stringlengths 2
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idea | scheme | In June 2005 the government announced plans to adopt a similar road user charging <strong>scheme</strong> for other road vehicles, which would work by tracing the movement of all vehicles using a telematics system. The <strong>idea</strong> raised immediate objections on civil and human rights grounds that it would amount to mass surveillance. An online petition protesting this was started and reached over 1.8 million signatures by the closing date of 20 February 2007. | Sneaker is a character in the United Kingdom comic The Dandy, not unlike Roger the Dodger in his passion for avoiding mundane tasks with the help of various plans and <strong>ideas</strong>, albeit far more selfishly. Regular targets of his <strong>schemes</strong> were schoolmate Crawford and his girlfriend Tilda with his sneakiness. His trademark laugh is referred to as snik-snik in the earlier strips. | 7.42 | 7.12 | 2.39 | 2.96 | 0.454 | idea | scheme | ideas | schemes |
ignore | ask | If the bridged tap is long, the signal bounces back only in very attenuated form. Therefore, the modem will <strong>ignore</strong> the weaker signal and show no problem. One method of fixing this problem is to <strong>ask</strong> the tech to cut dead ahead your line. | As columns of Free French forces begin to move through the area, Abdelkader sees the colonel passing in his jeep, but the white commanding officer <strong>ignores</strong> him and he is pulled away by a staff officer who <strong>asks</strong> him where his unit is. When Abdelkader says they are all dead, he is simply assigned to another white NCO. As he walks out of the village, he passes a film cameraman filming only white troops standing by the liberated villagers. | 0.758 | 1.17 | 1.33 | 2.17 | 0.445 | ignore | ask | ignores | asks |
ignore | avoid | Thus planners <strong>ignore</strong> possible problems, as in the American experiment with prohibition. If they hope something will not happen, they see it as unlikely to happen. Thus smokers think that they personally will <strong>avoid</strong> cancer. | It also holds reference to the vision of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. This is a reference to the all-encompassing knowledge of the Bible, the Word of God. Later decks <strong>avoid</strong> such blatant Christian symbolism, or <strong>ignore</strong> it altogether, choosing to explain these observers as representatives of the natural world, or the kingdom of beasts. | 5.88 | 8.18 | 3.34 | 1.92 | 0.0203 | ignore | avoid | ignore | avoid |
illegal | immoral | Under Somali customary law, known as Xeer, taxation is expressly forbidden. The Xeer legal system is based on the concept of private property and it views any action that deprives someone of their property as theft. The majority of Somalis view taxation not only as <strong>immoral</strong>, but also as <strong>illegal</strong> under their traditional laws. | In a controversial homily delivered on EWTN on July 14, 2008, Pavone reportedly indicated that if a person does not take steps to make abortion <strong>illegal</strong>, God would not hear that person's prayers. On his blog on September 18, 2008, Fr. Pavone wrote that Catholic Church property was an acceptable place for individuals to distribute literature stating that it is <strong>immoral</strong> to vote for Barack Obama -- provided that the Church itself is not distributing or sponsoring the literature. | 6.35 | 2.92 | 2.56 | 2.75 | 0.000295 | illegal | immoral | illegal | immoral |
illness | infection | The disease also causes glands in the stomach to waste away and causes the body to lose fluid containing a protein called albumin.There are two forms of the disease: a childhood form and an adult form. The childhood form has a better prognosis. It affects boys and girls equally, most often after they have a viral <strong>illness</strong> caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV) or a bacterial <strong>infection</strong> caused by Helicobacter pylori. | When asked if this <strong>infection</strong> affected his fight, Nogueira answered: For sure. In addition to this significant <strong>illness</strong>, his knee was injured during training for which he had surgery in February 2009. Despite these legitimate handicaps, Nogueira offered strong praise for Frank Mir's performance, with particular credit given to Mir's ability to maintain very good distance. | 7.55 | 9.24 | 2.58 | 1.23 | 0.00994 | illness | infection | illness | infection |
inexpensive | cheap | At that time, one assessment indicated: Today the Pujiang is run down and can get cold and clammy in winter - otherwise its nice. At the end of 1989, the Pujiang was Shanghai's official backpackers' hangout, with at least eight dormitories accommodating twenty people in each. Accommodation in the <strong>cheap</strong> if austere dormitory rooms, was <strong>inexpensive</strong>. | Other works made during this time are Epitaph (2008), Inalienable (2008), The Bird Feeders (2008) and The Salt Shaker And The Moon (2009). This shift from comparatively large Arriflex cameras and Nagra tape recorders in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s to the use of <strong>inexpensive</strong> self-contained digital cameras, is due in part to its appeal as inconspicuous equipment. Additionally, the cost factor using <strong>cheap</strong> prosumer cameras cannot be ignored. | 9.21 | 9.13 | 1.55 | 1.72 | 0.481 | inexpensive | cheap | inexpensive | cheap |
inform | notify | After Daniel hangs up, Marc walks in to see what is keeping Betty so long, then <strong>informs</strong> her that she needn't worry about the letter since Alexis has already sent the issue to print. In shock, Betty tells Marc she must <strong>notify</strong> Daniel immediately. She slams the door leaving Marc all alone there with his mother and her family. | Later when the Sinister Six attacks Spider-Man (who recently bonded with the Venom Symbiote), Aunt May has a heart attack with Anna Watson nearby. Mary Jane is then the one to <strong>notify</strong> Peter of his aunt's condition, and she later <strong>informs</strong> his friends as well. Later, when Peter arrives at school and his friends attempt to console him, Peter (under the symbiote's influence) verbally dejects everyone, including Mary Jane. | 9.31 | 9.8 | 0.973 | 0.553 | 0.019 | informs | notify | informs | notify |
island | task | He tells the monkeys that he is sure that Sita is sat in Ashok vatika in Lanka. The <strong>island</strong> is 400 hundred miles away and requires someone who is able to jump the distance. Jambavan deduces that Hanuman is the only one capable of the <strong>task</strong>. | After replenishing the great <strong>task</strong> force moved once more toward Japan 1 July. During the next 2 months, devastating air strikes were carried out against Japan, and retaliatory air attacks were fought off by Harrison and the other protecting destroyers. Refueling at sea, the carriers kept up a constant bombardment of the home <strong>islands</strong>. | 0.263 | 0 | 0.624 | 0 | 0.0401 | island | task | islands | task |
jar | bottle | In New Zealand, a flagon refers to a glass vessel filled with draught beer available in public bars or <strong>bottle</strong> stores. Drinkers could take their own washed flagons or swap their empties for those pre-filled, corked and ready for sale. The flagon was followed by the half-gallon <strong>jar</strong> and was preceded by the square rigger and the bluey. | William Watson, when experimenting with the Leyden <strong>jar</strong>, discovered in 1747 that a discharge of static electricity was equivalent to an electric current. The capacitive property, now and for many years availed of in the electric condenser, was first observed by Von Kleist of Leyden in 1754. Von Kleist happened to hold, near his electric machine, a small <strong>bottle</strong>, in the neck of which there was an iron nail. | 6.67 | 8.02 | 2.06 | 1.55 | 0.0148 | jar | bottle | jar | bottle |
job | management | During the melee, one of the souls comes to Johnny's aid and tells him about the fact that people are being sent to Hell that don't deserve to be. He learns that some kind of odd bureaucracy has taken over the <strong>job</strong> of deciding who goes to Hell (the 'low road') or Heaven (the high road). Pete and one of the workers find Johnny, but the worker wants him to speak to <strong>management</strong>. | For more experienced users a Command Line Interface (CLI) is also available. Both, the UNICORE Client and CLI, provide the functionalities to create and monitor <strong>jobs</strong> that can be executed on any UNICORE site (Usite) without requiring any modifications, including data <strong>management</strong> functions like import, export, or transfer of files from one target system to another. In addition, the UNICORE plugin technology allows the creation of application-specific interfaces inside the UNICORE client. | 3.4 | 4.2 | 2.76 | 3.34 | 0.172 | job | management | jobs | management |
join | marry | 3) Again on page 123 comes a completely flawed story about Akbar. Manucci mentioned that Akbar forces attacked Chittor fort and by deceit Akbar took 'Jaimal' a prisoner and asked his wife 'Rani Padmini' to <strong>marry</strong> Akbar and <strong>join</strong> his harem or else he will kill Jaimal. Then Manucci expounds in great detail about how Rani Padmini played a trick on Akbar and assured the release of his husband Jaimal (Jai Mall) from Akbars fort. | Andrew agrees to finance Burns' research and the two <strong>join</strong> forces to revolutionize robotics. As part of this research, Andrew designs new artificial prosthetic organs for the robots that could also be used for humans. Over the years, he maintains contact with Amanda, who grows up, <strong>marries</strong>, divorces and dies. | 4.92 | 2.78 | 3.31 | 2.26 | 0.018 | join | marry | join | marries |
journey | trip | Paterson was sent to the Cape Colony by the wealthy and eccentric Countess of Strathmore to collect plants, he arrived in Table Bay on board the Houghton in May 1777. He made four <strong>trips</strong> into the interior between May 1777 and March 1780, when he departed. In 1789 Paterson published Narrative of Four <strong>Journeys</strong> into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria, which he dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks. | Human Touch is a 2004 film directed by Paul Cox and starring Jacqueline McKenzie and Chris Haywood. The plot follows the story of Anna who is a singer trying to raise money for her choir's <strong>trip</strong> to China. She does this by posing nude for an ageing artist and upon seeing the finished results goes on a <strong>journey</strong> of self discovery. | 9.4 | 4.65 | 1.26 | 3.03 | 0 | Journeys | trips | journey | trip |
