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11,562 | @USER I think I would pick that just for the fun of it😂😂 | think would pick fun | NOT | null | null |
49,001 | - Will liberals agree that any is destructive? URL | liberals agree destructive | NOT | null | null |
11,805 | @USER @USER @USER Lindsey will never sink as low as you and the rest of the hateful liberals. | lindsey never sink low rest hateful liberals | OFF | TIN | IND |
37,123 | @USER Those lying liberals. At it again. SMH. | lying liberals smh | OFF | TIN | IND |
73,913 | @USER How about holder uses a gag to shut himself up? | holder uses gag shut | NOT | null | null |
12,337 | @USER #investigateChtistineFord why is ford deleted her social media accounts? Why is she all of a suddenly want to delay testimony? Is Ford an ANTIFA activist? | investigatechtistineford ford deleted social media accounts suddenly want delay testimony ford antifa activist | NOT | null | null |
26,789 | @USER Maybe you haven’t seen how well #MAGA is working on our economy. The turn around is restitching the fray in our social fabric and rekindling our civic spirit. These reforms are enlightening and educating the next generation in responsible civics. #WalkAway | maybe seen well maga working economy turn around restitching fray social fabric rekindling civic spirit reforms enlightening educating next generation responsible civics walkaway | NOT | null | null |
30,177 | @USER @USER @USER @USER The rules today were put in place to prevent players acting like those bad boys" of the past. She is a professional, she knew that her coach broke the rules, he admitted as much. Saying others don't or didn't get called is no defence. She was only fighting to be above the law." | rules today put place prevent players acting like bad boys past professional knew coach broke rules admitted much saying others get called defence fighting law | NOT | null | null |
55,254 | A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on URL #FoxNews | bunch vultures tim isnt even gone yet wtf shame see hope left every penny animal rescue carol burnett star tim conway recovers brain surgery family battle comic fate rages foxnews | OFF | TIN | IND |
46,785 | @USER @USER @USER I have to thank the creator for finding me a bigger list of people to follow. Perhaps now this person can do a search on ANTIFA and other Communists infecting youth. | thank creator finding bigger list people follow perhaps person search antifa communists infecting youth | NOT | null | null |
52,085 | @USER Nice hat😂 Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @USER is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway | nice hat hey liberals democrats living rent free heads like mcdonald imlovingit sweet revenge never tasted good maga walkaway | OFF | TIN | GRP |
85,351 | @USER Because to liberals being a white mail is disqualifying. It’s attempt to muzzle gop on SJC. Graham (allegedly a gay white male) should take point if he has it in him. Might save him a primary figjt | liberals white mail disqualifying attempt muzzle gop sjc graham allegedly gay white male take point might save primary figjt | NOT | null | null |
37,632 | @USER Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. URL | curious find website fit narrative cowards | OFF | TIN | OTH |
90,080 | @USER Stylistic nuances are trivial. U shud prioritise a level of discretion & ambiguity that keeps ur adult life from being harmed by Leftist Elites & their Antifa shocktroops | stylistic nuances trivial u shud prioritise level discretion ambiguity keeps ur adult life harmed leftist elites antifa shocktroops | NOT | null | null |
86,813 | @USER Everyone will be dead by 2020 | everyone dead 2020 | NOT | null | null |
24,268 | @USER @USER Xtc isn't going to help you sleep hahahah but it will help you feel better after how Rockstar is shitting on us. Or did you mean sleeping pills😂 | xtc going help sleep hahahah help feel better rockstar shitting us mean sleeping pills | OFF | TIN | GRP |
68,382 | @USER Does he rage against 2 gender skeptics? | rage 2 gender skeptics | NOT | null | null |
41,812 | @USER @USER is a blight on womanhood. Grow up. | blight womanhood grow | OFF | TIN | IND |
97,218 | @USER @USER @USER @USER Given the sheer scale of the numbers I suspect from time to time someone had to look in a pit and say “I recon that’s 450 in that hole”..the point is BIG BAZ they are fucking big numbers clocked up by the far right/left. I’m interested in the initial claim of genocide by Liberals | given sheer scale numbers suspect time time someone look pit say recon 450 hole point big baz fucking big numbers clocked far right left interested initial claim genocide liberals | NOT | null | null |
