float64 1
⌀ | Keyword
stringclasses 496
values | Position
float64 1
⌀ | Position History
float64 1
⌀ | Position History Date
stringclasses 158
values | Volume
float64 4k
⌀ | URL
stringclasses 311
values | Difficulty
float64 0
⌀ | Traffic (desc)
float64 3.8k
⌀ | CPC
float64 0.07
⌀ | Last Update
stringclasses 443
values | Page URL inside
float64 | SERP Features
stringclasses 65
values |
101 | gin glasses | 2 | 4 | 17/10/2021 06:33 | 58,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-kitchen/category-glasses-type-ginglasses | 2 | 9,849 | 0.6 | 19/10/2021 14:15 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
102 | mens tracksuits | 4 | 5 | 17/10/2021 14:23 | 78,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-sportswear/category-tracksuits | 23 | 9,833 | 0.6 | 19/10/2021 09:35 | null | Sitelinks |
103 | wall clocks | 3 | 2 | 18/10/2021 16:17 | 61,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-decorativeaccessories/category-clocks-type-wall | 7 | 9,805 | 0.6 | 20/10/2021 07:59 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
104 | bridesmaid dresses uk | 1 | 1 | null | 16,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/use-bridesmaid | 41 | 9,729 | 0.5 | 19/10/2021 01:32 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
105 | tv cabinet | 2 | 6 | 16/10/2021 21:30 | 45,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-livingfurniture/category-tvunits | 18 | 9,687 | 1.3 | 18/10/2021 17:23 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
106 | wardrobes | 6 | 7 | 18/10/2021 19:22 | 130,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-bedroomfurniture/category-wardrobes | 23 | 9,586 | 2 | 20/10/2021 08:39 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
107 | mother of the bride outfits | 3 | 4 | 17/10/2021 16:12 | 48,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/use-motherofthebride | 17 | 9,581 | 0.4 | 19/10/2021 16:50 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack, Top stories, Video |
108 | corner shelf | 3 | 3 | null | 70,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-category-shelves-0 | 1 | 9,548 | 0.45 | 18/10/2021 21:07 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
109 | christmas decorations | 5 | 5 | null | 191,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-christmasdecorations-0 | 22 | 9,435 | 0.4 | 19/10/2021 20:52 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
110 | secret santa ideas | 1 | 1 | null | 13,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-secretsanta-0 | 8 | 9,274 | 0.35 | 18/10/2021 20:58 | null | People also ask, Top stories, Video, Sitelinks, Image pack |
111 | mom jeans | 3 | 3 | null | 101,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-jeans/fit-mom | 24 | 9,229 | 0.7 | 18/10/2021 16:21 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack, Top stories, Video |
112 | ladies dressing gowns | 1 | 1 | null | 24,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-robes | 9 | 9,150 | 0.8 | 18/10/2021 15:57 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
113 | boys coats | 3 | 2 | 17/10/2021 02:49 | 54,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-olderboys-gender-youngerboys-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 12 | 9,124 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 20:58 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
114 | swimsuit | 1 | 1 | null | 25,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-swimwear/category-swimsuits | 12 | 9,050 | 1 | 20/10/2021 07:03 | null | Shopping results, Thumbnail, Sitelinks, Top stories, Image pack, Video |
115 | laura ashley curtains | 1 | 1 | null | 11,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/laura-ashley/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-curtainsandblinds/brand-lauraashley-category-curtains | 0 | 9,037 | 0.2 | 19/10/2021 02:56 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
116 | coffee table | 3 | 3 | null | 96,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-coffeesidetables-0 | 13 | 9,025 | 1 | 13/08/2021 17:35 | null | Shopping results, Thumbnail, Adwords top, Sitelinks, Adwords bottom |
117 | wellington boots | 2 | 2 | null | 72,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-footwear/category-wellies | 12 | 9,019 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 08:31 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
118 | dining table and chairs | 7 | 5 | 18/10/2021 21:16 | 126,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-diningroomfurniture-0 | 31 | 9,010 | 1.5 | 20/10/2021 02:09 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
119 | mens pyjamas | 1 | 1 | null | 33,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-nightwear-0 | 9 | 8,951 | 0.7 | 19/10/2021 10:05 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
120 | dining chairs | 5 | 6 | 17/10/2021 17:25 | 76,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-diningroomfurniture/category-diningchairs | 16 | 8,915 | 1.8 | 19/10/2021 20:19 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
121 | gilet womens | 2 | 2 | null | 28,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets/category-gilets | 6 | 8,846 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 17:47 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
122 | floral dress | 1 | 1 | null | 28,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/pattern-floral | 8 | 8,758 | 1.3 | 19/10/2021 18:49 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
123 | womens coats | 1 | 1 | null | 33,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 49 | 8,712 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 18:30 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
