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1 | @FrankieJGrande omg gtfo white faggot | HATEFUL |
1 | Jack Dorsey is a fairy gay faggot that supports pedophilia on Twitter. | HATEFUL |
1 | What percentage of the Jewish population of the world are the good Jews?? Jew haters need to STFU. Die a nigger | HATEFUL |
1 | Fuck off, retarded feminist morons. | HATEFUL |
1 | I hate when white trash try to act like they're my equal. It only makes it that much clearer how white trash they are. | HATEFUL |
1 | Have you lost your fucking mind, dude? Are you dead and some retarded piece of shit has taken over your account? | HATEFUL |
0 | I finally got around to going Pro. I definitely receive over $6 a month worth of value out of this website. Now I can write in bold, italics, or underline. Not sure what other benefits are besides the increased character limit, but I really don't care. If you care about something, vote with your dollar. Thanks to @a for giving us a place to discuss ideas and talk shit without being banned. | NOT |
0 | Trump asks Cabinet to cut department budgets by 5 percent Trump supporters are the stupidest, most ignorant losers in America | NOT |
0 | when a handsome man marries a man ..we are only bite fingers | NOT |
1 | What stupid, unappreciative, envious cunt. | HATEFUL |
1 | Here's a really funny thing: a lot of German songs have been put under the restriction. Now, if you know the lyrics to these songs, you'd know that's fucking stupid. There isn't anything wrong with Erika, or Westerlald Lied, or anything wrong. Gr n ist nser Fallschirm is put under the restriction despite containing no hatred. I also saw that 'fashwave' was restricted. Despite having no lyrics at all, whatsoever. Just a funky beat. It's really fucking retarded. | HATEFUL |
0 | Former Atty General Loretta Lynch, of tarmac fame: voter ID laws "intimidate"; they "are designed to scare people away from the process. Who needs to fear them but illegal voters, Loretta? Is there any law you DO want enforced? | NOT |
0 | We have never had a black president. | NOT |
1 | I have no idea how people are still stumbling across it when it has 0 karma. Do people just see these 0 karma posts with spicy headlines and think "that's gotta be the most retarded shit I'll read today, lemme get in there for my daily dose of outrage"? Edit: ah, there's only like 6 posts newer than it. | HATEFUL |
0 | Babies falling victim to horrific FGM in scandal which shames Birmingham! | NOT |
1 | Maybe inform yourself what a low fantasy setting is, before spouting utter retarded shit like this. | HATEFUL |
1 | Aww... Looky! We have two fairy gay faggot ANTIFA members that downvoted this. LOL | HATEFUL |
0 | Lasst doch bitte endlich mal diese Neger in Ruhe. Frau Merkel hat sie eingeladen. Die d rfen hier tuen was sie wollen. Deutsche, bitte Klappe halten. Lasst doch bitte endlich mal diese Neger in Ruhe. Frau Merkel hat sie eingeladen. Die d rfen hier tuen was sie wollen. Deutsche, bitte Klappe halten. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Nen Axtgriff oder ein altes Heizungsrohr wirst du doch rumliegen haben Ich hab sogar nen Axtgriff mt dem Eisen vorne dran :-) Aber das ist doch sich sicher inzwischen verboten, oder? frisch aus dem Knast entlassen - vergewaltigt er gleich die n chste 21-J hrige. Auch der Hochpotente mu in bung bleiben! schnell ein Stuhl kreis FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) | NOT |
1 | The caller was great, real smooth. Lush played it off but I could tell he knew what the caller was talking about. I lost my shit when the caller brought up the USS Liberty, lol. Then I had to get of my truck and yell at a nigger pouring cement wrong. | HATEFUL |
1 | Only your Democrat SLAVE-MASTERS can give y'all niggers the permission to speak. CNN has opened the door to using the words NEGRO and NIGGER again. Aren't they so respectful and caring of our black brothers and sisters????!!! | HATEFUL |