70,993 | @USER @USER I think he meant to say ... sent to jail for fraud | think meant say sent jail fraud | OFF | TIN | IND |
26,951 | @USER @USER @USER @USER I will be over there to visit her tomorrow!! She is awesome!! | visit tomorrow awesome | NOT | null | null |
73,227 | @USER @USER LOVE HER!! She is a BADASS! | love badass | OFF | TIN | IND |
92,682 | @USER @USER >>>>> Funner FACT: This company .@USER was created by the >>>C.I.A.<<< And now the WORLD knows. (((((LISTEN PLEASE))))) URL | funner fact company created c world knows listen please | NOT | null | null |
11,515 | #DontMessAroundWith conservatives. Dismiss them with prejudice. | dontmessaroundwith conservatives dismiss prejudice | NOT | null | null |
61,705 | @USER She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance | become parody unto certainly taken heat well idiot could optic know liberals optics substance | OFF | UNT | null |
64,574 | @USER @USER @USER Oh you just wait til you see the next hurricane meal I tweet out! You are gonna be sooo jealous... | oh wait til see next hurricane meal tweet gonna sooo jealous | NOT | null | null |
64,137 | @USER @USER This is super underrated | super underrated | NOT | null | null |
88,778 | @USER @USER @USER Maybe he is just light in his loafers | maybe light loafers | NOT | null | null |
99,587 | @USER Actually this should be given to the powers that be before this nut bar takes a gun and does what she is saying she will. | actually given powers nut bar takes gun saying | NOT | null | null |
85,714 | @USER “the sex symbol of rap” LMAOOO BITCH YOUre FAT aS FUCK ANYWAYS you tryna fight? | sex symbol rap lmaooo bitch youre fat fuck anyways tryna fight | OFF | TIN | GRP |
92,997 | @USER @USER All of us are scratching our heads over this. He is trying to intimidate. Don't let him. | us scratching heads trying intimidate let | NOT | null | null |
53,393 | @USER You do mean the bernie assholes that stayed home | mean bernie assholes stayed home | OFF | TIN | IND |
83,251 | @USER And I am just over the #justdoit #nike | justdoit nike | NOT | null | null |
28,973 | @USER She is beautiful!!! God bless you both 🙏 | beautiful god bless | NOT | null | null |
88,008 | @USER Hope he is feeling much better!!! | hope feeling much better | NOT | null | null |
22,388 | @USER Who talks shit on buff chicken dip dude it’s buff chicken dip | talks shit buff chicken dip dude buff chicken dip | OFF | TIN | IND |
10,144 | @USER @USER I agree..but they are still conservatives at heart. May hate 45* but still have their conservative ideals. | agree still conservatives heart may hate 45 still conservative ideals | NOT | null | null |
77,680 | #WashingtonPost broke the story therapist notes Miss Ford stated four men assaulted her 😠 now it's two😮 #VoteDemsOut to end #DirtyTricks stop what's wrong with #DC #Kavanaugh #maga #FoxNews #Liar #CNN #msnbc #SenFlake #Wrong to use #MeToo for politics #ChristineBlaseyFord URL | washingtonpost broke story therapist notes miss ford stated four men assaulted two votedemsout end dirtytricks stop wrong dc kavanaugh maga foxnews liar cnn msnbc senflake wrong use metoo politics christineblaseyford | OFF | TIN | OTH |
11,342 | @USER @USER @USER You missed Rachel Maddow's show? She had some of them. She didn't look at them before air time. She proved he paid a butt load in taxes. #maga #WalkAway | missed rachel maddow show look air time proved paid butt load taxes maga walkaway | NOT | null | null |
47,669 | @USER Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything - like Hitler did | believe something even means sacrificing everything like hitler | NOT | null | null |
64,750 | #MalcolmX on Liberals..............................wise man! URL | malcolmx liberals wise man | NOT | null | null |
76,380 | Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. 👑 | accept understand easy neither loving someone tries correct flaws make incredibly unique | NOT | null | null |
51,664 | @USER He is toxic even for alligators | toxic even alligators | OFF | TIN | IND |
74,550 | @USER whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now 😝 also you are a kinky lil slut but ily | whoaaa amazing wanna see also kinky lil slut ily | OFF | TIN | IND |
56,573 | @USER (who she is currently dating) | currently dating | NOT | null | null |
