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Deeper rollout of 4G-LTE networks has meant increased mobile internet penetration in rural areas to 35% versus 13% at the time of Jio’s launch.
For example, it does not emit CO2 and is thus effective in curbing global warming.
The exchange rates used for the consolidated income statement and balance sheet are set out on page 123.
However, the CCFs are estimated over multi-year time horizons to produce unbiased model estimates.
We're continuing to drive profit margin improvement by focusing on manufacturing excellence and cost management.
And albeit that things like FLNG and I guess the offshore side of Hydrocarbons continues with some activity, these are onshore LNG projects that we are doing right now.
In this regard, Abengoa has defined a climate action mechanism by establishing an internal carbon price, aligning it with the emerging climate regulation as a result of the Paris Agreement and with the evolution of the business.
And so our focus right now is to continue to de-lever, and then to reinvest in these projects as we identify them so we can really execute de-lever and to increase our profitability.
We are working with others in the industry more broadly to see how these barriers can be reduced and so play our part in reducing the number of single-use coffee cups that go to landfill.
We added a few hundred in the first quarter, a few hundred in the second quarter.
Impacts on energy and CO2 costs (including impact on raw material costs) and impacts on main markets have been assessed.
Furthermore, the sawmill co-location project at the same plant has delivered further savings.
And they did a great job coming back to us with a reengineered plan where we reduced our CapEx overall of the project by about $7 million or $8 million while reducing operating expenses and increasing the margin overall.
They are very anxious to see lithium introduction increase, and this is a country that as you know, really wants to see as much domestic lithium production as possible.
The -- our -- us jumping up into the fourth rig could be late for couple of quarters.
In the KARMOL brand LNG-to-Powership business, gas used as fuel will be supplied to the powership from an FSRU.
Our Mangala EOR continues to deliver strong performance with Q4 FY’17 volumes at 56,000 bpd.
So when you're looking at 17% increase in revenue, but the expenses are incurred at a much higher pace.
And in government services, there is both support of the fleet around the world as well as participating in the Department of Energy areas.
Strategically, we'll continue to execute on our price-led organic growth strategy with a goal of continuing to improve our free cash flow over time that will be used to either enhance our operations through acquisitions or repay debt.
We remain deeply committed to ensuring environmental, social and governance issues are included in our investment analysis and decision making and continue to drive better integration of carbon and climate risk factors into investment decisions.
Torata Dam, maintains constant water flow to the population in dry seasons, Cuajone Unit, Peru.
As far as price increases, I mean, there is no price increases currently on the horizon.
And so we think there is some natural momentum that will probably continue to show up there.
Our tilt has been towards organic and we've added to our fleet, we've improved utilization, we've done a lot of good work with pricing, and it's a recipe that's worked pretty well for us so far.
Furthermore, we will combine IC tags and sensors to contribute to the building of cold chains, a logistics format for appropriate temperature control with little environmental impact.
We have ambitious plans in place for the year ahead, including taking three strategic land sites through the local planning process in order to provide much needed housing land for the local community, principally on brownfield sites.
We're making good progress to that, and we're staying within our capital constraints.
Because when you look at the smelter, we operated at very high production rates, our feed mix was about 74% from EAF-based feed.
The exciting part is it leverages, obviously, relationships that maybe we don't have with the marketers.
We do supplement our coal tar requirements from Russia and we have an excellent supply chain systems out of there, works well.
In this regard, we have set ourselves ambitious goals through to 2022 to address our social and environmental impacts, while supporting the Burberry Foundation in creating long-term partnerships that fuel innovation and transform communities.
So there will likely be quarters in the next few quarters, where we have large uptick in that business.
By the end of the year we had introduced four A350s, each capable of carrying nine per cent more passengers than the A340s they replace with efficiency improvements of around 30% fuel burn per seat.
Nevertheless, the Company has a plan to continue the well completion when natural gas prices increase to maximize benefits from the well.