keep | possess | Mark discovers a passage about how Carolyn and Dr. Hawlings are evil and want to use Jungle Magic to do evil. She writes in her journal that she gave her nephew the secret of Jungle Magic to <strong>keep</strong> it safe, as he lived 4,000 miles from the island of Baladora. She fears that once the two villains <strong>possess</strong> Jungle Magic, they will shrink her head. | The French and Italian schools are mostly strong represented, forming the main body of the collection, followed by Spanish, Portuguese, Flemish, Dutch, English and German masters. The museum also <strong>keeps</strong> a significant collection of Brazilian art and Brasiliana, which witnesses the development of Brazilian art from 17th century to nowadays. Still in the context of Western art, the museum <strong>possesses</strong> important holdings of Latin and North American art. | 6.36 | 9.51 | 2.98 | 0.903 | 0.000002 | keep | possess | keeps | possesses |
keep | protect | Tim Drake <strong>keeps</strong> a memorial for her in his cave hideout underneath Titans Tower in San Francisco. She recently appears alive, stalking Tim since his return from traveling around the globe with his mentor, which led into the question of whether she truly died in the first place. It is later revealed that Dr. Leslie Thompkins had faked her death after the gang war in an effort to <strong>protect</strong> her. | Shisa are wards, believed to <strong>protect</strong> from various evils. When found in pairs, the shisa on the left traditionally has a closed mouth, and the one on the right an open mouth. The open mouth to ward off evil spirits, and the closed mouth to <strong>keep</strong> good spirits in. | 2.5 | 3.75 | 2.66 | 2.22 | 0.0361 | keeps | protect | keep | protect |
kill | choke | Brigitte picks up the dropped syringe, and follows the blood trail downstairs. She tries to drink Sam's blood in an attempt to calm Ginger-Wolf, but <strong>chokes</strong> on it. Ginger-Wolf senses Brigitte's insincerity and <strong>kills</strong> Sam in front of her, then leaps at Brigitte. | On January 22, 1536, along with Bernhard Krechting and Bernhard Knipperdolling, he was tortured and then executed. Each attached to a pole by an iron spiked collar, their bodies were ripped with red-hot tongs for the space of an hour. After Knipperdolling saw the process of torturing John of Leiden, he attempted to <strong>kill</strong> himself with the collar, using it to <strong>choke</strong> himself. | 1.74 | 6.91 | 2.7 | 2.52 | 0.000001 | kills | chokes | kill | choke |
kill | destroy | Chemotherapeutical drugs were first developed in the Muslim world. Muslim physicians used a variety of specific substances to <strong>destroy</strong> microbes. They applied topically specifically to <strong>kill</strong> the scabies mite. | Though still ostracized, Jenny Calendar gives Giles a spell book containing a ritual to revoke Angel's many invitations into their homes, then continues secretly to work on her special project—a computer translation of the ancient Gypsy Ritual of Restoration, the spell which originally gave Angelus his soul back. She succeeds, but Drusilla senses Jenny's efforts and Angelus comes to <strong>destroy</strong> all her work. He then <strong>kills</strong> Jenny, and uses his handiwork to viciously torment Giles. | 9.65 | 3.6 | 0.892 | 2.85 | 0 | kill | destroy | kills | destroy |
king | princess | There, he directed The Swan <strong>Princess</strong> series with musician Lex de Azevedo, who also composed the music for Animated Stories from the New Testament; The <strong>King</strong> and I; and The Trumpet Of The Swan. In 2006 he directed '. After that production, he sold RichCrest Animation to Lionsgate, who renamed the studio Crest Animation Productions. | Hayam Wuruk, the <strong>king</strong> of Majapahit, was looking for a bride to be. He sent emissaries throughout Nusantara (Maritime Southeast Asia) to find a suitable bride for him. They all came back with paintings of lovely <strong>princesses</strong>. | 3.64 | 4.07 | 2.75 | 2.97 | 0.301 | King | Princess | king | princesses |
know | believe | As Mitsuomi watches this fight, he comments that those who <strong>know</strong> how to dance are skilled fighters, as martial arts and dance are historically similar. He also comments that the physical strength training Maya is putting him through is pointless, as he is plenty strong already. Mitsuomi <strong>believes</strong> Bob's talent is being wasted with Maya and he could bring it out far more effectively. | Thus preaching the Gospel is of prime concern to evangelical Christians, for it is The power of God for the salvation of everyone who <strong>believes</strong> (Romans 1:16). It explains also why many evangelical Christians view the Bible so highly - for to remove Sola Scriptura is to essentially remove everything we can <strong>know</strong> about God. It explains why the New Testament was written, and why churches need people to teach and build up the body of Christ. | 6.44 | 6.27 | 2.78 | 1.74 | 0.198 | know | believes | know | believes |
laden | heavy | These include operations by the many thousands of workers who cook circuit boards to remove chips and solders, burn wires and other plastics to liberate metals such as copper, use highly corrosive and dangerous acid baths along the riverbanks to extract gold from the microchips, and sweep printer toner out of cartridges. Children are exposed to the dioxin-<strong>laden</strong> ash. The soil has been saturated with lead, chromium, tin, and other <strong>heavy</strong> metals. | He sent the Emperor a horse, a mule <strong>laden</strong> with dates, a shield, and two spears to show his support, along with a message saying, I have set up my camp, O my master, with the intention of stopping these people. If they are your enemies, I will not let them pass, and will seize them. Ba'eda Maryam sent his men against the Dobe'as again, but his campaign was defeated and suffered <strong>heavy</strong> casualties. | 2.54 | 3.48 | 2.67 | 3.12 | 0.166 | laden | heavy | laden | heavy |
lady | gentleman | It had a daylight basement by virtue of the land sloping to the rear, which served as housing for the agent, containing a bedroom, dining room, kitchen, and living room. The ground floor waiting room measured 20x35 feet, a <strong>ladies</strong>' room measuring 14x18 feet, a <strong>gentleman</strong>'s smoking room 11x12 feet, a baggage room 8x12 feet, a telegraph office and ticket office of 9x18 feet, and a bedroom. The second story had three bedrooms and the signal tower. | Vitagraph wrecked a real train in this action melodrama, which co-starred Williams with his most frequent leading <strong>lady</strong>, Anita Stewart. They were also teamed in the studio's earliest and perhaps most famous entry in the then-popular serial genre, The Goddess in 1915, and Williams made a dashing <strong>gentleman</strong> thief in Vitagraph's 1917 version of the ever popular Arsene Lupin. He continued his popularity streak into the 1920s, often portraying stalwart military heroes. | 4.74 | 2.81 | 3.44 | 1.93 | 0.0228 | ladies | gentleman | lady | gentleman |
lake | swamp | Its breeding habitat is marshes and <strong>lakes</strong> in sub-Saharan Africa. They build a floating nest in marshes and <strong>swamps</strong>, laying 2-5 eggs. This species is partially migratory, undertaking seasonal movements. | The landscape to the east and west of the river is also remarkable. Peat extraction in the 17th and 18th century turned vast low-lying fens into a collection of shallow, man-made <strong>lakes</strong> and bogs. Water lilies, reeds, <strong>swamps</strong> and wooded areas have developed spontaneously from the old peat canals (trekgaten) where the peat was extracted. | 6.38 | 5.87 | 1.92 | 2.39 | 0.253 | lakes | swamps | lakes | swamps |
leader | manager | She sang Todas Las Mananas (Every Morning) accompanied by conga player Candido. Despite being accompanied by her <strong>manager</strong> Paquito Cordero, her personal assistants and make-up artist, previously mentioned New York fan club president Roberto Tirado, she was naturally extremely nervous at this nationwide exposure. Bandleader Nelson Riddle, Frank Sinatra's conductor, was also Sullivan's house band <strong>leader</strong>. | Marie Railway (Soo Line). Soon after promoted to general <strong>manager</strong>, he supervised the building of nearly 1,300 miles of line. There was a great rivalry between the Soo Line and James J. Hill's St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway, but Hill came to respect Underwood's ability, and the two <strong>leaders</strong> worked out a compromise. | 4.28 | 8.02 | 3.01 | 2.02 | 0.000058 | leader | manager | leaders | manager |
leave | go | He made a series of significant concessions at Gibraltar before this operation took place. He refused to <strong>leave</strong> immediately for Algiers, where the French resistance was waiting for him, but rather stayed in Gibraltar until 9 November. When asked why he did not <strong>go</strong> to Algiers he replied: You may have seen something of the large De Gaullist demonstration that was held here last Sunday. | And the other side is all about the sea. It's a story, kind of like The Princess Bride where a guy <strong>leaves</strong> his girl in a town and <strong>goes</strong> off to sea and crashes on an island and all these legends come back about him becoming this great pirate and ruling the seas. She thinks 'oh, man. | 7.95 | 8.27 | 2.77 | 2.55 | 0.406 | leave | go | leaves | goes |
leave | ignore | His parents <strong>ignore</strong> his pleas and Claude continues at the Christian college. After a football game Claude meets and befriends the Erlich family, quickly adapting his own world perception to the Erlichs' love of music, free-thinking, and debate. His career at university and his friendship with the Erlichs are dramatically interrupted, however, when his father expands the family farm and Claude is obligated to <strong>leave</strong> university and operate part of the family farm. | When Tiffany breaks Whitney's phone and shouts at her, Ricky and Whitney get into an argument. Whitney tells Ricky to <strong>leave</strong> her and Tiffany alone as she is nothing to do with him, but he reveals that Tiffany is his daughter. Whitney begins to <strong>ignore</strong> Tiffany so Bianca and Ricky tell her the truth and she is happy. | 2.46 | 4.33 | 2.51 | 3.39 | 0.0454 | leave | ignore | leave | ignore |
leave | wander | Kamui is a ninja from the Edo period who has decided to <strong>leave</strong> his clan. After doing so he is pursued relentlessly by the members of his former clan; who consider him to be a traitor and therefore wish to kill him. Kamui then <strong>wanders</strong> around Japan to escape from them by using his intelligence and great abilities to survive. | This <strong>leaves</strong> an associated hole behind, in the valence band. Impurities create electronic levels in the forbidden gap. The excitons are loosely bound electron-hole pairs which <strong>wander</strong> through the crystal lattice until they are captured as a whole by impurity centers. | 3.77 | 2.28 | 2.66 | 2.79 | 0.044 | leave | wanders | leaves | wander |
