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201 | 31 | p028 | Have you heard about hwat is currently happening within indonesia. It is actually so saddening that a population of Orangutan an endangered species mind you, is on the brink of eradication at the hands of oil companies within the area. It does not make sense to me that when a country sees something like this occuring because of their business practices that they do not step in and stop the company from razing the forest as there are 1 to 2 thousand orangutans who call it home. | p028_201 |
202 | 31 | p029 | I think this is sad for the orangutangs. It seems unfair that their environment is being destroyed. This whole peat forest issue seems like an environmental problem. I don't see the need to deforest anyway. That just seems destructive to me for no reason at all. It seems like it is best when we just leave the environment alone and stop tampering with things and intervening. IT always seems to have harmful consequences. | p029_202 |
203 | 31 | p035 | The way that the world is setup, countries that are developing have no choice but to harvest their natural resources to make money. I wonder if countries with more money could pay these developing countries to not harvest their natural resources. I feel bad for the orangutans because they are caught in a game of economics. | p035_203 |
204 | 31 | p065 | Hey man, Apparently, Indonesia is going through a crisis between conservation and alleviating its poverty. The country has made regulations protecting peat areas and the habitat of orangutans, but it has also given licenses to a company that aims to destroy a significant portions of those areas. I fell that this is a troubling sign and, sadly, indicative of the kinds of compromises that governments make with corporations that continue to endanger at risk species. | p065_204 |
205 | 31 | p033 | I just read this article about the exploitation of Orangutan habitat in Indonesia and it is alarming. Orangutan are not just any animals, they are one of the smartest and closely related to us. I am sure, you would have watched some documentary where it is shown how evolved they are as a society and how familiar they look to us when caring for their children for instance. It is just so sad that this is happening and I wish we as a race would show more empathy and concern for these magnificent creatures. | p033_205 |
206 | 201 | p029 | This type of situation really makes my blood boil. Who do these people think they are, going out in the streets and looting like a bunch of wild animals in order to protest? The guy was shot! He was a clear threat to the officers and had PCP in his car. This is ridiculous. The officer felt he had to protect himself. What gives people the right to then go out and loot and act like a bunch of wild animals and get more people killed in response? How on earth is that a mature response to the situation? I'm so disgusted. | p029_206 |
207 | 201 | p055 | I'm so tired of all this violence. If a cop shoots someone suddenly it's acceptable to go around and commit violence or loot and steal. We start reacting before we even know the facts of the situation and we place all the blame on officers as if they are just looking to shoot people. We don't hear all the stories about officers being shot every day. We don't see riots and protests when another cop is shot by a supposedly unarmed suspect. It's time we start fairly representing both sides of a situation. | p055_207 |
208 | 201 | p024 | The violence due to guns in this co0untry is becoming way too prevalent. We must do something to fix it but the republicans seem to be too much into gun control. I feel like that is the downside of things. There needs to be a better dialogue between both parties because too many people are dying at the hands of guns. | p024_208 |
209 | 201 | p035 | It makes me mad when I hear about people not wanting NFL players to take a knee or when people get mad at Black Lives Matter movement. There is a real problem in America when it comes to how black people at treated by the police. The police are far too often quick to shoot an unarmed black person, but take white mass shooters alive. | p035_209 |
210 | 201 | p060 | I can't believe that this is what America has become. People are dying every day. They are dying at the hands of those who should be protecting us. They are dying at the hands of random strangers with a vendetta. At what point does all this stop and do civilians get to feel safe again? If guns aren't the problem then what is the problem? If the police aren't the problem then who is responsible for these deaths? | p060_210 |
211 | 273 | p073 | This is a very sad situation. I can see both sides are trying to do something good, but just have different values. The Native Americans really deserve to keep their land and their resources. Maybe the people that are building the oil pipeline can figure out a way to do it that will not interfere with the Native American's lives. | p073_211 |
212 | 273 | p000 | Hey, Did you see the article about the most police arresting all the rioters over the North Dakota pipeline. I don't really feel guilt about it. I think they broke the law and they got what was coming to them. You are free to make your on choice but you are not free of the consequences that come with those choices | p000_212 |
213 | 273 | p039 | I think it was good that they killed that kids horse what was he doing there any way his parents should get locked up for putting him at risk like that. I think we need more oil and I don't care how we get it. I hope we build more pipelines all over this country. I don't need to be paying more for my gas. | p039_213 |