124 | ladies jackets | 1 | 1 | null | 14,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 49 | 8,706 | 0.9 | 18/10/2021 08:58 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
125 | coats | 2 | 1 | 17/10/2021 19:19 | 53,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 56 | 8,637 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 16:03 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
126 | joe browns | 2 | 2 | null | 154,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/brand-joebrowns-0 | 7 | 8,602 | 0.07 | 18/10/2021 08:58 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask |
127 | ted baker pyjamas | 1 | 1 | null | 11,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-nightwear/brand-bbytedbaker | 0 | 8,548 | 0.45 | 19/10/2021 10:07 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
128 | swimming costumes | 2 | 2 | null | 33,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-swimwear-0 | 21 | 8,538 | 1.1 | 19/10/2021 12:54 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
129 | home accessories | 1 | 1 | null | 22,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-decorativeaccessories-0 | 37 | 8,528 | 0.7 | 18/10/2021 23:25 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
130 | prom dresses uk | 1 | 1 | null | 23,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/use-prom | 20 | 8,452 | 0.5 | 20/10/2021 01:37 | null | Sitelinks |
131 | bedroom furniture | 6 | 6 | null | 96,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-bedroomfurniture-0 | 28 | 8,382 | 1.9 | 19/10/2021 02:51 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
132 | womens gilet | 2 | 2 | null | 25,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets/category-gilets | 6 | 8,357 | 0.7 | 18/10/2021 08:56 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
133 | accent chairs | 2 | 1 | 17/10/2021 13:13 | 40,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-accentchairs-0 | 8 | 8,312 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 02:19 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
134 | mens slippers uk | 1 | 1 | null | 20,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-slippers | 10 | 8,310 | 1.3 | 19/10/2021 09:56 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
135 | mens joggers | 3 | 3 | null | 46,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-category-joggers-0 | 12 | 8,250 | 1 | 19/10/2021 01:01 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
136 | wall art | 2 | 1 | 17/10/2021 21:56 | 108,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-decorativeaccessories/category-wallart | 45 | 8,241 | 0.6 | 19/10/2021 21:08 | null | Shopping results, Thumbnail, Adwords top, Sitelinks, Image pack, Adwords bottom |
137 | mens body warmer | 1 | 1 | null | 17,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets/category-gilets | 1 | 8,206 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 21:18 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
138 | hoodies | 3 | 2 | 16/10/2021 23:06 | 86,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-sweatshirtsandhoodies-0 | 16 | 8,187 | 1 | 18/10/2021 12:32 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
139 | boys school shoes | 3 | 3 | null | 57,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-olderboys-gender-youngerboys-productaffiliation-schoolwear/category-shoes | 10 | 8,145 | 1.5 | 19/10/2021 23:18 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
140 | mens dressing gown | 1 | 1 | null | 32,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-robes | 2 | 7,922 | 0.7 | 19/10/2021 01:46 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
141 | push up bras | 1 | 1 | null | 30,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-lingerie/category-bras-style-pushup | 5 | 7,878 | 1 | 18/10/2021 23:34 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Top stories, Video |
142 | tesco clothing | 4 | 4 | null | 185,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/brand-ff-0 | 13 | 7,836 | 0.7 | 19/10/2021 13:31 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
143 | eyelet curtains | 1 | 1 | null | 25,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-curtainsandblinds/category-curtains-type-eyelet | 6 | 7,746 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 20:51 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Video, Image pack |
144 | skechers slippers | 1 | 2 | 16/10/2021 07:28 | 17,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-footwear/brand-skechers-category-slippers | 0 | 7,600 | 0.45 | 18/10/2021 12:03 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
145 | table lamp | 2 | 3 | 16/10/2021 15:18 | 53,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-lighting/category-tablelights | 21 | 7,546 | 0.8 | 18/10/2021 16:16 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
146 | yours | 2 | 2 | null | 165,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/brand-yours-0 | 13 | 7,440 | 0.15 | 19/10/2021 14:10 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Video |
147 | boys dressing gown | 1 | 1 | null | 24,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-olderboys-gender-youngerboys-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-robes | 0 | 7,430 | 0.6 | 18/10/2021 15:08 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
148 | birthday gifts for her | 3 | 4 | 17/10/2021 21:01 | 48,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-giftsforher-0 | 38 | 7,429 | 1 | 19/10/2021 14:43 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
149 | sweatshirts for men | 2 | 2 | null | 28,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-sweatshirtsandhoodies-0 | 12 | 7,429 | 1.2 | 19/10/2021 14:37 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