leg | arm | Variations on the Manx triskelion are still in use on the coats of <strong>arms</strong> belonging to the different branches of the ancient Norwegian noble family that ruled Mann until the 13th century. This particular version belongs to the Skancke branch of the Skanke family. The name stems from skank, the Norwegian version of the word 'shank', or '<strong>leg</strong>'. | The attacker then quickly bridges backwards and releases the opponent, throwing them overhead, or turns 180° while slamming the opponent down to the mat. This move can be used to counter a kick. The move is also known as the head and <strong>leg</strong> suplex, and can be seen as a variation of the head and <strong>arm</strong> suplex. | 1.14 | 5.44 | 1.76 | 2.88 | 0.000048 | leg | arms | leg | arm |
liquor | band | From the mid-1960s he worked as a <strong>liquor</strong> salesman. He also began leading his own jazz <strong>band</strong> in clubs and hotel residencies in New Orleans. While the baritone saxophone had been his primary instrument during his years as a studio musician, his jazz playing gradually came to rely much more on tenor saxophone. | In February, an undercover agent approached McGee about putting a business with a <strong>liquor</strong> license in his district and paid a bribe, the complaint says. McGee told the UCE (undercover agent) that he (McGee) is the gatekeeper for all new businesses in his area, the complaint says. At a fund-raiser, the agent gave McGee $1,000, most of it cash bundled in a rubber <strong>band</strong>, the complaint says. | 0.0794 | 0 | 0.364 | 0 | 0.177 | liquor | band | liquor | band |
liquor | century | The origin of “<strong>liquor</strong>” and its close relative “liquid,” was the Latin verb liquere, meaning “to be fluid.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, an early use of the word in the English language, meaning simply a liquid, can be dated to 1225. The first use that the OED mentions in reference to a “liquid for drinking” occurred in the early- to mid-1300s. Its use as a term for “an intoxicating alcoholic drink” appeared in the 16th <strong>century</strong>. | A local inn or restaurant, the roadhouse or road house commonly serves meals, especially in the evenings, has a bar serving beer or hard <strong>liquor</strong>, and features music and dancing for entertainment, and often gambling. Most roadhouses are located along highways or roads in rural areas or on the outskirts of towns. Early roadhouses provided lodging for travelers, but, with the advent of motels in the early 20th <strong>century</strong>, few now have rooms available. | 0.217 | 0.0794 | 0.574 | 0.364 | 0.179 | liquor | century | liquor | century |
liver | lung | Most chemotherapy is delivered intravenously, although a number of agents can be administered orally (e.g., melphalan, busulfan, capecitabine). In some cases, isolated limb perfusion (often used in melanoma), or isolated infusion of chemotherapy into the <strong>liver</strong> or the <strong>lung</strong> have been used. The main purpose of these approaches is to deliver a very high dose of chemotherapy to tumour sites without causing overwhelming systemic damage. | Human synovial fibroblasts have been shown to produce lubricin from the same gene responsible for megakaryocyte stimulating factor (MSF). Lubricin, MSF and SZP are now collectively known as Proteoglycan 4 (hence PRG4 for the gene nomenclature). The expression of lubricin has also been detected and the protein localised in tendon, meniscus, <strong>lung</strong>, <strong>liver</strong>, heart, bone, ligament, muscle and skin. | 4.21 | 4.84 | 2.96 | 3.11 | 0.27 | liver | lung | liver | lung |
locate | find | Then Purshotam arrests the son of a M.L.A., and as a result he is transferred to the notorious Kala Chowki Police Station in Bombay. Upon arrival he <strong>finds</strong> out that the Inspector in charge of the Police Station, Saini, has been severely beaten-up by Billa Jilani (Mukesh Rishi) and is hospitalized. Purshotam arranges for his entire family to re-<strong>locate</strong>. | However, the client is primarily used for its voice chat function. The client is able to join servers by connecting to a specified IP address or using its built in server browser. The server browser is able to quickly <strong>find</strong> the desired server by using multiple filters to <strong>locate</strong> the destination server or reduce the total number of displayed servers. | 4.92 | 9.63 | 3.9 | 0.844 | 0.000002 | locate | finds | locate | find |
long | narrow | After some convincing from Farley and <strong>long</strong> time FDR confidant Louis Howe, Roosevelt asked Farley to run his 1928 campaign for the New York governorship. Farley orchestrated FDR's <strong>narrow</strong> victory in the 1928 gubernatorial election, Farley was named secretary of the New York State Democratic Committee and orchestrated FDR's reelection in 1930. Farley was named Chairman of the New York State Democratic Committee, a post he would hold until his resignation in 1944. | Research by an Australian amateur historian, Lambis Englezos, identified a site at, in a field at the edge of Bois Faisan (Pheasant Wood), on the outskirts of Fromelles. Bodies were transported there by German soldiers on a <strong>narrow</strong> gauge trench railway on July 22, 1916, before being buried in eight pits measuring approximately 10 metres <strong>long</strong>, 2.2 metres wide and five metres deep. Englezos believed that these grave pits had not been discovered during the official post-war burial campaigns. | 1.02 | 2.96 | 1.73 | 2.83 | 0.012 | long | narrow | long | narrow |
loop | belt | The two shoulder straps are designed to attach to a web <strong>belt</strong> or suspender configuration. The exterior of the pack has <strong>loops</strong>, rings, and grommet tabs for attaching a bayonet sheath, a meat can (mess kit) pouch, and a canvas carrier for a short-handled shovel (aka. entrenchment tool). | In the earliest applications power was transmitted between pulleys using <strong>loops</strong> of rope on grooved pulleys. This method is extremely rare today, dating mostly from the 18th century. Flat <strong>belts</strong> on flat pulleys or drums were the most common method during the 19th and early 20th century. | 4.21 | 4.25 | 2.39 | 3.31 | 0.447 | loops | belt | loops | belts |
lose | get | Discovering that the kids and RV are gone, Homer and Marge give chase in the car. Bart and Lisa accidentally <strong>get</strong> on the freeway, and force their parents to make up. Bart and Lisa then try to pull over, but <strong>lose</strong> control of the RV, which plunges off an uncompleted runaway truck ramp onto a Turkish container ship. | Compressor pedals accomplish a limited amount of sustain by compressing the low end signals of the guitar. As a note is sustained, it <strong>loses</strong> energy and volume because there is less vibration in the string. As the input volume <strong>gets</strong> lower, the compressor pedal boosts its signal to the specified dynamic range, giving a slightly longer sustain. | 1.75 | 3.67 | 2.27 | 3.32 | 0.0321 | lose | get | loses | gets |
machine | engine | The only other war <strong>machines</strong> are from the Games Workshop game Man O' War which is set in the same universe. These are huge weapons set on the decks of warships called the Hellfire Battlebarge and Great Leveller Battlebarge. The other two ships, the Thunder Roller and Hull Destroyer, rely on their <strong>engine</strong> power to ram enemy vessels. | In 1843, the description was translated into English and extensively annotated by Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, who had become interested in the <strong>engine</strong> ten years earlier. In recognition of her additions to Menabrea's paper, which included a way to calculate Bernoulli numbers using the <strong>machine</strong>, she has been described as the first computer programmer. The modern computer programming language Ada is named in her honour. | 3.82 | 7.93 | 2.58 | 2.37 | 0.000003 | machines | engine | machine | engine |
make | become | If there is only one such resource, a binary semaphore is used as a simple true/false flag. The P operation wastes time or sleeps until a resource controlled by the semaphore <strong>becomes</strong> available, at which time the resource is immediately claimed. The V operation is the inverse: it <strong>makes</strong> a resource available again after the process has finished using it. | Around 1943 the USA began to use the technology on a large scale to <strong>make</strong> rugged radios for use in World War II. After the war, in 1948, the USA released the invention for commercial use. Printed circuits did not <strong>become</strong> commonplace in consumer electronics until the mid-1950s, after the Auto-Sembly process was developed by the United States Army. | 5.15 | 2.5 | 3.37 | 2.33 | 0.00493 | makes | becomes | make | become |
man | warrior | When Jaimal died in the war, Patta Sisodia took the command, but he too died in the battle. These young <strong>men</strong> displayed true Rajput chivalry. Akbar was so impressed with the bravery of these two <strong>warriors</strong> that he commissioned a statue of Jaimal and Patta riding on elephants at the gates of the Agra fort. | She has a dark past when her whole family was massacred, leaving her an orphan. By day, Shi Yeon is an employee at a natural history museum. By night, she's a top-ranking woman <strong>warrior</strong> in the Nine-Tailed Fox clan, charged with preserving the delicate balance between <strong>man</strong> and fox. | 7.88 | 3.27 | 2.07 | 2.87 | 0.000001 | men | warriors | man | warrior |
menu | order | features 51 varieties of customizable, toasted “wiches”. The concept is known for its ordering system. At Which Wich?, customers place their <strong>orders</strong> by using custom red Sharpie pens to mark up pre-printed <strong>menus</strong> on sandwich bags. | In 1987 the mill was bought by James Waterfield and his family who restored her in 1988 to fully working <strong>order</strong> being now the most productive windmill in all England. Visitors may climb all seven floors and see the milling process in action as well as enjoy fine views of the town from the balcony. Maud's tearoom in the old granary serves morning coffee, lunches and afternoon teas with good old-fashioned home baking and local specialities on the <strong>menu</strong>. | 3.68 | 0.263 | 2.52 | 1.15 | 0.000001 | menus | orders | menu | order |