214 | 273 | p029 | Well while I am sorry for the people affected by this, it is never appropriate to protest on private land, block public highways, shoot guns at police, or throw rocks. These people do these things then act so shocked when the police react and suddenly they are the victims. Sorry, not in my book. If you hae an issue, you can contact politicians or go vote. Disrupting the peace and threatening the safety of others is not an appropriate response. it makes me mad. | p029_214 |
215 | 273 | p068 | I feel for both sides on this story. Native americans have been kicked out of land and hold the land they do still have very precious to them. They are trying to protect what is theres and water for there people. They believe in the contract that was signed and want to keep the promise. On the other hand the police are just doing there job and trying to keep from any bad things happening. When you have people firing guns at police that is when things have to get more serious and they have to use force. You cant just block roads and set cars on fire. It was very sad that a horse was killed and that older people are getting hurt and arrested. | p068_215 |
216 | 247 | p062 | This one sort of gets to me. The article humanizes the tragedy very clearly, focusing on the one man who lost his daughter, or the individual people who experienced the attacks. I think it's ironic that the U.S. gets this reputation as a racist country and all that stuff, but the French response was just the same as ours. The government took extra power to increase safety. People attacked Muslims because they were pissed off. The nation grieved. Sounds a lot like America after 9/11. We then went after the source of the problem (and beyond). The French aren't quite as bold. The one thing I thought of in this story is the band that were playing. how awful to think that you wanted people to come see you and as a result they got killed at your show. Awful to live with. | p062_216 |
217 | 247 | p024 | I think what happens is just too sad. Anytime attacks like these are done on innocent people you can't help but try and think of ways you can prevent this. Paris is such a long historic place too and to have these attacks happen there really makes you wonder if there is any place that is safe. That is the truth. | p024_217 |
218 | 247 | p049 | I feel so upset that someone in the name of god would think its okay to plan and carry out a plan to kill a bunch of people . Just innocent people thinking they are about to go to a concert and enjoy themselves and there life is taken away in the blink of a eye and for what. What has to happen for more gun laws how many people have to be killed in such a senseless way . Its becoming that we are so use to people being killed in this mannor that it its almost becoming the norm | p049_218 |
219 | 247 | p006 | What a tragic story. I cannot imagine the sorrow the people affected have gone through. I hope society can come up with a solution for terrorism and that it can help in the future. It is sad that many people around the world have had to go through this event or something similar to it. There are too many stories around the world that are similar. | p006_219 |
220 | 247 | p060 | I can't even imagine that these people must have gone through. Imagine being at a concert, enjoying yourself, and then all of a sudden you are being shot at. You are watching your friends drop to the floor dead. The people hiding had to endure so much. Just sitting there waiting to be killed. I will never understand how a human can inflict that kind of suffering on another human. It is such a terrible and scary thing. | p060_220 |
221 | 417 | p062 | I have mixed feelings about this story, for sure. On the one hand, I feel sad for the woman who lost her dog. I had a black lab mix when I was younger and she's gone now and I still miss her. Dogs are members of the family, so when they go it's very difficult. This is tantamount to having someone you loved murdered. However, and it's a big however, I find it completely unacceptable for people to have to be afraid of uncontrolled dogs. I know people who've been bit in the face by dogs. People are killed by dogs. Dogs are weapons, too. No one should have to walk in a park--especially one that doesn't allow pets off leashes--and worry about being attacked. Do I think the guy overreacted by killing the dog? Yes. But the woman shouldn't have done what she was doing either. | p062_221 |
222 | 417 | p064 | I just read an article about a dog that was shot in a park when it was off it's leash, it was running and jumping towards a man and he shot and killed it. It is very sad and I am not sure why the man acted in that way, he didn't need to shoot the dog, the dog didn't even bite him. I am shocked there were no charges against him | p064_222 |
223 | 417 | p028 | This is one of the saddest thing i have ever read that hits especially hard as a pet owner. I keep reading it trying to wrap my head around how he could be so afraid in that moment to think he would need to shoot the dog. Within the frame of the story it just does not make sense but i feel so bad to the owner for having to lose her friend like that. Absolutely sad. | p028_223 |
224 | 417 | p044 | Its getting out of hand with the misuse of guns under the so called gun right people use to guard themselves and I am highly displeased with this incidence that happened in the article i read.its such a painful thing to go through the loss of a pet and i really cant imagine that for myself. this will deeply hurt me and I will be unhappy deep inside. | p044_224 |