13,602 | @USER @USER @USER No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!! | worries antifa still live parents basement go community college | OFF | TIN | IND |
68,693 | @USER I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line | eat weird shit crossed line | OFF | UNT | null |
98,510 | @USER A book? Still wanting money from the public. Liberals will probably buy it or Soros will buy up a lot of copies to make it a best seller as he has probably done with other liberal books. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸 | book still wanting money public liberals probably buy soros buy lot copies make best seller probably done liberal books voteredtosaveamerica | NOT | null | null |
21,497 | @USER @USER @USER Awesome! | awesome | NOT | null | null |
78,188 | @USER @USER WHAT A DOG..SHE IS... | dog | OFF | TIN | IND |
28,385 | @USER henry | henry | NOT | null | null |
11,729 | @USER There’s false reports of an antifa professor who was assaulted 36 ish (she can’t quite recall) years ago by an upstanding SCOTUS nominee. You should look into that. | false reports antifa professor assaulted 36 ish quite recall years ago upstanding scotus nominee look | NOT | null | null |
56,764 | @USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting?? | 60 minutes one bragged story guys thought great female ceo story evil one cbs verify reporting | NOT | null | null |
84,118 | @USER @USER @USER Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control | cops rarely got shot countries gun control | OFF | TIN | OTH |
24,125 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed and retweeted. I follow all Trump supporters. | followed retweeted follow trump supporters | NOT | null | null |
86,053 | @USER His protest is indeed a right as it is my right to make sure none of my money goes to the NFL or anything he supports including Nike. | protest indeed right right make sure none money goes nfl anything supports including nike | NOT | null | null |
87,717 | @USER beast boy is 15 raven is 18 and robin and starfire are both at least in their early thirties | beast boy 15 raven 18 robin starfire least early thirties | NOT | null | null |
29,798 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That nutbar hasn’t blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is | nutbar blocked todd blocked gave clue | NOT | null | null |
76,511 | @USER Hate is hate no matter what side of the aisle you are on it's bad when Republicans do it it's bad lwhen liberals do it... this should be non partisan! | hate hate matter side aisle bad republicans bad lwhen liberals non partisan | NOT | null | null |
51,362 | @USER @USER WHERE'S holier than thou @USER Sippin wine in the shade somewhere... #MAGA | holier thou sippin wine shade somewhere maga | NOT | null | null |
12,441 | @USER I have found that my younger women doctors don't ignore me when I say I know my body, and are more inclusive of everything. The hospital even updated their sheets to include non-binary" for gender and "sexual identity" instead of the common "sex/gender" m/f options." | found younger women doctors ignore say know body inclusive everything hospital even updated sheets include non binary gender sexual identity instead common sex gender f options | NOT | null | null |
77,690 | @USER @USER @USER #usaafr18 looking forward to: Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens, who will give the Wednesday, October 17, 2018 lecture about Medical Bondage and the Birth of American Gynecology."" | usaafr 18 looking forward dr deirdre cooper owens give wednesday october 17 2018 lecture medical bondage birth american gynecology | NOT | null | null |
40,206 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL That's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila! #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING URL | guy guy looks like sheila qanon maga greatawakening | NOT | null | null |
72,117 | @USER @USER @USER She is trying hard to keep a righteous spirit. | trying hard keep righteous spirit | NOT | null | null |
86,480 | @USER @USER @USER That's right and don't you forget it. MAGA. 👊 | right forget maga | NOT | null | null |
30,643 | @USER @USER Now you understand why conservatives fear expressing their true beliefs. If you don’t buy into the dominant liberal narrative about social issues you become persona non grata. Ask James Damore. | understand conservatives fear expressing true beliefs buy dominant liberal narrative social issues become persona non grata ask james damore | NOT | null | null |