150 | glass coffee table | 1 | 4 | 17/10/2021 09:00 | 31,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-coffeesidetables-0 | 14 | 7,407 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 15:46 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
151 | mens underwear | 1 | 1 | null | 33,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-underwear-0 | 22 | 7,375 | 1.1 | 19/10/2021 02:00 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Video, Image pack |
152 | shirt | 1 | 1 | null | 39,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-category-shirts-0 | 45 | 7,373 | 2.5 | 18/10/2021 16:00 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
153 | ladies gilets | 1 | 2 | 16/10/2021 09:03 | 14,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets/category-gilets | 3 | 7,356 | 1.3 | 18/10/2021 07:59 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
154 | hoodies for women | 1 | 1 | null | 32,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-sweatshirtsandhoodies-0 | 22 | 7,336 | 1 | 19/10/2021 19:31 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
155 | f and f | 2 | 2 | null | 34,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/brand-ff-0 | 12 | 7,309 | 0.1 | 19/10/2021 17:49 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Top stories, Video, Image pack |
156 | moccasin slippers mens | 1 | 1 | null | 17,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-slippers | 1 | 7,261 | 0.7 | 19/10/2021 21:43 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
157 | homeware | 2 | 2 | null | 30,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/homeware | 52 | 7,182 | 0.5 | 18/10/2021 23:52 | null | Sitelinks |
158 | tops for women | 1 | 1 | null | 29,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-tops-0 | 51 | 7,179 | 0.8 | 19/10/2021 14:17 | null | Sitelinks |
159 | cargo pants | 2 | 2 | null | 66,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-category-trousers/style-cargo | 4 | 7,150 | 1 | 19/10/2021 15:21 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack, Top stories, Video |
160 | black puffer coat | 1 | 2 | 18/10/2021 18:51 | 21,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets/category-coats-style-puffer | 7 | 7,147 | 0.5 | 20/10/2021 04:27 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
161 | coffee tables | 2 | 2 | null | 26,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-coffeesidetables-0 | 14 | 7,142 | 1.1 | 18/10/2021 11:04 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
162 | baby girl coats | 1 | 1 | null | 14,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-newborngirls-gender-youngergirls-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 2 | 7,142 | 0.7 | 18/10/2021 16:20 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
163 | long cardigan | 1 | 2 | 16/10/2021 11:46 | 27,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-knitwear/category-cardigans | 19 | 7,052 | 0.9 | 18/10/2021 12:04 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
164 | mothers day gifts | 3 | 4 | 18/10/2021 21:55 | 50,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-mothersdaygifts-0 | 24 | 7,027 | 1.4 | 20/10/2021 08:25 | null | Sitelinks |
165 | mens christmas pyjamas | 1 | 1 | null | 15,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-promotion-christmasnightwear-0 | 0 | 7,022 | 0.45 | 19/10/2021 11:34 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
166 | womens hoodie | 1 | 1 | null | 20,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-sweatshirtsandhoodies-0 | 22 | 7,014 | 1.6 | 18/10/2021 12:59 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
167 | rug | 2 | 4 | 17/10/2021 13:33 | 41,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-rugsrunnersdoormats/category-rugs | 43 | 6,951 | 1.9 | 19/10/2021 23:11 | null | Sitelinks, Tweet box, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
168 | laura ashley furniture | 1 | 1 | null | 9,100 | https://www.next.co.uk/laura-ashley/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-livingfurniture/brand-lauraashley | 8 | 6,918 | 0.2 | 20/10/2021 05:15 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
169 | coasters | 1 | 2 | 18/10/2021 21:31 | 34,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-kitchen/category-tablelinen-type-coasters | 4 | 6,885 | 0.7 | 20/10/2021 08:27 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
170 | black trousers for women | 1 | 1 | null | 21,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-trousers/colour-black | 5 | 6,849 | 1.3 | 19/10/2021 21:33 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
171 | prom dresses | 1 | 1 | null | 31,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/use-prom | 18 | 6,835 | 0.45 | 18/10/2021 15:00 | null | Sitelinks |
172 | footwear | 1 | 2 | 16/10/2021 02:27 | 14,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-footwear-0 | 74 | 6,827 | 0.6 | 18/10/2021 01:29 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
173 | artificial plants | 5 | 4 | 16/10/2021 10:56 | 64,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-decorativeaccessories/category-artificialflowers | 26 | 6,826 | 1 | 18/10/2021 15:11 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
174 | corner bookcase | 1 | 1 | null | 11,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-category-shelves-0 | 4 | 6,788 | 0.9 | 18/10/2021 17:57 | null | Image pack, Sitelinks |
175 | trainers | 4 | 4 | null | 90,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-footwear/category-trainers | 42 | 6,755 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 03:30 | null | Sitelinks, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