225 | 417 | p039 | That was a sad story wow that was terrible what happened to that poor dog but then again I hate dogs so I'm glad its one less dog left on this planet if it were up to me I would shoot all the stupid ugly dogs that are out there I can not believe people keep them as pets they should eat them like they do in china | p039_225 |
226 | 139 | p033 | Read this alarming story about frog populations getting the deadly virus due to garden ponds to some extent. I know we always or mostly mean well but this story amply displayed how when we interfere with natural order of things even with the best of intentions, we can make the matters worse. People were inadvertently spreading the virus beyond the natural reach of infected frog population which in turn was destroying other harmless and healthy frog groups. I think this is a great example of how we should always think twice before taking even the simplest benevolent action towards nature. | p033_226 |
227 | 139 | p029 | So I can't exactly say this article was heartbreaking to me or anything. I did find it sad that these frogs and other wildlife are dying and possibly suffering from this disease that people are causing by being careless. However, like they said creating the garden ponds in general is a positive thing that people shoudl do that generally supports wildlife. So maybe if people would just be a little more careful and take the precautions they were giving then this kind of thing would not happen so much. | p029_227 |
228 | 139 | p030 | I just read an article about ranavirus that affects amphibians in the United Kingdom. Apparently, human made garden ponds are contributing to the spread of this virus, but the article seemed wishy washy about how to best deal with the problem. It mentioned that one should not refrain from building garden ponds, but instead refrain from transferring material from said ponds? The whole article kind of missed the mark, I think. | p030_228 |
229 | 139 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read an article that explains how garden ponds are helping to spread diseases among frogs in the UK. The diseases infect frogs and fish as well. It has had a large impact on the local frog population. The story upset me because I don't want any animal to suffer. | p009_229 |
230 | 139 | p068 | Frogs are not my most favorite animals but this article was truly sad. This disease seems to be very painful for them and killing and infecting them at alarming rates due alot to human interferance. I think that more awareness on what to do and what not to do when it comes to frogs and ponds needs to be out there on the news and told to people so they know maybe alot of it is just ignorance. Any living being should be protected if possible from dying a painful death and frogs are an important part of our ecosystem that we need to protect. Alot of time human interferance in nature will do this and cause some sort of issue. | p068_230 |
231 | 128 | p062 | This is such a messy issue. While I believe sexual harassment is wrong, I also think we've gone past the point where allegations can be trusted. I also think we've overblown the seriousness of many of these encounters. No, I don't think a man should grab a woman's toilet parts or breasts without some implication of consent (it doesn't have to be explicit--that's idiotic). But the idea that one aggressive move by a guy towards a girl should ruin people's lives is stupid. Are women not stronger than that? Are women so fragile that one guy who catcalls at them or hugs them when they don't want it should be tarred and feathered and she has to go into perpetual mourning? Men go after women and always will. There are repercussions for women wanting it all. Sorry. | p062_231 |
232 | 128 | p061 | This is disgusting. I have no doubt this woman is telling the truth. It seems men these days including our own president think that this behavior is acceptable. Because there is no proof, probably nothing will be done. God help any woman these days who is harassed or touched or even raped and doesn't have proof. There is no justice any more. We have to worry about our daughters. | p061_232 |
233 | 128 | p063 | I wonder when this kind of stuff will stop. While I do believe that there are many cases of abuse like this that occur. All it takes are a couple of false accusations that destroy the fabric of the whole movement. I'm sure this sound insensitive, but this new trend of people coming clean about harassment that occured decades ago, and is basically unprovalbe is getting old. It's hard to believe people, particularly after the Kavanaugh case where I don't think the accuser was very believable. | p063_233 |
234 | 128 | p019 | I dont think that any women, who is accusing someone of harassment should be immediately questioned/doubted. Innocent until proven guilty should be applied the other way around too. If we immediatly doubt a women when she is already dealing with trauma, that will make the whole thing worse for the case and for the women. | p019_234 |
235 | 128 | p068 | I think it is disgusting men in such high power positions use it to just attack women like this. They think they can just get away with it and there actions have no consequences. So many stories like this are popping up and i think we need more education early on about sexual assault and what is okay and not. And more programs for women to feel safe telling on these men so it prevents it from happening again. These poor girls felt so trapped because he was in a position of power and you cant go against that. I think i would be scarred for life if this happened to me. Noone should deal with this alone and it should never be swept under the wrong or at blame of the women. | p068_235 |
