Read this paragraph from the article. "Wind also causes weathering and erosion. Wind can blow sand and dirt. It can carry the dirt far away. In some places, strong wind will push sand against rocks. Over a long period of time, the wind wears down those rocks." What can you infer from this paragraph about the strength of wind and how fast it wears down rocks?
A. The stronger the wind blows, the faster it wears down rocks. B. The stronger the wind blows, the more slowly it wears down rocks. C. A wind's strength has no effect on how fast it wears down rocks.
What is the main idea of this text?
A. Solid sheets of ice can cause weathering and erosion as they move slowly down a mountain. B. Weathering and erosion are natural events that slowly wear down rocks. C. Waves can chip off pieces of rock and turn them into sand.
Read this paragraph from the article. "Moving water can cause weathering and erosion. Have you ever seen waves crash against rocks on the shore? The water can chip off small pieces of rock and carry them away. As more waves hit the rocks, more pieces are chipped off and carried away. Because of this, the rocks get smaller and smaller over time." Why does the author ask the question, "Have you ever seen waves crash against rocks on the shore?"
A. to suggest that readers visit a beach in order to better understand weathering and erosion B. to help readers who have never been to a beach imagine what a beach looks like C. to help readers see how moving water can cause weathering and erosion
A sheet of ice on a mountain can cause weathering and erosion _______ it moves down the mountain.
A. when B. before C. after
A Lion in the Bedroom
When James woke up, he found a lion sleeping on the floor next to his bed. Because he was five years old, he thought this was awesome. “Hello, lion!” he yelled. The lion, a female with a patchy coat, opened one eye and stared at him lazily. Then she turned over and fell back asleep. James considered petting the lion or scratching its belly — Trixie, his old cat, loved belly scratches — but he was proud enough of his new pet that he wanted to tell his parents first. So, he jumped out of bed and walked into the kitchen. His father was eating breakfast. “Do you want me to strip the bathroom moldings this weekend?” his father asked his mother. “Or can it wait a week?” “It can wait,” she said, frowning. “But you should really want to strip the moldings.” “I got a lion!” yelled James. “That’s nice, dear,” said his mother. “Well played, son,” said his father. “Most five-year-olds go with something showier, like an ocelot or a puma. But you’ve gone the classic route.” “I’m naming it Trixie II: Return of Trixie,” said James. “I want to ride her to school.” “Sure,” his father said, “everyone wants to ride their lion to school. But where will you park it?” “Bill,” his mother said. “We’ve talked about your sarcasm sarcasm.” “It’s not sarcasm sarcasm,” his father. “I’m being fu—“ James’s father didn’t get to finish his sentence. It was interrupted interrupted by an ear-splitting roar, coming from James’s bedroom. For a few seconds, neither one of his parents said anything. “Maybe I’ll name her Tiger,” said James. “To confuse people.” “James,” said his father quietly. “What was that?” “That was Trixie II.” “Oh dear me,” said his mother, crossing herself. James’s father craned his head to peer down the hall towards James’s bedroom. After a moment, he knelt down in front of his son and put his hands on his shoulders. “James,” he said. “I need you to be completely, 100% honest with me. No make-believe, no story-time? Can you do that?” James nodded. “Sure I can.” He noticed a droplet of sweat dripping down his father’s forehead. “OK, great,” said his father, in a strange, small voice. “James. Is there a lion…a real lion…in your bedroom?” “Dad,” said James, patiently. “We’ve been over this.” His father stared at him. James sighed. “Of course there is, dad.” “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” his mother screamed. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” “Helen, stop it!” snapped his father. His father stood up. “This is ridiculous. I don’t know what that noise was, but there is not a lion in your bedroom.” James’s father walked angrily to the broom closet. He opened the door, pulled out a mop with a long wooden handle and began marching towards the hallway. “For gosh sake, Bill,” his mother said, grabbing him by the shoulder. “Let’s just get out of here and call the police. Or animal control. Or someone. Please.” “And tell them what?” His father wheeled around to face her. “What? That we have a lion in the house? Oh, I’m sure they’ll send a car right out.” “Tell them her name is Trixie II,” said James. “Someone might have met her before.” “Bill…” “I’m not calling anyone,” his father said. With that, he turned and stomped down the hallway. James and his mother looked down after him. “Do you think dad and Trixie II will get along?” James asked his mother. “Dad is so moody these days and Trixie II is just kind of…mellow.” “Quiet,” his mother hissed. They watched his father approach the door. He reached for the handle and, holding the mop high in his other hand, gently swung the door open and poked his head around the corner. James barely had time to be curious about his father’s reaction reaction before his father turned on his heels, slammed the door shut and went sprinting down the hallway towards James and his mother. “Get out of the house right now!” his father hollered as he ran. “Go! Run! Now! Move! Move! Move!” His father practically shoved James and his mother through the living room and out the front door. When they were outside, his father doubled over, panting for breath. “Where in the world did you get a lion?” he yelled at James. “You mean it’s real?” his mother screamed, her eyes bugging. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” “They come from Africa, right?” said James. By this time, neighbors had heard the commotion and begun gathering. Their next-door neighbors were the Horowitzes. Mr. Horowitz walked up to James’s father. “Bill, is something the matter?” James’s father turned and stared at Mr. Horowitz. “There’s a lion in my son’s bedroom.” Mr. Horowitz threw a quick, worried glance at his wife, who was standing on their front lawn. His wife shrugged. “O.K.,” said Mr. Horowitz, slowly. “Do you want us to call somebody?” “Her name is Trixie II,” explained James. “Or maybe Ms. Botticelli. I like how that name sounds.” “Call somebody!” his father yelled. “Call anybody! There’s a lion in my son’s bedroom.” “Helen,” said Mr. Horowitz quietly. “Should we call somebody?” “I don’t even know,” said James’s mother, breaking down in sobs. “I never know.” By this time a dozen neighbors had gathered in front of James’s house. All of them were yelling at each other, trying to figure out what had happened, when suddenly everyone froze. There, at the front door of James house, was a massive African lion. Everyone stared at it, completely silent. For a few moments, the lion stared back. Finally, she let out a long sigh. “Guys,” the lion said, “I know I’m a guest and I don’t mean to be a pain, but I had a really late night last night and I have a client meeting at 10, so I was really hoping to sleep in. Do you think you guys could keep it down just a little bit? Thanks.” And with that, the lion turned and walked back in the house. “What about Rambo?” said James. “That’s a cool name. Rambo. Yeah, I like that.”
What does James find in his bedroom?
A. a tiger B. a lion C. Trixie, his old cat
How do James’s parents change in the story?
A. At first they don’t believe there is a lion in their house. Then they become scared that there might be a lion in their house. B. At first they are scared that there might be a lion in their house. Then they don’t believe there is a lion in their house. C. At first they don’t want James to have a lion, and then they change their minds.
When James tells his parents that he has a lion, they do not believe him. Which details from the passage support this conclusion?
A. James’s father grabs a mop and goes to look in James’s room. B. James’s mother wants to call the police or animal control. C. James’s mother says, “That’s nice,” and his father makes jokes.
Read the following sentences: “‘James,’ he said. ‘I need you to be completely, 100% honest with me. No make-believe, no story-time? Can you do that?’ “James nodded. ‘Sure I can.’ He noticed a droplet of sweat dripping down his father’s forehead. “‘OK, great,’ said his father, in a strange, small voice. ‘James. Is there a lion…a real lion…in your bedroom?’” How does James’s father feel at this point in the story?
A. annoyed B. frightened C. happy
What is this passage mostly about?
A. James finds a lion in his bedroom and tells his parents. B. James misses his cat Trixie, so his parents buy him a lion named Trixie II. C. James is scared of the lion in his bedroom, and his father hits it with a broom.
Read the following sentences: “‘It’s not sarcasm,’ his father said. ‘I’m being funn—’ James’s father didn’t get to finish his sentence. It was interrupted by an ear-splitting roar, coming from James’s bedroom.” In this sentence, what does “interrupted” most nearly mean?