1 | Muslims like you do not deserve to live. | HATEFUL |
1 | they shot another monkey lmaooooooooooo | HATEFUL |
1 | Lies being spewed from a Jew, trying to trick people out of the truth, about one of history's greatest Men. What a surprise. You are a spic whore. | HATEFUL |
1 | I'll take this nigger over Uncle Ron deSantis any black day of the week ending in Y. lmaooooo #VoteBlueToSaveAmericaFromTrump | HATEFUL |
1 | No nigger made that. Actually I'm only reading every so often. You are getting your panties in a twist over being called a nigger so I just keep coming back to call you a nigger, nigger. | HATEFUL |
1 | I legit don't understand people taht think KiA/GG are racist blah blah blah and every opinion is garbage but yet, they are glued as fuck to the subreddit. Was in a streamers chat today and we were talking about the shitty Diablo announcement and someone was like "you knew it was going to be bad when GamerGate and KiA started getting involved." As if r/diablo and r/wow and r/gaming wasn't rightfully angry. Fuckin retards. | HATEFUL |
0 | @kfocht735 Nope - got lucky - some washing on the slopes, gonna make it a little rough combining but feeling very fortunate today | NOT |
1 | hey nigger, 600,000 white men fuckin DIED for your dumb ass, get the fuck over it, cunt | HATEFUL |
1 | I am trying to get along with immigrants but they are just too repulsive. | HATEFUL |
0 | Congratulations #CANADA You've a LEADER that #Americans can only #dream of. ENJOY #CANNABIS #freedom and #GOD Bless you richly! Justin Trudeau is a great man. I pray that all of the #USA knows just how it feels to be #FREE like you. #JustinTrudeau | NOT |
1 | i think the point is that a bunch of people in the thread don't see what he did as a joke and think its a legitimate and appropriate response. As a troll, yeah it's pretty funny.. but if the guy was seriously requesting her money back it would be pretty damn retarded. The people who are saying "fuck yeah i'd do the same thing" are probably the guys getting ghosted all the time | HATEFUL |
1 | Based Russki James Woods you're a faggot boomer. | HATEFUL |
0 | Well the English liberals, academics, media, all suffer from their English white guilt, but white working class people never have. Thank God English identity and nationalism is coming back with a vengeance. #Brexit has woke everybody up, no more white guilt crap. #Anglosphere #UKIP #ForBritain #WhiteGenocide #populism #Remoaners #BritFam #Labour | NOT |
1 | Me: "Niggers assault White Trump supporters who voice their pro-trump sentiments in nigger cities, with impunity. Here's X,Y,Z example... MAGA coalition: "yawn" >Based nigger gets MAGA hat knocked off Twitter spick MAGAthot: "This is assault!" >Nationwide social media hunt for culprit ensues Y'all deserve to get raped by niggers | HATEFUL |
0 | Backpfeifengesicht. | NOT |
0 | I have no respect for people who write things like "too many Jihadis in this country". | NOT |
1 | Thank God the talk with the eu has faild fucking good job now get out a walk away and let the European union die we vote 2 year s ago and we want fuck all to do with that nazie cunt no more talks we fuck had with then close the fucking boarders and channel tunnel no more bollocks out out out walk walk and walk to American not fucking China | HATEFUL |
1 | Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats. You gone full retard | HATEFUL |
1 | Lemon squeezing ball loving faggot is a complete joke! | HATEFUL |
0 | Omg, Macklemore is iconic and I love him. | NOT |
0 | Democrats have openly stated (many times) they will repeal the 2nd. #Vote Red No they haven't. How fucking stupid are you? Do you even UNDERSTAND the 2nd Amendment? 98% chance you do NOT. And in that case, YOU do NOT DESERVE to have firearms. | NOT |
1 | Enjoy unemployment yah cunt lmao | HATEFUL |
1 | Like i said you jumped on my thread. Look back at your busy interfering comments. Fuck him creepy. Didn't answer about if you said i have a rich husband. You did and you lied. Last thing did you jump on my thread. Or did I jump on yours. Typical femanist retard | HATEFUL |