meter | inch | A database of unit conversion factors also ships with TK Solver, and users can add, delete, or import unit conversions in a way similar to that for rules. Each variable is associated with a calculation unit, but variables can also be assigned display units and TK automatically converts the values. For example, rules may be based upon <strong>meters</strong> and kilograms, but units of <strong>inches</strong> and pounds can be used for input and output. | With strip-tillage systems more precision is needed. The farmer will work the ground with a specialized implement to till up an eight to ten <strong>inch</strong> row and at the same time incorporate the fertilizer or chemical that the farmer so chooses. If the applicator’s chemical or fertilizer <strong>meter</strong> is off slightly, the farmer will not be applying an accurate rate of the chemical. | 6.67 | 3.33 | 2.68 | 2.21 | 0.000529 | meters | inches | meter | inch |
mob | crowd | This impacted the regular service of the system enough for the city's police to begin <strong>crowd</strong> control and slowly clear people. Though no one was arrested, it was reported that the City of London pledged to counter future disruption of the underground system. Since 2006, there have been several flash <strong>mobs</strong> in the London Underground, including subsequent silent discos comparable in size. | Eddie Garrity worked the 20 July gig as a roadie for Slaughter & the Dogs. When the <strong>crowd</strong> became violent and he and a friend were injured, someone said, You're a right bloody <strong>mob</strong> aren't you? Headbanger here and him with a nosebleed, inspiring Wild Ram's transformation into Ed Banger and the Nosebleeds. | 8.11 | 8.41 | 2.14 | 1.93 | 0.294 | mobs | crowd | mob | crowd |
modern | ancient | This is why I thought he could be the subject of a piece to suggest the process of improvising in a characteristic early style that then begins to change to futuristic musical ideas. The first section of the piece is clearly <strong>ancient</strong> in style; the second is more <strong>modern</strong>; then the third introduces elements of Eastern music as well as some rock riffs. The idea is that Tristan, during his improvising, is building musical bridges to the future. | He believed that, though work on <strong>ancient</strong> history is a useful preparation for the study of <strong>modern</strong> history, either may advantageously be studied apart. He also believed that the effects of individual character and human nature will render generalizations vague and useless. While pointing out that history is useful as a mental discipline and a part of a liberal education, he recommended its study chiefly for its own sake. | 1.98 | 3.26 | 3.06 | 3.02 | 0.0409 | modern | ancient | modern | ancient |
molecule | air | The Northern California Association to Preserve Bodega Head (NCAPBH) was involved in the controversy over the proposed Bodega Bay Nuclear Power Plant in the early 1960s. In June 1963, NCAPBH organized a public meeting and 1,500 helium balloons were released into the <strong>air</strong>. They carried the message This balloon could represent a radioactive <strong>molecule</strong> of strontium 90 or iodine 131. | The RMS velocities of diatomic nitrogen and oxygen are very similar and thus no change occurs in the ratio of oxygen to nitrogen. However, it is the <strong>air</strong> pressure itself, the number of <strong>molecules</strong> (of both oxygen and nitrogen) per given volume, which drops as altitude increases. Consequently, the available amount of oxygen to sustain mental and physical alertness decreases above. | 2.68 | 3.17 | 2.55 | 2.68 | 0.274 | molecule | air | molecules | air |
money | diamond | A <strong>money</strong> line began at $4,444 and eighteen random cards were dealt. Each player began with $1,000. The object was to select a card (numbered 1-18) that raised one of the four suits (clubs, spades, <strong>diamonds</strong>, or hearts). | After the shipwreck, Keller was left with only the clothes on his back and a <strong>diamond</strong> ring he was wearing. Even worse, his bankers in New York cabled him telling him that his bank had failed. Desperate for <strong>money</strong>, Kellar sold his ring, while Fay left to rejoin the Davenports. | 0.833 | 4.32 | 1.99 | 2.98 | 0.000054 | money | diamonds | money | diamond |
money | pearl | She says that she is not a materialistic girl and millionaires could not by her, she just wants one thousand kisses. She says to him that he is on the top of the world and he has everything that he wants, but he needs just a good girl, that is what he is missing. For her diamonds, <strong>pearls</strong> and <strong>money</strong> are nothing, she just wants one thousand kisses. | Caddie, in an effort to avoid letting Henry down, attempts to steal a <strong>pearl</strong> necklace from Alice, a young woman who lives at the house that Caddie is staying at. She is caught and confesses the reason she needs the necklace. She ends up borrowing the <strong>money</strong> from Alice. | 3.63 | 1.97 | 2.78 | 2.1 | 0.0302 | money | pearls | money | pearl |
monster | demon | After EX Red King had his way with Armor of Darkness, EX Gomora clenched the <strong>demon</strong>’s face in his claws and squeezed, threatening to rip off the <strong>monster</strong>’s face, then threw him away. After EX Red King blasted Armor of Darkness with his explosive shockwave, Rei ordered EX Gomora to end it. The super kaiju unleashed the Hyper Oscillatory Wave and put Armor of Darkness down once and for all. | His resurrection is used by the grandfather of Stanley Dover in an attempt to gain power over Stanley's <strong>monster</strong>. At the climax of the story, Oliver's soul returns from heaven (his earthly duplicate not possessing a soul), and helps his son Connor Hawke fight a horde of <strong>demons</strong>. Dover is defeated and actually consumed by the Beast, who then leaves of his own accord. | 8.89 | 8.15 | 2.06 | 1.8 | 0.047 | monster | demon | monster | demons |
moon | planet | Spectrally Nereid appears grey in colour and water ice has been detected on its surface. Its spectrum appears to be intermediate between Uranus's <strong>moons</strong> Titania and Umbriel, which suggests that Nereid's surface is composed of a mixture of water ice and some spectrally neutral material. The spectrum is markedly different from the outer solar system minor <strong>planets</strong> Pholus, Chiron and Chariklo, suggesting that Nereid formed around Neptune rather than being a captured body. | Water on Mars is found in its polar ice caps, and newly carved gullies recently observed on Mars suggest that liquid water may exist, at least transiently, on the <strong>planet</strong>'s surface, and possibly in subsurface environments such as hydrothermal springs as well. At the Martian low temperatures and low pressure, liquid water is likely to be highly saline. As for Europa, liquid water likely exists beneath the <strong>moon</strong>'s icy outer crust. | 5.15 | 4.75 | 2.91 | 2.91 | 0.36 | moons | planets | moon | planet |
mother | guardian | Sumiyoshi Taisha is also regarded as the ancestor shrine of Hachimanshin, the god of war, as the taisha enshrines Empress Jingū, who was the <strong>mother</strong> of Emperor Ōjin, who was deified as Hachiman. Therefore, the shrine is <strong>guardian</strong> of the Kawachi Dynasty. Also, Hachimanshin is the god of war on land, and the Sumiyoshi gods are the gods of war on the sea. | Borga the Hutt or Borga Besadii Diori was the <strong>mother</strong> of the late Randa Besadii Diori and <strong>guardian</strong> of Gardulla the Younger and Decca Besadii Diori. She took control of the Besadii kajidic after Durga's death. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, she negoitated a truce between the Hutts and the Yuuzhan Vong to let the Hutts have a portion of some of their space. | 3.94 | 7.28 | 3.15 | 2.54 | 0.000125 | mother | guardian | mother | guardian |
mother | wife | After his <strong>wife</strong>'s death, Dr. Franklin Storm became a gambler and a drunk, losing his medical practice, which led him to the accidental killing of a loan shark. Franklin did not defend himself in court, because he still felt guilty over Mary's death. With their father in prison, Susan had to become a <strong>mother</strong> figure for her younger brother. | However, Carolyn Smith, <strong>wife</strong> of Sinclair founder Julian Smith and <strong>mother</strong> of current Sinclair CEO David Smith, supplied Glencairn's initial capital and controlled 70 percent of Glencairn's stock. In December 2001, after complaints from Jesse Jackson and several other media companies, the FCC fined Sinclair $40,000 for illegally controlling Glencairn. Sinclair tried to merge outright with Glencairn in 2001 and purchase Edwards' Pittsburgh station. | 3.89 | 4.67 | 3.26 | 3.61 | 0.24 | mother | wife | mother | wife |
mouth | lip | During the 2007–08 season, on January 13, 2008, Pyatt took a stick to the face. Getting in the way of an Eric Brewer clearing attempt in a game against the St. Louis Blues, he required 25 stitches in his upper <strong>lip</strong> and a splint in his <strong>mouth</strong> to hold up his teeth. He wore a full face shield upon his return to the lineup and has since elected to wear a visor. | The scripts are brilliant and it’s very fast moving. It's a joy going to work every morning. She admitted to being nervous about her on-screen appearance prior to the broadcast of her first scenes, as she faced media ridicule in 2002 when an allergic reaction to collagen <strong>lip</strong> implants left her with a severely swollen <strong>mouth</strong>. | 7.12 | 7.67 | 2.37 | 1.47 | 0.331 | mouth | lip | mouth | lip |
mud | dirt | Nearly (54.7%) of the trip was over <strong>dirt</strong> roads. They had 230 breakdowns and incidents; nine vehicles were lost during the trip. Many vehicles got stuck in <strong>mud</strong> or quicksand. | In 1934, the City of Pomona purchased the land for a reservoir, and the Historical Society of Pomona Valley began plans for restoration of the old adobe. In the spring and summer of 1939, 70 WPA workers began the process of restoring the adobe. The workers used <strong>dirt</strong> from the Ganesha Gills for adobe <strong>mud</strong> to build new adobe bricks. | 8.06 | 8.43 | 1.92 | 1.34 | 0.363 | mud | dirt | mud | dirt |
nail | hand | If a piece of copper wire was wound, around the <strong>nail</strong> and then connected to a battery, it would create an electro magnet. The magnetic field that is generated in the wire, from the current, is known as the “right <strong>hand</strong> thumb rule”. (V-1) The strength of the magnetic field can be changed by changing both wire size and the amount of wire (turns). | In the history of art, the pairing of cats and women was an allusion to feminine wiles and sexual aggression, as exemplified in Manet’s notorious Olympia. It is also interesting to consider that the artist has paid particular attention to the sharp, talon-like <strong>nails</strong> on the long fingers of his model. In life Maar’s well-manicured <strong>hands</strong> were one of her most beautiful and distinctive features, and here they have taken on another, more violent characteristic. | 0.317 | 5.79 | 0.853 | 2.39 | 0 | nail | hand | nails | hands |