236 | 245 | p033 | Just saw this news story about an old lady who was confusingly wandering without proper clothes late at night and and thought I would share it with you. As we move well into our 30's, the cruelness of old age seems to be becoming clearer and clearer. Maybe there were other reasons for her state but my immediate reaction was that it was due to age related general loss of senses and awareness. May we help those of us who need help in such state and may our old age be free from such sad endings. | p033_236 |
237 | 245 | p035 | I feel sorry for the old lady because my grandmother had similar problems. It must be hard when you get old and your mind does not work like it use to. I hope that they find her family or where she came from so she can be returned safety. I know that she was scared and confused because that is what use to happen to my grandmother. | p035_237 |
238 | 245 | p073 | I feel so badly for this lady's family. They may not even realize that she is missing at the time of the article, but I'm sure they are already realizing that she is having problems with her memory. I have seen many family members with Alzheimer's, including my dad, and it is horrible to watch and to deal with. | p073_238 |
239 | 245 | p063 | This is kind of a sucky story. As apart of my job, I run into these types of things all the time. I think that they can go one of two ways. Either they're drunk, and annoying and you want them out of your hair as quickly as possible, or they're having a legitimate medial issue, and you want to help them. It's tough because you want to thelp them, but with such limited information, it's hard to do so. | p063_239 |
240 | 245 | p068 | Articles like this really hit home for me. I think older people should really be protected and watched carefully as this happens alot. Alot suffer from dimentia and have no idea what is going on and can get lost very easily. It makes me think if this was my parent or grandparent I would be heartbroken. She was wondering with no coat probaly cold and very scared. I am very thankful that these officers found her before something bad happened to her. I hope she is able to be reunited with her family quickly and they put safeguards in place so it never happends again. Mayb it is to much for the family now and she requires more assistance like a group home. | p068_240 |
241 | 19 | p030 | A just read a piece about the refugee crisis circa 2016. I'm wondering how many of the one million that Germany promised to provide asylum to are currently living in Germany. I know that this mass migration of refugees is part of the reason for the rise of nationalistic/fascist sentiment in a lot of places. I fear things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. | p030_241 |
242 | 19 | p035 | I feel bad for all the people that have to leave their home country to try to find a better life. It must be bad for people to take the bad odds of dying at sea instead of staying where they are at. I think it will take an international effort to solve the problems facing all the nations that have so many immigrants leaving. | p035_242 |
243 | 19 | p029 | To me, this refugee crisis is a huge problem with no clear solution. It's extremely sad that all these innocent people are dyng and I can't even imagine having to live in one of these countries and constantly have my life and my loved one's lives in danger. It's also difficult for other nations to have to accept so many refugees into their nation but I guess it is the right thing to do. Hopefully they can contribute to society. It is sad that terrorists are abusing the system to try to sneak into countries. | p029_243 |
244 | 19 | p009 | Dear friend, I have just read an article about the horrible conditions of the syrian people and the refugees who are fleeing the country. I feel awful for these people and would like to find a way to help them at least to be more comfortable. It was a very moving article. | p009_244 |
245 | 19 | p068 | The whole refugee crisis is a big controversey these days. You think of the people that are doing this and put yourself in there shoes but also the countries who get these transplants and have to deal with them. Every human deserves a life free from harm and these lands really arent anyones but i can see having undocumented people invade your country is a bad thing that is why there is systems in place to keep track of people. I think more should be done to help these countries so people do not want to flee we need to build there government and police up so they are equipped to fight terrorist groups and rebels who push there citizens out. | p068_245 |
246 | 177 | p029 | Eh I don't have strong feelings about this. I'm sorry about the passing of a person and sorry for their family's loss, but I disagreed strongly with her political positions. So I can't say I'm especially sad or sorrowful for her. I am sorry just in a general sense because the loss of a life is always a sad thing and I'm sad for the family members who were left behind to grieve her loss. So those things make me feel sad and empathetic but otherwise I Feel neutral about this. | p029_246 |
247 | 177 | p030 | So, I guess I just read a write up on the life of Janet Reno. The whole thing was pretty middling and seemed unbiased. Based on the information presented it seemed like she was an upstanding person, although you can never tell from an article written after someones death. I had heard her name before, but I was a child during the Clinton administration, so I really didn't know who she was until reading this article. | p030_247 |