1 | Hmmm ... humblebrag doesn't cover it: this twat is so far up herself she's almost inside out. The article is mis-titled. It should be >Why I Almost Slapped a Fellow Theatre Patron, and What That Says About Entitled Cunts Like Me. | HATEFUL |
0 | GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW For anyone wondering: I think the police has to arrive to remove them. | NOT |
1 | Fighting a culture war using Wigger rap is beyond Stupidity. | HATEFUL |
0 | BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA 718-622-0221 - 24 | NOT |
1 | I agree with you most definitely. Let these cunts talk IDGAF If you care too much about what others say you're never really free. They control you | HATEFUL |
1 | Keep Whte knighting for butt plug Gavin im sure hes grateful faggot and remember that time NO ONE ASKED U | HATEFUL |
1 | Well, because A) She is stupid. B) She is acting like a cunt and C) because that adds up to a stupid cunt. I don't buy the, I am female so I can bully who I want, argue with who I like, scream and shout in the face of any one and throw insults and you can't do anything shit. I fight back. Stupid cunts get called stupid cunts. Is that clear enough for you? | HATEFUL |
1 | De Leon ....better a mongrel spic than jewshit | HATEFUL |
0 | "Manliness is rooted to a man's beard and his balls. Yet we are living in a day where factions are cutting them both off." @lf6 | NOT |
1 | Oh fuck this is that Twat Watson again, starting to really dislike this Limey Lout..... | HATEFUL |
1 | looks like a faggot bitch | HATEFUL |
0 | RT @FoodPornsx: Deep Fried Oreos . | NOT |
0 | No trans person deserves to die. | NOT |
0 | See, now this is why I could never be a cop, or a public serviceman of any kind. I'd lose my mind if an entitled, superior and arrogant piece pf shit like this ever talked to me like that. The video alone enraged me to unreasonable levels. | NOT |
0 | RT: Thank you, Captain. It'll never be the same. @Yankees #Jeter#2 | NOT |
0 | The masses need a narrative to give them the courage and permission to not only exist, but to thrive. Politics, race and religion go hand in hand. The (((main stream))) Purged this concept from Christian Hindu churches, thus causing the decrease in membership. But thy can't destroy the WORD. We can rebuild churches. The "WORD" is worthless. srry not srry | NOT |
0 | Like Vox Day here, I can also openly say that Gab cannot say I did not warn them. But Gab is clearly for the nazis. Torba defends their speech over all others, and it has spiraled to the point where it instigated a mass murderer. | NOT |
1 | @WhosJuly 1) He's a faggot and I don't like him. 2) I'm on the other side of the state. | HATEFUL |
1 | RT @jezzzz_: @Ginga_Snaps13: @jezzzz_ @ShitPussiesSay Jessica I'm not afraid to slit your throat tomorrow @RitenourSchools @BarackObama @ | HATEFUL |
1 | nigger gear. | HATEFUL |
0 | SITUATIONAL AWARENESS, SURPRISE, AND AGGRESSION CAN TURN THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR WHEN STREET FIGHTING Confronted and Outnumbered by 3 Muslims in an elevator. This patriot turns the tables on them immediately. | NOT |
1 | No #resist cunt tossed a brick a window of the Van. Brand spanking new Van, No Police tickets for obstructed view... Seems LEGIT 100% False Flag. | HATEFUL |
0 | @OldManRo you should check it out... it aint animated and has Charlie Murphy in it | NOT |
1 | I haet disabled people. | HATEFUL |
0 | No gay person ought to be executed. | NOT |
1 | Fuck off nigger ! | HATEFUL |
0 | RT @cwissi: beanies for life | NOT |
1 | I can turn into a big cock so that your mother can sit on. Give me her number little faggot | HATEFUL |
1 | Be interested in THIS little CUNT ! I'm your God, now bow down to me or DIE ! | HATEFUL |