narrow | broad | Prof. Joshi's <strong>broad</strong> areas of interest are in theory of Condensed Matter and Collision Processes. His early research was in the study of phonons in metals and insulators. Later he studied electronic states in disordered systems and theory of electron correlation in <strong>narrow</strong> band solids. | It is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 15–25 m (rarely to 35 m) tall, with pale gray bark, smooth on young trees, becoming scaly on old trees. The leaves are alternate, rhombic to <strong>narrow</strong> elliptic, 4–10 cm long and 2–5 cm <strong>broad</strong>, with a finely serrated margin and a rounded to acute apex; they are thinly hairy below. The flowers are produced in catkins. | 0.417 | 1.97 | 1.19 | 2.6 | 0.0123 | narrow | broad | narrow | broad |
navy | army | By 1800, the increased agricultural productivity had allowed Nguyen Anh to support a sizeable <strong>army</strong> of more than 30,000 soldiers and a <strong>navy</strong> of more than 1,200 vessels. The surplus from the state granary was sold to European and Asian traders to facilitate the importation of raw materials for military purposes, in particular iron, bronze, and sulfur. The government also purchased castor sugar from local farmers and traded it for weapons from European manufacturers. | In the Ottoman period, once the emperors had established control of the Black Sea coasts the Ottoman <strong>navy</strong> was docked in the Bosphorus and the Bosphorus villages became safe and attractive again. One man in particular, the legendary sailor Barbarossa, built his palace and mosque in Beşiktaş, making it his home. By now Beşiktaş was an established Bosphorus crossing for caravans trading across Anatolia and along the Silk Road, and of course for the great Ottoman <strong>armies</strong>. | 7.12 | 6.85 | 2.42 | 2.08 | 0.235 | navy | army | navy | armies |
neck | spine | I turned back to the room; two heavy 24 track master tapes had fallen from the shelf onto the floor. My <strong>neck</strong> tingled as I read the front of the boxes Bogey Man and Back on the Road the two songs I needed. They had been wrongly labeled The Who on the <strong>spines</strong> of the boxes and I had passed them by. | This worked for a short time, but the tigers quickly realized it was a hoax, and the attacks continued. Government officials wear stiff pads that rise up the back of the <strong>neck</strong>, similar to the pads of an American football player. This is to prevent the tigers from biting into the <strong>spine</strong>, which is their favored attack method. | 0.903 | 7.4 | 1.96 | 1.99 | 0 | neck | spines | neck | spine |
nerve | brain | Although the name quite clearly refers to the two main ingredients, the controversy over cocaine content would later prompt The Coca-Cola Company to state that it is meaningless but fanciful. Robinson also hand wrote the Spencerian script on the bottles and ads. Pemberton also made many health claims for his product and marketed it as 'delicious, refreshing, exhilarating, invigorating' and touted it as a 'valuable <strong>brain</strong> tonic' that would cure headaches, relieve exhaustion and calm <strong>nerves</strong>. | Oculus is subdivided into three parts: the first part treats the anatomy of the eye, the second part the refraction of the light ray inside the eye, and the third part deals with the retina and the visual angle. Scheiner once again chooses the way of observation and experiment. Like Kepler before him, he found that the retina is the seat of vision and that the optic <strong>nerve</strong> transmits the images from the retina to the <strong>brain</strong>. | 5.16 | 3 | 2.83 | 2.57 | 0.00752 | nerves | brain | nerve | brain |
new | fresh | The Thornbridge Brewery is based in a converted joiner's and stonemason’s workshop within the grounds of Thornbridge Hall. They aim to make a small range of quality cask and bottled beers using <strong>new</strong> recipes, innovative approaches and the use of local <strong>fresh</strong> ingredients. Their first beers appeared in February 2005 and have won awards. | The single has a sexy vibe that they used on their second single and first album. However, they created a <strong>fresh</strong> image when they released Tanpopo. This <strong>new</strong> image did not become as popular as the first image they had created. | 4.05 | 9.37 | 3.52 | 0.983 | 0 | new | fresh | new | fresh |
north | west | Alberta allows LCV operation on most major highways. The Queen Elizabeth II highway between Calgary and Edmonton carries the majority of turnpike doubles and triples. Theoretically, these vehicles could be used on Highway 16 as far <strong>west</strong> as Hinton AB and Highway 43 as far <strong>north</strong> as Valleyview AB, but are rarely used on these routes. | Georgia (,;) is a country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Situated at the juncture of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, it is bounded to the <strong>west</strong> by the Black Sea, to the <strong>north</strong> by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the east by Azerbaijan. Georgia covers a territory of 69,700 km² and its population is 4.385 million. | 5 | 3.83 | 3.76 | 3.16 | 0.141 | north | west | north | west |
noticeable | obvious | Mechanisms of action of some of the few available therapeutic agents have been explored but detailed studies of mechanisms of action are needed before new classes of therapeutic agents can be developed. Narcolepsy is an underdiagnosed condition in the general population. This is partly because its severity varies from <strong>obvious</strong> to barely <strong>noticeable</strong>. | When seen overlaid onto the physical world, this CEV noise does not obscure physical vision at all, and in fact is hard to notice if the visual field is highly patterned, complex, or in motion. When you stop trying to actively observe it, it is not <strong>obvious</strong> or <strong>noticeable</strong>, and seemingly disappears from normal physical perception. Individuals suffering from visual snow see similar noise but experience difficulty blocking it from conscious perception. | 6.53 | 9.17 | 3.5 | 1.2 | 0.00119 | noticeable | obvious | noticeable | obvious |
occur | happen | Automatically and dynamically allocated objects are only initialized if an initial value is explicitly specified; otherwise they initially have indeterminate values (typically, whatever bit pattern <strong>happens</strong> to be present in the storage, which might not even represent a valid value for that type). If the program attempts to access an uninitialized value, the results are undefined. Many modern compilers try to detect and warn about this problem, but both false positives and false negatives <strong>occur</strong>. | Most turns contain some degree of pitch or slice. During a turn in an oblique plane, a pitch turn <strong>occurs</strong> when the aircraft's nose points above the horizon, causing an increase in altitude. A slice turn <strong>happens</strong> when the nose points below the horizon, causing a decrease in altitude. | 6.42 | 9.09 | 2.31 | 1.12 | 0.000055 | occur | happens | occurs | happens |
opinion | choice | J. Regina Hyland became vegetarian for ethical reasons around 1973 after witnessing brutal animal experiments in a college laboratory. Hyland believed that God created animals to be human companions and often cooperated with PETA and other animal rights groups. She maintained the philosophy that one's diet is a personal <strong>choice</strong> and did not condone forcing that <strong>opinion</strong> on others. | In countries that hold equality as important, clustering occurs between groups because of polarizing factors such as religion, wealth or ethnocentrism. Clustering is often considered an enriching part of free cultures in which one can visit a Chinatown or a French quarter for restaurant <strong>choices</strong>. Other sociologists assert that clustering of like minded individuals leads to political polarity and intolerance of contrary <strong>opinions</strong>, as the United States has allegedly been trending since the 1950s. | 7.3 | 2.42 | 2.5 | 2.45 | 0.000004 | opinion | choice | opinions | choices |
pact | agreement | In an effort to curtail tensions, the two countries formed a joint commission to examine disputes. In December 1988, Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Rajiv Gandhi concluded a <strong>pact</strong> not to attack each other's nuclear facilities. <strong>Agreements</strong> on cultural exchanges and civil aviation were also initiated. | Following the collapse of the Mali Federation, and due to French support for Senegal, Modibo Keïta, the first President of Mali, sought closer ties with the Soviet Union. In 1961 the two countries signed trade and cultural <strong>pacts</strong>, and the Soviet Union granted Mali loans and other aid, which included the acquisition of two Ilyushin Il-18 passenger aircraft for Air Mali. Under the cultural <strong>agreement</strong> Russia sent circus performers, sports coaches and a soccer team to Mali. | 8.73 | 8.97 | 1.89 | 1.53 | 0.302 | pact | Agreements | pacts | agreement |
page | paragraph | Brian is the rules lawyer and powergamer of the group. A web designer and miniature painter, he lives alone in a house inherited from his parents. He can quote rules and supplements down to <strong>page</strong> and <strong>paragraph</strong>/footnote numbers, and bend and abuse this knowledge to his advantage, at times at the expense of other players. | See <strong>page</strong> 181 <strong>paragraph</strong> 4; Glenn Odekirk recalls that day. I dropped Hughes down on the dock and he said to me, 'Odie, you don't mind not being aboard while I taxi'...and I said, Oh, come on. The fellows back there (the Brewster committee) were giving him a bad time and told him the thing would never fly. | 6.75 | 4.29 | 1.86 | 3.01 | 0.00298 | page | paragraph | page | paragraph |
people | gun | In early 16th century, Tai O was once occupied shortly by Portuguese during Battle of Tãmão. At nearby Fan Lau, a fort was built in 1729 to protect shipping on the Pearl River. Smuggling of <strong>guns</strong>, tobacco, drugs and <strong>people</strong> remains a documented illegal activity both into and out of mainland China. | His remarks in the Los Angeles Times continued this theme: When a baby cries, it's not a white baby or a black baby — it's a hungry baby, he asserted. When <strong>people</strong> cry for job opportunities, they're not black or white — they're unemployed. He was also outspoken in his support for <strong>gun</strong> control, which Foster roundly opposed. | 1.11 | 0.53 | 2.06 | 1.49 | 0.123 | people | guns | people | gun |