248 | 177 | p035 | I was impressed by the many first, like being the first AD of the state of Florida. Then becoming the first female Attorney General for the United States of America. For that she will always be remembered. Some of her dealing with the Clintons and the some of the ways she handled the illegal immigration case of that little boy I do not agree with. | p035_248 |
249 | 177 | p020 | The first female attorney general passed away at the age of 78. She had long battled parkinsons disease. This is very sad. She worded under Bill clintons presidency. She had so many accomplishments over the years. Her predecessor Eric Holder praised her work. She was an example for many women who struggle to find there path with sexism. | p020_249 |
250 | 177 | p048 | I'm not a huge fan of the Clinton's so it's hard for me to feel for this lady when the article is mainly about how Clinton's thought she was a wonderful lady. With political bias' aside, I think Parkinsons disease is devastation to have. My husband's grandma suffers from it but still has a very positive outlook on life. | p048_250 |
251 | 413 | p062 | This article was sad for me. It definitely humanized the event and focused on the father, whom I felt sympathetic towards. I also laughed a lot at the sentence about someone wrapping bacon around the door handle of a mosque. But I thought the portrayal of the father was very real and relatable. I thought his quotes were also interesting and very self-reflective, recognizing what he was probably doing in his writing and why. But the article overall was pretty vivid in allowing you to experience all aspects of the event. People there, trying to survive. People afterwards finding out loved ones were dead. People angry. People trying to keep the public safe. All angles were shown. | p062_251 |
252 | 413 | p024 | Its always sad when these tragedies occur. We must cohesively find ways to improve this and lessen the chances these attacks occur. I just wonder what we can do though. We have to be able to make a positive change and to be honest the only way to do that is to have stricter laws. These laws would mean less freedom but I am okay with that. | p024_252 |
253 | 413 | p014 | This would be a horrifying experience to go through. I can't imagine how a father could handle that experience, especially the way that he learned about his daughter's tragedy. That would be just entirely too much to go through. How can can that even be processed? its just all seems so surreal, like something you would read about, but not actually go through. | p014_253 |
254 | 413 | p035 | I hate that the man had to lose his daughter to such a senseless act of violence. I hope that the man finds peace. I also would not like to find out that my daughter had passed away on social media. Those few hours where they could not get in touch with her had to be the hardest hours in the world and to finally find out on social media had to be heartbreaking. | p035_254 |
255 | 413 | p029 | This is an incredibly sad story! All these people out trying to have fun and then they lost their lives. I imagine the fear when they were hiding, it must have been so terrible. And the families are just as much victims as the people who lost their lives. The whole thing is terrible, and all of this for nothing. Terrorist attacks are the most senseless killing and loss of life. It is really tragic to me, and these people seem to have no regard for human life or suffering. IT's not even human. | p029_255 |
256 | 174 | p062 | This is all disgusting and makes me wonder how anyone could have sympathy or pause for battling militant Islam head-on. These people are savages and should be dealt with with no sympathy or quarter. That we pulled out of the region cowardly is disgraceful. However, I also feel that the people of the region are complicit in their own suffering. If you allow this type of disease to build, you suffer the consequences. They can say that it's a function of U.S. interference, but it's not. It's existed for eons and they've allowed it to grow, and now they either have to fight back or suffer under it. Other nations fought their oppressors, internal or external, and weren't just passive. These Arabs and Persians are just so passive and impotent with their overlords. | p062_256 |
257 | 174 | p030 | Reading about the tactics used by the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria is like being transported back in time. They are destroying resources just to maintain a hold on their positions including using people as human shields. They must be aware that this is a fight they can not win, so instead of giving up they are razing people and cities to the ground. The whole thing is disgusting. | p030_257 |
258 | 174 | p064 | I am not sure how I have never heard of this happening before but it is so sad. So many innocent people and children are being killed for no reason, it reminds me so much of how the Nazi's treated the jews but it is happening now and nobody is stopping them. It's unbelievable and so sad, I do not understand how the world is letting this happen. | p064_258 |
259 | 174 | p073 | This is a horrific story. It is about islamic militants capturing villagers and using them as human shields. The villagers didn't have much, if any, of a choice to go with them. They also killed most of the police and army so the villagers had no one to protect them. It is absolutely horrifying for these people. | p073_259 |
260 | 174 | p058 | it's crazy how islamic terrorism is still a thing. I mean they are just kidnapping people and using them as shields. I cannot believe this is still going on. There needs to be more done to stop this. This war seems like it will never end. What can be done about it? Who knows at this point. This makes no sense at all. | p058_260 |