176 | lipsy dresses | 1 | 1 | null | 27,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/brand-lipsy | 1 | 6,743 | 0.15 | 18/10/2021 23:41 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Image pack |
177 | girls pyjamas | 2 | 5 | 16/10/2021 17:52 | 30,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-oldergirls-gender-youngergirls-productaffiliation-nightwear-0 | 10 | 6,733 | 0.9 | 18/10/2021 19:22 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
178 | shoes for men | 1 | 3 | 16/10/2021 23:26 | 27,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-footwear-0 | 35 | 6,704 | 1.2 | 18/10/2021 15:43 | null | Shopping results, Thumbnail, Sitelinks |
179 | womens christmas jumper | 2 | 2 | null | 26,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-jumpers/style-christmassweater | 6 | 6,696 | null | 20/10/2021 09:00 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
180 | boys tracksuits | 2 | 2 | null | 35,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-olderboys-gender-youngerboys-productaffiliation-sportswear/category-tracksuits | 9 | 6,685 | 0.6 | 20/10/2021 02:36 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
181 | nextpay | 1 | 1 | null | 8,100 | https://www.next.co.uk/credit | 27 | 6,626 | null | 19/10/2021 18:30 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask |
182 | ladies coats | 1 | 1 | null | 30,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 49 | 6,616 | 1 | 18/10/2021 16:18 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
183 | duvet sets | 2 | 1 | 16/10/2021 17:40 | 26,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-bedding-0 | 28 | 6,614 | 0.6 | 18/10/2021 15:20 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
184 | laura ashley bedding | 1 | 1 | null | 8,200 | https://www.next.co.uk/laura-ashley/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-bedding/brand-lauraashley | 1 | 6,559 | 0.2 | 19/10/2021 09:36 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
185 | gifts for women | 1 | 1 | null | 27,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-giftsforher-0 | 39 | 6,527 | 0.7 | 19/10/2021 09:26 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
186 | fleece lined leggings | 2 | 3 | 17/10/2021 07:24 | 21,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/g66117s4/582164 | 1 | 6,513 | 0.6 | 19/10/2021 02:28 | null | People also ask, Sitelinks, Top stories, Video |
187 | jacket | 2 | 4 | 17/10/2021 19:55 | 77,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-coatsandjackets-0 | 50 | 6,497 | 1 | 19/10/2021 21:07 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Top stories, Thumbnail, Image pack |
188 | womens dressing gown | 1 | 1 | null | 19,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-nightwear/category-robes | 9 | 6,478 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 00:29 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
189 | christmas gifts | 4 | 6 | 18/10/2021 20:19 | 61,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/promotion-christmasgifts-0 | 43 | 6,464 | 0.8 | 20/10/2021 04:22 | null | Sitelinks, People also ask, Top stories, Thumbnail |
190 | long sleeve polo shirts | 1 | 1 | null | 12,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-tops/category-poloshirts-sleeve-longsleeve | 3 | 6,459 | 1.1 | 19/10/2021 10:31 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
191 | lamps for bedside tables | 1 | 1 | null | 18,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-lighting/category-tablelights | 21 | 6,443 | null | 19/10/2021 15:52 | null | Shopping results, Thumbnail, People also ask, Image pack, Sitelinks |
192 | wall lights | 3 | 2 | 18/10/2021 11:43 | 79,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-lighting/category-walllights | 9 | 6,433 | 1 | 20/10/2021 03:33 | null | Adwords top, Sitelinks, Image pack, Adwords bottom |
193 | floor lamps | 3 | 4 | 17/10/2021 12:04 | 34,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-lighting/category-floorlights | 21 | 6,428 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 19:01 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
194 | www.next.co.uk | 1 | 1 | null | 7,700 | https://www.next.co.uk/ | 62 | 6,420 | null | 19/10/2021 09:32 | null | Sitelinks |
195 | underwear women | 1 | 1 | null | 20,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-lingerie-0 | 41 | 6,414 | 0.6 | 18/10/2021 22:19 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
196 | tripod floor lamp | 2 | 1 | 16/10/2021 05:27 | 29,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/department-homeware-productaffiliation-lighting/category-floorlights | 12 | 6,395 | 0.8 | 18/10/2021 14:34 | null | People also ask, Sitelinks, Image pack, Top stories, Video |
197 | jumpers for women | 1 | 1 | null | 23,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-knitwear/category-jumpers | 33 | 6,370 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 03:07 | null | Sitelinks |
198 | grey hoodie | 1 | 2 | 16/10/2021 01:03 | 23,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-men-productaffiliation-sweatshirtsandhoodies/colour-grey | 9 | 6,368 | 0.8 | 18/10/2021 22:08 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack |
199 | leather leggings | 1 | 1 | null | 20,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-leggings/madewith-fauxleather | 3 | 6,367 | 1.2 | 19/10/2021 01:05 | null | Sitelinks, Image pack, Top stories, Video |
200 | maxi dresses | 2 | 2 | null | 30,000 | https://www.next.co.uk/shop/gender-women-category-dresses/style-maxidress | 35 | 6,353 | 0.9 | 19/10/2021 22:19 | null | Knowledge card, Sitelinks, Image pack |
Subsets and Splits