plane | airport | This is a common strategy among network airlines who fly only from limited number of <strong>airports</strong> and usually will make their customers change <strong>planes</strong> at one of their hubs if they want to get between two cities the airline doesn't fly directly between. Airlines have extended the hub-and-spoke model in various ways. One method is to create additional hubs on a regional basis, and to create major routes between the hubs. | The Boise <strong>Airport</strong> Passenger Terminal designed by CSHQA is a three-story, steel-framed 378,000 square foot state-of-the-art aviation facility. Curvilinear, steel trusses create the undulating ceiling <strong>plane</strong> of the ticket lobby and define the signature profile of the building. The terminal has garnered national attention for the beauty of its design and is considered a prototypical post 9/11 facility. | 4.71 | 3.41 | 2.58 | 3.19 | 0.0768 | planes | airports | plane | Airport |
plane | jet | On the 27 November, a railway train came under attack by two Focke-Wulf 190's. The train, haulded by Southern Railway D3 Number 2365 which was just departing from Lydd station, had its boiler hit. The resulting <strong>jet</strong> of high pressure steam from the engine hit the <strong>plane</strong>, causing it to crash-land nearby, the pilot was found dead, but no railway staff or passengers were injured. | The player had to complete a series a series of eight stunt courses and routines with the <strong>jet</strong>. For example in one set, the player has to fly the <strong>plane</strong> around a series of pylons. In another, the player must fly a figure eight. | 1.53 | 9.72 | 2.92 | 0.803 | 0 | plane | jet | plane | jet |
plate | bowl | Chaat masala (Hindi) is a masala, or spice mix, used in Indian cuisine. It typically consists of amchoor (dried mango powder), cumin, Kala Namak, coriander, dried ginger, salt, black pepper, asafoetida and capsicum. The ingredients are combined and served on a small metal <strong>plate</strong> or a banana leaf, dried and formed into a <strong>bowl</strong>, at chaat carts (especially in Southern-India). | Shaped over the ages by a mixture of tectonic <strong>plate</strong> motion, volcanic eruption, ice and water erosion. Much of the <strong>bowls</strong>` low lying land has been sculptured by wave action, a result of the unusually large tidal flow of the north coastal water (the Bristol Channel), and its neighbouring county of Gloucestershire's tidal river, the Severn. This tide is one of the largest rise and falls in Europe of some on average. | 6.23 | 2.22 | 2.2 | 2.13 | 0.000005 | plate | bowl | plate | bowls |
plead | beg | When communication fails, Amanda Frank simply start to <strong>plead</strong> for mercy. She begins to <strong>beg</strong> for the aliens to understand their predicament. She panics and leaves the Analog Room to look for Rome and Coberly. | After a brief scuffle inside the bar, the Judge orders the weasels to capture Roger and Eddie Valiant. Roger realizes he's in trouble with Doom after him, and <strong>begs</strong> Eddie to hide him. When Eddie learns that studio head R.K. Maroon is connected to the plot to frame Roger, Eddie interrogates him, but Maroon <strong>pleads</strong> that he is a dead man if he confesses. | 9.86 | 9.13 | 0.48 | 1.72 | 0.0386 | plead | beg | pleads | begs |
pollution | president | His dedication to the institution led to his election as <strong>president</strong> for the 1958-9 session. In 1946 he introduced concrete and soil mechanics lecturers to the staff of Imperial College for the first time. In 1951 he was appointed by Hugh Dalton, the Minister of Local Government and Planning, to investigate <strong>pollution</strong> in the Thames tideway. | They started by passing around a petition asking Congress to censure <strong>President</strong> Clinton and move on, as opposed to impeaching him. The petition, passed around by word of mouth, was extremely successful; ultimately, they had half a million signatures. The couple went on to start similar campaigns calling for, arms inspections rather than an invasion of Iraq, reinstatement of lower limits on arsenic and mercury <strong>pollution</strong>, and campaign finance reform. | 0 | 0.0758 | 0 | 0.355 | 0.204 | pollution | president | pollution | President |
polyester | cotton | New industries were founded, including lumber and <strong>cotton</strong> mills, as North Carolina businessmen invested in processing their own crops. Professional sports was introduced in the form of a minor league baseball team. Later growth would come in the form of a Du Pont plant for the manufacture of <strong>polyester</strong> fibers, and manufacturing plants for pharmaceuticals. | Most modern lariats are made of stiff nylon or <strong>polyester</strong> rope, usually about 5/16 or 3/8 in diameter and in lengths of 28', 30', 35' for arena-style roping and anywhere from 45' to 70' for Californio-style roping. The reata is made of braided (or less commonly, twisted) rawhide and is made in lengths from 50' to over 100'. Mexican maguey (agave) and <strong>cotton</strong> ropes are also used in the longer lengths. | 6.14 | 4.52 | 2.43 | 2.99 | 0.0405 | polyester | cotton | polyester | cotton |
population | people | The tornado was also the second costliest tornado in history at the time, but in the years since has been surpassed by several others if <strong>population</strong> changes over time are not considered. When costs are normalized for wealth and inflation, it ranks third today. The deadliest tornado in world history was the Daultipur-Salturia Tornado in Bangladesh on April 26, 1989, which killed approximately 1300 <strong>people</strong>. | Agriculture contributes over 45% to the net state domestic product. It is the main source of income and employment in Himachal. Over 93% of the <strong>population</strong> in Himachal depend directly upon agriculture which provides direct employment to 71% of its <strong>people</strong>. | 7.46 | 9.7 | 2.39 | 0.658 | 0.000012 | population | people | population | people |
pretend | seem | It has a double-pronged protuberance on its head, tiny feet, a simple face, and a pair of three-fingered hands where the fingers are green spheres resembling leaves on a tree. Although Sudowoodo <strong>pretends</strong> to be a tree, its body is made not out of wood, but rock, possibly a reference to petrified wood. Since water erodes stone, it severely dislikes water, and <strong>seems</strong> to disappear in the rain. | Bree, Susan and even Katherine all offer to do it; however Gabrielle <strong>pretends</strong> to not hear the question and Lynette confronts her about it. Gabrielle gives in and decides to go with Lynette. However when she is there to entertain Lynette, she <strong>seems</strong> uncomfortable and awkward, constantly finds reasons to leave the room and disappear for hours. | 3.98 | 3.24 | 2.75 | 2.65 | 0.181 | pretends | seems | pretends | seems |
priest | monk | It was founded in the early Middle Ages, probably in the 7th century. It is first mentioned in the Liber Pontificalis under Pope Hadrian I, using spolia from the ruins of an imperial building. The first <strong>priests</strong> who served the church were probably eastern Basilian <strong>monks</strong> who had fled from persecution during the iconoclast period. | In Orthodox Hungary and Transylvania there are protopresbyterates (eparchies), in which the protopope is elected by clergy and people and rules under the bishop. In these cases he may be compared to our rural deans. Such an office is the highest to which a married Orthodox <strong>priest</strong> may aspire, since bishops are always <strong>monks</strong>. | 8.79 | 5.74 | 1.28 | 2.67 | 0.000007 | priests | monks | priest | monks |
proof | fact | The hornlets are sensitive to both emotion and temperature. When a female H'nemthe consummates her relationship with a male, she eviscerates him with her knife-shaped tongue, strangely considering it a <strong>proof</strong> of love. This odd ritual is most likely a result of the <strong>fact</strong> that there are 20 males to every female on their home planet. | The Sunnis argue that it is a mistake to interpret an expression of friendship and support as the appointment of a successor. If Muhammad had wished to appoint Ali, surely he would have done so in Medina, in front of all the Muslim notables. The <strong>fact</strong> that there even was a dispute over the leadership after Muhammad's death is sufficient <strong>proof</strong> that no one had interpreted his words as a binding appointment. | 4.21 | 6.43 | 3.28 | 2.31 | 0.0128 | proof | fact | proof | fact |
purse | bag | On the night of March 9, 2010, Mejia, along with a male driver named Peter Asencio, were arrested in Glendale, California, on suspicion of possessing cocaine for sale. More than a dozen <strong>bags</strong> of coke were found in her <strong>purse</strong> after the car she was riding in was pulled over and searched after an officer discovered the male driver's license was suspended. On the afternoon of Wednesday March 10, 2010 Mejia posted $30,000 bail and is due to appear in court on April 15. | On the day of the dismissal, Catacutan Preslyn-saga allowed her employer to perform a customary check of the content of her <strong>purse</strong>. Cheung found one of his personal letters, with his name and address, in the <strong>bag</strong>. Concerned that other personal items may have been taken, Cheung called the police. | 4.25 | 9.32 | 2.45 | 0.839 | 0 | purse | bags | purse | bag |
pursue | persuade | In this episode in the long-running Madame Aema series, Aema leaves her selfish, middle-aged husband to <strong>pursue</strong> a career as an actress. She meets a performance artist who <strong>persuades</strong> her to perform perverted sex acts in the name of art. Finally, repenting of her decision, she returns to her husband. | After some rancorous traveling, Glencora finds that she is pregnant, which solidifies her marriage and fulfills Plantagenet's life. John Grey <strong>pursues</strong> Alice to Switzerland to renew his courtship and eventually wins her over again, despite her deep guilt over her jilt. They become engaged and Plantagenet <strong>persuades</strong> his new friend to run for Parliament, much to Alice's satisfaction. | 2.1 | 2.86 | 3.27 | 2.94 | 0.0795 | pursue | persuades | pursues | persuades |
quick | rapid | Bob promptly seduces the landlady's daughter, and Terry seduces the landlady. But after hearing noises from her daughter's bedroom the landlady walks in, and Bob has to make a <strong>quick</strong> getaway through the bedroom window. The same then happens to Terry, with the daughter walking in on him in bed with her mother; and this time it's Terry who makes a <strong>rapid</strong> and trouserless departure through the bedroom window. | In addition to <strong>rapid</strong> expansion, SKS leads the industry in technology innovation and transparency. It is one of the first MFIs in the world to have a fully automated MIS that streamlines operations and helps reduce transaction costs. It is setting up an ERP system that will ensure <strong>quick</strong> data transfers, data mining, data recovery facilities which will improve operational efficiencies and response times. | 9.81 | 8.98 | 0.786 | 1.82 | 0.0231 | quick | rapid | quick | rapid |