261 | 34 | p058 | People are suffering in the middle east. I wonder if there will ever be peace over there. I feel like the war is never ending. It just keeps going and going. If it's not al qaeda its ISIS or the taliban. When will it end? Is the war actually making anyones lives better? Or is it just making everything worse for everyone? | p058_261 |
262 | 34 | p030 | I think that placing blame does little to help in situation like those in the middle east. It seems like everyone is doing their best and those that are at odds keep any positive progress from being made. What are people to do? We hurrah and protract these horrible situations in the middle east and when people are finally forced to pick up and leave we say, "Sorry, we can't help you." | p030_262 |
263 | 34 | p024 | I feel like as humans we should all feel the need to help them out. I think in cases like these were its a country that has very low resources with violence all around there should be some sort of humanitarian aid for the people. I believe very strongly that anything else is just not that good overall. | p024_263 |
264 | 34 | p031 | Going to the middle East was the worst decision for our country! Not only do we send soldiers over there to lose their lives but millions of innocent civilians get killed. This war is a fake war-it's all about the oil and political interest and the innocent suffer as a result. The best thing we can do is to leave these people alone and let them live. We need to focus on own own country and stop our evil deeds overseas. | p031_264 |
265 | 34 | p020 | There is a very bad humanitarian crisis gong on in Afghanistan. The fighting has lead this this insanely bad crisis. There is so much war going on that the innocent people are caught in the middle of it all. It is so sad because theres not enough bring done so all of the innocent people are suffering. Something needs to be done. | p020_265 |
266 | 47 | p030 | Reading about the situation in Syria is always eye opening. It's hard to believe so many people can continue to live in a war zone. The article I read said that a kilo of meat goes for around $40! What do these people eat if there is no food available? It's really hard to wrap my head around. Will the war ever be over? | p030_266 |
267 | 47 | p024 | Aleppo has been having these problems for quite a while now. I feel like the bombings are just the top of the cake in terms of letting the world know about what is wrong with them. I feel like they really need to change things and in order to do that they need the help of the world more so than anything else. | p024_267 |
268 | 47 | p035 | The whole article broke my heart. If I got a text message telling me I have 24 hours to leave my home and all the things that I own, I would not know what to do. Of course I would leave with my wife and children because they are the most important things in my life, but it would be hard to know my house is about to get bombed. Also, paying 40 dollars for a kilogram of meat, I could not afford this and I do not live in a war tore country. I hate this for the people. | p035_268 |
269 | 47 | p068 | I really feel for this country as a whole. It is like they are getting attacked from every side. It has got to feel so on edge living in syria. You don't now who to trust not even your government. Innocent people and children are being killed so violently and senselessly. I have nieghbors that are from syria and they are great people who have family still back there and they are just mortified and scared. They can not travel back home anymore and that would just take a huge tole on me. Getting a warning text message that you are going to be bombed I dont now how I would react. You have 24 hours to leave everything you know and love and probably never see it that way again it is crazy. | p068_269 |
270 | 47 | p048 | I can't even imagine getting a text saying we needed to evacuate. It doesn't seem real. We live in a country where that would not be likely to happen but if it did, it would be a total shock for most Americans. I can't even imagine what chaos that would create. That would probably turn the world upside down. I emphasize with those civilians but I can't even imagine being in that position. | p048_270 |
271 | 146 | p035 | It makes me angry that people will attack or kill other people just because they have a different religion, race or sexuality. When will people learn that it is okay to be different. I can see how Trump's words give some people the idea that this is okay. Trump is part of the problem and not a part of the answer. | p035_271 |
272 | 146 | p062 | I'm not all that concerned with these incidents. No, they're not fair. And yes, they should be punished and controlled. But I also don't really care. These are a drop in the bucket and most people go about their lives without meaningful harassment. And I'm never going to tell people not to be furious when Islamic terrorism kills Americans. Islam is complicit with that. Many Muslims harbor those feelings even if they don't fully support them. And way too few Muslims speak or work to stamp out Islamic terrorism, here or abroad. We are all fighting wars whether we recognize it or not. There is no "us"; that is a false notion. There will always be you and me, and right now Islam is a "you." | p062_272 |
273 | 146 | p028 | You know with all of the issues recently within the country i had not even though about how bad it must been for Muslims living in america. When there is such a culture of racism and rudeness and hate being spewed left and right they are bound to be feeling it terribly. The fact that the number is rising this high is incredibly alarming and that people are only seeing race is awful. | p028_273 |