A. became louder B. kept going C. stopped
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. James tells his parents that there is a lion in his bedroom, _______ they do not believe him.
A. but B. so C. because
The Cutest Animal Finalists
Weekly Reader asked its readers to vote for the cutest animal in a recent contest contest. The company received received nearly 20,000 votes! These are the six animals that the readers thought were the cutest. Polar bears are animals that live near the North Pole. The ground there is mostly ice. The fur on polar bears looks white. Polar bears hunt and eat seals and other ocean animals. Most polar bear cubs stay with their mothers until they are about 2 years old. The cubs look like cute teddy bears. Pandas are animals that live mainly in China. They live on the ground in damp, cold forests. Pandas' fur is black and white. They eat leaves from bamboo trees. Experts Experts say that pandas have an extra thumb near their wrist to hold the bamboo while they eat. Koalas are small animals that live in Australia. Koalas live in trees and sleep during the day. These animals usually have brown fur. They eat the leaves of eucalyptus (yoo-kuh-LIP-tuhss) trees. Young koalas often ride on their mothers' backs. Rabbits are animals found all over the world. They usually live on grasslands in burrows. Burrows are underground tunnels. Some rabbits have brown fur, long ears, big, dark eyes, and strong hind legs. Rabbits eat mostly grass and other vegetables. Penguins are seabirds that live in the southern part of the world. Most penguins live near cold ocean water. Many penguins are black with white bellies. They eat fish and other ocean animals. Penguins stay warm by standing close to one another. Dolphins live in most oceans. They swim by moving their tails. Dolphins are gray and have long beaks. They eat mostly fish. Experts Experts say that dolphins are some of the smartest animals on Earth.
“These six animals are the cutest animals in the world,” is
A. a fact. B. an opinion.
Which of the following is an opinion?
A. Koalas are small animals that live in Australia. B. Dolphins live in most oceans . C. The cubs look like cute teddy bears. D. Penguins are black with white bellies.
All of the animals in the article are similar because:
A. They all like to eat fish. B. None of the animals know how to run. C. All of the animals are thought to be one of the cutest animals in the world. D. All of the animals like to laugh.
Ilsa and the International Camp
Ilsa was excited to meet her camp counselor Itzel when she arrived for her first day at The International International Camp in Forest Hills, Queens, in New York City. Itzel asked the campers to sit in a circle, introduce themselves, and share which countries countries their families were from. Ilsa smiled. She liked that her new camp friends' families were from so many different places and that she could learn about the weather and climate climate from them.
Where are the families of people at The International Camp from?
A. Argentina ONLY B. France ONLY C. many different countries
What is compared and contrasted in the passage?
A. New York City and Chicago B. international camps and sports camps C. weather in different parts of the world
The climate of Ghana is warm all year. The climate of New York City is sometimes cold. What can be concluded from this information?
A. All parts of the world have the same climate. B. Different parts of the world can have different climates. C. The climate of New York City and the climate of England are alike.
Why might Ilsa like to eat ice cream in the summer?
A. Ilsa likes eating something cold when the weather is hot. B. Ilsa likes eating something warm when the weather is hot. C. Ilsa likes eating something hot when the weather is cold.
What is a main idea of the story?
A. eating stew in Senegal B. visiting Argentina in the summer C. weather around the world
Read these sentences: “Ilsa was excited to meet her camp counselor Itzel when she arrived for her first day at The International Camp in Forest Hills, Queens, in New York City. Itzel asked the campers to sit in a circle, introduce themselves, and share which countries their families were from.” What does the word international mean?
A. having to do with more than one country B. having to do with being outdoors C. having to do with playing baseball or soccer
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ilsa’s parents are from England, _______ Yassine’s parents are from Morocco.