82,552 | Filling the Skies - Chemicals & Frequencies #IDoNotConsent #WeDoNotConsent #OpEvidence #opstopchemtrails #Chemtrails #SkyBastard #Geoengineering #climatechange #SRM #Cloudseeding #EverGreenAir #BigMoney #NEXRAD #LookUp #SilentWarfare #WeatherWarfare #MAGA #potus #breakingnews URL | filling skies chemicals frequencies idonotconsent wedonotconsent opevidence opstopchemtrails chemtrails skybastard geoengineering climatechange srm cloudseeding evergreenair bigmoney nexrad lookup silentwarfare weatherwarfare maga potus breakingnews | NOT | null | null |
48,090 | @USER He’s trying to go on the campaign trail for big pay! We know what Iran loving Hussein is up to. No match for Presidrnt Trump who gives his salary to charity. | trying go campaign trail big pay know iran loving hussein match presidrnt trump gives salary charity | NOT | null | null |
20,131 | @USER @USER @USER @USER Your side has AntiFa. You into them? Like violence? | side antifa like violence | NOT | null | null |
12,327 | @USER @USER Fuck you cunt. Try this on for size. URL | fuck cunt try size | OFF | TIN | IND |
89,687 | US enjoys 22m/yr visits from Canadians 4 tourism & business. Lot of $$ coming directly to the US. In Oct Canada legalizes cannabis. But US border agents ban mj consumers & mj biz ppl for life. What happens to US #TourismJobs? #GOP #maga #uspoli #USPolitics URL | us enjoys 22m yr visits canadians 4 tourism business lot coming directly us oct canada legalizes cannabis us border agents ban mj consumers mj biz ppl life happens us tourismjobs gop maga uspoli uspolitics | NOT | null | null |
28,080 | @USER @USER @USER There are THREE cardboard boxes full. Come pick out a haunted cardigan! | three cardboard boxes full come pick haunted cardigan | NOT | null | null |
39,013 | Analysis | Devin Nunes explains ‘antifa’ and ‘all of these riots’: ‘Because we’re winning’ URL | analysis devin nunes explains ‘ antifa ‘ riots ‘ winning | NOT | null | null |
71,022 | @USER He is obviously sucking up to his players because I promise a very large majority of their season ticket base support the President #BoycottTheNFL #TakeAStand | obviously sucking players promise large majority season ticket base support president boycottthenfl takeastand | NOT | null | null |
66,334 | @USER Liberals are like adding salt to beer - they spoil everything... | liberals like adding salt beer spoil everything | NOT | null | null |
34,967 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA! 🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO! 🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R | win menendez seat maga 2 4 million registered independent republicans nj outnumber establishment r 2 1 2 1 million registered nj november 6th nj r rino mid term nj true red r | NOT | null | null |
51,312 | @USER Perhaps our politicians should stop using them as reason to ban/confiscate popular firearms. The gun control crowd is making them a target and it is wrong. | perhaps politicians stop using reason ban confiscate popular firearms gun control crowd making target wrong | NOT | null | null |
79,802 | @USER //Anime is a gag series. The manga is bloody as fuck. | anime gag series manga bloody fuck | OFF | UNT | null |
75,064 | @USER fox could have sash DI'd tho | fox could sash di tho | OFF | UNT | null |
31,995 | @USER @USER Of course they are. She either agrees to testify on Mon or they vote on Friday and life moves on until the next obstruction from the lunatic liberals | course either agrees testify mon vote friday life moves next obstruction lunatic liberals | NOT | null | null |
42,940 | #MaximeBernier's new party stakes out classical #liberalValues: #DonPittis | CBC News URL | maximebernier new party stakes classical liberalvalues donpittis cbc news | NOT | null | null |
16,140 | @USER They are conservatives who want him appointed. | conservatives want appointed | NOT | null | null |
63,839 | @USER Better hurry she is pretty old | better hurry pretty old | OFF | TIN | IND |
98,684 | Aged dine to me! #MAGA Libs still spill out with vile breaths the total vote including all the illegal(sorry Jack) voters. The repeated areas where more people voted than are registered. PO'd a friend with the Red and Blue map. And Dont you live in FL still? How'd that work? URL | aged dine maga libs still spill vile breaths total vote including illegal sorry jack voters repeated areas people voted registered po friend red blue map dont live fl still work | NOT | null | null |