In November 2017, NI Water Limited acquired a number of companies which are contracted to provide bulk drinking water supplies under a Public Private Partnership arrangement.
In 2020, UPM Specialty Papers collaborated with 4evergreen Alliance, a initiative by CEPI (the Confederation of European Paper Industries) to further accelerate the fibre-based packaging in the circular economy.
Through its power generation and water businesses, Marubeni aims to become a major global player in the public utility fi eld.
Group 6 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Environmental footprint.
And that was we're looking at all of our programs across the board, there's been an increased focus and attention, not only in terms of driving productivity, but also in a disciplined cost management.
As we look into 2015 and as we progress through 2014, we've been, slowly but surely, growing our Eco Brass sales.
To adapt to diversification and expansion of the energy business domain, the Power Business Division is committed to be a part- ner always providing optimal power/energy solutions to meet and satisfy stakehold- ers’ and society’s expectations and needs.
We are required to hold allowances equal to at least 50 percent of emissions in each of the first two years of the three-year control period.
Renewing Britain’s rail infrastructure Our ambition is not only to provide high‑quality housing but improve the quality of people’s lives by helping to upgrade infrastructure.
:R educe 30% by 2030 compared to 2013 levels Renewable energy adoption : I ncrease 10x by 2030 from 2013 levels Kyocera Group Environmental Safety Policy 3.
10 Looking forward, we expect to continue to focus on expanding our offerings within impact and climate-oriented strategies, as well as further building out our ESG index offerings.
The construction work has commenced with a targeted completion for Unit 1 in January 2022 and Unit 2 in May 2022.
High ambitions in sustainability As at 31 December 2015, 71% of Vasakronan’s property portfolio was eco-certified and around half of the company’s customers had elected to sign green tenancies (a form of contract first introduced in Sweden by Vasakronan).
The National Emission Ceiling Directive 2001 is currently being revised and subsequent source-control measures by Member States may be required to meet national emissions targets.
And if the mix stays around the same, it'll be somewhere in the 50 to less than 60 basis points range on average.
 commit to continuous improvements with respect to management of the environment, social policies and governance (“ESG”);
And going forward, all our focus is going to delever as much as we can to get back to the ratios that I just mentioned.
Its current business focuses are aligned with the world’s most prominent trends in energy saving products such as new LED lighting (indoor, outdoor, and automotive), cloud computing power supply systems, solid-state drives, and automotive electronics.
Ontario’s climate change plan aims for electric and hydrogen passenger vehicles to represent five percent of new vehicle sales in the province by 2020.
Plus, too, we referenced in our press release and some of the prepared comments there, too, that we did see -- we got a little bit ahead in our cost reduction, so that flowed through.
Smart energy markets are growing very nicely for us, and we're actually growing very nicely in the automotive markets.
So we've stripped out a lot of costs, we've taken out a lot of capacity and year-over-year, it's actually been a positive cash generator.
So we'll be a little bit cautious, and we'll monitor the environment as we go forward.
DNB regards its corporate responsibility (CR) as a shared responsibility towards achieving sustainable economic, environmental, and social development in the areas and business sectors where the Group operates.
And one of the ways we win is that a really broad selection, personalization, ease-of-use and otherwise it's just a habit, like being able to see the red Netflix button on the remote control.
This decrease was mainly due to lower generation of 4.9 TWh from the regulated nuclear generation segment as a result of the removal from service of Darlington’s Unit 2.
IBERDROLA Group was awarded 476 MW in Baltic Eagle and 10 MW in Wikinger Süd, whose commissioning is expected in 2023.
Through our production & operations business, we aim to produce the affordable hydrocarbon energy and products the world needs and generate cash to fund our operations and our transformation to an Integrated Energy Company.
Praised for environmental activities joining the Company and the home as one Since 2008, FANCL has brought together its directors, employees and even their families to promote efforts to reduce CO2.
Between 2014 and 2016, ten 777-300ER passenger aircrafts were introduced, and the benefits generated from their fuel efficiency are significant.
We are focusing on reducing scope 1 emissions by electrifying our operations.
