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Not they don' you negate some ting when you break rules. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
why should I we have free speech and if you want to silence people because you don't like their ideas then how is that in any shape or form democratic, I'm not espousing hate, I am saying that children don't need transgender toilets it's literally humanities most insignificant problem right now. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Que hermoso | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
you know its 'priests', right? not PRIESTS | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Some are born with one eye then protest they are discriminated against when a job for a look-out comes up?! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Milly Bauman | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
you can choose to learn or choose to cling to old beliefs. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
God loves everyone if your lucky OR you might die a horrible slow death as a child for example.. religion just another drug to get high on ;-) | Other | lgbt | 1Offensive
Like haveing things rammed down your throat ???? Just curious because thats the go to line for homophobic people at the mo | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I think that you'll find that any transgender people in your squadron won't want to be treated like 'spacial snowflakes' if that's what you mean. You'll more likely find that they just want to be treated like any part of the team. You on the other hand snowflake, seem to want to be in a special squadron that does not represent the population in which you live! Its probably not the best career move to try and dictate to the RAF what they should do, just accept it or don't join. Just remember that if you are lucky enough to be accepted and then get sent to a conflict zone, the chances are that you will be fighting for people's freedom (what you would want to deny of others in your squadron). Oh, and if you are too sensitive / not brave enough to be in a squadron or accommodation with people from a different background or outlook, war may not be for you snowflake. | No target | lgbt | 1Offensive
What about a widower and widow marrying? They could be both over the age when they can have children. Should they be allowed to marry? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Ha ha ha, Katie Henderson, i love how you compare homosexuals to animals, though i must say, they still deserve to be shown love and to be corrected in order to bring them to the light. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Because its a mental illness... Millions of people shouldn't have to modify their behaviour to accommodate the 0.0001% in their delusions. | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Chill people. It's an reference to The Office | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I believe you have misinterpreted my comment.I don't tell anybody my sexuality because it is none of their business.I started out in life as being very gay i guess.My nick name was Lola.But something changed.So I do have some idea of being different.Iam on your side believe me. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
you misunderstand my question. Read properly.I was saying the ones who turned male will find physical training difficult. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Cue the "ok so it's okay to marry a horse" lines | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Yea daniel there are hundreds of thousands of people who have same opinion like me also lives in London. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
People ask questions though so u either lie or come out by telling the truth. Its not straightforward believe me | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Xxxxxxxxxx love people x | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
There is just no winning.I will not deny my sexuality and I not deny yours.Take it or leave it. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Calm down love, God isn't real. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Spreading the AIDS | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Most who protest too much are still in denial themselves !!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
If you can change jobs, you can change which side you fight for. lmao! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I don't agree with Folau, but I support his ability and right to voice his opinion. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Happy pride everyone!!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I love how Christians get away with judging someone by saying "I love the person, not the sin." It's so manipulative and disturbing. (See I'm judging YOU specifically, but it's ok because the Bible has no power over me) There are men who shouldn't be in the military who are, there are women who should be in the military who aren't. If a person is trans, and they want to protect their country. If their heart is in that job, why in the hell not? Go thump your bible a little more. Read fables written by envious men and claim to be better than anyone who disagrees with you. 🖕 | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
If this is an Orthodox calendar then i'd like to see what they've got in their Modern calendar. ..Ofcourse when nobody's around lol | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
DEEP CONDOLENCES TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! : I was deeply astonished when I heard the outcome of the verdict of the Supreme Court of the United states of America over the same sex marriage. : Now that it has been legalized, the American societies and its inhabitants must definitely await the Divine response. I am sure that for every action of man Good or Bad, there must be a divine reaction to it. : Past generations were once perished over what was called Homosexualism and Lesbianism. : This is what is en vogue today in America. Indeed, I deeply condole the American families of today and generations to come. : MY CONDOLENCES THEREFORE GOES TO WHOLE OF AMERICA(The anti same sex marriage inclusive). | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
This is on top | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Funny coz he didn't used to! Stoning people to death for being gay doesn't fcuking sound like love to me. 64 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Bet there's one or two that like an early bath.... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Sorry, if you believe that gay people shouldn't have the same rights as straight people, then you ARE homophobic, it's really that simple. Also, "coloured" is generally seen as a racist term. Oh, and you're basing your entire anti gay marriage argument on whether gay people should have children, which is a very different argument from whether they should be able to marry. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
God loves everyone???? how can theu say it God created Adam and Eve for not lesbians or gays... I dunno what to say but the whole issue is so disgusting to me. To be a gay or a lesbian either because of genetic reasons which need to be fixed quickly or because of the pschological problems or because of the deteriorated society which encourage these people to multiply. Being lesbian or a gay is definitely against God's will | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
I think Roy can't swallow it any more 😂😂😂 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Fags | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
then is british fouth | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
That's why trump was advised bye his generals | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Couldn't you come up with a less gay comment than something being rammed down your throat? I think there's something your subconscious is trying to tell you about your desires sir. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I want to be like Sam Lakin.... Fearless | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I think there's a few gays in Africa already sweet cheeks - sorry to break it to you. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Yet you have made the statement that you are heterosexual.... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
People that identify as transgender do know what their gender is. It simply doesn't align with the sex they've been assigned at birth. What that has to do with being able to "fight for your country" is a different question, but oh well. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
< ---- This troll uses science. :) | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Wow | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Daggers | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
I concur | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Didnt become gay they have always been | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