274 | 146 | p058 | i cant believe stuff like this is going on. I mean you would think our society would be better by now. I feel like we as a society are getting worse in some ways, although in others we are improving, but still. What can be done? How can we improve? This is just par for the course at this point. I'm not even sure what to say about it. | p058_274 |
275 | 146 | p024 | I think its wrong for people to be attacked just because of a select few that make a religion look bad. There are also some bad christians out there and we dont base our whole view on things based on the fact that they were christian. We must learn to differentiate between the two to be honest it makes the most sense. | p024_275 |
276 | 370 | p064 | It is shocking that these poor children are starving because the government cares more about spending money on the military for weapons than food for its people. No child should even know what hunger feels like, the only thing they should be focusing on is playing with their friends and school. What a shame for these poor kids. | p064_276 |
277 | 370 | p035 | I feel very sorry for the children and there families. Eating is one of the basic needs of survival and it looks like there families are trying, but they just can not afford to pay for food. Seeing that supplies for school cost five times the monthly wage was outrageous. I see the situation getting worse before it gets better. | p035_277 |
278 | 370 | p035 | Being a parent of young children this story hits me hard. I do not know what I would do if my children could not eat at home or at school. The country has a lot of work to do to get is people the basic things that they need. I feel like government stealing is partly to blame because the county has a lot of oil but the people are not benefiting from it. | p035_278 |
279 | 370 | p029 | What a sad situation for these children. Such innocent victims. No child should have to go without food, and this is really sad for all those involved. I'm sure the parents feel terrible too for not being able to feed their children. I know Venezuela has some huge economic crises going on, but they really need to get a grip on their situation or their people will not make it. The country is a great example of why a dictatorship does not work. Democracy really is best. | p029_279 |
280 | 370 | p068 | I will always feel so bad for children because they can not help themselves.Food is such a fundamental need in life that children cant be expected to excelif they are hungry during school. It is so sad that people need to keep children home just to line up to get food. They also cant afford to send them lunch and the government isnt stepping in to help which would be a good investment as they are the future of there society.Someone needs to step in send aid as teachers can only do so much they need to demand others to help out. Kids can not help themselves so they need others to step in and step up to help. | p068_280 |
281 | 202 | p035 | I have no clue what would make a father kill his own children. I feel very sorry for the two boys. It must be very fearful to around an irrational person especially that person being your own father. I do not want anybody to kill themselves, but if you feel that way take your own life and let other people live theirs. | p035_281 |
282 | 202 | p022 | After reading the article, my first reaction was anger. I just couldn't believe that any man would be able to take the lives of his own children. It felt really wrong and that man is very messed up in the head. I was also starting to think that maybe the man just had some sort of mental illness that was very severe. The man could also have been under the influence of drugs. | p022_282 |
283 | 202 | p029 | This is a highly disturbing story. How could this man feel the need to harm his own children? If we wanted to take his own life, fine, but why the children? It is obvious he had some serious issues since there was a pending domestic violence charge, so there is clearly more to this story. But either way, I find it very sad for the kids who lost their lives for no reason. And what about the rest of the family? Where was the mother in this story? How grieved she must be. The whole thing was very very sad. | p029_283 |
284 | 202 | p024 | I think this man must of been going through quite a bit of problems in his life to do this! I feel like when someone does this we must check and see what was the cause. We don't know the full details of the story yet. I think we must first realize what happened clearly and why it happened to see the truth there. | p024_284 |
285 | 202 | p022 | After reading the article , my first reaction was that i was really disturbed by what i read. I just couldn't believe that anyone would be able to kill their own children. It also made me feel really bad for the mother because i can't even imagine what i would do if this were to happen to my family. I felt bad for the children as we ll because they didn't deserve it. | p022_285 |
286 | 71 | p062 | I feel really bad for the rangers, who were just doing their job and were treated unmercifully by the villagers. And unfortunately they didn't get any help from the police officers, who ran away. What a horribly frightening experience that must have been. On the other hand, the article is also confusing for me. Why were the villagers so upset? Do they earn their livings from poaching? Were they confused about what was going on? Also, who called for the helicopter? And how did the rangers survive if they were really confronted by all those villagers with weapons. If the story is real then it's frightening and disturbing. But there seems to be a lot of missing information. | p062_286 |