A. because B. but C. so
Web Weavers
A spider squeezes liquid from its body. The liquid hardens into a strong silk silk thread. It can be thin or thick. It can also be smooth or sticky. All spiders spin silk silk. Some spiders hang from their silk silk. Some use their silk silk to protect their eggs. Many spiders use their silk silk to build webs webs. Learn about three kinds of web web builders. They each build a different kind of web. An orb weaver weaver builds a round web web. It is made of thin silk silk. Some of the silk silk is sticky. Insects fly into the web web and get caught. The spider feels the web web move. It knows that food is there. A funnel weaver weaver builds a web web near the ground. It is shaped like a cone. The spider hides in the narrow end. The web web moves if an insect walks over the wide end. The spider feels the web move. It rushes out and grabs its meal. A web web thrower builds a small web. It is shaped like a rectangle. The spider hangs upside down. It holds the web web and uses it like a net. The spider waits for an insect to crawl by. It drops the web web over the insect to trap it.
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. An orb weaver spider knows when an insect flies into its web ________ it feels the web move.
A. so B. but C. because
The Three Branches of Government
The United States Constitution was written over two hundred years ago. It explains how the United States government should work. The people who wrote the Constitution did not want one person or group to have too much power power. That was why they divided the government into three parts, known as branches branches. The branches branches are the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Each branch branch has its own responsibilities. The branches branches work together, but they also check each other to make sure no branch has too much power power. The legislative branch branch includes the United States Congress. Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Voters in each state elect elect their representation in the House and their senators. Those men and women go to Washington, D.C., to make laws. The executive branch branch has the power power to carry out the laws. It includes the president, the vice president, and their group of advisers called the Cabinet. Every four years, Americans vote to elect elect a president and a vice president. The judicial branch branch decides on the meanings of the laws and whether laws break the rules of the Constitution. This branch branch includes the United States Supreme Court. Nine justices serve on the Supreme Court. The president appoints the justices, and the Senate approves them. The justices’ job is to decide if the country’s laws go against the Constitution.
What are the three branches of the U.S. government?
A. Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Senate B. the president, the House of Representatives, and the Senate C. legislative, executive, and judicial
This article describes the three branches of government and their responsibilities. Which branch does it describe first?
A. the executive branch B. the judicial branch C. the legislative branch
Read these sentences from the text. "The people who wrote the Constitution did not want one person or group to have too much power. That was why they divided the government into three parts, known as branches." What can you conclude based on this evidence?
A. The three branches of the government do not have the same amount of power. B. The people who wrote the Constitution wanted every American to help make laws. C. The people who wrote the Constitution did not want to have just one branch of government.
Which is an example of how one branch of government can be affected by the other branches?
A. The executive branch includes the president, the vice president, and the Cabinet. B. Justices on the Supreme Court are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate. C. Voters in each state elect their representation in the House and their senators to go to Congress.
What is the main idea of this article?
A. The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land, and it lays out rules for the government and rights for the American people. B. The judicial branch decides on the meanings of the laws and whether laws break the rules of the U.S. Constitution. C. The U.S. Constitution says that the country must have a Congress, a Supreme Court, and a president.
Read these sentences from the text. "The United States Constitution was written over two hundred years ago. It explains how the United States government should work. The people who wrote the Constitution did not want one person or group to have too much power. That was why they divided the government into three parts, known as branches." Why does the author begin this article by talking about the U.S. Constitution?
A. to give the reader background information about why there are three branches of government B. to explain to the reader why the U.S. Constitution is the most important piece of writing in history C. to help the reader learn more about the history of the United States
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. The legislative branch of government has the power to make laws, ______ the executive branch carries those laws out.