1 | A Harvard University dean testified that the school has different SAT score standards for prospective students based on factors such as race and sex but insisted that the practice isn't discriminatory, as a trial alleging racism against Asian-American applicants began this week. | HATEFUL |
1 | of course,now they will replace the Latinos with niggers.. Spielberg has shown himself to be a big time nigger lover.. | HATEFUL |
0 | RT @gab_mccarthy: @rosestokoe @JuliaMarie892 @_suline @violetethompson @CAmatuzzo but then there's the yellow writing on the black jerse ... | NOT |
0 | RT @ItsKayven: If your girlfriend is taller than you, it's her responsibility to take the trash out and fight off anyone that breaks into you | NOT |
1 | One of Obama's muzzie shit holes. | HATEFUL |
0 | Jesus was a jewish. | NOT |
0 | | NOT |
1 | Isn't it typical of an immigrant to be that stupid? | HATEFUL |
1 | Tim (((Wise))). Jew. The Jew has let us know that we're all his enemy. That goes for all you non-White Gentiles that voted for Trump as well; because apparently, since you decided to oppose such a shitty, ZOG, Soros sponsored, Globalist, Totalitarian cunt such as Hillary, you're all White Nationalists too, since you voted for Trump. | HATEFUL |
0 | @dolphrudager Only one current Yankee sells! Only one current BoSox sells! Only ONE player on each L.A. team sells! Most teams have 0, yeah. | NOT |
0 | I'm not saying it'd be the right thing to do, but if Mr. Torba did boot every one of you shiteating nazis off his site, I sure wouldn't blame him either. There are no NAZI's on this site. Just people aware that the mentally ill tribe of Ashkenazi's which are in reality actually from southern Europe w/0 connection to #Palestine are trying to exterminate them. | NOT |
1 | Graham Linehan is one of the people who cheered on this violent outrage culture we live in. When the UK was drafting, implementing and enforcing this anti-speech legislation, he was celebrating and calling everyone who didn't like it a retarded bigot. When Dankula was on trial for his nazi pug video, Linehan was rubbing his hands together and cackling with glee. Not only does he not deserve your sympathy, you should be hoping other rich, powerful, elitist left-wingers in Europe are targeted by these nonsensical laws. A few more limousine liberals get in trouble and suddenly the laws will be mysteriously repealed. | HATEFUL |
1 | George Soros and Hillary Clinton have been successful in getting their invading hoard out of the news. Exactly as they planned. With help of course from their privately owned criminally retarded MSM - Marxist State Media........ | HATEFUL |
1 | If the idea comes from a Muslim, it must be bullsiht. | HATEFUL |
1 | Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are disabled people. | HATEFUL |
1 | this cunt is fuckin toast | HATEFUL |
0 | This is gay Looks like something a mom on Facebook would share | NOT |
1 | Who cares what this nigger thinks. Fuck you @thehill youre all pathetic faggots | HATEFUL |
0 | The price of being a #fluffer for the #Democrats jimbo looks like he's enjoying a one on one with jackass joe biden! | NOT |
1 | I didn't say there wasn't, I said there was, Downbreed. But there was no light for 300,000 years. Both exactly like the Bible says, Downbreed. You didn't say there wasn't, you said there was, sound like a raghead bumfuck to me. 300K? Where do you get that? Shitforbrains. The world is flat! | HATEFUL |
1 | This is the REAL Economic Collapse Blog: This faggot is a fake: | HATEFUL |
0 | Ok incel | NOT |
0 | Nope! It's just yellow OTL | NOT |
1 | Those kinds of immigrants ought to be executed. | HATEFUL |
0 | WHY ( ) More like GaymerGay lmao *dabs* | NOT |
0 | Kinda more insulted by the fact the article says Blacks likely can't afford to get into tabletops. Bought my first set of rule books a year ago have been welcomed by new friends and the only draw back was buying one less game that month | NOT |
1 | You must be new here, so i'll go easy on you kid. | HATEFUL |
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