287 | 71 | p024 | I feel like something must be done about these poachers. Not only do they oppose the fact that poaching is wrong but they attack people that try and defend these animals. It is just wrong and I am fed up with it. There must surely be more moral than immoral people in this world and we must act now to save these animals. | p024_287 |
288 | 71 | p029 | I found this story quite distressing. It was actually surprising to me that the mob attacked anti-poaching rangers. But I guess they support poaching in that area? Perhaps it is important to their economy? Anyway, it is always distressing to me to read about angry mobs attacking officials who are just trying to do their job and do something positive for the community or for society. This is an example of that and it is very distressing. Really, what is wrong with people? | p029_288 |
289 | 71 | p009 | Dear friend, I am writing to let you know about an article that I just finished reading. Some anti-poaching rangers were captured by a poacher and attacked by the locals of the village. I feel bad for them, they were just trying to protect the animals. | p009_289 |
290 | 71 | p024 | The fact that these villagers are placing money they receive from these poachers in order to side with them and attack anti poachers unit of rangers is pathetic. It shows that money really is the root of all evil! I can not believe it to be honest! It makes my blood boil that people do not care for these animals being hurt for profit. | p024_290 |
291 | 242 | p062 | I hate hearing about American troop deaths. I feel sad for the Captain and First Sergeant who died. Those are experienced and high-ranking people. I don't feel as sympathetic for the civilians who died. I believe strongly that if you're going to fight a war, you fight it hard and collateral damage is expected. We won WWII by leveling Germany and nuking Japan. You can't try to isolate the bad guys and kill only them. It doesn't work that way. Killing civilians may seem harsh but it ends wars. When you just try to fight the insurgents or guerillas, wars don't get won. They just keep going. And that doesn't accomplish anything but more death. | p062_291 |
292 | 242 | p024 | The fact that civilians have to be hurt in the process of trying to get rid of the Taliban is mind boggling. Surely there can be better intelligence found that can fix this and honestly the fact that there is not makes me feel like we are not doing it right. We need to find ways to minimize the risk these civilians take by being in the crossfire. | p024_292 |
293 | 242 | p073 | This article is about a mission where American military were helping to train Afghan military targeting Taliban leaders. In the attack that was instructed by the American troops, Afghan civilians were killed. It was obviously not something that anyone wanted to happen, but when fighting erupted, innocent people were killed. | p073_293 |
294 | 242 | p030 | I just read an article about civilian deaths in Afghanistan. There was an incredible amount of focus on the two American soldiers who happened to be blown to smithereens and not the Afghani civilians, but what can you do? I suppose American people are much more interested in their boys fighting an endless war and not the innocent people caught in the crossfire. | p030_294 |
295 | 242 | p019 | When will we stop reading this kind of story? It's starting to break my heart... So much pain and suffering over war. Isn't there a more civil and humane way to end conflict? especially when it is over such materialistic things like money and oil and land. Human lives and their well being should always come first | p019_295 |
296 | 339 | p024 | I feel like the treatment of those children is depressing. What is it about these people that they feel the need to do this? Something must be done but what? The 50 people tha took the census and put the population at 10,188 did a great job and the fact that they say there is no drinking water and the toilets are never cleaned angers me. | p024_296 |
297 | 339 | p063 | I feel bad for these people. all they want is a better life for themselves or their families. However, this global refugee issue is a serious problem. Existing structures and camps aren't able to do the job because of the massive influx of people. We need to correct the root cause of this problem, while also caring for the people. | p063_297 |
298 | 339 | p029 | This was sad, although I Feel like we are only getting part of the story. I googled about this camp and there were apparently a lot of refugees there causing problems. Also, you have to think their situation at the camp is probably better than it was where they came from. I think the camp got overwhelmed and there wren't enough resources to help these people. Definitely sad for children, though. I hate to think they were suffering. I feel like we need more information to adequately evaluate this situation. | p029_298 |
299 | 339 | p039 | I hope they kick those migrants out. I hate those people they just think they can go where they want and not have to go through the process like everyone else why are they so special everyone is going through hardships it shouldn't be that they get this special treatment they are the worst of the worst | p039_299 |
300 | 339 | p031 | My heart goes out to these poor kids-they are just innocent pawns in this terrible world of war, injustice and corruption. Shame on French authorities for putting them in such awful conditions. However, immigration issue is another thing that needs to be considered here, we cannot help everyone, so, instead, we need to help them fix their own country instead of coming over somewhere else and suffering! | p031_300 |
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