A. so B. because C. but
Atka and the Wolves of South Salem
Alawa and Zephyr are two-year-old Canadian Rocky Mountain wolves. They live in a large pen pen at the Wolf Conservation Conservation Center in South Salem, New York. The pen pen has trees, two dens, rocks to climb, and a pond. The wolves run by the fence and then stop to look around. They pant in the July sun. “Wolves like the winter,” says Alex Spitzer. “They don’t like the summer as much.” Alex is a teacher at the Wolf Conservation Conservation Center. He is in charge of teaching visitors about the wolves at the center. The Wolf Conservation Conservation Center is home to 22 wolves. They live in ten pens pens on 26 acres of land. Most of the wolves live in packs. As of July 2013, there are ten packs at the center. “Our largest pack has seven wolves,” explains Alex. Alex studied wildlife biology. Before coming to work at the Wolf Conservation Conservation Center, he worked at the International Wolf Center in Minnesota. Alex runs Wolf Camp. At Wolf Camp kids learn about wolves. The day before, Alex helped the kids make enrichment boxes for the wolves. They put catnip, blackberries and oranges, into boxes. Alex left the boxes in the wolf pen pen for the wolves to examine. “Anything to stimulate their sense of taste and sense of smell is interesting for the wolves,” says Alex. Another wolf at the center is Atka. Atka is an Arctic Gray Wolf. Atka is white with long legs and green eyes. Atka, Alawa, and Zephyr are the three socialized ambassador wolves at the center. Alex calls them the “teacher wolves.” They were raised at the center and have no fear of people. These three wolves help with the educational programs. Atka is very popular with people. He travels to schools and educational events. Alex works with Atka a lot. Alex walks up to the pen pen where Atka lives at the center. He kneels down, getting closer to Atka’s height. Alex asks, “Do you want to talk?” Alex makes a long howling noise. He sounds just like a wolf! Atka hears Alex howling, and lifts his head and howls back. Then the wolves in the pen pen next to Atka howl, too. Pretty soon the wolves all over the center are howling. “It’s really nice to get a conversation going like that,” says Alex. Wolves howl to communicate with one another, Alex explains. He says this is one of the main ways wolves are different from dogs. Dogs bark. Wolves only bark to warn each other of danger. Wolves only eat once or twice-a-week. When they eat, they eat a lot. The wolves at the center eat deer. Another important difference between dogs and wolves is that dogs are domesticated domesticated. Alawa, Zephyr and Atka are socialized. They are not domesticated domesticated. When a wolf is socialized, that means it is used to people. Dogs are domesticated domesticated. That means they have learned to live with humans over thousands of years. They have evolved with humans, and want to do things to please humans. Wolves are different. “You can’t ask a wolf to sit,” says Alex. Atka and the other socialized wolves at the center are not afraid of people. The other 19 wolves at the center are afraid of people. Alex explains they want to keep it that way. Alex explains the goal is to one day release the wolf packs back into the wild. These wolves that will be returning to the wild live in separate pens pens. People are not allowed to visit them. Wolves are important. “They keep everything in balance,” says Alex.
What is Atka?
A. a wolf B. a dog C. a coyote
The author contrasts wolves with dogs. What is one way that wolves and dogs are different?
A. Wolves are domesticated, but dogs are not. B. Dogs live in packs, but wolves live alone. C. Wolves howl to communicate with one another, but dogs bark.
The three socialized ambassador wolves have no fear of people. Which evidence from the text supports this statement?
A. The three wolves are not domesticated. B. The three wolves help with educational events. C. The three wolves live at the Wolf Conservation Center.
Which type of wolf from the Wolf Conservation Center would most likely be released into the wild?
A. a socialized wolf B. a wolf that has not been visited by people C. a “teacher wolf”
What is the passage mostly about?
A. wolves and the Wolf Conservation Center B. how wolves communicate C. the domestication of dogs
Read the following sentences: “They put catnip, blackberries and oranges, into boxes. Alex left the boxes in the wolf pen for the wolves to examine .” What does the word examine mean in the sentence?
A. to throw away the boxes B. to avoid the boxes C. to look at the boxes carefully
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Wolves only eat once or twice-a-week, ______ they eat a lot when they do eat.