86,737 | @USER The FBi has made it so that @USER cannot buy a cell phone nor his calling cell to now calls after 5 pm and weekend now but he can use his office phone 619-513-5555 he like to say he is someone else and hate me for call to FBI worked and back and know safe&llook | fbi made cannot buy cell phone calling cell calls 5 pm weekend use office phone 619 513 555 like say someone else hate call fbi worked back know safellook | NOT | null | null |
74,998 | @USER This is not about democrats or republicans. This woman has absolutely nothing to gain by coming forward but much to lose. Why the maga people seem to not mind sweeping so much under the rug is beyond me. | democrats republicans woman absolutely nothing gain coming forward much lose maga people seem mind sweeping much rug beyond | NOT | null | null |
80,097 | @USER why are you so fucking good. | fucking good | OFF | TIN | IND |
62,213 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It’s really weird to see him on the ice on another team. Slap in the face. | really weird see ice another team slap face | NOT | null | null |
85,132 | @USER @USER @USER What the hell has his location at the time of the shooting got to do with anything? People don't have to be shot to fight for gun control! Usually they can't after the event because they are usually DEAD! | hell location time shooting got anything people shot fight gun control usually event usually dead | NOT | null | null |
74,152 | @USER Thank god conservatives aren't as dismissive. Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people. | thank god conservatives dismissive never hear resorting calling people snowflakes using terms like sjw discredit people | NOT | null | null |
14,317 | @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER need to fund a lot things at public schools.... music and art class too. but conservatives always want to pay less taxes and every time they get the chance the cut funding for such things. | need fund lot things public schools music art class conservatives always want pay less taxes every time get chance cut funding things | NOT | null | null |
91,045 | @USER @USER @USER @USER Apparently bald men hate women and think they shouldn't speak...and we are all crazy conservatives. None of which are true about me except the bald part...but I like when people argue with's entertaining. | apparently bald men hate women think speak crazy conservatives none true except bald part like people argue anger entertaining | NOT | null | null |
25,978 | @USER @USER I will get on my knees and thank God that people love America. | get knees thank god people love america | NOT | null | null |
28,835 | @USER Thank you... she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes | thank world cartersbodysuitsweepstakes | NOT | null | null |
77,255 | @USER a huge fuck up on my part. | huge fuck part | OFF | TIN | IND |
44,031 | @USER Illegal Immigrants: Human Beings Trump Supporters: MAGA Gullibles MS-13 Killers: Fear mongering Human beings in the womb: Not your baby/not your business Antifa: Same as RW nut jobs Law Abiding NRA Members: Could be terrorists Bill Clinton: Your crush Kavanugh: PREDATOR | illegal immigrants human beings trump supporters maga gullibles ms 13 killers fear mongering human beings womb baby business antifa rw nut jobs law abiding nra members could terrorists bill clinton crush kavanugh predator | OFF | TIN | IND |
32,874 | @USER @USER i feel like he is weird eitherway cuz the league was supposed to start yesterday and they havent say shit | feel like weird eitherway cuz league supposed start yesterday havent say shit | NOT | null | null |
94,418 | @USER @USER @USER In a country where people openly abuse ram...krishna...tearing geeta is no bravery....real bravery would have been if she had done this with books belonging to other religions.....but then she is as big a coward as you are. | country people openly abuse ram krishna tearing geeta bravery real bravery would done books belonging religions big coward | OFF | TIN | IND |
91,613 | @USER almost gets the pick 6 Darn flag. 😁 URL | almost gets pick 6 darn flag | NOT | null | null |
10,742 | @USER please don’t tell me your going left? Use to be unbiased on most part but the hate one definitely is coming from a side that denounced the alt right as should be but says nothing about antifa and their hatred. It demonizes Trump which again is not unbiased reporting | please tell going left use unbiased part hate one definitely coming side denounced alt right says nothing antifa hatred demonizes trump unbiased reporting | NOT | null | null |
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