rabbi | minister | The list includes eight presidents and prime <strong>ministers</strong> of seven countries, in addition to one de facto head of state. The list also includes three princes and princesses, one duke, two marquesses and marchionesses, six earls and countesses, eight viscounts and viscountesses, 27 barons and baronesses, six baronets, 67 Members of Parliament, and seven Members of the European Parliament. The list also includes five archbishops (including one of Canterbury), 55 bishops, one Chief <strong>Rabbi</strong>, one law lord, and five Chief Justices. | March 1904: <strong>Rabbi</strong> Francis L. Cohen is appointed chief <strong>minister</strong> of Sydney's Great Synagogue and is very influential on the paper. His sermon is published on the front page almost every week for twenty-nine years. Harris decides to enlarge the size of the Hebrew Standard to twelve pages and introduce more articles and reviews. | 4.12 | 7.89 | 2.91 | 1.91 | 0.00005 | Rabbi | ministers | Rabbi | minister |
rat | mouse | There are several predators to the false water <strong>mouse</strong> including foxes, cats, carpet pythons, rough-scaled snakes, tawny frog mouths, and pigs. However, the biggest threat to the false water <strong>rat</strong> is man. Due to man, their habitat is severely fragmented and less than 2,000 km. | Despereaux is then seen by the <strong>mouse</strong> council who mistake him for a ghost because he is covered in flour. Despereaux forgives his father for sentencing him to the dungeon and goes on to seek the King. Despereaux tells the King that he knows that Pea is in the dungeon, but the King refuses to believe him because Despereaux is a rodent, similar to a <strong>rat</strong>. | 8.65 | 7.83 | 2.27 | 2.36 | 0.0352 | rat | mouse | rat | mouse |
read | comprehend | Alvermann has also studied critical literacy and the importance of connecting popular culture to language arts. Many reading studies have proven that students <strong>comprehend</strong> more when they have a connection to what they <strong>read</strong>. The use of popular culture is a natural connection for students as they interact socially with peers using popular culture as an avenue to belong to a certain social group. | One of Frank's allies is Chas, a blind homeless man who sells newspapers. He does not <strong>comprehend</strong> that Frank has transformed; he only thinks he has gained an 'underwater voice'. Frank takes a newspaper from Chas, claiming to be good for it and <strong>reads</strong> about deaths in the sewers. | 5.88 | 3.48 | 2.29 | 3.33 | 0.012 | read | comprehend | reads | comprehend |
reality | illusion | The producer described the programme in an interview in 2003: <strong>Reality</strong> TV is artificial. After Dark is real in the sense that what you see is what you get, which isn't the case with something that's been edited to give the <strong>illusion</strong> of being real. Other shows wind people up with booze beforehand, then when they're actually on the programme they give them glasses of water. | The third concentric ring [from the circumference] is optional, in that it is only used in mandalas representing the <strong>reality</strong> of deities of fierce power. It represents the charnel grounds wherein bodies are cut up and offered to birds of prey as a sky burial. This ring signifies the cutting away of the bones and flesh of <strong>illusion</strong> on the way to the primordial ground at the mandala's center. | 1.89 | 1.85 | 2.64 | 2.5 | 0.435 | Reality | illusion | reality | illusion |
recent | new | The the most <strong>recent</strong> expansion of the city's boundaries took place in 1987, with the addition of <strong>new</strong> areas mainly to the north, including Morasko, Radojewo and Kiekrz. The first free local elections following the fall of communism took place in 1990. With the Polish local government reforms of 1999, Poznań again became the capital of a larger province (Greater Poland Voivodeship). | Immigration: The area is home to more than five thousand <strong>recent</strong> immigrants (i.e. those arriving between 2001 and 2006), who now comprise about two percent of the total population. 11% of these <strong>new</strong> immigrants have come from Colombia, 10% from China, 7% from France, 6% from Lebanon, 6% from Romania, 4% from Algeria, 3% from the United States and 3% from Congo. | 8.26 | 9.01 | 1.89 | 1.68 | 0.0316 | recent | new | recent | new |
remain | retain | The only possibility for Romanians to <strong>retain</strong> or access nobility in Hungarian Transylvania was through conversion to Catholicism. Some Orthodox Romanian nobles converted, becoming integrated into the Hungarian nobility. These circumstances marked the beginning of a conflict between ethnic Hungarian Catholics and ethnic Romanian Orthodox (and ethnic Romanian Greek Catholics also) in the territory of Transylvania which in some regions <strong>remains</strong> unresolved to this very day. | In the event that neither team scores, the hammer <strong>remains</strong> with the same team. Naturally, it is easier to score points with the hammer than without; in tournament play, the team with the hammer generally tries to score two or more points. If only one point is possible, the skip will often try to avoid scoring at all in order to <strong>retain</strong> the hammer until the next end, when two or more points may lie. | 4.54 | 7.78 | 3.27 | 2.29 | 0.00154 | remains | retain | retain | remains |
rhythm | melody | This <strong>melody</strong> is played over a contrapuntal line in the piano. The accompaniment then gradually thickens in texture and voice as the theme reaches its climax. The second theme is similar to the first in chordal quality, but differs in <strong>rhythm</strong>. | In 2008 the electronic and world music group Mikros Kosmos (small world) arrived in Cyprus and recorded their first album in Nicosia. The album is released in the United States by and combines meditative Middle-Eastern <strong>melodies</strong>, earthy Mediterranean folk dances, Brazilian jazz harmonies, Andean <strong>rhythms</strong>, gently manipulated ambient recordings. The duo is composed of Yianna Georgiadou (voice) and Seth Mehl (piano, erhu, percussion, programming). | 5.63 | 6.83 | 2.86 | 2.23 | 0.124 | rhythm | melody | rhythms | melodies |
rice | boy | Pupung is a daily comic strip created by Filipino cartoonist Washington Tonton Young. Appearing in the broadsheet Manila Bulletin, the strip revolves around its title character, a young <strong>boy</strong>, and his family and household. Pupung's family maintains a lugawan, a restaurant which mainly serves <strong>rice</strong> congee (Filipino lugaw) dishes. | There is hospital with limited health facilities and separate colleges for <strong>boys</strong> and girls which offer Bachelor degrees affiliated to the University of The Punjab Lahore. There are host of public and private secondary education institutions. If you take the pot holed roads and unreliable power supply in town, away from your mind, Narang offers the beautiful scenery of <strong>rice</strong> paddy fields and warm and welcoming people who make you laugh with their simple gestures of hospitality. | 0.303 | 0.25 | 0.658 | 0.816 | 0.26 | rice | boy | rice | boys |
river | stream | Until you know what fish company they like best, use many colors and varieties of inexpensive minnows. Another important thing to remember is that since they do come from a fast moving <strong>river</strong> environment, they need a tank with lots of clear, well filtered and fast moving water which can be achieved with proper filtration and the use of powerheads. <strong>Stream</strong> rocks should allow resting back eddies as well as shade and cover. | The Tabula Peutingeriana also gives the name of a <strong>river</strong> which it places between Ortona and Anxanum, and calls Clotoris. The name is probably corrupt; but the <strong>stream</strong> meant (if its position can be depended upon) can be no other than the Moro, which falls into the Adriatic a few miles south of Ortona. The coast-line of this part of the Adriatic presents few remarkable features, and no good natural harbors. | 6.6 | 8.2 | 2.84 | 2.25 | 0.0107 | river | Stream | river | stream |
roof | ceiling | The <strong>roof</strong> was destroyed in 1961 when the residents of Dawodiya were forced to flee from their homes during the civil war. But in early 1970’s the bishop of the diocese of Amadiya decided to rebuild the <strong>ceiling</strong>. Thus new roofing of reinforced cement was placed and new and larger windows were built as well as a dome, bell, fences and reception hall were added to the church. | A grand central entrance way leads into an atrium topped with a skylight. Symmetrical staircases on either side of the atrium lead up to galleries and corridors on the second and third levels. To accommodate the tropical climate, large wide verandahs were built at the front of the building; pitched flat interlocking clay <strong>roof</strong> tiles were used, and high <strong>ceilings</strong> were erected for better ventilation. | 7.7 | 6.03 | 2.27 | 3.05 | 0.0379 | roof | ceiling | roof | ceilings |
room | cell | Construction started on the present temple in 1965. The temple cost Rs 15 million to construct. Next to the temple is a small <strong>room</strong> that looks like a prison <strong>cell</strong>, where it is said that Lord Krishna appeared. | The two shared a one-<strong>room</strong> Brooklyn apartment where Armen administered her morphine shots until she died. In 1994, Armen was approached by Pramod Srivastava, then a biochemist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, about the possibility of developing Oncophage from a clinical and commercial perspective. The treatment involved removing a patient's tumor <strong>cells</strong>, isolating and fortifying the cellular proteins that normally alert the immune system to disease, and re-injecting the proteins into the patient. | 9.04 | 0 | 1.4 | 0 | 0 | room | cell | room | cells |
sad | terrible | In some tales, the reason for abandoning their loves is a <strong>sad</strong> one. The Vilya are cursed never to find that true love. If they do, that love will die a <strong>terrible</strong> death. | The enemies’ divisions were stuck in Bretagne and were unable to reinforce of defence of Normandy. In the unequal fight, losses were numerous, especially as enemy were killing wounded people (81 SAS killed in Brittany, 195 wounded). The <strong>terrible</strong> battle of Saint-Marcel, Morbihan, (18 June) was a <strong>sad</strong> example of it. | 7.38 | 6.92 | 1.87 | 2.43 | 0.403 | sad | terrible | sad | terrible |