A. second B. first C. but
The Volcano That Keeps Erupting
A volcano on the island of Hawaii has been erupting since 1983. The volcano’s name is Kilauea (kee-lah-WAY-ah). It has released tons of hot, melted rock called lava. Volcanoes are openings on the surface of our planet that can send lava, gas, and steam into the air. You may have seen volcanoes that look like mountains with openings at the top. Many volcanoes look like that. But others appear more flat. An example of a flatter volcano is the shield volcano. Most of the world’s volcanoes are found in an area that forms a shape like a horseshoe around the Pacific Ocean. Scientists call that area the “Ring of Fire.” Kilauea is a shield volcano. Lava from Kilauea has done a lot of damage. In 1990, lava flowed over a hundred homes, a church, and a store in the village of Kalapana. Those places were destroyed. From 1983 to 2011, lava destroyed almost all the houses in another community called Royal Gardens. There was one house that survived all those years. In 2012, another lava flow flow ruined the only home remaining in that community. Today, Royal Gardens is no longer home to anyone. Scientists say Kilauea’s lava threatens threatens more homes and a forest preserve. The scientists are using computers to map the lava’s path. They hope to predict predict what Kilauea will do in the future.
What is Kilauea?
A. a volcano on the island of Hawaii that has been erupting since 1983 B. a community on the island of Hawaii that has been destroyed by lava C. an ocean where most of the world's volcanoes and the island of Hawaii are found
The destruction of Royal Gardens was an effect. What was the cause?
A. a forest preserve B. lava flow C. the Pacific Ocean
"Lava from Kilauea has done a lot of damage." What evidence in the article supports this statement?
A. In 1990, lava from Kilauea destroyed over a hundred homes. B. Since 1983, Kilauea has released tons of hot, melted rock in Hawaii. C. Kilauea is an opening on the surface of the earth that can send lava, gas, and steam into the air.
Living near a volcano can be dangerous. What evidence from the text supports this conclusion?
A. Volcanoes can send lava, gas, and steam into the air. B. Lava from Kilauea destroyed over a hundred homes. C. Most volcanoes are in an area called the "Ring of Fire."
What is the main idea of this article?
A. Scientists are using computers to map the path of lava from Kilauea. B. Kilauea is a volcano in Hawaii that has done a lot of damage since 1983. C. The "Ring of Fire" is what scientists call an area in the Pacific Ocean where most of the world's volcanoes are found.
Read this paragraph from the article. "Scientists say Kilauea’s lava threatens more homes and a forest preserve. The scientists are using computers to map the lava’s path. They hope to predict what Kilauea will do in the future." What does it mean that lava "threatens more homes"?
A. Lava is making loud noises that sound like threats around more homes. B. Lava is destroying more homes today than it used to. C. More homes are in danger of being destroyed by lava.
Choose the answer that best completes this sentence. Scientists are mapping the path of lava from Kilauea _______ they want to predict what Kilauea will do in the future.
A. so B. because C. but
Christmas is a Christian holiday. Families decorate evergreen trees with lights and ornaments. Some people also string light on the outside of their homes. On Christmas, people sing and give one another gifts. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday. It lasts for eight days. Every night, one candle is lit in a holder called a menorah. Children play a game with a spinning top called a dreidel. They receive chocolate coins and other gifts. Eid al-Fitr (EED al-FIHtuhr) is a Muslim holiday. People celebrate for one to three days. They eat special foods, exchange gifts, and wear new clothes. Eid al-Fitr comes at the end of Ramadan. That is a Muslim holiday that lasts for a month. Diwali is a Hindu holiday that lasts for two to five days. During that time, people light oil lamps and candles. They put them inside windows and doors and outside their homes. Kwanzaa is an African American celebration celebration of family and African culture culture. It lasts for seven days. People light candles in a holder called a kinara. They have a feast feast and give one another handmade gifts. Las Posadas is a nine-day Latin American celebration celebration. It ends on Christmas. Each night, people hold candles and sing. On the last night, they have parties. Kids break open piñatas filled with treats. Many students across the country are showing their holiday spirit. How? They are helping others for the holidays. Some kids collect canned food to feed people who are hungry. Others collect clothing and blankets to help people stay warm during the winter. They donate the items to people in need. Donate means "to give to a good cause."
The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Many students are helping others for the holidays, ______ they are showing their holiday spirit.
A. because B. but C. so

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