It has never been easier, but it is still very tough. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Êita, até imagino JC e JB, o evangelista, no mar da Galiléia. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Live and let live! Too much hate, be happy people!! PEACE | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
I don't think you made it clear enough who your condolences are for. Can you remind us? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
He loves the sinner but hates all sin! <3 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
When im allowed to shower in the womans showers at my gym then sure go for it untill then i refuse to be looked at as some kind of finger buffet | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Did you forget about the attacks in London or New York, did you think they were accidents and not Judgments connected to your behavior . . https://fullgrownministry.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/the-interruption/ | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Thank god I am man who likes females | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
They're cool <3 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Sure they have been doing that here in Ireland for years | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
🌈🌈oh the rainbow pride parade 😂 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
What pride foolish | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
so sad | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
it doesn't, but why can't he express his opinion on it? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
RESISTING GOD! ... not a good thing | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Or maybe adopt the millions of children currently without a family! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
So well said!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Why should people need to 'come out' anyway? Why is it anybody else's business? Be who you are and that's it. ❤ | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
It was being based in the UK that I first worked with a Transgender civil servant and then found out I knew several Transgender U.S. servicemembers. All of them could perform their job equally as anyone else. Thank you UK! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Explain what love is in a short summary for 1000 words | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
This is fake comfort there are only two sexes man and woman ask dogs they know this fact what a disgrace to humanity and this just confusion to the children that these perverts are allowed to keep | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Charlie was also taken care of for 9 months for zero charge. Stop trying to make our garbage healthcare system seem good. | No target | lgbt | 1Offensive
So what's an Elf then? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Beautiful 👏👏 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Trust me, Mr Jackson, with this attitude, it is not "your" country. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27 God loves everyone but the sin ! God help us !!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
there are no gods you sad man | Commenter | lgbt | 0Acceptable
If all these people get what they are protesting about. The Islamic Extremists will chop their heads off!. They are playing into Islamic hands "Big Time" Why would they do this??????? | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Poor lad. I appreciate its gutting you can't blame Trump now. You'll have to take your protests to state level. Personally, theres more important things to worry about in the world than where someone pees. Enjoy your empty protests | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
dale Jennings how you know tim cook is gay? . | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
So we only celebrate oddities now | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Mulya, you seem to have skill with English and at least know how to debate with it, so writing things like 'HANG EM GAYS' is really weakening your position. Do you realise that you look like a very hateful person? We are not calling for your death, even though you are calling for mine. I respect you as a Human being, as a Ugandan, as a (possibly) straight man. I respect all of that. Why can you not respect me? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
How exactly are they getting MORE rights than heterosexuals? Explain your point. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
You're a Frog,you haven't won a war since....erm,since..when was it,Napoleon? No,he lost too,erm, Agincourt,no...erm,you're French,shut up. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
🌈 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
fantastic picture Mairead!!! | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
But dont try to sell us your seek behaviour | No target | lgbt | 1Offensive
That situation only occurred once. Majority of people who don't want to carry a weapon in combat are placed in support units away from battlefield fighting. That would never happen today. Even tho he did great by saving many men, it's just not logical in today's standards. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
England doesn't. Charlie Gard will be dead soon if he isn't already. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
How someone identifies themselves means nothing . What matters is that person is brave enough to wear that uniform, strap on a weapon and march head long into battle keep me safe, for that I am thankful and grateful. I don't give two hoots if they're gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and it should not matter to any sane thinking person. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Your country? | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
My word you're a card aren't you. With your provocative quips (well actually they're just down right offensive.) I'm thinking someone's gonna be the nation's next top light entertainer. I'd certainly sell my house and all of its contents just to have enough money to watch your stand up routine. Phew. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
It's truly sad that I live in a beautiful country but where a person who did NOT win the popular vote can so immediately produce the lowest common denominator of behavior, against which other governments immediately appear great. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Lol, Rragwe Lloyd Baakile don't like my comment, I'm talking to you. | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Proud | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Ur hv been told about islam by the media Do u trust theme ? Those who hv made the bloody israil a victime ? If ur are a real free thinker So check this out BBC Documentary _ The Untold Story About ISLAM _SHOCKING Documentary_ National Geographic https://youtu.be/jHsRU6TvYDw Welcome to the islam The amazing quran Gary Miller https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smartersoft.smarterbooks.book6 ■■■■■ Quran and moderne science https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andromo.dev287394.app397647 The Spread of Islam in the World http://www.amazon.com/Spread-Islam-World-Thomas-Arnold/dp/8187570229 ■■■ In the Glorious Qur’an we read 《that was why we wrote for the children of israel that who ever killed a soul, except for a soul slain, or for sedition in the earth, it should be considered as though he had killed all mankind; and that who ever saved it should be regarded as though he had saved all mankind. our messengers brought them proofs; then many of them thereafter commit excesses in the earth 》 http://www.parsquran.com/data/show.php?lang=eng&user=eng&quantity=&sura=5&ayat=32 In the Glorious Qur’an we read 《The Truth is from your Lord; so whoever decides, then let him believe, and whoever decides, then let him disbelieve 》 http://www.arabdict.com/en/english-arabic/%D9%81%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A4%D9%85%D9%86 | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Well Terry Heller the dickhead president "witch" I am talking about is Trump an individual with whom I do have a modicum of first hand knowledge from prior to his current position. Watching him and his goons trying to deliver one of his major projects and seeing them fail on most of their promised outcomes and having had the misfortune of hearing him ramble on about a subject that I do know far more about than he does I feel completely vindicated in calling him a dickhead because quite frankly if Clinton / Bush (x2) / Obama were bad he is on a whole different level of incompetence | Other | lgbt | 1Offensive
You are silly. | Commenter | lgbt | 1Offensive
Jesus would be ashamed | Topic | lgbt | 1Offensive
Wow | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
Not whilst so many gain their views from religious scripture...... | No target | lgbt | 0Acceptable
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