Environmental Policy 1.��Environmentally-friendly�corporate�activities We are keenly aware that all stages of our business relate deeply to the environment, from development, production, and sales activities to end-of-life disposal.
So in terms of the sustainability initiatives, we've been pursuing that for the last few years.
So we've stated in our long-term plan that we'll get to at least 90%.
Abengoa’s experience in renewable and conventional plants both in the construction and installation stages accumulates more than 12.8 GW.
167–159 g/km) achieves outstanding fuel efficiency with the newly developed M 256 six-cylinder gasoline engine.
And that is probably the biggest dynamic there, what you have, the general price.
It allows National Grid to deliver more clean and affordable energy to customers, reflecting our efforts to lead the way in supporting net zero ambitions through harnessing innovative solutions.
And so our mission is really to expand the usage of silicon carbide throughout the industry, and I think the supply agreement is one example of us doing just that.
Launching the low and middle income mortgage schemes in line with the CBE country-wide initiative, in addition to revamping the policy program to cater for the growth. •
We have, by far, the best fit in the business, not just an individual fit, but the best fit across all of our different silhouettes in the business.
Pursuing a Low-Carbon Society As we strive to achieve a low-carbon society, the development of new technologies related to renewable energy and electric power are awaited with heightened anticipation.
WASTE AND PACKAGING Each Industrial and Safety business strives to reduce waste-to-landfill and water use and to improve energy efficiencies where possible.
We are developing hydrogen trials and investing to understand the impact of hydrogen on our existing gas assets to address the decarbonisation of heat.
I think the environment -- we have obviously very strong financial results despite the -- our inclined environment.
We will also pursue stable and efficient operation as we strive to contribute to the development of steel industries in Japan and other Asian countries through a reliable supply of high-grade iron ore.
The facility combines a compressed natural gas filling area (CNG) and a rapid recharging point (50kW) for electric vehicles.
First, if you think about what drives our outperformance in a lot of the quarters is our IMAX screens.
Government approval is also pending for the methodology of charges on natural gas and electricity consumption, destined to finance other costs of these sectors (namely the ones from the energy policy) starting in 2020.
These requirements apply both to regulated utilities such as CECONY and O&R for the customers they supply under regulated tariffs and to other load serving entities that supply customers on market terms.
My goal or what I really like to do is to try and grow the company organically.
We're seeing of more what they refer to as REM or research energy management programs.
(3) BHP currently uses Global Warming Potentials (GWP) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report 4 (AR4) based on 100-year timeframe.
And some of that gets offset by increase in COGS as it goes through the network.
E.ON’s increasingly international renewables busi- ness will therefore continue to invest in attractive target regions.
Intelligent Information Technologies The searching, sorting, filtering, navigating, real-time analysis and understanding of large amounts of environmental data are central to the achievement of sustainable innovation.
GLC formally includes environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the disciplined investment processes in place across its investment divisions.
In all these relationships we share our know-how and access to information so we have a better understanding of the marine environment and the requirements of those who use this vital national resource.
We can do this thanks to a strong and diversified portfolio of physical assets and contracts, including our initiative to underpin the development of 500MW of renewable energy with contractual offtake arrangements.
Look, I would say this, obviously, we have a very robust 5-year plan and we have identified in that plan the opportunity for an incremental $2 billion, one for grid mod and another for wind investment in Missouri.
I can recall myself, when I lived back in Europe early '90s and so forth, there was this German health care reformat.
Environmental Matters The Company is currently participating in environmental assessments and remediation at approximately 30 locations, the majority of which are in the U.S., and environmental liabilities have been accrued reflecting management’s best estimate of future costs.
We're right on track with respect to achieving our goal of $50 million of annualized savings in the -- by the fourth quarter of this year.
Across every industry we serve, we partner with our customers to deliver the best results at the lowest total cost while reducing water and energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste.
50% of our UK and Ireland customers’ homes at or above EPC or equivalent rating C by 2030. (