say | verify | The legislation further <strong>says</strong> that those renewing or applying for passports must be entered on to the NIR. It is expected that this will happen soon after the Identity and Passport Service (IPS), which was formerly the UK Passport Service, starts interviewing passport applicants to <strong>verify</strong> their identity. Various degrees of concern about the scheme have been expressed by human rights lawyers, activists, security professionals and IT experts. | O you who believe! When you go (to fight) in the Cause of God, <strong>verify</strong> (the truth), and <strong>say</strong> not to anyone who greets you (by embracing Islam): You are not a believer; seeking the perishable goods of the worldly life. There are much more profits and booties with God. | 3.17 | 2.58 | 3.07 | 2.19 | 0.354 | says | verify | say | verify |
school | grade | Other notable buildings in the Ranmoor area were built for some of the well known industrialists of Sheffield. The <strong>Grade</strong> II listed Oakbrook was built by Flockton, Lee & Flockton c.1855 for Mark Firth, a steel magnate and philanthropist who founded Firth College, one of the institutions that eventually merged to establish the University of Sheffield. Oakbrook is now part of the Notre Dame Roman Catholic <strong>School</strong>. | Boston University Academy (BUA) is private high <strong>school</strong> operated by Boston University. Founded in 1993 and located on the Boston University campus, the Academy is geared toward college preparatory work. As part of its integration with the university, students are able to take college courses for credit their junior and senior years, and are guaranteed acceptance to Boston University upon maintaining a 3.0 <strong>grade</strong> point average at the Academy. | 1.88 | 2.7 | 2.81 | 2.71 | 0.0857 | School | Grade | school | grade |
sea | ocean | The area of Nantucket Island proper is 47.8 sq mi(123.8 km2). The triangular region of <strong>ocean</strong> between Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod, is Nantucket Sound. The highest point on the island is Folger Hill which stands above <strong>sea</strong> level. | Many animals that live on or in the <strong>sea</strong> consume flotsam by mistake, as it often looks similar to their natural prey. Plastic debris, when bulky or tangled, is difficult to pass, and may become permanently lodged in the digestive tracts of these animals, blocking the passage of food and causing death through starvation or infection. Tiny floating particles also resemble zooplankton, which can lead filter feeders to consume them and cause them to enter the <strong>ocean</strong> food chain. | 8.64 | 9.29 | 2.22 | 0.845 | 0.3 | sea | ocean | sea | ocean |
seed | mustard | A Chicago-style hot dog is a steamed, boiled or grilled all-beef hot dog on a poppy <strong>seed</strong> bun, originating from the city of Chicago, Illinois. The hot dog is topped with <strong>mustard</strong>, onion, sweet pickle relish (often a dyed neon green variety called Nuclear Relish), a dill pickle spear, tomato slices or wedges, pickled sport peppers, and celery salt. Some variants exist, adding things such as cucumber slices, although ketchup is never included. | is a type of <strong>mustard</strong> used as a condiment or as a seasoning in Japanese cuisine. Karashi is made from the crushed <strong>seeds</strong> of Brassica juncea. Karashi is usually sold in powder form or paste form in tubes. | 2.2 | 3.52 | 2.69 | 2.79 | 0.0383 | seed | mustard | seeds | mustard |
sense | intuition | Take some thing, say A, having n attributes, a, b, c...: we are forced to posit each of these because each is presented in <strong>intuition</strong>. But in conceiving A we make, not n positions, still less n+f positions, but one position simply; for common <strong>sense</strong> removes the absolute position from its original source, sensation. So when we ask, What is the one posited? | In some <strong>sense</strong>, all work with corpora – just as all work with discourse - is properly comparative. Even when a single corpus is employed, it is used to test the data it contains against another body of data. This may consist of the researcher’s <strong>intuitions</strong>, or the data found in reference works such as dictionaries and grammars, or it may be statements made by previous authors in the field. | 6.59 | 3.25 | 2.66 | 3.17 | 0.000578 | sense | intuition | sense | intuitions |
sheep | cattle | The town was settled in 1863, making it the oldest town in western Queensland. Like much of the west, <strong>sheep</strong> became the mainstay of the economy. Today, <strong>cattle</strong> and tourism are of major importance to the town. | Its main funtion is to protect livestock. In Russia it has earned the nickname of Volkodav which means “wolf crusher”. It can be employed to drive flocks of <strong>sheep</strong> or goats as well as herds of <strong>cattle</strong> or horses. | 5.78 | 5.45 | 2.71 | 2.73 | 0.37 | sheep | cattle | sheep | cattle |
sheep | lamb | Generally, <strong>sheep</strong> are thought to be either ewe breeds or ram breeds. Ewe breeds are those that are hardy, and have good reproductive and mothering capabilities – they are for replacing breeding ewes in standing flocks. Ram breeds are selected for rapid growth and carcase quality, and are mated with ewe breeds to produce meat <strong>lambs</strong>. | Grizzly is the fifteenth novel in World of Adventure series by Gary Paulsen. The story is about Justin McCallister who loves life on his aunt and uncle's <strong>sheep</strong> ranch in Montana. Until a grizzly bear begins terrorizing the livestock, injuring Justin's collie, Radar, and killing his pet <strong>lamb</strong>, Blue. | 8.26 | 8.73 | 2.21 | 1.57 | 0.29 | sheep | lambs | sheep | lamb |
shoulder | head | The program was loosely based on the exploits of Allan Pinkerton, first <strong>head</strong> of the United States Secret Service, in that the character Whispering Smith fought to bring modern police methods to the American West. Some episodes were based on actual cases from the files of the Denver Police Department. After seven episodes were filmed, costar Guy Mitchell, a recording artist who portrayed detective George Romack, broke his <strong>shoulder</strong> in a fall from a horse. | Capicola, or coppa', is a traditional Neapolitan Italian cold cut (salume) made from pork <strong>shoulder</strong> or neck, and dry-cured whole. The name coppa is Italian for nape, while capicola comes from capo—<strong>head</strong>—and collo—neck—of a pig. The Neapolitan Italian spelling, 'Capocollo', is derived from Latin, caput collum. | 0.682 | 4.63 | 1.33 | 2.63 | 0.000001 | shoulder | head | shoulder | head |
situation | condition | After fascism came to an end in Italy, the <strong>situation</strong> of the non-Italian speaking minorities in the province of Bolzano-Bozen seemed to be getting better. However, a large section of the population were not ready to accept the status quo as existed under Mussolini. Even though fundamental questions were addressed in the Treaty of Paris, the <strong>conditions</strong> of the treaty were rarely fully fulfilled. | Socius was a realization of the school motto, Man for Others. At the beginning of year 1998, the political <strong>situation</strong> in Indonesia started to become uncertain, as did the security <strong>condition</strong> in Jakarta. Furthermore when the May 1998 riots occurred, students who were taking EBTANAS had to stay in school. | 3.86 | 7.19 | 2.42 | 2.08 | 0.000129 | situation | conditions | situation | condition |
snow | storm | One poem, Igdlugssaq Nápagaungmat or When the House Was Built, details the seemingly minor event of constructing a home in Angmagssalik. While not overtly heroic, this action will be useful and demonstrated community affection. In Nunat Asingagingmata or When the Countries Again Turned Pale, Lund writes: We will soon see the country covered with <strong>snow</strong>, dressed in the garment of the sorrow, and crying in the <strong>storm</strong> after having bidden good-bye to all the small birds. | The December 2009 North American snowstorms were a meteorological event in North America that started on December 11. The snowstorms brought record amounts of <strong>snow</strong> to the Midwest and contributed to deaths of 16 people. The <strong>storms</strong> affected a number of US states, including Arizona, Wisconsin and New York, as well as Canada. | 6.75 | 7.2 | 1.86 | 2.14 | 0.17 | snow | storm | snow | storms |
snow | weather | 72 because of the warm <strong>weather</strong> in Los Angeles. He was named in honor of the late Garnet “Ace” Bailey who served as the Los Angeles Kings' Director of Pro Scouting for seven years before dying in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Bailey is the Kings' second mascot, the first was a <strong>snow</strong> leopard named Kingston in 1994. | If school is closed because of inclement <strong>weather</strong>, then the day count continues. For example, if yesterday was an A day, then today should be a B day. However, we did not have school today because of <strong>snow</strong>. | 3.41 | 7.62 | 3.69 | 2.21 | 0.000205 | snow | weather | snow | weather |
sofa | chair | on the road for some months, as was the custom for newly trained artisans. His father established his own furniture workshop in 1947 in Gartnergade, Copenhagen where Jacob joined him. Here he developed furniture including a <strong>sofa</strong> bed and began to design <strong>chairs</strong>. | Pashmina shawl is the product which is highly in demand not only in Himachal but all over the country. Colourful Himachali caps are also famous art work of the people. A tribe namely Dom is expert in manufacturing bamboo items like boxes, <strong>sofas</strong>, <strong>chairs</strong>, baskets and. | 6.84 | 7.46 | 2.66 | 1.16 | 0.5 | sofa | chairs | sofas | chairs |
song | story | The film starred the Mumbai star Shahrukh Khan with Manisha Koirala. Ratnam used the conflict in the north eastern states as a backdrop to tell a love <strong>story</strong> between an Indian journalist and a north eastern woman. The film was particularly famous for the <strong>song</strong> Chaiyya Chaiyya which was shot atop a moving train. | These <strong>songs</strong>, known as Mappila Ramayana, have been handed down from one generation to the next orally. In Mappila Ramayana, the <strong>story</strong> of the Ramayana has been changed into that of a sultan, and there are no major changes in the names of characters except for that of Rama which is `Laman' in many places. The language and the imagery projected in the Mappilapattu are in accordance with the social fabric of the earlier Muslim community. | 2.28 | 5 | 2.09 | 2.61 | 0.00111 | song | story | songs | story |
Subsets and Splits